Mountain Xpress, June 10 2009

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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 • • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009

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p. 48 Enter the Phil Mechanic

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news 8 It’s the money, Honey Financial issues dominate Buncombe Commissioners meeting

11 remembering bob terrell The passing of a storied storyteller 40 cougars in WNC? Tracking the ‘ghosts of the Smokies’

arts&entertainment 48 enter the phil mechanic From lingerie to metalwork, take a tour of one of Asheville’s River Arts District anchors

59 on the high horse Band of Horses rides into town

features 5 5 6 10 16 18 20 27 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 57 58 59 65 71 78 79

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Letters Cartoon: Molton Commentary The Buzz WNC news briefs Outdoors Out and about in WNC The Dirt Farming and gardening Community Calendar FreeWill Astrology News of the Weird edgy mama Parenting from the edge Conscious party Benefits GREEN SCENE WNC eco-news Food The straight dish on local eats Small Bites Local food news bar beat Local libations smart bets What to do, who to see Asheville Disclaimer ClubLand Who’s playing where cranky hanke Movie reviews Classifieds Cartoon: tooth & jaw NY Times crossword

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letters URTV a vital resource I have followed with interest your coverage of the URTV “controversy.” You raise important questions of conduct, accountability and transparency. I must say, though, one could easily get the mistaken impression, from what I have read in the Xpress, that URTV is a highly flawed, dysfunctional operation that’s staining our community. As a fairly new but very busy URTV producer, I have remained largely detached from these contentious issues. It’s not that they don’t strike me as worthy topics for community debate, but rather that they have not in any way intruded on my own (admittedly selfish and tightly focused) needs as a commentator in search of a stump. That is, on a personal and operational level, I have found the services there to be first rate and well-suited as a ready forum for my own productions, such as Our Human Race. In fact, I would say in this regard that the actual results of the station’s management’s style and methods might be a relevant part of an accurate portrayal of the state of what is certainly one of our most vital local outlets for free expression. These comments are not intended as a “blank check” endorsement of URTV’s management. On that score, I say, “Have at it, the facts will out!” (As I recently contended in one of my shows, controversy is always the result of a less-than-full understanding of the facts.) … What I am intending to convey is that URTV is a

well-run and vital community resource that needs to be nurtured and supported, as well as brought to task, if and when it strays. I don’t pretend to be aware of your full editorial output, but I don’t recall seeing a story extolling management’s successes at cultivating, under difficult circumstances, a truly remarkable quantity of socially relevant statements that have enriched our shared community. (Not as sexy as management malfeasance, I concede, but still an important, related aspect of the issues at hand.) Or the difficulties of surviving while being under-funded by unreliable and sometimes reluctant sources. Please consider also: There is no guarantee this organization will even be here next year, thus making all this wrangling moot. My sense is that our URTV is in a fight for its life, and in that context, I would like to offer my enthusiastic support for this unique, creative, efficient and most worthy local institution. — Bruce Kennedy Asheville

How small a government is too small? Terms in our national debate come and go; some only stay long enough for a good laugh. “Peak oil” has left us. Other terms didn’t even stay long enough to enjoy. But a term that keeps cropping up in one form or another has something to do with the size of government. Evidently there is a size to it that we need to understand. There is still talk of “big government” or “less government,” and we’ll

Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 or by e-mail to (Include name, address and phone number.)

xpress staff publisher & Editor: Jeff Fobes senior editor: Peter Gregutt MANAGING editor: Jon Elliston A&E editor: Rebecca Sulock ASSOCIATE editor: Nelda Holder MULTimEDIA EDITOR: Jason Sandford Staff writers: David Forbes, Brian Postelle A&E REPORTER & Fashion editor: Alli Marshall outdoors/gardening editor: Margaret Williams editorial assistants: Hanna Rachel Raskin, Tracy Rose Staff photographer: Jonathan Welch Clubland editor & Writer: Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt contributing writers: Jonathan Barnard, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Connie Bostic, Anne Fitten Glenn, John Schacht Production & Design ManaGeR: Andrew Findley Advertising Production manager: Kathy Wadham Production & Design: Carrie Lare, Nathanael Roney calendar editor & supplements coordinator: Mannie Dalton Movie reviewer & Coordinator: Ken Hanke

Food editor: Hanna Rachel Raskin Advertising director: James Fisher advertising manager: John Varner retail Representatives: Kelley Cranford, Russ Keith, Scott Sessoms advertising Coordinator: Marissa Williams Classified Representatives: Arenda Manning, Tim Navaille, Lee White Information Technologies Manager: Stefan Colosimo webmaster: Jason Shope Office manager & bookkeeper: Patty Levesque special projects: Sammy Cox SPecial events coordinator: Kelley Cranford ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Arenda Manning, distribution manager: Sammy Cox Assistant distribution manager: Jeff Tallman DIStribution: Mike Crawford, Ronnie Edwards, Ronald Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha McKay, Beth Molaro, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at soon need to take notice. Grover Norquist said that we should make government small enough to drown in a bathtub. As various branches of our government get smaller, we need a yardstick to tell us: “Are we there yet?” What was big? Maybe just compared to, say, some of the Wall Street companies or Enron. Too big to fail. And how little is small? In our family, Wake County reduced our son’s work week from 40 hours to 30. And yes, he’s fortunate to still have a job. But wait — it ain’t over. We should keep an eye on California, where downsizing has gotten beyond where Gov. Schwarzenegger can figure out what to do. He’s at a loss, so on to the issue of gay marriage. As government shrinks, we’ll just have to wait and see. Norquist could tell us, but he’s nowhere to be found. Maybe putting water in the tub. — Allen Thomas Asheville

Save our teachers’ jobs I am a student at Valley Springs Middle School. We recently learned that two of our favorite teachers’ jobs are in jeopardy due to the recent education-funding budgets proposed by the state. Eighty teachers in Buncombe County may not have jobs next year. This will make classroom numbers bigger and provide less time for teachers to work with students one on one. The budget cut will not be passed until the summer. Imagine having to wait until mid-summer to find out for sure if you have a job or not. We have time to stop or decrease this cut. We need to take decisive action. Please join us in making a difference in the lives of the teachers who have made a difference in our lives. — Harshita Jain eigth-grade student at Valley Springs Middle • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009

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Just Remnants

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Mon. - Sat. 7 Days 9am - midnight

by Robert McGahey


The prophet Isaiah’s idea of the remnant of the just is a moral concept with periodic weight, and I fear its time has come round again. Isaiah saw that when human beings violate the land ethic beyond a certain limit, God destroys the culture, preserving a remnant seed for the next attempt at a just society. Noah and the ark, based on an actual huge flooding of the Black Sea, is a prime example. Though my neighbors here in Yancey County worry more about economic crisis, we are already moving rapidly into an era of climate emergency. How we respond to that — utilizing our particular qualities of geography and character, drawing upon mountain genius and the genius of the mountains — is critical to the fate of the Blue Ridge Province. It’s time to build the ark again. We are a ways from the coming flood, but climate crisis will bring some challenges peculiar to the Southern mountains. In terms of preserving the bioregion, we are already experiencing

huge stresses, one of which I know firsthand, living in a forest where the doomed hemlock is the predominant conifer. And as letter and commentary writers have repeatedly argued in this paper, both we and the land are victims of overdevelopment, especially around Asheville. If a climate showdown is in the works, I’m sure we’d like to know we’re among the elect. Careful reading of the Good Book shows that this is not our decision, but we can still be just remnants by piecing together a remnant quilt of best practices, by serving as the “tinker.” The great French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss used the term “bricoleur”: one who builds culture by assembling found objects (whatever is at hand) in novel ways. This is not the way of divine justice nor of the social engineer, but the way human cultures have always been built. In July, the Celo Summer Institute is hosting a conference at the Arthur Morgan School in Yancey County, a life-skills center for juniorhigh-age kids. The institute is the adult version of the school, focusing on deep ecology

internationally acclaimed craft artist Paulus Berensohn. And Cherokee Kevin Welch will discuss his work preserving heirloom varieties and lead a wildcrafting ramble. Participants will have the opportunity to visit remnant old-growth forest with researcher Rob Messick and walk the South Toe with native son/engineer/pastor Forrest Westall, who wrote the state’s Outstanding Resource Waters legislation. Thanks to this law, the South Toe has been the purest of North Carolina’s rivers for two decades. A distributed-energy roundtable will consider how we might produce more of our own power. The assembled group will envision Katuah in 100 years, employing a version of an exercise developed by my teacher, the visionary eco-philosopher/activist Joanna Macy. Sunday morning, a faith panel will lead us in examining how our foundational personal stories might apply to the story of our time: the end of the Cenozoic Era. And we will celebrate. Thomas Rain Crowe will headline a poetry reading, followed by a contradance with the South Toe’s Band X, a

At the end of the warm, stable Holocene Epoch, we are entering the “long emergency,” an era of global warming, with accelerating species extinction and potentially rapid climate change. with a spiritual perspective. The conference, titled Just Remnants, aims to be a mecca for bioregional organizations in the crucial work of gathering and energizing a network of community leaders in the Southern Appalachians. The goal is to encourage bold thinking and the courage to build a sustainable regional society in advance of the inevitable ravages of climate change and systemic economic downturn. We are particularly interested in bringing together bioregional leadership from across Western North Carolina. Just Remnants will feature several regional leaders, including a talk by Asheville’s own Nobel laureate, Tom Peterson of the National Climatic Data Center, titled :”Global Warming: Focus on Southern Appalachia.” Jackson County activist and “baby Beat” poet Thomas Rain Crowe will give the keynote speech: “Bioregion and Beyond: What I Stand for Is What I Stand On ... Organizing and Activism in the New Millennium — a Local History.” Attendees can also learn how to ground deepecology principles within their own bodies, exploring “somatic deep ecology” with

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

virtually secret collection of musicians playing traditional tunes and featuring Bruce Greene on fiddle. At the end of the warm, stable Holocene Epoch, we are entering the “long emergency,” an era of global warming, with accelerating species extinction and potentially rapid climate change. We trust deeply that our collective piecework will inspire hope and action in these trying times. We will gather as Earth citizens, listening deeply for that which can sustain us and what emerges from us, through this interval of unknown duration and destination. Come to Celo Thursday through Sunday, July 16-19, and help us weave together a remnant epistle quilt: a manifesto for sustaining the mountain ecosystem we all love. X For more information, go to www.justremnants. org. Conference director Robert McGahey was recently arrested for trespassing at Duke Energy’s headquarters to protest the Cliffside coal-fired power plant. • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009

news It’s the money, honey

Financial issues dominate commissioners meeting march 10 meeting

v County worries state may raid local mental-health funds v City/county 911 agreement delayed

by David Forbes

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The effects of a feeble economy keep trickling down, but not in the way the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners might wish. At their June 2 meeting, the commissioners unanimously approved a resolution asking state legislators not to raid local mental-health-agency fund balances — built up through years of savings — to make up their own budget shortfall. Doing so, say county staff, could put many mental-health patients at risk or even out on the street and create major problems for the county’s medical and public-safety systems. “These are local dollars earned through careful management,” Department of Social Services Director Mandy Stone told the board. “If the state takes our fund-balance dollars, we’ll have no dollars to spend locally to fill gaps.” Taking away the local fund balance would gut key Western Highlands Network programs, including crisis teams, psychiatric help for rural residents, and lab tests for indigent mentally ill people, noted Stone. The eight-county network cooperates with many other local social-service agencies. It was only because the county had such funds available that it was able to deal with the 2008 closure of New Vistas, which provided care for 10,000 residents, many of them indigent, Stone emphasized. Losing the fund balance would also compound an already worsening situation, she said, noting that the state hasn’t paid its share

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Halfway there: A 911 operator in Buncombe County’s Emergency Operations Center. Although city and county services are now under one roof, nailing down a consolidation agreement has proved difficult. photo by Jonathan welch

of local mental health costs — amounting to some $4.4 million so far — for the last two months. “We would not be able to make up that gap without our fund balance — and now they want to take that too,” said Stone. “This is an area where the state turned over responsibility for managing mental health to local entities and, since [then], has been steadily taking away any tools we have to effectively do that. We’d have to reduce services by $1.5 million a year. [Mentally ill people] would end up in jails, emergency rooms, impacting local social- service departments and law enforcement.”

On a motion by Commissioner Carol Peterson,the board swiftly voted to oppose the move in no uncertain terms. “We have a moral obligation to do this,” board Chair David Gantt declared. “We don’t need the state ripping away money we’ve properly managed and accumulated through good business practices. It’s horrifying to hear this: Every time we have a crisis, the first ones to get kicked off the bus are children, working people and the mentally ill.”

Not so fast The latest attempt to finalize an agreement consolidating the Asheville and Buncombe

see the city’s point of view and was reluctant to delay the agreement any longer. “I’m really excited we’re going to have a big city/county win, but that price tag is because the city has forgone dollars they would have [gotten] if they didn’t go into this agreement for the greater good of the community,” noted Jones. “I don’t think the county would ever back out of this agreement, but if they for some reason did, [the city] could never get

County 911 services was once again delayed on a 4-1 vote, as most board members balked at a proposed termination provision. If the county backed out of the agreement, it would have to pay the city $2.5 million. Last July, the city and county moved their respective services to the county’s new Emergency Operations Center In Erwin Hills, but the legal agreement clearing the way for full consolidation has yet to be finalized.

“The state turned over responsibility for managing mental health to local entities and, since [then], has been steadily taking away any tools we have to effectively do that.” — “This is intended to provide more rapid communications between the different agencies — and we’ve already seen that,” noted Deputy Fire Marshal Mack Salley. To date, the two local governments have been operating on a preliminary agreement signed in 2003. Back then, city officials asked for a reimbursement provision because Asheville was forgoing state funding it could have received by maintaining its own 911 service — and because the city would have to build a new facility if the county chose to terminate the agreement in the future. The permanent agreement still includes that provision, which also stipulates that if the city terminated the agreement, it would be entitled to keep any equipment it had paid for. But that didn’t sit well with Vice Chair Bill Stanley. “So wait: If the county backs out, we pay the city $2.5 million, and if they back out, they keep the equipment,” he said. “Either way, we get nothing. That doesn’t seem right.” Sharing Stanley’s concerns, Peterson asked County Manager Wanda Greene to take the agreement back to City Manager Gary Jackson and modify the provision to include penalties for both parties if the agreement were terminated. However, Commissioner Holly Jones, a former City Council member, said she could

social services

Director Mandy Stone

that money back. It looks a little lopsided, but there’s a reason for it.” In response, Peterson pointed out that the county has spent more than $6 million on the emergency-services facility, which includes the 911 call center. Greene said the system is working well for all parties so far and there would be no reason to terminate the agreement, but that she would speak to Jackson about it. On another motion by Peterson, the board voted to delay the matter for no more than a month. Jones, however, said she couldn’t support that. “I’m so disappointed: How many months have we worked on this?” she said. “I’d love to have a new day for the city and county. Our staffs have gotten to a place, and I’m ready to adopt this today. What I keep hearing is that the problem with city/county relations is not the staff, it’s the elected officials. We should move this agreement forward.” Gantt, however, responded that carefully examining the termination provision was no mark of disrespect for the city. “All of us are trying to get along better,” he noted, “but this is also our obligation to everyone — including city residents — to go over this very carefully.” X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at


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Cape won’t seek second term

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Asheville City Council member Robin Cape, noted as a sustainability advocate, will not seek re-election in November. The announcement came on Cape’s Facebook site, and despite Internet-based rumors that she was planning a mayoral bid, she told Xpress she’s getting out of electoral politics. Elected in 2005, Cape cited several reasons for her decision, including life changes stemming from a tumultuous year that saw the death of her father, the breakup of her marriage and the need to get on with a career. “Truthfully, Council pays very little,� she said. “I’m a recently separated woman with two teenage children looking at college. It’s timely to begin looking at my own career rather than postponing it until I’m 56.� But Cape also feels it’s time to move the sustainability discussion she has championed into a broader, regional arena. “I feel I have positioned myself in the past few years that I can play a role in the larger Cape crusader: Asheville City Council member Robin Cape, a staunch sustainability conversation about sustainability,� she notes. advocate, has announced that she won’t seek re-election this fall. The move ensures that there “Now how does that work? I don’t know; will be at least one new face on Council this winter. file photo by Jonathan welch I’m still figuring it out. There’s some form of consultant business that I have ahead of me in positions plus the mayor’s seat will be up for Cape, says he has no intention of running for this.� mayor.) Only one person, local artist Jenny grabs. The very word “sustainability,� Cape maintains, is no longer the oddity it was Meanwhile, the field of newcomers con- Bowen, has indicated she may mount a bid if when she initially ran for City Council. tinues to build, with early announcements no serious contenders emerge. “Everybody who’s running, who I’ve seen by activist/writer Cecil Bothwell, political Bellamy, however, “seems very strong in running so far, is running on a sustainability blogger Gordon Smith and attorney Esther her seat,� says Buncombe County Democratic platform. Kelly [Miller] is interested in it. Manheimer, who also applied for the Council Party Chair Charles Carter. Brownie [Newman] is interested in it. The seat assigned to Miller. Another contender, Cape, meanwhile, says she hopes to spend mayor is interested in it. You don’t need me J. Neal Jackson, has filed preliminary paper- the remaining six months of her term shepwork with the Buncombe County Board of herding some of the changes spelled out in the — I’m redundant.� Downtown Master Plan into law, establishing Cape’s announcement ensures that at least Elections. Vice Mayor Jan Davis says Cape’s announcegreen-building initiatives downtown, and seeone new Council member will claim a seat in the November elections. Two-term Council ment may bring more candidates out of the ing parts of the proposed Transit Master Plan member Carl Mumpower has announced his woodwork. “This is going to open things wide come before Council. intention to run again, as has Kelly Miller, up,� he predicts, adding, “Robin’s seat cer- “But you get into the silly season of elections, things naturally slow down,� she notes, who was appointed to his seat last December. tainly makes it a different deal.� Also up for re-election is Mayor adding, “You’ll see less controversial items on Terry City Council elections are held every two years, with Council members serving stag- Bellamy, who’s still unopposed at this writ- the agenda, for sure.� — Brian Postelle gered four-year terms. This year, three Council ing. (Despite rumors on local blogs, Davis, like


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“Consumate storyteller” Terrell dies Remember the Asheville Tourists manager who called a trick play to strike out Pete Rose and win the game for the T’s? Or the time a famous local racecar driver started at the back of a 36-car race at old McCormick Field facing the wrong way and then wheeled around and won? How about the Rev. Billy Graham’s crusade in India, during which he preached to half a million people and toured a flood-ravaged countryside? Bob Terrell remembered, and he wrote it all down. A prolific writer, editor and columnist, Terrell forged a career with the Asheville Citizen-Times that spanned six decades and more than 17 million words. He died of cancer May 31 at the home of his son in Arizona. He was 80. Terrell published 75 books, was the proud father of three sons, learned to fly small planes and worked for the globe-trotting Graham. But he began as a sports writer with a passion for baseball. “There was one thing that catapulted me into writing and another that helped me learn how to write. Both were baseball teams,” Terrell wrote in his 2006 autobiography, Bob: My Father Was “Mr. Terrell”. Terrell tracked the Tourists, spending untold hours recording the hits, runs and managerial rants. Dave Bristol was a 14-year-old playing baseball in Sylva when he met Terrell. They shared a lifelong friendship, and Bristol managed South Atlantic League baseball before moving on to the majors, including managerial stints with the Cincinnati Reds and Atlanta Braves. Terrell “was an outstanding sports writer, and when he interviewed you and wrote a story, he could make it sound like you,” Bristol recalls. “Not many writers can do that.” Besides storing a wealth of baseball knowledge, notes Bristol, “He cared about people. The goodness of Bob Terrell will live forever.” If sports writing got him into the newspaper business, it was his columns that cemented his reputation. Terrell moved from the sports department to the newsroom in 1969, when Executive Editor Luther Thigpen offered him a three-day-a-week column. John Parris had already carved out a niche writing about mountain culture and its people. But Terrell saw a broader pool of potential column fodder, and he dove right in. “Always I worked on the simple premise that every person has a story to tell,” Terrell wrote. “I felt if I talked to a person long enough, I could get the handle on a good column.” He was soon flooded with people dropping by the newsroom or calling him at home to talk, cranking out five columns a week. He interviewed one of the last Cherokee medicine men. He recounted how four guys had rescued a companion from an overturned car in the Nantahala River. He sat down with a Black Panther leader when local racial tensions were at their height. Longtime Citizen-Times photographer

Laid off or fired up?

courtesy pack memorial library/ north carolina collection

Malcolm Gamble, a friend of Terrell’s, calls him “an incredibly entertaining writer” who could even make the annual report for Central United Methodist Church a page-turner. By the time Terrell officially retired from the newspaper in 1986 after 37 years, he estimated that he’d written 17 million words for the Citizen-Times. He went on to work for the Graham ministry, handling press relations. In the mid-1970s, Terrell began leading tours to the Holy Land, where he developed lasting friendships. But he also kept writing, turning out books on everything from sports figures to gospel groups. Meanwhile, his regular Sunday columns still came into the Citizen-Times on typewritten pages that he typically delivered himself. Friend and co-worker Larry Pope, the paper’s sports editor and later executive editor, calls Terrell the consummate storyteller. “Terrell was, I think, a great writer, but more than anything he was a terrific storyteller,” says Pope. “He was a writer that, when you finished something, you’d say, ‘Damn, that was a good story,’ rather than, ‘Wow, he’s a good writer.’ I think the good story trumps the good writer.” Terrell’s common touch helped, notes Pope. “He was like the guy you saw at church every Sunday who caught you up with what was happening around town. He was the guy who stopped and talked to you on the porch, only his vehicle was the newspaper column. In that respect, he helped people understand their neighbors. Bob never made a caricature out of anyone.” In the end, however, Terrell himself may have done the best job of summing up his life’s work: “People of all types, from all walks of life, with every kind of story imaginable, gravitated to my desk. Some of their stories were hilarious, some inspiring, some unusual, some not worth writing. ... I always thought I had the best job in town because I got to see all sides of humanity.” A memorial service is set for 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 14, at Central United Methodist Church in Asheville. — Jason Sandford

On June 1, the Buncombe County Schools sent out about 80 letters informing nontenured teachers that their contracts will not be renewed. The move came in anticipation of a state education budget currently working its way through the N.C. House that would increase classroom size by two students due to an 11 percent budget reduction. If approved, it would mean cutting 6,005 teachers statewide, including 110 in Buncombe’s system. “We do have people retiring and others leaving for other reasons,” notes Communications Director Jan Blunt. “Take them out of the mix, that leaves approximately 80 teachers.” The state education budget isn’t due to be approved until July, but school systems are required by law to notify teachers by June 15 if their positions may be cut. The budget, notes Blunt, would also impact other school personnel, including bus drivers, secretaries and teachers’ assistants. “This is the first hitch in the giddyup of the state budget, with what it looks like for education,” she says. “There will be many more cuts coming if the House moves forward with their proposals.” But teachers, parents, students and administrators aren’t taking the news lying down. Since the letters went out, an information campaign has been launched to get the word out and perhaps persuade legislators to consider other options. “We just want people to know that it’s real,” explains Anna Austin of the Buncombe County Association of Educators. “Making people aware of how these budget cuts can impact our schools and our community, I think that’s the goal right now.”

After the letters went out, school principals began circulating e-mails organizing a parent/ teacher rally for Monday, June 8, and Asheville City Schools Superintendent Allen Johnson posted a webcast on that school system’s home page, alongside contact information for state legislators and a list of talking points. A.C. Reynolds High School teachers Kirstin Daniel and Wendy Segars, both of whom received letters, said teachers are taking the issue to their students. Both have taught for two years and are not yet eligible for tenure. “I told my students yesterday, because they have a right to know what’s happening in their education,” said Daniel, who teaches theater arts. “And they were heartbroken.” Daniel is the school’s only theater teacher, she says, so if she’s cut, the whole program goes. Segars, who teaches social studies, says she’s using the situation for some real-world civics lessons, telling her students to talk to their parents about contacting state legislators. For her part, Segars says she thinks the way the budget is being handled is shortsighted. “Allocating funds is difficult no matter what, especially when the entire country is in debt. But what you need to look at is weighing the pros and cons for long term vs. short term,” she maintains. “You are taking funds that will suit a budget for this year, but what about the education for years to come?” — Brian Postelle • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Groomin’ green: New Asheville resident Josh Dorfman (aka The Lazy Environmentalist) stars in a Sundance Channel series of the same name that premieres June 16 at 9 p.m. In one episode, he tries to green a dog-grooming business. photo courtesy rainbow media

Back to (Asheville’s) future Josh Dorfman isn’t following the typical Asheville literary script. He wasn’t born here, like Thomas Wolfe and Charles Frazier, and he’s certainly not buried here, like O. Henry. Nor is he a poet (Fred Chappell), a historicalfiction writer (John Ehle) or a multitalented professor with a literary bent (David Brendan Hopes). Instead, Dorfman is “The Lazy Environmentalist,” a blogger who became a radio host, wrote a couple of books, runs a furniture business (among other ventures), just completed shooting a TV show for the Sundance Channel and plans to start writing his next book this summer. He’ll accomplish the latter task in the comfort of his new home in Kenilworth. Dorfman’s last book was The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget: Save Money. Save Time. Save the Planet. (see “Saving Green by Going Green,” April 8 Xpress). The new Sundance show (simply called The Lazy Environmentalist) premieres Tuesday, June 16, at 9 p.m. “People want to see our environmental problems solved, and they want to be part of the solution, but they’re so used to convenience,” says Dorfman. His response is to offer easy, cost-efficient ways to go green. “There’s a perception that going green is expensive, [but] when you really start to look at what’s available, there are lots of great choices right now,” Dorfman maintains. In the new TV show, he spends one episode trying to help a dog groomer go green; in another, he challenges a school principal’s limited resources and budget, finding ways to save money and educate kids while reducing the school’s carbon footprint. In yet another epi-


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

sode, Dorfman helps a fashion designer create eco-friendly outfits for a male rap star. Of this most challenging assignment, he says, “We had to find the green bling.” (Watch the show to see if Dorfman and crew pulled it off; it helps that The Lazy Environmentalist is backed by Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Producer David Metzler). But filming for the seven-episode series is done, and Dorfman has Asheville, that next book and more green ideas on his mind. “What I love about Asheville,” says Dorfman, “it’s one of the few places I’ve been to [where] everyone loves being here. That creates a good energy.” Asheville also has its own budding green industries and an overall attitude that he finds encouraging. “There’s not just that environmental awareness but the awareness turned to action,” notes Dorfman, citing things like restaurants buying local and organic, entrepreneurs developing solar businesses, and assorted groups coming together to address climate change. Dorfman also likes “being able to step outside my door and be in nature.” And as for cultural offerings, he reflects, “The other thing that feels different — compared to New York City, where obviously there’s tons of stuff going on — it’s more accessible in Asheville.” Tie all that together, and Asheville is where Dorfman says he wants to be now. “There’s a great opportunity to develop a sustainable urban model for the rest of the country. I’d like to plug into that and help make Asheville not just a leader but a place where other cities look for an example of what the future can look like.” Maybe that’ll be easier than finding some green bling. — Margaret Williams

“MiniMoogseum” installed at the Orange Peel The late, great Bob Moog left a legacy that continues to reverberate in the diverse sounds of thousands of musicians and bands worldwide. Now The Orange Peel is playing host to the MiniMoogseum, an interactive display that’s the predecessor to a more ambitious project honoring all things Moog. The 5-by-7-foot installation was unveiled at “Enter the Mind of Moog,” a May 21 event celebrating what would have been the electronic music pioneer’s 75th birthday (he passed away in 2005). Installed on the wall in The Orange Peel’s foyer, the MiniMoogseum displays photos, ephemera and parts from some of Moog’s signature inventions, along with a working theremin that can be played by anyone who stands in front of it. The display is meant both to pay tribute to Moog, who lived and worked around Asheville, and to generate interest and support for the planned, fullfledged Moogseum. The latter project could take three to five years to come to fruition, says Michelle Moog-Koussa, the inventor’s daughter, who serves as executive director of the Bob Moog Foundation. The foundation recently secured a $600,000 grant from the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority

All things Moog: The newly installed MiniMoogseum display at the Orange Peel features choice items from Moog’s archives — and a working Theramin. photo by Jon Elliston

that will serve as seed money for the museum, which will be located either in downtown Asheville or the River Arts District, Moog-Koussa reports. A year in the making, the MiniMoogseum is the work of many hands, notes lead artist Gene Felice. Steve Dunnington of Moog Music handled the electrical components; Cormark International donated the African mahogany used to build the display structure; Asheville Hardware donated the hardware; Henco Reprographics printed the backlit panel; SpeedGraphics printed the modular backdrop; and Chris Perryman of Domus Aurea did the woodworking. Even so, the installation remains a work in progress: From time to time, different items from Moog’s extensive archives will be rotated into the display, and the theremin will be swapped out in favor of various other audio components. For his part, Felice conceived the original design and helped shape the installation as it came together. He also created a backlit glass piece at the top that depicts Moog’s visage set against the sun shining over the mountains. “It’s like [Moog] is still with us,” Felice says about the piece. “Still overlooking the city and gracing us with his inventiveness and his genius.” — Jon Elliston

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A modest proposal: This alternate vision for the city-owned parcel on Haywood Street includes a public plaza and an eight-story hotel. Designed by MMM Development on behalf of the Basilica of St. Lawrence, the conceptual drawing doesn’t strictly follow property boundaries. A grocery transported: Grove Corner Market, which recently lost its lease downtown, opened last week in the West Asheville location that formerly housed the Haywood Road Market. photo by Jonathan Welch

Grove Corner Market open for business in West Asheville After losing its lease in downtown Asheville’s Grove Arcade last month, the Grove Corner Market wasted no time in setting up shop elsewhere. The grocery, which has kept its name, opened its doors June 3 at 771 Haywood Road in West Asheville (which formerly housed the Haywood Road Market). Co-owner Rosanne Kiely says the space, while slightly smaller than the Grove Arcade location, seems a good fit from the get-go. “I just feel like we’ve come home,” she says. “This feels right.”


Fans of the market will recognize much familiar fare along with some new offerings: more natural foods, more conventional items for those on a tight budget, staples sold in bulk, healthand-body products and nutritional supplements. The market is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sundays. The business will be making deliveries downtown every Tuesday. For more information, call 225-4949. — Jon Elliston

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

The basilica’s big idea City staff are working up a preliminary agreement with the McKibbon Group for a seven-story hotel on Haywood Street. But the Basilica of St. Lawrence has some ideas of its own for the cityowned property across the street from the historic downtown church. On June 4, Matt Mores of MMM Development submitted an alternative plan to the city that he hopes will showcase the advantages of creating a public plaza on a portion of the site. Mores, a basilica parishioner, is working with the church on the project. The conceptual design depicts an eight-story hotel wrapped around the open space. The hotel (including a four-story annex) is sited on the footprint of two existing city-owned structures (a parking deck and the former site of the Flying Frog Café). The plaza would occupy what’s now surface parking, serving as a gateway to that part of downtown, Mores explains. The basilica, says Mores, would prefer to have the entire parcel left open, but it prefers his design to the one proposed by McKibbon, which it fears would overshadow the church. The McKibbon proposal has already drawn flak from local activist groups. McKibbon, meanwhile, released a statement June 5 defending its design and noting that it will probably evolve as the project moves forward.

artist’s rendering courtesy Matt Mores

That proposal would still have to clear several major hurdles before ground could be broken. Mores says the hotel depicted in his own conceptual rendering is intended to complement the adjacent Grove Arcade while preserving the sightline between the arcade and the basilica. He also stresses that MMM Development isn’t interested in building the project, citing the current slump in the local hotel market. Instead, he hopes that both City Council and McKibbon will see the potential for a different approach. “We have nothing against McKibbon,” Mores says. “The basilica wants to embrace McKibbon and hopes they can build a project that shows good balance.” And, he says, because the original RFP included a parking element that is no longer included in McKibbon’s design, the city should reopen the process. This isn’t the first time MMM Development has submitted proposals for the site. The company submitted materials during the city’s initial request for qualifications but didn’t make the short list, according to Sam Powers, the city’s economic development director. Of the nine companies that did make the cut, only McKibbon followed up with an actual proposal. At press time, there’d been no response from the city concerning Mores’ proposed design. — Brian Postelle

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outdoors Drenched in pink

Revisiting the Parkway from Craggy to Mount Mitchell by Bettina Freese June means blooming rhododendrons, and one of the best places to see them has reopened after a yearlong wait: the Blue Ridge Parkway from Bull Gap (milepost 355) to Mount Mitchell State Park (milepost 375). I first visited this area 10 years ago, but in March 2008, the beloved section was closed after the steep slope across from the visitor center began to crumble and slide. Rangers deemed it unstable in the wake of winter storms, barring even cyclists and hikers from proceeding through. As far back as Bull Gap, trees and other debris had to be cleaned up, and even weeks after the May 15 reopening, roadwork and retaining-wall construction are ongoing. So be cautious when you tour the route.

By early June, the heath balds along the Blue Ridge Parkway are typically drenched in pink as far as you can see. Between mileposts 359 and 375, the road narrows to a single lane. Flagmen and traffic lights control the flow through this tight stretch, and the rough pavement means you need to be especially mindful of motorcycles and bicyclists. Additionally, crews are using large excavators and front loaders below the road, tempting drivers to peer over. To make things even more exciting, fog is a common challenge throughout this section. Riding a motorcycle or bicycle in the fog on a twisty road can make you feel like a target or a soon-to-be speed hump. It’s especially scary when you’re going through the tunnels: Drivers often hit


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Pretty in pink: In June, rhododendrons abound along the Blue Ridge Parkway -- notably the section near Craggy Gardens, which recently reopened. photo by Jonathan welch

their brakes at the tunnel entrance, abruptly dropping down to 10 miles an hour or less, which is doubly treacherous when visibility is limited. And despite the many dedicated overlooks, visitors often pull over for photo opportunities directly after tunnels and just around corners that open onto sweeping views. But as workers re-pave the Parkway, many overlooks north of Craggy Gardens will be closed at times, making it impossible to turn around just north of the tunnel at the visitor center. Still, motorcyclists can once again ride from Asheville to Highway 80 north of Mount Mitchell, travel along beautiful twisty roads, and descend east to Marion or west to Micaville. For a shorter road trip, however, turn around at the visitor center — or linger to appreciate all the hikes and picnic

areas available there. You’ll be rewarded. By early June, the heath balds along the Parkway are typically drenched in pink as far as you can see. Folks can take a short, fairly flat hike through the hobbitlike undergrowth, emerging into open fields of flame azalea and pink rhododendron. The hidden, grassy coves are perfect for naps, picnics, yoga or meditation as bees create a monotonous hum, floating between veritable feasts of pollen and too busy to notice humans. Beware of men sunbathing in tiny swimsuits, however — a sight I once stumbled on. Meanwhile, local and visiting cyclists can once more tackle the grueling climb from Asheville (elevation about 2,200 feet) to Mount Mitchell (elevation 6,684 feet). The ride up Town Mountain Road is tough, but it only gets worse as you pump

your way up those last 20 miles to the peak. A guy I know got so exhausted and hungry during his first attempt, he stopped to snarf down a package of donuts he spotted in a ditch, flung from a car like an offering from the goddess. If you’re looking for a little less suffering, a great day hike is the trail to Douglas Falls, which plummets some 60 feet from a rocky ledge. Hiking about six miles down from the Parkway at Craggy Gardens is a lot more challenging than approaching the falls from the Coleman Boundary (aka the Big Ivy section of the Pisgah National Forest) — accessible by driving through Barnardsville on Highway 197, turning up Douglasville Road, then continuing up the graveled Forest Road 74 till you reach the parking lot, about a mile from the falls. But either way, it’s quite lovely and fun.

My first time visiting there was more than 10 years ago, when I lived in Durham. I had no idea how heavily visited the falls were. My girlfriend and I thought we were in the middle of nowhere, and we showered naked in the breathtakingly chilly waters. I think of that every time I see a church bus parked at the top of FR 74, from whence it’s distressingly easy and quick for just about anyone to reach the falls. X For general information, visit www.blueridgeparkway. org. For information about road conditions, visit www. or call 298-0398. Bettina Freese lives and bikes in Asheville.

outdoorscalendar Calendar for June 10 - 18, 2009 Chimney Rock (pd.) more than an amazing view; the possibilities are endless- from guided hikes to educational workshops, homeschool programs to bird walks. 25 miles southeast of Asheville; pet-friendly. 800-277-9611. Guided Hikes At Bat Cave Preserve (pd.) 10am, Wednesdays and Saturdays, June 6-August 12. • Hike to the mouth of the largest fissure caves in North America. $10/adults, $5/children. Call (828) 350-1431. June 27 at 11 A.M.: Creatures of the Night by Carlton Burke, Arden, NC (pd.) Long time favorite of kids and adults, naturalist Carlton Burke will discuss local, nocturnal creatures. Encourage your kids to become familiar with nature — bring them to Diamond Brand for a remarkable and engaging experience! For further details, please call Gary Eblen at 828-209-1538 or email at June 27: Great American Backyard Campout, Fletcher, NC (pd.) (pd. Diamond Brand will partner with Fletcher Parks and Recreation to host a campout for families at Fletcher Community Park in celebration of the National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Backyard Campout. A great excuse to spend time with family and friends, while enjoying the great outdoors! For further details, please call Gary Eblen at 828-209-1538 or email at www. Asheville Track Club The club provides information, education, training, social and sporting events for runners and walkers of any age. Please see the group Web site for weekly events and news. Info: www. or 253-8781. • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Evening running group for seasoned runners. Meet at Jus’ Running, 523 Merrimon Ave. Info: 252-7867. • SUNDAYS, 8:30am - Trail run for all paces. Meet at the NC Arboretum, Greenhouse Parking Area. Info: 648-9336. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:20pm - The ATC Walkers Program will meet at Carrier Park. Info: HawCreekLarry@aol. com. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Group workout at Carrier Park. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Speed workout. Meet at Jus’ Running, 523 Merrimon Ave. Info: 252-7867. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave. Info: or 253-1470. • SA (6/13), 8am - Run for Kids’ Sake Off-Road 5K & Fun Run at Warren Wilson College. Proceeds will benefit BBBS. Info: Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Encourages safe and responsible recreational bicycling in the WNC area. To find out more about the club and its ongoing advocacy efforts, or to see a complete club calendar, visit

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• THURSDAYS, 9am - Fletcher Blue Sky Road Ride. Departs from Fletcher Community Park, located on Howard Gap Rd. A different route each week ranging from 20-35 miles at a casual pace. Info: 696-0877 or • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Casual Road Bike Ride. Departs from Liberty Bicycles, except for on the 1st Tues. of the month when it departs from Fletcher Park. Please call first: 274-2453. Blue Ridge Parkway Hikes Led by Blue Ridge Parkway rangers. Info: 350-3822, ext. 209 or 298-5330, ext. 304. • FR (6/12), 10am - Craggy Gardens Trail. An easy, one-hour RT hike to a high-elevation bald. Meet at the Craggy Gardens Visitors Center, milepost 364.4. Bring water and sunscreen, wear walking shoes, and be prepared for changeable weather. Carolina Mountain Club CMC fosters the enjoyment of the mountains of WNC and adjoining regions and encourages the conservation of our natural resources, through an extensive schedule of hikes and a program of trail building and maintenance. $20 per year, family memberships $30 per year. Newcomers must call the leader before the hike. Info: n Hikes: • SA (6/13), 10am - Hike to Splash Dam via Trace Ridge. Info: 884-7296. • SU (6/14), 8:30am - Mingus Mill Semi-circular hike. Hike 12.2, Drive 110, 2600 ft. ascent. Info: 236-01921. Foot RX Group Run Info: 277-5151 or • WEDNESDAYS, 6am - Group run. Meet in the lobby at the Reuter Family YMCA. All levels of fitness and running experience welcome. N.C. Arboretum Events The Arboretum hosts a variety of educational programs. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free. No parking fees on Tuesdays. Info: 665-2492 or • TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS, 1pm - Forest Trails Walk: A guided tour through different types of forest environments in an exploration of natural history. Wear walking shoes and dress in layers. Meet in the lobby of the Baker Exhibit Center. Outdoor School Instructor Talk • SA (6/13) - Chief Whitewater Instructor Becca Lee, from the N.C Outward Bound School, will share experiences, stories and photos taken from her time as an Outward Bound instructor and rock climbing/river specialist. At REI, community room. Free. To register: 687-0918 or Swannanoa Valley Museum Hikes Unless otherwise noted, all hikes begin in the parking lot of Black Mountain Savings Bank, 200 E. State St. in Black Mountain. $5 members/$15 nonmembers. Info or reservations: 669-9566 or • SA (6/13) - Potato Knob Breakfast Photography Hike.

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From roofs to walkways Sedum: an easygoing garden plant by Cinthia Milner

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Like everything else in life, gardens can be trendy, and when it comes to that, I’m as weak as the next person. Sedums are this year’s garden darlings, toppling over one another in containerpot arrangements everywhere I go. Some of these artful pots sell for $100 or more. I almost bought a particularly amazing potted arrangement recently, but my 15-year-old son, Micah, took me by the hand and dragged me back to our car. (I’ve rescued him from a few expensive pairs of soccer shoes, so we’re even.) Sedum, or stonecrop, belongs to the Crassulaceae family — the succulents, whose leaves and stems store water. They’re perfect for that sun-parched, water-thirsty spot in your yard, or — my favorite — a rock garden. Tuck these easygoing plants into small spaces between rocks with just a tiny bit of soil, and watch them trail and thrive. In my garden, they fit perfectly into that problem spot that every garden has, where no matter what you do, the soil remains dry and over-baked. And if you’re into Xeriscaping — an approach using drought-resistant plants — sedums must be on your list. They get a green star for water conservation. What’s more, the species’ 400 varieties come in all sizes and colors. They’re considered a foliage plant, meaning their garden value lies in the shape and color of their sometimes plump and round, sometimes rosette, sometimes oval leaves: Pink, rose, salmon, burgundy and frosted are just a few common colors. But don’t discount the flowers. ‘Dragon’s Blood’, a popular cultivar,

Sedum tower: Whether you call them stonecrops or sedums, this succulent species adapts to all manner of habitats, including this display designed by Charles Tessner at Jesse Israel and Sons.

Tuck these easygoing plants into small spaces between rocks with just a tiny bit of soil, and watch them trail and thrive. has brilliant red flowers and can be used for edgings, where it will spill out into walkways, creating a beautiful display. ‘Gold Moss’ sedum has dazzling, spring-blooming yellow flowers. Both short, these sedums are most frequently used as ground covers or edgings, in rock gardens and container pots, and to fill bare spots. Some cultivars, such as ‘Ogon’, can even tolerate foot traffic. And though they’ll spread, sedums aren’t invasive. The word sedum comes from the Latin verb “to sit,” and that’s what these succulents do:

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

photo by Cinthia milner

more or less stay put, even on rooftops. One I simply must mention is wild stonecrop (Sedum ternatum), a shade plant that loves rich, deciduous forest soil. Mine grow under the rhododendrons, but they also do well in partial shade. The tall sedums are the ones most of us are familiar with. Ten to 24 inches in height, you’ll often see them along highways, and they’re very common in most gardens, blooming in late fall. The most popular is ‘Autumn Joy’, a pinkish-red, broccoli-head bloom that can sometimes flop and get too leggy. If that happens, you may be watering and fertilizing it too much. Remember, sedums are designed for the tough spots in our gardens: They don’t need to be babied. Let your container sedums dry out completely between waterings. Another no-no for sedums: Avoid planting them in clay pots, which can lead to root rot. Sedums prefer a well-drained, loamy soil, especially for container plantings. For the most part, however, these little garden delights are adaptable, handling neutral, alkaline or slightly acidic soils.

Compared to my high-maintenance sweet peas (whose days just may be numbered in my garden), sedums are a pure joy, providing great rewards for little work. Additionally, sedums draw bees and butterflies (so if you have children, plant them where bare feet won’t step on a bee), while apparently repelling deer and rabbits. What’s not to love about these hardy little plants? They have tex-

ture, color and shape; need little water; and add drama to any size garden. And thanks to their shallow but tenacious roots, they’re also used in living roofs (which also deliver reduced stormwater runoff, lower heating and cooling bills, and a more aesthetically pleasing look). If you’re flat out of garden space, this might seem appealing, though you’ll need to consult an engineer and go through the permitting process to make

sure your roof can handle the extra weight. My favorite thing to do with sedums, however, is plant them in wide-top containers along with hens-and-chicks, another plant that’s fashionable this year — but that’s a story for another column. X Cinthia Milner lives in Leicester.

gardeningcalendar Calendar for June 10 - 18, 2009 Ace To The Rescue! (pd.) Custom grading • Lot clearing • View enhancements • Driveways • Tree removal • Ponds • Mulch/gravel. • 15 years experience, • Insured • Free estimates. Call Britt: (828) 216-0726. Ace Grading and Landscaping. Bring Dad! • Father’s Day Art And Garden Tour (pd.) Sunday, June 21, Biltmore Forest. Asheville GreenWorks (formerly Quality Forward) has sponsored the annual fundraiser in many neighborhoods around Asheville since the early ‘80s and this year it returns to the beautiful shaded Biltmore Forest gardens. Artists connected with Handmade in America have been invited to display their garden art on several lawns. The tour starts in the English inspired cottage beside the Biltmore Forest Town Hall on Vanderbilt Road. • From 1pm-5pm guests can visit 8 private gardens in the Forest by foot, bike or car. Admission is $15 (or 2 for $25). • Bring a Dad and he’ll receive a free boutonniere. • Choose a free plant and refreshments will be served. For more information, call 254-1776 or Garden Composters • Rain Barrels (pd.) Asheville GreenWorks (Quality Forward), Asheville’s Keep America Beautiful, sells Garden Composters and Rain Barrels in the Green Goods Shop at 357 Depot Street. • 2 kinds of composters: an 11 cubic foot square stacked model for $85 and a 7 cubic foot tumbler that makes compost faster and looks cool for $175. • Rain Barrels are 65 gallons, are easy to install, and cost $135. • All are made of 100% recycled plastic. • All sales benefit plantings in Asheville and Buncombe County. For more information, call 254-1776 or stop on by 357 Depot Street or visit: Vincent’s Lawn Care (pd.) I mow and neatly trim lawns. Also: Fertilize • Prune • Leaf removal. • Quality work. • Dependable service since 1990. • Great references. • Free estimates. • Call Vincent, 253-3688. Asheville Mushroom Club Learn about all aspects of mushrooms (collecting, identifying, growing or cooking). Info: 298-9988 or www. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Monthly meeting at the WNC Nature Center. Membership is $18/year, and includes informative meetings and scheduled forays. Ikenobo Ikebana Society The Blue Ridge Chapter of Ikenobo Ikebana Society (Japanese Flower Arranging) is a nonprofit organization that meets monthly at St. John’s in the Wilderness Parish House (Rt.#225 South & Rutledge Rd.) in Flat Rock. Yearly membership is available. Info: 696-0967. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 10am-Noon - Meeting. N.C. Arboretum Events The Arboretum hosts a variety of educational programs. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free with parking fee ($6/vehicle). No parking fees on Tuesdays. Info: 665-2492 or • WE (6/10), 1pm - Collections Walk: “Native Plants,â€? with the Director of Horticulture, Alison Arnold. Wear sturdy footwear for walking on varied terrain. Meet at Baker Exhibit Center lobby. • TUESDAYS through FRIDAYS, 10:30am - Guided Garden Tours. Meet at the Baker Exhibit Center Lobby. $6 parking fee. • TUESDAYS through SATURDAYS, 10am-Noon - Bonsai Volunteers in the Garden. Volunteers stationed in the

Bonsai Exhibition Garden will answer questions about both the collection and the garden. • TH (6/11), 1:30pm - In-Depth Walk: “What’s New in the Garden?â€? Meet at the Baker Exhibit Center lobby. • SA (5/9) & TU (5/12) - Carolinas Dahlia Society and the N.C. Chrysanthemum Society present their Spring Dahlia Tuber Sale and Chrysanthemum Cutting Sale. The event will be held at the Education Center Auditorium on May 9 and at the Baker Exhibit Center Lobby on May 12. Plant Clinics Buncombe County Master Gardeners will be available to look at plant problems and pests and answer gardening questions. Area residents are encouraged to bring in plant samples for evaluation. Info: 255-5522. • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 11am-2pm - The Master Gardener Plant Clinics will be set up at the WNC Farmers Market in the breezeway between the retail buildings. Stop by and visit. Regional Tailgate Markets For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: 236-1282 or www.buyappalachian. org. • WEDNESDAYS - 4:30-6:30pm - Open June-Sept.: Tryon Tailgate Market, across the railroad tracks from the Tryon Theatre. Info: 894-8823; 1-4pm - Open June-Oct.: Valle Crucis Farmers Market behind the Mast General store. Info: 963-6511; 3-6pm - Victory Tailgate Market, 1329 Tunnel Rd., E. Asheville, past the Blue Ridge Parkway entrance. Info: 775-5593; 2:30-6:30pm - Open April-Oct.: Weaverville Tailgate Market at Lake Louise. Info: 4500708; 3:30-6:30pm - Open April-Oct.: West Asheville Tailgate Market behind the West End Bakery and Haywood Road Market. Info: 281-9099; 2:30-5:30pm - Open MayOct.: Spruce Pine Farmers Tailgate Market on Pollyanna’s Porch, next to Wildflowers, on Upper Street in downtown Spruce Pine. Info: 467-2171; 2-6:30pm - Open April-Dec.: Wednesday Afternoon Downtown Tailgate Market next to the French Broad Food Co-op in downtown Asheville. Info: 683-1607. • WEDNESDAYS - 9am-Noon & FRIDAYS - 2-6pm - Open May-Oct.: Burke County Farmers Market. Info: 439-4460. • WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS - 8am-1pm - Open MayOct.: Haywood’s Historic Farmers Market at the HART Theater and Shelton House parking lot on Pigeon St. Info: 627-3469; 8am-Noon - Open May-Oct.: Waynesville Tailgate Market. Info: 648-6323; 8am-Noon - Open MayOct.: Watauga County Farmers Market on Hwy. 105 Ext. in Boone. Info: 355-4918; WE, 1-6pm & SA, 7am-1pm - Open May-Oct.: Cashiers Tailgate Market. Info: 230-4785. • THURSDAYS - 3-6pm - Open May-Nov.: Flat Rock Tailgate Market. Info: 698-8775. • FRIDAYS - 10am-2pm - Open June-Nov.: Cherokee Farmers Tailgate Market on Acquoni Road. in downtown Cherokee. Info: 554-6931. • SATURDAYS - 8am-Noon - Open June-Sept.: Andrews Farmers Market at First Street in Andrews. Info: 321-2006; 8am-1pm - Open April through Dec.: Asheville City Market in the Public Works parking lot on S. Charlotte St. Info: 348-0340; 8am-Noon - Open April-Dec.: North Asheville Tailgate Market on the campus of UNCA. Info: 683-1607; 7am-Noon - Open April-Nov.: Henderson County Tailgate Market at 100 N. King St. (between First and Second Avenues). Info: 693-7265; 10am-2pm - Open April-Oct.: Cedar Valley Farmers Market in downtown Murphy. Info: 361-7505; 8-11:30am - Open April-Nov.: Polk Tailgate Market in front of the Polk County Courthouse. Info: 894-2281; 8am-Noon - Open June-Oct.: Franklin

Tailgate Market in Macon County at West Palmer St. Info: 349-2046; 8am-Noon - Open April-early fall: Lenoir Bluegrass Farmers Market at the Hog Waller stage. Info: 292-4664; 8am-2pm - Open year-round: French Broad Food Co-op Arts & Farm Market at 90 Biltmore Ave. in downtown Asheville. Art demos and live music. Info: 2369367; 9am-Noon - Rutherfordton Farmers Market on Main St. in downtown Rutherfordton; 8am-Noon - Open May-Oct.: Mountain Valley Farmers Market on the downtown square in Hayesville. Info: 389-3022; 8:30am-1pm - Open May-Oct.: Graham County Farmers Market in the United Community Bank parking lot in Robbinsville. Info: 479-8788; 8am-Noon - Bakersville Farmers Market in the Bakersville Community Medical Clinic parking lot in Bakersville; 8:30am-12:30pm - Open April-Oct.: Yancey County Farmers Market on S. Main St. at Hwy 19E. Info: 682-0601; 9am-1pm - Open April-Nov.: Madison County Farmers & Artisans Market in the parking lot near Pittman Cafeteria up Dormitory Dr. at Mars Hill College. Info: 680-9890; 9am-Noon - Open May-Oct.: Black Mountain Tailgate Market at 130 Montreat Road in Black Mountain. Info: 582-5039; 9am-Noon - Open May-Oct.: Jackson County Farmers Market on Railroad Ave. at Bridge Park. Info: 507-1146; 9am-Noon - Open May-Sept.: Riceville Community Tailgate Market in the parking lot of the Riceville Community Center. Info: 298-6549; 9am-Noon - Open May-Oct.: Big Ivy Market at Marvin and Brenda Dillingham’s on Spice Cove Dr. Info: 626-2624; 8am-Noon - Open June-Sept.: Swain County Tailgate Market in downtown Bryson City. Info: 488-3848. • SUNDAYS, 1-5pm - Open May-Oct.: Greenlife Tailgate Market at 70 Merrimon Ave. Info: 254-5440; Noon-4pm - Open April-Nov.: Sundays on the Island, cross the river at the courthouse on Main St. in Marshall; 9am-5pm - Open June-Oct.: Topton Farmers Market at the crossroads in Topton. Info: 321-9030. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 8am-Noon - Open JuneSept.: Canton Tailgate Market at the town hall in the municipal parking lot on Park St. Info: 235-2760. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 7am-Noon - Open May-Oct.: Rutherford County Farmers Market on Fairgrounds Road, off Business 74 Hwy. Info: 287-6080. • TUESDAYS, Noon-5pm & SATURDAYS, 8am-1pm - Open May-Oct.: Morganton Farmers Market behind Geppetto’s Pizza on Beach St. in Morganton. Info: 438-5252; 3-6pm - Open June-Sept.: Marion Tailgate Market in the municipal parking lot. Info: 652-2215. • TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS, 8am-2pm - Hendersonville Curb Market at Church St., directly across from the old courthouse. Info: 692-8012 or curbmarket@; 7am-1pm - Open April-Dec.: Transylvania County Tailgate Market in the parking lot behind South Broad Park, next to the library in Brevard. Info: 884-9483. Workshop on Native Plants • SA (6/13), 8:30-9am - Coffee and pastries —- 9-11am - Workshop. Hear from local plant experts about native plants and how to identify invasive species —- 11am-2pm - Guided field trip. Meet at the Lake Lure Community Hall. Info: 685-8798.


