Mountain Xpress, July 4 2012

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JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

Star Spangled


BUY 1 MARTINI, GET 1 FOR $2 EVERY SUNDAY Featuring favorite dishes from a variety of Asian cuisines:

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Help us ring in furry freedom from homelessness! In honor of Independence Day, all pets at the Adoption Center will be $17.76. Where …

Asheville Humane Society Adoption Center 14 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville, NC 28806

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When … Friday, July 6, Noon–6pm & Saturday, July 7, 10am–6pm Cost … All pets $17.76 for two days only

Outdoor Patio Seating 1840 Hendersonville Rd. (Gerber Village), Suite 101 Asheville, NC 28803 • (828) 277-3838 Mon. – Thurs. 11am – 3pm, 4:30 – 10:00pm Fri. & Sat. 11:30am – 11pm, Sun. 11:30am – 10pm For more information, contact This ad generously sponsored by the • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 3

thisweek on the cover

p. 30 The tipping point Restaurant staff help make this area the hot spot for foodies that it’s become, but that doesn’t mean it’s always a gratifying job. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes that diners don’t realize. Mackensy Lunsford offers a behind-the-scenes look at one of Asheville’s prevalent professions. Cover design by Nathanael Roney


12 criTicaL sTeppingsTone

Box Creek Wilderness gets reprieve

14 asheviLLe ciTY coUnciL: moving picTUres Council approves Charlotte Street traffic study

16 eLecTion 2012: foLLow The moneY

What the Buncombe County commissioner candidates’ finance reports reveal

arts&entertainment 38 fLowers, faThers, paper and Tape

Costume Drama takes inspiration from theatrical costume and Project Runway

40 hisTorY is now

New Triangle Park mural celebrates and rejuvenates The Block

41 channeLing hisTorY

Peter Kater and R. Carlos Nakai bring “at the moment” sounds

Western North Carolina’s premiere outfitter since 1964

Diamond Brand

Outdoors Brings my Family Together.



JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

2623 Hendersonville Rd, Arden, NC 28704

features 5 7 9 10 11 16 18 22 23 24 25 26 34 36 44 46 52 53 59 61 62 63

LeTTers carToon: moLTon carToon: brenT brown opinion newswire Yard&garden commUniTY caLendar news of The weird freewiLL asTroLogY conscioUs parTY Benefits edgY mama Parenting from the edge weLLness Health+wellness news eaTin in season What’s fresh brews news WNC beer scene smarT beTs What to do, who to see cLUbLand asheviLLe discLaimer crankY hanke Movie reviews cLassifieds bUsiness bLoTTer Open+close carToon: derf nY Times crossword

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letters What’s up With the conspiracy propaganda in the Xpress? I recently opened the Mountain Xpress and was saddened to see an insert espousing conspiracy theories regarding the existence of the Illuminati and satanic cults. I am in full support of free speech and the freedom to advertise. I am a capitalist at heart and believe thoroughly in these ideas. I would be happy to take anyone's money who wants a spot in the paper. That being said, some of the ideas put forth by the insert included [claims that] these secret organizations contain 1 percent of the nation's population, practice ritual sacrifice and abuse, run the banks of the world, are comprised of murderers, pedophiles and racial supremacists and were behind the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. There are numerous flaws and gaping holes in logic as to why the advertiser believes in the existence of these things. Some children are sadly abused and abducted, and other people are murdered, but international cult groups are not behind it. Let me say, lack of evidence is not proof of existence. In fact, it usually means just the opposite. I'm sure most people are aware these conspiracy theories are hokum. I am worried about the readers who don't think so critically. I'll get to the point of my letter. Dear advertiser of conspiracy theories in the Mountain Xpress: I'm challenging you to come forth and prove the Illuminati's existence. I'm asking you to debate me, a regular guy, who works a 40-houra-week job and volunteers in his spare time. I'm

F.I.R.E. Talks for the Body Mind and Spirit

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not an investigator or professional debunker. Just a rational human saddened to see these antiquated myths continuing into the 21st century. I will meet you in a well-lit, public arena where we can debate your "evidence" and we shall let the public decide. Please remember that anecdotes, code names and conspiracy theories are not evidence. I eagerly await your reply. — Jim MacKenzie Asheville Editor's note: The insert referenced in this letter was not produced or sanctioned by Mountain Xpress. Copies of the brochure were placed in some editions of the June 27 issue without permission and removed by our distribution team.


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What about all of the other animals? Kudos to Rusty Sivils for his well-written, heartfelt piece, “Dead Wrong,” regarding the slaughter of dogs and cats at animal shelters [June 13 Xpress]. However, I must take exception with his assertion that “we are all responsible for these animals’ deaths.” Many in the animal-welfare community have worked tirelessly trying to end this holocaust, and don’t deserve to be lumped in with those causing the problem. Here is who is to blame: Anyone breeding an animal. As long as there are animals being killed due to lack of homes, we need a national moratorium on breeding. Period. Anyone buying an animal. Adopt, don’t buy. The animals at shelters need their lives more than pet shops and breeders need your money.

Letters continue

staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h FOOD WRITER: Mackensy Lunsford STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Nelda holder, Tracy Rose, Steve Shanafelt CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Susan hutchinson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther



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WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Ronnie Edwards, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment


Politicians who refuse to pass laws to address the problem. We spend over a million dollars annually in Buncombe County rounding up, feeding, housing and killing homeless animals. Shifting these costs to the responsible parties by taxing breeders, and by encouraging spaying and neutering isn’t big government, it is responsible government. While I am appalled at the ongoing killings at the shelter, I often wonder why people who care so much about dogs and cats are oblivious to the suffering of other animals. Science has found that chickens have empathy and the ability to reason, and are actually smarter than dogs or cats. According to Jane Goodall, “farm animals feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear and pain. They are far more aware and intelligent than we ever imagined … they are individuals in their own right.” The horrific abuse endured by the 10 billion farm animals slaughtered annually in the U.S. would warrant felony cruelty charges if cats or dogs were similarly abused. Why do we love some animals and kill others? To learn why more and more Americans are choosing to live a humane lifestyle, please visit — Stewart David Asheville

hang ’em high I want to express my thanks to Brent Brown for his "Lowlife Scum" cartoon in the June 27 Mountain Xpress. If you'll permit me, I'd like to address the Lowlife Scum directly, and explain the historical precedent behind the severity and deep immorality of this particular crime. In the Old West, stealing a horse was sometimes deemed a capital crime, literally "a hangin' offense." The reasons for this are important to understand. In that time, in those places, stealing a person's horse very likely meant stealing their ability to make a living. In some cases it could even add up to threatening their life (imagine being stranded in an arid New Mexican wilderness with only the clothes on your back). So it is with stealing a musician's instrument, or a mechanic's tools. The person you are stealing this tool from, without a second thought on your part, very likely relies on that tool to make a living. Furthermore, for many of us it took years of hard work and diligent saving to get up enough money to buy a real professional-quality object with which to produce the very best product we are capable of. In my own case my instrument is the most valuable thing I own, worth more than my vehicle (regardless of what your fence offers you for it). If you steal it I cannot replace it. Do you understand how profoundly sleazy that makes your crime, and you? This is a very personal subject for me, as I lost a bunch of expensive musical equipment [when someone broke into my car] in Charleston (in broad daylight, in a residential neighborhood on a Wednesday afternoon). I understand you may be hungry, and I do sympathize. Ask me for help on the street. I'll probably buy you a bag of chips or an apple, even if I think you might be a drunk or a crack head. But if you steal my guitar and the judge asks my opinion, I'm going to recommend the hangin'. — Jon Dana (aka Zen Cohen) Fletcher


JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

a thank you from the family of ben harris I lost my husband, Ben Harris, two months ago in a terrible accident at Redhook Brewery in Portsmouth, N.H. Highland Brewery held a benefit for me and my unborn child on May 24. I greatly appreciate all of your thoughtfulness during my time of grief. Thank you all for your support and comfort. I am especially grateful to Highland Brewery for the benefit held in my late husband’s name in May. Random acts of kindness have renewed my faith in humanity. I look forward to thanking some of you in person when the baby and I return to the area. — Alysha J. Harris Newington, N.H.

do We have too many high-paid buncombe county employees? In 2009, after selling my company, I had to purchase my own health insurance. I remember telling my friend, Judy, a New Jersey teacher, that I didn’t want to pay for her and her family’s complete health-care for the rest of my life. It was one reason my husband and I decided to leave New Jersey. Now residents of Buncombe County, we’re facing the same issue with county-employee pay. The average Buncombe County employee makes far more than the average resident. County employees also have a lavish benefit package worth, on average, 48 percent of their salary. This means the average Buncombe County employee makes $51,422 a year in salary and benefits versus $42,500 for the average resident. Hourly, this translates to $36.59 for the average county employee versus $20.43 for the average resident. Because taxpayers pay county employees’ salaries and benefits, how can we continue to justify paying these folks on average 79 percent more? I’m not saying that all Buncombe County employees are overpaid, but I suspect there are far too many high-paid county employees. How long can we expect taxpayers, who are making substantially less, to continue to fund the lavish salary and benefits for county employees? Perhaps it’s time for a comprehensive compensation study performed countywide and conducted by an independent professional company? — Linda Southard Candler

dear busker Please imagine the days that I spend with you. I work atop the building outside of which you busk. I arrive to hear you playing, saying to my colleague, "there he is again" or "already?" "He's been here all morning," she says. I hear the three — or four or five — songs you play and then I hear you play those three — or four or five — songs again. You get distracted and stop. I look out the window. I see you chatting. I forget about you. I chat with my colleague, nestle to work. I then hear you begin to play those three — or four or five — songs again. You'll do this every day for about a month, at which you'll then promote yourself to an evening shift, or give up entirely, having "tried to make it" with those three — or four or five — songs.

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at I've discerned your capacity for imagination. I imagine your spirit is — as you might put it — wild. I would instead internalize this spirit with attempts to control it, to better know it, to captivate its energy. Protect what you do and do it wisely — also respect it, knowing well of those who do what you do with less naiveté, more seriousness and craft. Those humiliated by the lineage to which their musicianship participates, those with enough confidence to envision a world with respect to their place in it. They consider how their actions influence the perspective of others. The perspective I've since deliberated in drafting this letter makes working beside you unbearable, as I felt obligated to share these thoughts communally, instating value to their witness. — Nathanael Roney Asheville Editors’ note: The writer is the senior graphic designer at Mountain Xpress.

city council is being bullied by Wealth Have the citizens of this country and their representatives lost their minds completely? We have a representative government. The citizens vote for candidates who will represent their interest in deciding on important issues affecting their lives and the lives of their fellow citizens. Only these representatives have the right and responsibility to levy taxes in order to fund necessary government functions. The idea being that we citizens can protest and even reject, representatives who make decisions we don’t like. Now our City Council is planning to [possibly] hand over its taxing authority to a group of people who have not been elected by the citizens: the Business Improvement District. In addition, the makeup of the downtown BID would give more votes to major property owners (over 3 million) than to others. While I know our country is

handing over its governmental functions to the wealthy, this is ridiculous! Has our City Council decided that the worth of a human being is directly connected to the amount of wealth possessed? Then there is the issue of keeping the downtown area free of undesirables. That is the responsibility of the police. Has anyone noticed that the police are limited in their enforcement activities by the rights of citizens some of us may consider undesirable? That is as it should be in the USA. Now who is going to protect the rights of those considered undesirable by BID? And how will the BID board decide who is undesirable? Perhaps they will limit downtown access to property owners, or people with a certain income. City Council is apparently being bullied by wealthy private interests to the detriment of representative government. They need to stand up to these rich people, no matter what financial promises they make. — Norma Warren Asheville

a bid Would be redundant If the function of the BID is to provide services that overlap those already provided by the city, then it doesn't seem logical to create a new bureaucracy and overhead to administer services already provided by the city. If the BID is going to employ street cleaners, and the city employs street cleaners, then it seems like the tax money that would go to the BID could just as easily go to the city without a second administration. Residents and businesses of Asheville can already make their desires known to city staff. These desires will not find a faster fruition otherwise. The BID is inefficient. — Jon King Asheville • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 7

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there is no “one” ansWer

What Would st. laWrence do?

If you do not want a building across from the St. Lawrence Basilica that will produce income for the city and its residents for years to come, but instead would like a park that would cost the city (planning, building, maintaining, securing and insuring), then take some of your time dedicated to the subject to coming up with — should I say it? — a compromise. No, I do not have the "one" answer on this subject. It's just the one side or the other attitude that I address. While thinking about the fact that I, too, would prefer a park. I tried to imagine the costs associated with it, as well as how much the city would lose in revenue for the future. Perhaps a park that would produce an income, at least to off set its expenses, would be best? Maybe something similar to what the Grove Arcade has outside? A place where locals could pay a fee and market their goods and services. Maybe not-forprofits could have fund raising events for a nominal fee? Maybe it could be rented for weddings? Maybe install solar panels and rain retention to offset utility expenses (perhaps one of the local solar companies would install at little or no cost)? Maybe form an organization the applies for grants and does private fundraising to pay for the project, giving all those a place to put their money where there mouths are? I doubt that all this would compare to the tax revenue produced by a building though. Like I said, I don't have the "one" answer on this subject. I just would encourage all who are passionate about this to help come up with "all" the answers, not just "one.” One more thing: Thank you to the City Council for your time and efforts. I'm sure it's got to be frustrating for you to always hear objections rather than solutions from one side then the other. My community elected you. I support your informed decision on this matter. I know none of you take this lightly. — Kent Joines Ashville

The fact that we Ashevilleans could elect a City Council that would even consider putting yet another hotel on the property across from St. Lawrence Basilica shows how debased our economy has made us. Gazing through a lush, landscaped park on that property, with Rafael Guastavino’s magnificent church providing the backdrop, would be exquisitely tranquil and beautiful while lounging at a Grove Arcade table. Or picnicking under a tree while preparing for your child’s graduation, a concert or a Southern Highland’s Craft Fair. Instead we’ll probably build another rectangular-monstrosity hotel, like the one going up on Biltmore Avenue. Yes, if we do choose a park, there’ll be some poor people there. But maybe their presence by a basilica that’s supposed to symbolize the infinite compassion of Jesus will shame Asheville into caring for them, rather than seeing them as mainly threats to business. Looking at the front of the Basilica you see a statue of Saint Lawrence in the center, holding a grid iron. Legend or fact has it that the Romans demanded he fork over the treasures of his church, circa A.D. 300. Instead, Lawrence gave what valuables he had to the poor, and when the Romans came, he presented hundreds of poor people to them saying: “These people are my treasures.” As a result the Romans burned Lawrence on a grid iron. After a while Lawrence said: “Turn me over, I’m done on that side.” (Look it up!) Thus he is now considered the patron saint of cooks. A sculpture dedicated to St. Lawrence, the many magnificent chefs in Asheville who often labor for little pay and less security and to the poor could be constructed at the center of what should be St. Lawrence’s Poor Chef Park. — Bill Branyon Asheville

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cartoon by brent brown

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stuck by michael harney

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Since 1994, the Needle Exchange Program of Asheville has been doing what it can to give community members access to harm-reduction supplies such as condoms, clean needles, cookers, cotton, alcohol swabs, antibiotic ointment, tourniquets and disposal containers. NEPA also gives referrals to HIV and hepatitis testing and counseling as well as substance-use/abuse treatment centers, and we try to offer participants hope for another safe and healthier day. Each month, NEPA distributes about 2,000 new needles — mostly, but not always, in exchange for an equal number of used ones. People from as far away as Cherokee County and as close as downtown Asheville contact us, due to the barriers across North Carolina to over-the-counter sales of needles without a prescription. It’s a poor stance on public health when unjust and unjustifiable laws prohibit anyone from having access to these services — but it’s not necessarily the law that creates all the barriers. Recently, a French gentleman described the policy change on needle access in his country of birth when the minister of health noted the high number of HIV and hepatitis infections occurring among people who used needles — shared needles — years ago. The new policy obligated pharmacists to sell needles to anyone who wanted them, no questions asked, while also providing some education about safety and proper disposal. Some might argue that we’re not in France. But they cannot argue that our current policies are good for public health in general. Needle users: Lock ’em up, you say? Well, that’s not good for public health either. At what point does one lose one’s humanity? Will we ever be able to simply see one another as human beings first? What makes someone despise another so easily? Who’s to judge one’s brother or sister, neighbor or co-worker, friend or foe?

coming together The XIX International AIDS Conference will be held Sunday through Friday, July 22-27, in Washington, D.C. Visit aids2012. org for information about the Global Village. The renowned AIDS Memorial Quilt will also be on display.

10 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

let’s get real about promoting public health

at What point does one lose one’s humanity? Will We ever be able to simply see one another as human beings first?

strange harvest: The needles received by NEPA arrive inside bags, detergent bottles, etc. Photo courtesy Michael Harney

Meanwhile, poor public-health policies cost us so much money. Unnecessary new HIV and hepatitis infections cost us so much money! In comparison, buying 2,000 needles each month costs so little money, so NEPA will continue to buy them in bulk — probably with little gratitude from Raleigh — until the state gets the law correct and starts taking public health seriously. Legislators and other policymakers are culpable if they continue to oppose scientifically proven public-health measures such as needle exchange as a component of a comprehensive harm-reduction strategy. With continued support and collaboration in our progressive region of the state, and with

progressive-thinking law-enforcement administrations, supportive health directors, collaborative agencies and well-informed people of good will, we can continue to be the model of harm reduction that has existed here in Asheville for almost two decades. Spread the word, not a new infection: Don’t share needles. Dispose of them properly. Get tested for hep C and HIV. Contact NEPA if need be. X Michael Harney has worked in the field of HIV/ AIDS/STD/hepatitis-prevention education since 1992. To contact NEPA, call 274-8397.

news X wnc

neWsWire Wnc congressional candidates voice vieWs on u.s. supreme court’s health-care ruling

integrity of the cases investigated by the police department,” the filing reads. “Defendants have failed and refused, and continue to fail and refuse, to provide Plaintiffs with access to the audit report.”

One of President barack obama's signature achievements to date, the overhaul of the country's health-care system has continued to be a hotbutton issue since its passage in 2010. So it’s not surprising that local congressional candidates had something to say about the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 ruling that the act is constitutional.

News emerged last year that more than 115 items were missing from the APD evidence room. Asheville City Council ordered a $175,000 audit and then-APD Chief Bill Hogan promptly resigned. The audit was finished in January this year, but District Attorney Ron Moore has declined to release it, despite multiple openrecords requests. (For the full story, go to — David Forbes

In the 10th Congressional District, incumbent Republican patrick mchenry says, “ObamaCare is still bad policy that needs to be replaced with patient-centered reforms that will actually lower the cost of care. … Until we enact real change, premiums will continue to rise for millions of American families.” His Democratic opponent, patsy keever, cites a long list of benefits to health care reform, such as: young people can remain on their parents' plans until age 26; and clients can no longer be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. "I imagine that there are families all over North Carolina right now who are breathing a sigh of relief," she says. (For more candidate comments, visit avl. mx/hf.) — Jake Frankel

buncombe county gop kicks don yelton off committee for “party disloyalty” The executive committee of the Buncombe County Republican Party found longtime political activist don yelton guilty of party disloyalty, voting June 25 to strip him of his duties as precinct chair and kick him off the committee until the next party convention in March of 2013.

local media sue district attorney, city of asheville over evidenceroom records

The move wasn't unanimous, however: In protest, former party chair robert malt as well as gary shoemaker resigned from their own leadership roles in the party. Executive director of conservative group Buncombe Forward, Malt has been very critical of current party chair Henry Mitchell. Shoemaker serves as Buncombe Forward director.

Mountain Xpress, Carolina Public Press, WLOS, WCQS and the Asheville Citizen-Times filed suit last week against District Attorney Ron Moore and the city of Asheville, seeking to compel release of the audit of guns, drugs, and money reported missing last year from the Asheville Police Department evidence room.

Yelton says he plans to appeal the decision to the district and possibly state levels. He wasn't able to attend the June 25 meeting to defend himself due to work commitments, he says. Instead, former party chair chad nesbitt spoke on his behalf. (For the full story, go to — Jake Frankel

“The issue represents a matter of substantial public importance because it involves not only the conduct and procedures of the Asheville Police Department, but also impacts the

For more, go to

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Building Community Through Business: Connect. Engage. Impact. Thrive. titititftitititftftitititftitititibtftftftftfg tf 3tf Mtftitftftftf tftftftf tf tftftftftftftftftftftftf




Send your news tips and ideas to • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 11

critical steppingstone boX creek Wilderness gets reprieve by susan andreW Every so often, wilderness gets a break. Consider the case of the Box Creek Wilderness, a 3,300-acre forest tract straddling the Rutherford/ McDowell county line just east of Asheville. Once slated to become a high-end residential development, the property was acquired late last year by a conservation-minded owner after the developer went bust. Local conservationists watched with bated breath as Tim sweeney, the founder and CEO of Epic Games, took title to the parcel. And on June 7, North Carolina's secretary of environment and natural resources signed an agreement with Sweeney allowing the property to be registered with the state’s Natural Heritage Program. Housed within the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the agency administers a registry of significant natural areas. Registering them can be the first step toward becoming a permanent nature reserve recognized by the state and future owners of the property. But there are no guarantees, and owners are free to remove their property from the list with 30 days’ notice. The program has signed more than 300 registry agreements with corporations, conservation groups, and state and local governments. To date, however, it has inked just 30 voluntary agreements with private landowners in North Carolina. Still, the addition of the Box Creek Wilderness more than triples the private-landowner acreage in the registry in a single move, notes Natural Heritage Program staffer scott Pohlman. Local environmentalists say the new registry agreement enables the Box Creek Wilderness to

12 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

staying wild: Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney bought the Box Creek tract and registered it with North Carolina’s Natural Heritage Program — which could lead to making the 3,300-acre property a permanent nature reserve. Photos by Lloyd Raleigh, Unique Places continue its de facto role as a natural haven for a unique assemblage of rare species and communities that have found a home there since before the last ice age. The tract hosts some 88 rare species of plants and animals as well as at least 20 rare natural communities, according to a new census conducted by biologists with the Marshall-based Mountains-to-Sea Ecological. There are also several archaeological sites on the property — some used by Native Americans, others by settlers of European descent — that have yet to be fully explored. Meanwhile, new threats — including invasive species and ATV users — loom for this wild area, even as it’s added to the registry. "This tract is a critical steppingstone in a wildlife corridor connecting the extensive state park and game lands in the South Mountains to the protected lands along the Blue Ridge," explains susie Hamrick Jones, director of the Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina in Morganton. "We've been trying to find a conservation solution for this tract for a long time," notes Jones. And

with climate change driving plants and animals to seek pathways to new areas meeting their basic ecological needs, that goal becomes even more pressing, since the Box Creek Wilderness provides "quick-and-ready routes" to appropriate habitat. "Private landowners are the front line of conservation now, because funds for public acquisition of land are at an all-time low in North Carolina," Jones reports. Public moneys such as the Clean Water Management Trust Fund — which supported an extraordinary period of land and water conservation in this state over the last 20 years — are nearly depleted. The ongoing economic slump and the current state Legislature’s priorities have created this situation, she says. Meanwhile, with land values at a historic low, opportunities to conserve significant tracts are abundant. "This is a great time to continue North Carolina's leadership in investing in this state's special places and valuable waters," Jones declares. "These places drive our tourist industry and our agricultural industry. We're looking to the current leadership in the General Assembly to increase the funding for these trust funds as the economy improves." Relatively pristine natural areas have a significant practical value for people living downstream. Box Creek, which drains the higher reaches of the wilderness, feeds into the Second Broad River, which supplies drinking water to several Rutherford County communities. The Box Creek Wilderness was formerly the Dysartsville Game Land, one of a number of large properties owned by regional timber companies. Leased to the state as public game lands, these areas were open for hiking and hunting by anyone

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holding a state-issued hunting license. For generations, such arrangements kept a lot of Western North Carolina acreage forested while enabling local folks to make low-impact use of these lands. In 2007, however, The ForestLand Group sold the property to a Charlotte-based developer who subsequently went broke, enabling Sweeney to aquire it in 2011. Stewardship activities unfolding in Box Creek nowadays are geared toward preserving its natural communities — and many rare species — for the long term. A team of specialists from the Durham-based Unique Places has taken on a series of restoration projects on the property, including treating hemlock stands against the woolly adelgid, the imported pest that’s killed great numbers of these majestic trees across Western North Carolina. The team has also planted blight-resistant chestnut trees from The American Chestnut Foundation in a bid to re-establish the oncedominant hardwood species here. In addition, a recently launched burning program seeks to restore fire-dependent natural communities, including the many rare plants associated with rock outcrops on the property's higher elevations along Rockey Face Mountain. But perhaps most unusual: There are plans to remove and restore the few roads present on the tract. ATV users have worn tracks in places, and old logging roads have left their mark. It's like reverse engineering for conservation purposes, and it's generally undertaken only by the most seriously conservation-minded owners. "Nothing on this scale has ever been done in North Carolina by a private individual," Jones reports. Stressing that the current owner prefers to keep a low profile, Jeff Fisher of Unique Places

chuckle. "You can decide whether you like privet — which our team is spending a lot of effort to remove from this natural area — or you can decide to avoid landscaping with invasive species” that escape and proliferate in natural areas across the Southeast. linda Pearsall, who directs the state agency’s Office of Conservation, Planning and Community Affairs, agrees. "It's always significant when a landowner makes this kind of conservation commitment," says Pearsall, whose office oversees the state's registry. "It demonstrates a real appreciation for North Carolina's natural beauty, its wildlife and significant places. It makes it part of the public conversation that doing conservation is valued." X Contributing reporter Susan Andrew can be reached at

pretty in purple: Box Creek Wilderness is home to some 88 rare species, including the Appalachian skullcap, a native wildflower that’s classified as endangered in North Carolina. adds, "He's doing what we wish the state would do with their best conservation lands: He's doing what's in his heart." But you don’t have to own a large parcel to follow Sweeney’s lead, Fisher asserts. "Good land management is something anyone with land can do. From deciding to only plant natives, to how you control water runoff on your property, to creating wildlife habitat — heck, there are things you can do with a lawnmower," he says with a

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news X asheville

moving pictures council approves charlotte street traffic study june 26 meeting v Ingles sign variance voted down v Tobacco sponsorships banned from future festivals

by david forbes

40th Annual

Village Art & Craft Fair AUGUST 4 & 5 Saturday 10 to 7 Sunday Noon to 6 A high quality art and craft fair held on the grounds of The Cathedral of All Souls

Biltmore Village 118 Exhibitors Rain or Shine No Admission

7 Boston Way


Asheville NC 2012

Staff studies aren't usually particularly controversial. But a proposed traffic-engineering study for the Charlotte Street corridor got some pushback at the Asheville City Council’s June 26 meeting. Some area residents said the $50,000 study is an unnecessary expense — and the first step in trimming the number of lanes on Charlotte Street from four to three, which they fear will cause problems in the area. “There has been no real public hearing; it was just a dog-and-pony show,” longtime resident Tom english declared. “There are a number of businesspeople opposed to this.” Asheville native Jerry sternberg, a local developer, compared the city's studies to a gambler repeatedly pulling the lever of a Vegas slot machine, hoping to hit the jackpot. “We keep putting money in and not getting the desired result, so the only way to get the result is to read the machine differently,” he said. “This is not about bicycles; this is not about pedestrians. This is really about a very small group of influential, proprietary elitists who want to discourage traffic going through their neighborhood.” Jamison Judd, representing Buncombe County Emergency Services, said they did have some concerns about emergency-vehicle access with one less lane on Charlotte Street. Trafficcalming measures in the area have already caused a number of difficulties, he maintained. But according to city Transportation Director Ken Putnam, this study is different from previous ones because it would collect more specific data. Reducing the number of lanes on Charlotte Street, he noted, is an option the study will investigate, but far from the only one: He hopes the data obtained will lay out the potential impacts of various options. “This will tell us which options are worth exploring,” added Putnam. “I can't get a definitive answer of which way we're going to go.” Other city residents voiced support for the study, feeling it will give them a better understanding of how to improve the area. “There's a lot of opinions for what might happen to Charlotte Street, so the study is going to look at all the options,” Grace Curry, a member of the Charlotte Street Streetscape Committee, told Council. “It's time to get data; the study is a critical next step.”

14 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

When views collide: On June 26, Council passed a study to gather more information about what improvements (if any) should be made in the Charlotte Street corridor. Photo by Max Cooper

making places Earlier this year, an informational meeting on possible street improvements in the area drew almost 200 people and revealed sharp disagreement over the lane-reduction idea, but staff said there was consensus on improved sidewalks and a number of other issues. Council member Gordon smith said studying improvements to the corridor is part of Council's broader effort to enhance the unique feeling of each area of the city. “It's been a priority of this Council to strengthen neighborhood identity, and one way to do that is something called 'place-making,'” Smith explained. “That means creating more walkable communities with distinctive identities.” He noted that while he’s leaning toward fewer lanes on Charlotte Street, he wants the study to shine more light on the question and wouldn't favor it if the data showed that the problems would outweigh the benefits. Council member Cecil Bothwell noted that when College Street was drastically narrowed in 2006 and a roundabout was added, few would have believed that traffic would actually be less congested afterward. “That keeps right on moving, and it happened at UNCA and Clingman Avenue too: Who would have predicted that who didn't have the relevant expertise?” he said. Council member Jan davis noted that he had concerns about reducing the number of lanes but

trusted staff's assertions that the study would reveal more about the various options. In the end, no Council member apparently found the concerns persuasive enough to derail the study, which was approved 6-0. (Council member Marc Hunt was absent.)

other business In other action, Council: • Rejected proposed signage for the Oteen Ingles on a 3-3 vote. Bothwell, Smith and Council member Chris Pelly opposed, saying they don’t believe the grocery-store chain should continue getting variances from the city's signage rules. Davis and other supporters said that while they didn't find situation ideal, the city's current rules are out of date. • Voted 6-0 to make Asheville the nation’s first Bee City, USA. Proponents, some dressed as beekeepers, cited the city's long tradition of backyard beekeeping and local honey-making, as well as a need to encourage pollination and a healthy ecosystem. The city will establish a pollination subcommittee of the Tree Commission and use pollination-friendly trees in the future. • Approved a ban on tobacco sponsorships at future city festivals (particularly next year's Bele Chere) on a 6-0 vote. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at

election 2012

Vinyasa Follow the money New!! Flow Yoga what the BuncomBe county commissioner

candidates’ Finance reports reveal By margaret williams In the months leading up to the May 8 primary, how did the Buncombe County commissioner candidates raise and spend money? Their initial campaign-finance reports provide a snapshot of how much was donated, who the contributors were, how much the candidates spent and what they spent it on. The next round of reports is due July 11. Except as noted, we’ve focused on the primary winners in the three new commissioner districts, with a nod to the races for board chair and a few tidbits from some unsuccessful candidates. Twenty-one people were fighting for 12 spots on the November ballot, when the top two vote-getters in each district will be determined. The lack of standardized reporting for expenses makes comparing the various campaigns’ reports difficult. Different campaigns categorized their expenses differently; the level of detail varies; several candidates pledged to raise less than $1,000 so were not required to file reports; and some candidates have amended their reports since the first-quarter April 30 deadline. Despite those caveats, however, we hope this sheds some light on these local races. (To view the candidates’ reports, go to the Buncombe County Board of Elections website or this link at who came out on top in the races for board chair (the only countywide commissioner race)? 1. David Gantt (Dem.): 27, 224 votes 2. JB Howard (Rep.): 10,165 of all the primary candidates, which three raised the most money? Terry Van Duyn: $32,765.07 Linda Southard: $27,546.79 Brownie Newman: $16,301.57

which district candidates will advance to november, and how many votes did they get? 1. Holly Jones (Dem., District 1): 11,665 votes 2. Brownie Newman (Dem., Dist. 1): 8,898

Holly Jones: 61 donations totaling $2,238

5. Michelle Pace Wood (Dem., Dist. 3): 4,545

$4,563.56 (Terry Van Duyn, “food for kickoff event”)

6. Joe Belcher (Republican, Dist. 3): 4,342

which candidate spent the most money all told?

