Mountain Xpress, April 11 2012

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More Than Marriage the AMENDMENT ONE debate

+ New Belgium picks Asheville - p20 + Hold on to your seats... Actionfest roars back to town - p48


APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 • • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 3

thisweek on the cover

p. 10 Election 2012: Amendment One A chance to vote on a constitutional amendment declaring “that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state” is on the ballot for the May 8 primary. Xpress lays out the arguments from supporters and opponents, and details how the potential ramifications go far beyond marriage. Cover design by John Zara


14 SIx fOR twO

Three Democrats, three Republicans vie for District 2 commissioner seats

18 buncOmbE cOmmISSIOnERS: ALL GASSED uP Landfill project powers local homes

20 nEw bREw In tOwn

Craft brewer New Belgium picks Asheville for new East Coast facility


40 thE EARth hAS cOmE ALIvE Harvesting ramps the sustainable way

arts&entertainment 48 bLAck EyES & buStED bOnES Actionfest leaves a wake of destruction

50 cAR chASES, GunfIGhtS AnD fRAcAS A look at some surprising films on the Actionfest roster

52 hOmE ALL wAyS

How Midtown Dickens found maturity without sacrificing their sense of wonder

features 5 7 8 9 21 24 26 34 35 44 46 54 56 62 63 67 71

LEttERS cARtOOn: mOLtOn cARtOOn: bREnt bROwn OPInIOn yARD&GARDEn cOmmunIty cALEnDAR fREEwILLAStROLOGy.cOm cOnScIOuS PARty Benefits nEwSOfthEwEIRD.cOm EDGy mAmA wELLnESS Health+wellness news EAtIn In SEASOn What’s fresh SmALL bItES Local food news SmARt bEtS What to do, who to see cLubLAnD AShEvILLE DIScLAImER cRAnky hAnkE Movie reviews cLASSIfIEDS ny tImES cROSSwORD

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APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

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letters Another hidden locAl culinAry jewel I am writing in response to the fantastic article featuring the "Hidden Eateries of Asheville" by Mackensy Lunsford [March 28 Xpress]. I had heard about or visited a couple of the spots the article mentioned, and while I too want to keep them "secret,” I can't help but be glad for these local business owners who could surely benefit from more foot traffic. With this in mind, I'd like to sing the praises of One Love Jamaican Restaurant out on Asheville Highway in Canton. My husband and I recently discovered this culinary jewel on the way to a fly-fishing hole (the hole, however, I will continue to keep secret). In any case, we were treated to a wonderful meal of ackee and salt fish, a delicacy we enjoyed in Jamaica on vacation last May and hadn't been able to find in this area since. Patrick and his crew at One Love are kind, knowledgeable and extremely gifted when it comes to whipping up the most delicious Jamaican food possible. This summer, he tells us, there will be live music on the patio. We look forward to making the trip to Canton again not only to enjoy Patrick's delicious food but his wonderful company. — Genna Harris Asheville

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A voter’s primer

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There is an election coming up on May 8. (Early voting is from April 19 to May 5.) There

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are contests for the Republican primary, U.S. House of Representatives, five state offices, three Buncombe County offices and a statewide referendum on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. It’s a little complicated to know exactly which candidates you will be voting for. The easiest way to see who you will be voting for is to get your voter information from the N.C. Board of Elections website. Here are some further instructions: Do an online search for N.C. Board of Elections. Enter your name, date of birth and county. Select “My Sample Ballot” to see exactly who you can vote for. This is your chance to make a difference. Vote early and often! — Paul King Asheville

your vote AgAinst Amendment one is needed I want to remind everyone to vote against Amendment One on May 8. You will not get another chance in the general election to vote against this anti-gay amendment. Please stand up for the right of people to keep their sexual preference a personal choice and to not be discriminated against. Your vote is needed. — Kris Wallace Asheville

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staff PuBLISHER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO THE PuBLISHER: Susan Hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FASHION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes FOOD WRITER: Mackensy Lunsford STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Nelda Holder, Tracy Rose, Steve Shanafelt CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike Hopping, Susan Hutchinson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther

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WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney WEB GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Jesse Michel OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Ronnie Edwards, Ronald Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 5


APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at send Bothwell to congress We live today with a partisan, obstructionist quagmire of a Congress that has earned itself a 9 percent approval rating. Cynicism abounds. No single factor accounts for the current state of affairs, but I'm convinced that the corrupting influence of big, special interest money, considered free speech, plays a large role. With big money doing the talking, the average citizen has little representation and solvable problems go unsolved. To begin to remedy the situation, we should put aside ideology and elect representatives who seek only to solve the problems before us. Such people do exist. We have an 11th District candidate who began a lifetime of achievement by becoming an Eagle Scout at an early age. He has used his many talents, not to enrich himself, but to benefit his fellow citizens; he is incorruptible. This citizen, Mr. Cecil Bothwell, has stepped forward as a candidate, because the interests of citizens are not being served. It is my hope that voters will send Bothwell to Congress. — Herman Lankford Weaverville

heyyou We want to hear from you. Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by e-mail to




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APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •


Series #10

Ask Lawyer

DaviD Gantt

First plAce is For quitters locAl wrestler Builds success on deFeAts

Disability Social Security Workers’ Compensation

By christopher ArBor Ryan Shiver is an extraordinary athlete: He's quick, he's strong and his kinesthetic intelligence borders on genius. Ryan enrolled at Asheville School as a junior the same year I was put in charge of our wrestling team. My first year of coaching and I’m handed the kind of kid most coaches wait their whole career for. The first half of the season, Ryan cruised through the local competition, from public and private schools alike. In fact, the matches rarely made it out of the first period: He was pinning his competitors before they knew what hit them. Ryan's a big guy — 6 feet, 240 pounds — but that put him in the heavyweight class, against opponents who were pushing the 285 pound limit. Still, Ryan was unstoppable. On one noted occasion, the opposition forfeited rather than face him (the other guy had an undefeated record that he didn't want to risk). Returning from Christmas break, Ryan competed in the Holy Angels Tournament in Charlotte, featuring some of the top talent in the state. He dispatched the second-place finisher in a mere 42 seconds. Ryan's wins have been well-documented; the Asheville Citizen-Times has run a half-dozen articles on him. What’s received less attention are the few times he's lost. The spotlight follows the best, not the one who’s bested. A week after Ryan came in an easy first at the North Carolina State Tournament, we went to the National Prep Wrestling Tournament in Lehigh, Pa. He dispatched his first-round competitor easily, but then he ran into a wall named Viktor Pedchenko — a black belt in judo who looked like he might be related to Ivan Drago from Rocky IV. When they shook hands before the match, I could almost hear Pedchenko whisper, "I will break you." Ryan lost, quickly but well. It was his toughest fight and hardest effort so far. Still, Pedchenko

won, and it wasn't a fluke. If they'd wrestled 10 times, Pedchenko would probably have won them all: He was simply the better wrestler that day. Pedchenko, by the way, didn't finish first either. He lost to the guy who lost to the guy who lost to the guy who came out on top. To some, Ryan's ending such a successful season with a loss might seem somehow unfair. But my father taught me something a long time ago that’s pertinent here: In any given sport, at season’s end, only one competitor finishes with an honest win. Everyone else gives up before they face genuine competition. Crazy as it may seem, most first-place finishers are quitters. Like the competitor who forfeited to Ryan early on, they're more focused on the appearance of winning than on actually accomplishing something. If you're only interested in winning, pick a fight with a pacifist, get in an argument with an idiot, or steal candy from a baby. Better yet, open a casino: The house always wins. But if you want to improve, race someone faster than you, play chess against someone rated higher than you, or try bench-pressing a weight you can't handle. We become stronger in the long term by becoming weaker in the short term. This isn't just folksy philosophy: It's wisdom that too many of us have forgotten, and it’s not limited to athletics. Today we're caught up in building confidence and setting up our young people for success; we give ribbons to all par-

ticipants and hold graduation ceremonies for kindergarteners. But where has it gotten us? We're creating a culture that’s both overconfident and undercompetent. Consequently, while the best are better than they've ever been, the average is the worst in history. In the last 40 years, the best marathon times have dropped by 15 minutes, while the average American has put on 30 pounds of fat; our brightest have made startling scientific achievements, while the average American has poorer math skills than ever. Most of us have become like Theodore Roosevelt's “cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” We need to stop setting ourselves up for success and start seeking some honest defeats. Strength may lead to wins, but it's born out of losses. Ryan Shiver’s early season wins looked easy because he’d already done the hard work. Ryan failed more times than those who never won a single match: He just got those failures out of the way during practice, in the weight room or at training camps. His wins were built on those defeats, just as his future wins will be founded on his loss at the Nationals. That's what makes Ryan a true champion. X Christopher Arbor, the wrestling coach at Asheville School, is the author of the short-story collection “Static to Signal.”

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60 biltmore ave • 828.254.7756 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 9

eleCtion 2012

battle lines being Drawn

amenDment one has passions Flying

by DaviD Forbes “Constitutional amendment to provide that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State.” On May 8, North Carolina voters will decide whether to add the above language to Article XIV of the state constitution. Titled “Miscellaneous,” the article mostly deals with less controversial matters, such as specifying the state’s capital and geographic borders. But the appearance of those 27 words on the primary ballot represents the culmination of a protracted struggle by Republicans and religious conservatives to get an anti-gay-marriage amendment. For years, the Democratic leadership that dominated the N.C. General Assembly wouldn’t let the measure out of committee. That all changed in 2010, however, as the GOP claimed a majority in both chambers, and

10 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

against: Liz MacNeil, the Coalition to Protect All NC Families regional field coordinator, with two volunteers and a stack of pledges by people to vote against Amendment One. Photo by Max Cooper Amendment One began rolling toward a vote. Although state law already prohibits same-sex marriage, North Carolina is the only Southern state that hasn’t enshrined such language in its constitution. This reflects both Tar Heel politics, which are generally less conservative than those of our neighbors, and a Democratic reluctance to give their opponents an issue they could rally around. But this is still the Bible Belt, and some churches, along with local GOP organizations, are pushing to make the amendment law. “In several states same-sex marriage has been imposed upon the people by courts that have engaged in tortured judicial reasoning,” House

Majority Leader Paul Stam declared in a written defense of the amendment late last year. “These courts have used the state constitutions to reverse the very pro-marriage policies that were in effect when the state constitution was adopted. “Now it’s happening in North Carolina,” he continued. “Same-sex couples in Asheville went to the courthouse for two weeks last fall seeking to obtain marriage licenses. … This marriage amendment will ensure that marriage between one man and one woman will be protected from result-oriented judges.” Meanwhile, North Carolina’s demographics have shifted significantly over the years, with

eleCtion 2012

battle lines being Drawn

amenDment one has passions Flying

by DaviD Forbes “Constitutional amendment to provide that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State.” On May 8, North Carolina voters will decide whether to add the above language to Article XIV of the state constitution. Titled “Miscellaneous,” the article mostly deals with less controversial matters, such as specifying the state’s capital and geographic borders. But the appearance of those 27 words on the primary ballot represents the culmination of a protracted struggle by Republicans and religious conservatives to get an anti-gay-marriage amendment. For years, the Democratic leadership that dominated the N.C. General Assembly wouldn’t let the measure out of committee. That all changed in 2010, however, as the GOP claimed a majority in both chambers, and

10 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

against: Liz MacNeil, the Coalition to Protect All NC Families regional field coordinator, with two volunteers and a stack of pledges by people to vote against Amendment One. Photo by Max Cooper Amendment One began rolling toward a vote. Although state law already prohibits same-sex marriage, North Carolina is the only Southern state that hasn’t enshrined such language in its constitution. This reflects both Tar Heel politics, which are generally less conservative than those of our neighbors, and a Democratic reluctance to give their opponents an issue they could rally around. But this is still the Bible Belt, and some churches, along with local GOP organizations, are pushing to make the amendment law. “In several states same-sex marriage has been imposed upon the people by courts that have engaged in tortured judicial reasoning,” House

Majority Leader Paul Stam declared in a written defense of the amendment late last year. “These courts have used the state constitutions to reverse the very pro-marriage policies that were in effect when the state constitution was adopted. “Now it’s happening in North Carolina,” he continued. “Same-sex couples in Asheville went to the courthouse for two weeks last fall seeking to obtain marriage licenses. … This marriage amendment will ensure that marriage between one man and one woman will be protected from result-oriented judges.” Meanwhile, North Carolina’s demographics have shifted significantly over the years, with

What beer do we drink when we’re done making beer? The one you’re about to enjoy in Shift. Canning this Nelson Sauvin hopped pale lager means everyone gets to reward their work. Or play. Or, if you’re like us, combine the two and surround yourself with drinking buddies. Clock out and crack one open.

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For: Buncombe GOP Chair Henry Mitchell says the local party will actively work to turn out Amendment One supporters. Photo by Bill Rhodes

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growing (and increasingly visible) LGBT communities across the state and major cities — including Asheville — approving domestic-partner benefits and even endorsing same-sex marriage outright. An array of LGBT, civil-liberties and other groups opposing the measure have come together as the Coalition to Protect NC Families. And as the decisive day approaches, both sides are marshaling their forces, ramping up their efforts, and preparing for a battle that, whatever its outcome, will be one for the history books.

impAct uncertAin Although Amendment One is often referred to as a same-sex-marriage ban, its potential ramifications are far broader. To begin with, the state legislation creating the amendment includes another sentence, added to address private businesses’ concerns about their own employee benefits, that won’t appear on the ballot: “This section does not prohibit a private party from entering into contracts with another private party; nor does this section prohibit courts from adjudicating the rights of private parties pursuant to such contracts.” On March 31, speaking at the Buncombe County Republican Party convention, state GOP Chair Robin Hayes declared: “All [Amendment One] does is keep the law as it already is. … Don’t be fooled by Democrats putting out misinformation that it does anything else.” But that’s incorrect. Although it will fall to the courts to sort out the ramifications if the amendment passes, it clearly goes far beyond merely adding an exclamation point to existing state law. Last November, four University of North Carolina law professors produced an extensive legal analysis of the amendment’s potential impact. Far from simply fortifying existing law, they asserted, it would strike down local ordinances and prohibit any form of domestic-partner benefits.

12 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

They also said the amendment could drastically roll back things like visitation rights and domestic-violence protections for unmarried heterosexual couples. “It is impossible to predict definitively how broadly courts would interpret the Amendment’s prohibitions, given its vague and untested language,” the report states. “However, two things are clear: First, it will take courts years of litigation to settle the amendment’s meaning. Second, when the dust clears, unmarried couples will have fewer rights over their most important life decisions than they would have had otherwise.” But Stam, who’s also an attorney, produced his own analysis, asserting that visitation rights, private contracts and domestic-violence protections would not be affected. “There is a real threat to the institution of marriage,” he concluded. Still, even critics like Stam and the North Carolina Family Policy Council acknowledge that the amendment would eliminate local domestic-partner benefits — such as those the city of Asheville now offers its employees — and civil unions. “This marriage amendment would recognize only domestic legal unions between one man and one woman,” Stam’s website notes. “Domestic partnerships or civil unions, whether opposite-sex or same-sex, would not be valid or recognized here.”

strAnge BedFellows The fight over Amendment One has led to some unusual alliances. The Coalition to Protect NC Families, for example, doesn’t just include leftist and Democratic groups, but also the state Libertarian Party and a number of churches. Some business executives have also condemned the measure as harmful to the state’s economy.

although aMendMent one is often referred to as a saMe-sex-Marriage ban, its potential raMifications are far broader. Republican notables are divided as well. Former Charlotte Mayor Richard Vinroot opposes the measure, as do U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers and John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation. Still, many GOP leaders actively support it, including Speaker of the House Thom Tillis, though he’s also predicted that it will be repealed within 20 years. Meanwhile, not all Democrats oppose the measure: 11th Congressional District candidate Tom Hill supports it, asserting in a recent debate that gays “have a genetic problem.”

Marching as to war With one of the highest percentages of samesex couples in the country according to census data, Asheville has been a focal point throughout the debate. But while city voters are likely to oppose the amendment, much of the rest of Western North Carolina is rural and more conservative — precisely the kind of area proamendment forces will have to carry to win. The two sides are handling things quite differently on the ground. In many counties, the local Republican Party is leading efforts to promote the amendment, with some support from churches and conservative advocacy groups such as the Family Policy Council, the National Organization for Marriage and the Civitas Institute. The Vote for Marriage NC initiative is making some effort to coordinate the push, but no single organization is comprehensively managing the campaign statewide. Some Republican leaders have even sought to shift the focus to other issues: In the same Buncombe County speech, Hayes advised candidates to focus on jobs and the economy instead. But while many Democratic politicans have denounced the proposal, it’s the Coalition to

Protect NC Families that’s the driving force behind fundraising and organizing to defeat the amendment. The group kicked off its statewide “Race to the Ballot” campaign in Asheville in January. Since then, volunteers have raised money, held events, run phone banks, collected pledges and coordinated get-out-the-vote efforts. Asheville native Liz MacNeil, who returned to the area to serve as the coalition’s WNC regional field director, says she “hasn’t had a day off since Jan. 24.” “We’ve been talking about the harms ... to women, children, unmarried couples (both same-sex and heterosexual) should this amendment pass,” MacNeil reports. “We’ve been educating the public. We’re finding a lot of people here in Buncombe haven’t heard of Amendment One or don’t know the ramifications. Once they do, they’re pretty strongly against it.” On April 10, the Asheville City Council is set to approve a resolution declaring the city’s opposition to Amendment One. Meanwhile, the Buncombe County Republican Party is heading up local efforts to pass the amendment. A March 22 announcement from local party Chair Henry Mitchell declared: “Buncombe County voters will have the opportunity to forever preserve the definition of marriage in our State. As the only Southern State left that has not done so, we are finally getting the opportunity to take this to the people.” In the same statement, Mitchell also promises that the party “will be actively working to get out the YES vote for this amendment.” He did not respond to requests for further comment. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 13

Although Amendment one is oFten reFerred to As A sAme-sex-mArriAge BAn, its potentiAl rAmiFicAtions Are FAr BroAder. Republican notables are divided as well. Former Charlotte Mayor Richard vinroot opposes the measure, as do U.S. Rep. Renee ellmers and John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation. Still, many GOP leaders actively support it, including Speaker of the House Thom Tillis, though he’s also predicted that it will be repealed within 20 years. Meanwhile, not all Democrats oppose the measure: 11th Congressional District candidate Tom Hill supports it, asserting in a recent debate that gays “have a genetic problem.”

mArching As to wAr With one of the highest percentages of samesex couples in the country according to census data, Asheville has been a focal point throughout the debate. But while city voters are likely to oppose the amendment, much of the rest of Western North Carolina is rural and more conservative — precisely the kind of area proamendment forces will have to carry to win. The two sides are handling things quite differently on the ground. In many counties, the local Republican Party is leading efforts to promote the amendment, with some support from churches and conservative advocacy groups such as the Family Policy Council, the National Organization for Marriage and the Civitas Institute. The Vote for Marriage NC initiative is making some effort to coordinate the push, but no single organization is comprehensively managing the campaign statewide. Some Republican leaders have even sought to shift the focus to other issues: In the same Buncombe County speech, Hayes advised candidates to focus on jobs and the economy instead. But while many Democratic politicans have denounced the proposal, it’s the Coalition to

Protect NC Families that’s the driving force behind fundraising and organizing to defeat the amendment. The group kicked off its statewide “Race to the Ballot” campaign in Asheville in January. Since then, volunteers have raised money, held events, run phone banks, collected pledges and coordinated get-out-the-vote efforts. Asheville native liz MacNeil, who returned to the area to serve as the coalition’s WNC regional field director, says she “hasn’t had a day off since Jan. 24.” “We’ve been talking about the harms ... to women, children, unmarried couples (both same-sex and heterosexual) should this amendment pass,” MacNeil reports. “We’ve been educating the public. We’re finding a lot of people here in Buncombe haven’t heard of Amendment One or don’t know the ramifications. Once they do, they’re pretty strongly against it.” On April 10, the Asheville City Council is set to approve a resolution declaring the city’s opposition to Amendment One. Meanwhile, the Buncombe County Republican Party is heading up local efforts to pass the amendment. A March 22 announcement from local party Chair Henry Mitchell declared: “Buncombe County voters will have the opportunity to forever preserve the definition of marriage in our State. As the only Southern State left that has not done so, we are finally getting the opportunity to take this to the people.” In the same statement, Mitchell also promises that the party “will be actively working to get out the YES vote for this amendment.” He did not respond to requests for further comment. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 13

election 2012

six For two three democrAts, three repuBlicAns vie For district 2 commissioner seAts

By cAitlin Byrd

Michel Bayne

The six candidates in the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners’ District 2 races appear to be contesting a political no man’s land. Although the district was created only last year, the areas it encompasses (from Leicester to Black Mountain and Barnardsville to Fairview) haven’t consistently favored either party. In the May 8 primary, three Republicans and three Democrats are vying for their respective parties’ two slots. Come November, two seats on the new seven-member Board of Commissioners will be up for grabs.

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mike FryAr Republican Mike Fryar says he’s been a familiar face at county meetings in recent years, whether he was challenging the county’s approach to zoning or blowing the whistle on the commissioners’ higher-than-average salaries. But this time around, he’s hoping to swap the role of concerned resident for a seat at the commissioners’ table. “I’m not going to sit there like a dummy, listen to somebody for three minutes and say thank you,” Fryar declares. “I’m going to stand my ground.” Among other things, Fryar is standing his ground on cutting the commissioners’ compensation, saying he’d like to get paid less than $18,000 if elected. Other issues Fryar says he’ll focus on include job creation, zoning and county spending. “Bottom line, we have to figure out a way to get more industry here; we have got to make stuff work. And with new rules and zoning, it’s going to be harder to accomplish.” But the new district elections, he maintains, don’t give him any clear advantage compared with the at-large system that was in place when he made his unsuccessful 2008 bid. “I don’t look at a political job as something that’s going to better me. I look at it as we’ve got to better this community,” says Fryar. “If we work for the people ... and if the people’s got a grudge, as long as it’s done nice, it should be answered.”

clockwise from top left: Ellen Frost, Mike Fryar, Christina Kelley G. Merrill, JoAnn Morgan, Carol Peterson, Bill Reynolds Photos by Max Cooper, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes and candidates

14 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

Sustaining Our Mountain Culture and Environment Saturday, April 21 Warren Wilson College

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Let’s make our region a little more green, a little more resilient and a little more fun.

Earth Day • 8 a.m.– 4 p.m. • Participate in Earth Day workshops, presentations and field trips Preregistration required at • Observe and learn from artists, craftspeople and Warren Wilson work crews • Learn skills for acting locally • Visit for details

Fiddles & Folklife • 12–5 p.m. • Enter Old-time music contests for banjo, fiddle, string band and ballad/folksong • Kick up your heels at the square dance and cakewalks • Free music contest entry • Visit for details • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 15

Ready, set, Vote

BUnCoMBe CoUnty CoMMissioneRs distRiCts distRiCt 1 distRiCt 2 distRiCt 3


By nelda holdeR For North Carolina's May 8 primary, Tar Heel voters will confront new district boundaries for Congress, the Statehouse and the N.C. Senate. And in Buncombe County, the commissioners will now also be chosen via district elections. To help voters keep up with these changes, assistance is available both by phone and online:


BlaCK MoUntain


• Call the Buncombe County Board of Elections 24/7 at 250-4200 and follow the recorded instructions to receive your individual voting overview. Or • Go to the State Board of Elections’ Voter Lookup page ( Click on "My Election Information." Fill in the blanks and click "submit" to confirm your party status, precinct number and voting location. You can also view personalized sample ballots, depending on how you’re registered (Democratic, Libertarian, Republican or unaffiliated), which tell you which candidates will be on your ballot. Unaffiliated voters can choose any party’s ballot or a nonpartisan ballot containing only the proposed amendment to the state constitution (which appears on all of them).

When and WheRe to Vote To vote in the primary, you must be registered. The registration deadline is Friday, April 13; after that, you can still take advantage of same-day registration during early voting. In Buncombe County, early voting runs from Thursday, April 19, through Saturday, May 5. Polls are open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., except on April 5, when the hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. there are 11 early-voting locations this year: • North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave.


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Bill Reynolds Fellow Republican Bill Reynolds, however, says the new district lines were a factor in encouraging him to run. The Black Mountain resident hasn’t made a bid for public office since his failed 2004 campaign for the Board of Commissioners. “I am tired of the way things have been jammed down our throats over the last few — even 10 — years,” Reynolds declares. “Regardless of what the people thought, it didn’t make any difference” to the commissioners, he asserts. “It’s time we had a government that listens to the people.” He specifically cites the way countywide zoning was handled, saying too many decisions were made behind closed doors. Reynolds also says he’d like to see the county’s budget handled more thoughtfully and find ways to remedy the high cost of living.

• Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St.

ChRistina Kelley G. MeRRill

• South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road

Known to local country music listeners for years as Christina Kelley, the Republican candidate (who’s no longer in radio) says she has no intention of dropping her on-air moniker — even if it leaves her with the longest name on the ballot. “I’ve been in Western North Carolina for 20 years, and Christina Kelley has been the name that my friends and people in the community know me by and what I used professionally. I never dropped it, because it will always be a part of who I am,” she says. Merrill is equally adamant about focusing on reducing county spending. “The very first thing I will do ... is work with other commissioners to look internally,” she vows. “I would look at county budget in terms of salaries and what we’re spending money on, and where we can immediately make cuts,” she explains. The owner of a small marketing, production and public relations firm, Merrill says she would apply her business skills to county government. “We need to be more business-friendly and start looking at cutting some red tape to make our county much more friendly for new industry,” she maintains.

• Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road • West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road • Buncombe County Training Center, 199 College St. • Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 139 Kenilworth Road • Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road • Justice Athletic Center (UNCA), 1 University Heights • Weaverville Town Hall, 30 S. Main St. Voting on May 8 takes place at individual precincts throughout the county. To find out your precinct, or for information about absentee ballots or other voting issues, call Buncombe County Election Services at 250-4200. Nelda Holder can be reached at

16 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

ellen FRost Democrat Ellen Frost owns Bed and Biscuit, a pet boarding and training facility in Black Mountain. She says she’d bring a

FoR MoRe eleCtion 2012 CoVeRaGe, Visit MoUntainX.CoM/eleCtion

fresh approach to the board, particularly concerning the environment, the economy and job creation. “I think if we’re smart, we’ll interweave those three,” she explains. “For example, if a family member gets a job installing solar panels, that’s how you get them interested in solar energy, improve the local economy — and that’s how it all becomes real.” Although she’s never held elective office, Frost has been active in the Democratic Party, volunteering for the campaigns of Board of Commissioners Chair David Gantt, state Rep. Patsy Keever and President Barack Obama. But she feels her concern for the county transcends her love of politics. “I have tremendous passion for Buncombe County,” says Frost. “I know it’s corny, but ever since I moved here in 1995, I’ve known this was home.”

Joann MoRGan Buncombe County has always been home to Democrat JoAnn Morgan, though the 71-year-old says she considers county government her second home. For 32 years, the Weaverville resident served as assistant register of deeds under Otto DeBruhl. Morgan retired last year after the local Democratic Party, by a slim margin, chose Drew Reisinger rather than Morgan to serve out the remainder of DeBruhl’s term. But Morgan says she just can’t stay away from politics and hopes to increase accessibility to elected officials. “I realize the importance of being knowledgeable about what we’re voting on, what we’re dealing with and, most of all, getting input from folks other than the staff,” she says. “I think you need to hear what people in the community feel about things.” A key issue for Morgan is reducing poverty in the region. Every week, she helps distribute food provided by MANNA

coloring inside the lines redistricting complicAtes election prepArAtions By neldA holder Last year’s statewide redistricting pulled voting districts into unfamiliar shapes. As a result, trena parker and her staff at Buncombe County Election Services have faced a host of complications in preparing for the May 8 primary, notably the need for 37 separate ballot styles. Redistricting added a portion of the 10th Congressional District to Buncombe County — which, in turn, affected the boundaries of the 11th District. Meanwhile, the lines for Statehouse and N.C. Senate districts were also rearranged. That left Parker’s office with the tedious but important job of ensuring that every county residence has been correctly assigned to the various new districts. “There’s state software that every county in North Carolina must use,” Parker explains. “They provide us with the maps, and we go through street by street, especially those streets that are near the line. It’s a long, meticulous process.” But for voters, she believes, the most difficult changes will be those in the Board of Commissioners races.

where’s cousin joAnne? People “have been used to voting for all of the commissioners for many, many years,” Parker explains. “They may even be good friends with some of them, or cousins, and all of a sudden they’re going to realize that Cousin Joanne’s name is not on [their ballot] anymore. I think that is going to bring the most frustration for voters ... that they can only vote for individuals that live within their newly created district.” In a move aimed exclusively at Buncombe County, state legislators expanded the board from five members to seven and created three districts, each of which will elect two commissioners. The board chair will still be elected countywide.

FoodBank at Ivy Hill Baptist Church. “I would also like to see community gardens where people could grow their own food,” she notes, adding, “It’s a very feasible thing for the county to do.” Morgan also stresses job creation, along with promoting and improving education and preserving family farms.

cArol peterson Democrat Carol Peterson, the lone incumbent running in District 2, is seeking her third term as a Buncombe County commissioner. “There’s always more to do,” she says. “So I think we need to continue on the path that this commission is on.” A retired teacher, Peterson serves on the A-B Tech board of trustees. “I see the importance of a good education as being the basis for everything,” she reveals. Peterson is also proud of her work to preserve local farms and help facilitate the recent renovation of the Health & Human Services Building on Coxe Avenue. The current county budget, she notes, was created with such long-term goals in mind. In the end, however, she feels all the issues are interrelated — and all decisions must be made based on what’s best for county residents. “There’s so many things, but it’s all a path that you take for the citizens,” Peterson asserts. “It’s everything.” X Caitlin Byrd can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 140, or at

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37 wAys to vote Having three separate commissioner races instead of one, and two congressional districts instead of one, helps account for the 37 ballot styles required. Another complication is the proposed amendment to the state constitution (see “Battle Lines Being Drawn” elsewhere in this issue), which basically doubles the number of ballot styles needed. That’s because 17-year-olds who’ll turn 18 before the general election are allowed to vote in the primary, so they can help decide which candidates will appear on the November ballot. But the May 8 vote on the constitutional amendment is final — the issue won’t reappear in November — so 17-year-olds are not allowed to vote on it. Finally, because the primary is configured along party lines, all those considerations must be factored into four different ballot categories: Democratic, Libertarian, Republican and nonpartisan. (Unaffiliated voters may choose any party ballot or the nonpartisan ballot, which contains only the constitutional amendment question.) Parker’s office recently sent out cards to anyone whose voting location has been changed to improve service. “We always do those before the primary,” she explains, “so there is ample opportunity for voters to be accustomed to the change ... before the general election.” Before early voting starts on April 19, a countywide mailing will go out that shows the new districts for Congress, the Statehouse and Senate and the Board of Commissioners, to help voters determine which races will appear on their ballot. That mailing will cost about $25,000, says Parker — the most significant outlay triggered by the redistricting. Voters can also call the Board of Elections or visit the website to identify their current districts and view sample ballots (see box, “Ready, Set, VOTE”). To view maps of the new districts online, go to and click on “Finding Your County Commission District.”