Check out the Gardening Calendar online at for info on events happening after June 18.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication.

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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

Community Events & Workshops • Social & Shared-Interest Groups • Government & Politics • Seniors & Retirees • Animals • Technology • Business & Careers • Volunteering • Health Programs & Support Groups Calendar C a t e g o r i e s : Helplines • Sports Groups & Activities • Kids • Spirituality • Arts • Spoken & Written Word • Food • Festivals & Gatherings • Music • Theater • Comedy • Film • Dance • Auditions & Call to Artists Calendar for June 10 - 18, 2009 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that’s happening today — or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to You’ll also find events happening after June 18. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Community Events & Workshops Asheville ABC Series “Assembling Ideas, Building our Futures, Connecting Communities.” For more info, including a consistently

updated schedule: www. • SU (6/14), 6-8pm - “Connecting with sister cities, official and nonofficial ones nationally & globally.” Held at Rosetta’s Kitchen. Asheville Design Center An exhibit and meeting space at 8 College St., Asheville. Formed by volunteer professionals, including architects, planners, landscape architects, urban designers, community advocates and others concerned with sound regional development. Info: www. • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 67pm - Forums. A wide variety of presentations promoting livable and sustainable design solutions for growth in our community. Visit the Web site for details. Buncombe Co. Parks, Greenways & Rec. Events Events are free and are held at 59 Woodfin Pl., unless

Calendar deadlines:

*FREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar Information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.


otherwise noted. To register or for more info: 250-4265. • MO (6/15), 10am - 4th Annual Sightseers Picnic at Lake Julian Park. There will be food, games, paddling on the lake and more. $7. Info: 250-4265 or grace.young@ Register by June 11. Citizens’ Awareness Asheville A grassroots organization formed by local residents who have become outraged at law enforcement harassment and brutality occurring within our community. Info: 398-4817. • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm Meeting at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. Community Parking Lot Sale for Habitat • SA (6/13), 8am-1pm - Sell or shop at Weaverville United Methodist Church Fellowship Center. Spaces are $15 single and $25 double. Proceeds will benefit Habitat for Humanity. Info: 645-4473 or Eliada Homes Inc. Tours The public is invited to tour the century-old West Asheville campus, stay for lunch in the cafeteria, meet some of the students, and learn more about the organization’s mission. Info: 254-5356, ext. 108 or • 2nd & 4th TUESDAYS, 10:30am & 4pm - Guided tours. Events in Cherokee Info: 438-1601 or www. • MO (6/15) - The Oconaluftee Visitor Center’s groundbreaking ceremony will symbolically initiate the construction of a new Oconaluftee Visitor Center and history cultural museum. See Web site for details. N.C. Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing Located at 12 Barbetta Dr., just past Biltmore Square Mall. Info: 665-8733 or • WE (6/24) “Telecommunications.” RSVP by June 17. Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Info: 862-5554 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 2pm - Public tours led by spe-

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

cially trained Friends of PARI volunteers. $5. Reservations are recommended. Great for all ages. • FR (6/12), 7pm Celebration of 400 years of astronomy with a special presentation on Galileo. Plus, a tour of the PARI campus and celestial observations using PARI’s optical or radio telescopes. Reservations required. $20/$15 seniors & military/$10 kids. Transylvania Heritage Museum Located at 40 West Jordan St., Brevard. Info: 884-2347 or www.transylvaniaheritage. org. • SA (6/13), 1-2pm - “Life in a Logging Camp.” Demonstration and presentation by Mamie Bumgarner McCall and author Exie Wilde Henson. Exie’s books will be available for sale. WNC Agricultural Center Hosts agricultural events, horse shows and farm-related competitions. Located at 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd. in Fletcher. Info: 687-1414. • WE (6/10) - Auto Cross.

Social & SharedInterest Groups Ardent Toastmasters Club Afraid to speak in public? Want to practice your speaking skills in a fun and supportive environment? Come see what the club is about. Meets at the Y.M.I., 39 S. Market St., in downtown Asheville. Info: 225-8680 or • THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Meeting. Arise & Shine Toastmasters Ready to overcome your fear of public speaking and to enhance your communication and leadership skills? This group provides a friendly environment in which to do so. Guests have no obligation to join. Info: 776-5076. • THURSDAYS, 7:30am Meets at UNCA’s Highsmith Student Union. Asheville Bridge Room Provides ACBL sanctioned duplicate bridge games daily at the River Ridge Market Place, Suite C-1. Most games last about four hours and the table fees are generally $6/person. If you need

weeklypicks Events are FREE unless otherwise noted. Go on a walk at the N.C. Arboretum with Director of Horticulture Alison Arnold and learn about native

wed plants Wednesday, June 10, at 1 p.m. Wear sturdy footwear for walking on varied terrain. Meet in the Baker Exhibit Center lobby. $6 parking fee. Info: 665-2492.

Funny man Tom Chalmers will open Asheville Community Theatre’s Late Night Comedy summer

thur series with Listen to This: Stories in Perfomance Thursday, June 11, at 8 p.m. at Asheville Community Theatre’s black-box theater, 35below. $10. Info: 254-1320.


The City of Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department and the City of Asheville Public Art Board will hold two public meetings at the Public Works Building Friday, June 12, at 9 a.m. and noon regarding the reinstatement of the Energy Loop, Asheville’s first piece of public art. Info: www.


Bluff Mountain Music Festival is a sweet little annual festival held in Hot Springs that features traditional and bluegrass music, dancing, a silent auction, a day-long raffle, crafts, food and more. This year it will take place Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Info:

sun It’s a studio-touring weekend with the River Arts Studio Stroll Saturday, June 13, and Sunday, June

14, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the Toe River Studio Tour, Friday, June 12, from noon to 4 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. River Arts info: Toe River info: UNCA’s 27th annual Concerts on the Quad will feature Whitewater Bluegrass Company Monday,

mon June 15, at 7 p.m. Bring picnics, blankets and/or lawn chairs and enjoy some bluegrass music on UNCA’s quad. Info: 251-6991 or

tue Representatives from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue will discuss the importance of adopting and fostering animals Tuesday, June 16, at 7 p.m. at Malaprop’s Bookstore & Cafe, 55 Haywood St., in downtown Asheville. Info: 254-6734.

a partner, call ahead. Info: 299-0887 or AvlleBridge@ • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - Games start.TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Games start.SATURDAYS, 1pm - Games start. SUNDAYS, 1:15pm - Games start. Asheville Civitan Club Come hear community leaders present programs. Meetings are held at Trinity Episcopal Church, corner of Church St. and Aston St. Open to the public. RSVP for lunch: $8.50. Info: 348-4222 or • TUESDAYS, Noon Meeting. Asheville Holistic Gatherings Events include: organic potlucks, hikes and cycling, free yoga in the park, meditations of all kinds, massage trading partners, audios and videos, sushi parties, book parties, prayer circles and sharing of knowledge. $1-2 donations appreciated. Info: http:// or 505-4890. • SATURDAYS, 6pm Gathering.

Asheville Homeless Network Meetings take place at Firestorm Cafe & Books in downtown Asheville. Info: 552-0505. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - All homeless people and interested citizens are welcome. Asheville Linux Users Group A not-for-profit group that provides support and education for Linux users, particularly for inexperienced users. All are welcome. Info: 255-8115. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 5-7pm - Meets at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. Asheville Municipal Golf Course Ladies Association Local women golfers are invited to join. Info: 2981867. • TUESDAYS, 8:30am Meeting at the golf course at 226 Fairway Dr. Asheville Newcomers Club All women new to the area, or those recently retired, are invited to meet new friends and explore new interests. Special interest groups organized for members. Meetings are held at Living Savior Lutheran Church,

301 Overlook Road. Info: 274-6662. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - Meeting. Asheville Toastmasters Club Improve speaking and leadership skills with the longestestablished toastmasters group in the Carolinas. Toastmasters is an international communication and leadership program designed to help individuals overcome the fear of public speaking, and learn leadership skills. Info: 551-3150 or www. • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm - The club meets at Denny’s Restaurant on Patton Ave. Guests are always welcome and there is no pressure to participate. Barter/Exchange Asheville “Money sure not buying what it used to!” Barter is alive and thriving in Asheville. Be a part of this growing network of people who trade, share, donate. Join the group’s Facebook: Barter Asheville. • THURSDAYS, 7-8pm - Meeting at Buddha’s Bagels, 333 Merrimon Ave., Asheville.

Blue Ridge Toastmasters Club This club helps members improve their public speaking skills in fun and freewheeling meetings. Guests are welcome to visit, no speaking required. Info: or 505-1375. • MONDAYS, Noon - Meets at the First Presbyterian Church, 40 Church St., Rm. 203, Asheville. Cribbage Club Info: 274-2398. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Meets at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 N. Merrimon Ave. Evolver Spore Asheville: Screening Party • WE (6/17), 8:30-10:30pm - Screening party and potluck dinner sponsored by Evolver social network and the FBI. Films include interviews with author Daniel Pinchbeck prior to the publication of his book 2012. Group discussion to follow, along with musical guests. At the French Broad Institute, 68 Main St., Marshall. F32 Photography Meetings follow an informative but informal format, providing for discussion and

sharing of ideas and work. All photographers, whether beginners or professional, using digital or film cameras, are welcome. Info: 6589979 or • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:45pm - Reuters Center on UNCA campus, Rm. 206. Food Not Bombs Come share food and build community. Asheville Food Not Bombs serves free vegetarian food and hosts informal activist networking. Won’t you join us for a picnic? • SATURDAYS, 3:30pm Meets at Pritchard Park. Four Seasons Toastmasters Club Gain experience in public speaking. Info: 606-6922. • WEDNESDAYS, 8-9am - The club meets in the auditorium (called the Smokey Mountain Theater) at Lake Point Landing retirement community in Hendersonville. Friends of Asheville Transit The club discusses ways to improve ATS and other transit-related issues over pints of beer. Info: 279-8349. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7:309pm - The club meets at The Thirsty Monk, 92 Patton Ave. in Asheville. Find the group by looking for a posted sign on their table. Gay and Lesbian Bridge Ambitious beginners or moderate skills appreciated. Free. Info: jafrle@yahoo. com. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - Gay and lesbian bridge game in Asheville. Henderson County Gem & Mineral Society All are welcome. Info: 8852530. • 3rd MONDAYS - Meeting at the Salvation Army Building, 3rd and King St. in Hendersonville. Ja Vin Community Exchange Info: 664-0088. • SUNDAYS, 2pm Community action group meeting. Open discussion on relative issues. Land of Sky Toastmasters For those interested in improving their communication skills and becoming more confident. Everyone is welcome to join, and there is no cost to visitors, but there is a nominal fee to those who wish to join. Info: www. • TUESDAYS, 7-8am Meets on Long Shoals Road in Arden. Land-of-Sky Regional Council Info: 251-6622 or www. • WE (6/10), 1:30pm - The Technical Coordinating Committee will meet at

the Land-of-Sky Regional Council offices, 339 New Leicester Hwy., Suite 140. Lesbians in the Mountains (LIM) Info: 606-5364. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm Meets for dinner at Martin’s Italian Restaurant (formerly known as Little Venice) in the River Ridge Shopping Center on Fairview Road. Mills River Lions Club Info: 890-5726. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 6:30pm - The local club meets at the Mills River Restaurant. NAACP The NAACP works to insure the protection and enhancement of the civil rights of minority groups and citizens. Info: 281-3066. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6pm - General membership meeting at 91 Patton Ave. OLE Older Lesbian Energy meets monthly for a potluck to socialize and plan other events. Info: 545-9698. • 2nd SATURDAYS, 1pm - Potluck. Polyamory Group A social group for all interested in polyamorous lifestyles. Info: 255-8115. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Meeting at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. Ride for Kids/National Ride to Work Day Open House • MO (6/15), 4:30-7pm - Celebrate and learn what the local motorcycling community is doing to save children’s lives. At the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, 302 Ridgefield Court, Asheville. Info: 665-6891 or Ridgefield Toastmasters Club This communication and leadership program is intended to help you improve your communication skills. Guests do not have to participate. Info: 236-5850 or www.ridgefieldtoastmasters. com. • TUESDAYS, Noon-1pm - Meeting in the conference room at Dixon Hughes, 500 Ridgefield Court (behind Biltmore Square Mall). Rotary Club of Brevard The club welcomes new members and guests. Info: 883-4888 or • TUESDAYS, Noon - Meets for lunch at The Quarry Restaurant in downtown Brevard. Rotary Club of Flat Rock Info: 694-0768, or • THURSDAYS, 5pm - Meeting at Season’s Restaurant of Highland

Lakes Inn in Flat Rock. Call if interested in attending. Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest Info: 884-9474 or • WEDNESDAYS, 8am - Breakfast meeting at the Glen Cannon Country Club. New members and guests are welcome. Scrabble Club Come play America’s favorite word game SCRABBLE. We have all the gear, just bring your vocabulary. Info: 252-8154. • SUNDAYS, 1-5pm Meets at Books-A-Million in Asheville. Society of American Magicians Interested in the magical arts? Consider joining WNC’s local Assembly of the Society of American Magicians, the oldest magical society in the world. All experience levels welcome. Info: 712-1319 or www. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 6:308pm - Monthly meeting at Denny’s on Patton Ave. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War The group meets monthly at St. George’s Episcopal Church off of Patton Ave. in the Malvern Hills area. Info: 670-7125. • 2nd SATURDAYS, 10am - Meeting. Sophisticated Singles Are you a sophisticated single and interested in joining other singles 45 years old and up? See what you have in common with us. Info: 254-7546. • 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm - Meeting in the Renaissance Hotel lounge in downtown Asheville. Veterans for Peace Info: 582-5180. • TUESDAYS, 5-6pm - Stand for peace with members of Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out and other peace mongers at Vance Monument in downtown Asheville. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Veterans’ Voices Radio Planning Meeting at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St., Asheville. Free and open to the public. Youth OUTright Weekly Discussion Group A group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth ages 1420 meets at the Jefferson House, 21 Edwin Place, Asheville. Info: www. • FRIDAYS, 6:30-9pm Discussion group meets.

Government & Politics Asheville Copwatch A grassroots organization formed by local residents who have become outraged at law enforcement harassment and brutality occurring within our community. Info: 398-4817 or 255-8115. • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Meets at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. Asheville Latte Republicans All are welcome for coffee, conversation and conservatism. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 5:307pm - Meetings at Filo, 1155 Tunnel Rd. Buncombe County Public Meetings Info: 250-4105 or kathy. hughes@buncombecounty. org. • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners meets in Rm. 204 of the Buncombe County Courthouse. Buncombe County Republican ACTION Club • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6pm Dinner at Ryan’s on Brevard Road —- 6:30pm - Meeting. Cecil Bothwell for City Council Campaign Kickoff • FR (6/12), 5:30-8pm - Music, food and more. Leni Sitnick, Chuck Brodsky, Annie Lalley and Joe Ebel, Left of Center, David LaMotte. Twin Cousins cajun food and Short Street Cakes dessert. At the Grey Eagle. City of Asheville Public Meetings Info: • 2nd THURSDAYS, 3pm - The Sustainable Advisory Committee on Energy & Environment meets in Room A201 in the Public Works Building at 161 S. Charlotte St. Info: 271-6141. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 8am The Economic Development Advisory Committee meets at the City Development Offices, 29 Haywood St. Info: 259-5433. • FR (6/12), 9am & Noon - The City of Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department and the City of Asheville Public Art Board will hold two public meetings regarding the placement of the Energy Loop at the Public Works Building. • 2nd FRIDAYS, 8am - The Downtown Commission meets at the City Development Office, 29 Haywood St. Info: 2324505. Drinking Liberally Hoist a pint for democracy with other like-minded, leftof-center souls. Drinking

Liberally is a fun and informal political discussion group. Open to all, the only cost is your tab. Info: or • THURSDAYS, 7-10pm - Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. Tasting Room, 77 Coxe Ave. downtown. Protest Marriage Inequality in N.C. • SA (6/13), Noon-3pm - Protest at Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville. Vigil for Peace and Justice On the grounds of All Souls Cathedral. • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6pm CDST & 4:30-5pm CST - Vigil. Anyone may participate.

Seniors & Retirees Events at the Senior Opportunity Center Located at 36 Grove St. Offers a variety of ongoing senior and adult programs, including art & craft classes, games, exercise classes and more. Info: 350-2062. • DAILY - Spend the afternoon playing pool and cards with friends. Light refreshments are served. Fitness at North Asheville Community Center An exercise group welcomes new participants interested in fun exercise. Come get healthy, and it’s free, too! No discrimination against younger participants. • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 9-9:45am - Exercise. Henderson County Senior Softball League The league is always looking for new players, age 50 and older. Weather permitting, they play year-round. Info: 698-3448 or www. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS - Morning games at Jackson Park in Hendersonville. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • WE & TH (6/17 & 18) & WE (6/24) - Volunteers will be available to help area seniors do light maintenance work, gardening, painting, cleaning or any other jobs that may need to be done in and around your home free of charge. Call for reservations. Senior ECO Group For retirees interested in environmental issues. Meetings are held in the conference room at the Environmental and Conservation Organization office, 121 Third Ave. West in Hendersonville. Info: 6920382 or

• 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 10am - Meeting. Stephens-Lee Center Events Located at 30 George Washington Carver St. Info: 350-2058. • WEDNESDAYS, 2-2:45pm - Super Seniors. A free stretch and movement class. Swannanoa Valley Museum Located at 223 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 6699566 or • WE (6/17) - Day Camp for Grown-Ups: Visit to Penland School of Crafts.


Animals Mayfel’s Dog Days of Summer (pd.) Every Thursday through August patrons are invited to come eat and drink with their furry friends in our front patio or back courtyard, 22 College Street, downtown Asheville, 2528840. Complimentary dog treats provided! This week 10% of proceeds will go to Night Song Refuge. Animal Compassion Network WNC’s largest nonprofit, nokill animal welfare organization. Find a new pet at their pet adoption events. Info: 274-DOGS or n Foster dogs and cats for ACN. Fostering is an active way to save an animal’s life. Info: • DAILY - Cat and dog adoptions at Pet Harmony, ACN’s pet store for rescued pets, located at 803 Fairview St. Meet animals ready to find their permanent homes. Asheville Aussie Club A new group connecting Australian Shepherds and their people. Info: (704) 806-7300. • SATURDAYS, 11am-Noon - Please call for weekly meeting location. Asheville Humane Society Animals available for adoption from AHS at 72 Lee’s Creek Rd. in Asheville. View photos of animals currently available for adoption online. Foster homes needed. Info: 236-3885, ext. 311 or www. • Through FR (6/19), 5pm June is Adopt-A-Cat Month. To celebrate, AHS is seeking the next top cat model to serve as spokescat for 2009 Adopt-A-Cat month. Submit the perfect shot of your cat for consideration. Asheville Kennel Club Membership is open to everyone interested in purebred dogs and responsible dog ownership. Info: 2584833.

Western North Carolina Quilters Guild The Western North Carolina Quilters Guild will carry on a 20-year tradition this June by displaying their creative passion for cloth and thread in the finished form of quilts. The guild has been in the area since 1982 and was founded as a nonprofit organization to provide an opportunity for area quilters to promote the art of quilting. The goals of the guild are to understand and learn about quilt making and to perpetuate the fiber-art form. Sharing their passion for this art form with the public at this year’s show, titled “A Garden of Quilts,” will give the community an opportunity to appreciate the fruits of the members’ labor. The show, presented jointly with Tarheels Piecemakers Quilt Club, will be held at East Henderson High School on Upward Road in Hendersonville on Thursday, June 25, through Saturday, June 27. The show hours are Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $5. A new feature this year will be the “Bouquet of Quilts,” a quilt auction with small works of the art form contributed by Western’s members, as well as a Quilter’s Shop featuring quilts and other items made by the guild. Tarheels will have their “Carolina Vine” raffle quilt on display, and 15 vendors will display their wares in quilt-related categories. Quilt show co-chair Karen Krupa says, “It is always an outstanding show, a wonderful opportunity for the community to come and see what makes us tick.” Info: or Nonprofits interested in being featured in Group Spotlight should e-mail for submission details • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


• WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Breed Handling Class at the Federal Reserve Center on Louisiana Avenue. Open to the public. Brother Wolf A no-kill organization. Info: or 808-9435. • Join the cat-care team and help felines find their forever homes. Scoop, clean and love on cats and kittens at PetSmart in Asheville. All of the pets live in foster homes. Cat Rescue Center The cat rescue and adoption center is located at 635 Bo Cove Rd. in Cullowhee. Info: 293-0892 or www.catman2. org. • SUNDAYS, 10am-5pm Cat rescue center open. ChainFree Asheville A nonprofit, all-volunteer effort dedicated to improving the welfare of dogs living outdoors on chains and in pens in Asheville and Buncombe County. The group builds fences, provides dog houses and educates the community about the dangers of chaining dogs. Info: or 450-7736. • Volunteers needed for for tabling, “doggie jail” at Bele Chere, other events and pet detective work. Parrot Education & Adoption Phoenix Landing is a parrot care, adoption and education group. Info: www. or (866) 749-5634. • SA (6/13), 10am-1pm - Lee Bolt, DVM of the Sweeten Creek Animal and Bird Hospital, will discuss therapy for post-surgery, trauma and degenerative disorders for animals at the Greenlife Community Center. Transylvania Animal Alliance Group For information about T.A.A.G., or donations of time or resources, 9663166, taagwags@citcom. net or www.taag.petfinder. com. • SATURDAYS, 11am4pm - Adoption Days at PETsMART on Airport Road in Arden. Western Carolina Dog Fanciers Association An area AKC Kennel Club. • SA & SU (6/13 & 14) - Dog show at the Haywood County Agriculture and Activities Center. Info: clubs/2009471204.htm.

Business & Careers American Advertising Federation Info: 258-0316 or


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

• MO (6/15), 11:30am1pm - “How to Build a Sustainable Word-of-Mouth Movement for Your Brand.” At Four Points Sheraton, 22 Woodfin St. RSVP by June 11. $15 members/$25 guests. Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Located at 36 Montford Ave. Info: 258-6101 or www. • WE (6/10), 8:30-9:30am - Member orientation in the boardroom. Debtors Anonymous 12-step recovery on issues of underearning, debt and learning to live one’s vision in life. Info: 779-0077. • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - Meeting at the Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Rd. Hendersonville Business & Professional Women Dedicated to empowering women personally, professionally and politically. Activities include National Business Women’s Week, Equal Pay Day and National Women’s History Month. Info: • 3rd THURSDAYS, 5:308pm - Meeting. International Association of Administrative Professionals IAAP enhances the skills and knowledge of administrative professionals through continuing education, facilitates networking with colleagues, and establishes high professional standards through certification. Info: stephanie. • THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Regular meeting. JobLink Workshops Mountain Area JobLink Career Center sponsors free workshops that include Conducting a Powerful Job Search, Interviewing and Salary Negotiation, Identifying Career Interests and Write a Winning Resume. Info: 250-4761. • MONDAYS-FRIDAYS, 8:30am-5pm - Center open. Marion Business Association Info: 652-2215. • Through TU (6/30) - Grant applications are being accepted. The NC STEP Leadership Committee is currently offering grants to small businesses located within the City of Marion. Mountain BizWorks Information Sessions Mountain BizWorks, 153 South Lexington Ave., assists aspiring and current small business owners with business training and loans. To register: 253-2834, ext. 17.

• MONDAYS, 10am & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - Info Sessions. Learn about the classes and services that are offered at Mountain BizWorks. Mountain BizWorks Workshops Mountain BizWorks is located at 153 S. Lexington Ave. • TH (6/11) - “Financial Tools Featuring QuickBooks,” a five-session course to be held in Hendersonville. Info: or 692-5826. • TH (6/18), 11:30am-1pm - Free lunch seminar on branding. Learn how to expand your advertising effectiveness without spending more money. To register: adriana@mountainbizworks. org or 692-5826. Small Business Networking Bring product samples, brochures and business cards, and mingle with other small business owners in the community. A weekly open house event. Info: 280-3465 or • 2nd FRIDAYS, 6-8pm - Networking at One World Healing Arts Institute in W. Asheville. Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. Info: 684-3798, 891-8700 or • WE (6/17), 7-9pm - Money Mojo & The Work of Byron Katie. Find gold beneath your stressful thoughts at a Money Inquiry Circle, with Meg MacLeod, certified Facilitator of the Work. No experience needed; all welcome. Free or love offering. Info: 254-6484.

Volunteering ABCCM Is Looking for Volunteers ABCCM’s Medical Ministry provides a free medical and dental clinic for lowincome, uninsured residents of Buncombe County. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: administration, physicians, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, dentists, hygienists, dental assts. and especially nurses. Maintenance volunteers are also needed to help with painting and repair work. Info: 259-5339, ext. 319. • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-5pm & MONDAYS, TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5-8pm Volunteers needed to assist in the medical, pharmacy and dental clinic.

American Cancer Society Road to Recovery Program: Volunteers are needed to drive cancer patients to and from their treatments. Make a difference in the lives of cancer patients by becoming a volunteer driver. Info: 546931, 1-800-ACS-2345 or • WE (6/17) - Road to Recovery volunteer training begins. Ashevillage Institute (AVI) An emerging urban sustainability center based around permaculture and natural building practices. Come sample any workday. Longer volunteer opportunities and internships are available. Info: or 225-8820. • TUESDAYS through SATURDAYS, 9am-5pm - Workdays. Dogwood Alliance Intern and Volunteer Informational Gathering • TU (6/16), 6:30-7:30pm - Come join the Dogwood Alliance, an environmentalist nonprofit based in downtown Asheville, for an informational session. Learn about the organization and how you can help protect the biodiverse Southern forests. Info: 251-2525. Girls on the Run Girls on the Run is a nonprofit dedicated to educating and preparing girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. Info: www. or • SA (6/13), 10am - Coach recruitment session at Lord Auditorium, Pack Memorial Library in downtown Asheville. Both head coaches and assistant coaches are needed. Graffiti Removal Action Teams Join Asheville GreenWorks in combating graffiti vandalism in our community. Group setup based on desired location and cleanup availability, supplies provided by Asheville GreenWorks. Removing quickly and keeping covered is the best way to reduce graffiti. Info: 254-1776. • THURSDAYS - Graffiti removal. Habitat for Humanity Seeks Volunteers for the Home Store & Construction Site Help build houses in Buncombe County by volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity Home Store and at the building site in Enka Hills. Volunteers are needed who can make an ongoing commitment to a shift in the Home Store. Info: 251-5702 or brusso@ashevillehabitat. org.

• 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Volunteer orientations at 30 Meadow Rd. Hands On AshevilleBuncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome to volunteer on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the Web site to sign up for a project. • TH (6/11), 5:30-7:30pm - Meals for Hope. Cook and serve a meal for 15-25 women and children who are part of New Choices, an empowerment program for displaced homemakers in need of counseling and assistance. • SA (6/13), 1-4pm Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • TH (6/18), 5:30-7:30pm - Knit-n-Give. Help make hats to be given to newborns served by the Buncombe County Health Center’s Community Health Program. All skill levels welcome. Looking For Better Ways to Work With Volunteers? Asheville Area Directors of Volunteers in Agencies (D.O.V.I.A.) can help both new and experienced volunteer managers. Share innovative ideas, time-tested tools, new resources, networking and educational opportunities. Info: 2550696 or • 2nd THURSDAYS, Noon Meeting. Location varies. RiverLink’s Volunteer Opportunities RiverLink is a regional nonprofit organization working to revitalize the French Broad River watershed. Internship positions are available, as well as many volunteer opportunities. Info: 2528474, volunteer@riverlink. org or • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 10am & 5pm - Volunteer info session at RiverLink, 170 Lyman St. Learn how to make a difference in making the French Broad River watershed a healthier place to live, work and play. To RSVP: e-mail or call ext. 118.

Health Programs & Support Groups An Evening Of Indulgence For Our Community (pd.) Tuesday, June 16, 5pm-7:30pm. Enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres, wine,

and receive a complimentary massage, chiropractic/health coach evaluation, Pilates demo, eye health screening. Call (828) 254-6757. Got Pain? Get Rolfed! (pd.) • $20 off first session! • Money-back guarantee. • Sandy, Certified Rolf Practitioner, NC#558, (828) 296-0011. You haven’t tried everything until you’ve tried: www.originalrolfmethod. com Shoji Spa Discounts and Events (pd.) • Locals Discount: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. • SPArty: Wednesday evenings. Drinks, food and music, free. • Free Health Forum: Tuesdays, noon. Complimentary talk and food. 828-299-0999 Stop Being A Slave to Compulsive Habits, Depression and Anxiety (pd.) Studies have proven that self-destructive patterns involving food, alcohol/ drugs, overspending and moods all have a common emotional root. • Retrain your brain using mindfulness skills • Create a secure attachment to yourself. • Re-balance your emotions • Incline your mind towards joy, away from the stress response and negativity • Experience resilience and lasting gains • Revolutionary new program is now available in the Asheville area. • Call to arrange a free consultation from a Certified Facilitator. 231-2107 or email: ADD/ADHD and Meditation: Introduction Scientific findings from medical journals on the applications of the Transcendental Meditation technique for treatment of ADHD and other learning disorders. Discussion, video, Q&A. Free. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7:15pm - Meets at the Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut St. Info: 254-4350. Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOAs continue “survival” behaviors they had as children, which no longer serve them as adults. In fact, they prohibit ACOAs from becoming who they want to be. Come learn how to grow in recovery and become the person you know you are meant to be through this 12-step group. The only ACOA group in WNC. Info: 281-1314. • FRIDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Meets at Grace Episcopal

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Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Church off Merrimon Ave. in Asheville. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: 800-2861326 or www.wnc-alanon. org. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:151:15pm - Step study: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • WEDNESDAYS, 8pm - AlAnon in West Asheville: Meeting at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Rd., across from Ingles. Separate Newcomers’ Meeting meets also at 8pm. Info: 258-4799. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Discussion meeting for parents of children with addictions: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road, across from Ingles. Info: 242-6197. • FRIDAYS, 8pm - The Lambda (GLBT) group of AlAnon is a gay-friendly support group for families and friends of alcoholics, and holds their weekly candlelight meeting at All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 670-6277 (until 9pm). • FRIDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • FRIDAYS, 6:30pm - Discussion meeting for couples only: All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 676-0485. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Al-Anon North: Meeting at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave.SATURDAYS, 10am - Saturday Serenity at St Mary’s Episcopal Church on the corner of Charlotte and Macon. Beginners welcome.SATURDAYS, Noon - Weaverville discussion meeting at First Baptist Church on N. Main St., next to the library. Enter via side glass doors. • SUNDAYS, 5-6pm - Discussion meeting: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. Info: 281-1566. • MONDAYS, 12-1pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131.


• TUESDAYS, Noon - Black Mountain Group meets at St. James Episcopal Church, 424 W. State St. Info: 277-8620.TUESDAYS, 7pm - Discussion meeting: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Info: 253-6624. Alateen Alateen is a support group for teens who have a friend or family member who is an alcoholic. • MONDAYS, 6-7pm - Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. For ages 13 to 19. All Souls Counseling Center Located at 23 Orange St, Asheville. To register or for more info: 259-3369. • WEDNESDAYS, 1:303pm - Walking Group With Depression Education. Learn new ways to deal with depression while benefiting from walking and group processing. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Active Parenting. Learn effective forms of encouragement, discipline and communication through positive parenting for ages 2-11. • SATURDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Support Group for Recovering Addicts. • MONDAYS, 3-5pm - Ecological Approach to Depression & Anxiety. Experience the healing qualities of the natural world. ALS Group Resource and support group for people with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), their family and friends. Meetings are held at 68 Sweeten Creek Rd. Info: 252-1097. • 2nd SUNDAYS, 3-5pm Meeting, with refreshments. Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Offered throughout WNC by the Alzheimer’s Association. For additional listings and more info: 254-7363. Alzheimer’s Association 24-hour helpline: (800) 272-3900. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 3pm - Trinity Presbyterian Church, 900 Blythe St., Hendersonville. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 3:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6pm - First Baptist Church, 503 Park St., Swannanoa. Art of Intimacy Practice Group

Learn life-changing communication and relationship skills. By donation. Info: 254-5613 or • WEDNESDAYS, 7:309:30pm - Meeting. Asheville Gluten Intolerance Group Provides support to persons with gluten intolerances, including celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and gluten sensitivities. Info: 274-8532 or • 3rd TUESDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Meeting at Carolina Day School, 1345 Hendersonville Rd. Asheville Radical Mental Health Collective An inclusive, non-judgmental and without hierarchy group. All people with mental health or emotional issues are welcome. Info: 251-4699. • MONDAYS, 7pm - Meeting at YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Bereaved Parents of the USA The Asheville Chapter meets at CarePartners. Info: www. or 251-0126. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Meeting. Breakup Myths • MO (6/15), 7-8:30pm - Author Mary Lynn Manns will present an informal talk at the N. Asheville library about transitioning through the breakup of a romantic relationship and will provide healing techniques. Cancer Support Group for Caregivers • MONDAYS, 11am-Noon - Meetings at Jubilee, 46 Wall St., Asheville. Emotional support for family members of people experiencing cancer. Facilitated by Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Info: 299-0394. Cancer Support Group for Women • MONDAYS, 1:30-3pm Meetings at Biltmore United Methodist Church. Emotional support for women experiencing cancer. Facilitated by Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Info: 299-0394. Caregiver Support Group Family members and caregivers of an aging loved one get together to share experiences, receive information, and develop coping skills in matters related to the issues of aging. Info: 253-0701, ext. 140 or • 3rd TUESDAYS - The group is facilitated by a licensed clinical social worker. Register in advance. Children of Aging Parents Education & Support CAPES is an education and support group for anyone

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

caring for or concerned about an older parent. Info: 277-8288 or 213-4542. • 3rd MONDAYS, 5pm Meets at Mission Hospital’s Women’s Resource Center, 50 Doctors Dr. Diabetic Support Group Enabling you to stand toe to toe with diabetes. Info: 3018555 or • WEDNESDAYS, 2pm Meets in E. Asheville. Dual Recovery Group Group meets at the Black Mountain Presbyterian Church House, 117 Montreat Road. For individuals who have a chemical dependency, emotional, and/or psychiatric illness and need support. We share our experience, strength, and hope with one another. A 12-step based program. Info: 3578403. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 8pm - Group meets. Eating Disorders Individuals are welcome to come to one or all of the support group meetings. Info: 337-4685 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Free. El Circulo Playful, deadly, spontaneous healing. A new, evolving martial art and conscious movement formally known as Pa Kua. Info: 280-7287. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm - Free classes at Montford Park. Emotions Anonymous Another Life Foundation will be holding Emotions Anonymous Support Group meetings by way of teleconferencing. All that is needed is a phone and the Internet. Free. Info: 1-888-543-3480 or • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Meeting. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration and appointments required unless otherwise noted. To register or for info: www.pardeehospital. org or 692-4600. • Th (6/11), 3-4:30pm - Shoulder Pain. Physical therapist, Jason Morgan will discuss the causes of shoulder pain and the range of treatments available. Reservations required. Food Addicts Anonymous A fellowship of men and women who are willing to

recover from the disease of food addiction. Sharing experiences and hope with others allows participants to recover from the disease one day at a time. All are welcome. Info: 242-3717. • MONDAYS, Noon-1pm & FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Meetings at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Food Addicts in Recovery For directions or more info: 697-5053. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Free meeting at St. Eugene’s Catholic Church. Grief Support Offered by Four Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care at Greatrex Place, 571 South Allen Road, Flat Rock. Info: 692-6178. • WEDNESDAYS (6/3 through 6/24), 5:30-7:30pm - Grief support group. Participants are asked to attend “Grief 101” first. Health Events at Earth Fare South Located at 1856 Hendersonville Rd. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 210-0100. • MO (6/15), 6:30pm - Learn about herbal alternatives to women’s health issues. Registration required. • TU (6/16), 6:30pm - Learn strategies to beat sugar cravings. Registration required. • WE (6/17), 6:30pm - Learn how to heal your brain, and maintain a healthy brain for life. Registration required. • TH (6/18), 6:30pm - Learn how to have a more active lifestyle and regain control of your health and body. Registration required. Health Events at UNCA • TU (6/16), 7pm - Building Bone Vitality: A Revolutionary Plan to Prevent Bone Loss and Reverse Osteoporosis, reading and book signing by Dr. Amy Lanou at the Reuter Center. Free. Info: 251-6526. Healthy Chocolate Meetup Taste raw chocolate (it’s really good) and learn the many benefits. Caffeine-free and diabetic friendly. Info: 545-2571. • TUESDAYS, 7pm Meeting at 866 Haywood Rd., W. Asheville. Heart Failure Support Group To help those with CHF live more fully. Meetings include a light lunch and educational speakers, and are held on the 3rd floor of Asheville Cardiology, 6 Vanderbilt Park Dr. Info: 255-0231. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 1:302:30pm - Meeting. Henderson County Red Cross

Red Cross holds classes in CPR and First Aid for infants, children and adults; Standard First Aid in Spanish; Babysitter Training; Pet First Aid. Located at 203 Second Ave. East, Hendersonville. Info: 693-5605. : Blood Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • MO (6/15), 10am2:30pm - Blood drive at the Hendeson County Red Cross office, 203 Second Ave. East. Walk-ins welcome, but donors with appointments will be served first. HIV/AIDS Support Group Open support group for all who struggle with HIV/AIDS. Info: 252-7489, or • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 67:30pm - Meeting. K.A.R.E. Support Groups Kid’s Advocacy Resource Effort offers several ongoing support groups. Info: 456-8995. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:307:30pm - Single Parents Support Group. Dinner and childcare provided. At First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Call ext. 201 for more info. • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - The GrandPARENTS Connection Networking Group meets at the First United Methodist Church, Wesley Room, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Networking support, stress relief and parenting info for those who are caring for their relatives’ children. Free childcare and lunch provided. Call ext. 214 for more info. • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 10-11:30am - Parents of Preschoolers Networking Group. Circle of Parents model. Snacks and childcare provided. At St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 99 Academy St., Canton. Life Empowerment Coaching Group Do you need direction in your life? Do you have goals you want to achieve? Does your family or adolescent need life goals and family goals? Info: (801) 245-9284 or astefanini@harmongcmg. com. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS - Free Life Empowerment Coaching Group meets. Life in Balance Yet? Explore new self-empowering ways to achieve more peace and harmony in life. Info: 236-2267. • SUNDAYS, 6:30pm - Free seminar.

Meditation and Health Treating hypertension, stress disorders, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and other health issues through the Transcendental Meditation technique. A discussion of medical research, NIH funded studies on TM and health, and the concept of “meditation, not medication.” Free. Info: 254-4350 or • WEDNESDAYS, 7:15pm - Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut St. MemoryCaregivers Network The MemoryCaregivers Network reaches out to the caregivers of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Meetings are held at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Rd., Arden. n For info on MCN’s online discussion group: peter.terhorst@yahoo. com or http://health. MemoryCaregiversNetwork. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 12:301:30pm - Meeting. Come early for a meet-andgreet that starts at noon. Refreshments provided. Men’s Group An opportunity for men to sit down together and share openly and honestly what is actually going on in their lives, and to participate in unconditional friendship and support of each others’ happiness, peace and liberation. Free. Info: 681-5177 or 776-4347. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Call for meeting location. Mission Hospitals Women’s Resource Center Support groups are free and open to men and women. Other classes available. Info: 213-8246. • 3rd MONDAYS, 5-6:30pm - Caring For Aging Parents Education and Support Group. For anyone caring for or concerned about an older loved one. Info: 277-8288 or 213-4542. NAMI Sing-Along With Richard Sackett. Sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Come to listen or sing. Meets in the Community Room of the North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: 777-0783. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 78:30pm - Sing-along. NAMI Western Carolina National Alliance on Mental Illness offers support, education and advocacy for families and persons with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression or an anxiety disorder. Meets at Mountainhouse, 225 E.

Chestnut St. across from Fuddruckers. Free. Info: 6876901 or • 3rd TUESDAYS, 7pm Group meets. Narcotics Anonymous A fellowship of recovering addicts that can help those afflicted get clean and stay clean through a 12-step program. The group focuses on recovering from the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug. For WNC NA meeting schedules and info: Helpline: (866) 925-2148. • DAILY - Please call for location details. National Multiple Sclerosis Society The Mid-Atlantic Chapter Self-Help Groups in Buncombe County meets regularly in the area. • 2nd SATURDAYS, 10:30am-Noon - Meeting at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Asheville. Info: 667- 5882 or 651-9839. Overcomers Recovery Support Group A Christian-based 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at 32 Rosscraggon Road. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@ • TUESDAYS, 7-8pm Meeting. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. This 12-step program welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. Meetings are one hour unless noted. • THURSDAYS, Noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Rd. (S. 25 at Yorkshire). Info: 298-1899. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: Carver Parks & Recreation Center, 101 Carver Ave. off Blue Ridge Road. Open relapse and recovery mtg. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Meth. Church, 2567 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy. 25). Open mtg. Info: 1-800-5804761. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Open mtg. Info: 277-8185. • TUESDAYS, 10:30amNoon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Open BBSS mtg. Info: 2802213. PFLAG -Asheville

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays is a nonprofit that meets monthly at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Asheville,1 Edwin Pl. PFLAG is a safe environment for parents, friends and families of GLBTQ individuals, as well as GLBTQ people themselves. Info: 335-0787. • 2nd SUNDAYS, 2-4pm - PFLAG meeting. Planned Parenthood of Asheville Clinic and offices are at 603 Biltmore Ave. Emergency contraception is available. Info: 252-7928. • WE (6/10), 7:30pm Young Advocates summer meet-and-greet. Call for details. Practical Tools for Caregivers of Senior Family Members • TH (6/11), 5:30-7pm - Lisa Laney-Kendrick, Medical Social Worker and CarePartners Private Care Manager, will discuss local resources that can help your aging loved one. Free, with dinner provided. At CarePartners Health Services, 68 Sweeten Creek Rd. To register: 277-4815. Recovery Meditation Group Introduction to the most extensively researched and widely successful 11thstep meditation technique: Transcendental Meditation. Free. Info: 254-8416. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7:15pm - The group will be led by addiction counselor Milton Burrill, C.E.A.P., C.S.A.C., and 35-year meditation teacher Tom Ball, PhD, MA. Meets at the Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut St. Red Cross Events & Classes Red Cross holds classes in CPR/First Aid for infants, children, and adults; Babysitter Training; Pet First Aid; Bloodborne Pathogens; Swimming & Water Safety; and Lifeguarding. All classes held at chapter headquarters, 100 Edgewood Rd. To register, call 258-3888, ext. 221. Info: : Bloodmobile Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • WE (6/10), 1:30-5:30pm - Weaverville Community at Weaverville Fire Department, 3 Monticello Road. Info: 231-6894. • TH (6/18), Noon-4pm - Highland Farms, 200 Tabernacle Dr., Black Mountain. Info: 669-6473. S-Anon For those affected by someone else’s sexual behavior. Info: 545-4287 or 606-6803.

• WEEKLY - Three meetings are available per week. S-Anon Meetings S-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for partners, family and friends of sexaholics. We share our experience, strength and hope to help solve our common problems. Meetings held weekly in Asheville, Fletcher and Waynesville. Call confidential voice mail for information: 258-5117. • WEEKLY - Meetings. Sex Addicts Anonymous A fellowship of men and women recovering from addictive sexual behavior (physical and/or emotional). Meetings are held in downtown Asheville. Info: 800-477-8191 (live person Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm) or 348-0284 to leave a local message for a return call. • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Meeting. • SUNDAYS, 7pm Meeting. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous SLAA is a 12-step fellowship of men and women who have a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. Behaviors addressed are: compulsive sexual behavior, extreme dependency on a person, chronic preoccupation with romance, intrigue or fantasy. Meetings are held in downtown Asheville. Open to all sexual orientations. Info: • SATURDAYS, 10am - Meeting at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Step/Weights Class Free ongoing aerobics class with step, weights, resistance bands and stretches. Offered by Asheville Parks & Recreation to promote Asheville’s cardiovascular health. At Stephens-Lee Center (from S. Charlotte, turn on Max St. and go up the hill). Info: 350-2058. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Step/Weights Class. The Asheville Stroke Support Group For persons who have had a stroke and their caregivers. Meetings are held at CarePartners Health Services, 68 Sweeten Creek Rd. Info: 274-9567, ext. 4670. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, Noon-1pm - Meeting. Transitions: Job Loss Resource & Support Group • WEDNESDAYS, 3pm - Meets at the First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, located at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Church Street in down-

town Hendersonville. Info: or 693-4275. WNC Amputee Support Group For all pre- and post-amputees, featuring positive attitudes, practical tips, friendly sharing and more. Refreshments provided. Info: 452-9475 or amputeejay@ • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Meeting at CarePartners, 639 Biltmore Ave., Asheville. WNC Brain Tumor Support Adult support group for newly diagnosed brain tumor patients, brain tumor survivors, their families and caregivers. Info: 691-2559 or • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Group meets at the West Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 690 Haywood Rd.

Helplines For Xpress’ list of helplines, visit events/category/helplines.

Sports Groups & Activities APA Pool League • June 1 - August 27 (pd.) Amateur League, all skill levels welcome. HAVE FUN. MEET PEOPLE. PLAY POOL. Sign-up for 8-ball or 9-ball. 828-329-8197. ONGOING ‚Äì Mon., Tues., Wed., or Thur. ‚Äì YOUR CHOICE! American Singles Golf Association Asheville Chapter Join the group for fellowship and fairways. Visitors are welcome at monthly meetings. Info: 298-9790 or chapter.php?chapter_number=3403. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Meeting at Lone Star Steakhouse, Airport exit. Asheville Foosball Weekly “open draw your partner” foosball (table soccer) tournaments. Cash prizes. Open to all skill levels, beginner to pro-master. Visit Asheville Foosball on the Web at: www.netfoos. com. • FRIDAYS, 8:30pm - Tournament at Northside Grill and Bar, 853 Merrimon Ave. Info: 254-2349. Asheville Kendo Club Dedicated to bringing quality Kendo to the Asheville area. Kendo, the Japanese Way of the Sword, emphasizes correct etiquette and posture. Kendo is not self-defense. Info: ashevillekendo@gmail. com.

