Mountain Xpress, November 11 2009

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NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 • • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009


The “Wet Nose” Knows Does a wet nose really indicate that a dog is healthy? Actually, it just shows that Fluffy is warm enough to sweat a bit. Dogs and cats have sweat glands only on their noses and pads of their feet, so a dry, soft nose usually just means the environmental temperature is cooler, not that there is an illness.

on the cover

p.48 Prom! Maybe you went the first time, maybe you didn’t. But whether you loved or loathed high school, this Friday’s Prom! will likely be a lot more fun. It’s a dancing-heavy kitsch fest with one of Asheville’s fave rock bands (as voted by Xpress readers), Reigning Sound, and the rising stars Floating Action, along with DJ Rob Castillo. Cover design by Carrie Lare Photograph by Jonathan Welch

news 12 tales from election night Asheville City Council leans left; Swannanoa voters say no to incorporation

16 buncombe commissioners County won’t appeal concrete plant lawsuit

17 no treatment More mental-health cuts leave local providers reeling, looking to adapt

arts&entertainment 52 being the change Hasidic reggae artist Matisyahu brings his innovative sound to the Orange Peel

53 these are the good old days Old-time inspired artist Woody Pines releases a new album

54 time to stroll River Arts District studios open this weekend

Helping you accomplish cozy since 1996 • fluffy robes • dreamy beds • calming fragrance Biltmore Station | 2 Hendersonville Road | Asheville, NC Monday - Saturday 11-5 | (828) 236-2337 |

features 5 7 11 20 22 24 29 37 38 39 40 42 46 56 57 59 65 69

Letters Cartoon: Molton Commentary The Buzz WNC news briefs Outdoors Out and about in WNC Community Calendar FreeWill Astrology News of the Weird edgy mama Parenting from the edge Conscious party Benefits GREEN SCENE WNC eco-news Food The straight dish on local eats Small Bites Local food news. soundtrack Local music reviews smart bets What to do, who to see ClubLand cranky hanke Movie reviews Asheville Disclaimer

70 Classifieds 78 Cartoon: TOOTH AND JAW 79 NY Times crossword

NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

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letters Pitrolo and Williams are cleaning up Buncombe’s air and politics Melanie Pitrolo’s courageous lawsuit and Margaret Williams’ excellent investigative reporting [”Pollution, Politics and Gender,” Oct. 28] open an unusually clear window on the murky back-room world of two power-brokers who have held local politics in a tight, secretive grip for many years: CIBO — the local business lobby that’s more conservative than the Chamber of Commerce — and Buncombe County Manager Wanda Greene, whose influence turns up at the center of countless local scandals (the Parkside land sale and Progress Energy’s would-be oil-fired power plant on the French Broad are two of the best known), yet whom County Commissioners seem almost afraid to fire. CIBO and Greene are among the last, most deeply entrenched holdouts from the “bad old days” in Buncombe, when business was habitually done with contempt for the environment, and government was routinely carried out with contempt for the public. When I was a reporter for Mountain Xpress, I saw Pitrolo in action as engineering supervisor . It was obvious to me why Bob Camby favored her as his successor: She was clearly competent, experienced, well educated, a good public speaker and just the breath of fresh air the agency needed. But it was equally obvious that the board members, with whom CIBO had recently managed to stock the agency, had come in with an agenda of weakening

its power to control industrial and vehicular air pollution — and we see now that, behind closed doors, they were going to vicious and unprofessional extremes to impose on the agency the anti-regulatory ideology CIBO promotes. Board members so bent on pushing someone they see as pliable into the director’s office that they don’t even bother to read the applicants’ resumés; a county manager who slanders the most qualified candidate by fabricating nonexistent “complaints” about her — these are the very kinds of unethical abuses (by the very same parties) that the late, pioneering activists Hazel Fobes (Citizens for Safe Drinking Water and Air), Arlis and Rachel Queen (Taxpayers for Accountable Government), and Rick Maas (UNC-Asheville) fought so hard to end in the air agency, as reported in numerous past Mountain Xpress articles. Whenever I interviewed them, each of these local reformers emphasized that the only effective way to prevent government corruption is through constant citizen scrutiny. They, and now Pitrolo, have shown us that it’s only by having the guts to be whistleblowers and the tenacity to be watchdogs that we citizens who want a cleaner, greener future for Buncombe County can break the choke hold [that] CIBO, Greene and their ilk have for so long exerted on its progress. — Steve Rasmussen Asheville

Hats off to the Pumpkin Pedallers I would like to say “hats off” — or rather,

Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 or by e-mail to (Include name, address and phone number.)

xpress staff publisher & Editor: Jeff Fobes senior editor: Peter Gregutt MANAGING editor: Jon Elliston A&E editor: Rebecca Sulock MULTimEDIA EDITOR: Jason Sandford Staff writers: David Forbes, Brian Postelle A&E REPORTER & Fashion editor: Alli Marshall outdoors/gardening editor: Margaret Williams editorial assistants: Hanna Rachel Raskin, Tracy Rose Staff photographer: Jonathan Welch Clubland editor & Writer: Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt contributing writers: Jonathan Barnard, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Ursula Gullow, Anne Fitten Glenn, Whitney Shroyer EDIToRIAL INTERN: Gabe Chess PHOTO INTERN: Joshua Cole Production & Design ManaGeR: Andrew Findley Advertising Production manager: Kathy Wadham Production & Design: Carrie Lare, Nathanael Roney calendar editor & supplements coordinator: Mannie Dalton Movie reviewer & Coordinator:

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2,500 feet above stress level

“helmets off” — to the large group of bike riders (100 or so) that rode up Beaucatcher Mountain on Halloween Eve. They were delightful. And they were very well organized, polite, friendly, courteous and very appropriate for the Hallow Eve. I truly enjoyed watching them ride by. They were riding in the direction of Helen’s Bridge when I saw them. Who was responsible for organizing this delightful group? Maybe I’ll join you next year! — Helen Hart Asheville [Editor’s note: Xpress shared this letter with Asheville on Bikes, which conducted the “Pumpkin Pedaller” ride that Hart witnessed. Mike Suhl, the group’s executive director, offered this response: “Dear Helen, we are Asheville on Bikes. Thanks for taking the time to write and acknowledge our courteous ways. One of the goals of our organization is to cultivate the culture of urban cycling. Even though our roads are narrow and sometimes steep, we believe there is plenty of room to share when all modes of transportation are willing to work together. After all, it’s people who use the roads, not cars and bicycles. “You don’t have to wait until next year to ride with Asheville on Bikes. We have several upcoming events, including the Asheville Holiday Parade, the Bright Light Biker and Bike Love. Check out our Web site for details at “Thank you once again for highlighting the fact that cyclists know how to share the road.”

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It’s time for Asheville to adopt a pro-cyclist stance

After being an avid bicyclist in Asheville for, well, almost four years now, I haven’t seen any change in either motorists’ attitudes towards cyclists or an altered political view of the situation (except for Gordon Smith, who has advocated for bicyclists). Concerning the potentially economically and environmentally advantageous qualities, let alone personal benefits, of simply riding a bike, every organization involved in opting for more popularization of bikes has done a great job ... depicting bike riding as a viable option for exercise and transportation in this wonderful community that we live in. But unfortunately, Asheville may not be as progressive as we all once anticipated. After recent events, and without reform, both motorists and cyclists seem to maintain an “us against them” attitude, although neither of the parties have any time for that kind of behavior. Absolutely, drive a car! I’ll ride my bike. And we’ll both do each — respectfully. There is a quick solution. I — as well as almost every other cyclist I have spoken to, many of whom are from here — have lived somewhere with a successful ... transportation system. All of those places have bike lanes. If we have less bus traffic in Asheville, per capita, we should certainly have more bike traffic, considering expense and environment. Right? What am I missing?

Letters continue

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NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at I, as a cyclist, am ready to see change. So many cities have accomplished this simple task, while maintaining a more than reasonable budget. Let’s get on board. Let’s see bike lanes. We’ve all earned them. — Lilly Wright West Asheville

Welcome the tourists, even when they move here My family and I were tourists for five years, pumping thousands of dollars into the economy, until we moved here in 2009. When a downtown restaurant owner asked me where we finally settled and I said south Asheville, there was an uncomfortable silence between us. Did I say something wrong? Enjoying my Mountain Xpress from cover to cover every week, I came to realize that there is a mistaken stereotype that the “hip” and “openminded” only live in north or West Asheville. Here’s how cool we (my family and I) are, being “former tourists now moved here” residents: • I am an Obama Mama, liberal, out of the closet “whole-istic” practitioner and professional. • We lovingly donate money and time to help the less fortunate in the area. • I excitedly relocated my independent (international) business to Asheville, immediately joined

the Asheville Chamber of Commerce and contributed to the local economy. • My gainfully employed (by an international company out of state) husband joyfully pays taxes to Asheville and North Carolina. • I happily volunteer in our local schools. • We frequently spend our money and time in downtown and south Asheville businesses to show our appreciation and support. How about — instead of sporting (what has been ranked the top) bumper stickers recently in Mountain Xpress: “Don’t Move Here” and “No Tourists” — we all consider, “Thanks for your Business” and “Thanks for Supporting Our Local Economy (instead of taking your business elsewhere).” For some it could even be: “Thanks for Helping Put Food on My Table” or “Thanks for Helping me Pay My Rent.” We have all decided to come together for a reason in the Asheville area. This is one of the few places where nearly everyone I meet came here because they want to be here. Since most of you reading this aren’t originally from Asheville, what’s the hazing period? Why the attitude? I personally extend a warm welcome, as a south Asheville Newbie, to all tourists, “resident wannabes,” and “just moved heres.” We are happy to receive your business and to be your neighbor. — Michelle Payton Asheville • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009

America must confront its own fundamentalism Most Americans are appalled at how primitively fundamentalist some Middle Easterners are. Yes, some are extremely primitive. But by far the greater causes of terrorism are the primitive and fundamentalist aspects of America and Western Civilization. After all, historically, it’s Western Civilization’s brutal intolerance that forced the Jews to create a country in the Middle East — Israel — to find safe refuge. And the existence, and U.S. military support, of Israel are some of the main reasons much of the Middle East hates America. Even today, America harbors large numbers of virulent anti-Semites. In addition, America is so primitive that we’re fundamentalist hostages of an 18th-century economic theory that requires ever more oil to fuel ever more economic growth. Thus we must attack Iraq with its second largest deposit of oil on earth and occupy Kuwait. Thus we maintain military bases in 11 other Middle Eastern countries, according to the No Bases Network. Eleven! And that’s not including our evisceration of Afghanistan and collateral killing of thousands of Pakistani civilians with heartless predator drones. Meanwhile, because of the same fanatical worship of capitalism, we won’t even provide basic health care for tens of millions of our own people. Once America withdraws our ignorance from the Middle East, Middle Easterners will be able to better appreciate areas in which America is

superbly advanced and tolerant, and the terrorists will stop attacking us. — Bill Branyon Asheville

Want to help reach 350 ppm? Stop eating meat! With all the recent 350 ppm hoopla, I am astonished at the lack of mention regarding the effects of animal agriculture on, well, everything. The surrounding events hit all the basics — land, water, energy, pollution — yet nothing and no one focused on the biggest contributor to all of these topics. It was like Al Gore coordinated the event (he who also failed to mention animal-ag in his documentary). In 2006, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization released a report “Livestock’s Long Shadow” stating that animal-ag is the biggest contributor to global greenhouse gasses — 18 percent at that time, but now believed to be at 51 percent (Livestock and Climate Change, by Goodland & Anhang). Furthermore, 80 percent of agricultural land in this country is delegated to raising livestock (Vesterby and Krupa, 2001), not to mention that livestock creep onto designated range-land and decimate public forests as well (; one-third of all U.S. raw materials are used in the [animalag] process: feed, water, fuel (E magazine, “The Case Against Meat,” Motavalli). One mid-sized feedlot (dairy or beef) churns out a half-million pounds of manure each day; the methane that cattle and their manure produce has a

global-warming effect equal to that of 33 million automobiles (Center for Science in the Public Interest, “Six Arguments for a Greener Diet”); the pollution strength of raw manure is 160 times greater than raw municipal sewage (John Lang, “Manure Proves to Be Massive Environmental Problem,” Scripps Howard News Service, 24 April 1998). I’ll stop there; I’d need a feature or two just to summarize the basic details. I know many people eat “free-range” and “pastured” meats, but would it not be greener to re-wild those pastures? Just because the land can’t grow crops for us does not mean we need to utilize it to satisfy our palate. We do not need to, nor should we, eat meat anymore. The health implications are for another letter. It’s time for us to evolve — for the health of our species, biodiversity and the climate. — Joseph Jamison Black Mountain

Say and eat what you want In reply to Scott Smith’s letter on vegetarians [“Vegetarians Are Too Pushy About Their Lifestyle,” Nov. 4]: Dear Scott, I am sorry that you are so offended by vegetarians. No doubt this is a free country, and you can say and eat pretty much whatever you want. But lifestyle does come with a price. Despite the faulty logic in comparing eating vegetables to slaughtering an animal, you forgot an even more compelling argument for reducing meat consumption, if not becoming totally vegetarian: The impact of meat-farming on the resources and health of the planet is tremen-

dous. In addition to severe water pollution from animal production and slaughter, the carbon footprint of the meat industry accounts for 18 percent of all man-made greenhouse gases. To add insult to injury, meat farming involves inefficient use of resources. It is a well-known fact that growing grains for direct human consumption will feed six to 10 times the amount of people with the same plot of land. With the earth’s human population reaching near carrying capacity, meat eating may well be become the gas-guzzler habit of the future. — Rudranath Beharrysingh Sylva

I’m not falling for Republican tactics any more I have yet to hear a Republican offer an apology for what their administration did to this country and its citizens, yet they now want us to trust them again. That’s ____. I’m 74 and worked hard all my life, and because of the Republicans and their greedy friends, I am now living in subsidized senior housing and having to live off of my [Social Security] funds. When I retired, I had retirement funds, which have disappeared. And today my car was repossessed because I could no longer make payments. I will forever despise the Republicans and their “friends.” — Lloyd Kay Asheville

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NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 • • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009

10 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

commentary Asheville Transgender Remembrance Weekend Putting a new spin on an international event by Jennifer M. Barge The Transgender Day of Remembrance is an international event to remember those who have been killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Although not every person memorialized during the Day of Remembrance self-identifies as transgender — that is, as a transsexual, cross-dresser or otherwise gender-variant — each was a victim of violence caused by bias against transgender people. Here in the Asheville area, we decided to change the meaning of the event. After last year’s Day of Remembrance, cochair Naydeehn Messier and I connected to come up with an option to the mournful event that has been happening here in Asheville for the past 10 years. We came up with a positive and encouraging option that would combine the original day with a follow-up day of celebration. This is the 11th year that the international transgender community has honored those who have fallen — yet this is the first time a local event to honor the entire transgender community has been held anywhere on these dates and in conjunction with the international event. Our goal is to educate, empower and help all to understand that while there are unsafe situations in the world, we in the trans community no longer need to hide in fear of discovery. I myself lived in stealth for more than 24 years. I transitioned at age 14 and have always lived as a woman. Looking back, I remember the panic attacks I would have about anyone discovering my secret. Now I have no problem helping educate anyone who wants to know about my journey, and what being trans means to me. We are a wonderful community that need not live in remorse, fear or regret. Asheville Transgender Remembrance Weekend is the local interpretation of the international event. It’s more than a memorial for those who have been lost: It’s an all-inclusive event to celebrate people of all gender-variant identities, from transsexual to gender queer, androgynous to intersex, and beyond. It’s a call to all members of the community to step out from behind fear and guilt, and to be proud of the gift that trans-

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gender is. It’s a rally cry to defy the idea that violence is an inevitable part of transgender life. Most of all, it’s a celebration of the vibrant, diverse and beautiful people who make up the transgender community. As an out trans-woman, I refuse to allow my community to be viewed as victims. Naydeehn Messier and I co-chair this event with hopes of honoring not only those who have passed away, but also celebrating our community. We will hold our vigil on Friday evening, Nov. 20. Saturday, Nov 21, will be an empowerment day with speakers and discussions. The Friday memorial gathering will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville. As part of the International Day of Remembrance, we will honor those we’ve lost with the reading of the names from each state of the people who have died during the last year. There will be music and a flashlight march from the park to the Federal Courthouse and back. We have asked Mayor Terry Bellamy to come and speak at the courthouse (as of publication deadline, we had not received a response). Once we return to the park, trans-spirit educator Holly Boswell will be doing a healing closing circle to help project positive energy into both the community and universe. On Saturday, Nov 21, the day of empowerment will be held at the WNCCHS Fellowship Hall (312 Haywood Road) starting at 11 a.m. We will have free workshops and seminars to help educate and promote self growth. I refuse to fall into the belief that I was born in the wrong body; I am not ashamed of who I am. Instead, I believe I am exactly who I was meant to be and my goal with the Saturday event is to open up the option of non-binary expression within the community. At 3 p.m., keynote presenter Mara Keisling will give a State of the Trans address. Keisling is the founder and director of the Washington, D.C.-based National Center for TransgenderEquality. She is an activist in our community and will give us her perception of the latest happenings with the National Hate Crimes Bill and the Employment NonDiscrimination Act. This will give us all insight into what these two pieces of legislation mean to us in the trans community.

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TransHealth Coordinators and WNCCHS will be offering Free HIV screenings. We will be taking food donations for Loving Food Resources. Other events include a 50/50 raffle, food and refreshments, resource material and much more. The daytime event is free and open to all. The event culminates in an after-party at LaRue’s Backdoor starting at 9:30 p.m. We will have live bands, drink specials, a raffle with different prizes and discounts at the door. The after-party is also a fundraiser with the proceeds going to TransHealth Coordinators. For more information on the first Asheville Transgender Remembrance Weekend, please visit our site at X Jennifer M. Barge is an out and proud trans woman. A co-chair for the Asheville Transgender Remembrance Weekend, along with Naydeehn Messier, Jennifer is also the director of TranHealth Coordinators, a nonprofit that helps to bridge the gap between health care providers and the transgender community.









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news It’s just a jump to the left

Democrats sweep Council elections, and Asheville’s most famous Republican is ousted by Xpress news staff After a long campaign season that was full of dramatic twists and turns, the Asheville general election results rolled in quickly on Nov. 3. At the end of the night, the three Democrats who dominated the Council primaries in October — Esther Manheimer, Gordon Smith and Cecil Bothwell — maintained their leads over the rest of the pack to earn seats on Council in December, as did incumbent Mayor Terry Bellamy. With conservative Republican Carl Mumpower losing his Council reelection bid, six of seven seats will now be occupied by Democrats. Moderate Republican Bill Russell becomes arguably Council’s farthest-right member, though Bellamy and Jan Davis are both generally considered to be conservative-leaning Democrats. That leaves Bothwell, Smith and current council member Brownie Newman as solidly on the left side of the spectrum, with Manheimer, a development attorney who was endorsed by both Newman and Davis, as potentially the swing vote on some issues. Yet there were few votes over the last two years where these new faces would likely have made much of a difference. Most controversial issues saw 6-1 votes, with Mumpower the lone holdout. A more left-weighted Council, however, may change the kinds of issues that come forward for discussion. “This is a very progressive change for Asheville,” Bothwell told supporters gathered at Three Brothers Restaurant on election night.

The Manheimer steamroller: First-place council finisher Esther Manheimer gives a short speech to her wine-drinking supporters on election night photo by Jason Sandford

“We rocked this city tonight!” Bothwell, who led the vote count in the primary, dropped to third in the general, with Manheimer taking the lead on Election Day. Surrounded by exuberant supporters at the Battery Park Champagne Bar, Manheimer, glass in hand, said that Asheville had spoken: “This is terribly exciting. Though the voter turnout was low, I think the voters are a true reflection of

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Welcome to the party: Council member Brownie Newman, alongside Buncombe County Commissioner Holly Jones, congratulates newly elected Gordon Smith on election night.

12 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

photo by Jason Sandford

Asheville.” Of three Republicans in the race, none earned enough votes to win seats on Council, with Mumpower coming in fourth, followed by J. Neal Jackson and Ryan Croft. Democrat incumbent Robin Cape’s write-in bid also did not win enough votes for a spot. As of press time, the Buncombe Board of Elections was reporting an unofficial count of 4,620 writein votes, but it had not counted how many were specifically for Cape. According to the newly elected Council members, the new lineup will mark a significant shift in Asheville politics. From the stage at the Westville Pub, Smith told a crowd of volunteers and supporters that he would delve straight into pushing for affordable housing, infrastructure for multimodal transportation and domesticpartner benefits for city employees. There may now be the votes on Council to accomplish that last goal, since all three winners, as well as Newman (whose seat wasn’t up for reelection), have gone on the record signaling their support. Smith also told Xpress that the new Council should be able to grease the wheels on environmentally friendly practices. During his campaign, he said Asheville should take the lead on promoting green industry and jobs. “Brownie Newman and Robin Cape got the wheels turning on sustainability,” Smith told Xpress. “With this Council we should be able to get further, faster.” The recently developed Downtown Master

will take place in early January.

Robin Cape loses write-in bid

— Brian Postelle

When the first election reports put Robin Cape in the running for fourth place on Tuesday, Nov. 3, she took to the stage at Jack of the Wood and sang, “I feel lucky!” Then she cradled a friend’s bass guitar and belted out, “Summertime and the living is easy ...” Earlier in the evening, the Asheville City Council incumbent had told Xpress that whatever the eventual outcome, “I’ve already won.” She had run a good, strong, clean campaign, she said, and there were encouraging signs in her team’s exit polls, showing that support for her was strong. “Tonight I’m optimistic,” Cape continued. “But the reality is, it’s a challenge.” If she won, she mused before singing, she would show that a write-in campaign is viable, and if she lost, many would likely think that she would have won if she had run as an incumbent with her name on the ballot. Earlier this year, Cape decided not to seek another term on City Council. “I had a tough year last year,” she explained while awaiting the election results. “I lost my father. I got divorced. I had to move out of my house.” She decided not to put her family through the challenge of running a campaign but also admitted, “I didn’t have energy for it.” Cape wasn’t sure she could get out on the campaign trail and be the cheerful, confident incumbent. After she let the candidate-registration deadline pass by, friends and supporters convinced her to run. But the State Board of Elections told her that she couldn’t run as a write-in during the October primary. Believing the board was misinterpreting the relevant statute, Cape nevertheless chose not to waste time fighting the ruling. Instead, she and her campaign decided to focus their efforts on the November election. She had, after all, run successfully as a write-in for the Woodfin Water Board in 2003. At 9:30 p.m. on election night, Cape had finished singing and playing. Speaking to someone on her cell phone, she said, “We did fantastic!” But when she peered at the results on a laptop at 10 p.m., the

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Securing a second term: Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy watches the numbers roll in on the night of her reelection. photo by Jonathan Welch

Plan and Transit Master Plan were also on the lips of candidates, who said that the votes should be there to put elements in place quickly. “Those plans are the voice of the people. They were involved in the process, with public hearings, many hours of discussion — we need to bring those to fruition,” Manheimer asserted. “Given the results of this election, I don’t think there will be many challenges in getting those master plans enacted. I think the people have given City Council a mandate.” Bothwell, meanwhile, celebrated while urging his supporters to look to the 2011 Council elections for further progressive advances. Leaning on his agenda of local solutions to global climate change, he told Xpress that there are still Council members he sees as obstacles to environmental change: “I would hope in two years, we will replace Bill Russell and Jan Davis. I don’t think they get it,” he said. “Global warming is a local problem everywhere. To the extent that Council is not aware of that, we need to replace people.” The evening was the culmination of a campaign season that started as long as a year ago for several candidates. There were big changes to the field along the way. Cape initially announced she would not run, but she reconsidered after the filing deadline, launching a write-in campaign. Photographer Jenny Bowen considered a bid for Mayor, filed to run for Council, and then dropped out before the primary. And Council member Kelly Miller, appointed in 2008 to fill the seat of Holly Jones when she won election to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, came in fourth in the primary but withdrew from the race days later, announcing that his wife was battling cancer. And Miller’s withdrawal made room on the ballot for for candidate Ryan Croft, who came in seventh in the primary. The new Council members will be sworn in on December 8 and attend their first Council meeting on December 15. City Council’s annual retreat

“We rocked this town!” Newly elected Cecil Bothwell celebrates with supporters and band Gas House Mouse. photo by Jonathan Welch • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 13

write-in votes totaled 4,620 — almost 1,300 less than Cecil Bothwell, who was in third place behind Gordon Smith and front-runner Esther Manheimer. And the number of write-in votes also fell about 100 below those that had been cast for fellow incumbent Carl Mumpower. “I didn’t even beat Carl?” Cape exclaimed, for a moment slipping off the confidence and good cheer she had been carrying all evening. “I don’t know why I was drawn into this election process, but I was,” she said, gathering herself. “You don’t win if you don’t risk.” But tears welled up as she spoke about all the people who had encouraged her to run as a write-in candidate and about all those who had voted for her. The results would disappoint them, she acknowledged. But after her term ends in December, she can still “engage” with the community, continuing to work on such projects as Reading, Riding and Retrofit, which aims to upgrade school facilities with an eye toward reducing their carbon footprint. There’s still work to do, she insisted. Said Cape, “It’s exciting that we got as far as we did, with almost 5,000 votes. ... My life goes on. For me, I’m fine.” — Margaret Williams

Bellamy stays on to “finish what we’ve started”

The mood was cheerful at Mayor Terry Bellamy’s Hendersonville Road campaign headquarters on election night. With good reason too: As the results came in, it quickly became clear that she had won a second term in a land-

slide. Bellamy herself was leaning over a wooden desk with a campaign volunteer, watching the vote tallies. “You’re up a percent,” the volunteer noted. Occasionally, the mayor would turn to embrace a newly arrived volunteer. Eventually, the final results were tallied, and the Board of Elections reported that Bellamy had won with 78.5 percent of the vote, crushing her opponent, Robert Edwards. Bellamy, Asheville’s first African-American mayor, was also the youngest ever to serve when she began her first term in 2005. Now she is also the first Asheville mayor to win re-election since the city moved to four-year terms in 1997 . “I’m excited,” Bellamy told Xpress. “I’m really happy, and I look forward to serving the people of Asheville for four more years.” She called her victory a vindication of her leadership and said she plans to focus on nuts and bolts during her second term: “Finishing all the master plans we’ve started — that’s a lofty goal — and finishing fixing the water system.” Asked if she would approach anything differently from her first term, Bellamy smiled. “Based upon the results, I don’t think the people want me to change too much,” she replied. A few minutes later, she climbed a small podium to her supporters’ applause. “Praise the lord, everybody!” Bellamy shouted, before joking, “My bad, wrong hat. I almost forgot where I was.” She described herself as “humbled to be mayor of my hometown again” and then touted her record.

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14 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Baby it’s all write now: Council member Robin Cape lost her write-in reelection bid, but rocked the party anyway. photo by Margaret Williams

“I was asked tonight what I wanted to change: I ran basically unopposed from anyone with name recognition, and I’ve won with over 70 percent. I think what I’ve done for the last four years has worked.” Bellamy stressed the relationships she’s built with local, federal and state officials. “It says something when the chair of the county commissioners was here most of the night,” she noted. “Our working relationship has improved dramatically. Just as important is the relationship on a state level: making sure we have a governor who knows the mayor of Asheville’s name. That makes a difference with our financial and legislative matters. I’m proud of our federal relationship, so we know about legislation before it hits the ground. It gives Asheville an opportunity on financial matters.” Bellamy reaffirmed her commitment to implement the master plans on downtown, transit and other issues and to complete extensive repairs to Asheville’s aging water system. “Asheville’s good at starting things; I want to finish.” — David Forbes

Mumpower down, but not out

Carl Mumpower’s ready for a little down time. “It’s hard to be the only conservative voice in Asheville,” said Mumpower after finishing fourth in Tuesday’s polling. The results left the two-term councilman out of public office for the first time since 2001. For the often outspoken and controversial Mumpower, though, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. “It’s hard to do battle with the forces of progressive evil day after day. I’m looking forward to some rest.”

Since taking office eight years ago, Mumpower has been indefatigable on City Council in raising questions about the enforcement of immigration laws and the expansion of government and in pushing to fight drugs in the community. He’s done so from his seat on City Council, through the relentless use of his e-mail list and on the campaign trail last year as he sought to defeat U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler for Western North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District seat in the U.S. House. Mumpower’s tactics have raised the hackles of many. He’s harangued fellow Council members. He’s called out business owners for their alleged hiring of illegal immigrants (and took partial credit for the biggest immigration raid in WNC’s history at Mills Manufacturing). And on the legislative issue that got beneath his skin as much as any other — the city’s failed legal battle to gain the right to charge differential water rates — Mumpower compared the region’s state lawmakers to “wife beaters” and “thieves.” The tactics won the psychologist few friends along the way, and Mumpower said he’s fine with that. “I wouldn’t do it differently,” Mumpower said. “When you’re the lone conservative voice, you better be real creative and energetic, and you better have a courage button.” Mumpower added that when he was in Vietnam with the Air Force, “The monks would sometimes set themselves on fire to draw attention to what was wrong there. I never felt the need to set myself on fire, but I did need to burn my fingertips to get some attention to the issues.” Mumpower noted that his approach has worked. “For the first time in recent history, all my liberal socialist colleagues are talking about holding the line on taxes, and about pub-

Swannanoa incorporation defeated For three years, Swannanoa had been caught in a sometimes-tumultuous debate over whether to incorporate as a town. Proponents of the move said residents would have better services and more control over their own destiny, while opponents asserted that it would bring higher taxes and regulations unsuited to an area that remains largely rural. On Election Day Swannanoa incorporation was decisively defeated at the polls. As its final hurdle, the proposed incorporation had to pass a referendum, and the residents of the would-be town turned their thumbs down, with 61 percent of those who cast ballots rejecting incorporation. In a year with anemic municipal turnouts, the referendum saw much higher attention, with about 40 percent of registered voters in the area turning out. In the end, 1,589 voted against incorporation and 1,013 for it. “Obviously, we’re pleased with the results — we wanted the people of Swannanoa to have a vote, and they’ve spoken,” said Gary Aiken, a leader of the Swannanoa Truth antiincorporation group. “We thought that they would see the implications of this and speak loud and clear if they got the opportunity.” Aiken believes that the vote ends the poslic safety being job one. Those are things that turned people purple when I mentioned them when I was first elected, and now it’s part of their platform.” He’s also happy to have “shined a light” on the workings of local government. “The number-one goal of local government is to protect itself. Everything else is second. I’ve challenged that priority because I think people should come first.” Mumpower said he’s taking a wait-and-see attitude before making any assessment of the new City Council, which he sees as dominated by liberal politicians. “Anytime you get a dominant majority, things get out of balance,” he said, “but I’m not going to assume catastrophe. Let’s see how it works

sibility of incorporation “for the time being, but this isn’t the first time it’s come up. There were attempts in 1975, 1989 and now in 2009. So we probably haven’t seen the last of this issue.” For all the animosity that the incorporation debate stirred up in the months preceding the vote, Aiken believes that the controversy has “made Swanannoa aware of who we are. It’s definitely brought out some pride and a feeling of community.” Dave Alexander, chair of the Swannanoa Incorporation task force, said he’s “obviously disappointed by the results” and praised the “countless hours of hard work” that proincorporation volunteers put in over the last three years. “This [incorporation] isn’t something you do casually: It’s a very rigorous process,” Alexander told Xpress. “For the time being, I think incorporation is moribund. I don’t see anyone wanting to pick it up anytime soon. Where we go from here, I just don’t know.” He mentioned that some statements from the anti-incorporation side “may indicate that they see it’s time to sit down and talk about community leadership.” X

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— David Forbes out.” Once his batteries are recharged, Mumpower said, he’ll be back to crusade for his conservative principals. He plans on starting a new blog, for example, and he said he’s determined to keep fighting for his conservative values. “The progressive community won’t have to deal with me on City Council any more, but the progressive community will get very little rest from me otherwise,” Mumpower said. “I’ll still be up to mischief.” — Jason Sandford Contact the Xpress news department at news@


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buncombe commissioners

Concrete facts

County won’t appeal concrete plant lawsuit Nov. 3 meeting

v Commissioners update flood ordinances; pass sustainability plan

v County lays out limits of authority over CTS cleanup, promises to push state, federal officials

by David Forbes

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It’s been an eventful few years for Buncombe County on the legal front. The county has won battles with the city over water, but high-profile rulings on zoning and the sale of public parkland to a private developer have failed to go the county’s way. Now Buncombe County commissioners have admitted defeat again, announcing at their Nov. 3 meeting that they will not appeal a Superior Court ruling ordering the county to allow the construction of a concrete plant near Weaverville. Yet the county can also claim a legal victory — of sorts. News came the same day that a three-judge panel of the state Court of Appeals had reversed a Superior Court ruling last year that found the county’s 2007 sale of a piece of parkland in Pack Square to developer Stewart Coleman illegal. (See “Developer Prevails in Lawsuit over Public Land in Downtown Asheville� on pg. 21.) The panel ruled that the land doesn’t have to remain a publicly accessible park, and Coleman can use it as he wishes (though he has abandoned controversial plans for a condominium building). But after the Superior Court ruling last year, the county declined to join Coleman’s appeal. With the abundance of legal news, the commissioners took the rare step of going into closed session during the middle of their meeting. It was almost an hour and a half later before they emerged. They declared that they saw little point in continuing to block the concrete plant, but they remained silent on the Pack Square ruling. “Blue Ridge Concrete was entitled to have to their rules reviewed under the laws at the time, which was: no zoning,� County Attorney Michael Frue explained. “I would suggest to the board that we not file an appeal and go forward with a settlement.� In March an N.C. Court of Appeals judge had ruled that the county didn’t follow proper procedures in approving zoning in 2007. That, in turn, means that those ordinances never legally existed, according to the Superior Court’s ruling in the cement plant case, and the county’s current work to reinstate zoning is irrelevant. “To pursue this would just be spending more of the taxpayer’s money,� Gantt said. “We’re not happy with it; we wish it wasn’t this way; we know the people in Weaverville have fought a long time. But we lost and we’re going to have to go forward and face the music.�

Temperature (and water) rising

The board unanimously approved a sustain-

16 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

ability plan aimed at cutting the county’s energy expenditures and carbon footprint. The plan aims to embrace LEED standards whenever possible, as well as setting other energy efficiency guidelines for the county’s facilities, vehicle fleet and services. But it does not enumerate specific goals or bind the county to follow LEED standards on all new buildings. Commissioner Holly Jones questioned that approach, saying she would like to see stronger commitments from the county. “I’d like to see new construction be LEED certified, though it might range whether it’s gold or silver LEED certified. Is that what this plan means?� No, explained Greg Israel, the county’s director of general services. “Making a blanket statement will bite you,� he told Jones. “We’ve got to look at it from a practical standpoint. If we can meet LEED certification, great. That’s our desire, but if it comes to where it can’t be done, we have to consider if it’s worth the extra money.� As one example, he pointed to the life-safety tower the county will soon build onto the courthouse. Making such a building LEED certified would be exorbitantly expensive, he said. Jones also encouraged the county to look at broadening its sustainability plan to incorporate greenways and other environmental issues. “So much does come under our facilities, but there’s a broader perspective as well,� she noted. Gantt asked Israel to come back in the next six months with a breakdown of the county’s energy usage. The board also unanimously passed a series of amendments bringing its flood ordinance up to date. In addition to updating the county’s flood maps, the new ordinances ban construction of any homes or businesses in the floodway and adjust several other rules — including the requirement of higher foundations in homes near areas susceptible to flooding — to bring the county’s ordinances in line with federal and state guidelines. Three percent of the county lies in areas that could be endangered in the event of extensive flooding. During the public hearing, however, longtime activist Don Yelton encouraged the county to go further and make the information more widely available. “You need to inform people about what the floodway and floodway fringe is,� urged Yelton. “You need to look at how much development is going into the floodway fringe. You can still be legal, you can still meet the federal requirements and still have a problem.�

“Simply not in the loop� In a presentation to the board, Frue also laid out how federal and state law constrain the county’s response to contamination at the former CTS of Asheville plant. In recent years, residents of the area have blasted county, state and federal officials for what they see as delays in cleaning up groundwater contamina-

tion of tricholoroethylene, a suspected carcinogen. In 2008, the county did pay for municipal water for the Oaks subdivision to protect its residents after wells in that area were found to have high levels of TCE. But Frue said that recent calls to extend water lines to all the homes on Chapel Hill Church Road, where a well tested in August at 168 times the maximum level of TCE permitted by the EPA for drinking water, haven’t met the county’s guidelines. “I don’t think many answers have been given to [the residents’] satisfaction,� Frue said. “There have been many emotional statements as to what the risks are, but the science has not developed to say that there’s an imminent health risk there.� Frue said that while many felt that CTS and Mills Gap Road Associates — whom the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the state Department of Environment and Natural Resources have declared as the responsible parties — have not done enough, “they have followed all the legal steps,� and thus the county has no standing to press a legal case. “The county is simply not in the loop as a responsible party for this situation,� he said. “Citizens could sue, but only if federal and state officials have not taken appropriate action. Again, the questions are many and the answers are few. The county has gone above and beyond what we’re required to do, beyond what I’ve been legally comfortable with.� Under the law, DENR is responsible for all pollution under the ground, while the EPA oversees the aboveground contamination. Gantt and other commissioners have said that those laws can leave jurisdiction confusing and sharply limit the county’s ability to play a role. However, Mandy Stone, director of the department of social services, said that the county could have a clearer understanding of the situation if the EPA and DENR were more forthcoming with information from the studies they’ve conducted on potential health risks in the area. “We’ve done repeated letters to federal and state officials,� she said, listing off ways the county has tried to help the residents, including offering well testing. “I would ask that we draft letters. The first letter is to our state and federal officials, reminding them that they oversee the agencies responsible for this and asking them to establish a clear and consistent line of communication with the citizens as well as investigate if there’s federal or state funds to get the residents water. The second letter would be to the state health director. Twice we’ve been promised with the public health assessment that ‘the check’s in the mail.’ We still haven’t seen it. We think it’s critically important that the public has access to that information.� The board quickly agreed, voting to send the letters unanimously. Commissioner Bill Stanley snapped, “I move we instruct staff to get the letters in the mail to those scoundrels, excuse me, people.�

X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or



mental health care

No treatment?

More mental health cuts leave local providers reeling, looking to adapt by David Forbes It’s been a tough few years for mental-health providers across North Carolina, as attempts at mental health reform have led to sharp budget cuts and left many clients struggling to find services. State officials have been trying to transform what they regard as a bulky, overly institutionalized system into one that is more flexible and can offer better services. But critics have asserted that in practice cuts have simply left many providers scrambling to provide care. And current economic woes, they note, have only made matters worse. A month ago, the situation for Western Highlands, which oversees mental-health services for eight counties, including Buncombe, looked dire: The state took $1.9 million in funds, calling them “underutilized,” and ordered Western Highlands to reduce its fund balance by another $1.5 million. In total, the state cut $5.4 million. It was just another blow to a system that’s been battered repeatedly in recent years. In 2006, New Vistas, the area’s largest mental-health provider, closed, in part due to state cuts. That sent about 10,000 people looking for treatment elsewhere. Yet while new providers have arisen to take up the burden, the area has had to scramble after losing a total of $9 million in state money since 2007. Worse still, area providers and county officials were counting on Western Highlands’ reserves to tide them over — until the state ended up cutting those too. “They said that any service that isn’t covered by Medicaid can’t be covered by state dollars, so that’s resulted in a reduction of services for some families,” says Department of Social Services Director Mandy Stone, who chairs the board of Western Highlands. “They also reduced services for children and cut developmental therapy. On

Weathering the storm? Dan Zorn at Families Together believes that by expanding and diversifying services, mental-health providers can endure the latest round of state cuts. Not all providers are as optimistic. Dan Zorn, head of Families Together, which provides in-home services for children as well as mental-health services for families, says that after this latest round of turmoil shakes out, services should improve overall. “Over the next six months, we will see an acute lack of services,” he tells Xpress. “A lot of things are still being finalized. But services will grow, and by next summer or fall we will recover and even see higher quality and more available services than before. So short term, it’s going to be severe; long term, the situation’s more optimistic.” Zorn notes that Families Together has added

“It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.” Margaret George top of those cuts, we had to reduce our fund balance by $1.5 million. We’d been using the fund balance we built up to maintain services when the state made cuts.” The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners balked at cutting services to children and substance-abuse programs and has found funds to shore up services throughout the remainder of the fiscal year. Still, says Stone, “We had a $2.3 million loss last year. We covered that with our fund balance. But our fund balance isn’t being regenerated: Eventually we’re just not going to have capacity to fill those holes.” What will these latest cuts mean? Opinions from mental-health providers range from bleak prognostications to guarded optimism, though all predict a trying period of upheaval.


October Road

more in-home services and day treatment for children, among several other programs. Larger providers with an array of programs, he believes, will be less vulnerable if the state cuts funding in one area. And serving a larger number of clients will increase a provider’s financial stability. But Margaret George, program director for the October Road treatment agency, says she’s already seen the consequences up close and is pessimistic about future prospects. “I’ve seen people that badly need treatment going without,” she told Xpress. “Things are going to get worse. You’re going to see a rise in hospital activity, a rise in incarcerations because the people affected by this can’t get the treatment they need. They don’t just disappear. It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.”

Photo by Jonathan Welch

“Unable to continue to function”

The economic downturn has led to a severe budget crunch, and Stone worries that the state will gut vital services as it struggles to plug budget holes. A letter she sent on behalf of Western Highlands to Lanier Cansler, the state’s secretary of health and human services, spelled out the consequences of continuing cuts. “Local communities will feel the impact in our schools, courts, hospitals and jails, placing additional strains on health and social service systems,” reads the Sept. 30 letter, which Stone wrote just after the cuts. It goes on to describe a dire scenario that would unfold if the state cut Western Highlands’ fund balance. “We are rapidly approaching the point where there will be insufficient fund balance to fill the gaps. As a Board we have given serious consideration to the reality that the proposed cuts for next fiscal year are unsustainable through fund balance and may place us in the position of being unable to continue to function and require that the state take over. We are steadfast in our commitment to consumers.” The letter invited Cansler to Asheville for a meeting, and he accepted, coming the following Friday. After that sit-down, the state agreed to give Western Highlands back the “underutilized” $1.9 million, which Stone asserts hadn’t been used sooner only because of the time it took for new providers to get former clients of New Vistas into their systems. It was a great relief to get that money back, Stone says, but it still leaves Western Highlands facing an uncertain future. Part of the problem is that the state’s mercurial approach to reform forces mental-health providers and the government agencies they work • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 17

closely with to constantly adapt, Stone says. “The landscape never stabilizes. They continue to change rules, reimbursement rates,” she says. “That means you have service providers that are constantly having to adjust.” “We thought things had stabilized,” says George in agreement. “We thought we had some breathing room. We don’t. It hasn’t gotten better. We’ve got a lot of people that need help and we’ve got shrinking resources to help them with.” The state isn’t uncaring, Stone notes, attributing much of the chaos and loss of funds to a genuine push to improve the mental-health system. While she acknowledges the severity of the budget crisis, she argues that in many cases the state is trying to move those struggling with mental health into systems that haven’t been built. She gives an example: “They’re closing the Level III and IV residential homes for kids. What they’re saying is that those can be handled by wrapping therapeutic supports around children and moving [the children] into therapeutic foster homes. Yes, the research does indicate that’s a far better approach.” There’s just one problem: Those homes don’t exist.