4/31/12 828.367.GROW “A Course in Casual Intimacy” with Spycey Spyce: April 16 “Demystifying Tantra for the Information Generation”: April 21 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 17

news x buncombe

it’s A gAs

lAndFill project powers locAl homes

By jAke FrAnkel The Buncombe County commissioners are hoping a new program at the landfill will exemplify an old proverb: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Their April 3 meeting featured a presentation on the “Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project.” In development for several years, the project uses methane gas produced as trash decomposes to generate electricity. A series of methane wells and a huge generator were installed in 2011, and while production began earlier this year, it’s only now reaching full capacity. The generator is expected to produce 1.4 megawatts of electricity enough to power about 1,100 homes per year, according to Planning Director Jon Creighton. The roughly $4.5 million project was funded mostly by federal stimulus money, including $2.6 million in grants and a $1.5 million no-interest loan, he explained. The remainder came from a federal allocation arranged by Rep. Heath shuler‘s office. Selling the electricity to the French Broad Electric Membership Corp. is expected to bring in about $500,000 a year, said Creighton, cautioning that much of the money will be needed to cover the costs of maintaining the complex equipment. Still, Creighton said he does expect the county to turn an unspecified profit. “So we’re taking a product that we were out there burning off, and now we’re producing electricity … and we’re going to make some money,” Creighton told the commissioners. He also touted the environmental benefits: reducing the amount of methane (a harmful greenhouse gas) released into the atmosphere. “This one’s a green project to the hilt,” Creighton declared. “I feel like it’s a great project. I thought we hit a home run all the way.”

18 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

drill, baby, drill: Bioreactor manager Kristy Smith stands next to a methane well at the Buncombe County Landfill where the gas produced as trash decomposes helps generate fuel to produce electricity. Photo by Max Cooper

Board members seemed to agree, and Commissioner K. Ray Bailey got a laugh from the audience when he exclaimed, “This sounds like something that ought to be the headline in tomorrow morning’s paper.” Board Chair david Gantt added: “We can’t do business like we’ve done it in the past, just using fossil fuels. … I’ve been out there; it’s an impressive facility. Those people who are getting electricity from Buncombe County trash are fortunate folks.” The long-term plan, noted Creighton, is to add another generator in six years, doubling both the amount of methane processed and the amount of electricity produced. The landfill is expected to remain in operation for another 20 years, he said. Not everyone shared these officials’ enthusiasm for the project, however. During the public-comment period, Jupiter resident don Yelton called for tighter oversight. “It’s not profit: It’s money from taxpayers,” he pointed out. “I think that’s the problem. I know it may generate profit down the road, but I’d like to have a yearly update on the project — maintenance, what it costs, how it’s broken down.” Yelton went on to accuse board members of making politics a higher priority than their other responsibilities.

“we’re tAking A product thAt we were out there Burning oFF, And now we’re producing electricity … And we’re going to mAke some money.” county plAnning director jon creighton “How can I tell it’s an election year? If you look at today’s meeting agenda, there’s nothing controversial in there. It’s all backslapping: Everybody’s happy, doing great things; it’s wonderful,” Yelton said mockingly. “I turn on the Buncombe County channel, and guess what I see? Our county commissioners somewhere out in the public talking about women’s rights or something positive.” None of the commissioners responded to his critique. (Commissioner Holly Jones was absent, vacationing with her family). The county will hold an official ribbon cutting for the landfill project on April 27.

other Business In other action, the commissioners: • Heard a report from Human Services staff on the “Safety for Children Under Six” program, set to launch this month. Kids in that age group are the most common victims of abuse, Angela Pittman explained, noting that last year, four Buncombe County children died as the result of abuse. Nationwide, about 5 million instances of child abuse and neglect are reported every year, said Pittman. To address the issue locally, the Safety program includes an educational campaign and places Services staffers in communities, beginning with the Pisgah View housing project. • Unanimously approved a proclamation designating April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 19

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news x asheville

new Belgium chooses Asheville crAFt Brewer picks river district site By Anne Fitten glenn

New Belgium Brewing Co. is coming to Asheville. At an April 5 press conference at the Chamber of Commerce, Gov. Bev Perdue Contact Karen Toledo: 828.215.6565 and New Belgium CEO Kim Jordan said the Fort Collins, Colo.-based company will build a brewery and distribution center at the forJudy Lynne Ray, New Xpress ad 04/09 4/16/09 3:38 PM mer Page 1 Western Carolina Livestock Market site on Instructor, MS, CHTI, LMBT Craven Street. The brewery will invest more than $175 million over seven years and create more than 150 jobs. “We picked you: We picked Asheville,” Jordan told the officials, media reps and exuberPsychotherapy for Individuals & Couples ant beer lovers gathered under a large tent. Key • Life Transitions LINDA NEWMAN factors in the decision were the city’s proximity • Relationship Issues to East Coast markets, water quality and comLicensed Psychotherapist • Increase Self Esteem munity commitment to sustainability. L.C.S.W., B.C.D., Less than a month ago, Asheville City Council • Addiction Recovery L.C.A.S. C.S.A.C., D.T.R. rezoned the roughly 20-acre site from “urban • Sexuality/Sex Therapy village” to the less restrictive “river district.” A • Career/Financial Support Caring and Confidential portion of the property is a designated brown• Trauma/Grief/Loss Support 28 Years Experience 30 field that will require remediation. • Anxiety/Depression/Stress Sliding Fee • Insurance Accepted New Belgium, the third-largest U.S. craft Right Choices for Positive Change brewery, plans to break ground early next year, with production beginning in 2015. Although hiring won’t start until late in 2014, the average annual salary will exceed $50,000. A $1 million grant from the state and more than $12 million in tax incentives from the city and Buncombe County helped lure New Belgium, based on the company’s creating 130 jobs and investing $115 million over five years. Construction and the use of local suppliers and vendors will support many additional jobs. The company is 41 percent employee-owned. “I’ve been hearing about and watching that space across the river for six months,” says ben Mixson, co-owner of the White Duck Taco Shop on Roberts Street. “New Belgium seems like a great company, and we will love having them as neighbors. I’m looking forward to drinking their beer fresh.” The local beer community has been equalTUESDAY— ¹/₂-off local beer ly enthusiastic. “The Brewers Alliance,” says President Tim schaller, “welcomes New Ask about level 2 dates and discounts for registering for both 1 & 2.

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new bottle on the block: Craft brewer New Belgium will build its new East Coast facility at the edge of Asheville’s River Arts District. Photo by Anne Fitten Glenn

Belgium. They’ll be a great economic asset and should bring in an influx of beer tourists. Our responsibility as brewers now is to make great beer and continue to educate people about it.” Asheville Brewing Co. President Mike Rangel echoes those sentiments, saying, “We

are thrilled to have another incredible craft brewery move into the neighborhood. New Belgium has handled their site selection very well and ... kept us informed during the process.” In January, Sierra Nevada, the nation’s No. 2 craft brewer, chose a Mills River site for its second brewery. Jordan, meanwhile, stressed her company’s commitment to working with local brewers in “a spirit of collaboration” and “sharing our groovy toys” (a reference to New Belgium’s researchand-development equipment). In addition, she noted, the company will work with the city and the county on things like roads, bike lanes, greenways and water management consistent with the Wilma Dykeman RiverWay Plan. Schaller, who owns Wedge Brewing Co., notes: “I opened my business in the River Arts District because it’s funky and affordable for artists. I hope we can preserve this area and keep growing it as an arts district.” X Asheville-based freelance writer Anne Fitten Glenn can be reached at


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north Asheville tailgate market opens at uncA on April 14 The North Asheville Tailgate Market, a Saturday morning tradition for those who love fresh produce, baked goods and flowers, will reopen for its 32nd season on Saturday, April 14, on the UNCA campus. The market is open from 8 a.m. to noon and offers plenty of convenient parking. The area’s oldest producer-only farmer’s market will have nearly 50 local food vendors this year. They’ll offer organic fruits, vegetables and herbs; artisan breads and cheeses; local honey; fresh baked goods and gourmet deserts; free-range meat and eggs; fresh seafood; homemade jams and ice cream; plants and flowers; and locally roasted coffee. The market welcomes a new director this week, Shay Amber, a North Carolina native who grew up on a prolific farm, and who brings with her a deep appreciation of how tailgate markets benefit both farmers and communities.

Health Center (188 W.T. Weaver Blvd). The market will return to its usual UNCA spot the following weekend, May 12, and will feature a special Spring Fling and Mother’s Day Celebration.

To accommodate UNCA’s May 5 commencement ceremony, the market will be held that Saturday in the parking lot of MAHEC’s Family

To find out about other farmers markets in the area, visit the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project new community website,

To visit the North Asheville Tailgate Market, enter the UNCA campus at the traffic circle on Weaver Boulevard. Travel up the main drive and take the first right at Parking Lot C. A campus map is available online at:

photo: The North Asheville Tailgate Market. Photo courtesy of UNCA

gardeningcalendar Calendar for april 11 - 19, 2012 Garden Hotline • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8:30am-4:30pm - A garden hotline will be offered by Buncombe County Extension Master Gardeners. Info: 255-5522. Gardening in the Mountains • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 10am - Gardening in the Mountains lectures will be offered at the Buncombe County Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. Info: 255-5522. Growing Hops for Brewing Beer • FR (4/13), 10am-5pm & FR (4/27), 10am-3:30pm This two-part course will cover business and cultivation strategies, economics, integrated pest/disease management and insights/resources to optimize harvests. An optional brewery tour will immediately follow the second session. Held on A-B Tech's Madison campus. $40.

Info and registration: www.madisonhops.eventbrite. com. Seedling Swap • SU (4/15), noon - Asheville LETS invites the public to bring seeds and seedlings to swap at a birthday celebration. Held at Magnolia Park on the corner of Magnolia and Flint Streets. A potluck will follow at 1pm. $10 membership fee requested. Info: www.ashevillelets. org. Urban Plant Walk • SA (4/14), 10:30am-noon - An urban plant walk will focus on medicinal and edible plants. Trip departs from the Center for Holistic Medicine, 779 Haywood Road. $5/children free. Info: or 5053174.

Vineyard Trellis & Training Systems for Cold-Hardy Grapes • WE (4/11), 6pm - Learn how to match grape varieties with the proper vineyard trellis system at this course. Held at A-B Tech's Enka Campus, Small Business Center, Room 2046. $10. Info and registration: www.

More GardeninG eVenTS online

Check out the Gardening Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after April 19.

Calendar deadline

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 21

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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists Calendar for april 11 19, 2012 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx. com/events. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Animals Brother Wolf Animal Rescue A no-kill organization. Info: or 505-3440. • WEDNESDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am; SATURDAYS, 9am The Outward Hounds hiking club encourages the public to take adoptable dogs on Asheville-area hikes. Free.

• DAILY, 8am-8pm - Pet Adoption Day at the rescue center, 31 Glendale Ave. Open from 8am-6pm on Sundays. • TH (4/12), 6-7:30pm - A "Handling Around Other Dogs" class will offer techniques for handling adoptable dogs when they react to other animals. Held across from the BWAR adoption center, 31 Glendale Ave. Please leave family pets at home. Free. Info and registration: or 423-2954. • TU (4/17), 6-7:30pm - A "Walkin' the Dogs" class will help volunteers learn how to walk shelter and foster dogs. Held at Mountain Lights, 30 N. Lexington Ave. Please leave family pets at home. Free. Info and registration: volunteer@ or 423-2954. Hummingbird Program • SU (4/15), 2pm - A program on how to attract hummingbirds will be held at Wild Birds Unlimited, 1997 Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: 687-9433.

Calendar deadlines:

*free and paid liSTinGS - WedneSday, 5 p.M. (7 dayS prior To publiCaTion) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

Rusty's Legacy • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm Rusty's Legacy animal rescue will host pet adoptions at the Black Mountain Tractor Supply Company, 125 Old Highway 70. Info: rustyslegacync@aol. com or

Art 310 ART Gallery Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St., #310. Fri.-Sun., 9:30am3:30pm or by appointment. Info: or 776-2716. • Through MO (4/30) - The Appalachian Pastel Society's spring show will feature the "diverse talents" of its members. Info: American Folk Art and Framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon. - Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through WE (4/25) - Rested Soul, interpretations of agrarian wisdom by painter Lucy Hunnicutt. • Through TH (4/12) Approach, works by self-taught artists from the Southeast. • FR (4/13) through TH (5/10) - Prayer and Praise, small works by Karl Mullen. Appalachian State University 423 West King St., Boone. Info: or 262-3017. • Through SA (6/2) - Robert Goodnough: Abstract Expressionism and Beyond will be on display in the east wing of the main gallery. • Through SA (6/2) - Works by the Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition winners will be on display in the Turchin Center for the Arts. Art 21 Screenings • WE (4/18), 7pm - The sixth season of Art in the TwentyFirst Century includes 13 profiles of artists from five continents, gathered into four onehour thematic episodes. This screening will feature Change, which follows Ai Weiwei, El Anatsui and Catherine Opie. Presented by Courtyard Gallery in the upstairs library of Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. Info: Art at Mars Hill College Weizenblatt Gallery: Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. Info: www.mhc. edu.

24 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

• Through WE (4/18) - Works by Taiyo la Paix will be on display in the Weizenblatt Gallery. Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. • Through FR (4/27) - A silk shibori exhibit will feature works by Michael Smith (fiber arts) in the Blowers Gallery. Info: 251-6436. • Through TU (4/17) - Sense of Artistic Place: Perceptions of Place, works by Tatiana Potts, will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • Through SU (4/15) - The new media student art exhibition will be on display in the Highsmith University Union Gallery. • Through MO (4/16) - The Heroic Present: The Gypsy Photographs of Jan Yoors will be on display in the Karpen Hall lobby. Info: 232-5024. Art Opening: Karen Brown • TH (4/19), 6-8pm - Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St., Suite 201, hosts an opening reception for works by Karen Brown. Snacks and drinks provided. Info: Artist Plate • Through SU (5/6) - A collection of artist-made dinner plates and "related insights about food" will be on display at the Penland School of Crafts, 67 Dora's Trail, Penland. Info: or 7652359. Arts Council of Henderson County • Through FR (4/13) - Artists of Tomorrow: Secondary Student Exhibition will be on display at First Citizens Bank, 539 North Main St., Hendersonville. Mon.-Th., 9am-5pm and Fri., 9am-6pm. Info: or 693-8504. Info: acofhc@ Arts2People Artist Salon • FRIDAYS through (4/27), 8pm - Arts2people hosts an Artist Salon, featuring 12 local artists, music by Molly Parti and drinks. Held at 84 Walnut St. B. 100 percent of art sales benefit the artists. Free admission, $5 drinks. Info: www. Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and

Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: or 253-3227. • Through SU (8/26) - The Essential Idea: Robert Motherwell’s Graphic Works (abstract expressionist). • FR (4/13), noon-1pm - Art break will focus on works by Robert Motherwell. • Through SU (9/9) - Prime Time: New Media Juried Exhibition. • Through SU (7/8) - Fire on the Mountain: Studio Glass in Western North Carolina. • Through SU (10/28) Artworks Project Space: Hoss Haley Installation. • Through SU (9/16) - Ancient Forms, Modern Minds: Contemporary Cherokee Ceramics. • SU (4/15), 2-4pm - A Day of Glass, discussion with glass artists. Atelier 24 Lexington: A Gallery of Local Art Located at 24 Lexington Ave. Mon.-Sat., 11am-6pm. Info: • Through MO (4/30) - Original works by Kudulah. • SA (4/14), 6-8pm Reception. Bella Vista Art Gallery 14 Lodge St. Spring hours: Mon., Wed.-Fri., 10am-4pm; Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www. or 768-0246. • Through TH (5/31) - Works by Alfie Fernandes, Terry Hagiwara and Karen Margulis. Brevard College • FR (4/13) through FR (5/4) - A senior art exhibit will be on display in the Spiers Gallery. • FR (4/13), 7pm - Opening reception. • Through MO (4/23) - Works from the regional high school art competition will be on display in the Mezzanine Gallery. Castell Photography 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon-6pm; Sat., noon-7pm. or by appointment. Info: www. or 255-1188. • Through SA (5/26) - Spring Salon, works by Roger Ricco and Justine Reyes. Center For Craft, Creativity and Design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles

Road in Hendersonville. Info: or 890-2050. • Through FR (6/29) - Torqued and Twisted, works by nine furniture makers and sculptors. Civil War Sesquicentennial Photography Exhibit • Through SA (4/28) - A Civil War Sesquicentennial photography exhibit will be on display at the Haywood County Public Library, 678 South Haywood St., Waynesville. Free. Info: 452-5169. Clingman Cafe • Through MO (4/30) Beauty: Love: Power, works by Anne Bevan and Blue Fire MacMahon, will be on display at Clingman Cafe, 242 Clingman Ave. Info: or 253-2177. Crimson Laurel Gallery 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville. April-Dec.: Tues.Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun. & Mon., noon-5pm. Info: 688-3599 or www.crimsonlaurelgallery. com. • Through SA (4/28) - New works by ceramicist Ryan McKerley, featuring diagrams, Mayan glyphs and symbols used in mathematics. Events at the Turchin Center Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is located at 423 West King St., in Boone. Info: 2623017 or • Through SA (7/28) - STUFF: Where does it come from and where does it go? --Reflections on Costa Rica will also be on display. First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at Fifth Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. Info: www. • Through MO (4/30) - The Faces of Haywood Street, to benefit Homeward Bound and The Haywood Community. Mon.-Thur., 9am-1pm. Flood Gallery Phil Mechanic, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: or 254-2166. • Through MO (4/30) - Three Out of Two, a collaboration between the Asheville community and New York artists James Esber and Jane Fine. Flow: Handmade Adornment for Body and Home

14 South Main St., Marshall. Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: • Through TU (5/8) - Found: Art Objects from the Waste Stream. • FR (4/13), 6-9pm - Opening reception. Folk Art Center Located at milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Info: 2987928 or • Through TU (4/17) - Works by Cherly Hevrdeys (glass) and Martine House (fiber). • Through SU (5/13) - The American Association of Wood Turners Invitational Exhibition will feature 25 artists from around the world. Grand Bohemian Gallery Located at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Biltmore Village, 11 Boston Way. Mon.-Thur., 10am-7pm; Fri.-Sat., 10am8pm; Sun., 10am-5pm. Info: www.bohemianhotelasheville. com or 505-2949. • Through MO (4/30) - Works by Stefan Horik. Haen Gallery Located at 52 Biltmore Ave., downtown Asheville. Hours: Mon., Wed. and Fri., 10am6pm. Tues. and Sat., 11am6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 254-8577. • Through SU (4/29) - The View From Here, new works by Emily Wilson and Larry Gray. Haywood County Arts Council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86 in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: or 452-0593. • Through SA (4/28) Gardens, Mountains and Streams: An Artist's View of the Haywood County Garden Tour. • FR (4/13), 6-8pm - Artist reception. HCC Photography Exhibit • Through FR (6/29) Photography by Haywood Community College's continuing education digital photography class will be on display in the Haywood County Public Library's meeting room, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. His and Hers • Through MO (4/30) - His and Hers, new works by localartist David Tallitsch, will be on display at Asheville Art Supply,

344 Depot St. Info: Jonas Gerard Fine Art 240 Clingman Ave. Daily, 10am-6pm. Info: or 350-7711. • Through SU (4/29) - River Of Forgetting, works by Mira Gerard Singh. Info: www. Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts Located at 238 Clingman Ave. Mon.-Fri., 9-5pm; Sat., 10am6pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: www.odysseyceramicarts. com. • Through FR (5/4) - A ceramics show will feature works by gallery assistants Jan Cothran, Paul Frehe and Tisha Cook. • SA (4/14), 10am-6pm - A Second Saturday celebration will feature vases, planters and spring-themed art. Afternoon includes food, artists, live music and a raffle. Pat Passlof Retrospective • Through FR (5/25) - A retrospective of the late Pat Passlof's work will be on display in WCU's Fine Art Museum, 1 University Drive, Cullowhee, and Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, 56 Broadway St. Info: or 2272553. Pump Gallery 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: • Through MO (4/30) - Rough Beast: Paintings by David Brendan Hopes. Recreations • Through FR (4/27) Recreations, an exhibit of upcycled art, will be presented by Goodwill Workforce Development at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: awray@ • FR (4/13), 11am-2pm Reception. River Arts District Second Saturday • SA (4/14), 10am-6pm - Time to Revive, featuring members of Revive Asheville, will share information about upcoming events. Held at The Village Potters, 191 Lyman St., #180. Free. Info: Satellite Gallery 55 Broadway St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.thesatellitegallery. com or 305-2225.

Over 100 new Volkswagens in stock!

2012 Passat S 04/30/2012.

Asheville eArth dAy

photo contest week Five

*For details, visit See for more information on safety features. # Based on a 2012 Passat S with Appearance Package with automatic transmission, MSRP $23,730, excluding (transportation), taxes, title, other options and dealer fees. Monthly payments total $10,115. Requires dealer contribution of $1,230. Purchase option at lease end $13,288.80. $.20/mile over 30,000 miles. For all offers: Lessee responsible for damage, excess wear and insurance. Exclude taxes, title, options and dealer fees. On approved credit through primary lender. Supplies limited. Photos for illustration only.

Asheville Earth Day and Xpress have teamed up on a photo contest leading up to this year’s Saturday, April 21 Lexington Avenue festival. Photo entries are to be uploaded to the official Asheville Earth Day Facebook wall ( AshevilleEarthDay). Six winners will be selected, with the winning entries showcased each week, for six weeks, in an issue of Xpress in print or online at Each winner receives two VIP passes to the 2012 Asheville Earth Day festival (info at This week’s winning photo is “Two Squirrels,” by Amelia Page.


4 B i l T m o r e Av e n u e Downtown Asheville 277-1272



Specializi n g i n o n e- o f - a - ki n d a n d c u sto m j ewel r y DeBee r s & AG TA Sp ec tr u m Awar d-Winning D esi g n er / G o l d sm i th • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 25

consciousparty local girl’s wish comes true what: The Wish Ball, an Evening of Dreams, to benefit the local chapter of Make-A-Wish Foundation. when: Saturday, April 14, 7 p.m.-midnight. $75. Info: where: Crowne Plaza Resort Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive, Asheville. why: Four-year-old Ann Louise Atherton always wanted to go to Disney World. But when her parents found out that she needed in-utero surgery for a rare congenital heart defect, going on vacation was the last thing on this local family’s mind. But as Ann Louise healed, Make-A-Wish of central and Western North Carolina gave her something to look forward to. This national organization has granted wishes for children with lifethreatening illnesses since 1980. Some kids dream of meeting professional ballerinas or one of the New York Giants, and Make-A-Wish works to make these hopes come true. Make-A-Wish Central and Western North Carolina will host its biggest fundraiser of the year. This cocktail-attire evening will feature local chanteuse Kat Williams, as well as a slew of silent and live auction items. Some highlights include a chance to be “brewer for a day” at Highland Brewing, along with a NASCAR driving experience. There’s plenty to celebrate at The Wish Ball. photo: Ann Louise Atherton during storytime, one of her favorite ways to celebrate good health.

• FR (4/13) through SU (4/29) - New works by Dustin Spagnola. • FR (4/13), 7pm - Opening reception. The Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St., River Arts District. Info: • Through TU (5/1) -New works by Angela Eastman and Brita Nordgren. The Cutting Edge: The Language of Textiles & Fiber Art • Through SA (5/5), 11am5pm - Desert Moon Designs Studios and Gallery, 372 Depot St., Suite 44, "explores the language of textile and fiber artists that was forged through centuries of tradition, but speaks with a contemporary voice" in its latest exhibit. A portion of proceeds benefit Caring for Children. Info: www. desertmoondesigns-studios. com. Second Saturday at Desert Moon • SA (4/14), 5-7pm - Meet artists included in Desert Moon Designs Studios & Gallery's latest exhibit, The Cutting Edge: The Language of Textiles and Fiber Art, while enjoying treats from local food artisans. Held in conjunction with the River Arts District's Second Saturday

celebration. 372 Depot St., Suite 44. Info: Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: www. or 884-2787. • Through FR (4/27) - The Transylvania County Student Art Show. Upstairs Artspace 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., noon-6pm. Sun., noon-4pm. Info: or 859-2828. • Through SA (4/28) - Artists Among Us: 100 Faces of Art in Spartanburg. Watercolors by Carol Dye • Through MO (4/30) Watercolors by Carol Dye will be on display at Wells Fargo Bank, 101 Main St. W., Valdese, during regular bank hours. Sponsored by the Valdese Heritage Arts Center. Info: Watermedia Workshop Reception • SU (4/15), 2:30-5pm - A reception for Watermedia Workshop will be held at Kanuga Conference Center Inn, Kanuga Chapel Drive, Hendersonville. Info: www.Kanuga- Free and open to the public. • MO (4/16) through TH (4/19) - Additional viewings. Youth Art Month • Through FR (4/27) - Youth Art Month, a celebration of art by Jackson County students, will be on display in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. • SU (4/15), 2-3pm - Opening reception.

Auditions & Call to Artists A Midsummer Night’s Dream • SA (4/14) & SU (4/15) Auditions for A Midsummer Night’s Dream will be held by The Montford Park Players at the YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Info and audition times: info@ or 254-5146. Appalachian Pastel Society • Through WE (8/1) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will accept applications for its juried national exhibition through Aug. 1. Info: Birdhouse Competition • Through WE (4/11) - The Grove Park Inn birdhouse competition will accept entries

26 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

through April 11. Info: 2522711.

Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show • Through TU (5/1) - The Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show will accept applications from crafters through May 1. Info: or 669-4563. Brevard Fine Arts and Crafts Showcase • Through FR (5/25) Applications for Brevard's 40th annual Fine Arts and Crafts Showcase will be accepted through May 25. Info: tcarts@ or 884-2787. Clips of Faith • Through (4/16) - Filmmakers are invited to submit short films to New Belgium Brewing's Clips of Faith tour through April 16. Films on the themes of craft beer, sustainability and adventure are encouraged. Info: Fine Arts and Crafts Showcase • Through FR (6/1) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its Fine Arts and Crafts Showcase through June 1. Table and tent required. Info: or 884-2787. Hendersonville Art on Main

• Through FR (6/1) Hendersonville's Art on Main will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through June 1. Info: or 693-8504. Jericho Productions • Through SU (4/15) - Jericho Productions seeks one middleaged male actor for a twoperson play to be performed in June. Send resume: LAAFF Grants • Through TU (5/15) - LAAFF will accept mini-grant applications from artists through May 15. Info: kitty@arts2people. org. PaperWorks • Through TU (5/1) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its PaperWorks exhibit through May 1. Info: or 884-2787. School Garden Grants • Through MO (4/30) - The Extension Master Gardener program will offer grants of approximately $250 to schools with, or interested in starting a garden through April 30. Storytelling Series • Through SU (4/15) - LGBT, genderqueer, straight, sex-positive and orientation-

fluid storytellers are sought to workshop and develop pieces for upcoming performances. Submission deadline April 15. Info: boneandjointstories@ Summer Gathering Craft Show • Through TU (5/1) Applications for Marshall's Summer Gathering craft show will be accepted through May 1. Info: or (423) 972-1190.

Beer NC Craft Beverage Regional Exchange • TH (4/19), 12:30-5pm - The NC. Craft Beverage Regional Exchange Group will focus on fermentation and hop farming, along with a blind taste test of local brews vs. Pacific Northwest beers. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway #H. Free, but registration recommended. Info:

Benefits Acu-Roast of Cissy Majebe • TU (4/17), 6:30pm Celebrate acupuncture pioneer Cissy Majebe’s 60th birthday with an “acu-roast” at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old

Charlotte Highway. Dance music, beer, light appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages included with admission. All proceeds benefit Traditions Acupuncture Foundation. $20. Info: Appointments for the Earth • WE (4/18), 10am5pm - Pi Salon.Spa hosts “Appointments for the Earth,” featuring haircuts, color, facials and other spa salon services to benefit the Gulf Restoration Network. Held at 10 Brook St. Appointments required; salon prices apply. Info: • FR (4/20), 6-9pm - An additional fundraiser will celebrate the paintings of Amy Dougherty, featuring a silent auction and raffles. Asheville Community Yoga Fundraiser • FR (4/13), noon-3pm - A cookout celebration, with food from Earth Fare, will benefit Asheville Community Yoga. Held at 8 Brookdale Road. Donations encouraged. Info: www.ashevillecommunityyoga. com or 255-5575. Blessing of the Bikes • SA (4/14), 10:30am - The third annual Blessing of the Bikes, “an opportunity for all motorcycle riders to have themselves and their bikes blessed for a safe riding season,” will be held at MR Motorcycle, 774 Hendersonville Road. Open to all riders, ages and motorcycles, including dirt, street and custom bikes. $10 or $10 in hygiene items. Catered lunch provided. All proceeds benefit the Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry. Info: partsmanager@ or www. CarePartners Variety Show • TH (4/19), 11:30am-1pm - “CarePartners Variety Show: The Game Show Edition,” to benefit CarePartners, will feature a silent auction, live music, lunch and dessert. Held at The Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. $40. Info and registration: www.carepartnersfoundation. org or 277-4815. Cruise-In Fundraiser with Street-tiques • SA (4/14), 5-8:30pm - This fundraiser, to benefit Relay for Life, will include a poor man’s supper, auctions, a silent auction, cake walks, live music, luminary decorating, free door prizes and “lots of cars, trucks and motorcycles.” Hosted by Newfound Baptist Church, 2605 New Leicester Highway. Held rain or shine. Info: 6833178. Dance Like There’s Nobody Watching • TH (4/18), 6-9pm “Dance Like There’s Nobody

Watching” will benefit Life o’ Mike programs for those with chronic medical issues or disabilities. The concert will feature Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks, Mojomatics and more. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway. $12/$10 in advance. or 243-6712. Dine out for Cancer • TH (4/12) - A variety of local restaurants will donate a portion of their proceeds to the American Cancer Society as part of Dine Out for Cancer. Info and locations: http://avl. mx/cm. Family Field Day and Fun Run • SU (4/15), 1-3pm -This one-mile fun run and walk will feature Marcie the Balloon Fairy, hula hooping, face painting, door prizes, free refreshments and more. $10/children 2 and under free. Proceeds benefit parenting education programs in Argentina. Info and registration: I Like It Wild! • WE (4/18), 9pm - I Like It Wild!, a concert with Josh Phillips Folk Festival, Asheville Horns and Moses Atwood, will benefit the Environmental Paper Network and Indonesian rainforests. Held at Asheville Music Hall, 31 Patton Ave. $10. Info: Neurotypical • TH (4/12), 7pm - A screening of Neurotypical will benefit Asheville TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped Children). Held at Asheville Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. $10. Info: www. Pancake Breakfast • SA (4/14), 8am-10am - A pancake breakfast, to benefit The Civitan, an organization which supports children with disabilities and provides scholarships for high school students, will be held at Applebees, 4 Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. $8. Info: 3294974. Spaghetti Supper • TH (4/19), 6pm - The WNC Brain Tumor Support‘s annual spaghetti supper fundraiser will feature meat or veggie sauce, garden salad, garlic bread, desserts and soft drinks or sweet tea. Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. Takeout available. By donation. Info:, wncbts@ or 691-2559. Walk and Roll-Athon • SA (4/14), 9am-noon - The public is invited to raise awareness and money for the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina during this fundraising event at Carrier Park. The event

will include music by Chalwa, a performance by the Warren Wilson hula hoop troupe, activities for kids and opportunities for exercise and learning more about brain injury. Lunch and event T-shirts included. $20 early registration/$25 day of. Info: WCU 5k Races • SA (4/14), 9am - WCU will host a 5K to benefit The Kenya Water Initiative. Departs from the campus fountain. Day-of registration available for $25. Info: 804-516-6316. • SA (4/21), 9am - WCU will host an additional 5K to benefit Full Spectrum Farms. Departs from the Courtyard Dining Hall. Day-of registration available for $25. Info: 227-3378. Winesdays • WEDNESDAYS, 5-8pm Winesdays wine tastings will benefit a different organization each week at the Wine Studio of Asheville, 169 Charlotte St. $5. Info: or 255-5955. YWCA Black and White Gala • TH (4/19), 6:30pm - A Black and White gala, to benefit the YWCA of Asheville, will feature music by Westsound, a silent auction and food from local restaurants. The evening kicks off the Stand Against Racism campaign. Held at the Crowne Plaza Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive. $50. Info: or 254-7206.

