Francine Delany students get soaring results. p17 Feed your cold: local dishes to aid the ailing. p38
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NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
FREE Trolley !!! park once ride all over all day
Photo credit: Catherine Vibert
Nov. 10 & 11 Saturday & Sunday 10 to 6 Thanks to the River Arts District (RAD) Artists for producing the 18th year of this one-of-a-kind event. Thank YOU for visiting us. Give a Gift of Art from over 190 artists!
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 3
Remodeling? Try Role Modeling. Don’t send those kitchen cabinets to the landfill! Habitat’s Deconstruction Team will remove salvageable building materials and sell them in the ReStore, ensuring they are recycled and reused.
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Nobody, it seems, gets to stay in the river district very long — the factory workers, train conductors, barbers, workaday people, artists ... all have been tenants in the city’s riverside area. The RAD artists open their studios to the public this weekend, demonstrating the stalwart presence of the arts in the neighborhood.
Contact our Deconstruction Team today. 828.777.4158 | ashevillehabitat.org
Cover design by Emily Busey Photograph courtesy North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library
12 waR stORiEs
Local veterans revisit the battlefield
16 ashEVillE City COuNCil: FOR a FEw dOllaRs MORE
Infrastructure, service concerns front and center at Shiloh community meeting
17 NOt just hOt aiR
Francine Delany students get soaring results with weather-balloon project
38 MEaltiME MEdiCiNE Food fixes for winter ills
arts&entertainment 52 a Vista tO whatEVER
Darwin Deez on the incarceration and freedom of writing his new album
54 thE wORld kEEps tuRNiNg
Graduate School Open House
Seattle’s EARTH beat a health scare and a lineup shift to bring a two-part classic
NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
55 hyBRid MOMENts
Improvisational sextet Liberated State serach for new sonic combinations
features 5 7 8 11 18 22 31 32 33 34 35 43 46 56 60 62 69 75 76 78 79
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letters Have some compassion With regard to David Hall’s Oct. 10 letter, “Panhandling: It’s Time for Some Change,” I would remind the writer and all readers that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gives him the right to freedom of expression in this newspaper, also gives all of us the right to freedom of speech. So long as there are no physical threats which are criminal assaults, panhandling, begging or whatever one calls it is protected under freedom of speech. The Asheville Homeless Network agrees with Mr. Hall that work is needed for our members and others. However, temporary labor organizations charge exorbitant fees and pay the workers little money. Additionally, many of our members have received so many citations from this police force and/or have criminal records that make it difficult to obtain employment. Serving “time” impedes a normal return to community. Lastly, your anger needs to be directed at the City Council which has made no provisions such as a safe haven for the chronically homeless. People walk the streets because shelters offer little in the way of a place for the homeless during the day. A-HOPE closes its doors at noon; other shelters are closed during the day. Public restrooms are closed at night. Do not blame the victim. Have some compassion. — John Spitzberg Asheville Homeless Network Asheville
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correction The garment “Autumn in the Smokies,” the featured image in Oct. 24’s “Wear Apparent,” was created by Toni Carroll. The photo was taken by Kim Coffman. Table is located on College Street. A bit in the Oct. 31 Foodwire incorrectly stated its address.
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The phone number for Angel Dog, featured in the Oct. 31 Business Blotter, is 455-1571.
WHat’s tHe story, Xpress? On Sept. 18, at a joint Legislature/City Council meeting, Rep. Chuck McGrady made it clear that a committee, led by Rep. Tim Moffitt, is considering seizing much more than just Asheville's water system. He described an area covering all of Buncombe County and most of Henderson County (including, specifically, the city of Hendersonville), that might be made part of a “combined water and sewer” under the control of Metropolitan Sewerage District. These comments echoed those he made in June, during the debate on the MSD Amendment bill, after persistent questioning by Rep. Patsy Keever: “If we're talking a water/sewer dislEttERs CONtiNuE
staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell FOOD WRITER: Emily Patrick MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken hanke ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Jon Elliston, Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Jo-Jo Jackson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther, Jill Winsby-Fein CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h
AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan hutchinson RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: Tim Navaille hh, John Varner hh MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Emily Terry CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Frank D’Andrea, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment
Want Your Junk Gone For Cheap or FREE?
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 5
trict, potentially, Hendersonville could be part of a water/sewer district where the two water systems join." (Full audio and transcripts at ashevillewater.blogspot.com.) This raises many questions, beginning with: What did Hendersonville do to deserve the same treatment Asheville is getting? We've been told repeatedly that Asheville had to be stripped of its water system because it raised commercial water rates in 2011, or it wants to charge county users higher rates, etc. What happens to that justification when you realize that Rep. Moffitt and the powers in Raleigh are considering seizing Hendersonville's water also (the only other major water system in the French Broad River basin), for no comparable reason? What are the implications of putting control of practically all the water and sewer systems in two counties under one unelected board? But perhaps the most nagging question for me is this: Mountain Xpress has known about this for weeks, if not months, but has chosen not to report it. Why? — Barry Summers Asheville Managing News Editor Margaret Williams responds: Thank you for being a community watchdog and raising important questions. Xpress is charged with evaluating tips and potential news in a fair and balanced way, considering as many angles as we can and trying to keep things in context without speculating or offering our own interpretations. Since Moffitt's committee took shape, we’ve had four reporters investigating and reporting on this issue. The story and our coverage of it are far from over.
ten tHousand tHanks, asHeville On behalf of the Bunyaad Oriental Rug Program at Ten Thousand Villages in Ephrata, Pa., and the 850 artisan families that we work with in Pakistan, we thank the greater Asheville community for a fantastic eighth Fair Trade Oriental Rug Event held at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden, and hosted by Ten Thousand Villages at 10 College St. in Asheville. This event helps to provide employment with a living wage to adult artisans in Pakistan who knot Oriental carpets within their homes. This year the rug artisans are especially chal-
lenged by the rising costs of food and other necessities of living. Rugs sold at this event provided jobs with a living wage that will help sustain the artisans during this difficult time. The Asheville community was not only supportive in their purchases of these pieces all crafted by fairly paid adults but also in their willingness to help promote this special event. We thank the local businesses and individuals that have helped to promote this event by hosting brochures and posters. Thank you for this kind reception and for supporting fair trade and making a difference in the world! — Dede Leister Ten Thousand Villages Ephrata, Pa.
tHere is no planet B I was born and raised in New York City, and my family and friends still live there. Hurricane Sandy rocked the city in a way I have never seen before. I’m grateful to hear that engineers and elected officials are already discussing how to protect the city from future monster storms. However, to address the root of the problem, I am urging our politicians — and all of us — to band together to fight climate change. It is strange to live in a time when the fate of the planet is being decided — that is, whether or not we raise the Earth’s temperature by 2 degrees Celsius. The problem is that ordinary citizens feel helpless. If you want to turn your lights on in Asheville, you have to pay Progress Energy to burn coal for your electricity. Even with recent improvements, they still burn coal like a giant campfire to generate steam turbines — a truly ancient technology. Burning coal releases more carbon dioxide than burning any other fossil fuel source (not to mention massive amounts of toxic air and water pollution). The International Energy Agency estimates that at least 1,400 coal-fired power plants will be built in the world by 2030. If this is true, than the odds of our planet having a stable climate for our grandchildren is impossible. We have to move beyond coal in order to save our planet. Last time we saw a storm like Sandy was never. If that isn’t a wake up call, I don’t know what is. Let’s do what we can and urge the politicians who represent us to fight climate change in order to save the planet and the future of the human race. — Charles Wright Asheville
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NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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For otHer molton cartoons, visit WWW.mountainX.com/cartoons
kudos to a.r.t. I commend Asheville Redefines Transit for being open to making changes in their newly instituted route changes. It is a good beginning, and I hope they continue to listen to the comments and suggestions of their riders. Thank you. — Parrish Rhodes Asheville
FareWell, poWer plant A year ago I relocated with my dog and cat from the Raleigh area to a wonderful home with a really great 5 acres of yard, gardens and woods in Arden, off Long Shoals Road. I thought up here in Asheville it was going to be a great, environmentally conscious place to live and I was very excited about that! I was so enthralled with my new place I did not do my homework before the move. Unfortunately I found myself living right across from the Progress Energy power plant on Lake Julian. I have black soot on my bird feeders and everywhere outside and inside; my dog and cat have developed breathing problems; I smell fumes all of the time inside and out; and my car's paint job has gone to heck. I emailed Progress Energy with my complaints and concerns about their power plant and they did call me back letting me know that it is up to code. They had no idea why I am smelling fumes or why there is soot all over everything outdoors as well as inside. Most of my statements to them were met by silence and the questions with repeated answers. Well, I am moving to Hot Springs where I have found an equally nice place to live — hopefully with less pollution in the air. So goodbye, Progress Energy clean-coalgenerated power plant, and good riddance. — Candace Owen Arden
Good neWs For asHeville HiGH scHool I think the Asheville community should recognize and celebrate that the Asheville High School Men's Cross Country team won first place at the 3-A regional meet on Oct. 27. This was the culmination of good coaching and hard work. Also, I don't know how much of the community is aware that the Asheville High School Marching Band is the only high school band in North Carolina invited to play at the presidential inauguration. This is a serious honor and notable reflection of the the band teachers and students. As you can imagine the trip will be expensive and the band is in the process of raising the necessary funds through fundraisers and donations. I would encourage you to support the band by purchasing items through the fundraisers and if you would like to make a monetary donation please do so through the Asheville Band Booster program. The kids are our future and politics aside we need to invest in our youth. Please help these kids, coaches and teachers celebrate their hard work and dedication. — Jeff Tacy Asheville
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heyyou We want to hear from you. Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by e-mail to letters@ mountainx.com.
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cartoon by Brent Brown
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NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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lost horizons
Why City CounCil vetoed st. laWrenCe Park With the CiviC Center’s red-bright-and-blue sign over interstate 240 PerhaPs leading strangers to believe asheville’s neW name is u.s. Cellularville, We Clearly need more bastions of resistanCe to further CorPoratization. by bill branyon Asheville City Council members passed up a once-in-a-century chance to create a wonderful downtown green space when they gave the nod to McKibbon Corp.’s proposed hotel on a 4-2 vote. Strategically situated across from the U.S. Cellular Center, it’s the rare spot frequented by those attending gun shows, rock and country concerts, high-school graduations and New Age events — in other words, the perfect place for community picnics, political organizing and assorted performances. And with the Civic Center's red-bright-andblue sign over Interstate 240 perhaps leading strangers to believe Asheville's new name is U.S. Cellularville, we clearly need more community gathering spaces as bastions of resistance to further corporatization. Apparently, Council chose to overlook the fact that McKibbon is also responsible for the architectural mediocrity of the just-completed Aloft Hotel, whose backside is as starkly blank as a supermax, high-security prison. The vote also undermined the nearby Hotel Indigo, completed just a few short years ago. In August, the conservation group PARC polled the 8,713 people who cast votes in at least two of the last three city elections. Forty percent of respondents said they wanted a park, 38 percent wanted the city to sell the property to the Catholic Church, and only 13 percent wanted a hotel. And that 40 percent figure for the park is probably low, because a lot of people mistakenly thought the only choice was between McKibbon and the church option. Mayor Terry Bellamy and Council member Cecil Bothwell both opposed the deal, contending, among other things, that McKibbon’s bid was no longer binding, that it had been accepted during the first terrifying months of the Great Recession — and what's the hurry, anyway? It’s understandable that Council member Jan Davis, who rarely sees a development he doesn't love, would choose the hotel. Vice
Mayor Esther Manheimer recused herself from the vote, as she frequently does, due to conflict of interest: Her employer, The Van Winkle Law Firm, represents McKibbon. Nonetheless, she’ll profit from the project, directly or indirectly. But why did Marc Hunt, Chris Pelly and Gordon Smith, all of whom boast impressive environmental credentials, vote for the hotel instead of a park? Replying to my query via email, Pelly said, "Competing demands include balancing our budget at a time when demand for services is continually climbing but options for new revenue are constricted. ... The McKibbon plan will generate not only about $2.3 million at closing but also $800,000 a year, every year, in taxes — as well as employ 50 hourly and six salaried workers." Smith, meanwhile, said, "Leaving the area as surface parking would continue the current dead-space problem without helping with affordable-housing needs or pushing toward creation of a plaza."
brutal faCts vs. glorious visions If anyone should favor a park, you'd think it’d be Hunt, a former chair of the Asheville Greenway Commission. In a phone interview, he noted that with cooperation from the Diocese of Charlotte, which owns the Basilica of St. Lawrence, we could still end up with an 18,000-square-foot plaza (about half the size of a football field). McKibbon’s immediate plan, however, calls for only a 5,000-square-foot public space. Hunt also said the city has "a $2.5 million park budget over five years. This is money that many want spent on the Greenways Master Plan or other neighborhood parks. ... Nor were there any groups volunteering to mobilize private donors to help pay for a park, unlike the Pack Square revitalization." Asked why City Council couldn't lead the fundraising effort, Hunt replied, "My experience tells
me that the greater the visionary and fundraising leadership from community advocates vs. political leaders, the better the effort’s chances of success." After contemplating these views, I climbed partway down from my high horse. Although I find most of the hotel supporters’ arguments highly ambiguous if not downright dubious, I do think progressives can reasonably differ over the McKibbon decision, and in this Great Recession, the hard truth of the need for money and jobs is undeniable. So I'm not sure we should throw Hunt, Pelly and Smith under the bus. Unlike the mainly lockstep Republicans, Democrats and progressives are America’s freethinkers, who must tolerate wildly differing viewpoints or risk fracturing into powerless feuding factions. Still, maybe outraged citizens can help Council find a way to change its decision. Letters, emails, phone calls, petitions? Or perhaps Council could cajole the diocese into agreeing to the 18,000-square-foot plaza? That way, church and state could mate, not separate. X Asheville resident Bill Branyon is a freelance historian. His most recent book is Liberating Liberals.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 11
revISIT The
wAr STOrIeS dr.
wOrdS & PhOTOS
By mAx COOPer
Dr. Warner Anthony lives in a beautiful, remote Yancey County home that hints at a lifelong search for tranquility. The walls are mostly glass, a vast deck wraps around the exterior, and the light shifts and fades as we talk about the people he killed. “Does it bother me? Obviously it does, because I bring it up,” he says. “But that was the price I paid for the job I was hired to do.” So begins the excruciating story of Anthony’s experiences as a U.S. Army medic during World War II. “I'm not ashamed of anything that happened,” he says as we sit down. Like other veterans I've interviewed, he has little patience for small talk. “You can ask me anything.”
Overwhelmed During the Battle of the Bulge, Anthony served in the 99th Infantry Division, 395th Regiment, L Company. The five-week massacre produced 20,000 more American casualties than
the decadelong war on terror has so far, notes Montreat College history professor Bill Forstchen. Next month will mark the battle’s 68th anniversary. “We got there in early November,” Anthony recalls. “And from that day on, dusk was at 4 o'clock. Sunrise was at 8 o'clock, and it was foggy all the time. ... We had five divisions online; the Germans had 17. They overwhelmed us. ... We had no buildup: We ran out of ammunition, out of food, out of everything. ... Our division covered a four-and-a-half-mile front — nine times what we should have been covering, because they said, ‘This is an inactive front.’ “But they were wrong,’ he continues, shaking his head. “Hence the Battle of the Bulge.” So at age 20, Anthony found himself in the front lines despite having joined an officer-training program to avoid ending up in combat.
12 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
“hOw CAN we juSTIFy whAT hAPPeNed TO 6 mIllION jewS, TO The 20 mIllION STAlIN kIlled? hOw CAN yOu rATIONAlIze ThAT wITh gOd?” yANCey COuNTy reSIdeNT wArNer ANThONy
“They shut that program down and dumped us into the infantry,” says Anthony. “It was the only time the feds ever lied to me and fooled me. They continued to lie to me, but they never fooled me again.” Supposedly protected, combat medics weren’t usually armed. But Anthony soon found those protections hollow. “A guy got wounded. Now the rule was, if a guy got shot, the guy who shot him was going to keep his eye on him waiting for somebody to come. I was the
guy who came, and the bastard shot me. He saw my red cross, he saw my armband, he saw everything, and he still shot me. So from then on I carried a rifle.”
QuIT COuNTINg Anthony received a Bronze Star and the first of two Purple Hearts for that rescue attempt. Upon recovering, he became an active participant in the violence around him.
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bright smiles through
“The first six people I killed, I counted,” he whispers. “I killed a guy, then two hours later I killed another guy. Shot them both in the head — 180 yards, with a sniper rifle. And I counted six, and all of a sudden I said, ‘If I count everyone I kill, I’m going to drive myself crazy; I’ve got to quit counting.’ And that was my solution, so that I didn't persecute myself. ... I have no idea how many people I killed. But I was a very good shot, and I did a lot of shooting.” For L Company, the Battle of the Bulge began in earnest on the morning of Dec. 19, 1944. “The Germans were about 400 yards from us,” Anthony recalls, “and on that morning they came out of the woods, and we couldn’t believe they were walking out in front of our machine guns.
The company commander kept telling us, ‘Don’t fire, let them get closer.’ And when they got about 150 or 200 yards away, we started firing and absolutely slaughtered them. “We killed 500 men,” he estimates. “And then they withdrew and we called out — we had megaphones and speakers — ‘Do you want to send your aid men out, and will you let us send our aid men out to help your men?’ And they said no. “At 10 o'clock another horde comes out, and they said, ‘Let them come closer,’ and we slaughtered another 500 men. ... And we called out, ‘Can we come to the aid of your men that have been wounded?’ And they said no. “About 3 o’clock they came again, and this time the company commander said: ‘Let them get closer. They’re
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 13
Andrews speaks frequently to history classes, and he’s appeared on local media commemorating D-Day. Many veterans avoid talking about the war, but he was determined to share his experience. “When we got to the harbor in New York,” he recalls, “that's when I said, ‘OK, God has taken me through this terrible conflict. As long as He gives me breath, I'm going to tell my story about his protective care.’” Andrews says his faith was what sustained him and carried him into a career in youth ministry. “I used my experience as best I could to tell people about the war and how Jesus was real to me the whole way through,” he explains, citing close calls on the battlefield. Andrews' glasses were shot off his face three times. “I have to say, most [people] didn't believe it,” he reports. “And I believe that's why most veterans don't talk about it: They don't believe people are going to believe it. It's so horrible.”
hiding behind the dead bodies.’ And we let them come within 50 yards of us, and some of them overran our foxholes. And we slaughtered another 500 men. Machine guns, BARs, rifles ... we fired till we were without ammunition. We killed over 1,000 men that day.” Anthony's company received a Distinguished Unit Citation for its part in halting Germany's counteroffensive. Rather than the turning point Hitler had hoped for, the Battle of the Bulge signaled the end of a crumbling regime.
The Third wave The beginning of that end had come months earlier when about 160,000 Allied troops waded onto the beaches of Normandy. Black Mountain resident Andy Andrews, now 88, was one of them. “We were out in a big field doing bayonet practice,” remembers Andrews, a private first class in the 1st Infantry Division, “when our captain drove up with a megaphone and said the invasion of Normandy had started, that the first wave was already on the beach, the second wave was in the water ready to go, and we were the third wave.” Hours later, Andrews was crossing the English Channel. “We were about five stories down in this big troopship, sitting on a metal floor, shoulder to shoulder. Everybody had their rifles, their packs. Nobody was talking, nobody was playing cards, nobody laughing, and that just gave you the opportunity to think about it: Where are we going? Is God going to keep us safe? Is He going to take us to the beach? Is He going to take us to the high ground? Then they said, 'H Company to the deck' ... and that was our first sight of France.” Andrews bluntly recalls what happened next: “As soon as we started over [the edge of the troopship], they gave us a little package, saying, 'Stick that in your shirt.' That was the body bag. In case you get shot — when you get shot — they’ll stick you in this body bag and stack you up like stove wood. That’s what they told us. “When I got in the Higgins boat, I slid up in vomit. There were 36 guys in the boat, and I guess 30 of them were throwing up. “I was glad to be in the water, because it washed the puke off my back,” he says, recalling the dash up the beach amid German artillery fire. “I said to the Lord, 'I need you to take us to the high ground, and then I need you to give us a hole to get in.' And I almost fell in a German foxhole.”
“i ChrisTian Too” That was only the first day of a nightmarish march to Germany. “You were just always ready to get shot,” he recalls, “and thinking you never would. 'It can happen to other people, but it's not going to happen to me.' That's the way most guys thought.
andy andrews displays a Gold Cross Given To hiM By a GerMan soldier he’d woUnded.
“That’s the one thing that most Americans thinking about the war don’t understand. You have a machine gun squad with eight men. Usually we had four, because four were always getting shot. You hesitated to try to become friends because people get killed so fast. ... You didn’t talk about that much; you just kept on doing your job, and walking and loading up and fighting when you needed to fight.” Andrews was wounded several times. The first was when a grenade showered him with shrapnel. Andrews fired on the German who threw it. “I saw him [as I was] looking through the machine gun, and I just pulled the trigger,” he recounts. “I saw my bullets going through him. ... I thought I had killed him. When he showed up just 6 or 8 feet from my gun, waving a surrender flag ... I recognized him as the guy that threw the grenade. I reached down and picked him up and we walked to the aid station. He was wounded all the way down, bleeding all over the place.” Andrews recalls their conversation, mimicking the German's broken English. “He said, 'You going to kill me?' He was looking at my pistol. I said, 'No, that would be murder, and I'm a Christian.' He said, 'I Christian too.' And he pulled out this gold cross and gave it to me. He said, 'I was drafted.' And I said, 'I was drafted, too.' “So that was proof positive for me. Here's a guy 17 years old, and I was 20. He was made to fight, just like I was. He didn't have anything against me, and I didn't have anything against him. “I never did hate the Germans,” Andrews asserts. “I just thought it was a pathetic situation. But with the Nazi regime, I got the feeling that this war was necessary. And when we ran into the concentration camps, we knew it was necessary to get rid of this evil.”
14 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
“yoU May noT Know” Anthony, who buried his war memories for many years, echoes that sentiment. “In your wildest imagination, you cannot conceive what we went through,” he says. Then Anthony stops and reiterates: “If you weren't there, you may not know what we did.” Though they've never met, these men share similarities perhaps spawned on the battlefield. Both are committed to their church and their faith. “I prayed a lot with my eyes open,” Andrews recalls. “I trusted the Lord to provide everything I needed.” Anthony's experience was more complex. “In your mind, you can never grasp the raw, naked fear that I had,” he reveals. “That was when I learned to pray. [But] the only prayer that I ever found effectual was ‘Thy will be done.’ To pray for my life was naive and stupid. We were behind a log one time with a group of Germans in front of us, and one of us stuck his head up over the log and got shot between the eyes. ... So there but for the grace of God... it was either one of us; it was random chance and nothing else.” Does Anthony believe God was in control during the war? “Oh heavens, no,” he replies. “That’s one of the biggest theological problems we’ve come up with. Why does God allow polio? Why does He permit HIV? How can we justify what happened to 6 million Jews, to the 20 million Stalin killed? How can you rationalize that with God?” It's a question the living can’t answer, and it illustrates the limits of our reach. The men who died beside Anthony and Andrews aren’t here to be lauded on Veterans Day or featured in the newspaper. So our understanding of war can never be whole, because no matter how true the account or sincere the journalist, only the survivors tell war stories. X Max Cooper can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 145, or at mcooper@mountainx.com.
By The nUMBers as of sept. 30, 2011, there are an estimated 22.23 million U.s. veterans, according to the U.s. department of veterans affairs, including: 7.4 million from the vietnam war, 5.9 million from the Gulf war, 2.3 million from the Korean war, 1.7 from world war ii and 5.7 million who served in peacetime only. (These categories aren’t mutually exclusive.) The first local facility dedicated to serving veterans was U.s. army General hospital no. 19 in oteen, built in 1918 to care for soldiers training to serve in world war i. The veterans administration assumed management of it in 1921, renaming it the oteen veterans administration hospital. Today, the Charles George va Medical Center (1100 Tunnel road in asheville) serves some 33,000 veterans (mostly from world war ii, the Korean war and vietnam) in 19 western north Carolina counties. The hospital also operates community-based outpatient clinics in Franklin and rutherford counties. on veterans day (sunday, nov. 11), the medical center will host an 11 a.m. ceremony including a wreath-laying and five keynote speakers. For details, call 2987911. Many restaurants and businesses offer veterans discounts or a free meal. For more information, visit themilitarywallet.com. — Jill Corinne winsby-Fein
wanT To Go? a veterans day parade and ceremony will be held in raleigh saturday, nov. 10. This year’s theme is “welcome home iraq veterans!” The parade starts at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of Fayetteville and davie streets. a wreath-laying and ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. on the north side of the state capitol grounds.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 15
news X asheville
For a FeW dollars more
inFrastructure, service concerns Front and center at sHiloH community meetinG By david ForBes Whenever there's a fifth Tuesday in the month, Asheville City Council members leave their historic City Hall chamber and trek down to an area neighborhood to hold a community meeting. Typically, a high-ranking official gives a presentation about the city's financial constraints and describes some neighborhoodspecific efforts before Council takes questions. Accordingly, City Council convened Oct. 30 at the Shiloh Community Center in south Asheville. Assistant City Manager Jeff Richardson talked about the tight budget, citing Asheville's daytime-to-nighttime population ratio (the highest in the state) and stateimposed limitations on things like annexation and certain kinds of taxes as obstacles to providing all the services residents want. For the roughly 30 people who came out on this cold, windy night (including some from other south Asheville neighborhoods), the key issues seemed to be replacing aging infrastructure and beefing up city services. The neighborhood has seen significant improvements, noted sophie dixon, president of the Shiloh Community Association. She mentioned traffic-calming efforts, increased affordable housing, better bus service and more community events. The organization has also worked on getting city water to those residents still on wells and extending sewer lines throughout the area. “We all understand the loss of revenue or funding,” noted the Rev. spencer Hardaway of Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church. “But we would like Shiloh to be considered; we're in line to have it done when you do have the funding. Sometimes Rock Hill or Shiloh feel like we're not considered first for services. Not everybody on Rock Hill Road has sewer, and it's been a long time. When will those city residents be afforded the same services?”
Resident derek Foster sounded a similar note, saying, “One of the main concerns I hear in Shiloh are the streets: They haven't been resurfaced in over 20 years. I also have some concerns about the community center here.” City staff said the center is due for renovation in 2014. Because of budget constraints, the city can replace roads only every 80 years, on average, rather than the 20 years state standards recommend, noted Public Works Director Cathy Ball. Oak Forest and Crowfields residents also asked about the state of sidewalks, and staff said they hope to install them along parts of Hendersonville and Long Shoals roads, among other places, during the next few years. South Asheville resident Andy Houston praised the city for forging partnerships but said that won’t be sufficient to meet coming challenges such as climate change and a lack of jobs among millennials. Council member Cecil Bothwell said many of the city's issues are worsened by a hostile state Legislature, encouraging residents to vote for better politicians on Election Day. Mayor Terry Bellamy noted that the city will face hard choices over the next year concerning which services it will be able to provide, “whether we'll be able to fund all the streets, all the sidewalks, all the programs with the resources we already have. “We have the best relationship with our county commissioners we've ever had — ever — but if the state doesn't let us do something, we can't,” she continued. “That's why it's important to have legislators that are willing to work with us. Some just aren't.” X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at dforbes@mountainx.com.
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16 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
community: Shiloh residents attending an Asheville City Council community meeting noted improvements but questioned whether they’re receiving the same services as other neighborhoods. Mayor Terry Bellamy (below) and other Council members listened to their concerns. Photo by Max Cooper
news X asheville
not Just Hot air By Bill rHodes On Saturday, Oct. 27, a group of middle-school students from Francine Delany New School launched a weather balloon with a camera into near space. The payload, packed in a Styrofoam cooler with some insulation and padding, consisted of some seeds (to see if radiation would affect them), a few personal items and a GPS unit. After about 90 minutes, the balloon burst and the payload returned to ground. Computer models had predicted that the landfall would be north of Winston-Salem near Mount Airy, N.C., and within an hour of launch, student search teams had fanned out, tracking the GPS signal. Conflicting information led some teams on a fruitless search of the Wilson Creek area in Linville Gorge, and it was feared the cargo was lost. By Sunday morning, however, all the trackers had agreed on a fix north of Boone, near the Tennessee line. Student Caleb Barber and teacher Tom Robertson found the cooler sitting on the ground "like someone had just set it there," said Robertson. "It was behind some heavy mountain laurel bushes," noted Barber, "but it was right off the trail." Asheville Pizza and Brewing screened the video Oct. 29. Students, parents, teachers and supporters cheered the balloon’s progress as it delivered sweeping views of Asheville before hitting the clouds. Higher up, there was a great view of Hurricane Sandy's outer bands. The sky turned to space color, with the curvature of the Earth clearly visible. But the most dramatic part was the last few moments. The balloon burst (as they must, due to pressure) and the camera caught a fantastic spiral down. The shredded balloon got tangled in the parachute’s shrouds, preventing it from opening. How high did the balloon get? "We don't really know yet,” said Tom Heck, lead volunteer on the project. “GPS stops recording altitude at 30,000 feet, but we’re sending the images to NASA; they should be able to figure that for us.” The video, he added, “is fantastic: Everyone should see this." (To view the video, go http:// vimeo.com/52689258.)
students From Francine delany
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Bill Rhodes can be reached at brhodes@mountainx.com or 251-1333, ext. 142.
space: Until NASA checks the data, local middle-schoolers won’t know exactly how high their weather balloon journeyed, but it got a sweeping view of the earth (above) after its Oct. 27 lift-off (below). Lower photo by Bill Rhodes
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 17
your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries
calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists Calendar for november 7 15, 2012
and volunteers for its no-kill shelter.
Unless otherwise stated, events take plaCe in asheville, and phone nUmbers are in the 828 area Code.
Thrift Store also needed. Foster:
day-by-day Calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. mountainx.com/events. weekday abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday
Volunteers for the Second Chances foster@bwar.org or 273-1428. Volunteer: volunteer@bwar.org or 423-2954. CommUnity partnership for pets • 2nd SATURDAYS, noon-3pm - Additional vouchers will be distributed at Petco,118 Highlands Square Drive, Hendersonville. Info: 693-5172. dog obedienCe Classes • SA (11/10), 10am - An obedience class for dogs will focus on tips to
animals brother wolf animal resCUe • Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, 31 Glendale Ave., seeks foster homes
earn your dog's "love, respect and undivided attention." Presented by Angel Dog at Pet Supermarket, 244 Tunnel Road. $30. Info: www.angeldoginc.com. --- 11am - A class on teaching dogs to come when called
calendar deadlines Free and paid listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication)
can’t Find your Group’s listinG? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx. com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
Free listinGs To submit a free listing: online submission form (best): http://www.mountainx.com/events/ submission e-mail (second best): calendar@mountainx.com Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365.
paid listinGs Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. e-mail: marketplace@mountainx.com. Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
art on fire: The Brevard Lumber Arts District will host a night of video installations, molten salt casting and fire dancers on Saturday, Nov. 10. (pg. 20) will be held at the same location.
art opening at Chifferobe blaCk moUntain
• Through SU (3/31) - "Visual expressions of the Earth’s landscapes and skies," works by Fleta Monaghan, Betty Carlson, Bob Martin and Mark Holland.
Info: 692-0385.
(pd.) Ceramic artist, Ursula GoebelsEllis. Hand formed organic shapes. Wine and food refreshments on 11/9/12, 5-7pm. Exhibit available through end of November. 118-D Cherry St. Black Mountain. 828669-2743.
aloft hotel 51 Biltmore Ave. 11am-midnight daily. Info: www.mckibbon.com/ hotels/67/aloft-asheville. • Through FR (11/30) - The Travelers, braille-based art by Kenn Kotara. Info: 236-2265.
wnC natUre Center
16 patton
75 Gashes Creek Road. 10am-
16 Patton Ave. Tues.-Sat., 11am6pm and Sun., 12-5pm (through October). Info: www.16patton.com or 236-2889. • Through SA (11/24) - Viewpoints, works by John Mac Kah, and Life in Still Life, works by Mary Kay West.
ameriCan folk art and framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (11/21) - Gathering, works by self-taught Southern artists.
$30. Info: www.angeldoginc.com. gUided bird walk • SA (11/10), 9am - A guided bird walk, sponsored by ECO and the Henderson County Bird Club, will depart from Jackson Park, 801 Glover St., Hendersonville. Free.
5pm daily. $8/$6 Asheville city residents/$4 kids. Info: 298-5600 or www.wildwnc.org. • TH (11/8), 6-8pm - "Wolf Howl," an evening of wolf ecology, biology and "learning how to howl like a member of the pack." Held in and outdoors. Advance tickets required. $10/$8 members. Info: 259-8080.
18 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
310 art gallery 191 Lyman St., #310. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., noon-4pm or by appointment. Info: www.310art.com or 776-2716.
appalaChian pastel soCiety • SA (11/10), 10am-noon - A meeting of the Appalachian Pastel Society will include a free demonstration of en plein air painting.
Held at the Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. Info: www. appalachianpastelsociety.org or (610) 389-0058. appalaChian pastel soCiety JUried exhibition • Through FR (12/14) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will present its National Juried Exhibition at The Asheville School’s Crawford Art Gallery, 360 Asheville School Road. Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www. ashevilleschool.org or www.appalachianpastelsociety.org. art at appalaChian state University 423 West King St., Boone. Info: www.tcva.org or 262-3017. • Through SA (2/9) - Spaces of the Brain, works by Jedrzej Stepak, will be on display in the Mezzanine Gallery. • Through SA (11/24) - Roadside Attraction, works by Karen Bondarchuk, will be on display in Gallery B. --- At a Glance, works by
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 19
Curt Brill, will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • Through SA (12/1) - Forever Protected, paintings for the Blue Ridge Conservancy by Gayle Stott Lowry, will be on display in the Community Gallery. • Through SA (2/9) - Visible/ Invisible, Polish works from the Jan Fejkiel Gallery, will be on display in the Main Gallery. • Through SA (11/10) - ArtJam: 6 Artists, 6 Media, featuring Virginabased artists, will be on display in Gallery A.
