Mountain Xpress, June 1 2011

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JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 • • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011


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p. 10 Despite facing tight budgets and a loss of state funds, the Asheville Transit System is going through some major changes — new routes, a new name and a new push for new riders. But what do those who use the system think of all this new? And what about the safety issues revealed after a string of tragic accidents? Our cover story has the details.

5426 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy.25)

Cover design by Carrie Lare


16 holding the line

Council approves budget for the coming year

18 The BEat: UR in big trouble

Amid board resignations and trouble with the city, URTV’s future look grim


38 Supper under the full moon Incredible food on an inhospitable night

arts&entertainment 46 “Grown-ups do outrageous things?”

The Americana Burlesque and Sideshow festival turns 5

48 love in a time of collaboration

Charlotte’s Matrimony marries the careers of two singer/songwriters

49 spirituality informs the jazz Tierney Sutton gets mystical

features 5 7 8 9 20 22 27 30 32 33 34 38 42 44 50 51 54 60 61 65 68 71

JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Letters Cartoon: Molton Cartoon: brent brown Commentary green thumb Community Calendar FreeWill Astrology Conscious party Benefits edgy mama Parenting from the edge News of the Weird Wellness Food The main dish on local eats Small Bites Local food news Eatin’ in Season PROFILER Which shows to see smart bets What to do, who to see ClubLand Asheville Disclaimer cranky hanke Movie reviews Classifieds Cartoon: the City NY Times crossword

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letters The “right to know” is a right, not a rule Today, I am grateful for the ability to make decisions about my health, and to have access to medical services as I need them. While it’s easy to take this for granted, pending legislation — the “Women’s Right To Know Act” (HB 854) currently in the North Carolina Senate, may change all this. HB 854 aims to redefine informed consent by imposing a 24-hour waiting period for those seeking an abortion — a safe and legal medical procedure — in this state. This bill requires all patients to be shown an ultrasound image, as well as a verbal description, including gestational development and audible detection of a heartbeat, at least one day prior to an abortion. If these stipulations truly helped individuals make better decisions, I would champion them; everyone deserves the privilege to make well-informed choices. For many however, HB 854 will make medical choices even more inaccessible and difficult. In WNC, where transportation and gas costs are prohibitive, a trip of several hours is hard enough traversed once, let alone repeated 24 hours later. Imposing a waiting period limits those who are juggling families, jobs or financial burdens — in short, most residents. HB 854 does not enhance the solvency of medical information currently given to patients seeking an abortion; no greater safety or psychological care is achieved. In fact, families experiencing pregnancy loss due to fetal anomaly or miscarriage would be subject to these same requirements. As medical patients in this

Haven’t been yet?

state and country, the “right to know” is already inherently ours. Currently, an ultrasound and detailed description thereof is freely available upon patient request, but not yet required by legislative decree. Continuing to allow residents the privilege of employing our own best judgment, and ensuring access to trained medical providers, may be the most illuminating path our state government can take. — Anna Pfaff Asheville

What happened to Pack Memorial Library?

EDIToRIAL INTERNs: Christina McIntrye Ayala, Kathryn Muller Production & Design ManaGeR: Drew Findley Advertising Production manager: Kathy Wadham

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When did Pack Memorial Library become a daytime shelter for ex-cons and strung-out drug abusers? Surely, a diverse mix is wonderful and an Asheville tradition, but this is nothing like that. There is no mix of children and everyday families and business people there. All I ever see, daily, are downtrodden, strung-out and scary-looking thugs hanging out on the computers and loitering in the sidewalk areas in front of the library, blocking the nearby storefronts while harassing their potential customers. Why is this allowed? Since its re-opening, the library has become a magnet at that end of Haywood Street for these dangerous types to go hang out, make their connections and “size up” passersby for [spare change]. With virtually no police presence at any given

Letters continue

Eric Meyers, M.A. Understand your path of awakening, soul intentions, and karmic resolution.





staff publisher & Editor: Jeff Fobes GENERAL MANAGER: Andy Sutcliffe senior editor: Peter Gregutt MANAGING editorS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams a&E reporter & Fashion editor: Alli Marshall Senior news reporter: David Forbes FOOD & FEATURES COORDINATOR: Mackensy Lunsford Staff reporterS: Jake Frankel, Christopher George green scene reporter: Susan Andrew Staff photographer: Jonathan Welch EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SUPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & Writer: Jaye Bartell contributing editors: Nelda Holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR editor, Writer: Jen Nathan Orris clubland editor, writer: Dane Smith contributing writers: Jonathan Barnard, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Ursula Gullow, Anne Fitten Glenn, Cinthia Milner, Jonathan Poston, Eric Crews, Justin Souther

Spa & Lodge


Production & Design: Carrie Lare, Nathanael Roney Movie reviewer & Coordinator: Ken Hanke AdVERTISING MANAGER: Marissa Williams advertising SUPPLEMENTS manager: Russ Keith retail Representatives: Rick Goldstein, Leigh Reynolds, Scott Sessoms, John Varner, Zane Wood Classified Representatives: Arenda Manning, Tim Navaille Information Technologies Manager: Stefan Colosimo webmaster: Patrick Conant web editor: Steve Shanafelt web GraPHIC DESIGNER: Jesse Michel WEB MARKETING MANAGER: Marissa Williams Office manager & bookkeeper: Patty Levesque special projects: Sammy Cox ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning distribution manager: Sammy Cox Assistant distribution manager: Jeff Tallman DIStribution: Mike Crawford, Ronnie Edwards, Ronald Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha McKay, Beth Molaro, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

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JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Editor’s note: The following are just a few of the letters we recently received from Ami Ledford’s fifthgrade class at Bell Elementary School in east Asheville. Ledford writes that her class “has been learning about persuasive writing, taking care of the environment and ways to communicate ideas and opinions.” We are happy to provide a platform for the thoughts of these budding concerned citizens.

The world listens to you

The world listens to you. We are asking if you would take one of our letters and put it in the paper. We want people to stop polluting and killing the earth. We can start by recycling as much as we can, and putting less trash in landfills. One more thing we can do is to help other animals when we see them in trouble, such as in oil spills, fishing nets or plastic bags. — Athen J. Lee

More people should ride bikes

Earth Day, 2011 made me think about bikes. More people should ride bikes. They are good for the environment and good exercise, and most of us need that. One more thing is that we can have recycling bins beside the trash cans in downtown Asheville. — Kaitlyn Sheldrick

Think about it!

I think we should stop throwing away paper and start recycling. Think about it! If we start recycling [more], we can change the world! Human impact hurts the Earth. If you let the Earth die, you let yourself die. Soon enough, the Earth won’t have humans on it, and that will be all our fault! — Izabel Venoyama

We need healthier cars

We should have more compact and healthy cars for the environment. Smaller cars wouldn’t take as much energy. Healthy cars would run on water, electricity, wind, used cooking oil and recycled food. We need to start developing some of these new ideas, like wind-powered cars. A big solar in the front and powered fan in the back would be a good design to start off with. There would be less pollution and slower and safer speed limits. — Charles Senko

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at time, it’s a terrible combination for Asheville citizens who have to work or run businesses on that end of the downtown. Parking in the Civic Center lot and crossing through on the fifth-floor library “walk-thru” has also become a risky venture. I’ve been chased down the hall a few times in the last few months. It’s pretty nerve-wracking. With the library becoming the new hub for strungout drug dealers and thugs, why is there no police presence or security outside on the Haywood Street entrance of the library where folks are walking and trying to get to their cars in the Civic Center parking lot? Even a minor amount of police patrolling could help dissuade much of what is happening and act as a deterrent. Why is there virtually none? After all the library renovations, it’s embarrassing for our town to have it rendered unusable and dangerous. Other towns somehow manage to have a library that isn’t a hub of danger. Why can’t we? — Jon Roberts Asheville

Thank you for your support I want to thank my community for supporting me in achieving my goal to be able to pay back the organization who trained and gave me my service dog, Jimani. We had a fundraising event last Friday which was a huge success and lots of fun! To those who attended and to those who reached me by mail, I would like to express deep gratitude. I’ve lived in Asheville for over 20 years, and I feel honored and blessed to live in such a loving and caring community. I would especially like to thank all of the various businesses who donated food and gifts for the raffle as well as those who shared their wonderful talents for the event. I look forward to a happy future with Jimani. — Amanda Levesque Asheville

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Caught in the interstate web

A meditation on conscience and responsibility by Christopher Arbor

We live in a world in which our decisions and their repercussions are so far removed from each other that we believe we can live without consequences. two interstates, I had stumbled upon a roadkill graveyard: a mass animal grave for the victims of our highway system. I almost expected to hear the satisfying “bum, bum” from Law & Order. Once I grasped that, everything else came into focus. The Department of Transportation has to do something with animal corpses. They can’t just let them attract crows, vultures and butterflies as they rot beside the highway: We, the people, wouldn’t stand for it. So it’s someone’s job to scrape up the bodies, load them in a truck and dump them here. And what is that person going to do with their gut-stained gloves? Certainly not take them home; they’re going to leave them with the bodies and buy a new pair. But something about that deduction didn’t

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Flies gathered where the doe’s eyes had been. Two days dead, she lay sprawled on the edge of the cul-de-sac’s woods. Beside her lay a deer skeleton, picked clean by what passes for nature on this little parcel. Past that another deer carcass, and then another, each in a different stage of decomposition. My first thought was that this was the cervine equivalent of the elephant graveyard in The Lion King, but the next body complicated matters. Its internal organs had deliquesced, and the remaining flat patch of fur resembled a shag carpet with a set of permanently bared teeth. I wouldn’t have known what it was if not for the collar: somebody’s family dog. Next around the circle were another deer, another dog and — my hand to God — two black bears. In a panic, I began to wonder if I was in danger. What had killed these animals? Contaminated ground water? Irradiated food supplies? An airborne supervirus? And then I spied the work gloves — a dozenodd pairs or more, scattered among the bodies. The realization hit me like a plot twist on a police procedural: These bodies had been dumped here. In this tiny tract of land at the intersection of

Victims of our highway system: A pile of deaying roadkill teaches lessons about the responsibility of all humans. photo by christopher arbor

sit right. I mean, why haven’t I met this guy at a cocktail party? “And what do you do?” “I’m the I-40 district manager of roadkill and detritus.” “Oh. I teach English.” Furthermore, why haven’t I seen this guy driving around in his animal hearse, hauling bodies off the highway? Does he operate only under the cover of darkness? But here’s the thing: We’ve all seen the corpses, there one day and gone the next. Somebody must be moving them, and they must be going somewhere. So here they are. The reality of the situation seems absurd only because it’s been hidden from us. This is not The Lion King, and it’s not Law & Order: It’s the very logical corollary of an interstate system that crisscrosses the country like spider silk. These hapless animals were caught in that web. It would be easy for me to wash my gore-free hands of it all and say, “I’ve never hit an animal.” But if the deed was done by the 18-wheeler that was bringing my breakfast cereal to a grocery store, am I not equally responsible? Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m not suggesting that we shut down all roads or outlaw automobiles. I simply think it’s important to bear witness, to be cognizant. We live in a world in which our decisions and their repercussions are so far removed from each other that we believe we can live without consequences. So we need to

be reminded: We live in this world; our actions trigger reactions; our causes generate effects. If we choose to eat conventional meat, we should be familiar with feedlots. If we decide to shop at Walmart, we should know the working conditions of the people who make all that stuff. If we invade a country, we should look its citizens squarely in the eye and listen to what they have to say about it. Conspiracy theorists proclaim that shadow governments and clandestine cults hide the truth from us, but society’s underbelly really isn’t particularly well-hidden. Our ignorance is of our own choosing. Many deem the truth depressing — an apparent justification for ignorance — or else they cynically embrace reality as a sort of surrealist joke, like those folks who get enthusiastic about the 64 percent of Taco Bell “meat” that’s not meat at all, or who laugh about global warming without denying it. So how about a little honest acknowledgment? Our system does have real-world consequences. If we’re not the ones feeling the effects, they’re almost certainly being felt by someone or something else; and if we were in their shoes, we’d most definitely take action. For me, it began with the unpleasant task of checking the dog collars for tags, so I could call their owners. X

“Lush Layers” by Kent Ambler New Woodblock Prints

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Asheville resident Christopher Arbor teaches English at Asheville School. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011


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Amid tough budgets, significant safety issues and rising fuel costs, Asheville Transit is rolling into summer with a major tuneup. The system is poised to announce new routes, schedules and other changes designed to improve performance, convenience and safety. In tandem, the city will launch a marketing campaign aimed at touting the transition and luring new riders, starting with a name change from ATS to ART (Asheville Redefines Transit). The makeover marks the initial phase of implementing the city’s Transit Master Plan. Endorsed by City Council in October 2009, the proposal was developed over the course of two years by consultants HDR Inc. of the Carolinas, assisted by city staff, a steering committee and several well-attended publicinput sessions. By 2020, the plan calls for dramatic improvements: expanding the bus fleet from 21 to 46, offering Sunday service, having buses run every 15 minutes on main corridors, and building new transfer stations outside downtown. But with government at all levels seriously strapped, the funding for those ambitious steps hasn’t yet materialized. Still, the adjustments on tap for this summer represent a huge leap forward, advocates say. “With the changes coming out, we’re going to have a system that works,” notes Asheville Transit Commission Chair Paul Van Heden. “It won’t be perfect, because it’s underfunded. But at least now there will be a comprehensive system, and we can start rallying around that.”

Transit(ion) On April 27, 2010, City Council authorized staff to implement some of the more feasible aspects of the master plan. Since then, Transportation Planning Manager Mariate Echeverry, Transit Projects Coordinator Yuri Koslen and others have been poring over maps and ridership data, tweaking routes and schedules. They’ve also continued to solicit feedback from system users, drivers and neighborhood groups as part of an ongoing “process of identifying all the things we can do to make the transit system better,” Echeverry explains. The result, says Koslen, is “a new skeleton on which we can build a stronger system.” And though many details are still

10 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Asheville Transit gears up for major overhaul

Mapping the future: City planners have been poring over maps and ridership data, tweaking new routes and schedules to try to make the transit system better. Pictured here (from left to right): Transportation Director Ken Putnam, Planning Manager Mariate Echeverry and Transit Projects Coordinator Yuri Koslen. Photos by Jonathan Welch

being finalized, Koslen reports that buses will run every 30 minutes (instead of hourly) on the system’s most-used corridors: Haywood Road, Patton Avenue, Merrimon Avenue, Biltmore Avenue and Tunnel Road. Planners have also found ways to eliminate the gaps between day and evening service, which creates “dead zones” of up to two hours on some routes. “It’s confusing, and it’s not convenient,” says Echeverry. Another key issue is making buses run on time, a sore point with riders for decades. A 2008 study of 23 routes assigned nine of them F grades and four of them D’s for on-time performance; only one earned an A. “If you look at that chart, it’s absolutely pathetic,” Van Heden declares. “How are you supposed to maintain a job? How are you supposed to make sure your kid got picked up?” One strategy for improving punctuality is streamlining the system by eliminating deviations from the main routes into shopping malls and apartment complexes. But those plans have sparked concerns by residents who may now have to walk farther to the closest bus stop, Echeverry concedes. Details haven’t yet been released, and Council member Gordon Smith, the liaison to the Transit Commission, assures residents of public-housing developments such as Pisgah View and Hillcrest that they’ll still receive service. “It’s on a case-by-case basis,” he explains, adding, “Some folks are going to have to go one-eighth of a mile to catch the bus, rather than it coming to their front door.” Koslen, however, hints at more significant changes, noting, “The national standard of having a stop within one-quarter of a mile is the generally accepted walking distance. With some of the changes we’ve made, people will have to rely more on the pedestrian network to get to the bus.” That’s bad news for Ember Ryan, a disabled rider who lives in The Meadows Apartments in West Asheville. “I planned on living here because they told me the bus comes into the complex. If I had had any inkling whatsoever that these changes would be made, I would’ve moved somewhere else, probably closer to downtown.”

New ride: This spring, Asheville Transit unveiled five new hybrid diesel-electric buses. The city hopes to have two more on the road by 2013.

She also worries about her children crossing the Leicester Highway to get to the bus stop. “I’m terrified that they’re going to get hit by someone not paying attention,â€? says Ryan. Continuing safety concerns have plagued the transit system (see sidebar, “Safety First?â€?). Meanwhile, the system’s Dial-a-Ride service is also on the chopping block: Not enough people were taking advantage of that door-to-door assistance to make it worthwhile, says Echeverry, noting that other transportation services, such as Buncombe County’s Mountain Mobility, are available to serve that population. Minimizing those kinds of detours will serve the greater good, Smith maintains: “Coming off diversions is going to help us have a system that’s more reliable than it’s ever been.â€? The city, he notes, is also ramping up its investment in sidewalks, which could help those who find themselves needing to walk farther to catch the bus. The budget for fiscal year 2012, which begins July 1, allocates more than $2.8 million for sidewalk construction and maintenance — a 94-percent increase. Meanwhile, Norman Schenck, the transit system’s general manager, says the drivers seem supportive of the more efficient routing. “They’ll be able to keep their buses on schedule a little easier,â€? he reports, stressing that drivers have been actively involved in the planning process. “They give us a route, then we test it for them — actually go out with a bus to make sure it’ll work,â€? Schenck explains. Then we go, ‘Let’s change this or that a little bit.’ ‌ Now we’re in the training phase, where all the drivers are taking time on the weekends to learn what the new routes are going to be.â€?

“Meteor full of moneyâ€? needed The biggest challenge to upgrading the system is financial, city officials say. The 2012 spending plan does cut about $18,000 from the system’s roughly $5.2 million operating budget. But given an anticipated $600,000 drop in state funds, “remaining flat is a major achievement, and we’re thankful — that allowed us to implement the plan,â€? Van Heden explains. “City Council has bent over backward for this, because it’s an economic issue. ‌ If you can’t get to your job, you’re not making money. And if you’re not making money, you’re not paying taxes. And if you’re not paying taxes, you’re bringing down the entire system.â€? To offset the loss, the city is pitching in an additional $350,000 from the general fund, raising the total taxpayer contribution to $985,295. It’s also allocating $16,000 more from parking revenues, bringing that total to $500,000. The rest of the system’s budget comes from a mix of federal and state grants ($2.5 million), fares ($843,000), and a motor-vehicle license fee ($320,000). “In terms of political will, what you’ve seen here at the city level is a willingness to maintain the transit budget, even while we’re cutting everything else,â€? Smith asserts. In addition to operating costs such as fuel and salaries, the system’s new budget includes $450,000 (mostly federal and state grants) for capital improvements such as installing

security cameras and GPS systems on the buses, new signs at bus stops, and three new bus shelters. Sixteen additional shelters are being built with $160,000 in federal stimulus money received last year. On another front, the city recently spent $2.6 million (mostly federal and state grant funds) to buy five new hybrid diesel-electric buses. By 2013, the system is slated to replace nine more aging buses with two hybrids and seven conventional diesel vehicles, using a mix of federal, state and local funds secured last year. The hybrids cost about $525,000, versus about $325,000 for the diesels, Schenck reports. Fuel savings make up some of that difference over time: The hybrids average about 5.7 miles per gallon, compared with about 3.7 miles per gallon for the new diesels. Despite all these improvements, though, the city’s still a long way from being able to fund the master plan’s more ambitious components, Smith admits. “I would love to have some dramatic meteor full of money come and hit us,� he says with a laugh. “But in the absence of that, continually being able to restructure toward this end goal of a comprehensive system is where it’s at.�

Ride the ART? Supporting all these changes is a $150,000 marketing campaign (developed by consultant UrbanTrans and funded mostly by a federal grant) that aims to revamp the system’s image in the public’s mind. Besides the new name, the makeover will include a new logo, maps, website and more — all designed to improve the system’s brand while boosting ridership. “We told UrbanTrans to push the envelope,â€? Van Heden reports. “This is a different type of community, and we wanted to reflect that; they came back with ART. I love the logo; I love what they’re doing,â€? he declares. Van Heden feels the city has come a long way since 2009, when he was laid off as the transit system’s marketing director due to budget constraints. “My budget was exactly zero dollars and zero cents. If I had to copy something, I was told to be careful on the color ink. I couldn’t do jack squat, other than write press releases. ‌ I was ready to do all this stuff and couldn’t do it,â€? he recalls. “It was like Christmas for me when I found out the city of Asheville was going to go ahead and implement a marketing plan.â€? The master plan calls for a sustained marketing effort to build public and political support for its bigger recommendations. At the moment, however, it’s unclear where that additional funding might come from. Meanwhile, advocates hope the initial improvements — paired with rising gas

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prices — will lure new, perhaps more upscale riders without alienating longtime system users. During the 2010 fiscal year, the system delivered about 1.5 million rides, serving about 5,000 people per day, Schenck reports. According to the master plan, about 48 percent of current riders earn less than $10,000 a year, and for 68 percent, the bus is their only means of transportation. Van Heden believes the upcoming changes will benefit those folks as well as the ones with more choices. “Now, we have a bus system for people who really can’t drive anymore. That’s very different than ... actual transportation infrastructure,” he explains. “So we’re redefining the system to actually be transportation infrastructure, rather than just an afterthought for the disabled. It will actually be significantly better for the disabled and disadvantaged, because right now, you can’t really rely on the buses to get from point A to point B in a timely manner.” Smith concurs, adding that attracting more riders “will speak to a need to continue to improve the program. This is going to make the buses stand out and help people recognize, ‘Oh my gosh, there’s another way for me to get around this city.’”

Coming together? Van Heden hopes the increased visibility will lead to better funding, perhaps through a dedicated local tax. “City Council has done everything they can do politically to fund it and make that master plan come together. Now the community has to come together,” he asserts. “Everyone’s talking about cuts, cuts, cuts, but at the same time, Ashevilleans want decent public transit. So we need to show our elected leaders that we’re willing to invest in something that will help everyone. … You say, ‘I want a bus to come to my neighborhood because I’m tired of paying high gas prices.’ Are you willing to pay a little extra tax to make that happen?” A 2009 state law allows counties to raise money for mass transit by asking voters to approve a 0.25-cent sales-

tax increase. In Buncombe County, that would generate about $7.2 million per year for the city and county transit systems, the master plan notes. A similar referendum on capital-improvement funds for A-B Tech is already scheduled for this November. To date, the city hasn’t asked the county to pursue such a move. Smith, however, says, “If it turns out there’s a public will toward a sales tax or something along those lines, I’d certainly entertain it.” Other Tar Heel cities have already gone that route, notes Paul Black, director of the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization, a regional partnership that helps prioritize transportation projects and secure federal funds. Funding for public transit, he warns, is getting “slashed left and right” in Congress, adding, “It’s a very roadfriendly environment right now.” Both Black and Van Heden point to Mecklenburg County, which levied a 0.5-cent sales tax in 1999. That enabled Charlotte to overhaul its transit system, which then “completely exceeded ridership expectations,” Black reports. He also cites studies showing that to lure significant numbers of new riders, buses need to run about every 15 minutes — a tough goal for Asheville. Despite those challenges, advocates say they’re pleased to see things rolling in the right direction. Smith says he’s particularly excited about current efforts to better coordinate the Transit Master Plan with the city’s pedestrian and bicycle plans. “We’re not dealing with these things in silos any more,” he notes. “There’s an understanding that we’re on a long road toward an integrated system.” Van Heden, meanwhile, maintains: “There’s no reason why Asheville can’t have an epic transit system. We’re fairly dense; people in the city live closest to the core. Our roads are based on the old trolley system. It’s just a matter of political will.” X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at

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ers belong to the Amalgamated Transit Union. The internal audit recommended various changes, including a more stringent medicalcertification process for potential drivers, and requiring current drivers to take a defensivedriver training course. Norman Schenck, the transit system’s general manager, says his agency is making slow but steady progress implementing the changes. “Drivers have had a teaser two-hour class, and they’ve got quite a few more hours to complete through the summer,� reports Schenck, who’s technically a First Transit employee. Assorted smaller steps contribute to a “whole change in culture here,� he asserts, noting “the little daily safety reminders we put out to all our drivers� and “safety signs that say something as simple as ‘When you’re pulling out of the Transit Center, buckle up,.’�

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“A natural tension�

Cause for concern: Johnnie Gadson says he was riding a bus through the A-B Tech campus April 27 when bus driver Samuel Dewayne Holloway was pulled over for reckless driving. Gadson claims his wife was severely injured two weeks earlier, after a bus driver failed to strap her wheelchair in properly. Photo by Jake Frankel

BY JAKE FRANKEL In the midst of big plans and an upbeat marketing campaign, a series of highprofile accidents have raised questions about Asheville Transit’s safety. In April 2010, bus driver Ralph Dowdle suffered a seizure behind the wheel, crashed into downtown buildings on College Street and hit Susan Zakanycz, severing her leg. In October, driver Gregory Smith was fired after a DUI arrest while on the job. In November, a bus driven by Tolley Arnold Tate struck and killed James David Stroupe in the Westgate Shopping Center parking lot. Meanwhile, three longtime bus riders have retained attorney Leslie Stevens and are considering suing the city in connection with more recent incidents. Eddie Miller claims that on April 4, 2011, a driver didn’t notice that he wasn’t seated yet and drove off, causing him to bang his head and cut his hand. Wheelchair user Jo Ann Gadson claims a bus driver failed to strap her in properly on April 13, causing her to fall on the floor and severely injure her remaining leg, which may have to be amputated. And on April 27, bus driver Samuel Dewayne Holloway was cited for speeding and reckless driving on the A-B Tech campus. Gadson’s husband, Johnnie Gadson, claims he was a passenger on that bus. Even before these more recent allegations, the system was in the midst of its second safety audit in a year. In November, First Transit completed a self-audit. Asheville pays the Cincinnatibased company about $140,000 a year to manage the bus system, because state law prohibits cities from negotiating directly with unions. Most of Asheville’s 40 driv-

Meanwhile, the results of Asheville’s own safety audit are due soon. Later this summer, the city will incorporate those findings into a request for proposals from other companies wanting to manage the system. The request for proposals, says City Manager Gary Jackson, is “part of our ongoing effort to get the very best transit system we can get for our money.� The streamlined bus routes will also help increase safety, city officials say, though some residents disagree. “That will provide enough buffer time so we’re going to be able to escape a lot of the safety problems we’ve seen in the past,� asserts Council member Gordon Smith. “When you have drivers in a hurry, that’s when you end up having trouble.� Asheville’s contract with First Transit ends in June, and though the city opted not to take advantage of a two-year extension option, Transportation Director Ken Putnam encourages the company to bid again. “We’re not saying anything against First Transit,� he explains. “This is simply a management decision to make sure we’re still getting the best value for the dollar, especially when the economic climate is so tough.� First Transit has also been granted a threemonth contract extension to complete annual negotiations with the driver’s union, scheduled for July. Last year, those talks were reportedly tense, with drivers threatening to strike. Schenck, however, says labor/management relations have seemed cordial since First Transit transferred him here from El Paso, Texas, six months ago. “I think we have an open relationship. My door’s open, and they don’t hesitate to talk to me about issues,� he maintains, adding, “There’s a natural tension, or balancing act, between the budget requirements and what the union would like for its membership. It’s a healthy thing.� (Charlene Valentine, president of union local 128, did not return calls seeking comment.) Meanwhile, Schenck confirms that the company does plan to bid again. “It would have been nice not to go through that process right now, with the master plan and the name change and the marketing plan,� he observes. “But the city’s made a good decision, and we’re glad to work with them as we go forward.� X

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WHAT DO YOU THINK? BY JAKE FRANKEL PHOTOS BY JONATHAN WELCH On a recent afternoon, Xpress asked a random sampling of folks at the Asheville Transit Center what they think about the upcoming changes to the bus system. Here’s what they had to say about the new name (ART — Asheville Redefines Transit) and new routes. To let us know what you think, go to the online version of this story at and make a comment.

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Sabrina Black, Pisgah View I think that would be a cool name. It won’t be too much of a change. It’ll match the Art District that they go through. … It’ll be different for some people, because everybody’s been calling it Asheville Transit for so long. … Let’s find out how they change the routes and how it comes out to be. I think it’ll be all right. People will get used to it.

Mike Adore, Montford

Tamara Carson, Shiloh I hope it becomes better, because they need something better!

14 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

The only thing I think, is, some buses, like the one I take to the airport, they run on an hour-and-a-half schedule. I think they should try to get those down to an hour. A lot of them are overcrowded, so they should step up to bigger buses or something. I’m disabled. Going on there sometimes, when it’s standing-room-only, I fell a couple times, because they’ve taken off fast. I had people catch me.

Charles Bryson (declined to say where he lived) The changes are bad. They’re taking away all the routes to where older people can’t even get on the bus. People are going to have longer distances to walk to the bus stop. That ain’t right; that ain’t even cool. They should leave it like it is, because everyone knows where to go catch the bus. Changing it, older people can’t walk that far. Plus, it’s getting hot. … Everybody’s going to be confused about where to go to.

Detrick Morgan, West Asheville I think everything’s messed up; the changes are messed up. The change of the name, the change of the routes, all that. … Ain’t nothing wrong with the name Asheville Transit. I prefer how it was four or five years ago. It was on time. And they did things accurately, the way it was supposed to be. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 15

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april 7 meeting a City to extend Clingman bike lane a Brevard Road Ingles gets sign variance

by Christopher George Despite disputes over fee increases and rainyday funds, Asheville City Council members approved a $132.5 million budget for the next fiscal year at their May 24 meeting. Passed by a 6-1 margin, the budget includes no property- or sales-tax increases. Mayor Terry Bellamy cast the lone opposing vote, citing a number of concerns: water-rate increases for commercial and industrial customers; an increase in the household recycling fee; the lack of a cost-of-living increase for city employees; and the failure to meet Council’s stated goal of keeping the city’s reserve fund at 15 percent of total expenditures. In the current fiscal year (which ends June 30), the fund balance stood at 14.2 percent. Staff expects to maintain the same percentage in the new fiscal year. Sharing Bellamy’s concern about water rates, Council member Bill Russell got his colleagues to commit to revisiting the issue at some unspecified future date, with an eye toward giving manufacturers a break compared with other large commercial customers. “When someone leaves the community and turns off a 24-inch butterfly valve that shoots water into a manufacturing facility, that takes money away from taxpayers, versus opening it up and creating a lot of revenue,” Russell argued. Council member Cecil Bothwell challenged the idea of using the city’s water rates to attract and keep businesses here. “Is it a policy that the city needs to stick to of making all the citizens help provide jobs for some of the citizens?” he wondered. Bothwell added that he doesn’t believe municipalities should provide tax breaks to subsidize new development. “I think we ought to have development happen [because the developer] finds it attractive to be here, because we’re a great city.” Bellamy, meanwhile, said the rate increase (a concern shared by several other Council members), coupled with the other issues, made it impossible for her to support the spending plan. “I don’t think it would be a surprise to anyone that I’m not in support of the budget. Over the past few months, I’ve been clear at our work sessions about my [lack of] support for several issues that have come forward,” the mayor explained. Several budget amendments were included in the consent agenda; one allocates $250,000 for the Clingman Avenue streetscape project. According to staff, the money was saved from two other recently completed construction projects: Patton Avenue sidewalks and Kimberly

16 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Moving on up: Council approved an Ingles expansion on Brevard Road. photo by Jonathan welch

Avenue resurfacing. The amendment came in response to concerns by members of the bicycling community that the existing bike climbing lane, installed last year, creates an unsafe situation because it doesn’t extend all the way to Hilliard Avenue, causing the street to narrow abruptly on a steep hill. Among other things, the amendment will fund extending the bike lane to Hilliard. “As someone who rides that hill pretty regularly on my bicycle, I can attest to the safety issues,” noted Council member Gordon Smith. Bellamy, however, objected to using sidewalk money for bike lanes, asking that the amendment be pulled off the consent agenda for a separate vote. It was approved 6-1.