• SATURDAYS, Noon-3pm - Classes held at CMA-USA, 412 Merrimon Ave. Asheville Lacrosse Club This nonprofit organization sponsors and organizes both adult and youth lacrosse in WNC. Men over the age of 18 are welcome to come learn about full-contact lacrosse. No experience necessary. Info: 280-3938 or www.ashevillelacrosse. com. • THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Practice at Memorial Stadium behind McCormick Field. Asheville Rugby Football Club Players of all sizes and ability are welcome. No experience necessary. ARFC is highly competitive and participates in Division III, USA Rugby South. Info: 273-0347 or • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 7pm - Practice at Walton Park (near the hospital). Badminton Come join the Asheville Badminton Club for fastpaced competitive indoor badminton twice weekly at 34 Pearson Dr. Info: 2533714. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5-8pm Badminton. Disc Golf Check the Richmond Hill Park kiosk for events and tournaments, as well as the WNC Disc Golf Web site. Info: 680-9626 or www. • THURSDAYS, 5:30pm Doubles at WCU, Cullowhee —- 5:30pm - Singles at Haywood Community College. • FRIDAYS, 5:30pm Doubles at Richmond Hill Park. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Doubles at Haywood Community College. • SUNDAYS, Noon Doubles at Richmond Hill or Mars Hill College campus —- 4pm - Doubles at Waynesville Rec Park. • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Doubles at Black Mountain Park. • TUESDAYS, 5:30pm - Doubles at Richmond Hill Park. Monday Night Women’s Road Ride • MONDAYS, 6-8pm Sponsored by ABRC. Meet at Youngblood Bicycles, 233 Merrimon Ave. Be ready to ride at 6pm Approx. 27 miles at 12-15mph; no one left behind. Info: 254-4578. Pickleball It’s like playing ping pong on a tennis court. For all ages. • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Games cost $1 per session. Paddles and balls are provided. Info: 350-2058. • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Meets at Stephens-Lee Rec Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. (take S. Charlotte to Max St.). Taiji/Hsing-I/Bagua & Kid’s Lion Dancing/Gong Fu At Asheville Mountain Dragon. Learn the Yang Short Form in 10 weeks, Gong Fu in 5 weeks, Chen Pan Ling long form in 20 weeks and weapons in 8 weeks. $10, with discounts for multiple classes. Info: or 285-2929. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Class. WEDNESDAYS, 5pm - Class.THURSDAYS, 5pm - Class.SATURDAYS, 10:30am - Class. Thursday Night Track Races • THURSDAYS, 5-9pm - Meets at Carrier Park on Amboy Road. Register at 5pm; races begin at 6pm. Various races, fixed gear bikes, no brakes. Weather permitting. Info: 254-4578. Ultimate Frisbee in Asheville Asheville Ultimate Club invites everyone to participate. Info: 777-6115 or • WEDNESDAYS, 4pm - Youth games at Memorial Stadium —- 5:30pm - All levels, co-ed pick-up game at Memorial Stadium —- 7pm & 8:30pm - Competitive League at Memorial Stadium. Sign up online. • SUNDAYS, 2:30pm - Hat League at Reynold’s High School. Open to all skill levels. No cost to participate. Unified Martial Artists Calling on any and all martial artists of any stripe, style, experience or age (18+) to crosstrain and “play.” Free. Info: coohanluk@hotmail. com, please include a brief profile and contact info. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Unified Martial Artists meeting. Waynesville Parks & Rec Classes At the Old Armory Rec Center. Info: 456-9207. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS (6/16 through August), 11am-Noon - “Strength and Endurance Training Course,” for boys and girls ages 13 to 17. $25. Info: 456-2030 or Waynesville Parks and Recreation Info: 456-2030 or • MO (6/15), 10am-Noon - Instructional classes for beginner golfers start. For


boys and girls ages 10 to 16. $40 for the summer program. • SA (6/13), 9-11am - Free youth tennis clinic at the Donnie Pankiw Tennis Center at Recreation Park. For kids 6-17. Racquets will be available. Register at 8:45am. • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS (6/15 through 8/7) - Beginner to intermediate level group swimming lessons. Call to register. Wednesday Night Mountain Bike Ride • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-9pm - Meets at Rice Pinnacle parking lot at Bent Creek. Distance/route will vary; no one left behind. Info: 2514686.

Kids “Everyday Warrior” Summer Camp (pd.) an educational fun experience through the art, sport, science of martial arts. Empowering confidence, fitness, knowledge and fun for ages 6-15. Affordable, safe. Daily/weekly, June 15 - August 14, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. 828-713-4261, www. Terra Summer • July 20 - August 14 (pd.) Terra Summer is a four-week experiential academic summer program for children in grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) that uses the magical world of food to teach geometry, geography, history, and science and to explore the social, economic, environmental, and ethical issues related to food. Guided by a farm team, a chef, and teachers, together we grow our own food, work on our organic farm, and cook and eat together. Terra Summer features guest artists and chefs. Children run a produce stand, journal, do portfolio projects and presentations, and look at the world and themselves through a new lens. The program runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Early drop-off starts at 8:30 a.m. The cost for Terra Summer is $600 ($150 per week). We prefer for children to attend the entire session. Full and partial scholarships are available. Transportation to and from strategic pick-up and drop-off locations is also available. Terra Summer takes place on a farm on Kimzey Road, Mills River, NC. For more information or to apply, call 828-782-7842 or visit

Asheville Youth Magazine Project • SA (6/13), 1-4pm - Workshop. Facilitated by the Flood Gallery Fine Arts Center, AYM project is a collaborative publication dedicated to diverse, creative expression of youth’s ideas, opinions and concerns. Info: At The Health Adventure Free first Wed. of every month from 3-5pm. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm & Sun., 1-5pm. $8.50 adults/$7.50 students & seniors/$6 kids 2-11. Program info or to RSVP: 254-6373, ext. 324. Info: www.thehealthadventure. org. • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS (through Aug.), 10:30am - Story time. • FR (6/5) through SU (9/6) - Arthur’s World, the national touring exhibition based on the PBS children’s television series and popular Marc Brown books, will be on display. Boomerang Express Vacation Bible School • SU (6/14) through FR (6/19), 6-9pm - Music, crafts and learning. Travel “down under” to Australia. For age 3 to grade 6. At the French Broad Baptist Church. Free. Info: 8914665. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community children’s chorus for ages 7-14. For audition info: 230-5778 or www. • THURSDAYS, 6:307:45pm - Regular rehearsal at Abernethy United Methodist Church, 1418 Patton Ave. Colburn Earth Science Museum Programs Info: 254-7162 or www. $4/$3 admission cost. Many events are free or discounted to museum members. • WEDNESDAYS, 3-4pm - Geologist will be on site to identify any rock or mineral you bring in. Free. Events For Kids At Historic Johnson Farm The farm is operated as a heritage education center and farm museum by the nonprofit Henderson County Education Foundation, and is located at 3346 Haywood Rd. in Hendersonville. There are two nature trails (free), and guided tours are offered ($5/$3). Info: 891-6585 or www.historicjohnsonfarm. org. • SA (6/13), 10am - Flag Day. A family event featuring a parade of decorated bikes, wagons and strollers. Plus, patriotic songs. Free.

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

• MO (6/15) - “Grand and Me,” a fun, hands-on history lesson for parents, guardians/grandparents and children. Plus, a meet-and-greet with the animals. $5 adults. Father’s Day Craft Workshop • SU (6/14), 1pm - Craft Workshop. Make a personalized comic book for Father’s Day. All materials provided. Free. Ages 5 and up. Hands On! Gallery This children’s gallery is located at 318 North Main St. in Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: 697-8333 or • TU (6/16), 11am - Halin Bockynek and her beagle Keeper will be on hand to share Bockynek’s story A Beagle’s Tale. The story will be read aloud and Keeper will help teach kids how to be responsible. Free with admission. Kids Day Camp • MO (6/15) through FR (6/19), 9am-1pm - Free kids day camp for ages 4-11 at Gateway Christian Community Church in Woodfin: Swannanoa Jones and the Armor of God. Original music, drama, Bible learning, games and more. Info & registration: Kids Express • SA (6/13), Noon-2pm - Find out more about this summertime youth program for kids with special needs. At the Old Armory Rec. Center, 44 Boundary St., Waynesville. Info: 476-4231. N.C. Arboretum Events for Kids Info: 665-2492 or www. • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS, 9am-5pm & SUNDAYS, Noon-5pm - Nature Activities for Kids. Check out a Discovery Day Pack, which includes binoculars, bug boxes and other items. Free with parking. • MONDAYS & TUESDAYS, 9am-11:30am - Wee Naturalist Classes. Children Pre-K and below, along with a parent, caregiver or grandparent, learn about trees, plants, birds, bears, raindrops and more. $6/class or $20/four classes. Call to register. Tot Shabbat & Tot Shabbat Playgroup Hosted by the Asheville Jewish Community Center. All preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to attend and celebrate Shabbat. Info: 505-2697 or 253-0701, ext. 109.

• FRIDAYS, 10am - Tot Shabbat Playgroup. A casual program full of music and joy. Following Shabbat, challah and juice are provided, along with an art project or group game.

Spirituality 1st Church For Yogis Forming (pd.) Join us in creating the “1st Church for Yogis.” It’s time to wake up to the Joy of Your Eternal Self. Inspirational yogic teachings followed by half hour meditation. Sundays. 8:15am. South Asheville Yoga Studio. Donation basis. Phone: 828OUR-YOGA. 3 Day Zen Retreat • Focus On Food (pd.) “Just Cooking, Just Sitting: Food for Body, Mind, Breath” set at Great Tree Zen Temple. Co-leaders Teijo Munnich, Liliane Papin. • Begins 7pm. June 26, ends Noon, June 28. • $150. Explores role of cooking, eating in Dharma practice. How to guide food choices using Buddhist principles mindfulness, compassion, interdependence. (828) 645-2085 or All Sessions 33% Off For June (pd.) Asheville Vedic Astrology Academy. Vedic Astrological Counsel and Spiritual Guidance with Ordained Kriya Yoga Teacher Ryan Kurczak: (828) 338-0234. www. AshevilleVedicAstrology. com Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA. (828) 258-3229. Consciousness Workshop With Physicist and Author Thomas Campbell (pd.) An exciting interactive experience exploring the origins and inner workings of consciousness. • Tom’s only USA workshop this year. • Saturday, June 20, 9:30am-6pm. Renaissance Hotel, Asheville, NC. Details at Founders of New Thought Classes (pd.) Tuesdays, 7-9pm, June 2-August 4. At Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. More information, call: (828) 2532325 or (828) 253-7472. Goddess/Gods: Teachings For The Modern Nobility (pd.) • May 2, Chapel Hill. 10am-1pm. Celtic Gods

and Goddess. • May 6: Asheville. An empowering year-long workshop series for modern people to access ancient wisdom today. (Quetzalcoatl, Tonantzin to name a few). $20/session, includes all materials. You must call to confirm. • Zoe: (828) 284-0975. www. Solsara/Naka-Ima Workshop • June 26-28 • Asheville (pd.) Practice Honesty • Recognize and let go of Attachments • See yourself and others clearly • Create Community based on honesty • Contribute to the Evolution of Consciousness. • Registration/Information: (828) 279-8182. www. A Circle of Conscious Men ManKind Project offers weekend training sessions and weekly group meetings that take men on a journey to connect head and heart, examine their lives, and create deeper, more powerful and more joyful ways of living. Info: or 318-4448. • TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Open group meeting. Free. Call for info. A Mountain Mindfulness Sangha Part of the World Community of Mindful Living, inspired by the teachings of THICH NHAT HANH, the group practices mindfulness as the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. Practicing with a “sangha” (a community) can bring both joy and support. All are invited. Info & directions:, 6847359 or 299-9382. • THURSDAYS, 7-8:30pm & TUESDAYS, 8-8:40am - Seated meditation, walking meditation, dharma discussions and other mindfulness practices. At 12 Von Ruck Court, Asheville. Abraham Positive Living Program Create your own joyful reality with this group mtg. in Asheville to listen to and discuss The Abraham Tapes. Free. Info: 274-5444. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting. Ageless Living the Reyouthing Project The ALR project supports progressive individuals achieve total health, wealth and well-being by applying, practicing and ultimately mastering the art of “Ageless Living” using simple mind/ body techniques. The ALR project also serves as a hub for an informal community of like-minded people seek-

ing to live a youthful lifestyle. Info: (520) 437-8216 or • SATURDAYS - Meets bimonthly in the Asheville area. Small donations accepted. All One Asheville “Friends of Non-Duality.” Share silence while exploring non-dual teachers and living in the Now Present Moment. Meetings at various locations. Info: 216-7051 or BeHereNow28804@yahoo. com. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 7pm - Awakening Practices. Featuring the works of Eckhart Tolle. Meets at the Enka-Candler Library Meeting Room. Emphasis is on putting words and pointers into action through meditation and discussion. We want to help each other awaken. Info: Trey@ • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Gangaji video satsang at Holy Ground, 18 Orange St., off of Merrimon Ave. across from Greenlife. Ananda Meditation Group A meditation group based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Info: (412) 779-4588 or gregtray@ • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 7:30pm - Meditation. Call or e-mail for directions. Anattasati Magga, Inc. A Soto Zen Sangha for the Laity. Offers meditation and dharma instruction at 12 Von Ruck Court, Asheville. The following events are free and open to the public (donations appreciated). Please arrive 10 mins. before the beginning of each service. Info: • SUNDAYS, 9am - Sunday Morning Service, followed by a dharma talk. • TUESDAYS, 7:05-7:45am - Short Morning Service & Meditation. Asheville Advaita Tired of the seeking game? A non-duality discussion group is forming in the Asheville area. Info: www. • TH (6/18), 7-8pm Meeting. Location TBA. Free. Asheville Friends (Quaker) “Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.” Located at 227 Edgewood Rd. in N. Asheville. Info: 258-0974. • SUNDAYS, 9:30am - Religious education for children and adults —— 10:30am - Unprogrammed meeting. Asheville Meditation Center Classes are held at the Greenlife Community Center,

90 Merrimon Ave., unless otherwise noted. Info: 2511141 or • THURSDAYS, 6:307:30pm - Meditation Circle. Held at One World Healing Arts Institute, 2 Sulphur Springs Road, W. Asheville. Donations accepted. • MONDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - Meditation for Inner Peace. Free. Info: 505-2300. Asheville Satsang With Gangaji Info: 216-7051 or • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Silent sitting and Gangaji video satsang at Holy Ground, 18 Orange St., off of Merrimon Ave. across from Greenlife. Avatar Meher Baba This group meets to celebrate and study the life and teachings of Avatar Meher Baba, focusing on his words. “True love is matchless in majesty. It has no parallel in power; and there is no darkness it cannot dispel.” Info: 274-0307 or • SUNDAYS, 4-6pm - Call for location info. Awakening Practices Study the works of Eckhart Tolle and put words into action through meditation and discussion. Info: Trey@ • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Meet at the Enka-Candler Library meeting room. Baha’i Faith The Baha’i Community welcomes visitors to devotional meetings each Sunday morning at the center located at 5 Ravenscroft Drive. Info: 251-1051 or • SUNDAYS, 11am Devotional Meetings. Bear Clan Medicine Lodge The group practices Native American spirituality. It also studies natural healing modalities. Not affiliated with any tribe or organization. Everyone is welcome. Meets at the library on Mitchell St. in Old Fort. Info: http://seeks. • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 3pm - Meeting. Beth Israel Synagogue Located at 229 Murdock Ave. An egalitarian house of prayer, study and assembly in the Conservative Jewish tradition where all are welcome. Join us for Shabbat services, Minyans, high holidays and festival services and celebrations. Info: 252-8431 or www. • THURSDAYS, 7:30am - Minyan (9:30am on public holidays).

freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19):

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

So you’re trying to tell me that the way out is the way in. Is that right? And that the “wrong” answer just might be the right answer? And that success, if it makes an appearance, will most likely happen by accident? I don’t know, Aries. It’s tricky to get away with this upside-down approach to life unless you have a lot of discipline and yet also don’t take yourself too seriously. You’ve got to be both rigorous and flexible — a stickler for detail and a master of improvisation. I do suspect you’re up for the challenge, but what do you think? In an interview, musician Attiss Ngoval told the San Francisco Chronicle that he’d want the superpower of X-ray vision “IF and ONLY IF I could use it to see people naked under their clothes. I don’t want it if all I see is skeletons.” That’s a good standard for you to keep in mind during the coming weeks, Taurus. I definitely think you’ll have an ability to see deeper into the multi-layer levels of reality than you’ve had in quite some time. But your challenge will be to employ that gift to explore sights that are really interesting and useful to you, not just everything and anything that’s usually hidden.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

My astrological charts suggest that your immediate future is wide open — so much so that it’s difficult to predict which scenarios are more likely than all the others. This might mean that your free will is especially free right now. But in the interest of giving you something specific to grab on to, I’ll name a few of the myriad possible scenarios. 1) A self-styled anarchist scholar, heir to the fortune of a famed Japanese anime artist, will invite you to a sushi feast at a speakeasy club called “Planet Mars” to discuss the Theory of Everything. 2) A clownish saint with a tattoo of a cobra swallowing the Earth will get you high by sniffing the pimple medication Clearasil, and then tell you a secret about who you were in one of your past lives. 3) A familiar stranger will hand you a Cracker Jack toy and whisper, “Are we never going to see each other again? Or will we get married tomorrow?”

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

In honor of the karmic clean-up phase of your astrological cycle, I invite you to do the following exercise: Imagine a pit in the middle of a desert that holds everything you’ve ever used up, spoiled, and outgrown. Your old furniture is here, along with stuff like once-favorite clothes, CDs, and empty boxes of your favorite cereal. But this garbage dump also contains subtler trash, like photos that capture cherished dreams you gave up on, mementoes from failed relationships, and symbols of defunct beliefs and self-images you used to cling to. Everything that is dead to you is gathered here. Got that vision in your mind’s eye? Now picture yourself dousing the big heap of stuff with gasoline and setting it on fire. Watch it burn.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

This would be a good time to activate your sleeping potentials by chanting positive declarations about your relationship to what you need. Instead of typical New Age affirmations, however, I think you’ll benefit from something edgier and more poetic. That’s why I’m offering you the statements below. They were originally written by Andrea Carlisle for use by spiders. Say the following several times a day: “I am now receiving many fine fat flies in my web. My web is strong and masterful. My web is irresistible to all the attractive creatures I like to nibble on. I am amazingly clever and extremely popular. Even now, hundreds of juicy tidbits are headed towards my web.”

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

A talent scout who has the power to change your course is drawing closer and closer. Find out why, and capitalize on it. Meanwhile, a chameleon who has always had your number just lost it. Find out the details, and take advantage. If that’s not enough to keep you busy, I’ll clue you in to the fact that a cool fool only recently realized you have something that he or she wants. Find out who and what, and exploit the possibilities. (P.S.: I should also mention that there’s a wild thing out there who would love to lick your hand. Find out why, etc.)

“The formula ‘two and two make five’ is not without its attractions,” said Dostoevsky. I believe you’ll benefit from embracing that perspective in the coming week, Libra. Transcending logic will be your specialty, especially if you do so with a spiritual gleam in your eye. Being a little crooked could awaken sleeping wisdom within you, as well as boost your life force and enhance your physical attractiveness. So please follow any hunches you have that inspire you to stop making so much sense. Explore the pleasures of using imaginative flair in your search for the truth. A lesbian reader who calls herself “Speedy Slow-Hand” wrote to me asking for advice. She explained that she keeps getting obsessed with the half-feral amazons whom her intense Scorpio self lusts after, and this causes her to miss making contact with the warm, nurturing women her softer side craves. Is it better to have someone to run the race with, she asked, or someone to massage her feet after the race? Whether or not you yourself are in the hunt for love, Scorpio, I think her testimony is an apt metaphor for your current dilemma. Should you go with the choice that makes your spirit burn with pungent excitement, or should you opt for what feeds your soul with rich relaxation? I would like to suggest that there’s at least a 30 percent possibility you could have both.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Of the 190 short films the Three Stooges made for Columbia Pictures, only five actually had pie fights. However, those classic scenes sum up all there is to know about the mythic meaning of pie fights, as well as the needs they address and the techniques involved. I urge you to study up on the Stooges’ teachings concerning these matters — and put them to immediate use. Nothing could be more effective in dealing with stalled negotiations, convoluted mind games, superficial exchanges, excessive gravity, and bureaucratic slowdowns than a righteous pie fight. You can find a Youtube clip of a Three Stooges pie fight here:

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Some people use sly intelligence rather than mindless rage to escape limitations that have outlived their usefulness. Do you know any? If so, soak up their influence. You could use some inspiration and counsel as you make your own break for freedom. The best way to ensure that your liberation will be permanent, not just a temporary reprieve, is to go about it with humor and subtlety and humility.

Odonata Tr a u m a - R e s o l u t i o n People are often traumatized by seemingly ordinary experiences that can cause symptoms like anxiety, chronic pain, or flashbacks. I work with a person’s innate capacity to transform those overwhelming experiences.

Monika Wengler, MA


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Writing in Earthwatch magazine, Anne Marcotty Morris rhapsodized about her trek into Brazil’s rain forest. The jungle is a fecund place, she said: “Several barbed seeds that had attached themselves to me on our walk into the forest had sprouted by the time we walked out.” These fast-growing seeds happen to be an apt metaphor for the state of your psyche, Aquarius. You’re a hotbed of lush fertility. Given that fact, I advise you to be very discriminating about which influences you give your attention to. Whether they’re good or bad, empowering or corrosive, they will grow fast.

EmpowErEd Birthing

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Next Class Starts June 17th Four Wednesdays, 6-9pm Focus On Natural Childbirth

There has rarely been a better time than now to blend your fresh sparkly innocence and your deep ancient wisdom. The childlike aspects of your intelligence are especially available, and so are the visionary elements. Furthermore, the two have a great potential to complement and enhance each other. You might be amazed at how dramatically you could transform long-standing problems by invoking this dynamic tandem of energies.

It’s almost time for a mid-year review. What have you accomplished so far in 2009? What goals remain unfinished? (c) Copyright 2009 Rob Brezsny

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Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

• 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 6pm - Services. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Services. • SUNDAYS, 9am - Minyan —- 5pm - Introduction to Judaism with Rabbi Robert Cabelli. For Jews and nonJews alike. Call for details. Book Group: Eckhart Tolle Meets in North Asheville. Help lift up humanity. RSVP: 989-4373. • THURSDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Book reading and discussion of The New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Help and healing the spiritual way through the teachings of Bruno Groening. Participants are asked to attend an introduction before coming to the regular community hour. Info: 393-0630. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - Meeting at the North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Love offering. Buddhist Hermitage Open to all Buddhist traditions and faiths. Study, discuss, and endeavor to live the Buddha’s teachings on Mindfulness, Compassion and Wisdom. Meetings at Embracing Simplicity Hermitage, 7 Wisdom Lane, Hendersonville. Info: 3382665 or • DAILY (except WED. & SAT.), 11am - Dharma study and meditation. Followed by a fellowship gathering on Sun. Buddhist Meditation and Discussion Meets in the space above the French Broad Food Coop. New series: “Freedom From Worldly Concerns.” This series of classes will give instructions on how these concerns function and how to find happiness from more reliable sources. Suggested donation: $8. Info: 779-5502 or www. meditation-in-northcarolina. org. • WE (6/10), 7:15pmBreak. No class. • WE (6/17), 7:15pm - “The Roller Coaster of Resources and Respect.” Buddhist Talks • SU (6/7) through MO (6/15) - Hojun Welker, recognized as a Venerable Rinpoche in the San Francisco based Buddha Sect, will give a series of lectures on empowerment.


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

See Web site for details: Free. Celebrate Recovery Christ-centered, biblically based recovery ministry. Weekly fellowship and support meetings deal with reallife issues, including divorce, co-dependency, anger, control, chemical dependency, sexual addictions, hurtful relationships, eating disorders, depression, and other addictive, compulsive or dysfunctional behaviors. Info: 687-1111. • MONDAYS - Evenings at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Celebrate Recovery Group At the Swannanoa Church of God, 199 Wilson Ave., Swannanoa. Side entrance of church. Info: 301-1789 or 582-2933. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Group meets. Center for Spiritual Living Asheville A Science of Mind, Religious Science, New Thought Center. Be recognized as the powerful, creative, spiritual being that you are. 2 Science of Mind Way. Info, events & directions: 2532325 or • SUNDAYS, 9:30am & 11am - Two Celebrations. The second celebration is followed by a covered-dish luncheon the 1st Sunday of every month. Church of Christ, Scientist Join us in a welcoming atmosphere as we worship the all loving God. Through a better understanding of your relationship with Christ find freedom and healing. Located at 64 N. French Broad. Info: 252-1787. • WEDNESDAYS, 7:30pm - Weekly meeting for inspiration and testimonies of healing. • SUNDAYS, 10:30am Weekly Service and Sunday School. Childcare provided. Class on Essay by H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha • FR (6/12), 7-9pm - Ven. Zhaxi Zhuoma will conduct a class on essay by H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha entitled “The Demons of the Five Aggregates and the Profound Esoteric Dharma” at 41 Wisdom Way, Hendersonville. Free. Cloud Cottage Sangha This branch of the World Community of Mindful Living, inspired by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, meets at the home of Judith & Philip Toy at 219 Old Toll

Circle in Black Mountain, to practice seated meditation and mindfulness training. All events by donation. Info: 669-0920, cloudcottage@ or • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Seated meditation, walking meditation, Sutra Reading and Dharma discussion in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. • SUNDAYS, 8am Japanese-style Zen service followed by informal tea. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 6:30-7:30am - Chanting practice, seated meditation. Compassionate Communication Practice Group Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication. Group uses a model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. Free. Info: 299-7942 or • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 5-6:15pm - Meeting. Congregation Beth HaTephila Asheville’s Reform Jewish Temple is located at Liberty and Broad Streets, and offers a Religious School (for members) and adult education, as well as many activities and committees. Info: 253-4911 or www. • FRIDAYS, 7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat services. Course in Miracles Ongoing discussion group with Rev. Gene Conner. Info: 296-7558. • SUNDAYS, 12:15-1:30pm - Discussion group meets. Course in Miracles Discussion Group This group meets at a North Asheville location. Info: 350-0986. • WEDNESDAYS, Noon1:30pm - Group meeting. Love offering. Eckhart Tolle Meetings Come and learn how to experience Presence. Each meeting will start off with silent meditation, followed by a 60-min. Retreat Series video and sharing. This group started with the A New Earth book club. Info: 685-7945. • TUESDAYS, 7pm Meeting in Hendersonville. Events at Basilica St. Lawrence 97 Haywood St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 2526042. • WEEKDAYS, 7:30am AND 12:10pm - Mass.

• FRIDAYS, 1pm - Bible study group meets in the lower conference room. • SATURDAYS - 7:30am, Mass; 3:30-4:30pm, Reconciliation; 5pm - Vigil Mass. • SUNDAYS - 9am & 12pm Mass; 5pm Mass in Spanish. Events at Westgate Earth Fare Located at 66 Westgate Pkwy. • WE (6/17), 7-9pm Workshop: “Have you had a spiritual experience?” Share your spiritual experiences with others and gain more insight into their meaning. Sponsored by ECKANKAR. Info: 254-6775. Free. Find True Love: Inner Light & Sound Meditation Program Info: 236-2267. • SUNDAYS, 6:30pm - Free program. First Congregational Church Located at 20 Oak St. in downtown Asheville. “An open and affirming congregation.” Info: 252-8729 or • SUNDAYS, 10:30am - Worship service with Rev. Joe Hoffman. Childcare provided. Free Buddhist Class • FR (6/12), 7-9pm - Ven. Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche will read from a recent translation of a discourse given by His Holiness titled “The Demons of the Five Aggregates and the Profound Esoteric Dharma.” At Xuanfa Temple of N.C. at Embracing Simplicity Hermitage, 41 Wisdom Way, Hendersonville. Info: 338-2665. Great Tree Zen Temple Offers retreats, workshops, classes and monthly Family Practice (children welcome). For the full calendar and more info: or 645-2085. • TUESDAYS - Weekly Meditation and Study: 3:305pm - Afternoon program —- 5-5:30pm - Break —- 5:30-7pm - Evening program. Come to one or both sessions. Hare Krsna Sunday Feast At Namaste Yoga Center, 57 Broadway, Asheville. Donations welcome. Info: or 506-2987. • SUNDAYS, 6pm Devotional chanting and vegetarian feast on select Sundays. Holy Ground This interfaith, feminist organization at 18 Orange St. (off Merrimon) works to strengthen community, connections to the earth, and to nurture our creative and

Emphasis is on gaining experience through practice and applying it to everyday situations. $10 donation. For info & directions: 253-4272 or 255-8304. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Class. Pure Toning Free-form vocal toning is a powerful meditative practice. Open to all levels of experience. Love offering. Info: 667-2967 or 669-6845. • SU (6/14), 1-2:45pm - At the Light Center in Black Mountain. Ray of Hope Nondenominational Church Located at 441 N. Louisiana Ave., Suites K & L. Info: 252-PRAY. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Training for Christian Service. • SUNDAYS, 10am Training for Christian Service —- 11am - Worship with Pastor Inez D. Ray. Self-Realization Fellowship Asheville Meditation Circle of SRF meets weekly for Meditation and Readings Services from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Info: 645-6322 or 664-9503. • SUNDAYS, 9-10am & 1011am - Group meets. Sh’ma Messianic Ministries Messianic studies and Hebrew classes. Studies for Jews and gentiles. Hebraic roots with biblical and basic Hebrew language, Israeli dance. Free. Join the group for updates, contacts, calendars of feast days and other info: 582-4430, or www.shmaministries@ To subscribe: ashevillemessianics@ • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS - Messianic studies and Hebrew classes. Silent Meditation Come and enjoy group silent meditation in the Marshall area. Info: 545-0239. • TUESDAYS, 7pm Meditation. Sojourner Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A congregation in formation. The goal is provide a caring, non-threatening environment for the exploration of Christian spirituality. Info: • SUNDAYS, 9:30am - Fellowship —- 10am - Worship. Soka Gakkai International (SGI-USA) An American Buddhist association that promotes world peace and individual happiness based on the teachings of the Nichiren school of

Mahayana Buddhism. Its membership reflects a broad range of ethnic and social diversity. Info: 683-8460. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 7pm - Chanting and discussion meeting at the Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Rd. Free. Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Meditation Group Free meditation initiation and one-hour of silent meditation followed by 45 mins. of devotional singing. Free vibhuti (sacred ash) distributed. Directions & info: 299-3246. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Gathering. St. George’s Episcopal Church Led by Rev. Canon Gus Boone. Located at 1 School Road, Malvern Hills, Asheville. Info: 258-0211 or http://webpages.charter. net/stgeorgeasheville. • SUNDAYS, 10:30am - In need of a faith lift? Find spiritual nourishment at a small church with a big heart. Welcoming and affirming to everyone. Children especially welcome. Sufi Healing Circle Traditional chanting practices to invoke the presence of the Divine to heal ourselves, our community and the world. Taste the love deep in your heart. Info: 777-5503. • SUNDAYS, 6-7:15pm - Gathering. Call for location info. Temple B’nai Zion Located at 855 Howard Gap Rd., Hendersonville. Info: 697-3668 or BnaiZionAv1@ • FRIDAYS, 7pm - Kabblat Shabbat Service. • SATURDAYS, 1pm - A light meal will be served —- 2pm - Men’s prayer and Torah study, followed by Hebrew study. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - “Benote Tefillah-Daughters of Prayer.” The River Church A nondenominational area church family that believes in the value of meaningful worship, practical Bible teaching and real-life relationships. Info: 348-4703. • SUNDAYS, 10:30am - Currently meets at Oakley Elementary School. The Underground Church Merging with God, culture and others. We were sick of church but still loved God, so we decided to start meeting together. If that resonates, come and join the group on Sundays. Info: or 3186940. • SUNDAYS, 10am Meeting at the downtown YMCA.

Diamond Brand Outdoors’ Family Campout Saturday, June 27 at 6 pm • Fletcher Park

Let’s turn off the computer and TV and spend a night outdoors in celebration of the Great American Backyard Campout. In honor of this event, Diamond Brand is sponsoring a community campout for friends and family, and it’s free to the public. Bring a sleeping bag and tent, ghost stories and an appetite. We’ll have product demos, camping recipes and clinics. Who knows, maybe this will spark a new family tradition? Space is limited. For more info and pre-registration, contact Gary Eblen: or (828) 209-1538. 2623 Hendersonville Rd. Arden, NC 28704 U 828-684-6262


Accessing the dimension of inner quiet leads to awakened presence, joy and effectiveness in the world. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House. $10-$20 suggested donation. • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon Ave.). Donation. Mountain Zen Practice Center Ending suffering through the practice of Conscious Compassionate Awareness. Located at 156 E. Chestnut St. Info: 253-4621 or www. Orientation required for newcomers. • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meditation and discussion. Mystic Gatherings Share in the community of those who are governed both by logic and observing signs around them: gut, spirit, intuition or whatever That is. Bring your stories and experiences. Gatherings are dynamic and diverse and range from topics such as changes in our society to defining moments in life and much more. Info: 206-2009. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting. Open Door Christian Fellowship At 2314-C Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville. Info: www. • SATURDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Unlocked Night Service: a contemporary service for people who don’t feel like they fit in at other churches. Love offerings accepted. Open Heart Meditation Enjoy the peace and happiness of your own heart. Learn easy, effective practices for becoming heartcentered. Open to all. Free. Info: 645-5950, 215-2572 or • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Upstairs at 218 E. Chestnut St. in Asheville. • THURSDAYS, 10:30amNoon - At Namaste, 57 Broadway in Asheville. Peace Is Possible “It is not the world that needs peace; it is people. When people in the world are at peace within, the world will be at peace,” Prem Rawat. For more info or a free DVD: 298-5767. • FR (6/17), 7-8pm - Words of Peace: “The Joy of Being Alive.” At the Greenlife Community Center, 90 Merrimon Ave. All are welcome. Psychic Development Class Learn to develop your psychic/intuitive abilities.

verve (vurv) n. 1. Energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas especially in artistic performance or composition. 2. liveliness, vitality.

a salon

780 Hendersonville Road • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


spiritual lives through workshops, retreats and conversations. Info: 236-0222, office@holygroundretreats. org or • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10am - Sacred Circle Worship. Communal silence, meditative reading, group reflection and sharing and ritual. Infinity Institute for Compassionate Living Due to the demand, The Beyond Mental Concept booklet plus more from the life-changing dynamics of Sri Robert are back. Please send self-addressed envelope for current orderlist to the Infinity Institute, P.O. Box 1102, Enka, 28728. Info: (702) 525-3982. • MONDAYS - Reading. Contact for details. Journey Expansion Team (JET) • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - An inspiration of James Ray featured on Oprah/The Secret. Join a group of likeminded people who want to share with others The Law Of Vibration and other Universal Laws. Info: 3297145 or kimberlycroteau@ Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Program Introductory to an effortless technique for accessing the unlimited reservoir of creative intelligence within everyone. Includes video presentation by physicist John Hagelin on scientific research, health benefits, quantum physics and the unified field, and brain patterns during meditation. Free. Info: 254-4350. • WEDNESDAYS, 7:15pm - Meets at the Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut St., Asheville. Meditation for This Age Info: (888)-250-8115. • WEDNESDAYS, 6:45-9pm - Meditation Class: Reduce stress, open the heart, think clearly, deepen a spiritual connection. $10. Call for location details. Men’s Group The group includes ritual, presentations and discussion. Focus on vision, mission and relationships. Facilitated by an experienced men’s work leader. Meets at the OASIS Center in W. Asheville. Info: 817-9727. • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Meeting. Mindfulness Meditation Class Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. Info: 258-3241 or www. • SU (6/14), 2:30-5pm - Meditation and Satsang on Finding Inner Quiet.


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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Transmission Meditation Group Act as an instrument for disturbing spiritual energies, which helps in the healing and transformation of the planet, while advancing personal spiritual evolution in the process. Join this group meditation. Info: 318-8547. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - The group meets. UFO Group Share thoughts and experiences. Together find the truth. Info: 281-4834 or • MONTHLY, 7pm Meeting. Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville Founded on Judeo-Christian values, the church draws freely on the wisdom of the world’s religions as well as humanist teachings; respects diversity; and takes seriously the responsibility to make a difference. Located at the corner of Charlotte St. & Edwin Pl. Info: 254-6001 or • SUNDAYS, 9:15 & 11:15am - Weekly services and children’s programs. Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. Info: 684-3798, 891-8700 or • WE (6/10), 7pm - “Help is Not a Four-Letter Word: Why Doing It All Is Doing You In,” with Peggy Collins. Love offering. Info: • THURSDAYS, 7pm - “Meditation, Movement, Energy & Breath Series,” with Tim Norwood. • SUNDAYS, 9:30am & 11am - Celebration Services with nursery care. Youth Sunday School at 11am. Friendship Potluck 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:45pm. The Lunch Bunch, eat together after 11am service. • SU (6/14), 2pm - “The Power of Positive Feelings: Creating a Predictable Life,” with Donald Dossey Ph.D. Info: • SU (6/14), 2-5pm - “The Power of Positive Feelings: Creating a Predictable Life” with Dr. Donald E. Dossey. Love offering. • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm WNC Knitters Group. • MONDAYS, 7pm - A Course In Miracles Group. Love offering. • TUESDAYS, 2:30pm - “A Search for God Study Group” —- 7:30pm - Men’s Group.

• WE (6/17), 7pm - “Money and the Work of Byron Katie,” with Meg MacLeod. Info: Unity Church of Asheville Looking for something different? Unity of Asheville explores the deeper spiritual meaning of the scriptures combined with an upbeat contemporary music program to create a joyous and sincere worship service. Come join us this Sunday and try it for yourself. Located at 130 Shelburne Rd., W. Asheville. Info: 252-5010 or • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual Celebration Service —- 11am - Magical Meditations for Children. Class consists of visual meditations with wizards and fairies using Unity principles and crafts. Part of the Children’s Greenhouse Program. Info: Serendipity58@charter. net —- 12:15-1:30pm - “A Course in Miracles” class with Rev. Gene Conner. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - Edgar Cayce Search for God Study Group. Info: 650-6479. UU Congregation of Swannanoa Valley Follows the 7 principles of Unitarian Universalism and has an active youth program. Located at 500 Montreat Rd., Black Mountain. Info: 669-8050 or • SUNDAYS, 11 am Weekly service & full youth religious education program. Victory Fellowship Worship Center 450 Aiken Road/P.O. Box 2577, Weaverville. Victory has been active in Weaverville for more than 14 years, providing a spiritfilled church family that is based on biblical teachings. Contemporary Christian nondenominational services. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Worship service. • SUNDAYS, 11am & 6pm Worship services —- 11am - Dynamic youth program. Waynesville Creative Thought Center Located at 741 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Info: 4569697, waynesvilleCTC@ or • SUNDAYS, 10:30am - Meditation —- 11am Sunday Celebration Service. • MO (6/15), 4:30pm - Spiritual Film Series: The Power of Intention, a video presentation of Dr. Wayne Dyer based on his book

by the same name. Love offering. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Spiritual classes based in metaphysics. $8 suggested love offering. • TUESDAYS, 3-5pm & WEDNESDAYS, 6:308:30pm - Oneness Blessing (Deeksha). Feel stress levels settle into a place of love and peace. Everyone is welcome. Love offering. Windhorse Zen Community Daily meditation, workshops, retreats and Dharma talks. Private instruction and opportunities for residential training are available. Newcomers are asked to call ahead. Info: 645-8001, windhorse@windhorsezen. org or www.windhorsezen. org. • SUNDAYS, 9:30-11:30am - Main center: Zen meditation, chanting and Dharma talk. • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm Main center: Sitting, private instruction and chanting. • TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, 6-7:10am Main center: Morning sittings and chanting. • THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Main center: Sitting and walking mediation. • FRIDAYS, 5:30-7:15pm - City center: Sitting, private instruction and chanting. Womyn in Ceremony The group co-creates Sacred Space and Ceremony on various Sundays to connect with themselves and the Ancestors. By donation. Info: www. • SUNDAYS, 4-6pm - Gathering on various Sundays. See Web site for details. Zen Center of Asheville This Soto Zen Temple offers zazen (meditation) instruction, zazen sitting schedule and dharma study. Beginners welcome. Located in the A-frame chapel behind WNC Community Health Services in W. Asheville, 10 & 14 Ridgelawn Road. Take driveway to the left of 14 Ridgelawn to the chapel in the rear parking lot. Info: 398-4212 or • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 6-7:30am - Zazen. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Zazen, followed by dharma study. $5 suggested dana. • SATURDAYS, 6-9am - Zazen.

Art Gallery Exhibits & Openings 16 Patton

Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., 1-6pm (open on Sun. May-Oct. only). Info: 236-2889 or • SA (6/13), 6-8pm - Opening reception for Contemporary Representation. • SA (6/13) through SU (7/12) - The group exhibit Contemporary Representation will be on display. American Folk Art & Framing The gallery at 64 Biltmore Ave. is open daily, representing contemporary selftaught artists and regional pottery. Info: 281-2134 or • TH (6/4) through SA (6/27) - Menageries & Madonnas, an exhibition featuring figurative pottery by Shawn Ireland and paintings by Ann ‘Frantic’ Morley. Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 251-6559. Blowers Gallery info: 251-6546. Highsmith University Union info: 2325000. • FR (6/5) through WE (6/17) - Whale Ocean Mountain, BFA exhibit by Michael Iauch at the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery, Owen Hall. • Through FR (6/19) Functional Fire, ceramics by UNCA senior Katie Hill will be on display at Highsmith University Union Gallery. • Through TU (6/16) - Dreaming in Print, prints by UNCA senior Hannah Flowers will be on display in Owen Hall’s Second Floor Gallery. Art League of Henderson County The ALHC host exhibits at the Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Hwy. (25N) in downtown Hendersonville. Info: 692-0575 or www. • FR (6/12) through TH (7/9) - Passionate About Pastels, landscape paintings by Robin Swaby Miltner. • FR (6/12), 1:30-2:30pm - Reception for Robin Swaby Miltner —- 2:30-4:30pm - General meeting and program presented by Miltner. • FR (6/12) through TH (7/9) - Art League members will display works in all mediums focused around the theme “People.” Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 15pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 6938504 or

• Through SA (6/20) - River District Artists, a show featuring works by artists from Asheville’s River Arts District will be on display. Asheville Area Arts Council The Asheville Area Arts Council (AAAC) is at 11 Biltmore Ave. Hours: Mon.Fri., 10am-5pm and Sat., Noon-3pm. Info: 258-0710 or • FR (6/5) through SA (6/27) - Works by area artists Courtney Chappell, Katherine McGinn, Virginia McKinley and Hank Fuseler will be on display in the Back Gallery. Asheville Art Museum The museum is in Pack Place Education, Arts and Science Center on Pack Square. Hours: Tues.-Sat. from 10am-5pm and Sun. from 1-5pm. Free the 1st Wed. of every month from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227. $6/$5. • FR (5/22) through SU (8/23) - Tradition/Innovation: American Masterpieces of Southern Craft & Traditional Art. • Through SU (9/13) Response and Memory: The Art of Beverly Buchanan. • Through SU (7/5) - Mapping the Mountains: The Photographs of George Masa. Asheville Gallery of Art A co-op gallery representing 28 regional artists located at 16 College St. Hours: Mon.Sat., 10am-5:30pm and Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: 251-5796 or • MO (6/1) through TU (6/30) - Musings, a collection of acrylic paintings describing a meditative journey of color, form and texture by Ruth Ilg. Bella Vista Art Gallery Located in Biltmore Village, next to the parking lot of Rezaz’s restaurant. Open daily. Info: 768-0246 or • Through TU (6/30) - New blown glass artist Greg Clark, new paintings by Tracy Lynn Pristas and new pastels by Nicora Gangi. Blue Spiral 1 The gallery at 38 Biltmore Ave. is open Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: 251-0202 or • Through SA (6/27) - Paintings by John Cleaveland; works in wood by George Peterson; watercolors by Dana Brown; clay by Mark Derby and Virginia Scotchie; paintings by Andrew Moore; By the Book, a celebration of book arts. Courtyard Gallery

An eclectic art and performance space located at 9 Walnut St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 273-3332 or www.ashevillecourtyard. com. • FR (5/29) through TU (6/30) - Original artwork by Anne Dickens and Katie McCracken will be on display. Exhibits at the Phil Mechanic Building Located in the River Arts District at 109 Roberts St. Info: 254-2166 or • FR (6/5) through TU (6/30) - Specimens, new works by Nicole McConville at Pump Gallery. • FR (6/12), 7-10pm - Opening reception with Nicole McConville. Express Yourself This arts studio holds regular classes. Info: 698-9960. • FRIDAYS - Homeschool art classes the first four Fridays of every month. Call for details and to register. Flood Gallery Located at 109 Roberts St. on the corner of Clingman Ave. in the River Arts District. Info: • FR (6/5) through FR (7/3) - The Sled and The Blocks, sculptural works by Jeff Bell, will be on display. • FR (6/12), 7-10pm Reception for The Sled and The Blocks. Haywood County Arts Council The HCAC sponsors a variety of art-related events in Waynesville and Haywood County. Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC’s Gallery 86 (86 North Main St.) in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 452-0593 or • Through SA (6/13) - Haywood Community College Professional Crafts Graduates 2009: A Gallery Exhibition will be on display. Free and open to the public. Pack Place Gallery Located at 2 S. Pack Place Square. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 15pm. Info: 257-4530. • MO (6/1) through MO (6/15) - Street Photography: Members of F/32 Photography will hold an exhibit of photographs. Info: 681-0839. Satellite Gallery Located at 55 Broadway, downtown Asheville. • FR (6/5) through SA (6/27) - Faces of Asheville: A Portrait Documentary Project by local photographer Jen G. Bowen featuring 350 portraits of Ashevilleans

will be on display. Info: 423-5673 or www. Studio B A framing studio and art gallery at 1020 Merrimon Ave., Suite 104. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5:30pm & Sat. 10am3pm. Info: 225-5200, (800) 794-9053, studiob4422@ or • TH (6/18), 5:30-7:30pm - Meet the Artist: Patricia Ramos Alcayaga, an equine painter. A portion of the proceeds made from her current exhibit will go to Hope for Horses, an equine rescue, rehabilitation and adoption facility serving WNC. The Bender Gallery Located at 57 Haywood St., Asheville. Hours: Mon.Thurs., 10am-5pm; Fri. & Sat., 10am-7pm; and Sun., Noon-5pm. Info: www. or 225-6625. • Through TU (6/30) - Glass Tapestries, an exhibit of hand-manipulated hot cane glass sculptures by Carole Perry. Toe River Arts Council The TRAC Center Gallery is at 269 Oak Ave. in Spruce Pine. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. The Burnsville TRAC Gallery is at 102 W. Main St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Spruce Pine info: 765-0520. Burnsville info: 682-7215. General info: • Through SU (6/14) - An exhibition featuring the works of Toe River Studio Tour participants will be on display at the TRAC Center Gallery. • MO (6/1) through SA (6/27) - The Paint Out - Paintings Exhibition at the Burnsville TRAC Gallery. • FR (6/12), 5-8pm Reception for the exhibit of work by participants on the Toe River Studio Tour. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 South Caldwell St. in Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4 pm. Info: 884-2787 or www. • MO (6/8) through WE (6/10) - Comporium Student Art Contest Exhibit. Comporium will be awarding top prizes in three categories: high school, middle school and elementary school. • MO (6/15) through FR (7/10) - Men of the Mountains , an exhibit of artwork by local mountain men in painting, photography, woodwork, sculpture, clay and more. Upstairs Artspace

Contemporary nonprofit gallery at 49 S. Trade St. in Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: 859-2828 or • FR (6/5) through SA (7/18) - Three exhibits will be on display: Sketch: Type, Intimate Curiosities: SABA National Book Arts Show and Wings of Change. WCU Exhibits Unless otherwise noted, exhibits are held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Sat., 1-4pm. Suggested donation: $5 family/$3 person. Info: 227-3591 or • Through SA (8/1) - A photography exhibit by Julie Breckenridge, Maureen Moxley and Sarah Haynes will be on display in the media center of Hunter Library. • FR (5/22) through SA (7/25) - Work by recent graduates of Haywood Community College’s professional craft program will be on exhibit. Furniture, ceramics, jewelry and textiles.

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More Art Exhibits & Openings Art at Ananda Hair Studio The salon, located at 22 Broadway, hosts rotating art exhibits. Info: 232-1017. • FR (6/5) through SU (7/12) - Original works of art by local artist sky will be on display. Art at the N.C. Arboretum Works by members of the Asheville Quilt Guild and regional artists are on display daily in The Visitor Education Center. Info: 6652492 or www.ncarboretum. org. • MO (5/25) through SU (11/1) - H. Douglas Pratt and John C. Sill’s BIRDS: The Science of Illustration. The exhibit celebrates the art and science of birds. • Through SU (6/14) - Blooming Out Loud, an exhibit by botanical artist Miriam Sagasti, will be on display at the Education Center’s 2nd Floor Gallery. • TH (6/18) through SU (8/2) - Rustic Birdhouses by artist Walt Cottingham will be on display at the Education Center. Center For Craft, Creativity and Design The inter-institutional Regional Center of the University of North Carolina is located at the Kellogg Conference

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Center, 11 Broyles Rd. in Hendersonville. Info: 8902050 or • Through FR (8/14) - Are Chairs Just for Sitting, featuring the work of 24 accomplished furniture makers in WNC. Events at First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at 20 Oak St., Asheville. • SU (6/7) through TU (6/30) - Nature’s Patchwork, a fabric art show by Kimberly Childs will be on display in the church gallery. Proceeds will provide Candy Maier writing class scholarships to women living in WNC. Hand In Hand Gallery Located at 2720 Greenville Hwy. (U.S. 25 South) in Flat Rock. Info: 697-7719 or www.handinhandgallery. com. • Through SU (7/5) - ECOART: Artists RespondReclaim, Reuse, Recreate will be on display. In an effort to raise awareness and funds for ECO, an arts raffle and coin drive will be ongoing through July 4. Jonas Gerard Fine Art 240 Clingman Ave., Asheville. Info: 350-7711. • FR (6/12), 5-7pm Preview party prior the River Arts District Studio Stroll June 13 and 14. N.C. Arboretum Events The Arboretum hosts a variety of educational programs. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free with parking fee ($6/vehicle). No parking fees on Tuesdays. Info: 6652492 or www.ncarboretum. org. • TH (6/18) through SU (8/2) - Rustic Birdhouses, an exhibit by Walt Cottingham will be on display in the Arboretum’s Education Center. Push Skate Shop & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: 2255509 or • FR (6/12), 7-10pm - Reception for Mister Squeakers. • FR (6/12) through TU (7/28) - Mister Squeakers, new works by local artist Brandon Oliver.

Classes, Meetings & Arts-Related Events Attention Artists and Photographers!

