FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
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thisweek on the cover
p. 0 Street art gets smart The scenes that grace some downtown walls range from the officially sanctioned to the unofficially bestowed. Graffiti is mostly an expensive burden for property owners, a hassle that costs time and money. But every once in a while, an illicit work gets adopted as permanent — witness the elaborate stencil of professor Cornel West (on the cover) that appeared on the side of Asheville Community Theatre. Cover design by Nathanael Roney Photo by Yeager St. John
New billboard rules allow increased tree cutting
Residents, business owners, elected officials speak out about water-system future
Commissioners nix Bee Ridge Road rezoning request
6 All SMilES
Mission dental program helps special-needs kids
arts&entertainment 50 no AdditivES oR PRESERvAtivES
With musician Christopher Paul Stelling, what you hear is what you get
5 BARoqUE Folk
River Whyless flows in a new direction with new CD
5 RACE to tHE BottoM livE SHow
features 5 lEttERS 7 CARtoon: Molton 8 CARtoon: BREnt BRown 9 CoMMEntARY 6 tHE BEAt WNC news briefs 8 CoMMUnitY CAlEndAR FREEwill AStRologY nEwS oF tHE wEiRd ConSCioUS PARtY Benefits 0 Food The main dish on local eats SMAll BitES Local food news 8 EAtin in SEASon What’s fresh PRoFilER will return 5 SMARt BEtS What to do, who to see 56 ClUBlAnd 6 ASHEvillE diSClAiMER 6 CRAnkY HAnkE Movie reviews 67 ClASSiFiEdS 7 nY tiMES CRoSSwoRd
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FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
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Need to Escape?
Don’t colorize history
A solution to trash/recycling pickup
I enjoyed reading the piece on Isaac Dickson in the Feb. 14 print issue. However, I must make a comment about the use of images. An otherwise wonderful and fascinating history lesson was marred by your editorial decision to apply hip graphics and peachy colors to the primary source photographs selected to accompany the article, rendering them nearly unrecognizable. What was the point of that? You chose an interesting and important local subject to highlight, presumably in recognition of Black History Month. The photographs are an important part of the story; they are not merely decoration. Why, then, splice them and apply Turner-like colorization? Oddly, the images appear in their original digitized format on your website, but even there you miss a critical step and fail to identify either what they are or where they are archived. If you cover local history topics, please don’t be careless in your treatment of them. People who made significant local contributions in our past deserve the same dignity as those in our present. I hope I never see one of my ancestors reduced to a blotchy mess in your paper. Keep up your good work, not this stuff. — Karin Hedberg Weaverville Designer Nathanael Roney responds: A common manipulation technique was used to unify the otherwise inconsistent quality of the original images. The design was in no way intended to mask or detract from the individual dignity or contribution of the pieces’ subjects.
In response to the “Let Those Who Want Convenience Pay for It” [Feb. 22 Xpress]. I get my kicks by going outside every Monday morning and seeing my neighbor’s trash overflowing, while mine sits dormant for up to two months. In fact, six years ago I called the city because there was a recycling fee on my bill. I would have happily transported my recycling to a walkable recycling center, [but] Asheville informed me that I could not “opt out” of the recycling fee. I considered it a donation to the green infrastructure of Asheville. But let’s come up with a solution! In some countries, each resident gets a set amount of garbage bags. Once they use them up they have to pay extra to get more bags, thus making the people who produce more trash pay for the service. Another solution could be that we move trash pickup to every other week like recycling. This would reduce overhead, gas, energy and maintenance of vehicles. To ensure no jobs are lost, what if we have waste professionals become waste educators who do trainings in school about what is trash/compost/recycling? I’m sure Asheville Greenworks would love to partner in this trash re-educational effort! Wow — putting more money in every Buncombe County resident’s pocket during a recession, keeping jobs, educating the public, saving unnecessary waste from the landfill, recycling and composting more! Who’s in? — Mark Strazzer, Asheville
Spa & Lodge
Private outdoor hot tubs, toasty sauna & more $42.00 26 Massage Therapists Call:
Letters continue
staff PuBLIShER & EDITOR: Jeff Fobes hhh GENERAL MANAGER: Andy Sutcliffe SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes FOOD WRITER: Mackensy Lunsford STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Susan hutchinson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper
ADVERTISING MANAGER: Marissa Williams h ADVERTISING SuPPLEMENTS MANAGER: Russ Keith h RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: Bryant Cooper, Rick Goldstein, Becky Reece, Leigh Reynolds, John Varner h CLASSIFIED REPRESENTATIVES: Arenda Manning, Tim Navaille hh INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney WEB EDITOR: Steve Shanafelt WEB GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Jesse Michel WEB MARKETING MANAGER: Marissa Williams OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Ronnie Edwards, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 5
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at www.mountainx.com/cartoons
Moffitt goes for big government I have often heard the myth that Republicans are for smaller government, reducing taxes and cutting government spending. Rep. Tim Moffitt, in his first term in office at the North Carolina House, put all these myths to rest. He has increased the size of our county commissioners by 40 percent, and this was not in response to grassroots or popular calls for more county commissioners in Buncombe. This means he increased the salaries and expenses that the taxpayers have to pay by 40 percent. So much for smaller government and reducing our taxes! Instead, we have higher expenses for something we do not need. I think Rep. Moffitt himself should cover these added expenses. I think we should garnish his wages to cover these new expenses. Next, this guy wants to privatize our water system. We will not let you do that, Rep. Moffitt. You have clearly shown that you do not know how to govern, and you did it in record time. Jane Whilden has announced that she is running for N.C. House, District 116. Clearly a better choice, by a huge margin, so I sure hope the good people of Buncombe County vote this clown Moffitt out of office. — Susan Oehler Asheville
Why do you like living in N.C.? I am writing to you as a part of a literature and writing project on the travel diary A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins. My classmates and I are contacting newspapers across the country in states we chose to learn more about. I wanted to learn more about North Carolina because it seems like an interesting state and it seems like a lot of people go there and visit. After doing some Internet research, I came across Asheville’s Mountain Xpress. I would like your readers to write to me about why they like living in the state of North Carolina, major points of interest or history about North Carolina, and what kinds of things there are to do in the state. If they
could also include the page of the Asheville Mountain Xpress where they saw my letter, I would greatly appreciate it. Your readers should use our school address but put the letter to my attention. Thank you for your time and assistance with my class project. I look forward to hearing from your readers and learning more about the state of North Carolina. — Maddie Nickles Mishawaka, Ind. Send responses to: Queen of Peace School 4508 Vistula Road Mishawaka, IN 46544
correction Last week’s article “Banishing Blank Walls” cited Ian Wilkinson as the painter and designer of a mural on the side of the MMS building on Roberts Street in the River Arts District. Kurt Thaesler and Haper Leich designed and painted the entirety of the work. The Feb. 22 Conscious Party on OpenDoors of Asheville contained some incorrect information. The student identified, Jasmine, “tried to do the right thing when threatened by peers. She told her parents, teachers and counselors but she did not receive enough support or mediation to avoid a life-changing confrontation,” according to Jennifer Ramming, cofounder and board member. The article also misidentified the group served: “OpenDoors offers a network of support and educational and enrichment opportunities to local youth, like Jasmine, who are trying to break the cycle of poverty. Criteria for selection requires only that; we can easily access a child with our existing network of support, a student initially lives in public housing or is homeless, and they are not thriving at school and/or at home,” Ramming said.
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FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
commentary Heads up
Life after traumatic brain injury by tamara Puffer As a 15-year traumatic brain injury survivor, I’ve followed Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’story with much interest. The Arizona congresswoman, who was shot in the head while greeting constituents last year, recently resigned her position to focus on her recovery, vowing, “I will return.” As one who shares this journey, I hope she can. I can’t imagine being in the public eye while learning to eat, speak, walk and use my hands again. During my rehabilitation, I spent many hours pronouncing endless lists of words until I could speak clearly. I’m a Presbyterian minister, and it was about a year after my injury before I read scripture again from the pulpit, at a church in Atlanta. Happily, clear speech is not a problem for me now. This isn’t true for all survivors, however. In fact, the effects of a brain injury are different for everyone. I know survivors who must use a walker or wheelchair, who have challenges controlling their anger, or who have limited organizational skills. None of us are the same, and this makes it difficult for each individual survivor, as well as those around us. I get overstimulated when I’m in large groups, so I often step out of the room
live&learn Brainstormers, a support group in West Asheville, meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month. For details, email puffer61@gmail.com. To learn more about brain injuries, visit biausa.org or bianc.net.
During my rehabilitation, I spent many hours pronouncing endless lists of words until I could speak clearly again. for a few minutes, put in my earplugs to “rest my brain,” and return later. I did this recently during Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church’s annual meeting. Hearing the various reports overstimulated me, so I found a quiet room where I could use my earplugs before returning to the worship service. In the early stages of recovery, people often aren’t aware of their limitations and may try to do things they’re not ready for. I feared this might lead Giffords to try to continue serving in Congress and even run again. However, I was moved by her courage in speaking out about traumatic brain injury and saying she needed more time to recover. I remember how badly I wanted to be a pastor again. A job coach accompanied me to my church one day to help me develop compensatory strategies. I don’t remember much about this session, but it was clear that I wasn’t ready to return as a pastor. After trying several volunteer chaplain positions, I realized that I just couldn’t keep a lot of information in my brain at once or multitask — necessities for a pastor. So, like many survivors I know, I try to serve however I can, even though it’s often very different from my prior life. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, some 5.3 million Americans are survivors, and 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury each year. Of those, 80,000 (that’s 219 per day) involve moderate to severe brain injuries resulting in lifelong disabling conditions.
My husband (who’s also a survivor) and I have started a support group in West Asheville called Brainstormers. During our meetings, we often share our struggles, dayto-day challenges and compensatory strategies, and we laugh about how we’re sometimes seen by the world around us. Together we feel like a community. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. So take some time and learn about the 5.3 million of us who are living among you. X Asheville resident Tamara Puffer blogs at tamara-nogginnotions.blogspot.com.
/ iÊà iÊÃÌ ÀiÊà ViÊ£ Èä° Closed Wednesday, March 7th mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 9
news Perfectly clear NeW billboard rules alloW iNcreased tree cuttiNg
by Nelda Holder There are 8,000 billboards along North Carolina’s highways, notes Bill Johnson, a retired Department of Transportation employee who spent 30 years as a roadsideenvironment engineer. And on March 1, all of them will be subject to a new state law that greatly expands the “viewing zone.” The law increases the potential cutting zone for vegetation from 250 feet to as much as 380 feet along interstates and state roads. And for the first time in decades, it will allow billboard companies to clear-cut areas within state rights of way. The only exceptions will be native dogwoods and redbuds. “I was on every billboard committee there’s ever been,” Johnson reports. In 1983, he helped implement the first state-mandated, 150-foot billboard-viewing zone. He also served on the committee that, in 2000, came up with the current triangular, 250-foot viewing zone with “no net loss of trees,” he stresses. “Everybody on the committee agreed to it, including outdoor advertising and the environmental community.” “What burns me up,” continues Johnson, “is there’s no billboard in North Carolina blocked [from view].” The 2000 law allowed selective cutting when trees obscured a billboard while preserving the understory. “Now what they’re fixing to do is flat-cut to the ground 380 feet in front of every billboard in North Carolina. In the mountains, it’s going to be a disaster.”
0 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
seen and unseen: In exchange for removing vegetation, a billboard company must (1) take down two nonconforming signs; (2) replant in the work vicinity or somewhere else; or, (3) pay compensation for trees taken based on a formula provided in the law. Photo courtesy of G. Pace
“Not as drastic as it souNds”
promise,” since neighboring states allow up to 500foot viewing zones. “There are about 100,000 miles of highways [involved],” he calculates, “and I’m Robert sykes, president of the Zebulon-based going to guess we’d probably cut 20 to 25 percent of Capital Outdoor Advertising, doesn’t see it that these locations over the next three to five years. From way. Asked if his company plans to cut all 380 feet of a view impact, it will not be as drastic as it sounds.” the area in front of its signs, Sykes, a 35-year industry veteran who’s also vice president of the N.C. coNtroversial Outdoor Advertising Association, says succinctly, moves “No.” The new law was contentious from the start. “It’s a location-by-location decision,” he explains, The original bill filed in the Senate last March “despite the fact that there’s an option of 130 to 90 feet additional, depending on whether it’s in the city allowed both larger viewing zones and more digital billboards while eliminating municipalities’ control or county.” About 75 to 80 percent of the state’s billboards over vegetation in rights of way. Eventually, the don’t require major vegetation removal, Sykes esti- digital billboards were dropped, but so was an mates, asserting, “It might come down to one or two amendment to reinstate local control proposed by Rep. Chuck McGrady of Henderson County. trees that are the culprits.” When billboard companies apply for a permit, he Critics questioned the ethics of Rep. stephen explains, there’s a trade-off. In exchange for remov- laRoque of Kinston, a key legislator who owns billing vegetation, they must either: (1) take down two boards, as well as industry campaign contributions nonconforming signs; (2) plant new vegetation, on- to lawmakers in both parties. The law also required site or elsewhere; or (3) pay compensation, based on the DOT to use a “temporary rules” procedure to a formula that critics say severely undervalues the establish how it would be administered. Normally used only in emergency situations, the procedure trees. Sykes calls the 380-foot maximum “sort of a com- allowed little time for public notice or comment.
“WHat burNs me uP is tHere’s No billboard iN NortH caroliNa blocked [from vieW].” retired dot eNgiNeer bill JoHNsoN Scenic North Carolina, an environmental group founded by the late Julian Price of Asheville, urged the Rules Review Commission to use the full rule-making process, further arguing that the proposed rules weren’t in the public interest, wouldn’t give local governments sufficient notice and had technical problems. Nonetheless, the commission approved the temporary rules in January. And while they’ll still go through a more extensive rule-making process eventually, a lot of trees may come down in the meantime. “We’re exploring all options, including litigation,” says Ryke longest, director of Duke University’s Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, which began representing Scenic North Carolina in December. A Superior Court judge in Muscogee County, Ga., recently prohibited that state’s DOT from allowing billboard companies to clear trees on the public right of way until he can rule on a lawsuit involving a similar case there. Asked about potential litigation in North Carolina, McGrady, a Republican, thinks it could be successful. But he doubts it would ultimately make a difference, since the DOT “can go back through the process and try to put in place the same rules that were approved in the first place.” McGrady’s amendment passed the House but not the Senate, and a conference committee produced “an awful result,” he maintains. “At the
request of Speaker [Thom] Tillis, they renegotiated about 20 percent, if that, of what I had proposed.” Municipalities making a written request to review applications are given 30 days to make comments before the application can be filed with the DOT, which McGrady, sounding resigned, calls “better than what we were going to get.” Democratic Rep. susan Fisher of Buncombe County calls the new law one more example of “the whole tearing down of public oversight.” She’s also concerned about the potential impact on Western North Carolina’s economy. “The more they remove what makes this area special — trees, mountains, green space — the less tourists are going to come. People don’t come to the mountains to look at billboards.” susan Roderick of Asheville GreenWorks cites another kind of potential damage. The public, she says, “owns those trees, which ... act as a filter and hold steep banks. There’s a way for [businesses] to advertise without destroying the environment.” “I’m just disappointed where we find ourselves,” says McGrady, noting that he’s already seen cutting areas measured and marked in his home county. “The law would appear to be primarily focused on enriching a set of private interests instead of protecting the public’s interest.” X
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Nelda Holder can be reached nfholder@gmail.com.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
news X wnc
HaNds off! resideNts, officials give legislators aN earful over Water system by caitliN byrd, david forbes aNd Jake fraNkel By the time local residents and state legislators assembled at the WNC Agricultural Center for a Feb. 21 public hearing, opinions concerning the future of Asheville’s water system had reached the boiling point. Rep. Tim Moffitt, a Buncombe County Republican, made waves last year when, on May 4, he introduced a bill that called for seizing the utility — run by the city since the breakup of the Regional Water Authority in 2005 — and handing it off to the Metropolitan Sewerage District. Following a major backlash by local elected officials and residents alike, Moffitt backed off. On May 26, he turned it into a study bill, establishing a committee to make a recommendation on whether to leave the system with the city, turn it over to MSD or to a new, independent water authority. Asked about the change, Moffitt said this had been his intent all along. Moffitt (the only member from Asheville), chairs the five-person study committee; three of the five represent counties outside Western North Carolina. The other members are fellow Republicans Chuck McGrady (Henderson County), William Brawley (Mecklenburg County) and Tom Murry (Wake County) and Democrat William Brisson (Bladen and Cumberland counties). The committee held its first meeting Jan. 23; except for the Feb. 21 public hearing, all its meetings are being held in Raleigh — another source of controversy. The study committee is charged with delivering a recommendation by April 20. After that, the fate of Asheville’s water system will be up to the General Assembly, which has nigh-absolute power over local governments. In the meantime, however, several forums on the issue have been held locally, including a Feb. 20 event sponsored by the Mountain Voices Alliance (see sidebar, “Steamed Up”). Murry did not attend the Feb. 21 hearing, but the other four study committee members were on hand to hear from local residents. The all-day session was divided into sections allocated to different constituencies: elected officials, Asheville residents, Buncombe County residents, Henderson County residents and local business leaders. There was some overlap in those categories, however, blurring the lines somewhat. Here’s an overview of how the public hearing played out.
elected officials, asHeville resideNts Local elected officials and city residents mostly told the study committee that Asheville should retain its water system. “Today the system runs very efficiently; we have excellent credit,” noted Asheville City Council member Jan davis, adding, “To consider taking [it] is not the most efficient way to run a water system.” Democratic Reps. Patsy Keever and susan Fisher, Moffitt’s colleagues in the local legislative delegation, leveled harsh criticisms, saying they’d been shut out of all of this session’s study committees, particularly this one. Most people, they maintained, are happy with the system’s current status. “I have had thousands upon thousands of emails over the four terms I’ve been sent back to the General Assembly,” said Fisher. “None of them have expressed concern about the way the water system was being run.” During her first term in Raleigh, she admitted, the rest of the local delegation had pressured her into voting for the Sullivan Acts, a series of state laws aimed solely at Asheville that limit what the city can do with its water system. Fisher urged committee members to
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
old Wounds: Asheville City Manager Gary Jackson, Henderson County Commissioner Charles Messer, Council member Jan Davis, Vice Mayor Esther Manheimer and Council member Chris Pelly discuss the history and fate of the water system at the Feb. 21 hearing.
listen to the people most affected by their decision rather than pursuing a “divide and conquer” approach that might lead to privatization. Not everyone opposed taking the water system away from Asheville. Henderson County Commissioner Mike edney said he “still feels the cold steel of the knives [the city of Asheville] stuck in our backs,” blaming them for the 2005 dissolution of the Regional Water Authority and saying he wants the system out of Asheville’s hands. But Hendersonville Mayor Barbara volk said her town is happy with its own water system and would view a regional authority as “unnecessarily complicated.”
Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Chair david Gantt, meanwhile, said that while the city and county had bitter disputes over water in the past, things are different now. “Five years ago, I was totally in favor of an independent authority,” Gantt told the study committee. “But times have changed.” After pulling out of the water agreement, he noted, “The city put $40 million into the system right off the bat.” Moffitt’s membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative think tank that has advocated privatization, was a target of frequent criticism. In one case, Moffitt told a speaker who mentioned the connection to “stick to the topic.” None of the Asheville residents who addressed the committee favored moving the system to either an independent authority or the Metropolitan Sewerage District. Some used words such as “worthless” in describing the committee. Others said water service has improved since the city took control. “Why are you doing this?” demanded Asheville resident Nelson Cobb. “Those from Raleigh morally should not
take this decision from local hands,” declared Robbie schweitzer, echoing an oft-repeated refrain. “As a citizen of North Carolina, I resent this type of heavy-handed governance.” Without more local representation on the study committee, he asserted, people would see its actions as “power-grabbing deceit.”
buNcombe couNty resideNts During their portion of the hearing, Buncombe County residents (some of them from Asheville) kept up the drumbeat, the vast majority arguing that the city should maintain control of the system. About 90 minutes into the session, davyne dial noted that more than 20 people had spoken against making any major changes, while only two had favored transferring control to the Metropolitan Sewage District or a regional authority. “So the argument that all these people living in the county are so threatened? I’m sorry, but your argument is not holding water here,” she asserted. Jeff Mclarty of Asheville FM Internet radio’s “AFM News Hour,” urged committee members to heed the message they were getting from the public. “I hope that there’s some legitimate listening going on, and this is not just a little piece of political theater,” he said, adding, “I hope your minds aren’t already made up.” Meanwhile, local activist Barry summers — a vocal critic of the study committee who’s characterized it as a potential step toward privatizing the system — engaged in a bit of political theater himself. Implying that the committee’s study amounted to a power grab by Republicans who’d gained control of the General Assembly for the first time in more than a century, he offered some backhanded compliments that drew laughs from the 50 or so attendees. “I want to commend you for having the confidence that the current majority party will permanently rule the General Assembly, and that there will not be a renewed cycle of retribution,” said Summers. “And that there will never come a day when the aggrieved parties in this seizure are going to come looking for your assets,” he added, drawing a grin from Moffitt. Not everyone felt the city should continue managing the system, however. Conservative activist Robert Malt called all the talk of privatization “a red herring that’s being used to try to stop what I think is a good process — if it ends up in a place where everybody is represented equally.” Moffitt, noted Malt, has repeatedly said the committee isn’t considering such a move. “The city of Asheville,” asserted Malt, “wants to use water as a club to force people to be voluntarily annexed. The rest of this is a diversion.” The current system, he argued, is “accountable to the people who live in the city of Asheville; it’s not accountable to me. I pay the same rate … but I have no say. … We have no vote — that’s wrong, and it needs to be fixed,” Malt maintained. “Whatever you end up deciding, it has to be representative of all of the people that pay: Everyone that pays gets a say.”
HeNdersoN couNty resideNts, busiNess commuNity By 3 p.m., when it was Henderson County residents’ turn, the room was mostly empty. Only five people had signed up to speak, and their comments took roughly 20 minutes of the allotted hour. Four of the five women who spoke opposed creating a regional water authority. “Local government,” asserted debra stephens of the Green River Community Association, “is the most accountable form of government. Surrender of control of water resources to a regional [body] is a surrender of local representation and local accountability.” A regional water authority, she maintained, would give local residents less say in decisions concerning water quality, stewardship, environmental impact and rates while favoring larger urban areas over smaller communities.
“tHose from raleigH morally sHould Not take tHis decisioN from local HaNds. as a citizeN of NortH caroliNa, i reseNt tHis tyPe of HeavyHaNded goverNaNce.” asHeville resideNt robbie scHWeitzer
“tHe city of asHeville WaNts to use Water as a club to force PeoPle to be voluNtarily aNNeXed. tHe rest of tHis is a diversioN.” coNservative activist robert malt Meanwhile, former Henderson County Commissioner Renee Kumor said history makes it hard for her county’s residents to forgive and forget. “Although I have heard disclaimers of improved stewardship coming from the current members of Asheville City Council,” she noted, “I believe that they are fighting the memory of generations of bullying and scheming from their predecessors.” Kumor pleaded with the committee to find long-term solutions to environmental issues and to think at least 50 years out. Afterward, McGrady said he wasn’t surprised by the small turnout, because “So much of Henderson County’s water is supplied by the Hendersonville system. So I don’t think a lot of Henderson County residents view this as their issue.” The hearing’s final hour was reserved for the business community. Few showed up, and only six of them spoke. Most favored leaving things the way they are, while asking committee members not to lose sight of the fact that their recommendation concerning the water system could affect local businesses’ ability to make money. Vincenzo’s Ristorante owner dwight Butner said there’s been a lot of nonsense surrounding the debate about the water system. “Saying that people who pay their water [bills] own the system is like saying that patrons own my restaurant because they pay for my food,” he declared. Joe Minicozzi of the Asheville Downtown Association read his organization’s position statement aloud, declaring that Sullivan Acts II and III are no longer needed. “These acts,” said Minicozzi, “operate to compromise the financial integrity and future prosperity of our city, county and region.” At the end of the hearing, Moffitt said he thought the long day had been worthwhile, noting, “It’s always good when we in Raleigh can go to the local area and make it convenient for folks to have their voices heard.” X The authors can be contacted as follows: Caitlin Byrd (251-1333, ext. 140; cbyrd@mountainx.com), David Forbes (251-1333, ext. 137; dforbes@mountainx.com), Jake Frankel (251-1333, ext. 115; jfrankel@mountainx.com).
steamed uP by caitliN byrd About 200 people attended a Feb. 20 forum on the future of Asheville’s water system, hosted by the Mountain Voices Alliance. But most of them directed their questions and comments to only one of the evening’s 10 speakers: state Rep. tim moffitt of Buncombe County. Held at downtown Asheville’s Jubilee! Community Center, the forum began with a five-minute presentation by each speaker. Moffitt used his time to apologize to his constituents, saying that while he felt people had misjudged him, it was his fault. “I remember, as a child, that my dad said communication is the world’s biggest problem, and apparently I have not been an effective communicator,” the lawmaker told the audience. Moffitt wasn’t present at the AshevilleBuncombe League of Women Voters’ Feb. 13 water forum, but in a written statement that was read aloud that night, the legislator said he has no intention of privatizing the water system. Nonetheless, those attending the Mountain Voices forum quizzed him relentlessly about both privatization and the study committee he established to consider the system’s future (see main story, “Hands Off!”). One woman asked if there was any chance that Reps. susan fisher and Patsy keever could be added to the study committee, but Moffitt explained that the committee is limited to five members. Of those five, only Moffitt represents Asheville. Many questions concerned how to give local residents more say in the water system’s fate. One person asked if a referendum could be held in lieu of the study committee. Another wondered whether Moffitt would consider dissolving his committee if Asheville and Buncombe County businesses and residents presented a strong, united front on the issue. “We have to finish by April and, quite honestly, I appreciate what you’re asking, but this is an issue that if we had stuck to what every party agreed to in 1995, we would not be having this forum tonight,” asserted Moffitt. Unappeased, his listeners kept the questions coming. One by one, they came to the microphone asking Moffitt why he’d created the study committee. He responded, “This issue will not stop with me, and it certainly did not start with me.” Caitlin Byrd can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 140, or at cbyrd@mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
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news X buncombe
Home rule commissioNers NiX bee ridge road rezoNiNg request feb. 21 meeting aJob-training program gets county funds aByrd announces bid for board chair
by Jake fraNkel The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners slammed the brakes on an effort to roll at least one more mobile home onto a parcel on Bee Ridge Road in Reynolds. At their Feb. 21 meeting, the commissioners denied a rezoning request that would have allowed denser development of a 4.45 acre parcel near the Bee Ridge/Barger Road intersection. A section of the property already has a few mobile homes that were grandfathered under the county’s zoning ordinance. Kashka deBruhl-Cawthorn wanted the zoning changed from R-2 to R-3, which would have allowed more mobile homes on the property and opened the door to things like vacation rentals and communications towers. DeBruhl-Cawthorn declined to speak during the public hearing. But her mother, debbie deBruhl, who lives next door, told the commissioners her daughter merely wanted to put one more mobile home on the property. DeBruhl-Cawthorn wants to live there and can’t afford any other type of housing, her mother said. DeBruhl-Cawthorn’s sister, Katrina deBruhl-Covan, who lives in one of the existing trailers on the property, echoed their mom’s remarks. “My sister just wants to live in the family unit like I do,” she explained. But about 10 other neighbors urged the commissioners not to allow the change, saying there’s no way to ensure that it wouldn’t lead to dozens more mobile homes, potentially creating traffic and erosion problems while hurting property values. “We’re proud of our valley,” Jack sorrells declared, noting that his family has owned land in the area since the 1850s. “We don’t mind newcomers if they keep up with their property and keep it nice. We just don’t think we need any further problems — more than what we’ve already got.” However, placing more than three additional mobile homes on the property, or adding vacation rentals or a communications tower, would require approval by the Board of Adjustment. In the end, the commissioners denied the request on a 4-0 vote. (Vice Chair Bill stanley was attending a meeting of the N.C. Association of County Commissioners in Raleigh.)
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
there’s no place like home: Charlotte Caussade showed the commissioners photos of her neighborhood in Reynolds and told them that allowing more mobile homes in the area would take away from its beauty. Photo by Max Cooper
cookiNg uP Jobs On another unanimous vote, the commissioners allocated $50,000 to the GO Kitchen-Ready training program, which aims to prepare county residents for work in the food-service industry. The program targets individuals with barriers to employment, such as a criminal record or the lack of a high-school diploma, project manager Mark Rosenstein explained. The county funding will help the program double in size next year, noted Rosenstein, who formerly owned The Market Place restaurant in downtown Asheville. Before the vote, board Chair david Gantt sang the program’s praises, calling it “wonderful.”
byrd aNNouNces caNdidacy
He has frequently criticized the commissioners’ handling of county funding for the WNC Media Center, which managed publicaccess station URTV; the nonprofit closed its doors last May. In his Feb. 21 comments, Byrd faulted the commissioners’ communication skills. “One of the things I’ve had great concern about since I’ve been coming here as a citizen is the fact that people feel like you have not communicated to a point where they understood your decisions,” he said. After the meeting, Byrd said that while he has “a lot of respect for Gantt,” he feels “the public trust has been fractured.” Rebuilding that trust through improved communication, said Byrd, would be among his top priorities as board chair. “People are scared of politics. … Gantt isn’t in a position to bring balance like I can,” asserted Byrd. “I’m a win-win leader; I don’t play dirty politics.” X
During the general public-comment period, Barnardsville resident Milton Byrd announced his candidacy for board chair, triggering a May 8 Democratic primary against Gantt. Byrd previously served nine years on the Fletcher Town Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at jfrankel@mountainx.com. Council before resigning in 2004.
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Animals Asheville Aussie Club • MONTHLY - This social club meets regularly to connect Australian Shepherd lovers. Call or email for activities and monthly meeting times: (704) 806-7300 or kspotential@aol.com.
brother Wolf Animal Rescue A no-kill organization. Info: www.bwar.org or 505-3440. • Brother Wolf Animal Rescue will offer free spay and neuter services to pit bulls and their mixed-breed counterparts as part of a grant from the Animal Farm Foundation. Program will end after 50 vouchers are distributed. Bring dogs to 31 Glendale Ave. for a voucher. Info: 808-9435. • DAILY, 8am-8pm - Pet Adoption Day at the rescue center, 31 Glendale Ave. Open from 8am-6pm on Sundays. Rusty’s Legacy • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm - Rusty’s Legacy animal rescue will host pet adoptions at the Black Mountain Tractor Supply Company, 125 Old Highway 70. Info: rustyslegacync@aol.com or http://avl.mx/9p.