Out in the country

Of course, Western Highlands deals with more of Western North Carolina than just Buncombe. It also administers mental health services in Transylvania, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford and Yancey counties. As Stone notes, rural areas are facing the same problems but with far fewer resources and far less infrastructure to fall back on. “The challenges in those rural counties are massive,” Stone says. “We really do have counties in this region that have no mental-health services.” For instance, state cuts have left holes in the Madison County budget that can’t always be filled, even with careful administration, County Manager Steve Garrison says. “In our customer base, when we can’t make resources meet, we do see some adults going without services,” Garrison tells Xpress. “We have to put a cap on the number of customers. We route some of them to Buncombe, but that’s not a route that leads to having self-sustaining services in our county.” Despite the challenges, he says, Madison is making progress. More psychiatrists are on hand at local schools and working with law enforce-

ment. But while these efforts do help, Garrison notes, “The [state] cuts don’t exactly seem equitable. We’re left with some unpredictability, trying to string together a hodgepodge of services. We’re going to need state support on some fronts. More beds [for patients], for example. There are some things that just cost a lot for a rural county to provide.”

The shape of things to come

Zorn sees a viable system taking shape, and says he believes that Families Together will manage to weather the cuts, because it has recently diversified its services. “Providers are going to have to be more diverse, more flexible,” he said. “Maintaining relationships in Raleigh is critical to adapting to these changes.” Those relationships can give providers better information about seemingly sudden changes, and allow them to adapt their organization (or plead their case to state officials) accordingly. After a period fraught with challenges, he sees a workable system emerging. Overall, before mental-health reform began, there were many small providers. But now, Zorn says, “That’s over. You’re going to see a few large providers for the mental-health system, but with better infrastructure and improved services.” Stone agrees with the ultimate direction the state is moving toward, but says that the endpoint isn’t close. “I agree with the push to move services to the community and not deal with them in a clinic or hospital unless absolutely necessary,” she says. “But if community services aren’t there, you don’t have a way to support those individuals.” Stone particularly worries about “those who need a lot of structure, those who we’re going to see in our detention center and emergency services if they don’t get their medication.” But she is concerned about a wide range of groups. “What happens when children are moved out of residential homes but don’t have adequate support is that the school has to deal with them,” Stone says. “You’ll see more individuals vying for hospital beds. I think Secretary Cansler has a solid vision — we support that — but we’re going to have to build this new system before it works.”

X David Forbes can be reached at dforbes@mountainx. com or 251-1333, ext. 137.

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After two years spent researching, developing and designing the project, a consortium of artists, venues and supporters last week launched, which is intended to be a one-stop shop for info about Asheville-area performing arts. One of its main goals? To create a brand for Asheville’s performing arts, and help better market the local arts scene. The Web site is the brainchild of Charlie Flynn-McIver, artistic director for N.C. Stage Company, who has sought new and better ways to promote the panoply of local performing arts. In 2007, N.C. Stage snagged a $50,000 grant from the Merchant’s Fund of the Community Foundation of WNC to create a better branding strategy for Asheville-area arts. In the time since, local arts leaders, institutions and performers have partnered with publicrelations company Market Connections to build an all-inclusive online portal for artists, venues and fans of the arts — be they locals or tourists Building a better brand: The new LiveWire Web site will help get the word out about planning to take in Asheville’s performance Asheville’s performing arts — and ideally help bolster the local economy. scene. The result is, which was already stocked with information from dance, festivals, music, theatre and the decid- said that the site would try to be a multiplier of attention to and attendance at local events. more than 60 organizations, clubs and festivals edly Asheville category of “off-beat.” when it went live last week. The site’s features “Basically, Asheville is one, big, year-round Noting that many artists and venues have include event calendars that allow users to arts festival, with something for almost every- limited marketing budgets, he suggested that search by date, genre or venue. In addition, one,” Flynn-McIver noted as LiveWireAsheville LiveWireAsheville site will get performance groups, venues and artists are encouraged to debuted before members of the arts commu- information out cheaply and comprehensively upload their profile and event information for nity at Diana Wortham Theatre on Nov. 5. to the consumers who are most interested in it. — Jon Elliston free via an interface on the site. Events and art- He stressed studies that show how a vibrant ists are organized by genres including comedy, arts scene bolsters the local economy, and

Mission Hospital to begin search for new CEO The president and CEO of Mission Hospital and Mission Health System, Western North Carolina’s key health center and the region’s largest employer, resigned recently amid tensions between hospital administrators and some staff members and physicians. Joe Damore notified the hospital’s Board of Directors on Oct. 27 that he would resign effective Jan. 31, 2010. The most recent publicly available documents about his compensation were filed with the Internal Revenue Service for the fiscal year ending September 2007. They show that his annual salary was $724,345 and that he also received $92,297 in contributions to an employee-benefit plan and deferred compensation. Damore was working under a new five-year contract at the time of his announcement, and a hospital spokeswoman said that as a personnel matter, under state law any details about the dissolution of his contract would not be made public. The board said it will begin a search for an interim leader and then move on to begin the process of finding a permanent replacement. Mission Hospital is licensed for more than 800 beds and has a medical staff of more than 650 doc-

20 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

tors. In 2007, it reported $1.2 billion in revenue. Hospital board Chairman George Renfro praised Damore’s five years of leadership at the hospital. “Under Joe’s leadership Mission has achieved national recognition for its outstanding clinical care and innovation, while maintaining a sound financial foundation for our growing health system,” Renfro said in a written statement. “Joe has built upon our strong culture of quality, provided sound financial stewardship and has further developed Mission as an integrated regional health system advancing the well-being of the people who call Western North Carolina home.” But not everyone was happy with Damore’s leadership. This past summer, 150 doctors representing a dozen medical practices signed a letter to the hospital board raising concerns about the hospital administration’s handling of several initiatives and stating that the medical staff had a lack of trust in administrators. The doctors said they feared that the deterioration of collaborative efforts between physicians and administrators could harm the hospital’s high level of patient care. In response, the hospital board sent a letter to

the physicians. The board wrote that “rumblings of physician concerns have been unmistakable. We apologize for perhaps being too slow to respond.” It also announced the creation of a blue-ribbon committee to investigate. The committee’s report came back in September. In his statement, Renfro said that the board accepted the report from the special committee, which was formed in late July and which conducted interviews with more than 100 physicians and 19 members of the hospital’s management team. The board will begin evaluating those recommendations, Renfro said. “Mission is a healthcare system with nationally ranked clinical quality, a reputation as one of the best health systems in the nation for combining high quality and low cost, a stable financial outlook that has earned us continued AA ratings from all three major bond rating agencies, and long-standing community partnerships,” Renfro said in the statement. “We will draw on these strengths as we continue to meet Western North Carolina’s growing healthcare needs.” — Jason Sandford

The tavern will go on: Developer Stewart Coleman won an appeal earlier this month, but says he’ll move forward with his plans for Pack’s Tavern. He’d earlier proposed the controversial Parkside condominiums. photo by jonathan welch

Developer prevails in lawsuit over public land in downtown Asheville Buncombe County officials were within their rights to sell a piece of public land to a developer, the N.C. Court of Appeals ruled on Nov. 3. The decision reversed a lower court ruling and leaves the land in the hands of Stewart Coleman. The decision also leaves open the chance that one day the property owner could build a new structure there. Coleman’s former intentions to do exactly that are what prompted the contentious legal battle. Yet Coleman’s current plan, he says, is to turn a neighboring building he owns into a tavern and leave the small parcel near City Hall as parkland. The controversy started in 2006 when the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners sold an alleyway and a piece of public parkland to Stewart Coleman and his development company, Black Dog Realty Inc. The quiet sale exploded into blaring protests after the public learned that Coleman planned to combine those parcels with the Hayes & Hopson Building site and construct a nine-story condominium building there. He called his project Parkside. Critics accused commissioners of back-room dealing. Protesters camped out beneath an iconic magnolia tree on the land in front of Asheville City Hall, and local Wiccans held a ritual to save the tree. Activists petitioned to have county and city officials take the property back through eminent domain. Elected officials even considered buying back the land from Coleman, or swapping other publicly owned property for the slice of cherished property adjacent to Pack Square Park. The issue came to a head when the heirs of the man who donated the land to the county more than 100 years ago filed a lawsuit to have the sale undone. The descendants of George W. Pack won in Buncombe County Superior Court with Judge Marlene Hyatt’s 2008 decision that the property could not be used for public development because the land was deeded to the county for public use only. Coleman appealed that decision to the Court of Appeals in October 2008. By then, the controversy had begun to recede. Coleman changed his tack and began moving forward with a major renovation of Hayes & Hopson, aiming to turn the building into a restaurant, bar and event venue. He has named the

project Pack’s Tavern. The tavern plan roundly met with praise, and to move ahead with it, Coleman last month withdrew his application to build the condominiums. The Court of Appeals ruling landed like a withered magnolia blossom — softly, and without much notice beyond the key players. Joe Ferikes, the attorney for the Pack heirs suing to undo the sale of the property, said he was disappointed with the decision, adding that his clients weren’t inclined to appeal the unanimous decision by the three-judge panel. “My clients felt like they were right all along, and I felt like they were right all along,� Ferikes said. “Any time a piece of property is given to the county by a benefactor and designated for a particular use, then it ought to stay like that.� The Court of Appeals disagreed after reviewing two deeds that philanthropist Pack signed in 1901 to hand over land to Buncombe County. The court ruled that Pack’s deeds, rather than restricting the land to public use forever, actually just intended the property in question to be used for a courthouse building. Coleman said the Court of Appeals’ decision “was a correct decision and that should have been made by the lower court.� Coleman said it was unfortunate that it took three years to reach that decision. “I was brutalized by the news media� over that time period, Coleman said, “but that has never seemed to bother me much. We’ve moved on.� The legal battle aside, Coleman said he’s looking forward “to the path we’ve selected now. We’re really happy with the direction we’re going in.� Coleman said his new tavern, scheduled to open Feb. 12, 2010, will feature a 1930s theme and serve government workers, park users and those seeking event space. It will employ about 100 people and will fit in with the newly reconstituted Pack Square Park, which has been the site of a $20 million remodeling over the past four years. “We put the lawsuit behind us eight months ago because of this Plan B that we elected to try to do, and we’re going to do it right.� — Jason Sandford

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by Jack Igelman A group of restless t’weens and teens clowning around at Jean Webb Park on Riverside Drive usually means that something not-soproductive is about to happen. The isolated park — located in the shadow of the Haywood Road bridge — has a shady reputation. But this group of 19 Asheville Middle School students are members of the school’s River Corps, and they have a purpose. They’ve just finished floating down the French Broad in canoes accompanied by eighth-grade math teacher Jessica Carson, the Corps’ faculty sponsor, and her husband Hartwell, the French Broad Riverkeeper who educates Western North Carolina students about the waterway. In 2006, Will Yeiser — then an AMS teacher and now director of the French Broad River Academy — launched River Corps. Jessica Carson has been involved since the corps’ inception, and she’s a lifelong paddler who took her first canoe trips as a 10-year-old with her dad in Georgia. From her standpoint, the club will help elevate the French Broad in Asheville as a more attractive recreational asset rather than just a body of water you drive over. At the beginning of the academic year, students at AMS choose among 30 different clubs, ranging from Brain Games to the

“Once the [students] develop an appreciation for the river, they are more likely to become stewards.” — AMS

teacher Jessica


Double Dutch club. The corps is a popular choice. For one, it offers a handful of field trips as a carrot. Still, it’s not easy: Last year’s group toiled for a day shoveling earth to form a riverside rain garden that will collect polluted storm-water runoff. “I’m really proud of that day,” says Jessica, explaining that the club is a way to introduce the students to the French Broad, its tributaries, and crucial issues, such as stream ecology, water quality, and homelessness (the group noticed a tent propped on the riverside). In addition to paddling the river, the students have adopted a section of the stream and will study insects, perform service, and monitor the water quality. “Once they develop an appreciation for the river, they are more likely to become stewards,” she adds. “They’ll be

22 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

River teens: Asheville Middle School students took to the French Broad as part of the River Corps — an adventure in becoming stewards of our natural resources. photo by Hartwell Carson

more likely to volunteer, become advocates, or just make the river a part of their lives.” In fact, the French Broad watershed is a perfect venue for a group of kids to learn the value of a natural resource. What may surprise many, says Hartwell, is that the river’s water quality is in decline. In 2008, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality reported that in the French Broad basin there were 293 miles of impaired streams that are no longer safe due to bacteria, sediment or some other form of pollution. That’s up from the 167 miles reported in 2004. While the river is cleaner than in decades past, the students saw plenty of trash, including a submerged dryer. However, most of the increased pollution is sediment from development which diminishes oxygen in the river and makes it harder for fish and other species to thrive. And while there may be more people than ever using the river to fish, paddle and view wildlife, the truth is that recreating on the urban stretch of river is, at best, typically a second choice, like dining at a divey late-night waffle joint when no one else is serving. One reason for the aversion may be that river-access points, such as Jean Webb Park, can be downright seedy. “When you draw people down to the river, they start to like it and appreciate it,” says Hartwell, who believes that attracting more people to Jean Webb and other river-access points will make

the urban section of the French Broad safer and more welcoming, therefore expanding access. In fact, after the float, the giddy bunch of middle-schoolers seem to give the dusty underpass new life. “It was fun and peaceful,” says seventh-grader Clara, mentioning the highlight of the trip: getting a look at a great blue heron. During a short debrief of the float, the students are overflowing with information about their trip and point out that few people pay attention to the river. And that’s just it: The Corps is an opportunity to inspire a stewardship that Carson hopes will last a lifetime, while at the same time giving a handful of eager students the opportunity to experience the river from the inside looking out — a view less often taken. “It is a beginning to understand the river — that’s important. I hope we create citizens who think of the river as a resource we need to protect,” she says, optimistic that some of her students will one day help shepherd the ongoing revitalization of the city’s river. “We need the river to be cleaner,” says River Corps member Lydia, an eighth grader. “If you see trash, pick it up. It’s really not that hard.” X Jack Igelman lives in Asheville.

outdoorscalendar Calendar for November 11 - 19, 2009 Asheville Track Club The club provides information, education, training, social and sporting events for runners and walkers of any age. Please see the group Web site for weekly events and news. Info: or 253-8781. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Carrier Park Runners. Meet at the Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Dick Duccini, 645-8887. Pace: slow-moderate —- 6pm - Beginning Runner’s Program. Meet at the Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Tom Kilsbury, —- 6pm - ATC Walkers Club. Meet at the Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Larry Fincher, HawCreekLarry@aol. com. • SATURDAYS, 8am - Carrier Park Runners. Meet at Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary. Leader: Dick Duccini, 6458887 —- 8am - Beginning Runner’s Program. Meet at Carrier Park Pavilion. Leader: Tom Kilsbury, burytom@ —- 8am - ATC Walkers Club. Meet at Fletcher Park. Leader: Sherry Best-Kai, 595-4148 or bestmsrd@ Call ahead to confirm. • SUNDAYS, 8am - Carrier Park Runners. Park at NC Arboretum Greenhouse. Leader: Dick Duccini, 645-8887. Long, slow distance on trails —- 8:30am - ATC Trail Run. Park at NC Arboretum Greenhouse. Leaders: Bryan Trantham, 648-9336, and Rick Taylor, 776-3853. Pace: 8:30-9:30mpm. Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Encourages safe and responsible recreational bicycling in the WNC area. To find out more about the club and its ongoing advocacy efforts, or to see a complete club calendar, visit • THURSDAYS - Fletcher Blue Sky Road Ride. Departs promptly at 9:15am. Route and meeting place vary. No one will be left behind. Call or e-mail for details or if weather is questionable: 696-0877 or JohnL9@ • SATURDAYS - Gary Arthur Ledges Park Road Ride. Departs in the a.m. from Ledges Park, located 6.5 miles off UNCA exit on I-26. Ride north along the French Broad River to Marshall for coffee, then return via Ivy Hill. Email for departure time: • SUNDAYS - Folk Art Center Road Ride. Departs in the p.m. from the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is a show-n-go ride, meaning there may not be a ride leader. Call or email for departure time: 713-8504 or Carolina Mountain Club CMC fosters the enjoyment of the mountains of WNC and adjoining regions and encourages the conservation of our natural resources, through an extensive schedule of hikes and a program of trail building and maintenance. $20 per year, family memberships $30 per year. Newcomers must call the leader before the hike. Info: • WE (11/11), 8:30am - Coontree - Pink Beds. Info: 698-7119.

• SA (11/14), 10am - Flat Laurel Creek, Little Sam Knob, MST Loop. Info: 505-0471. • SU (11/15), 8am - Jerry Miller Trail to AT to Fork Ridge Trail. Info: 656-2191 —- 12:30pm - Tanyard Gap to Rich Mountain. Info: 658-0606. • WE (11/18), 8am - Hospital Rock - Pretty Place Rainbow Falls. Info: 684-8656. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • TU (11/17), 10am-Noon - Hike the Rainbow to Lookout Trail in Montreat. This is a difficult hike. Outdoor Adventure With Asheville Parks & Rec The Asheville Parks and Recreation has lots of outdoor adventure opportunities: Senior Treks, Women in the Woods, Homeschool Adventures and the School’s Out Adventures program. Registration required. To register: 251-4029 or • TH (11/12), 9am-5pm - Homeschool Adventure: Caving at Worley’s Cave in eastern Tenn. Meet at the Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Dr. $26/$28 nonresidents. • FR (11/13), 9:30am - Senior Trek: Walk the Trestle Trail in Montreat. Bring lunch, water and proper clothing. Meet at the Recreation Office, 72 Gashes Creek Rd. $2. Pigeon Valley Bassmasters All interested anglers in the community in WNC, Upstate S.C., East Tennessee and NE Georgia are invited to attend and share fishing ideas. Invitational tournaments are held throughout the area. Info: 884-2846 or middlefork2846@ • 2nd MONDAYS, 7pm - Meeting at the Canton Library. Public Safety Course Sponsored by The Haywood Community College Natural Resources Management Department and the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Classes will be held at Haywood Community College in the 300 Building, Rm. 309 & 310. Free. Info: 627-4560 or • MO (11/16) through WE (11/18), 6-9:30pm - Hunter Safety Course. Attendance is required for three consecutive evenings. Registration required. Swannanoa Valley Museum Hikes Unless otherwise noted, all hikes begin in the parking lot of Black Mountain Savings Bank, 200 E. State St. in Black Mountain. $5 members/$15 nonmembers. Info or reservations: 669-9566 or • WE (11/11) - Catawba Falls hike.

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Check out the Outdoors Calendar online at for info on events happening after November 19.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

Residential • Commercial Repairs • Emergencies New Construction • Remodeling

216-3894 216-1109 Free Estimates Dependable Service & Advice References Available

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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

Community Events & Workshops • Social & Shared-Interest Groups • Government & Politics • Seniors & Retirees • Animals • Technology • Business & Careers • Volunteering • Health Programs & Support Groups Calendar C a t e g o r i e s : Helplines • Sports Groups & Activities • Kids • Spirituality • Arts • Spoken & Written Word • Food • Festivals & Gatherings • Music • Theater • Comedy • Film • Dance • Auditions & Call to Artists Calendar for November 11 - 19, 2009 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that’s happening today — or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Community Events & Workshops Asheville Design Center An exhibit and meeting space at 8 College St., Asheville. Formed by volunteer professionals, includ-

ing architects, planners, landscape architects, urban designers, community advocates and others concerned with sound regional development. Info: www. • SA (11/14), 9am-3pm - Come help the Asheville Design Center brainstorm ways to improve I-26 Alternative 4B, to reduce impacts to neighborhoods and create a design that suits Asheville. Blue Ridge Parkway 75th Anniversary Events • TH (11/12) through SA (11/14) - A series of events celebrating the Parkway’s anniversary will be held in Cherokee and in Asheville. For a complete schedule of events: Colburn Earth Science Museum The museum has a permanent collection of gem and mineral samples from around the world. Located

Calendar deadlines:

*FREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Calendar Information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): events/submission * E-mail (second best): * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

in Pack Place at 2 South Pack Square. Info: 2547162 or • TH (11/12), 2-4pm - Guided geology walk with curator Phil Potter. Learn about the history of the building stones that compose downtown Asheville’s unique art deco architecture. Events at Montreat College Events are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted. • TH (11/17), 7pm - Dr. Gerald Schroeder, the author of Genesis and the Big Bang, will give a lecture titled “Faith and Science” in Gaither Chapel. Events at Warren Wilson College Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and held in Canon Lounge of the Gladfelter Student Center. Info: 298-3325. • TH (11/12), 4pm - Writer and feminist critic bell hooks will discuss strategies for “Creating Community” in a public presentation. A Q&A will follow. Info: 771-5851. Freeskool Events & Classes A teaching and learning network by and for the community. Community members offer free classes to other community members. Info: • SA (11/14), 2-4pm - The Really Really Free Market at the graffiti walls in the River Arts District. GIS Day • TH (11/12), 11am-1pm - Third annual celebration of Geographic Information Systems Day in WNC at the RENCI at UNCA Community Engagement Site, located in the Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville. See how GIS works, and how it is being used in local initiatives. Free. Info: 251-6973. Henderson County Heritage Museum Located in the Historic Courthouse in Hendersonville at 1 Historic Courthouse Square on Main Street. Info: 694-1619 or • WE (11/11), 10am-5pm - Honor Veterans Day at the Heritage Museum.

Learn about U.S. veterans who served their country from the Revolutionary War through the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military artifacts and photographs will be on display. • Through SA (11/14) - Learn about the “Fly Girls of World War II.” A special traveling exhibition will be on display. Hendersonville Antique Car Club Info: or 696-4168. • WE (11/11) - Classic antique cars will escort veterans to a Veterans Day Services at Forest Lawn. The club, along with other local car clubs, will participate. Veterans should meet at the VFW at Five Points or the The American Legion at 9:45am. Just Economics An Asheville-based nonprofit dedicated to educating, advocating, and organizing for a just and sustainable local economy in WNC. Info: 239-0932 or www.justeconomicswnc. org. • TH (11/12), 6-8:30pm - Workshop and free supper at the Communication Workers of America Hall in W. Asheville. Presentations on how to access unemployment, confront discrimination in the workplace, and find worker-centered solutions. To RSVP: call or e-mail sarahosmer@ N.C. Center for Creative Retirement Unless otherwise noted, these events and classes are held in the Chestnut Ridge Room at UNCA’s Reuter Center. Info: 2516140. • FR (11/13), 2pm “N.C. Center for Creative Retirement: Then and Now.” Free. National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon • TH (11/19), 11:30am - Registration —- Noon1:30pm - Luncheon and awards ceremony at the Renaissance Hotel in Asheville. The Association of Fundraising Professionals WNC Chapter will announce the winners of this year’s awards. $25. RSVP by

24 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

weeklypicks Events are FREE unless otherwise noted. A dedication service for the WNC Veterans Memorial will be held Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m. at

wed Asheville City-County Plaza. The event will feature Master of Ceremony Larry Blunt of WLOS, keynote

speaker Major General David Blackledge and guest speaker U.S. Senator Richard Burr. Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy and Buncombe County Commission Chairman David Gantt will also take part in the service. The sixth annual UNCA Human Rights Film Festival will present a screening of Pray the Devil Back to

thur Hell Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. at Highsmith University Union, room 104. Festival screenings begin Wednesday, Nov. 11 and continue through Friday, Nov. 13. Info: 250-3870.


An opening reception for the group exhibition Resident Clay, featuring the ceramic works of several artists-in-residence, will be held Friday, Nov. 13, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Odyssey Gallery, 238 Clingman Ave., Asheville. Info: 285-0210.


Renowned storytellers will gather to tell tales and lead workshops at the 11th annual Fall Storytelling Festival Saturday, Nov. 14, from 9 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. Sponsored by the N.C. Storytelling Guild and Transylvania County Library Friends of the Library, the festival will be held at the Transylvania County Library in Brevard. Info: 274-1123. More than 130 studios will be open to the public during the River Arts District Studio Stroll Saturday,

sun Nov. 14, and Sunday, Nov. 15, between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Meet artists, and purchase artwork in a

warehouse-turned-art-district along the French Broad River near downtown Asheville. Info: www. The Grove Park Inn’s 17th annual National Gingerbread House Competition will take place Monday,

mon Nov. 16. All entries will be judged on specific criteria. Attend the awards ceremony starting at 5 p.m. The houses will be on display through Jan. 3. Info:


Mountain Area Interfaith Forum and the N.C. Center for Creative Retirement will host an interfaith exploration of ”The Purpose of Life” Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. in the Chestnut Ridge Room of UNCA’s Reuter Center. Panel discussion from members of several spiritual traditions followed by a Q&A. Info: 232-5181.

Nov. 12. Info: 299-3663, ext. 223, or Operation Toasty Toes Chapter 7 Info: 696-9777 or www. • Now accepting photo submissions of local service members from their families for placement within silver stars on a Christmas tree dedicated to America’s Armed Forces that will be on display in the rear lobby of Hendersonville’s courthouse starting Nov. 28. Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Info: 862-5554 or www. • FR (11/13), 7pm Presentation concerning the status of the International Space Station and an update on the missions currently underway aboard the largest spacecraft ever constructed. Plus, a site tour and celestial observations. Register by 3pm on Nov. 13. $20/$15/$10. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted.

• FR (11/13), 11:25am - Humanities Lectures: “The Rise of Fascism in the Interwar Years ... and Beyond,” with Dr. John McClain in Lipinsky Auditorium and “Post Modern Culture/ Contemporary Art,” with Dr. Brian Butler in the Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (11/16), 11:25am - Humanities Lectures: “Judaism,” with Dr. Sam Kaplan in the Humanities Lecture Hall and “The Baroque: Counter Reformation, Royal Absolutism,” with Dr. Ron Sousa in Lipinsky Auditorium. • WE (11/18), 7:30pm - David G. Moore, Warren Wilson College professor of anthropology and archaeology, will host a talk on “Excavations at First Lost Colony: Recent Excavations at the Berry Site,” a noted Burke County archeological site. Held in the Reuter Center. Info: 251-6290 or Talks & Presentations at WCU

These public lectures, readings and events at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 2272303. • WE (11/18), 11:45am Luncheon Series: Gathering and reception followed by a buffet lunch —- 12:15pm - “College of Arts and Sciences,” will be discussed. $10.50. Veterans of Foreign Wars All events are held upstairs at 5 Points, 860 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 693-5930. • WE (11/11), 11am - The Hedricks-Rhodes Chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will lead a Veterans Day ceremony at the Historic Courthouse Plaza in Hendersonville. Visualizing Human Rights Anti-Conference • SA (11/14), 9am-9pm - Presented by the Asheville Art Museum and UNCA on the campus of UNCA, the event will feature dance, theater and music. Plus, a special reception at Highsmith Student Union in honor of Cherokee artist

Luzene Hill’s installation art exhibit. Info: 253-3227. WNC Veterans Memorial Dedication • WE (11/11), 2pm Dedication service at the stage area of Asheville City-County Plaza. Master of Ceremony: Larry Blunt of WLOS. Keynote Speaker: Major General David Blackledge. Guest speaker: U.S. Senator Richard Burr. Plus, Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy and Buncombe County Commission Chairman David Gantt.

Social & SharedInterest Groups American Advertising Federation Asheville Info: 258-0316, or • MO (11/16), 11:30am1pm - “The Sustainability Revolution,” an educational luncheon program sponsored by New Page Corporation. Guest speaker: Neil Gurney of Saatchi & Saatchi. At Posana Cafe, 1 Biltmore Ave., Asheville.

$15 members/$25 guests. RSVP by Nov. 13. Ardent Toastmasters Club Afraid to speak in public? Want to practice your speaking skills in a fun and supportive environment? Meets at Zona Lofts, 162 Coxe Ave., in downtown Asheville. Info: 225-8680 or websiteApps/. • Alternate THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - Meeting. Arise & Shine Toastmasters Ready to overcome your fear of public speaking and to enhance your communication and leadership skills? This group provides a friendly environment in which to do so. Guests have no obligation to join. Info: 776-5076. • THURSDAYS, 7:30am Meets at UNCA’s Highsmith Student Union. Asheville Homeless Network Meetings take place at Firestorm Cafe & Books in downtown Asheville. Info: 552-0505. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - All homeless people and interested citizens are welcome. Asheville Newcomers Club Newer residents and retirees make new friends while learning about all the opportunities Asheville offers. Info: or 274-6662. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 9:30am - Meeting with speakers from local organizations. Asheville Stamp Club Stamp collecting for all ages. Info: 692-7640, 6273039, 274-3804. • 3rd SUNDAYS, 2pm - Meeting in the Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community Center, 1617 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville. Blue Ridge Toastmasters Club Meets once a week to enhance speaking skills both formal and impromptu. Part of an international proven program that takes you through the steps with fun along the way. Network with interesting people of all ages and professions. Info: or 333-2500. • MONDAYS, 12:15pm - Meeting at First Presbyterian Church (Aston and Church) in downtown Asheville. • MONDAYS, 12:201:30pm - Meeting. Canasta Canasta anyone? Come join a friendly group of men and women who love to

play for the fun of it. Info: 665-2810 or 251-0520. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS, Noon-3pm - Canasta. Friends of Asheville Transit Club Discuss transit-related issues over pints of beer. Info: 279-8349. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7:30-9pm - The club meets on the lower level of The Thirsty Monk, 92 Patton Ave. in Asheville. Find the group by looking for the toy buses and maps on the table. Koinonia Monday Night Potlucks • MONDAYS, 6-10pm - Potluck. The gathering invites visionaries, homeschoolers, activists, spiritualists and folks of all walks of life to share ideas and wisdom. Be a part of fostering an evolved local and global community. Change begins within us. Info: 333-2000. Land-of-Sky Regional Council Info: 251-6622 or www. • TU (11/18), 11am - Join Land-of-Sky Regional Council ROP TAC and TCC meeting at the Land-of-Sky Regional Council offices, 339 New Leicester Hwy, St. 140. Scrabble Club Come play America’s favorite word game SCRABBLE. Info: 2528154. • SUNDAYS, 1-5pm Meets at Books-A-Million in Asheville. We have all the gear; just bring your vocabulary. No dues the first six months. Sons of Confederate Veterans Event • SA (11/14), 7pm - Terrell Garren, the author of The Secret of War, will speak in the Community Room of the Historic Courthouse in Hendersonville. Plus, the Henderson County Heritage Museum will be open for tours. Info: 694-1619. Swannanoa Valley Museum Located at 223 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-9566 or • WE (11/18) - Day Camp for Grown-Ups: Stove Trotters cooking event. TEDxAVL 2010 Organizational Meetings • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Organizers meet twice a month to find speakers, performers and product demos for a conference packed with ideas. At Locomotivity, 224 Broadway near the 240 W exit. Info: 231-7205. The New Friends Meetup

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The 2009 Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest Call to artists – young and old! Get out those art supplies and submit your holiday-themed artwork to the Xpress by Friday, Nov. 20 If you do, you could win the opportunity to… • Have your art appear in color inside one of our December holiday guides, which will publish on Dec. 2, Dec. 9 and Dec. 16! • Have your art displayed at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s studio in downtown Asheville (20 Commerce St.) from Friday, Dec. 11, through Sunday, Dec. 20! There will be a free, open-to-the-public reception for Xpress’ holiday art show Friday, Dec. 18, from 6 to 7 p.m. with treats and entertainment. Stick around after the reception for Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s opening night of Poetry in Motion: A Light in the Attic and More starting at 7:30 p.m. This seasonal production for all ages will celebrate the poetry of Shel Silverstein, and will also be performed Saturday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 20, at 3 p.m. For Poetry in Motion ticket info, visit To enter the Xpress Holiday Art Contest, here’s what you do: Create holiday-inspired art within a squarish space (9.5” H x 10.25” W) and keep the colors bright! The following mediums will work best in print: watercolor, acrylic, crayons, colored pencils or pastels (no graphite pencil, please). Entries must be received at the Xpress no later than Friday, Nov. 20. All artwork must have a completed registration form affixed to the back. Don’t forget to include a SASE if you’d like your artwork returned!

Send or hand deliver artwork to: Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest, 2 Wall St., Asheville, N.C. 28801

Registration Form Name ___________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Are you 18 or older? ____ If under 18, what’s your age? _____ Parent or guardian’s name_____________________________ 2008 artwork by: Alyssa Wadham • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 25

Interested in meeting new people for friendship, fun, romance, activities, and learning new things? Info: • WEEKLY - Meets at a bar/restaurant. Youth OUTright A weekly discussion group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth ages 14-20. Each week a new topic and activity will be led by at least two trained facilitators. Straight allies (ages 14-20) are also welcome. Info: www.youthoutright. org. • FRIDAYS, 6:30-9pm - Meets at the Jefferson House, adjacent to the Unitarian Universalist Church (corner of Edwin and Charlotte Streets) at 21 Edwin Pl.

Government & Politics City of Asheville Public Meetings Info: • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3-5pm - The Sustainable Advisory Committee on Energy and the Environment meets in room 109A in the Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte St. Info: 2716141. Stand for Peace • TUESDAYS, 5-6pm - Stand for peace with Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, War Resisters League, Military Families Speak Out, Buncombe Green Party and other peace mongers at Pack Place, intersection of Patton and Biltmore Avenues. Info: 582-5180.

Seniors & Retirees Henderson County Senior Softball League The league is always looking for new players, age 50 and older. Weather permitting, they play year-round. Info: 698-3448 or www. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS Morning games at Jackson Park in Hendersonville. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • THURSDAYS (10/22 through 11/19), 11amNoon - Fall Prevention Classes will be held to keep you safely on your feet. Free. • FR (11/13), 1-3pm - Van Clan to Black Mountain Chocolate. Tour the gour-

met chocolate factory. $3. Canned goods needed. • WE (11/18), 10:15am12:30pm - Van Clan to The Light Center, where there is 24 hours of prayer for peace, a lighted dome and hiking trails. Senior Care Web Conference • TH (11/19), 7pm Home Instead Senior Care offices serving N.C. will offer a free web conference for family caregivers titled “The Best Care for Your Parents: Senior Care Solutions and Potential Pitfalls” as part of National Family Caregivers Month. To register:

Animals ChainFree Asheville A nonprofit, all-volunteer effort dedicated to improving the welfare of dogs living outdoors on chains and in pens in Asheville and Buncombe County. Info: or 450-7736. • SUNDAYS, 11am-3pm - Come help a chained dog experience freedom. No experience necessary. Meets 4 times a month within Asheville or Buncombe County to build a fence for a chained dog. Parrot Education & Adoption Phoenix Landing is a parrot care, adoption and education group. Info: www. or (866) 749-5634. • SA (11/14), 10am-Noon - “Nourish to Flourish: the Super Foods” Explore the health benefits of quinoa, sprouting, juicing, Omega 3 and how to introduce them into your bird’s diet. At Comfort Suites at Biltmore Square Mall, 890 Brevard Rd., Asheville. Transylvania Animal Alliance Group For information about T.A.A.G., or donations of time or resources, 9663166, taagwags@citcom. net, or • SATURDAYS, 11am4pm - Adoption Days at PETsMART on Airport Road in Arden. View adoptable animals on the Web site.

Technology Basic Computer Classes Opportunity House in Hendersonville offers basic computer classes including: Basic Skills I, Basic Skills II, Basic Skills III, Internet I, Internet II and

E-Mail. Courses in MS Word and MS Excel can be scheduled with enough interest. $30 members/$40 nonmembers. To register: 692-0575. • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9:30-11am or 11:30am1pm - Classes.

Business & Careers A-B Tech Classes Registration & info: www. • TH (11/12), 6-9pm - “Healing From the Hive.” Hive products like honey, propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen are valuable medicines. Learn how people have used these gifts from the honeybees for centuries and recent scientific validation of their efficacy. $35. Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Located at 36 Montford Ave. Info: 258-6101 or www.ashevillechamber. org. • WE (11/11), 8:309:30am - Member orientation in the boardroom. • TU (11/17), 7:30amNoon - Mega-networking hosted by the Grand Bohemian Hotel. Asheville SCORE Counselors to Small Business If your business could use some help, SCORE is the place to start. Free and confidential. To make an appointment: 271-4786. Our offices are located in the Federal Building, 151 Patton Ave., Rm. 259. Veterans may attend any SCORE seminar at no charge. Info: • SA (11/14), 8:30am1pm - “Accounting For Non-Accountants.” This seminar is designed to help you understand the many financial documents that accountants prepare. At the Small Business Center, Rm. 2046, on the A-B Tech Enka Campus. $30 at the door. To register: 713-2112. E3 Forum • FR (11/13), 9-10:30am - Hosted by the Marion Innovator Committee, the forum will focus on education, economic development and entrepreneurship. At the Historic Marion Depot. Guest speaker will be Scott Hamilton, President & CEO of Advantage West. Free. Info: 652-2215. OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling

Formerly Consumer Credit Counseling Service of WNC. OnTrack offers services to improve personal finances. Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and held at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Ste. 222. Info: 255-5166 or www. • SA (11/14), 9am-3pm - Homebuyer Education Classes. Learn about real estate agents, mortgages and more. $35 includes materials.

Volunteering Administrative Support Needed • OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling needs extra office administrative support. Volunteers are needed to assist with various office tasks. The volunteer must be available during OnTrack’s regular business hours (8am5:30pm). Info: 210-4956 or Appalachian Trail Conservancy A volunteer-based, private nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of the Appalachian Trail. Info: or 254-3708. • SATURDAYS (11/21) & (12/5), 9am-5pm - ATC is seeking volunteers to participate in two invasive exotic plant workshops along the Appalachian Trail near Erwin, Tenn.The focus of the workshop is to educate hikers and the public about the threats of invasive exotic plants. Bring lunch, water and rain gear. Ashevillage Institute (AVI) Nonprofit eco-urban education center and living laboratory for sustainable solutions. Info or to RSVP: 225-8820, or • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS, 9am-5pm Volunteer days and potluck lunch. Volunteers needed in: gardening, permaculture, stonework, carpentry, marketing, administration, fundraising and business development. Asheville City Schools Foundation Seeking Academic Coaches (tutors/mentors) to support students by assisting them with a variety of tasks that support educational success. One hr/wk min., for one school year, in your choice of school or after school program. Training provided. Info: 350-6135, terri.

26 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 • or • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8:30am-5pm Academic coaching in the schools or at after-school programs, once a week. Events at Barnes & Noble The bookstore is located at 3 Tunnel Rd. in the Asheville Mall. Info: www. • Through FR (1/1) Annual Holiday Book Drive. This year the Asheville Barnes & Noble will be collecting books for Toys for Tots. Info: 296-7335. Family Resource Center at Emma Registration & info: 2524810 or • Sponsor a child for the holidays through Children First/CIS’s Holiday Assistance Program and buy a child something to read, something to wear and something they need. Gifts will be delivered through the first week in December. Info: lisab@ Graffiti Removal Action Teams Join Asheville GreenWorks in combating graffiti vandalism in our community. Removing quickly and keeping covered is the best way to reduce graffiti. Info: 254-1776. • THURSDAYS - Graffiti removal. Habitat for Humanity Seeks Volunteers for the Home Store & Construction Site Help build houses in Buncombe County by volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity Home Store and at the building site in Enka Hills. Volunteers are needed who can make an ongoing commitment to a shift in the Home Store. Info: 251-5702 or • 2nd FRIDAY, 10am Volunteer orientation at 30 Meadow Road. Hands On AshevilleBuncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome to volunteer on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the Web site to sign up for a project. • SA (11/14), 10-11:30am - Kids Care: An an ageappropriate learning component and a hands-on activity. For ages 7-12. Supervision required. • SU (11/15), 1-3pm - Knit-n-Give: Make hats for newborns served by the

Health Center’s Community Health Program. • TH (11/19), 6-8pm - Help MANNA prepare “Packs for Kids,” backpack-sized parcels of food that will be distributed to students from low-income families.

Men and Women Wanted Big Brothers Big Sisters is holding a back-to-school volunteer recruitment drive. Mentors share outings twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Volunteers also needed to mentor during the 2009-10 school year. Info: 2531470 or www.bbbswnc. org. • WE (11/18), Noon - Information Session for interested volunteers will be held at the United Way Building, S. French Broad Ave., Rm. 213. Operation Christmas Child • MO (11/16) through MO (11/23) - Donations will be accepted for OCC’s giftfilled shoeboxes, which will be delivered to children living in desperate situations around the world, including places like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, India and Honduras. For drop-off locations in WNC: http:// Info: http://samaritanspurse. org/occ. SCORE Recruiting for Women • Local business women need coaches. Are you a woman with management background? If so, SCORE has the opportunity for you to share that knowledge with budding entrepreneurs. Info: 367-1446. The Global Report Is Seeking New Recruits • Through MO (11/30) - The Global Report is seeking people to produce graphics and edit video footage for their TV program and to provide Web site assistance. Experience with Photoshop or Final Cut Pro helpful, but not necessary. Training available. Info: odelljohn@ YWCA MotherLove Giving Tree • WE (11/11) through MO (12/14) - The Giving Tree, made of stars bearing wishes from a local teen mother for her children, will be on display in the lobby of the YWCA, 185, S. French Broad Ave. Pick out a star and make a wish come true. Info: 254-7206, ext. 116.

Health Programs & Support Groups Overcome Pain, Increase Your Vitality with Feldenkrais/Anat Baniel Method (pd.) Mondays 7:45 pm, 5 weeks starting Nov. 16. Downtown Asheville: Sacred Embodiment Center, 31 Carolina Lane. $30 by Nov. 14, $40 after Nov. 14, $10 walk-in. www.integrativemovement. com. Call Lara Polsky Gillease (828) 299-8490 or Professional Help For Overshoppers/ Overspenders (pd.) Stop the pain of Overshopping and Overspending • Discover triggers and cues • Learn specific tools, strategies and techniques • Break the cycle of overspending • Overcome the urge to splurge this holiday season • Develop mindfulness in making decisions. Call 231-2107. Shoji Spa Discounts and Events (pd.) • Locals Discount: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. • SPArty: Wednesday evenings, 6-8 p.m. Drinks, food and music, free. 828-2990999. www.shojiretreats. com Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOAs continue “survival” behaviors they had as children, which no longer serve them as adults. Come learn how to grow in recovery and become the person you are meant to be through this 12-step fellowship. Info: 545-9648. • FRIDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Open 12-step meeting at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St., Asheville. Rear entrance; first room on left. Info: 298-6600 or Advanced Care Planning Session • MO (11/16), 5:306:30pm - “Making Choices,” a free program available to help you and your family make the most informed decisions possible regarding end-of-life. At CarePartners Health Services, Conference Rm. B, 68 Sweeten Creek Rd., Asheville. Reservations: 274-9567, ext. 8379.

Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: 800-286-1326 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:151:15pm - Step study: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Discussion meeting for parents of children with addictions: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road, across from Ingles. Info: 2426197. • FRIDAYS, 8pm - The Lambda (GLBT) group of Al-Anon is a gay-friendly support group for families and friends of alcoholics, and holds their weekly candlelight meeting at All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 670-6277 (until 9pm). • FRIDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • FRIDAYS, 6:30pm - Discussion meeting for couples only: All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 676-0485. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Al-Anon North: Meeting at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Saturday Serenity at St Mary’s Episcopal Church on the corner of Charlotte and Macon. Beginners welcome. • SATURDAYS, Noon - Weaverville discussion meeting at First Baptist Church on N. Main St., next to the library. Enter via side glass doors. • SUNDAYS, 5-6pm Discussion meeting: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. Info: 281-1566. • MONDAYS, 12-1pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • TUESDAYS, 7pm Discussion meeting: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Art of Intimacy Practice Group Learn life-changing communication and relationship skills, drawing from the work of Brad Blanton (Radical Honesty), Marshal Rosenberg (Nonviolent

Communication), Susan Campbell (Getting Real), John Bradshaw (Homecoming) and others. By donation. Info: 2545613 or • WEDNESDAYS, 7:309:30pm - Meeting. Beauty Through Cancer Provides programs and services for breast cancer patients and survivors in the WNC area. Located at 131 McDowell St., Suite 202, Asheville. Info: 2528558 or • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5pm - Support group. Women at any stage of reconstruction from breast cancer are invited to attend. CarePartners Hospice Bereavement Offers one-on-one grief counseling, support groups, grief education classes, a monthly grief support newsletter and semi-annual memorial services (available to anyone who is suffering a loss through death). Located at 68 Sweeten Creek Road., Asheville. Call 251-0126 to set up an initial visit with a counselor. • WEEKLY - Grief education classes and support group meetings: Good Grief Support Group, Child-Loss Support Group, Suicide Loss Group (monthly). Debtors Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 7-8pm - Meets at Mount Pisgah Lutheran Church, 2606 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville. Info: DAHendersonville@gmail. com. DivorceCare • WEDNESDAYS, 6:157:30pm - DivorceCare, a video seminar and support group featuring nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics, including “Facing my Anger,” “Facing my Loneliness” and “Forgiveness.” Childcare provided. Info: 254-4688 or Eating Disorders Individuals are welcome to come to one or all of the support group meetings. Info: 337-4685 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 78pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Free. Events at Pardee Hospital All programs held at the Pardee Health Education Center in the Blue Ridge

Mall in Hendersonville. Free, but registration and appointments required unless otherwise noted. To register or for info: www. or 6924600. • FR (11/13), 9am-4pm - Prostrate screenings with a local urologist. PSA blood tests will be available for $10. Appointments required. • MO (11/16), 2:304:30pm - “Managing Back Pain with Physical Therapy,” a discussion with David Gerrer. • TU (11/17), 12:151:15pm - “Everything You Want to Know About Cataracts,” with Katherine Volatile, M.D. • WE (11/18), Noon1:30pm - “Reasons and Treatments for GERD,” a discussion on gastroesophageal reflux disease with Andrew Rackoff, M.D. Food Addicts Anonymous A fellowship of men and women who are willing to recover from the disease of food addiction. Sharing experiences and hope with others allows participants to recover from the disease one day at a time. All are welcome. Info: 242-3717. • MONDAYS, Noon1pm & FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Meetings at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Health Events at Earth Fare South Located at 1856 Hendersonville Rd. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 210-0100. • TH (11/12), 6:30pm - “Food For Thought,” with Dr. Michael Trayford. Come discuss essential nutrients for optimal brain function. Registration required. • MO (11/16), 6:30pm - “Re-Wiring Children with Developmental Issues,” with Jennifer Scoville. Registration required. Health Events at UNCA • FR (11/13), 11:30am - Fabulous Fridays Lecture Series: “Our Daily Meds,” with Dr. Ed Hamlin in the Reuter Center. Free. Info: 251-6140. K.A.R.E. Support Groups Kid’s Advocacy Resource Effort offers several ongoing support groups. Info: 456-8995. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:307:30pm - Single Parents Support Group. Dinner and childcare provided. At First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Call ext. 201 for more info.

MemoryCaregivers Network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Meetings are held at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Rd., Arden. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 12:301:30pm - Meeting. Come early for a meet-andgreet that starts at noon. Refreshments provided. Moms Supporting Moms • TUESDAYS, Noon or 6:30pm - Peer support for moms struggling with depression and/or anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum. Connect with other mothers and community resources. Meets at the Women’s Resource Center. Info: 213-8241. Directions: 213-8246. NAMI Western Carolina National Alliance on Mental Illness offers support, education and advocacy for families and persons with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression or an anxiety disorder. Meets at Mountainhouse, 225 E. Chestnut St. across from Fuddruckers. Free. Info: 687-6901 or • 3rd TUESDAYS, 7pm - Group meets. Narcotics Anonymous A fellowship of recovering addicts that can help those afflicted get clean and stay clean through a 12step program. The group focuses on recovering from the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug. For WNC NA meeting schedules and info: www. Helpline: (866) 925-2148. • DAILY - Please call for location details. Overcomers Recovery Support Group A Christian-based 12step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at 32 Rosscraggon Road. All are welcome. Info: • TUESDAYS, 7-8pm - Meeting. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. This 12-step program welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. Meetings are one hour unless noted. • THURSDAYS, Noon Asheville: Biltmore United

Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Rd. (S. 25 at Yorkshire). Info: 2981899. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: Carver Parks & Recreation Center, 101 Carver Ave. off Blue Ridge Road. Open relapse and recovery mtg. Info: 686-8131. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Meth. Church, 2567 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy. 25). Open mtg. Info: 1-800580-4761. • MONDAYS, 5:15pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Beginners mtg. Info: 277-8185. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Open mtg. Info: 2778185. • TUESDAYS, 10:30amNoon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Open BBSS mtg. Info: 280-2213. S-Anon For those affected by someone else’s sexual behavior. Info: 545-4287 or 606-6803. • WEEKLY - Three meetings are available per week. S-Anon Meetings S-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for partners, family and friends of sexaholics. We share our experience, strength and hope to help solve our common problems. Meetings held weekly in Asheville, Fletcher and Waynesville. Call confidential voice mail for information: 258-5117. • WEEKLY - Three meetings are available per week. Sex Addicts Anonymous A fellowship of men and women recovering from addictive sexual behavior (physical and/or emotional). Meetings are held in downtown Asheville. Info: 800-477-8191 (live person Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm) or 348-0284 to leave a local message for a return call. • SUNDAYS, 7pm Meeting. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous SLAA is a 12-step fellowship of men and women who have a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. Meetings are held in downtown Asheville. Open to all sexual orientations. Info: AshevilleSLAA@

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The Artesanias Pachamama, located in Manazo, Puno, Peru, is a non profit women’s cooperative that has been making and exporting hand-knit/crochet Alpaca Wool and Pima Cotton sweaters and accessories since 1985. There are currently 76 ladies involved in the production of garments and other crafts, using the sales profits to sustain their business, provide income and to realize self-sufficiency. The colors and designs of these fine products reflects the proud heritage of these Quechua-Incan Indians whose struggle to provide relief from the grinding poverty of this remote Andean community is recognized by the Peruvian government and has become a symbol of “hope” for other Peruvian communities. See us on You Tube under Artesania Pachamama • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 27

• SATURDAYS, 10am - First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Sexaholics Anonymous SA is a 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Call confidential voice mail 681-9250 or e-mail saasheville@gmail. com. Info: www.orgsites. com/nc/saasheville/. • DAILY - Asheville meetings. Support Groups Sessions are led by Charlene Galvin, a board certified Chaplain. Love offering. Info: 329-3187 or • THURSDAYS, 1011:30am - Living with Life Limiting Illness —- 1:303pm - Caregivers Support Group. Understanding Healthcare Reform 2009 Events will be held in the Reuter Center, Manheimer Room, on the UNCA college campus. Info: 2325181. All events are free and open to the public. • THURSDAYS (11/12 & 19), 4:30-6:30pm - Dialogue series: “Understanding Healthcare Reform 2009.” Discuss opinions, brainstorm and create viable solutions to contribute to health care reform. Info: 232-5181. WNC Brain Tumor Support Adult support group for newly diagnosed brain tumor patients, brain tumor survivors, their families and caregivers. Info: 6912559 or • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Group meets at the West Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 690 Haywood Rd.

Helplines For Xpress’ list of helplines, visit www. category/helplines.

Garden Asheville Mushroom Club Learn about all aspects of mushrooms (collecting, identifying, growing or cooking). Info: 298-9988 or • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Monthly meeting at the WNC Nature Center. Membership is $18/year, and includes informative meetings and scheduled forays.

Events at The Bullington Center This nonprofit horticultural learning center is in Hendersonville. Info: 698-6104 or • TU (11/17), 2-4pm - “Thanksgiving Table Decoration,” a workshop with Tamsin Allpress. Create whimsical table decorations from all natural materials. All materials provided. $20. Regional Tailgate Markets • For tailgate listings, visit www.mountainx. com/events and click on “Garden.” For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project: 2361282 or

Sports Groups & Activities Adult League Dodge Ball Must have at least 6 players per team. The season will consist of 24 games and a league championship game with trophies for the winning team. $25/person. Info: 250-4269 or jay. nelson@buncombecounty. org. • Through MO (12/14) - Registration. Season: Jan. 5 through Feb. 25 at Recreation Experiences Complex. Asheville Masters Swimming Competitive, fitness and triathlon swimmers welcome. Info: • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 5:45-7:15am - Practice at Asheville School. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:45-7:15am & SATURDAYS, 7-9am - Coached practices at Warren Wilson College. Asheville Ski and Outing Club The year-round activity club organizes skiing, snowboarding, biking and hiking trips for its members. Membership is open to all ages and ability. Info: • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Meets at the Country Club of Asheville. Disc Golf Check the kiosk at Richmond Hill Park for events and nearby tournaments. Info: 680-9626 or • SUNDAYS, 4pm Doubles at Waynesville Rec Park.

• TUESDAYS, 3:30pm - Doubles at Richmond Hill Park. Pickleball It’s like playing ping pong on a tennis court. For all ages. $1 per session. Paddles and balls are provided. Info: 350-2058. • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Meets at Stephens-Lee Rec Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. (take S. Charlotte to Max St.). Sports at UNCA Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public. Info: 251-6459. • FR (11/13), 7pm - UNCA Volleyball vs. Coastal Carolina at the Justice Center. $5. • SA (11/14), 2pm - UNCA Volleyball vs. Winthrop at the Justice Center. $5 —- 4:30pm UNCA Women’s Basketball vs. Newberry at the Justice Center. $8 reserved/$4 general admission. Info: 251-6459. Women’s Indoor Trainer Sessions • MONDAYS, 6:15pm - Youngblood’s Trainer Sessions. Bring your own trainer; no roller, please. A few indoor trainers will be available for loan/rent ($10). Begin your winter conditioning program. Info: amy@golightlydesigns. com or tdrews@trainright. com.

Kids At The Health Adventure Free first Wed. of every month from 3-5pm. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm & Sun., 1-5pm. $8.50 adults/$7.50 students & seniors/$6 kids 2-11. Program info or to RSVP: 254-6373, ext. 324. Info: www.thehealthadventure. org. • WE (11/11), 11am1pm - “The Wonders of Physics” will give the audience a sampler of the science behind electricity, air pressure and the laws of motion. Prepare to be amazed by this acclaimed traveling show from the University of Wisconsin. Free with admission. • Through SU (1/3) Explore the good, the bad and the ugly at Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body. Explore why your body produces mushy, oozy, crusty and stinky gunk at this educational exhibition. • THURSDAYS, 10:3011:30am - Preschool Play Date. Interactive fun just

for preschoolers led by museum facilitators. Free with admission. • SATURDAYS, 1-2pm - Experiment with science during Super Science Saturdays. Featuring hands-on activities led by museum facilitators, the programs are fun for all ages. Free with admission. For specific activity descriptions or for more info, visit the Web site. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community children’s chorus for ages 7-14. For audition/performance info: 230-5778 or • THURSDAYS, 6:307:45pm - Children’s chorus rehearsal at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., downtown Asheville. Earth Scouts for Kids Earth Scouts is an environmental education group that is fun and empowering. Kids ages 4 and up learn plant identification, medicine making and earth skills. • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Meets at One World Healing Arts Institute, 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville. Parents welcome. $10. Hands On! Gallery This children’s gallery is located at 318 North Main St. in Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: 6978333 or • WE (11/11), 11am-2pm - Santa will visit to receive letters and wish lists. Letter-writing materials will be provided or bring your own from home. Photos with Santa for $5 or a picture CD for $15. • TU (11/17), 3:304:30pm - Children will discuss Thanksgiving traditions and what Thanksgiving means to them. Participants will make a craft and a Thanksgiving treat. Registration required. For kids ages 6-7. $5/$3 members. Haywood County Public Library System The main branch is located at 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. The county system includes branches in Canton, Maggie Valley, Fines Creek and Cruso. Info: 452-5169 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Family story time for children of all ages. We

28 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

will read books, sing songs, learn finger plays and more. N.C. Arboretum Events for Kids Info: 665-2492, jmarchal@ncarboretum. org or www.ncarboretum. org. • TU (11/17), 10am - Wee Naturalists, a hands-on, outdoor learning experience for children ages 3-5 and their guardians, presents “Wild about Turkeys.” Learn about turkeys and make a craft using real feathers. $6. Performances for Young People at Diana Wortham Info & tickets: 257-4530 or • WE (11/18), 10am - School Show Series: MOMIX dance company will perform. Recommended for all ages. Info: 257-4544, ext. 307. Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarships • Through FR (11/20) - Interested students are encouraged to apply by contacting their local Rotary Club or by contacting Frank Rutland, District 7670 Youth Exchange Outbound Chair, at and requesting information and instructions regarding the application process. Info: Transylvania Heritage Museum Located at 40 West Jordan St., Brevard. Info: 8842347 or • SA (11/14), 1-2pm - Nature Crafts for Kids. Come and make crafts for Thanksgiving. Refreshments will be served. Waynesville Parks and Recreation Info: 456-2030 or recyouth@townofwaynesville. org. • WE (11/11), 8am5:30pm - Day camp (school will not be in session due to holiday). Bring lunch, two snacks, tennis shoes and swimming items. $20/$35 nonmembers. • SA (11/14), Noon-4pm - Bowling Trip to AMF Star Lanes in Asheville. For kids ages 8 to 15. $10/$16 nonmembers.

Spirituality 20th Of Each Month • Heal Yourself And Mother Earth (pd.) Participate in worldwide long-distance group EssenceWork TM sessions. • Registration

deadline: 15th of each month. • Private sessions, please call Lania Desmond: (828) 236-1230 or www. Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA. (828)258-3229. Faerie Pathway Readings (pd.) Guidance from faeries, guardian angels, and spirit guides to help you rediscover the magic in your life. Faerie workshops also available. (828) 6452674. www.davidswing. com Meditating With Horses At Horse Sense • This Thursday (pd.) (No horse or meditation experience necessary) Horse Sense of the Carolinas is hosting a series of meditating with horses sessions, Thursdays, November 5 and 12. Enjoy the peace and quiet of country life as the sun sets over the hills. Horses are masters of being in the present moment; allow them to share this gift with you. Join us for the unique opportunity to move with intention and mindfulness in the company of horses. $20/session. Registration/ Information: 683-7304 or Tuesday Afternoons • Study • Meditation • Great Tree Zen Temple (pd.) Study: 3:30pm • Meditation: 5:30pm. 679 Lower Flat Creek Road, Alexander. Love offering. More information: 6452085 or An Interfaith Exploration of “The Purpose of Life” • TU (11/17), 7pm Mountain Area Interfaith Forum and the N.C. Center for Creative Retirement will host this event in the Chestnut Ridge Room at the Reuter Center at UNCA. Panel discussion from members of several spiritual traditions and a Q&A. Light refreshments. Free. Info: 232-5181. Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation Transcend the busy, active mind—effortlessly—for peace, bliss and full awakening of creative intelligence. The most effective, extensively researched meditation. Revitalizes mind/body,

relieves worry and anxiety, improves brain functioning. Free Introduction. Info: 254-4350 or • WEDNESDAYS, 7:15pm - At the Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. Asheville Chaos Magick Clique A discussion group focusing on chaos magick and related themes. Info: ashevillechaosmagickclique@ or 777-9368. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-9pm - Meeting. Call for location. Asheville Satsang With Gangaji Info: 216-7051 or • SUNDAYS, 7pm Discover true fulfillment. Silent sitting and video satsang with Western spiritual teacher Gangaji. New location at Servanthood House, 156 East Chestnut St., near Greenlife. Awakening Practices Study the works of Eckhart Tolle and put words into action through meditation and discussion. Info: • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Meets at the Enka-Candler Library meeting room. Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Help and healing the spiritual way through the teachings of Bruno Groening. Participants are asked to attend an introduction before coming to the regular community hour. Info: 393-0630 or ehlersk@ • TU (11/17), 7-8:30pm - Meeting at the North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Love offering. Buddhist Meditation and Discussion Meets in the space above the French Broad Food Co-op. Suggested donation: $8. Oct./Nov. series: Wisdom, the Great Teacher, a six-week series on shaping our future. Info: 779-5502 or • WE (11/11), 7:15pm “Life Is But a Dream.” • WE (11/18), 7:15pm - “Real Imagination.” Celebrate Recovery Christ-centered, biblically based recovery ministry. Weekly fellowship and support meetings deal with real-life issues, including divorce, co-dependency, anger, control, chemical dependency, sexual addictions, hurtful relationships, eating disorders, depression, and other addictive, compulsive or dysfunc-

tional behaviors. Info: 687-1111. • THURSDAYS, 6pm10pm - Evenings at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Cloud Cottage Sangha This branch of the World Community of Mindful Living meets at 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain, to practice seated meditation and mindfulness training. All events by donation. Info: 669-0920, cloudcottage@ or www. • SA (11/14), 2-6pm - Tea party/open house at Cloud Cottage. Celebrate 10 years of mindfulness practice in Black Mountain and the grand opening of the tea room at Cloud Cottage. • 3rd SUNDAYS, 8am Japanese-style Zen service followed by informal tea. Compassionate Communication Practice Group Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication. Group uses a model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. Free. Info: 252-0538 or www. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 5-6:15pm - Practice group for newcomers and experienced practitioners. Ethical Society of Asheville A humanistic, religious and educational movement inspired by the ideal that the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society. Meetings are held at the Botanical Garden’s Visitors Center, 151 W. T. Weaver Blvd. All are welcome. Info: 687-7759 or • SU (11/15), 2-3:30pm - “Putting Ethics Into Action!” A working session intended to build a framework for possible projects on the issues of minimum wage and homelessness. Come with ideas, strategies for accomplishing them and a willingness to join forces to accomplish a project. Hare Krsna Sunday Feast Meets above the French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. Info: www. highthinkingsimpleliving. org or 586-3919. • Select SUNDAYS, 6-8pm - An evening of bhajans, class on the Bhagavad-Gita and a vegetarian feast.

freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) A whitewash happens when you use deceit to cover up the messy facts about a situation. A blackwash is just the opposite: It’s when you invoke candor as you reveal complications that have previously been veiled. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be prime time to enjoy a jubilee of blackwashing. But I suggest that you proceed gently. Remember that not all hidden information is a sign of malfeasance or evil intentions. Sometimes the truth is so paradoxical and nuanced, it’s hard to get it completely out in the open all at once. And sometimes people are motivated to keep things secret mostly because they’re afraid to cause pain.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

“Dear Rob: I’ve read horoscope columns written by many astrologers, and yours is the only one that’s not prejudiced against at least one of the signs. You really do treat everyone equally. You play no favorites. But that’s exactly the bone I have to pick with you. I’m wondering if you’ve got a passion deficiency or something. It seems abnormal not to display a hint of bias now and then. -Suspicious Taurus.” Dear Suspicious: My own birth chart includes elements of both Taurus and Libra. The Taurus part of me has strong feelings and deep passions, while the Libra part of me is fair-minded and well-balanced. They’ve worked out a synergistic arrangement that allows me to maintain my equilibrium as I feed my intensity. I recommend this approach to you right now.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Personally, I’ve never been very smart about making investments. At least in that area of my life, my intuition seems to work in reverse. I often do the precisely wrong thing at the wrong time. Billionaire businessman George Soros, on the other hand, is a genius. When facing a decision about which way to go financially, he says he becomes a jungle animal guided by actual sensations in his body. You Geminis have arrived at a phase when your choices could have long-term effects on your relationship with money. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you’ve got the potential to be like Soros rather than me. Trust your instincts.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

This will be a smooth, easy, and graceful week for you -- if, that is, you get yourself out of the way and allow the universe to do its job. Can you do that? It doesn’t mean you should be passive or blank. On the contrary, in order for the cosmos to perform its magic, you should be on the lookout for what captivates your imagination and be primed to jump when life says “jump!” Be both relaxed and alert; receptive and excitable; surrendered to the truth and in intimate contact with your primal power. Then the song will sing itself. The dream will interpret itself. The beauty will reveal itself.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Mathematician Charles Babbage (1791-1871) is considered a “father of the computer.” Among his many inventions, he created a mechanical calculator that was a forerunner of the magical device that’s so indispensable today. And yet Babbage had other obsessions that were not as useful. For his own amusement, he once counted all of the panes of glass that had been broken in a factory over a period of 10 months, and investigated the cause of each break. He also spent an inordinate amount of time estimating the statistical probability that the miracles reported in the Bible had actually occurred. I bring this up, Leo, in the hope that you will concentrate on your own equivalent to Babbage’s calculator, and not get sidetracked by meditations on broken glass and Biblical miracles.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

“Everything that emancipates the spirit without giving us control over ourselves is harmful,” said Goethe. Luckily, Virgo, you’re in the midst of a process that may emancipate your spirit and give you more control over yourself. Here are two ways you could cash in on this potential: 1. Brainstorm about a big dream even as you attend to the gritty details of making the dream a reality. 2. Expand your imagination about your tricky situation even as you burn away the illusions you have about your tricky situation.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Have you heard about the new sport of chess boxing? Two competitors play chess for four minutes, then put on boxing gloves and try to punch each other for three minutes; they continue this rhythm for up to 11 rounds. I suspect you’ll soon be asked to meet a similar challenge, going back and forth between two contrasting modes. If you treat this challenge as a fun game rather than a crazy-making exertion, you’ll do fine.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A 13-year-old girl shocked everyone by winning a plowing contest in England. Driving a 12,000-pound tractor and pulling a five-furrow plow, Elly Deacon did a better job than all of the middle-aged male farmers she was competing against. What’s more remarkable is that she was a newcomer, having had less than a week’s experience in the fine art of tilling the soil with a giant machine. She’s your role model for the coming week, Scorpio. Like her, you have the potential to perform wonders, even if you’re a rookie, as you prepare a circumscribed area for future growth.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

I hope that by now you have finished scrabbling along on your hands and knees over burning hot shards of broken glass. The next and hopefully final phase of your redemptive quest should be less torturous. In this upcom-

ing chapter, the operative metaphor might be assembling a jigsaw puzzle with 200 pieces, all of which are red. Amazingly enough, you actually have it in you to accomplish this improbable feat -- as long as you don’t spread out the puzzle pieces all over the burning hot shards of broken glass. Find a nice, clean, quiet place to do your work.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

According to psychologist Carl Jung, one of the most potent influences that our parents have on us is their unlived lives. Whatever dreams they didn’t pursue, whatever longings they didn’t fulfill, are likely to worm their way into our core, often without our conscious awareness. There they get mixed up with our own dreams and longings, causing us confusion about what we really want. The coming weeks will be a good time for you to get clear about this. You’ll have the power to untangle your own deepest, truest desires from the muffled wishes your mommy and daddy deposited in you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

“Awesome” has become a commonplace word that is used to express gladness about small triumphs and simple pleasures. Today, for instance, a woman at the local cafe uttered a sweet “Awesome!” when someone pointed out to her where she could find an electrical outlet to plug in her laptop. Back in the old days, however, “awesome” was a portentous term invoked only rarely. “Awe” referred to an overwhelming feeling of wonder, reverence, admiration, inspiration, or even agitation in the face of a sublime or numinous experience. In the coming week, Aquarius, I expect you will experience more than your usual quota of both kinds of awesome.

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PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

According to Leonardo da Vinci, you could magnify the power of your prayers or meditations ten-fold by bathing in purple light. Back in his time, that was easiest to accomplish by standing near a church’s stained glass window that was tinted purple. These days you can get the same effect with the help of a purple light bulb. Alternately, you could simply close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a shimmering purple glow. I recommend this practice for you in the coming days. It’s an excellent time to do anything and everything to intensify your spiritual power. P.S. Experts in color theory say that purple nurtures the development of the imagination, which would be of great value to you as you tone and firm your devotional impulses. Homework: You’re invited to celebrate Unhappy Hour, a ritual that gives you a license to whine and howl. Go here: http:// © Copyright 2009 Rob Brezsny • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 29

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30 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Everyone welcome. Refer to the website or call for dates. Journey Expansion Team (JET) • THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - An inspiration of James Ray featured on Oprah/The Secret. Join a group of like-minded people who want to share with others The Law Of Vibration and other Universal Laws. Meetings held in Fletcher/ Asheville. Info: 329-7145 or kimberlycroteau@yahoo. com. Land of the Sky United Church of Christ Located at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 15 Overbrook Place, in East Asheville. • SUNDAYS, 5-6pm - Women-led, justicefocused, family-friendly, and open to all. Worship with Land of the Sky UCC. An unconditional church. Mindfulness Meditation Class Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241 or • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon Ave.). Donation. Modern-Day Meditation Class For Young Adults • TUESDAYS, 7:309:30pm - Class. For ages 18-35. Safe space to let down walls, release pent up emotion, get in touch with a truer part of yourself. Free. Info: 301-7892. Mountain Zen Practice Center Ending suffering through the practice of Conscious Compassionate Awareness. Located at 156 E. Chestnut St. Info: 253-4621 or Orientation required for newcomers. • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meditation and discussion. Mystic Gatherings Share in the community of those who are governed both by logic and observing signs around them: gut, spirit, intuition or whatever That is. Bring your stories and experiences. Gatherings are dynamic and diverse and range from topics such as changes in our society to defining moments in life and much more. Info: 206-2009.

• WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting. Psychic Development Class • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Develop your intuition in a stress-free environment. Everyone will have an opportunity to read and to be read. Love donation accepted. Info: 255-8304. Rumi Night: Poetry & Music for the Soul • MO (11/16), 7pm - “The Passion and Magic of Rumi,â€? featuring poetry, stories and music by Peter Rogen, a professional reader of Rumi poetry, Sufi flutists Arsalaan and River Guerguerian on frame drums. $12 advance/$14 door. Held at Jubilee, 46 Wall St. Info: 277-3936, or www.PoetryofRumi. com. Sh’ma Messianic Ministries Messianic studies, Hebrew classes and Davidic dance. Studies for Jews and gentiles. Hebraic roots with biblical and basic Hebrew language. Free. Visit the Web site for updates. Info: www.shmaministries. com, 367-0775 or rabbi@ • FRIDAYS - Meets in the evenings. Sojourner Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A congregation in formation. The goal is provide a caring, non-threatening environment for the exploration of Christian spirituality. Info: www. • SUNDAYS, 9:30am - Worship —- 10:30am - Fellowship. Lower floor of Morningside Baptist Church, 14 Mineral Springs Road, Asheville. Transmission Meditation Group Join in this group meditation for your own personal spiritual growth, as well as the healing and transformation of the planet. Info: 318-8547. • TUESDAYS, 6:30pm Meditation for personal and spiritual growth. Trusting God in the Process • TH (11/12), 6:308:30pm - Program of OSL ecumenical group dedicated to the Christian healing ministry. At Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. All are welcome. Info: 2423260 or mtn_osl@yahoo. com. Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville Located at the corner of Charlotte St. & Edwin Pl. Info: 254-6001 or www.

• SUNDAYS, 9:15am & 11:15am - Services and Children’s Programs. Unity Cafe Looking for a change from the usual Sunday service? Spiritual conversation and sharing, music, meditation, coffee and pastry. Info: 645-0514, 676-6070 or • 1st, 3rd & 5th SUNDAYS, 10am-Noon - Greenlife Grocery Community Center, 90 Merrimon Ave. Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. Info: 684-3798, 891-8700 or • WE (11/11), 7pm - “Combining EFT (tapping on meridians) & Ho’ Oponoponoâ€? with Romella and Ed O’Keefe. Love offering. • SU (11/15), 12:45pm - “Unity’s Friendship Potluckâ€? following the 11am Celebration Service. Bring a dish to share. • WE (11/18), 7pm - “Music, Mystery and Miracles,â€? an evening with Charlie Thweatt. $15 suggested love offering. Unity Church of Asheville Looking for something different? Unity of Asheville explores the deeper spiritual meaning of the scriptures combined with an upbeat contemporary music program to create a joyous and sincere worship service. Come join us this Sunday and try it for yourself. Located at 130 Shelburne Rd., W. Asheville. Info: 252-5010 or www.unityofasheville. com. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual Celebration Service. Women’s Fall Retreat: Introduction to Celtic Spirituality • SA (11/14), 10am-3pm - First Congregational UCC, Asheville and Snow Hill UMC, Candler, announce a Fall Women’s Retreat: “Introduction to Celtic Spirituality.â€? At Snow Hill, 84 Snow Hill Church Rd. Led by Rev. Loraine Tuenge. $20. Info & registration: revltuenge@gmail. com. Womyn in Ceremony Join the group for connection, sharing, support, healing and empowerment. Meets 12 miles NW of Asheville. Info: www. RitesofPassageCouncil. com or Theresa@

RitesofPassageCouncil. com. • SUNDAYS, 4-6pm (through 12/27) Gathering on various Sundays.

Art Gallery Exhibits & Openings 16 Patton Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., 1-6pm (open on Sun. MayOct. only). Info: 236-2889 or • Through SA (11/14) - Here and Now, a plein air landscape exhibit by John Mac Kah. American Folk Art & Framing The gallery at 64 Biltmore Ave. is open daily, representing contemporary selftaught artists and regional pottery. Info: 281-2134 or • Through MO (11/30) Oui-Oui Gallery: The theme for Nov. is “Dwellings.â€? Art at UNCA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. • Through SU (11/15) - The Harvest, acrylic paintings by UNCA senior Mallory Patrie will be on display in Owen Hall, 2nd Floor Gallery. • Through TU (11/24) - Manipulated, an exhibit of gum arabic and monotype prints by Monika Teal will be on display in Blowers Gallery. Info: • Through SA (11/14) - Human Rites: the body and blood, contemporary Cherokee baskets by Luzene Hill will be on display in Highsmith University Union Gallery. Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 1-5pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 693-8504 or www.acofhc. org. • Through FR (11/20) - The juried and judged exhibit City of Four Seasons in Two Dimensions - Traditions: Henderson County will be on display. Asheville Area Arts Council The Asheville Area Arts Council (AAAC) is at 11 Biltmore Ave. Info: 2580710 or www.ashevillearts. com. • Through SU (11/29) - New works by local artists Karen Noel, Stephen Geldner, Carly Dergins

Dialogues: New work from The Collective on Depot —- Brush & Palette: Artists Unmasked, a representation of the Brush and Palette Art Club members’ works. Grovewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road, Asheville. Info: 2537651 or www.grovewood. com. • Through TH (12/31) New fiber-art wall hangings by LINT (Ladies in New Textiles) will be on display. Haen Gallery Located at 52 Biltmore Ave., downtown Asheville. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am6pm, Sat., 11am-6pm and Sun., Noon-5pm. Info: 254-8577 or www. • Through MO (11/30) - The Art of Photography, an exhibition of works by Kathryn Kolb. Haywood County Arts Council The HCAC sponsors a variety of art-related events in Waynesville and Haywood County. Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC’s Gallery 86 (86 North Main St.) in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 452-0593 or www. • Through SA (11/14) - Natural Perspectives, a photography exhibition by Vietnam Veteran George Schober. Montreat College’s Hamilton Gallery Located on the mezzanine level of L. Nelson Bell Library on the campus of Montreat College. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am-4pm. Info: 669-8012 ext. 3641. • Through FR (11/20) - A Child’s Heaven, an exhibition by Montreat senior Stephanie Routh, will be on display. Odyssey Gallery Exhibits work by Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts instructors and residents. Located at 236 Clingman Ave. in Asheville’s River Arts District. Hours: Mon.Fri., 10am-4pm; Sat., 10am-6pm & Sun., Noon6pm. Info: 285-0210 or • FR (11/13) through TH (12/24) - Resident Clay, featuring works by Amanda Humphreys, Jaclyn Jednak, Patty Bilbro, Leslie Hinton, Beth Bond and Alex Irvine. • FR (11/13), 5-8pm - Opening reception for Resident Clay. Phil Mechanic Studios Located at 109 Roberts St. on the corner of Clingman

Ave. in the River Arts District. Houses Flood Gallery, Pump Gallery and Nook Gallery. Info: www. • Through SA (11/28) Beyond Body, a collection of monoprints by Linda Larsen, will be on display in Pump Gallery. • FR (11/13), 7-10pm - Opening reception for Eide/Eidola, a solo exhibition of paintings by UNCA art professor Virginia Derryberry at the Flood Gallery. Push Skate Shop & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. between Stella Blue and the Kress Building. Info: 225-5509 or • Through TU (12/15) - I Used to Be an Animal: paintings, sculpture and more by Kimberly Turley and Ted Harper. Seven Star Factory Exhibits Located in the Riverview Station building in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: • SA & SU (11/14 & 15), 10am-6pm - A multimedia exhibit involving ceramic, paintings, video, sound and fibers by Jon Arsenault, Brian Glaze, Mike Reardon, Kim Dills, Spencer Black, Gary Pisano and Lori Theriault. Studio B A framing studio and art gallery at 1020 Merrimon Ave., Suite 104. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5:30pm & Sat. 10am-3pm. Info: 2255200, (800) 794-9053, studiob4422@bellsouth. net or • TH (11/19), 5:307:30pm - Studio B will celebrate its 3rd anniversary in Asheville by debuting the first giclee prints of the painting “Mulchen” by equine artist Patricia Ramos Alcayaga in cooperation with Douglas Stewart of Asheville Fine Art Services. The ARCH Architectural Accents & Gallery Located at 1020 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, Asheville. Info: 253-5455. • TH (11/19), 5:307:30pm - Reception for textile artist Jean McGrew and woodworker Tom Hoxie. Refreshments will be served. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 South Caldwell St. in Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4 pm. Info: 884-2787 or

• WE (11/18) through FR (12/18) - Holiday Fine Arts & Crafts Sale. Upstairs Artspace Contemporary nonprofit gallery at 49 S. Trade St. in Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: 859-2828 or • FR (11/13) through TH (12/24) - The Spiritual Image in Contemporary Art and Presents of Art will be on display. • SA (11/14), 5-8pm - Opening reception for The Spiritual Image in Contemporary Art and Presents of Art. Vadim Bora Gallery At 30 1/2 Battery Park Ave. Hours: Tues.-Sat., Noon6pm (sometimes later) and by appointment. Info: 254-7959 or • FR (11/6) through TH (12/3) - Metamorphosis, sixth annual group exhibit of Mountain Sculptors. Info: Visual Art at ASU Exhibits take place at Appalachian State University’s Catherine J. Smith Gallery in Farthing Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Info: 2627338. • Through MO (11/16) - Extra Medium, an exhibit by Daniel Eatock. • FR (11/13), 7pm - Lithographic Tattoo Showcase and visiting artist talk by Jessica Meyer. WCU Exhibits Unless otherwise noted, exhibits are held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Sat., 1-4pm. Suggested donation: $5 family/$3 person. Info: 227-2553 or www.fineartmuseum. • Through SA (12/5) - Worldviews, selections from the permanent collection and new acquisitions featuring works by regional, national and international artists. • TU (11/17) through SA (11/21) - Britney Carroll - School of Art & Design Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition.

More Art Exhibits & Openings A-B Tech Events Info: • Through FR (12/18) - The Face of Appalachia: Portraits From the Mountain Farm, a pho-

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and Erin Brethauer, will be on display. Asheville Gallery of Art A co-op gallery representing 28 regional artists located at 16 College St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am5:30pm and Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: 251-5796 or www. • Through MO (11/30) - Diversity, a collection of mixed-media creations by Bill Weldner. Bella Vista Art Gallery Located in Biltmore Village, next to the parking lot of Rezaz’s restaurant. Open daily. Info: 768-0246 or • Through MO (11/30) - New paintings by August Hoerr. Feature wall artist Nathaniel Galka. Black Mountain Center for the Arts Located in the renovated Old City Hall at 225 West State St. in Black Mountain. Gallery Hours: Mon.-Wed. & Fri., 10am-5pm (closed Sat. during winter months). Info: 669-0930 or www. • Through FR (11/13) The annual juried art show by the Appalachian Pastel Society will be on display in the Upper Gallery. Blue Spiral 1 The gallery at 38 Biltmore Ave. is open Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: 251-0202 or • Through TH (12/31) - Fall Salon: Sculptural glass, abstract paintings and curvilinear mixedmedia wall installations from six regional artists —- Ceramic sculpture and textiles by Heather Allen-Swarttouw —Paintings by Taiyo la Paix —- Wood-Fired Clay: Contemporary approaches to a time-honored tradition by several artists —- Basketry by Carole Hetzel, Deborah Muhl and Lee Sipe. Exhibits at the Turchin Center Appalachian State University’s Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is at 423 West King St. in Boone. Info: 262-3017 or www. • Through SA (1/16) - Plastic Flame Press, the exhibit presents a progression of designer Chris Williams’ work —- African Vailet: Olivia “Holly” Pendergast —- SAQA: 12 Voices, a traveling exhibit of the Studio Art Quilt Association. • Through SA (2/6) - 225 F: Encaustic Encounters, featuring encaustic paintings —- Collective

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tography exhibit by Tim Barnwell, will be on display in the Holly Library gallery. Art at Ananda Hair Studio The salon, located at 22 Broadway, hosts rotating art exhibits. Info: 2321017. • Through SA (11/14) - Architectural Dynamics, abstract paintings by local artist Joyce Cole will be on display. Art at the N.C. Arboretum Works by members of the Asheville Quilt Guild and regional artists are on display daily in The Visitor Education Center. Info: 665-2492 or • SA (11/14) through SU (1/3) - Building Small: American Folk Art Houses and Structures will be on display in the Baker Center. Carolina Nature Photographers Association Info: www.cnpa-asheville. org. • Through SU (11/15) Celebrating Nature Through Photography, images from the N.C. Arboretum and WNC will be on display at the N.C. Arboretum. Center For Craft, Creativity and Design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road. in

Hendersonville. Info: 8902050 or • Through FR (12/11) Different Tempers: Jewelry & Blacksmithing, an exhibit featuring the works of 14 nationally known metalsmiths. • TH (11/12), 6pm - CCCD and the UNCA Craft Campus will cohost a lecture at UNCA’s Owen Conference Center. Suzanne Ramljak, guest curator of CCCD’s current exhibit Different Tempers: Jewelry & Blacksmithing, will speak about the exhibition, Events at First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at 20 Oak St., Asheville. • Through MO (11/23) - Our Saints of God will be on display. f/32 Photography Group Info: • Through MO (1/4) - An exhibit by the members of this fine photography group will be held at Deerpark on the Biltmore Estate. French Broad Fridays Folks in Marshall roll out the red carpet for an arts walk. Visit the galleries and studios along the French Broad River in the

Marshall Arts District. Plus, food, live music and dancing. Info: http://madfbf. • FR (11/13), 5-9pm “Last Call.” Giving Season Events • SA (11/14), 10am-7pm & SU (11/15), Noon-6pm - An exhibit of Ikebana, Japanese-designed floral arrangements by local members of Ikebana International, will be held at New Morning Gallery and Bellagio in Biltmore Village. Proceeds will benefit Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy and Ikebana International —- Jeff McKinley, a local lamp glass artist, will create glass ornaments, each under $20, at New Morning Gallery. Info: 274-2831.

Classes, Meetings & Arts-Related Events Attention Artists and Photographers! (pd.) Need your work Captured, Reproduced, or Printed? Digital Resolutions Group specializes in highquality large format digital photography, outstanding fine art reproduction and printing. (828) 670-5257 or visit Appalachian Pastel Society

Info: 687-1414 or www. appalachian-pastel-society. org. • SA (11/14), 10am-Noon - “How to Plan Your Own Show & Keep Your Sanity,” with Wendy Outland of WHO KNOWS ART. Presentation on how artists can determine when they are ready for their own shows. Free and open to the public. Asheville NC Homecrafts • FRIDAYS, 5:30-7pm - Sit and Knit at the Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave., Suite 134. Info: 350-7556 or ashevillehomecrafts@aol. com. Buncombe County Extension Center Events Located at 94 Coxe Ave., Asheville. Info: 255-5522. • THURSDAYS (11/12 & 19), 2pm - “Chrismons.” Make Christian symbols that are often used to decorate Christmas trees during Advent and Christmas. Participants will need to bring a small terry towel, small needle-nose pliers or nail clip for cutting wire and scissors. $8. Courtyard Gallery An eclectic art and performance space located at 9 Walnut St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 273-3332


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Contact your ad rep now for rates 32 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

or www.ashevillecourtyard. com. • SUNDAYS, 7-10pm - Free Open Studio Night. Bring sketchbooks, canvas, easel, drawing board and art supplies. Work in the medium of your choice in a relaxed setting. Still life and occasional portrait modeling. Free coffee and tea. Info: 707-1859. Events at Historic Johnson Farm Located at 3346 Haywood Rd. in Hendersonville. There are two nature trails (free), and guided tours are offered ($5/$3). Info: 891-6585 or www.historicjohnsonfarm. org. • TH (11/12), 1-2:30pm - “Holiday Napkin Folding Seminar” with Sharen Hafner. Bring an assortment of napkins for practice purposes. $3 per person. Registration suggested. River Arts District Studio Stroll • SA & SU (11/14 & 15), 10am-6pm - Tour more than 130 studios, meet artists, and purchase artwork in a warehouse-turned-artdistrict along the French Broad River near downtown Asheville. Info: Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League Classes are held at the studio, 999 W. Old Rt. 70, Black Mountain. Info: svfal. or www. • THURSDAYS, Noon-3pm - Experimental Art Group. Experimental learning and sharing water-media techniques and collage. $20 for four sessions or $6/session. • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm Open studio for figure drawing. Small fee for model. • MONDAYS, Noon-3pm - Open studio for portrait painting. Small fee for model. • TUESDAYS (through 11/24) - Art with Lorelle Bacon. Adults 1-3pm and youth 3:30-5pm. All levels welcome. $15/class. Registration required.