Info: www.floodgallery.org or 2542166. • Through TU (11/27) - Work, paintings by Brian Mashburn. folk art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: www.craftguild.org or 298-7928. • Through TU (12/11) - Works by Kyle Carpenter (clay) and Brian Wurst (wood). gallery minerva 8 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Thurs., 11am6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.galleryminerva.com or 255-8850. • SA (11/10), 6-9pm - Anne Bachelier will present drawings as well as her new book 13 Plus One, a collection of stories by Edgar Allen Poe with illustrations by the artist.
art at brevard College Exhibits are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.brevard.edu/art or 884-8188. • FR (11/9) through FR (12/7) - Cast in Iron will be on display in the Spiers Gallery. • FR (11/9), 5:30-7pm - Opening reception.
grovewood gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec.: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.grovewood.com or 253-7651. • Through MO (12/31) - Cut, Bend, Fold, Color: Paper Sculpture and Collage in Dimension.
art at UnCa Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.unca.edu. • Through TU (11/27) - Faces of Afghanistan, drawings by Skip Rohde, will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • FR (11/9) through TU (11/20) - Ascension, paintings by Katie Linamen, will be on display in Owen Hall. • FR (11/9), 6-8pm - Opening reception for Ascension. art events at wCU Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www.fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (2/1) - North Carolina Glass 2012: In Celebration of 50 Years of Studio Glass in America. asheville area arts CoUnCil: the artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. • Through SU (11/25) - Archaeology of Self, papercutting and clay sculpture by Lisa Abernathy and Melissa Nelson. asheville art mUseUm Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www.ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. • Through SU (1/27) - Robert Morris: Mind/Body/Earth will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (11/25) - High, Low and In Between. Artist Mel Chin extracted images from 25 volumes of Funk and Wagnall’s 1953 encyclopedia and edited them as collages freed of their historical context. On display in the museum's East Wing, main level.
haen gallery 52 Biltmore Ave. Wed.-Fri., 10am6pm; Mon., Tues. & Sat., 11am6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. thehaengallery.com or 254-8577. • Through FR (11/30) - Lynn Boggess: New Work 2012.
complex symmetry: Madison County artist Matthew Zedler will present his geometrically vibrant works at an opening reception for his new exhibit at Hotel Indigo on Tuesday, Nov. 13. (pg. 20)
• 1st WEDNESDAYS - The Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square, offers free museum admission after 3pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • Through SU (1/20) - Chasing the Image, works by Madeleine d’Ivry Lord and Sally Massengale, will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (1/6) - Art/Sewn, "works of art in which sewing is integral to the making and viewing experience," will be on display in the North Wing. bella vista art gallery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.bellavistaart.com or 7680246. • Through MO (12/31) - August Hoerr (small portraits); Shellie Lewis Dambax (paintings); Tiffany Dill (encaustics). blaCk and white iii • Through SU (1/6) - Black and White III, works by members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, will be on display at the Folk Art Center, MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Mon.-Sun., 9am-6pm. Free. Info: www.craftguild.org or 298-7928.
present Off the Map, a lecture by artist Christine Kirouac. $7.
blaCk moUntain Center for the arts Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www.BlackMountainArts.org or 669-0930. • Through WE (11/21) - Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League biennial juried show.
bloCk and sCreen prints • Through TH (11/15) - Block and screen prints by Margaret Dahm will be on display at N.C. Stage, 15 Stage Lane. Mon.-Fri., noon-5pm. Info: noverso@yahoo.com.
blaCk moUntain College mUseUm + arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • SA (11/10), 11am-1pm - A handson workshop "invites participants to creatively experience Buckminster Fuller's explorations of the tetrahedron, close-packing of spheres, the vector equilibrium and more." $10/$5 BMCM+AC members and students. Registration requested. • TU (11/13), 7:30pm - The Media Arts Project and Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center
20 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
blUe spiral 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through TU (12/31) - Blue Spiral 1 will host ceramics by Ben Owen III, Gary Schlappal and Vicki Grant, along with wood pendulums by Michael Costello and baskets by Carole Hetzel. Carlton gallery 10360 Highway 105 S., Banner Elk. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 11am5pm or by appointment. Info: www. carltonartgallery.com or 963-4288. • Through SU (11/18) - 2012 Figurative Abstractions, works by Warren Dennis. Castell photography 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: www.castellphotography.com or 255-1188.
• Through SA (12/1) - ROAD, a juried exhibition curated by W.M. Hunt. Chamber of art Children’s gallery • Through TU (11/27) - Works by second-grader William Ambrose Mills IV will be on display in the Phil Mechanic Studios' Chamber of Art, 109 Roberts St. Info: ww.philmechanicstudios.com. dUsty roads • Through MO (12/31) - Dusty Roads, photographs of classic and junkyard vehicles by Barbara Sammons, will be on display at Green Sage Coffeehouse and Cafe, 1800 Hendersonville Road. Info: www.barbarasammons.com or www. thegreensage.net. events at handmade in ameriCa Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 252-0121. • Through FR (11/16) - From Hand to Hand: Functional Craft in WNC, a celebration of craft artists living in the 25 counties of WNC. flood gallery The Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm.
Jonas gerard fine art 240 Clingman Ave. Daily, 10am6pm. Info: www.jonasgerard.com or 350-7711. • Through MO (11/12) - October Picante, works by Jonas Gerard. Joseph anderson: forged iron • Through FR (1/25) - Figuratively Speaking, an exhibition of iron works by Joseph Anderson, will be on display at 296 Depot, 296 Depot St. lUmber arts distriCt mUltimedia show • SA (11/10), 6pm - The Brevard Lumber Arts District will host an art and multimedia event featuring projected video installations, sculpture, fire dancing, music, a screening of Reel Rock 7 and free beer. Held at 200 King St. Free to attend; $15 for film. Info: jaroc03@yahoo. com or (410) 274 4069. matthew Zedler • Through TU (1/15) - Works by local modern/contemporary artist Matthew Zedler will be on display in the lobby of Hotel Indigo, 151 Haywood St. Info: www.matthewzedlerfineart.com. • TU (11/13), 5-7pm - An artist reception will feature music by Ben Hovey. miCa fine Contemporary Craft 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville. Sun.-Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: www. micagallerync.com or 688-6422.
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consciousparty Soles for hope What: The Art of Hope, to benefit Sole Hope's efforts efforts to improve the health of Ugandans through shoes. When: Sunday, Nov. 11, 5-9:30 p.m. Where: Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. $10. Info: solehope.com. While many Americans have a closet full of shoes and boots, it's important to remember that millions of people in Africa struggle to keep their feet covered, healthy and disease-free. The local nonprofit Sole Hope puts shoes on the feet of Ugandans who might otherwise walk barefoot through their dusty streets. The group does more than ship shoes overseas. It also teaches African men and women how to make shoes to improve their economic position. Everyone from recovering addicts to the homeless are invited to learn a trade and improve their lives.
• Mentors and Business Consultants to give you one on one advice and feedback. • 8 Panels with 31 panelists, 2 live musical performances. • Complimentary Wellness, Guidance and Intuitive Sessions Provided throughout the weekend.
Now Sole Hope needs your help. The organization is hosting an evening of art, food and wine to highlight the works of local and global artists. Wine and food will be provided by Scully's and Cultivate Wines, with music by Jazzville. Most of us can't travel to Africa to help Ugandans directly, but we can take home a piece of art and enjoy an evening of food, wine and camaraderie with other passionate citizens of the world.
Sat - Nov 10 10:15am-6pm SuN - Nov 11 10:30am-6pm mojo Coworking 60 Market St • Downtown womensbusinessweekend.com The producers of the inaugural Women’s Business weekend would like to thank Their sponsors. Thank you for supporting us in the amazing community building endeavor. We appreciate all of you.
• Through MO (12/31) - Late Bloomer, oil paintings by Dorothy Buchanan Collins.
tions and fun." Free. Info and locations: www.riverartsdistrict.com.
Info: www.tryonpaintersandsculptors. com.
PENLAND SCHOOL OF CRAFTS 67 Dora's Trail, Penland. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon5pm. Info: www.penland.org or 7652359. • Through SU (11/18) - The Core Show, works by Penland School of Crafts' core fellows.
US AND THEM • Through MO (1/28) - Us and Them, new paintings, drawings and sculptures by Julie Armbruster, will be on display at Early Girl Eatery, 8 Wall St. Info: www. juliearmbruster.net.
PINK DOG CREATIVE A multi-use arts space located at 342 Depot St. Info: www.pinkdog-creative. com. • Through SA (12/15) - Watershed: The French Broad River, photographs by Jeff Rich. Tues.-Sun., 11am-6pm. PUMP GALLERY 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: www.philmechanicstudios.com. • Through TU (11/27) - Handmade jewelry by Rachel Wilder. PUSH SKATE SHOP & GALLERY Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: www.pushtoyproject. com or 225-5509. • FR (11/9) through TU (1/8) - Kin, works by Ursula Gullow. • FR (11/9), 7-10pm - Opening reception. RIVER ARTS DISTRICT STUDIO STROLL • SA (11/10) & SU (11/11), 10am-6pm - The River Arts District studio stroll will feature 180 artist studios for a "full weekend of art, creations, demonstra-
22 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
• Through MO (12/31) - Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www.grovewood.com. SEVEN SISTERS GALLERY 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Winter hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: • FR (11/9) through TH (1/31) - Trees, Trees, Trees, paintings by Kim Rody. STUDIO B A framing studio and art gallery at 171 Weaverville Highway, Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5:30pm and Sat. 10am3pm. Info: www.galleryatstudiob.com or 225-5200. • Through SA (11/10) - Along the Way, paintings by Brennen McElhaney. THE BENDER GALLERY 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.thebendergallery.com or 505-8341. • Through FR (12/28) - Vitric Compositions: Assemblages in Glass, sculptures by Martin Kremer, Toland Peter Sand and William Zweifel. TRYON PAINTERS AND SCULPTORS • Through SU (11/11) - The Tryon Painters and Sculptors juried art show will be on display at 26 Maple St., Tryon.
VADIM BORA RETROSPECTIVE • Through TH (11/30) - A retrospective of sculptor and painter Vadim Bora will be on display in Warren Wilson College’s Elizabeth Holden Gallery. Mon.Fri., 9:30am-4pm; Sun., 1-4pm and by appointment. Info: www.warren-wilson. edu or 771-3038. • SU (11/11), 3pm - Curator talk. WORKING GIRLS STUDIO AND GALLERY 30 Battery Park Ave., Suite 200. Thurs.Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: www.workinggirlsstudio.com or 243-0200. • Through FR (12/7) - New works by painter Eli Corbin and photographer Lynne Harty. ZAPOW! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs., noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm; Sun. 1-6pm. Info: www. zapow.net or 575-2024. • Through SU (11/18) - Dia de los Muertos, a group show featuring "works honoring the dearly departed." • TH (11/15), 7-9pm - Album cover art designer Joshua Marc Levy will discuss creating album art in the digital age. $24.
ART/CRAFT FAIRS BIG IVY HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR • SA (11/10), 9am-3pm - The Big Ivy Holiday Craft Fair will feature more than 40 crafters and food at the Barnardsville Fire Department, 100 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville. Free to attend. Info: www. barnardsville.com. GREATREX PLACE CRAFT FAIR • FR (11/9), 8:30am-4pm & SA (11/10), 9am-3pm - The Greatrex Place craft fair will feature soap and lip balm from Zambia, pottery, note cards, jewelry, toys and more. Held at 571 South Allen Road, Flat Rock. Proceeds benefit hospitals in Zambia. Free to attend. Info: 692-6178. HANDMADE HOLIDAY SALE • TH (11/15), 2-7pm - Hosted by the Western Carolina University Fine Art Museum in Cullowhee. Wine and appetizers served. Free to attend. Info: www. wcu.edu/museum/111.htm. MOUNTAIN SHAPES AND COLORS • SA (11/10), 10am-5pm - Mountain Shapes and Colors arts and crafts festival will be held at Southwestern Community College's Swain Center, featuring vendors, food, demonstrations, workshops and the opening of the wood-fired kiln. Located on Highway 74 West near Bryson City. Info: http://avl.mx/mn. T.C. ROBERSON HOLIDAY MARKET • SA (11/10), 9am-3pm - Featuring dozens of local vendors, handmade crafts, food and snacks for purchase, free door
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 23
prize drawings and $1 raffle tickets for a 40" HD television. Hosted by T.C. Robertson High School, 250 Overlook Road. Info: http://avl. mx/mo.
tC arts CoUnCil artmart • SA (11/10), 9am-4pm Transylvania Community Arts Council will present the ArtMart, a holiday shopping opportunity featuring regional artists. Held at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Free to attend. Info: www.artsofbrevard.org.
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the little flea • SATURDAYS through (12/15), 10am-2pm - The Little Flea features crafts, toys, baked goods and more. Held at 718 Haywood Road. Free to attend. Info: www.littleflea.org.
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• FR (11/9), noon-7pm & SA (11/10), 9am-3pm - The Weaverville Christmas Bazaar will feature crafts, food and a visit with Santa. Held at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 North Main St. Free to attend. Info: 645-2367. yart sale • FR (11/9), 9am-5pm - Local artists will clean out their studios for a special sale of art and art supplies. Held at Skyland Hotel, 538 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free to attend. Info: www.acofhc.org or 693-8504.
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24 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
blUe ridge holiday market • Through FR (11/9) - Applications from local vendors will be accepted by Blue Ridge Community College's holiday market through nov. 9. Info: www.bit.ly/brholidaymarket or 694-4747. eCo arts award • Through TU (1/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed-material competitions through Jan. 15. Info: www.ecoartsawards.com. loCal Zine prodUCtion • Volunteers are sought for Turbulent Minutiae, a local art and culture zine. Opportunities include creative and production staff, ad sales and more. Info: thatguy1944@ gmail.com or 808-7816. marion Christmas parade • Through TH (11/15) - The Marion Christmas Parade will accept float applications from local businesses through nov. 15. Info: 652-2215. santa's palatte holiday show • Through MO (11/12) - TC Arts Council's Santa's Palatte Holiday Show will accept applications from artists and crafters through nov.
12. Info: tcarts@comporium.net or 884-2787. Zapow! • ZaPow! invites artists to email 5-10 .jpgs of their work to be considered for upcoming exhibits. Info: info@ ZaPow.com.
BeneFits ashe-bots at asheville piZZa and brewing • SA (11/10), 11am-1pm - Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company, 675 Merrimon Ave., will host a fundraiser for ashe-bots first high school robotics team, featuring demonstrations and an opportunity to drive a robot. Free to attend; donations appreciated. Info: http:// avl.mx/ms. asheville bow-wowhaUs • SA (11/10), 4pm - A screening of Romanza and a gala auction of locally-designed doghouses will be held at the Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave., to benefit brother wolf animal rescue. $45 for gala and movie/$10 movie only. Info: www.aiaasheville.org. • Through SA (11/10) - Doghouses will be on display at Aloft Asheville Downtown, 51 Biltmore Ave. asheville CommUnity show Choir • SA (11/10), 7:30pm -The Asheville Community Show Choir will perform a benefit concert of songs from the stage and screen for the Jpw schierhorn scholarship fund, which helps local music students further their education. Held at Toy Boat Performing Arts Space, 101 Fairview Road. 7pm. Donations appreciated. Info: http://avl.mx/mp. asheville yoga Center • SA (11/11), 8:15-9:30pm Asheville Yoga Center will host a benefit for local 2-year-old Joshua rich's upcoming bone marrow transplant at 211 S. Liberty St. $10$20 suggested donation. Info: www. youryoga.com. big brothers big sisters of wnC • Through MO (12/31) - Panacea Coffee Company, 66 Commerce St., Waynesville, will donate 20 percent of proceeds from each pound of Zimbabwe Estate Salimba Big Magic coffee to big brothers big sisters of wnC through Dec. 31. Info: panaceacoffee.com or 734-7723. diana wortham theatre • TH (11/15), 5-8pm - Diamond Brand Outdoors, 2623 Hendersonville Road, will host a fundraiser for diana wortham theatre featuring discounts, prizes, music and BBQ. Free to attend/$8 per plate. Info: www.dwtheatre.com/ step-out-and-shop. eCo sUstainable harvest • TH (11/8), 5-8pm - A Sustainable Harvest, to benefit the environmental and Conservation organization, will celebrate the
organization's 25th anniversary with hors d’oeurves, drinks and jazz guitarist Dan Keller. Held at Cummings Cove Clubhouse, 3000 Cummings Road, Hendersonville. $50. Info: www.eco-wnc.org or 692-0385. food drive • FR (11/9), 10am-5pm - A food drive, to benefit United Christian ministries of Jackson County's efforts to prevent hunger, will be held at Sav-Mor, 74 E. Sylva Circle, Sylva. Info: 586-2501. fUll belly 5k • SA (11/10), 9am - The inaugural Full Belly 5K, to benefit rotarians against hunger, will depart from the Biltmore Square Mall. Presented by the Rotary Club of Asheville South, Express Employment Professionals and Southeastern Sports Medicine. $25. Info and registration: www.rotaryclubashevillesouth.org. fUll momentUm wrestling • SU (11/11), 2pm - Full Momentum Wrestling will host "Veterans Day Jam," featuring Ricky Morton, KC Thunder, Misty James, Violet Adams and more. The event will also include live music, raffles and door prizes. All proceeds benefit homeless veterans. Held at Beer City Tavern, 2574 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa. $8/$4 children/5 and under free. operation Christmas Child • MO (11/12) through MO (11/19) - Operation Christmas Child will collect toys, school supplies and hygiene items for international children in need. Drop off locations in Asheville, Black Mountain, Leicester and at the Billy Graham Training Center. Info and locations: 696-2996. panCake breakfast • SA (11/10), 7:30-10am - A pancake breakfast, to benefit the smoky mountain toy run, will be held at Fatz Cafe, 5 Spartan Ave. $7. Info: www.smokymountaintoyrun.com. randy hoUser • TU (11/13), 7:30pm - Randy Houser (country) will perform a concert to benefit misson Children's hospital at the Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. $40. Info: www.theorangepeel.net. rUn for band aide • SA (11/10), 9am - Run for Band Aide, to support asheville high school's travel costs to participate the 2013 Presidential Inauguration, will be held at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road. $25/$10 fun run. Info: www.iamathlete.com. start from seed • FR (11/9) through MO (11/12) - Postpartum doula training, to benefit start from seed volunteer doula program, will be held at the Rathbun Center, 121 Sherwood
Road. $450. Info, schedule and registration: www.startfromseed.org. taste of asheville • WE (11/14), 7pm - Taste of Asheville, to benefit asheville independent restaurants, will feature small plate tastings of 40 local, independent restaurants. Held at The Venue, 21 N. Market St. $70. Info: www.airasheville.org. taste of Compassion • TH (11/8), 5:30-8:30pm - A Taste of Compassion, to benefit animal Compassion network, will feature wine tastings and a silent auction. Held at The Venue, 21 N. Market St. $35/$30 in advance. Info: www. animalcompassionnetwork.org or 274-3647. tUrkey sUpper and gospel singing • SA (11/10), 4-7pm - The leicester Community Center, 2979 Leicester Highway, will host a turkey and dressing supper with all the fixings, along with live music by The Pethtel Sisters, Shining Pathway Quartet and more, to raise funds for a new roof. $8 for adult dinners/$5 kids under 10/music free. Info: leicester. community.center@gmail.com.
Business & tecHnoloGy moUntain biZworks workshops 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 2532834 or www.mountainbizworks. org. • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step toward accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: victor@mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834. • FR (11/9), 9am-noon - A workshop and networking opportunity for farmers and food producers will focus on getting your farm to scale. Free. Registration requested. • WE (11/14), 8:30-10:30am - A panel of CEOs will lead a discussion about best practices and key management ideas. Held at BRCC. Free. Info and registration: bob@mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834. • TH (11/15), 4:30-6:30pm - An additional panel will be held at A-B Tech. Free.
classes, meetinGs & events maC basiCs Classes at Charlotte street CompUters (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 1:00pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st Tuesday of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - Safari & Mail, 3rd Tuesday - iCloud, 4th Tuesday -
iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - alternate between Garageband and iWork Essentials, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at classes@charlottestreetcomputers.com. asheville newComers ClUb (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us!ashevillenewcomersclub. com every-body yoga with kim dry (pd.) Joyful movement with alignment, Weds - 4 pm and Suns - 10 am. Lighten Up Yoga, 60 Biltmore Ave, $1 parking at Aloft. 254-7756 aCryliC painting Class • WEDNESDAYS through (11/7), 10am-noon - Acrylic painting classes will be offered by the Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. $15 per month includes supplies (except brushes). Registration required. Info: harvesth@ashevillenc.gov or 350-2051. ameriCan bUsiness women's assoCiation Info: www.abwaskyhy.com. • TH (11/8), 5:30-7:30pm - A dinner meeting will be held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. Meeting will focus on driving traffic to websites. $25. Info: www.ABWA. org or abwaskyhychapter@gmail. com. asheville integral • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7:30pm Asheville Integral will focus on the works of Ken Wilber and Integral Philosophy. Held at Network Chiropractic, 218 E. Chestnut St. Free. Info: 505-2826. avoiding the holiday spending hangover • TU (11/13), 5:15pm - "Avoiding the Holiday Spending Hangover," presented by On Track Financial Education and Counseling. Learn "how can we make memorable holiday seasons without ruining our finances." Presented in Park Ridge Health's Duke Room. 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Registration required. Info: www.parkridgehealth.org or 684-8501. bUilding an abUse-free CommUnity • TU (11/13), 7-8:45pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church will offer a four-part series on the realities of child and adult abuse. Held at 789 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info and childcare reservations: 254-3274. daoist traditions College open hoUse • SA (11/10), 10-11:30am - Meet and mingle with members of the Daoist Traditions College community and learn more about its program of study at the college's Fall Open House. 382 Montford Ave. Please RSVP: csalinda@daoisttraditions.
edu. Info: 225-3993 or www.daoisttraditions.edu. downtown poliCing forUm • TH (11/8), 9am - The City of Asheville will present a public forum on downtown policing policies in the banquet hall of the U.S. Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St. Info: www. ashevilledowntown.org. doUble fan tai Chi • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm - "Flying Rainbow Double Fan Form," presented by Little Dragon School, will focus on Tai Chi with two fans. Held at Asheville Community Movement, 812 Riverside Drive. Fans available to the first six registrants for $15. Those without fans should call for details. $10. Info: lizridley@hotmail. com or 301-4084. grownC CommUnity meeting • TH (11/8), 1-3pm & 4-6pm GroWNC will host a community meeting about its growth and economic development initiatives at the U.S. Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St. Free. Info: www.gro-wnc.org. • TU (11/13), 1-3pm & 4-6pm - An additional meeting will be held at Transylvania County Public Library, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard. Free. Info: www.gro-wnc.org. • TH (11/15), 1-3pm & 4-6pm - An additional meeting will be held at BRCC's Blue Ridge Conference Hall. henderson CoUnty heritage mUseUm Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: www. hendersoncountymuseum.org or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - School Days: 1797-1940 will feature a complete timeline of that era for all schools in Henderson County, many of which no longer exist. holiday shopping party • TH (11/8), 4:30-7pm - First Restoration, 173 Rutledge Road, Fletcher, will host a holiday shopping event, featuring hors d'oeuvres, door prizes and vendors — including Thirty One, Mary Kay, Silpada, Pampered Chef and Biltmore Inspirations. Free to attend. Info: http://www.firstrestorationwnc.com. interseCtions Craft ClUb • WE (11/7), 6pm - The Intersections Craft Club will present an indigo/ Shibori workshop in Diana Wortham Theatre's Forum. $25 includes materials. Info and registration: 210-9837. linColn: the ConstitUtion and the Civil war • Through FR (11/16) - The national touring exhibition Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War will be on display in UNCA's Ramsey Library during regular hours. Free. Info: 251-6336. moUntain heritage Center On the ground floor of Western Carolina University's Robinson Administration Building. Mon.-Fri.,
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 25
8am-5pm; Thurs., 8am-7pm. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 2277129 or www.wcu.edu/mhc. • Through FR (11/9) - Journey Stories, a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution, will focus on the "intersection between modes of travel and Americans’ desire for freedom of movement." • WEEKDAYS - Horace Kephart in the Great Smoky Mountains, a yearlong exhibit about the iconic author of Our Southern Highlanders. n.C. arboretUm Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: www.ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • Through SU (1/6) - After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals and Ice, featuring fossils and teeth, allows visitors to "touch the Ice Age." $3/$2 students, in addition to parking fee. pisgah astronomiCal researCh institUte Located at 1 PARI Drive, Rosman. Info: 862-5554 or www.pari.edu. • FR (11/9), 7pm - A program on the fall night sky will include a presentation of PARI's new space shuttle artifacts. Wear warm clothing and walking shoes. $20/$15 seniors and military/$10 children under 14. Registration required. smoky moUntain Chess ClUb • THURSDAYS, 1-4pm - The Smoky Mountain Chess Club invites players of all levels to participate in friendly competition at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Free. Info: www.brbooks-news.com or 456-6000. tapestry: all women, many threads, one story • 2nd TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Tapestry is a monthly event for women of all ages to come together to be refreshed, meet new friends and be encouraged. Hosted by Creature's Cafe, 81 Patton Ave. Info: www. creaturescafe.com. ten thoUsand villages CUstomer appreCiation day • SA (11/10) - Ten Thousand Villages, 10 College St., will host a customer appreciation day featuring sales on fair-trade items, along with chocolate, games and a raffle. Free to attend. Info: www.asheville. tenthousandvillages.com or 2548374. wCU open hoUse • SA (11/10), 8:30am - A WCU open house will feature tours, academic sessions and an information fair, along with lunch. Info: openhouse. wcu.edu or 227-7317. willy thilly meetUp • FRIDAYS, 7-9pm - A community group for those who enjoy "fun conversation in a relaxed, sophisticated environment." All topics welcome. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont
Road. Free to attend. Info: (617) 699-1173.
in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: ace.wcu.edu or 227-3622.
wnC knitters and CroCheters • MO (11/12), 7pm - The Fletcher Branch will meet at the Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. The group is focused on "hat ministry" and will donate hats to local charities in December. Info: 654-9788.
miss representation • TH (11/15), 5:30pm - The National Association of Social Workers will host a screening of Miss Representation, which "challenges the media's limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls," at the Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. $10. Info and registration: www.missrepnaswnc.eventbrite.com.
the Campaign • FR (11/9), 7pm - The Groovy Movie Club will screen The Campaign at a private home in Dellwood. A mostly-organic potluck begins at 6:15pm. Free. Info and location: johnbuckleyX@gmail.com or 926-3508.
stUdio Zahiya (pd.) Drop in Classes: Monday 6-7 Fusion Bellydance • 7-8 Intro to Tribal • 7:30-9pm Bellydance. Tuesday 9-10am Hip Hop Booty Shakin Workout • 4-5 Girls Bellydance • 5:15-5:45pm Intro to Bellyydance, $7 • 6-7 Bellydance 1 • 7-8 Bellydance 2 • 8-9 Bellydance 3. Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Bellydance • 7:30-9 Bellydance 2. Thursday 9-10am Bellydance Workout • 6-7pm Bollywood • 7-8pm Hip Hop. Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • 6:30-7:30pm BellyFit $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. studiozahiya.com Bharatanatyam Classes • adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com beginner swing danCing lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. swingasheville.com spiral spirit eCstatiC danCe (pd.) Wed nights. Join us on the dance floor for movement meditation every Wed nites. We dance at Sol's Reprieve 11 Richland St. in West Asheville. Warmup at 6:30pm, circle at 7:00pm and the fee is $7.00. Contact Karen azealea10@ yahoo.com or Cassie elementsmove@yahoo.com. danCe night at the y • SA (11/10), 6pm - Family dancing at the YMCA will feature live local music and callers. Experienced dancers and beginners welcome. Friendly instruction provided at from 7:30-8pm. Main dance to immediately follow. Held at 30 Woodfin St. Info: jhart@ymcawnc. org. everybody Can-Can • FR (11/9), 7:30pm - "Everybody Can-Can" will feature more than 70 dancers performing various genres in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. $5
Food & Beer Caldwell CUisine
Journey into nature: Helen Scott Correll will share the intricacies of her landscape at a presentation of her book Middlewood Journal: Drawing Inspiration from Nature at The Fountainhead Bookstore on Saturday, Nov. 10. (pg. 30)
or four cans of nonperishable food. Info: 251-5652.
Cove, Canton. Free. www.wncgbc. org.
moUntain shag ClUb • TUESDAYS - The Mountain Shag Club meets weekly at The Hangar at the Clarion Inn, 550 Airport Road. Free lessons from 6:30-7pm. Shag DJ from 7-10pm. $5. Info: www. mountainshagclub.com.
hard-to-reCyCle event • SA (11/10), 10am-2pm - A hard-torecycle event, hosted by Rainbow Recycling, will be held at K-Mart, 1830 Hendersonville Road. Hard plastics, electronics, printer cartridges, batteries, styrofoam and small appliances will be accepted. Please do not bring curbside recycling. Free; $6 handling fee for large TVs. Info: info@rainbowrecycling.org or 669-5459.
the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • TH (11/15) through SA (11/17) Magnetic Late Night presents Blue Skies Burlesque, featuring neo and classical burlesque dances. Thurs.Sat., 8pm. Fri. & Sat., 10:30pm late show. $15.
eco energy effiCienCy program • WE (11/7), 7-8:30pm - A program on energy efficiency will be presented by WENOCA Sierra Club. Chris Mathis will present information on his involvement with North Carolina's Energy Conservation Code. Instruction on improving efficiency, ventilation and air quality will be available. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info: judymattox@sbcglobal.net or 683-2176. green home open hoUse toUr • SA (11/10), 11am-4pm - The WNC Green Building Council will host tours of a zero energy home by Rare Earth Builders at 105 Creative
26 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
homeowner's gUide to rainwater • TU (11/13), 6:30-8:30pm - ECO will present a homeowner's guide to stopping runaway rainwater at Bullington Gardens, 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville. $15. Info and registration: www.eco-wnc.org or 692-0385. riverlink events Info: www.riverlink.org or 252-8474. • WE (11/14), 10am & 5pm Volunteer orientation will be held at the RiverLink offices, 170 Lyman St.
Festivals Christmas Crafternoon • SA (11/10), 2-4pm - Christmas Crafternoon invites the public to make wreaths, table arrangements and other crafts with local greenery. Held at Historic Johnson Farm, 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville. $15. Registration required. Info: www.historicjohnsonfarm.org or 891-6585.
Film asheville art mUseUm Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • SA (11/10) & SU (11/11), 2pm - Celebrate the centennial of the artist, filmmaker, writer, musician and activist Gordon Parks with a screening of Half Past Autumn, a "biographical film which explores his prodigious artistic output." Free with museum membership or regular admission. • TH (11/15), 7pm - The museum will host a special screening of Joe Fiore/Maine Master, along with a presentation by David Dewey. Held in conjunction with the current exhibition Fiore/Drawing. Free with membership or regular admission. asheville international Children’s film festival • Through SU (11/11) - The Asheville International Children’s Film Festival features 70 films, a performance by Jacob Johnson and a pancake breakfast. Held at a variety of venues throughout Asheville. $5 for most screenings and programs. Info: www.aicff.org. bag it • TU (11/13), 7:30pm - Bag It, a documentary about plastic's effect on the environment, will be screened
• TH (11/15), 6pm - Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute's culinary arts program will present a USO-themed dinner in the college's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center, featuring roasted red pepper soup, glazed ham and apple pie. $21. Info and registration: www.cccti.edu or 726-2402. foUntainhead bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870. • WE (11/14), 4:30pm - Chef Sean Ruddy of High Hampton Inn and Country Club will lead a cooking demonstration, followed by a presentation with author John Batchelor. $5. Advance tickets required. panCake day • SA (11/10), 8am-1pm - An allyou-can-eat pancake breakfast will be offered by St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 223 Hillside St. $5/12 and under free. Info: 2526512.
GardeninG asheville garden ClUb • WE (11/7), 9:30am - A meeting of the Asheville Garden Club will feature a program on hypertula pots. Held at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road. $7.50 includes supplies. Info: 2580922. permaCUltUre design series • THURSDAYS, 5-7pm - A permaculture design series will focus on forest gardens, waste and compost, earthworks, aquaculture and alternative energy systems. Permaculture Design Certification available. Held at Small Terrain, 278
Haywood Ave. $15 per class. Info: www.smallterrain.com. van wingerden international open hoUse • SA (11/10), 10am-3pm - The Van Wingerden International open house will include information on the greenhouse's environmentallyfriendly growing system. Held at 4112 Haywood Road, Mills River. Free to attend. Info: 891-4116. regional tailgate markets Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. Three dashes indicate the next listing. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: www.buyappalachian. org or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 2-6pm - montford farmers market, 36 Montford Ave. --- 2-6pm - french broad food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. --- 2-6pm opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 5pmdusk - 'whee farmer's market, 416 Central Drive, Cullowhee. • FRIDAYS, 2-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 4-7pm - leicester tailgate market, 338 Leicester Highway. • SATURDAYS, 7am-noon henderson County tailgate market, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville.--- 8am-noon haywood historic farmer's market, Shelton House Barn, 49 Shelton Street, Waynesville.--- 8am1pm - asheville City market, 161 South Charlotte St. --- 8am-12:30pm - transylvania tailgate market, behind Comporium on the corner of Johnson and Jordan streets, Brevard. --- 8am-noon - north asheville tailgate market, UNCA commuter lot C. --- 8:30am-12:30pm - yancey County farmers market, S. Main Street at US 19E, Burnsville. --- 10am-3pm - leicester tailgate market, 338 Leicester Highway. --- 10am-1pm - grow down home market, 105 Richardson Ave. Black Mountain. --- 10am-2pm - murphy farmers market, downtown Murphy. Info: 837-3400. • SUNDAYS, noon-4pm - marshall's "sundays on the island," Blanahasset Island. • TUESDAYS, 3-6pm - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson Street at Logan Street, Marion. --- 3:30-6:30pm - west asheville tailgate market, 718 Haywood Road.