Business & Technology Business Skills Meetings • MONDAYS, 6pm - The Entrepreneur Skills Network offers a business skills meeting in Room 246 of the Jackson County Justice and Administration Building, 401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Sylva. Info: 497-0160, 586-5466 or Free Tax Assistance • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (4/17), 10am-4pm - Free tax assistance will be offered at Pack Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 628-3662. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm - Tax assistance will be offered at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: 2504750. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm Tax assistance will be offered at Weaverville Public Library, 41 Main St. Info: 250-6482. • TUESDAYS, 10am-4pm Tax assistance will be offered at Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. Info: 250-4756. Free Tax Preparation • OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling will offer free tax preparation for families earning less than $50,000. Info and appointment: 255-5166.

Mountain BizWorks Workshops Mountain BizWorks is located at 153 S. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Info: 253-2834 or • MONDAYS, 1pm & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step towards accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: or 253-2834. • TH (4/12), 3-5pm - A class on websites, blogs and social media will be offered by Mountain BizWorks at Mill Spring Agricultural Center, 156 School Road. $15/$10 Mountain BizWorks members. Registration required. Info: adriana@mountainbizworks. org or 692-5826. • FR (4/13), 9am-4:30pm - A class on how to take advantage of free PR will be hosted by Mountain BizWorks. Registration required. $30. Info: NAACP Credit Awareness Project • 2nd FRIDAYS through (6/8), 11am-1pm - The NAACP Credit Awareness Project will provide free credit reports on a first-come, first-serve basis. Held at 91 Patton Ave. Info: Sourcing Quality Herbal Materials • TH (4/12), 6pm - Find out what makes some herbal raw materials superior to others and how to apply these ideas to your business at this course on A-B Tech's Enka Campus, Haynes Building, Room 228. $10. Info:

Classes, Meetings, Events & Lectures Asheville Newcomers Club (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us! or l 828.654.7414. Huge Church Auction (pd.) Friday, April 20 Free Admission Silent Auction and Concert 7pm. Regular Auction 8:30pm. Unity Center, Mills River 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. 828-891-8700 www. for an up-to-date item list Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (pd.) French Broad Imaging Sat. April 14th. We will familiarize you with its menus and tools to better edit your photos. Bring a laptop if you can to get the most out of this. The class runs from 3-5pm and costs $30. frenchbroadimaging. 828-575-2170

Private Lessons available $30 per hr. Learn to Knit at Purl's Yarn Emporium (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Beginning Knit :1st and 2nd Wednesdays, 6-8pm; Intermediate Knit: 3rd and 4th Wednesdays. • $40/4 hours of instruction. 828-253-2750. www.purlsyarnemporium. com Mac Basics Classes at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - iWork Essentials, 4th Tuesday iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - Garageband, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at Acrylic Painting Class • WEDNESDAYS through (4/25), 10am-noon - Acrylic painting classes will be offered by the Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. $30 per session includes supplies (except brushes). Registration required. Info: or 350-2051. American Business Women's Association Info: • TH (4/12), 5:30-8pm Monthly meeting will focus on "Tools for Thriving" with Alexsandra Lett. Register for dinner by April 9. $20. Info: Anger: A Cry for Help • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Learn how to bypass anger and resolve inner and outer conflicts from a calm, centered place with Kadampa Buddhist teacher Sharon Lovich. Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. Drop-ins welcome. $8. Info: Are Birds Really Dinosaurs? • TH (4/19), 6pm - This seminar will be led by Dr. Andy Heckert of the ASU geology department. Refreshments provided. Held at the university's new College of Education building. Free. Info: http://avl. mx/df. Asheville Bridge Room • DAILY - The Asheville Bridge Room offers games for beginners and advanced players at River Ridge Market Place, 800 Fairview Road, Suite C-1. $7 per game. Info: 299-0887. Aeromodelers Flying Club • SA (4/14), 2:30pm The Asheville-Buncombe Aeromodelers Flying Club will present a program on radio controlled modeling, followed

by an air show. Rain date April 21. Held at the Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston St. Info: 250-6486. Asheville Quilt Guild • TU (4/17), 7pm - Nancy Prince, a nationally-known quilter and thread painting artist, will present a discussion on thread painting at this meeting of the Asheville Quilt Guild. Held at the Folk Art Center, MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Guests welcome. Free. Info: or 665-6786. Brevard College Open Campus Day • FR (4/13), 9am - Open Campus Day for prospective students. Held throughout campus. Free. Info and registration: 884-8332. CLOSER • TUESDAYS, 7pm CLOSER, Community Liaison Organization for Support, Education and Reform, will host a meeting for LGBT members of the community at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. Info: Community Watch • FR (4/13), 11am - A program to determine which neighborhoods need a community watch program will be held at Lakeview Senior Center, 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Free. Info: 669-8610. Courthouse Tours • WEDNESDAYS, 2pm Historic courthouse tours will depart from 200 North Grove St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: 694-5003. Creative Prayer Flags • SATURDAYS through (4/21), 1-3pm - "Turn off your head and move into your heart as we learn needle felting." This group will explore prayer flags and create personal and collective flags to "carry our wishes into the world." Women only. Held at Our VOICE offices, 44 Merrimon Ave., Suite 1. Free. Info: Four Seasons Toastmasters • WEDNESDAYS, 8-9am Four Seasons Toastmasters invites the community to improve their public speaking skills. Held in the Smoky Mountain Theatre of Lake Point Landing retirement community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. $10 per month. Info: 606-9830. Henderson County Heritage Museum Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: or 694-1619. • Through TU (12/31) - An exhibit of Civil War military weaponry and uniforms. • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 27

Holocaust Lecture • SU (4/15), 2-3:30pm The monthly meeting of the Ethical Society of Asheville will feature Holocaust survivor Lotte Meyerson. Held at the Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Road. Info: www., or 687-7759. Improvisation Workshop • TH (4/12), 6:30-8:30pm An improvisation workshop, with writer and actor Darlene Cah, will be held at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave. $7/$4 students. Info: Junior League Spring Market • FR (4/13) through SU (4/15) - The Junior League spring market will feature discounted items, a girl's night out and "an afternoon with Beauty and the Beast." Held at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. Free to attend/ program prices vary. Held Info: or 254-5608. Lees-McRae College Information Session • SA (4/14), 1-4pm - Join admissions counselors to learn more about Lees-McRae College, meet other prospective students and enjoy light refreshments. Held at the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Info

and reservations: halla@lmc. edu or (800) 280-4562. Molecules in the Mountains Workshop • TH (4/12), 8am-5pm "Molecules in the Mountains: Highlighting Molecular Strategies in Modern Biodiversity and Forensic Sciences" will be held in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info and registration: molecules. NASA’s GRAIL Mission • FR (4/13), 7pm - A presentation on NASA’s GRAIL mission will focus on Moon photography. Evening includes a tour of the PARI campus, 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, as well as optical and radio telescope observations. $20/$15 seniors and military/$10 children under 14. Info and registration: www. or 862-5554. Ox Creek Community History Collection • SATURDAYS through (6/9), 10am-2pm - An exhibition will feature selections from the Ox Creek Community History Collection at the Weaverville Library, 41 North Main St. Free. Info: Ponderer's Cafe Group • TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - This easygoing, guided questioning aims to cultivate discussion and broaden perspectives on a variety of interesting topics.

Free to attend. Info: www. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/12), 4:15pm Asheville Chamber Music Series will present a preconcert lecture featuring works to be played at its April 13 concert. Held in the Reuter Center. Info: or 251-6140. • FR (4/13), 11:25am - “World War II and the Holocaust,” with Teddy Uldricks, professor of history. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. --- 11:25am “Representation and Cultural Intersection,” with Seamus McNerney, lecturer in humanities. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: humanities. or 251-6808. • MO (4/16), 11:25am “Second Temple Judaism and Christianity,” with Dennis Lundblad, lecturer in humanities. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: humanities. or 251-6808. --- 11:25am - “Be Baroque!” with John McClain, lecturer in humanities. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: humanities. • TH (4/19), 12:30pm “Can You Go Back Again? Some Lessons from Stream Restoration in Western North

Carolina,” with David Gillette, assistant professor of environmental studies. Info: 251-6645. --- 7pm - An "Economic Crystal Ball" seminar will focus on business and financial outlooks through 2013. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. Info and registration: kmoore@ or 251-6550. Recycled Junk Art Workshop • SA (4/14), 10am-noon & 1-3pm - A recycled junk art workshop will be held at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. $25. Info and registration: ashley@ or 253-7651. RV Camping Club • Through FR (11/30) - The Small RV Camping Club currently seeks new members. Info: or 369-6669. Scriptwriting Class • Classes on scriptwriting and story development, as well as Final Cut X, Reiki and Qigong, will be offered at the Flat Iron Building, 20 Battery Park Ave., on various days. Call for date, time and price. Free for nonprofits and low income residents. Info: 280-7287. Sexual Harassment Awareness Speak-Out • WE (4/11), 7pm - A sexual harassment awareness speakout invites the public to share stories, either in person or in

advance via email. Held in UNCA's Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. Info and story submission: speakoutunca@ SISTA Group • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm & FRIDAYS, 5:30-7:30pm SISTA, an educational program to help women avoid unhealthy relationships and STDs, will meet Thursdays at Pisgah View Apartments, 1 Granada St., and Fridays at the Reid Center, 133 Livingston St. Free, but registration requested. Info: or 252-7489. Valdese Heritage Arts Center Located at 146 Main St. W., Valdese. Info: 874-1849. • TH (4/19), 1:30-2:30pm - A workshop on Swarovski crystal rings will feature jeweler Diane Enger. $10. West African Drum Class • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Instruction with Adama Dembele from the Ivory Coast. All levels welcome. Held at the Terpsicorps studio, 339 Lyman St. $15. Info: www.terpsicorps. org. WNC Wheels Car Club Show • SA (4/14), 11am-3pm The WNC Wheels Car Club show will be held at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. $5. Info: www.wncwheels. com. World Affairs Council Programs Info: • TU (4/17), 7:30pm - Dr. Robert Olson, professor of Middle East history and politics at the University of Kentucky, will present "Turkish Foreign Policy: 2002-2012" in UNCA's Owen Conference Center. Olson recently returned from sabbatical in the region. Free for members/$8 nonmembers.

Dance Bharatanatyam Classes • Adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: Dancing's Fun! (pd.) Quick and easy lessons. Swing, Ballroom, Country Two Step. Very reasonable rates plus schedule @ your convience! Singles, couples, Learn at your location or Asheville, and Fletcher. 352-558-4200 Studio Zahiya (pd.) Monday 7:30-9pm Bellydance • Tuesday 8-9am Booty Camp Fitness • 9-10am Hip Hop Workout • Noon-1pm Groove Dance • 5:15-6pm Intro to Bellyydance

28 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

• Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Hip Hop, • 7:30-9 Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9-10am Bellydance, • 6-7pm Bollywood, • 8-9pm Hip Hop 2 • Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. Bhangra/Hip-Hop Aerobic Classes • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm Learn the lively Indian dance Bhangra, mixed with a little hip-hop, at this weekly series. Beginners and drop-ins welcome. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. $10. Info: www.holisticwithhumor. com/dance. Contra Dance • MONDAYS, 8pm - Contra dancing at the Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave. Beginners welcome. $6. Info: www. English Country Dance Dance as they do in film adaptations of Jane Austen novels. No partner necessary. Held at 19 Zillicoa St. Info: www. • SU (4/15), 4:30-7pm - English Country Dance. Beginners welcome. $6. Flashmob • The YMCA will host disco, hip-hop and swing music flashmobs, with the goal of gathering 2,000 people. Dance classes held at various locations and times. Free. Info and locations: (917) 710-2805. Intro to Jazzy Showgirl Series • MONDAYS through (5/7), 6-7pm - This five-week dance series will teach the basics of jazzy showgirl and burlesque, including how to strut, shimmy and chair dance. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. $65 for entire series/$13 for first class. After that, each class must be taken in succession. Info and registration: Spiral Spirt Ecstatic Dance • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm Weekly dances held at Sol's Reprieve, 11 Richland St. "We honor the wave, body exploration and stillness." $7. Info: or West African Dance • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - This high-energy dance includes live drumming. Held at the Terpsicorps studio, 339 Lyman St. All levels welcome. $12/$10 students. Info:

Eco Amazon Adventure • TU (4/17), 7pm - Simon Thompson, Asheville-based nature traveler, will "take a digital trip to the ecologically

diverse Amazon basin" during this meeting of the Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society. Held in UNCA's Reuter Center, Room 206. Info: www. or emas@ Asheville Green Drinks • WE (4/11), 7pm - Asheville Green Drinks presents a program on nuclear and environmental issues with Nobel Peace Prize nominee Helen Caldicott at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: www.ashevillegreendrinks. com. Bird Watching: On the Web and In the Wild • SA (4/14), noon-2:30pm This introduction to birding will demonstrate how to use the E-Bird website, which allows watchers to share and record bird sightings and become part of a national science project. A short hike/bird watch will follow the program. Held at The Health Adventure, Suite 620 in Biltmore Square Mall. Open to ages 10 and up. Museum admission required. Info: http:// • An additional program, "All About Birds," will run simultaneously and cover the physics of flight and include crafts and bird identification by calls. Free. Info: Experience Permaculture and Tour Earthaven Ecovillage • SA (4/14), 9am-5pm - This three hour walkabout intro to permaculture, with Patricia Allison, will be followed by a tour of Earthaven Ecovillage, 5 Consensus Circle, Black Mountain. BYO lunch. $25. Info and registration: http://avl. mx/d5. Green Building Council Open House Tour • SA (4/14), 11am-2pm - The WNC Green Building Council invites the public to tour a unique LEED Platinum-certified home at 35 Lake Ave., Black Mountain. "Efficiency, water conservation systems and a novel architectural design make this a model of green building at its finest." Info: info@ Guided Bird Walk • SU (4/15), 8:30-10:30am A guided bird walk will depart from the Grove Park Inn's Great Hall Lobby, 290 Macon Ave. $5 to benefit Audubon North Carolina. Info: www. or (800) 438-5800. Renewing Our Roots • SA (4/14) - "Renewing Our Roots," presented by the WNC Alliance, will celebrate the organization's founding with wildflower and birding hikes, along with a BBQ dinner, live music and more. Most programs free. Info, times and locations: or 258-8737.

RiverLink Events Info: or 252-8474. • WE (4/11), 10am & 5pm - A volunteer orientation will ask the question, "Who Is Wilma Dykeman?" Held at the RiverLink offices, 170 Lyman St. RRP Training for Contractors • TH (4/19), 8:30am5:30pm - This lead-based paint management training program is approved by the EPA and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Hazards Control Unit. Presented by the National Center for Healthy Housing at Green Opportunities, 133 Livingston St. Free for those who qualify. Info and registration: www.adryanaservices. com. Warblers Slide Show • SA (4/14), 9-10:30am - A slide show on warblers will be presented by Audubon North Carolina. Held at the Grove Park Inn's Fitzgerald Room, 290 Macon Ave. $5 donation. Info: or (800) 438-5800. Wild and Scenic Film Festival • WE (4/18), 6-9pm - The Wild and Scenic Film Festival will feature short movies about mountaintop removal and hydro-fracking, along with films that celebrate remote and beautiful places. Held in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. $10/$6 students. Info: www. or 258-8737.

Festivals ASU Science Expo • MO (4/16), 9am-3pm - See the great science that’s going on at ASU during this "open house" event, featuring demo shows, talks, exhibits, tours and hands-on activities with physics, astronomy, chemistry, health science, exercise science, psychology and more. Held in the university's Plemmons Student Union. Free. Info: Bob Moog Foundation: NC Science Festival • SA (4/14), 11am & 1pm The Bob Moog Foundation will present Dr. Bob’s SoundSchool as part of the North Carolina Science Festival in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. Free; donations accepted. Info: International Festival • WE (4/11), 10am-3:30pm - WCU's International Festival will feature music, dance and a mock wedding. Held on the lawn of the A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: or 227-2557. Mountain Science Expo • SA (4/14), 1pm - "From Beakers to Backyards" will explore the science at play

in our mountain community. Activities will include live animal demonstrations, video presentations, guided nature hikes with Arboretum educators and more. Held at the N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. $8 per vehicle. Info: Occupy Spring Festival • SA (4/14), noon-10pm Occupy Asheville will host a spring festival, featuring local bands, performances by the Occupy Asheville Street Theater Group, food and activities for kids. A General Assembly will meet at 3pm. Free. Info www. Planet, Star & Galaxy Viewing • SA (4/14), 9pm - View Mars, Saturn and deep sky objects such as star clusters and galaxies at ASU's Dark Sky Observatory. Free, but registration required. Held as part of the 2012 North Carolina Science Festival. Info: www. asu-dark-sky. Registration: NCSciFest. Public Stargazing at UNCA • FR (4/13), 8:30-10:30pm - The Astronomy Club of Asheville invites the public to enjoy views of Venus, Saturn, Mars, star clusters and more on UNCA's quad. Telescopes provided, but participants are welcome to bring their own. Held as part of the 2012 North Carolina Science Festival. Free. Info: www.ncsciencefestival. org/event/stargazing-unca.

Food Green Tea Tasting • SA (4/14), noon-1pm Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St., Suite 201, hosts a green tea tasting of its "awardwinning" Rishi teas. Sampling will include a broad variety, from Houjicha green to jasmine and Sencha. Free. Info: www. or 255-2770. Indoor Winter Market • WEDNESDAYS, 2-6pm - An indoor winter tailgate market will be held at Biltmore Park Town Square, 2 Town Square Blvd., Suite 170. Info: www. or 2361282. White Horse Spring Farmers Market • WEDNESDAYS, 3-6pm This indoor/outdoor farmers market features local meats, produce, cheese, breads, chocolates and crafts, along with fresh seafood from the Outer Banks. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Info:

Government & Politics Buncombe County Democratic Meeting • SA (4/14), 10am - The Buncombe County Democratic Party will meet at the Buncombe County Courthouse, 60 Court Plaza. Info: www. Israeli-Palestinian Foreign Policy Lecture • MO (4/16), 7pm - Helena Cobban, journalist, author and researcher, will address the forces shaping U.S. Foreign Policy towards Israel and Palestine. Held at First Congregational United Church of Chrtist, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: Meet Your Local Elected Official Day • TH (4/12), 11am-noon - "Meet Your Local Elected Official Day" will feature Black Mountain aldermen and women, as well as Representative Patsy Keever. Held at Lakeview Senior Center, 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Free. Info: 669-8610. OCCUPY/WNC • TUESDAYS, 7pm - OCCUPY/ WNC promotes economic and social justice for the 99+1% through its General Assembly and working groups meeting. Held in Room 220 of the Jackson County Justice Center, 401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Sylva. Info: 743-9747. Republican Women's Club • TH (4/12), 11:30am - A meeting of the Republican Women's Club will feature Jeff Hunt, Republican candidate for Congress. Held at Cornerstone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road. Women and men welcome. Free to attend; regular restaurant prices apply. Info: 277-7074.

Kids Asheville Youth Ensemble • Young musicians are invited to perform with the Asheville Youth Ensemble. Strings, flute, recorder, percussion and piano players welcome. Beginning music reading skills required. Info: ashevilleyouthensemble@ or 299-4856. Elementary School Dance • FR (4/13), 7-9pm - A dance for children grades 3-5 will feature pizza and a dance contest. Held at the Old Armory, 44 Boundary St., Waynesville. $5. Info: or 456-2030. Gardening with Children • WE (4/18), 10am - The Extension Master Gardeners of Buncombe County will present a program on gardening for children at 94 Coxe Ave.

Free. Info and registration: 255-5522. Hands On! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.handsonwnc. org or 697-8333. • Through MO (4/30) Children are invited to make art with recycled materials. • TH (4/12), 10:30am12:30pm - Bubble-mania will focus on learning and playing with bubbles. Appropriate for children ages 6-10. $15/$7 members. Registration suggested. • FR (413), 10:30am - Singa-long with Tania. --- 1-2pm - Royal Tea Party for ages 3-5. $15/$7 members. Registration suggested. • TU (4/17) - National High Five Day will feature activities for children of all ages. • WE (4/18), 11am - Hands On! will celebrate National Pet Day with crafts and books about animals. Healthy Kid's Day • SA (4/14), 1pm - The YMCA of WNC will host a variety of activities, including a performance by Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, games, bounce houses, fitness challenges and a flash mob in Pack Square Park as part of Healthy Kids Day. Free. Info: centers/asheville or 210-9622. Hip Hop Class • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm - A hip-hop class for children grades K-12 will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free for members/$20 pass for 15 visits. Registration required. Info: or 456-2030. Kids' Cooking Class • SU (4/15), 11am-12:30pm - A cooking class for children ages 3-5 will be held at the Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. $25. Info and registration: rochelle@ or 253-0701. Kids' Night Out • 2nd SATURDAYS, 5-8pm - Enjoy a night on the town or catch up on errands while the "dedicated, experienced childcare staff" of Biltmore United Methodist Church entertains children with "fun, educational activities." 376 Hendersonville Road. $5 per child. Info: www. or 274-2379. Playball • SUNDAYS, 10am - Playball encourages children ages 2-4 to learn life skills through lowpressure sports. Classes meet on various Sundays through May at times based on the

age of the child. Held at the Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. Registration required. $15 per class. Info: Shocking Science • WE (4/18), 3:30pm - "Feel your hair stand on end, light up a florescent bulb with your hand and see lightning indoors" during this program at Health Adventure in Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Free with museum admission. Info: Spring Break Camp • MO (4/16) through FR (4/20), 7:30am-5:30pm - A spring break camp will be offered by Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $20/$15 members. Registration requested: or 456-2030. Wee Naturalists • TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - The N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, hosts activities for children ages 2-5, including nature walks, garden exploration, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. April events include programs on seeds. Info: or 665-2492.

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Outdoors Beautiful Lake James Marina • Boat Slips Available (pd.) Beat the Summer rush and reserve a covered, uncovered or houseboat slip. Great location at Canal Bridge. Security, gas sales, marine store and customer lounge. Call (828) 584-0666. Birdhouse Weekend Events • FR (4/13) through SU (4/15) - The Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave., will celebrate its birdhouse competition with a slideshow about warblers, a guided bird walk and other bird-related events. The birdhouses will be on display through May 14. Info: http:// Boogerman Trail • TH (4/19), 9am - A 8.6-mile hike along the Boogerman Trail will feature tulip trees and historical artifacts. Transportation offered from Asheville and Wayneswsville. $35. Info, registration and location: or 452-0720. Celebrating Life in the Mountains • TU (4/17), 7pm - Celebrating Life in the Mountains will highlight opportunities for recreation and history on the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Held in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: 251-6140. Drovers Road Preserve

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The Grey Eagle - April 20, 2012 Special guests: Uncle Mountain & DJ Kipper Schauer

$8 adv/$10 at door • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 29

• FR (4/13), 4:30pm - A four-mile, difficult hike through Drovers Road Preserve will feature guides from the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy and Buncombe County Farmland Preservation. Bring a flashlight, raincoat and dinner. Registration required by April 11. Info and location: or 253-0095.

Events at REI Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or • WE (4/11), 7pm - A presentation on the Pacific Crest Trail will discuss terrain and climate extremes. Free. Info and registration: • FR (4/13), 7-8:15pm - A slideshow presentation by George Ellison will focus on the life and career of Horace Kephart, as well as his wellknown book Camping and Woodcraft. Free. Info: http:// • TU (4/17), 7-8:15pm - A presentation on hiking the Foothills Trail. Free. Info: http:// • WE (4/18), 7-8:15pm - A class on backpacking basics will cover gear for beginners. Free. Introduction to Kayaking • THURSDAYS, 7:30-9:30pm - An introductory kayaking class will cover the basics of whitewater kayaking with Nantahala Outdoor Center instructors at The Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Ages 10 and up. $40. Info and registration: (800) 232-7238. Lake James State Park

N.C. Highway 126. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • FR (4/13), 8pm - GLOBE at Night star party will focus on light pollution. A short discussion, constellation tour and telescope viewings will be offered. Held at the Catawba River Area campground. Registration required. • SU (4/14), 10am - A program on dangerous plants and animals will meet at the Catawba River area office. • SU (4/15), 10am - A hike along the Lake Channel Overlook Trail will depart from the Catawba River Area office. Old Time Plowing and Folkways • SA (4/14), 10am-4pm - Celebrate the Cradle of Forestry's opening day while draft horses plow a garden the old way. Attendees can also visit with a blacksmith, fiber spinner, wood carver, candle maker and cornhusk doll maker. Located in Pisgah National Forest, Highway 276 near Brevard. $5/children 16 and under free. Info: or 877-3130. Wildflower Walk • SA (4/14), 10am - Join RiverLink's Worth McAlister and Ed Schwartzman of the N.C. Natural Heritage Program for a guided walk focused on the region's "wonderful wildflowers." Trip departs from the main parking lot at Richmond Hill Park, 280 Richmond Hill Drive. Free. Info: www.riverlink. org/walktour.asp or 252-8474, ext. 17.

Parenting Events at Pardee Hospital

All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital. org or 692-4600. • TH (4/12), 6:30-9pm - A class on childbirth will be offered to expectant parents. • TH (4/19), 6:30-8pm - "The Art of Breastfeeding." New Baby Asheville • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm - Get support, meet other moms, share your story, ask questions and connect with community at this free weekly meeting. Info and directions:

Performance & Film Song O' Sky Show Chorus (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) 20 Oak Street Asheville 28801.(Enter Fellowship Hall-lower level). Guests welcome. Contact: Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. 9 to 5: The Musical • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/19) until (4/22) 9 to 5: The Musical, based on the movie with Dolly Parton, will be performed by Warren Wilson College students in the Kittredge Theatre. $5/free for students, alumni and staff. Info: 771-3040. AmiciMusic AmiciMusic is an Ashevillebased chamber music organization dedicated to intimate performances in non-traditional spaces.

