Mountain Xpress, September 26 2012

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September 26 - october 2, 2012 •


Fall Mums Bulbs Pansies

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No More Electric Bills.


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September 29 11– 5pm

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thisweek on the cover

p. 12 A grandiose adventure Whether you’re overweight or underweight, young or old, active or a couch potato, neither family history nor genetics necessarily play a role in or predict whether one will have Type 1 diabetes. Asheville’s SuzinBean Sweeney talks about her experience with the disease — and a children’s book she’s written about it.

6-7pm Lululemon Trunk Show

Cover design by John Zara Art by SuzinBean Sweeney

7pm Paleo Nutrition lecture


by Dan Stickler, M.D. of registration required

15 ASheville city council: “good fAith”

Members host water-system discussion with legislators

36 WellneSS: beAutiful mindS

Aurora envisions new dawn for artists in recovery


Introducing Asheville’s first paleo foods delivery service – RealFoods for Life

40 Sheen of the crime

Restaurants: Be on the lookout for grease bandits


48 SelfiShneSS hAS no integrity WhAtSoever

Buckminster Fuller and his cosmic vision star this month

51 SWediSh AmericAnA

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Folk singers and sisters First Aid Kit return to their favorite place in the U.S.

52 pASt fixAtionS

Asheville’s Old Flings revive ‘90s rock & failed relationships on their full-length debut

54 A mixture of light And dArk

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Ian Anderson wants the Jethro Tull riffraff to stay home




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September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

5 7 11 16 20 22 30 31 34 35 42 46 55 58 64 68 70 71

letterS cArtoon: molton opinion neWSWire Reports from the Web community cAlendAr conSciouS pArty Benefits mountAin bizWorkS buSineSS blotter Open+close ASheville diSclAimer neWS of the Weird SmAll biteS Local food news breWS neWS WNC beer scene SmArt betS What to do, who to see clublAnd crAnky hAnke Movie reviews clASSifiedS freeWill AStrology ny timeS croSSWord

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letters FiFty shades oF healthy sex This letter is in response to the “Edgy Mama” piece about the book Fifty Shades of Grey [“Fifty Shades of Abuse,” Sept. 12 Xpress]. I absolutely agree with her assertion that the writing is not great (nor even good), and the premise of a young virgin becoming overwhelmingly sexual during her first sexual rodeo is complete fantasy. However, I want to address the topic of power and sexuality that is presented in the book and in the article. Much of our American culture and, indeed, our evolution is based upon who has power, who gives power and how that power is negotiated. In unhealthy power relationships, there is no negotiation. One person assumes control and the other person cedes it based on fear of the consequences. Yet, in healthy sexual relationships, power can become another mode of play, conversation and intimacy. Some healthy sexual relationships do not use power games as an erotic accessory but, in my experience, most of us have some sort of erotic stimulus associated with power. Healthy power negotiation involves a clear and ongoing discussion between partners of who likes what sexual (and sometimes non-sexual) activities, how does each person get their needs and desires met, what are the boundaries and how do the people involved agree to cease if boundaries are crossed. Abuse happens when there is disrespect, intentional boundary violations and lack of care about how the other person is feeling about the experience. I, too, want my children to understand what healthy relationships look like. Yet, as a profes-

The most effortless meditation practice is also the most effective. effective.

sional sex educator and sex coach, I know that healthy relationships can look different from the inside (which is the place where it really matters) than they appear to the casual outside observer. If anyone has feelings of disempowerment that are not being addressed in their relationship, that can lead to abuse. But consensual power playing — including physical discipline, costuming, performing of tasks, and sexual engagement — is not abuse. In healthy BDSM relationships, the lines of communication and negotiation are always open because the partners care about each other and themselves enough to be open and honest about their needs and desires, even if it's not an easy talk to have. — DiAnna Ritola Asheville

MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken hanke ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Jon Elliston, Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara

Free Introductory Talks Thurs Sept 27 & Oct 4 • 6:30

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Why edgy MaMa pisses Me oFF When I read the Feb. 14 “Edgy Mama” column, “Thoughts on My Divorce," it sounded like complete fabrication, or at least like a glossed-over, broad-stroked portrayal of a "good divorce." It was nearly as poorly thought out as her Sept. 12 piece about Fifty Shades of Grey. There's little that Glenn mentioned in that book (which indeed does sound like tripe) that couldn't be surpassed by a deconstruction of the Bible, with its incest, murder, sodomy, beheadings and crucifixion. Shall I keep that book out of my kids' lives too? To answer myself I'd say: "Arguably, yes, but I bet I can't." letterS continue

staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell FOOD WRITER: Emily Patrick


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Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Foothills Conservancy of NC • Land Trust for the Little Tennessee • Conservation Trust for NC SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan hutchinson RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: Russ Keith h, Tim Navaille hh, John Varner hh MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Emily Terry CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Ronnie Edwards, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Russ Keith, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment

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September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Mary Ann & Tom love their VW.

For other Molton cartoons, visit WWW.Mountainx.coM/cartoons

Don't get me wrong — I don't completely disagree with Glenn's intention, but (and this is why I mentioned her divorce article) I think we women have to consider the fact that we've removed fatherly sexual advice from the picture through prevalent divorce and willful singleparenthood. I recently read the following, as a letter to our 15-year-old daughter from my divorced-cum-estranged husband: “As you approach the advent of adulthood, I need to tell you this, and it's gonna be awkward to write, and surely as awkward to read: Sexuality and actual sexual behavior are on the horizon for you, and you need to know that that's powerful stuff … . You need to take ownership of your sexuality and know that nobody can share that with you without your consent. “In the future (please … the distant future), I hope that you enjoy great sex with the right partner at the right time, and only your purest heart-of-hearts can determine whom or when that is. Don't rush it; don't try to score any points or try to keep up with whomever you think is cool or mature. “It's your mind, your body and your spirit that's involved, and any prick who would distort facts or use arbitrary circumstance to persuade you into anything physical before you're ready, well, all you gotta do is call me, and I'd be happy to clearly explain the matter of my daughter's virtue to him. Remember, you're my hero.” — Mary Quinn Asheville

are greenWays really green? Recent news has featured a debate over Asheville's ambitious greenway plan, consisting of extensive construction along area waterways. The debate has focused primarily on individual landowners' rights versus public domain. But this misses the point.

The position of [city] Parks and Recreation [staff], and of the environmental consultants whom they use, seems to be largely that a "greenway" is manicured grass and sidewalk similar to what one would see in an urban park. Taking this insensitive and heavy-handed approach to the few remaining patches of riverine forest here will result in the disappearance of birds, animals and even butterflies from those areas. It will increase erosion, degrade water quality and be bad for fish and amphibians. It will greatly detract from the outdoor experience that many of us outdoor enthusiasts, from hikers to cyclists to paddlers to fishermen, come here to enjoy. It will afflict Asheville with the same generic sameness that already poisons large areas of the country due to urban sprawl. It will waste money. Who needs greenways like this? Just increase sidewalk construction along our city streets. And leave the rivers alone, if you can't design truly environmentally friendly trails and paths. — Richard Lind Asheville

noW is the tiMe For reneWables I play in and around the French Broad River: rafting, tubing, hiking, gardening and partying. The French Broad is beautiful and brings people to enjoy our community. I am concerned that this important river is being contaminated slowly, daily and quietly by coal-ash ponds that leak poisons like arsenic, chromium and mercury into the groundwater I would like to see our government leaders enforce the responsible containment of toxic coal ash and protect our water. However, this is just one step in a much grander scheme. We need to move beyond the combustion of coal and towards renewable options. Instead of dumping 100 million tons of toxic ash into our neighborhoods each year, why

We’ve never had so much fun buying a car! Harmony Motors had exactly what we wanted – a 2013 Jetta Sportwagen TDI. Their staff of professionals treated us with every imaginable courtesy. After we went over the options and took a test drive, we were able to trade in our old car in a pleasant, unrushed environment. For a couple of old goats like us, we’ve purchased a lot of cars and when it’s time for our next vehicle, we will definitely be back to Harmony Motors! It was a joy working with them! Mary Ann Smiley & Tom Ezell Waynesville, NC

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not take steps to move towards our renewable energy sources? Renewable energy creates new jobs and will provide our children with a future that includes clean air and water. — Barbara Sloss Asheville

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September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

What makes Asheville a destination tourists want to visit (and spend their hard-earned dollars)? My guess is, visitors want to come here to experience the surrounding mountain beauty, in a town that also has a good dose of history attached to it. They like Asheville's earthy quality and laid-back vibe. It seems, too, that a certain era or period in time is being presented to them as they stroll around town. They come away with the feeling that Asheville really has character — a soul to it. When people walk around town, they notice that many of the buildings are “decked out” in art-deco detail. It's not just the beauty of the Grove Arcade or S&W Building they recognize, but even their favorite restaurant, shop or art studio seems to be housed in that same design quality (from that era). Asheville City Council recently voted (4-2) to approve the sale of the controversial Haywood Street property to the McKibbon Hotel Group. This is the very same McKibbon Hotel Group (curious, no?) that is putting the finishing touches on the Aloft Hotel (also downtown, on Biltmore Avenue), which with a “contempo” design is, to my eyes, indeed incongruous. As long as Asheville depends on tourism, we do indeed need hotels. They just don't all have to be located downtown and, just as important, those that are downtown (and the big companies building them) should respect the style of what makes Asheville Asheville. There will be no park located at this area across from the the Basilica of St. Lawrence. Evidently the Catholic Church didn't have quite the same clout as McKibbon with its bid to acquire the property. We now all have to live with Council's decision. Remember to vote in the next election(s). This is about the future of Downtown Asheville and having a good plan. Let us all hope that the McKibbon Hotel Group honors their plans and builds a structure that respects Asheville's architecture (unlike the Aloft Hotel) and that Council holds them to it. — Brad Dawson Asheville

elect pat cothran, the experienced candidate When Drew Reisinger was appointed to fulfill Otto DeBruhl’s unexpired term, the March 3 Mountain Xpress article, “A Done Deed,” reported on the Democratic Party’s choice: “The committee — made up of Buncombe County precinct chairs and vice chairs, Democratic elected officials and other party leaders — chose Reisinger, a 27-year-old party activist. … But though Reisinger was unemployed at the time of the vote, he and his allies stressed his years of experience as a political organizer. He recently managed Patsy Keever's successful Statehouse campaign and worked to elect Asheville City

Council member Gordon Smith, U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler and President Barack Obama. ‘It's a fantastic opportunity for me and my wife,’ Reisinger gushed after winning the job.” Let’s see … a 27-year-old unemployed party activist/political organizer/campaign worker, who sees his appointment as a fantastic opportunity for him and his wife, was appointed as our register of deeds. Going from $0 to $78,497 in six days surely is fantastic. Add the commissioners' gift of immediate health-insurance coverage by waiving the six-month waiting period, a benefit worth more than $6,500, and no wonder Reisinger gushed about that fantastic opportunity for him and his wife. Voters, elect a truly qualified, educated and experienced candidate: Pat Cothran. — William R. Teague Leicester

patsy keever Will not abandon us It’s a sobering thought: If I live long enough to need nursing-home care, I will probably need Medicaid. I hope not, of course. I have been fortunate to have worked all my life and to earn enough to save for retirement. I have never needed any public assistance except for a FEMA loan for flood damage. But my retirement funds will run out in a few years. Then I will sell the house and manage for several more years on my own. And if I am lucky, I will die before I need Medicaid. But if I live on, maybe into my 80s or 90s, what then? Well, if Congressman Patrick McHenry and his fellow tea party Republicans have anything to say about it, I won’t even have the modest income I am receiving from Social Security. Medicare, which doesn’t cover nursing-home care anyway, will be dismantled. Folks like me — you know, middle-class baby boomers who have been contributing to Social Security and Medicare all their lives — will be at the mercy of a system that provides tax cuts for the rich and minimal services to the poor. Patrick McHenry has voted to cut Medicaid by a third. My first concern is for the poor children and families who are hurt by cuts to health services. And since I visit people in nursing homes who depend on Medicaid because their retirement funds have been depleted, I am concerned about them. Looking to the future, I am also concerned for people like myself whose resources will simply run out before they reach the age of 80. Maybe they were counting on selling their home, but its market value is not enough to support them. Maybe they were hoping their children would support them, but a few months of unemployment have set the kids back indefinitely. Patsy Keever will not abandon any of us. Thank goodness we have the choice of electing someone to the 10th Congressional District who truly puts people first. Patsy will watch out for the interests of kids, middle-class families and seniors. Oh, she won’t abandon the rich, mind you. That’s because she will represent all the people of our district. — Sarah York Fairview


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LEFT: FARAWAY FIELD, Red, Brown, or Flint Suede, or Beeswax Leather, SIZES M 6-10, 11 CENTER: HEATH WREN, Taupe Distressed Suede or Brown Oily Leather, SIZES: M 8½-12, 13 RIGHT: MULLEN SPICE, Brown or Black Leather, SIZES: M 6-10

TOPS is open Sundays in October, 1-5 pm 27 North Lexington Avenue, Downtown Asheville Open Monday-Saturday 10 am - 6 pm FREE PARKING IN CITY DECK ON RANKIN • September 26 - october 2, 2012 9

10 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

opinion this side oF paradise Wnc and the lure oF craFts soMe iMportant bits in the history oF this Multibillion-dollar industry happened right here in Western north carolina, so it’s Fitting that this year’s aMerican craFt Week kicks oFF in asheville.

by Jan davidson

talking craFt Jan Davidson will kick off this year’s American Craft Week with a keynote speech, “David Rakoff’s Paradise and Other Craft Places,” Friday, Oct. 5, at 6 p.m. in the Haywood Park Hotel Atrium. To learn more about local Craft Week events, go to

Murphy native Jan Davidson is the director of the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, N.C.

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Today, more than 50 million Americans make crafts; more than 5 million of them earn money at it. In the process, they buy $20 billion worth of supplies each year. Meanwhile, fairs and festivals (whose big three attractions are music, food and, yep, crafts) invigorate the life of towns large and small. Some important bits in the history of this multibillion-dollar industry — such as the founding of the John C. Campbell Folk School, the Southern Highland Craft Guild and the Penland School of Crafts — happened right here in Western North Carolina, so it’s fitting that this year’s American Craft Week kicks off in Asheville Oct. 5. The occasion offers a chance to shine a light on this essential but somewhat hidden sector of the economy, where “made in USA” never went out of style. I'll be presenting the keynote speech, “David Rakoff's Paradise and Other Craft Places,” at the Haywood Park Hotel (see box, “Talking Craft”). Why am I talking about Rakoff? Could it be because he was today’s typical Appalachian craftsman: Canadian, Jewish and gay? Rakoff, who died in August, was a storyteller on public radio's This American Life. An actor too, he played the Gore Vidal character in Capote; he also played the lead and adapted the screenplay for The New Tenants, which won the Oscar for best live-action short film of 2010. Rakoff published three best-selling collections of essays: Fraud, Don't Get Too Comfortable and Half Empty, which won him the 2011 Thurber Prize for American Humor, the genre’s highest honor. A few years ago, The New York Times Magazine assigned David to do a story on our school. When we found out he was coming to Brasstown, we were scared to death. What if he didn't like us? He was known as sardonic, cynical, sarcastic, a

touchy social critic of great wit who surveyed the world and found hilarious dissatisfactions everywhere. A quick check of his accomplishments revealed that he’d: destroyed any mystique the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld might have had; savaged Barbara Bush for her Iraq War comment that nobody wants to hear about body bags; and pegged William F. Buckley as courtly and possessed of a beautiful vocabulary but, alas, a Nazi. Rakoff had done numbers on Martha Stewart, Fashion Week and the Omega Institute in satire that didn't just bite, it chewed up and spat out. And at the folk school — so sincere, so earnest, presenting such a juicy target for this man’s rapier wit — we waited in trepidation, knowing he wouldn't hesitate to take on sacred cows and wasn't afraid to speak truth to hipness, having once informed Jack Kerouac’s ghost that what he needed was a damned good editor. Rakoff came to Brasstown, went to work weaving baskets, and wasn’t seen for a week. His article dutifully acknowledged the excellence of the scenery, the food, the dances, the concerts, the camaraderie, but he was clearly a straight-ahead seeker of "flow." Rakoff loved making things so much that he ended up serving on the folk school’s board of directors. Like so many craftspeople who wouldn't call themselves professionals and never sold a piece, he did something else to earn a living but lived most intently in a parallel universe where he was making things — and giving most of them away to the people he loved. Rakoff made crafts almost every day of his life, and for him, those were the best times. In contrast, writing was an exhausting task that only got harder the more he produced. Rakoff’s article on the folk school ended with these words: "The time I spent there is as close as it gets to my idea of Paradise." Flow is what made Brasstown Rakoff’s paradise, “that time out of time when one is engaged in making something. There is not sleep enough in the world that is nearly so restorative,” he wrote. “I have never met an artist or serious craftsperson who doesn’t understand and seek out this feeling.” David joined many others not so famously neurotic and pessimistic who have also found their thrill, their joy and their flow in Western North Carolina’s incomparable craft scene. X

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236 Charlotte Street • • September 26 - october 2, 2012 11

A grAnDiose

ADVentUre Asheville author explores life with type 1diabetes

By cAitlin ByrD suzinBean sweeney spies

a familiar fear in her patient’s eyes as the little girl shifts uncomfortably in her chair. It’s the same look a 12-year-old Sweeney wore herself back in 1984, after she ate some cookie dough and wound up in a Florida hospital. “You just wait till that insulin gets in you — you’re going to feel so much better,” promises Sweeney. She’s speaking not just as a phlebotomist at Mission Health, where she zeroes in on veins, takes blood and administers shots, but as someone who lives with Type 1 diabetes. “I just want them to feel cool and know they’re tough,” says Sweeney. To that end, she recently wrote and illustrated a children’s book about what it means to live with the chronic disease. The Grandiose Adventures of Suzi B & Spot tells the story of 10-year-old Suzi B, newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and her pug, Spot. What began as a 20-page story and a series of journal illustrations, Sweeney explains, soon grew into a 60-page children's book as the author tried to cover the entire journey from symptoms to diagnosis and acceptance of the disease. That more comprehensive approach

Based on a true story: Just like her title character in The Grandiose Adventures of Suzi B and Spot, local author SuzinBean also has a gray pug (named LilianPetunia, not Spot) and Type 1 diabetes. Photo by Max Cooper was essential, she maintains, because “Diabetes doesn’t care who you are."

oUt of BAlAnce

“i JUst WAnt KiDs to feel cool AnD KnoW they’re toUgh.” AUthor sUZinBeAn sWeeney 12 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

It doesn’t matter if you’re overweight or underweight, young or old, active or a couch potato. And neither family history nor genetics necessarily plays a role in or predicts whether someone will have Type 1 diabetes, which accounts for roughly 5 percent of all diabetes cases in the United States, the American Diabetes Association reports. The cause is unknown, though people do inherit risk factors. "Diabetes is the body's inability to metabolize sugars normally," says Dr. stephen Weinrib, an Asheville endocrinologist. But the two main

forms of the disease, he continues, are fundamentally different. "In Type 1, the body just doesn't make insulin; in Type 2, the body makes insulin, but it can't overcome the insulin resistance or inefficiency the body has in handling glucose," he says. In the human body, glucose and insulin work in tandem to keep sugar levels stable and the body functioning. Glucose comes from food; the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone responsible for delivering the glucose. In a normally functioning body, insulin enables glucose to enter cells, giving various organs the energy they need to work. But in diabetes cases, that sugar simply stays in the blood, causing glucose deprivation that damages organs. To counteract the deficiency,

people with Type 1 diabetes must periodically administer insulin throughout the day.

Don’t expect perfection Pointing to an illustration of her curly-haired heroine giving herself her first insulin shot at the doctor's office, Sweeney says that tracking sugar levels and maintaining awareness must be "constant — you cannot let up for any second of the day." The author learned that lesson the hard way four years ago. She was driving to Knoxville to visit her family when she felt a “sugar low.” That meant she had too much insulin in her blood and not enough sugar. Thinking she could make it to Newport, Tenn., Sweeney continued driving the winding stretch of Interstate 40 near the Pigeon River Gorge. But then things began to get hazy. "I heard the rumble, and my windshield was crushed in," she recalls. At the time, she thought a rock had fallen on her car. But as she found out later, "I had gotten up to about 50 mph and flipped my Jeep Cherokee sideways one time.” At Mission Hospital, a doctor showed Sweeney the X-ray revealing a severely compromised spinal column. Then he gave her more bad news. "He said there was a 50-50 chance that I would walk again," says Sweeney. After a pause, she adds, "But here I am." Since then, Sweeney has tried to be more careful about checking her sugar levels and taking her insulin. Still, she doesn’t claim to be "a perfect diabetic," and according to Weinrib, who is Sweeney's endocrinologist, there's no such thing. "It’s a tough disease, and I try not to talk about good and bad days,” notes Weinrib, who edited Sweeney’s book for medical accuracy. “Instead, with my patients, I like to talk about 'more desirable' and 'less desirable.' You don’t expect perfection.” That lesson, stresses Sweeney, is an important one for people newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. It's one of the reasons she’s recently gotten involved with a new diabetes group in Asheville.

Dispelling the myths When Jackie steward’s son, Michael, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, she knew things would be different, but she didn’t realize how discouraging it could be. “There are so many days when this disease knocks you off your feet and you feel powerless. No matter how many times my son checks his blood-sugar levels and takes his insulin, there's always that unpredictable element," she explains. "Surprises happen, whether it's sugar levels being surprisingly high or low. You can feel like you were making the best effort, doing everything the books say, and you still don't get the results you think you deserve. It's this feeling that you are not in control — [the disease] is in control.” At a regional diabetes conference two years ago, Steward spoke with the director of the Charlotte Chapter of JDRF, a New York-based nonprofit that funds diabetes research. The encounter inspired Steward to establish a JDRF presence in Asheville.

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With help from the Charlotte office, Steward held the first gathering at her home last fall; people from 10 other families attended. Today, the local database includes about 105 families, she reports. The group, says Steward, brings together families dealing with the disease and helps kids and teens connect with other "T1Ds." On Oct. 7, the Asheville group will hold its first fundraising walk (see box, “Walking for the Cause”). But these walks aren't just about raising money for Type 1 diabetes research, notes Kelly vasta , development manager for JDRF's Greater Western Carolinas Chapter. "We don't charge a registration fee,” she explains. “Obviously we encourage fundraising, but we really believe in getting the message out about Type 1 diabetes. It helps to dispel the myths. Type 1 is not the same as Type 2; the person with Type 1 diabetes didn’t get it because they ate too many cookies."

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14 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Groups and events like these can be invaluable, especially for kids, notes Weinrib. “There’s a certain emotional burden that comes with getting diabetes early in life," he says. "And what happens when you go to the doctor? You walk in, they put you on the scale, tell you you’ve gained too much weight, or you haven’t gained enough. They tell you you’re not checking your sugars enough and you’re not being a healthy eater, but you’re just being a normal kid eater." It's a burden that Sweeney remembers all too well. "When I was first diagnosed, I thought it meant 'No sugar. No sugar. Eat this. Do that.' All of it felt very regimented. I felt like they stole everything delicious, and it made me angry," she recalls. In her book, all those feelings are part of Suzi B's journey toward acceptance. In many ways, Suzi B is Sweeney. Both have a pug, curly red hair and rectangular glasses. More importantly, says Sweeney, they have the same quirky imagination and spunk. "I tell kids that this is my story, but I had to change it a little bit," she reveals. There's no mention of the car wreck four years ago, for example. And in place of Suzi’s bracelet, Sweeney sports a tattoo on her right wrist: the word “diabetic” arcing over the medical symbol for the disease. Nearly two years in the making, Sweeney’s

book has been accepted by local publisher Grateful Steps. The nonprofit, which solicits donations to cover printing costs, hopes to release The Grandiose Adventures of Suzi B & Spot next month (see box, “Walking for the Cause”). Sweeney hopes her book will make more people aware of the disease — and more kids feel good about themselves. "When I introduce myself, I say, 'Hi, my name is SuzinBean Sweeney; I'm creative, cute and sweet.' It would be so cool if kids could do that, too, and just let people know they have diabetes," she observes. “This disease is a really important piece of these kids — and of me.” X Caitlin Byrd can be reached at cbyrd@mountainx. com, or at 251-1333, ext. 140.

WAlKing for the cAUse On Sunday, Oct. 7, JDRF will hold its first Asheville Walk to Cure Diabetes. Registration will begin at 1 p.m.; the walk starts at 2 p.m. For more information, call Jackie Steward at 273-6304. The Grateful Steps Foundation is still accepting donations to help cover the printing costs for The Grandiose Adventures of Suzi B & Spot; for details, call the foundation at 277-0998, or email

news x government

council holds “good-Faith”

Water discussion With legislators by nelda holder Only two state lawmakers attended a Sept. 18 meeting that the Asheville City Council had scheduled specifically to dialogue with the local legislative delegation. The topic was the proposed merger of Asheville's water system with the Buncombe County Metropolitan Sewerage District, and despite the lawmakers’ meager turnout, those present did manage to get a few things off their chests. Reps. Chuck McGrady of Hendersonville and susan Fisher of Asheville sat down with six of the seven Council members in the U.S. Cellular Center’s banquet hall (Marc Hunt had a scheduling conflict). They discussed the city’s efforts toward a merger, as recommended by a legislative study report released in April. That study, from a committee headed by Buncombe County Rep. Tim Moffitt (also absent due to a conflict), declared the benefits of combining the two entities "undeniable." The committee recommended that the 2013 General Assembly mandate consolidation — unless the city and MSD were engaged in "good-faith negotiations on this matter." Since then, Council has undertaken a series of moves, which Water Resources Director steve shoaf outlined at the meeting. They include: taking steps to clarify the Asheville watershed’s 1996 conservation easement (which the report also called for), establishing a financial analysis group to review the merger’s impact, and conducting an evaluation/methodology study to provide models for asset value and governance. The city has hired a consultant to interface with MSD’s rate-impact study and to post all pertinent data concerning the proposed merger on the city government website at ashevillenc. gov/projects. So on Sept. 18, the question of the day was whether those efforts were sufficient to demonstrate good-faith negotiations and perhaps forestall a state-mandated merger. "The next General Assembly," noted McGrady, "is going to be a new General

“perhaps this is the bill beFore the storM. perhaps We can eFFect a regulatory systeM at a tiMe When there is nothing driving it.” state rep. chuck Mcgrady Assembly." Accordingly, he explained, it can revisit the logic and economic impact of consolidation and make its own decision. If the studies now being undertaken by the city and MSD conflict with the study committee's recommendation, he said, a future bill would presumably address that. McGrady added that he "didn't introduce the bill originally" and didn't intend to introduce a follow-up, though he might co-sponsor a bill he found acceptable. "It almost sounds like it doesn't matter how much good faith there is — there will still be a bill introduced," commented Fisher. "Yeah, I would suspect — if only a placeholder," McGrady agreed. "If the citizens say no?" queried Mayor Terry Bellamy, referring to the planned Nov. 6 referendum on the potential sale or lease of the water system. "I personally question the whole referendum, but that's your call," said McGrady. "These are difficult issues with a lot of history to them." Referencing that troubled history, Council member Chris Pelly noted that MSD itself had been created by merging various failing sewer systems. Considering the water system’s current status, he asked McGrady, “Where is the same need?”


"In recent history, the management of the water system by the city is generally positive," McGrady replied. "But it wasn't very long ago when that was not the case. Perhaps this is the bill before the storm. Perhaps we can effect a regulatory system at a time when there is nothing driving it." "The things that we're being penalized for are things that have happened in the past," said Bellamy. "To me, that's over. We've made investments, stopped leaks, [developed] a [capital-improvements plan] — I just don't understand how the things of the past affect the future when we've done everything right." Fisher thanked the city for its transparency in those efforts and complimented MSD for

setting a "really good example. When you have problems there, you go after them. I look forward to hearing more as the study goes forward," she concluded. Upcoming markers along the good-faith trail include an Oct. 16 City Council work session to review internal financial and governance models; the Nov. 6 referendum (in which only city residents can vote); and the results of both MSD's rate-impact study (due in November) and another study concerning possible mergers with other public water systems in the area (expected in January). X Contributing Editor Nelda Holder can be reached at

coMMissioners: house calls In the wake of marathon meetings concerning contentious personnel issues and an ambitious greenways plan, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners held a much shorter and calmer Sept. 18 session. The commissioners unanimously approved re-assessing property values a year before state law requires the county to do so. The vote was a technicality, since the board had approved the plan Aug. 7 on a 4-1 vote with Commissioner holly Jones opposed. Jones had feared the move would increase the tax burden for poor and working-class residents. But on Sept. 18, she supported the plan, saying her concerns about equity could be addressed when the board sets the property-tax rate for the 2013-14 fiscal year, which begins next July 1. Those taxes will be due Sept. 1, 2013. The county will notify residents of their property’s current value in January, Tax Director gary roberts explained, and the commissioners can take that information into account when determining the tax rate. Roberts had requested the move because of major changes in the real estate market since the last valuation in 2006. State law requires a revaluation at least once every eight years. Due to the market fluctuations, noted board Chair david gantt, “We just don’t know what the results of the revaluation will be.” Vice Chair Bill Stanley was absent due to travel. Two county employees also missed the meeting due to illness: County Manager Wanda greene and a staffer who’d planned to update the commissioners on the “Know Your Numbers Incentive.” The program offers county employees paid time off in exchange for improving basic health indicators such as blood pressure and cholesterol level; the presentation will be rescheduled, said Gantt. — Jake Frankel



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news x web-news

MoFFitt tWeet sparks controversy


On the evening of Sept. 19, Rep. Tim Moffitt's Twitter account sent out a controversial message that the state legislator says was the work of a hacker. Usually used to tout events, endorsements and other campaign news, the @TimMoffitt Twitter handle declared: "They should lock up all the gays on their own island. Except for the lesbians. Y'all can have them!" (See the screen shot at right.)

Local physicians Brian lewis and Chad Krisel of Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville are on a mission to jump-start health-care reform here in Asheville. To that end, the two will make a free presentation at Jubilee Community Church Sept. 30, offering their take on the current health-care system and what it will take to create change. “Most people feel overwhelmed, confused and disempowered by the politics and cost of the current medical system,” says Lewis. “By explaining simple principles of our current system and how it developed, we will demonstrate how sustainable health care can begin at home, and how we have much more influence than we may have realized.”

The tweet was deleted a few minutes later, but not before it caught the attention of many of the Buncombe County Republican's then-379 Twitter followers. "Please accept my apologies," Moffitt tweeted in response to questions concerning the message. "My account has been hacked once again." In a followup tweet, he wrote, "Appropriate security measures will be taken." The freshman legislator’s Twitter account has seen other snafus recently. Several weeks ago, his account sent out an out-of-character message advertising jewelry, which he blamed on hacking. And last month, he inadvertently sent out what was meant to be a private message to his son, creating some confusion. At a forum the next day, Moffitt explained what had happened and subsequently posted the video to his Facebook site (see avl. mx/kl). At the time, Moffitt said he and his sons administered his Twitter account. In the wake of the Sept. 19 incident, Moffitt implied that the tweet was the result of efforts by his political enemies to discredit him. "In regards to my Twitter account being hacked and used without my authorization once again, it's just the nature of politics in Buncombe County," the candidate, who’s seeking re-election in Statehouse District 116 in November, told Xpress. "Being a conservative in Buncombe County is not the easiest task that anyone running for office could have. But in regards to the hacking itself, I don't sell purses, I don't sell jewelry, nor do I make derogatory social comments with my Twitter handle." Since then, however, speculation has run rampant on Twitter over who might have been responsible for the

local doctors Work to change the systeM

Mockingbird? Rep. Tim Moffitt’s Twitter account sent out a controversial message on Sept. 19; he says his account was hacked.

occupy this soapbox: Local author/activist Milton Byrd took the soapbox during Occupy Asheville’s Sept. 17 marking of the one-year anniversary of such protests around the country. Photo by Max Cooper

offensive message and what specific steps might be taken to beef up cyber security and avoid a repeat. Moffitt declined to answer any further questions concerning the matter. However, Moffitt later emailed Xpress a follow-up statement: “I have filed the appropriate reports with the appropriate agnecies and leave the matter in their capable hands. My focus is squarely on the issues facing the people of my district. ...”