Government & politics people of faith for JUst relationships • 2nd TUESDAYS, noon - This group of clergy and laity, from a variety of faith traditions, is committed to creating a more just society where benefits are available to people of all sexual orientations. Meets at First Congregational United Church
of Christ, 20 Oak St. Info: pfjr@ gmail.com of www.pfjr.org.
kids ashe-bots robotiCs team • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Ashe-Bots is a FIRST Robotics Team and nonprofit STEM-based program for high school students ages 14-18. Group meets weekly at A-B Tech's Dogwood Building. Engineering and tech professionals are invited to mentor participants. Info: brookside891@att.net or http://avl.mx/ml. hands on! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.handsonwnc.org or 6978333. • MO (11/12), 10am-5pm - "U Touched My Heart" gift-making workshop. Fee varies based on project. --- 1-3pm - A visit from Santa. $5/free for members. • WE (11/14), 11am - Grandma Story Woman. All ages. • TH (11/15) - Critter Craft invites children to make a Christmas mouse finger puppet throughout the day. kid's night at the mUseUm • 2nd FRIDAYS, 5-9pm - The Colburn Earth Science Museum presents an evening of fun, detailed science with Colburn Earth Science Museum educators. The evening will feature lessons, crafts, games, dinner and more. Open to children grades K-5. 2 South Pack Place. $20/$16 members and additional siblings. Info: www.colburnmuseum. org or 254-7162. spellboUnd Children's bookshop 21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.spellboundchildrensbookshop.com or 232-2228. • SATURDAYS, 10:30-11am - Story time for ages 4-7. swim lessons • WEEKLY - The YMCA hosts group, private and semi-private swim lessons at 30 Woodfin St. Mon. & Wed., 5:30-7pm; Tues. & Thurs., 4:30-6pm; Sat., 10am-noon. Prices vary: 210-9622. yoUtheatre holiday toUr • Through FR (11/16) - Children grades K-12 are invited to join the YouTheatre Holiday Tour. No audition required. Info: yt@flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-3517.
music song o' sky show ChorUs (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome.
Contact: www.songosky.orgToll Free # 1-866-824-9547. aCoUstiC Corner instrUCtors’ ConCert • SA (11/10), 7:30pm - The Acoustic Corner instructors’ concert will feature performances by the music store's teachers. Held at Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. $15 donation. Info: www.blackmountainarts.org or 669-0390. ananda Cd release party • SA (11/10), 7-9pm - Ananda (piano and violin duo) will host a CD release party at Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe, 26 North Main St., Weaverville. Free. Info: www.anandaduo.com. asheville area arts CoUnCil: the artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. • SA (11/10), 1:30-3:30pm Eclectricity concert series: Peverall, Littlejohn and Go Carl Peverall. --- 8-10:30pm - Kima Moore & Kevin Spears. asheville Composers series • TH (11/15), 7:30pm - The Asheville Composers Series will feature UNCA faculty and students performing works by local composers. Held in the university's Lipinsky Hall. $5/students free. Info: www. unca.edu. blUe ridge orChestra Info: www.blueridgeorchestra.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Open rehearsals for the Blue Ridge Orchestra will be held most Wednesdays in the Manheimer Room of UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Call for confirmation. Info: www.blueridgeorchestra.org or 251-6140. bobby hiCks and blUe wheel drive • SA (11/10), 7:30pm - Bobby Hicks and Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass) will perform at the Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main St., Marshall. $15. Info: www.madisoncountyarts. com or 649-1301. Charlie king and karen brandow • WE (11/7), 7:30-9:30pm - Charlie King and Karen Brandow (musical storytelling and political satire) will perform in UNCA's Highsmith Student Union. $10. Info: hras@ humanrightsaction.net. david troy franCis • TU (11/13), 6:30pm - David Troy Francis will perform works for piano at the Henderson County Library, 301 N Washington St. An additional concert will be held at 2pm at the Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road. Free. Info: www.henderson.lib.nc.us or 697-4725. flat roCk playhoUse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731.
2012 Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest! The Mountain Xpress holiday art contest is officially open. Send us your artistic interpretations of the winter season, anything from snowflakes to Christmas trees, menorahs to kinara. Both kids and adults are encouraged to submit. Keep your eye out for the winning art in Xpress' holiday issues.
DeaDline is FriDay, nov. 16. Works must fit onto a 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper. Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, age, parent or guardian’s name and school if you are under 18. Watercolor, acrylic, crayons and colored pencils are best for print (no graphite pencil, please). If you’d like your artwork returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope Mail your original art on a holiday theme along with the below form to the Mountain Xpress:
Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest •2 Wall St. • Asheville, NC 28801 Name: Phone:
Address: Are you 18 or older? If under 18, what age?: Parent or guardian’s name School:
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 27
• THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - Heartbreak Hotel: A Tribute to Elvis Presley will be performed at the downtown playhouse. 8pm. $24.
stories at Montford Books’ End-of-
grind Cafe 136 West Union St., Morganton. Info: www.facebook.com/grindcafe or 430-4343. • FR (11/9), 7:30pm - Lynn Adler and Lindy Hearne (singer-songwriters). $20. Info and tickets: 368-0381.
layah Jane and oliver Johnson
harmony Celebration • SA (11/10), 11:30am - Song O' Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) invites the public to a lunch performance to benefit charitable efforts of Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Drive. $20 for lunch and performance/$10 performance only/half price for children under 12. Info: www.songosky.org. interseCtions sing together series • TH (11/8), 10am - The Intersections Sing Together series will focus on lullabies. Held in Diana Wortham Theatre's Forum. $10. Info and registration: 210-9837.
the-Week Soiree. 31 Montford Ave. Free. Info: www.montfordbooks. com or 285-8805.
• SU (11/11), 9:45am - Layah Jane and Oliver Johnson (soul, folk) will perform at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $10 suggested donation. Info: www. LayahJane.com. midtown diCkens • TH (11/15), 8pm - Midtown Dickens (folk) will perform at UNCA's Highsmith University Union Grotto. Free. Info: www.midtowndickens.com. pan harmonia Concerts held at the Altamont Theater, 18 Church St. Info: www. pan-harmonia.org or www.myaltamont.com. • SU (11/11), 5pm - "JB to the Second Power" will feature mother and son performers Janis Bryant (soprano) and John Bryant (trum-
iv Christ • FR (11/9), 7pm - IV Christ (gospel) will perform at The Branch, 1787 Dana Road, Hendersonville. By donation. Info: www.IVChrist.com.
pet), along with Kyle Ritter (piano).
Jim taylor • FR (11/9), 5:30-7pm - Jim Taylor will present acoustic songs and
Located at 2 South Pack Square.
$15/$12 in advance/$5 students. performanCes at diana wortham theatre Info: www.dwtheatre.com or 2574530.
• FR (11/9), 8pm - Mountain Heart (acoustic). $30/$25 students/$15 children. the ameriCan QUartet • TH (11/8), 7pm - The American Quartet will present a worship service at Fairfield Mountain Chapel,1384 Buffalo Creek Road, Lake Lure. By donation. Info: www. theamericanquartet.net. the el Chapala Jamboree • THURSDAYS, 8-10pm - A weekly talent showcase featuring singersongwriters, poets, comics and a capella sing-offs. 868 Merrimon Ave. Info and booking: (617) 858-6740. the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • WE (11/14), 8pm - The Magnetic Song Series will feature Jon Stickley, Nikki Talley, and Dave Dribbon swapping stories and sharing music. $5. UnCa Chamber mUsiC ConCert • TH (11/8), 7:30pm - A performance by UNCA's brass quintet, string quartet and percussion ensemble will be held in the university's Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/students free. Info: www.unca.edu. United states navy band • SA (11/10), 4pm - The Commodores, the United States Navy Band's jazz ensemble, will perform in A-B Tech's Ferguson audi-
torium. Free, but tickets required. Info: 398-7573. womansong • SA (11/10), 7:30pm & SA (11/11), 3pm - Womansong women's chorus will perform a 25th anniversary concert at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square. $20. Info: www. womansong.org. yt inspiration • SU (11/11), 7:30pm - YT Inspiration show choir will perform at Flat Rock Playhouse's downtown location, 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: www.ytrocks.com.
outdoors friends of the smokies • TH (11/15) - Friends of the Smokies will host a moderate 9.5mile hike along the Hyatt Ridge Trail. Departs from Asheville at 8:30am, Maggie Valley at 9am and Cherokee at 9:30am. $35. Info and registration: keith@friendsofthesmokies.org or 452-0720. green river preserve hike • SA (11/10), 10am - Enjoy a 2-mile hike to Upper Rocky Balds at Green River Preserve, a 3,400-acre wildlife preserve located in Cedar Mountain. Free. Info and reservations: 6988828 or catrina@greenriverpreserve. org. lake James state park N.C. Highway 126. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (11/10), 9am-noon - A volunteer trail work day will focus on the new segment of the Overmountain Victory Trails. Tools provided. Departs from the Paddy's Creek Bridge parking lot. Registration requested.
• SU (11/11), 9am - A canoe excursion will depart from the Paddy's Creek Area Office. Ages 7 and up. Registration required. • MO (11/12), 9am - A moderate 2-mile hike along the Paddy’s Creek trail will depart from the Paddy's Creek Area office.
Treehouse Cafe, 1020 Merrimon Ave. Info: sarah4thtrimester@yahoo. com.
n.C. arboretUm Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: www.ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • SA (11/10), 10am - "Seize the Data: Fall Leaf Detectives." Meet a live animal, take a fall leaf hike and collect leaf data. All ages. Meets at the Trellis classroom in the Education Center.
• TH (11/8), 7pm - "Moving Beyond Zionism: A New Paradigm for the Future of Israel/Palestine," with Miko Peled, author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine. Hosted by Veterans for Peace. Held at AB Tech's Simpson Lecture Hall, 340 Victoria Road. Free. Info: www.mikopeled.com..
thUnderstrUCk ridge • SA (11/10), 10am-3pm - Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will host a moderately difficult 5-mile hike along Thunderstruck Ridge. Bring lunch, water, rain gear and hiking shoes. Well-behaved dogs allowed. Free. Info and location: rich@appalachian.org or 2530095.
parentinG breastfeeding CliniC for spanish speakers • TH (11/15), 6pm - Spanish speaking mothers are invited to this free clinic for tips on troublesome breastfeeding issues and solutions to overcome them. Held at the office of Dr. Kelly Thompson, 2605 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville. Info: http://avl. mx/mr. mama-time • MONDAYS, 12:30pm - This postpartum group meets weekly at the
puBlic lectures moving beyond Zionism
pUbliC leCtUres & events at UnCa Events are free unless otherwise noted. • TH (11/8), 12:30pm - Selma James, founder of the International Wages for Housework Campaign and the Global Women’s Strike, will speak in Karpen Hall, Room 243. Info: 251-6590. • FR (11/9), 11:25am - “The Rise of Totalitarianism in the Interwar Years,” with John McClain, lecturer in humanities. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: humanities.unca. edu. --- 11:30am - "Chocolate Dreams,” with Dan Rattigan, owner of the French Broad Chocolate Lounge. Held in the Reuter Center. Info: olliasheville.com or 251-6140. • MO (11/12), 11:25am - “On Science and Society in the Medieval and Renaissance World,” with Grant Hardy, director of humanities and professor of history and Rodger Payne, associate professor of religious studies. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: humanities.unca. edu or 251-6808. --- 4:30pm - Sam Kaplan, professor of mathematics, will discuss "non-circular planetary orbits in other solar systems" in the
Holiday Market 2012 Friday, November 30 12 to 6 p.m. Saturday, December 1 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Huge selection of holiday gifts from local entrepreneurs and businesses in one convenient location! Free, Open to the Public Blue Ridge Conference Hall, Henderson County Campus www.blueridge.edu Vendor Applications accepted until November 9 For more information, please call the BRCC Event Information Line at (828) 694-4747 or contact events@blueridge.edu. 28 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Reuter Center. Info: olliasheville.com or 251-6140. • TU (11/13), 12:30pm - "The Nature and Origins of Iambic Verse," with Evgenii Kazartcev of St. Petersburg State University in Russia. Held in New Hall, room 118. Info: 251-6808. • TH (11/15), 7pm - “New Voyages to Carolina,” with William Ferris, professor of history at UNC Chapel Hill. Held in the Reuter Center. Info: olliasheville.com or 251-6140. winter weather foreCast seminar • TH (11/8), 6pm - The Institute for Climate Education will present a seminar on the winter weather forecast in AB-Tech's Ferguson Auditorium. Free. Info: www.abtech. edu. world affairs CoUnCil of wnC • TU (11/13), 7:30pm - "Background and Current Developments in the Sudan/South Sudan Crisis: US Interests and Conflict Resolution Efforts," with Larry Andre, director of the U.S. State Department's Office of the Special Envoy for Sudan. Presented in the Manheimer Room of UNCA's Reuter Center. $8/ members free. Info: 828-242-6380 world wars roUnd table • TH (11/8), 6pm - "Administering Terror: The Wannsee Conference,” with David Dorondo, WCU associate professor of history. Presented as part of the Carolina Round Table on the World Wars. Held in the university's A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: dorondo@wcu.edu or 227-3908.
seniors mediCare Update Classes • Through TU (11/20) - The Council on Aging will offer Medicare update classes at various local libraries. Info, registration and locations: 277-8288.
called "the highest form of yoga" Bharatanatyam. Call Tess: 301-0331. aQUarian Compassionate fellowship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. mindfUlness meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. learn to meditate shambhala meditation Center of asheville (pd.) Class includes Meditation instruction, practice, group discussion; preparing the student for further exploration of meditation through daily practice. Suggested donation of $50 includes book "Turning the Mind Into an Ally". Saturday November 10th: 10AM 1PM. www.asheville.shambhala.org Join Us to welCome baCk bill torvUnd at JUbilee! (pd.) Sunday, November 18th, 2 – 6 pm. The Radiant Over Soul and Its Attunement to Cosmic Light Workshop; Cost: $50 and includes 2-hour (free) follow-up practicum on 11/25 (4 - 6 pm) for all 11/18 participants. Workshop highlights include: The Vajrasattva mantra designed to attune to the most primordial universal light frequencies. Attunements to the chakras and nadic systems as well as understanding of the openings to the ascension portals empowered through activation of cosmic vital energy throughout the body. Contact Tracy re: workshop and/or healing sessions: 828-215-4716 or t. schmidt@mindspring.com
asheville Compassionate CommUniCation Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15 252-0538.
asheville insight meditation (pd.) Practice/learn mindfulness meditation and ramp up your spiritual practice in a supportive group environment. We practice Insight Meditation, also known as: Vipassana, or Mindfulness Meditation, which cultivates a happier, more peaceful, and focused mind. Our caring community environment provides added support and joy to one's spiritual awakening processes. Open to adults. By donation. Tuesdays, 7pm8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. Meditation, Dhamma talk, and discussion. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, NC. Info/directions: (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com
indian ClassiCal danCe (pd.) Is both prayer and an invocation of the highest divinity. Learn the dance the Natya Shastra
asheville insight meditation (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. Thursday,
astro-CoUnseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.
Nov 8 & Thursday Nov 22, 2012. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation. com
Rhythm & Roots Favorites
2012: the winds of Change & the CoCoon of ConsCioUsness (pd.) November 16th - 7:3010:00pm - Akashic Records Meetup at Asheville Training Center 261 Asheland Avenue. A light evening of channeling, conversation and Q & A with the Akashic Masters. Join & RSVP at http://www.meetup. com/Akashville-Akashic-RecordsGathering-of-Asheville/ or call Kelly at 828-281-0888. Suggested donation - $11, $22, $33 or Heart's Desire.
MOUNTAIN heArT NOVeMBer 9 ° 8pm
KrUGer BrOTherS NOVeMBer 17 ° 8pm
beginning to advanCed meditation • DAILY - Receive "personal guidance towards achieving profound experiences in meditation and awakening spiritual energy." Classes held at The People's Ashram, 2 W. Rosecrest St. By donation. Info and appointment: madhyanandi@gmail. com or www.thepeoplesashram.org. bentinho massaro • TUESDAYS, 7:30-9pm & SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Bentinho Massaro will present a satsang meeting at One Center Yoga, 120 Coxe Ave., Suite 3A. $15-$20 donation. Info: www.free-awareness.com.
bill torvUnd • FR (11/9), 7-9pm - Bill Torvund will preview his Nov. 18 workshop, "The Radiant Over Soul and Its Attunement to Cosmic Light," at Jubilee! Community Church, 46 Wall St. By donation. Info: www.sanctuaryoftheon.com. Center for spiritUal living asheville A Science of Mind, Religious Science, New Thought Center. 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: www. cslasheville.org or 231-7638. • TH (11/15), 7-9pm - Embracing the Global Heart will screen Visions of a Universal Humanity, a film by Barbara Marx Hubbard. By donation. CommUnity hU song • SU (11/11), 11am-11:30pm - “If you’re in trouble, in pain, in need of comfort or in need of love, sing HU quietly to yourself. If you know how to sing HU, you can open yourself to the Holy Spirit." Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. Info: www.eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775. eight steps to a happy life • SUNDAYS, 7pm - "Learning to grow a kind heart is the quickest road to happiness." Each class includes guided meditation, a talk and group discussion. Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: meditationinasheville@
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 29
gmail.com, 668-2241 or www.meditationinasheville.org.
one turned away. Info and location: www.lampoftheheart.org.
exodUs ChUrCh bible stUdy • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon - A community discussion through the New Testament. This group is open to all who are searching for new friends or a new beginning in life. Meets at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: 252-2535.
shambhala meditation Center of asheville 19 Westwood Place. Visitors welcome; donations accepted. Info: www.asheville.shambhala.org. • THURSDAYS, 6pm-6:45pm Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville offers group sitting meditation, followed by Dharma reading and discussion at 7pm. Free.
first Congregational ChUrCh in hendersonville Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Programs by donation, unless otherwise noted. Info: 692-8630 or www.fcchendersonville.org. • SU (11/11), 9:15am - "Introduction to Pendulum Dowsing, Part II." fUndamentals of bUddhism • MONDAYS, 7:30pm - The Karma Kagyu Study Group of Asheville hosts an introduction to the fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism at the Flatiron Building, 20 Battery Park Ave., Room 309. Info: www.facebook.com/ktc.asheville. getting rooted: Creating anCestral altars • SA (11/10), 10am-5pm - A day of "mindfulness and art in the wisdom teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh" will be held at Cloud Cottage Community of Mindful Living, 219 Old Toll Circle, Black Mountain. $35 plus donations. Registration required: www.cloudcottage.org or 669-0920. grassroots gathering • 2nd SUNDAYS, 5pm - All of Grassroots Church will meet for Christ-centered worship, challenging Gospel truth and communion at Edelweiss Event Space, 697D Haywood Road. Info: lance@grassrootschurch.cc or 414-8193. satsang with praJna ana • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - "In satsang we explore our true nature, that which is love — constant and unchanging. The meeting may take form as a silent sitting, guided meditation or a talk and self-exploration to take a closer look at meaningful topics." $15 suggested donation; no
Unity ChUrCh of asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: www.unityofasheville.com or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - Edgar Cayce study group. women's new moon Ceremony • TU (11/13), 7pm - Crystal Visions, 5426 Asheville Highway, will host a "women’s gathering to celebrate nature’s lunar cycle of beginnings and solar eclipse," including a gemstone alchemy crystal bowl meditation. Please bring a mat and blanket. $10 suggested love offering. Info: http://avl.mx/mq or 687-1193.
spoken & Written Word aCCent on books 854 Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.accentonbooks.com or 252-6255. • FR (11/9), 6pm - Joseph Alexander will present his book Storm Landings in conjunction with Veterans Day. blUe ridge books Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. All programs free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. brbooks-news.com or 456-6000. • 2nd TUESDAYS, 1pm - Mountain Writers Group, a meeting of poets, authors and literary-enthusiasts. bUnCombe CoUnty pUbliC libraries library abbreviations - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked
by the following location abbreviations: n bm = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n eC = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n le = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 2506488) n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (11/7), 3:30pm - "Wacky science experiments" for ages 6-12. pm --- 3pm - Our Favorite Books book club. wv --- 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters. sw • TH (11/8), 1pm - Book club: Boom! Talking About the Sixties by Tom Brokaw. fv • FR (11/9), 10am-6pm & SA (10/10), 10am-4pm - Book sale. eC • SA (11/10), 9:30am-3pm - Book sale. fv • TU (11/13) through SA (11/17) - The Hunger Games marathon will include discussions and screenings of the film at various libraries. Bring non-perishable food items to donate to MANNA FoodBank. Info and schedule: www.buncombecounty.org/library or 250-4711. • TU (11/13), 1pm - Book Club: The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen. le --- 7pm - Judith Toy will present her book Murder As a Call to Love. bm --- 7pm - Film night: Our Hospitality. wv • TH (11/15), 2:30pm - Book club: Barbarian Nurseries by Hector Tobar. ss --- 7pm - Book club: Still Alice by Lisa Genova. fv CatCh the spirit of appalaChia writers showCase • FR (11/9), 6pm - Catch the Spirit of Appalachia will showcase local writers and their new titles through readings, refreshments and book signings. Held in the Carriage Room of the Jarrett House, 100 Haywood
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30 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Road, Sylva. Free. Info: www.spiritofappalachia.com.
by donation. Info: jessericeevans@ gmail.com.
City lights bookstore
malaprop’s bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: www.malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/7), 7pm - Jennifer Niven will present her book Becoming Clementine. --- 7pm - Book club: The Skull Mantra by Eliot Pattison. • TH (11/8), 7pm - Selma James will present her book Sex, Race and Class - The Perspective of Winning: A Selection of Writings 1952-2011. • FR (11/9), 7pm - Ron Rash will present his book The Cove. • SA (11/10), 7pm - David Madden will present his book London Bridge in Plague and Fire. --- 3pm - Malaprop’s will celebrate the birthdays of Kevin Henkes, Louisa May Alcott, Daniel Pinkwater, Madeline L’Engle and other children’s literature authors who were born in November. Ages 4-10, but all are welcome. • SU (11/11), 3pm - Kathryn Stripling Byer will read from her new collection of poetry Descent: Poems. • MO (11/12), 7pm - Mystery Book Club: Veil of Lies by Jeri Westerson. --- 7pm - Christal Presley will present her memoir Thirty Days with My Father: Finding Peace with Wartime PTSD. • TU (11/13), 7pm - Nancy Marie Brown will present her book Song of the Vikings: Snorri and the Making of Norse Myths. • WE (11/14), 7pm - Marc Fitten will present his novel Elza’s Kitchen. • TH (11/15), 7pm - Mark Powell will present his book The Dark Corner. --- 7pm - Stitch ‘n’ Bitch.
Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • FR (11/9), 6:30pm - Pamela King Cable will read from her book Televenge. • SA (11/10), 2pm - Betty Cory will present her memoir Crabbing Days of an Islander. • TU (11/13), 6:30pm - Ron Rash will celebrate the paperback release of his novel The Cove. • TH (11/15), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet, featuring Rose McLarney. Climbing poetree • TU (11/13), 8pm - Climbing PoeTree, with spoken word artists Alixa and Naima. Held in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. $15. Info: cesap.unca.edu/events or 251-6674. disCUssion boUnd: the sense of paper • TU (10/9), 3-5pm - "Discussion Bound" book club: The Sense of Paper (A Novel of Obsession) by Taylor Holden. Hosted by the Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square. Programs are free with admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/free for kids under 4. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. foUntainhead bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870. • FR (11/9), 5pm - Susan Snowden will present her novel Southern Fried Lies. $5. • SA (11/10), 5pm - Helen Correll will present her book Middlewood Journal: Drawing Inspiration from Nature. $5. gene keys reading groUp • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - This weekly gathering meets to discuss Richard Rudd's Gene Keys, a "guide to facing and eradicating every fear that stands in the way of your freedom." A free PDF intro is available at Amazon.com. Info and location: 785-2828. gratefUl steps Publishing house located at 159 S. Lexington Ave. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. gratefulsteps.com or 277-0998. • SA (11/10), 6-7:30pm - Tawney Sankey will present her book Raising Indigo. JUniper bends reading series • FR (11/9), 7pm - The Juniper Bends reading series continues at Downtown Books and News, 67 N. Lexington Ave., with writers Katherine Min, John Crutchfield, Katey Schultz, Chett Tiller and Jesse Rice-Evans. Free to attend; wine
progeny book signing • SU (11/11), 11am-2pm - Local author Patrick C. Greene will sign copies of his horror novel, Progeny, at The Local Joint, 1185B Charlotte Highway. Info: ifeelfabulous@yahoo. com. the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • TU (11/13), 8pm - Poetry Slam Asheville. Sign up at 7pm to participate. $5. the strivers row poetry show • WE (11/14), 7:30pm - The The Strivers Row Poetry Show will be presented in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. Ages 16 and up. $5. Info: bardoartscenter. wcu.edu. thomas wolfe reader's theatre • TH (11/15), 6pm - Thomas Wolfe Memorial Advisory Committee will host a Readers Theatre production of Wolfe's Child by Tiger. $5 benefits the Thomas Wolfe Memorial. Info: 253-8304. wnC mystery writers • TH (11/8), 6pm - The WNC Mysterians Critique Group will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave #A. For serious mystery/suspense/thriller writers.
Now recruiting for a weekly critique group. Info: www.wncmysterians.org or 712-5570.
sports adUlt dodgeball registration • Through MO (12/17) - An adult dodgeball league will be held Tuesdays in UNCA's Justice Center. Registration required by dec. 17. $40. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty.org or 250-4260. adUlt basketball leagUe • TH (11/8), 6:30pm - An organizational meeting for those interested in joining Waynesville Parks and Recreation's adult and masters basketball leagues will be held at the Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Info: recathletics@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030. fitness Class • MONDAYS, 5:30-6:45pm Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will host a fitness class including P90X, Insanity, the Asylum, Turbo Fire and other fitness programs. Held at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. Free. Info: 350-2058. piCkleball • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will offer pickleball games at the Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. $1 per day. Info: 350-2058. vanCe roCket rUn • SA (11/10), 8am - The Vance Rocket Run 5K will depart from Vance Elementary School, 98 Sulphur Springs Road. Kid's Comet Dash will follow, along with track and field events. $30 5K/$5 Comet Dash. www.rocketrun.net.
tHeater 1940's radio hoUr • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - Tryon Little Theatre presents 1940's Radio Hour, "full of '40s music, dancing and old-time sound effects." Directed by Donna Orzano. Thurs.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 3pm. 516 South Trade St., Tryon. $20/$15 students 18 and under. Info: 859-2466 or www.tltinfo.org. asheville CommUnity theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/25) Naughty But Nice!, an "intimate cabaret revue that takes us to the inner circles of New York, Paris, London and Cannes." Thurs.-Sat.,
neWs oF tHe
Weird can't possiBly Be true • In 2009, lower Manhattan’s upscale Standard Hotel made headlines for the views its floor-toceiling windows provide of amorous couples at play (unless they know to draw the curtains), drawing crowds of amazed pedestrians seeking inexpensive entertainment. But in September, the New York Daily News revealed a bigger problem: The restrooms in the hotel's Boom-Boom Room don’t have curtains. "Sitting on the royal throne, you don't expect a public viewing," noted an Australian patron. Another gentleman, however, was described as waving merrily at the gawkers below while relieving himself. • Valerie Spruill, 60, of Doylestown, Ohio, revealed in September that she’d unwittingly married her father. Percy Spruill (a "nice man," she said) died in 1998, and Valerie told the Akron Beacon Journal that she’d subsequently heard family rumors but hadn’t confirmed the parentage till 2004 (with DNA from an old hairbrush). After eight years of embarrassed silence, she went public, she said, to help other women whose tumultuous childhoods had included many men in their mothers' lives.
ineXplicaBle • Because We Can: In September, the National Geographic cable-TV show "Taboo" featured three young Tokyo partyers as examples of the "bagel head" craze, in which fun-lovers inject saline just under the skin of the forehead to create swelling and then pressure the center to achieve a doughnut look that lasts up to 24 hours before the saline is absorbed into the body. Some
"If the Messiah descends from the Mount of Olives as foretold in the Bible," notes an October Los Angeles Times dispatch from Jerusalem, the two biggest U.S. Christian television networks promise to cover the arrival live from a hilltop in the city. Daystar Television has already been beaming a 24/7 webcam view, and in September, Trinity Broadcasting Network bought the building next door to Daystar's and has begun staging live and prerecorded programs using the broad expanse of Jerusalem as background.
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Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679
adventurers have injected other areas (including the scrotum). • Recurring Theme: In Ventura, Calif., in September, another scammer tried to bilk victims, telling them he could double their cash (in this case, $14,000) merely by spraying it with a secret chemical. (Of course, the victims had to wait several hours for their newly doubled cash to dry, eventually discovering that the scammer, long gone by then, had substituted blank paper.) But the weirdest aspect of the scam is how people so unsophisticated as to fall for it somehow managed to amass, in this tight economy, $14,000 cash to begin with. • A September beauty contest for female college students in China's Hubei province established certain minimum body requirements beyond the traditional chest, waist and hip measurements. According to the online GlobalPost, the space between the candidate's pupils had to be 46 percent of the distance between each pupil and the nearer ear, and the distance between a candidate's nipples had to be at least 20cm (7.8 inches).
Live Jazz, Alien Music Clib
read daily
Live Music
unclear on tHe concept • Punishment Must Fit the Crime: (1) In September, Britain's Leeds Crown Court "punished" a 25-year-old man convicted of sneaking into the changing room for China's female swimmers during the Olympics by banning him from entering any female toilet or changing room for five years. (2) In September, the city of Simi Valley, Calif., barred its 119 registered sex offenders from erecting enticing Halloween displays and required them to post signs reading "No candy or treats at this residence." Several offenders sued the city for violating their rights, because none of their convictions were for molestations that occurred on Halloween. The lawsuit is pending. • In October, Britain's Gravesham Borough Council, weary of neighbors' complaints about noise and smell, ordered Roy Day to find his 20 birds a new home. Day, a member of the National Pigeon Racing Association, told reporters, "They are homing pigeons." Wherever Day sends them, noted a friend, "They will just fly straight back to him. ... He has never lost one."
scHool oF soFt knocks (1) Richard Parker Jr., 36, was arrested in New London, Conn., in September after allegedly hitting a man several times with a pillow, then taking his car keys and driving off. (2) In September, an 18-year-old college student who’d moved to New York City just three weeks earlier was briefly knocked unconscious by a mattress that fell 30 stories from a building on Broad Street in Manhattan.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 31
businessnews lending consulting training
sponsored By mountain BizWorks and its Business clients WWW.mountainBizWorks.orG
keepinG up WitH cakes By Jane By Jennie ramsey
brevard little theatre Located in the American Legion Hall, 55 E. Jordan St., Brevard. Info: www.brevardlittletheatre.com. Reservations: 884-2587. • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/11) - Brevard Little Theatre presents The Dinner Party, a one-act comedy by Neil Simon about marriage and divorce. Thurs.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 3pm. $16/$10 students.
flat roCk playhoUse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse. org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, "a gothic American story of brothers vying for their dying father's inheritance." Performed on the Mainstage. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun., 2pm. $35/discounts for seniors, students, AAA members and military.
How did you get into the cake decorating business? About 10 years ago, a dear friend asked if I would go along to a cake decorating class with her. At first I was hesitant, but then I thought how wonderful it would be to make my three kids spectacular birthday cakes. This, coupled with a little arm twisting by my friend, pushed me to go along. By the end of the class, I received the “most well-decorated cake” award. I knew I’d found my passion. Cake decorating allows me to use my creativity.
cake boss: A sunny disposition, lots of texting (to keep up with the teenagers), and a passion for decorating make a fine mix for Melissa Kreidler of Cakes by Jane.
Email Anna Raddatz at anna@mountainbizworks.org.
brevard College theater department • TH (11/15) through SU (11/18) - Brevard College will present Sylvia, the story of a couple that adopts a stray dog, in the college's Porter Center. Fri.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 3pm. $5. Info: www.brevard.edu/productions.
different strokes! performing arts ColleCtive • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/17) - Romeo Loves Juliet, a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's classic love story, will be performed by Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective at the BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. 7:30pm. $18/$15 students and seniors; $15/$12 students and seniors in advance. Info: www.differentstrokesavl.com.
Melissa Kreidler is a delight. When I sat down with her to talk about her business needs for the coming holiday season, she had me laughing straight away. She said her friends often ask her if she watches episodes of the TV show “Cake Boss,” and although she likes the idea of sitting down to watch the show, she doesn’t have time for such luxuries because she is her own “cake boss.” Picking up and running with the legendary Asheville-based Cakes by Jane business (after founder Jane Tomlinson passed away in 2003) has been a full-time job for Kreidler, the mother of three. But she appears to be managing it all with grace, laughter — and her smartphone, which comes in handy while keeping up with teenagers.
Got a Business Question?
7:30pm. Additional performance Sun., Nov. 25 at 2:30pm. $25.
How has Cakes by Jane changed since you took over in 2003? While keeping up with the established mail-order business, I have added new flavors of regular cake and pound cake, but the greatest change has been in the expansion of our wedding cakes and custom designed cakes. How do you balance being a mom and running a successful business? The main thing is to keep the lines of communication open with the kids throughout the day. I always check in to see how their day is going and to find out what is going on at school. It’s important to keep up with them on their level, so I do a lot of texting. Even before I took over the business, I made it a priority to always, always sit down at the table together for dinner. There are little chats you have with the kids in the car, but the real communication happens when everyone is eye-to-eye at the end of the day. Depending on how many cakes I have to make, dinner might be a little late, but having a meal with my fiancé and kids is the best part of my day.
