What’s next for Anthony from Fiore’s restaurant?
Punk you very much, Asheville
MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
thisweek on the cover
p. United they stand? Five months ago protesters from around the city — some new, some veteran — joined together to form Occupy Asheville. The ensuing demonstrations, organizing, disputes and more have changed Asheville’s protest culture, for better or worse, for the first time in almost a decade.
Cover design by Emily Busey Cover photograph by Max Cooper, inside photo by Bill Rhodes
0 AsHeville City CoUnCil
City considers joining billboard lawsuit
Wellness: steAdy And sloW
Tai chi touches lives at Asheville Terrace Apartments
food $189,000
8 MR. FRog’s Wild Ride
Vijay Shastri is back, with Southern food as the focus
arts&entertainment 6 jUggling pytHons! MotoRized sCooteRs!
Asheville’s punk scene may be underground, but it’s vibrant and busy
50 CARRying eACH otHeR MUsiCAlly
The West Asheville Community Chorus lifts every voice
5 tRiviA nigHt goes to tHe dogs Everything is Terrible sniffs out another batch of VHS oddities
features 5 9 9 5 5 56 6 67 7
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letters Recent Xpress commentary is an embarrassment Felicia Dickson’s misguided, rambling commentary on the “N-word” so clearly displayed her near-complete ignorance of racial relations, the laws of our land and normal human behavior that I felt it my duty to admonish her if not educate her [“Just Say No,” Feb. 15 Xpress]. I’m fully embarrassed on behalf of the Xpress that this tripe was printed. Did you really just let someone act as an authority on race, given that her strongest credential is having once danced with a black guy, called him a [racial epithet], then apologized? Oh wait, now she even has a black friend. How very cliché. She indicated that she was lucky she didn’t have a physical altercation after her racial slur. No verbal insult legally justifies a physically violent reaction, ever. Ever hear the one about sticks and stones? I’ll go further and state that you can’t hurt someone’s feelings about something in which they don’t already lack confidence. Try to make fun of me for being gay, or of mixed race — you might get an eye-roll and a smirk out of me, because I’m not ashamed of myself and my background. Then in all caps “RACISM IS A WHITE ISSUE.” Are you serious? I’m aware that the liberal media would lead (like a sheep) to believe that, but have you ever heard blacks talk freely about Mexicans? Mexicans talk about Puerto Ricans? Any study of the international relations among Asians and Middle Easterners? How about the Rwandan genocide?
Haven’t been yet?
The writer shows hubris combined with ignorance — as sickly counterproductive as a neo- Nazi. But she is allowed to express in speech and writing whatever thoughts she wishes, even if they are vehemently racist. It’s kind of a Bill of Rights thing. It helps the rest of us sort out whose ideas should be ignored. In a peaceful society, it is sadly necessary to police and sometimes punish people’s actions. It’s another thing entirely to control and censor thoughts and words, especially when they’re offensive. — Sidney Nemms Asheville
Why don’t we choose compassion? “Eat This Vacation,” a food story in the Feb. 7 Xpress, is a glaring example of the disconnect that most humans have about food. The article was accompanied by a photo of a very young lamb and mother. The writer remarked about how lucky she was — while visiting East Fork Farm — to experience “hanging out with day-old lambs” whom she described as “snow-white fluff balls on their wobbly little legs.” But then, with no obvious awareness of the incongruity of her statements, she gushes over East Fork’s peppercrusted lamb chops. There are numerous daily examples of this disconnect. Dog and cat rescue organizations hold fundraisers where people who claim to love animals eat some species in order to save other species. When a cow escapes from a slaughterhouse and the media takes notice, sensitive viewers
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Letters continue
staff PuBLIShER & EDITOR: Jeff Fobes hhh GENERAL MANAGER: Andy Sutcliffe SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes FOOD WRITER: Mackensy Lunsford STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Susan hutchinson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey
STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Marissa Williams h ADVERTISING SuPPLEMENTS MANAGER: Russ Keith h RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: Bryant Cooper, Rick Goldstein, Leigh Reynolds, John Varner h CLASSIFIED REPRESENTATIVES: Arenda Manning, Tim Navaille hh INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney WEB EDITOR: Steve Shanafelt WEB GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Jesse Michel WEB MARKETING MANAGER: Marissa Williams OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Ronnie Edwards, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment
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MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
cheer for her to escape death and then they casually eat a hamburger. Parents take their children to see the movie Chicken Run and clap loudly when the chickens are saved from being killed. And then they unthinkingly take their children out for chicken nuggets. Eating animals and their byproducts is a habit. So why do we rationalize and justify this unnecessary and violent habit? Why don’t we choose compassion? Why do we refuse to see the cognitive dissonance of loving animals and yet allowing our habit to cause them to be killed? How can we alleviate this disconnect and move toward a more peaceful existence? Sociologist Melanie Joy provides insightful answers to these perplexing questions at carnism.org. I urge readers to open their minds and hearts and hear what she has to say. Then eat more veggies and leave the snowwhite fluff balls alone. — Zia Terhune Arden Rachael Brownlee responds: It’s not a contradiction to appreciate a lamb’s cuteness while enjoying East Fork Farm’s lamb chops. The article intended to bring these two facts into congruence. If you revisit the article, I hope you will see my excitement for re-establishing a long-lost disconnect between food and its source. You are right to be opposed to mindless eating. Your examples are good ones. My goal is to make eating more mindful, even if it means looking a “cute” lamb right in the eye. The folks at East Fork Farm are good shepherds, and for me, that’s worth celebrating.
What’re you up to? If the current water talks end in the formation of a Regional Water Agreement, I was wondering if all the participating members will be burdened by the unfair Sullivan Acts, or will Asheville be singled out again, as it is now? Mr. Moffitt? Mr. McGrady? Anyone know? — Leni Sitnick Asheville
Thanks for noticing me On Jan. 30, I forgot to follow through with a late water payment to the city of Asheville. Truly my bad. Fifteen days later, a man in a big truck came by the house and shut the water off. It worked. I paid. They came by the same day and turned it back on. That’s great service … or is it? I emailed Terry Bellamy and a bunch of head folks at the Water Resources Department and asked them if they would send automatic emails like our city library so graciously does or give a phone call when a bill is due to cut down on the big truck driving. I got no response. Maggie Ullman, energy coordinator for the city of Asheville, and Laura Piraino, sustainability outreach specialist, gave a talk on the city of Asheville’s Sustainability Plan to a class I’m in at A-B Tech. I asked them if they could help me with my simple cause of getting automatic emails or phone calls informing people that in a few days their water was to be shut off for nonpayment and thus save lots of gas, money and carbon. They responded that despite overseeing a citywide initiative to reduce carbon output, they don’t have anything to do with water billing. I also sent the sustainability department an email and suggested the same. Unfortunately there was again no response to my email.
For research purposes, on Feb. 28, I called the Water Resources Department. An employee said that they shut off up to 60 per day at a fee of $50, and said they were in fact doing 60 that day and that around 90 percent would pay their bill and be turned on that same day. Apparently, 90 percent had the money, overlooked the bill and paid an extra $50 just like me. The water department grossed around $3,000 that day for shutoffs. I do my best to use as little energy as possible. I graduated in environmental studies from Warren Wilson College and am a current student in the A-B Tech Sustainable Technologies program. I love the new Asheville Sustainability plan and the associated energy cutbacks. I ride my bike daily, my water heater is on a timer and I heat my house with wood. But I now feel more obnoxious than productive in my simple cause to improve the cities billing-notification systems. Want it? The city sure doesn’t. — Mike Diethelm Asheville
Practice what you peddle Will the Asheville Police Department lead by example of the social order they’ve been tasked to uphold and not ride their bikes on sidewalks? As they pass, I’m forced to walk in the street. — Nathanael Roney Asheville The writer is the senior graphic designer at Mountain Xpress
Anti-corporate and proud of it Asheville City Council has adopted a measure denouncing corporate personhood and unlimited political campaign expenditures. Good for them. Despite being wholly symbolic, this adds Asheville to the growing list of cities and municipalities that have come to recognize the obvious. I support what Move to Amend is doing and participate in the Occupy movement. In the spirit of polite difference of opinion with fellow aware citizens, I will unambiguously state that corporations have got to go, not just get out of policy. The dubious enterprise of capitalism is foreclosing on the future of an entire generation. Our economy’s structure enshrines waste. All the platitudes about “efficiency” hide the paradoxical effect of creating more widespread consumption of a dwindling resource base. Titans of industry have no incentive to protect the environment or the health and safety of our communities. They are mandated by both law and structure to value short-term shareholder profit over other considerations. Economic growth is not synonymous with an abundant and developing society. What are we growing toward? Corporate totalitarianism? A suburban housing bubble, again? More oil drilling and consumption? Doubling down on our disastrous, monstrous military empire? Plunging millions of young and old people into debt servitude? Major corporations make up the vast majority of employers in our nation and supply the products that “local” businesses rely on. Newer jobs being created in the USA are overwhelmingly low wage and provide no benefits. This traps people in subsistence jobs and in turn the money needed to buy things isn’t there, resulting in a drop in aggregate demand. Circling the drain is the best we’ll accom-
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MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at www.mountainx.com/cartoons plish without digging out the root. This economic arrangement, anti-democratic, backed by violence, and perpetually destructive, has no future and deep down, we all know it. — Martin Ramsey Asheville
People and profits are in harmony In today’s headlines and protest signs we hear pleas to “put people ahead of profits.� But are people and profits opposed to one another? In commercial transactions, two parties profit: the seller and the buyer. The buyer acquires a product and the seller gains financially. This peaceable, voluntary transaction of value for value to mutual benefit is an exercise of the rights of individuals to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. It is the proper and moral exercise of economic and political freedom. When a person offers to mow your lawn for payment, he seeks to profit financially from his labor for his own betterment as he sees it. The same principle holds on larger scales. When Steve Jobs invents and sells an iPhone, Apple Corporation profits. And so do you. Profits motivate individuals to improve the lives of others and the prospect of making a profit is what makes any business enterprise worthwhile. In a free market, a business profits to the extent that it pleases people by improving their lives. When it does not, it properly loses its profits and is replaced by competitors who stand to do a better job of pleasing people and,
heyyou We want to hear from you. Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to letters@mountainx.com.
therefore, of making a profit. Profit is what people willingly give to businesses in exchange for the improvement of their lives in material ways. Profit is the measure of successfully serving the needs and wants of the community in a free, voluntary marketplace. It is the people who rule in a free economy. Consumers vote in the marketplace with their dollars and they are ruthless in their choices. They ultimately determine who will earn a profit and succeed and who will rack up losses and suffer defeat. In this sense, people and profits are in harmony and are not opposing concepts. — Tim Peck Asheville
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Ten reasons to vote Republican in November If you want the government to come between a woman and her doctor in personal matters of family planning; if mandating a trans-vaginal ultrasound is more important than the economy and creating jobs; if you want Raleigh to control local issues; if you want offshore drilling of the N.C. coast instead of wind power that would create 10,000 new jobs and 2,000 permanent ones. If you think corporations have the same rights as people and that money is speech; if you want to keep giving tax breaks to the fossil-fuel industry and getting gouged at the gas pump instead of investing in a renewable-energy future; if you want more mercury and other toxic coal-plant emissions in the air poisoning our water and food supply. If you want education costs to rise even more and teachers continue to be vilified. If you want well-run institutions like the Post Office to become privatized; if you want Paul Ryan’s voucher plan to replace Medicare, and Social Security to be weakened. I have never seen such a misogynistic anti-environmental agenda in all my life. The Republican president, Teddy Roosevelt, championed environmental causes. He challenged monopolies and
Closed Wednesday, March 7th mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 9
excessive corporate power. Richard Nixon signed the Clean Air Act in 1970. Tragically, today’s GOP has nothing in common with that legacy. — Linda Pannullo Asheville
Ethan Wingfield: conservative or fraud? Twenty-six-year-old Ethan Wingfield is running for the GOP nod for the 11th Congressional District as a conservative businessman. Since he has not held office before, one can only judge the depth of Wingfield’s conservatism on his political activism as a young man in college. Unfortunately for Western North Carolina conservatives, Ethan’s record is one any RINO or Democrat could appreciate. During his tenure at Brown University, Wingfield was involved in the 2006 re-election campaign for liberal Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee, serving as Brown’s co-founder of “Students for Chafee.” Chafee was best known to conservatives for his support of abortion, federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, amnesty for illegal aliens, opposition to Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito’s confirmation, as well as opposition to the Second Amendment. Chafee even opposed a bipartisan effort to ban partial birth abortion. Such a record would normally preclude any conservative, especially one with WNC values, from supporting such a candidate. Instead Ethan Wingfield supported Chafee with gusto when he was challenged by conservative Steve Laffey in 2006. When questioned on his support for Chafee, Wingfield was quoted that he supported “‘Rhode Island Republican values,’ as represented by Chafee, from the moral conservatism backed by Laffey and many Southern Republicans.” One might ask when did Wingfield shed these Rhode Island Republican values for WNC conservatism? Chafee went on to defeat the more-conservative Steve Laffey in the primary but lose the general election that year. Chafee soon after abandoned
the GOP and was elected as a liberal independent to the Governor’s Mansion in Rhode Island. This latest stint in elected office saw Chafee refuse to dedicate a Christmas tree, instead opting for the more benign label of holiday tree. Whether it is his lack of a record of principled conservatism, his support of a liberal Northeastern RINO or his moderate approach to issues, Ethan Wingfield is clearly not the man to represent Western North Carolina in Congress. I invite everyone else to research Lincoln Chafee, Steve Laffey and Wingfield’s tenure at Brown University to see if they are comforted or horrified at the prospect of Ethan Wingfield standing for you in Washington. — Christine Gates Lenoir
ALE laws hinder Sunday morning religious activities I was recently in a local store, intending to purchase a single bottle of wine. I was notified by the cashier that I’d have to wait until noon to purchase this item, as it was Sunday. Is this asinine and arbitrary statute still on the books? Our state legislators need to take on as part of their job the re-evaluation and elimination of dumb laws — and this one is not only stupid, it’s decidedly anti-Christian. Jesus himself told us to drink wine in his memory. The sharing of wine is a major part of many denominations’ Sabbath rituals. I think it’s not too great a stretch to see this law as an attempt to hinder normal and regularly scheduled Sunday morning Christian religious activities. The other side of this ridiculous law is that it was intended to enforce other faith’s rules about drinking, such as Baptists and Muslims. Allowing me to practice my faith freely does not in any way restrict theirs. Eliminate this prejudicial and nonsensical statute. — Norman Plombe Asheville
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cartoon by Brent Brown
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For more information, call 692-6178 or visit www.WNCVolunteer.com Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer! 12 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
1 in 4 young people will get an STD. Get yourself tested today.
It’s about us
Walk-ins Appointments
Greenways boost home value, quality of life by kelly Allen Buncombe County needs greenways! I say this from several perspectives. First, I’m a runner. I love running, and I love to share that passion. The running bug bit me five years ago after a friend persuaded me to do the Turkey Trot 5K, held in Carrier Park. Although it had been 20 years since I ran competitively, I immediately started training, and I haven’t looked back. As the Asheville Track Club’s former president and current project manager, I deeply appreciate the importance of a cohesive greenway system. Three of our most popular training programs are held at Carrier Park, utilizing the French Broad River Greenway: the Beginning Runners Program (May-July), Fit Families Active Childcare Program (May-July) and the ongoing Carrier Park Runners (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Without that greenway, our runners would just be looping around a track instead of enjoying the beautiful natural environment along the French Broad River. A comprehensive greenway network would give all county residents more convenient opportunities for running and walking. Second, I’m a mom. Greenways are a great asset for families wanting to spend time outside together. They’re a place to walk and talk; to teach your child to ride a bike; and, of course, to run. Greenways give our family various exercise options. Now that my son can ride a bike, we can exercise together: I run while he rides his
Houses near greenways sell faster and for more money than similar homes in other locations.
bikeable neighborhoods over those requiring more driving between home, work and recreation. Walkable communities are defined as those having shops, restaurants and local businesses within walking distance of residential areas. Furthermore, 77 percent of respondents said they would look for neighborhoods with abundant sidewalks and trails when considering a home purchase, and 50 percent said they’d like to see improvements to existing public transportation rather than initiatives to build new roads and subdivisions. As you may be aware, Buncombe County is working on a Greenways Master Plan right now. I urge you to support their efforts during the planning process. Visit their website at buncombecounty.org/connect. Participate in the “Greenways, Please” photo campaign. Take the time to attend one of their public meetings this May. These greenways are for us: Let’s make them ours! X
bike. His sister may join us, either on a bike or on Rollerblades. We may end our day with a stroll on the Carrier Park chip trail, followed by a picnic in the expansive field. Greenways offer families a variety of ways to spend quality time together without busting the budget: The only expense involved is for the gas it takes to drive to the greenway. Wouldn’t it be terrific to have longer greenway systems linked together, making that driving unnecessary? Lastly, I’m a Realtor, and greenways are great for real estate. Houses near greenways sell faster and for more money than similar homes in other locations. In a “Community Preference Survey” Local Realtor Kelly Allen is project manager for the of more than 2,000 homebuyers conducted by the Asheville Track Club. National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors, walking/jogging/bike trails ranked second on the “important to very important amenity” list — only highway access scored higher. This was not a fluke: Trails are consistently among the top five “important amenities affecting purchase decisions,” the survey reports. And 56 percent of respondents favored walkable,
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mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
oCCUPy asHeViLLe sHaKes UP
LoCaL Protest CULtUre By daVid ForBes [Editor’s note: The Occupy movement’s unusual nature makes it hard to generalize about the group’s aims, beliefs and even actions. In developing this story, Xpress spent months talking with a variety of folks both inside and outside the movement. Nonetheless, there are doubtless other participants whose views differ from those presented here.] In Asheville, a line of protesters marching down the sidewalk carrying signs is a familiar sight. Over the last five months, however, the Occupy Asheville movement has sparked major changes in the local activist community. For the first time since the anti-war demonstrations in the early 2000s, protest groups that often focus on disparate specific causes came together in a much broader, if sometimes unruly, coalition. In the past, such alliances tended to be more issue-oriented; now, representatives from a wide array of local groups are meeting regularly. more people are turning out for protests, more groups are involved, and they’re embracing a wider range of goals. But the fresh faces Occupy Asheville has pulled into the city’s protest culture have also spawned new conflicts. On Oct. 1, 2011, about 100 people, ranging from political newbies to longtime activists, gathered in Pritchard Park for Occupy Asheville’s first general assembly (see sidebar, “Nuts and Bolts,” and “An Occupy Timeline”). Some demanded higher taxes on the wealthy; others voiced broader opposition to the current economic and political system. “I’m a news junkie. I’d heard the Internet rumblings throughout the year,” local waiter Martin Ramsey explains. “When the nation started to mobilize itself, I said I want to be a part of that and went down to see what was going on.” Ramsey showed up the first day wearing a suit, along with other members of an informal “anti-capitalist caucus.” Some carried furled black flags. lindsey Miguelez, a 36-year-old student and stay-athome mom, had no political experience, but she tagged along with a friend and has been involved ever since. “I feel people have some misguided ideas about what it’s all about,” she says. “It’s a diverse crowd in ages, backgrounds and viewpoints. I think a lot of the things Occupy is focusing on are things everyone can get behind, especially getting a vision of equality back.” Prominent local peace activist Clare Hanrahan was also there; she would later serve as a legal observer (nonparticipants who accompany demonstrations so they can serve as witnesses if needed later). And lisa landis (aka “GLoLady”), a familiar presence at local government meetings, drew cheers when she appeared. Attorney Jennifer Foster, a longtime hemp and social justice activist, sent out the group’s initial press release and briefed the protesters on the legalities of marching. And as more people turned up over the next few days to see what Occupy Asheville was all about, working groups began to coalesce.
seen PeoPLe tHat may HaVe Been “ i’Ve sitting BeHind tHeir ComPUters
BeFore WHo are noW in tHe street.
tHey’re reCLaiming tHeir PoWer “ naomi arCHer
oCCUPy asHeViLLe
PHotos By
maX CooPer BeLoW PHoto By
BiLL rHodes
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 5
nUts & BoLts Although people often think of Occupy Asheville as a lone, homogeneous group, it’s actually a loose-knit coalition of groups and individuals whose unusual decision-making structure has sometimes caused problems. Originally, most major matters had to go through the general assembly, though working groups focusing on specific areas such as legal or media issues could (and still can) take some independent action. In the assembly, people use hand signals to indicate their opinion — fingers waving up for support or down for disapproval — and any individual can stop deliberations immediately by “blocking” (crossing their arms, which indicates that they’ll leave Occupy Asheville entirely if that particular proposal is adopted). The group’s “modified consensus” process requires approval by 90 percent of those present. But since the assembly consists of whoever shows up on a given day, positions on the issues can shift radically. A number of activists called the process “unwieldy,” and in January, Occupy switched its center of power to a coordinating council, a model with roots in the 1990s globalization protests. naomi archer, who drew on previous activism experience in helping craft the model, calls it “a great idea.” Thus, the general assembly is now a forum for discussion and for originating proposals, which then move to the coordinating council for consideration. The general assembly, the working groups, allied political groups and broad philosophical caucuses (such as “socialist” or “anti-capitalist”) all appoint delegates to the coordinating council, which still strives for full consensus. Proposals achieving consensus without major modification take effect immediately. If they’re blocked or require major change, they come back the next week. Delegates can also “stand aside” from a given action, indicating that their group won’t participate but won’t leave Occupy over it. “Structures, no matter which one you choose, always have a level of politicking: We’re social animals,” notes local waiter martin ramsey, who’s participated extensively in both general assemblies and coordinating council meetings. “The point is to discuss them, hopefully in a constructive manner.” — D.F.
Brandishing banners: Occupy Asheville protesters preparing for the Oct. 1 march through downtown.
neW BLood
Finding Common groUnd
victor Ochoa, a landscaper with little political experience, attended the second general assembly, in Pack Square Park. “For a long time, I’ve known there was a lot of corruption in society, and I was excited to finally see some organized effort against it,” he explains. “These days, money makes right: If you have money, you’re not getting more than a slap on the wrist. The rich make the laws.” Local musician Kayvon Kazemini showed up the second week. Having read extensively about the Federal Reserve System and economic issues in general, he “felt Occupy was a good way to soapbox those ideas and feel where other people are at.” Other participants brought more experience. “I’ve been a Wobbly for 47 years,” says 74-year-old retired social worker John spitzberg, pulling up his sleeve to reveal an Industrial Workers of the World tattoo. “I believe in nonviolence, in organization.” Spitzberg, who serves as both president of the local Veterans For Peace chapter and treasurer of the Asheville Homeless Network, got involved when some in Occupy Asheville sought his help organizing their camp. “You have senior citizens, you have young’uns, you have people from every walk of life,” he notes. And professional activist Naomi Archer reports, “I’ve seen people that may have been sitting behind their computers before who are now in the street. They’re reclaiming their power.” Over the coming months, all of these people would continue their involvement with Occupy Asheville in diverse ways. Archer and Ramsey became key spokespeople; Spitzberg helped organize logistics and relations with the homeless community. Kazemini and Ochoa were active in protests and working groups. Miguelez worked with the protesters’ media, financial and social justice efforts.
As October wore on, Occupy Asheville shifted tactics from regular sidewalk marches to forging alliances with other groups, seeking to beef up its overall presence and/or undertake higher-profile civil disobedience. On Oct. 18, four protesters (including Ramsey) began cleaning windows and picking up trash near the Merrill Lynch building downtown. They said they wanted to highlight the fact that despite receiving federal bailout funds, the company couldn’t keep its own public space clean. Wielding a megaphone, Ochoa broadcast the protesters’ message. The four were arrested, though Ochoa and others weren’t. More arrests followed after City Council rejected Occupy Asheville’s request for indefinite use of a piece of public parkland adjacent to Pack Square Park. At this writing, only Ramsey has had his day in court: He was released for time served, with no additional penalties. The biggest turnout to date was the 300-plus people — roughly double the usual number — who showed up for the Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conference’s Nov. 6 march protesting the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Not all of them were from Occupy Asheville, of course, but more than one protester said they considered this the movement’s greatest accomplishment so far, demonstrating its ability to ally with other groups and bolster their numbers. And on Jan. 20, Occupy Asheville and Move to Amend mustered 250 people to protest corporate personhood. “We’ve brought a lot of issues to the attention of a lot of people,” says Miguelez, noting that efforts like the Move Your Money campaign have persuaded area residents to shift their money to local banks and credit unions. “It’s brought to light a conversation that was not being had about corporate mishandling of funds and other issues,” she maintains.
6 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
“i want to be a part of that”: Local waiter Martin Ramsey, a self-described “news junkie,” joined Occupy Asheville on its first day. A new activist, he went on to play a role as a media representative and protester.
internaL ConFLiCts But even while striving to maintain a united front, Occupy Asheville has had its share of internal struggles. At the Buncombe County commissioners’ Oct. 4 meeting, Landis — who was cheered on her initial appearance at Occupy — took the lectern to present a statement from the general assembly. Her rambling remarks touched on pollution, the economy, justice system corruption, the medical-cannabis and industrial-hemp industries, police corruption, public-access television, homelessness and energy, among other topics. All of these, she maintained, were related to Hopi prophecies and the Book of Revelation. Landis spoke at such length that she could read only part of Occupy Asheville’s statement; another speaker had to complete it. That changed Landis’ standing drastically. Four days later, the media working group issued a statement saying Landis had been speaking solely for herself, not for Occupy Asheville. “If you’re charged with delivering a message to a body and you go and do something else, we’re not going to give you that responsibility anymore,” says Ramsey, who crafted the statement. Landis has remained involved in the movement but is no longer a spokesperson. Foster, too, saw her fortunes in the group decline dramatically. After serving as the public face of Occupy Asheville and handling early negotiations with the city, she faced opposition from members objecting to how much power they felt she claimed and how she used it. According to Ramsey, Occupy Asheville sought to create a legal team, and Foster didn’t want any part of it. “Foster, frankly,
“it’s given people a voice”: Naomi Archer, a professional activist, had mostly been involved in causes outside the Asheville area. She would become a key Occupy Asheville spokesperson and help organize the protesters’ coordinating council.
“the issues we’re dealing with are national, global”: Kayvon Kazemini, a local musician, became involved in Occupy Asheville due to an interest in economic issues. He became an active protester and involved in a number of working groups.
made some claims of ownership,” he explains. “We castigated her for it, and she dropped her participation. We don’t allow single individuals to create chokepoints.” Ochoa, meanwhile, had this to say on Facebook: “The reasons for us not wanting to associate with Jen Foster are very simple. Jen hasn’t been to a [general assembly] in over a month nor contributed anything during that duration. … How can we possibly hold the government accountable for its wrongdoings when we can’t even hold each other accountable?” In December, after Occupy Asheville declined to back Foster in fighting a contempt-of-court charge, she blamed her fate on “all these factions, and they’re just attacking the hell out of me.” Citing “youthful stupidity,” Foster joked about suing them for defamation. Personality conflicts and power struggles aside, a lot of folks, notes Spitzberg, simply grew disillusioned. “Many people came and tried — oh, how they tried — before they gave up,” he says with a chuckle. Ochoa, too, says he’s seen too many “weekend warriors” in Occupy Asheville, asserting, “Occupy requires much more than that.” Looking back, Miguelez observes, “There were some times when I don’t think we could have known what was coming. Hindsight’s 20/20: Perhaps we could have planned a little better, especially with regard to the people that got involved with the camps.” And Kazemini says the very differences that he sees as one of Occupy Asheville’s strengths can also lead to friction. “I think, at some point, we’ll be able to get over that,” he predicts. “We all know we want to deal with the same issues in a peaceful way: the Gandhi way.”
WHat’s neXt? One common criticism of Occupy movements across the country has been the lack of definite goals. And indeed, Occupy Asheville’s original announcement cited grievances ranging from corporate malfeasance to local corruption and hemp production. At the first general assembly, activist luna scarano says she saw local working groups forming to tackle such diverse issues as police and prisons, boycotts, food safety, gender and capitalism, among others. “So we’re here for a lot of reasons,” she noted at the time. And in an official statement several weeks later, Ramsey summed up Occupy Asheville’s ideals as “broadly criticizing government corruption and corporate domination.” Despite the occasional disputes, he says now, Occupy members generally have a “sense that we’re all on the same team.” Kazemini, meanwhile, believes one of Occupy Asheville’s chief achievements has been linking the existing activist subcultures into a larger movement that’s remained intact amid sometimes fierce debates. “The issues we’re dealing with here are national, global,” he points out. Ochoa concurs, saying, “We’ve stayed cohesive through some trying times.” Spitzberg, too, believes that while Occupy “desperately needs” more participation from Asheville’s minority community, it has enabled people from the lowest rungs of society to find a level of purpose they were missing before. On Feb. 17, protesters gathered to witness the end of what at that point was one of the last remaining public Occupy encampments in the country. Some likened the APD to Nazis; others shot back that they were “just human beings trying to survive.”
