O U R 1 8 T H Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A RT S , & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O RT H C A R O L I N A V O L . 1 8 N O . 5 A U G U S T 2 4 - A U G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 1
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10 buncombe commissioners
County asks for new Blue Ridge Parkway overlook
open for business 13 Vision Quest
Asheville entrepreneurs buck tough economy
16 working it
Living wage is good for business
22 Smaller is bigger
U.S. officials tout the innovations of small business
arts&entertainment 54 goombay!
Celebrate African and Caribbean culture on The Block
56 wigged out
Hedwig and the Angry Inch returns for NC Stage’s 10-year anniversary
58 brothers united
For the first time, all three Robbins brothers’ bands share the stage
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letters Let’s get real about race Thanks to David Forbes and the Mountain Xpress for covering the lack of hip-hop at Bele Chere in the Aug. 10 issue [“Not Too Kool�]. DJ Kool and Doug E. Fresh would have been a wonderful addition to the lineup. The suggestion that they pose any sort of "risk" in comparison to other artists is ludicrous and offensive, as is suggesting that the relatively unknown replacement better suits the Asheville "demographic.� If I rattled off my local acquaintances, a large portion of them would be late 20s, mostly white, whose formative years were in the late ‘80s/early ‘90s; they either love hip-hop like me or have a soft spot in their hearts for party tracks such as those DJ Kool and Doug E. Fresh are famous for. I'd hate to think that this is a racial issue, but it is difficult to reconcile the final selections with anything but. It isn't a "live music" issue: Asheville has respected DJs perform year round and is now host to a festival celebrating electronic music and art. It isn't a popularity issue: clearly there was a big push for the act. It isn't a crime risk issue: more incendiary acts (of multiple races) play all the time in Asheville without incident. (I include this only because it was mentioned in the article, the idea of a DJ Kool/Doug E. Fresh performance being a crime risk is laughable.) It's time to get real. There is no reason such a well-known artist with a positive attitude who is willing to do the show at near minimum cost should be excluded. It's time to stop throwing
Haven’t been yet?
up the defenses whenever race is mentioned and have a frank discussion. — Will Hessling Asheville
People are not born prejudiced Regarding the Aug. 10 Xpress article, “Not Too Kool,� my daughter is a white, female, Jewish hip-hop artist (check her out at heidid. com). She does not drink, smoke or take drugs. She graduated valedictorian of her high school class. As my youngest son wrote at the tender age of 7, "People are not born prejudiced. They are taught to be prejudiced.� — Debi Drecksler Asheville
EDIToRIAL INTERNs: Joseph Chapman Production & Design ManaGeR: Carrie Lare Advertising Production manager: Kathy Wadham hh Production & Design: Drew Findley h, Nathanael Roney
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Regarding the Dehlia Low CD “review� Dehlia Low’s great music speaks for itself and doesn’t need my two cents [�Summer Playlist,� Aug. 10 Xpress]. After his perfunctory bone thrown acknowledging the quality of their newly released third full-length CD, Ravens & Crows, Joseph Chapman (“editorial intern�) wastes ink twisting in semantic contortions over a marketing phrase (bluegrass vs. Americana vs. pop vs. whatever). Memo to a wannabe music critic: it’s the music, stupid!
Letters continue
staff publisher & Editor: Jeff Fobes hhh GENERAL MANAGER: Andy Sutcliffe senior editor: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING editorS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams a&E reporter & Fashion editor: Alli Marshall h Senior news reporter: David Forbes FOOD Writer: Mackensy Lunsford Staff reporterS: Jake Frankel, Christopher George green scene reporter: Susan Andrew Staff photographer: Jonathan Welch EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SUPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & Writer: Jaye Bartell contributing editors: Nelda Holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR editor, Writer: Jen Nathan Orris clubland editor, writer: Dane Smith contributing writers: Jonathan Barnard, Caitlin Byrd, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Ursula Gullow, Anne Fitten Glenn, Cinthia Milner, Jonathan Poston, Eric Crews, Justin Souther
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Movie reviewer & Coordinator: Ken Hanke hh AdVERTISING MANAGER: Marissa Williams h advertising SUPPLEMENTS manager: Russ Keith h retail Representatives: Rick Goldstein, Leigh Reynolds, Bryant Cooper, John Varner h, Zane Wood Classified Representatives: Arenda Manning, Tim Navaille hh Information Technologies Manager: Stefan Colosimo webmaster: Patrick Conant web editor: Steve Shanafelt web GraPHIC DESIGNER: Jesse Michel MULTIMEDIA COORDINATOR: David Shaw WEB MARKETING MANAGER: Marissa Williams Office manager & bookkeeper: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning distribution manager: Jeff Tallman Assistant distribution manager: Denise Montgomery DIStribution: Mike Crawford, Ronnie Edwards, Ronald Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha McKay, Beth Molaro, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment
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mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011
Dehlia Low has terrific lyrics, music, harmony and musicianship, and that’s all that matters to me when I pick my live or at-home music listening. — Sam Speciale Asheville Editor’s response: For readers who may have missed the review, here is the first sentence: "If you appreciate anything about bluegrass, Ravens & Crows and its top-notch musicianship and intricate vocal harmonies will soon become a part of your most-played collection."
The cuts in programs like TEACCH were not necessary. The legislature chose to eliminate a one-cent sales tax, a move that has impacted education in many ways, and will make it more difficult for our children to get the education they deserve. We expect better from our elected officials. — Terry Van Duyn Asheville
TEACHH the children well
Wow. Mountian Xpress should go cover the new traffic pattern at Asheville High School. There's probably a large group of irate folks available for some juicy interviews. AHS changed their traffic pattern this school year because of "student safety.” Everyone must now drop off the kids via Victoria Road only. There is no entrance to the school in the front except for buses. Not for visitors either. Nada. If you go out there at about 8:15 a.m., the traffic is backed up for a half-mile onto Biltmore Avenue. This line includes not only AHS student drop-offs, but also hospital employee workers, visitors to the hospital as well as A-B Tech employees and students. If I was one of those folks I would be furious! Who thought that one up? I don't know if the City Schools received permission from the city and Mission Hospital to set this up, but someone had a major brain cramp! Good lord! That's right up there with putting up city directional signs behind trees or other signs so you can't see them! The increase in people directing traffic on and just off the school grounds has also increased (besides all the teachers out there). The school is going to have to keep those yellow-jacket guys on staff to help out the traffic as there's no way it will work without them. That's more money being spent that wasn't before. AHS has all these honor students and SILSA students that they are always bragging about, why can't anyone think of something better?
In 1994, a Buncombe County schoolteacher changed my life. My son was a student in her classroom. We had just moved here from Houston, where he had always struggled in school. The cadre of child development experts I had taken him to in Texas had diagnosed ADD. It was so obvious to his teacher what was going on, she thought I was keeping it a secret. My son has a mild form of autism; learning that changed everything. He is now a taxpaying adult with an associate degree, a mortgage, and all the ups and downs of life in the real world. This was possible because the state legislature provided funding to Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped Children, or TEACHH, a program administered through the University of North Carolina, so that they could do outreach to teachers about autism. Now, the state legislature is turning its back on these programs, programs that help people live full, productive (tax-paying) lives.
AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
New Asheville High traffic pattern gets a failing grade
Offer a prize for the best suggestion. This was an amazing and colossal mistake. — Cindy Sullivan Asheville
Vote for Lael My name is Elizabeth and I am 10 years old. If I could vote, I would vote Lael Gray for City Council. She made a lot of my life happen. She was the Jewish Community Center preschool director, which is the school I went to when I was younger. She is kind, loving and thoughtful. She listened to me and my ideas and treated me great. Lael Gray wants everybody to have a good education. She is smart and believes Asheville could one day be a role model for other cities. She wants to make riding bicycles safer so we can save money on gas and keep our environment cleaner. She wants me to be able to ride my bike and not get hurt. She also wants us to help keep our city clean by not littering and if you see trash to pick it up and throw it out. — Elizabeth Greer Asheville
Marc Hunt is capable and conscientious I urge your readers to vote for Marc Hunt for Asheville City Council. I came to know and admire Marc when I served as a fellow member of the Asheville Greenway Commission from 2000 to 2008. As chairman of the Commission, he was a good listener who was able to hear and acknowledge all sides of a discussion. Not only is Marc genuinely concerned about maintaining and enhancing our environment, as evidenced by his role at the Open Space Institute, but he is also extremely knowledgeable about issues of financing. He has had solid business experience as chief financial officer of Nantahala Outdoor Center, helping to lead a team of 500 employees. He has also served on the board of the Self-Help Credit Union.
I believe that Marc Hunt would be a capable and conscientious City Council member who would faithfully serve the voters of Asheville. — Paula Robbins Asheville
Public service calls ... Marc Hunt answers Every once in a while public service calls to someone who brings the right mix of experience, values, productivity, perspective, integrity and likeability and that person answers. The citizens of Asheville are fortunate to have just such a person running for City Council: Marc Hunt. I have known Marc since 1977, when he started the first whitewater rafting company on the Ocoee River in Tennessee while still in school. His company, Sunburst Adventures, quickly became known for its quality of service, excellence of staff and leadership on the river and off, as we all fought to save the river for future generations of paddlers. Marc, a very young man at the time, helped develop and lead a broad-based coalition of partners working together to save the river, through foresighted legislative proposals, cooperative agreements among formerly hostile advocates, and great facilitation. Marc was and is an inspiring leader. Later, Marc took on a major leadership role at the Nantahala Outdoor Center, which he helped lead to a position of national prominence, displaying the same traits of team-building, listening, financial acumen, facilitation, vision and just good old hard work. Before long he was chairman of the board. His vision and leadership left an indelible mark on the NOC. In his volunteer role as head of the Asheville Greenways Commission, Marc has proven his dedication to Asheville, his tenacity in bringing together diverse interests and personalities, and his skill as a leader. He is also extremely well liked and respected by anyone who has engaged with him in these efforts, because he is basically kind, respectful, understanding and not egodriven. He truly wants to make a contribution, and has done so wherever he has directed his attention. Marc will be a great asset to Asheville and the City Council. — John Burton Bryson City
Chris Pelly will amaze you I’ve been a Haw Creek Association board member for 10 years with Chris Pelly in the Haw Creek Homeowners Association. Pelly embodies leadership, a must for City Council. He takes on issues and tasks, follows through with discussions and phone calls. He pulls the group together — and not just our neighborhood. Pelly can pull our city together. I believe in him. I was sick in 2008. Our community wanted sidewalks. He did the homework, got information to us, and people from all over the city and county banded together. I participated in the Walk for Sidewalks rally, after just regaining my ability to walk again. The publicity from those actions led to sidewalk construction. Pelly realized that areas needed sidewalks. He and the Sidewalk Initiative organized meetings with the Department of Transportation. The
DOT respected what he brought to the meeting. Pelly brought the DOT’s own laws and rules to the meeting and asked why U.S. Highway 70’s dangerous areas couldn’t have sidewalks (Pelly’s research showed it was possible). The DOT is not in the sidewalk business, but things happened when Chris and other leaders got us more sidewalk commitments. Much needed sidewalks are being built. He is not just about sidewalks. Pelly has the ability to diplomatically work with agencies, hear concerns to pull people together and make things happen. He’s Ashville City Council’s next “mover and shaker.” Join the team. He’ll amaze you. Pelly won’t be on City Council unless voters get registered, get off the couch and change what needs to be changed. Chris Pelly is our liason and leader. He is a priority for today’s world. — Vickie Gaddy Asheville
Rare reaction to a rabies vaccine — or was it? Our dog, Daniel, died last fall from a reaction to rabies vaccination. I write this in his memory hoping someone else might not go through this misery. Daniel was a very affectionate, gentle and strikingly beautiful field spaniel. Frequently when walking him we were stopped by admirers who wanted to know about him. He had multiple allergies, received a maintenance dose of prednisone, monthly allergy injections, thyroid medication and was fed a special diet. When seen for his annual physical we expressed some concerns about his health due to agerelated changes. We were reassured he would probably live another five years. A maintenance dose of Tramadol was prescribed for hip pain. He got two vaccines: rabies and bordetella. After that, he deteriorated rapidly. The main problem was marked hind-leg weakness, which the vet attributed to Tramadol. We called in afterwards and were told to give him time for his body to adjust. It got so bad that he was dragging himself across the floor with his still-strong upper body. After a bout of bloody diarrhea, emergency testing showed he had thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder causing his platelets to drop to dangerously low levels. His suffering intensified and three days later he died an excruciating death. Though nobody seemed to know what caused this horrible disease, our own research found hind leg weakness can be a rabies vaccine side-effect, and so can thrombocytopenia. A growing body of research indicates rabies vaccines establish immunity much more quickly and for much longer durations than mandated by current practice. An increasing number of diseases have been found to accompany overvaccination and administration of multiple vaccines. The hapless owners and their beloved pets become the victims of pharmaceutical and veterinary profiteering in a misguided process leaving no flexibility for individual needs. — Sandra and Peter Krakowiak Asheville
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For 10 years, I organized the annual Southern Energy & Environment Expo, educating thousands about sustainability while generating an economic impact estimated at more than $5 million. Recently, however, I decided to pull the plug on the event. The decision wasn’t easy, but I did it because I’m convinced that, like the nation as a whole, Western North Carolina has reached a critical crossroads. While common sense dictates that our survival depends on the natural environment, the majority apparently still hasn’t connected with this basic fact. And whether this is due to a lack of education and information, political ideology, a drive for shortterm profits or simply not caring, the harm caused is immense. When I began advocating for sustainability, the assumption was that education and logic would do the job: Provide facts, explain options, and people would make informed decisions. By and large, this worked for decades as, incrementally, we took positive action. Now, however, we’ve hit an inexplicable resistance to education, logic and even common sense. It’s only a slight majority of people — but democratically, that spells trouble. If a small minority believes the Earth is flat, no problem. But if even a slight majority votes that the Earth is flat, who programs the GPS satellites and draws our maps? How can we reconcile common sense with irrational beliefs? Dismantling environmental protections while supporting fossil fuels and nuclear power is irrational, amounting to a flat-Earth mentality. Yet legislative and corporate efforts to accomplish this very thing are proceeding at the state and national levels. Economically, this approach will cost our region more money we don’t have to pay for things proven to be at the root of our economic problems in the first place — all while further threatening WNC’s natural capital. More coal and mercury emissions, nuclear-waste shipments, unrestricted new development, “re-classifying” trout streams ... the list goes on. At best, it’s delusional economics; but if we include environmental and spiritual considerations, it’s outright social suicide. WNC is nationally acknowledged as a “green” region, arguably the best in the South. And our regional efforts — green building, clean energy, local agriculture, land conservation and rational economics— clearly lessened the Great Recession’s local impact while showcasing proven, positive solutions. Yet despite thousands of active participants, the message is still being essentially ignored by the majority. So where do we go from here?
While common sense dictates that our survival depends on the natural environment, the majority apparently still hasn’t connected with this basic fact. Regionally, we need a “way to go” to protect us from the shortsighted lunacy now playing out in Raleigh and Washington. No region is an island; it’s not “us or them.” We have to work together. So how do we reach people who sincerely believe that nuclear power is safe, coal is clean, unlimited population growth is irrelevant, climate change is a hoax, or destroying God’s creation is merely the inevitable price we pay for a healthy economy? Whatever happened to the idea of an informed electorate? Why are people no longer swayed by facts, morality or basic common sense? Since ending the S.E.E. Expo, I’ve received about a hundred emails, many from people agreeing that we need to find a new way, a new approach. But meanwhile, the clock is ticking: There’s little time left to prevent the worst consequences of current policies and mitigate the ones that are already inevitable. WNC has a reputation for self-reliance; based on what I’ve seen, we also have the highest per capita concentration of conservation activists, green builders, clean-energy companies and aware citizens in the South. Leading by example, we’ve begun implementing sustainable solutions, but we need to do a lot more to find the way forward. Perhaps a “WNC Crossroads Summit” to hatch environmental, energy and economic strategy? Or maybe a series of community-based “town hall” meetings? No single person can do it alone, but working together, guided by common sense, for the common good and for future generations just might do the trick. Email me your ideas. I will gladly reply to all rational suggestions as we share our collective local wisdom. X Henderson County resident Ned Ryan Doyle hosts “Our Southern Community” on WNCW-FM and teaches, organizes and advocates for sustainability across the region. He can be reached at info@oursoutherncommunity.org.
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news Skyline item
Commissioners request new Parkway overlook offering city views
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Alternative viewpoints: Commissioners urged Blue Ridge Parkway officials to build a new overlook near mile marker 394.5 that features views of Asheville, seen here from a vantage point closer to town. photo by Jonathan Welch
aug. 16 meeting aReferendum scheduled on sales-tax increase aNew revenue would benefit A-B Tech
by Jake Frankel If the Buncombe County commissioners get their way, travelers on the Blue Ridge Parkway will one day enjoy a new overlook showcasing views of Asheville. At their Aug. 16 meeting, the commissioners unanimously approved a resolution urging Parkway administrators to build one to help lure more tourists into town. No current overlook on the popular scenic roadway features city views. "It's an exciting idea; it would be something enjoyed by thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people," Parkway Superintendent Phil Francis declared, stressing that the plan must first clear a series of hurdles. Any new construction would have to go through the National Park Service’s extensive planning process, he explained, including public hearings and an environmental-impact assessment. Geography also poses a major challenge: Only one potential location (milepost 394.5, about 10 miles south of the Visitor Center) offers a clear view of the city. The Parkway, added Francis, would probably ask the county and other partners, such as private foundations, to help fund construction and maintenance costs. The agency is having a hard time servicing existing over-
10 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
looks, he noted, having lost a third of its maintenance staff to budget cuts in recent years. Board Chair David Gantt emphasized that for now, "The resolution is just a concept" to help get the conversation started, adding that the county would be willing to work with the Park Service to make it happen. Commissioner Holly Jones praised Gantt for his leadership on the issue, calling it "a great idea." And Commissioner K. Ray Bailey used the opportunity to mention his "great old days" working as a Blue Ridge Parkway ranger. The only member of the public to speak during a hearing on the issue was Jupiter resident Don Yelton, a conservative talk-show host and former Republican candidate for county commissioner. If the commissioners cared about views along the Parkway, he asserted, they would urge nearby property owners to voluntarily cut down obstructing trees on their land. "That would do a lot of good: It would help visitors see out," he observed. Noting that the view from the new overlook would also feature Biltmore House, Yelton argued that the popular, privately owned tourist attraction should help cover the cost, "because they would get the same return as we would." The commissioners listened silently, without responding to Yelton's comments.
A capital idea The commissioners also unanimously approved a Nov. 8 referendum on a 0.25 percent sales-tax increase to fund capital improvements
“The referendum should be on the ballot during a county election year, not during a municipal election when most county voters won't come out.” — Fairview resident Mike Fryar
at A-B Tech. A sunset provision had accidentally been omitted from a similar resolution approved back in January (see "A-B Tech Seeks Sales-Tax Hike," Jan. 26 Xpress). The current wording specifies that the tax would expire in 2029. If voters approve the move and the commissioners make it law, it would generate an estimated $6 million to $7 million annually. A-B Tech President Hank Dunn said the increase would cost the average family of four about $40 to $45 a year while enabling the school “to invest in programs that will create jobs." And if it’s approved, he maintained, "The community would have invested in itself. I know there will be people out there who are ideologically opposed to any tax. But they're opposed to wasteful taxes, and this isn't a wasteful tax." After Dunn’s presentation, Gantt declared, "We're all with you." Several members of the public disproved that assessment, however: All six people who spoke during a hearing on the matter opposed it. Most echoed the concerns of Fairview resident Mike Fryar, a former Republican candidate for commissioner who said, "The referendum should be on the ballot during a county election year, not during a municipal election when most county voters won't come out." Yelton added that it doesn’t make sense to raise taxes in tight economic times. "We're going to have to learn how to get by on less and stretch the dollar," he argued. And Candler resident Jerry Rice lambasted Dunn, saying the school hadn’t answered questions Rice had emailed months ago and had failed to inform him of a recent board meeting, despite his having asked to be notified. "I support A-B Tech, but I don't support an administration that isn't transparent," he declared. "If you're going to be an informed voter, you need to inform them before. … I'm not in favor of this tax." Dunn didn't respond to the charges. Gantt, meanwhile, observed, "Everyone will have a chance to vote, and there will be hearings for folks to get questions answered." Commissioner Carol Peterson added: "This citizen plans to vote for it. … I see people that have jobs because of A-B Tech. … This is very important, and it will have a domino effect across this county." X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at jfrankel@mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 11
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openforbusiness Tricky Business It seems you can’t open a newspaper or Web page these days without encountering some dreary recital of the tenuous state of business amid the continuing malaise. That’s an important story, to be sure, but it’s not the whole story. In the following pages, Xpress explores some perhaps less-visited outposts in the current economic landscape: the critical role of small businesses, the bottom-line benefits of paying a “living wage,” and the perspectives of local entrepreneurs who’ve somehow managed to beat the odds. Taken together, these pieces are intended to present a more nuanced picture of what it means to be Open for Business in Western North Carolina in 2011.
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evolutionalhealing.com 12 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Vision quest
Asheville entrepreneurs buck tough economy
8#, 131&' IN BUSINESS fOR 10 YEARS
Zen Sushi is not only a place for a respite from a busy life, but also a mecca of traditional Japanese food. Deeply steeped in traditional cooking, and oozing with Zen spirit, the restaurant offers a stylized take on Japanese traditional home-cooked dishes and a comfortable and friendly ambiance which captures the spirit of eating in a Japanese home.
One spoke at a time: Jacob McGahey, operations manager at Industry Nine, shows off one of the company's locally manufactured bicycle wheels. photos by Jonathan Welch
by Christopher George Even in the midst of the Great Recession, some local businesses are doing quite well. What have they figured out that others haven’t? What can we learn from them? Here’s what three successful startups had to say about their own adventures on the road to economic viability.
Industry Nine It might seem perfectly natural that a cycling enthusiast raised in a machine shop would try to reinvent the wheel. What’s surprising is how successful Clint Spiegel has been. As co-founder of Industry Nine, a West Asheville bicycle components manufacturer, his designs for performance hubs and wheels have been enthusiastically embraced by many in the cycling community. Spiegel designed the company’s signature mountain-bike hubs after Turnamics Inc., the contract-manufacturing firm he co-owns with his father, Harvey Spiegel, had invested $250,000 in developing a similar hub for another manufacturer — only to have the project dropped. “We went into initial production, but ... we never really got the design exactly where we wanted it,” Clint explains. The story could have ended there, but some years later, after taking up cycling himself, Spiegel got inspired. “During the riding, I started thinking of new ideas of how to do the hub, came up with some things, and we decided to launch Industry Nine,” he reveals. In 2004, they began selling Spiegel’s new designs: The hubs are made entirely in-house on equipment shared
with Turnamics. In the wheel sets, only the bearings and rims are outsourced. From the beginning, the company has seen steady growth, and today, Industry Nine’s nine full-time employees turn out about 170 completed wheel sets per month. “We grew over 30 percent last year,” Operations Manager Jacob McGahey reports. “Not quite as strong this year, but still strong.” That growth has come despite the challenges of selling a premium item (with an equally premium price) in a difficult economy. “We’re certainly not selling a cheap product. Our road wheels start at $950 per pair, and the mountain wheels start at $1,085,” notes McGahey, adding, “There’s a lot of people who are willing to spend more money on their bicycles than their car.” The company mostly sells its products through independent bike shops, with dealers in 47 states and 22 countries. Basing the business in Asheville gives Industry Nine a ready-made proving ground for new designs. “All our initial testing is done on the technical trails around here,” McGahey explains. “We’ve got mud and roots and rocks: Anything that you’re going to have anywhere else in the country, we have on the trails here.” Convenience aside, Spiegel has a deeper reason for keeping Industry Nine in Asheville. “Particularly because of the recession, we have worked hard to keep manufacturing here, whereas in a lot of the bicycling industry, there’s probably been an acceleration of outsourcing to China,” he points out. “We just believe we need the jobs in this country.”
Zen Sushi offers a stunning menu that features a wealth of traditional Japanese dishes with ceremonial flair. The lengthy list includes selections from all over the Japanese culinary u n i v e r s e . Yo u ’ l l definitely be able to find your favorite, as the menu covers everything from shrimp tempura to sushi and special rolls. Their goal as it still is now was to channel Zen spirit while providing the people of Asheville with world class Japanese cuisine. Due to this dedication to offering healthy food, Zen Sushi has gained a large following. Now the owners are planning to continue with creation of more healthy dishes and provide locals with creative options for wholesome dining. 7 DAYS LUNCH & DINNER 6 4 0 M E R R I M O N AV E . S U I T E 2 0 5 , A S H E V I L L E
828-225-6033 V i s i t o u r s i s t e r r e s t a u r a n t K u b o ’s in Downtown Asheville mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 13
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14 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Small office, big impact: DigitalChalk co-founder and CTO Troy Tolle, left, works with a small local staff in the company's Biltmore Park Town Square office — Jill Kilduff and Eric Montgomery (not pictured) — but employs people around the country who telecommute.
Adventure America Zipline Canopy Tours Well before the current zip-line explosion erupted, Jeff Greiner was already planning to make the high-flying activity the next big thing in Western North Carolina. Greiner, the CEO of Adventure America Zipline Canopy Tours, says he got the idea after trying a zip-line tour himself during a family vacation in the Caribbean five years ago. The basic principle is simple. A cable is strung between two platforms, often in the trees. After strapping on a harness, participants stand on the higher platform clip onto the cable, step off — and gravity does the rest. The quick ride provides enough adrenaline to satisfy the adventurous, yet is tame enough to accommodate others. According to Adventure America, the oldest person to ride one of the company’s zip lines was over 90. Greiner knows a thing or two about the outdoor-adventure business. When he was 9, his parents started Wildwater Adventures, a WNC-based whitewater rafting company. That was 43 years ago, but the family connection gave Adventure America the perfect jumpingoff point: The company installed its first zip lines near Wildwater’s Nantahala Gorge center three years ago, and the response was immediately positive. “Right from the beginning, people were coming just for the canopy tours,” Greiner recalls. Adventure America soon added four more tours in WNC, South Carolina and Tennessee, each containing at least nine individual zip lines. On Aug. 31, the company plans to open what Greiner says will be the first urban zip-line experience in WNC, adjacent to the Crowne Plaza Resort in West Asheville. During peak season (typically June to August, when school’s out), Adventure America has
some 80 employees these days, including a fulltime arborist. “All the trees we’re working with are being cared for,” says Greiner. “These trees are probably in better shape now and more cared for than before we came in.” Asked to explain his company’s rapid growth when many tourism-dependent businesses are struggling, Greiner says the zip-line experience’s “newness and freshness has definitely been great for us in a time when things have been slow and fluctuating.” He also feels Asheville’s strategic location and reputation as a tourist mecca help. “We have some of the most beautiful mountains, but we’re within a day’s drive for a very large population,” notes Greiner.
DigitalChalk Randomly ask 10 people around town to name a business segment where Asheville has some catching up to do, and chances are someone will mention technology. Troy Tolle would like to change that, and DigitalChalk, the company he co-founded, is proof that there’s life in Asheville’s tech sector. Launched in 2007, DigitalChalk provides an online training platform, based in cloud computing, that enables people to create and deliver continuing-education courses online. Once an account is set up, users simply upload all the content for their courses and use DigitalChalk’s proprietary software to create lessons, tests and even graduation certificates. Students even pay for their courses through DigitalChalk’s system, which deposits the money directly into instructors’ accounts. Clients include businesses looking for new ways to train staff, consultants who sell their services to businesses, and schools looking to offer continuing-education courses online. DigitalChalk’s main selling points are flexibility and ease of access — thanks in large part to the
“There’s some extreme talent here. It’s pulling those people out of the woodwork that’s hard.� — Troy Tolle, DigitalChalk Authentic Beauty LLC presents
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Trusting in your business model: Adventure America Zipline Canopy Tours CEO Jeff Greiner takes a ride on one of the company's routes. fact that the company’s entire system, including software and every single customer’s lessons, is based in the cloud, housed in server space the company rents from Amazon.com. In practical terms, that means a business model that only a few years ago would have involved producing and selling software on CDs or DVDs is now completely virtual. It also means that only three of the company’s 16 employees work at the office in Biltmore Park Town Square. The rest are home-based, scattered across the country. The formula appears to be working: Students on six continents have taken courses using DigitalChalk’s training platform. “Last year was a huge year for us: We grew over 300 percent,� notes Tolle, adding, “We’re growing just as fast this year.� Beyond his own company’s success, however, Tolle believes Asheville could become a mecca
for tech startups. “There’s just some extreme talent here,� he says. “It’s just pulling those people out of the woodwork that’s hard.� To help further that vision, Tolle serves on A-B Tech’s Entrepreneurial Development Foundation. The college, he reports, is considering establishing a technology-accelerator program that would provide tech startups with seed funding, free office space, Internet access and mentoring. Tolle sees the initiative as one way to connect tech entrepreneurs with local talent. “I don’t think we’re looking to build the next Google, but we’re looking to build new companies that can generate more income into this economy, more talent in the area — all the good things that a city needs.� X Christopher George can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 140, or at cgeorge@mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 15
Now Open For Business In Downtown Asheville!
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Making an impact: Just Economics’ Mark Hubbard, left, and Vicki Meath, right, advocate for paying employees better wages. photos by Jonathan Welch
by Jake Frankel
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Even in these tough times, local nonprofit Just Economics advocates for better wages. And they’re convincing small, regional businesses to make it happen here. The organization launched its Living Wage Certification Program in 2008, identifying and rewarding employers that pay a living wage — currently $11.35 per hour without health insurance or $9.85 per hour with it. Since then, more than 200 businesses have agreed to take part in the voluntary program, making it the largest of its kind in the country. In exchange for fulfilling certification requirements, Just Economics helps promote the companies in its marketing materials and campaigns, and empowers participants to do the same. Many have agreed to give their employees raises to qualify. It's all part of the organization's mission to help "create a just and sustainable local economy in WNC," explains Mark Hebbard, who coordinates the nonprofit’s living wage certification program. Executive Director Vicki Meath adds that she thinks the high participation is a sign that the community is becoming more economically conscientious. "We have a lot of responsible, committed employers in this town," she explains. "We also have a conscious consumer base. We have more people in this town that understand we vote with our ballots once a year, but we vote with our dollars every single day." The idea of the living wage, she says, is "that an individual should be able to meet their basic needs without public or private assistance." The minimum hourly rates are calculated by using the
local cost of housing with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's standard that such costs should be no more than 30 percent of a person's gross monthly income. The national minimum wage of $7.25 an hour doesn't meet that standard; paying employees more gives them discretionary money to pump back in to the local economy, benefiting everyone, Meath maintains. "Looking at the local economy overall, when more people are paid a living wage, then more money is circulated in that economy. If you make a living wage, you may be able to buy a pizza from the local pizza shop, that type of thing; then in turn that employer gets more money in their pocket," she says.
Good wages are good for business Local business owners and managers who take part in the program say that offering their employees living wages makes good moral and economic sense. Before starting her own home-cleaning business, Leslie Ellis says she cleaned local bed and breakfasts for $8 an hour. But that's "just not enough to get by," she reports. When it came time to decide what to pay others, the co-owner of Green Home Cleaning says she wanted to be more generous. "Being a single parent myself, I know what it's like to work and not make enough money to survive. Just because I'm a business owner now doesn't mean I've forgotten that," she explains. "Cleaning someone's house is not the most glamorous work. You can get kind of resentful if you're only making $8 or $10 an hour."
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Downtown Asheville is bustling with vibrant, locally-owned businesses specializing in specific genres like the old days. The Onyx Orchard Cheese Company opened July 8th at 89 Patton Avenue, next door to Yacht Club. Featuring more than a 100 varieties of cheese from around the world, The Onyx Orchard is here to serve locals with hard-to-find artisan cheese. The 1,800 square foot cheese shop is currently in its phase one stage, according to owner, Tim Pierce. “We opened this little shop as a way to introduce Asheville and Western North Carolina to cheeses they might not find anywhere else. We currently carry a lot of true artisan cheeses, but over the next year, we plan to bring in more and more varieties from small artisan farms around the country and begin carrying more local cheese as well.” The Onyx Orchard also carries a variety snacks, locally-made jams and salsas, and 32 flavors of Hershey brand ice cream. The shop’s phase two is set to begin sometime in October. A full menu of sandwiches, soups, salads, cheese boards, desserts, artisan breads, wine, and craft beer is in the works. The Onyx Orchard is truly a unique operation that Asheville has needed for a long time.