16 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Meanwhile, Moffitt's Democratic opponent, Jane Whilden, said she had no idea who might've been behind the incident. "I had nothing to do with it. I don't know how to tweet, and I don't want to," she said, noting that her campaign manager administers her Twitter account. "I'm a face-to-face person." As for the message itself, she continued, "It was inappropriate, it was horrible, it was wrong." — Jake Frankel

Chronic diseases and end-of-life care, he notes, consume huge amounts of money. “We just can't do it as a country and have a viable economy,” says Lewis. “We are moving fast toward a brick wall.” The presentation and discussion will focus on how we, as individuals and as a community, can work together to create change at the local level.“The solutions are known, so the question becomes why aren't we doing it?” continues Lewis, asserting, “A grassroots approach is essential.” Representatives from various local sustainability initiatives will also be on hand. Lewis and Krisel say they hope attendees will come away feeling empowered to create change within the system. “To really heal health care, we are going to have to heal culture,” Lewis declares. “And it's going to have to start one community at a time.” The free presentation, co-sponsored by Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville and the Jubilee Wellness Team, will be at Jubilee Church (46 Wall St. in Asheville) Sunday, Sept. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. Email for more information or visit integrativeasheville. com/grassrootshealthcare. — Jill WinsbyFein

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election 2012

caMpaign calendar voter information: If you need information about voting (precinct, district, polling place), you may call the Buncombe County Board of Elections at 250-4200, or access it through the North Carolina State Board of Elections’ website (ncsbe. gov) or Buncombe’s ( registration: The registration deadline for voting is Friday, Oct. 12, at 5 p.m., unless you use the One-Stop Voting service, which allows you to register and vote in one stop (see below). one-stop and early voting: Thursday, Oct. 18, to Saturday, Nov. 3 (1 p.m.). Call 250-4200 for Buncombe County one-stop locations closest to you, or go to For earlyvoting info, go to and click on the PDF file. absentee voting: Absentee ballot requests are due Tuesday, Oct. 30, unless you are sick or incapacitated. Ballots are due back at Board of Elections on Monday, Nov. 5. For more information, call 250-4200 or go to the Buncombe BOE website for more information ( Military and overseas absentee voting: Ballots are due by close of polls on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m.); voters may alternatively use a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). For more information, call 250-4200 or go to the state website: election day: Tuesday, Nov. 6 — all precincts open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. To find your precinct location, call 250-4200 or go to

saturday, 9/29 Meet & Greet for County Commissioner carol peterson at the Barnardsville Fire Department, 2-4 p.m. Open to the public.

co-sponsored by 570 WWNC and 880, Mountain Xpress and The Urban News.

Monday, 10/1 League of Women Voters Forum for and Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, District 1 — holly Jones and brownie newman, Democrats; don guge, Republican. Includes meet-and-greet with N.C. legislative candidate for District 114, susan Fisher (unopposed). Lord Auditorium at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood Street, 6:30-8 p.m. Moderated by Jerri Jameson, news director for Clear Channel Asheville; co-sponsored by 570 WWNC and 880, Mountain Xpress and The Urban News. Monday, 10/8 So You Think You Can Dance? david gantt for Chairman Meet & Greet with Asheville dance stars from Tango Asheville. At the historic Chiles House in Kenilworth, 21 Chiles St., 6-7:30 p.m. Free and open to the public; information at 423-6476. Monday, 10/8 League of Women Voters Forum for District 2, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners (ellen Frost, Mike Fryar, christina Merrill, Republicans; ellen Frost, carol peterson, Democrats), and District 115, N.C. House of Representatives (nathan ramsey, Republican; susan Wilson, Democrat), 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain. Moderated by Jerri Jameson, news director for Clear Channel Asheville;

tuesday, 10/9 Democrats on the Move Rally, 6-8 p.m., Lake Tomahawk Park, Black Mountain. Program features BBQ and Bluegrass with short speeches from statewide and local Democratic candidates. tuesday, 10/9 Buncombe County Board of Commissioners forum, 5:308 p.m., hosted at the Phil Mechanic Studios. Candidates are invited to bring a piece of art that is meaningful to them to talk about with the audience, in addition to a Q&A forum. 109 Roberts St., River Arts District. thursday, 10/11 Campaign Appreciation Event for carol peterson, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, hosted by John Young at Weaverville Town Hall. Free event; hot dog dinner included; 5:30-8 p.m. Monday, 10/15 League of Women Voters Forum for District 3, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners (terry van duyn, Michelle pace Wood, Democrats; Joe belcher, david king, Republicans) and District 116, N.C. House of Representatives (Jane Whilden, Democrat; tim Moffitt, Republican), 6:30-8:30 p.m., Skyland Volunteer Fire Department, 9 Miller Road (where Long Shoals meets Hendersonville Road). Moderated by Jerri Jameson, news director for Clear Channel Asheville; co-sponsored by 570 WWNC and 880, Mountain Xpress and The Urban News.

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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists Calendar for September 26 oCtober 4, 2012

works also on display. Info & map: www.

UnleSS otherwiSe Stated, eventS take plaCe in aSheville, and phone nUmberS are in the 828 area Code.

310 art gallery 191 Lyman St., #310. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., noon-4pm or by appointment. Info: or 776-2716. • Through SU (9/30) - Differences, paintings by Janis P. Rose.

day-by-day Calendar iS online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx. com/events. weekday abbreviationS: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

aniMals aSheville pet oUtreaCh • Asheville Pet Outreach Program seeks a lead volunteer coordinator. Responsibilities include door-to-door outreach, data collection, community partnerships, events and more. Two Saturdays per month required. Non-paid position. Info and resume: • Outreach Volunteers are also needed to engage in door-to-door outreach in underserved communities. Info and application: brother wolf animal reSCUe • Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, 31 Glendale Ave., seeks foster homes and volunteers for its no-kill shelter. Volunteers for the Second Chances Thrift Store also needed. Foster: foster@bwar. org or 273-1428. Volunteer: volunteer@ or 423-2954. pet planning workShop • WE (9/26), 6-7:30pm - A workshop to plan pet care following the death or illness of an owner will be offered at the Brother Wolf Animal Rescue Re-Tail Store, 38 Glendale Ave. Free. Info and registration: or 669-0375. team eCCo Center for oCean awareneSS 511 Main St., Hendersonville. $3 admission fee, unless otherwise noted. www. or 692-8386. • WE (9/26), 3:30-5pm - A presentation on sea stars, for ages 6-10. $8 donation. • FR (9/28), 4pm - TankTalk, a program about sea stars. Free with admission.

art exhibit: beSt of wnC artiStS 2012 (pd.) Mon-Sat. 11am-4pm. Includes 2D and 3D work, runs thru Sept 29 at Riverside Studios in River Arts District, 174 W. Haywood Street. Resident artists'

ameriCan folk art and framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through WE (10/10) - Transitions, works by self-taught Southern artists. appalaChian State UniverSity 423 West King St., Boone. Info: www. or 262-3017. • Through SA (2/9) - Spaces of the Brain, works by Jedrzej Stepak, will be on display in the Mezzanine Gallery. • Through SA (11/24) - Roadside Attraction, works by Karen Bondarchuk, will be on display in Gallery B. --- At a Glance, works by Curt Brill, will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • Through SA (10/27) - My Second World: Contemporary Painting from the Private Collection of Christopher Sztyber, will be on display in the Main Gallery. • Through SA (12/1) - Forever Protected, paintings for the Blue Ridge Conservancy by Gayle Stott Lowry, will be on display in the Community Gallery. • Through SA (11/10) - ArtJam: 6 Artists, 6 Media, featuring Virgina-based artists, will be on display in Gallery A. art at brevard College Exhibits are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 884-8188. • Through SA (9/29) - Friend Among Strangers, a multimedia exhibit by Sophia Allison, will be on display in the Spiers Gallery.

Migration and mobility: America’s earliest immigrants traveled thousands of miles to become U.S. citizens. The Smithsonian Institution’s exhibition, Journey Stories, tells their tales through photographs, audio and artifacts. The exhibit will be on display in Western Carolina University’s Mountain Heritage Center from Saturday, Sept. 29 through Friday, Nov. 9. (pg. 24) Courtesy of the Library of Congress

art at eClipSe Salon 16 Wall St. Info: 285-0019. • Through MO (10/1) - Escape, terrariums and oil paintings by Rikki Leigh and Tristan Hertz, owners of TreesanArt Productions.

Through TU (10/23) - Annual Invitational Art Exhibition will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery.

art at UnCa Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • Through FR (10/26) - Lia Cook: Bridge 11 will be on display at UNCA's Center for Craft, Creativity and Design, 1181 Broyles Road, Hendersonville. • Through FR (9/28) - Horizons: Past and Present, photography by Jon Michael Riley, will be on display in Ramsey Library. • Through TU (10/23) - The annual Art Front Exhibit, featuring works in various media by members of UNCA's student art organization, will be on display at the Highsmith Gallery

aSheville art mUSeUm Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www. or 253-3227. • Through SU (11/25) - High, Low and In Between. Artist Mel Chin extracted images from 25 volumes of Funk and Wagnall’s 1953 encyclopedia and edited them as collages freed of their historical context. On display in the museum's East Wing, main level.

20 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

• Through SU (9/30) - Fiore/Drawing, a survey of drawings by Joseph A. Fiore dating from the early '50s at Black Mountain College through his late years in New York and Maine. • Through SU (1/6) - Art/Sewn, "works of art in which sewing is integral to the making and viewing experience." • 1st WEDNESDAYS - The Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square, offers free museum admission after 3pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Info: www. or 253-3227.

Biltmore Park, 43 Town Square Blvd. Info: 231-5355. bella viSta art gallery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 768-0246. • Through SU (9/30) - Works by Nicora Gangi, Shellie Lewis Dambax and Rex Reed. blaCk moUntain Center for the artS

aUStin ShearS

Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black

• Through WE (10/17) - Geometric drawings by Austin Shears will be presented by Who Knows Art in the Hilton Asheville

Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 669-0930.

• Through FR (10/12) - David Young and Julia Burr: Streaming, photography and sculpture sponsored by WildSouth. blaCk moUntain College mUSeUm + artS Center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Tues. & Wed., noon4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www. or 350-8484. • FR (9/28) through SU (9/30) ReVIEWING Black Mountain College 4 will focus on Buckminster Fuller's legacy with presentations from scholars, practitioners and artists including a presentation by Jason McLennan, founder of the Living Building Challenge, $50/$15 members/UNCA students free. A free

Design Science Day will be held at UNCA Sept. 29.

Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: www. or

• Through SU (11/4) - Works by Jenny Buckner.

brag on avery • Through TH (9/27) - The Blue Ridge Fine Arts Guild will host an exhibition of the art of Avery County, featuring more than 25 local artists, at Canon Memorial Hospital's Dickson Gallery, 434 Hospital Drive, Linville. Info:

loCal SCUlptUre ShowCaSe • DAILY - A showcase of local sculptors, including Scott Freeland, Peter Dallos, Martin Webster and others, will be on display indefinitely at the Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain. Free to view. Info: or 669-8870.

SkyUka fine art 133 N. Trade St., Tryon. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and by appointment. Info: or 817-3783. • SA (9/29) through WE (10/31) - Recent work by Richard Christian Nelson. • SA (9/29), 5-8pm - Opening reception.

brevard foUrth friday • 4th FRIDAYS, 5-9pm - Brevard's Fourth Friday Gallery Walk will feature extended gallery and business hours throughout town. Info: or 884-2787.

fUSion art Show • Through SA (10/6) - Fusion Art Show, presented by the Tryon Painters and Sculptors group. Held at TAC, 373 Harmon Field Road, Tryon. Info: 8598392. hand hooked rUg exhibit • WE (10/3), noon-7pm - The Pearl McGown Teachers’ Workshop presents an exhibit of handhooked rugs, wall hangings, pillows, tote bags and more at the Lutheridge Conference Center, 2511

pUSh Skate Shop & gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: www.pushtoyproject. com or 225-5509. • Through SU (9/30) - PUSH Tunisia, a film and art mashup featuring artists from Tunisia, the United States and the Middle East. rena rUark lindStrom • Through SU (10/7) - Let Color Be Itself, an installation by painter Rena Ruark Lindstrom, will be on display at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road. Info: 6067597 or SCUlptUre for the garden • Through MO (12/31) - Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: Seven SiSterS gallery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.sevensistersgallery. com or 669-5107.



folk art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: www. or 298-7928. • Through TU (10/30) - Works by Elizabeth Garlington (fiber) and Drew Langsner (wood). • Through SU (1/6) - Black and White III, works by members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild.

pUmp gallery 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: • Through TU (10/2) - Close Quarters, new works by lingerie designer Elise Olson.

tranSylvania CommUnity artS CoUnCil Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. • Through FR (10/5) - Invitational Show. tryon gallery trot • SA (9/29), 5-8pm - The Tryon Gallery Trot will feature local music, a "rolling art exhibit" car show and 13 participating businesses. Free. Info:








tryon painterS and SCUlptorS • SA (9/29) through SU (11/11) - The Tryon Painters and Sculptors juried art show will be on display at 26 Maple St., Tryon. Info: • SA (9/29), 5-8pm - Opening reception and awards ceremony. vadim bora retroSpeCtive • FR (9/28) through TH (11/30) - A retrospective of sculptor and painter Vadim Bora will be on display in Warren Wilson College’s Elizabeth Holden Gallery. Mon.Fri., 9:30am-4pm; Sun., 1-4pm and by appointment. Info: www.warren-wilson. edu or 771-3038. • FR (9/28), 6-9pm - Opening reception. Zapow! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs., noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm; Sun. 1-6pm. Info: www. or 575-2024. • Through SU (9/30) - Cryptozoology, art on the theme of legendary animals such as Sasquatch.

le 2 8 Sa er On b s em et pt ck Se Ti y, a id

flood gallery The Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: www. or 254-2166. • Through TU (10/2) - Beneath the Skin… an Extension of my DNA, an installation by Jan Parker.

politiCal rhetoriC • Through TH (9/27) - Political Rhetoric: The Awful Truth in Black and White, photography by Joel Vannfuller, will be on display at 5 Walnut Gallery, 5 Walnut St. Info: or 253-2593.




CrimSon laUrel gallery 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville. April-Dec.: Tues.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun. & Mon., noon-5pm. Info: 688-3599 or www. • Through SU (9/30) - Soda-fired porcelain by Lorna Meaden. • Through SU (9/30) - Keeping the Faith, figurative ceramic sculptures by Becky Gray.

pink dog Creative A multi-use arts space located at 342 Depot St. Info: www.pinkdog-creative. com. • Through SA (12/15) - Watershed: The French Broad River, photographs by Jeff Rich, will be on display Tues.-Sun., 11am-6pm.

Swannanoa valley fine artS leagUe Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 West State St., Black Mountain. Info: or • TH (9/27) through WE (10/31) - Autumn Inspirations, an all media show highlighting the fall season. • FR (9/28), 5-7pm - Opening reception.



CaStell photography 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon-6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: or 255-1188. • Through SA (10/6) - SHIFT, works by Fred Cray, Sharon Haper, Anne Arden McDonald and Lisa M. Robinson.

old toolS and blUe ridge pottery • WEDNESDAYS through SATURDAYS until (10/27), 10am-4pm - The Blue Ridge Art Guild and Yancey History Association present a double exhibition in the historic McElroy House, 11 Academy St., Burnsville. Old tools and Blue Ridge pottery will be featured alongside BRAG artist paintings. $3/members free. Info:

StUdio b A framing studio and art gallery at 171 Weaverville Highway, Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5:30pm and Sat. 10am3pm. Info: or 225-5200. • TH (10/4) through SA (11/10) Along the Way, paintings by Brennen McElhaney. •TH (10/4), 5:30-7:30pm - Opening reception.


Caldwell artS CoUnCil Located at 601 College Ave., Lenoir. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9am-5pm and Sat. by appointment. Info: 754-2486 or www. • Through SU (9/30) - Friends, an exhibit featuring the work of jewelry sculptor Bob Ebendorf, his students and friends. • Through SU (9/30) - The Art In Healing Gallery will feature works by members of the Foothills Visual Artists Guild.

matthew Zedler • FR (9/28) through SU (9/30) - Works by Matthew Zedler will be on display at Van Dyke Jewelry and Fine Craft, 29 Biltmore Ave. Info: or 281-4044. • FR (9/28), 5-8pm - Opening reception.




Visit or call 1-800-745-3000 to purchase tickets.

art/craFt Fairs aSheville QUilt Show • FR (9/28) through SU (9/30) - The 30th annual Asheville Quilt Show will be held at the WNC Agricultural Center's Expo Building, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher, featuring more the 275 quilts from all over the country, prizes, vendors,

Show(s) subject to change or cancellation. Must be 21 years of age or older and possess a valid photo ID to enter casino floor and to gamble. Know When To Stop Before You Start.® Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-522-4700. An Enterprise of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation. ©2012, Caesars License Company, LLC. • September 26 - october 2, 2012 21


fun fundraisers

a feather of peace What: Raise Your Hand Benefit Auction, to support the Western North Carolina AIDS Project. Where: DoubleTree Hotel Biltmore, 115 Hendersonville Road. When: Saturday, Sept. 29, 6 p.m. $125. Advanced tickets required; no tickets will be sold at the door. Info: or 252-7489. Why: WNCAP is once again throwing its Raise Your Hand auction, an evening of food, fine wine and exquisite local art. This year's signature piece, titled "Aflight," is an image of a delicate feather floating on a black background, achieved by Mitchell Lonas' incised painted aluminum technique. Lonas, a longtime supporter of WNCAP, says that "Aflight" is more than just beautiful art. "For anyone living with HIV/AIDS, I wish them a feeling of peace, peace as represented by a floating feather,” explains Lonas. If a sun-drenched trip to an Italian villa is more to your liking, the auction will feature a two-week stay in the heart of Italy's wine country. The only thing that could make either item more enticing is knowing that the proceeds support WNCAP's efforts to provide HIV-related services through prevention education, client support and outreach activities. Other popular WNCAP events include its yearly Dining Out for Life fundraiser, World AIDS Day activities and an HIV/AIDS Awareness Walk. The organization invites everyone to bid on some of the region's finest art, antiquities and wine, while joining forces with some of the area's most altruistic citizens.

"Aflight” by Mitchell Lonas is the signature piece for this year’s Raise Your Hand Auction, to benefit WNCAP. Photo by Michelle Miller

a silent auction, quilts for sale and more. Fri. & Sat., 9am-5pm; Sun. 10am-5pm. $6. Info: JCC Craft fair • SU (9/30), 10am-4pm - The Asheville Jewish Community Center will host a craft fair featuring local vendors at 236 Charlotte St. Free. Info: www.jcc-asheville. org or 253-0701. pariS of the SoUth flea market • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 8am-3pm - Paris of the South flea market features antiques, local food and music at 175 Clingman Ave. Free to attend. Info: www.

auditions & call to artists

accepted through oct. 1. Info: www.

provided. Info: s/7BGV5TN or

missions accepted. Info and guidelines:

blUe ridge holiday market

handmade holiday • Through (9/30) - Submissions will be accepted from local artists for Handmade Holiday, a special exhibition at Desert Moon Designs Studios and Galleries, through Sept. 30. Exhibition runs Nov. 1 through Jan. 5. Application and guidelines: www.desertmoondesigns-studios. com.

the liveS of animalS • TH (9/27) & FR (9/28), 6-8pm - Anam Cara Theater Company will hold auditions for The Lives of Animals, a devised performance piece (ensemble-created) inspired by the book by J.M. Coetzee. Appointment required: 252-2505, or

mini-grantS for yoUth groUpS • Through FR (10/5) - The N.C. Youth Advisory Council of the Youth Advocacy and Involvement Office will accept applications for mini-grants through oct. 5. Applications are available to youth groups associated with nonprofits or governmental agencies to conduct community projects. Info and application: (919) 807-4400 or

yoUtheatre YouTheatre is the youth company of Flat Rock Playhouse. Performances and auditions are held at the YouTheatre Education Center, 1855 Little River Road, Flat Rock. or 693-3517. • SA (9/29), 1-5pm - Actors ages 8-adult are invited to audition for I Never Saw Another Butterfly.

• Through FR (11/9) - Applications from local vendors will be accepted by Blue Ridge Community College's holiday market through nov. 9. Info: brholidaymarket or 694-4747. daydreamZ proJeCt • Through MO (10/1) - The Daydreamz Project, a non-profit organization that promotes healing of domestic violence, sexual assault and dating abuse, seeks survivors, family and friends to participate in the Ripples of Hope campaign. Anonymous submissions of poetry, prose and art of any kind will be displayed in various venues in Henderson County during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Submissions accepted through oct. 1. Info: 476-4231. fiCtion ConteSt

aSheville CommUnity theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: or 2541320. • WE (9/26), 6-8pm - Auditions for Inspecting Carol. aSheville holiday parade • Through MO (10/1) - Applications for the Asheville Holiday Parade will be

• Through TH (11/1) - The Fountainhead Bookstore will accept submissions for its Family Gatherings fiction contest through nov. 1. Info: www.fountainhead or 697-1870. firSt lego leagUe JUdgeS • Volunteer judges are sought for the FIRST LEGO League Regional Qualifying Tournament, to be held Nov. 3. No technical background required; training

parkway playhoUSe 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville. Info: or 682-4285. • SA (9/29), 3pm & SU (9/30), 6pm - Auditions for A Christmas Carol. Performers ages 15 and under on Sat.; 16 and up on Sun. SCriptfeSt • Through SU (9/30) - Playwrights are invited to submit new full-length plays to SART's ScriptFEST through Sept. 30. Scripts must be mailed; no email sub-

22 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

beneFits beyond the Shoe box • TH (10/4), 7pm - "Beyond the Shoe Box," to benefit operation Christmas Child, will feature music, videos and spiritual impact stories. Free. Held at Beverly Hills Baptist Church, 777 Tunnel Road. Info: 299-7400. CoatS for kidS • Through SU (9/30) - Coats for kids of Jackson County will accept children's fall and winter items in good-condition,

along with new socks and underwear through Sept. 30. Drop-off locations include Cullowhee United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church of Sylva, Walmart of Sylva and Pathways Thrift Store. Info and addresses: CooperriiS • SA (9/29), 7pm - A one-woman show titled Oldest Living Confederate Widow: Her Confession will benefit Cooperriis, a healing farm community for those with mental illness and emotional distress. The evening will include a presentation by the author, food from Tupelo Honey Cafe and an art show. Held at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave. $50 for food and backstage event/$25 general admission. Info: or CUlinary Carnival • FR (9/28), 6pm - A Culinary Carnival, to benefit march of dimes, will feature food from 12 regional chefs and a silent auction. Cocktail attire. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. $100. Info: epiC tempeh reUben Challenge • SU (9/30), 2-6pm - The Epic Tempeh Reuben Challenge, to benefit manna foodbank, will bring together local chefs to create sandwiches out of Smiling Hara Tempeh. Held at Asheville Music Hall, 31

Patton Ave. $15/$12 in advance. Info: faShion Show benefit • TH (10/4), 3-5pm - A fashion show will be held in the Haywood Park Hotel atrium to benefit asheville greenworks and friends of pritchard park. Light refreshments included. Tickets available at the LaZoom ticket window on Battery Park Avenue. $25. Info: mrsmawest@ or 242-545. fieldS of hope freedom rUn • SA (9/29), 6pm - The Fields of Hope Freedom Run will depart from Patton Park in Hendersonville. One-mile Family Fun Run/Walk begins at 6:10pm. Proceeds benefit fields of hope, a nonprofit that empowers survivors of sextrafficking with professional training and job-skills. The evening will include awards, a silent auction and a concert. $30/$20 in advance. Info and registration: www. fUrry friendS benefit baSh • TH (10/4), 6pm - The Furry Friends Benefit Bash, to benefit the Sarge’s animal rescue foundation, will feature dinner, live and silent auctions and a cash bar. Held at Cork and Cleaver in the Waynesville Inn, 176 Country Club Drive. $50. Info: merCy golf ClaSSiC • FR (9/28), 10am-3pm - The Mercy Golf Classic, to benefit Sisters of mercy Urgent Care, will include a BBQ lunch.

Held at Etowah Valley Country Club, 470 Brickyard Road, Etowah. $100. Info: no kid hUngry • Through SU (9/30) - Mellow Mushroom, 50 Broadway St., will donate a portion of proceeds to Share our Strength’s no kid hungry Campaign. Restaurant prices vary. Info: or rUn for yoUr art • SA (9/29), 10am - Run for your Art 5K, to benefit black mountain Center for the arts, will conclude with a BBQ lunch. Departs from Black Mountain Recreation Park, Blue Ridge Road and Recreation Park Drive. $20. Info: or 669-0930. rUn/walk for aUtiSm • SA (9/29), 9am - The WNC Run/Walk for Autism, to benefit the autism Society of north Carolina, will depart from UNCA's Highsmith Union Building. $25. Info: or 236-1547. SingerS of the ‘70S featUring Condom CoUtUre • TU (10/2), 7-9:30pm - "Singers of the ‘70s Featuring Condom Couture," to benefit planned parenthood, will feature the music of Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Carly Simon and Roberta Flack performed by local singers and the Asheville All Star Band. Condom Couture, clothes made from hundreds of condoms by local designers, will be presented in a fashion show. Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $20/$15 in advance. Info: www.pphsinc. org/cart. SoCkS and SUndrieS drive • Project Connect will host a "socks and sundries" drive to benefit asheville's homeless population. Donations of socks, toothbrushes, razors, hygienic products and winter clothes will be accepted at 14 locations throughout Asheville. Info and locations: 515-1668. trivia pawSUit • SA (9/29), 4-7pm - Trivia Pawsuit, presented by Patton Avenue Pet Company, will benefit brother wolf animal rescue. Held at Altamont Brewing Company, 1042 Haywood Road. $5. Info: www.

business & technology aaaC artiSt'S CUrriCUlUm inStrUCtorS • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks instructors for its Artist's Curriculum program to provide business management training for creative professionals. Topics include financial management, software, business planning, graphic production, marketing, etc. Interested instructors are invited to apply: appalaChian women entrepreneUrS • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Meet other female arts/crafts/food/beauty-based business owners at HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Childcare

available for $10 with RSVP: ymorris@ breC breakthroUgh Challenge • Through SU (9/30) - Entrepreneurs with new or existing business ideas may apply for AdvantageWest's Blue Ridge Entrepreneurial Council's BREC Breakthrough Challenge. Winners receive mentoring and possible funding. Free. Info: or 687-7234. moUntain biZworkS workShopS 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 253-2834 or • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step toward accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: or 253-2834. • TH (9/27), 6-9pm - Food, agriculture and rural enterprises are invited to turn business ideas into business plans during this eight-week course. Meets in Hendersonville and Sylva. Sliding scale. Info and location: or 253-2834, ext. 27. • WE (10/3), 9am-noon - Foundations Business Planning Course. Turn business ideas into business plans. This eight-week session meets every Wednesday. Slidingscale. Info: or 253-2834 x23.

classes, Meetings & events learn to knit at pUrl'S yarn emporiUm (pd.) On Wall Street downtown: Beginning Knit :1st and 2nd Wednesdays, 6-8pm; Intermediate Knit: 3rd and 4th Wednesdays. • $40/4 hours of instruction. 828-253-2750. maC baSiCS ClaSSeS at Charlotte Street CompUterS (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 12:45pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - Safari & Mail, 4th Tuesday - iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - Alternate between Garageband and iWork Essentials, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 yoga SeCretS for healing baCk pain (pd.) Signature course with Lillah Schwartz. 8 Tuesdays at 4pm. Lighten Up Yoga. 254-7756. aSheville newComerS ClUb (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us! mediCine walk retreat (pd.) November 9-11, Highlands NC: JOIN US for a weekend of self-discovery in a Woman-Centered Space. Explore the Lakota Seven Rites Teachings and

Experience the healing of a Sacred Pipe Ceremony with earth-based curandera (healer) Niccole what are the faCtS aboUt how oUr Climate iS Changing? (pd.) Do recent weather extremes here and aroundthe world foreshadow changes to come? 350 Asheville, the Asheville chapter of, invites you tohear Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center speak Friday, September 28 at 7pm at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave., parking and entrance behind the church. Jake will be happy to take your questions in the discussion period to follow. 150th anniverSary of the Civil war • Through TU (10/30), 10am-5pm Henderson County Heritage Museum will observe the 150th anniversary of the Civil War with never-before-seen artifacts including military weaponry and uniforms at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 694-1619.

The Permanent Solution: Peace Of Mind For Over 30 Years. Call For A Free Estimate.


* Offer expires 10/5/12 and valid only with full house installation. Must be presented at time of estimate. Offer subject to change without notice. Not valid with any other offers/promotions. Void where prohibited by law. Not responsible for typos or misprints.

aCryliC painting ClaSS • WEDNESDAYS through (11/7), 10amnoon - Acrylic painting classes will be offered by the Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. $15 per month includes supplies (except brushes). Registration required. Info: harvesth@ or 350-2051. ameriCan bUSineSS women'S aSSoCiation Info: • TH (10/4), 5:30-7:30pm - A dinner meeting will be held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. $25. Info: www. or abwaskyhychapter@gmail. com. Ca$hevillainS CaSh mob • TH (9/27), 6pm - Ca$hevillains, Asheville’s official cash mob, invites the public to support local businesses en mass. Participants are asked to spend $20, meet three new people and enjoy snacks and drinks at an after party. Meets at the intersection of Page and Battery Park Avenues. Info: cashevillains. Carolina horSe and Carriage toUrS • WEEKENDS through (12/24) - Horse and carriage tours will depart from the Hendersonville Visitors Information Center, 201 S. Main St. $25 for two people/$5 additional adults/$3 children under 12/under 4 free. Info: 209-1099. eliada Corn maZe • FRIDAYS, 4-8pm; SATURDAYS, 10am8pm & SUNDAYS, 11am-7pm through (10/28) - This year's Eliada corn maze is based on the children's book Spookley the Square Pumpkin. Maze features 12 acres of trails and three levels of difficulty. Located at 2 Compton Drive. $9/$6 children 4-11. Group rates available. Info: or 254-5356. embroidererS' gUild of ameriCa • TH (10/4), 9:30am-noon - The monthly meeting of the WNC chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America will focus on Agecroft Sweet Bags. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 23

Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Info and cost: 654-9788. henderSon CoUnty heritage mUSeUm Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - School Days: 1797-1940 will feature a complete timeline of that era for all schools in Henderson County, many of which no longer exist. lifetree Cafe • TUESDAYS, 7pm - "Lifetree Cafe is a place where people gather for conversation about life and faith in a casual setting." Groups discuss a different topic every week. All are welcome. Hosted at Rejavanation Cafe, 901 Smoky Park Highway. Info and weekly topic: www. moUntain heritage Center On the ground floor of Western Carolina University's Robinson Administration Building. Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm; Thurs., 8am-7pm. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 227-7129 or • WEEKDAYS - Horace Kephart in the Great Smoky Mountains, a year-long exhibit about the iconic author of Our Southern Highlanders. • SA (9/29) through FR (11/9) - Journey Stories, a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution, will focus on the "intersection between modes of travel and Americans’ desire for freedom of movement." performing artS party • TH (9/27), 7-8:30pm - A performing arts party, featuring an announcement about local efforts to showcase area talent, will be held at The Artery, 346 Depot St. $5 includes wine and appetizers. Info: 450-5462. raCe for the ring • SA (9/30), 1-6pm - Wick and Greene's Race for the Ring invites to public to participate in a treasure hunt to win an engagement ring. Clues will be sent via Twitter. Free. Info: rUbber bridge • TUESDAYS, 9-11:30am - Rubber Bridge will be played at East Asheville Recreation Center, 906 Tunnel Road. No partner required. Info: 298-8979. Same-Sex parenting • SU (9/30), 4-6pm - Youth OUTright will present a program for LGBTQ youth and their straight allies at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Meeting will focus on same-sex parenting. Free. Info: Speed dating • TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS, 7pm - Mountain Minglers offers a variety of speed dating events in a "casual, nopressure, alcohol-free environment." Held at VFW Post 891, 626 New Leicester Highway. $15/$20. A portion of proceeds benefits a local nonprofit. Info and registration: take baCk the night • WE (9/26), 7pm - Take Back the Night march will focus on "shattering the

silence of sexual violence." A presentation by Angela Rose, executive director of Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment, will precede a protest on the WCU campus. Free. Info: sacarter@ or 227-2617.

eco • FR (9/28), 7pm - The Asheville chapter of will host a program on weather extremes and climate change with Jake Crouch of the National Climatic Data Center. Held at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: www./facebook. com/350Asheville or asheville350@gmail. com.

veteranS for peaCe Info: • TH (10/4), 6:30pm - Veterans for Peace will meet at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. vietnam traveling memorial wall • TH (10/4) through MO (10/8) - The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall will be on display at Acquoni Expo Center, 1501 Acquoni Road, Cherokee. Free. Info: or www.

green bUilding and deSign forUm • FR (9/28), 5:15pm - Jason McLennan, founder of the Living Building Challenge and recipient of the Buckminster Fuller award, will discuss green building design and innovation-driven entrepreneurship in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. $15/$10 WNCGBC members. Info and registration:

wCU open hoUSe • TH (9/27), 5:30-7pm - WCU will host an open house featuring the classrooms and laboratories of its new Biltmore Park Town Square location. Held at 28 Schenck Parkway, Suite 300. Free. Info: or 654-6498.

green bUilding open hoUSe toUr • SA (9/29), 11am-3pm - The WNC Green Building Council invites the public to tour an energy/resource efficient home with minimum reliance on fossil fuels, featuring passive solar design, zoned-geothermal heating and cooling and a 5.2 kilowatt PV system. 419 Upper Grassy Branch Road. Free. Info and directions:

willy thilly meetUp • WEDNESDAYS, 8pm - A community group for those who enjoy "fun conversation in a relaxed, sophisticated environment." All topics welcome. Held at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room B101. Entrance and parking in rear. Free to attend. Info: (617) 699-1173. yoU don't own me rally • WE (10/3), noon - The "You Don't Own Me" rally will honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month with speakers, refreshments, music, information and the Ripples of Hope display by Daydreamz Project. Held near Henderson Community College's fountain. Free. Info: or 456-7898.

coMedy Corporate JUggernaUt • TU (10/2), 7:30pm - Corporate Juggernaut (stand-up, storytelling, special guests and music) will perform at The Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave. $10/$8 in advance. Info:

condom couture: Creating a garment out of 700 condoms is no easy task, but Planned Parenthood in Asheville found some local designers who were up to the challenge. A fashion show will feature their creations, alongside local musicians performing the songs of the ‘70s, on Tuesday, Oct. 2 from 7-9:30 p.m. (pg. 23) Photo by Karen Evans Richland St. in West Asheville. Warmup at 6:30pm, circle at 7:00pm and the fee is $7.00. Contact Karen azealea10@ or Cassieelementsmove@ StUdio Zahiya

dance Bharatanatyam Classes • adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www. beginner Swing danCing leSSonS (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: Spiral Spirit eCStatiC danCe (pd.) Wed nights. Join us on the dance floor for movement meditation every Wed nites. We dance at Sol's Reprieve 11

(pd.) Drop in Classes: Monday 6-7 Fusion Bellydance • 7-8 Intro to Tribal • 7:30-9pm Bellydance. Tuesday 9-10am Hip Hop Booty Shakin Workout • 4-5 Girls Bellydance • 5:15-5:45pm Intro to Bellyydance, $7 • 6-7 Bellydance 1 • 7-8 Bellydance 2 • 8-9 Bellydance 3. Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Bellydance • 7:30-9 Bellydance 2. Thursday 9-10am Bellydance Workout • 6-7pm Bollywood • 7-8pm Hip Hop. Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • 6:30-7:30pm BellyFit $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya. com argentine tango • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Tangogypsies Tuesdays will be held at 11 Grove St. Fundamentals class from 7-8:30pm; practice and dancing from 8:30-10:30pm. Drop-ins welcome; no partner required.