Calendar deadlines:
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Calendar information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com. Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): http://www.mountainx.com/ events/submission * E-mail (second best): calendar@mountainx.com * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: marketplace@mountainx.com. * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
Art aRt American folk Art and framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Info: www. amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (2/29) - The annual Miniatures Show will feature paintings under 8”x10” and pottery under six inches tall. • Through WE (3/7) - Lost Winter, works by self-taught artists from the Southeast. Appalachian State University 423 West King St., Boone. Info: www.tcva.org or 2623017. • Through SA (3/31) - Senegal: A Window into Francophone West Africa will be on display in the east wing of the community gallery. • Through SA (6/2) - Robert Goodnough: Abstract Expressionism and Beyond will be on display in the east wing of the main gallery. • Through SA (3/24) - Padre e Figlio: Father and Son Works by Mario Prisco and Richard Prisco will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • Through SA (3/24) - The Department of Art Biennial Exhibition will be on display in Gallery A. —- The Artine and Teddy Artinian selfportrait collection will be on display in Gallery B. • Through SA (6/2) - Works by the Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition winners will be on display in the Turchin Center for the Arts. Art at mars Hill College Info: www.mhc.edu. • Through FR (3/9) - Viaticus, works by Kenn Kotara, will be on display in the Weizenblatt Gallery. Art at UnCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. unca.edu. • FR (3/2) - Now But Not Yet, works by Dona Barnett, will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. Art events at UnCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • Through WE (2/29) - Ceramics by Alice Ballard and Roger Dalrymple will be
6 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • TH (3/1) through SA (3/31) - Artistic Diversity in Fiber will be on display in UNCA’s Ramsey Library. • TH (3/1), 6-8pm - Opening reception. Art events at WCU Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs. 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www.fineartmuseum.wcu. edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (3/30) - Ron Laboray (painting and drawing). Arts Council of Henderson County • Through FR (3/2) - The Art of Our Children: Elementary Student Exhibition will be on display at First Citizens Bank Main Street Gallery, 539 North Main St., Hendersonville. Info: acofhc@bellsouth.net. Asheville Art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 35pm. Info: www.ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. • Through SU (3/4) Homage2 will pay tribute to Josef Albers. Asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • Through SA (3/31) - Rhythm and Movement: Paintings by Mary Charles Griffin will be on display in the lobby. Asheville gallery of Art 16 College St. Hours: Tues.Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www. ashevillegallery-of-art.com or 251-5796. • Through WE (2/29) - Love of Art, works by Frances Greenberg, Elinor Bowman and Lee Entrekin. bella Vista Art gallery 14 Lodge St. Winter hours: Mon., Wed. and Fri., 10am4pm. Sat. 11am-5pm. Info: www.bellavistaart.com or 768-0246. • Through SA (3/31) - With and Without Copper, works
by Stephen White, Sally Jacobs and Nancy Varipapa. black mountain Center for the Arts Located in the renovated Old City Hall at 225 West State St. in Black Mountain. Info: 669-0930 or www.blackmountainarts.org. • Through WE (2/29) Paintings by Robert Tynes and ceramics by Megan Wolfe. bookWorks 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Info: www.ashevillebookworks.com or 255-8444. • Through WE (2/29) - Time Travelers: Historical Bindings. Center for Craft, Creativity and Design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road in Hendersonville. Info: www. craftscreativitydesign.org or 890-2050. • Through SA (6/30) Torqued and Twisted, works by nine furniture makers and sculptors. folk Art Center Located at milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Info: 298-7928 or www. craftguild.org. • Through TU (4/17) Cherly Hevrdeys (glass) and Martine House (fiber). • Through SU (5/13) - The American Association of Wood Turners Invitational Exhibition will feature 25 artists from around the world. from Vt to nC • Through TH (3/1) - An exhibition of mixed-media work by Burlington, Vt.’s “Seeko the Kid” will be on display at Asheville Art Supply, 344 Depot St. Info: http://seeko.tumblr.com. grovewood gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www.grovewood.com or 253-7651. • Through SA (3/31) Tradition Meets Innovation: Objects and Accents of the Arts and Crafts Home. Haen gallery Located at 52 Biltmore Ave., downtown Asheville. Hours: Mon., Wed. and-Fri., 10am6pm. Tues. and Sat., 11am6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.thehaengallery. com or 254-8577.
• Through WE (2/29) Wintertide 2012, a rotating group show. monte Vista Hotel • Through TU (3/20) - Works by Cleaster Cotton (multimedia and textile design) will be on display at the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: www.themontevistahotel.net or 669-8870. nuestras Voces, nuestras Historias • TH (3/1) through SA (3/31) - Nuestras Voces, Nuestras Historias / Our Voices, Our Stories, works documenting immigrants in WNC, will be on display at UNCA’s Highsmith Union Gallery. Info: cesap.unca. edu/calendar. • TH (3/1), 7-9pm - Opening reception. Pat Passlof Retrospective • Through FR (5/25) - A retrospective of the late Pat Passlof’s work will be on display in WCU’s Fine Art Museum, 1 University Drive, Cullowhee, and Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, 56 Broadway St. Info: ddrury@ wcu.edu or 227-2553. Phil mechanic Studios 109 Roberts St. Houses Flood Gallery, Pump Gallery and Nook Gallery. Info: www.philmechanicstudios. com. • SA (3/3) through SA (3/31) - One Billion Seconds, works by Germanborn local artist Heinz Kossler. • SA (3/3), 6-9pm Opening reception. Push Skate Shop & gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave., between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: www. pushtoyproject.com or 2255509. • FR (3/2) through TU (4/10) - Works by Alli Good and Rob Hunt. • FR (3/2), 7-10pm Opening reception. the Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St., River Arts District. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. • FR (3/2) through SA (3/31) - Genetically Commodified, personalized “Real Dolls” by Kirsten Stolle.
• FR (3/2), 6-9pm - Opening reception.
three Perspectives on nature • TH (3/1) through SA (3/31) - Desert Moon Studios and Gallery, 372 Depot St., Suite 44, celebrates the Spring Equinox with its latest exhibit, Three Perspectives on Nature, featuring photographs by Cleaster Cotton, Laurie McCarriar and David Simchock. Info: www.desertmoondesigns-studios.com, 575-2227 or desertmoondesigns@gmail.com. transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: www.artsofbrevard.org or 884-2787. • TH (3/1) through WE (3/28) - Outdoor Photography Exhibit. transylvania Heritage museum Located at 189 W. Main St., Brevard. Hours: Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Donation. Info: www.transylvaniaheritage. org or 884-2347. • Through SA (3/31) - From Tallow Candles to Dynamos. Upstairs Artspace 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Wed.-Sat., 11am4pm. Info: www.upstairsartspace.org or 859-2828. • Through SA (3/10) - Fine Art Ramblers. mars Hill College • Through FR (3/9) - You Can Have It All: A Group of One works by Kenn Kotara (canvas, Mylar, suspended screen sculpture and ceramics) will be on display in the Weizenblatt Gallery. Info: www.kotarastudio.com or www.mhc.edu/art/weizenblatt-gallery.
aRt/cRaFt FaIRs Penland Community Open House • SA (3/3), 1-5pm - This open house event will feature hands-on workshops and demonstrations in the studios of the renowned Penland School of Crafts, 67 Doras Trail, Penland. All ages welcome. Free. Directions, map, and more info: www.penland.org or 765-2359.
Auditions & Call to Artists A-b tech Summer Workshop Scholarships • Applications for AB Tech’s Fine Arts Department’s summer workshop scholarships will be accepted until registration is filled. Info: www1.abtech. edu/foundation. Appalachian trail Hall of fame • Through WE (2/29) - Nominations for the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame will be accepted through Feb. 29. Info: http:// avl.mx/8m. April fool’s festival • Through TH (3/15) - Registration for Tryon’s April Fool’s Festival outhouse race will be accepted through March 15. Info: artzycarson@gmail.com or 859-8316. bele Chere Call to Artists www.belecherefestival.com. • Through WE (2/29) - Bele Chere will accept applications for its official artwork through Feb. 29. Info: www. belecherefestival.org. • Through FR (3/9) - Bele Chere will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through March 9. Info: www.belecherefestival. org. brevard fine Arts and Crafts Showcase • Through FR (5/25) Applications for Brevard’s 40th annual fine arts and crafts showcase will be accepted through May 25. Info: tcarts@comporium.net or 884-2787. buncombe environmental Leadership Award • Through TH (3/1) - Applications for the Buncombe Environmental Leadership Award (BELA) will be accepted through March 1. Info: gillian.phillips@buncombecounty.org or 250-4852. flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www. flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • Professional musicians are sought for Flat Rock Playhouse’s musical productions and the “Music on the
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 17
Rock” series. Mail audio or video samples, with resume, to P.O. Box 310, Flat Rock, 28731. No emails or phone calls. Haywood Community band • TH (3/8), 7-8:30pm - The Haywood Community Band seeks members for its first rehearsal, held at Grace In The Mountains Episcopal Church, 394 Haywood St., Waynesville. Info: www. haywoodcommunityband.org or 456-4880. PaperWorks • Through TU (5/1) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its PaperWorks exhibit through May 1. Info: tcarts@comporium.net or 884-2787. Pastel exhibition • Through SA (3/24) - The Pastel Society of N.C. will accept submissions for its On Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea statewide pastel exhibition through March 24. Info: www.pastelsocietyofnc.com. Saluda Arts festival • Through TH (3/15) - The Saluda Business Association will accept applications for the Saluda Arts Festival through March 15. Info: sswelsh@tds.net or 7493900. Second Stage of Life Comedy • Professional, amateur and aspiring comics over 40 are sought to establish the Second Stage of Life comedy troupe. Info: debidrecksler@gmail.com. taste of Asheville • Through TH (4/5) - A Taste of Asheville will accept applications from local restaurants through April 5. Info: kperez@ashevillenc. gov or 259-5800. the Language of textiles and fiber Art • Through SA (3/3) - Desert Moon Studios and Design will accept applications from fiber artists for its April exhibit, The Cutting Edge: The Language of Textiles and Fiber Art, through March 3. Works must be no more than two years old. Info: www.desertmoondesignsstudios.com/thecuttingedge. the magnetic field 372 Depot St. Info: www. themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • Through WE (3/14) - The Magnetic Theatre will accept one-act play submissions for Brief Encounters: New Magnetic Voices 2012 through March 14. All scripts should be original, unproduced and 5-20 minutes in length. Web Series
8 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
• Santa Lorena Productions seeks actors to perform in its web series Tomorrow Waits For No One. One-year commitment required. Info: talent@santalorena.com.
Beer Asheville beer master tournament • Through TH (5/24), 6:30pm - The Asheville Beer Master tournament will feature beer trivia at a variety of locations. Must be 21 or older. Brewers and owners of beer outlets are not eligible. Info: http://avl. mx/94 or avlbeermasters@ gmail.com. thirsty monk (downtown) 92 Patton Ave. Info: www. monkpub.com or 254-5470. • TH (3/1) - “Chillin like an (Ashe)Villain” will debut Asheville Brewing Company’s Ashevillian Black IPA during bar hours. • TH (3/8) - “Cider with Soul” will feature a cask of Crispin Marvin cider during bar hours.
Business & Technology American business Women’s Association Info: www.abwaskyhy.com. • TH (3/8), 5:30-8pm - A monthly meeting will feature Peter Krull leading a discussion about “Investment in Women: Leveraging Diversity Across the Board.” $20 includes light dinner. Registration required by March 6. Info: abwaskyhychapter@gmail.com. Arts2People Artist Resource Center • The Arts2People Artist Resource Center seeks instructors with business management skills. Classes are geared towards creative professionals. Info: www. ashevillearc.com. Creative technology & Arts Center Located at Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St. Info: www.ctacenter.org. • MONDAYS (3/5) through (3/26), 5-6pm - “Wordpress Basics and Beyond” for adults. $10 per class. Registration requested: gf@ genefelice.com or 515-1744. Debt Relief 101 • 2nd THURSDAYS through (3/8), 5:30-7pm - “Debt Relief 101” will be held at Pisgah Legal Services, 62 Charlotte St. Info: www. ontrackwnc.org. free tax Assistance • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (3/17), 10am-4pm - Free tax
assistance will be offered at Pack Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 628-3662. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: 250-4750. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at Weaverville Public Library, 41 Main St. Info: 250-6482. • TUESDAYS, 10am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. Info: 250-4756. free tax Preparation • OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling will offer free tax preparation for families earning less than $50,000. Info and appointment: 255-5166. Ontrack financial education & Counseling Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and held at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Suite. 222. Info: www. ontrackwnc.org or 2555166. • MONDAYS through (4/2) - “Ending Over-Spending,” an eight-week series, will reinforce healthy relationships with money. Presented on various Mondays during Feb., March and April. • TUESDAYS (3/6) through (3/20), 5:30-8pm - A three-part series on money management and financial independence. • TUESDAYS, (3/6) through (4/10), 5:30-7pm - “Money Buddies” partners women struggling with financial independence with other women with similar goals during this six-week series. Held at Silvermont Senior Center, 364 East Main St., Brevard. Free. Info: www. ontrackwnc.org. • THURSDAYS, (3/8) through (4/12), 5:30-7pm - An additional “Money Buddies” program will be held at OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling, 50 South French Broad Ave.
Classes, Meetings, Events & Lectures Asheville newcomers Club (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us! ashevillenewcomersclub.com or l 828.654.7414. Learn to Knit at Purl’s Yarn emporium (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Beginning Knit :1st and 2nd Wednesdays, 6-8pm; Intermediate Knit: 3rd and 4th Wednesdays. • $40/4 hours of instruction.
828-253-2750. www.purlsyarnemporium.com mac basics Classes at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - iWork Essentials, 4th Tuesday - iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - Garageband, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at classes@charlottestreetcomputers.com. Your business on a mac Seminar at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Learn how easy it is to introduce a Mac into your business, as well as a few surprising ways that a Mac can help increase your productivity. Saturday, March 3rd from 2-4pm. Register online at: charlottestreetcomputers.com/seminars Acrylic Painting Class • WEDNESDAYS through (4/25), 10am-noon - Acrylic painting classes will be offered by the Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. $30 per session includes supplies (except brushes). Registration required. Info: harvesth@ashevillenc.gov or 350-2051. ACt vs SAt Comparison test • SATURDAYS, 9am & SUNDAYS, 1pm - Asheville students are invited to take an “ACT vs SAT Comparison Test” to determine which represents their best match. Held at Chyten Educational Services, 1550 Hendersonville Road, Suite 104, Asheville. Free. Info and reservations: www.chytenasheville.com or 505-2495. Asheville blogger Society • TU (3/6), 5:30-7:30pm - The Asheville Blogger Society will meet at Asheville Brewing Company, 77 Coxe Ave. Info: avlbloggersociety@gmail.com. Asheville bridge Room • DAILY - The Asheville Bridge Room offers games for beginners and advanced players at River Ridge Market Place, 800 Fairview Road, Suite C-1. Info: 2990887. Asheville Chamber music Series Pre-Concert Lecture • TH (3/1), 4:15pm - The Asheville Chamber Music series pre-concert lecture will discuss pieces by Haydn, Beethoven and Shostakovich at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Info: unca. edu/ncccr or 251-6140.
Asheville train Show • FR (3/2), noon-7pm & SA (3/3), 9am-4pm - The Asheville Train Show will feature collectibles, artifacts and trains for kids. Held at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road. $5. Info: www. Asheville-TrainShow.com or 699-0983. Asian-American Social • WEEKLY - Meetings encourage American-born Asians to share experiences with those of similar backgrounds, learn more about Asian culture and meet new people. Must be 21. Foreignborn Asians welcome. Info
and location: sueannaj@ gmail.com.
british Car Club of WnC • SA (3/3), 9am - The BCCWNC will meet to reorganize, with an emphasis on driving events and car related social gatherings, at J&S Cafeteria, 30 Airport Park Road, Fletcher. A drive will immediately follow. Currently accepting all European makes. The club benefits both Henderson and Buncombe county Meals on Wheels. Info: www.bccwnc. org. building bridges
• MONDAYS through (3/19), 7-9pm - “Building Bridges: Going Beyond Racism through Understanding and Respect” will be presented at 121 Hendersonville Road. Info and registration: www. buildingbridges-asheville.org or 777-4585.
• TUESDAYS, 7pm CLOSER, Community Liaison Organization for Support, Education and Reform, will host a meeting for LGBT members of the community at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. Info: avlcloser@ gmail.com.
Land of Sky Chorus • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm Land of the Sky Chorus will hold rehearsals at Francis Asbury UMC, 725 Asbury Road, Candler. New singers and guests welcome. Info: www.ashevillebarbershop. com or (866) 290-7269. CLOSeR
Comedy Workshop • WEDNESDAYS through (2/29), 3pm - A comedy workshop, focused on writing, construction, theory and history, will be held at Grateful Steps, 159 S. Lexington Ave. $5 includes coffee and snacks. Info: www.gratefulsteps.com.
Contemporary Art and female Artists • MO (3/5), 5pm & TU (3/6), 7:30pm - Eleanor Heartney will discuss contemporary art and female artists at WCU’s Bardo Fine Art Center on March 5. Free. An additional program will be held at Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, 56 Broadway St., on March 6. $10/$5 BMCM members. Info: www.blackmountaincollege.org. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free,
but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. • TU (3/6), 8:30am Henderson County Mayors’ Advocacy Council For People With Disabilities committee meeting. Registration not required.
green Party meeting • SA (3/3), 10am-noon - A meeting of the Buncombe County Green Party will be held in the Fortune Building, 729 Haywood Road. Info: 225-4347. improv Comedy Class
• SUNDAYS through (3/11), noon-3pm - Upright Citizens Brigade alumna will teach long-form improv comedy at Anam Cara Theatre Company, 203 Haywood Road. Classes culminate with a performance on March 12. Drop-ins welcome. $10 per class in advance/$12 drop-ins. Info: www.anamcaratheatre.com.
Joyful noise Community Center Info: www.joyfulnoisecenter. org or 649-2828. • SA (3/3), 1-4pm Saturday Sampler will offer free clogging, step dancing,
music, songwriting and other classes at 30 Alabama Ave. Lake Craig flood management meeting • TH (3/1), 4-7pm - A public meeting to discuss Lake Craig Flood Management’s Azalea Road Project will be held at UNCA’s Engagement Site, Suite 116, Grove Arcade. Info: www.ashevillenc.gov/progress. Laurel Chapter of the embroiderers’ guild of America Info: www.egacarolinas.org or 654-9788. • TH (3/1), 9:30am-noon Meeting will feature an “Egg O’ Flower Challenge.”
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mars Hill College master’s Program Open House • TU (3/6), 4-6pm - Mars Hill College will host an open house for students interested in its Master Degree programs. Held in the lobby of Nash Hall. Info: www.mhc. edu or 1-866-MHC-4-YOU. motion Sculpture Workshop • SUNDAYS through (3/25), 4-7pm - A workshop on motion sculpture, culminating in a performance of KOLORZ, will be held at The Artery, 346 Depot St. No dance experience necessary; wear warm, comfortable clothing. $5-$25 sliding scale. Info: www.cillavee. com. Operation Christmas Child Celebration • SA (3/3), 10am Operation Christmas Child will celebrate its successful holiday donation program at Asheville First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Info: 4420816. Public Lectures & events at UnCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • TH (3/1), 4:15pm - STEM lecture will discuss advances in science, technology, engineering and math in UNCA’s Reuter Center. Info: 251-6140. • FR (3/2), 11:25am - “Imperialism in United States Popular Culture and Politics: Asia,” with Holly Iglesias, lecturer in masters of liberal arts program, and John McClain, lecturer in humanities. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: humanities. unca.edu. —- 11:25am - “Globalization,” with Surain Subramaniam, director of interdisciplinary studies, international studies, and Asian studies. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: humanities.unca.edu. Puppet Club • 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm - The Asheville Puppet Club is a casual, fun and collaborative group which meets monthly in Montford. All levels welcome. RSVP for directions: katievenezolana@hotmail. com or http://avl.mx/8c. Retro Happy Hour • THURSDAYS, 5:308:30pm - A retro happy hour invites young professionals to network and socialize while wearing retro clothes (optional) at The Market Place, 20 Wall St. Free. Info: lushlifemgmt@gmail.com or 515-1081. Shalom! Salam! • WE (3/7), 3:15pm - A series of three film and discussion programs will exploring the IsraeliPalestinian conflict at the Brooks-Howell Home, 266
Merrimon Ave. Featured films include Occupation 101, The Lemon Tree and The Israeli Lobby. Facilitated by Dr. Tony Bing. Free. Info: dec25carol@yahoo.com. • TH (3/8), 6-8pm - An additional program will be held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St. SiStA group • THURSDAYS, 6:308:30pm & FRIDAYS, 5:30-7:30pm - SISTA, an educational program to help women avoid unhealthy relationships and STDs, will meet Thursdays at Pisgah View Apartments, 1 Granada St., and Fridays at the Reid Center, 133 Livingston St. Free, but registration requested. Info: otimmons@ wncap.org or 252-7489. Stecoah Valley Center Located at 121 Schoolhouse Rd., Robbinsville. Info: 4793364 or www.stecoahvalleycenter.com. • TH (3/1), 10am-3pm - A class on pansy wall hangings will be offered to those with beginning quilting and sewing experience. $30. talks and Lectures at A-b tech Unless otherwise noted, all events are free. Info: 2541921. • TU (3/6), 6:30pm - A public forum to discuss A-B Tech’s future needs will be held at Mars Hill Elementary School, 200 School House Lane. Veterans for Peace Info: vfpchapter099wnc. blogspot.com. • TH (3/1), 6:30pm Veterans for Peace will meet at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. World Affairs Council: middle east Realignment • TU (3/6), 7:30pm “Middle East Realignment.” Arab world expert Tom Sanders will discuss popular revolts and upheaval associated with the Arab Spring. Held in the Manheimer Auditorium of UNCA’s Reuter Center. $8/free for students and members. Info: www. main.nc.us/wac.
Eco eCO The Environmental and Conservation Organization is located at 121 Third Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: www. eco-wnc.org or 692-0385. • TU (3/6), 6:30pm - A class on backyard and neighborhood orchards will be offered by ECO, 121 Third Ave. W., Hendersonville. Advance registrants may order fruit trees to be delivered at the workshop.
Info: www.eco-wnc.org or 692-0385.
Rain garden Class • SU (3/4), 2-3:30pm - A class on rain gardens will be offered at the Botanical Gardens at Asheville, 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd. $15/$10 members. Registration required. Info: bgardens@ bellsouth.net or 252-5190. Sierra Club meeting • WE (3/7), 7pm - Karen Cragnolin of RiverLink will discuss a variety of French Broad River issues, including the WNC Sierra Club’s “Adopt-a-Stream” initiative, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. Info: www.wenoca. org. Water Quality Course • WEDNESDAYS through (3/14), 6-9pm - The Henderson County Cooperative Extension and ECO will host a seven-week course on water quality at the Cooperative Extension Office in Jackson Park, 801 Glover St. Hendersonville. $30. Info and registration: 697-4891.
beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville.com bharatanatyam Classes • Adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children’s classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com Studio Zahiya (pd.) Monday 7:30-9pm Bellydance • Tuesday 89am Booty Camp Fitness • 9-10am Hip Hop Workout • Noon-1pm Groove Dance • 5:15-6pm Intro to Bellyydance • Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Hip Hop, • 7:309 Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9-10am Bellydance, • 6-7pm Bollywood, • 8-9pm Hip Hop 2 • Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. studiozahiya.com bhangra/Hip-Hop Aerobic Classes • WEDNESDAYS, 7:30pm - Learn the lively Indian dance Bhangra, mixed with hip-hop, at this weekly series. Beginners and dropins welcome. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. $10. Info: www.holisticwithhumor.com/dance. Dance Classes • WEEKLY - Dancing Feete and Ballroom Dance Center, 2682B Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, hosts intermediate waltz and foxtrot classes, along with salsa and East Coast swing for beginners. Info, days and times: 6745253 or dancingfeete@ bellsouth.net. english Country Dance Dance as they do in film adaptations of Jane Austen novels. No partner necessary. Held at 19 Zillicoa St. Info: www.oldfarmersball. com. • SU (3/4), 4:30-7pm - English Country Dance. Beginners welcome. $6. Southern Lights SDC Held at the Whitmire Activity Building, 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info: 883-5706. • SA (3/3), 7pm - “Dance the Winter Away.” Advance dance at 6pm. West African Dance
Food Chocolate meditation • WE (2/29), 7pm - A chocolate meditation class will discuss “the food of love” at Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Donations accepted. Info: www.unitync.net or 684-3798. indoor Winter market • WEDNESDAYS through (4/25), 2-6pm - An indoor winter tailgate market will be held at Biltmore Park Town Square, 2 Town Square Blvd., Suite 170. Info: www. asapconnections.org or 236-1282. Palm Sunday greek Lunch • SU (3/1), 11am-2pm - A Palm Sunday lunch, hosted by the the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 227 Cumberland Ave., will feature folk dancing and traditional Greek food including pastichio, spanakopita and deserts. Food prices range from $1-$12. Info: 253-3754 or 254-4754. Wine Studio of Asheville 169 Charlotte St. Info: www. winestudioasheville.com or 255-5955. • TH (3/1), 7pm - Wine 101. $10. Registration requested. • MO (3/5), 6pm - “Stretch and Wine” yoga and wine tasting. $25. Registration required.
0 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
• TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - This high-energy dance includes live drumming. Held at the new Terpsicorps studio, 339 Lyman St. All levels welcome. $12/$10 students. Info: ashevilledrumdance@ gmail.com. West African Drum Class • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Instruction with Adama Dembele from the Ivory Coast. All levels welcome. $15. Held at Terpsicorps’ new studio, 339 Lyman St. Info: www.terpsicorps.org.
Government & Politics buncombe County Democratic Party • TU (3/6), 6-10pm Precinct meetings will be held throughout the county. A full list of locations, dates and times are available at www.buncombedems.org. buncombe County gOP • SA (3/3), 10:30am - A congressional candidates forum will be held in A-B Tech’s Ferguson Auditorium. Refreshments will be sold. Info: www.buncombegop. org.
Gardening Asheville garden Club • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - The Asheville Garden Club will meet at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchment Road. March meeting will discuss “Editing Your Garden for Lower Maintenance.” Guests welcome. Info: 2580922. eCO Landscape Design: Site Analysis • TH (3/8), 2pm - This program will cover analyzing property as the first step in an overall landscape design. Program includes door prizes and refreshments. Presented by the Master Gardener’s Club at the Waynesville Library Auditorium, 678 S. Haywood St. Free. Info: kolsen@haywoodnc.net. master gardener Association Plant Sale • Through FR (3/23) Order forms for the Master Gardener Association plant sale will be accepted through March 23. Forms available at 589 Raccoon Road, Suite 118. Info: 456-3575. men’s garden Club of Asheville • TU (3/6), 12:30am - The Men’s Garden Club of Asheville will host “The Gardens of England” with author and garden expert Peter Loewer. Held at First
Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Lunch, available for $11, will begin at 11:30am. Lunch reservations required by March 1. Info: 329-8577. Orchard Class • TU (3/6), 6:30pm - A class on backyard orchards will be offered by ECO, 121 Third Ave. W., Hendersonville. Registration required. $15. Info: www. eco-wnc.org or 692-0385.
Kids biltmore Square mall • Putt Local! (pd.) Come check out Sweet Tee mini Golf in Biltmore Square Mall. Our last day in the mall is February 29th. • Free Putt Bowling with any round. 828.333.1152. www. SweetTeeMiniGolf.com Swim Lessons at the YW (pd.) Learn skills for water fun, fitness and safety! Swim lessons in the YWCA’s solarheated pool, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Red Cross certified instructors. Affordable rates. More info: 254-7206 or www.ywcaofasheville.org. Art and Poetry Contest for Kids • Through FR (3/9) - RiverLink will accept submissions for the Voices of the River Art and Poetry Contest from children in grades pre-K through 12 until March 9. Info: www. riverlink.org or 252-8474. Asheville Youth ensemble • Young musicians are invited to perform with the Asheville Youth Ensemble. Strings, flute, recorder, percussion and piano players welcome. Beginning music reading skills required. Info: ashevilleyouthensemble@ gmail.com or 299-4856. Azalea mountain School Open House • SU (3/4), 3:30-5pm - Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Road, will hold an open house for preK through 5th graders, featuring examples of Waldorf education through circles, games and sample lessons. Info: www.azaleamountain. org. Creative technology & Arts Center Located at Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St. Info: www.ctacenter.org. • TUESDAYS (3/6) through (3/27), 3:45-5pm - A workshop on pipe cleaner action figures will be offered to grades 2 and older. $10, plus $2 materials fee. Registration requested: boaz. zaob33@gmail.com. • THURSDAYS, (3/8) through (3/29), 3:45-4:45pm
- Hoops for kids workshop will feature hula hoop games and exercise. $12 per class. Registration requested: melmacpink@hotmail.com. • THURSDAYS (3/8) through (3/29), 3:45-8pm - Beaded jewelry workshop. $10, plus $3 materials fee. Registration requested: cavery@odysseycommunity. org. Hands On! This children’s museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: www.handsonwnc.org or 697-8333. • WE (2/29), 10:30am - Crazy Chemistry will focus on volcanoes. Registration requested. • FR (3/2) - A celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday will feature a craft throughout the day. • WE (3/7), 11am - “Let’s Get Moving” for children of all ages. Registration requested. Kid’s Club at the YmCA • SATURDAYS, 2:30pm - Kid’s Club is an opportunity for children to learn, play and make new friends. Open to ages 7-15. Held at 30 Woodfin St. Info: www. ymcawnc.org/centers/asheville. Lake James State Park N.C. Highway 126. Info: 584-7728. • SA (3/3), 10am - “Speak for the Trees” storytime will feature The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Held in the Catawba River Area office. march Wee naturalists tuesday Class • TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (3/28), 9:30am - The N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, will host activities for children ages 2-5, including nature walks, garden exploration, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. March events include a variety of programs on eggs. Info: www.ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. middle School Confidence Series • THURSDAYS (3/1) through (4/5), 5:30-7pm - The Girls Scouts Peaks to Piedmont chapter invites 6th and 7th grade girls to learn how to handle cliques, peer pressure, jealousy and complicated friendships. Held at 64 W.T. Weaver Blvd. $15. Info and registration: ashevilleintern@girlscoutsp2p.org or 252-4442. the Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. 640
Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, unless otherwise noted. www.thehopicecreamcafe. com or 254-2224. • TU (3/6), 6:30-7:30pm - A birthday celebration for Dr. Seuss will include a “give-abook, take-a-book” program throughout the day and storytelling by Amelie Delaunay of Enchanted Stories in the evening. Extra books will be donated to Helpmate.