89 Patton Avenue • 828.254.0340 mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 17
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Bonnie Currie, a chocolatier and barista at the French Broad Chocolate Lounge, says that being paid a living wage helps inspire her to offer better customer service. Danny Keaton, owner of Danny's Dumpster, also cites employee morale as a key factor in deciding to join the program and pay higher wages than his competitors. The company hauls the compost and recyclable materials of about 65 restaurants in Hendersonville and Asheville, including The Green Sage, Posana Cafe and the Lexington Avenue Brewery. "Our employees work hard, they deserve a living wage," he says. "It helps them move forward in life, and it creates a much better work environment when everyone's happy about what they're doing and their pay." And in the long term, Keaton says he expects the wages to help his bottom line. "As a small business, you have to look at every expense. … the guys we train, they start to learn
the routes of what we do, and we don't want them constantly on the look out for another job. We want to keep them around, otherwise we're stuck training new people," he explains.
Happy employees, happy customers Advocates with Just Economics say they're particularly proud of the work they've done to raise wages in the local child care and service industries — two areas that typically offer low pay even though employee happiness is often integral to good performance. The Child Care Center of First Presbyterian Church recently opted to take the necessary steps to be certified, resulting in a raise of $1.25 per hour for teacher Julia Stirling, who's been working there for nearly three years.
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Holistic Herbal Medicine goes deeper than just using plants instead of pills: It is a whole different way of looking at health and disease. CoreyPine Shane started the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine in his living room in 1999 because he saw a need to educate people in this deeper way of healing to create community healers and practitioners. Now with a dozen faculty, the school blends world traditions, such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, with the use of local plants, including plant identification, harvesting techniques and medicine making. A core focus is learning each body system in-depth: how it works, what potential imbalances there are and what herbs support and nourish that system. The school now offers three programs — a daytime, sixmonth Summer Program, a Winter Weekend Program and an Advanced Clinical Program, as well as walks and classes throughout the year. Check the website for details!
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private instruction also available Lisa Stendig is an Inner Body Yoga and Embodiment instructor who has been working with yoga legend, Angela Farmer, for almost 20 years.
20 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Julia Stirling (left), a teacher at the Child Care Center of First Presbyterian Church, recently got a raise because the business opted to become living wage certified. Lisa Mangiardi (right), executive director of the center, thinks that the certification has helped employee moral. "It helped me cover my bills: my rent, my electric, my phone, groceries. I've been very tight," she notes. "I already loved working here, but it has definitely made me a more happy camper getting a raise." The center also offers health insurance. That, says Stirling, "is a huge plus. Because I have asthma and buy medicine every month, and it helps with those costs." Lisa Mangiardi, executive director of the center, believes that the certification has already "impacted us in wonderful ways." "We feel it enhances the quality of work, their output, if they're happier here, if they feel they're getting appreciated here more than any other place," she says. And she reports that the child care center plans to expand this winter, hiring several new employees who will also make the livingwage minimum. Meanwhile, Bonnie Currie, a chocolatier and barista at the French Broad Chocolate Lounge, says that being paid a living wage helps inspire her to offer better customer service. Currie, who’s 30 and has worked in the service industry since she was 18, reports that her current position is the highest paying job she's ever had. "It helps morale. The people we work for really care about our health and well-being," she maintains. "If you're working somewhere, and you can't get your basic needs met, then you're not going to do as good of a job. And then the experience for the customers isn't going to be as good."
Changing the business culture Despite the recent success, administrators with Just Economics acknowledge they face huge challenges rallying more employers to raise their wages. Some of the area's biggest employers — Ingles Markets, Mission Health System and The Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa, to name a few — continue to pay many employees below the nonprofit’s minimum standards. But Just Economics prefers
a positive approach to luring more businesses to take part, rather than negative campaigning against those who choose not to. "It's amazing how many employers we have who are struggling but who understand what it means to the community and their employees to pay a living wage," says Meath, noting that the organization keeps a running list of participating businesses on its website (justeconomicswnc.org). The organization also continues to fine-tune its certification process, and is finishing up a period of self-evaluation. Spurred in part by a controversy that erupted in December over the certification of Buchi Kombucha, a business that makes fermented tea drinks, the nonprofit tightened its certifying standards and safeguards. To make sure participating businesses stay in compliance, Just Economics now reserves the right to conduct random audits. It also overhauled its system for determining whether independent contractors and other nontraditional employees are making a living wage. And it now requires all employers to sign a contract pledging not to take retaliatory action against an employee who raises a concern about wages and benefits. To further help protect whistleblowers, Just Economics also started offering a "concern form" on its website that maintains the anonymity of those who fill it out. (Buchi Kombucha is no longer certified, although its owners say they may reapply in the future.) It's a revised trust-but-verify approach that Meath says will help the advocacy group accomplish its larger mission. "We're always reviewing every little aspect of our program so we can be as transparent and accurate and fair as possible, to both employers and employees," she reports. "Our ultimate goal is to change the culture of business in Asheville, providing more sustainable livelihoods." X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at jfrankel@mountainx.com.
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The Chop Shop will carry everything from beef, pork, poultry, and lamb to bison and other specialty meats. In addition to making fresh sausage of all types, we will have a smokehouse on site allowing us to make our own smoked meats, sausages, and other charcuterie you can’t find anywhere
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mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 21
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All about small-business innovation: On Aug. 16, Asst. Secretary of Commerce John Fernandez spoke to the Southeastern Economic and Workforce Development conference. Fernandez and Asst. Secretary of Labor Jane Oates, right, both emphasized that focusing on small businesses will help the U.S. regain jobs.
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B i l t m o re Pa r k Tow n S q u a re • 3 3 Tow n S q u a re B l v d . A s h e v i l le , N C 2 8 8 0 3 828.676.2260 • www.briosopasta.com 22 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
photo by Jonathan Welch
by David Forbes When you think of Asheville's beer scene, you might not use the words "innovation cluster." But John Fernandez does. He's the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, and while on his way to give a keynote address in Asheville, he got a call from The Wall Street Journal. A reporter wanted economic information on the town's burgeoning brewery industry. “Damn, why didn't I get here the night before?” Fernandez joked as he took the podium Aug. 16 for the annual Southeastern Economic and Workforce Development Conference, held at the Grove Park Inn. If he had arrived sooner, he could have sampled the beer market, Fernandez told the gathering of economic development professionals, business owners and government officials. But there's more to the economy than brewing success. Both Fernandez and fellow keynote speaker Jane Oates pitched the need for gov-
ernment leaders to do better at revving up the economic engine. Groups of small business such as breweries — an "innovation cluster" — may be the key. “I'm going to ask us for the next 16 [to] 18 months to talk about teamwork," said Oates. "Even though you've been working with great partnerships, we haven't put a dent in getting people back to work,” said Oates, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Administration. “We've come up against a block where employers are just not hiring," she said. Oates remarked that government and business leaders need to recognize that skilled workers are available and that the demand is there — "if they'd just ramp up and hire people and rebuild our local economies.” To jumpstart the process, Oates said, the government has to go beyond its normal approach of just targeting larger businesses. The government needs to work with small startups and local companies — just the type that Asheville has in abundance.
4(% 7!4%2 ,!$9 ,,# Wa t e r C o n s e r v a t i o n & M e t e r i n g In 1988, Madison County native Linda Knox founded a little water metering service company called If Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Water. Her origins were quite humble, personally servicing her customers on a door-to-door basis. Being a little out of the ordinary that she was the only woman in her trade, customers got accustomed to wanting to â&#x20AC;&#x153;talk to the Water Lady about their water.â&#x20AC;?
North Carolinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s First Full Service Bar and Distillery Ever! We will be distilling rums, blue agave (Tequila), whiskeys, moonshine, vodkas and more in 2-4 months!
Linda Knox â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Water Ladyâ&#x20AC;?
Any viable business must be profitable. Water is a business. And, the best way for a water utility to measure or account for the water produced and then sold is by using water meters. A system without meters is like a taxi without a fare counter. Without a meter, it costs the same to drive around the block as it does from New York to Los Angeles. Think about water. it is yours for the asking, 24-hours a day. All you have to do is turn a facet. But, now think again. The water you use doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come magically from now where. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a carefully manufactured product - clean, and piped directly into your home â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a valuable resource that shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be wasted or taken for granted. Water will eventually recycle itself. But the high quality water that we need and expect in our homes is not an infinite resource. Water conservation is a good way of life.
â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesdays â&#x20AC;˘ $2 Well Drinks â&#x20AC;˘ Wednesdays â&#x20AC;˘ 1/2 off Bottles of Wine â&#x20AC;˘ Thursdays â&#x20AC;˘ Thirsty Thursday every Thursday â&#x20AC;˘ Friday â&#x20AC;˘ $3 Well Shots
Call The Water Lady and Start Saving Money!
$5 Bombs Everyday $2 Well Drinks Everyday
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251 Biltmore Avenue â&#x20AC;˘ Asheville, NC
7jj[dj_ed Cki_Y_Wdi DIxIELAND MusIC was opened in October of 2009 for the purpose of supplying musicians, both aspiring and professional, with quality, affordable instruments and accessories. We are a small family run business with over forty years of expertise in the music field. We invite you to stop in and experience our â&#x20AC;&#x153;down homeâ&#x20AC;? friendly service, reasonable prices and quality products. Whether you purchase a set of strings for your guitar, or a complete PA System, our goal is to make Dixieland your one stop music store for years to come. Continuing the mountain heritage, we offer a full line of acoustic instruments including Blueridge guitars, Kentucky mandolins, violins, cellos, Engelhardt basses, banjos, and other quality instruments. The Blueridge guitars have been compared to higher priced guitars in quality, sound and playability at a fraction of the cost. We also carry Laney amplifiers, Sonor drums, EM Winston and Eldon band instruments. We represent hundreds of manufactures of different instruments and accessories from the entry level to the professional. AT OR
Join the Fun at Dixieland Music!
Located at 505 Merimon Ave. Next to Luellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Barbeque. Locally Owned & Operated 828-255-4515 Mon-Thurs: Noon - 10 pm Fri-Sat: Noon - 10:30 pm Sun: Noon - 9 pm
mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 23
A family owned and entirely family run business, Goldworks Gallery features the jewelry of artist/ owners Wren and Ted Hendrickson, as well as other artist made jewelry, ceramics and art. Wren and Ted hand fabricate all their jewelry directly in the metal, without molds or casting, which allows for an ongoing creative variation, and most of their pieces are one of a kind. They work in gold, platinum, silver and Mokume Gane, a Japanese metal layering technique, meaning “wood grain metal”. Wren and Ted each have their own unique jewelry style; Ted’s is contemporary with simple, clean lines, while Wren’s jewelry has a vintage feel incorporating leaves and vines, in flowing asymmetrical designs. All of the precious metals they use are recycled, and the diamonds are conflict free. Their jewelry is personal, elegantly casual, comfortable, and timelessly wearable, combining traditional and unique gemstones and metals, creating a distinctive mix of textures and colors. As well as their own jewelry, Goldworks Gallery carries jewelry, ceramics and art from local and national artists. Part of the gallery is devoted to showcasing the work of students and recent graduates of the art program at UNCA, and other local emerging artists.
Inspired by nature • Created by artists
24 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
“By small business, I don't mean under 500 workers, [the federal definition]. I'm talking about the businesses that … start by employing one, three, five people," Oates explained. "They haven't come to us. They're not the people we've reached out to,” she said. “We need to understand who those people are, what they need and get them services.” Oates touted new initiatives involving community colleges, such as $2 billion in funding over the next four years to help those schools modernize. “Those grants could make [them] ready to meet the challenges of a 21st century workforce,” Oates said. For his part, Fernandez touted innovation clusters like Asheville's brew industry, which has a wide impact on the regional economy. But there's a cluster of a different sort in Washington. The former mayor of Bloomington, Ind., Fernandez noted, “I'm from local government. We get stuff done. … It's amazing how much common ground there is in Washington today, [but] we just can't get it worked out." Members of Congress, he said, need to take action, and "come here and enjoy the micro-brewing cluster." The state of the economy is far from solid ground, he added, and local and state governments need to broaden their perspective. “This isn't a typical business cycle,” said Fernandez. “We can't take for granted that [the U.S. is] always going to be the most innovative, hottest place to be. The competition's real. We have to invest in our workforce and our infrastructure … Moving forward, it's not about Asheville competing with Greensboro or Charlotte. It's about this region competing against China, Finland and Brazil.” In the end, he said, whatever the federal government does, “success will come from the bottom up,” from individual communities and businesses. "Our goal is to be a better federal partner in that process.” Sam Powers, the city of Asheville's Economic Development director, provided an example of successful economic partnership between local and federal governments: the Grove Arcade. Federal subsidies helped fund the building's renovation, with the completed project costing about $2.5 million, Powers explained. "The return on investment was a building that employs hundreds of people, is by far the destination for the community and the region, with a value that far, far exceeds the amount of money put into it,” he said. However, the Arcade has not been without its troubles, including significant turnover in its retail spaces and, most recently, the arcade had trouble meeting its debt obligations to the city. Despite the challenges on the ground, there are resources available for startup and existing businesses. Both Oates and Fernandez emphasized that business owners need to contact their “one-stop shops” for help on such matters as employing veterans and getting grants or other assistance for which they might be eligible. The officials also said that they hoped revised regulations would reduce red tape for both officials and users. Taking questions from the audience, Fernandez added that he has tried to shift to
stats 8.1% Unemployment in Buncombe County, June 2011 10.1% Unemployment in North Carolina, July 2011 $14.2 billion Total in personal wealth in Asheville metro area. U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics. 53rd Asheville's rank, nationally, in “independent retailer vitality,” according to a 2011 survey by Civic Economics; Asheville ranked 7th in the mid-Atlantic region 12,051 Number of businesses in the Asheville metropolitan area (U.S. Census Bureau) 6,623 Businesses in the Asheville area employing between one and four people 229 Businesses in Asheville area employing more than 100 people 1,439 Number of businesses in 28801 zip code, including downtown Asheville 16.12% Amount of their annual income the average Ashevillean carries in debt — the sixth worst in the nation 23.9% of Asheville metro area residents struggled to feed themselves or their families at some point in 2010 highlighting innovative development models. “We're not turning our backs on places that need help, but we are trying to shine a light on things that are working well and help them go faster,” he noted. “Then other places can take those models based on their own strengths and use it.” Recent federal job numbers seem to indicate that significant private hiring is being counteracted by cutbacks in state and local government, according to the Labor Department's jobs reports in recent months. When asked about that trend, Fernandez replied, “It's certainly having an impact. It's true that in many places in America there's more stress on the system. … But some states are starting to see increased revenues and look for new opportunities, so it's a mixed bag.” So far, Asheville and Buncombe governments have mostly staved off major cuts. But, Fernandez added, “We're concerned about [layoffs and cuts] eroding the capacity of the community to do serious economic development.” Still, there's room for hope. Citing the disasters the Southeast has survived in recent months, such as the tornadoes that took lives and destroyed homes and businesses earlier this year, Oates observed, “This region gives resiliency a new definition.” X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137 or dforbes@mountainx.com.
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Ann Dunn has been a vibrant force behind classical and contemporary dance in Western North Carolina for 30 years. Her energy, professionalism and generosity have influenced generations of young people and put quality dance on community and school stages. As owner of Asheville Academy of Ballet and Contemporary Dance and director of The Asheville Ballet, Dunn has contributed to the burgeoning economic and cultural life of our area. This year alone, she is mounting the annual Nutcracker, a dazzling production of Sleeping Beauty, a childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ballet, Winnie The Pooh, and a World Premier of Moonshine with live music by the Chapel Hill band, Kangaroo, in association with Troy & Sons Distillers. Dunn has attracted faculty from the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, The New York City Ballet, Geneva Ballet, American Ballet Theater, N.C. School of the Arts, Broadway and Las Vegas. Students have become members of major national ballet and modern dance companies, been featured in Broadway musicals and Hollywood films, won awards (including the title of Miss America), danced with the Rockettes, and been accepted to Juilliard, Alvin Ailey, Kirov Ballet and Joffrey Ballet Company Traineeship. Dunnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volunteer involvement includes the Asheville Area Arts Council and national arts organizations. Named NC Artist of the Year for 2005, Dunn also won UNCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award in Humanities for 2006-07 as a lecturer on the Medieval and Renaissance period. Her two volumes of poetry â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Broken Pearls: A Cycle for the Reconstruction of Chastity and Olde Women â&#x20AC;&#x201D; are available at Amazon.com.
* M[Wl[hl_bb[ >mo$" 7i^[l_bb[ Â&#x161; (+.$'&(. ann.dunn@mindspring.com
(ONEST CONVERSATIONS ABOUT *ESUS AND LIFE THAT WONÂ&#x2122;T INSULT YOUR INTELLIGENCE â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why would someone want to start another faith community in a place like Asheville?â&#x20AC;? Trust us...this was not on our radar 5 years ago. My wife, Erica, is a social worker and I am a forest scientist. This really wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t part of â&#x20AC;&#x153;the plan,â&#x20AC;? so to speak.
The short answer is we believe we have discovered something in Jesus that is worth sharing. Additionally, the way in which Jesus relates to us and we relate to him
really isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t being discussed in many places.
We arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t trying to persuade, arm-twist, or convince anyone that we are â&#x20AC;&#x153;rightâ&#x20AC;? and everyone else is wrong. We arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t here to condemn or chastise anyone. We know that happens in some faith circles. We simply want to add meaning to the conversation that is already happening and create a community that contributes love and compassion to West Asheville.
mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 25
your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries
calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists Calendar for August 24 - September 1, 2011 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that’s happening today — or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx.com/events. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday
Community Events & Workshops Water Fitness Instructor Certification Course (pd.) At the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave., on Saturday, September 24. Register by September 3.
Info: www.uswfa.org or 516-732-9908. Canning Workshop • TU (8/30), 7-9pm - A workshop on canning and food preservation will feature a teacher from the Organic Growers School. Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $10. Info and registration: 4523486. Free Car Wash • SA (8/27), 9am-3pm - The North Buncombe High School Blackhawk Band will hold its annual “Free Car Wash-A-Thon” at three locations in Weaverville: Ace Hardware Store, 61 Weaver Blvd.; Tractor Supply Company, 14 Monticello Road; and Burger King, 167 Weaver Blvd. How to Own Your Power and Share Power • TU (8/30), 7-9pm - “Power: How to Own Your Power and Share Power,” with Sajit Greene
Calendar deadlines:
*FREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) Can’t find your group’s listing?
Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events..
Calendar Information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com. Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): http://www.mountainx.com/ events/submission * E-mail (second best): calendar@mountainx.com * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: marketplace@mountainx.com. * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
and Rebecca Chaplina. This presentation will explore the connection between personal power and the power dynamics in relationships as part of the “Hold on to Summer Heat Series.” Held at Asheville Tantra Temple School, 2 Westwood Place. Donations accepted. Info: chaplinrebecca@gmail.com. Paints and Pints for The Pisgah Center • SA (8/27), 2-8pm - Enjoy art from Terrel Lee Miller, music by Kellin Watson and Woody Wood and learn about The Pisgah Center, a local nonprofit that “offers court-involved young people a fresh start and hopeful future through experiential education, career-technical training and treatment.” Held at The Ale House, 117 Cherry St #117C in Black Mountain. Info: thepisgahcenter@gmail.com or www. thepisgahcenter.org. Preservation Society Annual Picnic • SU (8/28), 2-4pm - A potluck will be held at Sherrill’s Inn, U.S. Highway 74. John and Annie Ager will provide historical details about this Fairview setting. Updates on current preservation projects will be offered. Info: www. psabc.org. Stecoah Valley Center Events Located at 121 Schoolhouse Road in Robbinsville. Info: 479-3364 or www.stecoahvalleycenter.com. • SA (8/27), 10am-2pm - Intermediate Wool Rug Braiding workshop. $25 includes materials. Bring a braiding stand if possible.
Social & SharedInterest Groups Asheville Toastmasters • THURSDAYS, 6:157:30pm - If you’ve been thinking about improving your communication skills, Asheville Toastmasters is for you. Newcomers welcome; no pressure to speak. Held at Denny’s, 1 Regent Park Blvd. Info: capollak@hotmail.com. CLOSER Looking for gay folks in your age group? CLOSER is Asheville’s oldest LGBT social club serving all boomers and seniors, providing
26 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
entertainment, education and fellowship. • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - Meets in the library of All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St., Asheville. Courthouse Tours • WEDNESDAYS through (10/6), 2pm - Historic courthouse tours will depart from 200 North Grove St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: 694-5003. Drag Queen Brunch • LAST SUNDAYS, 12:30pm - “Drag Queen Brunch.” $25 includes food, show and one free drink. Held at Fred’s Speakeasy, 122 College St. Info: http://tinyurl. com/67sta3m. Events at Jubilee! Located at 46 Wall St., downtown Asheville. Info: 252-5335. • WE (8/31), 7-8:30pm - An evening with John Fisher will present healing techniques for veterans experiencing psychological wounds. Donations support Warrior Reintegration Retreats. Open to the public. Info: rlundquist56@gmail.com. Events at Wall Street Coffee House • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Game night will be held at 62 Wall St. in downtown Asheville. All are welcome to enjoy old-fashioned fun. New games are played each week. Info: http://on.fb. me/e4GpE8. Firestorm Cafe & Books Located at 48 Commerce St., Asheville. Info: 2558115 or www.firestormcafe. com. • TU (8/30), 7pm - A discussion on building radio solidarity networks will be hosted by the Mesoamerican Network of Community Radio. • WE (8/31), 5pm Asheville Copwatch will promote civilian police oversight. • TH (9/1), 2pm - Asheville Homeless Network will meet. Land-of-Sky Regional Council Info: 251-6622 or www. landofsky.org. • WE (8/24), 1pm - The Land-of-Sky Regional Council will hold its monthly meeting at 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville.
* Events are FREE unless otherwise noted.
Pick up new threads for your furry friends and help a good cause at Bark for Life Night, a
wed fundraiser for The American Cancer Society, on Wednesday, Aug. 24 from 5-8 p.m. The event will feature donated T-shirts, bandanas and dog toys. Held at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103. Info: thehopicecreamcafe.com.
Get tips for lasting health at "Longevity: The Latest Research on Living Longer" on Thursday,
thur Aug. 25 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Hosted by Fairview Chiropractic Center, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Reservations required: 628-7800.
The community is invited to enjoy pyramids, ballet lines, flips and more at the Lake Lure Ski Club's annual water-ski show on Friday, Aug. 26 at 5:30 p.m. Held at the beach of Rumbling Bald Resort, 112 Mountains Blvd. in Lake Lure. Info: rutherfordtourism.com.
Magicians, storytellers and musicians will perform at "Magic, Mirth and Meaning," a benefit for The Vanishing Wheelchair, on Saturday, Aug. 27 at 7:30 p.m. The event will showcase the talents of people with disabilities and those who help them. Held at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. Info: VanishingWheelchair.org.
Hear top-notch pianists Kimberly and Michelle Cann perform works by Liszt, Rachmaninoff and Ravel at the Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square, on Sunday, Aug. 28 at 3 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will benefit music education for people in need. Info: dwtheatre. com. Learn about the Nile River and the Great Sphinx at a lecture on Egypt, presented by Gary
mon Nallan, associate professor of psychology at UNCA. Held at the Humanities Lecture Hall on the UNCA campus on Monday, Aug. 29 at 11:25 a.m. Info: humanities.unca.edu.
Girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to build an electronic puppet at SciGirls, a program presented by the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, on Tuesday, Aug. 30 from 6-8 p.m. Held at PARI, 1 PARI Drive, Rosman. Info: pari.edu.
Laurel Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America Holds monthly meetings and smaller groups dedicated to teaching different types of needlework. The chapter is also involved in numerous outreach projects. Guests are always welcome. Info: 654-9788 or www.egacarolinas.org. • TH (9/1), 9:30am-noon. Monthly meeting will feature a greeting card with stitched insert project. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • MO (8/29), 11:25am - Grant Hardy, director and professor of humanities, will present a lecture on The Celestial Empire of China. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. • MO (8/29), 11:25am - A lecture on Egypt will be presented by Gary Nallan, associate professor of psychology. Held at the
Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: humanities.unca.edu. • TU (8/30), 12:30-1:30pm - “Remaking Custom: Law and Identity in the Early American Republic” will be held at the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library. Info: 251-6645.
Rummage Sale • SA (8/27), 7am-3:30pm - The Asheville Area Mothers of Multiples will host a rummage sale at the US Army Reserve Center, 224 Louisiana Ave. $1 for early bird admission/half-price after 2:30pm.
Seniors & Retirees 60+ Exercise Smarter (pd.) Learn better ways to exercise. Make every movement lighter, freer, easier. Personal attention, small, focused class. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 12:00pm. $15 or 10 for $130. 117 Furman. 2253786. FormFitnessFunction. com Fun Bunch for Singles
• This social club for 50+ singles in the WNC area meets six to seven times each month for activities like dining out, day trips, movies and more. $15 per month. Info: www.meetup. com/FunBunch4Singles, Fun4Singles@aol.com or 699-8180. Scam Jam • TU (8/30), 1-4pm - This event is designed to educate the community about scams targeted toward seniors. Local and statewide scams will be identified by guests from the N.C. AARP, the Attorney General’s Office, the Better Business Bureau and more. Held at Pisgah Valley Retirement Community Center, 95 Holcombe Cove Road in Candler. Free. Info: hbauer@homeinstead.com or www.homeinstead.com. Waynesville Parks and Recreation Info: 456-2030 or recprograms@townofwaynesville. org. • WE (8/24), 5:30-11pm - A trip to see the Asheville Tourists will depart from
the Waynesville Recreation Center. $14/$12 members. • MO (8/29), 2-9pm - A trip for seniors to view elk. Bring dinner, a folding chair and a camera. Depart from the Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $7/$5 members.
Animals Brother Wolf Animal Rescue A no-kill organization. Info: 808-9435 or www.bwar.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Bring home your new furry best friend and meet dozens of cats and kittens looking for new homes at this weekly cat adoption event. Held at PetSmart, 150 Bleachery Blvd. in Asheville. • SATURDAYS, noon-4pm - A pet adoption event for dogs and cats will be held at PetSmart, 150 Bleachery Blvd. in Asheville. Info: 5053440. Community Partnership for Pets This nonprofit’s primary goal is to provide affordable spay/ neuter services to communities in/around Henderson
County. Info: 693-5172 or www.communitypartnershipforpets.org. • 4th SATURDAYS, 10am2pm - Vouchers for free and low-cost spay/neuter services will be available to Henderson County residents at Tractor Supply Company, 115 Four Seasons Blvd. in Hendersonville. Wild Birds Unlimited Events Located at 1997 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Info: 687-9433 or www.asheville.wbu.com. • SA (8/27), 10:30am & 2:30pm - The “eagle lady” Doris Mager will bring several birds of pray. Limited seating, so arrive early.
Business Corporate Wellness Programs (pd.) Affordable. Uniquely designed to employee needs. Increase productivity and worker satisfaction. Reduce time away from work and insurance costs. Pilates, Human Ergonomics, Running and Walking programs. (828) 225-3786. FormFitnessFunction.com Arts2People Artist Resource Center Offering business management workshops for artists at 39 D S. Market St., downtown Asheville. Classes, unless otherwise noted, are $35. Info and registration: www.arts2people.org or info@arts2people.org. • The Arts2People Artist Resource Center seeks instructors with business management skills. Classes are geared towards creative professionals. Info: info@ arts2people.org or www. ashevillearc.com.
Technology Free Computer Classes Classes are held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte St. To register: classes@charlottestreetcomputers.com. • MONDAYS, 12:15pm Mac OSX Basics. • TUESDAYS, 12:15pm - iPhoto Basics. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:15pm - iPad Basics. • THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS, 12:15pm - Advanced/paid classes (see website for schedule). Introduction to AcctVantage • TU (8/30), 11am Introduction to AcctVantage ERP accounting software for Macintosh. Held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte St. Registration required by Aug. 25. Info: walter@acctvantage.com or 692-3301.
Volunteering Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters is currently seeking adult mentors for bi-monthly outings. Activities are free or lowcost. Volunteers are also needed to mentor 1 hr./wk. in schools and after-school programs. Hands On AshevilleBuncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www. handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (8/25), 6:30-8pm - Volunteer with OnTrack: Copy and collate packets for distribution to individuals and families that benefit from OnTrack’s various financial assistance programs. • SA (8/27), 9am-noon - In the Garden: Help prepare the Emma Community Garden for planting and harvest. Much of the harvest will eventually be distributed to the community through the food pantry. • SU (8/28), 2-3pm - Knitn-Give: Make hats for newborns served by the Health Center’s Community Health Program and homeless adults served by Homeward Bound of Asheville. All skill levels welcome. Helpmate Provides services to victims of domestic violence and their families in Buncombe County. Info: 254-2968. • Seeking volunteers to help with hotline advocacy (bilinguals needed), reception assistance, childcare, building/grounds work and fundraising. People of color are encouraged to volunteer. Training required. Info: 2542968, ext. 12 or cprice@ helpmateonline.org. March of Dimes The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. • Through FR (9/30) Volunteers needed for the Signature Chefs Gala and Auction. Bi-monthly meetings and online discussions will be held to coordinate planning. Info and meeting dates: Trey@QueDox.com or 670-8283.
Pisgah Center for Wildlife Located in Pisgah National Forest, 10 miles from Brevard off of US Highway 276 N. Programs are free, but registration is required. Info: 877-4423 or www. ncwildlife.org. • Through WE (11/30) - Volunteers are needed to answer phones, help with the gift shop and answer visitor questions. • Through FR (9/30) - Fly fishing volunteers are needed for one to three hours of instruction. YWCA Programs for Parents The YWCA is at 185 S. French Broad Ave. Info: 254-7206 or www.ywcaofasheville.org. • TH (8/25), 5pm - The YWCA MotherLove program is recruiting volunteer mentors to provide support to teen mothers. An eight hour per month commitment is required.
Eco Friends of the River Dinner • TU (8/30), 6:30 - The Friends of the River dinner will feature a keynote address by North Carolina Representative Chuck McGrady and the presentation of the Friends of the River awards. Held at The Venue, 21 North Market St. $20/$18 before Aug. 26. Registration required. Info: annie@landofsky.org. RiverLink Events RiverLink, WNC’s organization working to improve life along the French Broad, sponsors a variety of riverfriendly events. Info: 2528474 or www.riverlink.org. • TH (8/25), 11:30am & 5pm - A presentation about WaterRICH, a program which focuses on homes with “small scale means of dealing with water issues,” will be held at RiverLink offices, 170 Lyman St. Transition Town No. 88 City Wide Celebration • SA (8/27), 5-10pm Transition Town No. 88 City Wide Celebration will feature eco products, information about Transition Asheville and music by Billy Jonas, Geri Littlejohn, Deja Fuze and more. Held at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road. Info: www.transitionus.org.
Outdoors Quality Training Program (pd.) Completely personalized small group training. Weekly run. Individual goal setting. Beginners to Advanced. Weaver Park. Two Groups: Sundays, 8:30am or 9:30am. $65 for
6 weeks. (828) 225-3786. FormFitnessFunction.com Blue Ridge Parkway Ranger Programs Free and open to the public. • FR (8/26), 10am - A moderate, three-mile round trip hike to the remains of Rattlesnake Lodge. The guided hike will start at Bull Gap. From Asheville, turn left at the Vance Birthplace/ Weaverville sign (MP 375.6); turn right onto Ox Creek Road; look for a small parking area and access to the Mountain to Sea Trail on the right. Hikers should bring water, wear hiking shoes, and be prepared for inclement weather. Info: 298-5330.
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Gardening Regional Tailgate Markets For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: 236-1282 or www.buyappalachian.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 8-11am - Stecoah Tailgate Market, 121 Schoolhouse Road, Robbinsville. —- 8am-noon - Transylvania Tailgate Market, on the corner of Johnson and Jordan Streets in downtown Brevard. —- 2-6pm - Asheville City Market - South, Biltmore Town Square Blvd. —- 26pm - Montford Farmers Market, Asheville Chamber of Commerce parking lot. —- 2-6:30pm - Wednesday Coop Market, 76 Biltmore Ave. —- 2:30-6:30pm - Weaverville Tailgate Market, behind the yellow community center on Weaverville Highway. • THURSDAYS, 10am-2pm - Mission Hospital Tailgate Market, at the back entrance of Mission Hospital’s Heart Center on the Memorial Campus. —- 3-6pm - Flat Rock Tailgate Market, in the parking area behind Cherry Cottage and next to Hubba Hubba Smoke House along Little Rainbow Row. • FRIDAYS, 4-7pm Riceville Tailgate Market, Groce United Methodist Church’s parking lot, at the corner of Beverly Road and Tunnel Road. • SATURDAYS, 8am-noon - Transylvania Tailgate Market, on the corner of Johnson and Jordan Streets in downtown Brevard. —9am-noon - Big Ivy Tailgate Market, in the parking lot of the old Barnardsville fire station, across from the post office on Highway 197. —- 9am-noon - Black Mountain Tailgate Market, 130 Montreat Road.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 27
—- 8am-noon - North Asheville Tailgate Market, at UNCA (take W.T. Weaver Boulvard and follow signs). —- 8am-1pm - Asheville City Market, in the parking lot of the Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte Street. —- 9am-1pm Madison County Farmers and Artisans Market, at the corner of Highway 213 and Park Street. • SUNDAYS, 11am-3pm - Greenlife Sunday Market, at the Greenlife Grocery parking lot. —- noon-4pm - Marshall Farmers Market, on the island in downtown Marshall. • TUESDAYS, 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville Tailgate Market, 718 Haywood Road, in the parking area between Grace Baptist Church and Sun Trust Bank.