24 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

$7 class/$10 class and practice/$5 after 8:30pm. Info: intro to JaZZy Showgirl workShop • SU (9/30), noon - Learn the flirty and seductive art of burlesque in a fun, comfortable and supportive environment. Held at Anytime Fitness, 805 Patton Ave. $30. Registration required: the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: or 257-4003. • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (9/28) through (10/6) - No She Didn't!...When Good Girls Go Bad and the Dances that Happen

river Clean-Up party • SA (9/29), 9am - A river clean-up party will pick up trash in the French Broad River, followed by beer and food. Meets at Westphelt Park off Highway 280. Free. Info and registration: riverlink eventS Info: or 252-8474. • WEDNESDAYS through (10/13) - "Get the Poop Out." Volunteers are needed to assist with bacteria sampling and cleanup efforts in the French Broad River. No experience necessary; training provided. Info and registration: or 258-8737. • TH (9/27), 11:45am - A RiverLink Bus Tour of the French Broad and Swannanoa Rivers will meet at the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. $15. Info and reservations: 2528474, ext. 11. • SA (9/29) - Volunteers are sought to participate in the Big Sweep stream clean-up program. A post-cleaning shindig will follow at the RiverLink Performance and Sculpture Plaza. Call for info, time and location of clean-up. Sierra ClUb meeting • WE (10/3), 7:15pm - A Sierra Club meeting will feature a discussion of "Fracking: Dirty, Dangerous and Run Amok." Held at Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info:

(burlesque comedy). $17. triboriginal


Free. Info: or 649-1301. Cherokee indian fair • TU (10/2) through SA (10/6) - The 100th annual Cherokee Indian Fair will feature art, traditional food, rides, games and stickball. Held at the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds, Highway 441, Cherokee. Free. Info: henderSonville oktoberfeSt • SA (9/29), 1-6pm - Hendersonville Oktoberfest will feature music by The Oomposters, polka lessons, German food and beer. Held at Southern Appalachian Brewery, 822 Locust St., Suite 100, Hendersonville. $10/$5 in advance. Info: miChaelmaS fall feStival • SA (9/29), 2:30-6pm - Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Road, will host a fall festival featuring crafts, singing, apple pressing and a potluck dinner. Info: www. moUntain heritage day • SA (9/29), 10am-5pm - Mountain Heritage Day will feature bluegrass and old-time music, crafts, demonstrations, a chainsaw competition, antique car show and a traditional foods competition. Held outdoors on the WCU campus. Free. Info: old timey day • SA (9/29), 8am-2pm - Henderson County Curb Market Old Timey Day will feature biscuits cooked on a wood stove, an antique display, music and demonstrations at 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Free to attend. Info: old timey fall feStival • SA (9/29), 10am-4pm - The Burnsville Town Square will come to life with antique tractors and cars, entertainment, craft demonstrations, games, vendors and more during the annual Old Timey Fall Festival. Free. Info: Smokin' bbQ and blUegraSS feStival • SA (9/29), 10am - The Smokin' BBQ and Bluegrass Festival will include music, food and clogging. Held at the Cold Mountain Corn Maize, 1114 Old Clyde Road, Clyde. $10. Info: trUe natUre CoUntry fair • SA (9/29), 10am-6pm - Join farmers, homebuilders, craftspeople, restaurateurs, social and political activists and alternative health care practitioners to celebrate living in connection with the Earth. Held at t 215 Rhett Drive, Flat Rock. $10 admits one adult and child. Info:

• FR (9/28) & SA (9/29), 8pm TribOriginal will feature bellydancing,

art on the iSland

Eastern European folk dance, Bollywood

• SA (9/29), 11am-8pm - Art on the Island will feature arts and crafts, food, the Rural Academy Theatre, horse-drawn carriage tours and music by the Brothers Harrell. Held on Blannahassett Island, Marshall.

and Turkish dance. Held at Camp Tekoa, 211 Thomas Road, Hendersonville. $15. Info: or 232-2980.

FilM eventS at rei Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or

SMALL IS THE NEXT BIG THING: Sometimes all we really want is a small cabin on a lake. A place to go to finish that book, attend a workshop or simply do nothing. A place where we can eat straight from the garden or join with kindred spirits in meaningful conversation. Well now you can. In the most beautiful corner of our 200 acres, we are creating a “Tiny House” community where your cabin can even help pay for itself. Cabins start at only $50K. The setting, however, is priceless. For more information,contact:

Flat Rock, NC 28731 • 828-693-5070 w w w. h i g h l a n d l a k e c o v e . c o m



Advance your passion for learning.

REFRESHINGLY SMART: The Master of Liberal Arts program at UNC Asheville is an interdisciplinary, part-time course of study for college graduates who are interested in multi-disciplinary learning at the master’s degree level. POWERFULLY ENGAGED: Courses and topics are tailored to current issues, providing students a relevant graduate education for the 21st century. CLOSELY COLLABORATIVE: Course topics change each semester within focus areas such as Humanities & Creative Writing, Globalization Past & Present, Science & Human Values, and Climate Change and Society. New topics this Spring include Cultivating Food Justice, The Science of Decision Making, Creative Writing, Graphic Memoir, and Climate Change. AMAZINGLY AFFORDABLE: Small seminars, renowned faculty—at a public school price. Evening classes allow students to work full-time, greatly reducing the financial burden of graduate school. Apply now for Spring 2013 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 25

• WE (9/26), 7-8:30pm - Beauty Beneath the Dirt, a film about three Appalachian Trail thru-hikers. $5. Registration required. fireStorm Cafe & bookS Located at 48 Commerce St. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 255-8115. • SA (9/29), 7pm - A screening of Who Is Bozo Texino?, Hub City and SAVE will include a discussion with filmmaker Bill Brown. gold fever and the beChtler mint • SA (9/29), 7pm - A screening of the UNC-TV documentary Gold Fever and The Bechtler Mint will be held at Rutherfordton-Spindale Central High School, 641 U.S. Highway 221 N., Rutherfordton. Free. Info: goldevent@ or 287-3520.

Food & beer

September 29, 2012 Highland Lake Cove, Flat Rock, NC just 25 minutes south of Asheville

bbQ dinner and blUegraSS

10am-6pm • Adults $10/$3 children under 12 Entry fee includes all classes and demonstrations See farm animals, take classes, watch demonstrations Enjoy the One Bowl Dinner • Listen to live music Compete in our Old Time Music Contest Play and learn in our Sprouts program Walk and learn in nature Get out on the lake

29,Lake 2012 September 29, September 2012 • Highland Cove, Flat Rock, NC

HighlandjustLake Cove, Rock, NC 25 minutes southFlat of Asheville 10am-6pm just 25 minutes south of Asheville Adults $10/$3 children under 12

Entry fee includes over 60 classes

10am-6pm • Adults $10/$3 children under 12 and sprouts and demos for adults Entry fee includes all classes and demonstrations Live performances include poet Tracey Schmidt with See farm animals, take classes, watchlocal demonstrations River Guerguerian and other to live music Enjoy the One Bowl Dinner • Listen area musicians. Stay for dinner! Compete in our Old Time MusicOurContest One Bowl fest begins at 6pm, featuring local food and Play and learn in our Sprouts program pottery. You keep the bowl $25. Walk and learn in nature Reserve a spot online. Get out on the lake

• SA (9/29), 5:30-7:30pm - A BBQ dinner and bluegrass concert will be held at Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church, 171 Beaverdam Road. Free. Info: 253-0765. Caldwell CUiSine • TH (9/27), 6pm - Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute's culinary arts program will present a "BBQ Bonanza" in the college's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. $21. Info and registration: or 26-2402. Coffee taSting • TH (9/27), 5-9pm - A coffee tasting party, to celebrate Dynamite Roasting Company's new availability at City Bakery, will be held at 60 Biltmore Ave. Free. Info: or 357-8555. find the gnome pUb Crawl • WE (9/26), 8pm - The "Find the Gnome" pub crawl invites the public to follow clues to win tickets to Asheville's Oktoberfest. Clues will be posted on Twitter and Facebook starting at 7:30pm. Costumes encouraged. Free to participate; drinks must be purchased separately. Info: or maCrobiotiC potlUCk • SU (9/30), 5:30pm - A macrobiotic potluck will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Bring a macrobiotic, organic, vegan dish, along with a list of ingredients. $5. Info and registration: 299-8657.

make yoUr own teaS • TH (9/27), 6pm - Learn easy ways to make herbal teas from your garden, including plant selection, growing and drying herbs for winter and making tea blends. Recipes provided. Held on A-B Tech's Enka campus. $18.75. Info and registration: reCipe exChange • TH (9/27), 3-5pm - Local baker Julie Stevens will share cooking tricks at the Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave. Participants are invited to bring a favorite recipe and a sample of the dish to share. Free. Info: 648-2924.

26 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

gardening aSheville garden ClUb • WE (10/3), 9:30am - A meeting of the Asheville Garden club will feature a program on floral arrangement and design with Garden Club of N.C. Master Flower Show Judge Martha Anderson. Bring a vase, oasis and tools. Held at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road. Free. Info: 258-0922. bb barneS gardening ClaSSeS 36 Rosscraggon Road. Classes and events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: • FR (9/28), 10:30am & SA (9/29), 11am - A program on autumn container gardening. herb feStival • SA (9/29), 9am-4pm - The Herb Festival, sponsored by the Friends of the Mountains Branch Library, will feature a luncheon, demonstrations, a presentation by Nan K. Chase, author of Eat Your Yard, and an herb sale. Held at Lake Lure Inn, 2771 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure. $25 luncheon/$5 festival. Info: 625-0456. men'S garden ClUb of aSheville • TU (10/2), 11:30am - The Men's Garden Club of Asheville will meet at First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Kelly Holdbrooks, director of programs for the Southern Highland Reserve, will speak about "Design for Southern Appalachian Ecology at the Southern Highlands Reserve." Open to the public. Lunch reservations required by Sept. 27. For those not purchasing lunch, the meeting begins at 12:45pm. $12 for lunch/free to attend. Info: 329-8577. moUntain gardenS volUnteerS • THURSDAYS, 10am-5pm - Mountain Gardens, 546 Shuford Creek Road, Burnsville, seeks volunteers to help "dress and keep" its paradise garden. "Spend time with us in the garden and leave with a box of useful plants." Free. Info: regional tailgate marketS Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. Three dashes indicate the next listing. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-noon waynesville tailgate market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - haywood historic farmer's market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 2-6pm - asheville City market South, Town Square Blvd., Biltmore Park. --- 2:30-6:30pm - weaverville tailgate market, 60 Lakeshore Drive. --- 2-5pm - Spruce pine farmers market, 297 Oak Ave. --2-6pm - montford farmers market, 36 Montford Ave. --- 2-6pm - french broad food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. --- 2-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 5pm-dusk - 'whee farmer's market, 416 Central Drive, Cullowhee. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-6:30pm - oakley farmers market, 607 Fairview Road. --3-6pm - flat rock tailgate market, 2724

Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. --- 3rd THURSDAYS, 2-6pm - greenlife tailgate market, 70 Merrimon Ave. • FRIDAYS, 2-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 3-6pm - east asheville tailgate market, 945 Tunnel Road. --- 4-7pm leicester tailgate market, 338 Leicester Highway. • SATURDAYS, 7am-noon - henderson County tailgate market, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville.--- 8am-noon - waynesville tailgate market, 171 Legion Drive. --- 8am-noon - haywood historic farmer's market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 8am-noon - mills river farmers market, 5046 Boylston Highway. --- 8am-noon - bakersville farmers market, Bakersville Community Medical Clinic parking lot, opposite the U.S. Post Office. --- 8am-1pm - asheville City market, 161 South Charlotte St. --- 8am-12:30pm - transylvania tailgate market, behind Comporium on the corner of Johnson and Jordan streets, Brevard. --- 8am-noon - north asheville tailgate market, UNCA commuter lot C. --- 8:30am-12:30pm - yancey County farmers market, S. Main Street at US 19E, Burnsville. --- 9am-noon - big ivy tailgate market, 1679 Barnardsville Highway, Barnardsville. --- 9am-noon black mountain tailgate market, 130 Montreat Road. --- 9am-1pm - madison County farmers and artisans market, Highway 213 at Park Street, Mars Hill. --- 9am-2pm - leicester tailgate market, 338 Leicester Highway. --- 10am-2pm murphy farmers market, downtown Murphy. Info: 837-3400. • SUNDAYS, noon-4pm - marshall's "Sundays on the island," Blanahasset Island. • TUESDAYS, 3-6pm - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson Street at Logan Street, Marion. --- 3:30-6:30pm - west asheville tailgate market, 718 Haywood Road.

governMent & politics Campaign forUm • MO (10/1), 6-8pm - The League of Women Voters will host a meet-andgreet forum featuring candidates for County Commission District 1 and State House District 114 in Pack Library, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: or 258-8223. faith and the eleCtion proCeSS • MO (10/1), 6-7:30pm - A program on the role of faith in the election process will be held at Grant Southside Community Center, 285 Livingston St. Free. Info: 777-3777. kidS voting bUnCombe CoUnty volUnteerS • Kids Voting Buncombe County seeks volunteers to assist young voters on Election Day, Nov. 6. Training provided. Info: or 775-5673.

kids aSheville yoUth enSemble • Through TU (10/2) - The Asheville Youth Ensemble will accept young

musicians with at least one year of note reading experience. Info: or 299-4856.

program for ages 12-19 at Old Armory Recreation Center, 44 Boundary St., Waynesville. Free. Info: or 550-5498.

Sacred Embodiment Center, 41 Carolina Lane. Sign up at 7:30pm, performances at 8pm. Info:

baCk to SChool Carnival • FR (9/28), 5-8pm - Charles C. Bell Elementary, 90 Maple Springs Road, will host a back to school event featuring food, bingo, inflatables, face painting, cotton candy, games, prizes and cakewalk. Info:

whitewater rafting • MO (10/1) - A whitewater rafting trip for ages 8-14 will meet at East Asheville Recreation Center, 906 Tunnel Road. $35/$32 Asheville residents. Info, time and registration: outdoorprograms@ or 251-4029.

marChing band feStival • SA (9/29), 11:15am-8:45pm - The Land of the Sky Marching Band Festival will feature approximately 20 regional high school marching bands. Held at Enka High School Stadium, 475 Enka Lake Road, Candler. $7/$3/pre-school free. Info:

franCine delaney new SChool for Children • Through TU (11/6), 7-9pm - Francine Delaney New School for Children will host "compelling dialogue, community building and a call to action" during a nine-week session at 119 Brevard Road. $30 includes materials, with discounts for public school teachers. Childcare available with advanced registration. Info: or 777-4585. handS on! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.handsonwnc. org or 697-8333. • WE (9/26), 10:30am-12:30pm - Crazy Chemistry invites children ages 5-8 to make chemistry concoctions. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • TH (9/27), 10:30am-12:30pm "Inventors!" invites children to explore the invention process. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • FR (9/28), 3:30-5pm - "Wiggle with the Worms," ages 7-12. $15/$9 members. Registration suggested. • FRIDAYS through (10/12), 11am - A four-part class on learning Spanish creatively will use games, dramatic play and movement. $40/$35 members for series. Registration required. • TH (10/4), 11am - Healthy Kids Club will include a dental health puppet show. Free with admission. --- 2-3:30pm "Butterflies and Bugs," ages 7-10. $15/$9 members. play and learn literaCy program • TUESDAYS through FRIDAYS, 9am Play and Learn, an eight-week pre-literacy program for 3-5 year olds, will be held at various locations throughout Buncombe County. New classes begin in September. Sponsored by Smart Start. Free. Info and locations: marna.holland@asheville.k12. or 350-2904. SpellboUnd Children'S bookShop 21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 232-2228. • SATURDAYS, 10:30-11am - Story time for ages 4-7. Swim leSSonS • WEEKLY - The YMCA hosts group, private and semi-private swim lessons at 30 Woodfin St. Mon. & Wed., 5:30-7pm; Tues. & Thurs., 4:30-6pm; & Sat., 10amnoon. Prices vary: 210-9622. take the Stage yoUth theater program • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5-8pm The Waynesville Parks and Recreation Department offers a youth theater

Music Song o' Sky Show ChorUS (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. blUe ridge orCheStra Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Open rehearsals for the Blue Ridge Orchestra will be held most Wednesdays in the Manheimer Room of UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Call for confirmation. Info: or 251-6140. britiSh invaSion • TU (10/2), 7:30pm - The WCU School of Music will present "British Invasion," an evening of 20th century music for clarinet and piano. Held in the university's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242. CreekSide hoUSe ConCert • SU (9/30), 6pm - Adrianne Gonzalez, Maia Sharp and Garrison Starr will perform at a creekside house concert in Asheville. $20. Info and directions: dailey and vinCent • FR (9/28), 7:30pm - Dailey and Vincent (bluegrass) will perform at Caldwell Community College's JE Broyhill Civic Center. $18.50/$12 children. Info: www. or 726-2407. eZ orCheStra • TH (9/27), 7pm - This new Asheville drop-in classical music group fosters relaxing enjoyment of playing and listening to the classics. Friends, children and grandchildren are invited to listen, play and enjoy popular classical music and refreshments. Group meets in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: 656-1791 or far away plaCeS • SA (9/29), 7pm - Far Away Places ("original eclectic electric ethereal sounds") will perform at Filo Cafe, 1155 Tunnel Road. Info: or flat roCk playhoUSe Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-0731. • TU (10/2) through FR (10/5), 8pm - The Music on the Rock series will feature the songs of Eric Clapton in the downtown theater. $24. foUrth friday open miC • 4th FRIDAYS, 7:30-10:30pm - Open to musicians, poets, comedians and entertainers of all types. Hosted by The

It's the 100th Cherokee Indian Fair. So much to do, you may need to take the entire week off. And your shirt.

moUntain heritage Center On the ground floor of Western Carolina University's Robinson Administration Building. Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm; Thurs., 8am-7pm. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 227-7129 or • TH (10/4), 7pm - A concert and community jam will feature Sons of Ralph. nikki talley • FR (9/28), 7pm - Nikki Talley will perform an outdoor concert at the Transylvania County Library, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard. Free. Info: 884-3151. oak ridge boyS and Carolina CroSSing • TH (10/4), 7:30pm - The Oak Ridge Boys (country, gospel) and Carolina Crossing (bluegrass, gospel) will perform at the Holmes Center, 111 River St., Boone. All proceeds support Sugar Grove Developmental Day School. $25-$50. Admission includes $10 off any ASU home football game. Info: http:// open miC • SUNDAYS, 5-7pm - An open mic will be hosted weekly at the Westmont Commons Apartment Homes' community center, 120 Chamberlain Drive. Info: StarrStrUkk hoUSe party • WE (9/26), 7pm - The Starrstrukk House Party fall concert will feature DJ MoTo, Travis Porter and 3OH!3 in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. $30/$25 students in advance. Info: bardoartscenter. the poetry of beethoven • SA (9/29), 6:30pm - The Poetry of Beethoven will feature performances of Beethoven sonatas, poetry based on the music, images of Beethoven and a sitdown dinner. Presented by AmiciMusic. Concert begins at 8pm. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. $30 dinner/$20 concert only/$10 concert under 18. Info and reservations: or 669-0816. UnCa College radio day • FR (9/28), 5pm-midnight - Blue Echo, UNCA's radio station, will host a College Radio Day festival, featuring music, pizza, ice cream, cornhole, giveaways and more. Held on the UNCA quad. Free. Info: vfw CoUntry night • SATURDAYS, 9pm - VFW Post 891, 626 New Leicester Highway, hosts a night of country and rock music with the 100 Proof Band. $7/$5 members. Info: 254-4277.



$10 Daily

Featuring the explosive country acts Sawyer Brown on Thursday, October 4, and Lonestar, on Saturday, October 6. And catch real explosions in our fireworks displays Thur, Fri, & Sat, October 4-6. To celebrate our 100th year, we've found hundreds of ways to entertain you. From authentic stickball to amazing music to parades and fireworks and dancing and zip lines and genuine fair rides – well, you get the picture. Here's just a sampling: • 3rd Annual Chief's Challenge (a very fun run) • Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall • Walker Calhoun Remembrance • Cherokee Idol • A visit from Chief Hicks • Youth archery • Magicians • Teen Miss Cherokee Pageant • Authentic storytelling • Plus all the games, cotton candy, and traditional fair fun you've come to expect for a century.

Get your tickets online or at the box office. 800.438.1601 • • September 26 - october 2, 2012 27

outdoors brp hike of the week • FR (9/28), 10am - A moderate, 2.2-mile hike on the Mountains-to-Sea-Trail will depart from Big Ridge Overlook MP 403.6 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Bring water, hiking shoes and be prepared for inclement weather. Free. Info: 298-5330. brp programS • FR (9/28), 10am - Learn about the food chain of local mountain streams at Linville Falls Visitor Center, MP 316 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. --- 7pm - "Man vs. Wild," an outdoor preparedness program, will be held at Linville Falls Visitor Center, Free. Info: 765-6082. --- 7pm - "Getting Out of the Moonshine Business," with local moonshiner Charlie Fox. Held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. • SA (9/29), 2pm - H20 Olympics science experiments and competition will be held at Linville Falls Visitor Center, MP 316 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. --- 7pm - "What's Eating the Trees?" will be held at Linville Falls Visitor Center, MP 316. Free. --- 7pm "Glimpses in History: The Overmountain Men" will be held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: 765-6082. Cradle of foreStry eventS Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Admission: $5/children ages 15 and under free. Some programs require an additional fee. Info: www.cradleofforestry. org or 877-3130. • SA (9/29), 9am-5pm - Celebrate National Public Lands Day with guided walks, wildlife habitat gardening, a presentation on hemlock adelgid and more. eventS at rei Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or • WE (9/26), 6-8pm - A class on bike maintenance will focus on how to fine tune a derailleur. Do not bring bikes. $40/$20 members. Registration required. flat top manor toUrS • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 9am, 10am, 11am, 2pm & 3pm - Tours of Flat Top Manor, the former home of Moses and Bertha Cone, will be led by Blue Ridge Parkway rangers. Departs from Moses H. Cone Memorial Park, MP 294 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Registration required: 295-3782. JUmp off roCk 10k raCe • SA (9/29), 8:30am - Held at Jones Gap Baptist Church, 3007 Hebron Road, Hendersonville. $10. Info: http://goo. gl/tpBhq. oUtdoor yoga • SATURDAYS through (9/29), 9-10am - Black Mountain Yoga instructors will offer outdoor yoga at Lake Tomahawk Park, 401 Laurel Circle Drive. Donations requested. Info: 669-2052. weStern Carolina paddlerS meeting • TU (10/2), 6:30pm - Anna Levesque, bronze medalist at the 2001 Freestyle Kayak World Championships, will talk

at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation.

about her transition from the kitchen of a rafting outfitter to world traveler/competitor and founder of Girls at Play. Held at Asheville REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Free. Info:

a barbara marCiniak Channeling event (pd.) Oct 19,20 (Friday-Saturday). Barbara channels the Pleiadians who share their perspectives about our changing world. Lecture/channeling Friday 7pm-10:30pm: $35. Workshop/ channeling Saturday 10am-6pm: $90. Cash or money order only. Ramada River Ridge Hotel, 800 Fariview Road, Asheville. Reservations recommended: (828) 298-6300 or ashevilleclass@yahoo. com

parenting green parentS ClUb • FRIDAYS, 9am - This group of ecominded parents meets at Biltmore Coffee Traders, 518 Hendersonville Road, for hands on workshops, including planting kids' gardens, growing sprouts, making green cleaners and more. Children welcome. Info: 712-8439 or

flower of life merkaba meditation workShop (pd.) Focus on Living from the God Center. Learn how to activate your Merkaba for ascension. Oct 5, 6 and 7, 10 am to 6 pm info: 828-626-2154 or

tiny tykeS • WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS,10am-noon - Tiny Tykes offers crafts, manipulatives and active play for toddlers at Stephens Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. $1. Info: or 350-2058.

public lectures an evening with andrew bowen • WE (10/3), 7pm - Learn more about Andrew Bowen’s journey to religious tolerance as he discusses the founding of Project Conversion, a year-long personal immersion into the practices, beliefs and rituals of 12 belief systems. Held at the Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville, 36 Montford Ave. Free. Info: http://asheville. Cherokee anthropology SerieS • WE (9/26), 12:10-1:15pm - The WCU Department of Anthropology and Sociology will present a brown bag series featuring Cherokee language faculty members in the university's McKee Building, Room 110. Free. Info: htalley@ or 227-3837. niColaS Carr • FR (9/28), 7pm - Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows, will address the question "Is Google making us stupid?" at A-B Tech's Furgeson Auditorium. "As we enjoy the web's bounties, are we sacrificing our ability to read and think deeply?" Free. Info: pUbliC leCtUreS & eventS at UnCa Events are free unless otherwise noted. • FR (9/28), 11:25am - “The Second Scientific Revolution and the 19th Century,” with George Heard, associate professor of chemistry. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: or 251-6808. --- 11:25am - “Human Rights and Global Justice,” with Grace Campbell, lecturer in humanities. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: or 251-6808. • MO (10/1), 6:30pm - “The Culture, Politics and Philosophy of a Long Revolution," with Shana Brown, specialist in modern Chinese intellectual and cultural history, will be presented as part of the China Symposium. Held in Karpen Hall. Info: or 232-2409.

Fierce rivalry: See the Blue Ridge Rollergirls slam the competition at a flat track doubleheader on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. (pg. 31) Photo by Jason Scott • MO (10/1), 11:25am - “Buddhism and Jainism,” with Katherine Zubko, assistant professor of religious studies. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Info: or 251-6808. --- 11:25am - “Gender and Sexuality in the Medieval World,” with Sophie Mills, National Endowment for the Humanities Distinguished Professor. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: or 251-6808. • TU (10/2), 9:30am - “Moving Fashions: Wearing Gender in Late Imperial China,” with Paola Zamperini, associate professor of Chinese literature and director of Chinese studies at Amherst College, will be presented as part of the China Symposium. Held in Karpen Hall. Info: or 232-2409. pUbliC leCtUreS at wCU • TH (9/27), 7pm - A presentation on Native American history, with Claudio Saunt of the University of Georgia, will be presented in WCU's Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, Room 130. Free. Info: or 227-3867. world affairS CoUnCil programS Info: • TU (10/2), 7:30pm - The Arab Spring: Is it Summer (or Winter) Yet and Why Does It Matter?” with James Larocco, director of the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies. $8/students and members free. Held in the Manheimer Room of UNCA's Reuter Center.

seniors fit after 50 day • SA (9/29), 1-5pm - The YMCA's Fit After 50 Day will feature zumba, tai chi, softball, bocce ball, lectures and health screenings at Woodfin Community

28 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Center, 11 Community St. Free. Info: or 505-3990.

(nonviolent communication). 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15pm, 252-0538.

mediCare ChoiCeS made eaSy

aSheville meditation groUp

• FR (9/28), 2-4pm - "Medicare Choices Made Easy" will be offered by the N.C. Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Advanced registration: 277-8288.

(pd.) Practice meditation in a supportive group environment. Guided meditations follow the Insight/Mindfulness/Vipassana practices. Insight meditation cultivates a happier, more peaceful and focused mind. Our "sangha" (a community of cool people) provides added support and joy to one’s spiritual awakening process. All are invited. • By donation. • Tuesdays, 7pm-8:30pm: Guided meditation and discussion. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am: Seated meditation and dharma talks. • The Women’s Wellness Center, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. • Info/directions: (828) 808-4444. • www.

prediCtorS of SUCCeSSfUl aging • FR (9/28), 11:30am - "Predictors of Successful Aging," with Dr. Carl Eisdorfer. Held in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: or 251-6140. what will yoU Call home at the end of life? • SA (9/29), 9am-2pm - “Envisioning Home: Creating New Models of Home and Community in Later Life," with Dene Peterson. Presented by the Buncombe County Culture Change in Aging Network and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Held at UNCA's Reuter Center. $20 includes lunch. Registration required by Sept. 26. Info: 251-6622.

spirituality aStro-CoUnSeling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 2583229. aSheville CompaSSionate CommUniCation Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work and community by practicing compassionate communication

indian ClaSSiCal danCe (pd.) Is both prayer and an invocation of the highest divinity. Learn the dance the Natya Shastra called "the highest form of yoga" Bharatanatyam. Call Tess: 301-0331.

yoUng men'S myStery SChool (pd.) October 26-28. Self-discovery through Nature and ceremony - a weekend retreat of yoga, drumming, sustainability, primitive skills and interfaith ceremony for ages 13-16. or (828) 664-9564. awakening praCtiCe groUp • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm Awakening Practices Group, an "Eckhart Tolle group with an emphasis on putting Tolle's words and pointers into action through meditation and discussion," will meet at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St. By donation. Info: or 670-8283. beginning to advanCed meditation • DAILY - Receive "personal guidance towards achieving profound experiences in meditation and awakening spiritual energy." Classes held at The People's Ashram, 2 W. Rosecrest St. By donation. Info and appointment: madhyanandi@ or www.thepeoplesashram. org. Centering prayer • WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - Centering Prayer, a method of contemplative prayer or Christian meditation, is offered at Haywood Street Congregation, 297 Haywood St., Room 4. Welcome table at 11:30am; worship at 12:30pm. Free to attend. Info: www. or

mindfUlneSS meditation ClaSS

Chabad hoUSe Jewish Asheville and WNC Chabad Lubavitch Center for Jewish Life, located at 660 Merrimon Ave. Info: 505-0746 or • Through WE (9/26) - The Chabad House will host Yom Kippur services at the Asheville JCC, 236 Charlotte St. Chabad’s Sukkot Celebration will begin Oct. 1 at the Chabad House. All are welcome. Call for info or RSVP.

(pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House

eight StepS to a happy life • SUNDAYS, 7pm - "Learn how growing a kind heart is the quickest road to happiness." Each class includes guided meditation, a talk and group discussion. Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: meditationinasheville@

aQUarian CompaSSionate fellowShip (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362., 668-2241 or eSoteriC tUning: aChieving well-being • SA (9/29), 2-5pm - “Learn and practice this system to clear non-beneficial influences and tune the energy fields in and around you for the highest good.” Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: 337-1852. exodUS ChUrCh bible StUdy • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon - A community discussion through the New Testament. This group is open to all those who are searching for new friends or a new beginning in life. Meets at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: 252-2535. introdUCtion to tranSmiSSion meditation • TUESDAYS through (10/2), 6pm - Learn simple meditation that "serves as a hothouse for personal spiritual growth and provides a service to humanity." Held at the North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: meditation and bhaJanS • SUNDAYS, 5pm - One hour silent meditation, followed by spiritual songs, bhajans, distributing fruit prasad and meditation instruction, will be held at Dhyan Mandir near Fairview. All are welcome.

