Know your bird: Gather round a local turkey
P 34
Angel Olsen gives up the ghost at Forsythia Hall
P 44
How Asheville's open-data push could change your life
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NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
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Buncombe County
The Town of Montreat will hold a public meeting, known as a Citizens’ Informational Workshop on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Walkup Building, located at 300 Community Center Circle in Montreat. The Town of Montreat, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) propose to replace Bridge No. 528 on Texas Road over Flat Creek in Montreat, North Carolina. The existing bridge is currently closed to vehicular traffic due to safety concerns related to its state of deterioration. Replacement of the bridge is needed to provide safer access and mobility in the study area, to support pedestrian connectivity, and to improve access to community facilities. Environmental and engineering studies are currently being conducted for the project. Right-of-way acquisition is scheduled to begin in December 2013, followed by construction beginning in June 2014. These dates are tentative and are subject to change. Town of Montreat and NCDOT representatives will be present in an informal setting to answer questions and receive comments about the proposed project. Maps showing the proposed project will be on display. The opportunity to submit written comments or questions will be provided and is encouraged. Interested citizens may attend at any time during the workshop hours. There will not be a formal presentation. Anyone desiring additional information may contact NCDOT Project Planning Engineer - Bridge Section, James Bridges, by phone at (919) 707-6013 or by email at jfbridges@ncdot.gov or NCDOT Consultant, Lindsay Maurer of Planning Communities by phone at (919) 803-8215 or by email at: lmaurer@ planningcommunities.com. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for anyone who wants to participate in this workshop. Anyone requiring special services should contact Mr. Bridges as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. For persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, interpretive services will be available at the meeting upon request. For more information, please call 1-800-4816494 prior to the meeting.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 3
ll! a b t o o F r o f e c a l P The e college
orit AGE v fa r u o y r fo r e e h C our y jo n e d n a s m a e t OF and NFL and drinks great foodACCESS
thisweek on the cover Much ado about data Want to know if your landlord has a clean slate or a host of complaints? Looking for data about the number of traffic accidents at an intersection in your neighborhood? If the city of Asheville keeps moving forward with plans to open its digital data trove to the public, this and other information could be at your fingertips.
Cover design by John Zara
14 ElEction 2012: nEw facEs, contEstEd racEs
E BIER G H T t a E M A G Y R E V W E SEE aiting for a bus, you consult an app that tells you exactly where the vehicle is at that moment. Apartment-hunting, you check how many people have complained about your prospective landlord. After finding your dream home, you look at whether crime in the area is rising. Fighting a proposed development in your neighborhood, you monitor city staffers’ emails concerning the project. Looking to start a business, you can immediately access zoning and neighborhood rules for that location, along with population estimates, population change and nearby transit stops. None of these scenarios is feasible just yet, but all of them depend on free, ready access to local-government data, whether it’s crime statistics, bus routes, infrastructure, complaints, fire-safety records or even salaries. A collaborative effort involving the city of Asheville, area businesses and nonprofits is working to make such outcomes possible. All these ideas were discussed during Asheville’s Oct. 16 Open Data Day, when government officials, entrepreneurs, residents and media reps came together to brainstorm ways to make such information more accessible. (Full disclosure: I spoke briefly at the event about the role of the press.) Although local governments have a huge amount of useful information that’s theoretically “public,” actually getting ahold of it can prove challenging, time-consuming
The GOP gains ground in Democrat stronghold Buncombe County
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NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
34 plan your MEal around a local bird
Area farmers offer Thanksgiving turkeys you can feel good about
44 things that MattEr nEEd to bE said
Angel Olsen gets direct and raw on Half Way Home
45 burning bright
Guitar whiz Kaki King shines on her own after a string of collaborations “THERE and expensive. The idea is to bypass formal data requests (and the resulting demands on staff time to compile it) by enabling anyone with a computer or a smartphone to find out instantly what’s available — and access it, for free, anytime. Open Data Day coincided with the city’s releasing a provisional version of an online open-data catalog. Meanwhile, Code for America, a national nonprofit that’s been described as a Peace Corps for geeks, has
WAS 46 A hE’s got a naME NEED”
A.J. JONATHAN Croce’s FELDMAN, eclectic catalog includes songs by his famous father THE CITY’S INFORMATION
features 5 6 8 9 18 22 27 28 29 38 48 50 57 60 61 62 63
lEttErs cartoon: Molton cartoon: brEnt brown opinion coMMunity calEndar conscious party Benefits Mountain bizworks ashEvillE disclaiMEr nEws of thE wEird sMall bitEs Local food news sMart bEts What to do, who to see clubland cranky hankE Movie reviews classifiEds cartoon: dErf frEEwill astrology ny tiMEs crossword
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letters Real veteRans Recognized Thank you, Mountain Xpress and Max Cooper, for your insightful article about Dr. Warner Anthony and Mr. Andy Andrews, and their thought-provoking stories and reflections of the horrors of real war [“War Stories,” Nov. 7 Xpress]. These days, it seems everyone who was ever in a uniform of any kind wants to get a piece of the military service hero worship that’s bandied about in political speeches, movies and television. I’m pretty sure that nobody, however, would willingly take a piece of that go-fight-killdie-freeze-starve (for the duration), then come home quietly and return to productive civilian life like these men did. There’s a reason they call it the Greatest Generation, and I fear that America will never breed men like these again. When one has truly “been there” and “done that,” he generally doesn’t bother with the T-shirt — and he sure as hell doesn’t run around tweeting about it. My father, my brother, my sister and myself all have DD-214s in our file cabinets. I’ll speak for myself when I say that I was enriched far, far beyond any minor sacrifices I made while in uniform. Stories like this serve well to remind us of the difference between “veterans” and VETERANS. — Norman Plombe Asheville
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global waRming is a false belief
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Sometimes it’s arresting to me how gullible people are. I guess George Carlin was right when
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correction In the Oct. 17 Best of WNC, we misprinted the Web address for No. 1 graphic designer Brittany Turner (of Twang Creative). It is twang.carbonmade.com. he said that people are so stupid that they’ll believe anything they’re told by an authority figure. That impression was strengthened when I read the Nov. 7 letter from Charles Wright, “There is No Planet B.” In his letter, Wright reveals that he, like many of us, have been completely and utterly brainwashed by the constant media barrage of “climate change” false propaganda. Specifically in relation to the recent Superstorm Sandy, which Wright thinks was caused by humans burning hydrocarbons and states. “The last time we saw a storm like Sandy was never,” he writes. The truth is that hurricane activity has been unusually lower in the last 10 years and that there has been zero warming of the atmosphere since 1998. I guess he also forgot storms from the recent past that were a lot worse than Sandy, like Hugo in 1989 and Ivan, through which I lived in 2004. Even the government’s own lap-dog agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, normally a huge source of climate-change propaganda, issued a statement saying that Hurricane Sandy was not caused by global warming, since the ocean temperatures lEttERs cONtiNuE
MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken hanke ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Jon Elliston, Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Susan Andrew, Miles Britton, Megan Dombroski, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Mike hopping, Jo-Jo Jackson, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther, Jill Winsby-Fein CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h
Healing Touch Certificate Program, 18 CE’s for RN’s, LMBT’s
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staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER & FAShION EDITOR: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell FOOD WRITER: Emily Patrick
More Significant than politics, weather, or the economy:
Classes will be held in Brevard, NC at Transylvania Regional Hospital AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan hutchinson RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: Tim Navaille hh, John Varner hh MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Emily Terry CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Frank D’Andrea, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 5
675 hour Massage Certification Program Accepting applications for April 2013 Self-care • Yoga Centered Massage Ed. Continuing Ed. Classes • Student Clinic
NEW Continued Education Courses For Bodyworkers Shala Worsley, Director Learn to Listen with Your Hands 828- 252 - 7 3 7 7 • www. A sh e v i l l e M assa g e Sch o o l.o rg NOTICE OF A DESIGN PUBLIC MEETING FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO LEICESTER HIGHWAY (NC 63) FROM GILBERT ROAD TO NEW FOUND ROAD / DIX CREEK CHAPEL ROAD TIP Project No. U-3301
Leicester, Buncombe County
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will hold an informal, open house-style meeting known as a Design Public Meeting on December 6, 2012 at the Leicester Community Center, 2979 New Leicester Highway from 4 to 7 pm. This project proposes to improve Leicester Highway (NC 63) from near Gilbert Road (State Road 1615) to about 600 feet past the New Found Road (SR 1004) / Dix Creek Chapel Road (SR 1375) intersection. The project will include a four-lane divided roadway with a narrow 23-foot grass median and a three-lane undivided roadway with curb & gutter on both sides of the roadway in the Leicester community. In addition, five roundabouts are proposed at the following intersections: Gilbert Road (SR 1615), Leicester Elementary School Entrance, Martins Branch Road (SR 1610), Old Newfoundland Road (SR 1378), and Alexander Road (SR 1620). NCDOT representatives will be available at the open house meeting in an informal setting to answer questions and receive comments. The opportunity to submit written comments or questions will be provided. Interested citizens may attend at any time. There will not be a formal presentation. A map displaying the location and design of the project is available for public review at the NCDOT Division Thirteen Office located at 55 Orange Street, Asheville and the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization, 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville. The maps are online. Search the project using "U-3301" and click on "Show More" in order to view the Design Public Hearing Maps at http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/publicmeetings/. For more information, contact NCDOT Project Planning Engineer Michael Wray of the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch at 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, 27699-1548, by phone at (919) 707-6050 or by email at mgwray@ncdot.gov. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who want to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact NCDOT Senior Public Involvement Officer Kimberly Hinton at (919) 707-6072 or by email at khinton@ncdot.gov as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.
NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
foR otheR molton caRtoons, visit www.moUntainx.com/caRtoons
over which it developed were not unusually warm. But that didn’t stop the No. 1 purveyor of man-made global warming propaganda — NPR — from running a story every day associating Sandy with “climate change.” I’m not some rube right-winger saying these things — I was an environmental activist when most of the global-warming believers were in diapers. Wake up, people. Man-made global warming is an imposed, false belief. It is imposed to justify a larger agenda for deindustrialization of the West and the implementation of global carbon taxes. It is the creation of the elitist think-tank called the Club of Rome and the agenda is oneworld global control by the Ruling Elite. Google Agenda 21 and ask yourself if you want your children to live in the Borg collective. — Michael Ivey Asheville
Use this opened dooR [From mountainx.com, in response to the Nov. 7 cover story, “River [Blank] District,” about property and demographic changes in the area.] The threat is that working studios for lowincome working artists are being displaced because working studio space that is affordable to them is disappearing in the [River Arts] District. The issue is not whether higher-income property owners who own art galleries and other assets are coming or going in the district, or if higher-earning artists are coming or going. Let’s not interchange these vastly different groups of people and their vastly different economic worlds. Here’s one reason why we shouldn’t: When new buyers overpay for property in the district by up to 100-percent over the appraised value, they get stuck. They have no wiggle room; they must jack up all prices they have control over, mainly the rent that artists pay for working studios. The artists lose. But so does the public because before the artists gets pushed out for not being able to
pay the much-higher rent, their art goes up in price, usually beyond what the public will pay. More affluent property and gallery owners in the district may not care so much about losing low-income working artist; perhaps they can get other artists. But prices will also rise for art displayed by new artists as long as rents are being jacked. So the public — the tourists — the lifeblood of Asheville — loses again. But wait ... there’s more. If that property buyer who overpaid for their district building ends up belly-up financially, then the circle of losers widens to include their creditor and investors. The property buyers who overpay also open the door for the county to jack up taxes on them, sinking that property buyer deeper in their self-dug hole, as well as potentially sinking neighbors in the district. This circle can feed on itself during recessions and periods of stingy economic growth. It was amazing how hard it was to describe this common problem at last month’s voters’ forum for candidates running for county commissioner. ... New Belgium opened the door wide as a blueprint for creative use of financial incentives justified by their economic contribution to the area. Low-income working artists need to mobilize themselves and use this opened door. To read the article and join the conversation, visit avl.mx/n3. — Comment by Avl Tao, Nov. 7.
heyyou we want to hear from you. Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by e-mail to letters@mountainx.com.
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cartoon by brent brown
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NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
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together as one by brette blatchley
The day was blustery with an autumn chill; a threat of rain hung in the western sky, held at bay by a glorious, radiant sun. It was an auspicious beginning to this year’s Blue Ridge Pride celebration. My first such event, it held a special significance for me. Although I’ve lived as an openly transgender person for several years now, I’ve avoided these celebrations, partly because I believed the things I’d heard about them and about the queer community, but also because I was afraid to commit myself. Now I was here, feeling anticipation and wonder as I set up the transgender-information tent. Pride, however, wasn’t what I’d expected. Being here in the “Cesspool of Sin,” I was shocked by how wholesome and mainstream it was: truly a family event with fun, uplifting music; inspiring speakers; and interesting, helpful exhibits. In many cases, I couldn’t really tell queer from straight. Could that be because, ultimately, we’re all people before we’re those other things? We often think of pride as a dirty word — who wants to be around arrogant, conceited souls? Yet pride, in this community, seems different, more closely resembling a healthy humility. Truly humble people understand, accept and love themselves; they display dignity, contentment, a sense of where they are in the big picture of things, and a willingness to take risks, live life, be authentic. There’s no need and little room for either self-exaltation or self-denigration. That kind of pride is a deeply beautiful human quality. No one, of course, is always like that, yet these are marks of our community’s growing maturity, even as we retain some of the sparkle of youth. This is something we can offer the straight community, because we’ve had to struggle with ourselves and how we’re treated and perceived. Those who survive this without turning to stone gradually strengthen and grow. In this context, “pride” seems less an in-your-face political statement than an affirmation of who we are as people: personal authenticity in the face of opposition. Could that opposition be rooted in a fear that allowing others to be themselves challenges us to ask uncomfortably difficult questions about our own identity and worldview? A stark contrast underscored this for me. The people of Pride were like a large, loving, eclectic family with an obvious joy of life. Opposing them were a handful of seemingly bitter protesters who, like me, identified as followers of Jesus. Why did we see this event so differently?
