Mountain Xpress, May 30 2012

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Brave New Radio Community broadcasting sharpens its signal


Which food truck will reign supreme?


Bridget & Ursula talk the art walk

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MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

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thisweek on the cover

p. 10 Local radio: In the public interest The tension between profit motive and public service dates from the beginnning of broadcast media. Are the airwaves simply private property, like a piece of real estate? Or are they a shared resource that should “serve the public interest, convenience or necessity”? Local radio directors, hosts and observers weigh in. Cover design by John Zara

news 15 AshEvILLE cItY coUNcIL: oNE coNtENtIoUs EvENINg

Council considers bigger raises for city employees; tax increase narrowly fails

wellness 28 thE sEcoNd tIME AroUNd

Mission tries again for Fletcher endoscopy center

food 34 food fIght At pIsgAh

Five trucks battle at Beer Week

arts&entertainment 42 Art wALk wIth Us

Second gallery crawl offers Vignettes, Stalefish, Pour and more

46 froM NothINg to soMEthINg

tUnE-yArDs on building songs, meaning and a global fan base

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MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •


The steel drum-fueled Jonathan Scales Fourchestra jams with a pan-musical palette

features 5 7 9 17 18 23 26 27 37 40 48 50 56 59 63

LEttErs cArtooN: MoLtoN cArtooN: brENt browN NEws of thE wEIrd coMMUNItY cALENdAr frEEwILL AstroLogY coNscIoUs pArtY Benefits AshEvILLE dIscLAIMEr sMALL bItEs Local food news brEws NEws WNC beer scene sMArt bEts What to do, who to see cLUbLANd crANkY hANkE Movie reviews cLAssIfIEds NY tIMEs crossword

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letters What does NeW Belgium meaN for old asheville? I find it very frustrating that an article about changes in the River Arts District due to New Belgium's arrival doesn't even mention what they will be replacing when they build at their future location [“Big Breweries Bring Big Changes,” May 16 Xpress]. It isn't a vacant lot. It seems that a lot of folks talk about "community" without any visible regard for what has previously existed in this area that doesn't involve beer or art. Not that I don't love beer, and some art. From what I understand, and I wish I was wrong, building New Belgium's new brewery will entail tearing down the stockyard and the [adjacent] Country Kitchen, which is currently my favorite place to eat in Asheville. After reading the article I still don't know where, if anywhere, the stockyard is moving or how the land got sold with them still there. I'll sure miss looking in on the massive rodeo bulls when I walk from east-West Asheville down towards the railroad tracks. Penland's Auction has already moved to Swannanoa, after 20-some years as a lively auction house. What about the people that work/worked at these spots? Seems to me they are being displaced. I understand they might not be a big tourist draw. Also, I understand I'm a lowbrow hobo bum and a lot of folks might not share my appreciation of the area in its current form, but it seems that a place that talks big of being socially aware and embracing its history, might have a little respect for the businesses and the people that are heading for the last roundup. I'm not hat-

ing on New Belgium or saying nothing should change down there — it just makes me sad to see things I've loved disappear, especially without mention. If you like cheap, greasy, Southern food, stop on by the Country Kitchen while you still can, and tip your waitress well. — Brody Hunt Asheville

Big Beer, Big deal I don't get why everyone is so crazy about beer. I have never been much of a beer drinker, and probably never will be. It may be more than "just beer" to some, but that is what it is to me. If there is nothing else to drink, I'll have a beer, but it is not the local brew kind. I noticed you devoted a lot of pages to beer in your May 16 issue, but I guess to each his own. — Irene Corey Black Mountain

give me Weird! I must join the recent letter writer who lamented your inclusion of “Asheville Disclaimer” at the expense of “News of the Weird” [“Where’s My Dessert,” May 9 Xpress]. Almost all of the Mountain Xpress is intended for the local audience, so I would hope that some judgment of quality also comes into play. I may be in the minority of your readers, but I simply don’t find “Asheville Disclaimer” to be skillful satire or even basically amusing, let alone truly funny. The May

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staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h FOOD WRITER: Mackensy Lunsford STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Nelda holder, Tracy Rose, Steve Shanafelt CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Susan hutchinson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h


Letters continue

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GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan hutchinson ADVERTISING SuPPLEMENTS COORDINATOR: Russ Keith h RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: Bryant Cooper, Mary Driscoll, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille hh, John Varner h, CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Ronnie Edwards, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment


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MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

Sarah loves her VW.

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at 23 purported story from Susan Reinhardt was, frankly, puerile in concept and tasteless in execution. Give me some international weirdness any day. — Ralph Redpath Asheville

In pushIng for new rIders, A.r.T. neglecTs longTIme users I am an old lady with arthritic knees. But I've always been able to get to Earth Fare at Westgate using the bus. No longer. It doesn't really even go there anymore. I can no longer even get to the bus terminal without walking from Pritchard Park. A great part of the Asheville Redefines Transit re-branding was telling Asheville citizens how environmentally friendly local transportation now was, how they encourage the use of public transportation, bikes, walking, the Strive Not to Drive Week, etc. Get those cars off the road! Do you see the irony? Since I can no longer take the bus to Earth Fare, I will have to have a friend drive me there, or take a taxi — more cars on the road, not less. In the rosy spin of trying to get more people to use the bus, they have ignored steady people like myself, who always use the bus. I suggest that the few additional people who begin to use the bus in lieu of a car will be offset by those, like myself, who will have to use cars since we can no longer use the bus.

correction In the May 16 cover story “Headbangers, Y’all,” Xpress mischaracterized the band Gutterhound. Gutterhound is not a side project of Ironside. Also, Gutterhound is not a black metal band, but a selfdescribed “hard-rock” act.

Mayor Terry Bellamy, at the ribbon cutting re-launch ceremony, said, "We've been able to make improvements for people with disabilities.” Where? How? Am I missing something? Is she referring to Mountain Mobility? The implication is that there are new services tied in with the new routes and schedules for ART; this is not so. Mountain Mobility has had an admirable para-transit service since about 1989, which is relatively restricted to certain areas, destinations or trip purposes. It does not, to my knowledge, have new programs specifically tied in with ART, as is very strongly implied in the ART media [push]. As time goes on, I hope ART will reassess its schedules and routes and make adjustments to service the people, rather than the people having to adjust to their preordained schedules and routes. Have a comment about the new service? Let them know. — Parrish Rhodes Asheville

BIke To work — IT’s eAsIer ThAn you ThInk This week, spurred by the Strive Not to Drive ethos and the great weather, I gave riding

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my bike to work a shot. Before, I was afraid of traffic. But it was great! The drivers with whom I have shared the road have been courteous and I get lots of waves from passersby, not to mention the exercise and savings on gas. I am writing to thank all of you who have helped to keep me safe, and also to encourage those of you who have never tried riding your bike to work or elsewhere to give it a try — with Google Maps it is easy to find safer routes. It will probably be easier than you think. — Olivia Gage Asheville

Taxpayers fooT The bill for The biD program The city administrators are striving to create a business improvement district, or BID program. The defined area will include all the businesses and every property owner in that district. Instead of having everyone included in the defined area having a vote, they will subdivide into smaller districts. Therefore, many residents

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in a subdistrict will be represented as one vote, greatly diminishing the individual value of their votes. Considering the ease of computer-age tallying, every taxpayer should have equal vote value. In essence, the core downtown area and business owners will benefit the most. Therefore, the tax rate for that area should be higher than that of the fringe areas. It appears that the city realizes the need for more attention to the downtown area, but wants the property owners who are already overtaxed to pay for it. — Ray Conway Asheville

sTop iT, moffiTT North Carolina Rep. Tim Moffitt and his study committee recommended to the General Assembly that Asheville city water be taken over by the state; this bill is expected to be voted on soon. See for updates. Jane Whilden is running against Moffitt for the N.C. House of Representatives, District 116. Please spread the word to get the vote out for her. Moffitt needs to be removed before he causes further damage to our community. — Kris Wallace Asheville

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iN the puBlic iNterest commuNity radio Rides tHe waVes of Media Consolidation, deRegulation and funding CHallenges By michael hoppiNg photos by Max Cooper On the radio airwaves, clashes between financial and broadly defined educational interests are common. But local public-affairs broadcasters don’t allow a lack of deep pockets to prevent their messages from getting out. In recent months, two long-running local radio shows — Matt Mittan’s “Take a Stand!” and Ned Ryan doyle’s “Our Southern Community” — temporarily lost their on-air slots, putting the issue into focus locally. Mittan’s WWNC talk-radio show went down last October after Clear Channel Communications, which owns WWNC and four other Asheville stations, implemented another national round of layoffs that included Mittan’s co-host, Agnes Cheek. Mittan quit the same day; in addition to losing Cheek, he rankled under perceived pressure to avoid delving into issues that might offend area politicians or advertisers. Four months later, Doyle’s program focusing on energy sustainability ended a 10-year run on WNCW, bumped from its time slot by expanded bluegrass programming. The tension between profitability and public service dates from the beginning of broadcast media. Are the airwaves simply private property, like a piece of real estate? Or are they a shared resource that should “serve the public interest, convenience or necessity,” as the Radio Act of 1927 ambiguously required. During the debate over the Communications Act of 1934, educators urged setting aside 25 percent of radio frequencies for nonprofit broadcasters. Instead, Federal Communication Commission regulations settled for encouraging broadcasters to present a diversity of voices and programming that the public ought to hear. These regulations, never popular with commercial broadcasters, were largely eliminated by

“people doN’t go iNto radio for the moNey. it’s to help people make seNse of the World.” — agnes CHeeK, Take a STand! deregulation of radio in the 1980s. Asheville FM co-founder Greg lyon describes it this way. “If you look at the history of radio and what the FCC has done, they’ve always had to re-inject [local publicinterest programming] into the mix,” he asserts. “Commercial interests discourage stations from providing it. That’s why the FCC keeps opening new frequencies: When they get saturated, this stuff gets pushed to another new area. In the 1960s and ’70s, it migrated from AM stations to FM and public radio.” Beginning in the 1970s, National Public Radio introduced the possibility of a more communitybased alternative. But reduced government support is forcing NPR stations to pay more attention to the bottom line. Meanwhile, media consolidation and the Internet’s wide-open, no-holds-barred environment have had profound, if conflicting, impacts, concentrating the ownership of traditional news sources in a small number of corporate hands while spawning an almost unlimited number of websites, blogs and other online outlets operating outside mainstream constraints. Proponents of an unregulated, profit-driven media environment argue that audiences vote with their dollars and will thus get the information they most want. But what happens to local coverage when programming is prepackaged for regional or

10 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

“What drives me is to coNtriBute to a Better future for our childreN aNd future geNeratioNs.” — ned doyle, our SouThern coMMuniTy

national distribution? And what about things that don’t necessarily make money but that help a community know itself, evaluate conflicting views and make informed decisions? The days when Asheville’s clock radios woke people up to the sound of local-radio icon scotty Rhodarmer reading obituaries on WWNC are

long gone, but new forms of community radio continue to make local voices heard.

dialiNg for dollars An October 2011 Billboard story about the latest Clear Channel layoffs suggests that the firings signaled a corporate shift toward more


news x media

“it doesN’t sit Well With local people aNd advertisers WheN the traffic guy they’ve depeNded oN for years just disappears aNd is replaced By someoNe iN charlotte.” — Matt Mittan, Take a STand! regional and nationally syndicated programming. Local Clear Channel Vice President Bill McMartin doesn’t disagree with that. He and Brian Hall, director of news/talk programming at WWNC do, however, flatly deny Mittan’s allegation about censorship. McMartin acknowledges “gaming out” how contentious issues may be received and how to manage negative fallout. He says management tries to ensure in advance that hosts have their facts straight and counsels against creating unnecessary blowback. Advertisers sometimes pull ads if they don’t like how an issue is covered. Hall adds, “This doesn’t just affect the station. It also impacts the income of ad sales staff who work on commission.” In Doyle’s case, money was certainly a factor: Although he gave his show to WNCW for free, there were fundraising pressures. Programming Director dave Kester explains, “Our bluegrass programming is the highest-rated programming we have; we’re constantly bombarded with requests to increase the amount of bluegrass we offer.” Consequently, the station decided to move “Our Southern Community” in order to expand bluegrass show “The Gospel Truth” from three hours to four on Sunday mornings. (Doyle declined an offer of an early Saturdaymorning time slot, feeling he wouldn’t have a substantial audience then.) The move appears to have paid off. WNCW’s

2012 spring pledge drive was the station’s best in eight years. “The Gospel Truth” raised $12,000, with $4,700 of it coming during the added hour. “We had minimal contributions during that hour before,” notes Mike Gavin, the station’s director of marketing and community relations. Such calculations don’t take place at Asheville NPR station WCQS, according to Executive Director Jody evans. “I’ve cut programming that was unsuccessful in terms of audience size but not because of pledge results,” she says. “Listeners give when it’s convenient, not when their favorite program is on.” Last year, WCQS scrapped three long-running local public-affairs shows. “We looked at the audience numbers,” Evans says, and “less than a thousand [people] listened to them.” There appeared to be a need “to move closer to the kind of thing NPR does” and record more news segments outside the station, she says. After the change, “25,000 people heard our interviews with City Council candidates that aired during ‘Morning Edition.’” In the Asheville area, she says, WCQS’s listenership is now second only to 99.9 Kiss Country, and pledge revenues for the station are up 18 percent over the prior year’s numbers.

deregulatioN aNd BeyoNd For decades, the Federal Communications Commission fast-tracked license renewals for stations that provided what it considered to be an adequate amount of local public-interest • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 11

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programming. But deregulation changed the incentives. Relaxed programming guidelines meant that news and public-affairs programming could be expected to generate a profit. “Deregulation made it easier for commercial radio to be more bottom-line for shareholders,” says Gavin, adding, “When [WNCW is] bottomline driven, it’s for survival.” Barriers to media consolidation were lowered in the 1990s, further transforming the commercial-radio landscape. Clear Channel owned 43 radio stations in 1995; by 2004, that number had ballooned to 1,239. But the company’s fortunes took a serious downturn in 2008, when a leveraged buyout involving Bain Capital loaded the company with debt. Clear Channel still owns about 850 stations, but despite several rounds of layoffs, it’s scrambling to make the debt payments. Some NPR member stations also have money woes. In 2009, more than 30 percent of public-radio funding came from universities, federal Corporation for Public Broadcasting grants or direct government support. Now, however, budgetary pressures and eroding support in Washington are forcing stations to rely more on listener donations and private underwriting. Three years ago, WNCW lost the last of its state funding, which had supplied about 20 percent of the budget. CPB grants still provide 10 to 12 percent, though Kester worries about Congress eliminating them. “The good news about the loss of the state grant was that our listeners stepped up, even at a time when the economy was so bad,” he reports. “But the prospect of having to absorb another 10 percent is a scary proposition.” CPB grants amount to about 10 percent of WCQS’s budget as well. Listeners, businesses and other local sources cover the remaining 90 percent. “It’s always in the back of our mind as public broadcasters that CPB grants would go away,” Evans says, but this doesn’t discourage her. “Public Radio is expanding all over the country, despite threats to CPB funding,” she says. “We’re all working to build sustainable community stations that don’t rely on funds from outside our own communities.”

makiNg seNse of the World Money wasn’t what led Doyle to produce more than 400 programs for “Our Southern Community” over 10 years. “What drives me is to contribute to a better future for our children and future generations,” he explains. That kind of volunteer commitment is common in community radio. Asheville FM (the initials stand for “Free Media”), an Internet-only station, has no paid staff. Kim Roney, who volunteers at the station and serves as president of Friends of Community Radio, has volunteered at radio stations for 12 years. Roney says she puts in 20 to 30 hours per week at the station. While time is her big expense for producing the shows she hosts, Asheville FM also levies a “show dues” charge of $20 per month for programs lacking the support of an underwriter.

12 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

“i Never WaNt to get paid: We’re there for the commuNity.” — KiM Roney, aSheville FM “It would be awesome if I could pay a general manager at Asheville FM, but I never want to get paid: We’re there for the community,” she says. “It never crossed my mind to consider whether I’m getting taken advantage of. I get so much out of it.” Mittan also began his media career as a volunteer. Though he and Cheek were paid for their work at WWNC, Cheek says she understands Doyle and Roney’s motivations. “People don’t go into radio for the money. It’s to be able to help people make sense of the world.”

a radical departure Local community-media pioneer Wally bowen says, “Any discussion of ‘public-interest’ obligations of broadcasters must first take into account that the existing order of U.S. broadcasting was deliberately imposed by economic and political elites to ensure that broadcast licenses would never fall into the hands of interest groups who might challenge the dominant ... order.” And because Congress never authorized a truly independent federal funding stream, the public-interest sector “is, in many ways, just as centralized and subject to political pressure as commercial broadcasting.” Bowen, who founded the Asheville-based Mountain Area Information Network and lowpower station WPVM, which is now known as MAIN-FM, says MAIN is a nonprofit “in order to avoid the kind of ‘economic censorship’ that occurs when your primary sources of funding come from advertisers or other powerful interests, including government agencies.” For him, the advent of community-based, non-

profit, low-power FM radio is “a radical departure from the broadcast order established in 1934 ... creating a new class of stations that cannot be taken over by for-profit outside interests.” While Evans is a fan of low-power FM and Internet radio, she’s also a passionate defender of public radio’s community mission. “It’s core to what we do as public broadcasters. I believe in the model. Public radio can be the community voice in a way commercial broadcasters can’t.”

affectiNg people’s lives However much their visions differ, everyone interviewed for this story agreed that radio does have a public-interest responsibility. “I don’t think there’s a national interest,” says Mittan, “but there’s a local and regional interest nationally.” Clear Channel’s McMartin says that publicinterest programming is “good for business,” in part because “it builds bonds with the community.” The company’s programmers, he notes, can cut and paste from a variety of in-house and other sources, strengthening the connections between individual stations and their listeners. Mittan has his doubts about his former employer’s approach. “It doesn’t sit well with local people and advertisers when the traffic guy they’ve depended on for years just disappears and is replaced by someone in Charlotte,” he says. Lyon’s take is pragmatic as well. “The only reasons people are going to listen to you are that you’re either worldly good at what you do or you’re providing content that affects • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 13

news x media people’s lives.” Among other things, Asheville FM prides itself on local and hyperlocal publicaffairs content. At WNCW, the sense of responsibility manifests in a focus on southern-Appalachian musical heritage. “You’ll hear bits and pieces of what we play elsewhere, but not what you can hear on WNCW,” Kester says. “People all over the world listen to our streaming broadcasts; I’ve had pledges from Austria and Russia.”

keepiNg it local In a variety of guises, local public-interest programming appears to be alive and well in Western North Carolina. At WWNC, Pete Kaliner’s talk show took over Mittan’s slot, and Jerri Jameson presents extended news on “The Morning Report.” Over on WPEK, another Clear Channel station, Blake Butler anchors “Local Edge Radio.” At WCQS, Evans is attempting to recreate something of her success as programming director of Vermont Public Radio. There, she oversaw a gradual newsroom expansion from one staff member to 15. The station is now a news leader in Vermont and a perennial recipient of Edward R. Murrow broadcasting awards. She’s begun the transition here by giving News Director david Hurand a full-time addition to the news staff. Among local low-power FM stations, WRES aims to serve “people of color and those of low wealth” and also broadcasts Asheville Tourists baseball games. MAIN-FM, which touts a progressive political vision, has several locally produced programs in addition to nationally syndicated fare. Asheville FM has offered all-local programming online since 2009. The station’s policy about having shows pay their way though “show dues” or underwriting effectively decouples revenue concerns from scheduling decisions. Programs with small or nonwealthy audi-

14 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

ences aren’t penalized. The station recently raised almost $13,000 through a Kickstarter campaign, a step toward one day expanding its reach to the local airwaves. Meanwhile, both Doyle and Mittan have made their way back onto the air, and on multiple stations. Mittan and Cheek cut a deal to operate Black Mountain-based WZGM-AM in Black Mountain. “Take a Stand!” can be heard live from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. It’s also available online and on station affiliates in Brevard, Hendersonville and eastern North Carolina. Mittan plans to add local public-interest shows to the lineup, splitting ad revenues with affiliates and content providers. Cheek believes that will help attract producers. “We’d like people to make money doing the show they’re passionate about, on air or online,” she explains. Fans of “Our Southern Community” encouraged Doyle to find a way to keep his show on the air. MAIN-FM and Asheville FM were first to pick it up. As of this month, it also appears in expanded form on WZGM. “What Matt and Agnes are doing is really positive, in my opinion — something of a parallel to [low-power and Internet radio], but on commercial AM,” Doyle says. “What we’re doing wouldn’t have been possible five years ago,” says Mittan. “Because of the dire financial circumstances [Clear Channel and other major broadcasters are in], they’ve created a hole we can step into and restore community programming.” Besides providing more on-air voices, he notes, “It makes communities more self-sustainable. Instead of sending profits off to service the debt of Bain Capital, we’ll keep the money local.” X Freelance journalist, fiction writer and Asheville resident Michael Hopping can be reached at

news x asheville

oNe coNteNtious eveNiNg couNcil coNsiders Bigger raises for city employees; tax iNcrease NarroWly fails

May 22 Meeting • Council agrees to work session on higher raise for staff; tax increase fails 4-3 • Ban on future digital billboards passes unanimously • Council approves funding for Eagle-Market Street redevelopment

By david forBes On May 22, police and firefighters packed the chambers for City Council’s hearing on Asheville’s proposed annual budget, setting the stage for the most contentious debate on the budget the city has seen in years. Like all city employees, they’d been three years without a raise, and they said the 1-percent cost-of-living increase on offer wasn’t enough. “For three years we did our part for the city: We did not come before Council and raise issues with your decision, we bore the burden of not having raises and continued to work hard,” Ronnie lance, president of the local Fraternal Order of Police lodge, told Council. “We now feel it’s time to give the employees a 4-percent raise.” “We have gone three years without a raise, while insurance and inflation rates continue to increase,” said scott Mullins, president of the Asheville Firefighters Association. “We are here to ask the city to get creative with the budget to put more money into the pockets of the men and women people call on their worst day.” Mullins suggested that Council could reduce

a pat on the back: On May 22, firefighters and police showed up in force to say that a proposed 1 percent raise wasn’t enough after three years of frozen wages. Photos by Max Cooper the amount put into its fund reserve in the coming year. Currently, the budget calls for increasing the amount in the fund. “We are asking the city to put less in this massive pot of money,” he said. Personnel costs make up the largest share of the budget (65 percent), and giving a raise to all city employees costs about $500,000 for every 1-percent increase. Earlier, city staff had noted that sales-tax revenues were increasing modestly; that revenue might offer funds for an employee raise. However, staff said that wouldn’t be known for sure until the fall. At the May 22 meeting, Mayor Terry Bellamy was ready to vote for a raise. “We need to find additional funds for our firefighters, police and other employees,” she said. “Our people are the backbone of our organization. We need to find the money.” Council member Cecil Bothwell advocated a 1.5-cent property-tax increase to cover a raise for employees. “I think it’s the realistic thing to tell the people of this city: If you want it, you have to pay for it.” Some of the other Council members said they were sympathetic to the need for a raise, but urged more consideration and analysis before setting it in stone.

“I completely agree that a 1-percent raise is not enough,” said Council member Marc Hunt, who added that capital projects had a cost too, as the transit system lacks adequate coverage to get people to work and the city faces numerous infrastructure issues. “There are many streets that are at the end of their life span or well past-due [for maintenance]. There are tough tradeoffs here.” “If this is a priority, we’ll get there,” Bellamy said, pushing for immediate commitment to a raise. “If we want it to happen, it will happen … the people are more important than the buildings.” Bellamy’s remarks drew applause from the employees. Vice Mayor esther Manheimer noted that all of the city’s additional new revenue had gone to the 1-percent proposed raise. “It was our top priority,” she said, but meeting the employees’ demands for more would mean allotting an additional $1.5 million, and such a big shift in revenue required more consideration. “It’s disappointing we didn’t get to have this conversation in the budget work session,” Manheimer said. “Finding $1.5 million is not just waving a magic wand. It takes time.” Hunt noted that Bellamy hadn’t made the depth of her concerns clear in previous work sessions on the budget. While she campaigned • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 15

unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination in the 10th Congressional District, Bellamy was absent from the past three Council meetings, including the April 24 presentation of the budget. “We’ve been under way for two months on this budget,” Hunt said. “It is late in the process. It’s clear there’s interest on Council in this, but we need analysis.” Bellamy replied, “I’m not going to be sorrowful about asking for our staff to get a raise. I’m not going to feel like it’s a bad thing. If our employees say ‘Let’s go on strike,’ then what? I’m not going to feel bad.” “You shouldn’t, Terry,” Council member Gordon smith replied. “I appreciate your commitment here. I think we’ve all expressed our commitment, and I’m glad you’ve given voice to these really strong feelings you have on the subject. We just need a sober, deliberate process. This can go to the Finance Committee. We can create a plan. We don’t have to shoot from the hip.”

During the heated discussion, Council member Chris Pelly made a motion to put a 1-cent property-tax increase in the budget to cover a raise. Council member Jan davis initially seconded Pelly’s motion — he’d noted earlier that “sometimes you have to pay more” for more services — but then withdrew the second, saying he felt a big step like a tax increase deserved more consideration. Hunt, too, said that such an item needed to be on the meeting agenda before taking action. “The public hasn’t even had a hint of this,” he said. The proposal for a tax increase failed by one vote; Bothwell, Bellamy and Pelly voting in favor. Council directed staff to schedule a work session to discuss options to fund a larger raise for city employees. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or

in other action, council:






• Unanimously voted to ban future digital billboards within the city limits. Neighborhood advocates, especially in the north-Asheville area, had complained extensively about the billboards, asserting they were unsightly and a dangerous distraction to drivers.


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• Unanimously voted to take out a loan of up to $1 million from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to fund 62 units of affordable housing in the Eagle/Market Street area. Mountain Housing Opportunities, the project’s developer, will then repay the city. Council members asserted that the development was important to revitalize the area. • Heard a report on an updated evidence-room plan from Asheville Police Chief William anderson, who asserted that improved security systems will ensure that the problems with missing guns, drugs and money that erupted last year will not reoccur. The

New and improved: APD Chief William Anderson asserts that improvements to the evidence room will prevent future issues. Photo by Max Cooper APD is looking for a new evidence-room manager, he said, and will conduct a nationwide search for an experienced professional. Bellamy thanked Anderson for the report, and inveighed against unspecified “rumors” about the matter she said had appeared in media reports.

