Mountain Xpress, July 25 2012

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Meadows wins GOP 11th district runoff


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thisweek on the cover

special section Bele Chere: Love it or leave it Yes, friends, it’s time for those magical three days when the city shuts down the streets and the masses take over. There’s plenty to do at Bele Chere: great music, great performances, great dogs flying through the air. We’ll tell you where and when it’s all happening. But what if you can’t take the heat? We’ve got your ways to get out of the kitchen, too. Cover designs by Emily Busey

Main cover photo by Zen Sutherland “Love it” cover photo by Peter Lorenz “Leave it” cover photo by Sean Loyless


12 ELECtion 2012: MEadows troUnCEs PattErson Republican now faces Democrat Hayden Rogers for 11th Congressional District

16 HigH Bid, Low Bid Public meeting highlights divided community for downtown proposal

18 askviLLE: BUrning Passion James MacKenzie wants to know who torched the Thomas Wolfe home


34 How to dEaL Local doctors learn what health-care reform means for their practices

arts&entertainment 38 wEB-Hit wondErs

Review of Shannon Whitworth and Barrett Smith’s new release, and more

40 divErsitY in MUsiC and art Folkmoot brings international flavor to WNC

41 sEParatELY togEtHEr Three artists unite their disparate but complementary works at Coop

features 5 8 20 27 32 33 42 48 52 54 55

LEttErs Cartoon: BrEnt Brown CoMMUnitY CaLEndar FrEEwiLL astroLogY asHEviLLE disCLaiMEr nEws oF tHE wEird CLUBLand CrankY HankE Movie reviews CLassiFiEds BUsinEss BLottEr Openings+closings nY tiMEs Crossword

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JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

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letters Lucky me — I’m paranoIa-free Kudos to Michael Ivey for standing up for conspiracy theorists everywhere [”The Term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a Conspiracy,” July 18 Xpress]. Until reading his contribution, I was not aware that the concept of “conspiracy theorist” was itself the result of a conspiracy theory by secret agents, designed to undermine the credibility of those who detect and disclose actual conspiracies. Presumably, this includes not only the events behind 9/11, but also the staged moon landing, the climate-science conspiracy and the bogus claim that the Earth is not flat. I am sure that the objective evidence for these is also “overwhelming,” as asserted by Mr. Ivey (without attribution). He is at least consistent with his fellow theorists, in that they usually assert the existence of massive evidence for their viewpoint, without actually providing any. And [they] deny the validity of any evidence against their theory as being obvious lies perpetrated by the powerful conspirators arrayed against them. Or explain the motives of said conspirators. I’ve learned that arguing against such theorists is futile and unrewarding, and that the best response to them is, “You might be right.” Speaking for myself, I feel lucky not to be paranoid, given that the entire world is against me. — Glen Reese Asheville

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The Mountain Xpress does a good job with news, calendars, entertainment and ads. Your coverage of government agencies is so much more comprehensive and better than your competitors. Thanks for devoting space to these items. The “News of the Weird,” “Free Will Astrology” and “Asheville Disclaimer” sort of take up space that could be better utilized for the real news that you are so good at covering. — Maria Gomes Asheville

requIem for IV enabLers In his July 4 Opinion article, “Stuck,” Michael Harney asks the question: "At what point does one lose one's humanity?" Answer: when he habitually inserts needles full of poison into his body to the predictable detriment/destruction of himself, his friends and his family. — Sidney Nemms Asheville

“sTuck” addressed ImporTanT Issues I was surprised and very pleased to see Michael Harney’s July 4 Opinion article, “Stuck.” This piece addresses a very vital

ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Susan hutchinson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h

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staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h FOOD WRITER: Mackensy Lunsford STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken hanke

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JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

issue that is oft ignored at the peril of all of us. All of the points raised I believe to be true, and items that should be given serious attention by those who are in charge of our daily well-being and quality of life. Even if some members of society don’t have sufficient humanity within themselves to grant it to others, perhaps they have the intelligence to at least be self-protective enough to support measures that will maintain a healthy environment. — Susan Cohen Weaverville

you forgoT mobILe crIsIs managemenT I'm very surprised that Mobile Crisis Management was not listed in the July 11 Wellness article, "Lifesavers.” MCM will provide on-site crisis management to prevent hospitalization or out-of home placement for children and adults in crisis. MCM provides 24/7 on-call, telephone and/or faceto-face crisis support, every day of the year. MCM involves all support services and treatments necessary to provide integrated crisis response, stabilization and prevention activities. There is no cost to the caller for the service. MCM serves Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania and Yancey counties. Mobile Crisis Management can be contacted at 888573-1006. — Ted Hughes Mobile Crisis Management Asheville Editor’s response: Thank you for pointing out the service this organization provides. We focused on suicide prevention in “Lifesavers,” but regret omitting the Mobile Crisis Center.

pubLIc-InpuT meeTIng for The bId Was a farce I attended the so-called "public-input meeting" for the BID on July 17, and was very disappointed. This was a ruse set up by the city on its terms. Upon walking in I was asked to fill out some background info, because apparently it matters if I am a business or property owner or just a resident (there was no space for downtown employees or patrons). Then I moved into the main room where I expected to see a public forum getting started; instead I walked into a room lined with info tables that explained the process of forming a BID or gave examples of other cities that already had BIDs in place. There were also two or three tables where I could participate in questions like, "What should the role of the Downtown Ambassadors be?" and "How should the BID board members be selected?" These are obviously loaded questions that assume the BID will be approved by City Council in September. There was no space for actual input on alternatives or for voices that were simply against the BID.

I stayed for about an hour and only saw two members of City Council there, Mark Hunt [and Jan Davis]. I wasn’t in the mood to try to be civilized so I didn’t bother to speak with Hunt. Davis ... doesn’t have anything do with the BID in the end; his voice in city affairs (legally) is only as strong as any other member of the general public at this point. At some point a few people walked in wearing “Ambassador” ribbons and I was elated. It was great seeing house-less and/ or traveling people empowering themselves, but then I found out the truth. These people were told they would be compensated for showing up at the meeting, with a pack of cigarettes. I do not approve. (Apparently they were never actually given their smokes either.) I can only assume this was a stunt pulled by someone who is actually for the BID. The idea of showing off Asheville’s “problem” in the middle of a meeting that is implicitly there to eliminate such people from the eyes of our beloved tourists. — Matthew Burd Asheville

bees or Wasps aT sWannanoa rIVer? One Sunday afternoon I was walking the Swannanoa River path near Warren Wilson College. Walking in I had no problems, but coming back down the path I was stopped by two guys and a little girl warning me to stop where I was because there were a bunch of bees near me. I took a few steps back and looked up into the trees and I saw a huge nest with some kind of large, angry swarm around it. Not sure how I passed them unscathed while strolling leisurely in. Maybe something made them angry while I was up the trail. In any case, I had to sprint past them to get out and they still chased us all the way down the trail. I ended up with six or seven good-sized welts. They were so incredibly aggressive, and the nest was so strange looking, it made me wonder what they were. If anyone out there saw the nest and knows what kind of insect they are, I would be most grateful to have my curiosity satisfied. — Jarrett Leone Asheville

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by Jake frankeL Mark Meadows routed vance Patterson in the July 17 Republican runoff for the 11th Congressional District. That sets the stage for a fall face-off against Democrat Hayden Rogers. Meadows collected 76 percent of the vote, according to unofficial results from the State Board of Elections. In the May 8 primary, the Cashiers realestate developer topped a crowded field that included seven other challengers, garnering 38 percent of the vote — just below the 40 percent threshold needed to avoid a runoff. Patterson finished second with 24 percent — about the same level of support he achieved in the runoff. The day after his defeat, Patterson released a statement congratulating Meadows and supporting him against his Democratic opponent. Rogers, a WNC native who lives in Brasstown, is incumbent Democratic Rep. Heath shuler’s former chief of staff. He jumped into the race in February, soon after

10 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

Lucky kiss? Mark Meadows’ wife Debbie kissed and congratulated him soon after they learned the campaign was victorious in the runoff against Vance Patterson. Photos by Max Cooper his boss decided not to seek re-election, easily defeating his primary competition with 56 percent of the vote. (Asheville City Council member Cecil Bothwell finished second with 30 percent.) During last year’s redistricting, however, GOP leaders in Raleigh excluded most of Asheville from the 11th District, putting it on the short list for the most conservative political turf in the state. Many observers say the political goal was to siphon off enough Democrats to make the 11th District more easily winnable by Republicans while maintaining incumbent GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry's solid base in the 10th, where most of Asheville now resides. About 100 Meadows supporters gathered at the Hampton Inn in Fletcher for a barbecue-

flavored celebration, and many were hopeful about their candidate’s chances in November.

god on hIs sIde A jubilant mood prevailed as Meadows worked the hotel lobby, thanking campaign staff and volunteers. But he saved his biggest praise for another helper. "I want to give God the glory. I was OK with whatever the outcome was, because I knew he was in control and I wasn't," Meadows proclaimed to applause. "2012 will be a great year for this country, for the people of WNC, because we're going to fight and reclaim America the way that God intended to and the way our Founding Fathers knew that the Constitution would preserve."

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waiting game: (left) 2010 Republican congressional candidate Jeff Miller (second from left) joined other Meadows supporters at the Fletcher Hampton Inn as they waited for the July 17 results to come in. not so fast: (above) Democratic candidate Hayden Rogers congratulated Meadows but added that he has very different views and is looking forward to the contest. Photo courtesy of the Hayden Rogers campaign

Runoff Results foR statewide Races

democRat Hayden RoGeRs Has alReady been bRoadcastinG His own national suppoRt, settinG tHe staGe foR wHat looks to be a baRe-knuckle poweR stRuGGle in novembeR.

Republican contests lieutenant Governor: Dan Forest - 68 percent Tony Gurley - 32 percent commissioner of insurance: Mike Causey - 57 percent Richard Morgan - 43 percent secretary of state: Ed Goodwin - 54 percent Kenn Gardner - 46 percent superintendent of public instruction: John Tedesco - 54 percent Richard Alexander - 46 percent democRatic ballot commissioner of labor: John C. Brooks 54 percent Marlowe Foster 46 percent

Declining to even mention Patterson, Meadows instead took aim at Rogers, whom he sought to portray as a Washington insider linked to President Barack Obama and the national Democratic Party. "Hayden's been up there for six years learning the Washington way," asserted Meadows. Alluding to recent media reports that Rogers plans to campaign in the district instead of attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte in September, Meadows added, "You can't distance yourself from the president's party in Charlotte but go up and vote with him in Washington, D.C." And despite the redrawn district’s conservative demographics and growing national support, Meadows also sought to cast his campaign as the underdog. "We are going up against the Rogers/ Obama well-oiled, well-organized, well-funded machine. And what we've got to do is be better organized," he maintained. "You know what we've got that he doesn't have? We've got a voice of the people and a grass-roots support that no one can equal."

12 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

The Democrat’s campaign released a statement congratulating Meadows on the runoff victory. "However," added Rogers, "there is a profound difference between who we are: our background, leadership ability and vision for Western North Carolina and this great nation. I am eager to illustrate those differences to the people of the 11th District and look forward to a spirited and informative campaign.”

RoGeRs Rakes in dollaRs Until July 17, Rogers was free to focus on raising money and organizing for the fall campaign while his potential Republican opponents duked it out. And according to the latest reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, he's amassed a huge financial advantage. Since entering the race five months ago, Rogers has collected about $491,000 more than the total amount raised by both Republicans, excluding personal loans. Between April 19 and June 30 alone, Rogers’ campaign raised about $176,000. As of June 30,

the candidate had about $192,000 in cash and no debt. Roughly 63 percent of the total haul has come from individual donations, according to the commission. And in a July 16 press release, the Democrat’s campaign boasted that about 70 percent of those individual contributors live in Western North Carolina. The remainder of Rogers’ campaign contributions came from political action committees. “I am overwhelmed and incredibly thankful for the support that our campaign has continued to receive from so many people across the 11th District,” the candidate said in the statement. In contrast, Meadows’ campaign has raised about $229,000 since last year. Roughly 40 percent of that came from individuals and 7 percent from PACs. He’s lent his own campaign about $264,000; as of June 27, the campaign had $33,718 in cash, according to the latest Election Commission report. Patterson's campaign was even more strapped, reporting an overall debt of about $555,000 as of June 30. The Morganton businessman almost entirely self-funded his campaign, lending it $322,000 since launching his bid last year. Individual donors kicked in $10,531; the campaign did not accept PAC contributions.

national GRoups step in Still, Meadows will probably see a major jump in fundraising in the coming weeks, as he consolidates his support and unifies the party after months of internal rancor.

The day after Meadows’ runoff win, the National Republican Congressional Committee announced that he’d achieved "Young Gun" status, the organization's top-tier designation. "Mark Meadows [is] leading the pack as Republicans continue to send a loud and clear message that we will hold Democrats accountable for their unpopular partisan agenda,” committee Chair Pete Sessions asserted in a statement. The previous week, Meadows had gained the support of two powerful national conservative groups: FreedomWorks (whose board is chaired by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey) and Patriot Voices (chaired by former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum). "Whether it's his commitment to fighting for the unborn, improving education by returning decision-making to the local level, standing up for religious freedom, repealing Obamacare or shrinking the size of government, Mark Meadows has demonstrated that he is the right candidate at the right time," Santorum declared in a recent statement. The national House Conservatives Fund, led by Rep. McHenry, is a top Meadows donor and has indicated it plans further support. Meanwhile, Rogers has already been broadcasting his own national support, setting the stage for what looks to be a bare-knuckle power struggle. On July 9, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced that Rogers had gained a spot in its competitive Red to Blue program, reserved for the highest-priority Democratic races nationwide. “As a small-business owner, Hayden Rogers is a proven problem-solver who knows how to balance a budget, meet payroll and create jobs,” Rep. Steve Israel of New York, the committee chair, maintained in a statement. “Hayden will build on the successful track record of Rep. Heath Shuler by putting partisanship aside to rebuild our economy. With his strong commitment to the

The TurnouT ThaT wasn’T Number of registered voters in North Carolina: 6,158,561 Number of them who voted in the July 17 runoff: 220,761 (3.58 percent) Number of registered voters in the 11th Congressional District: 389,834 Number of them who voted July 17: 22,871 (5.8 percent) Number of registered voters in Buncombe County: 173,680 Number of them who voted July 17: 4,979 (2.87 percent) Number of votes for 11th District GOP candidate Mark Meadows: 17,442 Number of votes for his opponent, Vance Patterson: 5,429 Data provided by the North Carolina State Board of Elections

mountain values of family, faith, hard work and independence, Hayden will fight tirelessly for Western North Carolina families and seniors.” The day after Meadows' win, the committee again went on the attack, slamming him as a Florida native and right-wing extremist who "supports dangerous policies that cost seniors and hard-working families while giving tax breaks to millionaires and companies shipping American jobs overseas." X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or

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news X local government

hIgh bId, LoW bId

pubLIc meeTIng hIghLIghTs dIVIded communITy by daVId forbes A tense July 17 public-input session on the controversial downtown business improvement district underscored deep divisions among residents over the proposal. About 60 people, ranging from condo owners to the homeless, showed up at the Asheville Civic Center ballroom to weigh in on the idea of establishing an independent nonprofit to provide extra services downtown, funded by a special tax district. City Council delayed a vote on the contentious proposal June 12, citing concerns about the BID board’s accountability and the need for more clarity on the role of the proposed "ambassadors," among other issues. City staff and the interim BID board subsequently scheduled the informal gathering to solicit opinions on those issues. Four tables were set up at the meeting, each focusing on one key theme: board representation, board selection, the ambassadors’ role and the specific services the nonprofit would provide. There was no formal mechanism for opposing the BID outright. People moved from table to table, making written suggestions and placing stickers next to favored items on big lists. Some also spoke with Council members, staff and interim board members. "We experience the issues with cleanliness and safety every day,” said downtown resident Buck Bragg. “Our takeaway is that the BID is the best option." Longtime Asheville resident Tracy Hyorth said she was involved in similar efforts in the 1980s that had stronger city backing. Now, how-

“IT seems IncredIbLy sTacked. We’Ve been InVITed To a pubLIc forum, Then asked hoW We WanT someThIng To Look … InsTead of beIng asked If We WanT IT here aT aLL.” sye, fIresTorm cafe Worker/oWner 14 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

Laying out the options: City staff worked with attendees at the July 17 publicinput meeting, noting their suggestions for the proposed downtown business improvement district. Photo by Max Cooper ever, she's concerned that a particular group of downtown power brokers ("the same [ones who] come in Council time and time again") is behind the BID push. She feels information kiosks would be more helpful to visitors than the proposed ambassadors, who might waste valuable police resources calling law enforcement over minor issues. Local activist Matthew Burd said existing nonprofits could handle cleaning and street sweeping, which he called the BID's only beneficial elements, at lower cost. Safety and security, he maintained, are the Police Department’s job. City resident Faith Rhyne believes the BID would "reinforce the economic and cultural segregation we already have downtown. ... It's not representative of the surrounding communities; it's going to benefit a few commercial interests." Some critics felt the whole public-input process was slanted toward BID proponents. One said he'd tried unsuccessfully to get a fifth table representing the opposition's views. “It seems incredibly stacked,” said Firestorm Cafe worker/owner sye. “It's all under the presumption that the BID will pass. It feels a little bit like a sham that we've been invited to a public forum, then asked how we want something to look … instead of being asked if we want it here at all."

Downtown resident (and BID supporter) Ann snell said her car has been broken into twice recently. "I think downtown is deteriorating; I'm very worried about it," she told Xpress, asserting, "People who don't own property downtown shouldn't be on the BID board." Snell added that she understands opponents’ concerns, saying some property owners should be exempted from the BID tax. Council member Chris Pelly later told Xpress that he’d wanted to explore a two-tier tax system for the BID, with residents paying less, but this would violate state law. Midway through the meeting, about 15 homeless people showed up wearing ambassador sashes. Some said local political operative Michael Muller had offered them packs of cigarettes in exchange for doing this. Others, however, said they wanted to highlight the role the homeless can and do play in helping improve downtown. One man, Midnight, said he's organized a group to pick up trash near the A-HOPE shelter, adding that the homeless should not be excluded from downtown. Council will reconsider a revised BID proposal in late September. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at

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www. d a v id g a n t t . c o m • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 15

news X on the web

msd pIcks consuLTanT To sTudy possIbLe merger WITh asheVILLe WaTer sysTem


“The overall thought process is to increase open public space; we feel there’s not enough of it,” says Luly gonzalez, a designer for Open Asheville. “We’re trying to spearhead place-making as a liaison between artists, designers, and business.”

On July 18, the Metropolitan Sewerage District board picked consulting firm Malcolm Pirnie/Arcadis to study the financial impacts of a possible merger with the Asheville water system.

The nonprofit still needs to complete the city permitting process, and city staff estimate that could take two to three weeks. After that, Gonzalez says, the parklet could be completed within a month.

The study will evaluate cost issues, capital improvements, existing debt service and other financial liabilities the merger poses. Earlier this year, a North Carolina legislative committee, chaired by Republican Rep. Tim moffitt, recommended merging the systems but gave local officials a chance to come up with their own plan. Legislators also passed a bill granting MSD the authority to run a water system and outlining such details as how many seats on the board would go to the city of Asheville, Buncombe County and Henderson County.

Open Asheville aims to have it up and running by the annual Lexington Avenue Arts and Fun Festival on Saturday, Sept. 1. The parklet will remain for three to six months. — David Forbes

doT says fIX for rIVer dIsTrIcT runoff mess In The Works

The study will also evaluate the potential addition of the Weaverville, Biltmore Forest and Montreat systems to the merger mandate. Those towns are not officially part of the state committee recommendations or the recent legislation.

Fifty years ago, getting from Haywood Road in West Asheville to downtown was a problem: Park Avenue — set atop a steep slope — was in the way. So the North Carolina Department of Transportation acquired the houses, land and street, cutting through the hill and creating the Clingman Avenue corridor.

For more information on the legislation, see “The Little Bill That Could, Couldn’t, Might or Might Not,” and — Nelda Holder

asheVILLe Trader Joe’s on merrImon aVenue Won’T need councIL approVaL Since news broke recently that Trader Joe's is coming to Merrimon Avenue, reactions have ranged from enthusiastic support to criticism over its location — within one block of both Greenlife Grocery and a Harris Teeter store now being built. But there won’t likely be any showdown in the halls of government or much opportunity for public comment: Due to city zoning and development rules, the grocery chain's current plans won't go before Asheville City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. "It's a Level I site plan, which means there's no public process," Planning

Asheville, a new nonprofit that applies “tactical urbanism” concepts to downtown spaces.

runoff slush: (above) An aging pipe on a steep slope sent mud and water into the Phil Mechanic parking lot off Clingman Avenue in West Asheville. The North Carolina Department of Transportation is working on a fix. Incubating parklet: (below) Open Asheville designer Meka Bunch shows off a poster of the parklet the nonprofit will build on Lexington Avenue. On July 20, the organization set up benches and plants, and sought input from the public. Photos by Bill Rhodes

Director Judy daniel tells Xpress. "It's 13,000 square feet and the threshold for a Level II project — which would go to Planning and Zoning — is 45,000 square feet in that zoning district." She also notes that city staff have requested more information from the company concerning such details as traffic impacts, outdoor lighting and ADA accessibility. — David Forbes

16 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

TacTIcaL urbanIsm: a parkLeT Lands on LeXIngTon aVenue A “parklet” including plants, benches and a bike rack may soon take over Lexington Avenue parking spots, as the Asheville Downtown Commission endorsed the project last week. The initiative is the first major effort from Open

Park Avenue’s remnants still exist. A curb and some pavement remain. But its most obvious feature is a huge pipe that drains the top of Chicken Hill. Over the past several years, the pipe has gone from being barely visible to completely exposed. It now rests, unsupported, several feet above ground. “We really can’t fix it at this point,” says NC DOT representative chad bandy. “The plan right now is to replace the pipe, which is at the end of its service life, as soon as we can. Longer range, we are working with Asheville City Public Works to reduce the water flow off city streets into the pipe at the top.” That fix is under way (top photo). DOT expects to complete repairs by Aug. 1 — Bill Rhodes

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questions & answers

a burnIng InTeresT

James mackenzIe WanTs To knoW Who Torched The Thomas WoLfe home

by bILL rhodes Asheville resident James MacKenzie is a man with a mission. The 34-year-old Spruce Pine native has long been a big fan of author Thomas Wolfe, history and mysteries — so the unsolved 1998 arson at the Thomas Wolfe Memorial in Asheville seems a natural obsession for him. A discussion with friends concerning unsolved local mysteries has sparked a year’s worth of detective work and assorted public-relations efforts aimed at eliciting new leads in the case or perhaps even getting a confession. Xpress caught up with MacKenzie recently; here are excerpts from that conversation.

FUN-days on the Island!

mountain Xpress: Why the interest in a 14-year-old fire? James mackenzie: USA Today named Asheville a literary destination; we have to protect our literary heritage to keep that distinction. Burning an author’s home is a terrible affront, right up there with burning his books. Thomas Wolfe is probably one of the reasons Asheville’s on the map: During the 1920s and ’30s he was our most famous resident, even though many residents shunned him after his first book [Look Homeward, Angel, 1929] came out. There were a few other things going on the year the house burned.

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Steve Davidowski For information email:

The summer of 1998 was a really interesting time. It was the height of the intrigue with then President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. All the papers sported headlines like "Clinton in Crisis" and "Blue Dress Blues," while down at the bottom of the page, below the fold, was the Wolfe house arson. It was also the beginning of the Y2K fear-leading, and while of course we now know nothing happened, many of the articles on this looming disaster read like reality to people at the time. Planes falling out of the sky; banks unable to confirm accounts; stock market meltdown. Regionally,

18 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

on the arson trail: WNC native James MacKenzie wants to find out who torched the Thomas Wolfe home in 1998. The early-20th-century author wrote “about a South we like to forget.” Photo by Bill Rhodes

bomber/fugitive Eric Rudolph ran free while packs of federal agents conducted a massive manhunt for him all over the mountains. And of course, the arson happened the night before Bele Chere. So there were a lot of things pulling people's attention. What draws you to Wolfe’s work? He writes about a time period in the South that we don't talk a lot about — a South we like to forget. There are a lot of Southern stereotypes in his characters, obviously elementary-school dropouts. Wolfe was true to a fault on the racism of the time. Not what we think of as rac-

ism now: It was between Jews and Italians, Germans and Poles, Irish and Russians. You lived in your own little community. These were the people you worked with, lived around, bought things from and certainly courted and married. Many find that disturbing now. What do you find interesting about the historical asheville? In Wolfe's time, the River District was Asheville's thriving front door. The cotton mill was in full swing. It was where the jobs were in Asheville. The train station was a wonderful place, filled with strangers and goods, ideas and businessmen arriv-

news X asheville ing from all points. Wolfe's first job, at age 10 to 12, was to handbill the arriving passengers for his mother's boarding house. The Old Kentucky Home had $1-a-day rates with two meals included. Many of the people he later wrote about were visitors staying at the house, everything from street preachers to circus performers, businessmen and even sex workers (although that was, of course, kept quiet at that time).

hIsTory’s keeper

What do you think about the state of the Thomas Wolfe house now? Restoring the house was quite a chore. Irreplaceable pieces were lost; other things could be repaired or replaced with period items. UNC and Harvard can send new diplomas to replace the burned ones, but they never passed through the hand of Thomas Wolfe; we lose that connection. In spite of the losses, if you walked into the house today and no one pointed out the fire damage, you might not even suspect it ever happened. That’s how good a job the state did. But there are places you can still see damage: smoke stains in old mirrors, tiles which don't quite match; small things. The state spent $2.4 million restoring the home; that money could have been used for other things. The arsonist took that money from me, from you, from us and has never even been identified. What challenges does the house face for the future? The home is having a lot of issues right now, partly due to state budget cuts and, frankly, Wolfe's star is fading a bit now. In his time, when you mentioned Hemingway or Fitzgerald, the next name would have been Wolfe. For some reason, those other writers’ fame continues, and Wolfe's has dimmed a bit. He died young, his work unfinished. His books haven’t translated well into screenplays. He wrote long. On edits, he added material. Hemingway and even Fitzgerald would be happy with Twitter; Wolfe not so much. A lot of things are aligned against the Thomas Wolfe home and his memory right now. If all I do is remind people that the home is there, get some readers back into Wolfe's work and interested in his home, well, that can't hurt. X Bill Rhodes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 144, or at brhodes@ If you have information about the Thomas Wolfe or other local arson cases, please call Crimestoppers at 255-5050.

burnt by degrees: Christian Edwards displays Thomas Wolfe’s fire-damaged Harvard University diploma, one of many items not on public display at the state historic site. Photo by Bill Rhodes

“You want literary inspiration?” asks christian edwards, site manager for the Thomas Wolfe Memorial in downtown Asheville. “Technology of the early 20th century? Asheville's rise as a destination? We have all that and more,” she says of Wolfe’s childhood home on Spruce Street. Wolfe, a contemporary of Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, penned several novels, including Look Homeward, Angel. His home, notes Edwards, is the only North Carolina Historic Site reflecting 20thcentury history. Restored after a devastating, stillunsolved arson fire during Bele

Chere weekend 1998, the home contains more than 3,000 original artifacts from Wolfe’s life and times, about 85 percent of them original. The rest are replacements from period pieces: The home’s original silver tea service (a first-anniversary present from Wolfe's father to his mother) melted into a puddle in the fire; a replacement was donated during the reconstruction. “Touring the memorial is important, because we are accessible on so many levels,” adds Edwards. “Very few historic house museums maintain anywhere near the number of original artifacts that we do.” — B.R. • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 19


your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists calEndaR FoR July 25 august 2, 2012 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx. com/events. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Animals Animal Compassion Network 803 Fairview St. Info: www. or 274-DOGS. • Animal Compassion Network seeks volunteers to care for cats, coordinate foster homes and help with the pet food assistance program. Info: or 274-3647. • ACN seeks volunteers for its Bele Chere doggie jail program July 27-29. Info: or 258-4820. Cat Adoptions • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am-5pm - Furever Friends will host cat and kitten adoptions at Petco, 825 Brevard Road. Info: Dog Adoptions • SATURDAYS, 11am-4pm - Transylvania Animal Alliance Group (T.A.A.G.) will host dog adoptions at Petsmart, 3 McKenna Road, Arden. Info: TAAGwags or 388-2532. Meals-On-Wheels Pet Food Assistance • Asheville Meals-On-Wheels Pet Food Assistance will accept pet food, kitty litter and pet supplies at Fairview Animal Hospital, 867 Charlotte Hwy

Calendar deadlines:

*FREE and PaId lIstIngs - WEdnEsday, 5 P.m. (7 days PRIoR to PublIcatIon) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

#A. Home or business pick-up is available. Info: 628-2275. Rusty's Legacy • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm Rusty's Legacy animal rescue will host pet adoptions at Black Mountain Tractor Supply Company, 125 Old Highway 70. Info: rustyslegacync@aol. com or Raccoon Presentation • SA (7/28), 7:30pm - A presentation on "the pesky raccoon" will be held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. Sharks of Summer • Through MO (9/3) - Sharks of Summer, an exhibit of live sharks, cages, games and shark-related activities, will be held at the Team ECCO Center for Ocean Awareness, 511 Main St., Hendersonville. $3 aquarium admission fee includes entrance to the exhibit. Info: or 692-8386. Spay/Neuter Vouchers • The Buncombe County Animal Coalition offers spay/ neuter vouchers to at-risk pets, including pregnant or nursing cats, dog breeds such as pit bulls and hounds, animals over the age of 5 and pet owners who reside in public housing. $35 dogs/$20 cats. Info: 2506430 or 252-2079. Spay/Neuter Vouchers • SA (7/28), 10am-1pm Vouchers for free and low-cost spay/neuter services will be available to Henderson County residents at Tractor Supply Company, 114 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. Info: Where the Wild Things Are • FR (7/27), 7:30pm - "Where the Wild Things Are," a program on snakes, spiders and bears, will be held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082.

Art The Painting Experience with Stewart Cubley: (pd.) Experience the power of process painting as described in the groundbreaking book 'Life, Paint & Passion: Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression.' August 10 - 12 in Asheville

20 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •, (888) 639-8569. 16 Patton Located at 16 Patton Ave. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., 12-5pm. Info: or 236-2889. • Through SU (8/5) - Broken and Whole, figurative oil and watercolors by Suzy Schultz. 310 ART Gallery Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St., #310. Fri.-Sun., 9:30am3:30pm or by appointment. Info: or 776-2716. • Through FR (8/31), Thinking Big, an exhibition of large paintings. Allure: The Secret Life of Flowers • Through WE (8/15) - Allure: The Secret Life of Flowers, an exhibition of new work printed on metal by Julie McMillan of Silver Birch Studio Photography. Hosted by West One Salon, 372 Depot St. A portion of sales benefits The Hope Chest for Women. Info: or American Folk Art and Framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon. - Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through TH (8/9) - In the Garden of Eden, paintings by self-taught Southern artists. • TH (8/2) through MO (8/27) - Kentucky, works by Minnie Adkins, Jim Gary Phillips and Bruce New. AnTHM Gallery Located in the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Tues.-Sun., 11am9pm Info: www.anthmgallery. com. • Through SU (8/26) - Arte de Cuba!, an exhibition of rare Cuban art, will be on display in conjunction with a month-long celebration of Cuban music, food and drink. • FR (7/27), 5:30-7:30pm - A patio party will feature Cubaninspired food, drink specials and live music. Appalachian Pastel Society • Through TU (7/31) - The Appalachian Pastel Society presents an exhibition at Studio B Custom Framing and Fine Arts, 171 Weaverville Highway. Tues.-Fri., 10am-5:30pm; Sat., 10am-3pm. Info:


* events are free unless otherwise noted.

A trip for seniors to see the Asheville Tourists will depart from Waynesville Recreation

wed Center, 550 Vance St., on Wednesday, July 25 at 5:30 p.m., returning at 11 p.m. $14;$12 members. Price includes ticket. Info and registration: or 456-2030.

See a screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey at Cashiers Library, 249 Frank Allen Road, on

thur Thursday, July 26 at 4 p.m. Info: 743-0215. fri

Disclaimer Underground Comedy presents Chelcie Rice at Elaine's Piano Bar in the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave., on Friday, July 27 at 8:15 p.m. Info:


Full Momentum Wrestling, featuring Randy Wayne, Joey Agony, Dirty White Mike and others, will be held at Fairview Community Center, 1357 Charlotte Highway, on Saturday, July 28 at 8 p.m. Info:


A Celtic Christian service will honor the holiday of Lughnassadh at a private home in Weaverville on Sunday, July 29 from 3-4 p.m. Info and location: or 6452674. Street Dances, featuring Walt Puckett, QuarterHouse and the Forever Young Cloggers, will be

mon held at the Henderson County Visitors Information Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville, on Monday July 30 from 7-9 p.m. Info: or 693-9708.


Find the tiny man with the red striped shirt at a Where's Waldo Birthday Party, hosted by City Lights Bookstore, 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, on Tuesday, July 31 at 6 p.m. Info: citylightsnc. com or 586-9499.

Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. • Through FR (8/3) - Woven Together, an historical exhibit on Marion Manufacturing and McDowell County, will be on display in the Blowers Gallery during regular library hours. • Through WE (8/1) Alchemy: Transcendence and Transmigration, works by Katie Johnson and Mary Claire Becker, will be on display in the Highsmith University Union Gallery. Weekdays, 9am-5pm. • TH (7/26) through FR (10/26) - Lia Cook: Bridge 11 will be on display at UNCA's Center for Craft, Creativity and Design, 1181 Broyles Road, Hendersonville. • TH (7/26), 5-7pm - Opening reception. Art Closing Party and FUNdraiser • SA (7/28), 6-10pm - A closing art party for Veronika Tuskowski's current exhibit and a FUNdraiser for Bela Watson's medical expenses will feature live art, dance parties, chair massages and more. Held at Tod's Tasties, 102 Montford Ave. Free. Info: Veronika. Art Events at WCU

Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: or 227-3591. • Through FR (8/3) RE+constructed, nontraditional quilts by Heidi Field-Alvarez, Jeana Eve Klein, Carolyn Nelson and Jen Swearington. • Through FR (9/7) - Drawing on the New Deal, works by draftsman John Helike. Asheville Area Arts Council: The Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am4pm. Info: www.ashevillearts. com. • Through SA (7/28) - Lap Swimming: Pools Seen Through the Eyes of a Swimming Artist, paintings by Moni Hill. Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: or 253-3227.

• Through SU (9/30) - Fiore/ Drawing, a survey of drawings by Joseph A. Fiore dating from the early '50s at Black Mountain College through his late years in New York and Maine. • FR (7/27) through SU (11/25) - High, Low and In Between. Artist Mel Chin extracted images from all 25 volumes of Funk and Wagnall’s 1953 encyclopedia and edited them as collages freed of their historical context. On display in the museum's East Wing, main level. • FR (8/3), 5-7pm - Opening reception. Austin Shears • Through WE (10/17) - Geometric drawings by Austin Shears will be hosted by WHO KNOWS ART at the Hilton Asheville Biltmore Park, 43 Town Square Blvd. Info: 231-5355. Bearfootin' • Through SA (10/20) Bearfootin', a public art exhibit featuring decorated fiberglass bear sculptures, will be on display throughout Main Street in Hendersonville. Info: 233-3216. Bella Vista Art Gallery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 768-0246.

• Through TU (7/31) Featured artist: Nicora Gangi; encaustics by Tif Dill; raku by Brent Wheelwright. Biblical Art • WEEKDAYS - Religious art by Costanza Knight will be on display at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 5th Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. Hours: Mon., noon-3pm; Tues.Fri., 9am-3pm. Info: www. or 692-8630. Black Mountain Center for the Arts Old City Hall, 225 West State St., Black Mountain. Mon.Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 669-0930. • Through FR (7/27) Aqueous, a collaborative exhibit exploring movement and transition with artists from Asheville BookWorks. Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Gallery hours: Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: bmcmac@ or www. or 350-8484.