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 7
an oCCUPy timeLine oct. , 0 : Occupy Asheville holds first public general assembly/march through downtown. oct. : First appearance before City Council. Occupy Asheville representatives seek permission to camp indefinitely on part of Pack Square Park. Council directs staff to negotiate a temporary location. oct. 5: Occupy Asheville sets up camp under the Lexington Avenue overpass. oct. 8: Four protesters arrested as part of a “corporate cleanup crew” picking up litter and wiping windows at the Merrill Lynch building. oct. 5: Protesters return to Council, again requesting spot in park. Lexington Avenue camp disbands. Eight arrested in ensuing protests outside City Hall.
For more on oCCUPy asHeViLLe’s History and imPaCts, go to HttP:/aVL.mX/aX or sCan tHe Code aBoVe. PHoto By BiLL rHodes Yet despite internal disagreements, occasional arrests and a months-long battle with the city over camping, Occupy Asheville remains active. About 50 people typically attend the weekly coordinating council meetings at various locations. “We’ve re-energized local protest,” says Archer. It’s given people a voice.” Since the anti-war movement faded, she believes, many people have been disenchanted with the political process. “This is helping to energize the grass roots of the country, even the world.” And with spring looming, Miguelez expects Occupy Asheville to regroup and begin tackling local issues. On Feb. 20, for example, Occupy protesters showed up to support local unions decrying Postal Service cuts. Others, however, see a long road ahead. “We have to do a lot more to take Occupy from the streets and into people’s lives,” says Ochoa. “We can’t just wave signs: We have to fight. Let’s go help people who are getting foreclosed on. We need to act.” X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at dforbes@mountainx.com.
8 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
nov. : About 100 Occupy Asheville marchers demonstrate in solidarity with Occupy Oakland. Police later make after-the-fact arrests based on surveillance video from the march. nov. 6: Hundreds of Occupy Asheville protesters join student demonstration against Keystone XL pipeline. Late nov.: Occupy Asheville campers set up in a “legal gray area” in front of City Hall. The camp becomes a flash point, controversial both inside and outside the movement. Jan. 0, 0 : Occupy Asheville teams up with Move to Amend, mustering about 250 people to protest corporate personhood. Feb. 7: After multiple Council debates on the issue and a failed proposal to establish permits for protest camping, police evict City Hall campers. Three arrested. Feb. : Occupy Asheville allies with local postal workers’ union to protest looming closure of Asheville mail-sorting facility.
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mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 9
news X asheville
signing oFF
City ConsiDers joining billboarD lawsuit
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34 Wall St. | Asheville. NC www.FullCircleAsheville.com feb. 28 meeting aLenoir-Rhyne University comes to Montford aCouncil endorses local food campaign
by DaviD Forbes Some of the biggest news at Asheville City Council’s Feb. 28 meeting concerned an item that wasn’t even on the agenda. During public comment, Judy Mattox, who chairs the local Sierra Club chapter, asked the city to file an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit by Scenic North Carolina. The environmental group is challenging new state rules allowing more extensive clear-cutting in front of billboards. “I’m asking for your help. The rules are stating that a whole football field around the billboard can be clear-cut; an injunction would halt the temporary rules,” said Mattox. “We’re getting a lot of support on this: It’s Western North Carolina that’s going to be hardesthit.” The rules (see “Perfectly Clear,” Feb. 29 Xpress) increase the potential cutting zone for billboards from 250 feet to as much as 380 feet along interstates and state roads while overruling local ordinances. Founded by the late Julian Price of Asheville, Scenic North Carolina is seeking an injunction against the rules, hoping to delay their implementation at least until summer’s end. City Council condemned the legislation behind the rules last year when indicating its
20 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
blank slate: The currently empty third floor of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce building will soon to be the location of the Lenoir-Rhyne University satellite campus. Photo by Max Cooper preferences to state lawmakers. And Mayor Terry Bellamy said that while the city attorney’s office might need some time to research an amicus brief, Asheville residents overwhelmingly oppose the new rules. (An amicus brief allows a person or group unaffiliated with the proceeding to submit a documtn in support of the request or causes at hand.) “We can certainly talk to our attorney about that,” she said. City Attorney Bob Oast said he didn’t have the information needed to go forward, adding that he’d be taking part in a phone conference on the issue in the morning. Several Council members also expressed opposition to the new rules. “This would affect economic development, the environment, quality of life,” said Council member Marc Hunt. “There’s a lot at stake here within the borders of Asheville and the surrounding area.” And Council member Cecil Bothwell noted: “Council has expressed its opinion in the past; it doesn’t seem like a big policy change to look
“tHe rULes are stating tHat a WHoLe FootBaLL FieLd aroUnd tHe BiLLBoard Can Be CLear-CUt. it’s Western nortH CaroLina tHat’s going to Be Hardest-Hit.” JUdy mattoX,
WenoCa sierra CLUB at filing an amicus brief. Countrywide, there’s a concern about the loss of tree cover in city after city.” (For more about the lawsuit, see the Feb. 29 news blog “Scenic NC Requests Legal Block to New Tree-Cutting in Billboard Zones” by Nelda Holder at http://avl.mx.ar).
neW sCHooL in toWn Council also unanimously approved a rezoning allowing Lenoir-Rhyne University to establish a satellite campus here offering graduate-level evening classes. The campus will occupy the currently unused third floor of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Montford Avenue headquarters, which the school is buying. The Hickory-based private school expects the Asheville campus to serve about 100 students initially, with perhaps a quarter of them on-site at any given time. “The university has studied advancing its off-site programs for a number of years, and Asheville seemed to be the best fit,” LenoirRhyne staffer Paul Knott explained. “We have come here with a commitment to be part of the community. We’re buying real estate in this community; we’re hiring faculty and staff in this community.” The Asheville campus will open in August.
otHer BUsiness In other action, Council members: • Heard an update concerning upgrades to the city’s recycling program. Starting in March, Ashevilleans using the city’s recycling service will receive new, larger bins and be able to recycle a wider range of materials. • Unanimously approved new rules allowing more types of signs and updating the rules governing campaign signs. • Unanimously adopted the goals of the NC 10% campaign, committing the city to buying at least 10 percent local food, calling it an issue of local sustainability, Council member Gordon smith said he hopes the city will “blow past” that goal and use an even larger percentage. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at dforbes@mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
around town
good Words
XPress CoLLeCts siX n.C. Press assoCiation aWards
In the 2011 North Carolina Press Association awards, Mountain Xpress was honored in six different categories for various stories, projects and publications produced last year: st place: news Feature Writing — In “Turf War” (July 19, 2011), one of a series of political analyses by Xpress news staff, Jake Frankel examined the political maneuvering that led to big changes in Western North Carolina’s election districts — such as moving most of the city of Asheville, a Democratic stronghold, out of the 11th Congressional District and into the 10th. avl.mx/am st place: Best multimedia Project — To accompany the print story “Mountain Shame” (March 29, 2011), a tale of the 1929 Marion Massacre, reporter Jake Frankel put together a multimedia collection that included a scrapbook, an audio documentary by Kim Clark and slideshow with photos by Jonathan Welch, technical contributions by reprography specialist Will Rice, and assistance from a group of avid local historians, including Mike Blankenship, Patti Holda and Anne Swann. avl.mx/aj
MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
nd place: online Breaking news — “The Big Deal: Linamar Will Bring Almost 400 Jobs to Asheville” (June 30, 2011), by David Forbes, Jake Frankel and Margaret Williams, caps up-to-theminute reporting on an economic-development announcement. avl.mx/ak nd place: news enterprise reporting — In “Hidden Hazards” (Jan. 11, 2011), reporter Susan Andrew reviewed the more than 50 inactive hazardous-waste sites in Buncombe County. avl.mx/al nd place: Best niche Publication — Published each March, the WNC Green Building Directory is a collaboration between Mountain Xpress and the WNC Green Building Council; the directory includes about 30 articles, how-to guides and resource listings, such as a roundup of green-building specialists. rd place: Profile Feature — In “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” (June 14, 2011), Mackensy Lunsford profiled upand-coming Cúrate chef Katie Button, a semifinalist in this year’s James Beard Foundation Rising Star Chef of the Year Award. avl.mx/ai — by Margaret Williams
WHo’s in tHe rUnning? Feb. 29 was the last day for candidates to file for all the races up for grabs in the May 8 primary. At this writing, there are 24 candidates for the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, a dozen candidates for governor, six for the 10th Congressional District and 11 for the 11th District (Rep. Heath Shuler’s Western North Carolina seat). Here’s a list of the most relevant races for Buncombe County residents: n.C. HoUse distriCt (asHeViLLe): democrat: Susan C. Fisher republican: none n.C. HoUse distriCt 5 (West BUnComBe): democrat: Susan E. Wilson republican: Nathan Ramsey n.C. HoUse distriCt 6 (east BUnComBe): democrat: Jane Whilden republican: Tim Moffitt n.C. senate distriCt 8 (Henderson CoUnty): democrat: (none) republicans: Tom Apodaca, Fremont V. Brown III n.C. senate distriCt 9 (BUnComBe CoUnty): democrat: Martin L. Nesbitt republicans: R L Clark, Chancellor von Henner register oF deeds (BUnComBe CoUnty): democrats: Marie Hall, Drew Reisinger, Johnny L. House republican: Pat Cothran BUnComBe CoUnty Commissioners distriCt : democrats: Tracey DeBruhl, Holly Jones, Brownie Newman, Aixa Wilson, Keith Young republican: Don Guge BUnComBe CoUnty Commissioners distriCt : democrats: Ellen Frost, JoAnn M Morgan, Carol Peterson republicans: Mike Fryar, Christina Kelley G. Merrill, Bill Reynolds BUnComBe CoUnty Commissioners distriCt : democrats: Randy Flack, Terry Van Duyn, Michelle Pace Wood republicans: David King, Robert Knapp, Linda Southard, Chuck Archerd, Joe Belcher BUnComBe CoUnty Commissioners CHair: democrats: David Gantt, Milton Byrd republicans: JB Howard, Glenda Weinert U.s. HoUse distriCt 0: democrats: Patsy Keever, Timothy Murphy, Terry Bellamy republicans: Ken H. Fortenberry, Patrick McHenry, Don Peterson U.s. HoUse oF rePs., distriCt : democrats: Tom Hill, Hayden Rogers, Cecil Bothwell republicans: Susan Harris, Jeff Hunt, Mark Meadows, Vance Patterson, Chris Petrella, Kenny West, Ethan Wingfield, Spence Campbell
For more eLeCtion 0 CoVerage, Visit moUntainX.Com/eLeCtion.
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
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Animals Asheville Aussie Club • MONTHLY - This social club meets regularly to connect Australian Shepherd lovers. Call or email for activities and monthly meeting times: (704) 806-7300 or kspotential@ aol.com.
brother Wolf Animal Rescue A no-kill organization. Info: www.bwar.org or 505-3440. • DAILY, 8am-8pm - Pet Adoption Day at the rescue center, 31 Glendale Ave. Open from 8am-6pm on Sundays. Rusty’s Legacy • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm Rusty’s Legacy animal rescue will host pet adoptions at the Black Mountain Tractor Supply Company, 125 Old Highway 70. Info: rustyslegacync@aol. com or http://avl.mx/9p.
Art aRt American folk Art and framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Info: www. amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (3/7) - Lost Winter, works by self-taught artists from the Southeast. • TH (3/8) through TH (4/12) Approach, works by self-taught artists from the Southeast.
Calendar deadlines:
*FREE and PaId lIstIngs - WEdnEsday, 5 P.m. (7 days PRIoR to PublIcatIon) Can’t find your group’s listing?
Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events..
Calendar information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com. Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): http://www.mountainx.com/ events/submission * E-mail (second best): calendar@mountainx.com * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: marketplace@mountainx.com. * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
Appalachian State University 423 West King St., Boone. Info: www.tcva.org or 2623017. • Through SA (3/31) - Senegal: A Window into Francophone West Africa will be on display in the east wing of the community gallery. • Through SA (6/2) - Robert Goodnough: Abstract Expressionism and Beyond will be on display in the east wing of the main gallery. • Through SA (3/24) - Padre e Figlio: Father and Son Works by Mario Prisco and Richard Prisco will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • Through SA (3/24) - The Department of Art Biennial Exhibition will be on display in Gallery A. • Through SA (3/24) - The Artine and Teddy Artinian selfportrait collection will be on display in Gallery B. • Through SA (6/2) - Works by the Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition winners will be on display in the Turchin Center for the Arts. Art at mars Hill College Info: www.mhc.edu. • Through FR (3/9) - Viaticus, works by Kenn Kotara, will be on display in the Weizenblatt Gallery. Art at UnCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. unca.edu. • Through MO (4/16) - The Heroic Present: The Gypsy Photographs of Jan Yoors will be on display in the Karpen Hall lobby. Info: 232-5024. Art events at UnCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • Through SA (3/31) - Artistic Diversity in Fiber will be on display in UNCA’s Ramsey Library. Art events at WCU Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs. 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www. fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (3/30) Paintings and drawings by Ron Laboray. Arts Council of Henderson County
MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
• FR (3/9) through FR (3/23) Art Teachers Create will be on display at First Citizens Bank’s Main Street Gallery, 539 North Main St., Hendersonville. Info: acofhc@bellsouth.net or 693-8504. • FR (3/9), 5:30-7pm Opening reception. Asheville Art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www.ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. • FR (3/9), noon-1pm - A discussion about the planning of “Art WORKS Primed,” the Museum’s East Wing interim expansion project, will be presented as part of the Lunchtime Art Break series. Asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • Through SA (3/31) - Rhythm and Movement: Paintings by Mary Charles Griffin will be on display in the lobby. bella Vista Art gallery 14 Lodge St. Info: www.bellavistaart.com or 768-0246. • Through SA (3/31) - With and Without Copper, works by Stephen White, Sally Jacobs and Nancy Varipapa. black and White and Wood • FR (3/9) through SA (3/31) - Black and White and Wood will feature works by Madison McCollough, Jim Covert, Holly de Saillan and others at Clingman Cafe, 242 Clingman Ave. Info: 253-2177. • FR (3/9), 5-7pm - Opening reception. black mountain Center for the Arts Located in the renovated Old City Hall, 225 West State St., Black Mountain. Info: 6690930 or www.blackmountainarts.org. • SU (3/11) through TH (4/5) - Emerging Artists, works by BMCA drawing and painting students. • SU (3/11), 3-4pm - Opening reception. Center for Craft, Creativity and Design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road in Hendersonville. Info: www.craftscreativitydesign.org or 890-2050. • Through SA (6/30) Torqued and Twisted, works
* events are free unless otherwise noted.
One part hip-hop, two parts Indian dance, a Bhangra aerobics class will be offered on
wed Wednesday, March 7 at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Classes held weekly. $10. Info: holisticwithhumor.com.
Celebrate the joyful Jewish holiday of Purim at a Purim festival, hosted by Chabad House,
thur at Doubletree-Biltmore Hotel, 115 Hendersonville Road, on Thursday, March 8 at 5:15 p.m. $10. Info and registration: chabadasheville.org.
Gaze at the night sky and learn about light pollution at a star party, held at Lake James State Park’s Catawba River Area campground, N.C. Highway 126, on Friday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. Registration required. Info: 584-7728.
Tackle a strenuous 8.2-mile hike to Big Sandy Mush Bald, led by Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy experts, on Saturday, March 10 at 10 a.m. Registration required by March 8. $10/free for SAHC members. Info and directions: rich@appalachian.org or 2530095.
Singer-songwriter Shannon Whitworth will perform in Brevard College’s Porter Center on Sunday, March 11 to benefit Friends of the Animal Shelter, a nonprofit supporting the construction of a new shelter in Transylvania County. A reception will begin at 6 p.m. with the performance to follow at 7:30 p.m. $25/$20 in advance. Info: animalsheltertc.org. Join the Entrepreneur Skills Network for a business skills meeting on Monday, March 12 at 6
mon p.m. in Room 246 of the Jackson Country Justice and Administration Building, 401 Grindstaff
Cove Road, Sylva. Meetings held weekly. Info: 497-0160, 586-5466 or esn4meetings@ gmail.com.
Malaprop’s Bookstore will present licensed acupuncturist and traditional Chinese herbalist Kath Bartlett on Tuesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. for a discussion about sinus and allergy relief entitled “Chinese Medicine for Spring.” Info: malaprops.com.
by nine furniture makers and sculptors. • TH (3/15), 7pm - Keynote speech by Tom Loeser. Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts Located at 238 Clingman Ave. Info: www.odysseyceramicarts.com • SA (3/10), 10am-6pm - “Luck of the Irish” will feature live artist demonstrations, St. Patrick’s Day-themed food and music. folk Art Center Located at milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Info: 2987928 or www.craftguild.org. • Through TU (4/17) - Works by Cherly Hevrdeys (glass) and Martine House (fiber). • Through SU (5/13) - The American Association of Wood Turners Invitational Exhibition will feature 25 artists from around the world. grovewood gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www.grovewood. com or 253-7651. • Through SA (3/31) Tradition Meets Innovation: Objects and Accents of the Arts and Crafts Home.
Western Carolina University • TH (3/15), 9:30am-noon & 1:30-3pm - Potter Jeffrey Oestreich will demonstrate clay-forming techniques in WCU’s Ward Clay Studio, Room 151. —- 4pm - An illustrated artist’s talk will be held in Room 130 of the Bardo Arts Center. —- 5pm - A reception will be held in the atrium of the arts center. mars Hill College • Through FR (3/9) - You Can Have It All: A Group of One, works by Kenn Kotara (canvas, Mylar, suspended screen sculpture and ceramics), will be on display in Mars Hill College’s Weizenblatt Gallery. Info: www.kotarastudio.com or www.mhc.edu/art/weizenblattgallery. monte Vista Hotel • Through TU (3/20) - Works by Cleaster Cotton (multimedia and textile design) will be on display at the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: www.themontevistahotel.net or 669-8870. nuestras Voces, nuestras Historias • Through SA (3/31) - Nuestras Voces, Nuestras
Historias / Our Voices, Our Stories, works documenting immigrants in WNC, will be on display at UNCA’s Highsmith Union Gallery. Info: cesap. unca.edu/calendar. Pat Passlof Retrospective • Through FR (5/25) - A retrospective of the late Pat Passlof’s work will be on display in WCU’s Fine Art Museum, 1 University Drive, Cullowhee, and Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, 56 Broadway St. Info: ddrury@wcu.edu or 227-2553. Phil mechanic Studios 109 Roberts St. Houses Flood Gallery, Pump Gallery and Nook Gallery. Info: www.philmechanicstudios.com. • Through SA (3/31) - One Billion Seconds, works by German-born local artist Heinz Kossler. Push Skate Shop & gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave., between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: www. pushtoyproject.com or 2255509. • Through TU (4/10) Murders and Murmurations,
works by Rob Hunt and Alli Good.
Sculpture in the Waiting Room • SA (3/10), 5-7pm - An opening reception for Sculpture in the Waiting Room will feature woodwork by Elana Kann of Branching Out Woodworks. The piece, commissioned by Merrimon Family Chiropractic, will be on display at 338 Merrimon Ave. Info: www. branchingoutwoodworks.com. SemiPublic gallery Located at 305 Hillside St. Info: www.semipublicgallery.com or 215-8171. • SA (3/10), 6-9pm - Opening reception for Old Man Suits Himself, works by Bob Ray. Sharing Our Happiness • FR (3/9), 5:30-7:30pm - Sharing Our Happiness will feature works by students, faculty and parents of the Montessori Cooperative School. An opening reception, featuring light food, will be held at Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: www.montessoricooperativeschool.com. the Artery
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Community arts facility at 346 Depot St., River Arts District. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. • Through SA (3/31) - Genetically Commodified, personalized “Real Dolls” by Kirsten Stolle. three Perspectives on nature • Through SA (3/31) - Desert Moon Studios and Gallery, 372 Depot St., Suite 44, celebrates the Spring Equinox with its latest exhibit, Three Perspectives on Nature, featuring photographs by Cleaster Cotton, Laurie McCarriar and David Simchock. Info: www. desertmoondesigns-studios. com, 575-2227 or desertmoondesigns@gmail.com. • SA (3/10), 5-7pm - Desert Moon Studios and Gallery, 372 Depot St., Suite 44, will host the artists from its current exhibit as part of the River Arts District’s Second Saturdays studio stroll. Info: www.desertmoondesigns-studios.com. transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: www. artsofbrevard.org or 884-2787. • Through WE (3/28) Outdoor Photography Exhibit. transylvania Heritage museum Located at 189 W. Main St., Brevard. By donation. Info: www.transylvaniaheritage.org or 884-2347. • Through SA (3/31) - From Tallow Candles to Dynamos. Upstairs Artspace 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Info: www.upstairsartspace.org or 859-2828. • Through SA (3/10) - Fine Art Ramblers.
Auditions & Call to Artists A-b tech Summer Workshop Scholarships • Applications for the A-B Tech Fine Arts Department’s summer workshop scholarships will be accepted until registration is filled. Info: www1.abtech.edu/foundation. April fool’s festival • Through TH (3/15) Registration for Tryon’s April Fool’s Festival outhouse race will be accepted through March 15. Info: artzycarson@ gmail.com or 859-8316. bele Chere Call to Artists www.belecherefestival.com. • Through FR (3/9) - Bele Chere will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through March 9. Info: www. belecherefestival.org. black mountain Arts and Crafts Show • Through TU (5/1) - The Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show will accept applications from crafters through May 1.
6 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Info: craftshow@olddepot.org or 669-4563. brevard fine Arts and Crafts Showcase • Through FR (5/25) - Applications for Brevard’s 40th annual fine arts and crafts showcase will be accepted through May 25. Info: tcarts@ comporium.net or 884-2787. Clips of faith • Through (4/16) - Filmmakers are invited to submit short films to New Belgium Brewing’s Clips of Faith tour through April 16. Films on the themes of craft beer, sustainability and adventure are encouraged. Info: www.clipsoffaith.com. Haywood Community band • TH (3/8), 7-8:30pm - The Haywood Community Band seeks members for its first rehearsal, held at Grace In The Mountains Episcopal Church, 394 Haywood St., Waynesville. Info: www.haywoodcommunityband.org or 456-4880. mountain Heritage Day • Through FR (3/30) - Arts and crafts vendors are sought for the Mountain Heritage Day festival. Info: www.mountainheritageday.com. name that Creek • Ideas are sought for the “Name That Creek” project, sponsored by RiverLink. Info: volunteer@riverlink.org. PaperWorks • Through TU (5/1) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its PaperWorks exhibit through May 1. Info: tcarts@comporium.net or 884-2787. Pastel exhibition • Through SA (3/24) - The Pastel Society of N.C. will accept submissions for its On Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea statewide pastel exhibition through March 24. Info: www. pastelsocietyofnc.com. Poetry Contest • Through FR (3/30) Submissions for the Writers’ Workshop poetry contest will be accepted through March 30. Info: www.twwoa.org. Saluda Arts festival • Through TH (3/15) - The Saluda Business Association will accept applications for the Saluda Arts Festival through March 15. Info: sswelsh@tds. net or 749-3900. Second Stage of Life Comedy • Professional, amateur and aspiring comics over 40 are sought to establish the Second Stage of Life comedy troupe. Info: debidrecksler@gmail. com. taste of Asheville • Through TH (4/5) - A Taste of Asheville will accept applications from local restaurants through April 5. Info: kperez@ ashevillenc.gov or 259-5800.
the magnetic field A cafe, bar and performance house located at 372 Depot St. in the River Arts District. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • Through WE (3/14) - The Magnetic Theatre will accept one-act play submissions for Brief Encounters: New Magnetic Voices 2012 through March 14. All scripts should be original, unproduced and 5-20 minutes in length.
Beer Asheville beer master tournament • Through TH (5/24), 6:30pm - The Asheville Beer Master tournament will feature beer trivia at a variety of locations. Must be 21 or older. Brewers and owners of beer outlets are not eligible. Info: http://avl. mx/94 or avlbeermasters@ gmail.com. Debut of trail magic Ale • FR (3/9) & SA (3/10) - Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Nantahala Brewing Company will celebrate the debut of Trail Magic Ale with a hike through the Deep Creek area with brewmaster Greg Geiger at 1pm on Friday. The first keg will be tapped at Nantahala Brewing Company, 61 Depot Street, Bryson City on Friday at 6pm, with a bottle-swap party with musician Liz Nance to follow. The first bottle of Trail Magic Ale will be released at Nantahala Brewing Company on Saturday at noon. $10 donation for the Friends of the Smokies hike. Info: www. friendsofthesmokies.org or 452-0720. thirsty monk (downtown) 92 Patton Ave. Info: www. monkpub.com or 254-5470. • TH (3/8) - “Cider with Soul” will feature a cask of Crispin Marvin cider during bar hours.
Business & Technology Arts2People Artist Resource Center • The Arts2People Artist Resource Center seeks instructors with business management skills. Classes are geared towards creative professionals. Info: www. ashevillearc.com. business Skills meetings • MONDAYS, 6pm - The Entrepreneur Skills Network offers a business skills meeting weekly in Room 246 of the Jackson County Justice and Administration Building, 401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Sylva. Info: 497-0160, 586-5466 or esn4meetings@gmail.com. Creative technology & Arts Center
Located at Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St. Info: www.ctacenter.org. • MONDAYS through (3/26), 5-6pm - “Wordpress Basics and Beyond” for adults. $10 per class. Registration requested: gf@genefelice.com or 515-1744. Debt Relief 101 • 2nd THURSDAYS through (3/8), 5:30-7pm - “Debt Relief 101” will be held at Pisgah Legal Services, 62 Charlotte St. Info: www.ontrackwnc.org. free tax Assistance • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (3/17), 10am-4pm - Free tax assistance will be offered at Pack Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 628-3662. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: 2504750. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at Weaverville Public Library, 41 Main St. Info: 250-6482. • TUESDAYS, 10am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. Info: 250-4756. free tax Preparation • OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling will offer free tax preparation for families earning less than $50,000. Info and appointment: 255-5166. nAACP Credit Awareness Project • 2nd FRIDAYS through (3/9), 11am-1pm - The NAACP Credit Awareness Project will provide free credit reports on a first-come, first-serve basis. Held at 91 Patton Ave. Info: www.ontrackwnc.org. Ontrack financial education & Counseling Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and held at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Suite. 222. Info: www.ontrackwnc. org or 255-5166. • SA (3/10), 9am-3pm Momebuyer education class. • WE (3/14), noon-1pm - “Dreaming of Debt-Free Living,” a financial independence program for women. • MONDAYS through (4/2) - “Ending Over-Spending,” an eight-week series, will reinforce healthy relationships with money. Presented on various Mondays during March and April. • TUESDAYS through (3/20), 5:30-8pm - A three-part series on money management and financial independence. • TUESDAYS through (4/10), 5:30-7pm - “Money Buddies” partners women struggling with financial independence with other women of similar situations during this six-week series. Held at Silvermont
Senior Center, 364 East Main St., Brevard. Free. • THURSDAYS through (4/12), 5:30-7pm - An additional program will be held at OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling, 50 South French Broad Ave.