Outdoors beautiful Lake James marina • boat Slips Available (pd.) Beat the Summer rush and reserve a covered, uncovered or houseboat slip. Great location at Canal Bridge. Security, gas sales, marine store and customer lounge. Call (828) 5840666. blue Sea falls Hike • SA (3/3), 9am - Hike on pristine land, normally inaccessable to the public, to a clear stream falling over a 30-foot rock face. Trip meets at Black Mountain Savings Bank, 200 East State St. Info and registration: anne@ swannanoavalleymuseum. org. JCC Hiker’s Club • MONDAYS - The Jewish Community Center hosts a hiker’s club on various trails in the Asheville area. Info, location and time: mattyssej@yahoo.com or 707-1851.
Parenting birth Dancing Retreat and Series (pd.) Dancing for all phases of birth journey. Retreat at Yellow Sun Farm 3/10/12 8:30am-6pm, $125 includes food, registration by 3/3/12. Also, 8-week series begins 3/22/12, $96. Contact yellowsunfarm@hotmail.com or 828-664-9564. ever had a mini golf Course in your backyard? (pd.) Now you can! Rent us for your next event or party. You provide food and drinks, we’ll do the rest! 828.333.1152. www.SweetTeeMiniGolf. com natural Solution for ADHD & Learning Disabilities (pd.) Free 35-minute talk about how the brain processes information, and how the problems can be permanently corrected in adults and children. • Wednesday, March 7, 7pm, Fitness for the Body, Mind and Soul, 419 S. King Street, Hendersonville, NC, RSVP: 828-216-4444 or wes@ WesBeach.com breastfeeding Class
• TH (3/1), 4-5pm - A class on breastfeeding will be offered at Hands On!, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info and registration: www. handsonwnc.org or 6978333. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. • TH (3/1) & TH (3/8), 6:309pm - A two-session class on childbirth will be offered to expectant parents. first grade Readiness • TH (3/1), 7:30pm - Learn about the physical, intellectual and social indicators that signal the transition from kindergarten to grade school with Waldorf teacher Anna Rainville. Held at Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 575-2557 or azaleamountain.com. new baby Asheville • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm - Get support, meet other moms, share your story, ask questions and connect with community at this free weekly meeting. Info and directions: Lisahicks1018@ gmail.com.
Performance & Film Song O’ Sky Show Chorus (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) 20 Oak Street Asheville 28801.(Enter Fellowship Hall-lower level). Guests welcome. Contact: www. songosky.org Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. Asheville Chamber music Series Concerts are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church on the corner of Charlotte Street and Edwin Place, unless otherwise noted. $35. Info: 259-3626 or www. ashevillechambermusic.org. • FR (3/2), 8pm - The Alexander String Quartet will perform works by Haydn, Beethoven and Shostakovich. Asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/11) - Chicago. March 1 performance to benefit Eblen Charities. blue Ridge Orchestra Info: www.blueridgeorchestra.org or 650-0948.
• WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm Open rehearsals for the Blue Ridge Orchestra will be held most Wednesdays in the Manheimer Room of UNCA’s Reuter Center. Free. Call for confirmation. bluegrass and Country music • 1st SATURDAYS, 610:30pm - The Lions Club will host a bluegrass and country music night with a raffle and cake walk. Free, but donations encouraged. Held at 188 Erwin Hills Road. Info: 713-7509. Christopher O’Riley • SA (3/3), 8pm Christopher O’Riley, classical pianist and host of NPR’s From The Top, will perform at the Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. Info: 257-4530 or www.dwtheatre.com. fire Pink trio • SU (3/4), 3pm - The Fire Pink Trio (harp, viola and flute) will perform at First Congregational Church, Fifth Avenue at White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. $17. Info: www.hendersonvillechambermusic.org. flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www. flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • WE (3/7) through SU (3/18) - The Boxcar Children will be presented by YouTheatre at the downtown location. $18/$10 students. Hendersonville Little theatre At the Barn on State Street between Kanuga and Willow Roads in Hendersonville. Info: www.hendersonvillelittletheatre.org or 692-1082. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/18) - Harps and Harmonicas. $14/$8 under 18. Joyful noise Community Center Info: www.joyfulnoisecenter. org or 649-2828. • MONDAYS, 6-7pm - The public is invited to bring instruments to an Appalachian jam session, featuring bluegrass and country music. Held at First Presbyterian Church, 30 Alabama Ave., Weaverville. $10. music at WCU Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Fine and Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu.edu or 227-2479. • TU (3/6), 7:30pm - The Vienna Boys Choir. $20/$15 faculty and staff/$5 children and students.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) At one point in his book The Divine Comedy, the Italian poet Dante is traveling through purgatory on his way to paradise. American poet T.S. Eliot describes the scene: “The people there were inside the flames expurgating their errors and sins. And there was one incident when Dante was talking to an unknown woman in her flame. As she answered Dante’s questions, she had to step out of her flame to talk to him, until at last she was compelled to say to Dante, ‘Would you please hurry up with your questions so I can get on with my burning?’” I bring this to your attention, Aries, because I love the way you’ve been expurgating your own errors and sins lately. Don’t let anything interfere with your brilliant work. Keep burning till you’re done. (Source: “A New Type of Intellectual: Contemplative Withdrawal and Four Quartets,” by Kenneth P. Kramer.)
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
weeks. Without any outside aids whatsoever, your lower furnace will be generating intense L.A. Weekly praised the music of drone-noise band beams of magical heat. What are you going to Barn Owl. Its review said that the listening experi- do with all that potent mojo? Please don’t use it ence is “akin to placing your ear against the Dalai on trivial matters. Lama’s stomach and catching the sound of his reincarnation juices flowing.” That sounds a bit like what’s ahead for you in the coming week, Leo: There are times in your life when you do a getting the lowdown on the inner workings of a lot of exploring in the outer world, and other benevolent source . . . tuning in to the rest of the times when your pioneering probes are directed story that lies behind a seemingly simple, happy primarily inward. In my astrological opinion, tale … gathering up revelations about the subterra- you’re currently more suited for the latter kind nean currents that are always going on beneath the of research. If you agree with me, here’s one surface of the good life. It’s ultimately all positive, tack you might want to take: Take an inventory although a bit complicated. of all your inner voices, noticing both the con-
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
In the coming days, you could do a lot to develop a better relationship with darkness. And no, I don’t mean that you should do bad things and seek out negativity and be fascinated with evil. When I use that word “darkness,” I’m referring to confusing mysteries and your own unconscious patterns and the secrets you hide from yourself. I mean the difficult memories and the parts of the world that seem inhospitable to you and the sweet dreams that have lost their way. See what you can do to understand this stuff better, Virgo. Open yourself to the redemptive teachings it has for you.
tent of what they say and the tone with which they say it. Some of them may be chatty and others shy; some blaring and others seductive; some nagging and needy and others calm and insightful. Welcome all the voices in your head into the spotlight of your alert attention. Ask them to step forward and reveal their agendas.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
If you’ve been holding yourself back in any way, Taurus, now’s the time to unlock and The Oxford English Dictionary, an authority unleash yourself. If you have been comproon the state of the English language, adds an mising your high standards or selling yourself average of two new words every day. In the short, I hope you will give yourself permission coming weeks, Capricorn, I’d like to see you to grow bigger and stronger and brighter. expand your capacity for self-expression with If you’ve been hiding your beauty or hedgequal vigor. According to my reading of the ing your bets or rationing your access to the astrological omens, you’re due for an upgrade mother lode, you have officially arrived at the Sister Jessica, a character in Frank Herbert’s Dune in your vocabulary, your clarity, and your comperfect moment to stop that nonsense. books, says, “The greatest and most important munication skills. Here’s one of the OED’s fresh problems of life cannot be solved. They can only terms, which would be a good addition to your be outgrown.” I encourage you to use that theory repertoire: “bouncebackability,” the ability to In the cult blaxploitation film The Human as your operative hypothesis for the foreseeable recover from a setback or to rebound from a loss Tornado, the main character Dolemite brags future. Here are some specific clues about how of momentum. about his prowess. “I chained down thunder to proceed: Don’t obsess on your crazy-making and handcuffed lightning!” he raves. “I used dilemma. Instead, concentrate on skillfully doing an earthquake to mix my milkshake! I eat an the pleasurable activities that you do best. Be reso- We turn to Dr. Seuss for help in formulating avalanche when I want ice cream! I punched lutely faithful to your higher mission and feed your your horoscope this week. He told a story of a hurricane and made it a breeze! I swallowed lust for life. Slowly but surely, I think you’ll find dining in a restaurant with his uncle, who was an iceberg and didn’t freeze!” This is the way that the frustrating impediment will be drained of served a popover, which is a puffy muffin that’s I want to hear you talk in the coming week, at least some of its power to lock up your energy. hollow on the inside. “To eat these things,” said Gemini. Given the current astrological configuhis uncle, “you must exercise great care. You rations, you have every right to. Furthermore, I may swallow down what’s solid, but you must think it’ll be healthy for you. A few years ago, the Hong Kong company Life spit out the air!” Drawing a lesson from these Enhance sold briefs and boxer shorts that were wise words, Dr. Seuss concluded, “As you supposedly designed by a master practitioner partake of the world’s bill of fare, that’s darned Astrologer Antero Alli theorizes that the place- of feng shui. On the front of every garment was good advice to follow. Do a lot of spitting out ment of the sign Cancer in a person’s chart an image of a dragon, which the Chinese have the hot air. And be careful what you swallow.” may indicate what he or she tends to whine traditionally regarded as a lucky symbol. To have I expect your coming week will be successful, about. In his own chart, he says, Cancer rules this powerful charm in contact with your intimate Aquarius, if you apply these principles. his ninth house, so he whines about obsolete places increased your vital force — or so the beliefs and bad education and stale dogmas sales rap said. By my estimates, Scorpio, you’re that cause people to shun firsthand experience not going to need a boost like that in the coming You should be like a rooster, Pisces: dispensing as a source of authority. I hereby declare these wake-up calls on a regular basis. You should issues to be supremely honorable reasons for be nudging people to shed their torpor and you to whine in the coming week. You also shake themselves out of their stupor. What’s have cosmic permission to complain vociferyour personal version of “Cockadoodle-doo!”? ously about the following: injustices perpeIt shouldn’t be something generic like “Open trated by small-minded people; short-sighted your eyes!” or “Stop making excuses!” Come Your imagination is the single most thinking that ignores the big picture; and up with attention-grabbing exclamations or important asset you possess. Listen greedy self-interest that disdains the future. signature phrases that no intelligent person to the podcast: bit.ly/YourProphecy. On the other hand, you don’t have clearance can possibly ignore or feel defensive about. to whine about crying babies, rude clerks, or © Copyright 2012 Rob Brezsny For example: “Let’s leap into the vortex and traffic jams. scramble our trances!”?
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
nC Stage Company Info: www.ncstage.org or 239-0263. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/18) - Love Child. St. matthias musical Performances Located at 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 285-0033. • SU (3/4), 3pm - The Asheville Cello Choir will perform works by O’Brien, Rabinowitz and Leyden. Suzzy Roche • SA (3/3), 7pm - Suzzy Roche (folk) will perform at Working Girls Studio, 30 Battery Park Ave. Info: www. workinggirlsstudio.com. the American Quartet • SU (3/4), 6pm - The American Quartet will lead a worship service at Chase Baptist Church, 1725 HarrisHenrietta Road, Mooresboro. Info: 657-6135. We Still Live Here • TU (3/13), 7:30pm - A screening of We Still Live Here will be held in WCU’s A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: ace.wcu.edu or 227-3622.
Seniors fitness Class for Seniors • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS through (3/23), 11am-noon - Fitness classes for seniors will focus on swimming, cardio and weight training. Held at Waynesville Parks and Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with membership or admission. Info: 456-2030. medicare Choices made easy • FRIDAYS (3/2) & (3/9), 2-4pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy” will be offered by N.C. Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Free. Advanced registration: 277-8288.
Spirituality Asheville Center for transcendental meditation (“tm”) (pd.) Discover why TM is the world’s most effective and scientifically validated meditation technique. Clinically proven to boost brain function and reduce anxiety, depression, addiction, and ADHD. Allows you to effortlessly transcend the busy, agitated mind to experience inner peace and unbounded awareness. • Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • Meditation and brain research • What is enlight-
enment? (828) 254-4350. www.MeditationAsheville. org Asheville Compassionate Communication Center (pd.) 8 Week Course Starting March 14th, 6:30-8:30. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538 www. ashevilleccc.com Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. bharatanatyam Classes (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children’s classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com mindfulness meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www. billwalz.com. Mondays, 78pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Ananda marga Yoga • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Ananda Marga Yoga hosts weekly meditation, chanting and philosophy sessions at 22 Ravenscroft Drive. Free. Info: 989-6227. bible Study at the Cove • TUESDAYS, 9:45am & 6:30pm - A free women’s Bible study will be hosted by The Cove at The Billy Graham Training Center, 1 Porters Cove Road. An optional lunch is available at the morning class. All are welcome. Info and registration: www.thecove.org or (800) 950-2092. Chant for the Planet • 4th SUNDAYS, 1-4pm - Soka Gakkai International invites the public to “chant for the planet” as part of this large and diverse Buddhist organization. Held at French Broad Coop, 90 Biltmore Ave. Free. Info: www.sgiusa.org. Dharma Class
• TUESDAYS, 7pm Dharma class with Venerable Pannavati Bhikkuni. All are welcome; by donation. Held at 60 Caledonia Road #B (the carriage house behind the Kenilworth Inn Apartments). Info: 5052856. Divine energy Share • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - All are welcome to participate in this Healing Circle, including reiki practitioners, other energy workers and non-practitioners curious to tap their healing potential. By donation. Meets at 60 Caledonia Road #B (the carriage house behind the Kenilworth Inn Apartments). Info: 707-2983. i Ching • SUNDAYS, 4-5:30pm - An I Ching exploration group will offer an introduction to the practice along with related readings at Panera Bread, 1843 Hendersonville Road. Info and registration: 707-6206. Kashmir Shaivism • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Explore the nondual philosophy and practice of tantric Kashmir Shaivism with Madhyanandi. Donations only. Info and directions: madhyanandi@gmail.com. nurse Christian fellowship • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Nurse Christian Fellowship provides a local, regional, national and international network to bring the message of Jesus Christ and a Christian worldview to nursing education and practice. Info: rchovey@sos.spcasheville.org. Pray the Vespers • SUNDAYS, 7pm - The Asheville Orthodox Mission invites the public to pray the Vespers of the Ancient Orthodox Christian Church at 619 Haywood Road. Info: http://avl.mx/9s. Reaching the Heart of god • SU (3/4), 11am-noon - “Life provides us with lots of opportunities to become love itself, pure love beyond all telling.” Experience stories from the heart, beautiful music and more, followed by fellowship and a potluck dinner. Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. Info: www.eckankarnc.org. SeniorSalt impact • TH (3/1), 3pm - This program is designed to encourage senior adult believers to reach their friends and family for Jesus Christ. The event features an inspirational concert, staff-led discussion and a buffet-style meal. Held at the Billy Graham Training Center, 1 Porter’s
Cove Road. $29. Info: www. thecove.org. toning for Peace • 1st SUNDAYS, 2pm - Toning for Peace will be offered at the Sacred Embodiment Center, 41 Carolina Lane. By donation. Info: 667-2967. Unity Center events Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: www.unitync.net or 684-3798. • SUNDAYS, 9:30 & 11am - Sunday celebration service. Child care available. —- 11am - Y.E.S. Youth Expressing Spirituality. Unity Church of Asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: www.unityofasheville.com or 252-5010. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - A Search For God A.R.E. Study Group. • SUNDAYS, 11am Spiritual celebration service. —- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group.
n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250KIDS. • TH (3/1) through SA (3/31) - Regional crafts display. PM • TH (3/1), 6:30pm - Book club: The Post American World 2.0 by Fareed Zakaria. EA
• SA (3/3), 10am-4pm - A spring book sale will benefit Skyland library. SS • TU (3/6), 6-8pm - Knit-nChain. SS —- 7pm - Book club: The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing by M. T. Anderson. EC —- 7pm - Book club: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. WV • WE (3/7), 3pm - Book club: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. WV —- 5pm - Library knitters. SW • TH (3/8), 1pm - Book club: Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron. FV City Lights bookstore
Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Info: more@citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • FR (3/2), 7pm - Bob Plott will read from his book Colorful Characters of the Great Smoky Mountains. • SA (3/3), 2pm - Trey Carland will read from his book A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace. —- 7pm - Lee Knight will host an evening of music and storytelling. eat Your Words book Club • TH (3/8), 6pm - Join local author Randy Siegel for a discussion of The Inspired Life and a four-course meal at Avenue M, 791 Merrimon Ave. Info: 350-8181.
malaprop’s bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: www. malaprops.com or 2546734. • TH (3/1), 7pm - A panel of young adult authors will feature Tessa Gratton, Jackson Pearce, Myra McEntire and others. • FR (3/2), 7pm - A discussion and slideshow by the son of Jim Neugass, the late author of War is Beautiful. • SA (3/3), 3pm - Rita Golden Gelman will read from her book Tales of a Female Nomad. • SU (3/4), 3pm - Poetrio will feature Megan Volpert,
Rupert Fike and Jethro Clayton Waters. • MO (3/5), 7pm - Ron Tanner will discuss D-I-Y construction projects for the home. He will also read from his book From Animal House to Our House. —- 7pm - Bridging Differences Book Club: Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. • WE (3/7), 7pm - Book Club: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. • TH (3/8), 7pm - Dessert samples from Breakfast and Beyond: Comfort Food from Dawn to Dark, the Sunny Point Cafe cookbook, will
be presented by chef April Moon.
mountain Writers meeting • 2nd TUESDAYS, 1pm - Mountain Writers will meet at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St. Info: www. mountainwritersnc.com or 235-2003. Open mic • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - A spoken word open mic, hosted by Asheville Wordfest and Asheville Poetry Review, will be held at The Pulp, 103 Hilliard Ave. $10 includes membership fee. Info: www. ashevillepoetryreview.com or 225-5851.
Spoken & Written Word battery Park Writing group (pd.) Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. Free! Contact Lisa at 691-5472 or tokyotaos@live.com for more info. Sandra Cisneros • FR (3/2), 7pm - A free book signing and reception with award-winning novelist Sandra Cisneros will be held at UNCA’s Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: http://asheville.lr.edu. Attention WnC mystery Writers • TH (3/8), 6pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave #A. For serious mystery/suspense/thriller writers. Info: www.wncmysterians. org or 712-5570. buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n EC = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SA = South Asheville/ Oakley Library (749 Fairview Road, 250-4754)
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
consciousparty calendar calEndaR FoR FEbRuaRy 29 - maRch 8, 2012
Pottery by Charles Freeland
What: Auction for the Arts to benefit Black Mountain Center for the Arts. Where: Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St. in Black Mountain. When: Saturday, March 3, 6-9 p.m. 75 people will be admitted. $25/$22.50 in advance. Info: blackmountainarts.org or 669-0930. Why: The Black Mountain Center for the Arts wants to “bring arts to the people and people to the arts.” From painting and pottery classes to music programs for young people, the center offers a little bit of everything. This weekend, the public is invited to take a taste of what the center has to offer at Auction for the Arts. This is the auction’s seventh year, but it’s in no way getting stale. “We are not recycling the same items year after year, but trying to offer something new and unusual,” says volunteer chair Bob Wardwell. “There are new artists represented this year, along with new packages for Black Mountain and Asheville,” according to Wardwell. One of the highlights of the auction is Greg Herman’s handcrafted pine farm bench. His company, Creekside Restorations, uses local wood from Swannanoa to create one-of-a-kind pieces. Other local craftspeople, including ceramicist Charles Freeland, have donated two and three-dimensional art that represents the breadth of works created in the region. If you don’t have room on your walls or in your home, there are plenty of options for people with limited space. Beach and mountain vacation packages will be featured in a live auction, presented by Weaverville’s John Hill, and photo shoots and haircuts will be offered as part of the silent auction. Food from local restaurants including Fresh, Thai Basil and Red Radish will make for a lighthearted and festive evening, a perfect fit for all the Black Mountain Center for the Arts does for the community.
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
bob moog foundation • The Bob Moog Foundation will host an online fundraiser to raise funds for its educational program Dr. Bob’s SoundSchool at http://avl.mx/9v. Class for a Cause • Through WE (2/29) - Happy Body Pilates, Yoga and Bodywork Studio, 1378 Hendersonville Road, Suite E2, will donate 20 percent of the proceeds from its pilates, mat and yoga classes to the Women At Risk program. Info: 277-5741 or www.wccj.org/womenatrisk.html. Dog Wash • SA (3/3), 11am-3pm - A dog wash, to benefit Blue Ridge Husky Rescue, will be held at Pet Source, 1927 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. $15 for dogs over 25 pounds/$10 under 25 pounds. Info: 407-0022. Dress for Success • TH (3/1) through SU (3/4) - Dress for Success, a program that provides low-income women with business attire, will accept donations of gently-used suits, pants, shirts, skirts and shoes. Clothes will be accepted at 800 Fairview Road #D2. Info: 298-6635. francis Perkins, A Chatauqua Show • MO (3/5), 6pm - Francis Perkins, a Chatauqua Show will celebrate Women’s History Month with a play about Francis Perkins, women’s rights activist and FDR’s Secretary of Labor. The production, hosted by N.C. Stage Company, 15 Stage Lane, will benefit the League of Women Voters and N.C. Stage Company. $19.50/$10 students. Info: www.ncstage.org or 239-0263. Happy body Open House • SA (3/3), 1-5pm - An open house for the Happy Body studio, 1378 Hendersonville Road, Suite E-2, will promote healthy, pain-free movement through sampler classes. Program will benefit T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating as part of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Info: info@ashevillehappybody.com or 277-5741. West Asheville fire benefits • FR (3/2) 5-8pm - A benefit for Parker Sloan, Grey Nelson and Adam Bowers who lost their home in a house fire on Brevard Road will be held at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Donations of all kinds accepted. Info: www.uccasheville.org. • An additional fundraiser will be held at Altamont Brewing Company, 1042 Haywood Road, featuring members of Dehlia Low and the Green Grass Cloggers. Info: www.altamontbrewingcompany.com. Wine Kegger • WE (2/29), 4-10pm - A wine kegger, hosted by Sante Wine Bar and Tap Room, 1 Page Ave., will benefit Girls on the Run. $10. Info: info@santewinebar.com or 2548188. Winesdays • WEDNESDAYS, 5-8pm - Winesdays wine tastings will benefit a different organization each week at the Wine Studio of Asheville, 169 Charlotte St. $5. Info: www. winestudioasheville.com or 255-5955.
moRE bEnEFIts EVEnts onlInE
Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after March 8.
calEndaR dEadlInE
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
the magnetic field A cafe, bar and performance house located at 372 Depot St. in the River Arts District. Info: www.themagneticfield. com or 257-4003. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 7:30-10pm - The Synergy Story Slam is an opportunity to share stories, laugh, learn and build a stronger community. Registration begins at 7pm. Writers guild of WnC • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:303:30pm - The Writers Guild of WNC will meet at the Fletcher Public Library, 120 Library Road, Hendersonville. Info: WritersGuildWNC@gmail. com or 296-9983.
Sports Adult Kickball League • Through MO (3/12) Registration for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation’s adult kickball league will run through March 12. $30. Info: jay. nelson@buncombecounty. org or 250-4269. fitness Program • TUESDAYS, 5:15pm - WNC Fit Club will offer free workout sessions at the National Guard Armory, 100 Minute Man Drive. Info: www.xfit.org or 506-4726. Healthy Parks, Healthy You 5K • SA (3/3), 10:30am - Healthy Parks, Healthy You 5K will be held at the Buncombe County Sports Park track, 59 Woodfin Place. $12/$7 children. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty.org or 250-4260. Southern Conference basketball tournament • FR (3/2) through MO (3/5) - The Southern Conference Basketball Tournament will be held at the Asheville Civic Center (men’s and women’s) and UNCA’s Kimmel Arena (women’s). Tickets from $9. Info: www.SoConTravel. com. Zumba Class • THURSDAYS, 6:10-7pm - Zumba classes will be offered by the Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. Advance registration suggested. $10. Info: Rochelle@jcc-asheville.org or 253-0701. ZumbaPump • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - This weekly class consists of 30 minutes of cardio dance followed by 30 minutes of toning with light weights. Bring your own mat. Held at 1070 Tunnel Road, Suite 30. $6. Info: lesliearcpt@ gmail.com.
Volunteering Asheville City Schools foundation • Volunteers are sought for Asheville City Schools Foundation’s reading and math programs. Prior teaching or tutoring experience preferred. Info: www.acsf. org or 350-6135. Asheville free media • Asheville Free Media seeks volunteers for its local internet radio station. Be a DJ, plan events and be part of the community. Info: www. ashevillefm.org. big brothers big Sisters of WnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. Cell Phone Donation • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8am-5pm - RiverLink will accept unwanted cell phones at its offices, 170 Lyman St. Info: www.riverlink.org or 252-8474. Center for new beginnings • The Center for New Beginnings seeks volunteers for community awareness and services for crime victims and survivors of traffic fatalities, suicides and other death-related incidents. Info: contact@centerfornb.org or 989-9306. Children first/CiS Children First/CIS is a nonprofit advocating for children living in vulnerable conditions. Info: VolunteerC@childrenfirstbc.org or 768-2072. • Through TU (5/1), 2:305:30pm - Volunteers are needed at least one hour per week, Mon.-Thurs., to help K-5th graders with homework and activities. Info: VolunteerC@childrenfirstbc. org or 768-2072. Council on Aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call A Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles and mileage reimbursement is available. Info: www.coabc.org or 277-8288. exhange Student Hosts • Families are sought to host international exchange students. Must pass a background check and provide room and board. Info: www. ayusa.org or 298-8873. fabric needed for Donated Quilts • St. Mark’s Lutheran Church seeks large pieces of fabric (82” x 64”) to make
quilts for charity. Drop off at 10 N. Liberty St. Info: 263-0043. foster Parenting Classes • TUESDAYS through (3/13), 6-9pm - A 10-week class for potential foster parents will meet the training requirements for becoming a foster parent. Free. No commitment required. Info and location: familiesforkids@ buncombecounty.org or 250-5868. four Seasons • Four Seasons seeks volunteers for its end-of-life care programs. Training begins March 19. Info: www.fourseasonscfl.org. free Rein Center • SA (3/3), 10am - The Free Rein Center in Brevard will host volunteer orientation for those interested in assisting with therapeutic horseback riding classes. Info and location: 883-3148. Hands On Ashevillebuncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www. handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (2/23), 6-8pm - Help sort and pack food at MANNA FoodBank. Helios Warriors • Helios Warriors, a holistic therapy program for veterans, seeks volunteer licensed/insured practitioners for a minimum of three hours per month. Volunteer administrative support also needed. Tues., Thurs., Fri. or Sun. Info: www.helioswarriors.org or 299-0776. name that Creek • Ideas sought for the “Name That Creek” project, sponsored by RiverLink. Info: volunteer@riverlink.org. new Opportunities thrift Store • The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway in Hendersonville, seeks donations for the New Opportunities Thrift Store. Volunteers also needed during store hours. Info: 692-0575. Partners Unlimited • Partners Unlimited, a program for at-risk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteers for its fundraising and program committees. Info: partnersunlimited@juno.com or 281-2800. Read Across America • Through WE (2/29), 8am - Read Across America seeks adults to read Dr. Seuss books in first grade classrooms daily through
the end of the month. Books provided. Info: 231-0852.
reviveASHeViLLe • SA (3/3) & SA (4/7), 8:30am-noon - Training sessions for reviveASHEVILLE volunteers will focus on spreading the “good news of Jesus” at Creatures Café, 81 Patton Ave. Info: www. reviveasheville.org. Road to Recovery • The American Cancer Society seeks drivers to transport cancer patients as part of its Road to Recovery program. Volunteers must be available weekdays and willing to use their own vehicle. Info: 254-6931. RSVP Volunteer Orientation • WE (3/7), 9am - RSVP Volunteer Center for the Second Half of Life will host an orientation meeting highlighting opportunities at the Red Cross. Held at the N.C. Center for Creative Retirement on the campus of UNCA. Info: 251-6622 or rsvp@landofsky.org. Southern Appalachian Repertory theatre • Ushers, marketing and fundraising volunteers are sought by the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. Info: sartplays@aol. com or 633-1049. Upcycling bin • Hip Thrift, 201 Haywood Road, will collect and distribute clothing as part of its upcycling program. Donations of old, stained or torn items will be turned into something new by local crafters. Clothes can be donated or picked up Tues.Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: info@ hipthrift.org or 423-0853. Young Parents Demonstration Project • Through MO (4/30) - The Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry seeks volunteers to provide emotional support and guidance to young parents moving out of poverty. Info: 398-6995 or www. abccm.org/ministries/circles. YWCA Stand Against Racism • Through FR (4/20) - Volunteers are sought for YWCA Stand Against Racism through April 20. Info: www. ywcastand.org.
calEndaR dEadlInE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365
Lead story
(The problem is more serious in Iceland, whose 300,000 people are far more self-contained. But Part-time Devon, England, vicar Gavin a new website with 1,200 years of genealogical Tyte, who serves churches in Uplyme and data is expected to help reduce the risk.) Axmouth, recently produced a rap video of the Nativity, in which he plays a shepherd, an angel and the narrator. Sample lyrics (about • But Why? (1) Swiss artist Christoph Buchel Mary placing her baby in a cattle trough and has secured permits to bury a Boeing 727 38 feet angels calming the frightened shepherds): beneath California’s Mojave Desert. A tunnel “No hotel, motel, custom baby-changer/She will enable visitors to tour the 153-foot-long wrapped the baby up and laid him in a man- plane. ger” and “Chill out, my friends, there’s no • In February, a German court awarded artist need for trepidation/Got a message for the Stefan Bohnenberger the equivalent of about world, and it’s elation information.” $2,600 from the Munich gallery that had housed
Great art
Government in action
his piece “Pommes d’Or”: two ordinary french fries contrasted with two gold-leaf-covered • The cash-strapped Greek government has ones. The gallery returned the latter pair but cut resources for disabled people, yet in said it couldn’t find the others, pointing out that January, the Labor Ministry expanded the they were merely old french fries. category of eligible “disabled” to include pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, fetishists, sadomasochists, pedophiles, exhibi- • Police officers are generally forbidden to tionists and kleptomaniacs. The National engage in sex acts in order to gather evidence. Confederation of Disabled People said the Thus, a scandal erupted in the U.K. in January changes would inevitably reduce funds avail- when The Guardian revealed that two undercover able for the blind, the crippled and other officers had fathered children (to enhance their traditionally needy categories. credibility) while infiltrating protest groups • Amid nationwide teacher layoffs, the in the 1980s. Late last year, after learning who Buffalo, N.Y., school system continues their kids’ fathers really were, the two women to cover all costs for cosmetic surgery. filed lawsuits against the responsible police Established in the 1970s, the benefit didn’t agencies. (In Sydney, Australia, a state contracanticipate the face-lift and liposuction crazes. tor was under no such restriction when hiring a About 500 people use it each year, costing $5 brothel inspector in January. Brothels are legal million to $9 million (enough to pay roughly and regulated in Sydney, and if off-books facili100 teachers’ salaries). The union said it’s ties are providing sex illegally, the inspector can willing to give up the benefit in a new coltestify based on firsthand knowledge.) lective-bargaining agreement, but since the current highly lucrative contract remains in force until replaced, teachers have little incentive to negotiate such a deal. • In February, Kenneth Gunn of the Scottish Borders Council decried the closure (due to Read News of the Weird daily budget cuts) of local offices that post marwith Chuck Shepherd at www. riage notices, fearing it would lead to more weirduniverse.net. Send items to unwitting incest. “I am aware, in my own weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO ward, of brothers sitting beside sisters they Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679 do not know in primary school,” he said.
