Mountain Xpress, October 28 2009

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OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 • • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009



on the cover

p. 48 Spook-stravaganza Looking for something fun and haunted on and around Halloween? We’ve got four days’ worth of happenings, plus costume ideas and spooky local stuff to keep you in the spirit, even after All Hallows Eve. Cover design by Nathanael Roney

paid for by the committe to re-elect Robin Cape

Residential • Commercial


Repairs • Emergencies

18 Polution, politics & gender A discrimination case at the Air Quality agency

New Construction • Remodeling

16 the battle of swannanoa Residents divided over Swannanoa incorporation

216-3894 216-1109

40 weatherization report Chance of aid for middle-class homeowners

arts&entertainment 48 boo TIME Haunted happenings for all ages

Free Estimates Dependable Service & Advice References Available

Serving all of WNC Fully Licensed & Insured License #28016

48 playing dress up Costume ideas from downtown stores 53 keep that creepy feeling When the holiday’s over, hang on to this stuff

54 lacuna Xpress talks to Barbara Kingsolver about her latest novel, partially set in Asheville

55 ferocious Ahleuchatistas release fifth album to raves

features 5 7 13 14 24 26 31 37 38 39 40 42 46 56 57 59 65 70 71 78 79

OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Letters Cartoon: Molton Commentary The Buzz WNC news briefs Outdoors Out and about in WNC Community Calendar FreeWill Astrology News of the Weird edgy mama Parenting from the edge Conscious party Benefits GREEN SCENE WNC eco-news Food The straight dish on local eats Small Bites Local food news smart bets What to do, who to see junker’s blues ClubLand cranky hanke Movie reviews Asheville Disclaimer Classifieds Cartoon: tooth & jaw NY Times crossword

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letters Swannanoa incorporation will be a disaster for its rural character I’ve listened to arguments from both sides of the issues in the debate over incorporation in Swannanoa. I’ve done a lot of research on my own. The conclusion: Incorporation is disastrous for the rural character. We will lose the very reason why people visit or move to this area. 1. Nearly 60 percent of the proposed area is unoccupied — and thus unrepresented. Many owners cannot vote! 2. No one wants to annex us, and state laws prohibit it due to lack of population density and development. 3. Our current county taxes provide great police and fire protection, and the state maintains our roads. We will have fewer policemen and, lately, it has been admitted that roads will not be maintained to state standards. Why would we want to pay more tax for poorer services? 4. Paying for a town attorney, clerk, manager and mayor is duplication of services provided by the county. The Department of Community Services did a study on comparable towns and reported that the budgeted sum for Swannanoa will be inadequate. 5. We are told there is money, available upon incorporation, that will make up for budget deficits. This money is already collected and administered in our behalf by the county. These revenues are severely depressed by the hard

times we are enduring. For Swannanoa to collect these funds, the town must join the League of Municipalities. This puts urban regulations on more than 60 percent rural and undeveloped land. 6. Historically, development follows incorporation. When city regulation and taxes become too burdensome, farms and forests fall prey to developers who are able and willing to pay for higher-priced land. 7. Forestry management plans are not compatible with urban regulation and will be hardpressed to meet the terms of agreements with the state. The plans will fail, leaving the door open for developers, the very thing people in the valley want to slow down. 8. Incorporation erases county farm districts. None of the more than 70 farms in our area will be exempt from town regulations. At a senate subcommittee hearing, one farmer gave this testimony: “I believe one of the greatest threats to the survival of the small farm is regulations that increase costs and limit use of any part of the farm.” In WNC alone, 679 farms were lost to development between 2002 and 2007. 9. Control of our own government; there’s a novel idea! The collective voices representing more that 60 percent of the land have been ignored by those few outsiders driving the incorporation effort. Why would someone listen better after placing themselves in self-appointed office, when they won’t listen now? — Nancy Duggan Swannanoa

Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 or by e-mail to (Include name, address and phone number.)

xpress staff publisher & Editor: Jeff Fobes senior editor: Peter Gregutt MANAGING editor: Jon Elliston A&E editor: Rebecca Sulock MULTimEDIA EDITOR: Jason Sandford Staff writers: David Forbes, Brian Postelle A&E REPORTER & Fashion editor: Alli Marshall outdoors/gardening editor: Margaret Williams editorial assistants: Hanna Rachel Raskin, Tracy Rose Staff photographer: Jonathan Welch Clubland editor & Writer: Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt contributing writers: Jonathan Barnard, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Ursula Gullow, Anne Fitten Glenn, Whitney Shroyer EDIToRIAL INTERN: Gabe Chess Production & Design ManaGeR: Andrew Findley Advertising Production manager: Kathy Wadham Production & Design: Carrie Lare, Nathanael Roney calendar editor & supplements coordinator: Mannie Dalton Movie reviewer & Coordinator: Ken Hanke

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No tricks, just treats...

A former news reporter’s election advice to you I’d like to offer a few observations and opinions about the upcoming City Council election. My thoughts are based on my experience writing about the Council and city issues during my tenure several years ago as a reporter for Mountain Xpress. During that time I was continually amazed by the level of passion displayed by the public on the controversial issues of the day. Back then the hot-button issues were the Water Agreement, I-26, development guidelines, the Civic Center ... you know, the stuff we still talk about but never seem to resolve. But despite the public’s penchant for passionate rhetoric, it dumbfounds me every two years when so few bother to cast a vote in the Council election — an election determining the leadership of the level of government that most directly impacts our lives. Opinions and complaints, it seems, are easier to cast than ballots. I urge you to vote this year. The aforementioned issues still dog us, and nipping at their heels are a recession, unemployment and the pressing need for cities to push for sustainable, environmentally responsible policies. For mayor I’m voting to reelect Terry Bellamy. Backed by a progressive Council, I believe she will be able to move this city forward. To help give her that progressive Council, I’m voting for Cecil Bothwell, Gordon Smith and Esther Manheimer. At candidate forums, all three have provided concrete solutions to complex problems, solutions grounded in progressive ideals. Weighing heavily on my decision was Robin Cape’s write-in campaign. She has served her city well, but politics is a combination of idealism and pragmatism. Cape’s record is commendable, but her candidacy is not viable. I must move forward and support candidates that represent our best chance of moving this city in the right direction. — Brian Sarzynski Asheville

Urgent warning to Cecil Cantrell A few day ago I received an “URGENT WARNING! Please read!” ad in my snail-mail. Opening it, the ad was titled, “Who is Cecil Bothwell?” Could it be a “Get to know your City Council Candidate” flier? No, it turned out instead to be an attack ad prattling on and on, spouting misquotes and misinformation, using as its source The Prince of War, by Cecil Bothwell. The ad, not signed, shows “Paid for by: Common Sense in government, Cecil Cantrell, Treasurer” in a tiny font at the bottom of the ad. A look-up on Google — and voila! Loads of interesting information! Well, Cecil Cantrell, since your moronic attack ad left no return address, I see no recourse but to write back to you in a public forum.

Letters continue

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OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at First, remove me from your mailing list! Second, I not only know Cecil Bothwell, but I like him and voted for him in the primary, and will vote for him in the City Council election. I like what he stands for and his politics. I also like his ability to research and accurately report events and activities. Maybe ask your good buddy, the former Sheriff Bobby Medford, who is in prison and who you supported in 2006, about Cecil Bothwell’s research and writing abilities. Third, your tactics are well known. In 2003, a “VOTER ALERT” attack ad targeting Brownie Newman was verified as being authored by you. In that ad, “Environmental extremists bring gridlock to Asheville. ... Delay The Widening Of Over-Crowded I-26!! ... Extremists and Obstructionists have no place on our City Council.” Wow! Cecil Bothwell got off only being labeled as “a radical extremist,” a character assassinator and a “religion basher.” Fourth, keep it up! As in 2003, your sleazy attacks are going to backfire and actually help Cecil Bothwell win! — Carlton Whatley Asheville

Bear Creek Apartments

King James version of the Bible is the king’s version, not God’s I am trying to understand the burning of Bibles in Waynesville on Halloween Night. The preacher of that Baptist church claims that the King James Version of the Bible is the only true, authorized Holy Bible, and all other Bibles and other religious writings should be burned. By his actions and his speech, this man is not representative of the Christian faith. This Bible was authorized to be written by a King, to control his subjects. It was not authorized by God in any way, shape or form. The word “authorized” only indicates that it was authorized by the King. In addition, Christians have ostensibly felt that homosexuality or sex with members of the same sex is not in accord with God’s laws. That same King James had numerous affairs with men, and the two knights buried beside him in Westminster Abbey were actually two of his lovers. In that Bible, as well as others, Romans 13 has always been interpreted as demanding the people’s unconditional submission to the state. However, the one word exousia can be translated a couple different ways. Briefly, if we

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insert the word “liberty� in place of exousia in Romans 13, then we have an entirely different meaning than what is commonly interpreted. Paul is actually saying that we should be at liberty to obey God, rather than be subject to the will of men, which goes against what modern Christians have been taught. According to KSLA-TV of Shreveport, La., FEMA is training clergy response teams to use Romans 13 to control and subjugate their congregations to follow governmental laws and submit to government authority, however tyrannical it may be. — Kern Stafford Asheville

I love the sound of loud motorcycles

City of Asheville 2009-2010 Leaf Collection Information Bagged Leaves

Bagged and containerized leaves are collected twice per month according to the regular brush collection schedule.

If your trash day is: Bagged leaves will be collected the week of: Monday or Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday

Nov.16, Nov. 30, Dec. 14, Jan. 4, Jan. 18 Nov. 9, Nov. 23, Dec. 7, Dec. 21, Jan. 11, Jan. 25

Do not tie leaf bags, put lids on containers, or mix trash with the leaves

Loose Leaves Loose leaves will be collected according to the following schedule:

If your trash day is: Loose leaves will be collected beginning: Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Monday

November 9 and January 6 November 23 and January 18 December 7 and January 27 December 21 and February 8

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OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Seriously ... it’s not loud motorcycles that are creating traffic hazards and unpleasantness. It’s not motorcycles that are being built on the mountains and destroying the beauty of this region. It’s not loud motorcycles that are crowding us with obnoxious, aggressive behavior. I love the sound of loud motorcycles. To me it is the sound of sweet music. The thrill of motorcycles is my passion, not some distant phase that I had to get out of my system. I have ridden motorcycles for over 13 years, and I can tell you from experience that loud pipes have prevented dozy drivers from merging into my lane without looking, on more than one occasion. I don’t care about statistics. If a driver can hear it, they are a little more cautious, and the way people drive around here, “a little more� goes a long way. If you live by a road, you will hear traffic. Sorry. Hey, perhaps we can make every annoying thing illegal, like crying babies and bad body odor and even tacky bright clothing. American people, come on. — Brandon Oliver Asheville

Let’s do something about Leicester’s growing lightpollution problem I would like to bring to light a subject that is about light. I have lived in the Leicester community for 15 years and have done so because of its relative “peace and quiet.� Peace and quiet can mean many things to many people, but to me peace is living in relative harmony with your neighbors and quiet means no undue stress due to obnoxiousness from your neighbors. The building craze of the past few years has impacted the Leicester area to the point where the term “peace and quiet� is now threatened. We have had mountains leveled out here in order to build ugly condominium projects and many new homes. ... Through all this, the people of Leicester have endured. I would like to bring to the attention of everyone in the mountains another form of harassment that has been encroaching upon our peace and quiet. This is light pollution. Recently, a new apartment complex has opened its doors on Leicester Highway. I do not condemn this at all; I actually think

it is needed to allow all people to enjoy this area equally. What I don’t understand is why they have to light the place up at night like a UFO arriving from another planet. Before this complex was built, the relative glow from Asheville, 10 miles from my house, was relatively benign. It was there, but at least it was diminished and you knew you still lived out in the country. Now I come home at night to the perverse glow from this complex of white light on the mountains. I can see their white lights from over five miles away, and it is quite brilliant. If there is cloud cover in the area, the light is just made that much more brilliant. I recognize that this complex needs to be lit for safety reasons and the like, so I’m all for that. What I would like to suggest is that they tone down the lights to an amber, low-intensity light, such as their neighbors up the hill in the new housing development have used. I know the builders of this complex are not from here, and that is OK. They should at least consider the impact that their lighting scheme has on the long-standing residents of this area before adding any more stress to our lives. Peace and quiet is still attainable with a little common sense. — Lawrence Weissman Leicester

Thanks for the real URTV story Many thanks are in order to you and [A&E Editor] Rebecca Sulock for sharing URTV’s real story with the community [“You Make It, They Air It,� Oct. 14]. As you can see, URTV is community, and is the community’s story. Ordinary citizens, your neighbors, spend many volunteer hours building relationships with fellow videographers, community-based organizations, local churches, entertainment groups and issue-related groups to ensure diverse representation on Charter Communications Channel 20. The entire URTV community appreciates and treasures this kind of recognition from the Mountain Xpress! — Jerry Young, President URTV Board of Directors Asheville

Your weird news sickened me I have a comment regarding one of the stories in the News of the Weird [Oct. 14 issue]. Being a father of a two, a 21-month-old boy and 7-month-old girl, I was horrified by a story. It was in reference to a mother in Texas who left her children aged 6, 5 and 1-year-old at home alone to fend for themselves. Then [I] read that, later, the 1-year-old was found dead. This is a subject only a parent can understand. ... To look at my kids and think that I would do that to them sickens me. I’m sorry to see such horrible stories in your paper. I enjoyed reading them at lunch to relax me, but this made me sick to my stomach. I wish someone would take a minute to look at how you post some stories in your paper. I understand we can’t protect everyone, but kids are a different story to me. I appreciate your time. — Mike Louis Mills River • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009

No place unwatched: 21st Century hide and go seek After I watched the replays of recent town hall meetings, one thing that stood out was the convenience of filming. In this age of distrust, apparently to prove innocence or truth, video and audio taping is necessary. Pictures that can prove are admissible evidence. These perpetual Internet traces will never disappear, yet we ignore the global dangers of taping. What did Americans do before our technology bounce? During the ‘80s and ‘90s, the drive to film others never entered our minds. An evolving Internet gave Americans a way to gain notoriety and show the world what they had filmed. Now with suspicious minds, how will this affect our future? ... Americans never project the consequences of our actions. We see this daily through envisioning the World Wide Web. Americans break the law, then post it on the Internet with no consideration or forethought. Naïve impulse actions carry retributions beyond present day judgments. This carelessness is framing the world and America’s future. Today, cameras are everywhere. The eye in the sky is watching from above. Satellites offer a very lucid observation. The camera cell phones have a deceiving aspect; are they really just dialing? Delicately hidden and positioned security cameras are every-

where — stores, city streets, neighborhood watches — creating an endless state of mental alert. There’s no escaping the electric eye. People are monitoring locker rooms, bathrooms, even dressing rooms. People at malls, department stores, grocery stores are being filmed for others’ viewing pleasure. This gives us a different prospective from the ground up, or the stairs down. ... Technology has given us abilities to communicate effortlessly. Also, equipment advancements have enabled us to spy with ease. How will this affect tomorrow? City governments have supplied the people with free municipal Internet. ... The government doesn’t need to encourage a citizen watch; we have taken that incentive ourselves. Instantaneous Internet collated with rewards will motivate nonstop vigilance. All that’s needed is free mandatory pocket computers and a government web ID. The bar code came and went. The feared microchip was convenient, and inevitably top choice, but neither provided a means of corresponding. The pocket computer can GSP, communicate, take pictures, record videos, without any boundaries. The other devices required a point of reference to enable a transactional recording (scanner). While Congress votes in October to infiltrate and control the Internet, this technology enables one person to control our life, nation, even the world. — Jerry Soesbee Asheville

10 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

You don’t have to trust politicians, but don’t spread lies about them I am disgusted with all the negativity toward President Obama. I have always considered myself proud to be an American despite my differences with some of our political leaders. When President George H. Bush lied and said, “No new taxes,” I wasn’t upset. When George W. Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction, I was unaffected. I expect politicians to lie. But, when I hear lies about our president, I see red. Rush Limbaugh is spreading lies. Representative Joe Wilson is spreading lies. What bothers me the most is the American people believe these lies. I think they want to find fault in our president. People are looking for any excuse to hurl accusations at Barack Obama. President Obama wants to provide health care for Americans who cannot afford it. People call him a socialist. President Obama wants to abolish torture and nuclear bombs. People say he isn’t tough. Most recently, President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for his actions prior to his presidency. People call him a fraud. I have never really trusted politicians. But I see a man who is not afraid to shake things up and make a stand for what he believes is right. Why can’t other people see that? I think it is because they are afraid. They are afraid of a black president. They are afraid of change. And mostly, they are afraid of being wrong. Wake up, America! This is really happening. You can fight it and deny it for the next four

to eight years, but it is not going to go away. There is a change in the air. President Obama is merely the voice of Americans who are ready for that change. Stop listening to all the lies and leave the man alone. — Kent Purser Cullowhee

Nobel Prize is a testament to Obama’s works Despite the critics’ rhetoric, President Obama receiving the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize is a great honor not only for him but also for the American people. To win this honor is monumental for any individual; however, it’s breathtaking to win this honor in a time when American popularity in the international community is severely tarnished by the previous administration. It is direct evidence of just how much the international community supports President Obama’s work toward the goal of world peace. President Obama is in great company: In 2002, the prize went to former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. President Obama’s work throughout his lifetime is amazing. The prize is a testament to what he has accomplished in his lifetime thus far, what values he holds for America and the international community, and his future promise of peace and democracy. My deepest thanks goes out to President Obama ... — Michelle Davidson Hendersonville • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 11

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12 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •


Zelda’s ghost

Montford’s “madwoman” deserves more recognition by Esther Godfrey What is it about F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald that continues to inspire the Asheville imagination? Is it that their contradictory love of money and rebellion, glamour and destitution, beauty and darkness, says something peculiar about the Asheville of the past and the present? Similarities also are apparent between our ability today, as much as in the early 20th century, to overlook the contributions of women by focusing on their male counterparts. Part of my own interest in the couple grows in response to the inordinate amount of attention given to Scott. As the-wife-of-the-author-of-The-Great-Gatsby, Zelda’s art, writing, dancing and talent have been unjustly ignored. The new, upscale Grove Park condo succinctly captures the skewed focus in their singular name — The Fitzgerald — as if there were only one former Asheville resident with that name. Granted, it was Scott who stayed repeatedly at the Grove Park Inn (in 1936 for a few months) — drinking, womanizing and generally cracking up — during which time Zelda was committed to the Highland Hospital in Montford and, as part of her treatment, repeatedly injected with insulin to send her into shock. Zelda lived at the asylum on Zillicoa Street on and off from 1936 until the hospital fire in 1948, in which she and eight other women died. Surely Zelda’s connection to Asheville was much longer and eventful than Scott’s, and even the promotional blurb on the condo’s Web site, that “F. Scott Fitzgerald was the image-maker of the Jazz Age, setting the tone, fashion and style of this American era,” intrudes on traditionally “feminine” claims that could as easily be applied to Zelda. I will not attempt to deny that Scott is an important American novelist, but many scenes, characters and lines in his fiction are directly plagiarized from Zelda’s speech and writing, and her artistic successes and failures deserve more attention. Zelda, and other “mad” women like her, are Gertrude Stein’s true lost generation, and it is time we reclaimed their memories by retelling their stories. As a representative flapper, Zelda encapsulated the destructiveness and lust for life of the post-World War I age. Commenting on the paradox of existence, Zelda described flappers thusly: “The flapper awoke from her lethargy of sub-deb-ism, bobbed her hair, put on her choicest pair of earrings and a great deal of audacity and rouge and went into battle. She flirted because it was fun to flirt and wore a one-piece bathing suit because she had a good figure, she covered her face with powder and paint because she didn’t need it, and she refused to be bored because she wasn’t boring.” At the hospital on Zillicoa, a small plaque

rests under a birch tree with Zelda’s full name, dates of birth and death, and the quote, “I don’t need anything except hope, which I can’t find by looking backwards or forwards, so I suppose the thing is to shut my eyes,” taken from one of her letters to Scott. There is no mention of her contributions to the Jazz Age and literature, her suffering and eventual “madness,” or her horrific death by fire. In fact, most Ashevilleans are unaware of the historic importance of the hospital and Zelda’s treatment there. When I asked workers at a nearby bookstore for directions to the hospital where Zelda Fitzgerald died, they had no idea what I was talking about. Zelda’s lack of recognition today mirrors inequalities faced by women in the first half of the 20th century. Despite Scott’s hypochondria, alcoholism, insecurities and depression, he was never hospitalized for mental illness. Despite Scott’s infidelities, Zelda was the crazy one for desiring an affair (for which she was locked by Scott in their home and forbidden to leave). Women like Zelda were institutionalized, pathologized and treated with electro-shock therapy, insulin, cold baths, narcotics and icepick lobotomies. I am not attempting to argue that Zelda was happy or mentally healthy; by the time she was admitted to Highland, she had attempted suicide, experienced hallucinations and heard voices. But, given lack of support for her creativity and vivacity, her misery seems sadly justified. For its time, Highland Hospital was relatively progressive. Decades before serious research into the relationship between exercise, serotonin, diet and depression, Dr. Robert Carroll prescribed daily hikes and healthy foods to his female patients as part of their

treatment. Away from Scott, Zelda thrived. Her letters from Highland offer glimpses of Asheville city life in the 1940s and reflect a faith in the healing powers that many still believe these mountains to hold. She writes of Candler and of a camping excursion that the patients took to Mount Mitchell: “I have grown healthy ... inhaling the attenuate finesse of frosted pines against the early sky, have steeped my better organism in the lovely romantic eternities of mountain dusks. ... It’s good to feel at the height of one’s capacities, physically; and good to feel that one is no longer open to almost any betrayal from the delicate balance between the mind and the emotions that govern one.” Rather than run the risk of inspiring future ghost tours of Montford, I want to suggest that Zelda’s ghost reminds us of the lack of attention to female artists. Not only did she die a terrible death as she fought depression, hampered from escaping the flames because of her weakened state from insulin therapy as well as barriers ironically intended to keep the patients secure, but she also risks a second death in the public consciousness as luxury condos like The Fitzgerald continue to propagate the myth of males working in isolation and with supremacy. X Esther Godfrey teaches English at the University of South Carolina Upstate and lives in Asheville with her husband Wayne Robbins and their three kids. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 13

news Pollution, politics and gender

A discrimination case at the Air Quality Agency by Margaret Williams










The civil-justice system has its own grinding, seesaw pace, as Buncombe resident Melanie Pitrolo has discovered. In the space of four years, she has lost her case, won an appeal and prevailed before a jury — only to lose again when the judge overruled. She has filed her second and final appeal in the case, which started in 2005. Four years ago, she initiated a discrimination complaint alleging that the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency, its board members and Buncombe County officials violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in 2005 by illegally considering her gender in the process of picking an interim director upon then-director Bob Camby’s retirement. Despite being recommended for the job by both Camby and then-board chair Bill Church, Pitrolo was passed over for David Brigman, who was the agency’s enforcement supervisor at the time. Brigman, she argues, had no college degree, less regional- and state-level experience, and fewer responsibilities at the agency. Another key point in the case is Pitrolo’s claim that Camby, soon after announcing his retirement and nominating her as interim director in May 2005, told her she faced opposition due to her age and gender, and that an influential business group with three of its constituents on the five-member board — the Council of Independent Business Owners — was concerned that the then-33-year-old engineer would too strictly enforce local, state and federal air-quality regulations. Pitrolo quit the agency and filed her grievance soon after Brigman was picked as interim director on June 2, 2005, because she “couldn’t think of any other reason, other than gender,� why she didn’t get the job. The rulings in the case have been mixed: In 2007, U.S. District Court Judge Lacy Thornburg dismissed it, agreeing with the defendants’ position that no discrimination had occurred and that Camby’s remarks were inadmissible hearsay, in part because he testified he couldn’t remember mentioning possible gender discrimination or even using the word “female� when he told Pitrolo she faced opposition. But later that year, the U.S. Fourth District Appeals Court disagreed with Thornburg, stating that Camby’s alleged remarks were indeed “clear evidence� and admissible. The court ordered the judge to let the case go to trial. In July 2009, a jury of five women and three men determined that gender was a factor in the hiring decision but that the board would have hired Brigman in any case. The jury awarded no damages. Thornburg overturned the jury decision in August for largely the same reasons he gave in 2007. This time, he added an extra twist that was requested by the defendants: Pitrolo should pay their legal costs. After pondering her options for a month, Pitrolo decided to appeal Thornburg’s latest decision, convinced that the appeals court in Richmond, Va., will uphold the jury’s finding and that he will again be overruled. “If no one had ever fought discrimination,� Pitrolo responds when asked why she’s pressing forward, “then women would still not be allowed to go to engineering school, or become lawyers or doctors or [enter] other professions that were historically male-dominated.� The appeals court, Pitrolo explains, determined that it was up to a jury, not a judge, to determine the validity of Camby’s remarks and weigh them against the claims of board members like Vonna Cloninger, who argued that Pitrolo was passed over because she displayed a lack of maturity and because Brigman had more experience at the agency (despite Pitrolo’s five prior years at two different state air-quality agencies, which gave her a total of 10 years in the field). The appeals-court judges found Camby’s alleged “opposition� remarks valid and relevant, in light of his position as her supervisor and because he served on an ad-hoc committee formed to review applicants for the job. It was also the jury’s job, not Thornburg’s, to consider Camby’s testimony expressing disbelief that gender discrimination could have occurred when a woman, Cloninger, served on the board and another woman who played a part in the board’s choice was Buncombe County Manager Wanda Greene.

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In the air: Although a jury decided Melanie Pitrolo had been discriminated against when she was passed over for a job at the local air agency, District Court Judge Lacy Thornburg overruled it this past August. Pitrolo has appealed his decision. photos by Jonathan Welch

“Women can discriminate against other women,� Pitrolo insists. Just the same, she’s still not entirely sure what happened in the month between Camby’s retirement announcement and the board’s selection of Brigman. The defendants, including then-board members Cloninger, Britt Lovin, Loyd Kirk and Dean Kahl, are mum. “I can’t talk about [the Pitrolo case] because we’re still in the middle of it,� said Cloninger when Xpress called in late August. And calls to Camby, who is long retired, went unanswered. Church — the only board member not named in the suit — told Xpress that his comments are all on the public record. So getting close to what happened requires taking a look at a mix of court documents and weighing recent comments from Pitrolo, her father and Mike Plemmons, director of CIBO. The story that unfolds shows several overarching themes: a local air authority with a history of controversy, including a particularly contentious period in the late 1990s when a state audit was prompted by activist complaints about sloppy procedures and lax enforcement; an air-authority board that was subsequently dominated by Buncombe County appointees who were often CIBO members; an exchange of phone calls about the interimdirector position, involving Pitrolo’s father, CIBO Director Mike Plemmons and at least one board member; and a county manager who passed along undocumented complaints from former and current agency employees. Says Pitrolo, “I live in this community. It’s important to shine a light on how these things happen.�

board chair Nelda Holder. As early as 2001, Pitrolo recalls, Camby laid out the idea of preparing her to take over when he retired, and many board members and staffers, including Brigman, were aware of it, according to other depositions taken for the discrimination case. By 2004, Camby was actively discussing his retirement plans with Chairman Bill Church and was trying to get Pitrolo promoted to assistant director. But Greene “nixed” the promotion, arguing that it wasn’t necessary, he said in deposition. By early 2005, Camby was negotiating an earlyretirement package with county officials. Then on May 2, Church formally announced Camby’s retirement, effective June 30, 2005, and he recommended Pitrolo for the job of interim director, according to the minutes of that May meeting. Said Camby in deposition, the announcement “caught most of the board by surprise.”

The “sticky” process begins

Clearing the air: Created in 1970, the WNC Regional Air Quality Agency administers local, state and federal air-quality regulations for businesses, facilities, property owners and residents of Buncombe County and the city of Asheville.

A short history lesson

Created in 1970, the WNC Regional Air Quality Agency enforces local, state and federal regulations pertaining to open burning, facility emissions, ozone monitoring and asbestos removal. It originally included Haywood County, but since Haywood pulled out in 2000, only Buncombe and the city of Asheville fall under its purview. Buncombe appoints three members to the agency board; Asheville appoints two. And Buncombe manages the agency’s payroll, banks its fund balance of collected air-regulation fees and fines, and administers its personnel policy. Although it is an independent agency with a staff of about 12, in many ways it operates as a county department. And it has, over the years, been a controversial entity. By May 2005, the agency had undergone a five-year period of reform that had been spurred by heavy criticism and scrutiny the decade before — by local media, county officials, and watchdogs like Taxpayers for Accountable Government’s co-founder, the late Arlis Queen. There had been allegations of mismanagement, including lax enforcement of air-quality regulations, goodold-boy favoritism and the practice of allowing employees unmonitored, full-time use of agency-owned vehicles. To cap the complaints, a 1999 audit by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Division of Air Quality had documented the agency’s poor record-keeping practices and called for an immediate end to its practice of pre-announced facility inspections. Soon afterward, Camby took over. He had first worked at the agency in the early 1970s but then left for a long career at Carolina Power & Light (now Progress Energy). Camby came back to start working under his controversial predecessor Jim Cody in 1996. In Camby’s December 7, 2006, deposition for Pitrolo’s case, he said of his clean-up efforts at the agency after Cody was forced out in 1999, “We just got all the staff together [and I told them], ‘We’re going to be doing everything according to

the book, we’re going to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s, and we’re going to do the necessary paperwork.” He hired Pitrolo in October 2000 as the agency’s first female engineering supervisor. She had five years’ experience at state-level air agencies in Virginia and North Carolina, and she had a master’s degree in environmental engineering. Despite her qualifications, one male employee resigned at the time “mostly [because of] his inability to work for a woman,” said Camby in that same deposition. She was hired, in part, to help bring the agency into compliance with the state’s post-audit requirements, including an immediate switch to unannounced inspections and improved documentation for permit and fine decisions. Camby also reorganized the agency, taking such actions as shifting employees around and downsizing Brigman’s department to only two employees (including Brigman himself) after the supervisor’s workload was reduced, partly due to Haywood County withdrawing from the authority in early 2000. Camby also implemented an outreach campaign, and Pitrolo was actively involved, speaking at schools and to business groups such as CIBO and participating in the development of a public-service video. “We had to start a turnaround and had to just rebuild our integrity and our reliability as a agency that was going to enforce the regulations,” Camby continued in his deposition. He also noted that staffers like Brigman were “part of the old regime,” and so was another applicant for the interim-director job — Monitoring Supervisor Kevin Lance — but Camby said that he “worked things out” with them. (Camby gives no details other than vague concerns about Brigman’s “performance,” and he later mentions how the supervisor aptly worked in a variety of roles at the agency). Arguably part of the old regime himself, Camby had a practice of smoothing things over, whether in disagreements between staff or disputes with business leaders, according to such government watchdogs as Jerry Rice and former

A few points found in that meeting’s minutes stand out, in light of Pitrolo’s complaint. After announcing Camby’s imminent retirement, Church also suggested board members initiate a national search for a new director, a process that could take months. Cloninger suggested creating an ad-hoc search committee. Another recommendation came from Britt Lovin. Like Cloninger, he was both a CIBO member and a Buncombe appointee. He suggested the board “look at all options for an interim director, including outside options,” the minutes continue. No further details of this suggestion are reported in the minutes. After discussing what the search committee would do, Cloninger and Asheville appointee Dean Kahl, a professor at Warren Wilson College and not a CIBO member, volunteered to serve on it with Camby; they were charged with deciding “where to advertise, how to advertise [and with] review[ing] the guidelines of the city and county.” Soon afterward, Lovin called for an executive, nonpublic session to discuss personnel matters. No details of that part of the meeting are available, but Pitrolo recalls Camby telling her the next day or so that she faced opposition to becoming interim director because of her age and sex. Upset about the news, she reported it to her staff and family, including her father, Ray Caudle. Unknown to her at the time, he made two calls about it before the month of May came to an end.

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The phone calls

“Melanie didn’t know I was doing that,” says Caudle, now 79. Concerned about the possibility his daughter might get turned down for a job simply because she was female, and convinced that CIBO controlled the board, he called an old acquaintance, Betty Donoho. A long-time CIBO member, she had once successfully sued the air agency to get a percentage of its collected fines and fees paid to local schools rather than let it accumulate in a fund balance or go into a newly created trust fund for public-outreach projects. “I knew she was involved in a lot of things, and I just wanted to know why [anyone] would say something like that about Melanie,” says Caudle, speaking to Xpress. Donoho, in turn, suggested he call Mike Plemmons.







“We just shot the bull,” says Caudle of his conversation with the CIBO director. Plemmons “said he’d be fighting mad too if someone was going to [discriminate against] his daughters,” Pitrolo’s father continues, speaking to Xpress. Caudle insists he made no threats and that “there weren’t ever harsh words exchanged.” Plemmons remembers it a bit differently, saying Caudle “wasn’t nice when he first called.” He adds, “It was unusual. I’ve never received a phone call like that.” Plemmons says he told Caudle his daughter shouldn’t be discriminated against because she was a woman, “and I told him she had been before our [CIBO] issues committee, and she had done a great job.” Plemmons says he also told Caudle he didn’t have anything to do with who got hired as interim or permanent director. But in the week or so leading up to the board’s June 2 meeting, Plemmons called Cloninger, Camby and possibly Greene, according to the depositions reviewed by Xpress. Plemmons says he doesn’t recollect the specifics of those conversations and mentions he was never called in to testify or give a deposition in the case. “That’s been years ago,” he says now. By the time the air board met on June 2, those calls — including Caudle’s — took on greater significance. In the meantime, Cloninger had a few informal phone calls and meetings with Kahl to discuss the interim and permanent-director searches, she told lawyers when giving her Oct. 11, 2006, deposition in the case. She also claimed in deposition that Church and Camby had a vocal argument during one of those May search-committee discussions, which Church wasn’t supposed to participate

in (with three board members in attendance, his presence created a quorum, which requires public notice). During that argument, Cloninger alleged another twist in the search process, corroborated by Camby: Church admitted he was interested in becoming agency director. She went on in her deposition to acknowledge Camby’s first choice for the interim-director appointment was Pitrolo but that he was adamant that the board pick “anyone but Bill Church.” At another point in her deposition, Cloninger noted the phone call she received from Plemmons: “He made me believe [Caudle’s call] was a threat.” Cloninger also reported speaking at least once via phone to County Manager Greene, who suggested that the board pick former County Planner Mike Bradley, as interim. Bradley, who had retired, had helped negotiate a complicated and potentially controversial change to the county’s animal-control ordinance in 2000-2001. “I said, ‘The recommendation has come to us of Melanie,” Cloninger testified. Greene “put a definite halt to that” by alleging there had been complaints from other staff who “wouldn’t feel comfortable with [Pitrolo] as the director,” said Cloninger. Greene didn’t go into details about the complaints, she said. In her deposition, on Dec. 7, 2006, Greene named four people as the source of the complaints: Two were former staffers, one of whom, Taira Lance, was married to someone who applied for the job but missed the deadline — Monitoring Supervisor Kevin Lance. The other former employee, Lori Williams, didn’t recall talking to Greene about

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Pitrolo. Another current staffer named by Greene — Mike Matthews, who was in Brigman’s department — also couldn’t recall speaking to her at all about the issue. Furthermore, Kevin Lance — the fourth employee named by Greene — testified that he checked his notes and is certain he didn’t talk to her until several weeks after the air-quality board made its decision. Greene also claimed to have witnessed poor presentations given by Pitrolo to Buncombe County Commissioners. Pitrolo tells Xpress the only time she appeared at a commissioners’ meeting before 2006, when she went before them to announce her lawsuit and voice concerns about the direction the agency was taking after Camby’s departure, was to accept an award. Cloninger, for her part, said in deposition that Pitrolo’s presentations to the air board were good, other than an instance in which Cloninger interpreted the engineer’s tone as condescending toward those who didn’t understand the technical aspects of a report she gave. Nonetheless, by June, the combination of these alleged complaints and the phone calls was affecting Pitrolo’s chances to get the interim-director job.

Closed-session arguments

Cloninger’s arguments in a June 7 closed session held by board members were pivotal in swaying other board members to pick Brigman instead of her, and it’s clear they discussed gender discrimination, Pitrolo argues. According to the meeting minutes, the board publicly announced that the interim-director committee wasn’t ready to make a recommendation, and Church announced his resignation, effective that day. Shortly afterward, Lovin made a motion for the board to go into closed session. The ensuing conversation, videotaped by the board then later submitted into the public record of the case, opens with Lovin reporting that the county opposed making Camby interim “contract” director — an idea that had cropped up since the May meeting. Board members decide to drop the request. The topic then turns to selecting an interim director, and Church repeats his recommendation that the board pick Pitrolo, a choice “reaffirmed by Bob in terms of who on staff can best serve [in that position]. I take his opinion as director … as the only piece of evidence necessary to move forward.” But Cloninger replies, “She is not our choice.” She says Pitrolo’s family “has made some threatening phone calls to community leaders. I don’t like being pushed to make a decision.” Using Caudle’s phone call as her main piece of evidence, she adds, “The maturity level is not there.” Cloninger continues, “We sort of decided now … who would be interim director.” Kahl interjects, “We haven’t been terribly professional. We haven’t even responded to [the] three people who have applied.” The board attorney, Jim Siemens, explains, “You have to … evaluate based on a consistent criteria, [and] then make your decision.” He goes on to suggest collecting and reviewing resumés, and “hold[ing] everybody to the same standards.” He also addresses board members’ previously raised questions about how much input and control

county officials have in the process: “The board has the discretion to hire and fire the director.” But as the discussion continues, Cloninger argues that while all three candidates are experienced and qualified, “The county got several calls from staff, is my understanding from Wanda.” Again, without giving details of these alleged complaints, Cloninger at first says there are “a few notes” in Pitrolo’s personnel file but then acknowledges there were no signs of any formal disciplinary actions (in deposition, she admitted that no board members ever got to see Pitrolo’s personnel file; they tried to and were turned away by the county personnel director). “That’s not documented,” says Church of the alleged complaints. “Leave the political stuff out,” Lovin urges. “Definitely,” Kahl says, echoed by Cloninger’s “absolutely.” Nonetheless, Cloninger’s words appear to sway board members as the discussion continues, and they switch to emphasizing that Brigman’s agency experience makes him a good candidate for the interim-director position. Lovin touts his past positive interactions with Brigman as further evidence of him being a good choice, especially in terms of the “sticky situation” entailed in picking an interim director. Cloninger also mentions, “We’ve been accused of discrimination,” and voices surprise that she, a woman, would be accused of such. No one present at the meeting ever reviews the résumés that were on hand. And Church concludes by saying he won’t vote, in part since he just announced his resignation. “I do not believe that it serves the agency well if I am the only vote that is not in approval,” he explains. Church does, however, remind members that they cannot make hiring decisions “on the basis of race, creed, color, so on and so forth.” When the board returned to open session, they vote 4-0 to name Brigman the new interim director.

The fallout

Pitrolo admits to having been very emotional when she heard the news. Just two weeks later, she resigned, and subsequently declined to apply for the permanent director’s job. “I felt their minds were made up, and that I had my answer,” says Pitrolo. In the months that followed, the board interviewed director candidates after a national search, but picked Brigman. Lance, who has a bachelor’s degree and had applied for the interim-director after the board’s deadline, became assistant director — a position that hadn’t been filled for several years. Both men had worked for the agency during Cody’s controversial tenure as director. Plemmons, when reached by Xpress, voiced surprise that Pitrolo didn’t apply for the director’s position, insisting that CIBO members would have tried to work with whomever was named to the position. Was Pitrolo passed over because CIBO’s members thought she’d too strictly enforce local, state and federal air-quality regulations? “There was talk of her being more strict, sure,” says Plemmons. “But you’d have that [concern] whenever any position in a regulatory agency changes.” Of the interim-director job, he adds, “When you have a controversial agency, you look for someone to smooth it out, especially when

you’ve got so many groups eyeballing it and vying for influence.” Plemmons says some people want to “make Buncombe an island to itself and be stricter than the state,” with regards to enforcing air-quality regulations. (The local agency is allowed to adopt stricter regulations than those mandated by the state or federal governments.) In his deposition, Camby remembered getting a call from Plemmons before the board made its June 7 decision: “One of the things he was concerned about was having more restrictive standards … and that [Pitrolo] would be able to impose stricter regulations on some of his constituents than he’d … want to have.” Pitrolo makes this observation: When Camby became director in late 1999, he ramped up enforcement. If she were male and had a reputation for being strict, as Camby was, the board would have made a different hiring decision; they might have hired her, Pitrolo contends. Board members and county officials violated Title VII in their decision process, she insists. Pitrolo also points to another segment of Cloninger’s testimony: Asked whether she thought the engineer was a “sore loser” because she got upset about the decision and filed a lawsuit, Cloninger responded, “I do. … I wouldn’t file a complaint. I wouldn’t do it myself. … What goal is there to be accomplished?” “Women … need to be seriously considered for jobs for which they are qualified,” Pitrolo responds. If gender-discrimination cases were never undertaken, women would find it even harder to advance in male-dominated fields, including engineering, she argues. Further, the federal government doesn’t have the resources to investigate each claim — last year, the EEOC received about 28,000 Title VII complaints — but “Congress put in place the ability to recover attorney fees and costs when discrimination is proven, as it was in my case.” Pitrolo, incidentally, still works in air regulation. After leaving the agency, she returned to the North Carolina Division of Air Quality, where she had worked earlier in her career; and in 2008, she got a job with the U.S. Forest Service, helping address air-quality issues across the Southeast. “There still aren’t a lot of women engineers,” says Pitrolo, who points out another detail in her case: Until Brigman, all previous directors at WNC agency came from the engineering division, had college degrees, and had first been either assistant directors or interim directors (sometimes both). But despite the 10 years’ experience she had accumulated in 2005 and her advanced education, she “wasn’t even interviewed for the job.” She’s optimistic about the chance the appeals court will again reverse Thornburg, and if they do, he won’t be hearing the case this time. And in response to the concerns raised about her maturity level and the fact that her father called to complain about what was happening, she says, “If the jury’s verdict is reinstated, and we recover attorney fees, then Buncombe County will perhaps think twice when making hiring decisions in the future, and hire the most qualified person regardless of gender, race or other personal qualities unrelated to how a person does the job.” X Margaret Williams can be reached at mvwilliams@ or 251-1333, ext. 152 • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 17



local government

The Battle for Swannanoa Residents divided over incorporation

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Different views: Dueling billboards show two very different visions of the effects of Swannanoa’s possible incorporation. The debate over the topic has sometimes become heated, as the Nov. 3 referendum approaches. photos by Jonathan welch

by David Forbes In June, state Sen. Martin Nesbitt (DBuncombe) had something to say to his colleagues on the Senate Finance Committee. “This is about the town of Swannanoa, and I know you don’t want to know anything about it, but I’m going to tell you anyhow,” he said, introducing legislation to put the General Assembly’s stamp of approval on incorporating the town and to set a referendum for Nov. 3. “This will be the site of the first Tiger Woods golf course in North America,” he continued (incorrectly, since most of Woods’ Cliffs at High Carolina Course will be in Fairview). “For those of you who’ve been through it, I don’t know why Swannanoa isn’t bigger than the city of Asheville. It’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen. It’s got Interstate 40, it’s got sewer and water.” Sen. Jerry Tillman (R-Montgomery) seconded Nesbitt’s motion, and the finance committee approved the bill. The whole process, including the time senators spent laughing about the town’s name and Tiger’s golf course, took less than three minutes. But to area residents on both sides of the sometimes-heated debate, the issue of incorporation is no laughing matter. The looming referendum is the last step in a three-year process. If approved, roughly 8,500 people will become citizens of the town of Swannanoa. If the referendum fails, the area will remain an unincorporated part of eastern Buncombe County. There are strong feelings about both options. “The No. 1 issue here is self-determination,” Dave Alexander told Xpress. “The Buncombe commissioners do a good job, but with the entire

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county to look after, Swannanoa will never be priority No. 1. Because of what Swannanoa needs to be, because of all the development at our doorstep, incorporation is what works.” Alexander, who retired to Swannanoa in 2002, heads up the Swannanoa Incorporation Task Force. Typically, a board made up of those who have worked on incorporation governs a town until elections can be held. If the referendum passes, Alexander will serve as chair of the town’s interim town council until elections in May of next year. But there’s more than one opinion on incorporation, and over the last three years, a sizable opposition has arisen, led by the group Swannanoa Truth. “This will add another layer of taxation,” says real-estate attorney Doug Thigpen, who’s on Swannanoa Truth’s steering committee. “It will add another layer of government. The other side says, ‘Well, yeah, but it’s our government.’ But we still feel it’s an unnecessary step. We’ve got our own fire department. We have police protection through the Buncombe County sheriff. This isn’t going to give us anything we don’t already have, and I doubt they’ll be able to run a town on the [five cents per $100] new property tax they’re asking for. It’s going to go up.” Leading up to the election, disputes have sometimes grown fierce, with both sides accusing the other of stealing their signs. On Oct. 2, incorporation treasurer Ron Hillibrand pressed simple assault charges against another man after a physical confrontation erupted when Hillibrand tried to remove anti-incorporation signs from a property (at the owner’s request,

he says). On Oct. 9 the window of a pharmacy owned by Incorporation Task Force Vice Chair Mike Tolley was shattered by a cinderblock, though investigators have not definitively linked that vandalism to the incorporation battle. Still, both Alexander and Thigpen say things have remained “mostly civil” as both sides put out signs, buy ads and try to get their supporters out to the polls on Election Day.