Art/Craft Fairs This Friday • Homeschool Craft Fair (pd.) Artisans and Crafters of the Asheville Homeschool Community invite everyone, this Friday, November 13, 3pm-7pm at the Montford Center, 35 Pearson Drive. • Over 30 vendors, • raffles, • (gently used) free book exchange, yummy snacks and treats and • Crafts made by our amazing kids! • Donate your old ink cartridges and cell phones to our Odyssey

of the Mind program. For more info, please contact Amie Tanner, 505-7223. 27th Annual Patchwork Craft Group Show & Sale • FR & SA (11/13 & 14), 10am-4pm - High-quality juried crafts by area artists: jewelry, children’s clothing, pottery, baskets, doll clothes, home decor, scarves, greeting cards and more. Plus, home-baked items. At St. Timothy Methodist Church, Brevard. Free admission. Info: 8832029. 6th Annual Fairview Craft and Gift Fair • SA (11/14), 9am-3pm - 34 different local crafters and artists selling handcrafted items and the Friends of the Fairview Library Book Sale. Lunch and refreshments available. At the Fairview Community Center in Fairview on US74A. Info: 393-0099. Annual Christmas Craft Bazaar • FR (11/13), Noon-7pm & SA (11/14), 9am-3pm - 16th annual Christmas Craft Bazaar at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville. More than 26 crafters with one-of-a-kind items. Plus, Santa will be having his picture taken with kids. Refreshments. Info: 6452367. Emmanuel Lutheran School Trade Show • SA (11/14), 9am-4pm Get a head start on holiday shopping. Artwork, crafts, jewelry, home accessories, personalized gifts, Greek pastries, raffles and more. Free admission. At 51 Wilburn Pl., Asheville. Info: 552-1209 or 606-5251. Holiday Shopping Extravaganza • TU (11/17) through SU (11/22) - Asheville Art Museum’s annual Holiday Shopping Extravaganza in Pack Place Community Gallery. Work by local artists, jewelry, children’s books, games and more. Book signings by local authors Nov. 20-22, and cocktails from 5-7pm Nov. 20. Info: 253-3227. Homeschool Craft Fair • FR (11/13), 3-7pm Artisans and crafters from the Asheville homeschool community will offer their wares at the Montford Community Center. There will be raffles and crafts for sale made by kids. Info: 505-7223. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 South Caldwell St. in Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4

pm. Info: 884-2787 or • FR (11/13), 6-8pm - A casual preview party will be held for the ArtMart craft show and fundraiser. • SA (11/14), 9am-4pm - ArtMart arts and crafts show. Partial proceeds will benefit the arts council.

Spoken & Written Word 11th Annual Fall Storytelling Festival • SA (11/14), 9am-9:15pm - Sponsored by the N.C. Storytelling Guild and Transylvania County Library Friends of the Library, the festival will be held at the Transylvania County Library in Brevard. Renowned storytellers will gather to tell tales and lead workshops. Free. Info: 274-1123 or 884-3151. A Night of Expression at Tribal Grounds • SA (11/14), 8-9:30pm - Open mic featuring music, poetry, spoken word, dance, dramatic readings and storytelling. All performers are encouraged to participate. Located at 938 Tsalagi Road on the Qualla Boundary in Cherokee. Info: 497-0707. Asheville Storytelling Circle A nonprofit dedicated to excellence in the oral tradition that affirms various cultures through storytelling, and nourishes the development of emerging and established artists. Guests and new members always welcome. Info: 274-1123 or 658-4151. • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - Tellers and listeners are invited to come to Asheville Terrace Lobby, 200 Tunnel Road. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBRVIATIONS - Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486)

n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750) • MO (11/2) through WE (11/11) - Submissions for an essay contest for kids ages 12-14, focusing on the theme “What Books Mean to Me,” will be accepted. The winner will receive a $50 prize. All entries must be submitted by 5pm on Nov. 11. BM. • TH (11/12), 7pm - Film screening and discussion of Thunder Road with original cast member Betsy Holt. SW —- 6:30pm - Knitty Gritty Knitting Night. EA —1pm - Book Club: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle FV. • FR (11/13), 4pm - Teen Book Character Costume Party. Free snacks. WV. • SA (11/14), 8:30am-2pm - Book sale. All proceeds will benefit the Friends of the East Asheville Library EA —- 9am-3pm - Holiday book sale at the Fairview Community Center’s annual Craft and Holiday Fair, 1355 Charlotte Highway. FV —- Book Club: March by Geraldine Brooks. WA. • TU (11/17), 2pm - Book Club: Wait ‘Til Next Year by Doris Kearns Goodwin. NA —- 6pm - Sit and Knit: A casual needlework group for all skill levels WV —- 7pm - “Birds in the Backyard,” a program hosted by Wendell Cisco. LE —- 7pm - Mystery Book Club: Stranger in Paradise by Robert Parker. BM. • WE (11/18), 5-7pm - Library Knitters meet. SW —- 3-6pm - Library Knitters meet. SS. • TH (11/19), 2pm - Book Club: Astrid and Veronika by Linda Olssen. SS —7:30pm - Book Club: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery. FV. Events at Accent on Books The bookstore is located at 854 Merrimon Ave. Events are free and open to the public. Info: 252-6255 or • FR (11/13), 6pm - Reception in honor of Clothes Lines, edited by Celia Miles and Nancy Dillingham, and featuring short pieces by WNC women writers. Several of the writers will read and the editors will discuss their process. Light refreshments. Events at Malaprop’s The bookstore and cafe at 55 Haywood St. hosts visiting authors for talks and book signings. Info: 254-

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Come See What’s New At Biltmore Park: Hilton Hotel & Roux Restaurant, Sparrow Spa, REI, Barnes & Noble, P.F. Chang’s®, 131 MAIN Restaurant, Brixx™ Pizza, Travinia Italian Kitchen, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Cold Stone Creamery, Hickory Tavern Grill and Raw Bar, Regal Cinemas®, Talloni Shoe Salon, Blossoms at Biltmore Park, Sensibilities Day Spa, Natural Impressions Salon, 270,000 s.f. Class-A Office space, University of Phoenix®, Volvo, Construction Equipment, NA Headquarters, Condos, Townhomes, Apartments and more... • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 33

6734 or www.malaprops. com. • TH (11/12), 7pm Jennifer Elizabeth Daigle, author of The Knowing, will be in attendance. • FR (11/13), 7pm Author Fred Chappell will discuss his latest collection, Ancestors and Others: New and Selected Stories. • SA (11/14), 7pm - Jennifer Niven will read from and sign copies of her book Velva Jean Learns to Drive. • SU (11/15), 3pm - Writers at Home featuring readings by Cheryl Dietrich and Catherine Reid. Hosted by Tommy Hays. • TU (11/17), 7pm Literary trivia night. • TH (11/19), 5:30pm - Women on Words: a poetry group for women —- 7pm - Join the creative team behind the Freaks of Asheville Calendar as they present the story of this remarkable work that showcases some of Asheville’s most eclectic cultural creatives. For Accomplished Asheville Writers Seeking other serious writers for critique group. Mostly fiction and nonfiction. Info: 658-8217. • Alternate THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Group meets. Haywood County Public Library System The main branch is located at 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. The county system includes branches in Canton, Maggie Valley, Fines Creek and Cruso. Info: 452-5169 or www. • WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - Ready 4 Learning. A story time designed for 4 and 5 year olds with a focus on kindergarten readiness. This story time runs Sept.-May. • THURSDAYS, 11am - Movers & Shakers. This

story time for active 2-3 year olds incorporates dance, physical activity, songs and age-appropriate books. • TUESDAYS, 11am - Family story time at the Fines Creek Branch Library. We will read books, tell stories, learn songs and finger plays, and do a simple craft. Info: 627-0146. • TUESDAYS, 11:15am - Family story time for children of all ages at the Canton Branch Library. We will read books, listen to songs, and learn finger plays. Info: 648-2924. Henderson County Public Library System Unless otherwise stated, all events take place in Kaplan Auditorium of the main branch library, located at 301 N. Washington St. in Hendersonville. The county system includes branches in Edneyville, Etowah, Fletcher and Green River. Info: 697-4725 or www. • TH (11/12), 7pm “Read on WNC” presents guest speaker Terrell Garren, the author of The Secret of War. • SA (11/14), 2-4pm - Tom Nebbia, retired National Geographic photographer, will present a documentary film on “The WASPs of World War II.” Plus, author George McDermott will give a presentation honoring women in World War II. Copies of his book Women Recall the War Years: Memories of World War II will be available. • TH (11/19), 4pm - Local suspense author Sallie Bissell will give a presentation along with some special guests, an owl and a hawk, presented by Mary Beth Bryman and Susie Wright of Wild for Life, a bird and mammal rescue organization.

Osondu Booksellers All events are held at Osondu, 184 North Main St., Waynesville, unless otherwise noted. Info: 456-8062 or • TH (11/12), Noon - Book Club: Secret Scriptures by Sebastian Barry. • SA (11/14), 11am - Meet the poet: Sam Kaufman. Local teen and writer, Kaufman will discuss a creative book of poetry —- 1-2:30pm - Local author Christine Hale will offer a workshop titled “How to Build Character in Ten Minutes.” • MO (11/16), 7pm - The Nonfiction Book Club will meet. New members always welcome. Call for details. Poetry Reading • SA (11/14), 8-10pm - Katie Bowler and Lucy Tobin will give a reading of their poetry. Bowler’s “State Street,” a dynamic narrative poem about living through Hurricane Katrina, was recently published by Bull City Press. At Posana Cafe, 1 Biltmore Ave. Free. Info: 776-8438. The Marshall Auricular Hour A music and literary series. Performances are held at The French Broad Institute, 68 N. Main St., Marshall. Info: 649-0099. • TU (11/17), 7pm Readings by local poets Laura Hope Gill and Rose McLarney and local novelist Ed Krause. Followed by a reception and book signing at Lapland Bookshop & Arts, 147 N. Main St., Marshall. Transylvania County Library Located at 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard. Info: 8843151. • FR (11/13), 7pm - In conjunction with the Fall Storytelling Festival on Saturday (see listing under “11th Annual Fall

Storytelling Festival”), Connie Regan-Blake will perform a storytelling concert, “Finding Your Way Home: Stories of True-Life Adventures and Mountain Roots.” Free. Writers’ Workshop Events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 254-8111 or • Through MO (11/30) - Deadline for the 21st Annual Memoirs Competition. $20 entry fee. • Through MO (11/30) Deadline for “Changing My World Essay Contest.” $5 reading fee.

Festivals & Gatherings Foster/Adopt Fall Festival • SA (11/14), 2-5pm - Learn about the need for foster and/or adoptive homes for children in our community. At Coleman Place, 3rd floor of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. Info: 255-8845. Holiday Events at Grove Park Inn Located at 290 Macon Ave. in Asheville. Info: 252-2711 or • MO (11/16) - The 17th Annual National Gingerbread House Competition. The competition is comprised of four categories: Adult, Teen, Youth and Child. All entries will be judged on specific criteria. The awards ceremony will begin at 5pm. Free and open to the public. • WE (11/18) through SU (1/3) - Entries from the 17th Annual National Gingerbread House Competition will be on display. Community viewing is Mon.-Thurs., 10am10pm.

34 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Can’t find your group’s listing?

Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit

Music African Drumming With Billy Zanski at Skinny Beats Drum Shop, 4 Eagle St., downtown Asheville. Drums provided. No experience necessary. Suggested donation $10 per class. Drop-ins welcome. Info: 768-2826. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginners. • SUNDAYS, 1-2pm Intermediates —- 2-3pm - Beginners. Asheville Area Piano Forum Event • SA (11/14), 10:30am1pm - Michelle Moog will speak about Bob Moog’s inventions and how they have impacted modern music. Held at Asheville Music and Art in West Asheville. Free. Refreshments will be served. Info: Boogertown Gap in Concert • SA (11/14), 10am3pm - Boogertown Gap (Appalachian folk music) will perform at the Extravaganza Center, 3697 Asheville Hwy. in Mountain Home. Free. Hot dogs and BBQ sandwiches will be available all day. Info: 768-1801. Brasstown Civic Center Located on Settawig Road in Brasstown. Info: 8373797 or 837-1043. • SA (11/14), 7pm - The Smoky Mountain Boys will perform. $5. FENCE Events The Foothills Equestrian Nature Center is located in Tryon. Free. Info: 8599021 or • SU (11/15), 4pm Spartanburg’s Sparkle City Brass will perform.

Haywood Community Chorus Membership is open to all interested singers; no auditions are required. Sponsored in part by The Junaluskans and the Haywood County Arts Council. Info: 452-4075 or 456-1020. • MONDAYS, 7pm Rehearsal at First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Hendersonville First Congregational United Church of Christ Located at 1735 Fifth Ave. W. in Hendersonville. Info: 692-8630 or www. • SU (11/15) - Moscow Nights, an exciting Russian folk-music trio, will perform. $10/$5 students. Jazz Composers Forum Concerts Tickets & info: 252-2257 or • TH (11/19), 7pm - All Chick Band and the music of Chick Corea. Bill Gerhardt, piano and keyboard; Mike Holstein, bass; Justin Watt, drums. At the Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. Madison County Arts Council Events MCAC is located at 90 S. Main St. in Marshall. Info: 649-1301 or • SA (11/14), 8pm - The Firefly Revival, featuring Anna Bauman-Smith and Jane Edens (formerly of the Barrel House Mamas) on fiddle and guitar, Eliza Sydney on concert harp and Michael Olivier on bass. Opening will be the Shinola Troubadors of Possum Splendor. $10. Music at First United Methodist Church

Located at 204 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 693-4275, or www.hvlfumc. org. • SU (11/15), 4pm - Patriotic Music Concert honoring all veterans of all branches. Chancel choir, piano quartet, trio and soloists. Free. Music at Mars Hill College Info: 689-1239 or www. • TU (11/17), 7:30pm - Jazz music will be performed by Loft. • TH (11/19), 7:30pm - The Brass and Wind Chamber Ensembles will perform a recital in Broyhill Chapel. Music at the Lake A music series held at LakeHouse Lodge & Spa in Flat Rock. Info: 693-5070. • FR (11/13), 7pm - Heaven & Earth will perform. Dinner at 6pm. $15. Music at UNCA Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets & info: 232-5000. • SU (11/15), 4pm - UNCA Chamber Music Concert in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/Free for students. Info: 251-6432 Phil Mechanic Studios Located at 109 Roberts St. on the corner of Clingman Ave. in the River Arts District. Houses Flood Gallery, Pump Gallery and Nook Gallery. Info: www. • SU (11/15), 8pm Indie-acoustic band Hope For Agoldensummer will perform a concert at Flood Gallery. $5. Info: www. hopeforagoldensummer or 254-2166. Reuter Center Singers All persons who read music and enjoy singing are invited to attend. Practices are held at the Reuter Center on the UNCA

campus. All adult singers are welcome to join; no auditions. Info: 669-0605. • SU (11/15), 3pm - Fall concert at the Reuter Center on the UNCA campus, featuring “A Gershwin Portrait,” the music of George and Ira Gershwin, and “Requiem” by American composer John Leavitt. Free. Song O’ Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) The chorus is always looking for women 18+ who want to learn how to sing barbershop harmony. Please visit a rehearsal. Info: 1-866-824-9547 or • MONDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm - Holiday Harmony. Learn how to sing selected holiday songs. With only four easy sessions, you will be ringing chords like a pro. Registration recommended. $20/$15/$10. St. Matthias Musical Performances These classical music concerts take place at St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Asheville, 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 252-0643. • SU (11/15), 3:30pm - A concert by CornoCopia, an ensemble of 14 horns and percussion, featuring various musical styles (swing, gospel, folk, classical, holiday). A free-will offering will be taken for the artists and the restoration of the historic church. The Brevard Philharmonic Performances are held at Brevard College’s Porter Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets & info: 8844221 or www.boamusic. org. • SU (11/15), 3pm Trombonist Haim Avitsur will be the featured soloist in the premiere performance of “Tekeeyah,” a composition for shofar/trombone by Meira Warshauer. Plus, Brahms’

Tragic Overture and Borodin’s Symphony No. 2. Pre-concert conversation with Warshauer at 2pm. $25 adults/$5 youth 18 and under. WCU Musical Events Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Tickets or info: 227-2479 or http://fapac. • TH (11/12), 8pm - The Low Tech Ensemble will present a concert of gamelan music in the recital hall of the Coulter Building on the WCU campus. Free. Info: 227-7242. Womansong A community chorus promoting musical expression and creativity among women in WNC. Info: • SA (11/14), 7:30pm “Unplugged & Unhinged,â€? a benefit concert and cabaret of solos, duets, ensembles and the entire chorus. At the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place at Charlotte Street. $10 adults/$5 kids under 18. Proceeds benefit the New Start Fund, which supports women in transition.

Theater Asheville Arts Center The main campus is located at 308 Merrimon Ave. Info: 253-4000 or www. • TH (11/5) through SU (11/15) - The Songs: An Asheville Arts Center Cabaret will be performed. This musical revue combines the best musical theater songs from the Broadway and offBroadway stage. $15/$10 students. Info: 253-4000. Asheville Playback Theatre Improvisational theater based on audience members’ true stories. All stories welcomed. $10/$5 students & seniors. No one turned away for lack of funds. Info: • SU (11/15), 2:30pm - An improvisational performance will be held at UNCA’s Highsmith Center in the Grotto. The theme will be: “Human Rights: Stories of Resilience and Hope.â€? In collaboration with Amnesty International UNCA. Events at Montreat College Events are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.

• FRIDAYS (11/13) through SATURDAYS (11/21) - The Fine Arts Department presents The Little Price performed in Gaither Chapel. Fri., 7:30pm and Sat., 1:30pm. $8 adults/$5 children/Free for Montreat students. Flat Rock Playhouse The State Theater of North Carolina is on Hwy. 225, 3 miles south of Hendersonville. Info: 6930731 or • Through SU (11/15) - Greater Tuna, a Southerngrown comedy about the town of Tuna, Texas. Showings begin at 8:15pm Wed.-Sat., with 2:15pm matinees Thur.-Sun. $30, discounts available. Free Acting Workshop • WEDNESDAYS (through 11/18), 7-8:30pm - Come to a free acting workshop as part of Homeward Bound’s Community Performance Project. At Central United Methodist Church, Haywood Street Campus, 297 Haywood St., Asheville. Info: 7682456 or bbinfo@hbofa. org. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever • TH (11/19) through SU (11/29) - YouTheatre presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, the story of how an unruly bunch of siblings help everyone else rediscover the meaning of Christmas. Performances will be held at 7:30pm with Sat. & Sun. matinees at 2:15pm. Theater at UNCA Performances take place in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. • SA (11/14), 7:30pm - The Center for Jewish Studies at UNCA, in cooperation with Visualizing Human Rights AntiConference, presents A Jerusalem Between Us, a play about an American boy, Israel and a question of conscience. Free. Info: 251-6576. • WE (11/18), 8pm TheatreUNCA presents And a Child Shall Lead in the Carol Belk Theatre. $10/$8 seniors/$5 students. Theater at WCU Unless otherwise noted, all performances take place at the Fine & Performing Arts Center. Tickets & info: 227-2479 or http://fapac. • SU (11/15), 3pm - Corbian: A Glow in the Dark Adventure, the story of a dinosaur discovering the nature of love.

Characters made with flexible electroluminescent wire will light the stage with a combo of dance, puppetry and storytelling. $25/$20 WCU staff & seniors/$5 students.

Film 6th Annual UNCA Human Rights Film Festival All screenings are free. Info: 250-3870. • WE (11/11), 7pm Screening of Burma VJ in the Highsmith University Union, Rm. 104. • TH (11/12), 7pm - Screening of Pray the Devil Back to Hell in the Highsmith University Union Grotto. • FR (11/13), 7pm Screening of Hunger in the Highsmith University Union Grotto. African-American Trailblazers • SU (11/15), 2-3:30pm - Six African Americans graduated from high school in Mississippi in May 1969. In June 2009, they received their first invitation to the 40th class reunion. The reunion was the impetus for a documentary film project about their stories. Screening at West Asheville Public Library. Info: 299-8000. Asheville Arts Center The main campus is located at 308 Merrimon Ave. Info: 253-4000 or www. • SA (11/14), 12:30pm & 4pm - Katrina-inspired documentary After the Storm premiere. Broadway actor and director Gerry McIntyre will speak. A Q&A session will follow the first screening. $10/$7 students/Free for academy students. Documentary Screening & “Locavoreâ€? Potluck • SA (11/14), 12:30pm - A screening of the awardwinning documentary HomeGrown Revolution and a “locavoreâ€? potluck will be held at Warren Wilson College. Sponsored by Natural Food Choices and Warren Wilson College. Reservations required: Southern Circuit Tour The nation’s only regional tour of independent filmmakers, providing communities with an interactive way of experiencing independent film. Films will be shown in the theater of A.K. Hinds University Center on the WCU campus. Free. Info: www.sou- or 227-3622. • TH (11/19) - Flying on One Engine will be shown.

Dance Asheville Ballroom & Dance Centre • Learn to Dance! (pd.) Groups and Privates available. For more information call (828) 274-8320. Indian Dance Classes With Sara Sathya (pd.) At Studio Zahiya, 41 Carolina Lane. “Intro to Odissi Classicalâ€?, Saturdays, 10am-11:15am. • Beginner Indian Fusion: Mondays, 6pm-7:15pm. • 6 weeks, $70 or drop-in $13. Information: 9897719 or sarasathya@ Argentine Tango Dancers of all levels welcome. Info: • SUNDAYS (except 1st), 7-10pm - Argentine Tango Practica at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Rd. $5 for members/$6 for nonmembers. Asheville Jewish Community Center Events The JCC is located at 236 Charlotte St., Asheville. Info: 253-0701. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Beginning folk dance lessons. Families especially welcome —- 8-9:30pm - Not-so-beginning folk dance lessons. Led by instructor Erik Bendix and other guest teachers. $4 members/$6 public. Info: or 450-1670. Classes at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre Classes are by donation and on a drop-in basis. Classes are held at the New Studio of Dance, 20 Commerce St. in downtown Asheville. Info: www. or 254-2621. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Adult Modern. • TUESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Adult Ballet. Dance at Diana Wortham Theatre Tickets & info: 257-4530 or • TU & WE (11/17 & 18), 8-10pm - MOMIX: ReMIX. MOMIX’s dancerillusionists present works of inventiveness and physical beauty, conjuring up a world of surrealistic images using props, light, shadow, humor and the human body. Dance Events at ASU

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36 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Performances take place at Appalachian State University’s Farthing Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Ticket prices increase at the door on show nights. Info: (800) 841-ARTS(2787) or www. • TH (11/19), 8pm - MOMIX, a company of dancer-illusionists, will perform. Advance tickets are $20 adults/$18 seniors/$10 students. Donation Classes at Asheville Dance Revolution Sponsored by The Cultural Development Group. At 63 Brook St. Info: 277-6777 or • TUESDAYS, 8-9:15pm - Beginning/Intermediate Adult Jazz. • FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - Boys Dance Combo Class. This is for boys interested in dance. The class touches on all styles of dance for the male dancer —- 67:30pm - African dance with Sarah Yancey featuring live drumming. Open to all. $14. English Country & American Dance Dance to live music with a caller. A mixture of English Country and American dances that include vintage contras, sicilian circles, New England squares, circle mixers and waltzes. No partner necessary. Comfortable shoes and clothing. Beginners welcome. $6. Info: 230-8449. • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS, 3-5:30pm - Dance at the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave. Events at Asheville Dance Revolution Located at 63 Brook St. Events are sponsored by the Cultural Development Group. Info: 277-6777. • SA (11/14), 6:30-10pm - Come trade tap steps and rhythms with tappers of all styles and experience levels. This is a community-based tap event open to everyone who loves tap dance. Free. Hunab Kru Dance Studio The studio is devoted to the art commonly known as break dancing. Located at 4 Business Park Circle, Arden. Info: 215-3159 or • MONDAYS through SUNDAYS - B-boy and bgirl classes will be offered throughout the week for children ages 5-9, ages 10 and up, and for adults. $15 for drop-in classes/$5 open floor sessions. Info: 654-7890. Morris Dancing

Learn English traditional Morris dances and become a member of one of three local teams as a dancer or musician. Music instruction provided to experienced musicians. Free. Info: 994-2094 or • MONDAYS, 5:30pm Women’s Garland practice held at Reid Center for Creative Art. Skyland Twirlers Western square dancing at the Senior Opportunity Center (not just for seniors), 36 Grove St., near the Federal Building in downtown Asheville. Info: 650-6405. • FR (11/13), 79:30pm - Join us for our Thanksgiving and Pie Dance at the Senior Opportunity Center. Plus Workshop at 7pm, with Plus, Mainstream and Line Dances from 7:30-9:30pm. $5 for non-members. Southern Lights SDC A nonprofit square-dance club. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Info: 625-9969 or 6984530. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Class in Western-style square dancing at the Stoney Mountain Activity Center in Hendersonville. Studio Zahiya Classes Classes are held at Studio Zahiya, 41 Carolina Lane. $12 drop-in. $40 for four classes, with other discounts available. Info: 242-7595 or LisaZahiya@ • THURSDAYS, 5:306:30pm - Beginner belly dance for youth ages 12-16 —- 6:30-7:30pm - Bhangra! East Indian high-energy dance. • SATURDAYS, 1011:15am - Intro to Odissi classical Indian dance classes with Sara Sathya. $13 drop-in. • MONDAYS, 6-7:15pm - Beginner foundations and fusions of Indian dance classes with Sara Sathya. $13 drop-in. Info: 9897719 or SaraSathya@ • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginner belly dance —- 7:10-8:10pm - Drills and skills. Swing Asheville Info:, 301-7629 or dance@swingasheville. com. • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginner swing dance lessons. Lindy Hop style. $10/person per week for a 4-week series. No partner necessary. Let your inner

dancer out. 11 Grove St, downtown Asheville. Class series starts the first Tuesday of every month. Veterans of Foreign Wars All events are held upstairs at 5 Points, 860 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 693-5930. • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 6pm - Free dancing lessons —- 7pm - Live music and dancing. $7. All singles over 21 welcome. No partners needed. Finger food and sweets will be provided. No alcohol or smoking in dancing area.

Auditions & Call to Artists Annual Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest Have your holiday-themed artwork appear in color inside one of Xpress’ holiday guides (Dec. 2, 9 & 16) and/or be on display at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s downtown studio in Dec. Info: • Through FR (11/20) - Create holiday-inspired art within a squarish space (9.5” H x 10/25” W) and keep the colors bright. Include name, address, phone, age (if under 18) and parent or guardian’s name (if applicable) with submission. Send or hand deliver art to: 2 Wall St., Asheville, N.C., 28801. Call for Entries for the Black Mountain-Swannanoa Parade • Through MO (11/30) - Applications should be completed and submitted to the Black MountainSwannanoa Chamber office. $10 entry fee. For applictions: e-mail or download it from www. The parade will be Dec. 5. Info: 669-2300. Call to Artists for Flat Rock Playhouse Craft Show • Through TU (12/1) - Artist application deadline for the first Flat Rock Playhouse Craft Show to be held in May. A juried show of fine, contemporary craft. $20 jury fee. Applications can be downloaded at Join Fletcher’s Christmas Parade • Through FR (12/4) - Be a part of Fletcher’s 21st annual Christmas Parade on Dec. 12. This year’s theme: “I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas.” For entry forms and rules: or 6870751.

Montford Park Players Auditions Info: 254-5146, info@ or • SA (11/14), 1pm Interviews will be held for a director for the Players winter 2010 production of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. To apply, download the application on the Web site under “Show Info.”

River Arts District Studio Stroll Photography Contest • SA & SU (11/14 & 15), 10am-6pm - Photos must be taken during the stroll. Only photographs of current members of the River District Artists Association and their studios will be considered. Upload images to riverartsdistrict by Nov. 20. Cash prizes. Info: www.

Seeking Acts for Talent Show • A-B Tech’s Alpha Upsilon chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges, is seeking acts for the fourth annual Helpmate Talent Show on Nov. 13 in the college’s Ferguson Auditorium. Those interested should send an e-mail to

Volunteer Musicians Needed • Black Mountain Recreation & Parks is looking for volunteer musicians to play a set on Dec. 5th at Lake Tomahawk for their annual Circle of Lights. All genres of music are welcome, as long as Christmas songs are played. Info: 669-8610.

CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365

newsoftheweird Lead Story For some consumers, good environmental citizenship is important even when choosing among sex accessories. No longer will they tolerate plastic personal vibrators made with the softeners called phthalates; or body lubricants that contain toxic chemicals typically found in, say, antifreeze; or leather restraints from slaughtered cattle. In an October issue, Time magazine described a market of organic lubricants, biodegradable whips and handcuffs, vegan condoms, and glass or mahogany vibrators (even hand-crankable models, eliminating the need for batteries). Some Catholic Church officials have also embraced the concept to further denounce chemical and latex birth controls, re-characterizing the traditional “rhythm” family planning as the back-tonature detection of ovulation via body signals.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

• The British retailer Debenhams announced in September that it would begin selling men’s briefs whose opening is more accessible from the left side, for left-handers who have been forced for decades to manipulate a rightside opening. Previously, said a Debenhams executive, “(L)eft-handed men have to reach much further into their pants, performing a Z-shaped maneuver through two 180-degree angles before achieving the result that righthanded men perform with ease.” • Troubling Products: (1) Mattel is accepting pre-orders for the April 2010 release of the newest doll in the Barbie/Ken line, the spiffily dressed Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken (apparently to be showcased with a much younger, trophy-type Barbie). (2) Even more troubling (but so far only a prototype) is Alex Green’s “Placenta Teddy Bear,” exhibited in London in September and Newcastle, England, in October at the “(re)design” showcase of “sustainable toys” with children’s themes. After the placenta is cured and dried, it is treated with an emulsifier to render it pliable and cut into strips with which to stitch Teddy together, thus “unify(ing)” mother and baby.

Animal Weird News

• CNN, reporting from the London Zoo in August, described the excitement surrounding news that the zoo would soon acquire a 12-year-old male gorilla from a preserve in France. Zoo officials were pleased, but its three older female gorillas were almost ecstatic. Shown posters of “Yeboah,” the male, female “Zaire” “shrieked in delight”; “Effie” wedged the poster into a tree and stared at it; and “Mjukuu” held the photo close to her chest, “then ate it.” • Gay Vulture Tricks: The births of two chicks on the same day at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo in April was unusual enough but especially noteworthy because of the birds’ lineage. Their fathers were a gay vulture couple about 10 years ago, according to a report in the Israeli daily Haaretz, and zoo caretakers provided them an artificial egg to “incubate” until they could replace the egg with a just-hatched vulture, as if the male-male couple had birthed it. In “an insane coincidence,” said a zoo official, the two males eventually separated and paired with females, and those females hatched eggs on the same day last April. Two weeks ago, according to Haaretz, the two chicks achieved independence on the same day and were moved to the zoo’s aviary. • Among the species discovered recently in Papua New Guinea were tiny bear-like creatures, frogs with fangs, fish that grunt, kangaroos that live in trees, and what is probably the world’s largest rat (with no fear of humans). Scientists from Britain, the United States and Papua New Guinea announced the findings in September, among more than 40 new species from a jungle habitat a half-mile deep inside the centuries-dormant Mount Bosavi volcano crater.

Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

Leading Economic Indicators

• People With Too Much Money: A young, media-shy Chinese woman, identified only as “Mrs. Wang” and photographed in jeans, a T-shirt and baseball cap, purchased an 18month-old Tibetan mastiff in September for a reported 4 million yuan (about $585,000). She ordered a motorcade of 30 luxury cars to meet her and the dog on their arrival in Xi’an, in Shaanxi province. The price is almost four times the previous reported high for the purchase of a dog (a cloned Labrador, by a Florida family). • Circular Reasoning: Surprisingly, the recession otherwise felt in the Phoenix area this year has largely spared one “profession”: psychics. An October Arizona Republic report found that while longtime clients tended to reduce their use of astrology and related fields, their business was replaced by a new class of customers desperate to know the future -- those facing financial ruin because of bad home mortgages. (Few, wrote the reporter, seemed to sense the irony of purchasing questionable psychic services to overcome the consequences of questionable mortgage decisions.)

Hyperactive Seniors

• Not Too Old to Do Her Own Hit: Elsa Seman, 71, was shot and killed in North Versailles, Pa., in September, when she was mistaken for a prowler. According to police, Seman had gone to the home of her ex-boyfriend at night and, dressed in black, commando-style, was lying in wait in his yard with a pistol, intending to kill him. A neighbor called in the report of a prowler, and a police officer arriving at the scene fatally shot Seman. • Not Too Sickly for a Career in Bank Robbery: Police in Southern California know what the man looks like (from surveillance video) but have not yet apprehended the well-dressed, 70ish man who has robbed four banks since August, with the latest being a Bank of America in Rancho Santa Fe in October. The man has shown special dexterity to pull off the robberies, since he is on oxygen and has to carry around his own tank.

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parenting from the edge by Anne Fitten Glenn

The Rocky project, or kitty fat camp This is Rocky. He weighs 22 pounds. His litter mate, Houdini, weighs nine. Both cats have been fed the same food throughout their lives. When we rescued the twosome, they were same-sized fur balls. But Rocky is a kibble ho. The neighborhood kids call him Garfield, because he moseys around begging for food and attention. Like Garfield, he’s sassy and fearless -- dogs run from him. We wonder if we manifested the cat’s destiny by naming him “Rocky.” Perhaps if we’d named him Cutie Pie, he wouldn’t be so fat. At least we didn’t name him Monster. There’s no doubt that Rocky can be enchanting. He likes to lie on the edge of the street and wait for folks to wander by and love on him. When there was an open house at a nearby home for sale, Rocky staked out a spot on the stoop so people had to step over him to enter. The realtor in charge told me several folks asked if the cat came with the house. People love our fat, lazy cat. Despite the dingleberries. Because Rocky’s too huge to clean his own rear, he’s kind of nasty back there. I take him to Canine Shear Heaven fairly often to get a potty patch (they shave around his bum, removing the hair so the dingleberries can’t adhere as well). The first time I called to make an appointment, I thought the woman on the phone referred to this as a “pooty” patch. So that’s what I call it now. While Rocky wouldn’t win the annual fattest cat in American title (there actually is such a contest), he’s so big that our vet likes to take him in the back to show off his hugeness. Then Dr. Riggle (at North Asheville Animal Hospital) gently fusses at me for over-feeding Rocky, and we talk diet plans.

One of our problems is that Rocky has trained the kids to feed him. He follows them around, meowing and complaining, and if they don’t make a beeline for his food bowl, he’s liable to nip them on the ankles. Jane Mitchell of Miss Jane’s Pet Sitting calls him “a scheming, charismatic, calculating charmer.” In fact, Miss Jane and Kristi King, owner of Green Earth Pet Food, have taken on the Rock & Roller as a personal challenge (they’re also smart business women who are offering us free food and services knowing I’ll write about Rocky’s Biggest Loser experience). The two of them have laid out a kitty fat camp plan, combining Kristi’s all-natural raw pet foods and Miss Jane’s exercises, to help me help Rocky lose some weight. Because, they say, there are lots of overweight cats out there that need our help.

Like humans, obese cats often contract diabetes, heart and kidney disease, and they have joint problems. While Rocky, at 6 years old, is healthy so far, our goal is to keep him that way. Plus I’ve had to force pills down his throat before, and it’s kind of like pilling a wild badger. It takes at least two people — one person to hold down 22 pounds of mad cat and one to stick a pill down this throat while avoiding his half-inch fangs. So, two weeks ago, I removed Rocky’s food bowl from its usual spot. As soon as he noticed, he meowed and tried to trip me by wrapping himself around my ankles (like trying to avoid a bowling ball aimed at my feet). I put him in the bathroom with one of Kristi’s raw salmon patties (so the dog couldn’t eat it first). After about 20 minutes, I checked on him. He hadn’t eaten a bite. And he was still pissed. I poured tuna juice over the patty. He ate a little. I mixed tuna with the patty. He picked out the tuna. I mixed some natural wet beef cat food with the patty. He ate it! Then he barfed it all up. I’ve moved on to alternating Rocky’s regular kibble with the salmon patty mixed with a bit of tuna. While the raw food is healthier, lower in fat, and closer to what Rocky’s diet would be if he lived in the wild, he’s still not eating much of the salmon. Kristi says he’s got to be hungry enough. I know he’s hungry enough when the kids are standing on the dining room chairs so he can’t get to their ankles. You’d think the cat would be thrilled to be offered raw salmon. I mean, come on, any feral cat would give a life for such a gourmet meal. But it’s hard to teach an old cat new tricks. To be continued. X

Anne Fitten “Edgy Mama” Glenn writes about a number of subjects, including parenting, at Parenting Calendar for November 11 - 19, 2009 Attention Parents (pd.) Do you have children who struggle learning to control their emotions or behavior? Children who don’t seem to pay attention in school? • We invite you to hear about a new technology that’s making it possible to train children (or adults) to be more attentive, more productive and more in control, by simply playing a video game. • This technology (called Neurofeedback) is being employed in schools, clinics, by NASA, in the Olympics and in World Cup trainings and can help your child create lasting change. Call (828) 281-

2299, for more info or our schedule of upcoming public seminars, ask for Dr Ellis. Focus Centers of Asheville. Crisis Counseling • Multicultural/ Diverse Lifestyles (pd.) • Teens • Young Adults/Adults • Eclectic/ diverse therapy: Cognitive-Behavioral, Equine, Afro-centric, Parent Coordination/Mediation. • Tracy Keene, LPC, 828-318-3991, tracy@ • 13 1/2 Eagle Street, Suite P, Asheville, 28801. Adoptive Parenting Workshop: “Life After the Party!”

38 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

• TU (11/17), 9:30am-1pm - Professional Parenting will reveal how trauma influences brain development, plus give you tools to impact change. At Henderson County Library, Kaplin Auditorium. RSVP by Nov. 12: families4kids@ BirthNetwork of WNC A nonprofit promoting wellness-focused childbirth. Meetings are held at the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., in the Pardee Education Center. Free. Info: or www.birthnetwork. org. • SA (11/14), 10am-6pm - The Joyful Birth & Breastfeeding Expo will feature screenings of the films Orgasmic Birth and Laboring Under an Illusion, mother-friendly vendors and guest speakers. Held at the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville. Free. La Leche League of Asheville • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - Monday Evenings: Meeting at Awakening Heart, Merrimon Ave. Pregnant moms, babies and toddlers welcome. Info: 254-5591 or 713-3707. Letters From Santa • WE (11/18) through FR (12/4) - Little ones can receive a free personalized letter from Santa direct from the North Pole. Visit and look for the penguin link to the North Pole. Fill out the form and mail it to: BCPGR, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, 28801. Or fax it to: 250-6259. Info: 250-4260 or jay.nelson@buncombecounty. org.

Maccabi Academy of Asheville Are you and your child ready for kindergarten? Maccabi Academy and the Shalom Preschool Program present a series of lunch and learn programs designed to help anxious parents. All sessions are free and open to the public and will take place at the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte Street. Bring a lunch. Info: 551-7005 or • FR (11/13), 1pm - “Raising Resilient Children in Today’s Crazy World,” a discussion based on the book by Dr. Robert Brooks. Toddler Fun A free group that provides an opportunity for parents to have some structured fun with their toddlers including 45 minutes of songs, stories, finger-plays, parachute play and more. To register: 213-8098 or • TUESDAYS, 9:30am-10:15am - Toddler Fun. At the Reuter YMCA in the Mission Hospitals Room. Call 213-8098 to register.


Check out the Parenting Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after November 19.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365


fun fundraisers


More than 30 local artists have created original works around a theme of doors and housing. The sixth-annual Doors of Asheville fundraiser features a live and silent auction — your chance to pick up an amazing work of art from one of the region’s top artists, with the money going to benefit affordable housing (including an emergency home repair program) in our community. The always-fun event boasts hors d’oeuvres, drinks and entertainment from soulful rockers Ol’ Hoopty. $55 or $100 per couple. Artists include colorful abstract painter Jonas Gerard, jeweler Joanna Golberg, fiber artist Susan Webb Lee and mixed media artist George Handy.


Mountain Housing Opportunities (www.


The Orange Peel


Join us for our fall clothing swap for charity! This is a benefit for the ABCCM’s Steadfast House.

Thursday, Nov. 19, 6:30 p.m. doors/live auction at 7:30 p.m.

hers and home boutique Benefits Calendar for November 11 - 19, 2009 Animal Compassion Network WNC’s largest nonprofit, no-kill animal welfare organization. Find a new pet at their pet adoption events. Info: 274-DOGS or n Volunteers needed: • TH (11/12), 5:30pm - The 6th annual Taste of Compassion fundraiser will be held at The Venue on Market St. in downtown Asheville. Wine tastings, vegetarian hors d’oevures, dessert, an auction, which will include furniture, trips, rounds of golf and more. All proceeds benefit ACN. $30/$35 at the door. Annual Fall Clothing Swap for Charity • SU (11/15), 5pm-whenever - Clothing swap at Custom Boutique, 415-A Haywood Road. For those who make a clothing donation, pay $7 and take away 7 items. Those who don’t make a donation pay $10. $2 per additional item. All proceeds go to ABCCM’s Steadfast House. Info: 257-4007. Asheville Humane Society Animals available for adoption from AHS at 72 Lee’s Creek Rd. in Asheville. View photos of animals currently available for adoption online. Foster homes needed. Info: 236-3885, ext. 311 or • SA (11/14), 11am-2pm - Join Maggie the Wonder Dog at the Mast General Store in Asheville for a paw-to-graph session to benefit the Asheville Humane Society. Info: 232-1883. Benefit Sale for Goat Mountain Ranch Animal Sanctuary • SU (11/15) - Cold River Gallery, 32 Biltmore Ave. in Asheville, will host a benefit sale for Goat Mountain Ranch Animal Sanctuary of Leicester. Info: Blue Ridge Parkway 75th Anniversary Benefit Concert

• SA (11/14), 7pm - Nanci Griffith, the Warriors of Anikituwha, the Blue Ridge Bluegrass All-Stars and David Holt will perform at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium in Asheville. $35. Tickets at the Civic Center Box Office & Ticketmaster. Info: 271-4779, ext. 224. Helpmate Provides services to victims of domestic violence and their families in Buncombe County. Info: 254-2968. • FR (11/13), 6:30pm - Presented by A-B Tech’s Alpha Upsilon chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the 4th annual Helpmate Talent Show will be held at A-B Tech’s Ferguson Auditorium. Admission is free. Raffle, plus pizza, soda and brownies will be for sale. All proceeds go to Helpmate. LightShare Benefit A nonprofit organization that connects generations through educational programming to build community. Info: • 3rd MONDAYS, 4-8pm - Beef O’Brady’s, located at 2625 Hendersonville Road in Arden, will donate a portion of their revenue to LightShare. Enjoy a night out while supporting programs that provide food, clothing and more to the under served. Meals on Wheels’ Santa for Seniors Project • Through FR (11/20) - Now collecting items for the “Santa For Seniors” project. Scarves, lap robes, hats, slipper socks, calendars, handkerchiefs, personal care items and more can be dropped off at Meals On Wheels, 146 Victoria Rd., Asheville. Info: 253-5286. Mercy For Animals A nonprofit animal advocacy organization dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals, focusing primarily on farmed animal advocacy and promoting cruelty-free food choices. Info: 231-6859 or

• TH (11/12), 10am-11pm - Mercy For Animals benefit at Firestorm Cafe & Books in downtown Asheville. Enjoy vegan food, books and live music by Brent MacPhail and other local musicians. Face painting for kids from 5-7pm. Mountain Housing Opportunities MHO’s mission is to build and improve homes, neighborhoods, communities and lives. Located at 64 Clingman Ave., Suite 101. Info: 254-4030. • TH (11/19), 6:30pm - The 6th annual Doors of Asheville, a fundraiser for affordable housing featuring themed works of art by regional artists. Drinks, hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction and music by Ol’Hoopty. At The Orange Peel. Call for tickets. Pasta With a Purpose: The Art Fryar Memorial Dinner • TH (11/12), 6pm - Cocktails —- 7pm - Dinner and silent auction at 11 Grove St., above Scandals Nightclub, in downtown Asheville. All proceeds benefit Loving Food Resources, an all-volunteer food pantry for people living with HIV/AIDS. $15 at the door. Viva pasta and compassion!