Police report
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• In January, a state trooper stopped Mayor Jim Preacher of Norway, S.C., for speeding. Preacher couldn’t convince the trooper that his speeding was necessary to perform some mayoral duty — and when the trooper drove off, the mayor turned on his own blue lights, chased the trooper down and accused him of speeding. (Norway disbanded its Police Department last year, and it’s unclear whether the mayor has police powers.) • The Price Is Right: (1) Ms. Khadijah Baseer was arrested in Los Angeles in January on suspicion of prostitution. According to several men, Baseer had opened their car doors in the drive-thru lane at a McDonald’s, offering them oral sex in exchange for Chicken McNuggets. (2) Misty Kullman, 25, was arrested for prostitution in Shelby, N.C., in January after police stopped a man who said Kullman had performed a sex act for $6 (he paid her with a $2 bill, three $1’s and coins).
Awesome In January, during a public training ritual in Hong Kong, an elite squad of six Chinese soldiers stood in a circle and passed a satchel of live grenades from man to man, counting down to the expected moment of explosion. At the last possible second, the man caught holding the satchel discards it, and all six dive into a hole for protection. According to Chinese Central Television, the exhibition worked out fine.
Least-competent criminals Not Ready for Prime Time: (1) An unidentified man was still at large in January after a surveillance video showed him shooting the change machine at the Busy Bubbles laundromat in Winter Haven, Fla., four times with a handgun. No money came out. (2) Two men were arrested in Albuquerque in January after a neighbor of the home they’d just burglarized called the police. The men were apprehended with stolen goods as they made their getaway in a shopping cart.
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Hope after Loss
all smiles
missioN deNtal Program HelPs sPecial-Needs kids
Individual Counseling Individual bereavement counseling is available for adults, teens and children at no cost. Please call 828-692-6178 to schedule an appointment with one of our bereavement counselors. Grief Education and Support Groups We currently offer free Grief 101 classes and Grief Support Groups in Henderson, Buncombe, and Macon counties at the following locations: Greatrex Place 571 South Allen Road Flat Rock, NC 28731
Four Seasons Checkpoint 373 Biltmore Avenue Asheville, NC 28801
Four Seasons WNC Jane Woodruff Medical Bldg • 171 Hospital Drive, JWB Suite 600 Highlands, NC 28741 say ah! Dr. Katherine Jowers checks the mouth of a patient during his post-op appointment. Photos by Caitlin Byrd
by caitliN byrd
Jowers says she allows at least 15 minutes more per special-needs child. But appointment times vary because of the broad range of people involved, each with unique challenges. “Special needs is a huge term,” she explains. “You’re talking about children who may just have a little bit of Asperger’s syndrome, who may just not be socially as connected, all the way to someone who can’t feed themself, can’t bathe themself, can’t do anything for themself.”
When Asheville dentist Katherine Jowers sees a child with special needs, a little makebelieve goes a long way. She calls the dental chair a beach chair, the bright overhead light the sun, and the sharp dentistry tools funny-looking silverware. “You’ve got to make it familiar or else it will be scary,” Jowers explains, even if it means sitting on the floor with a coloring book or letting patients wear her dental assistant’s shoes. “If that makes them happy and they’ll smile for me, bigger cHalleNges I’ll do it.” In terms of dental care, Jowers says specialneeds kids face the same problems as any other limited oPtioNs child, only more so. Jowers, who’s worked in Mission Hospital’s “Depending on what your situation is, you children’s dental program for 15 years, sees may look different from other people — your about 25 special-needs patients per week — mouth may have a different shape, you might some of whom might not otherwise get dental have more crowded teeth — which makes those teeth harder to clean.” care at all. “The tricky thing about being special needs Meanwhile, fear and uncertainty about what’s in North Carolina is that you’re automatically happening during a dental appointment can Medicaid. Then, you have to find a dentist who make it hard to persuade a child even to open will see kids and take Medicaid — a very big his or her mouth, Jowers notes. “It’s a natural challenge if you live in a rural area,” she notes. tendency not to want things in your mouth, But the challenges don’t necessarily end there. which is a tough thing to overcome for a parent Sometimes even these dentists can’t allocate trying to help a special-needs child.” enough time for a full oral exam. “If they’re tak- To combat this, she advises all parents (but ing three times as long to see a child with spe- particularly those with special-needs kids) to cial needs ... frankly, time is money for them,” begin cleaning their child’s teeth from day one. says shawn Henderson, manager of Mission “Start that first week cleaning their mouth, getting in their mouth, getting them accustomed to Children’s Hospital.
6 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
“you’re talkiNg about cHildreN WHo may Just Not be socially as coNNected, all tHe Way to someoNe WHo caN’t feed tHemself, caN’t batHe tHemself, caN’t do aNytHiNg for tHemself.”
Eating Right for Good Health presented by
Talking about TOFU
deNtist katHeriNe JoWers
that, because as they grow, the defensiveness will get worse.” And sometimes, despite Jowers’ best efforts to make the appointment as familiar, fun and relaxed as possible, she still won’t be able to complete an oral exam.
goiNg uNder When all else fails, Jowers resorts to seeing her patients in an operating room setting under general anesthesia. “You don’t do general anesthesia without good reason,” she explains. “It’s not that it isn’t a safe thing to do, but I can’t sit here and tell you that it’s without risk.” And though Jowers concedes that it sounds like an extreme measure, she prefers it to sedation. “If you sedate a kid, you’re usually doing it with something they already take regularly,” she says. “But you don’t want over sedate them, so you kind of under-sedate them. Sometimes that works; sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes it works a little too well.” General anesthesia, on the other hand, is a controlled environment. “You don’t have to risk harming the patient, and you don’t have to risk harming yourself,” she explains. It also enables the dentist to take care of everything at once, avoiding the need for additional appointments.
fiNdiNg a deNtal Home Still, Jowers says the greatest challenge for special-needs patients is finding a way they can continue getting dental care later in life. “The thing with special needs is that you don’t grow out of it,” she explains. “Even though you’re trained to see children, you also have to be trained to see adults.” Accordingly, Jowers did her residency (at Charlotte’s Carolinas Medical Center) in hospital, not pediatric, dentistry. And even though a lot of the resources available to special-needs patients are oriented toward children, she concludes, “We really want to find you a dental home, if there is one.” X
Often when I’m out doing presentations I talk about tofu. I usually ask the group, “How many of you have tried tofu?” and typically there are a smattering of raised hands but also often some grimaces and comments like ‘Ick, it tasted awful!”. When someone says that tofu tastes bad, it’s usually because they made the mistake of eating it “as is” right out of the package. The beauty of tofu is that it’s the “invisible man” of the supermarket because it can take on stronger flavors and you won’t even notice it’s there. Tofu is basically soy milk that’s been curdled. You could almost think of it like a cheese made from soymilk. At Ingles we sell tofu in the PRODUCE department and it comes in different textures. Each texture has different applications or uses:
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Silken has the consistency of a firmer yogurt, so it works well in smoothies or to make desserts or mousses. Pair it with bananas or chocolate. Soft has the consistency of a ricotta cheese, so it works well as a filling in lasagnas and stuffed shells. Pair it with tomato sauce. Firm has the consistency of mozzarella cheese, it can be marinated and used on salads. Pair it with lower sodium soy sauce and ginger. Extra firm has the consistency of a chicken breast and it can be cut into cubes and marinated for stir fry or put into chili or stews. Pair it with cumin and chili seasonings. We even sell tofu that is already cut into cubes to make it even easier for you! Tofu is high in vegetable based protein (depending on the texture, 4-8gms per serving) and unlike most animal-based forms of protein, is low in fat (2-4gm/serving) and has no cholesterol. Tofu is also gluten free and most has little or no sodium per serving. For more information about tofu including recipes:
Leah McGrath: Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work: 800-334-4936
Send your local health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at cbyrd@mountainx.com, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 7
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Western Highlands Network is now recruiting for the following positions: Western Highlands Network, the Local Management
Entity for Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania, and Yancey counties is currently recruiting for several positions, including licensed clinicians. Detailed descriptions and salary information for all positions, as well as application instructions are available at www.westernhighlands.org. Western Highlands provides excellent benefits including a generous leave program, health/dental insurance, Local Government Retirement, and 401(K). WHN is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. 8 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
wellnesscalendar calEndaR FoR FEbRuaRy 29 - maRch 8, 2012
Wellness Acceptance & boundaries: the Keys to Loving Someone Difficult (pd.) Do you care deeply for someone who is hard to love? Call M. Wheeler, Counselor, 90- minute session for $50. 828-215-6653. inneR emPAtHY WeeKenD mARCH 3-5 (pd.) Learn to hold empathy and unconditioned presence for yourself no matter what! Dynamic group format supports connecting deeply to parts of yourself that hold core needs and beliefs. www.innerempathy.com Are You trying to force Yourself to Change? (pd.) Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is a structured program that addresses the Emotional Root Cause of using Food, Alcohol/Drugs, Overspending, Overworking to feel pleasure, numb out, and/or comfort and soothe ourselves. • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes self compassion, brain health and grounded joy. Call 231-2107 or empowering.solutions@yahoo.com or visit website: www.ebt.org Contact me for a fRee Health Consultation (pd.) Are you looking for support to reach your goals with weight loss, healthier eating, or just creating more balance in your life? Contact me for a FREE health consultation. I also offer free health workshops and vegetarian cooking workshops. Contact me at jenzohealthcoach.com. Crystal energy Healing (pd.) To restore balance and bring relaxing peacefulness, generating heightened awareness, personal development, transformation and a deep sense of well-being. Kim Hageman, DD, DMP, CLT. By appointment: (828) 2752755. www.acrystalsanctuary.com Reiki introduction and Healing Circle • this Sunday (pd.) March 4, 3-4:30pm. Perfect opportunity to try Reiki! After educating you about Reiki, we’ll do a Meditation followed by each person receiving a Reiki Treatment. $12. Downtown Asheville • RSVP: (828) 367-0434. www. AshevilleReiki.com the ReAL Center (pd.) Offers life-changing skills including Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Radical Honesty, and Somatic Awareness. Learn to stay centered in any situation, be flexible without being submissive, and more. $120/8-session class in Asheville with Steve Torma, 828-254-5613. http://www.theREALcenter.org Developing a Home Yoga Practice • SA (3/3), 3-6pm - A presentation on home yoga practice will be offered at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $20-$30 suggested donation. Info: www.ashevillecommunityyoga.com. Disordered eating Presentation and Dinner • TH (3/1), 5:30-8pm - “Everybody Knows Somebody: What to do When ‘Coping in My Own Way’ Includes Disordered Eating” a dinner and presentation, will be held as part of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Free, but registration required. Info: www.mahec.net/calendar. eating Disorder Workshop • FR (3/2), 9am-4:45pm - “Body Talk: Psychodrama Interventions and Disordered Eating Recovery” workshop will be held at Mountain Area Health Education Center, 121 Hendersonville Road, as part of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Info: thecenternc@gmail.com or 3374685. events at Jubilee! Located at 46 Wall St. Info: www.jubileecommunity.org or 252-5335. • TU (3/6), 7-9pm - “Movement Making: Storytelling. A Vital Celebration of Life” will be presented as part of the Wellness series. $10 donation. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration
is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 9:30am; WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 3pm - Flu vaccine. $22. Registration not required. • TH (3/1), 10:30am - A class on breast self-examination will use silicone models. • MO (3/5), 11am-12:30pm - A discussion about hip and knee pain. —- 1-2pm - Body fat analysis. • TU (3/6), 1-3:30pm - Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Testing for those concerned about exercise-induced asthma. free Health Consultations • TUESDAYS, 1-6pm - The Faith Community Nurse will be at SOS Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave. Suite C-1, to discuss health concerns, assist with resources, provide free blood pressure screenings, pray with the public or “just spend time together.” Coffee and refreshments provided. Info: 768-0199. How to Stay Young • WEDNESDAYS, 5pm - “How to Stay Young: the first 100 years” is held weekly at Fairview Chiropractic Center, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Free. Info: www.fairviewchiropracticcenter.com. Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition • FRIDAYS beginning (2/17), 1pm - Take charge of your health with this six-week workshop for people with chronic health conditions and their caregivers. Held at Edneyville Community Center, 15 Ida Rogers Road. $30 for entire series; scholarships available. Space is limited; registration required. Info and RSVP: 251-7438. modern Advances in Shoulder Surgery • TH (3/1), 6pm - This presentation by Dr. Richard Jones of Southeastern Sports Medicine will be held at The Hilton at Biltmore Park, 43 Town Square Blvd. Refreshments provided. Registration required. Free. Info: http://avl.mx/ac. Qigong • THURSDAYS, 1:45-3pm - Level one Qigong class will meet at the Lakeview Clubhouse, 401 S. Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain. $10. Info: 669-8610. Sound Healing Concert • 1st and 3rd SUNDAYS, noon-1pm - Linda Go vocalizes with Billy Zanski on gongs, chakra bowls, kora and melodic percussion at Skinny Beats Drum Shop, 4 Eagle St. Vibrational healing for all. Info: 776-3786. the Red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: www.redcrosswnc.org or 2583888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (2/29), 8am-5pm - Blood drive: Battle of the Badges Blood Drive, First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Info: 2583888. • Through WE (2/29) - Donate blood for a chance to win a $50 gift card. Held at Red Cross Headquarters, 100 Edgewood Road: Monday, 12:30-5:30pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 2-7pm; Wednesday, 7:30am-12:30pm. Info and appointments: 1-800-RED-CROSS; walk ins welcome. • WE (2/29), 8am-5pm - The Battle of the Badges campaign will ask blood donors to vote for their favorite first responder agency. Held at First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Info: 258-3888. • MO (3/5), 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: Trinity Baptist Church, 216 Shelburne Road. Info: 254-2187. • TU (3/6), 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: Chick-Fil-A, 1832 Hendersonville Road. Info: 258-3888 ext. 414. —- 711:30am - Blood drive: TSA Choice, 108 Asheville Commerce Parkway, Candler. Info: 225-3365. Weight management non-Surgical info Session • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon & 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:45-7:45pm - A non-surgical info session will be held at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: www.missionmd.org/weightmanagement or 213-4100. Yoga for Women • TUESDAYS, noon - This all-ages yoga class for women focuses on hormonal balancing and transitions, as well
wellnesscontinued as the reproductive arc. Classes held at the Asheville Yoga Center’s Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Info: www. youryoga.com or rachael@nourishinglife.com.
Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, “Twelve Tradition” program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren.org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Inner Child” study group, Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution,” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - “Living in the Solution,” The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - “Inner Child” study group, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - “Generations,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: www.wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. Newcomers welcome. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - “Daytime Serenity,” Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. —- 7pm - Al-Anon meeting at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. Newcomers welcome. —- 8pm - “Listen and Learn,” St. John’s Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. Newcomers welcome. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - “Parents of Children with Alcoholism,” West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. —- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. —- 8pm - Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. —- 5:30pm - “Family Matters,” First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. —- 8pm “Lambda,” Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. • SATURDAYS, 10am - “One Day at a Time,” First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th Avenues, Hendersonville. —- 10am - “Grace Fireside,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. —- 10am - “Saturday Serenity,” St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte Street at Macon Avenue. —- noon - “Courage to Change,” Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville.
• MONDAYS, noon - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. —- 6pm - “Attitude of Gratitude,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. —- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. A beginner’s meeting will proceed general meeting from 6:156:45pm on the 1st Monday of the month. —- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. —- 8pm - “Discovery,” Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. —- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. —- 5:30pm - “Steps to Recovery,” Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. —- 7pm - “One Day at a Time,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. —8pm - Transylvania men’s meeting, Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. brainstormers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Join this survivor-led support group for brain injury/concussion survivors and their allies. Meetings consist of sharing, listening and reflection. Held at Trinity UM Church, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 2540507 or puffer61@gmail.com. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 367-0157. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666. Connections group • Learn to strengthen relationships, improve self-awareness and build internal resilience during this 12-week course led by professional counselors. Based on the work of Brene Brown. Times to be determined. $40. Info: manifestcounseling.com or 258-5204. Debters and Underearners Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - The local chapter of Debtors Anonymous, a 12-step program, meets at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Underearners Anonymous meets at 8pm. Info: www.debtorsanonymous. org, underearnersanonymous.org or 704-299-8909. eating Disorder Support group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Meetings focus on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: www.thecenternc.org or 337-4685. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www. pardeehospital.org or 692-4600.
• WEDNESDAYS, noon-1:30pm & 5:30-7pm - Vet Center Out Station, a support group for veterans. Registration required before attending first meeting. Info: 271-2711. • TH (3/8), 5-6:30pm - National Alliance on Mental Illness adult support group. Registration not required.
food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 989-3227. grief Share • SUNDAYS, 2pm - A grief recovery support group will meet at Living Hope Community Church, 697 Haywood Road. Info: 450-7575. grief Support groups • CarePartners’ bereavement support services are available to anyone who has suffered a loss through death. Weekly grief support groups, a relaxation group, a Grief Choir, Yoga for Grievers and one-on-one counseling available. Donations accepted. Info: kcaldwell@carepartners.org or 251-0126. LgbtQiA Support group • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - The Center for New Beginnings hosts a member-led LGBTQIA Support Group, featuring “conversations in a safe place,” at , 34 Wall St. Free. Info: contact@centerfornb.org or 989-9306. marshall Alcoholics Anonymous meeting • FRIDAYS, 8pm - AA meeting at Marshall Presbyterian Church, 165 South Main St. Info: soletpj@gmail.com. memoryCaregivers network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • 1st TUESDAYS, 1-3pm - Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1141 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher. mission Weight management Surgical Support group • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm; 4th FRIDAYS, 1011:30am - Weight Management Surgical Support Group will meet at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: www.missionmd.org/weightmanagement or 828-213-4100. nAmi Connection Support groups • WEEKLY - The National Alliance on Mental Illness Connection Groups support recovery for people living with mental illness. Meetings are held 1st Saturdays at 10am, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 11am and 3rd Tuesdays at 6pm. All groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave. Info: www.namiwnc. org. nAmi family/Caregiver Support groups • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - The National Alliance on Mental Illness Family/Caregiver Groups support the loved ones of those living with mental illness. Meetings held at 356 Biltmore Ave. Inifo: www.namiwnc.org. Overcomers Classes
• TUESDAYS - Overcomers support group, for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems, will be offered in Mars Hill. Call for location and time. 689-9316. Overcomers Recovery Support group A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with lifecontrolling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@sos.spc-asheville.org or 575-2003. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men and women. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: O.A. Step Study group, Cox House, 723 N. Grove St. Info: 329-1637. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St., Black Mountain. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800-5804761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. Sexaholics Anonymous • DAILY - A 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Daily Asheville meetings. Call confidential voicemail 237-1332 or e-mail saasheville@gmail.com. Info: www.orgsites.com/nc/ saasheville. the Compassionate friends • 1st MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm - The local chapter of an international support group for parents grieving the loss of a child will meet at Arden Presbyterian Church, 2215 Hendersonville Road. Info: 693-4061. WnC Cesarean Community • 1st MONDAYS - A safe forum for women and families to share their Cesarean birth stories and support others in the community with similar experiences. Meets from 10am-noon at 4th Trimester Family Center, 65 Hill St., and from 6-8pm at Spa Materna, 640 Merrimon Ave. Info: laurenhickman@ live.com.
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Happy reviewers: Leo, Radix and Olive Faruq do a little pizza testing at Circle in the Square on Biltmore Avenue. Photo by Bill Rhodes
by radiX faruq Xpress received this email back in November from Radix Faruq, an aspiring food reviewer: “Hey, my kids and I consider ourselves to be pizza connoisseurs of sorts, and since there are now a plethora of slice options here in town, we thought it would be fun and informative to do a slice survey. I’ve noted eight places that serve pizza by the slice, and we’d review based on the dough, sauce, size, speed, atmosphere and price.” We were too charmed to pass on the offer. Here are the results: My 9-year-old son, Leo, 7-year-old daughter Olive and I may not possess the most sophisticated culinary palates on the planet. But when it comes to a quality slice of pizza pie, we definitely know what makes our personal cut. So, from the dough, sauce and cheese to the size and oily fold of the slice, we took our pizza prowess around town. And, without silverware (an unwanted and unnecessary tool of the true
0 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
master of the slice), we hit eight pizza joints. Here is our story: We began this saucy affair at favilla’s (1093 Patton Ave., West Asheville), where we were met with a familiar New York greeting: “How are ya?” Favilla’s is a small, family-run pizza joint where Frank Sinatra and ‘50s Doo-wop plays over the Hobarts while customers eat big, thin, distinct and foldable New York-style slices. Favilla’s has a small dine-in counter, and could easily fit in on a Brooklyn street. Our second slice run took us to the new-ish downtown location of circle on the square (12 Biltmore Ave.), where we were greeted kindly at the bar before we took our seats in the spacious dining area. Within minutes, we were served three huge, hot and greasy-in-a-good-way slices that had a great, bakery-quality, golden-brown crust. frank’s roman Pizza (90 S. Tunnel Road, South Asheville) was the next stop on our carb-collection trip.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
Established in 1977, Frank’s has many endearing qualities: walls lined with kid’s crayon classroom drawings, comfortable booths and video games. The staff is friendly and diverse, the slices chewy and cheesy with a deep flavor to the sauce. Stop No. 4 was standard Pizza (631 Haywood Road, West Asheville). This joint has a funky and eclectic dining area, and also an outside patio. They offer up a crispy and consistent slice of goodness which has definitely met our standards. We then ventured down the block to digable Pizza (794 Haywood Road, West Asheville), which has a very nice, cozy dining area. The organic, French-crust dough and seemingly cheddar-like cheese slice was good, but perhaps a bit too healthy for our greasy-pizza tastes.
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Then, we visited a local institution, asheville brewing company (77 Coxe Ave., 675 Merrimon Ave.). We enjoyed some quality slices that had a nice cheese blend and a hint of sea-
The eighth and final pizza joint we visited was the quaint and homey blue mountain Pizza (55 North Main St., Weaverville). The slices are big and extra cheesy, and the environment is warm and welcoming. A small stage graces the room, and behind the counter a sign reads, “Friends gather here,� which is indicative of the vibe. The kids were given a big complimentary chocolate-chip cookie, and a full and satisfied belly was the end result. Without a doubt, Asheville has an excellent variety of eateries, and pizzerias should be marked boldly on the list. We had great fun during our slice expedition and also wanted to apologize for not hitting other great spots such as barley’s taproom and Pizzeria, mellow mushroom, eddie spaghetti, Nona mia, marco’s Pizzeria and the other pizza possibilities that fall within our local belt buckles. Next time, we hope! Want to take a shot at your own review? We welcome submissions, and just may print yours! Send your food news, tips and reviews to food@mountainx.com.
Th e in Ha th pp e ie Un s iv t P er la se ce
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Woodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza and Hoagies (84 Mineral Springs Road, South Asheville) was destination No. 5. My son remarked that there was a â&#x20AC;&#x153;state fairâ&#x20AC;?-like scent to the restaurant, probably due to their (not at all bad-smelling) deep fryer. Woodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is sporty, with two large televisions set to ESPN, old photos of Yankee Stadium, trophies and other sports memorabilia. They may not serve the biggest and baddest slice, but at $1.59, it more than satisfies. Behind the register a sign reads, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Only sissies eat store-bought frozen pizza.â&#x20AC;?
soning at the Coxe Avenue location. In addition to good pizza, ABC also makes great beer and has an outside area for gatherings and games. The Merrimon location, the original Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company, has a movie theater, fun game room and is a great place for parties and such.
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165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 | www.plantisfood.com Piece of cake: Karen Donatelli standing in the brightly lit kitchen of her new Haywood Street bakery. Photo by Max Cooper
donatelli cake designs opens downtown spring/summer 2012
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Once every minute or so, a camera fixed on the interior of Donatelli Cake Designs, an under-construction pastry shop at 57 Haywood Street, clicks as it takes a photo. Eventually, the images will be compressed into a time-lapse film, a documentation of one woman’s efforts to turn her dream into reality. In March, Karen Donatelli (with husband Vincent) will open a bakery devoted to the desserts, European-style pastries and special occasion cakes that she’s been refining since the age of 15. Donatelli’s Cake Designs will fill two floors, with a small café area at the upper entrance. The 30-seat retail and dining area will feature a service counter and espresso machine — but the centerpiece will be the baked goods. “We’re not trying to be Starbucks,” Karen says. “It will be very simple. We want [the coffee] to complement our pastries.” Both Karen and Vincent live and breathe baking. Vincent is a baking and pastry arts instructor at A-B Tech. Both were educated in the art of pastry at New York’s Culinary Institute of America — they were enrolled there at the same time, Karen says, but didn’t meet until she apprenticed at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach (Vincent, having already graduated, was working as a baker there). The two eventually married and had three children, all now grown. “It’s a sweet, sweet story,” Karen says. But having three children meant that Karen had to put her career on hold, she says. She worked as an Asheville real estate agent for a number of years, being creative with baking in her spare time. Now, with the kids older, Karen has time to throw herself into her craft again. The Donatellis’ new pastry kitchen on Haywood is light and airy, with afternoon sunlight flooding through ceiling-high windows. “I always inquired
about this location. I used to sit and think about all of the things that I would do. Finally, they said there was an investor that wanted to purchase the building so we could lease it,” Karen says. In that upstairs kitchen, Karen will make her European-style pastries, tarts, eclairs and croissants. “We’re Italian, so we love anything with Nutella, hazelnut, that kind of thing,” she says. “We’ll have a very artistic case here,” she says, pulling back a drop-cloth protecting the pastry case from airborne dust and paint. “When you look at them they’re going to be beautiful, but when you taste them, it’s just going to be, ‘Wow.’” Downstairs, where Scully’s bar and grill used to be several years ago, the bar has been ripped out, soft spots in the floors repaired and walls whitewashed. The space will feature a production kitchen that will specialize in catering, breads and ready-made (yet unique) desserts. The area will service “hotels, restaurants, anyone that needs a pastry chef on-call,” says Karen. “A lot of restaurants can’t afford a pastry chef, but they still desire to give their customers a beautiful dessert, with a beautiful presentation.” As part of the service that Donatelli Cake Designs will offer, Karen will go to restaurants, listen to the chef’s needs and design a dessert menu, specific to that restaurant. “I can train them to do dessert presentations, they can give me ideas and I can come up with desserts for them,” she says. She also imagines producing cake kits for chefs with separate dessert components — say a chocolate “Happy Birthday” decoration, some macerated fruit, ganache and pastry — that a chef can assemble quickly. “And I’ll train them how to do it,” Karen says. The Donatellis expect to be in business in early March. “I just can’t wait to get in here and start baking,” Karen says. “It’s going to be a very nice kitchen. It’s like a dream come true for me.” X
rib tickling: Chai Pani is expanding, says owner Meherwan Irani. The new, as-of-yet-unnamed cocktail lounge will feature small plates with a street-food bent, like these glazed ribs. Photo by Mackensy Lunsford
chai Pani moves into the late-night lounge business Chai Pani is expanding, says owner Meherwan Irani. But don’t worry, the Indian street-food restaurant that’s made a big splash (appearing in the New York Times and GQ Magazine, among others) isn’t going anywhere. The restaurant’s owners are also taking over the floor below them (the two levels are connected by a back stairwell), turning it into a cozy late-night lounge and cocktail bar with sophisticated-but-accessible small plates coming out of an additional, brand-new kitchen. The entrance to the lower floor will be located at 19 Wall St., directly across from The Market Place. Chai Pani has recently added a dinner menu to its service, and opening the new venue (which is still unnamed) allows the restaurant to keep moving in an ever-more sophisticated and diverse direction. “This isn’t going to be just Indian street food — it will also be Southeast Asian street food, a lot of Vietnamese influence, a lot of Thai influence,” Irani says. “It’s definitely not going to be Chai Pani 2.0.” Irani says that the lounge will also offer desserts, like cardamom-custard filled doughnut holes that will be served in paper cups, for a fun street-food vibe. The new venture will feature local, craft beer on tap, along with “amazing signature cocktails that are really affordable, and a great selection of affordable wines from the Americas by the glass. We’re going to create a really neat, cozy, comfortable ambiance and make the food the draw. We’re going to try to create a vibe that I haven’t seen in Asheville much,” says Irani. “Not over-the-top sophisticated, just comfortable. Not a bar — a lounge with food.” Irani expects to be open in late spring or early summer. “Wait until you see it,” he says. “We’re going to make it everything that we wanted upstairs to be, but couldn’t afford.” X
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makin’ tempeh: Arianna Baum-Hommes, Sarah Yancey and Owen Spangler of Smiling Hara Tempeh. Photo by Alexis Culver
smiling Hara tempeh goes big with its cultured beans Locally made Smiling Hara Tempeh has been approved for distribution in all of the nearly two dozen Whole Foods grocery stores in the Southeast. “We’re really excited. It’s kind of mind-blowing,” says Sarah Yancey, who owns the cultured-bean product business with her husband, Chad Oliphant. “It kind of fell in our laps, honestly,” Yancey says. After the couple applied for a Whole Foods local-producer loan program, they received a call from the vice president of purchasing, who offered to meet with them. “We sat down and that was the first thing that he mentioned — that he was interested in getting the product in the store first and foremost, and then we would talk about a loan,” Yancey says. The deal will enable the couple to double production, from about 700 pounds a week to 1,400. “It’s going to be major,” Yancey says. “It’s going to give all of our employees full-time jobs, which is what they’ve wanted from the beginning, and we’ve lost a lot of people due to the fact that we couldn’t provide a full-time job.” All of the production and packaging will still take place at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, an 11,000-square-foot shared-use kitchen incubator and naturalproducts manufacturing facility. “We’ve learned how to make a lot of tempeh in a short amount of time and with minimal space. The only challenging part, at this point, is freezer space,” Yancey says. That freezer space is important because Smiling Hara’s tempeh is unpasteurized and frozen immediately after incubation. “It’s important that people know to look for us in the freezer section,” she says. According to Yancey, there’s much to learn about her product. “There’s a huge educational component to our business. Even people that know about tempeh don’t realize that there’s a huge difference between ours, which is unpasteurized — with all of the benefits that come along with that — and mainstream, pasteurized tempeh.” Describing tempeh in a way that makes it sound appetizing to customers unfamiliar with the fermented-bean product can be challenging, Yancey says. “When I’m talking about it, I have it cooked and ready to put it in their mouth, which usually seals the deal. But, I describe it as a ‘cultured bean,’ if they just want a simple explanation.”