Pride through new eyes what if diversity is an acquired taste requiring exPosure to others in order to aPPreciate it? Why were they so wedded to angry protest, rather than taking the opportunity to talk and share life experiences with the many different people there? I met many people of faith that day, and I could see God in their faces. I’m certain that Jesus was in our midst, celebrating life in its many colors and harmonies right alongside us. Many people visited our tent: young people, parents of transgender or questioning children, health-care providers, clergy, people from all corners of the queer community, and straight allies. We gave them all warm smiles, information and resources, appreciation and joy, even sweets (and directions for the lost!). And maybe we gave them a taste for who we are: real human beings who bleed and love and live, just as they do. Have you noticed that diversity scares some people, while others find it an elixir of life? What if diversity is an acquired taste requiring exposure to others in order to appreciate it? What if we are some of the spice of life? One of the most wonderful things I received from Pride was the sense that I was at home with “my tribe.” Here I felt perfectly “normal” in my diversity, even celebrated! Seldom has
this sense of belonging gripped me in such a moving way: Together, we’re a people who know what it is to feel marginalized. We make the effort to “live large and let live,” and when we open ourselves to all kinds of other tribes, that endearing vulnerability gives us all a chance to know, like and love one another. We’ve “come out” as individuals and are out together in community, the fresh breeze and sunshine of it helping us push past our insecurities and differences. The day waned and grew cold, but a warmth of fellowship and accomplishment stayed the chill as we brought Blue Ridge Pride 2012 to a close. For me, the event’s real significance was the reminder that “God made me transgender because God thought I might enjoy it.” Will you tell me how you are made, so we can enjoy each other as the gifts we’re meant to be? Postscript: Thanks to the Asheville Police Department, park rangers and other city workers for helping make this event peaceful, powerful and uplifting. X Asheville resident Brette Blatchley once lived as a special sort of man and now, by God’s grace, lives as a special sort of woman.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 9
aiting for a bus, you consult an app that tells you exactly where the vehicle is at that moment. Apartment-hunting, you check how many people have complained about your prospective landlord. After finding your dream home, you look at whether crime in the area is rising. Fighting a proposed development in your neighborhood, you monitor city staffers’ emails concerning the project. Looking to start a business, you can immediately access zoning and neighborhood rules for that location, along with population estimates, population change and nearby transit stops. None of these scenarios is feasible just yet, but all of them depend on free, ready access to local-government data, whether it’s crime statistics, bus routes, infrastructure, complaints, fire-safety records or even salaries. A collaborative effort involving the city of Asheville, area businesses and nonprofits is working to make such outcomes possible. All these ideas were discussed during Asheville’s Oct. 16 Open Data Day, when government officials, entrepreneurs, residents and media reps came together to brainstorm ways to make such information more accessible. (Full disclosure: I spoke briefly at the event about the role of the press.) Although local governments have a huge amount of useful information that’s theoretically “public,” actually getting ahold of it can prove challenging, time-consuming
10 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
and expensive. The idea is to bypass formal data requests (and the resulting demands on staff time to compile it) by enabling anyone with a computer or a smartphone to find out instantly what’s available — and access it, for free, anytime. Open Data Day coincided with the city’s releasing a provisional version of an online open-data catalog. Meanwhile, Code for America, a national nonprofit that’s been described as a Peace Corps for geeks, has
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established a volunteer “brigade” in Asheville to help advance the process, with further assistance possible down the road. Information now residing in city databases could help launch new businesses, create jobs, streamline bureaucracy and save money while empowering residents and communities alike. Indeed, city residents might soon be able to submit their own proposals or even vote on which data they want made public first. But if all this seems to be happening fast, it’s actually the result of years of work.
LINKING RESOURCES AND NEEDS Jonathan Feldman, Asheville’s information technology director, says improved access and transparency has been a goal since he was hired seven years ago. “When I first got here, there was a need,” Feldman recalls. “When you hear things about why X or Y is difficult to understand or hard to use, it makes me sit up and take notice.” The city’s 2009 mapAsheville project was a good first step that also helped city staff locate useful information more quickly, but it’s increasingly out of date, says Feldman. “Sometimes I think IT people are so busy running around patching the server that we
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can forget the server is actually supposed to be helpful to somebody,” he adds. “A lot of city staff know they used to spend a lot of time doing something, and now they spend less.” Nonetheless, maintains Feldman, more work was needed. Nationwide, the push for open data is related to the open-government and Government 2.0 movements: a loose alliance of tech experts, businesses, government officials and nonprofits pursuing similar goals. Supported by Silicon Valley and the wider tech sector, the federal government’s recently launched Open Government Initiative has put these concerns in the spotlight. At Asheville’s Open Data Day, speakers from Philadelphia, St. Louis and the state of Maryland all talked about how their respective governments have improved access to data. City staffers have been tracking those and other examples for some time. “It was natural for us to view the work that’s been done elsewhere and say, ‘Yeah!” Feldman reveals. “We want to hook people up with the right data and resources to make life better in some shape or form.” Staff have also forged connections with local technologists and entrepreneurs. A few months ago, Feldman and others sent out
emails arranging a meet-up and were surprised by the response. “There was a lot of interest; it was obvious there was more to be said,” Feldman recalls. Open Data Day was designed to help coordinate those efforts. “We’re not going to get where you need to get without conversations happening on a lot of levels.” Technical challenges make some info harder to work with, so with the city’s open-data portal (see box, “Local Open-Data Resources), notes Feldman, staff wanted to begin with what was easy, hoping to expand and refine the system later. “You have to make a start,” he observes. “It’s all evolving.”
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A key component of the local open-government push is the volunteer brigade organized by Code for America. Scott Barnwell, a GIS mapper who was active in community affairs before being hired by the city, leads the Asheville Brigade. “I just think it makes the citizenry much more informed if they can get to the source documents,” he explains. “As we started learning more about the technologies available, Code for America bubbled to the top as a leader in this area.” Barnwell quickly recognized open data’s timesaving potential for residents and staff alike. “I get quite a few folks who contact us via email and want zoning or boundaries or bus routes. Then I have to go in and export files, put it on a
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 11
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Open Data Day participants were asked to suggest concrete next steps for advancing the project’s goals. Xpress proposed targeting the city’s records concerning tenant complaints about unsafe rental property, what action the city took and whether the matter was resolved. We’re now talking with city staff about the best way to make this information available. Presented in an accessible format searchable by property and landlord, those records could help residents, nonprofits and activists make informed decisions and identify important issues facing Asheville.
site and email them,” he notes. “By having this in a format where people can just go to a site and grab it themselves, it frees me up to do other things.” City staff talked with Code for America officials in August, laying the groundwork for the brigade. They’re currently recruiting volunteers. Kevin Curry, who directs Code for America’s nationwide CfA Brigade program, says it aims to bridge the gap between technologists and the broader community. Citing Boston’s Adopt-aHydrant program, he explains, “It takes coders and designers to put the information online, keep it running, but then it takes good oldfashioned organizing, fire departments and volunteers to make use of it.” Curry, who’s dealt with open-government efforts nationwide, says Asheville’s campaign has impressed him, noting, “The enthusiasm and ability in Asheville is really great, and it seems to be in the right places.” Virginia Beach, Va., his hometown, is a city of nearly 500,000, yet efforts similar to Asheville’s are in their infancy there, he reports. “There’s a tendency to think that things happen in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, but the landscape is so diverse that it’s not just a function of size,” Curry asserts.
TURNING DATA INTO JOBS Another way open-data advocates believe they can make a major impact is by creating a platform that can serve as a jumping-off point for addressing specific needs.
12 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
“I wouldn’t be so arrogant as to say that Asheville’s opening up its data sets is going to lead to this groundswell of economic development,” cautions Feldman, “but I think localgovernment data is a national treasure. ... You can see parcels on Google Maps: Guess where that comes from? Local government. We’re the only ones who build that data.” One Asheville company that’s already basing its business on such information is BuildFax, which compiles, re-formats and analyzes construction data nationwide. It currently employs 35 people. “A company can come to us and ask for data on a number of properties throughout the nation and we can give it to them based on that local government data,” Chief Technology Officer Joe Emison explains. “There aren’t many commercially created data sets that are as valuable as what comes from government.” Emison thinks cities should focus on making political information more accessible. He envisions searchable transcripts of local-government meetings tied directly to video and any other relevant documents. “All this is technologically possible,” he notes. Because the tech field moves so fast, however, Emison generally believes it’s better for cities to simply release the raw data and “let the private sector or high-school students build the crime-mapper.”
NEXT STEPS A “hackathon” during Open Data Day produced a map revealing a disconnect between the city’s transit routes and public-art locations. More such events (in which tech experts spend hours culling raw data in hopes of making it more accessible or finding new combinations) are planned, Barnwell reports, and the Asheville Brigade will soon begin meeting regularly. The goal is to start with low-hanging fruit. “All that data, with the exception of some of the water data, we can [legally] let out,” Barnwell explains. “We’re trying to get that out there as fast as we can.” Code for America brigades, notes Curry, typically begin by assessing local talent. In
the coming months, the Asheville team expects to publish a strategic plan outlining its more immediate goals. Open Data Day participants were also asked to suggest potential projects and areas of interest (see sidebar, “Safety in Numbers”). Meanwhile, Feldman hopes Asheville can qualify for a Code for America fellow; to that end, he plans to request funding in the city’s 2013-14 budget. The city, he reports, is also considering a nominating process similar to the one Philadelphia uses to prioritize which data sets the public wants released first. “If we do the right things,” Feldman concludes, “it’s leading to decreased cost of government, increased citizen services, more access to the information people want — when they need it.” X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at dforbes@mountainx.com.
LOCAL OPEN-DATA RESOURCES The city of Asheville’s open-data catalog, still in beta form, is available at opendatacatalog. ashevillenc.gov. To learn more about the local Code for America brigade or how to get involved, contact Scott Barnwell (sbarnwell@ashevillenc.gov).
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election 2012
new faces, contested Races by Jake fRankel, david foRbes, bill Rhodes & caitlin byRd
Although President Barack Obama carried Buncombe County en route to winning re-election, overall it was a night of historic gains for local Republicans. They won both local congressional seats and two of the three local Statehouse seats and might well gain a voting majority on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners once the hotly contested District 2 race is finally decided. Here’s a look at some of the Nov. 6 results and candidate comments. All results reported here, taken from the county and state boards of elections, are unofficial until they’re certified on Nov. 16. A recount could further delay final results.
10th congRessional distRict Incumbent Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry defeated Democratic challenger Patsy Keever to keep his seat in the 10th District, which was redrawn last year to include most of Asheville. Spanning seven counties, the district stretches all the way to Gaston County: McHenry carried all of them except Buncombe, Keever’s home territory. All told, he received 57 percent of the 332,489 votes cast. “I am humbled by your support and honored to be re-elected to another term as your representative in Washington,” McHenry said in his Gaston County victory speech. “I want to take a quick moment to say how wonderful it has been to campaign in this new district and to make so many new friends in Buncombe and Polk counties.” Keever, meanwhile, thanked family, staff
grand old party: Republicans celebrated their gains on the Board of Commissioners on election night at Magnolia’s Raw Bar & Grill. The unofficial results showed Republican Mike Fryar (left) with a narrow lead over the other District 2 candidates, although the race appears to be headed toward a recount. Republican Joe Belcher (right) won a seat on the board in District 3. Photos by Max Cooper
and volunteers gathered at Pack’s Tavern in downtown Asheville. “We will continue to work and continue to be Democrats,” she told a room crowded with supporters. “We will continue to care about people, particularly children. Those things that we worked for, we will continue to work for.”
11th congRessional distRict The political goal of moving Asheville’s predominantly Democratic voters to the 10th Congressional District last year was widely believed to be making the 11th more Republicanfriendly. And after three-term Democratic Rep. Heath shuler opted not to seek re-election, Republican Mark Meadows defeated Shuler’s former chief of staff, Hayden Rogers, with 57 percent of the vote. On election night, the Cashiers real estate developer celebrated the victory at the Hilton in
14 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
down, but not out: After conceding the 10th Congressional District race to incumbent Republican Patrick McHenry, Democrat Patsy Keever told supporters at Pack’s Tavern that their party needs to continue standing up for children and public education.
Biltmore Park. The next day, Meadows penned a letter to supporters, saying he’s “humbled and honored by the confidence you have placed in me. … My mission is to fight to free small businesses from excessive government and secure the freedoms our Western North Carolina families hold dear.” Rogers spent the night huddled with supporters in Murphy. “Although this race was an uphill battle before it even started, I chose to run because I believed it was the right thing to do for the people of Western North Carolina, our country and our democratic process,” he said in a statement released by his campaign. “I have been truly humbled by the dedication, encouragement and generosity that so many across Western North Carolina have shown me throughout this journey. Thank you.”
years. Fellow Democrat Brownie Newman, like Jones a former Asheville City Council member, claimed the second spot with 39 percent of the vote. As he mingled with supporters at Pack’s Tavern, Newman said his focus will be on “strong public schools and supporting our teachers, supporting living-wage jobs,” adding, “I personally want to make ... Buncombe County a leader for clean energy and energy independence.” Republican don Guge, his party’s only candidate in the district, fell far behind with 15 percent of the vote.
bUncombe coUnty boaRd of commissioneRs distRict 1
With all 32 precincts reporting, the unofficial results show an extremely narrow lead for Republicans Mike Fryar (25.15 percent with 19,904 votes) and Christina Kelley G. Merrill (25.03 percent; 19,806 votes) over Democrats ellen Frost (24.92 percent; 19,719 votes) and incumbent Carol Peterson (24.90 percent; 19,701 votes). But it could be weeks before the final results are known — and which party controls the board hangs in the balance. The unofficial results don’t include about
Encompassing most of the city of Asheville, District 1 proved to be a Democratic stronghold, with incumbent Holly Jones collecting 45 percent of the vote. Under the new election system, the top vote-getter in each district earns a fouryear term; the second-place finisher gets two
boaRd of commissioneRs distRict 2
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conservative comeback: Republican Mark Meadows defeated Democrat Hayden Rogers in the 11th Congressional District after three-term incumbent Democrat Heath Shuler opted not to seek re-election. Meadows celebrated the win at the Hilton in Biltmore Park. Photo by Bill Rhodes
1,052 provisional ballots, Election Services Director Trena Parker explains. Warren Wilson College students were forced to fill out 154 of them during early voting, she notes, after her department determined that the registration address for 1,000 of the school’s residents was no longer valid. (Warren Wilson College is now split between Districts 1 and 2; the dividing line, Warren Wilson Road, cuts through the middle of campus. Parker says she’s not sure how many of those provisional ballots were filled out by District 2 residents.) Other Warren Wilson residents were given the wrong ballot, creating further uncertainty. In addition, continues Parker, at least 500 absentee ballots have yet to be counted. Newsweek called Warren Wilson the “most liberal college in the nation,” and Frost hopes those votes bump her up to a second-place finish. Neither Frost nor Peterson has conceded the race, pending the Nov. 16 certified results. “Let’s just wait and see,” says Frost. If any candidate’s margin of victory turns out to be 1 percent or less, the opposition can request a recount that could take two weeks, notes Parker. Meanwhile, Fryar spent election night celebrating his tentative first-place finish at Magnolia’s Raw Bar & Grill in downtown Asheville. “It feels really good,” he said, adding, “I think I’ve worked really hard to get there.”