(pd.) Need your work Captured, Reproduced, or Printed? Digital Resolutions Group specializes in highquality large format digital photography, outstanding fine art reproduction and printing. (828) 670-5257 or visit www.ashevilledigital. com Anarchy Death Sticks Knitting group. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Eat some cookies and get some help. Art League of Henderson County Events Monthly meeting and artrelated programs held at the First Congregational Church, 1735 Fifth Ave. in Hendersonville. A short business meeting precedes the program. Refreshments are served, and the public is always welcome. Info: 6963188 or • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - Meeting and artrelated program. Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 15pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 6938504 or • TH (6/11), 2-3:30pm Grant writing workshop. Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $6/$5 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or • FR (6/12), Noon-1pm - Art Break: Docent-led tour of the exhibit Tradition/Innovation: American Masterpieces of Southern Craft & Traditional Art. Asheville Quilt Guild Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public. New members are welcome. Info: www. • TU (6/16), 7pm - Meeting at the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Anita Heady will speak about string quilt blocks, determining how various layouts can create both traditional and contemporary quilts. At The Health Adventure Info: 254-6373 or www. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 4-5pm - Origami Folding

Frenzy: Learn new folds, share favorites and meet fellow origami enthusiasts. All levels welcome. Blue Ridge Polymer Clay Guild The BRPCG meets at Avery Creek Community Center. All skills welcome. Info & directions: • 2nd SATURDAYS, Noon4pm - Meeting. Lark Book Events The book publisher opens its doors to the community for workshops, book signings, demos, make-and-takes and more. Lark is located at 67 Broadway, Asheville. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 253-0467. • FR (6/12), 6-8pm - Review party for A Day in the Life of Asheville community photo project. There will be slideshows, music, food and beer. Lawn chairs welcome. Info: com/groups/ditlo-asheville. Quilting Bee Open to anyone who wants to enjoy a few unstructured hours of quilting and socializing on a regular basis, working on individual projects and making quilts to benefit the community. Quilters of all skill levels are welcome. Meets at Earth Fare South, 1856 Hendersonville Rd., in the community room. Info:,, 277-9223 or 650-9708. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS - Quilting bee. River Arts District Studio Stroll • SA & SU (6/13 & 14), 10am-6pm - Within just a few blocks, you can tour an eclectic mix of more than 110 studios, meet artists, and purchase artwork in a warehouse-turned-art-district along the French Broad River near downtown Asheville. Info: www.riverartsdistrict. com. Sewing Circle at Firestorm Cafe A weekly get-together where you can bring your own craft to work on in a casual and supportive environment. Drop in anytime. $1 suggested donation. Info: 255-8115. • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - The circle meets at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. Stitch Night at Caffiend Bring your project to work on to Caffiend, 120 A Merrimon Ave. Meets every Monday, except 2nd Mondays when the group meets with Asheville Knitting Guild at 36 Grove St. at 7pm. Info:

• MONDAYS, 7:30Whenever - Stitch night (except 2nd Mondays). Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League Classes are held at the studio, 999 W. Old Rt. 70, Black Mountain. Info: svfal. or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 9amNoon - Mixed Media Class with Lorelle Bacon. $20/session. • THURSDAYS, 10am-2pm - Experimental Art Group. $6/session. • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm - Figure drawing open-studio session with model. Various poses. No instruction. All local portrait artists are invited to participate. $5-$10 model fee. • MONDAYS, Noon-3pm Portrait painting open-studio session with model. Various poses. No instruction. All local portrait artists are invited to participate in any medium. $5-$10 model fee. • TUESDAYS, 9:30-3:30 Pastels/Oil Class with Karen Chambers. $25/session. The Asheville Knitting Guild Member of the Knitting Guild Association, the Asheville Guild meets at the Earth Fare South’s community room, 1856 Hendersonville Rd. All levels of knitters are welcome. • 3rd MONDAYS, 1:303:30pm - Meeting. The Fine Arts League of the Carolinas Located at 362 Depot St. in the River Arts District. Info: 252-5050 or • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Open figure drawing sessions. $5. Toe River Arts Council The TRAC Center Gallery is at 269 Oak Ave. in Spruce Pine. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. The Burnsville TRAC Gallery is at 102 W. Main St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Spruce Pine info: 765-0520. Burnsville info: 682-7215. General info: • FR (6/12), Noon-4pm, SA (6/13) & SU (6/14), 10am6pm - Toe River Studio Tour, featuring more than 100 studios and galleries in Yancey and Mitchell counties. Maps available at both TRAC galleries. Uptown Gallery Located at 30 East Main St. in downtown Franklin. Info: 349-4607. • 2nd SUNDAYS, 2pm - Free art lectures followed by Q&A. Waynesville Parks & Rec Classes At the Old Armory Rec Center. Info: 456-9207.

• THURSDAYS, 9am-2pm - Quilting Class. Free. WNC Blacksmiths Meetings are held at the Kayne’s shop in Candler. Info: 665-1988. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting with demonstration. Please bring safety glasses. WNC Knitters and Crocheters for Others This group meets monthly in Black Mountain and Fletcher/ Arden to create handmade items for donation to charities while enjoying fellowship and swapping ideas and patterns. • 3rd MONDAYS, 7-9pm - Fletcher/Arden group meets at the Unity Center of Fletcher, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. (No meeting in Dec.) Info: 654-9788. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 1-3pm Black Mountain group meets at Highland Farms, Building G-H in Upper Core Room. Info: 669-0680. WNC Quilters Guild Info: or quiltshow@ • 3rd THURSDAYS - Meeting at Trinity Presbyterian, 900 Blythe St., Hendersonville.

Art/Craft Fairs Asheville People’s Market Held June through October in the parking lot across from Rosetta’s Kitchen at 93 N. Lexington Ave. Info: rosettastarshine@gmail. com. • SUNDAYS, 11am-4pm - Search for art, crafts and homemade items made by Asheville artists at this fleamarket style market. Greenlife Grocery Arts Market Located at 70 Merrimon Ave. Info: 254-5440. • SATURDAYS, 1-6pm - Meet artists from all across WNC. Saturday Art Fair At Pack Square. Info: ron. • SATURDAYS through (6/27) - Art Fair.

Spoken & Written Word Asheville Free Book Exchange Located at 191 Lyman St. in the River Arts District. Info: (404) 933-9173, or www. n Donate time or used books, multimedia, magazines, comics and such. • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 10am-6pm; SATURDAYS, Noon-6pm & SUNDAYS, Noon-5pm - Open. The space includes

free books, free Wi-Fi, a lounge area and a children’s section. A donation-based center. Open mics on the first Thurs. of the month. Asheville Storytelling Circle A nonprofit dedicated to excellence in the oral tradition that affirms various cultures through storytelling, and nourishes the development of emerging and established artists. Guests and new members always welcome. Info: 274-1123 or 658-4151. • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - Tellers and listeners are invited to come to Asheville Terrace Lobby, 200 Tunnel Rd. Attention WNC Mystery Writers WNC Mysterians Critique Group. For mystery/suspense/thriller writers. Info: 712-5570 or • TH (6/18), 6pm - Meeting at the West Asheville Library on Haywood Road in the meeting room. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBRVIATIONS Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n EC = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n LL = Law Library (Buncombe County Courthouse, 10th Floor, 250-4734) n NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SA = South Asheville/ Oakley Library (749 Fairview Road, 250-4754) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750) • WEDNESDAYS, 10am - School Age Story Time for 5- to 7-year-old children. PM.

• TH (6/11), 6:30pm - Knit Night. EA. • TU (6/16), 1pm - Book Club: Light on Snow by Anita Shreve. LC —- 2pm - Book Club: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. NA —- 7pm - Book Club: End in Tears by Ruth Rendell. BM. • TH (6/18), 10 & 11:30am - Summer Library Fest at the Smith-McDowell House. Special guest will be The Healing Force who will share African music, stories and fun. • TH (6/18), 7:30pm - Book Club: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. FV —- 2:30pm - Book Club: Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. SS. Chautauqua: America in Crisis • MO (6/22) through TH (6/25), 7pm - Chautauqua: America in Crisis. Four great American leaders — George Washington, Eleanor Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln and Rosa Parks (performed by actors) — will talk about a national crisis that confronted them. $3 per night/$8 all performances. Held on the grounds of the Smith-McDowell House Museum. Info: 250-4741. Events at Malaprop’s The bookstore and cafe at 55 Haywood St. hosts visiting authors for talks and book signings. Info: 2546734 or www.malaprops. com. • WE (6/10), 7pm - David Ebershoff will read from and sign copies of his book The 19th Wife. • TH (6/11), 7pm - Tenn. author Cathy Holton will present her book Beach Trip, the story of four friends whose reunion on the N.C. coast forces them to confront the secrets of their shared past. • FR (6/12), 7pm Storyteller and naturalist Doug Elliot will read from and sign his newest collection of stories, Swarm Tree: Of Honeybees, Honeymoons and the Tree of Life. • SA (6/13), 7pm - Authors Doug Crandell, Krista Bremer and Robert McGee will discuss their contributions to The Mysterious Life of the Heart: Writing From The Sun About Passion, Longing and Love. • SU (6/14), 3pm - Kendrick Weeks of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will present The N.C. Birding Trail: Mountain Trail Guide. • MO (6/15), 7pm - StichN-Bitch. Crafters of all levels are welcome. • TU (6/16), 7pm - Representatives from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue will discuss the importance

of adopting and fostering animals. • WE (6/17), 7pm - Literary Trivia Night. • TH (6/18), 5:30pm Women on Words. Poetry group for women. New members are always welcome. For Accomplished Asheville Writers Seeking other serious writers for critique group. Mostly fiction and nonfiction. Info: 658-8217. • Alternate THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Group meets. French Conversation Intermediate and advanced. All welcome. Free. • THURSDAYS, 12:301:30pm - Meeting in the back room of World Coffee Cafe, 18 Battery Park. Haywood County Public Library Info: 452-5169, ext. 2511 or • THURSDAYS, 2-3pm - Teen Writing Workshop at the Waynesville branch. Free, but registration required. Osondu Booksellers All events are held at Osondu, 184 North Main St., Waynesville, unless otherwise noted. Info: 456-8062 or www.osondubooksellers. com. • SA (6/13), 3pm - Meet the Author: Mark Cheairs is the author of Carrying Lighter Loads Traveling Higher Roads, Star in Your own Life’s Mosaic. • MO (6/15), 7pm - Nonfiction Book Club. New members are always welcome. Osondu Booksellers Musical Events All events are held at Osondu, 184 North Main St., Waynesville, unless otherwise noted. Info: 456-8062 or www.osondubooksellers. com. • SA (6/13), 7pm - Chris Minick will perform. Spanish Conversation Group The level is intermediate/ advanced, but all are welcome. Info: LBlockhead@ or 683-8433. • THURSDAYS, 12:30pm - Meets for lunch, friendship and practice at La Carreta on Merrimon Ave. Spanish, French and More International Link offers ongoing small group instructional classes, conversation practice hours and tutoring for many languages, including Spanish, French and English. Info: 255-9104 or internationallinknc@gmail. com. • THURSDAYS, 7-8pm - Spanish Conversation Practice.

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800.222.3230 • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


• THURSDAYS, 12:301:30pm - French Conversation Practice. • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Beginner Spanish smallgroup class. • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm High Intermediate/Advanced Spanish Conversation Class (with instruction). • TUESDAYS, 12:301:30pm - Meets at Malaprop’s Bookstore & Cafe, 55 Haywood St. For high-intermediate to advanced level speakers. Improve your Spanish conversational skills and meet native speakers. The Write Site Asheville’s first online magazine for young writers by young writers. Youth between the ages of 11-16 are invited to visit www. for more info on how to submit via e-mail. • TU (6/16), 7pm - Web site launch party at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St., downtown Asheville. Youth can bring hard-copy submissions to the party. The event will include readings and a largescreen projection of the site. Transylvania Heritage Museum Located at 40 West Jordan St., Brevard. Info: 884-2347 or www.transylvaniaheritage. org. • SA (6/13), 1-2pm - Find out about “Life in a Logging Camp” from author Exie Wilde Henson and Transylvania native Mamie Bumgarner McCall. Wednesday Afternoon Writer’s Group


Weekly group open to writers of all genres who are interested in improving their craft through peer readings and discussion of assigned literature. Free. • WEDNESDAYS, 2-4pm Meets upstairs at the Barnes & Noble, Asheville Mall. Women’s Book Club Wanted: Passionate readers. This feminist, intellectual group reads fiction, science, sociology, classics and world literature. All female lifelong readers interested in fellowship, support, intellectual stimulation, food and conversation, e-mail or visit com/group/awbc/. • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Book Club meeting. Writer’s Group Forming Spend an hour as we become muses for one another. Gather together in a supportive group as we give external expression to our internal thoughts on a theme. Info: 545-2448. • MONDAYS - But meeting day is flexible, as well as time of day.

Festivals & Gatherings Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival A three-day event of performance, workshops, vending and networking for performers and the public. Tickets & info: • FR (6/12) through SU (6/14) - Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival at various Asheville

venues. Headliners include Baltimore artists Trixie Little & the Evil Hate Monkey, Asheville’s The Goodies, Blast-Off Burlesque of Atlanta, Renea Le Roux of L.A. and more. Blue Ridge Barbecue & Music Festival • FR & SA (6/12 & 13) The festival will feature BBQ, live music, a Rubber Duckie River Race, a Farm-to-Table Gala Dinner on June 11, and a Hawg Run to Fun. At Harmon Field in Tryon. Info: www.BlueRidgeBBQFestival. com. Bluff Mountain Festival • SA (6/13), 10am-8pm - Free annual festival in Hot Springs. Traditional and bluegrass music, dancing, a silent auction, a day-long raffle, local crafts, food and more. Fundraiser for the Madison County Arts Council. Info: Events in Cherokee Info: 438-1601 or www. • FR (6/12) through SU (6/14) - Gospel Jubilee Weekend featuring music, worship and celebration. There will be live entertainment by Jars of Clay, Crabb Family Reunion and more. Congressman Health Shuler will speak on Sunday morning. $10 day pass. • SA (6/13), 10am-5pm - Cherokee Voices Festival featuring art demonstrations in basket making, pottery, finger-weaving, carving, and more. Plus, storytelling, traditional music, gospel music, dance performances, food and more. Free.

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Summer Blast • SA (6/13), 10am-6pm - Free family fun day at the Barnardsville Community Center, 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville. Inflatables, pony rides, dunking, booth, clowns, puppet shows, music, swimming pool and free food. Summer Family Festival • SA (6/13), 4-8pm - BBQ dinner, live music, games and inflatables. At the French Broad Baptist Church, Hwy. 191, 1 mile west of West Hendersonville High School. Free. Info: 891-4665.

Music African Drumming Held at Skinny Beats Drum Shop, 4 Eagle St., downtown Asheville. Suggested donation $10 per class. Drums included. Drop-ins are always welcome. Info: 768-2826. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm - Intermediate class. • SUNDAYS, 1-2pm - Intermediate class —- 34pm - Beginner class. African Drumming Class With Jessie Lehmann from Chix with Stix. Held at Terpsicorp dance studio, 129 Roberts St. in the River Arts District. Class will focus on playing for African dance class afterward. Learn West African rhythms. Techniques for Dun-dun, sangbahn, kenkeni and djembe. Info: 777-5115. • TUESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - Class. African Drumming Classes All levels. Drums available for beginners. Learn rhythms

from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Guinea from Ivorian master Adama Dembele, who has played with Toubab Krewe, Afromotive and other groups worldwide. $15 suggested donation for first three classes. Info: 3501052 or adamadembele2@ • MONDAYS, 5-6pm Classes at the French Broad Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave., 2nd floor. Asheville Jams Concert Series Local musicians perform at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or www. • SU (6/14), 3pm - Land of the Sky Barbershop Chorus will perform a cappella harmonies. $10/$5 children 12 and under. Bluegrass at the Historic Marion Depot Musicians and bands welcome. Dancing is encouraged. Info: 652-3330. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Free bluegrass concert. Concerts at Blue Ridge Community College Performances are held in this Flat Rock college’s Patton Auditorium unless otherwise stated. Info: 694-1743. • SU (6/14), 5-7pm Music by the lake with the Buckerettes. Bring a lawn chair and a picnic. In the event of rain, the concert will be held in the student lounge in the Killian Building. Concerts at UNCA Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets & info: 2325000.

• TU (6/16), 2pm Excerpted performances from the Keowee Chamber Music Festival. At the Reuter Center. Free. Info: 254-7123. Concerts on the Quad at UNCA Bring picnics and blankets or lawn chairs to these free concerts. (In case of rain, held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Call 232-5000 after 5:15pm to find out location information.) Info: 251-6227 or • MO (6/15), 7pm - Bluegrass music by Whitewater Bluegrass Company. Drum Classes Free. Ongoing for seven years. All ages and skill levels welcome. Safe community atmosphere. Extra drums available. Meets at the Movement and Learning Center above the French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. Info: 5456064. • MONDAYS, 6:15-7:30pm - West African Bass Drums —- 7:30-8:30pm - Hand Drums —- 8:30-till - Open circle. Dancers welcome. EDGE of Eternity Concert • SA (6/13), 6-9pm - Free outdoor concert at the Barnardsville ball field, 540 Diillingham Road in Barnardsville. Featuring rock by Devin Williams, formerly of Mouthpiece. Plus, national recording artist Julian Drive, as well as local group Souled Out. Flood Gallery Events Located in the Phil Mechanic building at 109 Roberts St. in Asheville’s River Arts

District. Info: 254-2166 or • SA (6/13), 7-10pm - River Guerguerian & Friends “Exploratory Concert in Percussion,” with guests Kat Williams, vocals, Duncan Wickel, violin, and more. Part of the Sonic Experience Series. $10/$5 students. Info: gigs/Flood.pdf. Haywood Community Band Info: 452-7530 or • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Rehearsals at Grace Episcopal Church, 394 N. Haywood St., Waynesville. All interested concert band musicians are welcome to attend. Haywood Community Chorus Membership is open to all interested singers; no auditions are required. Sponsored in part by The Junaluskans and the Haywood County Arts Council. Info: 452-4075 or 456-1020. • MONDAYS, 7pm Rehearsal in the third floor choir room at First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Hillbilly Jackie Dance Barn Bluegrass and country; all pickers are welcome. At Blue Ridge Ice Cream, 1228 Newfound Rd. Free. Info: 683-4145. • SATURDAYS, 7pm Gathering. Keowee Chamber Music Info: or 254-7123. • TU (6/9) through SU (6/21) - Keowee Chamber Music Ninth Annual Festival. Concerts take place in

Asheville, Burnsville, Waynesville, Greenville, S.C., and on a mountaintop near the N.C./S.C. border. See Web site for schedule. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • MO (6/15) - Live music from the Goodwill Singers. Land of the Sky Men’s Harmony Chorus Male singers invited to weekly meetings at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 51 Wilburn Place, W. Asheville. Info: 298-9248 or • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm Regular meeting. Land-of-the-Sky Barbershop Chorus For men age 12 and older. Info: or 253-8304. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Rehearsals at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 51 Wilburn Pl. LIFT Culture House 516 Tsali Blvd., Cherokee, across from Tribal Fairgrounds. Info: 497-0707. • FRIDAYS, 5pm - Cherokee Thunder Drum Circle meets in the Back Room. Free and open to all. Music at the Asheville City Market The market is held in the parking lot of the Public Works building on South Charlotte Street. Info: 2426881. • SA (6/13), 8am-1pm - Rickie Castrillo, New Orleans native and guitar virtuoso. Music at Transylvania County Library

Located at 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard. Events are held in the library’s amphitheater. Info: 884-3151. • FR (6/12), 7:30-9pm - Jazz at Sunset with Da Capo Trio, Music on Main Street Live music and dancing at the Visitors Information Center, 201 S. Main St. in Hendersonville. Bring a chair. No pets or alcoholic beverages allowed. Free. Info: 693-9708, 1-800-828-4244 or • FR (6/12), 7-9pm - Oldies and rock music with Tom Brown. Park Rhythms Concert Series Black Mountain Recreation and Parks presents this free series at Lake Tomahawk Park in Black Mountain. Food is available on site. Bring chair/blanket. Show will move into the Lakeview Center in the event of inclement weather. Info: 669-8610. • TH (6/18), 7-9pm - The Velvetones will perform. Silvermont Mountain Jam Sessions At Silvermont Mansion, E. Main St. (Rte. 276 S), Brevard. Free. Info: • THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - Bluegrass. Song O’ Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) The chorus is always looking for women who want to learn how to sing barbershop harmony. Please visit a rehearsal. Info: 1-866-8249547 or • MONDAYS, 6:45pm Rehearsal at Reed Memorial

Baptist Church on Fairview Rd. (enter parking lot on Cedar St.). St. Matthias Musical Performances These classical music concerts take place at St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Asheville, 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 252-0643. • SU (6/14), 3pm - The Clearwater Connection will present a concert of all acoustic music saluting the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s. An offering will be taken for the musicians and the restoration of the church. Toe River Arts Council Musical Events Info: 682-7215 or www. • SA (6/13), 7:30pm - Keowee Chamber Music Festival concert at First Presbyterian Church, 120 Church St., Burnsville. $15/$25 couple/Free for students. Town of Fletcher Concert in the Park Series These free concerts are held at the Fletcher Community Park. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Info: 687-0751. • SA (6/13), 6-8pm Concert. Voice Recital • TH (6/11), 6:30-8:30pm Students of Ginger Haselden will present a free recital at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St. Dakota Drake of Erwin High School will present his Senior Recital with arias, art songs, show tunes and more. Info: 230-5778. World Beat Dance and Drumming

Join drummers Billy Zanski and Linda Go for free-spirited, family-oriented dancing and drumming that combine Latin, African, Brazilian, hip hop and jazz rhythms. $5 suggested donation. • MONDAYS, 6:15pm - Meets at Odyssey Community School. Year-Round Mountain Music For more than a decade, folks have gathered to hear and play bluegrass and traditional mountain music. Nobody’s paid, everyone’s welcome and coffee and sodas are still just a quarter! Rockett Building, Old Fort. Info: 888-233-6111. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - Weekly music gatherings.

Theater Asheville Community Theatre All performances are at 35 East Walnut St. Info & reservations: 254-1320 or www. • FR (6/12) through SU (6/14), 2:30pm - The Autumn Players Readers Theatre showcase of The Heiress by Ruth and Augustus Goetz. $5. At UNCA’s Reuter Center on Sun. Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center Located at 538 N. Main St. in Hendersonville. Info: • FR (6/12) through SU (6/14) - Absolute Theatre Company’s Baloney Theatre will be performed. A slapstick comedy for the whole family. $10 adults/$5 kids. Carl Sandburg Home

Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site is located three miles south of Hendersonville off U.S. 25 on Little River Road. Info: 693-4178 or www.nps. gov/carl. • WE (6/17) through SA (8/15), 10:15-10:45am - The Carl Sandburg Home and The Vagabond School of Drama present Sandburg’s Lincoln and Rootabaga!. Held rain or shine at the Carl Sandburg Home amphitheater. Free. Events in Cherokee Info: 438-1601 or www. • FR (6/5) through SA (8/29), 7:30pm - Unto These Hills, a drama that tells of the Cherokee Indians from Desoto to today. Held in the renovated Mountainside Theatre. Performances are held Monday through Saturday. A preshow begins at 7pm. $18/$8 children. Flat Rock Playhouse The State Theater of North Carolina is on Hwy. 225, 3 miles south of Hendersonville. Info: 6930731 or • WE (6/10) through SU (6/28) - Man of La Mancha, a classic musical about the errant knight Don Quixote and his quest to find beauty. Musicians from Hendersonville High will perform with the Playhouse orchestra. $34/$32 seniors/$24 students. NC Stage Company Performances are at 33 Haywood St. (entrance on Walnut St., across from Zambra’s, in downtown

Asheville). Tickets: 2390263. Info: www.ncstage. org. n Choose your own ticket pricing for the remaining three plays in its 2008-2009 Season: $15-$30. • TU (5/26) through SA (6/13) - Like Mother, a comedy recounting Shannon Polly’s real-life wedding, as planned by her overachieving mom. • WE (5/27) through SA (7/18) - I Wrote This Play to Make You Love Me, a heartbreaking and hilariously risque one-woman play by Anne Thibault. For adult audiences only. • WE (6/17) through SU (7/19) - A Beautiful View, by Daniel MacIvor, is a bittersweet comedy about two women who become lifelong friends. Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre Performances are held at Mars Hill College’s Owen Theatre. Tickets: 689-1239. Info: 689-1384 or www. • WE (6/3) through SU (6/14) - Tony Award-winning musical Funny Girl, starring Liz Aiello as Fanny Brice. • WE (6/17) through SU (6/28) - World premiere production of the comedy Big Criminals by Steve

Wisniewski of New York. The story of three desperate school-crossing guards who plan a kidnapping. Theater at UNCA • SU (6/14), 2:30pm - The Autumn Players present The Heiress, which tells the story of a rich but naive girl who falls desperately in love with a charming fortune hunter. Held in the Reuter Center. $5. Info: 251-6140. Theater at WCU Unless otherwise noted, all performances take place at the Fine & Performing Arts Center. Tickets & info: 227-2479 or http://fapac. • FR (6/12) through SA (6/20) - Moon Over Buffalo, a comedy by the Kudzu Players will be performed at Niggli Theatre. $10/$8 students & seniors. Info: 508-2230.

Comedy Events at 35below This black box theater is located underneath Asheville Community Theatre at 35 Walnut St. Info: 254-1320. • TH (6/11), 8pm - Late Night Comedy Series: Tom Chalmers will perform “There’s Something Outside the Tent: Crazy But True Camping Stories,” part of

the Listen to This: Stories in Performance series. $10. • FR & SA (6/12 & 13), 8pm - Late Night Comedy Series: The Beards of Comedy. The group blends stand-up, sketch and audience interactive comedy. $10. Gag Order Improv Comedy Comedy theater based on audience suggestions at Brightwater Yoga Studio, 506 1/2 N. Main St., downtown Hendersonville. Free. Info: • 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 9pm - Improv. BYOB.

Film Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway, and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College through permanent collections, educational activities and public programs. Info: 350-8484 or • TH (6/11), 7pm - Women of Black Mountain College Film Screenings: M.C. Richards: The Fire Within, Ruth Asawa: Of Forms and Growth and Josef and Anni Albers: Art is Everywhere will be shown at the Fine Arts Theatre. $12/$10 members.

The Activist Movie Club (Waynesville) Discussion follows screenings of documentaries and feature films at a private home near Lake Junaluska. Free refreshments. Large screen TV. For directions and to RSVP: JohnBuckleyx@ or 454-5949. • FR (6/12), 6pm - Potluck —- 7pm - Screening of Nothing But the Truth, follows the story of New York Times reporter Judith Miller who “outed” a CIA agent and refused to disclose her source.

Dance Attention Ladies • Exotic Dance Classes (pd.) Starts June 17, 8pm-9:30pm. • Sacred Embodiment Center, 31 Carolina Lane, downtown Asheville. A positive noncompetitive learning environment. Registration/ information: (828) 298-1921 or Belly Dance! • Raqs Sharqi By Mahsati (pd.) • Essentials Belly Dance Level I: Wednesdays, 7:30pm-8:30pm. • Combining Elements Belly Dance Level II: Wednesdays, 8:30pm-9:30pm. • $12/

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presents THE COMPLETE 2009

Bele Chere Festival Guide




828.251.1333 36

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

class. 20 Commerce Street, Asheville. (828) 318-7572. Argentine Tango Dancers of all levels welcome. Info: • SATURDAYS, 7:30-10pm - Tango Asheville hosts Filo Milongas at 1155 Tunnel Rd. $5. • TUESDAYS - Tango Tuesdays with instructor Karen Jaffe at Eleven on Grove, 11 Grove St. A class in fundamentals will begin at 7pm followed by practica until 8:30pm and milonga until 10:30pm. Info: www. Classes at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre No registration necessary; just drop in. All dancers are welcome. The studio is located at 20 Commerce St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 254-2621. • TUESDAYS (6/9 through 7/28), 6-7:30pm - Adult/ Teen Ballet with Diana Cabrera Stepanova. Classical Ballet for Boys & Men The Asheville Ballet is offering free classical ballet classes for all boys and men 10 years and over. Classes will be taught by Principal Dancer Lyle Laney. At 4 Weaverville Hwy. (Merrimon Ave.) in N. Asheville. To register or for more info: 258-1028. • THURSDAYS, 6pm Classical ballet class. Clogging and Step Dancing Classes Percussive dance classes with step-by-step instruction from an experience teacher. Must register in advance. Info: 252-6319 or ellie@ • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginning Appalachian clogging. Sliding scale, $11$16 per class —- 7-8pm - Beginning Cape Breton step dancing. Sliding scale, $11$16 per class. Country Music and Dance Upstairs at the American Legion in Hendersonville. Singles welcome. Alcohol and smoke free. $6. Info: 693-9000. • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, 7pm - Country music and dancing. Dance 4 Joy Classes are held at the Reuter Family YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. All four classes in the series: $25 members/$40 non members. Registration: 651-9622. Info: 698-5517 or dance4joy992000@yahoo. com. • TUESDAYS (6/16 through 7/7), 7:30-9pm - Waltz.

Dance Lessons and More At the Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Hwy. in Hendersonville. Info: 6985517 or 692-0575. • FRIDAYS, 7-7:30pm - Free singles and couples dance lessons —- 7:30-10pm - Rhumba, Foxtrot, Waltz, Cha-Cha etc. Complimentary food. $5/$3 club members. High Mountain Squares Square dancing at Macon County Community Facilities Building, 1288 Georgia Rd. in Franklin. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm Square dancing (mainstream and plus). Hunab Kru’s B-Boy/B-Girl Classes Free breakdancing classes. Learn how to B-boy/B-girl with the Hunab Kru. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Learn the foundations of breakdancing. For all ages/ skill levels. At the StephensLee Rec Center. Please wear shoes and bring a valid ID. Line Dance Classes In partnership with Henderson County Parks & Rec, classes are held at the Stoney Mountain Activity Center, 800 Stoney Mt. Rd., Hendersonville. Info: 6974900. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 9-10:30am - Beginner classes —- 10:30am-Noon Intermediate classes. Morris Dancing Learn English traditional Morris dances and become a member of one of three local teams as a dancer or musician. Music instruction provided to experienced musicians. Free. Info: 9942094 or • THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Women’s Northwest practice held at North Asheville Community Center. • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Women’s Garland practice held at Reid Center for Creative Art. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Men’s Cotswold/Border practice held in M&L Center of French Broad Food Co-op. Old Farmer’s Ball Info: www.oldfarmersball. com or 258-4809. • THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - Free beginners workshop —- 8pm - Contra dancing at Warren Wilson College. $6. Saluda Mountain Jamboree Info: 749-3676 or www. saludamountainjamboree. com. • SATURDAYS, 8-11pm - “Dance to the Beat.” A live band performs country

music, beach music, oldies or a variety of other dance music. $8. Skyland Twirlers Western square dancing at the Senior Opportunity Center (not just for seniors), 36 Grove St., near the Federal Building in downtown Asheville. Info: 650-6405. • 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 7pm - Workshop —- 7:30-9pm - Dance. Mainstream and called. Plus, tips alongs with rounds. Fee for non-members is $5. Spiral Spirit Ecstatic Dance This dance group is based on wave-rhythms and is a free-form experimental movement that encourages self-exploration and inner peace. Held at 11 Richland St., W. Asheville. $5. Info: or • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Warm-up —- 7pm - Spiral Spirit Dance. Spirit Wave Dance: Asheville Movement Collective Experiential, freeform movement and dance. First time is free. Info: willowwoman@ • FRIDAYS, 7-9pm - At the Terpsicorps Dance Studio, 129 Roberts St. • SUNDAYS - Early Wave: 8:30-10am —- Second Wave: 10:30am-Noon. At the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave., upstairs (enter through front door). $5. Studio Zahiya Classes Classes are held in a dance studio located in downtown Asheville on Carolina Lane. Enter from Woodfin St., and look for the “Studio Zahiya” sign. $12 drop-in. $40 for four classes, with other discounts available. Info: 242-7595. • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Tribal Basics —- 7:108:10pm - Hip-hop workout for women. • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm Beginner belly dance. Dropin anytime —- 7:10-8:10pm - Belly dance drills and skills. Drop-in anytime —8:20-9:30pm - Vintage belly dance. Learn the history of the dance through pictures, video and movement. Bring finger cymbals. Swing Asheville Info: www.swingasheville. com, 301-7629 or dance@ • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm Learn to swing dance in the Lindy Hop style. $40 for four weeks. No partner necessary. At Eleven on Grove, 11 Grove St. in downtown Asheville.

West African/Afro-Brazilian Dance Class Ongoing drop-in class with rotating roster of experienced instructors. All levels welcome. Live music. $10/class. Info: jesstel@ • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Class at Terpsicorps Studio, 129 Roberts St. Western Carolina Federation Round & Square Dance Clubs • FRIDAYS - Brevard Sylvan Squares, M/P, 2&4 FR, 810pm, 2Step Junction US 64 E, Pisgah Forest Contact: 891-6443 Morganton Brown Mt. Lite-Steppers M/P, 2&4 FR, 7:30-10pm, I-40 Exit 105 Contact: 430-8802. • SATURDAYS Hendersonville Southern Lights-M/P/R/A tip 1&3 SA, 7-10pm, Kanuga & Lily Pond Rds. Contact: 697-2078. • SUNDAYS - Hendersonville Shadow Casters 2&4 SU C1, 11:30am-1:30pm; C2, 1:30; A2, 2-4pm Park Place RV Center Upward & S. Allen Rds. Contact: 891-4053. • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm Asheville Skylarks-Rounds, 970 Haywood Rd (beneath fire station) Contact: 2747103. Zydeco Dance Info: • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7:45pm - Zydeco dance lesson. $5 —- 8:30-11pm - Zydeco dance to CDs. $5. At Eleven on Grove.

Auditions & Call to Artists Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center Located at 538 N. Main St. in Hendersonville. Info: • MO (6/15), 6:30pm - Auditions for The Betty & Beau Wedding Show. Needed: men to play gangsters, dads and moonshiners. Info: 693-0087. Call for Artists for Charity Show • Through WE (6/24) - Drop off work at the Pack Place Front Gallery for an open invitational 3x3x3D exhibit and silent auction for charity. Artists will drop name of favorite nonprofit into hat for drawing at close of exhibit. Winner will take all proceeds from show. Info: (704) 8067300.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication.

newsoftheweird Lead story As Denver’s newsweekly Westword asked in a May 2009 story, “Where would you take a $100,000 check that is also a suicide note: to the cops or to the bank?� In July 2008, retired Denver executive John Francis Beech sent a check for $100,000 to a local charity, postdated to Aug. 1 and accompanied by a sealed envelope labeled “wait until you hear from coroner� and “everything is OK.� The charity’s director, Annie Green, opened the envelope anyway on July 21 to find Beech’s will leaving his entire estate to Green’s organization for children with developmental disabilities. Green’s choice: Put everything into the school’s safe and await Aug. 1 (though she claimed to have left two voice-mail messages for Beech). On July 29, based on long-standing plans, Beech committed suicide.

Cultural diversity • This summer, nearly 200 young Saudi women are auditioning for a beauty pageant called “Miss Beautiful Morals,â€? in which physical attractiveness is irrelevant. Instead, the young ladies are judged on their observance of traditional Saudi values, particularly honoring one’s mother. Saudi Arabia does have pageants devoted to physical beauty, but they’re for camels and goats, based on such criteria as (according to one camel breeder) “big eyes, long lashes and a long neck.â€? • Kailash Singh, 63, who lives in a village near the holy city of Varanasi, India, told reporters in May that he hasn’t bathed in 35 years, because remaining water-free would improve his chances of fathering a male instead of a female. (It hasn’t worked, and he now says he’s shunning baths until India’s social problems are resolved.) Previously a shop owner, Singh became a farmer because customers increasingly declined to approach him. • Recurring Theme: According to a March dispatch in The Observer of London, Mauritanian activists have protested the new military government’s support for an African tribal tradition of “leblouhâ€?: forcibly fattening up adolescent girls to make them appear “healthierâ€? for early marriage. The female’s size is said to indicate “the size of her place in her man’s heart.â€?

Latest religious messages Ms. Nour Hadad, 26, was arrested in Orland Park, Ill., in April and charged with (and, according to police, confessed to) beating her 2-year-old niece to death while baby-sitting. As is customary, the

police publicly released her booking photograph. But Hadad’s husband, Alaeddin, immediately complained that in showing her without a head scarf, the photo was an insult to Islam. Said a Muslim activist, “They should respect the modesty of the accused.�

Sci-fi movies come to life (1) Entomologists in San Antonio said in May that the “Raspberry ant� (whose colonies produce billions and cover everything in sight) had migrated north to within 75 miles of the city and would arrive by year’s end, posing a “potential ecological disaster.� (2) In a recent journal article, a University of Florida researcher reported that mockingbirds are skilled at identifying (and attacking) particular humans who have displeased them.

World’s greatest lawyer Defense attorney John Garcia convinced a jury in Merced, Calif., in May that his client was not guilty of the “forcible rape with great bodily injury� of an 18-year-old woman in 2004, despite the fact that only his client’s DNA-identified semen was present, mixed with the victim’s blood, on the shorts she wore at the crime scene. Daniel Saldana said he’d previously had sex with his girlfriend (who might have left her shorts on the floor) in the house where the rape occurred and that the rape victim might have mistakenly put them on after the “other� man raped her.

People different from us • Nelson Blewett, 22, was treated for “excruciatingâ€? second- and third-degree burns in Port Angeles, Wash., on May 18 after playing a game of TAG tag with pals (spritzing each other with the body spray and then striking matches, creating mostly lower-risk flames). Perhaps inspired by too much beer, one friend added lighter fluid to the game, and Blewett was afire for 30 to 45 seconds until he leaped from a second-story porch and rolled on the ground. The Aristocrats! (1) Charles Williams, 37, and his wife, Gretchen, 33, were arrested in Greenville, S.C., in April after a domestic dispute that culminated in

Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

a gunfight in which they shot each other. (2) Two fathers (Enrique Gonzalez, 26, in Fresno, Calif., in April and Eugene Ashley, 24, in Floyd County, Ga., in May) were charged with forcibly tattooing their young sons. Gonzalez allegedly held down his 7-year-old while a tattooist inked a gang symbol, and Ashley allegedly personally inked “DB� (for “Daddy’s Boy�) on his 3-year-old’s shoulder.

Least-competent criminals The Right to Remain Silent: Timothy Williams’ lawyer had a good defense worked out for Williams’ May murder trial in Pittsburgh: When he fatally shot the other man in the love triangle with Williams’ girlfriend, it was a “crime of passion� that should be considered manslaughter rather than first-degree murder. But Williams insisted on taking the stand, bragging openly about being a “swinger� with many girlfriends and saying this particular woman meant “nothing� to him. Verdict: first-degree murder.

Update The long-running battle between Alan Davis, 53, and officials in Altamonte Springs, Fla., began anew in May, upon Davis’ release from prison after serving a year for his latest defiance of court orders to clear the “junkâ€? out of his yard. Just before serving his third prison stretch in five years, Davis had placed a giant sculpted derrière in front of the Seminole County Courthouse. In May, he told reporters he now plans to ring his yard with 42 smaller, similar sculptures.

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Readers choice (1) When retired NYPD officer John Comparetto was approached at gunpoint in a men’s room of a Holiday Inn near Harrisburg, Pa., in March, he quietly handed over his wallet, but when the robber left, Comparetto pulled his own gun and gave chase. He also summoned some of the 300 other narcotics officers attending a convention in the hotel and quickly captured the man, whom Comparetto called “probably the dumbest criminal in Pennsylvania.� (2) A 27-year-old woman in Lexington Park, Md., was injured in March during apparently consensual sex play. Her partner placed a “sex toy� over a saber-saw blade, apparently to act as a souped-up vibrator, but the blade cut through the toy and caused serious lacerations, requiring her to be medevaced to Prince George’s Hospital Center.

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parenting from the edge

by Anne Fitten Glenn

Grocery store blues I often refer to laundry as the Sisyphean stone of parenthood. It’s the number one never-ending chore of parenting. Number two, after laundry, comes grocery shopping. I don’t remember much about grocery shopping when I was single or coupled but childfree. It was something I did quickly, after work, maybe once or twice a week — not one of the boulders I had to push uphill daily. Now grocery shopping’s one of the chores I dread the most. Why? Because not a day goes by that I don’t need to visit the grocery store. I swear I spend more time grocery shopping than I do sleeping. Which explains a lot about my general state of mind. Even when I’m organized, and I’ve made a comprehensive shopping list, without fail I’ll forget to purchase something essential. Something like toilet paper or milk. Something that I must pick up immediately or the wrath of the Furies (or furious kidlings) will descend upon me. Yes, Asheville is home to some nice grocery stores, most with a decent selection of local and organic foodstuffs. Regardless, I cannot get excited about grocery shopping.

Plus, food shopping gives me sticker shock, especially lately. Grocery stores are also time and brain sinks. No matter how hard I focus on what I need, inevitably I’m seduced by the glare of the fluorescent lights and lotus-like food packaging. Suddenly, I’m no longer in the grocery store; I’m lost in the Labyrinth. I must find my way through the maze, not to slay the Minotaur, but to find the shortest checkout line. Then I must endure some of the lesser-known labors of Hercules: bagging, the credit card slide, and car trunk loading. Since I’m eco-committed, I bring my own bags, so I’ve learned to bag groceries myself. I’m not sure why, but in many cases, offering your own bags means bagging your own groceries. Cashiers don’t seem to want to touch the dirt-contaminated bags I carry around. Not that I blame them. “What’s that smell?” “Just some smushed fermenting grapes in the bottom of my hemp bag.” Next I run the payment gamut. I rarely carry cash. If I do, it’s certainly not enough to cover the $100 or so necessary

to escape the Labyrinth with limbs intact. So I use my credit card, which never works the first time. Only after two to four slides through the card reader does my card agree to shell out $4 for one red bell pepper. In the meantime, those behind me in line tap their toes and try to calm their kidlings, who are frenzied by their proximity to rows and rows of corn syrup-laden sweets. Candy placement in grocery stores clearly is meant to teach kids the the myth of Tantalus. Or to teach parents tantrumcoping skills. Finally, there’s loading the car trunk. I could ask for help with this, but I’m a strong female trained in the ways of Betty Friedan. I can do it myself, thank you very much. And if, in the process, I drop the glass bottle of juice, which shatters on the asphalt, because I’m unable to properly bag my groceries in my own smelly, but environmentally friendly, bags? Fate. Or destiny. I’m not sure which. X

Anne Fitten “Edgy Mama” Glenn writes about a number of subjects, including parenting, at Parenting Calendar for June 10 - 18, 2009 Ages 8-17 • Hip Hop Boot Camp! • This Sunday June 14 (pd.) WCU, Cullowhee, NC, 8am-3pm. • $75: (includes lunch; $15 off, groups 4+). • Saturday Overnight: $75: (includes Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast). • Learn new hip hop technique and fresh choreography! No experience necessary, all levels welcome (classes divided by age and ability)! • Camper performance for 31/friends. • American Dance Idol competition, $500 grand prize! • Information/registration: Jill Menard (828) 989-3692 or Attention 31 (pd.) Do you have children who struggle learning to control their emotions or behavior? Children who don’t seem to pay attention in school? • We invite you to hear about a new technology that’s making it possible to train children (or adults) to be more attentive, more productive and more in control, by simply playing a video game. • This technology (called Neurofeedback) is being employed in schools, clinics, by NASA, in the Olympics and in World Cup trainings and can help your child create lasting change. Call (828) 281-2299, for more info or our schedule of upcoming public seminars, ask for Dr Ellis. Focus Centers of Asheville. Crisis Counseling • Multicultural/ Diverse Lifestyles (pd.) • Teens • Young Adults/Adults • Eclectic/diverse therapy: Cognitive-Behavioral, Equine, Afro-centric, Parent Coordination/Mediation. • Tracy Keene, LPC, 828-3183991, • 13 1/2 Eagle Street, Suite P, Asheville, 28801. Involve Your Partner In Your Child’s Birth • Empowered Birthing Classes (pd.) Increase confidence, learn hands-on tools, enjoy the best day of your life! 828-231-9227. Classes monthly: Wednesdays, 6p.m. $175. Next begins June 17. Youth Fit Camp (pd.) Learn how to play and workout at the same time. Learn the basics of nutrition and health eating habits. June 15 - August 14, Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 11a.m. - 12 noon. Ages 8 -12. 9-week program for the price of 8: $240.00. First 8 people to sign up receive 1/2 off the first month! ($60.00) Call 258-1066 to sign up. O3 Health And


Fitness, 554 Riverside Drive. www.o3healthandfitness. com Asheville Mommies Coffee Time Join other moms in the Asheville area for coffee, playtime for the kids and chatting at The Hop on Merrimon Ave. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-Noon - Coffee time. Asheville Moms Meet The group is designed for friendship and fun not only for the moms, but the kids too. Several events happen each week at different times and locations. Meet moms who are always ready to make great new friends and have fun. Children’s ages range from 0-5. Info: 712-4388 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am - Meeting at the toddler play area located in Asheville Mall’s food court. Babies ‘n’ Beer Bring your babies and have a beer with other new moms and dads. Have a baby-friendly outing and meet other new parents at the Thirsty Monk, 92 Patton Ave., in downtown Asheville. Info: 254-5450. • TUESDAYS, 4-7pm - Babies ‘n’ Beer meets. Breastfeeding Circle Get professional help for lactation problems and some mama-baby company. Free. Info: • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-Noon - Meets at 24 Arlington St. Children in the Middle Parenting education for the divorced or separated parent. Classes meet at ARP/Phoenix, 257 Biltmore Ave., Ste. 200, in the Conference Room. Parents learn how to avoid arguments with their ex, improve communication with him/her, and make the divorce or separation easier on their children. Free, plus snacks are provided. Info or to register: or 254-2700, ext. 286. • Three SATURDAYS, 9am-Noon - Class. (Also in Madison County; call for details.) Free Mommy and Me for Babies A free group that meets weekly in two different locations to provide an opportunity for new parents to gather for support, education, exercise and resources. Info: 2138098 or

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

• MONDAYS, 9:30-10:15am - Mommy/Baby Yoga for Pre-Crawlers —- 10:30-11:30am - Guest speaker/open discussion —- 11:45am-12:45pm - Walk and Talk. Call to register. At the Woodfin YMCA. • TUESDAYS, 11-11:45am - Mommy/Baby Yoga for Pre-Crawlers —- Noon-1pm - Guest Speaker/Open Discussion. At the Reuter Family YMCA in the Mission Wellness Resource Center Room. Hendersonville Mom’s Club Chat and meet new moms in the area. All moms are welcome. Info: 713-4307. • MONDAYS, 11am - Meets at Black Bear Coffee Shop. Hendersonville Play Group • Group for moms with kids 0-5 years old. Play dates, park trips and more. To join: Holistic Parenting Forum The group meets monthly to provide an opportunity for a diverse community of parents committed to natural living to gather. It provides support, education and resources to parents who desire to create a healthy environment for their children at home and in their community. All meetings take place at the Earth Fare in W. Asheville. Children are welcome. Info: 230-4850 or shantisunshine@gmail. com. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Meeting. Jewish Family Services of WNC A program of the Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 12:30-2pm - Caregiver Support Group. This group offers family members and caregivers of any loved one to share experiences, receive information and develop coping skills in matters related to the issues of caregiving. Info: 253-0701, ext. 140. La Leche League Meetings • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - Monday Evenings: Meeting at Awakening Heart, Merrimon Ave. Pregnant moms, babies and toddlers welcome. Info: 713-3707 or 254-5591. Now We’re Talking • Opportunity for parents of young children with language delays. Puckett Institute will work with 10 families with children aged 8-24 months to teach parents an effective

approach to increasing communication skills. In your home; no cost. Info: 255-0470, ext. 305. Nurturing Skills for Parents Parenting program to give parents the tools to foster positive relationships and self-nurturing skills. Classes meet at ARP/Phoenix, 257 Biltmore Ave., Ste. 200. Classes are appropriate for parents with children of any age. Tailored to support parents in a non-confrontational setting. Free. Info or to register: or 2542700, ext. 286. • ONGOING - Classes meet for 10 weeks. Both morning and evening classes are availiable. Toddler Fun A free group that provides an opportunity for parents to have some structured fun with their toddlers including 45 minutes of songs, stories, finger-plays, parachute play and more. To register: 213-8098 or shantisunshine@ • MONDAYS, 10am - Toddler Fun. At the Woodfin YMCA. Call to register. • TUESDAYS, 9:30am - Toddler Fun. At the Reuter YMCA in the Mission Hospitals Room. Call to register. YWCA Programs for Parents The YWCA is at 185 S. French Broad Ave. Info: 254-7206 or • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8am-Noon & MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30-8:30pm - The YWCA New Choices Program provides free drop-in child care for parents who are continuing their education or looking for employment. Space is limited. Evening hours are for students only. A phone orientation is required.


Check out the Parenting Calendar online at for info on events happening after June 18.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication.

Haywood Park atrium’s Tropical Thursdays The atrium of the Haywood Park Hotel has played host to sporadic fundraisers, but now the hotel’s owners, the FIRC group, in collaboration with co-sponsors, want to make good times for good causes a regular affair. “We are seeking to revitalize the atrium and make it a destination for locals and for tourists, and we think maybe the best way to do that is to have it serve as a music venue,” says Wes Reinhardt, FIRC’s marketing director. Make that a music venue with a purpose — and get ready for “Tropical Thursdays,” an island-themed benefit series slated from 5:30 to 11 p.m. on three upcoming dates: June 11,

18 and 25. The Caribbean Cowboys Band — made up of members of the local chapter of Jimmy Buffet’s Parrothead fan base — will headline the entertainment, with a different opening act each night. In addition, there will be food, beverages and prize raffles. The events are free, but donations are “gladly accepted.” All proceeds will benefit the WNC Down Syndrome Alliance. Helping to make it all happen are co-sponsors Magic Hat Brewing Company and the Bier Garden, which is located just down a hallway from atrium.