6 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
Beyond a distribution deal, Yancey says Whole Foods is providing financial support. “To further aid us in this expansion, they’ve just granted us a $10,000 loan, all for the purpose of being able to afford to double our production before we even get paid by them,” Yancey says. She adds that she was one of the people wary of Whole Foods and its motives when the natural-foods store took over Greenlife. “So many things changed [during that transition]. But I’ve been spreading the good word as much as possible, encouraging small-business owners to apply for a loan through Whole Foods and get in touch with the big guys who make decisions, because I now get that they’re really out to support local,” Yancey says. Yancey and Oliphant’s tempeh will be available in Southeast Whole Foods stores this spring. To learn more, visit smilingharatempeh.com or wholefoodsmarket.com. X
daily bread: The Old World Bakery, now open on Merrimon Avenue, offers plenty of croissants, breads and other pastries. Photo by Max Cooper
old World bakery opens on merrimon The Old World Bakery, previously located in Fletcher, is now open at Merrimon Square. The bakery has taken over the unit that once housed Crème Patisserie. Baker Jacques Delaunay, who owns the spot with his wife, Miriam, bakes in a true old-world style, having picked up the craft at the age of 15 in France, where he grew up in the countryside between Normandy and Paris. “When I was 17, I graduated and went to Paris to work as a baker,” he says. After France, he baked in the Los Angeles area, before finally settling in WNC. Delaunay makes all of his breads in an artisanal, all-natural style, from sourdough to baguettes to kalamata loaves. Everything is made from scratch, he says, including the pastry creams he uses in his cakes and other confections. He counts among his specialties scratch-made croissants, including chocolate and almond-and-cheese varieties, danishes, cinnamon rolls and brioche. Old World Bakery serves coffee throughout the day and also offers a light lunch, with items including quiche Lorraine and croque monsieur. The bakery is located at 640 Merrimon Ave. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 254-4218. X
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 7
eatininseason get local gets cHeesy
tHis moNtH, cHefs celebrate area cHeesemakers — aNd tHeir goats, coWs & sHeeP
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The cheese plate is a must when entertaining, a party show-stopper. Some say a perfect platter can only be obtained by adhering to strict standards. Tips include arranging from the mildest flavor to the strongest, choosing a variety of textures and serving at least one familiar cheese. But for Michel Baudouin — who serves an all-local cheese plate at his Asheville restaurant, Bouchon (62 N. Lexington Ave. ashevillebouchon.com) — there are really only two guidelines: “Enjoy with a glass of good wine and nice, locally made, crunchy bread.” “The reason cheese and wine is a popular combination is very simple,” Baudouin says. “It’s a natural chemistry balance that happens in your mouth. Fat likes acidity and acidity likes fat. Cheese is a fat, and wine has acidity — it’s a party!” While he acknowledges that some cheeses do mix better with certain wines and with each other on a platter, he still doesn’t suggest heading to a rulebook for pairing or grouping. “Do your own matching; discover your favorites.” At Bouchon, chef Baudouin opts for a trio that includes a soft goat cheese, a cow’s milk brie and a seasonal selection from Three Graces Dairy in Marshall. Three Graces cheesemakers produce a wide selection of fresh chevre — their spring-ramp chevre is a favorite of tailgate-market shoppers — along with a variety
marcH meaNs cHeese Find local cheeses on the menus of Appalachian Grown restaurants throughout WNC this month in honor of ASAP’s Get Local initiative. In particular, head to Bouchon on Thursday nights (beginning at 5 p.m.) for a special cheese plate. When ordered those days, the restaurant will donate a portion of plate proceeds to ASAP. You can also find local cheese at area groceries and at special winter tailgate markets. Find Spinning Spider Creamery Saturdays at the new market at the Woodfin YMCA. Also find them alternating weeks with Three Graces Dairy at Asheville City Market South in Biltmore Park Town Square.
8 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
say cheese: Andy Perkins, the owner of Looking Glass Creamery and Will Goldberg, an employee, making cheese. Photo courtesy of Looking Glass Creamery
of aged cheeses, from gouda to manchego. Why local cheese? “It’s here, it’s good, and it supports our local economy,” says Baudouin. To further show his support of area farmers and local food, Baudouin will donate a portion of proceeds from cheese-plate sales each Thursday in March to ASAP. Chefs of fellow Asheville Appalachian Grown-partner restaurants (ASAP’s branding-and-certification program) feel the same way, choosing local cheese whenever possible. In fact, The Market Place has also gone local when it comes to its cheese-plate choices. Chef and owner William Dissen keeps his plate fresh by changing cheeses weekly, even daily. The regular cast of characters comes from Three Graces, along with Spinning Spider Creamery in Marshall, Looking Glass Creamery in Fairview, Locust Grove in Knoxville and Sweet Grass Dairy in Georgia. Posana Cafe’s menu also features localcheese selections. The downtown Asheville restaurant serves a local-kale salad with Three Graces Dairy’s manchego or citrus-roasted beets with fresh chevre from Looking Glass Creamery. Appalachian Grown restaurant menus won’t serve all of their local cheese naked this March. The cheese plate at Bouchon features honey from Haw Creek Honey and local apples in a spiced chutney that goes perfectly with cheeses of the goat, cow or sheep variety. (Recipe at right). Find a complete list of local-cheese producers and restaurants featuring their products, and learn more about the farmers mentioned here, in ASAP’s Local Food Guide, online at buyappalachian.org. Learn more about Get Local (including next month’s featured food) at asapconnections.org.
still tHiNkiNg trout? Although February is officially trout month in our Get Local program, you can enjoy local trout at area restaurants and find it on the shelves of area grocery stores and co-ops yearround. If you’re a true trout lover, and live or work near Transylvania County, consider trying a CSA from Wayback Farms in the Balsam Grove community. The trout farm offers a unique farm share. Members can choose weekly from all of their production options, which (in addition to trout) includes honey, eggs, fresh herbs and more. Late winter/early spring is the perfect time to sign up for a CSA farm-share subscription. Stay tuned to this column next month for more information on CSAs and ASAP’s second annual CSA Fair, to be held from 3 to 6 p.m. March 29 at the Grove Arcade in Asheville. For information about Wayback Farms and other area trout producers, as well as restaurants continuing to feature the fish on their menus, browse ASAP’s Local Food Guide online at buyappalachian.org. X
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mais oui! Bouchon’s cheese plate includes a soft goat cheese, a cow’s milk brie and a seasonal selection from Three Graces Dairy in Marshall, served with the chutney in this recipe. Photo courtesy of Bouchon
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bouchon’s chutney recipe (to serve with local cheese)
ingredients: 12 local baking apples, peeled, cored and diced, ½ cup golden raisins, ¼ cup dried cranberries, ¼ cup dried apricots, diced, ¼ cup prunes, diced, ½ cup apple-cider vinegar, ½ cup brown sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, ½ oz cinnamon powder, 2 bay leaves, 4 whole cloves.
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method: Heat vinegar, sugar, cinnamon sticks, cloves and bay leaves in a medium-sized pot. Add the peeled, cored and diced apples, raisins, cranberries, apricots and prunes. Let simmer until the apples are soft. Add cinnamon powder to taste and enjoy.
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 9
street art gets smart turNiNg Public sPace iNto a story by kyle sHerard & racHael iNcH PHotos by yeager st. JoHN Asheville murals have as many purposes and placements as they do colors and subjects. They serve as advertisements and art, historical documents and decorations for dozens of buildings across our city. It seems like a new mural goes up every few weeks, and we can expect many more to come. Gabriel Shaffer has been working on a mural inside the Asheville Art Museum. Molly Must is planning a piece for Triangle Park on Market Street. Ian Wilkinson has several projects going with the Asheville City Schools. And Wilson Alley, next to Eagle Street, is getting a mural by Molly Rose Freeman. The artists have motives that differ and sometimes compete with one another. Some make political comments, others aim to preserve and document history and a few artists just hate blank walls. Some work alone, some act as muralist collectives in our city and elsewhere. On the other side of the wall, business and building owners commission works to serve a variety of needs. Murals can be ads, they can beautify and tell a story of what businesses do, or what others have done with their building walls. We chose a few of the painters and businesses that show the diversity of Asheville’s mural scene — one that continues to grow.
0 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
tHis steNcil is Here to stay Sometimes property owners don’t choose what covers their walls — graffiti coats surfaces in every part of town. Most of it is an expensive burden. But every once in a while, works stay up, by choice or because of the cost of removal — such as the above stencil on Asheville Community Theater’s storage facility. Susan Harper, ACT’s managing director, called the piece “a little jewel.” ACT spends thousands of dollars each year to remove graffiti, but they’re keeping this one. They don’t know who did it, but someone took enough time to make it and carefully place the work — so they call it “street art.” — K.S.
Beyond Basics with Jacci Lea Slow deliberate yoga for when you’re ready to take the next step out of a beginner’s class.
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“Where Beauty Comes Naturally” sims futoN gallery (doWNtoWN)
At one point, the Sims family had 12 dogs, several horses and a donkey living on their property just outside of Asheville.
“Believe it or not, Asheville was probably more eccentric 20 years ago than it is today,” says Richard Sims of Sims Futon Gallery. The store’s downtown location has helped foster many strange and wonderful relationships during the past 17 years, Sims says. In the mid‘90s, artist Scott Herring (now a professor at UC Berkley in California) came into Sims’ store proposing to paint a mural on the side of the building.
“We definitely wanted to get all of our critters up there,” Sims says. Standing outside looking at the mural one foggy January afternoon, Sims kept one eye on a conversation between city police officer, a homeless man and the homeless man’s dog. Assured that all was well with the man and his best friend, Sims began to describe the first scene, “Dog Days.”
Herring’s enthusiasm and sense of humor (along with his budget proposal) convinced Sims. “He was quite the character,” says Sims. “At one point he had named half the pigeons downtown.”
In this first panel, several of Sims’ dogs burst from the flattened space behind them, careening after a witty hare into the lower-right corner of the scene. Donning a checkerboard coat, the hare declares, “Better checks than hounds-tooth.”Happy with the first panel, Sims invited Herring to work his way across the wall. Throughout 1995, Herring returned with fresh ideas.
Inspired by the Sims’ love of animals, Herring created a boisterous, vintage comic book-inspired mural.
The next panel takes cues from the gadgetry of American cartoonist Rube Goldberg. Against a vibrat-
“He was intrigued by the empty wall,” Sims says. “It was a blank canvas for him.”
ing background of shimmering color, a sinuous man clambers up a Seussville-type outcropping. This is no stock character; this is Lawrence, a former employee and avid rock climber. As Lawrence climbs, the sun above beams down on his bald head. A chain-reaction is set in motion. Lacrosse balls are lobbed by the Sims’ nephew, Jared, balloons stir and clams and termites awaken, prompting a cat, eager for the taste of tuna, to trigger a bucket of green goo to dump over Lawrence’s head. The third tells the story of a homeless woman named Mary and her devotion to her dog named Dog. One cold night, not wanting to leave Dog unattended, Mary chose not to enter a shelter. That night Mary died with Dog by her side, Dog was later adopted. Sims and Herring chose to honor Mary’s life, her boyfriend and her dedication to Dog in the third panel of the mural where Dog plays a washtub basin that’s printed with the words “T. Lee loves Mary.” — R.I. Sims Futon Gallery is at 109 Patton Ave. in downtown Asheville.
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
dustiN sPagNola “They’re not murals,” Dustin Spagnola says. Spagnola’s pieces have been popping up on buildings all over town, but he calls them “large-scale public works,” a “middle ground between graffiti and corporate advertising.” They often tackle a single topic or portray one person within a tight range of color, usually black and white. The Lexington Avenue Gateway is the type of mural you stop and look at for a while. Spagnola’s work is the kind that burns into your brain in seconds
(hence the advertising aspect). The graffiti reference is thinly attached to the stock revolutionary figures he has put up in the past two years. His imagery is visually similar to Shepard Fairey-style wheat pastes and simplified graffiti forms, but otherwise, it could be called minimalism. And minimalism is effective in getting a point across. While hanging his work in 2010 at the DeSoto Lounge, Spagnola asked about the patio wall out back. After getting the go-ahead, he painted his first pseudo-mural, a portrait of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
Zapata. From there he began painting around town. The Prospect invited him to paint a mural (this one, which features Marilyn Monroe, definitely is a mural) on the side of its wall. Spagnola combined a few film stills from 1961’s The Misfits. He’s painted an image of Crazy Horse on Lexington Avenue, Bob Moog on Haywood Road and, more recently, the Bush and Obama mask painting, on the side of Forever Tattoo downtown. That painting, an image of President Bush holding a President Obama mask, is now on its third life cycle. It lasted for 24 hours at the Arcade,
then a few weeks on Forever Tattoo. Back in December, during Art Basel, Spagnola traveled to Miami, where he painted the image on a 22-foot wall with an American flag background. Spagnola’s met some harsh criticism for the work’s simplicity, content and method (he paints using projected, borrowed images). The work is often temporary, and when one gets painted over, he considers it part of the process. He keeps it simple: “It’s not always about the talent; this work is about using a space to flex an idea.” — K.S.
iaN WilkiNsoN Asheville has experienced a surge of murals in the past six years, but can it handle more of them at this rate? When I asked Ian Wilkinson how much of Asheville’s mural space was full, suggesting we were at 5- or 10percent capacity, he laughed. “More like 0.004 percent. Everything can be painted.” Wilkinson is the fourth program director for the Asheville Mural
Project (he took over from Molly Must in 2010). He moved from Sante Fe a little more than two years ago. Within a few months he met Must and began volunteering with AMP. In Sante Fe, during three-and-a-half years, Wilkinson worked on five murals. “Building owners were more concerned with keeping their adobe walls clean,” he said. In Asheville? Within two years, he has completed more than 25. The relationship between murals and
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the community is growing stronger. Wilkinson recognizes the Lexington Bridge mural as a jumping-off point for the entire program — concrete proof of what the program can do. Most of the funding for AMP’s work comes through grants and other public sources. And despite the economy, there are still some private commissions. Community support gives muralists like Wilkinson momentum: If the community is there for him, he should
be there for the community. “That’s what will sustain the art,” he says. So most of the murals AMP works on incorporate the buildings they are on or in. Murals de-institutionalize and bring life to vacant walls, he says. “The outside needs to reflect the inside,” Wilkinson says. “Studios, businesses, neighborhoods and especially schools have so much more going on inside the walls. The public should know what’s going on.” — K.S.
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
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ChiCken Alley (downtown)
Alley a smaller and more focused story about the alley and the north end of Lexington Avenue.
Murals are a form of public storytelling for Molly Must, on a grand scale. “In the beginning it was all about the opportunity to do something big,” she says of the Lexington Avenue Gateway Mural beneath the I-240 overpass. She spearheaded the project (including, at the tender age of 19, negotiating with the N.C. Department of Transportation) while serving as Asheville Mural Project’s third program director. The grand scale allows for a grand story, one that tells of past and present culture. So she considers her mural in Chicken
Must received a Regional Artists Project Grant through the Asheville Area Arts Council in 2010, and immediately began searching for mural space in Chicken Alley. It didn’t take long for building owner Chris McGrayne to agree. Must began compiling a historical picture of the neighborhood, digging through old phone books and reaching out to former business and building owners and their descendants. She learned about a honeybee colony, a chicken house and a public freezer service used
by residents to store the carcasses of hunted game. Must designed the mural with images from her research: chickens, honey jars and a snake named Boy. Then, last fall, vandals hit the mural with a tag. It wasn’t just a little tag: it was 6-feet wide and 4-feet tall. Despite the alley’s level of graffiti coverage, Must didn’t put on a protective varnish. That’s changed. It took hours over the course of several days to remove the tag, which is still slightly visible up close. “I wanted to trust people,” Must says. “Now I realize that there are a lot of taggers out there who really can’t find any meaning in craft.” — K.S.
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44 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
Cotton Mill StudioS (RiveR ARtS diStRiCt) Arson destroyed most of the Asheville Cotton Mill in 1995, but artists have brought it back to life. Eileen and Marty Black bought the building in 2002 and converted what was left of it into the Cotton Mill Studios, a studio space for their pottery and 10 other artists. The couple has long considered the River Arts District’s identity both a strength and weakness. Residents, artists and owners in the neighborhood have a close social connection. It’s a tight-knit community. But the buildings aren’t all connected, so they’re not easy for the public to navigate. There’s no significant signage, and no real gateway to the area that says “There’s art down here!” “People need to know they’ve arrived,” Eileen says. So Eileen and Marty had the River Arts District’s logo, a simple circular gear, painted on the building’s wall facing the I-240 bridge. Their newest addition is a trompe l’oeil mural by Ian Wilkinson that they hope will spur more murals in the district. They wanted a painting that would mesh with the building’s broken and fire-scarred look. Wilkinson mended and plastered over damaged areas, which also made for a level surface. Trompe l’oeil paintings trick viewers into seeing dimension in a space that doesn’t exist. Wilkinson “sank” an Atlas figure into the false space that seems to have been revealed because of fallen bricks. He even painted fake bricks. He situated the painting so it had the most realistic view when standing or sitting in a car — drivers usually stop and look, then eventually get out and take photos. Says Eileen: “We wanted something to reflect the artwork going on inside of our building.” — K.S. Cotton Mill Studios is at 122 Riverside Drive.
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 45
February 8 at The Barley’s Taproom... OPENING NIGHT 6:30 February 29, 6:30 at Pack’s Tavern March 6 at Brixx Pizza, 6:30 March 13, 6:30 at Jack of the Wood March 27, 6:30 at Thirsty Monk April 10, 6:30 at Universal Joint April 17, 6:30 at Mellow Mushroom April 25, 6:30 at The Bywater May 10 at The Wedge Brewery... SEMI-FINAL ROUND 6:30 May 24, 6:30 at Asheville Brewing on Coxe Ave... FINAL ROUND For more info, find us on FACEBOOK! To be eligible one must be 21 years of age and NOT a principal owner (or head brewer) of a brewery, brew pub, sponsoring restaurant, beer distributor, beer importer, retail beer outlet, or homebrew supply shop.
HuNter baNks (moNtford) Hunter Banks Company has been at its Montford Avenue location since the mid-’90s, perched beside I-240. But until June of last year, you might not have noticed the fly-fishing outfitters. Suddenly, a crew was mounting 60 feet of fish and water over the building’s entire south face. The store needed a new look, says building and business owner Frank Smith. Plus, he was spending hundreds of dollars every few weeks to remove or paint over graffiti tags. (The city has an ordinance that graffiti must be removed within 48 hours, or property
6 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
owners get fined.) Smith says it was a “no-brainer.” A mural would ornament his building (and guard against graffiti) and double as the largest advertisement he’ll buy for some time to come. Smith put out a word-of-mouth proposal. There were no formal announcements, fliers or calls to artists. With the “I know somebody who knows somebody” network of Asheville, he figured something would turn up. And he was right. Asheville artists Jeremy Russell and Scott Allred approached him with sketches. A rainbow trout in a stream scene solidified the store’s identity. It also clued in Asheville residents and tourists alike to the fact that it’s a flyfishing store, not a bank.
The artists used a marouflage method to paint and install the mural, hence its “overnight” appearance. Marouflage is a thousands-of-yearsold painting technique that has recently found its way into the ranks of murals, through Los Angeles artist Kent Twitchell. Artists can paint on canvas material in the studio, then adhere it to a building. Once it’s up, artists can use a multitude of sun-blockers and weatherproof protective coatings that can make the mural last decades. — K.S. Hunter Banks is at 29 Montford Ave. Photo by Max Cooper.
forever tattoo (doWNtoWN) New work pops up frequently on the Hiawassee Street side of Forever Tattoo. The man behind this speedy street-art curation is Forever Tattoo owner and artist Rob Hunt. The idea of showcasing local talent has been an interest of Huntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for quite some time. Hunt helped secure the wall in the old mill area next to the Hatchery in the River Arts District as a legal domain for graffiti artists. Last year, the old mill wall was off-limits again, and Huntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wall began to play a more prominent role in showcasing Ashevilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s street art talent.
Sometimes artists approach Hunt with sketches and mockups, but typically Hunt asks a friend to come down to the shop and paint something. Like most Asheville artists, Hunt is acquainted with the creative minds in town, including many anonymous street and graffiti artists. Some whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made it to the wall: Allen Hampton, Dustin Spagnola and Peter Parpan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pretty fluid operation,â&#x20AC;? says Hunt of his curatorial practice. If someone wants to paint the wall, though, it has to be quick, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If something takes a week or so to put up, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hardly worth the time, if the piece is going to be recycled in a month.â&#x20AC;? Hunt notes that these works arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t murals: â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Street artâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is the term.â&#x20AC;? This
definition is partly due to the artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; graffiti-art style and mostly to do with the worksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; impermanence. Occasionally people are distressed when a piece disappears. But thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how street art works. â&#x20AC;&#x153;How long the piece is up is relative to how good the piece is,â&#x20AC;? says Hunt. Hunt admits that he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily like all the works that make it onto the side of his building. But he puts his artistic preferences aside, and gives local street artists a legal space to exercise their artistry. It may be mediocre, it may be outstanding, but it wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be boring. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; R.I. Forever Tattoo is at 98 N. Lexington Ave. Photo by Max Cooper
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mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 7
odyssey ceNter (river arts district) Brian and Gail McCarthy built a wall for a mural at the Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts in 2007. Flash forward three years and add the combined forces of ceramicist Kathy Triplett and studio resident Alex Irvine and you have Asheville’s first ceramic mural. Triplett and Irvine started working on the mural in late fall of 2010. A WPA-style coffee-drinking “everyman artist” is knee-deep in the French Broad River, surrounded by cranks, gears and mechanical bits and pieces. Tracks cement the railroad’s presence; ventilation systems from a warehouse down the street have taken on a figurative
8 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
role. Odyssey’s mural documents the McCarthy’s own story, just as much as it shows the story of the River Arts District. It traces the impact of the railroad, the river and the industrial fallout that gave way to artists. The family and the neighborhood played a big role in this project. Brian, Gail, their children and grandchildren helped make the tiles to fill in the background. There’s an Irish coin sunk into the wall that Brian’s father gave Gail with the order to “do something important with it.” Paw prints from family pets and a small heart made by ceramicist Heinz Kossler can be found scattered throughout (an appropriate addition as Kossler, a longtime RAD artist, is leaving Asheville for good this spring).
The McCarthy family moved here in the in the late 1970s and built their way up from nothing. They spent the first few nights in a tent before establishing themselves in the Highwater Clay Studios in Biltmore Village. In the mid-’80s, they purchased a dome clay mixer that lead them to start Highwater Clays (followed by the Odyssey Center in 1994). The mural now takes the place of the garage door for Highwater’s former loading dock. “Kathy and Alex worked on this mural almost every day for a year. When they began installing the work, they did the border first,” Brian says. “There was a huge sigh of relief when the last piece of the border fit so perfectly,” Brian says. — K.S. Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts is at 236 Clingman Ave.
futoN desigNs (doWNtoWN) Ben Dor-El, owner of Futon Designs, has been handcrafting custom furniture and battling graffiti for 29 years. For the past few decades, the store’s Walnut Street façade has been a hot spot for tags and stencils. For the most part, this graffiti took the generic, color scribble format of much tagging. Some may remember a less banal, Banksy-esque piece — a sharp, graphic black-and-white work of a woman wielding a shovel. At the end of her shovel, hovering above a black hole was a small, rotund figure hovering over the abyss below (a sinister burial or an odd discovery?). Witty or not, Dor-El had enough and that piece, along with the tags, had to go. “It’s visually painful,” says Dor-El. “Every couple of months I would whitewash the side of the building. It’s kind of a game.” An expensive game that’s cost him a lot of money over the years. Dor-El started talking about his ideas with local artist Jason Brown. Dor-El is a big fan of the psychological thriller Vanilla Sky and his mural was inspired by the opening scenes of the film (when a New York City resident finds the city empty). “It’s spooky,” he says. “It’s like you’re dreaming.”
Brown interpreted Dor-El’s passion for this existential scene and created a mockup for an equally disorienting landscape. Dor-El loved it and work began last summer. Dor-El’s allusion to the film might not register for most who pass by the mural. Instead, it’s the work’s trompe l’oeil style that proves to be the most striking feature. Brown’s website depicts before-and-after pictures of the mural, along with the assertion that it was created “without the use of any rulers, projectors, straight edges or measurements of any kind.” This is quite the feat, considering the accuracy and precision of Brown’s desolate perspective piece. To maintain the integrity of the work and to bookend Dor-El’s battle with graffiti, the mural has been coated with a single-component Siloxane. This clear-coating is UV resistant and requires only a simple solvent wipe or a pressure washer to remove stray markings. This is not a mural that astonishes, but it does surprise. Try walking up the street looking straight at the work as you move forward — it’s definitely a disorienting sensation. — R.I. Futon Designs is at 39 Broadway St. in downtown Asheville.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 9
arts X music
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The way that Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Christopher Paul Stelling tells it, Asheville is really where his career began. He worked at Greenlife, lived near Asheville Pizza Company and eventually traded in all of his musical equipment for a nylon-stringed Gibson classical guitar. He credits losing a job in 2008 with propelling him toward his destiny, “because I really wasn’t doing anything. I was hanging out,” he says. “I knew I wanted to play music, but I was doing anything I could possibly do, except for trying to play music.” Before Asheville, Stelling traveled to Boulder, Boston and Seattle. He grew up in Florida, where he recalls finding old receipts from the Biltmore Estate in a piece of antique furniture. A great-great relative had done business with the Biltmore Dairy at one point, and that connected Stelling to Asheville. So did local artist Dustin Spagnola, who grew up with Stelling in Daytona. Spagnola moved to Asheville first and was “a great ambassador,” according to the musician. But ultimately, what Asheville contributed to Stelling’s creative process was the impetus to move to New York. “I came up here and wrote a bunch of songs and now I’ve made a record,” he says. That just-released album, Songs of Praise and Scorn, is 10-tracks culled from Stelling’s last several years living in Brooklyn as a songwriter and performer. The album opens with the rollicking “Mourning Train to Memphis,” all folky storytelling and syncopated strumming. It has trains, dudes who leave, haiku-style allusions to thunder and a sort of rolling blues feel of locomotion under a soot-colored sky. “Solar Flares,” a standout track, sees Stelling at his hookiest. Here, the thump of finger-style guitar takes on the sway of a boat at sea or a steam engine heading for a distant horizon.
50 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
siNger-soNgWriter christopher paul stelliNg says he doesN’t do Well With too MaNy optioNs. Just a classical guitar, a pair of boots for stoMpiNg out a beat, aNd his oWN voice Will do
eMily easterly opeNs
at the get doWN
tuesday, March 6 9 p.M., $5. getdoWNavl.coM
That guitar (the one Stelling took when he left Asheville) is often the only accessory to his smoke and saltwater vocal, except for the occasional stomp of his own boots or a soft harmony from his girlfriend, Julia Christgau. Scorn is serious about the whole stripped down recording thing. It’s bare bones more than lo-fi, all emotions-onsleeve and exposed to the elements. But at its heart it’s a collection of complex stories that borrow from Americana troubadours as much as from sea shanties. Reverb and fuzzed-out electronics have no place on this palette of storm clouds and dusty roads. And Stelling, who doesn’t even own a computer, isn’t the sort of guy to collect a bunch of effects pedals. “I love hearing someone and their instrument,” he explains. “I’m a realist: I don’t like to be tricked.” Having spent three years developing his songs and performing live, Stelling says he likes to record in the same way. He finally made it into a studio because a friend in Kentucky offered a rate that he simply couldn’t turn down. Scorn was the end result of 40 original tracks whittled down to 10, but those final cuts are a matter of “what you see is what you get,” says Stelling. Songs are “like living things. Putting them on a record is kind of like taxidermy.” Some of those numbers that didn’t make the cut for Scorn did find their way onto Stelling’s recent Daytrotter session. That project is just one of the milestones for the musician who needed a push to get his career in motion. These days, the momentum is picking up. Now that the record is out, Stelling and Christgau are packing up their Brooklyn apartment and heading out on the road (dates include a stop in Asheville en route to a SXSW appearance), much like the roving spirit that Stelling’s songs suggest. “I don’t do well with options,” he says. “I’ve never had a plan B. I’ve made it where I have no easier way out. I have no choice but to do this.” X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@ mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 5
arts X music
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After five years of rehearsal, two years of touring, several months of recording — and one big name change — River Whyless has its first album. Formerly known at Do It To Julia, River Whyless is celebrating the album at CD release parties in Boone, its former home, and Asheville, its current address. A Stone, A Leaf, An Unfound Door is a concept album, built around the idea of the changing nature of relationships. And its creation is full of literary references. “There’s a saying that you can’t step into the same river twice,” violinist Halli Anderson says. “We like that because it means you have to embrace change. ‘Whyless’ is in a poem by e.e. cummings. It’s a serious word, but it doesn’t have a definition. We just like the question it puts in people’s mind when they hear it.” Why less indeed. It was a question that occurred to the band when it was performing as Do It To Julia. That music was good. But the music that’s in A Stone, A Leaf, An Unfound Door is way better, the band thought, and heading in a different direction. The band members, all students at App State, were living in Boone five years ago when they were contacted by a guy who wanted to put a band together. He asked Alex McWalters to be the drummer, and McWalters said he’d do it only if his buddy and musical playmate Ryan O’Keefe, who plays guitar, could come. Anderson was a psychology major who wanted to be a social worker helping the Hispanic community. She played violin with friends around town and showed up at the first rehearsal, and a funny thing happened — the guy that brought them together was the one who didn’t fit.