32 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Where would you like to see the business in the next two years? Ideally, I would love to have a storefront in a more centralized location. I’m thankful for where I’ve been, but in order to keep up with the Asheville tradition I need to be more visible and accessible. To order holiday cakes for friends, family or clients, visit cakesbyjane.com or call 888-834-9981. Out-ofstate shipping is available. Jennie Ramsey is the loan administrative assistant at Mountain BizWorks. For more information about small business loans from Mountain BizWorks, contact Jennie at 253-2834, ext. 11, or jennie@mountainbizworks.org. Learn more at mountainbizworks.org/ lending. Mountain BizWorks supports small businesses in WNC through lending, consulting and training. For more information, visit mountainbizworks.org. X.
hendersonville little theatre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or www.hendersonvillelittletheatre. org. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams' classic drama about a "faded, tragic remnant of Southern gentility who lives in poverty in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her children." Fri. & Sat., 8pm; Sun., 2pm. $20/$10 under 18. i never saw another bUtterfly • WE (11/7) through SA (11/10) - Flat Rock Playhouse's YouTheatre presents I Never Saw Another Butterfly, the story of "the hopes, the fears and the beauty of the children of the Terezin concentration camp." Performed at the National Guard Armory, 2025 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Thurs. & Fri., 7pm; Sat., 2pm. A benefit performance for Agudas Israel Congregation will be held on Nov. 7 at 7pm. $18/$10 students and children. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. nC stage Company Asheville's professional resident theater company, performing at 15 Stage Lane in downtown Asheville (entrance off of Walnut Street, across from Zambra's). Info and tickets: 2390263 or www.ncstage.org. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/11) - Old Woman in the Basement, storyteller Gwenda LedBetter's one-woman play. Fri. & Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2:30pm. $10-$15. onCe in a lifetime • TH (11/8) through SA (11/10) - Once in a Lifetime, "a satiric look back at the golden age of Hollywood and the birth of the talkies," will be performed in WCU's Bardo
Performing Arts Center. 7:30pm. $15/$10 seniors, WCU faculty and staff/$10 students. Info: bardoartscenter.wcu.edu or 227-2479. The AuTumn PlAyers • FR (11/9) through SU (11/11) - The Autumn Players will present Uncle Vanya, Anton Chekhov's "thoughtful, compassionate and humorous study of a family in czarist Russia." Nov. 9 and 10 performances will be held at 35Below, 35 East Walnut St. Nov. 11: UNCA's Reuter Center. 2:30pm. $5. Info: www.ashevilletheatre.org. The lives of AnimAls • FR (11/9) through SU (11/11), 8pm - The Lives of Animals, a devised performance piece (ensemblecreated) inspired by the book by J.M. Coetzee, will be performed at Anam Cara Theatre Company, 203 Haywood Road. $12/$10 advance. Info: www.anamcaratheatre.blogspot. com or 252-2505. The mAgneTic field 372 Depot St. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/11) - The New Orleans Bingo! Show will feature aerialists, clowns, film and comedy. Wed.Sun., 8pm. Late show Thurs.-Sat. at 10:30pm. $20 Wed. & Thurs./$25 Fri., Sat. & Sun. TheATre uncA • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/17) - The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde’s comic farce about Victorian marriage, will be performed in UNCA's Carol Belk Theatre. 7:30pm. Additional performance Nov. 11 at 2pm. $10/$5 students. Info: drama.unca.edu/theatreunca or 232-6610.
Volunteering A-B Tech • A-B Tech seeks volunteers for student services, academic success programs and its writing center. Opportunities available at the Asheville and Enka campuses. Info: jeralieeandrews@abtech.edu or 3987761. Asheville AreA ArTs council • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks. Complete a volunteer form at www.ashevillearts.com or stop by the ARTery, 346 Depot St. Big BroThers Big sisTers of Wnc Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters volunteers to mentor 1 hr/week in schools and after-school programs. Volunteers 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or lowcost. Optional information sessions
nov. 8 or 28 at noon in the United Way building, 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213. BuncomBe counTy JAil • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. children firsT/cis • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteer for one hour a week and change the life of a local child. Info: www.childrenfirstbc.org or 768-2072. council on Aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call-A-Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: www.coabc.org or 277-8288. hABiTAT for humAniTy • Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for its Home Repair program. Use existing skills or gain new ones while helping low-income homeowners make improvements to their homes. No experience or long-term commitment necessary. Info: 2109383. • Volunteers are needed to clean donated items and unload trucks at the organization's ReStore. Regular commitment not required. Info: ataylor@ashevillehabit.org or 210-9377. hAnds on AshevilleBuncomBe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www. handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • SA (11/10), 10am-noon - Teacher's Pet: Volunteers will create supplemental educational materials to help elementary students improve reading skills. Make flashcards, games and more. Instruction and materials provided. • SA (11/10), 10am-noon - Kids Care invites students ages 7-12 to make crafts for homebound seniors. • TH (11/8), 4-6pm; SA (11/10), 10am-1pm - Fair-Trade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • MO (11/12), 5:30-7pm - Volunteers are needed to create book packages for people recently placed in new housing by Homeward Bound of Asheville. holidAy giving Tree • MO (11/5) through FR (12/14) Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, will accept new books valued at $10 or more for its Holiday Giving Tree
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program. Books will be distributed to local children in need. Info: 250-6484. liTerAcy council of BuncomBe counTy Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 205. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a second language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Info: literacytutors@ litcouncil.com. moTherlove menTor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per month required. Info: 254-7206. PArTners unlimiTed • Partners Unlimited, a program for at-risk youth ages 10-18, seeks vol-
unteer tutors and website assistance. Info: partnersunlimited@juno.com or 281-2800. ProJecT linus • Project Linus, a volunteer group which provides handmade blankets to children in crisis, seeks new members. Info: 645-8800. The rAThBun cenTer • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation which provides free lodging for patients or their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Info: www.rathbuncenter.org or 251-0595. cAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 33
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n.c. state veterans Home opens in Black mountain a dose oF merGers, Fundraisers and recoGnition compiled By caitlin Byrd The third nursing home of its kind in the state, the N.C. State Veterans Home in Black Mountain officially opened its doors on Oct. 25 to care for elderly soldiers on Oct. 25. “We always like to say that North Carolina is the most military-friendly state in the nation, and it really shows with the opening of the new N.C. State Veterans Home in Black Mountain,” said Gov. Bev Perdue, who spoke at the grand opening ceremony. “This is how we show appreciation to those who served and sacrificed to make our state and country a better, safer place to live and prosper.” The 100-bed Black Mountain facility provides its residents with single rooms with private baths. The facility also provides skillednursing care and is outfitted with a state-ofthe-art therapy center, including a therapy pool. In addition, this 111,000-square-foot center features a Memory Support Unit for Alzheimer’s patients, as well as comprehensive therapy services. It cost about $22 million to complete the facility, and funds from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act paid for about 65 percent of the construction costs. The N.C. State Veterans Home program provides skilled care services to qualified North Carolina veterans. Currently, approximately 765,900 veterans reside in North Carolina and about 100,000 veterans in Western North Carolina are served by the Asheville Veteran Affairs Medical Center. North Carolina currently operates two other facilities like the one that opened in Black Mountain. There is a 150-bed facility in Fayetteville and a 99-bed facility in Salisbury. A fourth facility is scheduled to be completed in early 2013 in Kinston. — From a press release from the Governor's Office
mission Hospital recoGnized By american Heart association Mission Hospital has received the Get with the Guidelines - Heart Failure Gold Quality Achievement Award from the American Heart Association. The recognition demonstrates Mission Hospital’s commitment to quality care for heart failure patients, according the American Heart Association.
34 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
a clear vision: On Nov. 1, Mission Health and Industries for the Blind announced the opening of Mission Low Vision at the IFB facility in Asheville. In its new location, Mission Low Vision is expected to see upward of 2,000 patients on an annual basis. Photo by Caitlin Byrd
“Mission Heart offers a carefully coordinated heart failure program to ensure that patients receive the latest evidence-based treatment. This recognition is a result of our commitment to our patients, and to our community,” said Karen Lemieux, vice president of Heart Services for Mission Hospital. “Heart failure is a leading cause of preventable hospitalization in our state, and Mission Heart is working to change that.” To do this, Mission Heart has been using the American Heart Association's Get with the Guidelines-Heart Failure program. The program provides hospitals with a Web-based patient management tool, best practice discharge protocols and standing orders, along with a robust registry and real-time benchmarking capabilities to track performance. The quick and efficient use of guideline procedures can improve the quality of care for heart failure patients, save lives and ultimately, reduce health-care costs by lowering the recurrence of heart attacks.
This is the second national recognition in two months that Mission Heart has received. In September, the program received a Platinum Performance Achievement Award from the American College of Cardiology Foundation’s NCDR ACTION Registry. —From a press release from Mission Health
park ridGe HealtH Foundation raises more tHan $90,000 For patient care and Wellness services The Park Ridge Health Foundation raised more than $90,000 at its Esperienza Gala on Oct. 25 at the Hilton Asheville Biltmore Park. The sold-out “Passport to Paris” fundraiser welcomed 165 guests who, together with sponsors, helped raise funds for Park Ridge Health’s patient care and community wellness services.
“I am overwhelmed by the generosity of our community, ” said Beth Davey, director of the Park Ridge Health Foundation. “Contributions from local businesses and individuals will directly help our patients and equip our hospital in life-changing ways. Thanks to Presenting Sponsor Phoenix Physicians and countless others, Park Ridge Health continues to offer a world-class experience to every guest who visits our hospital and physician offices.” The gala’s proceeds will benefit hospital renovations for inpatient care; Kid Power, a children’s exercise and nutrition program to combat childhood obesity; and the Breast Health Resource Room, which provides free wigs and prostheses for breast cancer patients. Funds raised will also help purchase a stereotactic breast biopsy unit, a diagnostic tool that is crucial in determining the course of treatment for breast cancer patients. —From a press release from Park Ridge Health
transylvania reGional Hospital Joins mission HealtH as a memBer Hospital After being managed by Mission Health since Jan. 1, 2011, officials with Transylvania Regional Hospital announced that the hospital has now become a full member hospital of Mission Health System, the 16th largest health system in the state. "Transylvania Regional Hospital is committed to providing the best quality care to patients in our community, while working to maintain, enhance and increase access to care locally. Our relationship with Mission Health supports that commitment,” said Bob Bednarek, president and CEO of Transylvania Regional Hospital. “Mission Health is invested in our community, and our membership with Mission positions us well for the future so that we can keep physicians in our local community, ensure that our facilities in Brevard remain current and continue to deliver the outstanding local care that patients in Transylvania County have come to expect from their hospital.” Bob Maxwell, past chairman of Transylvania Regional Hospital's Board of Trustees, added, “Mission Health is an outstanding partner and health-care provider. We couldn’t be more pleased with how our relationship has developed— the results have been exceptional for our hospital and most importantly, for our community.” According to Ron Paulus, president/CEO of Mission Health, improving the health of the people of Western North Carolina remains the goal. “As the only locally owned and governed health system in our region, Mission Health exists solely to serve the residents of western North Carolina. Our goal is to continue to ensure access to quality local health-care close to home in Transylvania County while improving the lives of people across our region." —From a press release from Mission Health Send your health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at cbyrd@mountainx.com or mxhealth@mountainx.com, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.
asana Xpress constructinG a HealtHier liFe By kate lundQuist This is the third in a yoga series that explores Sun Salutation poses and profiles lcoal teachers and students. Look for the feature online each week at mountainx.com/wellness. Translated, yoga means ‘to yolk’, or 'union,' and a yoga teacher is a guide who helps improve the health and functioning of an individual on all levels. ryan conrad, yoga instructor and physical therapist, lives this mission. He originally studied architecture, but decided to trade the blueprints of buildings for blueprints of the body. In an attempt to improve his yoga classes, he combines Eastern and Western healing modalities. By doing so, he expects credence from both the medical world and the yoga community. He receives both. A teacher at Asheville Yoga Center and One Center Yoga, Conrad also works as a physical therapist and offers yoga intervention at Care Partners. He works closely with patients who had a stroke or a traumatic brain injury that resulted in orthopedic and neurological damage. To help them, he teaches stability, breath work and rehabilitation exercises. “Impairments become part of their identity,” Conrad says. “As the impairments subside, they see who they really are. Pain is distracting from that.” Though perhaps not as severe as a stroke or a car accident, Conrad says everyone is lost to distractions throughout the day. This philosophy translates into his public classes. “A tiny bit of prevention does a lot more than fixing something after the fact. We need to change habits and awareness to make a change for the future,” Conrad says. As a teacher who focuses on anatomy and physiology, he offers a unique understanding and approach to the postures that he attributes to his physical-therapy background. For example, his classes provide his students with props and modifications for the poses. Wherever and whomever he is teaching, he says, “My appreciation of who they are and an understand-
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ing as to what they need grows, and our relationship evolves and allows me to be a better teacher for both of us to progress along the path.” Kate Lundquist is a freelance writer and yoga teacher living in Asheville. Her website is lightonbalance. blogspot.com, and she teaches Saturdays, 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. at Asheville Yoga Center.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 35
wellnesscalendar Wellness nUtrition forward (pd.) The art of feeding your life. Health, energy, and peace through natural, joyful eating. S. Buchanan, RD, Certified Diabetes Educator 828-230-9865 www.nutritionforward.com asheville Center for transCendental meditation ("tm") (pd.) Free Introductory Talk: Thursdays. 6:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. (828) 254-4350. www. meditationasheville.org aCUpUnCtUre open hoUse (pd.) Join us for our Fall Open House Saturday, November 10, 1-4 p.m. Daoist Traditions College Acupuncture Clinic 222 S. French Broad Avenue.*Pulse Diagnosis*Ear Acupuncture*Qi Gong* Seasonal Health Talks. All services free and open to the public. For more information call 253-8669 great ameriCan smokeoUt (pd.) Kick the habit! Great American Smokeout Thursday, November 15 4, 8a-12 and 4-8p. Daoist Traditions College Acupuncture Clinic 222 S. French Broad Avenue.*Ear Acupuncture *Package Discount* All services free and open to the public. For more information call 2538669 ameriCan CanCer soCiety stUdy • WE (11/7) through SA (11/17) - The American Cancer Society seeks men and women ages 30-65 who have not been diagnosed with cancer for a preventative study. Info and registration: www. cps3WNC.org or cps3@cancer org. Caregiver family fUn and sUpport • FR (11/9), 10am-2pm - Land-of-Sky Regional Council’s Family Caregiver Support Program invites caregivers to "come and laugh with us" at a Fun Friday for Family Caregivers at Fletcher Calvary Episcopal Church, 2840 Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: patricia.hilgendorf@ gmail.com or 645-9189. eat smart, move more • TUESDAYS through (12/11), noon-1pm - "Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less," a 15-week weight management class, will focus on practical skills to lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Center, 94 Coxe Ave. $25 includes materials. Info and registration: 255-5522. free and low-Cost health sCreenings • WE (11/7), 10am-1pm - Body fat, hydration percentages, body mass index and diabetes testing at Emma Elementary School, 37 Brickyard Road. Free. Info: www.parkridgehealth.org or 684-8501. • TU (11/13), 8-11am - Free bone density screenings for osteoporosis at Health Adventure in the Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road. Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. No appoint-
ment required. PSA blood tests for men 50 years of age or older — 40 if father or brother had prostate cancer — will be offered for $10. Info: www.parkridgehealth.org. • TU (11/13), 10am-2pm -Blood oxygen level and blood pressure screenings will be offered at Carolina Village, 600 Carolina Village Road, Hendersonville. Free. Info: www.parkridgehealth.org. • TH (11/15), 8-11am - Free lipid and glucose profiles by finger stick, along with blood pressure and body mass index screenings, at Pine Park Retirement Center, 2601 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville. Info: www.parkridgehealth.org.
at Land-of-Sky Regional Council, 339 New Leicester Highway. Free. Info: 274-4406.
www.parkridgehealth.org or 855 PRHLIFE.
how to talk aboUt CanCer • SA (11/10), 10am - Penny Stollery, nurse practitioner at Cancer Care of WNC, will present a conversation about cancer at First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. Snacks provided. Info: fccbm@yahoo.com or 669-6111.
stay healthy while eating oUt • WE (11/7), noon - "How to Choose Wisely When Dining Out." Hosted by the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Free. Drinks provided. Info: 254-7206 ext. 212 or ywcaofasheville.org.
health and wellness open hoUses • TH (11/8), 5-7:30pm - Whittington Chiropractic will be host an open house featuring a health talk, door prizes, snacks and salsa contest. 801 Fairview Road, Suite 6. Info: www.whittingtonchiropractic. com. Free. • TH (11/8) - YWCA Club W Fitness Center will host an open house during regular gym hours, featuring free classes, prizes and waived enrollment fee for new members. Held at 185 S. French Broad Ave. Info: www.ywcaofasheville.org or 254-7206.
living healthy with diabetes • SATURDAYS through (12/15), 3-5:30pm - Find balance with diabetes through this self-management program. Open to people with diabetes and their caregivers. $30 for six-week session. Held at Asheville Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church, 238 South French Broad Ave. Registration required. Donations benefit the Asheville Buncombe Institute for Parity Achievement. Info: 251-8364.
health for the holidays • SU (11/11), 1-5pm - A program on stress management for the holidays will be offered by the Integrative Healthcare department at Mission Health in UNCA's Reuter Center. $30. Info: olliasheville.com/ special-programs or 251-6140. • MO (11/12), noon - "Surviving the Onslaught of Holiday Food" will provide methods for preventing over eating and weight gain during the holiday season. Held at Health Adventure in the Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road. Free. Info: www.thehealthadventure.org. • WE (11/14), noon - "Healthy Holiday Eating Tips," a lunch and learn event. Presented by the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Drinks provided. Free. Info: 254-7206 ext. 212 or ywcaofasheville.org. healthy living gathering • WE (11/7), 10am-2pm - Children First/ Communities In Schools will host a community health and safety event featuring a ribbon cutting ceremony for new neighborhood sidewalks, health assessments by Park Ridge Health, a bookmobile and healthy cooking demonstrations. Held at the Family Resource Center at Emma, 37 Brickyard Road. Free. Info and tour registration: AdrienneA@childrenfirstbc.org or 259-9717. help for dementia • TH (11/8), 10am-1pm - A dementia services seminar will be presented by the Council on Aging at Carolina Village, 600 Carolina Village Road, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 692-4203. • TH (11/15), 5:30-7:30pm - A family education workshop on dementia will be presented by Home Instead Senior Care
36 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
love yoUr body week • MO (11/12) through TH (11/15) - WCU's Love Your Body Week will feature nutrition assessments, the Amazing Catamount Challenge, a belly dancing workshop and an info fair. Held throughout campus. Info and schedule: www.wcu.edu.
release yoUr fears • SA (10/27), 1pm - "Learn to release psychological fears that block the ability to live the life you desire, freeing one to solve problems rather than cope with fear." Held at Crystal Visions Bookstore, 5426 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Facilitator: Georganne Spruce. $15. Info: 298-1483. red Cross blood drives 100 Edgewood Road. Info: www.redcrosswnc.org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (11/7), 11am-4:30pm - Blood drive: UNCA, 1 University Heights. Info and exact location: www.redcrossblood.org, sponsorcode: uncasheville. --- 1-5pm Blood drive: Reynolds Fire Department, 235 Charlotte Highway. Info: 231-0034. --- 1:30-6pm - Blood drive: Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Road. Info: 298-7647. • TH (11/8), 1:30-6:30pm - Blood drive: Warren Wilson College’s Gladfelter Building. Info: 771-3065. --- 2-6:30pm - Blood Drive: Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road, Arden. Info: 684-0352. • FR (11/9), 11:30am-4pm - Blood drive: West Ridge Auto Sales, 1473 Patton Ave. Info: 258-8085. • SA (11/10), 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: Weaverville Fire Department, 3 Monticello Road. Info: 645-8777. • TH (11/15), 7-11:30am - Blood drive: Reuter Children’s Outpatient Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Info: 213-9650. smoking Cessation CoUrse • WEDNESDAYS through (11/14), 10:30am - Park Ridge Health presents this eight-week course, designed by the American Lung Association, at Health Adventure in Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Participants receive an ALA workbook. Free. Info:
the Case against flUoride • MO (11/12), 7pm - “The Case Against Fluoride,” with Dr. Paul Connett, will feature a debate with local proponents of fluoride. Held in UNCA’s Sherrill Center Mountain View Room. Free. Info: www. fluoridefreeasheville.org.
support Groups adUlt Children of alCoholiCs & dysfUnCtional families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren.org. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution.” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group. Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. al-anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: www.wnc-alanon.org or 800-2861326. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. --- 8pm - "Listen and Learn," St. John's Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. --- 8pm "Lambda" open/LGBT meeting. Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. Info: 670-6277. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm -
"Discovery," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. asperger adUlts United • SATURDAYS, 11am - Adults with Asperger's or on the autism spectrum are invited to meet for support, friendship and fun activities. Info and location: www. meetup.com/AspergersAdultsunited or 319-1017. brevard-hendersonville parkinson's sUpport groUp • TU (11/13), 10am - The BrevardHendersonville Parkinson's Support Group will meet at Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. Featured speaker: Dr. James M. Patton, board certified neurologist. Info: 685-7673. ChroniC pain sUpport groUp • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: (770) 846-0651. Co-dependents anonymoUs A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 7792317 or 299-1666. • THURSDAYS, 6:45pm - MCC Sacred Journey, 135 Sugarloaf Road (I-26 exit 49A), Hendersonville. Info: pebblekicker15@yahoo.com or text 489-4042. debtors anonymoUs • MONDAYS, 7pm - Debtors Anonymous meets at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. Info: www.debtorsanonymous.org. dUal reCovery groUp • 2nd FRIDAYS, 6pm - Dual Recovery Group for individuals who have a chemical dependency, psychiatric illness and/or emotional illness. Black Mountain Library, 105 Doughtry St. Info: ameniis84@charter. net or 357-8147. events at pardee hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge Mall, Hendersonville. Free, but registration is required unless otherwise noted. Info and registration: www.pardeehospital.org or 692-4600. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1:30pm & 5:307pm - Vet Center Out Station, a support group for veterans. Registration required before attending first meeting. Info: 2712711. • MONDAYS, 2-3pm & 7-8pm; WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - It Works, a 12-step program for individuals struggling to overcome food addiction, meets in Hendersonville. Info and directions: 489-7259. fertility sUpport groUp • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Therapist-lead group for women who are experiencing infertility and may be using assisted repro-
wellnesscontinued duction. Meets at 43 Grove St. #4. Call to register: 803-0824. grasp: asheville aUtism sUpport groUp • 2nd SATURDAYS, 1-3pm - "Join other adult Aspies at GRASP - Asheville Global and Regional Aspergers Syndrome Partnership." Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St. Must be 18 years or older and on the autism spectrum. Free. Info: www.GRASP.org www.meetup.com/ graspasheville. henderson CoUnty stroke/aphasia sUpport groUp • TH (11/15) - Support group for stroke survivors and others dealing with aphasia. Caregivers, family and friends are encouraged to attend. A social event is planned for October. Call for details: 6875261. memory Cafe • 1st MONDAYS, 1st WEDNESDAYS, 3rd SATURDAYS, 3rd THURSDAYS - Memory Cafe invites those with memory challenges and their caregivers, family and friends to socialize in a safe and supportive environment. Free. Info and locations: LBrown@fbca.net, bettyrobbins@morrisbb. net or asstminister@uuasheville.org. mother bear family dens • Mother Bear Family Dens, a "local family-led recovery community bringing families together to share recovery support, wellness tools, hope and encouragement." • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, noon-1:30pm - Meets at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave. Bag lunches encouraged. Info: julie@motherbearcan.org. • 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS, noon-1:30pm - Meeting at Soundview Family Home office, 713 Fifth Ave. W., Hendersonville. nami sUpport groUps The National Alliance on Mental Illness supports recovery for people living with mental illness and their families. Most groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave. #207/315. Free. Info: www.namiwnc.org or 505-7353. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - A Dual Diagnosis Support Group for those living with mental illness and substance abuse issues will be held at 3 Thurland Ave. • 2nd & 3th FRIDAYS, 6pm - An additional Dual Diagnosis support group will be held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. overComers Classes • TUESDAYS - An Overcomers support group for those dealing with addiction and other life-controlling problems will meet in Mars Hill. Location and time: 689-9316. overComers reCovery sUpport groUp A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@sos.spc-asheville.org or 768-0199. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men and women. overeaters anonymoUs A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975.
• SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800-580-4761. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. park ridge health 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Info: www. parkridgehealth.org or 684-8501. • FR (11/9), 10:30am - Park Ridge Health Oncology Center will host an oncology support group for anyone undergoing the stresses of cancer treatments. Held at the Burchard OB Conference Room. Info: 681-2917. reCovery from food addiCtion • MONDAYS, noon - Weekly support groups are held at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: scmunchkin59@yahoo. com. s-anon • S-Anon, a 12-step program for those struggling with the sexual behavior of a family member or friend. Three meetings are held each week. Info: www.ncsanon.org or 258-5117 (confidential). sexaholiCs anonymoUs • DAILY - A 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Daily Asheville meetings. Call confidential voicemail or email: 237-1332 or saasheville@gmail.com. Info: www.orgsites.com/nc/ saasheville. smart reCovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: www.smartrecovery.org. wnC brain tUmor sUpport • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm - WNC Brain Tumor Support meets at MAHEC, 121 Hendersonville Road. Info: www.wncbraintumor.org or 691-2559. womyn's disCovery/empowerment groUp • ONGOING - Those interested in forming an Asheville Womyn’s group, to foster emergence from addictive behaviors and internalized oppression and encourage spiritual awakening though the 16-step program created by Charlotte Kasl, are invited to contact nicerhugs@gmail.com for details. workaholiCs anonymoUs • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Workaholics Anonymous. Info and directions: www.workaholics-anonymous. org or 301-1727. more wellness events online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www. mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after November 15.
Eating Right for Good Health presented by
Play me some
I’ve been hosting the “Ingles Information Aisle” on WWNC 570am (or via iheartradio.com) for the past six years. About once a week I’m in their West Asheville studio recording an interview with an in-person or on the phone guest. The show airs on Saturday mornings at 8:05amEST...a little early for some but that’s where the podcasts come in handy. You can find podcasts of previous shows at www.ingles-markets.com/ask_leah Here are some of my favorites from the past year:
Foodie people like dietitians and chefs: Nathalie Dupree — A cookbook author and chef, Nathalie is the South’s Julie Child. Nathalie’s colorful personality made for a great interview. The Meal Makeover Moms — Liz Weiss and Janice Bissex are both dietitians and moms who give smart tips for saving time on meals without sacrificing nutrition.
Local farmers and growers and vendors Do More Bars with Tammy Woods — Tammy’s route to making this local (Pisgah Forest) gluten-free snack bar shows her determination to succeed when times were tough. The idea for the bars came from her daughter. Lynn Chappell of Chappell Farms — I caught up with Lynn on her cell phone on their farm in South Carolina. The Chappell family has been supplying peaches to Ingles Markets via Francis Produce in Greenville for about twenty years. New Sprout Farms with Michael Porterfield — I’ve known Michael and his wife Michelle and their children for a few years now. Michael and I are both Army brats, and it’s always fun to talk to him whether we’re in the studio or at a “Taste of Local” event.
Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets
Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
Calendar deadline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wednesday, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 37
Mealtime Medicine
Food fixes for winter ills
By Emily Patrick
Photos by Max Cooper
Welcome, crisp days and the first snow of the year, apple cider and seasonal beers. Welcome, winter squash, holiday treats and decadent meals. Welcome, cold and flu season? Not so warmly. Like it or not, the winter sniffles have descended on Asheville. Sick days aren’t all bad, though: They’re a great excuse to let Asheville’s restaurants do the cooking for you. Who knows? You might even find a cure for that nagging cold on the menu of a local restaurant. Here are a few dishes to get you started. You’ll find most of them at laid-back locations with easy parking, so you can grab some take-out in your sweats and head back to bed. Get well soon.
Grandpa’s cough syrup
Bedridden? Order in
Before NyQuil and Sudafed, there was whiskey. It’s the classic home remedy for respiratory ills. At West Asheville Lounge and Kitchen, bartender Keelan McCoy calls his bourbon-based hot toddy grandpa’s cough syrup. It combines Maker’s Mark bourbon with hot water, honey, nutmeg and cloves, garnished with a cinnamon stick, an extra sprinkle of nutmeg and a lemon twist. It’s sweet and smooth and just strong enough to feel rather effective. “It kills bacteria, chills you out and the honey is an immune booster,” claims McCoy. WALK, 401 Haywood Road, is open daily with lunch, dinner and late-night service. 505-7929.
Don’t want to leave the couch? Asheville’s delivery services can bring good eats to your door, including some of the transportable dishes listed here. Check out valetgourmet.com and westsidemunchiemachine.com.
The hot toddy at WALK
38 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Beyond noodle soup
Freeze a fever
Step away from the can opener. When it comes to noodle soup, you can do better than overly salty broth and essence of aluminum can. At Heiwa Shokudo on North Lexington Avenue, chef/owner Daisuke Sugimoto prepares many dishes with noodles in broth. But if you’re looking for the dish with the maximum vegetable impact, choose one of his special hot pots, which come in vegetable and tofu, seafood, chicken, beef and dumpling varieties. Choose the broth, too: miso, spicy and vegan are all options. Inside the hot pot (be careful; it’s really hot), tofu, carrots, eggplant, sweet potatoes, broccoli and squash nestle together. Napa cabbage and bean sprouts take the place of noodles. The veggies swim in a lightly spiced broth crowned with a generous heap of freshly grated ginger. Heiwa Shokudo, 87 N. Lexington Ave., serves lunch and dinner. 254-7761.
If you’re burning up, you should probably stay in bed. But don’t forget to eat, even if you prefer your nutrients via a straw. Dispatch a friend to one of Asheville’s many smoothie purveyors, such as Rise ‘n Shine Café on Merrimon Avenue. Try the Sweet Ginger: strawberries, bananas, fresh ginger and apple juice. Ginger is a common home remedy for colds, fevers and stomach aches. Want just juice? Rise ‘n Shine also offers fresh carrot and Granny Smith apple juice. But be sure to get there before 2 p.m. The restaurant is open every day, but only for breakfast and lunch. Rise ‘n Shine, 640 Merrimon Ave, 254-4122.
The vegetable hot pot at Heiwa Shokudo
The Sweet Ginger smoothie at Rise ‘n Shine Café
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 39
Beat the chills with chili
If you’re not one to eat light when under the weather, Asheville has plenty of homestyle comfort food to fortify you as you cope with the shivers and shakes. At HomeGrown on Merrimon Avenue, choose from a rotating cast of such dishes. Biscuit-topped chicken pot pie makes appearances throughout the winter as does bean-and-beef chili. If you’re looking for something specific, call ahead at 232-4340. The menu changes daily, but certain seasonal staples often stay put. HomeGrown, 371 Merrimon Ave., is open daily. 232-4340.
Chili at HomeGrown
Work out the kinks with tea
They aren’t exactly doctors, but ‘60s British rockers The Kinks prescribe tea. As they say, “If you feel a bit under the weather, if you feel a little bit peeved, take granny’s stand-by potion for any old cough or wheeze.” If you’ve got a few kinks of your own, and you’re looking to sip a steaming cup in a quiet place with lots of free parking, try Waking Life in West Asheville. Owner Jared Rutledge recommends the mint tea (which isn’t tea at all, but a blend of spearmint and peppermint leaves). For a pick-me-up, try the yerba mate, or for a vitamin-loaded fruity brew, sip on some hibiscus tea, a blend of rooibos root, hibiscus flowers and rose hips. Waking Life, 976 Haywood Road, opens from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. 505-3240.
Rooibos tea at Waking Life
40 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Sweat it out
In Thailand, you can find a spice tray on every table, explains Sam Nantasitikorn of Suwana’s Thai Orchid. The downtown restaurant serves three sauces of varying levels of spiciness with every meal. But if you’re really looking to kill the germs, ask for Sam’s special sauce. “It clears out everything,” he says. “You’re going to be sweating like taking a shower, and the next day, the fever’s gone.” Sam’s sauce combines Spanish onion, spring onion, lemon grass, garlic, dried chili peppers, kaffir lime leaves, green and red Thai hot chilies, lime, a touch of habanero pepper and a dash of toasted rice powder for texture. It’s not on the menu, and only Sam makes it. But if he’s working, and you’ve got some time to wait for the sauce, it might just cure what ails you. Suwana’s Thai Orchid, 11 Broadway, serves lunch and dinner daily. 281-8151.
Sam’s special hot sauce at Thai Orchid
Get fishy with it
In our time and place, we tend to think of chicken soup when we get sick, but for something new and different, check out fish soup. It’s an age-old curative from Mediterranean communities. At Tomato Cocina Latina in the Westgate Shopping Center, choose from fish, seafood, shrimp, chicken and vegetable soups. The bowls come brimming with a paprikaflecked, lightly creamy broth, your choice of protein and still-crunchy vegetables, plus a side of rice, cilantro and chopped raw onion (another cold curative). Tomato Cocina Latina, 70 Westgate Parkway, is open Monday through Friday for lunch and dinner. 254-5046.
Shrimp soup at Tomato Cocina Latina
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 41
send your food news to food@mountainx.com
Live the foodie dream
frEEzEr PLEASErS: Winter Sun Farms CSA processes produce before they freeze it, so veggies such as butternut squash come pre-pureed. Photo by Moriah H. Petersen
Taste of Asheville brings 40 restaurants in one Dine at 40 Asheville restaurants all at the same time. It’s not too good to be true. Once a year, Asheville’s independent restaurants come together for Taste of Asheville to celebrate the growing restaurant scene with a night of small bites, wine pours and camaraderie. “Who else could put on a better party than a bunch of people who put on parties every night?” says Anthony Cerrato, owner of Strada Italian restaurant and a partner in Sazerac cocktail bar. This year’s event marks the 10th anniversary of Asheville Independent Restaurants (AIR), the organization that throws Taste of Asheville. The group was started by local restaurant owners, including Bouchon’s Michel Baudouin, in 2002 with the goal of providing mutual support for mutual benefit (even as the restaurateurs compete for business). Since then, the organization has helped Asheville’s dining industry roll with the changes, providing Web
PLAyIng wITh hIS food: Chef Casey Connor (formerly of The Grove Park Inn) celebrates with show at Taste of Asheville 2010. support and marketing and outreach opportunities. Cerrato, who is the 2012 president of AIR, says the group alerted him to the importance of websites and online marketing about seven years ago, back before every restaurant had its own corner of the Internet. AIR encompasses a variety of businesses. The group includes coffee and dessert shops; barbecue joints and bars; and upscale and resort eateries. At the Wednesday, Nov. 14 Taste of Asheville event, the participating members will reflect that variety. Bouchon, Jack of Hearts, Corner Kitchen, Jerusalem Garden Café, Plant, Scully’s and Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian are among the dozens of restaurants that will serve small plates and show off the
42 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
strength of the dining scene they’ve helped one another to create. Even ostensible competitors, such as downtown Indian eateries Mela and Chai Pani, will come together for the evening. “You usually leave a little bit more full than you intended to be,” says Christine Sykes Lowe, AIR’s executive director. “It really is a celebration. You kind of get that feeling when you’re there because the restaurants are really proud to be showing what they do.” The Taste of Asheville Passport also goes on sale that night. It’s a $50 booklet with more than $1,000 in savings at member restaurants. Taste of Asheville happens at The Venue, 21 N. Market St., on Wednesday, Nov. 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. A single pass costs $74.84 after fees, and a pair of passes goes for $132.87 after fees. Visit eventbrite.com/event/4364967736# . For tickets, visit http://avl.mx.mw
Bring the farmers market to your freezer Winter Sun Farms offers a frozen CSA If you haven’t stocked up on enough local produce to last through the winter, don’t fret. Blue Ridge Food Ventures has you covered. Since summertime, the BRFV crew has processed and frozen between 6 and 7 tons of locally grown food, including berries, applesauce, tomatoes and squash for their Winter Sun Farms CSA program. From December through March, the items they stored will be available to members at once-monthly markets. “You can look forward to all the frozen items that you pretty much can work with in the summer,” says Chris Reedy, program manager. “You know: tomatoes, okra, green beans.” The subscription is interactive, so patrons who arrive early to the pickup
sites might be able to choose which produce they want. The included items vary each month. “It’s always a surprise, and people like that,” says Mary Lou Surgi, executive director of BRFV. In its fourth year, the program has expanded its membership and its offerings. Shelf-stable foods, such as honey, will come with the CSA membership. Fresh greens from Jolley Farms are also included (hard to come by since the farm doesn’t sell them in retail settings). The market welcomes the public in addition to Winter Sun Farms CSA members. While certain products sell only through the subscriptions, local farmers will gather at the markets to sell eggs, meat and prepared products. Subscriptions are still available for $125 or $135, depending on where you want to receive the food, and include eight items. Pickup locations include Blue Ridge Food Ventures, the Grove Arcade, the Flat Rock Tailgate Market and Growdown Home Market in Black Mountain. BRFV will continue to sell subscriptions until they reach their limit (400 members) or until the first market in early December. For more information, visit wintersunfarmsnc.com or call 348-0130.
hot sake special 1/2 Price Hot Sake Every Sunday & Monday
Farmers markets switch out
The West Asheville Tailgate Market moves an hour earlier to keep pace with daylight savings time. The Tuesday market at 718 Haywood Road will run from 2:30 to 5:30 for the duration of its season, which lasts until Nov. 20. There’s only a few weeks left to take advantage of many of the Buncombe County tailgate markets. The West Asheville, north Asheville, French Broad Food Co-op and Montford markets end for the winter on the week of Thanksgiving between Nov. 20 and Nov. 24. As the Asheville markets come to an end, a new market will open in Black Mountain, the Growdown Home Market at Growdown Home Kitchen, 105 Richardson Ave. Vendors will convene from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 10 and the first four Saturdays in December. Eleven vendors have already signed up. They will sell produce, seafood, dairy and meat products, prepared food, jams and jellies and herbal products. For more information, call 775-9251.