30 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

• TH (4/12), 7:30pm - Totally Tango II will feature traditional tango compositions. A dance class begins at 5:30pm. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. $15/$5 children. Info: or 669-0816. • SA (4/14), 7:30pm - Diva will feature Jennifer Smith, winner of the Blue Ridge Talent Search Competition, performing opera, show tunes, jazz, pop and more. Held at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St. $20/children free. www. • SU (4/15), 7:30pm - An additional concert with Jennifer Smith will be held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. $15/$5 children and students. Info: www. Asheville Chamber Music Series Concerts are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church on the corner of Charlotte Street and Edwin Place, unless otherwise noted. $35. Info: 259-3626 or • FR (4/13), 8pm - The Pacifica Quartet will perform works by Beethoven and Dvorak. Asheville Symphony Orchestra All concerts are held at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium in the Asheville Civic Center. Tickets and info: www. or 254-7046. • SA (4/14), 8pm - The Asheville Symphony Orchestra will perform Mozart's "Jupiter Symphony," along with works by Stravinsky. Assembly Saxophone Quartet

• MO (4/16), 6pm - The Assembly Saxophone Quartet will perform in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: 227-7242. Bluegrass Jam • SA (4/14), 3-5pm - Wayne Erbsen will host a bluegrass jam to celebrate the publication of his new books, Bluegrass Jamming on Mandolin and Bluegrass Jamming on Fiddle. Held at Grateful Steps Bookshop, 159 S. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: or 277-0998. Classic World Cinema Foreign Film Series • FR (4/13), 8pm - Nazarín by Luis Buñuel (Mexico 1959). Presented by Courtyard Gallery, 109 Roberts St., Phil Mechanic Studios, River Arts District. Free. Info: or 273-3332. Film Screening: Nefarious • SA (4/14), 7pm - This award-winning documentary exposes the reality of human sex trafficking. Free. Childcare provided. Hosted by the Blue Ridge Vineyard Church, 501 Stone Ridge Blvd. Info: or http:// Flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse. org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (4/22) - My Favorite Things: The Music of Rodgers and Hammerstein will be performed at the Mainstage location. See website for times. $40/$38 seniors/$22 students. • TH (4/12) through SA (4/14), 8pm - Rocket Man: A Celebration of Elton John will be performed at the downtown location. $24. • WE (4/18) through SU (5/6) - Say Goodnight Gracie will be performed at the downtown theater, 125 South Main St., Flat Rock. $35/$22 student. Free Comedy Show • SA (4/14), 9pm - Ali Steinhoff will headline this gathering of comedians from North and South Carolina. Held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: Free Movie Night • SATURDAYS, 6pm - Hosted by Wall Street Coffee House and Emporium, 62 Wall St., featuring new releases, cult classics and old favorites. Free. Movie titles to be announced weekly at Groovy Movie Club • FR (4/13), 7pm - The Groovy Movie Club will screen The Iron Lady at a private home in Dellwood. An organic potluck will precede the film

at 6:15pm. Info and location: or 926-3508. Hooterville Hoedown Mini-Jam • THURSDAYS, 6-9pm - This open mic is held weekly at the Opportunity House, 1411 Highway 25, Hendersonville. No jam on last Thursdays of the month. Free. Info: Autumn Players • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (4/28), 7:30pm - The Autumn Players will present Hospitality Suite at 35Below, 35 E. Walnut St. $15. Info: Jon Vezner • SU (4/15), 7-10pm - Jon Vezner will perform at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place, as part of the Mountain Spirit Coffee House series. $15/$10 students under 14. Info: www. or 299-4171. Lee Ann Womack • SA (4/12), 7:30pm - Lee Ann Womack (country) will perform in Caldwell Community College's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. $38/$20 students and children. Info: or 726-2407. Low Tech Ensemble • TH (4/12), 7:30pm - Low Tech Ensemble will perform a gamelan concert in WCU's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242. Mezzo The Happy Medium • FR (4/13) & SA (4/14), 10pm - Mezzo the Happy Medium: A Haunted Comedy, Mafia-Style will feature Trey Ashe and Mezzo Gracioso from LaZoom Tours. Held at The Magnetic Theatre, 372 Depot St., Suite 50. $10. Info: or Milal Missionary Choir • WE (4/11), 7pm - The Milal Missionary Choir will perform at Montreat Conference Center, 318 Georgia Terrace. Free. Info: or (800) 572-2257. Montford Park Players • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (4/29) Shakespeare's As You Like It will be performed by the Montford Park Players at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. $12/$10 students and seniors/$6 under 18. Paywhat-we're-worth nights April 12 and 19. Info: Movie Club • TH (4/19), 10am - Sarah’s Key, based on the book by Tatiana de Rosnay, will be screened at Etowah Library, 101 Brickyard Road. Info: 697-4725. Music at Brevard College

Events take place in Brevard College's Porter Center for the Performing Arts. Info: www. or 800514-3849. • TH (4/12), 7:30pm Symphonic winds concert. Free. Info: 884-8211. • TH (4/15), 7:30pm - Nanci Griffith (folk). $30-25. • TH (4/19), 7:30pm - Senior recital by Jamison Adams (guitar). Music at UNCA Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: 2325000. • SU (4/17), 4pm - A gala concert featuring the UNCA Chamber Symphony, Studio 18 Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Big Band will be held in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5. Info: 251-6432. Oh My God Don't Stop • FR (4/13) & SA (4/14), 8pm - Oh My God Don't Stop, a one-woman show, will be performed at BeBe Theater, 20 Commerce St. $18/$15 in advance. Info: Open Mic • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Letters to Abigail hosts an open mic night at The Inn on Church, 201 3rd Ave. W., Hendersonville. Free. Info: letterstoabigail or Revenge of the Electric Car • MO (4/16), 6:30pm Revenge of the Electric Car will be screened in UNCA's Robinson Hall. Free. Info: or 258-7659. Sahkanaga • TU (4/17), 7:30pm - A screening of Sahkanaga will be held at WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: or 227-3622. Seduction Sideshow • SA (4/14), 10pm Seduction Sideshow will present The Stimulus Package, a "burlesque-ish" performance about the "exploitation, exaggeration and excitement of sex and money." Dance party to follow. Held at Club Metropolis, 38 French Broad Ave. $10. Info: www.seductionsideshow. com. Slice of Life Comedy • MO (4/16), 2pm - Stand-up comedy and booked open mic will include free snacks, drink specials and a raffle for charity. Professional video taping available for performers. Held at Pulp, below the Orange Peel, 103 Hilliard Ave. $5. Info and booking: sliceoflifecomedy@ St. Matthias Musical Performances Located at 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 2850033.

• WE (4/18), 7pm - The Renaissonics (chamber, dance and improvisational music) will perform as part of the Echo Cooperative's “Art Outside the Box” series. $15 donation. Info: or 545-8865.

The Altamont Located at 18 Church St. Info: or 274-8070. • SU (4/15), 8pm - Humming House (gypsy). $15. • WE (4/18), 7:30pm - John McVey (blues). $10. The Importance of Being Earnest • TH (4/12) & FR (4/13); TH (4/19) through SA (4/21), 7:30pm - The Importance of Being Earnest will be performed by A-B Tech students in the college's Carriage House Theatre. $10/$5 students/$3 A-B Tech students. Info: or 254-1921. The Magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: www. or 2574003. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (4/14), 7:30pm - The Evolution of Woman. $15/$12 in advance. • TU (4/17), 7:30pm Reasonably Priced Babies comedy troupe. $7. Transition Hendersonville • WE (4/18), 6-8pm Transition Hendersonville will host a screening of The Man Who Planted Trees at Black Bear Cafe, 318 Main St. Free. Info: Vaudeville Magic • SA (4/14), 10am - The WNC Magic Club will present "Vaudeville Magic: A Morning of a Variety of Magical Entertainment" at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. $5. Info: or 254-1320. WCU Jazz Festival • SA (4/14) & SU (4/15) Western Carolina University will host a jazz festival featuring Joel Frahm (saxophone), the Pavel Wlosok Trio and the WCU Jazz Ensemble. Held in the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. $10/$5 WCU faculty, staff and students. Info and times: or 227-2479. WCU Percussion Ensemble • TU (4/17), 7:30pm - The WCU Percussion Ensemble will perform in the university's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242. Wind Ensemble Concert • SU (4/15), 4pm - UNCA's Wind Ensemble will perform in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/students free. Info:

Seniors Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital. org or 692-4600. • MO (4/16), 12:30-4:30pm - AARP safe driving course for seniors. $14/$12 members. Advance, in-person registration required. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • MONDAYS through (4/23), 5:30-6:30pm - "Successful Aging" support group for seniors. Registration requested. • TH (4/19), 11am - A program on hearing loss for seniors. Free. Info: 669-8610. Senior Trip to DuPont State Forest • WE (4/11), 10:30am-4pm - A trip to DuPont State Forest will depart from the Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $10/$7 members. Info: or 456-2030. Taste of Therapies • FR (4/13), 10:30am-2:30pm - Sample therapies from local practitioners, including message, acupuncture, tai chi and more at the Senior Opportunity Center, 36 Grove St. Free. Walk-ins welcome, but reservations encouraged: 251-7438.

Spirituality A Barbara Marciniak Channeling Event April 27-28 (FridaySaturday) (pd.) Barbara channels the Pleiadians who share their perspectives about our changing world. Lecture/channeling Friday 7pm-10:30pm: $35. Workshop/channeling Saturday 10am-6pm: $90. Cash or money order only. Ramada River Ridge Hotel, 800 Fariview Road, Asheville. Reservations recommended: (828) 2986300 or ashevilleclass@ Asheville Compassionate Communication Center (pd.) 8 Week Course starting April 18, 6:30-8:30pm. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538. www. Asheville Meditation Group (pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the Insight/Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more

peaceful and focused mind. Our "sangha" (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm-8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am11:30am: Seated meditation and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 8084444. • Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. Awareness Group • This Saturday (pd.) Come relax and be inspired with Crystal and Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing, Breathwork and Guided Meditation. Facilitated by Isa Soler, LMHC, LPC, C.Ht. • Saturday, April 14, 3pm4:30pm, Lighten Up Yoga. • 60 Biltmore Avenue, Asheville. Donations accepted. isa@ Mindfulness Meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Soulful Communication and the Art of Relationship (pd.) A gateway to selfrealization. Intro: Friday, April 27 6:30-9:30pm. $25. 216 Asheland Ave. • Full weekend, April 28-29 10am-6pm, Flat Rock $235 (note: Friday evening intro required). Please visit for more info or 828-683-4221. Aramaic Healing Circle • 3rd TUESDAYS, 7pm Aramaic spirituality mystic Dale Allen Hoffman presents "a profound fusion of the ancient Aramaic teachings of Yeshua (Jesus), conscious breath work, vocal toning and crystal singing bowl meditations." Held at the Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. Love offering. Info: 253-2325. Body, Mind and Spirit Expo • SA (4/14), 10am-6pm & SU (4/15), 11am-5pm - The Body, Mind and Spirit Expo will be held at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge

Paid Advertisment • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 31



Commit by April 13 and SAVE. 251-1333 32 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

Road, Fletcher. $8. Info: 6871414 or 541-482-3722. Book Discussion: Who Are You As Soul? • SU (4/15), 11am-noon "When was Soul Created? What is our nature as Soul? Join this illuminating discussion and discover keys to a life of greater love." Held at the Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Info: www.eckankar-nc. org or 254-6775. Chant for the Planet • 4th SUNDAYS, 1-4pm - Soka Gakkai International invites the public to "chant for the planet" as part of this large and diverse Buddhist organization. Held at French Broad Coop, 90 Biltmore Ave. Free. Info: Cloud Cottage Community of Mindful Living Location: 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain. Info: www. or 669-0920. • SA (4/14), 10am-noon - A "Call to Forgiveness, Call to Love" workshop will feature journaling, mindfulness meditation and non-religious forgiveness exercises. By donation. • 3rd SUNDAYS, 8-10am Zen 101. Consciousness Connection • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 3-5pm - Read and discuss consciousness, based on the work of Dr. David Hawkins, and calibrate consciousness using muscle testing. $5. Info: www.consciousnessproject. org or 337-1852. Creation Health Series • TUESDAYS, 5:30pm Following eight principles found in the Creation story, participants will learn the philosophy for living life to the fullest at any age, adapted to any lifestyle, during this eight-week course. Held at 50 Doctor's Drive, Suite 2. Free. RSVP: 855-PRH-LIFE. Info: or Destiny Seminar • SATURDAYS through (5/5), 4pm - Discover your true calling based on biblical principles and dynametric programs during this four-week course. Held at the Asheville Event Centre, 991 Sweeten Creek Road. By donation. Info and registration: FCC Adult Forum • SU (4/15), 9:15am - The First Congregational United Church of Christ, Fifth Avenue W. at White Pine Drive, Hendersonville, will present Ed and Romella HartO'Keefe on the topic of "Belief Management: What is Avatar?" All points of view welcome. Free. Info: Kashmir Shaivism • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Explore the nondual philosophy and

practice of tantric Kashmir Shaivism with Madhyanandi. By donation. Info and directions: madhyanandi@gmail. com. Pray the Vespers • SUNDAYS, 7pm - The Asheville Orthodox Mission invites the public to pray the Vespers of the Ancient Orthodox Christian Church at 619 Haywood Road. Info: reviveASHEVILLE • MO (4/16) through SU (4/22) - reviveASHEVILLE will celebrate the "good news of Jesus" through "extreme acts of love." Info and locations: or Sacred Embodiment Center Located at 41 Carolina Lane in Asheville. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, noon-3pm - "Come-unity Time: Food, Healing and Soul Nourishment" invites the public to bring art supplies, instruments and food donations for a meal and community gathering. $5 meal/$3 soup. Info: or 216-2983. Tools for Change • SU (4/15), 1pm - "Tools for Change," a workshop about breathing techniques, meditation and more, will feature inspirational speaker Kim May. Held at Jubilee Community, 46 Wall St. Registration required by April 10.. Free. Info: 7340305. Trinity Lutheran Church 235 St. John's Road, Suite 50, Fletcher. Info: or 357-4068. • SUNDAYS, 10am - Sunday services will be preceded by Bible study at 9am. Unity Church of Asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:302pm - A Course in Miracles study group. Women's Yoga and Taoist Visualizations • SA (4/14), 2-4pm - Women's Yoga and Taoist Visualizations will focus on improving sexual vitality. Held at 347 Depot St., Suite #201. $25-$20 sliding scale. Info: heathercohen16@hotmail. com.

Spoken & Written Word Battery Park Writing Group (pd.) Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. Free! Contact Lisa

at 691-5472 or tokyotaos@ for more info. Accent on Books 854 Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 252-6255. • SU (4/15), 3pm - Jennifer Pharr Davis will read from her book Five-Star Trails: Asheville. Allan Wolf • SA (4/14), 4pm - Allan Wolf will read from his book The Watch That Ends the Night: Voices From the Titanic in UNCA's Karpen Hall, Room 139. Info: Asheville Storytelling Circle • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - The Asheville Storytelling Circle features "listeners as well as tellers dedicated to excellence in oral tradition." Meets at Asheville Terrace Apartments, 200 Tunnel Road. Guests welcome. Free. Info: www. or 667-4227. Attention WNC Mystery Writers • TH (4/12), 6pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave #A. For serious mystery/ suspense/thriller writers. Info: or 712-5570. Blue Ridge Books Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Info: www. or 4566000. • SA (4/14), 2pm - Ron Rash will read from his new book The Cove. Free, but tickets required. Books and Bites • TH (4/12), 11:30am - Books and Bites: Dori Sanders will read from her novel Clover at Lake Lure Inn, 2771 Memorial Highway. Food from her Country Cook Book will be served $25. Info and tickets: 625-0456. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486)

• WE (4/11), 6pm - A poetry reading from Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poets. PM • TH (4/12), 1pm - Book Club: Bloodroot by Amy Green. FV --- 2:30pm - Book Club: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. SS • MO (4/16), 9am - Volunteer training for the Preschool Outreach Project (POP), which aims to bring the "joy and excitement of books" to childcare centers. PM • TU (4/17), 2pm - Book club: "Books We Love" encourages the readers to discuss their favorite books. NA --- 7pm - Mystery book club: Shakespeare's Trollop by Charlaine Harris. BM • WE (4/18), 6-8pm - Library knitters club. SW • TH (4/19), 7pm - Book club: 1491 by Charles C. Mann. City Lights Bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. or 586-9499. • FR (4/13), 7pm - Rose McLarney will read from her collection of poetry, The Always Broken Plates of Mountains. • SA (4/14), 2pm - Thea Summer Deer will read from her book Wisdom of the Plant Devas: Herbal Medicine for a New Earth. A performance by Thea and The GreenMan (acoustic folk) will follow. Free. Events at Warren Wilson College Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and held in Canon Lounge of the Gladfelter Student Center. Info: 2983325. • WE (4/11), 6:30pm - Rose McLarney will read from her book of poems The Always Broken Plates of Mountains. Lauren Winner • TH (4/12), 6:30-8:30pm Lauren Winner will read from her book Still: Notes on a Mid-Faith Crisis at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. Info: or Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: www. or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/11), 7-8:30pm Local poet Tracey Schmidt will present a poetry workshop. Free. • TH (4/12), 7pm - Reiki master Deborah Lloyd will read from her book Believe It and It Is True. • FR (4/13), 7pm - Ron Rash will read from his new book The Cove, followed by an interview by author Brian Lee Knopp. $10. Info and tickets: 254-6734. • SU (4/15), 3pm - Margaret Brown, Thomas Rain Crowe and Ann Clayton will host "Books to Take Backpacking,"

sponsored by the Friends of the Smokies. • MO (4/16), 7:15pm - Comix Club. • TU (4/17), 7pm - A reception for World Book Night givers. Info: org. • WE (4/18), 7pm - Elizabeth Osta will read from her book Jeremiah's Hunger. • TH (4/19), 7pm - Danny Dreyer will present his new book Chi Marathon, "a cuttingedge, holistic approach to training for half and full marathons injury-free. Maureen Healy • TH (4/12), 7pm - Maureen Healy will read from her book Growing Happy Kids: How to Foster Inner Confidence, Success and Happiness at the Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. Free. Mountain Writers Meeting • 2nd TUESDAYS, 1pm Mountain Writers will meet at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St. Info: or 235-2003. Presentation of Poetry • TH (4/12), 3pm "Presentation of Poetry" will feature eight local poets. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 North Washington St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: 697-4725. Queer Girls Reading • SA (4/14), 7:30pm - Six queer writers will read original works in the Phil Mechanics Building, 109 Roberts St. Free. Info: 254-2166. Ron Rash • SU (4/15), 2pm - Ron Rash will read from his new novel, The Cove, at Jackson County Library, 310 Keener St., Sylva. Sponsored by City Lights Bookstore. Free. Info: 586-9499. Scott Huler • FR (4/13), 10:30am - Scott Huler will present a lecture as part of National Library Week. Held in WCU's Hinds University Center. Free. --- 7pm - An additional lecture will be held in the Jackson County Public Library, 10 Keener St., Sylva. Free. Info: or 227-3398. The Altamont Located at 18 Church St. Info: or 274-8070. • FR (4/13), 8pm - Chuck Brodsky (musical storyteller). $15/$12 in advance. The Magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: www. or 2574003. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 7:30-10pm - The Synergy Story Slam is an opportunity to share stories, laugh, learn and

build a stronger community. Registration begins at 7pm. Together We Are Strong • SA (4/14), 7pm - Firestorm, 48 Commerce St., hosts a reading of excerpts from Together We Are Strong, an ongoing zine project by Our VOICE, featuring stories, poems and artwork from those affected by sexual violence. Free. Info: www.firestormcafe. com or Writers Guild of WNC • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:303:30pm - The Writers Guild of WNC will meet at the Fletcher Public Library, 120 Library Road, Hendersonville. Info: or 296-9983. Writing From the Heart • SA (4/14), 10am-3pm "Writing from the Heart: Writing with Purpose and Plot" will be offered at 29 Regal Ave., Sylva. $35. Info: or 631-4587.

Sports Girls on the Run SoleMates • Girls on the Run invites girls grades 3-8 to participate in group runs and fundraising opportunities as part of the SoleMates series. Info: www.

Volunteering Patsy Keever for Congress (pd.) Is now enrolling interns for our 2012 campaign. For more information, visit http:// or email bruce@keeverforcongress. com. Asheville City Schools Foundation • Volunteers are sought for the Asheville City Schools Foundation's reading and math programs. Prior teaching or tutoring experience preferred. Info: or 3506135. Asheville Free Media • Asheville Free Media seeks volunteers for its local internet radio station. Be a DJ, plan events and be part of the community. Info: www.ashevillefm. org. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks adult mentors for bi-monthly outings. Activities are free or low-cost. Volunteers are also needed to mentor 1 hr./wk. in schools and afterschool programs. Info: www. or 253-1470 • TH (4/12) & TU (4/25), noon - Informational meeting. Buncombe County Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe

County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. Center for New Beginnings • The Center for New Beginnings seeks volunteers for community awareness and services for crime victims and survivors of traffic fatalities, suicides and other death-related incidents. Info: or 989-9306. Children First/CIS Children First/CIS is a nonprofit advocating for children living in vulnerable conditions. Info: or 768-2072. • Through TU (5/1), 2:305:30pm - Volunteers are needed at least one hour per week, Mon.-Thurs., to help K-5th graders with homework and activities. Info: or 768-2072. Council on Aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call A Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles and mileage reimbursement is available. Info: or 2778288. Hands On Asheville-Buncombe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www.handsonasheville. org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • SA (4/14), 10am-noon OnTrack: Copy and collate packets for distribution to individuals and families that benefit from OnTrack's various financial assistance programs. • SA (4/14), 10am-1pm; TH (4/17), 4-6pm - Fair-Trade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. Helios Warriors • Helios Warriors, a holistic therapy program for veterans, seeks volunteer licensed/ insured practitioners for a minimum of three hours per month. Volunteer administrative support also needed. Tues., Thurs., Fri. or Sun. Info: or 299-0776. Jewish Community Center • The Asheville Jewish Community Center seeks volunteers for party planning, receptionist duties and other projects. Info: or 253-0701. Literacy Council of Buncombe County Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 205. • WE (4/11), 9-10:30am & TH (4/12), 5:30-7pm - Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including

reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation will be held April 11 and 12. Info:

1 in 4 young people will get an STD. Get yourself tested today. Walk-ins Appointments

MotherLove Mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per is month required. Info: 254-7206.

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New Opportunities Thrift Store • The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, seeks donations for the New Opportunities Thrift Store. Volunteers also needed during store hours. Info: 692-0575. Our Circle • MO (4/16), 6pm - A meeting for those interested in volunteering with Our Circle, a program for young parents overcoming poverty, will be held at 207 Coxe Ave. Info: or 259-5300. RiverLink Events Info: or 252-8474. • Volunteers are sought to plan festivals, concerts and parties. Info: or 252-8474. WNC Knitters and Crocheters • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - The Fletcher Branch of the WNC Knitters and Crocheters for Others creates handmade items to be donated to local charities. Held at Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 654-9788. Young Parents Demonstration Project • Through MO (4/30) The Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry seeks volunteers to provide emotional support and guidance to young parents moving out of poverty. Info: 398-6995 or circles. YWCA Stand Against Racism • Through FR (4/20) Volunteers are sought for YWCA Stand Against Racism through April 20. Info: www.

Calendar deadline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365

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828-649-9408 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 33


parenting from the edge by Anne Fitten glenn

child ABuse prevention month BreAks out the Blue One in five children in Buncombe County has experienced abuse or neglect. Yes, that number is staggering. It equals more than 4,200 reported cases in 2011. Half of those kids were younger than 6 years old, and the majority were abused by someone they know (and probably trusted). And that distressing number doesn’t represent all of the abused kids. Many incidents go unreported. “So much of this exists in secrecy,” says Bill McGuire, director of Child Abuse Prevention Services, an Asheville-based prevention, education and counseling agency. Most tragic is when the report comes after a child dies at the hands of an abuser — which happens to four children every single day in this country. In truth, I’d rather not write about child abuse, even from a prevention point of view, because it’s something I’d rather not think about. But not wanting to think or talk about a thing, unfortunately, doesn’t make it go away. Clearly, this isn't one of my humorous columns. It fact, it's stomach-twisting in a whole different way. Sorry about that.

April, in addition to being a month of fools and flowers, is Child Abuse Prevention month. You may see symbolic blue ribbons around town this month, thanks in part to CAPS. “Our primary goal this month is to increase awareness of child abuse prevention and treatment,” McGuire says. “We hope more people will start or increase their efforts to teach personal safety to their kids.” He notes that this is a preventable tragedy. Educating both caregivers and children does make a difference. “One of the best things parents can do is to establish true open communication with their kids,” McGuire adds. CAPS will be presenting their prevention and personal safety program in city and county schools throughout the month, which offers a great opportunity for parents to talk to kids (saying "no," your body belongs to you). In addition, CAPS provides the “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” program — a free parenting education course designed to provide us with practical tools

34 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

and strategies for raising kids. Strategies are always good. CAPS also provides counseling and support to thousands of children each year. “Children are so resilient. It never ceases to amaze me,” McGuire says. While that's good to hear, it's not ideal. Not having abuse happen in the first place is preferable. One of the highlights of the month’s events will be the second Paws for Kids event on April 21. Hundreds of children, adults and dogs will be walking at Biltmore Park Town Square near the YMCA from 10 a.m. to noon to increase awareness and encourage involvement in protecting both children and animals.

The event, a partnership between CAPS and the Asheville Humane Society, will feature music, dancers, blue bandanas for dogs, blue ribbons for kids, a raffle, pets for adoption, a dog agility demonstration and more. “Ironically, there were laws in this country to protect animals long before there were laws to protect kids,” McGuire says. The Paws for Kids event offers a way to advocate for both. To register for Paws for Kids and to learn more, visit childabusepreventionservices. org If recognition and education can prevent one child from being hurt, that’s a difference. If it can stop many from being abused, that’s huge.

parentingcalendar Calendar for april 11 - 19, 2012 Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • TH (4/12), 6:30-9pm - A class on childbirth will be offered to expectant parents. • TH (4/19), 6:30-8pm - “The Art of Breastfeeding.” New Baby Asheville • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm - Get support, meet other moms, share your story, ask questions and connect

with community at this free weekly meeting. Info and directions:

More benefiTS eVenTS online

Check out the Benefits Calendar online at for info on events happening after April 19.

Calendar deadline

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365


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how does your garden grow: With help from volunteers, The Lord’s Acre provides food to those in need. Courtesy of The Lord’s Acre

By megAn domBroski

A little girl’s handwritten description of her weekly visits to the food pantry with her mother underscores how community gardens can help feed the hungry in Western North Carolina. “She wrote: ‘I really like going to the pantry, because I get to help my mom pick out the vegetables. I like picking out tomatoes,’ and she drew a big smiley face next to it,” recalls Cherie Becker, the director of Food for Fairview. The girl then wrote, “’It makes me sad when there are no cucumbers,’ and she drew a little sad face. It was really telling.” The note was part of a MANNA FoodBank fundraising event that asked clients to record their experiences with food assistance. For Becker, this child’s story illustrates the value of fresh produce, something many of us take for granted. Food for Fairview typically serves 65 to 70 people each week. Recent reports from the Food Research and Action Center rated the Asheville metropolitan area the third-worst in the country in terms of food hardship last year. In 2010, the area ranked seventh-worst. And as food-insecurity rates increase, gardening can help, notes Amy lanou, associate professor of health and wellness at UNCA.

“One thing we can do is grow our own food in our windowsills or gardens,” she explains. “If we’re growing more than we need, we can give some away. It would take some pressure off the food system.” Community gardens take the idea a step further, recruiting local volunteers to help maintain a central garden and then giving away a portion of what’s grown. The Lord’s Acre, a nearby halfacre garden, donates most of its produce to Food for Fairview as a way to build community. “Every Friday morning they harvest their garden and bring us barrels of produce during the summertime,” says Becker. “Then our pantry clients not only have the canned food to choose from: They have a lot of fresh things.” Unlike many such programs, Food for Fairview lets its clients shop for themselves rather than picking up pre-packed boxes. Volunteers walk them through the aisles, letting them select a specified number of items from each shelf, depending on their family’s size. For many clients, fresh produce is a welcome break from the standard dried rice and canned goods. “They love it: Part of it is the health aspect, but a lot of it is that it is different,” Becker reports. Some people, however, find unfamiliar foods intimidating. “Last year, the clients • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 35


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rooted in the community: The nonprofit garden helps locals living with food insecurity. Courtesy of The Lord’s Acre

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would see stuff like kale, and if they didn’t know what it was, they were kind of reluctant to take it,” she recalls. To ease that uncertainty, Becker wants to do more to inform clients about the available items. “I’d like to get a list of some of these frequent vegetables [The Lord’s Acre] will be donating every Friday,” she explains. “If it’s something unusual, I’d like to make a recipe card or something to make them more willing to take it and try it.” Overall, stresses Becker, clients are very receptive. The Lord’s Acre also emphasizes education as key to reducing local food insecurity, says susan sides, the nonprofit’s garden manager. She does regular presentations on various new gardening techniques. “We’ve had so many people say to us, ‘Because I can see it, it made me feel I can do it,’” she reports. “I have so many people point to the straw bale and say, ‘There is no reason in the world I can’t do that.’” Sides and her group’s 14-member board of directors get their hands dirty right alongside the interns and other volunteers. “I tell the interns, ‘The biggest thing that’s going to impact you is not the garden: It’s the community,’” Sides reveals. “They all just say, ‘At least I know it exists.’ It’s like finding the perfect marriage and saying, ‘At least I know it’s possible people can come together and have a good time.’” Community gardening, she notes, also enables people from differing socio-economic backgrounds to share their talents.

“It’s a way of letting people use their gifts and break down barriers,” Sides explains. “Maybe someone who makes $5,000 a year knows how to can, and someone who makes $60,000 a year doesn’t. There is some empowerment there. It’s not about what we have but what we come together to do with each other.” The Lord’s Acre is far from the only such local project. The Dr. John Wilson Community Garden in Black Mountain, for example, donates more than 4,000 pounds of vegetables to area food pantries and kitchens. Others follow different models (see box, “Get Growing”). “For me, the vision is really at a deep level: It’s making it OK for neighbor to connect with neighbor,” says Sides. “It’s not going to be a program you outline from A to Z. It’s dynamic, it’s organic, it’s messy — and it works.” X Megan Dombroski is a senior journalism student at UNCA.

get growing... Need a place to get your hands dirty? Interested in gardening with a conscience? To find out more about local opportunities, visit the American Community Gardening Association website (

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76 Patton Ave. • Downtown Asheville • 828-258-8511 36 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

wellnesscalendar Wellness Acceptance & Boundaries: The Keys to Loving Someone Difficult (pd.) Do you care deeply for someone who is hard to love? Call M. Wheeler, Counselor, 90- minute session for $50. 828-215-6653. Admissions Open House (pd.) Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medicine Friday, April 20th. 4-6pm 382 Montford Avenue, 28801. Free to public. Join us to learn about the admissions process and financial aid. RSVP 828-225-3993 or For details visit Are You Trying To Force Yourself To Change? (pd.) Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is a structured program that addresses the Emotional Root Cause of using Food, Alcohol/Drugs, Overspending, Overworking to feel pleasure, numb out, and/or comfort and soothe ourselves. • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes self compassion, brain health and grounded joy. Call 231-2107 or or visit website: Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation ("TM") (pd.) It's not contemplation, focusing on your breath, watching thoughts or trying to be mindful. It's a completely different process with far-reaching, scientifically validated benefits: During TM you effortlessly transcend thought to experience restful alertness or pure consciousness—the source of thought—revitalizing mind, body and spirit. Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • What health researchers say • (828) 254-4350. www. The REAL Center (pd.) Offers life-changing classes in Relationship & Intimacy skills, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Radical Honesty, and Somatic Awareness. Held in Asheville with Steve Torma, 828-254-5613, Alternative Medicine Health Fair • FR (4/13), 10:30am-2:30pm - An alternative medicine health fair will feature sample therapies, including message, acupuncture and yoga. Held at the Senior Opportunity Center, 36 Grove St. Info and registration: or 251-7438. Arthritis Aquatic Program • TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS, 9am10am - An aquatic program for those with arthritis will be presented by the Arthritis Foundation at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Regular admission/free for members. Info: or 456-2030. Arthritis Walking Program • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 3-4pm; SATURDAYS, 10:30-11:30am - A walking program, sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation, will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Regular admission/free for members. Info: or 456-2030. Back Safety • TU (4/17), 7pm - "Back Safety: Common Back Injuries, Spinal Anatomy and Avoiding Back Injury" will be presented at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $10. Info: or 252-5335. Body Composition Analysis • SU (4/15), noon-5pm - Park Ridge Health will offer free measurements of body fat, hydration percentages, body mass index and height and weight for overall body composition at Tryon Adventist Church, 2320 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Info: Chronic Disease Self-Management • WEDNESDAYS, noon - Take charge of your health with this six-week workshop for those with chronic health conditions and their caregivers. Held at Health Adventure in the Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. $30

for series; scholarships available. Registration required: 251-7438. • SATURDAYS through (5/19), 4pm - An additional six-week workshop will be held at Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church, 238 S. French Broad Ave. $30 for series; scholarships available. Registration required: 2517438. Clinical Uses of Appalachian Plants for Women’s Health • TH (4/19), 6pm - Take an in-depth look at regional native plants as they are used for women’s health, with Patricia Kyritsi Howell, author of Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians. Intermediate level. $10. Held on A-B Tech's Enka campus. Info and registration: www. Detox, Cleanse and Revitalize with Foods • SA (4/14), 10am-noon - "Detox, Cleanse and Revitalize with Foods" will be offered at Natural Import Company, 9 Reed St. $30/$25 in advance. Info: 299-8657. Events at Jubilee! Located at 46 Wall St. Info: or 252-5335. • TUESDAYS through (5/8), 7-8pm - Qi Gong. $12. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • WE (4/11), 8-10am - Cholesterol screening. Fasting required. $20. --- noon-1:30pm - "Breathe Free" support group. • TH (4/12), 8-10am - Glucose screening. Fasting required. $4. • FR (4/13), noon-1pm - Acid reflux relief. • SU (4/15), 2-6pm - Oral, head and neck cancer screening. • TU (4/17), 9-11am - Hearing screening. • TH (4/19), 3-4:30pm - A shoulder pain seminar will discuss causes and treatments. Families Eating Smarter and Moving More • THURSDAYS (4/19) through (5/10), 10am - Learn simple solutions for eating better and moving more during this four-week course at the Health Adventure in Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Children welcome. Snacks provided. Free, but registration required by April 16. Info and RSVP: 774-5433 or Free Health Consultations • TUESDAYS, 1-6pm - The Faith Community Nurse will be at SOS Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1, to discuss health concerns, assist with resources, provide free blood pressure screenings, pray with the public or "just spend time together." Coffee and refreshments provided. Info: 768-0199. Hard Exercise Works: Grand Opening • SA (4/14), 9am-noon - Hard Exercise Works will celebrate its grand opening with a high intensity, boot campstyle workout, followed by a reception, a raffle to benefit OAR (Organization for Autism Research), massages, food and more. 636 Hendersonville Road, Suites 85 & 95. Free. Info: or 575-2556. Look Good, Feel Better for Cancer Patients • MO (4/16), 4:30-6:30pm - A workshop on makeup and hair accessories for female cancer patients will be held at Hope Women’s Cancer Center, 100 Ridgefield Court. Info and registration: 254-6931. Nerve Injuries • TH (4/12), 5-6pm - A discussion of laser therapy for nerve injuries will be held at Fairview Chiropractic Center, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Free. Info and registration: 628-7800. Park Ridge Hospital 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Info: or 684-8501. • WE (4/11), 1-4pm - Park Ridge Health will offer free bone density screenings for men and women at the Hendersonville Wal-Mart, 250 Highlands Square Drive.