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52 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
All for one: A Stone, A Leaf, and Unfound Door is a concept album, shared by musicians who’ve grown close in their five years of playing. “It’s hard to tell that story, because I’m afraid he’s going to read it and be upset,” Anderson says, standing in line at Richmond International Airport to board a plane. She was laughing as she told the story over the phone. But she got serious when she talked about that initial rehearsal. It turned into something serious almost immediately, and by the end of the night, the musicians had written a couple of songs. “The minute we started playing, it was like there was no choice — the next thing we knew, we were in a band,” Anderson says. “It just clicked.” They picked an edgy name: Do It To Julia. It didn’t fit the music they were writing when they decided to leave Boone and move to Asheville, where Anderson grew up, she says. They picked Asheville because it was a nice-sized city that was still in the mountains — affordable, they knew they’d fit in well and an excellent home base. It was a good place to reinvent themselves. River Whyless recorded much of the album in an old house that lead singer O’Keefe’s uncle has on Martha’s Vineyard, with high ceilings and interesting acoustics. Anderson, a classically trained violinist, played her parts in a tiled bathroom that echoed, giving her just the kind of sound the band was looking for. O’Keefe, who recorded the album, found other rooms and miked them for similarly haunting sounds. What the band (bass
and banjo player Matt Rossino is the fourth member) ended up with is an album that puts listeners in a contemplative mood, one that brings up memories semi-cherished and half hidden. A Stone, A Leaf, An Unfound Door is a concept album, Anderson said, based largely on O’Keefe’s stories. The title was taken from a passage in Thomas Wolfe’s Look Homeward, Angel. Each item in the album’s title — the stone, the leaf, the unfound door — represents an aspect of a relationship that O’Keefe, the band’s frontman, had. “We’re all so close that Ryan’s concept became our concept, because we had all been through similar things,” Anderson said. “Even the songs that I wrote on the album have the same feeling.” River Whyless, who financed the album through contributions gotten through Kickstarter, calls itself a baroque/folk group, but “broke folk group” might better describe it, Anderson said. “The genre-fication is tough for us,” she said. “We also like ‘nature pop’ and ‘progressive folk.’ But ‘baroque’ works for the album, because we’re got strings and storytelling in there. And it has an ‘older’ feeling to it. “What I don’t want is to scare people off that we’re some overly pretentious art music group. I just want people to listen.” X Paul Clark can be reached at paulgclark@ charter.net.
arts X music
Race to the Bottom
live show
For Artists. By Artists. Mon - Sat 10-6 828.231.3440
BY alli maRshall You probably know Jon Reid as the musician formerly known as Jar-e. You might also know him from Twitter or other platforms where heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s irreverent, sarcastic and downright funny. If you know him from his weekly AshevilleFM show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Race to the Bottomâ&#x20AC;? (Sundays from 7-9 p.m.) then you already know whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in store when Reid brings that online broadcast to the live stage.
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The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Race to the Bottomâ&#x20AC;? live show, sunday, march 4, 7 p.m. at BoBo Gallery, includes jazz duo The D Tones (featuring Jacob Rodriguez and Zack Page), music from Jonathan Scales, Ami Worthen, Juan Holladay and Angi West, stand-up comedy by Tom Scheve of the Asheville Disclaimer and stories from Sanuk D and Vince Ponder. $8. bobogallery.com.
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But, back to Reidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other calling: music.
Reverb and Tambourine, set to release on March 20, is the local singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fifth but the first under his actual name. (Previous efforts Heartache, War Songs and the Muse, Chicas Malas and Blood of the Summer are attributed to Jar-e.) In November of last year, Reid wrote on his Facebook page, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m taking a hiatus from the Jar-e thing. In the meantime, check out and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;likeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; my radio show. Music, comedy and tragedy.â&#x20AC;? And then (happily) out of seemingly nowhere came Reverb and Tambourine. The collection is a strong group of songs rich in nuance but immediately accessible. The album is shot through with themes of relationships, a sense of newness and future unfolding, breezy, island beats and high, clear vocals. It suggests a project conceived of and executed in a flurry of creative inspiration. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bright Girlâ&#x20AC;? is a fantastical dream-waltz (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ordinary things they couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t touch her. So when they pulled her body from the lake, you know she smiledâ&#x20AC;?). Clocking in at under two minutes, the song makes up for in intensity and orchestration what it lacks in length. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Moccasins,â&#x20AC;? by contrast, eases in with the lazy goldwashed country rock of the Eagles, run through Reidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pop lyric prowess. Here he makes a thought-scape about â&#x20AC;&#x201D; what? A guy having a blah day? A guy who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t find a parking space? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; somehow ripe with metaphor and bittersweet nostalgia. Opening track â&#x20AC;&#x153;Neverthelessâ&#x20AC;? sounds, by its title, like an afterthought, a signing off. But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s here, from the insistent punch of the guitar part that Reid makes his presence felt. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let you down,â&#x20AC;? he sings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Different is the blood that flows through me, but still it calls me back to you.â&#x20AC;? Whether this is an artist returning from a dark place or simply a catchy lyric,
Reid soars into his trademark falsetto, launching the record into a fresh, bright atmosphere. Reverb and Tambourine is bookended by an additional standout track, another instance of Reid showing his hand. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Come Back Heartâ&#x20AC;? pulls out all the stops (though the album is full of surprises â&#x20AC;&#x201D; guest appearances by steel pan player Jonathan Scales, vocalist Stephanie Morgan, violin by Jason Krekel and horns from Justin Ray and Jacob Rodriguez). Here, following a sax solo by Rodriguez, a chorus of voices enters with the chant â&#x20AC;&#x153;Holy other, dear departedâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; perhaps Reidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answer to the mystical mantra in George Harrisonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;My Sweet Lord.â&#x20AC;? Only Reid, here, is casting prayers at the temple of the self, the higher self of tender emotions and untapped potential.
mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 53
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The Porter Center for Performing Arts Brevard College, In Association with Mountain Song Productions present
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Asheville’s only all-female sketch-comedy troupe is back, this time with a nine-show run at The Magnetic Field. If you were lucky enough to catch a LYLAS show before (they sell out fast), you might remember their sidesplitting performance of “Carl [Mumpower] is Watching Us” (dressed in choir robes), or the send up of local Segway tours, or the hypno-birthing dream sequence. According to a press release, LYLAS’ all-new material is “Chock-full of pungent parody songs, spicy dance routines, epic video shorts and of course, laugh-out-loud sketches. Now with 20-percent more unfiltered fun.” Begins Thursday, March 1. March 1-3 and 8-10 at 7:30 p.m.; March 3, 9 and 10 at 10 p.m. $12 for Thursdays and late shows, $15 on Fridays and Saturdays early shows. themagneticfield.com.
artist molly rose freeman paints a mural in Wilson alley Molly Rose Freeman has been making her mark on Asheville with her patterned murals and paintings: You may have seen the hot pink backdrop for the collaborative Rites of Spring performance in the RAD last year, or the mint-green design on the Gypsy Queen Cuisine’s food truck. Through March 1, catch Freeman working on a mural at the entrance of Wilson Alley, on the corner of Eagle Street in downtown Asheville. Brie Castell, owner of Castell Gallery, wanted to beautify the neighborhood and attract attention to the oft-overlooked little alley.
Sunday, March 11, 7:30pm
“I’m planning to use a thousand variations on the triangle to create the image, and I’m leaning toward a red-and-blue color palette,” Freeman says. “Those colors play really nicely off each other, and the way they react optically causes the image to really pop off the surface, in the fashion of 3-D goggles.” The design is inspired by the surrounding architecture. “For me, it’s nice when art plays off of what’s around it,” Freeman says.
Tickets Online: www.theportercenter.org By Phone: 800-514-3849 In Brevard: Rockin’ Robin Records, More Information 828-243-3496 Egolf Motors TC Arts council The Hub
5 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
The Transylvania Times
A party is planned for March 2 from 5-9 p.m. to celebrate the completion of the mural. — Ursula Gullow
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mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 55
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CLUbLAnD RULeS •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
Live comedy, 8:30pm
Jeff & Justin (acoustic)
Asheville’s Got Talent, 8pm
Jack of Hearts Pub
Barley’s Taproom
Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Thu., March 1
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia, 8:30pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Old-time jam, 6pm
Black Mountain Ale House
Sierra on Stage (songwriting competition), 7pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Front stage: Carey Murdock
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Lobster Trap
Open mic
Valorie Miller (Americana, folk)
Creatures Cafe
Olive or Twist
Salsa night (lessons, followed by dance)
Cadillac Rex (vinatage rock)
Dirty South Lounge
One Stop Deli & Bar
Wax in the Back, 9pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Fred’s Speakeasy French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Mark Guest (jazz)
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
20% OFF of Any One Item
Wed., February 29 5 Walnut Wine Bar
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Ben Hovey (trumpet/keys, soulful acid jazz), 8pm ARCADE
Karaoke, 10pm Athena’s Club
Karaoke Straightaway Cafe
Karaoke, 10pm
Peter Mulvey (singer-songwriter, Americana, jazz) w/ Jenna Lindbo
Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 5pm Inverted Sea, 10pm
Coping Stone (world, roots) TallGary’s Cantina
Open mic/jam, 7pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
The Hard Bop Explosion
Dave Welch (folk), 6pm
Trivia, 9pm
Get Down
Asheville Music Hall
The Shane Pruitt Band (rock, blues, jam) w/ Sam Robinson & Kofi Burbridge
Candy Hearts w/ Shell Shag, Old Flings & Kreamy ‘Lectric Santa Good Stuff
Barley’s Taproom
Alien Music Club (jazz jam)
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul)
Black Mountain Ale House
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Leann Grimes (Shane Conerty of Now You See Them), 6pm
Holy Ghost Tent Revival (folk, roots, Americana) w/ Firecracker Jazz Band, 9pm
Craggie Brewing Company
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Floppy Thursdays w/ Molly (eclectic music series), 8pm
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Creatures Cafe
Hoopers Creek Cafe
Singer-songwriter showcase, 9pm
Open mic & bluegrass jam w/ Sherry Lynn
Dirty South Lounge
Jack of Hearts Pub
Dirty Bingo, 9pm
Old-time jam, 7pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Jack of the Wood Pub
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am
Bluegrass jam, 6pm Lobster Trap
Hank Bones (“man of 1,000 songs”)
Eleven on Grove
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
Dr. Sketchy’s (burlesque & live drawing), 6:30pm
Olive or Twist
Westville Pub
The Lemonheads (punk, pop, rock)
Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm
Emerald Lounge
Orange Peel
Harrah’s Cherokee
Wild Wing Cafe
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam, 10pm Fred’s Speakeasy
Serving Traditional Mexican Fare and North of the Border Favorites!
Garyoke is back! Hosted by
Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) Lotus (electronic, jam) w/ The Malah, 9pm Pisgah Brewing Company
Friday, march 2 MUSIC & EVENTS
California Guitar Trio $15/$18 | 8pm
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56 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
The Black Lilies
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saturday, march 3
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Sunday Jazz with michael Jefry stevens & eliot Wadopien $10 | 8pm
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828-348-5327 www.thealtamont.com
Michael Burks, 8pm
Highland Brewing Company
Purple Onion Cafe
Running on E w/ Monkey in a Podship & FMFY (punk), 9pm
Wanda Lu & Marshall Ballew
Club Metropolis
Iron Horse Station
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Dirty Pop w/ DJ Acolyte, DJ Saute & BassClef
Twilight Broadcasters (old-time)
DJ Marley Carroll, 9pm
Craggie Brewing Company
Jack of Hearts Pub
Scandals Nightclub
Miss Land of the Sky Entertainer of the Year benefit, 10pm Southern Appalachian Brewery
Ellen Trnka (singer-songwriter), 7pm Spurs
Dance night TallGary’s Cantina
Asheville Music Showcase, 8pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Peggy Ratusz’s Invitational Blues Jam Vincenzo’s Bistro
Ginny McAfee (singer-songwriter) Westville Pub
Beta Maxx (blues), 9:30pm White Horse
Wink Keziah (roots, alt-country), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe
Acoustic music w/ Sloantones
Downstairs: “No Cover, No Shame” dance party w/ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House
Wilhelm McKay (rock, folk), 8pm Boiler Room
South French Broads (rock, post-punk), 7pm Shorty Can’t Eat Books (garage, pop), 9pm
Southbound Turnaround (honky-tonk), 9pm
Creatures Cafe
Chuck Beattie Band (blues) w/ George Washington’s Horse, 4:30pm Whiskey of the Damned (Celtic rock), 9:30pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Sarah and the Secrets w/ Flesh and Stones Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Emerald Lounge
Olive or Twist
Back stage: Albert Adams (rock, garage, experimental) w/ The Critters & Free Lunch
Jahman Brahman (rock, funk, jam) w/ Elation, 10pm
Live music, 8pm
Firestorm Cafe and Books
Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Sunshine & the Bad Things (rock) w/ Alarm Clock Conspiracy, 10pm
Pholksinger Josh (alt-country, folk), 7:30pm Fred’s Speakeasy
Fuego Friday Latin Night, 10pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Pierce Edens (Americana, alt-country), 6pm
One Stop Deli & Bar
Pack’s Tavern
Scott Raines (acoustic rock) Pisgah Brewing Company
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Red Honey, 9pm
Jason Moore (jazz)
Root Bar No. 1
Get Down
Peace Jones (fusion, Southern rock)
Unitard w/ The New Euphemisms, BOB Band & Bill Maltba
Fri., March 2
Invisible Three (jazz), 6pm
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Bill Gerhardt Trio (jazz), 7-9:30pm
Good Stuff
Scandals Nightclub
Eileen Rupert art opening, 7pm Butter Holler (old-time), 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
River Whyless (indie folk) CD release w/ Kovacs and the Polar Bear & Little Tybee, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, soul, R&B), 8-11pm
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Eric Congdon CD release party (blues, rock, roots), 8pm Spurs
The Corbitt Brothers Band (country) Straightaway Cafe
holy ghoSt tent revival
w/ Firecracker Jazz Band 9pM
river whyleSS Cd releaSe
w/ kovacs & the polar Bear & little tybee 9pM
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 57
Swayback Sisters (Americana, folk, country) TallGary’s Cantina
Rafe Hollister (Americana, rock) The Altamont Theater
California Guitar Trio, 8pm
Jus One More
Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Lobster Trap
Live jazz trio
The Lemonheads (alt-rock, grunge) w/ Meredith Sheldon, 9pm
Olive or Twist
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Orange Peel
Scandals Nightclub
White Horse
Rodney Dillard & the Dillards Band (country)
The 42nd Street Jazz Band Crunksters Ball w/ GalaxC Girl, Dub Brothaz, Quetzatl, Gravitation Project & more (electronic, multimedia), 9pm
SaT., March 3
DANce NighT Beer/Drink Specials
Downstairs: “Bear Exploder” dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm
Root Bar No. 1
Asheville Music Hall
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
feb. 25 - Live Music
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WNC’s only Country Night Club SpurS
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5 Walnut Wine Bar
Ahora Si (Latin jazz), 9pm ARCADE
Stephaniesid (rock, pop, jazz) w/ The Old Ceremony & The Royal Tinfoil Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House
Johnson’s Crossroad (Appalachian soul), 9pm Boiler Room
Fools Generation w/ Coldheart, Fatal Disorder & more (metal), 9pm Club Metropolis
DLX Birthday Bash
Craggie Brewing Company
Gavin Conner & Ryan Cox (folk, indie), 6pm The River Rats (garage rock), 8pm Creatures Cafe
Matt Chancy w/ Rather to be Chosen Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Fred’s Speakeasy
Karaoke, 10pm
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Shane Perlowin (jazz)
Garage at Biltmore
Trinitiy feat: Annunaki, Goadream, Kameleon, Oso & more
Pack’s Tavern
DJ Moto (dance, pop) Purple Onion Cafe
Darlyne Cain
Locust Honey Stringband, 10pm Scandals Nightclub
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Kelly & the Cowboys (country, rockabilly, Western swing), 8pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Karaoke, 8pm The Altamont Theater
Sunday jazz, noon
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Steve Whiddon (piano covers) White Horse
Drum circle, 2pm
Mon., March 5 5 Walnut Wine Bar
CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm BoBo Gallery
Straightaway Cafe
Dirty South Lounge
TallGary’s Cantina
Get Down
The Altamont Theater
Good Stuff
The Bywater
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Jenne Sluder (folk, acoustic) Polar Eye (rock, pop, prog) The Black Lillies (Americana), 8pm J.T. Nero & Allison Russell (roots, Americana) w/ Luther Wright and the Wrongs Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
The Nightcrawlers (blues, rock) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety) Westville Pub
Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz), 10pm White Horse
Al Pettaway & Amy White
Tears in My Beers (DJ set), 9pm Daikaiju w/ The Krektones & The Treatment T&C (pop, rock, soul), 8pm Contra dance, 8pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Lobster Trap
Dave Desmelik (Americana) The Bywater
Bluegrass jam, 8pm Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety) Westville Pub
Sun., March 4
Open mic, 7pm
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Karaoke, 10pm
Jerome Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions (jazz), 7-9pm Altamont Brewing Company
Apache Relay (indie, roots) w/ Moon Taxi, 9pm
Dance party, 10pm “That ‘70s Show” drag performance, 12:30am
Two People Playing Music (prog, indie, jazz) w/ Levek & Hundred Waters
Good Stuff
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Psychobilly Sock Hop Sundays
CrossRidge (country)
Hillside Bombers w/ Pedals on Our Pirate Ships, Naked Gods & The Wild Peace Jones (rock, jazz, funk), 10pm
Orange Peel
Fire victims benefit feat: The Demijohn Varmints, members of Dehlia Low and Chompin’ at the Bit Strong Band & more, 4pm
Get Down
Hallelujah Hullabaloo w/ DJs Jamie Hepler, Whitney Shroyer & friends Dirty South Lounge
The Short Bus (film & DJ), 9pm
Wild Wing Cafe
Tue., March 6 5 Walnut Wine Bar
The John Henry’s (jazz, swing), 8-10pm Altamont Brewing Company
Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm
Black Mountain Ale House
Trivia night, 7pm
Eleven on Grove
Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ DJ Michael Gamble, 8:30pm
Ruby Slippers (jazz, lounge, pop), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Deep River, 8-11pm
Get Down
J.P. Delanoye (singer-songwriter), 4pm
Harrah’s Cherokee
Deadbeat Darling (rock, electronic, reggae) w/ Black Taxi, 10pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Firestorm Cafe and Books
Diana Ross
Highland Brewing Company
Clounds of Greer (country, Americana, rock), 6pm
see for yourself at
Iron Horse Station
Jack of Hearts Pub
Mac Comer (funk, rock) Now You See Them (indie folk, pop), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub
Good Stuff
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Hotel Indigo
Ben Hovey (trumpet/keys, soulful acid jazz), 7-10pm Jack of Hearts Pub
Mac Arnold & Plate Full O’ Blues, 2pm Jack of the Wood Pub
Irish session, 4-9pm James Leg (psychedelic, rock, soul), 10pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
58 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
Bluegrass Brunch & open jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am
Vincenzo’s Bistro
$2.00 Order Wings (10) $2.00 Bud, Bud Lights, Busch & PBR Cans $2.00 Cover Charge thurSdayS
The corbiTT broThers bAND 9:30 – $5.00
One Stop Deli & Bar
Scott Sharpe’s Country Revue, 9pm
Trivia night
feb. 24 - Live Music
Lobster Trap
Back stage: Old North State (bluegrass, folk) w/ Boys in the Well, Chris Rod & Dirty Sally
Westville Pub
“Two DollAr NighT”
Front stage: Aaron Price (piano)
The Bywater
Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays)
Chris O’Neil, 5pm Delta Moon, 9:30pm
Emerald Lounge
Open mic, 7:30pm
Garage at Biltmore
Phat Tuesdays Get Down
Christopher Paul Stelling w/ Emily Easterly Good Stuff
The Disposables (rock, blues), 8pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
clubdirectory 5 Walnut Wine bar 253-2593 altamont brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 575-2400 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 asheville music Hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek Pizza & ribs 687-2400 barley’s tap room 255-0504 black mountain ale House 669-9090 blend Hookah lounge 505-0067 blue mountain Pizza 658-8777 blue Note grille 697-6828 boiler room 505-1612 bobo gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 the bywater 232-6967 club Hairspray 258-2027 the chop House 253-1852 craggie brewing company 254-0360
creature’s cafe 254-3636 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 firestorm cafe 255-8115 fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 french broad brewery tasting room 277-0222 french broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the garage 505-2663 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music Hall & tavern 232-5800 grove House eleven on grove 505-1612 the grove Park inn (elaine’s Piano bar/ great Hall) 252-2711 the Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Harrah’s cherokee 497-7777
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
Highland brewing company 299-3370 Holland’s grille 298-8780 the Hop 254-2224 the Hop West 252-5155 iron Horse station 622-0022 Jack of Hearts Pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus one more 253-8770 lexington avenue brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 luella’s bar-b-que 505-RIBS mack kell’s Pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic field 257-4003 mike’s side Pocket 281-3096 mo-daddy’s bar & grill 258-1550 one stop bar deli & bar 255-7777 the orange Peel 225-5851 Pack’s tavern 225-6944 Pisgah brewing co. 669-0190 Pulp 225-5851 Purple onion cafe 749-1179
rankin vault 254-4993 red stag grill at the grand bohemian Hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root bar No. 299-7597 scandals Nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s Hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish Pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing cafe 253-3066
F rI . m a r c h 2
alBert adamS w/ the critterS & free luNch
sat. m a r c h 3
Old NOrth State w/ BOyS iN the well, chriS rOd & dirty Sally O N t h e f r O N t S ta g e
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
7jj[dj_ed Cki_Y_Wdi
Wed. Feb. 29 - carey murdock sun. march 4 - aaron prIce tues. march 6 - Jake hollIFIeld marIachI monday
Live Mariachi Band at 6pm $2 Tacos | $5 Tortas | $2 Tecate and Modelo
M^o FWo Ceh[
spring/summer 2012 Heavenly Spirits Wine Bar
Monet Davis & Timothy Wilkinson (piano), 6-8pm Hotel Indigo
Ben Hovey (trumpet/keys, soulful acid jazz), 7-10pm Jack of the Wood Pub
Leigh Glass, Valorie Miller & Chris O’Neil (singersongwriters), 7pm Jukebox & friends (rare country records), 10pm Jus One More
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Front stage: Jake Hollifield (blues, ragtime) Lobster Trap
Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7pm One Stop Deli & Bar
Music trivia, 8pm Funk jam, 10pm Orange Peel
Winter Jam feat: Jana Kramer, The Farm, Easton Corbin & more, 7:15pm Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Tuesday Rotations w/ Chris Ballard & guests, 10pm TallGary’s Cantina
The Altamont Theater
Original music series, 8pm The Bywater
Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm Vincenzo’s Bistro
Steve Whiddon (piano covers) Westville Pub
Blues jam, 10pm White Horse
Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm Wild Wing Cafe
Creatures Cafe
Salsa night (lessons, followed by dance) Dirty South Lounge
Wax in the Back, 9pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Fred’s Speakeasy
Karaoke, 10pm
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Dizzy Chicken Trio (jazz)
Video trivia, 8pm
Get Down
Wed., March 7
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Asheville 24/7’s (pre-war blues), 8pm
Anais Mitchell (indie folk) w/ Eric Brace & Peter Cooper, 8pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Athena’s Club
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
Jack of Hearts Pub
Barley’s Taproom
Jack of the Wood Pub
Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia, 8:30pm
Old-time jam, 6pm
Black Mountain Ale House
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Open mic w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm
Front stage: Carey Murdock (singer-songwriter)
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Lobster Trap
Open mic
• museums and theaters • outdoor-adventure guides • camping and hiking supplies • dining, both casual and fine just to name a few!
Rory Kelly’s Triple Threat
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Karaoke, 10pm
This guide is an ideal way to reach local residents and tourists who are looking for:
Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Valorie Miller (Americana, folk)
50,000 Copies Printed & 28,000 inserted in the 04.08.12 issue Publishes: April 18th, 2012 Advertising Deadline: March 12th, 2012 For more information or to schedule an ad please call: 828-251-1333 or advertise@mountainx.com
Find out how you can be in this great bi-annual guide!
Olive or Twist
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 59
Cadillac Rex (vinatage rock)
Asheville’s Got Talent, 8pm
Peggy Ratusz’s Invitational Blues Jam
One Stop Deli & Bar
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Good Stuff
Westville Pub
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul)
Megan Jean & the KFB (gypsy, Americana), 9:30pm
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
White Horse
The Hill & Wood w/ Doc Aquatic (indie rock)
Slipjig Annie (folk), 7pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Wild Wing Cafe
Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 5pm Sonic Spank (electronic) w/ Silo Effect, 10pm PULP
Melissa Hyman & Ryan Furstenberg (folk, cello) w/ Cory Bishop, 8pm TallGary’s Cantina
Open mic/jam, 7pm
Rebekah Jean (country, Americana), 6pm
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Westville Pub
Hoopers Creek Cafe
Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm White Horse
Open mic & bluegrass jam w/ Sherry Lynn Jack of Hearts Pub
Jason DeCristofaro (jazz), 7:30pm
Old-time jam, 7pm
Wild Wing Cafe
Jack of the Wood Pub
Jeff & Justin (acoustic)
Bluegrass jam, 6pm
Thu., March 8
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Back stage: You Won’t (retro pop, folk) w/ RonD & Birthday Boy
5 Walnut Wine Bar
The Space Heaters (jazz), 8pm
Lobster Trap
Hank Bones (“man of 1,000 songs”)
Trivia, 9pm
Olive or Twist
Barley’s Taproom
Heather Masterton Quartet (swing)
Alien Music Club (jazz jam)
One Stop Deli & Bar
Black Mountain Ale House
Twilite Broadcasters (old-time, vintage country), 7pm Broadway’s
Dustin Wong (indie, experimental) w/ Dope Body, 9:30pm Craggie Brewing Company
Floppy Thursdays w/ Molly (eclectic music series), 8pm Creatures Cafe
Taylor Martin’s Engine (folk, country) w/ The Whiskey Grins Orange Peel
Two Fresh (hip-hop) w/ NiT GriT, 9pm Pisgah Brewing Company
Larry Keel & Natural Bridge (roots) w/ The Reckoning, 8pm Purple Onion Cafe
Jeff & Vida
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Singer-songwriter showcase, 9pm
DJ Marley Carroll, 9pm
Dirty South Lounge
Root Bar No. 1
Dirty Bingo, 9pm
Laura Thurston (folk, Americana, bluegrass)
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am Emerald Lounge
Scandals Nightclub
Newcomer Show, 10pm Spurs
Dance night
Analog Moon (rock, psychedelic) w/ Cheers Elephant & I.O.Z., 10pm
TallGary’s Cantina
Fred’s Speakeasy
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Asheville Music Showcase, 8pm
Ginny McAfee (singer-songwriter)
Acoustic music w/ Sloantones
Fri., March 9 ARCADE
Downstairs: “No Cover, No Shame” dance party w/ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm Asheville Music Hall
Rainbow Mountain “Imagine” benefit Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House
The Accidentally Irish Lads, 8:30pm Boiler Room
Pawtooth w/ Saint Famine Society, No Destination, Venus Gasoline & The Deadwire Band (rock, punk), 9pm Craggie Brewing Company
Alder Pyle (indie, pop, rock), 8pm Creatures Cafe
Nate Tasker (singer-songwriter) Diana Wortham Theater
Danny Ellis (singer-songwriter), 8pm Eleven on Grove
Zumba, 8pm
Fred’s Speakeasy
Fuego Friday Latin Night, 10pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Nikki Talley (country, Americana), 6pm
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
High Gravity Jazz Get Down
The Dispersants w/ House of Building & Judas Horse Good Stuff
Kathy Kelley, 8pm
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60 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
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MARCH 24, 2012 12:00 NOON
A portion of the proceeds will benefit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue.