With two Democrats winning in District 1 and two Republicans claiming District 3, the final results in District 2, which encompasses much of eastern Buncombe County including Fairview, Black Mountain and Weaverville, will determine which party has a majority on the board.
boaRd of commissioneRs distRict 3 This district covers the most conservative part of the county, including Arden, Enka and Leicester, and voters favored Republicans Joe Belcher (27 percent) and david King (26 percent). Democrat Michelle Pace Wood garnered 23 percent and Terry van duyn 22 percent. Both victors celebrated successful first bids for public office at Magnolia’s. Belcher, a regional manager for Clayton Homes, called the board’s potential Republican majority (for the first time in more than two decades) “a big win for the county, and I think it’s a conservative mandate for the county. We’re going to challenge some of the spending; we’re going to work together to make sure every area in the county is represented.” King, a farrier, says he was “absolutely humbled” by the results, adding, “I’m just excited
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navigating the water: At Pack’s Tavern, Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy (left), Board of Commissioners Chair David Gantt (middle left) and others monitored referendum results that showed Ashevilleans rejecting the idea of selling or leasing the water system.
about being part of it and hopefully delivering good government.”
boaRd of commissioneRs chaiR
Incumbent Democratic Sen. Martin Nesbitt easily fended off a challenge by Republican Rl Clark, 61 percent to 38 percent.
Incumbent Democrat david Gantt defeated challenger JB Howard 61 percent to 38 percent.
asheville wateR system RefeRendUm
n.c. hoUse 114th distRict
Ashevilleans roundly rejected the idea of selling or leasing the city’s water system, 85 percent (34,695 votes) to 14 percent (5,864 votes).
Incumbent Democratic Rep. susan Fisher ran unopposed.
n.c. hoUse 115th distRict
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Republican Nathan Ramsey (former chair of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners) defeated Democratic challenger susan Wilson, 54 percent to 45 percent.
n.c. hoUse 116th distRict Incumbent Republican Rep. Tim Moffitt defeated Democratic challenger Jane Whilden 56 percent to 43 percent. She beat Moffitt in 2008 and he defeated her in 2010. During the campaign, Whilden declared that this race would be the “tie-breaker” in their series of battles.
n.c. senate distRict 48 Incumbent Republican Sen. Tom Apodaca ran unopposed.
16 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
n.c. senate distRict 49
bUncombe coUnty RegisteR of deeds Incumbent Democrat drew Reisinger defeated Republican Pat Cothran 56 percent to 43 percent.
bUncombe coUnty school boaRd In the at-large race, the unofficial results show Paul (dusty) Pless Jr. holding a slim lead over Jerry Green, 29,463 votes to 28,743. In the North Buncombe District race, Ann B. Franklin defeated Brian Freelan 45,155 votes to 24,659. In the Owen District, Chip Craig topped dan Hale, 37,428 votes to 27,170. And in the Roberson District, Amy Churchill won with 36,111 votes over steven Weir sizemore’s 33,225. X For more election news, go to mountainx.com/ election.
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and volunteers for its no-kill shelter.
Unless otherwise stated, events take plaCe in asheville, and phone nUmbers are in the 828 area Code.
Thrift Store also needed. Foster:
day-by-day Calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. mountainx.com/events. weekday abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday
Volunteers for the Second Chances foster@bwar.org or 273-1428. Volunteer: volunteer@bwar.org or 423-2954. CommUnity partnership for pets • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, noon3pm - Community Partnership for Pets will offer spay/neuter vouchers at the K-Mart entrance of the Blue Ridge Mall, 4 Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. Info: 693-5172 or cpforpetsinc@aol.com. • 2nd SATURDAYS, noon-3pm
AnimAls brother wolf animal resCUe • Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, 31 Glendale Ave., seeks foster homes
- Vouchers will be distributed at Petco, 118 Highlands Square Drive, Hendersonville. • 4th SATURDAYS, 10am-1pm Vouchers will be distributed at Tractor Supply Company, 115
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Four Seasons Mall, Suite A, Hendersonville. dog obedienCe Classes • SA (11/17), 10am - An obedience class for dogs will focus on separation anxiety. Presented by Angel Dog at Pet Supermarket, 244 Tunnel Road. $30. Info: www.angeldoginc.com. --- 11am - A class on preventing jumping will be held at the same location. $30. Info: www. angeldoginc.com. --- 2pm - An final class on selecting a family pet will be held at the same location. $30. Info: www.angeldoginc.com. loon and waterfowl boat toUr • SA (11/17) & SU (11/18), 10am - A loon and waterfowl boat tour of Lake James State Park will focus on winter migration. Ages 7 and up. Bring waters, binoculars and a towel or cushion to sit on. Departs from the Paddy's Creek Area parking lot. Free. Info: 584-7728. parrot presentation: biting matters • SA (11/17), 10am - Learn how to avoid parrot bites and build a better relationship with your bird at this free workshop. 434 Cedar Hill Road. Info: phoenixlanding.org.
Art 16 patton 16 Patton Ave. Tues.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: www.16patton.com or 236-2889. • Through SA (11/24) - Viewpoints, works by John Mac Kah, and Life in Still Life, works by Mary Kay West. 310 art gallery 191 Lyman St., #310. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., noon-4pm or by appointment. Info: www.310art.com or 776-2716. • Through SU (3/31) - "Visual expressions of the Earth’s landscapes and skies," works by Fleta Monaghan, Betty Carlson, Bob Martin and Mark Holland. aloft hotel 51 Biltmore Ave. 11am-midnight daily. Info: www.mckibbon.com/ hotels/67/aloft-asheville. • Through FR (11/30) - The Travelers, braille-based art by Kenn Kotara. Info: 236-2265. ameriCan folk art and framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. amerifolk.com or 281-2134.
18 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
Winter warmth: Tom Fisch and Terry Wetton bring their original songs and compelling dialogue to “Warmth of Home,” a benefit for the Interfaith Assistance Ministry Winter Heating Fund, on Saturday, Nov. 17. (pg. 21) • Through WE (11/21) Gathering, works by self-taught Southern artists. appalaChian pastel soCiety JUried exhibition • Through FR (12/14) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will present its National Juried Exhibition at The Asheville School’s Crawford Art Gallery, 360 Asheville School Road. Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www. ashevilleschool.org or www.appalachianpastelsociety.org. art at appalaChian state University 423 West King St., Boone. Info: www.tcva.org or 262-3017. • Through SA (2/9) - Spaces of the Brain, works by Jedrzej Stepak, will be on display in the Mezzanine Gallery. • Through SA (11/24) - Roadside Attraction, works by Karen Bondarchuk, will be on display in Gallery B. --- At a Glance, works by Curt Brill, will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • Through SA (12/1) - Forever Protected, paintings for the Blue Ridge Conservancy by Gayle Stott Lowry, will be on display in the Community Gallery.
• Through SA (2/9) - Visible/ Invisible, Polish works from the Jan Fejkiel Gallery, will be on display in the Main Gallery. art at UnCa Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.unca.edu. • Through TU (11/27) - Faces of Afghanistan, drawings by Skip Rohde, will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • Through TU (11/20) - Ascension, paintings by Katie Linamen, will be on display in Owen Hall. • FR (11/16) through FR (11/30) Pottery and art by Cherokee artist Darrin Bark will be on display in the Highsmith University Union's Intercultural Center. Info: 251-6585. • FR (11/16), 7pm - Opening reception for Darrin Bark. art events at wCU Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www.fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591.
• Through FR (2/1) - North Carolina Glass 2012: In Celebration of 50 Years of Studio Glass in America. asheville area arts CoUnCil: the artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. • Through SU (11/25) Archaeology of Self, papercutting and clay sculpture by Lisa Abernathy and Melissa Nelson. asheville art mUseUm Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www.ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. • Through SU (1/27) - Robert Morris: Mind/Body/Earth will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (11/25) - High, Low and In Between. Artist Mel Chin extracted images from 25 volumes of Funk and Wagnall’s 1953 encyclopedia and edited them as collages freed of their historical context. On
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 19
display in the museum's East Wing, main level. • Through SU (1/20) - Chasing the Image, works by Madeleine d’Ivry Lord and Sally Massengale, will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (1/6) - Art/Sewn, "works of art in which sewing is integral to the making and viewing experience," will be on display in the North Wing. • FR (11/16), noon - Lunchtime Art Break: Chasing the Image: Madeleine Lord and Sally Massengale, with James Thompson, guest curator. This tour is designed to engage guests in dialogue with artists, educators, docents and staff. Free with membership or museum admission.
• Through SU (11/18) - 2012 Figurative Abstractions, works by Warren Dennis.
Bella Vista art Gallery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.bellavistaart.com or 768-0246. • Through MO (12/31) - August Hoerr (small portraits); Shellie Lewis Dambax (paintings); Tiffany Dill (encaustics).
dusty roads • Through MO (12/31) - Dusty Roads, photographs of classic and junkyard vehicles by Barbara Sammons, will be on display at Green Sage Coffeehouse and Cafe, 1800 Hendersonville Road. Info: www.barbarasammons.com or www.thegreensage.net.
Black Mountain center for the arts Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www.BlackMountainArts.org or 669-0930. • Through WE (11/21) - Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League biennial juried show. Black Mountain colleGe MuseuM + arts center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • Through SA (12/29) - Looking Forward at Buckminster Fuller's Legacy, an exhibit of Fuller’s "ideas and inventions as well as a new generation of Fuller-inspired thinkers and artists." Features winning projects from the first five years of The Buckminster Fuller Challenge. Block and screen Prints • Through TH (11/15) - Block and screen prints by Margaret Dahm will be on display at N.C. Stage, 15 Stage Lane. Mon.-Fri., noon-5pm. Info: noverso@yahoo.com. Blue sPiral 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through TU (12/31) - Ceramics by Ben Owen III, Gary Schlappal and Vicki Grant, along with wood pendulums by Michael Costello and baskets by Carole Hetzel. carlton Gallery 10360 Highway 105 S., Banner Elk. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 11am5pm or by appointment. Info: www. carltonartgallery.com or 963-4288.
• Through TU (11/27) - Handmade jewelry by Rachel Wilder. Push skate shoP & Gallery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: www. pushtoyproject.com or 225-5509. • Through TU (1/8) - Kin, works by Ursula Gullow.
castell PhotoGraPhy 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: www.castellphotography.com or 255-1188. • Through SA (12/1) - ROAD, a juried exhibition curated by W.M. Hunt.
sculPture for the Garden • Through MO (12/31) - Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www.grovewood.com.
chaMBer of art children’s Gallery • Through TU (11/27) - Works by second-grader William Ambrose Mills IV will be on display in the Phil Mechanic Studios' Chamber of Art, 109 Roberts St. Info: ww.philmechanicstudios.com.
eVents at handMade in aMerica Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 252-0121. • Through FR (11/16) - From Hand to Hand: Functional Craft in WNC, a celebration of craft artists living in the 25 counties of WNC. flood Gallery The Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: www.floodgallery.org or 2542166. • Through TU (11/27) - Work, paintings by Brian Mashburn.
seVen sisters Gallery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.sevensistersgallery.com or 669-5107. • Through TH (1/31) - Trees, Trees, Trees, paintings by Kim Rody.
A new kind of Christmas Carol: In Asheville Community Theatre’s production of the comedy Inspecting Carol, Phil (Craig Justus) carries cast member Wayne (Frank Salvo) onstage during their struggling theater company’s artistically questionable production of A Christmas Carol. Fridays through Sundays, Nov. 16 through Dec. 2. (pg. 26) Photo by Ewa Skowska • SU (11/18), 1-4pm - Opening
folk art center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: www.craftguild.org or 298-7928. • Through TU (12/11) - Works by Kyle Carpenter (clay) and Brian Wurst (wood).
GroVewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec.: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.grovewood.com or 253-7651. • Through MO (12/31) - Cut, Bend, Fold, Color: Paper Sculpture and Collage in Dimension.
on display at Grateful Steps Book
haen Gallery 52 Biltmore Ave. Wed.-Fri., 10am6pm; Mon., Tues. & Sat., 11am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.thehaengallery.com or 254-8577. • Through FR (11/30) - Lynn Boggess: New Work 2012.
JosePh anderson: forGed iron
haywood county arts council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86 in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www.haywoodarts. org or 452-0593. • Through SA (12/29) - It’s a Small, Small Work, a group show featuring paintings by Matthew Zedler.
Depot St.
iMaGes of Bliss around aPPalachia • Through FR (11/30) - Images of Bliss around Appalachia, photographs by Rachael Bliss, will be Store, 159 S. Lexington Ave. • SA (11/17), 3-5pm - A reception will include a meet and greet with August Stringer and Morel Bliss, owners of Green Chin Farm, an inspiration for many of the photos.