Ingles expansion approved After a pair of public hearings, City Council approved two measures clearing the way for an expanded Ingles grocery at 863 Brevard Road. Ingles plans to demolish the current 53,500-square-foot store and replace it with one nearly double the size, at just over 99,000 square feet. The redeveloped site will include a 4,800square-foot gas-station canopy and retail kiosk. The proposed redevelopment was unanimously approved. The second vote, on the signage for the new store, proved more controversial. It was necessary because the proposed 292-square-foot signage exceeded the maximum allowed by the city (167 square feet). Smith voiced concerns, saying, “It appears that this is the kind of standard signage package that Ingles asks for regularly whenever they’re doing any sort of building, and each time the variance is granted. At some level, I think that amounts to a special

... exemption for a single company.” Bothwell agreed, declaring, “I find it impossible to believe that anyone will turn in off the road and not be able to find the building. I think that allowing them to have excessive signs is ridiculous.” Vice Mayor Brownie Newman disputed that view, citing similar exemptions made for Mission Hospital and the Biltmore Park Town Square development. The signage exemption was approved 5-2, with Bothwell and Smith opposed. No member of the public spoke during either hearing.

Other business On other fronts, Council members: • Heard a third-quarter financial report. Staff now projects a $1.35 million shortfall in generalfund revenue for the current fiscal year. As of March 31, the city had collected roughly $71.7 million — about 81 percent of the total projected for the year that ends June 30. Expenditures through March 31 totaled $60.9 million, around 68.4 percent of the budgeted total. The reduced expenses are expected to roughly balance out the revenue shortfall. • Unanimously supported sending a letter to the N.C. General Assembly opposing legislation proposed by Rep. Tim Moffitt that would seize the city’s water system and turn it over to the Metropolitan Sewerage District. • Appointed Brendan Ross and Brian Cook to the Historic Resources Commission, and Council member Esther Manheimer to the Metropolitan Sewerage District board. X Christopher George can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 140, or at

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*Based on 2010 Sales Reports from SOA. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 17


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UR in big trouble

WNC Media Center in disarray; board members resign It’s a tough time for the crumbling WNC Community Media Center. In the midst of a continuing struggle with Buncombe County over funds the nonprofit says it’s owed, the media center has vacated the facility that hosted URTV, the public-access channel it contracted with the city and county to run, and is no longer paying staff. On May 23, the city of Asheville began an inventory as a first step toward removing its equipment, after which the channel will go dark. Meanwhile, several board members have resigned, raising further questions about the organization’s solvency. Bob Horn, the board’s vice president and spokesperson, announced his resignation in a May 24 email. “I resigned in protest. ‌ I believe Asheville and Buncombe County citizens will never see their public-access cable channel rise again for obvious political reasons,â€? he asserted. “Especially when you consider the way the demise of PATV was premeditated behind the scenes by disingenuous maneuvers of Buncombe County.â€? His announcement followed resignations by Treasurer Joe Scotto and board member Dale Joyner. City appointee Matt Howard also reportedly resigned, though at this writing, Howard hadn’t confirmed it. Joyner called the board’s last meeting, on May 12, “a clown showâ€? and “a big joke,â€? adding that she didn’t favor taking legal action against Buncombe County. Meanwhile, according to board member David Connor Jones, the Media Center’s attempts to find a lawyer who was willing to work pro bono were unsuccessful. “It’s a sad state of affairs. It’s not been very organized getting a legal team,â€? he said last week. Jones said the board has also had a hard time finding production alternatives after closing its studio. “The plan was to try to keep the channel solvent until we could figure out a new place that


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18 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •


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Swan song: Administrative Services Director Lauren Bradley tells City Council’s Finance Committee that staff recommends looking for another entity to run the local public-access channel. Photo by Jerry Nelson

would be cheaper,� he explained. “It was going to take a lot of legwork to make it happen, and it wasn’t there — the board’s energy wasn’t there.� But Jones said he wasn’t quite ready to officially throw in the towel, and he believed former Operations Manager Jonathon Czarny was still looking into the feasibility of transforming the station into an Internet-based portal for locally produced shows. “I’m waiting to see how it shakes out,� said Jones, noting that he and six colleagues remained on the board. Jones acknowledged, however, that the board had no plans to discuss those options further and that it would be hard to overcome the organizational, financial and contractual challenges. “It looks pretty much as though it’s dissolved, but I don’t feel comfortable saying that with any definitive authority,� he reported May 24.

City to seek new public-access provider Lauren Bradley, Asheville’s administrative services director, appeared to have put another nail in URTV’s coffin when she revealed city staff’s recommendation that Asheville not renew the nonprofit’s contract (which expired at the end of April) and seek a new public-access provider instead. At the May 25 meeting of City Council’s Finance Committee, Bradley sought permission to develop a request for proposals “from the community for the continuation of community-media development services. It’s a whole new world

since we launched public access, and there are new ways to communicate. There’s a lot of creativity and entrepreneurship in this community, so we might see some really interesting things come forward.� The media center — which gets $30,000 worth of cable-TV subscriber fees from the city annually and a comparable amount from the county to operate the channel — had asked Asheville for $115,000 this year, Bradley told the committee. And when asked for a “more creative� proposal reflecting the current budget constraints, the nonprofit responded with a lengthy letter detailing why current staffing and facility costs were fixed. In an April 26 work session, Council members informally rejected the center’s demands. Bradley also noted that her own communication with the center’s board has broken down as well. “Is there a board to send notice [of the city’s decisions] to?� Council member Esther Manheimer asked. “I don’t know. All I know, unfortunately, is what I’ve read in the papers,� Bradley replied. “The board’s not sent anything to Council or to the city.� She said she’s communicated with some of the media center’s former staff. Council member Bill Russell called the city staff proposals “spot-on,� and the Finance Committee approved them. — by David Forbes and Jake Frankel

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The Lord’s Acre feeds body and soul by Cinthia Milner

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Ten years ago, my garden overflowed with tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, beets, carrots, spinach and Brussels sprouts. These days, my attention has turned to the perennial beds and shrubs, and my cover crop of rye has simply been pushed over a bit so I could stick a few peppers and tomato plants in the ground. My boys (two massive eating machines) are grown and mostly gone, and all those vegetables would never get eaten. It seems silly to grow them for just one person — me. The Lord’s Acre, a nonprofit garden in Fairview, has a broader vision: serving God by helping their community. Besides providing food, notes manager Susan Sides, “I want it to inspire.” Last year, she informs me, one in six Western North Carolina residents used a food bank, and most of the donations these vital institutions receive are canned or processed foods. What’s missing is garden-fresh vegetables, which is where The Lord’s Acre comes in. Their goal is to provide not the seconds or the leftovers, but the very best organic produce. What you or I might keep for ourselves, The Lord’s Acre grows and gives away, “respecting the dignity and integrity of each person who counts on the food pantries,” Sides explains. This worthy undertaking has its own unique history. During the tough years of the 1930s, the Farmers Federation — an agricultural cooperative started in 1920 by Jim McClure of Hickory Nut Gap Farm and other local farmers — launched a project called The Lord’s Acre. The idea came from the biblical word tithe (which literally means “10 percent”).

“This is not just a garden — it’s a community.” — Lord’s Acre manager Susan Sides

wannago? On Saturday, June 4, The Lord’s Acre is holding a potluck fundraiser at Hickory Nut Gap Farm in Fairview, from 5 to 10 p.m. There’ll be tours of the historic Sherrill’s Inn, pony rides, kids’ games, a silent auction, music and dancing. Suggested donation: $10 per person, $20 per family. For more information, visit

20 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Lettuce provide for each other: Blake Everhart prepares a table of greens being sent to Trinity of Fairview’s food pantry. photo by Cinthia Milner

Participating farmers agreed to donate an acre’s worth of produce to feed others. The program took off, and 11 years later, it had grown to include more than 1,000 churches spanning 20 denominations, with gardens in India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Japan and across the U.S. With the return of prosperity, the decentralized project fizzled, though pockets of it remain. Inspired by their example, however, some pretty knowledgeable gardeners came together in Fairview in 2009, borrowing the name for their community garden. Sides, a former researcher and writer for Mother Earth News, wrote The Healthy Garden Handbook. Pat Stone, a former garden editor for Mother Earth News who’s now the editor of GreenPrints, serves on The Lord’s Acre’s board. And with the help of quite a few volunteers, this dedicated team is turning a dream into reality. Last year, the half-acre parcel, on loan from an anonymous supporter, provided nearly 6 tons of fresh produce to groups such as the Fairview Food Pantry, Trinity of Fairview, Helpmate and the newly opened Welcome Table. Volunteers, ranging from individuals to church and school groups, pitched in more than 2,500 hours of work. All of them desire to help, and some are also looking to learn. With its wide raised rows, cover crops, demonstration plot, children’s garden and classes (taught by Susan and other experts), the educational project offers a comprehensive good-

gardening experience. Meanwhile, the vision continues to grow. The board wants to buy five adjacent acres to accommodate fruit and nut trees, berries, mushroom cultivation, an amphitheater and more field space. “But this is not just a garden,” stresses Sides. “It’s a community. Here, I visit and work alongside people I wouldn’t have a chance to talk to in my normal day. We’d like this place to become a real beacon for Fairview, a place that addresses the topics of food and food security. It’s a door: a door that opens other doors into people’s lives.” The Lord’s Acre wants to teach about food — not just how to grow it, but what fresh food tastes like and how to cook it. They want to promote community dialogue about local food security. They want to be a model, both for their own community and for others who might emulate them. The garden sits on a hillside in Fairview, behind a white wooden cross. It’s an inspiring spot, and as I leave, I contemplate my own garden and the way its size reflects my family’s expansion and contraction. I’m a horticulturalist with a lifetime of experience: Why hadn’t I thought of keeping my own garden growing to help others in need? I guess I just needed to be inspired. X Cinthia Milner gardens in Leicester.

gardeningcalendar Calendar for June 1 - 9, 2011 Garden Tour and Picnic (pd.) KENNY’S PERENNIALS • Beautiful, homegrown, affordable plants. Over 60 varieties. $2.50 each. Visit me at the North Asheville Tailgate Market on Saturdays, 8am-noon and the Greenlife Tailgate Market on Sundays, 10am-3pm. Details: Facebook page Kenny’s Perennials. 828-280-9479. (pd.) Saturday (6/11) - Join us for a guided tour of Backyard Sanctuaries’ creations - ponds, waterfalls, stonework and Japanese garden. Enjoy a picnic lunch at our final stop at the Cove in Fairview. Register at (828) 664-9564 or Suggested donation $20. Flat Rock Tailgate Market • THURSDAYS, 3-6pm - Locally-grown produce and much more will be available at this weekly market, held in the parking area behind the Cherry Cottage and next to Hubba Hubba Smoke House along Little Rainbow Row in Flat Rock. Interested in becoming a vendor? Call 698-8775, 693-0781 or 698-8149. Regional Tailgate Markets For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: 236-1282 or • WEDNESDAYS, 2-6pm - Asheville City Market South, Biltmore Town Square Boulevard. —- 2-6:30pm - Wednesday Coop Market, 76 Biltmore Ave. —- 2:306:30pm - Weaverville Tailgate Market, behind the yellow community center on Weaverville Highway. • THURSDAYS, 10am-2pm - Mission Hospital Tailgate Market, at the back entrance of Mission Hospital’s Heart Center on the Memorial Campus.

•  FRIDAYS, 4-7pm - Riceville Tailgate Market, Groce United Methodist Church’s parking lot, at the corner of Beverly Road and Tunnel Road. SATURDAYS, 8am-noon - Transylvania Tailgate Market - on the corner of Johnson and Jordan Streets in downtown Brevard. —-9am-noon - Big Ivy Tailgate Market, parking lot of the old Barnardsville fire station, across from the post office on Highway 197 —- 9amnoon - Black Mountain Tailgate Market 130 Montreat Road —- 9am-noon - North Asheville Tailgate Market, at UNCA (take Weaver Boulvard and follow signs). —-9am-1pm - Madison County Farmers & Artisans Market, at the corner of Highway 213 and Park Street. •  SUNDAYS, 11am-3pm - Greenlife Sunday Market, at the Greenlife Grocery parking lot. —-noon-4pm - Marshall Farmers Market, on the island in downtown Marshall. •  TUESDAYS, 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville Tailgate Market, 718 Haywood Road, in the parking area between Grace Baptist Church and Sun Trust Bank. • SATURDAYS, 8am-1pm - Asheville City Market, in the parking lot of the Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte St.

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Check out the Gardening Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after June 9.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365 • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 21


your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists Calendar for June 1 - 9, 2011 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that’s happening today — or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx. com/events. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Community Events & Workshops Arts2People Artist Resource Center Offering business management workshops for artists at 39 D S. Market St., downtown Asheville. Classes, unless otherwise noted, are $35. Info and regis-

tration: or •MO (6/6), 10am-1pm “Presenting Your Art: Portfolio Planning to Booth Design Part 1,” with Andrew Montrie. • TU (6/7), 10am-noon “Business Writing: Finding and Capitalizing on Opportunities,” with Jake Mosberg. Carl Sandburg Home Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site is located three miles south of Hendersonville off U.S. 25 on Little River Road. Info: 693-4178 or www.nps. gov/carl. • SA (6/4), 11am, 1, 2 & 3pm - Learn about the Connemara before the Sandburg family moved in. Each tour lasts one hour. Events at A-B Tech • JUNE through AUGUST - A series of classes and summer camps for children, teens and adults will be offered through Destination Exploration, including a visiting artist series.

Calendar deadlines:

*FREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar Information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

Camps in art, computers, drama and culinary arts are open to children ages 8 to 18. Adults may take workshops in humanities, languages, music, practical skills and other subjects. The Visiting Artist Summer Series will feature three-day workshops on photography, drama and art. Info: Youth Empowered Solutions Networking Picnic • FR (6/3), noon-2pm - Learn about youth-friendly programs and youth empowerment at the YES! networking picnic. Lunch will be available for purchase, along with carnival games and prizes to raise awareness of youth empowerment. Held at the Carrier Park picnic pavilion, 220 Amboy Road in Asheville. Info:

Social & SharedInterest Groups Lesbian Single’s Picnic (pd.) Join us Saturday, June 4, 4pm-7pm. • Ages 35-55. Event is limited to the first 40 Ladies that RSVP! • RSVP to: GalPalsofAsheville@yahoo. com Older Lesbian Energy (OLE) (pd.) Meets second Saturday each month, 1pm, potluck and event planning. OLE: Fun group for lesbians over 50. • Join us! Information: Catherine: (828) 545-9698. Artistic Asheville Singles Group • WEEKLY - Meeting locations vary. For single people under 25. For info join Facebook group. Asbury Memorial UMC Located at 171 Beaverdam Road. Info: 253-0765. • FR (6/3), 6-8pm - A dinner and talent show “Asbury’s Got Talent,” will be held. Buncombe Young Democrats Monthly Meeting • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30-7pm - Have an interest in politics? Are you a supporter of President Obama? Interested in meeting new people or community service? Come out to the French Broad Chocolate Lounge, 10 S. Lexington Ave., for one of our monthly meetings. Elk Foundation Rodeo • FR (6/3) through SU (6/5) - Elk Foundation PBR Rodeo will be held at the WNC Agricultural Center, Boone Building, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. Info: 687-1414.

22 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Events at Wall Street Coffee House • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Game night will be held at 62 Wall St., in downtown Asheville. All are welcome to enjoy old-fashioned fun. New games are played each week. Info: http://on.fb. me/e4GpE8. Firestorm Cafe & Books Located at 48 Commerce St., Asheville. Info: 255-8115 or • TH (6/2), 6pm - Zeitgeist meeting. • SU (6/5), 4pm - Firestorm orientation. Open to the public and those interested in internships. First Friday Meetup • 1st FRIDAYS, 7-9:30pm - First Friday is a monthly gathering for individuals who are passionate about ending extreme poverty and injustice around the world. Topics vary monthly and feature keynote speakers, movies, discussions and Q&A sessions. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St., Asheville. Info: Henderson County Curb Market Info: 692-8012. • SA (6/4), 8am-2pm - “Old Timey Day” will feature sausage and ham biscuits cooked on a wood stove, music, an antique display and demonstrations. Held at 221 North Church St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-8012. Laurel Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America Holds monthly meetings and smaller groups dedicated to teaching different types of needlework. The chapter is also involved in numerous outreach projects. Guests are always welcome. Info: 654-9788 or • TH (6/2), 9:30-noon - “Humbug Cardinal,” with Rosemary  Kostansek. The project will be a small, beaded bird. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road,  Horse Shoe. Veterans for Peace The public is invited to the regular business meeting of the WNC Veterans for Peace Chapter 099. Info: 258-1800 or vfpchapter099wnc.blogspot. com. • TH (6/2), 6:30pm - June meeting will be held at the Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. WNC Air Museum Fair

weeklypicks Events are FREE unless otherwise noted. Align your body and mind with ChiRunning and ChiWalking at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy

wed Road in Asheville. Held on Wednesday, June 1 at 5:30 p.m. Info: or 252-9828.

If you’ve always wondered how to make jam, put on your apron and try “Let's Start with Jams”

thur at the Buncombe County Cooperative Extension, 94 Coxe Ave., in Asheville on Thursday, June 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Info: or 255-5522.


Come cheer on the Mountain Xpress’ fastest runners at the Chamber Challenge 5K on Friday, June 3 at 4:30 p.m. The race begins and ends at 36 Montford Ave., in Asheville. Info: or 232-2247.


Expand your musical horizons as sarod master K. Sridhar performs traditional Indian music on Saturday, June 4 at 7:30 p.m. Held at Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St., in Asheville. Bring your own yoga mat. $15. Info: or 274-5211.


Poetry Slam Asheville aims to "create a space in which spoken word poetry is the vehicle that connects diverse populations, organizations and individuals." On Sunday, June 5 at 7:30 p.m. it will continue that mission with the School's Out Poetry Slam, held at the Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. Info: Internationally-recognized drum and chant outfit The Mayapuris will bring its rhythms to

mon Montford Park's Hazel Robinson Amphitheater on Monday, June 6 at 7 p.m. for an evening of music, dance and acrobatics. Info:


Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St., in downtown Asheville, is a worker-owned cooperative that hosts a number of community events, including performances, meetings and films. On Tuesday, June 7 at 7 p.m., the public is invited to share its own work at the Firestorm Open Mic. Info:

• SA (6/4) & SU (6/5), 10am5pm - WNC Air Museum will host its annual Air Fair. Info: or 698-2482.

Government & Politics Blue Ridge Republican Women’s Club The club’s purpose is to elect Republicans and improve the community. Most members are working women. Programs feature speakers from Republican leadership. Free. Info: 6832567 or www.buncombegop. org/brrwc. • TH (6/2), 6:30pm - Dr. Carl Mumpower will discuss Democrats, Libertarians and the GOP at this monthly meeting. Held at the Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St., in Asheville. A buffet meal will be served prior to the meeting at 6pm. $18 for dinner. RSVP: nswking@ Green Party Meeting • SA (6/4), 10am-noon - An open business meeting will be held upstairs in the Fortune

Building, 729 Haywood Road in West Asheville. Info: 225-4347.

Seniors & Retirees 60+ Exercise Smarter (pd.) Learn better ways to exercise. Make every movement lighter, freer, easier. Personal attention, two instructors. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Noon-1:15pm. $15 or 10 sessions for $130. 117 Furman, Asheville. RSVP: 225-3786. Events at Big Ivy Community Center Located at 540 Dillingham Road in Barnardsville. Info: 626-3438. • 2nd THURSDAYS, noon-2pm - Potluck lunch, followed by bingo and other activities. All seniors are invited no matter how young or old. Call 626-3434 for transportation. Fitness at Battery Park Apartments • FRIDAYS, 10:40-11:40am Interested in fun exercise?  Come get healthy!  Chairs are available to accommodate all fitness levels. Located at 1 Battle Square,

across from the Grove Arcade. Free. Info: 252-7397. Fun Bunch for Singles • This social club for 50+ singles in the WNC area meets six to seven times each month for activities like dining out, day trips, movies and more. $15 per month. Info: www., or 699-8180.

Animals Asheville Humane Society Located at 14 Forever Friend Lane (I-26 to Brevard Road Exit). View photos of animals currently available for adoption online. Foster homes needed. Info: 761-2001 or • SA (6/4), noon-6pm - A cat adoption event will feature an animal behaviorist and more. Adoption fees will be waved through June 30. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue A no-kill organization. Info: 8089435 or • SU (6/5), 12-4pm - Annual open house will feature adoptable pets, bake sale and raffle.

Held at Brother Wolf Adoption Center, 31 Glendale Ave. Community Partnership for Pets This nonprofit’s primary goal is to provide affordable spay/neuter services to communities in/ around Henderson County. Info: 693-5172 or • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, noon3pm - Purchase your spay/neuter vouchers at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville (at the Kmart entrance). $25. Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation The Foundation’s mission is to save healthy, adoptable animals in the Haywood County Animal Control facility. Located at 1659 S. Main St., Waynesville. Info: or 246-9050. • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm Adoption Days at 256B Industrial Park Drive in Waynesville. Interested in volunteering or donating to the shelter? Call: 246-9050.

Business A-B Tech’s Center for Business & Technology Incubation

To register for seminars: 254-1921, ext. 5857 or • Applications are currently being accepted for the Young Entrepreneurial Scholars Camp, a weeklong summer day camp for rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in business ownership. The program will take place June 13-17 from 9am-3pm at the school’s Enka campus. $25. A free Middle School Academy for sixth through eighth grade students will be held July 18 and 19 from 9am-2pm. CREIA Women Investors Focus Group • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A diverse group of women meet to talk about real-estate investing, share experiences, network and learn together. CREIA is a nonprofit, educational organization for people interested in growing wealth through real estate. $15 nonmembers. Info: 779-2550 or New Start Career Fair • WE (6/8), 10am-2pm - A career fair will be held at the Haywood Park Hotel, 1 Battery Park Ave. Tickets available at no cost. Info and directions: www.newstartcareerfair. or 251-1709.

Technology Intro to ArcGIS 10 Desktop (pd.) The GIS Institute is presenting a 19-hour weekend Intro to ArcGIS 10 Desktop course at A-B Tech, Enka, 6/10/11-6/12/11. Sponsored by ESRI. Information: http:// Free Computer Classes Classes are held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte St. To register: • MONDAYS, 12:15pm - Mac OSX Basics. • TUESDAYS, 12:15pm iPhoto Basics. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:15pm - iPad Basics. • THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS, 12:15pm - Advanced/Paid classes (see website for schedule). • SATURDAYS, 12:15pm - Protecting your PC. • SUNDAYS, 12:15pm GarageBand.

Volunteering American Cancer Society Relay for Life Helping make cancer research possible. Info: www.relayforlife. org. • Seeking participants, volunteers and survivors to participate in upcoming events, to be held in Asheville (June 3);

and Fletcher (July 15). Register: Appalachian Trail Conservancy • MO (6/6) - The Smokies Wilderness Elite Appalachian Trail Crew seeks volunteers for a five-day rehabilitation trip on the Appalachian Trail. Registration required. Info and directions: or 254-3708. Asheville SCORE Counselors to Small Business If your business could use some help, SCORE is the place to start. Free and confidential. To make an appointment: 2714786. Offices are located in the Federal Building, 151 Patton Ave., room 259. Seminars are held at A-B Tech’s Small Business Center, room 2046. Free for veterans. Info: www. • You can help start small businesses in WNC. Volunteers are needed in all business areas. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply, as are individuals in Buncombe, Swain and McDowell Counties. ASSE International • Through WE (8/31) - ASSE International seeks local families to host male and female cultural exchange students between the ages of 15 and 18. Students have pocket money for personal expenses and full health, accident and liability insurance. Families can choose

students from a wide variety of backgrounds, countries and personal interests. Info: 3010794 or (800)-473-0696. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for persons ages 18 and up to share outings twice a month with youth from singleparent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. Volunteers also needed to mentor 1 hr./wk. in schools and after-school programs. Hands On Asheville-Buncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (6/2), 6-8pm - Help sort and pack food at MANNA FoodBank to be given to agencies serving hungry residents of 17 WNC counties. • FR (6/3), 11am-12:30pm - Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veteran’s Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate.

• TH (6/9) & TH (6/23), 5-7pm - Meals for Hope: Cook and serve a meal for 15-25 women and children who are part of New Choices, an empowerment program for displaced homemakers in need of counseling and assistance. Literacy Council of Buncombe County Located at 31 College Place, building B, suite 221. Info: 2543442, ext. 205. • Volunteer tutors are needed for the Augustine Project, which seeks to improve the academic achievement of low-income students in grades 1-12 who are performing below grade level. Tutoring takes place two to three times a week (one-onone sessions). Info: • MO (6/6), 4:30-6pm - A volunteer orientation session for individuals interested in becoming tutors with the Augustine Project. Info: literacytutors@ • WE (6/8) & TH (6/9) - An orientation session will be held for interested volunteers. Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from

certified professionals.  Info:

RiverLink Events RiverLink, WNC’s organization working to improve life along the French Broad, sponsors a variety of river-friendly events. Info: 252-8474 or www. • Through FR (6/10) - Seeking volunteers to be camp counselors for RiverLink’s River Camp for 3-6th graders.

Outdoors Get Racing! (pd.) Reach 5k to Marathon goals. Small group training runs with completely personalized schedule and follow up. Weaver Park, Sundays, 9:30am. • $60 for 6 weeks. (828) 225-3786. Chamber Challenge 5K • FR (6/3), 4:30pm - Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its fifth annual Community Wellness Race, “The Chamber Challenge 5K,” presented by Mission Health System. Teams of four are encouraged to dress-up in costume. Race begins and ends in the Chamber parking lot at 36 Montford Ave. $35. Info: or 232-2247. Montreat Trail

• SA (6/4), 10:30am-3:30pm 4.5 mile moderate to easy hike. Info and directions: lisamcw2@ or 713-4994. Pisgah Center for Wildlife Located in Pisgah National Forest, 10 miles from Brevard off of US Highway 276 N. Programs are free, but registration is required. Info: 877-4423 or • SA (6/4), 10am-noon - Tim Spira will read from his book The Ecology of Southern Appalachian Wildflowers, followed by a wildflower walk. RV Camping Club • Small RV Camping club is seeking additional members to camp one weekend per month, March through November. Info: 369-6669 or Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy The mission of the SAHC is to protect the world’s oldest mountains for the benefit of present and future generations. Info: 253-0095 or www. Reservations required for SAHC hikes: or 2530095, ext. 205. • SA (6/4), 10am - “Wild edibles adventure and gathered meal” will begin with an easy hike. Meet at the edge of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, Haywood County. $25.

Troutacular • SA (6/4), 6am-noon - A heritage trout festival will be held at Riverside Park on Tappan Street in Spruce Pine. Free for children under 14. Info: 385-2341 or info@downtownsprucepine. com.

Sports Groups & Activities Amateur Pool League (pd.) WHEN YOU PLAY, PLAY POOL. Team rosters are open NOW for the Summer. ALL SKILL LEVELS WELCOME. Sign-up to play 8ball or 9ball. 828-329-8197 www. ONGOING – weekly league play Do Less • Run Longer (pd.) Learn simple secret of natural ease like the Tarahumara runners! Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6pm. $100 for 6 sessions. • First 5 get free Bele Chere 5K entry! (828) 2253786. FormFitnessFunction. com Asheville Municipal Ladies Golf Association Join the AMLGA for camaraderie on the golf course. $35 for annual dues. Info: 667-5419. • TUESDAYS, 8:30am Meeting, with golf to follow. Chi Running • WE (6/1), 5:30pm - An introduction to Chi Running • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 23





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and Chi Walking, followed by a short run and walk, in honor of National Running Day. Held at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road. Free. Info: http://tinyurl. com/67ewmvm. Jus’ Running Weekly coach-led runs. Meet at 523 Merrimon Ave., unless otherwise noted. Info: www. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Five-mile group run, 10-11 minutes per mile. •TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Run from the store to the UNCA track for a maggot track workout. There will also be a post-workout get together at a local restaurant. •WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Eight-mile group run. •THURSDAYS, 6pm - One-hour run from the Rice Pinnacle parking lot at Bent Creek. Easy, moderate and fast levels. Kickball • MO (6/6) through FR (7/15) - Registration for adult league kickball at Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Circle, Asheville. $25. Info: or 250-4269. Pepsi Mayors’ Cup • SU (6/5), 3:30pm - Landof-Sky Regional Council will host the Pepsi Mayors’ Cup raft race. Held at French Broad River Park, Amboy Road. Info: 251-6622. Pickleball • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Pickleball is like playing ping pong on a tennis court. Groups meet weekly at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 G.W. Carver St., in Asheville. For all ages/levels. $1 per session. Info: 350-2058 or The Black Mountain Monster Relay • SA (6/4) & SU (6/5) - Teams and individuals will compete for 12 and 24 hours, running through a wooded three-mile course that winds around the Tomahawk Branch River. Proceeds to benefit local charities. $30. Info: www.

Kids YWCA Swim Lessons (pd.) Red Cross certified lessons in the YWCA’s solarheated pool, 185 S. French Broad Ave. All levels welcome. Classes Mon. through Sat. Info: 254-7206 x 110 or www. Fountainhead Bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 697-1870. • SA (6/4), 1-2pm - Childrens’ book character Skippyjon Jones will lead a program for children. Hands On! This children’s museum is located at 318 North Main St.,

24 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.Sat., 10am-5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: 697-8333 or • WE (6/1) - Draw an Octopus Day. Open to all ages. • TH (6/2) - All ages are invited to create a rose to celebrate National Rose Month. Joyful Noise Theatre Playground • SATURDAYS - This weekly drama class uses theatre games to encourage creative play, while exploring artistic possibilities. Children ages 7-9 are welcome from 10-11am, and children ages 10-13 are welcome from 11am-noon. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville, 30 Alabama Ave. $10. Info: or 215-8738. Tweetsie Railroad • FR (6/3) through SU (6/12) - “Day Out With Thomas” featuring Thomas the Tank Engine. Sat. 8:30am - 5pm and Sun. - Fri., 9:30-5:30pm. $34/$22 children. Info: www.Tweetsie. com or (877)-893-3874.

Eco Asheville Green Drinks A networking party that is part of the self-organizing global grassroots movement to connect communities with environmental ideas, media and action. Meets to discuss pressing green issues. Info: www.ashevillegreendrinks. com. • WEDNESDAYS Socializing begins at 5:30pm, followed by a presentation at 6pm. Held at Posana Cafe, 1 Biltmore Ave., in downtown Asheville. ECO Events The Environmental and Conservation Organization is dedicated to preserving the natural heritage of Henderson County and the mountain region as an effective voice of the environment. Located at 121 Third Ave. W., in Hendersonville. Info: 6920385 or • Through (6/30) - Seeking green homes for the Green Home Tour in August. • TU (6/7), 6:30pm - A wind power workshop featuring Richard Freudenberger will be held at Our Southern Community Center, 797 Locust St., Hendersonville. $15. Free Presentation: Future of our Hemlock Forests • SU (6/5), 5-7pm - Our native hemlock trees are under extreme threat by a non-native exotic insect pest, but there are effective treatments available. Join staff from SAFC to hear about current conservation efforts and strategies. Held at Earthfare

in the Westgate Shopping Center. Info: www.safc. org/events. Invasive Plant Removal • FR (6/3) & SA (6/4), 10am-4pm - “Protect native biodiversity from non-native plant invasion,” with the Southern Appalachian Cooperative Weed Management Partnership. Held at Stecoah Gap on the Appalachian Trail. Info and directions: or 254-3708. Land-of-Sky Regional Council Info: 251-6622 or www. • Through MO (8/1) - The Land-of-Sky Regional Council is currently seeking nominations for the 34th annual Friends of the River awards, which “recognize individuals, private organizations, civic groups or public agencies that have made a significant contribution toward the restoration and enhancement of the French Broad River and its tributaries as a recreational, economic or cultural resource.” Mountain Protectors • TH (6/9), 6:30pm - A meeting to “keep nuclear waste out of WNC.” No potluck this month. Info and directions: 242-5621. WNC Sierra Club Members of the WNC Sierra Club Chapter work together to protect the community and the planet. The mission of the Sierra Club, America’s oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, is to explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the earth. Info: or 251-8289. • WE (6/1), 7:30pm “Updates for Solar Energy,” with Brownie Newman and Erika Schneider. Arrive early to socialize. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, on the corner of Edwin and Charlotte Streets, Asheville.