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers (rock) w/ Native Run & Katrina, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, soul, R&B), 8-11pm Iron Horse Station
Barb Turner (rock, country, R&B) Jack of the Wood Pub
Chuck Beattie Band (blues), 4:30pm Westbound Rangers w/ The Amboys, The Hillside Bombers & Continental, 8pm Olive or Twist
Live music, 8pm
One Stop Deli & Bar
Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Ultraviolet Hippopotamus (rock, jam) w/ Arpetrio, 10pm Orange Peel
North Mississippi Allstars (Southern rock, blues, jam) w/ Lightnin’ Malcolm, 9pm Pack’s Tavern
Micah Hanks (newgrass) Pisgah Brewing Company
The Reckoning, 9pm
SaT., March 10 ARCADE
Downstairs: “Bear Exploder” dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm Asheville Music Hall
Granola Funk Express (funk, hip-hop) Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House
Grammer School (pop, rock, indie), 9pm Boiler Room
The Feral w/ Dead Light Pulse & Eating the Sun (rock, metal), 9pm Craggie Brewing Company
A Ghost Like Me (space rock), 8pm Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Emerald Lounge
Blair Crimmins & the Hookers (ragtime, gypsy jazz), 10pm Fred’s Speakeasy
Karaoke, 10pm
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Bill Gerhardt Trio (jazz), 7-9:30pm
Grace Adele & the Grand Band (Americana, folk, roots), 6pm
Scandals Nightclub
Garage at Biltmore
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
Secret Beat Stash feat: Moving Temple, Jables, Woodwork & Portugal by Day, 10pm
Straightaway Cafe
Get Down
Hope Griffin (folk, country) TallGary’s Cantina
The Altamont Theater
Three Ring Circle (dobro, mandolin & bass) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays) Westville Pub
Trivia night
White Horse
Amici Music presents “American in Paris” (classical), 7pm
Everymen w/ Transylvania Transport Co. & Big Nasty Good Stuff
Michael Cody, 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Jack of Hearts Pub
Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (alt-country, roots) w/ Royal Tinfoil (vintage blues/country), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub
Chris O’Neil, 7pm Miss Tess & the Bon Ton Parade, 9:30pm Jus One More
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Back stage: On the Take (rock, grunge, pop) w/ Jennifer O’Connor & Tim Foljahn Lobster Trap
Live jazz trio
Olive or Twist
The 42nd Street Jazz Band Orange Peel
Punk You Asheville feat: Just Die!, Zombie Queen & Pleasures of the Ultraviolent, 9pm Pack’s Tavern
Howie’s House Party (blues, fusion) Purple Onion Cafe
Phil & Gaye Johnson
Scandals Nightclub
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
Static Age Records
The Krektones EP release party Straightaway Cafe
Stuart McNair (folk, Americana) TallGary’s Cantina
Unnamed Suspects (rock), 9:30pm The Altamont Theater
Mary Gauthier (singer-songwriter) w/ Tania Elizabeth Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
The Broadcast CD release (rock, soul, pop) w/ Antique Firearms, 9pm
Westville Pub
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
White Horse
Underhill Rose (Americana, folk), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Deja Fuze (electro-fusion), 10pm Asheville Rock Academy graduation concert, 2pm Sheila Kay Adams (storytelling), 8pm
Iron Horse Station
Wilhelm McKay (rock, folk)
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 6
6 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
theaterlistings Friday, MarCh 2 - Thursday, MarCh 8
Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
movie reviews & listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ max rating
n ASheville pizzA & BrewinG Co. (254-1281)
additional reviews by justin souther contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Please call the info line for updated showtimes. the Girl with the Dragon tattoo (r) 7:00, 10:00 we Bought a zoo (pG) 1:00, 4:00
A SepArAtion
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n CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)
rAteD pG-13
The Story: When an Iranian couple separates, it sets in motion a series of events that will have far-reaching implications. The Lowdown: This year’s biggest deal in foreign-language films — and the Oscar winner — is a solid, fascinating, sometimes quite disturbing look at characters and a society fractured by money, religion and socialization. Asghar Farhadi’s A Separation is one of those movies that has been so acclaimed — with every award you can think of, including the Oscar, falling into its lap — that you’re almost dared not to love it. (Just look at the harsh remarks the consensus-lovers directed at the poor sap on Rotten Tomatoes who dared to ruin the film’s 100-percent approval rating.) I’d also been told by people whose opinions I respect (though don’t always agree with) that it was “amazing” and that it lived up to the hype. And having seen it, I have to say that I think A Separation is very good indeed, if not quite as amazing as I’d been told. If I’d come upon it cold, I might feel differently, but I’ll never know. I’ll settle on very good and, yes, a mustsee. I tend to think that the film has been done something of a disservice by intimations that it contains a mystery worthy of Hitchcock, because I don’t think that’s true on any level. The only mystery in the film is actually an unresolved one, while mystery that’s generally being referred to is pretty clear — or ought to be — to anyone paying attention. (Without giving away too much, I’ll just say it’s a basic rule of film that there’s a reason when a film cuts away from an unresolved scene.) I don’t think Fahradi was out to make a mystery, though he had to know that A Separation was plot-driven — even though the plot is almost a hook for his broader concerns. (And it’s not impossible that the complexity of the plot is in part there to distract the Iran government from other aspects of the film.) The film is called A Separation and it does focus on the separation of the two main characters, Nader (Peyman Maadi) and Simin (Leila Hatami). (For that matter, the Iranian title includes the characters’ names.) The film even opens with a long take of the two addressing an unseen judge to whom they’re applying for a divorce — a tricky undertaking in Iran. The
Leila Hatami and Peyman Maadi in Asghar Farhadi’s powerful — and Oscarwinning — A Separation. case here is that they have applied for — and received — visas for themselves and their daughter, Termeh (Sarina Farhadi, the director’s daughter), to leave Iran. But Nader has backed out, saying he has to remain and care for his Alzheimer-afflicted father (Ali-Ashhar Shahbazi). His wife’s argument that his father doesn’t even know who his son is anymore is countered by Nader’s assertion that he knows who his father is. Her own rather ill-advised statement that she wants her daughter to have the benefit of growing up someplace other than Iran certainly cuts no ice with the judge, and he dismisses theirs as a “small problem,” denying the divorce. This prompts Simin to leave, moving back in with her parents. That move is what propels the rest of the film, since it compels Nader to hire a woman, Razieh (Sareh Bayat), as housekeeper charged with looking after Nader’s father, something that will require her do things that are not in keeping with her religious views. (At one point she has to call an adviser to see if it’s a sin to deal with the old man’s incontinence.) This opens up questions of even more separations — not just the religious differences between the basically secular family and Razieh’s fundamentalist religious views, but also between the wealthy and the poor. It is only Razieh’s poverty that forced her to take such a job — and to take it at substandard wages. It’s a situation that will fracture things even further as the story progresses. The less said about the specifics of the events, the better, I think. The events should be experienced with a minimum of foreknowledge (which, by the way, is how I saw it). These, however, are less important in themselves than the study of
the the characters and their reactions to it all — and how neither law or religion are capable of dealing with every situation in a cut-and-dry manner. You may also find that some aspects of this very foreign story seem disturbingly not all that foreign. Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre
Director: Dee rees PlAyers: ADePero oDuye, Pernell WAlker, AAshA DAvis, chArles PArnell, sAhrA mellesse, kim WAyAns DrAmA
rAteD r
The Story: A lesbian teenager is looking for a way to be herself with her parents and the world in general — and for a way to find romantic love. The Lowdown: A different kind of coming-of-age and coming-out story told from a fresh perspective by a new filmmaker. Catch it. Filmmaker Dee Rees (a protégé of Spike Lee) has expanded on and refashioned her quasiautobiographical 2007 short film Pariah for her feature debut — and a pretty terrific debut film it is. It’s smart, heartfelt, savvy, beautifully acted — and clever enough at 86 minutes not to overstay its welcome. It also has the good sense to inject a certain amount of (not always entirely comfortable) humor. And possibly the best thing about the film is that it feels at least a little bit like an independent film from the days when that label wasn’t interchangeable with
Big miracle (pG) 1:15, 4:05 Gone (pG-13) 2:05, 4:35, 7:00, 9:25 hugo 3D (pG) 2:55, 5:55, 8:55 project X (r) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50, 10:05 red tails (pG-13) 6:40, 9:35 Star wars: episode one — the phantom menace 3D (pG) 12:50, 4:00, 6:50, 9:50 tyler perry’s Good Deeds (pG-13) 1:35, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40 Underworld: Awakening 2D (r) 7:45, 10:00 the woman in Black (pG-13) 1:55, 4:30, 7:05, 9:30 war horse (pG-13) 1:25, 4:40
CArolinA ASheville CinemA 14 (274-9500) n
Act of valor (r) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 the Artist (pG-13) 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:05, 9:40 the Descendants (r) 11:10, 1:55, 4:40, 7:25, 10:10 Dr. Seuss’ the lorax 3D (pG) 11:45, 2:15, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 Dr. Seuss’ the lorax 2D (pG) 12:15, 2:45, 4:55, 7:20, 9:50 Ghost rider: Spirit of vengeance (pG-13) 11:05, 1:35, 4:15, 7:10, 10:05 (sofa cinema) Gone (pG-13) 9:55 Journey 2: the mysterious island 3D (pG-13) 11:55, 2:15, 4:35, 7:45 pariah (r) 11:50, 2:10, 4:20, 7:55, 10:15 project X (r) 12:10, 2:30, 4:40, 8:00, 10:20
Safe house (r) 11:40, 2:20, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45 this means war (r) 11:25, 1:40, 4:00, 7:35, 10:15 (sofa cinema) tyler perry’s Good Deeds (pG-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 the vow (pG-13) 11:15, 1:45, 4:10, 7:50, 10:20 (sofa cinema) wanderlust (r) 11:45, 2:05, 4:25, 7:40, 9:40 n CineBArre (665-7776)
the Adventures of tintin (pG) 10:25 (sun), 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:40 Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked (G) 10:55 (sun), 1:30, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20 extremely loud & incredibly Close (pG-13) 10:40 (sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:30, 10:15 Joyful noise (pG-13) 10:30 (sun), 1:00, 4:05 Sherlock holmes: A Game of Shadows (pG-13) 7:35, 10:10 we Bought a zoo (pG) 10:35 (sun), 1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 10:00 n Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200)
Dr. Seuss’ the lorax (pG) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 n epiC of henDerSonville (693-1146) n fine ArtS theAtre (232-1536)
the Artist (pG-13) 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show mon. march 5), late show Fri-sat 9:30 el Bulli (nr) 7:00 mon. march 5 only the Secret world of Arrietty (G) 1:20 A Separation (pG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show Fri-sat 9:20 n flAtroCk CinemA (697-2463)
the iron lady (pG-13) 4:00, 7:00 n reGAl Biltmore GrAnDe StADiUm 15 (684-1298) n UniteD ArtiStS BeAUCAtCher (2981234)
For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 63
startingfriday DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX
The folks who made Despicable Me are back with this animated-film version of the Dr. Seuss book about a boy from a world that no longer has trees searching for one to impress a girl he’s got a crush on. It looks harmless enough (apart from that Polyphonic Spree song, which is hopefully confined to the trailer), but it has managed to rile up Fox News, who see it as ecology propaganda to brainwash children. In any case, it uses the voice talents of Danny DeVito, Betty White, Zac Efron, Ed Helms and Taylor Swift, and the whole thing appears to be very colorful indeed. So far, there are neither reviews nor even the usual IMDb gush from people who saw “an early screening.” (PG)
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
This R-rated “raunch com” is described by the studio as a “top-secret comedy from writers Matt Drake and Michael Bacall, with helming duties handled by commercial director Nima Nourizadeh.” Well, for a top-secret movie, it seems to have been seen by quite a few people on the IMDb (some of whom apparently actually have seen it), and a good bit appears to be known about it — or at least that it’s about a party that gets progressively out of control. Critics, of course, have not seen it. It stars no one you ever heard of, but the MPAA promises us that it contains “crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior and mayhem — all involving teens.” So there. (R)
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
specialscreenings WINgS JJJJJ William Wellman’s Wings is notable as the first film to win a Best Picture Oscar, but unlike many Oscar winners—including ones that aren’t 85 years old—it’s also a movie that still holds up as both entertainment and great filmmaking. It’s a war picture, but the characterizations make it considerably more than that, while the filmmaking is constantly surprising in its creativity (check out the tracking shot over the tables in the Paris scene). Charles Rogers and Richard Arlen give extraordinary performances. Essential viewing. (NR) The Hendersonville Film Society will show Wings at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 4, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
BLIND CHANCE JJJJ Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Blind Chance is pretty far from being on a par with his great films, but this 1981 film (held back till 1987 by the Polish government) is a fascinating—if terminally downbeat and depressing—work. It takes a simple scenario about a young man trying to catch a train and shows three versions of it. In one he catches the train, in the second he misses it and knocks down a guard, in the thrird he misses it, but doesn’t hit the guard. This one seemingly small event leads to three very different fates. It’s a little gimmicky, yes, but interesting. (NR) Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Blind Chance at 8 p.m. on Friday, March 2, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332 or www.ashevillecourtyard.com
64 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
mean, drab-looking, dreary, dour dramas. The film stars Adepero Oduye (who played the role in the short) as Alike (ah-lee-kay), a Brooklyn teenager, a good student and a hopeful poet with a solid middle-class family. Alike is also a closeted lesbian who is not only stifled by a life that causes her to “feminize” herself on her way home, but also by the fact that she’s never had any kind of sexual relationship. Her parents, Audrey (Kim Wayans) and Arthur (Charles Parnell), are in a state of what can best be called willful denial. Yet, it’s clear that they really know what the score is — why else is Audrey so dead set against Alike having the obviously lesbian Laura (Pernell Walker, also reprising her shortfilm role) for a friend? — but the issue is scrupulously avoided in a kind of “ignore-it-and-maybe-it-will-go-away” manner. For that matter, Alike — aware that Laura’s own mother has completely disowned her daughter — is neither anxious to out herself, nor is she wholly comfortable with Laura’s lesbian-nightclub scene. Alike resents her own mother’s intrusion into her life by trying to fix her up with a more “appropriate” (mom thinks) friend, the daughter of one of her churchgoing friends. Resent it all she likes, she still puts up with it because there’s simply not much choice. Imagine her surprise when this daughter, Bina (Aasha Davis), turns out to be completely different than Alike expects. This creates a situation more disillusioning, even more heartbreaking, than her original fears — but it’s exactly the kind of pitfall apt to ensnare any relationship novice, gay or straight. You’re probably thinking that both coming-of-age and comingout movies have been done to death one way or another. Whether or not that’s true, I have to say I’ve never seen either one done quite the way Pariah is. There’s a freshness and vibrancy here — and it also gets into an area that I’m not sure has ever been as directly addressed as it is here. I refer to the aspect of a mother whose religious convictions preclude any degree of acceptance of or further interest in her daughter — apart from praying for her — once the truth comes out. This is where I think Roger Ebert errs in his belief that the word “pariah” is too “loaded” a word for the title, because as far as Alike’s mother is concerned that is exactly what Alike is — and, unfortunately, she isn’t alone in that perception. See this often-remarkable little film. Rated R for sexual content and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
Director: Mike Mccoy anD Scott Waugh PlayerS: roSelyn Sanchez, JaSon cottle, alex VeaDoV anD VariouS u.S. naVy SealS ACTION
The Story: A team of Navy SEALs must stop an imminent terrorist attack. The Lowdown: Shameless, shoddy and stiffly acted propaganda. Seeing as how the original — and current — stated purpose of Act of Valor is to act as a military recruitment video, the film’s politics should be no surprise. The movie goes out of its way to paint a black-and-white portrait of world conflict, as our team of Navy SEALs (with the promotional hook that they’re played by actual active-duty SEALs) goes off to fight only the world’s most dastardly collection of Muslim terrorists, Mexican drug cartels and Latin American guerrillas. And while Act of Valor lacks the complexity and moral ambiguity of international conflict, it’s never sneaky about its aims. Even though I don’t agree with its aims, at the very least the film isn’t trying to put one over on me. What I do have an issue with is how slipshod a production this is. It’s less that the government spent $12 million to make a crappy movie than how crappy it is that bothers me. The film’s emotional center revolves around a couple of SEALs (since they’re active duty, their names are kept off the credits), one who narrates parts of the film and another whose wife is about to have a kid. There are no prizes for guessing which one shakes loose this mortal coil during the climax, though you should
get points if you guess the cliched and mawkish manner in which he ultimately bites it. If you can imagine the inverse â&#x20AC;&#x201D; some actors running around in real life attempting to nab terrorists, and how disastrously that would end â&#x20AC;&#x201D; you get an idea of how awful and out of place these guys are onscreen. This is a big drawback in the film, since youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re constantly reminded of the castâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amateur status. Kurt Johnstadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (300) script doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help things all that much, since these guys are tied down with stilted dialogue and zero characterization. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never any reason to invest in the characters emotionally, and the film does no favors by making most of these guys totally nondescript. It makes all of the action scenes a jumble of guys in camouflage firing big-ass guns and, combined with Valorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wonky editing, this serves to make one nigh-incomprehensible movie. Plus, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s little in the way of plot, and the whole thing moves (and looks) like a video game, going from location to location, mission to mission, as our heroes try to stop terrorist attacks. Of course, anyone watching this movie likely only wants an orgy of explosions and gunfights, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll definitely get their moneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impossible to tell what or who is being blown up or shot at. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a certain ineptitude on display here â&#x20AC;&#x201D; like the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s need to drop in footage thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made up of lowgrade digital video, causing chunks of the film look like it was shot on a cellphone. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also the matter of how many of the scenes are taken directly from other films. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s surely some kind of yet-to-be-created drinking game based around all of the times the film uses those Michael Bay-like shots of helicopters passing in front of the setting sun, for instance. There are a few strange nods to a broader cultural awareness here and there â&#x20AC;&#x201D; like the bombmaker whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s playing Brahms â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but many seem just as inept as the overall film. (One SEALâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Roman Polanski reference, for instance, only served to make me suspect that no one involved had ever seen a Polanski film.) But craftmanship is not the point. The point is honor and machismo â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the kind lifted from other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s movies. Rated R for strong violence including some torture, and for language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7
gOne J
RAteD Pg-13
The story: A young woman â&#x20AC;&#x201D; convinced that her sister has been kidnapped by the same serial killer whose clutches she herself escaped two years ago â&#x20AC;&#x201D; takes the law into her own hands. The lowdown: An absolutely appalling, low-wattage waste of time trying to palm itself off as a thriller.
Gone is a film with a prophetic title â&#x20AC;&#x201D; so prophetic, in fact, that I am in something of a rush to write the review before all memory of the experience is gone from my brain, and so you can read that review before this dumberthan-your-proverbial-parcel-of-parsnips movie is gone from theaters. The latest attempt to foster the belief that Amanda Seyfried ought to be a movie star â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an idea that never seems to find traction â&#x20AC;&#x201D; had the potential at least to be â&#x20AC;&#x153;so bad itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good.â&#x20AC;? Unfortunately, the best it could muster was â&#x20AC;&#x153;so bad itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really bad.â&#x20AC;? Had I noticed it was written by Allison Burnett, who penned the execrable Untraceable (2008), Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have known this was likely. At least Untraceable managed to be tasteless. Gone just manages to kind of ooze across the screen for 90 minutes like a garden slug in need of a good salting. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the idea: A couple of years before our story begins, Jill (Seyfried) was kidnapped by the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most inept serial killer. (The plucky lass escaped with the aid of a previous victimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arm bone.) Now Jill is living with her recovering-alcoholic sister, Molly (Emily Wickersham, I Am Number Four), working in a diner, learning martial arts and obsessing over the idea that the killer will return. Wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you just know â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and you did, if you saw the trailer â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d come home from work one morning and find Molly gone, just like the title says. Of course, the cops donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe that anything happened, because Jill, you see, has a history of mental illness (indeed, her own kidnapping seems a little sketchy). The only cop who seems sympathetic is Peter Hood (Wes Bentley), who mostly stands around looking suspicious â&#x20AC;&#x201D; until he disappears for most of the film to take soup to his ailing mother (honest, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what the script claims). Since no one will believe her, our pluckybut-possibly unbalanced heroine (think of her as a bug-eyed, medicated Nancy Drew) sets out to find her sister before itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s too late. What this results in is one of the pokiest mysteries in the history of the motion picture. The movieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s idea of a suspenseful scene is whether or not Jill can escape from the restroom in a hardware store. It hardly matters, because all this will do is allow her to borrow or rent another car and drive around some more. (Useful travel tip: In Portland just about anyone will apparently let a stranger use his or her car for a couple hundred bucks.) The tedium of this is broken up by Jill encountering various shifty characters in her search for the killer (â&#x20AC;&#x153;My girlfriend says he has rapey eyes,â&#x20AC;? says a skateboarder who looks far from trustworthy himself) and having â&#x20AC;&#x201D; believe it or not â&#x20AC;&#x201D; one of those falsescare-by-cat moments that stopped making audiences jump about 60 years ago. If anyone involved with this movie had two brain cells to rub together, they wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be involved with this movie. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to even muster a â&#x20AC;&#x153;ho humâ&#x20AC;? over it all. Where will it all end? Will our Jill find herself back down in the same hole where she was imprisoned by this madman once before? What do you think? What you may not think is that any so-called thriller could possibly contain an ending as flat and lame as the one weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re handed here. But, boy, does it ever. Yes, the script is dreadful, but the direction by Heitor
Dhalia â&#x20AC;&#x201D; who, like the nuts, came all the way from Brazil to make this â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is probably even worse. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d say Gone is a shoo-in for one of the worst movies of 2012, except no one will remember it even existed by December. Rated PG-13 for violence and terror, some sexual material, brief language and drug references. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande
tYLeR PeRRYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S gOOD DeeDS JJJ
RAteD Pg-13
The story: Wealthy businessman Wesley Deeds finds his too-well-ordered life turned upside down when he meets a homeless single mother. The lowdown: Both different and yet more of the same from Tyler Perry, but less preachy and better made than most of his films. With Tyler Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Good Deeds, writer/producer/director/star/studio-owner/name-inthe-title (does this make him a double-triple threat?) Tyler Perry has made probably his slickest movie to date â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and I say this as someone who has seen all 12 of them. (Yes, I
know he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t direct the first one, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think it changed who was in charge.) This latest one certainly lacks the ambition, the emotional resonance and the incredible outbursts of pure wrong-headedness found in his For Colored Girls (2010), and the loss of the first two elements makes me question whether the slickness is a good thing. You see, Perry hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so much made a better movie with Good Deeds as much as he has gotten perilously close to a level of Hollywood mediocrity. However dubious Mr. Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s earlier efforts have been, they have at the very least been honestly and distinctly his. Several things set Good Deeds apart. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the first of his self-originated films not to be set in Atlanta, or at least in the South (For Colored Girls had its setting built in), though I suspect that much of the film was shot â&#x20AC;&#x153;back homeâ&#x20AC;? and not in its San Francisco setting. More striking is the complete absence of any even passively religious material. No one so much as goes to church, and apart from the occasional â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh, my God,â&#x20AC;? the deity is never referenced in any form. And with that â&#x20AC;&#x201D; not to mention Perry as the male lead in this outing â&#x20AC;&#x201D; we lose the frequent resolution to most of Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s films, which is that all a woman needs is a good, hunky guy and Jesus. Whether any of these changes are improvements is a matter for debate, and how they will play to his core audience will be told by the box office. (Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t worry, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a new Madea picture in the making.) In essence, Perry here gives us his â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernâ&#x20AC;? version of a 1930s Frank Capra film (I suspect the name Deeds is a reference to Capraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1936
7jaan"Egdd[ EgdjY
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filmsociety DRACULA’S DAUgHteR JJJJJ
DIRECTOR: LAMBERT HILLYER (The InvIsIble Ray) PLAYERS: OTTO KRUGER, MARGUERITE CHURCHILL, GLORIA HOLDEN, EDWARD VAN SLOAN, IRVING PICHEL, GILBERT EMERY HORROR RAteD nR Dracula’s Daughter (1936) marked the end of an era. It’s the last of the original 12 Universal horror movies that started five years earlier with Dracula (aptly enough), and it’s never really gotten its due. Sure, it’s not quite the big finish you might wish for. It’s not even the film that was originally planned — that would have been a big-budget affair directed by no less than James Whale and starring Bela Lugosi — but the always-shaky Universal fortunes brought that idea to a grinding halt. (Legend has it that the studio actually paid Lugosi more not to be in Dracula’s Daughter when the original version was canceled than they’d paid him for Dracula.) What we got instead was a snappy, first-rate (if lower-tier) A picture that had only one real drawback: No big name horror star, which is almost certainly why it has tended to be undervalued. In every other respect, it’s a pretty terrific horror picture with the best hero (Otto Kruger) and heroine (Marguerite Churchill) of any classic horror. In fact, their roles — written in something of the style of a screwball comedy by Garrett Fort — pointed in a new, more adult direction for the genre. (How that would have played out will never be known, since this was the end of the line for the original Universal horror era.) It also had an impressive Countess Dracula in Gloria Holden, and a super-creepy henchman for her in Irvin Pichel. Throw in stylish, fast-paced direction from Lambert Hillyer (who had proven himself adept at the genre with The Invisible Ray earlier that year) and a top-notch musical score from Heinz Roemheld, and you have a horror movie to remember. reviewed by Ken Hanke The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Dracula’s Daughter on Thursday, March 1, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
DIRECTOR: MILOS FORMAN PLAYERS: JOHN SAVAGE, TREAT WILLIAMS, BEVERLY D’ANGELO, ANNIE GOLDEN, DORSEY WRIGHT, DON DACUS, CHERYL BARNES mUSiCAL RAteD Pg Milos Forman’s Hair (1979) is a film that they simply waited too long to make — at least so far as the box office was concerned. The popularity of the stage musical was long over by 1979, and the clearly anti-establishment tone of the film was not quite in keeping with the mood of the moment. Despite being heavily covered by the film publications of the era (after all, this was Forman’s first film since his 1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest), the movie was a massive flop when it first appeared. This probably pleased the original show’s authors, Gerome Ragni and James Rado, who were less than delighted by the changes the film made — like giving it an entirely different story. That the stage musical could have been filmed is fairly ludicrous, since it was so much a product of its time. Forman’s approach was to make a film about that time, and it largely works — perhaps better today than it did when the movie came out. Oh, it has some problems — a few of the numbers, especially the LSD wedding, seem to go on forever — but it has more going for it than against it, not in the least the fact that Forman proves to have a natural affinity for filming musical numbers. What’s particularly surprising today is that the film secured a PG rating. The thematic material and drug use would not get that rating today, while the length of Beverly D’Angelo’s totally not-coy topless scene would bring it an R by itself. Have we actually become that much more prudish since 1979? I’m afraid we have. reviewed by Ken Hanke The Asheville Film Society will screen Hair on Tuesday, March 6, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.
66 FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 • mountainx.com
the lead actors are the least of the film’s worries. We’re also stuck with a rickety script full of grating, slow burning jokes that wants to be a send-up of American life — from hippies to middle American malaise — but without the wit to be biting or sense to have an actual point. Hell, there’s not even any wandering in Wanderlust. Rudd and Aniston play George and Linda, married New Yorkers who are forced to move to Atlanta when George suddenly loses his job. On the way there, they stumble upon a commune of hippies living in the Georgia backwoods. After one eye-opening night — and after seeing the alternative of living with George’s gauche, loudmouthed brother (Ken Marino, Role Models) in Atlanta — the duo decide to move in with these flighty free spirits in order to escape the horrors of modern life. The film works on George’s realization that he finds hippies annoying, while the flaky Linda soon finds herself being drawn into their Bohemian lifestyle. The majority of the film’s humor comes from the idea that hippies are weird, out-of-touch burnouts who reject the mores of modernity in exchange for extravagant and often bizarre notions on how to live — with that idea cranked up into an absurd parody. Fine. I’m not here to argue the validity — or lack thereof — of this caricature, but rather to point out that it is a caricature — and a hamfisted one at that — one without the legs or originality to carry an entire picture. There are no teeth to this kind of supposed satire, and therefore, is no point. The film lacks the heart of director David Wain’s Role Models (2008), and for that matter, the absurdity and bizarre nature of his Wet Hot American Summer (2001). That Wanderlust’s funniest moments include a couple of gags from Wet Hot American Summer alums Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter suggests what the film might be missing. There’s been a big deal over whether or not Aniston bares her breasts in this film, and before you fork over hard-earned admission fee, I’ll tell you that she shows nothing that would embarrass her mother — except maybe her acting. (She claims this was out of respect for her boyfriend Justin Theroux, but he’s been in two David Lynch films for criminy’s sake, and can probably handle it.) Actually, that the biggest hype surrounding this movie is the possibility DIRECTOR: DAVID WAIN (Role Models) of Jennifer Aniston exposing her areolas to the PLAYERS: PAUL RUDD, JENNIFER ANISTON, JUSTIN world should be a clue as to the limits on what THEROUX, ALAN ALDA, MALIN AKERMAN this movie has to offer. Rated R for sexual content, COmeDY RAteD R graphic nudity, language and drug use. The story: Two New Yorkers decide to reviewed by Justin Souther join a Georgia commune in order to get Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic away from the stresses of modern life. of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7 film Mr. Deeds Goes to Town) — and it’s about as unrealistic. It’s one of those things where the rich fellow learns the real meaning of life by rubbing shoulders with the hoi polloi — one of the prettier hoi polloi of the female persuasion, of course. To this end, we find Wesley Deeds (Perry), a rich, upperclass businessman from a long line of upperclass businessmen (actually, the script is a little fuzzy on this lineage). His life seems very appealing — and very mapped out by his mother (Phylicia Rashad), right down to a suitable hand-picked fiancée, Natalie (Gabrielle Union). Oh, sure he has an obnoxious, hot-headed brother, Walter (TV actor Brian White), who thinks he should be running the family business, but, all in all, things seem right on track. Until, that is, Wesley meets single mom Lindsey Wakefield (Thandie Newton) and her daughter, Ariel (Jordenn Thompson). In typical movie fashion, all it takes is them meeting cute and her putting him in his place for “not living in the real world” before he’s hooked. There’s nothing here you haven’t seen before — lots of times — but it’s competently done, and in some cases, nicely done. Perry’s refusal to make Natalie into an unlikable character is a pleasant tack, and, in fact, the scene where they break up is probably the best thing in the film — certainly it’s the most moving thing in the film. None of it is subtle, and all of it’s on the protracted side (Perry’s lackadaisical pacing seems ingrained in his work), but in terms of Perry’s oeuvre it’s surprisingly light on the cheesy melodrama. The only character who is absurdly over-written is Walter (whose lastminute contrition is even more absurd), and the only scene that topples over into unintentional laughs is the big confrontation where all the main players end up in an elevator. Is it a good film? Not exactly, but it is pleasantly watchable — and it’s certainly more interesting in connection with Perry’s overall filmography. Rated PG-13 for sexual content, language, some violence and thematic material. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande
The lowdown: An often tedious — and occasionally obnoxious — parody of hippies that doesn’t have the teeth or the wherewithal to have an actual point.
If you’re unlike me and find Paul Rudd’s genteel smart-assery to be the cat’s pajamas, or somehow aren’t confounded by Jennifer Aniston continuing to have a movie career despite sucking the charisma out of every project she appears in, then perhaps you’ll get more out of Wanderlust than I did. Even then, your enjoyment prospects might be iffy, since
lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at mountainx.com/movies.