Service for all? Contrary to anti-incorporation claims, Alexander asserts, Swannanoa residents will get four new services that state law requires new municipalities to provide. The town of Swannanoa will, he claims, provide road maintenance and repair, increased fire protection, street lighting and better law enforcement. The increased law enforcement presence will initially be handled through a sheriff’s substation and additional deputies specifically detailed to provide protection to the new town. “We’ll have a contract with the Buncombe sheriff’s office,” Alexander says. “Right now they’ve got two deputies at any given time to respond to calls in East Buncombe. Under our agreement, there will be a substation [with one full-time deputy for the town] in Swannanoa. That will cut down response times significantly.” He says that he believes property taxes can remain at the 5-cent rate — or even lower after incorporation — since about 60 percent of the town’s revenues will come from sales tax money distributed by the state, franchise fees

Future founding father? Swannanoa incorporation task force leader Dave Alexander says incorporation is necessary to give the potential town control over its own destiny. for utilities and beer and wine taxes. Earlier in the incorporation battle, opponents had asserted that incorporation advocates were whipping up fears of annexation by Asheville to get incorporation passed. Alexander says that while annexation is not an immediate worry, it’s a possibility down the road. The city of Asheville has denied it has ambitions in the area and has said that much of Swannanoa is too rural to meet its standards for annexation. “Is annexation a threat? Not at the present juncture,” he tells Xpress. “But it is a legitimate reason to look ahead. Asheville will grow, and eventually it will start annexing to the east. So while it’s not an imminent threat, in 10, 15 years the city of Asheville will be here.” But Thigpen and Swannanoa Truth have been countering that Swannanoa remains mostly rural, with large swaths of the proposed town far from urban, and they have their doubts about Alexander’s optimism on taxes. “I doubt the tax rate they’re talking about will even cover road maintenance,” Thigpen said. “Taxes are going to go up, that’s their nature. Also, I don’t for the life of me see why

they’re starting so large instead of just taking in the more urban areas and going from there. It’s hard for me to see how a 250-acre farm belongs in a town.” Alexander emphasizes that North Carolina law doesn’t require a binding referendum on incorporation, though Buncombe County made their support for incorporation dependent upon a referendum and Asheville City Council would only go so far as supporting the referendum itself. “We believe in giving everyone a say; we’ve been pushing for that from the beginning: letting the people of Swannanoa have the ultimate authority on this,” Alexander says. But some of the opponents see the incorporation campaign as the work of overly pushy transplants. “There are some personality clashes with the pro-group, that’s for sure,” Thigpen says. “A lot of these folks haven’t lived in Swannanoa that long, but they want to meddle in things to change it to where they used to live. There’s definitely an ego element to it. I take some issue that if this passes, until next year this unelected board is going to be running the town.” Alexander has promised that if incorporation passes, until May 2010 the interim town council will only “do what is absolutely, legally required. It’s going to be up to the citizens of Swannanoa to decide what the challenges and issues are after the election.”

Farm country Within the proposed town limits of Swannanoa, there are approximately 70 farms, mostly small, family-run operations, as well as a number of forestry management areas recognized by the state. One of those forestry areas is on Nancy Duggan’s land, and researching what would happen to it led to her becoming concerned for the fate of Swannanoa’s small farms if the town incorporates. “I’ve talked with forestry officials, and it’s almost totally unheard of to form a forestry management plan inside town limits,” she tells Xpress. “I have to selectively log parts of my land as part of that plan. In many towns you have to get a permit just to cut down a single tree. That’s going to make it very difficult.” Furthermore, she asserts, incorporation would remove the protections that Buncombe County has for farms, leaving them vulnerable to Swannanoa’s ordinances if and when it decides to pass them, a process that few farms, she believes, would sur-

change under incorporation. “There really won’t be any change,” he tells Xpress. “Any forestry plans, conservation easements, farmland rules from the county would remain in place. There would be an increased tax rate, but that would only be maybe $100 or $200 more a year to most tax bills.” Farms do lose some protections when a town incorporates, David Lawrence, of the Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina, confirms. Working farms are largely exempted from county zoning rules, but not from those passed by cities or towns. “Certainly they become more susceptible to being regulated,” Lawrence told Xpress. “Though while their taxes may rise, the way their property value is calculated would remain different from most property.” Meanwhile, Peter Marks, the director of the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s local food campaign, says that if farmers in Swannanoa are worried about incorporation, they’re keeping it quiet. “There haven’t been any concerns raised about that from any of the farmers I’ve had contact with,” he tells Xpress.

Moving to Election Day

“Still a very rural area”: Swannanoa resident (and anti-incorporation donor) Nancy Duggan worries about the fate of the area’s forests and farms if incorporation goes through. vive. “The county farm designations would no longer exist; they would have no protection from whatever the town’s whims were,” she says. “This is still a very rural area, and something like [incorporation] would kill it. We don’t have a town hall; we don’t really have a downtown core. If you look at ‘downtown’ Swannanoa, it looks like a bunch of Monopoly buildings. There are farms in the core area: manure piles, cattle, hogs being slaughtered.” Duggan has donated $1,000 to Swannanoa Truth’s anti-incorporation political action committee — over half its funding. Alexander claims that farmers won’t see any

In the end, the voters of Swannanoa will weigh the arguments and make the decision. “This has been three years of really hard work,” Alexander says. “It’s time for the citizens to tell us, in the open, which way they want to go. There’s a lot of potential in Swannanoa, and I think that’s best captured and protected by an incorporated town.” On Oct. 22, Thigpen and a group of about 20 residents holding anti-incorporation signs gathered near the Board of Elections, before going in to vote early on the referendum. He announced a list of ways the group had been misrepresented, asserting that no member of Swannanoa Truth has ever stolen a sign. He also questioned how much better services would actually be after incorporation. “It is our objective to present the truth to the citizens of Swannanoa,” Thigpen said. “We feel that if the people are presented with the truth, what we view as an unrealistic and poorly thought-out proposal for a town in Swannanoa will not pass.” X David Forbes can be reached at dforbes@ or at 251-1333, ext. 137. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 19


wnc news briefs

Pack Square park gets finishing touches with fountain, pergola


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Two more key pieces have been added to Pack Square Park, the new $20 million park still under construction in the heart of downtown Asheville. Asheville artist Hoss Haley began the installation of a stainless-steel pergola over the park’s main stage last week. The structure, designed to echo the outlines of mountains on the horizon, will finish off Bascom Lamar Lunsford Stage, which runs in front of the Buncombe County Courthouse and Asheville City Hall. Six of 11 sections have been installed, according to Donna Clark, spokeswoman for the Pack Square Conservancy, the nonprofit organization that is overseeing park construction. When it’s done, the webbed pergola will be 120 feet long. Haley, who is finishing the other pergola sections at his West Asheville studio, plans to have it finished and installed by early December, according to Clark. The pergola is Haley’s second significant artwork in the park. Haley also designed the bronze-and-stone fountain on Pack Square. Crews have also been testing a second fountain in Pack Square Park during the past few weeks. The fountain, described as an interactive water feature, is set in front of the pergola-topped stage on what is known as Roger McGuire Green in the park. Clark says workers are testing various programs for the fountain’s “waterplay” until park officials decide on exactly what they want. On Thursday, the fountain featured arcing sprays of water in an alternating pattern that splashed plenty of water. The fountain is named Splasheville. Clark says the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority bought the rights to name the fountain, as well as two other park features, after making three monetary gifts to the conservancy totaling $2.5 million. “We are grateful” to the TDA for its support, Clark says.

Park pergola: Workers began installing a stainless-steel pergola in Pack Square Park last week. Designed to echo the outlines of mountains surrounding Asheville, the pergola was created by local artist Hoss Haley.

PHOTO BY Jason Sandford

“We think it’s a perfect name because it conjures up the notion of water and the nice sound a fountain makes, and because it evokes the spirit of the park and the community: fun, playfulness, and the charm of natural elements. Also, of course, it’s a play on the word Asheville,” Clark says. The Spasheville fountain will be turned on from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. once it’s finetuned, Clark says. The Pack Square fountain is on from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. Both fountains will be turned off on Nov. 1 for the winter. After years of slow progress, construction on the park has been coming together this year. The construction of the stage, the installation of a veteran’s memorial

and the setting of more than 25,000 square feet of sod have moved the McGuire Green section of the park toward completion. The mid-park area, which sits between Pack Square and McGuire Green, remains under construction and is the planned site of a proposed $2.4 million pavilion. The conservancy continues to raise money to build the pavilion, and the organization has said construction won’t be scheduled until it has the funding. General contractor ValleyCrest Landscape Development is overseeing the work as part of a $7.5 million contract for the bulk of remaining park construction. Construction on the park began in 2005. — Jason Sandford

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Aaron’s Maintenance & Son 828-777-1972 Heads or tails? The N.C. Department of Transportation has restored The I-26 connector alternative 4B design so that highway traffic would run beneath Patton Avenue.

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Image courtesy of the Asheville Design Center

I-26 connector alternative 4B gets back to its roots When the Asheville Design Center first proposed Interstate 26 connector Alternative 4B in 2007, the idea was to run the highway beneath Patton Avenue so as to separate highway and local traffic and to allow for a boulevard connection from West Asheville to downtown. But when the North Carolina Department of Transportation finally acquiesced to include 4B among its own designs, the arrangement had been flipped, with the connector placed over Patton Avenue. Now the department says it will reconsider a design that has I-26 back beneath Patton, having resolved its earlier engineering issues with the plan. “This was big for us,” says ADC representative Alan McGuinn. “I would say the DOT is certainly working with us to make 4B the best it can be.” Since its introduction, 4B has picked up much community support, including a nod from Asheville City Council. But McGuinn notes that the design had lost some local support after it had been changed by DOT consultants, who initially said they could not design I-26 beneath Patton Avenue and still maintain federal highway standards. The recent change, revealed in a meeting with DOT representatives earlier this month, may help assuage that criticism, which McGuinn says he hopes will give the design even more momentum. “This will help to build more consensus in the community,” he says. DOT Design Engineer Jay Swain tells Xpress that the consultants working on con-

nector alternatives were at first unable to make the over-under design meet federal highway regulations. But given more time, they found a way. Leverage was also provided by Asheville, Buncombe County and Figg Engineering Group, the firm hired by the city and county to help examine 4B when it was introduced. “They knew it could work,” says Asheville’s Director of Public Works Cathy Ball. “The city and county pushed on it,” Swain says. “We heard this as being a desire, and we asked our consultants to work on it.” The change also reduces the projected cost of 4B’s construction, though it remains the most expensive alternative to build, according to the DOT. The updated design would cost $279 million instead of the previously estimated $292 million, Swain says. Two other alternatives in the running would cost $232 million and $165 million. Swain notes the DOT will conduct more public input and information sessions in the spring before a decision is made next summer on which alternative to construct. But, he says, it appears the latest Patton Avenue design will remain on the table. “I imagine [this] will be the 4B we will consider, because that’s what everyone wanted.” Meanwhile, McGuinn says, there are still some small revisions worth pursuing on the DOT’s version of 4B, including design features that will save more houses and have less impact on neighborhoods near the connector. — Brian Postelle • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 21

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Adaptation: Asheville resident Charlie Hopper, co-founder of a new Botany Buddy Tree and Shrub Finder, says the interactive database, built for mobile devices such as the iphone, can help both amateur green thumbs and professional landscape designers. Courtesy of Maggie Hopper

Botany Buddy: Plant info for your iPhone The technology may be cool, but it’s the dirt that’s the common denominator. So says Riceville resident Charlie Hopper, who recently launched the Botany Buddy Tree and Shrub Finder interactive database for mobile devices such as the Apple iphone. It’s a love of dirt and the green that grows from it that brought Hopper and Botany Buddy co-founder Byron Webster of Austin, Texas, together, and it’s that same love that the two believe will make their new application a success. The Botany Buddy database includes a listing of more than 1,200 native and ornamental trees and shrubs, according to Hopper, with a follow-up version expanding to cover flowers. The database also includes more than 4,500 full-color photos, which Hopper got from an Oregon State University library collection. Botany Buddy is donating a portion of proceeds to the college to be used for horticulture program scholarships, Hopper says. The Botany Buddy application sells for $9.99 and is available in the Apple iphone online application store. Each plant listing includes 25 fields of information so that a user can search on everything from a botanical name to plant growth habits. The application includes tips for amateur green thumbs, Hopper says, and allows users to create collections of plant profiles to be shared with other users. A user can also upload their own photos to create a personalized database for a project such as a home garden, according to Hopper. The landscape designer says Botany Buddy can help a professional by simplifying, and speeding up, the way information is shared with potential clients. Hopper also notes that

22 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Botany Buddy won’t take money from a commercial vendor to include their product in the database. The goal is to keep it free from that influence, and Botany Buddy requires users to exchange photos for free. Hopper hooked up with Webster last year when both were looking to reinvent themselves. The two grew up together and got their hands dirty as teenagers by laying sod. The landscape design industry took a hard hit when the economy nose-dived last year, says Hopper, who began looking for other ways to bring in money. Webster, who worked in marketing and communications, had begun working for a company that built iphone applications, and when they reconnected and saw what the other was working on, they hit on the Botany Buddy idea. “Gardening is still a growing market,” Hopper says. Gardeners are a diverse lot, and Botany Buddy aims to bring together their many varied communities of like-minded people online. “We’re going to an audience we know is there. We want to learn more from them about what they want.” Beyond the technical side of Botany Buddy, Hopper says he hopes the application will boost sustainable landscape management. “The biggest key to sustainable landscape management is getting the right plant in the right spot, and nothing is more important than getting the right information in your hands. That’s the whole point of Botany Buddy,” Hopper says. “Getting people to realize they have a common love of nature — that’s a huge step toward sustainability.” — Jason Sandford

Body of woman found on Parkway, deputies seeking information The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information about the slaying of Misty Lynn Carter, 21, of Mountain Home. Carter’s nude body was found early Oct. 19 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Around 6:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 19, the Sheriff’s Office received a call from a motorist who found Carter’s body — at that time unidentified — a few feet from the roadway close to milepost 395 near Glenn Gap. “Initially we classified it as a ‘suspicious death,’ but it became clear this was a homicide,” Lt. Ross Dillingham told Xpress. “We put information out to media to try to identify the body.” Eventually Carter’s family confirmed her identity. She was six weeks pregnant. The crime is the first recorded killing in

unincorporated areas of Buncombe County this year, and Dillingham asserted that the sheriff’s office is taking it extremely seriously. “Since her body was identified, we’ve been working around the clock,” Dillingham said. “We’ve got seven detectives pursuing leads in this case.” Medical examiners have finished an autopsy, but the sheriff’s office is holding off on releasing the cause of death for fear of hampering the investigation. Anyone with information about Carter’s murder can contact the sheriff’s office directly at 250-4506 or, if they wish to remain anonymous, contact Buncombe County Crimestoppers at 255-5050. — David Forbes

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CTS conference cancelled A promised conference between government officials and Mills Gap Road area residents who live near the contaminated site of the former CTS of Asheville plant has been canceled, and the residents are crying foul. “As best we can figure out, as soon as they heard that we were inviting media to come, they bailed out,” activist Aaron Penland tells Xpress. “At 11 a.m. the morning before the meeting, they canceled.” The meeting arose after area residents turned out in force to call for the county to run municipal water lines out to Chapel Hill Road, where a well was recently found to be contaminated with tricholoroethylene, a suspected carcinogen that’s been found in groundwater around the abandoned factory site. The activists also blasted federal and state agencies’ handling of the situation, asserting that there was “no trust.” Members of the Buncombe County Board

of Commissioners said they were sympathetic to the residents’ concerns, and offered to set up a meeting with county, state and federal officials where they would explain the county’s situation and what it could and couldn’t do. “My understanding is that there was some trouble with the clerk’s office getting the state and federal officials to meet on that date,” Department of Social Services Director Mandy Stone, who oversees the county’s CTS efforts, said of the cancellation. But the cynicism remains, Penland says. “We want the media there so the public can see what they’re saying to us, so they can see the frustration we have at the inactivity of the county on this issue,” Penland says. “We’ve seen the information, they’ve seen the information; its time to act.” — David Forbes

10th Annual People Halloween Costume Party and Contest and 1st Annual Pet Costume Party and Contest

election09 Campaign Calendar Wednesday, Oct. 28: Meet and Greet for Asheville City Council candidate Robin Cape, 6:30 p.m., West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road. Friday, Oct. 30: Get There Asheville earlyvoting event. Meet at 5 p.m. in Pritchard Park to walk, bike or bus to the polls. Meetup follows at Asheville Pizza and Brewing, 77 Coxe Ave. Saturday, Oct. 31: Last day of early voting

for Buncombe general election. Polls close at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3: General election for all Buncombe municipal elections. Follow the results at Tuesday, Nov. 3: Election party for Asheville City Council candidate Cecil Bothwell, 811 p.m., Three Brothers Restaurant, 183 Haywood Street. — Brian Postelle

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Warm fur, cold heart Forecasting the signs of winter

by Melanie McGee Bianchi Winter’s coming, and it’s wise to watch your back. Twice this fall, while descending the 22 stone steps from our house’s front door to the street-side parking space, I’ve narrowly missed being bonked in the head by whizzing acorns. Squirrels are letting the nuts fly from the safety of the tin-roofed garage that abuts the stairs. They’ve swarmed the oaks, and I can’t tell if they’re simply dropping what they can’t carry, or they’re pelting me on purpose: “Move it, woman. We don’t have time for your instinctless dithering.” In any case, they seem frantic to get back to wherever they’re hoarding their stash. I’ve spotted heavy-looking Vs of southward-flying geese since as far back as late September. And our old kitty has suddenly bestirred herself to hunt again after

There’s some disagreement as to whether more black bands on a black-andorange woolly worm mean a hard season, or if it’s the number of bands alone that make the call. years of self-satisfied dormancy. She’s turned the yard into her private killing fields, crucifying the luckless titmice and house finches that try to get a nip out of the front-porch feeder. Such a widespread increase in animal activity seems to forecast a hard winter ahead, and a fun, all-ages outdoor activity is a forest hike designed expressly to spot such portents. But what’s the “official” word? Well, confirms “bitter cold” for much of the country in the first part of 2010. In a related blog, 20 oldtimey signs of an approaching cold season are listed. These include “early departure of geese and ducks,” “spiders spinning larger than usual webs and entering the house in great numbers,” “frequent halos around the sun and moon,” “unusual abundance of acorns,” and my personal favorite: “pigs gathering sticks.” Perhaps most tellingly, the list suggests looking for a “narrow orange band in the middle of the Woollybear caterpillar ... fat and fuzzy caterpillars presage bitter cold.” “Woollybear” is a New England term; in the Southern Appalachians, these furry tiger-moth

24 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Boy meets worm: This woolly specimen, discovered along the banks of the French Broad River, proved noncommittal on the subject of winter-weather prognostication. photo by Melanie Bianchi

larvae are called Woolly Worms and are celebrated with a cultishly beloved two-day annual event in Banner Elk. The main attraction is a series of crawling heats featuring the many-legged guests of honor. Don’t laugh: The “race” is capped by a $1,000 purse. The 32nd-annual Woolly Worm Festival was held Oct. 17 and 18. By the end of Sunday, against a glorious tableau of rich foliage and snow-capped peaks, the winner was a worm called Wilbur belonging to Noah Jens of Chapel Hill. Wilbur got the honor of forecasting the coming winter: The shade of his middle bands predicted colder-thanusual temps but just so-so snow. “Over the last 20 years, the worms have had an 85-percent record for accuracy,” boasts a passage on the festival’s Web site. “Scientists would prefer not to acknowledge [this].” In fact, there’s some disagreement as to whether more black bands on a black-and-orange woolly worm mean a hard season, or if it’s the number of bands alone that make the call. On a recent hike beside the French Broad River, my son and I spotted a specimen comprised of only two bands, exactly half black and half orange. Maybe woolly worms are getting as wishy-washy in their predictions as Weather Channel forecasters. A few days ago, I noticed a splendid fat groundhog waddling across a scrap of field surrounded by a trinity of ominous black crows. I’m sure there must be some old-timey song about what’s in store when whistlepigs and ravens meet.

But others, like A.D. Harrell, a 93-year-old Mitchell County farmer, doesn’t put much stock in prognostication folklore, save for an early killing frost, “and we haven’t had one of those around here in about 15 or 20 years, I reckon.” On his wedding night — 67 years ago on Sept. 24, 1942 — “we had a frost so severe it burned through some of the tobacco crops,” he remembers. Harrell tells of mountain winters so intense that the Red Cross was called in to supply farmers with feed. “One year, starting in February, we had about two snows a week for a month until finally there was 95 inches on the ground. We just walked over the tops of the fences like there weren’t nothing to them.” Once an avid hunter of ruffed grouse, he notes their gradual disappearance from the area, partly because of parasites that thrive in warmer temperatures. “There used to be many, many ruffed grouse in N.C., and now there are practically none. I think that is due to the lack of cold, snowy weather. Grouse tend to do better in real cold climates,” explains Harrell. “I have spent a lifetime outdoors,” he says. “It definitely is warmer now than it used to be.” See predict_a_rough_winter and for more fun bits. X Melanie McGee Bianchi is a stay-at-home mom and freelance journalist.

outdoorscalendar Calendar for October 28 - November 5, 2009 Asheville Track Club The club provides information, education, training, social and sporting events for runners and walkers of any age. Please see the group Web site for weekly events and news. Info: or 253-8781. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Carrier Park Runners. Meet at the Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Dick Duccini, 645-8887. Pace: slow-moderate —6pm - Beginning Runner’s Program. Meet at the Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Tom Kilsbury —- 6pm - ATC Walkers Club. Meet at the Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Larry Fincher, • SATURDAYS, 8am - Carrier Park Runners. Meet at Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary. Leader: Dick Duccini, 645-8887 —- 8am - Beginning Runner’s Program. Meet at Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Tom Kilsbury —- 8am - ATC Walkers Club. Meet at Fletcher Park. Leader: Sherry Best-Kai, 595-4148 or bestmsrd@ Call ahead to confirm. • SUNDAYS, 8am - Carrier Park Runners. Park at NC Arboretum Greenhouse. Leader: Dick Duccini, 645-8887. Long, slow distance on trails —- 8:30am - ATC Trail Run. Park at NC Arboretum Greenhouse. Leaders: Bryan Trantham, 648-9336, and Rick Taylor, 776-3853. Pace: 8:30-9:30mpm. Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Encourages safe and responsible recreational bicycling in the WNC area. To find out more about the club and its ongoing advocacy efforts, or to see a complete club calendar, visit • THURSDAYS - Fletcher Blue Sky Road Ride. Departs promptly at 9:15am. Route and meeting place vary. No one will be left behind. Call or e-mail for details or if weather is questionable: 696-0877 or • SATURDAYS - Gary Arthur Ledges Park Road Ride. Departs in the a.m. from Ledges Park, located 6.5 miles off UNCA exit on I-26. Ride north along the French Broad River to Marshall for coffee, then return via Ivy Hill. Email for departure time: jbyrdlaw@ • SUNDAYS - Folk Art Center Road Ride. Departs in the p.m. from the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is a show-n-go ride, meaning there may not be a ride leader. Call or email for departure time: 713-8504 or Carolina Mountain Club CMC fosters the enjoyment of the mountains of WNC and adjoining regions and encourages the conservation of our natural resources, through an extensive schedule of hikes and a program of trail building and maintenance. $20 per year, family memberships $30

per year. Newcomers must call the leader before the hike. Info: • WE (10/28), 8:30am - Bad Fork: Chestnut Cove Overlook. Info: 883-2447. • SU (11/1), 7:30am - Goshen Prong/Huskey Gap. Info: 494-9309 —- 8:30am - Boogerman Trail. Info: 236-0192 —- 12:15pm - Daniel Ridge Loop Trail. Info: 667-5419. • WE (11/4), 8:30am - Street Gap to Big Bald. Info: 299-0226. Events at REI Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or • WE (10/28), 7pm - Walt Weber will give a slide presentation about his book Trail Profiles and Maps from the Great Smokies to Mount Mitchell and Beyond. Book sales will benefit the Carolina Mountain Club. Registration encouraged. Free. Flight of the Vampire 5K Race • SA (10/31), 5pm - The Rotary Club of Brevard presents the 29th annual Flight of the Vampire 5K race. Held at 299 S. Broad Street, next to the Transylvania County Public Library. Check in begins at 2pm. Costumes encouraged. $30/$25 for seniors and students. After Oct. 15: add $5. Info: www. or 883-4888. Pigeon Valley Bassmasters All interested anglers in the community in WNC, Upstate S.C., East Tennessee and NE Georgia are invited to attend and share fishing ideas. Invitational tournaments are held throughout the area. Info: 8842846 or • 2nd MONDAYS, 7pm - Meeting at the Canton Library. Pumpkin Pedaler A Halloween tour through Asheville’s ghoulish grounds sponsored by Asheville on Bikes. Info: • SA (10/31), 5:30-8pm - The ride begins at City County Plaza and ends in the parking lot of Clingman Cafe (the Wedge Brewery and Clingman Cafe will be open). There are a few short climbs, so design a costume to be bike functional. Be well-illuminated and wear a helmet. $5.


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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

Community Events & Workshops • Social & Shared-Interest Groups • Government & Politics • Seniors & Retirees • Animals • Technology • Business & Careers • Volunteering • Health Programs & Support Groups Calendar C a t e g o r i e s : Helplines • Sports Groups & Activities • Kids • Spirituality • Arts • Spoken & Written Word • Food • Festivals & Gatherings • Music • Theater • Comedy • Film • Dance • Auditions & Call to Artists Calendar for October 28 - November 5, 2009 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that’s happening today — or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Community Events & Workshops Alzheimer’s Association Mountain Area Conference • TH (10/29), 8am-4pm - The 25th annual conference titled “Examining the Journey: Facing the Challenges of Memory Loss” will be held at the

First Baptist Church of Waynesville, 100 S. Main St. Info: 254-7363, (800) 888-6671 or northcarolina. Asheville ABC Series “Assembling Ideas, Building our Futures, Connecting Communities.” Info: www. • FR (10/30), 6-8pm - “Asheville Elections & Policies, Non-partisanship, Full Time Mayor, Instant Run Off Voting & Campaign Finance Reform.” Held at Firestorm Cafe. Buncombe Co. Parks, Greenways & Rec. Events Events are free and are held at 59 Woodfin Pl., unless otherwise noted. To register or for more info: 250-4265. • MO (11/9), 5pm - Community recreation grant application deadline. Grants are available for capital improvement/development organizations that support recreational and

Calendar deadlines:

*FREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar Information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

cultural arts activities. Applications: asp?newsID=8151. Info: or 250-4263. • SA (11/7), 8:30am-4pm - Sightseers: Travel to the WNC Pottery Festival in Dillsboro. $10. Bring $2 for admission and money for lunch. RSVP by Nov. 2. Info: Candlelight Reflections Honoring Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month • TH (11/5), 6pm Candlelight reflections to honor those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, as well as family caregivers. Held in the Chapel (second floor) on the campus of St. Joseph’s Hospital. Also at 2:30pm at the Senior Opportunity Center, 36 Grove St. Info: 254-7363 or Larry.reeves@ N.C. Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing Located at 12 Barbetta Dr., just past Biltmore Square Mall. Info: 665-8733 or • WE (11/4), Noon-1pm “How to survive the holidays when hearing is difficult.” RSVP by Oct. 28. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • FR (10/30), 11:25am Humanities Lectures: “WWI, Freud and the European Crisis of Consciousness,” with Dr. Gary Nallan and Dr. Ted Uldricks in Lipinsky Auditorium and “Representation and Reality,” with Seamus McNerney in the Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (11/2), 11:25am - Humanities Lectures: “Persia, Zoroastrianism and Alexander the Great,” with Dr. David Hopes in the Humanities Lecture Hall and “Counter-Renaissance and Othello,” with Ann Dunn in Lipinsky Auditorium. Swannanoa Valley Museum Located at 223 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 6699566 or • SA (10/31) - Haunted Museum. Come and be spooked.

World Affairs Council Programs Events are held in the Owen Conference Center, 3rd floor of Owen Hall, on the UNCA campus. Info: www.main. • MO (11/2), 7:30pm - “Obama’s Foreign Policy: Nine Month’s Out,” a panel discussion focusing on the first months of Obama’s administration. Panelists include Samer Traboulsi, Larry Wilson, Jim Lenburg and Lucia Carter. $8/Free for members.

Social & SharedInterest Groups Ardent Toastmasters Club Afraid to speak in public? Want to practice your speaking skills in a fun and supportive environment? Meets at Zona Lofts, 162 Coxe Ave., in downtown Asheville. Info: 225-8680 or • Alternate THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Meeting. Arise & Shine Toastmasters Ready to overcome your fear of public speaking and to enhance your communication and leadership skills? This group provides a friendly environment in which to do so. Guests have no obligation to join. Info: 776-5076. • THURSDAYS, 7:30am Meets at UNCA’s Highsmith Student Union. Asheville Homeless Network Meetings take place at Firestorm Cafe & Books in downtown Asheville. Info: 552-0505. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - All homeless people and interested citizens are welcome. Blue Ridge Toastmasters Club Meets once a week to enhance speaking skills both formal and impromptu. Part of an international proven program that takes you through the steps with fun along the way. Network with interesting people of all ages and professions. Info: or 505-1375. • MONDAYS, 12:20-1:30pm - Meeting. Canasta Canasta anyone? Come join a friendly group of men and women who love to play for

26 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

weeklypicks Events are FREE unless otherwise noted. Dedicated hiker and trekker Walt Weber will give a slide presentation about his book Trail Profiles and

wed Maps from the Great Smokies to Mount Mitchell and Beyond Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 7 p.m. at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway, Asheville. Book sales will benefit the Carolina Mountain Club. Reservations suggested. Info: 687-0918.


UNCA presents “Understanding Healthcare Reform 2009” Thursday, Oct. 29, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Reuter Center. This inter-generational forum will provide information on health-care reform legislation. A panel of local representatives will discuss the insurance industry, the question of universal coverage and more. Info: 232-5181.


Enjoy live music by A Little Rain, a three-piece string band, who will perform a benefit concert for Asheville Prison Books Friday, Oct. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Asheville Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Admission is a book for prisoners or a monetary donation. Info: 254-6001.


For information on costume contests and spooky festivities happening Saturday, Oct. 31, in Asheville and throughout WNC, check out Alli Marshall’s Halloween roundup in the Arts & Entertainment section and the calendar and Clubland listings. Happy Halloween!

sun Celebrate music, art and alternative energy at the 10th annual Harvest Gathering Music Festival

Friday, Oct. 30, from 6 to 10 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 31, from noon to 10 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 1, from 1 to 10 p.m. at Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Live music by Photoside Cafe, The Fold, Aimee Wilson and many others. Info: Appalachian resident and award-winning author Barbara Kingsolver will read from her novel The

mon Lacuna Monday, Nov. 2, at 7 p.m. at Asheville High School’s auditorium, 419 McDowell St. Tickets available at Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe. Info: 254-6734.


Tuesday, Nov. 3, is Election Day: Get out and vote! If you didn’t pick up a paper copy of the Xpress last week, which included an Asheville Election Guide, you can still read up on the Council and mayoral candidates at

the fun of it. Info: 665-2810 or 251-0520. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS, Noon-3pm - Canasta. Events in Cherokee Info: 438-1601 or www. • FR (10/30) through SU (11/1) - The 10th annual Cruise the Smokies Cherokee Fall Rod Run. Drive through the Appalachians while competing for hot rod bragging rights. The competition heats up with a brand new best-inshow trophy. $10. Hendersonville Antique Car Club Info: or 696-4168. • SA (10/31), 11am3pm - A Halloween Car Show will be held at the Walmart Shopping Center in Hendersonville. Info: 6852507. Koinonia Monday Night Potlucks • MONDAYS, 6-10pm - Potluck. The gathering invites visionaries, homeschoolers, activists, spiritualists and folks of all walks of life to share ideas and wis-

dom. Be a part of fostering an evolved local and global community. Change begins within us. Info: 333-2000. Planned Parenthood of Asheville Young Advocates • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6:308pm - Monthly meeting. Get to know like-minded young Ashevilleans who advocate for choice and reproductive health. Explore volunteer opportunities and plan upcoming events. Info: 252-7928, ext. 6241 or sue. Scrabble Club Come play America’s favorite word game SCRABBLE. Info: 252-8154. • SUNDAYS, 1-5pm Meets at Books-A-Million in Asheville. We have all the gear; just bring your vocabulary. No dues the first six months. TEDxAVL 2010 Organizational Meetings • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Organizers meet twice a month to find speakers, performers and product demos for a conference packed with ideas. At Locomotivity, 224 Broadway

near the 240 W exit. Info: 231-7205. The New Friends Meetup Interested in meeting new people for friendship, fun, romance, activities, and learning new things? Info: • WEEKLY - Meets at a bar/restaurant. Veterans for Peace The public is invited to the regular business meeting of the WNC Veterans for Peace Chapter 099. The meeting is free and open to the public, and held on the 1st Thursday of each month. Info: 626-2572 or 528-5180. • TH (11/5), 6:30pm Meeting at the Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. (259-3675). • 1st THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Regular business meeting of the WNC Veterans for Peace Chapter 099 at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. Free and open to the public. Youth OUTright A weekly discussion group for gay, lesbian, bisexual,

transgender and questioning youth ages 14-20. Each week a new topic and activity will be led by at least two trained facilitators. Straight allies (ages 14-20) are also welcome. Info: www. • FRIDAYS, 6:30-9pm - Meets at the Jefferson House, adjacent to the Unitarian Universalist Church (corner of Edwin and Charlotte Streets) at 21 Edwin Pl.

Government & Politics Be A Local Leader • TH (11/5), 5pm Application deadline for citizens willing to become a local leader by serving on Asheville City Council’s ABC Board, Downtown Commission or Homeless Initiative Advisory Committee. Info: 259-5601 or mburleson@ashevillenc. gov. Henderson County Republican Men’s Club • WE (10/28), 7:30-9am - The club will host a panel

discussion with the candidates for Hendersonville Town Council at the The Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville. Stand for Peace • TUESDAYS, 5-6pm - Stand for peace with Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, War Resisters League, Military Families Speak Out, Buncombe Green Party and other peace mongers at Pack Place, intersection of Patton and Biltmore Avenues. Info: 582-5180.

Seniors & Retirees Henderson County Senior Softball League The league is always looking for new players, age 50 and older. Weather permitting, they play year-round. Info: 698-3448 or www. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS - Morning games at Jackson Park in Hendersonville. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • THURSDAYS (through 11/19), 11am-Noon - Fall Prevention Classes will be held to keep you safely on your feet. Free. Waynesville Parks and Recreation Info: 456-2030 or • WE (10/28), 8am-2pm Senior trip to the Arboretum and Bay Harbor Fish House. Enjoy a guided tour of the arboretum followed by lunch. $20/$24 nonmembers. • WE (11/4), 8am-2pm - Senior trip to the Dillard House in Georgia. $20/24 nonmembers. Price includes a breakfast buffet and transportation.

Animals Asheville Aussie Club Social club connecting Aussie lovers and their Aussies. Club meets monthly. Call for time and location: (704) 806-7300. • MONTHLY - Meeting. Buncombe County Animal Services The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Animal Services Division offers low-cost vaccination clinics. Rabies shots: $6. Combo shots: $15 per dog and $20 per cat. Microchips: $10. To receive a three-year rabies vaccine, bring the one-year certificate. Please bring restraints for pets. Info: 253-1195. • SA (10/31), 9am-Noon - At Superpetz on Brevard

Rd. —- 1-4pm - At Tractor Supply on Monticello Rd. ChainFree Asheville A nonprofit, all-volunteer effort dedicated to improving the welfare of dogs living outdoors on chains and in pens in Asheville and Buncombe County. Info: or 450-7736. • SUNDAYS, 11am-3pm - Come help a chained dog experience freedom. No experience necessary. Meets 4 times a month within Asheville or Buncombe County to build a fence for a chained dog. Mercy For Animals A nonprofit animal advocacy organization dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals, focusing primarily on farmed animal advocacy and promoting cruelty-free food choices. Info: 231-6859 or kaylaw@mercyforanimals. org. • SA (10/31), 11:30am1pm - Public protest against KFC’s cruel treatment of chickens (see KentuckyFriedCruelty. com). Posters and leaflets provided. Meet in front of KFC, 1030 Patton Ave. (at Louisiana Ave.), Asheville. Transylvania Animal Alliance Group For information about T.A.A.G., or donations of time or resources, 9663166, taagwags@citcom. net, or • SATURDAYS, 11am4pm - Adoption Days at PETsMART on Airport Road in Arden. View adoptable animals on the Web site.

Technology WNC SharePoint User Group The group aims to provide knowledge and resources to IT professionals in the region. Monthly meetings provide members with a forum to hear top industry experts give educational presentations on Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies. Info: www. • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 68pm - Bi-monthly meetings, with guest speakers, provide knowledge and resources to SharePoint Developers, Users and Administrators in the region. Meetings in Sept. and Nov. of this year.

Business & Careers A-B Tech Classes Registration & info: www. • TH (11/5), 6-9pm - “Herbs From Around the

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The 2009 Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest Call to artists – young and old! Get out those art supplies and submit your holiday-themed artwork to the Xpress by Friday, Nov. 20 If you do, you could win the opportunity to… • Have your art appear in color inside one of our December holiday guides, which will publish on Dec. 2, Dec. 9 and Dec. 16! • Have your art displayed at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s studio in downtown Asheville (20 Commerce St.) from Friday, Dec. 11, through Sunday, Dec. 20! There will be a free, open-to-the-public reception for Xpress’ holiday art show Friday, Dec. 18, from 6 to 7 p.m. with treats and entertainment. Stick around after the reception for Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s opening night of Poetry in Motion: A Light in the Attic and More starting at 7:30 p.m. This seasonal production for all ages will celebrate the poetry of Shel Silverstein, and will also be performed Saturday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 20, at 3 p.m. For Poetry in Motion ticket info, visit To enter the Xpress Holiday Art Contest, here’s what you do: Create holiday-inspired art within a squarish space (9.5” H x 10.25” W) and keep the colors bright! The following mediums will work best in print: watercolor, acrylic, crayons, colored pencils or pastels (no graphite pencil, please). Entries must be received at the Xpress no later than Friday, Nov. 20. All artwork must have a completed registration form affixed to the back. Don’t forget to include a SASE if you’d like your artwork returned!

Send or hand deliver artwork to: Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest, 2 Wall St., Asheville, N.C. 28801

Registration Form Name ___________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Are you 18 or older? ____ If under 18, what’s your age? _____ Parent or guardian’s name_____________________________ 2008 artwork by: Alyssa Wadham • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 27

World.” Take an herbal tour around the world. Explore some of the most popular herbs from China, Russia, India, South America, Africa and Latin America. $35. Asheville SCORE Counselors to Small Business If your business could use some help, SCORE is the place to start. Free and confidential. To make an appointment: 271-4786. Our offices are located in the Federal Building, 151 Patton Ave., Rm. 259. Veterans may attend any SCORE seminar at no charge. Info: • SA (10/31), 8:30am2:30pm - “Starting a Business in Tough Times.” Designed to provide new or potential business owners with an overview of the key issues every business must face. At the Small Business Center, Rm. 2046, on the A-B Tech Enka Campus. $40 at the door. To register: 274-1142 or visit the Web site. Green Business Alliance Free for members/$5 for nonmembers. Meets at Mountain BizWorks, 153 S. Lexington Ave., Asheville. To register: or 2532834, ext. 11. • TU (11/10), 6-8pm - “What’s New and Green in the City of Asheville?” Learn about current green initiatives and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act within the City of Asheville. Maggie Ullman, Energy Coordinator, and Brenda Mills, ARRA Project Manager, will facilitate. RSVP by Nov. 5.

Volunteering Administrative Support Needed • OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling needs extra office administrative support. Volunteers are needed to assist with various office tasks. The volunteer must be available during OnTrack’s regular business hours (8am5:30pm). Info: 210-4956 or Ashevillage Institute (AVI) Nonprofit eco-urban education center and living laboratory for sustainable solutions. Info or to RSVP: 225-8820, or • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS, 9am-5pm Volunteer days and potluck lunch. Volunteers needed in: gardening, permaculture, stonework, carpentry,

marketing, administration, fundraising and business development. Asheville City Schools Foundation Seeking Academic Coaches (tutors/mentors) to support students by assisting them with a variety of tasks that support educational success. One hr/wk min., for one school year, in your choice of school or after school program. Training provided. Info: 350-6135, terri.wells@asheville.k12. or • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8:30am-5pm - Academic coaching in the schools or at after-school programs, once a week. Catholic Social Services n Volunteers are needed throughout the week. Info: 255-0146. • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm - Direct Assistance Day. Help sort clothing, shelve food, pack bags of food and more. Call for details. Eliada’s “Castle in the Corn” Maze • Through SA (10/31) Volunteer for Eliada Homes for Children’s “Castle in the Corn” Maze, which will be open Fridays through Sundays. Volunteers get two free admission passes and a snack. Info: 2545356, ext. 113 or www. Graffiti Removal Action Teams Join Asheville GreenWorks in combating graffiti vandalism in our community. Removing quickly and keeping covered is the best way to reduce graffiti. Info: 254-1776. • THURSDAYS - Graffiti removal. Grossology Volunteers • Want to teach folks how to make snot and why we burp and fart? The Health Adventure is looking for volunteers for their exhibit Grossology. Volunteers needed to help with guest relations and other tasks now through January. Info: Hands On AshevilleBuncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome to volunteer on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the Web site to sign up for a project. • TH (10/29), 4-6pm - Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail

store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. Kids Voting Buncombe County A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to securing the future of democracy by educating and involving youth in the election process today. Info:, info@ or 7755673. • TU (11/3) - Volunteers are needed to assist young voters at the polls on Election Day. Volunteer captains are needed for a 3 to 4 hour time commitment in the precincts holding municipal elections. Training is provided. Men and Women Wanted Big Brothers Big Sisters is holding a back-to-school volunteer recruitment drive. Mentors share outings twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Volunteers also needed to mentor during the 2009-10 school year. Info: 253-1470 or • WE (11/4), Noon - Information Session for interested volunteers will be held at the United Way Building, S. French Broad Ave., Room 213. RiverLink’s Volunteer Opportunities RiverLink is a regional nonprofit organization working to revitalize the French Broad River watershed. Internship positions are available, as well as many volunteer opportunities. Info: 252-8474, volunteer@ or • TU (11/3), 5:30pm - A “Watershed Education Volunteer Training” class will be offered. Light refreshments will be served. Free. RSVP: 252-8474, ext. 111 or education@riverlink. org. SCORE Recruiting for Women • Local business women need coaches. Are you a woman with management background? If so, SCORE has the opportunity for you to share that knowledge with budding entrepreneurs. Info: 367-1446. The Lord’s Acre A Faith Garden Project organized and sponsored by local churches and volunteers who have come together to help provide food for families in need. Located in Fairview. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm & SATURDAYS, 8-11am Volunteers are needed.