Spirituality 5 Day Zen Retreat • June 3-8 (pd.) At Great Tree Zen Temple, led by Reverend Teijo Munnich. $300. • Begins 4pm, June 3, ends Noon, June 8. Includes sitting and walking meditation, work, interviews with teacher. • Great Tree is 15 minutes from downtown Asheville. • Questions: (828) 645-2085 or • Register online: Aquarian Compassionate Fellowship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live

channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation (“TM”) (pd.) No need to clear your mind of thoughts—just transcend. TM makes it easy to go beyond active thinking to experience your peaceful, innermost Self. • Clinically proven to: reduce anxiety, depression, addiction, ADHD, and to improve creativity, clarity, and mental performance. • Free Introductory Lecture: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: Meditation and brain research • How meditation techniques differ • What’s enlightenment? (828) 254-4350. www. Asheville Meditation Group (pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the Insight/Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more peaceful and focused mind. Our “sangha” (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am: Seated meditation and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 8084444. • Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828)  258-3229. Avalon Grove (pd.) Services to honor the ancient Celtic Christian holidays. Intuitive Spiritual Counseling to see your path more clearly. Workshops, artwork and books about Faeries. Call (828) 6452674 or visit Compassionate Communication (pd.) Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication. Great for couples! Group uses model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book “Non-violent Communication, A Language of Life.” Free. Info: 299-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15—Practice group for newcomers and experienced practitioners. Consciousness Cinema • “The Man Who Planted Trees” • This Friday

(pd.) Free: • This Friday, June 3, 7pm. A fun and thought provoking film and discussion. Please join us! Reservations/information, call Marsha, 772-5315. www.MaitriCenterforWomen. org Open Heart Meditation (pd.) Learn easy, wonderful practices that opens your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Free. 7pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 645-5950 or 296-0017. http:// Bringing Sexy Back • TH (6/2), 7:30-9pm - “Learn to turn up your sexual vibes through simple practices and self-awareness.” Part of the Big Love: Expanding, Creating, Evolving presentation series. Held at the Sacred Embodiment Center, 31 Carolina Lane. Donations accepted. Info: http:// Buddhist Meditation Retreat • FR (6/3), SA (6/4) & SU (6/5) - A weekend silent retreat with Burmese Theravada Monk Bhante U Jotika will be held at 88 Gash Road in Mills River. The sitting and walking retreat will include Dhamma talk and individual sessions. All meals will be provided. Donation requested. Info: 891-3663. Chabad House Jewish Asheville and WNC Chabad Lubavitch Center for Jewish Life, located at 660 Merrimon Ave. Info: 505-0746 or • WE (6/8), 5pm - Shavuot celebration will include a reading of the Ten Commandments, kosher refreshments and children’s activities. Compassionate Communication Practice Group Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work and community by practicing compassionate communication. Group uses a model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. Free. Info: 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 5-6:15pm - Practice group for newcomers and experienced practitioners. Daoist Meditation • TUESDAYS, 6-7:30pm & SUNDAYS, 9-10:30am - Four Winds Daoist Center in Whittier will offer meditation followed by discussion. Info: 788-6730 or Edges of Intimacy • TH (6/9), 7:30-9pm “Edges of Intamacy: Energetic Boundaries and Bonding,” with Goddess Ocean-Peace. Learn how conscious and unconscious choices affect the energetics of bonding and boundaries. Held at the Sacred Embodiment Center, 31 Carolina Lane in Asheville, as

part of the Big Love: Expanding, Creating, Evolving series. Love offering. Finding Your Life’s Mission Workshop • SA (6/4), 1-4pm - “Hear the steady whisper of your true self and serve the world in a way uniquely suited to your gifts.” Held at 20 Battery Park Ave., Room #709. $25. Info: 658-4212. Meditation in the Park from Chinnamasta Ashram • SUNDAYS, 8-10am - Bring a mat or zabuton and stay for 20 minutes or two hours. Held at French Broad River Park, 508 Riverview Drive. Info: Mindfulness Meditation Class Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241 or • MONDAYS, 7-8pm Meditation class with lesson and discussion on contemporary Zen living. Held at the Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Road (off Merrimon Avenue). Donations encouraged. Pendulum Practicum for Energywork • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 1011:30am - Practical class on how to use a pendulum as a guide/consultant to energy work with people, places and things. Held at 4 Eagle St., Asheville. Donations accepted. Info: 7763786. Power of Soul • WEDNESDAYS - Learn and practice self healing through the teachings of Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, given by one of his qualified teachers. Held in West Asheville. Love offering. Info and directions: 258-9584. Shetaut Neter • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Learn about Shetaut Neter, an ancient philosophy and mythic spiritual culture that gave rise to ancient Egyptian civilization. Meetings feature lectures on the impact of African spirituality on the four major religions of the world, as well as the universal teachings of Shetaut Neter to promote peace and prosperity. Held at A Far Away Place, 11 Wall St. Directions: 279-8562. Transmission Meditation • SUNDAYS, 5:45-7pm - A “World Service” will be held at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St., Asheville. Free. Info: www., or 675-8750. United Research Light Center Located at 2190 NC Highway 9 South in Black Mountain. Info: 669-6845 or • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 12:45pm - Toning for Peace. “Lift your voice in free-form expression in a loving, safe space to

generate well-being and peace for the greater benefit of our ever-evolving planet.” $5. Info: 667-2967

Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 684-3798, 891-8700 or www. • WE (6/1), 7pm - “Mellowing Your Drama,” with Rev. Chad O’Shea. Donations accepted. • SA (6/4), 9am-noon - “Ancient Calling Back to Your Goddess Roots, an introduction to a Year

and a Day Sacred Mystery School for Women.” Free. • TU (6/7), 6pm - “Truth on Tap, a pub chat on matters spiritual and otherwise,” will be held at Mezzaluna, 226 North Main St., Hendersonville. • WE (6/8), 7pm - “How Anger Makes Me Happy!” featuring Tom Wright. Donations accepted.

Unity Church of Asheville Unity of Asheville explores the deeper spiritual meaning of the scriptures, combined with an upbeat contemporary music program, to create a joyous and sincere worship service. Located at 130 Shelburne Road, West

Asheville. Info: 252-5010 or • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual Celebration Service —12:15-1:30pm - “A Course in Miracles,” with Rev. Gene Conner.

Art Gallery Exhibits & Openings Art Walk • FR (6/3), 5-8pm - Asheville Downtown Gallery Association will present an art walk. Info:  miles@thebendergallery. com.

Asheville Mural Project Collaborative Show (pd.) Friday June 3. COOP Gallery presents the Asheville Mural Project Collaborative Show curated by Asheville Mural Project’s Director Ian Wilkinson. 5-9 pm. Wine and hors’ doeuvres. 25 Carolina Lane Downtown Asheville (in between Broadway and Lexington off of Walnut). www.coopasheville. com Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays

from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or • Through SU (9/25) - Artists at Work: American Printmakers and the WPA. • Through SU (7/10) - An Inside View. The exhibition examines the notion of interior environments as depicted by a number of artists throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: 254-1320 or • Through FR (6/3) - Friend Me, photographs by Erin Fussell. Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center

The center is located at 56 Broadway, and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College through permanent collections, educational activities and public programs. Info: 350-8484, bmcmac@bellsouth. net or • Through SA (6/4) - In Site: Late Works, an exhibition of collages by Irwin Kremen. Blue Spiral 1 Located at 38 Biltmore Ave., downtown Asheville. Featuring Southeastern fine art and studio craft. Open Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm.  Info: 251-0202 or www.bluespiral1. com. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 25

• Through SA (6/25)- Five exhibitions featuring works by Ward H. Nichols (painter); Will Henry Stevens (modernist, 1881-1949); Rick Beck (glass sculpture); Kenneth Baskin (clay sculpture); Rudy Rudisill (metal); Marlene Jack (porcelain tableware); and Ink & Imagery, by eight printmakers. Clingman Cafe Located at 242 Clingman Ave., in the River Arts District. • Through TH (6/30) - Works by Janine WIltshire, Laura Loercher and Leslie Dickerson will be sold to benefit LEAF. •TH (6/2), 5:30-7:30pm Opening reception. Events at the Turchin Center Appalachian State University’s Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is located at 423 West King St., in Boone. Info: 262-3017 or • Through SA (6/4) - The eighth annual Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition, featuring 46 selected images, will be on display at the Mezzanine Gallery. Info: 262-4954. Grovewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road, Asheville. Info: 253-7651 or • Through WE (11/11) - 4th Annual Sculpture for the Garden exhibit, featuring contemporary sculptures by nationally-recognized artists. Oconaluftee Institute for Cultural Arts Located at 70 Bingo Loop in Cherokee. Info: 497-3945. • Through TH (6/30) - The annual Faculty and Staff Show. • WE (6/1), 4-6pm - Opening reception. Penland School of Crafts A national center for craft education dedicated to helping people live creative lives. Located at 67 Dora’s Trail, Penland. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. or 765-2359. • Through SU (7/10) - Letter Forms: Functional and Nonfunctional Typography. • FR (6/3), 7-8:30pm - Opening reception. Seven Sisters Gallery This Black Mountain gallery is located at 117 Cherry St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: 669-5107 or • Through SU (6/19) - Acrylic paintings by Colleen Meechan. Studio Chavarria

26 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Located at 84 W. Walnut St., unit A, in downtown Asheville. Gallery Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-8pm and Sat., 10am-7pm. Info: Info: 236-9191. • Through TH (6/30) - Recent paintings by Weaverville artist Neil Carroll. WCU Exhibits Unless otherwise noted, exhibits are held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine and Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm and Thurs. 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: 227-3591 or • Through (6/24) - Boundless: Selections from the Book Arts Collection. The exhibit explores a wide variety of formats and structures of the Artist Book, a synthesis of form and content which provides a bridge between traditional books and contemporary art.

More Art Exhibits & Openings American Folk Art and Framing The gallery at 64 Biltmore Ave. is open daily, representing contemporary self-taught artists and regional pottery. Info: 281-2134 or • Through WE (6/22) - Junebug, featuring works by Sarah Hatch. Art at Adorn Salon and Boutique • Through SU (7/31) - A photography show featuring the work of Mark Block will be on display at 58 College St., Asheville. Info: 225-8828. Art at Ananda Hair Studio The salon, located at 22 Broadway St., hosts rotating art exhibits. Info: 232-1017. • Through SU (6/19), - An exhibit by German artist Barbara Nerenz-Kelley. Free. Info: www. Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • FR (6/3) through WE (7/27) - “Capturing the Essence,” featuring Diane Bove (painting) and Michael Smith (fabric). Held at UNCA’s Blowers Gallery, One University Heights. •FR (6/3), 4-6pm - Opening reception. ArtSpace Charter School Productions ArtSpace Charter School is a K-8 public charter school located at 2030 US Highway 70 in Swannanoa. Info: 298-2787 or

• TH (6/2), 6pm - Annual school art show, part of the Spring Arts Festival. Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: 254-1320 or • Through SA (6/4) Photography by Erin Fussel will be on display in the ACT lobby. • TU (6/7) through SU (7/31) - Works in Pastel, by Lorraine Plexico, will be on display in the ACT lobby. Botanical Gardens at Asheville This 10-acre nonprofit nature preserve at 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd. (next to UNCA) is dedicated to preserving and displaying the native flora of N.C. Info and event registration: 252-5190 or www. • Through TU (9/6) - Botanical Chords, photographs by Terry Ashley and The Fine Art of Wood: An International Invitational Exhibition of Woodturning, featuring works by more than 40 artists from around the world, will be on display at the Baker Exhibit Center. Castell Photography A photo-based art gallery located at 2C Wilson Alley, off Eagle St., in downtown Asheville. Info: 255-1188 or • FR (6/3) through SU (7/31) - Double Vision, photography by Annie Hogan. •FR (6/3), 5-8pm - An opening reception will be held during the Asheville Downtown Gallery Association’s June art walk. Crimson Laurel Gallery Info: 688-3599 or • Through SA (6/25), - A husband and wife show featuring jewelry by Stacey Lane and pottery by Michael Kline will be held at 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville. Grovewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road, Asheville. Info: 253-7651 or • SA (6/4) through TH (12/1) Outdoor sculpture invitational featuring contemporary sculptures by nationally-recognized artists. •SA (6/4), 11am-3pm - Opening reception. MACA • TH (6/2) through TH (6/30) - Seven Little Things: 14 photographs of the artist’s “body painted masterpieces,” featuring Terra Fender. Held at MACA, 50 South Main St., Marion. Info:

•TH (6/2), 7-9pm - Opening reception. N.C. Center for Creative Retirement Unless otherwise noted, these events and classes are held in the Manheimer Room at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Info: 251-6140. • TH (6/9), 7pm - Celebrating Life In the Mountains, featuring artists Constance Williams and Bruce Johnson. Free. Info: Odyssey Gallery Exhibits work by Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts instructors and residents. Located at 238 Clingman Ave., in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: 2850210 or www.highwaterclays. com. • Through FR (8/5), Opinionated Clay, featuring twelve Odyssey ceramics instructors. Public Art Display • Through SA (10/22), Bearfootin’, “a public art display featuring outdoor fiberglass bear sculptures decorated in different themes,” will be on display on the sidewalks of Main Street in Hendersonville. Info: 233-3216. Push Skate Shop & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave., between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: 225-5509 or • Through SU (7/10) - Neon Heathens, featuring works by Andy Herod, Jesse Reno, Michael C. Hsiung and more. Quilt Art • FR (6/3) & SA (6/4), 10am5pm & SU (6/5), noon-5pm - Quilt art by the Shady Ladies quilting club will be on display at Lake Logan Episcopal Center, 25 Wormy Chestnut Lane in Canton. The annual exhibition will feature 100 works, ranging from artistic wall hangings to traditional bed quilts. Info: or 456-8885. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am4pm. Info: 884-2787 or www. • FR (6/3) through TH (6/30) - Transylvania County: From the Past to the Present, a gallery exhibit celebrating the 150th anniversary of Transylvania County. Featuring photographs, paintings, clay, fiber and more. • FR (6/10), 5-7pm - Opening reception. Upstairs Artspace

freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The film The Men Who Stare at Goats tells the story of the U.S. army’s efforts to harness psychic powers for military purposes. It’s not entirely a work of the imagination. In fact, there’s substantial evidence that such a program actually existed. As the movie begins, a caption on the screen informs viewers that “More of this is true than you would believe.” I suspect there’ll be a comparable situation unfolding in your life in the coming weeks, Aries. As you experience a rather unusual departure from your regularly scheduled reality, fact and fiction may be deeply intertwined. Will you be able to tell them apart?

I’m not a big fan of the “No Pain, No Gain” school of thought. Personally, I have drummed up more marvels and wonders through the power of rowdy bliss than I have from hauling thousand-pound burdens across the wasteland. But I do recognize that in my own story as well as in others’, hardship can sometimes provoke inspiration. I think it may be one of those moments for you, Cancerian. Please accept this medicinal prod from the ancient Roman poet Horace: “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents that in times of prosperity would have lain dormant.”

When people unsubscribe from my newsletter, they’re asked to say why they’re leaving. In a recent note, a dissatisfied customer wrote, “Because you are a crackhead who makes no sense. You sound like you write these horoscopes while you’re stoned on mushrooms.” For the record, I not only refrain from crack and magic mushrooms while crafting your oracles; I don’t partake of any intoxicants at any other time, either -- not even beer or pot. I’m secretly a bit proud, however, that the irate ex-reader thinks my drug-free mind is so wild. In the coming week, Libra, I invite you to try an experiment inspired by this scenario: Without losing your mind, see if you can shed some of the habitual restrictions you allow to impinge on the free and creative play of your mind.

Describing muckraking journalist Peter Freyne, Senator Patrick Leahy said, “He knew the difference between healthy skepticism and hollow cynicism.” Mastering that distinction happens to be your next assignment, Capricorn. Can you distinguish between your tendency to make compulsive negative judgments and your skill at practicing thoughtful and compassionate discernment? My reading of the astrological omens suggests that you will have a successful week if you do. Not only that: The universe will conspire to bring you blessings you didn’t even realize you needed.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) I dreamed you were a member of an indigenous tribe in what Westerners call New Guinea. You had recently begun to show unusual behavior that suggested you were developing enhanced cognitive abilities. You’d solved one of the tribe’s longstanding problems, were spontaneously spouting improvised poetry, and had been spotted outside late at night having animated conversations with the stars. Some of your friends and relatives were now referring to you by a new name that in your native tongue meant “the one who dances naked with the deities.” How would you interpret my dream, Taurus? I think it suggests you could be on the verge of growing an intriguing new capacity or two.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) In the far northern reaches of Ilulissat, a town in Greenland, the sun sets for good on November 29 every year and doesn’t rise again until January 13. Or at least that was the case until 2011. This year, to the shock of locals, sunlight broke over the horizon on January 11 -- two days ahead of schedule. Though a few alarmists theorized that this disturbance in the age-old rhythm was due to a shift in the earth’s axis or rotation, scientists suggested that the cause was global warming: Melting ice has caused the horizon to sink. I expect something equally monumental to make an appearance in your world soon, Gemini. Can you handle an increased amount of light?

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) In his 1934 book Beyond the Mexican Bay, British author Aldous Huxley observed that “the natural rhythm of human life is routine punctuated by orgies.” He was using the word “orgies” in its broadest sense -- not to refer to wild sex parties, but rather to cathartic eruptions of passion, uninhibited indulgence in revelry, and spirited rituals of relief and release. That’s the kind of orgy you’re due for, Leo. It’s high time to punctuate your routine.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) “The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do,” wrote the essayist Walter Bagehot. Personally, I don’t think that’s the supreme joy possible to a human being; but it definitely has a provocative appeal. May I recommend that you explore it in the coming weeks, Virgo? The astrological omens suggest you’re in an excellent position to succeed at an undertaking you’ve been told is unlikely or even impossible for you to accomplish.

homework Talk about a time when an unexpected visitation cracked open a hole in your shrunken reality so as to let juicy eternity pour in: © Copyright 2011 Rob Brezsny

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The roots of big old trees are your power objects. I advise you to visualize them in your mind’s eye for a few minutes each day, maybe even go look at actual trees whose roots are showing above ground. Doing this will strengthen your resolve and increase your patience and help you find the deeper sources of nurturing you need. Another exercise that’s likely to energize you in just the right way is to picture yourself at age 77. I suggest you create a detailed vision of who you’ll be at that time. See yourself drinking a cup of tea as you gaze out over a verdant valley on a sunny afternoon in June. What are you wearing? What kind of tea is it? What birds do you see? What are your favorite memories of the last 30 years?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) If you’re a physicist or Wall Street broker, your assignment this week is to read the poetry of Pablo Neruda ( If you’re a kirtan-chanting yogini or the author of a New Age self-help newsletter, your task is to read up on the scientific method ( If you’re white, be black, and vice versa. If you’re yellow, be violet, and if red, be green. If you’re a tight-fisted control freak, try being a laid-back connoisseur of the mellowest vibes imaginable -- and vice versa. It’s Mix-It-Up Week, Sagittarius -- a time to play with flipping and flopping your usual perspectives, roles, and angles.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) “There is time for work,” said fashion designer Coco Chanel, “and time for love. That leaves no other time.” I understand and sympathize with that perspective. But I’m going to beg you to make an exception to it in the coming weeks, Aquarius. In addition to getting a healthy quota of work and love, please do your best to carve out a few hours specifically devoted to engaging in unadulterated, unapologetic, unbridled play -- the kind of flat-out, free-form, full-tilt fun and games that has the effect of permanently increasing your levels of liberation.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Although I myself have an intimate ongoing relationship with the Divine Wow, it’s perfectly fine with me if other people don’t. Some of my best friends are atheists and agnostics. But I must admit that I laughed derisively when I heard that the supposed genius named Stephen Hawking declared, with the fanatical certainty of a religious fundamentalist, that heaven does not exist. How unscientific of him! The intellectually honest perspective is, of course, that there’s no way to know for sure about that possibility. I bring this up, Pisces, as an example of what not to do. It’s particularly important right now that you not be blinded by your theories about the way things work. If you put the emphasis on your raw experience rather than your preconceived biases, you will be blessed with as much beauty and truth as you can handle.


$15 adult / $5 for ages 12 & under

Saturday, June 25th • 4-9pm

440 Lower Brush Creek Rd. • Fletcher, NC 28732

828.338.0188 • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 27

Contemporary nonprofit gallery at 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: 859-2828 or • SA (6/4) through SA (7/23) - Flood and the Pump: Galleries with Attitude, featuring 35 artists from The Flood and the Pump galleries. •SA (6/4), 5-8pm - Opening reception.

Classes, Meetings & Arts-Related Events Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or • TH (6/9), 7pm - Pecha Kucha, meaning “chit chat” in Japanese, will feature a wide range of short presentations. Volunteers are needed to present a variety of topics at Pack Place Promenade Lobby, 2 South Pack Square. The public is welcome. $7/$5 members. Info: nsokolove@ Catch the Spirit of Appalachia A nonprofit, grassroots arts organization. Classes held at Nature’s Home Preserve in Tuckasegee. $36 includes all materials. Info and reservations: 293-2239 or • SA (6/4), 2-5pm - Art workshop, “Acrylic Painting, Landscapes - Blue Ridge Parkway.” Events at Historic Johnson Farm Located at 3346 Haywood Road in Hendersonville. There are two nature trails (free), and guided tours are offered. Info: 891-6585 or • MO (6/6), 1-3pm - “Fashion on a Budget,” featuring Elite Repeates of Hendersonville. $5. Madison County Arts Council Events Located at 90 S. Main St., in Marshall. Info: 649-1301 or • FR (6/4), 6-8pm - Found Art and Fashion Show. Free. Odyssey Gallery Exhibits work by Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts instructors and residents. Located at 238 Clingman Ave., in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: 2850210 or www.highwaterclays. com. • TU (6/7), 12:15pm - Lecture by Leah Leitson, part of the Ceramic Arts Lecture Series. Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League Classes are held at the studio, 999 W. Old Route 70, Black Mountain. Info: com or • THURSDAYS, noon-3pm - Try something new every week at the Experimental Art Group. Learn and share collage and water/mixed media techniques

28 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

in a playful setting. All levels welcome. $6. Info: or 357-8129.

Art/Craft Fairs Cherokee Gourd Artists Gathering • FR (6/3), SA (6/4) & SU (6/5) - This weekend event will include demonstrations, classes, competitions and an art market featuring gourd art, materials, tools and supplies. Come see how an inexpensive, traditionally utilitarian component of the Cherokee household is transformed into a piece of art work. Held at the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds, 441 Sequoyah Trail in Cherokee. Info: Summer Jewelry Market • SATURDAYS, 9am-4pm - Local jewelers will offer unique, hand-made creations. Located at the corner of Church Street and Third Avenue in downtown Hendersonville.

Spoken & Written Word Finding the Storyteller in You (pd.) Nationally acclaimed storyteller, Connie Regan-Blake, offers her one-day workshop “Finding the Storyteller in You” in Asheville on June 11. All levels welcomed. Early bird discount. 828-258-1113. Slam Camp! (pd.) With Griffin Payne, Poetry Slam Asheville; Amber Sherer, winner, 2007 Asheville Wordslam; Simon Wolf, LEAF Youth Poetry Slammaster. • 10:30am-2:30pm, June 25-July 1 (High School) • July 25-July 29 (Middle School). Magnetic Field Performance Space. • Registration/information: (828) 215-9002 or Blue Ridge Books Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Info: or 456-6000. • 2nd THURSDAY, 6:30pm - Celtic music night. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n EC = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (6/1), 3pm - Book Club: True Grit by Charles Portis. WV —-5-7pm - Library knitters. SW

• TH (6/2), 6:30pm - Book Club: Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracey Kidder. EA • TU (6/7), 7pm - Book Club: Think Twice by Lisa Scottoline. EC —-6-8pm - Knit-n-Chain. SS —-7pm - Book Club: The Night of the Iguana by Tennessee Williams. WV —7pm - Shakespeare discussion group. BM • TH (6/9), 7pm - Library Knitters. BM Cipher Circle Mondays • MONDAYS, 9:30pm - Join emcee/producer CAMPAIGN for this jazz-infused open mic catered toward spoken word artists, freestylers, improv singers and rhyme artists of all natures. Houseband for vocalists will be Peace Jones. Held at Blend Hookah Bar, 106 N. Lexington Ave. Donations encouraged. Info: Events at City Lights City Lights Bookstore is located at 3 E. Jackson St., in downtown Sylva. Info: 586-9499 or more@ • SA (6/4), 1pm - Alice Sink will read from her book The Hidden History of Western North Carolina. —-7pm - The Liar’s Bench will feature stories, music and poetry. Events at Crystal Visions • SA (6/4), 1pm - MariJo Moore will read from and sign copies of her book titled A Book of Spiritual Wisdom. Located at 5426 Asheville Highway in Hendersonville. Info: 687-1193. About the author: Events at Malaprop’s The bookstore and cafe at 55 Haywood St. hosts visiting authors for talks and book signings. Info: 254-6734 or www. • SU (6/5), 3pm - Poet Lou Lipsitz will read from his new collection If This World Falls Apart. Events at Spellbound Spellbound Children’s Bookshop is located at 19 Wall St., in downtown Asheville. Info: 2322228 or spellboundbooks@ • SU (6/5), 4pm - Book Club: Liar by Justine Larbalestier. Suggested for ages 14 and up. Fountainhead Bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 697-1870. • SA (6/4), 5pm - Terry Kay will discuss his new book Bogmeadow’s Wish. Mountain Made Located in the Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville. Features the works of regional artisans, writers and musicians. Info: 350-0307 or mtnmade807@ • FR (6/3), 5-8pm - Frederick E. Bryson will read from his latest novel Crossing to Tadoussac. Open Mic Night at The Pulp

• WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Asheville Poetry Review and Asheville Wordfest will host a monthly open mic at The Pulp, located beneath The Orange Peel in downtown Asheville. $10 includes club membership. Info: School’s Out Poetry Slam • SU (6/5), 7:30pm - Poetry Slam Asheville presents a School’s Out Slam at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. $5/performers and volunteers free. Info: The Writers’ Guild of WNC Visitors and new members are invited to the meetings to talk about writing and publishing. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Writers are invited to participate in a discussion about current projects. Various tricks and techniques from published authors and aspiring writers will be presented. Held at Fletcher Public Library. Info: WritersGuildWNC@ or 296-9983. WNC Mysterians • TH (6/2), 6-8pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group meets at Books-a-Million lounge area, Tunnel Road. For serious mystery, suspense and thriller writers and publishers. Accepting new members. Info: 712-5570 or Writers Workshop Potluck • 4th FRIDAYS, 6pm - Held at 387 Beaucatcher Road. Info: Writers’ Workshop Events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 2548111 or • SA (6/4), 4-7pm - A founders day barbecue hosted by The Writers’ Workshop. Bring a dish to share, books for sale and a poem or short story to read. Register 48 hours in advance.

Festivals & Gatherings Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show Arts and crafts, demos, food and music in downtown Black Mountain. Free. Info: 669-4814 or • SA (6/4), 10am-6pm & SU (6/5), 10am-5pm - Juried craft show. Celebrate Flat Rock 2011 • SA (6/4), noon-4pm Celebrate Flat Rock will feature an ice cream social, clowns, face painting, food and drink. No pets. Held at Flat Rock Village Hall, 110 Village Center Drive. Info: 697-0208. Patchwork Folk and Fabric Festival • SA (6/4), 9am-4pm - Quilts will be on display at Jackson County Recreation Center, 88 Cullowhee Mountain Road, Cullowhee. Info: 506-8331.

Music Asheville Lyric Opera All performances take place at Diana Wortham Theater. Tickets: 257-4530. Info: 236-0670 or • SA (6/4), 6-9pm - Taste of Opera. Food from an array of fine restaurants with wine and an exclusive on-stage concert featuring performances of opera’s past, present and future vocal stars. Classicopia • FR (6/3), 7pm - Four-Hand French will feature duo-pianists Philip Liston-Kraft and Daniel Weiser. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. $15/$5 students. Info: Concerts on the Creek Held in the pavilion at Bridge Park in downtown Sylva from 7:30-9:30pm. Sponsored by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Free. Info: (800) 962-1911 or • FR (6/3) - John Luke Carter. Freeskool Events & Classes A teaching and learning network by and for the community. All classes are free. Info: http:// • MONDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm - “Community Sing,” open to experienced and new singers to share traditional tunes at 41 Balsam Ave., Asheville. Hendersonville Bluegrass Jam • FRIDAYS, 7-9pm - A bluegrass jam will be held at the historic courthouse in downtown Hendersonville. Info: www. K. Sridhar • SA (6/4), 8pm - Sarod master K. Sridhar will perform a concert

of classical Indian music at the Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St., in Asheville. $15. Info: The Mayapuris • MO (6/6), 7-9pm - The Mayapuris will perform drumming, music and dance at Montford Park’s Hazel Robinson Amphitheater, Asheville. Info and tickets: www.WestAsehvilleYoga. com. Music on the Rock Concert Series Presented by Flat Rock Playhouse, 2661 Greenville Highway in Flat Rock. The concerts will span Broadway, country, bluegrass, pop and rock favorites. $20. Tickets and info: 693-0731, (866) 732-8008 or • SUNDAYS through TUESDAYS until (6/7) - “I Left My Heart in San Francisco: The Music of Tony Bennett.” Pan Harmonia Spring Festival Join Pan Harmonia, a project of Keowee Chamber Music, for a variety of concerts, workshops and rehearsals during the Spring Festival. Volunteers are needed. Events cost $15-$18. Info: http:// • Through SU (6/19) - Classical and contemporary compositions performed by guest musicians including Kate Steinbeck (flute), Gail Ann Schroeder (viola de gamba), Barbara Weiss (harpsichord) and River Guerguerian (percussion). Held at venues throughout Asheville. Check website for a complete schedule of events. Performances at Diana Wortham Theatre For ticket, information or more details: 257-4530 or www.

• SU (6/5), 7pm - The Western North Carolina Jazz Society presents Tierney Sutton. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. $35. St. Matthias Musical Performances These classical music concerts take place at St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Asheville, 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 252-0643. • SU (6/5), 3pm - Signature Winds Woodwind Quintet will perform works by Moussorsky, Danzi and others. Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch Award-winning storytellers present stories for all ages at Reuter Terrace in downtown Asheville’s Pack Square Park. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free. Info: or • FR (6/3), noon-2pm - This family-friendly musical event is hosted by the Thomas Wolfe Memorial State Historic Site in downtown Asheville. The featured performers will be The Time Bandits. Info: Summer Music in Flat Rock Series Presented by the Flat Rock Merchants Association. The outdoor series takes place on Little Rainbow Row’s back deck. This is a casual, family-oriented, bring-your-own-lawn-chair event. Free. Info: 697-7719 or www. • SA (6/4), 6-8pm - Featuring singer/songwriter Tom Fisch. Sunday Jam • SUNDAYS, 5pm - Musicians, no matter their skill level, instrument or style, are welcome to attend this community jam. Bring a dish to share for a potluck

Good Stewardship

meal. Details and weekly locations: 317-1861. The Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. 640 Merriman Ave., suite 103 unless otherwise noted. Search “The Hop Cafe” on Facebook or 254-2224. • TU (6/7), 6:30-7:30pm Skinny Legs and All will perform blues, funk and soul. Tryon Fine Arts Center Located at 34 Melrose Ave., in Tryon. Info: 859-8322 or www. • FR (6/3), 8pm - Singer/songwriter and Grammy nominee Sarah Jarosz will perform with Alex Hargreaves (fiddle) and Nathaniel Smith (cello). $15/$10 students. WNC Agricultural Center Located at 1301 Fanning Bridge Road in Fletcher. Info: 687-1414. • SA (6/4), 7pm - Grand Ole Opry star Lorrie Morgan will perform. Women in Traditional Song • TH (6/2), 6-7pm - Betty Smith will perform ballads traditionally sung by women “as they did chores and rocked their children.” Held at Pack Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 250-4700.