Free. Info and directions: 299-3246, 3299022 or SaCred embodiment Center Located at 41 Carolina Lane in Asheville. or 216-2983. • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30pm - Sacred Heart Song Circle. "Celebrate and give thanks with the elevating power of sacred song and chant." No singing experience necessary. Instruments welcome. $5-$15 suggested donation. • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Improvisation Therapy, with Jeff Thompson. "Explore the principles of improvisation, and how those guidelines can be applied to life in general, through body awareness exercises, visualization and improv games." $10. SatSang with praJna ana • THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - "Explore what you are, what you have never been and the freedom in that simple but profound knowing." Satsang includes grounding in silence and group discussion. $15 suggested donation; no one turned away. Info: Shambhala meditation Center of aSheville 19 Westwood Place. Visitors welcome; donations accepted. Info: www.asheville. • THURSDAYS, 6pm-6:45pm - Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville offers group sitting meditation, followed by Dharma reading and discussion at 7pm. Free.

• 1st THURSDAYS - Open house. Free. SUnday Chanting • SUNDAYS, 4pm - All are invited to chant at the Peace Chamber, 302 Old FRUGAL - BLUESwannanoa. BROWN Fellowship Road, $10 sugSPOT:


gested donation. Info:PMS(386) BROWN: WARM847-6171 GRAY 11 or CMYK: BLUE: C-39, M-8, Y-0, K-1

BROWN: C-23. M-32, Y-31, K-64 RGB: BLUE: R-158, G-195, B-222 women in iSlam BROWN: R-103, G-92, B-103

• TH (9/27), 7pm - A Women in Islam discussion panel will feature Suzanne Hamid, Robina Niyaz and Tayyibah Taylor discussing their experiences as Muslim women in the workplace. Held in UNCA's Humanities Lecture Hall. Q&A session to follow. Free. Info: (732) 688-7027.

spoken & Written Word

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battery park writing groUp

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Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. Free! Contact Lisa at 691-5472 or tokyotaos@ for more info. 27 viewS of aSheville • TH (9/27), 12:30pm - UNCA faculty authors will read their contributions from 27 Views of Asheville: a Southern Mountain Town in Prose and Poetry.

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Weathering business cycles by anna radditz

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Every business is affected by cycles. Some experience very clear seasonal or annual cycles — think landscapers, summer camps, or ski resorts. Others see ebbs and flows of customer activity that seem to have more mysterious roots. But all businesses are affected by larger economic cycles — a fact made all too clear during the recent recession. We asked Michel Baudouin, owner of the downtown Asheville restaurant Bouchon, how he has steered his restaurant through such cycles. He says the first key is keeping your eyes open and planning ahead, every season. “The tourists are not my target market, because the locals are here all year,” says Baudouin. “Locals don’t go out to eat seven nights a week like tourists do, but they still go out regularly.” But this doesn’t mean that locals aren’t affected by seasonal shifts, he explains. “It all depends on Mother Nature, and that’s where the challenge is,” he says. “In the winter, if it’s cold, that’s fine. But if there’s snow and ice, it’s not good for business.” Knowing that winter comes every year, Baudouin prepares in advance. “At the end of winter, we start talking about the next winter. We suggest to our staff that they plan in their personal budgets — save during the better part of the year in case there are fewer hours to work during the winter.” In an industry known for high turnover, this approach may contribute to Bouchon keeping so much of its staff, season after season. But for cycles that are less regular than the changing seasons, it can be difficult to prepare, he acknowledges. Baudouin insists that to feel the breeze of economic shifts, one need only pay attention to the rustling leaves of 24-hour news media. “Usually before it happens in the U.S., it’s happening somewhere else. [In 2007] we heard about large companies that were losing money or laying off workers,” he recalls. “If we didn’t see it coming, it’s because we weren’t paying attention.”

got a business question? Email Anna Raddatz at

30 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

eye on the (business) weather: Michel Baudouin’s downtown-Asheville restaurant, Bouchon, has weathered the recession, but he always keeps his eye on events that might affect his business. Photo by Bill Rhodes Luckily, Michel was paying attention: Ahead of the recession, he adjusted his business accordingly. “Back in fall 2007 I felt the wind coming. But I decided, we’re not going to raise or lower our prices; we’re just going to come up with some dishes we can sell at a very reasonable price without affecting our bottom line and focus on service more than ever.” Today, it’s clear that Baudouin made the right move. “We actually grew 30 percent a year during the recession,” he says. So what’s he noticing in the news these days? “Because of the drought across much of the U.S., the cost of feed is going up,” he says. “Farmers can’t afford to feed their cattle, so they’re sending them to the slaughterhouse. That will make the price of beef drop for a while, but then there will be a

shortage next year, which will make the price go up.” Then he asks, “Could I be wrong? Sure. But it would be the first time!” Anna Raddatz is development and communications coordinator at Mountain BizWorks. To learn how to prepare for the cycles that affect your business, register for the Mountain BizWorks “Business Cycles” workshop on Monday, Oct. 22. Contact Bob Dunn at 253-2834, ext. 17, or bob@ for more information. Mountain BizWorks supports small businesses in Western North Carolina through lending, consulting and training. For more information, visit X

Held in UNCA's Ramsey Library. Free. Info: 251-6434. aSheville CommUnity theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: or 254-1320. • TH (9/27), 7:30pm - "Listen to This: Stories in Performance" will feature stories about celebrity encounters. Hosted by Tom Chalmers. $10. aSheville Storytelling CirCle • SU (9/30), 3-5pm - The Asheville Storytelling Circle will perform at Fletcher Feed and Seed, 3715 Hendersonville Road. Free; donations accepted. Info: 467-9955. barbie doCkStader angell and david earl • SU (9/30), 6pm - Barbie Dockstader Angell and David Earl will celebrate Angell's forthcoming children's book, Roasting Questions, with poetry and music. Held at Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. $3. Info: or 277-0998. bUnCombe CoUnty pUbliC librarieS library abbreviationS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n wa = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750). n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • SA (9/29), 10am-5pm - Used book sale. wa City lightS bookStore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • WE (9/26), 6:30pm - Asheville baker Jodi Rhoden will offer samples and present her book, Cake Ladies. • SA (9/29), 3pm - Gary Stamper lead a presentation on "a new way of looking at and embodying what it means to hold and step into the authentic masculine in the 21st century." eventS at montford bookS and more 31 Montford Ave. Info: www.montfordbooks. com or 285-8805. • FR (9/28), 7pm - Storyteller Gwenda LedBetter will present excerpts from her onewoman play, Old Woman in the Basement. foUntainhead bookStore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-1870. • WE (10/3), 6:30pm - N.C. Poet Laureate Joseph Bathanti will read from his writings, followed by a Q&A. $5. gene keyS reading groUp • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - This weekly gathering meets to discuss Richard Rudd's Gene Keys, a "guide to facing and eradicating every fear that stands in the way of your freedom." A free PDF intro is available at Info and location: 785-2828.

• TH (9/27), 7pm - Sarah-Ann Smith will present her book Trang Sen, and Barbara Claypole White will present her book The Unfinished Garden. • FR (9/28), 7pm - Kristen Iversen will present her book Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats. • SA (9/29), 7pm - Terry Roberts will read from his book A Short Time to Stay Here. • SU (9/30), 3pm - Angela Halfacre will present her book A Delicate Balance: Constructing a Conservation Culture in the South Carolina Lowcountry. • MO (10/1), 7pm - Bridging Differences Book Club: The Kids form Nowhere: The Story Behind the Arctic Educational Miracle by George Guthridge. • TU (10/2), 7pm - "Kitchen Makeover: Recipes for Simplicity in the Heart of Your Home," a presentation by holistic health coach Samantha Pollack and professional organizer Adriel McIntyre. • WE (10/3), 7pm - Book club: Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward. • TH (10/4), 7pm - Maryann McFadden will read from her novel The Book Lover, and Erika Marks will read from her book The Mermaid Collector.



with Stephanie Johnson Saturday, October 20, 1– 4pm $35

350-1167 We s t A s h e v i l l e Yo g a . c o m

business blotter openings café 64, formerly Café Ello. 64 Haywood St. 252-8333

the art of SpiritUal memoir • WE (10/3), 7pm - "The Art of Spiritual Memoir," with Lauren Winner, writer, historian and theologian. Held in UNCA's Karpen Hall. Free. Info: or 232-5027.

tradewinds bookstore, 377 Weaverville Highway. 989-2335

sports adUlt dodgeball regiStration • Through MO (12/17) - An adult dodgeball league will be held on Tuesdays in UNCA's Justice Center. Registration required by dec. 17. $40. Info: or 250-4260. aSheville women'S rUgby • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Asheville Women's Rugby is currently recruiting new players; no experience necessary. Info:

ghoSt StorieS in the dark • TU (10/30), 7pm - Scary stories will be told on the deck beside the Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Free. Info: 250-6482.

beaCh volleyball regiStration • Through FR (10/19) - A beach volleyball league will be offered by Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Drive, Candler. Games are played Tues. & Thurs., 6-8pm, Oct. 30-Nov. 15. Registration required by oct. 19. $40 per team of four. Info and registration: jay.nelson@ or 250-4260.

malaprop'S bookStore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (9/26), 7pm - G.Y. Brown will present 7 Lives Remembered, and Harvey Arden will present his upcoming book Travels in a Stone Canoe.

blUe ridge rollergirlS Asheville's all-female, flat-track roller derby league. Info: • SA (9/29), 5pm - Blue Ridge Rollergirls All Stars vs. CQS A-Team --- 7pm - Blue Ridge Rollergirls French Broads vs. CQS Miss B-havers. Both events will be held at the N.C. Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road,


closings café ello, 64 Haywood St.

weaverville library book ClUb • TU (10/2), 7pm & WE (10/3), 3pm - Book Club: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne will be discussed at the Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Free. Info: 250-6482. wnC myStery writerS • TH (9/27), 6pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave #A. For serious mystery/suspense/thriller writers. Info: www. or 712-5570.

Form? Function?

renovations & other changes bojangles, 99 Merrimon Ave. 252-2777. Closed for renovations.




vintage Moon boutique, re-opened after building renovations. (Pictured, photo by Gigi Rene). 82 N. Lexington Ave. 225-2768 Fletcher. $12/$10 in advance/children 12 and under free. Info: Cherokee harveSt half marathon/5k • SA (9/29), 8am - The inaugural Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon will depart from the Acquoni Expo Center, 1501 Acquoni Road, Cherokee. $40 half marathon/$25 5K. Group discounts available. Info and registration: www. or fUll moon pedal party • SA (9/29), 9pm - A full moon pedal party will meet at the traffic circle in the River Arts District. Bring bikes, costumes, lights, music and friends. Theme: "silvery, shiny and glittery." Free. Info:

theater aSheville CommUnity theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: or 254-1320. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/14) - Hairspray, the story of a teenager's dream to perform on a local TV dance show and her attempts to integrate the show during the 1960s. Fri. & Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2:30pm. $15-$25.

• TH (10/4), 7:30pm - Benefit performance of Hairspray to support Eblen Charities. $25/$22 seniors/$15 students. • SA (9/29), 10am - Bluegrass and Tall Tales "combines great American literature with toetapping bluegrass interludes." $5. flat roCk playhoUSe Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse. org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (9/30), 8pm - The Music on the Rock series will feature the music of Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons at the downtown location. $24. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (10/3) until (10/28) - Zelda, An American Love Story, a production about Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald's "rise, fall and their almost divine desire to rise once more." Performed on the Mainstage. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat., Sun., 2pm. $40/discounts for seniors, AAA members, military personnel and students.

WSIF 90.9 FM - Boone 92.9 FM Charlotte 99.1FM, 100.3 FM Greenville 97.3 FM

light Up the Sky • FRIDAY (9/28) through SU (9/30), 2:30pm The Autumn Players will present Light Up the Sky, the story of "a colorful and very flamboyant cast of theatre folk" in 1940’s New York. Fri. & Sat., Asheville Community Theatre, 35 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 31

East Walnut St. Sun., UNCA's Reuter Center. $5. Info: www.ashevilletheatre. org or 254-1320. nC Stage Company Asheville's professional resident theater company, performing at 15 Stage Lane in downtown Asheville (entrance off of Walnut Street, across from Zambra's). Info and tickets: 239-0263 or www. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/7) - R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and Mystery) of the Universe, part autobiography of the 20th century renaissance man, part TED talk. Wed.Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $10-$28. noiSeS off • WE (10/3) through SU (10/7) - Noises Off, the story of "the escapades of a theatre company in the final hours of producing a fictional farce" will be presented by Appalachian State University's department of theater and dance in the university's Valborg Theatre. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $15/$13 ASU faculty and students/$8 children. Info: www.pas. parkway playhoUSe 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville. Info: or 682-4285. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (10/6), 7:30pm - Between the Tackles, the world premier of a play about an "important season of football for three lifelong friends who have all hilariously arrived at various forks in the road of their lives." $12-$20. pUmp boyS and dinetteS • Through SA (9/29), 7:30pm - Pump Boys and Dinettes, "foot-stomping songs and charming tales of friendship, romance and heartbreak" will be performed in WCU's Hoey Auditorium. Saturday matinee: 3pm. $20/$15 seniors and WCU faculty/$10 students/$7 students in advance. Info: bardoartscenter. or 227-2479. the giver • TH (9/27) through SU (9/30) - The Giver, Eric Coble’s adaptation of the Newberry Medal-winning book by Lois Lowry, will be performed by UNCA's student theater company in the university's Carol Belk Theatre. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sat.Sun., 2pm. $10/$5 students. Info: drama. or 232-6610. the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: or 257-4003. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (10/13), 7:30pm - MILF: The Musical, a "family-friendly tale of inappropriate love." $16 Fri. & Sat./$13 Thurs. tryon little theater Performances are held at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Info: 859-2466, or • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (9/30) - All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, "a funny, insightful, heartwarming look at what is profound in everyday life." Performed at the TLT Workshop, 516 S. Trade St., Tryon. Thurs.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 3pm. $15/$10.

32 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

volunteering aarp foUndation tax-aide • Through TH (10/25) - AARP Foundation Tax-Aide seeks volunteers to provide free tax preparation services to those with low or middle incomes. A meeting will be held on oct. 25 at 9:30am at the Hendersonville Library, 301 N. Washington St. Info: 891-1026. aSheville area habitat for hUmanity • Asheville Area Habitat For Humanity seeks computer proficient, personable individuals to serve as volunteer office administrative support. Four-hour weekly shifts available. Info: 210-9377. big brotherS big SiSterS • Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC seeks persons age 16 and older to mentor one hour per week in schools and after-school sites. Volunteers age 18 and older sought to share outings twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, including sports, arts, local attractions, etc. Information session Sept. 27 at noon, United Way building, S. French Broad Ave., Room 213. Info: www. or 253-1470.

handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. hope to home • Hope to Home seeks dishes, silverware, coffee mugs, microwaves, cleaning supplies and more to support homeless individuals moving into permanent housing. Info and drop-off location: byronb@ or literaCy CoUnCil of bUnCombe CoUnty Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 205. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a second language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation will be held oct. 31 and nov. 1. Info: motherlove mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per month required. Info: 254-7206.

bUnCombe CoUnty Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459.

partnerS Unlimited

Children firSt/CiS • Children First/CIS, an after school program for elementary school children living in public and low income housing, seeks volunteers at its Project MARCH Learning Centers. Mon.-Thurs., 2:305:30pm; weekly volunteering is encouraged. Info: or 768-2072.

proJeCt linUS

CoUnCil on aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call-A-Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: or 277-8288.

• Partners Unlimited, a program for atrisk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteer tutors and website assistance. Info: or 281-2800.

• Project Linus, a volunteer group which provides handmade blankets to children in crisis, seeks new members. Info: 6458800. roCky top trail Crew • SU (9/30) through SU (10/7) - The Appalachian Trail Conservancy's Rocky Top Trail Crew seeks volunteers to help reconstruct a section of the AT in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Free. Info, directions and registration: or 2543708. the rathbUn Center

habitat for hUmanity • Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for its Home Repair program. Use existing skills or gain new ones while helping low-income homeowners make improvements to their homes. No experience or long-term commitment necessary. Info: 210-9383.

• The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation which provides free lodging for patients or their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Info: or 251-0595.

handS on aShevillebUnCombe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (9/27), 11am-12:30pm - Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate. • TH (9/27), 4-6pm - Fair-Trade StockUp: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells

Info: or 258-8737. • SU (9/30), 9am-4pm - WNCA seeks volunteers to sample and identify aquatic insects. Volunteers will sample two sites twice per year. Orientation will be held Sept. 30 at UNCA. $15-$20 donation for materials encouraged, but not required. Info and registration: graciaoneill@yahoo. com or 713-4352.

wnC allianCe

Calendar deadline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wedneSday, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 33

34 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

neWs oF the

Weird read daily

Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

lead story And What Were You doing at Age 14? Among the students featured in Popular Science's September list of young inventors was Fabian Fernandez-Han, 14, of Conroe, Texas, who invented a bicycle that, when pedaled, also desalinates seawater (via reverse osmosis) from replaceable 15-gallon canisters. One hour of pedaling produces 20 gallons of drinkable water. Maryland resident Jack Andraka, 15, created a test for pancreatic cancer (using carbon nanotubes) that’s much faster and more accurate than current diagnostics.

can't possibly be true • School officials in Grand Island, Neb., told Hunter Spanjer that he'll have to change the way he signs his name, which violates the schools' anti-weapons policy. The deaf 3-year-old, fluent in the language known as Signing Exact English, uses a hand flourish as his unique signature (registered with SEE). But officials say the flourish looks like Hunter is threatening with a weapon. At press time, his parents were still negotiating with officials. • An unidentified mother of twins was photographed at the Thanksgiving Point Deli in Lehi, Utah, in September apparently toilet-training her toddlers at a table. Another patron saw the mother bring in what first looked like booster seats, undo the kids' jump suits and place them on the potties. A spokesperson for the deli (located 10 miles south of Salt Lake City) said the incident was over by the time it was reported to her, but the witness put a photo on the Internet (picked up by TV stations) so millions of people could disapprove of the mother's parenting. • Police in Seneca Falls, N.Y., arrested Dawn Planty in August and charged her with statutory rape. Planty had called 911 and asked the dispatcher what the age of consent is in the state, saying she’d had sex with a 15-year-old boy recently and wanted to clear her conscience.

perspective • Many Americans are still outraged that no major banking officials were punished for the misdeeds that produced the 2008 financial collapse. However, in July, Wells Fargo fired

68-year-old Richard Eggers, whose otherwiseunblemished record was marred only by a 49-year-old conviction for trying to use a cardboard "dime" in a laundromat machine. Wells Fargo said its hands were tied by a new federal law requiring dismissal of anyone with past convictions for "transactional crimes" (aimed at identity theft and money laundering). The law includes a waiver procedure, but the process is complicated, and the bank said it feared being fined if it didn’t terminate Eggers promptly.

the district oF calaMity ii • Overtaking Washington, d.C., in dysfunction: (1) Ever since Detroit prosecutor Kym Worthy found 11,000 "rape kits" lying idle on police shelves in 2009, she’s been seeking funding to test them. As of this August, of the 400 kits deemed most likely to yield results, 21 "serial rapists" were identified. (No staff is available to find the men, and it’s not known whether any have committed additional rapes since 2009.) (2) Two hours after an early morning multiple shooting in Detroit on Sept. 1, a 36-year-old man turned himself in at a fire station. Unable to persuade police to come arrest him, however, firefighters eventually, put the man in a taxi and sent him to a police station, WXYZ-TV reported.

least-coMpetent criMinals • Not Ready for Prime Time: (1) Two robbers walked into the 7-Eleven in Arlington, Va., in August; as the first man pulled a gun and demanded money, the second tossed a firecracker on the floor to intimidate the clerk. The frightened gunman dropped his pistol and ran out the door. (2) A 40-year-old man swiped a cellphone while visiting a patient at the Kagadi Hospital in Uganda in August. The facility is currently treating the country's Ebola virus outbreak, and the phone was in the room of an Ebola patient. Doctors urged the thief to return to the hospital for treatment.

undigniFied deaths • Ironies: (1) Five young men died in Ontario, Calif., in September when their car rolled over as many as five times after speeding through a red light at 1:45 a.m. One of the occupants had sent Twitter messages during the ride referring to being "drunk," "going 120 drifting corners" and (in two messages), "YOLO" ("you only live once"). (2) A 47-year-old man was accidentally strangled in June in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province. He’d taken to wearing his recently deceased dog's leash around his neck in remembrance but, bending over, got it caught in a departing car's axle. X




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wellness Beautiful Minds aurora envisions new dawn for artists in reCovery By Caitlin Byrd Homeless, stressed and dealing with a family crisis, the woman hardly seemed a goddess when she entered the Neil Dobbins Center in Asheville. But for drug-and-alcohol counselor Lori Greenberg, this woman would become her muse. "She was a phenomenal artist," Greenberg recalls. "She was a painter, but she could take paper and make amazing little things out of them. She could create out of nothing." That inspired Greenberg to do some creating of her own. This May, she founded the Aurora Studio & Gallery for artists struggling with mental illness, addiction and homelessness. "I've seen so many people come through that are marginalized in our culture. They're homeless, they don't have the right insurance, they can't get their medications, they're dealing with addiction problems," she explains. “But they're brilliant minds. They're brilliant, creative individuals that are just having a hard time getting a leg up.” Greenberg hopes the facility she envisions will give artists in recovery the encouragement and support they need — providing both a space to create and a place to heal. "For people who’ve experienced trauma,” notes Greenberg, who’s worked in the field for 30 years, “it’s usually better expressed through a visual medium, as opposed to spoken word.” At this stage, Aurora is operating under the umbrella of local nonprofit Arts2People until the studio/gallery can get its own 501(c)(3) certification. Greenberg says she’s focusing on fundraising in hopes of opening a brick-and-mortar venue in the River Arts District next year. "It's such a vibrant place, and you can feel the art,” she notes. “You can feel the creativity.”

Live Blood Analysis Available

artful approach: Lori Greenberg hopes to open Aurora Studio & Gallery sometime next year in the River Arts District. The studio will be for artists struggling with mental illness, addiction and homelessness. Photo by Caitlin Byrd

a studio of one’s own a Moving experienCe The Traveling Arts Raffle offers a chance to win your choice of 11 pieces of art. Tickets ($1 apiece, six for $5) are available at various locations and events; the next stop will be the River Arts District’s Nov. 10-11 Studio Stroll. All proceeds will go to the Aurora Studio & Gallery. The raffle drawing will take place Saturday, Dec. 15, at The ARTery, 346 Depot St. in the River District. For more information about Aurora Studio & Gallery, email Lori Greenberg at

36 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Greenberg first observed the link between healing and art while working in an expressive-arts program for young people in the mid-’90s. But she wants a more holistic approach for her studio. "We would start the day with yoga, then work, take a break, work some more and then come together at the end of the day for some journaling," she recalls. It’s not about providing art therapy, however. "The vision for the studio is to give these artists a place where they can work on their art,” Greenberg explains, adding, “I see it more as a collaborative effort” that might also include bringing in nonlocals via an artist-inresidence program. In these tough economic times, however,

Greenberg and her board members have had to think creatively, too. The group needs to raise about $120,000 to cover startup and overhead costs, she estimates. To that end, the nonprofit is holding a Traveling Arts Raffle (see box, “A Moving Experience”).

an artist's inspiration When Greenberg met informally with local painter and sculptor Emil Bekavac at The Gourmet Chip Co. earlier this year, inspiration struck. "I took one of my pieces off the wall and said, 'Here: Use this and take it with you, because you're using it well.' I fully support her ideas," Bekavac explains. Bekavac grew up in a blue-collar town near Pittsburgh. Options for artists were limited, he says, and rejection was the rule.


“For people Who’ve experienced trauMa, it’s usually better expressed through a visual MediuM, as opposed to spoken Word.”

The 8th Annual T

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

aurora studio & gallery Founder lori greenberg

"Growing up, I didn't have the support that artists need. There's this attitude that it's OK to paint when you're a child: Coloring is just something to do. But as I got older, I was told if I wanted to paint, I could go paint the garage," Bekavac recalls. And though he didn’t become addicted to drugs, he saw fellow artists who did. "When you want to be an artist, you meet this resistance; when that happens, then you hit rejection,” says Bekavac. “Then you turn to some substance that takes that ugly feeling away, and it feels good for a while — but now you've got two dragons breathing down your back.” Pointing to the subtle repetition of circles in one of his paintings, he continues, "But people can recover and shake those chains. As we heal as a nation, they're able to see that, become productive parts of society, realize their self-worth — and get the recognition they need." For Greenberg, that’s what Aurora Studio & Gallery is all about. "Aurora kind of means ‘new beginning’ or ‘new start.’ It's also a natural phenomenon that's seldom seen," she explains. "Some of the individuals whom I've worked with see the world differently from the way many people do, and I feel that they also have a vision that's seen by few." After a pause, Greenberg adds, "I love helping people heal, and art in itself is healing." X Send your health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at or, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.


Women & Plants presents The 8th Annual T

Got (rBST & rBGH-free) Milk? Portions of this article appeared in

Artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert,

Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference Bringing Back the Wi Wise ise Woman Ways October 12th-14th • Black Mountain, NC • 877-sewomen


Women & Plants Artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert,

Southeast Women’s Herbal With special guest Aviva Romm, Conference M.D., herbalist, midwife and author Bringing Back the Wi Wise ise Woman Ways Online registration open until Oct. 7th October 12th-14th • Black Mountain, NC • 877-sewomen

In the early 80’s, Ingles Markets purchased a milk processing plant (MILKCO — in West Asheville from Sealtest. Since then we have been able to “bottle” our own Laura Lynn milk, single-serve milk for schools as well as juices, water, Harvest Farm organic milk, Sealtest and Light and Lively milk and private label or store brand milks for other stores. Laura Lynn milk comes from dairy farmers who we consider local (i.e most less than 150 miles away). The reason all our milk is not sourced locallly is due to the sharp decline in local dairy farmers in recent years. Several years ago, we began getting more and more questions from our customers about whether our dairy suppliers were giving their cows artificial growth hormones like rBGH (recombinant growth hormone) and rBST (recombinant bovine somatropin) to increase their milk supply. To allay fears about the possible negative effects of these growth hormones; we asked all our dairy farmers to sign legal affadavits that stated that they would NOT administer these artificial growth hormones. This, of course, does not mean that the cows are hormone-free, as cows have their own natural hormones which enable the cow to produce milk. Once all of our dairy farmers were “on board” we began advertising that our Laura Lynn milk was from cows who had not been given artificial growth hormones and this information is still on the Laura Lynn milk labels and often appears in our advertising. The President of MILKCO, Keith Collins, remains committed to providing Laura Lynn milk that is from cows that have not been given rBGH or rBST.

Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets

Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936 Asheville 828.274.4555 • Haywood Rd. 828.692.6751 Hendersonville 828.692.1333 • Waynesville 828.454.9816 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 37

wellnesscalendar Compassion FoCused Therapy and Training Courses (pd.) Being human is difficult! Cultivate mindful self-compassion practices to successfully deal with the stresses of 21st century life. Rewire patterns of self-judgment, judgment of others. Change ineffective thinking, feeling and behavior patterns with EASE. We may be hard on ourselves/driven to perfection in the hopes of improving ourselves, being a better person and/or changing ourselves. Is it working? Depression, anxiety, relational conflicts, over-thinking, misuse of alcohol, drugs, food and other excesses often results from the inability to connect with the source of strength, love and compassion within ourselves. • Learn the "HOW" of developing self-compassion/compassion for others. Experience the benefits of JOY, VIBRANCY, AUTHENTICITY, INTIMACY and FREEDOM. 231-2107. If not NOW, when? To learn more/ask questions call for a phone consultation at no charge. 828-231-2107. nuTriTion Forward (pd.) The art of feeding your life. Health, energy, and peace through natural, joyful eating. S. Buchanan, RD, Certified Diabetes Educator 828-230-9865

Broad Ave., in a solar-heated pool. Information: www. or 254-7206 x 110. “BreaThe in-relax” women’s reTreaT (pd.) October 18-21. Asheville. Rejuvenate! with International Master Coaches Teri-E Belf, Vicki Escude. Balance mind, body, spirit through transformative storytelling, meditation, and movement. $479 www. 828-274-3999. a guide To The healing power oF illness • FR (9/28), 7-9pm - “Radical Hope: A Guide to the Healing Power of Illness,” with Jungian analyst Dr. Bud Harris, will be presented at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. $25/$20 in advance. Scholarships available for those with chronic illnesses. Info: or 251-9719. aCTive aging week • Through SA (9/29) - Active Aging Week is an annual health promotion event for adults over 50, featuring free events to promote age-friendly wellness in Buncombe, Madison, Henderson and Transylvania counties. Info and schedule: or 251-7438.

asheville CenTer For TransCendenTal mediTaTion ("Tm") (pd.) IFree Introductory Talk: Thursdays. 6:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut (828) 254-4350.

aFFordaBle healThCare presenTaTion • SU (9/30), 7-9pm - Doctors from Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville will lead a "community presentation to explain the healthcare system and what can be done locally to create sustainable, affordable healthcare." Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. Free. Info: www.

ywCa swim lessons swim lessons (pd.) For all ages taught by Red Cross certified instructors. Taught at the YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French

arThriTis FoundaTion Tai Chi • WEDNESDAYS through (10/24), 4-5pm & 7:30pm8:30pm - Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi will feature struc-

tured, slow practice geared toward beginners. Held at First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Those without arthritis are welcome to attend. $12/$10 church members and Mission Hospital employees and volunteers. Scholarships available. Info: or 253-8649. asheville CommuniTy yoga CenTer Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: • SA (10/3), 7-8:30pm - Kirtan with Chaitanya, "a musical celebration of devotion." $10 suggested donation. diaBeTes healTh eduCaTion Class • 4th WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Asheville Compounding Pharmacy, 760 Merrimon Ave., offers free diabetes education classes. Info: 255-8757. evenTs aT pardee hospiTal All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: or 692-4600. • TH (10/4), 3-4:30pm - "Sharp As A Tack," a discussion about brain plasticity and how to prevent cognitive decline. FiT CluB • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - "A fun-filled, 30-minute circuit type exercise" followed by a game or jog/walk. Meets at Carrier Park Pavilion. Geared toward all levels of fitness. Free. Info: Freedom From smoking CliniC • TUESDAYS through (10/23), 6:30pm - This sevenweek smoking cessation clinic is sponsored by Mission Hospital's Nicotine Dependence Program. Free. Info

and registration: 213-5527 or quittobacco. nurse ChrisTian Fellowship meeTing • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Nurse Christian Fellowship provides a local, regional, national and international network to bring the message of Jesus Christ and a Christian worldview to nursing education and practice. Free. Info: paleo nuTriTion leCTure • SA (9/29), 7pm - Dr. Daniel L. Stickler of will present a paleo nutrition lecture at Synchronicity Wellness, 190 Broadway St. Free; registration required:, or 279-6750. selF deFense For women's empowermenT • SU (9/30), 3-5pm - "Self Defense and Martial Arts for Women's Empowerment" will be offered by Asheville Ninjas at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. Registration suggested. By donation. Info: The red Cross 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WEDNESDAYS, 7:30am-12:30pm - Donate blood any Wednesday at the Asheville Blood Donation Center, 100 Edgewood Road, and receive a free $10 Neo Burrito gift certificate. Call for appointment: 1-800-RED CROSS. • WE (9/26), 9am-2pm - Blood drive: Brevard College, Myers Dining Hall. Info: 884-8244. • TH (9/27), 9am-1pm - Blood drive: Enka Middle School, 390 Asbury Road, Candler. Info: 670-5010.


ASHEVILLEGROWN.COM IT’S FREE! 38 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •


wellnesscalendar • FR (9/28), 6:30-11am - Blood Drive: Biltmore Park Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Info: • TU (10/2), 10am-2:30pm - Blood drive: Montreat College's Gaither Hall, 310 Gaither Circle. Info:

skills to lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Center, 94 Coxe Ave. $25 includes materials. Info and registration: 255-5522.

Trash CanCer • SA (9/29), 2pm - "Ninety percent of cancers are lifestyle/environmentally-related." Join thousands nationwide to learn how to reduce cancer risks. Registration required for location: or 548-0779.

• FRIDAYS, 11am - This all-levels yoga course is designed to ease sore backs, shoulders and wrists while increasing practitioners' creativity. Held at Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St. $10/$7 River Arts District employees and artists. Info: meg.

True sTories abouT healThCare • SU (9/30), 3-5pm - "True Stories About Healthcare" will be presented by WNC Health Advocates at First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Free. Info:

More Wellness evenTs online

WeighT ManageMenT Class • TUESDAYS through (12/11), noon-1pm - "Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less," a 15-week weight management class, will focus on practical

CalenDar DeaDline

Yoga To enhanCe CreaTiviTY

Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after October 4.