• Through FR (1/25) - Figuratively Speaking, an exhibition of iron works by Joseph Anderson, will be on display at 296 Depot, 296 • FR (11/16), 5-8pm - Artist reception. Matthew Zedler • Through TU (1/15) - Works by local modern/contemporary artist Matthew Zedler will be on display in the lobby of Hotel Indigo, 151
20 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
Haywood St. Info: www.matthewzedlerfineart.com. Mica fine conteMPorary craft 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville. Sun.-Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: www. micagallerync.com or 688-6422. • Through MO (12/31) - Late Bloomer, oil paintings by Dorothy Buchanan Collins. • SA (11/17) through MO (12/31) - Sweet Lights, candlesticks and candy dishes by Mica artists. • SA (11/17), 5-8pm - Holiday opening reception. Penland school of crafts 67 Dora's Trail, Penland. Tues.-Sat., 10am–5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.penland.org or 765-2359. • Through SU (11/18) - The Core Show, works by Penland School of Crafts' core fellows. Pink doG creatiVe A multi-use arts space located at 342 Depot St. Info: www.pinkdogcreative.com. • Through SA (12/15) - Watershed: The French Broad River, photographs by Jeff Rich. Tues.-Sun., 11am-6pm. PuMP Gallery 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am4pm. Info: www.philmechanicstudios.com.
swannanoa Valley fine arts leaGue • Through SU (1/6) - The Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League will present Fabulous Fakes and 3-D Show at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Tues.-Thurs., 11am-3pm; Fri.-Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.svfalarts.org or susansinyaiart@charter.net. the Bender Gallery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.thebendergallery.com or 505-8341. • Through FR (12/28) - Vitric Compositions: Assemblages in Glass, sculptures by Martin Kremer, Toland Peter Sand and William Zweifel. us and theM • Through MO (1/28) - Us and Them, new paintings, drawings and sculptures by Julie Armbruster, will be on display at Early Girl Eatery, 8 Wall St. Info: www.juliearmbruster.net. VadiM Bora retrosPectiVe • Through TH (11/30) - A retrospective of sculptor and painter Vadim Bora will be on display in Warren Wilson College’s Elizabeth Holden Gallery. Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4pm; Sun., 1-4pm and by appointment. Info: www.warren-wilson.edu or 771-3038. workinG Girls studio and Gallery 30 Battery Park Ave., Suite 200. Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: www.workinggirlsstudio.com or 243-0200. • Through FR (12/7) - New works by painter Eli Corbin and photographer Lynne Harty. ZaPow! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs., noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm; Sun. 1-6pm. Info: www.zapow.net or 575-2024. • Through SU (11/18) - Dia de los Muertos, a group show featur-
ing "works honoring the dearly departed." • TH (11/15), 7-9pm - Album cover art designer Joshua Marc Levy will discuss creating album art in the digital age. $24. Zen-doodle • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 10amnoon - This group of "outsider Zentanglers" meets twice monthly at Random Arts, 481 Louisiana Ave., Saluda. Free to attend; new members welcome. Info: c_langsdorf@ yahoo.com.
Art/CrAft fAirs Black Mountain tailGate holiday Market • SA (11/17), 10am-1pm - The Black Mountain Tailgate Holiday Market will feature produce and gifts at First Baptist Church, 130 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Free to attend. Info: www.fromhere.org. french Broad holiday art sale • SU (11/18), noon-5pm - The French Broad Holiday Art Sale will feature local clothing, jewelry, pottery, ornaments and more. Held at 2412 Old Marshall Highway, Alexander. Free to attend. 10 percent of proceeds benefit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Info: 712-3045. handMade holiday sale • TH (11/15), 2-7pm - Hosted by the Western Carolina University Fine Art Museum in Cullowhee. Wine and appetizers served. Free to attend. Info: www.wcu.edu/ museum/111.htm. handMade ornaMent sale • FR (11/16), 5-9pm - Flow gallery, 14 S. Main St., Marshall, will host an open house and handmade ornament sale. Free to attend. Info: www.flowmarshall.com or 649-1686. holiday Pottery sale • SA (11/17), 10am-5pm Centerpoint Studios' holiday pottery sale will feature works by Kathie Kline and emerging potter Kyle Carpenter, including unmarked seconds. 320 Lakewood Drive. Info: www.centerpointstudios.net or 253-1118. the little flea • SATURDAYS through (12/15), 10am-2pm - The Little Flea features crafts, toys, baked goods and more. Held at 718 Haywood Road. Free to attend. Info: www.littleflea.org. Voorhees faMily art show • SA (11/17), 10am-5pm - The Voorhees Family Art Show and Sale will feature art by six Voorhees family members along with guest artists. Held at 89 Woodward Ave. Free to attend. Info: www.handinhandgallery.com or 697-7719.
AUDITIONS & CALL TO ARTISTS ASHEVILLE ART IN THE PARK GRANT • Through FR (12/14) - Asheville Art in the Park Grant applications will be accepted by the Asheville Area Arts Council through Dec. 14. Info: www.ashevillearts.com. ECO ARTS AWARD • Through TU (1/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed-material competitions through Jan. 15. Info: www.ecoartsawards.com. FRENCH BROAD MENSA • Through (1/15) - French Broad Mensa will accept scholarship applications through Jan. 15. Info: www. mensafoundation.org/scholarships. LOCAL ZINE PRODUCTION • Volunteers are sought for Turbulent Minutiae, a local art and culture zine. Opportunities include creative and production staff, ad sales and more. Info: thatguy1944@ gmail.com or 808-7816. MARION CHRISTMAS PARADE • Through TH (11/15) - The Marion Christmas Parade will accept float applications from local businesses through Nov. 15. Info: 652-2215. THE ASHEVILLE SECOND LINE • SA (11/17), 5-9pm - The Asheville Second Line (Mardi Gras marching band) will host an open rehearsal and jam at the Grove Arcade meeting room. Brass, percussion and walkable woodwinds welcome. Info: http://avl.mx/mv. WNC ARTISTS POSTCARD SHOW • Through TU (1/1) - The Asheville Area Arts Council will accept submissions for the WNC Artists Postcards Show through Jan. 1. Info: www.ashevillearts.com/waancpostcard-show. ZAPOW! • ZaPow! invites artists to email 5-10 .jpgs of their work to be considered for upcoming exhibits. Info: info@ ZaPow.com.
requested. Info and registration: www.aflnc.org/artathon.
Graham Training Center. Info and locations: 696-2996.
BEAD FOR LIFE • FR (11/16), 11am-6pm - A pre-holiday sale, to benefit BeadforLife's efforts to help impoverished Ugandan women sell their jewelry and crafts internationally, will be held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. All profits will be donated. Info: www.montfordbooks. com.
SALT CAVE SESSION • MO (11/19), 1pm - Sola, "Asheville's therapeutic salt cave," will host a donation-based, 45-minute salt cave session at 10 Eagle St. to benefit The New Jersey Shore Relief Fund. Registration required: 236-5999 or www.solasaltcave.com.
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF WNC • Through MO (12/31) - Panacea Coffee Company, 66 Commerce St., Waynesville, will donate 20 percent of proceeds from each pound of Zimbabwe Estate Salimba Big Magic coffee to Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC through Dec. 31. Info: panaceacoffee.com or 734-7723. COMMUNITY BLANKET DRIVE • TH (11/15), 7am-noon - A community blanket drive, organized by Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry and Insurance Services of Asheville, will be held in the Executive Park parking lot, Charlotte and College Streets. Info: www.isa-avl.com. COMMUNITY CONTRA DANCE • SU (11/18), 4-6pm - Azalea Mountain School will host a familyfriendly contra dance at Asheville Music Hall, 31 Patton Ave., followed by a community supper. Donations benefit the school: $7 adults/$3 kids. Info: 575-2557 or info@azaleamountain.org. DIANA WORTHAM THEATRE • TH (11/15), 5-8pm - Diamond Brand Outdoors, 2623 Hendersonville Road, will host a fundraiser for Diana Wortham Theatre featuring discounts, prizes, music and BBQ. Free to attend/$8 per plate. Info: www.dwtheatre.com/ step-out-and-shop. DOGHOUSE DRIVE • SA (11/17), 10am-3pm - A doghouse drive, to benefit Haywood County Animal Control, will collect used and new doghouses at Petco, 825 Brevard Road. Donations of cedar pet bedding, plastic tarps and wooden pallets will also be accepted. Info: lauralwright70@ yahoo.com.
• WE (11/21), 5-9pm - Plant Restaurant, 165 Merrimon Ave., will host a three-course vegan Thanksgiving dinner to benefit Animal Haven of Asheville. $40/$14 for optional wine pairings. Reservations suggested: www.plantisfood.com.
FALL BRAWL KICKBALL CLASSIC • SA (11/17) & SU (11/18), 10am6pm - The Fall Brawl Kickball Classic, to benefit the Special Olympics of Buncombe County, will feature a double elimination kickball tournament. $150 per team of nine. Held at Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Circle, Field 9. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty. org or 250-4269.
ARTATHON • SU (11/18), 10am-6pm - ARTathon, an art-making marathon to benefit Arts for Life, will feature live demonstrations and hands-on workshops. Held at The LIFT Studios, 349 Depot St. $250 in pledges
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD • Through MO (11/19) - Operation Christmas Child will collect toys, school supplies and hygiene items for international children in need. Drop off locations in Asheville, Black Mountain, Leicester and at the Billy
TASTE OF ASHEVILLE • WE (11/14), 7pm - Taste of Asheville, to benefit Asheville Independent Restaurants, will feature small plate tastings of 40 local, independent restaurants. Held at The Venue, 21 N. Market St. $70. Info: www.airasheville.org. WARMTH OF HOME CONCERT • SA (11/17), 7pm - The Warmth of Home concert, to benefit the Interfaith Assistance Ministry Winter Heating Fund, will feature music by Tom Fisch and Terry Wetton. Held at Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. $15/$12 in advance. Info: 697-7029.
BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY A-B TECH INFORMATION SESSION • FR (11/16), 10-11am - The Small Business Center at A-B Tech will offer an information session for those interested in starting or expanding a business. Held on the Enka campus. Free. Info: www. abtech.edu/sbc. MOUNTAIN BIZWORKS WORKSHOPS 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 2532834 or www.mountainbizworks.org. • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step toward accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: victor@mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834. • WE (11/14), 8:30-10:30am - A panel of CEOs will lead a discussion about best practices and key management ideas. Held at BRCC. Free. Info and registration: bob@mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834. • TH (11/15), 4:30-6:30pm - An additional panel will be held at A-B Tech. Free. Info and registration: bob@ mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834.
CLASSES, MEETINGS & EVENTS MAC BASICS CLASSES AT CHARLOTTE STREET COMPUTERS (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 1:00pm. Mondays - Mac OS X, 1st Tuesday of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - Safari & Mail, 3rd Tuesday - iCloud, 4th Tuesday -
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Asheville Mall (next to Ulta Makeup) • (828) 298-1666 Mon-Thurs & Sun: 11am-10pm • Fri-Sat: 11am-11pm www.W i l d Wo k A s h e v i l l e .com mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 21
iMovie Basics, 5th Tuesday - alternate between Garageband and iWork Essentials, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at classes@charlottestreetcomputers. com. asheville newComers ClUb (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us! ashevillenewcomersclub.com every-body yoga with kim dry (pd.) Joyful movement with alignment, Weds - 4 pm and Suns - 10 am. Lighten Up Yoga, 60 Biltmore Ave, $1 parking at Aloft. 254-7756 asheville Calligraphy emporiUm • SA (11/17), 10am-1pm - A Word's Worth: Asheville Calligraphy Emporium will host a free gilding worthshop at 2004 Riverside Drive, Suite P. Bring your own supplies. Info: awordsworth@gmail.com or www.awordsworth.net. blaCk moUntain pastoral Care • TH (11/15), 4-7pm - Black Mountain Pastoral Care and Counseling Center will host an open house with information about new client services and a chance to meet new counselors. Door prizes and refreshments provided. 865-B Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. Info: www.bmpccc.org. Children first/Cis mind the gap toUr • TU (11/20), 3:30pm - The Children First/CIS Mind the Gap Tour will call attention to the issues in our community that hinder the success of children and families in poverty. Donations will not be requested. Info and registration: AdrienneA@ Childrenfirstbc.org or 259-9717. doUble fan tai Chi • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm - "Flying Rainbow Double Fan Form," presented by Little Dragon School, will focus on Tai Chi with two fans. Held at Asheville Community Movement, 812 Riverside Drive. Fans available to the first six registrants for $15. Those without fans should call for details. $10. Info: lizridley@hotmail. com or 301-4084. ethiCal soCiety of asheville • SU (11/18), 2-3:30pm - A meeting of the Ethical Society of Asheville will focus on the criminalization of homelessness. Held at the Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Road. Free. Info: www.aeu.org or 687-7759. frUgal artist meetUp • 3rd TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - The Frugal Artist Meetup will present art films at Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League's Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. No need to bring supplies. $5/$1 members. Info: www.
svfalarts.org or marilyndesigns@ charter.net. golden leaf • TU (11/20), noon - The Cherokee County/Golden LEAF Community Assistance Initiative forum will meet at Tri-County Community College, 21 Campus Circle, Murphy. Free. Info: pcabe@goldenleaf.org or 888684-8404. • TU (11/20), 5:30pm - A meeting of the Swain County chapter will be held at the Business Training Center, 45 East Ridge Road, Bryson City. Info: pcabe@goldenleaf.org or 888-684-8404. grownC CommUnity meeting • TH (11/15), 1-3pm & 4-6pm GroWNC will host a community meeting about its growth and economic development initiatives in BRCC's Blue Ridge Conference Hall. Free. Info: www.gro-wnc.org. henderson CoUnty heritage mUseUm Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: www. hendersoncountymuseum.org or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - School Days: 1797-1940 will feature a complete timeline of that era for all schools in Henderson County, many of which no longer exist. linColn: the ConstitUtion and the Civil war • Through FR (11/16) - The national touring exhibition Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War will be on display in UNCA's Ramsey Library during regular hours. Free. Info: 251-6336. moUntain heritage Center On the ground floor of Western Carolina University's Robinson Administration Building. Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm; Thurs., 8am-7pm. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 2277129 or www.wcu.edu/mhc. • WEEKDAYS - Horace Kephart in the Great Smoky Mountains, a yearlong exhibit about the iconic author of Our Southern Highlanders. n.C. arboretUm Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: www.ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • Through SU (1/6) - After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals and Ice, featuring fossils and teeth, allows visitors to "touch the Ice Age." $3/$2 students, in addition to parking fee. smoky moUntain Chess ClUb • THURSDAYS, 1-4pm - The Smoky Mountain Chess Club invites players of all levels to participate in friendly competition at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Free.