Theater Americana Burlesque and Sideshow Festival A two-day event of performance, workshops, vending and networking for performers and the public. Tickets and info: www. • FR (6/3), 9pm - A red carpet gala will feature awards, live music and performance. $15. Held at Bebe Theatre, 20 Commerce St.

Cherokee Voices Festival Festi val June 11, 2011 10 am - 5 pm

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consciousparty What: 12th annual Blue Jean Ball, a benefit for MANNA FoodBank. Where: MANNA FoodBank, 627 Swannanoa River Road in Asheville. When: Saturday, June 4, from 7 – 11 p.m. (Tickets are $70 and available in advance and at the door. Info: or 299FOOD (3663). Why: Dig out your dungarees and dress down to fight hunger. MANNA FoodBank and Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina present the annual Blue Jean Ball, the food bank’s largest fundraiser of the year. The evening will feature more than 20 local restaurants, including Rosetta’s Kitchen, Cucina 24, Chai Pani and others. Local recording artist Aaron LaFalce will kick off the party, followed by Asheville favorites The Common Saints and jazz

fun fundraisers

chanteuse Peggy Ratusz. The Café String Quartet will perform classical music during the silent auction. If you can’t make the Blue Jean Ball, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for MANNA. The public is invited to clean and box food, perform outreach and load trucks as part of MANNA’s ongoing service to the community. MANNA FoodBank serves 16 Western North Carolina counties and distributed 9.1 million pounds of food in 2010, enough to feed 20,000 people per year. All attire is welcome, so whether your jeans are brand new or wellworn, pull them out for a good cause. If you want to show off your fanciest duds, feel free to dress up too. There will be plenty of dancing, food and merriment for everyone, no matter what they’re wearing.

benefitscalendar Calendar for June 1 - 9, 2011 Gaining Educational Momentum Foundation (GEM) • SU (6/5), 4-6pm - A fundraiser for The GEM Foundation, an Asheville Branch of the AAUW (American Association of University Women). Wine, hors d’oeuvres and a raffle to provide scholarships for women whose college education was interrupted or delayed. Held at the Fernihurst Mansion at A-B Tech in Asheville. $30 in advance. Info: ashevilleaauw@ Kids Trout Fishing Tournament • SA (6/4) - A trout fishing tournament for kids will be held at 178 South Catawba Ave., Old Fort to benefit Caring 4 Children. $35/sponsor a child. Info: or 298-0186. MANNA FoodBank MANNA helps alleviate hunger in WNC by processing donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Located at 627 Swannanoa River Road. Info: 299-3663 or mannafoodbank. org.

• SA (6/4), 7-11pm - The 12th annual Blue Jean Ball will feature music by The Common Saints, Aaron LaFalce, Peggy Ratusz and the Café String Quartet, along with food from more than 20 local restaurants and a silent auction. Proceeds benefit MANNA FoodBank. $70. Info: Montford Comedy Tour • SU (6/5), 6:30-8:30 - Lazoom presents a comedy tour of Montford to benefit the Montford Music and Arts Festival. Tour will depart from the French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. $28. Info: 225-6932. Penland School of Crafts A national center for craft education dedicated to helping people live creative lives. Located at 67 Dora’s Trail, Penland. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 765-2359. • TH (6/9), 8pm - An auction of student and instructor work will be held at the Northlight Building to benefit Penland’s scholarship programs. Free admission.

Radiant City and Dove Awards • FR (6/3), 6pm - Everywomen will host an awards ceremony featuring local musicians and Mayor Terry Bellamy to benefit The Arc. For women only. Held at the C3 Center, 168 Merrimon Ave. Info: www. Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre • WE (6/8), 6pm - “A Blast from the Past” will feature songs from the 50s and 60s to benefit the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. Held at Jack of Hearts, 10 South Main St., Weaverville. $15. Info: 689-1384. The Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. 640 Merriman Ave., suite 103 unless otherwise noted. Search “The Hop Cafe” on Facebook or 254-2224. • TH (6/2), 6-8:30pm - A dog ice cream social will be held to benefit Animal Compassion Network. The Lord’s Acre A Faith Garden Project organized and sponsored by local churches and volunteers who have come together to help provide food for families in need. Located in Fairview. Info: • SA (6/4), 5:30-9pm - 3rd annual square dance will include a tour of the house, pony rides and a silent auction to benefit the 2011 Family Fund. Held at the Sherrill’s Inn, U.S. Highway 74, Fairview. $20 family/$10 individual.


Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after June 9.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

30 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

• SA (6/4) & SU (6/5), 10am5pm - Burlesque, circus and arts business workshops will be held at New Studio of Dance, 20 Commerce St. $20. • SA (6/4), 8-11pm - Saturday Night Spectacular will feature a Burlesque Bazaar, a sidewalk sideshow, music and an afterparty. Held at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. $25. • SU (6/5), 11am-2pm Sideshow brunch will feature half price food and Cheeky Monkey Sideshow. Held at Arcade Asheville, 130 College St. $5. Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: 254-1320 or • SU (6/5), 2:30pm - “Play reading for pleasure,” held in the lobby of 35below. Carl Sandburg Home Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site is located three miles south of Hendersonville off U.S. 25 on Little River Road. Info: 693-4178 or • WEDNESDAYS (6/8) through FRIDAYS (8/5), 10:14-10:45am - Rootabaga performances: The World of Carl Sandburg will be held. Flat Rock Playhouse The State Theater of North Carolina is on Highway 225, 3 miles south of Hendersonville. Info: 693-0731 or • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/12) - Chicago. $40. Performances are held at 8pm, with matinees offered at 2pm. See website for a complete schedule. NC Stage Company Asheville’s professional resident theater company, performing at 15 Stage Lane in downtown Asheville (entrance off of Walnut Street, across from Zambra’s). Info and tickets: 239-0263 or • Through SU (6/19) - Immediate Theatre Project presents Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie. $16-$28. The Altamont Located at 18 Church St., downtown Asheville. Info: 270-7747 or • Through (6/18) - Prime Ribbing, a social and political commentary and musical satire, will be produced by Broadway musical theater veteran Stephan DeGhelder. Fri., 8pm & Sat., 2:30 and 8pm. $22. The Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. 640 Merriman Ave., suite 103 unless otherwise noted. Search “The Hop Cafe” on Facebook or 254-2224. • FR (6/3), 6-8:30pm - Cripps Puppets will perform. Held at The Hop West, 721 Haywood Road, West Asheville. The Magnetic Field A cafe, bar and performance house located at 372 Depot St.,

in the River Arts District. Info: or 257-4003. • FR (6/3), 10pm - The Best of Magnetic Midnight will showcase some of the best works from this monthly event for short original works. Featured writers and performers will include Julian Vorus, Drew Meyer, Keith Campbell and more. • SA (6/4) through SA (6/25), 7:30pm & 10pm - The Witches’ Quorum, a “quasi-historical” comedy set in 1617 Jamestown, follows the struggles of Mistress Hibbins and Cassy as they attempt to flee from their oppressive surroundings to arrive in the mythical land of Croatoan. $12/$14. • TH (6/2) & FR (6/3) - Preview performances. $8.

Comedy Comedy Open Mic • SATURDAYS through (6/25), 8:30pm - Comedy open mic at the Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St., in downtown Asheville. Info: The Magnetic Field A cafe, bar and performance house located at 372 Depot St., in the River Arts District. Info: or 257-4003. • TU (6/7), 8-10pm - Magnetic Comedy presents Joe Zimmerman, Greg Brown and more.

Dance Beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville. com Country Two Step Lessons • This Sunday (pd.) Starting June 5. • Your Instructor has over 20 years experience! • Lessons 7pm, dance to follow: $10. • Danceland Ballroom, Hwy 25, Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, across from Blue Sky Cafe. (352) 558-4200. Shake That Thing! Solo Jazz and Charleston Workshops • June 4 (pd.) Internationally renowned dancer and DJ Michael Gamble will teach a full day (5 classes) of solo Jazz and Charleston workshops designed for all levels. • Saturday, June 4, 10am-5pm, Eleven on Grove, 11 Grove Street, Asheville. Dance from 8pm-11pm. • $7 dance only • $12 per class. • $60 all 5 classes and evening dance, (at door). • Or $50 all classes and evening dance, (in advance). • Registration/Information: Soooo West Asheville! • Pilates And Ice Cream!

(pd.) $1 coupon for The Hop after each class! • Mondays, 5:30pm-6:30pm. • $15, or 5 for $65. • Francine Delany School, 119 Brevard. 225-3786. www.FormFitnessFunction. com

Studio Zahiya (pd.) • Tuesday: 9-10am: Hip Hop Fitness • 6-7pm: Beginner Bellydance • 8:109:10pm: Intermediate/Advanced Bellydance • Thursday: 910am: All Levels Bellydance • 6-7pm: Bollywood and Bhangra • 8:10-9:10pm: Hip Hop. • Drop-in anytime. $12/class. • Info: (828) 242-7595 or www. Carolina Shag Dance • WEDNESDAYS, 7:30-11pm - A weekly dance with live DJ will be held at Shifter’s (formerly Bosco’s), 2310 Hendersonville Road in Arden. $5. •SUNDAYS, 4-5pm - Weekly workshop and lessons. Free. Dance Performance

• SA (6/4), 7pm - In His Steps Dance Ministry presents “Journey to the High Places: a Dance Interpretation of Hannah Hurnard’s Beloved Tale.” Held at UNCA’s Lipinsky Auditorium. $7.50/$5 in advance. Info: 285-0360. Salsa Night • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30pm-midnight - Salsa night at Creatures Cafe, 81 Patton Ave. Ages 18 and up. Free. Info: 254-3636. Southern Lights SDC A nonprofit square-dance club. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Info: 694-1406 or 681-1731. • SA (6/4), 6pm - A Funny T-Shirt Dance will be held at the Whitmire Activity Building, Lily Pond Road in Hendersonville.

Auditions & Call to Artists Arts Council of Henderson County Located at 401 N. Main St. (entrance on Fourth Street),

above Flight Restaurant in downtown Hendersonville. Info: 693-8504 or • Through WE (6/1) - The Arts Council of Henderson County is accepting applications for the Art on Main Festival through June 1. • Through TU (8/9) Submissions for Bring Us Your Best, a juried and judged art exhibition, will be accepted. Area artists are invited to submit original works of art in any medium through August 9.  $25/$15 for subsequent entries. Cash prizes will be awarded to three featured artists. Info: Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: 254-1320 or • TU (6/7), 10am-3pm - Seeking actors for Trifles, In the Shadow of the Glen and Fumed Oak. Brevard Little Theatre Located in the American Legion Hall, 55 E. Jordan St., Brevard.

Info: www.brevardlittletheatre. com. Reservations: 884-2587. • WE (6/1), 6pm - Seeking children aged 6-15 to audition for Annie. Info: 696-2453. SU (6/5), 2-4pm - Adult auditions, ages 29 to 65. Damselfly Press • Through WE (6/15) - Damselfly Press, an online literary journal for women, is accepting original fiction, poetry and nonfiction by female writers through June 15. Info: www. Dooley Prize in Nonfiction • Through WE (6/1) - The Dooley Prize in Nonfiction is currently accepting submissions of one piece of no more than 5,000 words through June 1. $6. Info: http://owleyereview. com/contest. HATCH Asheville A mentoring festival for the creative industries featuring worldrenowned artists. There will be panels, workshops, keynote speakers, exhibits, film screen-

Downtown 122 College Street Asheville, North Carolina

ings, performances, receptions, networking parties and more. Info: • Through MO (8/1) - Submit a 20 minute film about what drives your passion. Films accepted through August 1. To submit: Immigration Anthology • Through (6/15) - In Between the Shadows of Citizenship: Mixed Status Families is currently accepting works about the experiences of immigrants around the globe through June 15. Info: Music at the BeBe Theatre Located at 20 Commerce St. in downtown Asheville.

• Through TH (6/30) - This private singer/songwriter concert series will showcase the original music of local performers at the BeBe Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre two weekends in July. The event will be acoustic and auditions are free. Please contact immediately to set a date and time. Info:

National Book Foundation Awards • Through (6/15) - The National Book Foundation will accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry and young people’s literature published between December 1, 2010 and November 30, 2011.

Submissions accepted through June 15.

Teaching Artist Training • Through (6/1) - Applications for TAPAS, artist in residence training, are currently being accepted through June 1. Info: TWIN Awards Nominations • Through TH (9/15) - The YWCA is currently accepting nominations for its 20th annual Tribute to Women of Influence awards, to be held Sept. 15 at the Diana Wortham Theatre in downtown Asheville. Info: http://

Comprised of regional students in grades 1-12, Voices in the Laurel focuses on providing choral education for young people. Info: or 734-8413. • Through (6/7), 5-7pm - Group auditions. Call for appointment.

CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

Voices in the Laurel

“Italian Comfort Food” Grab n’ Go Market • 60 + Outdoor Seating • Bocce Ball On-site Retail/Wholesale Bakery 2310 Hendersonville Road • Arden, North Carolina 828-651-9991 • Open for Lunch & Dinner • Tue - Sun 11am - 9pm Fri - Sat 11am - 10pm • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 31


parenting from the edge by Anne Fitten Glenn

Summer vacation can dictate mom career choices Typically, I work a little less during my kids’ summer vacation, but this year, I need to work more. As a writer, I mostly work from home, but balancing childcare and work from the same domicile often proves challenging. While I have fond memories of summers off from school, continuing the tradition of summer vacation in our primarily non-agrarian culture no longer makes sense. Three months off from school was instituted at the turn of the 20th century when most U.S. children lived on farms. That time off wasn’t for vacation, but so kids could help their parents during the growing season. Today two-thirds of U.S. children live in urban areas. So while our kids are home this summer not farming, those parents who are not farming are trying to figure out what to do with them. Paying for camps or childcare every day that my kids are with me so that I can write seems silly. After all, I’m sitting here for most of the day. Surely I can take the time to break up the occasional fight, supervise lunch prep and tell the kids to put on some sunscreen. Right? In theory, it sounds reasonable. That doesn’t sound like much engagement, yet somehow it seems to eat away much of my day. That, and

dealing with the “I’m bored” interruptions. Of course, like the farm parents, I can and do put my kids to work for part of their days off. But it turns out that weeding my tiny plot of city yard doesn’t take much time. I have the flexibility to write at home and, in short bursts, from beside the local pool, with minimal kid supervision required. I’ve chosen to do this work for a variety of reasons, but a primary one is flexibility. I can choose to spend a summer day with my children and then write late into the night in order to hit that next deadline. Turns out I’m not alone in making such a career choice. The U.S. government recently released a study titled Women in America that shows how women in this country are faring in various areas — one of which is employment. Not surprisingly, the report says that, despite gains in experience and education, women still earn less than men. In part, this is because women and men work in different occupations, with women still concentrated in lower-paying and traditionally female occupations. In particular, mothers often choose part-time or mother-friendly jobs, such as freelance writing or home-based businesses or teaching, in

THE RECONNECTION® Semi Private Level III Workshop

Asheville - July 2 - 3, 2011

Presented by: Claudine Kurtz - Assistant Instructor

order to take care of kids, particularly when the 12-week hurdle otherwise known as summer appears on the horizon. To summarize, moms often choose careers that offer the flexibility to care for kids, and because of these choices, we’re paid less than men. Perhaps it’s time that more states look at the year-round model for schooling. Many of us could accommodate a two-week break every three months more easily than the large block of kid brain-drain known as summer. It’d be better, in the long term, both for working moms and for our kids. Until the early 20th century, many large U.S. cities did offer year-round schooling, although attendance wasn’t mandatory, so it was spotty.

Now the trend seems to be swinging back, with a number of public schools in California and Texas now operating on year-round schedules. I have to wonder if the extra tax dollars gained by the state and federal government if moms worked more and were paid more might offset the rather severe budget cuts raining down on our public education programs right now. Wouldn’t it be cool if that extra cash could help make year-round school feasible? I think so. X Anne Fitten “Edgy Mama” Glenn writes about a number of subjects, including parenting, at www.

parentingcalendar Calendar for June 1 - 9, 2011 Creative Summer Programs for Young Writers (pd.) Experiential, active, multi-media and fun! • Elementary through high school. Downtown Asheville and River Arts District. Call True Ink: (828) 215-9002 or visit Mothers of Preschoolers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 9:30-11:30am - MOPS is for all mothers of children from infancy through kindergarten. Meetings are held at the Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road in Arden. Info: 687-1111, mopsofbbc@yahoo. com or


Check out the Parenting Calendar online at for info on events happening after June 9.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365


For more information please contact:

Claudine Kurtz 828-298-4685 • Prerequisite completion of Level I - II - Workshop limited to 12 participants

32 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

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newsoftheweird Rights of women are severely restricted in Pakistan’s tribal areas and among Muslim fundamentalists, but the rights of the country’s estimated 50,000 “transgenders� blossomed in April when the country’s Supreme Court ordered the government to include a “third sex� designation on official documents (instead of forcing a choice of “male� or “female�). The court further recommended that transgenders be awarded government job quotas and suggested “tax collector� as one task for which they’re particularly suited, since the presence of these often flamboyant individuals at homes and businesses tends to embarrass debtors into paying up quickly.

Government in action!

Organics for Babies & Children

• In April, a federal judge in Phoenix tacked four more years onto the sentence of imprisoned rapist Troy Fears for swindling the IRS out of $119,000 by filing 117 fake tax returns between 2005 and 2009. The IRS routinely dispatched direct-deposit refunds, prosecutors said, while failing to match the recipient with the person whose Social Security number was on the return. Fears wasn’t caught by the IRS but by a prison guard who happened upon his paperwork. • Apparently, the federal government failed to foresee that fighting two wars simultaneously, with historically high wound-survival rates, might produce surges in disability claims. In the last year alone, according to an April USA Today report, claims are up more than 50 percent, and those taking longer than two months to resolve have more than doubled. (Tragically, Marine Clay Hunt, a national spokesman for disability rights who suffered from post-traumatic stress, killed himself March 31, frustrated that the Department of Veterans Affairs had lost his paperwork. “I can track my pizza from Pizza Hut on my BlackBerry,â€? he once said, “but the VA can’t find my claim for four months.â€?) • Close Enough for Government Work: (1) In March, a security guard in Detroit’s McNamara

Building (which houses the FBI and other vital federal offices) casually laid aside, for three weeks, a suspicious package that turned out to be a bomb. (Eventually, it was safely detonated.) (2) In 2000, the Census Bureau missed 80 percent of the population of Lost Springs, Wyo. (counting one person instead of five). The new total, four, is correct, since two people subsequently died, and one moved in.

Police report (1) Charles Mader, a homeless convicted sex offender in Albuquerque, was arrested in May for failing to report his change of address, as required by law. Mader had moved out of his registered address (a trash bin) into a community shelter. (2) Robert Norton Kennedy, 51, was arrested in Horry County, S.C., in May and charged with assault and battery, despite the biblical message tattooed on his forehead: “Please forgive me if I say or do anything stupid.�

Cavalcade of rednecks (1) Sharon Newling, 58, was arrested in Salisbury, N.C., in April and charged with shooting at her stepson with a .22-caliber rifle. She denied shooting “at� him, saying she was just shooting toward him “to make him stop working on his truck.� (2) In April in Greensboro, N.C., Stephanie Preston and Bobby Duncan were married in front of family and friends at the local Jiffy Lube. (3) A 25-year-old man in Okaloosa County, Fla., was arrested and charged with misdemeanor trespassing after he entered the Club 51 Gentlemen’s Club, from which he’d been banned following a

readdaily Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

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February incident. The man said he knew he’d been banned from a strip club but couldn’t remember which one.

Chutzpah! A Colorado college senior complained in March to the Twin Cities Better Business because, headquartered in Farmington, Minn., failed to deliver the paper she’d ordered (at $23 per page). The meaning of “academic dishonesty� is evolving, but it’s still a sometimes-expellable offense to submit someone else’s work as one’s own.

Democracy in action (1) Despite being one of the only two qualified candidates for the two vacant seats on the Bentley (Mich.) Board of Education in May, Lisa Osborn didn’t win, having failed to even vote for herself (she was busy with her son’s baseball game that day). (2) Monika Strub began campaigning for a state parliament seat in Germany in March as a member of the Left Party. Until 2002, Strub, then “Horst Strub,� was with the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party, but then decided he was really a female, underwent surgery and became Monika, a socialist. Not surprisingly, she has been harassed by some of her former colleagues.

Least-competent criminals

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Perps Making It Easy on the Cops in Joliet, Ill.: (1) Suspected of assaulting his girlfriend, Domonique Loggins, 21, was running from two Joliet officers in April when he veered through Bicentennial Park, where dozens of police officers were attending a training session. Loggins was arrested. (2) Police imposters usually drive cars outfitted to resemble cruisers (flashing lights, scanners) and carry impressive, if fake, ID. However, Hector Garcia-Martinez, 35, fooled no one in April as the two Joliet women whose car he stopped immediately called 911. “Officer� Garcia-Martinez had none of the trappings — except, as he lamely pointed out, a sticker on his front license plate reading “Woodridge Police Junior Officer� (typically given to children at police events).

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wellness Living treasures and hospital duels

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Rosalyn L. Bruyere and Ken Weintrub Internationally acclaimed healer, clairvoyant and medicine woman - Author of “Wheels of Light” Learning to understand the body’s energy is just the beginning. The workshop will focus on a deeper understanding of the aura for both the patient and the healer, through exercises Rosalyn and Ken have developed during their forty years of experiencing, healing, and teaching others to heal. You will be guided into the deeper world of energy and understanding, for yourselves and others.

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Live long enough to be honored: Three Western North Carolina centenarians were honored May 24 at a Century Club Celebration at Park Ridge Health in Hendersonville. Grace Goodell, 102, Helen Adwin, 100, and Carol Hoyt, 101, received congratulation letters on behalf of Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan, as well as Rep. Heath Shuler. Chad Eaton, director of public affairs for Shuler, also presented the elders with flags he said had been flown above the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in their honor. Organizers said that about 65 centenarians currently live in WNC. Last year, a similar celebration drew about 20 of them, but this year, many were not able to attend due to transportation and health issues. The number of people reaching the 100-year mark is on the rise, according to the Census Bureau. As of Dec. 1, 2010, the U.S. had about 72,000 people in the triple-digit age group, an increase from two decades ago, when only about 15 in every 100,000 Americans had reached 100, according to figures reported by the Associated Press. Experts often credit the longer life spans to a combination of better medical care, lower childhood-mortality rates, good genes and good health decisions, such as not smoking. Asked to share her secret to living a long and happy life, Hoyt advised attendees to “Pick out something you like to do and do it well.” The event was part of national Older Americans Month, which aims to “show appreciation and support for our seniors as they continue to enrich and strengthen our communities,” according to the website of the same name. The local Century Club Celebration was sponsored by the Land-of-Sky Regional Council, the Area Agency on Aging, the Council on Aging of Buncombe County, the Madison County Health Department, the Transylvania County Department of Public Health and Park Ridge Health. “We’re delighted to be part of this celebration,” said Park Ridge CEO Jimm Bunch as attendees began the luncheon. “We’re all about health and you’ve lived to be a healthy 100. And we congratulate you for it.” (Incidentally, Park Ridge — part of the Adventist Health System — has been in WNC for 101 years.)

Dueling hospitals? In more controversial news, Bunch co-signed a letter sent to Gov. Bev Purdue and N.C. Secretary of Health and Human Services Lanier Cansler, urging them to “curtail the perceived predatory business practices currently undertaken by Mission” Health System. Bunch’s co-authors were 21st Century Oncology’s Barton Paschal

34 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Lives well lived: Chad Eaton, director of public affairs for Congressman Heath Shuler, presented three local centenarians with flags he said had been flown above the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in their honor. Photo by Charles Cutler, courtesy of Park ridge Health marketing

and HOPE Women’s Cancer Center’s Nathan Williams. Legislation proposed by state Rep. Jim Davis of Franklin (see “The COPA Debate,” May 3 Xpress) would place a moratorium on Mission’s acquisitions, mergers and partnerships, and cut by half the number of local physicians it can employ. “The WNC Community Healthcare Initiative, a local grassroots group of healthcare providers, called upon [Perdue and Cansler] to address concerns raised by a State-commissioned study about Mission Health System’s business practices in Western North Carolina,” a press release put out by the group read. “The hand-delivered letter stressed the State’s failure to provide proper oversight of Mission’s activities given the hospital’s immunity from state and federal antitrust laws under the Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) agreement” that allowed Mission to merge with St. Joseph’s Hospital in 1995. Park Ridge is owned by Adventist Health Systems, based in Illinois and operating healthcare facilities in 12 states totaling more than 8,000 beds. Hospitals in Haywood, Jackson and Swain counties are part of the MedWest system, which is managed by the 6,000-bed, Charlotte-based Carolinas Health. Mission owns at least two other

small hospitals in Western North Carolina — McDowell Hospital and Blue Ridge Community Health. The 1995 COPA places Mission under state oversight by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Department of Justice. Meanwhile, Angel Medical Center CEO Tim Hubbs, intervewed by Xpress in its May 17 issue, said his Franklin hospital needs a partnership with Mission. As Davis’ bill went on to committee review and before WNC CHI delivered the letter to Perdue and Cansler, the community hospital moved forward with a partnership agreement: On May 21, the Asheville Citizen-Times reported that Angel officials did indeed agree to be managed by Mission. The WNC Community Healthcare Initiative has set up a website on the issue (, and Mission has released a statement as well, which you can find online at For links to Rep. Davis’ bill and the February study referenced by WNC CHI, go at go to http://bit. ly/igQ2u7. X Send your health-and-wellness news to mxhealth@ or, or call News Editor Margaret Williams at 251-1333, ext. 152.

wellnesscalendar Health Programs A Chakra Revitalization Retreat With Alice McCall (pd.) Saturday, June 4, 1-4:30pm, Hendersonville $60 • A big impact on your health, creativity, wisdom, and more. Be transformed! (828) 577-5623. Akasha Body Basics (pd.) Pilates • Reiki • Massage • Vibration Therapy. Private and small groups • Lectures, Workshops. • Body work • Energy work and much more! Come on in . . . tap into your true potential! (828) 778-4778. Compassion Focused Therapy (pd.) This being “human” is difficult. We find ourselves being hard on ourselves, driven to perfection, pushing harder or giving up. We become wired for stress, depression, anxiety, codependency, alcohol and drug problems, overeating, etc. • Learn effective mindful self-compassion skills to respond differently to your suffering, feelings of inadequacies and self-judgments. Individual and group sessions. Denise Kelley, MA, LPC; Call 231-2107 or email: Early Bird Pilates (pd.) Start your day in good form! Experienced Instructor leads a small, upbeat, fun mat class. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 7am. • $15 or 5 for $65. 117 Furman. (828) 225-3786. Feldenkrais/Anat Baniel Method (pd.) Reduce Tension • Alleviate Pain • Improve Flexibility and Posture. • Group Class Mondays 7:45pm - First Time is Free, Downtown Asheville. • Private sessions by appointment, East Asheville. 299-8490. Good Yoga • Mindful Movement For Every Body! (pd.) Kripalu inspired. Affordable, weekday therapeutic movement classes, mornings, afternoons and evenings. West Asheville. (828) 281-1566. Park Ridge Health (pd.) Free Health Screenings with the Park Ridge Health WOW Van: Free EKG and Blood Pressure: Wednesday, June 8, First Presbyterian Church, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 399 N. Grove St., Hendersonville. • Free Body Composition and Blood Pressure Screening for Men and Women: Body fat and hydration percentages, body mass index, height and weight for overall body composition. Blood pressures. Friday, June 10, Walmart 9 a.m.-Noon, 50 Highland Square Drive, Hendersonville. • $10 PSA Screening: No appointment required. PSA blood test for men 50 years of age or older; age 40 if father or brother had prostate cancer. Friday, June 3 Ingles 9 a.m. - noon, 1980 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville. • Free Bone Density for Men and Women: Bone density screening for osteoporosis. Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. Friday, June 3, Ingles 9a.m. - noon, 1980 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville. • Tuesday, June 7, Carolina Village 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 600 Carolina Village Rd., Hendersonville. • Free Support Groups Breast Cancer Survivors and Friends/I Can Cope Cancer Support Group: June 6, 5:30 p.m., Park Ridge Breast Health Center. Offered by the Park Ridge Breast Health Center and the American Cancer Society. Join other breast cancer survivors, friends and those at high risk for breast cancer seeking support and information. Please bring a favorite dish to share for a potluck dinner. For information, please contact Deborah Gentry, at 828.650.2790. The Baby Place Events Childbirth Class - $90 per couple. June 13 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Eager to learn but juggling a frantic schedule? Our one-day childbirth class offers an interactive format that involves both mom and dad. We’ll start with ailments that can crop up during pregnancy. We’ll then move on to happens when you’re in labor - including how to recognize when it starts - as well as delivery options ranging from low-intervention to natural, to traditional childbirth. Finally, moms and dads will learn how to take care of their new bundles of joy. They’ll also get a chance to tour the beautiful Baby Place facility where they’ll welcome their baby into the world. To register for this class, please call

828.681.BABY or visit Celebrate Pregnancy/Weekend Option - $99, June 13, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pregnancy is a time to relax, reflect and prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for the transition to motherhood. • This class is an exciting twist on normal childbirth class covering important labor techniques and labor support. Lots of laughter and fun as you learn what you need to know for the big day. Massage voucher ($65 value)included.To register for this class, please call 828.681.BABY or visit Wellness Classes Fridays, June 10-July 29, 7:15 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Creation Health Series with Jodi Grabowski, Wellness Coordinator. Call 828-687-5290 or Jodi.Grabowski@ahss. orgto make a reservation. $40 for members of the public, and $30 for Park Ridge employees and their family members. CREATION Health is a lifestyle transformation program designed to help people live life to the fullest by focusing on the eight universal principles of the whole person health God originally gave at creation. Through these eight principles, people’s lives are filled with joy and are empowered to live life to the fullest: Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, Nutrition. Reiki Introduction And Healing Circle • This Sunday (pd.) June 5, 2pm-4pm. Perfect opportunity to try Reiki! After educating you about Reiki, we’ll do a Meditation followed by each person receiving a Reiki Treatment. $12 Love Offering. Downtown Asheville. • RSVP: (828) 3670434. Alternative Health • WEDNESDAYS (through 6/22), 6-8pm - Conversations on healthy eating and alternative health treatments will be held at Shiloh Recreation Center, 121 Shiloh Road. Donations encouraged. Info. 274-7739. American Business Women’s Association ABWA brings together business women of diverse occupations to raise funds for local scholarships and enhance the professional and personal lives of its members. Info: www. • TH (6/2), 5:30-7:30pm - Intrinsic coach Julie Palmer will discuss health issues including new cholesterol screening techniques. Held at Chef Mo’s, 900 Hendersonville Highway. Info and reservations: 777-2229. Circuit Breaker Fitness Class • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - The Circuit Breaker class will combine a variety of exercises, to be disclosed on your first day of class. Not for beginners. $30 for eight sessions. Info and registration: 687-5290. Events at Jubilee! Located at 46 Wall St., downtown Asheville. Info: 2525335. • TU (6/7), 7-9pm - “Discover Your Own Best Diet and Maximize Its Benefits” with Lino Stanchich, nutritionist and macrobiotic educator. $10. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • TH (6/2), 3-4:30pm - “Balance and Fall Prevention.” Chloe Roderick, a Pardee licensed physical therapist, will discuss tips to help maintain balance and prevent falls. • TH (6/9), 3-4:30pm - “Help for Shoulder Pain,” a discussion with Jason Morgan, a Pardee licensed physical therapist. Helios Warriors Health Care Program for Veterans A nonprofit alternative therapy program for veterans. Info: 299-0776, or www.helioswarriors. org. • FRIDAYS & SUNDAYS - Offering complementary/alternative therapies. Needed: professional licensed/insured practitioners willing to offer a minimum of three hours per month of their service. Nutrition Seminar • SATURDAYS, 1-3pm - Get fit for life, lose pounds and keep them off by changing eating habits. Learn new recipes

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

Food Donations While we think more about donating to food banks during the winter months; the need for supplies is constant throughout the year. Food banks often help those struggling after natural disasters like this year’s floods and tornadoes in this region. Donations of money are always welcome since food Leah McGrath, RD, LDN banks and shelters can put those funds to work and buy in Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets bulk at a discount or buy exactly what’s needed most. Many organizations cannot accept perishable food. Before you donate any food, especially if it is something you have had at home; check the date on the can or package it is not expired and check the policies of the food bank or organization.