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The cycLe of eXIsTence In brIghT and many coLors As part of its weeklong Grand Opening Celebration, downtown Buddhist center Urban Dharma hosted the “Vast and Noble Heart Sand Mandala.” The mandala ritual involves the extremely precise construction of Tibetan Buddhist iconography with colored sand. Using straws, funnels and other small tools, practitioners work together for as long as a few weeks on the intricate depictions. At Urban Dhrama, Ven. Khenpo Choephel Rinpoche, resident-lama of Three Rivers Dharma Center in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Ven. Lama Konchok Sonam, head-lama of Drikung Meditation Center in Boston presided over the ritual. And what happened with the delicate, detailed construction at the end of the week? In the course of a vigil, the mandala was deconstructed, according to tradition, and ceremonially spilled into the French Broad River near 12 Bones on Riverside Drive.


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22 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

• Through SA (9/8) - Bridging: A Retrospective From Two to Three Dimensions, works by David Weinrib. BookWorks 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri., 1-5pm; Sat., 1-4pm. Info: or 255-8444. • Through FR (8/31) - The Miniature Book Society will present a traveling exhibit featuring the winners of the society's annual competition. Miniature pop-up books will also be on display. Brevard 4th Friday • FRIDAYS, 5-9pm - The Brevard Fourth Friday Gallery Walk will feature extended gallery and business hours throughout the town. Info: or 884-2787. Castell Photography 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon-6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: www. or 255-1188. • Through SA (7/28) Personae, photo-based works by Timothy Pakron, Rebecca Cairns and Tobia Makover. Crimson Laurel Gallery 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville. April-Dec.: Tues.Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun. & Mon., noon-5pm. Info: 688-3599 or • Through FR (8/31) Serendipity, featuring 14 woodfired sculptural ceramic artists from five countries. Events At Folk Art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: or 298-7928. • SA (7/28) through TU (9/11) - Works by John Gunther (fiber) and Christine Kosiba (clay). Flood Gallery The Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: or 254-2166. • Through TU (7/31) - Works by Leigh Anne Chambers (domestic materials that "challenge traditional notions of art"). Haen Gallery 52 Biltmore Ave. Mon., Wed. and Fri., 10am-6pm. Tues. and Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 254-8577. • Through FR (8/31) Summer Samplings, works by Lynn Boggess, Byron Gin, Larry Gray and others. Haywood County Arts Council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86 in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: or 452-0593.

• Through SA (7/28) - South of the Sahara: Portrait of Africa, featuring photographs by John Rolland. Jason Rafferty • Through TU (7/31) Drawings and paintings by Jason Rafferty will be on display at Izzy's Coffee Den, 74 North Lexington Ave., featuring academic drawings from his studies in Paris along with experimental works. Info: www. Local Sculpture Showcase • DAILY - A showcase of local sculptors, including Scott Freeland, Peter Dallos, Martin Webster, Ralph Berger, Dan Howachyn, Brett Salter and others, will be on display indefinitely at the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Free to view. Info: or 669-8870. N.C. Arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through SU (9/23) - Dusty Roads, photographs of classic and junkyard cars and trucks. NewZart Gallery 133 S. Main St., Studio 207, Marshall. By appointment. Info: or 649-9358. • Through TU (7/31) - Linear and Geometric Abstractions, works by Matthew Zedler. Proving. Grounds. • Through SU (8/5) - Proving. Grounds., a collaboration between photographer Micah Mackenzie, Ship To Shore's R. Brooke Priddy and Royal Peasantry's Danielle Miller, will be on display at Pisgah Brewing Company, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain, during bar hours. Info: www. or 6690190. Push Skate Shop & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Gallery hours: Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: or 225-5509. • Through TU (8/21) Americarcana, new works by Tom Pazderka. Red House Studios and Gallery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Thurs.-Sun., 11am6pm. Info: or 669-0351. • Through SU (7/29) - Visions of Summer. Satellite Gallery 55 Broadway St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.thesatellitegallery. com or 305-2225. • Through MO (7/30) Phantom Antlers, works by

Gabriel Shaffer and Joti Marra Ramsey. Sculpture for the Garden • Through MO (12/31) Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www. Seven Sisters Gallery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. or 669-5107. • Through SU (8/12) - Kate Thayer (pastels). Spectacular Southern Appalachians • Through TU (7/31) - The Carolinas’ Nature Photographers Association hosts Spectacular Southern Appalachians at the Cradle of Forestry, Highway 276 near Brevard. Regular admission prices apply. Info: or 877-3130. Street Photography of Asheville • Through SA (7/28) - This photography exhibition, by Joe Longobardi, consists of "found moments" on the streets of Asheville. On display at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road. Info: or www. Studio B A framing studio and art gallery at 171 Weaverville Highway, Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5:30pm and Sat. 10am3pm. Info: or 225-5200. • Through TU (7/31) - The Appalachian Pastel Society presents Home Sweet Home, works by Carol Branton Morrow. The Bender Gallery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. or 5058341. • Through FR (8/31) Divergent Visions: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of American Studio Glass. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: www. or 884-2787. • Through TU (7/31) - An exhibit by members of the Lake Toxaway Estates Painters Guild. • FR (7/27), 5-8pm - Gallery walk. Tryon Painters and Sculptors • SA (7/28), 5-7pm - An opening reception for the Tryon Painters and Sculptors Gift Gallery will be held at 26 Maple St., Tryon. Free. Info: Upstairs Artspace

49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: www. or 8592828. • Through SA (8/25) Revolver, works by Daniel Nevins, Dustin Farnsworth and Daniel Marinelli, and Marked Up, works by Nava Lubelski. WCU's Mountain Heritage Center • Through FR (8/17) Collecting for the Community, an exhibit of Mountain Heritage Center's artifacts and donations, will be on display in WCU's Mountain Heritage Center. Gallery hours: Mon.Fri., 8am-5pm; Thurs., 8am7pm. Free. Info: www.wcu. edu/2389.asp. • Through FR (9/14) - Stitches in Time: Historic Quilts of WNC. Working Girls Studio 30 Battery Park (upstairs). Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. or 243-0200. • Through FR (8/3) - Works by Dot Griffith, Karen Deans and Eli Corbin.

Art/Craft Fairs Paris of the South Flea Market • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 8am-3pm - Paris of the South flea market features antiques, local food and music at 175 Clingman Ave. Free to attend. Info: Wolfpen Arts and Crafts Show • SA (7/28), 10am-3pm The Wolfpen arts and crafts show will feature jewelry, pottery, quilted and knitted items and more. Held in the clubhouse of the Wolfpen Community, Highway 64 near Hendersonville. Free to attend. Info: 272-0008.

Auditions & Call to Artists Anything Goes, Everything Shows • Through SU (9/1) - Artists of all levels are invited to submit non-returnable artwork to the Anything Goes, Everything Shows exhibit through Sept. 1. Info: www.ashevillecourtyard. com or Appalachian Pastel Society • Through WE (8/1) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will accept applications for its juried national exhibition through Aug. 1. Info: Appalachian Trail Video Contest • Through SU (9/2) - The Appalachian Trail Conservancy will accept submissions for its "Why Do You Love the Appalachian Trail?" video contest through Sept. 2. Info: Arts Council of Henderson County

Info: 693-8504 or www. • Through TH (8/16) Submissions for grassroots arts programs sub-grants will be accepted through August 16. Arts2People Paid Demonstrations • Through TU (7/31) Arts2People is currently offering artists more than $2,000 to participate in its demonstration group. The Handcrafted Artisan Revitalization Program will accept new members for this and other opportunities through July 31. Info: www. Asheville Area Arts Council: The Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am4pm. Info: www.ashevillearts. com. • Through WE (8/1) - AAAC seeks performers for the Tangerine Ball on Sept. 15, including jazz, swing, electro-swing and big band performers. Portfolios and links accepted through Aug. 1. Info: Asheville Chocolate and Arts Festival • Through WE (8/1) - The Asheville Chocolate and Arts Festival will accept submissions from local artists through Aug. 1. Info: Asheville Gallery of Art • Through TU (7/31) - The Asheville Gallery of Art will accept membership applications from area artists for its artists' cooperative through July 31. Info: ashevillegalleryofart@ or 251-5796. Asheville Living Treasures • Through WE (8/15) Asheville Living Treasures will accept nominations of persons age 70 and older with a history of service to the community through August 15. Info: www. or ashevillelivingtreasures@ Asheville Symphony Chorus

• Auditions for the Asheville Symphony Chorus' 2012-2013 season will be held July 30, 31, Aug 2, 6, 7 and 9 at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 10 North Liberty St. Info and scheduling: Avant Garde Art Festival • Through (7/30) - Avant Garden Farm and Venue in Cullowhee invites artists of all kinds, including poets, filmmakers, dancers and musicians, to participate in their Aug. 25 festival. Vendors also welcome. Deadline: July 30. Info: avantgardenorganicfarm@ Eco Arts Award • Through WE (8/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed material competitions through Aug 15. Info: Macbeth • FR (7/27) through SU (7/29), noon-5pm - Montford Park Players will host auditions for Macbeth at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. Prepare a memorized monologue and bring a headshot and resume if possible. Info and appointment: or (352) 630-1118. Meet the Authors Writing Contest • Through MO (7/30) The Writers' Workshop of Asheville's "Meet the Authors" writing contest will accept submissions of fiction and creative nonfiction, 4,500 words or less. Mail to Author's Contest, 387 Beaucatcher Road, Asheville. Info: www. Oktoberfest • Through WE (8/1) Hickory’s Oktoberfest will accept applications from arts and crafts vendors through Aug. 1. Info: RiverFest / Anything That Floats Parade • Through FR (7/27) Applications for vending space

at RiverFest and the Anything That Floats Parade will be accepted through July 27. Info: or 400-4541. Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League • Through TU (7/31) - The Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League will accept submissions for its 45th annual members exhibit through July 31. Info:

Benefits ABCCM Pancake Breakfast • SA (7/28), 8-10am - A pancake breakfast, to benefit Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry, will be held at FATZ, 5 Spartan Ave. $7/children 6 and under free. Info and tickets: Bele Chere 5K and Fun Run • SA (7/28), 7:30am - The Bele Chere 5K will depart from Pack Square Park and wind through downtown Asheville. $30/$35 day of race. Proceeds benefit the Asheville Track Club’s Shoe Fund and the ARC of Buncombe County. Presented by Southeastern Sports Medicine. Info and registration: www.belechere5k. com. Blue Ridge Cowboy Church Yard Sale • SA (7/28), 7am - A yard sale, to benefit Blue Ridge Cowboy Church, will be held at Oil Well Lube Center, 804 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Info: www. or 6845555. Bob Silvia Memorial Golf Tournament • TH (7/26), 1:30pm - The Bob Silvia Memorial Golf Tournament, to benefit The Meditation Center’s youth programs, will be held at Connestee Falls Golf Club, 33 Connestee Trail, Brevard. $85. Info: or 697-7055. Designer Showhouse • Through SU (8/5) - The Designer Showhouse, to

benefit Historic Flat Rock, Inc., invites the public to tour a five-bedroom home decorated especially for this fundraiser. Held at Interlude, 125 Interlude Place, Hendersonville. $25. Special events include presentations by floral designer Ron Morgan and interior designer Carlton Varney. $75 per presentation. Info: www. Drive Thru Cook Out Fundraiser • WE (7/25), 11am-1pm - Drive Thru Cook Out, 104 College Drive, Flat Rock, will donate a portion of its proceeds to Project C.A.R.E, Council on Aging and Meals on Wheels. $5 includes hamburger or hotdogs, sides and a drink. Info: 243-9203. Hard Drive for CyberPals Poker Run • SA (7/28), 9am-1pm - The Hard Drive for CyberPals Poker Run, to benefit DisAbility Partners, will feature poker, a BBQ dinner, music by The Buchanan Boys and a raffle. Motorcycles depart from J&S Cafeteria, 900 Smokey Park Highway, Enka, and arrive at Jackson County Senior Center, 100 County Services Park, Sylva. $20 per rider/$7 dinner/$5 dinner in advance. Info: or 298-1977. Thrash Brothers Benefit Jam • WE (7/25), 7pm - The Thrash Brothers Benefit Jam, to benefit longboarder Jeffrey Reckinger, a local student who suffered a traumatic brain injury while skateboarding, will feature music by Travers Brothers Band, Aaron LaFalce and Chalwa at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. $15. Info: http://avl. mx/i6. Winesday: Skill Creations • WEDNESDAYS through (7/25), 5-8pm - Winesdays wine tastings will benefit Skill Creations and its efforts to “help individuals achieve their full potential to live and grow in their community.” Held at The Wine Studio of Asheville,



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169 Charlotte St. $5. Info: 252-5955. Youth at Jazz! • WE (7/25), 8pm - Bill Share Benefit, to support Youth at Jazz, will feature Youth at Jazz, the Bill Bares Trio and Hard Bop Explosion at the Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. Free. Info:

Business & Technology AAAC Artist's Curriculum Instructors • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks instructors for its Artist's Curriculum program. The program provides business management training for creative professionals. Topics can include financial management, software, business planning, graphic production, marketing, etc. Interested instructors are invited to apply: Appalachian Women Entrepreneurs • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm Meet other female arts/crafts/ food/beauty-based business owners at HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Childcare available for $10 with RSVP: Mountain BizWorks Workshops 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 253-2834 or • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step towards accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: or 253-2834. • WE (8/1), 6-9pm - The Ag-Biz Foundations Business Planning Course encourages farmers and agricultural ventures to turn their business ideas into business plans. Meets Wednesdays for eight weeks. Sliding scale. Info: or 253-2834.

Classes, Meetings & Events Aerial Basics Class (pd.) Every Sunday 4-5pm & Monday 6-7pm, Sign up or contact us at or 828.333.4664 .Registration required. This class is perfect if you are curious, new to aerial arts, or if you are looking to fine tune the basic skills and proficiency you already have. This class involves work with mixed apparatuses: static trapeze, silks, sling, and lyra. You will leave this class with a solid foundation of basic aerial skills,

a list of basic and beginning level aerial tricks, as well as increased strength, flexibility, and grace. Mac Basics Classes at Charlotte Street Computers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday iWork Essentials, 4th Tuesday - iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - Garageband, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at Open Stitch Groups at Purl's Yarn Emporium (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Wednesdays, 10am-12pm; Thursdays, 6-8pm. Bring a knit or crochet project or find something new to cast on. (828) 253-2750. Asheville FM Mixtape Swap • 4th SATURDAYS, noon - A mixtape swap and monthly meeting will be hosted by Asheville Free Media at DeSoto Lounge, 504 Haywood Road. Bring a CD or tape to share and take one home. Info: www. Cherokee Bonfire • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS - A Cherokee bonfire invites the public to hear traditional stories and roast marshmallows, beginning at dusk. Held at Oconaluftee Islands Park, Highway 441, Cherokee. Free. Info: www. or (800) 438-1601. Cradle of Forestry Events Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Admission: $5/children ages 15 and under free. Some programs require an additional fee. Info: www.cradleofforestry. org or 877-3130. • SA (7/28), 10:30am & 2pm - Learn about the 1915 Climax logging locomotive with historian Jerry Ledford. Members of the Asheville Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society will present displays, including a hands-on railroad yard and switching layout. Embroiderers' Guild of America • TH (8/2), 9:30am-noon - The monthly meeting of the WNC chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America will focus on holiday ornaments. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Free. Info: 654-9788. Fourth Friday Open Mic • 4th FRIDAYS, 7:30-10:30pm - Open to musicians, poets, comedians and entertainers of all types. Hosted by The Sacred Embodiment Center, 41 Carolina Lane. Sign up at

7:30pm, performances at 8pm. Info: Full Moon Pedal Party • TH (8/2), 9pm - A full moon pedal party will meet at the traffic circle in the River Arts District. Bring bikes, costumes, lights, music and friends. Free. Info: (650) 814-6426. Game Night • THURSDAYS, 6:30-9pm "Join an exuberant crowd of friends as we play a new game every week." Hosted by Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. www.wallstreetcoffeehouse. Henderson County Heritage Museum Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - An exhibit of Civil War weaponry and uniforms. Free admission. Hendersonville Sister Cities • TH (7/26), 6pm Hendersonville Sister Cities will present a program on The Republic of Moldova at the Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington St. Free. Info: www.hendersonvillesistercities. org or 693-9072. Historic Hendersonville Tour • SATURDAYS through (10/27), 9am - A trolley tour of historic Hendersonville will depart from Hampton Inn,155 Sugarloaf Road, Hendersonville. $25/$20 children ages 6-12/children 5 and under free. Info: www. or 606-8606. Land Of Sky Toastmasters • TUESDAYS, 7am - The Land Of Sky Toastmasters aims to "help people with their speaking and presentation skills." Meets at the Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. $10. Info: www. Lifetree Cafe • TUESDAYS, 7pm - "Lifetree Cafe is a place where people gather for conversation about life and faith in a casual setting." Groups discuss a different topic every week. All are welcome. Hosted at Rejavanation Cafe, 901 Smoky Park Highway. Info: www.

Comedy Disclaimer Comedy Open Mic • WEDNESDAYS, 9:30pm Disclaimer Stand-up Lounge comedy open mic will be held at Athena's, 14 College St. Sign-up begins at 9pm. Free. Info: www.DisclaimerComedy. com. Disclaimer Underground Comedy: Chelcie Rice

• FR (7/27), 8:15 pm Disclaimer Underground Comedy presents Chelcie Rice at Elaine's Piano Bar in the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Free. Info: www. The Magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: www. or 2574003. • FR (7/27) & SA (7/28), 7:30pm - Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy). $10.

Dance Bharatanatyam Classes • Adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: Studio Zahiya (pd.) Drop in Classes: Monday 7:30-9pm Bellydance • Tues. 9-10am Hip Hop Workout, 5:15-5:45pm Intro to Bellydance $7 • Wed. 6-7pm Fusion Bellydance, 7:30-9 Bellydance 2. • Thurs. 9-10am Bellydance Workout, 6-7pm Bollywood, 7-8pm Bellydance Lab, 8-9pm Hip Hop 2 • Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Ave. www. Old Farmer's Ball • THURSDAYS, 8pm - The Old Farmer's Ball will be held at Warren Wilson College's Bryson Gym. Beginner's lesson starts at 7:30pm. $6/$5members/$1 Warren Wilson students. Info: www. Street Dance • MONDAYS through (8/13), 7-9pm - Street Dances, featuring caller Walt Puckett, music by QuarterHouse and dance by Forever Young Cloggers, will be held at the Henderson County Visitors Information Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville Free. Info: or 693-9708. Tango Dance • WEDNESDAYS, 8-11pm Catwalk Milonga will be held at a private home with host and DJ Lisa Jacobs. $7. BYOB. Info: The Magnetic Field 372 Depot St. Info: www. or 2574003. • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS through (7/28) - No She Didn't!...When Good Girls Go Bad and the Dances that Happen, with Lisa Zahiya and Kathleen Hahn. $20/$17 in advance.

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Asheville Green Drinks • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm Green Drinks encourages those interested in preserving the environment to meet at Posana Cafe, 1 Biltmore Ave. Free. Info: www.ashevillegreendrinks. com. Sierra Club Meeting and Bartram Trail Presentation • WE (8/1), 7pm - A Sierra Club meeting will feature a presentation on the Bartram Trail with Brent Martin of The Wilderness Society and Bartram Trail Society. Held at Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info: www. Water Sustainability Presentation • TH (7/26), 6:30pm - "A New Approach to Water" will focus on "the why-to and how-to of making Asheville water-sustainable." Presented by Transition Asheville at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Free. Info: or 250-4750.

Appalachian Summer Festival A month-long celebration of the arts, featuring a variety of performances by internationally acclaimed artists. For a complete schedule of events and ticket prices: or 262-4046. • Highlights include a Lunch and Learn session on July 25 and the Broyhill Chamber Ensemble on July 26. Folkmoot Festival • Through SU (7/29) Folkmoot Festival, a "two-week celebration of the world's cultural heritage through folk music and dance." Highlights include group performances on July 25 at Blue Ridge Community College and a candlelight closing on July 29 at Stuart Auditorium, Lake Junaluska. Tickets range from $10-$30 with discounts for children. Info and full schedule: or 877-FOLKUSA. Mountain Dance and Folk Festival The nation’s longest-running folk festival, showcasing a repertoire of mountain performers who share songs and dances that echo centuries of Scottish, English, Irish, Cherokee and African heritage. Info: 2574530 or • TH (8/2) through SA (8/4), 7pm - Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. $20/$10 children 12 and under.

Film Song O' Sky Show Chorus

(pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. Films at Cashiers Library • TH (7/26), 10am - Treasure Island will be screened at Cashiers Library, 249 Frank Allen Road. Free. Info: 7430215. --- 4pm - 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Gardening Home Compost Workshop • SA (7/28), 11am-2pm Extension master gardener volunteers will demonstrate how to compost at home at Jesse Israel’s Garden Center, 570 Brevard Road. Free. Info: or 255-5522. Leicester Garden Club • SA (7/28), 1-3pm - The Leicester Garden Club will lead a program on drought tolerant plants at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road. Complimentary refreshments provided. Free. Info: or 683-7159. Moss Lecture • TH (8/2), 3-5pm - Annie Martin will lead a presentation on moss gardening at Highlands Biological Foundation, 265 N. Sixth St., Highlands. Ages 10 and older. Free. Registration required. Info: or 526-2221. N.C. Arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through MO (9/3) - Wicked Plants: The Exhibit will “expose plants associated with a myriad of negative health effects.” Regional Tailgate Markets Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. Three dashes indicate the next listing. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 8amnoon - Waynesville Tailgate Market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - Haywood Historic Farmer’s Market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 2-6pm - Asheville City Market South, Town Square Blvd., Biltmore Park. --- 2:306:30pm - Weaverville Tailgate Market, 60 Lakeshore Drive. --- 2-5pm - Spruce Pine Farmers Market, 297 Oak Ave. --- 2-6pm - Montford Farmers Market, 36 Montford

Ave. --- 2-6pm - French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. --- 2-6pm - Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-6:30pm - Oakley Farmers Market, 607 Fairview Road. --- 3-6pm - Flat Rock Tailgate Market, 2724 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. --- 3rd THURSDAYS, 2-6pm Greenlife Tailgate Market, 70 Merrimon Ave. • FRIDAYS, 2-6pm Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 3-6pm - East Asheville Tailgate Market, 945 Tunnel Road. --- 4-7pm - Leicester Tailgate Market, 338 Leicester Highway. • SATURDAYS, 7am-noon Henderson County Tailgate Market, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville.--- 8amnoon - Waynesville Tailgate Market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - Haywood Historic Farmer’s Market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 8am-noon - Mills River Farmers Market, 5046 Boylston Highway. --- 8amnoon - Bakersville Farmers Market, Bakersville Community Medical Clinic parking lot, opposite the U.S. Post Office. --- 8am-1pm - Asheville City Market, 161 South Charlotte St. --- 8am-12:30pm Transylvania Tailgate Market, behind Comporium on the corner of Johnson and Jordan Streets, Brevard. --- 8am-noon - North Asheville Tailgate Market, UNCA commuter lot C. --- 8:30am-12:30pm - Yancey County Farmers Market, S. Main Street at US 19E, Burnsville. --- 9am-noon - Big Ivy Tailgate Market, 1679 Barnardsville Highway, Barnardsville. --- 9am-noon - Black Mountain Tailgate Market, 130 Montreat Road. --- 9am-1pm - Madison County Farmers and Artisans Market, Highway 213 at Park Street, Mars Hill. --- 9am-2pm - Leicester Tailgate Market, 338 Leicester Highway. --10am-2pm - Murphy Farmers Market, downtown Murphy. Info: 837-3400. • SUNDAYS, noon-4pm Marshall’s “Sundays on the Island,” Blanahasset Island. • TUESDAYS, 3-6pm Historic Marion Tailgate Market, West Henderson Street at Logan Street, Marion. --- 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville Tailgate Market, 718 Haywood Road.

Government & Politics BID Community Forum • TH (7/26), 5:30pm Concerns about the proposed Business Improvement

District, along with alternative, community-based visions for improving downtown, will be presented at Cinjades, 22 N. Market St. Free. Childcare and refreshments provided. Info: DNC Protest Forum • WE (7/25), 7-8:30pm - A public forum and discussion on "why you should protest the Democratic National Convention" will focus on President Obama, the Democrats and the DNC. Sponsored by the International Socialist Organization. Held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: or 252-2535. Mindful Occupation • TH (7/26), 6:30pm - A Mindful Occupation meeting will be held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Free. Info:

Kids Aerial Kids Class (pd.) All ages and levels. Every Sunday 3-4pm, Tuesday 5-6pm and Thursday 5-6pm. Sign up or contact us at or 828.333.4664. Registration required. Private lessons available. BRP Family Night • TH (7/26), 7-8:30pm - Blue Ridge Parkway Family night will feature games and crafts about pollination. Held at MP 384 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Registration required. Info: 298-5330. Connect Summer Session • MO (9/10) through TH (11/15), 4-6pm - St. Gerard House offers programs for children focused on social development through evidencebased practices, games, role-play and skits. Students must be present at the first session to participate. Elementary School meets Mondays; High School meets Thursdays. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week ($16 per week before Aug 1). Info: or 693-4223. Cradle of Forestry Events Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Admission: $5/children ages 15 and under free. Some programs require an additional fee. Info: www.cradleofforestry. org or 877-3130. • THURSDAYS, 10:30amnoon - Woodsy Owl's Curiosity Club, for children ages 4-7, presents a variety of forestrelated activities to engage children in the natural world. Registration required. $4/$2.50 adults. Info and registration: 877-3130. Hands On!

This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • WE (7/25), 10:30am12:30pm - Butterfly Camp, for ages 6 and older, will feature stories, science activities and an opportunity to decorate butterfly wings. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. --- 1pm - "Grandma Story Woman." Free with admission. • TH (7/26), 10:30am12:30pm - Ages 8-12 are invited to make paper airplanes at "Let’s Go Fly!" camp. $15/$9 members. • FR (7/27), 10:30am12:30pm - The Tall Tales and Fairtytales Camp invites children ages 5 and up to make a puppet and tell stories. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • TU (7/31) through FR (8/3), 10:30am-12:30pm - Comedy Camp, for ages 7 and up, will teach presentation, timing, puns and more. Comedy show at 12:30pm on Friday. $35/$30 members. Performance: $5. Camp registration is suggested. Sandburg Summer Stage Performances • WEDNESDAYS through SATURDAYS until (8/18), 10:15-10:45am - The Carl Sandburg Home and The Vagabond School of Drama will perform selections from Carl Sandburg's works live onstage. Wed. & Fri.: Mr. Sandburg's Lincoln; Thurs. & Sat.: Rootabaga!. Held in the Carl Sandburg Home amphitheater, three miles south of Hendersonville off U.S. 25 on Little River Road. Info: 693-4178 or www.nps. gov/carl. Spellbound Children's Bookshop 21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 232-2228. • FR (7/27), noon-3pm - Hug a Monster Day will feature monster-themed story time, crafts and a photo booth. Children are encouraged to bring their favorite monster. • SATURDAYS through (7/28), 10:30-11am - The Moozic Lady will present a Tap-n-Shake music program for preschoolers. VBS at Asheville North Seventh-Day Adventist Church • MO (7/23) through FR (7/27), 6:30-8:30pm - The Asheville North Seventh-Day Adventist Church will offer vacation bible school to

children ages 4-12 at 364 Broadway St. Children will meet Bible characters and participate in crafts, games and a nature survival challenge. Graduation will be held July 28. Free. Info: 281-0410. Where's Waldo Scavenger Hunt • Through TU (7/31) Hendersonville will host a Where's Waldo scavenger hunt throughout the month of July. Children are encouraged to visit local businesses in search of Waldo figurines. Kids who collect 16 cards or more will be entered to win prizes. Info: or 697-1870. Where's Waldo Birthday Party: Hendersonville • TU (7/31), 1pm - A Where's Waldo birthday party will culminate the "Where's Waldo, Shop Local" scavenger hunt. The public is invited to dress as a Waldo lookalike at The Fountainhead Bookstore, 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: www.fountainheadbookstore. com. Where's Waldo Birthday Party: Sylva • TU (7/31), 6pm - An awards ceremony for the Where's Waldo scavenger hunt will be held at City Lights Bookstore, 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Free. Info: or 586-9499.

Music Brevard Brewing Company Open Mic • THURSDAYS, 7:30pm Brevard Brewing Company will host an open mic at 63 East Main St., Brevard. Free. Info: www.brevard-brewing. com. Brevard Music Center Festival Held in the Brevard Music Center, 349 Andante Lane, Brevard. See website for full schedule. Info: or 862-2105. Concerts on the Creek • FR (7/27), 7:30-9:30pm - Concerts on the Creek will feature Dashboard Blue (rock, pop) at Bridge Park Pavilion, 76 Railroad Ave., Sylva. Free. Info: www.mountainlovers. com or 962-1911. Drums on the Water • SATURDAYS, 7-9pm - Drums on the Water, a weekly lakeside drum circle, will be held at Highland Lake Cove Retreat, 215 Rhett Drive, Flat Rock. Free. Info: Groovin' on Grovemont • TU (7/31), 6pm "Groovin' on Grovemont" concert series will feature The Burners (mountain music, Americana). Held at

freewillastrology Leo (JuLy 23-aug. 22) The state of Maine has a law that prohibits anyone from leaving an airplane while it is flying through the air. This seems like a reasonable restriction until you realize how badly it discriminates against skydivers. Legal scholars will tell you that examples like this are not at all rare. Laws tend to be crude, onesize-fits-all formulations. And as I’m sure you’ve discovered in your travels, Leo, one-size-fits-all formulations always squash expressions of individuality. In the coming weeks, be extra alert for pressures to conform to overly broad standards and sweeping generalizations. Rebel if necessary. You have license to be yourself to the tenth power.

arIes (march 21-aprIL 19) In your personal chart, the planet Uranus symbolizes those special talents you have that are especially useful to other people. Which aspects of your soulful beauty are potentially of greatest service to the world? How can you express your uniqueness in ways that activate your most profound generosity? If you learn the answers to these questions, you will make great progress toward solving the riddle that Uranus poses. I'm happy to report that the coming years will provide you with excellent opportunities to get to the bottom of this mystery. And now would be a good time to launch a concerted effort.

Taurus (aprIL 20-may 20) In the coming weeks, I'm afraid there's only a very small chance that you'll be able to turn invisible at will, shapeshift into an animal form and back, or swipe the nectar of immortality from the gods. The odds of success are much higher, though, if you will attempt less ambitious tasks that are still pretty frisky and brazen. For example, you could germinate a potential masterpiece where nothing has ever grown. You could legally steal from the rich and give the spoils to the poor. And you could magically transform a long-stuck process that no one thought would ever get unstuck.

gemInI (may 21-June 20) Are there are any weaknesses or problems in your approach to communication? They will be exposed in the coming weeks. If you're even slightly lazy or devious about expressing yourself, you will have to deal with the karmic consequences of that shortcoming. If there's more manipulativeness than love in your quest for connection, you'll be compelled to do some soul-searching. That's the bad news, Gemini. The good news is that you will have far more power than usual to upgrade the way you exchange energy with others. In fact, this could be the time you enter into a golden age of communication.

cancer (June 21-JuLy 22) If you narrow your focus now, the world will really open up for you in the second half of October and November. To the degree that you

impose limitations on your desire to forever flow in all directions, you will free up creative ideas that are currently buried. So summon up some tough-minded discipline, please. Refuse to let your moodiness play havoc with your productivity. Dip into your reserve supply of high-octane ambition so you will always have a sixth sense about exactly what's important and what's not.

VIrgo (aug. 23-sepT. 22) I propose that you try to accomplish the following clean-up projects in the next four weeks: ten bushels of weeds yanked out of your psychic landscape; 25 pounds of unused stuff and moldering junk hauled away from your home; ten loads of dirty laundry (especially the metaphorical kind) washed free of taint and stains — and not blabbed about on social media; at least $5,000 worth of weird financial karma scrubbed away for good; a forgotten fence mended; and a festering wound tended to until it heals.

LIbra (sepT. 23-ocT. 22)

military strategist Sun Tzu said in his iconic text The Art of War: The smart and powerful warrior always avoids outright conflict if possible, and wins by using slyer means.

sagITTarIus (noV. 22-dec. 21) After consulting the astrological omens, I've concluded that during the next three weeks, you will deserve the following titles: 1. Most Likely to Benefit from Serendipitous Adventures; 2. Most Likely to Exclaim "Aha!"; 3. Most Likely to Thrive While Wandering in Wild Frontiers and Exotic Locales; 4. Most Likely to Have a Wish Come True If This Wish Is Made in the Presence of a Falling Star. You might want to wait to fully embody that fourth title until the period between August 9 and 14, when the Perseids meteor shower will be gracing the night skies with up to 170 streaks per hour. The peak flow will come on August 12 and 13.

caprIcorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19) You may have to travel far and wide before you will fully appreciate a familiar resource whose beauty you're half-blind to. It's possible you'll have to suffer a partial loss of faith so as to attract experiences that will make your faith stronger than it ever was. And I'm guessing that you may need to slip outside your comfort zone for a while in order to learn what you need to know next about the arts of intimacy. These are tricky assignments, Capricorn. I suggest you welcome them without resentment.

aquarIus (Jan. 20-feb. 18)

Philosopher William Irwin Thompson says that we humans are like flies creeping along the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. We literally cannot see the splendor that surrounds us. As a result, we don't live in reality. We're lost in our habitual perceptions, blinded by our favorite illusions, and addicted to beliefs that hide the true nature of the universe. That's the bad news, Libra. The good news is that every now and then, each of us slips into a grace period when it's possible to experience at least some of the glory we're normally cut off from. The veil opens, and previously undetected beauty appears. The weeks ahead will be the closest you've come to this breakthrough in a long time.

My daughter Zoe has been writing some fine poetry these last few years. I regard it as professionalgrade stuff that has been born of natural talent and developed through discipline and hard work. You might ask, quite reasonably, whether my evaluation of her literary output is skewed by fatherly pride. I've considered that possibility. But recently, my opinion got unbiased corroboration when her school awarded her with the "All-College Honor" for her poetry manuscript. I predict you will soon have a comparable experience. Your views or theories will be confirmed by an independent and objective source.

scorpIo (ocT. 23-noV. 21)

The critic Dorothy Parker didn't think highly of Katherine Hepburn's acting skills. "She runs the emotional gamut from A to B," said Parker. I realize that what I'm about to suggest may be controversial, but I'm hoping you will be Hepburn-like in the coming week, Pisces. This is not the right time, in my astrological opinion, for you to entertain a wide array of slippery, syrupy, succulent feelings. Nor would it be wise to tease out every last nuance of the beguiling vibes rising up within you. For the time being, you need to explore the pleasures of discerning perception and lucid analysis. Get lost in deep thought, not rampant passion.

Can you guess which European country has the best military record in the last eight centuries? It's France. Out of the 185 battles its soldiers have engaged in, they've won 132 and lost only 43. Ten times they fought to a draw. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Scorpio, I think you have the best chance of compiling a comparable record in the next ten months. Your warrior-like qualities will be at a peak; your instinct for achieving hard-fought victories may be the stuff of legends years from now. But please keep in mind what the ancient Chinese

pIsces (feb. 19-march 20) • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 27

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Grovemont Square, 101 West Charleston Ave., Swannanoa, adjacent to the Swannanoa Library. Free. Info: swannanoa. Music on Main • FR (7/27), 7-9pm - The Nightcrawlers (vintage R&B, beach music) will perform as part of the Music on Main Street series. Held at the Henderson County Visitors Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: or 693-9708. Pickin' in Lake Lure • SATURDAYS, 6:30-9pm Pickin' in Lake Lure invites the public to bring guitars, fiddles, bass, bagpipes and other instruments for an informal jam session. Held beside the smokehouse across from the Lake Lure beach. Free. Info: Songcatchers Music Series • SU (7/29), 4-5:30pm - The Songcatchers Music Series will feature the New Southern Ramblers and Locust Honey Stringband at the Cradle of Forestry, Highway 276 near Brevard. Held in a covered outdoor amphitheatre or indoors in case of rain. Picnics welcome. Info: or 877-3130. Summer Tracks • FR (7/27), 7pm - The Stray Birds and Phil and Gaye Johnson will perform at Roger's Park, 57 W. Howard St., Tryon, as part of the Summer Tracks series. Free. Info: or 894-2324. Sunday Songwriter's Serenade • SUNDAYS, 2-5pm - Local songwriters meet regularly to give one another thematic assignments and perform original folk, blues and pop tunes written as a group. Held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Donations accepted. Info: 424-3460. Swannanoa Gathering • WE (7/25), 7:30pm - A concert of old-time music will feature Alice Gerrard, Mike Bryant, Lightnin’ Wells and others in Warren Wilson's Kittredge Theatre. Held in conjunction with the Swannanoa Gathering. $18/$9 children under 12. Info: 771-3761. The Buchanan Boys • TH (7/26), 7pm - The Buchanan Boys (country, rock) will perform on the lawn of WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center as part of the university's summer concert series. Free. Info: www.wcu. edu/26918.asp. The Honeycutters • TH (7/26), 6pm - The Honeycutters ("Applachian honky tonk") will perform at Lake Tomahawk, 401 Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain.