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDaY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333 ext. 114.

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Color your Life…with Quilts! Sept. 28-30 at the WNC Ag Center. Over 275 quilts from all over the country Over $7,000 in prize money Demonstrations by nationally known local quilt artists run throughout the show Schedule is listed on the website and on the Asheville Quilt Show Facebook page (“like” it!).

Shopping opportunities, with more than 20 vendors, silent auction, quilts for sale, and a Guild gift shop Lunch is available, there’s free parking, and it’s handicap-accessible.

Come join us!

(828) 298-2560 • • September 26 - october 2, 2012 39

sheen oF the cRime By emily PatRick They come in the night with tanks, hoses and pumps through back alleys and parking lots. In a matter of minutes, they’ve sucked the place dry. They take what they came for: Their victims don’t resist. And sometimes, it’s days before anyone discovers what they’ve done. Their object is atypical. They deal in grease, used oil from restaurant fryers. Theirs is the province of the busboy, the dishwasher and the garbage man. It’s the area at the back of the restaurant amid the discarded remnants of the business. But what they’re taking isn’t trash: It’s a commodity. The USDA monitors the market for yellow grease (the pure, filtered version of used cooking oil). It’s worth 36 cents per pound — about $2.70 per gallon — as of the Sept. 14 National Weekly Ag Energy Round-Up report.

Locally, thefts are common, and restaurant owners and biodiesel manufacturers get frustrated with the waste and mess that result when a thief breaks into a grease bin. But whoever the bandits are, they’re slippery. To date, no one has been apprehended for a grease heist.

a mysteRious caPeR Chef Mo Abreu says thieves duped him for months before he realized his oil was going to the wrong place. Abreu contracts with the local biofuel manufacturer and vendor Blue Ridge Biofuels. The company pays him based on the amount and quality of the grease. Earlier this year, he realized the oil was disappearing, but the checks weren’t coming.

40 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •


Be on the lookout FoR

gRease Bandits “Somebody cut a hole, and they insert a hose, and they siphon it,” says Abreu, namesake of Chef Mo’s Restaurant and Bar. “For me, I was thinking it was going to be [Blue Ridge] Biofuels. [I thought] it was them doing it, you know.” But when he called Blue Ridge Biofuels, they said they thought he had hired another company, because the bin was always empty. Abreu concluded that a third party, a grease thief, must have been involved. But who it was and when they came, he knows not. “You’re kind of thinking, ‘Well, you’re going to get some money, and you tried to do something good,’” he says. “And then I find out that somebody’s coming and taking money from me.” The police report values the stolen oil at $200, but that’s an estimate. Who knows how much was taken.

aBundant hassles In the past month, Blue Ridge Biofuels has confirmed four grease thefts from its Asheville accounts and about a dozen throughout the entire service area (Boone to Spartanburg). Rezaz, Yao, Marco’s Pizza and Metro Chinese have all been recent victims. For restaurants that get paid for the used oil, stolen grease means lost income, even if it isn’t a large amount. But even for those that don’t take cash, the thefts are a hassle. Owner Reza Setayesh contracts with Blue Ridge Biofuels because he says they provide a clean and organized service, which the thefts disrupt. “It upsets me that when a company is taking something and turning it into something reusable, that somebody is coming around and taking

dowsing FoR oil in the

kitchen and Beyond Cooking oil usually arrives at restaurants in 35-pound jugs called “cubes,” which hold about 5 gallons of oil. Many restaurants use either vegetable shortening or canola oil. Each fryer holds about one-and-a-half cubes. The fryer heats the oil to a high temperature, somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 degrees, depending on the restaurant and the cuisine. Cooks submerge ingredients into the hot oil bath, and french fries, crispy chicken and tempura veggies emerge. At the end of the night, the kitchen crew runs a strainer through the used oil to filter out any debris that might spoil the batch. They change the oil once or twice a week, possibly more,

advantage of them,” Setayesh says. “Now we have our radars up, and we are watching.”

wasting eneRgy Blue Ridge Biofuels feels the brunt. “They smash the port hole in where we collect the oil, and then they just suck it out and leave it broken, so we have to replace it,” says Alisha Goodman, client services coordinator. Plastic bins cost $274 and have to be replaced when damaged. The metal bins cost more than $500, and though they can be repaired, the manpower required to replace them strains the company’s staff. “When somebody comes through and busts open a bin, then we have to go out, and that’s something we have to take care of,” Goodman says. “Metal bins are much heavier than the plastic, so it takes more man power, and with a staff of 10, that can really affect how much of the work ... gets done a week.”

soPPing uP the mess Goodman suspects several parties may be involved. First, there are “home brewers” who convert the used oil into fuel on their own. Then there are industry competitors, regional and national companies that convert the grease into animal feed, soap, makeup and sometimes fuel. Goodman suspects that Blue Ridge Biofuels could have been the target of similar intra-industry shenanigans. “In Greenville, someone actually stole the entire bin,” she says. “We’d just put it out, and they took the entire bin, but the neighboring bin was completely intact. When we put the bin back, the lock was broken, but the neighboring bin, which belonged to another company, was still fine.” The large rendering companies who service Asheville say they have problems with thefts, too. Spokespeople from Darling International and

depending on the amount of frying their menu requires. When the oil wears out (just like the oil in your car wears out), the crew drains it from the fryer into a pot or other heat-proof container where it cools. Then, they pour the waste oil into their grease bin or return it to the cube to dispose of later. Oil goes rancid if it has been overheated or if it has not been thoroughly cleaned, which gives some restaurants further incentive to store it near the dumpsters. Once the cooking oil becomes a waste product, rendering and biodiesel companies pick it up in pump trucks and recycle it into soap, makeup, animal food or biofuel … unless a grease thief intercepts it first.

Valley Proteins say their companies have been plagued by similar acts of larceny throughout Western North Carolina. One company has hired private detectives to monitor some of their accounts. Still, the outlook is grim for grease victims. Most of the police reports Goodman has filed have been closed. The Chef Mo’s case reads “leads exhausted.” Sergeant Mark Lamb of the Asheville Police Department Criminal Investigations Division says that information about the thefts is scarce; grease doesn’t have a serial number. Most of the time, volunteers follow up on the police reports since detectives only work on cases with tangible leads. “If we get any information on where people may be taking the vegetable oil to, or using the vegetable oil for, any investigative leads, anything that we can follow up on, then it will be assigned to a detective,” Lamb says. Goodman says she understands why the police have difficulty tracking the thieves. “I think it’s easy [to steal],” she says. “A lot of restaurants don’t have cameras on their trash bins.” X

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FUN-days on the Island!

nothing less than they serve at home: Gus Zourzoukis readies a batch of Greek meatballs. Photo by Andrea Zourzoukis

eat greek for a day … or two or three Some festivals feature hot dogs and funnel cakes, maybe a turkey leg here and there. The Asheville Greek Festival serves lamb shanks. “It's not for those who have a demure or light appetite,” says Sue Arakas, a member of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Montford, which hosts the festival. “This is a full lamb shank that is prepared in a special way by our cooks that have gotten together and combined all the best practices of how to make lamb shanks, and they bake it in a delicious tomato-based sauce. It literally falls off the bone.”

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42 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Holy Trinity takes food seriously. Preparing the dishes of Greece, the homeland of many of the members, isn't just about eating; it's a way of connecting with Asheville. “Certainly hospitality is one way that we can show our genuine affection for our fellow man,” Arakas says. “It's just another way to open up our arms and have you be Greek for a day.” The made-from-scratch offerings represent traditional Greek dishes: spanakopita (filo pastry filled with spinach, onions and cheeses), pastichio (a pasta dish of ground beef and béchamel sauce), gyros, baklava and traditional Greek coffee (a strong, foamy brew cooked in small batches) are just a few of the dishes the congregation will prepare. Arakas says the cooks compile their recipes very particularly, drawing from different versions that each family brought with them from Greece. Now in her mid 50s, Arakas says she's a youngster in the kitchen. “I'm still relegated to chopping the onions and squeezing the spinach,” she says. “These women and gentlemen who come and cook wouldn't dare dream of serving anyone

anything less than what they'd serve in their own home. They are very proud people. We are very proud people.” This year, Arakas is particularly excited about the homemade filo dough demonstration. The flaky pastry is notoriously difficult to make from scratch. “It's flour, water, a little oil, and it's all in the wrist and how you make the dough just right so it's not to stiff, not too soft,” Arakas says. “I remember being a young girl and watching my mother roll out the filo, and she used a broomstick … She could roll out filo dough in a New York minute, but that is kind of a lost art nowadays. We've become convenience-based.” In addition to edibles, the festivities will include music, dancing and church tours. The congregation will set up a market to sell imported foodstuffs in addition to traditional clothing and religious icons. Nick Demos and the Greek Islanders, an ensemble from Atlanta, will play tunes that feature the bouzouki, a traditional Greek string instrument.

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Proceeds from the event benefit the church's renovation projects — they're dealing with issues related to a leaky roof — as well as a charity that the congregation has yet to determine. The festival takes place at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church at 227 Cumberland Ave. in Montford. It's a three-day affair that runs from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28 – 29 and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30. Food prices range from $1 to $16 (for the lamb shank). The vendors accept Visa and Mastercard. For more information and a full list of food offerings, visit

asheville restaurants vie for the “most epic tempeh reuben”

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A group of local tempeh reuben enthusiasts plan to give new meaning to the word “epic”: From now on, the term connotes a gathering of 11 of Asheville’s most ambitious sandwiches in one venue for an afternoon of reuben tasting. On Sunday, Sept. 30, reuben artists from City Bakery, Green Light, Nine Mile, Green Sage, One Stop Deli, Rosetta’s Kitchen, Veg Head Drive Thru, WestVillage Market, Weaverville Pub and Zuma will create the best tempeh reuben they can muster at the Asheville Music Hall. A panel of judges and diners will vote separately to determine which restaurant deserves the bragging rights for best tempeh reuben. The basic, traditional reuben ingredients include corned beef (or tempeh), swiss cheese, a sauce of some kind and sauerkraut on rye bread. But J. Clarkson, a contest organizer and the director of foundation and corporate support at MANNA FoodBank, says he expects creativity, especially since not all of the competing restaurants serve the sandwich regularly. “We expect some pretty interesting innovations on the theme,” he says. The judges include Gibbie Harris, director of the Buncombe County Department of Health, and Gordon Smith, Asheville City Council member. “The panel of judges is kind of representative of the fact that this is a food event, but this is really a community event,” Clarkson says. “It is about the sandwich, but it’s really a celebration of the local food community.” The ticketed event runs from 2 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30 at the Asheville Music Hall. Tickets cost $12 online ($13.41 including a service fee) or $15 at the door. Admission entitles attendees to samples of the 11 sandwiches and two drink tickets, redeemable for beer from Highland Brewing or kombucha from Buchi. Smiling Harah will donate the tempeh.


The judges will announce the winner around 4 or 4:30 p.m., Clarkson says. The Stilt Walkers — an actual stilt-walking act — and Michael Luchtan of the Asheville Tango Orchestra, will perform throughout the afternoon. All proceeds benefit MANNA FoodBank. For more information, visit For tickets, visit • September 26 - october 2, 2012 43

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Minute details & medium plates: Chestnut opens downtown Joe Scully swears his goal is simplicity. This week, he opens Chestnut, his second Asheville restaurant with partner Kevin Westmoreland. “We’re really going to keep it simple and do it as well as we possibly can,” he says.

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Second course: Corner Kitchen owners Joe Scully, left, and Kevin Westmoreland collaborate again with Chestnut. Photo by Max Cooper


44 SEPTEMBER 26 - OCTOBER 2, 2012 •

But his work on the space has focused on details. His deep affection for his new venture and the people it will feed might be a simple feeling, but it’s no trivial sentiment. “It falls into all the things that I believe as a person,” he says. “It’s not what you do, but how you do it. It’s about integrity; it’s about honesty, all those things. And we bring that.” As he moves about the new Biltmore Avenue space that opens Thursday, Sept. 27, he explains each detail, from the door handles to the oak and chestnut tables and panels to the bathrooms, with the pride and attentiveness of a father. “If you notice, right now, our voices aren’t echoing because all along the top of this thing, we’ve installed acoustical panels, but they’re very subtle, and you’d never notice them unless I pointed them out,” he says. It’s the small touches, the unnoticeable additions to Chestnut that make Scully grin. “It’s a beautiful restaurant, and I want it to be accessible to a large demographic,” he says. The outcome of his efforts will be an accessible, affordable restaurant and bar: “The only dress code is: ‘Please wear some clothing,’” he says. Chestnut is Scully’s second Asheville venture with Westmoreland. The pair also owns Corner Kitchen in Biltmore Village. But the Biltmore Avenue building is really two projects in one. The street level, and former location of Ed Boudreaux’s, houses the 130-seat restaurant and a full bar. The lower level, the one-time Highland Brewery space, is the new home of Corner Kitchen’s catering outfit. It’s a massive commercial kitchen with innumerable walk-in coolers and sinks and ice-cream makers. Scully laughs when asked about the amount of catering business that will be required to keep the kitchen busy. In Chestnut’s kitchen, Chef Matt Tracy, formerly of Colleton River Plantation Club in Blufton, S.C., dishes out what Scully calls “medium plates,” small, affordable portions with protein weights ranging from 1 to 3 ounces. “When you’re finished eating, say, a medium plate and a dessert or a salad and a medium plate, you’ll be out cheaper, but you won’t feel as heavy,” he says. “If you go by the guidelines set forth by a nutritionist, your protein portion will be much lower than what Americans normally eat.”

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Scully says a medium plate and a salad will cost less than $20, although the menu also includes larger entrees. Scully styles the food as “eclectic American.” Seasonal medium plates include “Eggplant ‘Spanikopita,’” ratatouille, tomato broth, skordalia, olive tapenade and basil chiffonade. There’s also the “Lump Crab Filled Vietnamese Summer Roll” with peanut sauce and green papaya salad. For entrees, the dinner menu boasts “Roast Beef Tenderloin with Oxtail Strudel” and parsnip chestnut puree, glazed carrots and Swiss chard in addition to “Apple Glazed Sunburst Trout” with arugula and asparagus. Brasstown Beef, Hickory Nut Gap farm meats and Lusty Monk Mustard represent regional food producers on the menu, although Scully says that local food should be a norm, not a selling point. “We’ll use local stuff, but we’re not going to say it a lot,” he says. “We’re not going to call it a farm-to-table restaurant because that’s an overused term, and I believe that if you’re not farm-to-table in this city, you’re not really in the game. So why tell people about it?” Chestnut opens on Thursday, Sept. 27, at 48 Biltmore Ave. The restaurant will serve lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. It offers a full bar with 14 beers on tap. Monday through Saturday, Chestnut opens at 11 a.m. On Sunday, brunch begins at 9 a.m. The kitchen closes in the evening around 10 or 11 p.m., depending on the volume of customers. X Send your food news to

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Keynote Speaker: Emmy Award-Winning Adventurer, Naturalist and TV Personality Dr. Patrick McMillan For More Information Call: (828) 281-0047 or visit our website: • September 26 - october 2, 2012 45


by anne fitten glenn

raise a pint to Jay steWart Wicked Weed Wins at breWgrass

Jay Stewart did more than almost anyone to support Asheville’s craft beer pioneers, although it was mostly from behind the scenes. Stewart died on Sept. 17 after a long illness. A longtime Asheville real estate investor, Steward was a part owner of Highland Brewing Company and owned the buildings that house Barley’s Taproom & Pizzeria and Pisgah Brewing Company. Jimi Rentz, co-owner of Barley’s, called Stewart the “Julian Price of the craft beer industry in Asheville.” “Jay and his business partners are economic incubators in themselves,” Rentz says. “If it were not for Stewart’s vision, businesses like Barley’s Taproom, Highland Brewing and Pisgah Brewing may not have been here. Jay laid a solid foundation under these businesses called affordable rent,” Rentz says. Let’s all raise a local pint for Jay Stewart's contribution to Asheville beer.

Every year at Asheville’s Brewgrass Festival, as festivalgoers are leaving, they can vote for their favorite brewery of the day. The top votegetter is chosen as the People’s Choice Award and honored at the following year’s brewers’ party, held the night before Brewgrass. The 2012 winner was newbie Wicked Weed Brewing, set to open next to the Orange Peel on Biltmore Avenue. Wicked Weed consistently had the longest lines of the day and served up tastes of several different beers, some of which the brewers contract brewed at Craggie Brewing Company. Catawba Valley Brewing came in a close second in this year's voting, per Brewgrass organizer Jimi Rentz. The 2011 People’s Choice winner was Asheville's French Broad Brewing Company and the previous year (and for several years before that) the winner was Pisgah Brewing of Black Mountain.

oktoberFest coMing right up We are blessed with beer. Say it with me, sisters and brothers. Ready for more local drinking? If the answer is “yes,” go purchase Oktoberfest tickets here: ashevilledowntown. org/Asheville-Oktoberfest.html. Oktoberfest takes place downtown on Wall Street on Saturday, Oct. 13, from noon until 6 p.m. Tickets are $25 and include beers from several local breweries (Asheville Brewing, French Broad, Green Man, Highland and Pisgah will all be there — others may come). The now-renowned Oktoberfest games will also take place, pitting teams from participating local breweries against one another in entertaining competitions such as keg rolling, a pint glass lift and more. And yes, there will be bratwurst for sale.

asheville breWing to can ninJa porter

get ready, get set, brew: Brewer/co-owner Gordon Kear completes the installation of Altamont Brewing Company’s tanks. West Asheville’s first brewery will be selling its own beer in about a couple of months. Photo by Anne Fitten Glenn

Wear your lederhosen and beer wench garb if you want to compete in the festival-wide costume competition. Prosit!

locals represent at colorado Festival Also in mid-October, a number of Western North Carolina brewers and brewery representatives will attend the annual Great American Beer Festival. GABF is the American brewing industry’s biggest public tasting event and beer competition, held in Denver, Colo., since 1982. The North Carolina Brewers Guild, the trade organization that represents North Carolina’s breweries, will be serving tastes of several N.C. brews at GABF, including Highland Brewing’s Gaelic Ale and Black Mocha Stout and Asheville Brewing’s Shiva IPA. Pisgah Brewing, Catawba Valley Brewing and Lexington Avenue Brewing are all sending folks to the festival and entering beers in the

46 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

nationwide competition. Pisgah Brewing is entering Wet Hop Rye, Vortex II Imperial Stout, Solstice Tripel, Mexican Lager and Blueberry Wheat. Catawba Valley Brewing Company is sending beers to GABF for the first time in its 13-year history. The brewery has submitted King Coconut Porter, Arlo’s PB&J, Abul-Abaz Belgian Saison, Farmer Ted’s Cream Ale and Napoleon Berliner-Weisse. CVBC also submitted La Petit Fleur wheat ale and Emperor Charlemagne, an imperial red, to be evaluated by judges who will offer feedback to the brewery. The LAB has submitted Man in Black IPA and Bricktop IPA for judging. Tastes of both of those beers, plus the Razberry Nitro Porter, will be available to the public at GABF. The LAB also will offer a beer and food pairing one night featuring three Lowcountry style food offerings paired with three of their high gravity beers.

The can-plosion that’s taking over the craft beer world is definitely rocking Asheville Brewing Company. The brewery just hired a fifth full-time brewer, Brian Bacuzzi, most recently a brewer at Alewerks Brewing Company in Williamsburg, Va. ABC will brew seven days a week, mostly to keep up with the demand for Shiva IPA and Rocket Girl Lager in cans. While the Ninja Porter was supposed to be released in the same package in time for Brewgrass on Sept. 15, the backlog of local canned-beer love made that impossible. “It’s neat to have a local IPA in a can, and we’ve been surprised that the Shiva outsells the Rocket Girl two to one,” says ABC president Mike Rangel.

hoMe breW rock stars Steve Nance of Winston-Salem won best in show at the annual Blue Ridge Brew Off Competition on Sept. 8. The contest included more than 350 home brew entries, which were judged at Highland Brewing Company. Nance’s winner was an American IPA. Adam Reinke of Arden was second best in show for a kolsch. Laurel Kanan of Seattle took third for a Bohemian Pilsner. The Dr. George Fix Award, which goes to the highest scoring entry for a brewer who has been brewing for a year or less, went to Matt Goodwyn of Winston-Salem for a wood-aged beer. BRBO is a qualifying event for the prestigious North American Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing. For a complete list of winners and more information about the competition, visit X • September 26 - october 2, 2012 47

SelfiShneSS haS no integrity whatSoever BuckminSter fuller and hiS coSmic viSion Star in a conStellation of fantaStic local eventS By devin walSh Chicago, 1933, the World’s Fair: a 20-foot-long thing on three wheels with a canvas top debuts on the international stage. Yes, it’s a “car,” but it’s so different that it’s hardly recognizable as such. A curvilinear, teardrop-shaped torpedo of a vehicle, the so-called Dymaxion car carries 11 people and gets an absurd 30 miles per gallon, even on its heavy Ford V-8 engine. Florida, 1985, Disney World: My parents load my sister and me into an automobile that is at once smaller and heavier than the Dymaxion car, carries fewer passengers and gets significantly worse gas mileage. They then conduct the Walsh family on that great American pilgrimage to Orlando. Epcot (which stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) may be the most famous and visible example of Buckmister Fuller’s genius. The Wiki page on geodesic structures contains the remarkable phrase: “a compromise of triangles.” Within this compromise, “Spaceship Earth,” Epcot’s giant golfball-shaped flagship ride, unwinds our progress from savages with huge foreheads to Jean Luc Picard and speculative glimpses of what’s to come. The futurist Ray Bradbury wrote the script for the 13-minute dark ride through time, the futurist Walt Disney footed the bill and the futurist Bucky Fuller provided the design. And some of Fuller's first experiments with that now-famous dome took place at Black Mountain College in the late 1940s. Rewind to the World's Fair, and then rewind 10 more years. Fuller is a heavydrinking prole, working at a meat-packing plant and considering suicide ever since his baby daughter died.

48 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

OK, not quite a prole. The grandnephew of feminist intellectual and transcendentalist Margaret Fuller (“We would have every arbitrary barrier thrown down. We would have every path open to Woman as freely as to Man.”) and eighth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Melville Fuller (architect of the phrase “equal justice under law”), Richard Buckminster Fuller was twice expelled from Harvard, the final time for — not kidding — insufficient ambition. Cross-eyed at birth and perplexed by geometry as a youth, the forlorn father one day decided to live as if the fate of humanity depended on his actions.

a reconSideration of one’S place in the world “He looked at the universe in a cosmically adequate way,” says Charlie Flynn-McIver of N.C. Stage Company, which is currently putting on a play about Fuller. “He was solving problems that no one had anticipated — like fuel efficiency — in the 1930s. Most of what he was concerned about, the preservation of 'Spaceship Earth,' is now more pressing and real. It was science fiction back in his day. But he wasn't prescient. He was just looking at facts and nature.” David McConville, an Asheville-based engineer, designer and president of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, describes the inventor's broad sense of purpose in A Fuller View, a collection of essays published in 2011. “By spending

getting Bucky conference and play showcase fuller’s innovative legacy

R.Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE runs Wednesdays through Sundays at N.C. Stage through Oct. 7. Read David Hopes’ review at (Hopes declares the show “a most unique and unexpected triumph” and advises you to “come see this early, so there is time to come back and see it again.” Schedule, details and tickets at The ReVIEWING Black Mountain College 4 conference will be Sept. 28 to 30. This year’s focus is Looking Forward at Buckminster Fuller’s Legacy. Events at Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, 56 Broadway, and on the campus of UNC Asheville. Speakers include Allegra Fuller Snyder, daughter of Buckminster Fuller and Director Emerita of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, Jason McLenna, CEO of the Cascadia Green Building Council and winner of the 2012 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, Mel Chin, conceptual artist and David McConville, president of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. Sunday is a free, experiential Design Science Day, to be held outdoors at UNC Asheville on Sept. 29. Schedule, details, cost and more at

344 Depot Street in the River Arts District


Haywood Road

david novak takes on bucky’s history and mystery at n.c. stage company. photo by jen lepkowski

Mon-Sat 11-5


begin to transform [our] dysfunctional system by recognizing that it confuses money with wealth. He maintained that money is ‘a medium of exchange and a cash accounting system,’ while wealth is the ‘organized technological capability to protect, nurture, educate and accommodate the forward days of humans’ that arises from supporting the integrity of living systems. “Based on Fuller’s calculations of world resources, human trends and needs, he demonstrated that it would be possible to support all of humanity at a better standard of living than ever before if the production capacity and technical know-how of global society were properly applied,” McConville says. “He sought to harness its technological and economic forces to shift ‘from weaponry to livingry.’” Asking Fuller a penny for his thoughts was a get-rich scheme. He envisioned enormous geodesic domes with cities built inside them. Warm the air a few ticks and, voila! Your city floats. Tether it to the terra firma beneath, if you wish, or submit to the dictates of the wind. When illustrators conceived of the Jetsons, Fuller’s spirit guided their hands. What happened instead is the Dymaxion car rolled over at the World’s Fair and the driver died. Chrysler nixed its plans. Bucky moved on. He was good at that. The lack of widespread interest in his earlier project, the Dymaxion house — he’d moved on from that, too. He envisioned a society where structures were built in agreement with, rather than in opposition to, the elements. The Dymaxion house (the word “dymaxion”: a cocktail


According to McConville, who will speak at the conference, “Fuller argued that we must

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much of his life starting with consideration of the biggest systems, anticipating future trends and needs, and combining the aesthetics and intuition of design with the empirical and intellectual rigor of science, he took it upon himself to attempt to solve some of the greatest challenges he predicted would soon be facing humanity,” McConville writes. Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center’s fourth annual ReVIEWING convenes the weekend of Sept. 28 to focus on Fuller, who participated in two of the college's summer institutes in 1948 and '49. Fuller is one of Black Mountain College’s “towering figures,” says Alice Sebrell, program director of BMC+AC. “We received an incredible response to our call for papers and proposals from as far away as Poland,” Sebrell says. “Presenters are traveling from all over the planet to be here.”

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Depot Street • September 26 - october 2, 2012 49

made of one part dynamic, one part maximum, one part tension) was cheap to build, elegantly constructed to maximize space, collected rainwater, sat lightly yet stably upon the Earth, composted one’s waste, simplified one’s life and could be airlifted anywhere easily. A handful of them remain. Only three of the cars were ever built. The Strategic Air Command adopted the geodesic dome as the design for myriad radar installations deployed against the Soviet threat from Alaska to the Aleutians. They’ve since been retired. I ask Sebrell about how Fuller's world would look today. “We humans would exist in harmony with the planet that supports us and would understand that we are just one part of a much larger system, all interconnected and non-hierarchical,” she says. She shares an anecdote about how, in the summer of 1948, he sought with the college community to translate a quantity of Venetian blind remnants into a large-scale geodesic dome. When things didn’t quite work out the way everyone had hoped, he dubbed the result the “Supine Dome” and used it as an instructional piece: You can learn more from your mistakes than your successes.

doing moRe and moRe with less and less

Mark rothko

The Decisive DecaDe 1940 - 1950

Now on view

1515 Main Street | 803.799.2810 Mark Rothko, American (born Russia), 1903−1970, No. 8, 1949, oil and mixed media on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington. Gift of The Mark Rothko Foundation, Inc. 1986.43.147. © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

This exhibition is organized by the Arkansas Art Center, the Columbia Museum of Art, the Columbus Museum of Art and the Denver Art Museum, in conjunction with the National Gallery of Art, Washington.

50 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Presented by:

Not coincidentally (one might say synergistically), N.C. Stage hosts R. Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE, a one-man play by D.W. Jacobs that the theater’s website describes as “part autobiography, part TED talk.” I ask Flynn-McIver, the play’s director, how the world might be now if Bucky’s vision had reigned over others. “His world would be about finding the most stable, least energyusing structures and methods for sheltering and feeding humanity — doing more and more with less and less,” Flynn-McIver says. “And certainly [it] would involve no hunger and no war, because, as he said, ‘When the world believed there was not enough to go around, selfishness made sense. But now that we know there is enough to go around, selfishness has no integrity whatsoever.’” And how was it “finding” the play as its director, we wonder? “What I’ve taken away from this experience is an understanding and appreciation for his belief that the individual is key to the survival of the planet,” he says. “His gravestone has the phrase ‘Call Me Trim Tab’ on it.” A trim tab is a small rudder that exerts force on a larger one, Flynn-McIver continues. “He believed that the individual held that power because ‘Only the individual who disregards his fears and can deliberately find the time to think in a cosmically adequate manner.’ In a way, I like to think that’s what we’re doing by producing this play and letting the metaphysical idea of ‘Bucky’ live for a new generation.” X Devin Walsh can be reached at devin.walsh@

arts x music

sWedish aMericana

Folk singers & sisters First aid kit return to their Favorite place in the u.s. by aiyanna sezak-blatt After listening to the first few chords of a First Aid Kit song, it’s clear the SÖderberg sisters were meant to make music. Klara and Johanna, 22- and 19-year-old Stockholm natives, have captivated audiences across the globe with their hauntingly beautiful folkinspired melodies and atmospheric songs. The SÖderberg sisters were discovered in 2008 after covering Fleet Foxes’ “Tiger Mountain Peasant Song,” filmed in a forest in Sweden. Leaning into each other and sitting side-by-side, Klara strums the guitar as the sisters’ sharp and alluring voices take flight. The video became an Internet sensation. “That was sort of the turning point in our career,” Johanna tells Xpress. “I remember watching the view count going up on that video, and realizing that people cared about what we were doing; that it had an impact. That was probably the biggest moment [for us] so far, ‘cause everything changed after that.” Since then, First Aid Kit has released two albums: 2010’s The Big Black and the Blue, and this year’s The Lion’s Roar. They’ve toured across the world, collaborated with Jack White and Conor Oberst, and have shared the stage with Fleet Foxes, Patti Smith and Paul Simon. It might seem unlikely that such powerful voices in Americana would hail from Sweden, but Klara and Johanna draw from a broad range of musical influences. “Both our parents are music lovers,” says Johanna. “Our dad was in a band during the ‘80s called Lolita Pop, and they played rock music. [Growing up] we listened to David Bowie, Patti Smith, Television, Velvet Underground, Pixies, stuff like that.” “When I was 12,” says Klara, picking up where her sister left off, “I first heard the band

an incredible feeling: “We’re constantly shocked by the fact that we get to do this — that there is an audience that actually wants to hear these songs, and that they have come to mean something for people,” Klara says. Photo by Neil Krug Bright Eyes and just fell in love. I then found Bob Dylan, Townes Van Zandt, Leonard Cohen, all of those, and thought, ‘Hey, maybe I should try to do this, to write a song.'” For her 13th birthday, Klara got a guitar. “I just started playing, and started recording demos of the songs I was writing,” Klara says. “Johanna asked if she could sing on one of

them, and that’s sort of how we started.” Interestingly, the SÖderbergs’ success has brought them full circle, and in 2012 they got to record with members of the band that motivated them to take songwriting seriously. “When we got to meet Mike Mogis [Bright Eyes’ producer] and work with him to make this record, and work with the band that


First Aid Kit, Dylan LeBlanc opens


The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave.