Check out the Benefits Calendar online at for info on events happening after November 19.


415 Haywood Road 828.257.4007 •

Sunday, November 15th from 5pm - ? Only $7 to take home 7 items! Call or email for details.

The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365 • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 39


environmental news by Margaret Williams

Land-of-Sky hosts Linking Lands; Cliffside moves forward Linking Lands and Communities It’s beneficial to protect natural systems as our region develops. That’s the simple thought behind Linking Lands and Communities, a project that takes a big-picture look at the regional landscape to better understand where our most valuable natural resources are, what condition they are in, and how we can be more proactive about maintaining them. It’s all about protecting our region’s “green infrastructure.” The Linking Lands project is being spearheaded by the Landof-Sky Regional Council, which has been hosting a series of openhouse meetings that get the word out and invite public comment. The next open houses are scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 19, and Friday, Nov. 20, at Land-of-Sky’s offices on New Leicester Highway. One of the premises of this project, say the folks at Land-ofSky, is that nature provides valuable services and benefits to our human communities: Natural systems support the tourism, outdoor recreation, farming, and forestry sectors of our economy — and help attract new businesses and residents to our region. Nature also provides clean water, drought and flood mitigation, groundwater recharge, carbon storage, natural medicines, other natural products and so on. Furthermore, these natural systems do not respect municipal or county boundaries. The Linking Lands project looks at them on the regional scale and sheds light on how they are interconnected. The first stage of the project, which is being carried out by more than 40 partners in Land-of-Sky’s four-county area (Buncombe, Madison, Henderson and Transylvania), involves the compilation of data about the locations and conditions of natural systems in the region — essentially, the French Broad watershed. This information has been turned into maps that display agricultural lands, wildlife habitat and water resources. The data and maps will help Linking Land achieve a variety of goals. These include identifying and protecting a network of farms, forests and waterresource lands that are supporting wildlife and biodiversity; completing an analysis of likely future development patterns in the region; finding ways to integrate future development with conservation goals; and implementing strategies that can be carried out by local governments, developers, land owners and land trusts in the region. Of course, a key part of Linking Lands and Communities is community — and that means giving regional leaders, property

Highway Administration, RENCI @ UNC Asheville, The Lyndhurst Foundation, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc. For more information, visit or call Linda Giltz at 251-6622.

Cliffside construction moves forward

The big picture: Balancing development and population growth with natural-resource protection means getting a good look at the data and visualizing it — part of what the Linking Lands and Communities project is about. map courtesy LOSRC

owners, residents, developers and others a chance to offer feedback. The Thursday, Nov. 19, session will run from 4 to 8 p.m. with 20-minute presentations at 4:30, 5:30 and 7:30. The Friday, Nov. 20, session will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with presentations at 11:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 1 p.m. Both sessions will be held at the Land-of-Sky office at 339 New Leicester Hwy, Suite 140. Partners in the project include the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area, The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, the Federal

The North Carolina Utilities Commission has chosen not to conduct a hearing into the N.C. Waste Awareness and Reduction Network’s request to revoke Duke Energy’s permission to construct the Cliffside plant,” says Jim Warren, director of NC WARN. The commission’s Nov. 4 ruling means that construction of the controversial plant, located on the Rutherford-Cleveland county line, can proceed. NC WARN and other environmental and social-justice organizations have been fighting Cliffside and drawing attention to the enormous toll that they believe coal power levies on the environment, society and human health. “It is entirely reckless to be building Cliffside when climate change is already devastating many parts of the world, and when climate experts warn that society has only five years to begin reducing emissions to avoid runaway, catastrophic changes at a potentially ‘explosive’ pace,” says Warren. Duke counters that demand is growing in the region. In 2007, the company forecast that it would be adding 40,000 to 60,000 new customers every year, creating the need for an additional 2,120 megawatts of new capacity by 2011 and 6,120 megawatts by 2021 (Cliffside will provide more than 800 megawatts). Duke officials emphasize that the construction of two new power-producing units at Cliffside means the decommissioning of older, less efficient — and more polluting — units at the plant. The new units will reduce mercury emissions by 50 percent at the plant, Duke officials estimate. But NC WARN counters that efficiency programs are reducing the demand for the new plant, that Duke is building it to expand their service area into South Carolina, and that the rate hike Duke proposes to help cover construction costs are too high for existing North Carolina customers. In its decision to let construction proceed, the Commission noted it has not yet approved the company’s proposed 18-percent rate hike, a portion of which funds Cliffside and other capitalimprovement projects. X Send your environmental news to or call 251-1333, ext. 152.


$1000 REBATES THRU. NOV. 30TH • CALL 828-698-5881 40 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Eco Calendar for November 11 - 19, 2009 Asheville Green Drinks People who are interested in environmental issues and topics meet up for a drink at BoBo Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave. The events usually include a short presentation by a guest speaker. Sign up for the e-mail newsletter at • FR (11/13), 6pm - Socializing —- 6:30pm - “Climate Countdown: The UN Copenhagen Climate Negotiations and You(th)” with Ellie Johnson, who has been selected to blog at the upcoming Copenhagen summit. Asheville GreenWorks Our area’s Keep America Beautiful affiliate, working to clean and green the community through environmental volunteer projects. Info: 254-1776, or • TUESDAYS (through 11/24), Noon - Lunchtime Litter Walks. Meet at Pritchard Park. We’ll choose a new route each time to pick up litter for a one-hour period. Supplies are provided. Call or e-mail ECO Events The Environmental and Conservation Organization is dedicated to preserving the natural heritage of Henderson County and the mountain region as an effective voice of the environment. Located at 121 Third Ave. West, Hendersonville. Info: 692-0385 or • SA (11/14), 9am - Guided bird walk in Jackson Park, Hendersonville. Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society Events Open to birders of all experience levels. Info: 254-7618, or • TU (11/17), 7pm - Dr. Ed Hauser, an ecologist and EMAS board member, will show slides and tell how he and his wife built a home that achieves a carbon-neutral footprint and an annual negative energy bill. The meeting will be held in room 206 of the Reuter Center, UNCA. Environmental Programs at Warren Wilson College Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and held in Canon Lounge of the Gladfelter Student Center. Info: 7712002. • SA (11/14) - Insulate. Learn about serving low-income homeowners who have requested home-repair assistance to reduce energy bills. Mountain Green Series Offered by Warren Wilson College’s Environmental Leadership Center, the series consists of guest speakers and a walking tour. Programs will be held in Canon Lounge,

Gladfelter. RSVP: 771-3781. Free. Info: • FR (11/13), 1-2:45pm - The Green Walkabout introduces participants to the best practices for building green. To RSVP: —- 3-5pm - “Financial Considerations of Sustainability,” with Heather Alley, Senior Tax Manager with Dixon Hughes. Pisgah Center for Wildlife Located in Pisgah National Forest, 10 miles from Brevard off of US Hwy. 276 N. Programs are free, but registration is required. Info: 877-4423 or • FR (11/13), 9am-11am - Eco Explorers: Ravens. Explore the world of this intelligent and resourceful bird. For ages 8-13 —- 1-3pm - Nature Nuts: Opossums. Learn about this amazing nocturnal creature. For ages 4-7. • SA (11/14), 10am-1pm - Fly-Tying for Beginners-Level II. Spend a day with experienced tiers and learn the fundamentals of fly-tying. Materials provided. $20 registration fee, refundable upon attendance. For ages 12 and up. RiverLink Events RiverLink, WNC’s organization working to improve life along the French Broad, sponsors a variety of river-friendly events. Info: 252-8474 or • FR (11/13), 3pm - Presentation on the Wilma Dykeman RiverWay, a 17-mile greenway with separate bike and walking trails, at RiverLink’s Warehouse Studios, 170 Lyman St. Over 4 miles of greenway already in place and in use. • 3rd THURSDAYS (Sept.-Dec.), Noon-2pm - Bus Tours. See and hear about plans for the river’s future, learn local history and visit neighborhoods. Meet in front of Asheville City Hall. $15 for non-members. BYO lunch. Reservations are required. Wind Power Educational Forum • WE & TH (11/11 & 12), 6-7:30pm - Presenters will discuss the economic opportunity and environmental implications of developing wind energy in WNC. At UNCA’s Owen Hall on Nov. 11 and at Mayland Community College in Spruce Pine on Nov. 12. Info:


Check out the Eco Calendar online at events for info on events happening after November 19.


The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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There’s no shame in this bottle Merlot documentary comes to Asheville


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by Hanna Rachel Raskin It’s probably not American wine drinkers’ fondness for lots of alcohol and oak that most thoroughly confounds Old World wine lovers: It’s their tendency to let fictional characters tell them what to drink. In one of the goofier episodes in American wine history, a film intended to celebrate the joys of oenophilia nearly decimated an entire subset of it. When Miles Raymond, the nebbish Napa tourist at the center of 2004’s Sideways, declared he wasn’t “drinking any f---ing Merlot,� a gazillion moviegoers followed his lead. Sales of the nation’s most popular varietal suddenly plummeted, with then Today Show host Katie Couric musing on-screen that she’d heard she wasn’t supposed to drink the stuff, and freaked-out California growers reportedly yanking their merlot vines out of the ground. “Only in America could it have that much effect,� grumbles Red Willow Vineyards’ Mike Sauer, one of the many merlot producers featured in Rudy McClain’s new documentary Merlove, slated for a one-night screening at the Fine Arts Theater next week. While a minor backlash has since softened the Sideways effect, Merlove represents the first serious attempt to meet the Oscar-winning film on

42 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

its own turf: the silver screen. McClain traveled to California, Washington and France to quiz merlot producers and wine connoisseurs on the varietal’s neglected virtues. If restoring the grape’s honor seems like a matter of chivalry for some of the men interviewed, it’s no accident. While Merlot fans can cite brawny examples of their favorite wine, the varietal has long been considered a feminine force. Merlot is prized by Bordeaux growers, who use ample quantities of it to soften tannic Cabernets. In the wake of the Sideways debacle, a San Francisco Chronicle wine writer compared cab and merlot to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, the Governator’s dutifully charming wife. To many wine insiders, leaping to the defense of poor, mistreated merlot seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do. “Merlot’s a nice grape,� Gary Vaynerchuk reflected on his hugely popular video blog. “It never wanted to hurt anybody. It got caught up in the crossfire.� Problem was, defending merlot was often easier to justify as courteous behavior than an educated stance, since much of the merlot available throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s was really quite bad, as McClain readily concedes. According to McClain, Merlot sprang to


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The Wine Studio of Asheville is hosting a screening of Merlove with director and producer Rudy McClain at the Fine Arts Theater, 36 Biltmore Ave., on Thursday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. A tasting of five merlots from around the world will precede the film. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the Fine Arts box office. For more information, visit www., or call 273-1889.

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prominence after 60 Minutes ran a segment touting the health benefits of red wine. (The entertainment industry apparently giveth as well as it taketh away.) Americans went looking for a red wine they could comfortably swap for their supper-time colas and teas, and they settled on Merlot: an easy, fleshy wine with a pronounceable name. “The fact that you could pronounce the name correctly was like ‘Wow, ooh, you know your stuff,’” McClain says. “Plus, the structure is soft, and you don’t have to lay it down for 10 years.” Winemakers, eager to give drinkers what they wanted, responded by flooding the market with sub-par merlots. But most Americans kept drinking them until Paul Giamatti’s character clambered onto his soapbox. The producers of Sideways reportedly worried that the film could tarnish merlot’s reputation, and so made a bottle of 1961 Cheval Blanc — a blend that includes merlot — the object of Miles’ most ardent affection. The device was perhaps supposed to signify that Miles really didn’t know what he wanted, or didn’t adequately appreciate women, or was failing to find the beauty around him. In any case, viewers missed the very subtle point. “There’s a serious intimidation factor with

wine,” McClain says. “It’s like if you get caught in middle school without the right jeans. It’s devastating. So when someone comes out in a movie and he’s not drinking a wine, you think at last you know one thing about wine.” Still, McClain says, merlot’s becoming uncool had an upside: The incident purged the industry of the very worst merlots. “It was like a fire going through a forest,” he says. “People who were abusing it fell by the wayside.” Merlove celebrates the well-made merlots. But, more importantly, it’s a lively call for wine drinkers not to let Hollywood guide their palates. Leading wine educators — such as Vaynerchuk and, closer to home, Jessica Gualano, owner of Asheville’s soon-to-open Wine Studio, who’s hosting a merlot tasting in conjunction with the film — have lately been talking themselves hoarse about the importance of drinking what tastes good, regardless of expert opinions and big-budget films. Or as it reads on the reverse of McClain’s business card, “Have the courage to embark on your own wine adventure.” Food writer Hanna Rachel Raskin can be reached at

If you’d like to immerse yourself in Merlot before McClain gets to town, local retailers have lots of wines for you to try. Xpress asked a few shops to recommend their favorite under-$20 merlots. Interestingly, their picks spanned the globe, with three continents represented among the choices.


Wine consultant Derek Rubio’s favorite affordable merlot comes from Chateau du Donjon in Minervois. A first taste reveals currants and berries, which Rubio thinks would make a fine match for pork. “It has ripe fruit, with a nice, bracing acidity,” he adds. Fellow consultant Pat Gill chimes in: “The acidity is one of the things that makes merlot a great food wine.”


Manager Tom Leiner’s selection proves it’s impossible to pick up a bottle of even 100percent merlot and predict how it will taste. Front Porch — which, as the name implies, could easily be drunk away from the dinner table — strikes unusually masculine notes of coffee and spice. “Since Sideways, people have always thought of merlot as a girly wine,” Leiner says. But he describes Front Porch as “rich, ripe and complex. It has a ton of nuance.” While the wine has a certain silkiness, Leiner believes it would be a fine stand-in for the California cabs his customers love. “This would probably do great with a big juicy steak,” he says.


Cheers to wine consultant Dave Erickson for suggesting a North Carolina merlot as one of the best in the shop. But since McRitchie Winery and Ciderworks’s merlot is priced just a smidgen above the $20 mark, he turned instead to Chile. The Santa Ema is, as Erickson puts it, “How do we say? A crowd pleaser.” Its tannins are almost completely muted, hidden behind dominant notes of plum and caramel. “Its aged in French oak and, honestly, I’d put this up against merlots from Napa Valley that cost another $10 or so,” Erickson says.

44 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •





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photo by Jonathan Welch

WASABI: Steam trays of cashew chicken and lo mein are no longer the sole representative of Asian cookery at Asheville Mall’s food court, where an outpost of Wasabi Sushi opened earlier this month. “Shoppers have been asking for sushi for some time,” said Jeff Washburn, mall manager, in a news release. The growing acceptance of sushi persuaded owner Zhu Shi Jun to create the fast-service dispensary, which he hopes to eventually replicate in other malls, says the release. “We are thrilled to now offer a healthy alternative in the food court,” Washburn adds. 60 Biltmore Avenue 254.4426 Mon–Sat 7-7 Wednesday, Nov. 25: 7-2 Thanksgiving Day: Closed

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Be sure to place your orders early!

254.4289 Mon–Sat 7-7 Wednesday, Nov. 25: 7-2 Thanksgiving Day: Closed

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46 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

LEE BROS.: The Charleston, S.C., duo who turned mystified Yankees onto boiled peanuts are back with a book that promises to help home cooks create Southern flavors without deep-frying — and are planning an Asheville visit to promote it. Matt and Ted Lee will be at Williams-Sonoma, 10 Brook St., on Nov. 21 at 12 noon to share recipes from The Lee Bros. Simple Fresh Southern: Knockout Dishes with Down-Home Flavor (Clarkson Potter, 2009). The Lees, founders of The Lee Bros. Boiled Peanut Catalogue and winners of the James Beard award for their first cookbook, have crafted recipes for shrimp and deviled egg salad rolls; mushroom and okra purloo and mint julep panna cotta. For more on the event, call 277-3707. GREEN MAN BREWING: Today marks the release of Green Man’s “The Truth,” a double IPA that its makers claim is as well-defined as its namesake. “This beer

is toned, malty, alcoholic and with a hop profile that gives you a slight burn to remind you that this is the truth,” Jack of the Wood’s Pauline Sweetman writes in an e-mail. Sweetman isn’t kidding about the alcohol: The Truth clocks in at nine percent alcohol by volume, making it the stiffest drink in the brewery’s lineup. That’s reason enough to partake of Jack of the Wood’s other new offering: A $5 small-plates menu, featuring carnivorous and vegetarian options designed for pairing with the pub’s signature ales. While the small plates are likely to stick around, Sweetman stresses the Double IPA is “only available while supplies last — true to a microbrew.” Green Man Ales are served at Jack of the Wood, 95 Patton Ave., and Dirty Jack’s, 23 Buxton Ave. For more information, call 2525445. PIES IN DISGUISE: A local pie-only outfit has finalized its Thanksgiving pie menu and is urging eaters to place their orders by Nov. 21: Available pies include pumpkin with chocolate ganache, pecan derby, chocolate stout, pear, key lime, maple walnut, honey lavender and — for the purists — apple, sweet potato and pumpkin plain. All pies are $20. In related news, Short Street Cakes in West Asheville is now offering the bakery’s pies whole and by the slice. To place a holiday pie order, call 230-2156.

Send your food news to • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 47

arts&entertainment Corsage and limo not required Reigning Sound and Floating Action play Prom, Asheville-style by Alli Marshall Hard as it may be to believe, the prom — for some, the pinnacle of the high school experience; for others, cruel and unusual punishment — is not a carefully documented artifact of American history. The etymology is simple enough: The name comes from “promenade;” though what hair-sprayed and tuxedoed high schooler ever attempted that square dance move? Some Web sites date the prom back to 1811 (the year of the Battle of Tippecanoe, for what that’s worth). The first written mention of a prom, according to, is “from the journal of a male student at Amherst College from 1894 which detailed a prom he had attended at nearby Smith College.” Most historians seem to agree that the blow-out dances started

as dinner parties in the early 1900s and grew to major social events in the post-war boom of the 1950s. Another fact on which many prom survivors seem to agree? The more recent (post-1980s) upsurge of adult prom and alternative prom-theme parties prove to be far more fun than those anxiety-riddled, popularity making-or-breaking, “Two Tickets to Paradise”-theme having proms of yore. Whether your prom was great or horrid, this weekend’s Prom! will likely be a lot better. For starters, the supreme Reigning Sound headlines and tropical-pop outfit Floating Action will play. There’ll be fun stuff like a photo booth, themed decorations and a disco ball. Encouraged attire is thrift-store formal. In preparation for the event, Xpress readers recall their best and worst prom memories.

My date and I rode to my senior prom on a Harley Davidson. My 1950’s vintage dress split up the side because of our transportation choice. — Julie Bird

After prom a bunch of us got a hotel. My date’s “real” boyfriend showed up and my best friend got alcohol poisoning. I had to wake up real early the next morning to buy Phish tickets. — Jon “Jar-E” Reid

For senior year prom, I had to take my car because my date did not have a car (which was fine, but my car was a Pontiac 6000 and had issues). It was rainy, so I was worried about the effects of the weather on my Aqua-Netted mullet. On the way to the restaurant my windshield wipers quit working and I was hanging out of the driver’s side window (in the rain) trying to get the wipers going again. Heaven forbid we just pull off the road somewhere. — Jenny Martin

48 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

After prom, my group of friends partied at a lake house “chaperoned” by the parents of my best friend. They were super laid-back and made themselves scarce, and we were allowed to act like rowdy teenagers. As the night wore on and we all got drunker, the girls of the group eventually passed out and the boys were left outside on the deck. At some point, joints were rolled and weed was smoked. They barely noticed when my friend’s dad wandered out onto the deck, clearly under the influence of drinking beer somewhere behind closed doors. The boys didn’t know what to do, or how my friend’s dad would react. He asked for a drag of the joint. They gave it to him. He made a face and said, “You call this pot? Hold on a sec.” He then proceeded to go inside and bring out his own bag. The next morning, my best friend found out what her dad had done and was mortified. She was embarrassed, but everyone else was in awe. I bet you can guess who we asked to chaperone our Senior Week beach trip. — Angela Cyrus

who: PROM! what: Music by Reigning Sound, Floating Action and DJ Rob Castillo where: The Grey Eagle when: Friday, Nov. 13

(8 p.m., $10 advance, $13 day of show. Tickets available at Orbit DVD, Harvest Records, or

I was 14, a sophomore in high school, and had recently relocated to a rural county school. I was excited to be hanging out with an “older” crowd from my previous “city” high school and dating a senior who attended there. He tried to break up with me a week before the prom, but I played the “I already bought my dress and shoes” card, complete with extra helpings of pathetic teen-aged crying jags. Presumably out of obligation, he back-pedalled and acquiesced to stay together and go the prom as a couple. We went out to dinner at a cheap, American-Italian restaurant, where I spilled lasagna down the front of my dress. The prom took place inside a local hotel ballroom. The deal was to party before the prom, get pictures taken, and then party in a hotel room that fellow teens had somehow rented for the evening, scarcely setting foot inside the actual dance. After pictures, my date told me he’d be right back. Two to three hours passed, while I sulked with my best friend. Girls I barely knew approached me. After confirming that I was Thomas’s girlfriend, each informed me that he was presently making out with an exchange student from Holland in a third-floor hotel room. —Kirstie Fischer

High school was never this good

Reigning Sound kicks off a two-week tour with a headlining Prom! gig by Whitney Shroyer “If I understand the concept of this event properly, it’s a surrogate prom for people who didn’t bother to go to their prom in the first place,” says Greg Cartwright, frontman for Prom headliners Reigning Sound. “Which makes us the perfect band to play this, because I never attended mine.” Whether or not this is indeed the concept behind this weekend’s event at the Grey Eagle, the fact that Cartwright seems in the spirit is good news for attendees. And it’s true, the Reigning Sound’s music

— intense, romantic, often about lost innocence and the harsh realities of maturity — is perfect for a grownup “prom.” The band is using this Saturday’s gig at the Grey Eagle to kick off a two-week tour around the eastern half of the country. The tour supports the band’s latest release, their first full length of new material in four years, Love and Curses. The record has been a relatively highprofile release. Page-length profiles in magazines like Uncut and reviews in tomes such as The New Yorker indicate that Cartwright’s dedication to his craft

Junior year, I didn’t have a date for the prom, and truthfully, I didn’t want to go anyway. I loathed high school and high schoolers in general. My bad-influence friend, Wendy Norman, was a different story. She was a senior and really bummed she didn’t have a date. She’d asked her hunky private swim coach to go, but he’d turned her down. On the night of the prom, we were hanging out at her house and she procured some beers and decided we should dye our hair. Wendy was my Rayanne Graff, and I was her Angela Chase, and she made it clear that my mousy-brown hair was holding me back. She convinced me to go with the blackest of black. It looked dreadful, but Wendy wouldn’t hear it. She drove us to the after-prom party at the rec center by my house, and ditched me for her friends as soon as we got there. Jill Meyers, my biology partner and the captain of the swim team asked me what happened to my hair and did I know that there was black streaked all over the back of my neck? That damned Wendy hadn’t even bothered to tell me. —Kathleen McCafferty

is steadily finding a larger audience, despite the fact that Cartwright is mainly trying to satisfy an audience of one. “Some reviews seem disappointed that it doesn’t sound much like Too Much Guitar, it’s not as aggressive,” says Cartwright. “And it’s not. It’s more melancholy. I don’t make the same records over again; when I make them it’s more like a roller coaster than a linear career path. That seems more satisfying artistically, since I’m mainly making records for myself.” The album’s graphics add to the sense of foreboding, brooding and personal significance — particularly the odd, eerie cover painting, which shows a young girl standing in darkness. Her face is lit by a single candle.

“I found that picture in a junk shop in Hendersonville,” says Cartwright. “And it just spoke to me. I had it for a couple of days and knew that I wanted to use it for the cover of the album.” The album title is also re-contextualized — it comes from a local Memphis TV horror movie host named Sivad, whose picture can be seen on the inner sleeve of the record. He used to autograph his photos “Love and Curses, Sivad.” “I really liked that ‘love and curses’ line, so I used it for the record.” Cartwright says. “To me, that’s what the album contains — songs about love, and how love twists your perspective on life, and then curses — whether it’s you cursing someone else or something that you can’t quite get to stop plaguing you.” X • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 49

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For my senior prom in ‘96, my mom sent me to her gay hair dresser, Frank, to get my hair done. My hair was slick, straight and hung nearly to my waist. He worked it into the shape of a bow on the back of my head, with long strands hanging like ribbon. It looked really cool from the back, but from the front it looked like I had horns — and boy was my mom pissed. She insisted I take it down and redo it, but I was firm: It would’ve looked much worse if I’d tried to fix it. Because I enjoyed standing out in a crowd, I was perfectly happy with my horns, no matter how funny they looked. — Melissa Smith One year I decided to go super last minute, the day of. Ran to the mall, snagged a dress, got ready and headed to the house where we were all meeting. Had the same dress as the girl who organized the whole night, which of course she had had picked out for months. She accused me of trying to outshine her on her special night. Then at the prom, I snuck out for a smoke break and got caught by the Chief of Police and ended up in the drug test pool at school. Sheesh. — Lauren Wood 802 Fairview Rd. • 299-7003

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My longtime girlfriend who was a Thanksgiving Day float princess had decided that the prom was too elitist and we weren’t going. Then a girl who I’d had a crush on since 5th grade asked me to go with her. What was I to do? — George Terry McDonald

During my Junior and Senior year I attended two high schools. In the morning I went to “normal” high school in Anderson and then went to “art” high school in Greenville. I boycotted the normal prom because it was not my scene. Instead, the art high school had a crazy dance, costumes encouraged. I took a mannequin wrapped in plastic wrap as my date. “Rock Lobster” was the jam; it was awesome. — Travis Medford

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Create the sound and the life you want to live Hasidic reggae singer Matisyahu inspires change by Jake Frankel





One of the more novel acts to emerge on the national scene in recent years, Matisyahu draws inspiration from his practice of Judaism and channels it into accessible songs about the human struggle for hope, peace and understanding. The traditionally clad Hasidic reggae singer, songwriter and rapper spawned a media frenzy in 2006 with his major label debut, Youth, earning him a Grammy nomination and a surprise top-40 hit in “King Without a Crown.� Now armed with an equally catchy single, “One Day,� the Brooklyn-based musician is touring in support of Light, a new album that further integrates rock, new wave, pop and hip-hop influences into his reggae-rooted foundation. “It just kind of picks up where the last record left off in terms of expansion of the sound, sonically, and crossing into different genres,� he tells Xpress. “The new record’s got more layering. I would say it has more of a hiphop kind of beat than reggae beat.� Many of the new tracks were born out of beatbox jams with long-time guitarist and collaborator Aaron Dugan. Adding color to their early sketches were a host of notables from across the musical spectrum, from Jamaican teenage-wonder producer Stephen McGregor to Adam Deitch (Lettuce), Eric Krasno (Soulive) and Norwood Fisher (Fishbone). The result is a dense and diverse set of songs that call to mind everyone from Sublime to Wyclef Jean and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Matisyahu says the spirit of musical experimentation and many of the lyrics on the disc mirror his religious evolution over the last couple years. “It’s about coming to terms with the fact that there are no easy answers, that life is a continuous search,� he says. “I think religiously as well as musically, I feel that it’s important to stay open to combining different elements and mixing different things, different aspects, different ideas, sounds from different places, and trying to bring them all together to create the sound or the version or the idea or the life that you want to live.�


Matisyahu, with Trevor Hall


Reggae, rock, hip-hop; benefit for the WNC Jewish Federation


The Orange Peel


Sunday, Nov. 15 (8 p.m. $30. all ages. Backing up his uplifting message with action, Matisyahu’s stop in Asheville is a benefit for the WNC Jewish Federation, a local charity that raises and distributes funds to a number of local groups such as the Asheville Jewish Community Center and the Center for Jewish Studies at

UNCA. “I think there’s positive things musicians can do in terms of bringing awareness, certainly to social change, and to atrocities,� he says, although he’s quick to add that he doesn’t see political action as a main goal. “For me my focus has always been more on inspiring change within myself and within the listeners. In the music, it’s more of an emotional thing, more of a spiritual thing that people go through when they hear music.� While Matisyahu is clearly passionate about his faith and acknowledges that it’s at the forefront of his public identity, he doesn’t see himself as a religious spokesperson or proselytizer. “It’s just a part of who I am. ... In a sense, for people who are living in middle America who have really no experience with Judaism, I might be the only face to it, the only connection that they would have, or that they would see,� he says. “On the other hand, I don’t feel that’s my role and I don’t feel that’s my purpose. That’s not really what I’m out there to do. It just happens as kind of a byproduct of who I am.� On this tour, Matisyahu is backed by a new band, Dub Trio, and he says that fans can expect to hear a lot of improvisation. “We basically approach the songs totally different — we’ll take a song that’s on the record and start to play it, and then we might completely change the feel up of the song based on what’s influencing me or inspiring me or the style of music at the moment. I don’t feel locked into a song; that it has to be played the way I was playing it five years ago,� he says. Citing past shows in town and a motorcycle trip he took through Western North Carolina a couple years ago with his father, Matisyahu says the area has special significance for him. “I’m definitely looking forward to coming to Asheville,� he says. “The Orange Peel is a great venue. We played there before a couple years ago and it should be fun.� X Jake Frankel is an Asheville-based freelance writer.


60 Biltmore Avenue 254.4426 Mon–Sat 7-7 Wednesday, Nov. 25: 7-2 Thanksgiving Day: Closed



88 Charlotte Street

254.4289 Mon–Sat 7-7 Wednesday, Nov. 25: 7-2 Thanksgiving Day: Closed

52 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Be sure to place your orders early!




These are the good old days

Woody Pines’ latest album pairs new songs with retro sounds by Alli Marshall Everything about Woody Pines (from his feather-festooned fedora and his vintage resonator guitar to the grainy pictured of boxcars on his Web site and deep cut covers of longforgotten blues musicians) harkens to another era. One of juke joints, clapboard shacks and coal smoke on the wind. Pines, whose early performances borrowed from vaudeville and involved elaborate back drops, admits, “I believe in the visual. I’m always thinking of new ways to make it a show. Some people want to just keep it real, but when you’re on stage it’s a show.” That said, Pines doesn’t want to be pigeonholed as any sort of throwback act. “I grew up playing ‘60s rock in cover bands,” he reveals. “I was listening to country music but my friends were listening to The Doors and Nirvana. Nirvana did ‘In the Pines,’ that old Lead Belly tune, so I started tracing [music] back. It got weirder and crazier.” That’s the genesis for Pines’ current sound; a fusion of old-time, rag time, jazz, blues, retro country and American folk. For Pines, who has a low-fi aesthetic, Bob Dylan’s version of “Man of Constant Sorrow” was the portal to a half-century of recordings growing ever-more bare bones going back in time. “The voices sounded scratchy and edgy,” Pines says of ver-


Woody Pines


CD-release party for new album Counting Alligators


Mo Daddy’s


Saturday, Nov. 14 (9 p.m. www. sions of that song dating to the 1950s and ‘20s. “The first generation of music that people were making before the music industry got involved was stripped of the layer of gloss that recording studios would [later] put on it.” Though Pines and his shape-shifting band (previously called “The Lonesome Two” or “The Lonesome Three,” depending on their numbers) play a lot of covers, the group’s new self-released disc, Counting Alligators, contains the most original material to date. Which is not to say the songs written by Pines are a departure from form — in fact, they blend seamlessly with vintage offerings like the jumping tune “Rich Gal, Poor Gal” and the folk ballad “Casey Jones.” The album’s title track is a Texas two-step that, according to Pines, recounts “a lot of our experiences in Louisiana.”

“I like casting a spell of the past”: Pines has a new album and a European tour in the works. The musician lived in Louisiana for about five years as part of the Cajun scene in Lafayette before moving to Asheville. “I love old-time and wanted to immerse myself in that music,” he explains. Pines digested a steady diet of Americana roots styles, claiming, “I had an ulterior motive: to get into the melodies and be able to write like that. I wanted to take the best music that I heard [because] as an artist I like to create this vibe of the folk mind.” Though Pines says that his listeners can distinguish his originals from the covers (worth noting: On Alligators, Pines paid royalties to the estate of rockabilly artist Billy Briggs, credited for the invention of the lap steel, for the use of the song “Chew Tobacco Rag”), he suspects the spirit of the music still speaks to people. Take “Walking Down the Road,” which has a bittersweet Woody Guthrie feel to it. “The graveyard may be haunted, the swamp it might be thick, the furniture man might come and take up the bed tick,” he sings, echoing both the Great Depression and the toll of the recent recession on working class people. Perhaps less universal but highly entertaining is “Crazy-Eyed Woman” (made all the more spooky-atmospheric thanks to slide guitar by Old Crow Medicine Show’s Gill Landry).

“Took me to Chino to find a hooker, she was a mess but quite a looker. What happens next I wish I could forget,” Pines sings. It’s a song that should be performed in a smoky road house in some bygone era. “I don’t want to be just recycling music. That music was so good, I don’t want to just remake it,” the musician says. “I like casting the spell of the past.” Counting Alligators benefits as much from Pines’ admittedly rosy-colored, feel-good interpretation of history as it does from the musician’s talented friends (contributors to the album include alto saxophonist Aurora Nealand, fiddler Darin Gentry from Brian McGee & the Hollow Speed and sax and cornet player Henry Westmoreland from Firecracker Jazz Band) and travels. Pines recorded both in Asheville and in Landry’s Nashville-based Rubber Tramp Studio, and he spends at least half the year on the road. The future promises a European tour — the band’s first — but Pines is also looking forward to playing more Asheville shows. X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@

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Just Minutes from Asheville • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 53



visual arts

Time to studio stroll

The River Arts District opens its doors again this weekend

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4UESDAY .OV TH PM AT 4HE 6ENUE on Market Street, Downtown

Set against an industrial landscape, where the historic buildings are every bit as fascinating as the artists who work in them, the studios of the River District artists will be open this weekend for the twice-yearly stroll. A free trolley service makes the fun even easier. The trolley is scheduled to depart every 30 minutes from the Asheville Chamber of Commerce (36 Montford Ave.). The trolley will loop through the River Arts District, making eight stops. Visitors can get off at any stop and pick up another trolley at their convenience. Trolley drivers will provide a narrative history of the River District. “The stroll really is about educating,â€? says Constance Williams, an encaustic artist who will be giving demonstrations throughout the weekend. “Our job is to tell people that the arts are important, and that we make beautiful things, and this is how we do it.â€? Williams also operates the Constance Williams Gallery, part of Curve Studios — an appealing space showcasing artwork that “invites the tactile experience.â€? Nestled between the railroad tracks and Riverside Drive, Curve is owned and operated by the notable fiber artist Pattiy Torno, a driving force behind the development of the stroll since its 1998 inception. Torno will be showing her fleece dresses and quilts at Curve’s south building. “It really was Pattiy who started it all,â€? says Williams. “She put sweat equity into it. She’s a powerhouse in the community.â€? Some stroll suggestions: • Strollers can wander the dusty, sometimes challenging streets of the River District and enjoy the familiar company of veteran stroll artists like ceramic artist Michael Hofman, glass blower Robert Gardner of Studio C Glassworks, and impressionistic landscape painter Wendy Whitson, whose studio can be found in the Warehouse studio building. • Along with the familiar faces comes a fresh crop of artists who have taken up studios in the River District this year. Even the most weathered strollers are guaranteed a novelty visit.

Ticket price also includes 1 complimentary Main Course Dining Card, a Buy One Entree Get One Free Dining program that gives you over $600.00 worth of local dining!

Blue Ridge Dining Room, Bouchon, Burgermeisters, City Bakery, Corner Kitchen, Ed Boudreaux’s, Fig, Fiore’s, Frankie Bones, Grovewood CafÊ, Horizons, Laughing Seed, Mela, Pomodoros, Savoy, Sunset Terrace, Vincenzo’s, Westville Pub


Reserve Your Tickets Now! Go online to or call 828-775-2337 54 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •


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'3*%": 5)& 5) 0' /07&.#&3 ] 5)& (3&: &"(-& ] %0034 1. Spirit of the stroll: Encaustic painter Constance Williams says the River Arts District studio stroll is about educating and engaging — showing visitors how artists create. For example, Una Barrett and Julie Armbruster (who share a studio on the north side of the Wedge Studios) recently relocated there with hopes of getting more public exposure. Barrett, a jeweler and book artist, is planning to display her leather wristbands and mini books alongside her studio mate’s charming paintings of imaginative creatures. The two will sell jewelry they created together at the stroll. • Feeling adventurous? Make the trip down Lyman Avenue to navigate the mysterious maze of hallways and staircases within Riverview Station (formally known as The Candle Factory.) There are two separate entrances (the building is divided by a dog school). The north side of the building is a little rougher around the edges than the newly remodeled south side. Wandering around that section, one might brush up against the socially charged paintings of Dustin Spagnola, or the abstract landscapes of Galen Frost Bernard. Both painters have studios in the building. Strollers might also come across an artist like Mike Oghren hard at work in his studio. A recent transplant to Asheville from Washington

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D.C., Oghren is a sculptor whose current project involves a giant paper-mache wall-hanging of the face of the Old Salt Fisherman, which has taken over nearly his entire workspace. Enter the Riverview Station building on the south side and go upstairs to see the extravagant medieval/Viking inspired costumes made entirely by hand out of latex by artist Paul Hersey. Hersey promises to be selling lowpriced items like wrist cuffs, necklaces and headbands. That’s in addition to displaying his mythological wares that have earned him a niche within the masquerade culture — his client base consists primarily of festival-goers that find him on the Internet. “People come to my studio to play and try things on,� says Hersey. And that’s just the spirit of the stroll. Come to meet, learn and shop this weekend. Says Williams, “People want to know the story behind the person who made the art. At the stroll we can engage with them and I don’t think the galleries can do that as well.� X • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 55


local music reviews

Open Windows opens doors

Photo by lydia see

by Lydia See Open Windows, an eclectic rock-indie quartet, finished their debut album, Lanterns, in Orlando, and were looking to relocate to a city where they could move forward in their endeavors. Since arriving in Asheville a few months ago, a chance vacancy at the Root Bar yielded a surprise first show, a relationship with the Hookah Bar was forged through regular open mic visits, and most recently, a headlining gig at BoBo Gallery set the band’s sights on upward motion. The band’s show at BoBo Gallery featured another recent Orlando import, Amy White, a longtime friend of the band and all around solid musician. White played two short sets of breakout originals, startling covers (Elliot Smith, Blind Willie Johnson, Modest Mouse, Led Zeppelin), and performed a few beautiful duets with Open Windows’ vocalist and bassist Zaq Suarez. Open Windows’ sets featured songs from the borderline psychedelic rock-folk Lanterns, played live with an even deeper resonance and panache. “Mockingbird,” is a crisp and soulful song with haunting vocals from Suarez and a tight percussion line from Ben Woodward. “You are the Cure” (identified by the band as “sort of our epic song”) featured Steve Brett’s rich and sonorant vocals and Michael Wheaton’s intense guitar work: a climactic end to the first set. The second set began with “Mere Existence,”

56 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

a delicate acoustic song written and performed solo by Brett. The set advanced with building energy, and presented a few album tracks (like the upbeat, twangy, rock heavy “Sandcastles of the Hermit Crab Kings”) and several new songs, written after the band’s arrival in North Carolina. Open Windows’ new arrangements showed immense progress in their recent development as a band: They seem to be letting go of a degree of structure and allowing the songs to evolve naturally. In their newer tracks, such as “Strings,” the shoegaze and psychedelic influence is evident, and this adds a gritty darkness opposite the polished tracks from Lanterns. “Misty Mountain Tops,” a multi-layered instrumental and “Into the Ground,” an atonal harmonic jam, are comparable in quality to their other music, though stylistically wider-ranging — possibly a positive influence of the spectrum of music they have been exposed to in Asheville. An encore of a jazzy drum and bass-style song with a strong rhythm line finished off the succinct yet varied show, a survey of what has been and what is to come from this dynamic band. Learn more about Open Windows at www. X Freelance writer and photographer Lydia See can be contacted through www.lydiasee.wordpress. com.

smartbets Hope for Agoldensummer

No, that’s not a typo. Athens, Ga.-based indie-experimental band Hope for Agoldensummer does things their own way, from uncommon name spellings to unusual instrumentation (bowed guitar, singing saw, cookie tin banjo, slide whistle) to wistfully gorgeous lyrics (listen to “Malt Liquor” and just try not to melt). Fronted by sisters Claire (she of the rich, low vocals) and Page (she of the sweet high harmonies) Campbell, the band’s current lineup is a quartet. They play the Phil Mechanic Building’s Flood Gallery with Kovacs & the Polar Bear on Sunday, Nov. 15. 8 p.m. $5.

Regina Spektor

The imaginative and haunting songstress Regina Spektor brings her tour to the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. With her dazzling storytelling and inventive songwriting, Spektor has a host of projects and surprises, from her just-released album, Far, to writing the music for an upcoming Broadway one-act play called Beauty. Learn more at Tuesday, Nov. 17. 8 p.m. $35. At box office, by phone at 800-745-3000 or

Chris Rhodes

Blues/jazz singer/songwriter Chris Rhodes offers his 6th CD, Past Forward, to the audiences he’s been entertaining for years at intimate local venues. Sunday, Nov. 15, finds him at the Lobster Trap downtown from 5 to 6:30 p.m., with $3 Oysterhouse pints and other specials. On Monday, Nov. 16, he’ll be at Frankie Bones in South Asheville from 6 to 7:30 p.m. with free appetizers and $5 martinis. Learn more at

Club phone numbers are listed in Clubland in the (828) area code unless otherwise stated; more details at www. Send your Smart Bet requests in to for consideration by the Monday the week prior to publication.

585 TUNNEL RD. ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 828-298-9600 WWW.PRESTIGESUBARU.COM THE #1 SUBARU DEALER IN THE SOUTHEAST!* *Based on 2008 Sales Reports from SOA. • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 57

+NOW 4HYSELF !S 3OUL 0EOPLE JUST LIKE YOU have been practicing this form of self-alignment for thousands of years. 3IMPLE CHANGES in the way you live now will make a huge difference. 9OU WILL BE HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER when you learn how to stay connected with positive energy. We host weekly meditational and educational meetings for the WNC community. Everyone is welcome and there is never a charge. Meetings are held at 44 Pinnacle Point in East Asheville, near the WNC Nature Center.