calling all idiots what: Idiotarod 5K shopping-cart race, to benefit the nonprofit of the winner's choice. when: Sunday, Nov. 18, 2-5 p.m. where: Starts at Terpsicorps Dance Studio, 339 Old Lyman St. and ends at The Bywater, 796 Riverside Drive, with a party. $175 per team of four or $35 per person. Info: idiotarod.com. why: The Asheville Idiotarod (aka Race of Awesome) makes its triumphant return. The event borrows its names from the Alaskan dogsled race (the Iditarod), only instead of sleds, racers use shopping carts, and instead of dog teams, there are teams of fellow “idi-
Info: www.brbooks-news.com or 456-6000. soCiety of dowsers • SA (11/17), 1-4pm - The Appalachian Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers will host a lecture with Damaris Drewry titled "Who's Driving Your Bus: Clearing Subconscious Programs that Run the Body" at Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. $10/free for members. Info: www.appalachiandowsers.org. tweetUp • TU (11/20), 5-7pm - A networking social and TweetUp will be held at Frankie Bones Restaurant and Lounge, 2 Gerber Village. Registration requested by nov. 16. Free. Info: http://avl.mx/my. wCU's international edUCation week • TH (11/15), 4:30pm - Former FBI agent Steve Moore will speak
22 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
about his career in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center as part of International Education Week. The week's activities include film screenings and presentations on Jamaica and Guatemala. Free. Info: copedo@wcu.edu or 227-7494. willy thilly meetUp • FRIDAYS, 7-9pm - A community group for those who enjoy "fun conversation in a relaxed, sophisticated environment." All topics welcome. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road. Free to attend. Info: (617) 699-1173. what's the fringe? • WE (11/14), 6pm - The Asheville Fringe Arts Festival (January 24-27, 2013) is part of a worldwide movement. Join AFAF staff, fellow fringers and Dr. Xela Batchelder, professor at Drexel University and founder of Fringe University, for a talk and slide show about the culture of fringing. Held at The ARTery, 346
ots” — so called because they're costumed and tied to said carts, which they then navigate through an obstacle course, performing crazy tasks and competing for prizes, like the Richard Simmons and Zoolander awards. So how does the race benefit local causes? The winning team picks a nonprofit to receive 20 percent of the proceeds from the race. The organization could be anything, from a food bank to an arts program to a group that combats poverty. The team that wins the coveted Chuck Norris Award receives the fundraising glory, all while making good-natured fools out of themselves. There will be an afterparty at The Bywater with beer, music and dancing, so you better start practicing the classic shoppingcart dance move now. Photo by Bill Rhodes
Depot St. Free. Info: www.ashevillearts.com/wtf-whats-the-fringe.
comedy performanCes at diana wortham theatre Located at 2 South Pack Square. Info: www.dwtheatre.com or 2574530. • FR (11/16), 8pm - Paula Poundstone, comedian and longtime contestant on NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, will perform at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $38/$35 in advance. Info: www. dwtheatre.com or 257-4530. sliCe of life Comedy • SU (11/18), 7pm - Stand-up comedy and booked open mic will include free snacks, drink specials and a raffle for charity. Held at Pulp, below the Orange Peel, 103 Hilliard Ave. $5. Info and booking: sliceoflifecomedy@gmail.com.
dance stUdio Zahiya (pd.) Drop in Classes: Monday 6-7 Fusion Bellydance • 7-8 Intro to Tribal • 7:30-9pm Bellydance. Tuesday 9-10am Hip Hop Booty Shakin Workout • 4-5 Girls Bellydance • 5:15-5:45pm Intro to Bellyydance, $7 • 6-7 Bellydance 1 • 7-8 Bellydance 2 • 8-9 Bellydance 3. Wednesday 6-7 Intro to Bellydance • 7:30-9 Bellydance 2. Thursday 9-10am Bellydance Workout • 6-7pm Bollywood • 7-8pm Hip Hop. Friday 10-11am Bhangra Workout. • 6:30-7:30pm BellyFit $12 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. studiozahiya.com BHARATANATYAM CLASSES • ADULT • CHILDREN (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now form-
ing. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com beginner swing danCing lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. swingasheville.com spiral spirit eCstatiC danCe (pd.) Wed nights. Join us on the dance floor for movement meditation every Wed nites. We dance at Sol's Reprieve 11 Richland St. in West Asheville. Warmup at 6:30pm, circle at 7:00pm and the fee is $7.00. Contact Karen azealea10@ yahoo.com or Cassie elementsmove@yahoo.com. moUntain shag ClUb • TUESDAYS - The Mountain Shag Club meets weekly at The Hangar at the Clarion Inn, 550 Airport Road. Free lessons from 6:30-7pm. Shag DJ from 7-10pm. $5. Info: www. mountainshagclub.com. soUthern lights sdC Held at the Whitmire Activity Building, 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info and cost: 6933825. • SA (11/17), 7pm - Southern Lights Square and Round Dance Club will host "Autumn Leaves." Advanced dance at 6pm. the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • TH (11/15) through SA (11/17) Magnetic Late Night presents Blue Skies Burlesque, featuring neo and classical burlesque dances. Thurs.Sat., 8pm; Fri. & Sat., 10:30pm late show. $15.
eco Carrotmob • TH (11/15), noon-7pm - ECO will host Carrotmob, a chance for the public to support green efforts by supporting local businesses en mass. Held at Jongo Java, 117 South Main St., Hendersonville. 75 percent of profits will go toward energy efficient lighting. Regular restaurant prices apply. Info: www. carrotmob.org/campaigns/3782. elisha mitChell aUdUbon soCiety • TU (11/20), 7pm - Local naturalist and educator Carlton Burke will present information on salamanders of WNC and bring live animals to view during this meeting of the Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society at UNCA's Reuter Center, Room 102. Free. Info:www.emas@emasnc.org. riverlink events Info: www.riverlink.org or 252-8474. • WE (11/14), 10am & 5pm Volunteer orientation will be held at the RiverLink offices, 170 Lyman St.
• TH (11/15), 11:45am - A RiverLink Bus Tour of the French Broad and Swannanoa Rivers will meet at the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. $15. Info and reservations: 252-8474, ext. 11.
festivals asheville holiday parade • SA (11/17), 11am - The Asheville Holiday Parade will feature floats, music, Santa and an appearance by Olympic Silver Medalists Lauren Tamayo and Manteo Mitchell. Held throughout downtown Asheville. Free. Info: www.ashevilleparade.org. Carolina Christmas exhibit • Through WE (1/2) - The Carolina Christmas exhibit will feature fresh trees, ornaments and toys from the Victorian Era at the Smith McDowell House Museum on the A-B Tech campus. Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm; Sun., noon-4pm. $10/$5 children. Info: www.wnchistory.org or 253-9231. grove arCade winter wonderland • TU (11/20) through WE (1/2) - The Grove Arcade Winter Wonderland will feature decorated trees and holiday displays at 1 Page Ave. Free. Info: www.grovearcade.com or 252-7799. Jinglefest • SA (11/17), 1-4pm - JingleFest will feature music, dancing, acrobats and puppets. Held in Pack Square Park. Free. Info: www.ashevilleparade.org. national gingerbread hoUse Competition • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS (11/20) until (1/2) - The Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave., will display the winners of the National Gingerbread House Competition. No public viewings on major holidays. $10-$15 parking fee. Info: www.groveparkinn.com. • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS (11/20) until (1/2), 10am-6pm Gingerbread House Competition winners will also be on display at the Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave. Sunday hours: 10am-5pm. Free. Info: www.grovearcade.com. thanksgiving natUre hike • TH (11/22), 9am - A moderate, 2-mile Thanksgiving nature hike will focus on birds, animals and plants. Departs from the Catawba River Area office of Lake James State Park, N.C. Highway 126. Free. Info: 584-7728. tryon painters and sCUlptors holiday art show • SA (11/17) through SA (11/22) The Tryon Painters and Sculptors' holiday art show, featuring scarves, earrings, cards, sculpture and more, will be held at 26 Maple St., Tryon. Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www. tryonpaintersandsculptors.com. • SA (11/17), 5-7pm - Opening reception.
film asheville art mUseUm Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • TH (11/15), 7pm - The museum will host a special screening of Joe Fiore/Maine Master, along with a presentation by David Dewey. Held in conjunction with the Fiore/ Drawing exhibit. Free with membership or regular admission. miss representation • TH (11/15), 5:30pm - The National Association of Social Workers will host a screening of Miss Representation, which "challenges the media's limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls," at the Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. $10. Info and registration: www.missrepnaswnc.eventbrite.com.
food & beeR Caldwell CUisine • TH (11/15), 6pm - Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute's culinary arts program will present a USO-themed dinner in the college's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center, featuring roasted red pepper soup, glazed ham and apple pie. $21. Info and registration: www.cccti.edu or 726-2402. foUntainhead bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870. • WE (11/14), 4:30pm - Chef Sean Ruddy of High Hampton Inn and Country Club will lead a cooking demonstration, followed by a presentation with author John Batchelor. $5. Advance tickets required. history of moUntain brewing • FR (11/16), 6pm - Anne Fitten Glenn will present her book Asheville Beer: An Intoxicating History of Mountain Brewing at Asheville Pizza and Brewing, 675 Merrimon Ave. Hosted by Accent on Books. Free. Info: 252-6255.
Your money doesn’t grow on trees. But it can help save them. Introducing the Green CD. Get the same great rates as a traditional CD, while your deposit helps fund eco-friendly initiatives, like renewable energy, recycling and energy efficiency. To learn more, call 828-676-2196. 1911 Hendersonville Rd. Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm
holiday Cooking Class • SA (11/17), 10am-noon - Earth Fare, 66 Westgate Parkway, will offer a healthy cooking class focused on holiday favorites. $30/$25 in advance. Info and registration: 299-8657.
gaRdening NCUA-Insured to $250,000 • 3-Month-to-5-Year Terms Available ikenobo ikebana soCiety The Blue Ridge Chapter of Ikenobo Ikebana Society (Japanese Flower Arranging) meets monthly at St. John's in the Wilderness Parish
$500 Minimum Deposit • Current Rates at self-help.org/rates
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 23
House, Rt. 225 South and Rutledge Road, Flat Rock. Info: 696-4103. • TH (11/15), 10am - The Ikenobo Ikebana Society will host a meeting and demonstration focusing on freestyle arrangements using seasonal materials. Guests are welcome to observe. permaCUltUre design series • THURSDAYS, 5-7pm - A permaculture design series will focus on forest gardens, waste and compost, earthworks, aquaculture and alternative energy systems. Permaculture Design Certification available. Held at Small Terrain, 278 Haywood Ave. $15 per class. Info: www.smallterrain.com. regional tailgate markets Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. Three dashes indicate the next listing. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: www.buyappalachian. org or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 2-6pm - montford farmers market, 36 Montford Ave. --- 2-6pm - french broad food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. --- 2-6pm opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 5pmdusk - 'whee farmer's market, 416 Central Drive, Cullowhee. • FRIDAYS, 2-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. --- 4-7pm leicester tailgate market, 338 Leicester Highway. • SATURDAYS, 7am-noon henderson County tailgate market, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville.--- 8am-noon haywood historic farmer's market, Shelton House Barn, 49 Shelton Street, Waynesville.--- 8am1pm - asheville City market, 161 South Charlotte St. --- 8am-12:30pm - transylvania tailgate market, behind Comporium on the corner of Johnson and Jordan streets, Brevard. --- 8am-noon - north asheville tailgate market, UNCA commuter lot C. --- 8:30am-12:30pm - yancey County farmers market, S. Main Street at US 19E, Burnsville. --- 10am-3pm - leicester tailgate market, 338 Leicester Highway. --- 10am-1pm - grow down home market, 105 Richardson Ave. Black Mountain. --- 10am-2pm - murphy farmers market, downtown Murphy. Info: 837-3400. • SUNDAYS, noon-4pm - marshall's "sundays on the island," Blanahasset Island. • TUESDAYS, 3-6pm - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson Street at Logan Street, Marion. --- 3:30-6:30pm - west asheville tailgate market, 718 Haywood Road.
kids ashe-bots robotiCs team • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Ashe-Bots is a FIRST Robotics Team and non-
profit STEM-based program for high school students ages 14-18. Group meets weekly at A-B Tech's Dogwood Building. Engineering and tech professionals are invited to mentor participants. Info: brookside891@att.net or http://avl.mx/ml. asheville mUsiC sChool aUditions • SATURDAYS, 11:45am - Rehearsals for the AMS Student Jazz Ensemble, intermediate and above, will be held at 126 College St. Students must have some music reading skills. All instruments and voices welcome. Directed by Gary Bradley. Info: 712-7478.
required for children under 9. $3 includes supplies. Info and registration: education@wnchistory.org or 253-9231. yoUtheatre holiday toUr • Through FR (11/16) - Children grades K-12 are invited to join the YouTheatre Holiday Tour. No audition required. Info: yt@flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-3517.
mUsic song o' sky show ChorUs (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: www. songosky.org Toll Free # 1-866-8249547.
hands on! This children's museum is located at 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.handsonwnc.org or 6978333. • WE (11/14), 11am - Grandma Story Woman. All ages. • TH (11/15) - Critter Craft invites children to make a Christmas mouse finger puppet throughout the day. • TU (11/20), 11am - "Caregiver and Me" class will focus on bringing books to life through acting, art and creative movement. $10/$5 members. --- Draw a turkey throughout the day. Free with admission. • WE (11/21) - Children are invited to create art with animal rubbing plates throughout the day.
asheville CommUnity show Choir • SU (11/18), 6pm - The Asheville Community Show Choir will perform Broadway music at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 223 Hillside St. Donations encouraged. Info: AvlShowChoir@gmail.com.
lake James state park N.C. Highway 126. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • TU (11/20), 10am - Wild turkey story time for ages 3-7. Registration requested.