7. Terry Van Duyn (Dem., Dist. 3): 4,269

Terry Van Duyn ($25,858.78)

9. Christina Kelley G. Merrill (Rep., Dist. 2): 3,925 10. David King (Rep., Dist. 3): 2,679 11. Don Guge (Rep., Dist. 1): n/a (Guge wasn’t on the ballot, since he’s the only Republican running in Dist. 1) of these winners, who raised the least amount of money in the first quarter? Michelle Pace Wood: $700 which candidate loaned or donated the most to their campaign? Terry Van Duyn: $21,141.09 which winner spent the least? Michelle Pace Wood: $0 what do the Buncombe county commissioners get paid? $26,019: board chair $21,762: vice chair $17,505: other commissioners In addition, each commissioner receives an $8,450 travel stipend and a $650 technology allowance. which candidate got the most $1,000 donations from individuals other than themself (not counting in-kind contributions or loans)? Terry Van Duyn: two

We s t A s h e v i l l e Yo g a . c o m

Brownie Newman: 81 donations totaling $2,442.56

4. Ellen Frost (Dem., Dist. 2): 6,021

8. Mike Fryar (Rep., Dist. 2): 4,099

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who had the most small donations ($50 or less)?

what was the biggest single campaign expense reported by any primary winner?

3. Carol Peterson (Dem., Dist. 2): 6,531

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which campaign manager/ consultant was paid the most? Michael Muller, who worked with Mike Fryar, David King and Glenda Weinert

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the second-most?

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Beth Trigg, who worked with Terry Van Duyn what was the biggest single expense for the top votegetter in each district and for the overall top-drawing republican?

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Peterson: $4,500 for “bundled communications” Belcher: $3,641.10 for “signs” Jones: $1,139.35 for “website costs”

Wood: $0 (no reported expenses) how much did those four candidates spend per vote (total reported expenses divided by number of votes received) Belcher: $3.50

Peterson: $1.13 Jones: 67 cents

Wood: $0 Margaret Williams can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 152, or at mvwilliams@

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Why: Visitors will learn about the functionality of bamboo through lectures and hands-on workshops, including introductions to farming bamboo. Plants, crafts and products will also be for sale by festival vendors.

gardeningcalendar calEndaR FoR July 4 - 12, 2012 n.C. Arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through MO (9/3) - Wicked Plants: The Exhibit will "expose plants associated with a myriad of negative health effects." Plant Clinics • SA (7/7), 11am-2pm - Extension Master Gardener volunteers will hold a plant clinic at the WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Bring plant samples for evaluation. Free. Info: http://buncombe. or 255-5522. Regional tailgate markets Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. Three dashes indicate the next listing. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-noon - Waynesville Tailgate Market , 171 Legion Drive. --- 8amnoon - Haywood Historic Farmer's Market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 2-6pm - Asheville City Market South , Town Square Blvd., Biltmore Park. --- 2:30-6:30pm - Weaverville Tailgate Market, 60 Lakeshore Drive. --- 2-5pm - Spruce Pine Farmers Market, 297 Oak Ave. --- 2-6pm - Montford

16 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

Farmers Market, 36 Montford Ave. --- 2-6pm French Broad Food Co-op , 90 Biltmore Ave. • THURSDAYS, 2-6pm - Oakley Farmers Market , 607 Fairview Road. --- 3-6pm - Flat Rock Tailgate Market, 2724 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. --- 3rd THURSDAYS, 2-6pm - Greenlife Tailgate Market , 70 Merrimon Ave. • FRIDAYS, 3-6pm - East Asheville Tailgate Market, 945 Tunnel Road. --- 4-7pm - Leicester Tailgate Market, 338 Leicester Highway. • SATURDAYS, 7am-noon - Henderson County Tailgate Market, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville.--8am-noon - Waynesville Tailgate Market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - Haywood Historic Farmer's Market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 8am-noon - Mills River Farmers Market, 5046 Boylston Highway. --- 8am-noon - Bakersville Farmers Market, Bakersville Community Medical Clinic parking lot, opposite the U.S. Post Office. --- 8am-1pm - Asheville City Market, 161 South Charlotte St. --- 8am-12:30pm - Transylvania Tailgate Market, behind Comporium on the corner of Johnson and Jordan Streets, Brevard. --- 8amnoon - North Asheville Tailgate Market, UNCA commuter lot C. --- 8:30am-12:30pm - Yancey County Farmers Market, S. Main Street at US 19E, Burnsville. --- 9am-noon - Big Ivy Tailgate Market, 1679 Barnardsville Highway, Barnardsville. --- 9am-noon - Black Mountain Tailgate Market ,

130 Montreat Road. --- 9am-1pm - Madison County Farmers and Artisans Market , Highway 213 at Park Street, Mars Hill. --- 9am-2pm - Leicester Tailgate Market , 338 Leicester Highway. --- 10am-2pm Murphy Farmers Market , downtown Murphy. Info: 837-3400. • SUNDAYS, noon-4pm - Marshall's "Sundays on the Island ," Blanahasset Island. • TUESDAYS, 3-6pm - Historic Marion Tailgate Market , West Henderson Street at Logan Street, Marion. --- 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville Tailgate Market , 718 Haywood Road. Research Hop Yard Open House • TH (7/5), 5-7pm - "Come see the 10 varieties of hops being studied to help the growing local hops industry" at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station, 455 Research Drive, Mills River. Free. Info and directions:

moRE gaRdEnIng EVEnts onlInE

Check out the Gardening Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after July 12.

calEndaR dEadlInE

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY , one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists calEndaR FoR July 4 12, 2012 unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Animals Cat Adoptions • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am-5pm Furever Friends will host cat and kitten adoptions at Petco, 825 Brevard Road.

Info: www.fureverfriendsnc. org. Dog Adoptions • SATURDAYS, 11am4pm - Transylvania Animal Alliance Group (T.A.A.G.) will host dog adoptions at Petsmart, 3 McKenna Road, Arden. Info: www. or 388-2532. Full moon Farm Wolfdog Rescue • SA (7/7), 3-5pm - Full Moon Wolfdog Rescue will host an open house, featuring free tours and a potluck with hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks, beginning at 5pm. Please bring a dish to share. Held at 39 Full Moon Trail, Black Mountain. $5 for food. Info: or 664-1818. Rusty's Legacy • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm - Rusty's Legacy animal rescue will host pet adop-

Calendar deadlines:

*FREE and PaId lIstIngs - WEdnEsday, 5 P.m. (7 days PRIoR to PublIcatIon) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

tions at Black Mountain Tractor Supply Company, 125 Old Highway 70. Info: or Spay/neuter Vouchers • The Buncombe County Animal Coalition offers spay/neuter vouchers to at-risk pets, including pregnant or nursing cats, dog breeds such as pit bulls and hounds, animals over the age of five and pet owners who reside in public housing. $35 dogs/$20 cats. Info: 250-6430 or 252-2079. Spay/neuter Vouchers • SA (7/7), 11:45am3pm - Vouchers for free and low-cost spay/neuter services will be available to Henderson County residents at The Blue Ridge Mall's KMart entrace, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. Info:

Art aRt the Painting experience with Stewart Cubley: (pd.) Experience the power of process painting as described in the groundbreaking book 'Life, Paint & Passion: Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression.' August 10 - 12 in Asheville www., (888) 639-8569. 16 Patton Located at 16 Patton Ave. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., 12-5pm. Info: or 236-2889. • FR (7/6) through SU (8/5) - Broken and Whole, figurative oil and watercolors by Suzy Schultz. •FR (7/6), 5-8pm Opening reception. 310 ARt gallery Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St., #310. Fri.Sun., 9:30am-3:30pm or by appointment. Info: or 7762716. • Through FR (8/31), Thinking Big, an exhibition of large paintings. Allure: the Secret Life of Flowers

18 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

• Through WE (8/15) Allure: The Secret Life of Flowers, an exhibition of new work printed on metal by Julie McMillan of Silver Birch Studio Photography. Hosted by West One Salon, 372 Depot St. A portion of sales benefits The Hope Chest for Women. Info: or www.westonesalon. com. American Folk Art and Framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon. - Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. or 2812134. • Through TH (7/12) - Hot Damn!. An enchanted Animal Affaire • Through MO (7/9) - An Enchanted Animal Affaire, a community-wide exhibition of fiberglass ducks decorated by local artists, will be on display throughout Weaverville. Info: www. • MO (7/9), 6-8pm - A silent auction will be held at Jack of Hearts Pub, 10 S. Main St., Weaverville. $10. Cash bar. Appalachian Pastel Society • Through TU (7/31) The Appalachian Pastel Society presents an exhibition at Studio B Custom Framing and Fine Arts, 171 Weaverville Highway. Tues.-Fri., 10am-5:30pm; Sat., 10am-3pm. Info: Art at unCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • Through FR (8/3) - Woven Together, a historical exhibit on Marion Manufacturing and McDowell County, will be on display in the Blowers Gallery during regular library hours. • Through WE (8/1) Alchemy: Transcendence and Transmigration, works by Katie Johnson and Mary Claire Becker, will be on display in the Highsmith University Union Gallery. On display weekdays, 9am-5pm. Art events at WCu


* events are free unless otherwise noted.

See fireworks explode over Lake Lure at an Independence Day boat tour on Wednesday, July

wed 4, beginning at sundown. $25 for boat tour; fireworks are free. Info, location and registration for boat tour: 625-1373. See the Festivals section of the Calendar for more Fourth of July celebrations.

Learn about the nocturnal creatures of WNC as the Blue Ridge Parkway hosts a "creatures

thur of the night" twilight stroll on Thursday, July 5 at 7 p.m. Registration required. Info, location and RSVP: 298-5330.


Enjoy an afternoon of free music in downtown Asheville as Carol Rifkin and Paul's Creek Band perform as part of the Pickin' on the Porch series at the Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St., on Friday, July 6 at noon. Info:


Anam Cara Theatre Company, 203 Haywood Road, presents the seventh installment of Naked Girls Reading, selections about taboos, on Saturday, July 7 at 8 p.m. $10/$12. 18 and over. Info: or 545-3861.


Youth OUTright will host a screening of Bullied, a documentary about the first student who stood up to anti-gay tormentors and won a federal lawsuit against his school district. Held on Sunday, July 8 from 4-6 p.m. at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: or 772-1912. A piano recital, featuring works by Beethoven and Chopin, will be performed by Windsor

mon Johnson on Monday, July 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St. Donations accepted. Info: or 252-5335.


Disclaimer Comedy presents comedian Jarrod Harris at Lexington Avenue Brewery, 39 North Lexington Ave., on Tuesday, July 10 at 9 p.m. $7/$5 in advance. Info:

Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www.fineartmuseum. or 227-3591. • Through FR (8/3) - RE+constructed, nontraditional quilts by Heidi Field-Alvarez, Jeana Eve Klein, Carolyn Nelson and Jen Swearington. • Through FR (9/7) Drawing on the New Deal, works by draftsman John Helike. • Through FR (8/3) - Flora and Fauna: WNC Art Educators Juried Exhibit and Lasting Impressions: Print Portfolio of Contemporary Native American Artists from the Fine Art Museum Collection. Asheville Area Arts Council: the Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www. • FR (7/6) through SA (7/28) - Lap Swimming:

Pools Seen Through the Eyes of a Swimming Artist, paintings by Moni Hill. • FR (7/6), 6-9pm Opening reception. Asheville Art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: or 253-3227. • Through SU (7/8) - Fire on the Mountain: Studio Glass in Western North Carolina. • Through SU (9/30) Fiore/Drawing, a survey of drawings by Joseph A. Fiore dating from the early '50s at Black Mountain College through his late years in New York and Maine. Bearfootin' • Through SA (10/20) Bearfootin', a public art exhibit featuring decorated fiberglass bear sculptures, will be on display

throughout Main Street in Hendersonville. Info: 2333216. Bella Vista Art gallery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 768-0246. • Through TU (7/31) Featured artist: Nicora Gangi. Encaustics by Tif Dill. Raku by Brent Wheelwright. Black mountain Center for the Arts Old City Hall, 225 West State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 669-0930. • Through FR (7/27) Aqueous, a collaborative exhibit exploring movement and transition with artists from Asheville BookWorks. Black mountain College museum + Arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Gallery hours: Tues. & Wed., noon4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: bmcmac@ or www. or 350-8484. • Through SA (9/8) Bridging: A Retrospective From Two to Three Dimensions, works by David Weinrib. Boone First Friday Art Crawl • 1st FRIDAYS, 7-9pm The Boone First Friday Art Crawl will feature extended gallery and business hours in a festive, town-wide celebration. Info: www. Crimson Laurel gallery 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville. April-Dec.: Tues.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun. & Mon., noon-5pm. Info: 688-3599 or www. • Through FR (8/31) - Serendipity: An International Exhibition of Wood Fired Sculptural Ceramics, featuring 14 wood-fired sculptural ceramic artists from five countries. • SA (7/7), 6pm - Opening reception and lecture by ceramic sculptor Peter Callas.

events At Folk Art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: or 298-7928. • Through TU (7/24) - Works by Becky and Steve Lloyd (clay) and Ken Thomas (metal). Flood gallery The Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: www. or 2542166. • SA (7/7) through TU (7/31) - Works by Leigh Anne Chambers (domestic materials that "challenge traditional notions of art"). • SA (7/7), 6-9pm Opening reception. Flow gallery 14 South Main St., Marshall. Wed.-Sat., 10am4pm. Info: • Through SA (7/14) Fabrications, quilts and fabric art by six artists. jason Rafferty • Through TU (7/31) Drawings and paintings by Jason Rafferty will be on display at Izzy's Coffee Den, 74 North Lexington Ave., featuring academic drawings from his studies in Paris along with experimental works. • FR (7/6), 7-10pm Opening reception. Local Sculpture Showcase • SU (7/1) - A showcase of local sculptors, including Scott Freeland, Peter Dallos, Martin Webster, Ralph Berger, Dan Howachyn, Brett Salter and others, will be on display indefinitely at the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Free to view. Info: or 669-8870. • FR (7/6), 6:30-8:30pm An opening reception, featuring tours, music, drink specials and an opportunity to meet the artists, will be held in conjunction with First Friday events. monte Vista Hotel's First Friday • FR (7/6), 6:30-8:30pm - AnTHM Gallery's First Friday will feature music, drink specials and art by Bill Boyd, Kim Kesterson Trone, Jack Hammack and artists from the Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League. Held at the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: www. or 6698870. n.C. Arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee.

Info: or 665-2492. • SA (7/7) through SU (9/23) - Dusty Roads, photographs of classic and junkyard cars and trucks. newZart gallery 133 S. Main St., Studio 207, Marshall. By appointment. Info: www.newzart. com or 649-9358. • Through TU (7/31) Linear and Geometric Abstractions, works by Matthew Zedler. Penland School of Crafts Located at 67 Dora's Trail, Penland. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 7652359. • Through SU (7/8) Studio Practice, "12 artists, their work, their working environment and their sources of inspiration." • TH (7/5), 8pm - An auction of student and instructor work made during a Penland workshop session will be held at the school's Northlight Building. All proceeds benefit Penland’s scholarship programs. Free to attend. Proving. grounds. • Through SU (8/5) Proving. Grounds., a collaboration between photographer Micah Mackenzie, Ship To Shore's R. Brooke Priddy and Royal Peasantry's Danielle Miller, will be on display at Pisgah Brewing Company, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain, during bar hours. Info: www.pisgahbrewing. com or 669-0190. Push Skate Shop & gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Gallery hours: Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon6pm. Info: or 225-5509. • Through TU (7/17) - Stalefish 4, an all skateboarder group show. Red House Studios and gallery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Thurs.-Sun., 11am-6pm. Info: www. or 669-0351. • Through SU (7/29) Visions of Summer. Rubbish: Recycled Art by natty moss Bond • FR (7/6), 5-8pm Foundry, 92 Charlotte St., will host an opening reception for Rubbish, recycled art by Natty Moss Bond. Info: www.nattymossbond. com or www.digfoundry. com. Satellite gallery 55 Broadway St. Tues.Sat., 11am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www. or 305-2225. • Through MO (7/30) Phantom Antlers, works by Gabriel Shaffer and Joti Marra Ramsey. Sculpture for the garden • Through MO (12/31) Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: Seven Sisters gallery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.sevensistersgallery. com or 669-5107. • Through SU (8/12) - Kate Thayer (pastels). Spectacular Southern Appalachians • Through TU (7/31) The Carolinas’ Nature Photographers Association will host Spectacular Southern Appalachians at the Cradle of Forestry, Highway 276 near Brevard. Regular admission prices apply. Info: or 877-3130. Street Photography of Asheville • Through SA (7/28) - This photography exhibition, by Joe Longobardi, consists of "found moments" on the streets of Asheville. On display at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road. Info: or www. Studio B A framing studio and art gallery at 171 Weaverville Highway, Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5:30pm & Sat. 10am-3pm. Info: or 225-5200. • Through TU (7/31) - The Appalachian Pastel Society presents Home Sweet Home, works by Carol Branton Morrow. the Bender gallery

12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon5pm. Info: or 505-8341. • Through FR (8/31) - Divergent Visions: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of American Studio Glass. transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. • MO (7/9) through TU (7/31) - An exhibit by members of the Lake Toxaway Estates Painters Guild. WCu's mountain Heritage Center • Through FR (8/17) - Collecting for the Community, an exhibit of Mountain Heritage Center's artifacts and donations, will be on display in WCU's Mountain Heritage Center. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm; Thurs., 8am7pm. Free. Info: www.wcu. edu/2389.asp. • Through FR (9/14) Stitches in Time: Historic Quilts of WNC. Working girls Studio 30 Battery Park (upstairs). Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. www. or 243-0200. • Through FR (8/3) Works by Dot Griffith, Karen Deans and Eli Corbin.

Art/Craft Fairs Hendersonville Art and jewelry market • SA (7/7), 9am-4pm - A summer art and jewelry market will be held at 222 S. Grove St., Hendersonville. Free to attend. Info: 698-0715. Ooh La La Curiosity market • SA (7/7), 10am-4pm This new summer market

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will include local art, jewelry, music and a raffle to benefit Animal Haven, a no-kill shelter located in Asheville. Held in Pritchard Park. Info: Paris of the South Flea market • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 8am-3pm Paris of the South flea market features antiques, local food and music at 175 Clingman Ave. Free to attend. Info: the Big Crafty • SU (7/8), noon-6pm The Asheville Art Museum hosts The Big Crafty, a celebration of handmade commerce featuring live music, food and "the fine wares of more than 100 independent crafters." DJ sets by Asheville FM and Dr. Filth. Free to attend. Info: www. • SU (7/8), 1-4pm - Family Art Party will include hands-on art activities designed for all ages in front of the museum. All supplies are provided.

Auditions & Call to Artists Appalachian Pastel Society • Through WE (8/1) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will accept applications for its juried national exhibition through Aug. 1. Info: www. appalachianpastelsociety. org. Arts Council of Henderson County Info: 693-8504 or www. • Through TH (8/16) Submissions for grassroots arts programs sub-grants will be accepted through August 16. Arts2People Paid Demonstrations • Through TU (7/31) Arts2People is currently offering artists more than $2,000 to participate in its demonstration group. The Handcrafted Artisan Revitalization Program will accept new members for this and other opportunities through July 31. Info: html. Asheville Chocolate and Arts Festival • Through WE (8/1) - The Asheville Chocolate and Arts Festival will accept submissions from local artists through Aug. 1. Info: Asheville Living treasures • Through WE (8/15) Asheville Living Treasures will accept nominations

of people age 70 and older with a history of service to the community. Applications for this local contest will be accepted through August 15. Info: or Black mountain Center for the Arts Info: www. or 669-0930. • TH (7/12), 1-3pm & SA (7/14), 10am-noon Auditions for The Cat on the Roof, a "Broadwaystyled musical geared toward children of all ages." eco Arts Award • Through WE (8/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed material competitions through Aug 15. Info: www.ecoartsawards. com. Hendersonville Little theatre Located at the Barn on State Street between Kanuga and Willow Roads in Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or • MO (7/9) & TU (7/10), 7pm - Auditions for The Trip to Bountiful. meet the Authors Writing Contest • Through MO (7/30) The Writers' Workshop of Asheville's "Meet the Authors" writing contest will accept submissions of fiction and creative nonfiction, 4,500 words or less. Mail to Author's Contest, 387 Beaucatcher Road, Asheville. Info: www. Oktoberfest • Through WE (8/1) Hickory’s Oktoberfest will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through Aug. 1. Info: www. RiverFest / Anything that Floats Parade • Through FR (7/27) Applications for vending space at RiverFest and the Anything That Floats Parade will be accepted through July 27. Info: or 400-4541. teDxAsheville • Through SU (7/15) TEDxAsheville will accept submissions from "thinkers, innovators and entertainers from diverse fields" through July 15. Info:

Business & Technology Appalachian Women entrepreneurs • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Meet other female arts/crafts/food/beautybased business owners at HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Childcare available for $10 with RSVP: mountain BizWorks Workshops 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 253-2834 or • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step towards accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: victor@mountainbizworks. org or 253-2834.

Classes, Meetings & Events Learn to Knit at Purl's Yarn emporium (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Beginning Knit :1st and 2nd Wednesdays, 6-8pm; Intermediate Knit: 3rd and 4th Wednesdays. • $40/4 hours of instruction. 828-253-2750. www. mac Basics Classes at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - iWork Essentials, 4th Tuesday - iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday Garageband, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at classes@ charlottestreetcomputers. com. tAntRA for WOmen (pd.) 7/13-7/15: Rising Together. Healing and transforming our Self is the beginning of creating real change in the world. or 828.475.2887. Limited Seating Event. Arts and Culture Week • Through WE (7/4) - Arts and Culture Week will feature 65 art events in downtown Brevard and Transylvania County, including street dances, music jams, an open mic night, gallery walk and more. Info and schedule:

20 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 • or 884-2787. Cherokee Bonfire • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS - A Cherokee bonfire encourages the public to hear traditional stories and roast marshmallows, beginning at dusk. Held at Oconaluftee Islands Park, Highway 441, Cherokee. Free. Info: www. or (800) 438-1601. Firestorm Cafe & Books Located at 48 Commerce St. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 255-8115. • WE (7/4), 6pm Community game night with Wyvern's Tail. game night • THURSDAYS, 6:30-9pm - "Join an exuberant crowd of friends as we play a new game every week." Hosted by Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. www. wallstreetcoffeehouse. Henderson County Heritage museum Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - An exhibit of Civil War weaponry and uniforms. Free admission. Historic Hendersonville tour • SATURDAYS through (10/27), 9am - A trolley tour of historic Hendersonville will depart from Hampton Inn,155 Sugarloaf Road, Hendersonville. $25/$20 children ages 6-12/children 5 and under free. Info: www.thetrolleycompany. com or 606-8606. Laurel Chapter of the embroiderers' guild of America Info: or 654-9788. • TH (7/5), 9:30am - July meeting will focus on holiday ornament stitching in blackwork. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Program begins at noon. $3 for two-part class. Info and registration: constpoodles@hotmail. com or 696-3829 . Lifetree Cafe • TUESDAYS, 7pm "Lifetree Cafe is a place where people gather for conversation about life and faith in a casual setting." Groups discuss a different topic every week. All

are welcome. Hosted at Rejavanation Cafe, 901 Smoky Park Highway. Info: maine travelogue • SU (7/8), 3pm - A travelogue of Maine, presented by Wild Birds Unlimited owners Simon Thompson and Chris Jaquette, will be held at WBU, 1997 Hendersonville Road. Free. Refreshments will be served. Info: nC Digital Library Workshop • WE (7/11), 4:30-5:30pm - Learn how to download free audio and e-books from the N.C. Digital Library onto a digital device (Kindle, iPad, etc.) at the Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Free, but registration required: 648-2924. new World Celts • 2nd TUESDAYS, 7pm This nonprofit organization promotes Celtic history and culture. Monthly meetings held at the Bier Garden, 46 Haywood St. All are welcome. Info: transition Hendersonville • SU (7/8), 4pm Transition Hendersonville will host a summer social to celebrate its efforts to create a more sustainable community. Activities include a treasure hunt, presentations from local gardeners and cooking over an open fire. Drums are welcome. Held at Highland Lake Cove, 215 Rhett Drive, Flat Rock. Info: Veterans for Peace Info: vfpchapter099wnc. • TH (7/12), 6:30pm Veterans for Peace will meet at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. WnC Knitters and Crocheters • 2nd MONDAYS, 7pm - The Fletcher Branch of the WNC Knitters and Crocheters for Others makes handmade items to be donated to local charities. Held at Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Free. Info: 654-9788.

Comedy Disclaimer Comedy • TU (7/10), 9pm Disclaimer Comedy presents Action Figure Therapy's Jarrod Harris at Lexington Avenue Brewery, 39 North Lexington Ave. $7/$5 in advance. Info:

www.DisclaimerComedy. com. Disclaimer Comedy Open mic • WEDNESDAYS, 9:30pm - Disclaimer Stand-up Lounge comedy open mic will be held at Athena's, 14 College St. Sign-up begins at 9pm. Free. Info: www.

Dance Bharatanatyam Classes • Adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: Studio Zahiya (pd.) Drop in Classes: Monday 7:30-9pm Bellydance • Tues. 9-10am Hip Hop Workout, 5:15-5:45pm Intro to Bellydance $7 • Wed. 6-7pm Fusion Bellydance, 7:30-9 Bellydance 2. • Thurs. 9-10am Bellydance Workout, 6-7pm Bollywood, 7-8pm Bellydance Lab, 8-9pm Hip Hop 2 • Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Ave. Belly Dancing Class • SA (7/7), 1-2pm Our VOICE will host "Reconnecting with Ourselves," a belly dancing class, at Studio Zahiya, 90 1/2 N. Lexington Ave. $5-$10 sliding scale. Info: or 252-0562. Old Farmer's Ball • THURSDAYS, 8pm - The Old Farmer's Ball will be held at Warren Wilson College's Bryson Gym. Beginner's lesson starts at 7:30pm. $6/$5members/$1 Warren Wilson students. Info: www.oldfarmersball. com. Shindig on the green • SATURDAYS through (9/1) - This celebration of traditional string bands, bluegrass music and big circle mountain dancers is held most Saturdays at Pack Square Park in downtown Asheville. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Free. Info: or 258-6101, ext.345. Spiral Spirt ecstatic Dance • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Weekly dances held at Sol's Reprieve, 11 Richland St. "We honor the wave,

body exploration and stillness." $7. Info: azealea@ or Street Dance • MONDAYS through (8/13), 7-9pm - Street Dances, featuring caller Walt Puckett, Bobby and Blue Ridge Tradition and the Southern Connection Cloggers, will be held at the Henderson County Visitors Information Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville Free. Info: or 693-9708. tango Dance • WEDNESDAYS, 8-11pm - Catwalk Milonga will be held at Homewood Event and Conference Center, 19 Zilicoa St., with host and DJ Lisa Jacobs. $7. BYOB. Info: www.catwalktango. com.

Eco insight on invertebrates • SA (7/7), 10am-1pm Join RiverLink for a day of "capturing creatures, identifying and placing each species and discussing morphology and life history for each. We will wrangle on land and in water." Free. Meets in Bent Creek parking area off of Wesley Branch Road. Info: www. or 252-8474.