Here are some foods that are usually welcome: -Nut butters like Peanut, soy and almond butter -Cereal and oatmeal in large or small boxes, -Cans of fruit, vegetables and beans -Canned tuna fish,salmon or chicken -Baby food and formula (Note: some food banks will not accept these) -Pet food (Note: check to make sure they have a program to supply food to animals) -Cans of soup or stew -Packages of peanut butter or cheese crackers -Dry milk powder, tetra packs or cans of milk -Whole wheat pasta or brown rice At Ingles our “Buy One Get One” sales are a great time to stock up on items to donate to charities. Think of it as “Buy One GIVE One”.

Local organizations for that need your donations include: Manna Food Bank: Eblen Charities: Hearts with Hands:

Leah McGrath: Follow me on Twitter Work: 800-334-4936 • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 35

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wellnesscontinued and enjoy healthy food samples. Donations welcome. Info and location: 277-6723. Planning Meeting for Health Fair Expo • Through SU (7/31) - Holistic health professionals are needed to assist a family of community caregivers who organize services for those battling cancer, their families and the community. Info: Red Cross Events & Classes Red Cross holds classes in CPR/first aid for infants, children and adults; babysitter training; pet first aid; bloodborne pathogens; swimming and water safety; and lifeguarding. All classes held at chapter headquarters, 100 Edgewood Road. To register call 258-3888, ext. 221. Info: www. : Bloodmobile Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • Through TH (6/30) - “Spring to the Skies.” Stop by your local Red Cross donation center, 100 Edgewood Road, off Merrimon Ave., to donate blood or platelets. Two presenting donors will be selected at random to receive a pair of round-trip tickets. • 1st TUESDAYS, 12:30-1pm - The Red Cross initiative to train five million people in CPR in 2011 will be held at Pardee Health Education Center, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. Info: 693-5605. Step Aerobics Class • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Enhance cardio, strength and flexibility at this step aerobics, weights and stretch class. Meets at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 G.W. Carver St., in Asheville. Open to all levels. Free. Info: 350-2058 or

Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, “Twelve Tradition” program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.  Info: • FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Inner Child” meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville.  Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - “Living in the Solution” meets at The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St., Asheville. Open big book study. Info:  989-8075. • MONDAYS, 7pm - “Generations” meets at First Congregational United Church Of Christ, 20 Oak St., Asheville.  Info:  474-5120. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: 800-286-1326 or • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Women’s Al-Anon meeting at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave., at Gracelyn Road. Newcomers welcome. Asheville Radical Mental Health Collective • The Asheville Radical Mental Health Collective is a group of people with diverse perspectives on mental health. We are inclusive, non-judgmental and respect self determination, personal choice and honor confidentiality. For info and locations of meetings: or 575-3105. Bilingual Support Group • MONDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Center for New Beginnings, a nonprofit victim services agency, will hold monthly meetings for the Latino Community at 34 Wall St., suite 802 in downtown Asheville. Info: Breast Cancer Support Group • MO (6/6), 5:30-6:30pm - Join breast cancer survivors, their friends and those at risk for breast cancer seeking support and information at “I Can Cope.” Bring a dish for potluck. Offered by Park Ridge Breast Center and American Cancer Society, 50 Hospital Drive, suite 4B in Hendersonville. Info: 650-2790. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

• SATURDAYS, 11am - Meeting at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St., in Asheville. Info: 7792317 or 299-1666. Crystal Meth Anonymous • SUNDAYS, 6:30pm - This 12-step meeting welcomes anyone who has a desire to quit using crystal meth. The group meets at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., in Asheville. Info: 252-8729. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • MONDAYS (through 6/27), 2-3pm - “It Works,” a 12-step program for individuals struggling to overcome food addiction. Registration not required. Info: 489-7259. GriefShare GriefShare features nationally recognized experts in grief-and-recovery support and meets at Calvary Baptist Church, 531 Haywood Road in Asheville. Info: 253-7301 or • SUNDAYS, 3pm - GriefShare group meeting. Man to Man/Prostate Cancer Support • 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm - Man to Man, a prostate-cancer support group for men and caregivers, meets at American Cancer Society, 120 Executive Park in Asheville. Info: 2546931. MemoryCaregivers Network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • 1st TUESDAYS, 1:00-3pm - Meeting at Calvary Episcopal Church, 2840 Hendersonville Road in Fletcher. Overcomers Recovery Support Group for Ladies • TUESDAYS, 7pm - This Christian-based, 12-step recovery program provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., suite C-1. All are welcome. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. This 12-step program welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. Meetings are one hour unless otherwise noted. • THURSDAYS, 6:30 - Hendersonville: O.A. Step Study group at the Cox House, 723 N. Grove St. Info: 329-1637. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road (S. 25 at Yorkshire). Info: 298-1899. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: Carver Parks and Recreation Center, 101 Carver Ave., off Blue Ridge Road. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: (800)580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 280-2213. S-Anon • WENESDAYS, 1pm - S-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for partners, family and friends of sexaholics. Meetings held weekly in the WNC area. Call confidential voicemail or email for information: 258-5117 or


Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx. com/events for info on events happening after June 9.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365 • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 37

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Meat-boarding? One of the courses at the Full Moon Market Dinner included local Three Graces Dairy cheeses, plus Hardcastle charcuterie, grilled ciabatta and local raw butter. Photos by Jonathan Welch

by Mackensy Lunsford

Shop here FirSt! Downtown Asheville • 45 S. French Broad Street BlAck MountAin • 3018 US 70 | Asheville • 121 Sweeten Creek Road 38 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •


Forty-five degrees and raining aren’t exactly the ideal conditions for dining alfresco. But you might have never known it by observing the diners who turned out for the inaugural Full Moon Market Supper at the West Asheville Tailgate Market. Perhaps it was because we were — all 50 of us — squashed together under a plastic-wrapped shelter that would be better sized to protecting an Airstream trailer. Our collective body heat, we determined, was key to keeping us relatively thawed out. “Sorry it’s a little cramped,” organizer/ hot-dog maker Jeremy Hardcastle would later quip. “We picked not the best night for a picnic.” The local spring flowers — yarrow, chamomile and fennel greenery — cheerfully bunched and scattered about the tables helped to remind us that it was, indeed, midMay, even if the weather felt like early March. Adding additional warmth were the rootsy, jug-band sounds of Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks, who were playing so close to the dinner table that they could have leaned over and plucked a piece of Hardcastle’s andouille sausage from one of the communal platters. “I can’t believe that we thought we could fit all of those people in that shelter — but it worked!” laughs Natalie Pollard, now that it’s all said and done. Pollard is the new manager of the West Asheville Tailgate Market

and one of the coordinators (with Hardcastle) behind the suppers. “That was total familystyle. Hopefully we can space people out a little bit when the weather gets warmer,” she says. But all of that jostling and crowding — and the occasional spilled drink — put the “family” in “family-style.” The space necessitated getting extra cozy with your neighbor — or accidentally throwing an elbow to the side of her head while helping to pass the carnitas. Not that the flask of bourbon I smuggled in to stay warm had anything to do with that. Full disclosure: I was later admonished for bringing booze. This dinner is an alcohol-free event, as it takes place in a church parking lot. As a former Catholic schoolgirl, I have to admit it wasn’t the first time I’d found myself in similar trouble. Regardless, do not follow my example. Bourbon or no, the atmosphere of the WATM is perfect for this sort of casual, slightly scrappy and deliciously charming event. The market has a modern, downhome feel to it, West Asheville-style, that’s just a bit more grassroots than the rest. “It’s smaller and more neighborhood-oriented,” says Pollard. “The other markets get a bigger draw from tourists and visitors. I don’t really think many people visit the WATM on their trip to Asheville. It’s unique and has a different demographic — it’s more bare bones.” There’s something inherently comforting, warm and joyful about passing platters of food around tables set up in the middle of


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May flowers: Jeremy Hardcastle and Drew Maykuth dish out salads of local greens and edible flowers. a farmers market. It certainly doesn’t hurt matters when said food is cooked by The Admiral’s Drew Maykuth, just over yonder working elbow-to-elbow with Suzy Phillips in Spartacus, Phillips’ souped-up food truck and home of GCQ Lebanese Street Food. It’s a little tough to be peeved by the elements when the charcuterie platters are so heavily laden with Hardcastle’s meats, Three Graces Dairy artisan cheeses and piles of rainbow-colored radishes that they’re a bit hard to lift. Add the fact that 95 percent of the food eaten at that communal table was grown or produced by local farmers — some of whom happened to be sitting at that table sharing a pitcher of mint sun tea — and, cold weather or no, it’s a magic combination. Did I mention that it was cold?

“Everyone was like, ‘Are we really doing this?’” says Pollard. “And I said, ‘Farmers have to still go out in the rain and harvest their food and bring it to us.’ I had already asked them to harvest all of this stuff. They don’t just say, ‘Oh well, it’s raining.’ They pulled through on their end so I felt like we had to. It was part of the spirit of it.” And when someone puts it that way, it’s easy to feel like a bit of a jerk complaining about the weather when your only obligation is to eat incredible food for a meager sum — just $20 for four courses and all of the sun tea you can drink. For that matter, not only did the farmers pull through with the produce, some even helped to serve the food. A few even remained for the cleanup. “Being a part of

foodcalendar Calendar for June 1 - 9, 2011 Asheville Jewish Community Center Events The JCC is located at 236 Charlotte St., Asheville. Info: 253-0701. • WE (6/1), 7pm - Jewish cooking class: “Shavuot Blintz Bake Off.” Learn to make blintzes as good as your grandmother’s. RSVP by May 23. $10/$20 nonmembers. Register: or 253-0701, ext. 112. Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Center Located at 94 Coxe Ave., Asheville. Info: 255-5522. • TH (6/2), 9am-1pm - “Let’s Start with Jams.” This hands-on class will cover making jams with and without added pectin and ways to make sugar-free jams for freezing and refrigeration. Info: Carolina Ground • TU (6/7), 3-5pm - Carolina Ground, L3C and Carolina Farm Stewardship Association will host “Bread Wheat: From Field to Hearth.” This workshop will include a tour of wheat trial plots. Held at Mountain Research Station, 65

Test Farm Road, Waynesville. Registration required. Info: 768-0153. Events at Big Ivy Community Center Located at 540 Dillingham Road in Barnardsville. Info: 626-3438. • Angel Ministry Food Buying Program allows anyone to purchase high quality, nutritional food. Orders must be placed and paid for at the Community Club on the second or third Tuesday of each month from 9-11am or 4-5:30pm. Distribution occurs the third Friday of each month at the Community Club. See website for menu and details: www. or Info: 231-8823.


Check out the Food Calendar online at www.mountainx. com/events for info on events happening after June 9.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

If you would like to submit a food-related event for the Food Calendar, please use the online submission form found at: In order to qualify for a free listing, your event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, or cost more than $40, you’ll need to submit a paid listing: 251-1333. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 39

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One cozy family: Due to bad weather, the inaugural supper event was held in a plasticwrapped shelter to help keep out the elements. that was cool,” says Pollard. “Most of them had serving experience in the past. They were reliving their heydays. It was sweet.” By the time the cheese boards were whisked away and bowls of bright green salad leaves tossed with herb vinaigrette, rose petals and other colorful edible spring flowers appeared, the cold was all but forgotten. Hickory Nut Gap carnitas, creamy Anson Mills farro and field peas followed, along with a jar of nettles pesto. Platters of locally made tempeh were passed around the table for the vegetarians. “Only in Asheville would something like this work so well,” I said to the person next to me, who responded by grabbing my thigh rather suddenly after tasting the farro. “Why? Why is it so creamy?!” she nearly shouted, in the grip of some sort of food-induced reverie (I also might have passed her my flask a few times). The meal was capped off by a dessert of berries and Grand Marnier, accompanied by a tangy, whipped goat cheese sweetened with local honey. It’s a ridiculous amount of food and entertainment, given the price. And with every penny earned going straight back to the WATM, it’s easy to feel charitable while being spoiled. After purchasing a few necessary supplies, Pollard says that the first event pulled in enough money for the market organizers to break even, though she expects to turn a profit next time with a little luck. “There should be a 30-percent profit that we can put toward the market, ideally,” she says. Pollard, Maykuth, Hardcastle and everyone else volunteer their assistance. That includes local King of Pops ice pop vendor, Gabriella Oviedo, who offers free child care for the littlest attendees. What’s evident — from the style of the dinner to the source for the food to the large pool of volunteers — is that these

events are more about community than profit. “The collaborative effort of all of us working together on something like this was really fun,” says Pollard. “Even if we broke even every time, I think it would still be great. It’s fun, it’s a great experience and it’s a really interesting thing for people to see what they can really do with the local produce. It’s also doing a lot for raising awareness for the market itself.” For additional events, at least for the time being, Pollard says that Maykuth will continue to be the official Full Moon Supper chef. “Jeremy and Drew were so stoked about it,” Pollard says. “They were kind of glowing. I really like how genuinely excited they are about this.” Evidently, the guests of the first dinner are equally excited, even though I’ve never seen a group of people abandon a table so quickly once the last bite was consumed. All of the feedback has been positive, Pollard reports. “I got a couple of e-mails from guests that said despite the cold, it was a wonderful evening and such a great way to celebrate local food and our farmers.” Interested in attending a Market Supper? Good luck. For now, you’ll have to rely on word of mouth, the WATM Facebook page and fliers — which add to the spontaneous feel and charm of the dinners. The next event will be sometime in July, so keep your eyes peeled. Xpress photographer Jonathan Welch helped document the dinner. Visit to view the slideshow and hear the music played at the supper. X Send your food news to Mackensy Lunsford at • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 41


by mackensy lunsford send food news to

Seeds of change along Merrimon, plus new options for pizza and pasta

Seeds of change: Leslie Armstrong, Jason Sellers and Alan Berger are opening a new vegan restaurant this summer where Beans and Berries used to be on Merrimon Avenue. photos by Jonathan Welch

Planting a different seed It didn’t take long for the building at 165 Merrimon Ave. recently vacated by Beans and Berries to get snatched up. Longtime Laughing Seed chef Jason Sellers is joining former Rosebud Video owners Alan Berger and Leslie Armstrong to open a completely vegan restaurant there that they’ve decided to call “Plant.� Why Plant? “Because ‘plant’ is food to us,� Sellers says. “It’s the most rudimentary expression of what food is. It’s sustenance and the core of our expression. Everything here will be plantbased.� To the partners, Plant expresses a philosophy

of animal-product-free living and a celebration of good food. “We’re thrilled,� Armstrong says. “It’s so exciting to be able to take all of the things that are important to us and create this new entity. And, to be able to partner up with Jason ... how much better could you get?� Plant, as you may imagine, will focus on all things local and seasonal. “That’s our ethic, and it’s great that the entire partnership can be completely on the same wavelength,� says Sellers, who adds that he doesn’t want Plant to be pegged as a typical vegan restaurant.

“We will serve flavor-sophisticated, multiculturally influenced food, using techniques that we like the best to intensify flavors based on what’s available to us at the best time,â€? he says. “The emphasis is food from the ground up. It’s exciting for us to be unique among restaurants in Asheville, as well as unique among vegetarian restaurants in Asheville.â€? If you’re having a hard time envisioning what all of that really means, you may not be alone. That’s because the chef, trained at the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York, tightly intertwines his culinary creations and his life philosophies. Fortunately, Sellers is not all talk. Plant’s menu will be kept small enough to enable great attention to detail, he says, with fresh vegetables in the spotlight. The restaurant also will have a char-grill. “Smoke and flame is something that’s really important to me, especially with vegan food,â€? says Sellers, who expects to include menu items like smoked potatoes and other dishes with “over-the-topâ€? flavors. The chef will nod to his Italian heritage with seitan marsala and polenta dishes. He will also make his coconut-milk ice cream and other desserts, as well as pizzas and baked goods. “I think we’ll just really surprise people with increasing the level of vegan food and offering what they may not have expected,â€? says Armstrong, who admits to a healthy addiction to Sellers’ ice cream. “The menu is a hit list of all of our favorite flavors,â€? adds Sellers. “Our goal is lots of grilled and sautĂŠed and cook-to-order vegan food.â€? Weekend brunches will feature pancakes and yeasted Belgian waffles. “We want to take vegan brunch to a whole new level,â€? Sellers says. Plant will offer a beverage menu of beer, wine and house-made sodas infused with fruit and local herbs. Champagne cocktails will be availabLe, but initially, no liquor will be offered. The building’s drive-through window will be used for takeout orders, but the business partners emphasize that Plant should not be seen as competition to VegHeads Drive-Thru. On the

$# ',+ ."+! +! + *$'. * +"*2 + ' '& .!' - +! ") $$ BLUE RIDGE DINING ROOM

$ * 0',) /( )" & !"$ ) & ,& ) 2 - + ) ') ) * )- +"'&* $$ 1 )'- ( )#"&& '% 42 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

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In The hearT of downTown ashevIlle

feaTurIng auThenTIc MexIcan cuIsIne

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J$=$ 97DJ?D7 J;GK?B7 87H Pizza, pizza: Circle in the Square Pizza and Deli is bringing a second location to downtown Asheville. contrary, the two businesses should complement each other. “It’s totally different,” says Sellers. “We’re going for coursed-meal elevated food that’s accessible and done on such a small scale that we can stay connected to it.” Plant likely will open later this summer.

A taste of NYC in AVL Circle in the Square Pizza and Deli specializes in New York style-pizza — think big, gooey slices that you have to fold in half to eat. Now the pizzeria/deli is opening a second location at 12 Biltmore Ave. in downtown Asheville. The building was left empty when The New French Bar folded earlier this year, remaining vacant ever since. The restaurant’s ownership team signed the lease on May 19. “I couldn’t begin to explain how excited I am,” says Peter Estrada, one of the owners of the restaurant, along with his mother, Hilda Dietch, and her husband, Richard. Estrada says the downtown Circle in the Square location will offer wine and draft beer at the bar that once served French Bar patrons. “We’ll also have the courtyard open for outdoor dining,” Estrada says. “Inside, we’ll have plasma-screen TVs — not too many, but at least one in each main dining room for whatever games are on.” Estrada says that Circle in the Square will stay open late on Fridays and Saturdays — until 2 a.m. or and even later if the demand is there — to serve slices to the wee-hours revelers downtown. The family is shooting for a mid-summer opening, in time for Bele Chere. “I think that people will hopefully be excited to see us down there. It gives them another option — they won’t have to come all the way down Merrimon to have Circle in the Square pizza,” says Estrada. For more information, visit

offered include a black-truffle variety, lobster and a butternut squash. The noodles can be mixed and matched with a number of sauces, including classic Bolognese, Alfredo, or a four-mushroom sauce. “There are about 290 different ways that you can have your dish,” says general manager Don Deubner. “People get overwhelmed, but there’s no one way to do it right.” Diners will be able to get a look at the pastamaking process, with a pasta machine cranking out fresh noodles throughout meals. Pasta will then be hand-cut and prepared, also in view of the dining room. In addition to pastas, pizzas are available, with gluten-free options as well. Salads will be made with organic greens, an offering selected specifically for the Asheville area. Brioso Fresh Pasta has several South Carolina locations, including Clemson, Greenville and Anderson. Additional restaurants are planned, with the company eyeing downtown Asheville, says Deubner. Brioso Fresh Pasta is scheduled to open in midJune at 33 Town Square Blvd., according to the company’s website ( X

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El Que Pasa

Larry of Papas & Beer invites you to enjoy FREE salsa and Bean dip at his new California-Style Mexican restaurant in West Asheville!

Send your food news to Mackensy Lunsford at food@

Larry prepares fresh guacamole

Mama mia, more restaurants! Another new restaurant is coming to Biltmore Park Town Square. Brioso Fresh Pasta offers pastas and sauces, all made in-house or by the restaurant’s Greenville location. Pastas made inhouse include the “short pastas,” like penne, gnocchi and gluten-free egg fusilli. The raviolis

Open 7 Days • Mon. - Thurs. 11-9:30 • Fri. - Sat. 11-10

(828) 255-2227 • 891 Patton Ave. Asheville • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 43

eatininseason School field trips — literally

Area farms open up for students and you this season Out of the whispers on a recent bus field trip, one student from Debbi Madill’s kindergarten class at Cullowhee Valley School could be heard exclaiming, “Oh, Ms. Madill, look! We’re in farm valley!” The hay, horses and tractors spotted out the windows were sure signs they were nearing their destination: Ten Acre Garden in Canton. The farm field trip was made possible by a minigrant from Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School Program awarded grants to nine classrooms at the end of 2010 for the 2011 school year. Grantees are required to integrate the trip into a unit of study, which worked well for Madill, who planned a springtime farming unit to tie into other components of the kindergarten curriculum: climate and nutrition. “Visiting the farm when we did was a culmination of everything we’ve done in the classroom,” Madill says. “The students had a lot of background. They knew about seeds. They knew they wouldn’t be able to see root vegetables because they were under the ground. They knew why we can’t grow certain fruits and vegetables here and the difference between fruits and vegetables.” To reinforce what they had learned, Danny

grants! ASAP offers farm field trip minigrants again for the 2011-12 school year. Ten grants of up to $200 will be given to pre-K through 12th-grade classrooms in the Appalachian Grown region. Deadline to apply is June 24. “Field trips are often difficult for schools to implement because funding is a limiting factor,” says Molly Nicholie, Growing Minds Farm to School program coordinator. “ASAP is proud to offer these funds and help make positive on-farm experiences possible, and we hope to be able to continue offering these grants in the future.” These field trips are made possible by donations to the Growing Minds Program. To apply, download an application at For more information, contact Nicholie at or 236-1282 ext. 102. Visit to learn more about supporting the organization and Farm to School activities like those mentioned here.

44 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Farm hands: Debbi Madill and class watch as Farmer Dan, Danny Barrett, pulls up an onion to put on display. Barrett’s Ten Acre Garden grows a wide variety of produce and will be a stop on this year’s Family Farm Tour, June 25 and 26. Berry good: Kids love farm-fresh strawberries. This farm field trip was made possible by a mini-grant from Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture. Photos courtesy of ASAP

Barrett, aka Farmer Dan, who owns and operates the farm with his family, pulled up a few carrots not quite ready for harvest. He pointed out the beans that would be ready soon. And he took them through the rows of what was ready for harvest and thus eating: strawberries. “They got to look for ones that were ripe, pick them, and eat them standing right there in the field,” Madill says. “You should have seen their faces — getting that concept of this is where our food comes from — it’s real food.” The in-season, super-sweet berries really stuck with the students. As a follow-up back in the classroom, they talked about what they predicted they would see on the farm and then sent Farmer Dan drawings of the things they did see. “Most drew my strawberries,” Barrett says, adding that one student sent him a nice portrait of his coonhound. “I thought that was really neat to see the things that caught their interest.” Madill’s students also sent drawings and letters to Jim Hill, the child nutrition director for Jackson County Schools. “Every child had strawberries in their picture; they asked for fresh strawberries, fresh corn on the cob and fresh carrots from the ground,” says Madill. Hill has been featuring strawberries on school menus as part of ASAP’s Get Local Schools initiative, which puts the focus on one local ingredient each month. Students are excited about the local items they’ll see the rest of the season. They signed their letter: “Thank you for using farm food when you can. It’s so good!”

25 and 26 from 1 until 6 p.m., is one giant field trip — a chance to learn how food grows, taste farmfresh treats, interact with farm animals and meet the community’s food producers. Admission buttons are $25 in advance and can be purchased at select area business and tailgate markets, or online at One button admits an entire carload. Guides with tour tips and directions can also be found at button vendors and online. This year, your admission button also gets you into the Polk Fresh Agri-Tour, a one-day tour from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 25. Details can be found at ASAP’s Family Farm Tour is sponsored by Biltmore and Greenlife Grocery; WNC Magazine is the media sponsor. For more information, including a list of button vendors and details on volunteering and attending the tour for free, visit or call 236-1282 ext. 114. Follow ASAP on Facebook and Twitter (@asapconnections) for more details prior to the event and to share your experience as you’re taking the tour. Ten Acre Garden can be reached at 235-9667; on Facebook and in ASAP’s 2011 Local Food Guide, along with the other Family Farm Tour participants. The guide is on stands now or at X

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Barrett, who runs a CSA farm-share program and also sells his produce at Haywood’s Historic Farmers Market in Waynesville, enjoys having visitors to his Century Farm, a farm that has been continuously owed by one family for 100 years or more. Ten Acre Garden is one of 41 farms — some Century, some new — participating in ASAP’s Family Farm Tour, the largest number in its history. Participating farms stretch across four counties: Buncombe, Haywood, Jackson and Yancey. The annual event, held on the weekend of June

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Grove arcade • 828-350-1332 • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 45

arts&entertainment “Grown-ups do outrageous things?” The Americana Burlesque and Sideshow festival turns 5 by Devin Walsh When she was a kid growing up in Gloucester, Mass., Lauren “Madame Onca” O’Leary’s parents threw a roast-pig-on-a-spit party featuring a belly dancer. It was the sort of moment that defines a person’s life. “There was this woman, Claude the Bod, and I was like: ‘Grown-ups dress up? Grown-ups do outrageous things? … That stuck with me.” Flash forward to the present day, where along with her colleague and friend Paolo Garbanzo, she enjoys a Dark and Stormy cocktail at The Admiral in the days before the fifth annual Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival. ABSFest kicks off Friday, June 3, with a red-carpet gala at the Bebe Theatre on Commerce Street. This she describes as “just the beginning of a three-day-run of debauchery and high art … the theater bus pulls up, the glittering artists disembark, tumbling along the red carpet in a swirl of laughter, and the party starts.” Garbanzo is drinking a Wedge Witbier. His brown hair is tied back, and he’s carefully groomed a thumb of a beard that’s oddly apt for a professional juggler, not to mention for the only American to ever win the International Jester Tournment held in Muncaster, England.

info who:

ABS Fest


Fifth annual Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival


Downtown Asheville venues


Friday, June 3 to Sunday, June 5 (

schedule Friday, June 3: Red Carpet Gala: Opening ceremonies, awards, performances, live music and more. $15. 9 p.m. Bebe Theatre, Commerce Street. Saturday, June 4: Saturday Night Spectacular: Performances, the Burlesque Bazaar, sidewalk sideshow, live music. $25. 8-11 p.m. The Orange Peel, Biltmore Avenue. After-party at 11 p.m. $5. Saturday & Sunday Burlesque, Circus and Arts Business Workshops in the ABSfest Seminary. $20 each or five for $90. 10-5 p.m. New Studio of Dance, Commerce Street, Asheville. Sunday Sideshow Brunch: Half-price food, drinks and more entertainment with DC’s Cheeky Monkey Sideshow. $5. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Arcade Asheville, 130 College St.

46 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Paolo Garbanzo, one of the Flying Karamazov Brothers, will be throwing knives this weekend.

“Madame Onca” in the Grand Bohemian Hotel, 2010.

Photo by JoNell Franz

What did it take to become the official Jester of Muncaster Castle? “You had 20 minutes to impress the crowd. I juggled. I ate fire. I ate an onion. I walked on a walking globe. I did some other stuff. I won … I have worn the last Lord Muncaster’s big Napeolonic hat and epaulettes.” O’Leary is the sort of person for whom sitting staidly in a chair is clearly an effort. As she listens to Garbanzo, her legs kick up over the side, cross at the ankles, the knees; she swivels gracefully, unfit to stay still. Her copious spray of strawberry blonde dreads is improbably, impressively controlled. The two go back and forth discussing how they got their starts. Some two decades after the revelation of Claude the Bod, around 1998, O’Leary started taking belly-dance lessons in Asheville. Soon she had “swirly eyes” for the art. “You realize you’re staying up late at night thinking belly dance thoughts.” Adolescence was crucial to Garbanzo’s evolution into one of the country’s foremost jugglers. “There’s an inverse ratio to how much girls are attracted to you by how much juggling you do. If girls aren’t interested in you, you do more juggling, ‘cause you’ve got more time on your hands… There were parts of high school where I practiced juggling a lot.” “Now he doesn’t practice at all,” said O’Leary.

Photo by Micah Mackenzie

Garbanzo smiles, shrugs. “It’s true.”

What else is there? In 2001, then based out of San Francisco, Garbanzo created Accidental Circus. Among the Circus’s original roster were numerous sideshow and burlesque luminaries who have performed in ABSFest, including O’Leary herself. Garbanzo, still the self-described “benevolent dictator” of the Circus, now gracefully plays second banana to O’Leary when it comes to ABSFest. He loves it. ABSFest, he says, is a big deal. “Spin this however you want,” he says, “A lot of people in Asheville have an amazing desire to perform, do … you know … Hula-Hoops, music, whatever, and they’ll be like ‘That’s awesome!’ And then they get really insular and … get stuck in a circle of, ‘Well, I know all the people here and we do cool stuff. But what else is there?’ Well, I’ll show you what else is there. There are international performers from everywhere doing outrageous stuff.” Big thinking pervades the table. “The point is not just to look pretty and be titillating, but to comment on social values in a way that’s empowering and humorous,” O’Leary says. “I’m a fan of seeing these art forms move into a relevant future, so it’s not just

Natalie Brown and Aaron White of AlternaCirque, members of which will be teaching and performing during ABSFest. Photo by Josh Bilby

nostalgic, but a question of how can these things continue to be useful for transforming culture.” And what, exactly, are “these things”? O’Leary and Garbanzo rattle off a few staples of the art, including vaudeville, putting things up your nose, walking on glass, straitjacket escape, fire-eating, sword-swallowing, extreme and humorous physical skills, magic, knifethrowing, aerials, belly dancing, Hula-Hooping and gender ambiguity. Says O’Leary, “There are more and more men and gender-ambiguous people in the burlesque world. Not every producer is fond of that but I think it’s really important in creating an interesting show, otherwise you could just sit and look at pictures of Bettie Page all day.” Says Garbanzo, “And I do.”

I want to do this! On Friday night at the BeBe, Garbanzo will take part in the Oops! Comedy Knife Throwing Show. At the Orange Peel during the Saturday Night Spectacular, he’ll juggle with the local troupe Forty Fingers & A Missing Tooth. For O’Leary’s part, running things means staying mostly behind the scenes. Which is fine with her since she spends much of the year tour-

ing. She will sing, though. What she’ll sing is a closely guarded secret. Doing the belly dancing will be Princess Farhana — someone whose navel navel-gazers may recognize from Madonna and Ricky Martin videos. Princess Farhana will also be teaching Introduction to Belly dancing during the workshops Saturday and Sunday at the New Studio of Dance on Commerce Street. On the subject of these workshops, O’Leary’s steady glow of enthusiasm sharpens to the near evangelical. “It happens every year that someone gets excited at the show, ‘I want to do this! How do I do this?’ Well, we have classes. They can register for Intro to Burlesque, for Belly dancing, General Stage Presence, Juggling Workshops … There are local resources, but not local resources that enable you to work with international artists of such renown. I want to give the average man and woman the opportunity to see themselves in this world.” “This is what people miss who miss ABSFest,” says Garbanzo. “A formative part of their life.”