Free. Info:

Outdoors Lake James Boat Slips (pd.) Covered and uncovered. Starting at $1600/year. 828 584-0666. Anything That Floats Parade Registration • Through MO (8/6) - "Teams build wacky rafts and float from Hominy Creek Park to Jean Webb Park on Aug. 11th as part of RiverFest 2012." Floats are judged on Most Creative, Green Machine, Ugliest, Funniest and Unique Design. Info and registration: www. Bird Watching Tour • THURSDAYS, 8am - A bird watching tour, presented by the Henderson County Bird Club, meets at Highland Lake Inn, 86 Lily Pad Lane, Flat Rock. $25/$15 Inn guests. Info and registration: 693-6812. BRP Hike of the Week • FR (7/27), 10am - A moderate, 3.2-mile hike on the Big Butt Trail will end at the top of Point Misery. Departs from Walker Knob Overlook, MP 359 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Bring water and hiking shoes and be prepared for inclement weather. Info: 298-5330. Events at REI Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or • WE (7/25), 6-8pm - A class on map and compass navigation basics will feature hands-on time outside. Maps and compasses provided, but feel free to bring your own. Registration required. $50/$30 members. • TH (7/26), 6-8pm - A class on GPS basics will include hands-on experience. Bring GPS unit if possible and familiarize yourself with the device's manual. $50/$30 members. Registration required. Flat Top Manor Tours • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 9am, 10am, 11am, 2pm & 3pm - Tours of Flat Top Manor, the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone, will be led by Blue Ridge Parkway rangers. Departs from Moses H. Cone Memorial Park, MP 294 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Registration required: 295-3782. Guided Tour of Chestnut Orchard • WEDNESDAYS, 11am Guided tours of the Chestnut orchard. $15 includes lunch. 119 Ranch Drive, Maggie Valley. Reservations required: 926-1401. Lake James State Park

N.C. Highway 126. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (7/28), 10am - A program on dangerous plants and animals will be held at the Catawba River Area office. • SU (7/29), 9am - A canoe excursion will depart from the Paddy's Creek Area Office. Must be age 8 or older. Registration required. Snowball Mountain Hike • SA (7/28), 10am - Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will host a moderate-to-difficult three-mile hike to Snowball Mountain. Bring hiking shoes, lunch, water, camera and warm clothes. Dogs allowed. Free, but registration is required. Info, registration and departure location: or 253-0095. Wilderness Skills and K-9 Rescue Demo • SA (7/28), 7:30pm "Wilderness Skills: From Lost to Found with the Linville Central Rescue" will feature a presentation on survival skills and a demonstration by the Linville Central Rescue K-9 team. Held at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316. Free. Info: 765-6082.

Parenting 2 Events • Natural Solution for ADHD & Learning Disabilities (pd.) Monday, Aug. 20 6:30pm. Free 40-minute talk about how the brain processes information, and how the problems can be permanently corrected in adults and children. Earth Fare Westgate, 66 Westgate Parkway, Asheville, RSVP 828-216-4444 or • Wednesday, August 22, 6:30pm. Natural Solution for ADHD & Learning Disabilities: Free 35-minute talk about how the brain processes information, and how the problems can be permanently corrected in adults and children. Earth Fare South. 1856 Hendersonville Rd,, Asheville, RSVP 828-2164444 or Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital. org or 692-4600. • TH (7/26), 6:30-8pm - Infant care class. Green Parents Club • FRIDAYS, 9am - This group of eco-minded parents meets at Biltmore Coffee Traders, 518 Hendersonville Road, for hands on workshops, including planting kids' gardens, growing sprouts, making green cleaners and more. Children welcome.

Info: 712-8439 or http://avl. mx/em.

Public Lectures Mountain Murder Mysteries • FR (7/27), 7:30pm "Mountain Murder Mysteries: Death on the Long Hunt" will be presented at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. Operation Christmas Child Presentation • WE (7/25), 6:25pm - The Operation Christmas Child Committee of First Presbyterian Church will present a program on “The Spiritual Impact of a Gift Filled Shoe Box" at 699 Grove St., Hendersonville. Buffet dinner begins at 5:25pm. Free/$7 dinner. Info and reservations: 696-2996. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • SU (7/29), 3pm “Negotiating a Perilous Empowerment: Appalachian Women’s Literacies," with Erica Abrams Locklear, assistant professor of literature and language at UNCA. Held in the university's Reuter Center. Free ticket required. Info: 251-6140.

Seniors Asheville Tourists Baseball Game • WE (7/25), 5:30-11pm - A trip to see the Asheville Tourists baseball game for seniors will depart from Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $14/$12 members. Price includes ticket. Info and registration: or 456-2030.

Spirituality Asheville Compassionate Communication Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15pm, 2520538. Asheville Meditation Group (pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the Insight/Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more peaceful and focused mind. Our "sangha" (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm-8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am11:30am: Seated meditation

and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 8084444. • Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. Indian Classical Dance (pd.) Is both prayer and an invocation of the highest divinity. Learn the dance the Natya Shastra called "the highest form of yoga" Bharatanatyam. Call Tess: 301-0331. Spirituality in Leadership with the Sisterhood at the Mountain Light Sanctuary (pd.) Women ages 14-80 are invited to join in an experiential sharing and exploration of Spirituality in Leadership with the Sisterhood at the Mountain Light Sanctuary ( When: Friday August 3 beginning at 5:30PM through Sunday August 5 at 5:30PM. Your $200 fee includes all guided activities, Friday and Saturday night lodging, 2 lunches, and support for the Sisterhood effort. Interested? Contact Cynthia Camilleri, cynthiaca- or Daya Soudan, 860- 526-3109 for details Awakening Practice Group • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Awakening Practices Group, an "Eckhart Tolle group with an emphasis on putting Tolle's words and pointers into action through meditation and discussion," will meet at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St. By donation. Info: Trey@QueDox. com or 670-8283. Celtic Christian Holiday Service • SU (7/29), 3-4pm - A Celtic Christian service will honor the holiday of Lughnassadh. Bring vegetarian food to share if possible. Held at a private home in Weaverville. Info and location: or 645-2674. Centering Prayer • WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am Centering Prayer, a method of contemplative prayer or Christian meditation, is offered at Haywood Street Congregation, 297 Haywood St., Room 4. Welcome table at 11:30am; worship at 12:30pm. Free to attend. Info: www. or cszarke@ Cloud Cottage Community of Mindful Living Location: 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain. Info: www. or 669-0920.

• SA (7/28), 9am-3pm "Mindfulness in Motion," a fivemile hike to honor Cherokee ancestors. Bring water, hiking boots and lunch. By donation. Info and location: or 669-0920.

Dowsing Training and Practice • MONDAYS, 9am-12:30pm - Dowsing training and practice will focus on tapping into the superconscious universal mind through pendulums and L Rods. $40. Info and location: UltimateEnergyHealing@gmail. com. First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at Fifth Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. Info: www. • SU (7/29), 9:15am - Marc Mullinaux, professor of religion at Mars Hill College, will present "The Heretical Life: What Do the Christian Heresies Say About Orthodoxy’s Refusal to Believe?" Free. Light Center 2190 N.C. Highway 9 S., Black Mountain. Info: or 669-6845. • WEDNESDAYS, 2:303:30pm - Prayer for United States and world conditions. • DAILY, 10am-5pm - Light room, trails and labyrinth open daily. Free.

• THURSDAYS, 2-3:30pm Infinite Way tape study group. Free. • SUNDAYS, 3-4pm - Prayer for world peace. Free.

Morning Sitting Meditation • THURSDAYS, 7am - A mostly silent, simply guided meditation based in the yogic tradition. All meditators are welcome, whatever style of silent meditation preferred. Hosted by One Center Yoga, 120 Coxe Ave., Suite 3A. By donation. Info: Nurse Christian Fellowship Meeting • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm Nurse Christian Fellowship provides a local, regional, national and international network to bring the message of Jesus Christ and a Christian worldview to nursing education and practice. Free. Info: rchovey@ Power Healing Group • TUESDAYS, 7pm - "Learn and practice simple techniques to heal yourself physically, emotionally and other ways through the 'Power of Soul.'" Meetings held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. By donation. Info: 2589584. Sacred Embodiment Center Located at 41 Carolina Lane in Asheville. www.thesacre-

38TH SEASON Sweet Water Taste by Gloria Bond Clunie

Set in the imaginary farming community of Crossroads, North Carolina. All hell and a little bit of heaven break loose when Elijah Beckford. a prominent Southern black undertaker, approaches his wealthy white cousin, Charlie Beckford, and demands to be buried in the “while family cemetery”. Will he be? Find out in this world premiere of SART’s 2010 ScriptFEST winner.

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C O M or 216-2983. • SUNDAYS, 6-8pm Asheville Intenders Circle will be preceded by a potluck. "We support each other in manifesting the highest good together and invite you to join us." Trinity Lutheran Church 235 St. John's Road, Suite 50, Fletcher. Info: or 357-4068. • SA (7/29), 4pm - An afternoon service will present Trinity Lutheran Church's new pastor, Rev. Michael Greenauer. Ultimate Energy Healing • MONDAYS, 1pm - Learn and practice Ultimate Energy Healing for people, pets and places. Technique combines nine healing modalities into one. $40. Info and directions: UltimateEnergyHealing@gmail. com. Unity Church of Asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:302pm - A Course in Miracles study group.

Spoken & Written Word


The Cathedral of All Souls provides limited funding to small non-profit organizations incorporated in NC who serve the homeless, young, elderly, poor and disenfranchised in Western North Carolina. Last year grants of $1,000 - $3,000 were awarded to local non-profits from proceeds of the Cathedral’s Annual Village Arts & Crafts Food Booth Sale. The deadline for receipt of this year’s applications is

Friday, august 10 Cathedral of All Souls • Biltmore Village 9 swan st., asheville, NC 28813 Grant Criteria & Applications at: • 828-274-2681 A special thank you to all local non-profits who serve our community everyday. 30 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

Battery Park Writing Group (pd.) Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. Free! Contact Lisa at 691-5472 or tokyotaos@ for more info. Black Mountain Center for the Arts Old City Hall, 225 West State St., Black Mountain. Mon.Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 669-0930. • FR (7/27), noon-1pm - The Lunchtime Literary and Music Series will feature Michael Jefry Stevens (jazz piano) and Tina Barr (poetry). Free; donations accepted. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 2506480) n NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486)

n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750). n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (7/25), 10:30am - "Fur, Feathers and Scales," with the WNC Nature Center. All ages. PM --- 2pm - "Dreaming up a Library Wishing Well." All ages. BM --- 3pm - The balloon fairy. Ages 4 and up. Free ticket required. NA • TH (7/26), 10:30am "Dream Big with Mountain Story Magic." Ages 5 and up. BM --- 11am - "Night Creatures," with the WNC Nature Center. All ages. LE --3-4pm - Bring-your-own T-shirt screen printing craft. All ages. Free tickets required. WV • TH (7/26), 6pm - Book club: Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard. SW • FR (7/27), 11am - "Dream Big: Hula Hoop," with Hooping Hearts. All ages. Free ticket required. WA City Lights Bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. or 586-9499. • SA (7/28), 11am - Curtis Sikes and Sheena Kohlmeyer will present their children's book The Heart of a King. • TH (8/2), 6:30pm Stephanie Powell Watts will read from her collection of short stories We Are Taking Only What We Need. Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: www. or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/1), 7pm - Master Wu will present his book Fire Dragon Meridian Qigong: Essential Neigong for Health and Spiritual Transformation. --- 7pm - Book club: The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes. • TH (8/2), 5pm - Kay Hooper will present her book Haven. --- 7pm - Matthew Sanford will present his book Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence. Touring WNC Backroads • TH (7/26), 2pm - Carolyn Sakowski will speak about her book Touring the Western North Carolina Backroads at Henderson County Library, 301 N Washington St. Free. Info: 697-4725.

Sports Cheshire Racquet Club We're Open! (pd.) Come Play Tennis! Clay Courts - 6 Outdoor and Indoor Clinics with Pro Wayne Forester Tuesdays/Thursdays 6:30PM and Saturdays 11AM.

Members and Non-Menbers Welcome! All Levels and Ages. 195 Dogwood Lane off Hwy 9 South. 828-669-6657 tennis@ Aqua Fitness Class • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (8/2), 12:10-12:55pm - WCU will offer an aqua fitness class in the pool of Reid Gym. Registration is ongoing. $35. Info: or 227-7397. Aqua Zumba Class • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - An aqua Zumba class will be held at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Regular admission/free for members. Info: or 456-2030. Asheville Hoops • TUESDAYS, 5:30-7:30 pm - Asheville Hoops encourages beginners and experienced hula hoopers to meet at Pritchard Park for informal hooping. Free. Info: Bulldog Coaches Caravan • TH (7/26), 5:30-7pm UNCA coaches will meet with UNCA Bulldog Athletics fans and supporters at Beef O’Brady’s, 825 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Free. Info: or 232-5655. Full Momentum Wrestling • SA (7/28), 8pm - Full Momentum Wrestling, featuring The Outlaw Randy Wayne, The Brotherhood, Luscious LeAnn, Brett Hawkins and more, will be held at Fairview Community Center, 1357 Charlotte Highway. $5/$2 children ages 6-10/children 5 and under free. Info: Ultimate Frisbee League • MONDAYS, 6pm - The Asheville Ultimate Club hosts leagues for rookies, women and men. Games are held Monday nights at Memorial Stadium with a co-ed league to meet Wednesdays. Info and registration:

Theater Flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse. org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/5) - Proof, the story of a young woman who must "sort out and deal with a number of long-denied feelings and fears" after the death of her mathematician father. Performed at the downtown location. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Thurs., Sat. and Sun., 2pm. $35 with discounts for seniors, students and groups.

• WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/19) - Guys and Dolls, the story of Nathan Detroit's floating crap game, his fiance and a "Salvation Armystyle band determined to clean out and clean up the evildoers of Time Square." Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat. and Sun., 2pm. Performed on the Mainstage. $40; discounts for seniors, students and groups. Greater Tuna • FR (7/27) through MO (7/30), 7:30pm - Greater Tuna, the story of Texas' third smallest town and its upstanding citizens, will be performed by the Smoky Mountain Community Theatre, 134 Main St., Bryson City. $8/$5 children. Info: www.smctheatre. com or 488-8227. Montford Park Players Unless otherwise noted, performances are free and take place outdoors Fri.-Sun. at 7:30pm at Hazel Robinson Amphitheater in Montford. Bring folding chair and umbrella in case of rain. Donations accepted. Info: 2545146 or • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/18), 7:30pm - The Merry Wives of Windsor, the story of Falstaff’s attempts to woo three different women at once, will feature some of Asheville's "most fantastic freaks" including acrobats, clowns and stilt-walkers. Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre Performances are held at Mars Hill College's Owen Theatre. Info: or 689-1239. • TH (7/26) through SU (8/5) Sweet Water Taste. "All hell and a little bit of heaven break loose when a prominent Southern black undertaker approaches his wealthy white cousin and demands to be buried in the 'white family cemetery.'" Dates and times vary. $25/$22 seniors/$18 students. The Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. Programs are free and located at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, unless otherwise noted. www. or 254-2224. • TU (7/31), 6:30-7:30pm Curtain Call Collective presents a preview performance of Aladdin Jr.

Volunteering Academic Year in America • Through WE (8/1) - Host families are needed to house exchange students ages 15-18. Students will arrive in August and remain in the country for one school year. Info: info@ or www.

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24 hour advanced notice reservations are required. Please call: 828-667-9100 or 828-667-1078 • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 31

Find upcoming stand-up comedy events in Asheville at and follow us on Twitter at @AVLDisclaimer.

Keeping it Unreal Since 2002

Daily Festival roundup


State Rep. Tim Moffitt introduces bill to remove paving from WNC roads, smash into filler rock, sell to 1st non-WNC bidder

Local man at sentencing hearing tells judge he regrets not taking year off between high school and Clown College Using nothing but coat hangers, local woman makes amazing handmade replica of head massager Breast Cancer in the Park event promotes Zumba awareness Talented young strangler from Boston only kills when upset that best moniker already taken Russia’s Putin says West on the decline

Putin, West awaiting DJ Pauly D’s response

Correction Correction: Last week’s Mountain Xpress cover story featured two Asheville Police Department detectives who were described as “cold case detectives.” The detectives are actually not “cold case detectives,” but rather just standard homicide detectives. The cases were “hot” when assigned to them, and then cooled over time in their care.

Smell • Side-step • Disengage •

Crowd-sweat • Inhale a new friend’s exhale •

Downtown Asheville F.A.Q. Q. Hi! I’m coming to Asheville for at the end of the month, and I was wondering if I should spend part, or even all, of my time at Bele Chere arguing with a street preacher. I know just what to say to get through to one of those guys and change their minds. Thanks!

Grimace and wince • Learn to loathe

Bele Chere is the hottest FREE scorching-hot arts-andmusic street festival in the long, hot history of the Southeast (not counting Sherman’s March to the Sea) Great art, music, food, and beer come to the streets of downtown Asheville each summer in a singular form: a soggy funnel cake rescued from the gutter by an eagleeyed shirtless gutter steward bobbing his head to the beat. This year: • Discover a cool new band and then bitch about why they weren’t selected to play at Bele Chere. • Find the perfect piece of art, and make a big show of not stealing it while the vendor is looking. • Sample some local cuisine, such as fried ice cream or a giant lemonade. • Enjoy a microbrew – hell, enjoy a macrobrew. You only live once, and you should live as hard as you can at Bele Chere because Bele Chere only comes around every year and maybe next year you’ll be dead. Nobody knows. But everybody is thinking it. The festival began in 1979 as a collaboration between post-apocalyptic merchants who eked out a living selling survivalist knives from their covered (station) wagons to patrons exiting what was then the Fine Arts Adult Theatre on Biltmore Avenue. Their

32 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

vision was to revitalize the downtown business district with street preachers and shirtless morons. They realized their vision in the form of a street festival. The name “Bele Chere” was chosen, after not consulting anyone who spoke French or had access to a French-to-English dictionary. The name derives from an ancient Scottish dialect and means “Beautiful Living” and not “Hillbilly Street Spewing” we’ve convinced ourselves and others ever since. Over the past 34 years, downtown Asheville has returned as the main attraction and epicenter for the sake of our local restaurants, galleries, stores, and theatres and their desperate need to close on Bele Chere weekend. The businesses that exist in the now-thriving downtown that Bele Chere helped bring about are all but required to close down during Bele Chere; the irony is not lost on them, but the sales receipts are. Thanks to Bele Chere, Asheville’s downtown is now the envy of cities from around the nation, especially those crybabies in Dalton, Georgia and also the sad-sacks in Suckville, Tennessee.

A. First, accept that you are going to hell. That sense of acceptance will be the only sense of acceptance encouraged by the street preachers at Bele Chere. You can change a mind, but not a feeble-minded interpretation of scripture. Passers-by find your public protests against the preacher to be as amusing as the preaching itself. Familiarity breeds contempt however, and the passing of time brings about an equal amount of public disdain for both the preacher and the preacher’s protesters. The important thing to understand is that the preachers are attempting to goad you into attacking them, spitting on them, or nailing them to the cross they’re already conveniently carrying through the streets before standing the cross on end while the rest of us pour vinegar down the preacher’s throat. And how we’d like to! But this is all being recorded for posterity by the street preacher’s street-non-preaching associates, and the more you attack them, the more they feel they are doing the Lord’s work on YouTube. Better yet, there are some friendly, well-mannered Jewish rabbis just further down the block who would love to have a cup of coffee with you, play a little chess, and chat.

The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire. Contact Twitter: @AvlDisclaimer

Contributing this week: Michele Scheve, Tom Scheve.

Asheville Area Arts Council: The Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: • Through TU (8/21) - AAAC seeks volunteers for the Tangerine Ball on Sept. 15. Volunteers are also needed for the pre-Tangerine Ball fashion show on Aug 23. Info: Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks people to mentor one hour a week in schools and after-school sites. Volunteers age 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. Info: or 253-1470. Buncombe County Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 9899459. Council on Aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call A Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: www. or 277-8288. Goombay Festival • Through WE (8/1) Goombay Festival will accept volunteers for its Aug. 24, 25 and 26 festival through Aug. 10. Info: www.goombayavl. com or (925) 207-3405. Hands On Asheville-Buncombe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (7/26), 11am-12:30pm - Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate. • SA (7/28), 10am-noon - In the Garden: Help prepare the Emma Community Garden for planting and harvest. Much of the harvest will eventually be distributed to the community through a food pantry. • MO (7/30), 7-8:30pm - Cookie Night: Help bake

cookies for Lewis Rathbun Center families. Supplies provided.

Literacy Council of Buncombe County Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 205. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a second language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation will be held Sept 5 and 6. Info: MotherLove Mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per is month required. Info: 254-7206. New Opportunities Thrift Store • The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, seeks donations for the New Opportunities Thrift Store. Volunteers also needed during store hours. Info: 692-0575. Partners Unlimited • Partners Unlimited, a program for at-risk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteer tutors and website assistance. Info: or 281-2800. Project Linus • Project Linus, a volunteer group which provides handmade blankets to children in crisis, seeks new members. Info: 645-8800. RiverFest • RiverLink seeks volunteers for RiverFest. Opportunities include parking cars, pulling rafts, pouring beer and more. Info: or 252-8474. Youth for Understanding USA • Through FR (8/31) - Youth for Understanding USA seeks host families for its exchange programs through Aug. 31. Info:

CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365

newsoftheweird ers live through the coming apocalypse. (It’s unclear whether believers need to "survive," since many view the apocalypse as a fast track to heaven for the faithful.) After some comparative shopping, the Talking Points Memo blog found many of Bakker's items to be overpriced by up to 100 percent. Bakker also offers the devout a $100 Silver Solution Total Body Cleanse Kit, which includes enemas.

read dailY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

The newesT human righT

radical science

Of the world's 7 billion people, an estimated 2.6 billion lack access to toilets, and every day a reported 4,000 children die from sanitationrelated illnesses. However, in May, in Portland, Ore., Douglas Eki and "Jason" Doctolero were awarded $332,000 for wrongful firing after they complained about having to use facilities at businesses adjacent to Menzies Aviation’s Portland International Airport site. Opting to use buckets instead, the men continued to complain, saying they felt unwelcome at those places. One juror said afterward that having easy access to a toilet was a "basic human right," citing the "dignity [of] being able to go to the bathroom within 30 seconds or a minute." Said Doctolero, "Hopefully, no one will have to suffer what I went through."

The enTrepreneurial spiriT • When Sherry Bush returned to her Westlake, Ohio, home in May, she found an "invoice" written on a napkin from "Sue Warren," billing her $75 for a housecleaning Warren had done while Bush was out. Bush never heard of Warren, other Westlake residents had reported Warren's aggressive acquisition of "clients." "Did you get the wrong house?" Bush asked Warren after finding "Sue Warren Cleaning" online. "No," said Warren, "I do this all the time. I just stop and clean your house." Warren wasn’t immediately charged with a crime. • Disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker, who still owes the IRS a reported $6 million, now sells a line of "survival" products to help true believ-

• Medical Marvel: A 63-year-old South Korean woman bit into a portion of squid and later felt "buglike organisms" moving around in her mouth. According to doctors at the National Center for Biotechnology Information in Bethesda, Md., the squid had probably expelled its spermatophores as if it were attempting insemination. (In the West, squids’ internal organs are removed before it’s consumed, but apparently not in South Korea.) A scientist who’s worked with squid commented on the professional network Science 2.0, "I've probably had hundreds of spermatophores ejaculate on my fingers and never felt a sting." • In June, a Singaporean startup venture announced that it’s developed an adult diaper made of "Sofshell," a substance that hardens on contact and redistributes weight — so that if seniors fall on their rear ends, the impact will be absorbed, reducing the risk of broken bones. One of the developers demonstrated by dropping a bowling ball on a cellphone protected by the material; it suffered not a scratch. • In a recent issue of the journal Biology Letters, researchers at the National University of Singapore described how a certain species of male tropical spider seemingly improves its chances of successful mating by castrating itself after releasing sperm. Testes removal, the scientists hypothesize, makes the male nimbler and better able to trick and outflank competitors attempting to reinseminate the same female. Enhanced mobility also enables the male to avoid another spider-mating hazard: being killed by the female.

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leading economic indicaTors Hard Times: (1) In May, the Missoula (Mont.) Sheriff's Office was investigating the theft of a 1976 Ford Pinto (with four flat tires) from the victim's yard. (2) In Mesa, Ariz., in May, Manuel Ovalle, 35, was charged with burglary after allegedly breaking into a home and taking a Playstation 3 and two bags of water from the home's swimming pool. (Ovalle told police his own home has no water supply.)

criTTers' world • Suspicions Confirmed: In May, scientists from Lund University's Primate Research Station Furuvik in Sweden said they have evidence that chimpanzees can delay using weapons they encounter, hide them and retrieve them later for use against "foes." The weapons were stones and chunks of concrete, and the enemies were zoo visitors who annoyed the chimps. The researchers said 33-year-old chimp Santino took pains to hide the weapons in easily accessible places, maximizing the element of surprise against the visitors. • Bullfighting may be on the wane in some countries because of complaints about cruelty, but the village of Aproz, Switzerland, there’s has a replacement: cow-fighting contests. According to a Wall Street Journal dispatch, this is serious business. Alain Balet, whose cow Manathan has won the heavyweight title three years running, "follows training regimens worthy of professional athletes," including engaging masseuses. The action, however, is mostly head-butting (plus "abundant slobber," the Journal reported), and the "contest" is won when one of the cows loses interest and wanders away. Balet pointed out an obvious advantage to raising these bovines: "It's still a cow. I can eat her."

redneck chronicles In May, police in Decatur, Ala., were called to a home on South Locust Street to investigate a gunshot. A 61-year-old man, who’d been drinking beer to ease his toothache, had attempted to shoot out the tooth with a .25-caliber pistol. He was hospitalized.

Celebrate Everything Organic! September 8th 10am -6pm Vendors: Don’t forget early registration ends July 31st! We welcome organic businesses, farmers, and service-providers to celebrate our 10th annual Organicfest. • 828.253.2267

expires 7/31/12 • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 33


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by caITLIn byrd Even after more than 20 years of working as an orthopedic specialist, Dr. "Chuck" dePaolo still enjoys getting up each morning and taking care of his patients. But after attending a two-hour presentation on health-care reform on July 19, he concluded that continuing to provide this care could become more challenging. "You don't want to walk the road without understanding the rules," he said after the session, hosted at the Mountain Area Health Education Center in south Asheville. "Otherwise, it will impact you in a day when it's even more difficult to care for patients, provide all the services and maintain your practice." And he wasn’t the only doctor in the house with such concerns. More than 100 physicians attended the presentation, which provided information about what the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act — signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 — means for their practices. The event was also available online, where more than 40 other doctors watched the live-stream. Most of the presentation was very technical, as tax, medical and insurance experts explained some of the effects that health-care reform will have on medical practices. "It felt like being back in Ph.D. lecture — the confusion, the nausea — it feels like my head is spinning," one doctor was overheard saying after the event concluded.

34 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

show me where it hurts: Local physicians listen to the two-hour presentation about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on their practices. One doctor was overheard remarking, “It feels like my head is spinning.” Photo by Catlin Byrd

The confusion is widespread, says Terri Roberts, MAHEC's electronic health record support coordinator and one of the presenters. "Change is hard when you're still in the process of practicing medicine as your day job," she says, adding, "You don't just willy-nilly implement change into an office or into patient care. It has to be thoughtful and purposeful and in the best interest of the patient." Knowing this, DePaolo reports trying to implement gradual changes into his practice. For example, eight years ago he introduced an electronicmedical records system, which is just one of the changes mandated by the Affordable Care Act. Those regulations go into effect on Oct. 1. Other regulations that practices and hospitals must comply with this year include collecting and reporting racial, ethnic and language data. Hospitals must also publicly report “performance” or outcome data for common health emergencies such as heart attacks, heart failure and pneumonia — along with data on surgical care, health-care associated infections and patients’ perception of care.

For DePaolo, making sure his practice meets these and other guidelines demands a lot of time. "We have to use what the government provides us as a lamppost along the way, and then seek and find all the information on our own," he says. And this information seeking must be done with great care. As attorney Carolyn Coward of the Asheville-based Van Winkle law firm explained in one presentation, practices that cannot keep up with the law's rules and regulations will be penalized. Further, the tax implications alone could hurt local doctors who run their own practices, said Asheville accountant Mary Williams Matthews of Johnson Price Sprinkle. For example, in 2013 there will be a Medicare tax on investment income: Dividends, interest, annuities, royalties, rent and capital gains will be taxed, she explained. DePaolo says he continues to operate his practice while doing his best to keep up with the incorporation of rules and regulations each year as outlined by the health-care reform law. "In a sense, the federal government passing the Affordable Care Act has told the providers in

mIssIon heaLTh geTs TWo pIanos In ITs LobbIes for paTIenT care With a baby grand piano set up in the Mission Hospital lobby and another on the way to the St. Joseph’s entrance, it’s not the same old song and dance for patient experience at the region’s largest health center. “There are many evidence-based benefits of the healing power of music for patients and the staff that give so freely of themselves to care for our patients,” says Laura pearson of Mission Health’s office of patient services. Music “helps to create a soothing, peaceful environment that fosters healing,” she says. Pearson mentions the health system’s music-therapy program that recently got under way at Integrative Health Services, saying, “We will be partnering to collaboratively help our staff, visitors and patients experience the power of music in the healing process.” Initially, daily performances will be provided by physicians, staff members and various volunteers, she explains. However, Pearson notes, there are bigger plans for these instruments in the future. “As the music program grows, we will be reaching out to our community and professionally trained pianists to invite them to share their talents.” Mission bought the baby grand from local piano store House of Music, and the other piano has been donated by Charles Asque, she says. “Our patients, their families, visitors and staff will experience the power of music in the healing process.” If you would like to volunteer to play or want to earn more about the program, contact Bonnie Stephens at 213-1210.

the medical world that the train has left the station," he says. "If we don't get on board, then the patients are going to suffer." After a moment of reflection he adds, "Otherwise, you're not going to be able to get up in the morning and take care of the patients, and that's the whole purpose of us being here."

Eating Right for Good Health presented by What’s HOT this summer?

Biltmore Savor Summer Recipe Contest

This summer the Biltmore Estate is having a “Savor the Summer” Recipe Contest. You may be wondering why the Ingles Dietitian is talking about this particular contest.




20 $60 for 8 days

for one month

(First time, local students. All levels welcome!)

1. Ingles Markets sells the most Biltmore Estate Wines of any supermarket retailer.

2. Biltmore’s winemaker, Sharon Fenchak, has been a guest on the Ingles Information Aisle radio program (570am WWNC) many times.

3. As a dietitian I love to see people get excited about cooking and baking. 4. The prizes are GREAT! Develop your own unique recipe and then make sure it pairs with one of the Biltmore Century Wines (sold at Ingles). A little insight from a recent radio interview with winemaker Fenchak...

Century Red A blend of Sangiovese, Merlot and Zinfandel grapes

Dr. Young’s Office Offers: • Clearer 3D images for superior dental x-rays

- this wine would work well with a pasta or pork dish.

Century White A “fruit forward” blend of Riesling,Gewurztraminer, Symphony and and Muscat Canelli grapes....this wine would compliment desserts and fruit based dishes like a fruit tart or a strong cheese.

Century Rose A blend of Syrah and Grenache you

Dr. Matthew Young DDS, PA President of International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (

• Latex free office & preservative free local anesthetics • Monitors air quality for mercury vapor with a Jerome 405 Mercury Vapor Analyzer for safer cleaner air • Offers a healthy professional integrative team that puts the mouth and body into the same philosophy

might want to pair this wine with your pork or turkey dishes.

The Grand Prize winner receives a Culinary & Wine Weekend at Biltmore in Asheville, plus much more!. Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets

Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

To read the Affordable Care Act, go law/full. X Send your health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at or, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.

728 Fifth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 28739 828.693.8416 • • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 35

wellnesscalendar calEndaR FoR July 25 - august 2, 2012

Wellness Acceptance & Boundaries: The Keys to Loving Someone Difficult (pd.) Do you care deeply for someone who is hard to love? Call M. Wheeler, Counselor, 90- minute session for $50. 828-215-6653. Are You Trying To Force Yourself To Change? (pd.) Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is a structured program that addresses the Emotional Root Cause of using Food, Alcohol/Drugs, Overspending, Overworking to feel pleasure, numb out, and/or comfort and soothe ourselves. • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes self compassion, brain health and grounded joy. Call 231-2107 or or visit website: Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation ("TM") (pd.) It's not contemplation, focusing on your breath, watching thoughts or trying to be mindful. It's a completely different process with far-reaching, scientifically validated benefits: During TM you effortlessly transcend thought to experience restful alertness or pure consciousness—the source of thought—reducing stress and revitalizing mind, body and spirit. Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • What health researchers say • (828) 254-4350. Sound Psychology: The Human Voice in Energetic Healing (pd.) July 31: The human Voice activates the harmonic matrix of the human body the same way sound activates the harmonic matrix of the earth! Learn to scan another person's body like dolphins use sonar to activate the body's natural healing response, and balance hemispheres of the brain in 2 minutes! Crystal Visions Bookstore 7-9 pm $25 (828) 348-0799 Asheville Community Yoga Center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm & THURSDAYS, noon-1pm - "We Are All Beginners," a class for practitioners of all levels, will be led by rising teachers who have completed five months of training. Free (no donation required). • SA (7/28), 6-8pm - Restorative yoga and acutonics. $30 donation. Diabetes Health Education Class • 4th WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Asheville Compounding Pharmacy, 760 Merrimon Ave., offers free diabetes education classes. Info: 255-8757. Embodied Practice: Authentic Movement • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - An "authentic movement group" to "liberate old patterns of mind and body, deepen

self-awareness and build relationships." No dance experience necessary. Held at Women's Wellness Center, 24 Arlington St. $15. Info: or Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • WE (7/25), 12:15-1:15pm - "The Aging Eye," a program about ocular health. • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 8:30-9:30am; WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 2-3pm; SATURDAYS, 10-11am - Blood pressure screening. No appointment required. • THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Pardee yoga, focusing on stretching, holding postures and meditation. $8. Registration not required. • TH (7/26), 12:30-2pm - "Lean, Mean, Thinking Machine," a program about integrating exercise into weekly routines. • MONDAYS, 10:30-11:30am & FRIDAYS, 10-11am - Strength training and low-impact aerobics. $6. Registration not required. • MONDAYS, 5:30-7pm & FRIDAYS, 5:45-7pm - Dynamic advanced yoga. $10. Registration not required. • SATURDAYS, 8:30-9:30am - Gentle beginner yoga. $8. Registration not required. • TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight-loss support group. Registration not required. Free Community Group Exercise • THURSDAYS, 5:45pm - "Urban Conditioning," a highimpact class designed to support explosive athletic movement, meets at the Asheville YMCA, 30 Woodfin Ave., then travels to Pack Square for the session. Bring a towel and a bottle of water. Everyone is welcome. Free. Info: Happy Body Yoga Studio 1378 Hendersonville Road. Info: or 277-5741. • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30am & FRIDAYS, 7:30pm - Orbit class, "Pilates on Wheels." $23. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm; FRIDAYS, 8:30am; SATURDAYS, 8am - Flow yoga. "Infuse the body and mind with flexibility and stability." $12. • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Core Barre, a challenging ballet barre class combined with Pilates. $12. Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition • THURSDAYS through (8/23), 2pm - Learn self-management skills to live a healthy life during this six-week workshop for those with chronic health conditions and their caregivers. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. $30 suggested donation. Registration required: 251-7438. Meditation

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36 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren. org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group, Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution,” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. --- 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 8pm - "Listen

and Learn," St. John's Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. --- 8pm - "Lambda" open/LGBT meeting. Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. Info: 6706277. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. A beginner's meeting will proceed general meeting from 6:15-6:45pm on the 1st Monday of the month. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - "Discovery," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road.