asheville Composers series • TH (11/15), 7:30pm - The Asheville Composers Series will feature UNCA faculty and students performing works by local composers. Held in the university's Lipinsky Hall. $5/students free. Info: www.unca.edu.
play and learn literaCy program • TUESDAYS through FRIDAYS, 9am - Play and Learn, an eight-week pre-literacy program for 3-5 year olds, will be held at various locations throughout Buncombe County. New classes begin in September. Sponsored by Smart Start. Free. Info and locations: marna.holland@asheville.k12.nc.us or 350-2904.
asheville symphony orChestra • SA (11/17), 8pm - The Asheville Symphony Orchestra will perform Beethoven's Symphony No. 4 along with works by Bizet and Rachmaninoff, featuring Joyce Yang (piano). $20-$58 with discounts for students. Held at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, 87 Haywood St. Info: www.ashevillesymphony.org. • FR (11/16), 3pm - A symphony talk with music director Daniel Meyer will be held in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: http://olliasheville.com or 251-6140.
spellboUnd Children's bookshop 21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.spellboundchildrensbookshop.com or 232-2228. • SATURDAYS, 10:30-11am - Story time for ages 4-7.
an evening of afriCan mUsiC • SU (11/18), 5pm - Christy Clavio (Zimbabwean mbira) and Sean Gaskell (West African kora) will perform "music from ancient traditions thousands of years old" at Dobra Tea, 78 N. Lexington Ave. Info: www.dobrateanc.com.
swim lessons • WEEKLY - The YMCA hosts group, private and semi-private swim lessons at 30 Woodfin St. Mon. & Wed., 5:30-7pm; Tues. & Thurs., 4:30-6pm; Sat., 10am-noon. Prices vary: 210-9622.
blUe ridge orChestra Info: www.blueridgeorchestra.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Open rehearsals for the Blue Ridge Orchestra will be held most Wednesdays in the Manheimer Room of UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Call for confirmation. Info: www.blueridgeorchestra.org or 251-6140.
viCtorian Christmas • SA (11/17), 10:30am-noon - The Crafty Historian will present a program about celebrating Christmas in the Victorian style at the Smith McDowell House Museum on the A-B Tech campus. Adult supervision
flat roCk playhoUse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - Heartbreak Hotel: A
24 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
Tribute to Elvis Presley will be performed at the downtown playhouse. 8pm. $24. grind Cafe 136 West Union St., Morganton. Info: www.facebook.com/grindcafe or 430-4343. • TH (11/15), 7:30pm - Michelle Malone (acoustic guitar and vocals). $10. • FR (11/16), 8pm - The Alligators (blues). $5. Jam session • 3rd SATURDAYS, 1-3pm - An old-time jam session will be held at Oconaluftee Visitor Center, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S. 441. Info: www.nps.gov/grsm. kat williams and ben hovey • WE (11/21), 7-9pm - Kat Williams (R&B, jazz, pop) and Ben Hovey (trumpet, electronics) will perform at The Chop House, 22 Woodfin St. Info: www. katwilliamsmusic.com. land of the sky symphoniC band • SU (11/18), 7pm - The Land of the Sky Symphonic Band will perform works by Holst, Leroy Anderson, Duke Ellington and others at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $12/$10 students. Info: www.landoftheskybands.org. midtown diCkens • TH (11/15), 8pm - Midtown Dickens (folk) will perform at UNCA's Highsmith University Union Grotto. Free. Info: www.midtowndickens.com. open miC • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm-midnight The Sly Grog Lounge, 45 S. French Broad Ave., inside The Downtown Market, hosts a weekly open mic for poets, musicians and performers of all types. Info: http://avl.mx/n4. rhythm and soUnd exploration workshop • TU (11/20), 7-9pm - A rhythm and sound exploration workshop, with percussionist River Guerguerian, will include sound immersion therapy. Bring drums, gongs and a yoga mat or blanket. Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $10. Info: www.ShareTheDrum. com. the el Chapala Jamboree • THURSDAYS, 8-10pm - A weekly talent showcase featuring singersongwriters, poets, comics and a capella sing-offs. 868 Merrimon Ave. Info and booking: (617) 858-6740.
Dribbon swapping stories and sharing music. $5. U.s. air forCe band • TH (11/15), 7pm - The U.S. Air Force Band will perform in Caldwell Community College's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. Free. Info: 726-2407. wCU perCUssion ensemble • MO (11/19), 7:30pm - The WCU Percussion Ensemble will perform in the university's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242. west asheville CommUnity ChorUs • SA (11/17), 7pm - Suzannah Park and Nathan Morrison will lead the WACC in traditional a cappella songs from America, South Africa, the Balkans and the Caucus Republic of Georgia during a performance at St. Matthias Church, 1 Dundee St. $5-$10 suggested donation/children free. Info: 258-0675, morrisonpark@ gmail.com of www.suzannahpark. com. wind ensemble ConCert • SU (11/18), 4pm - UNCA's wind ensemble and symphony orchestra will perform in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/students free. Info: www.music. unca.edu/calendar-events.
oUtdooRs friends of the smokies • TH (11/15) - Friends of the Smokies will host a moderate 6.2mile hike along the Smokemont Loop Trail. Departs from Asheville at 8:30am, Maggie Valley at 9am and Great Smoky Mountains National Park at 9:45am. $35. Info and location: www.friendsofthesmokies.org or 452-0720.
paRenting breastfeeding CliniC for spanish speakers • TH (11/15), 6pm - All Spanish speaking mothers are invited to this free clinic for tips on troublesome breastfeeding issues and solutions to overcome them. Held at the office of Dr. Kelly Thompson, 2605 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville. Info: http:// avl.mx/mr.
the krUger brothers • SA (11/17), 8pm - The Kruger Brothers (acoustic) will perform at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 N. Pack Square. $30/$25 students/$15 children. Info: www.dwtheatre.com or 257-4530.
foster/adopt fall festival • SA (11/17), 1-4pm - The WNC Foster/Adopt Fall Festival will feature snacks, crafts, face painting and an opportunity to learn about foster parenting. Held at AshevilleBiltmore DoubleTree Hotel, 115 Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: familiesforkids@buncombecounty. org or 250-5868.
the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: www.themagneticfield.com or 257-4003. • WE (11/14), 8pm - The Magnetic Song Series will feature Jon Stickley, Nikki Talley and Dave
mama-time • MONDAYS, 12:30pm - This postpartum group meets weekly at the Treehouse Cafe, 1020 Merrimon Ave. Info: sarah4thtrimester@yahoo. com.
pUblic lectURes pUbliC leCtUres & events at UnCa Events are free unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/14), 8pm - Former FBI agent Steve Moore will present his book Special Agent Man: My Life in the FBI in Highsmith University Union's Alumni Hall. Info: www. unca.edu. • TH (11/15), 7pm - “New Voyages to Carolina,” with William Ferris, professor of history at UNC Chapel Hill. Held in the Reuter Center. Info: olliasheville.com or 251-6140. --6pm - A Cherokee language demonstration will be held in Highsmith University Union's Intercultural Center. Free. Info: 251-6585. • FR (11/16), 11:25am - "WW II and the Holocaust,” with Teddy Uldricks, professor of history. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium: Info: humanities.unca. edu or 251-6808.
senioRs mediCare Update Classes • Through TU (11/20) - The Council on Aging will offer Medicare update classes at various local libraries. Info, registration and locations: 277-8288.
spiRitUality astro-CoUnseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. asheville Compassionate CommUniCation Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15 252-0538. indian ClassiCal danCe (pd.) Is both prayer and an invocation of the highest divinity. Learn the dance the Natya Shastra called "the highest form of yoga" Bharatanatyam. Call Tess: 301-0331. mindfUlness meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Join Us to welCome baCk bill torvUnd at JUbilee! (pd.) Sunday, November 18th, 2 – 6 pm. The Radiant Over Soul and
Its Attunement to Cosmic Light Workshop; Cost: $50 and includes 2-hour (free) follow-up practicum on 11/25 (4 - 6 pm) for all 11/18 participants. Workshop highlights include: The Vajrasattva mantra designed to attune to the most primordial universal light frequencies. Attunements to the chakras and nadic systems as well as understanding of the openings to the ascension portals empowered through activation of cosmic vital energy throughout the body. Contact Tracy re: workshop and/or healing sessions: 828-2154716 or t.schmidt@mindspring.com asheville insight meditation (pd.) Practice/learn mindfulness meditation and ramp up your spiritual practice in a supportive group environment. We practice Insight Meditation, also known as: Vipassana, or Mindfulness Meditation, which cultivates a happier, more peaceful, and focused mind. Our caring community environment provides added support and joy to one's spiritual awakening processes. Open to adults. By donation. Tuesdays, 7pm8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. Meditation, Dhamma talk, and discussion. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, NC. Info/directions: (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com asheville insight meditation (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. Thursday, Nov 8 & Thursday Nov 22, 2012. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation. com beginning to advanCed meditation • DAILY - Receive "personal guidance towards achieving profound experiences in meditation and awakening spiritual energy." Classes held at The People's Ashram, 2 W. Rosecrest St. By donation. Info and appointment: madhyanandi@gmail. com or www.thepeoplesashram.org. bentinho massaro • TUESDAYS, 7:30-9pm & SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Bentinho Massaro will present a satsang meeting at One Center Yoga, 120 Coxe Ave., Suite 3A. $15-$20 donation. Info: www.free-awareness.com. Center for spiritUal living asheville A Science of Mind, Religious Science, New Thought Center. 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: www. cslasheville.org or 231-7638. • TH (11/15), 7-9pm - Embracing the Global Heart will screen Visions of a Universal Humanity, a film by Barbara Marx Hubbard. By donation. CommUniCating with yoUr higher self • TU (11/20), 11am-1pm "Communicating with Your Higher Self" will teach participants how to dowse words and phrases to converse with your higher self. Held at 101 Patton Ave. Bring a lunch.
$30. Info: UltimateEnergyHealing@ gmail.com.
ecological crises." $30. 29 Page Ave. Info: www.windhorsezen.org.
eight steps to a happy life • SUNDAYS, 7pm - "Learning to grow a kind heart is the quickest road to happiness." Each class includes guided meditation, a talk and group discussion. Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: meditationinasheville@ gmail.com, 668-2241 or www.meditationinasheville.org.
Unity ChUrCh of asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: www.unityofasheville.com or 252-5010. • SU (11/18), 11am - Therapist Mary Margaret Camalo will speak about soul renaissance. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - Edgar Cayce study group.
exodUs ChUrCh bible stUdy • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon - A community discussion through the New Testament. This group is open to all who are searching for new friends or a new beginning in life. Meets at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: 252-2535. fUndamentals of bUddhism • MONDAYS, 7:30pm - The Karma Kagyu Study Group of Asheville hosts an introduction to the fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism at the Flatiron Building, 20 Battery Park Ave., Room 309. Info: www.facebook.com/ktc.asheville. mystiCal meditations • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 3pm - Mystical Meditations will be held at the Marshall High Studios (Blannahassett Island), Room 208. "Bring a journal to celebrate sacredness of nature, self and magic." $3-5 suggested donation. Info: highlandwildcoven@gmail.com. past lives and karmiC lessons • SU (11/18), 11am-noon - Past Lives and Karmic Lessons. "Have we lived before, and if so, why? Join this illuminating discussion and discover keys to a life of greater love, wisdom and freedom." Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Free. Info: www.eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775. satsang with praJna ana • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - "In satsang we explore our true nature, that which is love — constant and unchanging. The meeting may take form as a silent sitting, guided meditation or a talk and self-exploration to take a closer look at meaningful topics." $15 suggested donation; no one turned away. Info and location: www.lampoftheheart.org. shambhala meditation Center of asheville 19 Westwood Place. Visitors welcome; donations accepted. Info: www.asheville.shambhala.org. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville offers group sitting meditation, followed by Dharma reading and discussion at 7pm. Free. the alChemy of Zen • SA (11/17), 9:45am-3:30pm Author and zen teacher David Loy joins Windhorse Zen Community and Urban Dharma for a workshop exploring "root causes and deep solutions to contemporary social and
spoken & wRitten woRd blaCk moUntain Center for the arts Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www.BlackMountainArts.org or 669-0930. • FR (11/16), noon - The Brown Bag and Books Lunchtime Poetry Series will feature five area poets from the Great Smokies Writing Program. Bring a bag lunch. Free; donations accepted. bUnCombe CoUnty pUbliC libraries library abbreviations - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n bm = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n na = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 250-4752) n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 2506488) n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • TU (11/13) through SA (11/17) The Hunger Games marathon will include discussions and screenings of the film at various libraries. Bring non-perishable food items to donate to MANNA FoodBank. Info and schedule: www.buncombecounty. org/library or 250-4711. • TH (11/15), 2:30pm - Book club: Barbarian Nurseries by Hector Tobar. ss --- 7pm - Book club: Still Alice by Lisa Genova. fv • TU (11/20), 2pm - Book club: Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons. na --- 7pm - Mystery book club: Cat Laughing by Shirley R. Murphy. bm • WE (11/21), 6pm - Knitting group. sw City lights bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • TH (11/15), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet, featuring Rose McLarney.