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1 Edwin Place, Asheville, NC 28801 (off Charlotte St., North of Downtown) Meetings are always free. To learn more or to register call Dede at (828) 545-4147.

Sant Baljit Singh teaches the meditation practice that we enjoy. He teaches to anyone interested in making their lives better through living it better.

58 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •



Dwtn Swannanoa

where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina

Wed. 11/11

Aaron Berg & Heavy Love (Americana) w/ Mother Jackson

The Blackbird

Kellin Watson & Zach Blew

Jettison Never w/ Luxury Spirit (indie, rock)

Sun. 11/15

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

The Hookah Bar

Club 828

NFL Sunday Ticket

Thurs. 11/19

Red Sammy

C lubland rules •To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafÊs with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Boiler Room

DJ dance night feat: DJs Soul Ja Byrd & L.T.P. Broadway’s

‘80s Night, 10pm Cancun Mexican Grill

Open mic

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Open Mic w/ Sven Hooson

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Town Pump

Mike’s Tavern

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Curras Dom

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Eleanor Underhill (singer/songwriter)

Jam w/ the Jays, 8-10pm Screaming Jays, 10pm

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

Emerald Lounge

Orange Peel

Bluegrass jam night, 7pm

Reggae Resurrection

Peaches (vocals) w/ Men

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Brian Steele (experimental guitar) Frankie Bones Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Mark Guest (jazz guitar) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Marc Keller (variety)

White Horse

Big Kitty (folk) Five Fifty Three

Steve Wolrab & guests (jazz, guitar)

Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singer/ songwriter)

Frankie Bones

Beacon Pub

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

Scandals Nightclub

Live music

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Back Room

Latin dance

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Peggy Ratusz (blues, jazz, soul)

Open mic

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Steak & Wine

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk)

Garage at Biltmore

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Live piano music

BoBo Gallery

Michelle Malone (rock, blues, roots)

BoBo Gallery

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Star & Micey (folk, pop)


Open mic

T h e


3 8 9 M e r r i mon Avenue 8 2 8 . 2 58.9828 M o n d ay

League Night Come join the action

T u e s d ay

Service Industry Night W e d n e s d ay

Free PooL Awsome specials!

T h u r s d ay

Beer Pong upon patron request F r i d ay

Fabulous Drink Specials s aT u r d ay

LIVe MUSIC! Mad Talent! Book Sale & Misc. 8am - 2pm

Temptations Martini Bar

Piano entertainment feat: Will Little, Billy Sheeran & Aaron LaFalce

Erika Jane & Remember the Bees (rock, Americana)


thurSday, nOveMber 12

DaviD Dhoop

Party Hardy

Friday, nOveMber 13

~ Wednesday 11/11 ~ dance dJ • 8:30

~ Thursday 11/12 ~

BIG Screen SPortS no coVer • $10 Six Packs!

~ Friday 11/13 ~

PHuncle Sam & JarVIS JenkInS Band

pSyCheDeliC Funk roCk

DouBting thoMaS Full Strength aMeriCana

Saturday, nOveMber 14

terry garlanD BlueS BlueS MaSter

$8 • 8 Pm

~ Saturday 11/14 ~

SPIrItual reZ $10 • 8 Pm

~ Sunday 11/15 ~

BIG Screen SPortS


~ tuesday 11/17 ~ 6:30Pm - IrISH SeSSIonS 8:45Pm - oPen mIke nIGHt

Asheville’s Cheers – Where everybody meets! Private Club - Membership easy to acquire

Chris Knight (singer/songwriter) w/ Stephen Simmons

„ „ ./7 /0%. 45%3$!9 4(25 35.$!9 „ „

s u n d ay

Free PooL!! DJ Chubby Knuckles

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Boiler Room


no coVer • $10 Six Packs!


2009 Americana Radio’s Top 40

Firestorm Cafe and Books

Dance party w/ DJ Party Harty

The Devil Makes Three (acoustic, punk, blues) w/ The Honeycutters

Wed., November 11

Angela Easterling

An evening of DUBSTEP feat: DJ Nod, Dub Brotherz & Foolkiller

Funk jam featuring local artists

Back Room

Sat. 11/21

Emerald Lounge

Waynesville Water’n Hole

Bobby Sullivan (blues, rock, standards)

Graveyard Country Rock

Curras Dom

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Thu., November 12

The Hellblinki-Cripps Puppet Spectacular & super dance party

Open mic w/ Jarrett Leone

Hump day dance party w/ The Free Flow Band

Red Stag Grill Rocket Club

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)

Courtyard Gallery

Open Mic w/ David Bryan

Wayfarers All (punk, pop) w/ Tongues & Pushy Lips

College Jam Night

Freaky Thursdays w/ DJ Mack Brown

Old Time Jam, 6pm

Hip-hop open mic

Club 828

Warren Wilson


$1.50 Beer


$1 Beer


open MiC night

8:30 pm w/ David Bryan Open SundayS nOOn- Midnight MOn. - wed. 3pM - Midnight thurS. - Sat. 3pM - 2aM


135 Cherry St. BlaCk Mountain, nC

MySpaCe.CoM/townpuMptavernllC • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 59

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Matisyahu (hip-hop, reggae) w/ Moon Taxi

Live music

Peggy Ratusz and Daddy Longlegs (soulful blues)

Lobster Trap

Emerald Lounge

Vincenzo’s Bistro

King Britt w/ Nigel One

Bobby Sullivan (piano)

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

Leigh Glass Band (Americana, blues, rock)

Lorraine Conrad (singer/songwriter)

Funny Business Comedy Club

White Horse

Nate Craig

Phuncle Sam & Jarvis Jenkins Band

Garage at Biltmore

Sat., November 14

Belly dancing Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Jazz Chronic (neo-groove) & Brand New Life (jazz) Never Blue

Singer/songwriter showcase

Orange Peel

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Pisgah Brewing Company

Bayou Diesel (progressive, roots) Purple Onion Cafe

FRIDAY 11/20

EVX`lVn =VcYaZ 7VcY


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Tom Fisch

Red Room at Temptations

Toys for Tots Fundraiser & Temptations Fall Homecoming Dance, 9pm Red Stag Grill

Anne Coombs (jazz, swing) Rocket Club

Wu Tang’s Killah Priest w/ DJ Crick Nice Root Bar No. 1

Beni Skynn

The 170 La Cantinetta

Dave Lagadi (smooth jazz) Town Pump

Live music w/ David Dhoop Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Peggy Ratusz & friends (soul, blues)



Zuma Coffee

Mary Ellen Bush (of Menage) & Alex Caton Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Acoustic Swing

Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar


Live Bands

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues), 7:30-10:30pm Iron Horse Station

Jesse and Isobel (Americana) Jack Of The Wood Pub

Belly dancing w/ live music Lobster Trap

Live music by local artists Mike’s Tavern

Humble Thumb

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Lefty Williams (guitar)

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

The Gift Horse (lyrical, rock, grime) w/ Gringo Star (psychedelic, Southern rock)

Pisgah Brewing Company

Back Room

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm BoBo Gallery

Earthtone (indie, progressive, rock) Boiler Room

Viva la Venus (female-fronted rock) w/ Allison Weiss & Brigand Cancun Mexican Grill

Dance party

Club Hairspray

Freaky Friday w/ Brandi & Shorty Curras Dom

60 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Holland’s Grille

Westville Pub

Fri., November 13


Cropdusters (Americana, crunk), 4-8pm

Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

Thursday night bluegrass jam


Highland Brewing Company

Aaron Laflace (acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter) Mary Ellen Bush & Alex Caton (country)

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country)

BoBo Gallery

REHAB (rock, rap) w/ Almost Kings & The Vessel

Jerusalem Garden

The Big Ivy Project (bluegrass, folk)

The Bad Popes (country, rock, swing)


Steak & Wine Stockade Brew House

Back Room

Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Songs from the Road Band feat: members of Steep Canyon Rangers

Live piano music

Doubting Thomas (punk, rock)

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm

Local DJ Circuit feat: DJ Emory & DJ X-list

Scandals Nightclub

Vincenzo’s Bistro

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Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Mark Keller (singer/songwriter)

Steve Kimock Crazy Engine (electronic-pop) feat: Melvin Seals, John Kimock & Trevor Exter

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Sanctum Sully (bluegrass) w/ Arbor Bueno PROM feat: Reigning Sound (country, rock) w/ Floating Action & DJ Rob Castille

Old Fairview Southern Kitchen


Live music w/ singer-songwriters

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues


SATURDAY 11/14 I]Z CZl ;Vb^a^Vgh I]Z ?dh]jV EVcYV 7VcY

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm

Hank Bones


Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Now You See Them (indie) & RBTS Win

Eleven on Grove

Infusions Lounge

FRIDAY 11/13 Hdc\h [gdb i]Z GdVY 7VcY

Dancing w/ Darin Kohler & the Asheville Katz

Town Pump

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

H^c\Zg"Hdc\lg^iZg ^c i]Z GdjcY 8-10PM

Decades Restaurant & Bar

The Hookah Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am

Horizons at Grove Park Inn


Greg Olson (world, folk)

Silver Dagger (bluegrass)

Kevin Scanlon (acoustic, folk) Purple Onion Cafe

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm Doom Ribbons w/ Dr. Eugene Chadbourne (experimental, jazz) & Tatsuya Nakatani Boiler Room

Ghost in the Machine w/ Enemy Lovers (rock) Club 828

Offical Lotus after party feat: Freepeoples Frequency, THUMP & A.D.D.ICT Curras Dom

Mark Guest (jazz guitar) Decades Restaurant & Bar

42nd Street Jazz Band

Dock’s Restaurant

Randy Jo Galloway Band Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Mythos (Scorpio costume party & tattoo art show) Emerald Lounge

Cryrill Neville (of the Neville Brothers) Firestorm Cafe and Books

Aaron Foster Buchanan & The Homeless Gospel Choir (folk), 7pm Five Pound Fire (rock ‘n’ roll) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Ben Riva (acoustic, electronic)

Funny Business Comedy Club

Nate Craig

Garage at Biltmore

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist)

The Mantras (rock, psychedelic) w/ The Werks Lotus after party w/ Agobi Project, late

Red Room at Temptations

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

DJ D-Day, 10:30pm-2am Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Rocket Club

Forty Furies & Supercollider

Lambchop (Americana) w/ Anders Parker Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Root Bar No. 1

Jay Brown’s Blues Band

“Night of the Blues� feat: Blonde Blues & RiYen RoOtS

Steak & Wine

Havana Restaurant

Live piano music

Ahora Si (salsa, jazz, tropical)

Stella Blue

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Crank County Daredevils w/ The Campaign 1984

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm

Straightaway CafĂŠ

Steve Weams (acoustic)

Tim Marsh (jazz)

Temptations Martini Bar

Bryan Steel of East Coast Dirt, 7:30-10:30pm

Infusions Lounge

Jack Of The Wood Pub

The New Familiars (acoustic, folk) & The Joshua Panda Band


Listen to Bad Ash &

Complete clubland directory: Questions or errors? E-mail ( The 170 La Cantinetta 687-8170 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 251-5505 The Back Room (OSO) 697-6828 Barley’s Tap Room (SH) 255-0504 Beacon Pub 686-5943 The Blackbird 669-5556 Blue Mountain Pizza (OSO) 658-8777 Blue Ridge Performing Arts Center 693-0087 BoBo Gallery (OSO) 254-3426 Broadway’s (SA) 285-0400 Cancun Mexican Grill 505-3951 Club 828 252-2001 Club Hairspray (SA) 258-2027 College St. Pub (SA) 232-0809 Courtyard Gallery 273-3332 Curras Dom 253-2111 Decades Restaurant & Bar 254-0555 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530

Dock’s Restaurant 883-4447 The Dripolator 398-0209 Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar 252-2711 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge (OSO) 232- 4372 Feed & Seed + Jamas Acoustic 216-3492 Firestorm Cafe (OSO) 255-8115 Five Fifty Three 631-3810 Frankie Bones 274-7111 Fred’s Speakeasy (SA) 281-0920 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 Funny Business Comedy Club 318-8909 The Garage 505-2663 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern (OSO) 232-5800 Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn 252-2711 Guadalupe Cafe 586-9877


The Handlebar (864)233-6173 The Hangar (SA) 684-1213 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 The Hookah Bar 252-1522 Infusions 665-2161 Iron Horse Station 622-0022 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 Magnolia’s Raw Bar (ISS) 251-5211 Mela 225-8880 Mike’s Tavern 281-3096 Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill (SH) 258-1550 New French Bar Courtyard Cafe 225-6445 Never Blue 693-4646 Old Fairview Southern Kitchen 277-7117 O’Malley’s On Main 246--0898

The Orange Peel (OSO) 225-5851 Picnics 258-2858 Panther’s Paw 696-0810 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rocket Club 505-2494 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Ruby’s BBQ Shack (ISS) 299-3511 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Shovelhead Saloon (SA) 669-9541 Steak & Wine / Satchel’s Martini Bar 505-3362 Stella Blue 236-2424 The Still 683-5913 Stockade Brew House 645-1300 Straightaway Cafe (OSO) 669-8856 Switzerland Cafe 765-5289

The Red Room at Temptations (SA) 252-0775 Temptations Martini Bar (SA) 252-0775 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Town Pump (SA) 669-4808 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues (SA) 254-7072 Vaso de Vino Wine Bar & Market 687-3838 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 The Watershed 669-0777 Waynesville Water’n Hole 456-4750 Wedge Brewery 505 2792 Westville Pub (OSO) 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe (SA) 253-3066 Xcapades 258-9652

entertainment writers

every Sunday on

S M O K E   O R   N O T T O  S M O K E

OSO: outdoor/patio smoking only • SH: smoking hours, call clubs for specfics • ISS: indoor smoking section • SA: smoking allowed The Two Guitars of Yasmin & Lou, 10am12:30pm Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm

Jerusalem Garden

Temptations Martini Bar

Mike’s Tavern

The Hookah Bar

Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Live music w/ singer-songwriters

Irish session, 5pm Tom Waits time, late

Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

Town Pump

Lobster Trap

Terry Garland Blues Band

Chris Rhodes

Orange Peel

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Orange Peel

Pisgah Brewing Company

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Belly dancing w/ live music Shine River (rock ‘n’ roll) Woody Pines CD release party (roots, blues) Creek Jumpers

Lotus (rock, modern electronica) w/ Big Gigantic The Hotwire

Purple Onion Cafe

Shane Pruitt Band (jam, blues, jazz) Red Room at Temptations

DJ Spy V

Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Rocket Club

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues)

Soothsayer w/ Pericles & Cleofus Williams

The Nightcrawlers (blues)

Live music w/ Tom Coppola (early) & Marc Keller (late) Watershed

Bob Burnette w/ Leisure Craft Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

Twilight Broadcasters (rock, pop) Westville Pub

Brittany Reilly Band (country, bluegrass)

Jack Of The Wood Pub

WNC Jewish Federation Benefit feat: Matisyahu (hip-hop, reggae) w/ Trevor Hall (reggae, acoustic rock) Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge

“Vinyl at the Vault” w/ Chris Ballard Rocket Club

Sunday jazz jam Scandals Nightclub

Dance party w/ DJ Stratos & drag show Belly dance showcase w/ live bands

White Horse

Spiritual Rez

Town Pump

Root Bar No. 1

Sun., November 15

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Satchel’s Martini Bar

Fire & Desire (pop, contemporary) Scandals Nightclub

Dance party w/ DJ Stratos & drag show Steak & Wine

Live piano music Stella Blue

Micheal Burgin and The Drinkers Union w/ Nights on Fire Stockade Brew House

Open mic

Straightaway Café

Kevin Scanlon (acoustic, folk)

Barley’s Taproom

One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Luke Wood

BoBo Gallery

John Wilkes Boothe & the Black Toothe (folk, rock) Garage at Biltmore

Gypsy jazz night w/ Vipers Dream Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys (Zydeco dance music) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

18 brook st ste 103 - 828.277.4070 mon-sat, 10 - 6

The Hookah Bar

Discordian Society (experimental, funk) w/ Green Shack Kole w/ Lizzy Pitch (indie, rock)


Pickin’ at the Pump, open acoustic jam Johnny Blackwell (variety, covers)

Mon., November 16 BoBo Gallery

Mind vs. Target w/ Information Superhighway Broadway’s

Jack Oblivion & The Tennessee Tearjerkers (rock, garage) w/ John Paul Keith & The One Four Fives Courtyard Gallery

Free Overtone Music Concert Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Contra dance

3OUND %XTREME +ARAOKE #OMPETITION Begins Sat. Nov. 7 - Sat. Dec. 5 • Cash Prizes WEDNESDAY Sound Extreme Karaoke 8pm Wacky Wing Night 25¢ Wings & $2 Draft FRIDAY, NOV. 14TH live music w/ Steve Weams Acoustic Jam • $5 Long Island Teas $3.50 23oz Domestic Draught


SATURDAY Sound Extreme Karaoke $5 Redbull Bombs • $3 Highland Beer • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 61

Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm

Joker (dubstep) w/ Nomad, Mindelixir, Charlie P. & The Midnight Ace

Chuck Lichtenberger presents “An Evening of Jazz” with special guests


Eleven on Grove

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Mike’s Tavern

Swing & Tango lessons and dance w/ music by One Leg Up

Marc Keller & Company (variety)

Traveling Trio


Emerald Lounge

Live music w/ Robert Greer Westville Pub

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Open mic night w/ Aaron LaFalce

Wed. 11/11 thur. 11/12 Fri. 11/13

Sat. 11/14 Sun. 11/15

Devil Makes Three with The Honeycutters 9pm

Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

The Oxymorons (improv comedy)

Chris Knight with

Ashevegas All-Stars presents Tuesday Night Funk Jam

Orange Peel

Feed and Seed

White Horse

Will Ray’s Mountain Jam

Irish session, 6:30pm Open mike w/ Parker Brooks, 8:30pm

Stephen Simmons 9pm

Dan Auerbach w/ Justin Townes Earle & Jessica Lea Mayfield

PROM! featuring Reigning

Rocket Club

Sound, Floating Action, DJ Rob Castillo 8pm

Sam Singleton w/ Atheist Evangelist

w/Anders Parker 9pm

Eilen Jewell (Americana, roots) & Sarah Borges

Open mic w/ Pierce Edens

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys Eilen Jewell & Sarah Borges 8pm

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Guadalupe Cafe

Ian Moore’s Mountain Music Miscellany

Marc Keller & Company (variety)

Lobster Trap

Westville Pub

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

Tue., November 17

Bluegrass & clogging

Wed., November 18 Back Room Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Open mic BoBo Gallery Boiler Room

Tomato Tuesday comedy open mic

Social Ghost w/ Dawn of the Dude & Oculi (indie, rock)

Old Fairview Southern Kitchen


Back Room

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues)

Steve Whiteside (blues, country)

Orange Peel

Cancun Mexican Grill

Open mic

Beacon Pub

Guitar Jam Benefiting Mission Children’s Hospital feat: Jason Michael Carroll, Jessica Harp, Bucky Covington & more

Open mic


Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues)

Curras Dom

Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk)

Thomas Wolfe Auditorium

Brittany Reilly & the Almost Acoustic Band

‘80s Night, 10pm

Club 828

Hip-hop open mic Eleanor Underhill (singer/songwriter)

Siren & Miss Ellen Sunday (indie, rock)

Regina Spektor (acoustic, alternative) w/ Jupiter One

Club 828

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

BoBo Gallery

Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

club xcapades sundays


Pool & Board Game niGht-

out and P lay ! Wednesdays - Jammin’ With Funky max



ThursDay, noveMber 12 Free!

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ThursDay, noveMber 19 Free!

maC leaPheart Band Country/Folk

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Just relax in our upscale lounge and take in the views. Enjoy our billiard tables & interactive games. We have one of the largest spirit selections in WNC & have great specials every night.

matt Walsh Band

Blues, roCkaBilly & roots roCk - Mon. 7:30 OPEN MIC hosted by Scott Stewart

- Tues. -

Blues Jam Featuring the

Westville All Stars hosted by Mars

- Fri. -

Trivia Night with Prizes 9pm

sMoke-Free Pub • Pool & DarTs 777 Haywood Road • 225-wPUB (9782)

I N  TH E  CLU B S MONDAY Mack Kell’s • Razcals Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues TUESDAY

Decades • Getaway’s (Eleven on Grove) • Headlights • Hookah Bar Mike’s Side Pocket

Open mic

Bel Air & Shod My Feet (Americana)

Geoff Weeks

Open mic w/ Scott Stewart 7:30pm Apres OM, 11pm

Barley’s Taproom

232-5800 185 Clingman Ave.

Wild Wing Cafe

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Temptations Martini Bar

D Mack Vocal jazz session w/ Sharon LaMotte, 7:30pm

Dance Lessons 6pm, Music 7pm tueS. 11/17

Open mic

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues


Firestorm Cafe and Books

Blues Jam w/ Mars Fariss


W EDNESDAY Beacon Pub • Fred’s Speakeasy The Hangar • Temptations Martini Bar O’Malleys on Main • Infusions Holland’s Grille T H URSDAY Club Hairspray Razcals • Shovelhead Saloon Cancun Mexican Grill FRIDAY Infusions • Mack Kell’s • Shovelhead Saloon • Stockade Brew House The 170 La Cantinetta SATURDAY Club Hairspray • Holland’s Grille Infusions • Shovelhead Saloon The Still SUNDAY College St. Pub Getaway’s (Eleven on Grove) The Hangar • Mack Kell’s Wing Cafe • Cancun Mexican Grill Zydeco dance & lessons Emerald Lounge

Reggae Resurrection Frankie Bones

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) Garage at Biltmore

Sean Mullady (folk, hip-hop) & Pete Pidgeon Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Jack Of The Wood Pub

Old Time Jam, 6pm Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

Bluegrass jam night, 7pm Orange Peel

Burns (disco, pop) w/ Deadmau5 (Scottish electro-house) Red Stag Grill

Bobby Sullivan (blues, rock, standards) Rocket Club

Mon. - Sat. 7pm - 2am • 21 to Enter

828-258-9652 99 New Leicester Hwy.

(3miles west of Downtown -off Patton Ave.)

62 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

The Old Ceremony (indie, pop, rock) Root Bar No. 1

Sanctum Sully (bluegrass) Scandals Nightclub

Latin dance

Steak & Wine

Live piano music

Temptations Martini Bar

Piano entertainment feat: Will Little, Billy Sheeran & Aaron LaFalce The Blackbird

Eliza Rosbach (indie, folk) The Hookah Bar

Open Mic w/ Sven Hooson Town Pump

Open Mic w/ David Bryan Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Hump day dance party w/ The Free Flow Band Vincenzo’s Bistro

Marc Keller (variety)

Waynesville Water’n Hole

Funk jam featuring local artists

Thu., November 19 Back Room

Wink Keziah (“hillbilly rock”) Beacon Pub

Red Sammy (“graveyard country rock”) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Makia Groove (funk, reggae) BoBo Gallery

Trees On Fire (rock, electronic) Boiler Room

P.J. Pacifico (singer/songwriter) w/ Born Under Punches & The Dark Shave (rock) Club 828

Freaky Thursdays w/ DJ Mack Brown Courtyard Gallery

Open mic w/ Jarrett Leone Curras Dom

Mark Guest (jazz guitar) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Emerald Lounge

Moon Taxi (explosive rock) w/ The Native Sway Five Fifty Three

Steve Wolrab & guests (jazz, guitar) Frankie Bones

Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Matt Walsh (rockabilly)

Garage at Biltmore

Left at Market & Rattle

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

Drivin’ N Cryin’ (alternative, Southern rock) w/ Yarn (Americana) Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

Robert Earl Keen (singer/songwriter) w/ Sons of Bill Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge

Live music

Jack Of The Wood Pub

Jeremy Aggers (folk, rock) Lobster Trap

Hank Bones Mela

Belly dancing Mike’s Tavern

Cyocker w/ AR (hip-hop) Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Funky jazz w/ Ben Bjorlie Never Blue

Singer/songwriter showcase Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

Mark Keller (singer/songwriter)

Pisgah Brewing Company

Pimps of Joytime (soul, funk) Purple Onion Cafe

Dave Desmelik (Americana) Red Stag Grill

Anne Coombs (jazz, swing) Rocket Club

Sam Singleton’s Atheist Evangelist Show “Patriarchs and Penises” (comedy) Root Bar No. 1

Dawn Humphrey

Scandals Nightclub

Local DJ Circuit feat: DJ Kri (Touch Samadhi) Steak & Wine

Live piano music

Stockade Brew House

The Big Ivy Project (bluegrass, folk) The 170 La Cantinetta

Dave Lagadi (smooth jazz) The Hookah Bar

Katie LaRue (folk, acoustic) Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

Peggy Ratusz & friends (soul, blues) Vincenzo’s Bistro

Aaron Laflace (acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter) Westville Pub

Mac Leaphart Band (country, folk) Zuma Coffee

Thursday night bluegrass jam

Fri., November 20 Back Room

Red Sammy (country, rock) Barley’s Taproom

Stillhouse Hollow (acoustic) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Acoustic Swing

Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm BoBo Gallery

Morningbell w/ The Shakes Boiler Room

After Elvis w/ Temptation’s Wings & Subversion (punk, rock) Broadway’s

Naked Gods & Cobra Horse Cancun Mexican Grill

Mariachi Band & dance party Club Hairspray

Freaky Friday w/ Brandi & Shorty Curras Dom

Greg Olson (world, folk) Decades Restaurant & Bar

Dancing w/ Darin Kohler & the Asheville Katz Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Son Volt (Americana) w/ Peter Bruntnell Highland Brewing Company

One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz), 4-8pm

$1 Beers Everyday NFL Ticket Free Pool on Wednesdays

Live Bands

Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues), 7:30-10:30pm

Mon. - Sat. 6 pm - 2 am • Sun. Noon - 2 am

Iron Horse Station

252-2456 • 14 College St. • Asheville, NC

Sherri Lynn and Mountain Friends (bluegrass, acoustic) Jack Of The Wood Pub

Packway Handle Band (bluegrass) Jerusalem Garden

Belly dancing w/ live music Lobster Trap

Live music by local artists Mike’s Tavern

The Woes w/ The Honeycutters (Americana, country) Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Hot Politics (funk)

(Next to Tupelo Honey)

Need Some



Featuring The Nicest Ladies in Asheville!

733 Haywood Rd. • West Asheville

New French Bar Courtyard Cafe

The Poles (rock) w/ Self-Evident Orange Peel

Lucero “Ramblin’ Roadshow & Memphis Revue” w/ Cedric Burnside, Lightnin’ Malcolm & The Dirty Streets Pisgah Brewing Company

Cary Fridley and Down South (country, blues)

Casual & Comfy Ladies & Couples Welcome Great Drink Specials Every Night

College and NFL Package

Live Music Weekends (on the corner of Brevard & Haywood Rd.)



Purple Onion Cafe

Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Red Room at Temptations

DJ D-Day, 10:30pm-2am Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Rocket Club

it’s time...


Arch Rivals w/ The Hit Men

675 Merrimon Ave • Asheville, NC

Root Bar No. 1

Corbitt Brothers

Steak & Wine

Live piano music Stella Blue

By Morning (rock, alternative) w/ Nova Echo & Metroid Metal Straightaway Café

FreeGrass Revival (Americana, bluegrass)

Sundays Open at 12 Noon We have NFL TICKET— catch all the games on our 7 big screens!

Temptations Martini Bar

Bryan Steel of East Coast Dirt, 7:30-10:30pm The Hookah Bar

Live music w/ singer-songwriters The Free Flow Band (funk, soul)

Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

MODO CD release party (rock)

Live music

French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

White Horse

Lyndsay Wojcik (folk, soul)

The Business (Motown, R&B)

Funny Business Comedy Club

Sat., November 21

Bobby Sullivan (piano)

Back Room

Marvin King and the Blues Revival (blues) Beacon Pub


JE I;; J>?I M;;A½I CEL?;I J?C;I Delivery or Carry Out until 11pm • 254-5339

Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

FB;7I; L?I?J

$3 Admission • Movie Line 254-1281

“Cool Kid Collective”

Emerald Lounge

Kyle Hollingsworth Band (funk, rock) & Ryan Montbleau Band


Holland’s Grille

Vincenzo’s Bistro

Garage at Biltmore

DJ’s Thurs. - Sun.


Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm

Carl LaBove


J. Tillman (blues) w/ Pearly Gate Music

This area’s only

Join us at both locations for our

Just arrived:


T-Shirts, Hats, etc.

M-F 11-3pm • Now open Sundays! Pizza, salad, baked potatoes and more!


(828) 298-1400

520 Swannanoa River Rd, Asheville, NC 28805 Mon. - Sat. 6:30pm - 2am

Asheville Brewing Company 77 Coxe Ave. Downtown Asheville

255-4077 • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 63

Angela Easterling (Americana, folk, roots) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe

Mark Bumgarner (Americana, country) Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar

Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm BoBo Gallery

If You Wannas (rock, indie) Boiler Room

November 11th Come Jam with the Jays 8-10pm Screaming Jays 10pm & All You Can Eat Oyster Night

November 12th Jazz Chronic and Brand New Life Neo-Groove / Jazz

November 13th

Lefty Williams

Atlanta Guitar Phenom

November 14th

Woody Pines CD Release Party Just Announced! December


Jimmy Thackery Blues Guitar Legend

All shows at 9:30 pm unless noted 77b Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC 828-258-1550 • Check out our music online!

64 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

The Seas Aflame w/ Lake Effect (Christian metal) Curras Dom

Mark Guest (jazz guitar) Decades Restaurant & Bar

42nd Street Jazz Band

Diana Wortham Theater

George Winston (pianist) Dock’s Restaurant

Synchro (alternative rock) Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar

Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove

“DiscFUNKtional DJ Party” feat: DJs Drees & Queen April Emerald Lounge

Last Waltz Ensemble (The Band & Bob Dylan cover songs) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room

Nikki Talley (acoustic, indie)

Grove Park Inn Great Hall

Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar

“Until Next Time” feat: Shotglass Poets, Red X, Social Finger, Carraways, Light In The Dark, X-Mas, From Tomorrow & more Havana Restaurant

Ahora Si (salsa, jazz, tropical) Horizons at Grove Park Inn

Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge

Live music

Jack Of The Wood Pub

The Honeycutters (Americana, country) Jerusalem Garden

Belly dancing w/ live music Mike’s Tavern

Machiavillains (progressive, punk) w/ U.P.A.S.S. & Klustafuk Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill

The Fustics (Americana, rock, indie) w/ Uncle Mountain Old Fairview Southern Kitchen

Live music w/ The Billy’s Orange Peel

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, 1:45pm Rusted Root ( 2-step) w/ Howard Jennings, 8pm Pisgah Brewing Company

Funny Business Comedy Club

Carl LaBove

Concerts4Charity presents: Underhill Rose, Juan Holladay, Sven Hooson & the Asheville Allstars House Band

Garage at Biltmore

Purple Onion Cafe

Hephystus w/ Sintonik & As Sick As Us Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern

The Infamous Stringdusters (acoustic) & Sara Watkins (from Nickel Creek)

Michael Reno Harrell (Americana, acoustic) Red Room at Temptations

DJ Spy V

Red Stag Grill

Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Rocket Club

Elliot Broad

Satchel’s Martini Bar

Fire & Desire (pop, contemporary) Scandals Nightclub

Dance party w/ DJ Stratos & drag show Steak & Wine

Live piano music Stella Blue

Wayfarers All & Crystal Kind (cosmic reggae) Stockade Brew House

Open mic

Straightaway Café

James Richards

Temptations Martini Bar

Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues) The Hookah Bar

Chronicles of the Landsquid (electronica, breakbeat) Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub

Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump

Stillhouse Hollow (acoustic) Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues

The Funky Four Corners feat: Joshua Singleton Vincenzo’s Bistro

Live music w/ Tom Coppola (early) & Marc Keller (late) Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe

Katie LaRue (folk, acoustic) Westville Pub

Matt Walsh Band (blues, roots) White Horse

Taylor Martin Band (acoustic, swing)


theaterlistings Friday, NOV. 13 - Thursday, NOV. 19

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters. n Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

movie reviews and listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ is the maximum rating

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. (500) Days of Summer (PG-13) 7:00 Inglourious Basterds (R) 10:00 Shorts (PG) 1:00, 4:00

additional reviews by justin souther • contact

pickoftheweek The Men Who Stare at Goats JJJJ

n Carmike Cinema 10

Director: Grant Heslov Players: George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Lang Satirical Comedy


Rated R

The Story: A fact-based—at least in part—comedy about the U.S. Army’s experiments in the use of psychic powers. The Lowdown: An enjoyable, often very funny film that never quite crosses the line to be the defining satire it seems to have had in mind. Any film that combines the talents of George Clooney, Ewan McGregor and Jeff Bridges, features the Small Faces’ “Itchykoo Park” on the sound track, and dares to call itself The Men Who Stare at Goats has to be onto something. And Grant Heslov’s The Men Who Stare at Goats is. It is also, unfortunately, not the great movie I’d hoped for—and cautiously anticipated. Instead, it’s a likable little movie that feels more indie than most indies, isn’t afraid to shamble along, and, sadly, seems oblivious to the fact that it’s in dire need of a bigger ending. The film has a loopy charm that just gets it past the things that don’t quite work. Just the right tone is set by the opening disclaimer that informs the viewer that what’s about to appear on the screen contains a lot more truth than is likely to be believed. In other words, The Men Who Stare at Goats is based on fact, but it’s anybody’s guess as to where the film takes those facts—and yet it may just be the things that are the most improbable that are true. I like that notion and I buy it. I know, for example, that the U.S. started researching the use of psychic powers for military purposes because the Soviets were doing it. The film adds to this that Soviets were doing it because of bogus reports (that they refused to believe were bogus) that the U.S. was doing it. True? I have no idea, but it’s ridiculous enough to be true and I choose to accept it. The film tells the story of those experiments in a lopsided manner by framing the story around a reporter, Bob Wilton (McGregor). Wilton is trying to prove himself to his faithless ex-wife by going to Iraq and becoming an important journalist who Makes a Difference. Wilton’s problem is that no one is interested in what he’s attempting. However, a chance meeting with Lyn Cassady (Clooney) jolts his memory about an interview he’d done with a man who’d told him about the special psychic forces, the “New Earth Army.” That meeting—

George Clooney stares at a goat (what else?) in Grant Heslov’s quirky fact-based comedy The Men Who Stare at Goats. and the fact that Cassady decides that Wilton doodling the force’s symbol in his notebook is a sign—changes everything and sets the tale in motion with the pair of them crossing the border into Iraq on a completely undefined mission that probably isn’t a mission at all. The film alternates between flashbacks to the original program and the current action. And this is all pretty skillfully accomplished and never bogs down the movie’s forward momentum. In fact, the film is fairly accomplished in its structure, managing to make its various points all dovetail into a single situation of the modern story. The problem with this is that once the movie gets to that point, the payoff is too muted to feel like a payoff. What you end up with is a fun—and sometimes pointedly satirical—ride to nowhere much. Making matters a little thornier is the decision to firmly come down on the side of the paranormal aspects of the story in the very last scene. These fellows should have studied the scene in Peter Medak’s The Ruling Class (1972) where Peter O’Toole maybe causes a coffee table to float 10 feet in space. We don’t actually see it happen, but it’s shot in such a way that it might have happened and the truth is left to you. That’s what this needed, and what it doesn’t have. In the end, you have a fun, strangely sweet little movie that feels more than a little like a declawed variant on the Coen Brothers’ Burn After Reading (2008). And that’s OK, but it’s not enough to push the film into the realm of anything greater than a very likable shaggy goat story. Rated R for language, some drug content and brief nudity.

reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15.

The Box JJJJ

Director: Richard Kelly (Southland Tales) Players: Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Frank Langella, James Rebhorn, Holmes Osborne Sci-Fi Thriller

Rated PG-13

The Story: A couple in financial straits is given a box with a button on top, which—if they decide to press the button—will give them $1 million, but also kill someone they do not know. The Lowdown: A surprisingly engaging thriller that’s too odd and unHollywood—but in a fascinating kind of way—to be for everyone. In 2001, director Richard Kelly made Donnie Darko, a strange little movie with teenagers about time travel and predestination. The film became a cult hit, but it’s ultimately more clever than good. One can only assume that this modest success gave Kelly the leeway to make Southland Tales (2006), a bloated, sprawling, odd film that might best be described as a bizarre mix of Paul Thomas Anderson, David Lynch, Phillip K. Dick, Repo Man (1984), a plethora of divergent pop-culture references and a cast full of B-list celebrities. Needless to say, the movie bombed at Cannes and did no better after being

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 3D (PG) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:40, 9:50 Couples Retreat (PG-13) 1:20, 4:35, 7:05, 9:30 The Fourth Kind (PG-13) 1:00, 3:20, 5:30, 7:45, 9:45 My Little Pony (G) Sat-Sun only 1:00 The Men Who Stare at Goats (R) 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, 9:55 Michael Jackson: This Is It (PG) 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Pirate Radio (R) Times not available at presstime Saw VI (R) 1:00, 1:30, 3:15, 3:45, 5:30, 5:55, 7:45, 8:15, 10:00 The Stepfather (PG-13) 1:45 (no 1:45 show Sat-Sun), 4:25, 7:10, 9:40 Where the Wild Things Are (PG) 1:45, 4:35, 7:10, 9:40

n Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 (274-9500)

2012 (PG-13) 11:45, 12:15, 3:15, 4:00, 7:00, 7:30, 10:25, 10:45 Amelia (PG) 11:40, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:55, Late show Sat only 12:15 (Sofa Cinema showing) The Box (PG-13) 11:55, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:20 (Sofa Cinema showing) A Christmas Carol 3-D (PG) 11:35, 2:00, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40 A Christmas Carol 2-D (PG) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:20 The Fourth Kind (PG-13) 12:10, 2:45, 5:10, 7:45, 10:05, Late show Sat only 12:20 Law Abiding Citizen (R) 12:45, 3:30, 7:20, 9:55, Late show Sat only 12:25 The Men Who Stare at Goats (R) 11:30, 1:50, 4:05, 7:30, 9:50, Late show Sat only 12:10 Michael Jackson: This Is It (PG) 11:50, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:40 (Sofa Cinema showing) More Than a Game (PG) 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:55, 10:30 Paranormal Activity (R) 12:05, 2:20, 4:40, 7:50, 10:00, Late show Sat only 12:05

Paris (R) 2:10, 10:10 (Sofa Cinema showing) Pirate Radio (R) 11:30, 2:15, 4:55, 7:45, 10:30 The Rocky Horror Picture Show (R) Sat only midnight Where the Wild Things Are (PG) 11:35, 5:05, 7:35 (Sofa Cinema showing) n Cinebarre


2012 (PG-13) 12:00, 3:35, 7:15, 10:35 A Christmas Carol (PG) 11:35 (Fri-Sun), 2:10, 4:35, 7:20, 9:55 Law Abiding Citizen (R) 11:00 (Fri-Sun), 1:50, 4:45, 7:40, 10:15 The Men Who Stare at Goats (R) 11:20 (Fri-Sun), 1:45, 4:25, 7:30, 10:00 Michael Jackson’s This Is It (PG) 11:15 (Fri-Sun), 2:05, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10

n Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200)

Amelia (PG) 1:00, 4:00 The Box (PG-13) 7:00

n Epic of

Hendersonville (693-1146) n Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536)

Asheville Film Festival Fri-Sun Nov 13-15 Amelia (PG) Mon-Thu 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 Coco Before Chanel (PG13) Mon-Thu 1:00, 4:00, 7:00

n Flatrock Cinema


Where the Wild Things Are (PG) 4:30, 7:00

n Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) n United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

2012 (PG-13) 12:10, 12:40, 3:35, 4:05, 7:00, 7:30, 10:25 The Box (PG-13) 11:50, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 A Christmas Carol 3-D (PG) 11:45, 12:15, 2:05, 2:35, 4:25, 4:55, 6:45, 7:15, 9:10, 9:40 A Christmas Carol 2-D (PG) 12:45, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45, 10:10 Paranormal Activity (R) 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 65

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Amelia JJJ

Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Anderson Biopic Biopic of Amelia Earhart structured as flashbacks during her final flight in 1937. A glossy, superficial bio that won’t frighten the horses, but might put them to sleep. Rated PG

Astro Boy JJJJ

(Voices) Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Bill Nighy, Donald Sutherland, Kristen Bell Animated Sci-Fi/Adventure A robotic boy attempts to save his futuristic city from the machinations of its war-thirsty president. A run-of-the-mill animated adventure that’s gussied up with a sardonic sense of humor and political satire. Rated PG

The Baader Meinhof Complex JJJJJ

Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu, Johanna Wokalek, Nadja Uhl, Jan Josef Liefers, Bruno Ganz Fact-Based Drama The story of the rise and fall of the originators of the German terrorist group the Red Army Faction. Unblinking in its violence and complex in its epic structure, this is powerful, unsettling filmmaking. Rated R

The Box JJJJ

Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Frank Langella, James Rebhorn, Holmes Osborne Sci-Fi Thriller A couple in financial straits is given a box with a button on top, which—if they decide to press the button—will give them $1 million, but also kill someone they do not know. A surprisingly engaging thriller that’s too odd and un-Hollywood—but in a fascinating kind of way—to be for everyone. Rated PG-13

A Christmas Carol JJJ

Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Robin Wright Penn, Fionnula Flanagan Re-Animated Christmas Story Charles Dickens’ classic Christmas ghost story gets the Disney treatment. An overblown, but occasionally interesting, version of the story that often seems more like a theme-park ride than a serious attempt at telling the tale. Rated PG

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant JJJJ

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to order caLL:


John C. Reilly, Chris Massoglia, Josh Hutcherson, Ken Watanabe, Salma Hayek Fantasy/Adventure A teen becomes a vampire and joins a traveling freak show in order to save the life of his friend. The two friends end up being thrown into the middle of a war between vampire factions. Absolutely nothing new,

but the movie does have an occasional streak of dark humor and is sufficiently stylish. Plus, it’s a reminder that John C. Reilly can actually be good on occasion. Rated PG-13

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs JJJ

(Voices) Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Andy Samberg, Bruce Campbell, Mr. T Animated A failure by a quack inventor leads to a machine that causes food to rain from the sky, which is all well and good until the machine starts to malfunction. Disaster strikes and things begin to get out of hand. A generally odd family film that’s more bizarre—namely in its quirky sense of humor—than good. Rated PG

Coco Before Chanel JJJJ

Audrey Tautou, Beno”t Poelvoorde, Alessandro Nivola, Marie Gillain, Emmanuelle Devos Biographical Drama The early life of Gabrielle “Coco� Chanel, charting her rise from poverty to the very edge of being the name in fashion. A nicely drawn, beautifully produced biopic that benefits from a clear idea of what it wants and a wonderful performance from its star, Audrey Tautou. Rated PG-13

Couples Retreat JJ

Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jason Bateman, Faizon Love, Malin Akerman Romantic Comedy A group of couples head off for a vacation in a tropical paradise only to be bamboozled into couples counseling. An uninspiring romcom centered around more of the same from Vince Vaughn that’s short on insight and overlong. Rated PG-13

The Fourth Kind J

Milla Jovovich, Will Patton, Elias Koteas, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Corey Johnson Spurious “Fact-Based� Sci-Fi An utterly bogus “fact-based� tale of alien abduction. Dishonest, tedious and lacking in the way of thrills, this is one of the key films to miss this year. Rated PG-13

The Invention of Lying JJJJJ

Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K., Rob Lowe, Fionnula Flanagan, Tina Fey Philosophical Comedy In a world where no one can lie, one man discovers he has this ability—altering both his life and the lives of everyone else. What could have been a fairly standard high-concept comedy is transformed into something much more intriguing because of the philosophical questions it raises. Rated PG-13

Law Abiding Citizen JJ

Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler, Colm Meaney, Bruce McGill, Leslie Bibb Action/Thriller A seemingly ordinary man takes revenge on the justice system that let the murderer of his wife and daughter walk free. Pointlessly gory and patently absurd, the movie might have worked as pulp, except that it’s too full of itself to even work as mindless entertainment. Rated R

The Men Who Stare at Goats JJJJ

George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Lang Satirical Comedy A fact-based—at least in part—comedy about the U.S. Army’s experiments in the use of psychic powers. An enjoyable, often very funny film that never quite crosses the line to be the defining satire it seems to have had in mind. Rated R

Michael Jackson’s This Is It JJJJ

Michael Jackson, Kenny Ortega Music Documentary A behind-thescenes look at the creation of Michael Jackson’s This Is It show that was nearly ready to be performed at the time of Jackson’s death. While your taste for this will depend almost entirely on your fondness or lack thereof for Michael Jackson, the film itself is an intriguing look at his creative process. Rated PG

Paranormal Activity JJJJ

Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Mark Fredrichs, Ashley Palmer DIY Horror Observations on a young woman who is at the mercy of a demon that’s haunted her since childhood. A slow-moving, low-budget affair that succeeds in being creepy without quite being terrifying. Rated R

Paris JJJJ

Juliette Binoche, Romain Duris, Fabrice Luchini, Albert Dupontel, Fran�ois Cluzet, MŽlanie Laurent Drama A multi-storied film about the lives of a number of people in Paris. An often brilliant drama—or series of dramas—that focuses more on characters than plot, resulting in a satisfying, if not quite great, work. Rated R


Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor, Mark Rolston, Betsy Russell, Shawnee Smith, Peter Outerbridge Torture-Porn Horror Jigsaw reaches out from the dead to exact revenge on a vile insurance-company executive. More of the same, with a slightly more interest-

ing plot than usual. Rated R

The Stepfather J

Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward, Penn Badgley, Amber Heard, Sherry Stringfield Weak-Tea Thriller A serial killer marries into “perfect� families, and when his plans go awry, resorts to murder. Idiotic, unpardonably slow and totally lacking in thrills. Rated PG-13

Thirst JJJJ

Song Kang-ho, Kim Ok-vin, Kim Hae-sook, Shin Ha-kyun, Park In-hwan Horror A Catholic priest recieves a blood transfusion that turns him into a vampire. A long, unusual, thoughtful, bloody and frequently very funny horror film from Park Chan-wook that rethinks—or at least reshuffles—the vampire movie. Rated R

Where the Wild Things Are JJJJ

Max Records, Catherine Keener, James Gandofini, Lauren Ambrose, Paul Dano, Chris Cooper Children’s Fantasy A young boy runs away from home after a fight with his mother and travels to a magical island inhabited by fantastic creatures that mirror himself and his real life. An ambitious, not entirely successful attempt to flesh out the children’s book by Maurice Sendak. Rarely less than fascinating, but somehow not quite what it seems to want to be. Rated PG

Whip It JJJJ

Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Alia Shawkat, Daniel Stern, Kristin Wiig, Drew Barrymore Female-Empowerment Comedy/ Drama A teenage girl finds herself when she lies about her age and joins a roller-derby team. Thoroughly predictable and completely successful at doing what you want such a movie to do—but with good performances and without insulting your intelligence. Rated PG-13

Zombieland JJJJ

Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Bill Murray Nerd-Empowerment Zombie Comedy After a zombie plague, a group of mismatched survivors make their way through what remains of the world in search of a safe place. A pretty funny zombie comedy that gets points for reveling in its gruesomeness, decent characterizations and clever touches along the way. Rated R

Tune In to Cranky Hanke’s Movie Reviews

5:30 pm Fridays on Matt Mittan’s Take a Stand.