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www.stonebowlkorean.com mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 43
Wine Tunnel opens while Wine Guy & Santé are up for sale
White Duck Taco Shop winterizes
Don’t freak out: White Duck will not close for a month, as it did last winter. Instead, the popular RAD eatery will reduce its hours during the colder months with a short vacation for New Year’s. From Nov. 5 until April 1, the shop will operate from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays and 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. It will close for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas Eve and from Dec. 30 to Jan. 9. In other White Duck news, the business has garnered mega thumbs ups from publications across the country in recent weeks. Check out Philadelphia magazine, The Charlotte Observer and The Oregonian’s MIX Magazine to see what the national hype is all about. (But if you’re easily offended, beware: MIX calls Asheville “Portland’s country cousin” and refers to our most acclaimed restaurants as “not-so-countrified.”)
Wall-to-Wall Wine: Wine Tunnel brings a curated collection of wines to Tunnel Road. Photos by Max Cooper
Tunnel Road gets terroir with a new wine store, Wine Tunnel. The shop will host a grand opening celebration on Friday, Nov. 9 beginning at 3 p.m. General manager Robert Braswell promises samples from winery representatives with light snacks and live music. The store stocks a variety of wines and local and craft beers, as well as cigars and wine accessories. The space itself features a full-service bar with wines by the glass and beers by the bottle. The Wine Tunnel, 148 Tunnel Road, opens Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, call 254–0504 or visit winetunnelashevillenc-com. webs.com
tacos triumph: White Duck will remain open for most of the winter. Look for changes to their hours, though, and a short closure around New Years.
The Wine Guy at 555 Merrimon Ave. will also host a celebration this month, although of different tidings. The business is for sale. Co-owner Dorsey Fenner says she’s relocating to Georgia to be closer to her family, and she plans to leave Asheville in December. There is a “for rent” sign in the building’s window, the landlord’s fallback plan in case the business doesn’t sell by the end of the year, Fenner explains. On Saturday, Nov. 17, Fenner will celebrate The Wine Guy’s 13th anniversary. A free wine tasting will take place from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and there will be a big sale, she says. Downtown in the Grove Arcade, Santé Wine Bar and Tap Room is also for sale. The small-bite eatery
and bar sells wine on tap by the glass in addition to traditional pours and to-go bottles. Owner Carla Baden opened the venue in 2006, but now she’s looking to pass it on. She plans to continue to open daily at 4 p.m. as usual. “My intention is to operate until the buyer aligns,” she says. “Obviously, we’re coming into winter, and that’s about all I want to say about that.” The business shifts at Santé and The Wine Guy follow on The Wine Studio’s September closing. “I think it’s coincidence,” Baden says. “Is there a lot more competition in the wine world than there was when Santé opened in 2006? Well, heck yeah. Is Santé still holding its own? Yes.”
Get your first bite of Dough at the Taste of Home Cooking School
Dough, the chef-driven market taking shape on Merrimon Avenue, will offer Asheville a first look of its prepared foods at the Taste of Home Cooking School on Nov. 8. Owner Brian Ross will serve up samples in good company; other participating restaurants include the Chop House, Pasta Fasta, Sogo Fusion, The Artisan Gourmet Market and The TakeOut Riverside Grill. Taste of Home Magazine and Mix 96.5 sponsor the afternoon of tastings and cooking demonstrations. Michelle Roberts, Taste of Home culinary specialist, will prepare 10 holiday recipes during the two-hour cooking school. The cost of admission is $10 in advance and $15 at the door. VIP passes are also available for $35. The restaurant expo runs from 4 to 6 p.m., and the cooking school lasts from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 8 at the Crowne Plaza Expo Center near Patton Avenue at 56 Expo Drive. For more information call 210-8546 or visit eventbrite.com/event/4494747912.
Salsa Social Night Cuisine from Latin America Full Bar Private Dining Room (seats up to 35 people) Brunch coming soon Farm-to-Table Ingredients
1360 Tunnel Rd. • 828-575-2179 LatinFlavorCafe on Facebook 44 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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by anne fitten glenn
cold mountain cometH! seasonal releases I love the time in the beer year when breweries start releasing robust and spicy brews that go really well with long dark snuggly nights and hearty roast meats and potatoes. (If you don’t believe me, have yourself an Imperial Stout with a pile of mashed ‘taters and gravy. You’re welcome). While I imbibe rich porters, strong ales and silky stouts year-round, the plethora of these types of beers at this time of year warms my belly. Here are a few to look for in the coming weeks. Yes, the beer moment many of you have been waiting for approaches — Cold Mountain Winter Ale will be released in Highland Brewing’s taproom on Thursday, Nov. 15, starting at 4 p.m. It will be on sale elsewhere on tap, in 12-ounce and 22-ounce bottles and in cobalt blue one-liters. Look for the bottles at specialty stores and your local grocery. The ale’s spices change slightly each year, but there’s a cone of silence around which spices are used and in which quantities. Use your noses and your taste buds and let me know what you think about this year’s Cold Mountain. Pisgah Brewing will release Benton’s Bacon Snout in the taproom and to a few restaurants on Nov. 11. This is Pisgah’s third year brewing a bacon stout. This year, the beer was created especially for Blind Pig of Asheville’s Preserve Dinner, which celebrates Southern Appalachian cuisine. In that spirit, Pisgah procured Benton’s Hickory Smoked Country Bacon from Madisonville, Tenn., sorghum molasses from Asheville’s Coates Farm & Produce, and local Riverbend Malthouse artisan malt for the beer. Pisgah also will release Chocolate Stout, conditioned on French Broad Chocolate Lounge’s cacao nibs, soon after the Snout is out. French Broad Brewing will release a Barleywine, rolling it out in the taproom on Dec. 21. This limited release will be available on draft to a few accounts in January, but not bottled. Barleywine is a style of strong ale originating in England. This one will be warm and slightly malty with United Kingdom-style hopping, says French Broad manager and co-owner Andy Dahm. Thirsty Monk Brewery will also be releasing a Chocolate Stout in November, as well as its winner from the Just Brew It Homebrew Festival — Jacob Childrey’s Maple Pecan Belgian Porter. That’s one I’ll want to put in my mashed potatoes, thank you very much. The Monk will also offer up a Belgian Pumpkin Ale. Wedge Brewing will release Third Rail, a 10 percent barleywine on Nov. 9 in the taproom. Dec. 7 will see the release of the much-anticipated Raspberry Imperial Stout, a dark and sweet concoction that comes in around 9 percent ABV. Brevard Brewing in Brevard recently released a Smoked Porter, brewed with seven different malt varieties, but most notably a Bamberg-style Rauchmalz (smoked malt). “Rauchmalz is kilned
46 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
proof that brewing involves cooking: Pisgah Brewing’s Ryan Frank cooks up some Benton’s hickory-smoked bacon at the Native Kitchen and Social Pub in Swannanoa. The bacon will be used to make a special limited-release brew, Benton’s Bacon “Snout,” to be released Nov. 11 at Blind Pig of Asheville’s Preserve dinner. Photo by Anne Fitten Glenn. just like any other kind of brewer's malt, except that the kiln is packed with beech wood. The smoke carries into the malt, and later into the finished beer, producing a unique libation that quite literally smells like a campfire,” says Brevard brewer Kyle Williams.
tHe House tHat Beer Built is done On Tuesday, Nov. 13, four new Habitat for Humanity houses will be handed over to their new owners, including the home that was partially built and funded by the Asheville Brewers Alliance. The ABA donated $10,000 to the project and the breweries each sponsored volunteer build days. The homes are all located in Habitat’s Carney Place neighborhood, on Virginia Avenue in West Asheville. The ceremony will begin at 5:15 p.m.
sierra nevada Beer campers tour Wnc In thanks to Sierra Nevada Brewing for sending 35 Asheville Brewers Alliance brewers to Beer Camp in Chico, Calif. last summer, the ABA organized a three-day bus tour of 14 WNC breweries over the last weekend in October. On the bus? A mix of beer industry folks from both the
local breweries and soon-to-be local Sierra Nevada Brewing. The two beers that the Beer Campers created in California were released at the breweries to the general public that same weekend. The beers, Carolina Dreamin,’ a wheat wine ale, and Headliner, a black IPA, may still be available around town. Proceeds from the beer sales will benefit local charities, including The Community Table in Sylva. Beware the nine percent Carolina Dreamin.’
Buy tickets For Winter Warmer Beer Festival Tickets for the 2013 Winter Warmer Beer Festival are on sale now. This year’s fest will be Saturday, Jan. 26, from 3 to 7 p.m. on the arena level of the U.S. Cellular Center downtown. The previous two years, the fest took place on the lower level of that building, but moving up will offer a bit more space, which means a few more breweries and, I hope, less beer jostling. This party has sold out the past five years, so buy tickets now at ashevillebeerfest.com. Cost is $40 per person, and $60 for a VID (Very Important Drinker). Proceeds will benefit Western North Carolina Alliance, a grassroots organization that works to preserve local public lands and waterways.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 47
{ RiveR When artists Lewis and Porge Buck first bought the Williams Feed and Seed building on Lyman Street in 1987, the surrounding neighborhood was a long way from what is now the brochure-ready, browser-friendly River Arts District. The river was there, of course, and the vestiges of the area’s industrial period. But there wasn’t much art. “We weren’t looking for a riverside location,” Porge says. “We would have bought a studio anywhere. All we were looking for was a space.” In the late ‘80s, early ’90s there was space aplenty, and it was cheap. Low prices and expansive warehouse spaces brought artists into the gritty, off-the-radar area. Lewis, a painter, and Porge, a printmaker, worked in one part of 170 Lyman
} DistRict couRtesy noRtH caRolina collection, pacK MeMoRial public libRaRy
tHe aRea between Depot & cRaven stReets
Has always been a place oF Flux by Kyle sHeRaRD, Jaye baRtell & Rebecca sulocK — christened Warehouse Studios — and rented the remaining space to other artists. Porge had three printing presses in her firstfloor studio, which she allowed other printmakers to use. Among those artists were Kevin Hogan, Gary Byrd and Tony Bradley, all of whom still live and work as artists in Asheville. RiverLink, an organization that’s helped catalyze revitalization of the area, later bought the building for its offices, and main-
48 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
tains Warehouse Studios still. The Bucks relocated to Black Mountain. Nobody, it seems, gets to stay in the river district for too long — the factory workers, the train conductors, the barbers, the workaday people. Will the artists be the ones to stay? Yesterday’s mill town is today’s arts district, and maybe tomorrow’s brewery hub and the next day’s mill town (or green energy-plant town, or tech-start-up town) again.
FactoRy Hill
Here’s your hurry-up history of the area now known as the RAD. During Reconstruction and through World War II, the area was a mill town in miniature, with so-called Chicken Hill as its residential crown. The cotton mills came first, then the textiles (and a steel plant and a biscuit factory), until these industries began to wane in the 1940s and throughout subsequent decades, leaving the husk of American factory life. Although the river district is now considered the fringe of town, it was once the entry point for visitors coming to Asheville via passenger rail, which was discontinued in
RAD ReAssesseD by Kyle sheRARD
heAD Down to the RAD
this weeKenD
Some RAD property owners have been concerned about the looming spectre of higher taxes. Should they be? We talked to the county tax director to get some facts. The River Arts District’s last property tax assessment was in 2006. It got skipped over in 2010. This was largely in due to the depressed housing market and lack of qualified property sales, both of which led to reduced or unchanged values. However, the state laws require assessments every eight years, or if there is a 15 percent change in the market. During the 2006 assessment the River Arts District was viewed as one neighborhood. The properties included stretched from the Norfolk-Southern rail yard on Meadow Road to the northern end of Riverside Drive at the Broadway/I-240 intersection. According to Gary Roberts, Buncombe County’s tax director, this year the one neighborhood will be split into seven to 10 separate areas that haven’t yet been defined. Splitting up the area ensures that a more complete and accurate scope of the River Arts District’s value is attained. It will also stand as an economic measure of growth and development over the past few years. “The city has placed new sidewalks, new roads, greenways and landscaping,” Roberts said. “These were not factored in to the last assessment.” Pedestrian and transportation development in the RAD has come in waves, if one was to look at the district as one parcel. For example, the Grainger property on the Broadway end of Riverside Drive doesn’t benefit from the sidewalks placed on Depot Street. The dog park isn’t enhanced by a roundabout and Wedge’s sale doesn’t inflate the value of the Riverview Station. Splitting up the neighborhood will help the valuation stay as fair as possible. As for property transfers, Roberts says that the county will only look at qualified market sales from 2006 to 2012. “Qualified” entails the sale of a building at its true market value. That means a seller and a buyer negotiated a fair, market-based deal. A family member selling a property to another family member, for example, would be a non-qualified market sale. Amid the tax lingo and economic worry there is good news for RAD residents: the New Belgium Brewery’s purchase and overall investment will not affect this assessment cycle. “It had economic development built into it,” Roberts said, referencing the city and county’s help facilitating the sale because of the benefits it could bring, “so it’s not fair to use that as a sale. He added that the facility will also serve a different interest than other District properties.
The RiveR ARts DistRict ARtists open their doors to the public in a big way twice a year. This Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 10 and 11, mark the autumn stuDio stRoll. The public is invited to visit more than 180 artists from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There’s even a free trolley that makes the rounds. There will be an info booth at the five-points intersection across from Clingman Café. Or download a guide at RiveRARtsDistRict.com. Photo by Catherine Vibert
the 1970s. On Depot Street, the Glen Rock Hotel received legions of tourists and other travelers. The block included the train station, a hotel and shops, among them a café, a drug store, a pool hall and a barber. Into the ‘50s, the Depot neighborhood developed into a mostly African-American community with businesses and residential blocks. The thriving industry left brown fields, a polluted river and a string of blighted buildings. Federally mandated Urban Renewal projects all but razed the Depot neighborhood. The area declined further, along with the rest of Asheville, throughout the 1980s. And then the artists moved in. The place looked better year after year. The number of visitors increased. New restaurants opened. There’s much more to all of these stories. Pick up one of those “Images of America” books with the sepia photographs, or go to the library for more.
chAnge is the only constAnt “When we had the first few studio strolls, there were only 200 people showing up,” says Karen Cragnolin, executive director of RiverLink, which remains a major player in the area’s development, culturally (a riverside concert series with New Belgium) and environmentally (the Wilma Dykeman RiverWay), among other projects. The first studio stroll was a one-day event in December 1994 and encompassed three buildings: Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts at 236 Clingman; Warehouse Studios; and the Chesterfield Mill (which burned down in 1995 due to arson; the case was never solved). Contrast that with this June’s weekend-long Studio Stroll. Crowds, estimated in the thousands, visited dozens of studios, according to RAD association president Wendy Whitson. But the strolls are no longer the sole public appearances for RAD artists. “Ten years ago the studios were only open twice a year, for the strolls,” Whitson tells Xpress. Now many of the artists keep their studios open to visitors year-round. The upcoming stroll will feature dozens artists and almost as many buildings. The RAD itself now has its own organization with 190 members. “So has the area blossomed? That’s not even a question,” says Cragnolin.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 49
tell your rAD story Our riverside neighborhood is in flux, and Xpress will continue to cover the complex story. We want to hear from you. Email Rebecca Sulock at rsulock@mountainx.com or call 251-1333 x. 113 and share your thoughts and stories on the RAD.
The River District was “a starting point,” says longtime River District artist Sean Pace, right, pictured here with artist Melissa Terrezza. The two recently moved to Alexander.
The district a decade ago looked pretty different — even two years ago. Depot Street, once dilapidated territory, now shines at night. Pink Dog Creative at 342-348 Depot St. turned an old Nabisco plant into artist studios, an arts supply store, a gallery (the Artery), the Asheville Area Arts Council’s offices and a restaurant (The Junction). Next door, nonprofit Mountain Housing Opportunities built the Glen Rock Depot, a mixed-use complex that includes streetlevel businesses, such as The Magnetic Field bar and theater, and affordable or “workforce” housing (apartments ranging from $350-$750 a month for qualifying applicants who don’t mind the sound of the frequent trains). Clingman Avenue got bike lanes, new sidewalks and a traffic circle at the once-severe intersection with Roberts Street. Dave Steel razed its Roberts Street building, one of the larger structures in the area, leaving a city-block-size foundation currently being used as a graffiti canvas. The nearby Wedge building, a flagship space in the area, got sold twice in 10 years — most recently in May, when a group of eight investors purchased the property from the estate of artist John Payne, who established the Wedge Studios and worked there until his death in July 2008. Several Wedge artists, some longtime occupants, recently announced that their leases will not be renewed as of Nov. 30 — including Marston Blow, a ceramicist known as the “Singing Bowl Lady,” who has worked out of her studio for 16 years. Artists are leaving to make way for a restaurant and other commercial outlets. The massive building next door to the Phil Mechanic Studios is on the market for $2.2 million. And there are rumors that the Riverside Drive property just up the street from Wedge is under contract — the former ice factory has long served as a kind of gravel-floor art gallery for graffiti and street artists. Down the road (and across the river) on Craven Street, Colorado-based New Belgium Brewing acquired a 6-acre lot, home to the regional stockyard and the Penland Auction House, both now closed. The major craft brewer will build its East Coast brewery on the site while investing in area greenways, river parks and other developments. As a new generation comes to the RAD, will an older one have to leave?
As goes the fActory, so goes the gAllery
This trend happens in every arts city, says ceramicist Alex Irvine. Photos by Yeager St. John
50 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Some longtime RAD tenants who’ve recently left say they see even more change on the horizon. Sean Pace, better known as Jinx, and Melissa Terrezza recently left their working spaces at the Phil Mechanic Studios. Pace’s giant sculptural works had long outgrown his basement studio, but his personal investment in the building and
its owners kept him at the space, he says. Both artists have been there since 2000. “I used to tell people that I lived in Asheville’s drainage ditch,” says Pace, referring to the district’s combination of crime and geographical position in the bottom of the valley between downtown and West Asheville. No one would call it that now. Terrezza predicts that “retail boutiques, more restaurants and condos are inevitable.” The restaurants, music venues and theaters added during the past six years have lead to an increase in evening foot traffic (and a decrease in some of the less-attractive activities of the once-dark area). Their move isn’t bitter — it’s just the next step. “The River Arts District was never a destination,” Pace says. “It was a starting point.” As Terrezza puts it, “It grew out of us, and we grew out of it. You gotta move on.” Pace and Terrezza recently purchased land in the sports field of the former French Broad High School building in Alexander. A group of artists has acquired the school, to convert former classrooms into studios. Earlier this year, 22-year RAD dweller Heinz Kossler left the Wedge building after rents went up, citing that and other environmental factors as his reason for departure. He has since moved back to his native Germany. In a March interview with Xpress, Kossler discussed the commercialization of the district, and the resulting influx of commercial artists. “As soon as the rents go up, well then the commercialism has to go up with it,” Kossler says.
the nAme of the gAme For many of the district’s artists, staying or going depends on affordability. “Artists transform a space into a desirable area, and then get priced out,” says ceramicist Alex Irvine. “It’s the same trend that happens in every [arts] city.” “If anything saves the district [from pricing out the artists], it’s artists owning the buildings,” says Cragnolin. Whitson, for example, bought her own studio in 2009. She and her husband own and operate Northlight Studios at 357 Depot St., which also houses Asheville GreenWorks, a volunteer organization that has facilitated river cleanups, graffiti removal and other such projects in the RAD. Whitson’s goal is to “keep good artists in affordable studios,” she says. In the 1970s and ’80s, you could rent downtown studios for less than $100. Downtown Asheville’s all-out renewal over the past decades pushed working artists west, into the RAD. Now artistic cells are popping up in Woodfin, West Asheville, Alexander and Marshall. “Artists love Western North Carolina. They’re not going to leave,” Pace says. “They’ll figure out ways to survive elsewhere.” That’s how it goes, says Porge. “Dispersal is the name of the game.” X
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 51
arts X music
a vista to WHatever By alli marsHall
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Darwin Deez, frontman of the band that shares his moniker (his off-stage surname is Smith) doesn’t like routine. Or solitude. Though he needs both to get his work done, this work of crafting indie pop records so bubbly and hooky that, were it not for their inherent quirk, they’d be cloying. But Deez has a knack for balancing hand-clappy pep with psychosis. The formula has served the musician well: a record deal, the kind of label support that means flying to LA to film a video for a single from his forthcoming album and large fan bases in far-flung locales. “As soon as we hit the British and Australian markets, people will be there in droves,” Deez says. His last tour even included a South American junket, though of that trip he muses, “I was in Brazil, for Christ sake, but I was really blue.” The blues seem to dog Deez, but they also play a role in his creative process. His follow up to 2011’s self-titled album (the new record’s title will be released in late November, according to a Lucky Number Music representative) contains themes of “incarceration and freedom,” says the musician. The incarceration part has to do with his decision a year ago to leave New York City (“It’s a lot of negativity and stress”) for Asheville (close to his hometown of Chapel Hill). It was a move that gave him the space to write songs but was also “like I got married to my job,” says Deez. “Music has always been my mistress. I could come to it when I wanted to it. It was always a good time.” Then: “I realized when I turned up here, I’m committed to making music. There was a prison aspect to being here to do that, but there’s also a total freedom involved in it, because I can make what I want to make.” (Deez recently posted a photo from the new album on his Facebook page. It looks like a mug shot only instead of his name, the letter board is printed with musical notes.) The themes, he says, also nod to his romantic situation (the life of a touring musician is not
darWin deez on tHe incarceration & Freedom
oF WritinG His neW alBum in asHeville
WHo Darwin Deez, with Hollerado and Decent Lovers
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shaolin@ashevilleshaolin.com 52 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
strange arrangement: Singer-songwriter and band leader Darwin Deez’s creative process includes Kool Whip for breakfast, plenty of TV, lots of solitude and “an unlimited amount of time to play.”
conducive to playing house). Though, Deez points out, “there are ways to be alone that are lonely and ways to be alone where you’re keeping yourself company.” Deez’s typical (atypical) workday goes something like this: “I do whatever I want, and what I want to do is eat Kool Whip for breakfast and watch six episodes of Dawson’s Creek back to back.” He says that big doses of TV are a major part of his process, putting him in a mindset where “I feel irate and a little bit sad, and I’ve spent the last six hours alone in my own head. I set an unlimited amount of time aside to play. It’s a vista to, like, whatever.” And from that odd garden grows songs like jangly ode-to-lost-love “DNA” and twitchy odeto-found-love “Radar Detector.” Darwin Deez (the band, with a new drummer) will regroup in Asheville to get in shape for its upcoming tour. Deez (the guy) refers to the practice period as “the machine starting up.” It’s the machine that sweeps him away to the “crucible of time and friendship and bonding, that’s really precious, and comes on the platter of the dream career,” but also to a strangeness of outrageous characters and scenarios that eventually become road stories and inside jokes. Deez’s approach to songwriting is also tied to “the machine.” The assignment that he gave himself with the new album was to “recreate the last record that you made, but make it different.” He admits that it’s a commercial approach and muses, “as far as my financial future goes, if I made, say, a noise album I’d just be wasting my time in terms of trying to promote it.” But Deez also says that “if I’m not exploring something new, it’s not creativity any more, it’s just manufacturing,” so to combat any roteness (he does hate routine), he wrote the songs lyrics-first — a new approach. While details are few, Deez did say that there are some existential songs, a lot of love songs, and the some good images in the writing. “I think it’s the best music I’ve made,” he says. “The lyrics are what I was excited about.” X
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columbiamuseum.org Mark Rothko, American (born Russia), 1903−1970, No. 8, 1949, oil and mixed media on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington. Gift of The Mark Rothko Foundation, Inc. 1986.43.147. © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
This exhibition is organized by the Arkansas Art Center, the Columbia Museum of Art, the Columbus Museum of Art and the Denver Art Museum, in conjunction with the National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Presented by:
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 53
arts X music
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The covers to the two parts of Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light, the quadruple-LP collection that the Seattle band Earth finished unveiling in February, are an arresting tandem of stylized confusion. With an aesthetic that resembles Where the Wild Things Are, the first painting shows a monster with a fiery mane felled by a knife to the back from a smaller, horned creature. The killer smiles wickedly, making it unclear who in the picture is the hero, and who is the villain. The second cover pictures a parade of similarly dressed humanoids. Their leader sits astride a red, horse-like animal with long, sharp horns. He sports a wide, evil grin, again muddying the viewer’s distinction between friend and foe. These images of confusion and death pair well with the mystical quality of Earth’s slowmoving desert rock. Recasting the dramatic patience of his ‘90s doom metal permutations, leader Dylan Carlson stretches out with eerily transfixing guitar lines that carry for long stretches before fading out. The mood is bolstered by grave cello and minimal drumming, the music becoming a journey that thankfully never seems to end. Angels’ covers are also emblematic of the dark and disorienting time that produced this sound. Half of the lineup that had toured behind Earth’s previous effort — 2008’s tranquil yet foreboding The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull — departed shortly before the band was set to enter the studio. But that wasn’t the worst of the pre-session news: Carlson was diagnosed with liver failure and hepatitis B. With his health up in the air and Earth’s lineup uncertain, the outfit prepared to record what could have conceivably been its last album. “All the sudden having half of your members not able to do it when you’re about to head in the studio is always going to be scary,” says Adrienne Davies, Earth’s drummer (and Carlson’s wife). “But then we had the added compound issue of Dylan’s health. Luckily, things are definitely better now, and he’s figured it all out and is doing a heck of a lot better. But at the time, I know he was feeling that imminent, looking over his shoulder, not knowing
who EARTH, with Daughn Gibson and Stebmo
where The Grey Eagle
when Thursday, Nov. 8 (9 p.m. $10. thegreyeagle.com)
54 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
seaTTle’s earTh beaT a healTh scare and a
lineup shifT on The way To a Two-parT classic
in an emotional state: Scary circumstances surrounded the production of the band’s latest album — and helped galvanize a new lineup. how much time he had, not knowing if this was going to be the last album. You’re already in an emotional state when you care about someone, and you’re not sure how they’re doing. It made us put that extra effort in and put in all we had. You want to be good, and you especially want it to be good if it might be the last thing you do as a group.” The heavy circumstances helped galvanize Earth’s new lineup. Lori Golston, a cellist whose credits include Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged in New York, was brought into the fold along with bassist Karl Blau, who records whimsical, weird and sometimes bluesy folk under his own name. Though such situations can obviously be a unifying force, they can also add pressure, especially for an ensemble that hadn’t played together previously. But Davies says this wasn’t the case. Entering the studio with only about three songs prepared, the players improvised freely and extensively, leading to a backlog of material that necessitated two releases. “We didn’t have enough songs to do even one album,” Davies recalls. “I think that fear of, ‘Oh, this could blow up in our face,” is kind of what spurred that burst of creativity and just going for it and not worrying about whether it was perfect or not. It just kind of took the reins of everyone to just listen. That’s the problem with
some improv is everyone’s just going for it all the time, but there’s an element of restraint that you need to use when you’re doing our music. It was a really good mix of the creative, just going for the ideas, and also really listening to each other and being able to hold back and have it be very cohesive instead of just free-form jazz bebop.” The results of this chemistry are some of Earth’s most hypnotizing offerings. “Old Black” opens Part 1 on a dark, blues-tinged note, an elongated riff bending and contorting as it’s passed between guitar and cello, graced by the rhythm section’s elegant back and forth. Part 2 is more subdued. On “His Teeth Did Shine Brightly,” Carlson's airy, far-off guitar works through ominous progressions, punctuated by cymbal brushes and metronomic bass. “You’re allowing the music to kind of swell and breathe at its own rate,” Davies says of the approach. “It’s almost like a living, breathing organism, and that’s kind of what we’re going for with the newer songs and the last few albums. Just letting notes fade out and not having something happening at all times.” X Jordan Lawrence is music editor at Shuffle.
arts X music
HyBrid moments
improvisational seXtet liBerated state searcH For neW sonic comBinations
By Bryan c. reed There are two competing theories about the effect the Internet has had on art and culture. One suggests that the availability and accessibility of any specific sub-sub-sub-genre makes it easier for consumers to become more discriminating and narrowly focused on their tiny corner of the artistic spectrum. The other claims the opposite: The increased access and availability to artistic ideas opens the culture to wide-reaching mixtures of styles spanning time and geography, in a way the world has never seen before. Local sextet Liberated State sides with the latter. In a press release for the band’s Nov. 9 performance at Lexington Avenue Brewery, Liberated State co-founder Jason DeCristofaro said, “The group's mission is to create a new global and hybridized music for the 21st century, combining elements of various musical soundscapes.” The avenues to that “global and hybridized music” are mapped by the diverse backgrounds of Liberated State’s contributors. Vibraphonist DeCristafaro brings a background in classical composition and jazz improvisation, and apart from the band, teaches music theory, sight singing and world music at Brevard College. Trumpeter and co-founder Sean Smith plays in the Greensboro-based Afro-beat band The Brand New Life, which he joined after leaving the Asheville band Afromotive. DeCristofaro and Smith compose Liberated State’s entire repertoire, but, DeCristofaro affirms the band’s democratic approach. “Sean and I compose all the music for the group, but it’s the ideas of the musicians, and what they do as improvisers and collaborators, that makes it such an organic and exciting group project,” he says. “The music Sean and I write is notes on a page. The reason it comes to life is because the group has some fantastic musicians.” Tenor saxophonist Matt Getman, bassist Danny Iannuci and drummers Micah Thomas and Isaac Wells (a relatively recent addition), he says, are all irreplaceable contributors. He praises their intuition and creativity, their chemistry and communication. “We all try to be storytellers,” DeCristofaro
WHo Liberated State
WHere The Grey Eagle
WHen Friday, Nov. 9 (10 p.m. $6. lexavebrew.com)
Global and hybridized: The band’s intuition, creativity and chemistry help the musicians tell their stories. Photo by Frank Zipperer Photography says. “That’s really what a great soloist does, and that’s something we’re all attempting to do ... It’s very intellectual at times, but it’s hopefully also a very emotional experience.” The origins of Liberated State trace to a local jazz jam in early 2010, where DeCristofaro and Smith met for the first time. After a run through Herbie Hancock’s “Butterfly,” the two realized they shared a similar approach to making music. When they realized each had composed pieces that didn’t fit neatly into any existing projects. “We came to the realization, it’s just easier to call it hybridized music because that gives us the liberty to just do whatever we want creatively,” DeCristofaro says. In a formation modeled after Miles Davis’ Second Quintet (which included pianist Herbie Hancock, bassist Ron Carter, drummer Tony Williams and saxophonist Wayne Shorter), Smith and DeCristofaro recruited Getman, Iannuci and Thomas to fill the roster. Wells joined more recently, adding to the band’s polyrhythmic worldmusic impulses. So far, hearing Liberated State has been a live-only prospect, and even that has become a rarity. Smith having moved to Greensboro, Liberated State hasn’t played a gig in more than a year. Only a few recorded documents of the band exist, streaming online at Liberated State’s ReverbNation page and on YouTube. There are no studio recordings, at least not yet. “Because the music is based in improvisation, it’s very much about the temporal experience,” DeCristofaro says. “It’s very much about going to a live show, and the only time you’re going to hear
that is at the show. That’s not to say we haven’t considered recording or putting out an album, but I think right now we’re still trying to explore all the possibilities as a live band.” While Liberated State is perhaps most deeply rooted to its jazz formation, the music quickly veers from tradition. “We’re technically not a rock band, we’re technically not a jazz band. We’re not technically a world band,” DeCristofaro says. “It’s really an anything-goes kind of aesthetic.” And, indeed, he cites Impressionist composer Claude Debussy as readily as he mentions Motown, Persian music and Afro-beat arrive in the same breath. Part of his excitement for playing in Liberated State stems from what DeCristofaro sees as the freedom afforded by the Information Age, to cross aesthetic boundaries to form new musical combinations. Combining genres, he’ll concede, isn’t a new idea — it’s been happening almost as long as there have been genres to combine. But what is new is the volume of new ideas, all with the opportunity to be heard. “We live in a time now when it’s understood and expected for things to be freely interchanged and mixed up in a way that wasn’t before,” DeCristofaro says. “It’s no longer unacceptable to take elements of five different musical styles to create a whole new unique genre. That’s something we’re really trying to be a part of.” X Bryan C. Reed is the online editor at Shuffle Magazine, and a regular contributor to MAGNET and Paste.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 55
o u r f a n t a s t i c v o y a g e
hot analog, that was an awesome moogFest weekend. here’s some oF what we experienced.