WNC AIDS Project Info: or 252-7489. n Donations will be accepted for the Candelabra Ball fundraising auction. Jewelry, collectables, art, local services, antiques and more are needed. Info: or pamsiekman@earthlink. net.

Health Programs & Support Groups Professional Help For Overshoppers/Overspenders (pd.) Stop the pain of Overshopping and Overspending • Discover triggers and cues • Learn specific tools, strategies and techniques • Break the cycle of overspending • Overcome the urge to splurge this holiday season • Develop mindfulness in making decisions. Call 2312107 or email: Shoji Spa Discounts and Events (pd.) • Locals Discount: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. • SPArty: Wednesday evenings, 6-8 p.m. Drinks, food and music, free. 828-299-0999. Adult Children of Alcoholics • 1st, 3rd & 5th MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Open 12step meeting at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Rear entrance, first room on the left. Info: 298-6600 or Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOAs continue “survival” behaviors they had as children, which no longer serve them as adults. Come learn how to grow in recovery and become the person you are meant to be through this 12-step fellowship. Info: 545-9648. • FRIDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: 800-2861326 or www.wnc-alanon. org. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:151:15pm - Step study: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Discussion meeting for parents of children with addictions: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690

28 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Haywood Road, across from Ingles. Info: 242-6197. • FRIDAYS, 8pm - The Lambda (GLBT) group of Al-Anon is a gay-friendly support group for families and friends of alcoholics, and holds their weekly candlelight meeting at All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 670-6277 (until 9pm). • FRIDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • FRIDAYS, 6:30pm - Discussion meeting for couples only: All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 676-0485. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Al-Anon North: Meeting at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Saturday Serenity at St Mary’s Episcopal Church on the corner of Charlotte and Macon. Beginners welcome. • SATURDAYS, Noon - Weaverville discussion meeting at First Baptist Church on N. Main St., next to the library. Enter via side glass doors. • SUNDAYS, 5-6pm - Discussion meeting: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. Info: 281-1566. • MONDAYS, 12-1pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Discussion meeting: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Art of Intimacy Practice Group Learn life-changing communication and relationship skills, drawing from the work of Brad Blanton (Radical Honesty), Marshal Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication), Susan Campbell (Getting Real), John Bradshaw (Homecoming) and others. By donation. Info: 254-5613 or • WEDNESDAYS, 7:309:30pm - Meeting. Beauty Through Cancer Provides programs and services for breast cancer patients and survivors in the WNC area. Located at 131 McDowell St., Suite 202, Asheville. Info: 252-8558 or info@beautythroughcancer. org. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5pm - Support group. Women at any stage of

reconstruction from breast cancer are invited to attend. CarePartners Hospice Bereavement Offers one-on-one grief counseling, support groups, grief education classes, a monthly grief support newsletter and semi-annual memorial services (available to anyone who is suffering a loss through death). Located at 68 Sweeten Creek Road., Asheville. Call 251-0126 to set up an initial visit with a counselor. • WEDNESDAYS (monthly) - Suicide Loss Group meets. • TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS - Good Grief Support Groups meet. • WEDNESDAYS - ChildLoss Support Groups meet. • MONDAYS & TUESDAYS - Grief Education Classes. Debtors Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 7-8pm - Meets at Mount Pisgah Lutheran Church, 2606 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville. Info: DAHendersonville@gmail. com. DivorceCare • WEDNESDAYS, 6:157:30pm - DivorceCare, a video seminar and support group featuring nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics, including “Facing my Anger,” “Facing my Loneliness” and “Forgiveness.” Childcare provided. Info: 254-4688 or www.mountcarmelonline. org. Dual Recovery Group Group meets at the Black Mountain Presbyterian Church House, 117 Montreat Road. For individuals who have a chemical dependency, emotional, and/or psychiatric illness and need support. A 12step based program. Info: 357-8403. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 8pm - Group meets. Eating Disorders Individuals are welcome to come to one or all of the support group meetings. Info: 337-4685 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Free. Essential Tremor Support Group Info: 687-2356 or • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Meeting at Seymour Auditorium, CarePartners, Sweeten Creek Rd. Events at Pardee Hospital

All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration and appointments required unless otherwise noted. To register or for info: or 692-4600. • MO (11/2), 11am12:30pm - “Good News About Hip & Knee Pain,” a discussion with physical therapist Duane Young. • TH (11/5), 1:30-2:30pm - “All About Colonoscopy,” a discussion with Stuart Glassman M.D. —- 34:30pm - “Sharp as a Tack: Keeping your brain young,” with Lucy Butler, a speech therapist. Food Addicts Anonymous A fellowship of men and women who are willing to recover from the disease of food addiction. Sharing experiences and hope with others allows participants to recover from the disease one day at a time. All are welcome. Info: 242-3717. • MONDAYS, Noon-1pm & FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Meetings at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Henderson County Red Cross Red Cross holds classes in CPR and First Aid for infants, children and adults; Standard First Aid in Spanish; Babysitter Training; Pet First Aid. Located at 203 Second Ave. East, Hendersonville. Info: 693-5605. : Blood Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • WE (10/28), 6:30-11am & 12:30-5pm - Pardee Hospital, in the Jamison Conference Room, 800 N. Justice St. Info: judy. Bolster@PardeeHospital. org or 696-4225. • TH (10/29), 9am-1:30pm - Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Dr., Flat Rock. Info: 6941805. K.A.R.E. Support Groups Kid’s Advocacy Resource Effort offers several ongoing support groups. Info: 456-8995. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:307:30pm - Single Parents Support Group. Dinner and childcare provided. At First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Call ext. 201 for more info. Living Healthy with Diabetes/Sugar • TUESDAYS (through 11/10), 9:30am-1pm - Take charge and enjoy a better quality of life with “Diabetes Self-Management.” This

free and interactive workshop can help you choose foods for health, increase your fitness and more. Registration: 251-7438 or Living Healthy: A Chronic Disease Self-Management Program • TH (11/5), 1:30-4pm - A free 6-week self-management program for people with chronic conditions. Learn how to manage pain, fatigue, frustration, increase fitness and self-confidence. Sponsored by the Land-ofSky Regional Council. To register: 251-7438. Moms Supporting Moms • TUESDAYS, Noon or 6:30pm - Peer support for moms struggling with depression and/or anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum. Connect with other mothers and community resources. Meets at the Women’s Resource Center. Info: 213-8241. Directions: 213-8246. Narcotics Anonymous A fellowship of recovering addicts that can help those afflicted get clean and stay clean through a 12-step program. The group focuses on recovering from the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug. For WNC NA meeting schedules and info: Helpline: (866) 925-2148. • DAILY - Please call for location details. Overcomers Recovery Support Group A Christian-based 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at 32 Rosscraggon Road. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@ • TUESDAYS, 7-8pm - Meeting. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. This 12-step program welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. Meetings are one hour unless noted. • THURSDAYS, Noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Rd. (S. 25 at Yorkshire). Info: 298-1899. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: Carver Parks & Recreation Center, 101 Carver Ave. off Blue Ridge Road. Open relapse and recovery mtg. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour

United Meth. Church, 2567 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy. 25). Open mtg. Info: 1-800-5804761. • MONDAYS, 5:15pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Beginners mtg. Info: 277-8185. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Open mtg. Info: 277-8185. • TUESDAYS, 10:30amNoon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Open BBSS mtg. Info: 2802213. Pet Loss Support Group For anyone who has lost a pet or is anticipating the death of a companion animal. Free. Info: 258-3229. • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - The group meets at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Pl. S-Anon For those affected by someone else’s sexual behavior. Info: 545-4287 or 606-6803. • WEEKLY - Three meetings are available per week. S-Anon Meetings S-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for partners, family and friends of sexaholics. We share our experience, strength and hope to help solve our common problems. Meetings held weekly in Asheville, Fletcher and Waynesville. Call confidential voice mail for information: 258-5117. • WEEKLY - Three meetings are available per week. Sex Addicts Anonymous A fellowship of men and women recovering from addictive sexual behavior (physical and/or emotional). Meetings are held in downtown Asheville. Info: 800-477-8191 (live person Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm) or 348-0284 to leave a local message for a return call. • SUNDAYS, 7pm Meeting. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous SLAA is a 12-step fellowship of men and women who have a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. Meetings are held in downtown Asheville. Open to all sexual orientations. Info: • SATURDAYS, 10am - First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Sexaholics Anonymous SA is a 12-step fellowship of men and women

recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Call confidential voice mail 681-9250 or e-mail saasheville@gmail. com. Info: www.orgsites. com/nc/saasheville/. • DAILY - Asheville meetings. Support Groups Sessions are led by Charlene Galvin, a board certified Chaplain. Love offering. Info: 329-3187 or • THURSDAYS, 1011:30am - Living with Life Limiting Illness —- 1:303pm - Caregivers Support Group. There Is No Incurable • TH (10/29), 7-9pm - A group of medical doctors from the U.S. and Europe will lecture on inconceivable healings. Teaching of Bruno Groening. The experts will present healing reports. At the Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St., Biltmore Village. Info: 393-0630. Understanding Healthcare Reform 2009 Events will be held in the Reuter Center, Manheimer Room, on the UNCA college campus. Info: 232-5181. All events are free and open to the public. • TH (10/29), 4:30-6:30pm - An inter-generational forum, designed to provide information on health care reform legislation to the general public, will be held. Plus, a panel of local representatives will discuss the insurance industry, the question of universal coverage and more. • THURSDAYS (11/5, 12 & 19), 4:30-6:30pm - Dialogue series: “Understanding Healthcare Reform 2009.” Discuss opinions, brainstorm and create viable solutions to contribute to health care reform. Info: 232-5181.

Helplines For Xpress’ list of helplines, visit helplines.

Garden Garden Composters • Rain Barrels (pd.) Asheville GreenWorks (Quality Forward), Asheville’s Keep America Beautiful, sells Garden Composters and Rain Barrels in the Green Goods Shop at 357 Depot Street. • 2 kinds of composters: an 11 cubic foot square stacked model for $85 and

a 7 cubic foot tumbler that makes compost faster and looks cool for $175. • Rain Barrels are 65 gallons, are easy to install, and cost $135. • All are made of 100% recycled plastic. • All sales benefit plantings in Asheville and Buncombe County. For more information, call 254-1776 or stop on by 357 Depot Street or visit: Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms At Home (pd.) Hands-on workshop for success in home mushroom cultivation. Training covers best tools and techniques for growing Shiitake and Oyster mushrooms, plus foraging delicious wild edibles. Register: (828) 713-1043 / tmagruder@ Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms At Home (pd.) Hands-on workshop for success in home mushroom cultivation. Training covers best tools and techniques for growing Shiitake and Oyster mushrooms, plus foraging delicious wild edibles. Date: Saturday, Oct 31, 2009 Time: 9:00AM ‚Äì 1:00PM Cost: $55 advance $65 door. Location: Synergy Center, #6 Lookout Rd. E., Asheville, NC 28805 Directions: http://www. Register: (828) 713-1043 / Harvest Festival • TH (11/5), 3-6pm - The Flat Rock Tailgate Market will celebrate the end of its 3rd season with a Harvest Festival; featuring vendors, homemade treats, crafts, demonstrations, a petting zoo for children and more. Info: 697-7719. Ikenobo Ikebana Society The Blue Ridge Chapter of Ikenobo Ikebana Society (Japanese Flower Arranging) is a nonprofit organization that meets monthly at St. John’s in the Wilderness Parish House (Rt.#225 South & Rutledge Rd.) in Flat Rock. Yearly membership is available. Info: 696-0967. • TH & FR (10/29 & 30) Fall workshop with teacher/ Sensei Muriel Scrivner, who will teach Japanese flower arranging in several styles. Regional Tailgate Markets • For tailgate listings, visit and click on “Garden.” For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project: 236-

1282 or

Sports Groups & Activities Diamond Brand Running Groups (pd.) Every Wednesday at 6 pm. Choose from a beginner group which runs 3 - 4 miles or intermediate group which runs 6 - 7 miles. The Oct. 7th and 14th runs will be at Fletcher Park, meet by the park shelter. Runs on the 21st and 28th are on the Mountains to Sea to trail. Meet by the trail entrance at the intersection of 74. For more info contact Sarah at smerrell@diamondbrand. com. Adult League Dodge Ball Must have at least 6 players per team. The season will consist of 24 games and a league championship game with trophies for the winning team. $25/person. Info: 250-4269 or jay.nelson@ • MO (11/2) through MO (12/14) - Registration. Season: Jan. 5 through Feb. 25 at Recreation Experiences Complex. Asheville Masters Swimming Competitive, fitness and triathlon swimmers welcome. Info: www.ashevillemasters. com • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 5:45-7:15am - Practice at Asheville School. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:45-7:15am & SATURDAYS, 7-9am - Coached practices at Warren Wilson College. Disc Golf Check the kiosk at Richmond Hill Park for events and nearby tournaments. Info: 680-9626 or • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Doubles at Black Mountain Park. Pickleball It’s like playing ping pong on a tennis court. For all ages. $1 per session. Paddles and balls are provided. Info: 350-2058. • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Meets at Stephens-Lee Rec Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. (take S. Charlotte to Max St.). Sports at UNCA Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public. Info: 251-6459. • FR (10/30), 3pm - UNCA Women’s Soccer vs. Liberty at Greenwood Field. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 29

• SU (11/1), 2pm - UNCA Women’s Soccer vs. High Point at Greenwood Field. Women’s Indoor Trainer Sessions • MONDAYS, 6:15pm - Youngblood’s Trainer Sessions. Bring your own trainer; no roller, please. A few indoor trainers will be available for loan/rent ($10). Begin your winter conditioning program. Info: amy@ or

Kids Kid’s Halloween Program at Diamond Brand, (pd.) Saturday, Oct. 31st at 11 am at Diamond Brand Outdoors in Arden. Gary Eblen will tell spooky stories and kids can make their own Trick or Treat bag. We’ll have treats for the kids and the best costume wins a $100 gift card. For more info, contact Gary at geblen@diamondbrand. com. At The Health Adventure Free first Wed. of every month from 3-5pm. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm & Sun., 1-5pm. $8.50 adults/$7.50 students & seniors/$6 kids 2-11. Program info or to RSVP: 254-6373, ext. 324. Info: www.thehealthadventure. org. • Through SU (1/3) Explore the good, the bad and the ugly at Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body. Explore

why your body produces mushy, oozy, crusty and stinky gunk at this educational exhibition. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community children’s chorus for ages 7-14. For audition/performance info: 230-5778 or • THURSDAYS, 6:307:45pm - Children’s chorus rehearsal at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., downtown Asheville. Earth Scouts for Kids Earth Scouts is an environmental education group that is fun and empowering. Kids ages 4 and up learn plant identification, medicine making and earth skills. • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm Meets at One World Healing Arts Institute, 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville. Parents welcome. $10. Events For Kids At Osondu Booksellers 184 North Main Street, Waynesville. Info: 4568062. • SA (10/31), 5pm - Halloween sweets and treats for kids of all ages. Halloween Extravaganza and Trick-or-Treat Parade • SA (10/31), 2-5pm - Performance of “This is Halloween” at 2:30pm at Asheville Dance Revolution, 63 Brook St., followed by a costume contest and trick-or-treat parade through Biltmore Village. $3 for the

show. Info:


Haunted Gymnasium • FR & SA (10/30 & 10/31), 7-10pm - Haunted Gymnasium, spooky fun for youth of all ages. Held at the Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Dr. $3 suggested donation. Info: 253-3714. Kidz Express Signing Choir • New group forming that signs songs in ASL. All welcome: deaf and hearing. Experience not necessary, just willingness. Info: 4764231. N.C. Arboretum Events for Kids Info: 665-2492, jmarchal@ or www. • TU (11/3), 10am - Wee Naturalists, a hands-on, outdoor learning experience for children ages 3-5 and their guardians, presents “Birds of a Feather.” Learn about the birds that migrate to and from WNC. $8. Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships • Through FR (11/20) - Interested students are encouraged to apply by contacting their local Rotary Club or by contacting Frank Rutland, District 7670 Youth Exchange Outbound Chair, at and requesting information and instructions regarding the application process. Info:

20th Of Each Month • Heal Yourself And Mother Earth (pd.) Participate in worldwide long-distance group EssenceWork TM sessions. • Registration deadline: 15th of each month. • Private sessions, please call Lania Desmond: (828) 2361230 or www.soulpoint. com/essence-work.html Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA. (828)258-3229. Creating Your Sacred Space (pd.) Oct. 28, 2009 at 6:00 pm. A Far Away Place, 16 Battery Park Ave. Why a sacred space class? Because it’s important to create a space conducive to meditation, worship, and use of divining tools. Fun and informal. Cost is $25 per person. Class lasts about one hour. Call 2521891 to reserve your space. Faerie Pathway Readings (pd.) Guidance from faeries, guardian angels, and spirit guides to help you rediscover the magic in your life. Faerie workshops also available. (828) 645-2674. Meditating With Horses At Horse Sense • This Thursday

30 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

(pd.) (No horse or meditation experience necessary) Horse Sense of the Carolinas is hosting a series of meditating with horses sessions, Thursdays, October 29 and November 5 and 12. Enjoy the peace and quiet of country life as the sun sets over the hills. Horses are masters of being in the present moment; allow them to share this gift with you. Join us for the unique opportunity to move with intention and mindfulness in the company of horses. $20/session. Registration/Information: 683-7304 or Tuesday Afternoons • Study • Meditation • Great Tree Zen Temple (pd.) Study: 3:30pm • Meditation: 5:30pm. 679 Lower Flat Creek Road, Alexander. Love offering. More information: 645-2085 or www.greattreetemple. org A Mountain Mindfulness Sangha Part of the World Community of Mindful Living, inspired by the teachings of THICH NHAT HANH, the group practices mindfulness as the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. Practicing with a “sangha” (a community) can bring both joy and support. All are invited. Info & directions: mountainmindfulness@, 684-7359 or 299-9382. • TH (10/29) - Creative night. Come and be surprised. • SU (11/1), 5:30-7pm - Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma talks: DVD showing of “Buddhist Understanding of Reality” at Anattasati Magga sangha house, 12 Von Ruck Court. An Evening With Spirit All are welcome to communion with Spirit and channel messages. Held at the White Horse in Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. No latecomers. Love offering. Info: 713-2439. • SUNDAYS, 6-9pm Evening events will be lead by Theo Salvucci. • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - All are welcome to a communion with Spirit and channeled messages, held at the White Horse in Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. No latecomers. Love offering. Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation Transcend the busy, active mind—effortlessly—for peace, bliss and full awakening of creative intel-

ligence. The most effective, extensively researched meditation. Revitalizes mind/body, relieves worry and anxiety, improves brain functioning. Free Introduction. Info: 254-4350 or www.meditationasheville. org. • WEDNESDAYS, 7:15pm At the Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. Asheville Satsang With Gangaji Info: 216-7051 or • SUNDAYS, 7pm Discover true fulfillment. Silent sitting and video satsang with Western spiritual teacher Gangaji. New location at Servanthood House, 156 East Chestnut St., near Greenlife. Awakening Practices Study the works of Eckhart Tolle and put words into action through meditation and discussion. Info: Trey@ • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Meets at the EnkaCandler Library meeting room. Buddhist Meditation and Discussion Meets in the space above the French Broad Food Coop. Suggested donation: $8. Oct./Nov. series: Wisdom, the Great Teacher, a sixweek series on shaping our future. Info: 779-5502 or • WE (10/28), 7:15pm “Believing is Seeing.” • WE (11/4), 7:15pm - No class. Break for Fall Festival. Celebrate Recovery Christ-centered, biblically based recovery ministry. Weekly fellowship and support meetings deal with real-life issues, including divorce, co-dependency, anger, control, chemical dependency, sexual addictions, hurtful relationships, eating disorders, depression, and other addictive, compulsive or dysfunctional behaviors. Info: 687-1111. • THURSDAYS, 6pm-10pm - Evenings at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Coalition of Earth Religions Events Info: 230-5069 or www. • 4th WEDNESDAYS - Meeting at the Earth Fare Community Room. Call for details. • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6:309pm - Pagans Night Out. Meet at the Bier Garden in downtown Asheville. Compassionate Communication Practice Group

Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication. Group uses a model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. Free. Info: 252-0538 or www. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 5-6:15pm - Practice group for newcomers and experienced practitioners. Earth Religions Awareness Month Event • FR (10/30), 7pm - Mother Grove Goddess Temple and CERES presents the annual Ancestor Vigil, a solemn Samhain rite in honor of the dead. Held at All Souls in Biltmore Village.Free. Info: 230-5069 or Hare Krsna Sunday Feast Meets above the French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. Info: www. or 586-3919. • Select SUNDAYS, 6-8pm - An evening of bhajans, class on the Bhagavad-Gita and a vegetarian feast. Everyone welcome. Refer to the website or call for dates. Informational Lecture: Healing on the Spiritual Path • TH (10/29), 7-8:30pm - Dr. Vogelsberger from Germany will lecture on Bruno Groening’s work and teachings about the healing energy that is available to everyone. At the Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St., Biltmore Village. Info: 3930630. Journey Expansion Team (JET) • THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - An inspiration of James Ray featured on Oprah/The Secret. Join a group of likeminded people who want to share with others The Law Of Vibration and other Universal Laws. Meetings held in Fletcher/Asheville. Info: 329-7145 or kimberlycroteau@yahoo. com. Land of the Sky United Church of Christ Located at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 15 Overbrook Place, in East Asheville. • SUNDAYS, 5-6pm - Women-led, justicefocused, family-friendly, and open to all. Worship with Land of the Sky UCC. An unconditional church. Mantras Cafe • 1st THURSDAYS, 6:308:30pm - Bring your favorite kirtan mantras, multi-cultural chants and soul-centered music. Open mike. Sign-up

6-6:30pm. At BoBo Gallery. Free or $3 donation. Mindfulness Meditation Class Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241 or www. • MONDAYS, 7-8pm Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon Ave.). Donation. Modern-Day Meditation Class For Young Adults • TUESDAYS, 7:30-9:30pm - Class. For ages 18-35. Safe space to let down walls, release pent up emotion, get in touch with a truer part of yourself. Free. Info: 301-7892. Mountain Zen Practice Center Ending suffering through the practice of Conscious Compassionate Awareness. Located at 156 E. Chestnut St. Info: 253-4621 or www. Orientation required for newcomers. • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meditation and discussion. Mystic Gatherings Share in the community of those who are governed both by logic and observing signs around them: gut, spirit, intuition or whatever That is. Bring your stories and experiences. Gatherings are dynamic and diverse and range from topics such as changes in our society to defining moments in life and much more. Info: 206-2009. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting. Psychic Development Class • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Develop your intuition in a stress-free environment. Everyone will have an opportunity to read and to be read. Love donation accepted. Info: 255-8304. Sh’ma Messianic Ministries Messianic studies, Hebrew classes and Davidic dance. Studies for Jews and gentiles. Hebraic roots with biblical and basic Hebrew language. Free. Visit the Web site for updates. Info: www.shmaministries. com, 367-0775 or rabbi@ • FRIDAYS - Meets in the evenings. Sojourner Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A congregation in formation. The goal is provide a caring, non-threatening environment for the exploration of

freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) You may be as flooded with briny emotion as a Pisces on a meandering binge. You might be as embedded in a labyrinth of your own creation as the Geminis who verge on being too clever for their own good. You may be as cagey a listener as a Scorpio who’s searching for a hidden vulnerability in an ally. In other words, Aries, you’re not exactly yourself. But it’s one of those rare times when that’s a good thing. Halloween costume suggestion: the opposite of what you think you are.

I’d advise you Leo men to be like crockpots not only in the bedroom but everywhere else, too. To spot the subtle opportunities that will be available, you’ll have to be gradual, deliberate, and thorough. Leisurely foreplay should be your all-purpose metaphor. As for you Leo women: I’m betting there are ways that you have fallen under the sway of the microwave meme. If I’m right, it’s time to fully re-embrace the spirit of the crockpot. Halloween costume clues: the tortoise, not the hare; a 400-page novel, not Twitter; the Pyramid of Khufu, not a sandcastle.

In my ideal version of Halloween, we wouldn’t scare ourselves with images of ghoulish skeletons, eyeballs floating in cauldrons, and hissing, three-headed snakes. Rather, we’d confront more realistic fears, like the possibility that the effects we have on the world are different from our intentions . . . or that we have not yet reached our potential . . . or that people we like might completely misread and misunderstand us. Then Halloween would serve a more spiritually useful purpose. It would bring us face-to-face with actual dangers to our psychic integrity, whereupon we could summon our brilliant courage and exorcize the hell out of them. Costume suggestion: exorcist. (Begin by exorcising yourself.)

“The more beautiful the bird, the poorer the singer,” wrote L. M. Boyd. “Peacocks scream, macaws screech. Birds of Paradise croak.” Among the most interesting singers, on the other hand, are birds that are far less spectacular in appearance: the Black-capped Chickadee, the Willow Thrush, and the White-throated Sparrow. Keep that in mind as you navigate your way through the coming week’s dilemmas. My personal inclination is to favor inspiring singing over comely appearance, but you may have a different bias. The important thing is to recognize the nature of the options before you. Halloween costume suggestion: Incorporate the themes of plain beauty, secret genius, disguised power, and open secrets.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

During this phase of your cycle, you’ll generate good fortune if you brainstorm and meditate about your relationship with work. I urge you to empty your mind of everything you think you know about the subject. Adopt a fresh and innocent perspective. Here are some questions to prime your investigations. 1. What’s the quality of the experience you want to have as you earn a living? 2. What gifts do you want to give to life as you toil at challenging tasks that are interesting to you? 3. What capacities do you want to develop in yourself while doing your work? (P.S. For your Halloween costume, why not pretend you’re doing your dream job?)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) witnessed the full range of experiences that life on this planet has to offer, from war to love and everything in between. During an interview he gave in Jerusalem in 1994, he said, “I can stand on my balcony and tell my children, ‘Over there I was shelled for the first time, and over there, to the right, just beneath those trees, I was kissed for the first time.’” I suspect his words will soon be meaningful for you, Cancerian. It’s likely you’ll have a breakthrough or epiphany near a place where you once suffered disappointment. Halloween costume suggestion: the phoenix.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Author Gary Smalley says that the sexual nature of men is like a microwave oven, while women resemble a crockpot, the device that cooks food at low heat for a long time. Right about now,

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

At a family planning conference in Beijing, a researcher from Ghana presented testimony about tribal issues that he had in part gleaned through interviews with dead ancestors. He said that spirit mediums had acted as his “translators.” When he was met with skepticism from colleagues, he was defensive. “If I only heard from the living,” he explained, “I wouldn’t get a very good balance.” His perspective would be smart for you to adopt right now, Libra. To make the wisest decisions and take the most righteous action, draw inspiration from what has passed away as much as from what’s alive and in your face. Halloween costume suggestion: a spirit medium.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

“Behind every face, there are a thousand faces,” says film director Bryan Singer, who worked on two of the X-Men movies. He deals with professional actors, who specialize in revealing the myriad faces beneath the surface. But I think his assessment applies to lots of people, especially you Scorpios -- although it must be said that you do have mad skills at hiding all the action going on beneath your surface. This Halloween, I urge you to make a break with tradition and show five or six of the real you’s lurking below your poker face. Costume suggestion: be inspired by Joseph Campbell’s “hero with a thousand faces.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown has a unique way of stimulating his imagination:

He dons his gravity boots and meditates on complex storylines while he’s inverted. It’s also a good way to overcome writer’s block. “You think differently upside-down,” he says. Do you have an equivalent method for providing gentle shock therapy to your perspective, Sagittarius? This is a good time to use it. If you don’t already have a creative aid like that, hunt around for one. In the days ahead, it will come in handy.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

When Sheelah Ryan won $55 million in the Florida lottery, she used the money to create an organization dedicated to helping the disadvantaged. “I guess I’ve disappointed a lot of people,” she told a reporter. “I could be traveling all over the world, or have a beautiful mansion on the ocean, or have a chauffeur-driven RollsRoyce. But that’s not my style.” She’s your role model for the coming weeks, Capricorn. When good fortune comes to you -- and I’m almost positive it will -- I recommend that you look for ways to share it. The ironic fact of the matter is that if you’re generous as you tap in to your gift, there’ll be more of the gift.

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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

When I did a performance in Santa Fe a few years ago, a woman in the audience came up to me after the show and made a sardonic proposal: Would I like to join her twelve-step program for writers who are overly fond of vivid adjectives and adverbs? With all the uppity mock politeness I could summon, I told her that I was preposterously happy with my scintillating addiction to brazen language, and didn’t regard it as a raggedy problem that needed invasive correcting. Now I’m advising you to be like me and follow your heart when it tells you to be bigger, bolder, and brasher than ever before. Right now, shiny intensity is your sacred duty! Halloween costume suggestion: the sun.

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PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

I hope you won’t merely wander around the frontier. I hope you’ll undertake a meticulous yet expansive exploration of that virgin territory. Here are some tips on how to proceed: 1. Formulate specific questions about what you’re looking for. 2. Develop a hypothesis for the experiments you want to carry out. 3. Ignore what doesn’t interest you and pounce only on what stirs your fascination. Halloween costume suggestion: an alien anthropologist visiting Earth from another planet; a time-traveler from the future who’s doing a documentary on this historical moment; a religious pilgrim who’s keeping a detailed journal.

Homework: What is your greatest fear? Make fun of it this Halloween. Tell me about it at my Facebook page: http:// © Copyright 2009 Rob Brezsny

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32 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Christian spirituality. Info: • SUNDAYS, 9:30am - Worship —- 10:30am - Fellowship. Lower floor of Morningside Baptist Church, 14 Mineral Springs Road, Asheville. Transmission Meditation Group Join in this group meditation for your own personal spiritual growth, as well as the healing and transformation of the planet. Info: 318-8547. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm Meditation for personal and spiritual growth. Unity Cafe Looking for a change from the usual Sunday service? Spiritual conversation and sharing, music, meditation, coffee and pastry. Info: 645-0514 or 676-6070. • 1st, 3rd & 5th SUNDAYS, 10am-Noon - Greenlife Grocery Community Center, 90 Merrimon Ave. Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. Info: 684-3798, 891-8700 or • WE (10/28), 7pm - Pam Yount will lead a workshop focusing on her book Wismatic, a mother’s oracle of the loss of her son to the AIDS virus. Info: Love offering. • SU (11/1), 2pm - “Success Is A State of Mind,” with Max A. Million. Love offering. Info: www. • WE (11/4), 7pm Screening of Secrets of the Soul, a documentary that takes an all-encompassing look at the search for the soul. Love offering. Unity Church of Asheville Looking for something different? Unity of Asheville explores the deeper spiritual meaning of the scriptures combined with an upbeat contemporary music program to create a joyous and sincere worship service. Come join us this Sunday and try it for yourself. Located at 130 Shelburne Rd., W. Asheville. Info: 252-5010 or • 1st SUNDAYS, 11am - The Children’s Greenhouse Youth Program (ages 4-12) nurtures children’s spiritual growth through life lessons, meditation, crafts of nature and Unity principles. Info: • SUNDAYS, 11am Spiritual Celebration Service.

Womyn in Ceremony Join the group for connection, sharing, support, healing and empowerment. Meets 12 miles NW of Asheville. Info: www. RitesofPassageCouncil. com or Theresa@ RitesofPassageCouncil. com. • SUNDAYS, 4-6pm (through 12/27) - Gathering on various Sundays.

Art Gallery Exhibits & Openings 16 Patton Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., 1-6pm (open on Sun. MayOct. only). Info: 236-2889 or • Through SA (11/14) - Here and Now, a plein air landscape exhibit by John Mac Kah. • SA (10/31), 1-3pm - Painting demo by John Mac Kah. American Folk Art & Framing The gallery at 64 Biltmore Ave. is open daily, representing contemporary selftaught artists and regional pottery. Info: 281-2134 or • Through MO (11/30) - Oui-Oui Gallery: The theme for Nov. is “Dwellings.” Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. • Through SA (11/14) - Human Rites: the body and blood, contemporary Cherokee baskets by Luzene Hill will be on display in Highsmith University Union Gallery. • TH (10/29), 6-8pm - Art reception for Human Rites: the body and blood in Highsmith University Union Gallery. • Through TU (11/3) Conjuration, a photography exhibition by UNCA senior Jay Englebach, will be on display in Owen Hall, second floor gallery. • Through FR (10/30) Gathering Places, Cherokee Basket Weaving and the Environment will be on display in Blowers Gallery. • SU (11/1) through TU (11/24) - An exhibition of gum arabic and monotype prints by Monika Teal will be on display in Blowers Gallery. Info: • SU (11/1), 4-6pm - Opening reception for an exhibition by Monika Teal in Blowers Gallery. Art League of Henderson County

The ALHC meets and shows exhibits at the Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Hwy. (25N) in downtown Hendersonville. Info: 692-0575 or www. • Through TH (11/5) - An exhibit of works by Chloe Boehm and Bettye Paden will be on display in the Grace Etheredge Room. Art With a Purpose • Last FRIDAYS, 6-8pm - Mixed media art exhibit, fundraiser and domestic violence awareness event. Refreshments provided. At 32 Rosscraggon Road, in the Rosscraggon Business Park. Info: rchovey@sos. Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 1-5pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 6938504 or • Through SA (11/31) - To celebrate the Halloween season, the council presents an exhibition of puppets from the Eberle Puppet Players. • Through FR (11/20) - The juried and judged exhibit City of Four Seasons in Two Dimensions - Traditions: Henderson County will be on display. Asheville Area Arts Council The Asheville Area Arts Council (AAAC) is at 11 Biltmore Ave. Info: 2580710 or www.ashevillearts. com. • Through SU (11/1) - New work by Jeremy Graves, Grant Penny, Sharon Trammel and Vadim Bora. Asheville Gallery of Art A co-op gallery representing 28 regional artists located at 16 College St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5:30pm and Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: 2515796 or • Through SA (10/31) - The Colors of Country, a collection of oil paintings by Judy Rentner. • SU (11/1) through MO (11/30) - Diversity, a collection of mixed-media creations by Bill Weldner. Bella Vista Art Gallery Located in Biltmore Village, next to the parking lot of Rezaz’s restaurant. Open daily. Info: 768-0246 or • Through SA (10/31) New artist Patsy Gilbert and feature wall artist Nathaniel Galka. Black Mountain Center for the Arts Located in the renovated Old City Hall at 225 West

State St. in Black Mountain. Gallery Hours: Mon.-Wed. & Fri., 10am-5pm (closed Sat. during winter months). Info: 669-0930 or www. • Through FR (11/13) - The annual juried art show by the Appalachian Pastel Society will be on display in the Upper Gallery. BoBo Gallery Located at 22 Lexington Ave., Asheville. Info: 2543426. • Through TU (11/10) - Weighting, an exhibit of work by David Zaig. Curated by Ben Betsalel. Exhibits at the Turchin Center Appalachian State University’s Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is at 423 West King St. in Boone. Info: 262-3017 or www. • Through SA (1/16) - Plastic Flame Press, the exhibit presents a progression of designer Chris Williams’ work —- African Vailet: Olivia “Holly” Pendergast —- SAQA: 12 Voices, a traveling exhibit of the Studio Art Quilt Association. Grovewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road, Asheville. Info: 2537651 or www.grovewood. com. • Through SU (11/1) - New Works: Murals, a solo exhibition by Robert Crystal. In addition to the large murals, Crystal’s handmade, functional and decorative pottery will also be on display. • FR (10/30), 4-6pm - Closing reception for New Works: Murals, a solo exhibition by Robert Crystal. Held in Spotlight Gallery. Haen Gallery Located at 52 Biltmore Ave., downtown Asheville. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-6pm, Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., Noon5pm. Info: 254-8577 or • SA (10/24) through MO (11/30) - The Art of Photography, an exhibition of works by Kathryn Kolb. Haywood County Arts Council The HCAC sponsors a variety of art-related events in Waynesville and Haywood County. Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC’s Gallery 86 (86 North Main St.) in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 452-0593 or • WE (10/21) through SA (11/14) - Natural Perspectives, a photography exhibition by Vietnam Veteran George Schober.

info: 765-0520. Burnsville info: 682-7215. General info: • Through SA (11/7) - Fall Celebration of the Arts, a juried competition/invitational exhibit, will be on display at the TRAC Center. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 South Caldwell St. in Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4 pm. Info: 884-2787 or • Through FR (11/6) - Behind the Lens, an exhibition featuring Brevard area photographers Tom Nebbia, Sean Parrish and John Allen. Visual Art at ASU Exhibits take place at Appalachian State University’s Catherine J. Smith Gallery in Farthing Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Info: 262-7338. • Through MO (11/16) Extra Medium, an exhibit by Daniel Eatock. WCU Exhibits Unless otherwise noted, exhibits are held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Sat., 1-4pm. Suggested donation: $5 family/$3 person. Info: 227-2553 or www.fineartmuseum. • Through SA (12/5) - Worldviews, selections from the permanent collection and new acquisitions featuring works by regional, national and international artists. • TH (10/22) through SA (11/7) - School of Art & Design - Bachelor of Fine Arts Student Portfolio Exhibition.

More Art Exhibits & Openings Art at Ananda Hair Studio The salon, located at 22 Broadway, hosts rotating art exhibits. Info: 232-1017. • Through SA (11/14) - Architectural Dynamics, abstract paintings by local artist Joyce Cole will be on display. Art at Eclipse Salon Eclipse Salon is located at 16 Wall St. Info: 285-0019. • FR (10/30), 6-8pm - Closing reception for Memory Blocks, new work by Suzie Millions. Art at the N.C. Arboretum Works by members of the Asheville Quilt Guild and regional artists are on display daily in The Visitor Education Center. Info: 665-

2492 or www.ncarboretum. org. • Through SU (11/1) - H. Douglas Pratt and John C. Sill’s BIRDS: The Science of Illustration. The exhibit celebrates the art and science of birds. Blue Ridge Community College Info: • Through MO (11/9) - First Annual Art Faculty Exhibit at the Blue Ridge Conference Hall in the Technology Education and Development Center. Info: 694-1688. Carolina Nature Photographers Association Info: www.cnpa-asheville. org. • Through MO (11/2) - The fifth annual juried Southern Appalachian Flora, Fauna and Landscape group exhibit will be on display at the Pack Place gallery, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. • Through SU (11/15) Celebrating Nature Through Photography, images from the N.C. Arboretum and WNC will be on display at the N.C. Arboretum. Center For Craft, Creativity and Design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road. in Hendersonville. Info: 8902050 or • Through FR (12/11) - Different Tempers: Jewelry & Blacksmithing, an exhibit featuring the works of 14 nationally known metalsmiths. Center for Diversity Education The Center is on the UNCA campus, at 222 Zageir Hall. Info: 232-5024 or www. • Through FR (10/30) - Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln’s Journey to Emancipation, a national traveling exhibit will be on display at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Events at First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at 20 Oak St., Asheville. • WE (10/28) through MO (11/23) - Our Saints of God will be on display. f32 Photography Exhibit • TH (11/5) through MO (1/4) - An exhibit of fine photography by members of the f/32 Photography Group will be on display at Deerpark on the Biltmore Estate. Info: www.f32nc. com. The Healing Place Provides crisis intervention, support and counseling to victims of sexual assault and child abuse. Info: 692-

0495 or • TH (11/5), 5-8pm Opening of the first annual Sexual Abuse Survivor’s Art Show, hosted by Salon Blue Ridge Architectural Components, 518 S. Allen Rd., Flat Rock. The multidimensional display will feature the artwork and poetry of sexual violence abuse survivors.

Classes, Meetings & Arts-Related Events Attention Artists and Photographers! (pd.) Need your work Captured, Reproduced, or Printed? Digital Resolutions Group specializes in highquality large format digital photography, outstanding fine art reproduction and printing. (828) 670-5257 or visit www.ashevilledigital. com Odyssey Center For Ceramic Arts: 9 Week Winter Classes (pd.) Winter classes offered in wheelthrowing, handbuilding, and sculpture beginning January 11 • Great holiday present, gift certificates available • Registration: (828) 2850210 • Information: www. Art Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 2516432. • WE (11/4), 6:30pm - “From Constructivism to Pop: Avant-Garde Practices in Brazil, Britain and the U.S. Between the ‘50s and ‘60s,” with Dr. Michael Asbury of London’s Camberwell College. Held in Laurel Forum, Karpen Hall. Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 1-5pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 6938504 or • TH (10/29), 5:30-7:30pm - The Board of Directors of The Arts Council of Henderson County invites arts and cultural nonprofit organizations and businesses to attend a meeting and reception at the council. RSVP. Asheville NC Homecrafts • FRIDAYS, 5:30-7pm - Sit and Knit. Free sit and knit at the Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave., Suite 134. Info: 350-7556 or Events at Earth Fare South Located at 1856 Hendersonville Rd. Info: 210-0100. • WE (10/28), 5pm - Basic paper-making workshop for adults and children.