Wednesday, Oct. 3, 9 p.m. ($20 advance/$22 day of show. Info & tickets: first-aid-kit) essentially made us want to make music in the first place, that was huge for us,” says Klara. Listening to either of First Aid Kit’s albums, one is transported into a unique world. Both uplifting and deeply sad, their songs tend to pull in two directions at once. “There has to be a problem, tension,” Johanna says. “A lot of our songs are stories, we haven’t experienced everything about them, but it’s about us anyway, about emotions and everyday sadness that all humans have to live through.” Like most things, the two work together when writing and composing. “Klara usually starts them off,” says Johanna of their songwriting. “Yeah,” adds Klara. “I tend to write the verse, and what usually happens is I get stuck and I say, ‘Johanna, help me!’ And we finish them together.” This will be First Aid Kit’s second performance in Asheville (they played at the Orange Peel last November with Lykke Li, who headlined), and they’re looking forward to returning. “We did really love playing in Asheville,” Klara says. “We didn’t know much about the city when we came, but quickly fell in love with it. It’s a beautiful city, and there’s something about it.” Johanna interjects, “We were both like, 'We want to live here!'” “I like being in a city where I can see the forest at the same time,” Klara says. “I want to always feel close to nature. It’s one of our favorite places in the U.S. so far.” “Completely,” says Johanna, “and we don’t say that to everyone, I promise you.” X Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt can


reached • September 26 - october 2, 2012 51


arts x music

past Fixations asheville’s old Flings revive ‘90s rock and Failed

relationships on their Full-length debut

Who Old Flings, opening for Cursive

Where The Grey Eagle

When Wednesday, Oct. 3 (9 p.m. $12/$15.

by Jordan laWrence Old Flings, an Asheville rock trio that first emerged two years ago, has a name that readily encapsulates its sound. Hooky and melodic, the band’s music taps into the combination of gritty tones and accessibly simple structures that dominates the landscape of today’s modern rock airwaves. It’s post-grunge reconstruction assembled from that era’s most immediately catchy hallmarks. Old Flings inhabit the tunefully distorted riff rock of bands such as Soundgarden and Smashing Pumpkins, as singer Matt Evans broods as much as he croons. His tonally rich mumble resembles Eddie Vedder even as it occupies a higher register more similar to Michael Stipe. In short, these Flings are a nod to some of today’s most enduring musical nostalgia, making their moniker a near-perfect marketing tool, as much a tag line as it is a band name. But when Evans thinks about it, he finds himself obsessing over a very different part of its meaning. “Your band name is your image,” he explains. “And now that I think about it, a lot of the songs are about old flings of mine. I don’t want to pigeonhole it. But everybody can relate to songs about boys and girls, you know? It’s kind of funny.” True to his word, most of the songs on Spite, the full-length debut that Old Flings will release on Friday, Sept. 28, concern Evans’ former love interests. These songs resound with a bittersweet sense of regret, fetching melodies and insistent rhythms hurtling forward as Evans' pained moans explore broken hearts almost exclusively in the past tense. The music longs for an era that is just barely out of reach, a fitting pairing for the unrequited feelings that power Evans’ energetically downtrodden odes. “I’ve definitely had a lot of experiences,” the 25-year-old says. “I remember being a teenager and trying to write a song. It’s hard to write a song when you have no experience at all because you’re like, ‘Cool, I think I saw this in a movie somewhere.’ But now that I’ve actually lived a little, the songs are real. They come from somewhere. Some of them are influenced by other things. But most of the songs are real. It’s like my journal. It’s like true stories of Matt Evans if that makes sense.”

Such romantic expressions haven’t always been the norm for Evans. He’s also the guitarist for Just Die!, a fast and efficient hardcore band. As its name implies, that outfit concerns itself with angry anthems, not bruised and bitter break-up songs. The impetus for Old Flings outlet came in 2010. Two artist friends of Evans’ were hosting an exhibition in town, and they wanted music to accompany it. Evans penned a few acoustic songs and upon being pressured by his friends, he recorded the compositions to release on a cassette. On a lark, he and some of his buddies got together and taped full-band versions of the songs and threw them on the B-side. The joke caught on, and Old Flings was born. “When you go from [hardcore] to playing acoustic, it’s really a bummer,” Evans says. “You know, to try and sit there and entertain people when you’re used to loud music, and you sit there with your acoustic guitar like, ‘Here I am. Do-do-do.’ I wanted to be able to play live, to juxtapose some soft vocals over it. It sounded a lot cooler, I thought. It opens it up a little more. You can tour better with a band. It’s a little bit more accessible with a band. That’s kind of where that idea came from.” Evans is enthusiastic about where the idea is going. He’s always loved the ‘90s music that inspires Old Flings, and he talks excitedly of hitting the road and meeting bands that are exploring similar sounds, pointing to Richmond as a place where they’ve had particularly meaningful experiences. In Asheville, Old Flings find it a bit harder to fit in. Evans says they’ve made few inroads with the jam bands and indie-rock outfits that dominate the city’s scene, but he isn't worried. “I love being from Asheville, but everyone here’s in a band and no one really likes the kind of music we do,” he says. “That’s something that I’ve grown to understand over the years with Just Die!. I understand we’re never going to be the biggest band in Asheville, and that’s totally fine with me. I would be doing this no matter what. With Old Flings, these are just the songs that are inside my head. I don’t really care if people like them or not. The bands in Asheville are all going after a certain sound, and we probably don’t have it. I’m OK with that.” X

true confessions: Frontman Matt Evans says Old Flings’ songs are inspired by past loves and personal experiences.

52 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Jordan Lawrence is music editor at Shuffle Magazine and a contributing writer at The Independent.

arts x music

andreW bird at the orange peel

Vibrant Latin fusion cuisine! THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS

Break It Yourself, Bird’s latest LP, finally pairs his stylistic freedom with loose and lively production that allows his songs to blossom. Eschewing a normal studio environment, Bird invited his band out to his barn and ran through new songs after minimal rehearsals. “I think we got a rough, un-fussy honesty in this session,” Bird says of the recording process in an interview posted to his website, “a mix of distilled, grounded songs and some wild soloing.” He’s exactly right, and that’s what makes Break It Yourself one of his best efforts to date — a potent endorsement for his acclaimed live performances. Here We Go Magic opens the 8 p.m. show on Monday, Oct. 1. Tickets are $28 to $32. — Jordan Lawrence


Albondigas Soup • Aqua Salad Tacos de Azada • Bacon & Mushroom Superburger w/ Homefries NIGHTLY EVENTS

LUNCH • DINNER • The recordings of violinist and songwriter Andrew Bird are most often manicured and exacting, a peculiar notion when you consider the styles he blends together. Melding fiddle tunes that emerge from the confluence of Celtic music and American old time with chamber orchestra complexity, his presents an incredibly open-minded approach to folk.



• • • •

International Reggae w/ DJ Zenssy & Raztech Bachata w/ DJ Raztech Cumbia/Reggaeton w/ DJ Raztech PARTYVYBEZ World Electropop w/ DJ Cozy

DINING AREA 10AM-10PM • BAR 4PM - 2AM 122 College St • Asheville • (828) 505-2081 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 53

arts x music

a Mixture oF light & dark ian anderson Wants the

Jethro tull riFFraFF to stay hoMe by bill kopp Ian Anderson cuts a memorable figure in the history of rock 'n' roll. Mention his name and fans think of Anderson standing on one leg, playing his flute, or perhaps leaping madly about the stage singing about the ills of religion, growing old and other eternal topics. Jethro Tull's first album, This Was, came out in 1968. Now, at age 65, the Scotsman still tours relentlessly, oversees reissue/remasters of Jethro Tull albums, runs a successful group of (non-musical) business conglomerates and has his hand in a number of musical projects. The latest of those is Thick As a Brick 2, a sequel to a 1972 Jethro Tull album. That '72 LP — built around a central character of a young boy called Gerald Bostock — was Anderson's effort to parody rock's tendency toward overblown conceptual works. Beyond the music, that parody took the form of an elaborate LP sleeve designed to mimic a newspaper, the fictitious church newsletter The St. Cleve Chronicle. The new album came out in April, and revisits the story in the present day: The newsletter is now a website, “Almost a prerequisite was to try and go along with the parody, the spoof and the upbeat lavatorial humor of the original, as far as was concerned,” Anderson tells Xpress. “But I knew I wasn't going to write the words of Gerald Bostock; these were going to be my words, based on taking a leap 40 years into the future. There are a lot of dark and serious elements, lyrically, on the new album. It's a mixture of light and dark; there's no parody in the lyrics.” The music on the original Thick As a Brick featured an arrangement that strung all the songs together into one long, continuous suite (presented onstage with actors and props, Thick As a Brick was even longer). As was the conven-

tion of that era, the studio album was a layered affair, crafted through extensive overdubbing. But sessions for TAAB2 employed a different approach. “The original album was conceived as a rehearsal in which we knew we would add lots of other bits in the studio,” Anderson says. “And we did. But this time around I didn't make that mistake, because I knew that playing it live would be a whole lot easier for everybody if we put on the record just what we could play live onstage.” The current tour presents both the original Thick As a Brick and TAAB2 in their entirety. To create a work that could be performed live, TAAB2 was recorded with a bare minimum of overdubs. “It was a consideration to make sure that I didn't overlap voice, flute and guitar in the way that I did on the original album; that made it absolutely impossible to recreate with five people live onstage,” Anderson says. “Because I'm playing sometimes two flutes, two guitars and singing all at the same time. And so when I did Thick as a Brick 2, I was very mindful of not doing that. There is only one exception where, I think, there was a note on the flute that overlaps with the vocal line. But I shall get 'round that,”

Who Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson plays Thick As a Brick 1 & 2

Where Thomas Wolfe Auditorium

When Friday, Sept. 28 (8 p.m. $45-90.



engineered for live performance: The current tour presents the original Thick as a Brick and its follow-up in their entirety.

he chuckles, “by stopping two notes early and taking a quick breath.” Even though all of the players are now (or have in the past been) in Jethro Tull, it's billed as an Ian Anderson album, not a Tull release. Anderson gives three reasons for this. “I've never made any secret of the fact that I never really liked the name Jethro Tull in the first place,” he says. “It was a name given to us by our agent. And I didn't realize at the time that we had been named after a dead guy who invented the seed drill.” Secondly, he believes that using his own name gives him freedom to do projects that might stray a bit from the classic Tull style.

Regarding concert dates, “If it says ‘Jethro Tull,’ it's likely to be the classic Tull repertoire. And that's what we reserve those concerts for,” Anderson says. His final reason for billing the concerts as Ian Anderson shows? “It keeps the riffraff at home,” he says. “The beer-drinking buddies stay home instead of coming drunk to my concerts, whistling, shouting and hooting at all the quiet moments. That's something I can't abide.” X Bill Kopp is an Asheville-based music journalist whose features and reviews can be found at




Gate 6:30pm Show 7:30pm $25 in advance $30 at the door $50 Hopster VIP

Gate 6:30pm Show 7:30pm $30 in advance $35 at the door $60 Hopster VIP

“...Maceo Parker...his name is synonymous with Funky Music”

Gilded and gritty sounds of gospel, soul and funk

54 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

smartbets MilF at the Magnetic Field toro y Moi at the orange peel The psych-pop of Toro Y Moi breezed through town last July at the Emerald Lounge, a co-bill with Coma Cinema that was well-attended but still, a small venue. Fast forward three months, and the experimental act — really, it’s just one fellow, Chaz Bundick, behind the shifting and catchy indie noise — lands a spot at Moogfest. This year, after hitting up Lollapalooza, Toro Y Moi makes its way to the Orange Peel on Thursday, Sept. 27. Not bad for a 25-year old Columbia, S.C. native. With The Choir Quilt and The Can’t Kids. Show at 9 p.m. $16/$18.

Writes Xpress theater critic David Hopes: Annie, the blond, voluptuous suburban housewife in Lucia Del Vecchio’s new musical, MILF, attracts the amorous attentions of every male in the neighborhood, except her nebbish, tenuregrubbing husband, Greg. She bakes cakes for the high school boosters. She prepares fine meals for her husband, who shrugs them off because anxiety has taken away his appetite. Her son is away. Her girlfriends — Jeanette, Lynette and Bernadette — are backbiting harpies. The boys ‘round about are, of course, hot for her. Roland is sensitive and artistic and is probably the man she would have married in a perfect world. Hank is the hot-shot golden boy who believes he’s God’s gift to womankind. The degree to which sweet Annie is the innocent victim of all the dysfunction around her is the psychological groundwork of this important new work. Find out more at The Magnetic Field, where MILF The Musical runs nightly through Oct. 13. Full details at Read Hopes’ full review at

MYTH: Red convertibles are fun. FACT: Red convertibles are only fun with the proper eyewear.






TUNNEL VISION • September 26 - october 2, 2012 55

Salsa Social Night


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edward sharpe & the Magnetic zeros It’s a long name for a band — Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros — and there’s no Ed Sharpe involved. Instead, the group (a big lineup, with an even bigger, foot-stomping, mood-elevating folk-rock sound) came from the chance meeting of Alex Ebert (of Ima Robot) and Jade Castrinos. They’re on tour in support of sophomore release, Here (with the haunting/catchy song “Man On Fire”), while also working an album due out early next year. The band performs at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium on Thursday, Sept. 27. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah opens. 8 p.m., $40 (includes fees). or buy at the box office. Photo by Laure Vincent-Bouleau

BREW IT YOURSELF Grains & Hops Ingredients Equipment Starter Kits Wine Making


45 Banks Avenue


56 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

A program of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, OneBeat is a cultural production, bringing 32 performing artists from 21 countries for a stateside tour. Events include panels, projects and concerts. In Asheville, OneBeat takes over The Bywater on Thursday, Sept. 27 with a 7 p.m. jam. Local musicians will play as well, and the Bywater encourages those attending the show to bring an international dish to pass for a potluck. Free. Learn about the program and its 2012 fellows at Photo by Hannah Devereux

antibalas & the brand new life Daptone Records’ Afrobeat collective Antibalas has been performing for a decade and a half and, according to the band, “We’re always who we have been, and this is what we are and what we’re about, without any frills.” Which is why they named this year’s release (their fifth full-length) simply Antibalas. They’ll bring their rhythms and horns to the Grey Eagle on Saturday, Sept. 29. Afro-funk group The Brand New Life (with Sean Smith, formerly of The Afromotive) opens (that band is also playing LEAF in a couple of weeks). 9 p.m., $15 in advance or $18 day of show. Photo by Jacob Blickenstaff

vadim bora: a visual legacy Russian-born, Asheville-based painter and sculptor Vadim Bora died suddenly last year, leaving behind a large body of work. His wife, Constance Richards, spent nine months inventorying Bora’s many pieces for an eventual catalog and continued exhibitions. The first of these opens on Friday, Sept. 28 at Warren Wilson College’s Elizabeth Holden Gallery. Curated by Richards and retired Warren Wilson art professor Dusty Benedict, the exhibit, Vadim Bora: A Visual Legacy of Expressive Freedom, From Initial Spark to Final Form, includes drawings, paintings, sculpture, jewelry designs and architectural ornamentation project renderings. A reception will be held Friday from 6-9 p.m. The show runs through Friday, Nov. 30. blogs/art/exhibitions. Painting: “Self-Portrait” by Vadim Bora

October 6 & 7, 2012 10 am–5 pm Adults: $ 5 Ages 12-17: $ 3 Under 12: Free! Come enjoy all the crafts from over 200 vendors. There will be 40 demonstrations, music & dance on two stages, and great food. It’ll be a fun time for the whole family. See the entertainment schedule at

CRAFTS! MUSIC! DANCE! FUN! 1-800-FOLK-SCH Brasstown, NC • September 26 - october 2, 2012 57

clubland Wednesday, sept. 26

Melancholy dreams: Wild Nothing’s lush sound has one foot in synth-driven chillwave and another in the ethereal guitars of modern dream pop. The band’s Thursday, Sept. 27 appearance at The Grey Eagle is sure to please fans of both genres.

allStarS SportS bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm altamont brewing Company Roots In The Round (roots, blues), 9pm aQUa Cafe and bar International reggae w/ DJ Zenssy & Raztech, 9:30pm athena'S ClUb Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm blaCk moUntain ale hoUSe Bluegrass jam w/ Larry & Grayson Deal, 8:30pm blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Open mic ClUb hairSpray GayMart w/ DJ David, 9pm ClUb metropoliS Debaucherosity dance party w/ DJ Psyonic (electronic, dance), 10pm ClUb xCapadeS DJ Thunder get down Karaoke, 10pm grind Cafe Trivia night, 8pm grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm JaCk of heartS pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm JaCk of the wood pUb Old-time jam, 4pm lobSter trap Ben Hovey (trumpet, electronics), 7-9pm one Stop deli & bar Music trivia, 7pm Inner Space Massive feat: Panther God, Sounduo, Samuel Paradise, Woodwork & Kentsoundz (electronic, dub), 10pm phoenix loUnge Jamie Warren, Jason DeCristofaro, Cameron Austin & Bill Berg (jazz), 8pm piSgah brewing Company Bobby Miller & the Virginia Dare Devils (bluegrass, country), 6pm pUlp The Hermit Kings (rock, indie) w/ Shorty Can't Eat Books, 9pm Straightaway Cafe CaroMia Tiller (soul, blues), 6pm tallgary'S Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm the Corner Karaoke, 10pm the lower level Soiree Fantastique (magic theater), 8pm the magnetiC field Paul Edelman (folk, Americana) w/ Jeff Markham, 8pm treSSa'S downtown JaZZ and blUeS Wendy Hayes & Three for Time (jazz, blues), 9pm vanUatU kava bar Open mic, 9pm weStville pUb Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm wild wing Cafe Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 7:30pm

thursday, sept. 27 185 king Street Soul night w/ Derrick Gardener 5 walnUt wine bar The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm adam dalton diStillery Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm allStarS SportS bar and grill Dance night, 10pm altamont brewing Company Mike Gray & Jake Hollifield (ragtime), 9pm aQUa Cafe and bar Bachata w/ DJ Raztech, 9:30pm

Photo by Shawn Brackbill blaCk moUntain ale hoUSe Get Right Duo, 8:30pm

The Cigar Brothers (jazz, acoustic), 6pm

blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Flying Monkeys, 7-9pm

get down Ghost Wolves (garage, blues, rock) w/ Koonda Holaa, Petula Clarck & Broken Lilacs, 9:30pm

boiler room Drag King Review, 10pm

grey eagle mUSiC hall & tavern Wild Nothing (dream pop, shoegaze) w/ DIIV, 9pm

bUrgerworx Open mic, 7-9pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

ClUb hairSpray "Gong Show" karaoke, 10pm

JaCk of heartS pUb Old-time jam, 7pm

ClUb xCapadeS DJ Thunder

JaCk of the wood pUb No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm

dark City deli Musicians' round w/ Dave Bryan, 8pm frenCh broad brewery taSting room

lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Milktooth (rock, folk, indie-pop) w/ Baby Rattlesnakes & Date Night, 9:30pm

to qualiFy For a Free listing, a venue Must be predoMinately dedicated to the perForMing arts. bookstores and caFés With regular open Mics and Musical events are also alloWed / to liMit conFusion, events Must be subMitted by the venue oWner or a representative oF that venue / events Must be subMitted in Written ForM by e-Mail (clubland@Mountainx.coM), Fax, snail Mail or hand-delivered to the clubland editor dane sMith at 2 Wall st., rooM 209, asheville, nc 28801. events subMitted to other staFF MeMbers are not assured oF inclusion in clubland / clubs Must hold at least tWo events per Week to qualiFy For listing space. any venue that is inactive in clubland For one Month Will be reMoved / the clubland editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / deadline is by noon on Monday For that Wednesday’s publication. this is a FirM deadline.

58 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm o.Henry's/tUG DJ Xel (top 40), 10pm one stop DeLi & bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm Packway Handle Band (bluegrass) w/ Chompin' at the Bit String Band, 10pm oranGe peeL Toro y Moi (chillwave, synth-pop) w/ The Choir Quilt & The Can't Kids, 9pm pisGaH brewinG Company Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm The Lazybirds (Americana, roots), 8pm pUrpLe onion Cafe JPQ Band (rock), 7:30pm

Friday, Sept. 28 185 kinG street Doug Deming & Denis Gruenling w/ The Jewel Tones (blues), 8pm 5 waLnUt wine bar Hank West & the Smokin' Hots (hot jazz), 9:30-11:30pm aLLstars sports bar anD GriLL Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm aLtamont brewinG Company The New Old Fashions (folk), 10pm aqUa Cafe anD bar Cumbia & reggaeton w/ DJ Raztech, 9:30pm

reD staG GriLL Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm

atHena's CLUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

soUtH siDe station Karaoke, 8pm

bLaCk moUntain aLe HoUse Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 9pm

soUtHern appaLaCHian brewery Letters to Abigail (country, Americana, folk), 7pm taLLGary's Cantina Local music showcase, 8pm tHe aLtamont tHeater Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion (folk, Americana), 8pm tHe bywater OneBeat (international collaborative event), 7pm tHe DUGoUt Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm tHe Lower LeveL Underground Jazz Lounge w/ Rich Williey & His Band, 8-10:30pm tHe market pLaCe Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm town pUmp Nikki Talley (Southern rock, country), 9pm tressa's Downtown Jazz anD bLUes All Star Female Singer Spotlight, 9pm westviLLe pUb Bear Down Easy (bluegrass), 9:30pm wHite Horse Sean Keane (Irish vocalist), 7:30pm

bLUe moUntain pizza Cafe Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm boiLer room Keeper of the Sea w/ Rememberance, Awaken, Amnesis & Chivalry (metal), 9pm CLUb Hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 10pm Drag show, midnight CLUb XCapaDes DJ Thunder CraGGie brewinG Company Balkin Death Grip reunion show, 7-9pm CreatUres Cafe Riyen Roots (roots, blues), 9pm eLaine's DUeLinG piano bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am firestorm Cafe anD books Jim Wolf (singer-songwriter), 8pm frenCH broaD brewery tastinG room Tina & Her Pony (indie, Americana), 6pm frenCH broaD CHoCoLate LoUnGe Gypsy Swingers (swing, jazz), 8pm

thu 9/27

WilD NOthiNG

Fri 9/28

FrONtiEr rucKus

sAt 9/29


tuE 10/2

GooD stUff Wilhelm McKay (roots, folk), 8pm Grey eaGLe mUsiC HaLL & tavern Frontier Ruckus (folk rock, indie) w/ Mandolin Orange, 9pm Grove park inn Great HaLL Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9-midnight Havana restaUrant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm HiGHLanD brewinG Company Secret B-Sides (R&B, soul), 6pm JaCk of Hearts pUb Whiskey of the Damned (Celtic rock), 9pm JaCk of tHe wooD pUb Twilite Broadcasters (old-time, vintage country), 5pm Sirius.B CD release party w/ PJ Bond, 9pm LeXinGton ave brewery (Lab) Front stage: Meredith Watson, 6pm Back stage: The Cheeksters (rock, pop), 9:30pm Lobster trap The Space Heaters w/ Leo Johnson (hot jazz), 7-9pm monte vista HoteL BJ Leiderman (pop, rock), 6-9pm o.Henry's/tUG DJ Xel (top 40), 10pm one stop DeLi & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Diggypop Malone (hip-hop) w/ B-Free, Soufside Pat, Tripsta Trip & General Chryst, 10pm oranGe peeL The Walkmen (indie rock) w/ Woods & Coke Weed, 9pm paCk's tavern A Social Function (rock, classic dance), 9pm pHoeniX LoUnGe Cal Oliver (Americana), 8pm

Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue s Donna the Buffalo The Wailers s Preston Frank s Driftwood s Suénalo s YARN Elephant Revival s Steep Canyon Rangers s Fatoumata Diawara Rosie Ledet & The Zydeco Playboys s Lost In the Trees Hoots & Hellmouth s Rupa & The April Fishes J.P. Harris & The Tough Choices & more...

pisGaH brewinG Company Milkdrive (jazz-grass) w/ Bret Mosley (roots, folk), 9pm

The Be Good Tanyas

w/ Diiv 9pm

w/ Mandolin Orange 9pm

w/ the Brand New life 9pm

cOrPOrAtE juGGErNAut cOMEDy tOur

featuring jane Borden 7:30pm

WED 10/3

Get Down The Kidney Stones (rock, punk), 9:30pm


w/ Grownup Avenger stuff & Old Flings 9pm Kathleen Edwards | tim O’Brien the sadies | Dead Prez | Mountain Goats Nick lowe | loudon Wainwright iii Alejandro Escovedo | unknown hinson

Kitchen Open for Brunch & Lunch from 10am - 3pm Mon - Fri & for Dinner at 5pm on Nights of a Show!

LeaF Lake Eden Arts Festival BLACK MOUNTAIN, NC

Reminiscent of a bygone era with their modern take on deep country, early folk, old-time jazz, gospel, and blues.



See all performers & events on the web! Advance Tickets Only 828.68.MUSIC [686-8742] • September 26 - october 2, 2012 59



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Music Schedules

Wednesday, September 26th


Hookah Hook-Up Presents:



INNER SPACE MASSIVE:10pm Panter God, Sounduo,

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10pm w/ Chompin’ at the Bit $5 21+ String Band Friday, September 28th




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a league of their own: The ever-present falsetto of Woods’ Jeremy Earl — and the band’s meanderings into free-form folk rock — draw easy comparisons to Neil Young. But Woods’ ongoing experiment in sunny pop and experimental psych folk occupies a singular place in modern rock ‘n’ roll. Catch the band’s improv-friendly live show on Friday, Sept. 28, when Woods opens for The Walkmen at The Orange Peel.

pUrple onion Cafe Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm

the altamont theater Steve Forbert (singer-songwriter), 8pm

root bar no. 1 Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 9pm

the bywater The Legend of Ghost Horse (outlaw country, rock, world), 9pm

SCandalS nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

the market plaCe Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, world, jazz), 7-10pm

SoUthern appalaChian brewery Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm Straightaway Cafe Ben Scales, 6pm

weStville pUb Trivia night, 9pm


white horSe Red June (country, bluegrass, blues), 8pm

saturday, sept. 29

A Night of Hip-Hop!

185 king Street Dance party with DJ Dogg (rock, pop, dance), 8pm allStarS SportS bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm

Saturday, September 29th



FREE REGGAE SATURDAYS FREE! ALL AGES! DjKid spins Reggae 5-8pm Grateful Dead Night with 10pm 10pm-18+ Jahman Brahman$5 21+ PHUNCLE SAM The Fritz CD RELEASE PARTY! & Cope $6/$8

Live Music 5 NIGHTS A WEEK! Daily Specials FULL BAR!



Sunday, September 30th Bluegrass Brunch 11am

hosted by The Pond Brothers


Open Jam! Bring your instruments!

The Epic Tempeh Reuben Challenge - 2pm

SAT 9/28

Tuesday, October 2nd

TWO FOR TUESDAY 8pm Milli Fungus Blaze Brothers Band $2 - ALL AGES!

Where Adult Dreams Come True


SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250

More information & Advance Tickets available always at

treSSa'S downtown JaZZ and blUeS Crybaby, 10pm vanUatU kava bar Naked City Cinema (electronic, ambient), 9pm

tallgary'S Cantina Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm

10pm DiSoufsiggypop Mal o ne w/ B-Free, $5 de Pat, Tripsta Trip, & General Chryst 18+

DJ Adam Strange spins afterwards til 11pm!

town pUmp Miles Nielsen & the Rusted Hearts (indie, funk), 9pm

• • OPEN 7 DAYS • •

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)

60 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •



$1 off all Whiskey • Real New Orleans PoBoys


Party Band Bluegrass • $3.50 Vodka Drinks


Bring Your “A” Team • Prizes • $3.50 Gin & Tonics

MAC ARNOLD PLATE FULL O’BLUES Old School Blues • $5 Robo Shots

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST STARTS @ NOON $1 Off Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas

OPEN MIC Sign up at 7pm • $4 Margaritas BUY 1 GET 1 ½ Off APPETIZERS BLUES JAM with Westville Allstars Shrimp ‘n Grits • $3.50 Rum Drinks


aQUa Cafe and bar World electropop w/ DJ Cozy, 9:30pm aSheville mUSiC hall The Fritz (funk, rock) CD release party w/ Jahman Brahman & Cope, 9pm athena'S ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am beer City tavern The Daring Superluminals (pop, rock), 9pm blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Sarah Tucker & Elijah McWilliams (singer-songwriter, folk), 7-9pm ClUb hairSpray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hip-hop), 10pm Drag show, midnight ClUb xCapadeS DJ Thunder Craggie brewing Company The Glampas (glam rock), 8-10pm dark City deli Hobos & Lace (acoustic), 4pm emerald loUnge Gardens & Villa (indie pop, electro) w/ Machines Are People Too, 9pm frenCh broad brewery taSting room Letters to Abigail (country, Americana), 6pm frenCh broad ChoColate loUnge Asheville Sax (jazz), 8pm get down Gutterfest feat: Gutterhound, Biggy Stardust, Campaign 1984, Skeleton Pecker & Tom Blacklung and the Smokestacks, 9:30pm good StUff Michael Cody (singer-songwriter), 8pm grey eagle mUSiC hall & tavern Antibalas (afrobeat) w/ The Brand New Life, 9pm grove park inn great hall One Leg Up (jazz), 2-5pm

185 king street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine bar 253-2593 altamont brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 aqua cafe & bar 505-2081 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 the asheville public (tap) 505-1720 asheville Music hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek pizza & ribs 687-2400 barley’s tap room 255-0504 black Mountain ale house 669-9090 blend hookah lounge 505-0067 blue Mountain pizza 658-8777 blue note grille 697-6828 boiler room 505-1612 bobo gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 the bywater 232-6967 club hairspray 258-2027 club Metropolis 258-2027 club remix 258-2027

the chop house 253-1852 the corner 575-2449 craggie brewing company 254-0360 creature’s cafe 254-3636 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 dark city deli 257-5300 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 the dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 Firestorm cafe 255-8115 Fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 French broad brewery tasting room 277-0222 French broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the gateway club 456-6789 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle Music hall & tavern 232-5800 grind cafe 430-4343 grove house eleven on grove 505-1612 the grove park inn (elaine’s piano bar/

great hall) 252-2711 the handlebar (864) 233-6173 harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 havana restaurant 252-1611 highland brewing company 299-3370 holland’s grille 298-8780 the hop 254-2224 the hop West 252-5155 iron horse station 622-0022 Jack of hearts pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus one More 253-8770 lexington avenue brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 the lower level 505-8333 luella’s bar-b-que 505-RIBS Mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 the Magnetic Field 257-4003 Mike’s side pocket 281-3096 Monte vista hotel 669-8870 one stop bar deli & bar 255-7777 o.henry’s/tug 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah brewing co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851

Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm

Scott Raines & Laura Michaels (rock, country), 9pm

handlebar Mountain Homes (folk) CD release party, 8:30pm

piSgah brewing Company Shamboozle Fest feat: Gaelic Storm, Josh Phillips & more, 5pm

havana reStaUrant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm

pUrple onion Cafe Aaron Burdett (Americana, folk rock), 8pm

highland brewing Company Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 6pm JaCk of heartS pUb Kelley McRae (folk, Americana), 6pm Milagro Saints (Americana, folk rock), 9pm JaCk of the wood pUb Jus Post Bellum (folk), 3pm T-Bird & the Breaks (soul, funk, hip-hop) w/ Lionz of Zion, 9pm

red Stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm roCky'S hot ChiCken ShaCk Alec & Jacqui of Carolina Rex (acoustic, blues, rock), 7:30pm SCandalS nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Neil Halstead (folk, singersongwriter), 9pm

SoUthern appalaChian brewery Oktoberfest w/ The Oompahsters (traditional German), 1pm Blackjack Duo (rock, blues), 8pm

lobSter trap The Big Nasty (jazz), 7-9pm

Straightaway Cafe R&R Crossing, 6pm

o.henry'S/tUg DJ Speed (top 40, house), 10pm

tallgary'S Cantina Live music, 9:30pm

one Stop deli & bar Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm

the altamont theater Matthew Perryman Jones & Matthew Mayfield (rock, pop) w/ Callaghan, 8pm

orange peel Ben Sollee (folk, pop, jazz) w/ Luke Reynolds, 9pm paCk'S tavern

the bywater Now You See Them (folk, pop), 9pm the Corner

purple onion cafe 749-1179 rankin vault 254-4993 red stag grill at the grand bohemian hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 stingrays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty Monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 Westville pub 225-9782 White horse 669-0816 Wild Wing cafe 253-3066

Karaoke, 10pm the dUgoUt Hands Down (rock), 9pm town pUmp Jud Block ("Texas underground country"), 9pm treSSa'S downtown JaZZ and blUeS Ruby Mayfield & Friends (blues, rock), 10pm weStville pUb Mac Arnold & Plate Full O' Blues, 10pm white horSe Music and Poetry of Beethoven feat: Daniel Weiser, 7:30pm

AAron wAckenhut “oil Paintings” u.Y.t.L.