66 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

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November’s Vooom Girl


startingfriday 2012

Prepare for massive property damage of the sort that only Roland Emmerich can offer — thanks to tons and tons of CGI work — with this apocalyptic nonsense derived from the popular belief that the Mayan calendar runs out in 2012. (Never mind that the Mayans ran out long before that.) Think of Emmerich as a kind of really dumb Michael Bay or maybe as Uwe Boll with a budget. Paychecks have been issued to a cast that includes John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover, Woody Harrelson and Oliver Platt. The real question, of course, is whether it can possibly be as silly as Emmerich’s last film, the amazing 10,000 B.C. The early word from Australia says: yes. (PG-13) Early review samples: • “Emmerich supposedly spent $260 million to give you the biggest experience for your ticket dollar and in this regard, he has succeeded tremendously, while, intentionally or otherwise, also delivering one of 2009’s best comedies.” (Michael Adams, Empire Magazine Australasia) re-cut and barely getting a stateside release. So, it’d be no surprise to find Kelly reined in and forced to make a simple, straightforward thriller with The Box—and for a bit, this appears to be exactly the case. The film’s setup is based as much on Richard Matheson’s short story “Button, Button” as it is the 1986 Twilight Zone episode of the same name that the story spawned. Set in 1976 Virginia, Norma (Cameron Diaz) and Arthur Lewis (James Marsden) are a seemingly happy couple who have suddenly found themselves in a financial bind due to changes in Norma’s teaching job and Arthur’s rejected application to become an astronaut. But an apparent solution to their problems comes from a disfigured stranger by the name of Arlington Steward (Frank Langella), who gives them a simple wooden box with a button on top. According to Steward, if they press the button, they will receive a briefcase containing $1 million, but as a consequence, someone they do not know will die. If they refuse, the box will be retrieved and reprogrammed for someone else to use.

• “This is a disaster movie. No, wait, let me rephrase that: This movie is a disaster. At least it would be if it didn’t fall into the ‘so bad it’s good’ category.” (Colin Newton, Sunday Mail)

Fri. Nov. 13, 6 - 9 pm Intro to Ayurveda with Joseph Immel Sat. & Sun. Nov. 14-15, 10 - 6 pm Ayurvedic Pulse Assesment Weekend Intensive with Joseph Immel


Richard Curtis’ (Love Actually) 1960s-set comedy about a shipboard pirate radio station off the coast of Great Britain — during a time when the government tried to ban rock music — played earlier elsewhere in the world as The Boat That Rocked. Mixed reviews caused Focus Features to rechristen the film Pirate Radio and apparently recut it. The reviews of the earlier version were split almost down the middle. The reviews for the new version are close to nonexistent. But really, how bad can a movie with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Nick Frost, Kenneth Branagh, Rhys Ifans and Emma Thompson be? (R)

While Matheson’s story and its Twilight Zone episode mostly deal with the Lewises deciding whether or not to press the button, this is only a minor issue in Kelly’s film. It’s after the Lewises make their decision that the movie—and what Kelly has added to the story—kicks in. This is also the point when the film stops being a run-of-the-mill thriller and instead becomes yet another oddity I’m surprised got into theaters. Here, the film begins to focus not only on Steward’s origins and his connection to a NASA project involving Mars, but the purpose of the box as well, becoming more like some forgotten episode of The X-Files. Ultimately, all of this is so Kelly can touch on many of the same concerns he brought up in Southland Tales: ideas about salvation and redemption and what can be seen as the fine line between science and God, all the while quoting Sartre and touching on existential philosophy. And, if you really want to delve into the film, there are certainly ideas about original sin and free will, as well. It’s heady stuff for a multiplex, and there are no easy answers: two things that won’t win over a



MEN’S • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 67

lot of moviegoers. Now don’t get me wrong, The Box isn’t quite as off-the-wall as Donnie Darko, and never even flirts with the strangeness of Southland Tales (but let’s be honest, few things outside of, say, John Boorman’s Zardoz (1974) are quite that odd)—this was most likely a conscious decision on someone’s part. In a way, The Box feels like Kelly’s attempt at being mainstream, something that makes the weird parts of the film (such as the scene set in a library filled with Steward’s creepy automated minions and the peculiar, out-of-nowhere way in which this scene resolves itself) just that much weirder, since it’s cast in relief to some relative normality. The Box isn’t a perfect film, but it’s one that, nevertheless, should prove fascinating to those who like their cinematic curios. This is one movie that manages to walk the fine line between preposterous and engrossing. Rated PG13 for thematic elements, some violence and disturbing images. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.

The Fourth Kind J

Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi Players: Milla Jovovich, Will Patton, Elias Koteas, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Corey Johnson Spurious “Fact-Based” Sci-Fi

Rated PG-13

The Story: An utterly bogus “fact-based” tale of alien abduction. The Lowdown: Dishonest, tedious and lacking in the way of thrills, this is one of the key films to miss this year. The first line in The Fourth Kind has Milla Jovovich calling herself an “actress,” so we know right away the film is lying. OK, calling herself an actress may not quite be lying, but it’s certainly either hyperbole or wishful thinking—something Ms. Jovovich proceeds to prove for the next 96 minutes in her portrayal of Dr. Abigail Tyler, an Alaskan psychologist. The story claims that Tyler, along with a number of her patients, has been playing guinea pig to a bunch of space aliens who appear to them in the guise of white owls—one of which has seemingly stabbed (or perhaps pecked) Tyler’s husband to death. Director/writer Olatunde Osunsanmi’s premise is that his film is a blend of archival footage involving the “real” Abigail Tyler and her patients, interviews with Tyler (conducted by the director himself) and Hollywoodified dramatic recreations of the events depicted. To this end, the players have on-screen titles identifying them as actors and their “real-life” counterparts—save for Tyler—have on-screen names with “(alias)” after them. Personally, I think the actors would have been better advised to adopt aliases themselves—and heavy character makeup. A good alibi for their whereabouts while this thing was being made wouldn’t have hurt either. Part of the problem with all this is that there is no evidence that Tyler exists. There is no record of such a person being licensed as a psychologist (or anything else) in the state of Alaska. In short,

Mr. Osunsanmi is peddling a load of clams— made of whole cloth and utterly bogus “archival footage.” I wouldn’t mind this so much except for the fact that this means I’ll spend years listening to Art Bell fans claim that this nonsense “really happened.” What I do mind is that his clams smell like oysters harvested in a month that doesn’t have an “r” in it—and left in the sun for rather a long time. Even had the story been true, this would still be dull, witlessly hysterical rubbish—occasionally enlivened by unintentional mirth. The story line is foolish beyond words. The death of her husband has left dear Abby shellshocked and her daughter (Mia McKenna-Bruce) psychosomatically (I guess) blind. Rather than teach the kid to play pinball, Tyler focuses her energies on continuing her practice, which seems to consist entirely of patients with some kind of connected insomnia that involves a white owl staring at them through the window. It occurs to no one to invest in curtains or blinds—nor that the owl might just be advertising cigars. The “inspiration” here is that if you throw a close-up of a white owl out of focus and squint your eyes just so, it bears some resemblance to the popular notion of a gray alien. Then again, we never actually see one of these aliens because they like to bitch-up video signals so that they look like bad UHF reception, so who knows? Maybe they look like guys in owl suits. There’s a lot of senseless palaver about ancient Sumerians and hieroglyphics that supposedly look like astronauts and rockets (actually the rockets look like squids or personal vibrators), and none of this addresses the central question of why the aliens are doing any of this. Seriously, if this has been going on for thousands of years, can they possibly expect to learn anything new by playing proctologist on sleeping specimens at this late date? Perhaps they merely have a twisted sense of humor. Osunsanmi attempts to dress all this up with more split-screen work in this one film than is in the collected works of Brian De Palma. The idea is to show the “real” footage side-by-side with its recreated brethren, but the results are merely annoying—only serving to illustrate that Jovovich bears not the least resemblance to the woman she’s supposedly portraying. I think my partner-in-reviewing Justin Souther said it best when he remarked, “This makes me wish I were watching Signs.” That’s cold, yes, but remarkably to the point. Rated PG-13 for violent/disturbing images, some terror, thematic elements and brief sexuality. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Bilmore Grande Stadium 15.

A Christmas Carol JJJ

Director: Robert Zemeckis Players: Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Robin Wright Penn, Fionnula Flanagan Re-Animated Christmas Story

Rated PG

The Story: Charles Dickens’ classic Christmas ghost story gets the Disney treatment.

68 NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

The Lowdown: An overblown, but occasionally interesting, version of the story that often seems more like a theme-park ride than a serious attempt at telling the tale.

one-time showings

It’s not by any means accidental that the opening title reads, “Disney’s A Christmas Carol,” since whatever else this latest take on Charles Dickens’ story is, it’s Disney-fied to the teeth. Nearly everything about the film is bigger, glossier, broader and more desperate to make an impression than it needs to be. It’s a film so determined to make you notice it, that it comes across like an obnoxious child screaming, “Look at me!” It’s less a movie than the plans for a theme-park ride—a feeling that’s exacerbated by letting director Robert Zemeckis loose on it with his beloved motion-capture animation. The creepy, rubbery-faced characters might have been remonkeyed from figures out of the Hall of Presidents or the Country Bear Jamboree. The funny thing about all this is that while I disliked this version of A Christmas Carol, I didn’t actually loathe it with every fiber of my being. And while I found it utterly superfluous—there are any number of better versions of the story—I also found chunks of the film interesting. On rare occasions—mostly toward the end of the film in the scenes involving the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come—it’s almost inspired. Of course, being the unholy offspring of Disneycorporate thought and high-concept Zemeckis, the moments of inspiration are quickly overwhelmed by gobs of overproduced overkill. But they are there—assuming, you care for the idea of A Christmas Carol reimagined as a horror picture. Dickens’ original—which the film follows with almost alarming faithfulness in terms of story and dialogue—is, of course, a ghost story. It’s supposed to be on the spooky side, but the Zemeckis version takes this to new heights—or depths, depending on your outlook. Zemeckis’ decision to show the demise of the Ghost of Christmas Present (Carrey in one of his many incarnations) is both odd and downright horrormovie disturbing. The scenes that follow with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come—while generally faithful to the book—are intensely creepy, and perhaps the most terrifying depiction of this unsettling character ever shown. Unfortunately, they’re badly marred by the insertion of overcooked business involving a funeral coach and a truly inane bit where Scrooge is reduced to the size of a mouse—complete with cartoon-mouse voice. The whole idea of letting Carrey play—or at least give voice to—a number of characters is nothing but a stunt. The film benefits not one whit from him playing the ghosts of Christmas Past and Present, and having the former speak with a vaguely Irish accent and the latter sport a Lancashire one makes no sense whatsoever. Oddly, Carrey’s performance as Scrooge is reasonably effective, but then he’s not doing a whole lot more than offering an impression—a good one—of Alastair Sim’s reading of the role. Still, there’s something to be said simply for the character not being Jim Carreyed out of existence. The supporting roles are pretty bad, or at


Director: Raj Kapoor Players: Raj Kapoor, Nargis, Prithviraj Kapoor, K.N. Singh, Shashi Kapoor, Leela Chitnis Bollywood Musical/Drama Rated NR When I sat down to watch Raj Kapoor’s Awara (1951) I groaned at the prospect that rather than the 168-minute British print, it might turn out to be the 193-minute Indian version—168 minutes later, I’m almost sorry it wasn’t the 193-minute print. Wow—what a show! Classic Cinema From Around the World will show Awara at 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13, at Courtyard Gallery, 9 Walnut St., downtown Asheville. Info: 273-3332.

Chocolat JJJJJ

Director: Lasse Hallström Players: Juliette Binoche, Lena Olin, Johnny Depp, Judi Dench, Alfred Molina Romance/Comedy/Fantasy Rated PG-13 Since it played here on its original release at Christmas 2000, Lasse Hallström’s Chocolat has cropped back up on local screens at least twice—maybe more. Well, it’s back again, because the Hendersonville Film Society is doing an “A to Z” theme this month and wanted something that began with a “c.” Fair enough. It’s a good choice, but it’s also a choice I’m written out on. Couldn’t they have picked Caligula (1979)? That starts with a “c,” too, and it would give me an excuse to see it. For more on Chocolat, see http://www. php. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Chocolat at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. For Cranky Hanke’s full reviews of these movies, visit least pointless, but this has much to do with the whole motion-capture business and the character design. Why, for example, does Bob Cratchit (Gary Oldman) look like some kind of homunculus troll? Why do the carolers look like refugees from the animated chorus of Cockneys in Mary Poppins (1964)? Why does Colin Firth affect a lower-class accent? I have no idea. Perhaps the oddest thing of all is the fact that in the midst of this, the film manages to retain at least some of its emotional punch. That’s probably more a testament to the strength of Dickens’ story than to anything actually on display here. Rated PG for scary sequences and images. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7. • NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 69

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1000’s OF ASHEVILLE HOMES! On our user friendly property search. New features include Google Mapping and Popular Neighborhood searches. Check it out at

13.5 ACRE FARM • $469,000 4BR, 2BA log home with deck, pond, mountain views, garden, creek, outbuildings, fencing, and southern exposure. Land is all usable. Owner is a licensed NC real estate broker. MLS#437500. Call (828) 255-7530.

145 SOUTH WILLOW BROOK on 1.68 acres! Immaculate, spacious, nearly new, approximately 2650 sqft Plus Big full expandable basement w/drive under garage! 3BR, 3BA plus extra room with bath upstairs, den, office, big open kitchen/dining/living area w/hardwood floors, master suite main level! • Quiet living just 10 minutes to downtown! MLS#442912. • $339,900. Call owner to see! (828) 777-4843.

CITY SANCTUARY OAKLEY • Privacy on 2/3 acres with extra lot. 2BR, 1BA bungalow. Large LR with fireplace, skylight. Heart pine floors. Huge kitchen. New roof, paint, deck. Raised beds, beautiful trees. Garage/shed. $195,000. 828-713-9617.

1929 BUNGALOW HOUSE For sale by owner. Walk to UNCA! Updated kitchen with new appliances. Updated bathroom with original clawfoot tub. Hardwood floors throughout. 2BR, 1BA. 979sq.ft. $185,000. (828) 242-7968 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH NEW HOUSE • 1450 sq.ft., 9 foot ceiling, big windows, nice lot. Two minutes to Exit 21, New Stock Road, Woodfin. 221 Old Home Road. Hardwoods, fans, stainless appliances, porch, patio, sunny kitchen. Perfect for small family. Hurry, won’t last. $185,000. 828-299-7502. A BETTER WAY TO SELL! America/Asheville’s #1 FSBO Website with MLS, deluxe for Maximum global exposure! Best listing value WNC, Low Flat Fee listing, Save THOU$AND$! (828) 350-1995.

BENDING OVER BACKWARDS! For our clients! (828) 713-5337. Search all MLS listings in 1 location:

COMPACT COTTAGE COMPANY • Small “green”-built buildings usable for an enormous variety of practical applications, such as: Sleep, Work, Mother-in-law storage, Poker, Karaoke, Be in the doghouse in. From $15K-30K., 828-254-5450.

FIND OUT WHY! Folks are calling City Real Estate for exploring the art or finding your home. Sales and Rentals handled professionally and efficiently. We help you find “Views From All Angles”. (828) 210-2222.

FOR SALE BY OWNER. $199,000. Energy Efficient Eco Home. 2 bedroom, 2 bath custom designed home on 1.26 acres. Decks. 1350 sq. ft. Call 828-6491172 for appointment.

PRICED REDUCED! Now completed and absolutely gorgeous! The Madrona plan from Ross Chapin, full of the craftsman details award-winning Longview Builders, Inc. is known for. Crisp highly appointed kitchen, bonus room in master (on main), reading nook, play loft, tall windows and lots of light. Tasteful touches throughout. HBH certified. Amazing house for the money in North Asheville. For more information, contact: David Mosrie, Crest Realty, LLC. (828) 252-7787.

LEASE TO OWN • 1700 sq.ft., 4BR, 2.5BA, hardwood floors, new kitchen, deck, sun room,walk to downtown. $199,000. Agents welcome. 828-582-7198.

PRIVATE CONTEMPORARY • $394,642 3BR, 2.5BA, open floorplan, great light, hardwood and ceramic tile floors, deck off master, 2zoned heat, 0.8 acres w/private pond. MLS#451208. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663.

NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION The Springtime Cottage. One of the most cutting edge homes ever built in Asheville in terms of efficiency. EcoPanels SIPS construction all but eliminates thermal breaks. Thermosiphon solar H2. Passive design. Energy monitor. Universally accessible. Concrete countertops, custom cabinets, master on main. This is truly a state-of-theart eco-home! For more information, contact: David Mosrie, Crest Realty, LLC. (828) 252-7787.

THE VILLAGES AT CREST MOUNTAIN Asheville’s Premier Sustainable Community! Top green builders, community gardens, orchards & vineyards, common houses, common solar, so much more. Starting in the low 200s. www.villagesatcrestmounai or 828.252.7787 / info@villagesatcrestmountai for more info.

Condos For Sale $135,000 • CLINGMAN AVENUE Between Downtown and the River Arts District. New 1BR, 1BA urban condo. Parking, storage, private balcony. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

BEAUTIFUL PENTHOUSE SUITE Lexington Station in downtown Asheville. Approximately 2000 sqft, 3BR, 2BA w/sunset views, hardwood floors, granite countertops, 9’ ceilings, fireplace. 2 secured garage parking spaces. (828) 7712329. Asheville’s Dream Team, Keller Williams. BEVERLY TOWNHOUSE • Between downtown and Biltmore village. 2BR, 1BA. Hardwood floors, newly painted, modern lighting and updated kitchen with Corian countertops, washer/dryer. End unit with quiet green and gardening space. $118,000 (828) 545-3163.

DOWNTOWN KRESS BUILDING Custom Condo in the historic Kress Building. 2 PINs, adjoining spiral staircase. Original maple floors, private balconies, high ceilings. • $525,000, lease/purchase also available for $1800/month. MLS#423787. The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663. HISTORIC S&W CONDOS New condos in the heart of downtown in historic art deco building. 3rd and 4th floor units w/elevator access and city or mountain views. From $290,000. The Real Estate Center: (828) 255-4663, •

Brand New Arts and Crafts Beauty!

110 Cisco Road, Asheville, NC

Located in picturesque downtown Weaverville within walking distance to the quaint Main Street shops and Lake Louise! Almost 2000sf, this home has rock accents and hardiplank exterior, three bedrooms, three full baths, hand hewn hardwood floors, upgrade carpet and tile, maple cabinets, granite bath counters, and a whirlpool tub in master bath. Upgrade appliances, fixtures and molding, three decks for nature lovers. This low maintenance, energy efficient home also features a large office/ studio space/possible 4th bedroom. Beautifully landscaped, almost one half acre NATURE lot with adjacent stream and end of the road privacy. Great neighbors.

4 Bedroom, 2 ½ bath, 6 years old, Unfinished basement w/2-car garage. Cherry floors, gas log fireplace, appliances. 5 min to downtown.


In Reynolds High School/Reynolds Middle/Haw Creek Elementary $118,500 or best lender-approved offer. Viewing and Inspection Sat.- Sun. 10—5 House will be sold Sunday night to HIGHEST BIDDER

A Fantastic Buy at just $264,900 - (828)768-3339


• NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009


Open House

LEXINGTON STATION Downtown high-end condos

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Nov 15 , 2:00 - 4:00. 4 Bowling Park Rd. Charmingly restored Kenilworth bungalow (3BR/2BA) with separate income producing 2BR/1BA guest house . 0.54 acre lot can be subdivided to create a 0.33 acre vacant lot (houses and lot may be purchased separately). Classic 1920’s features: HW floors, FP, inglenook, exposed beams, built-ins. Modern amenities: private master suite, laundry room on main level, wellappointed kitchen. Extensive landscaping and hardscaping with many outdoor living spaces. Full basement prepared for finishing (new electrical, plumbing, concrete floor). MLS 445725, $564,900. 828-545-2892.

on Lexington Ave. Hardwood floors, stainless appliances, balconies, fitness center, parking. 3BR penthouse: $525,000 • 1BR: $185,000. • The Real Estate Center: (828) 2554663.

*Based on 100% financing, APR 4.229% on 5 year ARM. No prepayment penalty, no balloon payment, no PMI. Rates are subject to change at any

Out-Of-Town Property

time. Based on 80% 1st mortgage of $111,920 (principal + interest) and

FLORIDA COASTAL JEWEL 2BR, 2.5BA townhouse. Walk to beach. Pool, tennis courts. RV/boat storage. $215,000. (321) 777-7428. Photos available:

20% 2nd mortgage of $27,980 (interest only) APR 4.125%. Both loans are variable rate, subject to change at 5 years. Select condos only. Does not

Real Estate Services

include taxes and insurance.

(828) 654-9394 or

Fine Grading and Site Preparation Complete Landscape Design/Installation • Excavation & Roads •Water Harvesting/ Management • Stonework • Outdoor Rooms • Water Features • Renewable Energy

Land For Sale We know Asheville. Since 1969. Let me help you sell your home or find the perfect one for you. Make it simple! Cindy Zinser. m 828-243-0217, 828-210-3636.

17 TO 57 ACRES • HILLTOP HOMESITE Long range views, stream, wooded, very nice rural area, private. • No restrictions. • $6500/acre. Call (828) 287-3555

Heirloom Quality Homebuilding & Custom Woodworking Cabinetry and Fine Furniture Making Utilizing Local, Ecologically Sound Materials

P r e c i s i o n @ e a rt h a v e n . o r g

Brandon Greenstein • Paul Caron (828) 664-9127 | 301-7934 Co-Creating Your Natural Landscape


NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

Commercial Listings

Heating & Cooling

Commercial Property

MAYBERRY HEATING AND COOLING INC • Service • Repairs • Replacements AC/Heat Pumps • Gas/Oil Furnaces • New Construction/Renovations • Indoor Air Quality Products. (828) 658-9145

Upholstery UPHOLSTERY AND RESTORATION Quality and friendly custom restoration services for all your upholstery needs. • Auto • Home. Free estimates. (828) 776-8220.

Kitchen & Bath ELK MOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES We specialize in • re-fitting Bathrooms and Kitchens and finishing Basements • adding Garages, Porches and • Sunrooms. • Professional education and experience. Call (828) 242-1950 or (for all our information):

Painting 1 DAY ROOM TRANSFORMATION Custom painting, decorative finishes, wallpaper installation/removal. • 15 years experience. • Meticulous • Timely • Reasonable. Heather, (828) 215-4365. Custom Home Interior Accents.

Cleaning HOUSEKEEPER/PERSONAL ASSISTANT has an opening to work for you. Call (828) 216-4592

12,000 SQFT INCREDIBLE BUILDING • WEST ASHEVILLE For sale or lease, all or part, triple net. Long term lease. Includes 3000 sqft dance room: 12 work rooms underneath, 5 office spaces, 7 bathrooms (3 full) and a • huge 3500 sqft loft Apartment above, with pool, hot tub, stainless commercial kitchen, gas fireplace, wet bar, etc. • Serious inquires only. (828) 259-3663. COMMERCIAL FOR SALE • Downtown, old fashioned building w/character on busy 0.25 acre corner, $980,000. • Downtown, Coxe Avenue one story building, approximately 1800 sqft, affordable price $295,000. • Gateway to Broadway Corridor, home to many new developments, 4 buildings w/lots of character, $950,000. • The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663.

Business Rentals 1 MONTH FREE! (W/12 month lease). River Arts Studios starting at $180/month, includes utilities. Call 250-9700 or e-mail: 12,000 SQFT INCREDIBLE BUILDING • WEST ASHEVILLE For sale or lease, all or part, triple net. Long term lease. Includes 3000 sqft dance room: 12 work rooms underneath, 5 office spaces, 7 bathrooms (3 full) and a • huge 3500 sqft loft Apartment above, with pool, hot tub, stainless commercial kitchen, gas fireplace, wet bar, etc. • Serious inquires only. (828) 259-3663.

Handy Man

Nitch Real Estate:

79,*0:065 EARTHWORKS

Home Services

Built to Last

Jeremy Brookshire


HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 25 years professional experience, quality, reliability. References available. Free estimates. Insured. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.


Computer COMPUTER SERVICE AT YOUR DOORSTEP We Come To You! • PC and Mac • Slow computer? We’ll speed it up. • Repairs • Upgrades • Networking • Tutoring. Senior Citizen/Nonprofit Discounts. Call Christopher’s Computers, 828-670-9800. Member Better Business Bureau of WNC.

BUSY BUSINESS CORRIDOR Space available on Smokey Park Highway, approximately 700 sqft. Great visibility! $700/month. Call (828) 215-2865 for showings. DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE: For lease. Retail and office suites, 222 to 2,964 sqft. Very prominent locations. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024. DOWNTOWN Coxe Avenue, newer building, groundlevel retail with walking traffic. $1500/month. Call The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663. DOWNTOWN Private and quaint office space with views. Get your Espresso and a paper next door. Only $1,200/month and 1 year lease or more. Bernie, 828 230-0755. GREAT LOCATION • High traffic retail/restaurant building. Downtown Hendersonville. 4,000 sq.ft. with lots of private parking. $2800 month 828-685-0601.

ATTENTION HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS Office and treatment space available in Arden holistic practice. • Hendersonville Road. • Heavy traffic. Chiropractor relocating. Call 687-0506. BE ON BUSY TUNNEL ROAD! Anchor space to starter space available from 300 sqft to 3500 sqft. Great for Medical, Office or Studio use. Contact (828) 2152865 for showings.

1 FREE MONTH! (w/contract). Live, work and play downtown. • Studio: $545/month. • 1BR: $650/month. Call (828) 691-6555. 1 GREAT COUNTRY APARTMENT Leicester area. Quiet 1BR on organic farm. WD. • No pets/smoking. $540/month includes utilities. Call 6830137. 1-2BR, 1-2BA, HENDERSONVILLE, 2010 LAUREL PARK, coin-op laundry, $510-$655/month, 828-693-8069, 1-2BR, 2BA, SOUTH Skyland Heights, $495$595/month, 828-2531517, 1-2BR/1.5-2BA NORTH • 265 Charlotte, hardwood floors, coin-op laundry. $795-$880/month. 828253-1517.

HISTORIC MILES BUILDING Downtown Asheville. Large impression. 2 room office with lots of light, hardwood floors, high ceilings. Great space. 828-242-5456.

1, 2, 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $525$1500. • Huge selection! • Pet friendly. (828) 2519966.

NICE SUBURBAN OFFICES South of Airport, Hwy 280. 4,400 sqft. freestanding building. Possible office/live-in. Approximately $3,000/month.

1BR, 1BA CENTRAL • 15 Grindstaff. Carpet/vinyl. $525/month. 828-2531517.

HENDERSONVILLE ROAD Close to Asheville. Deluxe suite of offices, 160, 280 sqft. Ample parking. Cheap! 828-216-6066. NORTH ASHEVILLE Basement level of the Sherwin Williams building, approximately 6500 sqft, $3000/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663. RIVER DISTRICT 6,000 sqft shell - artists; flexible uses. Owner will upfit for Class A office. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024.

18 ORANGE, DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE Across from Staples. 1,325 sqft, entire first floor, large kitchen/bath, $1,295/month, water and electric included. Available Oct. 1. By appointment: 828-273-3765.

$325/MONTH CANTON; $450/MONTH CANDLER Nice, renovated 1BR apartments; minutes from downtown Asheville. No smoking; no pets. Call (828) 337-5447.


Rooms For Rent ARDEN • FULLY FURNISHED Near Airport, shopping, I-26. Beautiful, private setting. Organic peaceful house, gardens. • No smoking/substances. • Employed • Responsible. No lease. $395/month. 6872390.

Apartments For Rent Glen Beale, *2nd month free*, $675/month, 828253-1517,

1BR, 1BA DOWTOWN • 85 Walnut St. $690/month. High ceilings, roof access. 828-253-1517. 1BR, 1BA MONTFORD • 333 Cumberland Ave. Tile floors, high ceilings. $595/month. 828-2531517. 1BR, 1BA NORTH • 12 Golf St. $665/month. Hardwood floors, gas heat. 828-2531517. 1BR, 1BA NORTH • 7 Banbury Cross. $525/month. Hardwood floors, high ceilings. 828253-1517. 1BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Near downtown. W/D hookup. $450/month + security deposit. No pets. 828-5510017. 1BR, 1BA • 37 Skyview. $485-$595/month. Nice views. 2nd month is FREE. 828-253-1517. 1BR, 1BA • Hendersonville. 825 4th. Hardwood floors. $425/month. 828-6938069. 1BR/1BA NORTH • 83 Edgemont, water included. $495/month. 828-2531517.

1BR/1BA, EAST • 314 Fairview, porch, $525/month. 828-2531517.

2BR, 1BA NORTH • 53 Maney Ave. $875/month. Hardwood floors, fireplace. 828-253-1517.

2BR/2BA, ARDEN • 216 Weston, A/C, W/D hookups. $795/month. 828-2531517.

2-3BR, 1.5BA NORTH • 30 Clairmont. Close to shopping and dining. Water included. $615$635/month. 828-2531517.

2BR, 1BA WEST • 9 King Arthur. Dishwasher, baseboard heat. $625/month. 828-2531517.

3BR, 1BA NORTH • 22 Westall. Close to UNCA. Water included. $695/month. 828-2531517.

2BR, 1.5BA, EAST, 119 Liberty, a/c, w/d hookups, $605/month, 828-2531517,

2BR, 1BA WEST • 92 Appalachian Way. $895/month. Harwood floors, W/D connections. 828-53-1517.

2BR, 1BA DOWNTOWN • 138 Biltmore Ave. $915/month. 2nd month rent free. A/C, cats okay. 828-253-1517.

2BR, 1BA, EAST, 7 LINDSEY, A/C, W/D hookups, $595/month, 828693-8069,

2BR, 1BA EAST • 28 Hillendale. $670/month. Sunporch, carpet. 828-2531517.

2BR, 1BA, NORTH, 365 Weaverville, w/d hookups, $455-$575/month, 828693-8069,

2BR, 1BA MONTFORD • 346 Montford Ave. $650/month. Hardwood floors, gas heat. 828-2531517.

2BR, 2BA EAST • 2484 Riceville Rd. Open floor plan, porch. $615/month. 828-253-1517.

2BR, 1BA NORTH • 198 Kimberly Ave. $750/month. Patio, lawn. 828-253-1517.

2Br. 1.5BA NORTH • 172 Macon. Garage, dishwasher. $695/month. 828-2531517.

2BR, 1BA NORTH • 304 Charlotte St. Carpet, car port. $650/month. 828253-1517.

2BR/1BA WEST • 257 Sandhill, A/C, W/D hookups. $715/month. 828-2531517.

3BR, 2BA EAST • 126 Aurora Dr. Carpet, W/D hookups. $750/month. 828253-1517. 3BR, 2BA, NORTH, 81 LAKESHORE, A/C, coin-op laundry, deck, $695/month, 828-253-1517, A HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS • GREAT PRICE! Live in a beautiful, green, conveniently located scenic resort-style community! • Fireplaces • Heated pool • Fitness Center and more. Call (828) 687-0638. ACTON WOODS APARTMENTS • Beautiful 2BR, 2BA, loft, $850/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $750. Include gas log fireplace, water, storage. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty ARTSY WEST ASHEVILLE! Sunny 1BR, 1BA in convenient, hip neighborhood. Hardwood floors. • Deck, pretty yard. $675/month. (828) 7121675.

BLACK MOUNTAIN • EFFICIENCY 2 rooms, private bath. Separate entrance. • No pets. Smoking ok. $450/month includes water, heat, electricity, wifi, cable. (828) 423-4952. BLACK MOUNTAIN • 2BR, 1BA. Heatpump, central air, W/D connection. Nice area. Only $595/month. 828-2524334.

GET PRE-APPROVED... SAME AS CASH! Call for Details Today! We are a lender, not a broker. 828-670-0056; Toll Free: 1-888-670-0057 • 96.5% FHA Purchase • FHA Streamline • 100% VA Loans

CENTRAL • 1BR. Heat and water provided. $620/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty. CENTRAL • S. French Broad Ave. 1BR, 1BA, office. $615 per month. 828-3509400. CUTE LITTLE RV FOR SALE • On beautiful wooded lot in Woodfin. RV, $2000. Lot rent, $300/month. 919260-5734. DESIRABLE NORTH ASHEVILLE • 66 Linden Ave. 2BR, 1BA. Large living room. Office space. Some furniture. Quiet and safe. No pets. $750/month. $750/deposit. 828-2534494. DUPLEX • EAST ASHEVILLE 1BR, 1BA. Cozy, nice, quiet. Hardwood floors. Wooded views. • No smoking. • Pet considered. $500/month. Lease. Deposit. 230-2511.


• 100% USDA • 95% Conv. Purchase • Commercial Loans *Certain restrictions may apply

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Sign a lease in November and we’ll waive your rent for the month! WOODRIDGE


• Conveniently located at 61 Bingham Road, Asheville • 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bedrooms NOW AVAILABLE! • SPACIOUS • COMFORTABLE • AFFORDABLE • PET FRIENDLY! Professionally Managed by Partnership Property Management Section 8 welcomed.

Call 828-250-0159 Today!

Equal Housing Opportunities


In the heart of downtown Asheville

Where everything is just around the corner…


Great Rentals in West Asheville, North Asheville, Woodfin, Black Mountain & Hendersonville NO R TH MOBILES LIKE NEW A SHEV ILLE T OW NH OUSE S Off Merrimon Ave.

1 BR/1 BA ............... $495 2BR/1 BA ................ $525 3BR/1BA ................. $625 Walking distance to town, incl. water

ACCEPTING SECTION 8 NOW! In quiet, very nice park. 3BR, 2BA. ............................ $6 2 5 / M O NTH 2BR, 2BA. .......................... $6 1 5 / M O NTH

BLACK MOUNTAIN 2 BR, 1BA apartment. Heat pump with central air, washer/dryer connections. Also includes water.


HENDERSONVILLE 1BR, 1BA apar ment with new berber carpet. Small deck with sliding glass door. Walking distance to Main Street. Includes water.

• Convenient - To shops, music, restaurants – everything! • Reserved parking • Services - from dog walking to plant watering • Secure - 24 hour security • Stylish - Live, work and play from one of Asheville’s historic classics

2 Bedroom, 2 Baths

You’re Invited To See For Yourself !

$4 2 5 / M O NTH


Call Amber Ammons: (828) 252-7799 ext. 305 Rent Specials – Call for details!

• NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009


DUPLEX • HENDERSONVILLE 2BR. • WD connections. Fenced backyard. Very convenient, close to downtown. $525/month includes water. 423-5160.

GREENLIFE NEIGHBORHOOD • NORTH ASHEVILLE Large 2BR, 1BA, upgraded kitchen/bath, hardwood floors. • Reserved parking. $820/month. Call (828) 215-2865.

NORTH ASHEVILLE • UNCA Newly remodeled, very unique, spacious, 850 sqft, 1BR studio. • Very nice! • Quiet neighborhood. • Private entrance. $750/month, all utilities included. (828) 230-4193.

WEST ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 2BA. W/D connection. Very close to town on bus line in very nice park. Fall special. Only $450/month. 828-2524334.

DUPLEX • 66 Linden Ave. 2BR, 1BA. Large living room. Office space. Some furniture. Quiet and safe. No pets. $750/month. $750/deposit. 828-2534494.

HENDERSONVILLE • 1BR, 1BA. Walking distance to Main St. Includes water. Only $425/month. 828-2524334.

NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334.

Condos/ Townhomes For Rent

EFFICIENCY APARTMENT • Available immediately. 289 E Chestnut ST. Ground floor units available, $450/month. No pets. 828350-9400. GET QUALITY RESULTS! I received calls from a lot of high quality renters, as opposed to other publications I’ve tried. I will continue to advertise with Mountain Xpress. Patricia H. You too, can find the ideal renter, just call us! (828) 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace. GLEN BRIDGE APARTMENTS • 1BR, 1BA. $450/month. Includes water/garbage. Small complex in Arden. Move in special with one year lease. m. 828-350-9400.

HENDERSONVILLE 1BR studio apartment. Walking distance to Main Street. Includes water. Only $385/month. 828-252-4334 HISTORIC ARTS AND CRAFTS HOUSE • 3BR, 2BA near Greenlife. 22 Broad St. 5 blocks to downtown. $1350/month plus utilities. 828-552-6218 or LEICESTER • Available immediately. 1BR with office. $550/month. 828-350-9400. MONTFORD STUDIO Small, bright, basement apt. Walk to downtown. Available 12/15, $575/month + security, 6 month lease. W/D, DW. Includes utilities. Quiet non-smoker, indooronly cat possible. 828-2546642.

EMD <EH L;HO BEM CEDJ>BO F7OC;DJI 9B?D=C7D 7L;DK; BE< JI • Close to downtown • Nine foot ceilings

• Private Balconies

NORTH ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 1BA. Heat pump, central air. W/D connection. Close to Beaver Lake. $595/month. 828-252-4334. STUDIO/1BA NORTH • 82 Merrimon, hardwood floors, $505/month. 828-2531517. STUDIO • South. Forestdale. 2BR, 1BA. A/C. 2nd month rent FREE. $560-$695/month. 828253-1517. SWEETEN CREEK RD. Kensington Place. $680/month. 1BR/1BA. Move in Dec 1st. Cathedral ceilings, W/D included. Must rent until 9/2010. Excellent location. Call Graham 828553-6436. Come see. TWO APARTMENTS IN CANDLER • $450$495/MONTH Landscape/farm work trade negotiable. Large 1BR. 16 miles from Downtown. Pets considered. Call (828) 2151923 or (828) 667-0120. WALK TO MISSION! Nice, ground level, 1BR, 1BA, hardwood floors. Off-street parking. Heat and water furnished. $625/month. $625 security deposit. Contact Tom, 828-230-7296.

• 1 & 2 BR Condominiums

• Energy Star and NC HealthyBuilt Home certified

NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334

Own for only $650/month Includes Mortgage, Taxes & Association Fees

; BA CEK D J7 ?D JE M D > E C; I Own for as low as $700/month

Includes mortgage, taxes and association fees. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Less than 4 miles from downtown Asheville and minutes from UNCA.

9Wbb C_a[ LWdY[ (+*#*&)& [nj$ ''-

STUDIO/1BA NORTH • Fall Special! 85 Merrimon, all utilities included. Furnished. $550/month. 828-253-1517.

Mobile Homes For Rent WEST ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 2BA mobile home. In very nice park. Like new. In city and on bus line close to town. Only $615/month. 828-252-4334.