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newsoftheweird laziNess made us fat, aNd laziNess Will make us slim Dr. Oliver Di Pietro of Bay Harbor Islands, Fla., is a leading prescriber of the "K-E diet" that offers desperate people drastic short-term weight loss by threading a feeding tube through the nose to the stomach and dripping in a protein-fat solution, as clients' only "meals," for 10 straight days. "Within a few hours," Dr. Di Pietro told ABC's "Good Morning America" in April, "your hunger and appetite go away completely." Fat is burned through "ketosis," he said, and a loss of 10 to 20 pounds in 10 days is possible. Such short-term loss might be important, for example, for a woman prepping for her wedding day. One client said she doesn't have "all of the time on the planet" just to exercise, "so I came to the doctor."

goverNmeNt iN actioN! The late Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha was a Capitol Hill powerhouse, and among his legacies is the federally funded airport in his district that largely served him and the local companies heading to Washington, D.C., to lobby for government contracts. (By contrast, the Pittsburgh airport is nearly 60 miles away.) Murtha died in 2010, but the airport (which cost $150 million in earmarked funds to build, upgrade and maintain) still, according to an April Yahoo News dispatch, handles only three flights a day, all from Washington, D.C., and about $100 of every passenger's ticket is subsidized by the federal government.

great architecture! • There are big plans in the city of Chiang Rai, Thailand, for a massive Buddhist temple that priests aim to make one of the most beautiful structures in the world, and have entrusted artist Chalermchai Kositpipat to design it in all-white with glittering glass and arrangements of "rich symbolism derived from Buddhist and

brand neww Daltile porcelain

Hindu traditions." If Kositpipat has his way, according to an April Huffington Post dispatch, the temple will also have images of Superman, Batman and (from the movie "The Matrix") Neo — all of which, Kositpipat said, further Lord Buddha's "message." • Architect Sou Fujimoto recently unveiled his public restroom (for women only, though) whose one transparency-enclosed toilet sits in a 2,160-square-foot private garden of cherry, plum and peach trees. The 6-foot-high-walled park is located beside a railway station in Ichihara City, east of Tokyo. Japan is a world leader in fanciful toilets, and Fujimoto said he thought the scenery would enhance the user's "feeling of release."

the aristocrat! Kelly Ervin, 48, was arrested in Salisbury, Md., in April and charged with littering "under 100 pounds." According to police, Ervin routinely goes for a run every morning at 4 o'clock, and just as routinely, has a bowel movement after about two miles. Most days, that puts him in a certain neighborhood, whose residents have been complaining. When questioned, according to a Salisbury Daily Times reporter, Ervin basically shrugged and said he thought many distance runners do the same thing.

least competeNt crimiNals Didn't Think It Through: (1) Eric King, 21, was leaving a store in Eagan, Minn., in February when a police officer in the parking lot noticed his pronounced waddle. King was arrested

readdaily Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

for just over

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Ju n k C a r s

when the officer found a shoplifted 19-inch television set down his pants. (2) In March, a 34-year-old Lithuanian-born man led police in Wiltshire, England, in a nighttime foot chase after he had aroused their suspicion. Thermal imaging equipment was used from a helicopter to spot the man in the darkness. He was arrested "hiding" face-down in a manure pit. (Though he originally fled, there was little evidence against him, and he was released.)


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crème de la Weird "Weekend at Bernie's" — and more: Thomas Parkin inherited real estate from his elderly mother before she died, but quickly lost it in a risky business venture. To get the deed back, according to New York City prosecutors, he concocted a scheme to pretend that Mom was still alive (it would actually be Thomas in a dress) and still owned the land (and thus that the current deedholder was a fraud). Lawyers arranged a meeting with "Mother" (conducted in a darkened room because of Mom's "recent cataract surgery"), at which she mostly remained silent. Parkin improbably stayed in character, according to a trial dispatch on the Daily Beast, and jurors apparently kept straight faces as Parkin testified that recent "communications" between him and his mother were "mostly one-sided." In May, Parkin was convicted on 11 counts, and at press time, he was awaiting sentencing.

recurriNg themes In April, a woman in Switzerland identified as "Anna Gut," in her early 50s, starved to death after trying to prove that she could survive by "consuming" only sunlight, just as had happened to several others before her. An earlier practitioner, Australian Ellen Greve, died in 1999 at age 54 following a short career promoting "breatharianism," subtitled in her books and public lectures, "Liberation from the drudgery of food and drink." None of the ones who have made similar claims and survived have submitted to 24/7 monitoring. X

per square foot!



your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists calEndaR FoR may 30 JunE 7, 2012 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to Weekday abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Animals Brother Wolf animal Rescue A no-kill organization. Info: www. or 505-3440. • WEDNESDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am; SATURDAYS, 9am - The Outward Hounds hiking club encourages the public to take adoptable dogs on Asheville-area hikes. Free. Cat adoptions

• SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am-5pm - Furever Friends will host cat and kitten adoptions at Petco, 825 Brevard Road. Info: Dogs W.i.n. • SA (6/2), 11am - In this course, participants will learn what is normal dog behavior and how to provide outlets to keep dogs behaviorally healthy while preventing problems. Hosted by Patton Avenue Pet Company, 1388 Patton Ave. Please leave pets at home. Free. Info: www. Raw Pet Food Workshop • SA (6/2), 1pm - Learn about the benefits of feeding dogs and cats a raw diet and how to safely prepare food. Course will cover basic nutrition and what ingredients are necessary for a balanced diet. Program includes a "doggy bag" of food. Free. Hosted by Patton Avenue Pet Company, 1388 Patton Ave. Info: Rusty's Legacy

CalendaR deadlines:

*FREE and PaId lIstIngs - WEdnEsday, 5 P.m. (7 days PRIoR to PublIcatIon) Can’t find youR gRoup’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

CalendaR infoRMation In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

• SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm Rusty's Legacy animal rescue will host pet adoptions at Black Mountain Tractor Supply Company, 125 Old Highway 70. Info: or Spay/neuter Vouchers • The Buncombe County Animal Coalition offers free spay/neuter vouchers to at-risk pets, including pregnant or nursing cats, dog breeds such as pit bulls and hounds, animals over the age of five and pet owners who reside in public housing. Info: 250-6430 or 252-2079.

Art aRt aB tech Continuing ed. art Classes for June and July (pd.) 6 weeks, $59. Advanced Studio, all media, Monday classes begin June 4 . Tuesday classes begin June 5, 9:30 am to 12:30 • Drawing for Artists and Others, Intermediate , begins June 4, 2:00 to 4:30 pm • Beginning Drawing, begins June 5, 2 to 5 pm • Beginning Watercolor, begins June 6, 2 to 4:30 pm. (supply list 8 Intermediate Watercolor, begins June 6, 6 to 8:30 pm. All classes taught by Paula Parker in the Pines bldg. To register: abtech. ed/ce/registration or call 828254-1921, ext 5803 in person: Asheville Campus : K. Ray Baily Student Center 16 Patton Located at 16 Patton Ave. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am6pm and Sun., 1-6pm. Info: or 236-2889. • Through SU (7/1) Connections, works by Laurie Adams, and North Carolina Pastoral, works by Charles Philip Brooks. • FR (6/1), 5-8pm - An opening reception will be held in conjunction with the Asheville Art Walk. american Folk art and Framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon. - Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through WE (6/13) - The Lusty Month of May, works by selftaught artists from the Southeast. • Through TH (6/21) - 15 potters will "explore the nature of the pitcher." • FR (6/1), 5-8pm - Opening reception. antHM gallery

18 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

110 1/2 W. State St., Black Mountain. Tues.-Sun., 11am-9pm Info: • Through FR (6/29) - New works by Jackson Hammack (mixed-media). asheville art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: or 253-3227. • FR (6/1), 5-8pm - Free admission to select galleries in conjunction with Asheville Art Walk. • Through SU (8/26) - The Essential Idea: Robert Motherwell’s Graphic Works (abstract expressionist). • Through SU (9/9) - Prime Time: New Media Juried Exhibition. • Through SU (7/8) - Fire on the Mountain: Studio Glass in Western North Carolina. • FR (6/8), noon - Up for Discussion tour and talk will highlight Fire on the Mountain. • Through SU (10/28) - Artworks Project Space: Hoss Haley Installation. • Through SU (9/16) - Ancient Forms, Modern Minds: Contemporary Cherokee Ceramics. asheville art Walk • FR (6/1), 5-8pm - The Asheville Art Walk will feature extended gallery hours and art-related festivities throughout downtown. Info: Bella Vista art gallery 14 Lodge St. Spring hours: Mon., Wed.-Fri., 10am-4pm; Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 768-0246. • Through TH (5/31) - Works by Alfie Fernandes, Terry Hagiwara and Karen Margulis. • Through SA (6/30) - Abstract landscapes by Alfie Fernandes, paintings by Tracy Lynn Pristas and landscapes by Sara Linda Poly. Black Mountain Center for the arts Old City Hall, 225 West State St., Black Mountain. Mon.Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 6690930. • Through WE (6/13) - Regional Galleries Collaborative Exhibit, curated by BMCA executive director Gale Jackson. Boone First Friday art Crawl


* events are fRee unless otherwise noted.

your morning jog off the sidewalk and into the forest as REI presents "Trail Running wed Take Basics" an introduction to "technique, training, clothing and footwear specific to the sport of trail running," on Wednesday, May 30 at 7 p.m. Held at 31 Scheneck Parkway in Biltmore Park Town Square. Free. Registration required:

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will host a community day and open house, thur Asheville featuring dancing, a cakewalk, crafts and facility tours, on Thursday May 31 from 10:30 a.m.-

2:30 p.m. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info:, pdansby@ or 350-2051.


"Mermaids in Marshall" will include a mermaid parade, live music and activities for kids throughout downtown Marshall on Friday, June 1 from 5-11 p.m. Held as part of the city's French Broad Fridays series. Free. Info:


Visit homes that feature green building and energy conservation construction methods during a Green Home Bicycle Tour of Asheville's urban neighborhoods on Saturday, June 2 at noon. Meets at Mosaic Realty, 797 Haywood Road. Free. Info:, Justin@JustInAsheville. com or 713-9400.


A fully staged production of Jesus Christ Superstar will be performed by First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St., on Sunday, June 3 at 7 p.m. Free. Info: Rookies, women and men are encouraged to try their hand at disk golf with the Asheville

mon Ultimate Club. Meets at Memorial Stadium, 32 Buchanan Place. Rookie league will be held

on Monday, June 4 at 6 p.m. $10. Women's league begins at 8 p.m. Free. Men's league runs from 6-10 p.m. $10. Practices are held every Monday. Info and registration: ashevilleultimate. org.


"Farm and Garden to Kitchen" encourages children ages 3 and older to celebrate Local Food Day on Tuesday, June 5 from 1-2 p.m. Held at Hands On!, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free with $5 admission fee. Info: or 697-8333.

• 1st FRIDAYS, 7-9pm - The Boone First Friday Art Crawl will feature extended gallery and business hours in a festive, townwide celebration.

Castell Photography 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon-6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: or 255-1188. • FR (6/1) through SA (6/30) - Vignettes, works by Dan Estabrook, Sharon Hart and Stacey Page • FR (6/1), 6-8pm - Opening reception. Clay Day • SA (6/2), 10am-4pm - Clay Day will feature demos and opportunities for the public to try Raku techniques. Held at the Folk Art Center, MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free to attend; $10 Raku instruction. Info: www. Clingman Cafe • Through TH (5/31) - Works by Julie Covington (pottery) and Nancy Darrell (woodcut prints) will be on display at 242 Clingman Ave. Info: 253-2177. Coop gallery

25 Carolina Lane. Mon.-Fri., 11am-4pm. Info: • Through FR (6/1) - Too Close to Home, photography by Matt Brown, Phaedra Call, Scott Hubener, Miranda Maynard and Dawn Roe. Crimson Laurel gallery 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville. April-Dec.: Tues.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun. & Mon., noon5pm. Info: 688-3599 or www. • Through FR (6/29) Containment III: A Nesting Instinct. • Through TH (5/31) - Ceramic jars by Jana Evans. • FR (6/1) through FR (6/29) Juice: Ceramics by Noah Riedel, works from a produce designer's perspective. • SA (6/2), 6pm - Opening reception. events at Folk art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am6pm. Info: or 298-7928. • Through TU (6/5) - Works by Sondra Dorn (fiber) and Ann Gleason (clay). events at the turchin Center

Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is located at 423 West King St., in Boone. Info: 262-3017 or www. • Through SA (7/28) - STUFF: Where does it come from and where does it go? --- Reflections on Costa Rica. Flood gallery Phil Mechanic, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: or 2542166. • SA (6/2) through SA (6/30) The Living Mask: 30 Portraits (of someone you might know), new works by Rimas Zailskas. • SA (6/2), 6-9pm - Opening reception. Haywood County arts Council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86 in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www. or 452-0593. • TH (5/31) through SA (6/30) Celebrating Appalachia, an exhibit of traditional and contemporary craft styles. • FR (6/1), 6-9pm - An opening reception will be held in conjunction with Art After Dark. HCC Photography exhibit

• Through FR (6/29) Photography by Haywood Community College's continuing education digital photography class will be on display in the Haywood County Public Library's meeting room, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. Mixed Media Mamas • Through MO (6/4) - Mixed Media Mamas, clay, fiber, paint and collage works celebrating motherhood. Featuring local artists Cynthia Lee, Peggy DeBell, Kathryn Nidy-Cukier and Ginger Huebner. On display at Desert Moon Designs, 372 Depot St., Suite 44, Mon.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: Penland School of Crafts Located at 67 Dora's Trail, Penland. Gallery hours: Tues.Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon5pm. Info: or 765-2359. • Through SU (7/8) - Studio Practice, "twelve artists — their work, their working environment and their sources of inspiration." • FR (6/1), 7pm - Opening reception. • TH (6/7), 8pm - An auction of student and instructor work made

during a Penland workshop session will be held at the school's Northlight Building. All proceeds benefit Penland’s scholarship programs. Free to attend. Pink Dog Creative A multi-use arts space located at 342 Depot St. Info: info@ • Through SA (6/30) - Ralph Burns (photography). Proving. grounds. • TH (5/31) through SU (8/5) Proving. Grounds., a collaboration between photographer Micah Mackenzie, Ship To Shore's R. Brooke Priddy and Royal Peasantry's Danielle Miller, will be on display at Pisgah Brewing Company, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain, during bar hours. Info: or 669-0190. • TH (5/31), 6pm - Opening reception. Push Skate Shop & gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Gallery hours: Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: or 225-5509. • FR (6/1) through TU (7/17) Stalefish 4, an all skateboarder group show. • FR (6/1), 7:30-10pm - Opening reception. Robin Original • Through SU (6/24) - Works by Robin Ford (Robin Original) will be on display at West End

Bakery, 757 Haywood Road. Info: Sculpture for the garden • SA (6/2) through MO (12/31) - Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www. • SA (6/2), 11am-3pm - Opening reception. tC arts Members Show • FR (6/1) through TU (6/19) An exhibition, featuring members of the TC Arts Council, will be on display at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. On display Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. the artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: • FR (6/1) through SA (6/30) Life Support, works by Susannah Zucker (ceramics). • SA (6/2), 6-9pm - Opening reception the Bender gallery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 505-8341. • TH (6/7) through FR (8/31) Divergent Visions: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of American Studio Glass. • TH (6/7), 5-8pm - Opening reception

Wood engraving exhibition • Through SA (6/30) - The Wood Engravers’ Network wood engraving exhibition will be on display at Asheville Bookworks, 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Info: or 255-8444. • WE (6/6), 7pm - Opening reception. Working girls Studio 30 Battery Park (upstairs). Thurs.Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. www.workinggirlsstudio. com or 243-0200. • FR (6/1) through FR (8/3) - Works by Dot Griffith, Karen Deans and Eli Corbin. • FR (6/1), 5-8pm - An opening reception will be held in conjunction with Art Walk. ZaPow! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs., noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm; Sun. 1-6pm. Info: www.zapow. net or 575-2024. • FR (6/1), 7-9pm - An opening reception for Urban, works by Jenny Schultz, will feature complementary local beer.

Art & Craft Fairs Black Mountain arts and Crafts Show • SA (6/2), 10am-5pm & SU (6/3), 10am-4pm - The Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show will feature artist demonstrations, food, music and art for sale. Held

in downtown Black Mountain. Free to attend. Info: or 669-6583.

Hendersonville art and Jewelry Market • SA (6/2), 9am-4pm - A summer art and jewelry market will be held at 222 S. Grove St., Hendersonville. Free to attend. Info: 698-0715. Ooh La La Curiosity Market • SA (6/2), 10am-4pm - This new summer market will include local art, jewelry, music and a raffle to benefit Animal Haven, a no-kill shelter located in Asheville. Held in Pritchard Park. Free to attend. Info:

Auditions & Call to Artists attentiOn FiLM aCtORS (pd.) Learn what it takes to get into the business and how to get the job. 90-minute Seminar with the only SAG Agent in NC. 35 years experience in Miami and LA. June 10 (917) 710-2805 Best of WnC artists 2012 (pd.) A juried exhibition of 2D & 3D works by artists residing in Western North Carolina. Sponsored by WHO KNOWS ART in conjunction with Fine Art By The River/Riverside Studios. Exhibit dates: Sept 1-29. Submission deadline & fee: July

1, $25. Info: www.bestwncartists. com Summer Film and theatre Class (pd.) 6-week Intensive at NYS3: 13 classes taught by instructors from NYC and LA. Beginning June 17. www. (917) 710-2805 48 Hour Film Project • Through TU (6/12) - The 48 Hour Film Project, a competition to write, cast, film and edit a movie in less than 48 hours, will accept team registration through June 12. Info: www.48hourfilm. com/asheville. appalachian Pastel Society • Through WE (8/1) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will accept applications for its juried national exhibition through Aug. 1. Info: arts2People Paid Demonstrations • Through TU (7/31) Arts2People is currently offering artists more than $2,000 to participate in its demonstration group. The Handcrafted Artisan Revitalization Program will accept new members for this and other opportunities through July 31. Info: harp.html. asheville area arts Council • Through TH (5/31) - The Asheville Area Arts Council will accept applications for its upcoming exhibitions through May 31. Info:

asheville Chocolate and arts Festival • Through WE (8/1) - The Asheville Chocolate and Arts Festival will accept submissions from local artists through Aug. 1. Info: asheville Community theatre • TU (6/5), 10am-3pm - The Readers Theatre Showcase will hold auditions for its upcoming production of The Price. Info: eco arts award • Through WE (8/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed material competitions through Aug 15. Info: www. Fine arts and Crafts Showcase • Through FR (6/1) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its Fine Arts and Crafts Showcase through June 1. Info: or 884-2787. grassroots arts grants • Through WE (6/20) - The City of Asheville Cultural Arts Division will accept submissions for its Grassroots Arts Program grants through June 20. For nonprofits whose purpose is to promote diverse cultural arts programming in Buncombe County. Workshops and webinars about the grants will be offered in May and June at various locations. Info and

schedule: druggiero@ashevillenc. gov or 259-5815. Hard times Writing Contest • Through SA (6/30) - The Writers' Workshop will accept submissions for its Hard Times writing contest through June 30. Info: Hendersonville art on Main • Through FR (6/1) Hendersonville's Art on Main will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through June 1. Info: or 693-8504. Oktoberfest • Through WE (8/1) - Hickory’s Oktoberfest will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through Aug. 1. Info: www. teDxasheville • Through SU (7/15) TEDxAsheville will accept submissions from "thinkers, innovators and entertainers from diverse fields" through July 15. Info:

Beer asheville Beer Week • Through SU (6/3) - Asheville Beer Week will feature seminars, tastings, dinners and special events throughout the Asheville area. Info: Beer City Festival • SA (6/2), noon-6pm - Beer City Festival will be held at Roger

McGuire Green, 1 W. Pack Square. $40. Info:

Business & Technology appalachian Women entrepreneurs • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm Meet other female arts/crafts/ food/beauty-based business owners at this monthly meeting. May theme is marketing. Meeting will feature a discussion of the online AWE business directory and how to creatively market your business. Held at HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Childcare available for $10 with RSVP. Info: Business Skills Meetings • MONDAYS, 6pm - The Entrepreneur Skills Network offers a business skills meeting in Room 246 of the Jackson County Justice and Administration Building, 401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Sylva. Info: 497-0160, 586-5466 or esn4meetings@ Mountain BizWorks Workshops 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 2532834 or www.mountainbizworks. org. • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first





27 North Lexington Avenue, Downtown Asheville • Open Monday-Saturday 10 am - 6 pm FREE PARKING IN CITY DECK ON RANKIN • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 19

step towards accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: or 253-2834.

Classes, Meetings & Events asheville tantra and temple School (pd.) 6/5 FREE Tantra Talk 7-9pm Knowledgeable faculty, informed discussion. "Sexual Shadow: Illuminating where the Sun Don’t Shine!” with Rebecca Chaplin, M.A. and Sajit Greene, M.A., L.P.C. Ashevilletantra. com or 828.475.2887. • 6/2

and 6/3 SkyDancing Tantra Sky Dancing Tantra with Crystal Dawn Morris, founder of Tantra for Awakening. This 20 hour workshop is open to individuals and couples. Ashevilletantra. com or 828.475.2887. • 6/12 FREE Tantra Talks 7-9pm - Knowledgeable faculty, informed discussion. "Dating Sucks: Intimacy in the 21st Century" . or 828.475.2887. Mac Basics Classes at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays -

Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - iWork Essentials, 4th Tuesday - iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - Garageband, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at Open Stitch groups at Purl's yarn emporium (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Wednesdays, 10am-12pm; Thursdays, 6-8pm. Bring a knit or crochet project or find something new to cast on. (828) 253-2750. air Fair and Fly-in • SA (6/2) & SU (6/3), 10am5pm - The WNC Air Museum

20 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

will host an air fair and fly-in at the museum, located in the Hendersonville airport, 1340 Gilbert St. Free. Info: www.

art Classes • Through WE (6/6) - The Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League presents a variety of drawing and painting classes weekly at Red House Studio and Gallery, 310 West State St. $15 per session. Info, schedule and times: asheville Listening Project • SU (6/3), 7-9pm - The Asheville Listening Project will lead a presentation on public safety at Congregation Beth Israel,

229 Murdock Ave. Free. Info: 252-8431. asheville Parks and Rec Community Day • TH (5/31), 10:30am-2:30pm - Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will host a community day and open house, featuring dancing, a cakewalk, crafts and facility tours. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info: pdansby@ashevillenc. gov or 350-2051. Burton Street Community Day • SA (6/2), 2-8pm - Burton Street Community Day will feature a talent showcase, dance party, basketball tournament, breakdancing workshop and more. Held at the Burton Street Community

Center,134 Burton St. Free to attend: $10 raffle tickets to benefit community programs. Info: www.

Celebrate Brittany • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - A class on the dance, music and culture of Celtic France will be presented at the Senior Opportunity Center, 36 Grove St. $10. Info and registration: or 350-2062. Cherokee Bonfire • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS - A Cherokee bonfire encourages the public to hear traditional stories and roast marshmallows, beginning at dusk. Held at Oconaluftee Islands

Park, Highway 441, Cherokee. Free. Info: www.visitcherokeenc. com or (800) 438-1601. Country Breakfast networking tweetUp • FR (6/1), 7-9am - A country breakfast and networking tweetup will be held at Hoopers Creek Cafe, 144 Hoopers Creek Road, Fletcher. $8; cash only. Info and reservations: 239-2972. Full Moon Pedal Party • MO (6/4), 9pm - A full moon pedal party will meet at the traffic circle in the River Arts District. Bring bikes, costumes, lights, music and friends. Free. Info: (650) 814-6426. groWnC initiative • WE (5/30), 4-7pm - A community meeting about GroWNC, an initiative to support growth and economic development in Buncombe and surrounding counties. Free. Info and location: Haywood Road Community Meeting • WE (5/30), 6pm - The Haywood Road Vision Plan Committee will hold a community meeting about the future growth and development of Haywood Road in West Asheville. Held at Vance Elementary School, 98 Sulphur Springs Road. Info: or 259-5556. Henderson County Heritage Museum Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.-Sat., 10am5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: www. or 694-1619. • Through TU (12/31) - An exhibit of Civil War military weaponry and uniforms. Historic Hendersonville tour • SATURDAYS through (10/27), 9am - A trolley tour of historic Hendersonville will depart from Hampton Inn,155 Sugarloaf Road, Hendersonville. $25/$20 children ages 6-12/children 5 and under free. Info: or 606-8606. Laurel Chapter of the embroiderers' guild of america Info: or 654-9788. • TH (6/7), 10am - A monthly meeting will focus on pulledthread pin cushions. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Free. Lenoir-Rhyne University info Session • TH (6/7), noon-1:30pm Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville will host an information session for students interested in applying for the 2012-2013 school year. Info, registration and exact location: or 328-7300. north Carolina Digital Library Workshop

• TH (6/7), 5:30-6:30pm - Learn how to download free audio and e-books from the North Carolina Digital Library onto your digital device (Kindle, Nook, iPod, etc.) at a free workshop hosted by the Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Registration required: 648-2924. Old timey Day • SA (6/2), 8am-2pm Henderson County Curb Market Old Timey Day will feature biscuits cooked on a wood stove, an antique display, music and demonstrations at 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Free to attend. Info: Ox Creek Community History Collection • SATURDAYS through (6/9), 10am-2pm - An exhibition will feature selections from the Ox Creek Community History Collection at the Weaverville Library, 41 North Main St. Free. Info: Ponderer's Cafe group • TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - This easygoing, guided questioning aims to cultivate discussion and broaden perspectives on a variety of interesting topics. Free to attend. Info: PonderersCafe. Rummage Sale • SA (6/2), 8am-2pm - A rummage sale, featuring clothes, furniture, household and children's items, will be held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. Info: 231-6896. Rutherfordton Walking tour • SA (6/2), 10am-noon - A walking tour of Rutherfordton will feature guides in period attire and costumed interpreters. Tours last one hour and will depart every 30 minutes from the Rutherford County Office Building, 289 North Main St. A heritage fair featuring 18th and 19th century handcrafts will follow the tour. Free. Info and registration: robinslattimore@att. net or 286-9030. RV Camping Club • Through FR (11/30) - The Small RV Camping Club currently seeks new members. Info: or 369-6669.