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Madison County Arts Council Exhibits Located at 90 S. Main St. in Marshall. Info: 649-1301. • Through SA (10/31) - Seeing Through the Eye of a Hummingbird, an exhibit of nature photography by Connie Toops will be on display in Mezzanine Gallery. Montreat College’s Hamilton Gallery Located on the mezzanine level of L. Nelson Bell Library on the campus of Montreat College. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am-4pm. Info: 669-8012 ext. 3641. • Through SA (10/31) - A solo exhibition by Jim Southerland will be on display. Odyssey Gallery Exhibits work by Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts instructors and residents. Located at 236 Clingman Ave. in Asheville’s River Arts District. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm; Sat., 10am6pm & Sun., Noon-6pm. Info: 285-0210 or www. • Through SA (10/31) - Figuratively Speaking, a group exhibition featuring the works of Anna Koloseike, Kat McIver, Fran Welch, Joanna Fireman, Adele Macy, Blue Fire MacMahon and Susan Musialowski. Push Skate Shop & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: 225-5509 or • Through TU (11/3) - The Arts of Darkness, a ghastly group show featuring the terrifying talents of local Asheville artists. Silver Fox Gallery Located at 508 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 698-0601 or • Through SA (10/31) - Fused with Fire, an exhibition of paintings by Sue Fazio, will be on display. The Bender Gallery Located at 57 Haywood St., Asheville. Hours: Mon.Thurs., 10am-5pm; Fri. & Sat., 10am-7pm; and Sun., Noon-5pm. Info: www. or 225-6625. • Through SA (10/31) Glass sculptures by Toland Sand. Toe River Arts Council The TRAC Center Gallery is at 269 Oak Ave. in Spruce Pine. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. The Burnsville TRAC Gallery is at 102 W. Main St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Spruce Pine

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828-236-2877 • • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 33

Learn the basic techniques of hand paper-making using corn husks and egg cartons. Suitable for kids ages 4 and up. $12 for one parent and one child. Registration required. Laurel Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America Holds monthly meetings and smaller groups dedicated to teaching different types of needlework. The chapter is also involved in numerous outreach projects. Guests are always welcome at meetings. Info: 654-9788 or • TH (11/5), 9:30am-Noon - Registration followed by a short business meeting and a program. Sue Osterberg will teach a beginner canvas project, a rice stitch pin cushion/ornament. Small kit fee. At Cummings United Methodist Church in Horse Shoe. Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League Classes are held at the studio, 999 W. Old Rt. 70, Black Mountain. Info: svfal. or www. • THURSDAYS, Noon-3pm - Experimental Art Group. Experimental learning and sharing water-media techniques and collage. $20 for four sessions or $6/session. • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm Open studio for figure drawing. Small fee for model. • MONDAYS, Noon-3pm - Open studio for portrait

painting. Small fee for model. • TUESDAYS (through 11/24) - Art with Lorelle Bacon. Adults 1-3pm and youth 3:30-5pm. All levels welcome. $15/class. Registration required. The Fine Arts League of the Carolinas Located at 362 Depot St. in the River Arts District. Info: 252-5050 or • FR (10/30), 5:308:30pm - Salon Friday: “Artoberfest.” Tim Williams will give a talk on “booze (and its consumption) in paintings throughout history.” The Wedge Brewery will offer wares. $5 suggested donation. WNC Fibers/Handweavers Guild The guild meets at the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. All are welcome. Info: 877-3033 or www. • SA (10/31), 10am - A business meeting will be followed by show-andtell and a program with Wendy Ross, who recently completed her Certificate of Excellence in weaving from Handweaver’s Guild of America.

Art/Craft Fairs Enka Martetplace • SA (10/31), 8am-1pm Enka Fine Arts Department’s first annual marketplace will be held in the Enka High Auditorium parking lot. Arts and crafts, vintage and rummage booths, 50/50 raffle, local produce and

live music. Space rental available. Info: 670-5000, ext. 402 or susan.stanley@ Finnegan’s Fabulous Flea Market • SA (10/31), 8am-1pm - Clean out the attic, empty out the basement, and sell your items at the market at Saint Joan of Arc Church, 768 Asbury Road, Candler. Or come browse. Fees for a space start at $10. Info: 777-6096 or 670-0051. Greenlife Grocery Arts Market Located at 70 Merrimon Ave. Info: 254-5440. • SATURDAYS, 11am-6pm - Browse the wares of local and regional artists on the grass at Greenlife Grocery.

Spoken & Written Word Attention WNC Mystery Writers WNC Mysterians Critique Group. For serious mystery/ suspense/thriller writers. Info: 712-5570 or • TH (11/5), 5:45pm - Meeting at the West Asheville Library on Haywood Road. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBRVIATIONS - Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738)

n EC = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n PM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750) • WE (10/28), 4pm School Age Book Club and a Haunted Library Costume Party for children ages 6-11. There will be spooky activities and snacks. WV. • Through FR (10/30) - Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln’s Journey to Emancipation will be on display. PM. • SA (10/31), 3-4:30pm - Teen Halloween Party, featuring games, ghost stories, and spooky fun for youth ages 11-18. Snacks provided. EA. • MO (11/2) through WE (11/25) - Submissions for an essay contest for kids ages 12-14, focusing on the theme “What Books Mean to Me,” will be accepted. The winner will receive a $50 prize. All entries must be submitted by 5pm on Nov. 11. BM.

34 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

• TU (11/3), 1pm - Sit and Knit: A casual needlework group for all skill levels. WV —- 7pm - Book Club: The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver. WV —- 7pm - Book Club: Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. EC. • WE (11/4), 11:30am Book Club: Beloved by Toni Morrison. WV —- 5-7pm - Library Knitters meet. SW —- 6-8pm - Library Knitters meet. SS. • TH (11/5), 6:30-8pm - “Harvesting: Journaling and Creative Writing,” a class with Veronica Fisher. NA —- 6:30pm - Book Club: Three Quarters of an Orange by Joanne Harris. EA —- 7pm - Book Club: North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. BM —- 7pm - Book Club: The World Made Straight by Ron Rash. SW. Events at Malaprop’s The bookstore and cafe at 55 Haywood St. hosts visiting authors for talks and book signings. Info: 2546734 or www.malaprops. com. • TH (10/29), 7pm - Steven Aimone will discuss his book Live & Learn: Expressive Drawing. • FR (10/30), 7pm - Larry Thacker will read from and sign copies of his book Mountain Mysteries: The Mystic Traditions of Appalachia. • SA (10/31), 7pm “Graveyard Book Party,” featuring a costume contest, a design-your-owntombstone contest, prizes and more.

• SU (11/1), 3pm - Poetrio: Poetry readings by Ed Madden, Judith Infante and Louis Jenkins. • MO (11/2), 7pm Barbara Kingsolver will read from her novel The Lacuna at the Asheville High School Auditorium, 419 McDowell St. For Accomplished Asheville Writers Seeking other serious writers for critique group. Mostly fiction and nonfiction. Info: 658-8217. • Alternate THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Group meets. Haywood County Public Library System The main branch is located at 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. The county system includes branches in Canton, Maggie Valley, Fines Creek and Cruso. Info: 452-5169 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - Ready 4 Learning. A story time designed for 4 and 5 year olds with a focus on kindergarten readiness. This story time runs Sept.-May. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Family story time for children of all ages. We will read books, sing songs, learn finger plays and more. • THURSDAYS, 11am - Movers & Shakers. This story time for active 2-3 year olds incorporates dance, physical activity, songs and age-appropriate books. • TUESDAYS, 11am - Family story time at the Fines Creek Branch Library. We will read books, tell sto-

ries, learn songs and finger plays, and do a simple craft. Info: 627-0146. • TUESDAYS, 11:15am - Family story time for children of all ages at the Canton Branch Library. We will read books, listen to songs, and learn finger plays. Info: 648-2924. Henderson County Public Library System Unless otherwise stated, all events take place in Kaplan Auditorium of the main branch library, located at 301 N. Washington St. in Hendersonville. The county system includes branches in Edneyville, Etowah, Fletcher and Green River. Info: 697-4725 or www. • TU (11/3), 4pm - Let’s Talk About It: A book discussion series focusing on Nine Parts of Desire by Geraldine Brooks. Literary Events at UNCA Events are free unless noted. Tickets & info: 2325000. • TH (10/29), 12:30pm - “The Black Cat and Other Music Inspired by the Works of Edgar Allan Poe,” a bicentennial celebration at Ramsey Library, special collection on the third floor. Info: 251-6636. • FR (10/30), 11:30am - Fabulous Fridays Lecture Series: “It’s Never Too Late to Write,” with Joan Medlicott, author of the Ladies of Covington series. Info: 251-6140. Osondu Booksellers

All events are held at Osondu, 184 North Main St., Waynesville, unless otherwise noted. Info: 4568062 or • TH (11/5), 6pm - Teacher’s Night Out. Haywood County teachers are invited to enjoy hors d’oeuvres, beverages and discounts. Plus, Dawn Cusick author of Bug Butts and Animal Tongues and local teacher Sally Hundley will give a presentation. Writers’ Workshop Events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 254-8111 or • SA (10/31), 10am-4pm “Publishing Your Poetry,” a class with Richard Krawiec.

Festivals & Gatherings Appalachian Ghost Stories • FR (10/30), 7pm Folklorist Charlotte Ross will tell Appalachian ghost stories over a bonfire on the Mars Hill College campus (behind the Wall, Ferguson and Wren Buildings). $5/$3 for hot cocoa. Proceeds benefit the Ramsey Center’s National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant. Info: 689-1571 or Brevard’s Halloweenfest • SA (10/31), 7:30am10pm - The festival will be held in downtown Brevard and will feature a blood drive, family activities, old-

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Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

time music competitions, a pumpkin carving and costume contest, the Flight of the Vampire 5K Race and more. Info: 883-4888, or “Castle in the Corn” Maze • Through SA (10/31) - The maze will feature 3 levels of difficulty, family attractions, a hay bale maze for toddlers and more. Open Fri., 4-9pm; Sat., 10am-9pm; and Sun., Noon-6pm. $8/$5 for kids ages 5-12. Info: www. • TH (10/29) through SA (10/31), 6-9pm - The haunted maze will be open. $10. • TH (10/29) - Beginning at 3pm Eliada will offer discounted admission to all students. Beginning at 6pm, there will be a haunted maze (no discount). Fletcher Halloween Carnival • SA (10/31), 3-5pm - Fletcher Parks and Rec. invites the whole family to the annual Halloween Carnival at Kate’s Park. Enjoy activities for children, games, a costume contest, prizes and more. Canned/ nonperishable foods are requested as a donation for Interfaith Ministries. Halloween Events at the Waynesville Rec. Center Located at 550 Vance St. Info: 456-2030 or recyouth@townofwaynesville. org. • FR (10/30), 7-10pm - “Terror Trail: Walk the horrifying trail and try to make it out alive!” Held at Vance Street Park. $3/Free with a donation of three canned goods. All goods will be donated to the Community Food Drive. Marshmallows provided. Harvest Festival & Dinner • WE (10/28), 5-7pm - This annual meal-sharing event will be held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville. Tickets for the free meal may be picked up at the church welcome desk from 9am-5pm, Mon.Thurs. Info: 693-4275. Harvest Gathering Music Festival • FR (10/30), 6-10pm, SA (10/31), Noon-10pm & SU (11/1), 1-10pm - The 10th annual festival celebrates music, art and alternative energy. Live music by Photoside Cafe, among others. Held in Pack Square. Free. Info:

The Spirits of Asheville Masquerade • SA (10/31), 8:30pm - Featuring the Feral Chihuahuas Sketch Comedy, burlesque from the Seduction Sideshow, sideshow antics from Royal Peasantry, feats of human magic and agility, a costume contest with prizes, local brew and a dance party. At the Haywood Park Hotel Grand Ballroom. $20. Info: 280-0107 or Transylvania Heritage Museum Located at 40 West Jordan St., Brevard. Info: 884-2347 or • FR & SA (10/30 & 31), 5pm & 6:30pm - Halloween tours of historic downtown Brevard. Hear a few Transylvania ghost stories along the way. Tours leave from the museum. $5. All proceeds support the museum. Reservations required: call or e-mail heritage@ • SA (10/31), 10am6pm - Heart of Brevard’s Halloweenfest. Special treats at the Transylvania Heritage Museum. Trick-or-Treat in Hendersonville • SA (10/31), 4:30-7:30pm - A costume contest and “monster mash” will be held at the Gazebo on Main St. Info: 697-2022.

Music African Drumming With Billy Zanski at Skinny Beats Drum Shop, 4 Eagle St., downtown Asheville. Drums provided. No experience necessary. Suggested donation $10 per class. Drop-ins welcome. Info: 768-2826. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginners. • SUNDAYS, 1-2pm - Intermediates —- 2-3pm - Beginners. Fifth Annual Perko Classic Marching Band Competition • SA (10/31), 4-9pm - The North Buncombe Blackhawk Band Boosters and the Town of Weaverville invite the public to the fifth annual John L. Perko Classic Marching Band Competition at North Buncombe High School. This year, 10 bands from three states will compete. $5/$4 students. Info: Halloween Concert

• SA (10/31), 8pm - Live folk-rock/country music will be performed by The Last Call at the Hazel Robinson Theater in Montford. Plus, additional live music and a costume contest. Free. Info: Haywood Community Chorus Membership is open to all interested singers; no auditions are required. Sponsored in part by The Junaluskans and the Haywood County Arts Council. Info: 452-4075 or 456-1020. • MONDAYS, 7pm Rehearsal at First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Mars Hill College Events Info: • SA (10/31), 3pm - “Silent Movie” presents The Phantom of the Opera featuring Vance Reese and MHC student percussionists and pianists. Held in Moore Auditorium. Music at Asheville Art Museum The museum is situated at 2 South Pack Square. Info: 253-3227. • SU (11/1), 3pm Pianoforte Series: Dr. Anna Hayward will perform piano works of J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Chopin. $5 members/$5 plus museum admission for nonmembers. Call to reserve seats. Music at Mars Hill College Info: 689-1239 or www. • SU (11/1), 4pm - A voice recital featuring Mary Kate Christian and Rachel Roberts will be performed in Broyhill Chapel. • MO (11/2), 7:30pm - An instrumental recital featuring Diana Palumbo will be held in Broyhill Chapel. Music at UNCA Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets & info: 232-5000. • SU (11/1), 4pm - The UNCA Jazz Band and the Studio 18 Vocal Jazz Ensemble will perform in concert. $5/Free for students. Info: 251-6432. Music at WCU • TH (10/29), 8pm - Fabolous with Lyfe Jennings at the Ramsey Center. Tickets & info: or 227-7677. Arena Seats: $16 general public/$10 students. Floor Seats: $20 general public/$15 students. Day of show: Arena seats: $16/Floor seats: $20. Smoky Mountain Brass Band A nonprofit musical organization that has been a part

of the Asheville community for more than 25 years. Info: 551-6839 or www. • SU (11/1), 3pm - The “SMBB Charity Concert” will be performed at Trinity United Methodist Church, 587 Haywood Road. The concert marks the beginning of the band’s 29th season. St. Matthias Musical Performances These classical music concerts take place at St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Asheville, 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 252-0643. • SU (11/1), 3pm Chamber orchestra concert featuring an overture by J.C. Bach, Mozart’s Symphony No. 8 and Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3. A free-will offering will be taken for the restoration of the historic church. WCU Musical Event • TH (10/29), 8pm - Mario Gaetano, professor of percussion at Western Carolina University, will present a recital of original works in the recital hall of the Coulter Building on the campus of WCU. Free. Info: 227-7242.

Theater A-B Tech Drama Club The club sponsors and produces a variety of productions, performances, workshops and lectures. Reservations & info: 2541921, ext. 890 or pcarver@ • THURSDAYS (10/22) through SATURDAYS (10/31) - Skeered??, an evening of ghost stories and hauntings with an Appalachian twist, will be performed at the Carriage House Theatre. All performances begin at 7:30pm, with a 2:30pm matinee only on Halloween. $3 A-B Tech students & staff/$5 area students/$10. Events at 35below This black box theater is located underneath Asheville Community Theatre at 35 Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or • FR & SA (10/30 & 31), 2:30pm - The Autumn Players Readers Group presents An Inspector Calls, written by J.B. Priestly and directed by Margaret Sticpewich. There will be a Nov. 1 performance at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Flat Rock Playhouse The State Theater of North Carolina is on Hwy. 225, 3 miles south of Hendersonville. Info: 6930731 or

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DECEMBER 11-13 For more information about both programs and to register: • 828-649-9408 • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 35

• WE (10/21) through SU (11/1) - The Woman in Black will be performed. Showings begin at 8:15pm Wed.-Sat., with 2:15pm matinees Thur.-Sun. $30, with discounts available. • WE (11/4) through SU (11/15) - Greater Tuna, a Southern-grown comedy about the town of Tuna, Texas. Showings begin at 8:15pm Wed.-Sat., with 2:15pm matinees Thur.-Sun. $30, discounts available. NC Stage Company Performances are at 33 Haywood St. (entrance on Walnut St., across from Zambra’s, in downtown Asheville). Info: 239-0263 or • WEDNESDAYS (10/21) through SUNDAYS (11/8) - The Beauty Queen of Leenane will be performed. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm with Sun. matinees at 2pm. Opening night is “pay what you can night,” $6 min. donation. Performances at Diana Wortham Theatre For ticket information or more details: 257-4530 or • TU & WE (10/27 & 28), 8-10pm - Circo Aereo on its first U.S. tour. Finland’s imaginative and inventive Circo Aereo brings its contemporary “New Circus” genre to Asheville. $35. Theater at UNCA • SU (11/1), 2:30pm - The Autumn Players Readers Group presents An Inspector Calls, written by J.B. Priestly and directed by Margaret Sticpewich, at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Theater at WCU Unless otherwise noted, all performances take place at the Fine & Performing Arts Center. Tickets & info: 227-2479 or http://fapac. • TH (10/29) through SA (10/31), 7:30pm & SU (11/1), 3pm - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This production of the WCU stage and screen department sets the Shakespeare classic in Depression-era Appalachia. $25/$20 seniors & WCU staff/$5 students.

Comedy Performances at Diana Wortham Theatre For ticket information or more details: 257-4530 or • FR (10/30), 8pm - The Queer Queens of Qomedy, an all-lesbian comedy show, featuring Karen Williams, Poppy Champlin

36 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

and Karen Ripley. $25. Halloween costume contest at intermission with cash prizes. Info:

Film Asheville International Children’s Film Festival The mission of the AICFF is to provide children and families with value affirming, culturally diverse cinema. Info: • MO (11/2) through FR (11/6), 9:30-11:30am Schools are invited to attend weekday screenings at the Cinebarre, Biltmore Square Mall. $5 includes popcorn and a drink. Movies at the Asheville Art Museum Located at 2 S. Pack Square. Showings are free with membership or museum admission. Info: 253-3227 or • TH (10/29), 7pm - Screening of Herb and Dorothy at the Fine Arts Theatre. About the collecting career of New Yorkers Herb and Dorothy Vogel, a postal clerk and librarian, who managed to build a very important art collection. $8/$10.

Dance Asheville Ballroom & Dance Centre • Learn to Dance! (pd.) Groups and Privates available. For more information call (828) 274-8320. www.ashevilleballroom. com Argentine Tango Dancers of all levels welcome. Info: • SATURDAYS, 7:30-10pm - Filo Milongas at 1155 Tunnel Rd. $5. • SUNDAYS (except 1st), 7-10pm - Practica at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road. • 1st SUNDAYS, 7-10pm Practica at the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave. Classes at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre Classes are by donation and on a drop-in basis. Classes are held at the New Studio of Dance, 20 Commerce St. in downtown Asheville. Info: or 254-2621. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Adult Modern. • TUESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Adult Ballet. Donation Classes at Asheville Dance Revolution Sponsored by The Cultural Development Group. At 63 Brook St. Info: 277-6777 or

ashevilledancerevolution@ • TUESDAYS, 8-9:15pm - Beginning/Intermediate Adult Jazz. • FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - Boys Dance Combo Class. This is for boys interested in dance. The class touches on all styles of dance for the male dancer —- 6-7:30pm - African dance with Sarah Yancey featuring live drumming. Open to all. $14. English Country & American Dance Dance to live music with a caller. A mixture of English Country and American dances that include vintage contras, sicilian circles, New England squares, circle mixers and waltzes. No partner necessary. Comfortable shoes and clothing. Beginners welcome. $6. Info: 230-8449. • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS, 3-5:30pm - Dance at the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave. Morris Dancing Learn English traditional Morris dances and become a member of one of three local teams as a dancer or musician. Music instruction provided to experienced musicians. Free. Info: 994-2094 or • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Women’s Garland practice held at Reid Center for Creative Art. Southern Lights SDC A nonprofit square-dance club. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Info: 625-9969 or 698-4530. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Class in Western-style square dancing at the Stoney Mountain Activity Center in Hendersonville. Studio Zahiya Classes Classes are held at Studio Zahiya, 41 Carolina Lane. $12 drop-in. $40 for four classes, with other discounts available. Info: 242-7595 or LisaZahiya@ • THURSDAYS, 5:306:30pm - Beginner belly dance for youth ages 12-16 —- 6:30-7:30pm - Bhangra! East Indian highenergy dance. • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginner belly dance —- 7:10-8:10pm - Drills and skills. Swing Asheville Info: www.swingasheville. com, 301-7629 or dance@ • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginner swing dance lessons in the Lindy Hop style. $10 per person per week for four weeks. No partner nec-

essary. Let your inner dancer out. At Eleven on Grove, 11 Grove St. in downtown Asheville. Classes start the first Tuesday of the month.

Auditions & Call to Artists Annual Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest Have your holiday-themed artwork appear in color inside one of Xpress’ holiday guides (Dec. 2, 9 & 16) and/or be on display at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s downtown studio in Dec. Info: • Through FR (11/20) - Create holiday-inspired art within a squarish space (9.5” H x 10/25” W) and keep the colors bright. Include name, address, phone, age (if under 18) and parent or guardian’s name (if applicable) with submission. Send or hand deliver art to: 2 Wall St., Asheville, N.C., 28801. Asheville Community Theatre All performances are at 35 East Walnut St. Info & reservations: 254-1320 or www. • SU & MO (11/1 & 2), 79pm - Auditions for The Big Bang. Seeking two males. Bring a 16-bar musical piece and sheet music for the accompanist. Audition for 69 Love Songs Concert • SU (11/1) & TU (11/3) - Auditions to be held for concert covering 69 Love Songs by The Magnetic Fields in February at the Grey Eagle. E-mail for more info and to secure an audition slot: challgray@yahoo. com. HOPE • Through FR (10/30) - Call to all artists: Create art from recycled or reused materials on the theme “Hope that we can unite Asheville to comprehensively address homelessness.” Info: or 255-5164.

CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365

newsoftheweird Lead story Recent Precision-Tuning of the Fruitfly Brain: (1) Scientists at England’s University of Oxford know how to make fruitflies scared of things they weren’t scared of previously -- by implanting artificial memories in their brains after somehow locating and managing the precise 12 neurons that enable the flies to learn things. The implanted “danger” (the smell of sweat-soaked athletic shoes) causes the flies to scatter at the first whiff. (2) Scientists at the University of Toronto know how to make fruitflies sexually attractive to flies of both sexes and to different fly species -- by removing the specific hydrocarbon brain cells that produce the pheromones thought to attract sex-specific mates. (Only the choice of partners was modified and not horniness level.)

Government in Action

• Small-Town Mayors: (1) For three weeks in September, budget-conscious Mayor Sallie Peake of Wellford, S.C., barred the police from chasing perpetrators of crimes in progress, even if officers drove at the speed limit. Officers were instructed, instead, to arrest suspects later in their homes. (The mayor, under siege, rescinded the policy on Sept. 24.) (2) Mayor Stu Rasmussen, 61, of Silverton, Ore., elected last year even though he dresses openly as a woman, drew criticism from officials of a community group in July when he addressed students while wearing a miniskirt and a swimsuit top. Critics suggested he should dress at least in “professional” women’s clothes when speaking to youth groups. • New York City, which is sued more than 1,000 times a year, has a policy of settling some lawsuits quickly to avoid the risk of expensive judgments. The New York Daily News reported in October that more than 20 lawsuits, going back several years, were filed by members of the East 21st Street Crew (a well-known Brooklyn gang notorious for selling crack cocaine), and that the city has settled every time, paying out more than

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$500,000. The “civil rights” lawsuits were over possibly illegal searches and for criminal charges that the city later dismissed.

Great Art!

• Worth Every Dollar: (1) New Zealand’s Waikato National Contemporary Art Award in September (worth the equivalent of US$11,000) went to Dane Mitchell, whose entry consisted merely of discarded packaging materials from all the other exhibits vying for the prize. Mitchell called his pile “Collateral.” (Announcement of the winner was poorly received by the other contestants.) (2) At a Christie’s auction in September in New York City, London artist Gavin Turk’s empty, nondescript cardboard box (the size of an ordinary moving-company box) sold for $16,000. (Actually, it was a sculpture designed to look exactly like an empty, nondescript cardboard box.) • Britain’s Clumsiest Art Patron: On the opening day of a Tate Modern gallery exhibit in London on Oct. 14, 12,500 visitors examined Polish artist Miroslaw Balka’s installation of a 100-by-42-by-32-foot box that is pitch black inside, lined with light-absorbing material. However, only one of the patrons managed to bump hard enough into a wall of the container to draw blood.

Police Report

• Sensitive! (1) St. Paul, Minn., police were called to the 1300 block of Desoto Street in July by a 43-year-old man, who demanded that a report be filed because he had found a slice of half-eaten pizza near his fence and thought it represented someone’s intent to “harass” him. (2) A 56-year-old man was cited by police in Carlisle, Pa., in September after a complaint from neighbor Brian Taylor, 43, who swore that the man had flicked a toothpick onto the sidewalk in front of

Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

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Taylor’s home just to “annoy” him. • A nine-hour, 16-officer search of the home of alleged drug kingpin Michael Difalco, near Lakeland, Fla., in March, apparently was not exciting enough. Surveillance video (from Difalco’s security system) released by police in September showed that the easily distracted officers also took time out to play spirited frames of bowling on Difalco’s Wii game. Since the detectives were unaware of the camera, they uninhibitedly pumped their fists and shouted gleefully with every strike. Police supervisors acknowledged the unprofessional behavior but said the search nonetheless was productive.

Halloween Drea ms Come True Where Plan Your


night here... Women’s & Men’s costumes just arrived! (Love Bug Costume pictured here)

Fetishes on Parade

In September in Truro, England, David Truscott, 40, was sentenced to four months in jail for repeatedly trespassing on the farm of Clive Roth by playing in the farm’s manurespreader while wearing only his underwear (and, curiously, rubber gloves). Truscott told the court that he had a sexual fetish for manure. Three weeks earlier, Gary Moody, 49, was charged in federal court in Portland, Maine, with lingering inside a pit toilet in the White Mountain National Forest. He admitted to having “an outhouse problem.” Moody was not caught in the act, but because he had pleaded no contest to a similar incident in 2005, he was a prime suspect and eventually confessed.

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Least Competent Criminals

Daniel Taylor Jr., 33, was arrested in Elizabethton, Tenn., in September following a domestic disturbance complaint against a neighbor. A sheriff’s deputy had gone to Taylor’s house by mistake, wrongly thinking it was the source of the complaint, but Taylor immediately surrendered to the deputy anyway, and turned around to be handcuffed. When the deputy inquired why Taylor thought he should be arrested, Taylor said he assumed the deputy had come to arrest him for violating probation on earlier charges. The deputy took Taylor to the station before resuming the domestic disturbance call. X

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299-1145 • • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 37


parenting from the edge by Anne Fitten Glenn

Have a green(ish) Halloween Witches and goblins and ghouls, oh my. Costumes and candy and kids, oh my. The spine-tingling thrill of watching people wandering around dressed up as monsters and villains makes me happy. What makes me less tingly is the rampant consumerism around Halloween. Last year’s pagan holiday spending was predicted to top $5.7 billion, according to the National Retail Foundation. And that was during a recession. While Halloween might be a bright spot for retailers, I personally would like to see more fun for less money and less disposable stuff, such as candy wrappers. Halloween celebrants spend their cash on costumes, candy, decorations and greeting cards, in that order, says the NRF. I had no clue that people send Halloween greeting cards. Do they say, “Have a terrifying day”? or, “I hope you’re eaten by a werewolf tonight”? If the ancient Celts could see what we’ve done with their Samhain, they’d be pissed. In honor of full disclosure, I admit to having already purchased a couple bags of uber-

wrapped, corn-syrup-infused sweets. As we live on the edge of respectability (behind Kimberly Ave.), we tend to attract massive numbers of trick or treaters. While many costumed superheroes are bold enough to wander off the beaten track and into my hood, they’ve probably been warned by their parents not to accept treats that aren’t wrapped and sterilized. Although, I must say, it’s illogical to think a treat created in a factory is better for kids than one made in a neighbor’s kitchen. The recent number and frequency of food product recalls suggest that there’s a higher probability of finding rat poop in a candy bar than a razor blade in a homemade brownie. So, what’s a wannabe-green mom to do? Some moms in Seattle started a Green Halloween movement in 2007 ( Now Green Halloween is a registered nonprofit complete with corporate sponsors such as Whole Foods Market and satellite groups around the country. On their Web site, the Green Halloween moms offer ideas for healthy treats and treasures (non-food items) instead of the more

typical Halloween offerings. Usually nonfood treats are plastic junk, but the Green Halloween folks recommend “gifts” such as beads, soap, adhesive bandages and acorns. Yes, acorns. The Green Halloweeners admit that some children might be disappointed by the treat of an acorn. Really? Give a kid something he can pick up off the ground himself, and he might be bummed out? Seems to me that’s more of a trick than a treat. If you don’t live under an oak tree, these folks recommend healthy food items such as fruit leather, honey sticks or organic juice boxes. Of course, this stuff still tends to be individually wrapped and produces trash. Plus, can we talk expensive? Can you afford to buy 300 organic juice boxes to give out on Halloween? I can’t. Or at least I won’t. So what’s the answer when it comes to greening treats for trick-or-treaters? Perhaps we should make treats to give to the kids we know (if we recognize them) and add a note saying, “From the Jones family — safe, but from a kitchen that uses nuts.” Then give all the other kids acorns. Now, let’s discuss greening costumes and

decorations. Did you or anyone you know ever buy a Halloween get-up when you were a kid? If the answer is “No,” you’re probably my age or older. Yeah, I sound like a cranky old witch, but we always made our costumes or created them from whatever we could round up in the attic (with help from Mom). The same went for decorations. When I was a kid, our only Halloween extravagance was badly-carved pumpkins (my Dad’s good at lots of stuff, but using a knife to cut patterns on large gourds isn’t high on the list). Thus, an easy way to be greener this Halloween is to make or find our own costumes and those of our kids. Good doggies for purchasing costumes second-hand or from consignment stores as well. Let’s get creative with decorations too — make them with stuff already around the house — use twine to build a huge spider web and make spiders from painted egg cartons with pipe cleaners jammed through them. You can even grow your own pumpkins. And if you have good ideas for decreasing the candy wrapper refuse, let me know. X

Anne Fitten “Edgy Mama” Glenn writes about a number of subjects, including parenting, at Calendar for October 28 - November 5, 2009 Attention Parents (pd.) Do you have children who struggle learning to control their emotions or behavior? Children who don’t seem to pay attention in school? • We invite you to hear about a new technology that’s making it possible to train children (or adults) to be more attentive, more productive and more in control, by simply playing a video game. • This technology (called Neurofeedback) is being employed in schools, clinics, by NASA, in the Olympics and in World Cup trainings and can help your child create lasting change. Call (828) 281-2299, for more info or our schedule of

upcoming public seminars, ask for Dr Ellis. Focus Centers of Asheville. Crisis Counseling • Multicultural/ Diverse Lifestyles (pd.) • Teens • Young Adults/Adults • Eclectic/ diverse therapy: Cognitive-Behavioral, Equine, Afrocentric, Parent Coordination/Mediation. • Tracy Keene, LPC, 828-318-3991, tracy@KeeneCounseling. com • 13 1/2 Eagle Street, Suite P, Asheville, 28801. Birth and Parenting Circle • TH (10/29), 7-8pm - Peaceful Beginning Forum/ Birth Circle focusing on normal birth entitled “The Need for Continuous Labor Support.” Speakers and discussion. At the Women’s Wellness Center, 24

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38 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Arlington St., Asheville. Free. Info: Odyssey Community School Open House • TH (11/5), 6:30-8pm - Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St. in Montford, offers preschool through high school. Tour the campus and classrooms, meet teachers and parents, and talk with the Executive Director. Toddler Fun A free group that provides an opportunity for parents to have some structured fun with their toddlers including 45 minutes of songs, stories, finger-plays, parachute play and more. To register: 213-8098 or

• TUESDAYS, 9:30am-10:15am - Toddler Fun. At the Reuter YMCA in the Mission Hospitals Room. Call 213-8098 to register.


Check out the Parenting Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after November 5.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365


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Benefits Calendar for October 28 November 5, 2009 Asheville Affiliates Fundraisers This group of young professionals holds fundraisers for nonprofits in Buncombe County. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine and a raffle. Admission is $20 with RSVP/$25 at the door. Info: • TH (11/5), 6:30-9pm - Go Public!, the annual Asheville City Schools Foundation fundraiser, will be held at the DoubleTree Biltmore Hotel. The Asheville Horns will perform. Come out and support public education. RSVP: Benefit for Asheville Prison Books • FR (10/30), 7-9pm - Musical group A Little Rain, a three-piece string band, will perform original songs at the Asheville Unitarian Universalist Church at 1 Edwin Place. Admission is a book for prisoners or monetary donation. Benefits for Eliada Info: • Through SA (10/31) - “The Castle in the Corn” maze will feature 3 levels of difficulty, family attractions, a hay bale maze for toddlers and more. Open Fri., 49pm; Sat., 10am-9pm; and Sun., Noon-6pm. $8/$5 for kids ages 5-12. Info: • TH (10/29) through SA (10/31), 6-9pm - The haunted maze will be open. $10. • TH (10/29) - Beginning at 3pm Eliada will offer discounted admission to all students. Beginning at 6pm, there will be a haunted maze (no discount). Dark Wood Hollow Haunted Trail • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (through 10/31), dark-Midnight - The trail is located at I-26, exit 5 Campobello, 875 Christopher Road. $10 admission. Proceeds will go to benefit the operations fund of the

American Red Cross, Polk County. Info: 289-4191 or 894-2700. Finnegan’s Fabulous Flea Market • SA (10/31), 8am-1pm - Crafts, household items, some rare and unusual items and candy for children who show up in costume. The money made from the flea market will benefit the building fund and Loving Food Resources. Haywood County Arts Council’s FUNd Party Series Pick up a FUNd Party book at 86 N. Main St. in Waynesville or call 452-0593 for details on events and reservations. Proceeds benefit the Haywood County Arts Council. • SU (11/8), 5pm - “Cooking With Josh: Pastas From Scratch.” Cook with Chef Josh Monroe of The Chef’s Table, located at 20 Church St., Waynesville. Register by Oct. 30. Life o’ Mike A health-care advocacy and education group. Info:, or 2436712. • SU (11/1), 4-6pm - Eat at Mike’s, a potluck dinner cooked by area chefs, plus an auction. At Jubilee!, 46 Wall St., Asheville. $25/$40 for dinner, auction and T-shirt. Call or e-mail for reservations. All proceeds benefit Life o’ Mike. Power of Pink • SA (10/31) - A three-race event — the 20-mile Pink Relay for Women, the Pink 4-Miler and the Bubble Gum Fun Run — in Haywood County that funds mammograms and follow-up testing for women in the county who cannot afford them. Info: www.haymed. org/foundation. Read O’Rama Fundraiser Celebration • FR (10/30) - To celebrate the conclusion of Read O’Rama, Estes Elementary will have a huge ice cream

sundae built, which all 790 students will take part in eating. Info: 654-1795. Upstairs Artspace Contemporary nonprofit gallery at 49 S. Trade St. in Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: 859-2828 or • FR (10/30) through SA (11/7) - Fourth annual Silent Art Auction. Final bidding is at 5pm on the last day, followed by a “live” auction of carefully selected art led by auctioneer Bill Jones. Used Cell Phone Drive • Through SA (10/31) - Collection boxes at the Lakeview Senior Center, Carver Community Center, Black Mountain Town Hall and the Chamber of Commerce. Through Cellular Recycler, used cell phones will be recycled and 90% of what each phone is worth will go to Lakeview Senior Center programs. Info: 669-8610. WNC AIDS Project Info: or 252-7489. • SA (10/31) - The annual Raise Your Hand auction and dinner will be held at Deerpark Restaurant on the Biltmore Estate. This year’s theme: “The Candelabra Ball.” Help WNCAP continue to help those living with HIV/AIDS.


Check out the Benefits Calendar online at for info on events happening after November 5.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

and Champagne Bar two floors of used & new books …and one floor of wines, beers & champagnes dog-friendly patio Downtown, across from north entrance of the Grove Arcade 1 Battle Square, Asheville, NC 28801

(828) 252-0020 exchanging books and wine daily • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 39


environmental news by Margaret Williams

Weatherization report: Chance of aid for middle-class homeowners by Margaret Williams Builders are always happy to construct million-dollar “green” mansions for the wealthy, and the government is already helping low-income families with weatherization projects, but what are middle-class homeowners and renters to do if they want to go green? It’s too early to say for certain, but there’s a ray of promise in a document recently released by the White House Council on Environmental Quality: the “Recovery Through Retrofit” report. A product of Vice President Joe Biden’s Middle Class Task Force project, the document cites barriers to getting more middle-class homes retrofitted for energy efficiency, including shortages of “straightforward and reliable information,” financing for the upfront costs, and “enough skilled workers and green entrepreneurs to expand weatherization and efficiency retrofit programs on a national scale.” The report also outlines some ways to break down these barriers: creating some national standards for training the workforce needed to retrofit the almost 130 million homes in America, helping establish better funding mechanisms to help defray the upfront costs, and setting up an energy-performance label for existing homes, modeled on the Energy Star program already in place for new homes and appliances. The Asheville area appears to be ahead of the curve on all but the financing problem, say three local experts queried by Xpress. “The economic end is where we hurt,” says Steve Linton, director of sustainable technologies for Deltec Homes. Currently, there are some federal and state tax incentives, as well as a cashrebate program offered by local electricity provider Progress Energy, but homeowners and renters still face relatively large upfront investments should they wish to install a solar hot-water heater, insulate their attics or seal a crawlspace, he explains. While there are existing programs that help lowincome families, for the middle-class, “there’s just not much there.” He points out that a good time to retrofit an

existing home is when ownership changes. The costs of the retrofit can be included in the new mortgage and thus financed over a longer period. The city of Milwaukee, Wis., partnered with area utilities and private investors to set up Me2, a program that aims to retrofit every home built before 1960 in the municipality. They do it by charging a small monthly fee on utility bills that amounts to less than the estimated energy-cost savings each homeowner will get through the improvements — and can be transferred to the next property owner, says Torin Kexel, the energy-team coordinator for Asheville Green Opportunities. Kexel, a Milwaukee native, helps train disadvantaged youth and young adults in weatherization and energy-efficiency work. The Milwaukee program “is the kind of thing that could happen in other towns, under Biden’s proposals,” Kexel continues. While GO’s focus has been in helping low-income families, Kexel says it’s time to expand the work. Retrofitting homes for energy efficiency has to encompass all income levels. As the federal report points out, those 130 million existing homes in America — if retrofitted for efficiency — could reduce “energy use by up to 40 percent per home and lower associated greenhouse gas emissions by up to 160 million metric tons annually by the year 2020,” the report estimates. It could also boost the economy, such as creating jobs in weatherization. Says Kexel, “The idea is that you’re reducing energy costs and training weatherization crews at the same time.” But the training programs and retrofit projects, whether created on a national level or built from the grassroots, like GO, have to put safety first, Kexel cautions. Building Analyst Marcus Renner agrees, explaining, “You can’t just take a tube of caulk and start sealing things up. You have to have a good idea of how the system works.” That is, you can seal a crawl space, caulk leaky windows and such, but the do-it-yourselfer and the trained crew alike have to keep in mind that “tightening the envelope” can trap moisture and lead to mold problems

Let the caulking begin? The middle-class needs some help with weatherization and energyefficiency projects, such as the caulking undertaken here by a Warren Wilson College student participating in the INSULATE! program that assists low-income families. photo courtesy WWC

— or keep combustion-based appliances from drawing the fresh air needed for them to function. He and Kexel both voice concern that a beefedup national program could increase the number of fly-by-night operators who are out to make a buck and not concerned with health and safety. Says Kexel, “It has to be done right.” Still, every building can be made more energy efficient, from fixing the “low-hanging fruit” (the easy stuff, like switching to compact-fluorescent light bulbs or placing a “sweep” at the bottom of a drafty door). Even in newer homes, “The numberone energy loss in a home is from air leaks,” says Renner. He’s hoping the retrofit-report’s recommendations lead to funding and opportunities for more costly improvements. Locally, he points out, GO, Progress Energy and the nonprofit agency Community Action Opportunities have been providing grants and other funds for a number of weatherization projects that target low-income

households. The next step is moving up to middle-income households, he continues. And despite the current economic challenges, “This is the best time in history to implement energy-efficiency measures.” • Friday, Nov. 6 through Sunday, Nov. 8, North Carolina is sponsoring a tax-free holiday on your purchase of certain energy-efficient appliances, from refrigerators to heat pumps. And a rebate program is planned for a four-day period centered on Earth Day in April 2010. For more information, go to www.energync. net/resources/docs/press/10152009.pdf. • To read the full Retrofit Through Recovery report, go to • To learn more about Progress Energy’s Home Energy Improvement Program, which gives cash rebates, call (866) 990-4347 or go to X Send your environmental news to mvwilliams@ or call 251-1333, ext. 152.

F R E E H O M E E N E R GY A S S E S S M E N T Learn how solar hot water can reduce your energy by 40%

To Learn More Call Today 40 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •


Eco Calendar for October 28 - November 5, 2009 Asheville GreenWorks Our area’s Keep America Beautiful affiliate, working to clean and green the community through environmental volunteer projects. Info: 254-1776, or • TUESDAYS (through 11/24), Noon - Lunchtime Litter Walks. Meet at Pritchard Park. We’ll choose a new route each time to pick up litter for a one-hour period. Supplies are provided. Call or e-mail City Seeks Participation in Recycling Contest • Through SA (10/31) - The City of Asheville is participating in the “Cans for Cash City Recycling Challenge,â€? competing with cities of the same size for up to $5,000 in awards. Help the city win by recycling aluminum cans in bins and at the recycling drop-off centers. Info: 251-1122 or www.ashevillenc. gov/sanitation. ECO Events The Environmental and Conservation Organization is dedicated to preserving the natural heritage of Henderson County and the mountain region as an effective voice of the environment. Located at 121 Third Ave. West, Hendersonville. Info: 692-0385 or • TH (11/5) - Walk Wise, Drive Smart. Enjoy an urban walk in Hendersonville. Info: 457-6166 Pisgah Center for Wildlife Located in Pisgah National Forest, 10 miles from Brevard off of US Hwy. 276 N. Programs are free, but registration is required. Info: 877-4423 or www. • TU (11/3), 9-11am - Nature Nuts: Opossums. Learn about this amazing nocturnal creature. For ages 4-7.

• TU (11/3) through TH (11/5), 6-9:30pm - Hunter Safety Education Course. This course covers hunter responsibility, wildlife conservation, firearms, survival, first aid and more. Bring a pen or pencil. • WE (11/4), 9am-4pm - Project WILD Workshop: A wildlife-based education program that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and other natural resources. Open to all interested educators, schoolteachers, park and nature center personnel and scout leaders. For ages 18 and up. Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy The mission of the SAHC is to protect the world’s oldest mountains for the benefit of present and future generations. Info: 253-0095 or • WE (11/4), 6-8pm - Celebrate SAHC membership party at Barley’s Taproom in Asheville. Complimentary pizza and beer for members. Plus, music and raffles. RSVP by Oct. 28 to WNC Alliance Members of the WNC Alliance and the public are invited to be agents of change for the environment. Info: 258-8737 or • 1st MONDAYS, 5pm - Meeting for Ashe, Avery and Watauga members and the public. Be agents of change for the Watauga River Watershed. Info: 9638682.


Check out the Eco Calendar online at for info on events happening after November 5.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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Silver Armadillo is a unique shop featuring a wide variety of handmade silver jewelry, beads, rocks, fossils and craft supplies. We are a familyowned business that has served the area for 26 years. You’ll find everything from anvils for your silversmithing to zeolites for your mineral collection. Need a shark tooth, we got it. Sage and incense, or a crystal ball or maybe a pendulum? We’ve got those too. Our knowledgeable staff can identify your rocks or help you with your beading project. Check us out at Westgate, where there’s plenty of free parking. We are open every day.

See you soon!