2 MONTHS FREE!* (on 13 month lease term) on 1, 2 and 3BR condos. • A beautiful community with fitness center, pool, playground, business center and car wash. * (Move-in month free and following month). • • Hurry, offer ends December 31, 2009. • Call Seasons at Biltmore Lake: (828) 670-9009 for more details or visit: 3BR/2BA South Asheville. Carrington Place off Sweeten Creek Road. 1,450 square feet of living. Washer/dryer hook-ups, central A/C, gas fireplace, modern kitchen, patio, garage. References, security deposit, and lease required. $1,100/month. (828) 231-8836. ARDEN • Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo. 15 minutes to downtown Asheville and Hendersonvill. Full appliances, W/D, gas fireplace. Screened in porch, large storage closet. Swimming pool. $750/month. First month free with one year lease. Call 954-822-5885. BILTMORE COMMONS • 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1200 sq.ft.. Upper end unit with few stairs. No dogs. Year lease. Quiet living in predominately owneroccupied condominium community. $725/month. 684-5158 or 231-5220.

The area’s largest selection of Rental Homes under one roof. Tel: (828) 650-6880 Toll Free (800) 789-1135 x 6880 PO Box 580, 2602 Hendersonville Road, Arden, NC 28704


NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

CONDO • LONG RANGE VIEWS! Condo with a long range views of the Pisgah Mountains from multiple decks. One of twelve spectacular Aspen style condos within prestigious gated Crest Mountain. Stunning details and features, soaring ceilings, long range views from multiple decks, top of the line chef’s kitchen. Unrivaled luxury can be yours, only minutes from downtown Asheville. Garage parking with unit. • Severely discounted to $1750/month with one year lease, fully furnished. Please contact: David Weeks, Crest Mountain Realty, LLC, office: (828) 252-7787, cell: (828) 2302835. Equal Opportunity Housing.

DOWNTOWN LUXURY CONDO • 2BR, 2BA. Two blocks from Pack Square, corner SW facing. 12’ ceiling. Eleven huge windows, exposed brick, oak floors, and gourmet kitchen. Indoor parking. $2,000/month furnished, $1800/month unfurnished. Year lease. Bright Star Realty, 828-301-8033. FLETCHER/MILLS RIVER • Townhouse for rent. 2BR, 2.5BA. Basement, garage. Close to I26. $900/month. Call Robin at 828 768-1343. FLETCHER • 2BR, 1.5BA townhouse available for immediate rental. Very nice unit with one car garage. Duplex style living, very convenient to I-26 and south Asheville shopping/restaurants. One small pet considered. $800 per month. 828-350-9400. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 1BR: $495/month. • 2BR, 1BA: $525/month. • 3BR, 1BA: $625/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334 NORTH ASHEVILLE • 2BR/2BA top floor condo available late November. Approx 1115 sq.ft. $825/month. Pet friendly, nice views, rural-esque setting within minutes of shopping and downtown. Washer and dryer included. Please contact Bo for more info, or 828.423.9588. WEST ASHEVILLE Canterbury Heights, 46 and 48 Beri Drive. Newly renovated, 2BR, 1.5BA, split level condos, 918 sqft. Pool, fitness center. $725/month. Mike 919-624-1513.

Homes For Rent 1912 FARM HOUSE • in Leicester. Recent upgrades. Garden space. 3BR, 1BA, dining room, 3 additional rooms. Available now. $995/month. 828-683-9721. 1999 FURNISHED MONTFORD COTTAGE 2BR, 2BA, 1600 sqft. Walk downtown. • Deck, patio, plenty closets. • No smokers/pets. $1500/month plus utilities. • Solid references! (828) 777-1014. 1ST CALL US! 2, 3 and 4BR homes from $700-2500. • Pet friendly. • Huge selection! (828) 251-9966 2 BLOCKS TO HAYWOOD ROAD 3BR, 2BA ranch on quiet cul-de-sac. West Asheville. Washer/dryer, private patio, gas fireplace and furnace, freshly painted, tiled kitchen and bathrooms, bamboo floors. $925/month. (828) 275-0305. 2 MONTFORD APARTMENTS Historic downtown neighborhood. Woodfloors, claw foot tub/showers, gas ranges, refrigerators and nice kitchens. • Central radiator heat and water included. • A: Downstairs: $695 to $730/month*, 1.5BR or 2BR or bonus/office, nice porch. • B: Downstairs 1BR, ceramic tile BA, new shower (only), nice porch: $615 to $640/month*. • No pets/smoking. 81 Pearson Drive. * Based on single occupancy and good rental history. Call (828) 254-2229 or Eddie: (803) 600-3336. 20 MINUTES NORTH OF ASHEVILLE 3BR, 2BA, 1.5 acres. Clean and spacious. WD connections. Private, beautiful setting. Deck, garden space. $850/month. Call evenings: 658-1718. 2BR, 1BA • CHUNNS COVE DUPLEX $750/month. Call (828) 253-0758. Carver Realty 2BR, 1BA ARDEN • 47 Fairoaks. W/D hookups. A/C. $650/month. 828-253-1517. 2BR, 1BA BUNGALOW • VERMONT AVENUE West Asheville, 1920’s lovely bungalow duplex. Original trimwork, stone fireplace, hardwoods, big front porch, WD. Fantastic location and neighborhood. Walk to everything. $875/month plus deposit. No smoking. (828) 215-2468. 2BR, 1BA BUNGALOW • W/D, DW, fplc, hardwoods, gas heat. Storage, fenced, parking. Pets considered. No smoking. Avail 12/1. References required. $925/month. First/last/$500 deposit. 314-960-9345. 2BR, 1BA KENILWORTH • 271 Forest Hill. $895/month. Garage, back yard. 828-253-1517.

2BR, 1BA NORTH • 69 Rice Branch. Fireplace, rear deck. 828-253-1517. $950/month. 2BR, 1BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Full basement. Close to everything. Heat pump. $750/month + deposit. References required. 828-778-1328. 2BR, 2BA - Haw Creek • Walk to library. Renovated kitchen, home office, gas heat/ac, includes W/D, yard service. $875/month. 828258-3303, 828-231-8010.

3BR, 1.5BA OAKLEY. $1100/month. Spacious remodeled bungalow with character. New gas furnace. 828-989-9450. 95 Liberty Street. See for pics. 3BR, 1BA BRICK RANCH • Kenilworth, Reynolds School District. Full basement, formal dining room, large living room with fireplace. Kitchen with all appliances. Large yard, paved driveway. $1000/month. 828-628-9912. 3BR, 1BA OAKLEY • Private country setting on 3 acres with gardens. Gas logs, hardwoods and tile. $1085/month. References, deposit, 1 year lease. 828274-3419. 3BR, 1BA WEST • 39 Ridgeway. Oak floors, garage. $895/month. 828-253-1517. 3BR, 2.5BA • SOUTH ASHEVILLE • 24 Forestdale Drive, off Hendersonville Road. Hardwood floors, big kitchen, large yard, $1,100/month plus deposit. Call (828) 273-8778. 3BR, 2BA • VIEWS • NORTH ASHEVILLE 129 Lookout Dr. Upscale remodel, cherry cabinets, hardwoods, porches, basement, laundry, garage, fireplaces. $1375/month, includes heat. Brooks, 831428-6830. 3BR, 2BA CHARMING ‘OLE HOME Love this home as much as we do. 2 lots with great garden for veggies and herbs, mud room, washer and dryer. Bright large kitchen with hardwood floors, large family room. 2 drive ways, big porch to sit relax. $1,166/month. Rent or buy. email: 3BR, 2BA LAKE JUNALUSKA • Golf community, screen porch, deck, one level, carport, gas fireplace, W/D, great neighborhood. $975/month,non-smoking. Call Janet, 786-553-8265.

3BR, 2BA LOG HOME with basement. Hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings. 36’ front porch. 15 minutes from Weaverville; 25 minutes from Asheville. $985/month. Pets considered. Call 828649-1170. 4BR, 2BA WEST • 10 Friendly Way. Gas logs, garage. $1195/month. 828-253-1517. ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT. Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for free! Visit: (AAN CAN) ARDEN, OAK FOREST • 3BR, 2BA with full basement/garage. Nice area. Reduced to $1050/month. $30 application fee. 828-350-9400. ARDEN • 2 homes available from $895/month. Great layouts. 828-350-9400. ARDEN • 3BR, 2.5BA. Convenient to Target Plaza on Airport Rd. Hardwood floors, bonus room. $1200/month. Call or text 828-713-6578. ARDEN • House available with efficiency apartment in basement. Fenced yard, 1 car garage. Wonderful layout, quiet area. $1095/month. 38 Appian Way. 828-350-9400. ASHEVILLE AREA RENTALS $550$1950/month. • 1-East. • 3-West. • 3-North. • 3South. • Century 21 Mountain Lifestyles: (828) 684-2640, ext 17. For more details: BEAVERDAM, NORTH ASHEVILLE • Secluded, charming 3BR, 2BA. Fireplace, basement, garage, W/D hookup, kitchen appliances. Available 12/1. $1325/month. 828-2531979 Leave message. BILTMORE FOREST, SOUTH ASHEVILLE • 2 story carriage house with 1 BR loft. 1.5 BA. Hardwood floors, tile. Heat pump and central air. W/D connection. Completely renovated. Excellent condition. Lots of character. Water and highspeed internet. $845/month. Steve, 828-273-9545. BILTMORE PARK. 4BR, 2.5 BA, 2,200 sqft, Rent for $2,100. Carver Realty, 828-253-0758. BUNGALOW • WEST ASHEVILLE 2BR, 1BA with bonus room on sunny corner lot in quiet neighborhood. Hardwood floor in living room; fireplace, WD connections, partial basement for storage. • Pets negotiable. $900/month includes lawn maintenance; security deposit. Call 10am-7 pm: (828) 582-1001.

jobs BY THE RIVER • VIEWS! 4 miles North of downtown Asheville. Newer 3BR, 2.5BA home w/double garage on cul-de-sac. Home office/loft. Almost 2000 feet of heated area. $1395/month. For pictures and more information: CANDLER • ENKA VILLAGE 3BR, 1BA. $800/month. 1 year lease. Great home in charming neighborhood. 5 minutes to I-40. Updated bath. Big kitchen with all appliances. Washer/dryer. 1 car garage. New oil/heat pump furnace, central AC. • Cats ok. • We check credit and rental histories. Photos at: http://www.acmehomeandla • Call (828) 298-1212 or email manager@ CANDLER • 3BR, 3BA. Private. $1,275. Call 828253-0758. Carver Realty COTTAGE • MONTFORD 2BR, 1BA. Cute, small 2 story. Includes stove, fridge, water. Gardens. Off street parking. Quiet neighborhood. Walk downtown/UNCA. No pets. $650/month, $650 deposit. References. (828) 2812357. CUTE AND COMFY Walk to downtown or UNC-A. 1BR, 1BA cottage; open living room/kitchen area; fenced yard, WD connections. • Pets negotiable. Security deposit; $650/month. Call 10am-7pm: (828) 582-1001. DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE • Near Pack Square. 11 1/2 Broadway. Huge 1BR, 1BA. 900 sq.ft. D/W, W/D hookup. $675/month. Includes water. 828-552-6218 or email HISTORIC HOUSE • 3BR, 2BA. Parking, near Greenlife. 22 Broad St. 5 blocks to downtown. $1350/month plus utilities. 828-552-6218 or HOUSES FOR RENT • Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for free. Visit m. (AAN CAN) MONTFORD • WALK DOWNTOWN • Large 2BR, 1BA house • Quiet deadend street. Woodfloors. Washer/dryer, dishwasher. Large garage/storage. Deck, small yard. • Pets considered. $900/month, includes water. Deposit. References. (828) 467-9056. NORTH 2-3BR, 2BA. Hardwoods, completely remodeled. Solar workshop, carport, large deck, custom woodwork. 2 miles north of UNCA. 828-230-8706.

NORTH ASHEVILLE • Great Views! Updated, 3BR, 2BA. Living, dining, den, fireplace, hobby room, storage, central air/heat, built-ins, washer/dryer, new flooring, vanities, fridge, paint, ceiling fans. Culde-sac street. 828-7120271. $1500/month plus equal deposit. OAKLEY • Cozy 2BR, 1BA. Hardwood floors, ceiling fans, large kitchen, W/D. Very clean shed. Pets ok. $750/month. 828-242-5456. OFF THE HOOK! We got a great response from our ad for our Rental house in the Mountain Xpress! The phone rang off the hook! Thanks, Ander, owner, Design Painting. Get your Apartment or House rented quickly and affordably. Call (828) 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace. PEARSON BRIDGE • 3BR, 2BA. $925/month. Call 828253-0758. Carver Realty REMODELED COUNTRY HOME • FAIRVIEW Old Fort Rd, 10-15 minutes to Asheville. 2BR, 2BA, Jacuzzi tub, porch. Tile, stone, wood floors. $780/month. (828) 778-0726. RENT OR LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY Nicely renovated 2BR, 1BA, 850 sqft in great, quiet neighborhood on 1 acre. Low energy bills. WD. • 15 minutes to downtown, near Biltmore Square Mall. Large trees, 2 decks. • Next to National Forest. • $750/month. First and security. • Pets considered. Call Cindy: (828) 777-7678. cindy7graham@ SOUTH OAK FORREST 4 BR, 2BA $1,500. Call Carver Realty 828-253-0758. SOUTH • Off Hendersonville Rd. 2BR, 1BA. $700/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. WEAVERVILLE/BARNARDS VILLE • Available immediately. 2BR with office. Views on 1 acre. No pets considered. $795/month .828-350-9400. WEST • 2BR, 1BA. $550/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. NORTH 2BR, 1BA • Hardwood floors, full basement, oil heat. $850/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty

Vacation Rentals A BEACH HOUSE At Folly. The legendary dog-friendly Rosie’s Ocean View and Kudzu’s Cottage now booking now booking for oyster season! Call (828) 216-7908. BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN Sleeps 5, handicap accessible. Near Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC. (828) 231-4504 or 277-1492.

Roommates $500 Share 4BR 2BA Fenced yard Non-smoking, drug-free, professional female seeking same. I have 2 cats,1 dog. 2BR,1BA Share LR,DR,Kitchen Fenced yard w/deck. Email Kathy kat98mcdonald@

North Asheville 3rd roommate for rural home; internet, cable, views,furnished room with private bath. $485 utilities included; deposit $150. Mary 828-450-3903 Seeking Female to share apartment in nice location in Fletcher. No pets. All utilities included. Furnished. $600 to move in, $400/month. Call 828-215-1491. Share 4BR, 2BA House Candler, large yard, deck, hottub, grill, firepit, guesthouse for friends, $400/month includes utilities no pets. 828-670-6463.



Arden. Furnished room, beautiful/private setting. Organic garden. Chemicalfree household. Seeking responsible, clean roommate(s). No pets. $395/month, utilities included. No lease (828) 687-2390.

$$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1800-405-7619 EXT 2450 (AAN CAN)

BEAUTIFUL EAST ASHEVILLE Share 3BR home, you get entire bottom floor: 1BR, private bath, living room. $500/month, includes utilities. Email:

ANIMAL CARE Part-time Attendant/Assistant. Veterinary Hospital looking to fill a position responsible for assisting technicians and veterinarian with patients, caring for boarding pets and maintaining the utmost cleanliness of the hospital. Must be dependable, honest, mature, eager to learn, hard working and have a positive attitude and compassion for animals. Experience preferred. Hours include rotating weekends. Send cover letter, resume and 3 references to: or the following address: White Oak Veterinary Hospital, Attn: Donna Howland, 3336 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, NC 28732

Candler Private room in beautiful rock house. 15 min to downtown. Quiet setting with gardens, Internet, cats, fireplace. Available now. $400 Kathleen 828 665-6663 Hip West Asheville Cove $475month inc. all utilies, wi-fi, storage, parking, phone. Kid/pets cool, M/F, I’m open-minded. 34, clean artist/musician/nurse. Safe neighborhood. 828-808-4774. House Share Looking for 1 or 2 roommates to share a 3 bedroom/2bath in Montford. 404-964-1072. $850 month. Non-smokers preferred Need Room Female needs room all inclusive $250/mo. for info.

JOIN OUR EMPLOYEE FAMILY AND SHARE IN OUR MANY BENEFITS INCLUDING: Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance (including Domestic Partner) Paid Vacation • Paid Sick Leave 6 Paid holidays per year • Grove Park buys your Bus Pass Employee Cafeteria (free meals) Free Uniforms and Laundering • Free use of Sports Complex Retirement Plan (GPRP) • 401(k)

SOME OF OUR OPENINGS INCLUDE: • Cooks • Restaurant Chef • Front Desk Agents • Spa Executive Administrative Assistant • Servers • Retail Sales • Massage Therapists • Nail Technicians • Spa Revenue Supervisor • Spa Café Manager • Restaurant Manager • Laundry Staff For a complete list of our openings, visit our website,, or you may apply in person, Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 6:00pm, Saturday 8:00am-4:00pm in Human Resources at The Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa, 290 Macon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804, (828) 252-2711, ext. 2083. EOE Drug Free Workplace. Add Grove Park Inn Jobs as a friend on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at: Grove Park Inn Job.

CAB DRIVERS Needed at Blue Bird; call JT 258-8331. Drivers needed at Yellow Cab; call Buster at 253-3311.


Earn $65k, $50k, $40k GM, Co-Manager, Assistant Manager We currently have managers making this and need more for expansion. One year salaried restaurant management experience required. Fax resume to 336-431-0873

• NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009


HIRE QUALITY EMPLOYEES “Our employment advertisements with the Mountain Xpress garner far more educated and qualified applicants than any other publication we have used. The difference is visible in the phone calls, applications and resumes.â€? Howard Stafford, Owner, Princess Anne Hotel. • Thank you, Howard. Your business can benefit by advertising for your next employee in Mountain Xpress Classifieds. Call 251-1333. LIKE WORKING OUTDOORS? Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. Excellent entry-level position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. Competitive pay, health benefits and professional and clinical training. Hiring seminars Nov. 19 and Dec. 3. To attend please send resumes and/or questions to jobs@

MANNA FoodBank Is Hiring a Full-time Warehouse Manager. Must have clean driving record. Prior warehouse and supervisory experience required. Competitive Pay/Excellent Benefits. Job Description available at: E-mail or fax application and resume to rtsommer@feedingamerica. org. 828-299-3664 (FAX). Deadline November 16th. EOE. HOUSEKEEPERS Year-round consistent employment, Asheville. Professional, reliable and responsible. Full-time and part-time for upscale B&B. Must be flexible and able to work weekends. Background check required. Call 828254-3878 for interview. Black Walnut Bed And Breakfast Inn. MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Full-time Driver. Must have clean driving record. Heavy lifting required. Competitive pay/excellent benefits. Job description available. E-mail or fax resume rtsommer@feedingamerica. org 828-299-3664 (FAX) Deadline: November 16th. No phone calls. EOE.


Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. Excellent entry-level position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. Competitive pay, health beneďŹ ts, and professional and clinical training.

HIRING SEMINARS NOV. 19 & DEC. 3 To attend please send resumes and/or questions to Todd Ransdell or Josh Gunalda


MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Part-time (20 hour per week) driver. Must have clean driving record. Heavy lifting required. Competitive pay. Job Description available: E-mail or fax resume: rtsommer@feedingamerica. org. 828-299-3664 (FAX). Deadline: November 16th. No Phone calls. EOE.

HOT SPRINGS RESORT AND SPA • Hot Springs NC is now hiring dual trained Massage Therapist / Estheticians, with North Carolina License, to offer combination massage/esthetics treatments. Please apply in person at 315 Bridge Street Hot Springs, NC Monday Friday 9:a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sales/ Marketing SALES PROS • Time to get paid what you are worth AND have a life. Call 1-888700-4916.

Restaurant/ Food Employment Opportunities • Call (828) 225-6122 or visit:

Administrative/ Office FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER Sought by real estate investors. Real estate/property management experience preferred. Familiarity with QuickBooks necessary, TenantPro ideally. Responsibilities include A/P, A/R, payroll, bank account reconciliation, late notices, monthly reporting and related general office work. Convenient, pleasant working environment. 3040 hours per week with flexible schedule. Competitive Salary. Please send resume to: Highland REIG, PO Box 8234, Asheville , NC 28814.

Salon/ Spa A STYLIST For busy Organic salon, North Asheville. Clientele preferred. Flexible hours. Experienced, selfmotivated. Supportive environment. • (828) 505-3288. The Water Lily Wellness Salon FRONT DESK Looking for mature, energetic, hardworking, organized people-person for very busy, upscale spa. Weekend and evening availability needed. Call 273-3559.

MOUNTAIN X JAMS! As a growing business that relies on the face put forward by our employees, Mountain Xpress Classifieds is where we turn to find them. The volume of high-quality applicants replying to our ads can be hard to choose from, and it is always worth our investment. Thanks Mountain X! Rebecca and Charlie, owners, Tomato Jam Cafe.

Medical/ Health Care CNA’s • PART-TIME Weekend positions available. 1st shift. • If you are: • Caring • Compassionate • Dedicated, and • Professional, we offer: • Competitive wage scale • Excellent benefits • Paid time off • Holiday pay • Direct deposit • 401(k) with company match. Asheville Healthcare Center • To apply, call or email resume to: Tim Sparks, Human Resource Manager: 2982214 LPN/RN/MEDICAL ASSISTANT Family Practice in Asheville seeking full time and part time position. Please send resume to medofficeresumes@

Human Services AGAPE SERVICES • Is looking for foster families in Buncombe, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford and Transylvania counties. We provide training and 24 hour support and a generous, tax free stipend. Contact Nickie, 828- 3295385 for more information.

Help Others while

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Now hiring for our Day Treatment Programs in Transylvania and Polk Counties. Candidates will have a minimum of a bachelors degree and experience with at risk youth. Email resume to humanresources@familie •

FAMILIES TOGETHER INC. Now hiring for Qualified Professionals in Buncombe and Transylvania Counties to provide in home and community based mental health services to children and families. Email resume to humanresources@familie •

FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC., Adult Services is now hiring for a Community Support Team Lead to serve Henderson and Transylvania Counties. Candidates will have a minimum of a Masters Degree in Human Services and one year experience working with the adult population. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@

FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC., is now hiring licensed professionals for IIHS Clinical Leads in Buncombe, Henderson, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey Counties. • Qualified candidates will include LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or Board Eligible Counselors. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates should email resumes to: humanresources@familie

FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC., is now hiring licensed professionals for OPT in Buncombe, Mitchell, and Yancey Counties. Qualified candidates will include LPC’s, LCSW’s, LMFT’s, LCAS’s, PLCSW’s, or Board Eligible Counselors. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Candidates would be providing OPT within our JJTC program. JJTC is a specialized platform designed to meet the judicial, clinical and restorative needs of court involved youth, their families, and the communities in which they live. JJTC is unique in its clinical approach, structure and cross-agency collaboration. Candidates should email resumes to humanresources@

FAMILIES TOGETHER, INC.Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Program Coordinator. Position requires: Obtaining and maintaining of licensure, recruitment and training of foster parents, and management and oversight of the new FTI TFC program. Candidates will have a minimum of: a bachelors degree in human services, and 2 years experience in the mental health field, and 2 years experience in program management and licensure oversight preferably in NC. Salary range from 40-50k base, with benefits and unique incentives. Please contact www.humanresources@

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF ASHEVILLE is seeking licensed therapists to provide mental health services to children and families. Email

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF TRYON In Polk County FPS has immediate openings for Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Professional Counselors to provide individual and group therapy for adults and children with mental health needs. Please email resumes to

OPEN YOUR HEART‌ OPEN YOUR HOME North Carolina MENTOR was established in 1993 to provide community-based care for at-risk youth in the state. Today, North Carolina MENTOR serves hundreds of at-risk youth in Western North Carolina.

Helping Yourself

Services include: • Therapeutic foster care • Respite • Intake Assessments • Therapy • Other Services



NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

NC Mentor is looking for foster parents in Buncombe, Henderson, Polk, Transylvania, and Rutherford counties. Be a hero in your community and open your home to a child in need. We provide training, 24 hour support, and a generous stipend.

Please call Nicole at 828-696-2667 x 14

Plasma Biological Services (828) 252-9967

Psychiatrist Assertive Community Treatment Team Please contact Joe Ferrara, joe.ferrara@meridianbhs.or g • Haywood, Buncombe County: RN Assertive Community Treatment Team: Must have four years of psychiatric nursing experience. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org QMHP Assertive Community Treatment Team: Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org Vocational Specialist Assertive Community Treatment Team: Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Mason Youell, mason.youell@meridianbhs. org Jackson, Macon, Clay County Team Leader Assertive Community Treatment Team: Must have master’s degree and be licensed eligible. Please contact Ben Haffey, ben.haffey@meridianbhs.or g Cherokee, Clay, Graham County Therapist/Team Leader, Child and Family Services: Masters degree and license eligible. Please contact David Hutchinson at david.hutchinson@meridian Team Leader, Adult Recovery Education Center: Masters or Doctoral Level Clinician. Must be licensed or license-eligible. Please contact Julie Durham-Defee at QMHP Assertive Community Treatment Team: Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Patty Bilitzke at patricia.bilitzke@meridianb • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website:

Asheville 828-253-8177

Together we can make a difference in our community

Hendersonville 828-696-2667

LCAS/CSAC Office space and clients available. Also Bilingual (Spanish) Counselor with NC Addiction credential CSAC/LCAS. Call Bruce: 777-3755. ONE TO ONE HABILITATION WORKER For young man with developmental disabilities. Waynesville area. Tues and Thurs 3:307:30pm and some weekend hours. Must be responsible, goal oriented. Ray of Light Homes. Home.html 828-683-7712. PARKWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH • Has an immediate opening in our Asheville Office for a F/T Licensed Clinician experienced with MH/SA and SA group. LPC, LCSW, LCAS and other Licensed Clinicians should apply. Job requires some evening work. Experience with LME and M/caid consumers a plus. Excellent benefits and salary. Send resume to

Next Step Recovery Women’s Recovery Home in Weaverville is seeking a qualified female professional to live (rent free) onsite. Minimum requirements: 1. Bachelors degree in human services field. 2. Experience working in substance abuse. 3. Maintain appropriate recovery behavior and lifestyle at all times. 4. Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office). Send Resumes to: Susan@

Teaching/Education SUNDAY PRESCHOOL TEACHER AND NURSERY TEACHER for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville. Continuous Sundays 8:30am-1:00pm. Must have relevant experience and references. Background check required. Send cover letter and resume to YMCA OF WESTERN NC • Afterschool Program Opportunities $7.25 $13/hour Please visit our web site for details:

Employment Services

2009 • DON’T JUST SURVIVE • Thrive! Snelling delivers results with staffing expertise that connects people and businesses with the power to thrive! lle/application HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, affordable & accredited. Free brochure. Call now! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 www.continentalacademy.c om (AAN CAN) RESUME WRITING • CAREER SERVICES Let us enhance and amplify your job search! • Next Step Career Services (410) 382-9021 UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Get paid to shop. Retail and dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality and customer service. Earn up to $100/day. Please call 1800-720-0576.

Business Opportunities BEST HOME-BASED BUSINESS EVER! It’s fun; it’s simple; it’s lucrative. To hear 3-minute message, call 1-866-257-3105, code 1. BIZ OP • Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interest. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201 ECOTRIPS FOR SALE For innovative, green transportation system featuring electric vehicles for local shuttle service. Unique and established business model needs an imaginative entrepreneur who wants to expand this groundbreaking idea and can focus time and energy to its unlimited potential. Serious inquiries only. For more info go to or email to

Announcements ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Rick at 202-289-8484. (AAN CAN)

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Mountain Xpress Classifieds at (828) 251-1333. (AAN CAN) CONSTRUCTION LOGIC General Contractor. Notice, request MBE subcontractor and suppliers bid for the following projects: • Swannanoa 4-H Main Lodge Renovations, bidding November 19, 2009 at 3pm. For plan info call Tom Beck: (828) 243-1196. Get Dish -FREE Installation–$19.99/mo HBO & Showtime FREEOver 50 HD Channels FREE Lowest Prices–No Equipment to Buy! Call Now for full Details- 1877-238-8413 (AAN CAN) PENIS ENLARGEMENT. FDA Medical Vacuum Pumps. Gain 1-3 inches permanently. Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis. Free Brochures. 619-294-7777 m (discounts available) (AAN CAN) PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-4136293. (AAN CAN) WOMEN, Earn $18k-$30k for 6 egg donations with the largest, most experienced Agency in US. Call: 800444-7119 or to apply online visit: (AAN CAN)

Classes & Workshops LEARN VIETNAMESE/ASIAN COOKING • Tired of the same old food? Learn to prepare healthy and nutritious food. NEED A PLACE TO MAKE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? MEET FUN PEOPLE? Earthspeak Arts Studio, 375 Depot St. Fridays thru Sundays 828-678-9038.

Mind, Body, Spirit

Bodywork **ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE MASSAGE!** Perfect pressure! Caring, intuitive, professional therapist. Tranquil sanctuary just 3 blocks from Greenlife & downtown! Great low rates. Open Mon thru Sat., 9am to 7 p.m. by appt. only. Brett Rodgers LMBT #7557. (828) 255-4785.

#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE CENTER Best rates in town! $29/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology • Classes. Call now for your appointment: • 10 Biltmore Plaza, 505-7088. Asheville. BEST MASSAGE IN ASHEVILLE Deep tissue, sports massage, Swedish, esalen. Available in/out. Jim Haggerty, LMBT# 7659. Call (828) 545-9700.

MASSAGE/MLD Therapeutic Massage. Manual Lymph Drainage. Lymphedema Treatment. $45/hour or sliding scale for financial hardship. 17+ years experience. 828-2544110. NC License #146. SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town—- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; experience the invigorating cold plunge; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. STAY RELAXED. Massage therapy at your home/office. 1/2 or 1-hour appointments. Call Sarah Whiteside, LMBT#4741, (828) 279-1050. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Patricia O’Sullivan LMT #7113. 828-275-5497. ZEN GARDEN • Creative healing massage therapy combining many modalities. $25/half hour. Membership discount. Suzannah, 828-3330555. LMBT 5773

Spiritual A SPIRITUAL MENTOR Nina Anin. Wherever you are, by phone: (828) 2537472 or email:

Natural Alternatives HAND DELIVERING GOOD WORK TO HOMEBODIES & BUSYBODIES IN ASHEVILLE I utilize aspects of several modalities and approaches to better facilitate relaxation, moving through energetic blocks, releasing pain and healing. Travis Jackson, LMBT #4393. 828-772-0719,

HOLISTIC IRIDOLOGY® Fascinating detailed Iris Analysis, Bio-Chemistry Analysis, Cardiovascular Screening, and Meridian Kinesiology for ‘Total Health Assessment’ with effective Natural and Holistic Therapies, BioDetoxification programs, Advanced Energy Healing. Call Jane Smolnik, ND, Iridologist at (828) 777JANE (5263) for appointment or visit

Musicians’ Xchange

Musical Services AMR STUDIO Audio mastering, mixing and recording. • Musical, literary and instructional services. • Tunable performance room, on-site video available. Visa/MC. (828) 335-9316. ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 PIANO-GUITAR-DRUMSBASS-MANDOLIN-BANJOSINGING Learn what you/your child wants to learn. Knowledgeable, flexible, enthusiastic instructor. 828-242-5032.

Equipment For Sale Fusion Drum Set: 3003 Force Sonar. Honeymaple, 5 piece. $350. Call 290-8506. Hartke 3500 Bass Amp Head: Output 350 watts @ 4 Ohms/240 watts @ 8 Ohms. Phone 828-301-4788 . Pink daisy rock bass guitar • The bass is in great condition. Please email me at for pictures. Used Pair of Bose 201 Speakers. Old, but still in great shape! One owner. $60 obo. Call 828-216-5150

Musicians’ Bulletin Do you swim in red jello? Shoegaze,NoisePop,PostRoc k, PostPunk. Interested? email me. Flute/bass/guitar Pro seeks group, gigs. Jazz,classical, RB, etc. Love Music! 828 245-9189.

MASSAGE AND HOLISTIC HEALTH TREATMENTS • This is a clean, conscious, holistic practice located inside a beautiful Healing arts studio downtown. Ayurveda - Deep Tissue Hot Stone - Shiatsu to schedule an appointment please call (828)-333-2717. Lauren Barta; NC LMBT # 7219

Looking for a Female Singer to front a blues band. Must have a strong voice.

Pets for Adoption

Pet Xchange

Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:

ABBY IS WAITING! Abby is a Schipperke mix who is searching for a loving home. For more info, contact Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at 808-9435 or visit

BROWN TABBY CAT Lost on Busbee View Rd. Male adult, short hair w/white feet and chest. Reward offered. (828)712-3704 GREY AND WHITE CAT • Adult shorthair male is grey with white chest, stomach, and feet. Has grey smudge on pink nose-REWARD. (828) 581-0190. LOST YOUR PET? FOUND A PET? Call Asheville Humane Society, (828) 253-6807, to fill out a missing or found pet report. Visit 72 Lee’s Creek Road, Asheville.

Found Pets Male Cat Stray Very affectionate orange & white. Less than a year old. Needs home living on my porch. 828-645-9737

ADORABLE KITTENS • 7 male and 2 female orange tabby kittens 4-5 months old rescued and ready for adoption. Playful and affectionate. Spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas/worms. House trained. Adoption fee goes to Brother Wolf Cat Rescue Program to cover costs. FIND THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE! Cats, dogs, & other small animals available for adoption at Asheville Humane Society • 72 Lee’s Creek Road • Asheville, NC • (828) 2536807

F[ji e\ j^[ M[[a Adopt a Friend • Save a Life

Louise Female/Spayed Retriever, Labrador/Mix 8 years I.D. #8083938 Dee Dee Female Domestic Shorthair/Mix 4 months ID # 8884703 Pokie Female/Spayed Beagle/Mix 6 years I.D. #7441962


MEDIA SERVICES Audio and Video Recording of Musical, Instructional and Literary Sources Performance & Public Speaking Enhancement Tools

7i^[l_bb[ >kcWd[ IeY_[jo

828-335-9316 • • Visa/MC

Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.

72 Lee’s Creek Rd, Asheville, NC 253-6807 •

• NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009


Automotive Services

Nanci Griffith Tickets 2

WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

in Asheville. face value -

For Sale

HELP HONEY HAVE HOME! Honey is a Terrier mix puppy who is searching for a loving home. For more info, contact Brother Wolf Animal Rescue at 808-9435 or visit

Pet Services ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 258-0942 or 215-7232.

LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE! End cruel and dangerous constant chaining of dogs in NC! Lobby your state reps to reintroduce legislation addressing dog chaining. For information, contacts and downloads, visit

Vehicles For Sale

Autos 1980 240D Mercedes Benz 212,000 miles. Manual transmission, runs great, gets 36-45 mpg. Can run on diesel or biodiesel. $2700. (828)779-0533. 1983 Mercedes Benz 300TD Wagon Immaculately maintained wagon (by Eurospec), CD player, cruise, AT, AC, sunroof. 224,000 miles, new transmission under warranty. $5500. Call 828-545-2948

1985 Volvo Wagon $1000. Runs well, new tires and battery. Needs driver’s side wiper & heat lever repaired. Rear windows need motor, (included). 828-206-7775 1993 Geo Storm see ad on craigslist Asheville. $900. Call Rick 828-777-8892 1994 Subaru Loyale On demand 4wd, 5 speed manual, AC, tow bar, engine tuned up, new tires, Al mag wheels. $1400. 545-0075. 2003 Gold VW Jetta GLS Wagon 5-spd, TDI turbodiesel, 45+/50+ mpg, 96500 mi, garaged. Clean available mid Nov 2009. $10,000 firm. Contact Sira 828-348-4214

2004 HONDA ELEMENT AWD EX Excellent condition, extra clean, loaded, Sunburst Orange, 71K, $11500. Clear title, clean. CarFax, 1-828-702-3684. 2004BMW325Ci Black/black, automatic, fully-equiped, xenon headlights, leather interior, great condition, maintained/serviced regularly at BMW of AVL. $12,750. Am relocating, let’s talk! Bob (828)989-1133 89 Ford Escort Red Escort with issues. $225 or B.O. Call 505-0798. Needs clutch, driver axel & windsheild. Great on Gas! 98 Outback Red 5 speed. Fully-maintained & documented, runs strong, all systems functional. Power windows, AC, etc., heated seats and mirrors, inc. Yakima steelheads. 828-505-0246 Cherry 1988 Chevy S10 ext. cab 4.3 Jasper engine, bed liner, hard top, custom solid red paint, papers, upgrades,extras. E-mail pictures available. Asking 5300. 828-669-0989.

2001 Toyota Tacoma SR5 $6,500 Red w/grey interior,towing package,bed liner,xtra-cab,5speed,4WD,cd player,power windows/locks,cruise,AC,all oywheels,greatdependable truck in good condition,213,000 miles, call aaron at 828-551-9250. FORD F-150 • 2WD. 2007. 12K. Excellent condition. $9950. 828-273-9545.

Motorcycles/ Scooters 2000 Suzuki SV 650 Custom paint,new chain,sprockets, tires,garage kept. It is a beautiful bike in excellent condition. $2500 OBO Call Josiah 828-216-6019 2007 Harley Davidson Softail Black N chrome, saddlebags, windshield, price $4500, e-mail contact:

Recreational Trucks/Vans/SUVs Vehicles 1988 Chevy S10 Blazer 4x4 Fair/good condition; needs some TLC 132,650 K clean title $800 OBO Call Curt 337-4228


NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009 •

20 Foot Travel Trailer: Classic, renovated, good condition. New water heater, stove, bath. $800. Call 280-3904.

$35 piece. 828-275-4699


Yard Sales


Multi-family yard sale Sat,

2 Black Macbooks Stolen If you see 2 Black Macbooks for sale (2007 version) please contact 804-929-0878. REWARD.

Nov. 21, 7am-3pm.

Video Editing System VT5 Professional digital video edit system. Complete package w/2 LCD monitors. $5,995. (828) 287-3555.

Oakview to Crowell Farms


family yard sale. Furniture,

8GB iPod Nano Slim $115 Green slim iPod, perfect condition. Headphone and charger not included. email for info.

bedding, lawn equipment,


Branch Road off Riceville

The Asheville Recyclery (501c3 non-profit) is looking for bike and parts. 90 Biltmore Ave(FBFC basement)Tues-Thurs 4-8. Sat. 1-5. 255-7916. DOG GIRL AT LARGE Dog training and behavior modification. All positive reinforcement. Sitting services for all creatures. Call Heather 404.788.2085 or

tickets for Nov 14th concert

Antiques, furniture, holiday items! Sand Hill to W

to Ocaso Dr. 667-0760 THIS SATURDAY Multi

kids stuff, etc...! 8am-12 noon. 375 Upper Grassy


Estate Sales ESTATE SALE -

Sporting Goods

BEAVERDAM • Friday, Nov.

Tony Little’s Gazelle exercise machine. Works well except without timer. $35 or best offer.

20 - Sat. Nov. 21. #9 Spring

Tools & Machinery John Deere 5425 contact:, 4WD Loader and Cab Heat/Air Price $4400 phone: 877-210-1676.

Cove, off Spooks Branch Rd. Asheville, NC. 8am2pm. All items must go. Estate Realty/Mike Bryant. 828-230-3035.

Adult Services

Furniture Bed Frame Silver metal bed frame, headboard, footboard, and platform. All you need is a full size mattress. Solid. $100 804929-0878 MATTRESSES Pillow-top: queen $250, king $350 • Extra firm: queen $175, king $275 • Full: $150 • Twin: $99. New, in plastic. 828-277-2500.

Lawn & Garden Bat Roosting House, 2 feet by 3 feet, unpainted plywood. $30 cash. Call 658-1483

General Merchandise Get Dish -FREE Installation–$19.99/mo HBO & Showtime FREE-Over 50 HD Channels FREE Lowest Prices–No Equipment to Buy! Call Now for full Details- 1-877-238-8413 (AAN CAN)

Adult Services A MAN’S DESIRE • Call us for total relaxation!! • We can relax and de-stress you! • Monday-Saturday, 9am-9pm. • Incall/outcall. (Lic#08-00020912). • Call (828) 989-7353. A WOMAN’S TOUCH “We’re all about you!” Ask us about our “Autumn Special”. • Call 275-6291. MEET SEXY SINGLES by phone instantly! Call (828) 239-0006. Use ad code 8282. 18+

Body-Mind Approaches To Healing & Personal Excellence

The New York Times Crossword

Joseph Howard, MSW, LCSW

Edited by Will Shortz No. 1007

Across 1 Sailor 5 Austen and Flaubert heroines 10Blitzing linebacker’s feat 14Own 15Raid target 16Ask 17Served as well as possible 18“El ___” (1983 film) 19“Gimme a C! …,” e.g. 20See 57-Across 23Gene of westerns 24One likely to lend a needed hand 25“I’m stumped” 28Meter reading, e.g. 32Letter in Socrates’ name 33Releases

39Dominican-born player in the 600 club 40Writers Fleming and McEwan 42Center of a 57Across 43Box gently 44Bird’s home 45When repeated, statement after an explosion 47Wildcatter’s find 48Annual feast 50Prefix with red 52___ choy (Chinese green) 54Finnish architect Alvar ___ 57Setting for a 20-Across … as represented by this puzzle’s circled letters 64Botanical angle 65Friend in the hood: Var. 66Flu feature

67Nincompoop 68Farm soils 69Temple cases 70De novo 71Dawn 72Overly docile

Down 1 Henry Higgins’s creator 2 Home of the Dr Pepper Museum 3 Say with conviction 4 Pandemonium 5 ___ & Young (accounting firm) 6 Hungry cow, maybe 7 Wed 8 Dramatic start 9 Pen filler 10Hand-held telescope 11Geographical info 12Storm’s predecessor 13Richard Petty’s ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE racing son R A L P H W A L D O R A J 21Contest at 20 paces I C I L Y A P A I R U K E 22Blue O C T A D D U B A I S R A 25Down-home T R A E M E R S O N breakfast servN A T H A N I E L N E O N S ing A T E S I T U P T L 26Bear’s landing place? C H E W M E R L A I R S 27Added muscle, L O U I S A M A Y A L C O T T with “up” S P L A T S E I S W A Y 29On ___ things I W O I O N S E I N 30Old carrier O W L E T H A W T H O R N E name T H O R E A U S O B 31___ Maples Trump H I D E L M E R W A L L E E N G T I A R A E M A I L 34One with defib training R Y E H E N R Y D A V I D

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Puzzle by Jim Hyres

35Chipped part of a statue, maybe 36Bottom line 37Economic fig. 38Shelley’s “___ to Naples” 41Referral for further information 46“Lovely” Beatles girl

49Laura’s 1960s sitcom hubby 51Polite denial 53Artist Frida ___ 54Actress Kruger and others 55Stop on ___ 56“Thou ___, most ignorant monster”: Shak.

57Cake with a kick 58Dendrite’s counterpart 5991/2 narrow, e.g. 60“Laughing” bird 61Monster 62Certain W.M.D. 63PC site

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:

A S H E V I L L E M A S S A G E & B O D Y W O R K


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• NOVEMBER 11 - NOVEMBER 17, 2009


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