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Devin Walsh is a freelance writer based in Asheville. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 47

arts X music

Love in a time of collaboration

Charlotte’s Matrimony marries the careers of two singer/songwriters by Alli Marshall

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Matrimony is, indeed, a love story — though not the obvious one. The band itself (fronted by husband-and-wife singer/songwriter duo Jimmy Brown and Ashlee Hardee Brown) is a melding of two musical careers and two continents (he’s Irish, she’s American). More on that in a minute. “The whole reason we call ourselves Matrimony is because it’s a marriage of music and words,� says Jimmy. The singer/guitarist was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but was spending some time traveling in the the U.S. when someone suggested he drive to Hickory to see the band of another Belfast native. That was Alyn Mearns, with whom Jimmy would form Airspace. (More on that in a minute, too.) While in Hickory, Jimmy also met Belfast poet Adrian Rice, whose first sequence of poems is housed in collections in the Tate Gallery and Harvard. “Adrian mentored me a lot with words,� says Jimmy. “We would hang out every day, just talking about poetry. We ended up writing a bunch of songs together.� (Watch a 2007 performance of the poet and musician at Matrimony’s sound shares little with that project. It borrows more from the raucous postfolk of the Avett Brothers and the rough-hewn indie-pop of Elizabeth & the Catapult. “You can have really heavy words and it just doesn’t work with the melody, or the melody can distract you from the words,� says Jimmy. “When you write a poem, the music’s already in the words and you don’t have to worry about that as much.� He says the real challenge is to pair music with “words that are awesome on their own� and to “let the music accent the words here and there rather than trying to say it all through the words.� The Storm & the Eye, the six-song debut EP by Matrimony, was hastily made so that the couple would have something to hand to fans. (Smart: The band formed less than two years ago and has already performed at South By Southwest.) It was also a hit-the-ground-running opportunity for the newly minted husband and wife to try their hand at co-creating a record. Jimmy and Ashlee were introduced by

info who:


Matrimony (with Aunt Martha)

where: The LAB


Thursday, June 2 (10 p.m., $7,

48 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

The family that plays together: Charlotte-based Matrimony is husband-and-wife duo Jimmy Brown (second from left) and Ashlee Hardee Brown (second from right). Ashlee’s brother and Jimmy’s former band mate are also part of the group. Photo by JEFF HAHNE

her brother, who was in a band with Jimmy. Apparently, the connection was instant: Ashlee and Jimmy penned the song “All I Want� during their first meeting. If the song “Last Love� (the lead track on Eye) is anything to go by, they knew right away that they were meant to be together. “The first day I met you, I said ‘I’ll marry him,’� Ashlee sings. (For what it’s worth, they’re lovely together, both waifish and serious. Her: sloe-eyed. Him: tattooed and wearing an array of hats.) But, at the time, they were in two different bands. That meant two different touring schedules and little time left over for wedded bliss. So Jimmy and Ashlee decided to yoke not just their hearts but their careers as well. Before Matrimony, Ashlee was a member of Flagship, the Charlotte-based rock band led by Drake Margolnick. She also released a pair of albums under her own name. Jimmy had been launching a solo project in the U.S. and Europe (which included opening dates for Sam Quinn and Japan Ten). That followed on the heels of his tenure with Airspace, a lush and intense pop band whose layered instruments share little in common with Matrimony’s acoustic production. But chart Jimmy’s musical journey through his almost-annual appearances on Dublin, Ireland’s Balcony TV (a lo-fi video show), and there’s the deceptively simple guitar accompaniment and the bewitching ache in his voice. These both return in the song “Flee or Fight,� the one song on Eye that Jimmy wrote pre-Matrimony. With Ashlee’s voice providing sweet and dusky har-

monies, the song takes on complex nuances. On Eye, Ashlee and Jimmy take turns singing lead. Jimmy says that with a full band now in place, songwriting has moved in a new direction. “We’re discovering how we’re all supposed to play this music together,� he says. “When we write, I wouldn’t try to write the whole song. I’d bring it to the band and we’d all work on it. It seems to have a more life when we play live because everyone’s invested.� With the support of the band, including keyboards, Matrimony’s sound is fuller and fleshed out. Almost poppy. There’s the sense that this is a work in progress and an extended family in the making. Ashlee’s brother Jordan Hardee (banjo, mandolin) is among the new members, as is former Airspace drummer Alex Watson. “We’ve all known each other and traveled with each other for such a long time,� says Jimmy. “We’ve actually all wanted to be in a band for so long.� Various other projects and contracts kept that from happening, but they still jammed together whenever they had the chance. And now that’s what they do professionally. But, perhaps (considering the band name) there’s this: “I feel very privileged to be in a band with my wife. She’s super-talented,� says Jimmy. And for them, it’s not about being a couple band. Don’t expect any “I Got You Babe� covers. “It’s just doing what we do — it feels right to us,� says Jimmy. X Alli Marshall can be reached at

arts X music


Spirituality informs the jazz

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Tierney Sutton gets mystical

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by Wendi Loomis While the world is full of “ladies who sing with the band,” it’s a rare treat to listen to a vocalist whose tone and pitch are artfully aligned as an equal instrument with the other musicians on stage. Equally rare is a band whose members have worked together without changing personnel for nearly 20 years. In its 18th year, having just completed a ninth album together, the Tierney Sutton Band’s commitment to excellence and unity create a unique synergy that becomes palpable to the listener. Thanks to the WNC Jazz Society, the three-time Grammy-nominated jazz band will be performing in Asheville for the first time. Xpress caught up with Sutton in advance of the performance.

I’ve listened to a few clips from your last album, Desire. Are they all love songs? There are a few love songs on there, but that’s not really the core concept of the record. It’s really more of a statement on wanting things, looking at what we want and how some of those things are sort of better for us and higher for us, and some are not so good for us, and love is a mysterious one that hangs somewhere in the middle. How do you come up with the concepts for your albums? We all are sort of philosophical by nature and we are all very eclectic in our tastes. We like to look at some organizing concept that we can use to herd the material and find a focus. On the latest record [American Road], the loose concept is America and things that we think of as somehow American. What is the band’s process when making these albums?

info who:

Tierney Sutton


Grammy-nominated jazz artist


Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square


Sunday, June 5 (7 p.m. $25 members/$35 non-members, $10 students under age 25. 257-4530. dwtheatre. com.

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Xpress: Will you be performing the songs that you’ve recently recorded? Sutton: We always perform a combination of new and old. It’s a band credo we never do the same show twice. It makes it hard and it makes it really refreshing and challenging too.


Into the mystic: “One of the jokes that I’ve had with the band is, our goal for the show is that somebody should levitate,” jokes Sutton. That concept comes to be through so much consultation in the band. Whenever we talk about the records or whenever we put a show together, we talk about the philosophical organization. I would put something out, but it would always be changed and morph as the process went on. You’ve been quoted as saying you’re extending some Bahá’í principles through the music. What does that mean? There are certain practical teachings in the Bahá’í faith, and one of the most important in group dynamics is something that Bahá’ís call “consultation.” It’s a technique that groups of people use to solve problems. We may have some disagreement that we’re dealing with. The first principle of consultation is detachment, meaning that once we start discussing an idea, it’s no longer my idea or your idea, it’s an idea that everyone is looking at and trying to remain detached from it. You also have to be striving for excellence and find partners that are striving for excellence, too. Then you figure out how to make the other person heard, and how to really hear the other person. Our principle is one that I think jazz musicians, especially improvisational musicians of any kind, really understand. The idea of unity in diversity is very central to Bahá’í teachings. You will frequently be doing things that might be uncomfortable, but you have to be detached and give it a chance. That’s how we grow. If you really work with people that you respect, you want to know what they have to say about whatever is happening. You don’t want to use them for their talents, you want to empower them. What do you hope your audience will feel? Of course, the performance itself is a secular event. I’m singing standards for the most part. I’m sing-

ing lyrics that are secular, although sometimes they have implications to me that are spiritual and sometimes I choose to share that with the audience. The reviews would talk about this sort of uncanny sense of unity, that we would make one sound, or that we were reading each other’s minds. One of the jokes that I’ve had with the band, and everybody laughs about it, is our goal for the show is that somebody should levitate. We really are going for some sort of mystical experience for ourselves and for the audience.

107 N. Caldwell St. • Brevard, NC

Who has influenced your vocal style? I listened more to instrumentalists. I listened to early Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderley. I also started to be exposed to some of the instrumental-sounding vocalists. Al Jarreau was a big influence on me, and Bobby McFerrin. There’s a great singer on the scene nowadays named Rachelle Ferrell who’s really extraordinary. I’m fascinated with the idea of tone and voice as instrument, voice as a pure sound that is integrating with other instruments. When I sing a note, it’s always like, “OK, how can I get this note right into the center of the band? How can I become one with the band?” which is of course a spiritual concept as well. Is there a secret to keeping a band together for nearly 20 years? I think you have to have musical chemistry. I think everyone has to feel that the band is a place for them to do excellent work and to shine as individuals, but also to become something that they wouldn’t be anywhere else. X Wendi Loomis can be reached at • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 49


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The Suspect: Jon Dee Graham

The Suspect: Dubtribe Sound System

This pioneering electronic duo of Sunshine and Moonbeam Jones has been entrancing audiences with live housemusic sets on and off for the past 20 years or so. Westword. com raves, “Their set last night is now in my top-five all-time musical experiences ever; I haven’t danced that hard in years.” Can Be Found: Emerald Lounge, Saturday, June 4 RIYD (Recommended if You Dig): Chemical Brothers, Massive Attack You Should Go If: The CDC preparedness plan in case of a Zombie Apocalypse is taped to your glove compartment; you’ve identified 17 categories in which you could realistically set a World Record; wind chimes and the sounds of children laughing are your ringtone and ringback, respectively; your parents’ graduation gift was a sheet of acid and a copy of Naked Lunch.

The descriptions of fan qualities and quirks are intended to be a playful take on what’s unique about all of us. The world would be a better place if everyone went out to see more live music.

The Suspect: Ryan Bingham and the Dead Horses


This former rodeo bull rider was basically homeless and playing gigs at bowling alleys a couple of years ago. In 2009, his song, “The Weary Kind,” was featured in the movie Crazy Heart, and won him an Oscar, a Golden Globe and an AMA. His star continues to rise: T Bone Burnett produced his 2010 release, Junky Star. Can Be Found: The Orange Peel, Monday, June 6 RIYD: Steve Earle, Robert Earl Keen You Should Go If: You set your cruise control exactly 24 miles over the speed limit; it’s your job to tell everyone on Facebook that it’s Friday; your new million-dollar idea is local cockfighting; your parents’ graduation gift was a carton of Marlboros and a copy of Lonesome Dove.

50 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

This singer/songwriter /guitarist has the distinction of being the only person ever inducted into the Austin Music Hall of Fame three times: As a solo artist and as a member of both the Skunks and the True Believers. His latest project with Freedy Johnston and Susan Cowsill is set for release later this year, thanks in part to a Kickstarter campaign. Can Be Found: The Grey Eagle, Sunday, June 5 RIYD: Nick Cave, Delbert McClinton You Should Go If: A daily battle with bed gravity may well be the defining conflict of your life; you read the last page of every book before you decide if it’s worth reading; starting your car entails an eightstep, five-minute ritual; your parents’ graduation gift was a three-legged black lab and a copy of Breakfast of Champions.

The Suspect: Ladies Gun Club

“If firewater had a voice, it might easily sound like Ladies Gun Club,” touts the band’s promo from this year’s SXSW festival. These two Southern girls (Sally Jaye is from Georgia, Sarah Roberts is from North Carolina) didn’t find each other until they both moved out to L.A. called them “Dolly Waits Jr.,” and No Depression proclaimed last year’s EP debut as tasty as “fried chicken and bacon on the same plate.” Can Be Found: The Grey Eagle, Thursday, June 2 (opening for The Dirty Guv’nahs) RIYD: Freakwater, Gillian Welch You Should Go If: Instead of going to prom, you and your boyfriend reenacted scenes from Carrie; it’s been a challenge to reconcile your atheism with the amazing rapture sex you had last month; you’re on probation for sneaking into mattress stores and pulling off all the tags; your parents’ graduation gift was your Ma-Maw’s biscuit recipe and a copy of A Good Man Is Hard to Find.



“Though we’re based in Florida, we have done most of our touring abroad, and now we’re bringing it home,” says The Mayapuris, a worldmusic crossover group, currently on its “Southern Hospitality” tour. The group’s members met in boarding school in India where they studied mantra music. They bring dancing, drumming (on the 500 year-old mridanga) and kirtan (devotional chanting) to the stage. The troupe performs at the Hazel Robinson Amphitheater in Montford on Monday, June 6, 7-10 p.m. $15 adults/free for kids.

Kent Ambler

Now that the weather is warm and it’s light by 6 a.m., the birds are out in force. For local artist Kent Ambler, that’s pretty much always the case: Birds are among his most popular subjects (along with dogs, his home life and the surrounding landscape). “He is more an alchemist than artist, combining unrelated elements — negative space, soy ink, wood — and creating something more intriguing than the sum of his ingredients,” says a description of his new show, set to open at American Folk Art & Framing on Thursday, June 2. A reception (concurrent with the Downtown Art Walk) takes place on Friday, June 3, 5-8 p.m. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 51


Joe Krown

New Orleans-style piano and Hammond B-3 player Joe Krown has a laundry list of awards to his name and an even more impressive inventory of friends and collaborators. He’s perhaps best known for his long association with the late bluesman Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, but since ‘98 he’s held down a solo career. Krown brings his trio (including Funky Meters’ drummer Russell Batiste Jr. and guitarist/vocalist Walter “Wolfman” Washington) to Jack of the Wood on Friday, June 3.

Jan Karon In the Company of Others, the latest novel by Jane Karon, is centered around a familiar character: Father Timothy Kavanagh of her Mitford series. The nine-book Mitford collection was set in a fictional N.C. town, but it likely borrowed some elements of Karon’s longtime home, Blowing Rock. Karon’s latest series focuses on the adventures of Father Tim. The author will be at the Grove Park Inn’s Wilson Room for a discussion and book signing on Monday, June 6. 78:30 p.m. $15 advance/$20 doors. The event benefits The Writers’ Workshop. Info: writersw@gmail. com or 254-8111.

52 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •


Double Vision

“The images in this series serve as an outsider’s investigation of slavery’s legacy of injustice and inequality through an examination of the traditional Southern plantation home and the lesser structures which surround it,” reads the press release for N.J.-based photographer Annie Hogan’s exhibit, Double Vision. But the narrative works, comprised of layered images, are also cool, contemplative and gorgeously haunting. The show opens at Castell Photography on Friday, June 3, with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m.

Bo Bice

Alabama-born Bo Bice (christened Harold Elwin, but nicknamed Bogart by his granny) has something close to a textbook Southern rocker background. The GED, the rehab stint, the opening slot for Warrant. But then he did what few Southern rockers have ever done: Took his long hair and his talent on American Idol. That was in 2004; Bice came in second. He’s since put out three albums and won a round of Don’t Forget the Lyrics for charity. And bragging rights. Bice plays Wild Wing Cafe on Friday, June 3. $10. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 53


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where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina Clubland rules •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Open mic, 9pm Creatures Cafe

Salsa night

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am French Broad Chocolate Lounge

August Black (acoustic, folk rock) Garage at Biltmore

Issachar (metal) w/ Lifecurse & City of Ifa Good Stuff

Open mic

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Sarah Jarosz (folk, pop, singer/songwriter) w/ Angela Easterling Grove Park Inn Great Hall

heady glass, local art & funky fashion

TNJMFGFTU Get yer tix here!

426 Haywood / West Avl / / 254-3332

Athena’s Club

Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm Black Mountain Ale House

Open mic, 8-11pm

Blue Note Grille

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Orange Peel

BoBo Gallery

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Waltz lesson, 6pm Dance, 7pm Pisgah Brewing Company

Steel Pulse (roots, reggae)

Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill

Open mic, 7-10pm

Jus One More

Live bluegrass

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Dave Turner

Clingman Cafe

Angelo Santa Marie (folk) Craggie Brewing Company

Open mic, 6-9pm

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Open mic, 7:30pm The Get Down

Emerald Lounge

Rvivr w/ Studz & Blood Summer Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

DJ Justin

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Jack Of The Wood Pub

The Jillionaire

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz)

TallGary’s Cantina

Vanuatu Kava Bar

Open mic

Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals)

Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Matt Walsh (blues, rockabilly) Good Stuff

Gene Peyroux & the Snow Monkeys (rock, funk, soul) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Wednesday – Hospitality Night Thursday – Martini Night

½ price Martinis from house martini list

Saturday – Cocktail & Bourbon Night

$2 off House Cocktails • $4 Bourbon Highballs (all bourbon)

Sunday Brunch 11:30 - 3pm

791 Merrimon Avenue • (828) 350-8181 •

Delta Saints (blues, rock, roots) w/ Alarm Clock Conspiracy Olive or Twist

Heather Masterton & the Swing Station Band, 8pm Pack’s Tavern

Lee Griffin Band (jazz, blues, rock) Pisgah Brewing Company

Matt Nichols

Purple Onion Cafe

Bruce Piephoff

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Red Step Artworks

Max Melner Orchestra Wild Wing Cafe

Woody Wood (blues, rock)

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Handlebar

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

$2 domestic beer bottles • $1 off Champagne Glasses, $5 off Bottles $3 well drinks • $2.50 Specialty Draft Pint

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Westville Pub

Barley’s Taproom

Tuesday – Local Draft Night

The Discordian Society (funk, fusion, jazz) w/ Consider the Source

Red Room


$3.25 pints, $10 pitchers on *local beers (excluding High Gravity)

Mellow Mushroom

Kon Tiki (reggae), 5-7pm

Thu., June 2

Nightly Drink Specials

Back stage: Aunt Martha w/ Matrimony (indie, folk)

Dirty Guv’nahs (rock, Americana) w/ Ladies Gun Club

Sanctum Sully (Americana, bluegrass), 4pm Kung Fu Dynamite (funk, jam, rock)

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Wedge Brewing Co.

Nashville Pussy (psychobilly, punk, rock) w/ Koffin Kats

Luella’s Bar-B-Que

Tuesday - Saturday 5pm-Late Night Late Night Full Menu - Served as Late as 1:30am • Huge Outdoor Patio

54 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Blue Note Grille

The Firecracker Jazz Band, 7pm

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Old-time jam, 6pm

Wed., June 1

Olive or Twist

Alien Music Club (jazz jam)

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Dance Lush w/ DJ Moto Open mic

Root Bar No. 1

Kevin Scanlon (acoustic, folk) Scandals Nightclub

Local DJ Exposure feat: DJ Capital, D: Raf, & DJ Chubby Knuckles Shifter’s

Open jam Straightaway Cafe

Ken Kiser & Hope Griffin

Art Show Featuring Chris Corral

The Get Down

The Zealots (indie, rock)

Every Wednesday Open Mic

Town Pump

Tyler Herring (Americana, folk, roots)

Throw Back Thursday w/ DJ Go Hard

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Peggy Ratusz & friends


Vincenzo’s Bistro

Aaron LaFalce (piano) Westville Pub

Funknastics (funk, jazz) Wild Wing Cafe

DJ Moto

Fri., June 3 Athena’s Club

Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

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Blue Note Grille

The Honeycutters (Americana, blues, country) Boiler Room

Monkey in Podship (rock) w/ E/R Airplane Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Electronic music promoter showcase, 11pm Emerald Lounge

The Messengers (funk, jazz, rock) Fred’s Speakeasy


Fred’s Speakeasy South

DJ Dizzy dance party

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Lyndsay Wojcik (folk, roots, soul)

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Brian Turner (jazz, pop)

Garage at Biltmore

C.R.I.M.E. w/ Roland & DJ Den Good Stuff

Peace Jones (funk, jazz, rock) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Rond (rock, comedy) w/ Big Hungry & more Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Hangar

Contagious (covers, rock) Highland Brewing Company

Funknastics (funk)

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Joe Krown Trio (funk, blues, soul) Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Back stage: Brian McGee (Americana, rock) w/ PJ Bond Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

As-Is Ensemble (jazz, alternative) w/ Secret B-Sides Olive or Twist

Live jazz or swing Orange Peel

Abbey Road Live! (Beatles tribute) Pack’s Tavern

Joshua Single & the Funky Four Corners (blues, soul) Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Red Room

Dance party w/ DJ D-Day Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill

Ron Moore (Americana, folk) Root Bar No. 1

Illicitizen (indie, rock, R&B) Straightaway Cafe

David Zoll (jazz)

The Chop House

Live jazz, 6-10pm • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 55


THURSDAY • 6/2 June 8TH • 6pm

Carrier park • amboy rd. asHeville more info aT wordpress/ringoffire



The Get Down

Total Gold w/ DJ Abu Disarray

Overmountain Men (Americana, bluegrass, roots)

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Red Room

4 Rounds Left

Town Pump

Skinny Velvet


Blue Note Grille

Dave Turner (Americana)

Local artist showcase

The Chop House

Creatures Cafe

Live jazz, 6-10pm

Organic jam w/ Tina & Levi

The Get Down

Eleven on Grove

Wooden Toothe (punk, rock) w/ Lamb Handler & Wild Wild Geese

Swing & Tango lessons, 6pm — Dance w/ DJ Fundraiser, 8pm

Town Pump

Fred’s Speakeasy

Chimney Choir

Doomsday Tuesday

Country Fried Fridays w/ Bo Bice

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Garage at Biltmore

Carolina Rex (blues, rock)

Phat Tuesdays

Sat., June 4

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Space Medicine & the Mystic Ferrymen (ambient, folk, jam) Vincenzo’s Bistro

Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays) Classicopia: Four-handed piano feat: Daniel Weiser Wild Wing Cafe

Athena’s Club

Westville Pub

Blue Note Grille

Celebrate Rwanda (fundraiser), 1-4pm & 7pm

Southern Lights (Americana, rock, soul) White Horse

Wild Wing Cafe

Gimme Hendrix (Jimi Hendrix tribute)

Murphy’s Kids (ska, punk, rock) w/ Groove Stain (rock, funk) & Reid Attaway

Sun., June 5

Clingman Cafe

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Will Straughan (folk)

Sunday Jazz, 7-9pm

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Diana Wortham Theater

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Handlebar

Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard Bluegrass Jam, 8:30pm Iron Horse Station

Open mic w/ Jesse James, 7-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Singer/songwriter in the round feat: Dulci Ellenberger, P. J. Pacifico, Lyndsay Wojcik & Shane Conerty Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Jake Hollifield (blues, ragtime)

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

The Tierney Sutton Band (jazz), 7pm

Eleven on Grove

“Sunday Sessions” w/ Chris Ballard

Swing workshop, 10am-5pm Swing dance, 8pm

Spicy Moustache & the Flavor Saviors (funk, soul, rock)

Fred’s Speakeasy

The Get Down

Emerald Lounge

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Dubtribe Sound System w/ Candice B & Josh Naster Fred’s Speakeasy South

Dirty South Lounge

Punk Rock Sundays, 4pm Jon Dee Graham & Sam Baker (folk rock, indie) Hotel Indigo

DJ Dizzy dance party

Sunset Sessions w/ Ben Hovey (“sonic scientist”), 7-10pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Alex Krug (Americana, roots)

Front stage: Aaron Price (piano) Back stage: Wages (indie, rock) w/ Birdlips & Sky Lake

Garage at Biltmore

Luella’s Bar-B-Que

Apekit w/ Dubvirus, Magmablood & Hex

Jon Corbin (of Firecracker Jazz Band), 1-3pm

Good Stuff

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Highland Brewing Company

Like Mind Trio (jazz)

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

ABSfest after party w/ Phat Man Dee & Tall Paul Leech The Get Down

Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MagNuggits w/ Sugarfoot Serenaders & Morgan Stickrod Village Wayside Bar and Grille

The Wayside Sound (acoustic jazz duo) Vincenzo’s Bistro

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Bluegrass jam

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Marc Keller

Westville Pub

Blues jam

White Horse

Irish Sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:30pm

Wed., June 8 Athena’s Club

Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm Black Mountain Ale House

Open mic, 8-11pm

Blue Note Grille

Open mic, 9pm

Creatures Cafe

Salsa night

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals)

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Sunset Sessions w/ Ben Hovey (“sonic scientist”), 7-10pm

Mon., June 6

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Jack Of The Wood Pub

No Jacket Required (covers), 8-10pm

Hotel Indigo

Leigh Glass & the Hazards (Southern rock) Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Back stage: Johnny Sexx w/ The Treatment & The Worsties Mo-Daddy’s

J. P. Harris w/ Miss Tess Northside Bar and Grill

David Earl (Americana, rock, soul) Olive or Twist

The 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8pm Orange Peel

ABSfest Saturday Spectacular feat: Armitage Shanks, Princess Farhana & more

56 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

Marc Keller

Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Serious Clark (jam, rock)

50 Broadway • Asheville, NC 236-9800

Asheville Civic Center

Straightaway Cafe

Vanuatu Kava Bar

Tennessee Hollow (Americana, blues, rock)

Over 70 Beers on Tap

Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm

Mumford & Sons (folk, rock) w/ Matthew and the Atlas

Boiler Room

Most Draft Beer in Asheville!

Neal Crowley (Americana, blues, country)

Altamont Brewing Company

Crosby Tyler (bluegrass, blues)

Russ Wilson & His Mighty Mighty Men

Carrie Arrowood

#1 Outdoor Dining!

Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill

Tue., June 7

Root Bar No. 1

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

White Horse

SUNDAY • 6/12

Scratch-Tastical Saturdays w/ live DJ

Open mic

Pack’s Tavern

DJ Moto

Purple Onion Cafe

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Solomon Roark (singer/songwriter) Hole-N-Da-Wall

Cipher circle, 10pm

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Actual Proof (funk, fusion, jazz) Orange Peel

Ryan Bingham & the Dead Horses (Americana, roots) w/ The Americans The Get Down

Knifey Spoony w/ Flies Around It

Tim Marsh (singer-songwriter) Good Stuff

Open mic

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Old-time jam, 6pm Jus One More

Live bluegrass

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Vocal jazz session w/ Sharon LaMotte, 7:30pm

Back stage: This Will Destroy You (rock, instrumental) w/ Nighty Nite, John LaMonica and Knives & Daggers

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Olive or Twist

Marc Keller

Westville Pub

The Firecracker Jazz Band, 7pm

clubdirectory 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 The 170 La Cantinetta 687-8170 All Stars Sports Bar & Grill 684-5116 Altamont Brewing Company 575-2400 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 Athena’s Club 252-2456 Avenue M 350-8181 Barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 Beacon Pub 686-5943 Black Mountain Ale House 669-9090 Blend Hookah Lounge 505-0067 Blue Mountain Pizza 658-8777 Blue Note Grille 697-6828 Boiler Room 505-1612 BoBo Gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 Clingman Cafe 253-2177 Club Hairspray 258-2027 The Chop House 253-1852 Craggie Brewing Company 254-0360 Creature’s Cafe 254-3636 Curras Nuevo 253-2111 Desoto Lounge 986-4828 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dirty South Lounge 251-1777 The Dripolator 398-0209 Ed Boudreaux’s Bayou BBQ 296-0100

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar 252-2711 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge 232- 4372 Fairview Tavern 505-7236 Feed & Seed + Jamas Acoustic 216-3492 Firestorm Cafe 255-8115 Frankie Bones 274-7111 Fred’s Speakeasy 281-0920 Fred’s Speakeasy South 684-2646 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 French Broad Chocolate Lounge 252-4181 The Garage 505-2663 The Get Down 505-8388 Good Stuff 649-9711 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern 232-5800 Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn (Elaine’s Piano Bar/ Great Hall) 252-2711 The Handlebar (864) 233-6173 The Hangar 684-1213 Hannah Flanagans 252-1922 Harrah’s Cherokee 497-7777 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 The Hop 254-2224 The Hop West 252-5155 Infusions 665-2161

Iron Horse Station 622-0022 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jerusalem Garden 254-0255 Jus One More 253-8770 Laurey’s Catering 252-1500 Lexington Avenue Brewery 252-0212 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Luella’s Bar-B-Que 505-RIBS Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 The Magnetic Field 257-4003 Midway Tavern 687-7530 Mela 225-8880 Mellow Mushroom 236-9800 Mike’s Side Pocket 281-3096 Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill 258-1550 Mountain Ale House 669-9090 Northside Bar and Grill 254-2349 Olive Or Twist 254-0555 O’Malley’s On Main 246-0898 The Orange Peel 225-5851 Pack’s Tavern 225-6944 Pineapple Jack’s 253-8860 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 The Pocket 258-9828 Posana Cafe 505-3969 Pulp 225-5851 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949

Rendezvous 926-0201 Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill 622-0001 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Scully’s 251-8880 Skyland Performing Arts Center 693-0087 Shifters 684-1024 Stella Blue 236-2424 Stephanie’s Roadhouse Bistro 299-4127 The Still 683-5913 Straightaway Cafe 669-8856 Switzerland Cafe 765-5289 Tallgary’s 232-0809 Red Room 252-0775 Thirsty Monk South 505-4564 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Town Pump 669-4808 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 Vanuatu Kava 505-8118 The Village Wayside 277-4121 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 The Warehouse Live 681-9696 Wedge Brewery 505 2792 Well Bred Bakery & Cafe 645-9300 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066

TallGary’s Cantina

Blue Note Grille

Jenny Arch (folk)

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Craggie Brewing Company

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Open mic, 7:30pm DJ Justin

Vanuatu Kava Bar

Open mic

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals) Wedge Brewing Co.

Kon Tiki (reggae), 5-7pm Wild Wing Cafe

Woody Wood (blues, rock)

Thu., June 9

Open mic, 6-9pm

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Sarah JaroSz

w/ anGela eaSterlinG • 8Pm


Dirty Guv’nahS w/ laDieS Gun cluB • 8:30Pm


ronD (formerly Severe & ProfounD) w/ BiG hunGry anD more tBa • 9Pm


6/3 Sun

John Dee Graham & Sam Baker • 8Pm



founD film feStival • 8Pm


chuck BroDSky



cD release Show • 9Pm

Jorma kaukonen | iris Dement | Devil makes 3 | the Gourds | t. model ford

Hot Men • Cold Beer • Good Times

Smokey’s After Dark

Monday: Beers & Balls Night (Free Pool & $2 Domestics)

Thursday: FREE Wii Games 1st Place Prize!