Dance Bharatanatyam Classes • Adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: Studio Zahiya (pd.) • Drop in Classes: Monday 7:30-9pm Bellydance • 9am Hip Hop Workout • 5:15-5.45pm Intro to Bellydance. • Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Hip Hop, • 7:30-9 Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9-10am Bellydance Workout • 6-7pm Bollywood, • 8-9pm Hip Hop

2 • Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. Belly Dancing Class • SA (6/2), 1-2pm - Our VOICE will host "Reconnecting with Ourselves," a belly dancing class, at Studio Zahiya, 90 1/2 N. Lexington Ave. Open to women identified participants only. $5-$10 sliding scale. Info: www. or 252-0562. La Fille Mal gardee • FR (6/1), 7:30pm & SU (6/2), 2pm & 7:30pm - The Ballet Conservatory of Asheville will present La Fille Mal Gardee, a comic ballet, at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. $20/$10. Info: or natural Movement Dance gathering • MO (6/4) through WE (6/6) - A natural movement dance gathering will be held at Prama Institute, 196 Raven Rock Lane, Marshall. Held throughout the day. By donation. Info: moppy078@ or 484-9420. Old Farmer's Ball • THURSDAYS, 8pm - The Old Farmer's Ball will be held at Warren Wilson College's Bryson Gym. Beginner's lesson starts at 7:30pm. $6/$5members/$1 Warren Wilson students. Info: Southern Lights SDC Held at the Whitmire Activity Building, 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info and cost: 696-9198. • SA (6/2), 7:30pm - "Ping Pong Circulate Dance." Advance dance at 6pm. Spiral Spirt ecstatic Dance • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm Weekly dances held at Sol's Reprieve, 11 Richland St. "We honor the wave, body exploration and stillness." $7. Info: azealea@ or elementsmove@

Gardening garden Hotline

• MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8:30am-4:30pm - A garden hotline will be offered by Buncombe County Extension Master Gardeners. Info: 255-5522. n.C. arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through MO (9/3) - Wicked Plants: The Exhibit will “expose plants associated with a myriad of negative health effects.” Open air Market • SATURDAYS, 9am-noon Biltmore Coffee Traders, 518 Hendersonville Road, hosts an open air market featuring eco-friendly and garden-related items including solar oven kits, mushroom logs, pottery and more. Currently accepting new vendors. Info: biltmorecoffee@ or Regional tailgate Markets Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: www. or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 8amnoon - Waynesville Tailgate Market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - Haywood Historic Farmer’s Market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 2-6pm - Asheville City Market South, Town Square Boulevard, Biltmore Park --- 2:306:30pm - Weaverville Tailgate Market, 60 Lakeshore Drive --2-5pm - Spruce Pine Farmers Market, 297 Oak Ave. --- 2-6pm - Montford Farmers Market, 36 Montford Ave. --- 2-6pm French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. • THURSDAYS, 2-6pm - Oakley Farmers Market, 607 Fairview Road. --- 3-6pm - Flat Rock Tailgate Market, 2724 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. --- 3rd THURSDAYS, 2-6pm - Greenlife Tailgate Market, 70 Merrimon Ave.

• FRIDAYS, 3-6pm - East Asheville Tailgate Market, 945 Tunnel Road. --- 4-7pm Leicester Tailgate Market, 338 Leicester Highway. • SATURDAYS, 7am-noon Henderson County Tailgate Market, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville.--- 8am-noon Waynesville Tailgate Market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - Haywood Historic Farmer’s Market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 8am-noon - Mills River Farmers Market, 5046 Boylston Highway. --- 8am-noon - Bakersville Farmers Market, Bakersville Community Medical Clinic parking lot, opposite the U.S. Post Office. --- 8am-1pm Asheville City Market, 161 South Charlotte St. --- 8am-12:30pm - Transylvania Tailgate Market, 90 E. Main St., Brevard --- 8amnoon - North Asheville Tailgate Market, UNCA commuter lot C. --- 8:30am-12:30pm - Yancey County Farmers Market, S. Main Street at US 19E, Burnsville. --- 9am-noon - Big Ivy Tailgate Market, 1679 Barnardsville Highway, Barnardsville. --- 9amnoon - Black Mountain Tailgate Market, 130 Montreat Road. --- 9am-1pm - Madison County Farmers and Artisans Market, Highway 213 at Park Street, Mars Hill. --- 9am-2pm - Leicester Tailgate Market, 338 Leicester Highway. --- 10am-2pm Murphy Farmers Market, downtown Murphy. Info: 837-3400. • SUNDAYS, noon-4pm Marshall’s “Sundays on the Island,” Blanahasset Island. • TUESDAYS, 3-6pm - Historic Marion Tailgate Market, West Henderson Street at Logan Street, Marion. --- 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville Tailgate Market, 718 Haywood Road.

Eco Fracking Forum • TH (5/31), 7pm - ECO will present a program on hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, to discuss North Carolina's current proposals and potential regulations. Held at the Hendersonville City Operations

Center, 305 Williams St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: www. or 692-0385. green Home Bicycle tour • SA (6/2), noon - Visit homes that feature green building and energy conservation construction methods during this bicycle tour of Asheville's urban neighborhoods. Free. Info: g2, or 713-9400. invasive Plant Workshop • SA (6/2), 9am - A workshop on identifying non-native invasive plants will be held at the Wilson Creek Visitor Center, 7805 Brown Mountain Beach Road, Collettsville. Free. Info: akota@ or 437-9930. n.C. arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through MO (7/2) - Ferns of the Smokies will feature exhibits about the flora of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. transition asheville • TH (5/31), 6:30-8:30pm Transition Asheville will present "A New Approach to Water: For a Water-Sustainable Asheville" at the West Asheville library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: www. WnC Sierra Club Info: or 2518289. • WE (6/6), 7pm - A panel featuring Tree Commission members, city arborists, the Asheville Greenworks director and city planning staff will discuss the Treasured Tree program, open tree mapping, potential tree ordinances and N.C. laws allowing clearcutting around billboards during this meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place.

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Cherokee gourd artists gathering • FR (6/1), 9am-9:30pm & SA (6/2), 9am-8pm - The Cherokee Gourd Artists Gathering will

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feature demonstrations, classes, competitions and an art market. Held at Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds, 441 Sequoyah Trail, Cherokee. Free. Info: www. Marshall Mermaids • FR (6/1), 5-11pm - The Madison County Tourism Development Association will host "Mermaids in Marshall," featuring a mermaid parade, live music and activities for kids, as part of its French Broad Fridays series. Held in downtown Marshall. Free. Info: the Lord's acre Family Fundraiser • SU (6/3), 5-10pm - The Lord's Acre Family Fundraiser will include house tours, pony rides, dancing, live music, a silent auction and potluck. Bring a dish to share. Refreshments provided. Held at the historic Sherrill’s Inn, U.S. Highway 74A in Fairview. $10 individuals/$20 per family. Info:

Government & Politics Buncombe green Party Meeting • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - "Join us in building grassroots progressive democracy." Meetings held in The Fortune Building, 727 Haywood Road, West Asheville. Info: or 225-4347. nonpartisan Forum on affordable Care act • SU (6/3), 3pm - Dr. Craigan Gray, state Medicaid director, and Dr. Ronald Paulus, head of Mission Health, will speak and answer questions about the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in North Carolina at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road. Free to attend. Info: patdeck@

Outdoors Lake James Boat Slips (pd.) Covered and uncovered. Starting at $1600/year. 828 5840666.

Blue Ridge Parkway Programs • FR (6/1), 7:30am - Bird watching will be offered at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. --- 7:30pm - A program on the successful conservation of black bears, wild turkey, white-tailed deer and the American Chestnut will be held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: • SA (6/2), 7:30am - Bird watching will be offered at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: --- 7:30pm - "Mountain Murder Mysteries: Death on the Long Hunt" will be presented at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: ggapio@ events at Rei Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or asheville. • WE (5/30), 7pm - A class on trail running basics will cover technique, training and footwear. Free; registration required. • SA (6/2), 9am-5pm - REI and Friends of Panthertown invites the public to perform trail maintenance in honor of National Trails Day. Group meets at the Cold Mountain entrance of Panthertown Valley Park, near Lake Toxaway. Dress to get dirty. Registration required. • TU (6/5), 7pm - A bike maintenance class will teach participants how to lube a chain, fix a flat and make minor adjustments. No need to bring bikes. Free, but registration is required. introduction to Kayaking • THURSDAYS, 7:30-9:30pm An introductory kayaking class will cover the basics of whitewater kayaking with Nantahala Outdoor Center instructors at The Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Ages 10 and up. $40. Info and registration: (800) 232-7238. national trails Day • SA (6/2), 8:30am - The Southern Appalachian Highlands

Conservancy will host a trail renewal and revitalization program in honor of National Trails Day at Hampton Creek Cove State Natural Area in Tennessee. Info, registration and location: lisa. Spring Birds for Sight and Sound • SA (6/2), 7am - A birdwatching walk will focus on sight and sound identification. Bring binoculars and a notepad. Held at French Broad River Park, Amboy Road. Free. Info: www.riverlink. org or 252-8474. tuckasegee River Rafting • SU (6/3), 10am-3pm Unguided rafting trips down the Tuckasegee River will be offered by Dillsboro River Company, 18 Macktown Road, Sylva. Free with donation of ten cans of food for the United Christian Ministries of Jackson County. Info: www. or 586-3797.

Parenting green Parents Club • FRIDAYS, 9am - This group of eco-minded parents meets at Biltmore Coffee Traders, 518 Hendersonville Road, for hands on workshops, including planting kids' gardens, growing sprouts, making green cleaners and more. Children welcome. Info: 7128439 or Practical Parenting Strategies for aDHD Children • WE (5/30), 7pm - This workshop for parents of ADD/ADHD children will offer strategies to "help reduce stress and build harmony." Held at Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: www.malaprops. com or

Performance & Film Film Business Workshop (pd.) With SAG Agent Sharon Martin, June 10, 2-4pm. Learn priceless insight into the TV and Film Industry/how to get an Agent in this 2-hour workshop. Song O' Sky Show Chorus

(pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm Rehearsal at First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) 20 Oak Street Asheville 28801.(Enter Fellowship Hall-lower level). Guests welcome. Contact: www. Toll Free # 1-866824-9547. tV and Film on Camera Workshop (pd.) With Celebrity Instructor Timothy O'Keefe. June 10, 4:00 - 7:00pm. Learn the ins and outs of getting the job. 12 Students maximum. amiciMusic • WE (5/30), 8pm - "An American Affair" will feature Tim Schwarz (violin) and Daniel Weiser (piano) performing works by Amy Beach, Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, along with variations on Yankee Doodle. Held at the Magnetic Field Theatre, 372 Depot St. Wednesday performance will be held in conjunction with an opening reception for photographer Lisa Becker. Free. Info: • TH (5/31), 7:30pm - An additional performance will be held at First Baptist Church, 62 N. Main St., Weaverville. $15/children free. • SA (6/2), 7:30pm - An additional performance will be held at a private home at The Cliffs of Walnut Cove. Arden. $35 includes food and wine. Info, location and reservations: daniel@amicimusic. org or 505-2903. • SU (6/3), 3pm - An additional concert will be held at a private home in North Asheville. $35 includes food and wine. Info, location and reservations: or 505-2903. --- 7:30pm - A final performance will be held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. $15/$5 students and children. Info: Bluegrass and Country Music • 1st SATURDAYS, 6-10:30pm - The Lions Club will host a bluegrass and country music night with a raffle and cake walk. Free, but donations encouraged. Held at 188 Erwin Hills Road. Info: 713-7509. Camerata antiqua

• TU (6/5), 3pm - Camerata Antiqua, a Renaissance quartet, will perform at the Etowah Library, 101 Brickyard Road. Free. Info: 891-6577. • TH (6/7), 3pm - An additional performance will be held at the Mills River Library, 124 Town Center Drive, Suite 1. Info: 8901850. Concerts on the Creek Held in the pavilion at Bridge Park in downtown Sylva from 7:30-9:30pm. Sponsored by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Free. Info: (800) 962-1911 or • FR (6/1) - Vinyl Brothers Big Band. Flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/24) - The Spitfire Grill, the story of a woman released from prison looking for a fresh start, will be performed on the Mainstage. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat. and Sun., 2pm. $40/$38 AAA/$22 students. Rush discounts available through June 2. grind Cafe 136 West Union St., Morganton. Info: or 430-4343. • FR (6/1), 7:30pm - Wendy Hayes (jazz). Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra Info: 697-5884 or • SA (6/2), 7:30pm - A 40th anniversary concert will feature brass fanfares by Peter Voisin, along with pops and classical music. Held in BRCC's Conference Hall. $25. Hurricane Creek • FR (6/1), 6:30pm - Hurricane Creek (rock, blues) will perform outdoors at the Village Commons, Frank Allen Road, Cashiers, as part of the Groovin' on the Green series. Free. Info: if i Had Wings to Fly

• TH (6/7), 7pm - A screening of the local film If I Had Wings To Fly will be held at The Fine Arts Theater, 36 Biltmore Ave. Oldtime music begins at 6:30pm. $8.75. Info: in the next Room • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/10) - In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play), a production about female hysteria in the 1800s and Dr. Givings' electric vibrating machine. Prices vary. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sat.-Sun., 2pm. Info: www,. Jesus Christ Superstar • SU (6/3), 7pm - Andrew Lloyd Webber's classic rock opera will be presented by First Baptist Church of Asheville's 60-voice Youth Choir and orchestra. The production is fully staged, costumed and choreographed. 5 Oak St. Free. Info: Letters to abigail Music Video Release • FR (6/1), 7pm Hendersonville‘s newest video production company, Liquid Brick Productions, presents the video release of Letters To Abigail’s "Angel in Ordinary Shoes," featuring Steep Canyon Ranger fiddler Nicky Sanders, at the Black Bear Coffee Shop, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: http:// Montford Park Players • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/23), 7:30pm - The Montford Park Players open their 40th summer season with Much Ado About Nothing, "a comedic romp" at the Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 100 Gay St. in Montford. Free, but donations appreciated. Info: 254-5146 or Movie night • SATURDAYS, 6pm - Hosted by Wall Street Coffee House and Emporium, 62 Wall St., featuring new releases, cult classics and old favorites. Free. Movie titles to be announced weekly at www. nunsense • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/10) Nunsense, "a madcap musical

revue that satirizes convent life." Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Thurs., Sat. and Sun., 2pm. $35. Seniors, students, military and AAA discounts available. Info: or 693-0731. Pan Harmonia • TH (5/31), noon - Pan Harmonia will present an open rehearsal featuring its upcoming June program. Held in UNCA's Manheimer Room. Free. Info: or 251-6140. Screening of Healing Homes • WE (5/30), 7pm - Healing Homes: An Alternative, Swedish Model for Healing Psychosis will be screened at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Free. Info:, 252-2535 or www.wallstreetcoffeehouse. Slice of Life Comedy • TH (5/31), 9pm - Stand-up comedy and booked open mic will include free snacks, drink specials and a raffle for charity. Held at Pulp, below the Orange Peel, 103 Hilliard Ave. $5. Info and booking: sliceoflifecomedy@ • TH (6/7), 9pm - An additional open mic will be held at Pulp. Sunday Songwriter's Serenade • SUNDAYS, 2-5pm - Local songwriters meet regularly to give one another thematic assignments and perform original folk, blues and pop tunes written as a group. Held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Donations accepted. Info: 424-3460. the Magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: or 257-4003. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (6/9), 7:30pm - The world premier of Love Among the Frankensteins: A Monstrous Comedy by Steven Samuels. $13-$16.

Kids Barnardsville Public Pool Opening • SA (6/2), noon - The Barnardsville Public Pool will open for the summer season (through August). Free parking. Snacks available. $35 for season

pass. 540 Dillingham Road. Info: 626-3438. Cradle of Forestry events Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Info: or 877-3130. • THURSDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Woodsy Owl's Curiosity Club, for children ages 4-7, presents a different forest-related activity to engage children in the natural world. Reservations requested. $4/$2.50 adults. Fountainhead Bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. or 697-1870. • WE (6/6), 1pm - A tea party will celebrate the book Puzzled by Pink by Sarah Frances Hardy. Children are encouraged to wear pink or black outfits. Free, but advance tickets are required (available upon purchase of the book). Hands On! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • WE (5/30), 10:30am - Crazy Chemistry will focus on sidewalk chalk. Registration requested. • TU (6/5), 1-2pm - "Farm and Garden to Kitchen" will celebrate Local Food Day with activities for children ages 3 and older. • WE (6/6) - Children are invited to make a rose for National Rose Month throughout the day. High School Poetry Slam • TU (6/5), 6:15pm - "Old School vs. New School" poetry slam for high school students will be held at the Magnetic Field, 372 Depot St. Sign-ups at 5:30pm. Info: or 257-4003. Hip Hop Class • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm - A hip-hop class for children grades K-12 will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free for mem-

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freewillastrology gEMINI (MAy 21-JUNE 20) Your core meditation this week is Oscar Wilde’s belief that disobedience is a primal virtue. Be ingeniously, pragmatically, and cheerfully disobedient, Gemini! Harness your disobedience so that it generates outbreaks of creative transformation that improve your life. For inspiration, read this passage by Robert Anton Wilson: “Every fact of science was once damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire web of culture and progress, everything on earth that is man-made and not given to us by nature, is the concrete manifestation of someone’s refusal to bow to Authority. We would be no more than the first apelike hominids if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and the intransigent.”

ARIES (MARch 21-ApRIl 19) "Let's waltz the rumba," said jazz musician Fats Waller, suggesting the seemingly impossible mix of two very different types of dancing. That's an excellent clue for you to follow up on, Aries. I suspect that in the coming week you will have an unusual aptitude for hybridization. You could do folk dancing and hip-hop moves simultaneously. It will make sense for you to do the cha-cha as you disco and vice versa. You'll have a knack for bringing the spirit of belly dance into the tango, and for breakdancing while you do the hokey-pokey.

TAURUS (ApRIl 20-MAy 20) Have you been feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in your money chakra? I hope so. The cosmos recently authorized you to receive a fresh flow of what we might call financial kundalini. Your insight into money matters should be increasing, as well as your ability to attract the information and influences you need to refine your relationship with prosperity. It may even be the case that higher levels of economic luck are operating in your vicinity. I'm not saying you will strike it rich, but you could definitely strike it richer.

sands of species that science still has no knowledge of, and quite a few of them are near you. A similar principle currently holds true for your life in general. It will be close to home that you are most likely to connect with fascinating exotica, unknown influences, and far-out adventures.

VIRgO (AUg. 23-SEpT. 22) Now and then my readers try to bribe me. "I'll give you $1,000," said a recent email from a Virgo woman, "if you will write a sequence of horoscopes that predict I'll get the dream job I'm aiming for, which will in turn make me so attractive to the guy I'm pursuing that he will beg to worship me." My first impulse was to reply, "That's all you're willing to pay for a prophecy of two events that will supercharge your happiness and change your life?" But in the end, as always, I flatly turned her down. The truth is, I report on the music of the heavenly spheres, but I don't write the music myself. Still, I sort of admire this woman's feisty resolve to manipulate the fates, and I urge you to borrow some of her ferocity in the coming week.

lIBRA (SEpT. 23-OcT. 22)

"Some people tell me I'd invented the sounds they called soul," said musician Ray Charles, "but I can't take any credit. Soul is just the way black folk sing when they leave themselves alone." I urge you to experiment with this idea, Cancerian. In my astrological opinion, you need to whip up a fresh, hot delivery of raw soul. One of the best ways to do that might be to leave yourself alone. In other words, don't badger yourself. Don't pick your scabs and second-guess your enthusiasms and argue yourself into a knot. Create a nice big space for your original self to play in.

A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes in front of the sun and blocks much of its light from reaching our eyes. On a personal level, the metaphorical equivalent is when something obstructs our ability to see what nourishes us. For example, let's say you're in the habit of enviously comparing your own situation to that of a person you imagine is better off than you. This may blind you to some of your actual blessings, and diminish your ability to take full advantage of your own talents. I bring this up, Libra, because you're in an especially favorable time to detect any way you might be under the spell of an eclipse -- and then take dramatic steps to get out from under it.

lEO (JUly 23-AUg. 22)

ScORpIO (OcT. 23-NOV. 21)

"Where's the most convenient place to discover a new species?" asks The Second Book of General Ignorance. What do you think the answer is, Leo? The Amazon Rainforest? The high mountainous forests of New Guinea? Northwest Siberia? None of the above. In fact, your best chance of finding a previously unidentified life form is in your own garden. There are hundreds of thou-

Some secrets will dribble out. Other secrets will spill forth. Still others may shoot out and explode like fireworks. You won't be bored by this week's revelations, Scorpio. People's camouflage may be exposed, hidden agendas could be revealed, and not-quite-innocent deceits might be uncovered. So that's the weird news. Here's the good news: If you maintain a high level of integrity and treat the brou-

cANcER (JUNE 21-JUly 22)

haha as good entertainment, you're likely to capitalize on the uproar. And that's your specialty, right?

SAgITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEc. 21) If you go to a psychotherapist, she may coax you to tell stories about what went wrong in your childhood. Seek a chiropractor's opinion and he might inform you that most of your problems have to do with your spine. Consult a psychic and chances are she will tell you that you messed up in your past lives and need a karmic cleansing. And if you ask me about what you most need to know, I might slip you some advice about how to access your untapped reserves of beauty and intelligence. Here's the moral of the story, Sagittarius: Be discerning as you ask for feedback and mirroring. The information you receive will always be skewed.

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cApRIcORN (DEc. 22-JAN.19) The state of Kansas has a law that seems more confusing than helpful. It says the following: "When two trains approach each other at a crossing, both shall come to a full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone." From what I can tell, Capricorn, a similar situation has cropped up in your life. Two parties are in a stalemate, each waiting for the other to make the first move. At this rate, nothing will ever happen. May I suggest that you take the initiative?

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AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) Should you get down on your knees and beg for love and recognition? No! Should you give yourself away without seeking much in return? Don't do that, either. Should you try to please everyone in an attempt to be popular? Definitely not. Should you dilute your truth so as not to cause a ruckus? I hope not. So then what am I suggesting you should do? Ask the following question about every possibility that comes before you: "Will this help me to master myself, deepen my commitment to what I want most, and gain more freedom?"

pIScES (FEB. 19-MARch 20) Do you know why flamingos have their distinctive orange-pink color? It's because of the carotene in the shrimp and other food they consume. If they change their diet, their feathers turn dull gray. That's a dramatic example of the adage, "You are what you eat." Let's use it as a prompt to contemplate all the stuff you take into the holy temple of your body, Pisces. Not just the sandwiches and chocolate bars and alcohol, but also the images, sounds, ideas, emotions, and energy you get from other people. Is the cumulative effect of all those things giving you the shape and color and texture you want to have? If not, this would be a good time to adjust your intake. Homework: I invite you to go to my Facebook page and tell me what you like or don't like about my horoscopes: © Copyright 2012 Rob Brezsny

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bers/$20 pass for 15 visits. Registration required. Info: or 456-2030. introduction to Robot Programming • SA (6/2), 10am-4pm - An introduction to robot programming for kids will feature hands-on activities, including programming a robot to play music, follow a path and sense its surroundings. No prior experience required. Held at 94 Coxe Ave. $25. Info and registration: 255-5522. Spellbound Children's Bookshopå 21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 232-2228. • SATURDAYS (6/2) through (7/28), 10:30-11am - The Moozic Lady will present a Tap-n-Shake music program for preschoolers. young entrepreneurial Scholars Camp • Through FR (6/15) - A-B Tech’s Small Business Center and Entrepreneurial Institute will accept applications for its summer day camp for rising middle school and high school students interested in business ownership through June 15. $25 registration. Info: or 254-1921.


UNC Asheville’s Creative Writing Summer Program for High School Students

College for Seniors • N.C. Center for Creative Retirement's College for Seniors will accept registration for the summer session, which includes courses on history, landscaping, foreign language, astronomy and more, at courses. SeniorSalt Hymn Sing • MO (6/4), 9am-2:15pm SeniorSalt Hymn Sings are an opportunity for seniors to gather for a morning of worship and fellowship. Participants will sing traditional hymns, read Scripture passages and hear the stories behind the songs. A buffet-style meal will follow. Hosted by The Cove at the Billy Graham Training Center, 1 Porter's Cove Road. $25. Info and registration: http://

Spirituality asheville Compassionate Communication Center (pd.) INNER EMPATHY WEEKEND INTENSIVE JUNE 15-17 Fri 6-9pm, Sat & Sun 9-5pm Learn to hold empathy and unconditioned presence for yourself no matter what! Dynamic group format supports connecting deeply to parts of yourself that hold core needs and beliefs. asheville Meditation group (pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the

24 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

Insight/Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more peaceful and focused mind. Our "sangha" (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am11:30am: Seated meditation and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 808-4444. • astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. Healing Meditations Workshop with Bill torvund (pd.) Saturday, June 2nd, 2:156:15pm. Cost: $50. Jubilee! Community Church, 46 Wall St. Guided by his spiritual master and teacher, Mabamuni Babaji Nagaraija, Bill Torvund has been a spiritual healer, teacher and initiate of several sacred traditions since 1962. In 1980, Bill established one of the largest spiritual healing practices in the United States; Visit Contact Tracey to pre-register at 828-215-4716 or NOTE: All are welcome to enjoy an evening with Bill at an open-house at Jubilee! on May 29th (7 -9 pm). Mindfulness Meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Bentinho Massaro • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - A satsang meeting with Bentinho Massaro will be held at Town and Mountain Training Center, 261 Asheland Ave. $20 suggested donation; no one turned away. Info: Cloud Cottage Community of Mindful Living Location: 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain. Info: or 669-0920. • WE (5/30), 6pm - Guest speakers Sunya Kjolhede and Lawson Sachter will lead a presentation on Zen practices. By donation. Confidence to Change • SUNDAYS, 7pm - "Buddha's teachings on the mind give us confidence to change and meditation gives us practical methods to bring change about." Learn more during this weekly meeting which

includes a discussion and guided meditation. Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: www.meditationinasheville. org, 668-2241 or Discovering everyday Miracles • SU (6/3), 11am-noon - "Some people find miracles all the time. Because life is like a sea. You’re walking in a sea of experiences every moment of your life. And some people walking around in this sea of life find miracles every day.” A potluck lunch will follow. Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Info: or 254-6775. Dowsing training and Practice • MONDAYS, 9am-12:30pm Dowsing training and practice will focus on tapping into the superconscious universal mind through pendulums and L Rods. $40. Info and location: UltimateEnergyHealing@gmail. com. First Congregational Church in Hendersonville Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Programs by donation, unless otherwise noted. Info: 692-8630 or www. • SA (6/2), 10am & 1pm; SU (6/3), 1:30pm - Presentation by John Shelby Spong, an "imaginative religious speaker." $20 per session. Spong will also speak at the 10:30am Sunday worship service at no charge. group Meditation • TH (6/7), 7pm - Blue Star Emanations group meditation and channeling will include alignment activation mediation and question/ response. Hosted by The Sacred Embodiment Center, 41 Carolina Lane. $15, cash only. www. or 216-2983. guest Preacher John Bell • SU (6/3), 10:30am - Guest preacher John Bell will lead a worship service at Montreat Conference Center, 401 Assembly Drive, Montreat. By donation. Info: www.montreat. org. Kashmir Shaivism • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Explore the nondual philosophy and practice of tantric Kashmir Shaivism with Madhyanandi. By donation. Info and directions: Morning Sitting Meditation • THURSDAYS, 7am - A mostlysilent, simply-guided meditation based in the yogic tradition. All meditators are welcome, whatever style of silent meditation preferred. Hosted by One Center Yoga, 120 Coxe Ave., Suite 3A. By donation. Info: Power Healing group • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Learn and practice simple techniques to heal yourself physically, emotion-

ally and other ways through the "Power of Soul." Meetings held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Info: 258-9584. toning for Peace • 1st SUNDAYS, 2-3:30pm Toning for Peace will be offered at the Sacred Embodiment Center, 41 Carolina Lane. By donation. Info: 667-2967. Ultimate energy Healing • MONDAYS, 1pm - Learn and practice Ultimate Energy Healing for people, pets and places. Technique combines nine healing modalities into one. $40. Info and directions: UltimateEnergyHealing@gmail. com. Ultimate energy Healing Workshop • SA (6/2), 3pm - This workshop is designed to "channel your spiritual guides" and provide "a unique and effective way to communicate with your highest self." Held at Crystal Visions Bookstore, 5426 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. By donation. Info: Unity Church of asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:302pm - A Course in Miracles study group.