Benefits Calendar for June 10 - 18, 2009 Asheville Civitan Pancake Breakfast • SA (6/13), 8-11am - Pancake breakfast in the cafeteria at the Irene Wortham Center. $5 in advance/$6 at the door/$3 kids. Proceeds will benefit the Asheville Civitan Foundation and the Irene Wortham Center. Info: 3484222 or 274-7518. Asheville Humane Society Animals available for adoption from AHS at 72 Lee’s Creek Rd. in Asheville. View photos of animals currently available for adoption online. Foster homes needed. Info: 236-3885, ext. 311 or • MO (6/1) through TU (6/30) - “Tattoos for Life” benefit hosted by Freaks-n-Geeks Tattoo Sideshow in W. Asheville. Purchase raffle tickets for $5 each or three for $10. All proceeds from the raffle will benefit AHS —- Drop off animal items at Freaks to be donated to AHS. Info: 254-4429. • TH (6/18), 6-8pm - Yappy Hour at the Residences at Biltmore, 700 Biltmore Ave. Arf d’oeuvres and doggie daiquiris for the pooches, as well as vegetarian hors d’oeuvres and beverages for the humans. $10. Proceeds support AHS. Black Mountain Center for the Arts

Located in the renovated Old City Hall at 225 West State St. in Black Mountain. Gallery Hours: Mon.-Wed. & Fri., 10am5pm (closed Sat. during winter months). Info: 669-0930 or • TH (6/18), 6pm - Gala and preview party for Art in Bloom. Meet the floral designers, listen to live music, and enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, dessert and beverages. $35. • TH (6/18) through SU (6/21) - Third annual Art in Bloom, an art and flower show. A fundraiser for the nonprofit arts center. Honorary chair: Ann Vasilik. Relay For Life Fundraiser • FR (6/12), 6am-3pm - Come support Team Park Ridge as they try to raise awareness and support against cancer, and sell some books, CDs, VHS tapes, cookies, brownies and more. At Park Ridge Hospital in the Duke Room. WNC Down Syndrome Alliance Benefit • THURSDAYS (6/11 through 6/25), 5:30-11pm - Tropical Thursdays in the Haywood Park Hotel Atrium. Raffles, prizes, food and more. Entertainment provided by the Caribbean Cowboys and others. Donations accepted. WNC Kidney Walk

EMINENCE ORGANIC SKIN CARE the key to natural beauty.

fun fundraisers

Thirsty Thursdays was spearheaded by Bier Garden owner John Bodenhorst, who staged a Christmas party in the atrium last year for children with Down syndrome and their families. He wanted to do more. Bodenhorst got involved with the cause, he says, after getting to know some neighbors whose son has the syndrome. “They are such great kids — they have really big hearts,” he says of the children who attended the party. “A lot of people seem to shy away or don’t know how to approach them, but once you get to know them, you want to make them part of your family.” — Jon Elliston

Pottery by Shawn Ireland


64 Biltmore Avenue • Downtown Asheville 828.281.2134

Madonnas & Menageries • June 4 - 27, 2009 Shawn Ireland & Ann Frantic Morley

• SA (6/13), 10am - Registration —- 11am - Walk. Meet at A-B Tech’s Student Activity Center. Help call attention to the prevention of kidney disease and the need for organ donation. Registration & info:


Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www.mountainx. com/events for info on events happening after June 18.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication.

Is writing your passion – your dream – maybe even your profession? The Great Smokies Writing Program is designed for you: the beginning writer, the aspiring writer, even the accomplished, published author. The program is committed to providing affordable university-level classes, and each course awards academic credit through UNC Asheville. Workshops cover all aspects of prose and poetry writing and are presented in the evening, off campus, under the guidance of published, professional instructors. You’ll be a part of a supportive, learning community of fellow writers who share the goal of honing their craft. Registration for Summer classes is underway now. For more information call 828.232.5122, or email Dr. Elaine Fox, program director at, or visit for a schedule of classes.

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Gcih\. 6]`hacfY DUf_ Hkc Hckb GeiUfY 6`jX" ,&,"*,+",+*$ gYbg]V]`]h]Yg!gdU"Wca • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009



environmental news by Margaret Williams

Tracking the ‘ghosts of the Smokies’ I was 9 years old when I first saw a cougar up close. The University of South Alabama kept him in a large pen shaded by tall Southern pines beside the science building. I often stopped by to watch him pace his cage, because I lived on campus when my father worked there in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Biologist Don Linzey taught at the school then, and he also remembers the big cat. After determining that a wild release wasn’t possible, he helped find it a better home in Florida. These days, he’s still looking out for these elegant creatures, the largest wild felines in North America. “Mountain lion, cougar, puma, painter, panther — they’re all the same animal,” says Linzey, who’s now a professor at Wytheville Community College in Virginia. He’s also on the board of Discover Life in America, the nonprofit which that’s coordinating a comprehensive inventory of all living species in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Linzey is the guy rangers, scientists and the curious call to ask, “Do cougars still live in the Southern Appalachians?” — the topic of a June 13 presentation he’ll be giving in Asheville. “The cougar has been called the ‘ghost of the forest,’” notes Linzey, who’s been studying mountain mammals since the mid-1960s, when he was a park naturalist stationed in Cosby, Tenn. But trying to confirm the elusive animal’s existence “isn’t like looking for a flock of turkeys or bears,” he explains. Linzey should know: He follows up on every alleged sighting of cougars, which — at 80 to 100 pounds — are four to five times the size of a bobcat or a small coyote. The biologist recently spoke to someone claiming to have seen a cougar, in fact, though the sighting happened 15 to 20 years ago. Nonetheless, he’ll mark it on his map with a pin color-coded to the Eco Calendar for June 10 - 18, 2009 Gaia Community Potluck (pd.) Find out about our green, sustainable village community in West Asheville and envision yourself living here. Vegetarian potluck open to anyone interested. July date TBA. 828-337-8190. Asheville Green Drinks People who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for a drink at BoBo Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave. The events usually include a short presentation by a guest speaker. Sign up for the e-mail newsletter at www. • FR (6/12), 6pm - Socializing —- 6:30pm “Homeopathy, the Flu and You: A Green Solution” presented by Margaret Bennett, Asheville homeopath. Asheville GreenWorks Our area’s Keep America Beautiful affiliate, working to clean and green the community through environmental volunteer projects. Info: 254-1776 or • TUESDAYS (through 9/22), Noon-1pm - Create a healthy body and a healthy environment at the same time with this active community cleanup. Starts at Pritchard Park. Cleanup supplies provided. RSVP. Cradle of Forestry Events Experience the natural and cultural history of the Southern Appalachians at the birthplace of scientific forestry. Located on Route 276 in Pisgah National Forest. Hours:


A cougar close-up: Biologist Don Linzey researches every alleged sighting of the elusive animal, which may or may not still be found in the wild in the Southern Appalachians. photo by kevin fitzpatrick

appropriate decade. Linzey also tracks Internet rumors, like the one about a cougar allegedly seen sitting on a front porch in Wytheville a few years ago (he refuted that one). Deer, bobcats and coyotes are all sometimes mistaken for cougars — all are tan-colored, and folks typically catch only a fleeting glimpse. Linzey also gets photographs submitted as proof that were obviously taken elsewhere. But he researches the most credible sightings, and his dog, Brandi, helps sniff out the signs. 9am -5pm, 7 days a week. Info: 877-3130 or • THURSDAYS (6/11 through 8/6), 10:30am-Noon Woodsy Owl’s Curiosity Club. Nature-oriented activities for children ages 4-7. $4/program. • SA (6/13), 7:30-9:30pm - Firefly Twilight Tour. Meet at the Pink Beds Picnic Area on Highway 276 in the Pisgah National Forest to learn about these fascinating insects and explore the evening woods. $6/$3. ECO Events The Environmental and Conservation Organization is dedicated to preserving the natural heritage of Henderson County and the mountain region as an effective voice of the environment. ECO advocates for green infrastructure, protects water quality, educates about energy conservation/renewable energy, and promotes recycling. Located at 121 Third Ave. West, Hendersonville. Info: 692-0385 or • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - Water Quality Committee meeting. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 4pm - Energy Committee meeting —- 4:30pm - Recycling Committee meeting. • SA (6/13), 8am - Guided bird walk in Jackson Park —- 9:30am - Nature Hike to Daniel Ridge Loop, in Pisgah National Forest. Reservations required. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 4pm - Green Infrastructure Committee meeting. Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society Events

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

“She doesn’t pay any attention to horse or deer droppings; she focuses on the carnivores,” says Linzey. When he’s walking the park with her, Brandi zeroes in on scat that’s hidden in the leaves. But so far, they’ve found only bobcat and coyote droppings (to be sure, Linzey has the samples DNA-tested at his own expense). He’s also tracking another Smokies mystery. Discover Life’s biodiversity study has recorded a significant drop in the park’s shrew and mice populations during the last 10 years, which Linzey Open to birders of all experience levels. Info: 254-7618, or • TU (6/16), 6:30-9pm - Coordinator Paul Super will discuss bird-research projects in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. At the Botanical Gardens at Asheville on W.T. Weaver Blvd. The program will be preceded by a potluck supper. Mount Mitchell State Park All programs are free. Due to unpredictable weather, all hikes are subject to cancellation or rescheduling. Info: 675-4611. • TH (6/11), 2pm - Join the park naturalist for a short walk on the Balsam Nature Trail to learn about the ecology of Mt. Mitchell —- 4pm - Join the park naturalist for a discussion of black bears. • FR (6/12), 2pm - Join the park naturalist for a short walk on the Balsam Nature Trail to learn about the ecology of Mt. Mitchell —- 4pm - Join the park naturalist for a discussion on birds. • SA (6/13), 10am - Join the park naturalist for an indepth discussion of North Carolina’s first official state park —- 2pm - Join a park ranger for a walk on the Balsam Nature Trail to learn about the ecology of Mt. Mitchell —- 3pm - Join the park naturalist for a hands-on demo on making paper —- 4pm - Join a park ranger for a discussion on some of the interesting characters that have helped establish and maintain Mt. Mitchell State Park.

says might be caused by coyotes. “Most people [associate] them with the West, but they’ve naturally extended their range east” as their traditional habitat has changed, he explains, adding, “I hear them howling [near] my home in Gatlinburg every now and then.” Because the coyotes’ arrival in the park occurred naturally, they’re considered a protected species, unlike the feral pigs that settlers inadvertently introduced. Black bears, of course, are long-standing regional residents, and when asked about a recent increase in sightings, Linzey replies: “It’s a hard time for the bears right now. There was a good nut crop last fall, but now the hickories and such are getting old, and the bears are foraging further.” Cougars, though, keep a low profile. Linzey has two photos that could place the big cats in the park as recently as 2003 or ’04. He also has a handout showing the difference between cougar, coyote and dog tracks. “You don’t see claw marks on a cougar’s,” he explains. He even has a recording of typical cougar sounds, though without the one that sounds like a woman crying. “That would only occur when the cougars are breeding,” says Linzey, “and I don’t have that.” X Linzey’s June 13 program will start at 2 p.m. at the Folk Art Center (milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway in east Asheville). Part of the Friends of the WNC Nature Center’s annual meeting, it’s free for Friends members, $5 for the general public. A kid-friendly cougar program will follow at 3:30 p.m. at the Nature Center. Don Linzey is the author of A Natural History Guide to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Send your environmental news to mvwilliams@, or call 251-1333, ext. 152. • SU (6/14), 10am - Join the park naturalist for a handson demo on making paper —- 2pm & 3pm - Join a park ranger for a walk on the Balsam Nature Trail to learn about the ecology of Mt. Mitchell —- 4pm - Join a park ranger for a brief discussion on some of the interesting characters that have helped establish and maintain Mt. Mitchell State Park. • TH (6/18), 11am - Join the naturalist for an in-depth discussion of the life of Dr. Elisha Mitchell —- 2pm - Join the park naturalist for a hands-on demo on making paper. RiverLink Events RiverLink, WNC’s organization working to improve life along the French Broad, sponsors a variety of river-friendly events. Info: 252-8474 or • 3rd THURSDAYS, Noon-2pm - Bus Tours. See and hear about plans for the river’s future, learn local history and visit neighborhoods. Meet in front of City Hall. $15 for non-members. BYO lunch. Reservations are required: or ext. 118.


Check out the Eco Calendar online at www.mountainx. com/events for info on events happening after June 18.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication.

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photos by Jonathan Welch


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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

This saves them time.” Fast food is Delicias Latinas’ only real competition, since, Chavez reports, few workers When Hermelinda Luviano offered me one today pack a lunch pail. When she visits new of the lunch plates her hard-working crew construction sites to troll for new customers, at Delicias Latinas had prepared, I hesitated. the promise of a home-cooked meal — at $6 a While I was eager to sample whatever was pop, including freshly made tortillas — is all responsible for the rich aroma emanating from the sales pitch she needs. her corner of the Blue Ridge Food Ventures “A lot of them aren’t married, or if they are commercial kitchen, I was short on silverware, married, their spouse isn’t here, or, if their a dilemma I feared I couldn’t resolve without spouse is here, she’s working too,” Chavez suddenly beckoning the Spanish word for explains. spork. Chavez remembers her mother, a native of I needn’t have worried. Luviano’s lunchMichoacán State, wanting to open a restaurant es are designed to be devoured sans fancy in Morelia when she was growing up there. But implements: All of her protein-packed Central a dispute over the proposed location forced her American dishes have been reconfigured as to postpone her professional cooking career finger food so that her customers — construcuntil she emigrated north. Earlier this year, tion workers all — can savor them on the she partnered with two other immigrant entrejob. Simmered ground beef is stuffed into preneurs — Victor Cruz, a talented baker who empanadas. Mounds of cumin-scented lentils makes a mean Mexican doughnut, and Rosa are served with curved leaves of iceberg letPerez, who runs a small taco truck she parks at tuce. commercial nurseries — to share a workspace Luviano operates one of the few outfits at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, which supports in the Asheville area providing construction small business start-ups in the food industry. workers with a nutritious hot lunch. Luviano, “So it was like three businesses together,” her 23-year-old daughter Deyanira Chavez Chavez recalls. “It was very hard by ourselves. and Luviano’s friend Nohemi Luna every day A lot of people try to make it, but it’s hard to make dozens of individually packed plates that get started because there are things you have Chavez delivers to construction sites beginning to do properly. We could afford it because we at 11:30 a.m. sharp. were like a small company.” “It works better for them because they don’t Blue Ridge Food Ventures Executive Director have time to get food that’s substantial,” says Mary Lou Surgi says she’s trying to help Chavez, a salsa-dance instructor who serves Luviano “branch out” beyond her own comas her mother’s ambassador to the English- munity and make her lunch plates available speaking world and the business’ spokeswomto workers on the A-B Tech Enka-Candler an. “Usually all they can get is McDonald’s.

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campus, where the Blue Ridge Food Ventures kitchen is located. “The food is fabulous,� Surgi says. Delicias Latinas does some party catering, but the job-site lunch has become the heart of its business. Although Chavez sometimes experiments with dishes and techniques she’s seen on the Food Network, most of the platedestined foods are made from Luviano’s traditional recipes. “Every day we make something different so they don’t get bored and we don’t get bored,� Chavez says while scooping spiced fajita chicken meat into boxes. “Everybody’s favorite is the enchiladas, because we make the sauce with a different chile. It’s not tomato-based, it’s just hot chiles. So it has a whole different flavor.� Chavez says the Delicias crew sometimes gets requests for regional delicacies that the workers have trouble finding around Asheville.

“They’ll really want something like shrimp or mole,� she says. While the workers have declared a temporary moratorium on Luviano’s popular carnitas, citing fears of swine flu, they’re apparently still craving her tamales and gorditas. They’ve also announced their collective predilection for an occasional sugary treat. “We get sweetbreads from Victor,� Chavez says, motioning toward her neighbor in the kitchen. “People like to get that, especially when it’s rainy and cold.� Chavez hopes to eventually enroll in college, but says she doesn’t mind the mornings spent cooking with her mother. “What I like most about this is when you sell something you made, and people are like, ‘I really like that,’� she says. “You feel good.� X

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Xpress food writer Hanna Rachel Raskin can be contacted at



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ELIADA HOME TROUT RODEO: As if eating locally grown food wasn’t already virtuous enough, Eliada Homes is adding a charitable twist: The venerable Western North Carolina nonprofit, which serves highrisk children, is hosting its third annual trout rodeo. On Sunday, June 21, children from Eliada Homes will gather at Sunburst Trout Farm in Canton to capture as many trout as they can. The catch will then be divvied up among participating Asheville restaurants, which will feature the fish in special dishes and donate half of the proceeds from their sale to Eliada Homes. To eat trout in support of Eliada, visit The Lobster Trap, Ed Boudreaux’s, Bouchon, Tupelo Honey Café, Corner Kitchen, Curras Dom or Frankie Bones between June 22 and June 25. For more information, call 254-5356. FAMILY FARM TOUR: Folks willing to staff registration tables and monitor improvised parking lots — among other support duties — are eligible to attend Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s upcoming Family Farm Tour for free. One full day of volunteering earns free admission for the volunteer and a carload of guests (on the day the volunteer isn’t committed to work, of course). The self-guided tour, scheduled for June 27-28, features 38 farms in six Western North Carolina counties. Volunteers must attend an evening training session at Greenlife Community Center on June 16 or June 25. To sign up, e-mail Libby Hinson at, or call 236-1282. VICTORY TAILGATE MARKET: This week marks the debut of a new tailgate market in east Asheville. Starting June 10, local farmers will sell their fresh produce at ABCCM’s Veterans Restoration Quarter,

1329 Tunnel Road, every Wednesday from 3 to 6 p.m. Market organizer Buzz Durham is still seeking vendors. To reserve a spot, or to learn more about the weekly event, call 775-5593. WILLIAMS-SONOMA: Carefree summer cooking seems somehow incompatible with formal training — until you burn the steaks on the grill, over-sweeten the margaritas and melt the ice cream. That’s why mega kitchen retailer Williams-Sonoma rolls out its backyard cooking classes in June: Sunday workshops covering grilling tools, ice-cream making and barbecue are on the calendar. The month culminates with a specialty food tasting on June 27. To register for classes, call 277-3707. FISHERMAN’S QUARTERS II: Fisherman’s Quarters II, a popular family-style seafood restaurant in West Asheville, is presumably upping its baby shrimp order. The restaurant, which already serves more than 100 pounds of fried shrimp every day, recently added lunch service to its schedule. “We decided to open for lunch in response to requests from our local clientele,” owner George Baxevanis is quoted as saying in a release. “And keeping the locals happy is the key to our success.” In 1996, Baxenavis spun off Fisherman’s Quarters II, 1445 Patton Ave., from his original Fisherman’s Quarters in Hendersonville. According to the release, the restaurant now serves 1000 customers on weekend days. Fisherman’s Quarters II is now open Tuesday through Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., reopening for dinner at 4 p.m.; Fridays, 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturdays, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Sundays, noon to 9 p.m. The restaurant is closed on Mondays. For more information, call 285-0940.

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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •


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Mid-week at College Street A bevy of specials and a lazy feel

photo by Jonathan Welch


Voted Asheville’s Favorite Restaurant & Best Indian Restaurant 2008 Mountain Xpress Readers' Poll

It’s early evening at College Street Pub & Grill in the middle of the week. Tuesday and Thursday are “Party Nights� at College Street, with a bevy of specials ($2 Margaritas, 35 cent wings, $5 Long Island Ice Teas, $4 Highballs, etc.). In these days of recession and belt-tightening, it’s a relief to be able to go out to a place, down two margaritas and 10 wings, and get out with a tab that totals less than $10. Around 7 p.m. the place feels familiar, with a smoker puffing away (still legal until Jan. 2), while an old man in a straw hat sings along to the radio, the bartender ready and seemingly eager to dish everyone out another drink. There are arched doorways separating the parts of the restaurant, each marked with a

College St./Patton Ave. intersection sign, reflecting the bustling street outside. “You want to hear something really f***ed up?� a woman says, leaning over conspiratorially to the bartender. “I just saw a guy with a tattoo on his eye.� Nodding at the apparently juicy secret, the bartender goes back to her work. The service is prompt, and the food is oldschool bar fare: simple and a little greasy but delicious. The prices are similarly oldschool as well. Party claims aside (and a place is very different at different hours of the day), College Street is a just the right place to relax after a hard day’s work. — David Forbes




JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

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Metal work to lingerie: the DIY spirit and community energy of the River Arts District’s Phil Mechanic Studios The work in progress at Phil Mechanic Studios goes beyond the myriad projects in process at any given moment. Clay is thrown, paints mixed, glass blown, metal pounded, fabric stitched. The building itself has progressed from a warehouse to a construction company to its current incarnation: an oddball mix of studios, galleries and other creative spaces, with an alternative-energy business holding steady on the first floor. One of the anchors of Asheville’s River Arts District (along with the equally palatial Wedge building), it’s five stories tall, all concrete and rebar, with walls 18-inches thick. When Jolene and Mitch Mechanic inherited the building from Mitch’s father, Phil, in 1999, there were hundreds of meat hooks hanging from the ceilings of the bottom floor, leftover from its days

Above the scenes: Jolene Mechanic, proprietess of the building, earned the title of Asheville’s top unsung hero in last year’s Mountain Xpress reader survey. Converting the building from a siding warehouse to art spaces took years.

Building community: Inside the Phil Mechanic, the rooms and hallways buzz with the creative energy of dozens of artisans, crafters and skilled tradespeople. Here, the building is shown from the corner of Clingman Avenue and Roberts Street, just before Clingman crosses the French Broad River.

as the Pearce Young Angel Co. Wholesale Foods. A couple of the studios still have heavy refrigerator doors. “It shows something about the history of the area as it’s evolved, from industry to alternative energy to artist spaces,” says Melita Kyriakou, office manager for Blue Ridge Biofuels. Phil Mechanic is still a manufacturing facility, “but for the 21st century,” she says. Blue Ridge Biofuels, a fuel co-op turned worker-owned business, opened in 2005

after turning the bottom floor of the building into a processing plant. Kyriakou calls the company a “ground-up grassroots” model, where workers learned as they went, built as they could afford to and grew the company. Which is, on the whole, what happened when Jolene and Mitch took over the building. Jolene had been working at a law firm; Mitch off-and-on with his father’s construction company. Along with the massive structure, they inherited thousands of tons of siding. “Mitch was not a siding salesman,” Jolene says with a laugh. “We thought, this is ridiculous, let’s do something fun.” It’s been piece-by-piece, floor-by-floor and dollarby-dollar to renovate the building into workable space. And in turn, the Phil Mechanic dwellers continue to create their own spaces. Some of the projects were large-scale: Sculptor/painter/creative personality Sean “Jinx” Pace helped build walls on the top floor to carve out separate studio spaces, along with his work to help renovate and create the Flood Gallery space. “I can’t tell you how many hours Jinx put into

illustrations by Nathanael Roney / photos by Jonathan Welch / text by Alli Marshall and Rebecca Sulock


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Flood,” Jolene says with a sigh. And some of the projects are on a smaller scale. Ceramist Julie Covington made the gritty-textured, earth-based paint for her studio. She also built trim for her studio and shelving for her pottery using recycled wood from barns and other antiques. Painter David McDermott, faced with “the biggest space I ever had to myself,” turned

his entire studio into a colorful, abstract floorto-ceiling mural. But upon a second visit to McDermott’s space, he had covered over the walls in clean coats of gray and white. “I wanted a new start,” he says. “It was spontaneous. I wanted to see how the new series of paintings I’m working on would look without a lot of distraction behind them.” McDermott’s studio is tucked into a corner

Sean “Jinx” Pace’s wild interactive sculptures inhabit the building’s entryway. Here he works in his studio, just off the Flood Gallery space that he helped renovate.

of the building’s top floor. Six other artist spaces, a gallery and a library now occupy what used to be one giant woodworking studio. The old and new cohabitate easily: comfy chairs, shelves of books (brought in by Jolene, an avid philosophy and literature reader) and a Chinese New Year dragon crafted by artist Liz White share residence with an industrial elevator. Alex Greenwood and Logan MacSporran of Asheville Glass Center recently located to the top floor, making way for Dang Salon at street level. The two work around a massive, decades-old ladder that leads to the roof. The ladder looks like something from which nervous moms would warn eager children away, but its ominous bulk settles comfortably in the midst of fragile glasswork. (Grandfathered in under the city’s buildingsafety code, the ladder is the only way for the

elevator inspector to reach the control room.) Down the hall, ceramist Christopher McGee and Celia Barbieri, who makes sweet flowers from buttons and ceramics, have added their own hefty woodwork — a bunkbed-like loft structure — to create workspaces for several artists. On the Roberts Street level, clothing designers Elise Olson of lingerie line On the Inside and ARTeries designer Stina Anderson also renovated their studio, parsing cutting and dressing rooms from two previously-existing nooks. “Artists tend to gravitate toward having studio spaces in warehouse districts, as they have been abandoned and offer a large space to divide up into individual spaces, but still give the artist the community of the other artists around them,” Olson says. “I clearly remember the first time I walked into the Phil

Giving one’s whole self: Julie Covington throws pots in her studio. • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009



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Mechanic, and could feel the amazing community that is the building, and knew that I wanted to be a part of it. There is an energy that is inspiring to be around.” Maybe shared inspiration comes naturally from shared spaces. Even the artists who don’t double up on studio space still connect with fellow occupants in the common areas — the galleries, kitchen, stairwells, library and freight elevator. And as natural as the spirit of collaboration is the spirit of ingenuity. Take metalsmith Matt Waldrop, whose Northern Crescent Iron studio occupies a corner below Roberts Street and above the railroad tracks. After closing down a much larger work-

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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Metalsmith Matt Waldrop works with a machine he built himself, a DIY aesthetic that drives the Phil Mechanic artists.

shop and selling off his equipment to pay down debt, Waldrop relocated to the River Arts District with the edict, “Let the job justify the tools.” Instead of purchasing pricey machinery, Waldrop learned to build his own, from a simple railroad anvil (fashioned from a discarded section of train track) to a mechanical hammer (for which 80 percent of the materials were sourced from a scrap yard). “The basis for this machine is 120 or 130 years old,” Waldrop explains of the daunting, metal-pounding machine. “I used to own one from 1925. That one was scary; it was made of primitive materials. This one is a lot nicer.” As if to offset the machine’s intimidation factor, Waldrop attached a delicately wrought metal butterfly to the face of the hammer. In fact, much of what the metalsmith creates is graceful, organic and downright pretty. Crimped leaf shapes start out as sheared metal, sunflowers with curved petals are pummeled into shape. The sculptural bus stop on the corner of Clingman Avenue and Hilliard Street? That’s Waldrop’s work. The metalsmith, who lived in the Wedge building at one time, describes Asheville’s former industrial section as “magical.” “It’s changed,” he says. “It’s a thing, now that it’s the ‘River Arts District,’ but it’s more inspirational because there are so many talented people.” Because, even though the right setting can spark creativity, it’s human hands that ultimately turn raw materials into masterpieces. X

A multifarious conglomeration bustles within these walls Don’t be daunted by the size and labyrinthian layout of Phil Mechanic Studios. Most days, the doors are open and many artists eager for visitors. And along with the regular 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday hours, there are aplenty of other programs happening at the building. Flood gallery (a contemporary art gallery in the building’s heart) is the largest space, with sister gallery Pump occupying the entranceway. Poetry, zine and literary readings, workshops, classes for children and adults, philosophy camp, concerts and experiences of every sort. More info at “From the womb to the tomb, there’s program for every age and walk of life,� Jolene Mechanic says. “There’s something here for you. You’re going to click with something in this building, I promise you that.�

Painter Richmond Smith teaches children in his studio and classroom space. The goal? To teach children that art is something that can make them happy their whole life.

ARTeries, clothing line by Stina Andersen Asheville Glass Center , Logan MacSporran, Alex Greenwood The Beehive Collective, Beatrice Mendoza, Zeph X. Fishlyn (volunteer grassroots art-activist group dedicated to creating collaborative, anti-copyright images for education and organizing) Blue Ridge Biofuels The Button Florist, Celia Barbieri Jennifer Brooks, photographer Steve Brown, painter

handmade jewelry • custom work • unique designs

Covington Pottery, Julie Covington


Dang Salon, Casey McCuller Andrew Fedynak, photographer

Ryan Florey, potter Ursula Gullow, painter, writer, videographer David Hopes, painter, poet, playwright, Black Swan Theatre productions The Nook Gallery, David McDermott, painter and photographer, Michael McDermott, Paul McDermott, photographers

Hair is art, too: Casey McCuller of Dang! Salon works with a client.

The Hairy Potter, Chris McGee Courtney Murphy, ceramics On the Inside, lingerie by Elise Olson Sean “Jinx� Pace, metal sculptor Richmond’s Studio, Richmond Smith, painter, teacher

Elise Olson creates the On the Inside lingerie line. Jason Sabbides and Merlin Strivelli, painters Pool Gallery & Shop, Melissa Terrezza, ceramics Northern Crescent Iron, Matt Waldrop, blacksmith Julie Vann, local performer, painter, and tinkerer

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1@I<; 1FD<E <J@>EJ • Proud Asheville Etsy Street Team Members • Howard Street Handmade Vendors • Portico Market at Grove Arcade Vendor

• Wednesday afternoon potluck lunches. Noon at the Pump gallery. Bring a dish, come hang out. • Asheville Youth Magazine workshop, collaborative publication created for and by Asheville’s youth, 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 13 in the upstairs library. For more information, visit or call 687-8615 to register. • Specimens: New Work by Nicole McConville. Encaustic collages and assemblage works, in the tradition of 17th-century Wunderkammer, or “wonder cabinets.” Opening reception with the artist, 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 12. Show up through June 30. • Asheville Glass Center, phase one opening, 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 12. Sign up for glass-making classes offered on Saturday and Sunday during the studio stroll.

Along with its regular hours, the building hosts a bevy of happenings.

Stina Anderson at work on her ARTeries clothing line.


@kd[ (&j^ ''Wc#+fc ((- >WomeeZ HeWZ CKI?9" 7HJI" 9H7<JI Æj^[ X[ij l_X[ _d 7i^[l_bb[Ç

Ilana Mignon Designs “One of a kind artisan Jewelry.”

The Button Florist (910)840-3182

“Your online resource for live markets in Asheville.” ashevillestreetmarkets.

“Give a bouqet that will never fade.”

Short Street Cakes (828)505-4822


“Functional pottery & judacia.”

“Goods for everyday life.”

• “unique earth friendly handmade journals” • • • “Lovely, lively clothing for women and girls” • “Robin Van Valkenburgh as The Runny Bunny” • “funKTional ceramic art, more fun than a donkey”


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

• Drummers as Thinkers: Exploratory Concert in Percussion, music from River Guerguerian and friends. Part of the Flood Gallery’s Sonic Experience series. 7 p.m. Saturday, June 13.

Oy Clay!!!

Fishy Fishy Quilts Glassy Mama

• The Sled and the Blocks: Work from Jeff Bell. Sculptural works. Opening reception with the artist, 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 12. Show up through July 3.

Spanning form to function: The bottom floor of the Phil Mechanic houses Blue Ridge Biofuels, Asheville’s ground-up, grassroots alternative-energy business. Shown here is Woody Eaton.

Sew Moe

Moe Donnelly

A day at my Phil Mechanic studio Flying down Clingman Hill on my bike, I feel the unlimited possibilities of the day as I circle the kudzu corner and jaunt up to the Phil Mechanic building. Then, hunting for the right key to get in, I have the dreadful feeling that I have no idea what I want to work on today. I heave the door open, carry my bike up the stairs and wave hello to Jolene, who is always so ready to engage in conversation, but my face is too tired for talking at this hour. I nod good morning to Julie as I walk my bike past her pottery studio and park it in its special nook next to the empty 5-gallon water jugs. The thing I love best about this building is the staircase, with its steep angles that would be worrisome if not for the solid cement steps and handrails that ground me. Life feels a little haunted when I take the stairs; because still, after months of being here, I get confused as to which floor I’m on. I pause at the window on the top landing to take in the majestic view of the kudzu and graffiti, the abandoned factories, the train tracks, the muddy French Broad River, 828.301.1457

Shop online for handmade & vintage goodies by local folks on Brighten the corners: Asheville Glass Center’s Alex Greenwood creates blown glass on the top floor of the Phil Mechanic. Greenwood and Logan MacSporran are building a workshop space where visitors can learn the craft. Clingman Ave. Bridge, and a myriad of old cars permanently parked in the lot five stories beneath. Auto, one of the many dogs that hang out here, greets me as I step into the newly renovated library upstairs. I let him chase me around the coffee tables, old sofas and bookshelves until he gets too worked up and starts nipping. I escape into my studio, with its enveloping and familiar smell of linseed oil, and the light beaming through the East-facing windows. I prop them open with a ruler and turn on a fan to circulate the air that grew heavy overnight. I squeeze paint onto a palette and stare down at some blank canvases. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part. At least an hour passes before I determine that it’s time to break and visit one of the two non-gender-specific bathrooms downstairs, with their collection of dog-eared craft magazines from 1972. I can hear my neighbor’s music leaking through the walls. For a while last winter, someone had been listening to that catchy Rusted Root song way too much. But whatever, I know I’m guilty of playing my favorite Kate Bush song 15 times already today. After a quick lunch and a lot of coffee I descend into what I call the “bowels of the building” — the metal studio hidden behind a huge door in the Flood Gallery, a space I didn’t even know existed until recently — a space where my cell phone doesn’t work. Matt the welder and Jinx the sculptor both say hi and I go hang out with Zev and Beatrice, visiting artists from Maine who have settled in nicely to their cavernous digs.


e tS y Keep up with us at Sponsored by the following Asheville etsians: • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Twice a year Asheville’s River District Artists open their studio spaces and invite the public to wander in, look around, learn a little something and do a little shopping. And, while art crawls abound in Western N.C., the River Arts District stroll — now in its 15th year — has its own flavor. First, the River District Artists organization includes more than a dozen buildings housing working spaces for nearly 20 artistic mediums, along with other businesses. The studio strolls spotlight not only working artists but tasty treats (Clingman Cafe, Twelve Bones Smokehouse, Twin Cousins

Kitchen and Greene’s Mini Mart), live music and the locally-crafted beer at the Wedge Brewery. Want to go? The stroll takes place Saturday and Sunday, June 13 and 14, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Asheville Historic Trolley Tours provides shuttle service during the Studio Stroll for a $5 fare, or look for parking on Roberts St., Clingman Ave. or behind the Wedge Building. The stroll is free and most studios are within walking distance from each other. For maps and additional info, visit www.riverdistrictartists. com. X

1 Machinery built by Matt Waldrop of North Crescent Iron 2 Sculpture in the Flood gallery 3 Scrap metal from North Crescent Iron 4 The dizzying stairwell 5 From the Blue Ridge Biofuels factory 6 Paint tubes 7 Glass tubes from Asheville Glass Center



JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Busy bees: The workers of the Beehive Collective are creating a giant poster about mountaintop-removal coal mining in Appalachia. The group’s goal is to translate complex stories into images, then distribute them to community activists. After some conversation I walk down one more flight of stairs to the biodiesel factory with its pumping machines, monitored by friendly people carrying clipboards and wearing lab coats. Then out to the back loading dock for some handstands against the building, and to look at those permanently parked cars at a closer range upside down. What’s most important in this moment is to fully soak up the sun that is beam-

ing brightly now on this, the West side of the building. I decide to ride the elevator back up to the top floor. Clanging the gates shut, I push the button to ascend. The cool brown walls of the elevator shaft glide past and through the gate I watch Flood Gallery go by, and then the walkway of studios circling above the gallery, and then Jolene and Melissa talking at Jolene’s desk, and finally the library where I stop the elevator and pull the gate open. I peek into Alex and Logan’s glassblowing studio but choose not to bother them — they’re giving a demo to some curious visitors. Jason is painting in the studio next to mine with his prodigy student Merlin, and the potters are organizing their wares in the next room over. I hear and feel a train rolling in on the tracks outside, whistle blowing wildly. The light in my studio is dimmer now that the sun has passed over to the west side. My studio mate, Steve Brown, has arrived and he’s hunched at his desk meticulously working on a black and white portrait of a woman with feathered hair. He’s listening to a band called Dolphins Into the Future. Maybe it’s the rush I got from doing the handstands but all of a sudden I feel like this might be the best day of my life. I imagine everyone in the building breaking into a dance to Steve’s music like in that movie with Bjork. It’s a glorious vision. One that will sustain me through the rest of the evening as I settle down to work. The building settles with me into the peaceful and cool hours of the night. X

presents THE COMPLETE 2009

Bele Chere Festival Guide




828.251.1333 • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009






On the high horse

Band of Horses on punking Wal-Mart, a dynamic new sound and playing to the home crowd by Alli Marshall

=hgÁm @Zf[e^ pbma Rhnk AZbk¼ @bo^ Nl : <Zee 1+; G' E>QBG@MHG :O>' 1+1'++.'11+1


Mon - Friday, 10am - 7 pm Saturday, 10am - 5pm 105-F Montreat Road Black Mountain NC

(828) 669-5162




Asheville hasn’t sent any stadium-packing bands out into the world (yet), but there have been some close calls: Malcolm Holcombe was glowingly reviewed by Rolling Stone. Members of the loveable, danceable Scrappy Hamilton moved to L.A., became Truth & Salvage Co., were discovered by Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes and were recently signed to Silver Arrow Records, the Crowes record label. That’s not an Asheville group’s first impressive label coup: In the ‘90s, the Blue Rags signed to Seattle-based label Sub Pop. Bass player Bill Reynolds was in the Blue Rags when the group split. Here’s the silver-lining story he never told anyone: Sub Pop label chief Jonathan Poneman (with whom Reynolds kept in touch) suggested the bassist join Charleston, S.C.based Band of Horses. Reynolds (who toured for years with Donna the Buffalo) was working at Asheville’s Echo Mountain Studios on Tyler Ramsey’s Long Dream About Swimming Across the Sea when Band of Horses’ frontman Ben Bridwell and drummer Ceighton Barrett showed up. They were recording 2007’s Cease to Begin. “These guys came in and we hit it off,” Reynolds says. Barrett recalls: “We walked by him completely shredding on a bass and we were like, ‘Okay that’s it.’ And then we stole Tyler as well.” “Stole my heart,” quips Ramsey, who joined Band of Horses as a guitarist. That’s how two of Asheville’s musicians stepped into the international spotlight. Band of Horses evolved from “chamber rock” project Carissa’s Wierd. In 2004, Bridwell formed the band with guitarist Mat Brooke and the new group opened for Iron & Wine, garnering moderate attention and the notice of Sub Pop. Band of Horses’ 2006 Phil Ek (The Shins, Fleet Foxes)-pro-


Band of Horses with Arbouretum


The Orange Peel


Tuesday, June 16 (9 p.m., tickets sold out at press time. or 225-5851.)

duced debut, Everything All the Time, was favorably reviewed, but it was sophomore-release Cease — named one of the best albums of 2007 by Paste — that propelled the band from indie darling to major player. For Reynolds (who currently calls Atlanta home), it was the right opportunity at the right time. “The Blue Rags had just had our run. It was time to put it down and do other things,” he says. “It’s really good with these guys: I feel like my sound really comes through.”

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Homeward bound: Band of Horses (photographed at Asheville’s Echo Mountain studios) has family “everywhere we go.” The Asheville connections: Tyler Ramsey, far left, and Bill Reynolds, second from right. photo by Christopher nelson

According to Bridwell, Reynolds and Ramsey put their stamp on Band of Horses’ upcoming album. “It’s so much more dynamic,” Bridwell insists. On Cease, “We were just four dudes doing a minimalistic approach to that album, just trying to get it out. This record feels so much more dynamic because of Tyler and Bill actually knowing how to play their instruments and knowing how to be really diverse with their playing to suit the song.” He continues, “My right-hand man was Mat [who has since left the band]. He had a really cool guitar playing style with a lot of texture and a lot of taste that was really missing from that second record. I feel now with Tyler’s playing it brings a lot of that back into it, but even better than the first record, to be frank.” Does the new record risk alienating fans familiar with the pared-back sound of Cease? “I sure hope so,” Bridwell jokes. Seriously: “I think if anything this record blends a bit of the first record and the second record together. I don’t think this album will be disturbing, I think it will be welcome.” Here’s one major departure — the group started recording in Muscle Shoals, Ala., hoping to tap that city’s musical bedrock. Bridwell is vague about the outcome of those early sessions (“It expanded some ideas of other stuff. Like, how to almost get thrown in jail. It was kind of a weird experience, but ended up being really good.”) but the result was, Band of Horses decided to return to Echo Mountain. At interview time, the band was on their third Echo Mountain stint. That session, according to Bridwell, was for “working on a lot of texture stuff, stuff like acoustic guitars and keyboards.” He adds, “Some of the songs have come pretty far and others we need to reevaluate. It looks like we’re going to be taking our time with it, just

making sure we can get the best performances we can get.” The songwriter admits that kind of studio time is a luxury; one Band of Horses has finally come to afford. The group is also currently a “free agent,” though a return to Sub Pop could in the cards for the future. Another change brought by experience is the ability to be discerning about licensing deals with corporations. While placement of “The Funeral” in a 2008 Ford Edge commercial brought the band to a wider audience, a 2007 deal with Wal-Mart was not as well received. The same song, aired on an Internet-only ad by the retailer, “was greeted with bile and anger from fans,” reported Rolling Stone. Ultimately, Band of Horses nixed a Wal-Mart TV commercial. “At the time I remember feeling pretty much like ‘This is my one shot to cash in real quick,’” Bridwell says. “I had a baby on the way. I was like, ‘Crap, maybe I’ll be flipping eggs at this time next year.’ If a company like Wal-Mart, that I’ve gone and stolen batteries from and sold back ... If I can do that for 15 bucks a pop, why not hit ‘em for $150,000? I thought it was the most punk rock thing to take their money.” Lesson learned. “It was me being a bit still green. I think just when it comes to the big corporate stuff, you have to weigh the pros and cons more than I did at that time.” Recent success means a life spent under the radar is unlikely — though to hear Bridwell tell it, many of his shows have home-court advantage. Special as the Orange Peel show may be, (it’s the first Asheville appearance by Ramsey and Reynolds as part of the band), “We have family everywhere we go. It’s Seattle, it’s Charleston, it’s Asheville, it’s Atlanta.”X Read the complete interview at www.mountainx. com. Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@







Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival

The very popular, very fun, somewhat racy, often fiery regional burlesque festival is bringing some national names to town this time around: Baltimore artists Trixie Little and the Evil Hate Monkey, Atlanta’s Blast-Off Burlesque, Louisiana’s Rena La Roux and a bunch more. Also on tap: Asheville’s original neo-vaudeville hearthrobs The Goodies. The festival features a red carpet gala on Friday, June 12, at Mo Daddy’s, $15. Saturday Night Spectacular June 13 at the Orange Peel, $25. Workshops and lessons all weekend long. For more information and the full schedule, go to

The Wiyos

Brooklyn-based (with at least one Asheville member) quartet The Wiyos jump into town this Thursday for a big fun show, featuring a unique blend of tin-pan alley to Western swing to ragtime blues. Thursday, June 11, The Rocket Club. Info at

Mister Squeakers: new works by Brandon Oliver

Acrylic on canvas works from man-about-town Brandon Oliver. According to his bio, Oliver likes bright colors, birds and bunnies of the field, the artists Fernando Botero and Tamera de Lempicka and is most creative while sipping a glass of Chateau Lafite in Milan with nothing on except his silk Giorgio Armani boxers. Reception Friday, June 12, 7 to 10 p.m Show through July 28 at PUSH skateshop and gallery, 25 Patton Ave.

Club phone numbers are listed in Clubland in the (828) area code unless otherwise stated; more details at www. Send your Smart Bet requests in for consideration by the Monday the week prior to publication. • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


We have gone to every effort to ensure that all information contained Within is reliably inaccurate and held to the highest standards of universal toleration.

Long-Form for Your Reading Arousal


Concert-goer remains in critical condition after face rocked completely off head this week

Self-conscious man still feels obliged to wash hands after going pee-shy in public restroom

Refusal to drop charade intrigues well-hung man waiting for urinal ‘I clearly heard him not pee at all’

Rag-tag girlfriend secures street-kid’s mongrel dog to downtown sidewalk using only back of her head Weather Service: Spring shows signs of hot summer

Signs of hot summer show signs of scorching fall Signs for winter: ‘Like standing on the sun’

Government tab tops $50 billion for 60% ownership of GM

Experts predict feds will soon pay another $4 billion just to replace bum transmission

U.S., Cuba to resume talks State Dept. to initiate light name-calling by early summer

Susan Boyle suffers breakdown after losing ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ finale Prompts headline ridicule from vicious U.K. press

Dowdy, daffy songbird called everything from ‘Tiggish’ to ‘Sprocked’

Last Titanic survivor dies at 97

How she lasted so long in those icy waters is ‘anybody’s guess’ The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/entertainment. Contributing this week: Michele Scheve, Tom Scheve


Supreme Court overturns 1986 ‘Right to Party’ ruling Washington, Wednesday — In a stunning blow to states’ rights, the United States Supreme Court ruled 6-to-3 on Tuesday that “there is no such thing as a right to party,” thus invalidating the licenses-to-ill that all 50 states have been issuing to youths for the past 23 years. The contentious debate surrounding the right to party began in 1984, with the filing of a class-action suit pleading that, regardless of their own hypocritical behaviors past or present, parents in the state of New York should not have to tolerate offspring-produced noise pollution, truancy, bedroom pornography Citizens, above, react to caches, or underage drinking and smoking. news of the court’s decision. In the famous “No Way” ruling issued in Parents of New York vs. Loin Fruit, a circuit court declared American children do not have the right to party, and empowered responsible adults to restore order within their turbulent domestic kingdoms. In a stunning turn of events, three children of the original complainants then counter-sued, and the case made its way before the New York State Supreme Court. The appeal gained momentum after the appellants formed an issue-oriented songand-dance troupe that presented the “Right to Party” argument directly to school children with such numbers as “Fight for the Successful Appeal of Parents of New York vs. Loin Fruit” and “State-Licensing of the Act of Illing is a Reasonable Compromise.” The New York Court of Appeals ruled in the 1986 case Diamond, Yauch, Horovitz vs. Moms, Pops that children did indeed have the right to party, and enjoyed the freedom to invite unclean people into the family Children were eligible home, throw pies inside the house at one another to receive state-issued and at their mothers, and, according to the majority opinion, were “granted by birthright the licenses to ill, and successive generations have freely liberty to make a large goddamned racket.” enjoyed the right to party However, once the right-to-party movement since then in every state of disbanded and let its guard down following its the union, until Tuesday. courtroom victory, the pissed-off-parent movement quietly regrouped, and its appeal slowly wound its way virtually unnoticed onto the docket of the United States Supreme Court, which this year agreed to hear Neal & Nancy Diamond, Brian & Barbara Yauch, Stanley & Hilda Horovitz vs. Loin Fruit. The parents’ appeal hinged on an argument that the verbiage granting the right to party was too vague to be reasonably interpreted and enforced by each individual state, and that the “right to party” did not imply the “right to party hard,” which is strictly forbidden by federal statute. Most Supreme Court justices agreed, stating in the majority opinion written by Clarence Thomas that children “have been partying, and partying hard, like it is a Godgiven right, when in fact it was granted, in error, by a state appeals court in 1986.” Court watchers believe the justices were swayed by the strong Constitutional arguments made by the attorneys arguing on behalf of the parents, as well as the lack of passion evident in the melancholy and restrained oral argument made by the elderly and infirm lawyer arguing pro bono in defense of the right to party. “We got too lax and complacent, and we did not put up a fight to defend our right,” said one supporter of state-sanctioned partying. “And now we cannot party.” Unwilling to admit defeat, the original defendants claim they will launch another public awareness campaign, traveling first to Asheville, North Carolina, where they have booked the Civic Center for tonight’s presentation of a new musical, “Fight for the Right to Vote in Statewide Referendums to Restore the Right to Party.”

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

I just read on Facebook that you’re moving.

Ok bye.

Yep, hitting the road. Going on tour. Don’t know if I’ll be back this way again—

The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/ Contributing this week: Michele Scheve, Cary Goff, Tom Scheve

Why is my “friend request” still pending? Ok bye.


where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina C lubland rules •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Wed., June 10

Oso, Pierce & Silas

Open Mic

Open mic at the Shed w/ Parker Brooks

Boiler Room

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Waynesville Water’n Hole

Mount Dungeon

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Funk jam featuring local artists

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar


Jack Of The Wood Pub

White Horse

‘80s Night

Old Time Jam, 6pm

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Decades Restaurant & Bar

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Celtic & Blues Tuesdays w/ 6:30 Irish session

Simplified (rock)

Caribbean Cowboys

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Orange Peel

Thu., June 11

Bookjaw (anti-authoritarian vocals & drums)

Emerald Lounge


Back Room

Five Fifty Three

Reggae Resurrection Firestorm Cafe and Books

The Swingaholics (dance lessons at 8pm, band at 8:30 pm)

Celtic & eclectic jam

Rocket Club

Frankie Bones

Galictifunk (disco, funk, house & DJs)

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

Scandals Nightclub

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Latin dance

Bill Callahan (singer/songwriter) w/ Lights

Town Pump

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Open Mic w/ David Bryan

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

The Beastie Boys (rap)

Lance Mills Band (roots, country)

Steve Wolrab & guests (jazz, guitar)

Beacon Pub

Frankie Bones

Live music

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

Blu Lounge

Miriam Allen (folk, Americana)

Patrick Fitzsimons (finger-style guitar)

Garage at Biltmore

BoBo Gallery

“Dead Night” w/ Phuncle Sam

Pig: A litererary journal benefit w. musical guests

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern


Vincenzo’s Bistro

Jettison Never, Hollowpoint, Klustafuk (experimental rock)

Open mic

The Veronicas w/ Pretty Reckless & Carney

Marc Keller (variety)

Courtyard Gallery

BoBo Gallery

Hookah Joe’s


Open mic w/ Jarrett Leone

eVerY sundaY & WednesdaY

Pool TournamenT

ThursdaY, June 11 Free!

Dash Vara

WorlD Funk Fusion saTurdaY, June 13 $5

sTereoFiDelics inDie Jazz-rock

ThursdaY, June 18 Free!

Fri. Chuck Brodsky 9pm 6/12 & Bothwell Campaign Kick-Off


Sat. 6/13

The Devil Makes Three & Woody Pines 9pm

Sun. 6/14

Firecracker Jazz Band & Hokum’s Heroes 8pm

Fri. 6/19

saTurdaY, June 20 $5

Sat. 6/20


The sPace heaTers

Bill Callahan w/ Lights 9pm

thur. Fiction Family 6/11 w/Sara Watkins 8pm

silVer Dagger

Martin CD Release

Inner Visions w/ Reggae Infinity & more Free Show! 9pm

Lucero w/ Tim Barry (Avail)

- Tues. -

Blues Jam


Featuring the

Westville All Stars hosted by Mars

sMoke-Free Pub • Pool & darTs 777 Haywood Road • 225-wPUB (9782)

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

thurSDAY, June 11

Dave turner & valorie Miller Rock / Pop / Indie

FriDAY, June 12

taylor Martin Gritty Blues

SAturDAY, June 13


Texas Blues & Guitar Legend weDneSDAYS!

open MiC night


piCkin’ at the puMp


$1 Beer

Open SunDAYS nOOn- MiDnight MOn. - weD. 3pM - MiDnight thurS. - SAt. 3pM - 2AM

- Fri. -

Trivia Night with Prizes 9pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

8:30 pmw/ David Bryan open acoustic Bluegrass Jam

olD-Time ‘20’s sTyle-sWing

- Mon. -

Fiction Family (modern-rock) w/ Sara Watkins

Boiler Room

Hump day dance party

Wed. Taylor 6/17 8:30pm


Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe


Wed. 6/10

French Broad Brewery Tasting

Johnny Blackwell (folk-rock, bluegrass)

Open mic

7:30 OPEN MIC hosted by Scott Stewart

Emerald Lounge

The Fab Family, Tony Wain & the Payne, Peter Stubb

Acoustic Soul

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and


Ballroom Dancing with Roger Buckner

Wild Wing Cafe

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Back Room

Decades Restaurant & Bar


232-5800 185 Clingman Ave.