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wellnesscalendar Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. No appointment required. Info: --1-4pm - PSA screenings will be offered at Wal-Mart to men 50 years of age or older, 40 and older if father or brother had prostate cancer. $10. No appointment required. Info: www. • TU (4/17), 4-6pm - Park Ridge Health will offer free bone density and blood pressure screenings at Golden Living Retirement Center 1510 Hebron Road, Hendersonville. Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. No appointment required. • WE (4/18), 10am-1pm - Park Ridge Health will offer free bone density screenings for men and women. Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. PSA screenings

will be offered to men 50 years of age or older, 40 and older if father or brother had prostate cancer. $10. No appointment required. Held at Arden Woods, 2400 Appalachian Blvd., Arden.

Smoking Cessation Course • WEDNESDAYS (4/18) through (5/30), 10:30am - Park Ridge Health presents this seven-week course, designed by the American Lung Association and administered by Park Ridge Health Wellness Certified Instructors, at Health Adventure in Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Free. Registration required by April 16. Info: www.parkridgehealth. org or 855 PRH-LIFE. Sound Healing Concert

• 1st and 3rd SUNDAYS, noon-1pm - Linda Go vocalizes with Billy Zanski on gongs, chakra bowls, kora and melodic percussion at Skinny Beats Drum Shop, 4 Eagle St. Vibrational healing for all. By donation. Info: 776-3786. Spring Detox Flow Class • SA (4/14), 2:30-4:30pm - A spring detox flow class will be held at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $25 donation. The Red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 2583888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (4/11), 6-10:30am - Blood drive: Nypro, 100 Vista Blvd., Arden. Info: 684-3141. • TH (4/12), 1:30-6pm - Blood drive: Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, 117 Montreat Road. Info: 6696729. --- 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: Francis Asbury United Methodist Church, 725 Asbury Road, Candler. Info: 667-3950. --- 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: North Point Baptist Church, 119 Monticello Road, Weaverville. Info: 658-2226. • SU (4/15), 8:30am-1pm - Blood drive: Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave. Info: 694-0869. • TU (4/17), 9am-1pm - Blood drive: YMCA, 30 Woodfin St. Info: 210-9622. --- 11:30am-5pm - Blood drive: UNCA's Highsmith Student Center, 1 University Heights. Info: Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes • MONDAYS, 11:45pm & WEDNESDAYS, 9am - Vinyasa flow yoga will be offered at the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. $15 for 90 min./$12 for 60 min. Info: Yoga for Cancer Survivors • THURSDAYS, 3:45pm - This class incorporates a series of poses that will increase flexibility, bring healing energy to the areas that need it most, calm the nervous system and relax the mind and body. Presented by Saraswati. Held at the Asheville Yoga Center's Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Pay what you will. Info: Yoga for Women • SA (4/14), 6pm - "Yoga for Women" will be held at 8 Brookdale Road. $15 donation. Info: or 255-5575. Yoga for Women's Health • TUESDAYS, noon - This integrative yoga class incorporates Chinese medicine for overall health, with a focus on balancing hormones for women of all ages. Presented by Saraswati. Held at the Asheville Yoga Center's Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Pay what you will. Info: www.

Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren. org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group, Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution,” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road.

38 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

• WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 8pm - "Listen and Learn," St. John's Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - "Parents of Children with Alcoholism," West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. --- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. --- 8pm - Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte St. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. --- 8pm - "Lambda," Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. • SATURDAYS, 10am - "One Day at a Time," First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th Avenues, Hendersonville. --- 10am - "Grace Fireside," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 10am - "Saturday Serenity," St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte Street at Macon Avenue. --- noon - "Courage to Change," Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte St. --- 6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --8pm - "Discovery," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. --- 5:30pm - "Steps to Recovery," Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. --- 7pm - "One Day at a Time," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. --- 8pm - Transylvania men's meeting, Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. Brainstormers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Join this survivor-led support group for brain injury/concussion sufferers and their allies. Meetings consist of sharing, listening and reflection. Held at Trinity UM Church, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 254-0507 or Chronic Pain Support Group • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: (770) 846-0651. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 367-0157. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666. Connections Group • Learn to strengthen relationships, improve selfawareness and build internal resilience during this 12-week course led by professional counselors. Based on the work of Brene Brown. Times to be determined. $40. Info: or 258-5204. Eating Disorder Support Group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Meetings focus on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: or 337-4685. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600.

wellnesscontinued • WEDNESDAYS through (4/25) - Vet Center Out Station, a support group for veterans. Registration required before attending first meeting. Info and times: 271-2711. • TH (4/12), 5-6:30pm - National Alliance on Mental Illness adult support group. Registration not required. • TU (4/17), 6:30-8pm - Bipolar support group. Registration not required. • TU (4/17), 4:15-5:15pm - Big and Loud Crowd support group for graduates of LSVT/LOUD or LSVT/BIG. Info: 698-6774. • WE (4/18), noon-1pm - Sjogren's Syndrome support group. --- 1-3pm - Myasthenia Gravis support group. • WE (4/18), 10-11:30am - Diabetes support group. Registration not required. • TH (4/19), 6:30-7:30pm - "Us Too," a support group for men with prostate cancer and their significant others. Registration not required. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 989-3227. Grief Share • SUNDAYS, 2pm - A grief recovery support group will meet at Living Hope Community Church, 697 Haywood Road. Info: 450-7575. Grief Support Groups • CarePartners' bereavement support services are available to anyone who has suffered a loss through death. Weekly grief support groups, a relaxation group, a Grief Choir, Yoga for Grievers and one-on-one counseling available. Donations accepted. Info: or 251-0126. Henderson County Stroke/Aphasia Support Group • TH (4/19), 3pm - Support group for stroke survivors and others dealing with aphasia. Caregivers, family and friends are encouraged to attend. Held at the Carolina Baptist Association Office, 601 Hebron Road. Info: 808-8635. --- 3pm - An additional support group will be held at the Park Ridge Home Health office, 895 Howard Gap Road, Hendersonville. Info: 687-5261 or LGBTQIA Support Group • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - The Center for New Beginnings hosts a member-led LGBTQIA Support Group, featuring "conversations in a safe place," at 34 Wall St. Free. Info: or 989-9306. Marshall Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting • FRIDAYS, 8pm - AA meeting at Marshall Presbyterian Church, 165 South Main St. Info: MemoryCaregivers Network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • WEEKLY - MemoryCaregivers Network support groups are free and open to anyone caring for a person with memory loss. Groups meet at a variety of locations and times. Info: 230-4143 or • 3rd TUESDAYS, 1-3pm - New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road. MS Caregiver • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - CarePartners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road. Multiple Sclerosis caregivers only (no spouses). Info: 684-2453. NAMI Family-to-Family • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, (4/17) through (5/24), 6-8:30pm - A 12-week class for caregivers and family members of those with mental illness. Free. Registration and location: or 299-9596. Oncology Community Support Group • 2nd FRIDAYS, 11:30am - Open to all cancer patients, survivors and families. "A time of caring and sharing with people who understand and have been there." Snacks provided; bring bag lunch if necessary. Held at Park Ridge Hospital's Burchard/OB Confrence Room, 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Free. Info: Overcomers Classes

• TUESDAYS - Overcomers support group, for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems, will meet in Mars Hill. Call for location and time: 689-9316. Overcomers Recovery Support Group A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with lifecontrolling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: or 575-2003. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men and women. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: O.A. Step Study group, Cox House, 723 N. Grove St. Info: 329-1637. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800-5804761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. Single Parenting • SUNDAYS, 4pm - "Single and Parenting" support group features guest experts on a variety of topics. Held at Living Hope Community Church, 697 Haywood Road. Free. Info: or 450-7575. WNC Adoption Network • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6pm - Are you adopted, a birth parent or birth relative interested in searching? Have you experienced a reunion and aren't sure what to do next? Learn more at these monthly meetings, held at the North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Info: or Women of Courage Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous • SATURDAYS, 10-11am - A 12-step recovery fellowship for women who want to stop living out a pattern of addictive sexual behavior and romantic obsessions. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Enter at front door of the annex. Info: or

More WellneSS eVenTS online

Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx. com/events for info on events happening after April 19.

Calendar deadline

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

The SWEET Truth… The USDA’s definition of “sugar” – … any grade or type of saccharine product … processed, directly or Leah McGrath, RD, LDN indirectly, from sugarcane or sugar beets and consistCorporate Dietitian, ing of, or containing, sucrose or invert sugar, including Ingles Markets all raw sugar, refined crystalline sugar, liquid sugar, edible molasses, sugar syrup, and cane syrup.* Recently the media has been buzzing with stories about the newest evil lurking in our cupboards and pantries and on supermarket shelves, also known as sugar. It is undeniable that sugar has calories and excess calories can lead to obesity which has been linked to Type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that sugars provide us with one of our key nutrients – carbohydrates; the preferred source of fuel for our brains and muscles. So if you pick up an item and see an amount of TOTAL SUGAR (grams) listed on the Nutrition Facts panel – you should put it back? Not so fast! The Nutrition Facts Panel doesn’t distinguish between naturallyoccurring sugars and added sugars. Here are some foods/beverage items with NATURALLY occurring sugars: Fruits and fruit juices and some root vegetables – contain fructose; beans – raffinose; milk/yogurts – lactose and galactose. These naturally occurring sugars are lumped into TOTAL SUGAR in grams on the Nutrition Facts panel, along with added sugars like SUCROSE, CORN SYRUP and HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (HFCS) in many items from yogurt to ice cream and from beverages to baked beans.

The best way to tell if your food product has added sugars is to read the ingredient list and look for: Brown sugar Corn sweetener Corn syrup Fruit concentrate High-fructose corn syrup

Honey Invert sugar Malt sugar Molasses Raw sugar Sugar

Sugar molecules ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose) Syrup**

* ** American Heart Association – via Sugars-101_UCM_306024_Article.jsp#1_natural_sugars_and_added_sugars

Leah McGrath: Follow me on Twitter Work: 800-334-4936 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 39


the main dish


wild ediBles Are in the mountAins — And restAurAnts — oF Asheville

By mAckensy lunsFord Ramp-mania is alive and well, but we caution you to — how do we put this? — chill the heck out. Ramps are victims of their own deliciousness, and Appalachian old-timers report that wild patches that have remained intact for eons (ramps are a perennial species) have been massively depleted. For wild eating without the dirty fingernails and trampling of the flora, many local restaurants are beginning to offer ramps and other foraged edibles on their menus along with the turning of the season. Table, Jacob Sessoms’ modern-American restaurant on College Street in downtown Asheville, is really getting into the spring of things. Above is a photo of just some of the wild produce the chefs were able to pull out of the coolers when Xpress dropped by. At press time, Table had gorgeous red wood sorrel, day lilies, morel mushrooms, redbud blossoms, violets, violas and ramps. Remember, the season for some of these early spring plants is fleeting. Want to try them for yourself? Visit for more information or to make a reservation. Still intent on finding your own? Read on for an excerpt from The French Broad, a blog written by local food maven and community figure, Mark Rosenstein, about a past spring’s ramp harvest. Read it for tips on how to harvest ramps as well as a recipe or two, straight from Rosenstein’s kitchen. You may also refer to this week’s Eatin’ in Season for tips on where to buy ramps locally. Photo by Max Cooper

40 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 • • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 41

food x foraged

eArth hAs come Alive hArvesting rAmps the sustAinABle wAy

Allium love: Washed ramps, cut from the stem — the sustainable way. Photo by Mark Rosenstein

Forest flavor: Ramps in their native habitat. Photo courtesy of ASAP

By mArk rosenstein Now that it is behind us, I can say it without fear of retribution — I hate winter, the short days, the gloom of fading light at 5 o’clock. I miss fresh food and savoring the flavor of sun on dirt, transformed into tasty goodness. I am weary of cooking beans and kale and cabbages. The return of longer days isn’t the only thing I have been waiting for. I have been waiting for the emergence of all those wonderful wild things that grow in the surrounding hills and mountains (not to mention the intoxicating fragrance of daphne — which is blooming now, as I write this). Since moving to Western North Carolina in 1972 I have foraged mainly mushrooms, but also poke salad, branch lettuce and, most wonderful of all, ramps. Allium tricoccum, or wild leeks, are some of the first plants to emerge in the spring, and are traditionally consumed as the season’s first greens. Ramps are considered a tonic because they provide necessary vitamins and minerals

following long winter months without fresh vegetables. I love them because they taste like garlic, have a fresh crunch and seem to get the juices moving again in my winter-weary body. This is most likely true, as research now shows that the sulfur compounds in onions, garlic and leeks have definite, positive medicinal properties. Last week I drove over to Stecoah, N.C., to meet up with Beverly Whitehead and Dustin Raxter. I met the two of them in Torino, Italy in 2006 when we were all attending Slow Food’s Terra Madre (a convention of producers of indigenous foodstuffs from all corners of the globe). At that time, we connected through our common interest in wild foods found in the Smoky Mountains. Over the past four years, we have worked together some on a project that Beverly heads up — The Smoky Mountain Native Plant Association. I have been working on an invitation to meet her group and gather native plants (including ramps). So, after a long time waiting, I was invited.

42 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

mountAin trout stuFFed with rAmps (serves Four) ingredients: 4 whole, small fresh trout, de-boned, 2 tbsp bacon fat or olive oil, 1 good handful of fresh ramps, cleaned, cut into 1-inch pieces (reserve some of the green tops for cooking with potatoes), 4 handfuls dandelion greens, stems picked, cleaned, 2 cups of cooked corn grits, (fairly soft), salt, pepper, 2 more tbsp of rendered bacon fat or olive oil, butter, vinegar. De-bone the whole trout if necessary, leaving them whole. Season the cavity with salt and pepper. In a heavy iron skillet (select a skillet large enough to hold all four trout), heat the first 2 tablespoons of fat over medium heat. Cook the ramps until lightly browned. Add the dandelion greens and cook until they are wilted and all the water evaporates. Season with salt and pepper. Add the soft corn grits to the mixture, mix well and heat through. Remove from the heat. Divide the mixture into four parts and stuff the trout. Reshape the fish. Wipe out the skillet. Over medium heat, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of fat. Add the trout and cook on the first side, about 4 minutes, until the skin is crispy. Turn over and cook on the second side until brown and crispy. Place the trout on four heated dinner plates. Wipe out the iron skillet, add a healthy knob of butter. Cook until the butter just begins to brown. Add a dash of vinegar (or lemon juice) and pour over the fish. Serve with some very crispy hash browns, seasoned with the cut up green tops of the ramps.

Breast of chicken with country ham and ramps (serves two) ingredients: 1 boneless breast of chicken, about 7 oz, 1 tbsp of bacon fat, 1 oz of finely cut country ham, such as Hickory Nut Gap or Benton’s, small handful of ramps, cleaned, 1/2 cups chicken stock, 1 cup finely shredded cabbage, salt and pepper. In a heavy skillet with a lid, heat the bacon fat over medium heat. Lightly brown the chicken on both sides, about 1 minute to a side. Season with salt and pepper and remove from the pan when browned. Add the country ham and the ramps to the skillet and brown and stir for about a minute. Add the chicken stock, bring to a simmer and reduce the heat. Return the chicken to the pan, correct the seasonings, cover and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes. Poke the chicken and make sure it is not getting hard. It should remain springy to the touch. At the 8-minute mark, add the cabbage and cover once again. If the chicken is done, remove it from the pan, keep warm. Cook the cabbage for about 4 minutes. It will depend on how finely you have cut it. Reduce the liquid slightly, if necessary. To serve, place the cabbage on the plate, slice the breast, dividing it equally on the two plates, spoon the sauce around. Serve with grits or potatoes roasted with more ramps. Ramps are an endangered species; on the USDA plant list they are listed as “special concern, commercially exploited.” Some of the work that SMNPA does is to train their members in sustainable harvest, as well as carrying out cultivation trials. So, it didn’t seem strange that I was told I would be blindfolded when we left the SMNPA office on a drive out into the mountains (it is true that ramps do have a broad range in the eastern North American mountains. However, the fact that in recent years wild ramps are becoming “stylish” in many restaurants has resulted in ecological pressure on these plants as a result of over-harvesting and unsustainable practices). The life cycle of a ramp is six years from seed to seedbearing plant. The plant will regenerate from a stalk harvested in a manner that leaves the roots in the ground. For this reason, never purchase ramps with the roots attached. As we were still a month ahead of the scheduled harvest, determined by the moon phase and other signs (“when the leaves on the maple trees are as big as squirrels’ paws, six weeks to corn-planting time”), Dustin was relying on his knowledge of the area and typical places the ramps would grow. I asked what the signs were: “moss-covered rotting trees, damp spots, nearby creeks, shade.” In virtually every spot he cleared, we found the tender shoots just emerging from moist earth, not yet warm enough to smell of “life,” composted leaf matter and fulfilled promise of another spring. Not everything we found was a ramp — which is something

to be wary of. Some were other types of lilies, other plants whose names I have forgotten. Dustin explained that he has been collecting in the wild all his life, but since becoming a member of the SMNPA, he has changed his view and his methods. Today, he only collects by cutting, never by removing the root plate from the earth. He has also learned to cultivate the plant and has a number of patches growing above where he lives (the area I was led blindfolded). He has developed a disdain for others who do otherwise, having come to realize the real value of these native and wild plants. The small amount of money he makes in the few weeks of ramp harvest keep his grandmother’s home in winter heat, where he lives with his wife. We hike for a few hours, we are quiet most of the time, as is the habit of one that spends a lifetime in the wild. It is my way in the woods as well, having landed in a similar spot to this when I first moved to the mountains. Our aim is not to collect much, rather, to reconnoiter and share some time together. We dig a handful, enough for Beverly to cook with some potatoes and a few for me to take home. The afternoon is glorious, a harbinger of the coming harvest. I will come back in a month to work with the crew, collecting and processing ramps. X


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Mark Rosenstein is the founder of The Market Place and the project manager for the GO Kitchen Ready Training Program. The program is currently accepting volunteers. Read more at or call 335-3328.

Joint NC State Engineering Programs at UNC Asheville

for a B.S. Engineering Degree • 828-251-6640 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 43

food x eatin’ in season

rAmps: A love story locAl And regionAl cheFs come together to celeBrAte the spring stAple By mAggie crAmer

Lunch Buffet 7 Days A Week

80 S. Tunnel Rd., Asheville, NC (Across from Best Buy)

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For the first time, ramps, the region’s most beloved early-spring green, are April’s featured food in ASAP’s Get Local initiative. Ramps and other local forest products are now becoming more and more available, but it hasn’t always been that way. “Not long ago, you had to go to the more rural communities to find ramps,” says John Stehling, who owns Appalachian Grown partner restaurant Early Girl Eatery with his wife, Julie. “Now, most of the tailgate markets, co-ops and some grocery stores have them. And, in the past several years, they’ve begun showing up more and more in well-known restaurants.” That’s because chefs are beginning to see ramps as true culinary treasures, something those in our area — especially those lucky enough to have them growing in their own backyard — have long known. “Ramps taste like a very pungent, earthy mix of onion and garlic. That may not sound that exciting, but to chefs it is.” says John. “They can be used as a substitute for leeks, green onions, chives and even garlic. They can be cooked in a wide variety of ways, and you can cook with the entire plant.” At Early Girl, John and his team use ramps in almost everything: quiches, soups, salads, as a garnish and in cornbread stuffing (recipe below). They sauté them, fry them, bake them — even pickle them. That doesn’t stop John from having a favorite preparation, though. “I think they’re best paired with wild mushrooms and goat-feta cheese over a protein, or freshly picked and cooked over an

rAmp cornBreAd stuFFing recipe From eArly girl eAtery ingredients: 1 cup celery, diced, 1 cup green peppers, diced, 2 cups locally grown or harvested ramps, diced, 1 tbs garlic, minced, 5 cups crumbled cornbread, 3 eggs, 2 cups stock, vegetable or chicken, 1 cup heavy cream, 1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped, 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper method: Sauté celery, peppers, and ramps with garlic until tender. Season vegetables and mix in remaining ingredients. Cook in a greased baking pan at 450 for 45 minutes or until done.

44 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

spring green: Vendors at ASAP’s CSA fair offer ramps and other early-season produce. Photo by Max Cooper open fire in a cast-iron skillet with a big chunk of bacon and a few potatoes.”

rAmp it up Expect to see and enjoy ramps’ versatility at “In Celebration of Ramps,” a dinner benefit for ASAP hosted by Early Girl Eatery in celebration of Get Local ramp month. Early Girl will prepare original recipes from James Beard Awardwinning chefs Andrea Reusing of the Lantern in Chapel Hill and Robert Stehling (John’s brother) of the Hominy Grill in Charleston, S.C. While both chefs’ restaurants highlight the hardworking farmers and thriving local-food scenes of their respective towns, they have a deep reverence for the Asheville-area’s localfood movement — and of course, a deep love for our area’s ramps — a veggie not found in their neck of the woods (pun intended). At the feast, to be held April 22 at 6:30 p.m., they’ll both be on hand to share these love stories and chat with diners. As for the recipes and evening’s menu, John will only give a few hints: local farm-raised sturgeon, aged country ham, foraged mushrooms and bamboo shoots. He does promise that the Hominy Grill’s worldfamous chocolate pudding will definitely be served. Tickets are $75, with proceeds supporting ASAP. They must be purchased in advance, as seating is limited, and can be purchased through ASAP’s website ( or at Early Girl at 8 Wall St. (259-9292)

To find out more about the event, and read bios of the accomplished chefs, visit ASAP’s community website

rejoice For rAmps There are lots of ways to celebrate April’s featured food. Purchase tickets now for Early Girl Eatery’s feast In Celebration of Ramps, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased through ASAP’s website ( or at Early Girl. Of course, Early Girl isn’t the only local food-loving restaurant celebrating ramps. Just look for the Appalachian Grown partner and Get Local stickers on restaurant doors and windows. Many will be serving them up over the next few weeks as farmers and distributors make deliveries. Also look for local ramps at area groceries and tailgate markets. Outdoor farmers markets have begun for the season. Find the opening dates of your favorite with ASAP’s new online farmers market calendar at FromHere. org. And browse for markets as well as businesses selling ramps via ASAP’s online Local Food Guide (updated for 2012) at Don’t wait too long, though. Ramps have the shortest harvest season of any Get Local featured food: just two to three weeks! For information about harvesting ramps sustainably and responsibly, visit X

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Th e in Ha th pp e ie Un s iv t P er la se ce

by mackensy lunsford send food news to

2011 Asheville Wing War 1st Place People’s Choice for Specialty Wings SUPER SUNDAY: All The Weeks Drink Specials in 1 Day All Sunday Long! MON: $5 Pain Killers TUES: $2.50 Drafts & Highballs All Day Long WED: $4 Letter J Liquors

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5PM - 1AM 7 DAYS

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Growin’ In The Mountains Spring Garden


Blue Ridge Horticulture Association

Friday, April 27 {9-6pm} • Sat., April 28 {9-4pm} WNC FARMERS MARKET (Brevard Rd., Near I-40 & I-26 intersection) Nurseries with varieties of annuals, perennials, vegetable plants & a vast amount of landscaping shrubs, bushes, & trees.

Meet the local growers! one of the largest horticulture shows in the carolina’s 46 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

cupcake stars: Some of the goodies that can be found from Take the Cake bakery, who will compete in this year’s Cupcakes vs. Cancer fundraiser. Photo courtesy of Take the Cake

this news takes the (cup)cake Want to experience a frosting-scented ballroom stuffed to the gills with thousands of cupcakes prepared by hundreds of bakers — all in the name of fighting cancer? Here’s your chance: cupcakes vs. cancer, formerly Cupcakes for Cures, takes place again at The Grove Park Inn on Saturday, April 21. Though the name has changed, the goals have not. All proceeds from the event, which pits professional as well as amateur bakers against each other in a variety of categories, go to support the American Cancer Society. Prizes and titles are awarded for the best of the best in categories that include cocktail and beer-inspired, local foods and retro cupcakes. Tickets to view — and taste — the efforts of the bakers can be reserved for a $25 suggested donation at and will also be available at the door. Registered bakers and those who reserve their tickets online can get in early to be among the first to see and taste this year’s cupcakes. Want to take your cupcake-tasting experience to a new level? For a $100 donation you can judge an entire category. Take it from us — the only thing better than getting to eat a ton of cupcakes is getting to pass judgment on them, too. Visit for more. take the cake, a local bakery specializing in unique cupcakes often made with seasonal produce and local goods, will compete at this year’s Cupcakes vs. Cancer. It seems that the bakery is getting used to battering the competition (sorry, we couldn’t help it). The chef and owner of Take the Cake, Anomaly Romano, along with her assistant, Tia Bednar, came in second place on the Food Network show, Cupcake Wars. “It feels great to finally see it and be able to talk about it,” Romano told Xpress after the episode was aired. “I am currently getting ramped up to begin the tailgate market season. I will be taking part in the Big Love festival in May, and [will be] starting to look for ways to expand the business in the near future.” Take the Cake products can be found at Asheville City Market, or special ordered directly from the company. To learn more, visit

shake it up: Jessica Adams mixes a drink at the newly boozy Crêperie Bouchon. pie time: Lunch at Strada with a pesto-and-tomato pie. Photos by Max Cooper

the Asheville food scene has sprung Full-blown spring has brought with it numerous changes to the dining scene. First, strada has opened in the building that once housed Tingles and a small handful of other restaurants. If the crowd that was gathered during a recent lunch service is any indication, 27 Broadway’s newest eatery stands to fare a better fate than its now-shuttered predecessors. Anthony Cerrato and crew turn out a menu of updated Italian classics. The lunch menu offers pizzas (all of which can be had gluten-free), pastas and salads, including a wedge-style grilled Caesar served with an anchovy crouton. The restaurant also offers piadas (traditional stuffed flatbreads, comparable to an Italian version of a paratha) and a small street-food style menu, complete with arancini and pizza by the slice. Lunch items run from $3 (for a slice of cheese pizza) to $13 (shrimp scampi capellini). The restaurant also offers half-glasses of wine and prosecco, which allows for perfectly respectable day-drinking. We’re giving you the go-ahead. Dinner items largely remain under $20 and lean heavily toward pasta, sauteed and grilled items, with more than a dozen appetizer and salad dishes and pizzas as well. For more information, visit Also, crêperie Bouchon has reopened, sporting a full bar and a new cruvinet for keeping the wine bottles at the perfect temp. And, speaking of temperature, the crêperie, which is not outfitted with a hood (as anyone who’s experience how oppressive the restaurant can get in the summer knows), now has a stronger air-conditioning system and dehumidifier. Did you notice the part about the full bar? Yes, you can now have a scotch or a gin-and-tonic with your crêpe (or while you’re waiting for a table at Bouchon) in the courtyard. Visit for more. And speaking of patio-sipping, the junction in the RAD has a brand-new spring menu, including a seasonally appropriate cocktail list, courtesy of bartendress extraordinaire, Sharon Wallis. For brunch, we particularly like the sound of the Bocce Ball, made with Mount Gay rum, Disaronno amaretto and freshly squeezed orange juice (although we hear that the Bloody Marys are strong enough to help you forget your Saturday night trespasses — not that we know anything about that). Chef Camp Boswell’s ever-expanding brunch and dinner menus are newly spring, too, with items like N.C.-coast flounder with smoked purple and fingerling potatoes, roasted fennel, braised sunchokes, shrimp broth and preserved lemon-thyme butter. The Junction is located at 348 Depot St. For more, visit • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 47

BlAck eyes & Busted Bones ActionFest leAves A wAke oF destruction By pAul clArk It’s Saturday, your phone’s not ringing, you seem to be dead to the world. So what do you bring home? Takeout, and an armful of action films, of course. The lonely heart’s secret pleasure is the public passion of cinephiles who want to elevate the status of the action film with ActionFest. The Asheville-based festival, which bills itself as the only international film festival dedicated to the action film genre and its “unsung heroes,” will screen two dozen movies over the course of one thrilling, knuckle-busting weekend. The first installments took place in Asheville, in 2010 and 2011. An action film festival is a perfect fit for a city known for its action sports, said festival director Colin Geddes, who is also the international programmer of the Toronto International Film Festival. “People come [to Asheville] for the outside sports and the arts,” Geddes said from his home in Toronto. “If you’re into action of the real kind, it’s a haven.” He said that people who live here are likely to appreciate “the exhilarating feel, the breathtaking experience you have, when you watch these films, when they’re well done. To see true, physical feats without trickery is pretty remarkable. Watching a lush, historical battle recreated, whether it’s in Asia, Europe or America, that’s a pretty hard thing to pull off. That’s why you don’t see a lot of low-budget Civil War epics.” The festival honors not only action films, but also the stunt people and second-unit directors who make the genre possible. First-unit directors are often charged with developing the story

ActionFest cArolinA cinemAs, diAnA worthAm theAtre, Fine Arts theAtre thursdAy - sundAy, April 12-15 ($100 AllAccess; single screenings Are $8, student/ senior $6, militAry $7.