Westgate Shopping Center • Asheville 253-3020 • • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 41


the straight dish

An underground food tradition Buried cabbage season begins

photos by hanna rachel raskin

by Hanna Rachel Raskin

a new location has sprouted! 45 South French Broad Avenue at the Downtown Market Fri. - 11-7, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 10-5

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Black Mountain • 3018 US 70 • (828) 669-8988 Asheville • 121 Sweeten Creek Road • (828) 277-0805 42 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Like most homegrown cuisines, Appalachian cookery is rife with makeshift techniques and food-stretching ingenuity. But for pure resourcefulness, no mountain dish can match buried cabbage, an underground delicacy for which the preservation period starts this month. The recipe for buried cabbage sounds like the punch line to a “How poor was he?” joke: In the pre-refrigeration high country, folks who couldn’t dig a proper root cellar discovered they could skip the fancy cellar-building step and stick their cabbages directly in the dirt. The mountaineers apparently had the last laugh, producing sweet heads of cabbage that tasted crisper and fresher than any of the vegetables they canned for the winter. Mitchell County cabbage grower Ronnie Sparks, whose produce is fervently sought by elderly locals who persist in burying cabbage every fall, claims buried cabbage is “better than any other cabbage you’ve ever had.” Sparks annually grows two acres of Rio Verde cabbage, one of only two cabbage varieties he says can survive hibernation. According to Sparks, grocery-store cabbage rots underground. “Those little old things are so tough you can’t chew them,” Sparks spits. “Rio Verde and Danish Ballhead, that’s the only two kind you can keep.” Kept correctly, Sparks adds, buried cabbage is delicious fried, boiled or chopped up for

slaw. “I make slaw,” Sparks says. “That’s what I like. Slaw.” According to Appalachian food authority Sheri Castle, author of the forthcoming The New Southern Garden Cookbook (University of North Carolina Press, 2011), Blue Ridge dwellers had two favored ways of burying cabbages. There was the aboveground school of buried cabbage, which called for submerging cabbage heads in mounds of soft hay. A variation on that strategy showed up in a Nov. 25, 1908, edition of The Winchester (Ky.) News: The author of the paper’s “Farm and Home” column advised readers to stack their cabbages and then “get good corn fodder and place it around the dome of cabbage, tying it at the top the same as a shock of corn.” Far more popular was the belowground solution, which called for practitioners to scrape out a shallow trench of earth, dipping just below the frost line, and then nestle cabbages — still wearing their roots — beneath an insulating layer of soil. Many buriers would align their trench with the side of a barn so they could find it in the spring, Castle explains. “You bury them like pearls on a necklace,” Castle says. “They’re always buried upsidedown, so dirt won’t get in the leaves. What happens is, the cabbage does dry a little bit on the outside, but the inner core is wonderfully sweet. “It’s a concentrated sweetness, like dried

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44 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

apricots,” she adds. “Just an intense cabbage flavor.” Buried cabbage can be dug up the day after it goes in the ground, or left untouched till spring. Castle theorizes the cabbage’s crunch was an especially welcome sensation in deepest winter, when meals became dreary with mushy canned beans, well-stewed squirrel and squishy corn puddings. “In my opinion, this was done out of necessity, to have something vaguely resembling fresh vegetables,” Castle says. Not surprisingly, mountain homesteaders subjected other foodstuffs to the burial test, experimenting with what might happen to, say, a turnip left under ground. The results were unimpressive: Most vegetables wilted and rotted when left untended. Cabbage had the advantage of tough, protective outer leaves (which typically turn yellow and brittle while buried), and — perhaps more importantly — ubiquity. Cabbage was a plentiful crop throughout Appalachia, Castle says. “It’s in my DNA to love cabbage,” says Castle. “I’m descended from cabbage farmers. I just love cabbage.” Castle is particularly infatuated with buried cabbage, a delicacy she fears could be endangered. The advent of modern food technologies, including flash-freezing, large-

ly wiped out homespun preservation techniques. The notion of burying one’s food for seasonal safekeeping strikes most contemporary eaters as old-fashioned and odd. But cooks who grew up burying their cabbages — colloquially known as “holing it up” — have been understandably slow to abandon what they consider a delicious tradition. As soon as Sparks starts pulling his cabbages, typically in mid-October, a decent number of Mitchell Countians begin preparing their burial grounds. “Old-timers are still doing it,” Castle confirms. For Castle, few foods better encapsulate Appalachian kitchen wisdom than buried cabbage, a dish that blends available ingredients and preservation smarts to delectable effect. “The people that live in the Blue Ridge are masters of food preservation,” Castle says. “They figured out if they buried this cabbage, it would keep through the winter, and it really does. If you could think of one distinguishing characteristic of Appalachian food, it’s that they know how to make it last.” X Food writer Hanna Raskin can be reached at


Halloween is our

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50 Broadway • Asheville, NC 236-9800 • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 45


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photo by Jonathan Welch

ASHEVILLE ALE HOUSE: With the sort of scrappiness from which sports movies are made, Asheville Ale House this fall opened in the shadow of the behemoth Wild Wing Café, the two-story franchise outlet that’s become many sports fans’ game-day destination. Owner Nate Feilich claims the competition doesn’t worry him: “Wild Wings is a great place, but we feel like it’s more of a party bar or a wings place,” he explains. “We’re one of the only true sports bars in Asheville.” Feilich defines a “true sports bar” by its televisions, and Asheville Ale House has plenty: The walls are lined with 19 42-inch plasma TVs, arranged so diners can cozy up to the screen of their choice. The bar’s also remarkably responsive to requests for certain channels; unlike corporate-owned chains, Feilich says, Asheville Ale House doesn’t need to clear its game choices with a home office. “If someone wants something and we can do it for them, we will,” says Feilich, citing the story of a displaced Nittany Lion who wanted to watch the Penn State game. When Feilich discovered the bar hadn’t yet ordered the Big Ten cable package needed to show it, he “got on the phone and got it right away.” Feilich is equally excited about the edible offerings at the Ale House. The pub grubleaning menu, featuring nachos, sandwiches and fried oreos for dessert, was created by former Grove Park Inn chef Mike Espey, who helms the kitchen.

“We have great food items,” Feilich says. Asheville Ale House, 144 Biltmore Ave., is open seven days a week, 11 a.m.-2 a.m. and serves its full menu until closing time. To learn more, call 251-1153. REZAZ: In a pizza-rich town, east Asheville pines for more high-quality pies. That could change when Reza Setayesh opens his next eatery in the Reynolds Village storefront last occupied by Harvest Restaurant. Rezaz owner Setayesh is planning to debut his family-style eatery, featuring brick-oven pizzas and pastas, in mid-November. Rezaz Manager Michran David promises more information about the restaurant — including a menu, hours, and phone number — will be available next month. RAZCAL’S: An east Asheville sports bar that radically revamped its menu recently is changing its name to reflect the restaurant’s newfound culinary seriousness. Razcal’s, 831 Old Fairview Road, this week becomes the Old Fairview Southern Kitchen, marking its name change with a Nov. 7 celebration featuring live music and a full menu served till 11 p.m. The new lineup, developed by chef Josh Lawton, includes “classic Southern staples from Carolina shrimp fritters to mushroom-sausage strudel to fried chicken to venison meatloaf — all completely from scratch,” Manager Erin Walker writes. For more information, call 277-7117.

Send your food news to

46 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

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585 TUNNEL RD. ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 828-298-9600 WWW.PRESTIGESUBARU.COM THE #1 SUBARU DEALER IN THE SOUTHEAST!* *Based on 2008 Sales Reports from SOA. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 47

arts&entertainment Spooktacular!


Haunted happenings for all ages

Playing dress up Halloween costumes from downtown Asheville

LaZoom brings the doom: “To hell with the hayride” — try a haunted tour of Asheville’s River Arts District instead.

by Alli Marshall Dress up or just slap on a mask, grab your biggest trick-or-treat bag and head out — there are entertainment options for every age and persuasion of Halloween-celebrating ghost, goblin or fairy princess. Xpress tracked down four days’ worth of plays, parties, bike rides, concerts, tours, carnivals, family-friendly gatherings and adult-specific indulgences. Start noshing on that candy corn — you’ll need the sustenance.

Wednesday, Oct. 28 • N.C. Stage calls its current show “a sophisticated alternative to trick-or-treating.” The Beauty Queen of Leenane has been described as “unsettling and bleakly funny,” “both comic and ineffably sinister.” Shows are at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $16 Wednesday, $23 Thursday and Sunday, $26 Friday and Saturday. Info: www. or 239-0263. • Get freaked out by horror-movie characters, zombies and more at Pinhead’s Graveyard, an outdoor haunted house 13 years running. The fright happens nightly at dark through Nov. 1, at the trail behind Waffle House off Smokey Park Highway. Info: www.pinheadsgraveyard. com.

Thursday, Oct. 29 • Here’s something scary: Lawyers. Actually, the talented legal representatives who make up Pisgah Legal Services and the Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyers are not only a welcome boon to the community (and far from frightening) but also a talented group beyond their closing-argument skills. Turns out, many of Asheville’s pro-bono attorneys moonlight as rock stars. Check ‘em out at a Halloween-themed cocktail party featuring attorney musicians (part of ABA-sponsored Pro Bono Week) at Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues (28 Broadway, Asheville, 254-7072). A dozen local barristers (including Jeff Zentner from Van Winkle Law Firm, Emmett Carney who has a solo practice and Tom Lawton — general counsel at UNCA — with his band), will break out their guitars, drums, keys and harmonicas to jam on alt-country, blues and bluegrass. 5-8 p.m. Info: celebrateprobono/featuredevents. • Head to Brevard College’s Morrison Playhouse for the performance run of Little Shop of Horrors. Shows are at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday, Nov. 1. Tickets are $10 adults, $2 students. Info: 884-8330. • Up for more seasonal theater? The A-B Tech

48 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

by Alli Marshall, photos by Jonathan Welch Here it is, approaching Hallows Eve, and you don’t have a thing to wear. Never fear, your friendly neighborhood vintage and costume shops are rife with possibilities — and not just your typical witch hats, vampire fangs and fairy wings, either. Xpress challenged some of downtown Asheville’s most alter-ego-ready boutiques to come up with unique off-the-rack costume ideas. Vintage Moon (known for recycled designs and ‘20s-meets-’70s retro fashion) brought Flapper glam. Madame Butterfly (seller of vintage clothing and accessories, renter of costumes) turned out a “Once Upon a Time” theme. Honeypot (local designs, recycled wear and vintage fashions) envisioned some flag-waving Americana. The Costume Shoppe (renting festive guises to Asheville for 30 years, and holding an after-Halloween sale: call for details) showed off a fearsome pirate and a damsel in best dress. Hip Replacements (vintage and vintage reproductions) served up wacky wigs and mutinous masks. Kim Drye and local musician Jonathan Scales (check him out at model the looks. Where to shop: • The Costume Shoppe, 243 Haywood St., 252-8404 • Hip Replacements, 72 N. Lexington Ave., 255-7573 • Honeypot, 86 N. Lexington Ave., 225-0304 • Madame Butterfly, 102 N. Lexington Ave., 250-9124 • Vintage Moon, 46 Commerce St., 225-2768 Roaring 20s (above) Her: Sequined Lillie Rubin flapper dress with beaded fringe, a blue feather boa and a feather, ribbon and sequin headband. Him: Long smoking jacket with cord belt, silk scarf, antique pipe. All from Vintage Moon.

Fairy Tale Her: Floor-length pink satin dress with black bodice and gold trim, velvet cap. Him: Long print robe with faux-fur trim. All from Madame Butterfly.

Americana Her: Knee-length blue strappy dress, long white gloves, rabbit shawl, red pillbox hat with veil, red patent purse with gold chain, oversized sunglasses and red vintage shoes. Him: Nerdy glasses, marching-band coat, red pants, white uniform shoes. All from Honeypot. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 49

Drama Club stages its ninth production of Skeered??, an evening of local ghost stories and hauntings (think: Helen’s Bridge, the Brown Mountain Lights and the Pink Lady at the Grove Park Inn). Shows are held at Carriage House Theatre (behind the appropriately haunted Fernihurst mansion on the A-B Tech Asheville campus). Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Info: pcarver@ or 254-1921, ext. 890. • “To hell with the hay ride,” says press for LaZoom’s Haunted River Arts District Tours. The 45-minute rides on the traveling comedy show/purple sight-seeing bus depart from the Rocket Club in West Asheville (see info about the club’s Halloween shows, below) on the hour from 8-11 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 9-11 p.m. on Saturday. Watch for Axe Man, who haunts the River Arts District, a werewolf striptease, a public stoning and live music from Now You See Them. Tickets are $22 (ages 21+ only) and include admission to the Rocket Club. Info: or 225-6932. • Halloween Craziness Part 1 (this is a threenight blowout, so keep reading) at The Rocket Club (401 Haywood Road, West Asheville, 5052494) brings The Funk Messengers and others. 9 p.m., $10.

Friday, Oct. 30 • Transylvania Heritage Museum (40 W. Jordan St., Brevard, 884-2347) leads cemetery tours on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 30 and 31, at 5 and 6:30 p.m. Hour-long tours by lantern light include ghost stories. $5 per person. Info:

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Damsel & Pirate Her: Marie Antoinette-style wig, white brocade coat with lace trim, champagne satin skirt with lace accent. Him: Brocade jacket with built-in vest and lace-trimmed shirt, pantaloons and tri-corn hat. All from The Costume Shoppe.

• Costumes for a cause: The Saluda Medical Center Fundraiser Masquerade Ball at Saluda Mountain Jamboree (7200 Howard Gap Road, Saluda, 749-3676) includes dinner, dancing, music, raffles, contests, prizes and a cash bar; proceeds go to the the Saluda Medical Center to pay for critical needs not covered by the operating budget. Tickets are $25 individual/$40 couples (and include a barbecue dinner), available in Saluda at Manna Cabanna’s, Cathy Jackson Realty, Biddie’s Antiques, The Thrifty Barn, and Macon Bank; in Columbus at the Polk County Wellness Center; and in Tryon (Lynn) at the Carolina Foothills Chamber of Commerce. 6:30 p.m. • Dare to walk the Terror Trail at Vance Street Park (Waynesville, 456-2030). Spine-chilling screams and belly-thrilling marshmallow roasts are part of the deal. 7-10 p.m., $3. Info: • Folklorist Charlotte Ross returns to the Mars Hill College campus (behind Wall, Ferguson, and Wren buildings; Moore Auditorium in case of rain) to share Appalachian ghost stories beneath the stars. The concert, which includes a bonfire, will be a fundraiser for the Ramsey Center’s National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge grant. $5, $3 for youth ages 6-16. Hot cocoa and other snacks will be sold at the event. 7 p.m. Info: Amy Carraux at

50 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Masquerade Her: Ruffled red polka-dot dress, rabbit mask. Her: ‘70s-era zippered pantsuit, oversized glasses, afro wig. All from Hip Replacements.

689-1571 or

Marilyn Biggers, LMBT, NCTM

• Tweetsie Railroad’s Ghost Train Halloween Festival runs every Friday and Saturday night through Oct. 31. The railroad is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains on U.S. Highway 321 between Boone and Blowing Rock. Gates open at 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets are required and can be purchased online at $26, free for kids ages 2 and under. • More silly than spooky, Poppycock Productions presents the Queer Queens of Qomedy at Diana Wortham Theatre (2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 257-4530). The show consists of three of the top lesbian comics: Poppy Champlin, Karen Ripley and Karen Williams. “While some people may be scared off by the moniker of queer being utilized so prominently in the title of the tour, Champlin wants to assure eyeryone that the tour is not strictly focused on gay or lesbian issues,” reads press for the show. “It really isn’t about being gay it is about being human and laughing at the human condition unconditionally.” 8 p.m., $25. Info: • Halloween Craziness continues at The Rocket Club, Part 2 of the series sees Sirius.B, Vortex Park and others take the stage. 9 p.m., $10.

Saturday, Oct. 31 • It’s “trick and treat” at the White Horse (105C

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(ANDED "ODYWORK FOR !CCELERATED (EALING Pumpkins designed and carved for the Wedge Brewery by Jason King. The Wedge is hosting a pre-party costume contest. Montreat Rd., Black Mountain, 669-0816), starting at 2 p.m. with a kid’s show by Secret Agent 23 Skidoo. $5 gets you in the door for positive hip-hop, magic, face painting and a costume contest. Adults can keep on rocking those alter egos at 8 p.m. for a party and costume contest with veteran bluesman Mac Arnold. $10.

• Ghost stories aside, bookstores are rarely bastions of creepy vibes. Rethink that at Malaprop’s (55 Haywood St., Asheville, 2546734) Graveyard Book Party. Along with a costume contest, there’s an extra-eerie designyour-own-tombstone contest, other events, prizes and refreshments. 7 p.m., free. www.

• Pumpkin carving, costume contests and an air bounce — it’s all at Fletcher’s Annual Halloween Carnival at Kate’s Park from 3-5 p.m. Free (bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to Interfaith Ministries). Info: www. or 687-0751.

• Get an early start to the evening at the Wedge Brewery pre-party costume contest (125-B Roberts St., Asheville, 505-2792). Judging at 7 p.m.; prizes for funniest costume, weirdest costume and costume most likely to get you shot. Hang out for awhile: The brewery’s outdoor cinema will show the thriller Wait Until Dark at 9 p.m. Info:

• Trick-or-Treat Street, takes place in downtown Hendersonville at the Gazebo on Main Street from 4:30-7:30 p.m Entertainment includes a costume contest and the Monster Mash. Info: 697-2022 • The Rotary of Brevard announces the 29th Annual Flight of Vampire 5K race through downtown Brevard. Come in masks and/or costumes for this spooky-themed evening run which begins at 5 p.m. and follows Brevard’s annual Halloweenfest (10 a.m.-6 p.m.: food, musical entertainment, vendors, arts and crafts and Halloween activities). $30 for 5K registrations. Info:

The Queer Queens of Qomedy at Diana Wortham Theatre on Friday, Oct. 30 features a costume contest in the lobby.

• In lieu of a broomstick, ride your bike. Asheville on Bikes’ annual Pumpkin Pedaller begins at City/County Plaza and culminates in the parking lot of Clingman Café. Marley Carroll provides music. Organizers say, “The ride isn’t strenuous, but there are a few short climbs, so design your costume to be bike functional. Be well-illuminated and wear your helmet.” 5:30-8 p.m., $5. Info:

• A more esoteric take on the holiday at hand: The Mystical Masquerade & Fairy Ball at Dr. Neon’s (11 Richland St., Asheville, 626-2923) includes a Samhain celebration, costume competitions, a ritual at 8 p.m., a dance in honor of the Celtic New Year and music by world-beat experimental collective Arundas, Alchemy of the Goddess with Kristin Luna Ray and DJ Dathan. 7 p.m. start time, $10 (a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Casa de Milagros Peruvian orphanage). • Every day is Halloween for Raleigh-based progressive metalcore quintet Between The Buried And Me who will play their new album, The Great Misdirect, in its entirety at The Orange Peel (101 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, 225-5851). Additional appearances by side projects Glass Casket and Braveyoung with Torchrunner. 8 p.m., $12 advance/ $14 doors. Info: www.

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6TF "TUSPMPHZ /VNFSPMPHZ BOE #JSUI 0SEFS UP 6OEFSTUBOE :PVS -JGF 1BUI Michelle Payton, “Whole�istic / Mind Over Matter Author offers a workshop Nov. 7th on How to Understand Cosmic Personalities



• It’s a threefer: Arts2People, The Feral Chihuahuas and Asheville Brewing Company join forces for The Spirits of Asheville Masquerade. The all-night happening features a Feral Chihuahuas variety show, burlesque from Seduction Sideshow, feats of human magic and agility from Royal Peasantry, a costume contest with more than $1,000 in cash and prizes, a DJ dance party and the drinkable wares of local brewers. The festivities begin at 8 p.m. at the Haywood Park Hotel Grand Ballroom (1 Battery Park Ave., Asheville). Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Halloween Express (Next to Michaels off of Tunnel Road), Asheville Brewing Company on Merrimon Ave. and Coxe Ave., online at or at the door. • Quirky, vaudevillian and kazoo-playing kooky may not add up to scary, but it does make for an entertaining night. Wear your most danceable costume to Jack of the Wood (95 Patton Ave., Asheville, 252-5445) for New York City-based Two Man Gentleman Band. 9 p.m. Info: • Westville Pub (777 Haywod Road, West Asheville, 225-9782) holds its 8th annual Halloween party. Country act Uncle Dave & The Smoky Mtn Escort Service performs; Skintback City Public Radio opens. Music starts at 9 p.m., costume contest at

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52 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

11:30 p.m. with prizes for the best three costumes. $5. Info:

Living Dread. Also on the bill: a “costume contest and shenanigans.� 9 p.m.

• Halloween Craziness part 3 at the Rocket Club includes Folly Beach-based jamband/Americana act Sol Driven Train, Asheville’s own psychedelic bluegrass/reggae/fusion collective Snake Oil Medicine Show and others. 9 p.m., $15.

• Haunted Grove House Screamfest (11 Grove St., Asheville, 505-1612) is three clubs (Eleven, Scandals and The Boiler Room) worth of entertainment, plus decorations, special acts from circus side shows and aerialists to “a creepy pole dancer.â€? Themed areas include the Meat Locker, the Graveyard, the Bat Cave, the Underground Tunnel and the Roadway to Hell, and the costume contest brings a $1,000 prize. Rock-surf-funk band Grammer School holds a CD release at The Boiler Room as part of the festivities. 9 p.m., $20 for full access. Info:

• Stella Blue (31 Patton Ave., Asheville, 236-2424) hosts Spookshow A Go Go with psychobilly band The Go Devils and members of Crank County Daredevils doing monster covers. All zombies get in for half price at door, plus win a prize for best zombie couple. The kicker? A Glen Danzig sing-off contest, wherein contestants will sing “Motherâ€? with the house band (members of Crank County). 9 p.m. Info: • Hillbilly vampire Unknown Hinson, he of the Grecian formula sideburns and malevolent widows peak, returns to the Grey Eagle (185 Clingman Ave., Asheville, 232-5800) just in time for the witching hour. Groove to rockabilly tunes like “Ugly Thingsâ€? and “Torture Town,â€? come early (and in costume: Unknown judges the best getup) for opener Lamb Handler. 9 p.m., $15. Info: www.thegreyeagle. com. • Reggae artist Chalwa and DJ Selector Cleofus return to the Watershed (207 W State St., Black Mountain, 669-0777) for the annual Return of the

• The Garage at Biltmore (101 Fairview Road, Asheville, 505-2663) holds a Halloween party and the 3rd annual Caffiend Costume Contest with a $500 grand prize. Bands include Dashvara, Turbo Pro Project, Gaslight Street and DJ Position. $8 cover, $5 for those in costume (the club warns, “an eye patch, a bandanna, a skeleton shirt, or a T-shirt that says “costumeâ€? do not qualifyâ€?). 10 p.m. Info: • Dress up and dance to Halloween-appropriate rock and soul music from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s at the Admiral in West Asheville. Saturday -night favorites Dr. Filth and Greg Oblivian bring the party on Halloween — the zombie stomp starts at 10 p.m. $2 cover. X For complete events listings, check the Calendar and Clubland sections of

Authentic Beauty, LLC presents‌

Keep that creepy feeling

Stuff to keep you in the spirit after Halloween’s done gone

Elvis once asked, “Why every day can’t be like Christmas?â€? We’d like to know the same about the Halloween season. A zombie record, a zombie author, a haunting release, some wild art and a Dias De Los Muertos celebration will help keep you in the spirit. • Zombie boogie is the latest craze, indeed. Ukeabilly dynamos Mad Tea Party released the Zombie Boogie EP earlier this month, and it’s taken off. The lead track is a silly romp through zombie land, featuring fun lyrics (â€?Zombie, shuffling in the street / covered in blood, lost half his teeth / Doing the zombie boogie for eternityâ€?) over top MTP’s patented uke-and-guitar rock. We dare you to listen without boogie-ing. Also awesome is the cover art, featuring a creepy-fun letterpress print. The four-track EP features two originals and two covers, plus a surprise bonus. Buy the album as a vinyl 7â€? or mp3s at or local record shops. Read more at www. • Speaking of zombies, Haywood County-based author Eric Brown is a national expert on zombie lit and the author of several works of zombie fiction, many with a Christian theme. His most recent work is World War of the Dead. Look for the release on Amazon. • Jason Smith of Night’s Bright Colors releases his breakaway project, the 24-track Absinthe Twilight. The hauntingly atmospheric collection represents a 24-hour period; the bittersweet nod to time’s passage is accomplished by acoustic instrumentals and hushed vocals. Though Absinthe is a moody, introspective work, it’s also accessible, romantic and cozy as a fireplace on a frosty fall night. Download the full album and its companion EP, Flowers of Evil (with the seasonally-appropriate track “Edward Gorey’s Bedtime Storyâ€?), for free at The site launches today (Wednesday, Oct. 28). • Before the Screaming Js take the stage at Mo Daddy’s every Wednesday, they set up the art of frontman and piano wizard Jake Hollifield, who’s been painting skulls over found paintings, including portraits of the Kennedy brothers and more. It’s a sight to see, but be sure and stay for the manic boogie mania of the band’s free weekly show. • Catch Push Gallery and Skateshop’s show The Arts of Darkness before it goes away on Nov. 3. Featuring the grim, wicked, dark and evil works of 22 terrifyingly awesome local artists (Alli Good, Courtney Chappell, Steve Brown and Ian Dennis among them) and a cemetery-art installation in the center of it all. Push is at 25 Patton Ave. 225-5509.





• Follow Halloween’s revelries with something a little more meaningful: A Dias De Los Muertos celebration is to be held in the Mayfel’s Courtyard (accessible from Wall Street) on Sunday, Nov. 1. Celebrators are invited to place offerings in honor of their dearly departed on the alter between 4 and 10 p.m. Some observers will come in skull face paint to honor the memories of loved ones, others will bring votive candles, photos or pieces of art for the alter. The event has no religious affiliation. The Mayfel’s back bar opens at 4 p.m., food serving begins at 5 p.m. X

Spooky stuff: Top to bottom, the letterpress art for Mad Tea Party’s Zombie Boogie, Jake Hollifield’s skull paintings (photo by Jonathan Welch) and a sculpture from Push Skateshop’s Arts of Darkness exhibit (photo by Joshua Cole).




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Zelda’s neighbor, Frida’s pen pal

Novelist Barbara Kingsolver sets The Lacuna partly in Asheville by Alli Marshall When award-winning author Barbara Kingsolver was searching for the perfect place to set the American scenes of her new novel, The Lacuna (Harper, 2009), she considered D.C. and Virginia. Then, “It hit me that Asheville was perfect,” she tells Xpress. Because of its long history as a tourist town, Asheville has been well-photographed: A boon to an historical researcher. Lacuna’s main character, Harrison Shepherd, reaches the mountain city in 1941. When Kingsolver (who lives just two hours away) came to Asheville to study the town, she found that “I could go to Malaprop’s and buy books of old post cards. I could walk around downtown and half of what I looked at was there in 1941. Likewise there are neighborhoods I could walk around, like the Montford district, that look pretty much as they did in the 1940s except for the cars parked out front.” Shepherd becomes a novelist: “People think that if a person is famous, he must have wanted to be in the public eye. But to me, writing books is a way to earn a living in my pajamas,” the reclusive character says of his career choice. He lives in Montford near the Highland Hospital (”Zelda [Fitzgerald] and I have been neighbors for years,” he writes to a friend). His stenographer is an Appalachian widow called Violet Brown who — despite antiquated turns of phrase like “fairly warned is fair afeared” — proves herself to be far more adventurous and free-thinking than her contemporaries. But this is only part of the story. “I begin with the theme,” says Kingsolver, whose previous works include bestsellers The Poisonwood Bible and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. “I figure out what I want the book to mean and then I build a story that will carry my theme.” The most prominent theme in Lacuna is McCarthyism (the witch hunt for communist sympathizers among American citizens during the ‘50s). ”I was very interested in the events in the middle of the last century that I thought gave rise to the modern American political identity,” the author explains. (Kingsolver is no stranger to socio-political issues in her writing, and has received both the National Humanities Medal and the Physicians for Social Responsibility National Award.) “A lot of the things we think of ourselves now, as a nation, and a lot of the ways we distinctively behave, in terms of our national mood, have intrigued me for a long time,” she says. “Why are we so uneasy with any combination of art and politics? Why are we so uneasy, for that matter, with self-criticism in general? Why is that we like to see our country as a perfect finished product, rather than a working model that’s always in progress?” Kingsolver believes that the years following World War II left Americans with “a legacy

54 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

of dread.” “When I started looking into it, I thought, ‘How useful to contrast that with a country very nearby that ended up with a very different political identity,’” she says. “In Mexico, self-criticism is a national pastime. The Mexican revolution is ongoing. It gets revised every year.” So, she did just that. Duel citizen Shepherd spent his youth South of the border with his Mexican mother. It’s his mother who tells him in Lacuna’s opening pages, “You had better write all this in your notebook ... So when nothing is left of us but bones, someone will know where we went.” This haunting bit of advice leads Shepherd, circuitously, to the writer’s life: He becomes the typist for the Mexican artist Diego Rivera and finds himself living in the household of Rivera, painter Frida Kahlo and the couple’s myriad guests, including communist revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Rife with color and suspense, Lacuna weighs in at more than 500 pages and took Kingsolver seven years to complete. But the intricate plot is never overwhelmed by the tedium of fact. In fact, the lives of real historical characters weave seamlessly with their fictional counterparts. And it’s not just impeccable research that accomplishes this task; it’s Kingsolver’s delightful humor: “Stalin uses hair cream?” Shepherd asks at one point. “’Careful, lad,’ said Lev. ‘That knowledge alone could get you the firing squad.’” Kingsolver spent time in the Mexican houses (now museums) inhabited by Kahlo, Rivera and Trotsky. “I did not take any liberties with their lives. I tried to be as faithful as I possibly could,” she says. “A lot of the story is about how we make things up about celebrities; I didn’t want to become a howler myself.” The Mexican artists create a connection between half-American Shepherd, who shows little interest in politics, and the communist movement (read between the lines for comparisons to the recent American fear of Islamic practitioners) and revolutionary thinkers. Perhaps more important, though, is Shepherd’s decades-spanning relationship — through letters and news clippings (some real, culled from sources like New York Times, others fabricated in the style of the era) — with Kahlo. “Mrs. Kahlo did that for him,” Violet Brown says of Shepherd. “He’d about given up on life as a whole, going away on a train to the next world. If he didn’t take one other thing, she wanted him to carry his words.” Riveting to the last page, Lacuna carries readers into new worlds while (at least for local residents) allowing us to look homeward. X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@


Barbara Kingsolver


New York Times bestselling author launches her latest novel, The Lacuna


Asheville High School Auditorium (419 McDowell St.)


Monday, Nov. 2 (7 p.m. Ticketed; one ticket is complimentary with each pre-purchase of The Lacuna from Malaprop’s. Info: 254-6734)




Ferocity, urgency, timing

The undefinable Ahleuchatistas release a fifth album to raves by Dane Smith


Ahleuchatistas, with Ventricles and io


CD-release show for Of the Body Prone


The Grey Eagle


Friday, Oct. 30 (9 p.m. $8. or And Perlowin, it seems, is more surprised than anyone. “Ryan showed up, and it was just nuts,” he says. “There were people on the first tour — the guy’s been playing our music for a couple days and then some rehearsals at this point — who didn’t even know we’d gotten a new drummer.” Then, after pausing to consider the implications of his last statement, Perlowin continues as though something has just occurred to him. “It may have worked out really well, because had we not had that pressure with the tour and all, we might not have done this rigorous boot camp of a process getting everything to a level of performance.” Nearly a year and a half later, things are back to normal. Rehearsals have been cut back

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Hear what happens: Guitarist Shane Perlowin, drummer Ryan Oslance and bassist Derek Poteat create mind-numbingly complex song structures. photo by Josh Rhinehart

to once a week, and Perlowin says the band’s chemistry — a factor he once credited with its success — is as strong as ever. In fact, it appears that Ahleuchatistas has come out on the other side even stronger, and busier. The past year has seen the trio perform to packed houses in Europe twice, with another overseas trip planned for the spring. In the meantime, they’re celebrating the release of the first Ahleuchatistas album since Oslance’s addition, Of the Body Prone, a richer, heavier recording than any of the band’s previous efforts. Musically, Perlowin says the band wanted to experiment more with improvisation — two tracks on the album clock in at nearly 10 minutes — pushing the limits of how much they could create in the moment while still maintaining the structure of the song. But even Perlowin struggles to put the band’s sound into words. “It’s like, when you have something that is really jagged and angular, if the edges get small enough it looks like there’s an arc to it, like it’s rounder. Does that make sense?” he asks hesitantly, almost skeptical of his own explanation. “We were starting to move towards, you know, can things be even more amorphous, yet still rule-based, still having themes and forms. But then, when you play it, it will be different every time — but it will still be that same thing.” The most noticeable difference, though, is in the recording itself. For Of the Body Prone, the once “militantly dry-toned” Perlowin made a major break with the band’s back catalog and began experimenting with effects pedals, loops, delay and a variety of other tools that were noticeably absent from pervious recordings. He says the decision came from a realization that the band was “never going to capture the live show by just recording it live in the studio.” Whatever the reasoning, the approach has

been a success. Of the Body Prone has no trouble maintaining the ferocity and urgency that characterize the band’s earlier work, while adding a depth and vibrancy to the recording that only enhances the experience. And it’s got people noticing. Last month, a glowing review of the record appeared in the New York Times. Perlowin says it was a “milestone” for the band. “It’s really just great to be included in their publication,” he says. “We’ve worked pretty hard, you know. I was talking to a teacher that I work with, and she was saying, ‘I think you have the hardest band name in the world to remember.’ I was like, ‘That’s why it took five records to get in the New York Times!’ “And my mom’s really proud of me,” Perlowin adds with laughter. “Although she said that the new record was scary. Then I sent her a demo of some jazz tunes that I made and she loved that.” X




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Artwork by Karl Mullen

“I certainly thought that would be it for the band,” Ahleuchatistas frontman Shane Perlowin says matter of factly. He’s referring to the loss of drummer and co-founding member Sean Dail last year, weeks before the band was scheduled to leave for tour. Ironically, as he talks about the band’s near demise, Perlowin is preparing to leave for a three-week European tour in support of the band’s just-released fifth album. It turns out that Ahleuchatistas was more resilient than Perlowin guessed. “I had no delusions about how difficult it would be to find someone,” he continues. “I didn’t even really want to. It was just kind of , ‘Let’s make a Hail Mary pass and see what happens.’” The “Hail Mary” was a bulletin on the band’s MySpace page, not unlike the Craigslist ad that led to the bands formation six years ago. Miraculously, after receiving a promising response from a young drummer in Carbondale, Ill., and conducting a few phone interviews, the band met with Ryan Oslance for a threeday rehearsal “marathon,” and just like that Ahleuchatistas was back in action. No small feat, considering the technical demands from a band characterized by their turn-on-a-dime tempo changes and mind-numbingly complex song structures.

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smartbets Free Planet Radio

The Asheville-based world-fusion trio presents an “up close and personal” in the round at Jubilee! (46 Wall St., Asheville). The open room should provide just the right atmosphere to dance to Free Planet Radio’s exotic grooves (check the group’s latest disc, The Unraveling) or quietly take in the ambient soundscapes. Friday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m. $10, tickets available in advance at Malaprop’s or at the door.

Hay Sugar

Just a theory, but with the sultry front woman, tasteful string tones and countrified bluegrass-rendered-modern style, Asheville’s Hay Sugar is (effortlessly) what mainstream country act Sugar Town only aspires to be. Check out the quartet’s folkycool takes on classics like “Hard to Handle” and “Don’t Think Twice” at a free Westville Pub show. Thursday, Oct. 29. 8 p.m. www.

Preach Jacobs and Secret B-Sides

Musician/photojournalist/graphic artist Preach Jacobs debuts his CD The Maple Street Sessions and his comic title, The Heroes of Santa Moreno, at the Emerald Lounge on Saturday, Oct. 30. Jacobs has strong ties to Asheville’s future Soul scene, and with his jazz, soul-infused hip-hop will share the stage with local smooth-like-butter soul outfit the Secret B-Sides. Doors at 9 p.m. Come before10 p.m. for a free CD. $5., www.myspace. com/kindablu and emeraldlounge.

Club phone numbers are listed in Clubland in the (828) area code unless otherwise stated; more details at www. Send your Smart Bet requests in to for consideration by the Monday the week prior to publication.

56 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •


by Whitney Shroyer






I see them all the time in the record bins at the thrifts or in the dollar bins at record stores — in the ‘50s and ‘60s there was a subgenre of LPs designed as incidental music for specific activities. “Music to study by,” “music for dining,” “music for ‘that special feeling’” (a subgenre dominated by famous lothario Jackie Gleason), “music to quit smoking by,” “music to watch girls by,” “music to dangle prepositions from. “ This was functional music, meant to slip into the background and allow the player to go about their busy (or relaxed, there was lots of “music to relax by”) lifestyle with beat or lilt. Muzak would later bring this concept into the workplaces and elevators of America, increasing our productivity and desire to buy things. Brian Eno would parlay it into a sophisticated system of “ambience” and begat any number of coffeehouse-laptop disc jockeys to provide “music to sip lattés by.” How effective these albums were at enhancing the specific experience they were designed to complement is an open question, but in the spirit of these bygone albums, from time to time here at Junker’s Blues we’ll present a few songs in the “music to score junk by” series — tracks that specifically address the “junker” lifestyle in one way or another. • “I Sold My Heart to the Junkman” by The Blue Belles: It seems appropriate to start this series off with a number that’s the most famous song ever to acknowledge the existence of “junkmen” AND the song that launched Patti Labelle’s career. What’s interesting is that it’s a “used” song. Already an uptown-blues standard, recorded by Dinah Washington in the ‘40s, the hit girl-group version was recorded in 1961 by a band called the Starlets, for a label called Newton. The Starlets, however, were under contract to another label at the time, so Newton couldn’t release it. Rather than scrap the recording Newton recycled it, claiming it was performed by the Blue Belles, a group they did have under contract. The label claimed the vocals were erased and replaced with Labelle and the Blue Belles, but they weren’t. Newton versions of “Junkman” are actually the Starlets. • “Smithsonian Institute Blues (The Big Dig)” by Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band: From his 1971 LP Lick My Decals Off, Baby (and a happy day junking it is to he or she who turns one of those records up) comes this song about excavation and discovery, ostensibly at the La Brea tar pits. But with its repeated invitations to “come on down to the big dig” and observation that “the new dinosaur is walking in the old one’s shoes,” you know he’s talking about thrifting.


Music to score junk by, from Patti Labelle to Captain Beefheart


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• “One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure” by Charlie Burton and the Cutouts: Lincoln, Nebraska’s great, overlooked Charlie Burton has been putting out weird and hilarious rock and roll and country records in general obscurity for almost 30 years. This column touched on the possibly false wisdom of this song’s title a few weeks ago, but that doesn’t take away from the its tragic plot: A guy goes to a yard sale, finds a box of obscure 45’s and obsesses over them so much that his baby dumps him for another man, leaving him to wonder whether the records were worth it or not. If you don’t feel some of Charlie’s ambivalence by the end of the song, you’re not a true junker. • “The Things You Leave Behind” by Amy Rigby: Written by Patti Smith Group guitarist and Nuggets LP compiler Lenny Kaye, himself no stranger to junk culture of any kind, this sweet and sad little song was recorded by occasional Wreckless Eric collaborator Amy Rigby for her 2005 album Little Fugitives. Yard sales and storage units, attics and basements — the song is overwhelmingly full of junk. The metaphoric comparison between accumulated possessions and emotional baggage might strike some as maudlin, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. I got a copy of this CD at Smiley’s a few weeks ago for a buck. • “White Elephant” by The Volcano Suns: As far as I know, the greatest song about

junking ever. Boston’s Volcano Suns, led by Mission of Burma drummer Peter Prescott, were essentially a trashy version of Burma: stoopid, noisy and loud instead of intellectual, noisy and loud. Most of the songs on this list, and most yard sale/garage sale songs I’ve run across, have a sense of sadness, but this is the junker anthem. Its chorus proudly bellows “I’ve got a white elephant! I’ve got a red wagon! I’ve got a blue balloon that nobody else can use!” Prescott revels in being “a collector of stuff that most folks ignore” and with its gigantic, feedback-y guitar hook and huge drums, it’s brash, big and proud to be down in the dirt and part of the big dig. X

New Visions Marketplace Gently Used Furniture Home Décor, Gifts & Books

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ReUse, ReCycle, ReSell! 10 am-6 pm Mon-Sat • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 57


smartbets Natasha Tretheway

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Tretheway will read at the intimate Posana as part of the Flood Gallery’s Deluge reading series. An Emory University professor, Tretheway’s work confronts racial history in the Deep South. She’ll read with esteemed poet Katherine Soniat in what promises to be a memorable evening of verse. Thursday, Oct. 29. 8 p.m. Posana, 1 Biltmore Ave.

present the

Elvis Perkins in Dearland (pictured), with AA Bondy


Just a few days after playing Levon Helm’s famed Midnight Ramble, Elvis Perkins in Dearland brings its haunting sound to the Grey Eagle (stomping, horns, a little elegy and a big sound). Joined by Fat Possum’s AA Bondy, the show will keep the spooky spirit alive. Here’s hoping EPID will play both the fast and slow versions of “Doomsday.” Wednesday, Nov. 4. The Grey Eagle. $12.

publishing in March

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After playing the main stage at Lollapalooza and a host of other festivals, electronica jamband faves STS9 set off on a fall tour with wild abandon of sonic boundaries. They came to Asheville two nights in March and sold the place out. The new album, Ad Explorata, comes out in November. Thursday, Oct. 29. 8 p.m. Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. $23/$25. www.

Club phone numbers are listed in Clubland in the (828) area code unless otherwise stated; more details at www. Send your Smart Bet requests in to for consideration by the Monday the week prior to publication.


where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina C lubland rules •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Wed., October 28 Back Room

Open mic Beacon Pub

“Drinkin w/ Lincoln” Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center

“Pianopalooza” piano concerts feat: Dan von Veiser BoBo Gallery

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Barley Boyz (covers)

Kenosha Kid (jazz, “sonic tapestry” & silent film)

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Boiler Room

Jack Of The Wood Pub

DJ dance party feat: Soul Ja Byrd & L.T.P. Broadway’s

Tao Rodriguiz-Seeger Band (blues, banjos & breakdowns)

‘80s Night, 10pm

Mike’s Tavern

Cancun Mexican Grill

Open mic

Klustofuk w/ Saything (progressive, garage)

Curras Dom

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Eleanor Underhill (singer/songwriter) Diana Wortham Theater

Circo Aereo (“new circus”) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Open jam, 8-10pm Live music w/ Screaming Jays Orange Peel

Black Lips (psychedelic) w/ Turbo Fruits

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge

Emerald Lounge


“Hits & Shits” w/ Jamie Hepler

“Super dance party” feat: Adam Strange & Crick Nice DJ

Waynesville Water’n Hole

Ruby’s BBQ Shack

Wedge Brewing Co.