TAVERN Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


FRI. 9/28

504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”

(rock, classic dance hits)

SAT. 9/29

Scott Raines & Laura Michaels Band (acoustic, rock, country)

Watch football’s finest on one of 13 BIG SCREEN TVs + great drink & food specials... come cheer on your team at



$1 OFF Local Drafts $4 Bloody Marys & Mimosas

5 walnUt wine bar The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7:309:30pm

t h u r S. September 27


W/ baby Rattlesnakes, date night 9:30pm f r i. September 28

the cheeksteRs 10pm

Sat. September 29

muisc allies & haRvest RecORds pResent

neil halstead 9pm f r i. october 5

Red Wanting blue 9pm Sat. october 6 Old nORth state w/ chRis ROdRigues, black balsam tRiO 9:30pm

altamont brewing Company Trivial Pawsuit (Brother Wolf fundraiser), 4-7pm

blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, roots),

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late

A Social Function

sunday, sept. 30

aSheville mUSiC hall The Epic Tempeh Reuben Challenge, 2-6pm

Thurs. Oct. 4th, 7pm




20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM • September 26 - october 2, 2012 61

Get Down

Fri 9/28: The Kidney Stones Sat 9/29: Gutterfest! Feat. Gutterhound, Biggy Stardust, Razormaze, Campaign 1984, Skeleton Pecker, Tom Blacklung and The Smokestacks

Mon 10/1: Mystery Cult, Agent Ribbons, Ginny and the Red Ball



1045 haywood rd. • west asheville 828-505-8388 •


7: Ghost Wolves, Koonda Thurs 9/27 Holaa, Petula Clarck, Broken Lilacs


boiler room Blue Ridge Pride pageants, 10pm grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:3010:30pm hotel indigo Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm JaCk of the wood pUb Irish session, 5pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Front stage: Aaron Price (piano), 1pm lobSter trap Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm

orange peel Chris Robinson Brotherhood (rock, soul), 9pm SoUthern appalaChian brewery Marc Yaxley Duo (jazz, classical guitar), 5pm

white horSe Drum circle, 2pm


Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole” Great Drink Specials Every Night

see for yourself at

New Hours:

Mon - Sat 6:30pm - 2am

5 20 Sw a n nano a Riv e r R d, Ash evi l l e, N C 28805 • ( 8 2 8 ) 2 9 8 - 1 4 0 0 62 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

aSheville mUSiC hall Funk jam, 10pm blaCk moUntain ale hoUSe Trivia night, 7pm ClUb hairSpray Trivia night, 10pm eleven on grove Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance, 8:30pm emerald loUnge Brown Bird (indie, Americana) w/ Shea Vaccaro & Elk Tracks, 9pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

5 walnUt wine bar CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter, soul, blues), 8-10pm

grey eagle mUSiC hall & tavern Contra dance, 8pm

Sports Lounge feat. College Football and Monday Night Football on the big screen

tuesday, oct. 2

Monday, oct. 1

get down Mystery Cult (rock, punk) w/ Agent Ribbons & Ginny and the Red Ball, 9:30pm

Over 40 Entertainers

wild wing Cafe Karaoke, 9pm

wild wing Cafe Darren Kohler & friends, 4pm

blaCk moUntain ale hoUSe Karaoke, 9pm

Ladies & Couples Welcome

weStville pUb Open mic, 7pm

grey eagle mUSiC hall & tavern Corporate Juggernaut comedy tour feat: Jane Borden, 7:30pm

adam dalton diStillery Monday night jam w/ Iggy, 9pm

WNC’s Premiere Adult Lounge & Sports Room

vanUatU kava bar Comedy "win-a-paid-gig" open mic, 9pm

altamont brewing Company Open mic w/ Zachary T, 8:30pm



the bywater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm

one Stop deli & bar Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am

the Corner Tea dance, 6pm Drag show, 9:45pm


the lower level Russ Wilson & His Band (swing, big band), 8-10:30pm

185 king Street Open jam, 8pm



Vinyl night (bring your own records), 6pm

monte viSta hotel BJ Leiderman (pop, rock), 11am-3pm

the bywater Juan Benavides (flamenco), 3pm


the bywater Bluegrass jam, 8pm

handlebar Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard bluegrass jam, 8:30pm hotel indigo Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm JaCk of the wood pUb John Craggie, Leigh Jones & Alex Vans (singer-songwriters), 7pm Driftwood (folk, rock), 10pm lobSter trap Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm native kitChen & SoCial pUb Trivia, 7pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:3010:30pm

one Stop deli & bar Two for Tuesday w/ Milli Fungus & Blaze Brothers Band, 8pm DJ Adam Strange, 10pm

JaCk of the wood pUb Trivia night, 7:30pm

orange peel August Burns Red (metalcore) w/ Of Mice & Men, The Color Morale & The Overseer, 7:30pm

orange peel Andrew Bird (indie folk, baroque pop) w/ Here We Go Magic, 8pm phoenix loUnge Mike Ashworth & friends, 9pm

the Corner Ballroom dance lessons, 5-8pm the dUgoUt Trivia, 8pm tolliver'S CroSSing iriSh pUb Trivia, 8:30pm town pUmp Black Mountain locals jam, 7:30pm weStville pUb Blues jam, 10pm white horSe Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm wild wing Cafe Trivia, 8pm

Wednesday, oct. 3 5 walnUt wine bar The Swayback Sisters (Americana, country, soul), 8-10pm allStarS SportS bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm aQUa Cafe and bar International reggae w/ DJ Zenssy & Raztech, 9:30pm aSheville mUSiC hall Elephant Revival (indie, bluegrass), 9pm athena'S ClUb Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Open mic ClUb xCapadeS DJ Thunder get down Karaoke, 10pm grey eagle mUSiC hall & tavern Cursive (rock, indie) w/ Grownup Avenger Stuff & Old Flings, 9pm grind Cafe Trivia night, 8pm grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm JaCk of heartS pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm JaCk of the wood pUb Old-time jam, 4pm one Stop deli & bar Music trivia, 7pm Ultraviolet Hippopotamus (jam, rock, electronic), 11pm

phoenix loUnge Paul Jones (classical/jazz guitar), 8pm

orange peel First Aid Kit (folk, indie, dream pop) w/ Dylan LeBlanc, 9pm

piSgah brewing Company

phoenix loUnge

Jazz quartet, 8pm Pisgah Brewing ComPany Tina & Her Pony (indie, Americana), 6pm

Friday, OcT. 5

Space Medicine (electro-acoustic, ambient, improv), 9pm westville PuB Trivia night, 9pm

straightaway Cafe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm

185 King street Marc Yaxley (jazz, classical guitar), 8pm

tallgary's Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm

allstars sPorts Bar anD grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm

the Corner Karaoke, 10pm

aqua Cafe anD Bar Cumbia & reggaeton w/ DJ Raztech, 9:30pm

185 King street Jason Lane & friends (rock), 8pm

asheville musiC hall The Left Field Experiment: Shigeto & Dabrye w/ Rekchampa & Peripheral (electronic, hip-hop), 10pm

5 walnut wine Bar The Low Down Sires (swing, jazz), 8-10pm

the lower level Soiree Fantastique (magic theater), 8pm tressa's Downtown Jazz anD Blues The Hard Bop Explosion (funk, jazz), 9pm vanuatu Kava Bar Open mic, 9pm westville PuB Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm wilD wing Cafe Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 7:30pm

Thursday, OcT. 4 aDam Dalton Distillery Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm allstars sPorts Bar anD grill Dance night, 10pm

athena's CluB Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am CluB metroPolis Ashvegas Rises (electronic, dance), 10pm CluB xCaPaDes DJ Thunder Craggie Brewing ComPany Rond (rock, comedy), 7-9pm elaine's Dueling Piano Bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am

aqua Cafe anD Bar Bachata w/ DJ Raztech, 9:30pm

eleven on grove First Friday's w/ DJ Jam (old-school R&B), 9pm

asheville musiC hall Nicki Bluhm & the Gramblers (rock, soul, country) w/ Sean Rowe, 9pm

emeralD lounge Deep Fried Five w/ TJ Lazer (soul, funk), 8pm

Burgerworx Open mic, 7-9pm

frenCh BroaD ChoColate lounge Dizzy Chicken (jazz), 8pm

CluB hairsPray "Gong Show" karaoke, 10pm

gooD stuff Sarah Tucker & Elijah McWilliams (folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm

CluB xCaPaDes DJ Thunder eleven on grove Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, 6:30pm emeralD lounge Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam, 9pm get Down Brainstorm (experimental pop) w/ On The Take & Acorn Bcorn, 9:30pm grove ParK inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Ahleuchatistas CD release show (math rock, avant-garde) w/ The Critters & Common Visions, 9pm grove ParK inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9-midnight havana restaurant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm

JaCK of hearts PuB Old-time jam, 7pm

highlanD Brewing ComPany The Resolvers ("big band reggae"), 6pm

JaCK of the wooD PuB No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm

JaCK of hearts PuB The Plowshares (rock, roots), 9pm

loBster traP Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm o.henry's/tug DJ Xel (top 40), 10pm one stoP Deli & Bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm

JaCK of the wooD PuB Bombadil (folk pop), 5pm JP Harris & the Tough Choices (country) w/ Southbound Turnaround, 9pm lexington ave Brewery (laB) Back stage: Red Wanting Blue (rock) w/ Albatross Party, 9pm o.henry's/tug DJ Xel (top 40), 10pm

orange Peel Grace Potter & the Nocturnals (rock, blues) w/ Rayland Baxter, 8pm

one stoP Deli & Bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm

Phoenix lounge Wilhelm McKay (roots, rock), 9pm

orange Peel Dan Deacon (indie, electronic, experimental) w/ Height with Friend, Chester Endersby Gwazda & Alan Resnick, 9pm

Pisgah Brewing ComPany Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Invisible III (funk, soul, post-rock, electronic), 8pm PurPle onion Cafe Valorie Miller & Moses Atwood (folk, Americana), 7:30pm reD stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm south siDe station Karaoke, 8pm tallgary's Cantina Local music showcase, 8pm the Dugout Rockstar Thursdays (karaoke), 9pm the lower level Underground Jazz Lounge w/ Rich Williey & His Band, 8-10:30pm the marKet PlaCe Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm town PumP Dave Desmelik (Americana), 9pm tressa's Downtown Jazz anD Blues Peggy Ratusz blues showcase, 9pm westville PuB John Craggie & Leigh Jones (Americana), 9:30pm

PaCK's tavern A Social Function (rock, dance, hits), 9pm Phoenix lounge Eric Congdon (Americana), 9pm Pisgah Brewing ComPany Maceo Parker (funk) w/ The Funk Ark, 7:30pm PurPle onion Cafe Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm sCanDals nightCluB Zumba, 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am southern aPPalaChian Brewery Carolina Rex (blues, funk, R&B), 8pm straightaway Cafe Screech Owl Serenade (country, Western swing), 6pm the altamont theater Asheville Playback Theatre (improvisational theater), 8pm the marKet PlaCe Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, world, jazz), 7-10pm town PumP Wink Keziah (honky-tonk, Southern rock), 9pm vanuatu Kava Bar

saTurday, OcT. 6

allstars sPorts Bar anD grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm aqua Cafe anD Bar World electropop w/ DJ Cozy, 9:30pm asheville musiC hall The Polish Ambassador (rock, jam, electronic) w/ D.V.S. & Elfkowitz, 10pm athena's CluB Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Boiler room DJ Drees (goth, industrial), 9pm CluB metroPolis Phantom 45 w/ Exzile, Phat Rabbit & JWOB (electronic), 10pm CluB xCaPaDes DJ Thunder Craggie Brewing ComPany Alarm Clock Conspiracy (rock, pop), 7-9pm emeralD lounge Modoc w/ Radiolucent, Al Torchia & the Tattered Saints & Stagolee (Americana, rock), 8pm frenCh BroaD ChoColate lounge High Gravity Jazz (jazz), 8pm grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Dead Prez (hip-hop) w/ StaHHr, The Secret B-Sides & more, 9pm grove ParK inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm havana restaurant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm JaCK of hearts PuB Ruby Mayfield (R&B, jazz, blues), 9pm JaCK of the wooD PuB Samantha Harlow (Americana), 5pm Drunken Prayer (Americana, rock, indie), 6pm Roadkill Ghost Choir (folk rock, psychedelic) w/ Zoe Muth & the Lost High Rollers, 9pm lexington ave Brewery (laB) Back stage: Old North State (bluegrass, folk, rock) w/ Chris Rodrigues & Black Balsam Trio, 9:30pm o.henry's/tug DJ Speed (top 40, house), 10pm one stoP Deli & Bar Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm orange Peel Beats Antique (electronic, world) w/ Lynx, 9pm PaCK's tavern DJ Moto, 9pm Phoenix lounge Marc Yaxley Duo (classical/jazz guitar), 8pm Pisgah Brewing ComPany Wild South benefit w/ Overflow Jug Band, Velvet Truckstop & more, 6pm PurPle onion Cafe The DanBerrys (bluegrass, country, folk), 8pm reD stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm root Bar no. 1 Viva (rock), 9:30pm sCanDals nightCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am straightaway Cafe Greg Terkelson, 6pm the altamont theater Big Daddy Bluegrass Band, 8pm the Corner Karaoke, 10pm town PumP Skunk Ruckus ("hillbilly gutrock"), 9pm • September 26 - october 2, 2012 63


theaterlistings Friday, SEPTEMBEr 28 ThurSday, OCTOBEr 4 Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters. n

asheVille Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. the avengers 3D (Pg-13) 7:00, 10:00 Diary of a wimpy kid: Dog Days (Pg) 1:00, 4:00

Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452) n Carolina asheVille Cinema 14 (274-9500) n

2 Days in new york (r) 12:45, 3:05, 5:20, 7:40, 9:55 arbitrage (r) 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 7:35, 10:00 Dredd 3D (r) 7:40, 10:05 Dredd 2D (r) 12:05, 2:25, 4:45 end of watch (r) 12:15, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 Finding nemo 3D (g) 2:20, 4:40, 7:05, 9:25 Finding nemo 2D (g) 12:00 hotel transylvania (Pg) 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:10, 9:25 house at the end of the street (Pg-13) 12:20, 2:35, 5:00, 7:20, 9:50 (sofa cinema) the imposter (r) 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:25, 9:50 looper (r) 12:50, 3:30, 7:30, 10:10 the master (r) 12:25 12:35,, 3:25, 6:30, 7:00, 9:25 searching for sugarman (Pg-13) 11:55, 2:25, 4:50, 7:35, 10:05 sleepwalk with me (nr) 3:45, 10:10 trouble with the Curve (Pg-13) 11:55, 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 10:00 won't Back Down (Pg) 1:00, 4:50, 7:10, 10:00


CineBarre (665-7776)

the avengers (Pg-13) 12:35, 4:00, 7:30, 10:25 Cold light of Day (Pg-13) 10:40 (sat-sun), 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:35 Diary of a wimpy kid: Dog Daze (Pg) 10:35 (sat-sun), 1:20, 4:20 sparkle (Pg-13) 10:30 (sat-sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 10:00 total recall (Pg-13) 10:45 (sat-sun), 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:10 the watch (r) 7:20, 9:45 n

Co-eD Cinema BreVarD (883-2200

trouble with the Curve (Pg-13 ) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 n n

ePiC oF henDersonVille (693-1146) Fine arts theatre (232-1536)

the master (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show Fri-sat 9:40 searching for sugar man (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, late show Fri-sat 9:30 n

FlatroCk Cinema (697-2463)

your sister's sister (r) 4:00, 7:00 n n

regal Biltmore granDe staDium 15 (684-1298) uniteD artists BeauCatCher (298-1234)

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. please contact the theater or check for updated information.

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating

additional reviews by justin souther contact

pickoftheweek 2 Days in new york


Director: Julie Delpy (2 Days in Paris) players: chris rock, Julie Delpy, albert Delpy, alexia lanDeau, alexanDre nahon ComeDy

rateD r

The Story: A New York couple’s world is turned upside down by a visit from her French relatives, who show up with an unexpected ex-boyfriend in tow. The Lowdown: Julie Delpy’s followup to her 2 Days in Paris is both funnier, more likable and more inventive than the original. And Chris Rock finally gets a good role, too. Julie Delpy’s 2 Days in New York is indeed a follow-up to 2 Days in Paris (2007), but I’d stop short of calling it a sequel — you don’t even need to have seen the first film. (Anything you need to know is mentioned here in this review, though knowing at least one in-joke and some resonance from the first flick helps.) Also, I don’t think it’s necessary to have liked the first film in order to like this one. This is a markedly different movie. It has the kind of freedom that comes from a greater sense of ease as a filmmaker. The style is much looser and more prone to take stylistic chances (which, fortunately, pay off). But more, it slowly eases its way into a rather offbeat movie that goes places you almost certainly wouldn’t expect. With that in mind, I’d suggest you don’t explore a lot of the reviews (or the IMDb credits). Some of the reviews — especially, Roger Ebert’s — give away more information than I think they should. The Woody Allen influence is still evident, especially when the Rodgers and Hart standard “Manhattan” plays over the opening credits. In fact, the film’s characters could easily be Marie-Christine Barrault’s out-of-control childern from Allen’s Stardust Memories (1981) — except they’re all grown up. The tone is unmistakably Allenesque — even with Chris Rock in what is more or less the Allen role, it works better than you might think. The film takes place several years after 2 Days in Paris. Marion (Dely) and Jack (Adam Goldberg) have long since split-up and she and her child (by Jack) are living with radio talk-show host Mingus (Rock). They appear to have a pretty solid relationship — at least until Marion’s family (plus ex-boyfriend Manu, who is now an item with Rose) come to pay a visit. To say that the visit doesn’t

64 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

Chris Rock and Julie Delpy in Delpy's charming, funny, and frequently surprising 2 Days in New York. start well is an understatement, since papa Jeannot (played by Delpy’s real father, Albert Delpy) gets busted by customs for trying to sneak in a variety of cheeses and sausages, which he had hidden on his person. The contraband may be gone, but the smell appears to have lingered — a prospect made that much less lovely by the old man’s seeming aversion to bathing. Notably absent from the second film is Marion’s mother, Anna (her real mother Marie Pillet, to whom the film is dedicated), who, like Pillet, has died. These people are not exactly the snobbish French sophisticates we — and Mingus — might have been expecting. Far from it. The least sophisticated of the bunch is certainly Manu — decked out in a faded t-shirt proclaiming him “Obama’s Homeboy” — who parades his ex-boyfriend status and is upset that Marion has taken up with “the only brother in America who doesn’t smoke weed.” (Naturally, he ferrets out a dealer who delivers.) It only gets worse — straining the relationship between Marion and Mingus (who spends some time hiding in his little office “conversing” with a life-sized cardboard cutout of Obama) and Marion. But this culture-clash business is neither as simplistic as it at first looks, nor is it the whole film. I haven’t even mentioned Marion’s impending photo exhbit — with a very odd publicity gimmick. I can say no more, but I do very much recommend this quirky little movie. Rated R for language, sexual content, some drug use and brief nudity. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14


Director: peter travis (Vantage Point) players: karl urban, olivia thirlby, lena heaDey, WooD harris, langley kirkWooD Violent ComiC Book aCtion

rateD r

The Story: Judge Dredd and his rookie sidekick find themselves trapped in a high-rise by a drug lord bent on their destruction. The Lowdown: Nonstop shoot ’em up bloody violence with pretty much nothing on its mind. Good for what it is, but it suffers if you’ve seen last spring’s The Raid: Redemption. Peter Travis’ Dredd finds itself in an unusual position and poses an unusual quandary. You see, the film has the misfortune of bearing more than a passing resemblance to Gareth Evans’ The Raid: Redemption, which came out last spring. The films have similar plots, settings and styles. But the fact is that not only were the films being made at the same time, the Dredd screenplay by Alex Garland (Sunshine) apparently pre-dates The Raid. In other words, the marked similarities are completely coincidental. Ideally, Dredd ought to be judged on its own merits, but how is that really possible? It’s not like we can unwatch The Raid, and so it hangs over Dredd regardless of whether or not it owes anything to it. And the film comes up short by inevitable comparison. Dredd isn’t without merit, but regardless of the facts in the case, it feels like going down a path already covered. Just like The Raid, this film is about cops trapped in a high-rise while being engaged in

all-out war with the drug lord/crime boss and her seemingly limitless supply of henchman. That’s about it for both movies — though The Raid offers more characterization and adds other elements, while Dredd is really stripped down to the basics. In Dredd, we’re in some futuristic dystopian (is there any other kind of movie future?) world where one gigantic sprawl of urban decay extends from D.C. to Boston. What law and order there is is handled by "judges," who in reality serve as judge, jury and, if need be, executioner. Before getting down to the central situation, we get a taste of this legal process in action with (of course) Judge Dredd (Karl Urban, who spends the entire film under that helmet). This scene is actually more entertaining and amusing than the rest of the movie. Soon Dredd finds himself saddled with a rookie named Anderson (Olivia Thirlby, Being Flynn), whose specialty is her psychic powers, which come in handy in more ways than one, including rendering her unable to wear her helmet — making it easy to tell her from Judge Dredd. (This sort of confusion becomes a real problem later in the film when he goes up against some corrupt judges.) The central story comes into play when drug kingpin (queenpin?) Ma-Ma (TV actress Lena Headey) decides to have some bungling underlings skinned and tossed from the heights of her quarters in a high-rise in the slums. Dredd and Anderson are near the splattery results and investigate, which becomes complicated when Anderson’s psychic hoo-ha clues her in that Kay (TV actor Wood Harris) is the underling skinner. But since she can’t be 100 percent sure, the plan is to take him in and sweat him out — something Ma-Ma can’t have because he knows too much about her operation involving the drug "slo-mo." The rest of the film is one long shoot-out or series of shoot-outs. Some of them are clever, some are kind of perfunctory, but they’re ultimately on the repetitive side. The drug in question — a concoction that comes in what looks like an asthma inhaler — induces the sense of slow-motion in its users (turning the world into something that looks like that TV show that consists of watching things blow up or splatter in very slow motion). Worse, it seems to do the same thing to the director. So we are forced to watch repeatedly in that mode. It wears thin pretty quickly, though it does provide (with the addition of a glass floor) one unique bit for the annals of splatter — assuming that’s your


idea of a good time. All in all, it is what it is — bloody, violent and reasonably efficient. Rated R for strong bloody violence, language, drug use and some sexual content. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

End of Watch J

Director: DaviD ayer (Street KingS) Players: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña, anna kenDrick, natalie Martinez, aMerica Ferrera cop drama

ratEd r

The Story: A found-footage style cop drama revolving around the lives of two LAPD officers. The Lowdown: A shoddily made, often far-fetched and distracting film, with the added bonus of being occasionally insulting. Coming from director David Ayer, the man behind the pointless Harsh Times (2006) and the unintentionally hilarious Street Kings (2008), I figured End of Watch would not be good. What I didn’t expect is a movie that’s not only unequivocally awful, but one that manages to be both amateurish and insulting to one’s intelligence in the bargain. A lousy attempt at realism, the film mixes in found footage elements, under the guise that one of our protagonists — LAPD officer Brian (Jake Gyllenhaal) — is shooting a documentary of his job for some pre-law film class. There are some issues with this, the least of which being this might be the world’s longest film class since we sit and watch Brian go through dating, becoming engaged to, marrying and impregnating his significant other (Anna Kendrick). More major is the flippant, careless nature in which Ayers approaches this aesthetic. At first, the film has a tendency to cheat its first-person perspective, shooting from angles that’d be impossible from either Brian’s camera or the one attached to his partner Mike’s (Michael Pena) shirt pocket. As the film goes on, Ayer slowly abandons the home video aspects of End of Watch, raising the question of why the amateur approach exists within the film in the first place. It adds nothing, neither within the scope of the plot (which is hardly existent beyond following a couple of LA beat cops around) nor within its style. Instead, it’s a choice

specialscreenings thE BluE Bird JJJJ fantasy ratEd nr In Brief: This very odd film bombed when it came out in 1940 — although it was Shirley Temple’s consolation prize for not being loaned to MGM for The Wizard of Oz While it’s a mixed bag, it has numerous good things in it and is consistently interesting with beautiful production values. But be warned, it’s frequently depressing. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Blue Bird Sunday, Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

thE color of pomEgranatEs JJJ arty Biopic ratEd nr In Brief: Sergei Parajanov’s highly-acclaimed arty and poetic biography of an Armenian troubadour is so far removed from the norms of narrative film that it’s beyond questions of good and bad. Its often striking and evocative tableaux either resonate with the viewer or they don’t. I can’t say they work for me. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Color of Pomegranates Friday, Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

horror island / man madE monstEr JJJJ mystEry / horror ratEd nr In Brief: A pair of early 1940s Universal horrors from director George Waggner, Horror Island is more of a fun mystery set in an old dark castle that benefits from atmosphere and a perfect cast (not to mention the Hans J. Salter score), while Man Made Monster is a first-rate little horror film that proved the template for most of the studio’s 1940s outputs — and prepped Lon Chaney Jr. for horror stardom. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Horror Island and Man Made Monster Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

lonEsomEJJJJJ romantic drama ratEd nr In Brief: Could it be that the best film of 2012 is from 1928? It’s just possible that the best movie you’re likely to see this year is Paul Fejos’ Lonesome, and, yes, it was made 84 years ago. This touching, charming movie consists — at least in cold print — of little more than two lonely people finding and then losing each other on an outing to Coney Island, but that doesn’t begin to do justice to it not only the cinematic, but emotional fireworks of this stunning movie. The Asheville Film Society will screen Lonesome Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

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ASHEVILLE Fine Arts Theatre (828) 232-1536 • September 26 - october 2, 2012 65

that’s either distracting, confusing, or — like the sex scene that appears to be creepily filmed by some unknown third party — unintentionally hilarious. Of course, the real reason Ayer has gone this route is to create authenticity at very little financial cost and effort, with the trade-off being zero stylistic or compositional forethought being put into all of the grainy shaky-cam stuff. The bottom line is that any chance End of Watch had at creating a realistic world is shot to hell once the camera starts rearing its ugly head into everything, right from the opening shot. Plus, any idea that the movie is somehow above its schlocky horror movie brethren is wrong, too, since the film likes to dive into the same gore and violence as those films. The idea is to be shocking, but this stuff wouldn’t pass muster in even the corniest of horror flicks. All of this makes for a visually infuriating movie with a meandering plot. This is buddycop basic, and while a lot has been made in some corners regarding Gyllenhaal and Pena’s chemistry, it’s so buried in an avalanche of contrivances and clichés that the very rare bits of humanity hardly matter. Ayer — who’s still coasting on the reputation of the overrated Training Day from 11 years ago — just expects us to like these guys because they’re occasionally honorable. This, however, does not equal interesting nor likable, and the film really suffers by lacking a strong emotional center, especially when the big attempt at a heartfelt climax don’t quite connect. The poor stylistic choices and its need to be taken seriously (without the intellectual integrity to earn it) make End of Watch one of the more frustrating and trivial pieces of filmmaking to come around in some time. Rated R for strong violence, some disturbing images, pervasive language including sexual references, and some drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucather Cinema 7

House at tHe end of tHe street JJ

Director: Mark tonDerai Players: Jennifer lawrence, elisabeth shue, Max thieriot, Gil bellows, eva link Mentally disturbed Horror

rated PG-13

The Story: A mother and daughter move in next door to a house where a pair of murders were committed — but the house still harbors a dark secret.

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The Lowdown: Fitfully stylish, but utterly silly, never scary and, finally, rather boring. This is so not a good movie. It’s mentally unbalanced horror at its most basic — with a silly twist that’s obvious for far too long to provide any kind of a shock at the big moment of revelation. (And I’m generously assuming that you’ll still be awake by that point, which is open to serious debate.) This is not only generic stuff, this is sloppy generic stuff. This is a movie that doesn’t even bother to establish that the title house at the end of the street is in fact at the

66 September 26 - october 2, 2012 •

startingfriday 2 days in neW yorK

See review in “Cranky Hanke”

Hotel transylVania

Sandwiched in between the surprisingly good ParaNorman and the much anticipated Frankenweenie we find more supposedly spooky animated hijinks — in this case starring the voice of Adam Sandler as Dracula. If that isn’t grim enough, the story is one of those tales where the monsters are normal and the humans are monsters. The whole thing is about a mortal falling in love with the daughter of over-protective Dracula. The trailers look…well… let’s be nice and say “uninspired.”(PG)

tHe inforMer

See Justin Souther’s review in “Cranky Hanke”


Everything that’s come down the pike — from reviews to just hearing from folks who’ve seen it — indicates that Rian Johnson’s Looper is going to be one of the year’s best films. Fans of the director’s first films — Brick and The Brothers Bloom — are not surprised that this sci-fi actioner apparently turns out to be more thoughtful and quirkier than its plot and its trailer indicate. The premise finds a futuristic hitman (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) charged with killing his older self (Bruce Willis). The film also boasts Emily Blunt and Paul Dano in its cast — and it’s certainly the most intriguing thing headed our way this week. (R)


Quite a few people have been asking about this documentary that’s being described thusly: “Filmed over a period of almost five years and in twenty-five countries, Samsara transports us to sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial sites, and natural wonders.” The studio also states, “By dispensing with dialogue and descriptive text, Samsara subverts our expectations of a traditional documentary, instead encouraging our own inner interpretations inspired by images and music that infuses the ancient with the modern.” That should tell you whether or not this is for you. The reviews have been largely positive. (PG-13)

Won’t baCK doWn

Yes,it’s got Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis — as well as Holly Hunter, Oscar Isaac and Rosie Perez. But it was directed and co-written by Daniel Barnz, who gave us the dismally gooey Beastly. It also hasn’t been screened for critics. (One obvious studio shill on the IMDb called it “Inspirational & Bold.”) If those aren’t enough warnings, take a look at the studio blurb: “Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis play two determined mothers, one a teacher, who will stop at nothing to transform their children’s failing inner city school. Facing a powerful and entrenched bureaucracy, they risk everything to make a difference in the education and future of their children. This powerful story of parenthood, friendship and courage mirrors events that are making headlines daily.” Yes. (PG)

end of the street — or why that matters. Saying that House at the End of the Street is contrived is an insult to contrivances. The unfortunate thing is that there are several instances where director Mark Tonderai shows more than a little stylishness throughout — though, granted, some of it belongs to other people. He cannot, however, wrestle the dumb screenplay to the ground. The whole thing starts with one those prologues — you know, where you see the events that are supposedly at the bottom of it all. In reality, of course, all the footage of the murder of the parents in the house at the end of the street is a cinematic shell game feeding you only the information it wants you to have. In other words, we sort of see the murders and the daughter who committed them run into the woods where it’s presumed she met her doom. It’s also pretty ho and hum — unless you’re scared by bloody feathers. Flash forward four years to mom Sarah (Elisabeth Shue, who we’re supposed to believe doesn’t look old enough to have a 17-year-old daughter) and daughter Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) moving into the

house not quite at the of the street. They can afford to rent this because it’s next to door to...well, you know what. They’ve come from Chicago, which, yes, means that Elissa is all pissy about leaving the city — and, of course, they already have a strained relationship since Elissa has spent most of her life with her rock musician father. Mom has been led to believe the murder house is empty. Of course, it’s not. Turns out that the surviving son, Ryan (Max Theriot), still lives there. He is of the reclusive, brooding, sensitive sort with big soulful eyes and what looks like a gallant attempt at a beard that didn’t come off well. Elissa — unable to distinguish dreamy from demented — thinks he’s the bee’s knees of needy sexiness. Ah, but what she doesn’t know is that deep in the recesses of a secret subbasement (every home has one) is a secret room in which Ryan keeps (none too well, since she’s always getting out) his homicidally-inclined sister. If all this sounds spectacularly dumb, believe it or not, it actually gets even dumber. (Bear in mind, this screenplay is by David

Loucka, who penned last year’s Dream House.) By the end of it, even things that seemed to make sense earlier have been rendered nonsensical. Yes, there are flashes of creativity in the direction, but other than that what do you get? Well, there are about four shock effects — or more correctly, the same shock effect four times. There are several instances of things that are pretty darn funny that weren’t meant to be funny. It has been argued that Jennifer Lawrence and Elisabeth Shue do what they can with what they’re given, but I’m not even sure that’s true. The longer I watched, the more I felt that the most they contributed consisted of showing up and keeping straight faces. That may well have been a Herculean endeavour, but it doesn’t make the performances exactly praiseworthy. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and terror, thematic elements, language, some teen partying and brief drug material. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

The ImposTer JJJJJ

Director: Bart Layton PLayers: FréDéric BourDin, carey GiBson, BeverLy DoLLarhiDe, charLie Parker, aDam o’Brian DocumenTary

raTeD r

The Story: The true life tale of a Frenchman who managed to pass himself off as a missing Texas teen. The Lowdown: An endlessly fascinating, entertaining documentary born out of the almost unbelievable, wholly whacked out story it tells. If a more singularly entertaining documentary than Bart Layton’s The Imposter is released in 2012, I’ll be amazed. Lacking any real message, this is a doc whose sole purpose is to hold your attention, and it does that with a story that’s simply twisted and bizarre — and becomes more so as its runtime unravels. If this had been a narrative film — with “based on a true story” plastered over its opening credits — then I’d think the whole thing was embellished. But by going the documentary route, The Imposter becomes a surprisingly engrossing tale of really, truly, awesomely screwed-up people. The gist of Layton’s film involves Frédéric Bourdin, a 23-year-old Frenchman, who decides

to pretend to be an abused, wayward teen as a means of getting thrown into a home for troubled kids, and thus be given the chance to begin his life anew. This quickly unravels when police officers begin grilling him, so Frédéric — out of panic — claims he’s American, and manages to find the name — through some conning and conniving of American law enforcement agencies — of Nicholas Barclay, a Texas teen who’d been missing for over three years. Before realizing Nicholas has blond hair and blue eyes, the brown-haired, brown-eyed, French-accented Frédéric decides to try and pass himself off as this missing kid, spinning a tale of his “disappearance” that revolves around secret military sex rings and medical experiments. What’s even more odd is that — with the aid of a box of hair dye — Bourdin’s plan begins to work, as Nicholas’ family, and specifically his sister Carey, accept him almost effortlessly as their long lost brother. All of this by itself makes for a pretty quirky true life tale. But when we learn some theories as to why the Nicholas’ family would so readily accept the specious idea that this is their family member, the film nearly tips over into the absurd. Without giving away surprises the plot holds, here is where we learn that nearly everyone in the film might just be certifiably screwy. While the movie never deals in absolutes and, instead, depends on speculation (sometimes that of Frédéric, an obvious pathological liar), it’s an almost unbelievable perfect storm of circumstance and crackpots, all merging together into one infinitely fascinating tale. It helps that the film is told through a combination of talking-head interviews and reenactments. Frédéric — for all his obvious faults and unreliability — is a curious, often charming subject, who has no problem discussing his techniques for fooling people. At the same time, The reenactments shouldn’t be thought of as the junk from Unsolved Mysteries. This is best the documentary I have seen since Man on Wire (2008), often cleverly flowing in and out of interviews, and never turning into distracting cheese. The pity in all of this is that The Imposter is still a doc, a genre that’s notorious for rarely drawing a crowd. The Imposter is one of those films that deserves an audience. Rated R for language. reviewed by Justin Souther Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

Trouble wITh The curve JJ

Director: roBert Lorenz PLayers: cLint eastwooD, amy aDams, Justin timBerLake, John GooDman, matthew LiLLarD FamIly sporTs Drama

raTeD pG-13

The Story: An aging, grouchy baseball scout is joined on the road by his daughter after his eyesight starts to suffer. The Lowdown: Cheesy, predictable goo with a hokey script and boring direction that’s occasionally made watchable because of Amy Adams. I’ve promised myself for any number of reasons to make zero Clint Eastwood chair jokes in this review of Trouble With the Curve. However, I do believe there is a brilliant one to be made in regard to a scene early in the film where old Clint is talking to himself while urinating. But alas, it will not be made by me. Instead, I’m here to talk about this movie — this schmaltzy, infuriating, insultingly predictable, boring little movie that’s so lifeless and unwilling to do anything original or interesting that it barely exists. Eastwood — at his most waxen and inaudibly grumpy — plays Gus, a famed baseball scout who’s losing his eyesight and is in danger of being made obsolete by mathematics and computers (screenwriter Randy Brown has obviously read Moneyball, or at least read its synopsis on Wikipedia). So at the behest of his best friend (John Goodman), his workaholic lawyer daughter Mickey (Amy Adams) joins him on one last road trip to scout one last stud prospect, Bo Gentry (TV actor Joe Massingill). Every character is painted in black or white, be they noble and good-hearted or downright despicable. Gus’ villainous co-worker (Matthew Lillard), who’s trying to

get him fired, is so obviously up to no good that he should be given a mustache to twirl. At the same time, Bo is such an uncouth, cocky doofus that you know from scene one things will turn out poorly for him. The entire plot exists to set up Trouble With the Curve’s big feel good — and incredibly predicable — ending, with occasional stops for dysfunctional family drama that’s at the center of the plot. The only thing the movie does right is give Amy Adams lots of screentime, and occasionally her personality is enough to make the film watchable. But at the same time, long-time Eastwood secondunit director/producer Robert Lorenz — here making his feature debut — doesn’t have a clue what to do with her. Really, he doesn’t have much of a clue what to do behind a camera, either, but that doesn’t stop him from making a workmanlike movie in the most rudimentary and basic of fashions. This is probably for the best, since his one moment of ambition is a flashback that features jarring, goofy footage of Dirty Harry-era Eastwood that comes out of nowhere. I’m no expert on baseball, but the struggle between traditional scouting and the modernized, analytical, statistical Moneyball mindset isn’t as cut and dry (or dire) a struggle as is portrayed here. Really, this is a movie that’s likely to be insulting to any intelligent, reasonable baseball fan. But that’s not what the film is here to do: Play to the cheap seats, with a single goal of a nice, tidy ending. The byproduct, of course, is a movie devoid of anything interesting, a dull, safe, impotent exercise in overly sentimental pap. Rated PG-13 for language, sexual references, some thematic material and smoking. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

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Rentals aPaRtments FOR Rent ASHEVILLE EAST - DUPLEX • Half-house close in. 3BR, 2BA: hardwoods, fireplace, dishwasher, WD. Woods & trails. No pets/smoking. $825/month negotiable plus utilities. Available immediately. 828-273-6700.