135 Cherry St. BlaCk Mountain, nC

MySpaCe.CoM/townpuMptavernllC • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009



=H7D: H;#EF;D?D= 675 Merrimon Ave • Asheville, NC


'- 7=7?D 1pm & 4pm


IWjkhZWo" @kd[ ') 8;79> F7HJO 8?A?D? 9EDJ;IJ


Come join us for great drink specials, music & dancing! Mon. - Sat. 6 pm - 2 am • Sun. 8 pm - 2 am 252-2456 • 14 College St. • Asheville, NC (Next to Tupelo Honey)

IKDI>?D; 9B;7D?D= 7pm & 10pm $3 Admission • Movie Line 254-1281

Delivery or Carry Out until 11pm • 254-5339

Join us at both locations for our

LUNCH BUFFET M-F 11-3pm • Now open Sundays! Pizza, salad, baked potatoes and more! Asheville Brewing Company 77 Coxe Ave. Downtown Asheville


Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Decades Restaurant & Bar

The Still

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Locomotive Pie (originals & blues)

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Shaggin’ w/ Darin Kohler and & the Asheville Kats

Bluegrass Jam, 9:30pm

Dock’s Restaurant

Live music w/ singer-songwriters

Lobster Trap

Town Pump

Hank Bones

Randy Galloway (Southern rock) & open mic jam


Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Belly dancing Mike’s Tavern

Shift Nashwa

Throwback Thursday w/ 80’s & 90’s music Orange Peel

X w/ Steve Soto and the Twisted Hearts Pisgah Brewing Company

Cary Fridley and Down South (honky-tonk) Purple Onion Cafe

Jef Chandler & friends (singer/songwriter) Razcal’s

Mark Keller (singer/songwriter) Rocket Club

The WIYOS Soul Infusion Tea House and Bistro

Singer-songwriter showcase

Jake Gardner (singer/songwriter) Town Pump

DaveTurner w/ Valorie Miller (singer/songwriters) Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Benefit show feat: Jazz The Ripper, 6-9pm Peggy Ratusz’s Invitational Blues Jam

Westville Pub

Dash Vara (world funk fusion) Wild Wing Cafe

Burlesque Show

June 16th

Funk Record Spin Night w/ DJ Rob

June 19th

If You Wannas w/The Slacks & Special Guests All shows at 9:30 pm unless noted 77b Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC 828-258-1550 • Check out our music online! 60

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Mr. Invisible, Sonmi Suite, Nigel One, Moving Temple Firestorm Cafe and Books

Brother Fatback (Gypsy blues) Five Fifty Three

Michael Collins w/ Jeff Starnes (jazz duo) Fred’s Speakeasy

The Hundred Hands (psychedelic, rock) & guests French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Dave Desmelik (Americana) Garage at Biltmore

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

DJ Lady C & Tonell (West Coast house & East Coast breaks)

June 12th

Emerald Lounge

Temptations Martini Bar

Waynesville Water’n Hole

No Cover

Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm

Scott Raines

Stir Fry Cafe

Live music w/ Aaron Laflace (singer/songwriter)

The Screaming Jays

Eleven on Grove

Vibe: Deaf Judges, Tavo, Pegasus - XL, Quiet Entertainer w/ Spoken Nerd, Underground Unheard

Vincenzo’s Bistro

June 10th

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Crocodile Smile Zuma Coffee

Thursday night bluegrass jam

Chuck Brodsky (musical storyteller) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Wrong Way (Sublime tribute) w/ Burning Nova Hangar

The Sharkadelics (classic rock, metal) Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

The Space Heaters (swing) Jerusalem Garden

Belly dancing w/ live music Lobster Trap

Woody Wood Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Burlesque Show

Fri., June 12

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Back Room

BBQ (of King Kahn and BBQ show) w/ Spaceweed & Mocknbird

Big Daddy Love (jam, roots) Blu Lounge

Dance mix w/ local DJ’s Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Acoustic Swing Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm BoBo Gallery

Josh spins (of Earthtone Fame) Boiler Room

Theronasaurus Rex, The Wax Poets, East North (indie-rock) Chaser’s Nitelife

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band Club Hairspray

Mr. & Miss Hairspray Club Xcapades

Live music

Orange Peel

Metal Showcase feat: Kings Of Prussia, Lecivius & As Sick As Us Picnics

John Paskoff (roots music) Pisgah Brewing Company

Sirius.B (folk, funk) w/ A Gypsy & A Jew Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Razcal’s

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Taylor Martin The Free Flow Band (funk, soul) Vaso de Vino Wine Bar & Market

Rob Murdock (jazz) Vincenzo’s Bistro

Bobby Sullivan (piano) Waynesville Water’n Hole

Kontagus (rock) White Horse

Dana and Susan Robinson (singer/songwriters) Wild Wing Cafe


Sat., June 13 Athena’s Club

Beach party w/ music & dancing Back Room

Marvin King and the Blues Revival (blues) Beacon Pub

Now You See Them (quirk folk) Blu Lounge

Music w/ Lady DJ Christian M. Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Locomotive Pie (originals & blues) Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm BoBo Gallery

Donny Hue and the Colors Boiler Room

As Sick As Us, Convalescence, Machines of Sin and Sorrow, Burnstich (heavy metal) Chaser’s Nitelife

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band College St. Pub

Blue Jay Way (blues, folk, rock) Decades Restaurant & Bar

Rotating guest bands Dock’s Restaurant

Half Naked (acoustic rock) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Emerald Lounge

Jeff Markham & The Last Call, Pierce Edens & The Dirty Work and Sandra Compagna French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Cary Fridley and Down South (Appalachian honky-tonk blues) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

The Devil Makes Three (American blues) w/ Woody Pines Grove Park Inn Great Hall

West Sound (r&b)

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Red Room at Temptations


DJ Spivey Rocket Club

Outshyne and River Country (honky tonk) w/ County Line

Forty Furies & Gift Horse


The Encouraging Cup

Live music

Friendship Praise and Fair Warning

Havana Restaurant

clubdirectory Complete clubland directory: Questions or errors? E-mail ( Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 251-5505 The Back Room (OSO) 697-6828 Barley’s Tap Room (SH) 255-0504 Beacon Pub 686-5943 Blue Mountain Pizza (OSO) 658-8777 Blue Lounge 650-5198 Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center 693-0087 BoBo Gallery (OSO) 254-3426 Broadway’s (SA) 285-0400 Caffiend 24 hr coffee 505-2098 Calypso II (SA) 277-6490 Chaser’s (SA) 684-3780 Club Hairspray (SA) 258-2027 College St. Pub (SA) 232-0809 Courtyard Gallery 273-3332 Cypress Cellar (ISS) 698-1005 Decades Restaurant & Bar 254-0555

Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dock’s Restaurant 883-4447 ED Boudreaux’s Bayou BBQ (SH) 296-0100 Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar 252-2711 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge (OSO) 232- 4372 The Encouraging Cup 329-8210 Feed & Seed + Jamas Acoustic 216-3492 Firestorm Cafe (OSO) 255-8115 Five Fifty Three 631-3810 Frankie Bones 274-7111 Fred’s Speakeasy (SA) 281-0920 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 The Garage 505-2663 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern (OSO) 232-5800


Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn 252-2711 Guadalupe Cafe 586-9877 The Handlebar (864)233-6173 The Hangar (SA) 684-1213 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Headlights 400-0382 Hookah Joe’s 252-1522 Infusions 665-2161 Iron Horse Station 622-0022 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 Magnolia’s Raw Bar (ISS) 251-5211 Mela 225-8880 Mike’s Tavern 281-3096 Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill (SH) 258-1550 The Monte (SA) 669-2119 Nashwa 252-2001

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe 225-6445 The Orange Peel (OSO) 225-5851 Picnics 258-2858 PJ’s Coffee & Wine Bar 274-3444 Panther’s Paw 696-0810 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-2491 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993 Razcal’s 277-7117 Rocket Club 505-2494 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Ruby’s BBQ Shack 299-3511 Sadie’s Seafood 505-3364 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Shovelhead Saloon (SA) 669-9541 Soul Infusion Tea House & Bistro (OSO) 586-1717 Steak & Wine 505-3362

Stella Blue 236-2424 The Still 683-5913 Stir Fry Cafe 505-4934 The Red Room at Temptations (SA) 252-0775 Temptations Martini Bar (SA) 252-0775 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Town Pump (SA) 669-4808 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues (SA) 254-7072 Vaso de Vino Wine Bar & Market 687-3838 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 The Watershed 669-0777 Waynesville Water’n Hole 456-4750 Westville Pub (OSO) 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe (SA) 253-3066 Xcapades 258-9652 Zambra 232-1060


The Space Heaters Hot Club Jazz & Swing


Joshua Singleton Say ‘Yes’ to Soulful Vocals/Roots Rock & Americana


OSO: outdoor/patio smoking only • SH: smoking hours, call clubs for specfics • ISS: indoor smoking section • SA: smoking allowed


Ahora Si (salsa, jazz, tropical)

Live music w/ singer-songwriters

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Town Pump

Irish session, 5pm Tom Waits time, late

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm


Lobster Trap

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Chris Rhodes

Joshua Singleton (roots rock)

Ms Jones and The Velvetones

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Jerusalem Garden

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Ahleuchatistas (punk, jazz) & Upsilon Acrux

Belly dancing w/ live music

Live music w/ Tom Coppola

Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge

Lobster Trap

Waynesville Water’n Hole

“Vinyl at the Vault” w/ DJ Chris

Hank Bones

Ginny McFee

Rocket Club

Mike’s Tavern

Westville Pub

Sunday jazz jam

The Ringing Cedars

StereoFidelics (indie jazz-rock)

Scandals Nightclub

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

White Horse

DJ Dance Party & Cabaret Show

Sirius.B (folk, funk) w/ The Falcon Lords

Stephanie’s Id (indie-pop)

Town Pump

Orange Peel

Wild Wing Cafe

Pickin’ at the Pump, open acoustic jam

ABSfest Burlesque & Sideshow Festival

Urban Sophisticates

Vincenzo’s Bistro


Sun., June 14

The Aaron Ratliff Duo (acoustic) Purple Onion Cafe

The Near Misses (all-female trio) Razcal’s

The Chuck Beattie Band (blues) Rocket Club

The Funk Messengers w/ Melodious Culture Scandals Nightclub

DJ Dance Party & Cabaret Show Stella Blue

The Dig w/ Cashmere Blackout (indie) Stir Fry Cafe

Live music w/ DJ Moto The Encouraging Cup

Fair Warning Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Barley’s Taproom

The Youngers

CD Produced by John Carter Cash Eclectic Country Rock SATURDAY • JUNE 20

Jeff & Vida Country Sweet Rockabilly

Johnny Blackwell (variety, covers)

Mon., June 15

One Leg Up (gypsy jazz)

BoBo Gallery

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Moira Scar & Ventricles

John Cook

Emerald Lounge

BoBo Gallery

Deep Soul Monday

Ruby Ruby Ruse

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Contra dance

Firecracker Jazz Band (jazz) & Hokum’s Heroes

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm

The Two Guitars of Yasmin & Lou, 10am12:30pm Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm

Guadalupe Cafe

Hookah Joe’s

Open mic night

Belly dance w/ live music


Jack Of The Wood Pub

The Oxymorons (improv comedy), 8 pm

Chad Hallyburton (jazz guitar), 7-9pm Hangar

EvEry Monday

Wacky Wing Night - 25¢ Wings & $2 Draft


Sound Extreme Karaoke 8pm Wacky Wing Night - 25¢ Wings & $2 Draft


$4 Kamakazees | $2.75 Import Bottles


Sound Extreme Karaoke 8pm $5 Long Island Teas | $3.50 23oz Domestic Draught


saTurday - 5/23

Aaron LaFalce Acoustic Jam @ 8pm $5 Redbull Bombs | $3 Local Highland Beer • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Rocket Club

Iron Horse Station

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Asheville Jazz Orchestra (swing, jazz)

Open mic w/ Yorky

Open mic

Stir Fry Cafe

Lobster Trap

BoBo Gallery

Wayne and the Old #7 (Southern rock)

Jeoffrey Weeks (piano)

Bobo, Fancie

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Marc Keller & Company (variety)

Funk record spin night w/ DJ Rob

Boiler Room

Westville Pub


Open mic w/ Scott Stewart 7:30pm Apres OM, 11pm


Tue., June 16

Tomato Tuesday comedy open mic

Back Room

Band Of Horses w/ Arbouretum

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe Orange Peel

Eric Congdon (blues, rock)


Barley’s Taproom

Motown classics w/ The Mixx

Rib Tips

Temptations Martini Bar

Beacon Pub

Open mic w/ Pierce Edens

Open mic

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Blu Lounge

Open mic w/ Earl Clarence, Dick Frost & more

Chuck Lichtenberger presents “An Evening of Jazz” with special guests

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Luke Malone

Live music w/ Tom Coppola

BoBo Gallery

Cabinet of Curiosities, Son Cats, Map meeting Eleven on Grove


Live music w/ Robert Greer Westville Pub

Swing dance w/ Blue Heaven

Blues Jam w/ Mars Fariss

Emerald Lounge

Ashevegas All-Stars presents Tuesday Night Funk Jam Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

White Horse

Paco Shipp (blues) Wild Wing Cafe

Bluegrass & clogging + Late Night NTN Trivia

Wed., June 17


Pleasure Saucer w/ The Vortex Cabaret Broadway’s

‘80s Night Decades Restaurant & Bar

MONDAY Mack Kell’s Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Acoustic Soul


Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Zydeco Lesson & Dance 8-11pm

Decades Getaway’s (Eleven on Grove) Headlights • Mike’s Side Pocket W EDNESDAY

Emerald Lounge

Reggae Resurrection Firestorm Cafe and Books

Celtic & eclectic jam Frankie Bones

Beacon Pub • Fred’s Speakeasy The Hangar • Blu Lounge Norton’s Grill Temptations Martini Bar

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

T H URSDAY Chasers • Club Hairspray Infusions • Razcals

Garage at Biltmore

Mixed Bag Open Jam hosted by Michael Tao Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Taylor Martin CD release


Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Mack Kell’s Norton’s Grill

Hookah Joe’s

Open Mic

Guadalupe Cafe

Back Room

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Ian Moore’s Mountain Music Miscellany

Open mic

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

SATURDAY Club Hairspray • Infusions Norton’s Grill • The Still SUNDAY College St. Pub Getaway’s (Eleven on Grove) The Hangar • Mack Kell’s Wing Cafe Jack Of The Wood Pub

Old Time Jam, 6pm Rocket Club

Galictifunk (disco, funk, house & DJs) Scandals Nightclub

Latin dance Town Pump

Open Mic w/ David Bryan Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

The Free Flow Band (funk, soul) Vincenzo’s Bistro

Marc Keller (variety)


$RINK 3PECIALS %6%29 .IGHT Mon-Sat 7pm-2am • Must Be 21 to Enter 828-258-9652 • 99 New Leicester Hwy. 3 Miles West of Downtown off Patton Ave.


Open mic at the Shed w/ Parker Brooks Waynesville Water’n Hole

Funk jam featuring local artists White Horse

Celtic & Blues Tuesdays w/ 6:30 Irish session Wild Wing Cafe

Caribbean Cowboys

Thu., June 18 Back Room


JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Packway Handle Band (bluegrass)

Jake Gardner (singer/songwriter)

Beacon Pub

Town Pump

Inner Visions w/ Reggae Infinity & more (free show)

Trees Leave

Vendetta Creme

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Blu Lounge

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Johnny Blackwell (folk-rock, bluegrass)

Peggy Ratusz’s Invitational Blues Jam

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Vincenzo’s Bistro


Mark Bumgarner

Live music w/ Aaron Laflace (singer/songwriter)

Ryan Cabrera (pop) w/ the Kin

BoBo Gallery

Waynesville Water’n Hole


The Space Heaters (vintage swing) Courtyard Gallery

DJ Lady C & Tonell (West Coast house & East Coast breaks)

Hookah Joe’s

Open mic w/ Jarrett Leone

Westville Pub

Summer Solstice 2009 w/ Discordian Society

Decades Restaurant & Bar

Silver Dagger (bluegrass)

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Ballroom Dancing with Roger Buckner

Wild Wing Cafe

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

The Sharkadelics (classic rock, metal)

The Plaids

Iron Horse Station

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Zuma Coffee

Twilight Broadcasters

Thursday night bluegrass jam

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Eleven on Grove

Fri., June 19

Iam Somnous, Somni Suite, Controlled Storms (electronica) Emerald Lounge

Subterranean Soundz w/ Jeff Bujak Five Fifty Three

Steve Wolrab & guests (jazz, guitar) Frankie Bones

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Matt Walsh (rockabilly) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Simplified (reggae rock) w/ The Watts Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Bluegrass Jam, 9:30pm Lobster Trap

Hank Bones Magnolia’s Raw Bar

A Social Funk-tion (party covers) Mela

Belly dancing Mike’s Tavern

Karl Southgate Nashwa

Throwback Thursday w/ 80’s & 90’s music New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Kings of Prussia, The Cast Pattern, Convalescence Orange Peel

Back Room

Wendy Jans (singer/songwriter, soul) Blu Lounge

Jerusalem Garden

Belly dancing w/ live music Mike’s Tavern

Dance mix w/ local DJ’s

Klusterfuk w/ Attractive Eighties Women and Full of Hell

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Acoustic Swing Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center

Americana Songwriters feat: Jonathan Byrd, Doug & Telisha Williams & Danny Schmidt

If U Wannas w/ The Slacks Nashwa

Summer SOULstice 2009 w/ Discordian Society & BoomBox New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

BoBo Gallery

Soft Opening w/ The N.E.C., Double Dagger and Abby Go Go

Prison Books benefit

Orange Peel

Boiler Room

Godspell (musical)

Telic, Beards and Bats, Machines of Sin and Sorrow (metal)

Pisgah Brewing Company

Chaser’s Nitelife

Purple Onion Cafe

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band Club Xcapades

Live music Decades Restaurant & Bar

Shaggin’ w/ Darin Kohler and & the Asheville Kats Dock’s Restaurant

Gone Again: Southern rock jam feat. Billy Berger & Tommy Moneymaker Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm

Cowboy Mouth (New Orleans rock) w/ The Elmwood Band

Emerald Lounge

Pisgah Brewing Company

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Soul Night w/ Cardeli

The Youngers (roots, rock)

Zach Deputy

Actual Proof Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Razcal’s

Buster (originals, classic rock covers) Red Room at Temptations

DJ Spivey Rocket Club

Custard Pie (Zeppelin tribute) Root Bar No. 1

Peace Jones (flutes, funk)

WNC’s all-new upscale adult club & sports lounge Newly Renovated 5 Feature Entertainers Now on Staff NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS SERVICE INDUSTRY NIGHTS MONDAY - THURSDAY

Stir Fry Cafe

Chalwa (reggae) The Still

Nc63 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump

Ian Thomas (singer/songwriter, acoustic)

WEDNESDAYS $1.50 Domestics all night THIRSTY THURSDAYS When the Tourists are away, this is where the locals play... $2 Domestics & More

Darren Deicide & Jared Thomas Lord (roots rock, dark country)

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Beaucoup Blue (blues)

Five Fifty Three

Vaso de Vino Wine Bar & Market

(Stop by or call to inquire)


Michael Collins w/ Jeff Starnes (jazz duo)

Rob Murdock (jazz)

Mark Keller (singer/songwriter)


French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Rocket Club

Lyndsay Wojcik (soul)

Bobby Sullivan (piano)

Project Loungecore

Garage at Biltmore

Waynesville Water’n Hole

Soul Infusion Tea House and Bistro

The Randall Bramlett Band

Josh Fields Band (Southern rock)

Singer-songwriter showcase


White Horse

Stella Blue

Toubab Krewe (Afro-beat, rock)

Lance Mills CD release party w/ Red June


Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Wild Wing Cafe

Purple Onion Cafe

Temptations Martini Bar

The Levi Douglas Blues Band (Texas blues)

Stone Cold Fox



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Sunday - $3 Wells Monday - $5 Painkillers Tuesday - $2.50 Pints Wednesday $4 Rums - 19 Varieties! Thursday $3 Import/Micro Bottles Sun-Thurs 4-6pm $2 off Appetizers Kitchen Open for Dinner & Late Night with Lunch Friday & Saturday Smoke-free ‘til 10pm

87 Patton Ave. 828-255-TIKI • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


01&/ %":4 '3&& 1"3,*/(






The Closet @ Nashwa

Hot Male Dancers!

Karaoke w/Sound extreme $1000 Prize Miss Hairspray Pageant $35 Entry Fee Show Night

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LIVE MUSIC 3 pm - 2 am

Listen to Bad Ash & Thur. 06/11

entertainment writers

every Sunday on

Fri. 06/12 Sat. 06/13 Sat. 06/20

Kriegsmarine Band Beats @ the Beacon

Ladies Night Dance Party

Now You See Them The Davids • 828-686-0006 204 Whitson Ave., Swannanoa

Sat., June 20

Nikki Talley (acoustic, rock, indie)

Back Room

Garage at Biltmore

Hudson K (indie, folk)

Sandia w/ Wayfarers All

Beacon Pub

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

The Davids (quirk rock)

Lucero (alt-country, punk) w/ Tim Barry

Blu Lounge

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Music w/ Lady DJ Christian M. Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Patrick Fitzsimons Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm Boiler Room

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Modern Day Slave (metal, rock)

Havana Restaurant


Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Ahora Si (salsa, jazz, tropical)

Faster Detail, Sugar Gang High & Akhenaten

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Chaser’s Nitelife

Jerusalem Garden

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band

Belly dancing w/ live music

Decades Restaurant & Bar

Mike’s Tavern

Horace Lomax and the Hell Horseeees

Dock’s Restaurant

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Randy Galloway (Southern rock) & open mic jam


Paleface w/ Ian Thomas

DJ Mark Farina w/ guest DJs Mingle, Brett Rock, Selector Cleofus, Daniel Thomas, Nigel One, VJ Megan McKissack and more TBA Live music w/ DJ Moto

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump

George Terry & The Zealots Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Gashouse Mouse (blues, dance) Live music w/ Tom Coppola Waynesville Water’n Hole

Faigen Westville Pub

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Summer SOULstice 2009 w/ The Afromotive, The New Familiars, Jen and the Juice, The Trainwreks

Eleven on Grove

Orange Peel

Asheville Black Ball 4-9pm

Godspell (musical)

Emerald Lounge

Purple Onion Cafe Razcal’s

Stella Blue

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Rotating guest bands

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

DJ Dance Party & Cabaret Show

Paulson and Guest Rap Niters

Live music

Foul Mouth Jerk and Topper

Scandals Nightclub

The Encouraging Cup


Bill Noonan Band

Chocolate City Comedy Tour

Stir Fry Cafe


Hellblinkie Sextet, Zombie Bazooka Patrol, Cutthraot Shamrock (psycho cabaret)

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Rocket Club

The Space Heaters (20s style swing) White Horse

Summer Solstice Celebration w/ Skinny Legs & All Wild Wing Cafe

Gary Pfaff & the Heartwells

Bobby Sullivan Trio

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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •


theaterlistings Friday, JUNE 12 - Thursday, JUNE 18

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.


movie reviews and listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ is the maximum rating

additional reviews by justin souther • contact


Please call the info line for updated showtimes. n


Director: Ramin Bahrani (Chop Shop) Players: Souleymane Sy Savane, Red West, Diana Franco Galindo, Lane “Roc” Williams, Mamadou Lam

Rated R

The Story: An odd friendship grows between a cab driver from Senegal and an elderly man, centering on the older man’s offer of $1,000 to be driven to Blowing Rock, N.C., on a certain date. The Lowdown: A warm and extremely human character study that never becomes clichéd or trite, and which will linger in the mind long after its final shot fades from view. Roger Ebert has called Winston-Salem’s Ramin Bahrani “the new great American director,” and after seeing his remarkable Goodbye, Solo, I’d at least consider the case. Once I’ve seen Bahrani’s other two features — Man Push Cart (2005) and Chop Shop (2007) — I might well go further than that. The truth is that Goodbye Solo is that good, and Bahrani may well be what Ebert claims. Perhaps because of the North Carolina connection, Bahrani’s name is often linked with David Gordon Green, but that’s deceptive. Though the two do share a tendency toward an unfussy, classical filmmaking style, there’s not much else to connect them. In fact, Bahrani seems to be the filmmaker we only like to believe Green is. Viewers who are increasingly put off by the current state of independent filmmaking — which threatens to become, in some cases has become, every bit as formulaic as the mainstream filmmaking it’s supposedly reacting to — are apt to be surprised by Goodbye Solo. There are virtually none of the indie tropes we’ve come to expect. For starters, it seems that Bahrani and his cinematographer, Michael Simmonds, actually know what a tripod is and aren’t afraid to use one. You’ll find very little handheld camera here and no shaky-cam. The most notable handheld camera in the film comes near the very end and serves to actually enhance the shots. Also blessedly absent is any sense of forced qurkiness. What you have instead is a filmmaker working on a budget doing his damndest to make his film look as professional as possible. Bahrani’s more formal approach to filmmaking technique does not, however, mean that he is by any means boring or even terribly traditional. Goodbye Solo, for example, has no setup. It opens in the middle of a scene — a conversation between a Winston-Salem

Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)

Dance Flick (PG-13) 1:00, 3:15, 5:40, 7:45, 10:00 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (PG-13) 1:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:55 Land of the Lost (PG-13) 12:30, 1:00, 2:55, 3:25, 5:20, 5:50, 7:45, 8:15, 10:10 Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian (PG) 12:45, 1:45, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 7:15, 8:10, 9:40 Over the Hedge (PG) Tue only 10:00 a.m. The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (R) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40, Late show Fri only 12:05 Terminator: Salvation (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:35 Up 3-D (PG) 12:15, 12:45, 2:40, 3:10, 5:05, 7:30, 8:00, 9:55

Goodbye Solo


Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

17 Again (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00 Sunshine Cleaning (R) 7:00, 10:00

Red West and Souleymane Sy Savane prove unlikely friends in Ramin Bahrani’s penetrating and moving character study, Goodbye Solo, which was filmed in WinstonSalem and Blowing Rock, N.C. cab driver, Solo (Souleymane Sy Savane), and his far-from-talkative fare, William (Red West). The two men are a study in contrasts. Solo is open, friendly and inquisitive. (His character has been likened to Sally Hawkins’ Poppy from last year’s Happy-Go-Lucky and the comparison is not inapt.) We quickly get a sense of the man and his background as a Senegalese immigrant in search of the American dream and a chance to belong. William, on the other hand, is much older and speaks only when necessary. He keeps to himself and isn’t looking for a friend of any kind — or so it appears. But William does want something. He offers Solo $1,000 to drive him to Blowing Rock on Oct. 20. What he doesn’t want is to answer any questions as to the purpose of the trip, though Solo’s guesses apparently hit home when he jokes, “You aren’t going to jump off, are you?” Considering William’s demeanor, the fact that he doesn’t answer the question, and that there’s been no mention of a return trip, it’s not hard to conclude that this is indeed his plan. Intrigued and troubled by the idea, Solo sets himself up as William’s personal driver, though it’s unclear as to whether he plans to try to talk the man out of his one-way trip or if he has a plan of any kind. It’s equally unclear if Solo even understands what he’s attempting himself, but it’s apparently in his nature to want to help his fellow man in some way. In lesser hands, this would quickly turn into a kind of odd-couple affair, but that’s not happening here. A friendship — complex

and largely inarticulate — does result, but it’s nothing like what you would probably expect. There’s no real opening up from William, and most of what Solo — and the viewer — learn about the man is pieced together in the manner of a detective story. Similarly, we — who have a slightly different vantage point than Solo — soon realize that William gives far more of himself away in his gruffness than in his rare moments of warmth. There are parallel scenes of Solo watching William outside a movie theater and William watching Solo through a kitchen window that serve to reveal the interest of each man in the other far better than most of the dialogue scenes. I won’t give away where all this is going or the events that take it there, because mere description will give nothing of the flavor of the complexity of emotions conveyed on the screen — nor will it hint at the impact and resonance of the film’s moments of discovery. I’ll merely say that this brilliant, frequently nearly perfect character piece is a lot like its own description of Blowing Rock as a place where things fly up toward heaven. In other words, see this incredible little movie. You’ll realize you’re in the presence of something very special. Rated R for language. — reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre.

The Hangover


Director: Todd Phillips (School for Scoundrels) Players: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis,


Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 (274-9500)


Cinebarre (665-7776)

The Hangover (R) 12:15, 3:10, 6:00, 8:35, 11:00 Land of the Lost (PG-13) 11:55, 2:45, 6:15, 8:45, 11:20 Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian (PG) 11:50, 3:00, 6:05, 8:50, 11:15 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (R) 12:00, 2:50, 6:10, 8:40, 11:10 Up (PG) 11:40, 2:55, 5:45, 8:20, 10:40 n

Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200)

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (PG) 1:00, 7:00 Up (PG) 11:00, 4:00, 9:15 n

Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146)


Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536)

Goodbye Solo (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:10 Lymelife (R) 4:20, 7:20 Sugar (R) 1:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 n

Flatrock Cinema (697-2463)

Up (PG) 2:00 (Sat-Sun, Wed), 4:30, 7:00 n

Four Seasons of Hendersonville (693-8989)


Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298)


United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

Angels & Demons (PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 7:00, 10:05 Drag Me to Hell (PG-13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 8:00, 10:25 The Hangover (R) 11:50, 12:20, 2:15, 2:45, 4:40, 5:10, 7:20, 7:50, 9:45, 10:15 Imagine That (PG) 11:45, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 My Life in Ruins (PG-13) 11:55, 2:25, 4:45, 7:40, 9:55 Star Trek (PG-13) 12:10, 3:15, 7:10, 10:00 For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Justin Bartha, Heather Graham

nowplaying Angels & Demons

Everlasting Moments

Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer, Stellan Skarsgård, Armin Mueller-Stahl Thriller Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon has but hours to prevent Vatican City from being blown up by some stolen antimatter. An utterly ridiculous story decked out in the ripest of melodrama that makes for a good time at the movies — if you don’t take it too seriously. Rated PG-13

Maria Heiskanen, Mikael Persbrandt, Jesper Christensen, Emil Jensen, Ghita Nørby Period Drama A look at an early 20th-century working-class Swedish family and the mother who finds her artistic calling in photography. Stunning to look at and with surprising cumulative power, this is a film that will reward those who can go with its deliberate pacing. Rated NR


Brick#4 1/2


Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Nora Zehetner, Lukas Haas, Noah Fleiss, Matt O’Leary, Richard Roundtree High-School Noir Mystery/ Thriller A high-school loner investigates a drug ring and the murder of his ex-girlfriend. A clever — and not inapt — transposition of a hardboiled detective story to a modernday high-school setting. Rewarding and entertaining — not to mention strikingly unusual. Rated R

The Brothers Bloom


Adrien Brody, Rachel Weisz, Mark Ruffalo, Rinko Kikuchi, Robbie Coltrane, Maximilian Schell Dark Comedy/Romance/Drama Two con men take on a wealthy eccentric woman for their “one last swindle.” Brilliantly quirky comedy and surprisingly deep characters and themes blend together in one of the year’s most nearly perfect entertainments. Rated PG-13

Dance Flick


Shosana Bush, Damon Wayans Jr., Essence Atkins, Affion Crockett Dance-Movie Spoof The Wayans Brothers parody dance movies. The Wayans Brothers parody dance movies. Rated PG-13

Drag Me to Hell


Alison Lohman, Justin Long, Lorna Raver, Dileep Rao, David Paymer, Adriana Barraza Prepackaged Cult Horror When a loan officer refuses an old gypsy an extension on her mortgage, the bank employee finds herself on the business end of a most unpleasant curse. A wild, goofy ride of cheesy horror that’s undeniably clever and fun, but not convincingly scary. Rated PG-13



Goodbye Solo


Comedy character study of suburbia that benefits from strong performances, but suffers from being too much a “more of the same” affair. Rated R

My Life in Ruins


Nia Vardalos, Richard Dreyfuss, Alexis Georgoulis, Alistair McGowan, Harland Williams, Ian Ogilvy Pasteurized-Process RomanticComedy Cheese Food An American tour guide working in Greece reclaims her life on what she thinks will be her final tour. Sappy, soppy, unbelievably predictable and mechanical, but not quite unwatchable. Rated PG-13

Souleymane Sy Savane, Red West, Diana Franco Galindo, Lane “Roc” Williams, Mamadou Lam Drama An odd friendship grows Night at the Museum: between a cab driver from Senegal Battle of the and an elderly man, centering on the older man’s offer of $1,000 to be Smithsonian driven to Blowing Rock, N.C., on a certain date. A warm and extremely Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Hank Azaria, Owen human character study that never Wilson, Steve Coogan, Robin Williams, Bill becomes clichéd or trite, and which Hader will linger in the mind long after its High-Concept Comedy More fanfinal shot fades from view. Rated R tasy high jinks with historical figures coming to life in a museum — only The Hangover on a larger scale. An annoying comedy that constantly mistakes frenzy Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, and caricature for humor — and one Justin Bartha, Heather Graham that will undoubtedly make a forComedy After a night of bach- tune in the bargain. Rated PG elor partying in Las Vegas, a group of friends must track down their Star Trek missing friend, the bachelor, the day before his wedding. A R-rated raunch Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, fest that’s never as funny or offensive Eric Bana, Bruce Greenwood, Karl Urban as it thinks it is, but also never as Science Fiction The origins of the obnoxious as it could be, due to the Star Trek series are reinvented in strength of its cast. Rated R this reboot of the franchise. A big, entertaining, occasionally exciting Land of the Lost summer movie containing everything that implies — including flaws Will Ferrell, Danny McBride, Anna Friel, — and one iconic performer giving it Jorma Taccone, John Boylan, Matt Lauer a depth outside itself. Rated PG-13 TV Knockoff Sci-Fi Comedy The laughingstock of the scientific world Sugar travels to an alternate world in order to prove himself and his theories. An Algenis Perez Soto, Rayniel Rufino, Andre appallingly unfunny and surprisingHolland, Ann Whitney, Helen Higgins ly lewd comedy based on a kiddie Sports Drama A young Dominican TV show. Rated PG-13 comes to America to play professional baseball. The rarest of sports movLymelife ies: one that exchanges trite uplift in favor of a humane, sweet-tempered Alec Baldwin, Kieran Culkin, Rory Culkin, examination of its characters. Rated Jill Hennessy, Emma Roberts, Timothy R Hutton Suburban Angst Drama A look Sunshine Cleaning at two dysfunctional middle-class families on Long Island in the late Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin, Jason 1970s. An occasionally penetrating Spevack, Clifton Collins Jr., Mary Lynn







JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •


Rajskub, Steve Zahn Comedy/Drama A pair of sisters go into business for themselves cleaning up crime scenes. Though marketed as a quirky black comedy, Sunshine Cleaning is actually much more: a warm, human and pretty wonderful character piece, with two brilliant actresses and a strong supporting cast. Rated R

Terminator Salvation


Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Moon Bloodgood, Helena Bonham Carter Sci-Fi Action John Connor fights robots in what remains of the world after nuclear devastation. It’s dreary. It takes itself way too seriously. It’s kind of like Children of Men (2006) with the brain removed. Rated PG13



(Voices) Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, Bob Peterson, Delroy Lindo Animated Fantasy/Adventure Faced with being sent to a retirement home, the 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen — a former balloon vendor at a zoo — ties an unbelievable number of balloons to his house and floats away in search of an obscure part of South America that he and his wife always planned to see. An altogether remarkable — and remarkably moving — film that’s on the very short list of best of 2009. Rated PG

X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, Will i Am, Lynn Collins, Taylor Kitsch Sci-Fi Comic-Book Action The story of how — more or less — Wolverine came to be, with a glimpse of the beginnings of the XMen. Hampered by a script that’s constrained by predestination, XMen Origins: Wolverine is nonetheless entertaining nonsense that’s nice to look at. Rated PG-13

Rated R

The Story: After a night of bachelor partying in Las Vegas, a group of friends must track down their missing friend, the bachelor, the day before his wedding. The Lowdown: A R-rated raunch fest that’s never as funny or offensive as it thinks it is, but also never as obnoxious as it could be, due to the strength of its cast. I went to see The Hangover not knowing what to expect. On one hand, it was directed by Todd Phillips, the man who brought the world such cinematic delights as Old School (2003) and School for Scoundrels (2006). The simple fact that this man has shoved both Will Ferrell and Jon Heder onto the public at large is enough to consider utilizing some type of medieval torture device on him. Preferably something rusty. On the other hand, The Hangover’s early reviews were surprisingly positive, enough so that it made me somewhat hopeful. A good comedy? In this day and age? Is it possible? What I soon found out is that The Hangover’s not as bad as its pedigree and not as good as some might lead you to believe. Sure, the movie is in the same vein as a lot of modern comedies, peopled with a bunch of immature, vulgar louts in all types of crude Rrated gross-out situations that, in theory, are uproariously hilarious. Usually they’re not, and in the case of The Hangover, they’re never more than chuckle-worthy. But where most movies of this ilk just turn plain old obnoxious, Phillips’ film somehow never quite goes there, and you can thank the cast for that. The setup is simple, with three guys — Phil (Bradley Cooper, Midnight Meat Train), a sleazy school teacher in a loveless marriage; Stu (Ed Helms, TV’s The Office), a dentist in a suffocating relationship; and the imbecilic, awkward Alan (Zach Galifianakis, What Happens in Vegas) — taking their friend Doug (Justin Bartha, National Treasure) to Vegas for his bachelor party. Problems arise when the trio wakes up in an inexplicably and unbelievably trashed hotel room with absolutely no memory of the previous night and Doug nowhere to be found. From here, the movie becomes a kind of whodunit (even if the outcome isn’t all that amazing), as the three attempt to track down Doug

before his wedding, getting into more and more improbable, farcical situations, from being attacked by a nude Asian man with a tire iron (Ken Jeong, Role Models) to returning Mike Tyson’s stolen tiger. Maybe it’s simply that we’re not dealing with yet another comedy starring Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler or Seth Rogen. In and of themselves, the film’s overgrown frat boys are rarely likable. Phil is a cad who scams field-trip money from his elementaryschool students. Stu is whiney and spineless, and Alan is downright weird. But Cooper, Helms and Galifianakis somehow, bizarrely, make them relatable. At the very least, their characters are tolerable. There’s no self-satisfied mugging, no look-at-how-funny-I-am moments, and no one’s out to steal the show. The interaction between the three is what makes the movie work within its own limited means. This, of course, does not guarantee mirth, something that’s too often missing here. The surprising and preposterous situations the guys get themselves into are never that surprising or preposterous, and the smut is never all that smutty. This is a movie where the apex of comedic genius is the mere sight of a naked elderly man, where Mike Epps is in the film for a whole five minutes and gets the movie’s best line. No, The Hangover is never the laff riot it set out to be, but the simple truth that it turned out bearable is an achievement in itself. Rated R for pervasive language, sexual content, including nudity, and some drug material. — reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.

Land of the Lost


Director: Brad Silberling (Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events) Players: Will Ferrell, Danny McBride, Anna Friel, Jorma Taccone, John Boylan, Matt Lauer

TV Knockoff Sci-Fi Comedy

The Story: The laughingstock of the scientific world travels to an alternate world in order to prove himself and his theories. The Lowdown: An appallingly unfunny and surprisingly lewd comedy based on a kiddie TV show. I’ve been puzzling over the existence of the probable target audience for the abomination known as Land of the Lost for several days now. Well, not nonstop, mind you, but on and off. I mean, really, who is the demographic? The movie is too raunchy for younger kids and too stupid for anyone else. The ideal viewer would be, I guess, a 5-year-old who still thinks dinosaurs and urine jokes are cool, but realizes they pale in comparison with breasts, gropings and the prospect of hot Will Ferrellon-ape-man action. Blessedly, this last never quite comes to fruition on-screen (but no, that doesn’t mean you’re spared the obligatory Will Ferrell-takes-off-his-shirt scene). Most of this isn’t really a personal concern for me, but parents not wishing to have to explain why Danny McBride offers Ferrell money to French kiss the ape-man might want to consider another entertainment option. Actually, anyone looking for entertainment of any kind would be well advised to seek it elsewhere. There’s precious little amusement to be had here. Land of the Lost was originally a kiddie TV show from intrepid showmen Sid and Marty

black mountain docs Women of Black Mountain College Film Screenings


Directors: Richard Kane, Melody Lewis-Kane, Robert Snyder, Sedat Parkay Players: M.C. Richards, Ruth Asawa, Josef Albers, Anni Albers


Open 7 Days

12 noon - 11 pm

Rated PG-13

Rated NR

Three films have been grouped for this special screening centering on women who attended Black Mountain College. Two of the films — M.C. Richards: The Fire Within and Josef and Anni Albers: Art Is Everywhere — have been screened here before. (Reviews for both can be found on the Xpress movie archives online at http://www. Added to the mix this round is Robert Snyder’s film Ruth Asawa: Of Forms & Growth, which looks at the art and life of the San Francisco artist who attended Black Mountain College from 1946 through 1949. Asawa’s work — primarily wire sculpture — was much influenced by her time at the school. Her artistic credo was: “If you plant a seed in the ground, the seed doesn’t say, well, in eight hours I’m going to stop growing. You put it in the ground and that bulb grows every second that it’s attached to the earth. That’s why I think that every minute we’re attached to the earth, we should be doing something” — which explains her outlook on both life and art, and offers Snyder plenty of opportunities to give us a rounded portrait of Asawa. — reviewed by Ken Hanke Women of Black Mountain College Film Screenings: Three documentary films will be presented by Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and the Fine Arts Theatre at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 11, at the Fine Arts Theatre.

ORBIT DVD West Asheville 783½ Haywood Rd. • 251-1337

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Buncombe County

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will hold the above Citizens Informational Workshop on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm in the cafeteria of Candler Elementary School, located at 121 Candler School Road, Candler, 28715. NCDOT proposes to convert a grade separation to an interchange between Liberty Road (SR 1228) and I-40. NCDOT also proposes to construct a two-lane road on new location, connecting Liberty Road and Dogwood Road. The purposes of the project are to provide access to I-40, to reduce pressure on local roads and to improve access for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Right of way is scheduled for 2013, with construction anticipated to begin in 2015. Citizens are invited to speak individually with NCDOT officials and to review the project area map. Aerial mapping denoting the project area will be displayed. Comments and suggestions received will be considered during the planning process. There will be no formal presentation. For more information, contact Elmo Vance at (919) 733-7844 ext. 263; fax (919) 733-9794 or email: Citizens may also write, referencing Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project number I-4759, to: Elmo Vance, NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis, 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1548. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this workshop. Anyone requiring special services should contact Mr. Vance as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


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Krofft (who are credited as producers here). These are the guys that gave the world such Saturday morning TV fare as The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (1968), H.R. Pufnstuf (1969) and The Bugaloos (1970), among other things. Owing to the fact that people are seemingly fascinated by their childhoods various and sundry, there are doubtless those who have fond memories of the Krofft’s cheesy efforts. (I know slightly older folks who — with the aid of certain substances — found their output surrealistic.) So now we’re subjected to the $100 million Will Ferrellized postmodern big-screen version of one of their shows (the Kroffts’ entire oeuvre could not have cost that much). I don’t know about anyone else, but this failed to make my “Gee, I’d like to see it” list. If you must know, the film concerns Dr. Rick Marshall (Ferrell), a disgraced scientist whose sole admirer, Holly Cantrell (Anna Friel, TV’s Pushing Daisies), encourages him to reclaim his dignity by following through on his theory of finding fossil fuels through time warps. (She might as well, since her admiration for Marshall has gotten her booted out of academia, too.) For reasons that frankly don’t matter, the duo — joined by crummy roadside-attraction owner Will Stanton (McBride) — end up in some alternate world with apemen, dinosaurs, lizard-men and a collection of peculiar (mostly 20th century) earthly artifacts. Mirth, adventure and lots of CGI are supposed to ensue — at least the CGI actually does, meaning we get to see Ferrell chased by

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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

a T. rex (no, not Marc Bolan) he has insulted. This is understandable to the viewer, who would probably like to chase Ferrell for much the same reason. It all works out in the end, of course — especially for moviegoers who went to see something else. Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual content, and for language, including a drug reference. — reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15.



Director: Derrick Martini Players: Alec Baldwin, Kieran Culkin, Rory Culkin, Jill Hennessy, Emma Roberts, Timothy Hutton

Suburban Angst Drama Rated R The Story: A look at two dysfunctional middle-class families on Long Island in the late 1970s. The Lowdown: An occasionally penetrating character study of suburbia that benefits from strong performances, but suffers from being too much a “more of the same” affair. Perhaps because it’s less airless than the suburban angst dramas of Sam Mendes and less smug than similar movies like Little Children (2006) and We Don’t Live Here Anymore (2004), I’m almost inclined to give Derrick Martini’s debut feature Lymelife extra points — almost. Then too, there are a couple of truly sublime moments that make the film stand apart (catch the shot of Jill Hennessy standing by the car with her umbrella, backed by the tacky house and the train passing behind it). But they’re just that: moments. And they’re moments in an often pretty sloppy movie, and this is made stranger — and sloppier — still since the film is supposedly drawn from the lives of Derrick Martini and his brother (and co-scripter) Steven. The film makes a big fuss over the older Bartlett brother, Jimmy (Kieran Culkin), going off to war — in 1979. What war is that? There’s some mystifying talk about the Falkland Islands, but the Falkland War was a

few years off and didn’t involve the United States in any case. So what on earth are the Martini brothers going on about? And if they can get something this simple this wrong, I’m not altogether certain how much stock to place in their powers of observation in other areas. How much should I trust their take on suburban malaise on Long Island in 1979? The story focuses on two families: the Bartletts and the Braggs. The Bartletts consist of Mickey (Alec Baldwin), his wife Brenda (Jill Hennessy, Wild Hogs) and their sons, Scott (Rory Culkin) and Jimmy (Kieran Culkin). The Braggs are comprised of Charlie (Timothy Hutton), his wife Melissa (Cynthia Nixon, Sex and the City) and their daughter, Adrianna (Emma Roberts, Hotel for Dogs). The Bartletts are more or less in the ascendant, owing to Mickey’s success at real-estate development, while the Braggs are in a less comfortable position, since Charlie has contracted Lyme disease. The families’ lives, however, cross in several ways — not in the least because compulsive womanizer Mickey is having an affair with Melissa. At the same time, Adrianna and Scott are possibly on their way to being more than friends. Those are the dynamics of the situation, and they certainly offer opportunity for a good deal of drama of the kind generally associated with this kind of film — most of which is explored in more or less the same way this material usually is. However, there are also notable moments of dark humor that serve to make the characters more human and accessible than in many such cases. The acting has much to do with this, especially from Jill Hennessy and Emma Roberts. Hennessy holds the film in place, truly breathing life into what could have been a fairly stock “wronged wife” role. She’s smart enough to know her own imperfections and the part they’ve played in bringing her marriage to the state it’s in. On the other hand, Emma Roberts truly gives the film its heart in a performance that shrewdly combines both the expected precocity of the “worldly” teen and the suggestion that this is in part a pose to shield her from the grimmer aspects of her life. She’s also the only person in the

startingfriday GOODBYE SOLO

See review in “Cranky Hanke.”


It’s Eddie Murphy in family-friendly mode, which is at least less obnoxious than Eddie Murphy in Norbit mode. This time Eddie’s a financial advisor (uh-huh), whose spiraling career gets a sudden boost when his daughter’s drawings of an imaginary world start giving him clues as to the financial future. Sounds original, no? And guess what? It hasn’t been screened for critics. Imagine that! (PG)


Tony Scott is back with one of his action thrillers. This one stars Denzel Washington as the good guy and John Travolta as the bad guy. It concerns Travolta holding a subway train for ransom and insisting on issuing his demands through dispatcher Washington. If it sounds familiar, that’s because this is a remake of 1974’s The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (already remade as a TV movie called The Taking of Pelham One Two Three in 1998). The difference? Well, the cast is different, and note the change to Arabic numerals in the title. Who says creativity is dead? And like the week’s other big opener, this hasn’t been shown to critics. (R)

film — aside from Charlie himself — who can see the dark humor in some aspects of his plight, and realizes that he sometimes milks his presumed mental instability to behave outrageously without consequence. All of this, of course, is used to a greater purpose in allegorical terms as a portrait of the tension that lies just beneath the surface of these “everyday” ordinary lives — a tension that must inevitably erupt. Some of this works, some of it doesn’t. The ending is one of the instances where it does, but you’ll have to see the film to find out what I mean by that. The problem, though, is that, apart from the somewhat surprising ending, Lymelife doesn’t bring much new insight to bear on the topic of the horrors of suburban existence. That it manages to do anything at all with the material without resorting to condescension and caricature is noteworthy, but whether that’s enough to warrant your time is a separate question. Rated R for language, some sexual content, violence and drug use. — reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Fine Arts Theatre.