Blue Jay Way w/ Dan Johnston

Kontici (exotic lounge)

Scandals Nightclub

Westville Pub

Latin dance

Jammin’ w/ Funky Max

Steak & Wine

Live piano music Stockade Brew House

Open mic Straightaway Café

Funk jam featuring local artists

Club 828

Live music w/ DJ Drea

Temptations Martini Bar

Beacon Pub

Piano entertainment feat: Will Little, Billy Sheeran & Aaron LaFalce

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk)

Lyndsay Wojcik (indie, folk)

Blue Ridge Performing Arts

The Hookah Bar


Open Mic w/ David Bryan Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Serengeti & Polyphonic

Ahleuchatistas CD Release Show w/ Ventricles & io 9pm

Halloween with

Unknown Hinson &

Lamb Handler 9pm tueS. 11/3 Wed. 11/4

Ingrid Michaelson with Greg Laswell 8pm

Elvis Perkins in Dearland with AA Bondy 9pm

thur. 11/5

Just Economics Fall Benefit 8pm

“Pianopalooza” piano concerts feat: Scott Joiner & Colette Boudreaux (singer) BoBo Gallery

Pilgrim w/ Boys of Summer (indie, electronic)

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Halloween bash w/ Boys Gone Wild (bluegrass)

Richard Duke (folk)

Red Stag Grill

Hump day dance party w/ The Free Flow Band

Frankie Bones

Bobby Sullivan (blues, rock, standards)

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Fantacy Fact, Hillside Bombers & Wayfarer’s All (jazz, fusion, funk)

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

Rocket Club

Marc Keller (variety)

Club 828

Reggae Resurrection

Sat. 10/31

Dustin Burley

The Blackbird

Town Pump

Fri. 10/30

Back Room

Paco Shipp (roots, blues) & Bill Cardine

Why? with AU and 9pm

Thu., October 29

Jenne Sluder (acoustic, Americana)

Open Mic w/ Sven Hooson

thur. 10/29

Boiler Room

232-5800 185 Clingman Ave. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 59



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WoRld SERIES - No CoVER • $10 Six packs!

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Evol Intent (drum & bass, melodramatic popular song) w/ Caspa, Two Fresh & Agobi Project

Karma To Burn w/ Vic Crown and the Force & The Poontanglers

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Courtyard Gallery

Stockade Brew House

Garage at Biltmore

Open mic w/ Jarrett Leone

The Big Ivy Project (bluegrass, folk)

Pretty Lights after party, details TBA

Curras Dom

The 170 La Cantinetta


Mark Guest (jazz guitar)

Dave Lagadi (smooth jazz)

The Malah (jam band, psychedelic)

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

The Hookah Bar

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Caspa w/ Evol Intent (drum & bass, melodramatic popular song), Two Fresh & Agobi Project

Ahleuchatistas CD release show (other) w/ Ventricles & io

Emerald Lounge

Thomas Wolfe Auditorium

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

“9� after party feat: Count Bass D & Nigel One Firestorm Cafe and Books

Sound Tribe Sector 9 (electronic, funk, jazz) w/ Maserati

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Eliza Bell Rosbach (indie, folk)

Town Pump


Five Fifty Three

Leigh Glass Band

Steve Morse (guitar) w/ David Jacobs-Strain

Steve Wolrab & guests (jazz, guitar)

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Highland Brewing Company

Frankie Bones

Peggy Ratusz & friends (soul, blues)

Electric Blues, 6-8pm

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Holland’s Grille

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Live Bands

Paul Edelman (folk, soul)

Aaron Laflace (acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter)

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Garage at Biltmore

Westville Pub

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Angela Faye Martin (indie)

Hay Sugar (country, bluegrass)

Infusions Lounge


Zuma Coffee

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues), 7:30-10:30pm

Holy Ghost Tent Revival

Thursday night bluegrass jam

Iron Horse Station

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Fri., October 30

Sherri Lynn & Mountain Friends (country, contemporary bluegrass)

Back Room

Jack Of The Wood Pub

WHY? w/ AU and Serengeti & Polyphonic Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Parmalee (classic-rock) w/ Rebel, Outshyne, Mac Arnold & Plate Full O’ Blues & Taylor Moore Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge

Live music Lobster Trap

Hank Bones Mela

Belly dancing Mike’s Tavern


thurSday, OCtOBer 29

leigh glaSS BanD Friday, OCtOBer 30

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60 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Galen Kipar Project (folk, acoustic) Beacon Pub

MUSE (variety show) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Acoustic Swing Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center

Halloween dance party & costume contest Orange Peel

JJ Grey & Mofro (blues, rock) w/ Shooter Jennings & Earl Greyhound Pisgah Brewing Company

Erika Jane & Remember the Bees (blues, folk) Purple Onion Cafe

Red June (Americana, acoustic) Red Stag Grill

Anne Coombs (jazz, swing) Rocket Club

Live music w/ Habibigy & The Funk Messengers LaZoom Halloween Blowout feat: Now You See Them (indie) Root Bar No. 1

Boiler Room

Protomen (other) Cancun Mexican Grill

Dance party Chaser’s Nitelife

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band Club 828

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Fifty Year Flood w/ The Humbuckers (country, swing) Live music w/ Justin Seymour Pretty Lights (electronic/hip-hop) w/ Dark Party feat: Eliot Lipp & Leo 123 Pisgah Brewing Company

Phuncle Sam Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Red Room at Temptations

DJ D-Day, 10:30pm-2am Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Rocket Club

Club Hairspray

Freaky Friday w/ Brandi & Shorty

Root Bar No. 1

Curras Dom

The Tillers

Greg Olson & Richard Graham (world, folk)

Satchel’s Martini Bar

Decades Restaurant & Bar

DK and the Aristakatz (jazz, pop)

Dancing w/ Darin Kohler & the Asheville Katz

Scandals Nightclub

Diana Wortham Theater

“Freakers Bash� & drag show

Queer Queens of Qomedy feat: Poppy Champlin, Karen Williams & Karen Ripley

Steak & Wine

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Stella Blue

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Scandals Nightclub

Eleven on Grove

Soul Infusion Tea House and Bistro

Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm

Singer-songwriter showcase

Emerald Lounge

Live piano music

Preach Jacobs (hip-hop) CD & comic book release w/ Secret B-Sides

Stella Blue

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Steak & Wine

Live music by local artists

Live music w/ Sirius.B. (Gypsy, metal, folk) & Vortex Park LaZoom Halloween Blowout feat: Now You See Them (indie)

Halloween show feat: Outformaiton (rock, psychedelic) & Leslie

Kevin Scanlon (acoustic, folk) DJ Lucus & the Bandits

Lobster Trap

Orange Peel

Prince Rama of Ayodha (visual) w/ Quiet Hooves (2-step, blues)


New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Belly dancing w/ live music

BoBo Gallery

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Singer/songwriter showcase

Jerusalem Garden

O’Malley’s On Main

Seawhistle (rock, experimental)

Never Blue

Menage (“sweet sultry songstress�)

“Pianopalooza� feat: Jeff Little Bluegrass & The Appalachian Sound

Groove Collector & Calm Like a Bomb (psychedelic)

Mofro after party feat: Jamie McLean Band

Silver Dagger (bluegrass)

John Houx (folk, classical) w/ Brightness Veil

Live piano music Nova Echo CD release party (electro, alternative) w/ Fairground Ave & Do it to Julia Straightaway CafĂŠ

Every Mother’s Dream (folk, pop) Temptations Martini Bar

Bryan Steel of East Coast Dirt, 7:30-10:30pm Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump

The Delta Saints (blues)

clubdirectory Complete clubland directory: Questions or errors? E-mail ( The 170 La Cantinetta 687-8170 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 251-5505 The Back Room (OSO) 697-6828 Barley’s Tap Room (SH) 255-0504 Beacon Pub 686-5943 The Blackbird 669-5556 Blue Mountain Pizza (OSO) 658-8777 Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center 693-0087 BoBo Gallery (OSO) 254-3426 Broadway’s (SA) 285-0400 Cancun Mexican Grill 505-3951 Chaser’s (SA) 684-3780 Club 828 252-2001 Club Hairspray (SA) 258-2027 College St. Pub (SA) 232-0809 Courtyard Gallery 273-3332 Curras Dom 253-2111 Decades Restaurant & Bar 254-0555

Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dock’s Restaurant 883-4447 The Dripolator 398-0209 Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar 252-2711 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge (OSO) 232- 4372 Feed & Seed + Jamas Acoustic 216-3492 Firestorm Cafe (OSO) 255-8115 Five Fifty Three 631-3810 Frankie Bones 274-7111 Fred’s Speakeasy (SA) 281-0920 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 The Garage 505-2663 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern (OSO) 232-5800 Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn 252-2711 Guadalupe Cafe 586-9877


The Handlebar (864)233-6173 The Hangar (SA) 684-1213 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 The Hookah Bar 252-1522 Infusions 665-2161 Iron Horse Station 622-0022 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 Magnolia’s Raw Bar (ISS) 251-5211 Mela 225-8880 Mike’s Tavern 281-3096 Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill (SH) 258-1550 New French Bar Courtyard Cafe 225-6445 Never Blue 693-4646 O’Malley’s On Main 246--0898 The Orange Peel (OSO) 225-5851

Picnics 258-2858 Panther’s Paw 696-0810 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993 Razcal’s 277-7117 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rocket Club 505-2494 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Ruby’s BBQ Shack (ISS) 299-3511 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Shovelhead Saloon (SA) 669-9541 Soul Infusion Tea House & Bistro (OSO) 586-1717 Steak & Wine / Satchel’s Martini Bar 505-3362 Stella Blue 236-2424 The Still 683-5913 Stockade Brew House 645-1300

Straightaway Cafe (OSO) 669-8856 Switzerland Cafe 765-5289 The Red Room at Temptations (SA) 252-0775 Temptations Martini Bar (SA) 252-0775 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Town Pump (SA) 669-4808 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues (SA) 254-7072 Vaso de Vino Wine Bar & Market 687-3838 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 The Watershed 669-0777 Waynesville Water’n Hole 456-4750 Wedge Brewery 505 2792 Westville Pub (OSO) 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe (SA) 253-3066 Xcapades 258-9652

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S M O K E   O R   N O T   T O   S M O K E

OSO: outdoor/patio smoking only • SH: smoking hours, call clubs for specfics • ISS: indoor smoking section • SA: smoking allowed Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Dock’s Restaurant

Infusions Lounge

Halloween party w/ Ruby Mayfield & friends

Halloween party feat: Buck Naked (rock ‘n’ roll)

Live music

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Bobby Sullivan (piano) Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Two Man Gentleman Band (Americana, acoustic) & Halloween costume contest

Live music w/ Zim Stewart

Eleven on Grove

Jerusalem Garden

White Horse

Halloween party

Belly dancing w/ live music

stephaniesid (indie)

Emerald Lounge

Mike’s Tavern

Halloween party feat: Zach Deputy

Hatemonger (grime, other) w/ The Cruxvoid

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Traveling Bonfires (singer/songwriter) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Halloween bash & costume contest w/ The Discordian Society (experimental, funk)

Brushfire (“stankgrass”)

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Garage at Biltmore

Kings of Prussia (experimental, thrash) w/ Ocoai

Sat., October 31 Back Room

Halloween costume contest w/ music by the Shane Pruitt Band (blues, gospel) Barley’s Taproom

Silver Machine Beacon Pub

Halloween party Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Halloween costume contest w/ music by Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country) BoBo Gallery

“HAHAHAHAHA!” (dance party)

Halloween party feat: Dashvara, Turbo Pro Project, Gaslight Street, DJ Position & DJ Deacon

O’Malley’s On Main


Orange Peel

Black Lungs 5th annual Halloween bash

Between The Buried And Me (metal, hardcore) w/ Glass Casket, Torch Runner & Brave Young

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Halloween w/ Unknown Hinson (psychobilly) & Lamb Handler (rock) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Chris Williams

Purple Onion Cafe

Peggy Ratusz (jazz, blues) w/ Duane Simpson & Jonathan Pearlman

Halloween party

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Red Room at Temptations



Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues)

Chaser’s Nitelife

Halloween blowout & ‘60s theme costume party feat: The Roots & Culture Prophet

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band

Hannah Flanagan’s

Club 828

East Coast Dirt (rock, progressive)

Boiler Room

Dance party w/ DJ Chris Ballard

DJ Spy V

Rocket Club

Halloween show feat: Outformaiton (rock, psychedelic) & Leslie

Havana Restaurant

Ahora Si (salsa, jazz, tropical)

Snake Oil Medicine Show & Soul Driven Train (roots, jam, Americana) LaZoom Halloween Blowout feat: Now You See Them (indie)

Curras Dom

Holland’s Grille

Root Bar No. 1

Mark Guest & friends (jazz-guitar ensemble) Decades Restaurant & Bar

42nd Street Jazz Band

Twist of Fate (classic rock)

The Surf Church

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Satchel’s Martini Bar

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Fire & Desire (pop, contemporary) • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 61

Sun., November 1

Steak & Wine

Live piano music

Beacon Pub

Stella Blue

Zombie dance A Go-Go w/ The Go Devils & members of Crank County Daredevils Stockade Brew House

Open mic The Queen Anne’s Revenge (bluegrass, maritime)

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Asheville Jazz Orchestra (swing, jazz) Temptations Martini Bar

Open mic w/ Pierce Edens Marc Keller & Company (variety) Westville Pub

Tue., November 3

Silver Dagger Bluegrass w/ The Tillers

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Kings of Prussia (experimental, rock) w/ Ocoai

Annual Halloween bash w/ The Free Flow Band (funk, soul)

Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Rocket Club Scandals Nightclub

Dance party w/ DJ Stratos & drag show The Hookah Bar

Belly dance showcase w/ live bands Town Pump

Pickin’ at the Pump, open acoustic jam

Halloween party & costume contest feat: Uncle Dave & the Smoky Mtn. Escort Service w/ Skinback White Horse

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Johnny Blackwell (variety, covers) Wedge Brewing Co.

Vollie & the Leadfoot Vipers (swing)

Secret Agent 23 SKIDOO, 2-3pm Mac Arnold’s Halloween party, 8pm

Mon., November 2

Back Room

Coty Hogue (folk, bluegrass) Beacon Pub

Open mic Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Buddy David Band Swing & Tango lessons and dance Emerald Lounge

Ashevegas All-Stars presents Tuesday Night Funk Jam Feed and Seed

Will Ray’s Mountain Jam Firestorm Cafe and Books

Open mic Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Grove Park Inn Great Hall

I]Z EdX`Zi >ck^iZh Ndj id i]Z





November 5th

The Wellhouse w/ Special Guests the Discount Heroes

All shows at 9:30 pm unless noted 77b Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC 828-258-1550 • Check out our music online!

Decades • Getaway’s (Eleven on Grove) • Headlights • Hookah Bar Mike’s Side Pocket W EDNESDAY Beacon Pub • Fred’s Speakeasy The Hangar • Temptations Martini Bar O’Malleys on Main • Infusions Holland’s Grille T H URSDAY Chasers • Club Hairspray Razcals • Shovelhead Saloon Cancun Mexican Grill FRIDAY Infusions • Mack Kell’s • Shovelhead Saloon • Stockade Brew House The 170 La Cantinetta SATURDAY Club Hairspray • Holland’s Grille Infusions • Shovelhead Saloon The Still SUNDAY College St. Pub Getaway’s (Eleven on Grove) The Hangar • Mack Kell’s Wing Cafe • Cancun Mexican Grill Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Guadalupe Cafe

Ian Moore’s Mountain Music Miscellany Iron Horse Station

Open mic w/ Yorky Lobster Trap

Geoff Weeks New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Tomato Tuesday comedy open mic Orange Peel

8dhijbZh l^aa WZ _jY\ZY Vi i]Z l^iX]^c\ ]djg

Acoustic JAMbalaya w/host Clem Watkins


Ingrid Michaelson (indie, pop) w/ Greg Laswell

November 2nd November 3rd

Mack Kell’s • Razcals Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Eleven on Grove

Costume Contest for Prizes!

Brown Bag Songwriting Competition


Vincenzo’s Bistro

Chris Rhodes

Sunday jazz jam

I N   T H E   C LU B S

Rocket Club

Lobster Trap

“Vinyl at the Vault� w/ Chris Ballard


Open mic night w/ Aaron LaFalce

Town Pump

Westville Pub

(!,,/7%%. "!3( w/ Discordian Society


Live music w/ singer-songwriters

Ryan Furstenbuerg (country)

October 31st

Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm

Open mic w/ Scott Stewart 7:30pm Apres OM, 11pm

Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

Fifty Year Flood & Humbuckers

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Irish session, 5pm Tom Waits time, late

Chalwa (“return of the living dread,� reggae)

October 30th

Contra dance

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub


October 29th

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

The Hookah Bar

Live music w/ Tom Coppola (early) & Marc Keller (late)

Mofro After Party w/ Jamie McLean & Special Guests

B*tch & Friends (queercore, indie-rock)

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues) Halloween party feat: Mack Brown & A.D.D.ICT

& All You Can Eat Oyster Night

Emerging Artist Concert feat: Joshua James (folk, guitar) w/ Aaron LaFalce

The Two Guitars of Yasmin & Lou, 10am12:30pm Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm

Temptations Martini Bar

October 28th

Emerald Lounge

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Straightaway CafĂŠ

Come Jam with the Jays 8-10pm Screaming Jays 10pm

Halloween party

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

6ahd <gZVi 9ddg Eg^oZh


62 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Silverstein (hardcore, metal) w/ Madina Lake, I See Stars, Closure In Moscow & The Word Alive The Hookah Bar

Selector Cleofus Williams & friends Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Chuck Lichtenberger presents “An Evening of Jazz� with special guests Vincenzo’s Bistro

Marc Keller & Company (variety) Watershed

Live music w/ Robert Greer Westville Pub

Blues Jam w/ Mars Fariss White Horse

Irish session, 6:30pm Open mike w/ Parker Brooks, 8:30pm

Live music w/ DJ Drea

Wild Wing Cafe

The Lonesome Road Band (bluegrass)

Bluegrass & clogging

Beacon Pub

Back Room

Wed., November 4

Live music

Back Room

Gentleman Jesse and His Men (showtunes) w/ Greg Cartwright

Open mic Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic Broadway’s

‘80s Night, 10pm Cancun Mexican Grill

Open mic Curras Dom

Eleanor Underhill (singer/songwriter) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Zydeco dance & lessons Emerald Lounge

Reggae Resurrection Frankie Bones

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Elvis Perkins in Dearland (folk, rock) w/ AA Bondy Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm


Courtyard Gallery

Open mic w/ Jarrett Leone Curras Dom

Mark Guest (jazz guitar) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Emerald Lounge

Rising Lion (roots, reggae) Firestorm Cafe and Books

SlamAsheville poetry reading feat: Stacie Boschma Five Fifty Three

Steve Wolrab & guests (jazz, guitar) Frankie Bones

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) Garage at Biltmore

Iridescence Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Just Economics Fall Benefit feat: Firefly Revival (guitar, fiddle, harp) w/ The Secret B-Sides & DJ Marley Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Jack Of The Wood Pub


Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Old Time Jam, 6pm New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Benjy Davis Project (indie, rock) w/ Andrew Hoover

The Curious Mystery (garage, blues) w/ Très Bien (French pop) & The Big City Bangers

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Orange Peel

Infusions Lounge

Warren G (rap) w/ Kidz In The Hall & U-N-I Red Stag Grill

Bobby Sullivan (blues, rock, standards) Rocket Club

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Live music Jack Of The Wood Pub

Songwriters in the Round feat: Levi Douglas, Leigh Glass, Laura Michaels & Joshua Singleton

“Super dance party” feat: Adam Strange & Crick Nice DJ

Lobster Trap

Scandals Nightclub


Latin dance Steak & Wine

Live piano music

Hank Bones Belly dancing Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Stockade Brew House

The Wellhouse Band (Americana, rock) w/ The Discount Heroes

Open mic

Never Blue

Temptations Martini Bar

Singer/songwriter showcase

Piano entertainment feat: Will Little, Billy Sheeran & Aaron LaFalce

Orange Peel

The Hookah Bar

Badfish (Sublime tribute band) w/ Scotty Don’t & The Hillside Bombers

Open Mic w/ Sven Hooson

Pisgah Brewing Company

Town Pump

Lance Mills (Americana, roots)

Open Mic w/ David Bryan

Purple Onion Cafe

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Nikki Talley (indie, rock)

Hump day dance party w/ The Free Flow Band

Red Stag Grill

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Anne Coombs (jazz, swing)

Marc Keller (variety)

Steak & Wine

Waynesville Water’n Hole

Live piano music

Funk jam featuring local artists

Stockade Brew House

Wedge Brewing Co.

The Big Ivy Project (bluegrass, folk)

Kontici (exotic lounge)

The 170 La Cantinetta

Westville Pub

Dave Lagadi (smooth jazz)

Jammin’ w/ Funky Max

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Thu., November 5

Aaron Laflace (acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter)

Club 828

Westville Pub

Brooke Clover (folk, world) Zuma Coffee

Thursday night bluegrass jam

Fri., November 6 Back Room

Darlyne Cain (singer/songwriter) w/ Stacy Moore


Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

FB;7I; L?I?J

Acoustic Swing Cancun Mexican Grill


Mariachi Band Chaser’s Nitelife

DJ Diva & The Lee Whitaker Band

JE I;; J>?I M;;A½I CEL?;I J?C;I

Club Hairspray

Freaky Friday w/ Brandi & Shorty Curras Dom

Greg Olson & Richard Graham (world, folk) Decades Restaurant & Bar

Dancing w/ Darin Kohler & the Asheville Katz Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm Emerald Lounge

Blueground Undergrass Garage at Biltmore

Metal showcase feat: Straight To The Gallows, War Sermon, Face Your Fate, The Black Ensemble Telic & more Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Ol’ Hoopty CD release party (blues, jazz) w/ Todd Steed Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

“Gorilla Takeover” feat: Schmeek, Krooked Blaze, Creek Lady, Real Local Singles, Showman Band, Side Alley Blue & more

675 Merrimon Ave • Asheville, NC

the wildest Halloween Party & Costume Contest is here! Sat. Oct. 31 it’s time...

$3 Admission • Movie Line 254-1281

Delivery or Carry Out until 11pm • 254-5339

Join us at both locations for our

LUNCH BUFFET M-F 11-3pm • Now open Sundays! Pizza, salad, baked potatoes and more! Asheville Brewing Company 77 Coxe Ave. Downtown Asheville



Holland’s Grille

Live Bands Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues), 7:30-10:30pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Sundays Open at 12 Noon We have NFL TICKET— catch all the games on our 7 big screens!

Rathkeltair (Celtic Rock) Jerusalem Garden

Belly dancing w/ live music Lobster Trap

Live music by local artists Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Kung Fu Dynamite (funk, rock) Orange Peel

Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band (funk) w/ Freekbass & Eymarel Pisgah Brewing Company

Great American Taxi (Americana, roots) Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Red Room at Temptations

DJ D-Day, 10:30pm-2am Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Steak & Wine

Live piano music Stella Blue

This area’s only

SPINNING POLE Just arrived: T-Shirts, Hats, etc. Great Nightly Drink Specials Pool Tables & Games Ample Parking Ladies & Couples Welcome

(828) 298-1400

520 Swannanoa River Rd, Asheville, NC 28805 Mon. - Sat. 6:30pm - 2am • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 63

Built To Fall w/ Opus Grey

Listen to Bad Ash &

Straightaway Café

Jay Brown (roots) Temptations Martini Bar

Bryan Steel of East Coast Dirt, 7:30-10:30pm The Hookah Bar

Makia Groove (funk, reggae) Live music w/ singer-songwriters

every Sunday on


SATURDAY Sound Extreme Karaoke $5 Redbull Bombs $3 Local Highland Beer

Blue Ridge Rollergirls End of Season Party

Curras Dom

Mark Guest & friends (jazz-guitar ensemble) Decades Restaurant & Bar

42nd Street Jazz Band Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Bootstraps Burlesque “La Petite Tease”

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues) Mark Farina (house, electronica) w/ ArthurBrouther

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump

Belly dancing w/ live music Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Cattletruck (Southern Gothic, rock) w/ Valorie Miller

Shane Pruitt (jam, blues, jazz) w/ Josh Stack

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Live music w/ Tom Coppola (early) & Marc Keller (late) Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

Purple Onion Cafe

Amy Burritt (acoustic, folk, rock)

Gigi Dover & Big Love (rock, soul)

Westville Pub

Red Room at Temptations

The Cisco Playboys (Western swing, rockabilly)

DJ Spy V

White Horse

Red Stag Grill

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Temptations Martini Bar

Live music

Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe (funk, jam) & NOMO

Mark Farina (house, electronica) w/ ArthurBrouthers

Stockade Brew House

The Hookah Bar

Orange Peel

Club 828

Wooden Toothe w/ Ivan The Terribles

Screech Owl Serenade (duo)

Jerusalem Garden

Joshua Singleton (roots, rock, singer/songwriter)

Live piano music

Straightaway Café

Miss Tess & BonTon Parade (Gypsy jazz)

Back Room

Scandals Nightclub

Open mic

Infusions Lounge

Sat., November 7

FRIDAY, OCT. 30TH Southern Silk 8pm Jazz Duo $5 Long Island Teas $3.50 23oz Domestic Draught

Stella Blue

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

The Honeycutters (Americana, country)


Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

White Horse


Steak & Wine

Ahora Si (salsa, jazz, tropical)

Bobby Sullivan (piano) Chelsea Lynn La Bate (folk, soul, acoustic)

WEDNESDAY Sound Extreme Karaoke 8pm Wacky Wing Night 25¢ Wings & $2 Draft

Dance party w/ DJ Stratos & drag show

Christine Kane CD release show (acoustic, folk-rock)

Havana Restaurant

Vincenzo’s Bistro


Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Rebel Son w/ Connor Christian

The Herd of Main


Fire & Desire (pop, contemporary)


Town Pump

Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

SOUND EXTREME KARAOKE COMPETITION Begins Sat. Nov. 7 - Sat. Dec. 5 • Cash prizes

Satchel’s Martini Bar

Signal Path (big beat, electronica) w/ The Malah & Bookworm

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

entertainment writers

Emerald Lounge

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Rocket Club

One-year anniversary party feat: Cyril Neville, Beausoleil, Mac Arnold, Cowboy Jack Clement, Mariam Matossian, Larry Keel & more

Genitorturers (rock, idustrial) w/ Death of Analog

club xcapades sundays



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- Fri. -

Trivia Night with Prizes 9pm

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64 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

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(3miles west of Downtown -off Patton Ave.)


theaterlistings Friday, OCTOBER 30 - Thursday, NOVEMBER 5

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

movie reviews and listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ is the maximum rating

additional reviews by justin souther • contact

pickoftheweek The Baader Meinhof Complex JJJJJ

Director: Uli Edel (Last Exit to Brooklyn) Players: Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu, Johanna Wokalek, Nadja Uhl, Jan Josef Liefers, Bruno Ganz

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. 28 Days Later... (R) Fri only 10:00 28 Weeks Later... (R) Sat only 10:00 The Final Destination (R) Sun-Wed 10:00 Ponyo (PG) 1:00, 4:00 The Time Traveler’s Wife (PG-13) 7:00 n Carmike Cinema 10


Fact-Based Drama Rated R

The Story: The story of the rise and fall of the originators of the German terrorist group the Red Army Faction. The Lowdown: Unblinking in its violence and complex in its epic structure, this is powerful, unsettling filmmaking. Do not be put off by a title that suggests some sort of psychological dissertation. Do not be cowed by the fact that Uli Edel’s The Baader Meinhof Complex is in German with English subtitles (there are occasional outbursts of English) or that it’s two-and-a-half-hours long. This is one of the most compelling films to come along in a while—and, believe it or not, it’s also what could be called “action-packed.” Don’t, however, assume that “action-packed” means mindless explosions, car chases and shootings la Michael Bay. The action here is brutal and, while often excitingly staged, is not a glorification of violence, nor is it used gratuitously. This is a richly detailed, emotionally complex, character-filled examination of the German terrorist group the Red Army Faction (RAF) from the late 1960s through the late 1970s. Its origins as part of the overall political turmoil of 1968 are sketched in, but the RAF is depicted as something different—something distinctly German and born of German youth of the era seeing little (or no) difference between not engaging in active resistance in 1968 and their predecessors not having done so during the rise of Nazi Germany. It’s an interesting concept and not an inapt one, since much of what the film is about is trying to understand what drives people to terrorist activities. In fact, that’s the approach that German official Horst Herold (Bruno Ganz) tries in vain to get his government to understand—and a question that he seems to be the only person to wonder about, or ultimately understand at all. Much of the film’s focus is on Ulrike Meinhof (Martina Gedeck) and her transformation from housewife and writer of leftist articles to active terrorist. The film has been criticized in some quarters for not making her motivations clearer than it does, but I think it strikes exactly the right note—suggesting a combination of factors. It seems in part disillusionment with her marriage, a lack of a sense of self-worth and a compulsion to put her pure ideals into impure practice—this

n Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

Bruno Ganz makes a stab at being the voice of reason in Uli Edel’s complex, disturbing examination of a terrorist group, The Baader Meinhof Complex. last, in part, due to a kind of peer pressure from her burgeoning terrorist friends to “walk the walk.” But there’s more than that to it—there’s an underlying current of empowerment and twisted glamour that goes with it all. This is a difficult film to reduce to a few lines of text. It’s far too complex for that and peopled with far too many characters. And that last is the one aspect of The Baader Meinhof Complex that I might consider a weakness. There are so many characters that it becomes hard to keep track of them all—especially in a single viewing. On a second or third viewing, I suspect a greater understanding of the various aspects of the film’s characters would become evident. Fortunately, it’s the kind of movie that’s good enough and compelling enough to warrant subsequent viewings. And in this age of often overly simplistic movies, it’s actually refreshing to encounter a movie that can’t be assimilated in one sitting. I should note that the film isn’t a pleasant experience. That’s not the point of it all. This is an examination of terrorists and what drives them to their acts. This is inherently uncomfortable material that raises questions about our own complicity in such matters—on either side of the equation—and these are questions that many of us don’t want to consider any more than the government wants to consider them when Horst Herold raises them in the context of the film. That the film can offer no concrete answers adds to the discomfort. Ulrike is only one case. What of the others? They’re all driven by different things and are often co-opting the cause for extremely personal reasons that may have little to do with actual ideology. In other words, this

isn’t a movie for people who don’t want to think about what they’re watching. This is a film I strongly recommend to filmgoers in search of works that actually have some depth and meaning. But that’s a recommendation that comes with a warning, because the film is extremely violent and its violence is unflinching, which means it’s not going to be to everyone’s taste or sensibilities. It is, however, worthy, challenging and often brilliantly achieved filmmaking that ought to be seen by anyone who is up to it. Rated R for strong bloody violence, disturbing images, sexual content, graphic nudity and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Opens Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14.

Amelia JJJ

Director: Mira Nair (Vanity Fair) Players: Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Anderson Biopic Rated PG

The Story: Biopic of Amelia Earhart structured as flashbacks during her final flight in 1937. The Lowdown: A glossy, superficial bio that won’t frighten the horses, but might put them to sleep. If you took out the tepidly explored notions of an “open marriage” and the vaguest reference imaginable to possible bisexuality, Mira Nair’s Amelia could easily have been made in 1945.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 3D (PG) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:40, 9:50 Couples Retreat (PG-13) 1:20, 4:35, 7:05, 9:30 Michael Jackson: This Is It (PG) Starts Wednesday 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:50, Fri only 12:15 Play the Game (PG-13) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:00 Saw VI (R) 1:00, 1:30, 3:15, 3:45, 5:30, 5:55, 7:45, 8:15, 10:00 Spookley: The Square Pumpkin (G) Sat-Sun only 1:00 The Stepfather (PG-13) 1:45, 4:25, 7:10, 9:40 Toy Story 1 & 2 3-D Double Feature (G) 1:00 (no 1:00 show Sat-Sun), 4:40. 8:20 Where the Wild Things Are (PG) 1:30, 4:10, 7:00, 9:35 Whip It (PG-13) 1:15, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30

n Carolina Asheville

Cinema 14 (274-9500)

Astro Boy (PG) 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 7:15, 9:35 The Baader Meinhof Complex (R) 11:55. 3:20. 7:00, 10:15 Bright Star (PG) 3:40, 9:40 (Sofa Cinema showing) Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant (PG-13) 11:35, 2:55, 7:05, 9:35, Sat only 12:10 Couples Retreat (PG-13) 12:05, 3:15, 7:10, 9:50, Sat only 12:25 (Sofa Cinema showing) Halloween II (R) 11:55, 3:00, 7:20, 9:45, Sat only 12:00 The Invention of Lying (PG-13) 12:15, 7:15 (Sofa Cinema showing) It Might Get Loud (PG) 11:40, 2:05, 4:35, 7:25, 10:10 Law Abiding Citizen (R) 12:45, 3:30, 7:20, 9:55, Sat only 12:30 (Sofa Cinema showing) Michael Jackson: This Is It (PG) Starts Wednesday 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:40 Paranormal Activity (R) 12:05, 2:15, 4:40, 7:50, 10:05, Sat only 12:35

Saw VI (R) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00, Sat only 12:30 Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D (PG) 11:30, 1:40, 3:45, 7:55, 10:00 Where the Wild Things Are (PG) 11:45, 2:25, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05 (Sofa Cinema showing) Zombieland (R) 12:10, 2:45, 5:10, 7:45, 10:05, Sat only 12:20 n Cinebarre (665-7776)

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant (PG-13) 11:50, 2:30, 4:25, 7:30, 10:00 Law Abiding Citizen (R) 10:55, 1:50, 4:40, 7:40, 10:25 Michael Jackson: This Is It (PG) Starts Wednesday 11:15, 2:05, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 Saw VI (R) 11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7:20, 9:50 Where the Wild Things Are (PG) 11:40, 2:05, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45

n Co-ed Cinema

Brevard (883-2200)

Couples Retreat (PG-13) 11:15 (Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu), 4:00 (Sat, Mon, Wed), 7:00 (Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu) Law Abiding Citizen (R) 1:00 (Sat, Mon, Wed), 4:00 (Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu), 7:00 (Sat, Mon, Wed)

n Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) n Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536)

Amelia (PG) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:40 Coco Before Chanel (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:20

n Flatrock Cinema


The Invention of Lying (PG-13) 4:00, 7:00

n Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) n United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

Astro Boy (PG) 1:00, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 Circque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant (PG-13) 1:45, 4:30, 7:30, 10:15 The Invention of Lying (PG-13) 1:40, 7:20 Halloween II (R) 4:10, 9:50 Julie and Julia (PG-13) 1:20, 4:10, 7:00, 9:45 Law Abiding Citizen (R) 1:30, 4:20, 7:10, 10:00 Paranormal Activity (R) 1:05, 3:15, 5:25, 7:40, 10:00 Zombieland (R) 1:10, 3:20, 5:20, 8:00, 10:15

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 65

Tune In to Cranky Hanke’s Movie Reviews

5:30 pm Fridays on Matt Mittan’s Take a Stand.

nowplaying (500) Days of Summer JJJJJ

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend, Chloe Moretz, Matthew Gray Gubler Comedy/Romance A young man falls in love with a woman who doesn’t share his romantic worldview, but she can’t help but be drawn to him. A breath of spring—even in the late summer—(500) Days of Summer is a clever, funny and very perceptive comedy/romance that’s a must-see. Rated PG-13

Amelia JJJ

Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Anderson Biopic Biopic of Amelia Earhart structured as flashbacks during her final flight in 1937. A glossy, superficial bio that won’t frighten the horses, but might put them to sleep. Rated PG

Astro Boy JJJJ

(Voices) Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Bill Nighy, Donald Sutherland, Kristen Bell Animated Sci-Fi/Adventure A robotic boy attempts to save his futuristic city from the machinations of its warthirsty president. A run-of-the-mill animated adventure that’s gussied up with a sardonic sense of humor and political satire. Rated PG

The Baader Meinhof Complex JJJJJ

Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu, Johanna Wokalek, Nadja Uhl, Jan Josef Liefers, Bruno Ganz Fact-Based Drama The story of the rise and fall of the originators of the German terrorist group the Red Army Faction. Unblinking in its violence and complex in its epic structure, this is powerful, unsettling filmmaking. Rated R

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant JJJJ

John C. Reilly, Chris Massoglia, Josh Hutcherson, Ken Watanabe, Salma Hayek Fantasy/Adventure A teen becomes a vampire and joins a traveling freak show in order to save the life of his friend. The two friends end up being thrown into the middle of a war between vampire factions. Absolutely nothing new, but the movie

66 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

does have an occasional streak of dark humor and is sufficiently stylish. Plus, it’s a reminder that John C. Reilly can actually be good on occasion. Rated PG-13

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs JJJ

(Voices) Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Andy Samberg, Bruce Campbell, Mr. T Animated A failure by a quack inventor leads to a machine that causes food to rain from the sky, which is all well and good until the machine starts to malfunction. Disaster strikes and things begin to get out of hand. A generally odd family film that’s more bizarre—namely in its quirky sense of humor—than good. Rated PG

Couples Retreat JJ

Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jason Bateman, Faizon Love, Malin Akerman Romantic Comedy A group of couples head off for a vacation in a tropical paradise only to be bamboozled into couples counseling. An uninspiring romcom centered around more of the same from Vince Vaughn that’s short on insight and overlong. Rated PG-13

Departures JJJJJ

Masahiro Motoki, Tsutomu Yamazaki, Ryoku Hirosue, Kazuko Yoshiyuki Drama A former cellist ends up taking a job for an outfit that prepares the dead for cremation. Pleasurable, perceptive drama with an unusual, thought-provoking premise that’s used to explore some universal themes. Rated PG-13

The Invention of Lying JJJJJ

Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K., Rob Lowe, Fionnula Flanagan, Tina Fey Philosophical Comedy In a world where no one can lie, one man discovers he has this ability—altering both his life and the lives of everyone else. What could have been a fairly standard high-concept comedy is transformed into something much more intriguing because of the philosophical questions it raises. Rated PG-13

It Might Get Loud JJJJ

Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White Music Documentary Three rock guitar

masters—Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White—discuss their beginnings and get together to discuss their art. A simple concept that works because the film at least offers the feeling that you’re seeing its subjects at their most unguarded. Rated PG

Law Abiding Citizen JJ

Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler, Colm Meaney, Bruce McGill, Leslie Bibb Action/Thriller A seemingly ordinary man takes revenge on the justice system that let the murderer of his wife and daughter walk free. Pointlessly gory and patently absurd, the movie might have worked as pulp, except that it’s too full of itself to even work as mindless entertainment. Rated R

Paranormal Activity JJJJ

Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Mark Fredrichs, Ashley Palmer DIY Horror Observations on a young woman who is at the mercy of a demon that’s haunted her since childhood. A slow-moving, low-budget affair that succeeds in being creepy without quite being terrifying. Rated R


Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor, Mark Rolston, Betsy Russell, Shawnee Smith, Peter Outerbridge Torture-Porn Horror Jigsaw reaches out from the dead to exact revenge on a vile insurance-company executive. More of the same, with a slightly more interesting plot than usual. Rated R

The Stepfather J

Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward, Penn Badgley, Amber Heard, Sherry Stringfield Weak-Tea Thriller A serial killer marries into “perfect” families, and when his plans go awry, resorts to murder. Idiotic, unpardonably slow and totally lacking in thrills. Rated PG-13

Surrogates JJJ

Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, Boris Kodjoe, James Cromwell Sci-Fi/Mystery In a futuristic world where people live vicariously through robotic counterparts, murders begin to take place, and it’s up to a hard-nosed detective to solve the case. A cobbled-together mix of sci-fi’s greatest hits wrapped inside a murder mystery that never quite adds up, creating

one mediocre film. Rated PG-13

Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3-D Double Feature JJJJ

(Voices) Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Kelsey Grammer, Don Rickles, Jim Varney Animated Adventure A group of anthropomorphic toys—who come to life when no one is looking—go on various adventures. The same sweet, solid family entertainment that you remember, now polished with some not-so-exciting 3D work and packaged as a double feature. Rated G

Where the Wild Things Are JJJJ

Max Records, Catherine Keener, James Gandofini, Lauren Ambrose, Paul Dano, Chris Cooper Children’s Fantasy A young boy runs away from home after a fight with his mother and travels to a magical island inhabited by fantastic creatures that mirror himself and his real life. An ambitious, not entirely successful attempt to flesh out the children’s book by Maurice Sendak. Rarely less than fascinating, but somehow not quite what it seems to want to be. Rated PG

Whip It JJJJ

Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Alia Shawkat, Daniel Stern, Kristin Wiig, Drew Barrymore Female-Empowerment Comedy/Drama A teenage girl finds herself when she lies about her age and joins a rollerderby team. Thoroughly predictable and completely successful at doing what you want such a movie to do—but with good performances and without insulting your intelligence. Rated PG-13

Zombieland JJJJ

Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Bill Murray Nerd-Empowerment Zombie Comedy After a zombie plague, a group of mismatched survivors make their way through what remains of the world in search of a safe place. A pretty funny zombie comedy that gets points for reveling in its gruesomeness, decent characterizations and clever touches along the way. Rated R

startingwednesday MICHAEL JACKSON: THIS IS IT

Maybe not so much a movie as a cultural event. It’s not really as ghoulish as it sounds, since this backstage documentary about Michael Jackson creating and perfecting his latest show was apparently planned

all along. Of course, now it’s as close as anyone will ever get to seeing what that show would have been. You already know if you’re going, so the fact that it hasn’t been screened for critics is likely immaterial. (PG)

startingfriday THE BAADER MEINHOF COMPLEX See review in “Cranky Hanke.”


What a relief! A French-language film that doesn’t have a trailer cut to omit all the dialogue, in an effort to bamboozle the unwary into thinking it’s not in French. But then French movies starring Audrey Tautou don’t usually need to resort to that kind of cheesy flimflam. This biography of the early years of Coco Chanel may prove to be a relief in other ways, since it gives every appearance of being something other than the stock biopic (read: it’s not another Amelia). Rather it seems to be a witty and sophisticated work about a unique woman. Friday will tell for sure. (PG-13) Early review samples: • “Perhaps because of its unsentimental approach to Chanel’s life, Coco Before Chanel strikes me as less of a biopic, more of a drama. It’s not about rags to riches but about survival of the fittest.” (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) • “The blossoming of her ambition, as

Even the depiction of Amelia Earhart’s (Hilary Swank) extra-marital affair with Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor) is handled so decorously that it seems little more than our heroine making a faux pas by using the wrong fork at a formal dinner. In short, this is a rather dull, totally unadventurous biopic. The question arises as to just why someone would want to make an unadventurous film about an adventurous woman? That question becomes even more perplexing when you realize that this was done by Mira Nair, who isn’t typically associated with dull movies. Actually, Amelia isn’t as bad as the reviews would lead you to believe. There are, in fact, good things in it—not the least of which is Hilary Swank’s performance, and I am not one of Swank’s greatest fans. However, she holds the screen as Amelia Earhart. Her screen presence manages to suggest at least something of the charisma and complexity of the character in ways that the creaky screenplay never even hints at. It’s also a handsome film—with nice period detail and gorgeous cinematography. Unfortunately, this doesn’t alter the fact that there’s more corn in this one movie than is housed in the Corn Palace of Mitchell, S.D., and the Post Toasties factory combined. This is the Amelia Earhart story for the highschool-textbook market—or, with a little luck, for the Classics Illustrated comic-book crowd. It’s all here—the dreams, the triumphs, the commercialization of Earhart, the final ill-fated attempt

much as her love life, drives the story forward, and turns Coco Before Chanel into a costume drama worthy of the name.” (A.O. Scott, New York Times)


Just what the world has been waiting for — Andy Griffith in a sex comedy. Yes, you read that right. The premise has Andy in an old folks home with his eye on Doris Roberts — a prospect that’s threatened to be derailed when Liz Sheridan slips him some Viagra and takes advantage of him. Somewhere there’s an audience for this. (PG-13) Early review samples: • “It’s The Andy Griffith Show meets Seinfeld in the sack in Play the Game, which shows Andy is not too old to star in a sex comedy, I guess.” (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) • “That’s the problem with making a movie where Andy Griffith’s character receives oral sex: People aren’t going to remember much of anything else about your film.” (Paul Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle)

OK, Amelia is watchable. Swank is good. Gere is all right. Most of the cast is wasted. It took 40-odd years for biopics to get as silly as Charles Vidor’s A Song to Remember in 1945. It took another 20 years for them to recover. In one fell swoop, Mira Nair and company have set the genre back 64 years. That’s probably some kind of accomplishment. Rated PG for some sensuality, language, thematic elements and smoking. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Fine Arts Theatre, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15.