Classes, Meetings, Events & Lectures Asheville newcomers Club (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us! ashevillenewcomersclub.com or l 828.654.7414. mac basics Classes at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - iWork Essentials, 4th Tuesday - iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - Garageband, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at classes@charlottestreetcomputers.com. Older Lesbian energy (OLe) (pd.) Meets second Saturday each month, 1pm, potluck and event planning. OLE: Fun group for lesbians over 50. • Join us! Information: Catherine: (828) 545-9698. Open Stitch groups at Purl’s Yarn emporium (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Wednesdays, 10am12pm; Thursdays, 6-8pm. Bring a knit or crochet project or find something new to cast on. (828) 253-2750. www. purlsyarnemporium.com Acrylic Painting Class • WEDNESDAYS through (4/25), 10am-noon - Acrylic painting classes will be offered by the Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. $30 per session includes supplies (except brushes). Registration required. Info: harvesth@ashevillenc.gov or 350-2051. ACt vs SAt Comparison test • SATURDAYS, 9am & SUNDAYS, 1pm - Asheville students are invited to take an “ACT vs SAT Comparison Test” to determine which represents their best match. Held at Chyten Educational Services, 1550 Hendersonville Road, Suite 104, Asheville. Free. Info and reservations: www.chyten-asheville.com or 505-2495. Appalachian Pastel Society www.appalachianpastelsociety.org. • SA (3/10), 10am-noon - A meeting and demonstration of
PanPastels will be held in WNC Agriculture Center’s Youth Building. Asheville bridge Room • DAILY - The Asheville Bridge Room offers games for beginners and advanced players at River Ridge Market Place, 800 Fairview Road, Suite C-1. $7 per game. Info: 299-0887. Asheville n.O.W. • SU (3/11) - A meeting of the Asheville National Organization for Women will be held at Battery Park Apartments. Time, location and door code: AshevilleNOW@live.com. Asheville new friends • MO (3/12), 6pm - Asheville New Friends will host a dinner meeting at Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Road. Registration required by March 7. Info: www.main. nc/us/anf or 232-2883. Asian-American Social • WEEKLY - Meetings encourage American-born Asians to share experiences with those of similar backgrounds, learn more about Asian culture and meet new people. Must be 21 or older. Foreign-born Asians welcome. Info and location: sueannaj@gmail.com. backgammon Club • TH (3/8), 6:30pm - Hosted by Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Beginners welcome; bring a Backgammon board. Pleasve RSVP: 6892813. Info: www.wallstreetcoffeehouse.webs.com. building bridges • MONDAYS through (3/19), 7-9pm - “Building Bridges: Going Beyond Racism Through Understanding and Respect” will be presented at 121 Hendersonville Road. Info and registration: www. buildingbridges-asheville.org or 777-4585. Career fair • WE (3/14), 1-4pm - WCU’s campus-wide career fair will be held in UC Grandroom. Info: www.wcu.edu/6661.asp. CLOSeR • TUESDAYS, 7pm CLOSER, Community Liaison Organization for Support, Education and Reform, will host a meeting for LGBT members of the community at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. Info: avlcloser@gmail.com. Craft Lab: Wholesale 101 • TU (3/13), 6pm - Learn about important factors to consider before entering the wholesale market at this installment of Craft Lab. Hosted by HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: www. handmadeinamerica.org or jamiecarpenter@handmadeinamerica.org. economics in One Lesson • TU (3/13), 6-8pm “Economics in One Lesson,” a
seminar hosted by Buncombe Forward and Civitas, will be held at Skyland Fire Department on the corner of Hendersonville and Longshoals Roads. Free. Info and registration: http://avl.mx/af. etiquette Reception • WE (3/14), 5:30-7pm - A business etiquette reception will be held in WCU’s Blue Ridge Conference Room. Registration required by March 9. $5. Info: careers.wcu.edu. firestorm Cafe & books Located at 48 Commerce St. Info: www.firestormcafe.com or 255-8115. • TH (3/15), 6pm - Charles Johnson will read from his anthology Markets Not Capitalism. friendship force of WnC • TH (3/15), 5:30pm - FFWNC is part of an international organization dedicated to promoting friendship and understanding among people around the world through travel and by hosting of visitors from other countries. Group meets at Crowfields condominiums on Hendersonville Highway. Info and directions: robustja@ gmail.com. graduate School Seminar • TH (3/15), 3pm “Admission to, and Success in, Graduate School” will be presented by Jon Wiener, associate dean of math and science, in A-B Tech’s Ferguson Auditorium on the Asheville campus. Info: abtech. edu. Helios Warriors grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting • WE (3/7), 4:30pm - Helios Warriors will host a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony at its new location, 251-D Haywood St. Event includes refreshments and a raffle. A “room makeover” unveiling will follow the ribbon cutting. Info: www.helioswarriors.org. improv Comedy Class • SUNDAYS through (3/11), noon-3pm - Upright Citizens Brigade alumna will teach long-form improv comedy at Anam Cara Theatre Company, 203 Haywood Road. Classes culminate with a performance on March 12. Drop-ins welcome. $10 per class in advance/$12 drop-ins. Info: www.anamcaratheatre.com. improv Comedy Class • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - An improv comedy class will be hosted by Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts. Held at the Montford Community Center, 34 Pearson Drive. Adults and children over 6 welcome. $1. Info: montfordr@ashevillenc. gov or 253-2714. Land of Sky Chorus
• TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Land of the Sky Chorus will hold rehearsals at Francis Asbury UMC, 725 Asbury Road, Candler. New singers and guests welcome. Info: www. ashevillebarbershop.com or (866) 290-7269. Pan Harmonia tea • TH (3/15), 5:30-6:30pm - Pan Harmonia will host a tea reception in Kate Steinbeck’s private studio. Free. Info, location and registration: info@ panharmonia.org or 505-7259. Pisgah Astronomical Research institute Located at 1 PARI Drive, Rosman. Info: 862-5554 or www.pari.edu. • FR (3/9), 7pm - PARI’s StarLab Planetarium will celebrate the Vernal Equinox with celestial observations and a tour of the facility. $20/$15 seniors/$10 under 14. Public Lectures & events at UnCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • MO (3/12), 11:25am - “Ancient Science and Technology,” with Rob Berls, associate professor of drama. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: humanities.unca.edu or 251-6808. —- 11:25am - “European Renaissance: Humanism and Art,” with Michael Gillum, professor of literature. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. —- 7:30pm - “Johnny Cash in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and American Popular Culture,” with Duke University scholar Shalom Goldman. Held in Sherrill Center Mountain View Conference Room 417. Info: www.unca.edu. • TH (3/15), 12:30pm - “Regional Geology of the Colorado Plateau,” with Jeffrey Wilcox, assistant professor of environmental studies. Held in Ramsey Library. Info: 251-6645. Retro Happy Hour • THURSDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - A retro happy hour invites young professionals to network and socialize while wearing retro clothes (optional) at The Market Place, 20 Wall St. Free. Info: lushlifemgmt@ gmail.com or 515-1081. Shalom! Salam! • WE (3/7), 3:15pm - A series of films and discussion programs will explore the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. Featured films include Occupation 101, The Lemon Tree and The Israeli Lobby. Facilitated by Tony Bing. Free. Info: dec25carol@ yahoo.com. • TH (3/8), 6-8pm - An additional program will be held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St.
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 7
• WE (3/14), 3:15-5pm - An additional program will be held at Brooks Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. Info: dec25carol@yahoo.com. • TH (3/15), 8-10pm - An additional program will be held at Firestorm Cafe, 48 Commerce St. SiStA group • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm & FRIDAYS, 5:30-7:30pm SISTA, an educational program to help women avoid unhealthy relationships and STDs, will meet Thursdays at Pisgah View Apartments, 1 Granada St., and Fridays at the Reid Center, 133 Livingston St. Free, but registration requested. Info: otimmons@wncap.org or 252-7489. Summer Job and internship fair • TU (3/13), 1-4pm - A summer job and internship fair will be held in WCU’s UC Grandroom. Info: www.wcu. edu/6661.asp. ten thousand Villages • SA (3/10), 10am-6pm - A Ten Thousand Villages anniversary party will feature food from Bangladesh and in-store specials to benefit a women’s group that makes handmade kaisa grass baskets from Hajiganj. Held at 10 College St. Info: www.asheville.tenthousandvillages.com. World Affairs Council: State of the Oceans • TU (3/13), 7:30pm - “State of the Oceans.” Meredith Newman, chemist at Mars Hill College, details current challenges and dilemmas facing the world’s oceans due to global climate change. Held at the Manheimer Auditorium of UNCA’s Reuter Center. $8/free for students and members. Info: www.main.nc.us/wac.
Dance beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. SwingAsheville.com bharatanatyam Classes • Adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children’s classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com Studio Zahiya (pd.) Monday 7:30-9pm Bellydance • Tuesday 89am Booty Camp Fitness • 9-10am Hip Hop Workout • Noon-1pm Groove Dance • 5:15-6pm Intro to Bellyydance
• Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Hip Hop, • 7:30-9 Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9-10am Bellydance, • 6-7pm Bollywood, • 8-9pm Hip Hop 2 • Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. studiozahiya.com bhangra/Hip-Hop Aerobic Classes • WEDNESDAYS, 7:30pm - Learn the lively Indian dance Bhangra, mixed with a little hip-hop, at this weekly series. Beginners and dropins welcome. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. $10. Info: www.holisticwithhumor. com/dance. Diavolo • TU (3/13) & WE (3/14), 8pm - Diavolo Dance Theater’s gymnasts, dancers and actors will perform at the Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. “Diavolo creates a sense of daring and risk in this mind-blowing cinematic experience.” $45 / $40 student / $12 child. Info: 257-4530 or www.dwtheatre.com. english Country Dance Dance as they do in film adaptations of Jane Austen novels. No partner necessary. Held at 19 Zillicoa St. Info: www. oldfarmersball.com. • SU (3/11), 4:30-7pm. English country dance. $6. Klezmer Concert and Dance • SA (3/10), 7:30pm - A concert and dance with Bandana Klezmer will be hosted at the Burnsville Town Center, 6 South Main St. Eastern European desserts and coffee will be served. $10. Info: www. burnsvilletowncenter.com or 682-7209. motion Sculpture movement Workshop • SUNDAYS through (3/25), 4-7pm - A workshop on motion sculpture movement, culminating in a performance of KOLORZ, will be held at The Artery, 346 Depot St. No dance experience necessary; wear warm, comfortable clothing. $5-$25 sliding scale. Info: www.cillavee.com. Social Dance • FR (3/9), 7:30pm - A social dance will be hosted by Dancing Feete Ballroom and Dance Center, 2682 B Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. $12/$10 active students. Info: dancingfeete@bellsouth.net. West African Dance • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - This high-energy dance includes live drumming. Held at the new Terpsicorps studio, 339 Lyman St. All levels welcome. $12/$10 students. Info: ashevilledrumdance@gmail.com. West African Drum Class • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Instruction with Adama
Dembele from the Ivory Coast. All levels welcome. $15. Held at Terpsicorps’ new studio, 339 Lyman St. Info: www. terpsicorps.org.
Eco RiverLink events Info: www.riverlink.org or 252-8474. • SA (3/10), 9am-1pm; MO (3/12) & WE (3/14), 5:307:30pm - A workshop on constructing stormwater features will be presented as part of the WaterRICH series. Held at 170 Lyman St. Sierra Club meeting • WE (3/7), 7pm - Karen Cragnolin of RiverLink will discuss a variety of French Broad River issues, including the WNC Sierra Club’s “Adopta-Stream” initiative, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. Info: www.wenoca.org. the nature Conservancy • TH (3/15) - Work and Learn Party: Nature Photography. The Nature Conservancy will host a nature photography workshop for volunteers at Bat Cave Preserve. Attendees will then remove invasive plants from the preserve. Info and registration: mtns_volunteers@tnc.org or 350-1431, ext105. Water Quality Course • WEDNESDAYS through (3/14), 6-9pm - The Henderson County Cooperative Extension and ECO will host a seven-week course on water quality at the Cooperative Extension Office in Jackson Park, 801 Glover St., Hendersonville. $30. Info and registration: 697-4891.
Food Cooking Demonstrations • SA (3/10), 1-4pm - Local chefs will demonstrate how to make chicken and chocolate crepes at The Fresh Market, 944 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: 252-9098. Hickory nut gap farm Open House • SA (3/10), 1-5pm - Join Jamie and Amy Ager for a tour of the facilities, followed by a HNG meat sampling, with cheeses by Looking Glass Creamery. 57 Sugar Hollow Road, Fairview. Free. Info: www.hickorynutgapfarm.com. indoor Winter market • WEDNESDAYS, 2-6pm - An indoor winter tailgate market will be held at Biltmore Park Town Square, 2 Town Square Blvd., Suite 170. Info: www. asapconnections.org or 2361282. White Horse Spring farmers market • WEDNESDAYS, 3-6pm - This indoor/outdoor farmers
8 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
market features local meats, produce, cheese, breads, chocolates and crafts, along with fresh seafood from the Outer Banks. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Info: www.whitehorseblackmountain.com.
Government & Politics Asheville Retired Union Workers Luncheon • 2nd TUESDAYS, 11:30am - Retired or current union members, family and friends are invited to meet for lunch at Cornerstone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road. Meetings feature guest speakers. Info: dick@ dickandnorma.com. buncombe County Democratic Party Info: buncombedems.org. • 2nd MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - A meeting with party officers, open to all Democrats, will be held at 951 Old Fairview Road. buncombe County Republican Women’s Club • TH (3/8), 11:30am - A meeting of the Buncombe County Republican Women’s Club will feature U.S. Congressional candidate Vance Patterson at Cornerstone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road. Men and women welcome. Info: 277-7074. nonviolence and freedom Summer • SA (3/10), 7pm - This panel discussion will address the actions of the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) during Freedom Summer and include two local residents who were there. Held at Firestorm Cafe, 48 Commerce St. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Chapter 099. Info: www.firestormcafe. com.
Gardening Asheville garden Club • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - The Asheville Garden Club will meet at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchment Road. March meeting will discuss “Editing Your Garden for Lower Maintenance.” Guests welcome. Info: 258-0922. Landscape Design: Site Analysis • TH (3/8), 2pm - This program will cover analyzing property as the first step in an overall landscape design. Event includes door prizes and refreshments. Presented by the Master Gardener’s Club at the Waynesville Library Auditorium, 678 S. Haywood St. Free. Info: kolsen@haywoodnc.net. master gardener Association Plant Sale
• Through FR (3/23) - Order forms for the Master Gardener Association plant sale will be accepted through March 23. Forms available at 589 Raccoon Road, Suite 118. Info: 456-3575.
Kids biltmore Square mall • Putt Local! (pd.) Come check out Sweet Tee mini Golf in Biltmore Square Mall. Our last day in the mall is February 29th. • Free Putt Bowling with any round. 828.333.1152. www. SweetTeeMiniGolf.com Swim Lessons at the YW (pd.) Learn skills for water fun, fitness and safety! Swim lessons in the YWCA’s solarheated pool, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Red Cross certified instructors. Affordable rates. More info: 254-7206 or www. ywcaofasheville.org. Art and Poetry Contest for Kids • Through FR (3/9) - RiverLink will accept submissions for the Voices of the River Art and Poetry Contest from children in grades pre-K through 12 until March 9. Info: www.riverlink. org or 252-8474. Asheville Art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • 2nd TUESDAYS, 11am12:30pm - A program for home-schooled children grades 1-4 will feature a guided tour and hands-on activity. $4. Asheville Youth ensemble • Young musicians are invited to perform with the Asheville Youth Ensemble. Strings, flute, recorder, percussion and piano players welcome. Beginning music reading skills required. Info: ashevilleyouthensemble@gmail.com or 299-4856. black mountain Center for the Arts Located in the renovated Old City Hall, 225 West State St., Black Mountain. Info: 6690930 or www.blackmountainarts.org. • WEDNESDAYS through (5/9), 3:30-5pm - Buncombe County children grades 4-8 are invited to learn banjo, fiddle, guitar and traditional Appalachian music as part of the Junior Appalachian Musicians (JAM) program. Previous experience preferred, but not required. Rental instruments available. No class April 4. $70 for nine weeks. Creative technology & Arts Center
Located at Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St. Info: www.ctacenter.org. • THURSDAYS through (3/29), 3:45-4:45pm - Hoops for kids workshop will feature hula hoop games and exercise. $12 per class. Registration requested: melmacpink@ hotmail.com. • THURSDAYS through (3/29), 3:45-8pm - Beaded jewelry workshop. $13 inclues materials. Registration requested: cavery@odysseycommunity.org. • TUESDAYS (3/6) through (3/27), 3:45-5pm - A workshop on pipe cleaner action figures will be offered to grades 2 and older. $12 includes materials. Registration requested: boaz.zaob33@ gmail.com. Hands On! This children’s museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: www.handsonwnc.org or 697-8333. • WE (3/7), 11am - “Let’s Get Moving” for children of all ages. Registration requested. • FR (3/9), 10:30am - Sing-along with Tania. • SA (3/10), 11am - The Children’s Choir of Hendersonville will perform a tribute to Dr. Seuss. • TU (3/13) - An opening for the Keep Your Hands Fairy Clean exhibit will be held throughout the day. Kid’s Club at the YmCA • SATURDAYS, 2:30pm - Kid’s Club is an opportunity for children to learn, play and make new friends. Open to ages 7-15. Held at 30 Woodfin St. Info: www.ymcawnc.org/ centers/asheville. Kids Yoga • TH (3/8), 5-7pm - Yoga for kids will be offered at Earth Fare, 1856 Hendersonville Road. $5 donation. Info: www. ashevillecommunityyoga.com. march Wee naturalists tuesday Class • TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - The N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, will host activities for children ages 2-5, including nature walks, garden exploration, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. March events include a variety of programs on eggs. Info: www.ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. middle School Confidence Series • THURSDAYS through (4/5), 5:30-7pm - The Girls Scouts’ Peaks to Piedmont chapter invites 6th and 7th grade girls to learn how to handle cliques, peer pressure, jealousy and complicated friendships. Held at 64 W.T. Weaver Blvd. $15. Info and registration: ashevil-
leintern@girlscoutsp2p.org or 252-4442. WnC nature Center’s festival of Knowlege • SA (3/10), 10am-3pm - All schools — public, private and home school families — are invited to create displays in one of three categories: “Bulid a Bug,” “Cultural History (Native American Indian or colonial lifestyles)” or “Natural History (NC animal or plant species).” Entries will be judged for information, creativity and workmanship. Registration required by March 7: 298-5600, ext 5. Free to attend. Info: www. wildwnc.org/node/270.
Outdoors beautiful Lake James marina • boat Slips Available (pd.) Beat the Summer rush and reserve a covered, uncovered or houseboat slip. Great location at Canal Bridge. Security, gas sales, marine store and customer lounge. Call (828) 584-0666. Signs of Spring on the french broad River (pd.) Encounter the beauty and tranquility of the French Broad River as it springs to life with the chatter of wildlife and the colorful burst of new foliage. Special Events page at www. HeadwatersOutfitters.com or www.HeadwatersOutfitters. com/signs_of_spring.html guided bird Walk • SA (3/10), 9am - A guided bird walk, sponsored by ECO and the Henderson County Bird Club, will depart from Jackson Park, 801 Glover St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: 692-0385. Lake James State Park N.C. Highway 126. Info: 5847728. Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (3/9), 6:30pm - GLOBE at Night star party will focus on light pollution. A short discussion, constellation tour and telescope viewings will be offered. Held at the Catawba River Area campground. Registration required. • SU (3/11), 10am - A 1.5mile wilderness survival hike will depart from the Paddy’s Creek Area bridge. • SA (3/10), 10am - A 3.5mile nature hike along the Mill’s Creek Trail will meet at Paddy’s Creek Area. Sandy mush Hike • SA (3/10), 10am - A strenuous 8.2-mile hike to Big Sandy Mush Bald will be hosted by Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. Bring rain gear, water bottle, lunch, sunscreen and a camera. Registration required by March 8. $10/free for SAHC members. Info and directions: 253-0095 or rich@appalachian.org.
Parenting 2 events • natural Solution for ADHD & Learning Disabilities (pd.) Free 35-minute talk about how the brain processes information, and how the problems can be permanently corrected in adults and children. • • Tuesday, March 20, 6:30pm, North Asheville Buncombe Library, 1030 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville. • • Thursday, March 22, 6:30pm, Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road, Asheville. • RSVP: 828-2164444 or wes@WesBeach. com birth Dancing Retreat and Series (pd.) Dancing for all phases of birth journey. Retreat at Yellow Sun Farm 3/10/12 8:30am6pm, $125 includes food, registration by 3/3/12. Also, 8-week series begins 3/22/12, $96. Contact yellowsunfarm@ hotmail.com or 828-6649564. ever had a mini golf Course in your backyard? (pd.) Now you can! Rent us for your next event or party. You provide food and drinks, we’ll do the rest! 828.333.1152. www.SweetTeeMiniGolf.com events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital. org or 692-4600. • TH (3/8), 6:30-9pm - A class on childbirth will be offered to expectant parents. new baby Asheville • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm - Get support, meet other moms, share your story, ask questions and connect with community at this free weekly meeting. Info and directions: Lisahicks1018@gmail.com. Open House • TH (3/8), 5:30-7pm - The Odyssey Community School will host an open house for parents of pre-K through high school students at 80 Zillicoa St. Info: www.odysseycommunity.org. Waldorf: Putting the Heart back in education • TU (3/13), 6:30-8:30pm - Learn how Waldorf integrates movement, art, music and nature with curriculum to inspire the whole child during a presentation by Waldorf master teacher Whitney MacDonald. Hosted by Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 575-2557 or www.azaleamountain.org.
Performance & Film Song O’ Sky Show Chorus
(pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) 20 Oak Street Asheville 28801.(Enter Fellowship Hall-lower level). Guests welcome. Contact: www.songosky.org Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. Amicimusic AmiciMusic is an Ashevillebased chamber music organization dedicated to intimate performances in non-traditional spaces. • TH (3/8), 7:30pm - “An American in Paris” will feature Amanda Horton (soprano), Roberto Flores (baritone) and Daniel Weiser (piano) performing works by Copland, Porter and Gershwin. Held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 900 Blythe St., Hendersonville. $15/ children free. Info: 692-6114. • FR (3/9), 7pm - An additional performance will be held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105 Montreat St., Black Mountain. $15/$5 children and students. Info: www.whitehorseblackmountain.com. • SU (3/11), 4pm - A final performance will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St. $20/children free. Info: 253-9361. Asheville Choral Society • SA (3/10) & SU (3/11), 7:30pm - The Asheville Choral Society presents “Stars and Moon: Themes of Light and Darkness,” conducted by Melodie Galloway, at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. $20/$10 students. Info: www.ashevillechoralsociety.org. Asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS through (3/11) - Chicago. $22/$19/$12 according to seating chart. blue Ridge Orchestra Info: www.blueridgeorchestra. org or 650-0948. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Open rehearsals for the Blue Ridge Orchestra will be held most Wednesdays in the Manheimer Room of UNCA’s Reuter Center. Free. Call for confirmation. Comedy Classic Weekend • FR (3/9) & SA (3/10), 8pm - A Comedy Classic Weekend will feature Kathleen Madigan, Jeff Jena, Andrew Kennedy and others. Held at the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. $20 Fri./$40 Sat. Info: 438-5800. Danny ellis: 800 Voices • FR (3/9), 8pm - Irish-born Asheville resident Danny Ellis will perform “800 Voices,” “a musical sojourn exploring his youth spent in a Dublin Orphanage,” at the Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South
Pack Square. $30 / $25 / $12. Info: 257-4530 or www. dwtheatre.com. Danny ellis: An irishman in America • SA (3/10), 8pm - Asheville resident Danny Ellis and his band will perform music from Ellis’ 2011 release The Space Between the Lines at the Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. $30/$25 student/$12 child. Info: 257-4530 or www.dwtheatre.com. everything is terrible! • MO (3/12), 10pm - “Doggie Woggiez! Poochie Woochiez: All Dogs Go On Tour” (dogrelated found footage) will be presented by Everything is Terrible! at Broadways, 113 Broadway St. $10. Info: 285-0400. film music of John Williams • TU (3/13), 7:30pm - The film music of John Williams will be performed in honor of his 80th birthday in WCU’s Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242. flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse. org or 693-0731. • Through SU (3/18) - The Boxcar Children will be presented by YouTheatre at the downtown location. $18/$10 students. green fire • TH (3/15), 6pm - Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time will be screened at Jackson County Public Library, 310 Keener St., Sylva. Free. Info: www.greenfiremovie.com or 587-9453. • FR (3/16), 6:30pm - An additional screening will be held in UNCA’s Union Grotto. Hendersonville Little theatre At the Barn on State Street between Kanuga and Willow Roads in Hendersonville. Info: www.hendersonvillelittletheatre. org or 692-1082. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (3/2) until (3/18) - Harps and Harmonicas. $14/$8 under 18. Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra • SA (3/10), 7:30pm - The Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra and the Asheville Symphony Orchestra will perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in Blue Ridge Community College’s conference hall. $35. Info: 697-5884. i Am • SA (3/10), 7-8:30pm - A screening of I Am, a documentary that asks “what’s wrong with our world and what can we do to make it better?” will be held at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $10. Info: www.ashevillecommunityyoga.com. Jazz Combos Concert
freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) “Controlled hysteria is what is required,” said playwright Arthur Miller in speaking about his creative process. “To exist constantly in a state of controlled hysteria. It’s agony. But everyone has agony. The difference is that I try to take my agony home and teach it to sing.” I hope this little outburst inspires you, Aries. It’s an excellent time for you to harness your hysteria and instruct your agony in the fine art of singing. To boost your chances of success in pulling off this dicey feat, use every means at your disposal to have fun and stay amused.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The Cherokee Heritage website wants people to know that not all Native American tribes have the same traditions. In the Cherokee belief system, it’s Grandmother Sun and Grandfather Moon, which is the opposite of most tribes. There are no Cherokee shamans, only medicine men and women and adawehis, or religious leaders. They don’t have “pipe carriers,” don’t do the Sun Dance, and don’t walk the “Good Red Road.” In fact, they walk the White Path, have a purification ceremony called “Going to Water,” and perform the Green Corn ceremony as a ritual renewal of life. I suggest you do a similar clarification for the group you’re part of and the traditions you hold dear, Taurus. Ponder your tribe’s unique truths and ways. Identify them and declare them.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) In the coming weeks, the activity going on inside your mind and heart will be especially intense and influential — even if you don’t explicitly express it. When you speak your thoughts and feelings out loud, they will have unusual power to change people’s minds and rearrange their moods. When you keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, they will still leak all over everything, bending and shaping the energy field around you. That’s why I urge you to take extra care as you manage what’s going on within you. Make sure the effect you’re having is the effect you want to have.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Artist Richard Kehl tells the story of a teenage girl who got the chance to ask a question of the eminent psychologist Carl Jung. “Professor, you are so clever. Could you please tell me the shortest path to my life’s goal?” Without a moment’s hesitation Jung replied, “The detour!” I invite you to consider the possibility
homework Name your greatest unnecessary taboo and how you would violate it if it didn’t hurt anyone. FreeWillAstrology.com © Copyright 2012 Rob Brezsny
that Jung’s answer might be meaningful to you right now, Cancerian. Have you been churning out overcomplicated thoughts about your mission? Are you at risk of getting a bit too grandiose in your plans? Maybe you should at least dream about taking a shortcut that looks like a detour or a detour that looks like a shortcut.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
you. Honor the wild ideas that bring you joy and the odd desires that remind you of your core truths.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) I don’t think you will need literal medicine this week. Your physical vigor should be good. But I’m hoping you will seek out some spirit medicine — healing agents that fortify the secret and subtle parts of your psyche. Where do you find spirit medicine? Well, the search itself will provide the initial dose. Here are some further ideas: Expose yourself to stirring art and music and films; have conversations with empathic friends and the spirits of dead loved ones; spend time in the presence of a natural wonder; fantasize about a thrilling adventure you will have one day; and imagine who you want to be three years from now.
An old Chinese proverb says: “My barn having burned to the ground, I can see the moon.” The speaker of those words was making an effort to redefine a total loss as a partial gain. The building may have been gone, but as a result he or she had a better view of a natural wonder that was previously difficult to observe. I don’t foresee any of your barns going down in flames, Leo, so I don’t expect you’ll have to make a similar redefinition under duress. However, you have certainly experienced events like that in the past. And now would be an excellent time to revise your thinking about their meaning. Are you brave enough and Each of us is the star of our own movie. There ingenious enough to reinterpret your history? It’s are a few other lead and supporting actors find-the-redemption week. who round out the cast, but everyone else in the world is an extra. Now and then, though, people whom we regard as minor characters “You can discover more about a person in an hour suddenly rise to prominence and play a pivof play than in a year of conversation.” Numerous otal role in our unfolding drama. I expect this websites on the Internet allege that Greek philoso- phenomenon is now occurring or will soon pher Plato made this statement, which I regard as occur for you, Capricorn. So please be willing highly unlikely. But in any case, the thought itself to depart from the script. Open yourself to the has some merit. And in accordance with your cur- possibility of improvisation. People who have rent astrological omens, I will make it your motto been playing bit parts may have more to confor the week. This is an excellent time to learn tribute than you imagine. more about and become closer to the people you care for, and nothing would help you accomplish that better than getting together for intensive inter- The “cocktail party effect” refers to your ability ludes of fooling around and messing around and to hear your name being spoken while in the horsing around. midst of a social gathering’s cacophony. This is an example of an important practice, which is how to discern truly meaningful signals “When we are no longer able to change a situ- embedded in the noise of all the irrelevant ation, we are challenged to change ourselves,” information that surrounds you. You should said Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. His advice be especially skilled at doing this in the coming might be just what you need to hear right now, weeks, Aquarius — and it will be crucial that Libra. Have you struggled, mostly fruitlessly, you make abundant use of your skill. As you to change a stagnant situation that has resisted navigate your way through the clutter of symyour best efforts? Is there a locked door you’ve bols and the overload of data, be alert for the been banging on, to no avail? If so, I invite you to few key messages that are highly useful. redirect your attention. Reclaim the energy you have been expending on closed-down people and moldering systems. Instead, work on the Shunryu Suzuki was a Zen master whose unfinished beauty of what lies closest at hand: books helped popularize Zen Buddhism in yourself. America. A student once asked him, “How much ego do you need?” His austere reply was “Just enough so that you don’t step in front of In this passage from Still Life with Woodpecker, Tom a bus.” While I sympathize with the value of Robbins provides a hot tip you should keep in humility, I wouldn’t go quite that far. I think mind. “There are essential and inessential insani- that a slightly heftier ego, if offered up as a ties. Inessential insanities are a brittle amalgama- work of art, can be a gift to the world. What do tion of ambition, aggression, and pre-adolescent you think, Pisces? How much ego is good? To anxiety — garbage that should have been dumped what degree can you create your ego so that it’s long ago. Essential insanities are those impulses a beautiful and dynamic source of power for one instinctively senses are virtuous and correct, you and an inspiration for other people rather even though peers may regard them as coo-coo.” than a greedy, needy parasite that distorts the I’ll add this, Scorpio: Be crazily wise and wisely truth? This is an excellent time to ruminate on crazy in the coming weeks. It will be healthy for such matters.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 9
• TH (3/15), 7:30pm - A jazz combos concert will feature UNCA students in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/children and students free. Info: music. unca.edu or 251-6423. John Cobb and Jason Posnock • SU (3/11), 3pm - John Cobb (piano) and Jason Posnock (violin) will perform in Asheville Art Museum’s Gallery 6. $8 plus regular museum admission/$6 members. Info: www.ashevilleart.org. marc Yaxley • SU (3/11), 4pm - Marc Yaxley (guitar) will perform at 235 Duncan Hill Road, Hendersonville, as part of The Guitar Academy of WNC’s Listening Room series. $15. Info: www.wncguitaracademy. com. nC Stage Company Info: www.ncstage.org or 239-0263. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/18) - Love Child. $29/$26/$17. Open mic • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Letters to Abigail hosts an open mic night at The Inn on Church, 201 3rd Avenue W., Hendersonville. Free. Info: www.facebook.com/letterstoabigail or www.innonchurch.com. Pan Harmonia Concerts held at the Altamont Theater, 18 Church St. Info: www.pan-harmonia.org or www.myaltamont.com. • SU (3/11), 5pm - Music to Welcome Spring. $15/$12 in advance. Social Justice film nite • FR (3/9), 7pm - Casino Jack and the United States of Money will be screened as
part of Social Justice Film Nite at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. Free, but donations welcome. Info: patrie.wncpsr@ main.nc.us. Sunday Songwriter’s Serenade • SU (3/11), 1-4pm - Wall Street Coffee House and Emporium, 62 Wall St., will host original folk and blues by local songwriters and multiinstrumentalists. Donations appreciated. Info: 424-3460 or www.wallstreetcoffeehouse. webs.com. the Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, unless otherwise noted. www. thehopicecreamcafe.com or 254-2224. • FR (3/9), 6:30-7:30pm - Melissa Hyman, member of For The Birds and Ten Cent Poetry, will perform solo cello at 721 Haywood Road. Free. • TU (3/13), 6:30-7:30pm Canyon Creek (bluegrass) will perform. Free. tryon fine Arts Center Located at 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Info: www.tryonarts.org or 859-8322. • SA (3/10), 8pm QuinTango. $25/$15 under 18. —- A master class with the group will immediately follow the performance. $10 to watch or participate. We Are the 99% • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS, 8pm - This “provacative, ensemble-created performance” will be hosted at Anam Cara Theatre Company, 203 Haywood Road. A talkback with the cast/production team will be held after
Saturday shows. 10 percent of proceeds go to Occupy Asheville. $10/$12/pay-whatyou-can Sundays. Info: www. anamcaratheatre.com.