My Life in Ruins#2 1/2


Director: Donald Petrie (Just My Luck) Players: Nia Vardalos, Richard Dreyfuss, Alexis Georgoulis, Alistair McGowan, Harland Williams, Ian Ogilvy

Pasteurized-Process Romantic-Comedy Cheese Food Rated PG-13

world cinema The Tenant#5



Director: Roman Polanski Players: Roman Polanski, Isabelle Adjani, Melvyn Douglas, Shelley Winters

New Patients 1/2 Off

Horror Rated R About 30 years ago I had an interesting conversation with a Frenchman who insisted that while Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby (1969) was perfectly believable, his The Tenant (1976) was simply preposterous. The reason behind this was simple: “Well, things like that happen in New York, you know, but in Paris this just isn’t possible.” Personally, I have some reservations about the son of Satan being born in the Dakota Apartment building on a regular basis, but the attitude of the Frenchman actually does much to make The Tenant more believable rather than less. Though the story of an immigrant (Polanski) being driven insane as he gradually transforms into the previous tenant of his overpriced Parisian apartment has a certain affinity to Polanski’s earlier film Repulsion (1965), the core of The Tenant is about the casual persecution of a foreigner in a strange land for no other reason than the fact that he is a foreigner. More, it’s about the immigrant’s own perception of what’s being “done to him,” since it may not be being done at all, and exists only in the darkest recesses of his own mind. Whatever the case, The Tenant gets my vote as the most disturbing film Polanski has ever made. Despite the technical drawbacks inherent in international casting (some of the voice dubbing is very bad), the film is among Polanski’s best works — with a creepiness that seeps right into your bones and never lets up. His nightmare vision of the apartment building as an almost living and completely malevolent entity remains unmatched by anyone in its astonishing hallucinatory horrors. Indeed, I can’t think of another film filled with so many truly unsettling images. — reviewed by Ken Hanke The Tenant, part of a series of Classic Cinema From Around the World, will be presented at 8 p.m. Friday, June 12, at Courtyard Gallery, 9 Walnut St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 2733332.

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Tune In to Cranky Hanke’s Movie Reviews

5:30 pm Fridays on Matt Mittan’s Take a Stand.

The Story: An American tour guide working in Greece reclaims her life on what she thinks removed her from gainful employment, and is flirted with, and everyone will learn to will be her final tour. so she has descended to working as a guide

dance thanks to Zorba the Greek (1964), which

admission hit bottom. She’s lousy at her job (tourists aren’t actually interested in history lessons, you see). She always gets the worst tourists. (This means we’ll be treated to a collection of clichéd types who will either make you split your sides with their zany antics or touch your heart with their basic goodness — and sometimes both in a bid for inducing diabetic comas in the audience.) Worse, her most recent application for a teaching job back in the States has met with rejection and she’s been saddled with Pangloss’ very hairy, creepy and taciturn driver Poupi (Greek actor Alexis Georgoulis). Yes, Poupi is pronounced exactly as you think. Better still, his last name is Caca. And if you’re rolling in the aisle now, just wait till you find out he has a nephew named Doudi Caca. Yes, it’s that kind of movie. The tour commences. Georgia prattles on about her lack of a sex life to Poupi, because she thinks he doesn’t understand English. Guess how that works out. The painful “life of the party” old man, Irv (Richard Dreyfuss), has a secret sorrow and a good heart. Well, everyone has a good heart except for nasty rival tour guide Nico (Brit TV actor Alistair McGowan). And of course, Poupi isn’t really creepy at all — merely tall, dark and hirsute, as well as soon besotted with Georgia. Life lessons are learned, love is found, love is refound, friends are made, quasi-tragedy

Mexican-born actor (Anthony Quinn) in a film produced by 20th Century Fox is somehow less ironic than just about right for a movie like this. Rated PG-13 for sexual content. — reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.

The Lowdown: Sappy, soppy, unbeliev- for Pangloss Tours (should Voltaire sue?). appears to play nonstop on Greek TV. That ably predictable and mechanical, but not As the movie opens, Georgia has by her own they should learn Greek dancing from a quite unwatchable. Nia Vardalos returns to flash her teeth at us in My Life in Ruins. Considering that the pun of its title — referring to both the main character’s emotional state and her locale in Greece — is probably the cleverest thing about the movie, you may well need to know nothing else. Rarely has such an undisguised compendium of clichés cluttered up the screen. It’s like neither Vardalos, nor director Donald Petrie, nor former Simpsons scribe Mike Reiss can be bothered to dress any of this up to disguise its utterly derivative nature. The truth is they probably weren’t bothered, because they felt they didn’t need to be. This isn’t a movie; this is a commodity. The whole point is that it’s all so comforting and familiar that you’re supposed to have been programmed to like it for those very reasons. And there’s a chance that you very well might. I can’t say I hated it myself. I was never bored by it, though that may have in part been simple fascination at the way it kept doing exactly what I thought it would at every single turn — which verges on a kind of genius one rarely encounters. Even the most hackneyed screenplay usually manages at least one minor variation, if only by accident. Not so here. Here’s the story. Georgia (Vardalos) came to Greece as a teacher, but budget cuts



Directors: Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck (Half Nelson) Players: Algenis Perez Soto, Rayniel Rufino, Andre Holland, Ann Whitney, Helen Higgins

Sports Drama Rated R The Story: A young Dominican comes to America to play professional baseball. The Lowdown: The rarest of sports movies: one that exchanges trite uplift in favor of a humane, sweet-tempered examination of its characters. Anyone going into Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s Sugar expecting just another uplifting sports tale isn’t going to find it here. Sure, the story of a young pitcher named Miguel “Sugar” Santos (newcomer Algenis Perez Soto) leaving the poverty of his home in the Dominican Republic for a shot at playing professional baseball in the United States is ripe for yet another schmaltzy underdog story. And as easy as it would’ve been for Boden • JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009



hendersonville film society Strangers on a Train


Director: Alfred Hitchcock Players: Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock





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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Rated NR

Perhaps none of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1950s films is quite as intense as Strangers on a Train (1951). There are arguably better films from that period, but none are more effective at generating the atmosphere that gained Hitchcock the title of the Master of Suspense. The story is certainly a classic one (even serving as the premise for Danny DeVito’s Throw Momma from the Train (1987)). Two men meet by chance on a train where one of them puts forth an idea for the perfect pair of murders. Supposing that Bruno Anthony (Robert Walker) committed a murder that would benefit Guy Haines (Farley Granger) in a manner that afforded Guy an airtight alibi, then Guy could do the same for him. Since the victims would have no connection of any kind to their killers, the likelihood of them being caught would be slim. That’s the crux of the story, but it doesn’t take into account the fact that Bruno is quite capable of agreeing to the proposal, while feigning his part of the bargain and then expecting Guy to carry out his end of the deal. In many ways, it’s a typical Hitchcock work — one that plays off the director’s own fears of being accused of a crime that he didn’t commit. But it’s a little more than that, because there’s a strange subtext to it all. Bruno seems as much interested in “picking up� Guy as he is in involving him in his murderous scheme — something that becomes even more pronounced in the British cut of the film, which the Hendersonville Film Society is screening (the additional footage underscores the character’s homosexuality). There seems more at stake here than the murders, giving the film an undercurrent of unusual power. Intriguingly — and perhaps accidentally, since Hitchcock really wanted neither actor for the parts — the casting goes against type. Farley Granger, who is gay, plays the straight man, while Robert Walker, who was straight, plays the gay role. Was Hitchcock playing with our perceptions of gay and straight or was it merely a coincidence? You decide. — reviewed by Ken Hanke The Hendersonville Film Society will show Strangers on a Train at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 14, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and park in the lot on the left.)

and Fleck (Half Nelson) to trek into that territory, they never do, making a movie that’s not so much about baseball as it is about the people who play it, creating what can best be described as a sports movie that speaks to people who don’t care about sports. A lot of this stems in the way the makers appear to genuinely care about the characters they’re documenting. This isn’t a cast of meathead jocks. No, the ballplayers on-screen are people with actual emotions, concerns and interests, Sugar himself being a prime example. Sugar is a pitcher with a nasty curveball. Baseball — and the chance to play professionally in the U.S. — is his one and only opportunity of escaping the poverty of the Dominican Republic and a life stuck working in sweatshops making T-shirts or selling cell-phone chargers. But beyond the personal pressure to make it, there are also his dreams of making a better life for his entire family, which depend on Sugar’s arm. It’s not until Sugar gets sent to Iowa to play minor league ball that the difficulty of his goals become apparent. The constant pressure to perform at a high level is part of it, but there’s also the language barrier and the isolation Sugar soon feels from his inability to really connect with anyone. From here,

the movie could have been about Sugar’s determination to overcome all obstacles, to persevere etc. Instead, the film avoids the simple inspirational route, opting for a more personal view as an alternative. The movie becomes not about sports or motivational proselytizing, but rather about the importance of finding where you fit in the world and doing what’s right for yourself. The ending isn’t the obvious one — or necessarily the happiest one — but it’s the most fitting, and, at least for Sugar, the most hopeful. Sure, Boden and Fleck’s stylistic method is never more than utilitarian. And their more realistic approach never devolves into the nitty-gritty or the grim that’s often pawned off as significant in the indie world. Sugar is a movie with a sense of humor that wears its humanity on its sleeve. Its small, intimate scope won’t change the way you look at film. But it is a worthy little film, filled with realistic, relatable characters, something that’s all too rare during summer blockbuster season. Rated R for language, some sexuality and brief drug use. — reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Fine Arts Theatre.


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Vehicles, Pets, Musicians, Roommates, Sale Items, Yard Sales (20 word limit, individuals only) Go toďŹ eds

3 MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN. Completely remodeled 2BR, 1BA 1925 bungalow in Woodfin. Nearly everything new and looking beautiful! Nice neighborhood. $147K. 828-582-4583. $130,000! • BUNGALOW West Asheville. Rare 3BR, 2BA. Updated kitchen and baths. • Large level fenced yard w/country feeling. Call (828) 275-2598 for details. Mary@

Real Estate

Open House

$162,900 • OPEN SUNDAYS 1pm-5pm. 163 Appalachian Way, West Asheville. Charming 3BR, 2BA home, built in 2000. Park in back for one level living. Tastefully remodeled. New stainless appliances. Central air. Covered front porch. Fenced backyard and Mount Pisgah view. Quiet neighborhood near I-40. Photos and directions: (828) 274-5059.

1PM-5PM • THIS SUNDAY! Village on Haywood, mixeduse Healthy Built development in heart of West Asheville. Only 1 residential unit left in the $140,000’s. I240W to exit 2, Right on Haywood. Village will be on right, about 1 mile. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663.

OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2-5P.M 141 Shelburne Road, West Asheville’s sustainable village community. 15 homes (1,005-1,476 sqft) surround a shared courtyard. Built with the latest green technology for healthy living and reduced utilities. $214,000 $289,000. 828-337-8190

$165,000 - $275,000. West Asheville (3BR), Fletcher (3BR), Kenilworth (3-4BR), Oakley (3BR). Sale, rent, lease w/option, or trade. Possible owner financing with large down payment. Nice neighborhoods! 828-216-4885

Homes For Sale

$105,000 • MADISON/BUNCOMBE LINE Sweet log home. 1BR plus bonus room. Private 1 acre setting. Owner will finance. MLS#431826. • Clark: (828) 649-1001. Marshall & Madison Real Estate.

$119,000 • NC/TENNESSEE BORDER Mountain cabin on 4.67 acres +/-. Custom pine cabinets, hardwood living room. Pasture and woods. • Possible additional homesite w/mountain views. Close to National forests. • A day hike of 19 miles from Hot Springs on the Appalachian Trail. Outbuildings w/power, RV hookup. Realtor/broker. Call Sylvia: (828) 319-9651.

$197,600 • EAST ASHEVILLE 2BR, 2BA Bungalow with fresh paint, lots of natural light, covered porch, fenced backyard, detached garage. On the bus line. Minutes from shopping, Parkway, VA. MLS#434927. Call (828) 255-7530.

$198,000 • WATCHING THE RIVER RUN This 2BR, 1BA cottage on 1+ private acres features a screened porch overlooking the French Broad River, beautiful landscaping, woodfloors, new tile, lovely trim work, and built-in bookcases. Walk to downtown Marshall. Call (828) 255-7530. 10,000 HOMES • 1 ADDRESS! Search virtually all MLS listings. Visit

$236,000 • HOME AND EXTRA LOT • Adorable 2BR, 1BA. Walk to hospitals, schools, restaurants and shops. Quiet street, driveway. Cute home, remodeled last year (1,253 sqft), with a spacious office or 3rd BR. New stainless steel appliances, refinished hardwoods and new interior paint. Updated electrical and plumbing, new tile, ceiling fans, bathroom fixtures. Working fireplace-new damper. New oil furnace. Great yard with shed, basement, new wood privacy fence. Next to a flat lot surveyed and checked for all utilities. New homes and plans in the neighborhood are increasing property value and making a very nice community! BETTER WAY TO SELL! America/Asheville’s #1 FSBO Website with MLS, deluxe for Maximum global exposure! Best listing value WNC, Low Flat Fee listing, Save THOU$AND$! (828) 350-1995. Asheville

$295,000 • NORTH ASHEVILLE COTTAGE Charming 2BR, 1BA with hardwood floors, new kitchen, stainless appliances, heated workshop in basement. Fenced, double lot. MLS#437482. Call (828) 255-7530.

$314,000 • WEST ASHEVILLE • Renovated 2006, 1920’s charm: quiet, classic family friendly walkable street/neighborhood. • New kitchen. • New roof, central AC, gas furnace, water heater. 3BR, updated 2 baths. • 1600 sqft w/600 sqft basement, garage. • Private 0.28 acre: fenced, new deck. (828) 423-8902.

$369,900 • CAROLINA LANE Eclectic residential freestanding building w/studio and work space. Tin ceilings, abundant light, 1296 sqft on main level plus full basement. The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663.

$89,900 • PRICE REDUCED! • COTTAGE near Nature Center/VA Hospital. Renovated 1BR, 1BA, bonus room, wood floors, beadboard walls, treetop view. Owner pays closing costs! Vickie Regala 828423-1349, 828-687-1083, Kraft Professional Realty

1000’s OF ASHEVILLE HOMES! On our “New� user friendly property search. New features include Google Mapping and Popular Neighborhood searches. Check it out at

3BR, 2.5BA • Plus Bonus Room. Located 5 minutes from downtown Asheville. Sale price $369K or Rent $1,750/month. Will consider Rent To Own. 678-358-4903.

BEAUTIFUL, GREEN HOME IN CHARMING BLACK MOUNTAIN. 1,236 sqft, 2BR, 2BA, + loft/office. Open floor plan, custom built-ins, bamboo/ slate floors, ENERGY STAR appliances, cherry cabinets, efficient wood-stove, spacious covered porch, + lots of extras. $226,000. 828-777-9337. myblackmtnhome

COMPACT COTTAGE COMPANY • Small “greenâ€?built buildings usable for an enormous variety of practical applications, such as: Sleep, Work, Mother-in-law storage, Poker, Karaoke, Be in the doghouse in. From $15K30K., 828-254-5450.

FIND OUT WHY! Folks are calling City Real Estate for exploring the art or finding your home. Sales and Rentals handled professionally and efficiently. We help you find “Views From All Angles�. (828) 210-2222.

FIXER UPPER BUNGALOW • One mile from Biltmore, 1350 sq.ft., 3BR, eat in kitchen, new plumbing and electrical, 11000 sq.ft. corner lot. Hardwood floors, wrap around porch. Additional 5200 sq.ft. level city lot available. $137,500. 828-582-7198.

NEW GREEN HOME IN WEST ASHEVILLE • $296,500 Including solar in-floor heating, non-toxic materials. 4BR, 2BA. Walk to great shops, dining, yoga, and more. Enjoy healthy lifestyle and reduced utilities! 828-337-8190

GET YOUR $8000 TAX CREDIT HERE! • Oakley. Walk to school, library, public transit. Energy Star. New 3BR, 2.5BA homes feature hardwood floors on main level, front porches, rear patios, and community green space. From $179K. 828-545-5411.

WALK TO DOWNTOWN • 1700 sq.ft., 4BR, 2.5BA, hardwood floors, new kitchen, deck, sun room, $212,000. 828-582-7198. CLINGMAN LOFTS

IDEAL HOME/BUSINESS Near Asheville Chamber of Commerce. Comes with billboard signage and plenty of on-site parking; yet can be separated for home use also. Wonderful condition. • Save on home rent and office rent. • 2,300 sqft at $2,300/month. Contact Doug: (828) 777-6746.


• JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Lakeview Park-$825,000 Classic 1920’s Georgian. Wait til you see the inside!! Lake & mountain view. Steps to the lake. Call Riva for the details, 252-5897 or 215-8372.

Lakeview Park-$459,000 Classic 1920’s bungalow 3BR, 1 1/2BA meticulously restored. Great lake & mnt views w/lots of windows to see them. Charm of an era gone by. Brick F/P, 10 ft ceilings, arched entry, hd/wd floors, new ss kitch, large soaking tub, veranda off master. Feel worlds away, 2 min to lake & 5 min to downtown. Call Riva MLS# 439445


Lakeview Park-$450,000 1930’s 3BR, 2BA brick gem w/jaw dropping lake & mnt views in idyllic N Avl neighborhood. Open & sunny floor plan. Original details & lots of charm. hd/wd floors, 10ft ceilings built ins, arched entry, exposed brick, 2 F/P & screen porch. Excellent condition w/great landscaping. Your creativity needed for a kitchen re-do. 2 min to lake & 5 mins to downtown. Feel like you’re on Vacation 24/7! Call Riva MLS# 441062

Arden-$269,900 New Arts & Crafts 3BR,1 1/2BA Magnificent w/ open & bright layout. No expence spared, hi-end all the way. Exotic hd/wd fls, F/P, ss & granite kitchen, baths too.Cathedral & 10 ft celings. Rooms adjoin covered porch. Recessed lighting even outside! Dual zoned heat, security syst, 2 car garage. Excellent school dist. Home sits on peaceful lane. Offered at $56,000 below recent appraisal. What A Deal !! Call Riva MLS# 439758



RIVA GORDON REALTY • 14 UPLAND ROAD • ASHEVILLE, NC • 828-252-5897 • 828-215-8373 • Mobile Homes For Sale

MARS HILL 2BR, 2BA, vinyl/shingle, 1997 Oakwood. Exterior in very good condition. Interior needs a lot of work. $7,750. 828-273-9545.

Home Services

Lawn & Garden

Condos For Sale

2008 FLEETWOOD MOBILE HOME, 14’x48’ New 2BR, 1BA, on private lot also for sale. Nice yard, front and back porch. West Asheville. $57,000. Owner financing available. Make offer! Call 828-280-0806.

$135,000 • CLINGMAN AVENUE Between Downtown and the River Arts District. New 1BR, 1BA urban condo. Parking, storage, private balcony. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663. $239,000 • Downtown Asheville’s best buy on 2BR, 2BA condo. Completely furnished ready to move in tomorrow. Granite tops, W/D, parking, roof top patio. Gymowner. 251-543-6400.

$495,000 • DOWNTOWN • AMAZING VIEWS 2BR, 2BA top floor condo in the Piedmont Building. Many windows, concrete island with geode inlay. Hardwoods, gas fireplace, elevator. MLS#435275. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663,

DOWNTOWN KRESS BUILDING Custom Condo in the historic Kress Building. 2 PINs, adjoining spiral staircase. Original maple floors, private balconies, high ceilings. $545,000, lease/purchase also available for $1800/month. MLS#423787. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663.

GAIA, A SUSTAINABLE VILLAGE in West Asheville, $214,000 - $289,000, including solar in-floor heating, non-toxic materials, organic community garden, greenway to park and creek. Enjoy healthy lifestyle, community, and reduced utilities! 828-337-8190

79,*0:065 EARTHWORKS

LEXINGTON STATION Downtown condos, garage parking, wood floors, private balconies, stainless appliances, fitness center. 3BR penthouse: $499,000, 2BR, 2BA: $299,900. The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663. LUXURY DOWNTOWN CONDOS • 60 N. Market St. 2BR, 2BA. $659K • 1BR, 1.5BA $439K. New, wonderful amenities, must see. Bright Star Realty. 828-301-8033.

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JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

4403 MARBLE WAY • WEST ASHEVILLE 2BR, 2BA, 1,200 sqft. Gated community, clubhouse, workout room, pool, tennis. 15 minutes from Downtown Asheville. MLS#432310. $134,900. Lease/Purchase available. Justin, 828-273-7123. Boone Realty

ELK MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES • 2BR, 1.5BA Less than 4 miles from downtown Asheville and minutes from UNCA. $135,000 - $150,000. Own for as low as $719/monthincludes mortgages, taxes, and association fees. Guaranteed heating/cooling $16/month! Mike Vance, 828-254-4030, ext. 117.

LEXINGTON LOFTS NYCStyle lofts in Downtown. Ecofriendly, garage parking, exclusive residents’ club and fitness center, storage. Preconstruction prices from $336,000. The Real Estate Center (828) 255-4663.

WESTCOURT CONDOMINIUMS, an urban green community. Mixed use LEED building, 27 units from $119,000 to $259,000. Potential for $30,000 in deferred financing for qualifying incomes. Now accepting reservations, 828-337-8190

First time buyers receive up to $8000 tax credit when buying a home in 2009. • With rates at 40 year lows, there’s never been a better time to buy! All move-in ready 3BR, 2BA with many upgrades, $139,900. Mountain views, pet friendly, owner-occupied. Call Brickton Village today! Nitch Real Estate. (828) 654-9394 or

Land For Sale 1.36 ACRES • BEAVERDAM In desirable area of North Asheville. Already surveyed into 2 separate lots. Numerous possibilities. Upper lot, wooded w/possible views. Great location, close to all amenities. Minutes to UNCA and downtown. $120,000. Call (828) 2752598 for details, directions. Mary@ LOTS: • Leicester .57 acres, $24,000. • West Asheville .4 acres, $24,000, beautiful country lots, unimproved. • River Arts District. .07 acres, (no mobiles), $6,300. Owner financing available. Make offer! 280-0806

WEEDING Experienced gardener. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 828-251-9210. VINCENT’S LAWN CARE I mow and neatly trim lawns. Also: Fertilize • Prune • Leaf removal. • Quality work. • Dependable service since 1990. • Great references. • Free estimates. • Call Vincent, 253-3688.

Construction BASEMENT • ROOM ENHANCEMENT Create new space! • Finish carpentry • Bookcases • Cabinets • Moldings. Professional • (see Angie’s List). Call Multi Resources: (828) 442-3331. EMMONS CARPENTRY SERVICES 36 years experience. Renovations • Repairs • Decks • Window and Door Installations • Garages • Additions and more • Interior/Exterior Painting. • Quality workmanship. Excellent local references. Fully insured. • In Hendersonville. Free estimate: (828) 551-7976. Member BBB. www.emmonscarpentry

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RELIABLE REPAIRS! Quality work! All types maintenance/repair, indoor/outdoor. Excellent water leak detection/correction! 38 years experience! Responsible! Honest! Harmonious! References! Call Brad, you’ll be Glad! (828) 273-5271.

Commercial Listings

Commercial Property 18 ORANGE, DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE Across from Staples. 1,325 sqft, entire first floor, large kitchen/bath, $1,295/month, water and electric included. By appointment, 828-273-3765.

Kitchen & Bath ELK MOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES We specialize in • re-fitting Bathrooms and Kitchens and finishing Basements • adding Garages, Porches and • Sunrooms. • Professional education and experience. Call (828) 242-1950 or (for all our information):

Painting ACCENT PAINTING • We specialize in the residential market. Interior/exterior painting, deck finishing, concrete coatings, pressure washing. No VOC paint at no extra charge. Ask about our 30% discount. 828-318-1447. 1 DAY ROOM TRANSFORMATION Custom painting, decorative finishes, wallpaper installation/removal. • 15 years experience. • Meticulous • Timely • Reasonable. Heather, (828) 215-4365. Custom Home Interior Accents. PRESTON HOME SERVICES Historic Restoration, Painting and Carpentry. Craftsmanship Guaranteed. References and insured. Anthony Preston: (828) 367-1418.

Cleaning HOUSEKEEPER/PERSONAL ASSISTANT has an opening to work for you. Call (828) 216-4592 YOUR NATURAL CLEANING SOLUTION A superior clean at no cost to your health. Earth, kid, and pet friendly. (828) 582-0335

General Services GET RESULTS! “When we started advertising, we quickly determined that our best response was from our inexpensive ad in the Mountain Xpress Classifieds! Thanks for 10 years, Asheville.” Dale Mayberry, Mayberry Heating and Cooling, Inc. You too, can benefit from advertising in Mountain Xpress. Call today! (828) 251-1333. GREEN CARPENTER • 32 years experience. Maximize efficiency, minimize toxicity in your home. Add on, build new, modify, repair, add closet. Licensed, insured. Larry, 828-713-3294.

Handy Man HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 25 years professional experience, quality, reliability. References available. Free estimates. Insured. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

Business Rentals

Carpentry • Minor Electrical • Small Jobs • Repairs. • Call Greg: 230-1132 or 258-1107.


Education/ Tutoring TUTORING SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR GRADES 18 Reading/ writing skills taught by experienced teacher with Masters of Education. Reasonable rates. 828-251-9210.

Computer COMPUTER SERVICE AT YOUR DOORSTEP We Come To You! • PC and Mac • Slow computer? We’ll speed it up. • Repairs • Upgrades • Networking • Tutoring. Senior Citizen/Nonprofit Discounts. Call Christopher’s Computers, 828-670-9800. Member Better Business Bureau of WNC.

CENTRALLY LOCATED PROFESSIONAL OFFICE – 26 NORTH LIBERTY STREET Corner lot with off-street parking. 1918-built converted residence featuring 3,089 sqft + basement storage. Configured with private offices, conference room and reception area. Separate entrance to upper floor provides opportunity for apartment or second office. $649,000. Call Russ Towers, Lewis Real Estate 828-274-2479. COMMERCIAL FOR SALE • North Asheville, 3000+ sqft auto repair shop in great condition on corner location, $295,000. • West Asheville, 2 story office building on Patton Avenue w/3 units, $450,000. • Downtown, Patton Avenue, Leader Building 2nd floor, owner financing, $799,000. • Downtown, Coxe Avenue, newer building ground floor office/retail w/onsite parking, $349,000. • The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663.

2-ROOM OFFICE SPACE located on top floor of historic building in Downtown. $500/month. Deposit required. Parking and water provided. Contact 2531342. Brownstone Realty

AFFORDABLE • BRAND NEW! Be the first at Bent Creek Knoll on busy Brevard Road! Great space options and visibility with high traffic count. 1250 sqft, priced from $1200. Owner/broker. 215-9823. ARTIST STUDIO Near Biltmore Village. Live/work possible. $675/month. (828) 216-6066

COMMERCIAL SPACE Available Downtown Asheville. 1,060 sqft at $500/month; water included. Contact (828) 253-1342. Brownstone Realty DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE: For lease. Retail and office suites, 222 to 2,964 sqft. Very prominent locations. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024. GREAT COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE Available Main Street Weaverville. 1,030 sqft at $750/month. Contact (828) 253-1342. Brownstone Realty NICE SUBURBAN OFFICES South of Airport, Hwy 280. 4,400 sqft. freestanding building. Possible home office. Approximately $3,000/month. HENDERSONVILLE ROAD Close to Asheville. Deluxe suite of offices, 260, 1,000, 1,600 sqft. Ample parking. Cheap! 828-216-6066 OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Downtown Asheville, Sawyer Motor Building, 150 Hilliard Avenue. Approximately 800 sqft. $1,000/month. Laura, 258-0363 or 779-8458. PRIME, DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE, RETAIL SPACE Located in Historic Miles Building. New floors, fresh paint, new lights. Call (828) 242-5456. RIVER DISTRICT 6,000 sqft shell - artists; flexible uses. Owner will upfit for Class A office. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024.

Transportation PICKUP AND DELIVERY Power tailgate service. • 16’ trailer, loads up to 4000 lbs. • Will travel. Hauling autos, building supplies and more! • Also: Compact Backhoe service. Call Dale: 658-9145.

Business Health Insurance is a valuable defense against costly medical expenses. Looking for affordable Health Insurance? For a Free no obligation Quote visit or call Bruce at 828-775-2828.

Home HOUSE CLEANING • Quality care using non-toxic products. Honest, reliable, professional. Reasonable rates. By the job or by the hour. References. 828-667-5639.

DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE OFFICE • $462,000. Twostory, 2524 sqft traditional with historic charm! Woodfloors and trim, fireplace, front porch, trees. Offices, conference rooms, and restrooms on each floor. Zoned heat pumps, parking. MLS#426641. Call (828) 255-7530. DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE: For sale. Renovated 1,227 sqft office building. $259,900. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024.

LICENSED CNA-RESPITE CARE In-home services. Nutrition, wellness and weight loss coach. Carpentry, landscaping, painting, fixing. Call Michael, (828) 273-2377.

AVAILABLE • Prime retail space on downtown Broadway, less than 200 yards from Pack Square. $1250/month. 820 sq.ft. Call 575-640-6111. BE ON TUNNEL ROAD! High traffic count with great location and convenience to downtown and East Asheville. $650/month. Call (828) 215-2865 for showings. CLASSIC 50’s STYLE DINER For lease. Fully equipped. Ready to open. Frontage location. 100 seats + outdoor. Call (828) 238-7901.

Caregivers HOME HEALTH AIDE/ CAREGIVER with Alzheimer’s experience and hospice reference letter, nonsmoker, seeks live-in position. Call Arnold, (828) 273-2922.

ATTRACTIVE, 2,000 SQFT, DOWNTOWN OFFICE 55 Grove Street. 4 offices, break room, large reception area. $1,995/month. Practical and beautiful. (828) 253-9451

DOWNTOWN/CHARLOTTE ST • OFFICE ZONING $485,000. This 2 story has 3400+ sqft, large meeting rooms, kitchen, lounge, 8 offices, updated electric and HVAC, large deck, off-street parking. Many original architectural features remain. Owner/broker. MLS#426900. Call (828) 255-7530.

COMMERCIAL RENTALS • Downtown ground-level office/retail w/walking traffic, $1500/month. • Downtown Lexington Station offices from $700/month. • Downtown office suite above Tops for Shoes, $933/month. • Vermont Ave, 4 connected offices, kitchen, BA, full service $1000/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

SHARED CO-WORKING SPACE. • Stop working alone! Have meetings somewhere other than the local coffee shop. Locomotivity is a collaborative, creative, fun and professional shared work space for freelancers and small/micro business owners. Desks, wifi, parking, printer, coffee, conference room and comfortable furniture. Steps to Greenlife, the new Dripolator, and S. Lexington. Located at 224 Broadway. Pay daily or monthly. No commitment. Costs as low as $10/day. or


Apartments For Rent • 1/2 OFF FIRST MONTH RENT w/6-month lease. • 1/2 off 2 months rent w/12month lease. 635-1,265 sqft; $620-$860/month. Beautiful, mature landscaping. Quiet, residential, West Asheville neighborhood. EHO. 828-258-0623.

$325/MONTH CANTON; $450/MONTH CANDLER Nice, renovated 1BR apartments; minutes from downtown Asheville. No smoking; no pets. Call (828) 337-5447. 1 FREE MONTH! (w/contract) • Walk to everything downtown, live, work and play! • Studio: $545/month. • 1BR: $675/month. • 2BR: $695/month (reduced!). Water/heat included. Call 254-2029. APM. 1-2BR, 1-1.5BA, SOUTH, Skyland Heights,* 2nd month free*, $575-$675/month, 828-253-1517, 1-2BR, 1-2BA, ARDEN, Glen Beale, *2nd month free*, $585-$685/month, 828-253-1517, 1-2BR, 1BA, NORTH, 365 Weaverville, w/d hookups, $505-$595/month, 828-693-8069, 1BA/STUDIO, NORTH, 85 Merrimon, A/C, utilities included, furnished, $550/month, 828-253-1517, 1BR, 1BA APARTMENT Off Charlotte Street. Washer/dryer connections. $715/month, security deposit. Includes all utilities. No pets! Call (828) 423-4072. 1BR, 1BA BRAND NEW CAPE COD DUPLEX • Leicester, one mile to Patton Ave. On bus line. Includes W/D, icemaking refridgerator, D/W. garbage disposal, range/oven, microwave. Beautiful cabinets, ceramic tile in kitchen and bath. Carpeted BR, hardwood floors in living room. Ceiling fans with lights in living room and BR. GE heatpump. Private paved 2-car parking. 1 year lease. $595/month + $500 dep. for single person. Add $100 for 2nd person. No pets. Water, city trash pickup included. 828-273-4444. 1BR, 1BA, DOWNTOWN, Asheville Hotel, above Malaprops, wood floors, $1,175/month, 828-693-8069, 1ST CALL US! Studio, 1 and 2BR apartments from $425$800. Pet friendly. (828) 251-9966. 2 GREAT APARTMENTS • East: 3BR, 1BA, quiet, secluded, $1150/month. • West: 2BR, 1BA, Arts and Crafts, off-street parking. $850/month. 777-7012. 2-3BR, 1.5BA, NORTH, Gracelyn Gardens, coin-op, $595-$655/month, 828-2531517, 2-3BR, 1BA, EAST, 7 Violet Hills, wood floors, $595/month, 828-693-8069, 2BR, 1.5BA, HENDERSONVILLE, 805 Wilken, w/d hookups, $595/month, 828-693-8069, 2BR, 1.5BA, HENDERSONVILLE, 902 Hillcrest, **2nd. month free*, $595/month, 828-693-8069,

2BR, 1BA, EAST, 119 Liberty, a/c, w/d hookups, $650/month, 828-693-8069, 2BR, 1BA, SOUTH, 1020 Hendersonville, a/c, storage, carport, $750/month, 828693-8069, 2BR, 2.5BA, WEST, 445 Sand Hill, a/c, fireplace, deck, $995/month, 828-6938069, 2BR, 2BA, CENTRAL, 484 Windswept, w/d hookups, fireplace, view, $890/month, 828-693-8069, 3BR, 2BA, ARDEN, 8207 Terra, AC, W/D hookups, $750/month, 828-253-1517, 3BR, 2BA, WEST, 6 Evelake, a/c, w/d hookups, $850/month, 828-693-8069, 3BR, 2BA duplex near Haw Creek. New, modern duplex community next to Bell School, Tunnel Road, East Asheville. Rooms on one level; 1/3 acre lot. Cats or 1 small dog okay. $875/month; vacant. Park-like setting, flower beds, huge trees. 299-7502 ACCEPTING SECTION 8 NOW! Mobiles like new. In quiet, very nice park. • 3BR, 2BA, $625/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $615/month. (828) 252-4334. ACTON WOODS APARTMENTS • Beautiful 2BR, 2BA, loft, $850/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $750. Include gas log fireplace, water, storage. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty

= ARC AGENCY, INC. Glenn Bridge 1BR, 1BA, $450/month. Move-in Specials! East Chestnut Efficiency, $450/month. Montford 1BR, 1BA, $565/month. North/Farrwood 2BR, 1BA, $795/month. Fletcher 2BR, 2BA, $800/month. Windswept 2BR, 2BA, from $800/month. (828) 350-9400. BLACK MOUNTAIN 2BR, 1.5BA apartment. Heat pump with central air, washer/dryer connections. Nice! $595/month. Call (828) 252-4334. BLACK MOUNTAIN 2BR, 1BA apartment. Heat pump with central air, washer/dryer connections. Also includes water. Only $595/month. Call (828) 252-4334. BUSINESS TRIPS • RELOCATING? Short-term rental. Charming 1BR cottage: Completely furnished, includes linen, cable, high-speed wireless internet. Sleeps 2. (828) 251-2327. CHARMING UPSTAIRS STUDIO Older, renovated house near UNCA. Private entrance, off-street parking, all utilities included. $660/month. Includes cable TV and wireless internet. No pets/smoking. Security deposit, references. Patti: (828) 230-3210. CUTE STUDIO • OAKLEY Unfurnished. Small, sunny. • $495/month. • No smoking. • Background check required. • References. 423-5160. DOWNTOWN • UNCA AREA Comfortable 3BR, 1 bath duplex. Gas stove; dishwasher; WD. Great location: easy walking distance to downtown and UNCA. Off-street parking; handicap accessible. Pets negotiable. $930/month plus security. Call 10am-7pm: (828) 582-1001.

We’ve Got Your Home! Asheville Property Management NORTH:

• 5/3.5, large Cape Cod, bsmt, $1900. • 2/1 Carport, electric heat, $675. • Mobile Homes $500 - $650. • 2/1 home, large porch, $750. • 3/2 doublewide, private lot, large deck, $850 WEAVERVILLE: • 2/2, 1750 sqft, sunroom, gas logs, pool & clubhouse. • 3/2 doublewide, private lot near N. Buncombe rec center, $850. SOUTH: • 3/2 quiet neighborhood, large yard, $1,225. CANDLER: • 3/2 in country, hardwood floors, water, $750. ASHEVILLE: • 2/2 hd flrs, private lot, close to town, $950.


• 4/2.5 home, large fenced yard, some hd, $1,400. • 2/2 home, quiet neighborhood, Leicester, $900. • 3/2 hardwood flrs, gas heat, quiet area, $850. • Mobile Homes $500 - $650.

Pet friendly

Call for details: (828) 254-2229

• JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


DUPLEX • HAW CREEK Very private 1BR apartment, convenient to Tunnel Road/I240. • Private drive. • No pets please. $475/month, lease, security, references. Utilities separate. Call (828) 350-1400.

LIVE-IN COMMUNITY GARDEN COORDINATOR needed for 8-unit apartment building 16 miles from Asheville. References, experience. Rent discount. 828-777-9744 or 828-667-0120.

GET QUALITY RESULTS! I received calls from a lot of high quality renters, as opposed to other publications I’ve tried. I will continue to advertise with Mountain Xpress. Patricia H. You too, can find the ideal renter, just call us! (828) 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace.

LOVELY 1BR, 1BA 2nd floor apartment in 1920’s brick quadraplex in historic Montford neighborhood. Great location close to downtown Asheville. D TElarge Hardwood floors, REN balcony. closets, private Room for bicycles, kayaks, etc. in basement. Very quiet neighbors. Water included. $650/month + security deposit. Available July 1, possibly sooner. 828-216-1331.

HENDERSONVILLE 1BR studio apartment. Walking distance to Main Street. Includes water. Only $385/month. 28-252-4334 HENDERSONVILLE 1BR, 1BA apartment with new berber carpet. Small deck with sliding glass door. Walking distance to Main Street. Includes water. Only $425/month. 828-252-4334 JUST FOR YOU! Cozy, 2BR, 1.5BA apartment. Beautiful, tree-lined lot. Convenient to shopping. Quiet, safe neighborhood. Clean heating. Water and garbage pickup furnished. $585/month. Call 350-9400. LARGE 1BR • MERRIMON AVENUE, $525/month. Call (828) 253-0758. Carver Realty

NEW, LARGE 2BR, 1BA DUPLEX in quiet Kenilworth. Minutes from downtown Asheville and mall. $950/month includes cable, internet, W/D, dishwasher, central AC, storage. Private yard and entrance. Call (828) 699-1475. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334

NORTH ASHEVILLE 1BR and 2BR apartments starting at $475-$575/month. Clean, quiet, well maintained. • No smoking, no pets. 645-0417. m NORTH FOREST APARTMENTS 2BR, 2BA. Beautiful complex, built 2002. Safe and secure. Close to I-26/UNCA, North Asheville. $650/month. 778-6809. NORTHSIDE • WALK TO DOWNTOWN 2BR, 1BA apartment. • Great neighbors/neighborhood. Offstreet parking. WD available. No pets please. $625/month. Utilities separate. Lease, security deposit, references required. (828) 350-1400. SMALL, 1-ROOM STUDIO • $350/MONTH Private entrance and courtyard. Austere, but basic accommodations. Small deck, loft. Possible partial work exchange. Jim, 828-778-0726. SUMMER SPECIAL in great Grove Park neighborhood! 3BR, 2BA; minutes from downtown; on bus line; central a/c; covered porch; laundry facilities; elevator. With a 6-month lease, 1/2 off the first and last months’ rent! Monthly rental is $850; $500 security deposit. Call Beverly, 828-712-5671.

Mobile Homes For Rent 2BR, 1BA SINGLEWIDE in quiet park. 5 minutes from Biltmore Square Mall. $495/month includes water, garbage pickup and lawn care. Security deposit required. Call David, 828-777-0385. ACCEPT SECTION 8 West Asheville. 2BR, 2BA. Like new. Includes water. Heat pump, central air, W/D connections. In nice park. $615/month. 828-252-4334 ACCEPT SECTION 8 West Asheville. 3BR, 2BA, heat pump, central air, W/D connections. Excellent condition. $625/month. (828) 252-4334. ACCEPTING SECTION 8 NOW! Mobiles like new. In quiet, very nice park. • 3BR, 2BA, $625/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $615/month. (828) 252-4334. FLETCHER SINGLEWIDE2BR, 2BA with large, fenced yard and utility building. Great location close to I-26, schools, and shopping. $595/month. Security deposit required. Call David, 828-777-0385.

Bear Creek Apartments

Condos/ Townhomes For Rent $1800/MONTH Lease/purchase in Lexington Station downtown development. 3BR, 2BA penthouse high-end unit. Also available for $545,000. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663. $250 OFF 1ST MONTH’S RENT! 3BR, 2BA, sunny condo. Lots of sun in 1,450 sqft, end-unit condo in beautiful Eastwood Village! Only 3 years old. Amenities include granite countertops, stainless steel kitchen appliances and garden tub. Cozy sunroom provides extra indoor living space. $975/month - includes water/sewer/trash pickup. Conveniently located near downtown Asheville, Blue Ridge Parkway, Fairview and I-40. No smokers, please. Available July 1. Call 828-545-7445. 1.5 MILES TO DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE And UNCA. West Asheville. Immaculate 2BR, 1BA, fireplace. WD connections. 2 decks. • Pets considered. $650/month. 279-5633. 1BR DOWNTOWN LOFTS • Newly renovated – near Pack Square. Wood floors, W/D, wireless, behaved pets. $1025-$1100/month. 828255-7951x202. 2BR • 2BA • LEXINGTON STATION CONDO $1400/month. Secure parking, woodfloors, private balcony. Great downtown location near the Orange Peel and Vigne! The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

3 REMAINING • SEASONS AT BILTMORE LAKE • 2BR, 2BA. Reduced! $750/month. • 1BR, 1BA, $725/month. • Free water! • All units include: WD, 9’ ceilings, balcony. • Pet friendly. Call Kay Johnson, Broker/Property Management, Keller Williams: (828) 215-8577. A BIG THANX! “Thanx Xpress! The recent rental ad attracted a steady stream of quality applicants, thanks to your quality publication.” Mark K. • You too can find quality renters by placing an affordable ad in the pages of Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace: 251-1333. ASHEVILLE DOWNTOWN LOFT Award-winning contemporary loft with great light and finished with all high-end appointments. Texas stack gas fireplace, high ceilings with exposed beams, marble bath, bidet, custom cabinets. A great space to make your home. $1950/month includes cable and parking. 828-242-5456 or AVAILABLE JULY 1: Large 1BR + sun room condo at Eastwood Village. All appliances- side by side refrigerator, smooth-top range, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer. Water included! Great location, just minutes from downtown Asheville, hospital, shopping. One mile east of the Blue Ridge Parkway. $805/month. Contact Bo Newland, NC Broker, for photos and information: 828-423-9588 or CLINGMAN LOFTS Own for $650/month. Includes taxes, dues and insurance. Heating/cooling cost guaranteed at $16/month. Mike Vance, 254-4030, ext. 117.

CONDO ABOVE TUNNEL ROAD Luxury 2BR, 2BA condo on the 3rd floor of a new four-story building. Close to downtown and Asheville Mall. Elevators, pool with hot tub, exercise room, fireplace, deck w/mountain views, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, ceramic/hardwood floors, etc. $975/month includes water and gas. (828) 231-6689 DOWNTOWN LUXURY CONDOS Brand new loft in historic 52 Biltmore Avenue Building. 1BR, 1.5BA with 250 sqft 2nd floor mezzanine. Gourmet kitchen, oak floors, exposed brick, modular lighting, large windows, W/D, concrete, granite, stone, stainless upgrades. Indoor parking. Best Downtown location; walk to anything. $1,500/month. Year lease. 828-301-8033 or 954-6841300. Oxford Ventures LUXURY DOWNTOWN CONDOS • 60 N. Market St. 2BR, 2BA. $2300/month • 1BR, 1.5BA $1900/month. New, wonderful amenities, must see. Bright Star Realty. 828-301-8033. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334 TOWNHOUSE-FLETCHER • 3BR, 2.5BA. Near Airport Rd. 1-car garage, fireplace, laundry hookups, patio. $995/month. Available July 1st. Call now! 828-545-8260. WEST ASHEVILLE Canterbury Heights, 46 and 48 Beri Drive. Newly renovated, 2BR, 1.5BA, 3level condos, 918 sqft. Pool, fitness center. $725/month. Mike 919-624-1513

Homes For Rent 1 GREAT WEST ASHEVILLE HOME 2BR, 1BA, off street parking, nicely landscaped, beautifully remodeled, basement, attic storage. $1150/month. 777-7012.

The area’s largest selection of Rental Homes under one roof. Tel: (828) 650-6880 Toll Free (800) 789-1135 x 6880 PO Box 580, 2602 Hendersonville Road, Arden, NC 28704

SPECIAL 1/2 Price Rent for 2 Months! NVery

Affordable. Beautiful Landscaping. Quiet, Residential Neighborhood.

Located off Patton Avenue in West Asheville. Turn at Malvern Hills stop light onto Bear Creek Road. Go ½ mile & look for the signs on the left. • (828) 258-0623 74

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

126 MANEY AVE. • 3BR, 2BA. Walk to UNCA. Hardwood floors, W/D included. Pets considered. $1,200/month, $1,200 deposit. 828-242-6943.

1ST CALL US! 2, 3 and 4BR homes from $600-2000. • Pet friendly. (828) 251-9966 2BR, 1.5BA, CENTRAL, 156 St. Dunstan, a/c, hardwood floors, w/d hookups, $1,025/month, 828-693-8069, 2BR, 1BA • CHUNNS COVE DUPLEX $750/month. Call (828) 253-0758. Carver Realty 2BR, 1BA • WEST ASHEVILLE Quiet neighborhood. Hardwood floors, ceiling fans, central heat/air, deck, private back yard. No smoking. $775/month + deposit. 828231-1056 or 828-606-8598. 2BR, 1BA • W/D. Covered front porch. Walking distance to UNCA and downtown. Fenced backyard. $825/month. 828-279-7699. 2BR, 1BA in convenient West Asheville location, 2 blocks to Haywood Road shopping district. Hardwood floors, gas heat, 9’ ceilings, W/D hookups. Large, tree-shaded yard. Off-street parking. Water included in rent. $900/month + security deposit. Available now. 828-216-1331. 3BR, 1.5BA 5-minute walk to downtown Asheville. Wood floors, fenced, w/d hookups. $900/ month. Year lease. Security deposit. 828-6918793, 828-298-5088 3BR, 2.5BA, NORTH, 5 Foxwood, a/c, garage, view, $1,095/month, 828-693-8069, 3BR, 2BA OAKLEY AREA. W/D. Hardwood floors. Fenced backyard. Central air. Move-in ready. $985/month. 828-279-7699. 3BR, 2BA, WEST, 7 Spring, a/c, w/d hookups, deck, $895/month, 828-253-1517, A COTTAGE • WEAVERVILLE 2BR, 1BA. Large private yard, wonderful deck, porch. Washer/dryer. • Convenient to I-26/shopping. $700/month includes water. • No pets. (828) 658-3210.

Eastwood Village Apartments Rent Starting at $699... 7 minutes from Downtown So close to everything... so far from ordinary. Call today 828-298-2220

A STONE COTTAGE • FURNISHED Grovepark Inn area. Immaculate 3BR, 2BA, 1800 sqft. Completely, beautifully furnished: linens, fully equipped new kitchen, Weber gas grill, washer/dryer. • 2BR, 1BA upstairs • 1BR, 1BA downstairs. • Separate entrance for guests/studio, downstairs. • Large deck, large screened porch. Beautiful 0.39 acre lot. No pets/smoking. $2500/monthly or yearly (negotiable). (828) 243-0200.

ACCEPTING SECTION 8 NOW! Mobiles like new. In quiet, very nice park. • 3BR, 2BA, $625/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $615/month. (828) 252-4334. ALEXANDER • JUST RENOVATED 2BR, 1BA with hardwood floors and ceramic tile. Covered front porch. $650/month. (Adjacent 30 acres also available for lease.) Please call (828) 299-7743. ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT. Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for free! Visit: (AAN CAN) ARDEN, HADLEY PARK Wonderful 2-year-old home available. 3BR, 2BA. Pets considered with increased security deposit. $1,200/month. $30 application fee. 828-350-9400.

EAST ASHEVILLE HOUSE • Quiet Hawcreek area. Upper floor only, 3BR, 2BA, DW, fireplace, W/D available July 1. $900/month+utilities. No pets/smoking. 828-2736700. EAST/HAW CREEK 3BR, 1.5BA home available. Nice area to enjoy. Just reduced to $895/month. $30 application fee. Call 828350-9400. HAW CREEK • ENGLISH COTTAGE Wonderful 3BR, 2BA w/office available immediately. Don’t miss this deal! Owner says to rent it. $1,500/month; reduced from $1,900/month. One small pet considered with increased deposit. $30 application fee. $500 off first month’s rent with one year lease. 828350-9400. HISTORIC MONTFORD 3BR, 2BA, large back porch, near park and tennis. $1400/month, references, deposits required. • Pets considered. (828) 279-6393. HOUSES FOR RENT • Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for free. Visit (AAN CAN) MARS HILL Near college on quiet cul de sac. 3BR, 2BA, appliances, WD connections. No smoking/pets. $800/month plus deposit. 689-2625.

ARDEN, OAK FOREST 3BR, 2BA with full basement/garage. Nice area. Reduced to $1,250/month. 30 application fee. 828-350-9400

NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMESOff Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334

ASHEVILLE AREA RENTALS $550-$1950/month. • 1East. • 3-West. • 3-North. • 3-South. • Century 21 Mountain Lifestyles: (828) 684-2640, ext 17. For more details:

NORTH ASHEVILLE Wonderful 2BR, 2BA, onelevel home with garage. Private back yard. Reduced to $800/month. No pets. $30 application fee. 828-350-9400

BENT CREEK 3BR, 1.5BA house available. Reduced to $895/month. Available immediately. $30 application fee. 828-350-9400

NORTHWEST OF ASHEVILLE, Rose Hill Plantation - planned and gated community on 58 acres. This partially furnished Arts and Craft style home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths in 1,500 sqft main living area plus 1,000 sqft open lower level with additional bath. Hardwood flooring in living room and cozy fireplace, attached 2-car garage, front porch and rear deck. Amenities include club house, spa, swimming pool and walking trails. Trash collection and water/sewer provided. For additional information on the community go to No smoking. $1800/month. 828-253-2537. Property Management of Asheville, Inc.