Festivals Barnardsville Fireworks • WE (7/4), 1-10pm Enjoy country music, swimming, door prizes and fireworks at the Big Ivy Community Center, 540 Dillingham Road. BBQ dinners available. Fireworks display starts at dusk. Free. Info: www.bigivy. org or marcellamorgan@ grove Park inn 290 Macon Ave. Info: or 252-2711. • SA (7/7) - The Grove Park Inn will celebrate its 99th birthday with a daylong celebration. --- 2-4pm - "99 Bottles of Beer" tasting, featuring Highland, French Broad and Green Man ales, will be held on Elaine's Terrace. Free. --- 5pm - A birthday toast will feature champagne and cake in the Great Hall. Free --- 9:30pm - Fireworks display. Free. july 4: Brevard • WE (7/4) - The city of Brevard will host a wide array of Independence Day events, including a Firecracker 5K/10K at 8am,

the Fine Arts and Crafts Showcase on Main Street from 9am-5pm, a classic car show throughout the day, live music from 11am5pm in the Courthouse Gazebo and fireworks in the evening. $35 for 5K/ festivities are free. Info: july 4: Brevard music Center • WE (7/4), 2pm - The Brevard Music Center will host Pendergrast Family Patriotic Pops, featuring the Brevard Community Band and the Transylvania Symphonic Band. Program includes Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" with live cannons. Held at Brevard Music Center, 349 Andante Lane. $30/$15 lawn seats/ child lawn seats are free. Info: www.brevardmusic. org. july 4: Fireworks Hike • WE (7/4), 6pm - A hike to view fireworks, hosted by the Swannanoa Valley Museum, will depart from Black Mountain Savings Bank, 200 E. State St. The evening will include a watermelon cutting, history presentations and vintage photographs. Bring dinner, water, a folding chair and a flash light. $35/$20 members. Info and registration: or 669-9566. july 4: gilkey • WE (7/4), 4pm Festivities include a car show, cakewalk, live music and bingo. Fireworks begin at dusk. Held at the Gilkey Clubhouse, off Hwy 221 N. Free. Info: 287-6113. july 4: Haywood Community Band • WE (7/4), 2pm - The Haywood Community Band will present an Independence Day concert with patriotic music to salute the Armed Forces. Held on the courthouse lawn in downtown Waynesville. Free. Info: july 4: Hendersonville • WE (7/4) - The City of Hendersonville will host a variety of Independence Day events, including a parade down Main Street at 11am, an ice cream social in front of the courthouse and a Music on Main Street concert featuring Tom Brown and One Man Band at 7pm in front of the Visitors Center. Info: www. or 693-9708. july 4: Lake julian Park

• WE (7/4) - Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation will host a fireworks display at Lake Julian Park, 406 Overlook Extension, Arden, starting at dusk. Free. Info: david. blynt@buncombecounty. org or 684-0376. july 4: Lake Lure • WE (7/4) - Fireworks and a boat tour of Lake Lure will begin at sundown on the shores of Lake Lure. $25 for boat tour/fireworks free. Info and registration for boat tour: 625-1373. july 4: marion • WE (7/4) - The city of Marion will host Independence Day events, including a parade at 6pm, a street dance at 7pm and fireworks at 9:45pm. Held throughout downtown Marion. Free. Info: 6522215. july 4: montreat • WE (7/4), 7am-9:30pm - Montreat Conference Center, 318 Georgia Terrace, Montreat, will host Independence Day activities including a 5K race, parade, silent auction, softball game, BBQ, square dancing and more. Free to attend; BBQ lunch $10/$5 children 12 and under. Info: 669-2911. july 4: Rutherfordton • WE (7/4), noon - The Old-Time July 4th Freedom Festival will feature a soap box derby, car and bike show, parade, farmer's market and activities for kids. Fireworks begin at 9:30pm. Held throughout downtown Rutherfordton. Info: www.rutherfordtown. com. july 4: Waynesville • WE (7/4), 11am-3pm - Downtown Waynesville will host Independence Day events including music, entertainment, sidewalk sales, refreshments and activities for kids. Held throughout Main Street. Free. Info:

Film Bullied • SU (7/8), 4-6pm Youth OUTright will host a screening of Bullied, a documentary about the first student who stood up to his anti-gay tormentors and won a federal lawsuit against his school district. Held at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: www. or 7721912. the Secret in their eyes

• TU (7/10), 7pm - The Secret In Their Eyes, winner of the 2010 Academy Award for Best Foreign Film, will be screened at the Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Free. Info: 250-6482. Women on the 6th Floor • TU (7/10), 8pm - A screening of Women on the 6th Floor will be held in ASU's Farthing Auditorium. $10/$9. Info: www.

Food & Beer Beer City tavern grand Opening • WE (7/4), 2:30-11pm - Beer City Tavern, 2574 U.S. Highway 70, will celebrate its grand opening with live music by Unit 50 and Undertow, drinks, "pig pickin' and trimings," games and a fireworks display at dark. Free. Info: dwthrogmorton@yahoo. com or www.facebook. com/BeerCityTavern. grind Cafe 136 West Union St., Morganton. Info: www. or 430-4343. • TH (7/12), 5pm - Beer tasting. $5. Wine Studio of Asheville 169 Charlotte St. Info: www.winestudioasheville. com or 252-5955. • TH (7/5), 7-8:30pm Wine 101: An introduction to tasting and appreciating wine. $10. Registration required.

Government & Politics Amendment One Discussion • WE (7/11), 6:30-8pm - "What Amendment One Means for You and Your Family" will be presented by the Campaign for Southern Equality at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Free childcare provided. Info: info@ or 761-1224. Blue Ridge Republican Women • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - The Blue Ridge Republican Women's Club meets monthly at the Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. Gatherings feature guest speakers. $18 for optional dinner at 6pm. Info: www.buncombegop. org. Buncombe green Party meeting • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - "Join us in building grassroots progressive democracy." Meetings held

in The Fortune Building, 727 Haywood Road, West Asheville. Info: or 225-4347. Henderson County Democrats • SA (7/7), 9am-noon The Henderson County Democrats will host a buffet breakfast at the Henderson County Democratic Party headquarters, 905 Greenville Highway. S. U.S. 25. $8. Info and registration: 6926424. take Back Democracy Rally • SA (7/7), 7-9pm - The Buncombe County Chapter of Move to Amend will host a community forum on “Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule,” with guest speaker David Cobb. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, One Edwin Place at Charlotte Street. Free. Info: 2322883. today’s Politics • TH (7/12), 11:30am1:30pm - “Today’s Politics: Left and Right or Right and Wrong. Our Founding Fathers, Whose Side Were They Really On?” Held in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: http://ncccr. or 251-6140.

Kids the Compleat naturalist store in Biltmore Village (pd.) Nature Programs! The Compleat Naturalist store in Biltmore Village is now offering children's programs. Starting July 11th and12th. Join us for Wild Wednesdays or Thursday Nature Club from 3:304:30. Only $10 per child. Space is limited so sign up TODAY! Call The Compleat Naturalist at 828-274-5430 or visit or www. BRP Family night • TH (7/5), 7-8:30pm Family Night on the Blue Ridge Parkway will feature a twilight stroll to learn about "creatures of the night." Free. Registration required. Info, location and registration: 298-5330. Cradle of Forestry events Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Admission: $5/ children ages 15 and under free. Some programs require an additional fee. Info: www.cradleofforestry. org or 877-3130. • THURSDAYS, 10:30amnoon - Woodsy Owl's Curiosity Club, for children ages 4-7, presents a dif-

ferent forest-related activity to engage children in the natural world. Registration required. $4/$2.50 adults. Info and registration: 8773130. Find Waldo Scavenger Hunt • Through TU (7/31) Hendersonville will host a Where's Waldo scavenger hunt throughout the month of July. Children are encouraged to visit local businesses in search of Waldo figurines. Kids who collect 16 cards or more will be entered to win prizes. Info: gm or 697-1870. Hands On! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • TH (7/5), 10:30am12:30pm - A 3-D construction camp, for ages 7 and older, will teach children how to make pictures of animals, waterways, skyscrapers and more. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • FR (7/6), 10:30am12:30pm - A royal tea party, for ages 3-5, invites children to make a crown and learn tea party manners. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • TU (7/10), 10:30am12:30pm - A candy-making camp for children ages 8 and older. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • WE (7/11), 2-4pm Wacky Wednesday Fun, for all ages, will feature "noodle mania." • TH (7/12), 10:30am12:30pm - Magic science camp, for ages 8 and older, will focus on the science of magic tricks. $15/$9. Registration suggested. Sandburg Summer Stage Performances • WEDNESDAYS through SATURDAYS until (8/18), 10:15-10:45am - The Carl Sandburg Home and The Vagabond School of the Drama will perform selections from Carl Sandburg's works live on stage. Wed. & Fri. will be Mr. Sandburg's Lincoln; Thurs. & Sat. will be Rootabaga!. Held in the Carl Sandburg Home amphitheater, three miles south of Hendersonville off U.S. 25 on Little River Road. Info: 693-4178 or www.nps. gov/carl. Spellbound Children's Bookshop

21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 232-2228. • SATURDAYS through (7/28), 10:30-11am - The Moozic Lady will present a Tap-n-Shake music program for preschoolers. transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. • WE (7/11), 1:30-4pm - Children ages 5-12 are invited to create outdoor artwork as part of Kid’s Art Day at TC Arts Council. Free. Registration requested. Vacation Bible School • MO (7/9) through FR (7/13), 6-8:30pm - Join Abernethy United Methodist Church, 1418 Patton Ave., for Operation Overboard. Free and open to all children grades K-5. Info and registration: 254-2612.

Music R.Carlos nakai (pd.) Native American Flutist and Pianist Peter Kater LIVE IN CONCERT at the new UNCA Kimmel Arena, Friday, July 13th at 8 p.m. Tickets 828-2587900 or online at www. Song O' Sky Show Chorus (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: www.songosky. org Toll Free # 1-866-8249547. Adrian Krygowski • FR (7/6), 8pm - Adrian Krygowski (Americana) will perform at The Ultimate Basement, 421 W. Main St., Spindale. $5. Info: Andrew Peterson • TH (7/5), 7:30pm Andrew Peterson (singersongwriter) will perform at Lake Junaluska Retreat Center, 91 N. Lakeshore Drive, Waynesville. $11.50/$5 children age 5 and under. Info: (800) 2224930 or Brevard music Center at the Asheville Art museum • TU (7/10), 7pm - A summer music series will feature performers from Brevard Music Center's Summer Festival in Asheville Art Museum's PRIMED East Wing upstairs gallery. $10/$6 members. Info:

Bluegrass and Country music • 1st SATURDAYS, 6-10:30pm - The Lions Club will host a bluegrass and country music night with a raffle and cake walk. Free, but donations encouraged. Held at 188 Erwin Hills Road. Info: 713-7509. Brevard music Center Festival Held in the Brevard Music Center, 349 Andante Lane, Brevard. Info: www. or 8622105. • Through SU (8/5) - The Brevard Music Center Festival will include works by Mozart, Brahms, Shostakovich and many others. See website for full schedule. Broyhill Chamber ensemble • TH (7/5) & TH (7/12), 8pm - The Broyhill Chamber Ensemble will perform in ASU's Rosen Concert Hall as part of the Appalachian Summer Festival. $18/$16/$10. Info: Concerts on the Creek Held in the pavilion at Bridge Park in downtown Sylva from 7:30-9:30pm. Sponsored by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Free. Info: (800) 962-1911 or www. • FR (7/6), 7:30-9:30pm - Johnny Webb Band (country). Creedence Clearwater Revisited • SA (7/7), 7:30pm - An outdoor concert, featuring Creedence Clearwater Revisited and Lee Brice, will be held in ASU's Kidd Brewer Stadium. $35/$30/$5. Info: www. Drums on the Water • SATURDAYS, 7-9pm - Drums on the Water, a weekly lakeside drum circle, will be held at Highland Lake Cove Retreat, 215 Rhett Drive, Flat Rock. Free. Info: Dulcimer Concert • WE (7/11), 6:30pm - A dulcimer concert will be performed by Steve and Jean Smith at the Hendersonville Library, 301 N. Washington St. Free. Info: 697-4725. Flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www. or 693-0731. • TU (7/10) through TH (7/12), 8pm - Surfin' USA - The Greatest Hits

of The Beach Boys will be performed at the downtown location. $24. Hayes School of music Faculty Showcase • SU (7/8), 8pm - The Hayes School of Music faculty showcase will be performed in WCU's Rosen Concert Hall. $18/$16/$10. Info: Kevin Rowe • FR (7/6), 9pm - Kevin Rowe (pop) will perform at Cedar Creek Racquet Club, 42 Racquet Club Drive. Info: music on main Street Live music at the Visitors Information Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville. Bring a chair. No pets or alcoholic beverages allowed. Free. Info: 6939708, 1-800-828-4244 or • FR (7/6), 7-9pm - Sound Investment (music of the '60s and '70s) and classic car cruise-in. Pan Harmonia: Opal String Quartet • SU (7/8), 5pm - The Opal String Quartet will perform works by Zoltan Kodaly, Philip Glass and others. Presented by Pan Harmonia. Held at The Altamont Theater, 18 Church St. $15/$12 in advance. Info: Piano Recital • MO (7/9), 7:30pm - A piano recital, featuring works by Beethoven and Chopin, will be performed by Windsor Johnson at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St. Donations accepted. Info: www. or 252-5335. Pickin' in Lake Lure • SATURDAYS, 6:30-9pm Pickin' in Lake Lure invites the public to bring guitars, fiddles, bass, bagpipes and other instruments for an informal jam session. Held beside the smokehouse across from the Lake Lure beach. Free. Info: www. Pickin' on the Porch • FR (7/6), noon-2pm This family-friendly musical event is hosted by the Thomas Wolfe Memorial State Historic Site in downtown Asheville. The featured guest will be Carol Rifkin and Pauls Creek Band. Free. Info: www. Songcatchers music Series • SU (7/8), 4pm - Fiddler Tim Gardner will perform, along with Bucky and Micah Hanks, as part of the Songcatchers Music

Series at the Cradle of Forestry. Located on Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. $6/$3 ages 4-15 and America the Beautiful/ Golden Age pass holders. Info: www.cradleofforestry. org or 877-3130. Summer Concerts at WCu Held on the University Center lawn. Rain location: University Center. Free. Info: or 227-3622. • TH (7/5), 7pm - The House (rock). • TH (7/12), 7pm - Rafe Hollister (roots). Summer music in Flat Rock Series Presented by the Flat Rock Merchants Association. The outdoor series takes place on Little Rainbow Row's back deck. This is a casual, family-oriented, bring-yourown-lawn-chair event. Free. Info: 697-7719 or www. • SA (7/7), 6-8pm - Tom Fisch (country folk). Sunday Songwriter's Serenade • SUNDAYS, 2-5pm Local songwriters meet regularly to give one another thematic assignments and perform original folk, blues and pop tunes written as a group. Held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Donations accepted. Info: 424-3460. Swannanoa Chamber music Festival • TUESDAYS & SUNDAYS through (7/22) - 7:30pm The Swannanoa Chamber Music Festival will feature The Swannanoa Chamber Players, The Jasper Quartet and The Enso String Quartet. Tuesday performances are held in Warren Wilson College's Kittredge Auditorium. Sunday concerts are held at the Waynesville Performing Arts Center, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. $20/ students free. Info and schedule: or 771-3050. the Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. Programs are free and located at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, unless otherwise noted. www. or 254-2224. • TU (7/10), 6:30-7:30pm - Roaring Lions Trio (jazz).

Public Lectures Clyde edgerton • TH (7/12), 3:30pm - A presentation by Belk Distinguished Lecturer Clyde Edgerton will be held • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 21

newsoftheweird more tennessee superbreeders

Hospital. Sick children receiving cancer treatment relied on the games for entertainment.

Update: Last week's News of the Weird gave serial impregnator Desmond Hatchett of Knoxville too much credit. Although he’s fathered at least 24 kids by at least 11 different women, he’s hardly Tennessee's most prolific. A June summary by London’s Daily Mail revealed that Terry Turnage has 23 children by 17 different women, and Richard M. Colbert (also from Memphis) has 25 with 18 women. Courts have ordered the men to pay the various mothers monthly support ranging from $259 to $309, but one woman said the most she’d ever seen from Turnage was $9.

the continuing crisis

to the ninth circle of hell • Debbie Stevens, 47, filed a claim before the New York Human Rights Commission in April alleging that she was fired in November by Ms. Jackie Brucia, a controller for the Atlantic Automotive Group of West Islip, N.Y., after Stevens failed to recover quickly enough from major surgery in August. Stevens had donated a kidney to Brucia, who apparently couldn’t understand why Stevens was still in pain by Sept. 6 so that she needed more time off. Brucia’s husband told a New York Post reporter in April that Stevens' claims were "far from the truth," but wouldn’t elaborate. • In April, a jury in Charlotte, N.C., convicted Charles Hinton, 47, of stealing 10 video-gaming systems in 2010 from the Levine Children's in ASU's Plemmons Student Union. Free. Info: www. Lunch and Learn: Video Works in Progress • WE (7/11), noon - "Lunch and Learn: A Conversation on Video Works in Progress," with Phoebe Brush. Bring a bagged lunch; water provided. Held in ASU's Turchin Center Lecture Hall. Free. Info:

Seniors events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • TU (7/10), 1-3pm Health insurance guidance for retirees. Free. SeniorSalt impact with the Burchfield Brothers • TH (7/5), 3-9pm - This program is designed to encourage senior adult

believers to reach their friends and family for Jesus Christ. The event includes music by The Burchfield Brothers, a staff-led discussion and a buffet-style dinner. Held at the Billy Graham Training Center, 1 Porter's Cove Road. $29. Info: trip to DuPont State Forest • WE (7/11), 10:30am4pm - A trip to DuPont State Forest for seniors will depart from Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $13/$10 members. Info and registration: recprograms@ or 456-2030.

Outdoors Lake james Boat Slips (pd.) Covered and uncovered. Starting at $1600/ year. 828 584-0666. www. mountainharbourmarina. com Bird Watching tour • THURSDAYS, 8am - A bird watching tour, pre-

• Things People Believe: Seattle attorney Andrew Basiago told The Huffington Post in April that he "time-traveled" eight times as a child as part of the top-secret Project Pegasus, staged by the Pentagon's notorious Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Another lawyer, Alfred Webre, matter-of-factly told a seminar audience in Vancouver recently that teleportation is an "inexpensive, environmentally friendly means of transportation" that was used most recently by then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "to transport troops to battle." In a flourish of detail, Basiago said he was at Ford's Theater the night Abraham Lincoln was assassinated but didn’t witness it, adding that he ran into himself twice while back in the past. • In June, the N.C. Senate approved a Statehouse bill ordering scientists to use the "correct" method to predict weather in North Carolina. The bill requires that only histori-

readdaily Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

sented by the Henderson County Bird Club, meets at Highland Lake Inn, 86 Lily Pad Lane, Flat Rock. $25/$15 Inn guests. Info and registration: 693-6812. BRP Hike of the Week • FR (7/6), 10am - A 3-mile, easy-to-moderate hike to the ruins of Rattlesnake Lodge will depart from Ox Creek Road, near MP 375.6 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Bring water and hiking shoes. Free. Info: 298-5330. Flat top manor tours • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 9am, 10am, 11am, 2pm & 3pm - Tours of Flat Top Manor, the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone, will be led by Blue Ridge Parkway rangers. Departs from Moses H. Cone Memorial Park, MP 294 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Registration required: 295-3782. guided tour of Chestnut Orchard • WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Guided tours of the

22 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

Chestnut orchard. $15 includes lunch. 119 Ranch Drive, Maggie Valley. Reservations required: 9261401.

Parenting green Parents Club • FRIDAYS, 9am - This group of eco-minded parents meets at Biltmore Coffee Traders, 518 Hendersonville Road, for hands on workshops, including planting kids' gardens, growing sprouts, making green cleaners and more. Children welcome. Info: 712-8439 or http://avl. mx/em.

Spirituality Aquarian Compassionate Fellowship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday.

cal analogies between 1900 and 1999 be used to predict sea-level rise — meaning scientists must ignore "feedback loops" in which recent, consistent heat and violent atmospheric conditions suggest more radical weather ahead. Even though nine of the 10 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000, N.C. scientists mustn’t be swayed by that fact, because only patterns from the more stable 20th century can forecast 21st-century sea levels. Many of the state’s coastal property owners, fearing that the 40-or-more-inch rise in sea level most scientists are predicting by 2100 would threaten property values, would rather believe in the perhaps8-inch rise that House Bill 819 would dictate.

people different from us Earlier this year, Tokyo artist Mao Sugiyama, 22, had elective surgery to remove his genitals, underscoring his commitment to an "asexual" lifestyle in which his behavior and attitude are supposedly completely unconnected to whether he’s male or female. Then, on April 8, he solicited diners for a meal (costing the equivalent of about $250 each) in which his genitals would be cooked and served, garnished with button mushrooms and Italian parsley. One applicant was a noshow, but five dined with him on April 13. According to a May Huffington Post report, the well-photographed story "went viral" in Japan, though authorities repeatedly assured journalists that no law had been violated. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. Asheville Compassionate Communication Center (pd.) 8 Week Course Starting July 12th, 6:308:30pm. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538. www. Asheville meditation group (pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the Insight/ Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more peaceful and focused mind. Our "sangha" (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm-8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am:

Seated meditation and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 808-4444. • Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. indian Classical Dance (pd.) Is both prayer and an invocation of the highest divinity. Learn the dance the Natya Shastra called "the highest form of yoga" Bharatanatyam. Call Tess: 301-0331. mindfulness meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info:

258-3241. www.billwalz. com. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. No class 7/16/12. Community Hu Song • SU (7/8), 11am11:30am - "In our fast-paced world, are you looking to expand your awareness, experience life’s blessings or bring peace and calm? Chanting this oncesecret name for God, HU, has helped people throughout time find inner peace and divine love." Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Fellowship will follow the service. Info: or 254-6775. Confidence to Change • SUNDAYS, 7pm "Buddha's teachings on the mind give us confidence to change and meditation gives us practical methods to bring change." Meeting includes discussion and guided meditation. Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: www., 668-2241 or Dances of universal Peace • 2nd SUNDAYS, 7-9pm - Enjoy simple chants and dances from the world's many spiritual traditions set to live music. Held at Town and Mountain Training Center, 261 Asheland Ave. Love offering. Info: 225-0515. Dowsing training and Practice • MONDAYS, 9am12:30pm - Dowsing training and practice will focus on tapping into the superconscious universal mind through pendulums and L Rods. $40. Info and location: UltimateEnergyHealing@ First Congregational Church in Hendersonville Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Programs by donation, unless otherwise noted. Info: 6928630 or • SU (7/8), 9:15am - Bible scholar John Snodgrass will discuss the parables of Jesus.

Light Center 2190 N.C. Highway 9 S., Black Mountain. Info: or 6696845. • DAILY, 10am-5pm Light room, trails and labyrinth open daily. Free. • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Gentle yoga with Karen Barnes. $10. --- 2:30-3:30pm Prayer for United States and world conditions. • THURSDAYS, 2-3:30pm - Infinite Way tape study group. Free. • SA (7/7), 1-4pm - Aramaic healing, toning, crystal bowl circle, stillpoint shamanic breath work and more. $30 donation. No one will be turned away. • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 1-2:45pm - "Toning For Peace." By donation. • SUNDAYS, 3-4pm Prayer for world peace. Free. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - "Celebration of Light" features music, singing, meditations and speakers. By donation. Info: 253-2556. morning Sitting meditation • THURSDAYS, 7am - A mostly silent, simply guided meditation based in the yogic tradition. All meditators are welcome, whatever style of silent meditation preferred. Hosted by One Center Yoga, 120 Coxe Ave., Suite 3A. By donation. Info: Power Healing group • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Learn and practice simple techniques to heal yourself physically, emotionally and other ways through the "Power of Soul." Meetings held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. By donation. Info: 258-9584. Sacred embodiment Center Located at 41 Carolina Lane in Asheville. www. or 216-2983. • SUNDAYS, 6-8pm Asheville Intenders Circle will be preceded by a potluck. "We support each other in manifesting the highest good together and invite you to join us." ultimate energy Healing • MONDAYS, 1pm - Learn and practice Ultimate Energy Healing for people, pets and places. Technique combines nine healing modalities into one. $40. Info and directions:

UltimateEnergyHealing@ unity Church of Asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: www. or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group.

Spoken & Written Word Battery Park Writing group (pd.) Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. Free! Contact Lisa at 691-5472 or for more info. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 2506484) n LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SA = South Asheville/ Oakley Library (749 Fairview Road, 2504754) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750). n Library storyline: 250KIDS. • TH (7/5), 10:30am "Dreaming of Nocturnal Animals." All ages. BM --- 11am - "Discover the Night Sky," with educators from the Colburn Science Museum planetarium. Ages 5 and older. LE --- 3pm - Stories with Sharon Clarke. Free ticket required. WV --- 6:30pm

- Book club: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. EA • SA (7/7), 2pm - Family movie matinee: Guardians of Ga’Hoole. All ages. PM • TU (7/10), 1pm - Book club: Burning Bright, short stories by Ron Rash. LE --- 7pm - Film night: The Secret in their Eyes. WV --1pm - "Animals of the Constellations," presented by the Museum of the Natural Sciences. All ages. FV • WE (7/11), 10:30am - "Stories under the Stars." Ages 5 and up. PM --- 11am - "Animals of the Constellations." Ages 4 and up. Free ticket required. NA --2pm - "Animals of the Constellations." Ages 6 and up. Free ticket required. WA • TH (7/12), 11am "Brighten up the Night with the Moozic Lady." All ages. LE --- 11am - "Dream Big Stories," with Sharon Clarke. All ages. SW --- 2pm "Dream Big Stories," with Sharon Clarke. Ages 5 and up. SA --- 2:30 & 4pm - "3-2-1 Blastoff!" with educators from the Colburn Earth Science Museum. Ages 5 and up. Free ticket required. WV Charles Frazier • SU (7/8), 3pm Charles Frazier will read from his novel Nightwoods in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free ticket required. Info: 251-6140. Discussion Bound Book Club • TU (7/10), 3-5pm - "Discussion Bound" book club: The History of the World in 10 and 1/2 Chapters by James Joyce. Hosted by the Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square. Programs are free with admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Info: or 253-3227. Fountainhead Bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-1870. • TH (7/12), 7pm - Ann B. Ross will read from her Miss Julia series, followed by a wine reception and opportunity to speak with the author. $8. george ellison • SU (7/8), 2pm George Ellison will read from his book Permanent Camp at Highland Books,

freewillastrology sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21)

cancer (June 21-July 22) The epic breadth of your imagination is legendary. Is there anyone else who can wander around the world without ever once leaving your home? Is there anyone else who can reincarnate twice in the span of few weeks without having to go through the hassle of actually dying? And yet now and then there do come times when your fantasies should be set aside so that you may soak up the teachings that flow your way when you physically venture outside of your comfort zone. Now is such a moment, my fellow Cancerian. Please don’t take a merely virtual break in the action. Get yourself away from it all, even if it’s only to the marvelous diversion or magic sanctuary on the other side of town.

aries (march 21-april 19) Members of the Nevada Republican Party have concocted a bizarre version of family values. A large majority of them are opposed to gay marriage and yet are all in favor of legal brothels. Their wacky approach to morality is as weird as that of the family values crowd in Texas, which thinks it's wrong to teach adolescents about birth control even though this has led to a high rate of teen pregnancies. My question is, why do we let people with screwed-up priorities claim to be the prime caretakers of "family values"? In accordance with the astrological omens, I urge you to reject the conventional wisdom as you clarify what that term means to you. It's an excellent time to deepen and strengthen your moral foundation.

taurus (april 20-may 20) There's a term for people who have the ardor of a nymphomaniac in their efforts to gather useful information: infomaniac. That's exactly what I think you should be in the coming week. You need data and evidence, and you need them in abundance. What you don't know would definitely hurt you, so make sure you find out everything you need to know. Be as thorough as a spy, as relentless as a muckraking journalist, and as curious as a child. P.S. See if you can set aside as many of your strong opinions and emotional biases as possible. Otherwise they might distort your quest for the raw truth. Your word of power is empirical.

gemini (may 21-June 20) Of all the signs of the zodiac, you're the best at discovering short cuts. No one is more talented than you at the art of avoiding boredom. And you could teach a master course in how to weasel out of strenuous work without looking like a weasel. None of those virtues will come in handy during the coming week, however. The way I see it, you should concentrate very hard on not skipping any steps. You should follow the rules, stick to the plan, and dedicate yourself to the basics. Finish what you start, please! (Sorry about this grind-itout advice. I'm just reporting what the planetary omens are telling me.)

leo (July 23-aug. 22) In Norse mythology, Fenrir was a big bad wolf that the gods were eager to keep tied up. In the

beginning they tried to do it with metal chains, but the beast broke free. Then they commissioned the dwarves to weave a shackle out of six impossible things: a bear's sinews, a bird's spit, a fish's breath, a mountain's root, a woman's beard, and the sound a cat's paws made as it walked. This magic fetter was no thicker than a silk ribbon, but it worked very well. Fenrir couldn't escape from it. I invite you to take inspiration from this story, Leo. As you deal with your current dilemma, don't try to fight strength with strength. Instead, use art, craft, subtlety, and even trickery. I doubt you'll need to gather as many as six impossible things. Three will probably be enough. Two might even work fine.

virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) This is a time when your personal actions will have more power than usual to affect the world around you. The ripples you set in motion could ultimately touch people you don't even know and transform situations you're not part of. That's a lot of responsibility! I suggest, therefore, that you be on your best behavior. Not necessarily your mildest, most polite behavior, mind you. Rather, be brave, impeccable, full of integrity, and a little wild.

libra (sept. 23-oct. 22) Goldfish that are confined in small aquariums stay small. Those that spend their lives in ponds get much bigger. What can we conclude from these facts? The size and growth rate of goldfish are directly related to their environment. I'd like to suggest that a similar principle will apply to you Librans in the next ten months. If you want to take maximum advantage of your potential, you will be wise to put yourself in spacious situations that encourage you to expand. For an extra boost, surround yourself with broad-minded, uninhibited people who have worked hard to heal their wounds.

scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21) Over the years, you've explored some pretty exotic, even strange ideas about what characterizes a good time. In the coming days, I'm guessing you will add to your colorful tradition with some rather unprecedented variations on the definition of "pleasure" and "happiness." I don't mean to imply that this is a problem. Not at all. To paraphrase the Wiccan credo, as long as it harms no one (including yourself), anything goes.