Seniors fitness Class for Seniors • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS through (3/23), 11am-noon - Fitness classes for seniors will focus on swimming, cardio and weight training. Held at Waynesville Parks and Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with membership or admission. Info: 456-2030. medicare Choices made easy • FR (3/9), 2-4pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy” will be offered by N.C. Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Free. Advanced registration: 277-8288. RSVP Volunteer Orientation • WE (3/7), 9am - RSVP Volunteer Center for the Second Half of Life will host an orientation meeting highlighting opportunities at the Red Cross. Held at the N.C. Center for Creative Retirement on the campus of UNCA. Info: 2516622 or rsvp@landofsky.org.
Spirituality Asheville Center for transcendental meditation (“tm”) (pd.) Discover why TM is the world’s most effective and scientifically validated meditation technique. Clinically proven to boost brain function and reduce anxiety, depression, addiction, and ADHD. Allows you to effortlessly
transcend the busy, agitated mind to experience inner peace and unbounded awareness. • Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • Meditation and brain research • What is enlightenment? (828) 254-4350. www. MeditationAsheville.org Asheville Compassionate Communication Center (pd.) 8 Week Course Starting March 14th, 6:30-8:30. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538 www. ashevilleccc.com Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. bharatanatyam Classes (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children’s classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com mindfulness meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www.
billwalz.com. Mondays, 78pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. bible Study at the Cove • TUESDAYS, 9:45am & 6:30pm - A free women’s Bible study will be hosted by The Cove at The Billy Graham Training Center, 1 Porters Cove Road. An optional lunch is available at the morning class. All are welcome. Free. Info and registration: www.thecove.org or (800) 950-2092. Chant for the Planet • 4th SUNDAYS, 1-4pm - Soka Gakkai International invites the public to “chant for the planet” as part of this large and diverse Buddhist organization. Held at French Broad Coop, 90 Biltmore Ave. Free. Info: www.sgi-usa.org. Community HU Song • SU (3/11), 11-11:30am - “In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Chanting this oncesecret name for God, HU, has helped people throughout time find inner peace and divine love.” Held at the Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. By donation. Info: www.eckankar-nc.org. Dharma Class • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Dharma class with Venerable Pannavati Bhikkuni. All are welcome; by donation. Held at 60 Caledonia Road #B (the carriage house behind the Kenilworth Inn Apartments). Info: 505-2856. Divine energy Share • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - All are welcome to participate in this Healing Circle, including reiki practitioners, other energy workers and non-practitioners curious to tap their healing potential. By donation. Meets at 60 Caledonia Road #B (the carriage house behind the Kenilworth Inn Apartments). Info: 707-2983. i Ching
• SUNDAYS, 4-5:30pm - An I Ching exploration group will offer an introduction to the practice along with related readings at Panera Bread, 1843 Hendersonville Road. Info and registration: 7076206. Kashmir Shaivism • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Explore the nondual philosophy and practice of tantric Kashmir Shaivism with Madhyanandi. Donations. Info and directions: madhyanandi@gmail.com. Lenten Study group • WEDNESDAYS through (4/4), 6pm - A Lenten study group will ask the question “Why Did Jesus Have to Die?” at Trinity Lutheran Church, 235 St. John’s Road, Suite 50, Fletcher. 5pm soup dinner precedes the discussion. Registration requested. Info: rhund@comporium.net or 507-2723. Pray the Vespers • SUNDAYS, 7pm - The Asheville Orthodox Mission invites the public to pray the Vespers of the Ancient Orthodox Christian Church at 619 Haywood Road. Info: http://avl.mx/9s. Purim Celebration • TH (3/8), 5:15pm - The Chabad House will host a Purim celebration at Doubletree-Biltmore Hotel, 115 Hendersonville Road. $25 family/$10 individual. Info and registration: www. ChabadAsheville.org or 5050746. Sacred embodiment Center Located at 41 Carolina Lane in Asheville. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, noon-3pm - “Come-unity Time: Food, Healing and Soul Nourishment” invites the public to bring art supplies, instruments and food donations for a meal and community gathering. $5 meal/$3 soup. Info: www.thesacredembodimentcenter.com or 216-2983.
trinity Lutheran Church
235 St. John’s Road, Suite 50, Fletcher. Info: www.trinitylutherannc.org or 357-4068. • SUNDAYS, 10am - Sunday services will be preceded by Bible study at 9am. Unity Center events Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: www.unitync.net or 684-3798. • SUNDAYS, 9:30 & 11am - Sunday celebration service. Child care available. —- 11am - Y.E.S. Youth Expressing Spirituality. Unity Church of Asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: www.unityofasheville.com or 252-5010. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - A Search For God A.R.E. Study Group. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. —- 12:302pm - A Course in Miracles study group.
Spoken & Written Word battery Park Writing group (pd.) Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. Free! Contact Lisa at 691-5472 or tokyotaos@ live.com for more info. Attention WnC mystery Writers • TH (3/8), 6pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave #A. For serious mystery/suspense/thriller writers. Info: www.wncmysterians.org or 712-5570. buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 2506480)
n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (3/7), 3pm - Book club: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. WV —- 5pm - Library knitters. SW • Through SA (3/31) Regional crafts display. PM • TH (3/8), 1pm - Book club: Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron. FV • TU (3/13), 7pm “Wildflowers of the Southern Appalachians” will be presented by naturalist Scott Dean. WV —- 1pm - Book club: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie. LE —- 7pm - Heather Newton will read from her novel Under the Mercy Trees. FV • TH (3/15), 2:30-4pm - Book club: The Poe Shadow by Matthew Pearl. SS —- 7pm - Book club: The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Oberht. FV Discussion bound • TU (3/13), 3-5pm - Book club: Everything Beautiful Began After by Simon Van Booy will be discussed at Asheville Art Museum, Pack Square. Info: www.ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. eat Your Words book Club • TH (3/8), 6pm - Join local author Randy Siegel for a discussion of The Inspired Life and a four-course meal at Avenue M, 791 Merrimon Ave. $30. Info: 350-8181. fountainhead bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www. fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870. • TH (3/15), 6-8pm Bookapalooza, a celebration of the Fountainhead Bookstore’s book clubs, will feature wine,
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chocolate, give-a-ways and door prizes. $10. Registration required by March 12. grateful Steps Publishing house located at 159 S. Lexington Ave. Info: www.gratefulsteps.com or 277-0998. • SA (3/10), 1-2:30pm - Sheila and John Ingle will present their children’s book Courageous Kate and Fearless Martha. The authors will dress in colonial clothing and demonstrate historical games and dolls. Refreshments provided. malaprop’s bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: www. malaprops.com or 254-6734. • WE (3/7), 7pm - Book Club: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. • TH (3/8), 7pm - Dessert samples from Breakfast and Beyond: Comfort Food from Dawn to Dark, the Sunny Point Cafe cookbook, will be presented by chef April Moon. • FR (3/9), 7pm - Linda Star Wolf will present shamanic practices. • SA (3/10), 2pm - Anne Chesky will read from her book Riceville as part of the Images of America series. —- 7pm - Stephanie Powell Watts will read from her collection of short fiction We Are Taking Only What We Need. • WE (3/14), 7pm - Ginny Callaway will read from her book A Friend in Grief: Simple Ways to Help. • TH (3/15), 7pm - Kyle Ross will discuss her book Taserized: A Neighborhood Walk Ends in Police Brutality. mountain Writers meeting • 2nd TUESDAYS, 1pm - Mountain Writers will meet at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St. Info: www.mountainwritersnc.com or 235-2003. Open mic • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - A spoken word open mic, hosted by Asheville Wordfest and Asheville Poetry Review, will be held at The Pulp, 103 Hilliard Ave. $10 includes membership fee. Info: www. ashevillepoetryreview.com or 225-5851. Writers guild of WnC • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:303:30pm - The Writers Guild of WNC will meet at the Fletcher Public Library, 120 Library Road, Hendersonville. Info: WritersGuildWNC@gmail.com or 296-9983. Writers Workshop • MO (3/12), 2pm - Writers Workshop invites writers to bring five copies of a short work to a free critique and discussion forum. Info and location: 835-8422. Writing from the Heart • SA (3/10), 10am-3pm - “Writing from the Heart: Powerful Beginnings and Endings” will be offered at 29
Regal Ave., Sylva. $35. Info: www.spiritofappalachia.org or 631-4587.
Sports Single? Play golf? (pd.) Consider American Singles Golf Association (ASGA) for fun, fellowship and fairways. Visit the Asheville Chapter of ASGA at our next monthly meeting: Travinia Italian Kitchen, Biltmore Park, 2nd Tuesdays, 5:45pm. For more info: 828-298-9790 www.asheville.singlesgolf.com Adult Kickball League • Through MO (3/12) - Registration for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation’s adult kickball league will run through March 12. $30. Info: jay.nelson@ buncombecounty.org or 2504269.
Volunteering Asheville City Schools foundation • Volunteers are sought for Asheville City Schools Foundation’s reading and math programs. Prior teaching or tutoring experience preferred. Info: www.acsf.org or 3506135. Asheville free media • Asheville Free Media seeks volunteers for its local internet radio station. Be a DJ, plan events and be part of the community. Info: www.ashevillefm. org. big brothers big Sisters of WnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks adult mentors for bimonthly outings. Activities are free or low-cost. Volunteers are also needed to mentor 1 hr./wk. in schools and afterschool programs. • WE (3/14) & TH (3/29), noon - Informational meeting. buncombe County Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. Cell Phone Donation • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8am-5pm RiverLink will accept unwanted cell phones at its offices, 170 Lyman St. Info: www.riverlink. org or 252-8474. Center for new beginnings • The Center for New Beginnings seeks volunteers for community awareness and services for crime victims and survivors of traffic fatalities, suicides and other death-relat-
Traditional marriage: one cannibal, one vampire In January, Swedish newspapers reported that two of the country’s most heinous murderers had apparently fallen in love with each other behind the locked doors of their psychiatric institution and, following a 26day Internet-chat “courtship,” had decided to marry. Mr. Isakin Jonsson (“the Skara Cannibal”) was convicted of killing, decapitating and eating his girlfriend; Michelle Gustafsson (“the Vampire Woman”) was convicted of killing a father of four and drinking his blood. “I have never met anyone like [Michelle],” the love-struck Jonsson told the newspaper Expressen. The pair will almost certainly remain locked up forever, but Gustafsson wrote on the Internet that she hopes they’ll be released, live together and “have dogs and pursue our hobbies: piercing and tattoos.”
Compelling explanations • In December, music teacher Kevin Gausepohl, 37, was charged in Tacoma, Wash., Municipal Court with communicating with a minor for immoral purposes, allegedly convincing a 17-year-old female student that she could sing better if she were naked. Gausepohl later told an investigator of his excitement about experimenting at the “human participant level” to determine how sexual arousal affects vocal range. After complying with “some of” Gausepohl’s requests, the girl balked and turned him in. • Thinking Outside the Box: (1) Rock Dagenais, 26, pleaded guilty to weapons charges after bringing a knife, a sawed-off rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition to a Quebec elementary school. After a siege, he eventually surrendered peacefully, saying he was merely trying to teach the kids not to bully one another. (2) Daniel Whitaker has been hospitalized in Indianapolis since November, when he drove up the steps of the Indiana War Memorial with a gun,
gasoline and an American flag and set the steps on fire. In December, he told WRTV that he was only trying to get everyone’s attention so they would think of Jesus Christ and “love each other.” • Ghosts in the News: (1) After first saying his wife had fallen and hurt herself, Michael West, 41, of Fond du Lac, Wis., finally acknowledged that she was attacked — by ghosts. (He was charged anyway.) (2) Anthony Spicer, 29, was sentenced in Cincinnati in January after being discovered at an abandoned school among cut copper pipes. Denying that he was collecting scrap metal, Spicer said he was looking for ghosts, since the school “is supposed to be haunted.”
Ironies • Agents in training shoot about a million bullets a month at the FBI Academy’s firing range in Virginia. But since the 547-acre facility is offlimits to hunters, it’s also a de facto wildlife refuge. Thus, according to a December ABC News dispatch, deer learn that, despite the gunfire (sometimes at astonishingly close range as they wander by the targets), none of them ever gets hit. The academy is also a “sanctuary” for foxes, wild turkeys and other critters. • Equity Lifestyle Properties of Chicago fired receptionist Sharon Smiley after 10 years’ service after she violated company policy by declining to stop working during her lunch hour. (The policy is apparently designed to avoid liability for overtime pay; Smiley, however, had clocked out for lunch while remaining at her desk.) Smiley subsequently applied for unemployment benefits, but the administra-
readdaily Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679
tor denied them because the firing was for insubordination. In January, a state appeals court granted the benefits. • In December, a South Carolina circuit court ruled that the New Beginning Missionary Baptist Church (headed by an AfricanAmerican) is the rightful owner of a former theater in Laurens, S.C. The property’s only current tenant is the Redneck Shop, which features Confederacy and Ku Klux Klan merchandise. (New Beginnings bought the church in 1997 from a Klan member who was unloading it because of a rift with the head Klansman but who subsequently wanted it back.)
Latest human rights • Librarians can shush patrons whose conversation disturbs others, but in Washington state, they’re powerless to prevent another “disturbance” — library patrons disgusted by inadvertently glimpsing a pornography user’s computer screen. In February, a Seattle Public Library patron complained after the librarian said a 2010 state Supreme Court decision had banned censorship of otherwise-legal porn. • Nonhumans’ Human Rights: (1) Elena Zakharova of New York City became the most recent litigant to challenge a state law classifying pets as “property” (entitling the owner of an injured or disfigured pet to no more consideration than for a defective appliance). She sued a pet store that had sold her a dog with allegedly bum knees and hips. Dogs, she claims, are living creatures that feel love and pain, have souls and should be compensated for their pain and suffering. The case is pending. (2) In February, a federal judge in San Diego, Calif., heard arguments by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals that SeaWorld was confining its show whales in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment (the Civil War-era prohibition of slavery). Two days later, he ruled that the amendment applies only to human slavery.
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MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
ed incidents. Info: contact@ centerfornb.org or 989-9306. Children first/CiS Children First/CIS is a nonprofit advocating for children living in vulnerable conditions. Info: VolunteerC@childrenfirstbc. org or 768-2072. • Through TU (5/1), 2:305:30pm - Volunteers are needed at least one hour per week, Mon.-Thurs., to help K-5th graders with homework and activities. Info: VolunteerC@childrenfirstbc. org or 768-2072. Council on Aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call A Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles and mileage reimbursement is available. Info: www.coabc.org or 2778288. exhange Student Hosts • Families are sought to host international exchange students. Must pass a background check and provide room and board. Info: www. ayusa.org or 298-8873. four Seasons • Four Seasons seeks volunteers for its end-of-life care programs. Training begins March 19. Info: www.fourseasonscfl.org. Hands On Asheville-buncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www.handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • SA (3/10), 10am-1pm & TH (3/29), 4-6pm - Fair-Trade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • MO (3/12), 7-8:30pm - Cookie Night: Help bake cookies for families staying at the Lewis Rathbun Center, which provides free lodging for out-of-town families who have a loved one in an area hospital. Supplies provided. Helios Warriors • Helios Warriors, a holistic therapy program for veterans, seeks volunteer licensed/ insured practitioners for a minimum of three hours per month. Volunteer administrative support also needed. Tues., Thurs., Fri. or Sun. Info: www.helioswarriors.org or 299-0776. new Opportunities thrift Store • The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway in Hendersonville, seeks donations for the New Opportunities Thrift Store. Volunteers also needed during store hours. Info: 692-0575.
Our VOiCe Volunteer training • SA (3/10), 1-5pm - Help spread awareness of Our VOICE’s services throughout the communities of Buncombe County. Outreach volunteers play a crucial role in assisting with special events, bar outreach, booths and health fairs. Info: www.ourvoicenc.org.
fun fundraisers
RiverLink events Info: www.riverlink.org or 252-8474. • Volunteers are sought to plan festivals, concerts and parties. Info: dave@riverlink. org or 252-8474. Road to Recovery • The American Cancer Society seeks drivers to transport cancer patients as part of its Road to Recovery program. Volunteers must be available weekdays and willing to use their own vehicle. Info: 254-6931. Southern Appalachian Repertory theatre • Ushers, marketing and fundraising volunteers are sought by the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. Info: sartplays@aol.com or 633-1049. Upcycling bin • Hip Thrift, 201 Haywood Road, will collect and distribute clothing as part of its upcycling program. Donations of old, stained or torn items will be turned into something new by local crafters. Clothes can be donated or picked up Tues.Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: info@ hipthrift.org or 423-0853. Young Parents Demonstration Project • Through MO (4/30) - The Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry seeks volunteers to provide emotional support and guidance to young parents moving out of poverty. Info: 398-6995 or www.abccm.org/ministries/ circles. YWCA Stand Against Racism • Through FR (4/20) - Volunteers are sought for YWCA Stand Against Racism through April 20. Info: www. ywcastand.org.
calEndaR dEadlInE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365
What: The Fiddlers of Madison County to benefit The Madison County Arts Council. Where: The Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main St. in Marshall. When: Saturday, March 10. Two shows: 4 and 8 p.m. $20. Info: madisoncountyarts.com or 649-1301. Why: Fiddlers, banjo players and bluegrass-lovers alike flock to the quiet back roads of Madison County. Old-time music weaves into the topography of the region and each holler has its own take on traditional songs. The Madison County Arts Council will support the county’s musicians and celebrate the area’s favorite tunes at its upcoming fundraiser.
Renowned fiddlers including Bobby Hicks, Arvil Freeman, Roger Howell, and ensemble The Sons of Ralph and several others will take bluegrass off the back porch and onto the concert stage for this annual show. “Folks start asking us in January ‘when are you having the fiddler’s show?’ … We can hardly get everyone in the doors to hear all of this music,” says Laura Boosinger, executive director of The Madison County Arts Council. Boosinger notes that last year’s concert was standing-room only, so it’s not too early to reserve tickets. The Fiddlers of Madison County is a unique opportunity to hear some of the area’s finest musicians on one stage for an evening of bluegrass, rich harmonies and, of course, fiddling. Photos of Bobby Hicks and Avril Freeman by Ted Gosfield
benefitscalendar calEndaR FoR maRch 7 - 15, 2012 Asheville Community Yoga • SA (3/10), noon-5pm - A benefit for Asheville Community Yoga, featuring mini-golf, hula hooping, face painting and more, will be held at Hip Thrift, 201 Haywood Road. Info: www.ashevillecommunityyoga. com. bring Your Own brain trivia night • SA (3/10), 7pm - A “Bring Your Own Brain” trivia night will benefit the Asheville Humane Society. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. $120 for table of eight. Registration required: www.ashevillehumane.org or 761-2001. Love, War and a Little bit more • FR (3/9) & SA (3/10), 7pm - Tenor Scott Joiner and soprano Colette Boudreaux will perform classical music and jazz hits at the Historic Kenilworth Inn, 60 Caledonia Road. Admission includes beer, wine and heavy hors
d’oeuvres. Proceeds benefit the WNC Red Cross. Info: jansapp007@aol.com. Pet food Drive • Through TU (3/27) - “Feed the Love” pet food drive will collect donations for low-income pet owners. Prepackaged bags available at BI-LO, 801 Fairview Road. Info: www.bi-lo.com. Plates Against Poverty • SA (3/10), 7pm - Plates Against Poverty will feature a vegetarian Ethiopian dinner to benefit the Whole Planet Foundation. Held at Greenlife Grocery, 70 Merrimon Ave. $25. Info: 254-5440. Relay for Life night • TU (3/13) & WE (3/14), 5-9pm - Mrs. G and Me restaurant, 502 N. Main St., Hendersonville, will donate ten percent of proceeds to The American Cancer Society. Sponsored by MCC Sacred Journey’s Relay for Life team. Info: http://bit.ly/yG6IGi. Shannon Whitworth
• SU (3/11), 7:30pm - Shannon Whitworth (singersongwriter) will perform to benefit Friends of the Animal Shelter in Brevard College’s Porter Center. Reception begins at 6pm. $25/$20 in advance. Info: www.animalsheltertc.org. Winesdays • WEDNESDAYS, 5-8pm - Winesdays wine tastings will benefit a different organization each week at the Wine Studio of Asheville, 169 Charlotte St. $5. Info: www. winestudioasheville.com or 255-5955.
moRE bEnEFIts EVEnts onlInE
Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after March 15.
calEndaR dEadlInE
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
Galaya Coaching ~ Readings Intuitive Consultations • Relationships • Health • Career • Animal Communication
Slow & Steady tai Chi touCheS liveS at aSheville terraCe apartmentS by Caitlin byrd Every Thursday at 4 p.m., Michael Davis swaps the white cotton maintenance uniform with his last name stitched on the chest for a silky jacket with a dragon embroidered on the back. Then he hurries to the activity room at the Asheville Terrace Apartments on Tunnel Road, where he teaches a one-hour tai chi class. Nearly a dozen residents are waiting for him. And though Davis has taught martial arts for 32 years, this class is different. A stroke cost one student the use of an arm. Another student, who’s had both knees replaced, wobbles more than he’d like. Several practice tai chi while sitting in their wheelchairs. Setting a black boom box on the table, Davis presses the play button. Chinese music fills the room as he bows his head and leads the class in a brief prayer. Looking around the room, Davis smiles at his students and then begins. “Each and every one of these people has a unique talent,” he observes. “They don’t all do the same thing the same way, but they do it in their way, which makes it right.”
no longer at the bottom Sometimes called “meditation in motion,” tai chi (pronounced “tie-chee”) is a Chinese martial art that emphasizes slow, flowing movements. Rather than strength or brute force, Davis explains, tai chi emphasizes “coordination, balance, peace of mind, awareness — and that satisfaction that you’re no longer at the bottom of the totem pole.” That’s exactly what Evelyn Vaught and other residents were looking for when they found out their maintenance man could do more than just paint. Bored by yoga and uninterested in aerobics, Vaught saw Patrick Swayzee do tai chi in the film Road House and started looking for a local class. Discouraged by the cost, she soon gave up her search. But when a friend told her that Davis taught tai chi, she recalls, “I was thrilled.” Vaught asked Davis if he’d be willing to teach a free class; a few weeks and a few fliers later, Davis went to work. Davis was excited about teaching again, though he didn’t quite know what to expect. “We’re talking about people who aren’t able to stand for a long period of time, who hurt constantly, who are immobile or have a very small range of mobility,” he reveals. The low-rent, subsidized apartments house residents 62 and older as well as people with disabilities. At the first class, however, Davis took his students through their paces, helping them with the moves as needed. “They did it without a break, without sitting down, without complaining, without anything,” he remembers. “It impressed me, because I thought I was
34 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
meditation in motion: Patricia James follows along as Michael Davis demonstrates a move during his free weekly tai chi class for the residents of Asheville Terrace Apartments. Photo by Caitlin Byrd
“tHe LooK on my stUdent’s FaCe, tHat’s WHat i get oUt oF tHis — tHe Joy, tHe satisFaCtion tHat tHey’re aCComPLisHing sometHing.”
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miCHaeL daVis, tai CHi instrUCtor going to have to take a 15-minute break. But they were so excited, so full of zeal.”
Joy and satisFaCtion Rod Oertel jokingly calls himself a penguin, because his knee replacements make him shaky on his feet. To Davis, however, Oertel is the bionic man: Besides having both knees replaced, he’s legally blind in one eye and has had multiple other surgeries. But after getting an OK from his doctor, Oertel began practicing tai chi regularly for exercise and to improve his balance. “There’s so many other facets to it that you take away from it, like getting to know your neighbors better and camaraderie,” he explains. Teresa Courtney, 53, says the class gave her something she never thought she’d have again: the use of both arms. Following a stroke earlier this year, Courtney’s left arm hung by her side, hand clenched in a fist; unfazed, Davis invited her to come to class. From her wheelchair, Courtney would go through the moves with her right arm, doing whatever she could. And when Davis came over to help her, he would do isometric work with her. One day, Davis found a pressure point on her left side, and her clenched fist slowly opened. These days, she can raise her left arm shoulder high. “I couldn’t believe I could do it,” she recalls. Davis finds that kind of attitude and spirit inspiring. “The look on my student’s face, that’s what I get out of this,” he reveals. “I get to see the joy, the satisfaction that they’re accomplishing something.” After Davis’ painting business failed and his marriage ended, he didn’t think he’d ever have a chance to teach again. “For the past two years, I just dropped off the face of the earth,” he reveals. “But these good people right here found me and fixed me.” “Now he’s fixing us,” Vaught interjects. And though Davis isn’t paid for the class, he says teaching these people tai chi each week brings him a deeper happiness. “If you can reach out and touch someone’s life, then you’ve done something really special.” X To see a video of the class, go to http://avl.mx/at. Send your local health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at cbyrd@mountainx.com, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.
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“Get Your Plate in Shape” Week 1
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In June 2011 the new “MyPlate” icon replaced the old “MyPyramid” and Pyramid as a way to illustrate the US Dietary Guideliness and depict better eating habits for Americans. This year’s National Nutrition Month theme, “Get Your Plate in Shape”, encourages us all to take a look at what’s on our plate and see how we can improve our eating habits.
Goal: Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables
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1. Add fresh, frozen or canned vegetables to that
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2. Don’t settle for just one vegetable at a meal - have two. 3. Remember that canned and dried beans count as a
vegetable. Add beans to soups, stews, casseroles and salads.
4. Keep frozen fruit is great to add to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal or to have as a dessert. 5. Keep frozen vegetables in your freezer and you can quickly add them to soups, stews, casseroles and pasta sauce.
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mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 5
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6 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Acceptance & boundaries: the Keys to Loving Someone Difficult (pd.) Do you care deeply for someone who is hard to love? Call M. Wheeler, Counselor, 90- minute session for $50. 828-215-6653. Are You trying to force Yourself to Change? (pd.) Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is a structured program that addresses the Emotional Root Cause of using Food, Alcohol/Drugs, Overspending, Overworking to feel pleasure, numb out, and/or comfort and soothe ourselves. • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes self compassion, brain health and grounded joy. Call 231-2107 or empowering.solutions@yahoo.com or visit website: www.ebt.org Contact me for a fRee Health Consultation (pd.) Are you looking for support to reach your goals with weight loss, healthier eating, or just creating more balance in your life? Contact me for a FREE health consultation. I also offer free health workshops and vegetarian cooking workshops. Contact me at jenzohealthcoach. com. Crystal energy Healing (pd.) To restore balance and bring relaxing peacefulness, generating heightened awareness, personal development, transformation and a deep sense of well-being. Kim Hageman, DD, DMP, CLT. By appointment: (828) 2752755. www.acrystalsanctuary.com Shamanic Voicework (pd.) Tuesdays, March 6, 13, and 20, 7:15-9:00 PM, $10 and Workshop The Voice of the Warrior: Claiming Our Expressive Center. Saturday, March 24th, 1-5PM, Sacred Embodiment Center, $30-40. Limited space. TheVoiceofLife.com, 828-667-2967, info@thevoiceoflife. com. the ReAL Center (pd.) Offers life-changing skills including Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Radical Honesty, and Somatic Awareness. Learn to stay centered in any situation, be flexible without being submissive, and more. $120/8-session class in Asheville with Steve Torma, 828-254-5613. http://www.theREALcenter.org Chinese medicine Lecture • TU (3/13), 7pm - A lecture on Chinese medicine will focus on acupuncture and herbs. Held at Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St. Info: www.malaprops.com or 254-6734. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 9:30am; WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 3pm - Flu vaccine. $22. Registration not required. free Health Consultations • TUESDAYS, 1-6pm - The Faith Community Nurse will be at SOS Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1, to discuss health concerns, assist with resources, provide free blood pressure screenings, pray with the public or “just spend time together.” Coffee and refreshments provided. Info: 768-0199. Health fair • SA (3/10), 9am-noon - A health fair, featuring diabetes and blood pressure screenings, pulmonary education, HIV testing and free socks, will be held at the Haywood Street Congregation, 297 Haywood St. Info: www.haywoodstreet.org or 246-4250. High intensity Laser therapy Demonstration • TH (3/15), 5:15-6pm - A demonstration of High Intensity Laser Therapy will be held at Fairview Chiropractic Center, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Free. Info and registration: 628-7800.
Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition • FRIDAYS, 1pm - Take charge of your health with this six-week workshop for people with chronic health conditions and their caregivers. Held at Edneyville Community Center, 15 Ida Rogers Road. $30 for entire series; scholarships available. Space is limited; registration required. Info: 251-7438. movement Class • MONDAYS, 5:30-7pm - A movement class will be offered at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $15. Registration requested. Info: barbarton@charter.net or 658-1217. Qigong • THURSDAYS, 1:45-3pm - Level one Qigong class will meet at the Lakeview Clubhouse, 401 S. Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain. $10. Info: 669-8610. Restorative Yoga and massage • SA (3/10), 2:30-5pm - Restorative yoga and massage will be offered at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $40 donation. Info: www.ashevillecommunityyoga. com. Restorative Yoga with Sound Vibration • TU (3/13), 7-9pm - “Restorative Yoga with Sound Vibration” will be offered at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. Bring a mat, four blankets, a pillow and eye cover. $15. Info: 252-5335. the Red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: www.redcrosswnc.org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • TU (3/13) & TH (3/15), 2-7pm - Blood and platelet donnors will be eligible to receive a $25 gift certificate to Hannah Flanagan’s after donating at the Red Cross headquarters on Edgewood Road. • MO (3/12), 9:30am-1:30pm - Blood drive: Buncombe County Board of Education, 175 Bingham Road. Info: 225-5879. —- 1:30-6pm - Blood drive: Hominy Valley Elementary School, 450 Enka Lake Road. Info: 665-0619. —- 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: North Asheville Christian School, 20 Reynolds Mountain Blvd. Info: 242-5088. • TU (3/13), 1:30-6pm - Blood drive: Leicester Elementary School, 31 Gilbert Road, Leicester. Info: 683-2341. Weight management non-Surgical info Session • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon & 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:45-7:45pm - A non-surgical info session will be held at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: www.missionmd.org/weightmanagement or 213-4100. Yoga for Women • TUESDAYS, noon - This all-ages yoga class for women focuses on hormonal balancing and transitions, as well as the reproductive arc. Classes held at the Asheville Yoga Center’s Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Info: www.youryoga.com or rachael@nourishinglife.com.
Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, “Twelve Tradition” program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren.org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Inner Child” study group, Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution,” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - “Living in the Solution,” The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - “Inner Child” study group, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - “Generations,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. Al-Anon
wellnesscontinued Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: www.wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. Newcomers welcome. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - “Daytime Serenity,” Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. —- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. Newcomers welcome. —8pm - “Listen and Learn,” St. John’s Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. Newcomers welcome. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - “Parents of Children with Alcoholism,” West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. —- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. —- 8pm - Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte St. —- 5:30pm - “Family Matters,” First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. —- 8pm - “Lambda,” Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. • SATURDAYS, 10am - “One Day at a Time,” First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th Avenues, Hendersonville. —- 10am - “Grace Fireside,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. —- 10am - “Saturday Serenity,” St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte Street at Macon Avenue. —- noon - “Courage to Change,” Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville. • MONDAYS, noon - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte St. —- 6pm - “Attitude of Gratitude,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. —- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. A beginner’s meeting will proceed general meeting from 6:15-6:45pm on the 1st Monday of the month. —- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. —- 8pm - “Discovery,” Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. —- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. —- 5:30pm - “Steps to Recovery,” Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. —- 7pm - “One Day at a Time,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. —- 8pm - Transylvania men’s meeting, Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. Autism Parent Support group • 4th THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Meet parents of children with autism, share your experiences and learn from others. RSVP by 3rd Thursday to ensure childcare. Held at St. Gerard House, 718 Oakland St., Hendersonville. Info: www.stgerardhouse.com. brainstormers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Join this survivor-led support group for brain injury/concussion survivors and their allies. Meetings consist of sharing, listening and reflection. Held at Trinity UM Church, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 254-0507 or puffer61@gmail.com. brevard-Hendersonville Parkinson’s Support group • 2nd TUESDAYS, 10am - The Brevard-Hendersonville Parkinson’s Support Group will meet at Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 East Main St., Brevard. Info: www.bdrpc.org or 884-2645. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 367-0157. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666.
Connections group • Learn to strengthen relationships, improve self-awareness and build internal resilience during this 12-week course led by professional counselors. Based on the work of Brene Brown. Times to be determined. $40. Info: manifestcounseling.com or 258-5204. Debters and Underearners Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - The local chapter of Debtors Anonymous, a 12-step program, meets at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Underearners Anonymous meets at 8pm. Info: www. debtorsanonymous.org, underearnersanonymous.org or 704-299-8909. eating Disorder Support group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Meetings focus on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: www.thecenternc.org or 337-4685. food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 989-3227. grief Share • SUNDAYS, 2pm - A grief recovery support group will meet at Living Hope Community Church, 697 Haywood Road. Info: 450-7575. grief Support groups • CarePartners’ bereavement support services are available to anyone who has suffered a loss through death. Weekly grief support groups, a relaxation group, a Grief Choir, Yoga for Grievers and one-on-one counseling available. Donations accepted. Info: kcaldwell@carepartners. org or 251-0126. marshall Alcoholics Anonymous meeting • FRIDAYS, 8pm - AA meeting at Marshall Presbyterian Church, 165 South Main St. Info: soletpj@gmail.com. mission Weight management Surgical Support group • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm; 4th FRIDAYS, 10-11:30am - Weight Management Surgical Support Group will meet at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: www.missionmd. org/weightmanagement or 213-4100. nAmi Connection Support groups • WEEKLY - The National Alliance on Mental Illness Connection Groups support recovery for people living with mental illness. Meetings are held 1st Saturdays at 10am, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 11am and 3rd Tuesdays at 6pm. All groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave. Info: www. namiwnc.org. • TH (3/8), 5-6:30pm - The National Alliance on Mental Illness adult support group will meet at Pardee Hospital, in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Registration not required. Info: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. Overcomers Classes • TUESDAYS - Overcomers support group, for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems, will be offered in Mars Hill. Call for location and time: 689-9316. Overcomers Recovery Support group A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@sos.spc-asheville.org or 575-2003. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men and women. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: O.A. Step Study group, Cox House, 723 N. Grove St. Info: 3291637.
• THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St., Black Mountain. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800-5804761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. Pet Loss and grief Support group • 2nd SUNDAYS, 3-5pm - A pet loss and grief support group welcomes those coping with the loss of a pet through death or divorce. Held at American Red Cross, 100 Edgewood Road. Info: tosetti.cappy@gmail.com or 707-7203. Sexaholics Anonymous • DAILY - A 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Daily Asheville meetings. Call confidential voicemail 237-1332 or e-mail saasheville@gmail.com. Info: www.orgsites.com/nc/ saasheville.
moRE WEllnEss EVEnts onlInE
Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx. com/events for info on events happening after March 15.
calEndaR dEadlInE
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
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mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 7
the main dish
Mr. frog’s wild ride
vijay shastri is back, with southerN food as his focus by MackeNsy luNsford After focusing on Italian, German and Indian food in his many years as a chef, Vijay Shastri is turning to the cuisine of the American South. This spring, Shastri will open Mr. Frog’s Soul and Creole Kitchen on Market Street in downtown Asheville, along with co-owner and partner Holly McFarling. Mr. Frog’s takes over the space vacated by Simma Down Caribbean Café. In his new venture, Shastri will turn in the spaetzle for sweet-potato bacon hushpuppies and curries for stewed oxtails in a come-as-youare environment with affordable food and an accessible wine and beer selection. “Having the bar that we had upstairs from the Flying Frog was an eye-opener to a more mainstream concept,” Shastri says. The Flying Frog Bar, a somewhat casual offshoot of the long-lived Flying Frog Cafe, was often jammed with people even when the more expensive downstairs restaurant was not. Mr. Frog’s will be located in the Ritz building on Market Street, an area tourists tend to frequent less than the Battery Park Avenue location of the Flying Frog. “We want this to be about locals,” Shastri says. “And we’re looking for a place where friends and family can come together.” As the executive chef of Mr. Frog’s (with the assistance of “right-hand man” Gustavo Villota), Shastri will turn out a soul-food menu of buttermilk-fried chicken, catfish and trout, sweet-potato pudding, slow-smoked ribs, cedarsmoked calf’s tongue and Shastri’s “calamari of the South,” otherwise known as flash-fried chitlins. Creole-based offerings will include jambalaya, gumbo and étouffée. “Different, fun shellfish dishes with a lot of the New Orleans touch,” Shastri says. “And Sunday brunch, of course, will have beignets.”
recreatiNg the perfect dive “We’re making things properly,” Shastri says. “We’re making étouffée with a proper roux and making jambalaya with all fresh vegetables, and we’re trying to utilize as much local, regional, sustainable and organic product as we can, while doing it in a $6 to $12 price range. It’s cheap and still very much based on technique and great product. And even though it’s not table service, it’s a friendly environment.” In other words, Mr. Frog’s will offer highend food without the trappings of fine dining. “It’s recreating the perfect dive,” says Shastri. It takes that kind of cliché level of elegance out of it, that expected elegance, and that’s what you want. In this day and age, fine dining is dying
38 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
dynamic duo: The restaurant that Holly McFarling and Vijay Shastri will run, Mr. Frog’s, promises Southern food with a Creole twist. Photo by Max Cooper — and I hate that that’s the case.” Shastri say that, while he believes that great food is in no danger of going extinct, white-tablecloth restaurants, where simply having a table set with linens and flowers is costly, are on the decline. Combine the cost of a highly trained staff and a dining public that’s increasingly not willing to pay for it, and you have a recipe for decline, Shastri says. That’s part of the reason why he and McFarling are working to scale down and make things more accessible to locals.
New kids oN the block With restaurants closing all over, it may seem ambitious to venture into a part of town that’s not known for its foot traffic. Shastri says, however, that the neighborhood is exactly right for his business plan. “Certain concepts require certain environments to be taken seriously,” he says. In other words, a finer-dining yet “almost divey” concept wouldn’t likely go over as well on Biltmore Avenue. Does that make The Block the new West Asheville? “That area is very interesting,” Shastri says.
“There’s so much planned there with the renovation of The Block. Even though there are few businesses on that street, it’s an incredibly viable area for business. It is very safe, and the building that we’ve got is a great spot. It feels right, it’s got every bit of the making of a very successful place. The business owners, the people around there are very wonderful people. We were incredibly surprised by how warm and open the neighborhood was. It’s a great place to be.” And even though some restaurants are closing, Shastri says, he doesn’t necessarily see a down economy in the landscape of Asheville. “Restaurants are changing, restaurants are expanding. If you look, downtown Asheville’s starting to come back a little bit,” he says. “I think it’s time. Everything is right for things to happen right now.” A familiar face may help create success in Asheville, Shastri says. “The market is peculiar. People are less apt to support the places that they’re not familiar with. It’s a very communityoriented place and very difficult to get something started when you just move in from somewhere and open up places,” he says. “Asheville has its own way of making things happen.” X
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 9
food X new restaurants
fIore’s cLoses Cinnamon Kitchen 1838 Hendersonville Rd • Ste 103 In Gerber Village
ckcuisine.com 828.575.2100
Ashev i l l e’s
cHef anTHony cerraTo Looks aHead by Mackensy Lunsford Fiore’s Ristorante Toscana abruptly closed on Tuesday, Feb. 28 after a family dispute over chef and co-owner Anthony Cerrato’s announced departure from the restaurant. The College Street building, owned by Cerrato’s father, is now up for rent. Cerrato, already at work on his new restaurant, Strada, is looking ahead. The closure of Fiore’s, says Cerrato, allows him to devote more time to his latest venture. “We’re right on target, and now I have more time to focus,” he says. Strada (Italian for street), will be located at 27 Broadway St., where Tingles, Zoe Rose and, most recently, Never Blue on Broadway used to be. Some of Fiore’s staff, who found themselves unemployed when the restaurant closed, are helping with the cleaning and preparation of the building, while others are taking a break, Cerrato says. By most counts, the picture is a tentatively positive one. “My main focus is moving forward and taking care of my staff [after Fiore’s] got shut down sooner than they anticipated,” Cerrato says. “They’re all really excited,
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40 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Moving on: “I’m getting a fresh start, and I think I really need that; I think it’s important to my creativity,” says Anthony Cerrato. Photo by Max Cooper and you could see the smiles on their faces as they were looking at the space that they’re going into in a few weeks.” The new location is bright and airy, with high ceilings. Cerrato’s building crew is busy laying dark bamboo flooring in the dining room and slate in the bathrooms. The walls will be painted warm colors and the bar should be lined with copper. Before Fiore’s closed, Ceratto was already looking forward to stretching his wings in the new space. “When I walked in there [the Broadway Street space], I just felt that this was where I needed to be,” Cerrato told Xpress. “It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. It’s a necessary part of the evolution.” Striking out on a solo venture marks a big change for the chef, who’s been involved with his family’s business for eight years. “I’m getting a fresh start, and I think I really need that; I think it’s important to my creativity,” he says. When Strada opens, the restaurant will offer a “street-food” style menu at lunch time, including arancini (fried-risotto balls) and various
charcuterie, served from a cold-kitchen area behind the bar. “There’s going to be some small plates, some gastro-pub food as well,” Cerrato says. Dinner will be similar to what Fiore’s offered, “but we’re going to freshen it up a bit,” he says. There will be small and full plates on the menu, as well as a lot more game, Cerrato says. In addition to lunch and dinner, the restaurant will offer a Saturday and Sunday brunch with a local duck-egg breakfast pizza, fritattas and fresh-baked breads. Cerrato, who is himself intolerant to gluten, also makes fine gluten-free breads, pizzas and pastas from scratch. Breads will be available by the loaf. Strada already has a long list of restaurants that are interested in wholesale accounts. Cerrato says that he’s looking forward to having a neighborhood spot, where the “smell of the baking bread drifts out to the street.” “Food to me is my art and how I get to express my creativity and passion. It’s a labor of love,” he says. X
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by mackensy lunsford send food news to food@mountainx.com
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to get free information explaining why you’re not better and how a new effective treatment is offering relief… without drugs.
Bringing the farm home: Mother Earth Produce brings goods from area farmers, like Zydeco Moon Farm’s Sally Thiel and Joe Martin, to your front door. Photo from New River Organic Growers
Kitchen Ugly? Don’t replace... REFACE! 1 New look for about /3 the cost of new cabinets Paul Caron • The Furniture Magician • 828.669.4625
mother earth Produce takes farm-to-table to heart Mother Earth Produce recently crossed our food radar, and we think the produce-delivery company is a novel idea. The business is run by two young entrepreneurs, Andrea and Graham DuVall, who recently ditched the corporate world to make fresh and local food more accessible by bringing the farmers market to area homes. All orders are placed through the Mother Earth Produce website (motherearthproduce.com), which is informative and easy to navigate. Within 48 hours, a van shows up to a customer’s house, carrying the best of what’s seasonal and local, handpicked by local farmers and sourced directly by the DuValls. A typical single order costs $26, and contains about seven to nine portions of seasonal fruits and vegetables. A family-sized portion, with 14 to 17 servings, is $20 more. “The concept is similar to a CSA, but we get to support a network of farms, picking [each farm’s] specialty, what they grow the best,” says Andrea. “We’re really hoping the community embraces it.” Xpress recently spoke to Andrea to get a better sense of how the program works. Xpress: What is mother earth Produce all about? AD: Our vision was to allow pretty much everyone in the community an option of living a local-food lifestyle, regardless of schedules or transportation issues. We wanted to make eating local produce an option for everyone through online ordering and free delivery. How did you get started? When we moved here [to Weaverville], we wanted to go to the farmers market one day and it was only open from 2 until 5, and we both worked full-time jobs. We thought there had to be another way to get local produce, especially with all the amazing farms around WNC. We Googled it, and we couldn’t find anything [locally], but we came across a company up North that did it and we thought it was a great idea.
MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
it’s a great idea because weekend mornings, when many markets are open, might not work for everyone — maybe you’re working or want to sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast.
Exactly. When we started, we realized that it was the same for farmers. They said that sometimes it was hard to prepare everything for the market so early every weekend, especially when working such long hours every week. They said, “Wouldn’t it be great if someone could just come and pick up the produce from us?” When we started really thinking about it, it was a win-win for every side.
Congrats to the local James Beard nominees: Katie Button of Cúrate has been nominated by the James Beard Foundation for the Rising Star Chef Award, awarded to chefs under 30 who show great promise in their field. John Fleer of Canyon Kitchen in Sapphire, N.C,. received a nomination for Best Chef of the Southeast. Fleer is eyeing Asheville for his first restaurant ownership venture.
How does it work on your end? delivery is free and there’s no sign-up charge — how do you make any money?
Button has also been nominated by Food & Wine Magazine for the People’s Best New Chef of the Southeast. Vote at http://avl.mx/av.
Because we’re ordering produce in bulk and picking it up directly from the farmer, we’ll pay them somewhere between wholesale and retail [price]. We took our smallest [order] and compared it piece by piece to the organic prices at [natural foods stores]. It turned out to be maybe about $1.50 more for [our product], but [customers are] saving money in gas and convenience.
Plates for poverty: On Saturday, March 10 at 7 p.m., greenlife grocery is hosting a vegetarian Ethiopian dinner in its café to raise money for the Whole Planet Foundation. Seats are $25 and include an appetizer, entrée (with injera), dessert, mead, coffee and iced tea. Beer and additional honey wine will be available for suggested donations. Reserve a table for six for the price of the average microloan: $133. All proceeds go directly to funding microloans throughout the world. Buy a ticket by calling 254-5440 or by stopping by the Greenlife customer-service desk. Greenlife is located at 70 Merrimon Ave. For more information about the Whole Planet Foundation, visit wholeplanetfoundation.org.
it’s limited to fruits and vegetables right now — so no eggs and meat? That’s just in the first year. As we built the foundation, we wanted to keep it as basic as possible to get the system down. Our vision is to eventually offer local breads, preserves, dairy, everything. Can you skip a week after you sign up? Yes. You even can order only one time if you want to — that’s no big deal. But, if you do set up a recurring order, just to make it easier for you, you can control your own account through our website and pause it if you’re going on vacation. What are other benefits to the farmers? Eventually we’re going to offer á la carte items, so if a farm has a ton of habeñero peppers one week that they have to get rid of, we can put them on the a la carte menu and email all of our customers. It’s another way for farmers to connect with their customers, other than the farmers market.
From the market Place: Two award-winning chefs will join forces at The Market Place restaurant, 20 Wall St. in downtown Asheville, for a five-course dinner of West African-inspired cuisine. Chefs William Dissen and Nick Figel (of Cyprus Restaurant) will prepare yam fufu, jollof rice, chicken yassa and more. The Wednesday, March 21 dinner will present interpretations of authentic West African dishes, as well as cocktails, and West African drumming and dancing. The evening starts at 6:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Ashevillebased, 33rd generation Ivorian djembe player Adama Dembele, to help secure his permanent green card for U.S. citizenship. Tickets are $65 (alcohol, tax and gratuity are additional). To reserve a seat, call The Market Place at 252-4162. Visit marketplace-restaurant.com for more.
is this strictly a seasonal thing? We will be year-round. In the winter, we may have to supplement local produce with food from outside the region. We’ve been talking to tons of farmers that say that they can grow stuff over the winter, but, if we have to outsource from another organic company in January or February, we may do that, but it will all be certified organic through smaller distributors. For more information, visit http://www.motherearthproduce.com.
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Umbrella drinks, coconuts and lobster The now-shuttered Mo Daddy’s won’t be empty for long, says owner John Atwater, who closed the business because “it wasn’t making any money,” he tells Xpress. Atwater plans for Mamacita’s Baja Kitchen to open sometime this spring at the former Mo Daddy’s location at 77 Biltmore Ave. The Baja Kitchen will offer table service and a fresh take on California-Mexican cuisine with a tropical-themed bar. “Umbrella drinks,” he says. “I think Asheville needs that. I mean, I love the PBR scene and the hipsters and all of that, but I just want something light and fun. I think it’s going to be a good addition to the restaurant scene.” The dining room has been painted with bright and beachy colors, and a retro palm-tree mural. “You know, the ubiquitous Mexican mural has to be in there somewhere, right?” Atwater says. “We’re just trying to make it fun and light. We have no intention of being some four-star dining restaurant.” The garage door remains, and will be thrown open to let in the air on warm nights. Patio dining will still be available. With sometimes sporadic business at Modaddy’s, Atwater says that it became evident that he needed to nurture the more successful side of his restaurant duo.
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sign of the times: John Atwater’s new restaurant will offer baja-style food. Photo by Max Cooper “We closed the door on Mo Daddy’s, honestly, because we weren’t making any money,” says Atwater. “The bartenders were making good money and the bands were doing OK. But the hours were really hard. And, we had nights when we were really busy, and nights when we weren’t. In the end, it was about doing what you wanted to do and doing what you love. I love music, but it was always clear to me that my first love was food. Having grown up working in music shops and even majoring in music at UNCA, it’s hard. But, I knew that if I didn’t close the doors on Mo Daddy’s, it was just going to take Mamacita’s down too, and I didn’t want that. We had to amputate to save the rest, so that was what we did.” Essentially, the Baja Kitchen is an extension of Mamacita’s with table service, a focus on fresh, sustainable seafood and Baja cuisine. “I’m excited to be able to bring light Mexican [food] into Asheville,” Atwater says. “It’s going to be casual, it’s going to be affordable, it’s going to be more expensive than next door, sure, but it’s going to be a place that you can go every week and not break the bank.” Initially, the restaurant will be open only for dinner, but once it’s open for lunch, it will serve tortas (Mexican-style sandwiches) on locally baked bread from a Mexican bakery. The restaurant will be open six days a week and closed on Sundays, says Atwater, though Sunday brunch may be in the cards. “I think a Latin brunch is really fun,” he says. “I’d also like to think that we could have a late-night bar,” Atwater says, adding that the venue will no longer host late-night music. “But the Orange Peel does,” he says. There’s a bit of work to do before the menu can be finalized, Atwater says. “I’m going to make one last trip to Mexico to make sure there’s something I didn’t miss.” There, Atwater will stage in a La Paz-based restaurant for a week, bringing home skills he learns there to add to what sounds like a traditional menu; the Baja Kitchen will offer a break from the all-too-common refried-bean Mexi joints in the area.
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MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
“You’ll see something traditional like the caldo de siete mares,” he says, or seven-seas soup, a shrimp-broth based shellfish-heavy concoction that Atwater plans to serve in a fresh, halved coconut. With the fruit removed from the husk, the restaurant will make a coconut tres leches cake. There will also be lobster on the menu, Atwater says. “So yeah, you can spend as much as you want, but the ambiance is going to be casual. It’s come wearing flip-flops, come as you are.”
families at William Randolph School. “We’ll need certain kinds of equipment to handle that,” Rosenstein says. The multifaceted benefits of the GO Kitchen-Ready Training Program address four areas of the Buncombe County Strategic Plan: workforce development, farming livelihood, better child-care options and economic development.
get going: GO Kitchen-Ready Training Program teaches real-life skills and kitchen techniques.
ready, set ... go! Food-service skills program gets money The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners earlier this month voted to give $50,000 in start-up money to the GO Kitchen-Ready Training Program, managed by Green Opportunities and Mark Rosenstein, founder and former owner of The Market Place. Suitably funded, the program is ready to offer training in food-service skills, including food safety and sanitation, nutrition, food vocabulary, kitchen math and other qualifications designed to offer students a leg-up in the food industry. Classes are scheduled to begin in March.
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“This program started with Michel Baudouin of Bouchon,” Rosenstein says. “It’s been his idea for five or six years. Through Michel, and with support from the Asheville Independent Restaurant Association — they’ve supported all the initial research, the prototype — they supported me to do all this work to put this program together.” The program is currently in search of a chef/instructor. Applications can be picked up at GO’s headquarters at the W.C. Reid Center, 133 Livingston St. or by emailing info@greenopportunities.org or mark@greenopportunities.org.
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“It’s kitchen boot camp,” Rosenstein says. “It’s three months of intensive culinary skills, plus life skills: how to hold a job, how to communicate properly, how to avoid and resolve conflicts in the work place, how to make a personal budget, self-esteem issues. The life-skills [portion] is about 25 percent [of the program]. When you come out, you’re job-ready.” Rosenstein is working with the Asheville Independent Restaurant Association, who provided some start-up funding, to tailor the training to real job skills, he says. Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina and A-B Tech are also partners in the venture. The typical candidate is 18 years and older, says Rosenstein, though youth programs will come next. “It’s an adult program for motivated individuals that have barriers to employment,” he explains. “For example, they don’t have a high-school diploma, or they have a criminal record, or they’re underemployed or unemployed. There’s usually a combination of factors — it’s never just one thing.” Before county funding, the effort got a bit of head start from Asheville City Schools, who donated the use of the William Randolph School facilities to the program for one year. “That, in itself, saves somewhere between $750,000 and $1 million — we don’t have to build anything,” Rosenstein says. “We have a commercial kitchen that is already almost fully equipped.” The 12-week classes will be held Monday through Thursday on the campus of William Randolph School. Costs for participating in the program will be covered for qualified applicants. The county funding will help provide uniforms for trainees, textbooks, food for training and kitchen implements such as pots, pans and utensils, Rosenstein says. “I also need a few pieces of big equipment, like a stove and a floor mixer, and we would like to put in a heavy-duty washer and dryer so that we do uniform laundering in-house.” Furthermore, the program aims to use the skills students learn through their training to begin producing ready-to-eat meals for MANNA FoodBank to distribute to people in need, as well as school meals for students and their
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modestonc.com Grove Arcade • 828.225.4133 mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 5
JUGGLInG! pythons! LoCAL pUnK bAnDs tALK tIGEr bEAtLIKE!
Asheville’s punk scene may be underground (if it were mainstream, it wouldn’t be punk, right?) but it’s also vibrant and busy. Looking for a punk show? Check out the Asheville Punk Rock Community Networking Machine (ashcomcal. blogspot.com), which boasts a monthly calendar of shows and includes not just music but art openings and spoken work events.
Or, you can go to Punk You Asheville. The local showcase, held at the Orange Peel this week, features the three acts (Just Die!, Zombie Queen and Pleasures of the Ultraviolent) voted best punk bands of 2011 in Xpress’ annual Best of WNC readers’ poll. Also this weekend: punk showcases at The Boiler Room (Pawtooth, Saint Famine Society, No Destination, Venus Gasoline and The Deadwire Band on Friday, March 9) and the Get Down (The Dispersants, House of Building and Judas Horse on Friday, March 9; Everymen, Transylvania Transport Co. and Big Nasty on Saturday, March 10) with many local acts ranging from punk and rock to Southern gothic and prog. To set the tone for a full night of screaming guitars, thumping bass, thrashing drums and full-on vocal assult (in the best possible sense), Xpress asked these irreverent local rockers to tell us a little bit more about themselves. Tiger Beat-style. (That’s right — all interview questions were culled form back issues of Tiger Beat magazine.)
ZoMbIE QUEEn! EMILy GIbbs on voCALs, KrIstEn “WIfEy” sEArs on GUItAr, CrystAL “Coop” KELLy on bAss AnD tEnnI ArsLAnyAn on DrUMs. (AnsWErs ArE froM thE bAnD, CoLLECtIvELy.)
Q: have you ever had a celebrity crush? A: Yes, Jeffrey from Get Him To The Greek. If you were abducted by aliens, what CD, book or movie would you bring along for the ride? For us: Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy; for them: How To Cook For Forty Humans. Do you have any bad habits? Don’t ask, don’t tell. What do you do for fun? Don’t ask, don’t tell. What’s your favorite outfit? Diapers! What’s your idea of a perfect date? Going to Wal-Mart and riding the motorized scooters.