OPEN 7 Nights-A-Week 4pm-2am

18 Broadway Downtown

253-2155 Sport’s Bar Billiards Darts



UFC Fight Night S at • J u n e 1 1 • 9 p m

Friday Nights KaraoKe by Sound extreme thUrsday Nights bike Night

Barley’s Taproom

Alien Music Club (jazz jam)


$2 beerS • 35¢ WingS • open miKe nigHt 9:30pm-1am •

Found Film Festival

Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill

Open mic, 7-10pm


Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Open fOr Lunch M-f 11:30aM

M-f 11:30am - 10pm Open fOr Dinner On Sat &Music Sun: nights 5pm - 10pm

S at u r d ay • J u n e 1 8

t C b ba Nd

h o s p i ta l i t y Ni g h t s

Love Dog Shrapnel (Americana, roots, soul)

Dirk Quinn Band (funk, jazz, experimental) w/ CinderCat

free pool • 11-clo Se • Sun-W ed

Good Stuff

Olive or Twist

fat c at S - b i l l i a r d S . c o m

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Gene Peyroux & the Snow Monkeys (rock, funk, soul) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Heather Masterton & the Swing Station Band, 8pm Orange Peel

2345 HenderSonVille road

828-681-0555 • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 57

karaoke monday Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues / Wild Wing Cafe


THuR . June 2

Jus One More / The Pocket / Red Room

aunt Martha

Music & EvEnts

Wednesday, June 1sT, 8PM - $20/$25

W/ MatriMOny Thursday, June 2

Thirstdays 4-8pm

W/ haile israel and The PuB CarTel laTe nighT seT The legendary JC’s

Friday, June 3


Thursday, June 2nd - 8PM Free

(Funk) FREE Show • Doors Open @ 4pm Show @ 6pm

MaTT niChols

Saturday, June 4

Thursday, June 16Th - 8PM $20/$25

Like Mind Trio

(Jazz) FREE Show • Doors Open @ 4pm Show @ 6pm


fR i. June 3

Brian Mcgee & PJ BOnd

SaT. June 4 JOhnny sexx W/


Sun. June 5

Cancun Mexican Grill / Club Hairspray / Harrah’s Cherokee Fairview Tavern

the treatMent & the WOrsties

Wages W/ BirdliPs & skylake MaRiacHi MondayS

Live Mariachi Band $2 Tacos & Mexican Beer Specials O n t h e f r O n t s ta g e


no cover charge (4-8pm)

Beacon Pub / Buffalo Wild Wings / Fred’s Speakeasy / The Hangar / Midway Tavern / O’Malleys on Main / Holland’s Grille


Aaron Price 1pm | Piano


Jake Hollifield Piano | 9pm


Dave Turner 9pm

friday Fat Cat’s Billards / Mack Kell’s Midway Tavern / Shifter’s / Shovelhead Saloon / Tallgary’s Cantina

saturday The Hangar / Holland’s Grille Jus One More / Midway Tavern / Rendezvous / Shovelhead Saloon / The Still

Mon - Wed 4pm - 9pm | Thurs - saT 2pm - 12am | sun 2pm - 9pm

advanced Tickets Can Be Purchased @

sunday Cancun Mexican Grill / Fred’s Speakeasy South / The Hangar The Get Down / Shifter’s




funky jazz

FREE SHOW! $1 off All Vodkas

FRI. 6/3

Red Room

THUR. 6/2

Dance Lush w/ DJ Moto Red Step Artworks

imagine... over 40 gorgeous & tantalizing girls... up close & personal

(Hosted by Amanda Platt of The Honeycutters)

Buy 1, Get 1 Half Off Appetizers $4 Margaritas

Ladies & Couples Welcome Sports Lounge feat. NBA & UFC on big screen Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole” Great Drink Specials Every Night

Local DJ Exposure feat: Aloysius & Xist Shifter’s

Open jam

The Get Down

The John Douglas Company w/ Pleasures of the Ultraviolent Town Pump

Ginny McAfee (singer-songwriter) Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Peggy Ratusz & friends Vincenzo’s Bistro

Aaron LaFalce (piano) Westville Pub

Johnny Folsom 4 (outlaw country, honkey-tonk)

TUESDAY OPEN BLUES JAM Shrimp ‘n Grits • $1 off Rum Drinks

Scandals Nightclub

Ben Scales

MON. 6/6

777 HAYWOOD ROAD • 225-WPUB (9782)

Open mic

Straightaway Cafe

SAT. 6/4

• All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast All Day! • $1 Off Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas

OPEN MIC IS BACK! Sign up at 7pm

TUES. 6/7

Amy Speace

$3.50 Gin & Tonics

americana/southern-styled rock $5 Robo Shots

SUN. 6/5

Purple Onion Cafe


Pack’s Tavern

Micah Hanks (bluegrass, rock)

Real New Orleans Po Boys $1 off all Whiskey


Portugal. The Man (indie, rock, pop) w/ Unknown Mortal Orchestra

see for yourself at

Wild Wing Cafe

Fri., June 10

520 Swannanoa River Rd, Asheville, NC 28805 • Mon - Sat 5pm - 2am • (828) 298-1400

58 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

DJ Moto

Athena’s Club

Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Blue Note Grille

The Chop House

Highland Brewing Company

Boiler Room

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Horizons at Grove Park Inn


Town Pump

Hotel Indigo

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Brown Chicken Brown Cow

Live jazz, 6-10pm

Machiavillians (rock) w/ guests

Stray Dog (rock, blues)

All Tiny Creatures (rock, minimalist)

Bayou Diesel (cajun, zydeco)

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Ruby Mayfield & friends (rock) Vanuatu Kava Bar

DJ Dizzy dance party

Space Medicine & the Mystic Ferrymen (ambient, folk, jam)

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Fred’s Speakeasy South

Nikki Talley (indie, rock)

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Ras Berhane (reggae, soul)

Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays) White Horse

Hobey Ford (puppeteer)

Good Stuff

French Broad Friday: Mermaids in Marshall

Sat., June 11

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Athena’s Club

Chuck Brodsky CD release show (Americana, folk) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Hangar

Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Blue Note Grille

David Earl & the Plowshares (Americana, rock, soul) Boiler Room

Contagious (covers, rock)

26 Ways (funk) w/ guests

Highland Brewing Company


Dave Desmelik Trio (Americana)

The Feral Chihuahuas (variety, comedy, music)

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Non-stop rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Skinny Legs & All (blues, rock)

Eleven on Grove

Luella’s Bar-B-Que

Richard Barrett

Old School Saturdays w/ funk, soul, hip-hop and R&B

Olive or Twist

Fred’s Speakeasy South

Live jazz or swing

DJ Dizzy dance party

Orange Peel

Benefit for the WCCJ’s Women at Risk program Pack’s Tavern

Crocodile Smile (dance)

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Leigh Glass & the Hazards (Americana, blues, rock) French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Jazzville Band (jazz)

Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist)

Good Stuff

Patrick Flaherty (blues, country)

Red Room

Dance party w/ DJ D-Day

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill

J. J. Ball (indie, blues)

Joe Purdy (singer/songwriter) w/ The Milk Carton Kids (Americana, minimalist)

Stella Blue

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Jonathan Scales Fourchestra (fusion, jazz) w/ The Great Barrier Reefs

H O W Y O U D O I ’ N

Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm

Lyndsay Wojcik (folk, roots, soul) Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Sunset Sessions w/ Ben Hovey (“sonic scientist�), 7-10pm Uncle Mountain (folk rock, indie) Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Back stage: The Bloodroot Orkaestarr (Gypsy, folk) w/ Big Nasty Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Blair Crimmins & the Hookers (blues, jazz) w/ Little Friday Olive or Twist

The 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8pm Orange Peel

Electronic showcase feat: Somni Suite, Don Winsley, Silver Machine & Graviton Project

THUR. 6/1

weekly jazz jam (

See Menu & Live Music Calendar

Gay DVD’s on sale for

$9.95 (regularly $39.99)

New Shipment of exotic magazines – huge selection

20% OFF total purchase of $25 or more

(must present coupon. Limit 1 per customer. Not valid w/ other offers/sales)

Sun-Thur 8am-Midnight • Fri & Sat 8am-3am

(828) 684-8250

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)



42 B I L T M O R E A V E . D O W N T O W N A S H E V I L L E - 255-0504 - M O N -S A T 11:30 A M -?/S U N 12-12

Pack’s Tavern

Live DJ

Pisgah Brewing Company

1st annual Brews & Blues Festival feat: Peggy Ratusz, Shane Pruitt & more Purple Onion Cafe

Fayssoux & Co.


Red Room

Scratch-Tastical Saturdays w/ live DJ

fine foods • 30 brews on tap • patio sports room • 110� projector event space • Sunday Brunch 11-2pm

Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill

Doc Hill (Appalachian)

Scandals Nightclub

Terpsicorps vampire masquerade ball, 7:3010:30pm


Straightaway Cafe

Gary Segal (singer-songwriter) TallGary’s Cantina

Thur 6/2

Carolina Rex (blues, rock) The Chop House

Live jazz, 6-10pm

The Get Down

Albatross Party (rock, indie) CD Release Party w/ The Judas Horse

Lee Griffin Band

[jazzy, swingy, bluesy rock]

The Joshua Singleton Band

Fri [blues, rock, soul] 6/3

Town Pump

Circus Mutt (acoustic rock) Vincenzo’s Bistro

Marc Keller

Westville Pub


Grammer School (indie)

?dZ @gdlc Ig^d

Sat 6/4

DJ Moto

[club, hip hop, turntablism]


Where Adul t Dreams Co me Tr u e

$12.99(regularly $49.99)


Alien Music Club


Feature DVD’s starting at

open for lunch & dinner

fresh / real / pizza / beer / music

Jack Of The Wood Pub

AZ^\] <aVhh I]Z =VoVgYh

lingerie toys


Open 7 Days... 11am - Late




dvd’s games sexy costumes




gift cards Huge selection of BACHI, DREAMGIRLS and RENE ROFE lingerie


FREE Parking weekdays after 5pm & all weekend (behind us on Marjorie St.)

20 S. Spruce St. • 225.6944

Off Biltmore Ave. in the new Pack Square Park. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 59

60 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •


theaterlistings Friday, JUNE 3 - Thursday, JUNE 9 Due to the holiday, show times were not available from most theaters. Check for show times and call theaters to catch any last minute scheduling changes.

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating

additional reviews by justin souther contact



Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

Please call the info line for updated showtimes.

Meek’s Cutoff

Mars Needs Moms (PG) 1:00, 4:00


Source Code (PG-13) 7:00

Director: Kelly Reichardt (Wendy and Lucy) Players: Michelle Williams, Bruce Greenwood, Will Patton, Paul Dano, Shirley Henderson

Your Highness (R) 10:00

Western Drama Rated PG

Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)

The Story: An 1845 wagon train becomes perilously lost when its guide suggests taking a cutoff he claims is a shortcut.


The Lowdown: Deliberately paced Western drama that immerses the viewer in the wagon-train experience, with all the quiet terror and paranoia produced by such a journey.

13 Assassins (R) 12:05, 2:55, 7:15, 9:55 (Sofa Cinema)

I should note outright that I am not, strictly speaking, a fan of Kelly Reichardt. I found the much-praised Wendy and Lucy (2008) a dreary bore. But then, I’m not a huge admirer of so-called minimalist filmmaking. It came as something of a surprise how very much I liked her latest, Meek’s Cutoff. It’s not that it’s in a particularly more lively style, but something — I’m guessing it’s the subject matter — made it an altogether different experience. There is a kind of quiet grandeur to it — and this keeps the movie compelling in ways that set it well apart from Wendy and Lucy. The fact-based story follows a small wagon train headed up by guide Stephen Meek (Bruce Greenwood) that — on his advice — departs from the Oregon Trail to take what he presented as a shortcut. The problem arises from the fact that not only is it not what Meek said it was, but that it becomes increasingly obvious that Meek hasn’t the first clue about where they are or where they should go. With their water and supplies dwindling in the trek through the dry and desolate wilderness, tensions reach new heights with the discovery and subsequent capture of a Native American, known in the film only as “the Indian” (stuntman Rod Rondeaux). Meek’s argument is the man is leading his tribe to them in order to murder the settlers, but the others have mixed feelings about this interpretation. This wagon train — reduced in size from the historical one — is essentially a microcosm. There’s the young couple — Thomas (Paul Dano) and Millie Gately (Zoe Kazan) — who probably have no business undertaking the trip in the first place, as evidenced by their insistence on bringing a canary in a cage with them. Then there are the Whites (Shirley Henderson and Neal Huff), who cling to Bible verse and seem propelled by some form of visionary “manifest destiny.” The most important couple, though, are Emily (Michelle Williams) and Solomon Tetherow. They are neither babes in the woods (or wilderness), nor are they visionary zealots.

Listings online only because of holiday n

Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 (274-9500)

Bridesmaids (R) 12:15, 3:25. 7:50, 10:35 The Conspirator (PG-13) 11:25, 2:00, 4:35, 7:25, 9:50 (Sofa Cinema) Everything Must Go (R) 11:40, 2:15, 4:50, 8:00, 10:15 (Sofa Cinema)

Michelle Williams in Kelly Reichardt’s uncompromising Meek’s Cutoff. Rather, they’re realists — and they’ve become rightfully skeptical of Meek. Emily in particular is doubtful of him. It is Emily who thinks the Indian might be able to lead them to water. It is she who treats him like a human being (though it is her husband who explains the man’s actions at one point). She even mends his mocassin at one point — to the astonishment of the others. This, however, is not out of compassion or any kind of modern sensibility, but rather out of a desire that he should owe her something. All of this — the xenophobia, the landscape, the setting out on a task none of them actually understands, the character types — is clearly meant to draw a parallel to the war in Iraq, but it’s never allowed to overwhelm the film’s drama. And, yes, there is drama here, though it’s rarely stated and rarely straightforward. The performances are spare. There’s not a lot of dialogue and what there is is largely functional. The characters are suggested more than clearly drawn (the film unfolds for some time at the beginning without revealing the players’ faces). Still, there’s a great drama that bubbles beneath the surface and is shrouded in the film’s ambiguity. There’s a stark, unromanticized sense of the journey West that owes nothing — apart from the terrifying grandeur of the landscape — to the traditional Western film. That said, I will note that the film is neither fast-paced nor action-packed, and is not going to be to everyone’s taste. But those who respond to it are apt to find mesmerizing — and possibly shattering. Rated PG for some mild violent content, brief language and smoking. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

The Hangover Part II (R) 11:20, 11:50, 2:00, 2:30, 4:30, 5:05, 7:10, 7:40, 9:40, 10:25

The Hangover Part II

Jane Eyre (PG-13) 11:35, 3:10, 7:35, 10:20 (Sofa Cinema)

Director: Todd Phillips (Due Date) Players: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, Ken Jeong

Kung Fu Panda 2D (PG) 12:00, 2:10, 4:20, 7:45, 10:05


Comedy Rated R

The Story: The guys of the original Hangover are back, with another botched bachelor party, but this time in Thailand. The Lowdown: A mostly painless rehash of its predecessor that’s basically the original all over again, meaning there’s little reason to really care or remember that this film even exists. There’s no use reinventing the wheel, and if it ain’t broke, you shouldn’t fix it. And if you can make 118 million bucks in four days by putting out a sequel that’s basically the same movie all over again, why take risks with the proven formula? In that respect The Hangover Part II is the worst kind of sequel in that it takes the exact premise, plot and ending of its originator and repackages it in a bigger, shinier budget. I should probably be more indignant about the sheer laziness and greed on display here, but I can’t for the life of me muster up the wherewithal to give a damn, namely because I simply can’t work up the enthusiasm to care about this movie or its predecessor. Since this is basically The Hangover: The Repurposing, I find this iteration just as painless and just as forgettable as the first Hangover (2009). Maybe even more forgettable this time around, since Part II’s a movie completely awash in a morass of unoriginality. The film quickly reintroduces the characters

Kung Fu Panda 3D (PG) 11:30, 1:30, 3:40, 7:05, 9:30

Meek’s Crossing (PG) 11:55, 2:20, 4:45, 7:55, 10:20 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 Thor 2D (PG-13) 12:35, 4:00, 7:30, 10:30 X-Men: First Class (PG-13) 11:45, 12:20, 3:00, 4:15, 7:20, 7:50, 10:10, 10:40 n

Cinebarre (665-7776)

Listings online only because of holiday n

Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200)

Listings online only because of holiday n

Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146)

Listings online only because of holiday n

Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536)

Bill Cunningham New York (NR) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 The Double Hour (NR) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:20 n

Flatrock Cinema (697-2463)

Listings online only because of holiday n

Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298)


United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

Listings online only because of holiday

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 61

Tune In to Cranky Hanke’s Movie Reviews

5:30 pm Fridays on Matt Mittan’s Take a Stand.

nowplaying 13 Assassins JJJJJ

Fast Five JJJJ

Koji Yakusho, Takayuki Yamada, Yusuke Iseya, Goro Inagaki, Masachika Ichimura Action A small band of samurai set out to assassinate an evil lord before he plunges the entire country into violence and warfare. Top notch action—with an absolutely amazing showdown— combined with an intelligent story that has something to say make this one of the best films of the year. Rated R

Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Dwayne Johnson Action In this entry our heroes end up in Brazil where they find themselves in trouble with a drug lord and a special DEA agent. Preposterous, over-the-top, way too long, but it’s still entertaining nonsense with excellently crafted—albeit ridiculous—action scenes. Rated PG-13

Bridesmaids JJJJ Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, Chris O’Dowd, Melissa McCarthy, Jill Clayburgh Raunchy Comedy A friendship dating back to childhood is threatened by the encroachment of a new friend during preparations for a wedding. A coarse comedy that trades heavily in gross-out humor is made agreeable by the humanity and believable nature of its characters. Rated R

The Conspirator JJJJJ

now serving a special brunch menu for all shows starting before 2pm on Sundays Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808

The Hangover Part II JJJ Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, Ken Jeong Comedy The guys of the original Hangover are back, with another botched bachelor party, but this time in Thailand. A mostly painless rehash of its predecessor that’s basically the original all over again, meaning there’s little reason to really care or remember that this film even exists. Rated R

Insidious JJJJ

James McAvoy, Robin Wright, Kevin Kline, Evan Rachel Wood, Danny Huston, Tom Wilkinson Historical Drama Historical story of the trial of Mary Surratt, a woman accused of complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Strong, well-made historical drama from Robert Redford that scores big in its well-crafted and superbly acted characterizations. Rated PG-13

Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins, Lin Shaye, Barbara Hershey, Leigh Whannell Horror When malevolent spirits follow the Lambert family to another home, they bring in an exorcist who finds that their comatose son is the point of demonic interest. A funhouse ride of a horror picture that revels in all the tropes of the genre—as well as its own absurdity, but manages to be pretty-darn creepy at the same time. Rated PG-13

The Double Hour JJJJJ


Kseniya Rappoport, Filippo Timi, Antonia Truppo, Gaetano Bruno, Fausto Russo Alesi Twisty Crime Thriller A lonely security guard and an equally lonely immigrant woman meet at a speed-dating event and seem to click, but things are not exactly what they seem. Delightful in its various twists and turns where the viewer is increasingly unsure of how real what’s being shown is, but ultimately a little too convinced of its cleverness for its own good. Still, it’s worth seeing for the wild ride and two strong lead performances. Rated NR

Marc Ian Barasch, Coleman Barks, Noam Chomsky, Tom Shadyac, Desmond Tutu, Howard Zinn Documentary Following a life-changing accident, Hollywood director Tom Shadyac reassess his life and starts looking for answers to what’s wrong (and right) with the world. Well-intentioned and generally entertaining documentary that suffers from a little too-much New Agey-ness and a little too-much of the director. Rated NR

Everything Must Go JJJJJ Will Ferrell, Rebecca Hall, Christopher Jordan Wallace, Laura Dern, Michael Peña, Stephen Root Drama with Comedy An alcoholic salesman loses his job and returns home to find himself locked out and all his belongings thrown out on the lawn, so he decides to just live there. A very fine dramatic film with touches of comedy that’s one of the best things to come out this year—and all of it built around a strong central performance from Will Ferrell, though one that may not please his fanbase. Rated R

Jane Eyre JJJJ Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Judi Dench, Jamie Bell, Sally Hawkins Gothic Romance Young Jane Eyre is hired as a tutor at a grim English manor owned by a gloomy, mysterious man with a dark secret. Solid, atmospheric film version of the book, blessed by strong visuals and performances, though somewhat let down by one weak aspect—and possibly by the familiarity of the story. Rated PG-13

Jumping the Broom JJJJ Paula Patton, Laz Alonso, Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, Meagan Good Romantic Comedy The Story: Two families from different sides of the tracks meet for the first time at a wedding. An overlong, indifferent piece of poorly

constructed melodrama that’s mostly just forgettable. Rated PG-13

Kung Fu Panda 2 JJJJ (Voices) Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Gary Oldman, Michelle Yeoh Animated Comedy Adventure When the future of China is threatened by the rise of the evil Shen, it falls to Dragon Warrior Po and the “Furious Five” to set things to rights. A visually beautiful sequel that in most ways more than lives up to the original. Rated PG

Meek’s Cutoff JJJJJ Michelle Williams, Bruce Greenwood, Will Patton, Paul Dano, Shirley Henderson Western Drama An 1845 wagon train becomes perilously lost when its guide suggests taking a cutoff he claims is a shortcut. Deliberately paced Western drama that immerses the viewer in the wagon-train experience, with all the quiet terror and paranoia produced by such a journey. Rated PG

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides JJJJ Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Geoffrey Rush, Ian McShane, Kevin McNally, Sam Claflin Fantasy Adventure Jack Sparrow is shanghaied to join a search for the legendary Fountain of Youth. If you like Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, chances are you’ll like this fourth entry just fine, especially with the addition of Penelope Cruz. Otherwise, there’s no real reason to see it. Rated PG-13

Potiche JJJJ Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Fabrice Luchini, Karin Viard, Judith Godrèche, Jérémie Renier Farce Comedy When her husband is taken ill, a trophy wife has to take over the family umbrella factory—and proves better at it than he is. French farce of the lightest kind that’s made charming and satisfying thanks to stylish direction and two iconic stars. Rated R

Priest JJJ Paul Bettany, Karl Urban, Cam Gigandet, Maggie Q, Lily Collins, Christopher Plummer, Brad Dourif Post-Apocalyptic Religio-Horror Wild-West Mish-Mash A retired vampire-fighting priest returns to his profession when his niece is kidnapped by blood-suckers. An utterly ridiculous melange of elements slapped together from various genres and movies that reaches a level of insanity that’s entertaining for all the wrong reasons. Rated PG-13

Thor JJJJ Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgård, Kat Dennings Superhero Comic Adaptation Exiled from the realm of Asgard by his father, Odin, Thor finds himself on Earth where he has to earn back his god powers. A fun comic-book movie that is reasonably serious without taking it all too seriously. A good cast—and a strong lead—help, as does Kenneth Branagh’s direction. Rated PG-13

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from the original: Stu (Ed Helms) is getting married in Thailand, meaning his pals Phil (Bradley Cooper), Doug (Justin Bartha) and — against Stu’s better judgment — the oddball Alan (Zach Galafianakis) all come along to help him celebrate. Stu, still wary of all of the misadventures in Las Vegas in The Hangover, refuses a bachelor party. But some jostling causes him to agree to a small get-together and drinks on the beach with his friends and his fiancee’s wunderkind brother, Teddy (Mason Lee). We then jump forward to the next morning to find Stu, Phil and Alan waking up in a grungy Bangkok hotel room, with no memory of how a few drinks led to this, and no sign of Teddy besides a severed finger with his class ring attached. The film then turns into the same kind of whodunit as the first, as the boys have to find Teddy before Stu’s wedding by piecing together the preposterous events of the previous night. As in the first film, the humor — in theory — lies in the absurdity of it all, with this film attempting to outdo part one, this time with transgendered prostitutes and a cigarette smoking monkey in a denim vest, among other acts of debauched bizarreness. But is any of it actually funny? That, of course, is a totally subjective matter, and since this is basically the same movie, your feelings towards the first Hangover should be a good barometer. Apart from the nicotine-addicted primate, I never found anything in Part II worth anything more than a chuckle (or perhaps a hauty chortle), with the funniest bit actually being a pretty offensive throwaway gag that pops up over the end credits. Even with all that, I can’t say I actually actively disliked the film. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I like the main actors. As predictable as Galifianakis’ (supposedly) wacky, random lines have become, he’s still better at delivering them than a lot of comedic actors ever will be. None of this is enough to make me recommend the film, but it’s enough to say you could probably do worse. Rated R for pervasive language, strong sexual content including graphic nudity, drug use and brief violent images. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7

Kung Fu Panda 2 JJJJ

Director: Jennifer Yuh Players: (Voices) Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Gary Oldman, Michelle Yeoh Animated Comedy Adventure Rated PG

The Story: When the future of China is threatened by the rise of the evil Shen, it falls to Dragon Warrior Po and the “Furious Five” to set things to rights. The Lowdown: A visually beautiful sequel that in most ways more than lives up to the original. Jennifer Yuh’s Kung Fu Panda 2 comes close to being that rare beast — the sequel that’s better than the original. Visually, it’s better than its predecessor. In fact, it’s one of the most elegantly beautiful animated films I’ve ever seen. It’s also much better at achieving — albeit simplistically — the kind of emotional resonance the first film

lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, the “Elitist Bastards Go to the Movies” podcast, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at mountainx. com/movies. tried for and missed. At the same time, unfortunately, someone forgot that much of what worked about Kung Fu Panda (2008) was the interplay between Jack Black’s Po and Dustin Hoffman’s Master Shifu. Oh, it’s still here, but the new film makes the mistake of sidelining Hoffman for way too much of the film. Instead, it gives Angelina Jolie’s Tigress more to do — and that’s not a good trade-off. The story this round involves the villainous peacock, Shen (Gary Oldman, who makes a much better villainous peacock here than he did a villainous witchfinder in Red Riding Hood). The cocky son of a royal family, Shen is told by a soothsayer sheep (Michelle Yeoh) that he will be defeated by a black-and-white adversary, so rather than risk such a thing, he goes all Biblical on the pandas and thinks he’s stamped them out. His parents are so horrified by this act that they disown him and banish him, which, of course, only makes him nastier. In fact, it drives him to transform the family invention of fireworks into the creation of gunpowder and cannons — with which he plans to take over all of China. Naturally, it’s up to Po and the “Furious Five” to stop him. I can’t say that anything terribly surprising happens — apart from the fact that the film never succumbs to post-modern pop culture snark, which is always a pleasant surprise. Like its predecessor, a good many of the celebrity voice-cast performers aren’t given much to do, while voice guest stars Dennis Haysbert and Jean-Claude Van Damme may as well not have shown up at all. (In the latter case, this could have been a blessing in disguise.) But what the film does do is offer some genuine — and genuinely breathtaking — spectacle. So many movies strive for “epic,” and so few really achieve it. This does. Better yet, it does it in 3D, which is, for a change, an actual enhancement and not just a way to wrangle an extra three-and-a-half bucks out of your pocket. Kung Fu Panda 2 also manages to tell a credibly moving story concerning Po’s origins. I admit I actually liked the fact that the first film started to explain just why a panda has a goose (James Hong) for a father, and then never did. And I slightly regret that this one does, but I can’t deny that the film’s “daddy issues” are both nicely, if predictably, addressed and are worked in as a plot device. For that matter, I don’t even object too strenuously to the fact that this is used to set up the inevitable sequel. All in all, the quality of this film — and Rango — only serve to make me dread the prospect of Cars 2 that much more. Rated PG for sequences of martial arts action and mild violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

filmsociety The Magic Christian JJJJJ

Director: Joseph McGrath Players: Peter Sellers, Ringo Starr, Isabel Jeans, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Spike Milligan, Raquel Welch, Christopher Lee Satirical Comedy Rated PG The Magic Christian (1969) was mostly villified on its original release. Words like “tasteless” and “incomprensible” were thrown around very freely indeed. Time, however, has been kind to the film. Its reputation has grown considerably — though not to the point that it has entirely lost its controversy. And that’s a good thing, since a non-controversial Magic Christian would not be in the least desirable. This is a film that was meant to polarize viewers — and it still does. Consider that it is a film that steadfastly refuses to ever explain its plot or assign a point to any of what happens. Its trailer is in the same key, since it refuses to tell the viewer who or what “The Magic Christian” is, leaving the deliberately provocative title provocatively unclear. The film itself doesn’t reveal what it is until late in the proceedings and leaves the “why” of the name choice entirely up to the viewer. What we know from the outset is that Sir Guy Grand is filthy rich (and eccentric) and that Youngman (Ringo) is a young man Sir Guy meets in the park — and immediately adopts. From there — well, the viewer is asked to follow their adventures and make sense out of them. If you can, it’s exhilirating in its utter anarchy. If you can’t, it’s probably frustrating. But you’ll never know till you try — and even if you have tried, there are so many subtle jokes in the film that you almost certainly didn’t get them all. And there’s John Cleese and Graham Chapman, three Badfinger songs, and Thunderclap Newman’s “Something in the Air,” too. reviewed by Ken Hanke The Asheville Film Society will screen The Magic Christian Tuesday, June 7, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.

Son of Frankenstein JJJJ

Director: Rowland V. Lee Players: Boris Karloff, Basil Rathbone, Bela Lugosi, Lionel Atwill, Josephine Hutchinson Horror Rated NR Somewhat unfairly dismissed by Ian McKellen’s James Whale in Gods and Monsters (1998) with the line, “I only made the first two — the rest were made by hacks,” this third Frankenstein picture is admitedly nowhere near the level of Whale’s films, but it is by no means hackwork. It is, in fact, the biggest, most elaborate, and longest of all Universal horror movies of the early sound era — in either the first or second wave of horror. That’s not entirely in its favor — especially that “longest” part. At 98 minutes, it’s about 20 minutes longer than any of its predecessors, but it’s not 20 minutes better. Son of Frankenstein (1939), however, does have a lot of things going for it, though — the sets, the Frank Skinner musical score, a few fine moments for Karloff, an iconic role for Lionel Atwill, an over-the-top lead performance from Basil Rathbone (not everyone considers this a plus), and, best of all, Bela Lugosi’s Ygor. That last is enough to make the film an essential. Everything else is just a bonus in this entry in the Frankenstein saga that has Frankenstein’s son Wolf (Rathbone) following in his father’s misguided footsteps. reviewed by Ken Hanke The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Son of Frankenstein Thursday, June 2, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. • JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 63

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An unusual fish in the documentary world, since it has no axe to grind and no real dirt to dish. That is perhaps why reviewers have tended to actually gush a bit over it. In fact, this film about the 80-year-old New York Times photographer has garnered only one bad review so far — and it’s from contrarian Armond White, which makes it pretty negligible. (R) Early review samples: • “It doesn’t matter if you care nothing at all about clothing, fashion or photography. You might still enjoy Bill Cunningham New York, because here is a good and joyous man who leads a life that is perfect for him, and how many people do we meet like that? This movie made me happy every moment I was watching it.” (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) • “I love this man, I love this movie.” (Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer)


X-Men: First Class

Well, here’s this week’s Big Thing, XMen: First Class — and it may very well be first class. The fact that Matthew Vaughn (Stardust) is in the director’s chair bodes well. Plus, let’s be honest, the first two X-Men films were really the Rolls Royces of superhero movies. Of course, there was that third film, but the less said about that, the better. The cast is solid and the trailer looks pretty classy. Early word is strong, but it’s mostly from lesser critics. (PG-13) Early review samples: • “First Class is ultimately a success, because not only does it reward fans, but it redeems a series that gave the superhero genre its start.” (Tod Gilchrist, Boxoffice Magazine) • “Audacious, confident and fueled by youthful energy, this is a surefire summer winner for a wide global audience.” (Todd McCarthy, Hollywood Reporter

See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

specialscreenings Hiroshima Mon Amour

The Kremlin Letter

Director: Alain Resnais Players: Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Stella Dassas, Pierre Barbaud, Bernard Fresson

Director: John Huston Players: Patrick O’Neal, Richard Boone, Max von Sydow, Bibi Andersson, George Sanders, Orson Welles

Drama Rated NR When I reviewed Hiroshima Mon Amour a few years ago, I wrote, “To appreciate the fuss and fury that greeted Alain Resnais’ Hiroshima, Mon Amour on its first appearance, it’s necessary to get into a kind of 1959 mindset. In particular, the 1959 mindset of the Cahiers du Cinema group, who were looking for new type of film. They found it with Resnais’ movie, which virtually defined the French New Wave. ... And it’s pretty much all here in this one film: the deceptively simple story of a brief encounter between a French actress (Emmanuelle Riva) on location in Hiroshima and a Japanese architect (Eiji Okada). And it all — as technique — still seems reasonably fresh, if no longer startlingly so. Unfortunately, Hiroshima is also the quintessential French art film, with everything that implies, meaning that every parody of pretentious French cinema (you know: where two characters say ‘oui’ and ‘non’ and nothing else for minutes on end) also stems from this movie.” Seeing it again for this screening, I find that that hasn’t changed, nor have my reservations about how the film plays today. To see the full review go to: http://www.mountainx. com/movies/review/hiroshima.php reviewed by Ken Hanke Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Hiroshima Mon Amour at 8 p.m. Friday, June 3, at Phil Mechanic Studios (109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Convoluted Spy Thriller Rated PG John Huston’s The Kremlin Letter (1970) didn’t make much of anyone happy on its original release. The critics didn’t like it and the audience, expecting some kind of James Bond movie, were baffled and/or bored by it. For years, it’s been dismissed as one of Huston’s (many) misfires, but in reality it’s less a misfire than a seriously misunderstood one. It’s complex and morally ambiguous like Sidney J. Furie’s The Ipcress File (1965) and Ken Russell’s Billion Dollar Brain (1967) — both of which featured Michael Caine as Harry Palmer and were promoted as James Bond “for the thinking man.” But with Huston at the helm, none of those film’s stylistic flourishes are in evidence, so you’re left with a somewhat flatly directed, complex spy yarn centered around a letter (that, of course, turns out to be totally beside the point, if it exists at all) which everyone wants to get their hands on. Still, the film exerts a weird fascination in its utter complexity and duplicity, performed by a cast that makes it consistently watchable. Beyond that, there’s George Sanders as an aging drag queen — which makes it close to irresistible. reviewed by Ken Hanke The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Kremlin Letter at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 5, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


64 JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •



Classified Advertising Sales Team: • Tim Navaille: 828-251-1333 ext.111, • Rick Goldstein: 828-251-1333 ext.123, • Arenda Manning: 828-251-1333 ext. 138,

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Real Estate

Homes For Sale

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• Send eco-friendly announcements. Many companies now print announcements on 100 percent recycled, sustainable-forest-certified cardstock. You can even find wind-powered paper, or plantable announcements embedded with wildflower seeds. Then use USPS “Save Vanishing Species” stamps to donate 11 cents to endangered wildlife with each envelope. Or go paperless by using use Evite’s online announcements.