48 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

high action honors: At left, gina carano, a pioneer in women’s mixed martial arts and star of haywire, will get the “Chick” Norris Award for best female action star. At right, mickey gilbert earns the lifetime achievement award. He’s been a stuntman in everything from Ben Hur to The Wild Bunch. Above, Gilbert in a scene from The Fall Guy.

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gatekeeper: Solomon Kane opens the festival.

from opening impressions to the rolling of the credits. The action scenes that punctuate the story are often filmed separately, sometimes in separate locations, by second-unit directors who focus on stunt work and truly alive live action. “Did you know there is no Oscar for stunt work?” Geddes said. “A computer effect from Avatar can win an Oscar (for visual effects), but a man that did all the battle scenes for, say, Saving Private Ryan doesn’t get an Oscar. Or the women and men that risk their lives to make cinema exciting. Without them, we’d be watching really boring films.” ActionFest presents a wide selection of contemporary action cinema from around the world. Films have come from as far afield as Europe and Asia, and closer to home, from Canada, proving that “action really is an international cinema language,” Geddes said. In its first year, the year that ActionFest brought actor Chuck Norris to town, it paid tribute to stunt doubles such as Mark De Alessandro (stunt double/coordinator for Sylvester Stallone), Paul Weston (à la Roger Moore playing James Bond) and Buddy Joe Hooker, the stunt double for Norris who performed all the car flips in Quentin Tarantino’s 2007 film Death Proof. Hooker received the festival’s lifetime achievement award last year. This year’s lifetime achievement award reaches further back into cinematic history. Receiving it will be 60-year industry veteran Mickey Gilbert (stuntman in Ben Hur and The Wild Bunch, among other films). Gina Carano, a pioneer in women's mixed martial arts and “Haywire” star, will receive the “Chick” Norris Award (best female action star). J.J. Perry (of Warrior and Haywire) will receive the ActionFest Fight Choreographer of the Year Award.

The festival headquarters will be at Carolina Cinemas. The opening-night film, Solomon Kane by director Michael J. Bassett, will show at Diana Wortham Theatre. The closing night film, Wu Xia by director Peter Chan, will be at the Fine Arts Theatre. Geddes described Solomon Kane as “a rollicking, swashbuckling, swordsand-sorcery film” created by Robert E. Howard, a pulp fiction writer who created Conan the Barbarian before he died at age 30. The star of Wu Xia is Donnie Yen, who is one of Hong Kong’s most recognized contemporary martial arts action stars. Part of the festival’s mission is to prove to the world that the action genre is as high on story value as it is on entertainment. “People consider it lowbrow,” Geddes said. “I actually had an academic friend of mine, when she found out I was working with ActionFest, said she doesn’t watch action films. I said, ‘Yes, you do.’ You love the Alien films, Children of Men and the Bourne Identity films. “We’re trying to show how broad these films can be. Last year, we showed Bellflower, an antiaction film about the obsession with pop culture based around action.” Before one screening last year, Geddes asked attendees to raise their hands if they were from Asheville. About 40 percent did. That 60 percent did not indicates that people came from far and wide, because “you can’t see these movies anywhere else,” Geddes said. “We’ve had people from Detroit, from Colorado and two carloads coming from Toronto.” “‘Why Asheville’ is usually the No. 1 question” the founders get, he said. “There is a lot of action that goes on in Asheville. Fire spinners and tall bike riders — ActionFest is for the locals, but it’s also to show off Asheville.” X Paul Clark can be reached at paulgclark@charter. net. • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 49

cAr chAses


& FrAcAs

A look At some surprising Films

on the ActionFest roster

By justin souther Logic tells us that a film festival’s only as good as what it’s putting on screen. Considering that last year’s festival included such eye-catching action movie luminaries as Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins and the wonderfully titled Hobo with a Shotgun, ActionFest 2012 has a lot to live up to. But fret not, as this year’s edition has a everything a selfrespecting movie fan might want, from the trashy to — yes — even the classy. I haven’t been given the opportunity to see any of this year’s films so far, so let this guide work as a quick and dirty primer to what I’m jazzed about seeing.

let the Bullets Fly Let’s start off with writer/director/star Wen Jiang’s Let the Bullets Fly — an agreeably stylish looking action comedy which co-stars Chow Yun-Fat. Set in 1920s China, and the plot involves a mobster who finds himself put upon by a bandit who’s taken over his town. Oh, and there are lots and lots of guns. The trailer makes the film look like a big, absurd and, thankfully, fun take on the Western that’s reminiscent of Jee-Woon Kim’s ActionFest 2010 entrant The Good, The Bad, The Weird. The reviews promise a film that’s part Kurosawa, part Leone, with a mix of political satire and cinematic invention, and is already the highest grossing domestic film in China’s history.

50 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

wonder women! the untold story oF AmericAn superheroines Tired of all these burly, bloodied men? The darkhorse in all of this is Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines a documentary straight from SXSW that focuses on how the role of women in the comic books of the ‘40s has evolved into the action heroines of today, and how our entertainment reflects our views of women. Featuring interviews with the likes of Gloria Steinem and Lynda Carter (and with a trailer that features my favorite Bikini Kill song), the doc shows the constant conversation between pop culture, feminism and female empowerment. In a year where actress Gina Carano is being honored for her work as a female action star, it makes total sense.

goon Looking for more comedy? Michael Dowse’s Goon is a good call. Starring Seann William Scott (who, let’s be honest, isn’t all that bad when he’s not in an American Pie movie) and Jay Baruchel (and co-written by Baruchel and Superbad scribe Evan Goldberg), Goon deals with a nice guy with a talent for punching people, who translates this into becoming a minor league hockey enforcer. Early reviews paint the film as a successor to Slap Shot (1977) but with more heart and less cynicism. Don’t let that fool you, though — the trailer promises more than its fair share of hockey-related fisticuffs.

mAnBorg Now for a movie I won’t shut up about (anybody who knows me can attest to that), and that I originally heard about at last year’s ActionFest from festival programmer Peter Kuplowsky: Manborg. Made on the cheap (we’re talking less than El Mariachi cheap) by director Steven Kostanski and his cohorts in Astron-6 — a Canada-based group of five multimedia artists who share a love of ‘80s genre flicks — Manborg is what low-budget indie filmmaking can, and maybe should, be. With a background in make-up effects in Hollywood productions, Kostanski mixes miniatures, Ray Harryhausen-like stop-motion animation and green screen effects to make a homemade dystopian sci-fi epic with roots in straight-to-VHS schlock and video games. Early reviews paint the film as goofy, jokey fun that thankfully never acts as if it’s smarter than the material it’s parodying. Plus, there’s no way a movie call Manborg can be bad

A gAng story Coming from the other side of the world, there’s a couple of picks from Europe. First up, it’s the simply named French flick A Gang Story, which is billed as the Francophile’s answer to Goodfellas. Directed by former cop Olivier Marchal, the film tells the story of notorious French gangster Edmond “Momon” Vidal. The movie looks very much in the vein of Scorsese (The Hollywood Reporter’s Jordan Mintzer writes about a movie heavy in pop songs) and Francis Ford Coppola's Godfather pictures.

heAdhunters And from Norway, there’s Morten Tyldum’s Headhunters. The film follows a corporate headhunter and general lout who moonlights as an art thief (apparently to compensate for a Napoleon complex). He steals from the wrong guy and soon finds himself in a situation that’s spiraling out of control, into more and more ridiculous and dangerous fits of peril. Headhunters is one of those movies that has critics throwing phrases like “non-stop thrill-ride” around, while The Hollywood Reporter calls it

“thoroughly ludicrous but never unentertaining.” Twitch Film even went as far as to evoke the mighty name of the Coen Brothers. Anyone looking for a straight crime thriller should check this one out, as Headhunters looks like the most purely entertaining film on the docket.

All of that’s what I’m looking forward to, and that’s not even the half of the wide array of action pictures being shown. I’d be remiss not to mention the film Ken Hanke’s most looking forward to (at least it’d be remiss to Ken Hanke) which is Bad Ass, a Machete-esque picture about a vigilante senior citizen played by, of course, Danny Trejo. Plus, ActionFest will include a couple of retrospectives, as Lifetime Achievement Award winner Mickey Gilbert presents Sam Peckinpah’s classic The Wild Bunch (1969), and Carano screens her favorite movie of all time, the Quentin Tarantino penned True Romance (1993). In all, it makes for a packed weekend of all the car chases, gunfights and fracas any cinephile could ask for. X Justin Souther reviews movies for Xpress.

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god Bless AmericA The film I’ve been asked the most about is Bobcat Goldthwait’s God Bless America. Hopefully, people have realized that Goldthwait — after sly, intelligent comedies like World’s Greatest Dad (2009) and Sleeping Dogs Lie (2006) — is more than that guy who talked weird in the Police Academy films (we do realize that, right?). The movie looks to take a much nastier turn than Goldthwait’s earlier stuff, revolving around a man (TV actor Joel Murray) who has an inoperable brain tumor, and decides to spend his final days offing only the most uncivilized dregs in American society. As a nasty bit of satirical pop culture schadenfreude, and combining Goldthwait’s pedigree as a director who refuses to pull punches, God Bless America should easily be ActionFest’s funniest film.

LocaL matters • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 51



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home All wAys

how midtown dickens Found Folk-y mAturity without sAcriFicing their sense oF wonder By jordAn lAwrence Early on a Sunday afternoon, the two girls and two guys who make up Durham neo-folk outfit Midtown Dickens lounge in the living room of member Will Hackney. Catherine Edgerton sits somewhat nervously in an armchair, bracing herself for questions about the band’s new LP. Her songwriting partner, Kym Register, is far more relaxed, testing out reeds for a clarinet next to the lanky Jonathan Henderson. Hackney excitedly describes a chance for new tour transportation. That week, he had seen an ad for an old bread truck with less than 200,000 miles on it. From there, the discussion explodes, each player jumping over the next with ideas. These include plans for the bread truck (Henderson suggests they bolt down a couch into the back), ways to enhance the minivan in which they currently travel and the pros and cons of pulling a trailer behind a small sedan. These days, Midtown Dickens spends a lot of time thinking about where they’re going. They’re also incredibly happy with where they are. “We have grown into sharing musical responsibilities a lot more as a band,” Register explains. That might not sound like a big deal, but for this band, it very much is. Midtown Dickens began five years ago as a twee-folk duo, Register and Edgerton picking up instruments as they went along, playing with a naive excitement that made their mistakes as fetching as their triumphs. Home, the band’s third salvo, is a far cry from their roughshod early output. It’s filled with spacious and elegant folk songs, lightened by experimental flourishes and carried to fruition by sweeping melodies. It’s a remarkably mature effort, especially for a band first known for their charming childishness. Dickens’ maturation first lead them to the expanded sonic palate of 2009’s Lanterns, which saw them bringing on three new members, including now-departed drummer Michelle Preslik. While that album engaged heavily in lon-

who Midtown Dickens, with Hope For Agoldensummer and Curtains

where The Grey Eagle

when Thursday, April 12 (8:30 p.m. $8/$10.

52 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

wide-eyed wonder: The band punctuates its moments of fragile emotionalism with expertly controlled clamor.

ger songs and strung-out experimental arrangements, the tone was not dissimilar to Oh Yell!, the band’s 2007 debut. In contrast, Home is stark and dramatic, with moments of fragile emotionalism accentuated by rich swells of expertly controlled clamor via guitars, pianos, banjos and saw. The songs demand new heights of confidence and collaboration. “It becomes this study of collaborating,” Register says of the band’s evolution. Now, there are no defined instrumental roles. The players rotate instruments throughout each performance. “I haven’t played music with anyone but Catherine and these guys,” she continues, “but I don’t record it onto wax or something that people are going hear and identify us with anybody else. I’m interested in playing in other ways, like by myself or with friends, which I’m starting to do. But this project is so comfortable for me to bring in this thing that’s extremely personal. All the songs that I write feel extremely personal. I just learn so much from the arrangements that everyone brings to the table.” As greatly as Dickens’ instrumental prowess has grown, they haven't sacrificed the wide-eyed wonderment that has become their signature. Their new songs are still filled with the same poignantly cartoonish imagery that defined their previous outings. On Home these symbols bear the weight of powerful emotions with surprising finesse. Carried into bittersweet life by a piercing

harmonica solo, “Elephant” picks apart cliched expressions about the titular animal to explore the stresses of the adult world. “What’s tougher than the thickest skin / You’re not the only elephant,” Register and Edgerton sing, trading the lines between Register’s gravelly folk croon and Edgerton’s bright country belt. “It’s like some kind of meditation about being able to release inhibition,” Edgerton says, explaining her songwriting. “What comes through when you release inhibition is the tiny images or pieces that have stuck with you in life. Depending on who you are, different things stick with you. One thing that’s really awesome about being an emotionally sensitive person is going through a day and seeing something or a piece of something and feeling for it. It can be the most arbitrary little thing. I think that’s the kind of stuff that people connect with, these little details that are really specific and full of color.” As conscious as the band is of such symbolism, it’s surprising that the album's images of “home” caught them by surprise. But when they listened to the result, they knew that had to be the title. As Register puts it, a home is “the space that you redefine everything else in.” By that definition, Midtown Dickens is home enough to support their still-growing talent. X Jordan Lawrence is music editor at Shuffle Magazine and a contributing writer at The Independent.

To our friends at New Belgium Brewing, from the Asheville Brewers Alliance,

WELCOME TO BEER CITY, U.S.A. It’s going to be fun having you in the neighborhood. You have made a great decision and couldn’t have chosen a better group of craft beer supporters and fans than the fine folks of Western North Carolina.

! s r e e h C • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 53


crooked Fingers Asheville rockers Archers of Loaf reunited just about a year ago, but lead singer Eric Bachmann has been carrying on without the Loaf in his own Americana project, Crooked Fingers. That group started in N.C. in the late ‘90s before moving to Seattle, Atlanta and finally Denver. The band is a platform for Bachmann’s powerful voice and eloquent songwriting, but there’s also a sweetness and warmth, both from the instrumental melodies and the harmonies of Liz Durrett. Crooked Fingers plays the Grey Eagle on Friday, April 13 in support of Merge labelmates Lambchop. 9 p.m. $12 in advance or $15 day of show. Photo by Justin Evans

christabel and the jons Knoxville-based Christabel and the Jons have been bringing their jazz-informed indie-folk to Asheville for a number of years now, but it never gets old. Just old-timey. The band centers around Christa DeCicco, lead singer/ songwriter/wearer of vintage hats/player of a 1950s Silvertone archtop guitar. She’s joined by Seth Hopper (violin, mandolin, trumpet and accordion), Jon Whitlock (the only actual Jon among the Jons, on drums) and Chris Zuhr (upright bass). The heavily touring group makes its way to Altamont Brewery on Saturday, April 14. 9:30 p.m., $5. altamontbrewingcompany. com. Photo by Brian Wagner

54 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •


Asheville Bellydance Festival Asheville-based teachers/dancers Lisa Zahiya and Mahsati Janan are pooling their talents to put on a weekend’s worth of classes and performances — all about bellydance. Study the basics of Saidi Egyptian folkloric music and dance, take a holistic approach to hand drumming or try Urban Fusion, “a fun and unique spin on contemporary belly dance.” Passes range $30-$175. Shows include the Festival Hafla on Friday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. ($7 in advance, $10 at the door for those not holding a festival pass) and the Festival Gala Show on Saturday, April 14, 7:30 p.m. ($15/$17).

Amy steinberg Performance artist Amy Steinberg describes what she does as “Goddess Rock Comedy.” She blends original music, poetry and humor “to promote tolerance, openness and diversity.” Steinberg, classically trained since age 4, has performed with the likes of Ani Difranco, Lisa Loeb and Vonda Shepard; her subject matter deals with empowering women, faith, sexuality and love. Steinberg brings one-woman spectacular Oh My God Don’t Stop to the BeBe Theatre on Saturday, April 14. 8 p.m., $15 in advance or $18 at the door.

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where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina CLUBLAND RULES •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar)

Black Mountain Ale House

Aotearoa, 7pm

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Harrah's Cherokee


Jack of Hearts Pub

Club Hairspray

Jack of the Wood Pub

Retro night ('80s & '90s), 10pm

Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6:30pm (sign up at 6pm) Rory Kelly's Triple Threat (rock), 10pm

Craggie Brewing Company

Straightaway Cafe

Creatures Cafe

TallGary's Cantina

Our Darkest Hour (industrial dance party) feat: Draven Arcaene & Catalytic Circus, 9:30pm-2am

Barley's Taproom

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm

Lobster Trap

Black Mountain Ale House

Sierra on Stage (songwriting competition), 8pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic

Club Hairspray

Sin (grunge), 8pm

Lyric (soul, rock, funk), 8pm

Salsa night (lessons, followed by dance) Dirty South Lounge

Ultra Rockin' Music Nerd Challenge (trivia), 9pm Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Second Breakfast (rock, pop)

Karaoke w/ Chris Monteith, 8pm-midnight

Open mic, 7pm

Old-time jam, 7pm

Karaoke, 10pm

Bluegrass jam, 6pm

Club Metropolis

Craggie Brewing Company

Game night, 8pm

Floppy Thursdays w/ Molly (eclectic music series), 8pm

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Paul Cataldo (Americana)

Creatures Cafe

Dirty South Lounge

Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Westville Pub

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Wild Wing Cafe

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Harrah's Cherokee

Thu., April 12

Good Stuff

Emerald Lounge

Signal Path (electronica) w/ Panther God, 9:30pm Asheville Sax Duet (jazz)

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Arcade Idol, 10pm Athena's Club

Jack of the Wood Pub

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 8-10pm ARCADE

Trivia, 9pm

Old-time jam, 6pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Barley's Taproom

Alien Music Club (jazz jam)

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Back stage: Invisible Three Lobster Trap

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm Olive or Twist

Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) One Stop Deli & Bar

Peggy's All Girl Singer Showcase feat: Aileen Pearlman, Peggy Ratusz, Eileen Kennedy & Kate Barber

Junior Brown (honky-tonk, rock) w/ Southbound Turnaround, 7pm

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

Open mic/jam, 7pm The Bywater

Jack of Hearts Pub


Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)

Coping Stone (world, roots)

Live comedy, 8:30pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Olive or Twist

One Stop Deli & Bar

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Wed., April 11

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

Dirty Bingo, 9pm

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Roosterscratch (singer-songwriters), 7pm

Ribs & Whiskey feat: The Kendall Huntley band (bluegrass), 5pm Blood Sugar Sex Magik (Red Hot Chili Peppers tribute), 10pm Orange Peel

EOTO (dubstep) w/ Kraddy, 9pm Pisgah Brewing Company

Jeff Coffin Mu'Tet feat: Felix Pastorius (jazz), 9pm Purple Onion Cafe

Brent Byrd (singer-songwriter), 6pm

Michael Reno Harrell (singer-songwriter)

Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul), 6:30pm

Root Bar No. 1

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Midtown Dickens (Americana, folk) w/ Hope for Agoldensummer & Curtains, 8:30pm

Dance night

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

The Altamont Theater

Kevin Scanlon (bluegrass, folk) Spurs

TallGary's Cantina

Asheville Music Showcase, 8pm


FRI. 4/13 Atomic Sauce

thursday, april 12

(jazz-fusion, rock, blues)

an evening with

SAT. 4/14

W E D. A P R I L 11

“The Mix” 96.5 House Band


Host of WNC Chefs Challenge


(classic dance hits)

April 17

Chef Jason Roy of Lexington Avenue Brewery (LAB) vs. Chef Jason Rowland of Magnetic Field Cafe. Make reservations online at

4/12 FRI

Midtown dickens,

hope for a golden suMMer & curtains 8:30pM

laMbchop w/ crooked fingers 9pM an evening with



lizz winstead

(co-creator of the daily show) 8pM


drew holcoMb & the neighbors


the boxer rebellion



w/ rayland baxter 8pM

w/ canon blue 9pM

sharon Van etten | bear in heaven Justin townes earle | steve kimock the honeycutters | archers of loaf Mark kozelek | Joe purdy

kitchen open for dinner on nights of shows!

20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM 56 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

Kim Richey $13 | 8Pm



Friday, april 13

th u R s . A P R I L 12

Chuck Brodsky


an evening with

$12 | 8Pm

F R I . A P R I L 13



sAt. A P R I L 14





saturday, april 14

MiZ w/ blind boy chocolate & the milk sheiks $10 | 8Pm

sunday, april 15

Humming House w/ the Vespers $15 | 8Pm

FREE Every Tuesday Night! Original music series hOsted by mike hOlstein & Justin Watt 18 church street | asheville, nc


An evening w/ Kim Richey, 8pm The Bywater

Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am

Front stage: Meredith Watson Back stage: Cusses (hard rock) w/ Octopus Jones, Zombie Queen & Albert Adams, 10pm

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Emerald Lounge

Lobster Trap

Pleasure Chest (blues, soul, rock), 8pm

Bloodroot Orkaestarr (gypsy, folk) CD release party w/ Deep Chatham, 10pm

Peggy Ratusz & friends Vincenzo's Bistro

Calico Moon (Americana, country), 7-9pm Olive or Twist

Live music, 8pm

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Westville Pub

Fred's Speakeasy

Live music, 10pm

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Orange Peel

Laura Thurston & Wildwood Flyers (folk, bluegrass), 9pm

The Bells of Suicide (alt-rock, psychedelic)

Ryan Barrington Cox (indie pop), 6pm

White Horse

Asheville Tango Orchestra, 7:30pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Fri., April 13

Shane Perlowin (jazz)

Altamont Brewing Company

SBS w/ WolfPack & Winners Circle, 9pm

Snake Oil Medicine Show (bluegrass, psychobilly, reggae), 8pm

Rat Babies (doom metal) w/ Akris & Skullthunder, 9pm

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Asheville Music Hall

Root Bar No. 1

Blue Jeans & Khaki Pants ("x-rated honky tonk," country)

Good Stuff

Playlow & Brutal Wizards w/ Samuel Paradise, Razor and Blade & Woodwork (electronic), 10pm

Dave Desmelik (Americana), 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Drunken Prayer (indie Americana), 8:30pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Acoustic Swing

Zumba, 7-10pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Southern Appalachian Brewery

Harrah's Cherokee

Boiler Room

Event Center: Theory of a Deadman w/ Pop Evil, 8pm Casino: Sharkadelics (rock), 8pm & DJ Moto, 10pm-2am

Aotearoa w/ Silo Effect & Alex Finley (rock, funk), 9pm Club Hairspray

Drag show, 12am

Highland Brewing Company

Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 6pm

Club Metropolis

Dark Night w/ Catalytic Circus Club Remix

Josh Gilbert w/ Ember Worship Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Creatures Cafe


DJ dance night Straightaway Cafe

Flat Creek Boys

The Altamont Theater

Chuck Brodsky (folk, Americana), 8pm




closed Private Party

asheville jazz orchestra

Mountain Feist

april 12

april 13

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, world, jazz), 7-10pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Elise Pratt & Peggy Ratusz (jazz), 7pm Whitney Moore (Latin, soul), 10pm

WNC’s Premiere Adult Lounge & Sports Room

Music & Events

12 THU

9pm $12/$15

JEFF COFFIN MU'TET FELIX Jazz with an featuring

all-star group


8pm $10





Thursday, April 19: Big Sam’s Funky Nation Friday, April 20: Dangermuffin with

Brushfire Stankgrass


Treat Yourself.



The Market Place

Brewing Company


april 14

Ginny McAfee & Michelle Terry

The Stray Birds (traditional Appalachian), 5pm The Plowshares w/ Chelsea Crowell (granddaughter of Johnny Cash) and David Earl Tomlinson, 9pm

Danielle Howle & Bret Mosley (folk), 8pm

Michelle Leigh

The Gateway Club

Jack of the Wood Pub

Craggie Brewing Company



Makyan, 9pm

Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 9pm

Bloodlust w/ DJ Ixnee (techno, bass), 9pm


Coty Hogue (country, folk, roots), 8pm

The Bywater

Jack of Hearts Pub

$2.50 Pints, $4.00 Seasonals

Floppy tHursDAys witH molly b April 13 – DAnielle Howle & brent mosley 8-10pm (folk) April 14 smAll Houses 10-12pm (indie folk), bluestopiA HigHwAy 8-10pm (blues) yoesHi roberts trio 6-8pm (positive folk) April 16 – neopolitAn cHilDren (8-10pm) (indie folk)

Scandals Nightclub

Lambchop (alt-country, post-rock) w/ Crooked Fingers, 9pm Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Pack's Tavern

Pisgah Brewing Company

Get Down


Lifecurse (metal) w/ We Kill Kids & Chivalry, 9pm Atomic Sauce (jazz, fusion, rock)

Garage at Biltmore

Stig Stiglets & friends, 9pm

One Stop Deli & Bar

willi weDnesDAy


“Two Dollar NighT” $2.00 Order Wings (10) $2.00 Bud, Bud Lights, Busch & PBR Cans $2.00 Cover Charge thurSdayS

Ladies & Couples Welcome Sports Lounge feat. NBA & UFC on big screen Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole” Great Drink Specials Every Night

DaNce NighT Beer/Drink Specials april 13 - Live Music

Michelle leigh 9:30 – $5.00

april 14 - Live Music

45 cherry

9:30 – $5.00 SundayS

karaoke Food & Drink Specials • 8:00pm

Full kiTcheN / Full Bar

WNC’s only Country Night Club SpurS

1501 Patton Ave. • 828-575-2258

see for yourself at

New Hours:

Mon - Sat 6:30pm - 2am

5 2 0 S wa nna no a R i v e r R d , As hev i l l e, NC 28805 • ( 828) 298-1 400 • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 57

Vincenzo's Bistro

One Stop Deli & Bar

Phuncle Sam (rock, jam), 10pm

Miriam Allen & the Passionistas (Latin, folk), 5pm

Westville Pub

Orange Peel

Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Trivia night

White Horse

96.5 House Band (classic dance hits)

Drum circle, 2pm Jennifer Smith (classical), 7:30pm

Wild Wing Cafe

Purple Onion Cafe

Wild Wing Cafe

SAT., April 14

Rendezvous Restaurant & Bar

Michelle Leigh (country, rock)

Mon., April 16

Altamont Brewing Company

Root Bar No. 1

5 Walnut Wine Bar


Scandals Nightclub


"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House

Travis Nevels Band (rock, blues, psychedelic), 8:30pm

Live Music

5 Nights a Week!

Daily Specials Full Bar!


thur 4/12


Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

$10 GIFT CARDS with every $50 purchase


max melner orchestra $1 off all Whiskey Real New Orleans PoBoys


$5.50 for 5 DAYS

Bluesy Folkgrass • $3.50 Vodka Drinks

20% OFF of Any One Item

trivia niGht


laura thurston & WildWood flyers

Bring Your “A” Team • Prizes $3.50 Gin & Tonics

Barrie Howard (blues, one-man band) Boiler Room

Mindshapefist w/ Vic Crown & Amnesis (rock, metal), 9pm Club Hairspray

Club Remix

Inner Galactic Freakout Shpongle Afterparty w/ Scoundrel, 10pm Craggie Brewing Company

saturday 4/14

open mic Sign up at 7pm mon


$4 Margaritas

buy one, Get second appetizer 1/2 off

blues jam

with Westville Allstars Shrimp ‘n Grits • $3.50 Rum Drinks

The Nightcrawlers (blues, rock, dance) Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Contra dance, 8pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Stripmall Ballads w/ The Harmed Brothers (Americana, indie folk), 10pm The Altamont Theater

Poetry reading, 7pm The Bywater

Bluegrass jam, 8pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Tue., April 17

Westville birthday bash feat: Zach Boyce, Pierce Edens & more, 8pm

Sun., April 15 5 Walnut Wine Bar

Jerome Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions (jazz), 7-9pm ARCADE

Dr. Filth & Wayd Runk (DJs), 10pm

Aaron Berg & the Heavy Love (folk, Americana), 6pm

Asheville Music Hall

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Barley's Taproom

Garage at Biltmore

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Letters to Abigail, 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Aaron LaFalce (rock, Americana), 8-11pm Harrah's Cherokee

My Highway, 7-10pm DJ Razor, 10pm-2am

Highland Brewing Company

Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 6pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Paul's Creek (bluegrass), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Ecstatic dance, 4pm

Big Block Dodge (jazz fusion), 7:30pm Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz) Dirty South Lounge

The Short Bus (film & DJ), 9pm Get Down

Cutthroat Shamrock (Celtic rock) w/ Southbound Turnaround, 9pm Good Stuff

Steve Gilbert (folk, country, punk), 2pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm

Open mic, 7pm

Wild Wing Cafe

5 Walnut Wine Bar

The John Henry's (jazz, swing), 8-10pm Altamont Brewing Company

Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Trivia night, 7pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Paul Cataldo (Americana, roots) Club Hairspray

Trivia night, 10pm

Eleven on Grove

Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ Big Nasty Jazz Band, 8:30pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Heavenly Spirits Wine Bar

Monet Davis & Timothy Wilkinson (piano), 6-8pm Hotel Indigo

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

Greg Stiglets, Hope Griffin & Sea Gisondo (singer-songwriters), 7pm Comedy night, 10pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

Jus One More

Lobster Trap

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Hotel Indigo

Irish session, 3-9pm

Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar


Front stage: Jake Hollifield (blues, ragtime) Back stage: Tim Northern (comedy), 8pm

Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am

Lobster Trap

Orange Peel

One Stop Deli & Bar

Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

Purple Onion Cafe

Free the Optimus (hip-hop) w/ Colby Dobbs Band, 8pm

Jus One More

Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge

Original music series, 8pm


Psychobilly Sock Hop Sundays

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Scandals Nightclub

Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Tolliver's Crossing Irish Pub