46 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
What are you going to be doing 10 years from now? Going to Wal-Mart and riding the motorized scooters. If you could change your name to anything or keep it the same, what would you do? Get sponsored by Dollywood and become Dolly’s Zombie Wood Queen. What is your secret talent? Falling down! how did you celebrate when you were voted one of the best local punk bands in the 2011 Mountain Xpress readers’ poll? Big party at Jeffrey’s.
tWo sHoW s!
tWo days !
at tHe or a PUnK yoU nge PeeL, satUrda y, asHeViLLe (FeatUrin marCH 0 (9 P.m., a LL at tHe Bo g JUst die iL !, ZomBie Q ages. $5. tHeoran sHoWCase er room, Friday, m g Ueen & PL a easUres o ePeeL.net) WitH PaW tootH, sa rCH 9 (9 P.m., $5. tH F tHe ULt egroVeHo int Famin raVioLen t) e soCiety U , no destin se.Com/asHeViLLe Undergro ation, Ven Und/indeX Us gasoLin .Ht e & tHe d eadWire B mL) and
motoriZed! sCooters!
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BeCCa “domino” PetCHeniK on VoCaLs, gUitarist sKyLar “tHe story tHieF” goree and eLinda “motHer mayHem” moran on drUms. (ansWers are From BeCCa.)
Q: do you have any big plans with your music coming up? a: We’re hoping to just get better and play some bigger venues, but nothing concrete right now.
What word in the english language do you wish you had invented? Shriek.
What animal best describes the kind of man/woman you’d be interested in? I could be snarky and say python, so I’m going to.
What’s your life like outside of playing in a band? Way cooler than most people I know. does it make you uncomfortable when people ask to see your abs? Nobody ever asks that. They ask to see my breasts a lot, though. What was your most embarrassing on-stage moment? When our first drummer forgot how the song ended and we played it about two minutes long. if you could live in any past era which would it be? 17th century Japan.
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 7
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JUst die! VoCaList steVe sHeLL, gUitarist matt eVans, Bassist Jay mCBones and drUmmer daVe reinHardt. (ansWers are From matt.)
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Q: Have you ever had a celebrity crush? a: Yes. I hugged Kelly Clarkson at a concert one time while she was singing. I thought I was going to marry her for months after that. if you were abducted by aliens, what Cd, book or movie would you bring along for the ride? CD: Samiam’s Clumsy; book: Stephen King’s The Stand (so I would actually finish it); movie: Would I have a TV on this spacecraft? If so it would be Boyz in the Hood. do you have an bad habits? Yes. I don’t go to bed till at least 3 a.m. every night. I talk loudly. I use the bathroom with the door open. The list goes on... What do you do for fun? Play music. I don’t drink or do drugs, so I have to be creative.
8 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
What’s your favorite outfit? Sleeveless Tshirt and jeans. What’s your idea of a perfect date? Enjoying time spent with another person, could be many things. What are you going to be doing 0 years from now? The world ends this year. if you could change your name to anything or keep it the same, what would you do? I would keep it the same. What is your secret talent? I can juggle. How did you celebrate when you were voted one of the best local punk bands in the 0 mountain Xpress readers’ poll? I called my band members and said, “Hey, we won again.”
Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Update for Buncombe, Haywood and Henderson Counties open for comment through March 29th, 2012. CPT-HST Plan will help the region improve transportation options for the elderly, disabled, low-income, commuters and everyone who would like to see more and better transit options. See the draft plan posted at http://www.fbrmpo.org/ transit_and_tdm/hst_plan. Comments can be submitted by email to mpo@landofsky.org; or in-person before adoption at the Transportation Advisory Committee on March 29th, 2012 12:30 PM at Land-of-Sky Regional Council Offices. Phone: 828-252-6622 ask for MPO.
JARC and New Freedom Call for Projects due March 28th, 2012 Transit agencies and non-profits in Buncombe, Haywood and Henderson Counties working with Human Services Transportation needs clients (elderly, disabled and low-income) can apply for FTA 5316 (JARC) and 5317 (New Freedom) grant funding through the FBRMPO call for projects. Application will be open on March 8th; applications due March 28th, 2012 by close of business day. Local match required. See http://www.fbrmpo.org/jarc_new_freedom_info for additional info. mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 9
arts X music
Carrying eaCh other musiCally
the West asheville Community Chorus lifts every voiCe
by beth beasley
There’s an old saying, “Who wants to sing, sings.” The West Asheville Community Chorus nurtures a passion for singing on this basis. Regardless of participants’ experience or skill level, the group’s unofficial motto applies: “Sing your heart out.” Everyone has a heart (and some kind of voice). “No one has to audition,” says chorus leader and WNC native Suzannah Park. “The only requirement is that you want to sing.” Park and her singing partner and husband, Nathan Morrison, are also members of the Starry Mountain Singers, a 10-voice touring ensemble that performs traditional songs and original compositions from its members. The couple started the chorus after friends asked why they didn’t do at home what they do on tour. “We set a high bar,” Park says. “But we trick people into reaching that bar without jumping.”
50 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
a place on the choir: No auditions are necessary to join this community chorus, and the repertoire ranges from sacred to secular songs.
As with Park and Morrison, many of the Starry Mountain Singers started out at Village Harmony, a world-music summer camp in Marshfield, Vt. Park progressed from camper to teacher with Village Harmony, eventually touring with the organization, mostly throughout the U.S. and in Europe. In mid-February, Park returned from South Africa, where she taught a Village Harmony camp with native teachers and toured with singers for a total of four weeks. “Organizations like Village Harmony recognize how music takes away class and race,” Park says. Morrison agrees, and believes that music in the new global community has the power to bring people together in unprecedented ways.
“People are realizing it’s not enough to be connected by these devices,” says Morrison. WACC favors a repertoire of sacred and secular music from around the world — from the Caucus Republic of Georgia, Bulgaria and South Africa, to the shape-note-style songs and hymns of 19th-century New England. Park and Morrison draw on the eclectic song bank from their years learning with Village Harmony. “This is music that is meant to be sung together, rather than as a performance to a court or an audience,” Morrison says. Chorus member Carole Berlin appreciates Morrison and Park’s musical selections, and how encouraging the two are to reluctant sing-
ers. “They say to people who haven’t sung in years, ‘You can do it!’ and [the singers] walk away believing they can,� says Berlin, who has been singing with WACC for multiple seasons. Though most of the performances have been primarily a cappella, WACC will feature a band for its set of Balkan songs this season, with chorus members contributing music on clarinet, trombone, accordion and traditional Balkan drums. Park is excited about several songs from South Africa that will be part of the current season. These traditional songs are written for dancing; steps will be taught with the words and music — a first for WACC. Even for those with experience, learning songs in other languages poses a unique challenge, although some singers adapt to the words with ease. “It’s nice to have that mix and to have so many different angles into the music and have people be comfortable,� says Morrison. For the South African songs, only words are written on the song sheets, no musical notes — a kind of nod to those in the chorus that have been taught entirely by ear.
CommUnity Harmony According to the WACC website, the chorus ranges from 40 to 50 singers of mixed ages and musical backgrounds. Since the start, WACC has spanned generational divides. “It’s so fun to sing with WACC and be a part of the rich cultural aspect of the music,� says singer Diane Rhoades. “What is brilliant is the therapeutic surprise of singing, whether I ‘do it right’ or not.� Rhoades is a member of the Hendersonville a cappella group The Atomic Sisterhood, and she committed to singing with WACC after hearing the chorus’ first performance. Rhoades says she regularly gets goose bumps in WACC performances. “There is nothing like it,� she says. “I have cried at least once in every performance from the inexplicable beauty.� For 12 weeks before season performances, the chorus holds Thursday night rehearsals, the first four of which are open to interested singers (the last open rehearsal is March 8). After that, the
official chorus is formed. For the spring season, rehearsals will take place in the chapel at the Brooks-Howell Home at 266 Merrimon Ave., from 7 to 9 p.m. (The class fee is $7-$12 sliding scale, per class, and barter or trade is accepted.) Last year was the first fall season for WACC, which traditionally has one season of rehearsals and performances in the spring. The 2012 performance dates are set for May 19 and May 20, but locations are still being worked out, says Park. The weekly chorus classes are casual, although showing up is strongly encouraged. Morrison and Park believe a larger group makes it easier for everyone to sing. “It’s very relaxed environment, it’s very playful,� says Park. If you’re not getting it down, we’ll go over it again. The goal is that people feel empowered to feel good about their personal contribution to the collective.� Singing in a larger group is easier, say Park and Morrison, because there isn’t the pressure of being singled out — the group members carry each other musically. “I think Nathan and I bring out the best in people, because our delight in their ability is higher than they might believe themselves,� Park says. The teaching process is often complicated. The subtle differences between a Balkan or a Georgian song can be hard to convey. But Park recognizes the challenge in making people understand how to sing vowels a certain way, demanded by how the song was sung traditionally. “The kind of songs we’re singing, they are different in tonal quality,� Morrison says. “They don’t have the affected quality that some choruses have — it’s a natural sound.� Chorus members are quick to catch on, and some have even requested vocal coaching from Park in private or in small groups, to further hone their singing skills outside of chorus rehearsals. “Suzannah explains things so exquisitely,� says Berlin. “It’s a joyous thing to sing this complex music with other people. It’s something unique.� For more information on WACC, visit http// suzannahpark.com or email morrisonpark@gmail. com. X
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arts X video
Trivia NighT goes
To The dogs
everyThiNg is Terrible
sNiffs ouT aNoTher baTch of vhs oddiTies
by Kim roNey On Monday, March 12, Kipperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Totally Rad Trivia does it doggy style. That is, the Everything Is Terrible video mash-up collective, dressed in dog costumes, will take over for the Best of WNC trivia night. Their message: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If everything is terrible, then nothing is.â&#x20AC;? Their means: dog-related found footage.
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The Porter Center for Performing Arts Brevard College, In Association with Mountain Song Productions present
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52 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ mountainx.com
Before YouTube made access to Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s funniest, filthiest and stupidest clips not only easy but inevitable, there were VHS tapes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; at yard sales, estate sales and dollar bins â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and the people who love them. And for the most part, those analog inanities are still out there. Collage artists like EIT are still digging through hours of â&#x20AC;&#x153;found footageâ&#x20AC;? the old-old-fashioned way, with tracking and fast-forward. Probably a lot of both. Where did this curious VHS collage genre originate? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Maybe the first would be Rev. Ivan Stangâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Arise: Church of the Subgenius,â&#x20AC;? says McCloud. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He took old film clips, smashed them together into a psychedelic package that could rot your brain.â&#x20AC;?
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Everything Is Terrible â&#x20AC;&#x153;takes forgotten VHS tapes of all kinds and edits them down into easily digestible viral videos.â&#x20AC;? Marc McCloud from Orbit DVD and TV Eye â&#x20AC;&#x201D; two outlets that do not fear cinematic oddities â&#x20AC;&#x201D; likes the group so much heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bringing them to town. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Throughout the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;90s, many of us collected and traded shorter video clips of weird stuff,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They became the ultimate party tapes!â&#x20AC;?
The Transylvania Times
EITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s output epitomizes weird video. Exhibit A: â&#x20AC;&#x153;So Your Cat Wants a Massage?â&#x20AC;? which currently has more than 2 million views on YouTube. (A quote: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If we understood fluent meow, our cats would tell us that petting is passĂŠ, because your cat wants a massage.â&#x20AC;?) The group also has a collection of more than
1800 VHS copies of Jerry Macguire. A synthesis of these two elements hints at an EIT live show. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if Asheville has ever seen anything like this!â&#x20AC;? says McCloud. According to the EIT website, the new show, DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez! Will create â&#x20AC;&#x153;a remake of Alejandro Jodorowskyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1973 Film, The Holy Mountain, using only dog-related found footage!â&#x20AC;? Remaking Jodorowkyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Holy Mountain is a challenge on its own â&#x20AC;&#x201D; with any type of footage. Funded in part by John Lennon, the original film is a kaleidoscope full of colorful suggestions and religious innuendo. The film is strangely unsettling and attractive all at once. EIT promises it will be an â&#x20AC;&#x153;inner-eye opener.â&#x20AC;? And, yes, the EIT members will be in dog costumes, adding sketch comedy, stand-up and other antics. Get a dog-sitter and plan to howl with laughter under the neon signs. X Kim Roney is the host of Reel Talk on Asheville FM, which streams 3 to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays.
tHe ProFiLer By BeCKy UPHam
For Artists. By Artists. Mon - Sat 10-6 828.231.3440
deCiding WHat sHoWs
yoU sHoULd see
so yoU don’t HaVe to
<hffbmf^gm Blln^l8
the suspect: Chuck negron
>qi^kb^g\^ Hnk ?Z[nehnl L^fb =^fb <hehk L^kob\^l
Negron formed the group Three Dog Night with Danny Hutton and Cory Wells in 1968, and throughout the late ‘60s and early ‘70s the band had 18 consecutive top 20 hits. Negron was the lead vocalist for “One (Is the Loneliest Number),” “Joy to the World” and “Old Fashioned Love Song.”
.1 <HEE>@> LM' 1+1'++.'11+1
Can Be Found: U.S. Cellular Center, Saturday, March 10. riyd (Recommended if You Dig): Three Dog Night, Blood, Sweat and Tears.
you should go if: You make your grandkids call you by your first name; you ration your Weight Watchers points to allow for the bottle of white wine you drink every night; you believe the true measure of a man can be found in how he keeps the interior of his car; you’re going to use the extra hour of daylight to … make your spray tan look a little less orange.
the suspect: mutemath This New Orleans alt-synth band formed in 2001, and proceeded to battle with Warner Brothers on whether the band would be promoted as Christian Contemporary Music or straight up altt-rock. On last year’s release, Odd Soul, the band added a little grunge-blues to their pop style. Can Be Found: The Orange Peel, Sunday, March 11. riyd: Snow Patrol, The Postal Service. you should go if: You took on a roommate to support your daily Grey Goose/Caramel Mocha Frappuccino habit; after Bella and Edward’s wedding, you’re prepared for the rest of this decade to be a bit of a disappointment; you’re too busy inviting people to join SchoolFeed to water your Farmville crops; you’re going to use the extra hour of daylight to … hike to the summit of every major peak east of the Mississippi and raise your arms in victorious ecstasy.
the suspect: miss tess and the Bon ton Parade NBC New York says, “They pull off that tightrope musical trick that is modern vintage without being twee or derivative.” Tess’ voice has been compared to Zooey Deschanel and Madeleine Peyroux, and she plays a mean 1940s archtop guitar; her backing band includes guitar, upright bass and drums. Can Be Found: Jack of the Wood, Saturday, March 10. riyd: Keely Smith, Nellie McKay, Erin McKeown. you should go if: Fiends can’t get enough of your Easy Bake Oven Devil’s Food cupcakes; Callista Gingrich’s hair has become an obsession for you; everyone tells you you’d make a great kindergarten teacher; you’re going to use the extra hour of daylight to … swing, swing, swing.
The descriptions of fan qualities and quirks are intended to be a playful take on what’s unique about all of us. The world would be a better place if everyone went out to see more live music.
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 5
Krektones album release Multi-instrumentalist extraordinaire Jason Krekel informs us that the Krektones are instro-rock — “don’t call ‘em surf cuz we’s in the mountains” — and they’ll be releasing their first EP on Family Night Records (home of local bands Tony Wain and the Payne and Doom Ribbons). The four-song 45 includes a Ventures cover, Greg Cartwright’s “Stop and Think it Over,” and two new tracks from the Krektones. The band (with Dave Gay on bass, Lance Wille on drums and Henry Westmoreland on trumpet and sax) announces a vinyl release party at newly reopened Static Age Records on Saturday, March 10. Doors at 8 p.m. reverbnation.com/krektones.
Time Warped book signing Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places. For author Tracey L. Pacelli, the impetus for her young adult novel, Time Warped, rose out of a battle with stage four melanoma. Pacelli beat the cancer, and, as she explains in an email, “in an effort to keep my daughter near me, I turned my attention as a writer to the YA market, so I could include her in the creative process.” The resulting novel, which follows Lanie Landry on a quest to learn the truth about herself and her family, features a cover designed by Pacelli’s daughter. It won the 2011 Preditors & Editor’s Readers poll for best young adult novel. Pacelli signs books at Barnes & Noble in Biltmore Park Town Square on Saturday, March 10, 1-3 p.m. Free. biltmorepark.com.
54 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 55
where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina CLUbLAnD RULeS •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
Athena’s Club
Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
Black Mountain Ale House
Lobster Trap
Valorie Miller (Americana, folk)
Open mic w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm
Rebekah Jean (country, Americana), 6pm Good Stuff
Trivia, 9pm
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul)
Barley’s Taproom
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Alien Music Club (jazz jam)
The Hill & Wood w/ Doc Aquatic (indie rock), 8:30pm
Black Mountain Ale House
Olive or Twist
Open mic
Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)
Twilite Broadcasters (old-time, vintage country), 7pm
Creatures Cafe
One Stop Deli & Bar
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Karaoke w/ Chris Monteith, 8pm
Salsa night (lessons, followed by dance) Dirty South Lounge
Wax in the Back, 9pm
Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 5pm Silo Effect w/ Sonic Spank (electronic), 10pm PULP
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Fred’s Speakeasy
Melissa Hyman & Ryan Furstenberg (folk, cello) w/ Cory Bishop, 8pm TallGary’s Cantina
Open mic/jam, 7pm
Karaoke, 10pm
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Dizzy Chicken Trio (jazz)
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
The Hard Bop Explosion
Get Down
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Rory Kelly’s Triple Threat
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Karaoke, 10pm
Logan Mason (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia, 8:30pm
Wed., March 7
Woody Pines (ragtime), 8pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Front stage: Carey Murdock (singersongwriter)
Anais Mitchell (indie folk) w/ Eric Brace & Peter Cooper, 8pm
Altamont Brewing Company
Altamont Brewing Company
Old-time jam, 6pm
Barley’s Taproom
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Asheville 24/7’s (pre-war blues), 8pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Harrah’s Cherokee
Westville Pub
Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm White Horse
Jason DeCristofaro (jazz), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe
Jeff & Justin (acoustic)
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
South Forty (rock, honky-tonk)
Harrah’s Cherokee
Dustin Wong (indie, experimental) w/ Dope Body, 9:30pm
Hoopers Creek Cafe
Craggie Brewing Company
Jack of Hearts Pub
Open mic & bluegrass jam w/ Sherry Lynn
Floppy Thursdays w/ Molly (eclectic music series), 8pm
Old-time jam, 7pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Bluegrass jam, 6pm
Creatures Cafe
Singer-songwriter showcase, 9pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Dirty South Lounge
Dirty Bingo, 9pm
Back stage: You Won’t (retro pop, folk) w/ RonD & Birthday Boy
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Lobster Trap
Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am
Hank Bones (“man of 1,000 songs”)
Emerald Lounge
Ribs & Whiskey feat: Wyndy Trail Travelers (bluegrass), 5pm Taylor Martin’s Engine (folk, country) w/ The Whiskey Grins, 10pm
Analog Moon (rock, psychedelic) w/ Cheers Elephant & I.O.Z., 10pm
Olive or Twist
Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) One Stop Deli & Bar
Live comedy, 8:30pm
Thu., March 8
Fred’s Speakeasy
Asheville’s Got Talent, 8pm
Orange Peel
Jack of Hearts Pub
5 Walnut Wine Bar
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Pisgah Brewing Company
Bluegrass jam, 7pm
The Space Heaters (jazz), 8pm
Two Fresh (hip-hop) w/ NiT GriT, 9pm
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56 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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Larry Keel & Natural Bridge (roots) w/ The Reckoning, 8pm
Black Mountain Ale House
The Accidentally Irish Lads, 8:30pm
Hoss Howard Band, 7pm DJ Moto, 11pm
Purple Onion Cafe
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Jeff & Vida
Acoustic Swing
Highland Brewing Company
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Boiler Room
Iron Horse Station
DJ Marley Carroll, 9pm Root Bar No. 1
Laura Thurston (folk, Americana, bluegrass) Scandals Nightclub
Dave Desmelik Trio (Americana), 6pm
Pawtooth w/ Saint Famine Society, No Destination, Venus Gasoline & The Deadwire Band (rock, punk), 9pm
Barb Turner (rock, country, R&B) Jack of Hearts
Swayback Sisters (Americana, country)
Club Metropolis
Jack of the Wood Pub
Dark Night w/ Draven & Lotus
Newcomer Show, 10pm
Southern Appalachian Brewery
The Hip Bones (dub, jazz, soul), 7pm
Craggie Brewing Company
Alder Pyle (indie, pop, rock), 8pm
Chuck Beattie Band (blues), 4:30pm Westbound Rangers w/ The Amboys, The Hillside Bombers & Continental, 8pm
Creatures Cafe
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Nate Tasker (singer-songwriter)
Dance night
Back stage: Invisible Three w/ Molly Parti (electronic)
Diana Wortham Theater
TallGary’s Cantina
Asheville Music Showcase, 8pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Peggy Ratusz & friends
Danny Ellis (singer-songwriter), 8pm
Lobster Trap
Leo Johnson & the Spaceheaters (jazz, swing)
Eleven on Grove
Zumba, 8pm
Olive or Twist
Emerald Lounge
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Ginny McAfee (singer-songwriter)
DJ Chalice w/ NxT LVL & Sound Pimp (reggae, dancehall), 10pm
Westville Pub
Feed and Seed
Megan Jean & the KFB (gypsy, Americana), 9:30pm
Honey Holler (classic country, fiddle) Fred’s Speakeasy
Fuego Friday Latin Night, 10pm
White Horse
Slipjig Annie (folk), 7pm
Nikki Talley (country, Americana), 6pm
Acoustic music w/ Sloantones
Fri., March 9 Laura Thurston & Wildwood Flyers (folk, Americana), 9pm ARCADE
Downstairs: “No Cover, No Shame” dance party w/ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm Asheville Music Hall
Rainbow Mountain “Imagine” benefit Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Ultraviolet Hippopotamus (rock, jam) w/ Arpetrio, 9pm North Mississippi Allstars (Southern rock, blues, jam) w/ Lightnin’ Malcolm, 9pm Pack’s Tavern
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Micah Hanks (newgrass)
High Gravity Jazz
Pisgah Brewing Company
Get Down
Altamont Brewing Company
One Stop Deli & Bar
Orange Peel
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Wild Wing Cafe
Live music, 8pm
The Reckoning, 9pm
The Dispersants w/ House of Building & Judas Horse
Root Bar No. 1
Good Stuff
Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz)
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Bill Gerhardt Trio (jazz), 7-9:30pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
Kathy Kelley, 8pm
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers (rock) w/ Native Run & Katrina, 9pm
Scandals Nightclub
Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, soul, R&B), 8-11pm
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Harrah’s Cherokee
Hope Griffin (folk, country)
Music & EvEnts
Letters to Abigail (folk, Americana), 8pm Straightaway Cafe
thuR, MaRch 8
AnAis Mitchell
laRRy keel & natuRal bRiDge
the hill AnD wOOD
stePhen KellOgg AnD the sixers
DooR 7 pM/shoW 8 pM - $10/$12
w/ the Reckoning
FRi, MaRch 9
9 pM - FRee shoW
the Reckoning thuR, MaRch 15
bayou Diesel FRi, MaRch 16
chathaM county line FRi, MaRch 17
van ghost
st. patty’s Dance paRty
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TheTreasureClub.com mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 57
TallGary’s Cantina
Chris O’Neil (slide guitar), 5pm Miss Tess & the Bon Ton Parade, 9:30pm
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
The Altamont Theater
Jus One More
Scandals Nightclub
The Bywater
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Three Ring Circle (dobro, mandolin & bass) Jon Stickley, 9pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Early jazz spotlight feat: Classivive, 7pm Peggy Ratusz & friends, 10pm
Fine Foods • 30 Brews On Tap • Patio • 13 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space Now Catering Open 7 Days 11am - Late
Vincenzo’s Bistro
March Madness
Orange Peel
Westville Pub
Pack’s Tavern
White Horse
Purple Onion Cafe
SaT., March 10 ARCADE
Downstairs: “Bear Exploder” dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm Asheville Music Hall
FRI. 3/9 Micah Hanks
SAT. 3/17 St. PACKtrick’s Day Dance Party with DJ Moto
Gary Segal Duo (blues, Americana, roots), 8pm The Krektones EP release party Stuart McNair (folk, Americana) TallGary’s Cantina
Unnamed Suspects (rock), 9:30pm The Altamont Theater
The Feral w/ Dead Light Pulse & Eating the Sun (rock, metal), 9pm
Al “Coffee” McDaniel & Da Grind Excellent (blues, soul)
Club Metropolis
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Fast Nasty: Fast & Furious
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
Craggie Brewing Company
Westville Pub
A Ghost Like Me (space rock), 8pm
Deja Fuze (electro-fusion), 10pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
White Horse
Asheville Rock Academy graduation concert, 2pm Sheila Kay Adams (storytelling), 8pm
Blair Crimmins & the Hookers (ragtime, gypsy jazz), 10pm
Sun., March 11
Feed and Seed
Jerome Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions (jazz), 7-9pm
Grace Adele & the Grand Band (Americana, folk, roots), 6pm
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Hallelujah Hullabaloo w/ DJs Jamie Hepler, Whitney Shroyer & friends
Dance party, 10pm Miss WNC Entertainer of the Year benefit, 12:30am Southern Appalachian Brewery