Land For Sale



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• JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011



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• Choose a greener gown. This year, some schools are offering gowns made of recycled bottles or biodegradable fiber. Better yet, consider the no-waste route: Rent a gown or borrow one from a recent alum. If you’ve got to buy, donate your gown to a younger sibling or friend.


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Audio/Video ARTISTIC WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER • Serge, 828-777-6171. $195.

Financial BOOKKEEPING SERVICE SEEKING CLIENTS Solvent is seeking several additional clients. Laid-back smallbusiness owners preferred. New client incentives. Contact for more information. Seeking “Granny Bank,” someone who will invest their money for a higher yield than they are presently receiving and to give us opportunity to lower our mortgage rate/payment so that we can stay in our home here in Asheville. Any information of this possibility, please call CA: 828-273-5328.

Home A&B CONSTRUCTION is a leader in quality, craftsmanship and dependability for a wide range of building services here in Western North Carolina and the Upstate of South Carolina. We specialize in cost-sensitive, client oriented, residential and commercial renovation/remodeling, new construction, and repair services. Please call 828-258-2000 or visit our website at

JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

COMPANION • CAREGIVER • LIVE-IN Alzheimer’s experienced. • CarePartners Hospice recommended. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.

Commercial Listings

Commercial Property HENDERSONVILLE • DOWNTOWN RETAIL Broadway and Page Ave. $1,975 to 2,700 sq. ft. spaces. Also 222 to 715 sq. ft. office spaces. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024, POTENTIAL LIVE/WORK Arts and Crafts house with Modern cottage, multi-use commercial property, currently income producing property as a Hostel in the heart of West Asheville’s Business District! $399,000. Call The Real Estate Center 828-255-4663. RIVER ARTS DISTRICT • COMMERCIAL SPACE Street level commercial/retail space w/very high ceilings. Space will be delivered heated/cooled. Move in Ready. Stained concrete floors. Leed Certified Building. 60 apartments 100% leased. Buyer will be able to lock in the list price and receive 20% credit for all rent paid. Great way to grow equity. No downpayment. 1st month rent and security is all that is needed. List price starting at $335,000 at $1795/month. Call The Real Estate Center: 828-255-4663.

Commercial/Bus iness Rentals 1-2 ROOM OFFICE • 1796 Hendersonville Rd. Utilities and janitorial included. $295-$695/month. 828-253-1517. 1-4 ROOM OFFICE • 70 Woodfin. 2nd month rent free. Utilities included. $160$480/month. 828-253-1517. AVAILABLE HEALING ARTS OFFICE SPACE Spacious room includes waiting room, kitchen, bathroom, excellent location. • Telephone and internet access options. $350 includes everything. (828) 301-7256.

SUITE FOR RENT • 4 professional offices, bathroom, kitchenette, large waiting room, $895/month, includes electricity and water/sewer. 1141 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. One year lease. Call Elizabeth 828-271-4004 days, 828-628-0910 evenings and weekends.

FURNISHED STUDIO COTTAGE WITH LUXURY BATH Adorable Cottage, walk to Mission, Biltmore Village. Microwave, small fridge, coffeemaker, no kitchen. Off-street parking, small patio. No smoking, pets. $725/ month. 828-253-3525

EAST CONDO 2BR 1BA. HW/Carpet; W/D, A/C-gas furnace. $800/month. Call 253-0758. Carver Realty.


STUDIO, 1BA NORTH • 82 Merrimon. Hardwood floors, walk to downtown. $595/month. 828-253-1517.

NORTH ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 1BA. 1 mile from downtown, off Merrimon Ave. $495/month. 828-252-4334.

Apartments For Rent 1 BEDROOM/1 BATHROOM, Hendersonville, 2010 Laurel Park, $505, Off-Street Parking, Coin-Op Laundry. 828-253-1517. 1 GREAT CONDO 1BR, 1BA, recently updated. Upstairs. Convenient location. Close to Mission hospital. $595/month, water included. • No pets. 280-4136. 1920’s CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AND UNCA • Hillside St. Spacious and light-filled. 2BR/1BA with hardwood floors, large windows, good closet space. $725/month includes heat, hot and cold water. Tenant pays for electricity. Laundry included. Plenty of off-street parking. For appt: 775-1193 Debra. 1BA/STUDIO • 85 Merrimon. Spring Special! All utilities included. $600/month. 828-253-1517. 1BR, 1BA EAST • 28 Hillendale. Sunporch, coin-op laundry. $525/month. 828-253-1517. 1BR, 1BA SOUTH • 100 Beale St. Central A/C, deck. $585/month. 828-253-1517. 1BR, 1BA WEST • 1 Brucemont. Hardwood floors, coin-op laundry. $595/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1.5BA NORTH • 30 Clairmont. Central A/C, great location. $625/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1.5BA OAKLEY • 2 Oakview. D/W, W/D hookups. $645/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA EAST 7 Violet Hills, $715/month. Private Entrance, Pets Okay. 828-253-1517. BEVERLY HILLS • EAST • DUPLEX 2BR, 1BA. Quiet wooded setting. • 5 minutes to downtown. No smoking. Lease. • Pet considered. $675/month. 230-2511. BLACK MOUNTAIN • SPECIAL • 2BR, 1BA. Heatpump, central air, W/D connection. Nice area. Only $545/month. 828-252-4334.

STUDIO • Hendersonville. Near Main St. On bus line. Special! Only $295/month. 828-252-4334. UNFURNISHED 2BR, 1.5BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Water, garbage included. Swimming pool onsite and on bus line. $725/month. Call 828-252-9882. WEST-ACTON WOODS APTS • 2BR, 2BA, 1100 sq.ft. $800/month. Includes water and garbage pickup. Call 253-0758. Carver Realty.

Mobile Home Lots WEST ASHEVILLE • 2-3 miles to downtown. Newer park. City water/sewer. $250/month. 828-273-9545,

Condos/ Townhomes For Rent 2BR, 1.5BA CANTERBURY HEIGHTS 47 Beri Drive in Canterbury Heights development, West Asheville. Swimming pool, Fitness center. No Dogs. $700/month, $500 deposit. 828-252-9882. 3BR, 2BA E. ASHEVILLE 3BR, 2BA Townhouse in E. Asheville. $975/month. W/D hookup, tennis courts, pool. Pets considered, 10min. from downtown, close to amenities. Avail now. 280-1110 A BIG THANX! “Thanx Xpress! The recent rental ad attracted a steady stream of quality applicants, thanks to your quality publication.” Mark K. • You too can find quality renters by placing an affordable ad in the pages of Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace: 251-1333. DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE! 2BR, 2BA condo with hardwood floors, granite countertops, parking and onsite fitness center! Condo available June 1. $1450/month includes water. Call The Real Estate Center: 828-255-4663. DOWNTOWN CONDO 2BR/2BA with split bedrooms in charming restored building next to Pack Library. 11 windows on Haywood St, Stainless steel kitchen, W/D. Avail July 1, $1,550/month, 828-301-8033.

NORTH ASHEVILLE • 1BA, 1BA Townhome. 1 mile from downtown, off Merrimon Ave. On busline. $450/month. 828-252-4334.

NORTH ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 1BA. 1 mile to downtown. On busline. $595/month. 828-252-4334. WEST ASHEVILLE. CANTERBURY HEIGHTS 2BR/1.5BA split-level condo. Upgraded kitchen, washer and dryer, ceiling fans. Scenic views, community pool, fitness room. Close to UNCA and Downtown. $700/month +security deposit. Call: (828)-275-8704.

Homes For Rent $1200/MONTH Fantastic 2BR Log Home. Great yard, deck, porch, new kitchen, garage. East Asheville. I40 Exit 55. 423-6251 /116049444692070065224/ House?authkey=Gv1sRgCJX K7IXH1v_UlwE&feat=directli nk 1BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE Huge Living Room, bonus room, fresh paint, wood floors, nice yard, heat pump w/central air. $625/month, includes city water. 828-778-2685. 2BR, 1BA WEST • 22 Wilburn. A/C, basement. $895/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA WEST • 41 Branning. Full basement, hardwood floors. $895/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA • Near Biltmore Village. Renovated. W/D hookup, all appliances. Central A/C, gas furnace. Hardwoods and ceramic tile. Wrap-around covered porch. $835/month + security. 828-230-2157. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS All on one level. Close to West Asheville and Downtown. NW Asheville. Immaculate. Nonsmokers, pets possible. Close to schools and shopping. 1 year lease minimum, available June 8. $1,390/month. Details 828-551-4609. 3BR, 2BA DUPLEX • W. Asheville. Central A/C, heatpump. W/D hookups. $1,000/month. Available 6/1/11. 828-337-4888. 3BR, 2BA SOUTH • 22 Reynolds School. Full Basement, Central A/C. $850/month. 828-253-1517.

4BR, 3BA CENTRAL • 15 Buchanan. Central A/C, hardwood floors. $1,400/month. 828-253-1517. ALWAYS GREAT RESPONSE “I advertise my rental properties in Mountain Xpress because of the quality and quantity of great calls it produces!” Pauline T., Asheville. • You too can find quality renters! Call 251-1333, Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace. NEW LOG HOME • North 3BR/2.5BA in woods. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors with wraparound porch. Hispeed Internet availble.Appliances included. 25 min. to Asheville. $1050/month with deposit. 828-649-1170 WOODLAND HILLS • North Asheville. Perfect for family or roommates. 2 Master B/R suites with built ins/baths plus bonus room with full bath. Large kitchen. Living room with fireplace. Mature landscaping on 1.5 acres with fenced area, 2 car garage, W/D. $1,200/month, deposit, lease and references. (828) 232-5547 • (828) 712-5548.

Vacation Rentals A BEACH HOUSE AT FOLLY 20 minutes from historic downtown Charleston, SC. • The legendary dog-friendly Rosie’s Ocean View and Kudzu’s Cottage, across the street from the beach!Visit or call (404) 617-1146. BEAUTIFUL LAKE LURE VACATION RENTAL 2BR, 2BA condo on Bald Mountain Lake. $700/week. Call Joy (828) 231-0334. BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN Sleeps 5, handicap accessible. Near Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC. (828) 231-4504 or 277-1492.

COMFORTABLE HOME NORTH ASHEVILLE housemate wanted. Convenient to town with rural feel. Nice kitchen and laundry. Terms 30 days notice, month’s security required. $375/month plus share utilities. Dogs considered. Stephanie 508 728-5657 or dogheadherbfarm


General $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1800-405-7619 EXT 2450 (AAN CAN) ADVANCE CONCERT TICKET SALES • $11 per hour guaranteed plus a weekly bonus program. We are seeking individuals for full and part time in our local Asheville sales office. • Benefit package • Weekly paycheck • Students welcome. Our employees earn $500-$650 per week with bonuses. No experience necessary, we will train the right people. Enthusiasm and a clear speaking voice are required. Call today for a personal interview. 828-236-2530. BE A RAFT GUIDE • USA Raft French Broad, Nolichucky and Nantahala Rivers is training/hiring guides. We’re also seeking experienced guides, photographers, store staff and drivers.

Short-Term Rentals

CAB DRIVERS Needed at Blue Bird; call JT 258-8331. Drivers needed at Yellow Cab; call Buster at 253-3311.

15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental. Newly renovated, complete with everything including cable and internet. Weaverville area. • More information: (828) 658-9145.

COLLEGE STUDENTS And 2011 HS Graduates. $13 base-appt, FT/PTschedules, sales/service,no experience necessary, all ages 17+,conditions apply, (828)-348-5263

Roommates ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN)

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES • Call (828) 225-6122 or visit:

HIRE QUALITY EMPLOYEES “Our employment advertisements with the Mountain Xpress garner far more educated and qualified applicants than any other publication we have used. The difference is visible in the phone calls, applications and resumes.” Howard Stafford, Owner, Princess Anne Hotel. • Thank you, Howard. Your business can benefit by advertising for your next employee in Mountain Xpress Classifieds. Call 251-1333. HOUSEKEEPERS Year-round consistent employment, Asheville. Experience, professional, reliable and responsible. Full-time for upscale B&B. Must be flexible and able to work weekends. Background check required. Call 828-254-3878 for interview. Black Walnut Bed And Breakfast Inn. LIBRARY NIGHT CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR • Warren Wilson College is accepting applications for the library staff position of Night Circulation Supervisor. The person in this fifteen hour/week position will work Sundays through Thursdays from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. during the academic year while classes are in session. Start date is August 15, 2011. • The night circulation supervisor performs circulation functions, including the supervision of circulation crew, after the reference staff has left. • The person will also help out with selected interlibrary loan and/or serials functions, as instructed. As only supervising staff person present, he/she is responsible for the operation of the library and all its resources during the night shift. The supervisor is responsible for library closing procedures. • The successful candidate will hold a bachelor’s degree, exhibit strong communication and interpersonal skills, will have experience with a variety of computer applications and an aptitude for learning new ones. Desirable additional experience includes having worked in a library, having worked with college-aged people, or having had sole supervisory responsibilities for others in a work setting. • Warren Wilson College is an equal opportunity employer committed to the diversity of its community. Please send cover letter, résumé, and contact information for three professional references by email to Electronic submissions are required. Review will begin immediately. A priority will be given to applications received by June 1.

LOVE BOOKS AND MUSIC? Full and part-time retail. 2 years college required. Weekends required. Great working environment. Application at River Ridge Shopping Center or • 299-1145. Mr. K’s Used Books, Music and More PAID IN ADVANCE • Make $1,000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! (AAN CAN) PAID IN ADVANCE • Make $1,000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! (AAN CAN) SHIPPING AND RECEIVING One position is currently available with a growing Asheville art supply distributor. Responsibilities would include: pulling and packing internet orders, receiving & stocking product, and helping retail customers. Shipping & receiving experience a plus - interest in the arts, especially art glass/glass blowing, would be very beneficial.Must be self motivated, detail oriented and able to work at a fast pace. Position starts at $10 per hour. Pay increases and promotions are based on regular 6 month performance reviews, experience and company growth. We offer an enjoyable work environment, lunch on Fridays and offer benefits that include paid vacations, profit sharing and health insurance.The position is full time 40 hour per week 10:00am-6:00pm Monday - Friday. Email resumes to ashevilleglassart

Salon/ Spa ADORN SALON SEEKS EXPERIENCED STYLIST • To join our busy team. Prefer someone multitalented. Humble rock stars only need apply. Bring resume to 58 College St. No phone calls or emails please.

Sales/ Marketing ADVANCE CONCERT TICKET SALES • $11 per hour guaranteed plus a weekly bonus program. We are seeking individuals for full and part time in our local Asheville sales office. • Benefit package • Weekly paycheck • Students welcome. Our employees earn $500-$650 per week with bonuses. No experience necessary, we will train the right people. Enthusiasm and a clear speaking voice are required. Call today for a personal interview. 828-236-2530.

IS REAL ESTATE YOUR PASSION? A seasoned broker or just starting out you owe it to yourself to call Asheville 4 Seasons Realty. An independent firm with a great West Asheville location. Very competitive program – no monthly fee except MLS. Call Suzanne or Susan at 828-225-6911 PROGRAM COORDINATOR OPPORTUNITY IN ASHEVILLE, NC EventPro Strategies LLC, is seeking a Program Coordinator to Join it’s team. Email resume to: cbradley@eventprostrategies .com or fax: 480-283-1190.

Restaurant/ Food EXPERIENCED LINE COOK For casual fine dining. Great work environment. • Diverse, eclectic menu. • Grill and saute experience preferred. Apply in person, 2pm-4pm, MondaySaturday, 337 Merrimon Avenue, Weaverville. Stoney Knob Cafe. FULL-TIME SERVERS Weekends and holidays are required. Experienced only apply in person, MondaySaturday, 2pm-4pm: 337 Merrimon Avenue, Weaverville. Stoney Knob Cafe.

Human Services

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. • • Candidates should email resumes to humanresources

jobs AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Haywood County: Clinicians Several clinical positions are available within the Recovery Education Center and other programs being developed. Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Kim Franklin, kim.franklin Registered Nurse (RN) Assertive Community Treatment Team: Must have four years of psychiatric nursing experience. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell Jackson County: Clinician Child and Family Services: Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Chris Cruise, Jackson, Swain, Graham: Case Manager (QMHP) Child and Family Services: Must have mental health degree and two years experience. Please contact Chris Cruise, Macon, Jackson, Swain: Clinician For new Assessment Service: Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Kim Franklin, kim.franklin Clay, Cherokee, Graham: Clinician For new Assessment Service: Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Kim Franklin, kim.franklin@meridianbhs.or g • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: CNA • CAREGIVER POSITIONS Screened, trained, bonded and insured. Positions available for quality professionals. • Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care.


Earn $65k, $50k, $40k GM, Co-Manager, Assistant Manager We currently have managers making this and need more for expansion. One year restaurant management experience required. Fax resume to 336-431-0873

LICENSED THERAPISTS NEEDED FOR JACKSON AND HAYWOOD COUNTIES to provide therapy to FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC. Is now hiring a licensed or provisionally licensed LCSW,


provide Intensive In Home

adult and child population.

County area, working on a

We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package for the right

team of 3 providing therapy

credentialed, energetic team

and crisis intervention to

member. Please email

families in our community. •

resume and/or letter of

We offer salary, flexible schedule, health insurance benefits, and an innovative and supportive team culture. • Interested candidates

community. Full-time

salary, flexible hours,

MUST possess a NC Therapy


resume via email or fax

accepted. Forward resume to

m or fax 828-627-1307.

setting that will allow you to help children succeed, then

be some day shifts available periodically, and all PRNs have potential to move into

or Provisional License.submit

should visit our website:

facilities. If you’re an LPN

this is the job for you! May excellent benefit package.

interest to

Provisional licensure

night shift in our residential

who wants to work in a positions with competitive

benefits. Haywood County.

LPNs NEEDED • Eliada Homes seeks LPNs to work

the school, home and

a licensed or provisionally


Services to the Buncombe

children & their families in

full time. Nurses work with students ages 7-17 in our Psychiatric Residential


Treatment Facilities. Please (828) 586-6601 fax

submit resume to or fax to 828-210-0361

THE GROVE PARK INN IS NOW HIRING FOR FULL- AND PART-TIME POSITIONS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. Kitchen Maintenance Technician, Landscape Gardener, Grounds Keeper, Purchasing Manager, Lead Purchasing Clerk, Executive Assistant, Front Desk Agent, Sunset Terrace Supervisor, Cashier Attendant, Dining Room Attendant, Server, Bartender, Sous Chef, Lead and Line Cooks, Stewarding Supervisor, Lead Linen Aide, Linen Aide, Laundry Van Driver, Public Area Attendant (3rd Shift)

SHARE IN OUR MANY BENEFITS INCLUDING: · Medical, dental and vision coverage, including domestic partner · Sports Complex access · Free on-property weekly physician assistant visit · 401(k); Grove Park Inn Retirement Plan · Employee cafeteria · Free uniforms and laundering services · Free City bus pass · Free and discounted visits to area attractions For a complete list of our openings and to apply online, go to Or, apply in person, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm with Human Resources at 290 Macon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804. 828.252.2711x2082. EOE Drug Free Workplace.

• JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011


Jobs Wanted ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYMENT NEEDED Mature responsible lady seeking part-time clerical/receptionist, gal Friday-type of work. Benefits hopeful. 25+ year’s experience. Good basic computer skills. Great with people. Reliable, conscientious, fun, hard working, fast learner. Available weekdays only. Open to other type jobs also. Give me opportunity; I will give you my best! Call 828-683-3936. RECIPE DEVELOPER SEEKING FREELANCE JOBS Experienced Recipe Developer seeking freelance jobs. Continental/American cuisine; no pastry. Contact Clara 828-279-4429 or

MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or email Rachel at rachael.wingo@thementorne• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.

QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS FOR CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH NEEDED IN JACKSON AND HAYWOOD COUNTIES to provide Intensive In-Home or Day Treatment Services. Full-time positions with competitive salary and benefits. QP’s Must have either a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services and 2 yrs full time, post-bachelor’s experience with children/adolescents with Mental health needs or 4 yrs post-degree experience if not a Human Service degree. ONLY those possessing proper degree & experience need apply. Submit resume via email or fax to:Tracey (828) 586-6601 fax STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS, INC: ACTT COORDINATOR Master’s Level Clinician needed for a well established ACT Team. Supervisory experience necessary and ACTT experience preferred. Sign on bonus offered. Send resume to

THERAPIST JOB OPENING • Four Circles Recovery Center, a wilderness substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking a full time licensed Therapist to deliver clinical care to clients and families in recovery in a way that maximizes independence and family empowerment. Duties include client care and treatment planning, individual, family, and group therapy, crisis intervention, psycho-education and case management. A Masters Degree or PhD in a behavioral health discipline and Licensure in behavioral health required. Must have strong clinical and interpersonal skills, strong organizational skills and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Wilderness experience preferred. Please send all inquiries to: jobs

PEER SUPPORT SPECIALIST Haywood County. Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT). Position open for a Peer Support Specialist to work in our recoveryoriented programs for individuals with substance abuse and/or mental health challenges. • Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for an individual to transform personal lived experience into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. • Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and be willing to participate in an extensive training program prior to employment. • For further information, please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org • For more information and to complete an application, visit our website:

Inundated with applications! Our Mountain Xpress Classified Ad brings a great response. – The Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa

Medical/ Health

Professional/ Management

BILINGUAL MEDICAL ASSISTANT Western NC Community Health Services is hiring a full-time, bilingual (English/Spanish) Medical Assistant for our new prenatal program. Candidates must have prior experience, preferably in an outpatient clinical setting. Work hours are MondayFriday, 8am-6pm (with one hour paid lunch break) and NO evening, weekend or holiday work required. • We offer a very competitive salary, along with an excellent benefits package. Candidates may email resume/cover letter (MS Word format) to tkennedy@wncchs.orgor mail to Director of Human Resources, PO Box 338, Asheville, NC 28802, or complete application at 257 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC 28801. WNCCHS is an equal opportunity employer. Racial/ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply.

BONSAI DESIGN INC. MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE Bonsai Design Inc., a zip line and canopy tour design and installation firm is seeking key executives and office employees to join our team in Asheville, North Carolina. Currently Available Positions:-Operations Director -Finance Manager -Office ManagerFor further information, visit:

HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION • Reach 70,000 Loyal Readers Every Week

Find quality employees and associates easily and affordably.

(828) 251-1333 • Mountain Xpress Marketplace 68

JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2011 •

• Nearly 30,000 Issues • Covering 730 Locations Throughout Western NC Reserve Your Space Today!



EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER DIRECTORS/ASSISTANT DIRECTORS NEEDED! Level 2 and Level 3 Child Care Directors needed for Childcare Networks in the Asheville area. Great Benefits and 100% tuition assistance to further your education. Competitive Salary and great work environment. Send resume directly to or call 828-338-0398 for discreet interview. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS NEEDED Teachers and Assistant Teachers needed at all of our Asheville locations. Must have Credentials 1 and 2 and 9 additional college credits in ECE. Great benefits. 100% tuition assistance. Please email resume to or call 828-338-0398 for interview.

Administrative/ Office EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Recruiting for a skilled and energetic Executive Assistant. Primary duties will be to provide assistance to the Program Manager for the Weatherization Program and to ensure this program meets state and federal standards in an accurate and timely manner. • Desirable Education and Experience: Four year Degree concentration in (Environmental Science preferred); work experience in an office setting; one year of work experience in managing office processes including product in management, quality management, and accountability. • Must possess a valid NC driver’s license; pass drug screen and background checks. • Full-time position • Excellent Benefits. Salary: $16.50/hour. This is an ARRA position. • Send resume and cover letter with work references and phone numbers to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC 28801. Selected applicants will be contacted for an interview. Open until filled. EOE and DFWP.

Teaching/ Education ONLINE TEACHERS NEEDED Great summer vacation income opportunity. 50 year old company. Freetraining, flexible hours, work from home. Need a change? Do something about it. PT TEACHER • Grades 6-12. Must be NC licensed in English or Math. Retired teachers encouraged to apply. Waynesville area. Forward resume to aspireapplicants

Employment Services UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Get paid to shop. Retail and dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality and customer service. Earn up to $100/day. Please call 1-800-720-0576.

Announcements PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-413-6293. (AAN CAN) WEDNESDAY CO-OP TAILGATE MARKETING HAS OPENINGS The Wednesday Co-op Tailgate Market has spaces starting June 11. Download application at, email marketing@frenchbroadfood. coop or call 255-7650.

Classes & Workshops MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007 COMPUTER TRAINING Need to be more efficient at work? Need a competitive edge? Just want to learn more? Task Mania is proud to offer Microsoft computer training. Visit for more information about schedules and registration.

Mind, Body, Spirit


#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $29/hour. • 15 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088. MASSAGE/MLD Therapeutic Massage. Manual Lymph Drainage. Lymphedema Treatment. $45/hour or sliding scale for financial hardship. 17+ years experience. 828-254-4110. NC License #146. SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town— - or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999.

JAZZ/BLUES PIANO/COMP LESSONS AVAILABLE Teens and Adults. 1/2 price sale. 5 lessons - $200. New to AVL. International Steinway Recording artist w/70+cds. 30 Years teaching experience. Five Towns College (NYC), Rhodes College (Memphis), Sibelius Academy (Helsinki), EMU (Argentina).MA - Queens College, CUNY. Contact: / MUSIC AND VIDEO PRODUCTION • High Definition Video • High Quality Audio. Visa/MC. Call (838) 335-9316 or visit us on the web:

Musicians’ Bulletin ATTENTION LOCAL BANDS! Get ready to compete in our Battle of the Bands coming soon! Call Eli: 681-0555. Fat Cats Billiards.

Pet Xchange

Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:

Pets For Sale

Musicians’ Xchange

Musical Services ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 •

DeWalt Scroll Saw: DW788

AKC MINIATURE WIRE HAIRED PIEBALD PATTER PUPPY • Home raised around children. Beautiful, healthy, playful and ready for his forever home! All shots. Health guarantee. I’m a show breeder and member of Dachshund Club of America. This is a top quality pup. Adult dogs sometimes available. Call or email for photos and details! 828.713.1509.

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with stand, blades, wood, workbook, patterns. $650 value, all for $400.

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Vehicles For Sale

Lawn & Garden Autos

Sow True Seed

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Need a New Shower? You Start Everyday in Your Bathroom. This Summer Make it a Great Start!

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WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

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ART FOR SALE Forrest Hogestad, beautiful oil painting, “Peonies in wooden box”. Lovely and $300 it’s yours. 650-6404.



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F[ji e\ j^[ M[[a Adopt a Friend • Save a Life HONEY ID #13059257 Female/Spayed Hound/Mix 1 Year BEATRIX Female/Spayed Domestic Shorthair/Mix 3 Years GUS ID #13141425 Male Shepherd/Labrador 2 Months

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The New York Times Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No.0427 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 66 Kitchenware Across 35 Agree verbally HOME IMPROVEMENT ADS brand 1 Sum of 37 Exam with a 14 15 16 67 Column order opposites max.STARTING score of HOME 180 68 Slanted type: 5 Send in, as 17 18 19 AT JUST $35/WEEK! IMPROVEMENT Abbr. payment 39 “Dies ___” SECTION 20 21 22 69 Pretty low 10 Surmounting 40 Words on a • Reach 70,000 grades parental 14 Tennis great 23 24 25 26 27 Loyal Readers Every 70 “Family Ties” advisory label Lendl Week Run any size ad and get mother 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 15 Not just stirring 43 Winter air • Nearly 30,000 71 Rabid dog in a Issues 16 Dump water 44 Food stamp? 35 36 37 38 39 Stephen King • Covering 730 overboard 45 Basketball Hallstory Locations Throughout 17 Riviera city of-Famer 40 41 42 on EVERY ad! Western NC Thomas 18 Quaker State: Reserve Your Space Today! Down 43 44 45 Abbr. 46 Mesmerized Contact Rick Goldstein 1 97.5% of a CALL RICK AT 19 Grotesque 48 Return or 828-251-1333 46 47 48 49 50 828-458-9195 x123 penny 828-458-9195 20 Task that stands envelope, e.g.: 2 Diabolical high on oneʼs list 51 52 53 54 55 Abbr. 23 It may be part of 50 Quattro preceder 3 Political contest 56 57 58 59 60 61 4 Center of the a pack 51 Cobb and others N.B.A. 24 Bit of cyberchat 62 63 64 65 52 Turnarounds, 5 Lil Wayne, for shorthand slangily one 66 67 68 25 Photo ___ 54 Corrida cry 6 Common still-life 28 Show people to 69 70 71 subject 56 Shiny shoe their seats, material 7 Expansionist informally doctrine Puzzle by William I. Johnston 62 Campus area 31 First Nations 8 “No need to tell 30 Four64 Buttinsky tribe 60 Key of Bachʼs 41 Adorable one me” dimensional second violin 33 Little bump 65 Brit of Fox News 42 Nabisco wafer 9 Attack vigorously realm concerto: Abbr. 47 Wall Street 10 Touch ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 32 Skull and Bones option 61 Employeeʼs 11 Playground members 49 Strong-arm O AI S N P T O HB OA PM EA B E I FA TS S J G move, for short shout D L E O R 34 Morse code for A AR XD EE LN O LN AC WE N U AD R 53 Register 12 Vinaigrette “sissies” O A Z R Y S WA ED RG EE NU EG RL AI L D RO O 55 Set of principles 62 Letters seen component during I KV NE U CWKOL VE EU NN D AE DR M I T 13 Practice, as a 36 Ceramic vessel 57 Commotions proofreading? R N E C S O D T E LD A R GE EE DL E A S trade 58 Island rings 38 Open ___ of W H OS SCNOE TX T N A M E L Y B O N 21 Lake of worms 59 Rwandan group 63 Island strings E O R G OO AO KE Y T R OE TA RD OS W SA T I L “Hairspray” For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit V D A 22 Pacific battle M BI RX EE DD G RN EN EE N S AJ LA A card, 1-800-814-5554. site, familiarly C BL RO EG A D I B SA MS SK E AT L LR EI N E Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday L O FA TME AR Y IE SS LA EN D N O 26 Flat crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit D EE WA ER AE NA GU E L SS T A W E T 27 Do a slow burn for more information. N G I M P L SY P E RL UL IW NE SA V AI V E 28 Online Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past J E S U S C A H N A R E A newsgroup N O R A D A L E S A N G E R puzzles, ($39.95 a year). O V I N E E R I C J I L T system Share tips: E T O N O P E N N E O N S E A S Y A R A Z E O S L O Crosswords for young solvers: S E N D C E R T D E N S E 29 Leipzigʼs state

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