Spoken & Written Word asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: or 254-1320. • TH (5/31), 7:30pm - "Listen to This: Stories in Performance" will feature graduation stories. Hosted by Tom Chalmers. $10. attention WnC Mystery Writers • TH (5/31), 6pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave #A. For serious mystery/suspense/thriller writers. Info: or 712-5570. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n EC = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • SA (6/2), 10am-4pm - A spring book sale will benefit Skyland library. SS • TU (6/5), 6-8pm - Knit-n-Chain. SS --- 7pm - Ginny Callaway will read from her book A Friend in Grief: Simple Ways to Help. FV --- 7pm - Book club: Ahab's Wife

by Sena Jeter Naslund. WV --7pm - Book club: State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. EC • WE (6/6), 7pm - Book club: Requiem by Fire by Wayne Caldwell. WV City Lights Bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • SA (6/2), 2pm - Harold Littleton will read from his book Jesus: A Would Be King. grateful Steps Publishing house located at 159 S. Lexington Ave. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 277-0998. • WE (5/30), 6:30-8pm - Writer Laura Hope-Gill and photographer Michael Oppenheim will present their book Look Up Asheville Collection II. Held at Beaufort House Inn, 61 North Liberty St. • SA (6/2), 5-6:30pm - Samantha Ryan Chandler will read from her book A Love Story, How God Pursued Me and Found Me. Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • TH (5/31), 7pm - John Odell will read from his book The Healing. • SA (6/2), 7pm - Christopher Tilghman will read from his novel The Right-Hand Shore. • SU (6/3), 3pm - Poetrio will feature Lisle Burton, Alice Osborn and Erica Wright. • MO (6/4), 7pm - Leonard Pitts, Jr. will read from his book Freeman. A discussion of his novel will follow as part of the Bridging Differences Book Club. • WE (6/6), 7pm - Russ Kick will present his book The Graphic Canon. --- 7pm - Book club: Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. • TH (6/7), 7pm - Douglas Veenhof will read from his book White Lama: The Life of Tantric Yogi Theos Bernard, Tibet's Lost Emissary to the New World. the Magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: or 257-4003. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 7:3010pm - The Synergy Story Slam is an opportunity to share stories, laugh, learn and build a stronger community. Registration begins at 7pm. Urban Dharma • SA (6/2), 5:30pm - Judith Toy will read from her book Murder as a Call to Love, A True Story of Transformation and Forgiveness at Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave. Sponsored by Cloud Cottage Community. Free. Info: 669-0920.

Sports amateur Pool League (pd.) WHEN YOU PLAY, PLAY POOL! Sign up now for the Summer. ALL SKILL LEVELS WELCOME. Play 8ball or 9ball or ladies pool. 828-329-8197 www. ONGOING – weekly league play asheville Hoops • TUESDAYS, 5:30-7:30 pm - Asheville Hoops encourages beginners and experienced hula hoopers to meet at Pritchard Park for informal hooping. Free. Info: Black Mountain Monster 12/24 Hour Relay Race • SA (6/2) through SU (6/3), 10am-10am - A 12- and 24-hour relay race will be held at Montreat College's Black Mountain Campus, 510 Vance Ave. 25 percent of the proceeds go to the winning team's nonprofit of choice. Camping available. $40 per individual. Info: Chamber Challenge 5K • FR (6/1), 4:30pm - The Chamber Challenge 5K encourages local businesses to form teams to promote health and wellness. Departs from the Asheville Chamber of Commerce parking lot, 36 Montford Ave. $120 team of four/$35 individuals. Free to attend. Info: girls on the Run SoleMates • Girls on the Run invites girls grades 3-8 to participate in group runs and fundraising opportunities as part of the SoleMates series. Info: Mad Mountain Mud Run • SU (6/3), noon-7pm - The Mad Mountain Mud Run will feature races throughout the day, along with food, beer and activities for kids. Held at Berkeley Park, 69 Balfour Road, Hendersonville. Cost to run varies. Free to attend. Info and registration: Relay For Life • SA (6/2), 8am - Relay for Life half marathon, 5K and 1-mile fun run will be held at Carrier Park, Amboy Road. Free to attend; fundraising goals vary. Info: www. Ultimate Frisbee League • MONDAYS, 6pm - The Asheville Ultimate Club will host leagues for rookies, women and men beginning June 4. Games are held Monday nights at Memorial Stadium with a co-ed league to meet Wednesdays. Info and registration:

Volunteering aRtery • Asheville Area Arts Council seeks volunteers to contribute "special skills" to the ARTery's activities. Info: www.ashevillearts. com. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from singleparent homes with adult mentors. Info: or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks people to mentor one hour a week

in schools and after-school sites. Volunteers age 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. Info: or 253-1470. Information session on June 12 and 27 at noon at the United Way building, 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213. Buncombe County Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. Council on aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call A Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles and mileage reimbursement is available. Info: or 277-8288. Hands On asheville-Buncombe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (5/31), 4-6pm - Fair-Trade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • FR (6/1), 11am-12:30pm Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate. • SA (6/2), 10am-noon OnTrack: Copy and collate packets for distribution to individuals and families that benefit from OnTrack's various financial assistance programs. • WE (6/20) - 6-8pm - Cookie Night: Help bake cookies for hospice patients at CarePartners' John Keever Solace Center. Supplies provided. Hands On! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 6978333. • Hands On! seeks volunteers for reception assistance, program facilitation and daily operations. Helios Warriors • Helios Warriors, a holistic therapy program for veterans, seeks volunteer licensed/insured practitioners for a minimum of three hours per month. Volunteer administrative support also needed. Tues., Thurs., Fri. or Sun. Info: or 299-0776. Jewish Community Center • The Asheville Jewish Community Center seeks volunteers for party planning, reception-

ist duties and other projects. Info: or 253-0701. Literacy Council of Buncombe County Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 2543442, ext. 205. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation will be held June 6 and 7. Info: literacytutors@ • WE (5/30) - The Literacy Council's Augustine Project Orientation seeks volunteers to improve the academic achievement of low-income 1st-12th grade students. The project trains tutors who provide students free, one-on-one instruction. Tutors receive 70 hrs. of training and ongoing support in exchange for 60 sessions. Tutoring takes place 2-3 times a week. Orientation will be held May 14 and May 30. Info: Meals-On-Wheels Pet Food assistance • Asheville Meals-On-Wheels Pet Food Assistance will accept pet food, kitty litter and pet supplies at Fairview Animal Hospital, 867 Charlotte Hwy #A. Home or business pick-up is available. Info: 628-2275. MotherLove Mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per is month required. Info: 254-7206. nC Stage Company Asheville's professional resident theater company, performing at 15 Stage Lane in downtown Asheville (entrance off of Walnut Street, across from Zambra's). Info and tickets: 239-0263 or www. • FR (6/1) through SA (6/30) - NC Stage Company seeks volunteers to usher, poster, assist in the office and more. Sign up in person at 15 Stage Lane. new Opportunities thrift Store • The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, seeks donations for the New Opportunities Thrift Store. Volunteers also needed during store hours. Info: 692-0575. youth for Understanding USa • Through FR (8/31) - Youth for Understanding USA seeks host families for its exchange programs through Aug. 31. Info: www.

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Create your own herb garden with delicious, frangrant herbs.

fun fundraisers

No ugly duckliNgs at greeN sWaN fest


Over 40 Cultivars!

What: Green Swan Fest, to benefit Asheville GreenWorks. Where: Warren Wilson College's Bryson Gym and Karpen Pavilion. When: Saturday, June 2, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. $30 at the door; $25 in advance; children under 12 free. Info: Why: You've probably seen Asheville GreenWorks volunteers planting trees, removing invasive plants and maintaining the city's green spaces. The organization has kept Buncombe County “clean and green” for the past 38 years — quite a feat for a county as large as ours. In celebration of Asheville GreenWorks' dedication to the environment, Warren Wilson College will host a music festival in honor of the group's good work. Laura Blackley, Michael Reno-Harrell, Angela Easterling, Ray Chesna, Friction Farm, Peggy Ratusz and many others will rock out for some of the area's greenest music fans. Want to add your voice to the song? Bring your instruments to the Morris Pavilion from 6-9 p.m. for an open jam session. Asheville GreenWorks has pledged to make this a zero-waste event, so the grounds of Warren Wilson College will not be strewn with litter after the show. Danny's Dumpster will haul away trash to be composted and volunteers will be on hand to remind everyone to reduce, reuse and recycle. Organizers bill this as the “first annual” Green Swan Fest, so don't miss this opportunity to say that you were there when the swan was just a cygnet.

Open Sunday 10-4

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Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. Excellent entry-level year-round position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. Direct care staff work a week on/week off rotation utilizing traditional substance abuse treatment and/or the wilderness of Western NC as part of their work environment. Competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. If you are interested in applying for a position please contact Mick Masterson by sending resumes and/or questions to

benefitscalendar calEndaR FoR may 30 - JunE 7, 2012 BBQ Fundaiser • SA (6/3), 10:30am-2pm - A BBQ lunch, to benefit Waynesville Skate Park, will be held at the Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $5. Info: or 456-2030. Blue Jean Ball • SA (6/2), 7-11pm - The Blue Jean Ball, to benefit MANNA FoodBank, will feature 25 local chefs, music and dancing, along with a silent auction. Held at MANNA Food Bank, 627 Swannanoa River Road. $70. Info: or 299-3663. Car Show and Swap Meet • SA (6/2), 10am-4pm - A car show and swap meet, to benefit Hope for Horses, will be held at Kmart, 1001 Patton Ave. Free to attend. $15/$10 in advance to register a car. Info:

Camp Heart Songs 9th Annual Grief Camp

A one day camp to help children express their grief in a fun and safe environment.

Saturday, August 18th, 8:00AM-5:00PM Falling Creek Camp, Zirconia, NC Registration is limited. Please call for an application: Heart Songs coordinator: 828-692-6178

drive a minivan in exchange for a $10 donation to the elementary school. Held at 834 North Main St., Hendersonville. Info: ChryslerTownandCountry.

golf tournament • TU (6/5), 8:30am & 2pm - A golf tournament, to benefit Child Evangelism Fellowship, will be held at The Cliffs at Walnut Cove, 1899 Brevard Road, Arden. $175 per team. Info and registration: or (864) 292-5842. Just Jeanne • TH (6/7), 7pm - Humorist Jeanne Robertson will perform at Lake Junaluska Conference Center's Stuart Auditorium, 91 North Lakeshore Drive, Lake Junaluska, to benefit United Way of Haywood County and Haywood County Volunteer Center. $30. Info and tickets:

Dance Performance • TH (5/31), 6:30pm - A dance performance, to benefit ArtSpace Charter School, will feature ArtSpace dance teacher Cherie Holmes. Held in the ArtSpace Theatre, U.S. Hwy 70, Swannanoa. Donations accepted. Info: or 298-2787.

Land trust Day • SA (6/2) - Local businesses, including Mast General Store, Second Gear, Bellagio Art to Wear, Bellagio Everyday, Early Girl Eatery and others, will donate a portion of their proceeds to the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy in honor of Land Trust Day. Info:

Dining for Mental Health awareness Month • TH (5/31) - Bistro 1896, 7 Pack Square, will donate a portion of its profits to All Souls Counseling Center in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Info and reservations: 251-1300.

Magician Jeff McBride • TU (6/5), 7pm - Jeff McBride will perform a magic show, to benefit The Vanishing Wheelchair, at New Harvest Church, 142 Elk Mountain Road. $25/$10. Info: or 645-2941.

Drive for the Kids • WE (5/30), 11am-1:30pm - Chrysler Drive for the Kids, a benefit for Bruce Drysdale Elementary School, invites adults ages 18 and older to test

Mountain Safari • TH (5/31), 6-9pm - Mountain Safari, a benefit for the Friends of the WNC Nature Center, will feature music by Rob Russell, Sunshine and the Bad Things

26 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

and Aaron Wood and the Ends, along with live cougars, owls, otters and wolves. Local food and beer provided. Safari clothes encouraged. Held at the Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road. $50/$45 nonmembers in advance/$40 members in advance. Info: or 259-8092.

Relay For Life • FR (6/1) & SA (6/2), 6pm-6am - An overnight charity walk, to benefit Relay For Life of Buncombe County, will depart from AC Reynolds High School, 1 Rocket Drive. Fundraising goals vary. Info: www. Zipping for autism • SU (6/3), 6am-11pm - Zipping for Autism, a benefit for the Autism Society of North Carolina, invites the public to participate in a two-hour zipline experience at Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventures, adjacent to Crowne Plaza Resort, Asheville. 100 percent of the proceeds benefit the Autism Society. Team registration required by June 1. Info: or (877) 247-5535.

moRE bEnEFIts EVEnts onlInE Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after June 7.

calEndaR dEadlInE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

Follow us on Twitter at @AVLDisclaimer

Hunting Man for Sport & Profit Since 2002


New Belgium warily celebrates AVL location plans, as Old Luxembourg plots its horrible revenge Beer-based Broo Shampoo releases new line of moonshine exfoliants ‘Bone Melt’ & ‘Skin Crawl’ to hit shelves in July

Distracted during battle with Marshall barn fire, firefighters battle with Marshall barn owl Surveillance footage aired on WLOS of serial flasher ‘unexpected bonus,’ according to taunting letter to police from serial flasher Mitchell County announces earthquake drill minutes after county manager discovered sleeping beneath desk Starry-eyed constituent claims local man doesn’t recall running for, winning ‘Mayor of Beer-goggle City USA’ The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire. Contact Twitter: @AvlDisclaimer

Contributing this week: Michele Scheve, Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve.

APD audit: Evidence from missing-evidence investigation now missing ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — More than one year after the evidence room of the Asheville Police Department itself became a crime scene when it was discovered confiscated drugs, cash, and weapons had been stolen from it, a completed but unreleased audit reveals that during the course of the audit, the entire evidence room and the audit has been stolen. While it is rare for evidence rooms inside police departments to become crime scenes, it’s incredibly rare for a suspect to return to the scene of the crime inside a police department and hit it again. “This has all the markings of an outside job,” said one investigator. “Regardless, evidence in the missingevidence investigation is missing. Everything inside the roped-off ‘Crime Scene: Do Not Cross’ tape is gone, including the tape.” How common is it for evidence in the Asheville Police Department to go missing? “We can’t hang on to any long enough to find out if it’s an anomaly or something more widespread,” said Police Chief William Anderson. Investigators aren’t ruling out the possibility that the suspect has an accomplice. “It’s common for evidence-room thieves to work in teams: one officer who steals easy-to-conceal evidence that prompts an audit, and then the

This Week in History By Martin Carruthers

An off-duty APD officer hanging out in the evidence room places his non-service weapon in an evidence bag to show what evidence would look like if there was any still inside the evidence room.

auditor can take his sweet time just cleaning the place out,” said one detective. “There’s a growing interest in requiring background checks on some of these guys before we hire them.” “While it’s frustrating to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to an outside auditing firm to determine how much the police have stolen from the evidence room, the silver lining is that we haven’t been able to pay the auditing firm because that money was stolen by someone in the department during the auditor’s lunch break.”

May 9, 1980: When this “anemic centipede” is a mighty porno moustache, we’ll see who’s laughing, Mom. May 11, 1989: Tim didn’t nearly appreciate how great my ideas were while we were smoking that dope. May 12, 2003: So Tina beat me at pool three times in a row. When I kick her ass in best of seven, she’ll be… Fine. Best 5 of 9 it is!

Mysterious fire-starting toddler at it again, according to recently laid-off dad ASHEVILLE, TUESDAY — An infant who may to be blame for up to a dozen small fires in and around the house she lives in with her newly unemployed father has authorities puzzled, and a local father scratching his head. “Like the arson Witherspoon shields investigator pointed out, the fires his fire-starting baby the flames from seem to have start- afrom fire she started with ed around the time her mind in the storage unit he once rented I got laid off, but there were proba- before his belongings were seized due to bly lots before then nonpayment. that I just didn’t report, that makes the most sense,” said David Witherspoon. “I concede there’s been an uptick since the moment I was clocked out of my job for the last time two Mondays ago, when my newborn daughter telepathically started a fire in my former employer’s break room and later in the dumpster between my apartment and the neighboring ABC package store.” Witherspoon says a babysitter upset his infant just the night before while he was out “taking one of my thinking walks,” and as a result his daughter telepathically started fires in several outbuildings on the property of one of Witherspoon’s ex-girlfriend. Joshua P. Warren, chief paranormal investigator for the League of Energy Materialization and Unexplained phenomena Research (LEMU[p]R), believes the father is not providing the full truth. “I suspect he knows his house has long been haunted, which would explain his infant’s ability to start fires with her mind, to be quite blunt,” said Warren. “I’ve written two books on telepathic fire-starting infants and I conduct a weekly tour of downtown as it relates to telepathic fire-starting infant-lore, so I’ve seen this all before.” • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 27


the secoNd time arouNd missioN tries agaiN for fletcher eNdoscopy ceNter caitliN Byrd

Galaya Coaching ~ Readings Intuitive Consultations • Relationships • Health • Career • Animal Communication


Less than one year after the state rejected Mission Health’s request to relocate one of its endoscopy suites from Asheville to Fletcher, the health system is trying again. But during an almost three-hour-long public hearing held in Mills River May 16, not everyone understood why Mission was reapplying for a certificate of need, or what has changed. When a health care provider proposes a new facility like the endoscopy center, state law requires that it must demonstrate a need for it in the community. The law aims to control health care costs by restricting unnecessary duplication of medical facilities. The proposed endoscopy suite is part of a $45 million joint health facility between Hendersonville’s Pardee Hospital and Mission. Before a crowd of about 100 people, Brian Moore — Mission Health director of planning and public policy — made a case to the state Department of Health and Human Services that highlighted changes made within the past year — changes, he said, that make the current proposal stronger than the one submitted in April 2011. The changes Moore cited included recent national recognitions and honors for both Mission and Pardee, projected population growth in south Buncombe and north Henderson County and an increase in endoscopy procedures at Mission. However, his two major talking points were convenience and location. "Nearly 24 percent of Henderson County residents drove to Mission last year as opposed to receiving care in a community such as this," he stated. The relocation of the endoscopy suite alone will cost an estimated $1.6 million, and as Moore explained, must be on the county line. "Our potential sites are severely limited by North Carolina general statutes that restrict hospital services to the home county of the provider. So hospitals such as Mission must keep services within Buncombe County. The only way you can have a joint project like this is to be on a county line." However, of the nearly 50 people who signed up to speak during the public-comment portion of the hearing, only a handful supported the project. Mission employees were not permitted to make statements about the application beyond Moore’s allocated 15-minute presentation. Similar to last year's public hearing on the issue, officials from Fletcher's Park Ridge Health opposed Mission's application for the certificate of need. "Mission isn't accustomed to being told no," said Park Ridge Vice President Jason Wells. "It's not a certificate of want. They couldn't show need a year ago and Brian wasn't able to get up

28 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

making another case: Brian Moore, Mission Health director of planning and public policy, gives a copy of his presentation to Lisa Pittman, the state’s project analyst for the certificate of need. Last year, the state denied Mission Health’s request to relocate endoscopy suite to Fletcher. Photo by Caitlin Byrd

here for you today and show you that the need has changed." Also unconvinced by Mission's presentation, Park Ridge CEO Jimm Bunch called Mission's request for the endoscopy suite "a ballistic missile aimed at all providers in Henderson County." Echoing the frustrated sentiments of Park Ridge officials, many physicians called the request a duplication of services, saying endoscopies are not emergency procedures and are already provided at Park Ridge and Pardee Hospital. "There is no difference in the quality of care received from Mission and Pardee endoscopists than those offered at Park Ridge," insisted Dr. Bruce Perlman, who works at Park Ridge. Reminding the public that the endoscopy center is a joint venture, Pardee Hospital CEO Jay Kirby explained that the endoscopy suite would benefit the Western North Carolina community. "We try not to make these decisions in a vacuum," he stressed. He also noted that Henderson County residents choose Mission Health 75 percent of the time for care. However, Dr. Keith Maxwell of Southeastern

Sports Medicine, a service of Park Ridge Health, did not agree with the theory behind those numbers. "The thing I've learned in all the years of practice is that patients follow doctors, they don't follow hospitals," he said. This was not the case for Jill Gehrig, who lives in Fletcher. Both her husband and her father are handicapped veterans, and her husband has used Mission's endoscopy center. "It is a major hardship for me to get my husband or father to get the care that they need. And, speaking to access, it would be a godsend to my family to have this new facility," she said. The state will make a decision on whether to grant the certificate of need by the end of August. However, Charles Cutler, who attended last year's public hearing on the issue, was unconvinced that he won't be attending another hearing if Mission's request for a certificate of need is denied again. “Are we going to keep coming to these CON hearings? I will, but I'd like to stop having the discussion," he said. X Caitlin Byrd can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 140, or

wellnesscalendar calEndaR FoR may 30 - JunE 7, 2012

Wellness acceptance & Boundaries: the Keys to Loving Someone Difficult (pd.) Do you care deeply for someone who is hard to love? Call M. Wheeler, Counselor, 90- minute session for $50. 828-215-6653. are you trying to Force yourself to Change? (pd.) Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is a structured program that addresses the Emotional Root Cause of using Food, Alcohol/Drugs, Overspending, Overworking to feel pleasure, numb out, and/or comfort and soothe ourselves. • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes self compassion, brain health and grounded joy. Call 231-2107 or or visit website: asheville Center for transcendental Meditation ("tM") (pd.) It's not contemplation, focusing on your breath, watching thoughts or trying to be mindful. It's a completely different process with far-reaching, scientifically validated benefits: During TM you effortlessly transcend thought to experience restful alertness or pure consciousness—the source of thought—reducing stress and revitalizing mind, body and spirit. Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • What health researchers say • (828) 254-4350. Become a Certified Hypnotist! (pd.) 6/28-7/1 and 8/3-8/5 100 hr certification program thru the Guild of National Hypnotists at the Counseling Center, in Leicester. Instructor is Sarah Gewanter, MSW, LCSW, CH, CI Call 828-683-6900 or the ReaL Center (pd.) Offers life-changing classes in Relationship & Intimacy skills, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Radical Honesty, and Somatic Awareness. Held in Asheville with Steve Torma, 828-254-5613, yoga for Healing, Come Home to your Body (pd.) Mondays, 4-5 p.m., June 4th - July 9th An essential part of the healing process is reconnecting to our bodies. This yoga class is specifically designed to help you reestablish trust and ease in your body. Taught by Nancy Pope Held at Lighten Up Yoga, 60 Biltmore Avenue. $66 for 6 week series. Call Nancy 828669-6874 to register. aDHD College experience • WE (5/30), 7pm - Coach Rudy Rodriguez from the ADHD Center for Success will present information on creating successful college experiences for those with ADHD. Held at Malaprop's, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: www. or 254-6734. arthritis Management Programs • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 2-3pm - A Tai Chi program for those with arthritis will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with regular admission. Info: or 456-2030. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 3-4pm; SATURDAYS, 10:30-11:30am - A walking program for those with arthritis will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with regular admission. Info: or 456-2030. • TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS, 9am-10am An aquatic program for those with arthritis will be presented by the Arthritis Foundation at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with regular admission. Info: or 456-2030. asheville Community yoga Center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: • SA (6/2), 2:30-5pm - "Yoga for Freedom of the Upper Body" workshop. $20-$35 donation.

Caring for aging Parents education Series • MO (6/4), 5pm - This educational support group for caregivers of older adults will explore the challenges and opportunities of caregiving and sibling relationships. Meets at Loretta Hall Conference Room #6 on Mission Hospital's St. Joseph Campus. Info: 213-4542 or 2778288. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • FR (6/1), 1-2pm - "Everything You Want To Know About Hip Replacements." • TH (6/7), 3-4:30pm - A shoulder pain seminar will discuss causes and treatments. Happy Body yoga Studio 1378 Hendersonville Road. Info: or 277-5741. • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30am & FRIDAYS, 7:30pm - Orbit class, "pilates on wheels." $23. Healthy Living Presentation • TU (6/5), 6:30pm - "Looking Good and Feeling Good from the Inside Out" will feature practical tools for building a healthier lifestyle including how to eat more fruits and vegetables, building the immune system and how to increase energy. Held at Kuic Chiropractic, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Free. Info: Living Healthy: Chronic Disease Self Management • TUESDAYS through (6/12), 2pm - Sick and Tired of being sick and tired? Take charge of your health with this six-week workshop for those with chronic health conditions and their caregivers. Held at Ardenwoods Retirement Community, 2400 Appalachian Blvd., Arden. $30 for series; scholarships available. Registration required: 2517438. nerve injury Repair • TH (5/31), 5:30pm - "Learn how a new technology can turn on the body's healing mechanism and improve a wide range of health conditons." A demonstration of High Intensity Laser Therapy will follow a short presentation. Attendees recieve a free $50 treatment session. Free, but reservations required: or 628-7800. non-Surgical Weight Management info Session • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon & 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:45-7:45pm - A non-surgical info session will be held at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: or 213-4100. the Red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • SA (6/2), 1:30-6pm - Blood drive: Calvary Baptist Church, 531 Haywood Road. Info: 712-1756. • TH (6/7), 9am-1:30pm - Blood drive: Asheville Radiology, 534 Biltmore Ave. Info: 213-1094. --- 1:306pm - Blood drive: Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, 117 Montreat Road. Info: 669-6729. --- 2-6:30pm Blood drive: Francis Asbury United Methodist Church, 725 Asbury Road, Candler. Info: 667-3950. Vinyasa Flow yoga Classes • MONDAYS, 11:45pm & WEDNESDAYS, 9am - Vinyasa flow yoga will be offered at the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. $15 for 90 min./$12 for 60 min. Info: yoga Basics • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - A basic yoga class will be held at Happy Body, 1378 Hendersonville Road. $12. Info: or 277-5741. yoga for Cancer Survivors • THURSDAYS, 3:45pm - This class incorporates a series of poses that will increase flexibility, bring healing energy to the areas that need it most, calm the nervous system and relax the mind and body. Presented by Saraswati

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at the Asheville Yoga Center's Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Pay what you will. Info: yoga for Women's Health • TUESDAYS, noon - This integrative yoga class incorporates Chinese medicine for overall health, with a focus on balancing hormones for women of all ages. Presented by Saraswati at the Asheville Yoga Center's Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Pay what you will. Info: www.