santigold Santigold’s voice was flawless as she jumped and danced around the stage, owning the big cavernous building like only a true master of ceremonies can. She somehow even managed a few wardrobe changes without disrupting the flow of the set, at different points wearing a lime green romper, glow-in-the-dark socks and an elegant black dress. She was joined on stage by a duo of awesomely talented singers and dancers who performed a nonstop choreographed routine. Like the music, they integrated moves from West African and postmodern traditions in to a highly entertaining performance-art extravaganza. For a while, a group of costumed fans were invited on stage to join in the dance party. — Jake Frankel
photos BY rich orris 56 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
THOMAS DOLBY Let me say up front, Thomas Dolby’s set thoroughly entertaining. ... Dolby may release an album only once every other decade (so he joked from the stage), but he’s been in the music business in many capacities for longer than the average Moogfest performer has been alive. The guy knows how to put on a show. ... One of the great things about Moogfest, and about electronic music, is that while both are connected to youth culture, they also recognize and embrace roots that go back 40 and 50 years. And those players, those innovators from the ’60s and ’70s, are doing work that’s completely viable when held up against the rest of Moogfest’s roster. — Alli Marshall
EL-P AND KILLER MIKE El-P was a show I hadn’t planned to see, and it turned out to be one of the best accidents of the night. I’ve never felt bass so intensely at any show, dance party or club. The floor was literally shaking and I could feel my ribcage on the verge of collapsing under the sonic assault. El-P’s delivery is forceful and aggressive, but beneath the bass, the beats were surprisingly melodic. Midway through, the Brooklyn-based MC was joined by Killer Mike (and his “Do dope, F--k hope T-shirt), who cracked a ‘yo mama’ joke and proved a highlight of the set. El-P gave a shout out to Moog and thanked the audience repeatedly, giving the impression that he’s a real nice dude. — Dane Smith
SQUAREPUSHER Better than God, better than Jesus, we have Squarepusher. The show was excellent, like having free jazz artists in the world of Tron. Even Amon Tobin’s cube show last year wasn’t as good, I think. Squarepusher always kept it very musical, interlaced with ultra data bit noise, futurism, hi-tech, impressive and improvisatory, and the result: Should be the soundtrack to this new, super hi tech movie Upside Down from France, that will be here soon. — Asheville-based experimental artist Kimathi Moore, from Facebook.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 57
AHLEUCHATISTAS Much has been said about the feral nature of percussionist Ryan Oslance’s onstage presence. I myself have said much about it — it’s hard not to. He shows up to his kit barefoot and shirtless, in gym shorts, looking ready for a workout. And that’s pretty much what happens. Oslance approaches drumming sort of like one would approach a parkour course. And, in a sense, Ahleuchatistas’ music is something akin to sonic parkour, a race of immense speed and skill, physical prowess, mental fortitude and ninja-like reflexes. And breathtaking beauty. A beauty both pristine and savage. The thing is, Oslance is the yin (or yang) to guitarist Shane Perlowin’s yang (or yin). Where Oslance is wild, unfettered and undressed, Perlowin is tidy and methodical, his complex guitar work mapped out and precise. Even his clothing and haircut are precise. But there’s something to this dichotomy and its resultant whole. Something beyond opposites attracting, something more like the law of magnets. Ahleuchatistas are magnetic. Their sound is the culmination of a decade of experimentation and refinement, and on stage at Diana Wortham Theatre they look fully comfortable at this point in their evolution. At ease with both the algorithms and organic science that they marry into, but at ease with the experimenting still to be done, the paths still to be explored. Long guitar notes meet a stampede of drums. Hints of Eastern ragas nudge Old West textures. Oslance triple-stacks his cymbals, plays his drums using rattles and mallets. Tightly woven rhythms and melodies are accented by explosive bursts. Oslance’s space is a garage sale of paraphernalia, from cymbals and sticks to bells and chains that he dangles from his body so every movement is a percussive rumble. Perlowin’s space is sparse — loop pedals and a single stool. In the heat of a song, he stands, guitar worn high on his chest, finessing the notes with deft fingers. The finale of the evening involved Oslance covering his drums with tarps and then throwing things at the set. Arms full off chains and bells, metal pieces, whatever he could grab. A cacophony to match the steady guitar. Melodic and dissonant, rhythmic and arrhythmic, all facets of the same shining thing. — Alli Marshall
Introduction to Chanting SANSKRIT MANTRAS
with Cat Matlock
2 Sunday Series Dec 2 & 9, 6-7:30pm Sliding Scale $1-$108 Register online at: West Asheville Yoga.com
58 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
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new orleans Bingo! show Remember back in February when the New Orleans Bingo! show performed sold-out events in Asheville and you were either like, “Damn, I missed out,” or “I can’t wait to see this again.” Now’s your chance: The Louisiana-based troupe brings its multifaceted performance (“original black-and-white silent films, aerialists, dancers, ingénues, clowns, audience interaction, bingo games, slapstick comedy and shady characters who remind you that every stage door opens into a dark alley”) to The Magnetic Field, Wednesday, Nov. 7 through Sunday, Nov. 5 (8 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday, 10:30 p.m. ThursdaySaturday). $20 and $25. themagneticfield.com.
dan tedesco Singer-songwriter/guitarist/ keyboardist/harmonica player/stompbox stomper Dan Tedesco calls his sound “folk rock on steroids.” His most recent release, Tracks On Fire, was produced by Duane Lundy (Jim James, Ben Sollee); its songs are all brooding and gritty with highway miles, late nights and Americana in both its brightest and darkest moments. “Its characters are frustrated, torn and uncertain,” press says of the album. Tedesco plays the Root Bar on Saturday, Nov. 10. dantedesco.com.
60 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
kin Xpress arts writer Ursula Gullow introduces her newest series of paintings at PUSH Gallery and Skate Shop. The exhibition, KIN, was inspired by photos of Gullow and her five siblings (on a dairy farm in upstate New York), taken during the mid-‘70s. Along with the new works, she’ll also install “a collection of used artist palettes amassed over the last year.” Opening reception on Friday, Nov. 9, 7-10 p.m.; the show runs through January 8. pushtoyproject.com. Image: First Communion.
the Jellyrox In case you haven’t yet made it to an AHA AVL performance, the local electronic shows, held in the Moog factory store, are free. Just email aha.avl@moogmusic. com for an invite. The next show in the series is The Jellyrox, a synth-pop act based in Black Mountain and helmed by Matt Langston of pop band EleventySeven (they have a huge following in Japan, of all places). Langston’s quirky-hyper songs and bubbly melodies are infectiously danceable and ‘80s-reminiscent; the band’s latest release is Heta Himlen. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 6:45 p.m. facebook.com/ thejellyrox.
Heavy Blues Fest “When a Mississippi blues man walks into a big city bar and has a drink, starts on a downward spiral of sex and drugs to the soundtrack of Nirvana, Black Keys and Queens of the Stone Age, John the Conqueror is born.” So says the bio of the Philadelphia-based guitar/drum/bass trio — but it could just as well sum up “whiskey fueled two-man frenzy of blues-driven rock ’n’ roll noise” Left Lane Cruiser or ‘70s prog-rock-influenced Scorpion Child (pictured). All three play the Heavy Blues Fest at Broadways on Thursday, Nov. 8. 9 p.m., $8. http://avl.mx.mx. Photo by Francis Rodriguez
2012-2013 SEASON Daniel Meyer, Music Director Thomas Wolfe Auditorium
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17, 2012 • 8pm
del the Funky Homosapien For more than two decades, Del the Funky Homosapien has dispensed torrents of uproariously funny rhymes, more recently taking on an approach to cultural criticism that leaves some of the Slick Rick-style comedy in the past. But in each beat Del crafts, there’s an looming Funkadelicbounce, hinting at the absurd even as his lyrics matured along with the man saying them. Catch him at Asheville Music Hall on Thursday, Nov. 8. $10 advance/$14 day of show. With Bukue One, Projekt Lotus, The Difference Machine and more. 10 p.m. — Dave Cantor
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TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
FRI. 11/9
Chris Hendricks Band (classic rock)
185 king street Reggae jam w/ Nethali Percival & Dennis Berndt, 8pm 5 walnUt wine bar Hotpoint Trio (jazz), 8-10pm allstars sports bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm athena's ClUb Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Open mic, 7pm Chop hoUse Kat Williams (R&B, jazz, pop) & Ben Hovey (trumpet, electronics), 7-9pm emerald loUnge Buffalo Clover (Americana, rock) w/ Eric Dodd Band & Sundy Best, 9pm
SAT. 11/10
get down "Straight from Coney Island" (circus sideshow), 9:30pm
“The Mix” 96.5 House Band
grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm
(rock, classic hits)
harrah's Cherokee Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm
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JaCk of hearts pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm JaCk of the wood pUb Old-time jam, 4pm native kitChen & soCial pUb Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm olive or twist Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6pm Soul/jazz jam, 11pm orange peel Donavon Frankenreiter (singer-songwriter) w/ Holiday Childress & Dylan Holton, 9pm phoenix loUnge Jazz quartet, 8pm pisgah brewing Company Shelton Poe (blues), 6pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm straightaway Cafe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm the altamont theater Lil' Brian & the Zydeco Travelers, 8pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes The Hard Bop Explosion (jazz, funk), 8:30pm vanUatU kava bar Open mic, 9pm westville pUb Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm white horse Box for Beer feat: The Hackbirds, 6-9pm wild wing Cafe Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 7pm
tHursday, nov. 8
“Friends, booze, lasers and cds”: Antique Firearms’ raspy, atmospheric rock has been an instant hit with local audiences. The band returns to The Grey Eagle on Nov. 10 to celebrate the release of its sophomore effort, Vicious Behavior.
5 walnUt wine bar The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm adam dalton distillery Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm allstars sports bar and grill Dance night, 10pm altamont brewing Company Kyle Sorenson (singer-songwriter), 9-11pm asheville mUsiC hall Del Tha Funkee Homosapien (hip-hop) w/ Bukue One, Projekt Lotus & The Difference Machine, 10pm bobo gallery African music night w/ Zansa, 8pm boiler room Duets show (drag performance), 10pm broadway's Heavy Blues Fest feat: Left Lane Cruiser, Scorpion Child & John the Conqueror, 9pm emerald loUnge Mama's Love (rock, jam) w/ Cope & Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room Lizzy Pitch (electro-pop), 6pm get down Humungus (metal) w/ Obsidian Tongue, 9:30pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Earth (drone, doom, country, jazz) w/ Daughn Gibson & Stebmo, 9pm
grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm harrah's Cherokee Karaoke, 8pm-midnight JaCk of hearts pUb Old-time jam, 7pm JaCk of the wood pUb No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Red Honey (vintage country, blues) w/ Sun Brother & Machiavillains, 9:30pm lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm olive or twist Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm orange peel Rubblebucket & Reptar (indie rock, jam) w/ Stepdad, 9pm phoenix loUnge Bradford Carson (jazz, blues, rock), 9pm pisgah brewing Company Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Marco Benevento (jazz, experimental), 8pm pUrple onion Cafe Michael Reno Harrel (singer-songwriter),
7:30pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm soUth side station Karaoke, 8pm soUthern appalaChian brewery CarolinaBound (Americana, folk, country), 7pm tallgary's Cantina Asheville music showcase, 8pm the bywater Hank West & the Smokin' Hots (jazz, swing), 8:30pm the lower level Underground Jazz Lounge w/ Rich Williey & His Band, 8-10:30pm the market plaCe Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm town pUmp Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 9pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Female All Star Spotlight, 9pm white horse Jeanne Jolly (folk, pop, Americana), 7:30pm
Friday, nov. 9 allstars sports bar and grill
to QualiFy For a Free listinG, a venue must Be predominately dedicated to tHe perForminG arts. Bookstores and caFés WitH reGular open mics and musical events are also alloWed / to limit conFusion, events must Be suBmitted By tHe venue oWner or a representative oF tHat venue / events must Be suBmitted in Written Form By e-mail (cluBland@mountainX.com), FaX, snail mail or Hand-delivered to tHe cluBland editor dane smitH at 2 Wall st., room 209, asHeville, nc 28801. events suBmitted to otHer staFF memBers are not assured oF inclusion in cluBland / cluBs must Hold at least tWo events per Week to QualiFy For listinG space. any venue tHat is inactive in cluBland For one montH Will Be removed / tHe cluBland editor reserves tHe riGHt to edit or eXclude events or venues / deadline is By noon on monday For tHat Wednesday’s puBlication. tHis is a Firm deadline.
62 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am blaCk moUntain ale hoUse Allen Thompson Band (roots, country, soul), 9pm ClUb hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hip-hop), 8pm Drag show, midnight elaine's dUeling piano bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am frenCh broad brewery tasting room Leigh Glass & the Hazards (rock, blues), 6pm frenCh broad ChoColate loUnge High Gravity Jazz, 8pm get down Albert Adams (experimental, rock) w/ The Can't Tells & Mystery Cult, 9:30pm
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
PIERCE EDENS & THE DIRTY WORK (rock/americana) pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
good stUff Kathy Kelley & Six Mile Sonic ("outlaw pop"), 8pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Yellow Dubmarine (Beatles tribute, dub), 9pm grove park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pm-midnight harrah's Cherokee Event center: Straight No Chaser (a cappella), 9pm Casino: Fortunate Sons w/ DJ Suave, 8pm-2am havana restaUrant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm highland brewing Company Zip the Hippo (Americana, rock, fusion), 6pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 8-11pm JaCk of hearts pUb John the Conqueror (blues, rock), 9pm JaCk of the wood pUb Shake It Like a Caveman (blues, garage, rock), 5pm Aaron "Woody" Wood & the Ends (blues, soul) w/ East Coast Dirt, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Liberated State (jazz, world, chamber), 10pm lobster trap Calico Moon (Americana, country), 7-9pm monte vista hotel Kevin Scanlon (old-time, folk), 6pm o.henry's/tUg Fetish Friday w/ DJ Xel, 10pm one stop deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm The Revivalists (rock, soul) w/ Pierce Edens, 10pm orange peel Against Me! (punk, rock) w/ Fake Problems & Water Tower, 8pm paCk's tavern Chris Hendricks Band (classic rock), 9pm pisgah brewing Company Big Something (rock, jam) w/ Jimkata, 9pm pUrple onion Cafe Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am soUthern appalaChian brewery Alec & Jacqui (blues, rock, soul), 8pm straightaway Cafe Mark Fuller, 6pm tallgary's Cantina Wolf (classic rock, blues), 9:30pm the altamont theater Lovestruck Suckers (chamber folk, roots) w/ Eleanor Underhill, 8pm the bywater Gary Macfiddle (swing, bluegrass), 9:30pm town pUmp Violin River (psychedelic rock, jam), 9pm toy boat CommUnity art spaCe Humble Tripe (Americana, alt-country) w/ My Gay Banjo, 8pm
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 63
BeHind tHe mic
Asheville FM hosts dozens of weekly shows that run the gamut of musical styles and tastes (you name it, they’ve got it). But don’t take our word for; take theirs. Xpress brings you this weekly feature — direct from the DJs — highlighting a few of the station’s stellar offerings. ashevillefm.org. the Fuzzy Bunny cuddle time Hour may sound like a kids show, but one listen will dispel any and all such notions. Dirk Flytrap and The Doctor delve into their respective interests by weaving a musical narrative around a central theme. Each week, they explore music, current events, history, theories and all things in the zeitgeist. Tuesdays from 6-8pm; More at facebook.com/groups/fuzzbunn. Photo by Max Cooper
thurs. november 8
Red honey
THU 11/8
fri. november 9
FRi 11/9
w/ sun bRotheR, machiavillains 9:30Pm
libeRated state 10Pm
SAT 11/10
sat. november 10
SUn 11/11
gReat baRRieR Reefs w/ KoKovo 9:30Pm
thurs. november 15
Kings of belmont w/ saul Zonana 9:30Pm
TUE 11/13
Harvest Records Presents:
w/ Daughn Gibson & Stebmo 9pm An Evening with:
YEllow DUbmARinE 9pm
AnTiqUE FiREARmS Album Release Show w/ Sin Kitty 9pm
loUDon wAinwRiGHT iii 8pm FRED EAGlESmiTH 8pm
new Years Eve with The Hackensaw boys mountain Goats | Darwin Deez | Japandroids Truth & Salvage Company | John Cowan Camper Van beethoven | iris Dement
Kitchen Open for Brunch & Lunch from 10am - 3pm Mon - Fri & for Dinner at 5pm on Nights of a Show!
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Cry Baby (swing, R&B), 10pm
ClUb remix Synaesthesiae feat: DJs Koji, Kri & Loki, 10pm
JaCk of hearts pUb Jackomo (Cajun, zydeco) w/ The Haw River Rounders (jug band), 9pm
white horse Matuto (world, roots), 8pm
emerald loUnge The Get Downs (blues, rock, soul) w/ The Black Cadillacs, Worldline & The Riverbreaks, 9pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Luke Mitchem (folk), 7pm Crowfield (rock) w/ Letters to Abigail, 9pm
frenCh broad brewery tasting room Lassos (indie rock, folk, pop), 6pm
lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Great Barrier Reefs (funk, jazz) w/ Kokoro, 9:30pm
frenCh broad ChoColate loUnge Shane Perlowin (jazz guitar), 8pm
lobster trap Trevor's Jazz Trio, 7-9pm
wild wing Cafe Mighty McFly ('80s, pop), 9:30pm
saturday, nov. 10 5 walnUt wine bar Giffonzo & Stu (hot jazz), 9:30-11:30pm allstars sports bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm asheville mUsiC hall KiloWatts (electronic) w/ Skytree & Imperial Blend, 10pm athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am bobo gallery Zansa (Afropop, zouglou), 10pm boiler room Tides of Sobek w/ Lithiasis, Dispised Virtue & Understory (metal), 9pm ClUb hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight ClUb metropolis Ashevegas 2 Rave feat: Neon Knights, Audio Rush, JWOB, APOGEE & Damaged Goods, 9:30pm
64 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
get down The Future Now (rock) w/ Molly Sue Gonzalez & the Mean Mean Men (rockabilly, soul), 9:30pm good stUff A Great Disaster (Americana, folk, soul), 8pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Antique Firearms (rock, pop) album release w/ Sin Kitty & Camp David, 9pm
monte vista hotel Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm native kitChen & soCial pUb Habitat for Humanity benefit, 1-6pm o.henry's/tUg Blackout w/ DJ Xel, 10pm olive or twist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm
grove park inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm
orange peel Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (hip-hop) w/ DEE-1 & Xperience, 9pm
harrah's Cherokee Buchanan Boys (country) w/ DJ Suave, 8pm-2am
paCk's tavern 96.5 House Band (rock, classic hits), 9pm
havana restaUrant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm
phoenix loUnge Dust N the Wynn (singer-songwriter), 9pm
highland brewing Company Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (altcountry, roots), 6pm
pisgah brewing Company The Mighty Diamonds (roots, reggae), 9pm
hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 8-11pm
pUrple onion Cafe Gigi Dover & the Big Love (Americana, rock, soul), 8pm
clubdirectory 185 king street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 altamont Brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 aqua cafe & Bar 505-2081 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 the asheville public (tap) 505-1720 asheville music Hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek pizza & ribs 687-2400 Barley’s tap room 255-0504 Black mountain ale House 669-9090 Blend Hookah lounge 505-0067 Blue mountain pizza 658-8777 Blue note Grille 697-6828 Boiler room 505-1612 BoBo Gallery 254-3426 Broadway’s 285-0400 Burgerworx 253-2333 the Bywater 232-6967 club Hairspray 258-2027 club metropolis 258-2027
club remix 258-2027 the chop House 253-1852 the corner 575-2449 craggie Brewing company 254-0360 creature’s cafe 254-3636 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 dark city deli 257-5300 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 the dugout 692-9262 eleven on Grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 Firestorm cafe 255-8115 Fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 French Broad Brewery tasting room 277-0222 French Broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the Gateway club 456-6789 Get down 505-8388 Good stuff 649-9711 Grey eagle music Hall & tavern 232-5800 Grind cafe 430-4343 Grove House eleven on Grove 505-1612
the Grove park inn (elaine’s piano Bar/ Great Hall) 252-2711 the Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 Havana restaurant 252-1611 Highland Brewing company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 the Hop 254-2224 the Hop West 252-5155 iron Horse station 622-0022 Jack of Hearts pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus one more 253-8770 lexington avenue Brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 the lower level 505-8333 luella’s Bar-B-Que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & Grill 253-8805 the magnetic Field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 monte vista Hotel 669-8870 one stop Bar deli & Bar 255-7777 o.Henry’s/tuG 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah Brewing co. 669-0190
pulp 225-5851 purple onion cafe 749-1179 rankin vault 254-4993 red stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root Bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian Brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 stingrays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallGary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s Hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 Westville pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing cafe 253-3066
We Want to Hear from You A-B Tech is holding a series of forums to hear from local residents as part of the College’s ongoing efforts to identify our community’s needs and meet them. Join us from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on one of the following dates: t 4FQU 8FBWFSWJMMF 5PXO )BMM 4PVUI .BJO 4USFFU t 0DU .BHOPMJB #VJMEJOH " # 5FDI "TIFWJMMF $BNQVT t /PW 4PVUI #VODPNCF $PVOUZ -JCSBSZ 0WFSMPPL 3PBE -PDBMMZ $PNNJUUFE t 3FHJPOBMMZ %ZOBNJD t 8PSME $MBTT 'PDVTFE
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 65
red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm
sCandals nightClUb Scandals' 30th birthday celebration, 10pm smokey's after dark Karaoke soUthern appalaChian brewery The Get Right Band (rock, funk, reggae), 8pm straightaway Cafe Paul Cataldo (Americana), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Carolina Rex (blues, funk, R&B), 9:30pm the altamont theater Roxie Watson (bluegrass, country, gospel) & Medrano Sound, 8pm the bywater Bywater Bluegrass Band, 9pm town pUmp Zoodles (Americana), 9pm westville pUb One Leg Up (jazz), 10pm white horse David Holt & Josh Goforth (folk, roots), 8pm
sunday, nov. 11
5 walnUt wine bar The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7-9pm altamont brewing Company Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 5:30pm boiler room Dance party, 10pm Disco Fever (drag performance), 12:30am get down Diesel & Dixie (rock), 9:30pm good stUff Danielle Howle (singer-songwriter), 2pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Loudon Wainwright III (folk, singersongwriter), 8pm hotel indigo Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 8-11pm
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10/31/12 3:40 PM
JaCk of hearts pUb Sunday brunch w/ Hot Point Trio (jazz), 1pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Irish session, 5pm The Steepwater Band (rock, delta blues), 10pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Front stage: Aaron Price (piano), 1pm lobster trap Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm monte vista hotel Jared Gallamore (standards), 11am one stop deli & bar Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am orange peel Lindsey Buckingham (rock), 8pm soUthern appalaChian brewery Marc Yaxley Trio (classical, jazz, flamenco), 5pm straightaway Cafe Dan & Mark, 6pm the altamont theater Sole Hope benefit & art auction, 5pm the bywater Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (altcountry, roots), 7pm the Corner Tea dance, 6pm Drag show, 9:45pm white horse Drum circle, 2pm Molly Sue Gonzalez & the Mean Men (rockabilly, soul), 7:30pm
monday, nov. 12 5 walnUt wine bar CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter, soul, blues), 8-10pm adam dalton distillery Monday night jam w/ Iggy, 9pm blaCk moUntain ale hoUse Karaoke, 9pm get down Southern Front (Southern rock, covers) w/ Amnesis & InAeona, 9:30pm
Six Time Losers (country, Americana), 10pm lobster trap Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 7-9pm orange peel Dillon Francis (electronic) w/ Clockwork & Bauuer, 9pm tallgary's Cantina Hip-hop in the Ville w/ DJ Poofolk, 9:30pm the altamont theater Bert Lams & Tom Griesgraber (eclectic, instrumental guitar), 8pm the bywater Bluegrass jam, 8pm the lower level Russ Wilson & His Band (swing, big band), 8-10:30pm
tuesday, nov. 13 185 king street Open jam, 8pm 5 walnUt wine bar The John Henry's (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm altamont brewing Company Open mic, 8:30pm asheville mUsiC hall Funk jam, 11pm broadway's Nude Beach (rock), 10pm ClUb eleven on grove Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance, 8:30pm get down Megan Jean & the KFB (Americana), 9:30pm good stUff Old-time jam, 7pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Fred Eaglesmith (singer-songwriter, altcountry), 8pm
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Contra dance, 8pm
grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm
JaCk of hearts pUb Kari Sickenberger, Vollie McKenzie & Dan Lewis (singer-songwriters), 7-9pm
handlebar Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard bluegrass jam, 8:30pm
JaCk of the wood pUb
hotel indigo
20% off food purchase with Ad
Music Schedules
Wednesday, November 7th
BROWN BAG SONGRWITING COMPETITION $3FREE6pmtoto- enterALLwatchAGES! Hosted by Amanda Platt & Alex Krug
Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 8-11pm JaCk of the wood pUb An evening w/ Allagash lobster trap Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm
wild wing Cafe Karaoke, 9:30pm
Wednesday, nov. 14
olive or twist Bluedawg blues jam, 8-11pm
5 walnUt wine bar Hotpoint Trio (jazz), 8-10pm
one stop deli & bar Two for Tuesday feat: Mallett Brothers & Les Racquet, 8pm DJ Adam Strange, 10pm
allstars sports bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm
orange peel Guitar Jam feat: Matt Stillwell, Kix Brooks, Dustin Lynch & more, 7:30pm phoenix loUnge Paul Jones (classical/jazz guitar), 8pm pisgah brewing Company Vinyl night (bring your own records), 6pm sCUlly's Daughters of Atlantis (acoustic rock), 10pm the altamont theater Original music series feat: Brian Felix, 8pm
athena's ClUb Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
straightaway Cafe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Wendy Hayes & Three for Time (jazz, blues), 8:30pm vanUatU kava bar Open mic, 9pm
emerald loUnge Antigone Rising (rock) w/ Jen Foster & Hannah Thomas, 9pm
white horse Hannah Miller (folk, rock, pop), 7:30pm
grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm harrah's Cherokee Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm JaCk of hearts pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm
tolliver's Crossing irish pUb Trivia, 8:30pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Old-time jam, 4pm
town pUmp Black Mountain locals jam, 7:30pm
lobster trap Ben Hovey (trumpet, electronics), 7-9pm
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Karaoke, 9pm
native kitChen & soCial pUb Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm
vanUatU kava bar Comedy open mic w/ Tom Scheve, 9pm
olive or twist Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm
white horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm
westville pUb Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm
the bywater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm
westville pUb Blues jam, 10pm
pisgah brewing Company Dirk Quinn Band (jazz, funk), 6pm
blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Open mic, 7pm
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Darwin Deez (indie pop, hip-hop) w/ Hollerado & Decent Lovers, 8:30pm
one stop deli & bar Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6pm Soul/jazz jam, 11pm phoenix loUnge
the $1 PBRs
Jazz quartet, 8pm
wild wing Cafe Ashley Heath (folk), 7pm
tHursday, nov. 15
10pm $10/$14 21+
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien
w/ Bukue One, Projekt Lotus, & The Difference Machine
Friday, November 9th
185 king street Reggae jam w/ Nethali Percival & Dennis Berndt, 8pm
Brews, Bluegrass, & BBQ feat. Kendall Huntley & 5-8pm FREE!
native kitChen & soCial pUb Trivia, 7pm
Thursday, November 8th
double the fun: Experimental rock duo Albert Adams is somewhere between noisy metal and synthy dance rock, fuzzy and thundering with catchy rhythms and and a healthy dose of melody. But the fun doesn’t end with the music; these dudes also have a righteous sense of humor. The pair play The Get Down on Nov. 9.
11pm SOUL JAZZ JAM FREE! hosted by Preston Cate 21+
The Revivalists $5/$7 w/ Pierce Edens 21+ Saturday, November 10th
w/ Skytree & 10pm $10 Imperial Blend 18+
Sunday, November 11th
185 king street Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 9pm
Bluegrass Brunch 11am
5 walnUt wine bar The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm
Open Jam! Bring your instruments!
adam dalton distillery Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm allstars sports bar and grill Dance night, 10pm bobo gallery African music night w/ Zansa, 8pm boiler room Talent search w/ Ashley Michaels, 10pm emerald loUnge Former Champions (electronic, rock) w/ pH Factor, 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room Matt Walsh's Low Counts (rock, Americana), 6pm
hosted by The Pond Brothers Tuesday, November 13th
TWO FOR TUESDAY 8pm Mallett Brothers & Les Racquet $2 - ALL AGES! DJ Adam Strange spins afterwards til 11pm!
FUNK JAM! FREE! 11pm NOW UPSTAIRS IN ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL! More information & Advance Tickets available always at
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 67
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Pokey LaFarge (ragtime, blues, jazz, Western swing) w/ The Dirt Daubers & The Twilite Broadcasters, 8:30pm grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm harrah's Cherokee Karaoke, 8pm-midnight highland brewing Company The Broadcast (rock, soul), 6pm
Full Bar 27 Beers On Tap
American-Inspired Cuisine Pool | Shuffleboard | Foosball | 11’ Screen
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Open til 2am daily | Kitchen open late 777 Haywood road | 225-WPUB WWW.WESTVILLEPUB.COM
JaCk of hearts pUb Old-time jam, 7pm JaCk of the wood pUb No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Kings of Belmont (rock, psychedelic, jam) w/ Saul Zonana, 9pm lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm olive or twist Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm
Sports Lounge feat. College Football and Monday Night Football on the big screen Brand new DJ: DJ Mike 15 New Feature Entertainers see for yourself at
Great Drink Specials Every Night New Hours:
Mon - Sat 6:30pm - 2am
520 Sw a n nano a Riv e r R d, Ash evi l l e, N C 28805 • ( 8 2 8 ) 2 9 8 - 1 4 0 0 68 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
harrah's Cherokee Michelle Leigh (country, rock) w/ DJ Moto, 8pm-2am havana restaUrant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 8-11pm JaCk of hearts pUb Riyen Roots & the Family Tree Band (blues, roots), 9pm
lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Viva (rock) w/ Pawtooth, 10pm
pisgah brewing Company Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Papa Grows Funk, 9pm
monte vista hotel Daniel Keller (jazz guitar), 6pm
pUrple onion Cafe Jay Brown (roots, blues), 7:30pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm soUth side station Karaoke, 8pm tallgary's Cantina Asheville music showcase, 8pm
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Peggy Ratusz blues showcase, 9pm white horse Pam & Don McMahon ("acoustic music to feed your soul"), 7:30pm
Friday, nov. 16
Now featuring area’s only “Spinning Pole”
grove park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pmmidnight
orange peel Mountain Rock Girl pageant, 8pm
town pUmp H.R. Gertner ("cow punk"), 9pm
Over 40 Entertainers
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Hermit Kings (rock, soul) w/ Deep Chatham & Alarm Clock Conspiracy, 9pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Ten Cent Poetry (folk, pop), 5pm David Earl & the Plowshares (rock, soul) w/ The River Rats, 9pm
the market plaCe Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm
Ladies & Couples Welcome
good stUff Paul Edelman (folk, Americana), 8pm
one stop deli & bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm Grateful Dead night w/ Phuncle Sam, 10pm
the lower level Underground Jazz Lounge w/ Rich Williey & His Band, 8-10:30pm
WNC’s Premiere Adult Lounge & Sports Room
The Antagonizers (punk, psychobilly) w/ The Flat Tires, The DiMarcos & Southbound Turnaround, 9:30pm
allstars sports bar and grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm asheville mUsiC hall Scrapomatic (rock, soul), 10pm athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am boiler room Running on E w/ Crunk Witch, Monkey in Podship & Johann Ess (punk, rock), 9pm diana wortham theater Paula Poundstone (comedy), 8pm elaine's dUeling piano bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am emerald loUnge Low Cut Connie (rock, Americana) w/ Old Southern Moonshine Revival & Miles Nielsen and the Rusted Hearts, 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm get down
native kitChen & soCial pUb Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 8pm olive or twist Bluedawg Blues, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm orange peel Break Science & Michal Menert (electronic) w/ Muz Mool, 9pm paCk's tavern A Social Function (dance, classic hits), 9pm pisgah brewing Company The Bloom Burns Duo (electronic, jazz), 8pm pUrple onion Cafe Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm
athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am diana wortham theater The Kruger Brothers (bluegrass), 8pm emerald loUnge The Left Field Experiment feat: Jonwayne, P Villa, Samuel Paradise & 10th Letter (electronic, dance), 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room Dehlia Low & friends (country, bluegrass), 6pm get down Kelly Barrow goodbye party, 9:30pm good stUff Qiet ("degenerate cabaret") w/ Skunk Ruckus, Viva (rock) & Andrew Benjamin, 8pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Mountain Xpress Best Of WNC Bash feat: Big Nasty & Crazyhorse and Colston, 9pm grove park inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm harrah's Cherokee Kayla & Twisted Trail w/ DJ Dizzy, 8pm2am havana restaUrant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 8-11pm JaCk of hearts pUb Tater Diggers (Appalachian, traditional), 9pm JaCk of the wood pUb Eli Cook (blues guitar), 7pm Al Scorch & Adam McBride (country, Americana) w/ Bevel Summers, 9pm monte vista hotel Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm olive or twist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm orange peel Caspa (dubstep) w/ Styles & Complete, 9pm
red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm
paCk's tavern Scott Raines & Laura Michaels Band (acoustic rock), 9pm
sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
phoenix loUnge Moonshine Babies (folk, blues), 9pm
spUrs Diggypop Malone, Tripsta Trip, Pone, General Chryst & DJ Twan (hip-hop), straightaway Cafe The Everydays, 6pm tallgary's Cantina Live music, 9:30pm the altamont theater Mike Compton & Joe Newberry (traditional, folk), 8pm town pUmp Locust Honey (string band), 9pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Jim Arrendell & the Cheap Suits (dance), 10pm white horse Duck Baker (jazz, blues, ragtime, swing), 8pm wild wing Cafe Contagious (rock), 9:30pm
saturday, nov. 17 5 walnUt wine bar The Krektones (surf rock), 10pm
pisgah brewing Company Abby Road Live (Beatles tribute), 9pm pUrple onion Cafe The Erin McDermott Band (bluegrass, folk), 8pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am smokey's after dark Karaoke straightaway Cafe R&R Crossing, 6pm tallgary's Cantina Al Coffee & the Grinders (blues), 9:30pm the altamont theater Many Voices presents "Not Alone" (theatre), 3:30pm A.J. Croce (singer-songwriter), 8pm town pUmp Big Bread (reggae), 9pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes The Nightcrawlers (rock, blues, soul), 10pm
allstars sports bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm
westville pUb Marcel Anton Band (New Orleans funk), 10pm
altamont brewing Company Dirty Bourbon River Show (gypsy, folk, zydeco), 10pm
white horse Sara Grey & Kieron Means (traditional, folk) w/ Joe Newberry, 8pm
theaterlistings Friday, NOVEMBEr 9 Thursday, NOVEMBEr 15
movie reviews & listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ max rating
additional reviews by justin souther contact xpressmovies@aol.com
pickoftheweek Holy Motors JJJJJ Director: Leos carax PLayers: Denis Lavant, eDith scob, KyLie Minogue, eLise LhoMeau, Jeanne Disson, MicheL PiccoLi, eva MenDes, Leos carax surreal Fantasy DraMa
rateD nr
The Story: A wildly inventive surreal excursion into a day in the life of a man — apparently an actor — as he assumes a variety of strange roles. The Lowdown: Probably the most strikingly original and inventive work of the year, but one destined to baffle — even possibly anger — some viewers, who will find its strangeness and lack of a traditional storyline off-putting. The only thing I can assure you about Leos Carax’s Holy Motors is that it’s unlike anything else you will see this year. Whether or not you consider this a good thing or a bad thing will depend entirely on how you respond to the mysteries of Holy Motors. Myself, I was transfixed — even during the one segment (involving motion capture) I didn’t much care for. I was transfixed because it’s rare that we get the chance to encounter anything this freely inventive, this amusing, this ineffably sad and, yet, this full of life. The very fact that it’s almost certain to be one of the most divisive films of the year — despite its 91 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes — is in itself a testament to its incredible fearlessness. That’s also part of its appeal. I approached Holy Motors (which I’ve now seen three times) with very little knowledge of filmmaker Leos Carax. I’d read enough that I knew his name was an anagram of his real first and middle names, Alex Oscar. The only thing of his I’d seen was his “Merde” segment in Tokyo! (2009) — whose main character, Monsieur Merde, reappears here. And, going to see Holy Motors, I certainly understood that the film was…well, a significant departure from what you might call a normal movie. Well, I’m certainly not going to deny that —
lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at mountainx.com/movies.