Art opening feat: Nathan Dyke (folk, fusion), 4-6pm Spurs
Karaoke, 8pm The Altamont Theater
Sunday jazz, noon Pan Harmonia (classical), 5pm Vincenzo’s Bistro
Steve Whiddon (piano covers) White Horse
Drum circle, 2pm
Mon., March 12 5 Walnut Wine Bar
CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm Asheville Music Hall
Chali 2na (hip-hop) w/ Projekt Lotus & BPL, 10pm Broadway’s
Everything is Terrible presents DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez! (found footage), 10pm Dirty South Lounge
Tears in My Beers (DJ set), 9pm Feed and Seed
Mike Roe & Dave Leonhardt Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Contra dance, 8pm
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Jack of Hearts Pub
Linda Go, Jill Siler & Patti Black (singer-songwriters) Jack of the Wood Pub
Aabaraki (funk, soul), 10pm Orange Peel
Henry Rollins (punk, hard rock), 8pm The Bywater
Bluegrass jam, 8pm Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety) Westville Pub
Open mic, 7pm
White Horse
TEDxAsheville Salon (educational, lecture), 5:30pm Wild Wing Cafe
Karaoke, 10pm
Asheville Music Hall
Ecstatic dance (free form), 3:30pm
Tue., March 13
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Secret Beat Stash feat: Moving Temple, Jables, Woodwork & Portugal by Day, 10pm
Dirty South Lounge
Altamont Brewing Company
Get Down
Feed and Seed
White Willow, 11am & 6pm
Black Mountain Ale House
Get Down
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Guitar Academy of WNC
Eleven on Grove
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Jazzville Band
Garage at Biltmore
Everymen w/ Transylvania Transport Co. & Big Nasty Good Stuff
Michael Cody, 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
The Broadcast CD release (rock, soul, pop) w/ Antique Firearms, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Patrick Fitzsimons (blues)
The Short Bus (film & DJ), 9pm
Jucifer w/ Old Mountain & Hurlbat, 9pm Marc Yaxley, 4pm Hotel Indigo
Ben Hovey (trumpet/keys, soulful acid jazz), 7-10pm
The John Henry’s (jazz, swing), 8-10pm Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm Trivia night, 7pm
Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country) Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ Big Nasty Jazz Band, 8:30pm Garage at Biltmore
Phat Tuesdays
Underhill Rose (Americana, folk), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Jack of Hearts Pub
Jack of the Wood Pub
Truck Fighters w/ The Midnight Ghost Train & Enoch
Harrah’s Cherokee
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Leigh Glass Band (Americana, blues, rock), 7pm DJ Dizzy, 11pm Highland Brewing Company
The Woodies (bluegrass), 6pm Iron Horse Station
Wilhelm McKay (rock, folk) Jack of Hearts Pub
Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (alt-country, roots) w/ Royal Tinfoil (vintage blues/country), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub
58 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
Boiler Room
Karaoke, 10pm
Scandals Nightclub
Barrie Howard (blues, one-man band)
Fred’s Speakeasy
– March 17 – $2.50 Pints, narren schorder $4.00 Seasonals 6-8pm Floppy skunk ruckus Thursdays WiTh Joshua lee WiTh Molly B 8-12pm – March 9 – – March 24 – alder pyle Bearded Folk – March 10 – a GhosT like Me
Narrow Plains (blues, folk, rock)
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Carolina Blue (bluegrass)
Willi Wednesday
Root Bar No. 1
Mary Gauthier (singer-songwriter) w/ Tania Elizabeth
Emerald Lounge
Phil & Gaye Johnson
Straightaway Cafe
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am
(dance hits, pop)
Howie’s House Party (blues, fusion)
Athena’s Club
Grammer School (pop, rock, indie), 9pm
(blues fusion)
Punk You Asheville feat: Just Die!, Zombie Queen & Pleasures of the Ultraviolent, 9pm
Static Age Records
Black Mountain Ale House
SAT. 3/10 Howie’s House Party
The 42nd Street Jazz Band
Granola Funk Express (funk, hip-hop) w/ The Ville Boyz & Weekend Cult Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
(acoustic newgrass)
Live jazz trio
Warehouse #10
Amici Music presents “American in Paris” (classical), 7pm
Lobster Trap Olive or Twist
Trivia night
“Manager’s Choice” Drink Specials throughout the tournament
Back stage: Jennifer O’Connor (rock, indie folk, pop) w/ On the Take (rock, grunge, pop) & Tim Foljahn
Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays) Grammer School CD release party (indie, rock, pop) w/ Kovacs & the Polar Bear, 10pm
Join us for
Psychobilly Sock Hop Sundays
Cary Fridley & the Asheville 24/7’s, 2pm Irish session, 4-9pm
Front stage: Aaron Price (piano) Back stage: The Winter Sounds (indie rock) w/ Polar Eye & The Veda Rays, 10pm
Get Down
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Heavenly Spirits Wine Bar
Lobster Trap
Monet Davis & Timothy Wilkinson (piano), 6-8pm
One Stop Deli & Bar
Hotel Indigo
Bluegrass Brunch & open jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am
Ben Hovey (trumpet/keys, soulful acid jazz), 7-10pm
Orange Peel
Jus One More
Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7pm
MuteMath (alt-rock, indie) w/ Canon Blue, 9pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
clubdirectory 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 altamont Brewing Company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 575-2400 arCade 258-1400 asheville Civic Center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 asheville music Hall 255-7777 athena’s Club 252-2456 avery Creek Pizza & ribs 687-2400 Barley’s tap room 255-0504 Black mountain ale House 669-9090 Blend Hookah Lounge 505-0067 Blue mountain Pizza 658-8777 Blue note grille 697-6828 Boiler room 505-1612 BoBo gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 Burgerworx 253-2333 the Bywater 232-6967 Club Hairspray 258-2027 the Chop House 253-1852 Craggie Brewing Company 254-0360
Creature’s Cafe 254-3636 desoto Lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south Lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald Lounge 232- 4372 Firestorm Cafe 255-8115 Fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 French Broad Brewery tasting room 277-0222 French Broad Chocolate Lounge 252-4181 the garage 505-2663 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music Hall & tavern 232-5800 grove House eleven on grove 505-1612 the grove Park inn (elaine’s Piano Bar/ great Hall) 252-2711 the Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Harrah’s Cherokee 497-7777
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Lobster Trap
Athena’s Club
One Stop Deli & Bar
Music trivia, 8pm Funk jam, 10pm
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Tuesday Rotations w/ Chris Ballard & guests, 10pm TallGary’s Cantina
The Altamont Theater
Original music series, 8pm The Bywater
Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
Trivia, 8pm
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Steve Whiddon (piano covers) Westville Pub
Blues jam, 10pm White Horse
Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm Wild Wing Cafe
Video trivia, 8pm
Wed., March 14
Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s grille 298-8780 the Hop 254-2224 the Hop West 252-5155 iron Horse station 622-0022 Jack of Hearts Pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus one more 253-8770 Lexington avenue Brewery 252-0212 the Lobster trap 350-0505 Luella’s Bar-B-Que 505-RIBS mack Kell’s Pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic Field 257-4003 mike’s side Pocket 281-3096 one stop Bar deli & Bar 255-7777 the orange Peel 225-5851 Pack’s tavern 225-6944 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Pulp 225-5851 Purple onion Cafe 749-1179 rankin Vault 254-4993
red stag grill at the grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root Bar no. 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian Brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 straightaway Cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s Cantina 232-0809 rocky’s Hot Chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s Crossing irish Pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066
20% OFF of Any One Item
t h u r s . ma r ch 8
You won’t
w/ rond & BirthdAY BoY f r i. ma r ch 9
invisiBLe three w/ moLLY PArti sat. ma r ch 10
on the tAke
w/ jennifer o’connor & tim foLjAhn s u n. mar ch 11
winter sounds
w/ PoLAr eYe & the vedA rAYs t u e s . mar ch 13 oPen Letter music series Presents
Le rex
w/ tAshi dorji & LiBrArY of BABeL
w e d . mar ch 14 LAB Presents Another fAntAstic
Beer dinner
6 course french themed menu And 5 Beer PAirings Limited seating. call for reservation. o n t h e f r o n t s tA g e
Front stage: Jake Hollifield (blues, ragtime) Back stage: Open Letter Music Series feat: Le Rex (brass band) w/ Tashi Dorji & Library of Babel Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7pm
Matt Williams (multi-instrumentalist), 8pm ARCADE
Karaoke, 10pm Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm Barley’s Taproom
Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia, 8:30pm Black Mountain Ale House
Live comedy, 8:30pm Jack of Hearts Pub
Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Old-time jam, 6pm
Woody Wood (blues, rock, soul) Olive or Twist
Cadillac Rex (vintage rock) One Stop Deli & Bar
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
The Wood Brothers (blues, rock, jam) w/ Seth Walker, 8pm
Creatures Cafe
Salsa night (lessons, followed by dance) Dirty South Lounge
Wax in the Back, 9pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Fred’s Speakeasy
Karaoke, 10pm
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Galen Kipar (indie, folk) Get Down
Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 5pm Orange Peel
TallGary’s Cantina
Open mic/jam, 7pm
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Peggy’s All Girl Singer Showcase w/ The ReVamps Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety) Westville Pub
Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm Wild Wing Cafe
Jeff & Justin (acoustic)
Collapse w/ Bellow & Autarch
Thu., March 15
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Harrah’s Cherokee
mariachi monday
Live Mariachi Band at 6pm $2 Tacos | $5 Tortas | $2 Tecate and Modelo
Lobster Trap
Sierra on Stage (songwriting competition) w/ Billy Owens, 7pm Open mic
wed. march 7 - carey murdock sun. march 11 - aaron price tues. march 13 - Jake hollifield
Jason DiCristofaro (jazz), 8pm ARCADE
Trivia, 9pm
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 59
Barley’s Taproom
Alien Music Club (jazz jam) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Patrick Fitzsimons (blues)
Craggie Brewing Company
Floppy Thursdays w/ Molly (eclectic music series), 8pm Creatures Cafe
Singer-songwriter showcase, 9pm Dirty South Lounge
Dirty Bingo, 9pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Ribs & Whiskey feat: Wyndy Trail Travelers (bluegrass), 5pm This Is Art (electronic, hip-hop) w/ Peripheral & Push/Pull, 10pm Orange Peel
Dr. Dog (indie rock, pop) w/ Givers, 9pm Pisgah Brewing Company
Bayou Diesel (cajun, zydeco), 8pm Purple Onion Cafe
JPQ Band
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
DJ Marley Carroll, 9pm
Cletus Got Shot w/ Appalucia Good Stuff
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul) Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Harrah’s Cherokee
Karaoke w/ Chris Monteith, 8pm
Tyler Herring w/ Same Ol’ Sound Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am Eleven on Grove
Emerald Lounge
Dance night
Get Down
Creatures Cafe
Fred’s Speakeasy
Rene Russell (acoustic), 6pm
True Believers CD release party (hip-hop, comedy) w/ Vinnie the Creep, BassHarp, Bobby Fn White, Buckhunt & more
St. Patrick’s Day party feat: Sir Jonathan Burton & DJ Jam
Scandals Nightclub
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Boiler Room
Talent Search, 10pm
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Asheville’s Got Talent, 8pm
Acoustic Swing
TallGary’s Cantina
Asheville Music Showcase, 8pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Peggy Ratusz & friends Vincenzo’s Bistro
Ginny McAfee (singer-songwriter) Westville Pub
Asheville 24-7’s (blues), 9:30pm White Horse
Ketch & Critter (old-time, bluegrass, Americana), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe
Dopapod (funk, rock) w/ Agobi Project, 10pm Feed and Seed
Can’t Hardly Play Boys (traditional country) Fred’s Speakeasy
Fuego Friday Latin Night, 10pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Jacob Jeffries Band (singer-songwriter, folk), 6pm French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Asheville Sax Duet (jazz)
Garage at Biltmore
Lifecurse CD release show
Acoustic music w/ Sloantones
Get Down
Hoopers Creek Cafe
Open mic & bluegrass jam w/ Sherry Lynn
Fri., March 16
Good Stuff
Jack of Hearts Pub
Old-time jam, 7pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Bluegrass jam, 6pm Lobster Trap
Downstairs: “No Cover, No Shame” dance party w/ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm Athena’s Club
Geck w/ Priapus & Spew Valorie Miller & Danielle Howle (folk, Americana), 11pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Southern Culture on the Skids (Americana, rockabilly, R&B) w/ The Mad Tea, 9pm
Hank Bones (“man of 1,000 songs”)
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
Olive or Twist
Black Mountain Ale House
American Gonzos (rock, funk), 7:30pm
Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, soul, R&B), 8-11pm
One Stop Deli & Bar
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Harrah’s Cherokee
Heather Masterton Quartet (swing)
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
spring/summer 2012
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50,000 Copies Printed & 28,000 inserted in the 04.08.12 issue Publishes: April 18th, 2012 Advertising Deadline: March 12th, 2012 For more information or to schedule an ad please call: 828-251-1333 or advertise@mountainx.com
Find out how you can be in this great bi-annual guide! 60 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
My Highway, 7pm DJ Moto, 11pm
SaT., March 17
Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country)
Iron Horse Station
Jack of Hearts Pub
Downstairs: “Bear Exploder” dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Upstairs: DJ Capital, 9pm
St. Paddy’s Day w/ Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), Boys of Buncombe, The Pipefitters & more, 11am-close
Athena’s Club
Jack of the Wood Pub
Dana & Sue Robinson (bluegrass, folk) Jack of Hearts Pub
Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz) Jack of the Wood Pub
Chuck Beattie Band (blues), 4:30pm Cutthroat Shamrock (“Appalachian punk”) w/ Whiskey Gentry, 8pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Back stage: Vitek (rock, soul, R&B) w/ Worldline Lobster Trap
Calico Moon (Americana, folk, country) Olive or Twist
Live music, 8pm
One Stop Deli & Bar
Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Jonathan Scales Fourchestra (jazz, fusion) w/ The Archrivals & Molly Parti, 10pm Orange Peel
Martin Sexton (rock, soul), 8pm Pack’s Tavern
Woody Wood Duo (soul, blues, rock) Pisgah Brewing Company
Chatham County Line (bluegrass), 9pm Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Bill Gerhardt Trio (jazz), 7-9:30pm Scandals Nightclub
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
Static Age Records
Wooden Tit (rock) w/ Smoking Nurse Straightaway Cafe
South Forty (rock, honky-tonk)
Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House
DJ night w/ Black Mountain Beats, 9pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
St. Paddy’s Day festival w/ Cedric Burnside, Chompin At The Bit, Whiskey Gentry & more, noon Jus One More
South Forty (rock, honky-tonk)
Boiler Room
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Steryle w/ Damien Deadson & more (metal), 9pm
Back stage: The Brand New Life (Afro-funk, jazz) w/ Lyubis
Craggie Brewing Company
Lobster Trap
Narren Schorder (folk, alt-country), 6pm Skunk Ruckus (“hillbilly gutrock”) w/ Joshua Lee, 8pm Creatures Cafe
Michael McFarland w/ Arms of Mercy Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Feed and Seed
Big Nasty (New Orleans jazz) Olive or Twist
The 42nd Street Jazz Band
Orange Peel
Gomez (indie, rock, jam) w/ Hey Rosetta!, 9pm
Fred’s Speakeasy
Van Ghost, 9pm
St. Patrick’s Day party w/ Wasted Wine (rock, freak folk), 6pm
DJ Moto (dance, pop) Pisgah Brewing Company Purple Onion Cafe
Skeeziks (Irish, Appalachian) Scandals Nightclub
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Lorraine Conard (acoustic, folk)
Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
Get Down
Straightaway Cafe
TallGary’s Cantina
Crossbones Inc. (punk) w/ Killing Solves Everything
Zoll & Marsh Duo w/ Wilhelm McKay
Twisted Trail
The Altamont Theater
Good Stuff
St. Patrick’s Day party w/ The Mojomatics
Jamie Laval (Celtic, violin) w/ EJ Jones & David Brown, 8pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Early jazz spotlight feat: Vincent’s Ear, 7pm Whitney Moore (Latin soul), 10pm Vincenzo’s Bistro
Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays) Westville Pub
Trivia night
White Horse
Amici Music presents “The Luck of the Irish” (classical), 7pm
Dawn Carol Humphrey, 11pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
The Campaign 1984 (Southern rock) w/ Collapse & Old Flings, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Boys of Buncombe, 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Ruby Slippers (jazz, lounge, pop), 8-11pm Harrah’s Cherokee
Crocodile Smile (dance), 6pm DJ Razor, 11pm Iron Horse Station
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Grateful Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam
Pack’s Tavern
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
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One Stop Deli & Bar
Storyteller event, 3-5pm Letters to Abigail (folk, Americana) & Jeter Mountain Band, 6:30pm Karaoke, 10pm
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
TallGary’s Cantina
The Altamont Theater
Peggy Ratusz & Lotion
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Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Carolina Rex (blues, dance) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety) Westville Pub
Pick Your Switch w/ Paul Edelman (Americana), 10pm White Horse
St. Patrick’s Day Spectacular, 8pm
mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 6
theaterlistings Friday, MarCh 9 - Thursday, MarCh 15
Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
asheviLLe Pizza & Brewing co. (254-1281) n
Please call the info line for updated showtimes. alvin and the chipmunks chipwrecked (g) 1:00, 4:00 mission impossibe: ghost Protocol (Pg-13) 7:00, 10:00
carmiKe cinema 10 (298-4452)
gone (Pg-13) 2:00, 4:20, 6:45, 9:15 (no 2:00, 4:20, 6:45 shows 3/11, 3/13) John carter 3d (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05 John carter 2d (Pg-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Project x (r) 12:55, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 silent house (r) 1:10, 3:20, 5:25, 7:40, 9:55 star wars: episode one — the Phantom menace 3d (Pg) 12:45, 3:45, 6:40, 9:40 a thousand words (Pg-13) 2:30, 4:35, 6:50, 9:05 tyler Perry’s good deeds (Pg-13) 1:35, 4:15, 7:10, 9:35 the woman in Black (Pg-13) 1:55, 4:30, 7:00, 9:25
caroLina asheviLLe cinema 14 (274-9500) n
act of valor (r) 12:00, 2:35, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 (sofa cinema) the artist (Pg-13) 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:05, 9:40 the descendants (r) 11:10, 1:55, 4:40, 7:25, 10:10 dr. seuss’ the Lorax 3d (Pg) 11:45, 2:15, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 dr. seuss’ the Lorax 2d (Pg) 12:15, 2:45, 4:55, 7:20, 9:50 Friends with Kids (r) 11:15, 2:05, 4:25, 7:10, 9:40
John carter (Pg-13) 11:00, 11:30, 2:30, 3:00, 7:05, 7:35, 10:00, 10:25 Journey 2: the mysterious island 3d (Pg-13) 11:55, 2:15, 4:35 Pariah (r) 11:50, 2:10, 4:20, 7:55, 10:15 Project x (r) 12:10, 2:30, 4:40, 8:00, 10:20 (sofa cinema) safe house (r) 11:40, 2:20, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45 silent house (r) 11:25, 2:00, 4:20, 7:45, 9:55 this means war (r) 7:50, 10:15 wanderlust (r) 11:45, 2:05, 4:25, 7:40, 9:40 n cineBarre (665-7776)
co-ed cinema Brevard (883-2200)
dr. seuss’ the Lorax (Pg) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 n ePic oF hendersonviLLe (693-1146)
Fine arts theatre (232-1536)
the artist (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show thu., mar. 15), late show fri-sat 9:30 indie game: the movie (nr) 7:00 thu., mar. 15 only a separation (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show fri-sat 9:20
FLatrocK cinema (697-2463)
the artist (Pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 the iron Lady (Pg-13) fri, sat, sun only 1:00 n regaL BiLtmore grande stadium 15 (684-1298)
united artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)
for some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at mountainx.com/movies.
movie reviews & listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ max rating
additional reviews by justin souther contact xpressmovies@aol.com
pickoftheweek Friends with Kids
Director: Jennifer WestfelDt Players: aDam scott, Jennifer WestfelDt, John hamm, Kristen Wiig, maya ruDolPh, chris o’DoWD, megan fox, eDWarD Burns romantic comedy
rated r
The Story: Best friends Julie and Jason decide to go ahead and have a baby while they’re both individually looking for his or her “perfect” romantic partner. The Lowdown: A pretty refreshing romantic comedy that thrives on good writing and characterizations, even while heading to the ending you knew it would have when you bought the ticket. Even though Jennifer Westfeldt’s Friends with Kids is probably only about half as clever as it thinks it is, and about a third as “revolutionary” as it would like to be, it’s still one of the more agreeable and fresher romantic comedies to come out in some considerable time — even more so since it bears something of the indiefilm cred. The truth is that it’s essentially a standard romantic comedy — right down to the penultimate reel of gloominess — that raises itself up to a considerably higher level by strong writing and playing. So while it isn’t the genrebreaking work it’s being pitched as, it’s a work of some note all the same. Writer-director Westfeldt (best known to film audiences for the 2002 art-house hit Kissing Jessica Stein) stars as Julie Keller, who is best friends with Jason Fryman (Adam Scott, Our Idiot Brother). As they watch what looks like the death of romance that the stress of having children causes with their friends, they come up with a plan to avoid it. The idea is that they will sidestep all this by having a child, dividing the raising of said child, and leave themselves free for their potential “ideal mates.” The concept is founded in the fact that neither finds the other attractive — so, of course, each has to apologize for shortcomings in the member and mammary department. Considering the genre we’re dealing with here, it’s not exactly a great mystery as concerns just what’s going to happen — and, for that matter, what we want to happen. The question is how it happens. The primary thing that keeps Friends with Kids interesting and entertaining — and involving — is that the characters are unusually well drawn. It doesn’t stop at the two leads. The other two couples — Leslie (Maya Rudolph) and Alex (Chris O’Dowd), as well as Ben (John Hamm) and Missy (Kristen Wiig) — have the air of reality, and, perhaps more importantly, the sense of being likable. That second quality
62 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt star as the titular friends in Westfeldt’s generally refreshing romantic comedy Friends with Kids. is strong enough that it isn’t killed when one of the characters has an outburst of unpleasant and possibly uncalled for honesty. The two obvious wrong choices for partners that Julie and Jason make along the way are even fairly uncaricatured. Hell, I even liked Megan Fox! (It is not, I think, possible for me to like Edward Burns, so I don’t fault the film or Westfeldt there.) What makes the film a little bit more special lies in the ways that it shows us, without explaining it, why Julie and Jason’s relationship works better. For that matter, the characters don’t explain it to each other, but it’s there to be seen, and the film trusts us enough to let us see for ourselves. Now, I don’t want to paint too rosy a picture here. The film isn’t perfect. That penultimate reel where the characters break up is no better than any other movie’s and not as good as some others’. Also, while Westfeldt has a good touch with actors, here visual sense is rarely more than utilitarian, and at times the movie looks for all the world like a sitcom. But the plusses so outdistance the minuses that it doesn’t matter all that much. Rated R for sexual content and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
dr. seuss’ the Lorax JJJ
Director: chris renauD (Despicable Me), Kyle BalDa Players: (Voices of) Danny DeVito, eD helms, Zac efron, taylor sWift, Betty White, roB riggle animated Fantasy with songs
rated Pg
The Story: A young boy ventures into the barren wilderness to find out what happened to the trees.
The Lowdown: A reasonably harmless, annoyingly cheerful version of the Dr. Seuss story that is, by necessity, padded to reach feature length — which it feels a good bit of the time. Probably the most memorable thing about Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax is the new 3D Universal logo (unfortunately, with the same old tired music). I had really hoped to be more on the side of this film ever since it managed to apoplexiate Fox News’ Lou Dobbs for being a piece of “liberal agenda” pro-environment, anti-corporate-greed propaganda aimed at brainwashing the minds of the young. Of course, in a way that’s what it is, and what it’s been since the book was published 41 years ago. Naturally, it’s been dusted off, padded to attain feature length, decked out with some generally annoying musical numbers, and — in a move of presumably unconscious irony — partnered in its pro-environemental message with a Mazda SUV tie-in. This, I believe, is known as having your agenda and selling out, too. The movie itself isn’t so much bad as it’s simply in obnoxious overkill mode, with its bright candy colors, constantly loud dialogue, frenetic action, agressive cheerfulness — and those musical numbers. (At least the Polyphonic Spree song on the trailers was not in the film, though some of these songs attempt to be more uplifting than a Playtex bra.) The padding is often reasonable, I guess, like the whole business of giving Ted (Zac Efron) a girl named Audrey (Taylor Swift) to impress as motivation for finding out what the story with the trees is. The essence of the book is kept intact with Ted venturing out into the denuded countryside
Bear Creek Apartments
tHe gOOD fAiRY JJJJJ COmeDY RAteD nR In Brief: A scintillating, but not frequently screened, classic comedy with a charming performance from Margaret Sullavan. Sullavan goes from resident in an orphan asylum to usherette in a Budapest movie theater to the “good fairy” of the title in bringing success to poor lawyer Herbert Marshall. Smart script from Preston Sturges smoothly directed by William Wyler. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Good Fairy on Tuesday, March 13, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.
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tHe LASt CiRCUS JJJJJ COmeDY RAteD nR In Brief: A genre-defying outburst of a movie from Spain that manages to be absurd, horrific and weirdly haunting at the same time. It’s almost impossible to synopsize, but it all stems from a clown being forced to fight against Franco’s soldiers in 1937, so that it’s ultimately an indictment of the Franco regime and 30-plus years of its repercussions — in twisted, horror-movie terms. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Last Circus on Thursday, March 8, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
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COmeDY RAteD nR In Brief: Though both a popular book and movie, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution — a concept that brings Sherlock Holmes (Nicole Williasmson) together with Sigmund Freud (Alan Arkin) for a mystery that’s worthy of both — has not held up well. Solidly made with an impressive cast, but tepid. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Seven-Per-Cent Solution at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 11, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
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SHADOWS JJJJ COmeDY RAteD nR In Brief: Regardless of how you feel about John Cassavetes’ first film, Shadows (1959), this not-as-improvised-as-it-would-have-you-believe work, which loosely examines racism and beatnick culture, is important for its influence and as a fascinating document of its time. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Shadows at 8 p.m. on Friday, March 9, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, http://www.ashevillecourtyard.com.