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adult Children Of alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren. org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group, Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution,” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. al-anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 8pm - "Listen and Learn," St. John's Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - "Parents of Children with Alcoholism," West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. --- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. --- 8pm - Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. --- 8pm - "Lambda" open/GLBT meeting. Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. Info: 6706277. • SATURDAYS, 10am - "One Day at a Time," First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th Avenues, Hendersonville. --- 10am - "Grace Fireside," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 10am "Saturday Serenity," St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte Street at Macon Avenue. --- noon - "Courage to Change," Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. A beginner's meeting will proceed general meeting from 6:15-6:45pm on the 1st Monday of the month. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - "Discovery," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. --- 5:30pm - "Steps to Recovery," Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road.

--- 7pm - "One Day at a Time," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. --- 8pm - Transylvania men's meeting, Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. Brainstormers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Join this survivor-led support group for brain injury/concussion sufferers and their allies. Meetings consist of sharing, listening and reflection. Held at Trinity UM Church, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 254-0507 or Chronic Pain Support group • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: (770) 846-0651. Co-Dependents anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 367-0157. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666. COnneCtiOnS group • Learn to strengthen relationships, enrich your life, improve self-awareness and build internal resilience during this 12-week course led by licensed professional counselors. Based on the work of Brene Brown, PhD. Accepting new members through July 2. Info and registration: or 258-5204. eating Disorder Support group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Meetings focus on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: or 337-4685. events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1:30pm & 5:30-7pm - Vet Center Out Station, a support group for veterans. Registration required before attending first meeting. Info: 271-2711. • MONDAYS, 2-3pm - "It Works," a 12-step program for individuals struggling to overcome food addiction. Registration not required. Info: 489-7259. Food addicts in Recovery anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 989-3227. Hope after Loss Hope After Loss offers grief education, support groups and individual counseling to those experiencing bereavement in Buncombe, Henderson and Macon Counties. Call for info, dates and locations. Info: 692-6178. • Individual bereavement counseling. Call for info and appointment. Marshall alcoholics anonymous Meeting • FRIDAYS, 7pm - AA meeting at Marshall Presbyterian Church, 165 South Main St. Info: MemoryCaregivers network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • WEEKLY - MemoryCaregivers Network support groups are free and open to anyone caring for a person with memory loss. Groups meet at a variety of locations and times. Info: 230-4143 or • 1st TUESDAYS, 1-3pm - Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1141 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher. Info: info@ Mission Weight Management Surgical Support group • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm; 4th FRIDAYS, 10-11:30am - A weight management surgical support group will meet at Mission Weight Management Center, 2

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

What does a dietitian eat for BREAKFAST? Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets

Some people are curious about what dietitians eat. They imagine us all to be vegans or at least vegetarians, surviving on tofu, salmon, oatmeal and salads.

Here’s a look at some of my favorite breakfasts: 1. Irish oatmeal with Harvest Farms almond butter, raisins and pecans

or walnuts. This is perfect for cold weather. I’ll cook the oatmeal with water or 1% milk (I typically buy organic) and stir in raisins for sweetness. Once it’s done I add the nuts and stir in about ½ TBSP of almond butter for protein.

2. Egg casserole in a mug. For a quick, high protein breakfast I’ll whip

together an egg with a wedge of Laughing Cow swiss cheese, a little 1% milk, and shelled edamame (I always keep a bag in the freezer). Microwave for about 2 minutes until set and eggs are cooked.

3. Harvest Farms Almond butter, chopped banana and Laura Lynn low-fat ricotta cheese with a drizzle of honey — When I want something a bit sweeter in the morning this does the trick. The ricotta cheese makes the mixture taste very rich.

4. Poached egg on toast with avocado and truffle oil — I’m a fan of both Annie’s Breads and City Bakery’s Wheat Bread so I make toast and instead of butter I’ll mash up about ¹/³ of a ripe avocado and use that as the spread. I top that with a poached egg and then sprinkle a wee bit of truffle oil and kosher salt on it.

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wellnesscontinued Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: weightmanagement or 213-4100. naMi Support groups The National Alliance on Mental Illness supports recovery for people living with mental illness and their families. All groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave., #207/315. Free. Info: or 505-7353. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am & 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm CONNECTION support group for those with a diagnosis and family/caregiver support group. Meetings held separately. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am - CONNECTION support group for those with a diagnosis. Overcomers Classes • TUESDAYS - Overcomers support group, for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems, will meet in Mars Hill. Call for location and time: 689-9316. Overcomers Recovery Support group A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with lifecontrolling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: or 575-2003. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men and women. Overeaters anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 2771975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828.

• MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572.

SMaRt Recovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: the Compassionate Friends • 1st MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm - The local chapter of an international support group for parents grieving the loss of a child. Meets at Arden Presbyterian Church, 2215 Hendersonville Road. Info: 693-4061. Women of Courage Sex and Love addicts anonymous • SATURDAYS, 10-11am - A 12-step recovery fellowship for women who want to stop living out a pattern of addictive sexual behavior and romantic obsessions. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Enter at front door of the annex. Info: or

moRE WEllnEss EVEnts onlInE Check out the Wellness Calendar online at for info on events happening after June 7.

calEndaR dEadlInE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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32 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •


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the main dish

food fight at pisgaH Five TruckS baTTle aT beer Week By mackeNsy luNsford Engines revving, Asheville food trucks are idling at pole position. Fighting an eventually successful campaign to vend downtown may not have been enough to satisfy the food-truck owners’ taste for racing, it seems. Not content to quietly feed tacos, barbecue sandwiches and falafel to the masses, they’ve turned on each other. In a test of culinary wit, five of Asheville's food trucks will compete at Pisgah Brewing Company on June 3 to prove who's the best of the bunch in an Iron-Chef style, no-holds-barred war on wheels. The event, Battle Food Truck, presented by Blind Pig Supper Club and Pisgah, is part of Asheville Beer Week. It may come as no surprise, then, that beer is the secret ingredient the mobile chefs will have to use in their final product. As obvious as that may seem, Pisgah Brewing Company owner Jason Caughman promises that the types of beer he'll provide from his liquid coffer will be as diverse as it gets. The mix includes The Lowdown Food Truck, Flying Falafel Brothers, Pho Ya Belly, Tin Can Pizzeria and Our Taco Truck (formerly Pink Taco truck, the mobile eatery had to change its name because of a trademark dispute). Each truck will serve one beer-centric dish to the crowd, estimated at approximately 215 people, who will vote on their favorite. The winning truck will receive $500. During the event, Electric Owls and The Critters will rock Pisgah's meadow stage and artist Tommy Lee will introduce his Humble Pie project, an interactive art collaboration that's taken him

34 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

across the Southeast. In each city Lee visits, artists (locally, Dustin Spagnola) use the surface of his RV as a canvas where they add their touch to an ever-expanding mural. At Battle Food Truck, attendees will be invited to paint. Even better? Lee travels with D.O.G., a trick-performing potbellied pig. Pisgah Brewing Company has brewed a special Blind Pig Porter for the event, a dark and malty brew infused with toasted coconut. Caughman says that Pisgah will begin regularly brewing a special Blind Pig beer that will only be sold at Blind Pig partner restaurants, including the Admiral and Cucina 24. Look for the Pisgah/Pig tap handle. You may have heard that this event was sold out, but Xpress has the exclusive word: Pisgah will release more tickets at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 31. If you're reading this, you're in luck — head to Pisgah's Facebook page for details. Only 16 tickets at $65 each will be released for the food event (tickets for the show alone will be available at, so act fast. Proceeds benefit MANNA FoodBank and there will be a collection bin during the event for canned goods and other non-perishable items. X Looking for more beer-centric culinary events? There’s plenty more at

We asked the truck owners to describe their plans of attack.

here’S WhaT each had To Say:

Kubo’s our taco truck fighter: Marni Graves. specialty: Authentic, Southwestern style red and green chili. plan of attack: We might have to smoke the others out. secret super powers: Taco fluffers. favorite vegetable: An Anaheim pepper, roasted and peeled. If you’ve had it, you know why. Weapon of choice: Our trusty tortilla press.

the loWdoWN truck fighters: Nate Kelly and wife, Cynthia Kelly.

any words for the opponents? Our dashboard bobblehead Jesus is going to guide Our Taco Truck to the winning light — so make way! if you win? Our winning dish might become a regular item on the truck.

specialty: We create meals that we have fond memories of, and it allows us to put heart and soul into every bite. Our truck Earl’s specialty is his ability to get really bad gas mileage. plan of attack: Letting the air out of the other trucks’ tires. We also plan on putting out the best sandwich ever created. And don’t think I won’t wear spandex if it gives me the edge. super powers: Being true locals, we have the ability to make everything we touch the local-est (real word) food you have ever had. Also Cynthia has started developing a weird itch on her hands and it turns out there are adamantium paring knives growing out of them. favorite vegetable: I could literally eat an onion like an apple but out of respect to everyone’s nostrils, I don’t. An onion to me is one of the most important building blocks of any great dish. Weapon of choice: A boning knife. Butchering is one of my favorite things to do. Battle song: We just installed a horn that plays the Rocky theme song in preparation for this Blind Pig event. fightin’ words for the opponents? For Our Taco Truck: “No wet T-shirt contest.” For the Flying Falafel Brothers: “Quit being so nice, you guys are kinda freaking me out.” For Pho Ya Belly: “No models or photo shoots.” For Tin Can Pizzeria: “I can’t believe you guys voted for Amendment One.” if you win, then what? Then the world.

flyiNg falafel Brothers fighters: Craig Schulz and Shaun Parcels. specialty: Falafel — Duh. plan of attack: Annihilate our opponents with ample amounts of 375-degree peanut oil. secret super powers: Chickpea flour.

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favorite vegetable: Tomatoes and peppers for umami and culinary versatility. Weapon of choice: Robocoup MMP or a 190 VV immersion blender. Battle song: “Champion” by Kanye West. any fightin’ words: For the Lowdown: “It’s gonna take more than a new paint job on your food truck to win this battle.” For Pho Ya Belly: “I’ve got some advice pho ya: you don’t stand a chance.” For Our Taco Truck: “Word is Interstate 40 will take you all the way back to New Mexico... ” For Tin Can Pizzeria: “There’s nothing like a friendly game of kick the can!” if you win? I hope they have falafel at Disneyland!

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pho ya Belly fighters: Capuchina Taylor and Josh Armbruster. specialty: Savory food, fresh spring rolls, rich broth and tasty variations on pig. plan of attack: Have great ingredients, pair them with great local beer and don’t let anything get in the way. secret powers: Locally sourced foods, an awesome team of renegade cooks, a whole lot of pork and our mascot, Captain Noodle, who sits in our window every day (he’s a zombie pirate) — we love him. favorite vegetable: When pickled, they’re all great — paté and pickled veggies are the perfect combination (sour and savory). Weapon of choice: Sharp knives, skilled hands and a 27-foot truck. Battle cry: Put this in ya belly! any word for the opponents? I love a good fight with worthy adversaries, but let the best dish win. All of the trucks are amazing, so this will come down to best use of ingredients, pairing and execution. if you win? A new cold table and a portion will also go to MANNA FoodBank.

tiN caN pizzeria fighters: Caroline Whatley and Kim Dryden. specialty: Luscious pizza pies. plan of attack: Salty, sweet, nutty, bitter. super powers: Kim has unusually long orangutan arms, so she will be able to toss pies, woman the oven and plate dishes while standing in one place. Caroline, because of her conservative Catholic upbringing, has never smoked a cigarette in her life, therefore has highly attuned taste buds. favorite fruit: Blueberries, because they go pop in your mouth, and they just taste so blue. Weapon of choice: Pizza peel; it can also be used for spankin’ that ass. Battle song: “Hit ‘em up Style” by the Carolina Chocolate Drops any words for the opponents? Good luck, fellow truckers. if you win? We will drink a few cold mystery brews to celebrate and dance the night away while holding the belt in the air, calling for Adrian. • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 35

With accredited teachers, field trips, guest presenters, and fun activities, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue’s CRITTER CAMP is a series of one week-long camps designed for kids who love animals! Call 828-545-0066 or go to to learn more. Classes begin June 11th. Hurry, space is limited!

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Stay in luxurious accommodations at the Fine Arts League rates: made available to the public due to the school move to Downtown Asheville. We simply cannot be in two places at one time. Help us fill the weeks. $1800.00 per week for 2 people.* If you want a Renaissance Art History Tour we can arrange that as well for just a bit more. Itʼs last minute, but this deal is GREAT!! There wonʼt be another like it.


Beginning June 2, 2012, Saturday to Saturday (choose your week), this trip includes 3 cooking classes. Centered in the heart of Tuscany, you will be only 20 minutes from Cortona, Siena, and Montepulciano and only an hour out of Florence. All you need to do to act on this impluse is call 828-252-5050 or email us at We will set you up and set you free to eat, drink, and be merry! Continental breakfast included daily.Visit our Facebook page to link directly to the villa website for more information and see the accommodations. *Airfare not included.

The Fine Arts League 5-Week Summer Intensives July 9 – Aug. 10

We are pleased to introduce world renown Australian Sculptor Brett Garland, who joins us as visiting faculty for our 5-Week intensives. Angela Cunningham, visits us from Philadelphia teaching Cast Drawing and Portrait Drawing. Nick Raynolds, our newest faculty member from New York and now an Asheville citizen, is teaching Fundamental Drawing and Long Pose Figure Painting. John Mac Kah our own Ashevillian and renown local painter is teaching our Landscape Painting. Enroll now: classes are limited to maintain the integrity of our program. Tuition $1800.00* Full-time, $1000.00* Part-time. Half-price for all public school teachers! *Airfare not included. For more information or to register, contact: Sheri Kahn • 828-252-5050 • 36 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

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by mackensy lunsford send food news to

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New face: The old Asheville Hardware building is about to get a facelift — and a brand-new brewpub.

“This is really turning into a crazy beer city right now, isn’t it?” says Walt Dickinson, one of the members of the local team that will open the brewery (and current CEO of Higher Ground Rainwater Systems). “This is unprecedented,” he says. “And we’re excited to be here — this is where I learned to love craft beer.”


Just as noteworthy is the current explosion in the Asheville food scene — and Dickinson and team intend to add to that culinary tapestry with a gastropub on the upper level of the two-story, light-filled structure. The details of the food side of things are still in the works, but Xpress will keep you posted.

With the purchase of 2 drinks. Must present coupon. Does NOT apply to lunch buffet.

Until then, you can find more details about both the building and brewery plans during Asheville’s first Beer Week. The Wedge will host a special event on Thursday, May 31, from 6:30 until 9 p.m., where Dickinson and another member of his team will also announce the new brewery’s name and projected opening date. Stop by for a brew and meet them.

Expires June 5, 2012

Open 7 Days Amazing Lunch Buffet Full Bar / Import Beer from India

— Anne Fitten Glenn contributed to this report.

(Overlook Village across from Best Buy)



You may have heard the rumors that a brewpub will be going into the former Asheville Hardware site at 91 Biltmore Ave. Yes, really — another brewery is on the way. Its name will be revealed this week.

Freshly prepared, authentic recipes Visit us online & see our menu:


New brewpub coming to downtown asheville

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NeWs of tWo West-side opeNiNgs aNd a Biltmore village closiNg Photos by Max Cooper

is the Book closed? Books and Breadboard, a charming breakfast/lunch eatery and bookstore housed in an 1895 Biltmore Village building, has closed its doors because of issues with its lease, the owners say. Co-owner Grace Lennon says that they hope to open again in the future, but are not able to at the moment. “We have such a great bunch of customers that have become friends,” Lennon wrote in an email to Xpress. Customers with unused gift cards are advised to email Books and Breadboard to arrange a refund ( closed: Books and Breadboard is closed, although its owners say they hope to reopen in a new location.


The Best Vietnamese Noodle Soup

great wall of food: The newly reopened Yao features a cavernous room of Asian food (buffet-style), a sushi station and a grill where food can be prepared to order — oh, and hundreds of seats.

the great Big house of yao On the west side, yao (formerly the Asiana Grand Buffet) has reopened with a fresh remodel. Xpress readers loved Asiana, voting it No. 1 for Chinese cuisine in the annual Best of WNC poll. Yao does not limit itself to Chinese, with a variety of pan-Asian food under the sneeze-guard, along with takeout and some made-to-order options.

Offering fresh breads, delicious sandwiches, and savory pastries. • Custom birthday cakes • Cakes and baked goods for all events • Catering available


Yao is bigger and badder than ever, boasting a buffet offering everything from orange-sesame chicken to green Jell-O, a huge bar of dumplings, egg rolls and other deep-fried goods, miles of sushi, a gargantuan salad bar and a spiffed-up noodle bar and Mongolian grill. How big is it? The place seats nearly 400, and employees report that there is sometimes a wait on weekends. Yao is located at 153 Smokey Park Highway. Visit asianagb. com for more information.

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party at maggie B’s maggie B’s, a wine and specialty food store in Weaverville, will host a fifth anniversary celebration on Saturday, June 2, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.

vroom! The Rev It Up! Sandwich Shop features sandwiches — and hot rods on Saturdays.

iN saNdWich NeWs ... We missed it when it opened in October, but a new(ish) sandwich shop, rev it up! sandwich shop, is now open at 5 Regent Park, where the Asheville Aquarium store used to be. Sandwiches feature Boar’s Head cheese and meats, cut fresh to order. It’s very much like a Southern deli — here, you can get pastrami on rye, or order a turkey sandwich slathered with housemade pimento cheese. There are burgers and all-beef franks, too, as well as a selection of beers, including PBR for $1.50 and local micros for $3.

Owner Elspeth Brown (who owns the shop with her husband, Andy) is a Johnson & Wales culinary school grad and a certified Master Sommelier, and has cooked locally at Horizons in the Grove Park Inn. The shop, named after Elspeth and Andy Brown’s labrador retriever, offers wine, beer, meats, patés, a full-service cheese counter and a small menu of sandwiches and salads. The owners source from smaller vineyards and offer a selection of organic wines, also hosting free wine and beer tastings every week. The five-year anniversary party includes a wine tasting and food, with live music from Jimmy Hayes starting at 2 p.m. The shop has a new location, too: 10 C. S. Main Street, Weaverville. Call 645-1111 or visit for more information.

Bottled up: Maggie Bs offers fine wines and craft brews.

And why the name? Owners Jeff and Teresa Wright, Harley and hotrod enthusiasts, met because of their mutual affinity for riding big bikes. Jeff used to drag race, too, says Teresa. The restaurant hosts “cruise-ins” every Saturday (with muscle cars and bikes galore) and features a collection of racing and motorcycle memorabilia on its walls. “This is who we are,” says Teresa. “Fast cars, motorcycles and food.” Rev It Up! is open Monday through Saturday. Call 505-8555 or visit for more information.

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by anne fitten glenn

Beer Week coNtiNues aNd the BreWeries keep comiNg! Welcome to asheville Beer Week Asheville Beer Week guides should still be floating around town. By the time this column goes to print, the inaugural 11-day “week” will be halfway over. If you’re late to the party, you can find more information at and the Asheville Beer Week Facebook page. The third celebration of our Beer City, USA, tie takes place Saturday, June 2, from noon to 6 p.m. at Roger McGuire Green in Pack Square Park. A few tickets for Beer City Festival will be available at the door for $40 (cash) each.

Beer city: asheville ties With graNd rapids Our beer-loving town now stands at two ties and two wins for the informal online BeerCity USA poll, administered for the past four years by’s Charlie Papazian. This year, Asheville tied with Grand Rapids, Mich., with both cities receiving 32 percent of the vote. In 2009, Asheville shared the title with Portland, Ore., then went on to win it flat-out the next two years. This year, the voting seesawed throughout the polling between Asheville and Grand Rapids, but the finish was a dead heat. Both received 7,849, Papazian says. Overall, 55,926 votes were cast from 90 countries. As soon as the vote was final, the Asheville Brewers Alliance reached out to Grand Rapids and invited the city to come serve some of their craft beers at Asheville’s annual Brewgrass Festival on Sept. 15. “I called and talked to the head of Founders

Brewing,” says Mike Rangel, president of Asheville Brewing Company and ABA member. “They are excited and really want to send some people down here for Brewgrass.” Rangel then showed up at the Asheville Beer City toast with a “golden” keg, which he plans to fill with an ABA-member beer and send to Grand Rapids (see photo). In an article written on, reporter Garret Ellison writes, “Although the honor is largely symbolic, the new crown bestowed on Grand Rapids by the power of the Internet may have some very real economic benefit.” There’s little doubt that the unscientific poll has influenced both beer tourists and the interest of breweries, both large and small, in the WNC region.

more NeW BreWeries oN the horizoN Yes, it may feel like a bandwagon effect. I mean, how many breweries can one town, or even one fairly large corner of North Carolina, support? That remains to be seen. But here’s more news about more new breweries coming to the area — and, we hope, bringing even more great beer: Mystery brewery: On Thursday, May 31, at Wedge Brewing, from 6:30 until 9 p.m., a reception will be held at the Wedge where the owners of the latest Asheville brewery will announce its name and projected opening date (see p. 37 for more info). Burial Beer Co. is a project of longtime home brewer Doug Reiser, his spouse Jessica Reiser and Tim Gormley, currently a brewer for Sound Brewery in Seattle, Wash. The three reside in

cheers for Beer city: Asheville tied for the title this year, and will celebrate at the Beer City Festival on June 2. Photo by Anne Fitten Glenn Seattle, but they plan to move to Asheville in September to start brewing commercially. They’re currently working with a local real estate agent to purchase land, in the city or nearby, that will support an urban farm, the brewery and a public taproom. The idea is that the farm will produce fruits, vegetables and herbs used in the beer, such as sweet potatoes, pears and raspberries. Reiser, who currently owns his own law firm, says he’s looking for a 15-barrel brewing system and he wants to distribute fairly widely (one reason folks out West sometimes snub their noses at our beer scene? They don’t have

Buy one lunch or dinner, get one 1/2 OFF Sundays child’s plate $1.99 Come and see tortillas hand-made on premise

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1056 Patton Ave. • 828-505-7556 40 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

access to Asheville beer. At this point, only Highland and French Broad are distributed outside of North Carolina, and then only in a few other Southeastern states). Reiser says he’s also researching canning lines and will bottle, but only in 750 milliliters. The Reisers and Gormley plan to have two lines of beers, kind of like Port Brewing and Lost Abbey in San Marcos, Calif. One, the Burial line, will consist of “robust” American style beers, such as an imperial coffee stout. The other, their Farmhouse line, will offer “big” Belgian style beers. lookout Brewing Company in Black Mountain currently consists of a nano system in a warehouse — and free beer tastings when brewer John Garcia announces them on its Facebook page. We’ve been hearing that Black Mountain Ale House wanted to start brewing, so I called co-owner and manager John Richardson, who confirmed that Lookout is his project with Black Mountain Ale House bartender Garcia. Because they didn’t have space in the restaurant, the partners rented a facility across town, but beers will be on tap at Black Mountain Ale House as soon as the permits come through. X Send your brews news to Anne Fitten Glenn at • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 41


art Walk witH us secoNd gallery craWl offeRs vigneTTeS, STaleFiSh, Pour and MoRe By kyle sherard

photographers active during the 1970s and ‘80s. Brittain, on the other hand, is the former photo editor of Transworld Skateboarding magazine and the cofounder of The Skateboard Mag.

Almost every fathomable form of art exists in this city of artistic milk and honey. And it certainly diversifies the works on display at each of the Asheville Downtown Gallery Associations’ art walks. But it’s the photography enthusiast that will find this season’s second art walk on Friday, June 1, particularly satiating.

Aside from an array of skateboarding photographs, Sebrell himself will have work in the show, possibly a painting, possibly a pen and ink drawing. He’s still working it out. Asheville ceramists Alex Irvin is also on the list of a dozen or more artists, so one can anticipate some claybased work as well.

Coop Gallery (25 Carolina Lane) hosts the final night of Too Close To Home, a group showing by five area photographers.

What happeNed to atelier?

Over on Wilson Alley, Castell Photography opens Vignettes, the gallery’s second installment of an ambitious and fine-tuned exhibition calendar. Dan Estabrook, Sharon Hart and Stacey Page, all of whom will be there, present a collection of hand-manipulated photographs. Their works delve into obscuring and altering the traditional portrait. Glimpses of figures are shrouded in black and faded into retro oblivion, offering a contemporary take on photographic vignettes. Page sews directly into her photographs, making colorful headdresses ranging from a decorative scarf-hat combo that looks like a fox to outlandish ceremonial garb. The black-and-white portraits read like year book photos. They’re nothing short of fun. A combination of darkroom techniques, drawing and painting alter Estabrook’s and Hart’s work. Hart darkens and enhances various background spaces in her work to isolate the figures. They’re haunting and occasionally skeletal, and they plunge the viewer into forced direct eye contact. Estabrook mostly sticks to the darkroom, but finishes off a few works with paints and graphite. His techniques have roots in 19th century photographic methods, namely calotypes and salted-paper printing. And it shows. The portraits range from seated, full-body studies to composed still lifes that harken to the antiquated styles from photography’s adolescence. Push Skateshop and Gallery (25 Patton Ave.) is opening Stalefish 4, the fourth installment of its annual show. The binding force: “You have to be a skateboarder,” says shop owner and artist Rob Sebrell. Other than that, the work is largely up to the artist. Sebrell co-curated the roster with Marshall-based artist John Svensen. The show has always been local, but this year there will be national presence. This is due in part to Clyde Singleton and Grant Brittain. Singleton is regarded as a classic photographer in the skateboarding scene, and helped bring in a few of the exhibition’s artists, including other

42 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

The first art walk saw the introduction of Atelier’s miniature extension gallery at the corner of College Street and Lexington Avenue. This month’s art walk reveals more expansion, but you’ll have to wait until July to see what’s going on. Atelier’s main gallery is now that annex. The main gallery doors closed on May 27. It’s all part of a new spacial and directional change. Atelier’s new home is just a block down the street (inside the massive set of wooden doors across the street from Bouchon.)

shiny finish: Clayton Santiago’s work at Haen Gallery, top left. Top right, Denise StewartSanabria’s “Polished Limes,” up at 16 Patton. retro oblivion: Below left, “Todd,” by Stacey Page, part of Vignettes, a collection of hand-manipulated photographs that opens Friday at Castell Photography.