Vincenzo's Bistro

The Altamont Theater

Westville Pub

The Bywater

White Horse

Hank West and the Smokin’ Hots, 5-7pm Newfound Road w/ Doc Marshalls (Americana, country, Cajun), 8pm

Front stage: George McDonald Back stage: The Cheeksters (pop, rock, soul) w/ Albatross Party

Warren Haynes Band (classic rock, jam), 9pm Mac Arnold & Plate Full O' Blues

Lobster Trap

Karaoke, 8pm

Olive or Twist

Humming House w/ The Vespers, 8pm

Live jazz, 7-9pm The 42nd Street Jazz Band

58 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Raymond Fairchild (banjo), 10pm

An evening of political satire w/ Lizz Winstead (co-creator of The Daily Show), 8pm

Hours: 12pm - 2Am KiTcHen open Till 11:30pm; 1Am Fri & sAT

Tennessee Jed (rock, folk, bluegrass), 9pm

Kurt Fortmeyer, 6pm

Wild Wing Cafe

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

(S. Asheville/Arden)

The Altamont Theater

Good Stuff

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Kevin Schlereth (singer-songwriter), 8pm

2334 Hendersonville Rd.

Sherry Lynn & Mountain Friends (country, bluegrass)

Tears in My Beers (DJ set), 9pm

Sloantones (rock, newgrass), 9pm Karaoke, 10pm

Good Stuff

(828) 684-8250

Straightaway Cafe

Dirty South Lounge

Malcolm Holcombe (Americana, folk), 8pm

Just Die! (metal, punk) w/ Roz Raskin & the Rice Cakes & ENTS, 9pm


Contagious (rock)

Neapolitan Children (indie folk), 8pm

Cameron Miller w/ Terina Plyler & Bone Prophet

Get Down

Where Adult Dreams Come True


Craggie Brewing Company

White Horse

He Is Legend w/ As Sick As Us, Telic & Ritual (metal)

$1 Off Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas

45 Cherry

Movie Mondays (cult classics), 10pm

Creatures Cafe

Grove Park Inn Great Hall



CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm

Westville Pub

Jazzville (jazz)

all-you-can-eat breakfast starts @ noon

Aaron Burdett Trio (folk, pop, rock), 8pm

Darren Kohler & friends, 4pm

Yoeshi Roberts Trio (folk), 6pm Bluestopia Highway (blues), 8pm Small Houses (indie folk), 10pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Cover includes appetizers, champagne toast, birthday cake, door prizes and a commemorative pint glass! $10 adv/$12 door

Southern Appalachian Brewery

The Bywater

Seduction Sideshow presents The Stimulus Package

Birthday Boy (indie, rock, pop) CD release w/ The Critters and Ryan Barrington Cox, 10pm

zach boyce, mary ellen & sarah Westville allstars of tuesday’s blues jam, pierce edens & the dirty Work

Asheville Bellydance Festival, 7-10pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Club Metropolis

Emerald Lounge

Music starts at 7:30pm with

Chesterface (blues, jam, rock)

Drag show, 12am

Asheville Bellydance Festival, 7-10pm

10 year birthday party

The Stray Birds (Americana), 8pm

MiZ (folk, rock, bluegrass) w/ Blind Boy Chocolate & the Milk Sheiks, 8pm

Eleven on Grove


White Horse

Pack's Tavern

Christabel & the Jons (Southern swing)

AmericAn inspired cusine | 27 Beers on TAp pool | sHuFFleBoArd | FoosBAll | Wii | 11’ screen

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm

Swayback Sisters (Appalachian folk, country) w/ Alex Caton, 8pm Richie Owens & the Farm Bureau (country)

777 HAyWood roAd | 225-WpuB W W W. W e s T v i l l e p u B . c o m

Shpongle (electronic, trance) w/ Phutureprimitive, 9pm

The Altamont Theater The Bywater

Trivia, 8pm

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Blues jam, 10pm

clubdirectory 5 walnut wine Bar 253-2593 Altamont Brewing company 575-2400 the Altamont theatre 348-5327 ArcAde 258-1400 Asheville civic center & thomas wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 Asheville music hall 255-7777 Athena’s club 252-2456 Avery creek pizza & ribs 687-2400 Barley’s tap room 255-0504 Black mountain Ale house 669-9090 Blend hookah lounge 505-0067 Blue mountain pizza 658-8777 Blue note grille 697-6828 Boiler room 505-1612 BoBo gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 Burgerworx 253-2333 the Bywater 232-6967 club hairspray 258-2027 club remix 258-2027 the chop house 253-1852

craggie Brewing company 254-0360 creature’s cafe 254-3636 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 Firestorm cafe 255-8115 Fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 French Broad Brewery tasting room 277-0222 French Broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the garage 505-2663 the gateway club 456-6789 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music hall & tavern 232-5800 grove house eleven on grove 505-1612 the grove park inn (elaine’s piano Bar/ great hall) 252-2711 the handlebar (864) 233-6173

harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 highland Brewing company 299-3370 holland’s grille 298-8780 the hop 254-2224 the hop west 252-5155 iron horse station 622-0022 jack of hearts pub 645-2700 jack of the wood 252-5445 jus one more 253-8770 lexington Avenue Brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 luella’s Bar-B-que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic Field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 one stop Bar deli & Bar 255-7777 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah Brewing co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851 purple onion cafe 749-1179 rankin vault 254-4993

red stag grill at the grand Bohemian hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root Bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s After dark 253-2155 southern Appalacian Brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static Age records 254-3232 stingrays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown jazz & Blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 westville pub 225-9782 white horse 669-0816 wild wing cafe 253-3066

Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Mickey Hart Band (classic rock, jam), 9pm

Wild Wing Cafe

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Coping Stone (world, roots)

Wed., April 18

Get Down

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Good Stuff

Video trivia, 8pm

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8pm ARCADE

Arcade Idol, 10pm Asheville Music Hall

Environmental Paper Network benefit feat: Josh Phillips Folk Festival, Asheville Horns & Moses Atwood Band, 10pm

Paul Cataldo (folk)

Megan Jean & the KFB w/ Pierce Edens Silent movie night w/ accompaniment by Jake Hollifield, 7pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors (rock) w/ Rayland Baxter, 8pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Straightaway Cafe TallGary's Cantina

Open mic/jam, 7pm

The Altamont Theater

John McVey (Texas blues) w/ Frosty Smith, James Cloyd Jr. & Aaron Price, 7:30pm The Bywater

Game night, 8pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

The Hard Bop Explosion

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Vincenzo's Bistro

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

Harrah's Cherokee

Westville Pub

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

Barley's Taproom

Jack of Hearts Pub

Wild Wing Cafe

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Black Mountain Ale House

Jack of the Wood Pub

Thu., April 19

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Athena's Club

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm Open mic w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm Open mic

Club Hairspray

Retro night ('80s & '90s), 10pm Craggie Brewing Company

Jug band open jam, 6-9pm Creatures Cafe

Salsa night (lessons, followed by dance)

Live comedy, 8:30pm

Old-time jam, 6pm

Front stage: Ryan Barrington Cox, 7pm Back stage: Weedeater (metal) w/ ASG & Cough, 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Juan Benevides (Latin, flamenco), 8pm ARCADE

Trivia, 9pm

Lobster Trap

Barley's Taproom

Olive or Twist

Black Mountain Ale House

One Stop Deli & Bar

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)

Ultra Rockin' Music Nerd Challenge (trivia), 9pm

Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6:30pm (sign up at 6pm)

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Orange Peel

Dirty South Lounge

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Alien Music Club (jazz jam) Dan Shearin (of Uncle Mountain), 7pm Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country) Burgerworx

Open mic, 7pm • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 59

Club Hairspray

Karaoke, 10pm

Club Metropolis

Our Darkest Hour w/ Draven Arcaene & the Catalytic Circus

fresh / real / pizza / beer / music OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER

See Menu & Live Music Calendar:

Craggie Brewing Company

Floppy Thursdays w/ Molly (eclectic music series), 8pm Creatures Cafe

Yoeshi Roberts

Dirty South Lounge


Alien Music Club Alie SUN. APR. 15

Big Block Dodge



42 B I L T M O R E A V E . D O W N T O W N A S H E V I L L E - 255-0504 - M O N -S A T 11:30 A M -?/S U N 12-12 SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch

Dirty Bingo, 9pm

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Emerald Lounge

The Native Sway (rock, jam, electronic) w/ Kings of Belmont & Electric Soul Pandemic Fred's Speakeasy

The Accomplices (string band) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Ken Kiser (singer-songwriter), 6pm Get Down

Pagan Wolf Ritual w/ SLAW & Forks of Ivory, 9pm Good Stuff

Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul), 6:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

The Boxer Rebellion (indie rock) w/ Canon Blue, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Harrah's Cherokee

Karaoke w/ Chris Monteith, 8pm-midnight Jack of Hearts Pub

Old-time jam, 7pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

Bluegrass jam, 6pm Lobster Trap

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”

Olive or Twist

Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) One Stop Deli & Bar

Ribs & Whiskey feat: The Kendall Huntley Band (bluegrass), 5pm Cheyenne Marie Mize (singer-songwriter, pop, R&B) w/ Dirty Bourbon River Show, 9pm Orange Peel

GWAR (metal) w/ Kylesa, Ghoul & Legacy of Disorder, 7:30pm Pack's Tavern

2nd anniversary party feat: Jeff Anders & Justin (acoustic rock, jam) Pisgah Brewing Company

Big Sam's Funky Nation (funk, rock), 8pm Purple Onion Cafe

Greg Klyma (folk, country, rock) Spurs

Dance night TallGary's Cantina

Asheville Music Showcase, 8pm The Altamont Theater

Kellin Watson & Jeffrey Hyde Thompson (singer-songwriters), 8pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Peggy Ratusz & friends Vincenzo's Bistro

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm Westville Pub

Dashvara (funk, fusion), 9:30pm White Horse

"Bridging the Gap (Old Time to Bluegrass)," 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe

Sloantones (rock, newgrass), 5-9pm DJ Moto, 9pm

Fri., April 20 ARCADE

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House

Coping Stone (world, roots), 9pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Acoustic Swing

Boiler Room

Relentless Flood w/ Bestowed (rock, metal), 9pm Club Hairspray

Drag show, 12am

Club Metropolis

"Electric Petting Zoo" (benefit for Panthertown Valley Nature Conservatory), 9pm Club Remix

"Electric Petting Zoo" (benefit for Panthertown Valley Nature Conservatory), 9pm

60 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

Craggie Brewing Company


Creatures Cafe

Straightaway Cafe

Indie Fest, 7-10pm

Vital Cadence w/ ElisaRay, Will Revo Music & Michael McFarland Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am Emerald Lounge

Carey Murdoch, 8pm

DJ dance night

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Sharon Van Etten (indie, singer-songwriter) w/ Flock of Dimes, 9pm

South Forty (rock, honky-tonk) The Altamont Theater

Callaghan (singer-songwriter) w/ Whitney Moore, 8pm The Gateway Club

Chris Williams

Passafire (rock, reggae, dub) w/ Listen 2 Three

The Market Place

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Greg Borom (pop, folk, rock), 7pm

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, world, jazz), 7-10pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

One Leg Up (jazz), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm High Windy, 8-11pm

Live music, 10pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm

James Justice & Company (country), 9pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Westville Pub

Jack of the Wood Pub

Garage at Biltmore

White Horse

Dash Rip Rock ("cowbilly") w/ Billy Don Burns & Southbound Turnaround (honky-tonk)

420 Masquerade feat: Anakeester, Banmier, Jer Ber, Kinjac & In Plain Sight Get Down

Dig Shovel Dig w/ Niche, Tony Wain, Jovantes & Soft Opening (psychedelic rock), 9pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Now You See Them (folk pop) CD release party w/ Uncle Mountain & DJ Kipper, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm Harrah's Cherokee

Michelle Leigh Band, 7-10pm DJ Moto, 10pm-2am Chalwa (reggae, dub), 6pm Jack of Hearts Pub

The Accomplices (string band), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Clandestine (Celtic), 9pm

Front stage: Raffa & Rainer, 9pm Back stage: The Get Right Band (rock, funk, reggae) w/ The Archrivals, 10pm Lobster Trap

Leo Johnson & the Spaceheaters (hot jazz), 7-9pm Live music, 8pm

One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Orange Peel

Say Anything (pop punk, indie) w/ Kevin Devine & the Goddamn Band, Fake Problems & Tallhart, 8pm


SAT., April 21

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)


Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9pm Back stage: Sarah Mac Band (soul, rock, blues) w/ Leigh Glass & the Hazards, 10pm

Asheville Music Hall

Lobster Trap

"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Secret B-Sides CD release party (R&B, soul, rock) w/ Sidney Barnes & Sirius.B, 10pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:30-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Big Nasty (New Orleans jazz), 7-9pm

Swift Science (blues, rock), 9pm

The 42nd Street Jazz Band Orange Peel Pack's Tavern

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country)

Nitrograss (newgrass, rock)

Boiler Room

Purple Onion Cafe

Burning Onward w/ Your World in Ruins & Bloodline Severed (metal), 9pm Club Hairspray

Barbed Wires (Americana, roots, country) Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Drag show, 12am Club Remix

"Safe Haven Project" (benefit for HIV-positive children), 9pm Craggie Brewing Company

Aotearoa & the Travers Brothers (rock), 8pm Creatures Cafe

3Nailz (Christian rock) w/ Reckless Mercy & Tristan and Rachel


Saliva (rock) w/ 12 Stones Straightaway Cafe

Hobos & Lace (acoustic) Michael Sowinski CD relaese party (jazz), 6pm J'Amy Winehouse and the Retro Kings (Amy Winehouse tribute), 10pm

Emerald Lounge

Vincenzo's Bistro

Collapse (industrial rock) w/ The Campaign 1984 & Fire Fire Firestorm Cafe and Books

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Like Handshakes & Act Like Actors (acoustic, rock), 8pm

Jarvis Jenkins Band (blues, rock, psychedelic), 10pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

White Horse

Dangermuffin (roots, rock) w/ Brushfire Stankgrass (bluegrass), 9pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Daniel Weiser (piano) & Alicia Chapman (oboe), 7:30pm

Scandals Nightclub

No Tomorrow w/ Autarch, 9pm

Pack's Tavern

Howie & Rocky Duo (classic rock) Pisgah Brewing Company

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Every Mother's Dream (folk rock), 6pm Asheville Sax Duet (jazz) Get Down

Wednesday, April 11th


RORY KELLY’S TRIPLE THREAT 10pm $5 Thursday, April 12th

9PM : $7adv/$10door RIBS:&21+WHISKEY feat. live music by

The Kendall Huntley Band

5pm - 8pm - FREE!- All Ages - RIB PLATES!

Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Music Schedules

Olive or Twist

Conspirator (drum and bass) w/ Zoogma, 9pm

Black Mountain Ale House


Wild Wing Cafe

Sharkadelics (rock), 10pm

Good Stuff


Olive or Twist

Rise & Shine Finals


Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Jus One More

Wild Wing Cafe


Highland Brewing Company

Jack of Hearts Pub


Wayne Graham, 8pm

Sofia Talvik (folk), 8pm

with Ad


Good Stuff

Trivia night

food purchase

96.5 House Band, 7-10pm DJ Razor, 10pm-2am

Fred's Speakeasy

Jason Moore (jazz)

20% off

Harrah's Cherokee

Youth at Jazz feat: Ruby Mayfield, 7pm Peggy Ratusz & Daddy Longlegs (Latin, soul), 10pm

Jurassic Heat (rock, blues), 6pm


a night of the Red Hot Chili Peppers 10pm $5 21+ feat. members of Same As It Ever Was

Friday, April 13th




w. Samuel Paradise, Razor and Blade, and Woodwork 9pm - $8adv/$10door - 21+ Saturday, April 14th

PHUNCLE SAM 9PM - $5 - 21+

N at u ra l

Ba by St ore

NOW OFFERING FR EE C lo t h Di ape r & Ba by we a r i ng C l as se s


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Be c o G emi n i Ba by Ca r r ie r NOW IN STOCK

Bluegrass Brunch

hosted by The Pond Brothers

11am -Open Jam! Bring your instruments!

SUNDAY ECSTATIC DANCE hosted by Trey Crispin

3:30PM - enter through 31 Patton Tuesday, April 17th


647 Haywood Rd. ~ West Asheville ~ 253-4747

Sunday, April 15th



62 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •


theaterlistings Friday, aPriL 13- Thursday, aPriL 19

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating

n asheville pizza &

BRewing Co. (254-1281)

additional reviews by justin souther contact

please call the info line for updated showtimes. Battle Royale (nR) 10:00 Journey 2: The mysterious island (pg) 1:00, 4:00 This means war (R) 7:00 Underworld awakening (R) 10:00

pickoftheweek The Raid: RedempTion


Director: Gareth huw evans Players: iko uwais. Joe taslim, Doni alamsyah, yayan ruhian, Pierre Gruno CRime aCTion

n CaRmike Cinema 10


21 Jump street (R) 2:00, 4:40, 7:15, 10:05 american Reunion (R) 1:45, 4:30, 7:19, 9:50 The Cabin in the woods (R) 1:55, 4:25, 7:00, 9:35 Jeff, who lives at home (R) 1:50, 4:15 John Carter 3d (pg-13) 6:25, 9:25 John Carter 2d (pg-13) 12:50, 3:50, 6:40, 9:40 mirror mirror (pg) 1:30, 4:05, 6:30, 8:50 october Baby (pg-13) 1:00, 3:25, 6:00, 8:35 (no 6:00 or 8:35 show 4/15) The Raid: Redemption (R) 2:15, 4:55, 7:25, 10:00 a Thousand words (pg-13) 2:20, 4:35, 6:50, 9:05 (no 2:20, 4:35, or 6:50 on 4/17)

RaTed R

The Story: A police squad carry out a raid on a crime lord who is holed up in a supposedly impregnable apartment building. The Lowdown: Brilliantly strippeddown to its very essence, this action film is not going to be to every taste due to its brutality, but will serve adherents of the genre well. The smart money will be expecting more “Raid” than “Redemption” with Gareth Huw Evans’ Jakarta-set action film The Raid: Redemption. In fact, I was never clear on who was redeemed or how, but the simple fact is that this is primarily an action picture — albeit a very well made one that has wandered over into the area of art-house hit owing to both craftsmanship and subtitles. I suspect it’s also been a little overrated because its art-house status has found it being reviewed by critics who normally don’t see this kind of movie, and who are finding it rather fresher than it really is. I’m not saying it’s not good. I’m merely saying its not great or particularly special. What I’d mostly call it is efficient. But in the case of this particular kind of movie, that can be quite enough. The poster promises, “1 ruthless crime lord, 20 elite cops, 30 floors of chaos.” While we only deal with about 15 of those 30 floors, and the 20 cops are quickly reduced in number, that’s pretty much what the movie gives us. Pared down to its basics — and I don’t mean this as necessarily a pejorative — it’s a movie that’s been reduced to a videogame. The situation is simple — get past a bunch of largely generic machete-wielding bad guys (there are enough machetes here for a dozen Friday the 13th series) and one really unstoppable bad guy to get at the crime lord. Throw in some police corruption and a “brothers on opposite sides of the

lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at

n CaRolina asheville

Cinema 14 (274-9500)

Iko Uwais as the unstoppbable police hero of Gareth Huw Evans' The Raid: Redemption. law” scenario, and that’s pretty much all the plot there is. It plays by the sillier rules of the genre, just as it’s supposed to — like the fact that although the machete-wielding bad guys come rolling out like oranges, they tend to very politely take turns at trying to off the hero — and that’s kind of what makes it work. The Raid isn’t out to reinvent anything. It’s simply trying to be ridiculously good at reveling in what it is. For the most part, it succeeds. It’s a straight-up midnight-movie actioner that knows exactly how far to go, and when to edge just a little bit beyond that. Though the film makes some (very) tentative stabs at having something more than mudpuddle depth, it’s doubtful that anyone is really buying into it. Apart from the hoary cliche of brothers on opposite sides of the law, this is all pretty black-and-white. The hero, Rama (Iko Uwais), is oh-so-very virtuous (kissing his pregnant wife, refusing to leave an injured brother officer etc). The crime lord, Tama (Ray Sahetapy), is unflinchingly evil and, of course, disturbingly mean. When executing some enemies he runs out of bullets, so he opens a drawer to get more — but, hey, why bother re-loading for just one remaining miscreant when there’s a ball peen hammer in that drawer, too? Nasty as that sounds, this is one of those moments where Evans shows he knows what he’s doing, going just far enough by cutting away before the scene

gets too gory. The film generally keeps that approach in mind. That is not, however, to say that I’d recommend The Raid to anyone who has a problem with violence. It is brutally violent. It does, on the other hand, tend to avoid being sadistic about it — except possibly in the handto-hand combat scenes. What keeps The Raid from completely working — at least where I’m concerned — lies in those hand-to-hand scenes. Our first encounter with the film’s über-badass, known reasonably enough as Mad Dog (Yayan Ruhian), finds him expressing his problem with firearms — “Squeezing a trigger is like ordering takeout” — and that proves to be his credo. The problem with this is that scenes of guys beating the crap out of each other ultimately wear thin. One critic I encountered called the longest such scene “mind-numbing,” but for me it was — as is often the case with extended fight scenes — more “mind-wandering.” After a certain number of punches have been thrown and other punishments doled out, I start thinking about other things. That won’t be the case with hardcore action fans. For the rest of us, there are compensations in the sheer drive and energy of the filmmaking itself. Rated R for strong brutal bloody violence throughout, and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

Times for 4/13 through 4/15 american Reunion (R) 11:25, 2:00, 4:50, 7:10, 10:05 The Cabin in the woods (R) 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:35 dr. seuss' The lorax 2d (pg) 12:15, 2:45, 4:55, 7:20 (sofa cinema) The Fury (R) 7:30 Fri., april 13 only The hunger games (pg-13) 11:20, 3:00, 7:00, 10:00 Jiro dreams of sushi (pg) 11:35, 1:50, 4:10, 7:45, 9:45 (sofa cinema) lockout (pg-13) 11:45, 2:10, 4:25, 7:10, 10:05 mirror mirror (pg) 12:00, 2:35, 5:00, 7:50, 10:25 The Raid: Redemption (R) 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:30 The Three stooges (pg) 11:15, 1:30, 4:00, 7:05 wrath of the Titans 2d (pg-13) 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:40, 10:20 Times for 4/16 through 4/19 21 Jump street (R) 11:05, 1:45, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55 american Reunion (R) 11:25, 2:00, 4:50, 7:10, 10:05 The Cabin in the woods (R) 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:35 dr. seuss' The lorax 2d (pg) 12:15, 2:45, 4:55, (sofa cinema) The hunger games (pg-13) 11:20, 11:50, 3:00, 3:30, 7:00, 7:30, 10:00, 10:30

Jeff, who lives at home (R) 12:10, 2:30, 4:40, 7:55. 9:50 Jiro dreams of sushi (pg) 11:35, 1:50, 4:10, 7:45, 9:45 (sofa cinema) lockout (pg-13) 11:45, 2:10, 4:25, 7:10, 10:05 mirror mirror (pg) 12:00, 2:35, 5:00, 7:50, 10:25 The Raid: Redemption (R) 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:30 Rampart (R) 7:25, 10:10 (sofa cinema) The Three stooges (pg) 11:15, 1:30, 4:00, 7:05 Titanic 3d (pg-13) 11:30, 3:45, 8:00 wrath of the Titans 2d (pg-13) 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:40, 10:20 n CineBaRRe (665-7776)

ghost Rider spirit of vengeance (pg-13) 4:20, 9:40 Journey 2: The mysterious island (pg) 10:35 (sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:35 The secret world of arrietty (g) 10:30 (sun), 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:25 This means war (R) 10:25 (sun), 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:30 The vow (pg-13) 10:40 (sun), 1:20, 7:20 wanderlust (R) 10:50 (sun), 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 9:50

n Co-ed Cinema

BRevaRd (883-2200

mirror mirror (pg) 1:00 (sat, mon, wed), 4:00 (Fri, sun, tue, thu), 7:00 (sat, mon, wed) salmon Fishing in the Yemen (pg-13) 1:00 (Fri, sun, tue, thu) , 4:00 (sat, mon, wed) , 7:00 (Fri, sun, tue, thu

n epiC oF

hendeRsonville (693-1146) n Fine aRTs TheaTRe (232-1536)

salmon Fishing in the Yemen (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show Frisat 9:20 (no 7 p.m. show sun., april 15) we need to Talk about kevin (R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, late show Fri-sat 9:40 (7:20 show thu., april 19) wnC alliance wild and scenic Film Festival (nR) 7:00 thu., april 19 only wu Xia (R) actionFest Closing night screening 7:00, sun.,.april 15 only

n FlaTRoCk Cinema


The hunger games (pg-13) 3:30, 7:00

n Regal BilTmoRe

gRande sTadiUm 15 (684-1298) n UniTed aRTisTs BeaUCaTCheR (298-1234)

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 63

0!5, "2/7. &2/- !5#4)/. +).'3

charityscreening NEUROTYPICAL DOCUMENTARY RATED NR In Brief: From the press release: “A film about autism from the perspective of autistics, parallels the lives of three individuals on the autism spectrum, each facing pivotal stages of growth. Violet, 3 years old, is absorbing the sensory world and learning ways to navigate through it; Nicholas, a teenager, is coming to terms with his diagnosis and his identity; and Paula, newly diagnosed, balances her autism advocacy work with the demands of homeschooling her son and sorting out a disintegrating marriage.� This feature-length documentary was directed by Asheville native Adam Larsen, and will be screened at the Fine Arts Theatre in Asheville on April 12, at 7 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the NC TEACCH Program. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Adam Larsen at 8:30 p.m.




The story: Now all grown up, the friends that made up the American Pie films return to their hometown for their high-school reunion. The lowdown: Generally unfunny sequel that catches up with a bunch of characters no one really cares about, but somehow retains the ability to not be wholly terrible.

&REE %VENT s 3ATURDAY !PRIL Auction Kings is one of Discovery Channel’s favorite reality shows and showcases one of the country’s most storied auction houses, Gallery 63, and its owner, Paul Brown. Guests will have the chance to get their items appraised by Paul Brown or one of his team members. Bring in your item for appraisal at 2pm and receive a drawing ticket as you enter the Event Center. If your number is drawn then you will be one of the lucky people to have your item appraised.

!PPRAISALS BEGIN AT PM !UCTION BEGINS AT PM The live auction featuring select items from the appraisals and from Paul Brown’s auction house begins at 7:30pm.



Must be 21 years of age or older to attend events in the Event Center. Must be 21 years of age or older and possess a valid photo ID to enter casino and to gamble. Know When To Stop Before You Start.Ž Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-522-4700. An Enterprise of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation. Š2012, Caesars License Company, LLC.

64 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 • V2_65166.6_4.9063x10.425_4c_Ad.indd 1

4/4/12 3:26 PM

After three surprisingly successful theatrical releases and a whole slew of straightto-DVD offspring, the American Pie series is back in multiplexes with American Reunion. And while my knee-jerk reaction to this completely unneeded chapter is to dismiss it as unfunny and unoriginal, there’s still a part of me — and it pains me to the core of whatever pompous elitism I might carry around as a film critic — that can’t completely dismiss the movie as a total failure. Keep in mind that there’s absolutely no critical metric by which I can say that American Reunion is good. Like its predecessors, it follows the strict formula of having its de facto hero Jim (Jason Biggs) subjected to all kinds of awkward sexual humiliations (I can’t begin to fathom the kind of Freudian scarring that must he must have after four movies of this stuff). His friends follow their same pattern of dealing with their various interpersonal problems, and Stifler (Seann William Scott) generally annoys everyone with his meat-headed immaturity. American Reunion is no different, as we get moments of such comedic genius as Jim closing his laptop on his manhood and Stifler defecating into a beer cooler. But by having the characters gather for their high-school reunion, the film is able to have an underlying maturity that you wouldn’t expect, while also having free reign to relate to a core audience who has also grown up since the original American Pie hit theaters.

A lot of this maturity is due to writer/director combo Jon Hurtz and Hayden Schlossberg, the men behind the Harold & Kumar series, which offer the more intelligent of the stoner comedies you’re likely to find. In their hands, we have characters who’ve grown in believable and — here’s the important part — relatable ways. Yeah, a lot of it is pat, and none of it is too groundbreaking — like Jim and his wife Michelle’s (Alyson Hannigan) marital strife related to their waning sex life, which dives straight into romcom territory. But Hurtz and Schlossberg manage to bring some realism to the ways in which these people have aged and lost their grasp on youth, and, by proxy, make the characters sympathetic. The filmmakers even take the arrested development of the completely obnoxious Stifler, turn it around and transform him into a tragic hero — in itself no small feat. In the end, despite everything the film has working in its favor, it’s still an American Pie flick. Beyond one joke with John Cho (who’s still being credited as “MILF Guy #2�), it’s just not very funny. This is none too surprising given that, after all, this is a series launched on the idea of humping a baked good. The real question is — nine years after the last of these movies — who really cares? The film manages — with the tact of George Lucas making a Star Wars prequel — to shove in every character and in-reference imaginable. As popular as these films once were (even 2003’s American Wedding astonishingly topped the $100-million mark), is there really some soul out there who is wholly devoted to these characters, and who truly wants and needs to know what the gang is up to? In the film’s defense, if this super fan exists, they’ll certainly be pleased with American Reunion. The great irony of the movie is that in a time where cinematic discourse often devolves into complaining about the latest remake or sequel, here we have a sequel that gets all of the core elements totally right. The unfortunate aspect is that the series they’ve done such a good job with is American Pie. Rated R for crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, language, brief drug use and teen drinking. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

18 Years of Independent news, arts & events for wnC • APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 65

startingfriday THE CABIN IN THE WOODS

The Joss Whedon-ites have already circled their wagons in an effort to stave off any attacks on The Master's latest offeriing, The Cabin in the Woods. So far it has gotten surprisingly good reviews from some horror fan-site reviewers and other minor players. There are not enough reviews of note, however, to even get a good handle on whether or not this movie is the savvier-than-thou game-changer it's being positioned as. The studio is succinct in their writeup: "Five friends go to a remote cabin in the woods. Bad things happen. If you think you know this story, think again. From fan favorites Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard comes The Cabin in the Woods, a mind blowing horror film that turns the genre inside out." We can find out for ourselves come Friday if minds will truly be blown. (R)


The trailer for this 1980s-looking sci-fi action thriller from the Luc Besson filmmaking machine looks on the OK-but-unspectacular side, with most of its appeal coming from Guy Pearce tossing off snappy one-liners. It hasn't been shown around to critics, so we'll go with the studio handout on it. "Starring Guy Pearce and Maggie Grace and set in the near future, Lockout follows a falsely convicted ex-government agent (Pearce), whose one chance at obtaining freedom lies in the dangerous mission of rescuing the President's daughter (Grace) from rioting convicts at an outer space maximum-security prison." Somehow "near future" and "outer space maximum-security prison" seem on the mutually exclusive side. (PG-13)


See review in "Cranky Hanke."