West 2BR, 2Ba • Carpet; gas log fireplace; no pets. $800/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty.

COndOs/ tOWnHOmes FOR Rent 2BR 1.5Ba West asHeVIlle • Water, garbage included on bus line. $725/ month. Call 828-252-9882.

3BR 2Ba dUPleX • Near Haw Creek. 17-B Campground Rd, Beautiful, 1250 square foot upstairs unit with covered rear porch, privacy. $900/month, sorry no dogs, Utilities not included, available Oct 1. 299 7502. desIRaBle West asHeVIlle • Cheery 1BR, 1BA garage apartment. Fenced backyard, garden space. Pet friendly. $575/month + one month deposit. No smoking. 828-777-3415. LIVE ON THE RIVER! • east 2BR, 2BA, all appliances, including WD. • Large closets, storage. Covered parking. • Covered porch. Open deck. Great views! • Quiet and convenient. • Pets considered. Available Sept. $775/month. 828-779-2736, 828-215-4596. NEAR UNCA and GREENWAY! Peaceful, wooded setting for 2BR/1BA, W/D hookup, carpet, small private porch. $675/mo includes water. 1 cat ok w/ fee. Year’s lease, security deposit, credit check & references req, Plenty of parking! For appt: Graham Investments: 253-6800. nORtH 1BR, 1Ba • $550/ month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. nORtH asHeVIlle • Townhome 2BR, 1BA. 1 mile to downtown. On busline. Sorry, no pets. $545/month. 828-252-4334.

tWO masteR sUItes On maIn leVel • Additional space in loft for sleeping or relaxing. Beautifully furnished. Pool, tennis courts, community center, walking or biking trail. Close to shopping, museums, zip lines, river activities, waterfalls, etc. long or short term lease $1300/month. Jeanne 828891-7516. West asHeVIlle - CanteRBURy HeIGHts • 45 Beri Dr. Updated 2BR 1.5BA. Split level condo, 918 sqft. Fully applianced upgraded kitchen. Pool, fitness room. $725/month. Security Dep. Application Fee. Available 9/1/12. Mike 919-624-1513.

BeaRWallOW mOUntaIn • Between Edneyville, Fletcher and Gerton 15 min. to Hendersonville 35 min to Asheville. Rustic, no frills 2BR, 2BA. Woodstove, spring water, electric heat Quiet, non-smoking environment. $495/month. 615-4912495. CHaRmInG, sUnny and BRand neW! 2BR, 2BA duplex in quaint country setting of Fairview. Convenient and fresh! Open great room, hickory cabinets in kitchen, hardwood and tile flooring throughout. Walkin closets, no lawn mower required. Rent includes water and sewer. $895/month. Call 828-215-2865 for showings. HOUse FOR Rent In tHe COUntRy One of 2 houses on 80 acres. 20 min. from Patton. 1 year lease, $950/ month plus deposit. Includes washer/dryer, water, electricity, DSL. 828-683-2629. HUGe UPstaIRs In HOUse For Rent in Beverly Hills. 2-4BR, flexible layout. $,1575/month. Includes utilities. 2,000 sqf. All newly renovated. Oct. 15 or Nov. 1 move-in. 828-505-3186

HOmes FOR Rent 3 BR In West asHeVIlle 3BR in West Asheville, recently renovated, like new, Street level of private home, Heatpump, central air, all appliances. Shared laundry facilities. Large lot. Owner resides in lower level. No pets/smoking. $750/month plus $150/month utilities. Lease and deposit req. 828327-2436.

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It's HeRe!! Walk to town 1 story RENOVATED 3 BR 2BA Bungalow featuring hardwoods, stainless kitchen, tile baths, fireplaces and large rooms. Very Cute $279K web lIttle COttaGe In tHe WOOds Newly remodeled 1BR efficiency cottage near Mars Hill College. Private, private deck. 25 minutes to Asheville. $550 1 yr/lease, deposit required. Washer/ Dryer. Water included. No Smoking. 828-206-1420.

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BIltmORe BUIldInG • Class A, full service office building, located in the center of Pack Square. Various size offices available- some include onsite parking. For rates and information, please call 828-225-6140.

FRee Rent - mOVe In Ready sPaCes aVaIlaBle - HendeRsOnVIlle 1,200sf to 2,400sf. Restaurants have Equipment in Place. Join CVS, Fred’s & Goodwill as tenants. 2111 Asheville Hwy, Hendersonville. Call Today 404-358-2888 HeaRt OF dOWntOWn Ground level condo - shell w/ high ceilings, exposed beams, wood floors, great light. $2750/month. The Real Estate Center, Scott Carter, 828-2554663, WaynesVIlle, nC • Ideal office/warehouse/workspace. Decor would support craftoriented use, distributor or low-traffic store. 2,000 sq.ft. +/-. Base cost $900/month + costs. CHEAP. 828-216-6066.

mOBIle HOmes FOR Rent West asHeVIlle • 3BR, 2BA Large Mobile. W/D connections. On bus line. Excellent condition. Quiet park. Accepting Section 8. Only $650/month. 828-273-9545.

Employment GeneRal Cdl dRIVeRs If you are a "people person" you could be a great tour guide! Training provided. Part-time with potential to full-time. info@ 828251-8687 dO yOU lIKe sleePInG late? • Do your friends say that you talk too loud? This may be the job for you. We need enthusiastic, confident people with clear speaking voices for phone sales. We offer $10.50/hour, a comfortable office environment, profit sharing bonus program. And a full-time 12 noon-9:00pm shift. Call today 828-236-2530 to schedule an interview. GeneRal WaReHOUse WORKeR needed General warehouse worker to assist in day-to-day operations at a local Asheville business. Duties may include loading/ unloading freight, periods of standing, inventory management, machine operations, forklift operations, and driving. Professional experience preferred and valid NC Driver’s License and clean driving record required. Email resume to accounting@mmsdelivers. com. HOUseKeePeR needed • For Assisted Living Center near Asheville, NC. Part Time and Full Time available. Fun and stimulating environment. Drug test and background check required before employment. Applications accepted at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711. you may also fax your resume to 828-669-5003 or email it to mORnInG OPeneR • Opening position available at local holistic medical office. Office cleaning, stocking, and light yardwork required. Attention to detail a must. 20-30 hours/week. Email resumes to

OUtReaCH assOCIate (Oa) Part-time (20 hours). Temporary Grant Funded: One year. Manna Food Bank. Bachelors’s Degree or Equivalent Experience OA to work in Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, Madison and McDowell Counties promoting The Food and Nutrition Services Program. Applicant must be a high-energy, self-motivated, detailed oriented and compassionate person who can work with diverse people in rural areas. Complete job description, requirements and application instructions at Deadline for application: Friday, September 28, 2012 EOE

admInIstRatIVe/ OFFICe CUstOmeR seRVICe/ sales sUPPORt PeRsOn • Needed part time for busy sales office. No experience required, will train the right person. Duties will include basic office duties such as filing, answering phones, assisting customers with paperwork, and online inventory maintenance as well as assissting other members of the sales team when needed. The ideal candidate would be someone with attention to detail, a positive attitude, willingness to learn, a team player and willing to work hard at problem solving. Must be a least 19 years of age, have a valid NC drivers license, and able to work Saturdays. Call 828-707-0513 to schedule time to apply.

management , cause related marketing, project management. • Must demonstrate the ability to work well in a fastpaced, collaborative environment requiring an ability to deal effectively with multiple priorities and maintain focus on achievement of established goals. To apply online please follow this link: http:// WnC WOman maGaZIne • Seeks dynamic, professional Account Executives for FT/PT sales. Self-starter with exp managing a territory a plus. Must be PC proficient. This is a telecommute, straight-commission position with pay-per-appointment compensation. Send resume' to

RestaURant/ FOOd PaRt tIme dIetaRy COOK • Needed for a lovely assisted living center in Black Mountain NC. Excellent benefits and working conditions. Compassion and good communication are a must. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Please send resume to You may also visit our facility to fill out an application. 101 Lions Way. Black Mountain, NC 28711 PF Chang's is looking ROCKSTARS. Please apply in person ONLY between 2-4 Monday thru Thursday at 26 Schenck Parkway in Biltmore Park Town Square www.pfchangs. com

dRIVeRs/ delIVeRy

sales/ maRKetInG lOCal dIstRIBUtOR Is lOOKInG FOR a FUll tIme InsIde sales emPlOyee (Business Development Manager) TO JOIN OUR GROWING TEAM • Candidate will be responsible for generating sales revenue on new accounts by following up on sales leads, initiating calls to prospective retail stores / resellers, following up on catalog requests, and winning back sales on old accounts. • The candidate will also be responsible for sales order entry on new accounts. • Candidates must have strong selling skills, computer skills and be self motivated, reliable, and detail oriented. • Candidate must be able to travel on occasion and attend out of town trade shows. Previous sales experience required. • Benefits include competitive pay, comfortable atmosphere w/casual dress, holiday and vacation pay, health insurance co-pay, and great office hours. Salary is a fixed hourly rate + sales commission. Interested parties please email / fax resume and cover letter, or fax# 828-236-2658 PR & maRKetInG sPeCIalIst • P/T (15-25/wk), needed for Mountain Area Child and Family Center and the Rainbow In My Tummy® program. • This position manages organizational PR, Marketing, and Child Recruitment initiatives. • Experience in any of the following areas will be key to consideration: Press release and article writing, media relations, external newsletter management, publication creation using InDesign, website copy


ADVANCE TRUCKING INSTITUTE • Quality training. Great careers. CDL training for Class A and B License. FT and PT classes. Train men and women. For an exciting new career call 828-259-5309 or 828-6065900.

medICal/ HealtH CaRe Cna "FlOat" Ft POsItIOn(s) Home Carefree has 2 Certified Nursing Assistant positions available. These include travel/mileage from office. Must have experience with ostomies, catheters, and Hoyer type lifts. Please call 277-1580 and ask for Human Resources. Stop in to complete application at 900 Hendersonville Rd, Suite 203 (Forest Center North) Near Chef Mo's. med teCH/PCa • For assisted living center in Black Mountain. Great benefits, friendly residents, and great staff to work with. One year experience required. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Organizational skills and good communication skills a must. Please fax resume to 828-669-5003 or email to administrator@ You may also visit our facility and fill out an application at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711 OPPORtUnItIes aVaIlaBle at COmmUnIty CaRe OF WesteRn nORtH CaROlIna! Community Care of Western North Carolina is looking to fill the following full-time positions: • Care Managers for Buncombe County. Candidates must be either an RN or possess a minimum BSW

or Bachelors with health care focus. Minimum of 2 years case management experience preferred. Bilingual in Spanish a plus. • Patient Outreach team member to assist specific programs and helping the Patient Outreach team with bilingual patients and inquiries. This individual may also assist with other care management and agency support responsibilities. This position will be based at the main office in Asheville. High school diploma or equivalent required. One year of employment in the medical field required. Experience in direct patient contact and customer service preferred. Knowledge of Medicaid, medical community and community resources preferred. Excellent communication skills required. Competency in Microsoft products required, knowledge of medical software an asset. Bilingual in Spanish required. Send resume to or fax to 828-259-2757. EOE OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER • Cna We screen, train, bond and insure. Positions available for overnight professionals only. Home Instead Senior Care. www.homeinstead. com/159 ReHaB tHeRaPIsts needed • PT, OT, ST and Assistants wanted to join a dynamic and growing Rehab Department. Autumn Care of Saluda invites you to join us in our creative and exciting new programming. We’ll work with you on scheduling either full or part time hours. You receive full benefits at 30 hours a week, and we pay travel and travel time, along with other excellent benefits. It’s a short drive to our historic little community—and well worth it! For more information call 828-749-2261, or email rehab108@autumncorp. com. EOE

HUman seRVICes adOlesCent addICtIOns tHeRaPIst • Swain Recovery Center a 42- 90 day residential treatment program located in Black Mountain, NC is seeking an Adolescent Therapist to join our team. The position will be primary counselor for adolescence with substance dependence issues. Experience working with at risk youth is required. An ideal candidate will have a Master degree in Counseling or Social Work, and an LCAS or one pending within 6 months. Salary range $38,000 - $42,000. Send resume to

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • meRIdIan BeHaVIORal HealtH Cherokee County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Provisionally Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.

plantenberg@meridianbhs. org Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be license-eligible. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, Haywood County: Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must be an RN. For more information, please contact Jen Hardin, jen.hardin@meridianbhs. org Qualla Boundary: JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist on Qualla Boundary for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron. plantenberg@meridianbhs. org Macon County: Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. For more information, contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@ • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: ClInICal dIReCtOR F/t • Mon-Fri. Supervising clinical and programmatic aspects of Day Trt, IIH, SAIOP and Assessment programs. Implementing program improvements, and providing clinical supervision. Benefits package. Requirements- Masters degree in human service field and supervisory experience required. Must be licensed. Applyapireapplicants@ ClInICal sOCIal WORKeR and Case manaGeR Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker – LCSW credentials required. • Social Work Supervisor LCSW credentials required, experience preferred. • Case Manger – minimum of CSAC required. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/ or detox services. Please visit default.cfm to apply.

CLINICIAN • OFFENDER seRVICes PROGRam The Offender Services Program of MBHS seeks a licensed or license-eligible clinician in North Carolina to join its Offender Services Program. Will conduct evaluations, colead treatment groups, coordinate case management with program’s case manager, collaborate with probation and social services and provide program operational support for both domestic violence and sexual abuse intervention programs. Here is an opportunity to further your experience in working with sex offenders, their non-offending partners and in the development of a domestic violence intervention program. For more information contact Diane Paige, diane.paige@ Visit our website: www.meridianbhs. org to complete an application.

FamIlIes tOGetHeR (Ft) A Partner of NC Mentoris dedicated to providing quality services to our exceptional children, families and adults. FT is a CABHA, and is nationally accredited with CARF International. We work to strengthen the family system and to support the people we serve to remain in their home community. FT is team oriented and provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, health benefits, room for advancement, and an innovative culture. Due to continuous growth and expansion we are hiring Qualified Professionals in Asheville and surrounding areas. Qualified candidates will have a minimum of 2-4 years related experience and a bachelor’s degree. To apply, go to www. .

maKe a dIFFeRenCe NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.

skills a must. Bilingual in English and Spanish a plus. EOE. Salary based on experience. Send cover letter and resume with references by October 1 to: Joe Quinlan, Self-Help Program Manager, Mountain Housing Opportunities, 64 Clingman Ave., Suite 101, Asheville, NC 28801. PRn tReatment staFF • Eliada Homes is in need of experienced staff to provide treatment to our students! • Duties: Provide individualized treatment to the student population; effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention model; regularly monitor and supervise students; plan and implement therapeutic activities; complete required mental health documentation. • Requirements: A strong desire to work with students, patience, and the ability to work as part of a team is a must! Must also possess an AA/high school diploma/GED and have some experience working with the mental health population; preemployment drug screen and criminal background check required. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at

tHe asHeVIlle OFFICe OF FamIly PReseRVatIOn seRVICes • Receptionist/ Scheduler (30/hrs week). • QMHP to work with adults on our Community Support Team. • Cerified Peer Support Specialist to work in our PSR Program. Please send resumes to csimpson@

PROFessIOnal/ manaGement

OVeRnIGHt COUnselOR! Eliada Homes needs experienced staff to provide overnight awake care to our students! • Duties: Conduct bed checks every 10-20 minutes; assist with the preparation for daily activities; prepare meals; execute daily cleaning; complete and report required documentation on students. • Requirements: Must be able to stay awake and alert during third shift hours; must possess an AA/high school diploma/ GED and have some experience working with the mental health population; must have a valid NCDL and be insurable by Eliada’s carriers; preemployment drug screen and criminal background check required. • This is a full-time, benefitted position! Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at OVeRnIGHt staFF All Girls High School Age Boarding School. Must have group skills and experience in behavioral health and youth preferred. Need to be flexible week day nights and weekends nights. Full and Part-time Positions Available. Please send resume or CV to humanresources@ Please mark Solstice in Subject Line EOE

aFFORdaBle HOUsInG PROGRam sPeCIalIst Mountain Housing Opportunities is seeking a part-time program specialist. Responsibilities include recruiting low-income families for our Self-Help Homeownership Program through a variety of marketing and outreach efforts; assisting families in preparing loan applications; verifying employment, income, credit, and debt. Excellent writing, phone, computer and interpersonal

Fls eneRGy staFF aCCOUntant FLS Energy is seeking a Staff Accountant visit for job description and details

teaCHInG/ edUCatIOn a-B teCH CHaIR, CUlInaRy aRts • F/T. SUMMARY: The Department Chair provides vision, leadership, knowledge, and skills required to carry out the mission of the Culinary Arts Department and the vision, mission and values of the College. The Department Chair is responsible for supervising and coordinating instructional and non-instructional activities of the Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts Associate of Applied Science degree programs Foodservice Technology Diploma program and potential new curriculum programs. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Associate of Applied Science degree from an accredited institution in Culinary Arts, Foodservice Technology or Baking and Pastry Arts; 2. Three years or more fulltime professional experience working in upscale culinary facilities in the capacity of Chef de Cuisine or Executive Chef; 3. Eligible for or current American Culinary Federation certification as Culinary Educator and/or Chef de Cuisine. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Baccalaureate degree in teaching discipline or related field; 2. Two years work experience at an accredited institution as an instructor or department chair in Culinary Arts, Foodservice Technology, or Baking & Pastry Arts; 3. Community College teaching experience; 4. Recent American Culinary Federation competition experience; 5. Working knowledge of instructional/informational technologies; 6. American Culinary Federation Certified Executive Chef certification; 7. Current ServSafe certification. • SALARY RANGE: $54,012 - $55,128. Please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com/postings/1282 for more information and application instructions. • SEPTEMBER 26 - OCTOBER 2, 2012 69

freewillastrology AriES (March 21-April 19) Here’s the curious message I derived from the current astrological configurations: It’s one of those rare times when a wall may actually help bring people together. How? Why? The omens don’t reveal that specific information. They only tell me that what seems like a barrier might end up serving as a connector. An influence that in other situations would tend to cause separation will in this case be likely to promote unity. Capitalize on this anomaly, Aries!

TAUrUS (April 20-May 20) In my first dream last night, I gave you a holy book that you left out in the rain. In my second dream, I cooked you some chicken soup that you didn’t eat. My third dream was equally disturbing. I assigned you some homework that would have helped you discover important clues about tending to your emotional health. Alas, you didn’t do the homework. In the morning, I woke up from my dreams feeling exasperated and worried. But later I began to theorize that maybe they weren’t prophecies, but rather helpful warnings. Now that you’ve heard them, I’m hoping you will become alert to the gifts you’ve been ignoring and take advantage of the healing opportunities you’ve been neglecting.

gEMiNi (May 21-June 20) There’s a good chance that your rhythm in the coming days will resemble a gentle, continuous orgasm. It won’t be stupendously ecstatic, mind you. I’m not predicting massive eruptions of honeyed bliss that keep blowing your mind. Rather, the experience will be more like a persistent flow of warm contentment. You’ll be constantly tuning in to a secret sweetness that thrills you subliminally. Again and again you will slip into a delicious feeling that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be. Warning! There are two factors that could possibly undermine this blessing: 1. if you scare it away with blasts of cynicism; 2. if you get greedy and try to force it to become bigger and stronger. So please don’t do those things!

CANCEr (June 21-July 22) Philosopher Jonathan Zap ( provides the seed for this week’s meditation: “Conscious reflection on the past can deepen the soul and provide revelations of great value for the present and future. On the other hand, returning to the past obsessively out of emotional addiction can be a massive draining of vitality needed for full engagement with the present.” So which will it be, Cancerian? One way or another, you are likely to be pulled back toward the old days and the old ways. I’ll prefer it if you re-examine your history and extract useful lessons from the past instead of wallowing in dark nostalgia and getting lost in fruitless longing.

70 SEPTEMBER 26 - OCTOBER 2, 2012

LiBrA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22) The German poet and philosopher Friedrich von Schiller liked to have rotting apples in his desk drawer as he worked; the scent inspired him. Agatha Christie testified that many of her best ideas came to her while she was washing dishes. As for Beethoven, he sometimes stimulated his creativity by pouring cold water over his head. What about you, Libra? Are there odd inclinations and idiosyncratic behaviors that in the past have roused your original thinking? I encourage you to try them all this week, and then see if you can dream up at least two new ones. You have officially entered the brainstorming season.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Picture a TV satellite dish on the roof of a peasant’s shack in rural Honduras. Imagine a gripping rendition of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata played on the mandolin. Visualize the Dalai Lama quoting Chris Rock a bit out of context but with humorous and dramatic effect. Got all that? Next, imagine that these three scenes are metaphors for your metaphysical assignment in the coming week. Need another hint? OK. Think about how you can make sure that nothing gets lost in the dicey translations you’ll be responsible for making.

virgO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Here are some ways to get more respect: 1. Do your best in every single thing you do — whether it’s communicating precisely or upholding the highest possible standards at your job or taking excellent care of yourself. 2. Maintain impeccable levels of integrity in everything you do — whether it’s being scrupulously honest or thoroughly fair-minded or fiercely kind. 3. On the other hand, don’t try so compulsively hard to do your best and cultivate integrity that you get self-conscious and obstruct the flow of your natural intelligence. 4. Make it your goal that no later than four years from now you will be doing what you love to do at least 51 percent of the time. 5. Give other people as much respect as you sincerely believe they deserve. 6. Give yourself more respect.

SCOrPiO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) It’s expensive for the U.S. to hold prisoners at its Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba: $800,000 per year for each detainee. That’s 30 times more than it costs to incarcerate a convict on the American mainland. According to the Miami Herald, Guantanamo is the most expensive prison on the planet. How much do you spend on locking stuff up, Scorpio? What does it cost, not just financially but emotionally and spiritually, for you to keep your secrets hidden and your fears tamped


down and your unruly passions bottled up and your naughty urges suppressed? The coming weeks would be a good time to make sure the price you pay for all that is reasonable — not even close to being like Guantanamo.

SAgiTTAriUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) What time is it, boys and girls? It’s Floods of Fantastic Gratitude Week: a perfect opportunity to express your passionate appreciation for everything you’ve been given. So get out there and tell people how much you’ve benefited from what they’ve done for you. For best results, be playful and have fun as you express your thanks. By the way, there’ll be a fringe benefit to this outpouring: By celebrating the blessings you already enjoy, you will generate future blessings.

CAPriCOrN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Telling the whole deep truth and nothing but the whole deep truth isn’t necessarily a recipe for being popular. It may on occasion provoke chaos and be disruptive. In an institutional setting, displays of candor may even diminish your clout and undermine your ambitions. But now take everything I just said and disregard it for a while. This is one of those rare times when being profoundly authentic will work to your supreme advantage.

AQUAriUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) “Show me the money” is a meme that first appeared in the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire. It has been uttered approximately a hundred trillion times since then. Have you ever said it in earnest? If so, you were probably demanding to get what you had been promised. You were telling people you wanted to see tangible proof that they valued your efforts. In light of your current astrological omens, I propose that you use a variation on this theme. What you need right now is less materialistic and more marvelous. Try making this your mantra: “Show me the magic.”

PiSCES (Feb. 19-March 20) My acquaintance, Jacob, fell for a woman who also professed her ardor for him. But in the midst of their courtship, as the mystery was still ripening, she suddenly left the country. “I’ve got to go to Indonesia,” she texted him one night, and she was gone the next day. Jacob was confused, forlorn, dazed. He barely ate for days. On the sixth day, a FedEx package arrived from her. It contained a green silk scarf and a note: “I wore this as I walked to the top of the volcano and said a five-hour prayer to elevate our love.” Jacob wasn’t sure how to interpret it, although it seemed to be a good omen. What happened next? I haven’t heard yet. I predict that you will soon receive a sign that has resemblance to this one. Don’t jump to conclusions about what it means, but assume the best.

MOUNTAIN AREA CHILD AND FAMILY CENTER is a model learning environment located in Asheville NC where young children thrive, families flourish, and early childhood professionals excel. • This 5-star child development center is currently accepting applications for a full-time EHS Toddler Classroom Educator position for our Asheville location on Riceville Road. • Qualified candidates will have experience working with children birth to kindergarten in a licensed center and have an Associates/Bachelors degree in early childhood development or BA/BS in a related field that includes 18 hours focusing on early childhood education/development. • Our Classroom Educators provide children with varied learning experiences that will help them develop socially, intellectually, physically, linguistically, and emotionally, using age and developmentally appropriate techniques. • Our full-time positions offer opportunities for growth/ professional development and a competitive benefits package. To apply, please follow this link http://macfc. • Parttime and Full- time substitute positions also available. THE CHILDREN'S CENTER AT GRACELYN IS HIRING! The Children's Center is hiring substitutes and a full time Toddler Teacher. Competitive pay and benefits. Contact Denise West 828-253-0542 828-253-0542 childrenscentero@bellsouth. net

CAREGIvERS/ NANNY CAREGIvER NEEDED 30-40 hours a week 10/hr. Must be strong, capable, experienced and TRUSTWORTHY! Transfers, bathing, driving, etc. Criminal checks. Woodfin 828-424-7203


MOUNTAIN XPRESS MARKETING INTERN WANTED • We are looking for a gregarious, communityminded person with a desire to promote Asheville's grassrootsy culture and commerce in a collaborative, idealistic, team environment. No sales experience necessary. • Help make Asheville more prosperous while being itself.

Send resume and cover letter introducing yourself and telling us why you’d excel in the position. Send to ON-AIR HOST/NEWS DIRECTOR • WWNC AM A rare opportunity in one of the country’s most beautiful cities, Asheville NC, awaits the right candidate. Our current 10 year station vet is leaving and we have an opening for our morning show host/ news director at one of the top heritage stations in the country, 570 WWNC. You would only be the fifth person to hold this position since the early 60’s. That’s how attractive this market is! Do you love mornings? Do you live for news/talk? Can you entertain and engage an active audience with top notch on-air, digital and social media content? News writing/reporting experience a must. This is a fast paced, multi-tasking position that requires attention to detail and great communication skills in an upbeat environment. Minimum 3 years’ experience as on air host/ news director preferred. Send aircheck and resume to Brian Hall, Program Director, at BrianHall@ClearChannel. com or 13 Summerlin Road, Asheville, NC 28806. No calls please. Clear Channel Media + Entertainment is an EOE.

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FOUnd: men's WeddInG BAND • ARDEN Found in Royal Pines neighborhood. Call and identify: 702-0176.

Mind, Body, Spirit sPIRItUal IllUmInatInG yOUR PatH Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin, the Auracle of Asheville. • Personal or Business, start-up or expansion. Call (828) 253-7472. or asknina@

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Pet seRVICes asHeVIlle Pet sItteRs Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

The New York Times Across 1 Either of two Syrian presidents 6 “Spring forward” inits. 9 “Oleanna” playwright 14 Bather’s scrubber 15 When to observe 6-Across in France 16 Hoopster Stoudemire 17 Humanoid of Jewish folklore 18 Elbow-bender 19 ___ Hart (“Chicago” role) 20 Marsh rodents 23 Mil. headquarters 26 Country associated with 38-/40-/ 41-Across 27 They’re flashed at guards 30 “Babes in Toyland” composer 32 Wall St. stat

34 Wings, in zoology 35 Golfer Aoki and others 37 Comparative word 38, 40 & 41 18thcentury literary and musical movement 42 Aircraft velocity figure 45 & 47 Writer associated with 38-/40-/ 41-Across 50 90° from Nord 51 Sirius 55 Vintner’s prefix 56 Permeate 58 GPS suggestion: Abbr. 59 What much space junk is in 61 Time for both hands to be up 62 Sen. Rubio 64 “All yours!” 65 Morales of “Caprica” 66 Worth a 10


///////////////////////// crosswordpuzzle

67 ___ and terminer 68 Word before poor or cheap 69 Remainder, in Rouen 70 Moor growth 71 Radical org. of the ’60s 72 Camels’ pit stops 73 Sightseer’s ride 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29

Down “Solve for x” subj. The Great Lakes’ ___ Locks G, in the key of C Not many Price to pay, informally Palm Springs paper, with “the” With 36- and 53-Down, translation of 38-/40-/ 41-Across Four-footers Joan of Arc, notably Pal of Andy Peak, slangily “___ tu” Pipe joint Actress Polo Hydrocarbon suffixes Cartoonist Addams Go soft Place for an English king? One of Sam’s tunes in “Casablanca” Gorilla expert Fossey “Yesterday” or “Tomorrow”

Edited by Will Shortz 1







No. 0822

Edited by Will Shortz No.0822









20 23






32 35


39 42













































60 64

Puzzle by Peter A. Collins

31 “It gets late early out there” speaker 33 “… poem lovely as ___” 36 See 7-Down 39 Earth, to the French 41 Río ___ (African region)

43 South American cardinal? 44 Links org. 45 Yoked 46 Absorption process 48 Paris Hilton, for one 49 Punches in, say 52 Egg rating

53 See 7-Down 54 Mexican beer brand 57 Rod and rad 60 Equilateral figure 62 “The Tilled Field” painter Joan 63 World Cup chants

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