Asperger Adults United • SATURDAYS - Asperger Adults United. Free. Info and location: or 319-1017. Brainstormers • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Join this survivor-led support group for brain injury/concussion sufferers and their allies. Meetings consist of sharing, listening and reflection. Held at Trinity UM Church, 587 Haywood Road. Info: 254-0507 or Chronic Pain Support Group • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: (770) 846-0651. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666. Eating Disorder Support Group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Meetings focus on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: or 337-4685. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600.


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• SA (7/28), 8:30-9:30am - "Going Deeper with the Breath," a meditation class, will be held at Our Family Doctor, 43 Oakland Road. Free. Info: Non-Surgical Weight Management Info Session • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon & 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:45-7:45pm - A non-surgical info session will be held at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: or 213-4100. The Red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 2583888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • TH (7/26), 7am-6pm - Blood drive: Mission Hospital, Kate B. Reynolds Classroom, 509 Biltmore Ave. Info: 2132222, ext. 2. • MO (7/30), 9am-1pm - Blood drive: YMCA Asheville, 30 Woodfin St. Info: 210-9622. --- 3-7:30pm - Blood drive: Asheville Tourists stadium, McCormick Field. Info: 258-0428. • TU (7/31), 10am-2:30pm - Blood drive: Verizon Wireless, 242 Tunnel Road. Info: 251-2335. --- 2:30-7pm - Blood drive: Beverly Hills Baptist Church, 777 Tunnel Road. Info: 299-9233.

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wellnesscontinued • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1:30pm & 5:30-7pm - Vet Center Out Station, a support group for veterans. Registration required before attending first meeting. Info: 271-2711. • MONDAYS, 2-3pm - "It Works," a 12-step program for individuals struggling to overcome food addiction. Registration not required. Info: 489-7259. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 989-3227. Marshall Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting • FRIDAYS, 7pm - AA meeting at Marshall Presbyterian Church, 165 South Main St. Info: Mission Weight Management Surgical Support Group • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm; 4th FRIDAYS, 10-11:30am - A weight management surgical support group will meet at Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: www.missionmd. org/weightmanagement or 213-4100. NAMI Support Groups The National Alliance on Mental Illness supports recovery for people living with mental illness and their families. All groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave., #207/315. Free. Info: or 505-7353. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am & 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm CONNECTION support group for those with a diagnosis and family/caregiver support group. Meetings held separately. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am - CONNECTION support group for those with a diagnosis. Overcomers Classes • TUESDAYS - An Overcomers support group, for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems, will meet in Mars Hill. Call for location and time: 689-9316. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572.

Recovery from Food Addiction • MONDAYS, noon - Are you a food addict? Are you struggling with food addiction? Looking for caring/supportive people fighting the same battle? Weekly support groups are held at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: scmunchkin59@yahoo. com. S-Anon • S-Anon, a 12-step program for those struggling with the sexual behavior of a family member or friend. Three meetings are held each week. Info: or 258-5117 (confidential). Sexaholics Anonymous • DAILY - A 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Daily Asheville meetings. Call confidential voicemail or email: 237-1332 or saasheville@gmail. com. Info: SMART Recovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: Women of Courage Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous • SATURDAYS, 10-11am - A 12-step recovery fellowship for women who want to stop living out a pattern of addictive sexual behavior and romantic obsessions. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Enter at front door of the annex. Info: www. or

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moRE WEllnEss EVEnts onlInE

Check out the Wellness Calendar online at for info on events happening after August 2.

calEndaR dEadlInE

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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Lucero P.7 Dr. Dog P.12 Brandi Carlile P.15 We talked to 'em all Hunting down the best wares: the rundown on local vendors P.18 Greasy reasons to love festival food P.19 Schedules, bios, lineups and a lot more

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Welcome to the 34th annual bele chere. To some, the festival translates as “beautiful living”; to others it means “leave town.” If the first applies to you, please proceed. (Otherwise, flip this guide over — we have some suggestions for you too.)



Lift your eyes for a moment and take in the hordes: of people, food, music, art and heat. before you disappear into this confetti of entertainment, this blowout of bodies, beer and cheesecake, you may want to sketch out an itinerary. In this guide, we offer festival enthusiasts a day-by-day performance schedule with band profiles, a menu of bele chere’s food vendors, the complete roster of local-business retail booths, after-hours parties, kids’ activities and more. for the when, where and how of bele chere, read on. but please, lovers, take heed: As brimming as you may be with excitement, don’t rush into the mayhem unprepared. Even bacchanals have rules. when can I love it? bele chere 2012 dates and hours: friday, July 27, noon to 10 p.m.; saturday, July 28, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; sunday, July 29, noon to 6 p.m. How do I get there so I can love it? consider biking, walking or taking the shuttle, as the festival is quite crowded. Two festival shuttles run every 20-30 minutes from noon to 11 p.m. on friday; 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. on saturday; and noon to 7 p.m. on sunday. The East route starts from the back of Asheville mall on Tunnel road, and runs to pack square. The West route starts from the k-mart plaza on patton Avenue, and runs to the U.s. cellular center. cost is $2 roundtrip. 2


Asheville on bikes will offer a bike corral on patton Avenue between Asheland and coxe avenues. where can I find an ATM to pay for all of my love? ATms are located at the following downtown locations: Asheville savings bank, patton Avenue at Arts park; bank of America, 162 college st. and 68 patton Ave.; bb&T, 1 West pack square; first citizens bank, 108 patton Ave.; premier credit Union, haywood street at the civic center; Wachovia, 1 haywood st. Can my dog, cat, iguana, toucan or python love it too? No. pets are strictly prohibited inside of the festival boundaries. Animal compassion Network offers a cool, clean and friendly place to house your pet for an hourly fee, cheekily called Doggy Jail. It’s in front of city hall. where’s the beer? you must have a $2 wristband to carry alcohol on the streets during bele chere. Wristbands are available from select downtown merchants or from vendors located adjacent to beverage booths (see map). be prepared to show your picture ID when buying alcohol, as the wristband itself is not proof of age. Wristband colors change every day. A wristband is not required to drink in downtown pubs; only on the streets. This is important: No alcohol on the streets after 10 p.m. on friday and saturday. No alcohol in the children’s Area. No alcohol will be sold (or carried) anywhere in the streets on sunday. The rules of the game No coolers. No bicycles, rollerblades, rollerskates or skateboards. Go lovingly into that good festival.

get FeStival inFo on your pHone AVLLIVE.COM


(A) (B) AVL 7/26/12 12:00 PM





Buy, Sell, Trade Quality Acoustic and Electric Guitars 732 Haywood Rd Asheville NC 28806 828-253-2003 M-F 10-7 Sat 11-7 Sun 12-7 Search Facebook for “The Guitar Trader” • BELE CHERE LOVE IT: FESTIVAL GUIDE 3





SOUTHERN ROCK 8:15 - 9:45



LATIN/WORLD 5 - 6:15



ROCK 8:30 - 10




LOCAL INDIE 4:30 - 5:30






This year has been the year for local indie-rockers Antique Firearms. Actually, the musicians have only been a band for about a year, but already they’ve released a substantial EP, developed a noteworthy atmospheric sound and headlined a local showcase at The Orange Peel. The smart, sonically intriguing quintet is made up of three brothers Dotson and two brothers-from-another-mother. reverbnation/

Sylva’s Buchanan Boys make country for those who appreciate the bare necessities. Their nononsense songs feature working men who strive to remain good at heart in the face of toil and strife. The band’s music is an apt complement, fitting acoustic strums with dreamy slide guitar and electric riffs with a relaxing melody. The Buchanan Boys’ songs search for the beauty in everyday life. Their economical approach to country is a musical extension of that mission.




Country meets Southern rock in Blackberry Smoke. And with its denim-and-long-hair aesthetic and sibling musicians (the rhythm section is the Turner Brothers), the band recalls the Allman Brothers of 40 years ago. In a good way. Ironically, Blackberry Smoke first found fame in the North and is now working to win over the South.


CRAZYHORSE & COLSTON Local hip-hop duo CrazyHorse & Colston (Max Hupertz and Bryan Godleski) was named among the best hip-hop groups of 2011 in Xpress’ Best of WNC readers’ poll. The duo’s new album,

Backroads & Bonfires, draws on influences including rock, blues and country, and taps guest artists such as Don Lewis of bluegrass band Sons of Ralph and members of reggae group Common Foundation. crazyhorseandcolston

DAVID MAYFIELD PARADE David Mayfield is the supportive big brother who helped little sis (and Bele Chere alum) Jessica Lea get her first record to Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach. Mayfield (who’s also been a member of Cadillac Sky and is pals with the Avett Brothers) leads his own dynamic folkrock band The David Mayfield Parade. That band is, by the way, trying to raise cash for a sophomore album. If you like what you hear, contribute to the Kickstarter fund.

get FeStival inFo on your pHone


A GRAND CLOSENESS tHe david mayField parade BringS intimaCy to tHe Big Stage

By DANE SMITH DOC AQUATIC Asheville’s psychedelic indie-rockers Doc Aquatic have steadily built and honed a sound that, at first, comes across as untethered and loose, but upon closer inspection is orchestrated and thoughtful. The band’s songs (like those on just-released lp — an ironically named five-song Ep) ebb and flow in waves of layered instrumentation and dreamy lyrics perfect for an endless summer day. reverbnation. com/docaquatic

LOS AMIGOS INVISIBLES A Venezuelan dance band that fuses bits of psyched-out jazz, disco and funk into a vivacious melting pot of international influence, Los Amigos Invisibles are not a gimmick. With two decades and a Latin Grammy to their credit, the outfit is a savvy and sensual ensemble that blends myriad genres without forsaking a sexy beat and an otherworldly sense of exuberance. 2011’s not So Commercial is a high-water mark, a feverish distillation of styles that heaps drugged-up atmospherics onto unstoppable rhythm.

PAPA GROwS FUNK finding success playing party-ready funk in New Orleans is no easy task. In a town overflowing with formidable booty-shakers, standing out from the crowd takes some chops, and papa Grows funk has that. This feisty five-piece plays it straight, tearing through tangled bass lines and guitar licks, garnishing them with the grandiose gauze of John “papa” Gros’ organ lines. content to perfect rather than innovate, papa Grows funk serves up potent jams that are sure to please.

SPICy MOUSTACHE & THE FLAVOR SAVIORS Jon James, frontman of Asheville’s self-proclaimed “funk-hop/soul rock” outfit spicy moustache & the flavor saviors, doesn’t so much rap as rant. That’s not a complaint. his words cascade in arrhythmic tumbles adding immediacy to the kinetic funk of the seven-piece band that backs him. captured on a 2010 demo, the players speed through entry-level exercises with jam-band enthusiasm, curtailing the song lengths and focusing their power in the process. It’s far from revolutionary, but it will suffice for some summertime fun in the sun. spicymoustachetheflavorsaviors.bandcamp. com

wHITNEy MOORE The style of Asheville’s Whitney moore is a direct reflection of her life experience. she was raised in a family of professional musicians, refining her resonant pipes from an early age. In her adult life, she has traveled the globe informing her mostly acoustic ruminations with Latin jazz, spanish flamenco and African rhythm. her strong sense of melody unites these influences for a unique twist on the singer-songwriter tradition.

While most kids his age were dreaming about becoming astronauts and professional athletes, David mayfield was touring the country in his family’s bluegrass band. by his early 20s, the Ohio native was surviving as a “gun-for-hire” in Nashville, writing songs for other artists and eventually stepping into the world of producing, where he earned a Grammy nomination for his work in the studio. still, despite performing as a member of progressive bluegrass outfit cadillac sky, the versatile player remained largely out of the spotlight. Then, playing bass on a tour with his sister, noted songstress Jessica Lea mayfield, David befriended and began collaborating with The Avett brothers, who pushed him to consider stepping out on his own. Enter the David mayfield parade, an unmistakably authentic blend of vintage country, twangy rock ’n’ roll and delicate folk ballads. It turns out mayfield’s knack for songwriting rivals that of his award-winning picking. And it certainly doesn’t hurt that the singer also has the sort of gentle, inviting voice that could keep a performer afloat on its own merits. but as great as mayfield is in the studio, his ease and charisma onstage distinguish him from the ever-growing old-school country scene. “I feel like when I’m up on a stage my goal is to engage people and get a reaction from them and entertain them somehow,” he says of the often theatrical shows, which incorporate humor and skits into the repertoire. “I look at being a live performer as providing a service like a plumber. you pay your hard-earned money and you could have gone to see the Hunger games, but instead you came to see me. … I’m not just going to stand here and kind of be pretentious and sing for my own glory.” That’s not always easy though. As mayfield’s popularity grows, so do the size of his engagements (take, for example, bele chere). he admits that can make connecting with audiences more difficult. but the seasoned performer welcomes the challenge. “It’s still definitely attainable,” he says with confidence. “It’s almost like they say in theater: Everything has to be bigger and more exaggerated. If I was playing The Grey Eagle I might be able to convey a certain emotion with a few facial expressions, and everyone would see what I’m going for. but at a big show or a big festival everything has to be grand. And you have to climb up on the speakers and throw your arms in the air and let them know what’s going on.” clearly, this is one performance that’s well worth a walk across town.


SOUTHERN ROCK AIN’T BAD BlaCkBerry Smoke wearS tHe moniker witH pride (JuSt don’t Call tHem a triBute Band)

Park Inside Bele Chere Why walk in the heat when you can park in the middle?

$5 - All Day Biltmore Avenue Garage (Access on S. Market St. across from fire station). Turn off S. Charlotte St. onto Eagle St. and follow the red and white signs.

Closest Parking to Bele Chere! 6



By ALLI MARSHALL According to blackberry smoke singer/guitarist charlie starr, the term “southern rock” isn’t a bad thing. “It’s not an insult to us,” he says. “Just don’t short-change us: We’re not a tribute act and we’re not a cover band.” The band formed a dozen years in Atlanta, and there’s plenty about the quintet that suggests the ‘70s, Lynyrd skynyrd and The Allman brothers. They’ve got the faded, flared jeans, hair to the middle of their backs, keyboard parts that recall a hammond organ and a wall of electric guitars. All of that just comes naturally to blackberry smoke, starr says. “If we went up on stage and played a slayer song, we’d sound ridiculous,” he says. On the other hand, “When we play a country song, it’s what we love about country music.” What starr and company (bassist/vocalist richard Turner, guitarist/vocalist paul Jackson, keyboardist brandon still and drummer brit Turner) like, country-wise, draws on the outlaw sounds of artists like George Jones. Jones happens to be a fan of blackberry smoke (the band performed at his 80th birthday), and starr is quick to name recording a remake of “yesterday’s Wine” with Jones as a highlight of blackberry smoke’s career. That, and meeting ZZ Top. “It gets no cooler,” starr says of that classic rock band. “Just the way they walk on stage is cooler than any other band.”

blackberry smoke’s members grew up with The black crowes’ frontman chris robinson, who helped them come up with the band name, and the group has toured with the likes of The marshall Tucker band and Zac brown band. They met brown on skynyrd cruise years ago. (In brown’s “pre-nine-number-one-singles-in-a-row” days, as starr puts it). When blackberry smoke’s last independent label deal fell through, brown signed them to his southern Ground imprint. All of that is to say that starr isn’t one to be star-struck — which might be why what impresses him most about his hero, ZZ Top guitarist billy Gibbons, is that “he seems to be unaffected by being billy Gibbons. he’s just a good guy and he loves music.” That pretty much sums up starr, too. Of his band’s oft-niched sound he says, “It’s comfortable music to play and it makes us happy to play it every night.” but he seems especially excited about new record the whippoorwill, which comes out in August (but it is available in advance at live shows). That album was recorded at Asheville’s Echo mountain studios. And, though starr has visited the storied, golden-age-of-rock studios like sunset sound, he says Echo mountain was “my favorite of all our recording experiences in our 12 years. It’s going to be hard to beat next go around — Echo mountain stands tall.”



luCero realizeS tHat tHe party Can’t laSt Forever

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LUCERO bILTmOrE sTAGE FRIDAy 8:30 - 10 pm

Peace Corps


By jORDAN LAwRENCE for most of its excellent and exuberant duration, Lucero’s 2009 album 1372 overton park occupies the all-out-party-and-subsequent-fallout cycle of the band’s previous efforts. bolstered by horns for the first time in its career, the memphis-based sextet barrels through barroom punk anthems about the women and wonders that slipped through their fingers as booze slipped through their lips. It’s almost always in the present tense, with a promise that there will be more girls to woo and moments to screw up. but one song predicted the thematic sea change that hits on this year’s women & work. “can’t feel a Thing” is a downtrodden ode that creeps to life with insistent guitars and woozy horns. ben Nichols’ forever gruff vocals bottom out to a defeated croak as he finds the party has ended, and looks back at a life now wasted and a wonderful woman who will never come back. “Nothing short of dying’s going to bring me peace,” he groans. “Well, I ain’t really worried ‘cause I can’t feel a thing.” “It’s a feeling of loss or loneliness; the feeling of being lost and knowing which direction you’re going and looking back on where you’ve been and what it’s brought you to and where you thought you would have been,” Nichols says. There’s something that makes you feel better if you can actually put it into words, and even better if

you can put it into words on top of some guitar chords that strike you emotionally. It gives you something to do, and it makes you feel better and it keeps you out of the bars. It keeps you from killing yourself with booze.” many of the characters on women & work seem destined for such deaths. Nichols sings largely of parties past, of friends long gone and of the solitary drinks that remain in their wake. The result is a razor-sharp sense of regret that would be almost unbearable if it weren’t paired with the brightest and boldest arrangements of Lucero’s career. The songs retain the resilient horns of 1372 and add backing vocals, barreling piano rolls and enormous E street crescendos. Nichols says it’s the band’s memphis-based influence finally bubbling to the surface. “memphis obviously has a bunch of musical history,” he explains. “The best music in the world was made there. you had sun studios, which was obviously Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny cash. you also had stax records and hi records; your Otis redding recordings were made there, booker T. & the m.G.’s, all that stuff. All that stuff is stuff I grew up on and some of my favorite musicians. you can’t top that stuff. The best you can do is hope to do it justice. We decided we’d make a modern memphis rock ’n’ roll record. Like I said, we were hoping to do justice to that history and the awesome music that’s come before us.”

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Information Table at Malaprops Bookstore 55 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Friday, July 27th: 12-6 pm Saturday, July 28th: 9:30 am-5:30 pm Sunday. July 29th: 12-3 pm. • BELE CHERE LOVE IT: FESTIVAL GUIDE 7



BY ALLI MARSHALL To local hip-hop band CrazyHorse & Colston, playing Bele Chere is a big deal — partly because the duo (Max Hupertz and Bryan Godleski) both grew up in Western North Carolina, and partly because at last year’s festival, hip-hop fans voiced their disappointment about the lack of the genre on the lineup. “It does feel cool to be someone representing it,” says Hupertz. Winners in Xpress’ Best of WNC 2011 poll for hip-hop, CrazyHorse & Colston are the right guys for the job. Godleski says the duo applied to Bele Chere last year and didn’t make the cut. “We really stepped our game up,” he says. That includes the June release of the band’s second full-length, Backroads & Bonfires. The 15-track LP showcases not just Hupertz and Godleski’s near-athletic ability to spit verses and manipulate rhythms, and the pair’s innate sense of poetry informed not just by clubs, streets and urban culture, but by the natural beauty of WNC. “We’re real proud of this area and we like showing it off,” says Godleski. (Check out the album’s gorgeous photography by Brandt Crabbe for more reasons to love the great outdoors.) “It was partially planned and partially what came naturally,” says Hupertz. CrazyHorse & Colston (whose names are taken from a Native American figure and a great-great-grandfather who fought in the Civil War) spent three years on Backroads;



part way into the process they realized their direction incorporated the landscape in which they’d grown up and the experiences they’d had. “We speak about what’s real to us,” says Hupertz. Like battered pickup trucks, waterfalls and a spiritual connection to nature. CrazyHorse & Colston also used the album to tap into influences including rap, blues, bluegrass and country. Godleski’s father plays in bluegrass band Buncombe Turnpike; Hupertz’s dad is a harmonica player and lends his harp to a couple of tracks. The duo also tapped Sons of Ralph fiddler Don Lewis for a searing strings part, and a number of local horn players (trombone, saxophones and trumpet) can be heard throughout the record. Typically, CrazyHorse & Colston play with DJ Kilby, who adds scratches and cues instrumentals. For Bele Chere, Hupertz and Godleski (who perform all of their vocals live) plan to have musicians on stage with them as well — it’s the direction they’re moving in as a band. One thing they won’t have at Bele Chere: The few strong words and adult themes that warranted the parental advisory on their record. Godleski has been carefully revising the set with an ear toward the family-friendly. His plan is to “use filler words tastefully.” But CrazyHorse & Colston don’t mind. “We don’t want to alienate anyone,” says Godleski. Hupertz adds, “We want to play Bele Chere next year, too. And the year after that.”

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HIP-HOP/FUNK 6:30 - 8


INDIE 8:30 - 10



JAZZ/ROCK 12:15 - 1:45




BLUEGRASS 4:15 - 5:45


AMERICANA 6:15 - 7:45


ROCK 8:15 - 9:45









ARTOFFICIAL Hip-hop/jazz/funk ensemble ArtOfficial is considered (at least by one vocal fan) to be the best band in Miami. Formed from two defunct bands (one hip-hop, one jazz), ArtOfficial prides itself on an original sound, eschewing drum machines and samples in favor of “organic instrumentation.”

AUNT MARTHA Few bands subtitle their names. Folk-country outfit Aunt Martha (actually a band of men) does. The musicians also tour around in a man-van, camping


in their man-tent and releasing sonic extras through their website. Like three-song collection 87, on which each track was written in a different state.

niesid aren’t without their experimental tendencies, but The Archrivals are a welcome complement for anyone who wishes they’d go just a little bit further.



The most immediate difference between stephaniesid (Archrivals leader Chuck Lichtenberger’s main gig) and this offshoot is that where stephaniesid makes songs, The Archrivals create compositions. The band’s dense sound-scapes melt jazz and rock into a psychedelic pool where distorted synthesizers ride walking bass lines and staccato horns interact with wildly effects-treated vocals. stepha-

Friends/producers/DJs/songwriters/multi-instrumentalists Russ Randolph and Zion Rock Godchaux make up electronic rock/blues duo Boom Box. But as experimental as their sound might be, the musicians are also based in classic sounds (after all, Godchaux’s parents were in the Grateful Dead).




FUNK 8 - 9:30







THE CRITTERS For a locally sourced garage-rock fix, look no further than The Critters. As their name suggests, this ‘60s-informed trio are compact and feisty, Beatlesinspired hooks delivered with a grimy rock touch most often found under Stones. Captured on this year’s Visions of Light EP, the band shakes and shimmies with with party-loving abandon like the Black Lips on a caffeine-and-sugar binge. The Critters ask for nothing more than your attention and enthusiasm, and reward both in spades. thecrittersband

DELTA RAE Durham-based Delta Rae sounds, name-wise, like it should be a Mississippi blues act. The band’s look (at least the three blond Hölljes siblings) like a Dutch supermodel army. Its sound is all layered percussion, roots-y thump and stomp, power vocals and driving, pulse-racing melodies. Which, in a way, is a long stretch from the band’s genesis: Eric teamed up with Mike Posner to write and produce the dance hit “Cooler than Me.” But forget the club beats; Delta Rae’s bewitching songs hook fans — like pop band Hansen, for whom Delta Rae opened at the Orange Peel.

DR. DOG Proving that things (and by “things,” we mean “bands”) can get better with age, Philadelphia’s indie-rock outfit Dr. Dog is the product of a 20-year musical partnership between bassist Toby Leaman and singer-songwriter Scott McMicken. This year’s Be The Void, fashioned from live and overdubbed recordings, blends effortless cool with enthusiasm, touches of angst and cheerful selfdeprecation. Expect a boundless, bombastic stage show.

If you’re wondering who The Critters are, you’re probably not from around here. The psych-pop quartet has seen a meteoric rise in WNC, releasing its debut EP, performing at last year’s Bele Chere festival, filming a session for Moog’s AHA AVL series and landing in the Xpress‘ Best of WNC readers’ poll, all in the past year. Not to mention cementing a reputation as Asheville’s most raucous and unpredictable rock band. But now that all the accolades are out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff. It’s hard to nail down where the Critters fall on the broad spectrum of rock ‘n’ roll, but suffice it to say that, wherever it is, they fall hard. From drummer Josh Martier’s gritty, unrelenting garage beat to singer/guitarist Harry Harrison’s sunny retro-psychedelia, the Critters are loud, fast and aggressive. And catchy as hell. With four contributing songwriters (guitarist Jesse Meyers and bassist Tom Peters also lend offerings), there’s a lot to take in – punk, early rock ‘n’ roll, ‘60s psychedelia, blues and modern indie-pop — but miraculously, there’s nothing disjointed or piecemeal about the Critters’ sound. In fact, it’s just the opposite: one listen and you’ll never mistake the Critters again. “I think that’s the fun part about it, kind of the contradictory elements within the band,” Peters told Xpress in March. “There is kind of a common thread going through everything. Some songs might be a little grittier and some songs a lot poppier, but then with everyone contributing there is that push and pull in a couple of directions.” Live, the band’s infectious energy spreads with the devastating power of a Western wildfire. It’s a physical experience for all involved, due both to the irresistible momentum of the performance and the chest-caving ferocity with which the Critters perform. Harrison in particular is known for his onstage antics, flailing around stage like a wet noodle having a seizure and howling like a wild animal. Past appearances have seen band members perform in skintight onesies, off-the-wall costumes and even in the nude (well, once anyway). Basically, it’s the most predictably unpredictable show in town. “I think there’s a certain raw sort of energy, especially from Harry, that just makes people want to get drunk and have a good time,” Martier told Xpress in advance of the band’s EP release this spring. “And that kind of revs it up, gets things going.” “I feel like if Harry notices people not having a good time, he goes insane and he’s willing to do absolutely anything,” adds Peters. Consider yourself warned: this is not the show for relaxing and daydreaming. It will be loud, and it will be wild. Plus, who knows what your inattention could make Harrison do.


ETHAN ANDREW MCMAHAN Local rapper Eazy (aka Ethan Andrew McMahan) spits the sort of verses and expounds upon topics that would probably make his grandmother blush. He’s also been featured on mix tapes with the likes of Yelawolf, Wakaflaka and Machine Gun Kelly, according to his bio. His Bele Chere appearance is likely to be not soon forgotten. therealeazy


MICHAEL RENO HARRELL Michael Reno Harrell’s long, white locks and somewhat silly demeanor might have you expecting Americana frivolity — lightweight yarns good for a laugh and little else. But one would be mistaken to judge this veteran folk storyteller by his album covers. His mastery spans acoustic ballads, stark, hardhearted blues and pure-and-piercing bluegrass. The tales he spins match his stylistic diversity. Keenly capturing wry country wisdom, Harrell ably adapts it to whatever tone he’s pursuing, consistently charming with disparate sounds.

GROWN UP AVENGER STUFF When Charlotte’s Grown Up Avenger Stuff isn’t fighting crime and modeling the latest fashions (as they did last fall for Charlotte Magazine), the musicians blend punk, blues and art rock into their own potent elixir. The band is dad John Thomsen, with sons Tyler and Hunter, and award-winning vocalist Dierdre Kroener.



Originally from the Virgin Islands, reggae outfit Inner Visions is all about family. Made up of two brothers and two songs, the band (all with storied nicknames: Grasshopper, Jupiter, Mr. Snooze and Hollywood) are Bele Chere favorites. Deep grooves, island flavor, positive messages and well-preserved roots reggae traditions are what they bring to the stage.

KOVACS & THE POLAR BEAR Asheville indie-rockers Kovacs & the Polar Bear have been going through some growing pains. They saw multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Chris Lee move to the West Coast earlier this year. His spot has since been filled by Casey Ellis on bass and Xpress writer Dane Smith on keys, guitar and banjo. The good news, of course, is Kovacs’ excellent catalog of songs and infectiously fun stage presence are still solid as it gets.

JODY MEDFORD & CASH CREEK Baritone vocalist Jody Medford kind of rap-sings, but that’s not nearly as important as his subject matter: moonshine. His song, “Moonshine,” recorded with the band Cash Creek, is a Jerry Scoggins-style (singer of “The Ballad of Jed Clampett”) play-by-play on the art of moonshine production. It was inspired by the late moonshiner Popcorn Sutton, and one of Sutton’s stills in featured in the video for Medford’s song.

LARRY KEEL AND NATURAL BRIDGE Larry Keel specializes in flat-picked folk that honors mountain music traditions while also appealing to fans who just want a catchy ditty. With Natural Bridge, he nimbly adapts bluegrass trappings to his own purposes, using mandolins and banjos to texture breezy ballads and gritty folk rave-ups. Keel unites his various strands of Americana with gruffly gratifying pipes, growling through the intense moments and diminishing to a fractured whisper when emotions are tender.

LORRAINE CONARD BAND Lorraine Conard makes the kind of bright, easymoving folk-rock that requires talent and stage

presence. Her band’s pleasant melodies and rustically comfortable arrangements would be common to the point of meaninglessness were it not for Conard’s deft songwriting and softly smoldering vocal chords. Anyone could easily name a few dozen artists making similarly laid-back blues and wistful folk ruminations, but Conard still manages to stand out, a testament to her talented and passionate approach to music.


BY DANE SMITH It’s starting to seem like Dr. Dog has a crush on Asheville. The Philadelphia-based five-piece performed at the Orange Peel in March, it headlines this weekend’s Bele Chere festival and it’s slated to return again in August for a slot at nearby Boone’s Music on the Mountaintop. Not to mention the gushing endorsements for Asheville’s own Seth Kauffman (Floating Action) that appear regularly in interviews with the band. Or maybe we’d just like to think Dr. Dog is smitten. “We go where people ask us to go,” says bassist/ songwriter Toby Leaman. “We have been trying to think a little more about playing down South. That’s always been an area that we hit a little more sporadically than we’d like to. “I mean, we all really like Asheville. That’s one of our favorite places to go to, just because of the town, and obviously we get to see Seth and his guys and all of our buddies and stuff. Whenever we get an offer to play down there, we hop on it.” So we’ll call it a mutual affection. And what’s not to love about Dr. Dog? For more than a decade, the band has been churning out irresistibly catchy indie pop with clear echoes of classic rock, soaring harmonies and a bouncy optimism. Live shows are exhaustingly energetic, the band is charming and engaging and, perhaps most importantly, it’s immediately apparent that they’re all having a damn good time.


The band is founded on the 20-year songwriting collaboration of Leaman and multi-instrumentalist Scott McMicken, who began writing together in middle school. Miraculously, the pair have managed to evolve as songwriters and maintain such consistency in their respective offerings that it’s often difficult to discern who wrote what. “Sometimes I feel like we’re really dissimilar in our songwriting, and then other times I feel like we’re doing the exact same thing; it’s just one of us is doing it instead of the other one,” explains Leaman. “And both times it feels fine. Every once in a while you’ll come up with what you think is great and it turns out it’s a stinker. And that makes you kinda feel weird ... But that’s exactly what should happen some of the time. It would be sorta pointless to have a collaborator that just agreed with whatever you thought was cool.” The band’s latest album, Be the Void, was just released in February, but already the prolific outfit is preparing another. This offering, says Leaman, will be a five-song EP, to be released exclusively on 10” vinyl, consisting of tracks recorded during the last album cycle but never released. And while it’s exciting to have an outlet for the unused material, he admits that it also has a downside. “I always have to remind myself that releasing EPs and singles and all that kind of stuff is never the same thing as releasing a record. Those songs will never get any attention. So it’s always kind of frustrating when you’re like, ‘What the f--k? This song rules and nobody’s ever going to hear it.’ The reason the songs didn’t make the record is not that they weren’t good enough, they just didn’t fit.”

Asheville’s Sanctum Sully fits right in with the progressive contingent leading the charge in N.C. bluegrass. Like Steep Canyon Rangers or Chatham County Line, the band’s melodic pathways are paved mostly with pop, harnessing tangled acoustic instrumentation to make hooks as unavoidably catchy as mountain bramble. The recently released Trade Winds sees the group refining its approach, and rustic harmonies and bustling arrangements add a comfortably road-worn feel to slick and satisfying songs.

THE SWAYBACK SISTERS The first line in the Swayback Sisters’ online bio trumpets the fact that they are a “close harmony trio based out of Asheville,” and, truth be told, that pretty much sums it up. With guitar, banjo and bass, they pick their way through mostly mountain styles, ranging from Appalachian blues permutations to unfettered ballads. But in every case they downplay their instruments, playing quietly to give their well-matched voices room to reverberate. Musically solid and self-aware, these Sisters are sure to please.

THE TRAVIS SMITH PROJECT Spartanburg’s Travis Smith Project offers a compelling mix of experience levels. Smith, who leads this Christian-informed folk and R&B outfit, is a relative newcomer, highlighted by his Facebook bio, which notes that in 2005 he “was recognized as the Best Male Vocalist at the Lee Roy Water’s Talent Show in Woodruff, S.C.” His drummer, John Rutledge, on the other hand, has been playing since the ‘70s. A little old and a little new, this project strives to please all comers.

YO MAMA’S BIG FAT BOOTY BAND Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band does not value subtlety. The Asheville funk outfit specializes in come-ons and rhythms that are unflinchingly frank. Take “@$$,” the second jam on this year’s Doin’ It Hard. The song’s hook is a call-and-response where one member sings “Badonkadonk” and the rest scream “Shake it!” “I like what your momma gave to you, now give it to me!” they cry over a twostepping bass line that just won’t quit. This Booty Band is after a sexy good time, plain and simple. • 828-252-8282 walk-ins welcome

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AMERICANA 12:30 - 1:30






COUNTRY 12:45 - 1:45


POP/FUNK 2:15 - 3:30


BLUEGRASS 4 - 5:15




INDIE/POP 2:45 - 4





Originally called “The Lonely Christmas Band,” the band that would become Baby Rattlesnakes played holiday covers for their friends. But the chemistry of the group inspired them to expand beyond the seasonal repertoire, writing their own material inspired by elements of soul, pop and Appalachian folk. The Asheville-based six-piece band melts hearts with its self-proclaimed goal of inspiring marriage.

So earnest are N.C.-based Boys In The Well that they call themselves earnest. And the band’s debut EP was called Mostly Honest. Topping the Boys’ list of priorities are meaningful lyrics, catchy melodies and universal themes of love and loss. They also switch instruments between songs, keeping the live show exciting.

Southern Appalachian folksinger and storyteller David Holt is also the host of PBS show Folkways. He’s well known for his Panama hats, his friendship and collaboration with the late guitar legend Doc Watson, and for his own roots band, The Lightning Bolts. Holt is a Bele Chere staple.


Singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile has toured with the likes of Ray LaMontagne, The Fray and Tori Amos. She’s been produced by T Bone Burnett and Rick Rubin and landed songs in both a GM TV ad during the Olympics and on the National Geographic channel in Latin America. And this summer she’s already dropped her new album, Bear Creek, and announced her engagement to her girlfriend, Catherine Shepherd. Congrats, Brandi.

Local bluegrass quintet Balsam Range is a bit of a supergroup. Each player (Tim Surrett, Buddy Melton, Caleb Smith, Darren Nicholson and Marc Pruett) multitasks — Surrett even acts as emcee. And live shows often feature guests with star power, such as Tony Rice. Even better, Balsam Range is currently releasing its new album, Papertown.