BILTMORE LAKE BEAUTY 3BR, 2.5BA, 1,880 sqft great home in a fantastic neighborhood. This Arts and Crafts design has a beautiful and comfortable floor plan. Situated on a corner lot, this fine home is close to great schools and downtown Asheville. $1,699/month. Call Debra, (561) 212-0009. BLACK MOUNTAIN: Large chalet-style house on private road. 3BR, 2BA, hardwood floors, plenty of storage, double decks. No smoking. $950/month. 828-298-3933 CANDLER, 2BR, 1BA, $550/month. Call (828) 2530758. Carver Realty CAPE COD • OAKLEY Newly remodeled and beautiful 3BR, 2BA! Hardwood floors, tile kitchen and baths. • Exclusive private master suite with vanity area, bath and large walk-in closet! Great porch and private deck. • So convenient to everything! • Sorry, no pets. $1050/month. Call (828) 215-2865.

. OFF THE HOOK! We got a great response from our ad for our Rental house in the Mountain Xpress! The phone rang off the hook! Thanks, Ander, owner, Design Painting. Get your Apartment or House rented quickly and affordably. Call (828) 2511333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace.

OVERLOOK RIVER 3BR/2BA • New updates in this one level home. New hardood floors, new kitchen, new paint, new ceramic tile. Large deck, quiet, 5 minutes to downtown Asheville. $900/month + utilities. No pets. 828-458-6791. PARKWAY FOREST 3BR, 2BA home available. One-level living, fenced back yard. Nice area. Pets considered with increased deposit. $30 application fee. 828-350-9400 READY TO RENT • WEST ASHEVILLE 3BR, 2 full BA, living room, dining room, utility room, washer, dryer. Large storage space underneath home. Great family neighborhood. Walking distance to Carrier Park. Pets considered with deposit. $1,100/month + $1,100 security deposit. (803) 524-5229 SOUTH, OAK FOREST, 3BR, 2BA rancher, gas, AC, $1,100/month. Call (828) 253-0758. Carver Realty SWANNANOA • House on 1 acre with garden. 5BR, 1BA. Wood floors, wood stove with propane backup. $1,600/month + utilities. Greg, 828-337-8683. WEAVERVILLE • 3BR, 2BA, washer/dryer, fireplace, 2 decks, finished basement, 1.5-car garage, large yard; mountain views. $1,100/month includes water. Sarah 828-775-9555. WEAVERVILLE AREA • 3BR, 2BA house in older subdivision. Gas furnace, central air. Fireplace, large fenced backyard. Garage. No smokers. $975/month, year lease. 776-4976 or 649-0013.

Vacation Rentals 1 CHARMING STONE COTTAGE • GROVEPARK INN AREA 2BR, 1BA, 900 sqft. • Beautifully furnished: linens, washer/dryer, new kitchen (all utensils, pots/pans), gas grill, fireplace. Original artwork. • Huge deck w/pergola/swing/dining. Park-like setting. • Monthly, yearly. • No pets/smoking. (828) 243-0200. 2 LOFTS • DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE Luxury in the heart of downtown! • #1: 2000 sqft. 2BR, 2BA. • #2: 1100 sqft. 2BR, 2BA. • Both: beautifully, completely furnished, fireplace, original art, comfortable beds/linens, wireless, etc. • Minimum 2 nights: weekly, monthly, yearly. • No pets/smoking. (828) 243-0200. • www.AshevilleLuxuryRenta BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN Sleeps 5, handicap accessible. Near Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC. (828) 231-4504 or 277-1492. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE Escape to downtown Asheville! Walk to restaurants, bars, shops, museums. $175/night. See

employment Roommates 1BR in West Asheville Home • Nice kitchen, W/D, cable, high speed internet. No smoking, No dogs, please. $400/month includes utilities. 215-5995. $350/month Room in Bungalow • N. Asheville to share with rad 22 year old female. Quiet, 5 min. drive to downtown, garden, porches, hardwood floors. Available now. Cody, 828-280-4735. 1 BR in Shared Summer Sublet • June 1-Aug 15th. Furnished BR and private bath for 1 adult in shared eco-friendly, clean, quiet, household. See Call 273-3775. Attention Golden Girls: Professional, quiet, kind Golden Girl looking for same to share Asheville rental. Mary, (828) 337-5580. Bent Creek • Own room and bath. $440/month, 1/3 utilities. DSL. Own one small dog, dogs are OK. BC Comm. Park at the back gate, singletrack in 3 minutes! Clean house near Marion/I40. Well water, full access, 1 child ok. $75/week maximum. Will negotiate. Chuck: (904) 210-4156. Fellow Golden Girl • New house share. Age 40-70. Private BR, BA . Hardwood floors, fireplace, W/D. Decks, mountain and lake views. $575/month+utilities. Beautiful. Bobbi, 727-417-1958. Female preferred, to share 2BR West Asheville home, close to everything. Furnished room. $350/month, share utilities. • Pet considered. Call Sherri: 242-6119. Great House in a Great Area • Roommate wanted to share 3BR, 2BA in N. Asheville. Near lake, UNCA. $550/month+1/2 utilities. No smokers. No other pets. 8/1/09. Kim, 757-362-1228. Houseshare • For mature person. Upstairs BR and private BA. $450/month in a cool stone house on a West Asheville farm. Sorry, no pets. 727-564-2703. Huge, sunny master bedroom/office and bath. Share house with professional female. Wireless, WD, huge deck, gardens. $500/month. 6588523 Looking for a Share • Three friends are looking to rent a house in or around asheville! Looking for nice yet cheap place. Emily, 775-4245 e-mail:

Looking for House Share • Move in ASAP, or by June 1st. Have Husky, like fenced yard, not a must. $300$550/month. Close to downtown a must.

Roommate Wanted 3BR, 2BA home. Walking distance to Haywood Rd. stores and restaurants. $425/month, 1/3 utilities, deposit required. 828-423-9853.

Lovely Townhouse • Roommate needed mid June/July 1 for 2BR, 1BA townhouse in E. Asheville near WWC. $350 + utilities.

Seeking Female Mature, conscious to share Barnardsville home. Lovely country setting, quiet/peaceful. Must love cats. $400/month. Deposit. Sam, 828-775-2327 or 6263567.

Luxury Condo • Share 2BR, 2BA mountain top condo above downtown Asheville. Heated pool,grill, W/D, fireplace, 60”TV, deck. $650/month includes all. No smoking/pets. 828-2154986. Mature, responsible (male preferred) with job, car and income to share 3BR home near UNCA. $400/month includes everything. 5052581 or 280-1696. Mindful Female Roomie Wanted Female seeks same. Prefer quiet, clean, employed roomie. Share 3BR, 2.5BA house. Quiet neighborhood, hiking nearby. View. Cat/dog friendly. 828-230-2517. Near UNCA • $375/month your share as 4th roommate. Required: rental references, manager approval, security deposit. 828-231-4979. Reference CAW and JRK. RENTMATES.COM • Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of a mouse! Visit (AAN CAN) Room Wanted Summer Sublet • Looking for a quiet, clean conscious household for part of the summer. $400 a month. Me, yogi, artist, Roommate Wanted • Woman looking to share mobile home in Candler area. Private bedroom and bathroom. Small pet optional. Non-smoker. $350.00. 828-775-7732.

Share Large Home in Country • Mountain views on 4 acres just outside Asheville. Quiet, private BR. Cable, W/D, utilities included. $400-440/month negotiable. 828-779-7958. Share My Home • Amazing 2BR/2BA log cabin on 3 acres near lake Lure. Mountain views. Want clean, happy responsible adult. I’m there part time. Pets ok. Trampoline. $650/month. April, 305-586-4553. Summer House Share • Great 3BR house in town. Lots of light, hardwoods, deck, yard, garden, views, storage, W/D, wireless, small workspace, resident dog. $500/month. 828-505-4465. Temporary or Longer 30’s male seeking 1 to share home in Riceville. 1800 sqft on .5 acre. Garage use. Rural,12 minutes to downtown. $750/month includes all. West Asheville • 4BR, 2BA house with sun room, W/D, DW, organic garden, basement. Seeking clean, responsible, positive person $350 split elec. cable, wireless, water. 335-7272.

CAB DRIVERS Needed at Blue Bird; call JT 258-8331. Drivers needed at Yellow Cab; call Buster at 253-3311.


General $$$ HELP WANTED $$$. Earn extra income assembling CD cases from home. Call our live operators now! 1-800-405-7619, ext. 150. (AAN CAN) $$$HELP WANTED$$$ • Earn extra income assembling CD cases from home. Call our live operators now. 800-405-7619 ext. 150. www.easywork-great (AAN CAN) $600 WEEKLY POTENTIAL $$$ helping the government part-time. No experience, no selling. Call 1-888-2135225. Ad Code L-5. VOID in Maryland and South Dakota. (AAN CAN) A STYLIST With clientele. Full-time. Must be experienced, skilled, selfmotivated and desire to work in a sound, organic environment. Bring resume to The Water Lily Wellness Salon, 7 Beaverdam Road. 505-3288. AMAZING RESPONSE! “I recently ran a job ad in the Mountain Xpress and I was amazed at the overwhelming response I got from it. I was going to run it for 4 weeks but I had to cancel it after 2 because I had already received • too many • qualified applicants. I will definitely use the Mountain Xpress Classifieds in the future whenever I am looking to find good people to hire.” Stuart Gignilliat. • Be amazed and find the right employees, call 2511333, Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace. AVON REPS NEEDED • $10 to start Family friendly Call Paula 423-895-2545. Habla Espanol 423-433-8002. http://pauladukes.avonrepres

EXPERIENCED DOG GROOMER wanted for busy kennel in East Asheville area. Excellent opportunities. Phone 691-3175. GET RECOGNIZED We are looking for stories from everyday people who have done good things for community or in a job. Yours could be chosen. Call now for details. 866-747-5093. (AAN Can). GIVENS ESTATES Employment application for future positions. Jobline: 828-771-2230. HR Office: 1st Floor, Asbury Commons Building, 2360 Sweeten Creek Road, South Asheville. GOVERNMENT JOBS: $12 $48/hr. Full benefits/paid training. Work available in areas like Homeland Security, law enforcement, wildlife & more! 1-800-3209353, ext. 2001. (AAN CAN) HIRING • Local wall decal business hiring FT, Mon-Fri position. Non-smoker preferred. Send resume and info to HOUSEKEEPERS Professional, reliable and responsible needed full time for upscale bed and breakfast. Must be flexible and able to work weekends. Background check required. Call 828-254-3878 for interview. NATURAL LANDSCAPE GARDENER Seasonal position. 40 hours per week. Call (828) 665-2492 for more details. The NC Arboretum WHITEWATER RAFTING COMPANY Raft guide training and employment on the French Broad and Nolichucky Rivers. Also seeking experienced guides, store staff, bus drivers. 1866-USA-Raft.

Help Others while

Helping Yourself

DONATE PLASMA, EARN COMPENSATION Plasma Biological Services (828) 252-9967

• JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


WORK AS MOVIE EXTRAS • Actors/Models. $45 to register. Earn up to $300/day. Call 24/7 at 1-800-6055901. (AAN CAN) YOUTH EMPOWERED SOLUTIONS • YES! is hiring Asheville area high school students as youth leaders in tobacco prevention. Email west@youthempoweredsoluti

SALON AT LIBERTY CORNER is looking for full time hairstylist and nail tech. Excellent location. Weekly booth rent. Work your own hours. Mon-Sat. 828-225-3030.

Skilled Labor/ Trades BUSH-HOG LABORER NEEDED • Around Asheville. Must have own equipment. Pay negotiable. 828-776-5329. ELECTRICIANS ALL LEVELS Top salary. • Many locations available. Call today! (828) 252-2200.

Employment Opportunities • Call (828) 225-6122 or visit:

Administrative/ Office ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, ADVANCEMENT Warren Wilson College seeks candidates for a full-time administrative assistant for the Office of Advancement. The administrative assistant is responsible for providing administrative and secretarial services for 4 to 6 members of the Advancement Office. The Administrative Assistant, along side another administrative assistant, serves as the welcoming face and voice of the entire Advancement Office. The successful candidate will have excellent organizational and project management skills; strong written communication skills; proficient understanding of various computer programs (especially Microsoft Word and Excel); ability to multitask, in tandem with team oriented; customer service spirit required along with a pleasant and professional telephone manner; personable and relates well to others; and ability to handle confidential information and maintain confidences a must. Bachelor’s degree preferred and/or at least five years experience in an office environment with a high level of personal interaction. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to Electronic submission only! Deadline for applications is Friday, June 19 at 12 Noon.

Salon/ Spa HAIR STYLISTS Extremely busy salon now hiring. Guaranteed pay. Great benefits. Awesome tips. Call for a confidential interview: 828-768-9968. HAIRSTYLISTS • Full Circle Salon is looking for a select few individuals to join it’s team in Asheville. We want individuals who are enthusiastic, team players, and hungry for education. Call 828-251-1722. MASSAGE THERAPIST Licensed. Call 450-1049. Cosmic Groove Massage. PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Busy downtown salon. 20-25 hours/week. Please bring resume: 82B North Lexington Avenue,


SATELLITE TV INSTALLERS • TECHNICIANS Great earnings potential. • Company provided training,vehicle, tools and uniforms. • Company paid health, vision, dental and life benefits. • Paid personal time off and holidays. • Applicants must have a valid drivers license, be a minimum of 21 years old, be able to frequently lift 75 pounds and safely climb a ladder. Background/drug screen and MVR required. Apply in person: #3 Winners Circle, Arden, NC or email resumes: twendle@

Sales/ Marketing HIGHLY MOTIVATED ECOCONSCIOUS SELFSTARTERS. Become an independent distributor with a fast growing company. Earn income while improving the health of your family and the environment. SALES ASSOCIATE OPENING Must be a musician experienced in sound systems and recording. Salary plus commission and benefits. Starting date: July 15. Apply to Musician’s Workshop, becky@

BLUE SKY CAFE • Locally owned, creative family restaurant looking for polite, full-time counter service employee, experience preferred. Positive work environment with flexible schedules. Apply in person at 3987 Hendersonville Rd., Fletcher. 828-684-1247. MOUNTAIN X JAMS! As a growing business that relies on the face put forward by our employees, Mountain Xpress Classifieds is where we turn to find them. The volume of high-quality applicants replying to our ads can be hard to choose from, and it is always worth our investment. Thanks Mountain X! Rebecca and Charlie, owners, Tomato Jam Cafe.

APOLLO FLAME • WAITSTAFF Full-time needed. Fast, friendly atmosphere. Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. BED AND BREAKFAST COOK for upscale property serving gourmet cuisine. Responsible, sober, prompt, well-organized individual with good personal hygiene accustomed to preparing timed entrees and visually attractive plates. Baking skills desired. Weekends, holidays required. Usually 5 mornings per week (occupancy related); approximately 15-20. 828253-0102.

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

Human Services

PISGAH INN Interviewing seasonal positions: • Sous Chef • Cooks • Pantry Chefs • Dishwashers. Walk to work. Housing on property available. 828-235-8228

Hotel/ Hospitality 10-25 HOURS/WEEK • HOUSEKEEPER A large B&B in Montford is looking for a mature, clean, energetic person to join our cleaning staff. Weekend hours are a requirement. Experience preferred, but will train the right person. Verifiable references required. Income based on experience and displayed ability. Confidential inquiries call 251-0789. HOUSEKEEPER Part-time position available for experienced housekeeper at Asheville Bed and Breakfast. Looking for detail-oriented, hardworking individual with positive attitude that can work well with others. Experience with food service a plus. References required. Call 232-0345 after 10 a.m.

Restaurant/ Food Medical/ Health “150 CALLS! At some point, I Care was hoping they’d stop! The best vehicle for finding quality employees, and advertising your business.” Russell, The Skyclub. Your business can benefit with low cost, efficient advertising. Call 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Marketplace Classifieds.

REGISTERED DIETICIAN Access II Care is looking for a RD to provide nutritionist services for children at network Primary Care offices. Position is full time with benefits, guaranteed for one year, grant funded. Position to include regional travel and work with multiple primary care practices, valid driver license required. Minimum: 2 years professional experience as RD required with experience in Pediatrics preferred. BA with major in Nutrition and membership to the American Dietetic Association preferred. Current NC license required. Resume and cover letter to: Fax: 828-259-3875, Access II Care, 9 Old Burnsville Hill Road, Suite 7, Asheville, NC 28804.

CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT • Full or part-time opportunity in a successful chiropractic practice. Clerical, reception, and billing duties. We will train. Must have enthusiasm for chiropractic and wellness. Call (828) 2530580 or visit 553 Haywood Road to complete application. Asheville Chiropractic & Wellness Center. GROW WITH US! We are expanding our services and accepting applications for: • LPN Charge Nurse: 1st, 2nd shifts. • RN Charge Nurse: 2nd shift. Apply in person: Grace Healthcare, 91 Victoria, Asheville, NC 28801. MEDICAL OFFICE • Seeks, FT, PT and PRN employees. Must be friendly, intelligent and have a positive attitude. Fax resume to 828-2529420 or email

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF RUTHERFORD CO. • Is seeking a Clinical Director. Applicants must have a Master’s Degree in counseling, social work or related field, NC licensure, clinical experience with adult and child MH population, a minimum of 5 yrs. supervisory experience. Email resume: LPC/LCSW/LCAS/CSAC Office space and clients available. Also Bilingual (Spanish) Counselor with NC Addiction credential CSAC/LCAS. Call Bruce: 777-3755. PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH. Has openings for the following: • QP/CSAC in our Hendersonville Office. This F/T position requires CSAC Certification, minimum Bachelor’s Degree, minimum 2 years experience working with adults and knowledge of working with IPRS Clients would be helpful. Some evenings required. • Requires good driving record. Position has full benefits, medical insurance, PTO and more. Send resume to: PART-TIME DAY SUPPORTS To work with developmentally disabled people. Please apply in person: 147 Coxe Avenue, Asheville, NC. Liberty Corner Enterprises. THERAPIST Four Circles Recovery Center, a wilderness therapy facility working with young adults with substance abuse (ages 18-28) is looking for a licensed therapist to work with clients and their families through the recovery process. Provides individual, group and family therapy, participates in treatment and after-care planning. Requirements: MA or MS in counseling, psychology or social work. LCAS or CCS required, additional licensure as an LPC or LCSW preferred. Must have direct clinical and case management experience. Please email cover letter and resume to m, subject: therapist.

PART-TIME FOSTER CARE CONSULTANT NEEDED! Do you want to fine-tune your case management skills while working with therapeutic foster parents and children in therapeutic foster care? Eliada Homes might be the perfect fit for you!! Description: While the primary function of this position is to provide case management services to therapeutic foster families and children, the therapeutic foster care consultant will also manage cases for foster care families and children. The position is part-time, with the possibility of turning into full-time as the number of students in foster care increases. Major Responsibilities: The Foster Care Consultant provides training, supervision, and coordination of services through monitoring therapeutic foster homes. They provide crisis intervention through 24 hour on-call availability. Assists with admission and discharge for children in care, attend permanency planning for DSS, court hearings, and relevant meetings for placement and maintain up-to-date knowledge of foster care issues. Must be familiar with licensing standards, and makes sure they are implemented in foster homes. The Consultant assists with foster parent training and serves as a liaison between the foster family and members of the child and family team. Qualifications: Must have a Bachelor’s degree in human services/related field and meet QP standards (2 years mental health experience). MAPP certification is preferred, with a minimum of two years experience with children in case management capacity. Must possess valid NC driver license. *Position requires on-call transportation of therapeutic foster care clients. All interested and qualified applicants please submit resume to, or fax to 828-210-0361.

Psychiatrist Assertive Community Treatment Team: Please contact Joe Ferrara, (828) 507-1787. • Haywood County Therapist/Team Leader Child and Family Services. Master’s Degree and supervisory experience. Please contact David Hutchinson, Child and Family Services Director at (828) 631-3973 ext 1421. • Jackson, Macon, Swain County Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Child and Family Services: Must have a Bachelors degree in a human services field and two years postgraduation experience, or a Masters degree. Please contact David Hutchinson, Child and Family Services Director, (828) 631-3973, ext. 1421. Therapist: Child and Family Services (Macon and Jackson). Masters degree required. Please contact David Hutchinson, Child and Family Services Director, (828) 631-3973, ext. 1421. • Cherokee, Clay, Graham County Therapist/Team Leader Child and Family Services. Masters degree and license eligible. Please contact David Hutchinson, Child and Family Services Director, (828) 6313973, ext. 1421. • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

Caregivers/ Nanny CNA POSITIONS • Asheville: Weekends/evenings, potential 8-12 hour shifts. • Black Mountain/Swannanoa: 24 hours/week. Clean background and drug screen required. Join the team at Stacie’s Personal Care Services! 828-649-9014 or 866-550-9290. Fill out application on line: ENJOY CAREGIVING? Wild about eating healthy? Don’t mind working hard? We are looking for dedicated people to care for others using a holistic approach. We care for 6 people with various challenges. Multi-tasking a must. 15-20 hours/week available. • Full-time available soon. Call Steve: (828) 691-2527. Heart and Hearth Home.

Professional/ Management DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES MANNA FoodBank seeks fulltime, experienced non-profit professional to manage all financial activity and oversee Finance and HR Department. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. For a full job description including qualifications needed, please visit Please provide a cover letter with your resume. No phone calls or walk-ins. Application deadline is June 19. EOE

ASHEVILLE AREA MANAGER Does working for a leading community based organization with a tradition of commitment and service excellence sound like the challenge you are seeking? Consider joining the talented professionals where a commitment to excellence is deeply rooted in a strong sense of tradition. Our business model revolves around keeping a strong community based business. This individual is responsible for managing all aspects of a branch sales and operations including: overall profitability, customer service, sales, asset management, EHS compliance, personnel management, and staffing, training, and community relations. Use your experience, education, and knowledge to set a positive leadership model for a multi-location retail operation. Direct management of multiple locations regarding, personnel, operation, and cash management. Responsibilities • Oversee location operations including overall sales and profitability. • Prepare location sales forecast and budget; manage P&L statement. • Ensure effective inventory management. • Supervise, train, assist and coach associates. • Coordinate with Customer Service Manager to ensure effective customer service delivery. • Ensure environmental health and safety compliance Requirements • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Business Management or a related field • Five plus years of retail sales and operations management experience • Verifiable track record of progressively responsible positions along career path • Excellent sales management, customer service, employee training and development, public relations and personnel management skills • Experience reading and interpreting P&L statements and ability to operate within budget • Ability to produce results in a fast-paced environment • Familiarity with environmental, health, and safety compliance • Effective written and verbal communication skills and proven ability to lead, coach and motivate a team • Computer skill proficiency with MS Office Must have vehicle in which to perform company business and provide copies of: Valid NC driver’s license, current insurance certificate and safety inspection report. Please send resume and cover letter to: ashevilleprofessionalsea

GOODWILL CAREER OPPORTUNITY • STORE MANAGER Asheville, NC. Lead a team for one of our Asheville based stores. Requires valid North Carolina driver license education High School Diploma or equivalent preferred. Experience: Must have 3+year management experience in a 4+ staff member store having cash control responsibility. Hours: Stores are open Mon-Sat from 8am-8pm and open 1pm on Sundays. Reference: 544 Fax: 828771-2175 ksampson@goodwillnwnc .org EOE. m/f/d/v. INSURANCE MANAGEMENT Bankers Life and Casualty Company, one of the largest and most respected companies in the insurance industry is currently seeking individuals interested in entry-level insurance sales positions. Ambition, intelligence, integrity and a strong work ethic will lead qualified individuals into management positions within three months to one year. Our associate managers earn $60,000 to $100,000 per year with top performing managers earning $200,000+. For additional information visit, or please call Rikki Metcalf at (704) 940-1360 to arrange an interview.

Teaching/ Education EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH ASSISTANT The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute is hiring a full-time Early Childhood Research Assistant to assist in research projects related to young children’s learning and development. The successful applicant will assist in the conduct of research syntheses, the collection of data, data entry, and related duties. The position requires a bachelor’s degree in early childhood, psychology, sociology or a related field and two years of relevant experience. A master’s degree and relevant experience is preferred. Send a vita or resume, letter of interest describing one’s qualifications, and a salary history to Tracy Masiello, Ph.D., Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute, 8 Elk Mountain Road, Asheville, NC 28804 or by email to The position includes a liberal fringe benefits package, including paid health insurance and retirement.

Jobs Wanted ATTENTION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS!!!!!! Musical Theatre? Directed! • Family Science Night? Coordinated! • Helicopter Parents? Handled! NBCT Seeks 2nd or 3rd Grade Position for 2009 School Year * National Board Certified, Early Childhood Generalist, 2005 * 5 Years Math/Science/Aerospace Magnet * 10 Years Visual and Performing Arts Magnet * Fund Raising/Grant Writing * Excellent classroom management skills! * Teacher of the Year 2003, San Pedro Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. For complete resume packet, please contact Valerie at

Career Training EARN $75 - $200/HOUR • Media Makeup Artist Training. Ad, TV, Film, Fashion. One week class. Stable job in weak economy. Details at http://www.AwardMakeUpSc 310-364-0665. (AAN CAN).

Employment Services

2009 • DON’T JUST SURVIVE • Thrive! Snelling delivers results with staffing expertise that connects people and businesses with the power to thrive! e/application HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, affordable & accredited. Free brochure. Call now! 1800-532-6546 Ext. 97 m (AAN CAN) POST OFFICE NOW HIRING! Average pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations. PT/FT 1866-945-0347 (AAN CAN) POST OFFICE NOW HIRING! Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually Including Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations. PT/FT. 1866-945-0295. (AAN CAN) UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Get paid to shop. Retail and dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality and customer service. Earn up to $100/day. Please call 1-800-720-0576.

Business Opportunities BEST HOME-BASED BUSINESS EVER! It’s fun; it’s simple; it’s lucrative. To hear 3-minute message, call 1866-257-3105, code 1. BIZ OP • Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interest. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201

GREEN TECHNOLOGY COMPANY Expanding grass roots effort seeking dedicated people to work from home. Part-time, fulltime. 1-888-458-1670. mybioprohealth


Legal Notices CONSTRUCTION LOGIC General Contractor. Notice, request MBE subcontractor and suppliers bid for the following projects: • Solid Waste Transfer Station, Sylva, NC Project bidding June 11, 2009 at 2pm and • Pack Memorial Library Project, bidding June 25, 2009 at 3pm. For plan info call Mike: (828) 694-1232.

Announcements ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Rick at 202289-8484. (AAN CAN) ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Mountain Xpress Classifieds at (828) 251-1333. (AAN CAN) Lizzie McB • Happy Birthday! I love you. Call your Dad. Looking for Family in Buncombe • Born 6/22/65 in Asheville. Put up for adoption. Boy. Birth mother would be 75yrs and father 88yrs. Help me find my people. Any info, PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-4136293. (AAN CAN) WOMEN, Earn $18k-$30k for 6 egg donations with the largest, most experienced Agency in US. Call: 800-4447119 or to apply online visit: (AAN CAN)

Classes & Workshops BASICS OF REAL ESTATE INVESTING Sponsored by the nonprofit real estate investors association. June 12-14. 20 hours. $250. 2166066. LEARN TO MAKE JEWELRY, do Lapidary, do Enameling, and more! Jewelry Gallery Now Open! Silver repairs, 30 Years+ experience. Friday through Sunday, 11a.m. until 5p.m. Earthspeak Arts, 375 Depot Street, Asheville. 828-678-9038,

Mind, Body, Spirit

Health & Fitness ONLINE PHARMACY • Buy Soma, Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar $71.99/90 $107/180 Quantities, PRICE INCLUDES PRESCRIPTION! Over 200 meds. $25 Coupon Mention Offer: #71A31. 1888-661-4957. (AAN CAN) ROLFING INTEGRATIVE THERAPY • Feel better Look better. Advanced Certified Rolfer offering new techniques combined with Visceral and Cranial Therapies. 828-545 8505.

Bodywork **ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE MASSAGE! ** So deep and smooth, or very gentle and easy. Caring, intuitive, professional therapist. $35/hour Asheville special! Visa/MC. Mobile service available. Brett Rodgers LMBT #7557, (828) 505-4890

SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town—or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; experience the invigorating cold plunge; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. STAY RELAXED. Massage therapy at your home/office. 1/2 or 1-hour appointments. Call Sarah Whiteside, LMBT#4741, (828) 279-1050.

Counseling Services HOLISTIC MENTAL HEALTH THERAPY • Cindy Shealy and Jenny Shealy are Licensed Clinical Social Workers. They offer a sliding scale fee, accept Medicaid and have flexible hours. 828-279-5369. WHEN “TALK THERAPY” IS NOT ENOUGH • Body-Mind Psychotherapy. Experiential approach. Joseph Howard, MSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Reasonable Rates/Sliding Scale. 828-651-8646.

Spiritual 2009? NEED MORE MONEY? • ASK NINA Psychic Nina, the Auracle of Asheville: (828) 253-7472 or email

#1 AFFORDABLE MASSAGE CENTER Best rates in town! $29/hour. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology • Classes. Call now for your appointment: (828) 4501049. 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville, NC. BEST MASSAGE IN ASHEVILLE Deep tissue, sports massage, Swedish, esalen. Available in/out. Jim Haggerty, LMBT# 7659. Call (828) 545-9700. MASSAGE/MLD Therapeutic massage, $45/hour. Manual lymph drainage, $65/hour. Lymphedema treatment, $45-$65/hour. 15+ years experience. 828-299-4105. NC License #146. MASSAGE for every body. Relaxing environment. Free, easy parking. MC/VISA accepted. Asheville. LMT# 7113. Please call (828) 275-5497. stressbustersmassage@

Musicians’ Xchange

Musical Services ALL STRINGS • ALL AGES • ALL STYLES Neal Crowley, Stringed Instrument Teacher: Classical and Traditional music • Patient • Fun! • Group lessons available. • Jam with other students. • Reasonable rates. • Music for events and private parties. (828) 242-5115. AMR STUDIO Audio mastering, mixing and recording. Musical, literary and instructional services. Tunable performance room, on-site video available. (828) 335-9316. ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS • Make beautiful music! All ages and experience levels. Local Asheville area. $20/45 minute lessons. 828-450-0087.

CREATE YOUR CD, NOW with an experienced producer/arranger and talented multiinstrumentalist, Erik Kohl. Creative, flexible, and affordable. 828-242-5032. MAKE MUSIC! Guitar- PianoDrums- Bass- SingingBanjo- Mandolin lessons created for you/your child’s interest. Experienced, enthusiastic instructor, Erik… 828-242-5032. SUMMER GUITAR GROUP CLASS in Marshall, NC. Ages 12 and up. To sign up call, (828) 301-8448. www.ashevilleguitarinstruc

Equipment For Sale 2008 Ibanez Prestige RG2550Z Galaxy black. $700 or trade. Mint condition. OHS case. 828-648-5315. 5pc Tama Rockstar Kit • ONLY $300! All birch shells, quality hardware including DW doublebass pedals. Very good condition. Dark purple. Pix upon request. adhollifield@yahoo Ampeg Gemini I Amp • Vintage. Speaker replaced with Jensen, good condition, Checked out by professional amp shop. $500. 777-4865 New Beginner Fiddle $100 Josef Brenamen violin, hardly been played. Great fiddle to start out on. With case, bow, and rosin. 828-545-8472, leave message. Washburn B-16 Banjo • I am selling my baby. She is about 6 years old. Normal wear on the head and some rusting on the brackets. Hard shell case included. $800, obo. Washburn B-16 Banjo: I am selling my baby. She is about 6 years old. Normal wear on the head and some rusting on the brackets. Hard shell case included. $800, obo.

Musicians’ Bulletin Artists Auditions and Bookings Showcase at our weekly events and festivals. Rock, blue grass, ballads, funk, a-Capella, country, musical theater and comedy. Female Hi Harmony/Lead • Good at singing 3-part harmonies? Leads? Eclectic country vocal group, Deep River, seeks female hiharmony/lead vocalist. www.sonicbids/deepriver 828-280-2173. Invisible Lizard • Aggressive folk originals seeks vocalist with harmony and some instrumental skills. Call Anthony at 828-367-1418.

LEAD GUITARIST Must be proficient in Motown and Blues for working band. Call Allan: 669-0807. Looking for Drummer and Pianist • Red Shoes is looking for a jazz pianist and drummer. Contact Listen here: Metal Drummer Wanted Ironside is currently auditioning drummers. Contact the band through wnc joey 828-691-9503. Need Bass Player for new rock/hard rock project. Have drummer, vocalist and guitar. Have rehearsal space. Regular practices, with goal of playing occasional shows. Russell, 828-648-5315. Need Soloist • To accompany singer guitarist on jazz standards, Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder,Brazillian jazz. Must have chops. 2990598. Seeking Female Vocalist for twice a month gig downtown. Please supply myspace (or similar) page link to view and listen.

Pet Xchange

Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here: ETTA • Brown/black Persianmix. 9 1/2 yrs. Lost N. Asheville-Beaverdam/Spooks Branch area, 5/2. Long hair, gold eyes. Very shy. No collar, but micro-chipped. Much loved! 828-337-7661. LOST CAT IN FLETCHER • Female cat named Bear Bear. No collar. Mostly gray. Shaved except for head and end of tail. Southchase in Fletcher. Donnie, 828-337-5788. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND Gray, medium sized male, lost Montford area, Thursday evening, June 4. Collar and tags, address and phone. Please call 423-6211. LOST YOUR PET? FOUND A PET? Call Asheville Humane Society, (828) 253-6807, to fill out a missing or found pet report. Visit 72 Lee’s Creek Road, Asheville.

Found Pets BLACK AND WHITE MALE BIRD DOG • Found off Haywood Rd. in West Asheville Memorial Day 273-9722.


MEDIA SERVICES Audio and Video Recording of Musical, Instructional and Literary Sources Performance & Public Speaking Enhancement Tools

828-335-9316 •

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD OPEN AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FRENCH BROAD RIVER METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION DRAFT SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM – DIRECT APPORTIONMENT COMMENT PERIOD OPEN: The public is invited to review and comment on the draft Surface Transportation Program – Direct Apportionment (STP-DA) funding list for the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization (FBRMPO). The comment period is open until 5:00 p.m., June 17, 2009 with the public hearing following on June 18th, 2009 at 12:10 p.m. STP-DA funds are provided by the Federal Highway Administration to Metropolitan Planning Organizations with populations greater than 200,000 and may be used by Metropolitan Planning Organizations to program these funds to complete locally identified transportation projects.These projects are funded in one of two ways: Traditional Transportation Improvement Plan Funding for projects 2014 – 2016 For each year from 2014 to 2016, the FBRMPO will allocate up to $3,000,000.00 for transportation projects submitted by the member governments of the MPO.These are not new funds, but are a part of the State of North Carolina’s Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration’s transportation funding program. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the FBRMPO has the opportunity to direct $6,100,000.00 in funding towards transportation projects in the urbanized areas of Buncombe, Haywood, and Henderson counties.The projects must create jobs and be ready to be let for contract by September 30, 2009. The list of projects was selected from project requests submitted during March of 2009. Only member governments are eligible to receive STP-DA funding.The projects were prioritized by the STP-DA funding committee and recommended for approval by the FBRMPO Technical Coordinating Committee. THE PROPOSED STP-DA Project list is available on the internet at, at the Land-of-Sky Regional Council offices, and at the offices of Buncombe County, Haywood County, Henderson County, Asheville, Black Mountain, Biltmore Forest, Canton, Clyde, Flat Rock, Fletcher, Hendersonville, Laurel Park, Maggie Valley, Mills River, Montreat, Waynesville, Weaverville, and Woodfin. Copies are also available at the reference desk of the public libraries. PUBLIC HEARING: The comments received on the STP-DA project funding list will be considered, along with any other comments made by people attending the meeting, by the FBRMPO Transportation Advisory Committee at a public hearing at their meeting on June 18th, 2009 at 12:10 p.m. at the Land-of-Sky Regional Council, 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville, NC 28806.The meeting is open to the public, and the public may comment at the meeting. ACCOMODATIONS WILL BE MADE for document review and comment or for participation in the meeting for persons with disabilities, as well as for persons who are dependent on public transportation which does not serve the meeting space, or for persons who need a translator to participate, provided that a request is received at least 48 hours in advance. TO REQUEST ACCOMMODATION, SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact the FBRMPO by email at mpo@landofsky. org, by U.S. Mail or in person to 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville, NC 28806. Accommodation can also be requested via telephone at (828) 251-6622.

• JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


Autos 1985 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE STATION WAGON • Station Wagon. Runs well. No dents or rust. Interior in good condition. 100k miles. $800, obo. Brandon, 828-215-2858. 1988 BMW 735i 4 door. Good condition. Runs good, needs radiator. $4000. Call 250-2340. 1990 BUICK CENTURY • $900, obo. White and blue exterior. Blue interior. Good condition. 785-304-2526. 1991 OLDS CUTLASS CIERRA White. 100K. Runs, but cracked radiator needs replacing, horn needs help, inside/out condition are great. New tires, hitch, good title. $900.

BLACK DOG • I40 east of Old Fort on May 16, 2009. Call to describe. Will ask for vet records or photo. 828-674-9835. Brindle Hound Mix • Male brown/black. Founds in Chunns Cove area may 26. No collar,neutered, very timid. Hope to find his owner I cannot keep him. 828-301-4903.

ADOPT A PARROT-PHOENIX LANDING • Parrots live a long time, many need new homes. Go to for more info. Thanks for helping parrots!

A LOYAL COMPANION Murray, a Shepherd mix, might be the one for you. Call Brother Wolf Canine Rescue at 808-9435 for more information or visit

ADOPT BIG BEAR I have lovely, long hair and I was born in February 2003. I’m a big hunk of love, energetic and outgoing. I get along well with other dogs. I’m really looking forward to a special home. Can’t you see us enjoying a good hike together? To adopt Bear or see other available cats and dogs, call 258-4820 or visit

F[ji e\ j^[ M[[a Adopt a Friend • Save a Life

Elvis Male/Neutered Plott Hound/Mix 2 years, 4 months Animal ID# 7119863 Butter Male Domestic Shorthair/Mix 2 years, 2 months Animal ID# 7447587 Landra Female/Spayed Hound/Mix 2 years, 2 months Animal ID# 7407145

7i^[l_bb[ >kcWd[ IeY_[jo 72 Lee’s Creek Rd, Asheville, NC 253-6807 •

Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.


BASSETT HOUND • Female. Free to good home,1.5 years, spayed, shots. Fullblooded, no papers. Comes with crate. Beautiful,one blue eye. Sweet, loving, incorrigible, a true Bassett! 828-776-0782. BEAUTIFUL FREE KITTEN 7 week old kitten really needs a safe and healthy home. She is currently living in a small bedroom, needs a home! 636-751-5749.

Pets for Adoption

JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009 •

1993 MAZDA MPV MINIVAN • $400. Runs but needs new battery and some repairs to pass NC inspection. Alice or Nigel, 828-254-3727.

BEAUTIFUL HALF-SIAMESE KITTENS • free to a good home. These playful kittens are 5 weeks old. Annette 828-216-9032.

ADOPT BUSTER Buster is a German Shepherd/Lab mix, approximately 15 months old. He is an exuberant, loving dog full of youthful energy and looking for a family to give him loads of attention and playtime. It appears he was set out or dumped and was rescued by a loving, caring family who just wants Buster to be safe and happy. He weighs about 55 lbs and is probably not for a family with small children; children ages 9 and above should do well. When rescued, Buster already knew how to “sit” on command, but he needs a lot of patient, gentle but firm training. He likes to grab anything in sight and has to be watched for his still puppy habit of chewing. His foster mom is working on this. With lots of love, patience and quality time spent with him, Buster will be a wonderful and loyal companion. He learns fast and wants to please. Buster is very much a “people” dog! To adopt Buster or see other available cats and dogs, call 258-4820 or visit

BROTHER WOLF CANINE RESCUE Save a dog’s life! Adopt from Brother Wolf Canine Rescue. 458-7778.

BUTTERS IS WAITING Meet Butters, a poodle mix. Butters is available for adoption through Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Call 458-7778 for more information or see all our adoptable friends at FIND THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE! Cats, dogs, & other small animals available for adoption at Asheville Humane Society • 72 Lee’s Creek Road • Asheville, NC (828) 253-6807 William the Wonderful Cat • Is looking for a warm lap to sit on. Good with cats, dogs and kids. Up to date on vaccines. Feluk/FIV neg. Indoors. Declawed/Neutered. Very Sweet. Dot@231-3106

Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 258-0942 or 215-7232.

1993 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS CALAIS • Silver 2 door, stripes. 143K. Auto. Great MPG. List of new maintenence. CD. Looks good, runs great, clean engine. $1400, obo. 252-333-2977 1995 TOYATA COROLLA SEDAN • Manual. Red. A/C and airbags. 170K miles. Great MPG. Fair condition. Runs but needs some work. $1499, obo. 828-231-0179. 1998 SAAB 900 SE CONVERTIBLE • Summer Fu., 67K miles, Turbo, 5Speed, new tires, looks and runs great! $7,000 obo. 828230-7202. 2 Car speakers: JL audio. 6”x9”. $100, paid $195. 423-9500. 2000 MERCEDES BENZ C230K • Excellent condition with all service records. Green, tan interior. 112,500 miles. $7500. 828-3292334. 2000 VW PASSAT WAGON V6 • Leather. 9K miles, 2 owners. 6 CD player, all other bells and whistles. $8500, obo. 828-666.4876 or 828691-7827.

Trucks/Vans/SUVs F-150 LARIAT XL 4x4. Loaded, low milage, sunroof, pd, pl, ps, pw, tan leather interior, black exterior, towpkg, great condition. $10,750, obo. 828-2302517. Weaverville.

LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE! End cruel and dangerous constant chaining of dogs in NC! Lobby your state reps to reintroduce legislation addressing dog chaining. For information, contacts and downloads, visit

Vehicles For Sale

For Sale

Appliances AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES • Stoves • Refrigerators/Freezers • Washers • Dryers • Repairs • Pickup/Delivery • Se Habla Espanol • Preguntale Por Bonnie: (828) 258-7355. Uncle Joe’s Used Appliances Washer & Dryer • Whirlpool washer and dryer. Work well. Take them both for $100. 828-298-0055.

Computers Dell Laptop • Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop. 60 gb. hard drive, wireless, exc. condition. $269. 828-2741032. Dell Laptop • Dell Latitude D800, 60 gb. hard drive, wireless, exc. condition. $339. 828-274-1032. GET A NEW COMPUTER • Brand name laptops and desktops. Bad or no credit no problem. Smallest weekly payments available. Call now! 800-816-2232. GET A NEW COMPUTER. Brand Name laptops & desktops. Bad or no credit no problem. Smallest weekly payments available. It is yours now! Call 800-8038819 (AAN CAN)

Electronics HDTV • 20” Sylvania HDTV with DVD player. $100. 828545-7257.

Bicycles 2007 Cannondale F7: Silver, large mountain bike, great condition, helmet, warranty. $300, obo. 337-7261. 55CM ROAD BIKE • Miele Italian design. $350. 336624-4987. Vintage Schwinn Boy’s Bicycle 1970’s Sting-Ray Pixie. Fire engine red, great condition,new tires and training wheels. $200. 828-772-0702.

Sporting Goods Alumacraft Jon Boat • 2008 14’. 5hp B/S motor, galvanize trailer, trolling motor fishing seats, casting deck, storage. Will trade for golf cart or $1700. 216-0726 or 582-4487.

Building Supplies

FORD F-150 Teal, 217K, Good tires, new battery, duel fuel tanks. Runs great! Wouldn’t sell,expect I’m moving. Must see! $2,00, obo. 828-776-6696.

Bathroom Fixtures • Black gloss Jacuzzi bathtub and toilet $800. 828-670-8768, leave message.

Automotive Services

Ashley Furniture • Nice taupe colored sofa, purchased 1 1/2 years ago. $250. California king sized headboard, footboard $250.

WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-2756063 for appointment.


Astra Bed • Paid $2000 3 months ago. Selling for $500. Just like temperpedic. Looks great.

Burgundy Swivel Chair • Burgundy upholstered chair that swivels 360 and rocks. Good condition, firm cushions. Serious inquiries only. $300,obo. MATTRESSES Pillow-top: queen $250, king $350 • Extra firm: queen $175, king $275 • Full: $150 • Twin: $99. New, in plastic. 828277-2500. Pub Table and Chairs • Square pub table (36”) and matching chairs. Solid wood, dark cherry finish. Tall lattice back chairs. 6 months old, great condition. $395. 2306612.

Firewood Firewood • Need wood for your chiminea? Buy great wood split to fit your nifty patio place or stock up for the winter. Toy Tacoma. $100, delivered and stacked. 545-7062.

THIS SATURDAY Clothing Sale: Women 4-6. Designer, slightly worn. $5 each. Cranbrook at Biltmore Park Apartments, #605, Arden. June 13, 9am-1pm. Directions: 213-4800. THIS SATURDAY Garage sale: Household items, furniture. Cranbrook at Biltmore Park Apartments, #605, Arden. June 13, 9am1pm. Directions: 213-4800. THIS SATURDAY June 13, 8:30am-12:30pm, Kenilworth Inn apartments, 60 Caledonia, garage #19. •

General Merchandise

Oriental wool rug, 5x8 •

1 Bonnaroo Ticket. $245 face value plus fees. No profit for me. 674-1296.

Antique china and crystal •

Books • For med. transcription. Paid $3,700. Did not use. $1,700, obo. for further information. Serious inquires only!

Matching 1930’s dressers •

Limited edition books • Children’s clothing and toys • Women’s designer clothes • Linens • Jewelry •

PROTECT YOUR FAMILY Get a free GE alarm system with no installation fee and no equipment costs. Most homeowners will receive an insurance discount as well. Mention this ad and get 2 free keychain remotes. Promotional code A02087. Call 888-951-5158. (AAN CAN).

Directions/information: 505-

Singer Model 15-125 Sewing Machine • In fourdrawer oak cabinet, buttonhole attachment. Needs new motor. $5.

Adult Services


Adult Services

A MAN’S DESIRE • Special discounts, call for details.


Monday-Saturday, 9am-9pm. Let us relax and de-stress

Yard Sales 16 Family Rummage Sale • Saturday May 30th 8am1pm. Lots of childrens items, books, clothes, furniture, toys, household items. 21 Edwin Place off Charlotte St. 281-0007. Community Yard Sale West • Sat. 9-1 (6/13/09) Laurelwood Community, West Asheville Maple Ridge Ln. at Brevard Rd. No Early Sales. Rain Date 6/20. Huge Moving Sale 62 Mildred Ave in the heart of West Asheville off of Haywood Rd. Sat. 6/13, 8amuntil. Appliances, furniture, and much more! Don’t miss it! Moving Sale 6/12 - 6/13 • Everything MUST go! Furniture (many Ikea pieces), Kitchenware, clothes, linens, TV, lawnmower, and much MORE! 128 Park Ridge Ave. Swannanoa.

you! Incall/outcall. (Lic#0800020912). • (828) 9897353. A PERSONAL TOUCH Asheville. Bored? Stessed? • Ask about our Hot Summer Specials! Incall/outcall: 7139901. A WOMAN’S TOUCH Ask us about our “Spring Special”. • “We’re all about you!”. Call 275-6291. MEET SEXY SINGLES by phone instantly! Call (828) 239-0006. Use ad code 8282. 18+

The New York Times Crossword

In Home Assistance Transportation Companionship

Edited by Will Shortz No. 0429

Across 1 No. crunchers 5 Haute cuisine it’s not 9 Places for links 14 Rope material 15 Audiophile’s concern 16 Of service 17 307 for Wyoming and 907 for Alaska 19 El Líder of Argentina 20 Not paying immediately at the bar 22 100 or so, e.g.: Abbr. 23 Use a prie-dieu 24 Adoptee in Genesis 26 2002 Adam Sandler title role 29 Building beams 30 Through the uprights 31 Hams it up

34 “Whew!” 35 Google search need … or a hint to the ends of 20- and 49Across and 11and 28-Down 38 Satisfied sound 39 Like drinks with umbrellas 41 Fraternal letters 42 Sax type 43 “A diamond is forever” sloganeer 46 Lower oneself 47 Deduces, with “out” 48 Pewter component 49 Go ballistic 54 “Socrate” composer Erik 56 1978 Cheech & Chong movie 57 “It’s the end of ___” 58 “Holy ___!” 59 Line of rotation

60 Less typical 61 Morel morsel 62 Duma dissent













776-1390 • 456-6600 • 649-0180 14



Down 1 Burn on the grill 2 Machu Picchu’s land 3 “You said it!” 4 Punished with a wooden spoon, say 5 Like Cheech & Chong, typically 6 41-Across meeting places 7 Center Shaq 8 Annoying type 9 China’s place 10 Beehive State native 11 Apartment building feature 12 Dental hygienist’s advice 13 In the mail 18 Cannes film 21 ___ Alert (abduction bulANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE letin) N I N E O L A N P A S S E 25 Majorca Mrs. O N O R T I N E E M P T Y 26 Those in charge: Abbr. L A M A T O N E S M I T E 27 Crowd sound E T A S O N U S T O R E S I N E W L O G I R A 28 Road sign warning S E S S I L E N A P S T E R 29 1961 Literature S O R E L A T E S T Nobelist Andric S T A N D A R D W O R K D A Y 31 Harry Potter’s P E R I O D S O R T pet Hedwig, e.g. I S T H M U S P E E V I S H 32 Hammer-wieldN T H P C B D O L C E ing god F O R T O R B S I L E X 33 “___ All That” (Freddie Prinze C L U E R F O R E D I N O Jr. film) O E S T E F I R E O N E S 35 Cordelia’s father S W E D E S L R S F I V E





21 23








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48 54

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49 55










Puzzle by Barry C. Silk

36 Low-budget prefix 37 Yevtushenko’s “Babi ___” 40 Louvre pyramid architect 41 Reception toast giver 43 Easily managed

44 Penn, to Pennsylvania 45 Uncle ___ rice

51 Classic Manhattan theater

46 Paul Anka #1 hit 52 Dust Bowl migrant 47 Greyhound stop 48 Autocrat until 1917

53 For fear that

50 Bottom lines

55 Ill temper

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:


Furniture Magician 9kijec <khd_jkh[ 9WX_d[jho

Gail Azar RN, LPC

• Child Therapy • EMDR

Mark “Zim” Stewart LCAS

9WX_d[j H[\WY_d]

• Relationship Issues • Substance Abuse

<khd_jkh[ H[fW_h

• Women’s Issues • Grief & Loss

7dj_gk[ H[ijehWj_ed (828)


669-4625 • Black Mountain

Lisa Harris, LCSW

Adult and Child Medicaid/Health Choice BC-BS • Sliding Scale

Craniosacral Therapy Therapeutic Massage Depth Hypnosis Energy Healing Shamanic Counseling Meditation Instruction Rebecca Sell, LMBT NC License #5798 43 Grove Street, Asheville, NC 828.242.5054 •

• JUNE 10 - JUNE 16, 2009


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