The gallery is losing the dividers that characterize booth-style galleries, and opting for the more traditional approach to showing artwork. The change comes in the wake of success from its Charleston gallery, which adheres to the walledformat of most galleries. In the meantime, the corner location offers more work.

arouNd the Block Chris Sedgwick, formerly of Asheville and now of Colorado, will be showing new works at Gallery Minerva (8 Biltmore Ave.). He combines the scientific with the spiritual to create largescale oil paintings that have a slight historical tinge. They portray hyper-symbolic ritualistic scenes that often have an iconic feeling, possibly due in part to his use of gold leafing. American Folk Art and Framing (64 Biltmore Ave.) will be hosting 15 ceramists in Pour, an exhibition that explores functional vessels. Izzy’s Coffee Den (74 N. Lexington Ave.) will host an opening featuring the works of Asheville artist Matthew Llewellyn. Reliquaries and Reflections opens at the 5 Walnut Wine Bar gallery. The solo exhibition will feature monotype and mixed-media works by printmaker and Mars Hill Professor of Art Scott Lowrey. X Kyle Sherard is an Asheville printmaker, painter and arts writer.

Art Walk PM

JUNE 1•5 - 8



A self-guided tour in downtown Asheville — all located within a half mile radius.










S. Market



N. Spruce



Battery Pk



S. Lexington




O. Henry





N. Lexington



22 ZaPOW!

11 Blue Spiral 1

Eagle Wilson

Aston Sycamore








Discover why Asheville is ranked as one of the top art destinations in the country.


3 American Folk Art


Asheville Gallery of Art

Haen Gallery 15 The 52 Biltmore Ave


Atelier Gallery

That Dance: Jewelry Design 16 Jewels 63 Haywood St


The Bender Gallery

Made 17 Mountain Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave, Ste 123

16 College St

24 N. Lexington Ave + 68 College St


16 Patton


Alexander & Lehnert

Mountain College Museum + Arts Center Marie Designs 10 Black 18 Susan 56 Broadway St 4 Biltmore Ave


American Folk Art & Framing

Spiral 1 11 Blue 38 Biltmore Ave

Dyke Jewelry and Fine Crafts 19 Van 29 Biltmore Ave


Appalachian Craft Center

Photography 12 Castell 2 Wilson Alley, Ste C & D

Walk 20 Woolworth 25 Haywood St


Ariel Gallery

13 Coop 25 Carolina Ln

Girls Studio & Gallery 21 Working 30 Battery Park, 2nd Level


Asheville Art Museum

Minerva 14 Gallery 8 Biltmore Ave

22 ZaPOW! 21 Battery Park Ave, Ste 101

16 Patton Ave Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave, Ste 142 64 Biltmore Ave 10 N. Spruce St

19 Biltmore Ave 2 South Pack Sq

18 Susan Marie Designs

12 S. Lexington Ave


As h ev i lle Down town G a lle ri e s. org • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 43

talkiNg the Walk By ursula gulloW

Arts writer Ursula Gullow met up with local mixed-media artist Bridget Conn to discuss some of the art you might see at the downtown Asheville galleries in June. The following are excerpts from their conversation (read more of the discussion at



conn: When I look at this [“Ascension”] I think about how I’m always trying to push on my students that contrast is what catches people’s eye, and what I love about this is that you have a lot of contrast. There’s the contrast in light and dark, and the control of paint versus the drips. What’s showing and what is not showing is so specific; and I’m totally a sucker for the hatch marks. I’ve done that so many times [in my own work]. gullow: What do the hatch marks mean to you? conn: Well I can say, that for me specifically, I like the idea of this primitive mark-making as a way of trying to be scientific and organized about something. It’s a way of trying to quantify something but it’s sad and failing. Within this painting I might have to contemplate on it a little more about what it could mean, but when I see something used like that, that I’ve had identification with, it’s hard not to be drawn into that feeling.

daNiel lai at 16 pattoN gullow: His work [”Penny for your Thought”] is grabbing me the most from everything in here, but I’m not so into the figures [he’s incorporated]. conn: Exactly. I’m really into paper sculptures, and I like the idea of a book taking on more of an object sort of thing — especially nowadays with the whole Kindle thing — so this is really celebrating the object of the book. But yeah, I don’t feel like it needs the figures. I want to look at it as more of a nonobjective sort of piece. gullow: It’s funny because he took a book of another artist’s paintings, and he cut it in half and did this really interesting thing. That’s enough for me. Then bringing the figures in turns it into more of a narrative. conn: It makes it so much more of a literal experience but I want to appreciate it for the non-objective qualities than the story.

44 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

speNcer herr at americaN folk art aNd framiNg

art is a differeNt trip

for everyBody meet Bridget coNN

k hyeWook huh at BeNder gallery gullow: I don’t think of Asheville as a place to look at really high-end glass art, so I appreciate that this gallery is here. It’s unexpected. What are your feelings on glass art? conn: I know what’s involved in glass, so I have a hard time getting over just how hard it is to learn the medium. I feel like a lot of glass artists will get to a place where they have to show off that skill because it’s such a hard skill to master, and that is appreciable. But when you have a piece like this, [“Chemistry”] it looks less technically difficult than some of this other stuff, so I feel like it’s not trying to show off: “Hey, I’m glass, and look at how awesome I can make things out of glass.” It’s subtler. There’s simplicity to it that I’m attracted to. gullow: It’s subtle, but actually the design is quite complicated the more I look at it — this opening in it, the neutral colors and the different layers. conn: And I keep seeing a hint of a figure — like a neck and shoulder. That’s pretty interesting.

Bridget Conn teaches photography at Walters State Community College in Tennessee. Her mixed-media work will be on display at PUMP Gallery in June and she is one of the artists exhibited in Waking Up with Van Gogh at the Hickory Art Museum. Currently she conducts workshops at The Asheville Darkroom in Phil Mechanic Studios. More at

Ursula Gullow writes about art for Mountain Xpress. See her work at

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a relief print exhibition

The first juried relief print exhibition sponsored by the Wood Engravers’ Network is now on view at Asheville BookWorks. This traveling exhibit features 60 prints and 3 artist books by wood engravers from the United States, Canada, Russia and the United Kingdom. In June Asheville BookWorks is hosting the annual WEN workshop and many of the artists will be present at the opening reception on June 6. Original wood engravings are available for purchase at the gallery. Fang Clashed Fang from Call of the Wild by Abigail Rorer

ASHeville BookWorkS 428 1/2 Haywood Rd • West Asheville, NC 28806 ph: 828-255-8444 • web: • HOURS: M-F 1-5pm • Sat 1-4pm

Fresh Pasta Bowls Pizza • Salads Homemade Desserts WINE ON WEDNESDAY $3 specialty glass of wine

TUESDAYS ~ CRAFT DRAFTS $3 pints of local craft beer • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 45

arts x music

from NothiNg to somethiNg

tuNe-yards oN BuildiNg soNgs, meaNiNg aNd a gloBal faNBase By alli marshall


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In the hyper-cathartic song, “Riotriot,” tUnEyArDs front woman Merrill Garbus sings, “There is a freedom in violence that I don’t understand.” It’s a surprising statement on an album (2011’s critically-acclaimed w h o k i l l) full of insight, ferocious passion and empathy-tempered politics. It’s also a great example of Garbus’ penchant for framing her personal politics — railings against injustice — within questions and open statements that allow for the listener’s own slant. But, even if tUnE-yArDs fans don’t speak the language, the message still seems to resonate. “I write lyrics thinking about the sound of them first,” says Garbus. “There’s room for a lot of different interpretation and room for people to find themselves in the songs.” Garbus tells Xpress about how tUnE-yArDs recently performed in Croatia. The promoter told them that they’d be playing at a place where his grandfather was executed. “It puts a new framework on everything for me because I realize we’re bringing this moment of celebration and people coming together in a place that has pretty much had the exact opposite of that in its history,” says Garbus. She says that she does feel like an ambassador: “I get to represent but also explore other cultures and then come back and talk about them.” She adds, “Even just to know that there are fans of tUnE-yArDs in Brazil and in Argentina and in Turkey: I’m confused, almost — how is this translating and how are we so lucky to have our music spread so far and wide?” Travel, for Garbus (who recorded tUnEyArDs’ debut, BiRd-BrAiNs, on a hand-held voice recorder to recycled cassette tape before that album was rereleased by 4AD Records) has been a boon in many ways. She tells Xpress that it’s something she believes in deeply. “I’ve had incredibly spiritual experiences with audiences and a real feeling of bringing a sense of community and something greater than us all,” says Garbus. But also, “It’s a very strange way to live, in a new hotel and a new city every night.” That strangeness and disorientation, the very things that threaten to burn out even the most enthusiastic of touring artists, is probably what accounts for Garbus’ continued excitement about performing tracks from w h o k i l l, an album the band (which also includes Garbus’ partner, bassist Nate Brenner, and two saxophone players) has been touring behind for more than a year now. Of the songs Garbus says, “Every night they mean something different, depending on what’s on my mind and where we are.” She adds, “In terms of the spirit of a show or the spirit of a song, it’s interesting how it changes” but, “my musical approach has to remain the same because with the looping it’s a memorized choreography.” Originally a one-woman band, tUnE-yArDs

46 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

found in translation: Merrill Garbus writes songs with plenty of room for interpretation, for both her audience and herself. Photo by Chloe Aftel

began as, and is still based on, live-looping. Garbus builds, on stage, an orchestra of foundpercussion, vocal weavings and ukulele parts. If that sounds techy, it’s a surprisingly organic process that nods to Afrobeat and tribal rhythms. “There’s something that feels really great about creating a piece of music in front of people, that they’re seeing it from nothing to something,” says Garbus. And, while she wonders if the live looping translates less successfully at larger festivals where not everyone can see the stage, she does feel that she’s pushed the boundaries of the looping process. “People are like, ‘Wow, you really do create the sounds of the album,’” says Garbus. “I think we’ve made it a viable way to do rhythm.” Rhythm, more than looping and more than politics, drives tUnE-yArDs. It’s what makes the songs — unusual, almost aggressive with Garbus’ forceful, high-energy vocal — instantly catchy. From w h o k i l l, singles "Bizness" and "Gangsta" landed on 2011 top album and song lists in the likes of Time, Rolling Stone and Spin; “Gangsta” was also heard on Weeds and The Good Wife. These are songs of equal parts righteous anger and celebration; both elements are palpabale from the movementbased videos for “Bizness” (choreographed with Sonia Reiter) and “My Country,” which feature what Garbus calls “grotesque dancing.” “If I can’t feel a rhythm in my body, it’s hard for me to create a rhythm to share,” she says. However, Garbus suspects a lot of people in the

world think they can’t dance, so she wanted to convey a type of movement that “was evocative of something not pretty.” While tUnE-yArDs’ front woman takes a hands-on approach to all of the band’s endeavors, one thing she isn’t focused on at the moment is a next album. She says that, after a break, she plans to “give myself the freedom to make whatever music comes out of me at that point.” Want a hint as to what that might sound like? “I’ll certainly change something about the looping, whether it’s the objects that I loop, or the instruments,” says Garbus. And, “It would be interesting to involve different people in different ways.” X Alli Marshall can be reached at

Who tUnE-yArDs with Mariachi el Bronx

Where The Orange Peel

WheN Wednesday, June 6 (9 p.m., $17 in advance or $19 day of show.

arts x music

steel paN alley

the steel drum-fueled joNathaN scales fourchestra jams With a paN-musical palette

Who Jonathan Scales, with Casey Driessen

Where The Grey Eagle

WheN Saturday, June 2 (9 p.m. $8/$10.


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By BryaN c. reed Jonathan Scales has a look that suggests both Mos Def and Thelonious Monk. His appearance is, of course, irrelevant to his music, but it’s an intro to the diverse musical lineage Scales brings to his work at the front of his eponymous Fourchestra. As the band draws from classical composition, jazz, rock and hip-hop, Scales’ Fourchestra feels as comfortable in an auditorium as a barroom. “On the one side, we’re doing something very academic and complicated, so on one side, we’re coming from that jazz side and the performing arts side,” Scales says. “But on the other side, it’s like a straight rock band. We get in the van and we travel, not knowing what we’re going to run into.” Fittingly, scales spoke to Xpress shortly after a gig in Philadelphia, on the way to a two-night stand in New York City. Already this year, Scales and his band — now a trio with bassist Cody Wright, drummer Phill Bronson and Scales playing steel drums — has toured across North Carolina, into Tennessee and the Midwest. Earlier in May, they played the roots-mecca festival MerleFest in Wilkesboro. And the band’s calendar already has dates inked through November. Saying the Jonathan Scales Fourchestra is keeping busy doesn’t begin to do it justice. But that constant and flexible touring has helped the band refine an already unique sound. The steel pan is a chromatically pitched percussion instrument developed in Trinidad and Tobago, and known for its ringing metallic timbre and its use in Caribbean music. Scales picked up the instrument as a freshman at Appalachian State University in 2002 when he joined the University’s Steely Pan Steel Band, under the direction of Scott Meister. Scales came to Appalachian State as a saxophonist, eager to study composition. He’d been inspired after seeing Tim Burton’s 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes — or, more aptly, after hearing the Danny Elfman score that accompanied


Silver Brushes 40-50% OFF Everyday River Arts District moving beyond the island associations: Scales is drumming the line between complex jazz, and straight rock. it — to pursue a career making his own film scores. He joined the Steel Band, reluctantly at first, at the encouragement of some friends. Having played in his high-school drumline, the instrument was a natural fit, and provided an interesting complement to his studies of the classical saxophone repertoire. “It’s really a very outward, thinking-outsideof-the-box type of composition studio there [at Appalachian State],” he says. “It was kind of like a double whammy, because on one side we had steel band doing really cool arrangements, then the same guy running that is the same guy teaching about Stravinsky and John Cage and all these great 20th Century composers. It was a good combination.” Touring with the Steel Band, molding classical, pop, and traditional Caribbean music into its repertoire, proved informative for Scales’ later work. He’d absorb that open-eared approach to the instrument and the impulse to take the show on the road from those experiences. But he didn’t set out with any goals of changing the way the steel drum is played and heard. “I wanted to be a composer, and it just so happened that steel pan is what I like the sound of, and I just put that into the music that I was already doing,” he says. In 2007, he released his first album, One-Track Mind. Plot/Scheme followed a year later. Early on, Scales admits he had to coax listeners beyond the novelty factor of his chosen instrument. Lately, that’s less of a concern. The island associations haven’t disappeared completely, but they’re no longer bothersome. “If it reminds them of that, then that’s fine,” Scales says. “I don’t necessarily

see that, but sure. A lot of people still associate the instrument with that kind of thing. It doesn’t bother me anymore.” It’s easy to forget you’re listening to steel drums on his latest, Character Farm & Other Short Stories. Scales’ third album arrived last year, touting guest appearances from saxophonist Jeff Coffin (Dave Matthews Band, Béla Fleck & The Flecktones), flutist Kofi Burbridge and percussionist Yonrico Scott of the Derek Trucks Band, and fiddle player Casey Dreissen. Despite his guests’ credentials, though, Scales and his band (which at the time of recording also included guitarist Duane Simpson) never cede the spotlight. Bronson and Wright form a formidable rhythm section, swinging hard hip-hop grooves with the same finesse they bring to laid-back jazz shuffles. Simpson’s bluesinformed guitar provided an overt link to jamband rock. Scales, meanwhile, shows himself a deft bandleader, able to take the lead with ringing, lyrical melodies, or to take a backseat coloring the background with bright, textural playing. Live, Scales says the songs have taken on new qualities, too. “Now that it’s been road-tested and we’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t work, we’re able to kind of stretch out from even what was on the recordings.” However Scales and his Fourchestra continue to evolve, the broad outlook Scales brings to his compositions all but ensures it’ll be a good look for the outfit. X

Mon - Sat 10-6 • 828.231.3440


Bryan C. Reed is the online editor at Shuffle Magazine, and a regular contributor to publications including MAGNET and Paste. • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 47

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This project receives support from the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Dept of Cultural Resources, with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts

25th aNNual putNam couNty spelliNg Bee Ironically, the musical production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee might not be appropriate for some children. It gets a PG-13 rating due to some adult language, and a song about an erection. But, hey, even though it’s a show about, according to press, “six young people in the throes of puberty [who] learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser,” it’s really a play with grownups in mind. The musical is staged at Asheville Community Theatre June 1-17, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 p.m. $12, $19 and $22.

Co-sponsored by Asheville Parks & Recreation. Member of the Asheville Area Chamber.

Don’t miss the experience of a unique outdoor familystyle fun while you’re in Western North Carolina… enjoy quiet water canoeing, kayaing and tubing in the beautiful mountains near Brevard, NC. The French Broad River offers the ideal place to experience nature up close. Take your time (this is not whitewater!) and enjoy nature’s peace and beauty as you paddle in the great outdoors.

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48 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

doWNtoWN Books & NeWs 24th aNNiversary Local used bookstore and Lexington Avenue staple Downtown Books & News is having a birthday. The shop is a Gemini. Or maybe a Cancer. Doesn’t matter — the anniversary (its 24th) lasts the entire month of June. Events kick off on Friday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m. with an evening of acoustic music provided by Xpress’ own Jaye Bartell (of Pilgrim) and Matt Evans (of Just Die!). On Saturday, June 2, Madison J. Cripps and Grayson Morris put on a puppetry performance at 7:30 p.m. On Sunday, June 3, stop by for a 5 p.m. poetry performance with Bartell, Chall Gray, Joel Quick and John Crutchfield. Find more June events at

alejaNdro escovedo Alejandro Escovedo’s career dates back to first-wave punk band The Nuns (San Francisco, circa 1975 — the same year the Sex Pistols got their start in London). By the '80s, he had relocated to Austin, Texas, where he joined cow punk outfit Rank and File, a precursor to many of today's roots-rock acts. Escovedo's solo career launched in the early '90s — in '98 he was named artist of the decade by No Depression. He joined Bruce Springsteen on stage at SXSW this spring; like Springsteen, Escovedo has inspired a generation of musicians (e.g., Ryan Adams); his new album, Big Station, due out June 5, is already getting great reviews. In advance of that release, Escovedo plays The Grey Eagle on Friday, June 1. Jesse Malin (of ‘90s glam rockers D Generation) opens. 9 p.m., $15 in advance or $18 day of the show. Photo by M. Chavez.

• See advanced screenings of award-buzzing films of 2012 • See independent films not screening in WNC movie theaters • Film screenings downtown Asheville & in Biltmore Park

micah mackeNzie

• New reduced membership fees. Limited number available.

Proving. Grounds is the new collection of images by local music/events/ fashion photographer Micah Mackenzie. "I had a dream to see Asheville as the new Paris. With this collaboration, we are on our way,” says Mackenzie, who collaborated with local designers R. Brooke Priddy (Ship to Shore) and Danielle Miller (Royal Peasantry). The three artists worked on a tribute to Czech art nouveau painter Alphonse Mucha, for which Priddy designed “a sweeping and sheer one-shouldered olive modal gown.” The exhibit, which opens on Thursday, May 31 at Pisgah Brewing, will feature that and other images from the local art, performance and fashion scenes. Reception at 6 p.m.; Grammer School performs at 8:30 p.m. Image by Micah Mackenzie. • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 49


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where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina CLUBLanD RULeS •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

W ed ., M ay 30 5 Walnut Wine Bar

Juan Benevidas Trio (Latin, flamenco guitar), 8-10pm ARCADE Athena's Club



5/31 fri 6/1 sat 6/2

Barley's Taproom

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm Black Mountain Ale House

Open mic w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm

TallGary's Cantina

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:307:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Open mic/jam, 7pm

Harrah's Cherokee

The Bywater

Jack of Hearts Pub

Open mic

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Club Hairspray

Retro night ('80s & '90s), 10pm Dirty South Lounge

Ultra Rockin' Music Nerd Challenge (trivia), 9pm Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-along), 9pm-1am


Open mic, 7pm

The Altamont Theater

Kopecky Family Band (indie, rock, classical), 8pm

Club Hairspray

Karaoke, 10pm

Ready, Set, Draw (game night), 8pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Club Metropolis

Variety show feat: Forty Fingers & a Missing Tooth, Runaway Circus & more, 7pm

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Old-time jam, 6pm

Westville Pub

Dirty Bingo, 9pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Front stage: Ryan Barrington Cox

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

Lobster Trap

Wild Wing Cafe

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-along), 9pm-1am

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Emerald Lounge

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)

Dirty South Lounge

T hu ., M ay 31

Big Something (rock, jam) w/ Tiny Boxes & Treetop Sailors, 9pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Firestorm Cafe and Books

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

Tina & Her Pony (Americana), 7pm


Get Down

The Methmatics w/ BFO, Vic Crown & Fun at the Farm (rock, punk)

Music trivia, 7pm Dirty Names (rock) w/ Toy Bombs, 10pm

Good Stuff

Orange Peel

Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 6pm

Waltz Night, 6pm

DJ Nu Mark (of Jurassic 5) "Toy Set" w/ Chachillie & DJ DLX, 10pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Pisgah Brewing Company

Barley's Taproom

Campfire Reverends (Americana, blues), 6pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Dizzy Chicken (jazz)

One Stop Deli & Bar

Get Down

steve kimock

w/ Bernie Worrell, Wally ingram, & andy hess 9pm Jeremy Boger homecoming

coBra horse w/ THE CRITTERS 8pm

aleJanDro escoveDo w/ Jesse malin 9pm

Jonathan scales fourchestra & casey Driessen lil’ Brian & the zyDeco travelers 6pm raD one

tues 6/5 neighBorhooD Benefit man man | mark kozelek tim o’Brien | Jonathan richmon lost in the trees | sarah Jarosz Joe purdy | mindy smith Kitchen Open for Dinner on Nights of Shows!

Trivia, 9pm Asheville Music Hall

Alien Music Club (jazz jam)

Southern Appalachian Brewery

The Get Right Duo, 7:30pm

Todd Hoke (folk, Americana), 6pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe


Live Music 5 NIGHTS A WEEK! Daily Specials FULL BAR! WED THUR 5/31 FRI


Hurray For The Riff Raff (folk, country) w/ Spirit Family Reunion & Broken Wing Routine Good Stuff

Gene Peyroux & One Hundred Monkeys (rock, country, jazz), 7pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Jeremy Boger Homecoming w/ Cobra Horse (rock) & The Critters, 8pm

Bike Night/ Wing Night WICKED WEDNESDAYS



20¢ Wings $2.00 Bud, Bud Lights,


$2.00 Cover Charge

$1 off all Whiskey • Real New Orleans PoBoys Melodic Folk Pop • $3.50 Vodka Drinks

Busch & PBR Cans

Bring Your “A” Team • Prizes • $3.50 Gin & Tonics

Live Music with Chatter Box 8:00

SAT 6/2


JUNE 1 - Live Music

Gypsy Jazz • 5 Robo Shots






$1 Off Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas

OPEN MIC Sign up at 7pm • $4 Margaritas BUY 1 GET 1 ½ Off APPETIZERS BLUES JAM with Westville Allstars Shrimp ‘n Grits • $3.50 Rum Drinks


50 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

Paul Cataldo (Americana, roots)

Jack of the Wood Pub

Olive or Twist

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

w/ andrew usher 9pm

sun 6/3

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Live comedy, 8:30pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Steve Kimock (rock, jazz, fusion, experimental) w/ Bernie Worrell, Wally Ingram & Andy Hess, 9pm

Arcade Idol, 10pm


Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

9:30 – $5.00

LIVE MUSIC 9:30 – $5.00


COUNTRY KARAOKE Food & Drink Specials • 9:00pm


1501 Patton Ave. • 828-575-2258

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Old-time jam, 7pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Bluegrass jam, 6pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Back stage: Time Sawyer (folk rock) w/ Anna Kline & the Grits & Soul Band, 10pm

Peggy Ratusz's Invitational Blues Jam Vincenzo's Bistro

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Westville Pub

Get Down

Ten Cent Poetry (folk, pop), 9:30pm White Horse

Just Die (metal, hardcore) w/ Will to Die & Discourse

Danny Kalb (blues), 7:30pm

Good Stuff

Olive or Twist

Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) One Stop Deli & Bar

Ribs & Whiskey, 5pm Pisgah Brewing Company

Jason Moore (jazz)

F ri ., J une 1

Alejandro Escovedo (rock, roots, altcountry) w/ Jesse Malin, 9pm

Altamont Brewing Company

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Wildwood Flyers (folk, bluegrass), 9pm ARCADE

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:3010pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Purple Onion Cafe

Black Mountain Ale House

Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz)

Dave Desmelik (Americana), 7pm

Scandals Nightclub

Boiler Room

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm

guitAR instRuCtiOn!