DAVID WAX MUSEUM Part indie-folk band leader, part troubadour from a bygone era, singer/songwriter/multiinstrumentalist David Wax fronts his “MexoAmericana fusion” ensemble David Wax Museum. And, despite the staid and hushed suggestions of “museum,” this band is an exhibit of unbridled enthusiasm and boundless energy — within the confines of catchy, storied indie-folk.

jONATHAN SCALES FOURCHESTRA Though Jonathan scales technically plays the steel drum, he’s really transcended that instrument with a sound that taps jazz, jam, experimental and rock. scales regularly collaborates with Jeff coffin, yonrico scott and kofi burbridge, all of whom make guest appearances on his most recent album, Character Farm. scales and his fourchestra are based in Asheville, but are spending much of the year on tour.

LACy GREEN Lacy Green intended to leave college with the skills to write about music, but by the end of her senior year at UNc-chapel hill she was working on her debut Ep. her warm melodies enliven the Nashville polish of her potent country songs, hinging on emotionally rich hooks that are both affecting and accessible. With a Top-100 country single already to her credit, Green is a songwriter with a powerful voice and a bright future.

LyRIC Understatement is a rare and valuable thing among some bands. In a genre where extended jams and unnecessary bouts of soloist bravado can sometimes mar otherwise powerful expressions, a band like Asheville’s Lyric is an immensely admirable treat. The seductive sway of tuneful guitars and muscular bass backs narratives that reveal themselves in hypnotic tumbles. There is nothing brash or over the top about Lyric. The group allows its talent to shine through naturally.

RANDALL BRAMBLETT As a sideman, one couldn’t hope for a better resumé than randall bramblett. A multi-instrumentalist with roots in rock and jazz, he’s worked with the likes of Traffic, steve Winwood, Levon helm and bonnie raitt. but apart from a pair of ‘70s Lps, his solo career didn’t take of until the late ‘90s. since 1998, the jack-of-all-sounds has released five albums under his own name, conquering radio-ready classic rock jams with the panache of someone used to owning the spotlight, not sharing in the afterglow.

STEPHANIESID 2011’s Starfruit — the most recent effort from Asheville’s stephaniesid — is the band’s most refined statement to date. It was also born in a basement. Taking a break from studio recording, the five-piece pop outfit that centers on the brightly brash pipes of stephanie morgan, recorded at home with their own equipment. The extra time resulted in dense, rhythmically diverse expanses that retain the infectious energy of the group’s lively performances. sometimes doing it better means doing it yourself.

TEN HOLLOw Asheville’s Ten hollow (previously known as Tennessee hollow) describe themselves with words such as “roots” and “Americana.” They could just as easily ascribe a term with a touch more stigma: “soft rock.” Ten hollow’s solidly crafted mix of folk and blues carries with it more twang-filled character than most music that earns that description, but their most endearing songs follow enjoyable lightweight melodies matched by Dave Dribbon’s rod stewart-esque croon. There’s other flavors here to be sure, but none that would offend any palates.

MIDNIGHT MAGIC Brandi Carlile talkS aBout riSkS, reCording StudioS and Her BeSt Summer ever

By ALLI MARSHALL brandi carlile isn’t just playing bele chere because some booking agent somewhere routed her tour through Western North carolina. she loves this town, she tells Xpress. And, having played the Grey Eagle and the Orange peel already, “I thought I’d try something different.” A festival seems just about right for the singer-songwriter (and Lillith fair veteran) who says this summer is shaping up to be her best ever. In June she celebrated her 31st birthday, released her new album, Bear Creek, and announced her engagement to her partner, catherine shepherd. “I’m heading into July with an open heart,” she says. carlile’s Bear Creek is already racking up rave reviews; it’s also a bit of a departure for her. her past albums were helmed by like likes of T bone burnett and rick rubin. Trina shoemaker, who engineered multiple albums for sheryl crow, worked on Bear Creek. but what really sets the record apart is the place where it was made — bear creek studios, located near seattle. “It’s symbolic of our band,” she says. “It’s literally a barn on a creek. We all live like that — we strive to find those places for recreation.” carlile says that she can write music anywhere. “Typically, the more uncomfortable I am, the better I do as a writer. I tend to write a lot in dressing rooms, on the road. I never light a candle and make my environment conducive to writing.” recording studios are a different story. studios that are steeped in industry, she says, are on a business-day schedule. “Artists just don’t keep office hours,” she says. “for me, the really special things happen at 1 a.m.” Among the “really unusual, artist-based studios where you make magical things happen at 3 in morning” she’s quick to name Asheville’s Echo mountain, where she worked on Indigo Girl Amy ray’s didn’t it Feel kinder. Another example of 3 a.m. magic: the track “Just kids” on Bear Creek. The rest of the album feels thematic with culled-from-real-life story lines and carlile’s trademark full-voiced approach. she’s been called “the best voice in indie rock” by paste. And it’s consistently strong throughout. but “Just kids,” which carlile says is a “total child of the ‘80s: the goonies, the neverending Story, labyrinth, the dark Crystal-enthusiast song,” is lush and layered. It leaves behind Americana-tinged folk-rock in favor of mystical worlds that edge up against dream-pop.


carlile says she worked on the song alone, after the rest of the band went to sleep. “I knew it was more of a sound-scape,” she says. “It took a long time for that one to come together, but it’s probably one of my favorite songs on the record.” so, was she nervous about presenting her fans with something different? It was a risk, she says, but, “I’d much rather get made fun of for a song that’s ill-received than for the things I used to get made fun of as a kid. being poor, being gay. fine, I put a song that’s kind of weird on my fourth major-label album,” she laughs. “I can handle a little bit of criticism for that.” It’s unlikely that will happen. The song is gorgeous and carlile is on a roll — best summer ever, and it’s only just begun. • BELE CHERE LOVE IT: FESTIVAL GUIDE 15

LIVING THE DREAM david waX muSeum BlendS well-traveled meXo-ameriCana witH an inFeCtiouS SenSe oF Fun

By ALLI MARSHALL It’s easy to image that the passports of David Wax museum’s three core players (frontman David Wax, suz slezak and Greg Glassman) are dog-eared and stamped to capacity from use. In addition to touring the U.s. and traveling to mexico to collect field recordings for september release knock knock get up (it was produced on the opposite end of North America, in maine), David Wax museum also spent a week in shanghai this spring as cultural ambassadors. “We’ve all lived and studied abroad and we do gather our influences from all over the world,” says slezak. for her, china was “the first time to be back in a really different culture” since a year abroad after college. “It felt really good to go back with this gift of music to share,” she says. David Wax museum was not in shanghai to gather sounds as much as to meet with and play for students. “We thought, ‘Are they going to get it?’” slezak says. but the end result was that the chinese audience responded the same way fans all over the world have to David Wax museum’s unique mash up of Americana and mexican son (a

south-of-the-border folk tradition) styles. With knock knock get up, the band’s most fully realized to date, slezak says the two major influences find a balance and the songs sound less Americana, less mexican, and more like the sheer joy with which the band infuses its music. here’s an example of that joy: A couple of seasons ago, David Wax museum performed in the barn at Lake Eden Arts festival. The members of the band often walk off stage and into the audience and, at one point during their LEAf performance, Wax himself wandered downstairs, letting his voice float back to the crowd through the floor boards. slezak says the group has been known to come off the stage during festivals, depending on the size of the crowd. “We’re always trying to break the barrier between the audience and the stage, keeping people on their toes,” she says. part of the surprise of the band is in their instrumentation: Wax plays jarana (a guitartype instrument from mexico) and slezak plays quijada (a percussion instrument fashioned from the lower jawbone of a donkey). And then there are what slezak calls “tricks”: The musicians stand on chairs, sing harmonies, even sit


in the laps of willing onlookers (as she did in shanghai). Though the idea that music breaks down barriers may be a cliche one, for slezak and company, it proved to be a happy truth. At one point in china, slezak recalls, the students asked David Wax museum’s members what their parents thought of them pursuing music. she says on the video of the band’s trip


that they “embody the American dream of pursuing happiness” — an idea perfectly on par with the upbeat, rhythmically complex, hookyhappy sounds on knock knock get up. Expect a preview at bele chere. “Even in America, people really value artists,” slezak says. “There’s a sense that this country values what we’re doing.”

TAKE THE KIDS TO THE INSIDE FESTIVAL u.S. Cellular Center kidS’ area oFFerS a Break For tHe wee oneS

bring the kids inside for some air-conditioned fun in the lower level of the U.s. cellular center. There’s a full schedule of family-friendly activities planned for this alcohol-free area.

Friday, july 27 1 p.m. sun soo Tae kwon Do 2 p.m. Asheville Area music Together 3 p.m. Urban Arts Institute 4 p.m. music Therapy Group 5 p.m. pretty pitches Vocal Group 6 p.m. Elevate school of Life and Art Variety show

Saturday, july 28 10 a.m. Asheville Area music Together 11 a.m. WNc Nature center noon Animal party 1 p.m. kron kids story time 2 p.m. rock Academy Nc 4 p.m. Urban Arts Institute 5 p.m. youth at Jazz 6 p.m. mountain Thunder cloggers

Sunday, july 29 noon WNc Nature center 1 p.m. Asheville fire Department 3 p.m. Asheville music school

DANCE, DRUM, jAM tHe lineup For tHe leXington avenue interaCtive perFormanCe area

Voted Best Coffee Shop in WNC.

Throughout bele chere weekend, a block of Lexington Avenue becomes a stage, hosting dances, community music sessions and more. Visit the Interactive performance Area at Lexington and Walnut to get into the fabulous fray.

Friday, july 27 5-6 p.m. ballroom dance with Lisa puckett bader 6:15-7 p.m. Urban Arts Institute 8-10 p.m. community drum circle (bring your own drum)

Saturday, july 28 2:30-3:30 p.m. Veggie circus 3:30-4 p.m. Zumba Team Asheville 4:15-5 p.m. contra dancing with Diane, Jamie and roger 5-5:30 p.m. Drum jam with Larry mcDowell 5:30-6:30 p.m. capoeira Asheville 6:30-7:30 p.m. Urban Arts Institute 8-10 p.m. community drum circle

Sunday, july 29 2-3 p.m. ballroom dance with Lisa puckett bader 3-4 p.m. Zumba Team Asheville photos by zen Sutherland

Refreshing Iced Coffee, Lemonade, and Pint Sized Mimosas!

74 N. Lexington Ave. (828) 258-2004 • BELE CHERE LOVE IT: FESTIVAL GUIDE 17




Instant Karma — As the name implies, this shop is full of hippie trappings: tie-dye, posters, bumper stickers and clothing from India and Africa.

There’s more to a festival than rock bands, misting tents, funnel cakes and sunburns. There’s shopping! And Bele Chere doesn’t just have a few booths; it’s lined with vendors from end to end, selling everything from lawn art and broomstick skirts to paper hats and leather jewelry. Whether you’re planning to knock out your holiday shopping in July or just pick up a little souvenir for yourself, it’s likely that Bele Chere has the perfect thing. (It’s perhaps even more likely that the perfect thing will be something you never knew you needed.)

Jujubee Clothing Co. — Bele Chere marks the first anniversary for this mother-daughter designed and owned apparel collection and boutique. 70 College St. 225-2952. Kress Emporium — Browse the wares of more than 80 regional artists and crafters who work in glass, wood, metal, jewelry, paper, paint and more. La Magia — This boutique carries hand-woven rugs, alpaca wool clothing, hats and folk art selected in Peru and sent back to Asheville. LaMagiaAsheville

While you’re browsing, look for these local vendors who also run shops and boutiques, year-round, in downtown Asheville: A Far Away Place — Gifts from around the world, as well as spiritual and metaphysical items ranging from books and incense to clothing and decor. AD LIB — “Clothing for real women in the real world” with an emphasis on comfort and style. Much of the apparel is made with natural fibers. adlibonline. com

Mast General Store — The Asheville-based store has been open since the 1940s, selling outdoors-minded clothing, camping and hiking goods and fun, old-timey gifts (including candy).


Bella’s — This eclectic boutique carries an array of home decor items, jewelry and handmade gifts.

Minx — Local fashionistas have been shopping Minx for a decade. The boutique stocks trend-savvy apparel, bags, jewelry and belts (including some local designs). On A Roll — Here’s where you go to get your custom tees, bags and totes. You dream it up, they’ll print it up.

Charmed — This newly opened accessories boutique stocks cute and affordable hats, jewelry, bags, belts and more. Chevron Trading Post & Bead Co. — This is the place to shop for beads (obviously), as well as bead-craft tools and books, ready-made jewelry and gift items.

Southern Expressions — It’s worth a stop by the actual store location: This tiny boutique is housed in a former shoe shine stand. Find dresses, accessories and southern-themed gifts. 7 1/2 Biltmore Ave., 258-3742.

Cornerstone Minerals — Love gems and crystals? Here’s where to find them, along with fossils, decor and jewelry.

Spiritex — This clothier is known for sassy T-shirts with Asheville flair and in-house designed apparel in organic fibers.

Cosmic Vision — Shop here for imported clothing, scarves, hats and jewelry, as well as books and art from other cultures. Store at 34 N. Lexington Ave., 285-0073.

Susan Marie Designs — Earrings, necklaces, pendants and rings are featured at this jewelry design studio/ boutique. The Costume Shoppe — The name kind of says it all: costumes for every occasion, from Halloween to theme parties. You can also find accessories, theatrical makeup, masks, wigs, buttons, embellishments, tiaras and more.

Featherheads Emporium — This is the place to find Native American arts and crafts (carved pipes, flutes and drums), including pieces by Cherokee tribal members. Gaea Gifts — Wind chimes, T-shirts and gifts (many with an eco slant) can be found in this Lexington Avenue boutique. 61 N. Lexington Ave., 255-5553.

The Laughing Mermaid Soap Co. — You might know this shop by its sign: “Nosey people wanted” (wanted to smell their pretty-looking/pretty-scented soaps). There’s also a “Sudz for Studz” line, guys.

Garage 34 — Supporting cottage industries and giving local artists and crafters a platform to showcase their unique items, shop for clothing, cards, ceramics, accessories, toys, knickknacks and more.

The Spice & Tea Exchange — You never know when you might need an adobo seasoning blend, a green-chili sugar or a Bonita peach rooibus tea mixture. It all awaits you at this shop.

Gentlemen’s Gallery — This is the place for menswear (and a well-edited womenswear collection, too), including an array of ties and eyeglasses frames.

Third World Tienda — A trip to Ecquador inspired this business that sells small-scale, cottageindustry goods like sweaters, hats, storybooks and embroidery.

Himalayas Import — This shop always smells of incense and offers up gifts, jewelry, spiritual items and more from the Himalayan countries. Hip Replacements — A Lexington Avenue mainstay, Hip Replacements sells vintage and vintagereproduction apparel along with locally made accessories.

Tops For Shoes — Asheville’s favorite (and only) downtown footwear store carries TOMS Shoes among its many brands. Each Bele Chere, Tops teams with TOMS for a festival booth.

Indo Apparel & Gifts — Here’s where you’ll find your festival wear, from patchwork pants to gauzy sun dresses. Also find stickers, hats, hip scarves and more.

ZaPow! — An illustrated-art gallery and artist development center, ZaPow’s display space is filled with themes of super heroes, super powers and the supernatural.



BEST OF THE BEST Bele CHere artS park HaS itS perkS


By KyLE SHERARD Depending on whom you ask, anywhere from 200,000 to 300,000 music, art and street-festival seekers are about to descend on our city. The streets will once again cram with temporary tenements selling everything from jewelry to kabobs. And among the myriad visitors and locals in attendance are dozens of visiting and local artists exhibiting work and wares. Artists get separated into two groups: those who sell from street-side tents, and those in the Arts park, a separate village of sorts, located in the parking lot across the street from the kress building on patton Avenue. As bele chere officials put it, Arts park artists are “the best of the best.” both the street booths and the Arts park will feature photography, paintings, jewelry, pottery and wood, metal and fiber works. Applicants from both groups are selected based on the quality of work and the “attractiveness” of their display. (photos of both must be sent in with an applications.) There’s only one restriction to those seeking space in the Arts park: the works must be handmade by the person selling them on site — no reselling works or representing multiple artists. Of the 43 artists in the Arts park this year, only a fraction are from Asheville and the greater WNc area. Others are coming from as far away as New york, pennsylvania and kentucky. It’s Georgia, though, that sends the most visiting artists — specifically, the Atlanta area. Anna marino will be trekking from monroe, Ga., east of Atlanta, for her first bele chere appearance. “The festival’s so well-known, and I wanted the challenge of getting into such a nationally recognized show,” she says. she’s applied in years past, and this year she was accepted into the Arts park, though she applied for both venues. for Jeff and Jaky felix, the six-and-half-hour drive from a town near montgomery, Ala., has been worth it every time for the past 8 years. As Joyful Imagination Glass, this will be the couple’s fifth year in the Arts park. “The Arts park provides a higher

concentration of quality art works, so it tends to draw the target audience from the crowd,” Jaky says. They also favored the assurance of always having electrical hookups. While power is an option for some of the street venues, it’s not a guarantee. And all things aside, “We use this as our yearly excuse to visit Asheville,” Jaky says. The daily foot traffic is constant, so for many of the artists, the benefits of vending abound. for those with smaller works and moderate prices, it can be hard to have enough work to last the entire weekend. Visitors will likely be downtown for the whole day, so pieces and works that can fit into bags, purses and pockets are easy sales. The weekend is also an exposure marathon, with thousands of eyes falling on every style and variety of artistry. but for many artists, this facet of bele chere can serve as a downside. The hoards of people weaving in and out of tents can come at a cost, namely damaged goods and theft. be it from the clumsy or sticky fingers of oglers with or without a drink in hand, many artists have taken a loss in years past. “I had multiple thefts last year,” says one Asheville-based fiber artist, choosing to remain nameless. “The festival is great; it’s just not as beneficial for myself or my work, as it is for others.” Other artists, such as Tristan and rikki hertz, have found existing outlets to show their work in town during the festival. “We love bele chere,” Tristan says. “you can make more money, but it would take 10 times the amount of setup work.” both of the painters/micro-horticulturalists have participated in bele chere in years past, but have opted this year for the Grove Arcade’s portico market, an open-air table bazaar on the battery park side of the building. bele chere affords local artists the opportunity to compare work with artisans from across the country and to effectively export their own work. repeat vendors have repeat buyers. many form contacts that extend past the festival’s three days and on to further sales throughout the year. some see bele chere as a beast and a burden, others see it as an annual milestone. but either way, art is being sold, and that says enough.

GET yOUR FESTIVAL FOOD ON a FiStFul oF greaSy reaSonS to Head downtown

A bUffET Of sTrEET-fAIr fArE

By MACKENSy LUNSFORD There are some foodies out there who scoff at all things fried and turn up their noses at any sort of what-have-you on a stick. These two staples of the festival food group are exactly what bele chere vendors have in spades, so what’s a gourmand to do? relax. In Asheville, you can have kale and quinoa any day. bele chere, however, is the perfect time to loosen the belt (and diet regime) and get your fried festival food on. both the pritchard park vendors (who travel from such far-off places as ... Indiana) and our Taste of Asheville vendors (located at pack square) offer some of the best bets for guilty pleasures and grease-laden foods that you’re likely to find in downtown Asheville all year. for example, take kettle corn, a snack of (supposedly) pennsylvania Dutch origin that scratches the salty and the sweet itch. Texturally, it manages to offer a slightly greasy and sticky feel at the same time (listen, it’s just not a festival if you’re not wiping your hands on your pants). kettle corn was purportedly cooked in lard in a cast-iron pot by early pioneers, and while the exact original recipe is now lost to the ages, both Comb’s Kettle Corn and our local kettle-corn guys (listed as simply “Kettle Corn“ on bele chere’s localvendor list) eschew the animal fat, at least. We hope that’s not too much of a disappointment to you. combskettlecorn If it’s animal fat that you’re after, consider visiting The Scottish Cottage at the Taste of Asheville, a truly awesome little mobile-food vendor that serves peat-smoked pork paired with the most southern of accompaniments (think slaw and sweet-corn casserole). but it may be the haggis that makes a stop at this cute little cottage on wheels necessary for the daring diner. smoked over imported peat, the dish is very much a scottish-style boudin, stuffed in the cleaned organs of a sheep. sound terrifying? man or woman up.

for some, especially those who blanch at innards, funnel cakes are the holy Grail of festival food. If deep-fried dough gets your blood pumping, then head straight to Hinckley Vending, Rainbo Ice & Funnel Cakes at pritchard park (and don’t forget the Lipitor). Our research tells us that the funnel cake is also of pennsylvania Dutch origin. What is it with the Amish and carnival food? consider asking the Amish Baking Co., a food vendor fresh off the bonnaroo circuit. This booth specializes in fresh, hot, glazed doughnuts, soft pretzels and — wonder of wonders — glazed pretzels, too. yowza. (Located at pritchard park.) should you want a soft pretzel with local appeal, head to Beulah’s Bavarian at Taste of Asheville. beulah’s is a local company that provides local restaurants and breweries with its huge, organic, salty twisted treats. (Located at Taste of Asheville.) Don’t get us wrong — bele chere isn’t completely all about deep-fat-fried everything. plenty of vendors offer a taste of exotic, cleaner flavors. consider Thai Thai by bangkok Garden (specializing in Thai, clearly) as well as Orient-Bowl Inc., a vendor who brings a taste of Vietnamese to pritchard park. And over in the Taste of Asheville, you’ll find plenty of healthy options, with flavors as diverse as Mela‘s fresh Indian cuisine to the vegetarian and vegan offerings of One world Kitchen. but don’t think it’s all healthy penance for the deep-fried delights you’ve sucked down over at pritchard park — this year, Taste of Asheville welcomes a vendor called Glam Ham Pork Rinds, a business that offers four different types of pork rinds in pre-sealed bags: hot and spicy, barbecue, salt and vinegar and plain. sounds like a party. Don’t forget these other Taste of Asheville vendors: coco moe’s; homeGrown; The Lobster Trap; Nick’s Grill; Neo burrito; Ultimate Ice cream; boca; The corner kitchen; moe’s; Original bar b Que; rita’s Ice. • BELE CHERE LOVE IT: FESTIVAL GUIDE 19




Boiler Room: Decline of Western North Carolina showcase, 8 p.m. Club Hairspray: Dance party & drag show w/ DJ Lil Roo, 8 p.m.


Club Metropolis: Wondrous Temple of Boom After Burn (industrial, dubstep), 10 p.m.

ARCADE: DJ Abu Dissaray, 9 p.m. Asheville Music Hall: Common Foundation (reggae) w/ Chalwa, Dub Kartel & Marrietta’s Palm, 10 p.m.

Club Remix: Dance party (industrial, dubstep), 10 p.m. Creatures Cafe: The Blackiron Gathering w/ American Gonzos, Reckless Mercy & Vessel, 5 p.m.-midnight

Athena’s Club: Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10 p.m. — DJ, 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Boiler Room: Decline of Western North Carolina showcase, 8 p.m.

Eleven on Grove: Dance party (top 40, house), 10 p.m.

Club Hairspray: DJ Lil Roo, 8 p.m. — Drag show, midnight

Emerald Lounge: Gurp Fest feat: Ra Mak, Chris Donato, Optik, GFE & more (hip-hop), 6 p.m.

Club Metropolis/Club Remix: Submission 2: Return of the Kink (dance party, performance art), 10 p.m.

French Broad Chocolate Lounge: Asheville Sax (jazz), 8 p.m.

Creatures Cafe: A Thin Place w/ Shield of Salvation & Bradley Falls, 6-11 p.m.

Jack of the Wood Pub: Great Smoky Mountain Bluegrass Band, 4:30 p.m. — Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 9 p.m.

Eleven on Grove: Dance party, 10 p.m. Emerald Lounge: Gurp Fest feat: Adam Strange, DJ Football, TOPR & more (hip-hop), 6 p.m.

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB): Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9 p.m. — Back stage: Blue Jeans & Khaki Pants (X-rated honky-tonk) w/ The Go Devils & RonD, 9 p.m.

Firestorm Cafe: Austin Miller & Jamie Lauren Webb (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m.

Lobster Trap: Trevor Jazz Trio, 6:30-9 p.m.

French Broad Chocolate Lounge: High Gravity Jazz, 8 p.m.

The Lower Level: Earthtone Soundsystem w/ DJ’s Adam, Josh & Marty, 9 p.m.

Jack of the Wood Pub: The Hill and the Wood (rock), 5 p.m. — Woody Pines (ragtime, country, blues) w/ Bunny Gang (feat: Nathen Maxwell of Flogging Molly), 8 p.m.

Orange Peel: Childish Gambino (hip-hop) w/ Chance the Rapper, 9 p.m. Pack’s Tavern: Chris Hendricks (rock), 9 p.m.

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB): Front stage: Jason Daniello, 6-9 p.m. — Back stage: Severance w/ Through the Fallen & Epic SuperFail (alt-rock), 9:30 p.m.

Scandals Nightclub: Dance party, 10 p.m. — Drag show, 12:30 a.m.

Lobster Trap: Calico Moon (Americana, country), 6:30-9 p.m.

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues: The Nightcrawlers (blues, soul, rock), 10 p.m.

TallGary’s Cantina: Back Pages (rock), 9:30 p.m.

The Lower Level: Salsa lessons & dance, 9 p.m.

Wild Wing Cafe: Space Capone (funk), 9:30 p.m.

One Stop Deli & Bar: Free Dead Fridays, 5-8 p.m.


Orange Peel: Appetite for Destruction (Guns N’ Roses tribute), 9 p.m. Pack’s Tavern: DJ Moto, 9 p.m.

5 Walnut Wine Bar: Jerome Widenhouse & His Roaring Lions (jazz), 7-9 p.m.

Scandals Nightclub: Dance party, 10 p.m. — Drag show, 1 a.m.

ARCADE: Dr. Filth & Wayd Runk (DJs), 10 p.m.

TallGary’s Cantina: Back Pages (rock), 9:30 p.m.

Emerald Lounge: Hank West & the Smokin’ Hots (old-time) w/ My 3 Sons & Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz), 8 p.m.

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues: Free Flow Band (soul, funk), 10 p.m.

Hannah Flanagan’s: East Coast Dirt (rock, funk, jam)

Vanuatu Kava Bar: Michael Jordan, 9 p.m.

Hotel Indigo: Ben Hovey (trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10 p.m.

Vincenzo’s Bistro: Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30 p.m.

Jack of the Wood Pub: Marcel Anton & the Healers (funk, Cajun, zydeco), 10 p.m.

Wild Wing Cafe: Jody Medford & Cash Creek (country), 9:30 p.m.

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB): Front stage: Aaron Price (piano), 1-3:30pm


Lobster Trap: Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9 p.m.

5 Walnut Wine Bar: The John Henry’s (hot jazz), 9 p.m.

One Stop Deli & Bar: Bluegrass Brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11 a.m.

ARCADE: DJ Kipper Schauer, 9 p.m. Asheville Music Hall: Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band (funk) w/ The Dead Kenny G’s, 10 p.m. Athena’s Club: Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10 p.m. — DJ, 10 p.m.-2 a.m.




Scandals Nightclub: DJ dance party (top 40, house), 10 p.m. — Miss Bele Chere Pageant w/ Ashley Michaels (drag performance), midnight Wild Wing Cafe: Darren Kohler & friends, 4 p.m.


HEAD for nearby rivers and ridges P.3 LIVE Gurp City life at Emerald Lounge P.6 SEE girls gone bad at Magnetic Field P.7 FIND your favorite summer movie P.8

oN tHE fLipsiDE You don’t have to get into the Bele Chere ring to have a good time. This street fair has a perimeter, beyond which lies a whole carnival of activities that offers more than diversion. You’ll have such a good time you won’t even hear the street preachers. It’s OK — you came out from behind that lamppost. It wasn’t hiding you anyway. Think of Ferdinand the Bull, from the ca. 1936 children’s book the story of ferdinand by Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson, as the patron saint of your Leave It weekend. “Once upon a time in Spain, there was a bull and his name was Ferdinand,” it begins. “All the other little bulls he lived with would run and jump and butt their heads together, but not Ferdinand. He liked to just sit quietly and smell the flowers.” But this is Spain (and the ‘30s) — bulls are supposed to fight in the coliseums! As Ferdinand grows up and is so conscripted, he refuses, because he likes to have his fun away from the main event. How does this work out for him? “He is very happy,” the story finishes, and you can be happy too, smelling flowers or going to the movies. (Or, in case this sounds too soft, there are plenty of parties and hip-hop festival.) Read on for some enticing alternatives to add to your escape plan. We’ve got music and art events, outdoor excursions, films and mini-festivals that share a common trait — they are not Bele Chere. If you feel like you’re missing out as you float down the French Broad, think of Ferdinand. Life beyond Bele Chere is a field of flowers just waiting to be sniffed.


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• Only 10 minutes from downtown Asheville (at the old Sandy Bottoms picnic area)

• Trips run from 10 am - 4 pm • Open Open 6 days a week 6 days a week (Closed (Closed Tuesdays) Tuesdays)



HEaD foR tHE HiLLs nearBY rIdges and rIVers offer soLaCe for BeLe Chere refUgees


get festIVaL Info on YoUr Phone

The mountains and rivers surrounding Asheville offer ample opportunities to escape the sweltering crowds and chaos of Bele Chere.


The Blue Ridge Parkway provides easy access to numerous hikes among lofty peaks. Only about a 25-minute drive north of Asheville on the scenic roadway, the Craggy Gardens area near milepost 364 is a convenient starting point for outdoor adventure. From the visitor center, an easy 0.3-mile walk leads to a rustic trail shelter and a beautiful meadow that’s great for picnicking. If you’re making a spur of the moment retreat from the commotion of downtown, you could even bring one of Bele Chere’s infamous Krispy Kreme burgers with you — and the frosting might still be warm as you take in the outstanding view of the Black Mountain Range.

in recent years; the waterway is becoming an increasingly popular tubing run. From its intersection with Bent Creek south of town through Woodfin to the north, the region’s biggest river is remarkably calm, making it perfect for peaceful day trips. Buy or rent a tube (Rental Me This at 535 Merrimon Ave. has some good deals) and park a car where you want to end up so you have an easy way to get back upstream at the end of the day. A fun destination is The Bywater (796 Riverside Drive), a waterfront bar in Asheville that awaits tubers after passing under the Pearson Bridge. Bring something to throw on one of The Bywater’s numerous grills when you arrive or enjoy food from one of the local food trucks that regularly park there. If you begin tubing up the road at 12 Bones (5 Riverside Drive), it takes about an hour and a half to make it to the bar.

For longer hikes near Craggy, cut off the main trail toward Douglas Falls, an 8-mile strenuous roundtrip journey that rewards determined walkers with a view of a 70-foot cascade. Another option is to follow the Mountains–to– Sea Trail south until it crosses the Craggy Picnic area road and veering right on to the Snowball Mountain Trail. The path follows the ridge line for 8 miles. A highlight is the view of Reems Creek Valley from Hawksbill Rock, another awesome picnic spot. For festival refugees willing to spend a bit more time in the car, Mount Mitchell State Park lies about 30 minutes farther north on the parkway and includes access to several other gorgeous high-altitude hikes. Rising 6,684 feet, Mitchell is the highest peak east of the Rockies. Although it’s only about 35 miles from town, you’ll feel like you’re a million miles away from the scent of spent fry oil that permeates downtown during Bele Chere.

If you need some help with gear and shuttling — or if you would prefer to have a bit more control on the river — the Asheville Outdoor Center (521 Amboy Road, 232-1970) has numerous daily tours and vessel options, including canoeing, kayaking and rafting trips. The newly opened Asheville Adventure Rentals (704 Riverside Drive, 505-7371) also offers equipment, shuttles and float trips.

Going south on the parkway also holds a plethora of opportunities for outdoor adventures. At 5,721 feet, Mount Pisgah is just 26 miles from town. A popular 1.5 mile-hike leads to the top and its spectacular 360-degree view. Drive another 11 miles south to access the more moderate trails at Graveyard Fields, an area of beautiful rhododendron and blueberry bushes complete with a clear stream and gushing waterfalls. A walk through the mist tent at Bele Chere is no match for a dip in one of the area’s swimming holes. While you’re in the area, head a few more miles up the parkway to the Black Balsam and Tennent Mountain trails, which encompass some of the best open ridges for watching the sunset in the Appalachians.

For those seeking more adrenaline, several other companies specialize in outfitting and guiding tours of the more strenuous sections of the river downstream toward Hot Springs, including the nantahala Outdoor Center ( and French Broad Rafting Expeditions (

Acro Expressions

creative process - core body containment - acro yoga montreal flows Sat. 9a - 12p Times : & 2p - 5p Fri. 2p - 5p Sun 2p - 5p

fLoat oN There’s no need to battle Bele Chere’s Ultimate Air Dogs for a chance to take a cool soak over the three-day weekend. Calmer — and less hairy — waters abound, with plenty of convenient options for a relaxing float. It wasn’t long ago that the section of the French Broad River that runs through town was viewed by many as more of a runoff basin than a recreation hub. But the water quality has improved


July 27th–29th @ Sol’s Reprieve 11 Richland Ave. PHOTOS BY jaKE fRaNKEL

Please preregister with Cate Wright: 262-894-9935 • • BELE CHERE LEAVE IT: WEEKEND GUIDE 3

joKE-tELLiNG to HoRsE-RiDiNG fInd YoUr fUn oUtsIde of downtown

By jEN NatHaN oRRis fRiDay, juLy 27 As tempting as it is to laugh at the many shirtless men at Bele Chere, there are other, less mean-spirited outlets for humor. Disclaimer Comedy’s local showcase, for one, yuks it up at Elaine’s Piano Bar in the Grove Park Inn starting at 8 p.m. To find out more go to Skip the throngs of festivalgoers for an upscale evening of galleries and restaurants at Brevard’s 4th friday Gallery Walk. Pick up a brochure of participating galleries at the Brevard/Transylvania Chamber of Commerce, 175 E. Main St., and stroll through downtown from 5-9 p.m. Free. Info: or 884-2787. Turn local into global at the folkmoot usa festival. Dance groups from new Zealand to Peru will participate in a nearly two-week celebration of international dance and culture. Friday boasts a 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. “extravaganza” performance at Stompin’ Ground in Maggie Valley. Tickets range from $15-$30. Info: Trade that giant bag of kettle corn for something more nutritious at Black Mountain Center for the arts’ Bag Lunch series. BYO lunch for an hour of jazz, poetry and music from noon-1 p.m. at 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Free. Info: or 669-0930. no one wants to be attacked by a stray bird at Bele Chere (oh, those dreaded pigeons!), unless that stray bird is paired with Phil and Gaye Johnson for Tryon’s summer tracks outdoor concert. The Stray Birds, an Americana/folk outfit from Lancaster, Pa., will take the stage at 8:15 p.m. in Rogers Park. Bring your appetite for wood-fired pizza, ice cream and other tasty treats, starting at 7 p.m. Free. Info:

No basiviousness 4

Bele Chere is a haven for arts and crafts, but there are still plenty of reasons to take a break from downtown and head to UnCA’s Center for Craft, Creativity and Design. Internationally known fiber artist Lia Cook turns thread into pixels at her new solo exhibition, Bridge 11. “Large-scale weavings created on Jacquard looms from photographic images” will be on display noon-5 p.m. on weekdays at 1181 Broyles Road in Hendersonville. Free. Info:

satuRDay, juLy 28

When you just can’t take downtown’s steaming sidewalks, enjoy a lazy ride down the French Broad River for a tubing adventure with the asheville outdoor Center. The center now offers “express” trips that take about an hour (depending on water levels), so if there’s a Bele Chere band you just can’t miss, you can float down the river after the show. $14;$10 children 12 and under. Info:

Bele Chere might feel like the Wild West, but not compared to the cowboys, Indians and train robbers that haunt the tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock. Hop on a coal-fired steam locomotive for a trip back in time, including a stay in the jail and an authentic shooting gallery. This mini-amusement park is open seven days a week so you can flee Bele Chere anytime you want. $35; $22 for children 12 and under. Info: tweetsie. com.