Sports Groups & Activities Transform Your Form (pd.) Run with a lightness and ease you’ve never known! Alexander Technique will turn your arms into wings! Thursdays, 6:30pm. $100 for 6 sessions. Ongoing. (828) 225-3786. FormFitnessFunction.com Asheville Sailing Club The annual fee is $30. Info: 254-6877. • 4th SUNDAYS - The public is welcome to attend monthly regattas, held at Lake Julian County Park in Skyland. Sailors of all skill levels are welcome to join the club. Black Light Yoga • FR (8/26), 8:30-10am - Black light yoga will feature music and dance. Wear white to glow in the dark. Free. Held at Asheville Community Yoga Center, 8 Brookdale Road. Info: www. ashevillecommunityyoga. com. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. • MONDAYS, 10:3011:30am & FRIDAYS, 1011am - Low-impact aerobics class. $6. Registration not required. • MONDAYS, 5:30-7pm - “Flow and Let Go” yoga class. $10. Registration not required. Hoop Jam in the Park • TUESDAYS, 5:30pm7:30pm - Asheville Hoops partners with the Asheville
Downtown Association for entertainment, exercise and instruction at Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville. Instruction provided by Melanie MacNeil; music by George Pond. Free. Info: http://on.fb.me/lYUqGg. Jus’ Running Weekly coach-led runs. Meet at 523 Merrimon Ave., unless otherwise noted. Info: www.jusrunning.com. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Fivemile group run, 10-11 minutes per mile. •TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Run from the store to the UNCA track for a maggot track workout. There will also be a post-workout get together at a local restaurant. •WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Eight-mile group run. •THURSDAYS, 6pm - Onehour run from the Rice Pinnacle parking lot at Bent Creek. Easy, moderate and fast levels. Maggie Valley Moonlight Race • SA (8/27) - The 8K road race will begin at Maggie Valley Fairgrounds. $25 through July 30/$30 after. Info: www.maggievalleymoonlightrun.com. Pickleball • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Pickleball is like playing ping pong on a tennis court. Groups meet weekly at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 G.W. Carver St. in Asheville. For all ages/levels. $1 per session. Info: 350-2058 or stephenslee@ashevillenc.gov. Step Aerobics Class • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Enhance cardio, strength and flexibility at this step aerobics, weights and stretch class. Meets at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 G.W. Carver St. in Asheville. Open to all levels. Free. Info: 350-2058 or stephenslee@ashevillenc.gov. Water-Ski Show • FR (8/26), 5:30pm - Lake Lure Ski Club’s annual water-ski show will feature pyramids, ballet lines, flips and jumps. Held at The Beach at Rumbling Bald Resort, 112 Mountains Blvd., Lake Lure. Info: www. rutherfordtourism.com. Tennis Club Meeting Info: 456-2030 or recprograms@townofwaynesville. org. • MO (8/29), 6:30pm - A meeting of the Waynesville Community Tennis Association will encourage participation in the tennis program.
Parenting A Nesting Party • Saturday, September 10 (pd.) 2pm-4pm at Nest Organics, 51 North Lexington Avenue. For parents and parents to be. Please join us for a complimentary Nesting Party where you will learn about cloth diapering, baby wearing, ways to help protect your children from harmful chemicals, and much more! • The event is free, includes complimentary organic refreshments, and a 10% instore discount. Please RSVP by calling (828) 258-1901. Nest Organics Autism Parent Support Group • 4th THURSDAYS, 68pm - Meet other parents of children with autism, share your experiences and learn from others. RSVP by 3rd Thursday to ensure childcare. Held at St. Gerard House, 718 Oakland St., Hendersonville. Info: http:// stgerardhouse.com. Peaceful Beginning Labor and Birth Forum • LAST SATURDAYS - “How to Avoid Medical Interventions That Are Not Medically Necessary,” a discussion and practice focused on a “normal, peaceful birth.” Share your experiences and learn from others. Held at Mission Wellness Resource Center, 50 Doctor’s Drive in Asheville, West Annex. Free. Info: www.peacefulbeginning.org.
Kids Hands On! This children’s museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: 697-8333 or www.handsonwnc.org. • Through WE (8/24) - “Back to School Haircuts” will benefit Hands On! Four local salons will offer $10 haircuts to children under 15. See website for instructions on how to make an appointment. • TH (8/25), 2-4pm - Make a paper bag puppet, while supplies last. Free with admission. • FR (8/26) - Celebrate National Dog Day by bringing your dog to the vet exhibit, sponsored by the Etowah Valley Veterinary Hospital. Free with admission. • Through SA (9/10) - “Finding Fitness Forever” scavenger hunt, an initiative to combat childhood obe-
28 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
sity, will encourage children to find fitness opportunities throughout the museum. Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Located at 1 PARI Drive, Rosman. Info: 862-5554 or www.pari.edu. • TU (8/30), 6-8pm - Girls ages 9-14 are invited to “Puppet Power: Engineering to Build a Better Puppet,” part of the SciGirls program. $10. Youth Open Mic Night • 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Children and teens are invited to perform music, recite poetry or present other arts at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. in downtown Asheville. Get creative and come show off your talent. Info: http://on.fb. me/e4GpE8 or wallstreetcoffeehouse@gmail.com.
Spirituality Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation (“TM”) (pd.) Discover why TM is the world’s most effective and scientifically validated meditation technique. Clinically proven to boost brain function and reduce anxiety, depression, addiction, and ADHD. Allows you to effortlessly transcend the busy, agitated mind to experience inner peace and unbounded awareness. • Free Introductory Class: Thursday, 6:30pm, 165 E. Chestnut • Topics: How meditation techniques differ • Meditation and brain research • What is enlightenment? (828) 254-4350. www.MeditationAsheville. org Asheville Meditation Group (pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the Insight/ Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more peaceful and focused mind. Our “sangha” (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am: Seated meditation and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 808-4444. • www. ashevillemeditation.com Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself,
your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. Big Change Now: Global Astrological Insight; Personal Shamanic Shift (pd.) Experiential workshop, Saturday, September 3, 2pm-5 pm. • Facilitators: Benjamin Bernstein and Eric Meyers. • Benefit from the astrology shaping our tumultuous times. Experience powerful shamanic invocations for healing and awakening. • Love offering; $25 suggested. Homewood Event Center, 19 Zillicoa Street, Asheville. 828-338-9852; info@ ItsAllGoodAstrology.com • www.ItsAllGoodAstrology. com/upcoming. htm#BigChangeNow Compassionate Communication (pd.) Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication. Great for couples! Group uses model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book “Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life.” Free. Info: 299-0538 or www. ashevilleccc.com. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 5:006:15—Practice group for newcomers and experienced practitioners. Faerie Workshop • Saturday • August 27 (pd.) (pd.) 2pm-4pm, The Reenchantment of Our Lives: Communicating with the Faerie. Held in Weaverville. Cost $10. Info: (828) 6452674 or avalongrove.com Free Women’s Spirituality and Expressive Arts Workshop (pd.) Sunday, August 28, 3pm-5pm. Cultivate soul in creative community in a safe, supportive space. • For artists/non-artists. • All materials provided. • Discounts on future workshops. Downtown Asheville. • Registration/information: bloomconsultingandeducation@gmail.com Mindfulness Meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241 or www.billwalz.com. • MONDAYS, 7-8pm Meditation class with lesson and discussion of contemporary Zen living. Held at the Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Road (off Merrimon Avenue). Donations encouraged. 26 weeks - $156.
Open Heart Meditation (pd.) Learn easy, wonderful practices that opens your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Free. 7pm, Tuesdays. 645-5950 or 296-0017. http://www.heartsanctuary.org Awakening Practices Group • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Awakening Practices Group will meet at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St. Info: Trey@ QueDox.com. Blessings on the River • FR (8/26), 6-8pm - Byron Ballard of the Asheville Mother Grove Temple will set the Orisa alters and bring items for people to float down the river for blessings. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Held at Woodfin Riverside Park, 1510 Riverside Drive. Info: 515-0740. Daoist Meditation • TUESDAYS, 6-7:30pm & SUNDAYS, 9-10:30am Four Winds Daoist Center in Whittier will offer meditation followed by discussion. Info and directions: 788-6730 or fourwindsdaoism@yahoo. com. Embracing the Global Heart • TH (8/25), 7-9pm - An evening devoted to cocreating coherence through meditation and prayer, featuring “Awakening the Soul,” a Qigong meditation with Jan Gillespie. Held at The Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. Love Offering. RSVP requested: www.cslasheville.org. Energy Health Workshops • SUNDAYS, 4-6pm - Learn to work with your guardian angels and spirit guides to transmute energetic blockages, trapped emotions, psychic traumas and past life issues. Classes held in Weaverville. $24. Info and directions: 337-1852. Events at First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at Fifth Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. Info: www. fcchendersonville.org. • SU (8/28), 9:15am Rabbi Phil Cohen of Agudas Israel will speak as part of the adult forum. Integral Vision • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7:30-9:30pm - Meditation, reading and a discussion of Ken Wilber’s Principles of Evolutionary Culture. Held at Network Family Chiropractic, 218 E. Chestnut St. Info: fred.miercort@gmail.com. Kundalini Tantra • MONDAYS, 7-8:45pm - The principles and practice
of Kundalini Tantra with Madhyanandi. Info and directions: madhyanandi@ gmail.com. Liturgical Arts Conference • Through SA (8/27) - A liturgical arts conference will include workshops on choir direction, banners and fabric, visual art and flower arranging. Held at Kanuga Conferences Inc., 130 Kanuga Chapel Drive, Hendersonville. Info: www. kanuga.org or 828-6929136. Meditation in the Park from The People’s Ashram • SUNDAYS, 8-10am Bring a mat or zabuton and stay for 20 minutes or two hours. Held at French Broad River Park, 508 Riverview Drive. Info: madhyanandi@ gmail.com. Mountain Zen Practice Center • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Explore the “how” of moment by moment peace, joy and freedom through the practice of Conscious Compassionate Awareness. Meditation and group discussion. Info and location: www.mountainzen.org or 450-3621. Ro-Hun • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Empower your life through the alchemy of forgiveness. Heal the faulty thoughts and emotions locked in the unconscious that sabotage your health, abundance and happiness. Info and directions: 545-8173. Swannanoa Valley Unitarian Universalist Church • THURSDAYS, 7-8am - Cloud Cottage will present mindfulness-based meditation at Swannanoa Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, 500 Montreat Road. Bring a cushion. Donations encouraged. Info: cloudcottage@bellsouth.net or 669-0920. Transmission Meditation • SUNDAYS, 5:45-7pm - A “World Service” will be held at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St., Asheville. Free. Info: www.transmissionmeditation.org, pcope@yancey. main.nc.us or 675-8750. United Research Light Center A nonprofit center “dedicated to prayer for personal and planetary transformation.” Located at 2190 NC Highway 9 South in Black Mountain. Info: 669-6845 or www.urlight.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 1-2:15pm - “Gentle Yoga,” with Karen Barnes —- 2:30-3:30pm - “World Peace Prayer.” • SUNDAYS, 3-4pm “World Peace Prayer.” • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 12:45pm - Toning for Peace.
“Lift your voice in free-form expression in a loving, safe space to generate well-being and peace for the greater benefit of our ever-evolving planet.” $5. Info: 667-2967. • TUESDAYS, 10:30-noon - Level one QiGong.
Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 684-3798, 8918700 or www.unitync.net. • WE (8/24), 7pm - Healer’s night will feature massage, Omega bodywork, Reiki sessions and more. Love offering. • Through SU (9/18), 2pm - “Prosperity: Living a Life of Joy and Abundance,” a five-week seminar on inner peace and financial freedom, will be presented by Dan Beckett. Love offering. • WE (8/31), 7pm - Walk a labyrinth to discover the healing and magical power of this ancient energy pattern. Love offering. Unity Church of Asheville Unity of Asheville explores the “deeper spiritual meaning of the scriptures, combined with an upbeat contemporary music program, to create a joyous and sincere worship service.” Located at 130 Shelburne Road, West Asheville. Info: 252-5010 or www.unityofasheville.com. • 5th SUNDAYS, 11am Musical celebration service. Musicians are always welcome. Info: 768-3339. • SUNDAYS, 11am Spiritual celebration service —- 12:15-1:30pm - A Course in Miracles, with Rev. Gene Conner. Young Adult Friends Worship Group • SATURDAYS, 4-6:30pm This small Quaker group for young adults meets upstairs at Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Road. Singing and silence will be followed by a potluck. For Quakers, quasi-Quakers and anyone who is interested. Info: biercewilson@ gmail.com. Zen Buddhist Services • TUESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm & SUNDAYS, 9-9:45am - Anattasati Magga offers meditation, services, Dharma lectures, retreats and meditation supplies. Located at 12 Von Ruck Court, Asheville. Info: www. anattasatimagga.org or 242-2405.
freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
I predict that in the coming weeks, you will be able to extract an unexpected perk or benefit from one of your less glamorous responsibilities. I also predict that you will decide not to ram headfirst into an obstacle and try to batter it until it crumbles. Instead, you'll dream up a roundabout approach that will turn out to be more effective at eliminating the obstacle. Finally, I predict that these departures from habit will show you precious secrets about how to escape more of your own negative conditioning in the future.
"Enlightenment is simply this," said the Zen master. "When I walk, I walk. When I eat, I eat. When I sleep, I sleep." If that's true, Leo, you now have an excellent chance to achieve at least temporary enlightenment. The universe is virtually conspiring to maneuver you into situations where you can be utterly united with whatever you are doing in the present moment. You'll be less tempted than usual to let your mind wander away from the experience at hand, but will instead relish the opportunity to commit yourself completely to the scene that's right in front of you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) "Dear Astrologer: My life is stagnant and slow. It suffers bone-deep from a lack of changes, good or bad or in between. Why has my karma been deprived of all motion? Why must I go on frozen in such eerie peace and quiet? I seek your help. Can you cast a spell for me so that I will be happily disrupted and agitated? Will you predict my sorry state of stillness to be ended soon? Arvind Agnimuka, Taurus from Darjeeling." Dear Arvind: Funny you should ask. According to my analysis, members of the Taurus tribe are about to be roused out of their plodding rhythm by a bolt of cosmic mojo. Get ready to rumble — and I mean that in the best sense of the word.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) I found this unusual classified ad in a small California newspaper. "Wanted: Someone to travel backwards in time with me. This is not a joke. You must be unafraid to see the person you used to be, and you've got to keep a wide-open mind about the past -- I mean more wide-open than you have ever been able to. I have made this trip twice before, and I don't expect any danger, but there may be a bit of a mess. Please bring your own 'cleaning implements,' if you know what I mean." As crazy as it sounds, Gemini, I'm thinking you'd be the right person for this gig. The astrological omens suggest you'll be doing something similar to it anyway.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Of your five senses, which is the most underdeveloped? If you're a typical Westerner, it's your sense of smell. You just don't use it with the same level of acuity and interest you have when you're seeing, hearing, tasting, and touching. You may speak excitedly about an image you saw or song you heard or food you ate or massage you experienced — what they were like, how they made you feel — but you rarely do that with odors. You easily tolerate an ugly building or loud traffic noise or mediocre food or itchy fabric, and yet you feel a deep aversion to an unappealing smell. Having said that, I want you to know it's an excellent time to upgrade your olfactory involvement with the world. You'd benefit greatly from the emotional enrichment that would come from cultivating a more conscious relationship with aromas.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) In August 2009, 120 scientists and their helpers staged a BioBlitz in Yellowstone National Park. Their goal was to find as many new species as they could in one day. To their surprise and delight, they located more than 1,200, including beetles, worms, lichens, and fungi that had never before been identified. An equally fertile phase of discovery could very well be imminent for you, Virgo. All you have to do is make that your intention, then become super extra double-wildly receptive.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) "Two dangers threaten the universe: order and disorder," said poet Paul Valery. I think that's especially true for you right now, although the "danger" in question is psychological in nature, not physical, and it's a relatively manageable hazard that you shouldn't stay up all night worrying about. Still, the looming challenge to your poise is something that requires you to activate your deeper intelligence. You really do need to figure out how to weave a middle way between the extremes of seeking too much order and allowing too much disorder. What would Goldilocks do?
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Readers of Reddit.com were asked to describe their lives in just six words. It would be a good time for you to try this exercise. You've reached a juncture in your unfolding destiny when you could benefit from a review that pithily sums up where you've been up until now, and where you've got to go next. To inspire your work, here are some of the most interesting from Reddit: 1. Early opportunities wasted, now attempting redemption. 2. Searching tirelessly for that one
homework What's the part of you that you trust the least? Think up a test whereby that part of you will be challenged to express maximum integrity. Testify at Freewillastrology.com © Copyright 2011 Rob Brezsny
thing. 3. Living my dream requires modifying dream. 4. Must not turn into my mom. 5. Insane ambition meets debilitating self-doubt. 6. Do you want to have sex? 7. Slowly getting the hang of it. 8. These pretzels are making me thirsty.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Go where the drama is, Sagittarius, but not where the melodrama is. Place yourself in the path of the most interesting power, but don't get distracted by displays of power that are dehumanizing or narcissistic. You are in a phase of your astrological cycle when you have a mandate to intensify your excitement with life and increase your ability to be deeply engaged with what attracts you. I urge you to be as brave as you once were when you conquered a big fear and to be as curious as you were when you discovered a big secret about who you are. For extra credit, be highly demonstrative in your expression of what you care about.
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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) In his older years, after steadfastly cultivating his vices with the care of a connoisseur, the agnostic actor W. C. Fields was caught reading the Bible by an old friend. Questioned at this departure from his usual behavior, Fields said he was "looking for loopholes." I suspect a comparable shift may be in the offing for you, Capricorn. In your case, you may be drawn to a source you've perpetually ignored or dismissed, or suddenly interested in a subject you've long considered to be irrelevant. I say, good for you. It's an excellent time to practice opening your mind in any number of ways.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) I watched a Youtube video that showed eight people competing in a weird marathon. They ran two miles, ate 12 doughnuts, then ran another two miles. I hope you don't try anything remotely similar to that, Aquarius. If you're in the mood for outlandish feats and exotic adventures (which I suspect you might be), I suggest you try something more life-enhancing, like making love for an hour, eating an organic gourmet feast, then making love for another hour. It's a good time for you to be wild, maybe even extreme, about getting the healing you need.
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16 Patton Located at 16 Patton, Asheville. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Info: 236-2889 or www.16patton.com. • Through SU (9/4) - Abstractions: From Representational to Impressionism will feature works by Sterling Edwards. 310 ART Gallery Located at Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St., #310, in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: 776-2716 or www.310art.com. • Through WE (8/31) Encaustic paintings by seven artists. American Folk Art and Framing The gallery at 64 Biltmore Ave. is open daily, representing contemporary selftaught artists and regional pottery. Info: 281-2134 or www.amerifolk.com. • Through WE (9/14) - Time and Texture. Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or www.ashevilleart.org. • Through WE (8/31) - Looking Back: 60 Years of Collecting with the Asheville Art Museum. • Through SU (9/25) - Artists at Work: American Printmakers and the WPA. • Through SU (11/6) - Color Study will be on display at the Appleby Foundation Gallery. Atelier 24 Lexington: A Gallery of Local Art Located at 24 Lexington Ave., Asheville. Info: www. theateliergalleries.com. • Through WE (8/31) - Changing Patterns: An exploration of History and Pattern, featuring the work of Susan Dunn. Bella Vista Art Gallery Located in Biltmore Village next to the parking lot of Rezaz’s restaurant. Summer hours: Mon., Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 768-0246 or www.bellavistaart.com. • Through FR (9/30) - The works of Nancy Varipapa, Julie Wiggins and Eleanor Miller. Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College through
permanent collections, educational activities and public programs. Info: 350-8484, bmcmac@bellsouth.net or www.blackmountaincollege. org. • Through SA (9/17) - The Accident of Choice, featuring works by Jack Tworkov, painting instructor at Black Mountain College in 1952. Blue Spiral 1 Located at 38 Biltmore Ave., downtown Asheville. Featuring Southeastern fine art and studio craft. Open Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: 2510202 or www.bluespiral1. com. • Through SA (9/10) - Shine on Brightly, an online gallery for memorial art, will present Remains To Be Seen: An Out of the Box Look at Modern Cremation Containers. Caldwell Arts Council Located at 601 College Ave., Lenoir. Hours: Tues.Fri., 9am-5pm and Sat. by appointment. Info: 754-2486 or www.caldwellarts.com. • Through FR (9/30) - Works by Betsy Coogler will be on display at the Caldwell Memorial Hospital Art-in-Healing Gallery, 321 Mulberry St. SW, Lenoir. Castell Photography A photo-based art gallery located at 2C Wilson Alley, off Eagle Street in downtown Asheville. Info: 255-1188 or www.castellphotography. com. • Through FR (9/2) - Uncharted Territory, featuring the work of Julie Sims. • Through FR (9/30) - Observatory, works by Lauren Semivan. Flood Gallery Events Located in the Phil Mechanic building at 109 Roberts St. in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: 254-2166 or www.floodgallery.org. • Through WE (8/31) Drawings and paintings by Larkin Ford. Haywood County Arts Council The HCAC sponsors a variety of arts-related events in Waynesville and Haywood County. Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC’s Gallery 86 in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 4520593 or www.haywoodarts. org. • WE (8/24) through SA (9/17) - All Over the Map, featuring the work of Donna Rhodes. Oconaluftee Institute for Cultural Arts Located at 70 Bingo Loop in Cherokee. Info: 497-3945. • Through FR (9/30) - Recent work by ceramic
sculpture artist Jenny Mastin. • MO (8/29), 4-6pm Opening reception. Odyssey Gallery Exhibits work by Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts instructors and residents. Located at 238 Clingman Ave. in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: 285-0210 or www.highwaterclays.com. • Through FR (10/14) - Joyful Expressions will feature the work of student assistants. Penland School of Crafts A national center for craft education dedicated to helping people live creative lives. Located at 67 Dora’s Trail, Penland. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. penland.org or 765-2359. • Through SU (9/11) - Foreign Worlds, Private Places, an exhibit of work by five artists exploring unfamiliar territories. Pump Gallery Located at the Phil Mechanic Studios Building in the River Arts District, 109 Roberts St. Info: www.philmechanicstudios.com. • Through WE (8/31) - Works by painter Hannah Dansie. Route 80 - Back to Our North Carolina Routes • Through SA (9/26) - The Blue Ridge Fine Arts Guild presents Route 80 - Back to Our North Carolina Routes, “a journey along the scenic byway through the eyes of its members.” The exhibit features paintings, photographs, illustrations and historical facts. Held at the TRAC Gallery, 269 Oak Ave. in Spruce Pine. Free. Info: www.toeriverarts.org. SemiPublic Gallery This space for contemporary art is open Thurs.-Sat., 27pm and by appointment. Located at 305 Hillside St., Asheville. Info: 215-8171 or www.semipublicgallery.com • Through SU (9/25) - 5 under 35 will feature works by Bridget Conn, Christopher Crabtree, Carley Dergins, Michael Ohgren and Cory Williams. Seven Sisters Gallery This Black Mountain gallery is located at 117 Cherry St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: 669-5107 or www. sevensistersgallery.com. • Through WE (11/16) Works by Andrea McFadyen (pastel). Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.Fri., 10am-4pm. Info: 884-
2787 or www.artsofbrevard. org. • 4th FRIDAYS, 5-9pm Downtown Brevard’s Gallery Walk, a self-guided tour of galleries and art studios. Upstairs Artspace Contemporary nonprofit gallery at 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm and by appointment. Info: 859-2828 or www.upstairsartspace.org. • Through SA (10/1) Curvature and Color, works by Kenn Kotara (abstract art) and Dale McEntire (landscape painter). • TU (9/6), 7pm - Panel discussion on taking landscape pictures.
More Art Exhibits & Openings Art at Ananda Hair Studio The salon, located at 22 Broadway St., hosts rotating art exhibits. Info: 232-1017. • Through FR (9/30) - Recent work by abstract painter Neil Carroll. Art at Canton Branch Library • Through WE (8/31) - Artwork by Pisgah High School students will be on display at the Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave. The exhibit features sculpture, painted chairs, watercolors, oil paintings, photographs, pastels and more. Info: 648-2924. Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. unca.edu. • Through WE (9/28) “Art of the Book: Process, Product and Community at Asheville BookWorks” will feature BookWorks instructors and students. Works will be displayed at the Malcolm E. Blowers Gallery in the Ramsey Library. Friday through Saturday, 8am-6pm. • FR (8/26) through FR (9/16) - The Art Faculty Exhibition will be on display at the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery in UNCA’s Owen Hall. • FR (8/26), 6-8pm Opening reception. • Through TU (9/6) - A selected student art exhibition will be held at the Highsmith University Union Gallery, first floor of the Highsmith Student Union. • TU (9/6), 5-7pm - Closing reception. Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: 254-1320 or www.ashevilletheatre.org. • Through SA (10/1) - Works by Dan Pruitt will be on display in the Lobby Gallery.
Blue Ridge Community College Info: www.blueridge.edu. • Through SA (9/3) - Bring Us Your Best, a multimedia art exhibition, will be on display in the TEDC building on the campus of Blue Ridge Community College. Gallery hours: Mon. - Fri. 10am5pm and Sat. 1-4pm. Info: info@acofhc.org. Cousins in Clay • FR (8/26) & SA (8/27), 10am-5pm - Cousins in Clay will feature pottery by Bruce Gholson, Samantha Henneke and Michael Kline. Held at 4062 Snow Creek Road, Bakersville. Info: www.cousinsinclay.com. Cynthia Wilson • Through MO (9/26) Nature paintings by Cynthia Wilson will be on display at the Hilton Asheville, 42 Town Square Blvd., as part of the Who Knows Art program. Info: www. whoknowsart.biz. Harvest Records Located at 415-B Haywood Road, Asheville. Info: 2582999. • Through WE (8/31) Friend Me, photographs by Erin Fussell, features “imagery on the art of darkroom photography and live conversation in a digital social networking culture.” N.C. Arboretum Events The Arboretum hosts a variety of educational programs. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free with parking fee ($8/vehicle). No parking fees on 1st Tuesdays. Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. Info: 665-2492 or www.ncarboretum.org. • Through TU (9/6) - Botanical Chords, photographs by Terry Ashley and The Fine Art of Wood: An International Invitational Exhibition of Woodturning, featuring works by more than 40 artists from around the world, will be on display at the Baker Exhibit Center. Public Art Display • Through SA (10/22) - Bearfootin’, “a public art display featuring outdoor fiberglass bear sculptures decorated in different themes,” will be on display on the sidewalks of Main Street in Hendersonville. Info: 233-3216. Push Skate Shop & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave., between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: 2255509 or www.pushtoyproject.com. • Through TU (8/30) - The Legend of Rainbow Mountain: New Works by Patch Whisky.
Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.Fri., 10am-4pm. Info: 8842787 or www.artsofbrevard. org. • 4th FRIDAYS, 5-9pm - Enjoy an evening stroll in downtown Brevard and visit art galleries, art stores, retail stores and restaurants that will remain open late. A brochure for the gallery walks can be found at any participating galleries or at the Chamber of Commerce. Transylvania Heritage Museum Located at 189 W. Main St., Brevard. Hours: Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Donation. Info: 884-2347 or www.transylvaniaheritage.org. • 4th FRIDAYS - Gallery walk featuring the Joe Pye Band, handcrafts and refreshments. $5/$2 donation. WCU Exhibits Unless otherwise noted, exhibits are held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine and Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm and Thurs. 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: 227-3591 or www.fineartmuseum.wcu.edu. • Through FR (10/28) Understory: An Exhibition of Work by Alice Sebrell.
Classes, Meetings & Arts-Related Events Fine Arts League Class Fall 2011 (pd.) Illustrating from Literary Works with Al Ramirez. Sept. 15-Open Registration Deadline. Sept. 19-Classes Begin. The Fine Arts League of the Carolinas. 362 Depot St. Asheville NC 28801. 828 252-5050. www.fineartsleague.org Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or www.ashevilleart.org. • FR (8/26), noon-1pm - “Lunchtime Art Break: Looking Back” will discuss Celebrating 60 Years of Collecting at the Asheville Art Museum. Free with membership or admission. • SU (8/28), 3pm - “Panel Discussion: Art Working” will feature arts professionals discussing the role of government in art and the history of the WPA. $8/$7 students and seniors.
Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League Classes are held at the studio, 999 W. Old Route 70, Black Mountain. Info: svfal. info@gmail.com or www. svfal.org. • TUESDAYS, 10am-noon & 1-3pm - Art with Lorelle Bacon. All levels welcome. $15/class. Registration required.
Spoken & Written Word Carolina Mountains Literary Festival • September 9 and 10 (pd.) Join featured authors including Ron Rash and Audrey Niffenegger in beautiful Burnsville, NC. • Free festival admission. • Workshop details and information/registration: www. cmlitfest.org Blue Ridge Books Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Info: www. brbooks-news.com or 4566000. • SA (8/27), 3pm - Local author Vivian McDarris-Black will read from her book Black Fog. • MONDAYS, 10:30am - Book Babies. Story time for children ages 3 and younger. • 2nd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Programs for aspiring and published writers of all genres. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250KIDS. • Through WE (9/21) Youth are invited to submit art promoting peace. Call for details. WV • SA (8/27), 11am - Farmer Jason will sing songs for kids about farm life and nature. WV • Through WE (8/31) - The “Lend a Hand, Care for the Land” exhibit will present information about forests, invasive plants and recycling. PM Events at City Lights City Lights Bookstore is located at 3 E. Jackson St. in downtown Sylva. Info: 586-9499 or more@citylightsnc.com. • 1st SATURDAYS, 7pm The Liar’s Bench: storytellng, poetry and music. Events at Malaprop’s
The bookstore and cafe at 55 Haywood St. hosts visiting authors for talks and book signings. Info: 2546734 or www.malaprops. com. • TH (8/25), 7pm - Glenda Corwin will read from her new book Sexual Intimacy for Women: A Guide for Same-Sex Couples. • SA (8/27), 7pm - Kevin Wilson will read from his new novel The Family Fang. • TU (8/30), 7pm - Jeaniene Frost, Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong will read from their bestselling series. • TH (9/1), 7pm - Susie Greene will read from her book Pocket Guide to Riches. Fountainhead Bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 6971870. • FR (8/26), 6:30pm - Bookapalooza will will feature wine, chocolate and reading guide giveaways. Ken Butcher, author of The Middle of the Air will be on hand. $10 comes with $5 off book coupon. Henderson County Heritage Museum Located in the Historic Courthouse in Hendersonville at 1 Historic Courthouse Square on Main Street. Info: 694-1619 or www.hendersoncountymuseum.org. • SA (8/27), 2pm - Leonard “Mike” Scruggs will read from his book The Un-Civil War. Free. Open Mic Night at The Pulp • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Asheville Poetry Review and Asheville Wordfest host a monthly open mic at The Pulp, located beneath The Orange Peel in downtown Asheville. $10 includes club membership. Info: http:// pulpasheville.com. Poetry Hickory • 2nd TUESDAYS, 5pm - Poetry Hickory will follow Writers’ Night Out. Held at Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse, 29 2nd St. NW, Hickory. Info: asowens1@yahoo.com. The Writer in You • MO (8/29), 10am-2pm Bring a piece of a published work by another author and 10 copies of your work. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, between Church Street and Lexington Avenue South. Free. Info: 450-5462. Writers Workshop Potluck • 4th FRIDAYS, 6pm - Held at 387 Beaucatcher Road. Info: writersw@gmail.com.
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(pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) 20 Oak Street Asheville 28801.(Enter Fellowship Hall-lower level). Guests welcome. Contact: www. songosky.org Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547.