Astro Boy JJJJ

Director: David Bowers (Flushed Away) Players: (Voices) Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Bill Nighy, Donald Sutherland, Kristen Bell Animated Sci-Fi/Adventure Rated PG

The Story: A robotic boy attempts to save his futuristic city from the machinations of its war-thirsty president. The Lowdown: A run-of-the-mill animated adventure that’s gussied up with a sardonic sense of humor and political satire. Sometimes, after weeks upon weeks of just watching the worst movies imaginable—the stupid, the puerile, the just plain awful—the simple act of watching a film that at least attempts to say something is something to applaud. No, David Bowers’ Astro Boy adds nothing new to the world of animated adventures, and its politi-

cal undertones are a bit on the obvious, heavyhanded side. But Bowers (Flushed Away), nevertheless, approaches the material with enough good nature and heart that it makes it all mesh together. Based on Osamu Tezuka’s more than half-century-old comic book and the subsequent animated show that it spawned, the movie is an attempt at updating, modernizing (with CGI animation) and introducing the character of Astro Boy to a new audience. The gist is the same. Earth has become a polluted, undesirable place to live, except for one technologically advanced city that floats above the surface where robots have been created to do everyone’s dirty work. Of course, like every sci-fi utopia, not everything’s as pleasant as it looks, especially since it’s an election year and the city’s president, General Stone (Donald Sutherland), is trying to win his re-election through warmongering. All this leads to a freak accident, where the son (Freddie Highmore) of brilliant scientist Dr. Tenma (Nicolas Cage) is killed, causing the griefstricken doctor—in a somewhat creepy stroke of mourning—to make a super-powered robot version of his dead son. But before this all gets too unsettling, Dr. Tenma realizes this substitute son, now christened Astro Boy, can’t replace his human son. The film does nothing really surprising from this point, and consists of Astro Boy figuring out where he fits in the world before taking the path of redemption and heroism. Nothing special by any means, but there’s a bit of humanity in the way not only Astro Boy is handled, but the supporting characters who surround him as well.

at a flight around the world in 1937—and it’s all here in an old-fashioned “ripped from the headlines” manner. And that’s the problem. It’s the stripped-to-the-headlines version of her life—complete with scratchy newsreel footage. Almost 100 percent of the time you get the story you already know. The film’s idea of fleshing out the public persona is perhaps best illustrated by her being forced to endorse Lucky Strike cigarettes and to say they had been along on her first Transatlantic flight, despite the fact that she didn’t smoke. And the film’s not even truthful about the extent of the requisite lie, as is obvious to anyone who’s seen the advertisement in question—which has her claiming they were smoked “nonstop” on the flight. Aspects of the film are close to risible in their clichéd nature. The whole affair with Gene Vidal threatens to become funny, with all its cutaways to worried looks from her husband, G.P. Putnam (Richard Gere), whenever Gene is in the area. Considering that Vidal’s role is so perfunctory that a cardboard cut-out of Ewan McGregor would have probably sufficed, it’s even sillier—and, frankly, seems more concerned with beating you over the head with the fact that she knew young Gore Vidal (William Cuddy). Taking Eleanor Roosevelt (Cherry Jones, looking nothing like Mrs. R. despite a set of oversized choppers) for a nighttime plane ride is just another name-dropping doo-dad that has little to do with the film as it’s presented. • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 67

startingfriday Still doing the “Time Warp” after all these years by Ken Hanke Before last Saturday night at the Carolina Asheville Cinema, it had been about 30 years since I last attended a public screening of Jim Sharman’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) with a live cast. Back then these midnight shows were pretty common. A group of fans would dress up as the characters in the film and act out their parts and lip-synch the songs while standing at the bottom of the screen. The audience — mostly made up of people very familiar with the movie — did their bit to keep things going by shouting things so that the on-screen performers seemed to respond to them. The final touches were supplied by an array of apt props that usually included rice, squirt bottles, newspapers (to be turned into confetti after their initial use as rain gear), cigarette lighters, rolls of toilet paper and, for the truly ambitious, pieces of toast. It was raucous, noisy, fun and more than a little messy. So when I was told that the Montford Park Players had breathed new life into this ritualistic form of showing Rocky Horror, I was intrigued to see what changes had taken place over the years. I wasn’t surprised to notice that quite a bit had changed — after all, 30 years is a very long time, especially in terms of pop-culture references — but I was glad to see that a lot had remained fairly constant. Better still, the uninhibited spirit was largely intact, even if cigarette lighters (open flames) had been deemed out of bounds and replaced somewhat less effectively with glow sticks, while theaters had become a little less lenient on the subject of squirt bottles. One of the most notable changes was the level of preparation that went into the live show. I don’t recall seeing quite this much effort being put into the shows I’d seen. Back then it was largely limited to costumes and enough lighting to be able to see the performers. This new crop of Rocky fans have in some ways taken the proceedings to new levels

with props and other accouterments to give their show a special feel. They’ve also upped the ante on how they introduce “virgins” (first-timers) to the Rocky experience, but that’s a surprise I’ll leave folks to discover for themselves. Old-timers like myself might find a few things jarring. No one exhorts Timmy Curry to “reach for Hamilton Beach” when he takes the electric knife at the dinner table. While I’d put that down to the passing of an old ad campaign, they do retain the equally bewhiskered Shake ‘n’ Bake TV slogan, “And I helped,” to the announcement that dinner has been prepared. Other things are constant. The call-and-response on the song “Eddie” is nearly word-for-word what it was way back when. That’s kind of comforting. This new version is, if anything, wilder, raunchier and more energetic than the ones I knew. That’s mostly a plus, though it sometimes could feel a little too desperate — as if the performers’ efforts to goose the calland-response were sometimes in competition with the movie rather than complementing it. I’d rather they have worked with the film instead of against it, but that’s a minor quibble that will probably dissipate as the audiences become more used to the process and their lines. All in all, it’s a solid presentation that both newcomers and old campaigners will find entertaining. It’s usually only performed at Carolina Cinemas the second Saturday of every month, but being October with all the Halloween antics that entails, it’s been playing every Saturday night — and will be on again, of course, this coming Saturday for Halloween. I can’t think of a better way to cap Halloween than by doing the “Time Warp” at Rocky Horror at midnight. For more information, visit and click on “Show Info.”

68 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

And since Bowers has a history of working for Wallace and Gromit creator Aardman, that same agreeably goofy sense of humor has been transferred to this film, something that separates Astro Boy from the Delgos (2008) and Battle for Terras (2009) of the world. There’s also some political satire tacked on, with General Stone wanting to start a war with anyone and anything in an attempt to win reelection over his “patchouli smelling hippie” opponent. No, it’s not subtle, but it never needs to be, and never feels like the point of the film, but just another layer to it. And it’s definitely a welcome relief from the usual onslaught of popculture references that festoon most animated movies these days. In the end, the movie is pleasant enough, fast-paced enough and delivers enough of what you want it to do that it’s a difficult movie to honestly dislike. Rated PG for some action and peril, and brief mild language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant JJJJ

Director: Paul Weitz (American Dreamz) Players: John C. Reilly, Chris Massoglia, Josh Hutcherson, Ken Watanabe, Salma Hayek Fantasy/Adventure Rated PG-13

The Story: A teen becomes a vampire and joins a traveling freak show in order to save the life of his friend. The two friends end up being thrown into the middle of a war between vampire factions. The Lowdown: Absolutely nothing new, but the movie does have an occasional streak of dark humor and is sufficiently stylish. Plus, it’s a reminder that John C. Reilly can actually be good on occasion. With rampant Twilight hysteria running roughshod over pop culture and the subsequent reactionary knockoff-vampire-movie saturation that looks like it will mar moviegoing for the next few years, it’s nice to know that not all of these vampire flicks based on popular teen-fantasy novels are going to be bad. And while Paul Weitz’s Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant is

never anything groundbreaking, it is sufficiently stylish and entertaining. Based on novelist Darren Shan’s beautifully narcissistic, dozen-book strong Darren Shan Saga, the film is the story of a straight-laced teen named Darren Shan (Chris Massoglia), of course, and his best friend Steve (Josh Hutcherson, Journey to the Center of the Earth). The friends sneak out one night to go to a freak show called Cirque du Freak—full of oddities like a bearded woman (Salma Hayek), a snake-skinned musician (Patrick Fugit, still looking for that career Almost Famous (2000) promised) and a man with two stomachs (Frankie Faison, Adam)—where they encounter a vampire named Crepsley (John C. Reilly). Through a series of events—involving the theft of Crepsley’s spider, Octa, and the near death of Steve—Darren reluctantly agrees to be turned into a half-vampire and work for Crepsley at the Cirque in order to save Steve’s life. The movie’s really just the teenage boy’s answer to the Twilight series, with all the superpowers, adventure-film fisticuffs and growing pains this entails. From here, the movie goes on with the usual spiel about destinies and whatnot, as both Darren and Steve are thrown onto opposite sides of rival vampire factions and an oncoming war between the two. It’s nothing special, and a lot of the exposition is handled in a clumsy fashion that relies too much on narration and a “oh, by the way” attitude that simply throws information in here and there. But at the same time, it does keep the movie from being bogged down in expository minutiae. The plot, however, isn’t the draw. Director Weitz (beating his brother Chris’ The Twilight Saga: New Moon to theaters by a month) coats the film in enough faux Tim Burton style and the same love of ‘50s horror movies (like Willem Dafoe as the spitting image of Vincent Price) to make the film interesting, but not so much that it becomes tiresome. There’s also a healthy streak of black humor, especially for its PG-13 rating. But the real star is the cast. While the teens are nothing special, surrounding them with veteran talent was a shrewd move, especially since the film’s a nice reminder that John C. Reilly is still a talented actor—especially obvious in a role he has no business pulling off—no matter how it seems given the last few horrid comedies he’s been in. It all adds up to a pleasantly surprising, equally entertaining little movie that, in all likelihood, will unfortunately be overlooked in the

glut of fantasy adaptations and vampire flicks currently in vogue. Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense supernatural violence and action, disturbing images, thematic elements and some language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.

Paranormal Activity JJJJ

Director: Oren Peli Players: Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Mark Fredrichs, Ashley Palmer DIY Horror Rated R

The Story: Observations on a young woman who is at the mercy of a demon that’s haunted her since childhood. The Lowdown: A slow-moving, low-budget affair that succeeds in being creepy without quite being terrifying. Is Paranormal Activity the scariest movie ever made? Does it show us the new face of horror? Is Oren Peli this year’s new “savior of the horror movie?” No, no and no. Even on the sliding scale of cutting the movie some slack for being made on an $11,000 or $15,000 budget (both figures have been reported), I can’t call it more than a partially effective work that’s been wildly overpraised—often by people who see enough horror pictures to know better. I like the fact that it derailed the seasonal Saw juggernaut by coming in at number one on the opening weekend of Saw VI, but I’d be more impressed by that feat if I didn’t feel that it got there mostly on hype—and I won’t be sold on the staying power of its lead till after Halloween. Paranormal Activity is, however, an accomplishment. Any do-it-yourself movie that makes it all the way to a finished product is that much, but one that turns an almost nonexistent budget into passable entertainment is something more— regardless how much of a stunt the whole thing is. And make no mistake: Paranormal Activity is a stunt. It cashes in on its very cheapness by going the route of The Blair Witch Project (1999) and pretending that what we’re seeing is found footage of something that really happened. I freely concede, however, that it’s a better, creepier, more entertaining and watchable film than Blair Witch, but then so are the collected works of Ed Wood. The film is a bare-bones affair, as you might expect. It has little actual story, and merely details a series of events. The events are the haunting of a woman named Katie (Katie Featherston), who has been pursued—or at least observed—by a demon from the age of 8. The film charts what happens when her boyfriend, Micah (Micah Sloat), attempts to get to the bottom of this by setting up a video surveillance camera in their bedroom to see what goes on while they sleep. Now that sounds a lot duller than it is— especially considering that not much happens for a fairly long time—because the film wisely doesn’t limit itself to this surveillance footage. This is filled out by home-movie footage of the couple—along with some friends and the odd psychic expert—talking about what’s happening.

To accomplish this, the film turns Micah into an increasingly obsessed would-be documentarian—an aspect of the film that has caused it to be taken as a dig at our narcissistic fixation with detailing our every movement via things like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It’s an interesting reading, but I’m unconvinced the social critique was intentional. It seems more likely that this is merely recycling the kind of growing obsession of the hero we’ve seen for years in movies like Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) and Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943). Not surprisingly, the non-surveillance footage has the downside of meaning lots and lots of shaky-cam camerawork, but at least it’s the kind of shaky camerawork that tries to be as steady as possible, which is far less annoying and far more believable. Then too, since Micah is in many of these shots, the camera has to be put in a stationary position a good deal of the time. It’s also worth noting that the movie cheats on a few occasions by either using shots that it’s unlikely Micah could be shooting, or by having Katie man the camera, which is out of character with her overall attitude about the experiment. Reservations aside, Paranormal Activity works better than it has any right to. It helps that the two leads are reasonably credible actors and are able to engage our sympathy to some degree. That their dialogue manages to sound real without being mind-numbingly boring is also in its favor. But what really makes the movie work is its increasing sense of dread. By the ending—even when you can predict what’s going to happen—it has amassed a credible sense of creepiness that is held in place by the lack of a credits roll, leaving the viewer staring at a dark screen. Did it terrify me? No. But it did creep me out. The only thing that terrified me was Paramount’s decision to trim Peli’s original ending in order to leave the proceedings open to a sequel. Now, that may give me nightmares. Rated R for language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.


Director: Kevin Greutert Players: Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor, Mark Rolston, Betsy Russell, Shawnee Smith, Peter Outerbridge Torture-Porn Horror Rated R

The Story: Jigsaw reaches out from the dead to exact revenge on a vile insurancecompany executive. The Lowdown: More of the same, with a slightly more interesting plot than usual. Saw movies and Halloween go together like ho and hum. That’s not to say that there’s nothing to be said in favor of Saw VI. It’s a good deal better than Saw IV (2007) and Saw V (2008), and while that’s not exactly what you’d call high praise, it’s something. Moreover, this entry appears to have something on its mind—or at least a sense of the topical, with its attack on the insurance industry. Unfortunately, none of this keeps Saw VI from being a Saw movie. In other words, a bunch of folks are going to be subjected to various complicated torture devices and—for the most

part—expire in sundry gooey manners. At bottom, that’s pretty much it. Promoting Kevin Greutert—who edited all the other films in the series—to director seems to have neither hurt nor appreciably helped matters. A case could be made, perhaps, that he gave himself more coherent footage to hook together and that that accounts for the film’s attempts at suspense working better than usual. Or that may simply be due to the screenplay, which is the most notable thing about the film—surprising, since it was written by Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton, the guys responsible for the last two scripts. What’s that saying about monkeys with typewriters being able to write Hamlet given enough time? OK, so this isn’t Hamlet, but it’s still an improvement. The major point of interest lies in the film’s choice of insurance-company honcho William Easton (TV actor Peter Outerbridge) as the focus of the late Jigsaw’s (Tobin Bell) interest. Of course, since Jigsaw pegged out a film or two ago, all this is from beyond the grave and being carried out by his successors—primarily corrupt detective Hoffman (Costas Mandylor, looking more than ever like he’s wearing pink lip gloss) and Mr. Jigsaw’s widow (Betsy Russell). Worry not, though, Jigsaw is still all over the place thanks to the magic of flashbacks and recycled footage. The flashbacks, in fact, are what explain William’s fate, since it turns out that not only did he personally deny Jigsaw’s claims for an experimental cancer treatment—one of his many crimes—but he’d already appalled Jigsaw with his casual God-like ability to decide who lives or dies through the power of the insurance company as dictated by its profit margin. The man is essentially a one-person death panel, which is what gives the film its topical nature. This aspect of the movie also adds to its suspense value, because the gauntlet that William has to run involves him making life-or-death choices regarding his associates. This works best in its first—simplest—situation, since the film has built some minor sympathy for his secretary. Subsequent tests are less effective. For example, the elaborate whirligig business with six potential victims is the least suspenseful, since none of the six evidence the slightest merit for mercy. The biggest problem is that all this is interesting without really going much of anywhere. The blistering satire of Tobe Hooper’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) or Wes Craven’s The People Under the Stairs (1991) is nowhere to be found. Otherwise, Saw VI isn’t a lot more than you’d expect. The twist is more reasonable this time (and doesn’t depend on cheating with the time frame) and you do find out what was in the mysterious box from Saw V (and is it ever a letdown). The performance from Peter Outerbridge is pretty dreadful without being nearly as funny as Cary Elwes’ performance in the original film. And, no, despite the rumors, Elwes does not reappear here. Maybe that’s on tap for Saw VII. Rated R for sequences of grisly bloody violence and torture, and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15.

one-time showings All That Jazz JJJJ

Director: Bob Fosse Players: Roy Scheider, Jessica Lange, Leland Palmer, Ann Reinking, Cliff Gorman Musical/Drama Rated R It’s big, it’s colorful, it’s brassy, it’s as egotistical as movies get—and it’s pretty pleased with its own cleverness. It’s Bob Fosse’s All That Jazz (1979), and whatever else it is, it’s not exactly like anything else—even if parts of it are like a lot of other things. The Hendersonville Film Society will show All That Jazz at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.



Director: Pedro Almodóvar Players: Verónica Forqué, Peter Coyote, Victoria Abril, Alex Casanovas, Rossy De Palma Comedy/Melodrama Rated NC-17 One of the most underrated of Pedro Almodóvar’s films, Kika (1993) is nonetheless a great deal of not-exactly-wholesome fun of the kind that only Almodóvar can provide. Classic Cinema From Around the World will show Kika at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30, at Courtyard Gallery, 9 Walnut St., downtown Asheville. Info: 273-3332.

Herb and Dorothy JJJJ

Director: Megumi Sasaki Players: Herbert Vogel, Dorothy Vogel, Will Barnet, Robert Barry Documentary Rated NR Herb and Dorothy (2008) tells the fascinating story of a pair of art lovers without much in the way of means—he’s a postal clerk; she’s a librarian—who still managed to build one of the most important collections of contemporary art. Herb and Dorothy will be presented by the Asheville Art Museum for one show only Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7 p.m. at the Fine Arts Theatre. For Cranky Hanke’s full reviews of these movies, visit • OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 69

70 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •


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The Green Family Goes Green

The FAQs About Green Building Mrs. Green was brushing her teeth one day when she paused and watched the water run. “I wonder if there’s a way to conserve water while still using it in the same way?” she mused. There is: If she installed a low-flow faucet aerator, she could save water and money. An aerator limits how much water comes out by mixing the liquid with air. By reducing how much hot water is used, you also save energy. A regular faucet uses between 2 and 2.5 gallons per minute. But you can buy aerators that get water usage down to as little as a half-gallon per minute — without reducing the pressure. Mrs. Green soon installed the new fixtures in her bathroom sinks, at a cost of about $2 per faucet. The water payback (not counting the energy from hot water) is about four weeks for two people, or two weeks for four people. For more details on water paybacks, check out the article at


p. 72

Real EstateSpotlight a paid advertising feature highlighting the best in local real estate

Living in downtown Asheville has never been easier!

Living downtown Asheville has never been easier! 60 North Market is the premier downtown condominium located next to The Thomas Wolfe Memorial on Market Street. 60 North Market is situated in the heart of it all with 85 restaurants, theaters, cafes and local galleries just outside its door. The property offers the lock and leave lifestyle many desire in a second home as well as great amenity areas for residents to take advantage of year round. 60 North Market offers gallery lofts facing Market Walk with private ground floor patios. A variety of floor plans remain with 1 bedrooms starting from $259,900, 2 bedrooms from $499,900 and spectacular 2 level penthouse homes from $779,900. Sizes range from 700 square feet up to 2,000 square feet. Each unit features floor to ceiling glass windows, stainless steel appliances

provided by the WNC Green Building Council

p. 75

and granite countertops. The building also has a club room, a rooftop terrace and a health-club quality fitness center. Sales and marketing is being handled through Coldwell Banker NRT Development Advisors, one of the market leaders in the sales and marketing of condominiums, lofts, luxury high-rises, single family and town home communities. The sales center is located at 60 North Market Street and is open daily. Be sure to stop in and see the 4 new designer model homes, with a style for every preference. With over 70 percent sold, these homes will not last long!




crossword p. 79 • 828-350-7720

60 North Market, Unit 103, Asheville, NC 28801

Growing Out of Quality Forward Membership with Asheville GreenWorks shows your loved ones you share their values! Give the gift of membership today! Individual Memberships $35 Family Memberships $60 The recipient will receive a beautiful card notifying them of a gift.

Call 254-1776 or

• OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009


10,000 HOMES • 1 ADDRESS! Search virtually all MLS listings. Visit

Real Estate

Homes For Sale $110,000 • ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS 2BR, 1BA, all new interior. Walk to UNCA. Quiet neighborhood. • Own for less than rent! 713-7606.

$159,900 • DARLING GARDEN HOME 3BR, 2BA, 1392 sqft. Great neighborhood near downtown Hendersonville. Recent quality construction, garage, fireplace, private patio, designer upgrades. MLS#451875. Below tax value! 809A South Whitted. (828) 274-5059. • 40+ photos:

$169,000 • GROVE PARK This brick 2 bedroom features hardwood floors, recent interior paint, a natural gas furnace, mature landscaping, and a private backyard adjoining a small stream. Walk to downtown. Call (828) 255-7530.

$188,000 • WONDERFUL WEST ASHEVILLE 2BR bungalow with bonus room, fireplace, laundry room, porches, fenced yard, carport. Many updates, newer gas heat, air conditioning. Walk to West Asheville attractions. MLS#444853.• Seller will pay $2000 toward closing costs. Call (828) 255-7530.

$205,000 • BUNGALOW • NORTH ASHEVILLE Cute and cozy 2BR, 1BA, quiet neighborhood, close to everything. 5 minutes to downtown, Greenlife. • Perfect for small family, couple, or potential rental income. Hardwood floors, many recent upgrades inside and out. Large screened backporch. Large private fenced backyard w/hot tub. Built-ins, AC/heat pump/oil, and more. • Photos: http://35salemavenueashevi • Call (828) 260-2257.

$239,000 • CUSTOM LOG CABIN • MARSHALL 3BR, 2BA cabin built in 2004. On 1.6 private acres, 25 minutes from Asheville. Exposed beams, hardwood floors, Jotul wood stove, landscaping, large wraparound porch. • USDA financing available. MLS#451887. Call (828) 255-7530. $239,500 • BY THE RIVER • VIEWS! 4 miles North of downtown Asheville. Newer 3BR, 2.5BA home w/double garage on cul-de-sac. Home office/loft. • Almost 2000 feet of heated area. Will consider lease/option to purchase. Owner/broker. For more pics and information:

$270,000 • WEST ASHEVILLE! 3BR, 2.5BA, 1874 sqft Craftsman-style home, quiet wooded street. Gas fireplace, open plan, bonus room. Huge master suite. Garage. Fenced backyard. MLS#439196. Heidi DuBose, BeverlyHanks and Associates. (828) 280-8430. 439196#

$375,000 • HAW CREEK 3BR, 2BA, 2021 sqft home. Beautiful 1.45 acres within city limits, yet close to • Blue Ridge Parkway. Full basement, 2 car garage, newly refinished hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, woodstove and much more! • By owner: (828) 230-1704. lthompson128@

$459,000 • CHESTNUT HILL HISTORIC DISTRICT This 1897 shingle house designed by Richard Sharp Smith is on a large lot with ample parking, detached garage, fresh paint, new roof, and original features intact. Residential/office zoning. MLS#449460. Call (828) 255-7530.

$598,000 • FAIRVIEW This renovated contemporary features a custom kitchen with walk-in pantry, magnificent custom woodwork and cabinetry, and two master bedroom suites. On 10+ secluded acres with views, gardens, creek, and trails. MLS#412351. Call (828) 255-7530.

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH NEW HOUSE • 1450 sq.ft., 9 foot ceiling, big windows, nice lot. Two minutes to Exit 21, New Stock Road, Woodfin. 221 Old Home Road. Hardwoods, fans, stainless appliances, porch, patio, sunny kitchen. Perfect for small family. Hurry, won’t last. $185,000. 828-299-7502. A BETTER WAY TO SELL! America/Asheville’s #1 FSBO Website with MLS, deluxe for Maximum global exposure! Best listing value WNC, Low Flat Fee listing, Save THOU$AND$! (828) 350-1995. Asheville

CHUNNS COVE JEWEL Priced at $50K below market value! Main floor an artist dream with enormous studio, skylights, sprawling patio, sun soaked decks. Master suite includes private sunroom. 1.5 wooded acres with south exposure and year round views. Full mother-in-law basement. Call (828) 2527787. Crest Realty.

DELUXE BRICK BUNGALOW In choice West Asheville location. Walk to all amenities in just minutes. Many “green” renovations have been done lovingly and with quality. Devorah Thomas, City Real Estate • (828) 776-5384. Dev@ www.AshevilleCityRealEst

FIND OUT WHY! Folks are calling City Real Estate for exploring the art or finding your home. Sales and Rentals handled professionally and efficiently. We help you find “Views From All Angles”. (828) 210-2222. www.AshevilleCityRealEst KENILWORTH “ECO-CHIC” With lots of upgrades, including prairie stove, bar, built-in breakfast nook and upgraded appliances. Second floor meditation room suspended above living area create a masterful play of space and volume. Hardwoods, custom tile and cork flooring. Spacious master bedroom with tons of light. Great outdoor space and landscaping. Quiet end of Kenilworth, yet close to everything. $399K. Call (828) 252-7787. Crest Realty.

PRICE REDUCED! Now completed and absolutely gorgeous! The Madrona plan from Ross Chapin, full of the craftsman details award-winning Longview Builders, Inc. is known for. Crisp highly appointed kitchen, bonus room in master (on main), reading nook, play loft, tall windows and lots of light. Tasteful touches throughout. HBH certified. Amazing house for the money in North Asheville. Call (828) 2527787. Crest Realty.

PRIVATE CONTEMPORARY • $394,642 3BR, 2.5BA, open floorplan, great light, hardwood and ceramic tile floors, deck off master, 2zoned heat, 0.8 acres w/private pond. MLS#451208. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663. THE VILLAGES AT CREST MOUNTAIN Asheville’s Premier Sustainable Community! Top green builders, community gardens, orchards & vineyards, common houses, common solar, so much more. Starting in the low 200s. www.villagesatcrestmounai or 828.252.7787 / info@villagesatcrestmountai for more info.

WALK TO DOWNTOWN • 1700 sq.ft., 4BR, 2.5BA, hardwood floors, new kitchen, deck, sun room, $199,000. Agents welcome. 828-582-7198. WEST ASHEVILLE • $185,000 2BR/1BA recently updated 1920’s. 1280 sq.ft. .15 acres. Bonus room with workspace, laundry. Fenced yard and garden space. Walk to Haywood Rd. shops and to Carrier Park/new greenway. New windows and refinished wood floors. 828-713-6885.

Located in picturesque downtown Weaverville within walking distance to the quaint Main Street shops and Lake Louise! Almost 2000sf, this home has rock accents and hardiplank exterior, three bedrooms, three full baths, hand hewn hardwood floors, upgrade carpet and tile, maple cabinets, granite bath counters, and a whirlpool tub in master bath. Upgrade appliances, fixtures and molding, three decks for nature lovers. This low maintenance, energy efficient home also features a large office/ studio space/possible 4th bedroom. Beautifully landscaped, almost one half acre NATURE lot with adjacent stream and end of the road privacy. Great neighbors.

WEST ASHEVILLE • 2 BR 1 BA, 1100 sq.ft. Charming bungalow in desirable quiet neighborhood, 0.4 acres, updated kitchen and covered porch, hardwood floors, walking distance to Haywood Road shops and restaurants. $225,000 (828) 275-7980 .

A Fantastic Buy at just $269,900 - (828)768-3339 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

2 BEDROOM IN OAKLEY 0.48 acres in great location. Hardwood floors throughout. Fenced backyard. • Now $165,000. Call the Armour Team of Keller Williams at 771-2336.

BENDING OVER BACKWARDS! For our clients! (828) 713-5337. Search all MLS listings in 1 location:

Brand New Arts and Crafts Beauty!


1000’s OF ASHEVILLE HOMES! On our user friendly property search. New features include Google Mapping and Popular Neighborhood searches. Check it out at

COMPACT COTTAGE COMPANY • Small “green”-built buildings usable for an enormous variety of practical applications, such as: Sleep, Work, Mother-in-law storage, Poker, Karaoke, Be in the doghouse in. From $15K-30K., 828-254-5450.

NEW GREEN BUILT. Woman-centric designed homes available. $249,900 to $317,900 at Brookstone Cottages and FoxChase Cluster Homes. 2 minutes to shopping and restaurants. 3 miles to downtown Hendersonville. Call 828-639-8022 red_Communities

WEST ASHEVILLE 2 Bedroom Condominium priced below market at $98,000. Attractive. Split level. Newer appliances included. Views. Pool. Ample Light. Heat Pump/AC. Canterbury Heights Complex. A Bargain! Call 253-9451.

Condos For Sale

BEAUTIFUL PENTHOUSE SUITE Lexington Station in downtown Asheville. Approximately 2000 sqft, 3BR, 2BA w/sunset views, hardwood floors, granite countertops, 9’ ceilings, fireplace. 2 secured garage parking spaces. (828) 7712329. Asheville’s Dream Team, Keller Williams. BEVERLY TOWNHOUSE • Between downtown and Biltmore village. 2BR, 1BA. Hardwood floors, newly painted, modern lighting and updated kitchen with Corian countertops, washer/dryer. End unit with quiet green and gardening space. $118,000 (828) 5453163.

DOWNTOWN KRESS BUILDING Custom Condo in the historic Kress Building. 2 PINs, adjoining spiral staircase. Original maple floors, private balconies, high ceilings. • $525,000, lease/purchase also available for $1800/month. MLS#423787. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663.

HISTORIC S&W CONDOS New condos in the heart of downtown in historic art deco building. 3rd and 4th floor units w/elevator access and city or mountain views. From $290,000. The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663, •

TERRIFIC LOCATION DOWNTOWN • $225,000. 2BR. 2BA. Furnished, stainless steel appliances, W/D. Secure entrance/parking. Fitness center, rooftop garden. List price lower than purchase. Brokers welcome. 251-543-6400.



UPHOLSTERY AND RESTORATION Quality and friendly custom restoration services for all your upholstery needs. • Auto • Home. Free estimates. (828) 776-8220.

ALCA REMODELING • Specializing in hardwood floors, bathrooms, kitchens, decks, trim, electrical, carpentry, pressure cleaning, general maintenance. References. Alan, 828-656-8375.

Kitchen & Bath

*Based on 100% financing, APR 4.229% on 5 year ARM. No prepayment penalty, no balloon payment, no PMI. Rates are subject to change at any time. Based on 80% 1st mortgage of $111,920 (principal + interest) and 20% 2nd mortgage of $27,980 (interest only) APR 4.125%. Both loans are variable rate, subject to change at 5 years. Select condos only. Does not include taxes and insurance. Nitch Real Estate: (828) 654-9394 or

Real Estate Services

ELK MOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES We specialize in • re-fitting Bathrooms and Kitchens and finishing Basements • adding Garages, Porches and • Sunrooms. • Professional education and experience. Call (828) 242-1950 or (for all our information): www.elkmountainassocia

Painting 1 DAY ROOM TRANSFORMATION Custom painting, decorative finishes, wallpaper installation/removal. • 15 years experience. • Meticulous • Timely • Reasonable. Heather, (828) 215-4365. Custom Home Interior Accents.

Cleaning HOUSEKEEPER/PERSONAL ASSISTANT has an opening to work for you. Call (828) 216-4592

General Services HOME WATER LEAKS A Problem? Excellent leak detection! Lasting correction! Experience! References! Call 828-2735271. We know Asheville. Since 1969. Let me help you sell your home or find the perfect one for you. Make it simple! Cindy Zinser. m 828-243-0217, 828-210-3636.

Home Services

Lawn & Garden NATURAL CRAFT • Finished Grading • Drainage Issues • Erosion Control • Fall Planting • Mulching.

Heating & Cooling MAYBERRY HEATING AND COOLING INC • Service • Repairs • Replacements AC/Heat Pumps • Gas/Oil Furnaces • New Construction/Renovations • Indoor Air Quality Products. (828) 658-9145.

DOWNTOWN Coxe Avenue, newer building, groundlevel retail with walking traffic. $1500/month. Call The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

Commercial Listings

Commercial Property

DOWNTOWN Ground-floor retail w/courtyard on Lexington Avenue. Approximately 2982 sqft, hardwood floors, newer building. $2000/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

COMMERCIAL FOR SALE • Downtown, Coxe Avenue one story building, approximately 1800 sqft, affordable price, $295,000. • Downtown, brick building w/high ceilings, roll up doors, concrete floors, $330,000. • Gateway to Broadway Corridor, 3 buidings, 2 lots, home to many new developments, just reduced! $950,000. • The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

HISTORIC MILES BUILDING Downtown Asheville. Offices available. High ceilings and hardwood floors. Great space. 828-242-5456.

Business Rentals 1 MONTH FREE! (W/12 month lease). River Arts Studios starting at $180/month, includes utilities. Call 250-9700 or email:

LEXINGTON LOFTS Renovated restaurant and retail spaces between 1100-2000 sqft on Lexington and Rankin Avenues w/competitive lease rates; ready for upfit mid-2010. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

Handy Man HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 25 years professional experience, quality, reliability. References available. Free estimates. Insured. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254. RELIABLE REPAIRS! Quality work! All types maintenance/repair, indoor/outdoor. • Excellent water leak detection/correction! • Wind damaged shingle/roof repair! 38 years experience! Responsible! Honest! Harmonious! References! Call Brad, you’ll be Glad! (828) 273-5271.

Fully insured. Call: 828-507-2055.

DOWNTOWN OFFICE • Corner private entry on Biltmore Ave. by BUS to 2nd floor with charming brick and old forest wood open design with kitchen & bath, parking, 17 ft. of closet office supply, signage. $1,500/month +. 828 2300755


Computer COMPUTER SERVICE AT YOUR DOORSTEP We Come To You! • PC and Mac • Slow computer? We’ll speed it up. • Repairs • Upgrades • Networking • Tutoring. Senior Citizen/Nonprofit Discounts. Call Christopher’s Computers, 828-670-9800. Member Better Business Bureau of WNC. www.christopherscomput

NICE SUBURBAN OFFICES South of Airport, Hwy 280. 4,400 sqft. freestanding building. Possible office/live-in. Approximately $3,000/month.

ATTRACTIVE, 2,000 SQ,FT. DOWNTOWN OFFICE • 55 Grove Street. Four offices, break room, large reception area. Below market at $11/ sq. ft. Ample parking nearby. Practical and beautiful. Call (828) 2539451.

HENDERSONVILLE ROAD Close to Asheville. Deluxe suite of offices, 160, 280 sqft. Ample parking. Cheap! 828-216-6066.

BE ON BUSY TUNNEL ROAD! Anchor space to starter space available from 300 sqft to 3500 sqft. Great for Medical, Office or Studio use. Contact (828) 2152865 for showings.

NORTH ASHEVILLE Basement level of the Sherwin Williams building, approximately 6500 sqft, $3000/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663.

DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE: For lease. Retail and office suites, 222 to 2,964 sqft. Very prominent locations. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024.

RIVER DISTRICT 6,000 sqft shell - artists; flexible uses. Owner will upfit for Class A office. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024.

Heirloom Quality Homebuilding & Custom Woodworking Cabinetry and Fine Furniture Making Utilizing Local, Ecologically Sound Materials

Built to Last

Jeremy Brookshire



Rooms For Rent DOWNTOWN • SINGLE ROOM The Gray Rock Inn, 100 Biltmore Avenue, near French Broad Food Co-op. • Weekly rates, $105/week. References, security deposit required. John: 230-4021.

Apartments For Rent Glen Beale, *2nd month free*, $675/month, 828253-1517, $325/MONTH CANTON; $450/MONTH CANDLER Nice, renovated 1BR apartments; minutes from downtown Asheville. No smoking; no pets. Call (828) 337-5447. $695/MONTH • FALL SPECIAL East • 2BR, 2BA. Riverside setting. Beautiful views. Covered parking. Deck. All appliances, including WD. Storage. Large closets. Pet friendly. 776-4940. 1 FREE MONTH! (w/contract). Live, work and play downtown. • Studio: $545/month. • 1BR: $650/month. Call (828) 691-6555.

1-2BR, 1-2BA, HENDERSONVILLE, 2010 LAUREL PARK, coin-op laundry, $350-$675/month, 828-693-8069,

1BR, 1BA MONTFORD • 333 Cumberland Ave. Tile floors, high ceilings. $595-$625/month. 828-253-1517.

1-2BR, 2BA, SOUTH Skyland Heights, $495$595/month, 828-253-1517,

1BR, 1BA NORTH • 12 Golf St. $665/month. Hardwood floors, gas heat. 828-253-1517.

2BR, 1BA WEST • 9 King Arthur. Dishwasher, baseboard heat. $625/month. 828-2531517.

1, 2, 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $525$1500. • Huge selection! • Pet friendly. (828) 251-9966.

1BR, 1BA NORTH • 7 Banbury Cross. $525/month. Hardwood floors, high ceilings 828-253-1517.

2BR, 1BA WEST • 92 Appalachian Way. $895/month. Harwood floors, W/D connections. 828-53-1517.

1BR - NORTH ASHEVILLE • $750/month, utilities included. 1 mile from UNCA. Walk to Greenlife. Great neighborhood! (828) 423-0341.

1BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Near downtown. W/D hookup. $450/month + security deposit. No pets. 828-551-0017.

2BR, 1BA, EAST, 7 LINDSEY, A/C, W/D hookups, $595/month, 828693-8069,

1BR FURNISHED Near A-B Tech. Suitable for a serious student. • No smoking/pets. References, 1 year lease. $295/month plus deposit. Call between 8am-6pm: (828) 252-7179.

1BR/1BA NORTH • 83 Edgemont, water included. $495/month. 828-2531517.

1BR VICTORIANMONTFORD • Living room, sun room, hardwoods, gas heat. $625/month, year lease. Security deposit, credit check. Sorry, no dogs. For appointment call Elizabeth Graham, 828253-6800. 1BR, 1BA CENTRAL • 15 Grindstaff. Carpet/vinyl. $525/month. 828-253-1517.

EMD <EH L;HO BEM CEDJ>BO F7OC;DJI 9B?D=C7D 7L;DK; BE< JI • 1 & 2 BR Condominiums • Nine foot ceilings

• Private Balconies

2-3BR, 1.5BA NORTH • 30 Clairmont. Close to shopping and dining. Water included. $635$655/month. 828-2531517. 2BR, 1.5BA, EAST, 119 Liberty, a/c, w/d hookups, $625/month, 828-2531517, 2BR, 1BA DOWNTOWN • 138 Biltmore Ave. $915/month. A/C, cats okay. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA MONTFORD • 346 Montford Ave. $650/month. Hardwood floors, gas heat. 828-2531517. 2BR, 1BA NORTH • 198 Kimberly Ave. $850/month. Patio, lawn. 828-253-1517.

• Close to downtown • Energy Star and NC HealthyBuilt Home certified

1BR/1BA, EAST • 314 Fairview, porch, $575/month. 828-2531517.

2BR, 1BA NORTH • 304 Charlotte St. Carpet, car port. $650/month. 828253-1517.

Own for only $650/month Includes Mortgage, Taxes & Association Fees

2BR, 2BA CONDO Fireplace, deck, washer/dryer. Nice pool! Close to town. Great winter views. $925/month, includes condo fee and water. (828) 712-1675. 2BR, 2BA EAST • 2484 Riceville Rd. Open floor plan, porch. $615/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 2BA SWANNANOA • 746 Bee Tree Lake Rd. $675/month. W/D, dishwasher. 828-253-1517. 2BR/1.5BA NORTH • 265 Charlotte, hardwood floors, coin-op laundry. $850/month. 828-2531517. 2BR/1BA WEST • 257 Sandhill, A/C, W/D hookups. $715/month. 828-2531517. 2BR/2BA, ARDEN • 216 Weston, A/C, W/D hookups. $795/month. 828-2531517. 3BR, 1BA NORTH • 22 Westall. Close to UNCA. Water included. $695/month. 828-2531517.

Fine Grading and Site Preparation Complete Landscape Design/Installation

Includes mortgage, taxes and association fees. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Less than 4 miles from downtown Asheville and minutes from UNCA.

9Wbb C_a[ LWdY[ (+*#*&)& [nj$ ''-

2BR, 1BA, NORTH, 365 Weaverville, w/d hookups, $475-$595/month, 828693-8069,

79,*0:065 EARTHWORKS

;B A CE KD J7 ?D JEMD >EC ; I Own for as low as $700/month

2BR, 1BA NORTH • 53 Maney Ave. $875/month. Hardwood floors, fireplace. 828-253-1517.

• E x c av at i o n & R o a d s • Wate r Ha r v e s t i n g / Management • S to n e w o r k • Outdoor Rooms • Wate r Fe atu r e s • Renewable Energy

P r e c i s i o n @ e a rt h a v e n . o r g

Brandon Greenstein • Paul Caron (828) 664-9127 | 301-7934 Co-Creating Your Natural Landscape

• OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009


3BR, 2BA EAST • 126 Aurora Dr. Carpet, W/D hookups. $825/month. 828253-1517.

BLACK MOUNTAIN • 2BR, 1BA. Heatpump, central air, W/D connection. Nice area. Only $595/month. 828-252-4334.

3BR, 2BA, NORTH, 81 LAKESHORE, A/C, coin-op laundry, deck, $725/month, 828-253-1517,

CENTRAL • 1BR. Heat and water provided. $620/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty.

A HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS • GREAT PRICE! Live in a beautiful, green, conveniently located scenic resort-style community! • Fireplaces • Heated pool • Fitness Center and more. Call (828) 687-0638. ACTON WOODS APARTMENTS • Beautiful 2BR, 2BA, loft, $850/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $750. Include gas log fireplace, water, storage. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1 Very private 2BR apartment in Haw Creek near Tunnel Road. WD connections. Convenient to mall, downtown and medical center. Private drive. Lease, security deposit, references required. Utilities separate. • No pets please. $625/month. Call (828) 350-1400. BEAVERDAM • DUPLEX North. 2BR, 2BA, new carpet, 800 sqft, 2 levels, WD, off street parking. Deck, yard and • pets ok! $750/month includes water. Call (828) 279-3926.

CENTRAL • S. French Broad Ave. 1BR, 1BA, office. $615 per month. 828-350-9400. DUPLEX • NORTH • UNCA 2BR, 1BA w/bonus room. Walk downtown. 1300 sqft, central HVAC, hardwood floors, WD, off street parking. Deck, yard. • Pets ok. $1200/month includes water. Call (828) 279-3926. DUPLEX • 66 Linden Ave. 2BR, 1BA. Large living room. Office space. Some furniture. Quiet and safe. No pets. $750/month. $750/deposit. 828-253-4494. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT • Available immediately. 289 E Chestnut ST. Ground floor units available, $450/month. No pets. 828-350-9400. GET QUALITY RESULTS! I received calls from a lot of high quality renters, as opposed to other publications I’ve tried. I will continue to advertise with Mountain Xpress. Patricia H. You too, can find the ideal renter, just call us! (828) 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace.