All of downtown feels like an improv comedy scene during Bele Chere, but leave it to the pros to bring something truly funny to the stage. Reasonably priced Babies, one of Asheville’s hottest improv troupes, wants you to take a two-day sabbatical from the insanity of downtown during its “summer getaway” comedy shows. If you missed opening night on Friday, catch Saturday’s performance at The Magnetic Field, 372 Depot St., starting at 7:30 p.m. $10. Info:

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When those misting stations at Bele Chere just aren’t enough, dunk your head in the pools at the base of sliding Rock. This natural slip and slide is nestled in the Pisgah national Forest and features an 8-foot-deep pool at the base of a rock formation. It’s $1 per person to enter the park and for more information go to romanticasheville. com.

suNDay, juLy 29

Roll the dice for an evening of gambling and petty crime at flat Rock playhouse’s production of “Guys and Dolls.” This classic combination of comedy and song will take over the Mainstage Wednesdays through Sundays, July 25 through Aug. 19. Saturday is the perfect opportunity to keep your wallet safe from pickpockets while catching a glimpse of the seedy underbelly of new York City. Catch a show at 2 or 8 p.m. Tickets are $40, with discounts for seniors and students. Info:

Hop on a horse and ride into the sunset with sandy Bottom trail Rides in Marshall. Whether you’re a master equestrian or have never put a bridle on a horse, Sandy Bottom caters to riders of all levels. Every Sunday through Thursday in July, families of four or more receive a free ride for children under 6. Prices range from $35-$99 based on length of trip. Info:

You won’t see many vehicles on the streets of downtown Asheville this weekend, so get your auto fix at classic car Cruz-N in Black Mountain. The Visitor Center, 201 E. State St. will be transformed into a parking lot from the past from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. It’s free to attend and to register, so pull out that jalopy for an afternoon of old-fashioned fun. Info: exploreblackmountain. com. no need to get shipwrecked on Bele Chere Island. Just take a ride to Appalachian State University in Boone for a screening of swiss family Robinson. Take in this classic family movie in Farthing Auditorium at 7 p.m. Free. Info: Skip Bele Chere altogether for a week of oldtime music and dance at the swannanoa Gathering, hosted by Warren Wilson College. Classes on everything from fiddling to clogging will be held July 22-28 starting at 7:30 a.m. Plan ahead: registration is limited and the full week of classes costs $475. Info:

Watch the asheville tourists hit it out of the park as they take on the Charleston Riverdogs at 7:05 p.m. at McCormick Field. The baseball stadium is on the outskirts of downtown, so all it takes is a quick drive to feel like you’re in another world altogether. Tickets range from $6-$30. Info:

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See the soloists of tomorrow from the airconditioned comfort of a music hall at Brevard Music Center festival’s presentation of the winners of the 2012 Jan and Beattie Wood Concerto Competition. The concert starts at 3 p.m. at 349 Andante Lane. Ticket prices range from $15-$30 and can be purchased at You can’t fly over the crowds at Bele Chere, but you can glide across a mountain cove just 20 minutes from downtown with Navitat Canopy adventures. This zip-line tour includes two rappelling opportunities, 10 zip-lines and plenty of long-range views. Tickets range from $84-$99. Info: Do some good while beating the heat at a fundraiser for R.E.a.C.H. of Macon County. The nonprofit provides counseling, shelter and life-skills training for victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Support the cause with a swanky evening of cocktails, food and silent and live auctions, beginning at 6 p.m. The fundraiser is held at a private home in the Highlands/Cashiers area. $75. Info, location and tickets: reachofmaconcounty. org or 369-5544.

AVL 7/26/12 12:00 PM




“it’s Not a GiMMiCK — it’s a LifEstyLE” gUrP fest Is aLL hIP-hoP, aLL weeKend

By aLLi MaRsHaLL If you like your festival with more edge and less sideshow, Gurp Fest may be what you’re looking for. The two-day hip-hop lineup (with all of the Gurp City South bands) takes to the Emerald Lounge stage on Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 28. First, what’s Gurp City South, you ask? It’s the Southeast branch of musician/rapper/artist/fan collective Gurp City, started in San Francisco. Take 10 seconds to peruse either the Gurp City or Gurp City South websites and you’ll probably catch on quickly that the only thing this group may care about more than making music is imbibing: “The long lost King Conceit once said of Gurp City’s habits, and by extension its music, ever so succinctly, ‘It’s not a gimmick, it’s a lifestyle,’” reports a recent blog post on the South site. (If you share that passion, please program the number for a cab company into your phone before you head out.) That said, this is the perfect chance for rap and hiphop fans to catch up on much of the best of regional hip-hop. Local artists including Adam Strange, Foul Mouth Jerk and Free Radio (formerly The Ville Boyz) perform. San Francisco-based acts Al Lover & The Haters, Eddie K and Z-man also make a show-


ing. Headliners are Weekend Cult (formerly Fist Fam) on Friday and GFE on Saturday. And the Gurp City website promises: “There will be no, and I can not stress this enough, no fire jugglers/dancers and no f--king hula hoops.” The full schedule follows.

fRiDay, juLy 27 adam strange — Asheville-based artist and rapper. Find his albums at Dj football — Local DJ who spins in clubs, appears on AshevilleFM and has contributed scratches and cuts to projects by Free Radio and Agent 23. al Lover & the Haters — From San Francisco, this group likes beers, beats and ‘45s. Find its music at Eddie K — Hip-hop and soul MC known for his collaborations with other Bay Area artists. topR — He started out as Top Ramen in ‘93; he’s a founding member of Gurp City and has opened for the likes of LL Cool J, De La Soul and Goodie Mob. Weekend Cult — Formerly Fist Fam, this hiphop collective got its start in Asheville before staking its claim in San Francisco. The group moved back east this spring.



satuRDay, juLy 28 Dj Ra Mak — You can catch local DJ RA Mak around Asheville, spinning dance music, neo-soul and underground hip-hop. Chris Donato — The local DJ (aka Don Magic) has hosted a dirty dancing night at the Dirty South and opened for The nova Echo. optik — Asheville-based Optik contributed beats to Weekend Cult’s LP and will perform a live beat set at Emerald Lounge. Z-Man — San Fransico’s artist and painter Z-Man (aka Zamon and Z-mainey) released the EP In Case You forgot with collaborator G-Pek earlier this year (he also did the cover art). free Radio — Formerly known as The Ville Boyz, Free Radio’s members went to high school together in Asheville and recently released a new album, the Powers that Be. GfE — It’s hard to imagine Asheville music without the contributions of hip-hop collective GFE over the past two decades. The band has also spawned numerous solo careers and side projects. shows begin at 6 p.m. and are $8 each day. the event will be live-streamed at iamavl. com.



BY ALLI MARSHALL “Come prepared for raucous humor, bad girls, noteworthy indecency, empowered, naked wit and naked ladies.” No, this is not a report on late-night downtown debauchery following Bele Chere. It’s in the press release for No She Didn’t! Good Girls Gone Bad and the Dances That Happen. The show, which runs at The Magnetic Field, uses dance (including modern, hip-hop, world and burlesque) to explore topics such as body image, being attracted to more than one man at a time and being a female boss. Local dance studio owner and instructor Lisa Zahiya says that the idea came about during conversations with N.C. School of the Arts grad and exercise video creator Kathleen Hahn. The two got talking about “funny and terrible music that would be fun to dance to,” says Zahiya, and also “what women are and aren’t supposed to do.” Combining those talks led to the inspiration for

dance that dealt with the latter subject “through a comedic angle, rather than a feminist angle,” says Zahiya. “Not that it’s not feminist.” Zahiya and Hahn put out a call to artists though Facebook back in April (“looking for funny, creative ideas. .. Dance can include, but is not limited to, striptease or semi-nudity”). Inspirations included a piece about a woman who always feels like she needs to be thin, and then rebels against that. A narrator will explain the vignettes during the production; at press time Zahiya confirmed that works were coming together — the end result promises to be a collaborative effort that will showcase not only local dance talent, but humor and storytelling as well. The thematic, full-length dance show is for adults only. Performances run Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 28 at 10 p.m. Tickets are $17 in advance (available online) or $20 at the door.

Over 60 species of animals including Otters, Bears, Wolves & Cougars Open Daily 10-5 • 828-259-8080 • BELE CHERE LEAVE IT: WEEKEND GUIDE 7

GEt tHEE to tHE a/C fLee the Crowds and hUnKer down for soMe CIneMatIC esCaPe

By KEN HaNKE aND justiN soutHER WHat sHouLD stiLL BE pLayiNG now, the truth is that I have an almost perfect record of not attending Bele Chere. OK, so I got cajoled, bamboozled and frankly tricked into filling helium balloons at the Xpress booth one year, but I’d prefer not to think about that. So I find it fairly easy to find things that strike me as more fun than watching shirtless folks (who, of course, are always people you don’t want to see shirtless) drink beer or listen to hot gospellers harangue me about hell. And I find it even easier to find things that take place in air conditioning — like in movie theaters. (Is no one here old enough to remember the “Come In, It’s Kool Inside” door decals?) Of course, with Bele Chere being a little ways away as I write this, it can be tricky making long-range movie plans — and there’s the fact that we’re down a theater that weekend, since the Fine Arts closes during Bele Chere (not that I’d want to go downtown anyway). That said, it seems likely that two of the best movies I’ve seen this year — Moonrise Kingdom and to rome with

Love — are going to be still be around. Think of it — good movies, air conditioning, comfortable seats, and since these are playing at The Carolina, you can have beer if you want. — K.h.

WHat’s opENiNG, tHouGH WE HaVEN’t sEEN it yEt In case you’ve seen everything of any interest to you that’s at the movies on Bele Chere weekend, there are four movies opening there. The truth is two of them come under the heading of movies you’d have to pay me to see. I have zero personal interest in the fourth — fourth, for Clapton’s sake — step Up movie. This one’s called step Up revolution. It’s the trailer with the “dancing” cars. need I say more? Then there’s the watch — originally called neighborhood watch until events made that seem unwise. It’s still about a neighborhood watch group — Ben Stiller, Jonah Hill, Vince Vaughan, Richard Ayoade — who end up fighting an alien invasion, and it still sounds like a less edgy attack the Block. Ah, but that is not all. There are two art titles set to come our way that weekend. There’s the French film the Intouchables about the friendship between a filthy rich (that’s feelthy reech in French, of course) quadriplegic and his

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totally inappropriate, Kool and the Gang-loving, black caregiver. And there’s the indie comedy Safety not guaranteed in which presumably crazy Mark Duplass (who I’m rapidly coming to like a lot) places a personal ad for someone to go time traveling with him. now, here’s the thing ... I’ve already seen both of these and while I can’t say much (I have to review these, after all), I can tell you that both of them are choice. Either of these — or better yet, both — would be time well spent. — K.h.


Summer, of course, is generally known less for its quality and more for its blockbusters. This year is no different, but this doesn’t mean there aren’t some entertaining summer movies still out to be enjoyed. Steven Soderbergh’s Magic Mike is still hanging around, and while some might be hesitant to watch a movie about male strippers, this is Soderbergh after all. A character study of our titular Magic Mike (played by a likable, ever improving Channing Tatum), this is a movie about more than just titillation. Though that’s there too, if your thing is beefy dudes in ass-less chaps. Of course, you can find that downtown, too, though I doubt they’re in as good of shape. Looking for something with a bit more CGI and fewer thongs? Marc Webb’s amazing spider-Man may not be quite up to par with Soderbergh’s film — or even this summer’s earliest cash cow the avengers — it’s still a surprisingly solid action fantasy. Rebooting Sam Raimi’s spider-Man movies seemed like an odd choice to me, not because of any reverence towards Raimi’s flicks, but more due to the superfluity of it all. Sans Raimi’s jokiness, and with a blessedly stronger cast (Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone make the casting of Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst look dopey by comparison), Webb’s managed to improve certain

areas of the spider-Man formula just enough to make his film worth a look — even if it’s nothing new. And if that kind of comic book movie isn’t your speed, don’t forget that Bele Chere will be cutting into what’s left of the crowds for Christopher nolan’s dark Knight rises. — J.s.

oR HoW aBout RENt a MoViE? Instead of fighting the crowds downtown, or the lines of people at the multiplex, maybe you’d rather just stay in this weekend? West Asheville’s Orbit DVD, downtown’s TV Eye and Rosebud Video on Merrimon Avenue will all be open. need some suggestions, perhaps? nothing says summer and cinema quite like musicals. We’re big fans of Ken Russell’s classic 1975 big-screen version of The Who’s rock opera tommy (and if you didn’t know that, you haven’t been reading us very long). If you’ve never seen this film, it’s a hyperactive orgy of rock music and color and excessive vision. In the same vein, there’s Julie Taymor’s love letter to The Beatles, across the Universe (2007), or Baz Luhrmann’s frenetic Moulin rouge! (2001) and its pop music soundtrack. Wanting something with a bit more bite? Tim Burton’s adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s sweeney todd: the demon Barber of fleet street (2007) is certainly bloody enough for that. And don’t forget the movie that was Rocky Horror before rocky horror, Brian De Palma’s Phantom of the Paradise (1974). De Palma took the Phantom of the Paradise, transposed it into a parody of the ’70s rock scene, threw in some excellent Paul Williams songs and created one of the great cult hits in cinema’s history. It’s irreverent, flamboyant and has better costumes than anyone hanging out at Bele Chere’s likely to be sporting. — J.s.

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BY ALLI MARSHALL Head east (OK, only as far as Black Mountain) for “a night of shared songs” — which, by its name alone, is pretty much the antithesis of a street festival. This show, held at the airy and relaxing White Horse Black Mountain, includes Annie Lalley, Joe Ebel, Ray Chesna and Jimmy Landry. Asheville native Annie (Anne to some) Lalley is at the heart of the local music scene, so much so that 20 years ago she was awarded an emerging artist grant by the Community Arts Council. Since then, she’s gone on to perform in the cafés of Paris, headlined both the Black Mountain and Savannah folk festivals and released two collections of music. Joe Ebel is Lalley’s husband; the two perform together (like during the “Couples in Love and Music” Valentine’s Day series earlier this year) and separately. He also plays acoustic steel-string guitar and five-string violin, and most recently recorded the album Primebel. His self-described “back porch classical” style includes influences of old time, bluegrass, blues, folk and rock. Early in Ray Chesna’s musical career, he and a group of friends (Bela Fleck, Jimmy Fastiggi, Rich Marconi and Marty Laster) formed the band Wickers Creek, exploring styles that ranged from country and bluegrass to rock and jazz — or what


eventually became known as new grass. During the ‘80s, Chesna performed with a rockabilly band in New York City; in the ‘90s he played with a Chicago blues band in Georgia. According to his bio, Chesna is a blues interpreter these days, channeling Delta and Piedmont classics in his live shows. Local singer/songwriter Jimmy Landry has performed with the likes of David Crosby, Richie Havens and David Wilcox; he’s been part of the Asheville folk music scene since The Grey Eagle was located in Black Mountain, and East Asheville Hardware was an actual store and not just a Wilcox album title. Lately, Landry has been battling a major health issue, but he’s been doing so with grace and humor and the support of his community. So, now you’re probably catching on to the sort of event this night of shared songs aspires to be: Seated, with cool drinks and good friends, and likely studded with moments of levity and sweetness. Perhaps there will be a few stories about the Asheville and Black Mountain folk scene of two decades ago. Maybe there will be onstage collaborations. What there won’t be: portable toilets, wrist bands, a writhing crowd to navigate or a screaming electric guitar solo. Show starts at 8 p.m., tickets are $10.




BY MACKENSY LUNSFORD Here’s the scenario: You’re downtown and you’re craving a bite of something good, but want to avoid the chaos of Bele Chere proper. May we suggest heading to the The Lot, Asheville’s food truck court at 51 Coxe Ave. Nate Kelly, owner and operator of the Lowdown food truck, says the Lot will remain open for the duration of Bele Chere (Friday through Sunday). The core vendors responsible for the creation of downtown’s first mobile-food court — the Lowdown plus fellow street-food mavericks Gypsy Queen Cuisine and Our Taco Truck — will lay first claim on the four-space lot, with the remaining spot offered to a rotating cast of food trucks that includes El Kimchi (Mexi-Korea fusion), Pho Ya Belly (Vietnamese) and Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese). What can you expect to find? Not much in the way of shade, but plenty of good food and refreshing, alcohol-free drinks (yes, you can put the beer down for just a minute and re-hydrate). The Lowdown will offer many of the standards that have made the truck a favorite among streetfood connoisseurs. Kelly’s menu will include a pulled-pork barbecue sandwich, served with pickled okra and red slaw, a Thai peanut chicken salad wrap and the BTLP, a winner of a sandwich made with fresh and slightly spicy pimento cheese, bacon, lettuce and tomato. For the kids (or kids at heart), Kelly and co. will offer a pesto-slathered grilled cheese (seasoned, homemade curly fries optional) and strawberry lemonade.

Gypsy Queen Cuisine offers some of the best falafel in town — girl’s got street cred, after all. Suzy Phillips, owner and operator of the food truck, was born in Lebanon and continued to cook by her mother’s side even after heading to the U.S. Now, Phillips turns out food inspired by the sun-drenched climes of her homeland. That aforementioned falafel is fried crunchy, topped with pickled vegetables and a garlicky tahini sauce and wrapped in a pita. Phillips also offers a great fattoush salad, a cooling concoction of crisp romaine lettuce, toasted pita chips, tomatoes and cucumbers, tossed in a sumac vinaigrette. Expect other Middle Eastern standards like hummus and tabouleh salad, all made just as fresh as it gets. Our Taco Truck will be there, too, offering what Marni Graves’ refers to as Arizona/ New Mexico-style. So, what’s on the menu? “Tacos!” laughs Graves. Yes, yes. Tacos will include spicy chipotle pork as well as the South American chicken chimichurri, both standard items served on the truck. Graves will also serve some variation of a veggie taco using seasonal goods. “Probably squash,” she muses. Also, the current Blind Pig Battle Food Truck champion will offer some of the goods that brought the truck to victory, including the Mexican street food-inspired Elote (grilled corn on the cob spread with housemade mayo, cotija cheese and spices). Graves will also serve churros, dusted with cinnamon and sugar. “They’re delicious and we make them fresh every day and serve them hot,” Graves says. “It’s perfect festival food.”


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COMPILED BY DANE SMITH FRIDAY, JULY 27 Black Mountain Ale House: Chris Williams (soul, rock, reggae), 9 p.m. Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe: Acoustic Swing, 7-9 p.m. The Dugout: Johnnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9 p.m. Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar: Disclaimer Comedy (standup) w/ Chelcie Rice, 8:15-9:15 p.m. — Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. French Broad Brewery Tasting Room: Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6 p.m. Get Down: The Shoal Creek Stranglers (folk, blues), 9 p.m. Good Stuff: Tim Fast (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m. Grove Park Inn Great Hall: Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4 p.m. — Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:307:30 p.m. — The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11 p.m. Highland Brewing Company: One Leg Up (swing, jazz), 6 p.m.


Jack of Hearts Pub: Riyen Roots (blues, roots), 9 p.m.

Purple Onion Cafe: Fred Whiskin (piano), 7 p.m. Root Bar No. 1: Xenia Sky (folk), 9:30 p.m. South Side Station: DJ B Note (dance), 9 p.m. Southern Appalachian Brewery: The Krektones (surf rock), 8 p.m. Straightaway Cafe: Kevin Scanlon (bluegrass, folk), 6 p.m. Town Pump: The Accidentally Irish Lads (Celtic, Americana), 9pm White Horse: Mike Fenton (folk, roots), 8pm


Get Down

SATURDAY, JULY 28 Black Mountain Ale House: David Earl Duo (roots, rock), 9 p.m. Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe: Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country), 7-9 p.m. Dark City Deli: Hobos & Lace (acoustic), 3 p.m. The Dugout: Fine Line (rock), 9 p.m. Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar: Dueling Pianos (rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long), 9 p.m.-1 a.m. French Broad Brewery Tasting Room: Bob Burnette (acoustic, indie), 6 p.m.

Wed 7/25: Karaoke Wednesday! Thu 7/26: Them Teasters, Malamondos, The Record Year, Forgive Me For Yesterday

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The Magnetic Field: Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 7:30 p.m.


French Broad Chocolate Lounge: Asheville Sax (jazz), 8 p.m.

Straightaway Cafe: Sweet Wednesday (roots rock, folk), 6 p.m.

Get Down: Zombie Queen (punk), The Gloss Rockets, Mystery Cult, Broken Lilacs & more, 7pm

The Asheville Public (TAP): Stevie Lee Combs (folk, Americana), 7-10 p.m.

Good Stuff: Conservation Theory (folk), 8 p.m. Grove Park Inn Great Hall: Underhill Rose (Americana, folk, country), 2-5 p.m. — Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30 p.m. — Montuno (Latin), 8-11 p.m. Harvest Records: Justin Clifford Rhody photography show & DJ set, 6 p.m. Highland Brewing Company: Jeff Sipe Group (fusion), 6 p.m. Jack of Hearts Pub: Blair Crimmins & the Hookers (cabaret, jazz), 9 p.m. The Magnetic Field: Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 7:30 p.m. One Stop Deli & Bar: Free reggae Saturdays with DJ kid, 5 p.m. Purple Onion Cafe: Uptown Jazz Quartet, 8 p.m. Rendezvous Restaurant & Tiki Bar: Benny Wilson (classic rock), 9 p.m.

Town Pump: Second Breakfast (funk, fusion), 9 p.m. Westville Pub: Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz), 9:30 p.m. White Horse: White Horse Spirit Series, 2 p.m. — Jimmy Landry, Ray Chesna, Annie Lalley & Joe Ebel (folk, Americana), 8 p.m.

SUNDAY, JULY 29 Altamont Brewing Company: Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin’, 6 p.m. Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe: Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7-9 p.m. The Dugout: BBQ & Bluegrass w/ Appalachian Fire, 9 p.m. Good Stuff: Phyllis Tannerfrye (folk, country), 2 p.m. Grove Park Inn Great Hall: Two Guitars (classical), 10 a.m.-noon — Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30 p.m.

Root Bar No. 1: Wasted Wine (freak folk, rock), 9:30 p.m.

Rendezvous Restaurant & Tiki Bar: Benny Wilson & the Dixie Dancing Girls (classic rock), 3 p.m.

South Side Station: Have Mile High Band (soft rock, country), 9 p.m.

Southern Appalachian Brewery: Amy Burritt (singer/songwriter/acoustic/folk), 5-7 p.m.

Southern Appalachian Brewery: The Stray Birds (American folk), 8 p.m.

Straightaway Cafe: Sweet Wednesday (roots rock, folk), 6 p.m.

arts X music

Web-hIT Wonders alli marshall reviewed the new release from local stars shannon Whitworth and barrett smith, in advance of their show at the altamont on Thursday:

WhaT you mIssed ThIs Week If you Weren’T on

A cross-section of the early 1960s has been lifted from the books, or posters, rather, and placed across the former, slightly accented walls. Drippy paisley and floral patterns in electrified swathes of yellow, green, blue and orange (with black laced in here and there) cover almost every square inch of the studio’s walls, even spilling out of the studio a bit.

Local singer-songwriters/musicians Shannon Whitworth and Barrett Smith recently combined their considerable individual talents to record a collection: Bring It On Home. These are time-tested songs, songs from the American songbook covering decades. And, in some cases, nearly a century: “You Are My Sunshine” and “Moonglow” date back to the ‘30s. The album kicks off with the steamy, longing-saturated, achingly romantic “Bring It On Home To Me” by Sam Cooke. From the first notes, from the low, deep groove of the bass line and the bright jabs of organ and guitar, the chemistry between Whitworth and Barrett is so palpable it’s hard to imagine that they’re not singing this song to each other (note: the two musicians are posed, on their album cover, on a rumpled bed). They’re not in a romantic relationship. But that song — definitely a stand out on the 12-song record — was a good choice for a namesake. It’s also a star-studded track, with Jeff Sipe on drums and Michael Libramento on guitar. Other contributors to the album include Mike Ashworth (bass, keys, drums), Justin Ray (trumpet), Melissa Hyman (cello), Nicky Sanders (violin), Nate Leath (violin) and Jacob Rodriguez (saxophone). “Moonglow” is period-perfect, a sighing, swinging, slow-motion work of cinematic sparkle. Ray’s trumpet sets a glamorous tone and Whitworth and Smith’s voices, evenly matched, float in and out of the verses. “I Get Ideas (When We Are Dancing)” performed, famously, by the likes of Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong, follows several tracks later, but shares a retro, culled-from-a-periodfilm sensibility. It opens with just Whitworth’s vocal, low and rich,

ist and street artist Ishmael. With artists Ben Betsalel, Vincent Luca and Dustin Spagnola, a vibrant new mural is going up inside and outside of the Broadway Street location.

salon updo: Artist Ishmael (along with Dustin Spagnola, Vincent Luca and Ben Betsalel) have splashed a bright mural across the walls of Ananda Hair Studio on Biltmore Avenue. Photo by Max Cooper

Ananda, like many street-level spaces downtown, is visible through its front windows. That allows for an informative glance, but still traps the entity within the confines of the building. But no longer. The glass is suddenly more transparent. The building’s outer wall now almost seems to take a turn inward and fall back a few yards, before rejoining the sidewalk a few yards down the line. And the color makes the entire store pop out. Or rather, it’s forced out, the floor in stark contrast to the colored backdrop. It’s like a psychedelic fish tank. This’ll make more sense if you go look at it. The artist behind it all? Ishmael. With help, of course.

against a backdrop of strummed guitar. When the steel guitar and trumpet come in, the songs really takes off. It’s easy to imagine Whitworth as a torch singer in some jazz club a half-century ago. But, while the songs are decidedly 20th century, Whitworth and Smith don’t remain in the vintage haze of Cooke and Sinatra. James Taylor’s “You Can Close Your Eyes” is given a gentle update. Hyman’s cello is a key player here, crafting a mood so mellow it’s almost melancholy. In a good way. The song breathes. Smith adds the softest harmony vocal and Whitworth takes her time, easing into the sweet spots of the minor key notes that make the song so poignant. ...

38 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

Whitworth and Barrett hold a CD-release party on Thursday, July 26 at The Altamont Theatre. 8 p.m., $10 in advance or $12 day of show.

kyle sherard found muralists Ishmael, dustin spagnola, Vincent Luca and ben betsalel remaking the interior of a downtown hair salon: Ananda Hair Studio has dramatically made itself over again. The salon has made itself into a little art gallery, showing work from local artists of all sorts. Now the owners have turned the space over to mural-

This is the third time the painter and Quinn-ian disciple has painted the space during the last 12 years. But the previous two murals never had such a color palate. “This winter was tough, and full of discontent for a lot of folks,” Ishmael says. “I wanted to do something fun and positive to put it all behind.” He’s taken bits and pieces from the stylings of Peter Max, Milton Glaser (I (Heart) NY) and Heinz Edelmann (Yellow Submarine!) and combined colors, shapes and patterns across Ananda’s walls. Ishmael, alongside Spagnola, Luca and Betsalel, started painting on July 10, working in short stretches mostly after hours for the busy downtown salon.


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news X festival

dIVersITy In musIc & arT foLkmooT brIngs InTernaTIonaL fLaVor To Wnc by sTephanIe guInan

Rhythms & Feast July 28th 4pm-9pm

Drum workshop & Gardento-Table Picnic, followed by Drums on the Water $30 • To register email: 215 Rhett Drive • Flat Rock, NC 28731 • 828-693-5070


What do you do when you’re scheduled for a 36-hour plane ride and your luggage includes a 150-pound carved wooden drum? (Don’t even try to close the overhead compartment on that one.) Most of Folkmoot’s performers make the most of their demanding trips. Take Batimbo, a drumming group from Burundi in East Africa. You may have heard some of the buzz when this group made a special appearance at the downtown Asheville drum circle last year. (If not, visit for clip.) Karen Babcock, Folkmoot’s executive director, remembers the group’s Friday-night cameo. “They were just like rock stars; we actually had to hold the crowd back,” she says. This year, expect a similar surprise appearance when one of Folkmoot’s performing groups brings an international flavor to the drum circle on the first night of Bele Chere. According to Babcock, “The heart of Folkmoot is to bring culture and diversity, and teach tolerance and peace as part of this process of bringing world music, to Western North Carolina.” Although the primary focus of the festival is an artistic cultural exchange, there are other, more subtle elements to the event. “These nine, very diverse groups from all over the world who have never met before will get together and begin to learn about one another and exchange their cultures,” Babcock says. “It’s pretty amazing.” Festivals past are rich with examples of amazement, Babcock says. “One year — and this is before I got here so it’s just hearsay — they actually had Palestine and Israel here at the same time, and it was phenomenal. They tell me there was absolutely no stress, no tension. They

Who Folkmoot

Where Performance locations include Asheville, Bryson City, Burnsville, Canton, Cherokee, Clyde, Cullowhee, Flat Rock, Franklin, Hickory, Jonesborough, TN, Lake Junaluska, Maggie Valley, and Waynesville.

When Twenty-four public events, through July 29. For more information, see the complete Folkmoot schedule at or call 877-365-8725.

40 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

unique hues in a big tapestry: Nine countries get together and perform at this year’s Folkmoot, which runs through July 29. were as warm and open to each other as any two groups could be.” Whether you’re looking at performers’ interactions with each other or the audience’s interaction with the performers, “We find out by the end of the festival that we’re really not all that different,” Babcock says. This year’s lineup pulls from all over the world map: Whitireia from New Zealand; Cosandama from Peru; Kandarpa Gunita from Indonesia; Talija from Serbia; Sining Kumintang ng Batangas from Philippines; Ballet Folklorico Brumas del Torito from Puerto Rico; Halau O Po’ohala from Hawaii; Die Rooselaer from Belgium; and La Poulido de Gemo from France. With many performances happening throughout the region, there are multiple opportunities to see the different groups. Eight events feature all of the performing groups in the same show. This will be the most “all-group” performances that Folkmoot has offered in many years. Depending on the size of the venue, the other performances in the region will have select combinations of performers. “The groups don’t

just have one performance that they repeat,” Babcock explains. “They might have a repertoire of up to 12 or 13 dances that they’ll be rotating as they go through the different venues.” Additionally, they’ll even have different costumes for different performances. For Babcock, each show contributes its unique hue to the larger tapestry. But there is once performance she expects will be exceptionally bright. “The Candlelight Closing at Lake Junaluska is probably the most emotional performance,” Babcock says. “It’s the last performance of the festival before everybody goes home. They all get to know each other really well so it’s a real farewell, and you can see it [on stage]. There are all these undercurrents and emotions running, and the audience loves that. They see the results of Folkmoot in that performance, so it’s pretty special.” X Stephanie Guinan can be reached at steph

arts X visual art

separaTeLy TogeTher Three arTIsTs unITe TheIr dIsparaTe buT compLemenTary Works aT coop by brIdgeT conn A thread of melancholy and longing, laced with bleak hope, unites the work of Asheville artists Taiyo La Paix, Brian Mashburn and Phillip McGuire in the exceptional group show, Lean and Finely Textured, up through Aug. 6 at the Coop gallery on Carolina Lane. Despite this description, viewers shouldn’t worry about leaving depressed; they will surely be awed by each artist’s mastery of skill, layers of concept and the resulting beauty of each piece. The show contains new drawings and paintings in complementary styles and cohesive moods, as well as others culled from area galleries like Blue Spiral 1, Woolworth Walk and Upstairs Artspace of Tryon. Mashburn’s oil landscapes are a dark, complex lot, both in terms of their muted colors and in their post-apocalyptic subject matter. Influenced by visits to huge urban centers like Hong Kong, his vision embraces “the self-destructive tendencies of modern society” in the resulting somber forecast for humankind. Still, his illustration-influenced paintings contain small glimmers of hope. “Fairground” is set within Mashburn’s trademark white and gray plumes of smoke which mingle among layers of decaying buildings, creating a sense of depth. These soft clouds contrast with intensely thin and laborious lines of tree silhouettes and building details. A Ferris wheel is discarded in the lower right corner, a familiar marker of happier times. A hopeful bird in flight occupies the near-center of the painting, while an ominous fleet of bomber planes in the upper left counters its message. La Paix’s palette lies on the other end of the spectrum from Mashburn’s, saturated in a wide range of color with overtones of cotton-candy pink. His subject matter is also somewhat the opposite of Mashburn's: a giddy, idealistic world interspersed with notes of sadness and longing. La Paix’s work chronicles the adventures of his alter ego and his buxom blonde partner, Papilla La Paix. La Paix’s latest work is the larger-than-life canvas of “Stardust.” In it, the couple strolls through a garbage dump. As a landscape, it is a departure for La Paix, who usually prefers the glamour of city backdrops along the lines of Miami Beach. Perhaps Mashburn’s settings of decay have influenced La Paix’s choice of environment; or if not, he at least signifies a brotherly connection through the “Mashburn” brand tire partly buried in the rubble. The bulk of McGuire’s work eliminates color altogether, working mainly in graphite. Unlike La Paix’s work which seeks to occupy most available space with content, McGuire’s work celebrates blankness, drawing from the economy of haiku poetry. While the mark-making appears as looping doodles up close, at a distance the viewer witnesses McGuire’s appreciation for subtle tonal

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united by a thread of longing: Taiyo La Paix’s work (above, detail) shares themes with Brian Mashburn’s (below, detail), though their pallettes diverge. The two artists, along with Phillip McGuire, make up Lean and Finely Textured. shifts and his mastery of naturalistic depiction. His work is the most varied among the three, featuring landscapes, portraits, animals and even some new, smaller illustration-like watercolor pieces in full color. One piece, “Yohaku no bi (the beauty of the remaining white),” exemplifies McGuire's style: A long, thin, exquisitely crafted wooden panel shows two trees — one at its midsection and the peak of another — with the majority of the panel boldly empty. His use of negative space recalls Japanese painter Hasegawa Tohaku, as well as

the white foggy spaces of Mashburn’s work. The composition also conjures the concept of memory, in that certain details of an event are solidified in its retelling, while the periphery disappears. Lean and Finely Textured hangs at Coop Gallery, 25 Carolina Lane, until Aug. 6. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (knock if the door is locked). X Bridget Conn is an Asheville-based artist, designer and photographer. Visit her website at • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 41


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Triple Extenzen E.D. PILL FOR MEN and V-Gel FOR WOMEN &

•To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Arcade Idol, 10pm

Old-time jam, 6pm

Athena's Club

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Singer Spotlight w/ Peggy Ratusz & The Revamps, 9pm

Ha Ha Comedy w/ Minori Hinds

Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9pm

Vanuatu Kava Bar

"Carnival!" (Latin heat show), 10pm

Barley's Taproom

Lobster Trap

Vincenzo's Bistro

Black Mountain Ale House

One Stop Deli & Bar

Westville Pub

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm

Music trivia, 7pm The Larry Mitchell Band (jam, funk, rock) w/ Kung Fu Dynamite, 10pm

Open mic w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic

Pisgah Brewing Company

BoBo Gallery

Marrietta's Palm (reggae, rock), 6pm

Zodiacos w/ DJ Rasa


Club Hairspray

Retro night ('70s, '80s & '90s), 10pm Club Remix

Wicked Wednesdays (techno, drum 'n' bass), 10pm Club Xcapades

DJ Lil' Roo

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Juan Benevidas Trio (Latin, flamenco guitar), 8-10pm Altamont Brewing Company

The Burning Angels (rock), 9:30pm Amy LaVere (country, Americana, jazz) w/ Coping Stone, 6pm TallGary's Cantina

Open mic/jam, 7pm

Open mic

Club Hairspray

White Horse

Travers Brothers Band (blues, rock) w/ Aaron LaFalce & Chalwa (reggae), 7pm Wild Wing Cafe

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Lionz of Zion (reggae, funk, soul) w/ Treehouse & Roshambeaux, 9pm

Altamont Brewing Company

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room


Grove Park Inn Great Hall

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm Stevie Lee Combs (Americana), 9pm

Tim Fast (folk), 6pm

Trivia, 9pm Asheville Music Hall

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

The Lower Level

Black Mountain Ale House

Town Pump

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe


Jack of the Wood Pub

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Stringed instrument jam, 7:30pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Emerald Lounge

Barley's Taproom

Jack of Hearts Pub

Kat Williams (soul, R&B) w/ Xenia Sky, Jimmy Farkus & Laura K. Balke, 8pm

Thu., July 26

The Corner

Roots in the Round w/ The Dubber, Michael Tao, Chachillie & Riyen Roots, 9pm

Creatures Cafe

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

Get Down

Soiree Fantastique (magic theater), 8pm

DJ Lil' Roo

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Gnarnia Festival official showcase feat: Panther God, Amarru, Sonmi & more, 10pm

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Club Xcapades

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

Ready, Set, Draw (game night), 8pm Karaoke, 10pm

Karaoke, 10pm

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

The Bywater

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Karaoke, 10pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Root Bar No. 1

Straightaway Cafe

Tim Marsh (folk), 8pm

Wed., July 25

John Wilkes Boothe & the Black Toothe (absurdist folk) w/ River Whyless (indie folk, pop) & Baby Rattlesnakes, 9pm

Boiler Room

Jack of Hearts Pub

Old-time jam, 7pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

Bluegrass jam, 6:30pm

Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Sloan Tones (newgrass, roots), 8pm Barrie Howard (blues, one-man band), 7-9pm BoBo Gallery

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

Back stage: The Mothership of Fools w/ Goodbye Shanty Town, Aningha & Michael Jordan, 9:30pm Lobster Trap

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

50 Shades of Grey TRILOGY BOOKS

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the mothershiP of fools

w/ goodBye shant y town, aningha, michael jordan 9:30Pm

F r i . July 27

severance,through the fallen and ePic suPerfail 9:30Pm Sat. J u ly 28

Blue jeans & KhaKi Pants w/ the go devils, rond 9Pm o n t h e f r o n t s ta g e

WED. 7/25 • Shane perlowin • 6-9pm Fri. 7/27 • JaSon Daniello • 6-9pm sAt. 7/28 • Shane perlowin • 6-9pm sun. 7/29 • AAron price • 1-3:30pm tuE. 7/31 • Andrew fletcher • 6-9pm


Live Music 5 NIGHTS A WEEK! Daily Specials FULL BAR! WED THUR 7/26 FRI


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One Stop Deli and Bar


Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm

Brews, bluegrass & bbq feat: Kendall Huntley, 5pm

Asheville Music Hall

Pisgah Brewing Company

Zoogma (live electronica), 9pm

Funky Reggae Party feat: Common Foundation, Chalwa, Dub Kartel & Marrietta's Palm, 10pm

Purple Onion Cafe

Athena's Club

Swayback Sisters (Americana, country), 7:30pm Root Bar No. 1

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Squeeze Rock (alt-rock, hip-hop, accordion), 9:30pm

Barley's Taproom

South Side Station

Black Mountain Ale House

Secret B-Sides (R&B, funk, soul), 10:30pm Chris Williams (soul, rock, reggae), 9pm

Karaoke, 8pm

Southern Appalachian Brewery

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

TallGary's Cantina

BoBo Gallery

The Altamont Theater

Boiler Room

Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm

Letters to Abigail (country, Americana), 7-9pm

In Plain Sight (dance, electronic)

Local music showcase, 8pm Shannon Whitworth & Barrett Smith CD release (covers album), 8pm The Dugout

Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm

Decline of Western North Carolina showcase feat: VIC Crown, BFO, Dark Ridge, Electrolux, and The Methmatics, 8pm Club Hairspray

Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hip-hop), 8pm Drag show, midnight

The Market Place

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

Club Metropolis

Town Pump

Submission 2: Return of the Kink (dance party, performance art) feat: Selector Cleofus & more, 10pm

Dark Water Rising (rock, blues), 9pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

DJ D-Day (dance), 9pm

Club Remix

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm

Submission 2: Return of the Kink (dance party, performance art) feat: Selector Cleofus & more, 10pm

Westville Pub

Club Xcapades

White Horse

Creatures Cafe

Vincenzo's Bistro

Deacon Brandon Reeves (roots rock), 9:30pm

DJ Snoop

The Stray Birds (Americana, folk), 7:30pm

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Disclaimer Comedy (standup) w/ Chelcie Rice, 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Sol Star (world), 10pm

Altamont Brewing Company

John Davey & Logan Mason (Americana), 9:30pm


Emerald Lounge

Gurp Fest feat: Adam Strange, DJ Football, TOPR & more (hip-hop showcase), 6pm

Ja pa n e s e s u s h i & Fusion Food

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

High Gravity Jazz, 8pm Get Down


Good Stuff

$2.50 Pints & $4 Seasonals

The Shoal Creek Stranglers (folk, blues), 9pm Tim Fast (singer-songwriter), 8pm Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 8-11pm Highland Brewing Company

One Leg Up (swing, jazz), 6pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Riyen Roots (blues, roots), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

The Hill and the Wood (indie rock), 5pm Woody Pines (ragtime, country, blues) w/ Bunny Gang (feat: Nathen Maxwell of Flogging Molly), 8pm

July 25 - 29

CLOSED for Bele Chere

Tasting Room Open Come enjoy a pint!

hot sake special

Front stage: Jason Daniello, 6-9pm Back stage: Severance w/ Through the Fallen & Epic SuperFail (alt-rock), 9:30pm Lobster Trap

Calico Moon (Americana, country), 6:30-9pm

1/2 Price Hot Sake Every Monday

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Orange Peel

Appetite for Destruction (Guns N' Roses tribute), 9pm


Pack's Tavern

DJ Moto (dance hits, pop), 9pm Purple Onion Cafe


July 31

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm

Eleven on Grove

5 B B i l t m o re Ave nu e A s h ev i l l e • 2 5 1 - 1 6 6 1

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

One Stop Deli & Bar

A Thin Place w/ Shield of Salvation & Bradley Falls, 6-11pm

Fri., July 27

DJ dance party (top 40, house), 10pm

Wed 4-9pm • Fri & Sat 4-10pm Tues - Thurs

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Root Bar No. 1

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Family Reunion Now Showing!