There come times in your life when you have a sacred duty to be open to interesting tangents and creative diversions; times when it makes sense to wander around aimlessly with wonder in your eyes and be alert for unexpected clues that grab your attention. But this is not one of those times, in my opinion. Rather, you really do need to stay focused on what you promised yourself you would concentrate on. The temptation may be high to send out sprays of arrows at several different targets. But I hope that instead you stick to one target and take careful aim with your best shots.

capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19) I've been meditating on a certain need that you have been neglecting, Capricorn — a need that has been chronically underestimated, belittled, or ignored, by both you and others. I am hoping that this achy longing will soon be receiving some of your smart attention and tender care. One good way to get the process started is simply to acknowledge its validity and importance. Doing so will reveal a secret that will help you attend to your special need with just the right touch.

aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18) Due to the pressure-packed influences currently coming to bear on your destiny, you have Official Cosmic Permission to fling three dishes against the wall. (But no more than three.) If you so choose, you also have clearance to hurl rocks in the direction of heaven, throw darts at photos of your nemeses, and cram a coconut cream pie into your own face. Please understand, however, that taking actions like these should be just the initial phase of your master plan for the week. In the next phase, you should capitalize on all the energy you've made available for yourself through purgative acts like the ones I mentioned. Capitalize how? For starters, you could dream and scheme about how you will liberate yourself from things that make you angry and frustrated.

pisces (feb. 19-march 20) Check to see if you're having any of the following symptoms: 1. sudden eruptions of gratitude; 2. a declining fascination with conflict; 3. seemingly irrational urges that lead you to interesting discoveries; 4. yearnings to peer more deeply into the eyes of people you care about; 5. a mounting inability to tolerate boring influences that resist transformation; 6. an increasing knack for recognizing and receiving the love that's available to you. If you're experiencing at least three of the six symptoms, you are certifiably in close alignment with the cosmic flow, and should keep doing what you've been doing. If none of these symptoms have been sweeping through you, get yourself adjusted. • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 23


fun fundraisers

help Jim heal What: Second Chance Soirée, a benefit for Jim Wright, a local man who was shot while attempting to intervene in a domestic violence dispute. Where: Club Metropolis, 38 N. French Broad Ave. When: Sunday, July 8, 2 p.m.-midnight. $15. Info: helpsavejim. com, or 258-2027. Why: According to, with a Facebook message to an old friend, Asheville resident Jim Wright's life changed forever. In 2011, Wright’s middle-school friend confided in him about the domestic abuse her husband was inflicting upon her. Her husband began making threatening calls to Wright and his family, but since the husband lived in Georgia, Wright believed he was safe. Eight months later, the man showed up at Wright's work, pulled out a gun and shot him in the arm. This tragic story will take a turn for the better at Second Chance Soirée, an evening of music, dance, chocolate and prizes. Club Metropolis will open its doors to jazz by Atomic Sauce, hoop and belly dancing, salsa with DJ Jay and raffle tickets for a wide range of prizes. The funds will support Jim Wright and his two children, as Wright is unable to work as a contractor while his arm heals. Wright’s positive attitude has bolstered the healing process and brought support from both near and far. "The shots weakened my mind and body," says Wright, “but my spirit has grown exponentially."

benefitscalendar calEndaR FoR July 4 - 12, 2012 d

Shawn Ireland

ACn Doggie Social • TH (7/5), 6-8:30pm - Pet owners are invited to bring their dogs to a social at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103. 50 percent of ice cream sales benefit Animal Compassion Network . The evening will feature a "special doggie performance." Free to attend. Info: or 254-2224. Church Yard Sale and Auction

64 Biltmore Avenue • Downtown Asheville Open 7 days • • 828.281.2134

• SA (7/7), 7am-4pm - The Blue Ridge Cowboy Church will host a yard sale and auction at Enka Union Hall, 130 Sardis Road. All proceeds benefit the church. Currently accepting auction donations. Info: 684-5555 or Firecracker 5K • WE (7/4), 8am - The annual Firecracker 5K, to benefit The Kiwanis Club of North Buncombe , will be held at PNC Bank, 81 Weaver Blvd., Weaverville. $25. Info: www. get Local • TH (7/12) - Ultimate Ice Cream's Tunnel Road and Charlotte Street locations will donate 10 percent of proceeds to the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project in support of the organization's Get Local campaign. Info: or july 4 Duck Race • WE (7/4), 5pm - A duck race, to benefit Transylvania Community Arts Council's Kreative Kids art programs will be held at Kings Creek, near Brevard College's gym, as part of Independence Day celebrations. Adopt a rubber duck in advance; owner of the fastest duck can win up to $250. $5 per duck/$25 for six ducks. Info: or 884-2787.

24 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

Vietnam Veterans of America • WE (7/11), 4-9pm - Baja Cafe, 72 Weavervile Highway, will donate a portion of the day's proceeds to Vietnam Veterans of America . Regular restaurant prices apply. Info: 250-3600. Winesday: Skill Creations • WEDNESDAYS (7/11) through (7/25), 5-8pm - Winesdays will benefit Skill Creations and its efforts to "help individuals achieve their full potential to live and grow in their community." Held at The Wine Studio of Asheville, 169 Charlotte St. $5. Info: 2525955.

moRE bEnEFIts EVEnts onlInE

Check out the Benefits Calendar online at for info on events happening after July 12.

calEndaR dEadlInE

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY , one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

277 N. Broad St., Brevard. Free. Info: • FR (7/13), 7pm - An additional reading will be held at Malaprop's, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • SA (7/7), 3pm - Mystery writer Mark de Castrique will present his book The 13th Target. • SU (7/8), 3pm Christopher Benfey will present his book Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay: Reflections on Art, Family and Survival. • WE (7/11), 7pm - Carter Phipps will present his book Evolutionaries: Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science's Greatest Idea. --- 7pm - Book club: Jay Jacoby will lead a discussion about Jesus' Son by Denis Johnson. • TH (7/12), 6-7pm Alena Hennessy will lead a workshop on her book Cultivating Your Creative Life: Exercises, Activities, and Inspiration for Finding Balance, Beauty and Success as an Artist. Bring a journal, pen and pencil. A booksigning will follow. $20. Registration required. Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch • SA (7/7), 10:30am Storyteller Connie Regan Blake will perform at Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch in Pack Place's Rhino Courtyard. Held rain or shine. Free. Info: www.

Sports Single? Play golf? (pd.) Consider American Singles Golf Association (ASGA) for fun, fellowship and fairways. Visit the Asheville Chapter of ASGA at our next monthly meeting: Travinia Italian Kitchen, Biltmore Park, 2nd Tuesdays, 5:45pm. For more info: 828-298-9790 www.asheville.singlesgolf. com Aqua Fitness Class • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (8/2), 12:10-12:55pm - WCU will offer an aqua fitness class in the pool of Reid Gym. Registration is ongoing. $35. Info: http://learn.wcu. edu or 227-7397. Asheville Hoops • TUESDAYS, 5:30-7:30 pm - Asheville Hoops

encourages beginners and experienced hula hoopers to meet at Pritchard Park for informal hooping. Free. Info: www.ashevillehoops. com. Blue Ridge Rollergirls • SA (7/7), 5pm - The Blue Ridge RollerGirls will compete at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road. $12/$10 in advance/ children 12 and under free. Info: ultimate Frisbee League • MONDAYS, 6pm - The Asheville Ultimate Club hosts leagues for rookies, women and men. Games are held Monday nights at Memorial Stadium with a co-ed league to meet Wednesdays. Info and registration:

Theater Asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www. or 254-1320. • SA (7/7) through SA (7/14) - DramaRama, a week-long fundraiser for Asheville Community Theatre. Events take place at the theater, unless otherwise noted. • SA (7/7), 2:30pm - A staged reading of Last Stop, Old. Cake and champagne will follow the performance. $20. • MO (7/9), 7:30pm - A fashion show featuring local designers and models. $10. • TU (7/10), 7:30pm - Storytelling by Tom Chalmers. $10. • WE (7/11), 7:30pm Theatre Trivia Night, hosted by Michael McMurtrey, will be held at Olive or Twist, 81 Broadway St. $5. • TH (7/12), 7:30pm - A Grease sing-a-long will be held at the Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. $10. • FR (7/13), 7:30pm - The Good Old Fashioned Variety Show: Junior Version, featuring performers as young as 9. $10-$15. • SA (7/14), 7:30pm The Good Old Fashioned Variety Show, featuring everything from gospel to roller-skating. $25. Flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www. or 693-0731.


parenting from the edge by anne fitten glenn

taking the kids to some local sWimming spots Rivers, lakes and creeks abound in WNC. Given the recent heat wave, that’s a lucky thing. While I know of some secret spots that I’m not sharing (sorry), here are some fun places for you and your kids to get wet, cool off and enjoy the beauty of our region.

close to toWn and free the swannanoa river at azalea park: If you’ve ever driven out past the John B. Lewis Soccer Fields on Azalea Road in east Asheville and wondered why a bunch of cars are parked on the verge of a grassy field, here’s the answer: There’s a great swimming hole back there. It’s often crowded, because, well, lots of folks know about it and it’s so convenient to town, but it’s a great dip with a little beachy area and a tiny waterfall that the kids can tube over.

• WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/15)- The Fox Fairway, "a laugh-outloud comedy about love and golf." Performed on the Mainstage. $35 with discounts for seniors, AAA members, military personnel, students and groups. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed.Sun., 2pm. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/8) - RED, the story of a modern artist struggling with ambition and vulnerability. Winner of 2010 Tony Award for best play. Performed at the downtown location. Wed.Sat., 8pm; Wed.-Sun., 2pm. $35/$33 seniors and AAA/$22 students. Hendersonville Little theatre Located at the Barn on State Street between Kanuga and Willow Roads in Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (7/6) until (7/22) - The Miss Firecracker Contest, the story of a woman from Mississippi

determined to "win this year’s contest, salvage her reputation and leave town in a blaze of glory." Fri. & Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $20/$10 children. Info: or 692-1082. montford Park Players Unless otherwise noted, performances are free and take place outdoors Fri.Sun. at 7:30pm at Hazel Robinson Amphitheater in Montford. Bring folding chair and umbrella in case of rain. Donations accepted. Info: 254-5146 or • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/21), 7:30pm - A Midsummer Night’s Dream, "the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors who are manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set." A cutest dog contest will be held each Saturday and the winning dog will perform in the final act.

splashville: Not a swimming hole, but a free fountain in the middle of Pack Square Park, is an awesome place to get soaked. The arching, changing streams of water can fascinate young ‘uns for, well, lots of minutes. The recycling H2O is chlorinated if your kids are too young to know not to drink from lakes and river. Toddler-friendly, for sure, though watch out, as the stone can be slippery.

Jean Webb park: Just north of Asheville on Riverside Drive is Jean Webb Park, which offers access to the French Broad River where it’s not particularly deep or, typically, too fast. Even so, I’d only let proficient swimmers get in the water here. It’s also a nice spot from which to fish. Picnic tables and grills, too.

outside of toWn north mills river campground: This campground and recreation area on, yes, the Mills River,

naked girls Reading 7: taboo • FR (7/6) & SA (7/7), 8pm - The Anam Cara Theatre Company, 203 Haywood Road, presents Naked Girls Reading 7, selections about taboos. $10/$12. 18 and over. Info: www.anamcaratheatre. com or 545-3861. Tickets available for purchase in person at Anam Cara or at Firestorm Cafe, 48 Commerce St. Parkway Playhouse 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville. Info: www. or 682-4285. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (7/14) - 9 to 5 The Musical, a "women-in-the-workplace revenge comedy," based on the 1980 film with Dolly Parton. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm. $12-$20. Rush tickets available June 30 and July 1. Southern Appalachian Repertory theatre Performances are held at Mars Hill College's Owen

Theatre. Info: or 689-1239. • TH (7/5) until SU (7/22) - The Light in the Piazza, a musical set in Italy during the summer of 1953. Winner of six Tony Awards. Performance dates and times vary. $28/$25 seniors/$20 students. the Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. Programs are free and located at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, unless otherwise noted. www. or 254-2224. • FR (7/6), 6:30-7:30pm Cripps Puppets will perform at The Hop West, 721 Haywood Road. the magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: www. or 257-4003. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (7/21), 7:30pm - Brief Encounters: New Magnetic Voices, six new original short plays from playwrights, actors and directors who are new to The Magnetic Field

will cost you $3 per car for day use. There’s a great picnic area and easy swimming and creek walking. A season pass for both this campground and nearby Lake Powhatan costs $20. That’s a deal. lake powhatan: Just 12 miles from town, this lake has a great sandy beach area with swimming. For $5 a car, it’s easy, convenient and inexpensive. It can get a little crowded, however. the beach at lake lure: This lake’s a bit more expensive than the spots in the National Forest above, but it’s fun. In addition to the large sandy beach and a covered picnic area with concessions, there’s a water park and a great water slide. All this makes Lake Lure Beach well worth the price of admission, which is $8 per day for adults and $6 for kids ages 4-12. Unless, of course, you are a resident of Lake Lure, in which case you get in for freebies.

stage. $15/$12. $8 previews June 28 and 29.

Volunteering Academic Year in America • Through WE (8/1) - Host families are needed to house exchange students ages 15-18. Students will arrive in August and remain in the country for one school year. Info: info@ or Animal Compassion network • Animal Compassion Network seeks volunteers to care for cats, coordinate foster homes and help with the pet food assistance program. Info: or 274-3647. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: or 253-1470.

• Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks people to mentor one hour a week in schools and after-school sites. Volunteers age 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. Info: www. or 253-1470. Information sessions on July 11 and July 26 at noon at the United Way building, 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213. Buncombe County jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 9899459. Council on Aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call A Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: or 277-8288.

the famous sliding rock: This 60-foot natural water slide with a deep pool at the bottom in Pisgah National Forest attracts loads of folks every summer. Kids under the age of 7 are supposed to slide with an adult. I guess the hope is that the adult can control the slide speed and attempt not to land on the child when they both hit the pool. If the parent does land on the kid, at least he’s there to pull him out. It’s $1 per person to enter the area, which is run by the Forest Service, who kindly hire lifeguards in the summer. Try to get there early in the day as the line can be long. Pets on leash allowed, but they aren’t allowed to slide, which once frustrated my pup, who wanted to follow his kids and then barked incessantly. Annoying mutt. There also are a number of water falls nearby with pools at the bottom for swimming. Just don’t climb up the falls, please. People fall and die every year, and it breaks my heart.

Hands On! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Info: or 697-8333. • Hands On! seeks volunteers for reception assistance, program facilitation and daily operations. meals-On-Wheels Pet Food Assistance • Asheville MealsOn-Wheels Pet Food Assistance will accept pet food, kitty litter and pet supplies at Fairview Animal Hospital, 867 Charlotte Hwy #A. Home or business pick-up is available. Info: 628-2275. motherLove mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per is month required. Info: 254-7206. new Opportunities thrift Store • The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, seeks donations for the New

Opportunities Thrift Store. Volunteers also needed during store hours. Info: 692-0575.

RiverFest • RiverLink seeks volunteers for RiverFest. Opportunities include parking cars, pulling rafts, pouring beer and more. Info: or 252-8474.

Youth for understanding uSA • Through FR (8/31) Youth for Understanding USA seeks host families for its exchange programs through Aug. 31. Info:

calEndaR dEadlInE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365 • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 25



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a neW health clinic for one nonprofit;

a neW name for another by caitlin byrd Thanks to a more than $500,000 grant made available through the federal Affordable Care Act, the Hendersonville-based Blue Ridge Community Health Services will be able to provide health care services at a new clinic in Brevard later this year. "It's all about increasing access to health care," says Milton Butterworth, director of development and community outreach. Blue Ridge Community Health Services currently provides health care to children and adults including family and pediatric medicine, dental services, medication assistance and behavioral health. The clinic has been in the works for some time, but due to national budget cuts, funding for the project was twice denied, Butterworth explains. But the nonprofit applied again for a share of $128.6 million allocated for community health centers in 41 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands. Blue Ridge is one of 219 health centers to receive a grant. "We have been working closely with leadership in Transylvania county including county government, the hospital and the health department," says Butterworth. "A major part of winning this grant is showing that we have done the groundwork." The center will serve about 3,800 patients annually and open as early as October.

mission manna changes its name, but not its obJective After years of mistaken association with MANNA FoodBank and Mission Health, Mission Manna has changed its name to Consider Haiti.


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26 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

help for a world away: Local doctor Ora Wells provides children with health care at Fond Baptiste clinic in Haiti. Courtesy of Consider Haiti

"Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, but it's just a 90-minute flight from Miami,” says Todd Kaderabek, the chairperson for the organization's board of directors. “From here it only takes about three hours to get there, but it feels like it's such a world away," he says. Every year, Consider Haiti volunteers take two trips to the Caribbean country, where they provide medical care and clean water. When a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck the country two years ago on Jan. 10, Consider Haiti helped volunteers sort out what was happening on the ground (“Digital Lifeline to Haiti,” Feb. 3, 2010, Xpress). But the need in Haiti continues, Kaderabek says. The nonprofit recently expanded its sustainable nutrition program, which distributes goats, rabbits, plants and trees to families. The goal is that the families will use these resources to create sustainable sources of food and income, he explains. Kaderabek also remarks that Ashevilleans do not need to board a plane to make a difference. In August, the organization will hold its first annual Hotter Than Haiti 10K. The race, sponsored by Asheville Outdoor Center in West Asheville, runs along the French Broad Greenway and Hominy Creek. "As much as I love going to Haiti, we're ultimately trying to make ourselves obsolete there," Kaderabek says.

park ridge health provides free blood pressure clinic “What is high blood pressure?” “Why do I have it?” and “How can I decrease my blood pressure?” These are some of the questions that will be addressed at the upcoming free presentation, “Got Blood Pressure?” at Park Ridge Health in Fletcher. The event will take place on Thursday, July 12, from noon to 12:30 p.m. in the Duke Room on campus. The interactive presentation will cover simple ways to manage blood pressure and how to create an action plan to decrease problematic high blood pressure. Attendees are welcome to bring lunch from the Park Ridge Café, which is located across from the Duke Room. Space is limited for this free event, and reservations are required. Call 855-PRH-LIFE (855.774.5433) by July 11. X For more health-and-wellness news, go to Send your tips to Caitlin Byrd at call 251-1333, ext. 140, or email her at or mxhealth@

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• Gluten Free — These brown tags throughout the store identify the gluten free items we sell.

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828-253-0700 One of less than 250 Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Doctors Worldwide. Mention this Mountain Xpress ad and you will be entered in our monthly prize drawing! • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 27

wellnesscalendar Calendar for July 4 - 12, 2012

Wellness Acceptance & Boundaries: The Keys to Loving Someone Difficult (pd.) Do you care deeply for someone who is hard to love? Call M. Wheeler, Counselor, 90- minute session for $50. 828-215-6653. Activating Ascension (pd.) The 3 day weekend retreat for heart-centered creation and self-facilitation of the healing process, start to finish. July 13-15. Call to register: 865-681-4111. Are You Trying To Force Yourself To Change? (pd.) Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is a structured program that addresses the Emotional Root Cause of using Food, Alcohol/Drugs, Overspending, Overworking to feel pleasure, numb out, and/or comfort and soothe ourselves. • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes self compassion, brain health and grounded joy. Call 231-2107 or or visit website: Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation ("TM") (pd.) It's not contemplation, focusing on your breath, watching thoughts or trying to be mindful. It's a completely different process with far-reaching, scientifically validated benefits: During TM you effortlessly transcend thought to experience restful alertness or pure consciousness—the source of thought—reducing stress and revitalizing mind, body and spirit. Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • What health researchers say • (828) 254-4350. www. The REAL Center (pd.) Offers life-changing classes in Relationship & Intimacy skills, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Radical Honesty, and Somatic Awareness. Held in Asheville with Steve Torma, 828-254-5613, YWCA Club W Boot Camp (pd.) The YWCA's Club W Fitness Center will offer Boot Camp July 9-13 and 16-20 at 6:00 pm. Total body workout. 185 S. French Broad Avenue. $100 members/$175 nonmembers. For more information call 254-7206 x 213 or go to Arthritis Management Programs • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 2-3pm - A Tai Chi program for those with arthritis will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with regular admission. Info: or 4562030. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 3-4pm; SATURDAYS, 10:3011:30am - A walking program for those with arthritis will be offered at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free

with regular admission. Info: or 456-2030. • TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS, 9am-10am An aquatic program for those with arthritis will be presented by the Arthritis Foundation at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free with regular admission. Info: or 456-2030. Asheville Community Yoga Center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga. com. • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm & THURSDAYS, noon-1pm "We Are All Beginners," a class for practitioners of all levels, will be led by rising teachers who have completed five months of training. Free (no donation required). • SA (7/7), 2:30-4:30pm - Freedom Through Transformation with Lindsay Fields. $20 suggested donation. Basics of Nutrition • SA (7/7), noon-1pm - "Basics of Nutrition: We Really Are What we Eat" will be presented by Our Family Doctor, 43 Oakland Road. Free. Info: www.ourfamilydoctorasheville. com. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www. or 692-4600. • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 8:30-9:30am; WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 2-3pm; SATURDAYS, 10-11am - Blood pressure screening. No appointment required. • THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Pardee yoga, focusing on stretching, holding postures and meditation. $8. Registration not required. • TH (7/5), 10:30am - Breast self-examination education class for women. • MONDAYS, 10:30-11:30am & FRIDAYS, 10-11am Strength training and low-impact aerobics. $6. Registration not required. • MONDAYS, 5:30-7pm & FRIDAYS, 5:45-7pm - Dynamic advanced yoga. $10. Registration not required. • SATURDAYS, 8:30-9:30am - Gentle beginner yoga. $8. Registration not required. • TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight-loss support group. Registration not required. Free Community Group Exercise • THURSDAYS, 5:45pm - "Urban Conditioning" a high impact class designed to support explosive athletic movement," meets at the Asheville YMCA, 30 Woodfin Ave., then travels to Pack Square for the session. Bring a towel and a bottle of water. Everyone is welcome. Free. Info: http://avl. mx/gu. Happy Body Yoga Studio 1378 Hendersonville Road. Info: www.ashevillehappybody. com or 277-5741.

If you’re not filtering your water, your body IS!

• WEDNESDAYS, 8:30am & FRIDAYS, 7:30pm - Orbit class, "Pilates on Wheels." $23. • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Basic yoga. $12. • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Core Barre, a challenging ballet barre class combined with Pilates. $12. Non-Surgical Weight Management Info Session • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon & 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:45-7:45pm - A non-surgical info session will be held at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: or 213-4100. Reiki Workshop • TU (7/10), 7pm - Deborah Lloyd from West Asheville Massage and Healing Arts will present a reiki workshop at Malaprop's, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: www.malaprops. com. The Red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 2583888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • TH (7/5), 2-6pm - Blood drive: Swannanoa Valley Fire Department, 510 Bee Tree Road. Info: 686-3335. • WE (7/11), 9am-1:30pm - Blood drive: AB Tech Rhododendron Building, 340 Victoria Road. Info: 398-7377. • TH (7/12), 2-7pm - Blood drive: Skyland United Methodist Church, 1984 Hendersonville Road. Victims 2 Victory Domestic/Sexual Violence Ministry • SA (7/7), 3pm - Victims 2 Victory Domestic/Sexual Violence Ministry, facilitated by Greater Works Church, will screen the film Broken Vows. Local clergy will answer questions and a training program on domestic and sexual violence issues will follow. Held at 1401 Tunnel Road. Free. Info: 279-3312.

Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group, Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution,” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: or 800-286-1326.

• WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 8pm - "Listen and Learn," St. John's Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. --- 8pm - "Lambda" open/LGBT meeting. Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. Info: 670-6277. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. A beginner's meeting will proceed general meeting from 6:15-6:45pm on the 1st Monday of the month. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - "Discovery," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road.

Asperger Adults United • An Asperger Adults United meet-up will be held every other Saturday, starting May 26. Free. Info and location: or 319-1017. Brainstormers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Join this survivor-led support group for brain injury/concussion sufferers and their allies. Meetings consist of sharing, listening and reflection. Held at Trinity UM Church, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 2540507 or Chronic Pain Support Group • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: (770) 8460651. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666. Eating Disorder Support Group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Meetings focus on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: or 337-4685. Events at Pardee Hospital

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wellnesscontinued All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1:30pm & 5:30-7pm - Vet Center Out Station, a support group for veterans. Registration required before attending first meeting. Info: 271-2711. • MONDAYS, 2-3pm - "It Works," a 12-step program for individuals struggling to overcome food addiction. Registration not required. Info: 489-7259. Fertility Support meeting • 2nd MONDAYS, 6:30pm - "Circle of Hope," a support group for women and men who have been trying to conceive for a year or more, meets at Spa Materna, 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 204. Info: lovelightchild@yahoo. com. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 989-3227. Hope After Loss Hope After Loss offers grief education, support groups and individual counseling to those experiencing bereavement in Buncombe, Henderson and Macon Counties. Call for info, dates and locations. Info: 692-6178. • SU (7/8), 3-5pm - Grief 101, a class on the basics of the grieving process, will be offered at Greatrex Place, 571 South Allen Road, Flat Rock. Free, but registration is required. marshall Alcoholics Anonymous meeting • FRIDAYS, 7pm - AA meeting at Marshall Presbyterian Church, 165 South Main St. Info: mission Weight management Surgical Support group • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm; 4th FRIDAYS, 10-11:30am - A weight management surgical support group will meet at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: weightmanagement or 213-4100. nAmi Support groups The National Alliance on Mental Illness supports recovery for people living with mental illness and their families. All groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave., #207/315. Free. Info: or 505-7353. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am & 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm CONNECTION support group for those with a diagnosis and family/caregiver support group. Meetings held separately. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am - CONNECTION support group for those with a diagnosis. Overcomers Classes • TUESDAYS - Overcomers support group, for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems, will meet in Mars Hill. Call for location and time: 689-9316. Overeaters Anonymous

A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 2771975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. Recovery from Food Addiction • MONDAYS, noon - Are you a food addict? Are you struggling with food addiction. Looking for caring/supportive people fighting the same battle? Weekly support groups are held at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: S-Anon • S-Anon, a 12-step program for those struggling with the sexual behavior of a family member or friend. Three meetings are held each week. Info: 545-4287 (confidential). Sexaholics Anonymous • DAILY - A 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Daily Asheville meetings. Confidential voicemail or e-mail: 681-9250 or Info: www.orgsites. com/nc/saasheville. SmARt Recovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: Women of Courage Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous • SATURDAYS, 10-11am - A 12-step recovery fellowship for women who want to stop living out a pattern of addictive sexual behavior and romantic obsessions. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Enter at front door of the annex. Info: or

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by Mackensy Lunsford It's Friday night, and Carla Gilfillan is just starting her shift at Outback Steakhouse on Tunnel Road. She'll spend the next six hours juggling orders and handling the requests of several dozen people. By the end of the night, her pedometer will indicate she's clocked nearly 20 miles around the restaurant, refilling drinks, dropping off entrees and returning dirty dishes to the kitchen. As most people with restaurant experience will tell you, service-industry jobs can be taxing. And around here, they make up a big part of the workforce — and that’s a segment that’s not exactly flush, according to the statistics. For example, labor-advocacy organization Just Economics of Western North Carolina reports that 34 percent of lowwage workers (those making less than $11.35 an hour without receiving benefits, or $9.85 an hour with employer-provided health insurance) in Buncombe County are employed in food preparation or serving jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean income in 2011 for serving positions in our area was $19,450. Restaurant staff help make this area the hotspot for foodies that it’s becoming — but that doesn’t mean it’s always a gratifying job. The hours are out of the ordinary, the clientele is demanding and the pay can be unpredictable for servers, always dependent on their customers’ graces. The expectation is they’ll perform exceptionally under duress, and make it look effortless. But there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that diners don’t realize: understaffed restaurants at busy times, outrageous demands and even downright hostility. What do servers have to deal with? Just check out these epic meltdowns: In late May, an Ohio man rammed his truck into a Taco Bell after receiving the wrong order (no one was hurt). In early June, a man threw a fit — and water — in the face of a British Columbia Starbucks barista because the store ran out of cream (she wasn’t hurt either).

30 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

LocaL waitstaff discuss Life on the other side of the check

What is it about being served that makes people forget their manners? “They don't forget their manners,” says Barbie Angell, a local poet and writer who has earned multiple degrees, published books and who spent a decade serving. “The problem is that, in the service industry, for the most part, you're not worthy of their manners.” Angell could write another book with her service horror stories, everything from being tripped by children while carrying a tray of just-filled ketchup bottles to the time when two Harley-riding businessmen grabbed her butt at a truck-stop diner. It's given her perspective and major sympathy for people in any sector of the service industry, she says. “I think that everybody should have to wait tables at some point in their life and work retail at Christmas so they know what it's like,” Angell says. The customer is not always right — but neither is the server, she says. Lack of focus, for example, can cause major problems. “I saw someone serve a display-only dessert once,” Angell says. “If it's in a rotating glass display case and it has ice cream with it, chances are that's not really ice cream,” she says. “And the woman who took the really big bite of shortening that was made to look like ice cream? She was really, really upset.”

deaLing with it

Back in BLack carLa giLfiLLan works at outback steakhouse to heLp get through schooL. between working and studying, there’s not Much tiMe Left, she says. Photos BY MaX cooPer

And, last summer, a wealthy businessman broke the fingers of a server in a Florida dining club because he delivered the check to the wrong person at the table (that guy was hurt). While those are extreme circumstances, almost any server has a horror story or two under his or her apron.

But it’s not all bad: Gilfillan, for one, says she has it reasonably good at Outback. “I have no complaints about where I work,” she says. There’s a certain camaraderie among workers there, and working in a corporate-owned restaurant has its perks, too. Outback offers health benefits to employees, something that many independent restaurants cannot afford. Still, Gilfillan, like most servers, is paid slightly more than $2 an hour, (the federal minimum wage does not apply to tipped employees). “We rely on tips to make our living,” she says. As is the case with many servers, the wages go to pay the income tax on her tips. Many people either aren't aware that servers live almost exclusively on tips or they feign ignorance, Gilfillan says. Even though Gilfillan is friendly and mentally

Bartender By choice Musician (and soMetiMes GourMand) Jonathan aMMons tends bar at burGerMeister’s, where they specialize in “neiGhborly service” and Great burGers.

capable — she's holding down a double major in French and psychology at UNCA — she ticks off a number of stories about people flat refusing to leave her a gratuity. U.S. News & World Report says that all service providers should be tipped from 18 to 22 percent, calling the 10 to 15 percent tip “archaic.” Twenty percent seems to be the industry standard for good service (Condé Nast Traveler backs this up) and even more for exceptional service. Although, on plenty of days Gilfillan and her co-workers walk out with pockets of cash, she says that watching parties leave $3 (or even nothing) on a check of $100 is a common occurrence. Gilfillan shrugs. “I just don't think they see us as real people,” she says. “You get to the point where you stop getting upset and holding it against people when they don't tip you at all, or just tip 10 percent, because it's obvious that it comes from a place of ignorance,” she says. “Otherwise, you get so bitter about humanity. It can be the ultimate insult to be someone's servant for an allotted amount of time and not get paid for it.”