African Drumming Class • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Jessie Lehmann from the Boom Chix presents an African drumming class at the Terpsicorp dance studio, 129 Roberts St. in Asheville’s River Arts district. Learn West African rhythms, technique for Dundun, sangbahn, kenkeni and djembe. Info: 777-5115. An Appalachian Evening At the Stecoah Valley Cultural Arts Center. Performances include music and a “traditional Appalachian” dinner. $15/$5 students. Info: www.stecoahvalleycenter.com. • SA (8/27), 5 & 6:15pm - Blue Eyed Girl. Concerts on the Creek Held in the pavilion at Bridge Park in downtown Sylva from 7:30-9:30pm. Sponsored by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Free. Info: (800)
962-1911 or www.mountainlovers.com. • FR (8/26) - Hurricane Creek. Fines Creek Bluegrass Jam • FR (8/26), 5pm-midnight & SA (8/27), 4pm-midnight The 14th annual Fines Creek Bluegrass Jam will feature Steve Brown and Hurricane Ridge, Raymond Fairchild, The Troubadours and more. Held at Fines Creek School, Fines Creek Road, Clyde. $15/$10 children ages 1618/children under 16 free. $25 for both nights. Info: www.finescreek.org. Homegrown in the Park • THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Enjoy local singer/songwriters at this weekly performance held at Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville. Free. Info: http://bit.ly/l9vfgz. Madison County Arts Council Events Located at 90 S. Main St., in Marshall. Info: 649-1301 or www.madisoncountyarts. com. • SU (8/28), 4pm - Kate Campbell, singer/songwriter. $15. Music on the Rock Concert Series Presented by Flat Rock Playhouse, 2661 Greenville Highway in Flat Rock. The concerts will span Broadway, country, blue-
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grass, pop and rock favorites. $20. Tickets and info: 693-0731, (866) 732-8008 or www.flatrockplayhouse. org. • SU (8/28) through TU (9/6) - “Don’t Stop Believing: The Greatest Hits of Journey and Air Supply.” Performances held Sun.Tues. See website for times. Open Mic Night • FRIDAYS, 8:30-11pm - Adults of all ages and performers of all genres are invited to play music, recite poetry or present other arts at this weekly open mic. Held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. in downtown Asheville. Info: http://on.fb.me/e4GpE8 or wallstreetcoffeehouse@ gmail.com. Peace Jones • SA (8/27), 8pm - Peace Jones, Jarrett Dilger Leone and Brandon Oberlin will perform with Dielle Diesco at Vanuatu Kava Bar, 151 S. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: www.vanuatukavabar.com. Performances at Diana Wortham Theatre Located at 2 South Pack Square. Info: 257-4530 or www.dwtheatre.com. • SU (8/28), 3pm Concert pianists Kimberly and Michelle Cann will perform works by Liszt, Rachmaninoff and Ravel. $30/$15 students/children under 12 free. A portion of the proceeds will go to local music education. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/31), 12:45pm - Ethnomusicologist and jazz pianist William Bares will lead a lecture at UNCA’s Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: 251-6423. Shindig on the Green A celebration of traditional and old-time string bands, bluegrass, ballad singers, big circle mountain dancers and cloggers. Held at Pack Square Park on the Bascom Lamar Lunsford stage in downtown Asheville. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Free. Info: 258-6101 ext. 345 or www.folkheritage.org. • SATURDAYS through (9/3), 7pm - A variety of musicians and dancers will perform. Skinny Beats Drum Shop and Gallery 4 Eagle St. Info: info@ skinnybeatsdrums.com or 768-2826. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm & SUNDAYS, 2-3pm - Billy Zanski will teach beginning African drumming. Drums provided or bring your own.
SoundCheck • TU (8/30), 7:30pm - SoundCheck will feature Malcolm Holcombe, RB Morris and Paco Shipp. Doors open at 6:30pm. $15. Held at the Altamont Theater, 18 Church St. Info: www. myaltamont.com. The Altamont Located at 18 Church St., downtown Asheville. Info: 270-7747 or www.thealtamont.com. • TU (8/30), 8pm Malcolm Holcombe, RB Morris and Paco Shipp.
Theater Movement Workshop • This Monday (pd.) August 29, 8pm-10pm at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting. • Connect with your environment and other participants by developing a sensory connection that the body spontaneously processes into behavior. 20 Commerce St. $35 advance/$30 door. (828) 254 - 2939, x21. www.stellaadler-asheville.com Flat Rock Playhouse The State Theater of North Carolina is on Highway 225, three miles south of Hendersonville. Info: 6930731 or www.flatrockplayhouse.org. • Through SU (9/11) - The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie. See website for times. $34. • Through SU (9/4) - Shear Madness, a murder mystery comedy, will be presented Wed. through Sun. $34. Montford Park Players Unless otherwise noted, performances are free and take place outdoors Fri.Sun. at 7:30pm at Hazel Robinson Amphitheater in Montford. Bring folding chair and umbrella in case of rain. Donations accepted. Info: 254-5146 or www.montfordparkplayers.org. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (9/4), 7:30pm - Julius Caesar will “explore what happens when nationalistic loyalty meets the lust for power and friendship conflicts honor.” NC Stage Company Asheville’s professional resident theater company, performing at 15 Stage Lane in downtown Asheville (entrance off of Walnut St., across from Zambra’s). Info & tickets: 239-0263 or www.ncstage.org. • WE (8/24) through SU (9/25) - Hedwig and the Angry Inch. See website for times. $29-$17. Performances at the BeBe Theatre
Located at 20 Commerce St., in downtown Asheville. • MO (8/29), 8-10pm - A movement workshop will be led by Richard Handy as part of the Stella Adler workshop series. $35/$30 in advance. Info: www.ashevilletheatre. org. Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre Performances are held at Mars Hill College’s Owen Theatre. Tickets: 689-1239. Info: 689-1384 or www. sartplays.org. • Through SU (8/28), Vance, the story of N.C.’s Civil War governor Zebulon Vance. See website for times. The Magnetic Field A cafe, bar and performance house located at 372 Depot St. in the River Arts District. Info: www.themagneticfield. com or 257-4003. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (until 9/3), 7:30pm - The Last Laugh. This production follows Chuck Wiles, “the outrageously gay, pot-smoking leader of a renowned but impoverished comic theatre troupe.” Late showings held Saturdays at 10pm. • 1st FRIDAYS, 10pm “Magnetic Midnight.” Show up with an original script, skit, song, routine or performance piece (five minutes or less in length), act in or direct a piece by someone else or sit back and watch the “magical, mysterious monthly show” unfold. This month’s featured performer is Holiday Childress.
Comedy Comic Disorder Theatre • TUESDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Comic Disorder Theatre will present a class on improvisational comedy at Wall Street Cafe, 62 Wall St. Info and registration: www. ComicDisorder.org. Disclaimer Stand-up Lounge • WEDNESDAYS, 911:30pm - A weekly comedy open mic is held at Athena’s, 14 College St. in downtown Asheville. Free. Info: http:// on.fb.me/mgWdtL. The Altamont Located at 18 Church St., downtown Asheville. Info: 270-7747 or www.thealtamont.com. • FR (8/26) & SA (8/27), 8pm - Dan Mengini.
Film Firestorm Cafe & Books Located at 48 Commerce St., Asheville. Info: 2558115 or www.firestormcafe. com.
• MO (8/29), 6pm - A screening of The Marketing of Madness, a documentary on the psychiatric drug industry, will be hosted by the Asheville Radical Mental Health Collective. Flat Rock Cinema • Through TH (8/25), 4 & 7pm - The Day Carl Sandburg Died, a new documentary about the author’s life, will be screened daily at Flat Rock Cinema, 2700 Greenville Highway. $7. Info: www.FlatRockCinema.com. The French Broad Institute Located at 68 N. Main St., Marshall. Info: 649-0099. • WE (8/24), 8pm - The Marshall Movie Club will screen a film, TBA. $5. Info: tonytorn@gmail.com. Transition Hendersonville Aims to bring the community together, develop practical solutions and improve the quality of life for everyone in light of peak oil, climate change and the ensuing economic tensions. Info: http://transitionhendersonville.com. • WE (8/24), 5-8pm - Transition Hendersonville will host a screening of Permaculture: The Growing Edge at Black Bear Cafe, 318 Main St., Hendersonville. Free.
Dance Alexander Technique for Dancers (pd.) Perform with ease. Recover from injury. Extend your career. “The hallmarks of the Alexander Technique are creativity, spontaneity and adaptability to change.” (828) 225-3786. FormFitnessFunction.com Beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville.com Dance Classes Galore with IDoDances (pd.) • Mondays: 6 PM “Dance Undercover”- learn a dance to Prince in 8 weeks and show off your moves in a place TBD. 7:15 PM Learn the Napoleon Dynamite Dance, starts Sep. 19 • Tuesdays: 4:30 PMFamily Dance and Sweat, parents and kids dance together; 6 PM Dance and Sweat- learn a dance to a different song each week • Thursdays: 6 PM Decade Dance and Sweat- from Vintage Jazz to Burlesque to Disco! All classes held at Loretta’s Cafe, third fl. 114 N. Lexington Ave. Check
IDoDances.com for more info, 828-275-8628. Check out: www.youtube.com/ watch?v=bJgs-vgMyC8 Studio Zahiya (pd.) Monday, 6-7 Yoga â&#x20AC;˘ 7:30-9 Bellydance â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday 9-10am Hip Hop Workout â&#x20AC;˘ 6-7pm Beginner Bellydance, â&#x20AC;˘ 7-8pm Intermediate Bellydance, Wednesday noon-1 Yoga, â&#x20AC;˘ 6-7 Pilates, â&#x20AC;˘ 7:30-9 Bellydance, â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday 9-10am Bellydance, â&#x20AC;˘ 67pm Bollywood, â&#x20AC;˘ 8-9pm Hip Hop, â&#x20AC;˘ Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. â&#x20AC;˘ $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. studiozahiya.com Carolina Shag Dance â&#x20AC;˘ WEDNESDAYS, 7:3011pm - A weekly dance will be held with a live DJ at Shifterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (formerly Boscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s), 2310 Hendersonville Road in Arden. $5. â&#x20AC;˘SUNDAYS, 4-5pm Weekly dance workshop and lessons. Free. Contra Dance Waynesville â&#x20AC;˘ 4th SUNDAYS, 2-4:30pm - Contra dance featuring caller, live music and walk-throughs. Held at The Gateway Club, 37 Church St. $5. Info: 734-1027. Hendersonville Ballroom Dance Club Meets in the ballroom of the Elks Lodge, 546 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Yearly membership is $10. Couples and singles of all ages are welcome. Info: 692-8281. â&#x20AC;˘ FRIDAYS, 6:30-10pm Lesson followed by ballroom dance. International Folk Dancing
â&#x20AC;˘ TUESDAYS, 7:30-9:30pm - Circle and line dances from around the world will be hosted at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. No partner needed. Free. Info: 645-1543. Salsa Night â&#x20AC;˘ WEDNESDAYS, 8:30pmmidnight - Salsa night at Creatures Cafe, 81 Patton Ave. Ages 18 and up. Free. Info: 254-3636. Southern Lights SDC A nonprofit square-dance club. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Info: 625-9969. â&#x20AC;˘ WEDNESDAYS, 7:309:30pm - A weekly dance for new and experienced dancers will be held at the Stoney Mountain Activity Center, 800 Stoney Mountain Road, Hendersonville.
Auditions & Call to Artists Arts Council of Henderson County Located at 401 N. Main St. (entrance on Fourth Street), above Flight Restaurant in downtown Hendersonville. Info: 693-8504 or www. acofhc.org. â&#x20AC;˘ Through FR (8/26) - Arts Council of Henderson County will seek applicants for their artist directory through August 26. Free. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chorus for ages 7-14. For audition/performance info: 230-5778 or www.singasheville.org.
â&#x20AC;˘ TH (8/25), 6-7pm - The Celebration Singers of the Asheville Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Community Youth Chorus invites singers ages 7 to 14 to audition for the 2011-2012 season. Held at the First Congregational Churchâ&#x20AC;&#x201A; Asheville, 20 Oak St. Prepare a song and bring sheet music. Master Gardener Grants â&#x20AC;˘ Through WE (8/31) - The Haywood County Master Gardener Volunteer Association will accept applications for its grants program through August 31. Grants may be used for education or research in the environment, gardening or horticulture. Info: 456-3575. NC Stage Company Ashevilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s professional resident theater company, performing at 15 Stage Lane in downtown Asheville (entrance off of Walnut St., across from Zambraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s). Info & tickets: 239-0263 or www.ncstage.org. â&#x20AC;˘ SA (8/27), 10am-noon - Auditions will be held for the Youth Musical Theatre Acting Intensive, taught by musical theatre professionals. Auditions are required for entry. Open to children ages 12-18. Appointments: 239-0263. â&#x20AC;˘ MO (8/29), 6-9pm - Auditions will be held for Voice! Movement! Action!, an acting intensive for those seeking to deepen their skills and expand their repertoire. Classes run Sept. 12-Nov. 14. Info and appointments: 239-0263. Scarecrow Festival & Craft Show
A Buncombe County Parks & Recreation Family Fun Festival at Lake Julian Park. Free. Info: 250-4260 or grace.young@buncombecounty.org. â&#x20AC;˘ Through FR (9/23) - Submissions for the 7th annual Scarecrow Festival will be accepted through September 23. $35 for nonelectric booth. â&#x20AC;˘ Through SA (10/1), 9am - Scarecrows of all kinds will be accepted through October 1. Winners in the individual and family categories can win cash prizes. Info: grace.young@ buncombecounty.org.
Stars and Flags Book Award â&#x20AC;˘ Through WE (8/31) - Submissions for the Stars and Flags Book Award, celebrating books about military-related topics, will be accepted through August 31. Info: www.starsandflags. com. The Artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St., River Arts District. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. â&#x20AC;˘ Through TH (9/1) - The Artery will accept submissions for 2012 exhibits through September 1.
CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365
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Festival and Camping Tickets
musiconthemountaintop.com mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 33
fun fundraisers
What: A benefit concert featuring the Wailers and Josh Phillips Folk Festival to benefit French Broad Riverkeeper Where: The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. in downtown Asheville When: Thursday, Aug. 25. Doors open at 7 p.m., show begins at 8 p.m. $22 in advance, $25 at the door, $65 VIP. Info at theorangepeel.net or savethefrenchbroad.com Why: The legendary Wailers have been going strong since Bob Marley’s death in 1981, and band members Aston “Family Man” Barrett, Koolant and others will be coming to The Orange Peel to raise money for French Broad Riverkeeper. This will be the grand finale of the Save the French Broad Campaign. For the past 29 years, French Broad Riverkeeper has worked with local citizens to advocate for the health and ecology of the French Broad River. With programs like Muddy Water Watch, an effort to monitor logging operations, trails and off-road vehicle areas, volunteers can document the quality of the river and the watershed. Other programs include bacteria monitoring along the Swannanoa River and a pollution hotline for citizens to report improper waste disposal or other damage to the French Broad River. Bringing a band as popular as the Wailers to the Orange Peel is an impressive feat for the Western North Carolina Alliance, Sweetwater Brewery and Clear Channel Asheville, the sponsors of the Save the French Broad Campaign. The Wailers have sold more than 250 million albums worldwide and influenced countless musicians. They’ve performed with acts like Sting, Stevie Wonder, Carlos Santana and others, along with original members Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer. This is a rare opportunity to see worldwide chart-toppers. For an additional donation to French Broad Riverkeeper, you can meet the Wailers in person. VIP tickets allow reggae fans to meet the Wailers, enjoy beer and food, as well as VIP seating. If you don’t have time to get out on the river, or you want to supplement your environmental efforts, this concert is the perfect way to support French Broad Riverkeeper while having a good time.
benefitscalendar CALENDAR FOR AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 American Cancer Society Relay for Life Helping make cancer research possible. Info: www. relayforlife.org. • WE (8/24), 5-8pm - Bark For Life Night will feature Tshirts, bandanas and dog toys by donation. 50 percent of purchases will benefit the American Cancer Society. Held at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite #103. Asheville Jewish Community Center Events The JCC is located at 236 Charlotte St., Asheville. Info: 253-0701. • SA (8/27), 6:30-11:30pm - A gala fundraiser to benefit the Asheville Jewish Community Center will be held at the Crown Plaza Expo Center, 59 Expo St., Asheville. $118. Info: Rochelle@jcc-asheville.org. Benefit Yard Sale • SA (8/27), 8am-2pm - Western North Carolina Lions will hold a yard sale and food sale to benefit the Majorie McCune Memorial Assisted Living Center at 101 Lion’s Way in Black Mountain. Info: liondebbie@ bellsouth.net. Magic and Variety Show • SA (8/27), 7:30pm - Magicians, storytellers and musicians will be featured at “Magic, Mirth and
Meaning,” a benefit for The Vanishing Wheelchair, Inc. The event will showcase the talents of people with disabilities and those who help them. Held at the Masonic Temple Theatre, 80 Broadway. $10/$5 children. Advanced tickets are recommended and can be purchased at Magic Central, 175 Weaverville Highway , Suite L in Asheville. Info: www.VanishingWheelchair.org Mah Jongg Benefit for Breast Cancer • SA (9/10), 10am-3pm - Mah Jongg games and lunch will benefit Avon Walk for Breast Cancer/Buncombe Barnstormers team. Newcomers to this traditional Chinese tile game are welcome. Held at Loretta’s, 114 N. Lexington Ave. $35 includes lunch and door prizes. Registration required by Sept. 2. Info: AvonBBTeam@ hotmail.com. Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser • SA (8/27), 8-10am - FATZ, 5 Spartan Ave. in Asheville, will host a pancake breakfast fundraiser for Three Streams Family Health Center and the clinic’s work with uninsured patients. $7/$5 children. Info: www.threestreamshealth.org. Ride for Kids 2011 • SA (8/28), 7am-5pm - Join hundreds of motorcyclists for a ride through the scenic North Carolina
34 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
countryside at this event to raise funds for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Ride departs from Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road in Asheville, and ends at Lake Lure. “After a light lunch, participants will enjoy a Celebration of Life program that features interviews with young brain tumor survivors.” Riders on all makes and models welcome. Held rain or shine. $35 minimum donation. Info: www.pbtfus.org or 800-253-6530. Save the French Broad Grand Finale • TH (8/25), 7pm - Legendary reggae outfit The Wailers will perform at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave., to raise funds for the Save the French Broad campaign, a partnership between the WNC Alliance, Sweetwater Brewery and Clear Channel Asheville. $22/$25. Info: www.savethefrenchbroad.com. The Hop Ice cream, concerts and community events. 640 Merriman Ave., Suite 103, unless otherwise noted. Search “The Hop Cafe” on Facebook or 254-2224. • TU (8/30), 5-8pm - 50 percent of sales will be donated to the Moog Foundation. Synthesizers and other instruments will be on hand. The Turquoise Ball
• SA (8/27), 8pm-midnight - The Turquoise Ball, a benefit for the The Asheville Area Arts Council, will be held at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. Turquoise attire is encouraged. Entertainment will include Paper Tiger, Members of Asheville Symphony and Aerial Space Cadets. A fashion show, hors d’oeuvres and a complimentary cocktail is included. $50 VIP/$25 general admission. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. Winesdays • WEDNESDAYS, 5-8pm - A wine tasting to benefit Rathbun House will be held at The Wine Studio of Asheville, 169 Charlotte St. $5. Info: www.winestudioasheville.com.
Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after September 1.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
newsoftheweird Lead story
Berjuan Toys is already selling its Breast Milk Baby ($70) online and expects to have it in stores later this year. The "mother" dons a halter top with flowers positioned as nipples; when the baby comes in contact with one, sensors mimic sucking sounds. Although dolls that demonstrate toileting functions are already on the market, breast-feeding activists are more enthusiastic about this one, hoping girls' increased comfort with breast-feeding will result in less bottle-feeding later on. (Critics say the doll forces girls to "grow up" too soon and face choices too complicated for their age, which the manufacturer says could be as young as 3.)
The continuing crisis • Frances Ragusa, 75, was back in court in Brooklyn, N.Y., in June claiming child support husband Philip Ragusa, 77, never paid her in their divorce settlement 33 years ago. (The "children," of course, long since became adults, but with interest, the $14,000 judgment has grown to about $100,000.) Frances told the New York Post in July that she called Philip several months earlier to discuss the amount but he merely began to cry. "Don't let this case go to trial," she recalled telling him. "If you think I'm going to forget it, Phil, you're stuck on stupid." • A court in Leavenworth County, Kan., fined Carole Green $1,000 in July for littering the property of the same Bonner Springs resident "most afternoons" for the past two years. Surprised, Green apologized, saying that when she starts out in her SUV every day and drinks a bottle of tea, it just happens that she finishes it at about the same spot on her journey — in front of Gary Bukaty's property — and that's where she tosses the bottle. She promised to stop. • The Perfect Society: Rules to ensure correct, "progressive" behavior were recently proposed by the San Francisco Commission of Animal Control and Welfare and the Colorado Department of Human Services. The San Francisco agency would ban all sales of pets within the city limits, from dogs to gerbils to
fresh / real / pizza / beer / music open for lunch & dinner
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goldfish. ("Why fish? Why not fish?" asked one exasperated commission member, bristling at criticism.) Animals sold as food for other animals would be included but not animals sold as food for humans. Colorado day care centers that make dolls available at play time would be required to have dolls of three different races. • A Southampton (England) University researcher told an academic conference in Stockholm in July that his work, demonstrating that women who stop smoking even after becoming pregnant will have healthier babies, is important because he found that pregnant women rationalize continued smoking, in part to have smaller babies that will be easier to deliver. • Small Town Democracy: In July, the City Council of Gould, Ark. (pop. 1,100), prohibited its citizens from forming "groups" without the council’s written permission. (The mayor and City Council are feuding over the budget, and Council, attempting to stifle lobbying by a group supporting the mayor, has taken a blanket approach that appears to blatantly violate the First Amendment.)
Chutzpah! • Inmate Johnathan Pinney, 26, petitioned U.S. District Court in Chicago in July, demanding that state and federal officials stop arresting him (because he did nothing illegal, despite his current four-year sentence for aggravated battery on a police officer). To compensate him for all the grief the federal government has caused him, Pinney wants $50 billion "restitution" plus uninhabited land so he can start his own country, with sovereign and diplomatic immunity. WBBM Radio noted that Pinney’s MySpace
readdaily Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679
page says he "hopes to get into a committed relationship with a woman, but wouldn't mind if it meant 'leaving this world and marrying an alien with similar attonomy [sic] and genetics.'" • In December, Michigan schoolteacher Marcie Rousseau was sentenced to at least four years in prison for having sex with a high-school boy in Saginaw and Midland counties. Now, however, the "victim" has filed a lawsuit against Rousseau and school officials for what his lawyer described as "not consensual" sex. The unnamed, then-16-year-old, who admitted to at least 100 acts of sexual intercourse and 75 "other" sex acts, wants at least $1 million for "physical, psychological and emotional injury." (That works out to at least $5,700 per sex act, and since $1 million is sought for each of the seven federal claims and three state claims, each sex act could end up being a $57,000 burden.)
Plan B Jonathan Schwartz called 911 in New York City in July to report stabbing his mother to death. A few minutes later (but before police arrived), Schwartz called back and said, "No, she committed suicide." (The mother's body was found with multiple stab wounds, and notwithstanding Schwartz's "correction," police charged him with murder.)
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(1) Ronald Adams, 49, was arrested in June for assaulting an 8-year-old boy in his home in Ouachita Parish, La., after an argument over which TV program to watch. Adams allegedly threw a TV remote, hitting the child in the head, because the kid insisted on "cartoons" while Adams preferred "wrestling." (2) Authorities in St. Lucie County, Fla., investigated an incident in May in which a woman allegedly fired an AR-15 rifle at a target inside her bedroom closet. The gunshots went through the wall and hit a washing machine, which sprang a leak, spreading water throughout the residence. (Officials said the woman's husband fired shots, too, and that it wasn't the first time the couple had engaged in bedroom target practice.)
See Menu & Live Music Calendar: BarleysTaproom.com
42 B I L T M O R E A V E . D O W N T O W N A S H E V I L L E - 255-0504 - M O N -S A T 11:30 A M -?/S U N 12-12 mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 35
wellness Down to Earth
Former space shuttle doc keeps Brevard residents grounded by Caitlin Byrd Before Dr. David Ward's career brought him to the mountains of Western North Carolina, he had his eye on outer space. After serving as a NASA flight surgeon in 1993, Ward put in four years with the U.S./Russia Shuttle-Mir Program in Star City, Russia. Now a solo general practitioner in Brevard, Ward says the things he learned as a flight surgeon still apply to his earthbound medical work. Mountain Xpress: Which was your first love, space or medicine? David Ward: My second-grade teacher swears she has an essay I wrote about what I'm going to do when I grow up [that says], 'I'm going to be a doctor for the astronauts.' So the two have kind of always gone hand in hand for me. I was part of the generation born in the ’60s, who grew up watching all the space events and everything. Anything to do with space flight, I wanted to be there watching it. Did you ever feel you had to choose between the two? At one point, yes, there was that pressure. It's hard to go into college and have people say you have to make a decision: You have to do one or the other. I knew it was difficult to do both, but I did know there was an aerospace facility for training after medical school. I always knew in the back of my mind there was a way to do both, and that carried me through. I was fortunate enough to have a NASA grant spot for my fellowship grant at Johnson Space Center. You worked as a flight surgeon for NASA there. What was that like? A flight surgeon is essentially the family doctor for the astronaut corps. You're involved in everything from medical selection of astronauts into the corps to retention of those astronauts. You're involved in their basic care, and additionally you help the crew through any medical experiments and preflight certifications, and train them to do basic medical tasks on board. What kinds of medical conditions do astronauts run into in space? With short flights, you don't expect as many issues or problems, but there's always that potential. On long flights, there's much more involved: changes to the body [such as] bone loss, muscle loss. Sometimes there are vision or neurological changes. And when you think about it, being isolated and living in orbit can really have some social and psychological implications.
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We usually had a private medical conference each day with the crew members, just asking how they’re doing. The first two days in orbit can be difficult, adaptation-wise, for them. There are minor illnesses that can occur, like space motion sickness. In the shuttle program, two-thirds of all the astronauts have some amount of space motion sickness. So we train crew members how to treat it, but also see how they’re doing, if there are any complaints or problems, and just talk with the crew every day. It's kind of like a phone call to your doctor, except they were in space. Where would you be during a mission? We're in mission control, on the ground, both monitoring their health and being an advocate for the crew. You tried to really know your crew member and know them well. You spend all this time together in preflight and, when the mission is happening, you're able to anticipate and understand their needs in orbit, even if there’s poor communication or other issues. We're here to smooth things out for them, as an advocate for their health and their life.
36 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Space geek (and doctor): Before landing in Brevard, physician David Ward applied his skills to space medicine at NASA. photo courtesy of David Ward
How much does your experience as a flight surgeon carry over to your work as a physician in Brevard? The two are a lot closer than you'd think. Some of the side effects of space flight are things we would normally see in aging, like osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, and changes in balance and coordination. As a flight surgeon, I took preventive measures and prepared the astronauts for these changes; I can take the same preventive approach used in space flight and try to find analogous ways to use that here for folks on Earth. I take it space is still very much a part of who you are as a doctor. Do you have lots of space memorabilia in your office? I do have lots of eye candy up on the walls from former crews of mine [laughs]. Let's just say I have a lot of interesting places to start a conversation, both [concerning] space flight and health. X UNCA senior Caitin Byrd is an editor at The Blue Banner, the campus paper. Send your health-and-wellness news to mxhealth@mountainx.com or news@mountainx.com.
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Natural Health Clinic
900 Hendersonville Rd. Forest Center North Shopping Center Ste. 308 (Back of Building, above MAHEC OB-GYN / Approx. 1 mi. south of I-40, turm left on Seminole Rd.) mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 37
wellnesscalendar Health Programs Feldenkrais/Anat Baniel Method (pd.) Reduce Tension • Alleviate Pain • Improve Flexibility and Posture. • Group Class Mondays 7:30pm • First Group Class Free, North Asheville. • Private sessions by appointment, East Asheville. 299-8490. integrativemovement.com Lighten Up! Weight Reduction thru your Akashic Records (pd.) Rewrite the Story of Your Body! Do you believe your weight is the problem? What if it’s merely the symptom? Bring your questions and be ready for profound answers from your wonderful Akashic Masters & Teachers. Group Sessions $25; Repeat Attendees Don. $10$20; Private Question $20. Add’l events: www. KellySJones.net/Events or call 828-281-0888. 60 Biltmore Ave, 2nd Floor. Tues (8/30) 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Park Ridge Health (pd.) Free Health Screenings with the Park Ridge Health WOW Van: Free EKG and Blood Pressure Friday, August 26, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., 6000 Hendersonville Rd., Fletcher Glucose Testing for Diabetes Blood glucose testing for diabetes. (Prefer fasting overnight, but can be done non-fasting.) Saturday, August 27, Goombay Festival 9 a.m. – noon, Downtown Asheville. Free Lunch and Learn Series The Park Ridge Health Lunch/Dinner and Learn Series is free and open to the public, with lunch served during the lunchtime events and light snacks served at the evening events.
Space is limited for all events, so please call 855.PRH.LIFE to RSVP. “A Lifetime of Good Vision: Recent Advances in Ophthalmology” Wednesday, August 24 – noon – Park Ridge Health (Duke Room): Samuel Navon, M.D. – board-certified Ophthalmologist with Carolina Ophthalmology –– will be speaking on a lifetime of good vision. The REAL Center (pd.) Offers life-changing skills including Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Radical Honesty, and Somatic Awareness. Learn to stay centered in any situation, be flexible without being submissive, and more. $120/8session class in Asheville with Steve Torma, 828-254-5613. http://www.theREALcenter.org Wired for Stress or Wired for Joy? (pd.) It’s a brain state! Depression, anxiety, cravings, weight gain, alcohol/drug misuse, out of control debt and video game use are clues of brain stress. It’s not you, it’s your wiring! Self-judgment only increases suffering. Introductory session at no charge. Receive the book, WIRED FOR JOY. • Understand 5 Brain States and tools for moving to a state of balance, ease, and well-being. Caregivers, Healthcare Professionals and Recovering folks all welcome. Call Denise Kelley, 231-2107 or email empowering.solutions@yahoo.com Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600.
38 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
• TH (8/25), 12:30-2pm - A wellness coordinator from Pardee Rehab will discuss how to start or re-energize your exercise routine. • TU (8/30), 12:30-1:30pm - A doctor from Blue Ridge Bone and Joint will lead a presentation on osteoarthritis of the hand. Living Healthy with Diabetes • WEDNESDAYS through (9/21), 4-6:30pm - Find balance with diabetes through this self-management program. Open to people with diabetes and their caregivers. $30 for six-week session. Held at CarePartners Health Services, 68 Sweeten Creek Road in Asheville. Registration required. Info: 251-7438 or rebecca@landofsky.org. Living Healthy with Diabetes • FRIDAYS, 1-3:30pm - Learning to manage life with diabetes? Take charge of your health with this six-week self management workshop for people with diabetes and their caregivers. Held at Laurel Woods Apartments, 650 Caribou Road in Asheville. $30 for six-week series. Info and registration: 251-7438. Longevity Seminar • TH (8/25), 5:30-6:30pm - “Longevity: The Latest Research on Living Longer” seminar. Held at Fairview Chiropractic Center, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Free, but reservations required. Info: 628-7800. Park Ridge Hospital Park Ridge Hospital is located in Fletcher and hosts a number of free events, including cholesterol screenings, vision screenings, PSA screenings, bone density checks for women,
lectures, numerous support groups and a Kid Power program. Info: 687-3947 or www. parkridgehospital.org. • FR (8/26), 11am-2pm - An EKG and blood pressure screening will take place at Ingles, 6000 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher. Wear a button down shirt to allow access chest area. Free. • SA (8/27), 9am-noon - Glucose testing for diabetes will be held at the Goombay Festival, 39 S. Market St., Asheville. Free.
Red Cross Events & Classes Red Cross holds classes in CPR/first aid for infants, children and adults; babysitter training; pet first aid; bloodborne pathogens; swimming and water safety; and lifeguarding. All classes held at chapter headquarters, 100 Edgewood Road. To register call 258-3888, ext. 221. Info: www.redcrosswnc.org. : Bloodmobile Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • MO (8/29), 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 201 Mount Carmel Road, Asheville. Info: 712-0217. • 1st TUESDAYS, 12:30-1pm - The Red Cross initiative to train five million people in CPR in 2011 will be held at Pardee Health Education Center, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. Hendersonville. Info: 693-5605.
Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families
ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, “Twelve Tradition” program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren.org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Inner Child” meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - “Living in the Solution” meets at The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St., Asheville. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • MONDAYS, 7pm - “Generations” meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St., Asheville. Info: 474-5120. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: 800-286-1326 or www.wnc-alanon.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:45 & 7pm - Women’s AlAnon meeting at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. Newcomers welcome. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - “Parents of Children with Alcoholism,” West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. —- 8pm “Lambda,” Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. • SATURDAYS, 10am - “Grace Fireside,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. —- 10am - “Saturday Serenity,” St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte Street at Macon Avenue. —- noon - “Courage to Change,” Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville.
wellnesscontinued • SUNDAYS, 5pm - Al-Anon and Alateen, West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS, noon - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. —- 6pm - “Attitude of Gratitude,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. —- 7pm - Meeting at First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. • TUESDAYS, 9:45am - “Serenity Through Courage and Wisdom,” St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill, Arden. —- 5:30pm - “Steps to Recovery,” Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. —- 7pm “One Day at a Time,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Black Mountain NicA Meeting • MONDAYS, 7pm - The chapel of the Black Mountain Neurological Center invites those struggling to overcome tobacco addiction to a Nicotine Anonymous meeting. Located at 932 Old US 70 (turn up drive, at top turn left). Use parking around circle. Green NicA flyer posted on metal door. Info: 669-4161. Co-Dependents Anonymous A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • SATURDAYS, 11am - Meeting at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. in Asheville. Info: 7792317 or 299-1666. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous will meet at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Info: 9893227. GriefShare GriefShare features nationally recognized experts in grief-and-recovery support and meets at Calvary Baptist Church, 531 Haywood Road in Asheville. Info: 253-7301 or michael.lee@calvaryasheville.com. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - GriefShare group meeting. Mission Weight Management Surgical Support Group • 4th FRIDAYS, 10-11:30am - Meetings are held at the Mission Weight Management Center, 2 Medical Park Drive, Suite 102. Info: www.missionhospitals.org/weightmanagement. MS Community Awareness Lunch • THURSDAYS, noon-3pm - Join this “inspirational and positive” community of individuals and families affected by multiple sclerosis for lunch at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road in Asheville. This group “empowers with opportunities and resources to enhance quality of life while strengthening relationships.” Info: mscommunitywnc@ gmail.com. Overcomers Recovery Support Group A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with lifecontrolling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican
Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@sos.spc-asheville.org or 575-2003. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men will meet. Overcomers Recovery Support Group for Ladies • TUESDAYS, 7pm - This Christian-based, 12-step recovery program provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: 575-2003. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. This 12-step program welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. Meetings are one hour unless otherwise noted. • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: O.A. Step Study group at the Cox House, 723 N. Grove St. Info: 329-1637. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road (S. 25 at Yorkshire). Info: 298-1899. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: Carver Parks and Recreation Center, 101 Carver Ave. off Blue Ridge Road. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 6690986. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: (800)580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 280-2213. S-Anon • WENESDAYS, 1pm - S-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for partners, family and friends of sexaholics. Meetings held weekly in the WNC area. Call confidential voicemail or email for information: 258-5117 or wncsanon@gmail.com. SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) • SATURDAYS, 10-11am - Do you want to stop living out a destructive pattern of sex and love addiction over which you are personally powerless? This 12-step-based recovery program meets at 20 Oak St., Asheville. Info: www. slaafws.org or ashevilleslaa@charter.net.
Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after September 1.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
Eastern Arts for Physical & Emotional Wellness
Eating Right for Good Health presented by
Leah’s 10 Ways To Save Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets
Making small changes in our shopping or food preparation habits can add up. Here are some of my “Ways to Save” at Ingles and in your home.
Which do you already do? What would you add? Write to me and let me know! 1. Instead of buying cheese in pre-cut chunks or shreds - buy a block of cheese and do it yourself. 2. Buy snack items in bulk or large bags and then portion it out into zip topped bags. 3. Buy extra eggs and hard boil a dozen. Use eggs to add protein to salads,make egg salad or for snacks 4. Buy frozen vegetables, the cost stays more stable throughout the year. Add to soups/stews/casseroles to increase fiber and nutrients 5. Buy a large container of plain or vanilla yogurt and add your own fruit/low sugar jam/nuts/granola instead of buying individual flavored yogurt. 6. Find the website or Facebook pages of your favorite brands/products - many have coupons! 7. BOGO/B1G1 (Buy 1 Get 1) sales are a good time to stock your pantry OR local food pantry (Give 1) 8. Don’t judge an item by its box/bag. Check the UNIT PRICE on the shelf tag for true cost/weight. 9. Make whole wheat tortillas chips. Cut whole wheat tortillas into triangles,spray w/nonstick spray, add seasoning and bake until crispy Do the same with pitas for pita chips! 10. Buy Laura Lynn popcorn kernels & make your own air-popped popcorn for 6 CENTS/serving!
5 Weeks of Qi Gong, Aikido, Dao-Yin, and Acupuncture Facilitated by Phil Ramsey, L.Ac., LMFT
Qi Gong Class on Saturdays from 1 – 2:30 Dao Yin and Aikido Exercise Class on Sundays from 9 – 10:30 Acupuncture session (1-1/2 hours) to be arranged during the week When: Saturday classes on 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, and 10/15 Sunday Classes on 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, and 10/16
Leah McGrath: Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work: 800-334-4936
Cost: $350 (All classes are also available separately)
Call Phil for more information at (828) 242-8537 mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 39
the main dish
Goodbye Silver Dollar Restaurant, hello TAP One of Asheville’s oldest eateries makes way for one of its newest
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Few Asheville dining establishments can boast the staying power and history of the Silver Dollar Restaurant, a diner that’s been open since the 1940s in the area now known as the River Arts District. But before the neighborhood was a hot spot for arts and food, the diner was a haunt for the average blue-collar Ashevillean. Even with the quickening transformation and gentrification of the area, the Silver Dollar has remained an anachronistic island where flapjacks, eggs, biscuits, gravy and sausage make up the typical breakfast — and there’s not a bowl of granola in sight. On the walls of The Silver Dollar, numerous fading photographs pay homage to the restaurant's history. The diner played a part in a scene from the 1958 movie Thunder Road; it was later moved (the whole building) to make room for the Clingman Avenue bridge. The relocation placed the diner on higher ground, which spared it from floods that devastated much of the area in 2004. As much of a constant in a sea of change as the Silver Dollar has represented over the years, a major shift is on the way for the family that owns the landmark restaurant when they close it for the last time at the end of this month. The Dotsikas family has owned and operated the Silver Dollar since 1966. The family includes son Gus Dotsikas, and mother and father Catherine and Theodore Dotsikas, who have been running the kitchen since the family took over the place, Gus says. On Friday, Aug. 12, the Dotsikas family inked a lease for the property to The Asheville Public, or TAP. TAP is planned as a community-oriented restaurant and family-friendly pub and will be run by team of current Asheville locals that include husband and wife duo Mark and Jenny Henegan, plus executive chef John Daniel “Danny” Schwalje and his wife, Dara DeBoerShwalje. TAP will focus on a seasonal "new local" menu. The restaurant will showcase locally grown produce, cheese from artisan dairies, wild-caught fish and natural, farm-specific meats including heritage breeds, grass-fed beef and pastured pork. The kitchen staff will make their own sausage, ham, bacon and other charcuterie. Prices for small plates will range from $4-$10 and $9-$22 for entrees. TAP will offer a full bar of specialty cocktails, plus local brews and cask-conditioned beer and a comprehensive wine list. Mark, originally from South Africa, and his wife, Jenny, are well-versed in the restaurant business; they own Madiba, a Brooklyn bistro named in honor of Nelson Mandela (In South Africa, Mandela is called Madiba). The menu at Madiba focuses on traditionally prepared South
40 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
An Asheville icon: The Silver Dollar will close at the end of this month. Mom and Pop: Catherine and Theodore Dotsikas have been the major driving force behind the Silver Dollar Restaurant since the ‘60s. Photos by Jonathan Welch
African specialties with an emphasis on organic and local products. Some of the yearly proceeds from the restaurant, which has been open since 1999, go to benefit South African charities. Madiba has handled catering for the South African Consulate, Nelson Mandela's family and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, among others. Chef Danny, for his part, is no culinary slouch; the A-B Tech culinary graduate was recently featured in the pages of Xpress when the WNC Culinary Association, a team composed of students from A-B Tech, took home a silver medal from the American Culinary Federation’s Student Team Championship held in Dallas, Texas, this year. Danny was the team captain. His wife, Dara, owns “Designs by Dara" and creates handmade jewelry and graphic designs. The group intends to honor the Dotsikas’ wishes to keep the property as a valuable part of a growing community. "It's such a landmark; there's such a history. I think we were at the right place at the right time. They're a really sweet family," says Mark. The group intends to start construction in September and will likely open in late fall or early winter. In the spring, they plan to add an outdoor
seating terrace. Plans are also in the works for a TAP garden, summer movie nights and flea markets. Gus seems excited about the team's plans. “I think it will be good. I’ve seen photos of what they want to do, and I’ve listened to their vision, and I like it,” he says. “Several people have wanted to take this location, but we think that these people will be right for the area.” Gus says that the property will remain in the family, who will continue to monitor construction and maintenance. Gus says that he hopes to see his hardworking parents retire and go do their own thing. Catherine was congenial and wistful and acknowledged that she will miss the business and her customers very much. TAP will open at 8:30 a.m. for coffee and pastries with lunch starting at 11:30 a.m. Dinner service is 4:30 until 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and from 4:30 until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. A late-night menu will be available on weekends. For more information, visit theashevillepublic.com. X
Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project Info: 236-1282 or www.asapconnections.org. • TH (8/25), 3-5pm - A homegrown tomato contest will be held at the Market Place, 20 Wall St., along with an ugly tomato contest. Prizes include gift certificates and seeds. Contest is limited to 30 entrants. $8 entry fee. Registration: 252-4162. Asheville Brewing Company Located at 77 Coxe Ave. Info: www.ashevillebrewing. com. • TH (8/25), 5-9pm - Infusor night will feature Rocket Girl beer with honeycomb and blueberries. End-Of-Summer Indulgence • WE (8/24), 6-8pm - “End of Summer Indulgence” will feature Solstice Tripel beer, citrus-cured shrimp and calamari ceviche. Held at Pisgah Brewing Company’s Taproom, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain. $8
1838 Hendersonville Rd • Ste 103 In Gerber Village
ckcuisine.com 828.575.2100
Mackensy Lunsford can be reached at food@ mountainx.com.
foodcalendar Calendar for August 24 - September 1, 2011
Cinnamon Kitchen
includes a pint and food. Info: www.marketplace-restaurant.com. Thirsty Fest • MO (8/29), 4pm-midnight - Thirsty Fest will feature rare, unique and obscure kegs of beer. Free entrance, pay as you go. Held at Thirsty Monk downtown, 92 Patton Ave. Info: www.monkpub.com.
Freshly prepared, authentic recipes Visit us online & see our menu: www.IndiaGardenOnline.com
Check out the Food Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after September 1.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
If you would like to submit a food-related event for the Food Calendar, please use the online submission form found at: http://www.mountainx.com/events/submission. In order to qualify for a free listing, your event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, or cost more than $40, you’ll need to submit a paid listing: 251-1333.
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mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 41
Monday - Thursday 5 pm until Friday - Sunday 3 pm until
Classic & Contemporary Cocktails Sumptuous Small Plates Rooftop Seating SPECIALS Sunday: $4 Champagne Monday: $4 Well Drinks Tuesday: $4 Well Drinks Wednesday: $6 Call Bourbon & Scotch
by mackensy lunsford send to food@mountainx.com
WNC Magazine’s Grand Tasting culminates in Iron Chefstyle cook-off One of the marquee events of WNC Magazine‘s Asheville Wine and Food Festival Grand Tasting on Aug. 13 was the finale of the WNC Chefs Challenge Competitions, the first heats of which were held earlier this year at Cucina 24. The Iron Chef-style event was held in a separate tent just off the main expo floor of the Grand Tasting (at the WNC Expo Center near the Asheville Airport). The competition venue was equipped with rows of seats facing an impressive setup of two stainless-steel-filled instant kitchens.
Thursday: $5 Martinis
m w Sum er Menu Ne
4 Tunnel Rd. Asheville BuffaloWildWings.com 251-7384
42 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Top chef: Chef Nate Allen from Knife & Fork in Spruce Pine after securing victory. Photos by Jennifer Haynes The warring teams, Knife & Fork from Spruce Pine (Nate Allen, Brenda Poole and Gaelan Corozine) and the Bistro on the Biltmore Estate (Michael Gonzales, Rachel vom Orde and Sean Carroll), waged battle over this year’s secret ingredient — tomatoes. These weren’t your garden-variety grocery store tomatoes, either. The locally grown heirlooms included a number of varietals cherished by cooks, such as Brandywines, Cherokee purples and German Johnsons. Each restaurant was provided with a well-stocked larder of goods and given only one hour to pull together three courses. The well-lit battle scene was filmed and projected on large screens for the audience to see, and narrated by two very capable and entertaining emcees: Vijay Shastri, culinary personality, sommelier and chef, and Michael Fahey, former president of the WNC chapter of the American Culinary Federation.
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Popcorn shrimp: A shrimp salad with popcorn for textural effect created by team Knife & Fork as a first course in the challenge. When the all-too-short hour was up, the judges’ table was positioned front and center so that the panel could sniff, sample and, occasionally, snark under the watchful eyes of the crowd.
The judges: Natalie Dupree: cookbook author and TV personality Mark Rosenstein: former chef and owner of The Market Place restaurant Mackensy Lunsford (yours truly): Mountain Xpress food writer John Batchelor: restaurant critic for the Greensboro News and Record Brian Canipelli: owner and head chef of Cucina 24 in Asheville Susi Gott Séguret: director of the Seasonal School of Culinary Arts Carla Baden of Santé handled wine pairings (on the fly, as she had no way of knowing what the chefs were going to make when she left her Grove Arcade wine bar laden with cases of pairing options).
The final menu
(recalled with the help of fellow judge Séguret; it’s hard to eat on stage, judge, tweet and take notes at the same time):
El Que Pasa California Style
• Shrimp salad with blistered shishito peppers, sungold tomatoes and shallot vinaigrette (Knife & Fork) • Scallop crudo with shaved mango, grapefruit, radish, Brandywine tomato and microgreens (Bistro at Biltmore) • Flank steak over warm seasonal salad of grilled eggplant, Jimmy Nardello’s peppers (look it up!), German striped tomatoes and shallot vinaigrette, pesto (Knife & Fork) • Sweet corn and heirloom-tomato succotash with shrimp, bacon, gnocchi and red onion marmalade (Bistro at Biltmore) • Tomato pie with roasted sungold tomatoes, rosemary pastry cream, Midnight goat cheese from Spinning Spider, fresh dill and tomato-balsamic reduction (Knife & Fork) • Charred tomato bread pudding with lemon-basil mascarpone, tomato jam and toasted pecans (Bistro at Biltmore) It was a close battle — in the end, only three points separated the winning and losing team — but chef Nate Allen from Knife & Fork and his crew were victorious. In a show of bad-boy enthusiasm, Allen flipped over a (by then clean and empty) table where the judges’ plates had been constructed, and pumped his fist in the air, eliciting somewhat surprised cheers from the crowd, who had seemed decidedly in favor of Knife & Fork (if sheer volume of applause is any indication). Congrats to the winning team and looking forward to next year!
Larry Huerta, owner of Papas & Beer
Papas & Beer
Open 7 Days • Mon. - Thurs. 11-9:30 • Fri. - Sat. 11-10
(828) 255-2227 • 891 Patton Ave. Asheville mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 43
Lunch Buffet $8.99 All ABC Permits LUNCH BUFFET 11:30 - 2:30 DINNER 5:30 - 9:30 90 PATTON AVE DOWNTOWN, ASHEVILLE
828 252 1080 kathmanducafeasheville.com
Hot ticket: Tickets to see Anthony Bourdain speak at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium are on sale now. Photo courtesy of AC Entertainment
The Bourdain buzz If you follow the Asheville food scene, you've likely heard the Bourdain buzz for months. Now it’s official. Mr. Kitchen Confidential himself, chef, author and restaurateur Anthony Bourdain, is headed to Asheville in November to appear at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium for No Reservations: An Evening with Anthony Bourdain.
modesto bakery now open!
The press release from Bourdain's marketing company tells us that the evening includes a "lecture" from the chef, which sounds awfully stern for a guy that sometimes makes a living getting rip-roaring drunk in farflung regions of the world. A question and answer session with the audience will follow.
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44 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Tickets went on sale this month and were still available at press time. VIP packages are now being offered, which include the following: • Post-show meet and greet and book signing with Bourdain. • Premium seating for Bourdain's show at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. • Access to a private VIP after-party at Cúrate tapas bar on Biltmore Avenue, featuring wine and beer (and a cash liquor bar). More details will be emailed to ticket-holders when VIP passes are purchased through Ticketmaster (ticketmaster.com or 800-745-3000). Ticket prices range from $40 to $250 (that would be your VIP pass). According to AC Entertainment (the promoter for the event), the VIP tickets typically go fast.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 45
Hello BattleCat! The West Asheville Izzy's Coffee Den is now BattleCat Coffee Bar. From an announcement by owners Catie Conroy and Amber Arthur: "Fear not, our loyal customers, everything that you have grown accustomed to and love about our neighborhood coffee house will remain." Conroy explains the name change thusly: "Amber had sold downtown Izzy's to Ross and Kristen Britton, and since that's theirs now, we just decided to go in our own direction because we're two separate entities, basically."
Modern American i n D ow n tow n A s h ev i l l e Breakfast beginning at 9:30 am, lunch and dinner
New on the BattleCat scene is the addition of food from Gypsy Queen Lebanese Street Food, the falafel truck commandeered by Suzy Phillips. "She's going to be here three days a week, definitely Sundays, Mondays and Fridays — maybe another day — and her truck will be parked here in the driveway," says Conroy.
Closed Mondays
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Why BattleCat? "We just thought it was fun," Conroy says.
On Monday, Aug. 29, Sunny Point in West Asheville will host a dinner to benefit one of their employees, Jesse Barr. Barr and his girlfriend were tenants of the home on Cumberland Avenue in Montford that burned to the ground July 23. Though the couple escaped the fire essentially unharmed, all of their possessions were destroyed — and they did not have renter's insurance. The Sunny Point staff will donate labor and all tips that evening. Sunny Point is providing all of the food and beer is donated by Foothills Brewing. Beer will be sold for $3 a pint. The benefit dinner will include a simple salad course, baked macaroni and cheese with heirloom tomatoes and fresh herbs with a mixed berry cobbler dessert. Cost of the meal is $14.99 per person with tax, gratuity not included. Dinner seating begins at 6 p.m. and will end at 8 p.m. For more information, visit sunnypointcafe.com.
Canyon Kitchen at Lonesome Valley
Reservations: 828-743-7967 or Kristen @lonesomevalley.com
with Chef John Fleer
Open for Dinner Thursday through Saturday Now through October 23rd in Cashiers, NC
Crêperie Bouchon now has beer on tap to supplement the eatery's wine offerings. The restaurant pours local beer from Highland and Asheville Brewing Comapny and bears the distinction of the only restaurant outside of the Lobster Trap to offer Oysterhouse beers. "And since crêpes and cider go so well together," says managing partner Craig Peters in an email to Xpress, "I also have the Dry Hard Cider from McRitchie Ciderworks in Thurmond, N.C., on tap." Crêperie Bouchon is located at 68 1/8 Lexington Ave. (in the Lexington Avenue Courtyard). For more information, visit creperiebouchon.com. Vinnie's Neighborhood Italian Restaurant features lobster fra diavolo on weekends, at least while lobster is in season. The dish includes a 1 1/4-pound lobster over a bed of linguine. Fra diavolo (literally, "the devil's brother"), is a classic, spicy tomato-based sauce. The dish costs $32, and a server at Vinnie's reports that it's large enough that some customers have been sharing. Vinie's is located at 641 Merrimon Ave. For more information, visit vinniesitalian.com. Send your food news to food@ mountainx.com
www.lonesomevalley.com 46 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 47
48 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 49
50 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 51
52 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
It’s time for the colors to change...
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*Based on 2010 Sales Reports from SOA.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 53
arts X festival
The annual party on The Block (Eagle and Market streets) returns, celebrating African and Caribbean heritage with three days (Friday-Sunday, Aug. 26-28) of music, dancing, food, vendors and more. The “more” part includes a 5K walk/run this year, starting at Eagle Street at 8 a.m. on Saturday (register at activate.com). The event kicks off Friday at noon with an opening ceremony, and closes at 5:40 p.m. on Sunday with a dove release. Bands include Reggae Infinity, The Meditations and Carolina Soul Band on Friday; Chuck Beattie Band, Lyric and Durty Soul on Saturday; Stanley Baird Group and Zansa on Sunday. African dancers, stilt walkers and much more are on the roster. Also, the festival offers a children’s area in the YMI’s Ray Auditorium on Saturday from 1 to 6 p.m. Free. ymicc.org/goombay.html
Friday, Aug. 26 Noon opening ceremony 12:20 pm Reggae Infinity (Stage 1) 2:15 pm Jazzman the Belly Dancer (Stage 1) 3:30 pm Santos (guitarist, Stage 1)
1:15 pm African Dance Group (Stage 2) 2 pm Jazzman the Belly Dancer (Stage 2) 2:15 pm Step Show (Fraternity and Sorority, Stage 2) 3 pm Carolina Soul Band (R&B, Stage 2)
4:15 pm Stilt walkers
4:30 pm Lyric (guitarist and band, Stage 2)
5 pm The Meditations (reggae, Stage 1)
6 pm Chuck Beattie Band (Dr. Blues, Stage 2)
7 pm Stilt walkers
8 pm Durty Sol (Stage 2)
7:30 pm Carolina Soul Band (R&B, Stage 2)
Sunday, Aug. 28
Saturday, Aug. 27
11:30 am Gospel Choir (Stage 2)
Noon Parade begins at Coxe and Patton avenues
2 pm Stanley Baird Group (Jazz, Stage 2)
1 pm Drum Call (Stage 2)
4 pm Zansa (Afropop, Stage 2) 5:40 pm Closing ceremony dove release (Stage 2)
54 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 55
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arts X theater
Wigged out
Hedwig and the Angry Inch returns for NC Stage’s 10-year anniversary by Alli Marshall According to North Carolina Stage Company artistic director Charlie Flynn-McIver, one underlying aspect to Hedwig and the Angry Inch — the rock music-enhanced theatrical production — is the main character's appreciation of authenticity. The irony here is that Hedwig (the blond-coiffed glam rock front woman who tells her life story to her unwitting audience via the fantastic songs performed by her band, the Angry Inch) is not the genuine article. Not outwardly so. Born a "slip of a girly boy from communist East Berlin," she suffered a botched sex-change surgery (hence the inch in question) in an effort to leave Germany by marrying a man. During the play, Hedwig appears mostly as a woman in an array of dramatic costumes and wigs. But, trapped in a no man's land between nationalities, genders and lovers, little about Hedwig is as it appears.
Put on some makeup Flynn-McIver says that in rehearsing the production, "We've talked a lot about spinning tops." He says the play is meant to knock the audience off-kilter — and Hedwig's gender ambiguity is really just the beginning.
info what:
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
where: NC Stage
728 Fifth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 28739 828.693.8416 • www.iaomt.org
Ashev i l l e’s
Wednesday, Aug. 24-Sunday, Sept. 25 (7:30 p.m. Wednesdays-Fridays, 7 & 10:30 p.m. Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays. $17/$26/$29. Wednesday, Aug. 24 is pay what you can night. $50 on Saturday, Sept. 10 includes NC Stage 10th anniversary party. ncstage.org)
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56 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Rebel yell: Hedwig (played by Michael Sheldon) might be an outsider in every way, but she pulls the audience in with a compelling story and a rocking set of songs. Photo by Jen Lepkowski Photography
In the NC Stage performance, Hedwig will be played by Michael Sheldon, the man behind beloved drag personalities Cookie La Rue and Lorna Doone. Hedwig is "a lot deeper than my characters," says Sheldon. "My characters are just surface, funny." He says that learning the role of Hedwig is about discovering her secrets. The character of Hedwig is an "absolute, total, complete outsider," says Sheldon. "Even on your worst day when you feel like there's no place for you in the world, take that and multiply it by everything in the world. And it comes out of her as this punk-rock badass, in killer boots." It's that particular footware, he says, that made it initially possible to tap Hedwig's psyche. In a rehearsal for the show, Sheldon (in T-shirt and plaid shorts) zips up the knee-high leather boots and immedi-
ately starts to swagger. Sheldon heard about the role from multi-instrumentalist Aaron Price, who's working on the music for the show. Local vocalist Laine Lewis plays the part of Yitzak, Hedwig's husband/putupon roadie. Those who've only seen the movie version of Hedwig might not be as familiar with Yitzak; the stage show delves deeper into his complex relationship with the lead character. Worth noting: Lewis (like every actor who has played Yitzak) is female, though Yitzak's character is not a drag role. More spinning tops? Katherine Maria, a fan of the film, commented on YouTube.com, "Yitzak (on both stage and screen) is always played by a woman because Stephen Trask, the composer, wanted a soprano
part to contrast Hedwig's voice, but still wanted Hedwig and the Angry Inch to be an all male band except for their lead." Flynn-McIver says the theory makes sense, but the decision for Yitzak to be played by a woman could also have been born of necessity. "A lot of times, you make decisions based on practicality and later realize it works," he says of working in theater.
Iggy Pop would approve The idea to produce Hedwig back in 2002 as NC Stage's second show was not necessarily one of practicality. At the time, Flynn-McIver thought, it would be difficult, but the then-burgeoning theater company could do a really good job with it and it would be something nobody had ever seen before. (Hedwig was first performed on stage in '98 and released on film in 2001.) Plus, Flynn-McIver thought, "we'll get people who don't usually come to the theater, and they'll like it, and then they'll trust us and come see Hamlet. Well, that actually wasn't true." But they did sell out the show — to an audience that ranged from students to seniors. "The thing I knew about it, from seeing it, was that it was extraordinary," says Flynn-McIver. He'd first experienced Hedwig in New York. "I really was thinking, I have nothing in common with this character and it won't mean anything to me. I came away from it realizing I had everything in common with this character." So how can Hedwig, the German-born, transgendered glam rock front woman have anything in common with her audience? That's the brilliance of the play: It's not really about any of that. Instead, Hedwig is about, as Flynn-McIver, puts it, "universal themes of humanity." Sheldon adds that the play is about "this universal longing that everyone has not just to find your other half, but to find yourself." The story pivots on the song, "The Origin of Love," in which Hedwig recounts a mythology in which "Folks roamed the earth like big rolling kegs. They had two sets of arms. They had two sets of legs. They had two faces peering out of one giant head." Threatened by this contented race of humans, Zeus split them with a lightening bolt, damning them to search forever for their other halves. Indeed, the story of Hedwig (written by John Cameron Mitchell, who also played the lead role in the film) cannot be separated from its Trask score. And though Flynn-McIver points out that NC Stage is "not adverse to doing musicals," he says that "this is what I call a play with music." Theatergoers who shy away from the cloying likes of Oklahoma! will find comfort in Hedwig's smart, rock-savvy songs. That probably has everything to do with Hedwig's appreciation of authenticity. FlynnMcIver draws an imaginary arc from burbly "Friday" songstress Rebecca Black to punk godfather Iggy Pop. Male or female, German or American, famous or infamous, it's easy to guess on which side of that scale Hedwig falls. NC Stage celebrates its 10th anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 10 with a party in between the 7 and 10:30 p.m. shows. A ticket to either show gains you admission to the party, with Champagne, small bites, open bar and music and dancing with the Hedwig cast.
X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@ mountainx.com.
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simsfutongallery.net 828.252.9449 109 Patton Avenue • private parking mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 57
arts X music
Brothers united
For the first time, all three Robbins brothers’ bands set to share the stage by Miles Britton
with the Bodhana Yoga School Starts Sept. 9 Studies include:
Asana, Anatomy, Pranayama, Ancient Texts, The Subtle Body, Prana, Sadhana, and Meditation
Sure, Asheville has its share of bands of brothers (Enemy Lovers, Her Marigold, Sons of Ralph, to name a few). But very rarely do three brothers in three different bands grace the same stage on the same night with each of their musical ventures. Meet the Robbins brothers. You’ve probably heard of Wayne Robbins, 41, the oldest. With a Neil Young-meets-My Bloody Valentine sound, his band Wayne Robbins & The Hellsayers has released two critically acclaimed albums and tromped through Europe opening for Band of Horses. Younger brother Sean Robbins, 37, also a guitarist and songwriter, cut his teeth in local buzz band Nevada before forming the sunny-pop tinged Warm the Bell last year. And 31-year-old Matt Robbins, the youngest and a UNCA grad, currently plays drums in the trippedout, Raleigh shoegaze band White Cascade. Three brothers. All great musicians. All with distinct, but stylistically kindred, musical projects. So before Saturday night’s family reunion show, Xpress sat down with Wayne and Sean over beers at BoBo Gallery to figure out just where in the hell all this talent comes from. We started with the obvious... Wayne: No, our parents are not musical. Our mom and dad lived in basically New York City in 1965, 10 minutes away from Shea Stadium — and they didn’t see the Beatles. [He laughs and shakes his head.] My mom said, “I hate crowds.”
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These Brands and many more…
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Sean: Yeah, they’re not at all. I think for us it comes from both if us just starting to really get into music, finding records and tapes and things like that. [Looks at Wayne.] That’s how we started writing music, by just getting into music, right? I mean, I couldn’t even make the chorus in elementary school. Wherever it came from, by the time college rolled around, Wayne and Sean were spending almost every weekend together, writing songs and honing their individual styles. Sometimes they’d record weird, lo-fi stuff on a cheap 4-track, with Sean playing acoustic guitar and singing and Wayne making atmospheric noise by attacking his guitar strings with a nail file. They’d set up tape decks around the room to blast backward drumming or distortion sounds behind them while they played, a kind of poor man’s overdubbing. They titled one of the favorite demos Noise in the Garage. Because, well...
Mrs. Robbins’ sons: How often can you see three Robbins in one night? Top photo, Wayne Robbins & The Hellsayers. Middle photo, Warm the Bell. Bottom photo, White Cascade.
58 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
info who:
Wayne Robbins & The Hellsayers, Warm the Bell, White Cascade
Three-band show
Lexington Avenue Brewery (39 N. Lexington Ave. lexavebrew.com)
Saturday, Aug. 27 (10 p.m. $5) Sean: [He laughs.] We basically just got in the garage and recorded...
And influential it was. While there’s no question that both Wayne and Sean now write beautiful — even, at times, traditional — songs, there’s one common trait found in all three Robbins brothers’ bands: their penchant for scuffing up the delicate with the discordant. The dark. The ugly. Like with Jeff Tweedy or Jeff Mangum, there’s just something in the Robbins’ DNA that can’t help but mar their gorgeous pop songs with just the right amount of sonic acid. One listen to the experimental, noise-dancey drones of White Cascade, and it’s obvious that younger brother Matt has got that trait in spades. But as a kid, instead of following his brothers’ footsteps and picking up a guitar and a mic, he turned toward the drums. A choice Wayne and Sean are sure they had something to do with.
Wayne: It’s an improv piece of music that we created.
Sean: I think Matt saw the problems we had finding drummers in all of Wayne’s and my bands. So he went out an taught himself drums —
Sean: We had guitars, and we were chanting. Then we’d put down the guitars down and just bang on things. Turn on the lawn mower and drive that around in a circle.
Wayne: We did bitch about drummers a lot. [He laughs.]
Wayne: Dad would’ve killed us. “You’re wasting the gas!” Sean: We would spend all night from dinner time until three in the morning. Wayne: Noise in the Garage was a very influential thing for me, personally. It was like therapy. It was just the joy making sound. I laugh my ass off when we listen to that tape. When the lawn mower starts up ... [He looks at Sean and grins.] For the LAB show, I should totally go home and get the lawnmower and start playing it during one of your songs.
Sean: So I like to think that we kind of molded him into the perfect drummer. All of which inspires the inevitable question: When are the Robbins brothers finally going to form their own band together? It’s an idea they’ve clearly joked about a lot in the past. Sean: You mean the Rockin’ Robbins?