Eva Mendes and Denis Lavant in Leos Carax's strange and very wonderful Holy Motors — the most unusual movie you're likely to see this year. nor will I claim that it’s a film that doesn’t challenge the viewer (some consider that a bad thing). It is indeed a film that — like all truly worthwhile art — is open to multiple interpretations. However, I think it’s worth noting that for all this, it’s not hard to follow what’s going on in the storyline. In fact, this becomes evident quite early on in the film. What is not so clear is why it’s going on — and this is where interpretation comes into play. The film’s opening is one of its key sequences. It features a packed theater with an almost entirely motionless audience that is apparently mesmerized by what’s happening on the screen. But how can they be? Their eyes are closed as whatever drama is playing out. Sounds from this film awaken a sleeping man (Carax), who enters the theater’s empty balcony through a secret door in the wall. He looks down on the sleeping audience, whereupon the sound of an ocean liner’s horn takes the film to its first actual sequence. The sound is a perfect segue because the story proper opens at a house that resembles an art deco steamship. Here is where the day begins for Monsieur Oscar (the remarkable Denis Lavant), who is setting off for his day’s work — all of which is conducted from a white stretch limo driven by a blonde woman named Celine (Edith Scob, who finally dons the mask she wore in her most famous film, 1960’s Eyes Without a Face). In the car — which doubles as a dressing room, complete with lighted makeup mirror — he receives his various “appointments.” These range from the one he’s apparently still playing from the night before, to playing a stooped-over beggar woman whose world
has been reduced to “pavement and feet,” to a motion capture artist, and then to the return of the Tokyo! character, M. Merde, whose wildly anti-social aggressions are again accompanied by music from Godzilla (1954). It is unclear whether M. Oscar’s utterance of, “Merde,” merely reflects his recognition of who he’s playing, or is an expression of disgust at doing the same role again. This round, Merde bites off a woman’s fingers, licks Eva Mendes’ armpit, carries her off to his lair in the sewer, redresses her, strips himself naked and crawls into her lap in a kind of very blasphemous Madonna and Child pose. There are other characters — a father, a killer and his victim, a dying man, a man returning to his suburban home. There’s even an accordionist — a role he undertakes for the film’s entr’acte. (After seeing this, I’m of the opinion that all films would be improved by such an addition.) There is also a telling encounter with a shadowy figure (played by that grand old man of French cinema, Michel Piccoli) who simply appears in the limo to critique Oscar’s performances — which some are finding a little tired. Oscar complains that technology has made the cameras so small that he has trouble even believing they’re there — a reflection of Carax’s dissatisfaction with the digitalization of cinema. “Isn’t this nostalgia a bit sentimental?” asks the man, who further asks why Oscar continues — only to be told that it is for the “beauty of the act.” “Beauty,” remarks the man, “They say it’s in the eye of the beholder.” “And if there’s no more beholder?” asks Oscar. (Like an unresponsive audience with their eyes closed perhaps?)
Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters. n asHeville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)
Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Moonrise Kingsom (Pg13) 7:00 the odd life of timothy green (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 ted (r) 10:00
seven Psychopaths (r) 12:20, 2:50, 5:30, 8:00, 10:30 (sofa cinema) skyfall (Pg-13) 10:30, 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30 taken 2 (Pg-13) 12:20, 2:30, 6:10, 8:20, 10:30 (sofa cinema) wreck-it ralph 3D (Pg) 4:40, 9:30 wreck-it ralph 2D (Pg) 11:45, 2:15, 7:10
n CarMiKe CineMa 10 (298-4452)
n CineBarre (665-7776)
alex Cross (Pg-13) 2:00, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 argo (r) 1:35, 4:25, 7:20, 10:05 atlas shrugged: Part ii (Pg-13) 1:45, 4:30, 7:25, 10:10 Flight (r) 12:55, 4:05, 7:15, 10:25 Here Comes the Boom (Pg) 1:00, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 Hotel transylvania 2D (Pg) 1:55, 4:45, 7:05, 9:30 the Perks of Being a wallflower (Pg-13) 2:05, 4:40, 7:30, 10:00 seven Psychopaths (r) 1:30, 6:35 silent Hill: revelation 3D (r) 4:10, 9:15 wreck-it ralph 3D (Pg) 1:05, 4:00, 6:40, 9:20 wreck-it ralph 2D (Pg) 1:20, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 n Carolina asHeville CineMa 14 (274-9500)
argo (r) 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 Cloud atlas (r) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 10:00 Flight (r) 11:15, 12:15, 2:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:15, 8:30, 10:15 Hotel transylvania (Pg) 11:00, 1:10, 3:20, 5:30, 7:40, 9:50 (sofa cinema) the Man with the iron Fist (r) 11:00, 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8:00, 10:15 the other Dream team (nr) 11:15, 1:30, 3:40, 5:50, 8:00, 10:10 the Paperboy (r) 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:25, 9:50 the Perks of Being a wallflower (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:15, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50 (sofa cinema)
Brave (Pg) 10:50 (sat-sun), 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35 the Campaign (r) 11:00 (sat-sun), 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:35 Hope springs (Pg-13) 10:45 (sat-sun), 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:40 the odd life of timothy green (Pg) 10:55 (sat-sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:50 trouble with the Curve (Pg-13) 10:40 (sat-sun), 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:55 n Co-eD CineMa BrevarD (883-2200)
skyfall (Pg-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 n ePiC oF HenDersonville (693-1146) n Fine arts tHeatre (232-1536)
Holy Motors (nr) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show 9:30 night of the living Dead (nr) 9:30 thu., nov. 15 only romanza (nr) 4:00 sat., nov. 10 only samsara (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20 (no 4:20 show sat., nov. 10), 7:20, Late show Fri-sar 9:40 n FlatroCK CineMa (697-2463)
argo (r) Fri-sun only 12:00 Cloud atlas (r) 3:00, 7:00 n regal BiltMore granDe staDiuM 15 (684-1298) n uniteD artists BeauCatCHer (298-1234)
For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 69
Late in the film, Oscar has an encounter with a lost love (splendidly played by Kylie Minogue) — a woman in his own profession. Their reminscing even includes a song for the woman that’s at once beautifully moving and just slightly silly — played out in the gutted remains of an old Samaritaine department store. It’s a moment of splendid transcendence that makes the viewer suspect there’s more than a little of Carax in M. Oscar. It’s also a moment that leads to shattering horror and brings the film into a kind of weary retreat. I’ve described much, I know, but I haven’t scratched the surface of the film’s richness — and I’ve only hinted at what it’s about, or what it might be about. Is it a funeral march for the death of cinema? Is it Carax’s own thoughts on a future cinema? Is it about film in general — playing with genres and crossreferences? Is it nothing more than Carax trying to blast a complacent sleeping audience back into conscious life? I think it’s all these things and probably more — and if you’re really interested in cinema, you need to see for yourself. Not Rated, but contains violence, some gore, adult themes and full-frontal male nudity (in its prominent state). reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre
Flight JJJ Director: robert Zemeckis Players: DenZel Washington, Don cheaDle, bruce greenWooD, kelly reilly, John gooDman Problem Picture Drama
rateD r
The Story: An alcoholic pilot manages a remarkable feat of flying that saves a lot of lives, but his condition at the time raises legal and ethical questions. The Lowdown: Despite a strong opening, the film quickly turns into a dramatically dubious "problem picture" about alcoholism. Good performances are not enough to change that. A great many of the folks in Critic Land seem to think Robert Zemeckis’ Flight is worth getting excited about. I think they saw another movie. Despite the fact that I am not and never have been a fan of Robert Zemeckis and do not subscribe to the idea that Denzel Washington can do no wrong (John Q settled that), I still held out hopes that this would be good — in part, because of the reviews, but even more because I don’t actually want to spend two hours and 20 minutes with a bad movie. But there’s something worse than that — spending two hours and 20 minutes with mediocre hokum. And that’s what I got. Oh sure, it’s decked out with a whiz-bang opening (that would be more suspenseful if we didn’t already know how it plays out) and it has a solid cast to give it a boost, but really this is mostly a simplistic take on alcoholism — one that would be better suited for TV. It even plays like a well-meaning TV drama in that — by the one hour mark at the latest — you can not only predict everything that happens, but provide most of the dialogue. However, it’s also the sort of movie that gets cut a lot of
slack because it’s "important" — and it makes sure you know it. The first half hour (everything up through the plane crash) isn’t bad. Some of it is even pretty good, and all of the film is thoroughly professional, if hardly remarkable. The problem is that all of it — except for the setup for the subplot about drug addict Nicole (Kelly Reilly, Sherlock Holmes) — is little more than an elaboration of things we already knew from the film’s trailer. My guess is that it’s the best stuff in the movie simply because it’s the kind of high concept thing — Zemeckis responds to drunk, coked-up Washington saves 96 out of 102 people on a doomed airliner with his amazing pilot skills. It’s when the film gets down to the legal issues and Washington dealing (and not dealing) with his alcohol and drug issues that he seems to be at a loss to do much of anything other than play traffic cop. This is not entirely Zemeckis’ fault, though. The screenplay by John Gatins (who seems to specialize in movies of an uplifting nature) is a ragtag collection of alcoholism clichés — few of which feel like they came from someone who has dealt with addicts in an up close and personal manner. Most of the phrases feel like they were drawn from an overfamiliarity with TV dramas on the topic. The movie does have a few bright lines — mostly delivered by Washington in a manner that makes them seem brighter than they are. One of the odder and slightly disturbing things is that this otherwise largely humorless (another TV drama staple) film finds its comic relief in John Goodman as a ridiculously flamboyant drug dealer. I won’t deny that the film is livelier whenever he’s in it (accompanied twice by the song, "Sympathy for the Devil." Clearly, the film’s musical choices are rather limited and uninspired), but the whole idea is peculiar at best. I’m not even going to get into the valid question of just how Washington’s character — whom everyone seems to know is an alcoholic — has managed to avoid official detection all this time. Here’s the thing: You may like the movie. A lot of people seem to. I can’t fault its production values, its impressive crash scene or its performances. But when all was said and done, I found it unpersuasive and uncompelling. Mostly, it struck me as slightly tedious and utterly predictable — and it felt even longer than it was. Rated R for drug and alcohol abuse, language, sexuality/nudity and an intense action sequence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande
man With the iron Fists J Director: rZa Players: rZa, russell croWe, ricky yune, lucy liu, Dave bautista Kung Fu action
rateD r
The Story: A shipment of gold attracts all types of types of ne’er do wells in a small Chinese village.
70 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
nothing sacreD
The Lowdown: Incoherent action scenes, a dull plot and cartoonish special effects make for a long slog of an JJJJJ action movie. Director: William a. Wellman (A StAr IS Born) After a career as a member of the Wu-Tang Clan — who took their name from the 1983 Gordon Liu vehicle Shaolin and Wu Tang — and making music tinged and influenced by old kung fu flicks, actor-turned-director RZA making a Shaw Brothers-inspired action film is a logical next step. And at first, RZA’s Man With the Iron Fists is refreshing, eschewing much of the postmodern rearranging one expects from these homages to long past genre work (Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror (2007) and Machete (2010)) for a surprisingly straightfaced approach to chopsocky filmmaking. But it doesn’t take long for that luster to fade as Iron Fists quickly becomes nothing more than an exercise in fandom — and a none too exciting or inspired one, either. For reasons more than just his standing as executive producer, Quentin Tarantino and his series of Kill Bill films are Iron Fists closest modern touchstones (beyond taking a ton of cues from the movie). But what sets those Kill Bill films apart from RZA’s — amongst many reasons — is that while those flicks are very much genuflecting back to old films, while RZA’s filtering those movies through his own worldview — even if that worldview is built on little more than digested and regurgitated cinema. That’s more than we get from RZA, who’s made little more than a fan film. Another musician-cum-filmmaker, Rob Zombie, has done much the same so far during his career. His debut, House of 1000 Corpses (2003), is a hodge podge of Tobe Hooper and exploitation films, but it’s almost painfully self-indulgent and modernzized. Iron Fists comes off more as a photocopy of the films RZA loves, like a YouTube video made by an adoring fan. Unfortunately, this doesn’t exactly translate into entertaining results. The story is basic, involving a small Chinese village that’s inundated by a rogue’s gallery of super-powered kung fu archetypes, all after a chest full of gold. The biggest problem is RZA, whose fight scenes appear cleverly choreographed, but he shoots them all as impossibly jumbled messes. He also gets the bulk of the screentime as the village blacksmith, but he lacks any range or onscreen charisma, and mumbles his way through scenes. Besides Byron Mann (Catwoman) as the film’s flamboyant villain, little of the cast comes across well. This includes Russell Crowe, who’s simply shockingly — and distractingly — haggard and out of shape. Even the idea that Iron Fists is supposed to be an entertaining gorefest is torpedoed by cheesy CGI blood and other cartoonish effects. There’s no elegance to Iron Fists and even less that’s clever, adding nothing new to the genre it so lovingly evokes. Rated R for bloody violence, strong sexuality, language and brief drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher
Players: carole lombarD, FreDric march, Walter connolly, charles Winninger, sig ruman
screWball comeDy
rateD nr
The Story: Wrongly diagnosed with radium poisoning, a young woman becomes the toast of New York because she’s dying — only she isn’t. The Lowdown: William Wellman’s unflinchingly cynical screwball comedy about the cult of celebrity scales the heights of satire as few films ever have. Stars Carole Lombard (gorgeous in Technicolor) and Fredric March throw themselves headlong into this wickedly funny movie. William A. Wellman’s very aptly titled Nothing Sacred (1937) begins with a series of titles informing us, "This is New York, skyscraper champion of world, where the slickers and know-it-alls peddle gold bricks to each other, and where truth, crushed to earth, rises again more phony than a glass eye." That effectively captures the tone of the film, which is quite probably the single most cynical of all screwball comedies. Wellman’s film — and Ben Hecht’s screenplay — takes no prisoners in its jandiced look at not only the cult of manufactured celebrity, but the people who attach themselves to cause celebre cults. If you’ve ever felt a little skeptical of the business of people aligning themselves with tragedies that have no actual bearing on their lives, this is your movie. It’s a film that sets up sacred cows and then happily leads them to the abattoir — and yet it does so with such good humor that it’s ultimately more funny than bitter. The story concerns disgraced newspaper reporter Wally Cook (Fredric March) seizing a chance to redeem himself by turning Hazel Flagg (Carole Lombard looking luminous in her only color film) — a girl from Warsaw, Vt. who’s been diagnosed with radium poisoning — into a media sensation by bringing her to New York. Such a coup will square him with his editor, Oliver Stone (Walter Connolly), who has been punishing Wally ever since his last sensation, the Sultan of Mazupan (Troy Brown), turned out to be a shoeshine man from Harlem. Obviously — since Wally had nothing to do with the original newspaper article on Hazel — here’s a story that can’t blow up in Stone’s face. It just has to be true, right? Well, at least that’s what everybody assumes is the case. With this in mind, Wally sets out for Vermont to bring Hazel Flagg back with him. If the film is cynical about New York, it’s perhaps even less favorably impressed with the fictional town of Warsaw, Vt. (I suspect it’s a deliberate parody of the equally fictional Mandrake Falls, Vt., presented in Normal Rockwellian terms in Frank Capra’s Mr. Deeds Goes to Town the previous year.) The town is depressingly rundown (it must have been 30 years since anything was painted) and the locals are unfriendly and grasping, expect-
ing to be paid ("Well, you’ve tooken up my time") just to be talked to. Hazel’s physician, Dr. Downer (Charles Winninger), is an illtempered souse with a chip on his shoulder over a contest Wally’s paper didn’t give him an award for 22 years ago. It’s this feeling of entitlement that prompts him not to reveal the fact that he misdiagnosed Hazel’s condition and she isn’t suffering from radiation poisoning ("It’s kind of startling to be brought to life twice — and each time in Warsaw," sobs Hazel). Dr. Downer’s notion is to take the paper for everything he can get out of them. So with all the credulity of one of his own readers, Wally takes the "dying" girl and her doctor to New York. Of course, the city goes wild over the "doomed" Hazel, turning her into a celebrity — and feeling ever so good about themselves for feeling sorry for her. This can only go on so long before two inevitable things happen — Hazel’s true condition comes to light and Wally falls in love with her (even cynical comedies bow to this convention). How it all plays out, however, is somewhat at odds with what you might expect. That’s what makes Nothing Sacred something special in the realm of classic screwball comedies. Don’t miss this one. reviewed by Ken Hanke Plays at 7:30 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 14 at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
The OTher Dream Team JJJ Director: Marius a. Markevicius Players: arvyDas sabonis, sarunas Marciulionis, bill Walton, Mickey Hart, Jonas valanciunas SpOrTS DOcumenTary
raTeD nr
The Story: The true story of the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic Men’s Basketball Team, and their rise from the remains of the Soviet Union.
The Lowdown: A well-meaning doc that lacks focus and suffers from a scattershot approach. If good intentions do not pave the road to Hell, they at least cobble the sidewalk to mediocrity. That’s what we get with Marius A. Markevicius’ The Other Dream Team, a wellintentioned documentary that suffers from a lack of focus. The film tells the story of the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic Men’s Basketball team, who won the bronze in Barcelona, but were overshadowed by America’s muchhyped Dream Team. The Lithuanians’ story is a much more dramatic than that of the United States team, as the Lithuanians lived much of their lives occupied by the Soviet Union, and a handful of them were forced into playing for the Russian National Team that won the gold at the 1988 Olympics. The film ranges far and wide, acting as a history lesson on Lithuanian and Soviet politics, a primer on the history and importance of basketball in the Baltic states, plus offering a look at a modern day Lithuanian NBA prospect (an aspect that feels shoehorned in). And this is the film’s basic problem — it’s simply all over the place, and, consequently, wholly uneven. Some segments just work better than others. The fight for Lithuanian independence is especially strong, since it’s shocking in its brutality and emotional resonance — and because it’s a piece of history mostly overlooked by Americans. But you also get the other side of the spectrum (like a look at life in the U.S.S.R.) that too often feels like a recap from middle school social studies. Since Markevicius wants to cover so much ground, chunks of The Other Dream Team feel glossed over or rushed through. The Olympic basketball footage itself — which is presumably a huge draw for basketball fans that the movie’s seemingly targeting — is lacking. When compared to a something like last year’s
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startingfriday hOlY mOtOrS
See review in "Cranky Hanke." Liz Sullivan
the Other dream team
See Justin Souther's review in "Cranky Hanke."
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– Manohla Dargis, THE NEW YORK TIMES
“ May be
– Miriam Bale, NY DAILY NEWS
CANNES FILM FESTIVAL Prix de la Jeunesse
– Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE The New York Times
SITGES FILM FESTIVAL Best Film, Best Director
CHICAGO INT’L FILM FESTIVAL Best Film, Best Actor, Best Cinematography
sports documentary Senna, which contains wall-to-wall archival footage, The Other Dream Team feels desperately and tragically lacking in that department. Most of the interview subjects — especially the players themselves — are interesting, though too often specialized (you’re getting zero entertainment value out of listening to Bill Walton unless you’re already familiar with his enthusiastic schtick). Really, the entire film — no matter how wellintentioned it is — is a bit too specialized lacks the ultimate inspiration it’s shooting for and, consequently, lacks the emotional response it deserves. Not Rated. reviewed by Justin Souther Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
Wreck-It ralph JJJ Director: rich Moore Players: (Voices) John c. reilly, sarah silVerMan, Jane lynch, alan tuDyk anImated kIddIe FlIck
72 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
rated pG
The Story: Video-game bad guy WreckIt Ralph wants to become a hero and leaves his own game in search of that goal in other games. The Lowdown: It’s not actually bad (though it sure didn’t need to be as long as it is by about 20 minutes) and John C. Reilly puts his all into the lead voice, but neither is it all that good. Small children may like it. In its favor, Wreck-It Ralph is colorful and harmless. It’s also harmless and colorful. That just about covers it — unless you’re pretty young and in need of yet another life lesson about being yourself. I’m guessing that there might be more percentage in it if you play — or played — video games. My fleeting exposure to Pac-Man, Tetris (Gameboy only), Sonic the Hedgehog and some Mac game called Apeiron (to which I was briefly addicted) does not qualify me to speak to this matter, nor to any in-jokes on the topic. (I pause now to let those so inclined complain that I am not qualified to review a movie such as this. I assure everyone my role here is not
It's the the 50th anniversary of James Bond movies (something clearly designed to make those of us who were around when it all started feel old), so of course, Bond is back in a new and bigger movie. This one apparently even tries to grapple with the question of just where James Bond fits in modern times — or if he really does at all. And to handle it all, they've brought in "artsy" director Sam Mendes (who, frankly, needs a hit). Daniel Craig is back as Bond and Judi Dench returns as M. This round we also get Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Rhys Ifans and Naomie Harris. The film's out in most of the world already to astonishingly good reviews and about $170 million in ticket sales. Clearly, this qualifies as the Next Big Thing. (PG-13) by choice.) I did get — and enjoyed — the Oreo cookie/Wizard of Oz gag, if that’s any consolation. The story here is that Wreck-It Ralph (John C. Reilly) is the villain in a really dumb game called Fix-it Felix, Jr. There’s an apartment building that Ralph wrecks for no apparent reason, whereupon Felix (TV actor Jack McBrayer) comes along and fixes the damage with his magic hammer. That’s it except the apartment dwellers throw Ralph off the roof. And that might be OK, but when the arcade closes and everyone goes home, all the games have lives of their own and the residents of Fix-It Felix continue to treat Ralph as a villain. Fed up with this — and getting no real comfort from some kind of AA-styled badguy help group — Ralph decides to wander into other games in search of a medal — the very thing that will gain him respect in his own game. This not only doesn’t go well, but it leaves Fix-It Felix without a bad guy — putting it out of commision and possibly consigning it to the trash heap. Most of the film takes place in a game called Sugar Rush, which is kind of like the Candy Land board game with racecars — and on acid. (And I still don’t know what those colorful things are that look like dildoes — ribbed, no less — and festoon the landscape.) This place is ruled by King Candy (Alan Tudyk doing an annoying Ed Wynn impression, but I guess there’s no other kind) who is unaccountably determined to keep Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) from entering the races. Naturally, that’s her big aim in life and...look, you don’t need me to tell you any more of this. If you can’t pretty much figure out where this is going, you’re too young to be reading this review. All in all, Wreck-It Ralph probably won’t do you any harm. But unless you are taking small children to it — or are being paid to watch it — I can’t imagine why you’d feel inclined to find out for yourselves. Rated PG for some rude humor and mild action/violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande
specialscreenings El Vampiro (ThE VampirE) JJJJJ horror raTEd Nr In Brief: El Vampiro is the movie that really kicked off the always interesting and entertaining — if often somewhat silly and illogical — Mexican horror films of the 1950s and ‘60s. It’s a reasonably straightforward vampire picture of the Dracula school — albeit one made under obvious budgetary constraints, which is generally offset by director Fernando Méndez’s gift for creating an effective atmosphere. El Vampiro is nowhere near as loopy as much of that came in its wake, but it’s a lot of good vampire fun. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen El Vampiro Thursday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
ThE GrEEN room JJJJJ drama raTEd pG In Brief: François Truffaut directs and stars in this adaptation of two Henry James stories — an odd and decidedly small-scale work for the filmmaker. The story concerns a man who is obsessed with his dead wife — and indeed all of the dead people in his life. It’s certainly interesting — occasionally fascinating — but it’s undeniably morbid. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Green Room Sunday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
moNkEy BusiNEss JJJJJ
(#2 music venue)
ComEdy raTEd Nr In Brief: In what is probably their most anarchic film, the Four Marx Brothers became stowaways on a ship, get mixed up with rival bootleggers, impersonate Maurice Chevalier and generally create mayhem wherever they go — seemingly because they want to and they can. A perfect Marx Brothers experience without a pause for anything as plebian as a plot. The Asheville Film Society will screen Monkey Business Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
WhaT? (diary of forBiddEN drEams) JJJJJ surrEal sEx ComEdy raTEd r In Brief: Roman Polanski’s little-seen — and much maligned — 1972 film What? is undeniably one of the director’s strangest works. In essence, it’s a variation on Alice in Wonderland — except played out in surrealistic terms as a sex comedy. It’s no wonder that no one seemed to know what to do with it or how to market it, but for all that the film has a screwy appeal — and it contains moments of incredibly fragile delicacy amidst the madness. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present What? Friday, Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 2733332, http://www.ashevillecourtyard.com
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Take a walk on the Wampus side! mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 73
nowplaying Argo JJJJ
Check Out Our Diverse Selection of New & Old Movies! We Carry Foreign, Independent, GLBT, Family Films, Television & More! LOCALLY OWNED!
197 Charlotte St. • 828-250-9500
Ben Affleck, BryAn crAnston, AlAn Arkin, John GoodmAn, Victor GArBer Drama/Thriller The “true story” of the CIA’s attempts at removing diplomats from Iran during the hostage crisis by having agents and the diplomats pose as Canadian filmmakers working on the sci-fi picture Argo. A well-crafted, entertaining and intelligent crowd-pleaser that’s a bit too pat and Hollywood-ized to really transcend into greatness. Rated R
Cloud AtlAs JJJJJ
tom hAnks, hAlle Berry, Jim BroAdBent, Jim sturGess, huGo WeAVinG, Ben WhishAW, JAmes d'Arcy, doonA BAe Epic Sci-Fi Romance Adventure Six interconnected stories on the same theme over hundreds of years are intercut to form a kind of cinematic tapestry or symphony. The most ambitious — and maybe magnificent — movie of the year. It’s wonderful, a little bit nuts and sure to divide audiences by its sheer audacity. Whether you love it or hate, it’s perhaps the must-see picture of 2012. Rated R
Flight JJJ
denzel WAshinGton, don cheAdle, Bruce GreenWood, kelly reilly, John GoodmAn Problem Picture Drama An alcoholic pilot manages a remarkable feat of flying that saves a lot of lives, but his condition at the time raises legal and ethical questions. Despite a strong opening, the film quickly turns into a dramatically dubious “problem picture” about alcoholism. Good performances are not enough to change that. Rated R
FrAnkenweenie JJJJJ
(Voices of) chArlie tAhAn, cAtherine o'hArA, mArtin short, mArtin lAndAu, WinonA ryder, Atticus shAffer Animated Horror Fantasy Tim Burton returns to one of his early short films for the basis of this animated tale of a young boy who brings his dead dog back to life after the fashion of Dr. Frankenstein. Beautifully crafted animated film that plays to all of Burton’s strengths and none of his weaknesses. A real treat for fans of classic horror and Tim Burton. Rated PG
here Comes the Boom JJ
keVin JAmes, henry Winkler, sAlmA hAyek, BAs rutten, GreG GermAnn Comedy A lazy biology teacher decides to become an MMA fighter in order to raise the money required to save his school’s music program. A run-of-the mill attempt at broad, feel-good comedy that’s dull, forgettable and messy. Rated PG
holy motors JJJJJ
denis lAVAnt, edith scoB, kylie minoGue, elise lhomeAu, JeAnne disson, michel Piccoli, eVA mendes, leos cArAx Surreal Fantasy Drama A wildly inventive surreal excursion into a day in the life of a man—apparently an actor—as he assumes a variety of strange roles. Probably the most strikingly original and inventive work of the year, but one destined to baffle—even possibly anger—some viewers, who will find its
74 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 • mountainx.com
strangeness and lack of a traditional storyline offputting. Rated NR
tertaining and involving film that is both funny and surprisingly perceptive. See this one. Rated PG-13
hotel trAnsylvAniA JJJ
PitCh PerFeCt JJ
mAn with the iron Fists J
(Voices) AdAm sAndler, Andy sAmBerG, selenA Gomez, keVin JAmes, frAn drescher Animated Kiddie Comedy Overprotective Dracula tries to keep his daughter from the outside world with predictable results. Harmless animated fluff that neither excites, nor offends in its blandness. Rated PG rzA, russell croWe, ricky yune, lucy liu, dAVe BAutistA Kung Fu Action A shipment of gold attracts all types of types of ne’er do wells in a small Chinese village. Incoherent action scenes, a dull plot and cartoonish special effects make for a long slog of an action movie. Rated R
nothing sACred JJJJJ
cArole lomBArd, fredric mArch, WAlter connolly, chArles WinninGer, siG rumAn Screwball Comedy Wrongly diagnosed with radium poisoning, a young woman becomes the toast of New York because she’s dying — only she isn’t. William Wellman’s unflinchingly cynical screwball comedy about the cult of celebrity scales the heights of satire as few films ever have. Stars Carole Lombard (gorgeous in Technicolor) and Fredric March throw themselves headlong into this wickedly funny movie. Rated NR
the other dreAm teAm JJJ
AnnA kendrick, skylAr Astin, BrittAny snoW, AnnA cAmP, reBel Wilson Musical Comedy A disaffected college freshman tries to turn around a down-and-out a capella group. An overlong, unfunny attempt at gross-out humor and coming-of-age flick that’s full of bad music and flat direction. Rated PG-13 Documentary A non-verbal documentary that combines music and images to create a meditation of life and decay. A gorgeously photographed film whose enjoyment depends wholly on one’s ability to stomach pretension. Rated PG
seven PsyChoPAths JJJJJ
colin fArrell, christoPher WAlken, sAm rockWell, Woody hArrelson, tom WAits, ABBie cornish Crime Comedy-Drama A pair dognappers — and by extension a troubled screenwriter — end up being targeted by a psychotic gangster when they steal his dog. Brilliant, bloody, funny, touching and about so much more than any plot description even hints. Yes, it is extremely violent, but it’s also possibly the best film I’ve seen this year. Rated R
silent hill: revelAtion JJJ
ArVydAs sABonis, sArunAs mArciulionis, Bill WAlton, mickey hArt, JonAs VAlAnciunAs Sports Documentary The true story of the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic Men’s Basketball Team, and their rise from the remains of the Soviet Union. A wellmeaning doc that lacks focus and suffers from a scattershot approach. Rated NR
AdelAide clemens, kit hArrinGton, seAn BeAn, cArrie-Anne moss, rAdhA mitchell, mAlcolm mcdoWell Horror We return once more to the environs of Silent Hill for more of the same — only less so. Some atmosphere, a good bit of blood, but nothing you didn’t see done far better in the 2006 original — unless 3D body parts comin’ at you is a selling point for you. Rated R
the PAPer Boy JJJJJ
tAken 2 JJJ
zAc efron, mAttheW mcconAuGhey, nicole kidmAn, John cusAck, dAVid oyeloWo, mAcy GrAy Southern Gothic White Trash Thriller An investigative reporter and his black writing partner go to the reporter’s backwoods hometown to seek the truth about a convicted man on death row. This is overheated, impossibly lurid, oversexed exploitation filmmaking at its most outrageous. Let that guide you as to whether or not it’s for you. Rated R
the Perks oF Being A wAllFlower JJJJJ
loGAn lermAn, emmA WAtson, ezrA miller, mAe WhitmAn, kAte WAlsh, dylAn mcdermott, PAul rudd Drama/Comedy/Romance A transformative year in the life a troubled introvert and his coming of age with the help of some new friends. Splendidly en-
liAm neeson, mAGGie GrAce, fAmke JAnssen, lelAnd orser, rAde serBedziJA Action Ex-CIA agent Bryan Mills and his family are targeted by the father of one of the kidnappers Mills killed when rescuing his daughter in the first movie. Pointless and terminally dumb actioner with occasional moments of unintended humor. Rated PG-13
wreCk-it rAlPh JJJ
(Voices) John c. reilly, sArAh silVermAn, JAne lynch, AlAn tudyk Animated Kiddie Flick Video-game bad guy WreckIt Ralph wants to become a hero and leaves his own game in search of that goal in other games. It’s not actually bad (though it sure didn’t need to be as long as it is by about 20 minutes) and John C. Reilly puts his all into the lead voice, but neither is it all that good. Small children may like it. Rated PG
Find local live comedy events at www.DisclaimerComedy.com (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLDisclaimer).
Drawing Word Pictures with Words & Pictures Since 2002
Contentious Register of Deeds election result marred by cries of widespread voter indifference Sources: ‘Complete, authentic, absolute voter disinterest in who is, and who is not, the Buncombe County Register of Deeds’
Downtown bicycling advocate, W. Asheville self-taught tantric yogi make eyes across grow-room at River Arts District house party Sky Bar opening second location in S. Asheville strip mall Santé Wine Bar for sale
Owner insists potential buyers mull it over after a half-dozen mimosas
Singer Morrissey ‘finally’ stumbles upon right mix of antidepressants, cancels Asheville performance Moogfest, Halloween now passed, inexplicably unsold purple-and-pink wig doomed to spend eternity in downtown wig shop’s display window The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire. Contact tomscheve@gmail.com Twitter: @AvlDisclaimer Contributing this week: Michele Scheve, Tom Scheve.