Written by Larissa FastHorse | Directed by Ted Sharon Cherokee Family Reunion is a comedy with heart for the whole family! Set in modern day Cherokee, NC, the longtime widower of a Cherokee family has found love again with a woman from "up North," Emma White. But before the wedding decorations are down, the two families are thrown into planning the biggest reunion of the year, full of Cherokee culture and a special appearance by Henry Timberlake!

Xenia Sky (folk), 9:30pm Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

South Side Station

DJ B Note (dance), 9pm Southern Appalachian Brewery

The Krektones (surf rock), 8pm Straightaway Cafe

Kevin Scanlon (bluegrass, folk), 6pm TallGary's Cantina

Back Pages (rock), 9:30pm The Corner

Dance Party w/ DJ Position The Dugout

Johnnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9pm The Lower Level

Latin International Club Salsa (lessons & dance party), 9pm The Magnetic Field

Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 7:30pm Town Pump

The Accidentally Irish Lads (Celtic, Americana), 9pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

Free Flow Band (soul, funk), 10pm Vanuatu Kava Bar

An evening with Michael Jordan, 9pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm White Horse

Mike Fenton (folk, roots), 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

Country Fried Friday w/ Jody Medford & Cash Creek

SaT., July 28

564 Tsali Blvd, Cherokee, NC 866.554.4557 |

5 Walnut Wine Bar

The John Henry's (hot jazz), 9pm Altamont Brewing Company

Cafe De Ja Brew (motorcycle show), 2pm ARCADE

"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Asheville Music Hall

Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band (funk, jazz, rock) w/ The Dead Kenny G's, 10pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Barley's Taproom

The Cisco Playboys (Western swing), 10:30pm Black Mountain Ale House

David Earl Duo (roots, rock), 9pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country), 7-9pm BoBo Gallery

DJ Raztech (world) Boiler Room

Decline of Western North Carolina showcase feat: Fun at the Farm, Reclamation Red, Glaze, and Leigh Glass and the Hazards, 8pm Club Hairspray

Dance party & drag show w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hip-hop), 8pm Drag show, midnight Club Metropolis

Wondrous Temple of Boom After Burn feat: GalaxC Girl & more (industrial, dubstep), 10pm Club Remix

DJ dance party (industrial, dubstep), 10pm

Emerald Lounge

Gurp Fest feat: Ra Mak, Chris Donato, Optik, GFE & more (hip-hop showcase), 6pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Bob Burnette (acoustic, indie), 6pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

Asheville Sax (jazz), 8pm Get Down

Amy's Blood Flo Benefit feat: Zombie Queen (punk), The Gloss Rockets, Mystery Cult, Broken Lilacs & more, 7pm Good Stuff

Conservation Theory (folk), 8pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Westville Pub

Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz), 9:30pm White Horse

Byron Ballard ("Appalachian folk magic" presentation), 2pm Jimmy Landrey, Ray Chesna, Annie Lolly & Joe Ebel (folk, Americana), 8pm Wild Wing Cafe

Space Capone (funk), 9:30pm

Sun., July 29 5 Walnut Wine Bar

The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7-9pm Altamont Brewing Company

Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 6pm

Underhill Rose (Americana, folk, country), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Montuno (Latin), 8-11pm



Dance party, 10pm

The Last Waltz (The Band tribute) feat: Zataban & friends, 9pm Harvest Records

Justin Clifford Rhody photography show & DJ set, 6pm Highland Brewing Company

Jeff Sipe Group (groove), 6pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Blair Crimmins & the Hookers (cabaret, jazz), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Great Smoky Mountain Bluegrass Band, 4:30pm Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 9pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9pm Back stage: Blue Jeans & Khaki Pants (X-rated honky-tonk, country) w/ The Go Devils & RonD, 9pm Lobster Trap

Trevor Jazz Trio, 6:30-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm Orange Peel

Childish Gambino (hip-hop) w/ Chance the Rapper, 9pm Pack's Tavern

Dr. Filth & Wayd Runk (DJs), 10pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7-9pm Boiler Room

Emerald Lounge

Hank West & the Smokin' Hots (old-time) w/ My 3 Sons & Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz), 8pm Good Stuff

Phyllis Tannerfrye (folk, country), 2pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Hannah Flanagan's

East Coast Dirt (rock, funk, jam) Hotel Indigo

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Irish session, 5pm Marcel Anton & the Healers (funk, Cajun, zydeco, R&B), 10pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Aaron Price (piano) Lobster Trap

Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar

Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am

Acoustic Grounds (singer-songwriter, pop), 5-8pm Chris Hendricks (rock), 9pm

Rendezvous Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Purple Onion Cafe

DJ dance party (top 40, house), 10pm Miss Bele Chere Pageant w/ Ashley Michaels (drag performance), midnight

Uptown Jazz Quartet, 8pm Rendezvous Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Benny Wilson (classic rock), 9pm Root Bar No. 1

Wasted Wine (freak folk, rock), 9:30pm Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

South Side Station

Have Mile High Band (soft rock, country), 9pm Southern Appalachian Brewery

The Stray Birds (American folk), 8-10pm Straightaway Cafe

Sweet Wednesday (roots rock, folk), 6pm TallGary's Cantina

Benny Wilson & Dixie Dancing Girls (classic rock), 3pm Scandals Nightclub

Southern Appalachian Brewery

Amy Burritt (singer-songwriter, folk), 5-7pm Straightaway Cafe

Sweet Wednesday (roots rock, folk), 6pm The Corner

Tea dance & drag show The Dugout

BBQ & Bluegrass w/ Appalachian Fire, 9pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm Wild Wing Cafe

Darren Kohler & friends, 4pm

Back Pages (rock), 9:30pm

Mon., July 30

The Asheville Public (TAP)

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Stevie Lee Combs (folk, Americana), 7-10pm The Corner

Dance Party w/ DJ Position The Dugout

Fine Line (rock), 9pm The Lower Level

CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm ARCADE

Movie Mondays (cult classics), 10pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Contra dance, 8pm

Club Xcapades

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

DJ Snoop

Earthtone Soundsystem w/ DJ's Adam, Josh & Marty (house, dance, disco), 9pm

Creatures Cafe

The Magnetic Field

Lobster Trap

Dark City Deli

Town Pump

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues

The Nightcrawlers (blues, soul, rock), 10pm

Monday Night Swing w/ Russ Wilson & His Nouveau-Passe Orchestra, 7pm

Vincenzo's Bistro

Vanuatu Kava Bar

The Blackiron Gathering w/ American Gonzos, Reckless Mercy & Vessel, 5pm-midnight Hobos & Lace (acoustic), 3pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Eleven on Grove

44 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

DJ dance party (top 40, house), 10pm

Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 7:30pm Second Breakfast (funk, fusion), 9pm

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 7-9pm The Bywater

Bluegrass jam, 8pm The Lower Level

Comedy "win-a-paid-gig" open mic

clubdirectory 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 Altamont Brewing Company 575-2400 The Altamont Theatre 348-5327 ARCADE 258-1400 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 The Asheville Public (TAP) 505-1720 Asheville Music Hall 255-7777 Athena’s Club 252-2456 Avery Creek Pizza & Ribs 687-2400 Barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 Black Mountain Ale House 669-9090 Blend Hookah Lounge 505-0067 Blue Mountain Pizza 658-8777 Blue Note Grille 697-6828 Boiler Room 505-1612 BoBo Gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 Burgerworx 253-2333 The Bywater 232-6967 Club Hairspray 258-2027 Club Metropolis 258-2027 Club Remix 258-2027 The Chop House 253-1852

The Corner 575-2449 Craggie Brewing Company 254-0360 Creature’s Cafe 254-3636 Adam Dalton Distillery 367-6401 Dark City Deli 257-5300 Desoto Lounge 986-4828 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dirty South Lounge 251-1777 Dobra Tea Room 575-2424 The Dugout 692-9262 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge 232- 4372 Firestorm Cafe 255-8115 Fred’s Speakeasy 281-0920 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 French Broad Chocolate Lounge 252-4181 The Garage 505-2663 The Gateway Club 456-6789 Get Down 505-8388 Good Stuff 649-9711 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern 232-5800 Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612

The Grove Park Inn (Elaine’s Piano Bar/ Great Hall) 252-2711 The Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Harrah’s Cherokee 497-7777 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 The Hop 254-2224 The Hop West 252-5155 Iron Horse Station 622-0022 Jack of Hearts Pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus One More 253-8770 Lexington Avenue Brewery 252-0212 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 The Lower Level 505-8333 Luella’s Bar-B-Que 505-RIBS Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 The Magnetic Field 257-4003 Mike’s Side Pocket 281-3096 One Stop Bar Deli & Bar 255-7777 The Orange Peel 225-5851 Pack’s Tavern 225-6944 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Pulp 225-5851

Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rendezvous 926-0201 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Scully’s 251-8880 Shovelhead Saloon 669-9541 Smokey’s After Dark 253-2155 Southern Appalacian Brewery 684-1235 Spurs 575-2258 Static Age Records 254-3232 StingRays 926-4100 Straightaway Cafe 669-8856 TallGary’s Cantina 232-0809 Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack 575-2260 Thirsty Monk South 505-4564 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066

Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm

Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard Bluegrass Jam, 8:30pm

Vincenzo's Bistro

Wild Wing Cafe

Hotel Indigo

Westville Pub

Karaoke, 10pm

Tue., July 31 5 Walnut Wine Bar

The John Henry's (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm Altamont Brewing Company

Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm Asheville Music Hall

Funk jam, 10pm

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Wild Wing Cafe

Lobster Trap

Jay Brown (roots, blues), 7-9pm

Wed., AugusT 1

One Stop Deli & Bar

5 Walnut Wine Bar

Front stage: Andrew Fletcher (piano), 6-9pm

Club Hairspray

Tuesday Night Techno, 9:30pm

Second Breakfast (rock, pop), 7-9pm Trivia night, 10pm

TallGary's Cantina

The Altamont Theater

Club Metropolis

Original Music Series feat: Frank Southecorvo (saxophone), 8pm

Eleven on Grove

The Bywater

Trivia night, 10pm

Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ Blue Heaven, 8:30pm

Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

The Lower Level

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Handlebar

White Horse

Mornin' Old Sport (pre-war Americana), 9pm

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Trivia night, 7pm

Blues jam, 10pm

Jack of the Wood Pub

Two for Tuesday feat: The Dark Shave & Makayan, 8pm Tuesday night funk jam, 10pm

Black Mountain Ale House

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm

The Dugout

Trivia, 8pm

Karaoke w/ Gary, 10pm Tolliver's Crossing Irish Pub

Trivia, 8pm

Trivia, 8pm

Juan Benevidas Trio (Latin, flamenco guitar), 8-10pm ARCADE

Arcade Idol, 10pm Athena's Club

Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm Barley's Taproom

Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic

Club Hairspray

Retro night ('70s, '80s & '90s), 10pm Club Remix

Wicked Wednesdays (techno, drum 'n' bass), 10pm

THUR. JULY 26 - PINT NIGHT FRI. JULY 27 - ONE LEG UP (Acoustic Swing) SAT. JULY 28 - JEFF SIPE GROUP (Groove Jazz Fusion) THUR. AUG 2 - PINT NIGHT FRI. AUG 3 - BLIND LEMON PHILLIPS SAT. AUG 4 - RED HONEY (Rockabilly Vintage Country meets Desert Blues) • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 45

Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm

Club Xcapades

DJ Lil' Roo

Craggie Brewing Company

Jugband Jubilee (open jam)

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar


20% off food purchase with Ad

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Get Down

Joey Cape (acoustic, punk) w/ The Dorchesters, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Shane Perlowin (guitar), 6-9pm Lobster Trap

Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 7-9pm One Stop Deli & Bar


Music Schedules


Total War (post-punk) w/ Dilluted Giants, 9pm

Wednesday, July 25th


Hookah Hook-Up Presents: hosted by

MUSIC TRIVIA FREE!-7pm-ALL AGES! Thew/ Kung Larry FuMitDynamite chell Band 10pm $5 21+ Jacob Horowitz


Thursday, July 26th


Brews, Bluegrass, & BBQ feat. Kendall Huntley & 5-8pm FREE! the $1 PBRs



10pm 21+ 10pm $10

Panther God Amarru Sonmi Nomadic Splynter Old You


Friday, July 27th

Music trivia, 7pm Mama's Love (jam, rock) w/ Jerry's Kids, 10pm

Straightaway Cafe

Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm TallGary's Cantina

Open mic/jam, 7pm The Bywater

Ready, Set, Draw (game night), 8pm The Corner

Karaoke, 10pm The Lower Level

Soiree Fantastique (magic theater), 8pm Town Pump

Stringed instrument jam, 7:30pm Vanuatu Kava Bar

Open mic

Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Pisgah Brewing Company

Chalwa (reggae, rock), 8pm

Wild Wing Cafe

Jeff & Justin (acoustic)

Purple Onion Cafe

Thu., auguST 2

South Side Station

Martha's Trouble (indie folk, pop), 7:30pm Karaoke, 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar

The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

TallGary's Cantina

Local music showcase, 8pm


Trivia, 9pm

The Dugout

Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm

Barley's Taproom

Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm

The Market Place

Boiler Room

Dancing Divas (drag performance), 12:30am

Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm

Club Hairspray

Vincenzo's Bistro

The Croon and Cadence Duo feat: Ginny McAfee, 7:30pm

Karaoke, 10pm

Club Xcapades

Westville Pub

DJ Lil' Roo

Men on Earth (R&B), 9:30pm

Creatures Cafe

Fri., auguST 3

Riyen Roots (blues, roots, soul), 9pm Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am


Emerald Lounge

Housequake feat: Doc Martin & Sunshine Jones (hip-hop), 10pm

Dance party w/ DJ Abu Dissaray, 9pm Asheville Music Hall

Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam, 10pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

The Low Counts (blues, rockabilly), 6pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Will Hoge (singer-songwriter) w/ Crowfield & NOAH, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm Jack of Hearts Pub

Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Boiler Room

Chachillie (hip-hop) w/ Darius Daquan, Josh Everhart, Beezy, WiFi Wise Guys & T Jay, 9pm Club Hairspray

Drag show, midnight Club Xcapades

Old-time jam, 7pm

DJ Snoop

Jack of the Wood Pub

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

Bluegrass jam, 6:30pm

Back stage: E.Normus Trio (jazz) CD release party w/ J. Ray Goes Beatnik, 9pm

Disclaimer Comedy (standup) w/ Mia Jackson, 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am

Lobster Trap

Emerald Lounge

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

Futexture w/ HeRobust & DJ Splynter, 9:30pm

$5 21+




Common Foundation 8pm Chalwa • Dub Kartel 21+ $10 Marietta’s with Bear Down EasyPalm



Saturday, July 28th


LionRadio Presents:


DjKid spins Reggae


Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band 10$1pm-2/$1251+


Dead Kenny G’s Sunday, July 29th

Bluegrass Brunch 11am

hosted by The Pond Brothers

WNC’s Premiere Adult Lounge & Sports Room Ladies & Couples Welcome Sports Lounge feat. NBA & UFC on big screen

Open Jam! Bring your instruments!

Tuesday, July 31st

Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole” Great Drink Specials Every Night

TWO FOR TUESDAY 8pm The Dark Shave & Makayan $2 - ALL AGES! DJ Adam Strange spins afterwards til 11pm!

FUNK JAM! FREE! 11pm NOW UPSTAIRS IN ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL! More information & Advance Tickets available always at 46 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

see for yourself at

New Hours:

Mon - Sat 6:30pm - 2am

5 2 0 S wa nna no a R i v e r R d , As hev i l l e, NC 28805 • ( 828) 298-1 400

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

TallGary's Cantina

Bluestopia Highway (blues, rock), 9:30pm

Red Honey (rockabilly, vintage country, blues), 6pm

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

The Altamont Theater

Jack of Hearts Pub

Good Stuff

The Corner

Ryan Barrington Cox (indie folk, pop), 6pm High Gravity Jazz, 8pm

David Earl & the Plowshares (alt-country, rock, Americana), 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Folk Soul Revival (roots, Americana) CD release show w/ Amber Rubarth & Dave Eggar & Deoro, 9pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Sanctum Sully (bluegrass), 8-11pm Handlebar

John Fullbright (singer-songwriter), 8pm Dance Party w/ DJ Position The Dugout

Johnnie Blackwell & Six Toed Possum Babies, 9pm The Lower Level

Latin International Club Salsa (lessons & dance party), 9pm Vincenzo's Bistro

Steve Whiddon (piano covers), 5:30pm White Horse

Aradhna (Hindustani classical, folk, rock), 8pm

Lionz of Zion (reggae, soul, funk), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Sirius.B (absurdist, gypsy folk) w/ Izzy Cox, 8pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: George McDonald, 6-9pm Back stage: Troubel (Americana, folk), 9:30pm One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm Orange Peel

WishJam 2012 feat: Analog Moon & Electric Owls, 8pm

Jerry Garcia birthday bash feat: The Work, Milli Fungus & more, 8pm

SaT., auguST 4

Pack's Tavern

Highland Brewing Company

5 Walnut Wine Bar

The Low Down Sires (jazz), 9:30-11:30pm

Pisgah Brewing Company

Blind Lemon Phillips (blues, funk, soul), 6pm Jack of Hearts Pub

The Regulars Band (rock, funk), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub

Bad Weather California (indie rock, pop) w/ Broncho & The Low Counts (Americana, blues rock, roots), 8pm Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)

Front stage: Meredith Watson, 6-9pm Back stage: Mystery Cult (rock, punk) w/ Them Teasters & Polly Panic, 9:30pm One Stop Deli & Bar

Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm


"Bear Exploder" dance party w/ DJ Kipper Schauer, 9pm Asheville Music Hall

Perpetual Groove (jam, rock), 10pm Athena's Club

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 6-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Club Hairspray

Drag show, midnight Club Xcapades

DJ Snoop

Elaine's Dueling Piano Bar

96.5 House Band (classic rock, dance), 9pm Dark Star Orchestra (Grateful Dead tribute), 7pm Captain Midnight Band, 10pm Purple Onion Cafe

Drovers Old Time Medicine Show, 8pm Rendezvous Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Tiki Bar stage: DB Hackett Rendezvous stage: Fine Line (rock) Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Straightaway Cafe

Bayou Diesel (Cajun, zydeco), 6pm

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

TallGary's Cantina

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

The Altamont Theater

Pack's Tavern

A Social Function (rock, dance), 9pm

Jeff Johansson & Field Heat (indie folk, country), 6pm

Jon Vezner (singer-songwriter) w/ Jeff Gilkinson, 8pm

Pisgah Brewing Company

French Broad Chocolate Lounge

The Corner

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

The Dugout

Orange Peel

"Lights Out" youth dance party (ages 15-19), 7pm

Dark Star Orchestra (Grateful Dead tribute), 7pm Jahman Brahman, 10pm Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm Rendezvous Restaurant & Tiki Bar

DB Hackett, 9pm

Scandals Nightclub

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Straightaway Cafe

Screech Owl Serenade (country, Western swing), 6pm

Jason Moore (jazz), 8pm

Vollie & Kari & Western Wildcats (Western swing), 8:30pm Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Whitewater Bluegrass, 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Broadcast (soul, rock), 8-11pm Handlebar

Stereo Reform (dance, funk, rock) w/ Old You & Dead 27's, 9pm Highland Brewing Company

Jarvis Jenkins (Southern rock), 9:30pm

Dance Party w/ DJ Position Gypsy (rock), 9pm The Lower Level

Live music, 9pm

Vincenzo's Bistro

Marc Keller (acoustic, variety), 7:30pm Westville Pub

Tom Waits tribute night feat: Asheville Waits Band, 10pm White Horse

Sigean (Celtic), 8pm • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 47


theaterlistings Friday, JULy 27 - ThUrsday, aUGUsT 2

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

aSheville pizza & BrewiNG Co. (2541281) n

please call the info line for updated showtimes. the hunger Games (pG-13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 n Carmike CiNema 10 (298-4452)

abraham lincoln: vampire hunter 2d (r) 7:45, 10:15 (no shows on 7/22-7/23) Brave 3d (pG) 12:25, 2:50, 5:20 (no 5:20 show 7/22 or 7/24) Brave 2d (pG) 12:45, 3:20, 5:45, 8:25 the dark knight rises (pG-13) 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 ice age: Continental drift 3d (pG) 12:10, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:25 ice age: Continental drift 2d (pG) 1:45, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 Snow white and the huntsman (pG-13) 12:35, 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 ted (r) 2:10, 4:35, 7:20, 9:45 n CaroliNa aSheville CiNema 14 (274-9500)

the Best exotic marigold hotel (pG-13) 1:00, 3:50, 7:05, 9:50 Brave 2d (pG) 11:35, 1:55, 4:15 the dark knight rises (pG-13) 11:00, 12:00, 12:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:00, 6:05, 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:25 ice age: Continental drift 2d (pG) 11:30, 1:50, 4:10, 7:10, 9:25 (sofa cinema) the intouchables (r) 11:40, 2:00, 4:25, 7:30, 10:00 magic mike (r) 11:05, 1:35, 4:05, 7:35, 10:05 (sofa cinema) moonrise kingdom (pG13) 11:50, 2:15, 4:40, 7:25, 9:55 Safety Not Guaranteed (r)

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

1:00, 3:10, 5:15, 7;20, 9:35 Step up revolution 3d (pG-13) 11:25, 10:20 Step up revolution 2d (pG-13) 1:45, 4:10, 7:45 ted (r) 11:15, 1:45, 4:35, 7:40, 10:10 to rome with love (r) 12:25, 2:55, 5:15, 7:55, 10:15 the watch (r) 11:20, 1:40, 4:05, 7:15, 10:10 your Sister's Sister (r) 7:50, 10:00 (sofa cinema) n CiNeBarre (6657776)

Battleship (pG-13) 10:35 (sat-sun), 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:00 dark Shadows (pG-13) 10:55 (sat-sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:50 the dictator (r) 11:00 (sat-sun), 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 9:35 rock of ages (pG-13) 10:45 (sat-sun), 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:05 what to expect when you're expecting (pG-13) 10:50 (sat-sun), 1:20, 4:20, 7:30, 9:45 n Co-ed CiNema Brevard (883-2200

the dark knight rises (pG-13 ) 1:00, 4:30, 8:30 n epiC of heNderSoNville (6931146)

fiNe artS theatre (232-1536) n

Closed due to Bele Chere and digital conversion reopen fri., aug. 3 n flatroCk CiNema (697-2463)

the dark knight rises (pG-13) 3:00, 7:00 n reGal Biltmore GraNde Stadium 15 (684-1298) n uNited artiStS BeauCatCher (2981234)

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information.

JJJJJ max rating

additional reviews by justin souther contact

pickoftheweek Safety Not GuaraNteed


Director: colin trevorrow Players: aubrey Plaza, Mark DuPlass, Jake Johnson, karan soni, Jenica bergere, williaM hall, Jr., kristen bell Comedy drama with SCi-fi aSpeCtS

rated r

The Story: A trio of writers from Seattle magazine go looking for the story behind an ad looking for a partner for a time travel experiment. The Lowdown: A funny, moving, close to perfect little film that constantly defies the odds to become much more than what its premise and budget suggest is possible. A must-see film. Colin Trevorrow’s Safety Not Guaranteed is probably not the best movie you’ll see all year, but it might just be the most special one. This is a little movie (budgeted at a reported $750,000) that could have gone wrong in so many ways and at so many points — and somehow it never does. It’s the kind of high concept movie where you go in fully expecting the resolution to be a lemon. It looks for all the world like it’s going to wear its indie cred on its sleeve — and it kind of does start that way. But it oh so slyly pulls you into its story and, more importantly, into its characters. It emerges as…well, something very special. This is a hard movie to reduce to a synopsis, and a harder one to write about without giving away too much. But I will say, I liked the film even better watching it a second time when I knew where it was going and could appreciate the nuances — when I could realize that the whole movie is grounded in its characters and the audience experiencing a series of epiphanies as the story progressed. The premise is simple enough and is taken from a real event — or at least a real classified ad reading, “WANTED: Someone to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety Not Guaranteed. I have only done this once before.” In the film, Jeff (Jake Johnson, 21 Jump Street), a writer for a magazine, pitches the ad for a potential story. Arming himself with a couple of interns (“Give me the lesbian and the Indian”), he goes in pursuit of the prospective subject in a small beach town in Washington. The interns are actually Darius (Aubrey Plaza, TV’s Parks and Recreation), who isn’t a lesbian and Arnau (Karan Soni), who is an Indian. Darius is a fairly gloomy realist (“Now, I just expect the worst and try not to get my hopes up”), who quickly realizes that this is more a vacation to Jeff than anything else. (In real-

48 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

Mark Duplass and Aubrey Plaza in Colin Trevorrow’s pretty darn terrific Safety Not Guaranteed. ity, Jeff has a kind of time travel of his own in mind, hoping to hook up with an old girlfriend.) However, when Jeff strikes out in attempting to answer the time travel ad, Darius finds herself given the job of hooking the advertiser because of her gender (“You’re dangling my vagina out there like bait,” she complains). Regardless, she convinces Kenneth (Mark Duplass) she could be his time-traveling companion. Kenneth is a slightly twitchy, clearly paranoid, social misfit who works as a stocker in a grocery store — and who clearly believes he can time travel. He may or may not be nuts, but he’s not a phony. That’s as far as I’m going in terms of outlining the plot. Let the film do the rest in that regard. While the plot is surprisingly strong, complex and developed (all in 86 minutes, too), the real secret lies in the characters and the fact that neither Trevorrow, nor writer Derek Connolly, ever look down on any of these people. There is a true sense of simple humanity in their collective journey of discovery over the course of the film. Moments of their realizations have a piercing quality that goes straight to the heart — like Jeff drunkenly shouting that Arnau is his best friend, or admitting that he no longer knows what the story they’re working on is about. All of the actors are excellent, but somehow Duplass’ damaged Kenneth is the gem for me. Duplass crafts a person of such innate sweetness and innocence that you believe he would feel it necessary to ask if Darius knows what Star Wars is, and talk about his Star Wars figures from when he was younger in terms of them getting lonely. Yet, he never seems affected or emotionally stunted. (And that’s borne out by a revelation Darius has — conveyed solely by her expression — when talking to his ex-not-

really-girlfriend.) It’s a beautiful performance in an equally beautiful film. I really can’t find a false step in the movie — and, not that it matters much — that extends to Kenneth’s basic notions of time travel. Rated R for language including some sexual references. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

the dark kNiGht riSeS JJJJ

Director: christoPher nolan Players: christian bale, Michael caine, gary olDMan, anne hathaway, toM harDy, Marion cotillarD, JosePh gorDon-levitt, Morgan FreeMan ComiC Book aCtioN drama

rated pG-13

The Story: The final film in Christopher Nolan’s Batman series. The Lowdown: A more human, more entertaining, less oppressive Batman movie than might have been expected. It’s not as weighty as it probably means to be, but it’s undeniably entertaining and well-made. Perhaps the strangest thing to me about The Dark Knight Rises is that it’s not nearly as depressingly nihilistic as its predecessor. In fact, I found it far more entertaining than either of Christopher Nolan’s previous Batman movies. It actually has some sense of fun hovering about it. Now, I know that’s a dirty word in the realm of the hardcore fans who seem to take pleasure in these films being dour for their own sake. That’s something I’ve never subscribed to as a plus in any genre — and, frankly, it’s not something I find in any great film that I can recall. That’s not

nowplaying AbrAhAm LincoLn: VAmpire hunter JJJJ

Benjamin Walker, Dominic cooper, anthony mackie, mary elizaBeth WinsteaD, rufus seWell Horror Amusingly nonsensical story of Abraham Lincoln as, well, a vampire hunter. Of course, it’s silly. (How could it not be?) But it has its share of effective scenes, good performances, some intriguing ideas and a splendid lead vampire. Rated R

the AmAzing Spider-mAn JJJJ

anDreW GarfielD, emma stone, rhys ifans, Denis leary, martin sheen, sally fielD, irrfan khan Comic Book Action The Spider-Man origin story told anew to kickstart the franchise. Well-made and entertaining — and boasting improved lead actors — but rather unremarkable. It may be as good as the film it reboots, but the freshness is gone. Rated PG-13

bernie JJJJJ

jack Black, shirley maclaine, mattheW mcconauGhey, BraDy coleman, richarD rochiBaux, BranDon smith Fact-based Dark Comedy Drama True-life crime story about the murder of a much-hated old woman, her killer and the very odd fall-out from the crime in a small Texas town. Darkly funny, oddly touching, disturbing and surprisingly deep film that benefits from a very unusual approach. A mustsee. Rated PG-13

the beSt exotic mArigoLd hoteL JJJJJ

West Asheville Yoga probably means to be, but it’s undeniably entertaining and well-made. Rated PG-13

ice Age: continentAL drift J

(voices) ray romano, Denis leary, john leGuizamo, Queen latifah, peter DinklaGe Animated Adventure The prehistoric animals of the Ice Age franchise must deal with cataclysm and pirates. A completely pointless animated film that’s mostly harmless, more of the same and horribly dull. Rated PG

the intouchAbLeS JJJJJ

françois cluzet, omar sy, anne le ny, auDrey fleurot, clotilDe mollet Fact-based Comedy-Drama A fact-based, feelgood, odd couple comedy-drama about a rich white quadriplegic and his poor black caregiver. Slickly made, a little Hollywoodized, a little corny, but with a core of truth and splendid performances that transcend its limitations. Rated R

mAgic mike JJJJ

channinG tatum, alex pettyfer, coDy horn, mattheW mcconauGhey, olivia munn Male Stripper Drama A male stripper deals with the trials and tribulations of wanting more out of life than being a male stripper. An occasionally wonderful, (and thankfully human) look at the sex industry; it suffers from a weak third act, but is pitch perfect when it works. Rated R

moonriSe kingdom JJJJJ

juDi Dench, Bill niGhy, maGGie smith, tom Wilkinson, Dev patel, celia imrie, ronalD pickup, penelope Wilton Comedy Drama A group of old-age pensioners go to India and the affordable hotel of the title, only to find it’s not exactly as described in the brochure. Warm, funny, touching, completely winning film that does right by a cast that in turn does right by it. Rated PG-13

Bruce Willis, eDWarD norton, Bill murray, frances mcDormanD, kara hayWarD, jareD Gilman, tilDa sWinton, jason schWartzman Comedy Romance Drama Two misfit children run away on an island in the summer of 1965. Sweet, beautifully detailed, funny and very human tale of first love—with all the trimmings one expects from Wes Anderson. Easily the best film of 2012 so far and a must-see, especially for fans of the filmmaker. Rated PG-13


prometheuS JJJJ

(voices) kelly macDonalD, Billy connolly, emma thompson, julie Waters, roBBie coltrane Animated Action Fantasy A princess in ancient Scotland refuses to follow her parents’ wishes and tries to change her fate with the help of a witch. It’s a solidly OK animated fantasy from Pixar, but it’s certainly nothing to get excited about. Rated PG

the dArk knight riSeS JJJJ

christian Bale, michael caine, Gary olDman, anne hathaWay, tom harDy, marion cotillarD, joseph GorDon-levitt, morGan freeman Comic Book Action Drama The final film in Christopher Nolan’s Batman series. A more human, more entertaining, less oppressive Batman movie than might have been expected. It’s not as weighty as it

noomi rapace, michael fassBenDer, charlize theron, iDris elBa, Guy pearce, loGan marshall-Greene Sci-Fi Horror A corporation sends a small group of specialists into space to track down what may be the origin of life on Earth. Never as deep, and certainly not as daring, as it seems to wish it was, Prometheus is still compelling as entertainment—and boasts some incredible effects and design. Rated R