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Wayne: No, the Mrs. Robbins Sons! [They both laugh. Then Wayne looks at Sean and shrugs.] Well, we do have the perfect drummer... X
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mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 59
Turquoise Ball The color ball — Asheville Area Arts Council's annual fundraiser — returns this year in grand style. And in turquoise. The Turquoise Ball (start planning your wardrobe accordingly) takes place at the Orange Peel on Saturday, Aug. 27. Entertainment includes a fashion show, Eternity dance troupe, music from Paper Tiger, DJ Marley Carroll, Franklin Keel & Friends and more. There are two ticketing options: $25 for the Aquaphonic Soiree (8 p.m. doors, limited free drinks and hors d'oeuvres, mainstage entertainment) or $50 for the Peacock Lounge (7:30 p.m. door, VIP lounge, open bar, gourmet treats and exclusive entertainment). ashevillearts.com/the-turquoise-ball
Vance Local author/artist/actor David Hopes showcases yet another talent: that of playwright. His most recent play, Vance: Civil War Governor, is on stage at the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre in Mars Hill through Sunday, Aug. 28. Says Hopes, the production is "based on the life of N.C.’s Civil War governor (and later senator) Zebulon Vance." The play addresses the fact that Vance was a slave holder "and in favor of that dark institution to the very end" but there's "humor and homeliness ... heroism and confusion" as well as music and video. 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday with 2:30 p.m. matinees on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. $25/$22/$18. sartplays.org
60 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
The Klavenauts and The Brand New Life Seemingly in the Goombay! spirit, two bands — world/jazz group The Brand New Life from Greensboro/Chapel Hill and locally based Afro-beat band The Klavenauts — share a bill and an Afro-funk focus at One Stop on Friday, Aug. 26. The evening showcases the Klavenauts' Sean Smith on trumpet and Brand New Life's Mamadou Mbenge, "a Senegalese talking drum master, recently moved to North Carolina from West Africa," according to press. Come ready to dance. 10 p.m., $6. ashevillemusichall.com
SoundCheck at Altamont Happily, swapping songs is far more elegant than, say, swapping clothes. Or spit. Appropriately, singer/songwriters Malcolm Holcombe (Asheville), RB Morris (Knoxville) and Paco Shipp (Nashville) swap their songs in the elegant setting of the Altamont Theater. Holcombe recently released To Drink the Rain, Morris just completed Rich Mountain Bound (recorded in Asheville) and Shipp's latest offering is One in a Million. Aaron Price hosts. The evening of music takes place on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 7:30 p.m. $15. myaltamont.com
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 61
Now Open at Noon Fri, Sat & Sun
where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina Clubland rules
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
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•To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
Wed., August 24 5 Walnut Wine Bar
Open mic, 9pm
Creatures Cafe
Salsa night (free lessons, followed by dance) French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk)
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
The Russ Wilson Swingtett Vanuatu Kava Bar
Open mic
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Grove Park Inn
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am Haywood Lounge
Open mic
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Front stage: Shane Perlowin Lobster Trap
Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 5-7pm
Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals) Westville Pub
Max Melner Orchestra
The Go Devils (psychobilly, punk)
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul)
William Walter & Co. w/ Tucker Rogers, 8pm
Grove Park Inn
Purple Onion Cafe
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am Haywood Lounge
Throwback Thursday w/ DJ Go Hard Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
Rod Picott
Red Room
Dance party w/ DJ Steele Red Step Artworks
Open mic
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
Open mic w/ Greg Speas, 7-10pm Root Bar No. 1
Bella Clava (hard rock)
Jack of the Wood Pub
Wild Wing Cafe
Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Thu., August 25
Back stage: Smokey’s Farmland Band w/ Bloodroot Orkaestarr
TallGary’s Cantina
Barley’s Taproom
Lobster Trap
The Get Down
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Wing of Fire w/ Jeff & Justin (acoustic)
Straightaway Cafe
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Blue Note Grille
Hank Bones (“man of 1,000 songs”), 5-7pm
BoBo Gallery
Deja Fuze (fusion, progressive, rock) w/ Bodega Rioja
Alien Music Club (jazz jam) The Old North State (folk, bluegrass, rock) CD release party Andrea Pensado & Adrian de Los Santos
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Tim Marsh (singer-songwriter) Asheville music showcase Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands w/ Channing and Quinn Peggy Ratusz & friends Vincenzo’s Bistro
Olive or Twist
Marc Keller
Boiler Room
Local DJ Exposure Night (electronic, dance)
West Coast swing dancing w/ The Heather Masterton Quartet, 8pm
Craggie Brewing Company
One Stop Bar
Creatures Cafe
Orange Peel
Fri., August 26
Root Bar No. 1
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
The Wailers (reggae) w/ Josh Phillips Folk Festival Pack’s Tavern
TallGary’s Cantina
Good Stuff
Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
Olive or Twist
Cadillac Rex (suft, rockabilly), 8pm
Open mic, 6-9pm
One Stop Bar
Athena’s Club
Pisgah Brewing Company
Open mic
Franchise w/ Free Lunch & Fat Elvis
Overflow Jug Band
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
The Get Down
BoBo Gallery
Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8-10pm Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
Open mic/jam, 7pm
Blue Note Grille
“Holy Hip-Hop” w/ DJ Besbleve
Ben Hovey (sonic scientist)
Brett Randell (folk, rock, jazz)
Matt Walsh (blues, rockabilly)
An evening w/ Thunderdrums
Westville Pub
Minorcan (indie, folk) Wild Wing Cafe
Dance party w/ DJ Moto
Jeff Anders & Joshua Singleton (rock, jam) Pisgah Brewing Company
Athena’s Club
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62 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
tHe swAMp & tHe City: A NigHt of tHe Blues
8/26 feAt. wsNB & BloNde Blues 8pM SUN
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9/1 FRI
Appleseed CAst
w/ HospitAl sHips 8:30pM
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w/ HANs CoNdor 9pM
JAsoN isBell & tHe 400 uNit
w/ sHovels ANd rope 9pM emmit-Nershi Band | secret Chiefs 3 | Joseph Arther Chris Knight | trampled by turtles | Crooked fingers
FRIDAY, SEPT. 9th All Ages Tickets Available $10 Adv. $12 Door @ Harvest Records, Orbit DVD & thegreyeagle.com
postpunk electrosynth experimentalnoise darkdanceparty
Blue Note Grille
Jack of the Wood Pub
The Broadcast (funk, rock, soul)
Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays)
Boiler Room
Lobster Trap
White Horse
JP Soars & the Red Hots (blues) No Destination w/ Pawtooth & Opus Grey Craggie Brewing Company
Mark Bumgarner (Americana, bluegrass, country), 5-7pm
Creatures Cafe
Ike Stubblefield (funk, groove, jazz)
Whilhelm McKay (folk), 7pm
Metal night w/ The Quick & The Obsessed Eleven on Grove
Zumba “In da Club” dance party, 8pm-midnight Emerald Lounge
The Party Man presents Flight Club Fat Cat’s Billiards
Battle of the Bands
Leigh Glass & the Hazards (rock, Americana) French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Olive or Twist
Live jazz, Motown & rock, 8pm
Sat., August 27
One Stop Bar
Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
The Klavenauts w/ Brand New Life Orange Peel
Tears of Color
Blue Note Grille
Carolina Rex (blues, rock)
Woody Wood (blues, rock)
BoBo Gallery
Red Room
Sierra w/ E.B.
Dance party w/ DJ D-Day or DJ Drea
Electronic Voice Phenomena (ambient, electronic, jazz)
Root Bar No. 1
Garage at Biltmore
Scandals Nightclub
This is Art w/ Don Winsley
Boiler Room
American Gonzos CD release party (funk, rock)
Ash Devine (folk, fusion)
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Jenny Arch & Aaron Coffin, 7pm
“The Swamp & the City: A Night of the Blues” feat: WSNB & Blonde Blues
Straightaway Cafe
Grove Park Inn
TallGary’s Cantina
Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown funk), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am
DJ Drees & Queen April (electronic, goth, industrial) Craggie Brewing Company
DJ dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
Good Stuff
Wild Wing Cafe
Country Fried Fridays w/ Leroy Powell & The Messengers
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Pack’s Tavern
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Mary Ellen Bush & Angela Easterling, 8pm
Creatures Cafe
3 Days Leave
Skinny Legs & All (blues, rock)
Emerald Lounge
Opt-Out w/ Mecanikill & Death of Analog
Southern Experience
Fat Cat’s Billiards
Live DJ
The Chop House
Live jazz, 6-10pm
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Lyndsay Wojcik (folk, roots, soul)
The Get Down
Tony Holiday Band w/ Beta Max
Garage at Biltmore
The Market Place
Live music
Hypno Yoga w/ Sage Sansone, Peripheral, Infinite Geometry & Woodwork
Highland Brewing Company
Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
Good Stuff
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Grove Park Inn
Iron Horse Station
Vanuatu Kava Bar
If You Wannas (indie, pop, rock) Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
Dana & Sue Robinson (Americana, folk) Jack of Hearts Pub
Dave Desmelik Trio (singer/songwriter)
Chris Wilhelm (folk, rock)
The Wild Rumpus (“stompgrass”) Carolina Rex (blues, rock)
Space Medicine & the Mystic Ferrymen (ambient, folk, jam) Vincenzo’s Bistro
more info at www.velosportsracing.com/ wordpress/ringoffire
Broke & Happy Band (rock, blues, gypsy), 6pm Dark Shave & Deja Fuze (indie, prog rock, experimental), 8pm
Cosmic Charlie (Grateful Dead tribute)
august 31st • 6pm
Carrier park • amboy rd. asheville
The Magills, 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Aaron LaFalce (acoustic, rock), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am
imagine... over 40 gorgeous & tantalizing girls... up close & personal Ladies & Couples Welcome Sports Lounge feat. UFC on big screen Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole” Great Drink Specials Every Night see for yourself at
TheTreasureClub.com 520 Swannanoa River Rd, Asheville, NC 28805 • Mon - Sat 5pm - 2am • (828) 298-1400 mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 63
Highland Brewing Company
Lobster Trap
Red Room
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Luella’s Bar-B-Que
The Bywater
Hotel Indigo
One Stop Bar
The Get Down
Scandals Nightclub
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
DogTale (rock, funk, folk)
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
Sunset Sessions w/ Ben Hovey (“sonic scientist”), 7-10pm
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Jack of the Wood Pub
The Bywater
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
The Get Down
Lobster Trap
The Recovery Room
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Village Wayside Bar and Grille
Athena’s Club
Back stage: Warm the Bell (indie, rock, folk, psychedelic) w/ Wayne Robbins and the Hellsayers & The White Cascade Live jazz trio, 5-7pm Honkey Tonkin’ Don Humphries, 6:30pm Yonrico Scott Band (funk, jam, jazz), 9pm Olive or Twist
The 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8pm
Friday, August 26th Dave Desmelik Trio
MONDAYS Quizzo! 8-10pm WEDNESDAYS Old-Time Jam 6pm & Green Man Pint Special THURS Bluegrass Jam, $1 off Bourbon FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS Shows at 9:30 SUNDAYS Irish Session 5-8pm FRIDAY 8/26
I]Z 7gdVYXVhi
Travelin’ Folk Rock Troubadour
Saturday, August 27th Jackomo
Friday, September 2nd feat.
cary FriDley Acoustic Country Blues
Saturday, September 3rd Whilhelm mckay Duo Fun and Funky Folk
Red Room
5 Walnut Wine Bar
DJ Spy-V
No Jacket Required (covers), 8-10pm
Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack
Altamont Brewing Company
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am
Live acoustic music, 8-10pm
Roots jam w/ Kevin Scanlon
Root Bar No. 1
Grove Park Inn
Open mic
Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz)
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:30-10:30pm
Scandals Nightclub
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
DJ dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12am
Everymen (Americana, folk, punk) w/ The Darling Sweets
Jus One More
Shovelhead Saloon
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Lotion (“aggressive lounge”)
Lobster Trap
Cody Brothers Summer Jam Southern Appalachian Brewery
Red Room
Open mic
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Circus Mutt (acoustic rock), 7pm Straightaway Cafe
The Bywater
“Asheville’s Best Bluegrass Jam,” 8:30pm
Olive or Twist
Greg Terkelson
TallGary’s Cantina
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Vocal jazz session w/ Sharon LaMotte, 7:30pm
Flying Oatsmen
The Chop House
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller
TallGary’s Cantina
Live jazz, 6-10pm
The Get Down
Westville Pub
Open mic
The Get Down
Shake it Like a Caveman (blues, rock) The Market Place
Tue., August 30
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Vanuatu Kava Bar
Marc Keller
Westville Pub
Bloodroot Orkaestarr (gypsy folk) White Horse
Asheville Jazz Orchestra
Drum circle w/ Steven Townsend, 2-4pm Acoustic on the Patio
Corbin & Bones (jazz, swing), 8-10pm Altamont Brewing Company
Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm Blue Note Grille
Marc Yaxley (jazz/classical guitar) Creatures Cafe
Singer/songwriter showcase
DJ dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Appleseed Cast (indie rock) w/ Hospital Ships Grove Park Inn
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Live bluegrass
Valorie Miller (Americana, folk), 5-7pm The Go Devils (psychobilly, punk) Cadillac Rex (suft, rockabilly), 8pm Wolf at the Door (rock, indie) Open mic/jam, 7pm
Much Worse w/ Brain Tumors Peggy’s All Girl Singer Showcase Open mic
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals) Westville Pub
Max Melner Orchestra Wild Wing Cafe
Wing of Fire w/ Jeff & Justin (acoustic)
Grove Park Inn
Boiler Room
Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard Bluegrass Jam, 8:30pm Lobster Trap
Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 5-7pm Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Pow Pow Hanks (alt-country) Olive or Twist
Al Coffee McDaniel (blues, soul), 8-11pm One Stop Bar
Hotel Indigo
Orange Peel
Irish session, 3 & 5pm
Haywood Lounge
Barley’s Taproom
Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon Bob Zullo (jazz, pop), 6:30-10:30pm
Jack of the Wood Pub
Thu., September 1
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm
Boiler Room
Salsa night (free lessons, followed by dance)
Firestorm Cafe and Books
Sun., August 28
Consultants of Swing
Open mic, 9pm
Swing & Tango lessons, 6:30pm — Dance, 8pm This Weapon Has Heart
Barley’s Taproom
Blue Note Grille
Eleven on Grove
DMTB (Dave Matthews tribute)
Sunset Sessions w/ Ben Hovey (“sonic scientist”), 7-10pm
64 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Open mic
Grove Park Inn
Jerome Widenhouse & friends (jazz), 7-9pm
7addYgddi Dg`VZhiVgg
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Mon., August 29
5 Walnut Wine Bar
Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
GiGi Dover & the Big Love
Wild Wing Cafe
Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8-10pm
Purple Onion Cafe
Vincenzo’s Bistro
DcZ AZ\ Je
The 24/7’s
Westville Pub
Wed., August 31
Garage at Biltmore
The Free Flow Band (funk, soul)
Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals)
Irish Sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
Wild Wing Cafe
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Vincenzo’s Bistro
White Horse
Pack’s Tavern
Live music
?dc Hi^X`aZn Ig^d
The Wayside Sound (acoustic jazz duo)
Blues jam
Creatures Cafe
The Recovery Room
Local Cajun Dance band!
Live DJ
Westville Pub
White Horse
Live music
[ZVi# 8V^a^c @g^h`d SOUL INFUSED R & B
828 Fest feat: Megahurtz, The Everymen, Excellent Floating Fortress, The Moaners and more
Ginny McAfee (singer-songwriter)
Orange Peel
DJ Moto (dance, pop)
“Miriam Allen’s Garden Party Music,” 5-8pm
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Tiny Boxes w/ Phuncle Sam The Turquoise Ball
Ellen Trinka, 4pm
Asheville Original Music Series
Helpmate benefit feat: Max Melner Orchestra & Asheville Horns
One Stop Bar
Octopus and Owl w/ Make the Young
Jack of Hearts Pub
Jon Stickley Trio (bluegrass, jazz)
426 Haywood / West Avl / thecircleasheville.com / 254-3332
Bluegrass Brunch w/ The Pond Brothers
Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8:30pm
DJ dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
Jackomo (Cajun)
‘your friendly, local headshop’
Jon Corbin (of Firecracker Jazz Band), 1-3pm
Aaron LaFalce (acoustic, rock), 6:30pm
Air Anchor (alternative)
Iron Horse Station
heady glass, local art & funky fashion
Leo Johnston (country, jazz), 5-7pm
Funk jam
Bullet for My Valentine Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Tuesday Rotations w/ Chris Ballard & guests, 10pm
Alien Music Club (jazz jam) Local DJ Exposure Night (electronic, dance) Craggie Brewing Company
Open mic, 6-9pm
Creatures Cafe
“Holy Hip-Hop” w/ DJ Besbleve Emerald Lounge
Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam Good Stuff
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Modern Skirts (lo-fi, pop) w/ Matrimony Grove Park Inn
Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm Killer B’s (favorites by request), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am Haywood Lounge
clubdirectory 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 The 170 La Cantinetta 687-8170 All Stars Sports Bar & Grill 684-5116 Altamont Brewing Company 575-2400 ARCADE 258-1400 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 Athena’s Club 252-2456 Avenue M 350-8181 Barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 Beacon Pub 686-5943 Black Mountain Ale House 669-9090 Blend Hookah Lounge 505-0067 Blue Mountain Pizza 658-8777 Blue Note Grille 697-6828 Boiler Room 505-1612 BoBo Gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 The Bywater 232-6967 Clingman Cafe 253-2177 Club Hairspray 258-2027 The Chop House 253-1852 Craggie Brewing Company 254-0360 Creature’s Cafe 254-3636 Curras Nuevo 253-2111 Desoto Lounge 986-4828 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dirty South Lounge 251-1777
The Dripolator 398-0209 Dobra Tea Room 575-2424 Ed Boudreaux’s Bayou BBQ 296-0100 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge 232- 4372 Fairview Tavern 505-7236 Feed & Seed + Jamas Acoustic 216-3492 Firestorm Cafe 255-8115 Frankie Bones 274-7111 Fred’s Speakeasy 281-0920 Fred’s Speakeasy South 684-2646 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 French Broad Chocolate Lounge 252-4181 The Garage 505-2663 The Get Down 505-8388 Good Stuff 649-9711 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern 232-5800 Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn (Elaine’s Piano Bar/ Great Hall) 252-2711 The Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Hannah Flanagans 252-1922 Harrah’s Cherokee 497-7777 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Haywood Lounge 232-4938 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780
The Hop 254-2224 The Hop West 252-5155 Iron Horse Station 622-0022 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jerusalem Garden 254-0255 Jus One More 253-8770 Laurey’s Catering 252-1500 Lexington Avenue Brewery 252-0212 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Luella’s Bar-B-Que 505-RIBS Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 The Magnetic Field 257-4003 Midway Tavern 687-7530 Mela 225-8880 Mellow Mushroom 236-9800 Mike’s Side Pocket 281-3096 Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill 258-1550 Northside Bar and Grill 254-2349 Olive Or Twist 254-0555 O’Malley’s On Main 246-0898 One Stop Bar 236-2424 The Orange Peel 225-5851 Pack’s Tavern 225-6944 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Poppie’s Market and Cafe 885-5494 Posana Cafe 505-3969 Pulp 225-5851 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993
Throwback Thursday w/ DJ Go Hard
Swayback Sisters (Americana, folk)
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Red Room
Jack of the Wood Pub
Red Step Artworks
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
TallGary’s Cantina
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Back stage: Kyle Andrews (pop, rock, electronic) Ian Thomas Band (folk) Olive or Twist
West Coast swing dancing w/ The Heather Masterton Quartet, 8pm One Stop Bar
Karma to Burn w/ Delicious & Gutterhound Pisgah Brewing Company
The Broadcast (funk, rock, soul) Purple Onion Cafe
Dance party w/ DJ Steele Open mic
Open mic w/ Greg Speas, 7-10pm Asheville music showcase
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Peggy Ratusz & friends Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller
Westville Pub
New Town Drunk (folk) White Horse
Benefit feat: Blues Underground
The Recovery Room 684-1213 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rendezvous 926-0201 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Scully’s 251-8880 Shovelhead Saloon 669-9541 Skyland Performing Arts Center 693-0087 Shifters 684-1024 Smokey’s After Dark 253-2155 Southern Appalacian Brewery 684-1235 Straightaway Cafe 669-8856 TallGary’s Cantina 232-0809 Red Room 252-0775 Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack 575-2260 Thirsty Monk South 505-4564 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Town Pump 669-4808 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 Vanuatu Kava 505-8118 The Village Wayside 277-4121 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 Wedge Brewery 505 2792 Well Bred Bakery & Cafe 645-9300 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066
Wild Wing Cafe
Dance party w/ DJ Moto
Fri., September 2 Athena’s Club
Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Creatures Cafe
Tennessee Jed (Americana, bluegrass, rock) w/ Long Lost Friend Eleven on Grove
Zumba “In da Club” dance party, 8pm-midnight
WED. 8/24
$1 off all Whiskey
(folk, indie) www.myspace.com/minorcanmusic
FREE SHOW! $1 off All Vodkas
FRI. 8/26
TRIVIA NIGHT 9 pm • Prizes
$3.50 Gin & Tonics • Bring A Team
(gypsy folk) myspace.com/thebloodrootorkaestarr $5 Robo Shots
SUN. 8/28
SAT. 8/27
Come together for benefit til 9pm - Outdoor bands & family entertainment including Max Melnar Orchestra & Asheville Horns
OPEN MIC IS BACK! Sign up at 7pm
(Hosted by Amanda Platt of The Honeycutters)
Buy 1, Get 1 Half Off Appetizers $4 Margaritas
TUES. 8/30
THUR. 8/25
MON. 8/29
777 HAYWOOD ROAD • 225-WPUB (9782)
W e d . au g 2 4 shane PerlOwin Thursday, Aug 25th RELEASE PARTY
Clawhammer Oktoberfest Lager 4-8pm
Friday, Aug 26th IF U WANNAS
(Indie / Pop / Rock) FREE • 6-8pm • Tapping cask of Tasgall Scotch Ale
Saturday, Aug 27th DogTale (Rock / Folk) FREE • 6-8pm
no cover charge (4-8pm) music on new outdoor stage - weather permitting
T h u r . au g 2 5 smOkey’s farmland Band w/ BlOOdrOOt Orkaestarr
SaT. au g 2 7 warm the Bell with
wayne rOBBins & the hellsayers and the white CasCade
Mariachi MondayS Live Mariachi Band $2 Tacos & Mexican Beer Specials O n t h e f r O n t s ta g e SundayS TueSdayS WedneSdayS
Aaron Price 1pm | Piano
Jake Hollifield Piano | 9pm
Shane Perlowin 9pm
Emerald Lounge
Blind Boy Chocolate & the Milk Sheiks (jugband, old-time) w/ John Wilkes Booth and the Black Tooth (folk, rock) & Whiskey Shivers (“trashgrass”)
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 65
Sport’s Bar Billiards Darts Food
battle the bands
of f r i d a y, a u g u s t 2 6
ufC fight
saturday, august 27 •
nO cOVer
friday nights karaOke By sOund extreMe saturday nights dJ By sOund extreMe Weekly drink speCials
MonDAy - $2.50 LocAL BRewS TueSDAy - $5 whISkey, $4 MARTInIS & wIne, 50¢ wIngS, LADIeS ShooT PooL FoR FRee weDneSDAy $2 DoMeSTIc DRAFTS
thursday bike night
$2 Beers • 35¢ Wings • Open Mike night 9:30pM-1aM •
fat cat’s Billiards On faceBOOk 2345 hendersOnVille rOad
eafo old s Music & EvEnts
solstice ceviche Pairing
w/ the Market Place Restaurant @ Pisgah live soul, Jazz, Dub with Ben hovey Wed, aug 24 6-8pm - $8 for a Pint & a Dish thuR, auGust 25 shOW 8 PM - FRee shOW
WilliaM WalteR W/tuckeR ROGeRs
All of our seafood is guaranteed to be at least 35 million years old Gpttjmj{fe Op!Pggfotjwf!Peps
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(alteRnative, JaZZ, ROck)
cOMinG uP… the BROaDcast sept. Residency thursdays @ Pisgah
FRi., sePt. 2 - BiG saM’s Funky natiOn w/ the shane PRuitt BanD – Outdoor stage sat., sePt. 3 - Del yeah – OutDOOR staGe
Open Daily • 253-3020
Details & aDvance tickets:
52 Westgate Parkway Westgate Shopping Center • Asheville
Taproom Hours: M-W: 4pm - 9pm th-sat: 2pm - 12am | sun: 2pm - 9pm
66 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Fred’s Speakeasy
The Get Down
Hotel Indigo
The Market Place
Jack of Hearts Pub
Thirsty Monk South
Jack of the Wood Pub
Garage at Biltmore
1 year anniversary party feat: The Howlies, Them Teasters & more
Good Stuff
Live music
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Gene Peyroux & the Acoustalectric Pedals of Love (rock, funk, soul)
Housetival 3
Patrick Flaherty (blues, country) w/ Lois Simbach The Ettes (“beat punk”) w/ Hans Condor Grove Park Inn
Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm The Business (Motown funk), 8-11pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am Highland Brewing Company
Galen Kipar Project (Americana, folk rock)
Vanuatu Kava Bar
Space Medicine & the Mystic Ferrymen (ambient, folk, jam) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Peggy Ratusz (1st & 3rd Fridays) Ginny McAfee (2nd & 4th Fridays) White Horse
Mark Newton w/ The Moore Brothers Wild Wing Cafe
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Country Fried Fridays w/ Rick Monroe & Gary Ray
Jack of Hearts Pub
Sat., September 3
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
The 24/7’s feat: Cary Fridley (country, blues)
Athena’s Club
Sunset Sessions w/ Ben Hovey (“sonic scientist”), 7-10pm Wilhelm McKay Duo (folk) Bloodroot Orkaestarr (gypsy folk) Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Back stage: LAFFter party w/ The Treatment, Pawtooth & Johnny Sexx Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Grant Green Jr. (funk, jazz, R&B) Olive or Twist
The 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8pm Orange Peel
Chris Robinson Brotherhood (rock, roots) Pack’s Tavern
Cubical Logic (‘80s dance, rock) Pisgah Brewing Company
Del Yeah (bluegrass)
Purple Onion Cafe
Mark Appleford (singer/songwriter, harmonica, guitar), 8-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
Jonathan Byrd (country, folk)
Back stage: Auto Defiance (indie, post rock, shoegaze) w/ Mystery Cult & Sarah McCoy
Creatures Cafe
Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack
Olive or Twist
Emerald Lounge
Floating Action (indie, pop, rock)
Scandals Nightclub
Live jazz, Motown & rock, 8pm Orange Peel
Fat Cat’s Billiards
DJ dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12am
Vieux Farka Toure (world)
Live DJ
Pack’s Tavern
Good Stuff
Steve Weams
Woody Wood Duo (blues, rock)
Letters to Abigail (Americana, country)
Pisgah Brewing Company
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Big Sam’s Funky Nation (funk, rock, soul) w/ Shane Pruitt Band
Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit (rock) w/ Shovels and Rope
Red Room
Grove Park Inn
Jack of the Wood Pub
One Leg Up (jazz, swing)
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB)
Dance party w/ DJ D-Day or DJ Drea Scandals Nightclub
DJ dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
Straightaway Cafe
Ben Scales
Sarah McCoy w/ Season Sounds & J Fraze
Red Room
DJ Spy-V
Live acoustic music, 8-10pm
Straightaway Cafe The Get Down
Why Are We Building Such A Big Ship w/ Common Visions The Market Place
Live music
Firecracker Jazz Band (dixieland), 2-5pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 5:30-7:30pm Rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-long @ Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar, 8pm-1am
The Recovery Room
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Chikomo Marimba
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
Live music
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Marc Keller
White Horse
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FrIDay, sePTember 2
bIg sam’s Funky naTIon W/ THe sHane PruITT banD
gaTes 6:30Pm / sHoW 7:30Pm — $12 aDVance / $15 Day oF
DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK fine foods • 30 brews on tap • patio sports room • 110” projector event space • Sunday Brunch 11-2pm
FrIDay, sePTember 9
THe neW masTersounDs
W/ JosH blake’s JukeboX & laTe nIgHT (InsIDe)
W/ WIck-IT THe InsTIgaTor gaTes 6:30Pm / sHoW 7:30Pm $15 aDVance / $18 Day oF $25 sHoW W/ sHuTTle
saTurDay, sePTember 10
Jeff Anders & Joshua Singleton
(acoustic, soul, jam)
Sat 8/27
Fri 8/26
D.J. Moto
(dance, pop hits, old school)
BEER LOVERS Sept. 8th NEW BELGIUM TA P TA K E O V E R . . . Meet the Brewer Night! LIVE Music by Galen Kipar
Open 7 Days... 11am - Late
melVIn seals
Thunderdrums 10pm $5
__________ Fri. Aug 26th
The Klavenauts
w/ Brand New Life 10pm $6
__________ Sat. Aug 27th
Tiny Boxes
w/Phuncle Sam 10pm $5
__________ Sun. Aug 28th
w/Hosted by The Pond Brother
gaTes 6:30Pm / sHoW 8Pm $16.50 aDVance / $20 Day oF $27 sHoW W/ sHuTTle
TaProom Hours: mon - WeD 4pm - 9pm | THurs - saT 2pm - 12am | sun 2pm - 9pm
__________ Thur. Aug 25th
Bluegrass Brunch
W/ Jgb
VIP Packages aVaIlable! Details & advance Tickets: pisgahbrewing.com
Overflow Jug Band 10pm An Evening with
(acoustic, rock, jam)
Woody Wood Duo
Wed. Aug 24th
Tues. Aug 23th FREE Parking weekdays after 5pm & all weekend (behind us on Marjorie St.)
50¢ Wings! • 10pm Free!
20 S. Spruce St. • 225.6944
Off Biltmore Ave. in the new Pack Square Park.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 67
theaterlistings Friday, AUGUST 19 - Thursday, AUGUST 25
Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters. n Asheville
Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Bridesmaids (R) 10:00 Green Lantern (PG-13) 7:00 (no 7:00 show Thu. Aug 25) Monsoon Wedding (R) 7:00 p.m. Thu. Aug. 25 Mr. Popper’s Penguins (PG) 1:00, 400 n Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)
Candyland (G) 1:00 (Sat-Sun) Cowboys & Aliens (PG-13) 12:55, 3:30, 6:40, 9:45 Final Destination 5 3D (R) 2:40, 4:55, 7:15, 9:35 Final Destination 5 2D (R) 1:45, 4:10, 6:25, 8:45 Glee: The 3D Concert Movie (PG) 1:35, 3:50, 5:55, 8:00 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D (PG-13) 2:00, 5:20, 8:20 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 3 2D (PG-13) 3:00, 6:05, 9:05 The Help (PG-13) 12:50, 4:00, 6:55, 9:55 Horrible Bosses (R) 1:10. 5:25, 7:30, 10:05 Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World 3D (PG) 3:45, 8:30 Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World 2D (PG) 1:05, 6:15 Zookeeper (PG) 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:20 n Carolina Asheville
Cinema 14 (274-9500)
30 Minutes or Less (R) 12:15, 2:20, 4:30, 7:55, 10:00 The Change-up (R) , 2:35, 8:00 Conan the Barbarian (R) 11:45, 2:25, 5:00, 7:40, 10:10 Cowboys & Aliens (PG-13) 11:15, 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 (Sofa Cinema) Crazy, Stupid, Love (PG-13) 11:25, 2:10, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 (Sofa Cinema) Final Destination 5 3D
(R) 12:10, 9:50 Final Destination 5 2D (R) 2:30, 4:45, 7:35 Fright Night 3D (R) 4:05, 7:50, 10:20 Fright Night 2D (R) 12:05, 5:05, 10:25 Glee: The 3D Concert Movie (PG) 11:50, 1:55 The Help (PG-13) 12:25, 3:30, 7:00, 10:05 If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (PG) 12:00, 2:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30 Midnight in Paris (PG-13) 11:45, 1:55, 4:15, 7:40, 10:25 (Sofa Cinema) One Day (PG-13) 11:20, 1:50, 4:25, 7:50, 10:20 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) 11:40, 2:05, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 The Smurfs (PG) 11:35, 2:05, 4:35, 7:05, 9:25 (Sofa Cinema) Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World (PG) 11:55, 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:55 n Cinebarre (665-7776) n Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200)
The Help (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 n Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) n Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536)
The Future (NR) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:20 Midnight in Paris (PG-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 n Flatrock Cinema (697-2463)
The Day Carl Sandburg Died (NR) 4:00, 7:00 Midnight in Paris (PG-13) Sat-Sun only 1:00 n Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) n United Artists
Beaucatcher (298-1234)
For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
movie reviews & listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ max rating
additional reviews by justin souther contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Demián Bichir and José Julián on their search for a stolen truck in Chris Weitz's surprisingly moving and compelling drama A Better Life.