Gratuities for Graduates Over at Burgermeister’s, bartender Jonathan Ammons has less of a problem with getting his gratuity, he says. His restaurant draws a friendly, local crowd, many of whom are regulars and understand the system. “In the service industry, you're there to provide a service. And if you're good, you will get tipped,” he says. But here's some real talk: Anyone who dines out around Asheville knows that the grouchy server is as much of a reality as the low-tipping consumer. Both Ammons and Gilfillan think that sour servers are often well-educated, yet struggling in our tourist-oriented area. Survey

a random selection of restaurant workers in this town, and you’ll turn up a slew of degrees — which almost inevitably means student-loan debt. “In this economy, you have so many people with bachelor’s degrees working restaurant jobs,” Gilfillan says, “especially in Asheville.” It often doesn’t help that servers are often condescended to by their customers, she says. Choosing to live in Asheville, though, often means making career sacrifices. “We're a service industry-only town; there's not a lot of other jobs to take,” Ammons explains. “There's nothing else to do in this city. There's no work. Everyone's relegated to the service industry, so everyone's pissy and short-tempered because we don't want to be there — it's not what we set out to do.” Still, it’s a decent chance that your server today could be your child’s teacher tomorrow. Gilfillan herself would like to be a French teacher after graduating. Although with the current economy, a college degree doesn’t guarantee employment. In the meantime, remaining cheerful while insulating customers from the various annoyances of restaurant work is part of the job description, Ammons says. “[The customers] are going out so that their world is stressfree, and I'm there to make their life easier, essentially,” he says. And even though morale among his fellow front-of-the-house folk can be low, the money can be good for the amount of hours worked (and servers don’t have to take their work home). “I don't like the idea of servers saying ‘Poor me.’ We're where we are because the money's better than in a lot of other [restaurant] positions.” Still, he concedes: “At the same time, the money's pretty low for what we have to deal with.”

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Ammons chose bartending after years of dealing with the corporate world and owning his own artist-relations company. “I felt like I needed to do something different and I needed to be around people,” he says. “Sometimes I think it might have been a bad idea,” he jokes.

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Holly McGee, a longtime server and active Asheville-based illustrator, thinks that the notion that most servers feel stuck is a prevalent but erroneous one. “A lot of people see it as a stopgap measure, a temporary state, something you have to do because you've fallen on hard times, but you're working to get out for the ‘real job’ — that may be true for some people, but not all,” she says. McGee waits tables because it allows her to nourish her talents. “I like what I do because the ratio of money to hours worked is the best that I can find. It affords me time to do a lot of artwork,” she says. Last year, McGee illustrated the book Hush Little Beachcomber, written by Dianne Moritz. “I wouldn't have been able to do that if I had more of a ‘career,’” McGee says. “With serving, one person can work the other person's shift. What other job can people substitute each other's positions so easily? It’s the overwhelming day job of choice for artists and musicians, I would say.” Still, tourists will fawn over artists in the River Arts District, but not so much when they’re jotting down orders at their dinner table. McGee says servers sometimes are reduced to food-carrying machines in the minds of some diners — ever hear the term waitron? “People don't want to see their server's humanity so much,” McGee says. Maybe that’s why being waited on brings out the sadism in some people, especially those who already have bullying tendencies, she says. “The other day, a woman told me I was 'looking haggard,’” McGee says. “I've had a customer tell me that I've put on weight. I've had several men tell me that I'm getting a little gray on top. A guy the other day told me I was 'looking a little rough.'" It’s hard to understand the motivation behind jabbing someone in the rear end with silverware to get noticed, as McGee once observed. “He leaned over and actually poked [his server] in the butt with his fork to get her attention,” McGee recalls. Talk about attention-grabbing.

in service of arT having a job waiTing Tables allows holly mcgee To Focus on The real love oF her liFe — arT.

The devil is in The deTails Not all servers are moonlighting in the restaurant industry, however. Some make it into a career — and to good end. Just ask Felix Meana, a man who’s worked on perfecting the art of impeccable service for nearly 20 years. Meana’s standards have taken him across the globe. He’s helped fine-tune service in Ferran Adrià’s vaunted elBulli in Spain and assisted in the opening of The Bazaar by José Andrés in Los Angeles, where he was the director of service. LA Times Magazine, in giving Bazaar four stars, gave Meana a big nod for the excel-

32 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

The arT of service deTails — and excellenT Training — are The key To happy cusTomers, says cúraTe’s Felix meana.

lent service staff working under his direction during his tenure. Now, Meana runs Cúrate, an Asheville tapas restaurant, with his family. There, he impresses upon his staff the single most important factor in providing good service: focus. “You can't be doing a good job if you're not focused. Working in a restaurant is details all the time,” he says. Meana suggests that focusing on the tiny things helps brings about the perfect, reciprocal relationship between diner and server. Of course, finding the right staff is important. “From there, everything is about training," Meana says. That’s why Meana would rather hire enthusiastic workers who are willing to learn than “rock stars.” Meana says the best kind of boss is able to both be a leader and keep a watchful eye on staff members without breathing down their necks. “You need to train your staff and be close to them," Meana says. “You need to make them involved in your philosophy, teach them and give them the tools to make them excited and work with them on a daily basis,” he says. After that, well, servers simply need to be flawless. “When you go to a restaurant, the expectations are the full picture,” Meana says. “You want everything to be smooth and perfect. They need to know that the server was great, but in the end was not too intrusive, knowledgeable about the food, the concept, the whole thing.” But, even with the best staff in the world, certain customers can simply not be pleased, Meana admits. "You can't make everybody happy. That's something you learn from day one," he says. “Maybe they came frustrated from another place or had a bad day. You can’t read everyone’s mind. But that’s why you need to train your staff very well how to handle the situation.” With the economy the way that it is, great service is a cost-effective perk that restaurant owners should consider devoting more energy to, says Meana. “At Cúrate, we are not finedining, but we are people that know what people expect when they come into a restaurant: details ... The service is the key in your restaurant.” If service is the key, Xpress asks, do people — both diners and business owners — underestimate the importance and difficulty of good service? “Yes,” Meana says simply. “Still there are people out there that don’t know what service means and how important it is to be on top of your table from the first moment they come into the restaurant ... all the steps of service. It’s not easy.” Serving isn’t easy — and neither is cooking. Next week, we’ll take a look at what it takes to be in the hottest seat in the restaurant industry (and we mean that literally). X Contact food writer Mackensy Lunsford at • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 33

eatininseason EXPLORE 258-9264

cream of the crop

both the hop and ultimate get berry local this month by maggie cramer

“This should be a great year for berries,” says Walter Harrill of Imladris Farm in Fairview. “A very solid berry year indeed.” That's good news for local food lovers and supporters, who have been worried about the possible impacts to berry production from the late frost, which had devastating effects on WNC's apple crop. “There were some blueberries impacted by the freeze — and some of the early season varieties of blackberries — but because of the wonderful variations in micro-climate that we have here, that freeze has not impacted everyone,” says Harrill. In fact, Harrill has a bumper crop of blueberries, but he acknowledges that it will be hit or miss across the region. He adds, “Raspberries look good for everybody as far as I know; because they bloom from late May to late August, they fall outside of the frost danger.” Kevin Barnes, who owns Ultimate Ice Cream with his wife, Lucia, plans to use all the berries he

feeling blue? Blueberries are chock full of antioxidants and guaranteed to offer a nutritional boost. Photos courtesy of ASAP

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can get from Imladris in his ice cream this month. “We love buying from people that we have relationships with,” Barnes shares. But, that's not the only reason he sources from local farmers — he also regularly purchases pumpkins from New Sprout Organic Farms and ginger from Ol' Turtle Farm, as well as from other farmers who stop by to sell after finding Ultimate in ASAP's Local Food Guide and trade directory the Mixing Bowl. “The quality of local product is so far superior to what we would find in the market place.” Greg and Ashley Garrison of The Hop Ice Cream Café feel exactly the same way. The duo plans to purchase black and red raspberries and blackberries from J Bee Farm (formerly Jordan Blackley Farm, owned by Laura Blackley and Cindy Jordan) in Candler this summer. “The quality of ice cream made with local berries is so much tastier!” But, they also stress, “It is important first and foremost to support our local economy and keep farms like J Bee running so they can continue providing the area with awesome, locally grown berries and other products.”

ice cream social In celebration of the summer and ASAP's Get Local berry month, both Ultimate and The Hop will host special local berry ice cream days at each

of their locations, on July 12 and 19, respectively. Several local-berry options will be available at each Appalachian Grown-partner ice cream shop. The Hop plans to make options with cow's milk, local goat milk and vegan milk available, as well as sorbet. Each business will donate 10 percent of their ice cream sales on their local day to ASAP. The events are also chances for folks to get social with the eateries' berry suppliers and purchase more farm-fresh products. Patrons can meet Walter Harrill from Imladris at Ultimate's Tunnel Road location on July 12 and meet Laura Blackley at The Hop's Merrimon location on July 19. Got a special request? Get social beyond the events. Post to ASAP's Facebook wall or tweet ASAP @asapconnections which local berry ice cream flavors/combinations you'd like to see, and they'll share with both Get Local partners. Also share which other local items you'd like to see incorporated into their ice creams this month and beyond. Barnes says he's always up for trying something new. To find more Appalachian Grown restaurants and eateries incorporating local berries into their menus and products this month, as well as a list of local berry producers, browse ASAP's online Local Food Guide at


5 B B i l t m o re Ave nu e A s h ev i l l e • 2 5 1 - 1 6 6 1

berry bashes


What: Get Local Berry Ice Cream Socials When: July 12 and July 19 Where: Ultimate Ice Cream (1070 Tunnel Road and 195 Charlotte St. in Asheville) on July 12 from 12:30 to 8 p.m.; The Hop Ice Cream Café (640 Merrimon Ave. and and 721 Haywood Road in West Asheville) on July 19 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Why: To celebrate local berry producers and ASAP’s Get Local berry month; 10 percent of proceeds each day will benefit ASAP.

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Of course, local berries aren’t just great in locally made ice cream. If you’ve already bought or are planning to pick up local berries at your neighborhood farmers market, try J Bee Farm’s berry cobbler recipe (below). Better yet, pick up a pint of local berry ice cream to top it and cool off the sweet treat.

J bee farm’s berry cobbler: ingredients: 2 tsp cornstarch, 1 cup sugar, 8 tbsp local honey, 6 cups J Bee berries (we prefer to mix in blueberries, blackberries and raspberries), 3 cups flour, 1 tbsp baking powder, 1 tsp salt, 2 sticks butter (cut in 1/2 in cubes), 1 cup plus 3 tbsp whole milk. method: Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Butter a 9” x 13” glass dish. Whisk 1 cup of sugar and cornstarch in a large bowl and add berries and toss. Drizzle with honey. Bake mixture in a glass dish for 10 minutes until bubbly. Whisk flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Blend in cold butter with hands or food processor until it looks like cornmeal. Add milk and stir until dough forms. Drop 1/3 cup mounds of dough onto fruit. Cook 25-35 minutes and serve warm. • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 35

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brewsnews altamont, oskar by anne fitten glenn

and Walking breWery tours altamont to breW soon The Altamont Brewing Company boys deserve some kind of medal for persistence. Since they first formulated their business plan, their primary goal has been to brew craft beer. And, after a year and a half of running a rustic but popular bar in West Asheville, brewer Gordon Kear and business partner Ben Wiggins are are finally approaching the day when they will add a brew house to their operations. Altamont opened with local and regional beers on tap. Good beer plus a comfortable warehouse space, combined with regular live-music acts, quickly gained the bar a following. Adding liquor drinks to the mix helped as well. But the goal always has been the creation of a brewery. To that end, Kear and Wiggins purchased a few tanks from Green Man Brewing several months ago. But the duo didn’t quite have enough cash to put together a full brew house — until now. An investor/friend and Mountain BizWorks have stepped in with loans. Kear has a sevenbarrel system on order, and by the end of 2012, possibly sooner, he’ll be brewing. He’ll start with an IPA, an ESB and a Porter, he says. Initially, all sales will be in-house, via Altamont’s taps. Growlers will be available and kegs will be for sale with pre-orders for special events. Then we’ll see what happens, says Kear, in terms of selling his beer to local restaurants and beyond. I hear Kear, formerly with Flagstaff Brewing in Flagstaff, Ariz., knows his stuff, so I’m looking forward to tasting his beers. Altamont will be able to lay claim to being West Asheville’s first brewery (not counting the River Arts District’s Wedge Brewing). It’s enough to make Thomas Wolfe proud.

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beer pair: Ben Wiggins and Gordon Kear in front of tanks that are awaiting a brew house at Altamont Brewing Company in West Asheville. Photo by Anne Fitten Glenn

neW doWntoWn Walking breWery tours A little more than a year ago, Josh Bailey and Stephen Steibel started a business called Eating Asheville. The company offers walking tours of some of the best local, farm-to-table style restaurants in downtown Asheville — from Cucina 24 to Zambra to Chai Pani. According to Bailey, it’s been quite successful, as well as a lot of fun. Last week, the business partners added walking brewery tours of downtown. For $45 per person, you can accompany Bailey or Steibel to five breweries, getting tastes of three or four beers at each one. Initially, the two-and-ahalf-hour tours will only be offered on Friday and Saturday afternoons. The tours start at Lexington Avenue Brewing, move to Thirsty Monk (whose in-house beers are currently only on tap at the Monk’s south location), then to Asheville Brewing, Craggie Brewing, ending at Oyster House Brewing at the Lobster Trap Restaurant. Beers will be paired with snacks at

Asheville Brewing and Oyster House. In addition, participants will get a bit of brewing education, beer history and general Asheville history. For more information, visit Asheville Brews Cruise also offers both mobile and walking brewery tours. “We don’t want to compete,” Bailey says. “We feel like there’s room for more than one brewery tour in town.”

bring it, oskar Brevard is about a 40-minute drive from Asheville. But I reckon I’ll be driving down Highway 280 a good bit more by the end of this year. Why? Because that’s when Oskar Blues Brewery will start producing beer in the small mountain town that sits at the entrance to Pisgah National Forest. In addition to a brewing and canning facility in a Railroad Avenue warehouse, Oskar Blues will offer a restaurant and music venue in downtown Brevard. The location for that is being finalized, but I hear it’s on a corner of

Main Street in a cool old building that recently housed a bank (if you know Brevard, you probably know the spot). I talked to Oskar Blues founder/owner Dale Katechis recently, and he says a couple of his guys are closing on homes in the Brevard area this month, including brewer Noah Tuttle and canning/production manager Eric Baumann. A few other folks will be moving to the area from the brewery’s home base in Colorado, but Katechis says Oskar Blues will hold a job fair around the beginning of August to hire the other 25 or so folks they need to get it all going. “Just shy of 40 percent of all the beer we make goes to the East Coast,” Katechis says. “So it makes sense to have a facility there. It looks like this project will pay for itself within two years.” Plans for the restaurant are still evolving, though Katechis says it will definitely feature a meat smoker, as the company’s restaurant in Longmont does. The restaurant, Home Made Liquids & Solids, offers Southern home cooking (including North Carolina-style barbecue) to Coloradans, notes the Alabama-born and bred Katechis. The restaurant also features 43 taps of Oskar Blues and other craft brews. Which sounds kind of like heaven. When I asked Katechis the all-important question of whether he prefers mustard or vinegar-based sauce, he diplomatically responded that he likes both. He notes he’s looking forward to spending lots of time here, although the father of four probably won’t move to the area — at least while the kids are still in school.

Oskar Blues also will offer some special beers just brewed here, including a collaboration with Asheville Brewing Company. Katechis and ABC head brewer Doug Riley knew each other in high school, and Katechis says he can’t wait to brew with Riley.

Waynesville breWery update Tipping Point Tavern in Waynesville has started brewing — their first two beers are in the tanks — an amber and an IPA — so they should be pouring in a couple of weeks. Tipping Point joins Frog Level Brewing and Headwaters Brewing in Waynesville. All three are newly opened, making the town a fun place to visit for craft beer.

beer tent revisits fall french broad river fest Tickets go on sale on July 1 for the Fall French Broad River Fest, which will be held on Sept. 22 at Hot Springs Campground. Again this year, organizers are offering a beer tent that will include tastes of craft brews from more than 12 breweries, including Asheville Brewing, Highland, French Broad, Sweetwater, New Belgium, Sierra Nevada, Abita, Boulder Beer, Natty Greene's, Holy City and Widmer Brothers. They also say they'll have Shock Top, which, I will once again remind them, ain't craft beer. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to


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(near the intersection of Longshoals & Hendersonville Rd) 7 Days 11am-2:30pm & 5pm-9:30pm • Reservations Available • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 37

floWers, feathers,

paper & tape

costume drama, part of a.c.t.’s dramarama, takes its inspiration

from theatrical costume and proJect runWay by alli marshall Fashion shows tend to be variations on a formula: Designers or boutiques send models draped in the latest apparel down the runway to the beat of something indie/poppy/electrodance-y. Costume Drama: A Fashion Show (part of DramaRama, Asheville Community Theatre's weeklong fundraiser) is shaking all that up. Costume Drama takes its cues from the fashion-forward reality show Project Runway, in which designers are given themed challenges (design a dress for a figure skater!) and wacky materials (using only items from this junk car!) to complete in insanely short periods of time. While Costume Drama’s participants had a month or so to prepare, the materials selected for each category — flowers, feathers, paper and tape — are a far cry from typical cottons, silks and laces. DramaRama evolved out of DivaLicious, ACT's fundraiser concept for the last five years. Event planner Sara Fields, who is organizing Costume Drama, jokes that, as last year’s winning Diva, she benefits from the discontinuation of that event since she never has to retire her crown. She is, decidedly, non-diva in the work she's put into the new fashion show.

paper route: A detail of designer Liz White’s entry, made from recycled Mountain Xpress newspapers.

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What else is on tap for dramarama? kickoff event: “last stop, old” by patsy clarke and reception DramaRama launches with a staged reading of Last Stop, Old, a new play written by Patsy Clarke, a native of Asheville, who starred as Barbara Allen in Dark of the Moon, the very first production at ACT in 1946. She was active at ACT until she moved to Raleigh in 1987 (her husband, Harry, was the president of the board when ACT broke ground on its permanent building in 1972). Last Stop, Old is directed by Arnold Wengrow, who founded the Theatre at UNCA in 1970. A cake and Champagne reception will follow the performance. Tickets are $20. — from Asheville Community Theatre When: Saturday, July 7 at 2:30 p.m. Where: Asheville Community Theatre, 35 East Walnut St. tickets: $20

costume drama: a fashion show When: Monday, July 9 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Renaissance Hotel Asheville, 31 Woodfin St. tickets: $10

best of “listen to this” hosted by tom chalmers When: Tuesday, July 10 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Asheville Community Theatre tickets: $10

theatre trivia night hosted by michael mcmurtrey When: Wednesday, July 11 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Olive or Twist, 81 Broadway tickets: $5 to play

movie night: “grease” singalong When: Thursday, July 12 at 7:30 p.m. Where: The Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. tickets: $10

the good old fashioned variety show – Junior version When: Friday, July 13 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Asheville Community Theatre tickets: $15 for adults, $10 for children

the good old fashioned variety show When: Saturday, July 14 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Asheville Community Theatre tickets: $25

“DramaRama is a whole week of events, each of which will be tailored to a different audience,” says Fields. (Other events include Theatre Trivia Night and a viewing of the singalong version of Grease at the Fine Arts Theatre.) The idea is to attract new people (this is a fundraiser, after all), but it's also intended to be affordable. Fields says that Costume Drama will appeal to the local design community as well as “Asheville's fashion lovers. I think there's a lot of them.” The inspiration for the show was born out of the idea of how, in theater, each costume has to be tailored to time period or style based on a given character. “We wanted to see how stylists would fare given similar parameters,” she says. Organizers also looked to Project Runway and brainstormed four categories (the aforementioned flowers, feathers, paper and tape) based on materials that are easily accessed. Designers had to state their category (meaning, which material they wanted to work with) when they signed up for the competition. And, with 24 entrants (including a number of wellknown local designers like Jen Swearington, Stina Andersen, Liz White, MaryLou Sanders of Spiritex and Susan Sertain of the Costume Shoppe), competition for the $500 best in show grand prize is likely to be fierce. About those categories: If a tape dress sounds like a fashion don’t, Fields points out that the duct-tape dress has become a much-Googled sensation. (It's a prom trend, so much so that Duck brand duct tape is holding a scholarship contest, awarding thousands of dollars for the best duct-tape prom ensembles.) Plus, tape comes in a range of colors and patterns, from zebra to plaid. The paper category, says Fields, “was inspired by the paper dresses that are in the windows at Minx.” When Minx's paper dress designers Juniper Cooper and Joti Marra Ramsey applied, early on, to DramaRama, Fields was happy. But paper dresses have a much longer local history, dating back to the late 1960s when Mars Manufacturing Company of Asheville became the leading paper dress manufacturer during paper apparel's short but frenzied fad. Feathers, says Fields, “are very in right now.” Think jewelry and hair accessories. While flowers (especially at the height of summer) are everywhere, too, they're trickier to work with. Live flowers have a short life span: A wilted dress is unlikely to win any awards. But Carly Robbins from Blossoms at Biltmore Park “will have a really unique dress — she'll probably be the only one in the competition with a dress made from live flowers,” says Fields. “She'll be on a super-tight schedule, basically having to make it the day of the event.” And Robbins has never made a cloth garment before, let alone a floral one. But there is some help in the process. Designers can use whatever foundation (fabric, mesh, tulle, etc.) they want for the costume, as long as what's visible is the material of their chosen category. And there's a team of hair designers from many local salons on board to create looks on the models that are consistent with the garments going down the runway.

entries accepted for this fall’s proJect handmade Asheville loves a fashion show and the options are coming more regularly — plus, they’re getting more creative and more exciting. On the heels of ACT’s Costume Drama and last month’s Project Runway: It’s a Fashion Revival (hosted by the Jewish Community Center), the collaborative nonprofit Local Cloth: Farm/Fiber/Fashion Network and the Asheville Art Museum are teaming up for this fall’s Project Handmade, “a fashion show dedicated to showcasing contemporary garments made with traditional handcrafted detail using local materials.” The runway event will be held at the Asheville Art Museum. While the show date has yet to be announced (it’s planned for late October or early November), the deadline to submit entries is soon: Sunday, July 15. Textile artists and designers within a 100-mile radius of Asheville are encouraged to participate. It’s suggested that they use locally sourced, repurposed and upcycled materials and to “distinguish the region’s creative fiber and textile art community.” The theme of Project Handmade is Earth Tone Palette and “any type of material/technique may be used in the creation of this including: woven, sewn, knitted, felted, dyed, printed, etc.” Collaborations are also encouraged. To enter the show, submit images of up to three pieces (they do not need to be of the exact garment) by email or snail mail. Guidelines and a list of local resources are available at Entry fee is $35. — A.M.

In the end, the competition comes down to the designers and their fans: “The winners are determined by the audience,” says Fields. “And votes are $1 each.” So can a win be bought? “I think it would be hard to do,” says Fields, who suspects audience members will have a set amount that they're willing to spend. Already, Costume Drama is showing signs of popularity: Some designers had to be turned away after the event was full. Fields hopes to grow both the talent pool and the fan base in coming years — a boon for local theater and local fashion. X


The Trip to Bountiful By Horton Foote — Directed by Sy Berg

July 9 & 10 - 7PM Roles – 3 men ages 40s-50s, 3 men any age; 3 women 70+, 40s, 20s; extras Show Dates: Sept. 7-9, 14-16 & 21-23, 2012 Auditions will be cold readings from the script. Please bring your calendar to check for conflicts. For more information call the director, Sy Berg at 828-696-1423, the casting coordinator, Linda Brookes at 828-698-0394, or visit Our 2012 Season is sponsored by WTZQ 1600AM

Charlotte street

a n i m a l h o s p i t a l SATURDAY • JULY 21 2:30pm - 5:30pm Free ice Cream from Ultimate ice Cream • Bring your pet for a photo shoot! • Raffle • Dog/Guardian Look-alike Contest • Lots of Games Tour our hospital and learn about our Underwater Treadmill, Veterinary Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Chiropractic Care, Physical Rehabilitation, Opthamology, Ultrasonic Imaging, Radiology & Advanced Dental Care. Raffle featuring local artisans! All proceeds benefit: Animal Compassion Network / Brother Wolf / Meals on Wheels / WNC Nature Center Phoenix Landing Parrot Rescue

Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@ • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 39

arts X murals

history is noW

neW triangle park mural celebrates and reJuvenates the block by paul clark






Out of sight on Eagle and Market streets, a mere block away from the tourist corridor of Biltmore Avenue, the area known as the Block doesn't attract many visitors to its small, dense environs. But for nearly a century, the Block has served as a social and commercial hub for Asheville’s African-American community. While some of the district's landmark businesses and most of its residences are long-shuttered or demolished, the essence of the area — the people socializing on sidewalks, sitting on benches in Triangle Park or elsewhere — has sustained the many changes in the surrounding city, and to the street itself. This summer, former habitués and artists are working on a mural project to help maintain and celebrate that essence — and to rekindle the entrepreneurial and entertaining spirit that made the Block a community center. Since May, Triangle Park Mural Project volunteers have been planning, preparing and painting scenes on the park’s concrete wall that illustrate and honor the black businesses and community life in the vicinity of Eagle, Market and Valley streets. By creating a colorful gathering place to brighten up summer block parties and gospel events — many put on by the nonprofit Just Folks, the caretaker for the park — the project also hopes the mural will help attract other creative projects and events. “For so many years, there was nothing here,” said Curtis James, Just Folks’ president who frequented the Block in the ‘60s and early ‘70s. “We felt that it is important to do something so that the history can be remembered. We hope that the mural will pull more people to the area so that they can see the new businesses that are there now and the big changes the area is going through.” The project could be completed by summer’s end if the necessary resources are gathered, including paint, other materials and some funds for labor. To this end, organizers launched a





161 Biltmore Ave. s 253-3066 w w w. w i l d w i n g c a f e. c o m

40 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

the spirit survives: Ceretha “Bubbles” Griffin, event coordinator for Just Folks Organization, paints a section of the Triangle Park mural.

Kickstarter campaign that ends July 13. At press time, the project had exceeded its $7,800 goal. For nearly a century, the Block was the place where the city’s African-Americans shopped, dined, played and did business. Supported largely by the East End, Southside, Market Street and Valley Street neighborhoods, dozens of blackowned businesses made the Block as busy and lively as the rest of downtown Asheville was for white residents. James remembers the Del Cardo club, The Eagle Market and a little clothing store called The Block. He grew up on nearby Velvet Street and remembers his parents telling him about all kinds of businesses there. “Everything was full and vibrant then,” he said. There’s little left of what the Block used to be. So-called urban renewal, a national movement from the ‘50s to the ‘70s designed to improve “blighted” areas, claimed much of the neighborhood. Homes were razed and businesses displaced, and residents were forced to leave. Photographer Andrea Clark documented the East End-Valley Street neighborhood; her photographs are held at the Pack Memorial Library. (See our 2008 story, “East End Memories” at for more about Clark and her work.) While urban renewal translated into benefits for some, it also displaced what had been a vibrant

community. “Though progress was made, the African-American community sacrificed a lot economically to make it happen,” said Molly Must, a well-known Asheville urban muralist who began the Triangle Park project. Must is an Americorps volunteer at the Asheville Design Center, a nonprofit organization of professional planners and supporters that works with local governments and under-served urban neighborhoods, among others. Co-partner with the center on the Triangle Park Mural Project is Just Folks, created in 2004 to preserve local African-American culture and activity downtown. It has adopted Triangle Park as one of its projects. “We’re building up the Block to attract more people,” James said. “We would hope that would be some African-Americans, but whoever puts a business there is welcome. We’re doing this for the whole community.” Want to help? Contribute to the Triangle Park Mural Project via its Kickstarter campaign at Want to help? Find the Kickstarter campaign at h7. X Paul Clark can be reached at paulgclark@charter. net.

arts X music

channeling honest


peter kater and r. carlos nakai bring “at the moment” sounds

Who Peter Kater and R. Carlos Nakai

Saturday, July 14th • 1-3pm Mon-Sat 11-5 • Closed July 4th 344 Depot Street in the River Arts District



Friday, July 13, 8 p.m. (Tickets start at $25. For more info and to buy tickets, visit or call the UNCA box office at 258-7900 or Mark Fields Events at 777-0452.)