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45 Banks Avenue
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 25
• FR (11/16), 6:30pm - Terry Roberts will present his book A Short Time to Stay Here. events at montford books and more 31 Montford Ave. Info: www.montfordbooks.com or 285-8805. • SA (11/17), 3pm - Tawney Sankey will present her new novel Raising Indigo. from the pages of fred Chappell • TH (11/15), 7:30pm - WCU's English department will host a performance of Look Back the Maytime Days: From the Pages of Fred Chappell, featuring the prose and poetry of the former North Carolina poet laureate. Held in the university's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7264. gene keys reading groUp • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - This weekly gathering meets to discuss Richard Rudd's Gene Keys, a "guide to facing and eradicating every fear that stands in the way of your freedom." A free PDF intro is available at Amazon.com. Info and location: 785-2828. malaprop's bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: www.malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/14), 7pm - Marc Fitten will present his novel Elza's Kitchen. • TH (11/15), 7pm - Mark Powell will present his book The Dark Corner. --- 7pm - Stitch 'n' Bitch. • FR (11/16), 7pm - Zen teacher David Loy will present his books The World is Made of Stories and The Great Awakening. • SA (11/17), 7pm - A Southern cookbook event will feature authors Fred Thompson, Debbie Moose and Kathleen Purvis. • SU (11/18), 3pm - "Writers at Home" will feature Catherine Reid and Nancy Dew Taylor. • TU (11/20), 7pm - Comix Club: Sandman: Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman. romanCe book ClUb • TU (11/20), 7pm - The All Romance All the Time book club will meet at Battery Park Book Exchange, 1 Page Ave. Free. Title will be announced at www.malaprops.com. tellabration! • SU (11/18), 3pm - Tellabration! will celebrate the "age-old art of storytelling" at the Folk Art Center, MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. $7. Info: www.southernhighlandguild. org. the strivers row poetry show • WE (11/14), 7:30pm - The Strivers Row Poetry Show will be presented in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. Ages 16 and up. $5. Info: bardoartscenter.wcu.edu. transylvania writers' allianCe • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 3-5pm The Transylvania Writers' Alliance
meets at Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. $10 yearly/three months free for new members. Info: loryaw@citcom.net or 884-5669.
spoRts adUlt dodgeball registration • Through MO (12/17) - An adult dodgeball league will be held Tuesdays in UNCA's Justice Center. Registration required by dec. 17. $40. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty.org or 250-4260. blUe ridge rollergirls Asheville's all-female, flat-track roller derby league. Info: www.blueridgerollergirls.com. • SA (11/17), 5pm - Blue Ridge Rollergirls All Stars vs. Tallahassee A-Team --- 7pm - Blue Ridge Rollergirls French Broads vs. Sumter Fly Girls. Both events will be held at the N.C. Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. $12/$10 in advance/children 12 and under free. Info: www.blueridgerollergirls.com. fitness Class • MONDAYS, 5:30-6:45pm Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will host a fitness class including P90X, Insanity, the Asylum, Turbo Fire fitness programs and more. Held at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. Free. Info: 350-2058. piCkleball • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will offer pickleball games at the Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. $1 per day. Info: 350-2058. tUrkey trot • TH (11/22), 9:15am - The Turkey Trot 5K and Wobble Gobble Fun Run will depart from Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road. $25 in advance/$10 fun run. Info: www. ashevilleturkeytrot.com.
theateR 1940's radio hoUr • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - Tryon Little Theatre presents 1940's Radio Hour, "full of '40s music, dancing and old-time sound effects." Directed by Donna Orzano. Thurs.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 3pm. 516 South Trade St., Tryon. $20/$15 students 18 and under. Info: 859-2466 or www.tltinfo.org. altamont theatre Company Located at 18 Church St., downtown Asheville. Info: www.altamonttheatre.org or 274-8070. • SA (11/17) & SU (11/18) Asheville Youth Mission's Many Voices presents Not Alone, an original production by teens that
depicts the life of youth through comedy, drama, music and step dance. A conversation with the cast will follow the show. Sat., 3:30pm; Sun., 3:30 & 7pm. $10. asheville CommUnity theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/25) - Naughty But Nice!, an "intimate cabaret revue that takes us to the inner circles of New York, Paris, London and Cannes." Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm. Additional performance Sun., Nov. 25 at 2:30pm. $25. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/2) - Inspecting Carol, "a laugh-aminute ride through the last days of rehearsal before what may be one theatre’s last opening night." Fri. & Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2:30pm. No performance nov. 23. $22/$19 seniors and students/$12 children. brevard College theater department • TH (11/15) through SU (11/18) Brevard College will present Sylvia, the story of a couple that adopts a stray dog, in the college's Porter Center. Fri.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 3pm. $5. Info: www.brevard.edu/ productions. different strokes! performing arts ColleCtive • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/17) - Romeo Loves Juliet, a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's classic love story, will be performed by Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective at the BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. 7:30pm. $18/$15 students and seniors; $15/$12 students and seniors in advance. Info: www.differentstrokesavl.com. flat roCk playhoUse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, "a gothic American story of brothers vying for their dying father's inheritance." Performed on the Mainstage. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun., 2pm. $35/discounts for seniors, students, AAA members and military. hendersonville little theatre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or www.hendersonvillelittletheatre. org. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/18) - The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams' classic drama about a "faded, tragic remnant of Southern gentility who lives in poverty in a dingy St. Louis apartment
26 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
with her children." Fri. & Sat., 8pm; Sun., 2pm. $20/$10 under 18.
jeralieeandrews@abtech.edu or 398-7761.
parkway playhoUse yoUth troUpe • FR (11/16) & SA (11/17) Parkway Playhouse's youth troupe presents The Pirates of Penzance, the story of a "young man who has been accidentally apprenticed to a group of pirates by his wellmeaning governess." Performed at Mountain Heritage High School, 333 Mountain Heritage High School Road, Burnsville. 7:30pm. $5-$10. Info: www.parkwayplayhouse.com or 682-4285.
asheville area arts CoUnCil • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks. Complete a volunteer form at www.ashevillearts. com or stop by the ARTery, 346 Depot St.
readers' theater • TH (11/15), 6pm - Local actors will read a script version of Thomas Wolfe’s The Child by Tiger, which depicts "gripping events that surrounded the 1906 Will Harris murders in downtown Asheville." Visitors are invited to sit in on the performance. Held at the Thomas Wolfe Memorial Visitor Center, 52 N. Market St. $5. Info: www.wolfememorial.com. the JUngle book kids • TH (11/15) & FR (11/16), 6:30pm - Ira B. Jones Elementary presents a stage production of The Jungle Book Kids in the school's Jones Auditorium, 544 Kimberly Ave. $5/$3 students. Info: sail2agc@ hotmail.com. the lives of animals • FR (11/16) through SU (11/18), 8pm - The Lives of Animals, a devised performance piece (ensemble-created) inspired by the book by J.M. Coetzee, will be performed at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road. $12/$10 advance. Info: www.anamcaratheatre.blogspot.com or 252-2505. the marshmallow family CirCUs • WE (11/21) & FR (11/23), 8pm Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, hosts Gypsy Geoff. The performance will include "high-end technical circus acts, puppetry with marionettes and audience participation." $10/$20 for entire family. Info: www.toyboatcommunityartspace. com. theatre UnCa • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/17) - The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde’s comic farce about Victorian marriage, will be performed in UNCA's Carol Belk Theatre. 7:30pm. $10/$5 students. Info: drama.unca.edu/theatre-unca or 232-6610.
volUnteeRing a-b teCh • A-B Tech seeks volunteers for student services, academic success programs and its writing center. Opportunities available at the Asheville and Enka campuses. Info:
asheville CommUnity theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • MO (11/19), 6:30pm - Volunteer orientation. asheville holiday parade • Through (11/17) - The Asheville Holiday Parade and Jinglefest seek volunteers for a variety of tasks including traffic control, games and more. Info: volunteer@ashevilledowntown.org. big brothers big sisters of wnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www. bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks men and women to mentor one hour a week in schools and afterschool sites. Volunteers age 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from singleparent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, such as sports, local attractions, etc. Info: 253-1470, www.bbbswnc.org or attend an optional information session nov. 8 or 28 at noon, United Way building, S. French Broad Ave., Room 213. bUnCombe CoUnty Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. Children first/Cis • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low income housing. Mon.Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteer for one hour a week and change the life of a local child. Info: www.childrenfirstbc.org or 768-2072. CoUnCil on aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call-A-Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: www.coabc.org or 277-8288. habitat for hUmanity • Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for its Home Repair program. Use existing skills or gain new ones while helping low-income homeowners make improvements to their homes. No experience or long-term commitment necessary.
Info: 210-9383. • Volunteers are needed to clean donated items and unload trucks at the organization's ReStore. Regular commitment not required. Info: ataylor@ashevillehabit.org or 210-9377. hands on ashevillebUnCombe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www.handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TU (11/20), 4-6pm - Fair-Trade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. holiday giving tree • Through FR (12/14) - Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, will accept new books valued at $10 or more for its Holiday Giving Tree program. Books will be distributed to local children in need. Info: 250-6484. literaCy CoUnCil of bUnCombe CoUnty Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 2543442, ext. 205. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a second language. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Info: literacytutors@litcouncil.com. motherlove mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per month required. Info: 254-7206. partners Unlimited • Partners Unlimited, a program for at-risk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteer tutors and website assistance. Info: partnersunlimited@ juno.com or 281-2800. proJeCt linUs • Project Linus, a volunteer group which provides handmade blankets to children in crisis, seeks new members. Info: 645-8800. the rathbUn Center • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation which provides free lodging for patients or their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Info: www.rathbuncenter.org or 251-0595. Calendar deadline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wednesday, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
businessnews lending consulting training
sponsoRed by moUntain bizwoRks and its bUsiness clients www.moUntainbizwoRks.oRg
bUilding a bUsiness one bin at a time While some people start a business based on a longtime passion or interest, others recognize a need that’s not being met. Danny Keaton of Danny’s Dumpster falls into the latter category. In fact, you could say that Keaton has built his business by staying attuned to needs in the community — and taking advantage of a chain of lucky events. The first event might not seem like much. Only five years ago, Keaton was a construction worker, using a small trailer to haul waste from building sites. “One day, a homeowner asked to put household trash on my trailer,” he says. “In Madison County, there was no householdtrash collection.” So Keaton began hauling residential trash and recycling in the back of his van. Danny’s Dumpster was born. Then in 2008, the ABC Container Recycling Law went into effect, requiring restaurants and bars to recycle all beverage containers. Keaton jumped at the opportunity to reach a new market. He started offering dumpsters and building relationships with area businesses. Pickup service increased dramatically. “But we were going head-to-head with very large garbage companies,” he explains, “and I knew it would be difficult to compete without a niche.” Keaton noticed that his clients — especially the restaurants — were throwing out a lot of food waste, so he expanded his services to include collecting compostables, which he transported to a nearby composting facility. A loan from Mountain BizWorks enabled him to purchase additional equipment, increase efficiency and offer full waste-removal services to his clients. The next “lucky event” didn’t seem so lucky at the time; in fact, initially it seemed like a disaster. After working hard to build up his composting route, Keaton learned that the local composting facility was going to shut down in April this year. “It was like the rug was pulled out from under our feet,” he says. “But people were depending on us; we had 25 tons of food waste coming in per week. So for four months I drove a dump truck three or four times per week to the nearest composting facility — in Gastonia, which is two hours each way — just to keep the business going.”
got a bUsiness qUestion? Email Anna Raddatz at anna@mountainbizworks.org.
Fall SalE through November 24
362 Depot St. • 828-545-7345
bin deep: Like many entrepreneurs, Danny Keaton started small, building his waste-hauling business one bin at a time and finding his niche — compostable food waste. Photo by Derek Keaton It was immediately clear that this was not a sustainable situation. So on land leased from the city of Asheville, Keaton created his own in-vessel composting facility. He says it’s the only one within 100 miles of town that accepts food waste. “At the time, that transition was a huge challenge. But looking back, we’re definitely in a better position now than we were before.” Today, Danny’s Dumpster serves about 80 businesses, hospitals, schools and — mostly — restaurants “The Asheville-area restaurants have really embraced what we’re doing,” he says. The company also handles garbage, recycling and compostable collection for about 50 events and festivals throughout the year. It’s a fantastic example of local businesses working together for the common good. As a result, Keaton gets calls from communities all over the country that want to learn how to do what he’s doing. “We didn’t invent the concept of hauling food waste. But most companies that do it are very large and have the ability to buy fancy equipment. We just have a few pick-up trucks and trailers, so I think what’s attractive about our model is the idea that anyone can do this,” he says.
Of course, that’s not to say that everyone would want to do this type of work. As Keaton explains, “It’s not pretty. It’s not easy. On cold, rainy days like today, it’s hard. My feet are wet and my clothes are covered in mud and who-knows-what. But to see the impact that we have on the community, to hear the positive feedback from our clients, to know that I’m supporting my employees — that definitely fuels me to keep going.” To learn more about Danny’s Dumpster services, or to purchase compost for your farm or garden, visit dannysdumpster.com or call 380-9094.
visit us and
To learn about small business loans from Mountain BizWorks visit mountainbizworks.org/lending or call 253-2834. Mountain BizWorks supports small businesses in Western North Carolina through lending, consulting and training. For more information, visit mountainbizworks.org. Anna Raddatz is development and communications coordinator at Mountain BizWorks.
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828-252-1550 Offer expires 11/22/2012
Harvest celebration
With leaf-shaped pineapple dipped in gourmet chocolate and CINNAMON CHOCOLATE APPLE WEDGES® in a pumpkin keepsake
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 27
Find local live comedy events at www.DisclaimerComedy.com (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLDisclaimer).
Like a Loose Cannon but Looser
NC man pleads guilty after distributing fake male-enhancement drugs Must make restitution of over 1,000 handjobs
Grizzly in animal casting facility kills caretaker after becoming disenchanted with typecasting as ‘bear who won’t attack caretaker’
Daylight savings time-killers
Once again, the “extra hour” of daylight savings time is here. What will you do with your extra time? Some suggestions: • Complete a nonrepresentational LEGO masterpiece.
• Take up the violin. 59 horrible minutes later, put down the violin. • Make 20 perfect 3-minute eggs.
• Put in 1/10,000th of the time you will need to master something. • Take the most expensive and gratifying hot shower of all time.
• Take the most tortuous and guiltridden cold shower of all time (hair shirt optional). • PBS NewsHour and/or nap.
• Contemplate time as an illusory byproduct of the curvature in space (astrophysicists only).
• Make a list of EDST time-killers. The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire. Contact tomscheve@gmail.com Twitter: @AvlDisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve.