Director: Errol Morris Players: (Themselves) Joyce McKinney, Peter Tory, Kent Gavin, Jackson Shaw Documentary
Rated R
The Story: Documentary on 1970s-‘80s tabloid “star” Joyce McKinney. The Lowdown: Riotously funny, only barely believable tale of an improbable, yet strangely likable, woman who, in her own mind, “did it all for love” — and then some. You may see — and perhaps already have seen — better documentaries this year than Errol Morris’ Tabloid, but I doubt you’ll see a more entertaining one. And it couldn’t come at a better time for Morris, as most Americans paid little attention to the British tabloid press until the current cell-phone hacking scandals. If they gave it any thought at all, they may have wondered why Mr. Lennon’s “Polythene Pam” was “the kind of a girl that makes the News of the World,” or why News of the World was the name of a Queen album. Well, the current scandal that brought down News of the World and continues rock Rupert Murdoch’s media empire has changed all that — and Tabloid is here with — among other things — a look into the Daily Express and the Daily Mirror. Specifically, the film examines their handing of “The Case of the Manacled Mormon,” which is not one of those Sherlock Holmes stories the world is not yet ready for. Here is a film that proves that truth may not be stranger than fiction, but that fiction pales in comparison to the workings of the mind of Joyce McKinney. Who? Well, she’s the woman at the center of it all — and not as the “manacled Mormon,” but rather as the one doing the manacling. According to her, in 1977 she was the all-American girl, a preposterously innocent 27year-old who found her soul mate in the guise of a paunchy, gangling Mormon boy named Kirk Anderson. It was a match made in heaven, but not in the eyes of the Mormon church, which — again, according to Joyce — managed to break them up by spiriting Kirk away to a missionary stint in the U.K. For most people, that would be an end to it. But not for Ms. McKinney, who does what she claims is “what any American girl would do,” which means tracking down Kirk and rescuing him from the Mormons. In very simplified form, this amounted to going to England with a bodyguard (who bailed almost as soon as they got there), a pilot (who bailed not long after), and one lovesick Boobus Americanus (who
68 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
Demián Bichir and José Julián on their search for a stolen truck in Chris Weitz's surprisingly moving and compelling drama A Better Life. stuck by her). They either kidnapped or rescued Kirk, took him to a cottage in Devon, either did or didn’t tie or chain him to a bed, where Joyce either raped or had consensual sex with him for three days. Is it any wonder that the tabloids were all over this when the story — or some version of it — broke? The resultant furor of the tabloid coverage of her trial and her flight to America (posing as a deaf mute) turned Joyce into a star of sorts. She became the kind of person we’re now unfortunately all too used to: One who’s famous for being famous. (Actually, these people have always been around — milking notoriety as fame — but never in the proliferation they are today.) At this point, she became the darling of two tabloids — the Daily Express and the Daily Mirror — who represented polar opposite views of her. The Express gave the public Joyce’s story (more or less) in a sympathetic portrayal, while the Mirror dished the dirt on her as a wanton harlot. Where is the truth? Well, that’s not really the point here. The press used her and she used the press — both have similar methods. Since Morris really only has access to Joyce, the pilot, one “journalist” from each paper, an ex- Mormon who tries to put all the “magic underwear” and other Mormon things in perspective, and a Korean cloning expert, the truth is slippery at best. The object of her obsession refused to participate. A duplicitous ex-boyfriend couldn’t be found. The long-suffering schmuck who helped her is dead. So it’s all down to either three practiced liars, or two practiced liars and a delusional woman who seems to buy into her own BS. There’s more. I have only touched on the
strangeness of all this. That’s deliberate, because the less you know about the story before you see it, the better off you’ll be. After all, seeing is believing, though that might be stretching a point in this case. Rated R for sexual content and nudity. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre
A Better Life JJJJJ
Director: Chris Weitz (About a Boy) Players: Demián Bichir, José Julián, Dolores Heredia, Joaquín Cosio, Carlos Linares, Chelsea Rendon Drama
Rated PG-13
The Story: An illegal immigrant’s hopes for building a future for his son are imperilled when the truck he relies on for his business is stolen. The Lowdown: A surprisingly compelling and entertaining film that is never preachy or treacly, but gains its emotional power honestly. It has no stars you’re likely to recognize. Its director, Chris Weitz, has only made one entirely successful film before — About a Boy (2002). There is simply no hook whatever to get you to go to A Better Life — and that includes its lackluster trailer and appallingly generic title. As a result, I’m probably wasting my time telling you that this is, in fact, a movie you ought to stir yourself to go see. That may surprise you. It certainly surprises me. I’d been semi-dreading seeing this film for weeks, and was not in an improved frame of mind when one press screen-
specialscreenings Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Atalante JJJJJ
Director: Jean Vigo Players: Michel Simon, Dita Parlo, Jean DastĂŠ, Gilles Margaritis Drama Rated NR Jean Vigoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Atalante (1934) has been so praised and is so much the stuff of legend (being made by a dying man) that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to forget that the film itself is a very simple affair. All that lavish praise is apt to result in disappointed first-time viewers. It may well deserve all those accolades, but on the surface this is a little movie about a pair of newlyweds â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Juliette (Dita Parlo) and Jean (Jean Daste) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; adjusting to married life. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even harder for her, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just married life, but married life aboard a barge, the titular â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Atalante,â&#x20AC;? that travels from Le Havre to Paris. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a life that includes a simple-minded first mate, the very eccentric Le père Jules (Michel Simon) and his constantly expanding brood of cats (not to mention the pickled hands of his dead best friend he keeps in a jar). Really, that â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and Juliette seeming to have run away at one point â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is as much plot as the film has. It may well remind some of the modern films of Jean-Pierre Jeunet in its eccentric nature, and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no getting away from the fact that père Jules with his cats and collection of curios (not limited to the hands) would be perfectly at home in a Jeunet movie. (It would not surprise me to learn that Jeunet is a fan of the film.) The film has a weird kind of poetry and beauty about it that is hard â&#x20AC;&#x201D; perhaps impossible â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to describe. It simply needs to be seen, but I think it needs to be seen without expectations of being blown away. Its greatness doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work that way. reviewed by Ken Hanke Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present L'Atalante at 8 p.m. on Friday, August 26, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, http://www.ashevillecourtyard.com
Wuthering Heights JJJJ
Director: Robert Fuest (The Abominable Dr. Phibes) Players: Timothy Dalton, Anna Calder-Marshall, Harry Andrews, Pamela Brown, Julian Glover, Ian Ogilvy Romantic Drama Rated G While Robert Fuestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1970 version of Wuthering Heights is better than the grotesquely overrated 1939 William Wyler film (never have so many talented people toiled so hard to make such a stiff, dull movie), I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that I was overwhelmed by it. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good â&#x20AC;&#x201D; albeit invariably plagued by scant production values â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something just a little bit off about it. And itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a little too Masterpiece Theatre for my taste. The story â&#x20AC;&#x201D; at least essentially â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is there, complete with all the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heathcliff!â&#x20AC;? yelling across the windswept moors you could possiby want (assuming you want any in the first place, of course). I think part of the problem lies in the casting. Anna Calder-Marshall isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a particularly compelling Cathy, and while Timothy Dalton broods with the best of them, there are too many close-ups in the film where he reminded me of the young Oliver Reed in Curse of the Werewolf (1961) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to a degree that I half expected him to sprout hair and fangs. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still good, though, and the supporting cast is definite plus. All in all, I still think Luis BuĂąuelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1954 Mexican version is the best Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen. Unfortunately, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to find. reviewed by Ken Hanke The Hendersonville Film Society will show Wuthering Heights at 2 p.m. on Sunday, August 28, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. ing was canceled and I ended up making two trips to see a movie I had very little interest in seeing at all. I was wrong. This is a terrific little film. OK, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an illegal immigrant saga and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not like we havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t already had a few of those â&#x20AC;&#x201D; all well-intentioned, but usually dramatically a bit wanting. This one is different, though you might not think so at first. It starts out rather indifferently, feeling like more of the same. We have the struggling illegal-immigrant gardener Carlos Galindo (DemiĂĄn Bichir) trying to make a better life for his American-born son Luis (JosĂŠ JuliĂĄn). Luis is very much what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d call â&#x20AC;&#x153;at risk,â&#x20AC;? being ever close to joining a gang. Not only are his friends in gangs or trying to be, but his girlfriend (Chelsea Rendon) comes from a
family of ganglords. Moreover, the police â&#x20AC;&#x153;naturallyâ&#x20AC;? assume heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a gang member â&#x20AC;&#x201D; after all, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Latino and lives in East L.A. Carlos finds himself in an awkward position. His boss, Blasco (JoaquĂn Cosio), has made enough money to go back to his farm in Mexico and wants Carlos to buy his truck and equipment. Not only does Carlos not have the money, but he has no driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license and would only be one traffic violation away from deportation if he was stopped by the police. Nonetheless, when his sister (Dolores Heredia) offers him the money, he takes it â&#x20AC;&#x201D; against his better judgment. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not long before that judgment is tested when the truck is stolen â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ironically when Carlos is repaying an act of kindness. This is also where A Better Life becomes a much more inter-
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esting and compelling drama than expected. It is essentially a variation on Vittorio De Sica’s The Bicycle Thief (1948), but it has a vitality and resonance all its own. I don’t want to say too much about what happens, because the drama that unfolds — and the understanding that grows between father and son — attains some degree of its power from being unexpected. It is a small film, yes, but it’s also entertaining and it succeeds better than any film I have seen in putting a truly human face on the subject of illegal immigration. And it does this without ever becoming preachy or self-righteous. Indeed, that’s probably why it works where other equally well-intentioned films haven’t. See this film. I think it will surprise you. Rated PG-13 for some violence, language and brief drug use. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
Conan the Barbarian JJ
Director: Marcus Nispel (Friday the 13th) Players: Jason Momoa, Stephen Lang, Rachel Nichols, Ron Perlman, Rose McGowan Sword-and-Sorcery Action Rated R
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The Story: Everyone’s favorite sweaty barbarian is back, as he attempts to stop an evil king from raising the dead. The Lowdown: Noisy and overlong, and — eventually — just kind of dull swordand-sorcery epic. Director Marcus Nispel has never made a good movie. He’s already botched two reboots (2003’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre and 2009’s Friday the 13th) and made the terminally boring Vikings-and-Native-Americans-action dud Pathfinder (2007). It should come as no surprise that Nispel’s reboot of Robert E. Howard’s sword-and sorcery-creation Conan the Barbarian doesn’t turn out all that hot. The film starts off promisingly, with a perfectly absurd narration by Morgan Freeman giving all kinds of details about necromancers, and ending with baby Conan being born on the battlefield via c-section by his papa (Ron Perlman), finally being held aloft like the Lion King. If the film had ended there, I’d have found it agreeably ridiculous. Unfortunately, Nispel decided to keep the film going for 100 more minutes of muscle-bound antics. While there is a long string of fight scenes, these are less notable for coherent and innovative action, instead relying on wholesale bloodshed punctuated by fits of grunting. Look, I’m as big a fan of bloodshed
70 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
filmsociety Horse Feathers JJJJJ
Director: Norman Z. McLeod Players: The Four Marx Brothers, Thelma Todd, David Landau, Nat Pendleton, Robert Greig Musical Comedy Rated NR In one of their most anarchic films, Horse Feathers (1932), the Marx Brothers take on higher learning — and higher learning loses. Here’s the idea — Groucho has become (through goodness-knows-what process) the president of Huxley College, despite making sport of his predecessor and the entire faculty, even singing a song where he tells them not to bother making suggestions, “Whatever it is, I’m against it.” His son (Zeppo) is a student at said college, and he convinces his father to hire professional football players to bolster the school’s perpetually losing team. Since he’s been apprised that two of the “greatest football players in the world” hang out in a speakeasy downtown, Groucho goes there and signs up the first two people he meets there — Harpo and Chico. There’s really not much more plot to the film, but there doesn’t need to be. This is the Marx Brothers in their purest form — something that only happened three times, so treasure it — and while it doesn’t reach the heights of their next film, Duck Soup (1933), neither is it that far from it. And it has its own identity as the Marx Brothers film that’s very nearly more like a cartoon than a movie in its surrealistic gags. Before the boys are through, they’ve pretty thoroughly demolished education, football and marriage. Maybe not their best film, but it’s in the running — and it’s completely devoid of any romantic subplot. And the password is “swordfish.” reviewed by Ken Hanke The Asheville Film Society will screen Horse Feathers Tuesday, August 30, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.
Shaun of the Dead JJJJ
Director: Edgar Wright Players: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kate Ashfield, Lucy Davis, Bill Nighy Horror Comedy Rated R It’s the film that made the majority of Americans aware of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It’s the film that — with an exclamation point — announced the arrival of Edgar Wright as a formidably stylish director. It’s also a film that came at the forefront of the revival of zombie horror that creeped up over the early Aughts. With all the hype that surrounded Wright’s Shaun of the Dead after its release in 2004, once I finally tracked down a copy (the closest it ever played to Asheville theatrically was Greenville, SC), I can honestly say that I was a bit disappointed. Maybe it was because of all that aforementioned hype. Maybe it was because there’s only so much you can do with zombie horror, or perhaps Shaun followed along the same paths that had been obliterated by Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later… just a couple years earlier. After getting the chance to reassess the film (which, really, was the reason we programmed it, since we’re nothing but self-indulgent), I can say I was at least a bit wrong. What I found instead is one of the most assured directorial debuts imaginable, not to mention a comedy not like many others. That it doubles as horror is simply a bonus. reviewed by Justin Souther The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Shaun of the Dead on Thursday, August 25, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. and grunting as the next guy (and trust me, there’s more grunting going on here than in a stag film), but you’ve got to make it clever or fun. But Nispel — much like our titular barbarian — is only concerned with brute force. The movie gets stuck in a rut of relying on Conan’s Übermensch badassness, rapidly becoming a cinematic penis-measuring contest as the movie continually shows us new and manlier ways for Conan to kill pretty much everyone. And really, what else would you expect? This is the point of Conan the Barbarian. It’s the ultimate statement of unadulterated machismo, and if your idea of fun is watching a big dude with a sword butcher tons of people, this is your movie. There’s a vague notion of a plot to push all this mayhem along, as our Conan — here
played by TV actor Jason Mamoa, who doesn’t seem very barbaric with his five o’clock shadow, pruned chest hair and apparent penchant for mascara — must stop an evil king (Stephen Lang, Avatar) from resurrecting his dead wife as part of a bid to take over the world. Under these pretenses, we get all manner of Conan-ian muscle flexing, as he wields his sword in full-sale slaughter against all manner of Hyborian creatures, races and creeds. There are attempts — or at least opportunities — at creating a deeper, more thoughtful Conan movie, as our hero — in the tradition of all great modern heroes — has daddy issues that just happen to display themselves as psychotic bloodlust. Plus, the woman Conan’s supposed to save (Rachel Nichols, G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra) begins the film
as a strong, independent woman, and the closest thing we get to a modern, rationalized mindset in the entire movie. This doesn’t last long, as she’s soon relegated to scream-queen, damselin-distress status, and in constant need of Conan to save her with his manliness. Because, you know, she’s a woman. There’s probably the seed of fun action movie buried underneath all this alpha-male chest beating, but there’s too much onus placed on the supposed entertainment value of Conan’s capacity to kick ass. The number-one rule of movies — especially of this type — is to be fun, and Conan the Barbarian fails that, quickly becoming nothing more than repetitive and noisy. Rated R for strong bloody violence, some sexuality and nudity. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7
Fright Night JJJJ
Director: Craig Gillespie (Lars and the Real Girl) Players: Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell, Imogen Poots, David Tennant, Toni Collette, Christopher Mintz-Plasse Horror Rated R
The Story: A teenage boy discovers that the new neighbor is a vampire, and sets out to destroy him. The Lowdown: A fine — but not slavishly faithful — remake of the 1985 film. A good horror movie in its own right, with a clever mix of scares and laughs. A surprisingly good vampire movie at a time when even barely decent vampire movies are rare, Craig Gillespie’s Fright Night manages to remake the 1985 original effectively, while being very much its own film in the bargain. How that will play to viewers who have enshrined the original as some kind of classic is another matter altogether. I rarely see the point in getting upset about remakes, as they’ve been around about as long as movies have. The big difference now is that movies don’t go away like they used to. When Tod Browning remade his London After Midnight (1927) in 1935 as Mark of the Vampire, no one complained. Most didn’t even realize it was a remake. Anyway, the worst thing a remake does now is draw attention to the original — even if it gets the appeal of the original wrong. Or maybe more so if it gets it wrong. I was never much of a fan of the original Fright Night. It might have been different if I’d seen it when I was 12, rather than 30. Who knows? I simply thought it was OK, with a few clever moments and better-than-average performances. But it made enough of an impression on me that I remember it with surprising clarity. I’d say the remake is easily as good and possibly a little better. Of course, that probably won’t be the case with those who are all a-dither over the 1985 one. The new film retains the basic set-up of teenager Charley Brewster (Anton Yelchin) discovering that his new next-door neighbor, Jerry Dandridge (Colin Farrell), is a vampire. It also keeps most of the same characters — albeit often significantly altered — and more-or-less follows the structure
of the first film. But there are enough changes — intelligent ones — to keep this one from feeling like a stale retread. Moving the story to Las Vegas is probably a nod to The Night Stalker (1972), but it also makes topical sense with the housing market, which in turn makes logical sense in that missing persons are likely to be presumed to have just moved on. In that regard, it’s the perfect setting for a vampire — especially this vampire. Colin Farrell’s vampire isn’t very much like Chris Sarandon’s 1985 bloodsucker. Farrell’s creature of the night is much less concerned with the pose of being the charming new neighbor. In fact, he makes only the most perfunctory attempt at keeping his vampire status secret, which works in the context of the film’s notions of the vampire as sociopathic serial killer. It also helps to cut down on the usual — and often rather tedious — time spent convincing other characters that the vampire is, in fact, a vampire. It’s not at all hard to convince your mother (Toni Collette) and your girlfriend (Imogen Poots) that the guy next door is at the very least bad news when he pulls the gas pipes out of your yard and blows up your house and throws a motorcycle through the rear window of your fleeing car. There’s been some purist complaint over changes to the "Evil" Ed (Christopher MintzPlasse) character, but I always found the character a bit much and the alterations here strike me as both effective and moving. The biggest complaints, however, center on changing Peter Vincent (David Tennant) from a has-been actor turned TV horror host. Even in 1985, the idea of a TV horror host was on the quaint side. Now — unless you’re talking the snarky post-modern crap from MST3K and its progeny, which is nothing like Peter Vincent — it’s something that exists only in the form of nostalgia. Turning the character into a cheesy Vegas performer simply makes sense — and ultimately works. Bottom line for me is that this Fright Night is fun. It’s scary enough and funny enough and clever enough to qualify for a good time at the movies. I was hoping for nothing more and expecting considerably less. Rated R for bloody horror violence, and language including some sexual references. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7
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startingfriday A BETTER LIFE
See review in "Cranky Hanke."
The improbably named Olivier Megaton (Transporter 3) brings us unscreened actioner (no shock there) with Zoe Saldana, Jordi Molla, Michael Vartan and Cliff Curtis (in other words, not a prime box-office cast). All the studio tells us is "Saldana plays Cataleya, a young woman who has grown up to be an assassin after witnessing the murder of her parents as a child. Turning herself into a professional killer and working for her uncle, she remains focused on her ultimate goal: To hunt down and get revenge on the mobster responsible for her parents' deaths." Make of that what you will. (PG-13)
Guillermo del Toro co-wrote and produced this big screen remake of the 1973 TV movie of the same title — the often highly-regarded TV movie. He turned the direction over to newcomer Troy Nixey, whose 2007 short film Latchkey's Lament impressed del Toro. Changes are easily noticable. It's a bigger production, and the target of the strange creatures inhabiting the house is now a young girl (Bailee Madison). Considering del Toro's history with young female protagonists (Cronos, Pan's Labyrinth) this isn't very surprising. The adults are represented by Guy Pearce and Katie Holmes. Early word from the horror realm is good, but neither Peter Deburge in Variety, nor Kirk Honeycutt in The Hollywood Reporter were overwhelmed. Putting too much stock in mainstream reviews of horror movies is rarely wise, though. (R)
The early word — not from the most credible of critics — on Our Idiot Brother is surprisingly good, especially for a movie coming from Jesse Peretz, whose last theatrical outing was in 2007 with the quickly forgotten The Ex. Considering that its passively dumb hero (Paul Rudd) has been likened to Forrest Gump isn't too enticing either. Anyway, the idea is that perennial loser Ned (Rudd), released on parole (from charges of selling pot to a uniforned cop), descends on his three sisters — Emily Mortimer, Elizabeth Banks, Zooey Deschanel — and disrupts their lives in ways that will, of course, be all for the good. (R)
See review in "Cranky Hanke."
One Day JJJJ
Director: Lone Scherfig (An Education) Players: Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Patricia Clarkson, Ken Stott, Rafe Spall, Romola Garai Romantic Drama
Rated PG-13
The Story: A look at the relationship of two people over a span of 20 years. The Lowdown: A good movie that ought to have been great. Approach it with that in mind, and you may find much to admire. Lone Scherfig’s One Day is another on that increasingly frustrating list of movies that I liked, but wanted to love and didn’t quite. Oh, I think it’s certainly a good film — a good film that Focus Features has killed any chances for success by releasing it on too many screens at once — but it ought to have been a great one. Having spent two days trying to figure out why it doesn’t quite work, the best I can come up with is to blame everyone. By this, I mean that the writer, the director and the stars are all slightly at fault. No single one of them does anything that by itself thwarts the film’s ambitions — the writer comes closest — but each of them contributes enough small missteps that the aggregate becomes impossible to ignore. The premise — and the hook — is simple.
Emma (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter (Jim Sturgess) spend the night of college graduation — July 15 — together and then part. (The story behind that parting isn’t revealed until late in the film). The film then drops in on them — sometimes they’re together, often they’re not — on future July 15ths over a period of 20 years. (People keep thinking this is somehow like Same Time Next Year and it isn’t in the least.) The idea is that we will learn about the two and, of course, wait for them to realize that they’re not only in love with each other, but are "meant" to be together. Conceptually, that’s both clever and daunting. In execution, it works in broad strokes, but doesn’t — at least for me — have the emotional punch it ought to have, not even when it takes its theoretically surprising turn. It’s hard to fault the acting — and, no, I don’t give a damn whether or not Anne Hathaway has a real Yorkshire accent. Hathaway is as good as the role allows, but there’s only so much that can be done with Emma and the way the character is sketched in. We learn, for example, that she once called Dexter’s father (Ken Stott) a "bourgeois fascist," but we never learn why, nor — apart from her selfconscious middle-class status — do we get a glimpse of her views that would lead to it. She — and the film — however are very adept at painting a picture of Emma as someone who "settles" for things. She nearly settles for work-
72 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 • mountainx.com
ing in a restaurant, she does settle for teaching rather than writing, and she settles for a nice, but terminally dull, boyfriend (Rafe Spall). In many respects, the major thing — despite the screenplay’s insistence on something else — that Dexter does for her is make it hard for her to settle. Dexter himself is a trickier proposition. It takes his mother (Patricia Clarkson) a good while to conclude he’s "no longer a nice person," and even longer for Emma to decide, "I still love you, Dex, but I don’t like you anymore." (No, that’s not a spoiler, that’s way before the ending.) It takes the viewer much less time to conclude that Dexter is pretty much a self-absorbed jerk. Jim Sturgess barely manages to skate by the middle sections of the film on his innate likableness, but only barely. The film — and the fact that he looks increasingly battered — rectifies this, but a somewhat sour taste for the narcissistic, spoiled rich boy turned smarmy TV host remains. The worst of it, though, is the facile manner in which everything is tidied up through a single improbable conversation that I can’t reveal here. And then we have another case of a movie that seems to have not one ending, but a series of them. Any one would have been fine, but taken one after another, I ended up feeling like W.C. Fields being subjected to endless choruses of a song in The Old Fashioned Way (1934) — to a point where I nearly muttered, "Oh, you’re really finished this time" — which is not, I’m sure, what was intended. But don’t misunderstand, I did like the movie. I did admire the attempt at something different. And I do think it a shame that it will never have the time to find its audience in the way a limited release might have afforded it. Catch it while you can. Rated PG-13 for sexual content, partial nudity, some violence and substance abuse. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World JJJJJ
Director: Robert Rodriguez (Machete) Players: Jessica Alba, Jeremy Piven, Rowan Blanchard, Mason Cook, Joel McHale Family Action
Rated PG
The Story: A couple of kids must stop a supervillain from stopping time and ending the world in the bargain. The Lowdown: A rough-around-theedges — but worthy — successor to the first two Spy Kids films. If I were to list my favorite kids’ films of all time, the first two installments of Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids would be on there, no question. They’re smart — never pandering or talking down to the children they’re made for — and fun. It’s the kind of top-notch filmmaking you rarely find in family entertainment. Because of this high standard of quality, I’ve cut Rodriguez’s fourth film in the series, Spy Kids: All the Time in the World, a bit of slack.
This is a film with issues, but it still manages to fare better than Rodriguez’s last couple attempts at family entertainment. Like the last Rodriguez kid flick, Shorts (2009), there’s a definite feeling of cutting corners. It’s almost as if the money’s just not there, or Rodriguez — hearkening back to his guerrilla-filmmaking days — simply doesn’t find big-budget production values necessary. There’s a cheap feel to chunks of the film, and a shoddiness in the special effects that can be distracting at times. The novelty value of the original Spy Kids is gone, and the charm of the second film’s production design — mostly by the way of the faux-Harryhausen creatures that populated the film — is also missing. This doesn’t keep the film from getting a lot of things right, however. Since this is a Spy Kids film, it’s a movie that’s ultimately about family. In this case, we get Jessica Alba as Marissa, who is trying to win over her hard-sell stepkids Rebecca and Cecil (Rowan Blanchard and Mason Cook). But Marissa leads a double life as top-secret spy tasked with stopping a masked villain called The Timekeeper, who is out to end the world by stopping time. The film follows the basic outline of the original Spy Kids, as Rebecca and Cecil become Spy Kids and, of course, save the day. As a little adventure flick, this works fine. It also carries the usual energy of a Rodriguez picture — being fast moving and filled with clever bits of filmmaking. This fourth installment is ultimately about making the most of the time one has with their family. This isn’t exactly the most original concept ever committed to celluloid, especially in a cinematic world already peopled by workaholic parents, but Rodriguez’s handling of the concept is surprisingly fresh. By the time we get to our villain’s reason for his crimes — which turn out to be more than understandable, and fit right in with this theme — the film becomes somewhat touching and heartfelt. This doesn’t mean the film is a downer, either. The focus remains on the ‘tween action and adventure. And while it all doesn’t quite work — there is an excess of gross-out gags, for instance, something the Spy Kids series has always stayed away from in the past — it’s still a pretty neat movie. We also get an added gimmick in “Aromascope” — scratch-andsniff cards given out with the tickets — which is an novel idea, even though it’s never used in an effective manner. (Spoiler alert: The entire movie smells like cherries and cardboard.) With its wealth of human touches, this latest Spy Kids is a worthy successor to the first two installments. (Let’s just ignore Spy Kids 3D). There’s also enough fan service — including a good turn by original Spy Kids Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara — to be enjoyable for those who consider themselves fans of the series. Is it a great movie? No. But it’s certainly better — and more fun — than that Smurfs abomination. Rated PG for mild action and rude humor. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande
100% unheralded since 2002.
Sticking Up for the Common Millionaire
Local scenester declares spike in Montford assaults ‘played out’ Local thrash-metal band protests exclusion from Goombay lineup Blueberry season ‘not what it used to be,’ according to local elderberry Asheville Toastmaster delivers impassioned speech after daughter insists on breakfast bagel Man charged with ecstasy possession later found to also possess melancholy, regret, worry Coast Guard busts ‘cocaine submarine’ with 7.5-ton payload in Florida ‘Whippets zeppelin,’ meanwhile, crashes harmlessly into ocean
Study of film violence reveals graphic suicides 3x more prevalent than in 1950 Head researcher said to be extremely depressed by his study’s findings
Experts: Challenges await post-Gadhafi Libya, such as removing oily head-sized stains from Gadhafi’s pillowcases
Asheville topless protest at Vance Monument inspires random passer-by to become ‘ass man’ With the SlutWalk and GoTopless rallies behind us, what other rallies for important women’s issues are on Asheville’s horizon?
• Fight for Your Right to Wear Thongs • Women Kissing Strangers for Change • Pilates Bodies for Tibet and Stuff • Shamelessness on Parade for Better Facebook Profile Pictures • Women Far too Old to Creepily Dress like Schoolgirls Dressing like Schoolgirls for the Right to do so on Days other than Halloween • Freedom March for More Positive Ogling • Sacred Female Forms for YouTube Mockery •Unclear on Concept of what We’re Doing but Naked Nonetheless • Boners for the Indigent
• Let’s Activate Weird Dudes to Participate in our Rally under the Pretense of Supporting our Cause in Hopes of Banging a Female Protestor • Garter Belts to Support Stockings Against Sexual Harassment • Take Back the Night and Fill it with Writhing Lady Flesh • A Celebration of Healthy Buttocks for the Attention of Uptight Girls’ Boyfriends • Whores on all Fours for Slower Downtown Traffic
Dear Arnold,
I just found out I was pregnant. When does morning sickness start for women? — Anne
Dear Anne,
How the hell am I supposed to know? For men it starts right after being told they’re going to be a father. Symptoms include dizziness, vomiting, heavy drinking and the occasional disappearing for a few months and/or forever.
This Week in History By Martin Carruthers
August 24, 1989: They say it’s classy to order food for your date, but if I can’t pronounce it, tough nuts, Cheryl.
Tips for America, in light of degraded credit rating:
August 25, 1989: She had no response to my “A” material. Obvious lesbian.
• If you find yourself picking up some temp work alongside Mexico, Mexico will make you look lazy. • A quick look through any random ash tray will yield plenty of smokeable tobacco. Think of the money you’ll save on taxes alone! • Don’t dwell on the trillions of dollars you’ve blown over the years on propping up foreign dictators and domestic military contractors. Moving forward!
August 27, 1996: I offer a guy a lozenge and it turns out he’s speaking Hebrew. I guess that explains the crazy outfit, too.
• Don’t answer the phone if caller ID is blocked — that’s China calling about the money you owe!
• This is no time to rent-to-own a big-screen TV and matching lamp from Rent-a-Center.
• Not all the food stamps you’ve given away have been used. Get those back! No shame in eating.
• Cancel the cable or satellite channels you don’t watch, such as (clearly) The Learning Channel or the History Channel, CNBC, or CNNMoney.
• Most of Mississippi is a perfect place for yard sale.
Last week’s assertion that this week’s Asheville Disclaimer page would not utilize space-filling gimmicks was factually incorrect. The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire. Contact tomscheve@gmail.com Twitter: AVL_Disclaimer Contributing this week: Michele Scheve, Joe Shelton, Cary Goff, Tom Scheve.
mountainx.com • AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 73
marketplace realestate
Classified Advertising Sales Team: • Tim Navaille: 828-251-1333 ext.111, tnavaille@mountainx.com • Rick Goldstein: 828-251-1333 ext.123, rgoldstein@mountainx.com • Arenda Manning: 828-251-1333 ext. 138, amanning@mountainx.com
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The FAQs About Green Living
Homes For Sale “I WILL PAY UP TO $5000 TOWARDS YOUR CLOSING COSTS!” ...when I act as your Buyers agent. • Call Bill Byrne: (828) 242-4721. Landmark Realty. www.landmarkavl.com
The National Green Building Certification (NGBC) Program says there are more than 1,500 green-certified homes nationwide — and 415 of those are in North Carolina. According to a recent analysis by Quick Turn Appraisers in Raleigh, new homes that are green certified sell for more money (as much as 16 percent more) and sell sooner (61 days faster) than new homes that are not. Green building certification is not confined to new construction. If you are completing a renovation of a single- or multifamily building, and not constructing an addition that is more than 75 percent of the existing square footage, the NGBC Program could be a good fit for your project.
WNC Green Building Council www.wncgbc.com
Check it out on page 78 this week! To Advertise in this Section Call Rick at 828-458-9195 AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 •
$165,000 • 15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE • EAST 3BR, 2BA, Jacuzzi tub, all appliances plus dishwasher. • 2 car garage. • Private community. • Hardwood floors, carpet. • Deck, fenced backyard. Call 2159726.
1000’s OF ASHEVILLE HOMES! On our user friendly property search. New features include Google Mapping and Popular Neighborhood searches. Check it out at townandmountain.com • ROOFING & SIDING • WATERPROOFING
Real Estate
As energy bills rise, interest in green building continues to grow. Check out these facts we collected recently on the subject:
A unique and independent agency since 1979. Call us, 255-7530 or search area properties: appalachianrealty.com BERRY SWEET FARM ON THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL • One hour NW of Asheville. 10 acres with 3 sides National Forest. Spring fed pond and 2 sides trout stream. Farm house with covered porch and basement. Two tobacco barns, greenhouse and over 100 blueberry bushes. $200K. 1-770-833-2554.