828.254.0402 180 Patton Avenue • Asheville, NC 28801 Open most days NOON - 7PM • Closed Sunday

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”

Truth & Salvage Company (roots rock) w/ Mark Webb, 9pm Highland Brewing Company

Ian Thomas & Band of Drifters (roots), 6pm


Dance night

Club Hairspray

Avery County (bluegrass), 9pm

TallGary's Cantina

Drag show, midnight

Jack of the Wood Pub

Asheville music showcase, 8pm

Craggie Brewing Company

The Bywater

Rond, 7pm

Floating Action (indie rock) w/ Ryan Barrington Cox & Curtains, 8pm

Ladies open mic w/ Andrea Lee, 9pm

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Jus One More

The Dugout

Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am

Mountain Feist (bluegrass) Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Smokin Joe Randolf (rockabilly, swing, samba)

Eleven on Grove

Olive or Twist

DJ Jam (old-school R&B), 9pm

Live music, 8pm

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Emerald Lounge

One Stop Deli & Bar

Town Pump

June 1 • 5pm


Running on E w/ On My Honor & Monkey in Podship (punk) & FLS, 9pm

Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm

In addition to instrument sales and service, Sherwood’s Music offers

Big Boss Tap Takeover

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Micah Mackenzie art opening feat: Grammer School (indie, synth pop), 8:30pm

Drag Queen Turn-Around w/ Celeste Starr


Peace Jones (rock, jam), 8pm

Lobster Trap

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

Outlaw Nation (hip-hop, soul) w/ PlanetRawk

Jack of Hearts

Front stage: Eric Ciborski, 6pm

W E D . MAY 30 Front stage:

ryan barrington cox 6-9pm

T hurS . M AY 31

time sawyer

w/ anna kline and the grits & soul band 9:30pm

F ri. Ju nE 1 Front stage:

eric ciborski 6-9pm SAT. Ju nE 2

octopus jones

cusses & moonlight bride 9:30pm


T uE . J u nE 5 Front stage:

andrew Fletcher 6-9pm • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 51

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Cherub (electronic, dance) w/ Don Winsley, 10pm Orange Peel

DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


FRI. 6/1

Micah Hanks Duo (acoustic newgrass)

SAT. 6/2

DJ Moto

(dance hits, pop)


Beer Chef in the Century Room & Duck Rabbit Hoppy Bunny Release Pint Night DJ Moto (dance hits, pop) Thur. 5/31

Foothills Pint Night Fri. 6/1

Pint Night with Jennifer Yuengling

Abby Road Live (Beatles tribute) performs Sgt. Peppers in its entirety, 8pm Pack's Tavern

Micah Hanks Duo (newgrass) Pisgah Brewing Company

Club Metropolis

TallGary's Cantina

GalaxC Girl & Brad Bitt (electronic, dance), 10pm Craggie Brewing Company

Ken Kiser (Americana, singer-songwriter), 6pm Michael Burgin, Ian C. Parker & Cyrus Atkins (indie folk), 8pm Creatures Cafe

Scandals Nightclub

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Chariot Awaits

Zumba (luau theme), 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Southern Appalachian Brewery

Free Radio CD release show w/ Philo, John Farmer, Fight Club & more, 9pm


French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Carolina Rex (blues, R&B), 8pm Chatter Box (rock) The Bywater

Con Brio (blues, rock), 9pm The Dugout

Jonnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9pm The Market Place

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, world, jazz), 7-10pm Town Pump

South 85 (Americana) Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Westville Pub

Trivia night

White Horse

Carolina Road w/ The Roys, 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

Natalie Stovall (country), 10pm

Emerald Lounge

Tina & Her Pony (Americana), 6pm Get Down

The Altamont Theater

The Trishas (country, folk, Americana, rock), 8pm The Dugout

Mojo Haze, 9pm Town Pump

Eric Sommer & the Atomics Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

One Leg Up (jazz), 10pm White Horse

Spring Holistic Wisdom Faire, 2pm Steady Rollin' Bob Margolin (blues guitar), 8pm

S un ., J une 3

Good Stuff

Dr. Filth & Wayd Runk (DJs), 10pm

Ten Cent Poetry (indie folk), 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Jonathan Scales Fourchestra feat: Casey Driessen (jazz, rock, fusion) w/ Andrew Usher, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

One Leg Up (jazz), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Current Invention, 8-11pm Hannah Flanagan's

Adama and friends (Afro-funk), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Altamont Brewing Company

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Woody Pines (ragtime, country, blues), 9:30pm

Back stage: Cusses (hard rock) w/ Octopus Jones & Moonlight Bride, 10pm


Olive or Twist

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Carolina Rex (blues, classic rock), 9:30pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Chatam St. Music (folk), 9-11pm

S aT ., J une 2

Wildwood Flyers (folk, bluegrass), 8pm

The Scissormen w/ Rory Kelly's Triple Threat & Southbound Turnaround (country, rock)

Kelly McCrae w/ Sam Lewis, 5pm The Dukes of Brooklyn (blues, rock) w/ Mechanical River (folk) & Shake It Like a Caveman, 8pm

Jerome Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions (jazz), 7-9pm ARCADE

Dirty South Lounge

The Short Bus (film & DJ), 9pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Lil' Brian & the Zydeco Travelers, 6pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:3010:30pm Hannah Flanagan's

Back Pages (classic rock), 5pm Hotel Indigo

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Irish session, 3-9pm MilkDrive (alt-folk), 10pm Lobster Trap

Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar

"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm

The 42nd Street Jazz Band

Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am

One Stop Deli & Bar

The Fritz (jam, funk, rock) w/ Kung Fu Dynamite & Jahman Brahman, 10pm

Purple Onion Cafe

Athena's Club

Black Mountain Ale House

52 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

Southern Appalachian Brewery

Drag show, midnight

Karl Denson's Tiny Universe (funk) w/ The Fritz, 7pm

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:3010pm DJ, 10pm-2am


Club Hairspray

Elvet Velvis (rock), 8pm Boiler Room

Don't Pet Hatchet w/ Burning Onward, We Kill Kids & Lithiasis (metal, punk), 9pm

Pack's Tavern

DJ Moto (dance, pop)

Sol Driven Train

Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge

Psychobilly Sock Hop Sundays Scandals Nightclub

Purple Onion Cafe

Kyle Carey Trio (Celtic folk)

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Scandals Nightclub


Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Karaoke, 8pm


Madison Violet (Americana, roots, pop), 8pm The Bywater

Hank West and the Smokin' Hots (jazz), 5pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm White Horse

Drum circle, 2pm Wild Wing Cafe

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:3010:30pm The Bywater

Bluegrass jam, 8pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Open mic, 7pm

Wild Wing Cafe

Karaoke, 10pm

red stag grill at the grand Bohemian hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root Bar No.1 299-7597 scandals Nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian Brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 stingrays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown jazz & Blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 Westville pub 225-9782 White horse 669-0816 Wild Wing cafe 253-3066

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Rad One Neighborhood Benefit feat: J.E. Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions, The Blue Dragons & Adama, 7pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Handlebar

Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard Bluegrass Jam, 8:30pm Hannah Flanagan's

Darren Kohler & friends, 4pm

T ue ., J une 5

Kevin Casey (acoustic), 6pm

M on ., J une 4

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm ARCADE

Movie Mondays (cult classics), 10pm Dirty South Lounge

Tears in My Beers (DJ set), 9pm

The John Henry's (jazz, swing), 8-10pm Black Mountain Ale House

Trivia night, 7pm

Club Hairspray

Trivia night, 10pm

Eleven on Grove

Good Stuff

Battle Lion, 6pm

Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Fundraiser dance w/ live DJ, 8:30pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Get Down

Contra dance, 8pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

BBQ (garage, rock) w/ The Krektones (rock, surf)

Hotel Indigo

Jack of the Wood Pub

The Jauntee (funk, jam), 10pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Andrew Fletcher (piano), 6pm


20% off food purchase with Ad


Music Schedules Wednesday, May 30th

Hookah Hook-Up Presents: Music Trivia hosted by Jacob Horowitz All Ages 7PM

DIRTY NAMES with Toy Bombs $5 21+ Thursday, May 31st

Geniass Productions Presents: from 5 DJ Nu-Mark Jurassic Chachillie & DLX

9PM $15 21+

Friday, June 1st





The Altamont Theater

harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 highland Brewing company 299-3370 holland’s grille 298-8780 the hop 254-2224 the hop West 252-5155 iron horse station 622-0022 jack of hearts pub 645-2700 jack of the Wood 252-5445 jus one more 253-8770 lexington avenue Brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 the lower level 505-8333 luella’s Bar-B-Que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 one stop Bar deli & Bar 255-7777 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah Brewing co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851 purple onion cafe 749-1179 rankin vault 254-4993


creature’s cafe 254-3636 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 the dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 firestorm cafe 255-8115 fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 french Broad Brewery tasting room 277-0222 french Broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the garage 505-2663 the gateway club 456-6789 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music hall & tavern 232-5800 grove house eleven on grove 505-1612 the grove park inn (elaine’s piano Bar/ great hall) 252-2711 the handlebar (864) 233-6173


5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 altamont Brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 asheville music hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek pizza & ribs 687-2400 Barley’s tap room 255-0504 Black mountain ale house 669-9090 Blend hookah lounge 505-0067 Blue mountain pizza 658-8777 Blue Note grille 697-6828 Boiler room 505-1612 BoBo gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 Burgerworx 253-2333 the Bywater 232-6967 club hairspray 258-2027 club remix 258-2027 the chop house 253-1852 craggie Brewing company 254-0360

Saturday, June 2nd


Sunday, June 3rd

Bluegrass Brunch

hosted by The Pond Brothers

11am -Open Jam! Bring your instruments! Tuesday, June 5th



Lobster Trap

Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar

Two for Tuesday feat: Hermit Kings & Travers Brothers, 8pm Funk jam, 10pm

More information & Advance Tickets available always at

Orange Peel • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 53

Phantogram (indie, pop, dance) w/ KI: Theory, 9pm The Bywater

Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm The Dugout Tolliver's Crossing Irish Pub

Trivia, 8pm

Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Westville Pub White Horse

Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm Wild Wing Cafe

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

One Stop Deli & Bar

Music trivia, 7pm

Back stage: Ahleuchatistas (prog rock, experimental) w/ Baby Rattlesnakes (roots, folk, jazz), 9:30pm

Orange Peel

Lobster Trap

Pisgah Brewing Company

Bobby Miller & the Virgina Dare Trio (Appalachian newgrass), 6pm

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm Olive or Twist

Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) Pisgah Brewing Company

The Bywater

Purple Onion Cafe

Ready, Set, Draw (game night), 8pm

Juan Benevidas Trio (Latin, flamenco guitar), 8-10pm

Vincenzo's Bistro


Westville Pub

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm Wild Wing Cafe

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm Black Mountain Ale House

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Jugband Jubilee (open jam) Dirty South Lounge

TallGary's Cantina

Asheville music showcase, 8pm The Dugout

Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm

Town Pump

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

Asheville Music Hall

Craggie Brewing Company

Dance night

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Retro night ('80s & '90s), 10pm


The Lower Level


Club Hairspray

Johnson's Crossroad (bluegrass)

T hu ., J une 7

Sierra on Stage (songwriting competition), 8pm Open mic

Trivia, 9pm Janka Nabay & the BuBu Gang (Afropop, world) w/ Zansa, 10pm Barley's Taproom

Alien Music Club (jazz jam) Black Mountain Ale House

The Get Right Duo, 7:30pm

Ty Nemecek (folk rock), 9pm Pat Anderson (roots, rock) Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Peggy Ratusz's Invitational Blues Jam Vincenzo's Bistro

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm Westville Pub

Wilhelm McKay (folk rock), 9:30pm White Horse

Asheville Tango Orchestra, 7:30pm

Ultra Rockin' Music Nerd Challenge (trivia), 9pm

Club Hairspray

Karaoke, 10pm

F ri ., J une 8

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Creatures Cafe


Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

54 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

Bluegrass jam, 6pm

W ed ., J une 6

Barley's Taproom

5 20 Sw annano a Riv e r R d, Ash evi l l e, N C 28805 • (8 2 8 ) 2 9 8 - 1 4 0 0

Jack of the Wood Pub

The Flea Market Hustlers (funk, jamgrass), 8pm

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

Mon - Sat 6:30pm - 2am

Old-time jam, 7pm

Open mic/jam, 7pm

Athena's Club

New Hours:

Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)

Jack of Hearts Pub

TallGary's Cantina

Arcade Idol, 10pm

Olive or Twist

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Video trivia, 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

see for yourself at

Lobster Trap

tUnE-yArDs (indie, pop, experimental) w/ Mariachi el Bronx

Blues jam, 10pm

Ladies & Couples Welcome Sports Lounge feat. NBA & UFC on big screen Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole” Great Drink Specials Every Night

Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6pm Back stage: Claire & the Reasons (chamber pop) w/ Ten Cent Poetry, 9pm Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

Trivia, 8pm

WNC’s Premiere Adult Lounge & Sports Room

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Bethel Steele (folk), 9pm Dirty South Lounge

Dirty Bingo, 9pm

Get Down

The Ghost Wolves (rock, blues, garage) w/ Drunken Prayer (Americana, alt-country) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:3010pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Eleven on Grove

Harrah's Cherokee

Emerald Lounge

Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam

Keeper of the Sea w/ 105 Howitzer & IronCircle (rock, metal), 9pm

Good Stuff

Club Hairspray

Live comedy, 8:30pm

Jack of Hearts Pub

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

Old-time jam, 6pm

Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, 6:30-10pm

The Twin City Buskers, 8:30pm Boiler Room

Gene Peyroux & One Hundred Monkeys (rock, country, jazz), 7pm

Drag show, midnight

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Flesh & Stone w/ J Swan Dooley

Creatures Cafe

Follow Mountain Xpress on Facebook at for local events, news & ticket giveaways!

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am Good Stuff

Dave Turner, 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Wooden Toothe (country, punk, rock) w/ Old Flings, Greg Cartwright, The Zealots & The Panels Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm Highland Brewing Company

Alarm Clock Conspiracy CD release party (indie rock, power pop), 6pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Town Pump

Calico Moon (Americana, country), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Peggy Ratusz (blues), 8-11pm

Michael Tracy Band (soul, rock)

Hannah Flanagan's

Vincenzo's Bistro

Unit 50 (classic rock)

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm

Highland Brewing Company

The Market Place

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, world, jazz), 7-10pm

Trivia night

Appalachian Breakdown bluegrass festival, 2-8:30pm

White Horse

Jack of Hearts

Westville Pub

Craig Bickhard, Jack Sundrud & Don Henry (singer-songwriters), 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

My Highway (country)

S at ., J une 9 ARCADE

"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm

Twilite Broadcasters (old-time, vintage country), 6pm Ben Prestage (blues, roots) w/ Johnson's Crossroad (bluegrass), 9pm

Athena's Club

Jus One More

Black Mountain Ale House

Michelle Leigh & Nickel Difference (country) Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Meredith Watson, 6pm Back stage: Alex Krug Combo (roots, folk), 8:30pm Olive or Twist

Live music, 8pm

One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Jeff Sipe Group (jazz, jam, fusion), 10pm Pack's Tavern

Peggy Ratusz (blues, soul) Pisgah Brewing Company

Orgone (funk, soul) w/ Flannel Church, 9pm Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am The Dugout

Jonnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9pm

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7:3010pm DJ, 10pm-2am DJ Night w/ Black Mountain Beats, 9pm Boiler Room

Easy w/ Poofolk, Soffspoken & Neck Breaka Society (hip-hop), 9pm Club Hairspray

Drag show, midnight Club Metropolis

Submission: fetish fire & freaks, 10pm Creatures Cafe

Reckless Mercy w/ Sarah McCoy Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Emerald Lounge

Sirius.B, 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 4:30pm Jim Lauderdale (bluegrass, country) w/ Sanctum Sully, 9pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: George McDonald, 6-9pm Olive or Twist

The 42nd Street Jazz Band Orange Peel

Laura Marling (folk, singer-songwriter) w/ David Dondero, 9pm Pack's Tavern

Howie's House Party (blues, fusion) Pisgah Brewing Company

Uncle Lucius (soul, Southern rock), 5pm Purple Onion Cafe

Roy Schneider Duo (singer-songwriter, folk) Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am The Altamont Theater

Lovestruck Suckers (rock, soul) w/ Ten Cent Poetry, 8pm The Dugout

Unnamed Suspects (rock), 9pm

The Foreign Exchange (soul) w/ Sy Smith, Jeanne Jolly & Zo, 9pm

Town Pump

Good Stuff

Vincenzo's Bistro

The Turnstiles

Dawn Carol, 8pm

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Westville Pub

Man Man (experimental rock, indie) w/ Raleigh Moncrief, 9pm

Windy Trail Travelers (newgrass), 10pm White Horse

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Anna Hernandez, 6:30pm • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 55


theaterlistings Friday, June 1 - Thursday, June 7

Due to the holiday, show times were not available from most theaters. check for show times and call theaters to catch any last minute scheduling changes. n

asheville Pizza & BrewinG co. (254-1281)

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. 21 Jump street (r) 10:00 the artist (Pg-13) 7:00 Mirror Mirror (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 n

carmike cinema 10 (298-4452)


carolina asheville cinema 14 (274-9500)


cineBarre (665-7776)


co-ed cinema Brevard (883-2200


ePic oF hendersonville (693-1146)


Fine arts theatre (232-1536)

Bernie (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 thu., June 7), Late show Fri-sat 9:20 the Best exotic Marigold hotel (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show 9:30 if i had wings to Fly (nr) 7:00 thu., June 7 only n

Flatrock cinema (697-2463)


reGal Biltmore Grande stadium 15 (684-1298)


united artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information.

18 Years of Independent news, arts & events for wnC

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating

additional reviews by justin souther contact

pickoftheweek Bernie JJJJJ

Director: richarD LinkLater (Me and OrsOn Welles) PLayers: Jack BLack, shirLey MacLaine, Matthew Mcconaughey, BraDy coLeMan, richarD rochiBaux, BranDon sMith Fact-Based dark comedy drama rated PG-13

The Story: True-life crime story about the murder of a much-hated old woman, her killer and the very odd fall-out from the crime in a small Texas town. The Lowdown: Darkly funny, oddly touching, disturbing and surprisingly deep film that benefits from a very unusual approach. A must-see. Most movies based on real events, identify themselves as fact-based or inspired by or some similar caveat to suggest that a certain amount of license has been taken. Richard Linklater’s Bernie, on the other hand, offers two introductory titles. The first reads, “What you’re fixin’ to see is,” and the second, “A true story,” setting both the tone and the substance of the film. Under most circumstances, I’d take issue with such a claim, but since the film at hand is as much about the perception of Bernie Tiede (Jack Black) by the folks of the town he lived in — and is delivered by them in interviews — as it is about Bernie, I’m inclined to let it slide. In reality, I guess the film is part dramatization and part something like a documentary — though maybe gossip-mentary would be nearer the truth. So what exactly is this strange hybrid known as Bernie? Well, that’s not so easy to say in any convenient summation. Is it a true crime story? Is it a very strange love story gone wrong? Is it a loving look at a small Southern — in this case, Texas — town? Is it a satire of such places and the politics therein? Well, yeah, it’s all those things — and probably a few others I’ve neglected to mention. The remarkable thing about it is that Linklater and his cast somehow manage to make it all hang together as a whole. In terms of storytelling and in approach, the film is quietly unorthodox, but I can’t think of another approach that would work nearly so well. The film is based on a 1998 article by Skip Hollandsworth — who co-authored the screenplay with Linklater — and is set in Carthage, Texas (“Behind the Pine Curtain — where the South begins” is how one local describes it), a sleepy little town that exists somewhere between the boosterish gush of the chamber of commerce and one local woman’s forthright assessment, “Oh, hell, most people live in Carthage because they were born here.” And easily the best-liked — maybe even loved — person in the town is Bernie, the assistant funeral director (the term

56 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •

Shirley MacLaine and Jack Black in Richard Linklater’s dark true-life comedy Bernie. mortician isn’t used anymore, we’re told). Oh, sure, Bernie might be “a little light in the loafers” (as it’s called in the film) with the interests of a caricature “show queen,” but he’s just so darn nice that everbody likes him — and anyway he’s in a setting where much that would cause talk elsewhere is dismissed as eccentricity. He’s unfailingly friendly, cares about his work, and is at his best and most appealing when dealing with grieving widows. It’s that last that sets the drama in motion when he sets out to thaw the “meanest woman in town,” Marjorie Nugent (Shirley MacLaine), who also happens to be the richest woman in town. Wearing down her icy exterior — to the degree that is possible — Bernie becomes her best friend (well, only friend), confidante, travel partner and — who exactly knows what? He also becomes the sole heir to her estate, but that was not his aim. In fact, it seems that his aims are fairly guileless — at least until he starts feeling smothered by her demands and, in a moment of madness, shoots the old gal (with her armadillo rifle), puts her in the freezer and starts making excuses for her absence. Nobody much cares because nobody wants to deal with her or misses her. Well, nobody cares but her disinherited family and grandstanding District Attorney Danny Buck (Matthew McConaughey). What happens from there I’ll leave to the film, but I’ll say it’s unfailingly entertaining — strangely touching and a little troubling. There are those who will avoid the film because of the presence of Jack Black. This is a mistake. Yes, he is unmistakably Jack Black — the trim mustache and conservative haircut don’t even try to disguise this — but it’s Black in a performance unlike any he’s ever given. He nearly disappears into a role that stops — as

it must — short of caricature. He has to make us believe that the townfolk so love him that they either don’t care what he did, or simply refuse to believe it — and he does. But he’s not the whole show. Matthew McConaughey (an actor I usually like less than Black) and Shirley MacLaine do more than their share, while Linklater’s evocation of Carthage is little short of blissful. And don’t sell the townfolk short. It all comes together in one of the most unusual movies you’ll see this year. Rated PG-13 for some violent images and brief strong language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 and Fine Arts Theatre

chernoByl diaries J

Director: BraD Parker PLayers: ingriD BoLsø BerDaL, DiMitri Diatchenko, oLivia DuDLey, Devin keLLey, Jesse Mccartney, nathan PhiLLiPs, Jonathan saDowski Badly-lit horror

rated r

The Story: Six morons hire a sketchy guide to take them on an illegal tour of Chernobyl. It’s an ill-advised decision.

lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at

The Lowdown: Ugly, dull, tedious hor- instead. It’s not very good, but it’s much betror thriller involving a no-name cast run- ter than this. Rated R for violence, some bloody ning around in the dark while radiation- images and pervasive language. reviewed by Ken Hanke spawned mutants kill them off.

Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7

the duck hunter JJJJ

Men in Black iii JJJ

In Brief: A sweetly sentimental tale about the life of a dreamer in a small town

Sci-Fi adventure coMedy

rated PG-13

The Story: Agent J travels through time to stop his partner, Agent K, from being murdered by a ruthless alien criminal. The Lowdown: A harmless — if superfluous — sequel that works solely on how much you’ve liked its predecessors. Before this weekend, I would have sworn no one was clamoring for a third installment in the Men In Black franchise. You can imagine my astonishment at the film’s $55 million openingweekend haul. The original Men in Black came out nearly 15 years ago, and it marked the start of Will Smith’s status as a bankable star at the box office. But after a lackluster sequel released a decade ago, pop culture seemed to have moved on. There didn’t seem to be much lingering popularity for the characters, or nostalgic hunger for more sequels from audiences. Yet, here we have it, a movie no one seemed to be asking for, and which does exactly what sequels should do and nothing more. This "perfectly fine" approach has the inherent drawback of mediocrity, and it also means that your mileage will vary depending on how much of a damn — if any — you give for these characters. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones return as the odd couple of Agent J and Agent K, respectively, who work as “Men in Black,” a sort of intergalactic police department that monitors extraterrestrial life here on Earth. The film follows the standard MIB plot of saving the world from aliens, but this time with the added twist of time travel, as J is beamed back to the 1960s to stop K from being murdered by a megalomaniacal, revenge-bent alien assassin named Boris The Animal (Jemaine Clement). The time-travel angle works more as a gimmick than as an actual plot device, creating a handful of culture-shock and fish-out-of-water moments and little else. The retro look is welcome and leads to at least one pseudo-inspired scene involving Bill Hader as Andy Warhol, but there’s no real point to most of it. My guess is that the very tired-looking Jones has a smart agent who managed to finagle a way for him to sit out most of this silliness. In his stead is Josh Brolin as the young K of the past, who steals the movie with a spot-on impersonation of Jones. The film revolves around K’s character, promising to enlighten anyone who’s been sitting around for a decade-and-a-half wondering why he’s so grumpy. This is what’s promised, at least. The film leaves this and other plot threads dangling, lost inside an avalanche of faulty internal logic. Of course, logic and plot are the least

rated nr

in Italy, mostly taking place just before and during WWII. It’s small scale and a little on the cliched side, but not without its modest charms — and with unusually striking cinematography that helps make up for its sometimes workmanlike story.

Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Duck Hunter at 8 p.m. on Friday, June 1, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

the hindenBurG JJJ hiStorical diSaSter draMa

rated PG

In Brief: A speculative drama (based on largely discredited theories) about what

really caused the fiery crash of the Graf Zeppelin Hindenburg at Lakehurst, N.J., in 1937. It has more in common with the disaster movie boom of the 1970s than history, but it’s passably entertaining nonsense with nice performances from George C. Scott and Anne Bancroft. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Hindenburg at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 3, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

Mad love / the Black cat JJJJJ horror

rated nr

In Brief: A double dose of classic horror with Karl Freund’s Mad Love (1935), the

film that first presented Peter Lorre in a horror picture, and Edgar G. Ulmer’s The Black Cat (1934), the first onscreen teaming of Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi. The former — a remake of the silent The Hands of Orlac (1924) — is a film with a somewhat exaggerated reputation, but the latter is one of the top horror pictures of all time.

The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Mad Love and The Black Cat on Thursday, May 31, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Th e in Ha th pp e ie Un s iv t P er la se ce

Director: Barry SonnenfelD (RV) PlayerS: Will Smith, JoSh Brolin, tommy lee JoneS, Jemaine clement, emma thomPSon



Here’s the pitch — six not-particularly-likable 20-somethings decide it’d be a swell idea to pay a sketcky Russian "tour guide" to take them on an illegal tour of Chernobyl. Guess what? It wasn’t such a swell idea after all. What a shock. Similarly, I’ll note that sitting through Chernobyl Diaries isn’t a swell idea either. Oh, it’s not the worst horror movie ever made, but it’ll do in a pinch. Even the existence of one decent shock effect doesn’t keep it from getting the dreaded bottom-of-the-barrel half-star of shame. Yes, it’s that bad. Your time would be better spent — certainly more entertainingly spent — by reading over the IMDb posts fighting over how tasteless it is to exploit a real tragedy, and how insulting it is to try to suggest the Cyrillic alphabet by sticking a couple backwards R’s on the poster. (Really, someone’s knickers are in a twist over the alphabet? Amazing.) The story is from the mind Oren Peli, the fellow who gave us the Paranormal Activity gimmick. This movie strays from that, but it’s still done in such a way that it looks and feels amateurish and cheap. As near as I can tell, amateurish and cheap is supposed to pass for realism, which in turn is supposed to be scary. Banana oil. It merely draws attention to itself, making the viewer even more conscious that this is a movie. I know, I know. It makes the footage look "real," but is anybody — other than the incredibly credulous — buying this junk as "real?" In the end, what you’ve got is an ugly, frequently out of focus, poorly lit movie with a bunch of people it’s hard to care about running around in the dark. I think the trailer’s hook was supposed to be that it never disclosed exactly what was out to get the meat-on-the-hoof cast. Well, I’ll warn you now, the movie never really gives you more than a glimpse of them. Oh, right, that’s scarier. (Watch the 1932 Island of Lost Souls and tell me that.) It’s also a lot cheaper — and cheapness is the hallmark of this movie. It’s pretty obvious that my pre-release guess that the threat would come from Russian, radiated, inbred, cannibal hillbillies was pretty much on target, though the depiction is ... well, wanting. Not that I minded them offing the "characters," who ranged in sympathetic appeal from the "who cares?" variety to the actively annoying (in the case of whiny Jesse McCartney). Anything that would make the film stop was in its favor, but I was hoping for some kind of a payoff. I should have known better with Oren Peli’s involvement. That’s not to say that first-time director Brad Parker is blameless. He must have had something to do with all this witless running around in the flashlight-lit murk. The highlight of the whole thing was a fleeting appearance by a rampaging bear. At least I guess the bear was rampaging, since his appearance was so brief. And, yes, that means that we weren’t allowed to see whether or not it was a mutant bear. Oh, for the days of John Frankenheimer’s Prophecy (1979). Now that was a mutant bear! Watch it


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87 Patton Ave. 828-255-TIKI • MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 57

startingfriday BERNIE

See review in “Cranky Hanke.”