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Real Estate Wanted
Real Estate
Homes For Sale
$319,900 • HISTORIC GROVEMONT! Completely updated private stone bungalow. 5BR, 2BA home with views. • 3 Fireplaces. Oak floors. Convert it back to a separate upstairs apartment with private entrance. • 2 outbuildings for workshop or studio. Full unfinished basement. MLS#512563. 828-779-2222. Cornerstone Real Estate.
2BR COTTAGE IN CENTRAL ASHEVILLE Sweet, 1920’s cottage in Central Asheville. 2BR/1BA. Dog friendly large yard. Nice cul-de-sac neighborhood. Walk to town. Great condition. $120,000. 253-9451.
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CHARMING BUNGALOW! 3BR home on 1.22 acres! Hardwood and tile floors. New siding and roof. Interior was recently updated. MLS#512807, $170,000! 828-779-2222. Cornerstone Real Estate. HOUSE FOR SALE 3BR/2BA Artistically 1920’s designed home. Newly remodeled kitchen and bathroom;. New carpet. Great garden area. Great community. Priced to sell quickly at $93,750. 828-284-0423 deacons_man@yahoo.com
Condos For Sale PRICE REDUCED ON DOWNTOWN CONDO Over 3700 sqft two story condo. Two balconies with mountain views,high end finishes, original hardwoods, high ceilings, exposed brick. Colossal garage/studio! MLS#489024. $599,000. The Real Estate Center. 828-255-4663. www.recenter.com
Land For Sale
REAL ESTATE WANTED • Lot suitable for building a house within walking distance of downtown Asheville. Call Otto. 602-904-1849.
Home Services
Handy Man HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
Computer CHRISTOPHER’S COMPUTERS • Computer Slow? Call Christopher’s Computers at 828-670-9800 and let us help you with PC and Macintosh issues: networking, virus/malware removal, tutoring, upgrades, custombuilt new computers, etc. ChristophersComputers.com
BIG 3BR/2BA WITH FIREPLACE, DEN, DBL GARAGE - MARS HILL OWNER FINANCING $160,000 for Huge country home 20 min from Asheville. Owner financing to qualified borrower w/10% down. Big home with super master bath, sunken tub, deck views of valley, pasture, old tobacco barn. Rural. Backs to 1000s acres of forest. 2982274, kassabc@bellsouth.net. Also can buy house next door w/ 9 acres and make a family compound $160k.
LAND WANTED • LEASES Paying Top Dollar for 5, 10, 20 Acre or Larger Flat Land Tracts in WNC for 25 Year Land Leases. Call Green Mountain Realty: 828-215-9064.
Commercial Property
Rooms For Rent
DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CONDO In central business district w/ potential for live/work or office/studio. Heated and cooled with hardwoods and close to parking. $240,000 The Real Estate Center. 828-255-4663. www.recenter.com MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION • ENTIRE LEADER BUILDING Center of Asheville’s downtown business district! Sprinkled with hardwood floors and exposed brick walls. Purchase entire building for $895,000. Lease ground floor and basement for $6,000 NNN MLS# 505635 511315 The Real Estate Center. 828-255-4663. www.recenter.com OFFICE SUITES Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sq. ft. to 3,200 sq. ft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024. jmenk@gmproperty.com
Commercial/Bus iness Rentals 3 OFFICES IN DOWNTOWN WEST ASHEVILLE 3 different spaces, all available March 1. $250-$350/month includes all utilities. Shared waiting area, conference room, bathrooms. On-site copier for tenants. Perfect for therapy - body & mind. Call 828-712-2440 to set up an appointment.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE - 864 HAYWOOD RD. (W. ASHEVILLE) 1200 sq.ft. Health-care use compliant: PT, acupuncture, etc. Four private rooms, reception/waiting rooms plus office area. Handicap accessible. Off-street parking. 828-281-3667
WATERFALLS • Tranquil sounds of running water. Award winning water garden contractor. Contact Max Phelps today! 828-460-1043. Create Paradise at Home! www.mountainwaterfalls.net
DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE For lease. Above City Bakery, Biltmore Avenue. Approximately 775 sqft. Natural light. Spacious. info@sycamorepartners.net
MAKING YOUR LIFE EASIER I organize offices, homes, manage businesses and events, and run errands. • References • You can count on me: Siama: (719) 207-4550. siamamama@yahoo.com ALMOST HEAVEN-WNC MTNS-FSBO Breathtaking, long range views of Mt Mitchell and B Ridge Parkway and French Broad. 12 acres 15 min north of Asheville. $299K. 917-951-8101. lclarknyc@yahoo.com.
Commercial Listings
DOWNTOWN • FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM The Gray Rock Inn, 100 Biltmore Avenue, near French Broad Food Co-op. • Weekly rates, $110/week. References, security deposit required. John: 230-4021, Noon-5pm.
No Junk. No Scams. Quality controlled local listings for WNC.
Apartments For Rent 1920’s CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AND UNCA • Hillside St. Spacious and lightfilled. 1BR/1BA with hardwood floors, large windows, good closet space. $695/month includes heat, hot and cold water. Tenant pays for electricity. Laundry included. Plenty of off-street parking. Cats OK with fee, No dogs. For appt: 777-6304 Graham Investments. 1920’s CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AND UNCA • Hillside St. Spacious and lightfilled. 2BR/1BA with hardwood floors, large windows, good closet space. $745/month includes heat, hot and cold water. Tenant pays for electricity. Laundry included. Plenty of off-street parking. For appt: 777-6304 Debra.
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IN YOUR POCKET Male/Neutered Pony 7 Years
7i^[l_bb[ >kcWd[ IeY_[jo 14 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville, NC 828-761-2001 • AshevilleHumane.org Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.
• FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012
LIVE ON THE RIVER! • EAST 2BR, 2BA, all appliances, including WD. • Large closets, storage. Covered parking. • Covered porch. Open deck. Great views! • Quiet and convenient. • Pets considered. $725/month. 828-779-2736, 828-215-4596. NEAR HAW CREEK - DUPLEX • 3BR, 2BA. 1,250 sq.ft. Covered porch, 5 year old building. Maple Springs Villas. Cat friendly, no dogs. $900/month, utilities not included. Available March 15th. 828-299-7502. NORTH 1BR, 1BA BUNGALOW • $550/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. NORTH ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 1BA. Upstairs/downstairs.1 mile to downtown. On busline. $595/month. 828-252-4334.
Mobile Homes For Rent 2BR, 2BA EAST • In quiet managed park. Central heat and A/C. W/D. References, application and deposit required. $550/month. 828-779-2736.
Condos/ Townhomes For Rent ARDEN/FLETCHER TOWNHOME 2BR, 2.5BA. $950/month and pet friendly. No pet deposit. Hardwood floors and gas fireplace. Call (828) 318-7592.
Homes For Rent
NORTH ASHEVILLE • Townhome 2BR, 1BA. 1 mile to downtown. On busline. $495/month. 828-252-4334. STUDIO • Hendersonville. Near Main St. On bus line. Special! Only $295/month. 828-252-4334. WEST-ACTON WOODS APTS • 2BR, 2BA, 1100 sq.ft. $775/month. Includes water and garbage pickup. Sorry, no pets. Call 253-0758. Carver Realty.
HUGE 3BR-2BA PLUS MEGA DEN AND FIREPLACE $875 MO - 20 MIN FROM ASHEVILLE Big 3BR/2BA+oversized den with front porch. 2 car garage attached. Private driveway. Decks. Master suite 2 closets+sunken tub master bath. Pasture and mountain views. Exit 3. Mars Hill Area off Big Laurel. NS. Proof of income and good rent/credit required. $875 month. 1st, last, security. pets ok. Farm area. (828) 298-2274. NORTH 2BR, 1BA • Gas heat. Hardwood floors. Sorry, no pets. $775/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. SMALL ENERGY EFFICIENT COTTAGE • 1BR, 1BA. Hardwood and ceramic tile floors, screened porch, privacy fence. Good condition. No Smoking. $675/month. 828-298-3933. WEST 3BR, 2BA. Full basement. 1 car garage. Sorry, no pets. $925/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty.
51 WEST CHAPEL ROAD • OAKLEY AREA 3BR, 2BA house convenient to South Asheville and Oakley. Hardwood floors, large fenced backyard. Washer/Dryer included. Central A/C. Available March 1st • $1100/month. (828) 279-7699. roryrealestate@gmail.com
Short-Term Rentals 15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental. Newly renovated, complete with everything including cable and internet. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@yahoo.com
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jobs LOCAL OUTDOOR COMPANY Local outdoor company is seeking qualified applicants for warehouse and office positions. Interested applicants may send resume and cover letter to applyoutdoors@gmail.com. LOCAL WHOLESALE COMPANY is looking for fulltime help in our shipping and receiving department. • Position is mainly pulling product from the warehouse, packing it and shipping it through FedEx to fulfill customer orders. • We use Fishbowl Warehouse Systems, and Quickbooks to keep track of inventory, experience with those programs is helpful but can be taught to the computer literate. • Interested parties must be self motivated, focused, reliable and have a pleasant disposition. • Good attention to detail is an absolute must, as is the ability to keep up a fast pace. We offer competitive salary, health benefits, and paid time off days as well as friendly and comfortable work environment. No phone calls, please! Please email resume to jamesm@allfungifts.com or fax to 828-236-2658. NORTH ASHEVILLE TAILGATE MARKET DIRECTOR The North Asheville Tailgate Market is accepting applications to fill the part-time position of Market Director. A position description is available at www.northashevilletailgatemar ket.org. Please submit an electronic resume to that website no later than Mar. 15, 2012.
PAID IN ADVANCE • Make $1,000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.homemailerprogram.net (AAN CAN)
Email me TODAY for a FREE resume review & EXCLUSIVE special report “The 7 Deadly Sins of Resume Writing”
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 •
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST NEEDED Community Care of Western North Carolina is looking for a Quality Improvement Specialist to support the organization in achieving its goal of ensuring high quality, cost effective healthcare. Working in collaboration with the CCWNC leadership team, the QI Specialist will support the program’s quality performance objectives through utilization of established quality improvement methodologies; specifically PDSA, QI tools and techniques, and data analysis. A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing; or a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Project Management or a health related field combined with relevant quality improvement work experience in a health care setting is required. Work experience with responsibilities in the following areas: process improvement, data presentation, report writing, public speaking, team facilitation, and demonstrated problem solving skills is preferred. Submit resume to hr@ccwnc.org or fax to 828-259-3875. EOE
Administrative/ Office
Salon/ Spa SENSIBILITIES DAY SPA • Now hiring part time Spa Runner. Friday, Saturday and some Sundays. Bring resume to Hilton Asheville at 43 Biltmore Park Town Square Blvd. Suite #100. No phone calls please.
Sales/ Marketing 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE DUE TO UPCOMING EXPANSION Our organization is seeking individuals for inside sales positions in our Asheville office. 40 hours per week, $11.00 per hour, Benefits, Paid training, Weekly profit sharing, Career Advancement, Permanent positions. Please contact our Human Resource Supervisor at 828-236-2530. PROFESSIONAL SALES Fortune 200 company recruiting sales associates in this area. • $30-$50K possible first year. • Renewals • Stock Bonuses • Training. For an interview, call (828) 670-6099 or e-mail resume: CandiceAdms@aol.com SALES PROFESSIONALS Start a career in Executive Recruiting. • Training provided. • Office setting. • Commission driven. Draw possible. • 3 openings. Call today: (828) 277-6988. resumes@thurmondco.com
DATABASE MANAGER AND EVENTS ASSISTANT • Eliada Homes is seeking one person for this dual role. Responsibilities include working closely with fiscal to maintain the agency database, soliciting donations, event preparation and execution. • Expert-level proficiency and 23 years recent experience in Raiser’s Edge preferred. • Equivalent IT and/or database experience that demonstrates an applicant’s ability to master similar software programs may be substituted. • Ideal candidate will be detail oriented, have excellent customer service skills and organizational skills. • Experience in Wordpress and social media preferred. All interested and qualified candidates, please go to www.eliada.org/employment to apply. LEGAL ASSISTANT Legal Assistant for Asheville law firm. 4 days a week. Minimum 5 years of NC civil litigation experience. References necessary. Please send resume to cgardi6561@aol.com.
Restaurant/ Food
FOOD SERVICE LEAD NEEDED • Eliada Homes is seeking a Food Service Lead to provide direction and assistance in preparation of food. Other duties include planning meals, purchasing food and supplies, and delivering food when needed. • The Lead will also train employees to company standards and set excellent customer service and work examples for staff. • Prefer Culinary Degree and at least five years of experience in food service preparation in large quantities. • Previous supervisory experience a plus. To apply, please to www.eliada.org/employment.
FOOD SERVICE SPECIALIST • PART-TIME To plan and prepare meals for up to 100 children and adults, transport hot foods and account for meals served while complying with state and federal regulations. • Graduation from high school, Valid NC license, background and drug screen required. Salary Range: $9.50/hour. • Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information to: Ms. Linda Gamble Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 or Admin@communityactionoppor tunities.org Or (828) 253-6319. Open until filled. EOE & DFWP. PALATE RESTAURANT • Hiring servers, bartenders, kitchen staff. Must have experience. Apply in person, Thurs, Fri, Sat. 10am-3pm. At the new Monte Vista. 308 W. State St., Black Mountain.
Hotel/ Hospitality CANOPY GUIDE AT NAVITAT CANOPY ADVENTURES Candidates must share philosophy of sustainable practices, excellence and safety. Must have positive attitude, strong work ethic, and good communication. Asheville@navitat.com
Drivers/Delivery MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Full-time Delivery Driver. Must have CDL with 1-3 years experience. Heavy lifting required. Comp pay/ excellent benefits. Job Description and application on www.mannafoodbank.org E-mail or fax jhanson@feedingamerica.org 828-299-3664 (FAX). No Phone calls. EOE.
Human Services ARE YOU ABLE TO PROVIDE A LOVING FAMILY? CANC is looking for dynamic folks to support individuals as an AFL Provider in the Arden, Asheville and Swannanoa areas. To learn more about this rewarding opportunity, please call (828) 678-9116.
ASSISTANT SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM MANAGER • Eliada Homes is looking to hire a temporary full time employee to act as Assistant Summer Camp Program Manager. • Responsibilities include ensuring program staff and facilities are in compliance with licensing, safety, and sanitation standards at all times. • Must be an effective communicator, solution focused, and have excellent computer skills. All interested and qualified employees, please go to www.eliada.org/employment to apply on-line.
ATTENTION REGISTERED NURSES • Eliada Homes is hiring PRN Registered Nurses to provide care to our students in our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. • Nursing staff will provide restrictive intervention monitoring and effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention procedures. • Other responsibilities include administering medication and implementing each student’s health plan. This position requires valid NC RN licensure. Experience working with children and/or adolescents strongly preferred. To apply, please to www.eliada.org/employment. COMMUNITY SERVICES COORDINATOR The Autism Society of North Carolina is currently hiring for a Community Service Coordinator in their Asheville Office. Applicant must be QP qualified in field of Developmental Disabilities. Preferred: one year supervisory experience, one year of experience working with individuals on the autism spectrum. Please forward letter of interest and resume to Joe Yurchak at: jyurchak @autismsociety-nc.org
AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY • LIFE COACH Energetic Life Coach needed to co-facilitate Nurturing Parenting Program and to assist customers enrolled in Life Works Self Sufficiency Program to identify personal strengths, assets, goals and career interests. • Develop Action Plans in partnership with customer and community to remove obstacles to success. Coordinate services through a network of community organizations that provide participants with the resources they need to solve the problems they face. Assist lowincome families through a strengths-based approach to case management to become self-sufficient. Requirements: • 4 year degree in Social Work or related field and at least 2 years of experience required. • Demonstrated ability to provide case management which includes family assessment, intervention, planning, employment development and considerable public contact. • Demonstrated ability to work with community partners • Demonstrated ability to work with diverse populations. • Keen understanding of the dynamics of poverty. • Strong oral and written communication skills. • Budget and paper management accuracy required. • Experience with reporting outcomes and ability to use data to inform practice. • Must be a team-player and experienced with team-based case management. • Fluent in English and Spanish preferred. • Possess a valid NC driver’s license. • Able to pass drug and background checks. • North Carolina Family Development Credential preferred. • Certified to facilitate Nurturing Parenting Program preferred. Salary Range: $31,200.00 to $43,010.00 DOQ. • Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information to: Ms. Linda Gamble Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 or Admin@communityactionoppor tunities.org or (828) 253-6319. Open until filled. EOE & DFWP. DIRECT CARE STAFF FOR YOUNG GIRLS BOARDING SCHOOL • Part-time (weekend) and 3rd shift. Experience in behavioral health and youth preferred. Please send resume to becca@ashevilleacademy.com.
CooperRiis A Non-Profit Healing Community has need of a Mental Health Dual Recovery Therapist in its Asheville location. The therapist will provide: • Individual, group and family therapy • Leadership for paraprofessional staff on recovery model practices • Strong crisis management and assessment both for admission and on call • Experience and comfort in working with individuals who have a variety of mental health challenges including thought disorders • Collaborate well with an integrated team of professionals and QMHP staff • Active participation in our Healing Community milieu. QUALIFICATIONS: Masters, PsyD or Ph.D. or MA degree in clinical psychology or counseling. Current state license. 2 years experience providing psychotherapy and other clinical services. Experience with Dual Recovery and or DBT a plus. Forward cover letter and resume to: HR@cooperriis.org. NO PHONE CALLS OR IN-PERSON VISITS.
Exciting opportunity with Family Preservation Services of Rutherford County! Become a part of an established team. Seeking NC licensed or provisionally licensed therapists to work with children and their families in the school, home and community. Candidates must have a minimum of 1 year experience with children, school based experience a plus. FPS offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package. Resumes to klockridge@fpscorp.com.
FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. • www.familiestogether.net • Candidates should email resumes to humanresources @familiestogether.net
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE, has opportunities for Qualified Mental Health Professionals to join our team. Qualified candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in a social services field and a minimum of 1 year experience with children with mental illness. FPS offers a competitive and comprehensive benefit package. To join our team, please send your resume to jdomansky@fpscorp.com
MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or email Rachel at rachel.wingo @thementornetwork.com • Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739. PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH has a full time staff opening in both our Asheville and Hendersonville Offices Substance Abuse Services. • Good candidates should have Substance Abuse individual and group (IOP) experience, be a Licensed Clinician, be familiar with IPRS/Medicaid paperwork, be available to work 2 nights per week and enjoy working in a team culture. • Parkway has excellent benefits, salary commensurate with experience and is a stable work environment. Interested Candidates should email their resumes to: slayton@parkwaybh.com SEEKING FAMILIES To open their home to care for adults/children with developmental disabilities, similar to Foster Care. Some requiring specialized care and some wheelchair accessible. Must possess a high school diploma, current driver’s license and pass a background check. Previous experience helpful but not required. Training will be provided. Excellent salary. Call 828 299-1720.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Mountain Area Recovery Center is seeking a CSAC or LCAS 20 hours per week to manage the DWI program in Clyde, NC. This position would provide assessments and groups and must be available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon/evenings as well as Saturday mornings. Responsibilities would include tracking and managing the clients participation in the program, marketing and leading groups. Candidate will be paid at the rate of $16.83/hour. Please e-mail your resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp.com or fax to attn: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. EOE SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Mountain Area Recovery Center is seeking a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor to fill a position in our outpatient opioid treatment facilities located in both Asheville and Clyde, NC. Candidates will provide substance abuse services, including but not limited to, assessments/screening, intake, client orientation, person centered planning, case management, intervention, client education, and plan and lead structured process and theme centered groups. We offer competitive pay WITH benefits…medical, dental, life, short-term disability, flexible spending account, 401-K, pto, paid holidays, and a flexible work environment in this challenging, yet highly rewarding field. If you are up to the challenge, please e-mail your resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp.com or fax to attention: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. EOE
THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES • Is seeking the following for adult service lines: licensed or provisionally licensed therapist (LCSW, LPC, LMFT). Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp.com. WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is hiring for Residential Counselor positions. Full Time 3rd shift, Part Time 1st shift, and weekends. Each qualified applicant must have High School Diploma and 2 years experience, or College degree. Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave Asheville. Please view our website for additional information. www.wncgrouphomes.org
Professional/ Management COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING MANAGER FULLTIME MANNA FOODBANK Excellent communication and people skills required. 3-5 years experience required Competitive pay/benefits More information at www.mannafoodbank.org. Send resume with cover letter to J Clarkson 627 Swannanoa River Rd Asheville, NC 28805 Or e-mail to jclarkson@feedingamerica.org. EOE Deadline February 29, 2012 MANAGEMENT Mature professional for administrative and managerial duties to lead local business. Mac, Excel spreadsheet, database entry and graphic design experience. Full-time. No smokers. Call Anne: (828) 230-5125.
LOW VOLTAGE OUTDOOR LED LIGHTING COMPANY OPENS IN SOUTH ASHEVILLE Moonlighting of WNC, Certified Landscape/Architectural Lighting Professionals, specializing in custom Low Voltage LED and Conventional Lighting systems. 828-702-2829 john@moonlightingwnc.com PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-413-6293. (AAN CAN) Prayer works, at least for me—thanks to intervention of St. Jude in accomplishing something important to me!
Mind, Body, Spirit
Arts/Media ARTIST - PAINTER WANTED Looking for artist experienced painting metal/wood objects. Decorative finish work. All art styles considered. Contract/piece work to start. Email photos of work. Located Mars Hill near college. Contact: jobsatmimc@gmail.com.
Teaching/ Education GO-KITCHEN READY-CHEF INSTRUCTOR Green Opportunities is looking for a Chef Instructor for it’s new Kitchen Ready program. Find out more information at: https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com /postings/784
Announcements DUKE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH STUDY Does your 12 to 18year-old receive mental health care? Two-hour visit in Asheville, $40 for your time. Call 828-333-5117 or e-mail thinking.emotions@mc.duke.e du for more information. Study ID# Pro 00024673.
Responsible, experienced woman willing to come to your home or business and do a standard or extensive cleaning. Available day, evening or weekends. Rates depend on individual jobs, but will beat any competitors quote.
AWESOME MASSAGE CONTINUING EDUCATION! 10 different low cost classes including Ashiatsu barefoot massage! Brett Rodgers NCBTMB #451495-10 www.vitalitymassage.net (828) 645-5228 BE GOOD TO YOURSELF $40 One Hour Integrative Therapeutic Massage with Aromatherapy in beautiful River Arts studio. • Vanessa Dagavarian. LMBT#11415. • Call today: (646) 541-3802. Mariposa Massage. GENTLE FLOW AND YIN YOGA • Tues and Wed. nights 5:456:45. Donation Based. 70 Woodfin #320. 707-0988 or tamisbliss.com. SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town—- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www.shojiretreats.com STRESSED? TIRED? PAIN? Several massage modalities, Reiki, and acupuncture sessions for body, mind, spirit healing. Couple’s treatments available. Reiki trainings monthly. West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, 828-423-3978, westashevillemassage.com
#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND YOGA CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $33/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. • Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088. www.thecosmicgroove.com ASHEVILLE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN • Jess Toan, LMBT 7445, MA in Women’s Health. Deep Tissue, Hot Stones, Prenatal, Swedish, Reiki, and Oncology Massage. $50 for first massage. http://ashevillemassageforwom en.vpweb.com, 828-552-6609, jesstoan14@gmail.com. Experienced, professional, and attentive. Call today! You won’t regret it.
TOP NOTCH PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE! Deep tissue specialist. Tension and pain release! Brett Rodgers - LMBT #7557 www.vitalitymassage.net (828) 645-5228.
Counseling Services CERTIFIED LIFE COACH 13 years experience. • I can help you improve any aspect of your life through intensive listening and questioning. • Create a more balanced, fulfilling and creative life. • For a Free sample session, call Siama, (719) 207-4550. coachsiama@yahoo.com
Spiritual ILLUMINATING YOUR PATH Call Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin. • 15 years in Asheville. • Individuals • Groups • Parties. (828) 253-7472. ninaanin@weebly.com
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7ZWc JWdd[h • Fiddle • Mandolin • Guitar
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669-4625 • Black Mountain
Andy OnCall
• Carpentry • Flat Screen TV Hanging • Painting • Drywall • Finished Basements • Bathroom Remodels • Ceramic Tile • Odd Jobs
ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • whitewaterrecording.com LAKE HOUSE MUSIC • Need help financing your next recording project? Call us at Lake House Music 215-380-8111.
Musicians’ Bulletin NEED FEMALE LEAD VOCAL, ROCK/SOUTHERN ROCK TUNE, PAYING WELL NEED FEMALE LEAD VOCAL, Rock/Southern Rock tune, paying higher than industry and regional standards for this area. 828 775 6468
TAKE $300 OFF ANY $1,000
828-254-0734 505 Haywood Rd. • Asheville, NC 28806
Small Jobs • Handyman Services • Home Repairs Not Handy? Call Andy!
GRAND PIANO Yamaha G2 in great condition. $5800. Call (828) 689-9319.
~50 Years Locally Owned~
• Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828)
Musical Services
• Antique Restoration
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All brands washers, dryers, refrigerator, dishwasher, and small appliances.
Equipment For Sale
NIWAY SVA acuum Cleaner •Service - All Makes & Models •Sales - new & used •Bags & Belts - All Models •Green Cleaning Supplies •Amish Heaters
• Furniture Repair
Musicians’ Xchange
• Fix A Fence • Hardwood Floors • Cabinets • Decks • Remodels • Windows & Doors • Crown Molding • And More!
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Free Estimates • One Year Written Warranty STRESS-FREE BATHROOM REMODELING IN 4 EASY STEPS STEP 1: Call 828-681-5590 today for a FREE design consultation. STEP 2: Choose from hundreds of trendy colors and styles. STEP 3: Have your custom-fit tub or shower installed in 2 days or less. STEP 4: Relax and enjoy your new bath!
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Owned and operated by Licensed N.C. Plumber. • Serving all of Western North Carolina
FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012 •
Pet Xchange
Sporting Goods
The New York Times Crossword
Evinrude Boat Motor For Sale
Pets for Adoption
Evinrude 2008 6hp 4 stroke motor. Less than 50 hours run time. Paid $1,600 - Want $1,000 firm. Call 828-3371151.
Tools & Machinery ADOPT ALYSSA! Alyssa is a young Lab mix puppy who is searching for a loving home. Visit www.bwar.org or call Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at 808-9435 for more information on the adoption process. BobCAT 2002 Only 1507 hours. 773-G Series, Skid Steer tracks over tires, wood splitter 48’, Brush Bandit bush hog. $15,000. This a great deal! Please call 828-551-4156. ADOPT LUNA! Luna is a Boxer/Hound mix who is searching for a loving home. Visit www.bwar.org or call Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at 808-9435 for more information on the adoption process.
Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 215-7232.
Furniture QUEEN PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New still in plastic. $125 Call 828-9891147 can help with delivery.
General Merchandise HEATING OIL/KEROSENE #2 Have new gas heater. Will sell oil at greatly reduced price.
Vehicles For Sale
Automotive Services
$2/gallon total 95 gallons. Please call 828-350-8177.
Wanted CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top
WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.
Dollar Paid. We Come To You!
Edited by Will Shortz No.0125 Across 1 Gulp from a flask 5 Classic sci-fi terror, with “the” 9 Began a triathlon 13 College in New Rochelle, N.Y. 14 Running behind 15 Afghanistan’s Karzai 17 What the annual Dove Awards are awarded for 19 “The Hot Zone” virus 20 Source of Tbones 21 Like winter in Siberia 23 Game with Skip and Reverse cards 24 Baseball card fig. 26 Followers of lambdas 27 “The Crow” actress ___ Ling
28 Song title for both Fleetwood Mac and Starship 30 Kind of aerobics 32 Phyllis’s neverseen TV husband 33 Open to suggestion 36 Coming-clean words 38 Indicators of age … and a hint to this puzzle’s theme 40 Sweet filling, in commercial names 42 Inviting a blessing? 46 Sing a paean to 47 Pursuers of the Sopranos, for short 49 Drop ___ (start to disrobe) 50 “Newhart” setting 51 Tre + tre
52 City of Kyrgyzstan 55 Tricky turn 56 One at a crime scene 59 Take illegally 61 Noir or comedy 62 Place for iodine 65 Perfumer’s compound 66 “Horrors!” 67 Accelerator particles 68 Drunken spree 69 Staph-caused irritation 70 Cherub at Notre Dame Down 1 Autograph: Abbr. 2 Ian who won the 1991 Masters 3 Yet to come 4 Act starstruck, say 5 Words on a jacket 6 Chorus syllables 7 Ear-related 8 Look good on 9 Gets rid of 10 Indiana river 11 Sights on slides 12 President Fillmore 16 “The Persistence of Memory” and others 18 Name for a bull 22 Wolfish 23 Team ___ 25 Trinidad or Tobago 29 Chipped in 31 Like telegrams, typically
28 •
32 37
39 42 47
48 52
53 59
55 60
12 16
Reserve Your Space Today! 46
9 15
• Reach 70,000 Loyal Readers Every 23 24 Week 29 Nearly 30,000 Issues 33 • Covering 730 34 Locations Throughout 38 Western NC
Puzzle by Gareth Bain
32 “Hungarian Rhapsodies” composer 34 Part of a slot machine 35 Any of the “Stayin’ Alive” singers 37 Apparel abbr. 39 ___ uncertain terms
40 “Gold Digger” rapper 41 Chance upon 43 “Suppose so” 44 Having chips, say 45 NASA’s Grissom 46 Feudal subject 48 Rifle problems 51 Dog in the funnies
53 Classic Bogart role 54 ___ polloi 57 Palm smartphone 58 Army NCO 60 1998 Sarah McLachlan hit 63 Scotland’s Firth of ___ 64 Mao ___-tung
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
Call For Instant Offer: 1-888420-3808 www.cash4car.com WANTED TO BUY • 16’-20’ Sailboat, suitable for teaching grandsons how to sail. Call
For Sale
Antiques & Collectibles VINTAGE HOOSIER CABINET Vintage Hoosier-type cabinet $375 Glass-front doors; porcelain counter; two drawers w/ divider; pull-out bread drawer, wire shelf, door rack.
Otto 602-904-1849.
DREAMSEEKERS Your destination for relaxation. Call for your appointment. Now available 7 days a week! (828) 275-4443.
• FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2012