SAfety not guArAnteed JJJJJ

auBrey plaza, mark Duplass, jake johnson, karan soni, jenica BerGere, William hall, jr., kristen Bell Comedy Drama with Sci-Fi Aspects A trio of writers from Seattle magazine go looking for the story behind an ad looking for a partner for a time

travel experiment. A funny, moving, close to perfect little film that constantly defies the odds to become much more than what its premise and budget suggest is possible. A must-see film. Rated R

July & August Events


taylor kitsch, aaron johnson, Blake lively, Benicio Del toro, salma hayek Drama/Action Two pot growers go after the Mexican drug cartel who’ve kidnapped their shared girlfriend. A strong cast and solid direction can’t make up for a script that gives you no reason to care. Rated R

ted J

mark WahlBerG, mila kunis, (voice) seth macfarlane, joel mchale, Giovanni riBisi Raunchy Gimmick Comedy A man struggles to juggle his girlfriend and his lifelong best friend, who just happens to be an anthropomorphic teddy bear he wished into existence as a child. A one-joke premise that’s mindless, rambling and downright stupid. Rated R

to rome with LoVe JJJJJ

WooDy allen, juDy Davis, jesse eisenBerG, Greta GerWiG, ellen paGe, alec BalDWin, roBerto BeniGni, alison pill, penelope cruz Comedy Woody Allen drops in on four intercut stories that take place in Rome. Witty, clever and frequently brilliant, Allen’s latest is a fine, entertaining film from a master filmmaker — and a still sharp comedian. Rated R

tyLer perry’S mAdeA’S witneSS protection JJJJ

tyler perry, euGene levy, Denise richarDs, Doris roBerts, romeo, john amos, tom arnolD Comedy For reasons best not examined very closely, Eugene Levy and his family wind up as witness protection guests of Madea and Joe. A pretty big improvement in the run of Tyler Perry’s Madea movies. It’s ingratiating and frequently very funny. It hardly reinvents the wheel, but it provides a pleasant ride. Rated PG-13

your SiSter’S SiSter JJJJJ

emily Blunt, mark Duplass, rosemarie DeWitt, mike BirBiGlia Comedy Drama Character comedy-drama about a young man who accidentally finds himself thrown together with his best friend’s sister in a lonely cabin, what happens between them and what happens when his best friend arrives on the scene. A charming surprise and probably not the indie-type movie you’re expecting. The characters are warm and likable with Mark Duplass’ performance a standout. Rated R

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602 Haywood Rd - 828.350.1167 • JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 49

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to say I think this is a great film or a profound one. It is, however, a good film and an entertaining one — with certain significant limitations. Some argue that The Dark Knight Rises is great because it "tackles" great themes. More correctly, I’d say it references those themes by way of current events. In its own way, the film is very much like comedies that are supposed to be funny for no other reason than that they’re full of pop culture references, except this is the dramatic version. The problem is that merely citing — or dragging in — topical issues isn’t the same as tackling them. By itself, the references don’t make your film profound, only topical in the old "ripped from the headlines" sense. Here, they actually feel less like they’re "ripped from the headlines" and more like they’re grafted onto the story. What does it actually say about these elements? Whatever potential depth there might have been is quickly nullified by having less to do with reality and human nature than with the machinations of certifiably demented criminal masterminds. By the time it gets to "storming the Bastille" and Dr. Jonathan Crane (Cillian Murphy) presiding over a kangaroo court, the film has crossed over into the entertainingly absurd — and that’s probably just as well. What we have here is, at bottom, an entertainment. It’s a big entertainment — and a ponderously long one — with reasonable intimations of a kind of pop-culture Wagner opera. That’s not a bad accomplishment. And most of Nolan’s choices — including limiting the amount of screen time given to Bale’s Batman doing his Clint Eastwood impression — are good ones that actually smack more of Inception than his Batman movies. There are some false steps, yes. Nolan should never attempt to shoot a dance sequence. He has neither the flair, nor the grace to pull it off, which would matter less if it wasn’t an important scene. But more often than not, he evidences a lightness of touch and a humanity that serves the film well. Here, you actually care about Bale’s Bruce Wayne for reasons other than the fact that you’re supposed to care. They’re actually on the screen and inherent in the story. The same is true of most of the film’s main characters. If Nolan has accomplished nothing else here, he has made one of the more human movies of this type. Some of the criticism that’s been leveled against The Dark Knight Rises frankly baffles me. I suppose it’s a testament to how subjective these things are, but I don’t see how it’s possible to think this is grimmer than The Dark Knight. Some, however, do. Similarly, I had absolutely no trouble understanding Bane’s (Tom Hardy) modified voice. (I’m not sure I think it was a good idea — it sounds too much like a generic "spooky voice" from a horror movie — but I understood him.) Did I think he was a good enough villain? For purposes of the film, yes. Unlike Heath Ledger’s Joker, Bane doesn’t overwhelm the rest of the movie or the actors. That’s a trade-off I’m good with. In the end, this is a movie I liked — one, I can actually imagine watching again, and that’s saying something. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Flatrock Cinema, Regal Biltmore Grande

50 JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

startingfriday THE INTOUCHABLES

See review in "Cranky Hanke"


See review in "Cranky Hanke"


Yes, believe it or not, here's a fourth of those Step Up teen angst dance movies. And, yes, it's another director you've never heard of, too. This time, it appears to involve some kind of dance flash mob, who turn their terpsichorean antics into a form of protest against greedy land developers. If nothing else, the trailer does promise dancing cars. No, this hasn't been screened for critics.PG-13


This used to be called Neighborhood Watch, but that title fell into disrepute after the Trayvon Martin case. Now, they've fooled us by calling it The Watch — even though it's still about a neighborhood watch group. The group in question are Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughnn, Johnah Hill and Richard Avoade (how did he get in this?), and it falls on them to save the world from an alien invasion. Yes, it does sound like a dumbed-down Attack the Block. It was also directed by Akiva Schaffer, who gave us the Andy Samberg bomb Hot Rod. Naturally, it's been kept from critical eyes. R


Director: olivier Nakache, eric toleDaNo Players: FraNçois cluzet, omar sy, aNNe le Ny, auDrey Fleurot, clotilDe mollet FACT-BASED COmEDY-DRAmA


The Story: A fact-based, feel-good, odd couple comedy-drama about a rich white quadriplegic and his poor black caregiver. The Lowdown: Slickly made, a little Hollywoodized, a little corny, but with a core of truth and splendid performances that transcend its limitations. The French film The Intouchables has cleaned up at the French box office and may duplicate that feat on the art house circuit in the U.S. In fact, this may be that rare subtitled film that goes beyond the art house realm to attract more mainstream audiences. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised, because this fact-based, odd couple/ buddy comedy is every inch the crowd-pleaser. The only stumbling block I can see — apart from the singularly awful poster that makes it look like The Bucket List by way of some faith-based goo-fest — lies in the number of critics who are determined to view the film in terms of its racial components. What strikes me as strange about this is that the issue of race between its two main players — François Cluzet and Omar Sy — is all but nonexistent. The gulf that separates them is strictly in the area of class boundaries. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that even that conflict is as old as the hills (or at least as old as Frank Capra). But the fact is, it still works — and I’ve rarely seen it work any better than it does here with this tale of a fabulously wealthy quadriplegic, Philippe (Cluzet) and his totally inappropriate caregiver, Driss (Sy). But there’s more to it than that. The Intouchables is, in fact, probably the most clear-eyed look at this kind of disability I’ve ever

seen in the movies. In my late teens and early 20s, one of my best friends, Frank Elkins, was a quadriplegic. Like the character in the film, he had no use for pity — including self-pity. The relationship between Philippe and Driss, comes across as largely authentic in terms of my personal experience. Of course, there are some false points — the bit with the scalding tea is ludicrous — but in all, the film has the stamp of reality. It is perhaps the first film about a disabled person I can imagine Frank would have liked. Maybe the fact that I can relate to the film’s approach to its disabled character and the depiction of his friendship with his caregiver causes me to let slide the old-fashioned buddy-comedy nature of The Intouchables (not to mention the whole Capra-esque schtick of the poor teaching the rich how to enjoy life). I don’t know. I do know, however, that this odd-couple yarn works far more than it doesn’t — and it’s pretty savvy about it. The most interesting aspect of it is that it often seems to me that rich white Philippe is much more the cliché than poor black Driss. It’s no wonder that Driss is bored by Philippe’s incredibly parochial taste in classical music (or that he can recognize pieces from TV advertising or on-hold phone music), but it’s interesting that his own tastes run toward Kool and the Gang and Earth, Wind, and Fire, neither of which are exactly flavor of the month bands. Little things like this keep the film from being quite the cookie-cutter affair it could have been. Ultimately, it’s a film that works thanks to the performances of the two leads and their interactions. Never for a moment does either actor seem slightly false — even when the film is at its most obviously manipulative. They earn our respect and our fondness for their characters at every turn. And that’s something that has nothing to do with easy manipulation. Rated R for language and some drug use. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

specialscreenings After Life JJJJJ fAntAsy DrAmA rAteD nr In Brief: A thoroughly fascinating movie about the bureaucratic process of what happens after we die. The film’s basic idea of the dead having to choose one single memory to take with them into eternity is conceptually fanciful and rather (deliberately) mundane in execution. This latter aspect causes part of the movie to become a little pokey, but the overall experience of the film is unique. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present After Life at 8 p.m. Friday, July 27 at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

the BLAck Pit of Dr. m (misterios De ULtrAtUmBA) JJJJ horror rAteD nr In Brief: An atmospheric — and typically over-the-top — little chiller from Mexico about the director of an insane asylum and his attempts to go beyond the grave. Made by the major Mexican horror director of the era, Fernando Méndez, the film is much stronger on creepy images than it is on logic. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Black Pit of Dr. M. Thursday, July 26 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

icemAn cometh JJJJ DrAmA rAteD PG In Brief: The Hendersonville Film Society is screening the second part of John Frankenheimer’s film of Eugene O’Neill’s The Iceman Cometh. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Iceman Cometh Part Two at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 29 in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


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LAw of Desire JJJJJ comeDy-DrAmA-thriLLer rAteD nc-17 In Brief: A flamboyant gay filmmaker — trying to get over a lost love — takes up with a dangerously possessive and unstable young man, who will do anything to keep his hold on the filmmaker. Pedro Almodovar’s first U.S. hit is an unabashedly personal, deeply disturbing, but sometimes very funny work that holds back no excess — which is how it got that NC-17 rating. The Asheville Film Society will screen Law of Desire Tuesday, July 31 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

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Real Estate Wanted

669-4625 • Black Mountain

HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

Commercial Listings

Commercial Property OFFICE SUITES Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sq. ft. to 3,200 sq. ft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828281-4024.

Commercial/Bus iness Rentals DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE For lease. Above City Bakery, Biltmore Avenue. Approximately 775 sqft. Natural light. Spacious. sycamorepartnerslp


Apartments For Rent ASHEVILLE EAST - DUPLEX • Half-house close in. 3BR, 2BA: hardwoods, fireplace, dishwasher, WD. Woods & trails. No pets/smoking. $825/month negotiable plus utilities. Available Sept. 1. 828-273-6700. 1BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Water, garbage included. On bus line. Swimming pool onsite. $569/month. Call 828-252-9882. BLACK MOUNTAIN • SPECIAL • 2BR, 1BA. Heatpump, central air, W/D connection. Nice area. Sorry, no pets. Only $525/month. 828-252-4334. LIVE ON THE RIVER! • EAST 2BR, 2BA, all appliances, including WD. • Large closets, storage. Covered parking. • Covered porch. Open deck. Great views! • Quiet and convenient. • Pets considered. Available August. $750/month. 828-779-2736, 828-215-4596. NEAR UNCA and GREENWAY! Peaceful, wooded setting for 2BR/1BA, just renovated! W/D hookup, carpet, small private porch. $675/mo includes water. 1 cat ok w/ fee. Year’s lease, security deposit, credit check & references req, Plenty of parking! For appt: Elizabeth Graham: 253-6800 NORTH ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 1BA. Upstairs /downstairs.1 mile to downtown. Hardwood floors. On busline. Sorry, no pets. $625/month. 828-252-4334. NORTH ASHEVILLE 1BR, 1BA. $700/month all utilities included, one year lease. Hardwood and marble tile floors, spacious. D/W/ Cable and internet access additional $50. Pets with $280 nonrefundable deposit. Available end of July. 828-484-9073.

CANDLER 2BR, CANDLER • W/D Hookups. Trash pickup and water available. 1 year lease, 1 month security. $525/month. 665-9253.

Mobile Homes For Rent 2BR, 1BA EAST • Between Asheville and Black Mountain. In quiet managed park. Central heat and A/C. W/D. References, application and deposit required. $400/month. 828-779-2736. CANDLER • Mobile home on land. 2-3BR, 1BA. $650/month. 828-713-2006. WEST ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 2BA Large Mobile. W/D connections. On bus line. Excellent condition. Quiet park. Accepting Section 8. Only $650/month. 828-2739545.

Condos/ Townhomes For Rent BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL • Newly renovated 2BR, 2BA at Racquet Club in South Asheville. 1,200sq.ft w\ hardwood floors throughout, wood burning fireplace, large master w\walkin closet. Rent includes membership in top-rated fitness, swimming, and cycling club and water. $1,125 per month. Year’s lease, credit check, security deposit req. One cat w\ fee, No dogs. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800. CONDO NEAR TUNNEL ROAD • Luxury 2 BR, 2BA condo on the 3rd floor of a four story building. Close to downtown and Asheville Mall. Elevators, pool with hot tub, exercise room, fireplace, deck w/ mountain views, granite countertops, ss appliances, ceramic/hardwood floors, etc. $995/month includes water and gas (828) 231-6689. NORTH ASHEVILLE • 1BA, 1BA Townhome. 1 mile from downtown, off Merrimon Ave.. On busline. Sorry, no pets. $450/month. 828-252-4334.

Homes For Rent 2BR, 2BA • LOG HOME In wooded setting. Hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings, front and back porches, large yard. Hi speed internet. Quiet community, only minutes from Weaverville and Asheville. $950/month with deposit. 828-649-1170. 3BR, 1.5BA • MONTFORD Available Aug 1. Beautifullyrenovated and clean. Central heating/air. No smoking. No pets. $1,200/month. Call (803) 699-8733. SWANNANOA • Near Warren Wilson. 3BR, 1BA Stone Cottage. Large covered porch, great views, all appliances, utilities and lawn care included. $1,200/month. 828-337-0873. SOUTH 2BR, 1BA • Duplex. Hardwood floors. Cat okay. $590/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. SOUTH 2BR, 1BA • Hardwood floors. Sorry, no pets. $650/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty.

Short-Term Rentals 15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/day, $650/week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145.

Wanted to Rent VETERAN WITH HUD/VASH HOUSING VOUCHER • Looking for apt. Voucher will pay $670/month imust include utilities.

Commercial/ Business Rentals CENTRAL WAYNESVILLE • Offices or workspace with wonderful high ceilings, flooded with light. Upper floor of historic and handsome icon. Elevator, parking, breakroom. 150 sq.ft to 2,200 sq.ft. Very convincing pricing. 828-216-6066. DOWN TOWN SYLVA PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Professional offices second floor downtown West Main Street, Sylva. Flexible space 250–520 square feet, $250-$400. Includes utilities and Wifi. 828-631-2734 or WAYNESVILLE, NC • Ideal office/warehouse/workspace. Decor would support craftoriented use, distributor or lowtraffic store. 2,000 sq.ft. +/-. Base cost $900/month + costs. CHEAP. 828-216-6066. WEST ASHEVILLE AREA • For lease. 1,000 sq.ft. office space. Great for martial art, yoga or Pilates studio. All utilities included: electric, heat, A/C, water. $695/month. Greg, 828-665-2007.

Roommates ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN)


General A SEASONAL OPPORTUNITY Full-time. Inspect apples during harvest. August-October. Will train. Henderson County. Mileage paid. Call (828) 253-1691 extension 31. EOE. Leave message.

ADVANCE CONCERT TICKET SALES • $10.50 per hour guaranteed plus a weekly bonus program. We are seeking individuals for full and part time in our local Asheville sales office. • Benefit package • Weekly paycheck • Students welcome. Our employees earn $500-$650 per week with bonuses. No experience necessary, we will train the right people. Enthusiasm and a clear speaking voice are required. Call today for a personal interview. 828-236-2530. LOCAL WHOLESALE COMPANY is looking for a fulltime entry level product photographer with graphic design skills. • Employee will be responsible for product photography, image management of over 8,000 items, and weekly promotional emails (layout and design). • Attention to detail is an absolute must, as is the ability to keep up a fast pace and work independently under weekly deadlines. • Experience is preferred, but candidates who can demonstrate the required skill areas will be considered. • We offer competitive salary, health benefits, paid holiday and vacation time off days as well as friendly and comfortable work environment. Please email resume and samples of work to or fax to 828-259-3674. MANUFACTURING JOBS First and second shift. Call (980) 295-9104 or (704) 604-2587, between 12pm-5pm.

Skilled Labor/ Trades HEATING & AIR Experienced HVAC installers needed. Call 910-285-3879.

Administrative/ Office CREDITOR’S RIGHTS LEGAL ASSISTANT • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks an experienced Legal Assistant for its Asheville Office. • This individual will work within a team to prepare documents, maintain attorneys’ files, and oversee adherence to calendared items, document requests, and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of practice. • The chosen candidate will demonstrate attention to detail, organizational skills, and the ability to multitask. • The ability to facilitate communication between team members whether written or spoken is critical. 2-5 years legal assistant experience or similar administrative experience is preferred. Please send qualifications to

jobs FOOD SOURCING COORDINATOR PART-TIME (20 HOURS) MANNA FOODBANK Bachelors’s Degree or Equivalent Experience Assist in the procurement of food and grocery inventories from the food industry Good Driving Record Required Complete job description and application instructions at EOE LEGAL ASSISTANT • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks an experienced Legal Assistant for its Asheville Office. This individual will work within a team to prepare documents, maintain attorneys’ files and calendars, and oversee adherence to calendared items, document requests, and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of practice. • The chosen candidate will demonstrate attention to detail, organizational skills, and the ability to multi-task. • The ability to facilitate communication between team members whether written or spoken is critical. 2-5 years legal assistant experience or similar administrative experience is preferred. Please send qualifications to LOCAL OUTDOOR COMPANY Local outdoor company seeks to fill a position for an entry level office employee. Duties would include, but are not limited to data entry and customer service. Experience with QuickBooks is a plus, but not necessary to apply. Please send resume and cover letter to TRUST AND ESTATE PARALEGAL • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks a Trust and Estate Paralegal for its Asheville Office. • This individual will work within a team to prepare correspondence and court documents for trust and estate administration, complete fiduciary account tax returns and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of practice. Attention to detail, including organizational skill and demonstrable writing capability, is sought. An understanding of common business applications, including Microsoft Excel and Word is critical. • Knowledge of accounting is necessary, as position includes data entry into a proprietary financial accounting program and preparation of accountings for the Court and/or beneficiaries. 2-5 years experience is preferred. • Paralegal Certification is desirable but not required. Please send qualifications to hr@vwlawfirm.comSu

TRUST AND LEGAL ASSISTANT • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks an experienced Trust and Estate Legal Assistant for its Asheville Office. • This individual will work within a team to prepare documents, maintain attorneys’ files and calendars, and oversee adherence to calendared items, document requests, and otherwise assist attorneys in all aspects of practice. • The chosen candidate will demonstrate attention to detail, organizational skills, and the ability to multi-task. 2-5 years legal assistant experience or similar administrative experience is preferred. Please send qualifications to

Salon/ Spa SENSIBILITIES DAY SPA • Now hiring Front Desk Staff. Receptionist or retail experience required.Bring resume to 59 Haywood St.

Sales/ Marketing ADVANCE CONCERT TICKET SALES • $10.50 per hour guaranteed plus a weekly bonus program. We are seeking individuals for full and part time in our local Asheville sales office. • Benefit package • Weekly paycheck • Students welcome. Our employees earn $500-$650 per week with bonuses. No experience necessary, we will train the right people. Enthusiasm and a clear speaking voice are required. Call today for a personal interview. 828-236-2530. ASHEVILLE COUPON CALENDAR SALES REP Keep it Local! Seasonal sales position starting asap-October 15th. Work for three months but make a years income. (843) 206-6263 LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR IS LOOKING FOR A FULL TIME INSIDE SALES EMPLOYEE (SR-II) TO JOIN OUR TEAM • Candidate will be responsible for generating sales revenue on new accounts by analyzing and researching database for sales leads, initiating calls to prospective retail stores / resellers, following up on catalog requests, and winning back sales on old accounts. • The candidate will also be responsible for sales order entry on new accounts. • Candidates must have strong sales skills, computer skills and be self motivated, reliable, and detail oriented. • Candidate must be able to travel on occasion and attend out of town trade shows. Previous sales experience required. • Benefits include competitive pay, comfortable atmosphere w/casual dress, holiday and vacation pay, health insurance co-pay, and great office hours. Salary is a fixed hourly rate + sales commission. Interested parties please email / fax resume and cover letter, fax# 828 259-3674

PROFESSIONAL SALES Fortune 200 company recruiting sales associates in this area. • $30$50K possible first year. • Renewals • Stock Bonuses • Training. For an interview, call (828) 670-6099 or e-mail resume: SALES & SALES MANAGEMENT We have a business system that puts you in front of qualified clients. NO COLD CALLING! Sales positions 75K+. Management positions 125K+. 828-686-5059 to schedule an interview with the hiring manager.

Restaurant/ Food APOLLO FLAME • WAITSTAFF Full-time. • Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. PF Chang’s is looking for all FOH and BOH positions. Please apply in person ONLY between 2-4 Monday thru Thursday at 26 Schenck Parkway in Biltmore Park Town Square

Hotel/ Hospitality PART-TIME ASSISTANT INNKEEPER/HOUSEKEEPER Seeking PT Asst. Innkeeper for 7-room B&B in South Asheville. M-F 20-35 hrs/week. $13/hr + cleaning tips. Resumes: THE GROVE PARK INN is currently seeking experienced Hotel Room Attendants & will pay up to $14/hr depending on experience. Excellent compensation & benefits. Apply Online at The Grove Park Inn is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug-Free Workplace.

Medical/ Health Care MED TECH/PCA • For assisted living center in Black Mountain. One year experience required. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Organizational skills and good communication skills a must. Great benefits, friendly residents, and great staff to work with. Please fax resume to 828-669-5003 or email to administrator

RN OR LPN • Minimum 1 year management and 1 year nursing. • Statement of Duties: Assists in the delivery of primary health care and resident management and supervises clinical staff. Working • Conditions: Works in a fastpaced,VA contracted, Medicaid/Private Pay Center with predominantly elderly residents. Regulated by several agencies. • Physical Demands: Requires full range of body motion including handling and lifting, substantial standing and walking. • Performance Requirements: Ability and knowledge to perform medical assistant care and interpret,adapt and apply guidelines and procedures. Knowledge of state regulations governing a nursing home. Knowledge of common safety hazards and precautions to establish a safe work environment. Skill in assisting in a variety of treatments and medications as directed. Skill in taking vital signs. Skill in maintaining records and recording test results. Skill in developing and maintaining department quality assurance. Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with physicians, residents, residents families, employees, and the public. Ability to effectively supervise other nursing staff and assign responsibilities appropriately. Possess good computer,written and verbal communication skills. Always presents a professional image. Ability to do detailed and accurate work. Utilize time management skills.Maintain productivity and work independently. EXCELLENT PAY AND BENEFITS. PLEASE FAX RESUME TO 828.669.5003 OR EMAIL TO administrator

Human Services ASHEVILLE ACADEMY FOR GIRLS • Is seeking a licensed masters level therapist. • Previous experience working with adolescent girls and their families is a must. • Experience providing service in a residential treatment setting is preferred. Principle duties will include: treatment planning and coordination; individual and group therapy; family support and education; and liaison work with referral sources. • AAG clinicians work some evenings as well as week-end shifts. Serving as an on-call clinician on evenings and weekends on a rotational basis is also a must. This is a 30+ hours/week or full-time position. For more detailed job description and/or to make application, please send a resume, brief letter of interest, and a copy of your current license to michelle EOE

• JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012


AWAKE OVERNIGHT RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR Stone Mountain School, a therapeutic residential boarding school serving male adolescents ages 11-17, is hiring a part-time awake overnight residential counselor to provide overnight supervision of students. Overnight awake staff will maintain an environment that protects the safety and well-being of students and will provide crisis intervention when appropriate. Requires the ability to walk 1-5 miles per shift up and down steep trails. Must be able to lift 50lbs. 10pm-6am, 3 to 4 nights a week. Will pay up to $14/hr depending on experience. High School Diploma/GED required. Preference will be given to those with experience in social services and/or working with program’s population. Send resume and cover letter to Carlos Barnes at cbarnes 828-669-8639


CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER, SOCIAL WORK SUPERVISOR AND CASE MANAGER Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker and Social Work Supervisor - LCSW credentials required. • Case Manager - requires minimum of CSAC. Experience preferred. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/or detox services. The case management position specializes in housing coordination and collaboration with community providers. Please visit to apply.

Photo courtesy of Mod Sprog

Openings Juicy Lucy’s 620 Hendersonville Road, 277-0355 Mod Sprog (children’s clothes, toys and other parenting products), 830 Hendersonville Road, Suite 2. 333-5142 (Pictured) Papoose (children’s clothes and toys), 21 Battery Park Ave. 505-7879

PSA HEALTHCARE We are looking for talented individuals to support people with disabilities in our community. If interested, please call 828-684-3329.

Renovations and relocations Pineapple Jack’s (temporarily closed), 643 Haywood Road 505-3751 We welcome your tips on area business happenings at

MEET SWEET JOSEPHINE This beautiful 6-8 year old lady pit is fostered by Punx for Pits through local Brother Wolf Animal Rescue! She is up to date on all vaccinations and spayed. She has been in loving foster care for 10+ months and is ready for her forever home! Josey would prefer to be the only companion animal in her home. The BEST cuddle buddy you will ever meet. Couch and a belly rub? Its a date! If you would like to meet her, or have any questions at all, contact Eph at


JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012 •

CLINICIAN • OFFENDER SERVICES PROGRAM The Offender Services Program is recruiting for a licensed or license eligible clinician to provide group and individual treatment to sex offenders and domestic violence abusers within the Sexual Abuse Intervention Program and the Domestic Violence Abuser Program. Experience is preferred. A broad range of mental health and substance abuse issues are addressed in this integrated treatment program. Please send application and resume w/cover letter addressing how your experience prepares you for this position to Diane Paige, Offender Services Coordinator at diane.paige For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

Professional/ Management

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Cherokee County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg @meridianbhs.orgHaywood County: Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must be an RN. Please contact Jen Hardin, Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience required, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. For more information, please contact Joe Ferrara, Qualla Boundary: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist on Qualla Boundary for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist on Qualla Boundary for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg Macon County: Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. For more information, contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.

FAMILIES TOGETHER (FT) • Is dedicated to providing quality services to our exceptional children, families and adults. FT is a CABHA, and nationally accredited with CARF International. • Families Together is recruiting a Social Worker to provide assessment and case management with elderly and disabled adults in the Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA). • Qualified candidates will include Bachelors Degree in Social Work or a related Human Services field; must have 1 year social work experience , preferably with geriatric or medical social work experience; experience preferred in the areas of case management, assessment and referral. • Solid computer skills for paperworkintensive position; ability to work independently from home office, and meet a billable standard. • Full time salaried position in Buncombe and Madison Counties; own transportation required. FT provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates should go to

FAMILIES TOGETHER. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture.• Candidates should go to

THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES • RN to serve on an ACT Team (start date 9/1); QMHP to serve children/adolescents and families on an Intensive In Home Team; Licensed or provisionally licensed therapist to work with children in our school-based program; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work in our PSR program.Please send resumes to


MOUNTAIN XPRESS IS LOOKING FOR A THOUGHTFUL, SAVVY AND HARD-WORKING WRITER TO COVER THE LOCAL FOOD SCENE Our food writer will: • Curate and write content for the weekly print edition, as well as for our website. • Make connections, keep up with breaking food news and get the word out with alacrity. • Be active on social media and be down with Twitter. • Write the content for our twice-yearly food supplements. • Enjoy the local food scene. • The position requires attendance at some after-hours events and functions. • We need someone who’s comfortable talking with both the celebrity chef and the hotdog vendor. • The position offers a good deal of editorial freedom, so self-motivation and creativity are musts. • We offer competitive salary and benefits. Please send resume, cover letter, clips and three story ideas to Those without writing samples will not be considered.

FINANCE MANAGER ASAP is hiring for a talented and committed nonprofit Finance Manager. For more information, visit our website Deadline 7/31/12

A-B TECH FINANCIAL AID DIRECTOR • SUMMARY: Manage and administer all aspects of the student financial aid program of the College including the Federal Title IV programs and other national, state, local and institutional grant, scholarship and loan programs; provide financial aid information to students, parents, and other interested parties and organizations; review and approve student financial aid appeals; develop and administer financial aid policies of the college; represent the College at student financial aid professional meetings, workshops, and seminars; manage all financial aid data reporting functions to the state and federal government and other agencies; administer the return of the Title IV funds process; and provide prospect information to enrollment services and support college recruitment. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or related field. 2. Three years or more of successful experience in financial aid leadership in higher education. 3. Three years or more of supervisory experience. 4. Exceptional verbal and written communication skills. 5. Proficient with Microsoft Office. SALARY RANGE: $57,540 $71,928. Please visit postings/1194 for additional detail and application instructions.

Teaching/ Education EXCHANGE STUDENTS FROM SPAIN We are looking for families that would happily host a student for 3 of those 4 weeks. The cost of food will be given as well as a little monetary compensation. EXPERIENCED K-1 TEACHER NEED FOR 1/2 DAY BI-LINGUAL HOMESCHOOL PROGRAM • Knowledge of outdoors and Spanish a plus. Hours 9am-1pm. Contact: naturallygrownpreschool

A-B TECH INSTRUCTOR, BUSINESS COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES • SUMMARY: Teach courses as an adjunct instructor in the Business Computer Technologies. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree with 18 graduate semester hours in a computer-related discipline 2. Excellent communications skills. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Documented successful experience in technology training of users in a college setting. 2. Two or more year’s experience in an computerrelated field. • SALARY RANGE: $29.75 per contract hour. Please visit postings/1195 for details and application instructions.

Business Opportunities HELP WANTED • Make money mailing brochures from home. Free supplies. Helping homeworkers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

Classes & Workshops REAL ESTATE INVESTING BASICS • Sponsored by nonprofit investors association. 20 classroom hours. A-B Tech campus. Workbook included. Aug. 17-19 and Aug. 24-26. $250.00. Please visit or call 828-216-6066. THE APPROACH SELF PROTECTION METHOD Classes beginning in The Approach Self Protection Method. Certified instructor. For more info contact: protectionsolutions.psi@gmail.c om or call 828.707.4351. Visit:

Mind, Body, Spirit

Bodywork ASHEVILLE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN • Jess Toan, LMBT 7445, MA in Women’s Health. Deep Tissue, Hot Stones, Prenatal, Swedish, Reiki, and Oncology Massage. $50 for first massage. http://ashevillemassageforwom, 828-552-6609, Experienced, professional, and attentive. Call today! You won’t regret it.

LOST DOG- URGENT! REWARD! LOST DOG; has micro-chip, no collar. White/Tan/Cream Poodle/Maltese Mix. Name:Maggie Mae; 5 yrs old Female. 828-277-7113. Lost Mars Hill/Marshall/E. Fork. #1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND YOGA CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $33/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. • Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088. RELAX, AND REVITALIZE YOURSELF! Several massage modalities and Reiki sessions for body, mind, spirit healing. Couple’s treatments available. Reiki trainings monthly. West Asheville Massage & Healing Arts, 828-423-3978,

Spiritual ILLUMINATING YOUR PATH Call Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin. • 15 years in Asheville. • Individuals • Groups • Parties. (828) 253-7472.

Musicians’ Xchange

Musical Services ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • BLACK MOUNTAIN MUSIC PIANO AND COMPOSITION LESSONS AVAILABLE JAZZ/BLUES/POPULAR MUSIC - SLIDING SCALE Jazz Pianist Composer - Accompanist - 40 years experience - MA in Jazz Composition - 75 cds released former Rhodes College (TN) faculty member. Recently relocated to WNC. Accepting private students (adults and young adults only). Transposed Lead sheets available for singers. Contact: GUITAR INSTRUCTION AT BREVARD COLLEGE OR DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE. Study the Guitar with College Instructor Lou Mowad. Accepting all levels in Brevard or downtown Asheville. 828.231.7449

Pet Xchange

Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:

Pets for Adoption

VANNA is a sweet kitten who is searching for a loving home. For more information on the adoption process, visit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at or call 505-3440.

Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.


Automotive Services WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

For Sale

Building Supplies WOODWORKING WOOD Excellent quality woodworking wood. Black Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Cedar, Mahogany, and more. Prices vary. Call 828-505-6106.

The New York Times Crossword ACROSS 1 “Deliverance” instrument 6 Return of a lob, maybe 11 Corp. money manager 14 Reason for a February thankyou speech 15 Chaplain, to a G.I. 16 PC hookup 17 Actor’s order to sock an N.B.A. legend? 19 Get totally right 20 Julian Assange posting 21 Bobble 22 Ladies’ man 24 Teammate of the 17-Across legend avoiding toilet trainin’? 28 Saturday morning cartoon dog, informally 31 “C’est ___” (“Camelot” song) 32 Veracruz vane direction

33 Old comic actor’s Little Bighorn headline? 37 Some purse items, for short 38 California’s Big ___ 39 Bedevil 40 Grimm tale figure 43 Threaten a classic comedienne like a talk-show host? 46 Maritime greeting 49 Noted flagraising site, for short 50 Full of passion 51 Writer-turnedUtah carpenter? 55 Delivery doc 56 Barrister’s deg. 57 “Copernican revolution” philosopher 61 Sac fly stat 62 Controls a prison guard like a pop singer?























66 Public-house offering 67 Greek gathering spot of old 68 Rapscallion 69 ___ Paul guitars 70 “Full court” tactic 71 Go along (with) DOWN 1 Postseason grid matchup 2 ___ Stadium (facility near Citi Field) 3 Org. with brackets 4 Super payoff 5 Mork’s planet 6 Have on 7 Kneeler’s words 8 Put in 9 Mrs. abroad 10 Artist Rousseau 11 Jumper cable ends 12 “Let’s be honest!” 13 Score in a pitcher’s duel, maybe 18 Riff, e.g., in “West Side Story” 23 Taking customers 25 Eligible for “The Biggest Loser” 26 Dry Italian wine 27 Falsified, as a check 28 Many an ology: Abbr. 29 It’s a mouthful 30 Old spy org. 34 Brush with the law 35 He-man’s asset 36 Banish to Siberia 40 Loop transports

Edited by Will Shortz No.0620 1






14 18


21 24 29



22 26













56 63


36 39

43 48









31 34



























Puzzle by Alan Arbesfeld

41 Call for a do-over 42 Suffer from the heat 43 “Dear me!” 44 Some fuel transporters 45 Hiding in the shadows 46 Unconcerned with right and wrong

47 Walk haltingly 48 Saturnalias 52 In-a-bottle alternative 53 “Casablanca” heroine and others 54 Pres. with an on-board swearing-in 58 Withdrawn apple spray

59 Campbell of “Scream” 60 Site of many a cat rescue 63 U.S.D.A. part: Abbr. 64 2012 role for Chris Diamantopoulos 65 Blotter letters

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:

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• JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2012


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