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Shala Worsley, Director
Learn to Listen with Your Hands 828- 252 - 7 3 7 7 • w ww. A sh e v i l l e M assa ge Sch o o l.o rg mountainx.com • MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 6
to learn what became of the trees, finally getting that story from a reclusive creature called the Once-Ler (Ed Helms). It turns out that the OnceLer himself is the cause of it all, having chopped down all the Truffula trees in order to quickly harvest their foliage and make his phenomenally popular thneeds (a shapeless garment that can become just about anything) — and all this despite the warning of a strange little creature called the Lorax (Danny DeVito), who “speaks for the trees.” Of course, the Once-Ler’s greed destroys the land, forces all the animals to go look for greener pastures — or indeed any pastures at all — leaving the Once-Ler to live alone with his guilt — and the single remaining Truffula seed. Since this isn’t enough for a feature-length movie, the film invents a secondary villain, Mr. O’Hare (TV actor Rob Riggle), who has created the totally concrete and plastic town of Thneedville, and who doesn’t want any real trees, because he makes his money by selling oxygen to the populace. Does the character really add anything to the story? No, but his efforts to stop Ted from learning the truth and then keeping him from planting the Truffula seed drag the story out to a reasonable 90-minute length. Overall, it’s bright and colorful (maybe too much so). The 3D is nicely — if unspectacularly — used. One song, “How Bad Can I Be?,” about the willful ignorance of the Once-Ler’s greed, is actually fairly clever and wittily presented. It’s ultimately one of those ho-hum affairs that I didn’t mind seeing, but cannot imagine ever watching a second time without pretty strong
protest. As general entertainment, I can think of no reason why anyone who doesn’t have small children — or isn’t a movie critic — would have the least interest in seeing it. Rated PG for mild brief language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Co-ed Cinema of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7
The story: A teen and his friends throw an outrageous party that soon gets out of hand. The lowdown: A contemptible mishmash of ugly filmmaking and obnoxious characters that’s more boring than shocking. Nima Nourizadeh’s Project X is every bit as puerile and contemptible as you might’ve heard. It’s a horrendous stew of annoying, unlikable characters put into stupid situations meant to offend or shock because of their raunchiness, but more likely to induce narcolepsy in their banality. That’s because none of this is new or surprising. This type of sophomoric boozeand-sex teen romp has been done for decades. Project X most reminds me of the Superbad (2007)
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6 MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
startingfriday fRienDS WitH KiDS
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Director Andrew Stanton (known for animated films like WALL-E and Finding Nemo) goes live action — well, live action and a lot of CGI — with John Carter (which used to be John Carter of Mars before the reference to Mars got dropped, supposedly not to remind anyone of last year’s bomb Mars Needs Moms). Presumably, it’s still the character who first appeared in 1917 in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars — or the movie equivalent of the character as personified by TV actor Taylor Kitsch. The trailer for this adventure involving Civil War veteran Carter who somehow ends up on Mars is very active, very noisy and awash in Led Zeppelin. The early word is leaning more or less positive, but it’s not from any major critical sources yet. (PG-13)
SiLent HOUSe
The folks who brought you the stupefyingly amateurish (and bizarrely praised) Open Water back in 2003 — Chris Kentis and Laura Lau — have returned with another gimmick-driven thriller. This one finds flavor-of-the-month hot-property Elizabeth Olsen trapped with a mad killer inside the house of the title. The gimmick is that it’s all in “real time” and done (supposedly) in a single take — like a bargain-basement horror version of Russian Ark (or, with some really wishful thinking, Hitchcock’s Rope). The first reviews couldn’t enthuse enough over it, but that seems to be shifting in a downward direction.(R)
Look, here’s the deal: It’s an Eddie Murphy picture that’s been sitting around since 2008. It was directed by Brian Robbins, who gave us such Murphy classics as Norbit and Meet Dave (not to mention such non-Murphy dreck as The Shaggy Dog and The Perfect Score). The film has had zero promotion. Do you really need to know more? The studio says, “Eddie Murphy is Jack McCall, a fast-talking literary agent, who can close any deal, any time, any way. He has set his sights on New Age guru Dr. Sinja (Cliff Curtis) for his own selfish purposes. But Dr. Sinja is onto him, and Jack’s life comes unglued after a magical Bodhi tree mysteriously appears in his backyard. With every word Jack speaks, a leaf falls from the tree and he realizes that when the last leaf falls, both he and the tree are toast.” (PG-13)
knock-off College (2008), a movie I’d forgotten I’d seen (a movie which, if my review is to be trusted, somehow involved pig excrement and a urinating Verne Troyer) until this film started to give me flashbacks to that previous — and just as awful — movie. Project X tries to set itself apart in the generally insipid world of teen-raunch comedies by pulling in the gimmick of “found footage.” (Even though this was already done to similar effect in the equally abhorrent 2010 mockumentary The Virginity Hit.) In order to set itself apart from all the other movies it’s ripping off, Project X has willfully made itself worse by stripping away any semblance of technical skill, continuing the trend of the found-footage sub-genre devouring its own tail in a flurry of shaky camerawork and faux realism. If found footage can be used to legitimately enhance a film, I haven’t seen it, and it certainly does nothing for Project X besides provide infinite distractions by its own need to cheat in order to make a coherent film. The plot — to the extent that there is a plot — centers around the 17th birthday of Thomas (Thomas Mann, It’s Kind of a Funny Story) and the party thrown for him by his friends Costa (newcomer Oliver Cooper) and JB (newcomer Jonathan Daniel Brown), and filmed by our little-seen cameraman Dax (one-time Internet personality Dax Flame). The party — which our nebbish hero Thomas wants to keep small — is created in hopes of boosting the popularity of
our unpopular protagonists, and soon grows out of hand, resulting in lots of beer-soaked hijinks, animal cruelty, topless co-eds, a dwarf being shoved into an oven, and, eventually, the full-scale destruction of the entire neighborhood. As a grizzled old vet to these types of movies, perhaps I’ve been desensitized — or maybe unfortunately I became an adult somewhere along the way — but none of this strikes me as particularly outrageous. The only people who might be grossed out by the Project X’s vulgarity and tomfoolery, or titillated by all the bare skin on display, aren’t even old enough to get into an R-rated movie in the first place. The film certainly doesn’t help itself as it populates the proceedings with stock teen-movie characters. Thomas is our nebbish hero who comes of age; Costa is the obnoxious horndog (to the point of being one of the most grating, nails-on-the-chalkboard kind of characters ever committed to celluloid); and JB is the nerdy weirdo. Project X doesn’t even have the originality to go anywhere with the story besides a pat, run-of-the-mill happy ending. When the only thing setting your film apart from a million other bad movies are some lazy aesthetic choices, something has gone terribly awry. Rated R for crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior and mayhem — all involving teens. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande
nowplaying Act of VAlor JJ
Roselyn sanchez, Jason cottle, alex VeadoV and VaRious u.s. naVy seals Action A team of Navy SEALs must stop an imminent terrorist attack. Shameless, shoddy and stiffly acted propaganda. Rated R
the Artist JJJJJ
Jean duJaRdin, BéRénice BeJo, John Goodman, James cRowmwell, PeneloPe ann milleR Comedy Drama A silent movie star finds himself left behind when talkies come on the scene, while the girl whose career he helped launch becomes a big star. The very fact that a silent movie—done in period style—is coming out today is cause for some celebration, and while The Artist may not be quite as remarkable as the claims that precede it, it has charm to spare and is a must-see. Rated PG-13
the DescenDAnts JJJJJ
GeoRGe clooney, shailene woodley, amaRa milleR, nick kRause, PatRicia hastie Comedy Drama A Hawaiian real-estate lawyer faces his wife’s impending death, two daughters he doesn’t understand and a large circle of dissolute relatives bent on selling the family land. A relatably human comedy-drama that is both surprisingly funny and moving, cemented by a terrific performance from George Clooney. Rated R
Dr. seuss’ the lorAx JJJ
(Voices of) danny deVito, ed helms, zac efRon, tayloR swift, Betty white, RoB RiGGle Animated Fantasy with Songs A young boy ventures into the barren wilderness to find out what happened to the trees. A reasonably harmless, annoyingly cheerful version of the Dr. Seuss story that is, by necessity, padded to reach feature length—which it feels a good bit of the time. Rated PG
frienDs with KiDs JJJJ
adam scott, JennifeR westfeldt, John hamm, kRisten wiiG, maya RudolPh, chRis o’dowd, meGan fox, edwaRd BuRns Romantic Comedy Best friends Julie and Jason decide to go ahead and have a baby while they’re both individually looking for his or her “perfect” romantic partner. A pretty refreshing romantic comedy that thrives on good writing and characterizations, even while heading to the ending you knew it would have when you bought the ticket. Rated R
Ghost riDer: spirit of VenGeAnce JJJJ
nicolas caGe, ciaRán hinds, Violante Placido, idRis elBa, Johnny whitwoRth, feRGus RioRdan, chRistoPheR lamBeRt Horror Action Johnny Blaze—aka Ghost Rider—gets on his flaming motorcycle to save the Son of Satan from being used by his evil dad to become a kind of demigod demon. Willfully absurd and deliberately trashy—and with Nicolas Cage in full overacting
mode—it works OK as crass pop fun, as long as you take it on those terms. Rated PG-13
Gone J
amanda seyfRied, daniel sunJata, JennifeR caRPenteR, seBastian stan, wes Bentley, emily wickeRsham Would-be Thriller A young woman—convinced that her sister has been kidnapped by the same serial killer whose clutches she herself escaped two years ago—takes the law into her own hands. An absolutely appalling, low-wattage waste of time trying to palm itself off as a thriller. Rated PG-13
Ben kinGsley, asa ButteRfield, chloë GRace moRetz, sacha BaRon cohen, helen mccRoRy, chRistoPheR lee, Jude law Fantasy Comedy Drama The story of 12-year-old Hugo Cabret, who lives inside the walls of a train station in 1930s Paris—his adventures, his efforts to rebuild an automaton and the discoveries all this leads to. An almost impossibly great movie that is by turns funny, touching and profound. This goes beyond being a must-see. This is in a class by itself. Rated PG
Journey 2: the Mysterious islAnD JJJJJ
dwayne Johnson, michael caine, Josh hutcheRson, Vanessa hudGens, luis Guzmán Sci-Fi Fantasy A teenage boy and his stepfather go in search of the kid’s missing grandfather on a mysterious South Sea island. Harmless, but not very exciting rigamarole with so-so 3D. It works as a time-killer and would probably appeal to kids. Rated PG
adePeRo oduye, PeRnell walkeR, aasha daVis, chaRles PaRnell, sahRa mellesse, kim wayans Drama A lesbian teenager is looking for a way to be herself with her parents and the world in general— and for a way to find romantic love. A different kind of coming-of-age and coming-out story told from a fresh perspective by a new filmmaker. Catch it. Rated R
proJect x J
thomas mann, oliVeR cooPeR, Jonathan daniel BRown, dax flame, kiRBy Bliss Blanton Found-Footage Teen Party Comedy A teen and his friends throw an outrageous party that soon gets out of hand. A contemptible mish-mash of ugly filmmaking and obnoxious characters that’s more boring than shocking. Rated R
sAfe house J
Ryan Reynolds, denzel washinGton, BRendan Gleeson, VeRa faRmiGa, sam shePaRd Action Thriller The guard at a CIA safe house is forced to go on the run with Amercia’s greatest traitor. A dull and humorless action film that’s made even worse by uninspired filmmaking and a wasted cast. Rated R
the secret worlD of ArriettyJJJJ
(Voices) BRidGit mendleR, daVid henRie, will aRnett, amy PoehleR, caRol BuRnett Animated Family Adventure Fantasy A family of tiny people—called Borrowers—are discovered by a young, ailing boy. Sweet-natured family fare from Studio Ghibli that lacks the impact of their previous films. Rated G
A sepArAtion JJJJJ
Peyman maadi, leila hatami, saReh Bayat, shahaB hosseini, saRina faRhadi Drama When an Iranian couple separates, it sets in motion a series of events that will have far-reaching implications. This year’s biggest deal in foreign-language films—and the Oscar winner—is a solid, fascinating, sometimes quite disturbing look at characters and a society fractured by money, religion and socialization. Rated PG-13
this MeAns wAr JJ
Reese witheRsPoon, tom haRdy, chRis Pine, til schweiGeR, chelsea handleR Action Romcom Two best friends—and CIA agents—find out they’re dating the same woman, and decide to compete over her. Yet another flat, formulaic rom-com, injected with an overdose of machismo. Rated R
tyler perry’s GooD DeeDs JJJ
tyleR PeRRy, thandie newton, GaBRielle union, eddie ciBRian, BRian white, JoRdenn thomPson Drama Wealthy businessman Wesley Deeds finds his too-well-ordered life turned upside down when he meets a homeless single mother. Both different and yet more of the same from Tyler Perry, but less preachy and better made than most of his films. Rated PG-13
5??E>;S *;N? ,CABN +IPC?M 1OH>;SM FF ";S
2C=E?NM IHFS ;FF INB?L NC=E?NM Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808
the Vow JJ
Rachel mcadams, channinG tatum, Jessica lanGe, sam neill, Jessica mcnamee, scott sPeedman Excessively Goopy Romance A woman wakes up after a car accident to find that she doesn’t remember her own husband or the past several years of her life. Glossy, but empty romantic soap opera that suffers from a simple-minded script, merely adequate direction and some miscasting. Rated PG-13
wAnDerlust JJ
Paul Rudd, JennifeR aniston, Justin theRoux, alan alda, malin akeRman Comedy Two New Yorkers decide to join a Georgia commune in order to get away from the stresses of modern life. An often tedious—and occasionally obnoxious—parody of hippies that doesn’t have the teeth or the wherewithal to have an actual point. Rated R
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GENERAL HANDYMAN • CooperRiis Therapeutic Healing Community has an opening for a Full Time General Handyman in our Maintenance Department. This is a mobile position with travel between Asheville and Mill Spring. Must be able to work independently, have own vehicle and will be reimbursed for mileage. Duties include: Home repairs General home maintenance Hanging pictures and moving furniture Mon-Fri 8am-5pm with some after hours work when needed. $12 an hour. Send all resumes to: HR@Cooperriis.org. No phone calls or in-person visits please.
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calls please.
• Ideal candidate will be detail oriented, have excellent
customer service skills and
organizational skills.
Organic North Asheville Salon
• Experience in Wordpress
looking for experienced,
and social media preferred.
health conscious, team player
All interested and qualified
stylist. Come be a part of an
candidates, please go to
excellent staff at The Water Lily
Organic Salon. Contact Alissa
to apply.
at 505-3288.
MOUNTAIN XPRESS MEDIA • Seeks a highly motivated sales account representative. • Requirements are at least two years sales experience (print/media/online sales preferred), high energy, enthusiasm and a solid knowledge of Asheville and the surrounding communities. • You must enjoy cold-calling and developing relationships that last for years. • We want someone who is ethical and passionate to help us serve our amazing WNC community. • Base plus commission, health and dental, IRA options and a progressive working environment. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passion and why you’d like to work with us) and resume to: salesperson@mountainx.com. No phone calls please.
FOOD SERVICE LEAD NEEDED • Eliada Homes is seeking a Food Service Lead to provide direction and assistance in preparation of food. Other duties include planning meals, purchasing food and supplies, and delivering food when needed. • The Lead will also train employees to company standards and set excellent customer service and work examples for staff. • Prefer Culinary Degree and at least five years of experience in food service preparation in large quantities. • Previous supervisory experience a plus. To apply, please to www.eliada.org/employment.
• MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
FOOD SERVICE SPECIALIST • PART-TIME To plan and prepare meals for up to 100 children and adults, transport hot foods and account for meals served while complying with state and federal regulations. • Graduation from high school, Valid NC license, background and drug screen required. Salary Range: $9.50/hour. • Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information to: Ms. Linda Gamble Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 or Admin@communityactionoppor tunities.org Or (828) 253-6319. Open until filled. EOE & DFWP. HARBOR INN SEAFOOD HIRING SERVERS AND HOST/HOSTESS POSITIONS Please apply in person between 2 and 4 Tuesday through Friday. Saturdays and Sundays are a must! Application can be printed off the web at harborinnseafood.com.
Hotel/ Hospitality CANOPY GUIDE AT NAVITAT CANOPY ADVENTURES Candidates must share philosophy of sustainable practices, excellence and safety. Must have positive attitude, strong work ethic, and good communication. Asheville@navitat.com
Drivers/Delivery MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Full-time Delivery Driver. Must have CDL with 1-3 years experience. Heavy lifting required. Comp pay/ excellent benefits. Job Description and application on www.mannafoodbank.org E-mail or fax jhanson@feedingamerica.org 828-299-3664 (FAX). No Phone calls. EOE.
Medical/ Health Care CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Full-time opportunity at Asheville Chiropractic, 553 Haywood Road. $12 per hour. See www.mountainx.com or craigslist for more info. Call 828-253-0580 www.ashevillechiro.com
MH/SA CARE COORDINATOR Now Accepting Applications for June/July 2012 Start Dates. Positions Available in all Regions. Visit our website www.smokymountaincenter.com for more information. MH/SA CARE MANAGER Now Accepting Applications for May/June 2012 Start Dates. Visit our website www.smokymountaincenter.com for more information. HOME HEALTH CARE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS • In Asheville, NC. Must be eligible to apply for state licensure. Requires travel to patients’ locations. Mail resumes to: Compleat Rehab & Sports Therapy Center, 2675 Court Drive, Gastonia, NC 28054, Attn: HR. (Ref. #11001).
Human Services
CLINICAL SUPPORT DIRECTOR Visit our website www.smokymountaincenter.com for more information. I/DD CARE MANAGER Now Accepting Applications for May/June 2012 Start Dates. Visit our website www.smokymountaincenter.com for more information. I/DD CLINICAL DIRECTOR Visit our website www.smokymountaincenter.com for more information.
ATTENTION REGISTERED NURSES • Eliada Homes is hiring PRN Registered Nurses to provide care to our students in our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. • Nursing staff will provide restrictive intervention monitoring and effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention procedures. Continued Next Column
Email me TODAY for a FREE resume review & EXCLUSIVE special report “The 7 Deadly Sins of Resume Writing”
Responsible, experienced woman willing to come to your home or business and do a standard or extensive cleaning. Available day, evening or weekends. Rates depend on individual jobs, but will beat any competitors quote.
828-458-9195 68
MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012 •
• Other responsibilities include administering medication and implementing each student’s health plan. This position requires valid NC RN licensure. Experience working with children and/or adolescents strongly preferred. To apply, please to www.eliada.org/employment.
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Haywood County: Registered Nurse (RN) Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Position available within a community-based, multidisciplinary team supporting people in recovery from mental illness and substance abuse. Psychiatric experience preferred but not required. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs.org Recovery Education Center Clinician Position available within an innovative MH/SA recovery-oriented program. Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Kim Franklin, kim.franklin@meridianbhs.org. Jackson/Macon County: Recovery Education Center Clinician Position available within an innovative MH/SA recovery-oriented program. Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Reid Smithdeal, reid.smithdeal@meridianbhs.org. Cherokee County: Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have a Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, ben.haffey@meridianbhs.org Team Leader Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, ben.haffey@meridianbhs.org JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@ meridianbhs.org Swain County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Swain County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@ meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org
CARE PROVIDER • For handicapped adult who is deaf with mild CT. $10/hour. 3-days per week with respite. First Aid and CPR certification required + knowledge of sign language. Please call 828-254-2545. COMMUNITY SERVICES COORDINATOR The Autism Society of North Carolina is currently hiring for a Community Service Coordinator in their Asheville Office. Applicant must be QP qualified in field of Developmental Disabilities. Preferred: one year supervisory experience, one year of experience working with individuals on the autism spectrum. Please forward letter of interest and resume to Joe Yurchak at: jyurchak@ autismsociety-nc.org
Exciting opportunity with Family Preservation Services of Rutherford County! Become a part of an established team. Seeking NC licensed or provisionally licensed therapists to work with children and their families in the school, home and community. Candidates must have a minimum of 1 year experience with children, school based experience a plus. FPS offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package. Resumes to klockridge@fpscorp.com.
FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. • www.familiestogether.net • Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@ familiestogether.net
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE, has opportunities for Qualified Mental Health Professionals to join our team. Qualified candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in a social services field and a minimum of 1 year experience with children with mental illness. FPS offers a competitive and comprehensive benefit package. To join our team, please send your resume to jdomansky@fpscorp.com LAKE HOUSE ACADEMY • Hiring PRN/as needed Direct Care “Residential Coach”. Both overnight and daytime shifts available. Job duties include monitoring students, supervising chores and meals, medication administration, basic computer work and light cleaning. Please email resumes to careers@ lakehouseacademy.com or call 828-355-4595 extension 8005.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo@ thementornetwork.com • Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739. PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH has a full time staff opening in both our Asheville and Hendersonville Offices Substance Abuse Services. • Good candidates should have Substance Abuse individual and group (IOP) experience, be a Licensed Clinician, be familiar with IPRS/Medicaid paperwork, be available to work 2 nights per week and enjoy working in a team culture. • Parkway has excellent benefits, salary commensurate with experience and is a stable work environment. Interested Candidates should email their resumes to: slayton@parkwaybh.com
RELIABLE COMPANION/CAREGIVER Reliable Christian upbeat female looking to provide TLC to your loved one in the Asheville area. My services can include errands, appointments, housekeeping, cooking. Rates are negotiable. Call Nadine 828-296-7572. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Mountain Area Recovery Center is seeking a CSAC or LCAS 20 hours per week to manage the DWI program in Clyde, NC. This position would provide assessments and groups and must be available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon/evenings as well as Saturday mornings. Responsibilities would include tracking and managing the clients participation in the program, marketing and leading groups. Candidate will be paid at the rate of $16.83/hour. Please e-mail your resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp.com or fax to attn: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. EOE SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Mountain Area Recovery Center is seeking a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor to fill a position in our outpatient opioid treatment facilities located in both Asheville and Clyde, NC. Candidates will provide substance abuse services, including but not limited to, assessments/screening, intake, client orientation, person centered planning, case management,intervention, client education, and plan and lead structured process and theme centered groups. We offer competitive pay WITH benefits…medical, dental, life, short-term disability, flexible spending account, 401-K, pto, paid holidays, and a flexible work environment in this challenging, yet highly rewarding field. If you are up to the challenge, please e-mail your resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp.com or fax to attention: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. EOE
THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES • Is seeking the following for adult service lines: licensed or provisionally licensed therapist (LCSW, LPC, LMFT). Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp.com.
THE MEDIATION CENTER • Is seeking a variable part time Visit Monitor for the Family Visitation Program at our Buncombe County office. Please see www.mediatewnc.org/about/ jobs for job description and application instructions THE MEDIATION CENTER • Is seeking a variable part time Spanish/English Bilingual Visit Monitor for the Family Visitation Program at our Buncombe County office. Please see www.mediatewnc.org/about/ jobs for job description and application instructions. THE MEDIATION CENTER • Is seeking a part-time Community Mediation Coordinator for Henderson and Polk Counties based in our Hendersonville office. Please see www.mediatewnc.org/about/ jobs for job description and application instructions.
Professional/ Management FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST We are a high-performing non-profit organization looking for a seasoned, skilled professional to fill a full-time position as a Finance and Human Resources Specialist to work on our Financial and Administration Team. The successful Candidate will have high-quality skills, training and experience to, successfully, Perform a variety of responsible Accounting and Human Resource functions including: • maintaining Accounts Receivable invoicing and reconciliation • processing purchase invoices and updates in Accounts Payable · serving as backup for weekly payroll processing • updating and maintaining confidential HR and program information • assisting with eligibility determination, tracking and administrative compliance, for benefit plans including 401(k) • producing and maintaining accurate and timely reports in numerous formats that support daily operations and program management • complying with all state & federal regulations and procedures. Continued Next Column
The position requires: A thorough knowledge of: â&#x20AC;˘ Accounting principles and practices â&#x20AC;˘ Database accounting software â&#x20AC;˘ Office Suite, specifically, spreadsheet development and use â&#x20AC;˘ Payroll processing â&#x20AC;˘ Laws, general statues, rules and regulations governing accounting tasks â&#x20AC;˘ A working knowledge of: â&#x20AC;˘ Human Resources and benefits administration support The ability to: â&#x20AC;˘ Clearly communicate, orally, (in person and by telephone) and in writing, technical and industry-specific information â&#x20AC;˘ Use courtesy and tact to address and solve problems â&#x20AC;˘ Establish and maintain respectful and effective working relationships with colleagues, supervisors, customers and the public â&#x20AC;˘ Collaborate on teams ¡ synthesize, organize, analyze and present data in userfriendly report formats â&#x20AC;˘ Accurately perform a variety of accounting and HR functions â&#x20AC;˘ Quickly respond to changing tasks/priorities while producing quality outcomes â&#x20AC;˘ The Minimum Education and Experience â&#x20AC;˘ Graduation from a regionally or CHEA accredited four-year college or university with a baccalaureate degree in Accounting â&#x20AC;˘ 5 years experience in an automated fiscal and accounting â&#x20AC;˘ Three years experience maintaining and organizing a variety of HIPPA and HR-related employee information, including benefit plan administration. The Preferred Experience â&#x20AC;˘ All of the above plus work experience in a federal/state grant-funded nonprofit or public organization â&#x20AC;˘ Bi-lingual in Spanish Also requires a valid NC Driver License; passing pre-employment screens and checks. Rate of pay is $17-$18, DOQ and excellent benefits. This position is nonexempt under FLSA and eligible for overtime pay. Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information to: Ms. Linda Gamble Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 or Admin@communityactionoppor tunities.org Or (828) 253-6319 Open until filled. EOE & DFWP. MANAGEMENT Mature professional for administrative and managerial duties to lead local business. Mac, Excel spreadsheet, database entry and graphic design experience. Full-time. No smokers. Call Anne: (828) 230-5125.
Teaching/ Education
A-B TECH - INSTRUCTOR, FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTOMATED MACHINING (AFTERNOON/ EVENING CLASS) â&#x20AC;˘ Part-time Regular, 10-15 hours/week. â&#x20AC;˘ Instruct students in the fundamentals of Automated Machining Training Classes. Instruction will include machine shop safety, shop math, measurement, blueprint reading, machine shop principles, operation of manual lathes, mills, drill presses, saws, use of hand tools, and operation of CNC lathes and mills. Instructors are responsible for monitoring student progress and completing all necessary program documentation. â&#x20AC;˘ PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Degree in Machining Technology. 2. Five years teaching metal machining in the Community College System. 3. Experience in course development. â&#x20AC;˘ SPECIAL INSTRUCTION TO APPLICANTS: Course payment is contingent upon meeting all scheduled class hours and fulfilling the contract for instructional duties. Contact Ken Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor at (828) 2541921, extension 5823 for information on salary range and hours. For additional job description and application process, please visit: https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com/ postings/search
SEEKING CO-LEAD INFANT TEACHER â&#x20AC;˘ The Co-Lead Teacher assists in designing and implementing activity plans, record-keeping, care and supervision of children in classroom, and communication with parents and administrative staff. â&#x20AC;˘ Must have NCECC or equivalent and a minimum of an AAS degree in Early Childhod or Child Development. â&#x20AC;˘ Must also have two years of verifiable early childhood work experience. All interested and qualified applicants, please apply online at www.eliada.org/employment.
A-B TECH - GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST â&#x20AC;˘ Full-time Limited. â&#x20AC;˘ Serves as part of a creative services team responsible for A-B Techâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s marketing, communications and community relations programs. Provides design and copywriting for miscellaneous advertisements, presentations, and publications, including large-format documents such as class schedules; produces miscellaneous print jobs using in-house, state-of-the-art digital printing equipment; works with commercial printers to obtain necessary quotes and follows state purchasing procedures; takes photographs for college publications; maintains records of work completed; other duties as assigned. â&#x20AC;˘ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Associate degree in related area. 2. Minimum of three years experience as a graphic designer 3. Strong design and photography skills. 4. Working knowledge of Macintosh computers, Microsoft Office, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and HTML 5. Strong written and verbal communication skills. 6. Ability to meet strict deadlines, prioritize projects, and work on a number of jobs in various stages of completion simultaneously. 7. Attention to detail. 8. Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work with people of diverse backgrounds. 9. Ability to lift 25 to 40 pounds. â&#x20AC;˘ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Please provide samples of work with application. This temporary full-time position has no benefits. This job has no guarantee of future employment beyond the end of its assignment of June 15, 2012. â&#x20AC;˘ Salary Range: $15/hour. For complete job description and application process, please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com/ postings/search
LOW VOLTAGE OUTDOOR LED LIGHTING COMPANY OPENS IN SOUTH ASHEVILLE Moonlighting of WNC, Certified Landscape/Architectural Lighting Professionals, specializing in custom Low Voltage LED and Conventional Lighting systems. 828-702-2829 john@moonlightingwnc.com PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? â&#x20AC;˘ Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide â&#x20AC;˘ Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 â&#x20AC;˘ Abbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s One True Gift Adoptions â&#x20AC;˘ 1-866-413-6293. (AAN CAN)
Mind, Body, Spirit
STRESSED? TIRED? PAIN? Several massage modalities, Reiki, and acupuncture sessions for body, mind, spirit healing. Coupleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s treatments available. Reiki trainings monthly. West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, 828-423-3978, westashevillemassage.com TOP NOTCH PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE! Deep tissue specialist. Tension and pain release! Brett Rodgers LMBT #7557 www.vitalitymassage.net (828) 645-5228.
Musical Services
ASHEVILLE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN â&#x20AC;˘ Jess Toan, LMBT 7445, MA in Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health. Deep Tissue, Hot Stones, Prenatal, Swedish, Reiki, and Oncology Massage. $50 for first massage. http://ashevillemassageforwomen.vpweb.com, 828-552-6609, jesstoan14@gmail.com. Experienced, professional, and attentive. Call today! You wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t regret it. AWESOME MASSAGE CONTINUING EDUCATION! 10 different low cost classes including Ashiatsu barefoot massage! Brett Rodgers NCBTMB #451495-10 www.vitalitymassage.net (828) 645-5228
GENTLE FLOW AND YIN YOGA â&#x20AC;˘ Tues and Wed. nights 5:45-6:45. Donation Based. 70 Woodfin #320. 707-0988 or tamisbliss.com.
DUKE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH STUDY Does your 12 to 18year-old receive mental health care? Two-hour visit in Asheville, $40 for your time. Call 828-333-5117 or e-mail thinking.emotions@ mc.duke.edu for more information. Study ID# Pro 00024673.
SHOJI SPA & LODGE â&#x20AC;˘ 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in townâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www.shojiretreats.com
Equipment For Sale GRAND PIANO Yamaha G2 in great condition. $5800. Call (828) 689-9319.
Pet Xchange
Lost Pets
ILLUMINATING YOUR PATH Call Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin. â&#x20AC;˘ 15 years in Asheville. â&#x20AC;˘ Individuals â&#x20AC;˘ Groups â&#x20AC;˘ Parties. (828) 253-7472. ninaanin@weebly.com
Musiciansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Xchange
#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND YOGA CENTER â&#x20AC;˘ 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $33/hour. â&#x20AC;˘ 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: â&#x20AC;˘ Deep Tissue â&#x20AC;˘ Swedish â&#x20AC;˘ Sports â&#x20AC;˘ Trigger Point. â&#x20AC;˘ Also offering: â&#x20AC;˘ Acupressure â&#x20AC;˘ Energy Work â&#x20AC;˘ Reflexology. â&#x20AC;˘ Save money, call now! 505-7088. www.thecosmicgroove.com
LAKE HOUSE MUSIC â&#x20AC;˘ Need help financing your next recording project? Call us at Lake House Music 215-380-8111.
ASHEVILLEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. â&#x20AC;˘ Mastering â&#x20AC;˘ Mixing and Recording. â&#x20AC;˘ CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 â&#x20AC;˘ whitewaterrecording.com
Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 215-7232.
Tools & Machinery
Automotive Services WEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE â&#x20AC;˘ Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-2756063 for appointment.
BobCAT 2002 Only 1507 hours. 773-G Series, Skid Steer tracks over tires, wood splitter 48â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Brush Bandit bush hog. $15,000. This a great deal! Please call 828-551-4156.
For Sale
Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To
VEGAS â&#x20AC;˘ Has been missing in the Asheville area for a couple of days and we are asking everyone to keep an eye out for the treasured pet. Vegas was last seen near New Leicester Hwy. He is 3 years old, weighs only 5 pounds, has terrible allergies, and is on medication. If you have any information about the whereabouts of Vegas, please call 336-558-4944 immediately. There is also a $1300 reward (previously $1000) for finding him.
You! Call For Instant Offer:
Furniture QUEEN PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New still in plastic. $125 Call 828-989-1147 can help with delivery.
1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com
Sporting Goods Evinrude Boat Motor For Sale Evinrude 2008 6hp 4 stroke motor. Less than 50 hours run time. Paid $1,600 - Want $1,000 firm. Call 828-337-1151.
DREAMSEEKERS Your destination for relaxation. Call for your appointment. Now available 7 days a week! (828) 275-4443.
Newspaper seeks relations hip with passionate salesperson. You: Know and love Ashevi lle and have at least 2 yrs. sal es exp. Me: Beloved newspaper and website offering base + com mission OZMI\ JMVMĂ&#x2026;\[ Send me your cover letter and resume... Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s connect!
Email only; no phone calls,
â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012
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The New York Times Crossword HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION • Reach 70,000 Loyal Readers Every Week • Nearly 30,000 Issues • Covering 730 Locations Throughout Western NC
Reserve Your Space Today! Call Rick at 828-458-9195
When this puzzle is completed, the 10 circled letters, read from top to bottom, will spell a name associated with 39-Across. Across 1 *Peddle 5 Prefix with “mom” in 2009 news 9 Bay State sch. 14 Tommie of the Miracle Mets 15 *Christmas carol starter 16 Soil enricher 17 Gorillas and others 19 Manhattan’s ___ Place 20 “No joke!” 22 *Storied also-ran 23 January 1 sound 26 Intersected 27 Grapefruit choice 29 *Managed ___ 31 Coeur d’___ 33 Vietnam-era protest org. 34 Meriting a “Q.E.D.” 37 Article in rap titles
39 Classic novel of 1,000+ pages … or a hint to the word ladder formed by the answers to the starred clues 42 Columnist Hentoff 43 Earring shape 46 45 ___ 49 Contrarian’s retort 51 *Center 52 Brown in the funnies 54 Best Buy buys 57 “___ who?” 58 *Place to moor 59 “Give me an example!” 62 Oscar winner Tatum 64 “You’re fired!” speaker, informally 68 Slowly, on a score
69 *Valentine sentiment 70 “___ it my way” 71 Test for quality 72 River of Flanders 73 *Chocolate brand Down 1 Broomstick rider 2 Cabinet dept. 3 Elfin 4 New Zealand parrots 5 Midway Airport alternative 6 Napoleonic leader? 7 Palm product 8 “Why not?!” 9 Thurman of “In Bloom” 10 Overly romantic 11 Places for rites 12 Wrote for an orchestra 13 Tatters 18 Pro ___ (for now) 21 Drink brewed naturally 23 Angel dust 24 Item in a thole 25 Ship’s christening spot 28 Joy of “The View” 30 Olympic skating champion Lysacek 32 Resulted in 35 Run out of town on ___ 36 Drives home, as runs 38 “Back in Black” band
Edited by Will Shortz No.0201 1
21 27
38 41
828-458-9195 52
Reserve Your Space Today! 46
• Reach 70,000 Loyal Readers Every 23 24 25 26 Week Nearly 30,000 30 Issues 34• Covering 730 35 Locations Throughout 39 NC Western
59 63
57 61
Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski
40 Personal bugaboo 41 Bow-toting god 44 Prospector’s find 45 Brand of movable collectibles 46 Soda brand since 1905 47 7-Down and others
48 Whizzes 50 Without muss or fuss
61 Queen Wheat City of Oklahoma
53 Ranch in “Giant”
63 Myrna of film
55 Java or C++ whiz
65 Hubbub
56 Hostess ___ Balls
66 Tyler of “Jersey Girl”
60 Units now called siemens
67 Presidential monogram
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
• MARCH 7 - MARCH 13, 2012