Plein Air Painting



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Asheville Art Supply


Where UNCA Kimmel Arena

Asheville Art Supply


Having once played in Asheville to an awe-struck and delighted crowd 11 years ago, Peter Kater and R. Carlos Nakai return for a live performance combining the Native American wood flute and the concert piano. And though you’ll often find their records pegged as New Age, Kater doesn’t feel comfortable with that label. More accurate, perhaps, although less pithy, is “hybrid instrumental music that combines classical rock and pop,” though that doesn’t get at the emotional and spiritual content of the music, Kater says. The combined skill and resonance of these two artists began with their first collaboration on the 1990 album Natives. Kater recalls the process of recording with Nakai. “I record a whole bunch of stuff — tapes and tapes,” he says. “I gather a lot of information and listen to the tracks over and over again. Then, I edit out anything that is not essential to the piece — like weeding a garden. I try to refine it all and at some point, it feels like it’s done. It is as clear expression of what it is that I was trying to communicate.” In their collaborations, both Kater and Nakai explore off-the-cuff harmonies. “Improvisation requires knowledge of key ranges and melodic form,” Nakai says. “It’s not just an arbitrary exercise. It requires a high degree of listening to what the other musician is doing at the moment ... it’s more or less like a conversation.” With a short summer tour, the July 13 Kimmel Arena show is significant for the duo. Nakai hasn’t been to town in 10 years, he says, so when Kater was making arrangements for the tour, Nakai made a request. “I said to Peter, ‘When you’re setting up these concerts, let’s see if we can come back to Asheville one of these days.’ And here we are,” he says. What should audience members expect? “They should come prepared to listen and to feel the music as we’re performing it,” Nakai says. “Of course, as we always say, it will be just for them at this moment in time, and it will never be repeated again. It’s a one-of-a-kind

experience. And it will be fun.” The duo has also worked on film scores and sound for television programs — work very different from live performances, Nakai says. “There have been a number of projects where they wanted a specific kind of sound, and we’ve had to compose simple melodies that each of us could follow and build upon.” In contrast to these premeditated melodies, “The majority of what we do is ‘at the moment’ improvisation. The performance that we’ll be doing in Asheville is one of a kind and won’t be repeated anywhere.” With 13 Grammy nominations between them, both performers have achieved success and recognition for their creativity. Though Kater acknowledges these “external career milestones,” he expands his goals to be more than these achievements. “There’s (also) the internal career of really capturing what you set out to capture. The most gratifying experience has been when I’ve found myself onstage ... channeling honest expression.” Although these career highlights are shining moments for Kater, he admits “that’s not necessarily where you get the most success on the outside.” For Nakai, playing the Native American wood flute is a contribution to the lifespan of the instrument. “The one thing that I’m currently involved in is ensuring that the instrument doesn’t disappear into private collections and museums,” he says. In order to promote awareness and create a community around this mission, “I began an organization called the International Native American and [World] Flute Association. At present, there are more than 25,000 members in our flute circles.” With culture-bending sounds and improvised harmonies, the two musicians seek to create an expressive tone. For Kater, inspiration comes in many forms. “My personal life fuels my creativity,” he says. “I look forward to my next bike ride, my next yoga class, my next meaningful encounter with someone I care about, or with someone new. I look forward to feeling happy or feeling connected.” X

Haywood Road

by stephanie guinan



Grey Eagle

n Av

The Wedge


Soapy Dog

Depot Street

Stephanie Guinan can be reached at • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 41

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arts X music

kicksville, We used to call it

a local crank on cranking it up, bloodshot bill style

ignites a fire: Bloodshot Bill’s rock ‘n’ roll show has enough raw emotion to make a young girl cry, the sounds of rebellion that make every parent afraid. Photo by Tim Snow

by lance Wille Boy, howdy: It sure seems like music lost its way a while back — gone off the rails, you might say. I remember a time when kids playing music was all about living in the moment, the here-and-now — kicksville, we used to call it. Tomorrow may bring an alien invasion, atom bombs, or — worse yet — your best girl could say, “We’re through.” But tonight is tonight, daddy, and we are gonna wail! I can’t really tell you what happened or who’s to blame, there are plenty of likely suspects from smart phones to genetic crops; but it’s not the same world. There are still long-gone daddies and wayout kitty-kats who know the score, but their numbers seem to die out faster every day. Nowadays, you pretty much have to explain to kids what a piece of hot wax is (it has nothing to do with bikini

lines; well, maybe a little). Slap that platter on your turntable, kids, and in 2 minutes, 45 seconds, the rhythm will rocket you to the moon. You might dismiss this as the ravings of an old geezer pining for the days of yore, and there’s a case to be made for that. But while I’ve still got blood coursing through my veins, my pulse will pound to those rocking sounds. The old knees may ache, but I still shimmy and shake. So I’m writing today not about the past. These timeless sounds are still alive and kicking to this day, kicking hard and straight to the gut from all corners of the globe — even the unlikely locale of Montreal. Yes, that’s in Canada, and it’s home to one of the swinging-est, way-out rockers of them all, Mr. Bloodshot Bill. Montreal may not seem the obvious place for mining a disaffected youth rebellion, but it has

proven to be fertile terrain. The Spaceshits, Scat Rag Boosters and The Deadly Snakes all operated in the 1990s around Montreal before finding broader success. “I never fit into any kinda scene,” Bill says, of life in Montreal. “I was playing a lot of rockabilly and country music. And it was too punk for this crowd, and not punk enough for that crowd, and I was just playing my own thing everywhere, doing my own thing, and I still kinda do that.” Bloodshot Bill has been described as “greasy, rock ‘n’ roll hillbilly music,” which sums up his influences. “It’s just old rock ‘n’ roll — my take on it,” Bill says. “I mean, people think it sounds weird or different or something ... but to me, I’m just playing the song.” Music genres don’t come close to describing the wild, out-of-control mayhem that pours out from start to finish in the man’s live performances. You’ll get a sense of his brand of madness by playing a side or two of a ‘45, hearing the vocals hiccup, croon, swoon and holler; you can hear him feeling every word down to the core. But when you see him live, the gyrating, reckless, sweat-fueled abandon will prove that he is indeed the genuine article. Bloodshot Bill’s rock ‘n’ roll show has enough raw emotion to make a young girl cry, the sounds of rebellion that make every parent afraid. The white-hot madness of Bloodshot Bill grabs every living soul within earshot and ignites a fire inside it that erupts in twistin’ hips, snappin’ fingers, a wild shaking all over like an old fashioned tent revival. You can’t pigeonhole Bloodshot Bill for the Madison Avenue set and slap on a pretty label; you’d end up with 90 percent rocket fuel if you tried. You need to wring out his pompadour and let the juice fill up a can: American Greaser Supply

Who Bloodshot Bill, with Paint Fumes



Jack of the Wood

When Sunday, July 8 (9 p.m. $8. did for their “Nice N Greasy” pomade, the kind of real-deal endorsement no amount of payola can buy. But descriptions can only go so far. You’ll have to witness Bloodshot Bill for yourself when he visits Jack of the Wood on July 8. Paint Fumes, Charlotte’s rising stars of the “garage punk” set, opens the show. The Fumes alone are a damn-good reason to come and rock out, Bill’s presence aside. The band has a lousy attitude, guitars that feedback till tomorrow, thumping drums and a dash of outlaw. In other words, it’s a genuine Tarheel outfit. I asked Bill if the days of rock ‘n’ roll are slippping away. “No,” he says. “People discover it all the time, I mean everywhere I go, everybody loves rock ‘n’ roll — the more crappier stuff that keeps getting put out, the better the old stuff sounds, year after year.” That kind of optimism that makes an old rocking geezer smile. X Lance Wille plays drums for The Krektones and other quality bands.











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38TH SEASON The Light In The piazza


Book by Craig Lucas, Music & Lyrics by Adam Guettel Sponsored by: Weaverville Eye Associates

Based on the novella by Elizabeth Spencer. Winner of six Tony Awards, including Best Original Score, and five Drama Desk Awards. Set in Italy in the summer of 1953, this enchanting musical tells the story of Clara Johnson, a young American tourist, who becomes infatuated with a handsome Florentine named Fabrizio. When Clara's mother, Margaret, learns of the affair, she opposes it for reasons that only gradually become clear to the audience. Unable to suppress the truth about her daughter, Margaret is forced to reconsider not only Clara's future, but her own hopes as well.

July 5 - July 22

Show Dates: Show Times: Thursdays: 2:30pm (except 7/5 at 7:30pm) July 5 - 8 Fridays: 7:30pm July 12 - 15 Saturdays: 2:30pm & 7:30pm Sundays: 2:30pm July 19 - 22 • Box Office : 828-689-1239

the big crafty The summer installment of The Big Crafty — equal parts social event, indiecraft bazaar and shopping expo — returns to Pack Place and Pack Square on Sunday, July 8. Vendors include Owlette Collective (bibs, bonnets and vests for babies), Rockpile Bindery (custom-made books), Sweet Mess Art (illustrations and prints with lots of stylized birds, flowers and owls) and many more. Like, 147 more. AshevilleFM and Dr. Filth will DJ the show, and there will be local food and beer available, because shoppers and crafters cannot live on scented soaps alone. Noon-6 p.m., free entry. Pictured: cards from This Paper Ship.

shovels & rope According to Charleston, S.C.-based “sloppy-tonk” duo Shovels & Rope, its stripped-down setup (two guitars and a “junkyard drum kit harvested from an actual garbage heap”) is about necessity. Cary Ann Hearst and Michael Trent are an onstage two-person-band and offstage married couple who have honed their sound into a “harmonized, loose but tight, streamlined audience killing machine.” The band’s forthcoming album, O’ Be Joyful, is set for release at the end of the month, but the duo’s reputation is already growing. Shovels & Rope return to Jack of the Wood on Saturday, July 7. Wylie Hunter & The Cazadores also perform. 9 p.m., $8.

44 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •


charles frazier Asheville native Charles Frazier is probably best known as the author of Cold Mountain. His newest novel, Nightwoods, is also set in the Appalachian Mountains — though instead of the post-Civil War era, that work of love and suspense is set in the early 1960s. Frazier is the second author to appear as part of UNC-Asheville’s Southern Writers series. (Upcoming authors include Wayne Caldwell on July 15, Ron Rash on July 22 and Erica Abrams Locklear on July 29). Frazier will speak on Sunday, July 8 at 3 p.m. at UNCA’s Reuter Center. The event is limited to 200 ticketholders. At press time, tickets were gone. Still, if some don’t show up by 2:45 p.m., seats will come available.


Author, library critic and Emily Dickinson scholar Christopher Benfey already has an impressive CV. He’s also the grandnephew of Josef and Anni Albers, German artists who emigrated to the U.S. to escape Nazi pressure and joined the faculty at Black Mountain College. Benfey’s family memoir, Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay, follows the journey of his relatives and the artists, craftspeople and scholars they encountered. The book has already been written up in W Magazine and The New York Times Sunday Book Review. Benfey reads at Malaprop’s on Sunday, July 8 at 3 p.m. Photo by Jim Gipe.


red brick, black mountain, White clay













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Music Schedules Wednesday, July 4th


Hookah Hook-Up Presents: hosted by



Live from Jones Beach FREE!!!-7PM SIMULCAST


Mountain Feist


FREE! Free Local Bluegrass! 21+ Thursday, July 5th


Brews, Bluegrass, & BBQ feat. Kendall Huntley & 5-8pm FREE! the $1 PBRs


where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina CLuBLAnD RuLeS •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Asheville Music Hall

Jack of the Wood Pub

Phish live simulcast, 8pm

Old-time jam, 6pm Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 10pm

Athena's Club

Juan Benevidas Trio (Latin, flamenco guitar), 8-10pm

The Steel Wheels (Americana, roots) w/ Shannon Wurst, 8:30pm

Andrew Christopher (Americana, country), 9pm

Barley's Taproom

Olive or Twist


Black Mountain Ale House

One Stop Deli & Bar

Barley's Taproom

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm

Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)

DJ night w/ Black Mountain Beats, 9pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic

Music trivia, 7pm Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 10pm Pisgah Brewing Company

Trivia, 9pm

Club Remix

Boiler Room

Club Xcapades

TallGary's Cantina

Club Hairspray

Craggie Brewing Company

The Bywater

Club Xcapades

Dirty South Lounge

The Corner

Craggie Brewing Company

The Lower Level

Creatures Cafe

Vanuatu Kava Bar

Dirty South Lounge

Vincenzo's Bistro

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Open mic/jam, 7pm

Ready, Set, Draw (game night), 8pm

Jugband Jubilee (open jam)

Karaoke, 10pm

Ultra Rockin' Music Nerd Challenge (trivia), 9pm Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar


Whitewater Bluegrass, 2-5pm

Jack of Hearts Pub

Open mic

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall


Soiree Fantastique (magic theater), 8pm

Lobster Trap

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm Olive or Twist

DJ Lil' Roo

Heather Masterton Quartet (swing) One Stop Deli & Bar

Lilly & Her Tigers (gothic folk)

Blues, Bluegrass & BBQ feat: Kendall Huntley, 5pm American Gonzos (funk, rock) w/ Pleasures of the Ultraviolent, 10pm

Daniel Levi Goans, 8pm Dirty Bingo, 9pm

Orange Peel

Yacht Rock Revue ('70s soft rock tribute), 9pm

Wild Wing Cafe

Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, 6:30-10pm

Dirty Bourbon River Show (Americana, vaudeville, rock), 8pm

Thu., July 5

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

JPQ Band, 7:30pm

Cigar Brothers (jazz), 6pm

Eleven on Grove

Pisgah Brewing Company

Purple Onion Cafe South Side Station


Brewing Company




Preston Cate Group

Isness Sunday, July 8th

Back stage: Whetherman (folk) w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

Karaoke, 10pm

Friday, July 6th


Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Drag show: Country Strong! (patriotic country performances), 10pm

10pm American Gonzos $5 21+ w/ Pleasures of the Ultraviolent

feat.Saturday, JeffJulySipe 7th

Bluegrass jam, 6pm

Second Breakfast (rock, pop)

Westville Pub

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

East Coast Dirt (rock, funk, jam)

Old-time jam, 7pm

Old Town Pickers, 8pm

Southern Appalachian Brewery

DJ Lil' Roo

Jack of Hearts Pub

Black Mountain Ale House

Retro night ('70s, '80s & '90s), 10pm

The Get Right Band (rock, funk, reggae), 7pm

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm

George Porter Jr. w/ Vertigo Jazz Project (funk, jazz), 6:30pm

Wicked Wednesdays (techno, drum 'n' bass), 10pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Club Hairspray

Hannah Flanagan's

Arcade Idol, 10pm

Ex-Breathers w/ Quit Clouds, Wolfmouth & Hurlbat

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

Adam Dalton Distillery

Afroman (rap, hip-hop), 9pm

Altamont Brewing Company

Lobster Trap

Get Down

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Get Down

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Wed., July 4

5 Walnut Wine Bar

10pm $5 21+ 10pm $5 21+

Bluegrass Brunch 11am

hosted by The Pond Brothers Open Jam! Bring your instruments! Tuesday, July 10th

TWO FOR TUESDAY 8pm Men On Earth & Dawn Carol $2 - ALL AGES! DJ Adam Strange spins afterwards til 11pm!



Th u r s . J u ly 5 THU 7/5 Fri 7/6

THE sTEEl WHEEls w/ shannon Wurst 8:30pm

sEcrET B-siDEs & siDnEY BarnEs w/ preach Jacobs 9pm

saT 7/7

ToWn moUnTain

WED 7/11

TrEvor Hall

w/ steve mcmurry 9pm 9pm

orbit DvD presents:

THU 7/12


w/ Dr. Filth 10pm mark Kozelek | Tim o’Brien | sarah Jarosz mindy smith | Grandmothers of invention aaron Freeman (aKa Gene Ween) | WHY? antibalas | lumineers | Todd Barry

Kitchen Open for Dinner on Nights of Shows! 46 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •



5pm door/ 6:30 show $10/$12 Funk Jazz

f r i . J u ly 6


w/ ChalWa 10pm


w/ taylor martin 9pm



the get right Band saT. J u ly 7

pepper pulp




FREE show sh


(Ween triBute) 10pm

Tu e s . J u ly 10 asheville disClaimer presents:

Comedian 9pm

Jarrod harris

o n t h e f r o n t s ta g e

FRI. 7/6 • merediTh waTson 6-9pm SAt. 7/7 • george mcdonald 6-9pm Sun. 7/8 • aaron price 1-3:30pm tueS. 7/10 • Jake hollifield 6-9pm

8pm FREE show







Treat Yourself.


Karaoke, 8pm Southern Appalachian Brewery

Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm TallGary's Cantina

Asheville music showcase, 8pm The Bywater

Pleasure Chest (soul, rock), 7pm The Dugout

Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm The Market Place

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm Town Pump

Mac Comer (folk)

THURS. JULY 5 - PINT NIGHT (4-8pm • no cover) FRI. JULY 6 - NOW YOU SEE THEM (Indie / Folk / Pop)

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues


Vincenzo's Bistro

THURS. JULY 12 - PINT NIGHT (4-8pm • no cover)

Westville Pub


Peggy Ratusz's Invitational Blues Jam

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm Molly Sue Gonzalez & the Mean Mean Men (country, rock), 9:30pm

Fri., July 6

SAT. JULY 14 - GALEN KIPAR PROJECT (Folk / Jazz / Blues)

Adam Dalton Distillery

Duende Mountain Duo (live electronics, dance), 10pm Altamont Brewing Company

Ten Hollow (rock) w/ Devils Like Me & Riyen Roots, 9pm ARCADE

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House

Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 8:30pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Barrie Howard (blues, one-man band) Club Hairspray

Drag show, midnight Club Xcapades

DJ Snoop

Craggie Brewing Company

Voodoo Wedding w/ Ty Nemecek (Americana, blues, rock), 7pm Creatures Cafe

Jerry's Bones w/ 4 Given Souls, 8pm Dobra Tea Room

AfterMyth (world, traditional Chinese), 8pm Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Old Skool Flow w/ DJ Jam, 9pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 6pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

One Leg Up (swing, jazz) Get Down

Midtown Dickens (roots, folk) w/ The Darling Sweets & Broken Lilacs Good Stuff

Men from Earth, 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Secret B-Sides (R&B, soul, funk) w/ Sidney Barnes & Preach Jacobs, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm Hannah Flanagan's Hendersonville

The Voodoo Fix (rock), 9pm

Highland Brewing Company

Now You See Them (folk, pop), 6pm Jack of Hearts Pub

The Morning After (soul, rock, jazz), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

High Strung String Band (bluegrass), 5-8pm Junior Sisk & Ramblers Choice (bluegrass), 9:30pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Meredith Watson Back stage: The Get Right Band (rock, funk, reggae) w/ Chalwa, 10pm Lobster Trap

Leo Johnson & the Spaceheaters (hot jazz) Olive or Twist

Live music, 8pm

One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Preston Cate Group (jam, funk, rock), 10pm Pack's Tavern

WestSound (R&B, soul, dance) Pisgah Brewing Company

UMBowl Live (Umphrey's McGee film screening) Purple Onion Cafe • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 47

Fred Whiskin (piano)

High Strung String Band (bluegrass), 9pm

BBQ & Bluegrass w/ Sons of Ralph, 9pm

Scandals Nightclub

Jack of the Wood Pub

Vincenzo's Bistro

Southern Appalachian Brewery

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

The Altamont Theater

Lobster Trap


The Bywater

Olive or Twist

Live Music 5 NIGHTS A WEEK! Daily Specials FULL BAR!

The Corner

Dance Party w/ DJ Position

One Stop Deli & Bar

The Dugout

Orange Peel

SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch

Zumba, 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Desiree Christa Ricker w/ Kevin Stipe & friends, 8-10pm April Verch (Americana, fiddle), 8pm

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”



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Letters to Abigail (bluegrass), 9pm

Jonnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9pm The Lower Level

La Rosa Negra (Latin/salsa lessons & dance), 9pm Town Pump

Miles Nielsen & the Rusted Hearts (indie, rock) Vanuatu Kava Bar

Space Medicine (funk, jam), 9pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Westville Pub

Trivia night

White Horse

The Belfast Boys (Irish folk, poetry), 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

Country Fried Friday w/ Southern Remedy

SaT., July 7 Altamont Brewing Company

Shorty Can't Eat Books (punk, surf), 9pm ARCADE

"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Black Mountain Ale House

Serious Clark (folk, pop), 9:30pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Quality Acoustic and Electric Guitars 732 Haywood Rd Asheville NC 28806 828-253-2003 M-F 10-7 Sat 11-7 Sun 12-7 Search Facebook for “The Guitar Trader” 48 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

Front stage: George McDonald, 6-9pm Back stage: Pepper Pulp (Ween tribute), 8pm Big Nasty (gypsy jazz) The 42nd Street Jazz Band Isness (live electronica), 10pm The Breakfast Club ('80s tribute), 9pm Pack's Tavern

TallGary's Cantina

The Bywater

Vincenzo's Bistro

Vincenzo's Bistro

Westville Pub

Westville Pub

White Horse

Wild Wing Cafe

Wild Wing Cafe

Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm

Tue., July 10

Sun., July 8

The John Henry's (jazz, swing), 8-10pm

Mountain Feist (bluegrass) Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm The Brave New Gravelys (folk, pop, rock), 10pm David LaMotte (singer-songwriter), 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 6pm Dr. Filth & Wayd Runk (DJs), 10pm Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, roots), 7pm "Girl Groups" (cover performances), 10pm Second Chance Soire feat: tango dance & live DJ, 5-10pm Club Remix

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country), 2pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Hotel Indigo

Emerald Lounge

Vess w/ The Fire Tapes & Wash Hollow

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Jack of the Wood Pub

Dave Desmelik (Americana), 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Town Mountain (bluegrass) w/ Steve "Big Daddy" McMurry, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Irish session, 3-9pm Bloodshot Bill (rockabilly, garage) w/ Paint Fumes, Broken Lilacs & DJ Kevy Duty, 9pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Aaron Price (piano) Lobster Trap

Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar

Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Southern Appalachian Brewery

Ellen Trnka (folk), 5-7pm

One Leg Up (jazz), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Ruby Slippers, 8-11pm

The Altamont Theater

Highland Brewing Company

The Corner

Jack of Hearts Pub

The Dugout

Tim Marsh Collective (rock, jazz, funk), 6pm


Town Pump

Good Stuff

Good Stuff

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm

Lobster Trap

Men on Earth (rock), 9pm

Second Chance Soire feat: tango dance & live DJ, 5-10pm

Thrones of Carrion w/ Colossus, Burns Like Fire, Shadow of the Destroyer & Typhonic Age

Contra dance, 8pm

The Dugout

Mystic Lion (dub, reggae, roots), 3pm

Get Down

Get Down

Dance Party w/ DJ Position

Dark City Deli

Dizzy Chicken (jazz)

Tears in My Beers (DJ set), 9pm

Singer songwriters in the round feat: Chelsea LaBate, Josh Phillips & Rob Russell, 6:308:30pm

Club Metropolis

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Dirty South Lounge

The Corner

Craggie Brewing Company

Turchi (blues, rock), 6pm

Movie Mondays (cult classics), 10pm

Jack of Hearts Pub

The Zealots (folk rock), 9pm

Boiler Room

Young Couples (indie rock, pop) w/ special guests, 8pm


The Bywater

Club Xcapades

Eleven on Grove

CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm

The Leftolas ("comedy rap and roll") w/ Black Sneaker Souls, 8:30pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Carolina Rex (blues, classic rock), 9:30pm

Club Metropolis

Cord of 3

Mon., July 9

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am


Creatures Cafe

Darren Kohler & friends, 4pm

Scandals Nightclub

Club Hairspray

Elvet Velvis (rock), 6pm

Wild Wing Cafe

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Matt Anderson (acoustic), 6-10pm

Altamont Brewing Company

DJ Snoop

Claudine Longille (roots, folk), 7pm

Ruby's BBQ

Boiler Room

Live comedy

White Horse

Schwervon (rock) w/ Free Lunch, Albatross Party & Kovacs and the Polar Bear

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues)

Shellshock (goth, industrial), 9pm

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm

96.5 House Band (classic hits, rock)

Jerome Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions (jazz), 7-9pm

Drag show, midnight

Buy, Sell, Trade

Nikki Talley (country, rock), 5pm Shovels & Rope (folk rock) w/ Wylie Hunter & the Cazadores, 9pm

The Opal String Quartet (classical), 5pm The Bywater

Miriam Allen & the Pasionistas (Latin folk), 5pm Tea Dance w/ Drag Show

Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass) Bluegrass jam, 8pm Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Open mic, 7pm

Karaoke, 10pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Altamont Brewing Company

Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm Asheville Music Hall

Funk jam, 10pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Trivia night, 7pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Paul Cataldo (Americana) Boca

Jason Decristofaro & Jake Wolf, 6:30-8:30pm Club Hairspray

Trivia night, 10pm

Club Metropolis

Trivia night, 10pm

Eleven on Grove

Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ Cary Fridley, 8:30pm Good Stuff

Old-time jam, 6pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Handlebar

Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard Bluegrass Jam, 8:30pm Hotel Indigo

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm Jack of the Wood Pub

East Coast River Crossing (Celtic folk rock), 8pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Jake Hollifield (piano), 9pm Back stage: Jarrod Harris (comedy), 9pm Lobster Trap

Calico Moon (Americana, country) One Stop Deli & Bar

Two for Tuesday feat: Men on Earth & Dawn Carol, 8pm The Bywater

Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm The Dugout

Trivia, 8pm

The Lower Level

Karaoke w/ Gary, 10pm

clubdirectory 5 Walnut Wine bar 253-2593 altamont brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 the asheville public (tap) 505-1720 asheville music hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek pizza & ribs 687-2400 barley’s tap room 255-0504 black mountain ale house 669-9090 blend hookah lounge 505-0067 blue mountain pizza 658-8777 blue note grille 697-6828 boiler room 505-1612 bobo gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 the bywater 232-6967 club hairspray 258-2027 club metropolis 258-2027 club remix 258-2027 the chop house 253-1852

the corner 575-2449 craggie brewing company 254-0360 creature’s cafe 254-3636 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 dark city deli 257-5300 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 the dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 firestorm cafe 255-8115 fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 french broad brewery tasting room 277-0222 french broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the garage 505-2663 the gateway club 456-6789 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music hall & tavern 232-5800 grove house eleven on grove 505-1612

Tolliver's Crossing Irish Pub

Trivia, 8pm

the grove park inn (elaine’s piano bar/ great hall) 252-2711 the handlebar (864) 233-6173 harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 highland brewing company 299-3370 holland’s grille 298-8780 the hop 254-2224 the hop West 252-5155 iron horse station 622-0022 Jack of hearts pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus one more 253-8770 lexington avenue brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 the lower level 505-8333 luella’s bar-b-Que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 one stop bar deli & bar 255-7777 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah brewing co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851

Club Remix

Vincenzo's Bistro

Wicked Wednesdays (techno, drum 'n' bass), 10pm

Westville Pub

DJ Lil' Roo

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Blues jam, 10pm White Horse

Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm Wild Wing Cafe

Video trivia, 8pm

Club Xcapades Diana Wortham Theater

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm Olive or Twist

Cadillac Rex (vintage rock)

Dirty South Lounge

Ultra Rockin' Music Nerd Challenge (trivia), 9pm

TallGary's Cantina

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

The Bywater

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Emerald Lounge

The Campaign 1984 (Southern rock) w/ Fire Fire & 20th Century Goliath


Get Down

Athena's Club

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Barley's Taproom

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

Lobster Trap

One Stop Deli & Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Arcade Idol, 10pm

Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9pm

Hot Tuna (Jefferson Airplane's Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen), 8pm

Wed., July 11 Juan Benevidas Trio (Latin, flamenco guitar), 8-10pm

purple onion cafe 749-1179 rankin vault 254-4993 red stag grill at the grand bohemian hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 stingrays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 Westville pub 225-9782 White horse 669-0816 Wild Wing cafe 253-3066


Trevor Hall (pop, rock, reggae) w/ Anuhea & Justin Young, 8:30pm

The Shack Band (rock, funk, jam) w/ Bubonik Funk, 10pm Open mic/jam, 7pm

Ready, Set, Draw (game night), 8pm The Corner

Karaoke, 10pm The Lower Level

Soiree Fantastique (magic theater), 8pm The Magnetic Field

Magnetic Song Series feat: David Earl Tomlinson, Pierce Edens & Silas Durocher, 8pm Vanuatu Kava Bar

Open mic

Vincenzo's Bistro

Black Mountain Ale House

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

Club Hairspray

Old-time jam, 6pm

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm Open mic w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm Open mic

Retro night ('70s, '80s & '90s), 10pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Wild Wing Cafe

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Thu., July 12 • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 49

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5 Walnut Wine Bar

Lobster Trap

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe


Olive or Twist

Boiler Room

Barley's Taproom

Pisgah Brewing Company

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm Heather Masterton Quartet (swing)

Trivia, 9pm Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm Black Mountain Ale House

Sloan Tones (newgrass, roots), 8pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, roots), 7pm Boiler Room

Drag show benefit for Tanner Taylor, 10pm Club Hairspray

Karaoke, 10pm

Club Xcapades

DJ Lil' Roo

Craggie Brewing Company

South French Broads (rock, post-punk), 6:30pm Creatures Cafe

Jill Cagney w/ Jeff Miller & Jeff Thompson, 8pm Dirty South Lounge

Dirty Bingo, 9pm

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Alarm Clock Conspiracy (rock), 6pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Blowfly (X-rated comedy, funk, soul, rap) w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Acoustic Swing

Lullwater w/ The River Rats, Rory Kelly's Triple Threat & Ancient Whales (rock), 9pm

Zombie Queen (punk) w/ The Critters (psychpop) & John Wilkes Boothe & the Black Toothe (folk rock), 8pm

Club Hairspray

South Side Station

DJ Snoop

Karaoke, 8pm

Drag show, midnight Club Xcapades Creatures Cafe

Rather to be Chosen w/ 2-15, 8pm

TallGary's Cantina

Asheville music showcase, 8pm

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Soundcheck feat: Kat Williams, Ben Hovey, Angela Easterling & The Cheeksters, 8pm

Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am

The Dugout

Emerald Lounge

The Altamont Theater

Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm

Fruit Bats (indie folk, rock, pop) w/ Floating Action, 9pm

The Market Place

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Town Pump

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Get Down

Locust Honey String Band (country, old-time) Peggy Ratusz's Invitational Blues Jam Vincenzo's Bistro

Gavin Conner (alt-country), 6pm High Gravity Jazz

Pleasures of the Ultraviolent (punk) w/ Skullthunder & Death of Analog

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm

Good Stuff

Westville Pub

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

White Horse

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

The Marcel Anton Band, 9:30pm

J.P. Delanoye ("Lucky James"), 8pm Sarah Jarosz (folk, pop) w/ Jen Duke, 8pm

William Jackson & Graime Hamsbly (Celtic harp), 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

Luke Combs, 9pm

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm


Drivin' n Cryin' (Southern rock), 8:30pm

Fri., July 13


Jack of Hearts Pub


Highland Brewing Company

Jack of the Wood Pub

Athena's Club

Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (alt-country, roots), 6pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Damion Suomi & the Minor Prophets (Celtic folk rock) w/ JK and the Lost Boys, 8pm

Old-time jam, 7pm

Bluegrass jam, 6pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Ugly Radio Rebellion (Frank Zappa tribute), 9:30pm

Carolina Chocolate Drops (old-time, roots), 9pm

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Loveslaves, 8:30pm

Jack of Hearts Pub

Jack of the Wood Pub

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Jus One More

Thunder Head

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6-9pm Back stage: Narren (rock), 10pm Lobster Trap

Calico Moon (Americana, country) Olive or Twist

Live music, 8pm

One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm The Native Sway (rock, funk, electronic) w/ Nomadic, 10pm Pack's Tavern

Aaron LaFalce Band (acoustic rock) Pisgah Brewing Company

Toubab Krewe's "Carvavalito" (music festival), 7pm Dumpstaphunk (funk), 10pm

"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm

"Feast" event feat: Galen Kipar Project (folk rock), 4pm

Athena's Club

Jack of Hearts Pub

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Taylor Martin's Engine (country, Americana), 9pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Barrie Howard (blues, one-man band) BoBo Gallery

dep (indie rock) w/ Luke Puke (punk), The Night Lights & Coed Pageant, 8pm Boiler Room

Bradley Falls w/ Severance & Forgive Me For Yesterday (rock), 9pm Club Hairspray

Drag show, midnight Club Metropolis

Cleofus Sound Clash feat: DLX, Dubvirous, Jer Bear & more Club Xcapades

Scandals Nightclub

Craggie Brewing Company

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Camera, Guns and Radios (rock, grunge, punk), 8pm

The Altamont Theater

Creatures Cafe

Big Daddy Love (Americana, roots) w/ Brushfire Stankgrass, 8pm The Corner

Dance Party w/ DJ Position The Dugout

Jonnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9pm The Lower Level

La Rosa Negra (Latin/salsa lessons & dance), 9pm Town Pump

Wink Keziah (blues, rock) Vanuatu Kava Bar

Mary Sparks & Anthony Dorion-Labelle Vincenzo's Bistro

DJ Snoop

Chariot Awaits w/ Lissett, 8pm Dark City Deli

Bill Ramsey (R&B), 3pm Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Ten Cent Poetry (folk, pop), 6pm

Amici Music (classical), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe

Country Fried Friday w/ Scarletta

Olive or Twist

The 42nd Street Jazz Band One Stop Deli & Bar

Phuncle Sam (classic rock, jam), 10pm Pack's Tavern

DJ Moto (dance hits, pop) Pisgah Brewing Company

Toubab Krewe's "Carvavalito" (music festival), 4pm

SaT., July 14 ARCADE

Highland Brewing Company



Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Static Age Records

Mike Scheidt (folk rock, acoustic) The Altamont Theater

Gypsy (rock), 9pm

Slavedriver (metal) w/ Faces Unturned, Finger of Speech & Decadence, 9pm

Mon 7/9 : Schwervon!, Albatross Party, more TBA

Scandals Nightclub

Good Stuff


Sat 7/7 : Thrones of Carrion, Colossus, Burns Like Fire (Athens), Shadow of The Destroyer, Typhonic Age

Matt Anderson (acoustic), 6-10pm

Dance Party w/ DJ Position

Kat Williams (soul, R&B), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm

Fri 7/6 : The Darling Sweets, Midtown Dickens, Broken Lilacs

Ruby's BBQ

The Corner

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Get Down

Thurs 7/5 : Ex-Breathers, Quiet Clouds, Wolfmouth, Hurlbat

Gary Segal & the Cryptic Choice (Americana, blues, roots), 8pm

Hello Hugo (indie rock, jazz, instrumental) w/ Ryan Barrington Cox, Lassos & Shod My Feet

Inner Mountain folk festival feat: Dredd Foole, MV & EE, Samara Lubelski & more, 4pm


Purple Onion Cafe

Get Down

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

White Horse

Trevor Jazz Trio

Free Planet Radio w/ The Billy Sea (world, Americana), 8pm


Trivia night

Lobster Trap

Asheville Sax (jazz)

Honeybee Democracy (folk rock, Americana), 8pm

Westville Pub

Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9pm Back stage: (young) American Landscape (ambient, post-rock) w/ Modern Man, 9:30pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Carolina Rex (classic rock), 9:30pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

48 Madison (rock), 9:30pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whiskin (piano)

Johnson's Crossroad (bluegrass), 9pm

Wed 7/4 : Karaoke Wednesday!