City Council votes to keep construction cranes as part of permanent downtown skyline ASHEVILLE, TUESDAY — A few minutes of friendly banter was all it took for Asheville City Council to reach consensus on a measure that will allow construction cranes to remain downtown on a permanent basis. Vice-mayor Esther Manheimer recused herself from the vote, saying her law firm is representing every large construction project in Asheville. “The cranes add a certain ‘yee-haw’ to the city skyline,” said Council member Jan Davis before the vote. Advantages were also noted by other Council members. “By utilizing the cranes, we can save fossil fuels by allowing city workers to zipline from one crane to the next,” said Council member Cecil Bothwell. “I’m voting ‘yes,’ but with the understanding that we will earnestly discuss adding a vertical bike lane up the length of each crane.” Council member Gordon Smith agreed to the measure after being assured the cranes would soon feature murals depicting citizens acting in fun, earth-friendly, and civically responsible ways. Interim board members of the Business Improvement District heartily endorsed the idea. “Why move the cranes when one big project is finished when we’re only going to move them back in the vicinity as soon as possible?” said one member. There were concerns that the permanent placement of a crane outside the Buncombe County courthouse would create a security issue.
An artist rendering of the new downtown crane district.
“We’ve had a few rascals flee the courtroom and scale that thing,” said court bailiff Skip Russell. “I just wait them out. There’s not a whole lot to do up there.” But that may =soon change, according to the new owners of the crane formerly in use during the construction of Aloft Hotel on Biltmore Avenue. “My business partner and I have been searching for the perfect location to open a brewery atop a crane,” said Atlanta developer Scott Ivy. City Council members agreed they would like the cranes to provide affordable workforce housing, and crane owners assured Council that construction workers would be welcome to sleep strapped to the cranes, “except during Bele Chere, when space is at a premium,” noted the owner of a small 35-foot tall “boutique crane.” “Some people just prefer a cozier crane experience,” he later said.
Tourism Development Authority expands downtown trolley routes
ASHEVILLE, WEDNESDAY — Responding to the demands of Asheville residents, the Tourism Development Authority has announced an ambitious expansion of trolley routes and improved trolley service.
“Trolley cars will now arrive at stops nine times each hour, instead of just seven,” said TDA spokesperson Jonathan Williams. “The Biltmore Estate-Grove Arcade-Montford route will now include
Story cont. on p. 74
Community leaders persuade local semi-professional wrestlers to settle longstanding feud this Saturday at Swannanoa Community Center ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — At the urging of mediators, church leaders, and numerous city and county officials, Earl “The Duke” Landers and crosstown nemesis Stevie “Stone Elbow” Reynolds will resolve their ongoing discord, and may do so utilizing metal folding chairs and poorly choreographed staged fighting, according to posters distributed throughout Swannanoa.
The Duke, who works at Freeman Gas, holds a “Masters degree in kicking ass” and a deep grudge stemming from what he characterizes as a personal betrayal by former ally/Black Mountain volunteer firefighter Steel Elbow that occurred during a tag-team match against the Canton duo “The Stinktown Stranglers” at the Cruso Community Center in 2011. Complicating relations between the two former brothers-in-arms is E. Asheville Rite Aid clerk Tiffy, who once managed/dated The Duke before turning her affections and professional wrestling career guidance attention to Stone Elbow. The winner of the upcoming grudge match, as required by local semi-professional wrestling ordinances, will walk off into the community-center parking lot with Tiffy in his arms or riding on his shoulders, while the loser must stick around to break down the ring and perform the post-show walk-through with the community-center director/referee and inform the winner via text of any issues that arise regarding their $50 facility rental deposit.
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ASHEvILLE REAL ESTATE SALES Save money on Homes, Condos and Land with Green Mountain Realty: Showings 7 Days/week. (828) 215-9064. www.BuyingAshevilleRealEstate.com FOR SALE BY OWNER Townhouse 2,000SF, 50+ community, 3BR/3B, bonus room. Near shopping, hospital, golf. $235K. Phone 828691-4016 leave name and phone. All calls returned.
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APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 GREAT DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS Live, work and play downtown! • One Bedroom: $825/ month-newly renovated, includes electricity and heat • 2 bedroom: $795/month. Call (828) 254-2229. ARTSY vICTORIAN STuDIO/EFFICIENCY • In Historic Montford. All utilities and laundry facility included. Lots of light and ambiance galore, hardwood floors, ample off street parking. One year lease and credit check required. 1 cat OK w\ fee, no dogs. $675/ month. For appt: Graham Investments 253-6800.
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ROOMS FOR RENT DOWNTOWN • FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM The Gray Rock Inn, 100 Biltmore Avenue, near French Broad Food Co-op. • Weekly rates, $115/week. References, security deposit required. John: 230-4021, Noon-5pm.
BRAND NEW TOWNHOME 3BR/2BA/1CG. Executive 3 level Townhome approx 1 mile from Beaver Lake. 2 min drive to UNCA, 5 min to downtown Asheville. 1,510 sqft. Rear Deck. All new appliances including washer/ dryer. $1250/month + security. Credit/background check required. No pets or smoking. 727-479-9310.
DOWNTOWN ASHEvILLE CONDO • 60 N Market, 2BR/2BA + den, great views, gas fireplace, 2 balconies, 2 parking spaces, 1,640 sqft, Fitness Center & Clubroom. $2,350/month + security, Available Nov 4 or before, 828-301-8033.
BE THE FIRST TO EvER uSE THIS BEDROOM. Looking for a roommate. Newly built Deaverview basement apartment. Rent includes power, water, wifi, trash pickup. Heat pump. Central air. Dishwasher. New appliances. No pets, no smoking. $100/week. 828381-5919.
HOMES FOR RENT 3BR, 2.5BA LOG HOME Hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings. Charter internet available. 15 minutes from Weaverville; 25 minutes from Asheville. High speed internet. $1050/month. Call 828649-1170.
COMMERCIAL/ BuSINESS RENTALS DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE For lease. Above City Bakery, Biltmore Avenue. Approximately 775 sqft. Natural light. Spacious. sycamorepartnerslp@gmail.com
SHORT-TERM RENTALS 15 MINuTES TO ASHEvILLE Guest house, vacation/ short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/
Employment GENERAL CDL DRIvERS If you are a "people person" you could be a great tour guide! Training provided. Part-time with potential to full-time. www. graylineasheville.com info@ graylineasheville.com 828251-8687 CHuRCH MuSIC DIRECTOR/ORGANIST The First Presbyterian Church of Burnsville, NC, a welcoming and inclusive community of believers, is seeking a part-time Organist/Adult Choir Director/Bell Choir Director. FPC Burnsville has a small pipe organ with a growing fund for its expansion. Salary and benefits based on the applicant's experience and qualifications. Send resumes and/or for a complete Job Description, email: Johnelle Pauley,
Administrative Assistant at firstpresburnsville@frontier. com Deadline for resumes is Nov 14, 2012. HOuSEKEEPER NEEDED • For Assisted Living Center near Asheville, NC. Part Time and Full Time available. Fun and stimulating environment. Drug test and background check required before employment. Applications accepted at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711. you may also fax your resume to 828-669-5003 or email it to adminassist@mccunecenter.org TROLLEY COMPANY Seeks full-time Operations Supervisor/Tour Guide. Must have CDL; hospitality or transportation experience desirable. Send resume or request application: howard@graylineasheville.com www.graylineasheville.com
ADMINISTRATIvE/ OFFICE ASHEvILLE LAW FIRM SEEKING PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Duties include answering multiple phone lines, greeting clients, emailing, filing and other adminstrative duties. Candidate must be proficient with Outlook and Microsoft Word, have professional communication skills, be detail oriented and a mutli-tasker. Email ashevillefirm@gmail.com with your cover letter and resume. NEW BELGIuM JOBS IN FORT COLLINS New Belgium Brewing has jobs open in Fort Collins, Colorado. To check them out go to www. newbelgium.com. jobs@newbelgium.com http://www. newbelgium.com/culture/ jobs/view-and-apply.aspx OFFICE HELP NEEDED Energetic multi-tasker for busy sales office. Duties include customer service, data entry, filing, phones, and general office duties. Attention to detail and computer skills a must. No experience necessary, must be at least 19 years of age and have NC Driver's License. Hours will be Wed. 9-6, Thurs.-Fri. 10-6, and Sat. 10-2. Call 828-707-0513 or apply in person at 1098 Patton Ave. Asheville, NC 28806.
SALES/ MARKETING ADvANCE CONCERT TICKET SALES • $11.00 per hour guaranteed plus a weekly bonus program. We are seeking individuals for full and part time in our local Asheville sales office. • Benefit package • Weekly paycheck • Students welcome. Our employees earn $500-$650 per week with bonuses. No experience necessary, we will train the right
people. Enthusiasm and a clear speaking voice are required. Call today for a personal interview. 828-236-2530. LOOKING FOR AN INTERESTING AND FLEXIBLE CAREER? The Relocation Guide is growing and we are looking for a motivated individual to join our team as an Advertising Sales Rep in the Asheville/Western, NC area. Seeking a qualified, self-motivated person that will work from their home office, setting appointments via telephone and email. In addition, this position requires face-to-face meetings with business decision makers. Must be able to demonstrate excellent selling, negotiation, communication and problem solving skills in a very competitive, fast-paced business environment. Print advertising, TV or Radio Sales experience is a plus! Please email a cover letter and resumé to: admin@relocationguide. biz Find out more about our organization at www.relocationguide.biz
RESTAuRANT/ FOOD APOLLO FLAME • WAITSTAFF Full-time. • Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 2743582. BuFFALO WILD WINGS • Now hiring servers, greeters and cooks. Apply in person Mon-Thurs 2-4pm. 4 Tunnel Rd.
maternal health and/or experience working with children with special healthcare needs and their families. RN required. Minimum of 2 years case management experience preferred. Experience with Electronic Health Records, and Microsoft Outlook and Excel required. Bilingual in Spanish a plus. Submit resume to hr@ccwnc.org or fax to 828-348-2757. EOE CCWNC SEEKS LEAD CARE MANAGER Community Care of Western North Carolina is looking for a full-time Lead Care Manager for an initiative focusing on children with complex chronic illnesses with the goal of improving health and health care quality and lowering costs. This position will carry a caseload and lead a team that will provide complex care management and coordination of care to the population served. This position will also be responsible for assisting with the maintenance of practice relations and a portion of Quality Improvement. Minimum RN (BSN preferred) and 2 years of case management experience required. A minimum of two years acute pediatric nursing care experience preferred, preferably in a critical care setting and/or two years of experience in a pediatric ambulatory care setting serving complex pediatric patients. Previous supervisory, administrative or other leadership experience preferred. Submit resume to hr@ccwnc. org or fax to 828-348-2757. EOE
PART TIME DIETARY COOK • Needed for a lovely assisted living center in Black Mountain NC. Excellent benefits and working conditions. Compassion and good communication are a must. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Please send resume to mmori@mccunecenter.org. You may also visit our facility to fill out an application. 101 Lions Way. Black Mountain, NC 28711
MED TECH/PCA • For assisted living center in Black Mountain. Great benefits, friendly residents, and great staff to work with. One year experience required. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Organizational skills and good communication skills a must. Please fax resume to 828-669-5003 or email to administrator@mccunecenter. org You may also visit our facility and fill out an application at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711
PF Chang's is looking for ROCKSTARS. Please apply in person ONLY between 2-4 Monday thru Thursday at 26 Schenck Parkway in Biltmore Park Town Square www. pfchangs.com
OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER • CNA We screen, train, bond and insure. Positions available for overnight professionals only. Home Instead Senior Care. www.homeinstead. com/159
DRIvERS/ DELIvERY ADVANCE TRUCKING INSTITUTE • Quality training. Great careers. CDL training for Class A and B License. FT and PT classes. Train men and women. For an exciting new career call 828-259-5309 or 828-6065900. LOCAL COMPANY SEEKS PART TO FuLL-TIME DRIvER FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DELIvERIES Clean driving record and drug test required; delivery and customer service experience strongly preferred. Requires math&computer; skills, physical strength. jobsbmwavl@ gmail.com DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED • Asheville area-immediate opening No sales involved, daytime work $640 a week, paid weekly by direct deposit Must have your own vehicle Full sized pickups-2WD, 95 or newer Must have a clean background 877-973-7447 ask for Cora or Lucy
RN • Needing PT to Full Time RN for small girls' therapeutic school. Part-time to start but have the potential to grow into full- time. CPR Certificate a Must Please Send Resume or CV to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com EOE
ARE YOu A CNA? Would you like a change from the limitations of your current position? Do you prefer to work an overnight schedule? If you have an interest in mental health and would like to utilize your skills and abilities in a unique and rewarding position working with at-risk youth, then Eliada Homes has an opportunity for you! Eliada is currently in need of compassionate staff to provide overnight awake care to our students in our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. • Qualifications: Must be able to stay awake and alert during overnight hours; a minimum of an AA/high school diploma/GED required; must have a valid NCDL and be insurable by Eliada’s carriers; pre-employment drug screen and criminal background check
required. This is a full-time, benefitted position! For consideration, please submit applications through the agency’s website at www.eliada.org. Take pride in being a part of an organization whose mission is to Help Children Succeed! AvAILABLE IMMEDIATELY • FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATE To recruit and provide case management to families with pre-school aged children for our Head Start program. • Requirements: 4 year degree in Social Work or Human Services preferred or an AA degree with 2 years experience. • Fluent in English and Spanish preferred. Possess a valid N.C. driver's license. Able to pass, background and drug screen required. Salary Range: $24,170 to $33,301, DOQ. • Send resume, with cover letter, and work references with complete contact information to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Or Admin@communityactionopportunities.org Or (828) 253-6319 - Fax Open until filled. EOE & DFWP
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAvIORAL HEALTH Cherokee County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbhs.org JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbhs.org Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be licensed/ license-eligible. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@ meridianbhs.org Clinician Offender Services Program Seeking a Licensed/Associate Licensed Clinician. For more information, contact Diane Paige, diane.paige@meridianbhs.org Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must be an RN. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@ meridianbhs.org Haywood County: Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must be an RN. For more information, please contact Jen Hardin, jen.hardin@meridianbhs. org Qualla Boundary: Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. Case load is predominately Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home services. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbhs.org Macon County: Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. For more information, contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www. meridianbhs.org/open-positions.html CHILD CARE COORDINATOR • The YWCA has a full time opening for the Child Care Coordinator. The Child Care Coordinator reports to
the Child Care Center’s Director. The primary responsibility is to maintain the body of administrative documentation required to maintain the Center’s licenses and grants. The Coordinator possesses comprehensive knowledge of the North Carolina Child Care environmental standards and helps ensure that they are consistently met. The position maintains financial records for the center and serves as a substitute classroom teacher when necessary. The Coordinator may be asked to serve as temporary acting director if needed. Attention to detail and demonstrable skills in organizing a busy office are essential. The position is fulltime, year-round, benefits eligible and non-exempt. Fluency in Spanish is desired. Qualified candidates who are fluent in Spanish and English are strongly encouraged to apply. Please apply for this position only after reading the complete job description at www.ywcaofasheville.org under the heading ‘Who We Are.’ Contact information is provided there. Please do not call the YWCA to discuss this position. CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER AND SuBSTANCE ABuSE COuNSELOR, CLINICAL Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. • Case Manager – minimum of CSAC required. • Substance Abuse Counselor, Clinical – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/ or detox services. Please visit http://agency.governmentjobs. com/northcarolina/default.cfm to apply.
FAMILY PRESERvATION SERvICES OF HENDERSONvILLE Family Preservation Services of NC has a very exciting leadership opportunity in our Hendersonville office. • Clinical Coordinator: As a fully licensed Mental Health Therapist, you will work closely with the Regional Director insuring the highest quality care is provided to our clients. Responsibilities include staff supervision, program monitoring, utilization review and quality assurance. Two years post license experience is required along with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office (including Excel). Joining our team makes you eligible for a competitive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send their resume to jrobichaud@fpscorp.com.
assume a leadership role in crisis intervention situations; participate in the creation and implementation of individualized treatment plans and therapeutic activities for students; meet regularly with the Program Manager and implement suggested feedback; complete all required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services and 6 months of behavioral health experience preferred; high school diploma/GED and 18 months of behavioral health experience required; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www.eliada. org.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo@thementornetwork.com• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739. PARKWAY BEHAvIORAL HEALTH • Has immediate opening for a CST Team Leader covering Buncombe/Henderson Counties. Candidate must be fully licensed or provisional/associate status. This a full time job and our CST Team serves adult consumers delivering services primarily in the field. Experience with field work and WHN paperwork beneficial. Parkway is a stable CABHA company with excellent benefits and a positive working environment. Supervision for licensure is available. Appropriate candidates should send their resume to: slayton@parkwaybh.com
PEER SuPPORT SPECIALIST • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Positions open for Peer Support Specialists to work in a number of our recovery-oriented programs for individuals with substance abuse and/or mental health challenges. Being a Peer Support Specialist
provides an opportunity for an individual to transform personal lived experience into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and be willing to participate in an extensive training program prior to employment. For further information, please contact Danielle Wittekind, danielle.wittekind@meridianbhs. org
PRN TREATMENT STAFF • Eliada Homes is in need of experienced staff to provide treatment to our students. • Duties: provide individualized treatment to the student population; effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention model; regularly monitor and supervise students; participate in the implementation of therapeutic activities; complete required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services discipline and some mental health experience preferred; high school diploma/ GED/AA degree required; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www. eliada.org. PROGRAM MANAGER AT RESCARE HOMECARE IN ASHEvILLE/MARION Apply at www.rescare.com-select RCHC NC Asheville Admin. Child and adult care services. Must meet Division requirements for a QMHP.
PSYCHIATRIST Meridian Behavioral Health Services is currently recruiting a psychiatrist for outpatient work with adults in Haywood and Jackson County, NC. There is potential for time at our other adjoining centers. We will consider candidates for part or full time work. We are looking for physicians who have interest and experience in community mental health care - treatment of persistent mental illness as well as addiction. Part of this time could entail initiation of an office based buprenorphine maintenance program in Sylva (Jackson County), with mentoring from two other experienced physicians for those without previous experience in this mode of treatment. Our locations have qualified for education loan
repayment programs. NURSE PRACTITIONER We are recruiting a nurse practitioner with previous psychiatric experience to provide outpatient care to adults in a community mental health setting. The position would be primarily located at our office in Sylva, NC with potential for time at our centers in adjoining counties as well. We would consider applicants for either a part or full time position. • Please contact Matt Holmes MD, Medical Director at 828-400-2005, or email: matt.holmes@meridianbhs.org for more information.
THE ASHEvILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERvATION SERvICES is seeking the following: QMHP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work with adults in the Center for Recovery, Education, and Wellness; QMHP to work with children and families on an Intensive In Home team. Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp. com
RECREATION SPECIALIST • Eliada is in need of an experienced individual to provide recreation activities programming to our pre-adolescent student population while maintain a supportive and therapeutic environment. • Duties: plan and implement structured and therapeutic activities and promote active student participation; participate in the creation and implementation of individualized treatment and teaching plans; meet regularly with leadership staff and implement suggested feedback; collaborate with TASC and NYPUM coordinators when necessary. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Therapeutic Recreation or related field and a minimum of 2 years experience working in an educational or behavioral treatment setting; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www. eliada.org. RN Mountain Area Recovery Center is seeking an RN to fill a position in our outpatient opioid treatment facility located in Clyde, NC. Candidate will work Friday 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. with some flexibility needed. Must be detail oriented, organized, some computer skills, good communicator. Please e-mail resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp.com or fax to attention: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. Mountain Area Recovery Center is an equal opportunity employer.
A-B TECH - Executive Director, College Advancement • SUMMARY: Oversees all functions of the College Advancement Division including activities such as Grants Development, Alumni Affairs, Scholarships, College Events and directs the College Foundation. Understands the vision and goals for A-B Tech and College Advancement espoused by the President, and plans and implements programs that increase donations to the College. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Marketing, Human Relations or related field; 2. Five years of senior-level executive experience in a public or private fundraising arena, with a documentable record of significant and successful fund development ($1 million or more annually), constituent relationship management, marketing, and institutional branding; 3. Five years of successfully managing teams, employees, volunteers, and volunteer boards in the achievement of ambitious fund development plans; 4. Three or more years of progressively responsible supervisory, financial and budgeting experience; 5. Three years of demonstrated ability to implement strategic plans with a clear vision for the evolving role of advancement. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Business, Marketing, Finance, or related fields; 2. More than five years of experience and documented history of raising significant dollars; 3. More than five years of successfully managing teams, employees, volunteers, and volunteer boards in the achievement of ambitious
POSITIONS AVAILABLE • Director of Substance Abuse Services (LCAS) • Clinical Counselor (LCAS, LPC or LCSW) • Counselor Assistant (priority given to PSS)
LEAD RESIDENTIAL COuNSELOR • Eliada is in need of experienced staff to provide structure and guidance to residential staff by role-modeling the effective implementation of the Eliada treatment model while maintaining a supportive and therapeutic environment for the student population. • Duties: role model crisis prevention and
October Road is an integrated, mental health and substance abuse provider for the greater Asheville area. We are dedicated to the highest quality of client care and customer service and strive to be a reliable and effective community partner to all of our stakeholders. We follow evidenced based practices in all of our services and work diligently to recruit and retain the most dedicated and qualified staff to comprise our treatment teams. Our physician providers are well respected within their specialty fields and are known throughout the community. Our commitment to the community, clients and referral sources is unwavering.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012 77
freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) The data that's stored and disseminated on the Internet is unimaginably voluminous. And yet the 540 billion trillion electrons that carry all this information weigh about the same as a strawberry. I'd like to use this fun fact as a metaphor for the work you're doing these days — and the play, too. Your output is prodigious. Your intensity is on the verge of becoming legendary. The potency of your efforts is likely to set in motion effects that will last for a long time. And yet, to the naked eye or casual observer, it all might look as simple and light as a strawberry.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) What if you have a twin sister or brother that your mother gave up for adoption right after you were born and never told you about? Or what if you have a soul twin you've never met — a potential ally who understands life in much the same ways that you do? In either case, now is a time when the two of you might finally discover each other. At the very least, Taurus, I suspect you'll be going deeper and deeper with a kindred spirit who will help you transform your stories about your origins and make you feel more at home on the planet.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) I urged my readers to meditate on death not as the end of physical life, but as a metaphor for shedding what's outworn. I then asked them to describe the best death they had ever experienced. I got a response that's applicable to you right now. It's from a reader named Judd: "My best death was getting chicken pox at age 13 while living in the Philippines. My mother banished me to the TV room. I was uncomfortable but hyperactive, lonely and driven to agony by the awful shows. But after six hours, something popped. My suffering turned inside out, and a miracle bloomed. I closed my eyes and my imagination opened up like a vortex. Images, ideas, places, dreams, people familiar and strange — all amazing, colorful and vibrant — flowed through my head. I knew then and there that no material thing on this Earth could hook me up to the source of life like my own thoughts. I was free!"
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Conservationists are surprised by what has been transpiring in and around Nepal's Chitwan National Park. The tigers that live there have changed their schedule. Previously, they prowled around at all hours, day and night. But as more people have moved into the area, the creatures have increasingly become nocturnal. Researchers who have studied the situation believe the tigers are doing so in order to better coexist with humans. I suspect that a metaphorically similar development is possible for you, Cancerian. Meditate on how the wildest part of your life could adapt better to the most civilized part — and vice versa. (Read more: tinyurl.com/HumanTiger.)
practical tests of your ideas, and consider using yourself as a guinea pig.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) This is not prime time for you to rake in rewards, collect hard-earned goodies, and celebrate successes you’ve been building towards for a long time. It’s fine if you end up doing those things, but I suspect that what you’re best suited for right now is getting things started. You’ll attract help from unexpected sources if you lay the groundwork for projects you want to work on throughout 2013. You’ll be in alignment with cosmic rhythms, too. Your motto comes from your fellow Scorpio, writer Robert Louis Stevenson: “Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) What is a dry waterfall? The term may refer to the location of an extinct waterfall where a river once fell over a cliff but has since stopped flowing. Döda Fallet in Sweden is such a place. "Dry waterfall" may also signify a waterfall that only exists for a while after a heavy rain and then disappears again. One example is on Brukkaros Mountain in Namibia. A third variant shows up in Cliffs Beyond Abiquiu, Dry Waterfall, a landscape painting by Georgia O'Keeffe. It's a lush rendering of a stark landscape near the New Mexico town where O'Keeffe lived. Soon you will have your own metaphorical version of a dry waterfall, Leo. It's ready for you if you're ready for it.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You are getting to where you need to be, but you're still not there. You have a good share of the raw materials you will require to accomplish your goal, but as of yet you don't have enough of the structure that will make everything work. The in-between state you're inhabiting reminds me of a passage from the author Elias Canetti: "His head is made of stars, but not yet arranged into constellations." Your next assignment, Virgo, is to see what you can do about coalescing a few constellations.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Doctors used to believe that ulcers were caused by stress and spicy foods. But in the 1980s, two researchers named Barry Marshall and Robin Warren began to promote an alternative theory. They believed the culprit was H. pylori, a type of bacteria. To test their hypothesis, Marshall drank a Petri dish full of H. pylori. Within days he got gastric symptoms and underwent an endoscopy. The evidence proved that he and his partner were correct. They won a Nobel Prize for their work. (And Marshall recovered just fine.) I urge you to be inspired by their approach, Libra. Formulate experiments that allow you to make
78 NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 13, 2012
• mountainx.com
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) On a beach, a man spied a pelican that was barely moving. Was it sick? He wanted to help. Drawing close, he discovered that ants were crawling all over it. He brushed them off, then carried the bird to his car and drove it to a veterinarian. After a thorough examination, the doctor realized the pelican was suffering from a fungus that the ants had been eating away — and probably would have removed completely if the man hadn't interfered. Moral of the story: Sometimes healing takes place in unexpected ways, and nature knows better than we do about how to make it happen. Keep that in mind during the coming weeks, Sagittarius.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) A farmer in Japan found a 56-leaf clover. Well, actually, he bred it in his garden at home. It took effort on his part. Presumably, it provided him with 14 times the luck of a mere fourleaf clover. I don't think your good karma will be quite that extravagant in the coming week, Capricorn, but there's a decent chance you'll get into at least the 16-leaf realm. To raise your odds of approaching the 56-leaf level of favorable fortune, remember this: Luck tends to flow in the direction of those who work hard to prepare for it and earn it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) The largest bell in the world is located in Moscow, Russia. Called the Tsar Bell, it's made of bronze, weighs 445,170 pounds, and is elaborately decorated with images of people, angels and plants. It has never once been rung in its 275 years of existence. Is there anything comparable in your own life, Aquarius? Some huge presence that has never actually been used? The time is near when that stillness may finally come to an end. I suggest you decide how this will occur rather than allowing fate to choose for you.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Are you interested in experiencing a close brush with a holy anomaly or a rowdy blessing or a divine wild card? If not, that's perfectly OK. Just say, "No, I'm not ready for a lyrical flurry of uncanny grace." And the freaky splendor or convulsive beauty or mystical mutation will avoid making contact with you, no questions asked. But if you suspect you might enjoy communing with a subversive blast of illumination — if you think you could have fun coming to terms with a tricky epiphany that blows your mind — then go out under the night sky and whisper a message like this: "I'm ready for you, sweetness. Find me."
fund development plans; 4. More than three years’ experience of progressively responsible supervisory, financial and budgeting experience; 5. More than three years of demonstrated ability to implement strategic plans with a clear vision for the evolving role of advancement in public institutions of higher education; 6. Experience in a postsecondary foundation; 7. Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) credentials or completion of a nationally recognized fundraising certificate. • SALARY RANGE: $70,296 - $79,080. For more information and application instructions please visit https://abtcc. peopleadmin.com/postings/1339 ENvIRONMENTAL JuSTICE ORGANIZATION • Seeks organizer, policy researcher with strong communication and analytical skills, science background and demonstrated commitment to social justice for full time position. Generous leave and medical benefits. Send resume, two writing samples (< 1,000 wd) and 3 references to info@cwfnc.org. No calls or hard copy applications, please GENERAL MANAGER • Local company seeks General Manager with entrepreneurial spirit and proven success growing and sustaining profitable businesses and exceptional management skills. Send cover letter and resume to: admin@sowtrue.com by mid-November. Please visit http://sowtrueseed.com/ blog/general-manager for more information.
TEACHING/ EDuCATION INTERIM MATH INSTRuCTOR Hanger Hall School is seeking a full-time interim Math Instructor to teach for 8 weeks starting in mid February. Hanger Hall is an all-girl school serving grades 6-8. Email resume and cover letter to employment@hangerhall.org.
CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, WordPress), be a team player and want to be a par of a locally focused, socialmedia-engaged media outlet. zSend cover letter describing how you might fit with the Mountain Xpress mission and needs, along with resume to: webcoordinator@mountainx. com. No phone calls please.
SALON/ SPA BuSY DOWNTOWN SALON Hiring all positions. Wax like the wind? A pedicure pro? Give a relaxing rub for real? You may be who we are looking for! Must have experience. Join our amazing team- Humble rock stars only need apply. No phone calls or e-mails. Please bring resume to 58 College St. SEEKING AN EXPERIBusy ENCED STYLIST! Spa|Salon, seeking experienced, upbeat stylist. Must provide wedding hair services, in addition to regular guests. Medical, dental, and vision available to full-time employees. Send your resume and cover letter to Hannah. Suraj@gmail.com. hannah. suraj@gmail.com www.surajspasalon.com
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WEB COORDINATOR/ WEBMASTER • Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person continue the evolution of our online presence. • You must have: 1) Excellent web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, Expression Engine, WordPress); 2) Ability to manage in-house and outsourced projects; 3) Willingness to be a team player; 4) Commitment to a locally focused, social-mediaengaged media outlet. • The ideal candidate will have experience developing custom, database-driven solutions, as well as modifying existing software. • You will also need experience managing a LAMP web infrastructure with high-availability principles. • Salary based on experience and skill, with benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress’ mission and needs, and why you'd like to work with us) and resume to: webcoordinator@mountainx.com. No phone calls please. WEB ASSISTANT AND/ OR DEvELOPER • Looking for a part-time or projectbased web job? Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to help evolve our online presence. You must have some web skills (HTML,
LEGAL DAvID R. PAYNE, P.A. Local Asheville attorneys that care and focus on what's important, YOU! Call us today at (828)258-0076 or visit www. drplawfirm.com
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Classes & Workshops CLASSES & WORKSHOPS INTuITIvE PROCESS PAINTING WORKSHOP Sat. Nov.10th, 10 to 3pm. Experience the Freedom of Process Painting! No painting experience required! All supplies and a vegetarian lunch provided. http://www.facebook.com/ SacredSpacePainting 252-4828
MISSING SuMMER • Sweet, friendly female black and white cat. Her name is Summer and she answers to her name. Tuxedo kitty, with white paw. She is 7 years old and weighs about 12lbs. Lost in the Woodhaven Rd. area in Chunns Cove. Last seen in the Vance Gap Rd. area. Please call Rosanne 4506977.
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Across 1 Harness horse’s gait 5 Light bluish green 9 Reading chair accompaniers 14 Tennis’s Mandlikova 15 It’s just under 8: Abbr. 16 Intensely passionate 17 Athlete’s booster 19 One of many on a monitor 20 Ving of Hollywood 21 Subject of a Car and Driver report 23 It was transferred to China in 1999 24 Sleek, briefly 25 Detergent with a glass in every box, long ago 26 Where to paint a model 28 Pea or peanut
31 Mormon church, for short 32 D.C. team since ’05 34 Kind of colony in “Papillon” 35 & 37 Leave quickly … or what both words in 17-, 21-, 26-, 49-, 56and 61-Across could be? 39 Not live 42 “Uh-huh” 44 N.Y.C. commuters’ inits. 47 “Yippee!” 49 Catholic remembrance 52 Tokyo, formerly 53 Word after e or G 55 Mitchum rival 56 Tipoff 59 See the light of day 60 Virus that arose in the Congo 61 ×
///////////////////////// crosswordpuzzle
63 Bags with handles 64 Indigo plant 65 Ready to be driven, in golf 66 ___ attack 67 ___ Pop, 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee 68 Lat. and Lith., formerly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Down Kind of blanket Mounted a fierce campaign Works without a break? Landing strip Life’s pleasures The 9-Down might put one out, briefly Salutation in an old-fashioned love letter Foul-up
Edited by Will Shortz 1
29 Inventor Whitney
28 33 37 42
53 57
34 38
Puzzle by Gary Cee
30 Bath ___
40 Birders’ magazine 50 ___ Club 51 Peaks 41 Plug 54 ___ Mountains The Doors’ “Love 43 Come up ___ (Asian range) ___ Madly” 44 Puts one and one 57 Heartfelt request together? Mrs. Morgenstern 58 Soak up some on “Rhoda” 45 Set off rays D.D.E. opponent 46 The 1 and 2 in 59 Snakelike 1+2=3 Meadowlands 62 Korean War 48 Soprano Sumac fighter team
33 Fantastic bargain
24 Japanese brew
13 Fizzy water
27 “Taking Woodstock” director Lee
22 IM pioneer
11 Screwy in the head
18 Hydrologist’s field: Abbr.
12 Suppose
9 “Colors” org.
10 Throw ___
No. 1003
Edited by Will Shortz No.1003
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle card, 1-800-814-5554. $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, and more than 2,000 past puzzles, Annual1-800-814-5554. subscriptions are available fornytimes.com/crosswords the best of Sunday ($39.95 a year). crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. Annual subscriptions are available for the AT&T best users: Textcrosswords NYTX tofrom 386 download or visit of Sunday theto last Share tips: puzzles, nytimes.com/wordplay. 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. for more information. nytimes.com/mobilexword Crosswords for young solvers: OnlineAT&T subscriptions: puzzle and more than 2,000 past users: TextToday’s NYTX to 386 nytimes.com/learning/xwords. to nytimes.com/crosswords download puzzles, or visit puzzles, ($39.95 a year). for more Share nytimes.com/mobilexword tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. information. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
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