From the looks of the trailer and the early reviews from the UK, the height of wit in this sequel is reached in its hubba-hubba title. Otherwise, it’s a movie from the maker of the Feast series (don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it) starring a bunch of people you’ve barely or never heard of plus appearances by semi-celebrities or used-to-be names like Clu Gulager (father of the director), David Hasselhoff, Christopher Lloyd, Gary Busey and Ving Rhames. The plot? Prehistoric piranha crash the opening of a waterpark with predictable results. (R)


It’s that other new take on Snow White — you know, the serious one with all the CGI raven action in the trailer. You know, the one starring Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth in the title roles, and Charlize Theron as the wicked stepmother. Also around is an impressive array of Brit character actors — Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Eddie Marsan, Toby Jones, Brendan Gleeson — apparently as the dwarves. It could go either way. (PG-13)


See Justin Souther’s review in “Cranky Hanke.”

of MIB 3 — or its audience’s — concerns. The basic formula simply involves lots of weird aliens (a mixed bag that oscillates between impressive make-up effects and cheap CGI), some comedy and a smidgen of action. I can’t imagine a more loyal sequel to a nearly 15-year-old movie than this one, but that’s part of the problem — there’s a dated feel to all of it. Maybe the blame lies with director Barry Sonnenfeld — who has spent several years in TV exile after making the terrible RV (2006) — and who has made a movie that moves and feels like a really expensive TV show. Or maybe it’s just Will Smith doing his stock wise-ass schtick, looking — for the first time — just a bit too old to be playing that type of character. Whatever it is — the script, the casting, the direction, the whole superfluousness of it all — allows MIB 3 to be the perfectly suitable sequel to its predecessors. It’s also why you’ll forget it ever existed in a few months. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence, and brief suggestive content. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

58 MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012 •


Director: Daniel linDsay & t.J. Martin (Last Cup: Road to the WoRLd seRies of BeeR pong) Players: Bill courtney, Montrail ’Money’ Brown, o.c. Brown, chavis Daniels SPORTS DOcUMENTARy


The Story: A long-time doormat team in high school football attempts to overcome its fair share of trials and tribulations in order to win its first-ever playoff game. The Lowdown: A documentary film that has been molded to fit the ideals of an uplifting sports movie, Undefeated raises more questions than it answers. Nevertheless, it’s interesting and contains several moments of real heart. Months after winning the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature, Undefeated finally makes its way to Asheville. The first question I’m always asked for this kind of late-arriving film is, "Was the award deserved?" As far as Undefeated goes, I’d say no. I can think of a few

docs — most of which weren’t even nominated — I’d find more worthy of being called the best of last year. Heck, I’m not even sure it’s 2011’s best sports documentary (I’d give Senna the slight edge, personally). With that said, I can see why it won the Academy Award. We have a film that’s heartening and well-intentioned, following the familiar formula of the uplifting sports flick. This is also where Undefeated’s flaws lie, as the overarching — and frankly predictable — narrative glosses over more complicated aspects of the world these people live in, raising questions that are never answered. This never actually cripples Undefeated; instead, we’re left with a movie that just feels slight and too akin to its scripted narrative brethren. The cameras follow the Manassas High School football team, an under-funded school situated in Memphis’ inner-city. We meet Bill Courtney, who volunteered as head coach, and who’s taken the program from joke to contender. His next goal is to win the first playoff game in the history of the school — a goal that’s none too easy. Things like a school system with no money and a bevy of problems with his players get in the way. We see the paths these players take, and the way they change, from honorroll student Montrail ’Money’ Brown and his struggles with injuries, to the tumultuous life of troubled linebacker Chavis Daniels — and his transformation. Coach Courtney preaches character throughout the film, but we rarely delve into the root causes of what these kids must face, whether it be difficult home lives or the broken school system they must exist in. Undefeated, however, isn’t interested in these root causes. In fact, it’s almost as interesting that the film never touches on them. The best we get is some skirting of issues. Race, for example, is always under the surface, occasionally bubbling up. In a scene where Bill asks Chavis if he doesn’t want to ride with him because he’s white, it’s both telling that race is a conscious matter, but also maddening because Undefeated never follows up on it. In a story where a white, affluent coach is trying to help out a team of impoverished, inner-city black teens, of course race and economics are going to be factors. But the movie doesn’t want to distract itself with those details. The argument, of course, is that Undefeated isn’t an activist documentary, but by taking this distant stance, the film allows this air of the benevolent white men coming to teach character to these poor black kids. And this is the film’s great pity and failing, since Coach Courtney has only the best of intentions, and only wants to help, but we never get the full scope of who he is or why he’s placed himself in this position. Nevertheless, the film still has a heart, due overwhelmingly to the players themselves. (Chavis’ speech toward the end of the film is surprisingly moving). They are the reason the movie ultimately succeeds, even if — as a whole — Undefeated doesn’t reach the greatness we were promised. Rated PG-13 for some language. reviewed by Justin Souther Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

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LIFEGUARD NEEDED • Eliada Homes is seeking a summer lifeguard to assist in the responsibility of the pool and its use for all persons on campus. • Responsibilities include observing clients in pool area and maintaining a clean and safe pool. Must be at least 18 years old and must hold current certifications in lifeguarding, CPR and First Aid. • Prefer a minimum of one year experience as a lifeguard. This position does require up to date physical and TB test. All interested and qualified applicants, please fill out an on-line application at

LIKE WORKING OUTDOORS? Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/ personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. • Excellent entry-level year-round position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. • Direct care staff work a week on/week off rotation utilizing traditional substance abuse treatment and/or the wilderness of Western NC as part of their work environment. • Competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. If you are interested in applying for a position please contact Mick Masterson by sending resumes and/or questions to guidejobs@ OPERATIONS STAFF • Locally based produce distributor seeking to add to our staff. Responsibilities include driving, packing orders, and working with local produce. Looking for someone who can be selfmotivated and reliable with efficient work habits. Please respond by phone: 258-9014. SUMMER WORK And 2012 HS Graduates. $12.50 base-appt, FT/PT schedules, sales/service, no experience necessary, all ages 17+, conditions apply, (828)-348-0081. WORK FOR THE BEST! We’re a well-established, busy, local, earth-friendly, home cleaning company and seeking reliable, detail-oriented employees with great energy, attitude and longterm commitment. • Part-time, flexible weekday hours. • Great pay; must have own transportation, mileage reimbursed. Vacation potential. • Perfect for stay-at-home mom or students. For interview, call Denise or Shelly, 776-7399 or 215-8845. Upstairs Downstairs, Inc.

Skilled Labor/ Trades ENERGY SERVICE TECHNICIAN III Energy Service Technician III Community Action Opportunities seeks a skilled Technician to perform responsible day-to-day quality control work for the Weatherization Assistance Program to ensure that home energy assessments, Work Orders, job-site activity and material installations, comply with federal, state and local standards. This position also manages warehouse stock and job-related tools, supplies, equipment and vehicles. Continued Next Column

This position is funded by grants through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that support Weatherization Services Work requires: o Comprehensive knowledge of relevant DOE Weatherization Program regulations and policy including, but not limited to: Safe Work Practices and EERErelated building science principles; Also requires: • Working knowledge of state and local codes and ordinances, • Excellent written and oral communication skills with co-workers, other government agencies, contractors, program participants and customers, • Ability to accurately perform and record the results of technical tests that measure before and after conditions, measure and make verifiable mathematical calculations and conduct analysis to generate detailed data specific to each residence, • Ability to schedule and organize work to meet production schedules, • Ability to work on teams or alone, o Ability to use computers and standard and industry-related software, • General knowledge of principles and practices of purchasing and warehouse management, • Working knowledge of routine fleet maintenance practices, • Work requires initiative, sound judgment and teamwork to complete tasks, and • Ability to give constructive and timely oral instructions on and demonstrate appropriate installation methods. Training and Experience: Minimum: Graduation from a regionally or CHEA accredited college or university with an Associate’s degree in building science or environmental engineering/ science. • Four years experience in residential construction, (new or renovation) using energyefficient or other environmentally sensitive building approaches, one year warehouse/inventory management, plus two years experience working on teams, or any combination of equivalent education, experience and certifications. Prefer graduation from a regionally or CHEA accredited four year college or university with a degree in Building Science, Environmental Engineering/Science/Administr ation or other related degree. Also, prefer certification from the Building Performance Institute. Special Requirements Possess a valid North Carolina Driver License. Able to pass, background and drug screen required. Fluent in English & Spanish preferred. Salary Range: $39,520 to $52,646 DOQ. Send Resume with cover letter, and work references with complete contact information to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Or Admin@communityactionoppor Or (828) 25363419 Open until filled. EOE & DFWP

Administrative/ Office REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT LEGAL ASSISTANT • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks an experienced Legal Assistant for its Asheville Office Real Estate Department. • This individual will work within a team to prepare documents, maintain attorneys’ files and calendars, and oversee adherence to calendared items, document requests, and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of a real estate practice. • A thorough knowledge of closing procedures including pre-closing, closing, and post closing processes is necessary. • Five or more years work experience is preferred. Please send qualifications to THE VAN WINKLE LAW FIRM • Seeks an experienced Litigation Paralegal for its Asheville Office. This individual will work within a team to prepare litigation documents, produce and respond to discovery, maintain adherence to calendared court items and document requests, and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of pre-trial and trial practice. • A thorough knowledge of federal and state court rules and ESI issues is necessary. • Experience with Summation or other electronic discovery databases, and 5 or more years work experience, is preferred. Please send qualifications to

Sales/ Marketing DO YOU LIKE MUSIC AND SLEEPING IN? • $12 per hour guaranteed plus a weekly bonus program. We are seeking individuals for full time immediate positions available. High energy sales environment. No experience necessary. Call today for personal interview. 828-236-2530. MARKETING DEPARTMENT Assistant • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks an assistant for its Marketing Department. • The Marketing Department serves the firm and its attorneys producing high quality materials including presentations, traditional media, new media, and direct media. • The marketing assistant will coordinate with the marketing director the day to day responsibilities of the marketing department. • Responsibilities include event and media activities, project management, research and archiving, client and vendor coordination, scheduling, inventory, creating presentations and managing technology. • This position is 20 hours per week. Submit cover letters, resumes, references and letters of support to:

MOUNTAIN XPRESS SEEKS ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE Requirements: • Understand the sales process and enjoy building long-term collaborative, win-win relationships; • Have a solid knowledge of Asheville and its surrounding communities; • Love & participate in Asheville’s multi-cultural, grassroots, enterprising community; • Be ethical, gregarious, enthusiastic, ast-paced and organized while multitasking. Pluses: • Have at least twoyears sales experience in print/media/online sales; • Enjoy cold-calling; • Be an avid Xpress reader • Understand Xpress’ community-based journalistic mission We offer: Base-pluscommission, health and dental insurance, IRA options and a progressive, flexible work environment. Send: Cover letter (that demonstrates your qualifications, passion and why you’d like to work with Xpress) and resume to: No phone calls please. PROFESSIONAL SALES Fortune 200 company recruiting sales associates in this area. • $30-$50K possible first year. • Renewals • Stock Bonuses • Training. For an interview, call (828) 670-6099 or e-mail resume: SECURE YOUR FUTURE Start a career in Executive Search. • Make a six-figure income • Help people • Work in south Asheville • Salary available •

Restaurant/ Food CAMP PISGAH HEAD COOK Camp Pisgah is looking to hire a head cook for the summer. We are looking for someone with the ability to organize, plan menus, order food, prepare food, and supervise staff for a commercial kitchen. They will have the option to live on camp property or commute to work each day. Child care and seasonal salary provided. Online Application: /s/D26JHRX Any Questions? Please call (828) 862-4435 EXPERIENCED LINE COOK Stoney Knob Cafe. Full time. Fast pace and high volume requiring ability to multi-task and work efficiently under pressure. Apply in person, 2pm-4pm, MondaySaturday, 337 Merrimon Avenue, Weaverville. Stoney Knob Cafe.

Retail TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES SEEKING PART-TIME RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATE • 15-20 hours/week. Great people skills and a passion for fair trade. Retail experience preferred. Submit a letter telling us why you want to work for us. 10 College St, Asheville, NC 28801 or asheville@

Medical/ Health Care CARE MANAGER NEEDED FOR LONG TERM CARE Community Care of Western North Carolina seeks an RN Care Manager for residents of skilled nursing facilities in our Long Term Care cohort. This position will be based in Buncombe County with the possibility of travel to other counties we serve. Candidates must have previous experience working in/with long term care facilities. RN required. Minimum of 2 years case management experience preferred. Submit resume to or fax to 828-259-3875. EOE PART TIME DENTAL ASSISTANT NEEDED • Must have recent experience and be x-ray certified. Team players welcome! Fax resume to 828-277-6820 or email

Human Services DIRECT CARE POSITIONS • Full and part time. All boys transitional therapeutic Boarding school, grades 9-12. Strong adventure-based component, year round school located between Hendersonville and Brevard. Minimum undergraduate degree, prefer wilderness, outdoor, residential school, or education experience. Send resume to: DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL Full-time, Wed.-Sun. Working in a group home for adults with mental challenges teaching life-skills. Please call 828-299-3636 or email Good benefit package. Now accepting applications. For more information: (828) 299-3636. Mountain Area Residential Facilities, Inc.

Professional/ Management

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. • • Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@

FAMILIES TOGETHER • Now hiring Qualified Professionals to work in our Day Treatment Programs. Qualified candidates will have a minimum of 2-4 years experience working with children/youth, with mental health diagnosis. A bachelor’s degree is required. This is a Year-round program. Mon – Fri, school hours schedule. No “on-call” required. FULL TIME COURT ADVOCATE • Dynamic, caring professional needed to provide support, safety planning, crisis counseling, and court advocacy to victims of domestic violence. • BA/BS in human services or related field and at least 2 years experience in domestic violence, women’s issues, or human services-related field. • Bilingual applicants strongly encouraged to apply. Resume and cover to Helpmate, Inc. at P.O. Box 2263/ Asheville, NC 28802 by June 22, 2012. No calls or emails. INTENSIVE IN-HOME TEAM LEADER IN HAYWOOD COUNTY • Masters degree and NC full/provisional licensure required as LPC, LCSW, LPA, LMFT. Supervision provided. Competitive salary and benefits package. Apply at

MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo@ • Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.


PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Has an immediate opening for a Community Support Team Leader for our combined Avl/Hvl team. • Candidates need to be licensed or provisionally licensed, have a clean driving record, safe vehicle and leadership skills. • This service is a primarily delivered in the community to high risk mental health and substance abuse consumers. • Knowledge of WHN and Medicaid paperwork a plus. Parkway is a stable company and has an excellent benefits package and competitive salaries. Please email resumes to:

program; clinical supervision

SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Mountain Area Recovery Center is seeking Licensed Substance Abuse Counselors to fill positions in our outpatient opioid treatment facility located in Clyde, North Carolina. Candidates will provide substance abuse services, including but not limited to, DWI assessments and groups, assessments/ screening, intake, client orientation, person centered planning, case management, intervention, client education, and plan and lead structured process and theme centered groups. We offer competitive pay WITH benefits: medical, dental, life, short-term disability, flexible spending account, 401-K, pto, paid holidays, and a flexible work environment in this challenging, yet highly rewarding field. If you are up to the challenge, please e-mail your resume to or fax to attention: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. Mountain Area Recovery Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Therapists MUST possess a NC

Computer/ Technical

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES Is seeking the following: • Fully-licensed LCSW (Adult MH/Supervisory experience preferred. • RN to serve on an ACT Team (Start date 9/1/12). • Part-time LCSW to work with adults. • QMHP to serve children/adolescents and families on an intensive InHome Team. • QMHP to work in a Day Treament classroom at Asheville Middle School. • Licensed or provisionally licensed therapist to work with children in our school-based toward licensure provided. Please send resumes to

ASSISTANT SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM MANAGER • Eliada Homes is seeking an individual to assist the School Age Program Manager in the daily operations and functions of our summer camp. • Responsibilities include ensuring that staff and facilities are in compliance with licensing and sanitation standards at all times, participating in classroom coverage when needed, and supervising off campus field trips. • Associates Degree in Early Childhood Development or related field preferred. Two years in a childcare or summer camp setting a plus. Please go to to fill out an online application if interested. THERAPISTS AND CASE MANAGERS NEEDED IN HAYWOOD, JACKSON AND MACON COUNTIES Therapists and Qualified Professionals needed to provide services to children and adolescents in the school, home and community. Services include Outpatient Therapy, Day Treatment and Intensive In-Home. Competitive salary, flexible hours, and excellent benefit package. Therapy or Provisional License. QP’s MUST possess a Bachelor’s degree and at least 2 years of post degree experience with children/ adolescents with Mental Health diagnoses (may require more experience depending on degree). To apply: Email resume to: or fax resume to 828-586-6601 WNC GROUP HOMES FOR AUTISTIC PERSONS • Is hiring for Residential Counselor positions. Full Time 2nd and 3rd shift and Part Time. Each qualified applicant

DIRECTOR OF PREVENTATIVE HEALTH • YWCA of Asheville and Western North Carolina.This is a full time position with managerial responsibilities in a fast-paced environment. • The Preventive Health department is responsible for ensuring the ongoing success of the YWCA’s Diabetes Wellness program, which is a case-management service for under-insured persons with diabetes. • The department promotes wellness through exercise and improved nutrition for adults and children participating in YWCA programs and throughout the community. • The successful candidate will hold, at minimum, a Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in the field of wellness and nutrition or social work. 8 Experience in physical training is a plus. • Excellent computer skills are required, and experience in personnel and program management is preferred. Before responding to this opening, please view the full job description at our Web site, The description can be found under ‘About Us/Job Openings.’ The full description will provide contact information for resume submission and salary range. We cannot accept telephone calls or emails regarding this position. Deadline for applications is Wednesday, June 6.

must have High School Diploma and 2 years experience, or College degree. Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave Asheville. Please view our website for additional information.

Arts/Media STUDIO ASSISTANT WANTED • Work 2 days/wk in pottery studio. Experience with clay and glaze preferred. Must enjoy skilled handiwork, mastering new techniques. Excellent pay. Call Lee 670-9327

A-B TECH SharePoint Administrator/Developer • Full Time. SUMMARY: Primary responsibility for development, management and support of College’s SharePoint environment. Secondary duties include general website development, management and support. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. A minimum of Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field 2. Three years’ programmer, administrator or analyst experience. 3. One year SharePoint administration and/or development 4. Familiarity with Microsoft SQL Server 5. Experience with IIS, ASP, Java, XML, Powershell • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s Degree • SALARY RANGE: $45,000-58,000. Please visit / for more information and application instructions.

Business Opportunities

Computer Information Systems Programmer (CISP) - A-B Tech. Full time. SUMMARY: Provide programming and support for the college’s administrative computer applications. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related area 2. Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office 3. Three years providing programming support for Datatel Colleague and related components including WebAdvisor. • PREFERRED REQUIRMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Computer Science or related area 2. Five years’ experience in the NC Community College System. • SALARY RANGE: $45,000 $58,000. Please visit for more detail and application instructions. WEB PRODUCER Web producer proficient in joomla, wordpress, php/sql, HTML/CSS3, SEO, analytics, and unmanaged LAMP environments. Medical/IRA benefits. Pay-DOE. EOE. email

HELP WANTED • Make money mailing brochures from home. Free supplies. Helping homeworkers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)


Legal Notices STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF GREENVILLE C.A. NO.: 2011DR-23-5604 NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND ADOPTION PROCEEDING TO: DONALD RAYE FLY, LEGAL FATHER: You are hereby notified pursuant to SC Code Ann. §63-9-730, that adoption proceedings have been initiated under the abovereferenced case number involving a child of whom you have been named the legal father, which child was born on December 21, 2011. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That within thirty (30) days of receiving notice you shall respond in writing by filing with the Clerk of Court at Continued Next Column

301 University Ridge, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, notice and reasons to contest, intervene, or otherwise respond; 2. That the Court must be informed of your current address and of any changes in address during the adoption proceedings; and 3.That failure to file a response within thirty (30) days of receiving notice constitutes consent to adoption of the child and forfeiture of all rights and obligations that you may have with respect to the child. Raymond W. Godwin, Esq. 1527 Wade Hampton Blvd. Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 241-2883 (Phone) (864) 2554342 (Facsimile) ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS Greenville, South Carolina April 27, 2012

Announcements PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-413-6293. (AAN CAN)

Mind, Body, Spirit

Spiritual ILLUMINATING YOUR PATH Call Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin. • 15 years in Asheville. • Individuals • Groups • Parties. (828) 2537472.

1636 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, NC 28803 (Old Wal-mart Shopping Center) 828-277-4900

What We Offer:

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Inbound Calls Only- (Not telemarketing or collections)

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NOW HIRING! We are looking for bright, friendly, positive people with basic computer skills and who are able to type at least 20 w.p.m. to provide inbound customer care by phone. Sitel is one of the fastest growing companies in the world. $8.00 per hour- Increases: $.25 at 3 months, at 6 months, and $.25 at 12 months


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• MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012



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Automotive WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND YOGA CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $33/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. • Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088. ASHEVILLE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN • Jess Toan, LMBT 7445, MA in Women’s Health. Deep Tissue, Hot Stones, Prenatal, Swedish, Reiki, and Oncology Massage. $50 for first massage. http://ashevillemassageforwom, 828-552-6609, Experienced, professional, and attentive. Call today! You won’t regret it. MOVEMENT/CLASS SPACE AVAILABLE Tues, Wed, Thurs from 7:15 - 9pm at Lighten Up Yoga , 60 Biltmore Ave., downtown. 800 sq ft. $35 per class rental. Weekend rentals also. 828.254.7756 STRESSED? TIRED? PAIN? Five Massage Therapists, four Reiki Masters, and an acupuncturist provide healing for body, mind, and spirit. Couple’s treatments available. Reiki trainings monthly. West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, 828-423-3978,

Musicians’ Xchange ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR! Lessons in a variety of styles, tailored to your personal goals. Any age or skill level accepted. (252)-955-8922

Pet Xchange

Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:

For Sale

Building Supplies RED SKY SHELTERS 18’ OCTAYOME New unused roof. custom stained support poles. Wall canvas in fair shape. Full insulation kit. $2000. Call Temple, 768-0312

Furniture QUEEN PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET • New in plastic. $125. 828-989-1147.

General Merchandise HUGE USED BOOK SALE MARS HILL LIBRARY HUGE USED BOOK SALE MARS HILL LIBRARY Friday, June 8th & Sat, June 9th, 10am to 5pm. Members’ presale on Thurs June 7th, noon to 5pm.

Wanted CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888420-3808


Estate Sales ESTATE CLEARANCE MOVING SALE • , Fri-Sun, June 1-3, 8 AM – 1 PM, Furniture, Home Furnishings, Christmas Decorations, Tools. Solid wood bookcases, pine hutch, utility cabinets, heart-of-pine custom designed/hand-crafted dining table and benches, 72� (6’ tall) decorative Nutcracker, knickknacks, glass patio table, 2-6’ conference tables, 8’ conference table, folding chairs. Weber grill, mirrors, picture frames, paintings, framed and unframed artwork, bedroom suite with tall 4poster rice bed with dresser/ chest-of-drawers/night tables, gray Italian leather California king-sized bed, end tables, lamps, love seat, recliners, chair, black leather ottoman, non-working Hammond organ, complete set of Brambleberry dishes, stainless flatware, small appliances, small power tool, hand tools, some electronics. Everything must go! 122 Cranford Road, Asheville. 828-231-4299

Adult Services

Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

DREAMSEEKERS Your destination for relaxation. Call for your appointment. Now available 7 days a week! (828) 275-4443.

The New York Times Crossword Across 1 Catchphrase of announcer Harry Caray 8 Early French settler 15 Locale in a 1964 Stan Getz hit 16 Toyota model 17 *Football club that plays at San Siro 18 *First soft drinks sold in cans 19 *Green Lantern company 21 Comedy routine 22 Former Toyota model 25 Big name in ice cream 26 Word of choice 27 Green prefix 28 Painters’ degs. 31 Bygone sports org. for which Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura was a TV analyst

Edited by Will Shortz No.0425 33 *He said “Start every day off with a smile and get it over with� 35 Space launch vehicle 39 Contemporary of Luther 40 Report 42 G.P.A. booster 43 *Big clothing retailer 44 Airport announcement, for short 46 Prefix with magnetic 47 Phoenix-toAlbuquerque dir. 48 Unregistered sort 51 Cousin of a dune buggy, for short 53 Observes a religious holiday, in a way 55 Santa ___ 56 *Baggy pants popularizer in the 1980s 59 *The Wolfpack, informally
















61 Punny title for this puzzle that’s 1 2 3 4 5 a hint to the 15 answers to the HOME starred clues IMPROVEMENT 17 65 Mrs. ___ cow SECTION 66 Remove, as an 19 unnecessary line • Reach 70,000 Every 67 Give a makeover Loyal 22 23Readers 24 Week 68 “Gigiâ€? novelist 27 •

Down 1 The Company, for short 2 Lines at a store, for short 3 Whack! 4 Indirectly derogatory 5 Sign of hospitality 6 G3, G4 or G5 7 Product from the maker of the 6Down 8 Bad-smelling 9 Tailbone 10 Jump shots have them 11 Whoop-de-___ 12 “That’s amazing!� 13 French actor Delon 14 Vicious, as the weather 20 What a slob leaves 22 Smallish bird 23 Capital of Ghana 24 Where houseguests may sleep 26 John of London 29 Swine ___ 30 Parts of some campaigns 32 Villainy personified 34 “The best ___ to come�

Nearly 30,000 28 Issues 33 • Covering 730 34 Locations Throughout 39 Western NC


















25 29




32 35




43 45 51








Reserve Your Space Today!


















Puzzle by Peter Wentz

36 Crescent shapes 37 Regarding 38 Eyelid problems 40 Crackerjack 41 Some chestthumping, for short 43 World’s most populous island 45 “Innocent,� but not “guilty�

48 “Jane Eyreâ€? locale 49 Paul McCartney’s Albert, e.g. 50 Zaps, in a way 52 “Who are ___ people?!â€? 54 Rocky ridge 56 Figure in a crèche

57 Fraction of a min. 58 “Love ___â€? 60 Gang identifier, for short 62 Word after waste or want 63 Well-muscled, informally 64 VĂŠronique, e.g.: Abbr.

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:

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• MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2012


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