1045 haywood rd. • west asheville 828-505-8388 •

The Broadcast (rock, soul) w/ Supatight, 9pm

The Dugout

Town Pump

Wild Rumpus ("Appalachian stompgrass") Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Carolina Rex (blues, R&B, funk), 10pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Lady & the Krunk (blues, funk), 10pm White Horse

Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

Elvet Velvis (rock), 9:30pm • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 51

52 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •


theaterlistings Friday, JULy 6 - ThUrsday, JULy 12

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating


additional reviews by justin souther contact



To Rome wiTh Love

Director: WooDy Allen PlAyers: WooDy Allen, JuDy DAvis, Jesse eisenberg, gretA gerWig, ellen PAge, Alec bAlDWin, roberto benigni, Alison Pill, PenéloPe cruz RaTed R

The Story: Woody Allen drops in on four intercut stories that take place in Rome. The Lowdown: Witty, clever and frequently brilliant, Allen’s latest is a fine, entertaining film from a master filmmaker — and a still sharp comedian. The big question that seems to plague Woody Allen’s To Rome with Love is whether or not it’s as good as last year’s Midnight in Paris. The answer — if you go by critical consensus — is no, but I’m skeptical of judging movies based on review aggregators these days. I’m even more skeptical when we’re dealing with a filmmaker coming off a hugely successful film (tearing down last year’s hit-maker is a favorite pastime) — and if the filmmaker is Woody Allen, you can double my skepticism. My own take is that the two films aren’t really comparable, but if we must weigh one against the other, I’d say that what To Rome with Love lacks in viewer-friendliness, it more than makes up for in ambition — and that ambition pays off more often than not. And if you get right down to it, this might have more solid laughs than its much praised predecessor. Allen gives us four separate stories that take place in Rome. What makes this unusual is that the stories are intercut, but not interconnected. Apart from taking place in Rome — the stories are supposedly being told by a traffic cop — the stories have nothing to do with each other, nor are the timeframes related. Now, that probably sounds awkward, but if you simply go with it, it’s not. In fact, I was surprised by how smoothly it cut together and how the shift from one story to the next and back again always felt right. In a similar vein, the film’s occasional leaps into fantasy struck me as perfectly judged without being calculated, making the whole thing feel more intuitive than consciously clever. The four stories commence when Hayley (Alison Pill — Zelda Fitzgerald in Midnight in Paris) gets directions — and more — from handsome Italian Michelangelo (Flavio Parenti). Soon she’s engaged

lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at

CaRmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)

abraham Lincoln: vampire hunter 3d (R) 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:55 abraham Lincoln: vampire hunter 2d (R) 1:50, 4:25, 6:55, 9:20 Brave 3d (pg) 11:50 (thu-sun), 2:10, 4:30, 6:50, 9:15 Brave 2d (pg) 1:35, 4:00, 6:20, 8:40 dark Shadows (pg-13) 1:25, 4:05, 6:35, 9:05 katy perry: part of me 3d (pg) 2:20 (thu-sun), 4:40, 7:00, 9:25 katy perry: part of me 2d (pg) 12:00 (thu-sun), 2:20 (mon-thu) men in Black iii 3d (pg-13) 12:45, 3:00 men in Black iii 2d (pg-13) 5:30, 8:10 Snow white and the huntsman (pg-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:35, 0:40 Ted (R) 2:30, 4:50, 7:20, 9:45



aSheviLLe pizza & BRewing Co. (254-1281)

please call the info line for updated showtimes. dark Shadows (pg-13) 7:00 The dictator (R) 10:00 The pirates! Band of misfits (pg) 1:00, 4:00


Alec Baldwin looks on as his sage advice is ignored by Ellen Page and Jesse Eisenberg in Woody Allen's delightful To Rome with Love. to him, with her parents, Jerry (Allen) and Phyllis (Judy Davis), flying to Rome to meet their prospective son-in-law and his family. In another story, middle-aged architect, John (Alec Baldwin), wanders off in search of where he spent his youth and finds young architect Jack (Jesse Eisenberg) who lives with his girlfriend, Sally (Greta Gerwig). The third story involves a pair of newlyweds, Antonio (Allesandro Tiberian) and Milly (Alessandra Mastronadi), who’ve come to Rome on their honeymoon with the hopes that Antonio will be able to move up in the world with a new job. The final story is a Felliniesque comic nightmare about a boring middle-class schnook (Roberto Benigni) who inexplicably becomes famous for no apparent reason and finds his life turned upside down. As the film plays out, each story finds its own set of complications. Jerry, an unwillingly retired producer of avant-garde opera, thinks he’s found a great new talent in his daughter’s soon-to-be fatherin-law (Fabio Armiliato), only to discover that the man can only sing in the shower (which, however, is not an insurmountable obstacle to a man who once staged an opera with all the characters dressed as white mice). Jack and Sally find their domestic bliss upset by the arrival of Sally’s best friend, Monica (Ellen Page), to whom Jack — despite apparent magical counseling from John — becomes unwisely attracted. The newlyweds become separated and Antonio becomes mixed up with a hooker (Penélope Cruz), who ends up having to pose as his wife, while Milly gets involved with a famous actor. All the while, the Benigni character only wants his boring life back — or does he? Most of it works and on the occasions where it doesn’t quite, it soon rights itself. The biggest surprise here is that it takes a couple of scenes before Allen seems to settle comfortably into his character, but once he does, he’s completely on his game.

Perhaps the most engaging character, though, is Baldwin’s John, who may or may not be real — and who may or may not, for that matter, be an older version of Jack. It’s all fast on its feet with smart, funny dialogue and effortless elegance. It’s one of the most engaging films of the year. Rated R for some sexual references. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 and Fine Arts Theatre

magiC mike JJJJ

Director: steven soDerbergh PlAyers: chAnning tAtum, Alex Pettyfer, coDy horn, mAttheW mcconAughey, oliviA munn maLe STRippeR dRama

RaTed R

The Story: A male stripper deals with the trials and tribulations of wanting more out of life than being a male stripper. The Lowdown: An occasionally wonderful, (and thankfully human) look at the sex industry; it suffers from a weak third act, but is pitch perfect when it works. Steven Soderbergh’s latest, Magic Mike, echoes Paul Thomas Anderson’s Boogie Nights (1997) in thematic concerns, certain plot points and in a superficial manner (both films center around male sex workers). But this parallel works as both a boon and a hindrance to Magic Mike. It’s impossible (for me at least, who counts Anderson’s film as an all-time favorite) not to compare the two films. On one hand, Magic Mike is nowhere near the film that Boogie Nights is, and lacks the latter’s sheer scope. But on the other hand, the shared ideas and concerns actually help create a more layered and nuanced film if looked at in a certain light.

CaRoLina aSheviLLe Cinema 14 (274-9500)

The amazing Spider-man 3d (pg-13) (starts tue July 3) 12:00, 3:00, 7:00, 10:00 The amazing Spider-man 2d (pg-13) (starts tue July 3) 12:30, 3:40, 7:30, 10:30 Bernie (pg-13) 11:20, 1:50, 4:15, 7:40, 10:10 (sofa cinema) The Best exotic marigold hotel (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:05, 10:05 Brave 3d (pg) 11:30, 4:15, 9:20 Brave 2d (pg) 1:55, 7:00 hysteria (R) 11:35, 4:30, 9:45 (sofa cinema) katy perry: part of me 3d (pg) (starts thu July 5) 11:25, 9:20 katy perry: part of me 3d (pg) (starts thu July 5) 1:45, 4:00, 7:05 magic mike (R) 10:50, 1:20, 3:50, 7:35, 10:05 moonrise kingdom (pg-13) 10:45, 2:15, 4:40, 7:25, 9:55 people Like Us (pg-13) 1:50, 7:10 (sofa cinema) prometheus 2d (R) 11:25, 2:10, 5:00, 7:55, 10:30 (sofa cinema) Savages (R) 10:45, 1:30, 4:20, 7:30, 10:25 Ted (R) 11:15, 1:45, 4:35, 7:40, 10:10 To Rome with Love (R) 12:30, 2:55, 5:15, 7:50, 10:15 Tyler perry's madea's witness protection (pg-13) 10:55, 1:40, 4:25, 7:45, 10:20 (sofa cinema) n

CineBaRRe (665-7776)

Battleship (pg-13) 7:20, 10:00 Chimpanzee (g) 10:45 (sat-sun), 1:00, 4:00, 7:05, 9:00 dark Shadows (pg-13) 10:55 (sat-sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:50 The dictator (R) 11:00 (sat-sun), 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 9:35 The pirates! Band of misfits (g) 10:50 (sat-sun), 1:10, 4:10 what to expect when you're expectin (pg-13) 10:50 (sat-sun), 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:55 n

Co-ed Cinema BRevaRd (883-2200

The amazing Spider-man (pg-13 ) (starts tue, July 3) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 n n

epiC of hendeRSonviLLe (693-1146) fine aRTS TheaTRe (232-1536)

grease (Singalong) (pg-13) 7:00 thu., July 12 only moonrise kingdom (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 (no 7 p.m., thu., July 12), late show fri-sat 9:00 To Rome with Love (R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, late show fri-sat 9:30 n

fLaTRoCk Cinema (697-2463)

moonrise kingdom (pg-13) 1:00 (fri-sun), 4:00, 7:00 n n

RegaL BiLTmoRe gRande STadiUm 15 (684-1298) UniTed aRTiSTS BeaUCaTCheR (298-1234)

for some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 53


Outdoor Film Fest

New Deadline: July 15th!

Superbad 7/10

Talladega Nights - 7/17 Ghostbusters - 7/24 The Lost Boys - 7/31 Across The Universe - 8/7 Larkin Ford, winner 2011

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It's the newest next big thing! The reboot of the Spider-Man franchise — this time as The Amazing Spider-Man (see, it's different). It has a new Spidey (Andrew Garfield) and a new love interest (Emma Stone). It also has a director — Marc Webb — known only for the agreeable indie rom-com (500) Days of Summer, who seems a curious choice. The early reviews tend to be good, but not in the realm of blown away. (PG-13) Early review samples: • "Coming barely a decade after Sam Raimi’s first Spider-Man, the 'reboot' called The Amazing Spider-Man is clearly unnecessary and ought to be shunned for all kinds of reasons — chiefly to deliver a shock to the system of Hollywood execs whose primary job is finding merchandisable 'franchises' and studio 'tentpoles.' But for all its underlying cynicism, the new Spidey picture is pretty damn good." (David Edelstein, New York Magazine) • "Garfield and Stone are good enough to ensure that you won't miss their predecessors, but you may well wonder where Doc Ock is now that we really need him." (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times)

startingthursday KATY PERRY: PART OF ME

Pop star Katy Perry goes the Miley Cyrus/Justin Bieber route of putting out a 3-D concert film with debatable documentary trimmings. Make of this what you will.(PG)

startingfriday SAVAGES

Oliver Stone returns to the realm of the crime thriller — and, if the pictures are any barometer, we're talking Natural Born Killers hallucinogenic crime thriller. It appears to be about a pair of marijuana growers — Taylor Kitsch and Aaron Johnson — who run afoul of a Mexican drug cartel that kidnaps their shared girlfriend (Blake Lively). This, of course, plunges them into full-scale war against the cartel, which is headed by Salma Hayek and her henchman Benicio Del Toro. John Travolta is also on hand as a corrupt DEA agent. (R)


See review in "Cranky Hanke



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54 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

Not being quite as good as Boogie Nights isn’t the kiss of death, since Magic Mike can be quite wonderful and entertaining on occassion. The plot is simple, following our titular male stripper Magic Mike (Channing Tatum) who’s entering his 30s and sees stripping only as means to an end. When he meets people, he introduces himself as an entrepreneur (he does construction and runs an auto detailing gig on the side), but his real dream is to make custom furniture. Early on in the film, he takes a wayward, lazy youth named Adam — whom Mike dubs “The Kid” — under his wing, introducing him to the fast-paced world of male stripping, while at the same time attempting to woo Adam’s prudish sister (Cody Horn). There’s not much else to the film as far as plot goes besides where it ends up, and, to many, the lack of plot makes it a movie for middle-aged women about nothing more titillating than beefy hunks in assless chaps. And while that appeal is still there, this is an honest, frank and often deep portrayal of both the sex industry and the people tangled up in it. Much like the characters in Boogie Nights — which depicted people searching for the American Dream by any means necessary — Mike, too, is using whatever talents he has to get ahead. But at the same time, he’s more than his good looks and wants the world to see him as more than a set of abs and a G-string. The film is at its sharpest early

on when its heart, humanity and sense of humor are on display. It helps — and is a bit shocking, really — that Tatum has grown from a thick-necked bro into an amiable onscreen presence. The film, which is actually based on Tatum’s younger days as a stripper in Florida, can be read as a depiction of the actor’s early film career where he was seen as nothing more than a pretty face. That same connection can be made with Mark Wahlberg in Boogie Nights and his time as Marky Mark the rapper/underwear ingenue. It’s fitting that the Wahlberg vehicle Ted opened this week, since, with Magic Mike, he might’ve just passed the torch of "Hollywood’s most-likable-beefcake-actor" onto Tatum. Soderbergh, who for a long time was known as a director with no discernible style, seems to have finally nailed down something akin to one. These days, he’s most concerned with character and composition, doing all the cinematography himself under his Peter Andrews pseudonym. He’s become an almost casual maker of art films, experimenting with color and angle while doing little on the overt side — stylistically at least — to frighten the horses. With the exception of a stiff performance by Cody Horn, he’s assembled a near-perfect cast, while brilliantly finding the role Matthew McConaughey was born to play: an aging, eccentric stripper named Dallas. The only thing keeping Magic Mike from flirting with greatness is a weak third act that

unfortunately devolves into yet another tract on the dangers of drugs and money — but at the same time, this is the only place the movie can really go. This, however, isn’t enough to wreck the film, and shouldn’t dissuade you from seeing for it for yourself. Rated R for pervasive sexual content, brief graphic nudity, language and some drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7

PeoPle like Us JJJ

Director: Alex KurtzmAn PlAyers: chris Pine, elizAbeth bAnKs, michAel hAll D’ADDArio, michelle Pfeifer, oliviA WilDe Drama

rateD PG-13

The Story: When his father dies, a young man discovers he has a previously unknown half-sister.

keeps up the fiction until things get to a point where he’s backed into a corner. A falling out, and, you guessed it, the penultimate reel of gloom follows before trudging to a resolution that seems to more or less just forget his other problems. That may be for the best, because I was pretty darn grateful that it just stopped. Yes, it has a pretty good cast (though I’ve yet to figure out why Mark Duplass was brought in and shoehorned into perhaps the most thankless role of the year) and it’s nice to look at, but so what? It’s built around a pretty dumb premise and boasts characters that have more relation to lazy writing than anything else — right down to the precocious, but troubled, child. Admirers of the polished and predictable might be more taken with it, but I’m not even convinced of that. Rated PG-13 for language, some drug use and brief sexuality. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7


The Lowdown: Slickly made, but ultimately more a collection of the improb- J able and the cliched than anything of Director: seth mAcfArlAne genuine merit. PlAyers: mArK WAhlberg, milA Kunis, (voice) seth Alex Kurtzman’s People Like Us is quite possibly the best (or at least most interestingly) directed bad movie I’ve ever seen. The fact is, though, that Kurtzman has no one but himself to blame since he co-wrote this essay in soapy stupidity. (And as a director, he needs to shoulder some of the blame for Chris Pine frequently falling prey to the Corey Haim mouth-breathing school of acting.) It looks great and it’s cleverly edited to make the drama look much more urgent than it is. The problem with this is that it doesn’t take very long to realize that there’s nothing here to be even slightly excited about. Supposedly, the story is inspired by Kurtzman’s life. If that is indeed true, then his life has managed to be both improbable and dull. The premise here is that hotshot, mildly unscrupulous and seemingly none-too-bright Sam (Chris Pine) gets himself in dutch with both his boss (Jon Favreau) and the Federal Trade Commission at exactly the same time that he has to deal with the death of his not-much-beloved record producer dad (played in flashbacks by TV actor Dean Chekvala). This is what is known as clever scripting — or it would be if his business and legal troubles really had anything much to do with the story — but it’s never more than tangential. Anyway, despite his best efforts not to, he and girlftiend Hannah (Olivia Wilde, TV’s House M.D.) fly out to Los Angeles just in time to miss the funeral — much to the understandable annoyance of his mother (Michelle Pfeiffer). The real plot kicks in, however, when he learns that his father left him a shaving kit with $150,000 in it and instructions to take care of a woman, Frankie (Elizabeth Banks), and her child, Josh (Michael Hall D’Addario, TV’s Are We There Yet?). Though tempted to keep the money for himself, he does a little detective work and quickly discovers that Frankie is his unknown half-sister. Does he make himself known to her? Yes. Does he make it known to her that they are related? No, he does not — and this is where the movie runs smack into the wall of annoyance. Even admitting that Sam has evidenced no sign of much in the way of intellectual capacity, it’s hard to believe that he wouldn’t realize that no good can come of his deception. But according to the film, apparently he doesn’t, so he

mAcfArlAne, Joel mchAle, giovAnni ribisi

raUnchy Gimmick comeDy

rateD r

The Story: A man struggles to juggle his girlfriend and his lifelong best friend, who just happens to be an anthropomorphic teddy bear he wished into existence as a child.


The Lowdown: A one-joke premise that’s mindless, rambling and downright stupid. Here we have it — our first serious contender for worst movie of the year. For those of you who love Seth MacFarlane’s Family Guy and American Dad, then I’ll go ahead and tell you that you’ll probably love his feature debut Ted. This is also where you can stop reading, because you’re not getting much else out of this review. Ted is a one-joke premise revolving around a lonely kid named John Bennett who’s in desperate need of a friend, so he wishes his favorite stuffed bear, Ted, into existence. After Ted’s short-lived fame in the ’80s for simply being a anthropomorphic stuffed bear, we find John (Mark Walhberg) and Ted (voiced by MacFarlane) in the present day. John’s in a dead-end job and spends his free time — despite having a beautiful, successful longtime girlfriend Lori (Mila Kunis) — getting stoned with the now vulgar, foul-mouthed, sexually deviant Ted. The plot doesn’t kick in until Lori demands that 35-year-old John put away his childish things by ditching Ted and finally growing up. That’s the story, but the real idea of the film is the supposed inherent hilarity of watching a pothead CGI teddy bear say offensive, crude, uncouth things. And that’s it. You could literally trade Ted for any number of objects — a toaster, an elephant, an armchair, Jonah Hill — and have nearly the exact same movie. This is a run-of-the-mill arrested development buddy comedy, with a concept behind it that’s already been done decades ago. The idea of shocking audiences by putting vulgarities in the realm of a child’s doll or stuffed animal is an old hat. Peter Jackson covered this territory 23 years ago with Meet the Feebles. Hell, there are five Chucky films, and writer Don Mancini actually had




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Chucky melt John Waters’ face in one of them. Of course, none of this would matter if Ted were actually funny. The jokes are a grab bag of dick jokes, fart jokes (so many fart jokes), casual racism, casual homophobia, and a small dollop of rape humor. I’d be offended if I could work up the energy to care about this damned stupid, fetid pile of moose dung. Most confounding of all is MacFarlane’s stunted view of pop culture, which would be easier to handle if the man didn’t insist on shoehorning in — much like his TV efforts — random pop culture references at every turn. If you want to throw around the phrase “irrelevance” in a critical context, let’s start with MacFarlane, a man whose frame of reference began around 1977 and died somewhere in 1989, with his film’s nods toward Tiffany and a large dose of Mark Hodges’ awful Flash Gordon (1980). The only time he escapes from this bubble is when he takes toothless potshots at today’s roster of forgettable pop stars — acting like a man who fills his TV shows and movie with lounge music, and whose critical acumen never rises above the childlike level of “This sucks!” The man is hardly qualified to be an arbiter of taste. Somehow worse than all of this, his references aren’t even aimed at humor. Pop culture references only work when you care about them in the first place, and you get an idea and feeling of the person making the reference. In the case of his constant mentions of Star Wars, they exist more as a smug wink to fellow nerds — an attempt at evoking a strange fanboy orthodoxism, like a secret handshake where shared interests take the place of jokes and effort. It’s a bad math equation, where if you like Star Wars and Seth MacFarlane likes Star Wars then you should also like Ted by proxy. It’s odd and lazy, and means MacFarlane’s essentially made a really hacky Kevin Smith movie, that lacks Smith’s heart and — surprisingly — his nuance or tact. Please, give me Clerks 2 and its beastiality any day of the week. Rated R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, and some drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

Tyler Perry's Madea's WiTness ProTecTion JJJJ

Director: tyler Perry Players: tyler Perry, eugene levy, Denise richarDs, Doris roberts, romeo, John amos, tom arnolD coMedy

raTed PG-13

The Story: For reasons best not examined very closely, Eugene Levy and his family wind up as witness protection guests of Madea and Joe. The Lowdown: A pretty big improvement in the run of Tyler Perry’s Madea movies. It’s ingratiating and frequently very funny. It hardly reinvents the wheel, but it provides a pleasant ride.

f ench broad fr f od co-op fo

90 Biltmore Av Ave 255-7650

56 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

OK, here’s the truth — I actually enjoyed Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection. You wanna make something out of it? I admit that I may have liked it more than I might have simply because I had just sat through the self-important dourness of People Like Us. I also realize that it’s equally possible that after a dozen movies since 2005, the man has simply worn me down. But isn’t it just possible that Perry has gotten better as a film-

maker, a writer and a performer? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. This is by no means Perry’s most accomplished film. That distinction falls to For Colored Girls (2010), but neither are its aims as lofty. What it is, however, is his best and most agreeable Madea comedy, especially in the wake of last year’s fairly dismal Madea’s Big Happy Family. Despite the usual run of bad reviews that have become more predictable and tired than anything Perry might ever produce, this latest film differs considerably from the earlier Madea outings. And, no, I don’t mean it’s because the film co-stars white people. That switch-up first happened when he teamed Alfre Woodard and Kathy Bates in The Family That Preys in 2008. This is, however, the first time that Perry has shared his comedic talents with another player of the calibre of Eugene Levy. But what really sets the film apart is that it’s the first Madea picture that is all but bereft of preachiness and the usual heaping helping of overheated melodrama. Oh, sure, there’s a church in the proceedings and a couple of visits to it. Plus, part of the plot involves the minister’s (John Amos) son (Romeo) having lost the church’s money by innocently investing it in a Ponzi scheme, but the usual spiritual lessons are nowhere to be found. All in all, this is Perry making a straighforward comedy — and surprisingly large stretches of it are pretty funny, as is the basic premise and the way it plays against expectations. The idea is that investment CFO George Needleman (Levy) has been set up by his bosses as the fall guy for a Ponzi scheme — something that finds the innocent patsy and his family in trouble not only with the law, but with the mob as well. Somehow FBI lawyer Brian Simmons (Perry) hits on the idea that the safest place to hide the Needlemans is with George’s Aunt Madea (Perry) and his father, Joe (Perry) — something neither Madea nor Joe is keen on, except that it pays $4,000 a month. What Brian neglected to tell them is that the Needlemans are white. At first, it looks like it’s that fact that puts Madea off the idea, but it’s actually not her concern that a family of white folks in her neighborhood are about as conspicuous as she’d be at "a Republican convention." What is surprising is that the film doesn’t milk this gag for more than it’s worth, but goes off in different directions that mostly work. There are some peculiar omissions — or missed opportunities. Needleman’s nasty-tempered daughter (Danielle Campbell, Prom) doesn’t get the Madea dressing-down she deserves, and it might have been interesting to see Madea mix it up with gangsters. But I’m not really complaining. The film remains an amusing, ambling affair, and Perry’s portrayals of Madea and Joe have settled into a comfortable groove that feels less forced, while his usually too bland Brian has become more lively and less the barometer of normalcy. (The presence of Levy perhaps takes some of that burden off him.) There are also some points of interest in the writing — especially as concerns Joe’s past — that help make this one feel fresher than the last two Madea movies. Is this a great movie? No, but it’s a very likable one that certainly delighted the audience I saw it with. Did it delight me? Well, I’m not going to go that far, but I had a good time. Rated PG-13 for some crude sexual remarks and brief drug references. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7

specialscreenings The AmbulAnce JJJJ horror rATed r In Brief: The great schlockmeister Larry Cohen scores an exploitation bullseye with this campy, trashy horror comedy about a comic book artist who unwittingly becomes involved in tracking down a demented doctor who — with the aid of a phony ambulance — kidnaps diabetics for his experiments. Possibly Cohen’s best film. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Ambulance Thursday, July 5 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

deATh TAkes A holidAy JJJJJ romAnTic FAnTAsy rATed nr In Brief: Mitchell Leisen’s first film is also perhaps his best, and is certainly his most distinctive. Fredric March stars as nothing less than Death, a shadowy figure who takes on the appearance of the recently deceased Prince Sirki in order to attend a house party at an Italian villa to understand life and discover why men fear him. Sometimes categorized (not entirely incorrectly) as a horror film, this is really more of a dark romantic fantasy — unique and inimitable. The Asheville Film Society will screen Death Takes a Holiday Tuesday, July 10 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

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TurTles cAn Fly JJJJ drAmA rATed PG-13 In Brief: Often powerful — and somewhat controversial — film from Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi about impoverished Kurdish refugee children who eke out a bare existence by digging up and selling Iraqi landmines. An often grim, but ultimately uplifting film about our common humanity. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Turtles Can Fly at 8 p.m. Friday, July 6 at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

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VoyAGe oF The dAmned JJJJ FAcT-bAsed drAmA rATed PG In Brief: An undeniably high-minded, fact-based (with significant embellishments) story about a ship of Jews being allowed to leave Germany, but finding no safe harbor awaiting them. The problem is the film is also big, clunky, long and overstuffed with stars like a standard 1970s disaster film. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Voyage of the Damned at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 8 in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

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AbrAhAm LincoLn: VAmpire hunter JJJJ