GLEN BRIDGE APARTMENTS • 1BR, 1BA. $450/month. Includes water/garbage. Small complex in Arden. Move in special with one year lease. 828-350-9400.

NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334.

HENDERSONVILLE • 1BR, 1BA. Walking distance to Main St. Includes water. Only $425/month. 828-252-4334.

NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334

HENDERSONVILLE 1BR studio apartment. Walking distance to Main Street. Includes water. Only $385/month. 828-252-4334 HISTORIC MONTFORD • Elegant, romantic apartment. Formal living room, dining room, 1 or 2 bedroom. Balcony, hardwoods, gas heat. Sorry, no dogs. 1 cat okay. $795/month. 828-253-6800. LEICESTER • Available immediately. 1BR with office. $550/month. 828350-9400. NEAR A-B TECH 1BR for individual. No smoking/pets. $400/month. Deposit. 1 year lease. Off street parking. References. Background check. 2527179, 8am-6pm.

NORTH ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 1BA. Heat pump, central air. W/D connection. Close to Beaver Lake. $595/month. 828-252-4334. NORTH FOREST APARTMENTS 2BR, 2BA. Beautiful complex, built 2002. Safe and secure. Close to I-26/UNCA, North Asheville. • $600/month. 778-6809.

1 BR/1 BA ............... $495 2BR/1 BA ................ $525 3BR/1BA ................. $625 Walking distance to town, incl. water

In quiet, very nice park. 3BR, 2BA. ............................ $6 2 5 / M O NTH

2BR, 2BA. .......................... $6 1 5 / M O NTH

2 BR, 1BA apartment. Heat pump with central air, washer/dryer connections. Also includes water.


HENDERSONVILLE 1BR, 1BA apar ment with new berber carpet. Small deck with sliding glass door. Walking distance to Main Street. Includes water.


OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

2BR, 2.5BA TOWN HOUSE • Fletcher. Like new. Large back common area. $825/month including water/sewer/garbage. W/D hookup. Gas fireplace. No pets. Jill (828) 216-4760. 2BR, 2BA CONDO Fireplace, deck, washer/dryer. Nice pool! Close to town. Great winter views. • $925/month, including condo fee and water. (828) 712-1675. 3BR, 2BA CONDO • Top floor, private wooded view in Biltmore Lake area. Clubhouse/pool/gym. Wood burning fireplace. W/D included. $500 off first month’s rent! Inquiries email 3BR, 2BA CONDO. Black Mountain. End unit, 1553 sq.ft. All appliances and washer/dryer. Excellent location, views. Deck, porch. Water/trash included. Swimming pool. $995/month + 1 month deposit. 1yr lease. No pets. Available Nov 1. 828-230-5343 or

1ST CALL US! 2, 3 and 4BR homes from $700-2500. • Pet friendly. • Huge selection! (828) 251-9966

DOWNTOWN LUXURY CONDO • 2BR, 2BA. Two blocks from Pack Square, corner SW facing. 12’ ceiling. Eleven huge windows, exposed brick, oak floors, and gourmet kitchen. Indoor parking. $2,000/month furnished, $1800/month unfurnished. Year lease. Bright Star Realty, 828-301-8033. DOWNTOWN LUXURY CONDOS Brand new loft in historic 52 Biltmore Avenue Building. 1BR, 1.5BA with 250 sqft 2nd floor mezzanine. Gourmet kitchen, oak floors, exposed brick, modular lighting, large windows, W/D, concrete, granite, stone, stainless upgrades. Indoor parking. Best Downtown location; walk to anything. $1,250/month. Year lease. 828-301-8033 or 954-6841300. Oxford Ventures FLETCHER • 2BR, 1.5BA townhouse available for immediate rental. Very nice unit with one car garage. Duplex style living, very convenient to I-26 and south Asheville shopping/restaurants. One small pet considered. $800 per month. 828-350-9400. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334 NORTH ASHEVILLE • 2BR/2BA top floor condo available late November. Approx 1115 sq.ft. $825/month. Pet friendly, nice views, rural-esque setting within minutes of shopping and downtown. Washer and dryer included. Please contact Bo for more info, or 828.423.9588. WEST ASHEVILLE Canterbury Heights, 46 and 48 Beri Drive. Newly renovated, 2BR, 1.5BA, split level condos, 918 sqft. Pool, fitness center. $725/month. Mike 919-624-1513.

Homes For Rent 1920’S BUNGALOW • WEST ASHEVILLE 2BR, 1BA. Great location. Great neighborhood. WD, partially furnished. • No pets. $925/month, $500 deposit. (828) 273-6538.

$4 2 5 / M O NTH


WEST ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 2BA mobile home. In very nice park. Like new. In city and on bus line close to town. Only $615/month. 828-252-4334.

Condos/ Townhomes For Rent



WAYNESVILLE 2BR, 1BA mobile home on a private lot. Nonsmoking. Some pets ok. $400/month, $250 deposit. Water and septic included. 828-505-6879, or

STUDIO/1BA NORTH • Fall Special! 85 Merrimon, all utilities included. Furnished. $550/month. 828-253-1517.

Great Rentals in West Asheville, North Asheville, Woodfin, Black Mountain & Hendersonville NO R TH MOBILES LIKE NEW

Off Merrimon Ave.

HAW CREEK Convenient location, good school district. 3BR, 2BA mobile home. Fenced. Nonsmoking. • Some pets ok. $750/month, $750 deposit. (828) 299-8623.

WEST ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 2BA. W/D connection. Very close to town on bus line in very nice park. Fall special. Only $450/month. 828-252-4334.



GAY FRIENDLY MOBILE1BR, bonus room, WD, DW. Private. 20 minutes West. Non-smoker. $500/month. Mike: 226-9998.

STUDIO/1BA NORTH • 82 Merrimon, hardwood floors, $525/month. 828-253-1517.


Mobile Homes For Rent

The area’s largest selection of Rental Homes under one roof. Tel: (828) 650-6880 Toll Free (800) 789-1135 x 6880 PO Box 580, 2602 Hendersonville Road, Arden, NC 28704

2 BLOCKS TO HAYWOOD ROAD Cute 3BR, 2BA ranch on quiet cul-de-sac. West Asheville. Washer/dryer, private patio, gas fireplace and furnace, freshly painted, tiled kitchen and bathrooms, bamboo floors. $995/month. (828) 275-0305. 2BR, 1.5 BA CENTRAL • 156 St. Dunstan/ Sunroom, hardwood floors. $1065/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA • CHUNNS COVE DUPLEX $750/month. Call (828) 253-0758. Carver Realty 2BR, 1BA FLETCHER • 2 Pearson. Fireplace, A/C. $795/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA NORTH • 69 Rice Branch. Fireplace, rear deck. 828-253-1517. $950/month. 2BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE • 5 minutes to downtown. Security deposit required. $550/month. David, 777-0385. 2BR, 2BA WEST • 40 Hudson. Gas logs, A/C. $895/month. 828-253-1517. 3 MONTFORD APARTMENTS Historic downtown neighborhood. Recent renovations and wood floors, claw foot tub/showers, gas ranges, refrigerators and nice bright kitchens. • Central radiator heat and water included. • A: Upstairs, 650 sqft, 1BR and bonus/office (or small BR), private porch, $690/month. • B: Downstairs, $715/month, 1BR and bonus/office (or small BR), nice porch. • C: Downstairs 1BR, ceramic tile BA, new shower (only), $625/month. • No pets/smoking. 81 Pearson Drive. Call Eddie: (803) 6003336 or (828) 254-2229. 3BR, 1BA WEST • 39 Ridgeway. Oak floors, garage. $895/month. 828253-1517. 3BR, 2BA CHARMING ‘OLE HOME Love this home as much as we do. 2 lots with great garden for veggies and herbs, mud room, washer and dryer. Bright large kitchen with hardwood floors, large family room. 2 drive ways, big porch to sit relax. $1,166/month. Rent or buy. email:

3BR, 2BA WEST ASHEVILLE Near downtown. Wood stove, wood floors, sun porch, small office, washer/dryer, lease/deposit. $1050/month. 828-2548066. 3BR, 2BA • 1800sq.ft. on .5 acre. Walk to Reynolds HS. Garage, storage/workshop, fireplace. Consider small pets. No smoking. Available 10/10/09. $1325/month. 828-712-5559. 3BR/2BA EAST • 155 Onteora, near shopping. $845/month. 828-2531517. 4BR, 2BA WEST • 10 Friendly Way. Gas logs, garage. $1195/month. 828253-1517. ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT. Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for free! Visit: (AAN CAN) ARDEN, OAK FOREST • 3BR, 2BA with full basement/garage. Nice area. Reduced to $1050/month. $30 application fee. 828-350-9400. ARDEN • 2 homes available from $950/month. Great layouts. 828-350-9400. ARDEN • House available with efficiency apartment in basement. Fenced yard, 1 car garage. Wonderful layout, quiet area. $1095/month. 38 Appian Way. 828-350-9400. ASHEVILLE AREA RENTALS $550$1950/month. • 1-East. • 3-West. • 3-North. • 3South. • Century 21 Mountain Lifestyles: (828) 684-2640, ext 17. For more details: BEACON VILLAGE • SWANNANOA 2-3BR, 1BA, hardwood floors, oil heat, WD connections. Fenced yard. • Pets considered. $750/month. Deposit. References. 301-0151. BEAVERDAM • NORTH ASHEVILLE 3BR, 2BA, hardwood floors throughout. WD connections. • Garage w/attic storage. • Additional carport. Fenced yard. $1150/month. (828) 301-0151. BILTMORE FOREST, SOUTH ASHEVILLE • 2 story carriage house with 1 BR loft. 1.5 BA. Hardwood floors, tile. Heat pump and central air. W/D connection. Completely renovated. Excellent condition. Lots of character. Water and highspeed internet. $845/month. Steve, 828-273-9545. BILTMORE PARK. 4BR, 2.5 BA, 2,200 sqft, Rent for $2,100. 4BR, 3.5BA $2500. Carver Realty, 828-253-0758.

BUNGALOW • WEST ASHEVILLE 2BR, 1BA with bonus room on sunny corner lot in quiet neighborhood. Hardwood floor in living room; fireplace, WD connections, partial basement for storage. • Pets negotiable. $900/month includes lawn maintenance; security deposit. Call 10am-7 pm: (828) 582-1001. BY THE RIVER • VIEWS! 4 miles North of downtown Asheville. Newer 3BR, 2.5BA home w/double garage on cul-de-sac. Home office/loft. Almost 2000 feet of heated area. $1395/month. For pictures and more information: CANDLER • ENKA VILLAGE 3BR, 1BA. $900/month. 1 year lease. Great home in charming neighborhood. 5 minutes to I-40. Updated bath. Big kitchen with all appliances. Washer/dryer. 1 car garage. New oil/heat pump furnace, central AC. • Cats ok. • We check credit and rental histories. Photos at: http://www.acmehomeandla • Call (828) 298-1212 or email manager@ CANDLER • 3BR, 3BA. Private. $1,275. Call 828253-0758. Carver Realty CHARMING 2BR, 1BA Close to Beaver Lake, UNCA and downtown. 1,026 sq.ft. Big yard. Mountain views. Pets welcome! $800/month. 828-450-0030. CUTE AND COMFY Walk to downtown or UNC-A. 1BR, 1BA cottage; open living room/kitchen area; fenced yard, WD connections. • Pets negotiable. Security deposit; $650/month. Call 10am-7pm: (828) 582-1001. HAW CREEK • 3 bedroom 2.5 bath 2 car garage. 7 years old. $1550 month. 828-713-2467. HOUSES FOR RENT • Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for free. Visit m. (AAN CAN)

OAKLEY • Cozy 2BR, 1BA. Hardwood floors, ceiling fans, large kitchen, W/D. Very clean shed. Pets ok. $750/month. 828-2425456.

INCREDIBLE BUNGLALOW • Weaverville. Available Nov. 16. A very special cottage on 2.5 acres, deadend gravel road, woods, garden space, small creek. Safe community watch area. 2.5BR, 1BA, greatroom/kitchen combo w/big windows. Deck, porch. Perfect for 2! Woodstove, central oil heat. Spring drinking water. Hammock hooks ready near creek. Good references and be willing to mow and some property up-keep. $800/month includes water. No smokers. First, last, $200 damage deposit. (731) 742-3143 or (828) 7123350. Contact Karen: MALVERN HILLS • WEST 2BR, 1BA: 170 Arthur Road. 1000 sqft, hardwood floors, fireplace, WD connection, AC, basement, large attic. Garage, big beautiful yard, great neighborhood! Pets considered. $800/month. 1 year lease. 252-3334. MONTFORD • WALK DOWNTOWN • Large 2BR, 1BA house • Quiet deadend street. Woodfloors. Washer/dryer, dishwasher. Large garage/storage. Deck, small yard. • Pets considered. $900/month, includes water. Deposit. References. (828) 4679056. MONTFORD 2BR, 1BA. Cute, small 2 story cottage. Includes stove, fridge, water. Gardens. Off street parking. Quiet neighborhood. Walk downtown/UNCA. No pets. $650/month, $650 deposit. References. (828) 2812357. NORTH ASHEVILLE • Great Views! Updated, 3BR, 2BA. Living, dining, den, fireplace, hobby room, storage, central air/heat, built-ins, washer/dryer, new flooring, vanities, fridge, paint, ceiling fans. Cul-desac street. 828-712-0271. $1500/month plus equal deposit.

OFF THE HOOK! We got a great response from our ad for our Rental house in the Mountain Xpress! The phone rang off the hook! Thanks, Ander, owner, Design Painting. Get your Apartment or House rented quickly and affordably. Call (828) 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace. PEARSON BRIDGE • 3BR, 2BA. $925/month. Call 828253-0758. Carver Realty SOUTH OAK FORREST 4 BR, 2BA $1,500. Call Carver Realty 828-253-0758. SOUTH, DEANWOOD 3BR, 2.5BA, $1,175/month. Call (828) 253-0758. Carver Realty SOUTH • Off Hendersonville Rd. 2BR, 1BA. $725/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. WEAVERVILLE/BARNARDS VILLE • Available immediately. 2BR with office. Views on 1 acre. No pets considered. $795/month. 828-3509400. WEST • 2BR, 1BA. $550/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty. WOODLAND HILLS • North Asheville • 2 Master BRs, 3BA plus bonus office room. Mature landscaping on private 1.5 acres with fenced area. Double garage, W/D • $1250/month + deposit lease and references • (828) 2325547 • (828) 712-5548. NORTH 2BR, 1BA • Hardwood floors, full basement, oil heat. $900/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty WEST • 2BR, 1BA. Fenced lot. $750/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty

Vacation Rentals A BEACH HOUSE At Folly. The legendary dog-friendly Rosie’s Ocean View and Kudzu’s Cottage now booking now booking for oyster season! Call (828) 216-7908. BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN Sleeps 5, handicap accessible. Near Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC. (828) 231-4504 or 2771492.

Roommates 2 Rooms Available in large creative house with gardens and woods. $425 and $350/mo. call jaclynn (828)335-5332 or Joel (919)602-9477 3BR/1BA house w/ 30’s females. WiFi, W/D, hardwoods, quiet, clean. 1 cat & may consider cat. $450 includes utilities. culturalcreativevision@gmai Arden. Furnished room, beautiful/private setting. Organic garden. Chemicalfree household. Seeking responsible, clean roommate(s). No pets. $395/month, utilities included. No lease. (828) 687-2390. Black Mountain Houseshare in furnished 2BR, 1BA home, 1 mile to downtown. Kitchen, living, deck, AC, WD, cable. Clean, honest and responsible only. $350/month, deposit. Jim: 423-4952. Black Mountain: 2 rooms with bath. Nice, quiet, 1 mile from downtown. WD, cable, wifi, no pets. Smoking ok. $450/month includes utilities. 423-4952. Female roommate needed: 2BR2BA E.Asheville condo. Nonsmoker, no pets, rent $375 plus 1/2 of utilities, deposit/references. Erin, after 3pm, (828)296-9408. Irwin Hills: Male seeking same to share 2BR, 2BA mobile home. $350/month includes utilities. Own transportation necessary. Call 216-9257.

Inundated with applications! Our Mountain Xpress Classified Ad brings a great response. – The Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa

Find quality employees and associates easily and affordably.

(828) 251-1333 • Mountain Xpress Marketplace

jobs Quiet and Flexible Roommate $250, 1/4 util. 2 roommies, 1 dog. Your room also access to bath. Renovated farmhouse in town, Weaverville Call! 3376202. Roommate Wanted Von Ruck Estate off Baird and Charlotte Street. $360 utilities included, large bedroom with its own entranceway, share living area with 53 year-old male freethinker, sorry no pets, 828-242-6323 Roommates • Long term employed single mom, excellent rental history. With adorable child need housing. At lower cost Asheville area Women Seeking Rental Young professional female seeking 1br, 1ba. Pref near downtown. No pets, nonsmoker. Negotiable lease opt. Call Rae 691-1148

Administrative/ Office


Immediate employment for

BOOKKEEPER • OFFICE MANAGER Manage the office of an independent management consultant and provide support to owner. Conduct all financial and administrative functions. Strong computer skills, with proficiency in Word, Excel, QuickBooks, and Database (ACT! preferred). Good verbal and written communication skills; organized and detailoriented. Able to function both independently and within established structures. Prior experience preferred. 25-32 hours/week, salary commensurate with experience. Send resume and cover letter to

established company. Must

Salon/ Spa

General CAB DRIVERS Needed at Blue Bird; call JT 258-8331. Drivers needed at Yellow Cab; call Buster at 253-3311. HIRE QUALITY EMPLOYEES “Our employment advertisements with the Mountain Xpress garner far more educated and qualified applicants than any other publication we have used. The difference is visible in the phone calls, applications and resumes.” Howard Stafford, Owner, Princess Anne Hotel. • Thank you, Howard. Your business can benefit by advertising for your next employee in Mountain Xpress Classifieds. Call 251-1333.

Employment Opportunities • Call (828) 225-6122 or visit:

Skilled Labor/ Trades GUTTER INSTALLER •

be experienced. Drivers License Required. Excellent pay and benefits. 828-654-0036.

A STYLIST For busy Organic salon, North Asheville. Clientele preferred, full-time, flexible hours, experienced, selfmotivated. (828) 505-3288. The Water Lily Wellness Salon.

JOIN OUR EMPLOYEE FAMILY AND SHARE IN OUR MANY BENEFITS INCLUDING: Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance Paid Vacation • Paid Sick Leave 6 Paid holidays per year • Free City Bus Pass Employee Cafeteria (free meals) Free Uniforms and Laundering • Free use of Sports Complex Retirement Plan (GPRP) • 401(k)

SOME OF OUR OPENINGS INCLUDE: • Cooks • Restaurant Chef • Servers • Laundry Staff • Massage Therapist • Nail Technician • Front Desk Agent • IT Manager • Spa Concierge • Spa Café Manager • Restaurant Manager For a complete list of our openings, visit our website,, or you may apply in person, Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 6:00pm, Saturday 8:00am-4:00pm in Human Resources at The Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa, 290 Macon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804, (828) 252-2711, ext. 2083. EOE Drug Free Workplace. Add Grove Park Inn Jobs as a friend on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at: Grove Park Inn Job.

• OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009


AVEDA AND BUMBLE SALON AND SPA Seeking experienced stylists with clientele. High level of professionalism. Benefits and educational opportunities! email resume to:


Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. Excellent entry-level position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. Competitive pay, health beneďŹ ts, and professional and clinical training.

HIRING SEMINARS NOV. 19 & DEC. 3 To attend please send resumes and/or questions to Todd Ransdell or Josh Gunalda


MANICURIST • We are looking for someone to perform manicures and pedicures only. Busy downtown salon expanding. We will train the right person. Will be offering organic services. Please bring resume in person to: 58 College St. No phone calls please. MASSAGE THERAPISTS Minimum 1 year experience. Bring resume in person to either location: 59 Haywood Street, downtown Asheville (253-3222) or 2 Town Square, Biltmore Park (687-8760). Sensibilities

Sales/ Marketing

Now hiring for the following job opportunities :

SALES PROS • Time to get paid what you are worth AND have a life. Call 1-888700-4916.

Human Resources Coordinator

Restaurant/ Food

Part time. Experienced individual needed to coordinate hiring, orientation and benefits for non-profit agency. Requirements include: documented skills in organization, oral and written communication and Microsoft Office. Knowledge of employment laws including FMLA and COBRA coverage preferred.

Executive Assistant Part time. Candidate must be personable, self-directed, detail-oriented and present self professionally. Requirements include: documented skills in organization, oral and written communication and Microsoft Office. A strong work ethic and high expectations of self are mandatory.

Classroom Substitutes Needed Candidates should have experience working with children ages 0-5. Flexibility and dependability very important. A high school diploma or GED is required. Completion of Early Childhood Education Credential preferred. Must be available to work between the hours of 7:30am-5:30pm Monday–Friday.

“150 CALLS! At some point, I was hoping they’d stop! The best vehicle for finding quality employees, and advertising your business.â€? Russell, The Skyclub. Your business can benefit with low cost, efficient advertising. Call 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Marketplace Classifieds. APOLLO FLAME • WAITSTAFF Full-time needed. Fast, friendly atmosphere. Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582.

Equal Opportunity Employer Please submit application and resume at

BARTENDER • SERVER Part-time for evenings. Great pay: $5.15$6.50/hour plus tips. Flexible hours. 665-2161. • Apply in person: Holiday Inn Plaza, 435 Smokey Park Highway. Infusions Lounge. HOSTESS Now hiring. Apply in person: 2 Hendersonville Road, Biltmore Station, Asheville. 252-7885. Ichiban Japanese Steak House MOUNTAIN X JAMS! As a growing business that relies on the face put forward by our employees, Mountain Xpress Classifieds is where we turn to find them. The volume of high-quality applicants replying to our ads can be hard to choose from, and it is always worth our investment. Thanks Mountain X! Rebecca and Charlie, owners, Tomato Jam Cafe.

LOOKING FOR PRIVATE DUTY CNAs with good work ethics and compassion to care for two elderly individuals (assistance with bathing, dressing, meal preparation, light house work, transportation as needed to doctor’s appt. or errands, and companion care). Must have CNA license, valid driver’s license and pass background check. $10/hour. Part-time and full-time available. day, night and weekends available. Send resumes to

Earn $65k, $50k, $40k GM, Co-Manager, Assistant Manager We currently have managers making this and need more for expansion. One year salaried restaurant management experience required. Fax resume to 336-431-0873

OPEN YOUR HEART‌ OPEN YOUR HOME North Carolina MENTOR was established in 1993 to provide community-based care for at-risk youth in the state. Today, North Carolina MENTOR serves hundreds of at-risk youth in Western North Carolina.

• Therapeutic foster care • Respite • Intake Assessments • Therapy • Other Services

NC Mentor is looking for foster parents in Buncombe, Henderson, Polk, Transylvania, and Rutherford counties. Be a hero in your community and open your home to a child in need. We provide training, 24 hour support, and a generous stipend.

Please call Nicole at 828-696-2667 x 14

Asheville 828-253-8177 76

Together we can make a difference in our community

OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

Human Services CASE MANAGEMENT POSITION Bachelors Degree in Human Services and 2 years experience with individuals with developmental disabilities required. Email resume to m or drop it off at 147 Coxe Avenue, Asheville, NC, 28801. DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL For more information: (828) 2993636. Mountain Area Residential Facilities, Inc.

Medical/ Health Care


Services include:

NURSES ASSISTANT with current CPR/First Aid needed to care for elderly. Week-end and varied schedules available. Call 828-215-7639.

Hendersonville 828-696-2667

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Now hiring for our Day Treatment Programs in Transylvania and Polk Counties. Candidates will have a minimum of a bachelors degree and experience with at risk youth. Email resume to humanresources@familie •

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Now hiring for Qualified Professionals in Buncombe and Transylvania Counties to provide in home and community based mental health services to children and families. Email resume to humanresources@familie •

FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC., Adult Services is now hiring for a Community Support Team Lead to serve Henderson and Transylvania Counties. Candidates will have a minimum of a Masters Degree in Human Services and one year experience working with the adult population. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@

FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC., is now hiring licensed professionals for OPT in Buncombe, Mitchell, and Yancey Counties. Qualified candidates will include LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or Board Eligible Counselors. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates would be providing OPT within our JJTC program. JJTC is a specialized platform designed to meet the judicial, clinical and restorative needs of court involved youth, their families, and the communities in which they live. JJTC is unique in its clinical approach, structure and cross-agency collaboration. Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF NC. Now hiring licensed therapists for their Rutherford office. NC license and minimum one year child experience required. Health, dental and paid time off available. Email resume to

FAMILY PRESERVATION FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC., is now hiring licensed professionals for IIHS Clinical Leads in Buncombe, Henderson, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey Counties. • Qualified candidates will include LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or Board Eligible Counselors. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates should email resumes to: humanresources@

SERVICES OF TRYON In FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC.Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Program Coordinator. Position requires: Obtaining and maintaining of licensure, recruitment and training of foster parents, and management and oversight of the new FTI TFC program. Candidates will have a minimum of: a bachelors degree in human services, and 2 years experience in the mental health field, and 2 years experience in program management and licensure oversight preferably in NC. Salary range from 40-50k base, with benefits and unique incentives. Please contact www.humanresources@f

Polk County FPS has immediate openings for Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Professional Counselors to provide individual and group therapy for adults and children with mental health needs. Please email resumes to

Help Others while

Helping Yourself

DONATE PLASMA, EARN COMPENSATION Plasma Biological Services (828) 252-9967

Professional/ Management

Psychiatrist Assertive Community Treatment Team. Please contact Joe Ferrara, joe.ferrara@meridianbhs.or g Haywood/Buncombe County RN Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have four years of psychiatric nursing experience. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org QMHP Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org Vocational Specialist Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org Jackson/Macon/Clay County Team Leader Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have master’s degree and be licensed eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, ben.haffey@meridianbhs.or g Cherokee/Clay/Graham County Therapist/Team Leader: Child and Family Services. Masters degree and license eligible. Please contact David Hutchinson at david.hutchinson@meridian Team Leader: Adult Recovery Education Center. Masters or Doctoral Level Clinician. Must be licensed or license-eligible. Please contact Julie Durham-Defee at • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE has immediate openings for Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors to provide individual and group therapy to the MH population. Please email resumes to PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH • Has an immediate opening in our Asheville Office for a F/T Licensed Clinician experienced with MH/SA and SA group. LPC, LCSW, LCAS and other Licensed Clinicians should apply. Job requires some evening work. Experience with LME and M/caid consumers a plus. Excellent benefits and salary. Send resume to PROGRAM COORDINATOR • To supervise program(s) for at risk youth. BS/BA + experience. Prefer Masters. QMHP. Must have clean criminal background check and driving record. Fax cover letter and resume to 828-298-4870. Attn: John. EOE

Next Step Recovery Women’s Recovery Home in Weaverville is seeking a qualified female professional to live (rent free) onsite. Minimum requirements: 1. Bachelors degree in human services field. 2. Experience working in substance abuse. 3. Maintain appropriate recovery behavior and lifestyle at all times. 4. Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office). Send Resumes to: m

$2 OFF FIRST CUT* Convenient • Affordable M-F 8am - 6pm • 8am - 4pm Sat

3 Full-time Barbers - Less Wait! 3743 Hendersonville Road • 684-7589 SERVICE BARBERING *with thi s ad - l i m i te d o ffe r

ASHEVILLE AREA HABITAT FOR HUMANITY • Seeks a Finance Director to be responsible for all accounting, financial and human resource operations. Requirements include: a minimum of 10 years of experience as an accountant; Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance; and effective management skills. CPA or MBA is highly preferred. Must have outstanding interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills, and be able to handle multiple tasks, meet deadlines and participate as a team player. Experience with MIP Fund Accounting Software is desirable. Salary compensation based on education and experience. Excellent benefits package. Pleases submit resume with cover letter to No phone calls or walk-ins accepted. EOE. WATER JUSTICE ORGANIZER Asheville or Durham office of progressive nonprofit Clean Water for NC. seeks a full time person for community outreach, issue research, database and social media. Spanish fluency preferred. Email for full description. Deadline: Nov. 3.

Teaching/Education ANATOMY • PHYSIOLOGY • PATHOLOGY INSTRUCTOR Part-time position for a dynamic and talented teacher for our beautiful massage school. Must be educated in the sciences. $30/hour of instruction. Email resume/references to audra@centerformassage.c om or mail to Center for Massage, 530 Upper Flat Creek Rd., Weaverville, NC 28787. EVERGREEN COMMUNITY CHARTER SCHOOL • After School Program is seeking caring, energetic, and reliable instructors. Parttime position includes afternoon hours of leading clubs, coaching sports, tutoring, organizing games, and providing quality leadership for our wonderful students. For full job description please see our website:

HEAD START ASSISTANT TEACHER Seeking energetic individual with a desire to work as an early childhood professional in our high quality program. Experience working with pre-school children and NC Early Childhood Credentials preferred. Must understand the developmental stages and appropriate teaching techniques for pre-school children. • Bi-lingual in Spanish-English a plus. Valid NC driver’s license is required. Must pass physical and background checks. Great Benefits! Salary $9.78/hour. • Make application with work references and phone numbers to: Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street Asheville, NC 28801. Selected applicants will be contacted for an interview. Open until filled. EOE and DFWP. ONSITE SPANISH SPEAKING NANNY • To start, need three days a week for 12 hour days from 6:20 am to 7:30 pm. In January 2010 I need a fulltime live-in nanny. West Asheville home, with light housework duties. I have a bilingual 3 year old girl and 1 1/2 year old son. Must have good references and prefer Christian woman. Please call 828-713-5295. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL TEACHER AND NURSERY TEACHER for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville. Continuous Sundays 8:30am-1:00pm. Must have relevant experience and references. Background check required. Send cover letter and resume to YMCA OF WESTERN NC • Afterschool Program Opportunities $7.25 $13/hour Please visit our web site for details:

Employment Services

UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Get paid to shop. Retail and dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality and customer service. Earn up to $100/day. Please call 1800-720-0576.

Business Opportunities BEST HOME-BASED BUSINESS EVER! It’s fun; it’s simple; it’s lucrative. To hear 3-minute message, call 1-866-257-3105, code 1. BIZ OP • Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interest. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201

LEARN VIETNAMESE/ASIAN COOKING • Tired of the same old food? Learn to prepare healthy and nutritious food.

MASSAGE/MLD Therapeutic Massage. Manual Lymph Drainage. Lymphedema Treatment. $45/hour or sliding scale for financial hardship. 17 year’s experience. 828-254-4110. NC License #146.

Mind, Body & Spirit

Bodywork **ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE MASSAGE!** Perfect pressure! Caring, intuitive, professional therapist. Tranquil sanctuary just 3 blocks from Greenlife & downtown! Reasonable rates, Open Mon thru Sat., 9am to 7 p.m. by appt. only Brett Rodgers LMBT #7557. (828) 255-4785.

Announcements ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Rick at 202-289-8484. (AAN CAN) ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Mountain Xpress Classifieds at (828) 251-1333. (AAN CAN) THIS FRIDAY • OPEN HOUSE 5pm-7pm. 70 Woodfin Place, West Wing. • Learn how acupuncture can relieve pain, stress and headaches naturally. • Information/directions: 3377937. Alison Downey Acupuncture

Classes & Workshops HOLIDAY HARMONY LESSONS Song O’Sky Chorus presents Holiday Harmony: 4 personalized barbershop craft learning sessions. More details, call toll free 1-866-824-9547 or

#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE CENTER Best rates in town! $29/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology • Classes. Call now for your appointment: • 10 Biltmore Plaza, 505-7088. Asheville. BEST MASSAGE IN ASHEVILLE Deep tissue, sports massage, Swedish, esalen. Available in/out. Jim Haggerty, LMBT# 7659. Call (828) 545-9700. MASSAGE AND HOLISTIC HEALTH TREATMENTS • This is a clean, conscious, holistic practice located inside a beautiful Healing arts studio downtown. Ayurveda - Deep Tissue Hot Stone - Shiatsu to schedule an appointment please call (828)-333-2717. Lauren Barta; NC LMBT # 7219 http://www.consciousnessis

SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town—- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; experience the invigorating cold plunge; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 2990999. STAY RELAXED. Massage therapy at your home/office. 1/2 or 1-hour appointments. Call Sarah Whiteside, LMBT#4741, (828) 279-1050. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Patricia O’Sullivan LMT #7113. 828-275-5497. ZEN GARDEN • Artistic healing massage therapy combining many modalities. $25 for half hour. Memberships available. Suzannah, 828-333-0555. LMBT 5773.

Spiritual A SPIRITUAL MENTOR Nina Anin. Wherever you are, by phone: (828) 2537472 or email:

Natural Alternatives HOLISTIC IRIDOLOGY® Fascinating detailed Iris Analysis, Bio-Chemistry Analysis, Cardiovascular Screening, and Meridian Kinesiology for ‘Total Health Assessment’ with effective Natural and Holistic Therapies, BioDetoxification programs, Advanced Energy Healing. Call Jane Smolnik, ND, Iridologist at (828) 777JANE (5263) for appointment or visit THIS FRIDAY • OPEN HOUSE 5pm-7pm. 70 Woodfin Place, West Wing. • Learn how acupuncture can relieve pain, stress and headaches naturally. • Information/directions: 3377937. Alison Downey Acupuncture

Musicians’ Xchange

Musical Services AMR STUDIO Audio mastering, mixing and recording. • Musical, literary and instructional services. • Tunable performance room, on-site video available. Visa/MC. (828) 335-9316. ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 PIANO-GUITAR-DRUMSBASS-MANDOLIN-BANJOSINGING Learn what you/your child wants to learn. Knowledgeable, flexible, enthusiastic instructor. 828-242-5032.

F[ji e\ j^[ M[[a Adopt a Friend • Save a Life

Louise Female/Spayed Retriever, Labrador/Mix 8 years I.D. #8083938 Dee Dee Female Domestic Shorthair/Mix 4 months ID # 8884703

2009 • DON’T JUST SURVIVE • Thrive! Snelling delivers results with staffing expertise that connects people and businesses with the power to thrive! lle/application

Pokie Female/Spayed Beagle/Mix 6 years I.D. #7441962


MEDIA SERVICES Audio and Video Recording of Musical, Instructional and Literary Sources Performance & Public Speaking Enhancement Tools

7i^[l_bb[ >kcWd[ IeY_[jo

828-335-9316 • • Visa/MC

Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.

72 Lee’s Creek Rd, Asheville, NC 253-6807 •

• OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009


For Sale

Clothing LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE! End cruel and dangerous constant chaining of dogs in NC! Lobby your state reps to reintroduce legislation addressing dog chaining. For information, contacts and downloads, visit

Vehicles For Sale

Autos 1983 Mazda B2200 (Bio)Diesel 254k, runs good. Has had lots of work done, good tires, needs new starter (I have the part) $1400 828-242-2533 1991 Ford Crown Victoria: White four door, 5.0 engine, runs great, 93,000 miles. Some body damage. $1000. Call 216-9257.

Equipment For Sale Complete 5-pc Viking drum kit. Includes stands, hardware, throne, sticks. $325.00 828-778-2498

Guitarist Seeks Rocking Excellent guitarist forming

Lost Pets

828 649 - 3346

LOST CAT Beaucatcher Mountain/Kenilworth. Male orange tabby, purple collar with tag, has address and phone. Missing Tuesday, September 22. Please call 606-0499.

Musicians’ Bulletin Acoustic Duo 40 something ex-pro guitarist/singer looking for like minded performer(must have chops, no solo singers please) To work up acoustic set. eclectic mix. 299-0598

Wanted Working blues and r&b project looking for funky lead player. Call 828 231 2901 Need Upright or Fender Bassist Mature age and

adoption at Asheville Humane Society • 72 Lee’s Creek Road • Asheville, NC (828) 253-6807

attitude wanted to add personality and style to our largely original existing mix. 423-0154

2007 Ford Free Style • Loaded. Leather seats. DVD, heated rear view mirrors. Third row seats. Seats 7. 24K. $1785. 828-273-9545.

LIFE! Cats, dogs, & other

LOST YOUR PET? FOUND A PET? Call Asheville Humane Society, (828) 253-6807, to fill out a missing or found pet report. Visit 72 Lee’s Creek Road, Asheville.

Found Pets Found Cat Gerber Village area, Hendersonville rd. Black cat, fluffy black tail. Male. He is very friendly but scared. 843-693-4423

GET LUCKY! Lucky is a Norwegian Elkhound who is searching for a loving

Male Cat Stray Very affectionate orange & white. Less than a year old. Needs home living on my porch. 828-645-9737

home. He is 8 years old and

Sweet Orange Cat Very orange, very fluffy, very friendly & vocal orange cat found near London Rd. Call 551-0854

profit dog and cat rescue

Pets for Adoption Boxer/Pit Mix: Seeks kind, loving home due to owner’s schedule. Good natured, playful, well trained. All shots. Microchipped, neutered. Small adoption fee. No cats. Loves other dogs. 676-9991.


FIND THE LOVE OF YOUR small animals available for

band. Call Chris

Lead Guitar Player Fusion Drum Set: 3003 Force Sonar. Honeymaple, 5 piece. $350. Call 290-8506.

Pet Xchange

bass and drums wanted.

1997 SATURN • Beige. 132K miles. 37 mpg. Power steering, A/C. New battery. Excellent condition. Winterized, inspected. $2600. 828-318-3175.

OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009 •

left homeless since his owner died. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue is a nongroup that is dedicated to helping abandoned dogs and cats find their forever homes. The adoption fee is $125; all animals are spayed/neutered, up to date on shots and microchipped. Visit or call 458-7778.

HELP MAX FIND HIS FOREVER HOME Max is a Dachshund who would love to be your dog. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue is a nonprofit dog and cat rescue group that is dedicated to helping abandoned dogs and cats find their forever homes. Adoption fee, $125; all animals are spayed/neutered, up to date on shots and microchipped. Visit or call 458-7778.

TRIXIE is a Heeler mix puppy who is searching for her forever home. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue is a non-profit dog and cat rescue group that is dedicated to helping abandoned dogs and cats find their forever homes. The adoption fee is $125; all animals are spayed/neutered, up to date on shots and microchipped. Visit or call 458-7778.

Sweet Girl Gentle, spayed female bloodhound/plott mix in need of good home. Good with kids, needs more attention than we can give. Call 828-669-0106.

ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 258-0942 or 215-7232.

Sweet Kittens Need to find home for kittens ASAP. One male orange, one female grey, and two calico females. Call 828-279-1982

DOG GIRL AT LARGE Dog training and behavior modification. All positive reinforcement. Sitting services for all creatures. Call Heather 404.788.2085 or

Pet Services

2007 Honda Odyssey. Loaded. Leather seats. DVD. GPS. CD. Excellent condition. 44,500 miles. $25,950. 828-273-9545.

Trucks/Vans/SUVs 1979 FORD F-100 300 inline 6. three on the tree. Clear title. Good work truck. 828-505-3752 FORD F-150 • 2WD. 2007. 12K. Excellent condition. $9950. 828-273-9545.

Motorcycles/ Scooters 1988 Kawasaki 454 LTD, Great shape, New chain. Runs Great, awesome in mountain curves. $1300 OBO Call DJ@828-2424126 or

Automotive Services WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

VINTAGE In a big wicker trunk Shoes, boots, dresses, gloves, hats, lingerie, beaded, Go-Go, leather, denim and Victorian. $250 for all. Firm. 650-6404.

Furniture Bed. Oak headboard, footboard, rails. Can be queen or full. $40. 828-505-4311. MATTRESSES Pillow-top: queen $250, king $350 • Extra firm: queen $175, king $275 • Full: $150 • Twin: $99. New, in plastic. 828-277-2500.

Firewood Firewood Oak cut, split and delivered. 16” or 18” lengths. $60 1 face cord, $120 2 face cords, $170 full cord. Hickory firewood for heating, camping, cooking. 828-668-3158.

Medical Supplies DELUXE MASSAGE TABLE Very high quality. Extra options. Like new. Paid over $700, asking $375. Call (828) 215-6744.

General Merchandise Singer Sewing Machine Fashion Mate 360 model in cabinet. Good condition, nothing fancy. It works. $10.00. Call 232-0905

Adult Services A MAN’S DESIRE • Call us for total relaxation!! • We can relax and de-stress you! • Monday-Saturday, 9am-9pm. • Incall/outcall. (Lic#08-00020912). • Call (828) 989-7353. A WOMAN’S TOUCH “We’re all about you!” Ask us about our “Autumn Special”. • Call 275-6291. MEET SEXY SINGLES by phone instantly! Call (828) 239-0006. Use ad code 8282. 18+

The New York Times Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 0923 Across 1 With 69-Across, ship of 55-Across 5 ___ d’esprit (witty remark) 8 See 67-Across 13 Less receptive 15 Part of some garden statuary 16 Sum of any two opposite faces on a standard die 17 Gossipy type 18 Aptly named ship on a later voyage of 55-Across 20 Body of water sailed in by 55Across 22 Genetic letters 23 “Quíen Te Dijo ___?” (2003 Latin hit) 24 Cornstarch brand 26 Like most of the voyages of 55Across 32 ___ scale

34 Salon supply 35 Citizen alternative 36 Vernal mo. 37 Top players 40 Apology starter 41 Copenhagen’s ___ Bohr Institute 44 Palm Pilot, e.g. 45 Bigfoot photo, e.g. 46 See 55-Across 50 Pins and needles holder 51 ___ Carlos, Brazil 52 War stat 55 Explorer who sailed into 46Across in 1609 61 55-Across’s destination when returning to Europe 63 Top players 64 More precious 65 Series ender: Abbr. 66 Reach in total


























67 With 8-Across, business of 55Across’s backers 68 Stephen of “V for Vendetta” 69 See 1-Across Down 1 Informal greeting 2 Expert server 3 Nickname for someone who shares a name with the 16th president 4 Chains 5 Sport with throws 6 Attorney General Holder 7 Defeat, as an incumbent 8 1992 presidential aspirant Paul 9 Excite, with “up” 10 Declare 11 Laura of “Jurassic Park” 12 “A Day Without Rain” singer 14 Mrs. Gorbachev 19 Psychologist Jung 21 It might produce a line at a party 25 Cosine of zero degrees 26 Hosted 27 Having everything needed 28 Hebrew leader? 29 Island east of Java 30 Swedish retail giant 31 Say “Pretty please?,” say 32 Educator Horace






5 14




17 21















Furniture Magician


50 53



44 47










22 24












51 55












9WX_d[j H[\WY_d]

66 69

<khd_jkh[ H[fW_h 7dj_gk[ H[ijehWj_ed

Puzzle by Jim Hyres

33 Mayberry boy 38 Nabokov title heroine 39 Fen 42 Caustic substance 43 “Told ya!” 45 Tough 47 Regretful type 48 German children

9kijec <khd_jkh[ 9WX_d[jho

49 “24” agent Jack 52 Bubs

57 “A place you can go,” in a 1979 #2 hit

53 “You don’t need to wake me”

58 ___-Tibetan languages

54 Italian wine region

59 Hall-of-Fame QB Graham

56 Miles per gallon, e.g.

60 ___ lamp 62 Gumshoe

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:

(828) 669-4625

• Black Mountain

A S H E V I L L E M A S S A G E & B O D Y W O R K

Using Corrective Therapy for Optimal Performance and Pain Relief

2AY /´1UINN 828.216.6500

828-225-5555 Gail Azar RN, LPC

• Child Therapy • EMDR

Lisa Harris, LCSW

• Women’s Issues • Grief & Loss Adult and Child Medicaid/Health Choice BC-BS • Sliding Scale

• OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 3, 2009


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