CHARMING UPDATED 3BR, 2 BA • NORTH ASHEVILLE Walk to UNCA. Hardwood and slate floors, maple cabinets, new windows. 1000 sqft. High efficiency gas heat w/central air. WD, DW. Private setting with a covered deck and patio. Basement storage. • Don’t miss this fantastic deal: $149,900. • Two adjoining lots also available. Call Brady: (828) 712-3697. bradygrohne@yahoo.com
PARKWAY MOUNTAIN RETREAT Unique 10 acre tract in Great Balsam Mountains within Nantahala National Forest. Contains offgrid 3BR/3BA house with solar electric, LP heat & generator. Three miles below Blue Ridge Parkway, short walk to Mountains-to-Sea Trail. MLS#482011 828553-3197
Real Estate Services
3 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN CONDO Center of town w/beautiful views of Grove Park and mountains. $499,000. The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663. www.recenter.com
ATTENTION • IF YOU HAVE SOLD YOUR HOME And have taken back a mortgage, I will buy that mortgage for cash. (828) 777-6380. www.cscfunding.com
Home Services
BERRY SWEET FARM ON THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL • One hour NW of Asheville. 10 acres with 3 sides National Forest. Spring fed pond and 2 sides trout stream. Farm house with covered porch and basement. Two tobacco barns, greenhouse and over 100 blueberry bushes. $200K. 1-770-833-2554.
Land For Sale 110 ACRES • MADISON COUNTY Gorgeous old farm. • Price slashed from $715,000 to $385,000. Bottomland, creek, springs, wooded. • Owner financing with 1/3 down. • 35 minutess to Asheville. Bring all offers! (828) 206-0785. www.laurelriverrealty.com
Lawn & Garden EDIBLE LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSULTING Have an edible landscape designed and installed this fall. Call Gary at Earth & Spirit Design to get started. 828-581-9884 gary@ earthandspiritdesign.com earthandspiritdesign.com
Heating & Cooling MAYBERRY HEATING AND COOLING Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.
Plumbing PLUMBER 25+ years experience. Call Steve: 335-4005.
from $ϵϵŬ
RANCH STYLE ON 1.96 ACRES A unique property, a gorgeous Ranch Style home on 1.96 acres with handicap ramp to enclosed sunroom attached to house. $175K. 60 Adams Hill, Asheville, North Carolina 28806. betsygudger@gmail.com. 828-285-0508.
Condos For Sale
ϭϮϬͲϲϰϬ ƐƋ Ō͘ Ψϳ͘ϱͲϱϳŬ ͻ ŶĞƌŐLJ ĸĐŝĞŶƚ ͻ>Žǁ ŽƐƚ
Open House
Kitchen & Bath
FREE HOME WARRANTY W/HOME PURCHASE • Luxury homes • Eco-Green Homes • Condos • Foreclosures. (828) 215-9064. AshevilleNCRealty.com
ONE ACRE LOT Incredible mountain and valley views! Entrance driveway and well included. Landscaped, gently sloping level lot. Amazing sunsets. Close to Asheville. $99,500 828-683-1515. bobag@charter.net
ACCESSIBUILT RESIDENTIAL REMODELING Custom bath and shower/tub conversion for safety and accessibility. • 20 years experience. • insured. Reliable. • Free inspection/estimate. • Authorized Best Bath® dealer.(828) 283-2675. accessibuilt@bellsouth.net
FINE LINE PAINTING AND TRIM CARPENTRY Reliable and detail oriented. Local References and Insured. 20+ years experience serving homeowners and designers. Anthony Preston: (828) 367-1418.
COMPANION â&#x20AC;˘ CAREGIVER â&#x20AC;˘ LIVE-IN Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experienced. â&#x20AC;˘ CarePartners Hospice recommended. â&#x20AC;˘ Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. â&#x20AC;˘ References. â&#x20AC;˘ Arnold, (828) 273-2922.
General Services AN CRANN FURNITURE Custom Woodworking & Fine Furniture. For unique woodworking projects & handcrafted furniture. Contact Kevin on 828-318-4134, ancrannfurniture@ hotmail.com, www.facebook.com/ancrann furniture FINE FINISH PAINTING â&#x20AC;˘ Pressure washing, sheet rock repair, interior/exterior carpentry, wall paper. 828507-3585.
Handy Man APPLIANCE ZEN â&#x20AC;˘ The best choice for appliance repair in Asheville. With over 12 years in appliance repair. The choice is easy. Locally owned. Fast. Friendly. Honest. â&#x20AC;˘ All brands washers, dryers, refrigerator, dishwasher, and small appliances. â&#x20AC;˘ Licensed. Insured. Bonded. â&#x20AC;˘ Sabastian, 828-505-7670. www.appliancezen.com HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
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Computer CHRISTOPHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S COMPUTERS â&#x20AC;˘ Computer Slow? Call Christopherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Computers at 828-670-9800 and let us help you with PC and Macintosh issues: networking, virus/malware removal, tutoring, upgrades, custom-built new computers, etc. www.ChristophersComputers .com OAKLEY COMPUTER REPAIR All services $99 or less* Virus Removal, Slow computer tuneups, Upgrades, Wireless setups, System Backups, Laptop repair, more. 828-575-6845. http://www.oakleycomputer. com.
WORKSPACE FOR ARTISTS/CRAFTERS IN SALUDA, NC. Reasonable rates, creative atmoshpere. Available now. Call (828) 749-9718 for more information.
Commercial Listings
Rooms For Rent Commercial Property CENTRAL ASHEVILLE â&#x20AC;˘ RESIDENTIAL/B&B/OFFICE 3,500 sqft house, 3 level with basement. Mixed use, Historic District. $485,000, finance 30K. (828) 2599009, email sses98@msn.com
ARDEN â&#x20AC;˘ FULLY FURNISHED Private, peaceful, organic house and gardens. Close to everything! â&#x20AC;˘ No smoking/drugs. No lease. $390/month. 687-2390.
Apartments For Rent
COMMERCIAL DOWNTOWN CONDO Two Level commercial condo completely restored w/potential for residence or live/work. â&#x20AC;˘ Located across from Haywood Park Hotel and neighbors Malaprops. $535,000. The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663. www.recenter.com
1BR WEST ASHEVILLE â&#x20AC;˘ Water, garbage included on bus line. $569/month. Call 828-252-9882.
LEASE OR PURCHASE OFFICE BUILDING On Merrimon Avenue, 1 mile from downtown. Heated/cooled. Updated electric, plumbing. $2000/month or $300,000. The Real Estate Center. (828) 255-4663. www.recenter.com
2 GREAT DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS Live, work and play downtown! â&#x20AC;˘ Studio: $595/month. â&#x20AC;˘ 1 bedroom: $695 â&#x20AC;˘ 2 bedroom: $725/month. Call (828) 254-2229.
WALNUT STREET/DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE â&#x20AC;˘ Office suite with 1,081 sq. ft. Modern interior in a historic building. G/M Property Group. 828281-4024. jmenk@gmproperty.com
Commercial/Bus iness Rentals $300 AND UP/OFFICES AND SUITES AVAILABLE Utilities/Parking/Cleaninig included Lots of options! 200 Swannanoa River Road Drop Ins welcome Mon-Fri 9am 5pm 828-582-5397 or office@trilliumproperties.net RIVER ARTS DISTRICT â&#x20AC;˘ COMMERCIAL SPACE â&#x20AC;˘ LEASE PURCHASE Street level commercial/retail space w/ high ceilings. Stained concrete floors. â&#x20AC;˘ Buyer will be able to lock in the list price and receive 20% credit for all rent paid. Great way to grow equity. â&#x20AC;˘ 1st month rent and security is all that is needed. List price starting at $335,000 and $1795/month. Call The Real Estate Center (828) 255-4663. www.recenter.com SPACE FOR RENT â&#x20AC;˘ Near Samâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club (off Patton Ave.) in busy shopping center. 1,150 sq.ft. Suitable for office or retail. Call 828-231-6689.
1BR, 1BA EAST Quiet duplex on 1 acre. Mature setting with views. No smoking. â&#x20AC;˘ Pet considered. $610/month. Deposit. Lease. 230-2511.
BASEMENT EFFICIENCY â&#x20AC;˘ EAST ASHEVILLE $400/month, utilities included. â&#x20AC;˘ Free basic cable and internet. References required. (828) 273-5751. BEAUTIFUL RENOVATED 2 BR APT IN W. ASHEVILLE $825/month. Furnished or Empty Lower level Apt in West Asheville. 1100 sq. ft. 1 BR, 1 kids BR; BR area/kitchen, laundry, dinning, full bath/tub. Storage. No pets, Deposit, References. Going Fast! Call: Diane 828-779-8208 or Ron 777-3212. CHARMING BASEMENT EFFICIENCY Between downtown and UNCA- close walk to town and Greenlife. Gas heat. Lots of off-street parking. $495/month includes hot and cold water. Security deposit, yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lease, credit check and references req. 1 cat ok w/fee. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800.
FURNISHED EFFICIENCY APT. - BLACK MOUNTAIN Small Apartment, Black Mountain. Nice resident, in quiet neighborhood. 2 Room, 1 bath, only 1 mile from downtown. Furnished nicely. Not a full kitchen, (apt. size refrigerator, and microwave). Included are utilities, cable, heat and wireless. Separate entrance, no air conditioning, but comfortable summer and winter. Just a quiet place, and prefer quiet working adult. $450/month. Serious inquiries only. 828-4234952. Please call after 1 pm. NEAR HAW CREEK â&#x20AC;˘ 3BR, 2BA. 1,250 sq.ft. upstairs unit. Covered porch, 4 year old duplex. Modern, private, park-like setting. Available September 15th. $900/month. Sorry, no dogs. 828-299 7502. WEST ASHEVILLE â&#x20AC;˘ UNFURNISHED 4BR APT. Water, garbage included. On bus line, swimming pool on site. $769/month. Call 828252-9882. WEST ASHEVILLE 1BR $595 Completely renovated, New cabinets, Corian countertops, Microwave, Stove, Dishwasher, Garbage disposal, Washer-dryer hookups, Wall to wall carpet, AC, ample parking. Exercise room, pool. 1 month security deposit. (828) 337-7999. WEST-ACTON WOODS APTS â&#x20AC;˘ 2BR, 2BA, 1100 sq.ft. $800/month. Includes water and garbage pickup. Call 253-0758. Carver Realty.
jobs DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE â&#x20AC;˘ LEASE PURCHASE AVAILABLE 2BR, 2BA condo with two parking space, hardwood floors, granite countertops, parking and onsite fitness center, $1450/month includes water. Call The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663.
Homes For Rent ARDEN â&#x20AC;˘ ASHLEY WOODS South Asheville. 3BR, 2.5BA Ranch; 2 car garage; central air and gas heat; 1/2 acre; fenced rear yard w/2 patios; formal living/dining rooms; large eat-in kitchen/greatroom w/fireplace; laundry room: $1,950/month. Call Steve: (828) 333-2550 or carolinahomes88@gmail.c om BUNGALOW â&#x20AC;˘ FAIRVIEW 3BR, 1.5BA, family room. â&#x20AC;˘ Fairview Elementary/Reynolds. â&#x20AC;˘ Pets considered. Fenced yard. Quiet neighborhood. â&#x20AC;˘ References/security. $850/month. (828) 2981606.
GREAT RENTAL RIGHT OFF TOWN MOUNTAIN ROAD Furnished home in North Asheville, minutes from downtown. 3 BR/ 2.5 BA, hardwoods, central/air and heat, stainless steel appliances, garage, patio, washer/dryer, and fireplace. Call Black Bear Rentals, Inc today. Credit check and deposit required. www.blackbearwnc.com blackbearrentals@gmail.com 828-712-3075. Fax: 866 304-6066
Vacation Rentals BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN Sleeps 5, handicap accessible. Near Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC. (828) 231-4504 or 2771492. bennie14@bellsouth.net
Roommates ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www.Roommates.com. (AAN CAN) ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH MATURE roommate wanted for cozy, Candler condo with human and dog; near AB Tech campus; BR with spacious closet, private BA; W/D, D/W and Wifi, $500 incl utilities. Call 215-0813.
ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS Needed immediately for upcoming roles $150$300/day depending on job requirements. No experience, all looks. 1800-560-8672 A-109. For casting times/locations. (AAN CAN) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 50 yr old Distribution Company looking for online trainers. Flexible hours, work from home. www.2dreambigger.com hatchellburt@aol.com MANUFACTURING JOBS First and second shift. Call (980) 295-9104 or (704) 604-2587, between 12pm-5pm.
Short-Term Rentals
MECHANIC Diesel mechanic; part time; must have own tools and verifiable experience. Certifications a plus. Contact Howard at 912-663-8687 or howard@ graylineasheville.com
15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental. Newly renovated, complete with everything including cable and internet. Weaverville area. â&#x20AC;˘ No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@yahoo.com
$$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http://www.easyworkgreatpay.com (AAN CAN)
PAID IN ADVANCE â&#x20AC;˘ Make $1,000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.homemailerprogram.ne t (AAN CAN)
WONDERFUL RECENTLY RENOVATED EFFICIENCY APT â&#x20AC;˘ In historic Montford and only 3 blocks to downtown Asheville. All utilities are included with gas heat, ceiling fans, and pine hardwood floors. Tile floors in the bathroom. Lots of light and windows with off street parking. Located on the bus line and laundry facilities included in your rent. One year lease and credit check required. Pets are possible with ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval and pet deposit. $675./ month. For appt: Graham Investments 2536800
Condos/ Townhomes For Rent A BIG THANX! â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thanx Xpress! The recent rental ad attracted a steady stream of quality applicants, thanks to your quality publication.â&#x20AC;? Mark K. â&#x20AC;˘ You too can find quality renters by placing an affordable ad in the pages of Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace: 251-1333.
Girls: Unhappy with your love life? At work? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m there for you. Please visit:
Join me for conversation, commiseration, & perhaps a cocktail or 2.
â&#x20AC;˘ AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011
Skilled Labor/ Trades AUTO SHOP SUPERVISOR • Warren Wilson College is seeking a supervisor for the College’s Auto Shop. • The successful candidate will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of a rolling stock of vans, cars, tractors, trucks, and small engines owned and operated by the College. • The Supervisor will be expected to train, oversee and work with a student crew of 11+ traditional college-aged students. Superior safety, teaching, and organizational skills are very important. • The successful candidate will have an ASE certificate or five (5) years in a supervised auto shop setting with increasing responsibilities; and possess a current NC Driver’s license with a clean record. CDL or ability to obtain is preferred. Warren Wilson College is an equal opportunity employer committed to the diversity of its community. Please send cover letter, résumé, and contact information for three professional references by email to hr@warrenwilson.edu. Electronic applications are required. Review of applications will begin Monday, September 5, 2011. HIGH RISE WINDOW CLEANERS 1-800-926-2320 www.high-rise.net
Administrative/ Office ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION Local business needs mature professional for administrative duties and marketing including social networking. Mac and Microsoft office experience. 15+ hours/week to start. No smokers. Call Anne: (828) 230-5125.
PART-TIME ACCOUNTS PAYABLE COORDINATOR At Eagle’s Nest Foundation. BA/BS + 3 years AP and general accounting experience required. Proficient in Excel and accounting software, organized and detailoriented with excellent communication, interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skills. See full job description at www.enf.org/employment. Average 22-28 hrs/week. Competitive hourly rate. Send resume to hr@enf.org. EOE. enf.org. PART-TIME ADULT AND CULTURAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT POSITION AVAILABLE • At the Asheville Jewish Community Center to coordinate and provide support for cultural events and adult programs. Applicants should be organized and detailoriented with excellent communication, interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skills. Microsoft Office skills required. See full job description at www.jccasheville.org. RECEPTIONIST • OFFICE ASSISTANT For awesome integrative medicine practice. 30 plus/week. No phone calls. Emails only please: info@familytofamily.org
Sales/ Marketing SALES PROFESSIONALS Start a career in Executive Recruiting. • Training provided. • Office setting. • Commission driven. Draw possible. • 3 openings. Call today: (828) 277-6988. resumes@ thurmondco.com
Restaurant/ Food EXPERIENCED LINE COOK For casual fine dining. Great work environment. • Diverse, eclectic menu. • Grill and saute experience preferred. Apply in person, 2pm-4pm, MondaySaturday, 337 Merrimon Avenue, Weaverville. Stoney Knob Cafe. FULL-TIME SERVERS Weekends and holidays are required. Experienced only apply in person, MondaySaturday, 2pm-4pm: 337 Merrimon Avenue, Weaverville. Stoney Knob Cafe.
AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011 •
Hotel/ Hospitality INNKEEPER ASSISTANT • PT/FT. For upscale inn in Montford. We are looking for a mature professional who is personable and responsible. Duties include, but are not limited to, concierge service, guest contact, telephone, and other duties.. Hospitality and computer experience is necessary. Must be familiar with Asheville area and attractions. Afternoons/evenings. References and background check required. Please call 828-254-3878. Black Walnut Bed and Breakfast.
Human Services
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Haywood County: Registered Nurse (RN) Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT): Must have four years of psychiatric nursing experience. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@ meridianbhs.org Clinician Recovery Education Center Position available for a mental health/substance abuse clinician to work in an innovative recovery-oriented program in Haywood County. Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Katie Goetz, katie.goetz@meridianbhs.org Cherokee County: JJTC Team Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Vicki Sturtevant, vicki.sturtevant@ meridianbhs.org Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have a Master’s degree and be license-eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, ben.haffey@meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org
AFTER-SCHOOL GROUP LEADER NEEDED • Eliada Homes in West Asheville is hiring for an after-school group leader who can work afternoons (2:00-5:30, approx.) Monday - Friday. Must be able to pass preemployment drug screening and criminal background check. • Major Responsibilities: The group leader will be responsible for designing and implementing activity plans, keeping records, and caring for/supervising children in the classroom. Must first and foremost ensure that each child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs are met. This will include devising individual education plans for children with special needs. Group Leaders must also have clear and open communication with parents and supervisors. • Qualifications: Must have seven clock hours of school age program training (Eliada can arrange for BSAC training if not yet completed). Prefer someone 18 years of age or older with at least one year of experience and a minimum of 2 semester hours in child and youth development. Experience in a licensed school age program or camp setting a plus! • Please apply at www.eliada.org/employment by August 27th, 2011.
ATTENTION LPNs! • PRN jobs available with potential for full-time!! Description: Eliada Homes has served children and families in WNC since 1903. We need LPNs who believe in our mission: helping children succeed! • Guided by a belief in teamwork and excellence, our nursing staff ensures the best care for each student in our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTFs). • LPNs provide restrictive intervention monitoring and effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention procedures. • Other responsibilities: administering medication and implementing each student’s health plan. • Requirements: Valid NC LPN licensure and a desire to make a difference in children’s lives! Interested and qualified applicants please apply at www.eliada.org/employment
CARE PROVIDER • For handicapped child who is deaf with mild CT. $10/hour. 3-days peer week with respite. First Aid and CPR certification required + willingness to learn sign language. Please call 828254-2545. DAY TREATMENT QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS NEEDED IN HAYWOOD COUNTY to provide Day Treatment for children/adolescents. Must have Bachelor’s degree and experience dependant on degree. Email resume to Tracey Elliott at telliot@jcpsmail.org or fax to 828-586-6601.
FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Due to continuous growth in WNC, Families Together, Inc is now hiring licensed professionals and Qualified Professionals in Buncombe, McDowell, Madison, Rutherford, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties. • Qualified candidates will include • LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or LPCA’s and Bachelor’s and Master’s Qualified Professionals. • FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. • www.familiestogether.net • Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@ familiestogether.net
FULL TIME RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS NEEDED • Eliada has THREE openings for second shift Residential Counselors. • The Residential Counselors are responsible for implementing the Eliada Model and actively participates in all activities taking place in the cottage. • The RCs will also ensure a safe environment, efficiently complete required documentation, and be able to transport students as needed. • A Bachelor’s Degree in a Human Services field is preferred but will consider a combination of both education and experience with the population served. • Must possess a valid a North Carolina’s Driver’s License. Must be able to work in a high pressure, high stress environment. Interested and qualified applicants please apply at www.eliada.org/employment
HIRING ALL POSITIONS We are looking for highly qualified, motivated staff to join our team supporting young girls in a new Therapeutic Boarding School. Accepting resumes for all positions, Academic, Residential, Clinical, and Operations. To apply for open positions, submit your cover letter and resume to careers.glenwillow@ gmail.com. FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE • Seeks a licensed or provisionally licensed therapist for our adult and child population. We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package for the right credentialed, energetic team member. Please email resume and/or letter of interest to jdomansky@fpscorp.com. INTENSIVE IN-HOME STAFF NEEDED IN HAYWOOD COUNTY Team Leaders and Qualified Professionals needed for IIH teams in Haywood County to provide services to children/adolescents. Team leader must have provisional or therapy license. QP’s must have Bachelor’s degree plus experience dependant on degree. Email resume to Tracey Elliott at telliot@jcpsmail.org or fax to 828-586-6601. www.jacksoncountyps.org
MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF LOCAL YOUTH • If you are experienced in working with youth, particularly the mental health population, Eliada Homes could be a great fit! We are seeking a second shift Residential Counselor! • Must have a Bachelor’s Degree in a Human Services field or a High School Diploma/AA/GED plus one year of experience. • Must be able to pass drug and criminal check. Please apply at www.eliada.org/employment by August 27th, 2011.
Computer/ Technical
MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 6962667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo@thementornet work.com• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739. QP’S NEEDED TO WORK AT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL DAY TREATMENT PROGRAM IN JACKSON COUNTY Must have Bachelor’s degree in Human Services and 2yrs full-time, post-bachelor’s experience with children/adolescents with Mental health diagnoses or 4yrs post-degree experience if not a Human Service degree. Submit resume via email to telliot@jcpsmail.org or fax to 828-586-6601 QUALIFIED I/DD PROFESSIONAL With mental health experience for parttime NC START position in Southern Smoky Mountain area. Interested applicants should email resume to mkluttz@rhanet.org
THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES • Is seeking the following for Adult service lines: Certified Peer Support Specialist, LCSW, LCAS/CCS or CSAC, QDDP and an RN/QMHP. Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp.com.
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE • Seeks a licensed or provisionally licensed therapist for our adult and child population. We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package for the right credentialed, energetic team member. Please email resume and/or letter of interest to jdomansky@fpscorp.com.
DATA ANALYST POSITION AVAILABLE AT COMMUNITY CARE OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Community Care of Western North Carolina is looking for an individual with strong data management skills to fill a full-time Data Analyst position. The position is based at the main office in Asheville and will be responsible for manipulating and analyzing raw data received from community partners. This individual will also be responsible for creating a variety of reports. SQL, Crystal Reports, and Microsoft Excel and Access proficiency required. Ability to maneuver in SQL server environment and knowledge of T-SQL or a comparable version is preferred. Clinical background and SAS or other database experience desired. Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Information Management, Computer Information Systems, or Business degree with relevant coursework preferred. Please submit resume to Human Resources at hr@ccwnc.org or fax to 828-259-3875. FINANCIAL FREEDOM AND WORK/LIFE BALANCE FROM SOFTWARE RECRUITING • Core Search Group seeks passionate software engineering/IT recruiters to help us build world class teams. Base + commission and offices in Flatiron building. Help us continue to build a sustainable 11 year old company. davef@coresearchinc.com.
Teaching/ Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER To instruct one elementary student, 3 times/week, in a one-on-one setting. Will consider French, Spanish, or Italian, with preference given to the most qualified applicants. Must have a Masters in foreign language, teaching certification and/or experience teaching in an elementary setting. • Interested applicants should email to holli@spakerealestate.com
Announcements AAAA** Donation. Donate Your Car, Boat or Real Estate. IRS Tax Deductible. Free Pick-Up/Tow. Any Model/Condition. Help Under Privileged Children Outreach Center 1-800-419-7474. (AAN CAN)
Car/Truck. Running or Not!
Pets for Adoption
Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1888-420-3808. www.cashforcar.com PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-4136293. (AAN CAN)
#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE CENTER • 1224 Hendersonville Road. Asheville. $29/hour. • 15 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology. • Save money, call now! 505-7088. thecosmicgroove.com
Classes & Workshops
GESTALT THERAPY: AN INTENSIVE TRAINING PROGRAM Offered by the Appalachian Gestalt Training Institute (AGTI) in partnership with the Gentle Bio-Energetics Institute. • For professionals and nonprofessionals alike. • Enhance your existing therapy practice using Gestalt theory and techniques • Deepen personal growth, emphasizing whole personal awareness. • 3 overnight sessions • 5 Saturday sessions: September 2011-May 2012. • Locations: Black Mountain and Asheville, NC. • Cost: $995. • For more information regarding training or registration, please call: (828) 508-4539 or visit the AGTI website: www.agti.org INTRODUCTORY LATIN CLASSES FOR ADULTS • Taught by retired UNCA professor. One-hour long session per week. 12-week
CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR MASSAGE PROFESSIONALS Home of the $100.00 CE workshops (Up to 8 hrs). Grand Opening Sept 18th at noon. massageproce@gmail.com www.MassageProCE.com MASSAGE/MLD Therapeutic Massage. Manual Lymph Drainage. Lymphedema Treatment. $45/hour or sliding scale for financial hardship. 17+ years experience. 828-254-4110. NC License #146. www.uhealth.net
Natural Alternatives AFFORDABLE TAROT READINGS AND TAROT READING CLASSES Readings last 1 hour.I charge $10-$30 sliding scale. 10 years of experience. Classes offered as well. Email me: christine.zachary94@ gmail.com.
semester. Sept.-Dec. Cost per semester, $150.
Musicians’ Xchange
Mind, Body, Spirit
Musical Services ONE WORLD MEDIA STUDIO • Music and Video Production • In Studio • Live Venue • HD Video • HQ Audio. Call (828) 335-9316. On the web: 1worldmediastudio.com
WEEK IN ONE LOCATION. Christine’s Cardio Fitness.
Pet Xchange
Downtown Location. Zumba Fitness. Zumba Gold. Zumba Toning. christine@christinescardiofit ness.com 828-275-7144 www.christinescardiofitness. com
Annie is a very sweet 1 1/2 year old Beagle Mix. She loves to be the center of attention and gets along well with other dogs. Doesn’t this cutie deserve a loving forever home, how about YOU? Stop by Animal Compassion Network’s store for rescued pets, Pet Harmony located at 803 Fairview Street, Asheville, North Carolina 28803 to shop for all your pet supplies. PLEASE HELP ME AND ADOPT SUGAR Sugar is a 4 year old female Shepherd/Chow mix, who needs a loving home. Owner has developed a disability and is unable to provide the necessary walks and exercise. Sugar loves cats, kids and people. Small adoption fee. Please call 667-4150.
Bella is a one-year-old purebred German Shepherd. She’s a bit on the shy side but once she’s warmed up to you, she’s as sweet as they come! Stop by Animal Compassion Network’s store for rescued pets, Pet Harmony located at 803 Fairview Street, Asheville, North Carolina 28803 to shop for all your pet supplies.
by Brent Brown
Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 215-7232. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP FOR PETS • Free or low cost spay/neuter information and vouchers. 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month 123PM at Blue Ridge Mall, Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville (at the Kmart entrance). • 4th Saturday of each month 10AM - 2PM at Tractor Supply, Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. 828693-5172. R.E.A.C.H. Your Regional Emergency Animal Care Hospital. Open MondayFriday, 5pm-8am and 24 hours on Weekends and Holidays. • 677 Brevard Road. (828) 665-4399. www.reachvet.com
F[ji e\ j^[ M[[a Adopt a Friend • Save a Life T-BONE ID #13521966 Male/Neutered Boxer/Retreiver 1 Year, 7 Months VINNIE ID #13584028 Male Domestic Medium Hair/ Mix 3 Months POPPY ID #13697014 Female Carolina Dog/Mix 3 Months
Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here: www.lostpetswnc.org
7i^[l_bb[ >kcWd[ IeY_[jo 14 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville, NC 828-761-2001 • AshevilleHumane.org Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.
Vehicles For Sale
For Sale
Trucks/Vans/SUVs 2000 QX4 Infiniti SUV. All power. Excellent condition. $3,800. Call 215-9726.
Furniture MOVING SALE 828 2759841 bpike99@gmail.com
Automotive Services
WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-2756063 for appointment.
STORAGE BIN FOR KIDS • 8 Fabric Colored bins red, blue, yellow, green. Great for small toys, books, etc. $30. Call 337-2076.
Adult Services
Yard Sales
MOVING SALE • Bright yellow kayak-one seater/top seating; good for ocean surfing, adult Trek bike, black leather frame bed and box springs, Chinese side table, Tibetan chest, red leather chair, floor lamp, tall square zink bar table with black laquer legs, two white leather chairs. 10 month membership at Body Shop Fitness Center. Please call 828-318-3810.
destination for relaxation. Call for your appointment: (828) 275-4443. MEET HOT SINGLES! Chat live/Meet & Greet www.acmedating.com 18+ Call 828-333-7557.
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The New York Times Crossword When this puzzle is done, you will find that the ends of the answers to the five starred clues, when in the 15-/67-Across, HOME IMPROVEMENT ADS comprise a 1-/71-Across.
Across 38 A star may have 69 Dancerʼs strap? AT JUST a big one $35/WEEK! 70 Ring results, 1 [See blurb] briefly 39 *1951 6 Grows old Bogart/Hepburn 71 [See blurb] 10 “Easy to Be 13-Week Special! film Hard” musical 43 Suffix with front Down 14 Boxing locale Run any size 44 Weaver of tales ad1 and One of get three 15 [See blurb] on the big people walking screen 16 First word of the into a bar, in “Aeneid” 45 Warfare jokes land 17 Requested gift in 49 Limerickʼs on EVERY 2 ad! Go around “A Christmas 50 One-named 3 Safecrackers Story” female singer 4 “…Goldstein some kind of Contact Rick with the 2002 #1 18 From a distance ___?” 828-458-9195 or 828-251-1333 x123 hit “Foolish” 5 Loversʼ ___ 19 Shepherd who rgoldstein@mountainx.com 53 French dance co-wrote “A 6 Simileʼs center Christmas Story” 56 *Billy Crystalʼs 7 Faux pas “Memories of 20 *Midwest 8 “Kill ___” Me” co-star conference (Metallicaʼs 59 *Shooting star? triple-platinum 22 *Pancake 62 Kind of mail debut album) 24 “___ not my 63 Wander 9 One of the fault!” 65 Medicinal shrub highest order of 25 Long Island angels 66 When the nude university scene occurs in 10 Pilgrims to 27 Wait 10-Across Mecca 29 Show disdain 67 [See blurb] 11 Domain for, in a way 68 Hallʼs partner in 12 Computer that 33 Creatures pop music once came in Bondi Blue 13 Captain, for one ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 21 Low point H HT AT I P T I T A EN T R AA P BE RM AE SN 23 Greek symbol A AR GE NA O S E T X I EC C SR E HL AA LT TE for the golden ratio J LO AE DS Y I OX F PT AH CE KK N AI BG BH AT R RA ON S IC NO BM AE GT 26 Lucyʼs husband J EU RN OT SA and son MUUP D I S LD I I NE GT IA NR GY 27 Sheepʼs sound Y KA NM I S T P L I OC UK AE NR N 28 Like S E RX E I TT OR S A SM PH A S EB PE SE ON M Beethovenʼs G IE SN SU U I EN E J A TR I EO IL ND TI OE Symphony No. 8 G SL T I AN RT T R E BK O NA DS GI IA RN LS 30 Spotted U S K UN A I LC SK N SA PM OE TS 31 James who cowrote the script J RA UV CA TA I PO PN L EL TA SS for 39-Across I AD LE LC I L NA RE EG O H AT ZG EI SF 32 Playwrightʼs F KO NN OT T F CO OR FE FV EE ER TY AO LN KE prize G EE 33 Ear-related F ER AA GU L E E T A UL DE EV E OR NA M D 34 Prefix with -stat Y DE EL SP E RD T R L AS OE D MA ET OE W
Edited by Will Shortz No.0720 1
• Reach 70,000 24 Loyal Readers Every Week
21 25
828-458-9195 57
29 36
38 40
44 48
50 56
27 28 • Nearly 30,000 Issues 33 34 35 • Covering 730 Locations Throughout 39 Western NC
Reserve Your Space Today! 43
49 51
59 64
Puzzle by Peter A. Collins
35 It might make you sick 36 Former telecom giant 37 Bob of “Full House” 40 Waterwheel 41 “___ transtulit sustinet” (motto of Connecticut) 42 Coffee container
54 Dermatologistsʼ concerns 55 Dog restraint 56 Cracked 47 Pop a question 57 Time founder 48 Strong desire Henry 51 Actress Aimée of 58 Opposed to “La Dolce Vita” 60 “It ___ no 52 Mystery writer concern” Marsh 61 “Keep it ___” 53 Zulu, e.g. 64 Peaks: Abbr. 46 Shoot off the backboard successfully
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
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• AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2011