Somewhere back in the distant past, this was rumored to be a biopic on the Three Stooges with some heavy-duty talent attached to it. No more. Now, it's the increasingly desperate Farrelly Brothers trying to redo the old Three Stooges with the help of three fugitives from TV. The trailers are among the most spectacularly unfunny things to hit theaters this year. Cogitate on that for a while. (PG)

specialscreenings THE FURY JJJJ SUSPENSE/CONSPIRACY THRILLER WITH PARANORMAL ASPECTS RATED R In Brief: Brian DePalma’s originally misunderstood — and mismarketed — conspiracy thriller with paranormal aspects, now plays much better than it originally did when no one quite knew what to make of its mash-up of genres. Slickly professional and excitingly executed, with moments of creative and inventive filmmaking. The Asheville Film Society is showing The Fury as part of ActionFest at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 13, at The Carolina, with an introduction and Q&A with the film's stunt coordinator, Mickey Gilbert.

NAZARIN JJJJJ ALLEGORICAL DRAMA RATED NR In Brief: Possibly Luis Buñuel’s most accomplished Mexican film, Nazarin is a complex work about the impracticality — even impossibility — of living a life by the strict example of Jesus Christ, as depicted in the efforts of one priest who tries to do just that, but finds himself constantly at odds with the Church and society. Classic World Cinema by the Courtyard Gallery will present Nazarin at 8 p.m. on Friday, April 13, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

TITANIC JJJJ FACT-BASED DRAMA RATED PG In Brief: Yeah, it’s from 1953, it’s in black and white with monophonic sound, and it’s certainly not widescreen, but it’s a perfectly respectable movie about the titular doomed ship. Romanticized and mythologized as it is — and with technical errors that wouldn’t have been known at the time — it gets the job done. And it’s a lot more compact and efficient about it than later versions of the story. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Titanic at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 15, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

66 APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

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Home Services

Heating & Cooling MAYBERRY HEATING AND COOLING Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.

1500 SQFT • HENDERSONVILLE ROAD Great space in busy complex in South Asheville. Parking at the door. Call 828 691-0586. DOWNTOWN BUSTLING CORNER • 1000sq.ft. 2nd floor office space with private entrance, high ceilings, Heartwood pine floors, brick, kitchen and bath,signage, undercover parking next door. $1500/month. • Also, downtown small office with private entrance, rustic, parking, bath and kitchen, $350/month. May 1 or sooner, no smoking. Bernie 828 230-0755. DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE For lease. Above City Bakery, Biltmore Avenue. Approximately 775 sqft. Natural light. Spacious. MOVEMENT CLASSES SPACE AVAILABLE • Tues, Wed, Thurs from 7:15 - 9pm at Lighten Up Yoga, 60 Biltmore Ave., downtown. $35 per class rental. OFFICE / RETAIL SPACE REGENT PARK AREA Off Patton Ave. and Near Sams Club. 1,100 – 2,200 sq.ft. Available Immediately. Call (828) 231-6689

Rentals BRICK CHURCH AND PARSONAGE • In Candler Priced for quick sale to viable ministry. Reg Robinson Real Estate 704-263-1189. OFFICE SUITES Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sq. ft. to 3,200 sq. ft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024.

Apartments For Rent 1 GREAT DOWNTOWN APARTMENT Live, work and play downtown! • Studio: $595/month each. No pets please. Call (828) 254-2229. 3BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Water, garbage included. On bus line. Swimming pool onsite. $699/month. Call 828-252-9882.

Quality controlled local listings for WNC.

BRAND NEW 1, 2 and 3 APARTMENTS • In N. Asheville mixed-use community. Granite throughout, high ceilings, pet friendly, energy efficient, salt water pool. 828-225-6621 CHARMING EFFICEINCY BASEMENT UNIT · Between downtown & UNCA- close walk to town and Greenlife. Gas heat.. Lots of off-street parking. $495.00/month includes hot and cold water. Security deposit, year’s lease, credit check and references req. 1 cat or 1 small dog ok w/fee. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800. CHARMING HISTORIC MONTFORD 1 BR with Hardwood floors, cedar lined closets and gas heat. $650.00/month includes hot and cold water. Security deposit, year’s lease, credit check and references req. 1 cat ok w/fee. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800. CHARMING SUNNY SMALL 1BR · Between downtown and UNCA. Close walk to town and Greenlife. Hardwood floors, gas heat, A/C unit. Lots of off-street parking. $595/month includes hot and cold water. Security deposit, year’s lease, credit check and references req. 1 cat ok w/fee. No large dogs. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800.

F[ji e\ j^[ M[[a Adopt a Friend • Save a Life CLIFFORD Male/Neutered Hound/Mix 5 Months

DOWNTOWN LOFT • With private entrance, Heartwood pine, 17’ closets, brick, kitchen and bath, high ceilings, parking in back + undercover parking next door, renovated 2000. $1250/mo,nth. Available May 1, no smoking. Bernie 828 230-0755.

SILAS Male/Neutered Domestic Shorthair/Mix 1 Year

BATMAN Male/Neutered Terrier/American Pitbull Mix 7 Months

FURNISHED SMALL 1 ROOM EFFICIENCY • Kitchenette. Quiet, creative sanctuary. 13 miles from Asheville. No Pets. $400/month. 828-216-4100. NORTH 1BR, 1BA BUNGALOW • $550/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. NORTH ASHEVILLE • Townhome 2BR, 1BA. 1 mile to downtown. On busline. $495/month. 828-252-4334.

7i^[l_bb[ >kcWd[ IeY_[jo 14 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville, NC 828-761-2001 • Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.

• APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012


jobs WEST-ACTON WOODS APTS • 2BR, 2BA, 1100 sq.ft. $775/month. Includes water and garbage pickup. Sorry, no pets. Call 253-0758. Carver Realty.

Condos/ Townhomes For Rent $1250 - 3BR SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE West Asheville, immaculate 1800sq.ft, 3BR, 2.5 BA. Vaulted ceiling in living room, hardwood floors, central A/C, spiral staircase, gas fireplace, W/D, new appliances. Two balconies, community pool. Six minutes to downtown Asheville. No pets or smokers. 1 year lease, $1250 deposit + $40 application fee. 828-253-1118 CASUAL ELEGANCE IN HAW CREEK CONDO • Very large 2BR/2BA convenient to Mall, Hospitals, and downtown. Quiet, private patio overlooking creek. Great room, big kitchen, HUGE master bedroom and walk-in closet. Great floor plan plus garage. $950/mo. Year’s lease, credit check, security deposit req. One small pet considered with fee and vet letter. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800. WEST ASHEVILLE CANTERBURY HEIGHTS • 46 Beri Dr. Updated 2BR 1.5BA. Split level condo, 918 sqft. Fully applianced upgraded kitchen with W/D. Pool, fitness room. $735/month. Security Dep. Application Fee. Available 5/1/12. Mike 919-624-1513.

Homes For Rent 3BR, 2BA • Clean, private, screened porch, woodstove. Near Biltmore Baptist Church and Target on Airport Rd. No smoking. $900/month + $600/deposit. References required. 828-273-4092 (9am-6pm). BEARWALLOW MOUNTAIN • Between Edneyville, Fletcher and Gerton 15 Min. to Hendersonville 35 Min to Asheville Rustic 2BR, 2BA. Woodstove, spring water, electric heat Quiet, nonsmoking environment $525/month. 615.491.2495. BUNGALOW • WEST ASHEVILLE Available now. • 2BR, 1BA. Near Haw Fletcher School and Carrier Park. Hardwood floors. Front/back porch. Great neighbors. Nonsmokers. $900/month. 1-year lease. Robert: 230-9412.


CAMELOT SUBDIVISION OFF LEICESTER HWY Updated 3BR, 1.5BA Rancher on large corner lot. Includes all kitchen appliances, gas heat, central air, rear deck, large detached workshop/storage shed, WD hookups, new carpet throughout. No Smoking, No Pets. 1 year lease, first month plus security deposit, $925/month. Call Joan at 828 253-2884 WEST 3BR, 2BA. Full basement. 1 car garage. Sorry, no pets. $925/month. 828253-0758. Carver Realty.

Short-Term Rentals 15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/day, $650/week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. MONTFORD CARRIAGE HOUSE Cozy, fully furnished, 2BA/1BA quiet alleyway in historic district. Equipped kitchen, W/D, wood floors, lots of windows and landscaping, deck and patio, grill, utilities, CATV, internet incl. $2000/month, longer stays discounted. Michael@ SHORT-TERM RENTAL • Furnished 1BR apt. Kitchen and open living space. Quiet, creative sanctuary setting. 13 miles from Asheville. No pets. $525/month. 828-216-4100. SUMMER RENTAL W. ASHEVILLE Bright, sunny 1BR + office townhouse. June 15 through August 5. A/C, water, internet included. $225/week. 828-713-6902.

Roommates ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN)


General $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 (AAN CAN)

APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012 •

40 HOUR PER WEEK • $12/hour. 50% of my employees are making $550$700 per week with bonuses and incentives. This position does involve sales via telephone so a clear, strong speaking voice is required. • We offer year round employment in a business casual environment with advancement opportunities. No experience required, we will train the right people. Call today for an interview. (828) 236-2530 HOUSEKEEPERS P/T. Year-round consistent employment, Asheville. Experience, professional, reliable and responsible for upscale B&B. Must be flexible and able to work weekends. References and background check required. No drop-bys. Please call 828-254-3878 for interview. Black Walnut Bed And Breakfast Inn.

Skilled Labor/ Trades ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF THE ELECTRICAL CREW • Warren Wilson College seeks candidates for an Assistant Supervisor of the Electrical Crew. The Assistant Supervisor plans, supervises and coordinates repairs and installation of telephone, fire alarm, direct digital control (installation only), future card access and VIOP systems, appliances, and related controls and devices. • He/She reports to the Supervisor of Electrical Services and is responsible for all other electrical services under the supervisor’s direction, including the training and supervision of the student work crew. • The successful candidate will have a minimum of three years of electrical experience with one year in a leadership/supervisor capacity; time management and organizational skills; capable of handling multiple tasks and priorities; effective interpersonal skills; and the ability to work with traditional age college students to teach necessary skills, safety procedures and provide positive reinforcement and feedback. Bachelor’s degree is desirable. • The successful candidate in this search must hold, or obtain within one year, a State Electrical Contractor’s License. A valid North Carolina driver’s license with no restrictions is required. • Warren Wilson College is an equal opportunity employer committed to the diversity of its community. Please send cover letter, résumé, and contact information for three professional references by email to Electronic submissions are required. Deadline for applications Friday, April 20, 2012.

ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR, HVAC • Warren Wilson College seeks candidates for an Assistant Supervisor, HVAC. The Assistant Supervisor is responsible for assisting the HVAC Supervisor in establishing and maintaining the HVAC and control systems on campus. He/She also trains, supervises and works with a student work crew in operating and maintaining the systems. The person in this person will be expected to: • Understand digital control systems and demonstrate competence in installing all types of analog and digital inputs and wiring. • Have prior experience in building digital control panels and power supplies desirable. • Possess experience in commissioning control systems desirable. • Understand conventional control systems; an understanding of how to calibrate electric and pneumatic control thermostats desirable. • Understand receiver controllers and more complex pneumatic control systems desirable. • Understand how to perform extensive testing and repairs of cast iron and tube boilers, their gas trains, safety and combustion analysis. • Understand primary and secondary systems, air control, proper piping and pumping arrangements. • Properly tension belts, and understand belt failures. • Understand refrigeration cycles and be capable of charging and recovering refrigerants. Analyze and solve DX and reciprocate and scroll chiller equipment. • Understand cooling towers systems, chemical treatment and proper design of same systems. • Possess either a diploma in HVAC and at least 3 years experience, or have 5 years of experience in absence of a diploma. • Have a valid North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Certification, Class III or Universal. • Have a valid North Carolina Driver’s License with no restrictions or the ability to obtain one. Warren Wilson College is an equal opportunity employer committed to the diversity of its community. Please send cover letter, résumé, and contact information for three professional references by email to Electronic submissions are required. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 20, 2012.

IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR BICYCLE MECHANIC Bike Sales / Mechanics • Asheville’s leading specialty ski and bike outdoor retailer has immediate openings for qualified bike mechanics. Successful applicant must have a complete up to date working knowledge of day-today bike shop repair and operations. Must have a minimum of 3 years of bike repair experience. Compensation package will be based on experience. Call Craig, 828 254 271 or 828 230 6189 Ski Country Sports. 828 254 2771 LANDSCAPING HELP NEEDED Landscaping company seeking experienced person to join team. Plant knowledge a must, high attention to detail. no inquiries without resume considered. SUPERVISOR OF CARPENTRY CREW • Warren Wilson College seeks candidates for a Supervisor of the Carpentry Crew. • The Supervisor plans, supervises and coordinates the layout, repair, renovation and maintenance of buildings and structures; contracts and supervises outside contractors such as carpentry, floor covering, sheetrock and ceramic, roofing and gutters and oversees maintenance of appliances in residence halls and administrative buildings. • The Supervisor is also responsible for the training, supervision, and evaluation of the student work crew. • The successful candidate will have a minimum of four years of carpentry experience with one year in a leadership/supervisory capacity; time management and organizational skills; capable of handling multiple tasks and priorities; effective interpersonal skills, ability to work with students to teach necessary skills and safety procedures and offer positive reinforcement and feedback. • A valid North Carolina driver’s license with no restrictions or the ability to obtain one is required. A North Carolina State Contractor’s License is desirable. • Warren Wilson College is an equal opportunity employer committed to the diversity of its community. Please send cover letter, resume, and contact information for three professional references by email to Electronic submissions are required. Deadline for applications is Monday, April 23, 2012.

Administrative/ Office

Sales/ Marketing

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS NEEDED! Community Care of Western North Carolina is looking for Administrative Assistants to provide support to a variety of programs and leadership. Experience with scheduling meetings/events/travel and contract management required. Minimum of 2 years prior administrative assistant and/or customer service experience required. High level of interpersonal and communication skills also required. Must be proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Experience with Microsoft Access preferred. High school diploma or equivalent required. Submit resume to or fax to 828-259-3875. EOE

40 HOUR PER WEEK • $12/hour. 50% of my employees are making $550$700 per week with bonuses and incentives. This position does involve sales via telephone so a clear, strong speaking voice is required. • We offer year round employment in a business casual environment with advancement opportunities. No experience required, we will train the right people. Call today for an interview. (828) 236-2530

REIMBURSEMENT SPECIALIST NEEDED • Eliada is seeking an individual with an accounting background to assist the Fiscal department with billing, receipting and account followup. • Other responsibilities include monthly analysis of mental health revenue, posting cash receipts for payments into billing software, and following up on unpaid claims. • Must have insurance billing and accounting experience. Knowledge of CPT codes and DSMIV or ICD9 codes helpful. All interested and qualified individuals go to to apply. SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR MANNA FoodBank is seeking a temporary part-time Special Events Coordinator. Must have good driving record. Must be available nights and weekends. Please see complete job description and qualifications needed at Please e-mail resume to No phone calls please. EOE THE VAN WINKLE LAW FIRM • Seeks an experienced Litigation Paralegal for its Asheville Office. This individual will work within a team to prepare litigation documents, produce and respond to discovery, maintain adherence to calendared court items and document requests, and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of pre-trial and trial practice. • A thorough knowledge of federal and state court rules and ESI issues is necessary. • Experience with Summation or other electronic discovery databases, and 5 or more years work experience, is preferred. Please send qualifications to

LOCAL COMPANY SEEKING CUSTOMER SERVICE/SALES/ OFFICE PROFESSIONAL • With excellent communication, organization, customer service skills. Assist owner in all aspects of operations and sales and able to work independently with an entrepreneurial spirit. Wholesale company selling product to garden centers and designer/landscapers so interest towards design/gardening helpful. Email your resume to

MOUNTAIN XPRESS SEEKS ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE • Requirements: • You must understand the sales process and enjoy building long-term collaborative, win-win relationships; • Be ethical, gregarious, enthusiastic, fastpaced, and organized while multitasking; • Have a solid knowledge of Asheville and its surrounding communities; • Love Asheville’s multi-cultural, grassroots, enterprising community. Pluses: • You have two-years sales experience in print/media/online sales; • Enjoy cold-calling; • Be an avid Xpress reader • Understand Xpress’ community-based journalistic mission We offer: • Base-plus-commission, health and dental insurance, IRA options and a progressive, flexible work environment. Send: Cover letter (that demonstrates your qualifications, passion and why you’d like to work with Xpress) and resume to: No phone calls please. SECURE YOUR FUTURE Start a career in Executive Search. • Make a six-figure income • Help people • Work in south Asheville • Salary available •

Restaurant/ Food APOLLO FLAME • WAITSTAFF Full-time. • Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. EXPERIENCED LINE COOKS • Buffalo Wild Wings. Apply in person at 4 Tunnel Rd. M-F, 2pm-4pm.

Retail RETAIL SALES PERSON Needed for new store in downtown Asheville. Must be: • Experienced • High Energy • Dependable • Mature. Call (404) 822-6371 or (404) 822-6372.

Drivers/Delivery ON-CALL DRIVER WITH EMT LICENSE • For local Asheville transportation company. Seeking outgoing, flexible, qualified/licensed EMT for a PRN/on-call driver position for client transport. Please e-mail with your resume.

Medical/ Health Care CNA • OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER POSITIONS We screen, train, bond and insure. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care. Contact Heather for an appointment Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. FAMILIES NEEDED FOR IN-HOME PLACEMENT Loving families needed to open their homes to individuals with developmental disabilities. Specific needs are handicap accessible homes, also looking for homes in the Marion/ Morganton and other areas for children. Similar to Foster Homes. Excellent salary, great opportunity! Davidson Homes 828-299-1720 ext 265

Human Services

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Haywood County: Recovery Education Center Clinician Position available within an innovative MH/SA recovery-oriented program. Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Kim Franklin, Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Peer Support Specialist Part-time position. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and be willing to participate in an extensive training program prior to employment. For more information, contact Mason Youell, JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Haywood County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@ Continued Next Column

Jackson/Macon County: Recovery Education Center Clinician Position available within an innovative MH/SA recovery-oriented program. Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Reid Smithdeal, Recovery Education Center Team Leader Seeking a passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to oversee Macon/Jackson REC. Applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree, license eligibility and previous supervisory experience are also required. For more information, contact Reid Smithdeal, Cherokee County: Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have a Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, Team Leader Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, -JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@ Swain County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Swain County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE, has opportunities for Qualified Mental Health Professionals to join our team. Qualified candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in a social services field and a minimum of 1 year experience with children with mental illness. FPS offers a competitive and comprehensive benefit package. To join our team, please send your resume to

ATTENTION REGISTERED NURSES • Eliada Homes is hiring Registered Nurses to provide care to our students in our psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. Nursing staff will provide restrictive intervention monitoring and effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention procedures. Other responsibilities include: administering medication and implementing students’ health plan. This position requires a valid NC RN licensure. Experience working with children and/or adolescents strongly preferred. To apply, please to

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. • • Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@

FAMILIES TOGETHER • Seeking Licensed Professional. Candidates must will be willing to work in our Day Treatment programs and provide outpatient therapy as needed in Yancey, Mitchell, and Madison Counties. Qualified candidates will include LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, and Provisionally Licensed professionals. • Seeking Qualified Professionals to work in our Day Treatment Programs. Qualified candidates will have a minimum of 2-4 years experience working with children/youth with mental health diagnosis and a bachelor’s degree.

FOUR CIRCLES RECOVERY CENTER • A substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. • Excellent entry-level year-round position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. Direct care staff work a week on/week off rotation utilizing traditional substance abuse treatment and/or the wilderness of Western NC as part of their work environment. • Competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. If you are interested in applying for a position please contact Todd Ransdell by sending resumes and/or questions to guidejobs@

PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Has an immediate opening for a Community Support Team Leader for our combined Avl/Hvl team. • Candidates need to be licensed or provisionally licensed, have a clean driving record, safe vehicle and leadership skills. • This service is a primarily delivered in the community to high risk mental health and substance abuse consumers. • Knowledge of WHN and Medicaid paperwork a plus. Parkway is a stable company and has an excellent benefits package and competitive salaries. Please email resumes to:

FULL TIME PROGRAM SUPERVISOR/THERAPIST Seeking Program Supervisor/Therapist in boarding school for adolescents living with Asperger’s Syndrome and related social needs. Required: licensed therapist or actively pursuing licensure; ABA training preferred. Email employment@

THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES • Is seeking the following for adult service lines: Fully-licensed LCSW, supervisory experience preferred. This position is fulltime, salaried with benefits. Also seeking a part-time LSCW to work with adults. Please send resumes to

FULL-TIME PSYCHOLOGIST/LCSW (Asheville, NC) • Therapeutic Boarding School serving Middle School Age girls 10 -15 looking for full —time clinician. Must be licensed (not provisionally licensed) as a psychologist or clinical social worker in NC. Must be able to function independently and possess a strong work ethic. While not required, interest in working with children a plus. To make application please send CV and letter of interest to humanresources@

MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo@ • Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.

Professional/ Management

REAL ESTATE PARALEGAL NEEDED The law firm of Goosmann Rose Colvard & Cramer, P.A. is interviewing for a full time real estate paralegal. Softpro and Microsoft Office experience is required. Resumes to

THERAPISTS AND QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS FOR CHILD/ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH NEEDED FOR JACKSON, HAYWOOD AND MACON COUNTIES To provide services to children and adolescents. Full-time positions with competitive salary and benefits. QP’s Must have either a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services and 2 yrs full time, post-bachelor’s experience with children/adolescents with Mental health needs or 4 yrs post-degree experience if not a Human Service degree. Please submit resume via email or fax to: Tracey Elliott (828) 586-6601 fax WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is hiring for Residential Counselor positions. Full Time 3rd shift, Part Time 1st shift, and weekends. Each qualified applicant must have High School Diploma and 2 years experience, or College degree. Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave Asheville. Please view our website for additional information.

NOW OPEN IN ARDEN! • “A little piece of Veracruz in North Carolina”. Pure coffee from Mexico, cultivated with love! • Fresh local and imported products. • Visit us: 3732 Sweeten Creek Road, in Royal Pines, Arden. PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-413-6293. (AAN CAN) KING KONG • THIS TUESDAY • APRIL 17 7pm, Lapiinsky Auditorium. Performance by the UNCA Percussion Ensemble. Composer: Frank Zappa.

PART-TIME JUNIOR PHP WEB DEVELOPER • Mountain Xpress. • Be part of the Mountain X team! As a Junior Web Developer, the qualified candidate will be assisting the web team in developing the website and related tools. • Candidates will have a working knowledge of PHP, Javascript, mySql programming, and related dev and DBMS tools. Applicants should possess basic knowledge of XML/XSL, as well as classes, components, objects and interfaces. • We develop quickly and iterate often, so familiarity with agile development principles is a plus. • Applicants should be able to work well in a team environment or unsupervised. 30 hours per week, health and dental insurance, IRA options and a progressive, flexible work environment. Submit your resume to No phone calls please.

Employment Services JOB SEARCH SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONALS • Help with every aspect of job search. Custom plan for you. Call 828-273-0467.

Business Opportunities HELP WANTED • Make money mailing brochures from home. Free supplies. Helping homeworkers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

Spiritual CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FRIDAY NIGHTS WITH ZUMBA FITNESS Zumba Fitness as you know it only with Christian Contemporary and internationsl praise and worship music. All are welcome. 828-275-7144

CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL (CCR&R) Director for Smart Start program in Madison County. For application materials, contact Application deadline is April 19, 2012.

Computer/ Technical

LOCAL CHILD AND YOUTH ORGANIZATION • Seeking coordinator to oversee team working with children. Non-profit experience and supervisory experience. 4 yr degree. • Duties: program management, recruitment, training, team building, supervision, grant administration, and managing collaborations. If interested email cover letter and resume to


Mind, Body, Spirit


ILLUMINATING YOUR PATH Call Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin. • 15 years in Asheville. • Individuals • Groups • Parties. (828) 253-7472.

ASHEVILLE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN • Jess Toan, LMBT 7445, MA in Women’s Health. Deep Tissue, Hot Stones, Prenatal, Swedish, Reiki, and Oncology Massage. $50 for first massage., 828-552-6609, jesstoan14@ Experienced, professional, and attentive. Call today! You won’t regret it.

ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 •

Tools & Machinery

BobCAT 2002 Only 1507 hours. 773-G Series, Skid Steer tracks over tires, wood splitter 48’, Brush Bandit bush hog. $15,000. This a great deal! Please call 828-551-4156.


Pet Xchange A DATE FOR MY MINI DACHSHUND • My male AKC registered Dach (red, 9.5 lbs) available to breed for other AKC registered mini in trade for pick of litter or fee equal to puppy sale fee. Call 280-3675 for more info.

Automotive WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

For Sale

CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888420-3808


Yard Sales CHURCH BAZAAR Church Bazaar, Sat. April 21st 8am-2pm. Located behind B&B Pharmacy, Haywood Rd. Clothing for men, women and children. Children’s toys, books, blankets, shoes, handbags, luggage. Lots of other great stuff.

Adult Services A PERSONAL TOUCH • Call now to book your appointment. 713-9901.

Sporting Goods Evinrude Boat Motor For Sale Evinrude 2008 6hp 4 stroke motor. Less than 50 hours run time. Paid $1,600 - Want $1,000 firm. Call 828-337-1151.

DREAMSEEKERS Your destination for relaxation. Call for your appointment. Now available 7 days a week! (828) 275-4443.

B[Whd JhWZ_j_edWb 7ffWbWY^_Wd Cki_Y

SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town—- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. STRESSED? TIRED? PAIN? Five Massage Therapists, four Reiki Masters, and an acupuncturist provide healing for body, mind, and spirit. Couple’s treatments available. Reiki trainings monthly. West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, 828-423-3978,

STEEL BUILDINGS 33 1/3 to 50% off. Complete for Assembly: Example. 20x24 Reg $6,792 Disc. $5,660 (Quantity 1.) 50x100 Reg $42,500 Disc. $29,000 (Quantity 2). Call for Others. Source#1PB. 866-609-4321

Musicians’ Xchange

ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND YOGA CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $33/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. • Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088.

Building Supplies


7ZWc JWdd[h • Fiddle • Mandolin • Guitar

All Levels Welcome Rental Instruments Available

.(. +.(#'&,,


• APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012


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Edited by Will Shortz No.0307 Across 1 Web programmer’s medium 5 Telly network 8 Hunter who wrote “The Blackboard Jungle” 12 Grammy winner India.___ 13 Glowing rings 15 Prop for Houdini 16 Subject for a Degas painting 18 Patron saint of Norway 19 Complete train wreck, in Southern slang 20 “Gimme ___!” 21 Bedsheets and such 24 Not in stock, but coming 26 Prize higher than plata or bronce 27 Stable father figure? 31 ___ lot (gorged oneself) 32 Software prototype

34 ___ bene 36 Has no stomach for 39 Classic Xavier Cugat song … or a hint to the invitation in the circled letters 42 Field on screen 43 R&B singer Peniston 44 Unaccompanied performances 45 Impart 47 Like some vowels and pants 49 “Platoon” setting, informally 50 Fast-food franchise with a game piece in its logo 53 Locales for crow’s-nests 55 Those, to Teodoro 56 Parody singer Yankovic 60 Rebuke to a traitor

61 Snaking, like the 1 2 3 4 arrangement of circled letters in 12 HOME this puzzle IMPROVEMENT17 65 Rudolph and kin 16 SECTION 66 Paraffin-coated 19 Dutch imports • Reach 70,000 Loyal Readers Every 67 Periodic table 21 22 23 Week info: Abbr. 26• Nearly 30,000 27 68 Dover delicacy Issues 69 Prefix with 32 • Covering 730 33 functional Locations Throughout 70 Host Mike of the 39 Western NC 40 Discovery Your Space Today! Channel’s “Dirty Reserve 42 Jobs” CALL US AT

Down 1 Feasted on 2 “La-la” lead-in 3 Least fig. 4 Milk, to Manuel 5 Scottish slope 6 Banquo, in Verdi’s “Macbeth” 7 Aircraft division of Textron 8 Green nuts? 9 Parking amenities 10 Tequila source ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 11 “In your dreams!” PP AE VR LM O VO B TA H T VP SS M EA A A M 13 Malfunction, with AO GC AH SO S N I O W I AO G N O P R O A U ET “up” RD EO NE TS CN OT NC TO R O L I L E N C E R N M 14 German city on ES SL SA T AE L EA UL TO H A D CA U P P the Danube GE RR EA A S E M O O V N A K E Y 17 Time immemorial AC PO TU EL SD TN T C A R I SE AL KE S S AO SR W N OI X S E S T EA RR NT S TS A M A 21 University of New Mexico HA AB IE RL R ES PT LO AR CE E M S EA N U TL team ST TI NR E AS M AU SN SI T S H EI SI R E 22 Grantorto’s A I T CS AN RO AT M Y P M R TO O B SL SE M victim in “The Faerie Queene” W O B E AE RA SR C H I CS AA G P I A K SE SI 23 Secret HS AP TA H M A RF UI SA S O rendezvous A A C S K ON VO IS K CI AN TO SF PF M A Y J AB M point R A BE OL M O BI 25 “The wearin’ ___ MA OL ES O H EG HO EN E D N N T PG CE ST S E RS OT SO W AS N CS EI E green”

45 828-251-1333 50

5 13












15 18 20 24





25 31


36 41

43 46


44 47



53 57


49 54













Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski

28 Queen of Thebes, in myth 29 Sgt.’s program 30 Bluesy Waters 33 Idle 35 “With the bow,” to a violinist 37 Razzle-dazzle 38 Removes cream from

40 Vegas casino magnate Steve 41 Bard’s nightfall 46 Used a divining rod 48 Gangbuster 50 Some Monopoly cards 51 Prefix with arthritis 52 Zero-star, say

54 Wedding day destination 57 Some investments, for short 58 45 letters 59 ___ Moines 62 “What am ___ do?” 63 San Antonio-toAmarillo dir. 64 Abbr. in a job ad

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• APRIL 11 - APRIL 17, 2012


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