Benjamin Walker, Dominic cooper, anthony mackie, mary elizaBeth WinsteaD, rufus seWell Horror Amusingly nonsensical story of Abraham Lincoln as, well, a vampire hunter. Of course, it’s silly. (How could it not be?) But it has its share of effective scenes, good performances, some intriguing ideas and a splendid lead vampire. Rated R

the AVengers JJJJ

roBert DoWney jr., mark ruffalo, chris hemsWorth, chris evans, scarlett johansson, samuel l. jackson, jeremy renner, tom hiDDleston, clark GreGG, stellan skarsGårD Comic Book Action When the Earth is threatened by a seemingly unstoppable enemy, Nick Fury calls The Avengers together to save the day. It’s big splashy entertainment that delivers on its promise more than it doesn’t. Rated PG-13

bernie JJJJJ

jack Black, shirley maclaine, mattheW mcconauGhey, BraDy coleman, richarD rochiBaux, BranDon smith Fact-based Dark Comedy Drama True-life crime story about the murder of a much-hated old woman, her killer and the very odd fall-out from the crime in a small Texas town. Darkly funny, oddly touching, disturbing and surprisingly deep film that benefits from a very unusual approach. A must-see. Rated PG-13

the best exotic mArigoLd hoteL JJJJJ

Kitchen Ugly? Don’t replace... REFACE! 1 New look for about /3 the cost of new cabinets Paul Caron • The Furniture Magician • 828.669.4625

juDi Dench, Bill niGhy, maGGie smith, tom Wilkinson, Dev patel, celia imrie, ronalD pickup, penelope Wilton Comedy Drama A group of old-age pensioners go to India and the affordable hotel of the title, only to find it’s not exactly as described in the brochure. Warm, funny, touching, completely winning film that does right by a cast that in turn does right by it. Rated PG-13


(voices) kelly macDonalD, Billy connolly, emma thompson, julie Waters, roBBie coltrane Animated Action Fantasy A princess in ancient Scotland refuses to follow her parents’ wishes and tries to change her fate with the help of a witch. It’s a solidly OK animated fantasy from Pixar, but it’s certainly nothing to get excited about. Rated PG

hysteriA JJJJJ

huGh Dancy, maGGie Gyllenhaal, jonathan pryce, felicity jones, rupert everett, ashley jensen, sheriDan smith Fact-Based Comedy Romance The somewhat factual story about the invention of the personal vibrator in Victorian England. An utterly delightful, charming and funny film that manages to tackle a tricky subject without a false note, thanks to stylish direction and a terrific cast. A must-see film. Rated R

mAdAgAscAr 3: europe’s most WAnted JJ

(voices) Ben stiller, chris rock, DaviD schWimmer, jaDa pinkett smith, sacha Baron cohen Animated Adventure The escaped zoo animals of the first two Madagascar movies head to Europe, where they must go on the lam with a circus troupe in order to outrun a devious animal control officer. A superfluous rehash of its predecessors that only exists to cash in on the popularity of those films. Rated PG

mAgic mike JJJJ

channinG tatum, alex pettyfer, coDy horn, mattheW mcconauGhey, olivia munn Male Stripper Drama A male stripper deals with the trials and tribulations of wanting more out of

58 JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

life than being a male stripper. An occasionally wonderful, (and thankfully human) look at the sex industry; it suffers from a weak third act, but is pitch perfect when it works. Rated R

moonrise kingdom JJJJJ

Bruce Willis, eDWarD norton, Bill murray, frances mcDormanD, kara hayWarD, jareD Gilman, tilDa sWinton, jason schWartzman Comedy Romance Drama Two misfit children run away on an island in the summer of 1965. Sweet, beautifully detailed, funny and very human tale of first love—with all the trimmings one expects from Wes Anderson. Easily the best film of 2012 so far and a must-see, especially for fans of the filmmaker. Rated PG-13

peopLe Like us JJJ

chris pine, elizaBeth Banks, michael hall D'aDDario, michelle pfeifer, olivia WilDe Drama When his father dies, a young man discovers he has a previously unknown half-sister. Slickly made, but ultimately more a collection of the improbable and the cliched than anything of genuine merit. Rated PG-13

prometheus JJJJ

noomi rapace, michael fassBenDer, charlize theron, iDris elBa, Guy pearce, loGan marshall-Greene Sci-Fi Horror A corporation sends a small group of specialists into space to track down what may be the origin of life on Earth. Never as deep, and certainly not as daring, as it seems to wish it was, Prometheus is still compelling as entertainment—and boasts some incredible effects and design. Rated R

seeking A Friend For the end oF the WorLd JJJ

steve carell, keira kniGhtley, martin sheen, aDam BroDy, Derek luke Pre-Apocalyptic Romantic Comedy With the end of the world coming in a matter of weeks thanks to an asteroid hurtling toward Earth, two neighbors set off into the world to find their loved ones. A painless rom-com that’s just a bit too dramatically and comically inert, despite short fits of charm. Rated R

ted J

mark WahlBerG, mila kunis, (voice) seth macfarlane, joel mchale, Giovanni riBisi Raunchy Gimmick Comedy A man struggles to juggle his girlfriend and his lifelong best friend, who just happens to be an anthropomorphic teddy bear he wished into existence as a child. A one-joke premise that’s mindless, rambling and downright stupid. Rated R

to rome With LoVe JJJJJ

WooDy allen, juDy Davis, jesse eisenBerG, Greta GerWiG, ellen paGe, alec BalDWin, roBerto BeniGni, alison pill, penelope cruz Comedy Woody Allen drops in on four intercut stories that take place in Rome. Witty, clever and frequently brilliant, Allen’s latest is a fine, entertaining film from a master filmmaker — and a still sharp comedian. Rated R

tyLer perry’s mAdeA’s Witness protection JJJJ

tyler perry, euGene levy, Denise richarDs, Doris roBerts, romeo, john amos, tom arnolD Comedy For reasons best not examined very closely, Eugene Levy and his family wind up as witness protection guests of Madea and Joe. A pretty big improvement in the run of Tyler Perry’s Madea movies. It’s ingratiating and frequently very funny. It hardly reinvents the wheel, but it provides a pleasant ride. Rated PG-13

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Condos/ Townhomes For Rent BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL • Newly renovated 2BR, 2BA at Racquet Club in South Asheville. 1,200sq.ft w\ hardwood floors throughout, wood burning fireplace, large master w\walk-in closet. Rent includes membership in toprated fitness, swimming, and cycling club and water. $1,125 per month. Year’s lease, credit check, security deposit req. One cat w\ fee, No dogs. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800.


CONDO NEAR TUNNEL ROAD • Luxury 2 BR, 2BA condo on the 3rd floor of a four story building. Close to downtown and Asheville Mall. Elevators, pool with hot tub, exercise room, fireplace, deck w/ mountain views, granite countertops, ss appliances, ceramic/hardwood floors, etc. $995/month includes water and gas (828) 231-6689. NORTH ASHEVILLE • 1BA, 1BA Townhome. 1 mile from downtown, off Merrimon Ave.. On busline. Sorry, no pets. $450/month. 828-252-4334.

ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN) HOUSEMATE WANTED, NORTH ASHEVILLE Comfortable home, 10 minutes to town,nice kitchen and laundry, $375 plus utilities. 508-728-5657.

TROLLEY COMPANY Seeks full-time Operations Supervisor/Tour Guide. Must have CDL; hospitality or transportation experience desirable. Send resume or request application:

Administrative/ Office


Homes For Rent 2BR, 1BA SWANNANOA • Hardwood floors, wrap-around creek-side deck, W/D hookups. Great views! Pets considered. $800/month. Please call 828-275-0328. COUNTRY HOUSE • With garden space. 2BR, 2BA. Full basement, fenced yard. Small pasture available. 2 miles to downtown. $650/month. 828-254-0644 9am-5pm. LIKE NEW HOUSE-WALK TO DOWNTOWN 3BR, 2BA house fenced yard,new kitchen,bathrooms, appliances, hardwood floors, and a large back deck. $1,200 month. Contact Robert of Western Property Management 828 712-1511 RARE FIND IN THE WOODS BLACK MOUNTAIN Deep in the wood-two quick scenic miles to I40 Exit 64. Bordering 1200 acre wildlife preserve, this vintage cottage is not for everyone. It’s small with little storage- ideal for one person. $625/month. WEST ASHEVILLE 3BR, 1BA, walk to Haywood. Amenities. Hardwoods. • Large backyard, gas grill, screened deck front porch. WD. Covered parking. $950/month. 713-0130.

Short-Term Rentals 15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/day, $650/week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145.

Roommates ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN)

JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

General ADVENTURE ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR • Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. Competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training, starting pay $36K annually. • Experience in Experiential Therapy, Ropes Course Management, Fly Fishing, and trail service work required. Outdoor programs/leadership, Mental Health, Medical Certifications, Substance Abuse Recovery, and Wilderness Therapy a plus! If you are interested in applying for a position please contact Todd Ransdell by sending resume to guidejobs CDL DRIVERS If you are a “people person” you could be a great tour guide! Training provided. Part-time with potential to full-time. 828-251-8687 LOCAL WHOLESALE COMPANY is looking for fulltime help in our shipping and receiving department. Position is responsible for picking, packing and shipping via UPS to fulfill customer orders. We use Fishbowl Warehouse Systems, and Quickbooks to process orders. Computer skills desired but not mandatory. Interested parties must be self motivated, focused, reliable and have a pleasant disposition. The position does require some lifting up to a maximum of 50 lbs. Good attention to detail is an absolute must, as is the ability to keep up a fast pace. We offer competitive salary, health benefits, paid holiday and vacation time off days as well as friendly and comfortable work environment. Please email resume to or fax to 828-259-3674.

A-B TECH GRANT WRITER • F/T. SUMMARY: The Grant Writer will prepare proposals and grant applications, and perform responsible professional and administrative work in researching, identifying, developing and responding to public and private grant opportunities to support the strategic plan of the College. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Journalism, English or other applicable degree with relevance to grant writing. 2. Minimum of three years of work experience in proposal development and grant writing and receipt of funding from federal, state, local government, private business, corporations and private foundations or documented record of exceptional grant acceptance. 3. Proficient with Microsoft Office applications with demonstrated experience in using Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS . Master’s degree 2. Community College Grant Writing Experience 3. North Carolina Higher Education experience 4. Grant Professional Certification(GPC) 5. Certified Grant Developer (CGD) 6. Certified Grant Writing Expert (CGWE). • SALARY RANGE: $48,000 - $54,000. Please visit / for additional details and application process.

Salon/ Spa SENSIBILITIES DAY SPA • Now hiring full-time massage therapists. Bring resume to 59 Haywood St.

2012 UNITED WAY ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Help make your community better and make professional connections that last a lifetime. United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County seeks a team of energetic and talented individuals to assist in the 2012 annual campaign. • Key experience and skills needed are: Fundraising, Sales, Public Speaking; Teamwork, Project Management, Math and Computer skills. These fulltime/temporary positions run 8/17/12 - 11/2/12. • Bilingual (Spanish) a plus • EOE • For more information and to apply visit employment-opportunities FUNDRAISER • Our company is seeking two individual to work in our fund raising department on behalf of an Asheville based professional Nonprofit organization. • Since 1942 this Association has served its members and residents of the Asheville area in an effort to save lives and protect property. • This is a full time, permanent position offering opportunity for career advancement. The job detail involves cold calling local residents as well as previous contributors selling tickets for benefit concerts at the US Cellular Arena (Asheville Civic center). Inside sales only from our local Asheville office, no door to door or travel required. • This position requires a person who is personable and confident with a strong speaking voice. • Compensation will consist of a two week training period paid at $9 per hour after which we pay $12 per hour plus a weekly commission program. Typical earnings are $550 $650 per week. This is a great opportunity for you to earn a good livable wage working with a respected local organization in Asheville. Sales experience beneficial but not required. • We will train the right person who has the desire to succeed. If you feel this is you, please call our human resource number at 828-236-2530 and ask for Brent. SALES REPRESENTATIVE How to apply: Email cover letter, resume, and references to See Mountain Xpress website for expanded job description.

Restaurant/ Food

Hotel/ Hospitality

FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATE • PART-TIME Community Action Opportunities seeks a dedicated and experienced food services specialist for its preschool Head Start program. Requirements: High School graduate. Plans meals for up to 100 children and adults according to established menus. Prepares food into serviceable portions and may prepare special diets according to specific medical and family guidelines. Assists with keeping an inventory and ordering necessary items used in the meal preparation, meal service and general janitorial care of the center. Cleans or ensures proper cleanliness and sanitation of dishes, food preparation equipment, ovens, refrigerators, and other kitchen equipment and supplies. Assists in maintaining records that account for meals served. Possibility of some lead worker responsibilities and food transportation. Experience with large quantity food preparation including proper NC kitchen sanitation regulations highly desirable. Possess a valid North Carolina driver license. Able to pass background and drug screen required. • Fluent in English and Spanish preferred. Salary: $9.50/hour. Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information to: Ms. Linda Gamble Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 or Admin@communityactionoppor Or (828) 253-6319 - Fax Open until filled. EOE & DFWP.

THE GROVE PARK INN is currently seeking experienced Hotel Room Attendants & will pay up to $14/hr depending on experience. Excellent compensation & benefits. Apply Online at The Grove Park Inn is an Equal Opportunity Employer & DrugFree Workplace.

FT CASHIER/SERVER. Knowledge of Japanese food preferable but not required. Apply in person at 801 Biltmore Ave. 250-9301. Asaka Japanese Restaurant. HOSPITALITY/MARKET MANAGER Established Food Provisions/Gourmet Grocer in Highlands NC desires to add a career-oriented member to its Management Team, to serve its guest and add additional dynamics to its culture and operations. We are a growing multi-faceted company with gourmet provisions/grocery, an on-premise and off-premise beer and wine market, grill/café and light food/beverage manufacturing. The successful candidate will have: At least five years experience in Wine and Artisan Beer either in retail, wholesale, or food service with a working knowledge of wine regions, varieties and wineries. CSW Certification a plus. An understanding of retail merchandising. Excellent customer service skills. Knowledge and experience in directing employees, including efficient scheduling. Understanding of a P&L, basic accounting skills, and maintaining a profitable business model. Pay range for this year-round, full time position will start in the 40k+ range. Contact


CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER AND CASE MANAGER Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker and Social Work Supervisor - LCSW credentials required. • Case Manager minimum of CSAC required. Experience preferred. Positions will provide assessment,

LEARN TO DRIVE! Transportation Industry! Job Placement! No Experience Necessary ! $ 40,000 + Industry Average Income. Health Insurance & Benefits! New VA Approved Program for Post 9/11 Veterans and Reservists! Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Centers 1-828-684-4454; 1-800-334-1203 or

discharge planning, group

LOCAL COMPANY SEEKS PART-TIME DRIVER FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DELIVERIES Clean driving record and drug test required; delivery experience strongly preferred. Requires customer service, math, computer skills, physical strength.

with community providers.

RIDE NEEDED • To and from work in Reynolds district. Mon. thru Fri. 4.3 miles door to door. Will pay 60.00/wk. Call 3373419 after 5:00 PM or email to

therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/or detox services. The case management position specializes in housing coordination and collaboration

Please visit to apply.


Retail ASSISTANT MANAGER AT NOC GATLINBURG Assistant Manager position NOC Gatlinburg. To apply submit resume and cover letter to, or fax to 828488-6542.

Human Services CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER AND CASE MANAGER Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker and Social Work Supervisor - LCSW credentials required. • Case Manager requires minimum of CSAC. Experience preferred. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/or detox services. The case management position specializes in housing coordination and collaboration with community providers. Please visit to apply.

recruiting for a licensed or license eligible clinician to provide group and individual treatment to sex offenders and domestic violence abusers within the Sexual Abuse Intervention Program and the Domestic Violence Abuser Program. Experience is preferred. A broad range of mental health and substance abuse issues are addressed in this integrated treatment program. Please send application and resume w/cover letter addressing how your experience prepares you for this position to Diane Paige, Offender Services Coordinator at For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Cherokee County: Team Leader Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive InHome and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbh Haywood County: Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have a license. Please contact Mason Youell, Jackson County: Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience required, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. For more information, please contact Joe Ferrara, Qualla Boundary: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist on Qualla Boundary for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

ENROLLEE SUPPORT COORDINATOR To provide a variety of customer service activities to consumers of the WHN Behavioral HealthManaged Care Organization in Buncombe County. • The position assists consumers in engaging in services, understanding recovery from illness and with implementing recovery based services. • Requires High School diploma and two years experience working with the population served, or two years life experiences related to MH/DD/SA system. Consumers, family members of consumers and minorities are encouraged to apply! • Position requires a valid NC Driver’s License and reliable transportation. For a detailed listing of this and other vacancies please visit our website at WHN provides excellent benefits including a generous paid leave program, health/dental insurance, Local Government Retirement, and 401(K). WHN is an equal opportunity employer.

Professional/ Management

Eliada Homes is seeking a Recruiter to manage all recruitment activity for vacant positions. • The Recruiter will


develop creative sourcing FAMILIES TOGETHER. Due to


continuous growth in WNC,

DIRECTOR • Eliada Homes is

Families Together, Inc is now

seeking a Foster Care Director

hiring licensed professionals

to manage the daily operations

and Qualified Professionals in

of the therapeutic and family

Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and

foster care services. • Responsibilities include overseeing recruitment and licensure of new homes, supervision of staff’s direct work with foster

Bachelor’s and Master’s

parents/children, and

Qualified Professionals. • FTI

administrative tasks. • Must

provides a positive work

have Master’s Degree in

environment, flexible hours,

Human Services field and

room for advancement, health

Qualified Professional status. •

benefits, and an innovative

Prefer at least five years

culture.• Candidates should go

experience in the foster


care/mental health settings


and two years supervisory experience. Please send


resume and letter of interest to

work with youth and families.

Sheri Peck at

Masters degree and NC

full/provisional licensure required as LPC, LCSW, LPA, FAMILIES TOGETHER (FT) • Is dedicated to providing quality services to our exceptional children, families and adults. FT is a CABHA, and nationally accredited with CARF International. • Families Together is recruiting a Social Worker to provide assessment and case management with elderly and disabled adults in the Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA). • Qualified candidates will include Bachelors Degree in Social Work or a related Human Services field; must have 1 year social work experience , preferably with geriatric or medical social work experience; experience preferred in the areas of case management, assessment and referral. • Solid computer skills for paperwork-intensive position; ability to work independently from home office, and meet a billable standard. • Full time salaried position in Buncombe and Madison Counties; own transportation required. FT provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates should go to


LMFT. Supervision provided. Competitive salary and benefits package. Apply at THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES • RN to serve on an ACT Team (start date 9/1); QMHP to serve children/adolescents and MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks

families on an Intensive In Home Team; Licensed or provisionally licensed therapist to work with children in our school-based program; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work in our PSR

provided) and 4th Friday

program.Please send resumes

12pm-1pm (lunch provided). •


If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or email Rachel at rachel.wingo

Children First/CIS is hiring a FT position to work half-time with students and families in elementary and half-time in an•

afterschool program. More

Become a Therapeutic Foster


Family. • Free informational

meeting. NC Mentor. 120C

Deadline: July 11. Cover letter

Chadwick Square Court,

/resume to

Hendersonville, NC 28739.

strategies, including various projects such as promoting the A-B TECH EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST SUMMARY: Serves as primary contact for information and assistance related to the employment function by providing accurate, courteous and efficient service to the various internal and external customers served by this position. Collects, evaluates, scans and maintains required faculty and staff credentials. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Associate’s degree in Business or related field. 2. Two or more years of work experience in an office environment with current knowledge and proficiency in Microsoft Office suite 3. Two or more years of experience working in Human Resources, or employment recruiting. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree 2. Previous experience working in Human Resources in a community college or university. • SALARY: $15.96/hour. Please visit /postings/search for additional detail and application instructions.

employee referral program and

INSURANCE AGENCY IN SYLVA SEEKS AN INSURANCE CSR FOR PERSONAL LINES. Our CSR’s Core competencies are retention, account rounding, and fanatical customer service. Applicants must be outgoing and possess excellent phone, computer, and communication skills. Preferred candidates should have a valid NC P&C Insurance License with two years of experience; however licensing may be provided for superior candidate(s). Apply at and/or send resume to

Learning Center. Recruit, train,

external job fairs. • Other responsibilities include managing all employment resumes and applications, as well as screening and interviewing candidates. Two to four years of recruiting experience required. All interested and qualified individuals, please apply at

Teaching/ Education

Ace Hardware (new south Asheville location), 1888 Hendersonville Road, 676-0047 Blue Ridge Custom Floors (new show room), 1154 Sweeten Creek Road, 348-6977 Facebusters (custom statue busts), 393-9030 French Broad Chocolates Factory and Tasting Room, 21 Buxton Ave. (pictured)

A-B TECH COORDINATOR, ACADEMIC LEARNING • SUMMARY: Oversee the daily functions of the Academic

Rec.ol.lec.tion (vintage store), 428-C Haywood Road 575-2336 Task Mania (computer training classroom), 1200 Ridgefield Blvd., Suite 271 301-0429

supervise and schedule all ALC staff. Oversee budget and submit required reports. Hold office hours and serve on college committees. Attend approved professional

RENOVATIONS AND RELOCATIONS Willow's Dream (salon and boutique), 64 Broadway St. 225-5922 (formerly on Merrimon Avenue

development. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in English, mathematics, or related fields. 2. One year successful supervisory experience in a learning center environment. 3. Demonstrated competency with MS Office software. 4.

NON-PROFIT ACSF DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks a fundraising professional to serve as Development Manager. Energetic leader will maintain and grow resources and enhance public relations to support high-quality programs for children in the Asheville City Schools. Full job description and details on how to apply at


One year successful budgeting and reporting experience. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Three to five years successful supervisory experience with basic skills lab, tutoring labs, or academic learning center in a community college setting. • SALARY RANGE: $41,956 - $47,200

ArtSpace CHARTER SCHOOL • Is now accepting applications for a Middle School Math Teacher • Applicants MUST have a current North Carolina teaching license in Middle School Math. • Applicants must be willing to work in a collaborative, integrated, experiential environment. • Knowledge of the arts and arts integration strategies is preferred but not required. Please send resumes and cover letters to: with a subject heading that indicates the position for which you are applying. Deadline to apply: July 18.

FIVE STAR CHILDCARE CENTER - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Downtown church seeks Exe Director: Must have 3-5 yrs exp in leadership, daily operation, fiscal planning, develop curriculum, work with a Board and with parents. BA early childhood ed or related, superlative communication and interpersonal skills. Search Committee 40 Church St. Asheville NC 28801

• JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012


A-B TECH DIRECTOR, BASIC SKILLS PROGRAM SUMMARY: Provide administrative leadership for the Basic Skills program areas of Adult Basic Education and GED Prep, English as a Second Language and Compensatory Education/Traumatic Brain Injury and GED Testing as Director of the Basic Skills Program. Encourage an invitational learning environment and work atmosphere in order to facilitate student success. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Education, Higher Education administration, HRD or related area. 2. Demonstrated experience in successful management of large or multiprogram budget & fiscal oversight. 3. 3-5 years experience in educational programming related to Basic Skills. 4. 2 years successful teaching experience in Literacy, Basic Skills, or Developmental Education. 5. 3 years supervisory experience. 6. Excellent communication skills, including use of electronic tools. 7. Knowledge of instructional needs of adult learners. 8. Current knowledge in the areas of English as a Second Language, Adult Literacy and Compensatory Ed/TBI, and GED. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. NCCCS Basic Skills supervisory position. 2. Experience in oversight of multiple budgets. 3. Experience in use of NCCCS LEIS data system and requisite reporting mechanisms. • SALARY RANGE: $48,000$54,000. Please visit /postings/search for additional detail and application instructions.


mountain xpress



JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012 •

A-B TECH INSTRUCTOR, MEDICAL ASSISTING SUMMARY: Provides classroom and online instruction in Medical Assisting curriculum. Performs as Practicum Coordinator for clinical agencies and student placement. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Certified Medical Assistant CMA (AAMA) OR Registered Medical Assistant RMA (AMT)PLUS 2. Associate Degree in Medical Assisting AND Bachelor’s degree in a related health or business field. These requirements are necessary to meet accrediting standards. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Teaching experience in community college system 2. Experience with distance learning 3. Experience working with software such as Moodle, Microsoft Word, Datatel, etc. • SALARY RANGE: $38,286$40,482. Please visit /postings/search for additional information and application instructions.

Computer/ Technical

A-B TECH • SPECIALIST, GRAPHIC DESIGN SUMMARY: Serves as part of the creative services team responsible for implementing A-B Tech’s total marketing/communications program, including media relations, publications, web presence, public relations, advertising and general marketing and promotion of college activities and events to internal and external audiences. continued on next column

B[Whd JhWZ_j_edWb 7ffWbWY^_Wd Cki_Y

• MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Associate’s degree in graphic design. 2. One or more years work experience as a graphic designer. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in graphic design 2. Three or more years work experience as a graphic designer. 3. Experience working as a graphic designer in a college or corporate setting. • SALARY: $15/hour. Please visit /postings/search for more detail and application instructions.

A-B TECH GRAPHIC-WEB DESIGNER/PRINT SHOP MANAGER SUMMARY: Serves as part of a creative services team responsible for implementing the college’s total marketing/communications program, including media relations, publications, public relations, advertising and general marketing and promotion of college activities and events to internal and external audiences. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s Degree in graphic design. 2. Minimum of three years of work experience as a graphic designer and web designer. 3. Experience working as a graphic designer in a college or corporate setting. 4. Three years of experience in a supervisory position. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s Degree in graphic design; 2. Five or more years experience working as a graphic designer and two or more years work experience in web design. • SALARY RANGE: $41,964$47,208. Please visit /postings/search for additional details and application instructions.

Business Opportunities HELP WANTED • Make money mailing brochures from home. Free supplies. Helping homeworkers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

Mind, Body, Spirit


7ZWc JWdd[h • Fiddle • Mandolin • Guitar

All Levels Welcome Rental Instruments Available

.(. +.(#'&,,


Bodywork ASHEVILLE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN • Jess Toan, LMBT 7445, MA in Women’s Health. Deep Tissue, Hot Stones, Prenatal, Swedish, Reiki, and Oncology Massage. $50 for first massage. http://ashevillemassageforwom, 828-552-6609, Experienced, professional, and attentive. Call today! You won’t regret it.

#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND YOGA CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $33/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. • Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088. STRESSED? PAIN? TIRED? Four Massage Therapists, four Reiki Masters, and an acupuncturist provide healing for body, mind, and spirit. Couple’s treatments available. Reiki trainings monthly. West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, 828-423-3978, ZENERGY MASSAGE THERAPY AND WAXING CENTER Relax the Body; Calm the Mind Enjoy a full 60 min massage for only $50. or 30 min/$30. Body waxing for men and women; please call for pricing. Call Deb at (916)717-8414 Asheville LMT#11667

Spiritual ILLUMINATING YOUR PATH Call Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin. • 15 years in Asheville. • Individuals • Groups • Parties. (828) 253-7472. SPIRIT COMMUNICATION/ENERGY HEALING/MASSAGE Longing to connect with someone who has passed? Communication with spirit is deeply healing in the grief process. 928-301-8132

Musicians’ Xchange

Musical Services ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • BLACK MOUNTAIN MUSIC PIANO AND COMPOSITION LESSONS AVAILABLE JAZZ/BLUES/POPULAR MUSIC - SLIDING SCALE Jazz Pianist - Composer Accompanist - 40 years experience - MA in Jazz Composition - 75 cds released - former Rhodes College (TN) faculty member. Recently relocated to WNC. Accepting private students (adults and young adults only). Transposed Lead sheets available for singers. Contact:

LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR! Lessons in a variety of styles, tailored to your personal goals. Any age or skill level accepted. (252)-955-8922

Pet Services

Pet Xchange Automotive

Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:

Automotive Services WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

REAGYN • Sheltie. One blue eye, one brown. Last seen Mt. Pisgah Trail area, 6/27/12. Afraid of people. Reward. Call any time. Leave message if no answer. Linda 704-907-8576.

For Sale


Pets for Adoption

CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808

ADOPT AVERITT! Averitt is a Border Collie mix puppy who is searching for a loving home. For more information on the adoption process, visit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at or call 505-3440.


Yard Sales MOVING/GARAGE SALE • July 13, 14 and 15. 159 Castlerock Dr. in Bent Creek. Priced to sell, everything must go.

Adult Services ADOPT TRIXIE Trixie is a one year old sweet cat who is searching for a loving home. For more information on the adoption process, visit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at or call 505-3440.

The New York Times Crossword

ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

DREAMSEEKERS Your destination for relaxation. Call for your appointment. Now available 7 days a week! (828) 275-4443.

1 5 9 14 16 17

19 20 21

22 24 26 29 30

Across TV sitcom boy who liked to fish Theater prize Essence See 40-Across 63-Across, for one With 38- and 59-Across, typical opinion about a record on 40-/14-Across Nautical hazard Flop Subject of a hanging without a trial African capital Miscalculate Grp. on a raid Org. in Robert Ludlum novels Catherine I of Russia, e.g. Labor leader Cesar

Edited by Will Shortz No.0530 36 World’s Oldest ___ (nickname for 63-Across) 37 Prefix with flop 38 See 17-Across 39 Juicy fruit 40 With 14-Across, long-running TV show popularized by 63-Across 43 Buffalo’s Metsaffiliated team 45 “Buck Rogers” and others 46 Prevailed 47 Cologne compass point 48 “Is that ___?” 49 Little squealer? 51 Many a beneficiary 53 Ebb 55 Former Giants QB Phil 59 See 17-Across 62 Step in

63 Late beloved TV personality 64 Audibly stunned 65 Saloon choices 66 Genesis figure







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10












18 20 22 27




















46 48 51









Down Tokyo ties Lane ___ many words Award for mystery writers Giant who swung for the fences Start of a children’s rhyme Gold bar Biblical land whose name means “red” in Hebrew King or queen Cause to blush, maybe Cake finisher In order Understand Comfort Too weighty Hollywood, with “the” Bled Pretend to be With 51-Down, “14-Across Boogie,” on 40-/14-Across Sea follower? ___ talks (annual idea conferences) Nanook’s home Las Vegas signs “Give it ___!”

















Puzzle by David J. Kahn

35 Zoning board issues 36 C&W channel, once 38 Standard batteries 41 Actor McShane 42 Funny one 43 Heckle, in a way 44 Right away

46 From what place 49 ___ mail 50 King or queen

57 A Barcelona museum is dedicated to his work

51 See 27-Down

58 Nasdaq listings: Abbr.

52 “I’m ___ here!”

59 Vote of approval

54 “___ little sugar” (recipe directive)

60 Dada pioneer

56 Complain

61 Bank printings: Abbr.

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:


• JULY 4 - JULY 10, 2012


TASTING & SAMPLES JULY 14 • 4PM - 7PM 70 Merrimon Avenue | 828.254.5440 |

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