Exclusive: A revealing look at the rough draft of Patsy Keever’s post-election message to supporters Dear supporters, What the f@#$? I mean, what the G&^%$(^%d f*&^ just happened? There I am, at Patsy Keever campaign headquarters, watching the returns come in, and one question kept springing to my mind: What The F&$%? I wish each and every one of you had worked harder on my campaign here in the 10th Congressional District, seriously. I’m just speaking from the heart here, but there’s just no way you were productively working toward my victory while riding the Patsy Keever campaign volunteer clock. Sure, Buncombe County voted two-toone in my favor. Why not three-to-one? Why not nine-to-one? I’ll tell you why: you. You. You. You made the difference in this campaign, and I lost. And for those of you on the grassroots level whose donations of $100 or less I so, so counted on: Gee, thanks. Wowwee. A tenner! Oh, you shouldn’t have. That’s just the amount I happen to need to come in second place in this little election thing I just did. I was being sarcastic when I eblasted you about small donations — read between the f#$$@#$ lines. My opponent was able to raise s*&^tons of money, so thanks everyone for your paltry donations. His supporters have good jobs, I suppose, and, unlike my supporters, give a f*&^ about winning. For real, just looking over my donations ledger here, are all of you on fixed incomes? This really is becoming an entitlement society. Holy f#$(@&# s#$%. The organization we built together needs to be torn down ASAP and sold for scrap. If you are reading this and you are in my campaign offices, get the f*$& out right now. Right f*&^ing now, I’m serious. I’ll be there five minutes after I hit “Send” on this email, and I have had it with all of y’all’s dumb#&$% bull@#$%. Our goal was to “move beyond the failed politics of the past” and now my campaign can technically be considered a
28 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
portion of the failed politics of the past, you dumbf$%#s. You set my a@# up for that s#!%, didn’t you? Judging by a long, sober look at my campaign volunteers. my message of Putting People First was a recipe for failure. I should have put PACs first. Maybe I should have specified exactly which people I wanted to put first, starting with myself, white Independents, and campaign workers who have what it takes to win. Some of you put Patsy Keever signs up in your yard and nothing more. We had Keever hoodies, bumper stickers, and novelty thongs too, you know. Imagine the investigator’s shock when he’s solving your murder and the murder weapon — a Patsy Keever campaign yard sign — turns out to be covered in Patsy Keever’s DNA! You never were the reason I sought this congressional seat, and now I see why. Why don’t you peel that Patsy Keever campaign shirt off your body and go kiss Patrick McHenry’s white a(* because that’s the payoff for your sad-a&^ efforts on my behalf. It’s been a long, hard campaign, and I’m feeling a little tired as I write this. Nonetheless, thanks for nothing and God Bless Go F(*& Yourselves, Patsy “ASDFASDF” Keever
Community Opinion
Signs it will be a harsh winter In a surprise move, NCDOT has elected to remove many of the helpful informational signs that dot our roads and highways, replacing them with a simple, white rectangle with black type, reading: “It will be a harsh winter.” DOT operations executive Greg Farley describes the move as “a real time-waster. I came up with it that time I was baked. OK, one of those times.” Having fallen asleep during a 1940s-era cartoon featuring an industrious, hoarding ant and a ne’er-do-well musician grasshopper, Farley formulated his idea to make an expensive, nonspecific statement about work, hoarding, make-work projects, and signs. “Do this, don’t do that. Can’t you read the signs?” Farley opined/ plagiarized. As the “harsh winter” signs would be permanent, no responsible meteorologist or climate scientist would endorse the project, the notion, or even the idea of producing administrative policy while under the influence of hallucinogens. Additionally, some users of hallucinogens have come forth to complain that the signs are harshing their mellow. Officials at the local level have quietly acquiesced to the project, with little or no push-back. “I personally feel the idea of stopping at a stop sign at the intersection of Main and 3rd or merging with traffic on Interstate 40 should take precedence over a fictional caveat about every upcoming winter being harsh,” admitted one local mayor, who wished to remain anonymous, “but I’d rather have a steamroller run over my physical balls than contest the powers that be, when it comes to highway funds.” So, get ready for a harsh winter North Carolina; whether it’s coming or not.
news of the
• doctors Just Want to Have Fun: (1) Navy medical examiner Dr. Mark Shelly was notified of disciplinary action in July after admitting that he let his children handle (and pose for photos with) a brain he was transporting to Portsmouth, Va., for autopsy. (2) A Swedish doctor allowed a 15-year-old student working at Malmo University Hospital on a “practical work-life” internship to examine a patient vaginally and make part of the incision for a C-section. After reading about the program, one alarmed cesarean patient alerted news media. • Many visitors to San Francisco’s historic Castro neighborhood are shocked by the extensive street nudism (virtually all by males). It’s illegal only if the display is “lewd and lascivious” (i.e. intended to arouse), but a September report in SF Weekly suggests that calling any attention at all to the genitals, such as by rings worn around the scrotum, could suggest lewdness.
Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679
bRight ideas Way Too Many Apps: (1) The Swiss company Blacksocks offers an iPhone app that utilizes radio-frequency-identification chips inserted into socks so they can be automatically sorted. (2) The iPoo app, Wired magazine reported in November, “lets you chat with your fellow defecators from the comfort of your own toilet.”
latest ReligioUs messages • The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that an insane person can’t be executed, no matter how heinous the crime, because he couldn’t understand why he was being killed. Nonetheless, Florida Judge David Glant has ordered John Ferguson, 64, executed for a 1978 multiple-murder conviction, despite opinions from 30 doctors saying Ferguson is an insane paranoid schizophrenic. Ferguson’s belief in a Jesus-like resurrection and a glorious
FRUGAL - BLUE BROWN SPOT: BLUE: PMS 543 BROWN: PMS WARM GRAY 11 CMYK: BLUE: C-39, M-8, Y-0, K-1 BROWN: C-23. M-32, Y-31, K-64 RGB: BLUE: R-158, G-195, B-222 BROWN: R-103, G-92, B-103
The Harwood-Cole Memorial Lecture presents
writer Russell Banks, Reading from:
Lost Memory of Skin Saturday, November 17th at 4pm Canon Lounge, Gladfelter Student Center, Warren Wilson College Free and open to the public
Read daily
the continUing cRisis
Kids Eat Free Pint Special
Chutzpah! Randy Adams, the former Bell, Calif., police chief, resigned in disgrace after prosecutors charged eight other city officials with looting the municipal budget. Adams had been recruited by the alleged miscreants (at a sweetheart salary twice what he’d made as police chief for the much larger Glendale), and his resignation left him with a $240,000-a-year state pension. Not content with that, however, Adams immediately appealed, claiming that his one inexplicably lucrative year in Bell had upped his annual pension to $510,000. Pleading his case to the state pension panel in September, Adams invoked his right not to incriminate himself 20 times.
Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia
disgRaced bUt not contRite
afterlife, said Glant, is not “so significantly different from beliefs other Christians may hold so as to consider it a sign of insanity.” • spare the Rod: Former Arkansas state legislator Charlie Fuqua is running again after a 14-year absence from elective office. In the interim, the Arkansas Times reported in October, he wrote a book, God’s Law: The Only Political Solution, reminding Christians that they could put their super-rebellious children to death as long as proper procedure (set out in Deuteronomy 21:18-21) was followed. “Even though this would rarely be used,” Fuqua wrote, “if it were the law of the land ... it would be a tremendous incentive for children to give proper respect to their parents.” X
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30 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
wellness fRee foR all
changing the woRld 40 days at a time by Jill winsby-fein About 15 people gathered at the Asheville Yoga Center on Nov. 4 to begin a free 40-day meditation program. Seated on a folded blanket at the center of the semicircle, Vinyasa yoga instructor Izzy shurte described the practice the group would be undertaking‚ an ancient compassion meditation called Tonglen. “Often, meditation practices are focused only on breath, which can seem dry,� Shurte said later. “Because Tonglen focuses on emotions, it’s a natural place to develop a meditation practice.� Shurte then guided the group through a short meditation they could use as a model for their own practice over the next 40 days. She closed by offering a “mantra� (a repeated phrase used to aid concentration). Also in attendance was sierra Hollister, a Kundalini yoga instructor at the Asheville Yoga Center who came up with the idea of offering the free meditations. She led the first one‚ on the Hindu god Ganesha‚ in March of last year. “After the initial 40 days,� remembers Hollister, “it was amazing and clear that we needed to keep going.� The Tonglen meditation is the fifth one offered; each has been led by a different teacher. Varying widely, these practices may include a mantra, a “mudra� (special hand position) or neither. The practice of group meditation has roots in yogic and Buddhist traditions reaching back thousands of years. Coming together in “sadhana� is said to help the community develop harmony, strength and a shared aura. The collective energy, it’s believed, magnifies the practice’s impact. Meditation was originally an essential component of yoga: One developed the body so it would be strong and healthy enough to sit in meditation. “I’m passionate about keeping meditation as a part of yoga,� says Shurte. “It’s important to keep the whole practice together.� And while some might find the idea of meditation daunting, notes Hollister, “Anybody can sit and meditate, and it’s always free — no strings attached.� Asheville Yoga Center owners stephanie and sonny Keach provide the space, teachers, fliers and outreach for the free program, and the instructors donate their time to make meditation available to everyone. After the introductory session, participants begin their individual 40-day practice, receiving support and emails from the teacher throughout. Those unable to attend the introduction are invited to join when they can.
let us meditate: Coming together in “sadhana� is said to help the community develop harmony, strength and a shared aura. With that in mind, Asheville Yoga Center encourages pursuing 40 days of meditation. (Pictured, teacher Izzy Shurte). Photo by Amy Kalyn Sims.
Forty days, explains Hollister, “is the magic number in a lot of traditions. It’s how long it takes for you to experience change.� For Anne Roberts, who’s participated in all of the previous meditations in the series, the sense of connection has been key. “I had tried meditation before without much success,� she reports. “I started coming to the community meditations, and I found the group instruction was a great way to start. I’ve stuck with it ever since.� Asheville native Martha skinner, who’s taken part in two of the previous meditations, notes the challenge of carving out time for meditation. “At one point,� she says, “the woman I commute with and I decided we would stop the
“foRty days is the magic nUmbeR in a lot of tRaditions. it’s how long it takes foR yoU to expeRience change.”
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car on the side of the highway to meditate.” Research has shown that meditation can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety and depression, and result in overall improved health. And over the course of the previous meditations, says Hollister, “People really got their feet under them.” At the very least, Shurte hopes that through the Tonglen meditation, “People might be able to be a little more gentle with themselves, so that they might be gentle with others.” X
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To learn more about the 40-day meditation program, email sierra@sundancepower.com or call the Asheville Yoga Center at 254-0380.
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Jill Winsby-Fein is a senior at Warren Wilson College.
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ameriCan CanCer soCiety stUdy • WE (11/7) through SA (11/17) - The American Cancer Society seeks men and women ages 30-65 who have not been diagnosed with cancer for a preventative study. Info and registration: www.cps3WNC.org or cps3@cancer org. be healthy ClUb • SATURDAYS, noon-2pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St. (below the French Broad Coop) hosts weekly meetings to discuss eating healthy, weight loss, detoxing, fasting, exercise, natural living and more. Free. Info: itsnatural11@gmail.com. disordered eating in Children and adolesCents • TU (11/20), 7pm - A presentation on the challenges of diagnosing and treating disordered eating in children and adolescents will be held at Malaprop's, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: www.malaprops.com or 254-6734. eat smart, move more • TUESDAYS through (12/11), noon-1pm - "Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less," a 15-week weight management class, will focus on practical skills to lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Center, 94 Coxe Ave. $25 includes materials. Info and registration: 255-5522. free and low-Cost health sCreenings • TH (11/15), 8-11am - Park Ridge Health will offer free lipid and glucose profiles by finger stick, along with blood pressure and body mass index screenings, at Pine Park Retirement Center, 2601 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville. • MO (11/19), 10am-1pm - Park Ridge Health will offer free bone density screenings for osteoporosis at the Hendersonville Ingles,
1705 Brevard Road. Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. No appointment required. PSA blood tests for men 50 years of age or older — 40 if father or brother had prostate cancer — will be offered for $10. • TH (11/20), 8-11am - Park Ridge Health will offer free lipid and glucose profiles by finger stick, along with blood pressure and body mass index screenings, at CVS, 3450 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher. • WE (11/21), noon-3pm - Park Ridge Health will offer free bone density screenings for osteoporosis at Rite Aid, 640 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Please wear shoes and socks that are easy to slip off. No appointment required. healthy heart health edUCation • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11am - The Asheville Compounding Pharmacy, 760 Merrimon Ave., offers free Healthy Heart Health Education classes monthly. Info: 255-8757. healthy holiday eating tips • WE (11/14), noon - "Healthy Holiday Eating Tips," a lunch and learn event. Presented by the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Drinks provided. Free. Info: 254-7206 ext. 212 or ywcaofasheville.org. help for families Coping with dementia • TH (11/15), 5:30-7:30pm - A family education workshop on dementia will be presented by Home Instead Senior Care at Land-of-Sky Regional Council, 339 New Leicester Highway. Free. Info: 274-4406. living healthy with diabetes • SATURDAYS through (12/15), 3-5:30pm Find balance with diabetes through this selfmanagement program. Open to people with diabetes and their caregivers. $30 for six-week session. Held at Asheville Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church, 238 South French Broad Ave. Registration required. Donations benefit the Asheville Buncombe Institute for Parity Achievement. Info: 251-8364. memory Cafe • 1st MONDAYS, 1st WEDNESDAYS, 3rd SATURDAYS, 3rd THURSDAYS - Memory Cafe invites those with memory challenges and their caregivers, family and friends to socialize in a safe and supportive environment. Free. Info
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32 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
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wellnesscontinued morrisbb.net or asstminister@uuasheville.org.
workbook. Free. Info: www.parkridgehealth. org or 855 PRH-LIFE.
red Cross blood drives
the baby plaCe experienCe
100 Edgewood Road. Info: www.redcrosswnc.
• SU (11/18), 4:30pm - All patients who will be delivering or are interested in delivering at The Baby Place are invited to attend this open house tour at Park Ridge Health's new facility, 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Meet in the OB waiting room. Free. Info: 681-BABY.
and locations: LBrown@fbca.net, bettyrobbins@
org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • TH (11/15), 7-11:30am - Blood drive: Reuter Children’s Outpatient Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Info: 213-9650. • MO (11/19), 2-6:30pm - Blood drive: Haw
wCU love yoUr body week
Creek Elementary School, 21 Trinity Chapel
• Through TH (11/15) - WCU's Love Your Body Week will feature nutrition assessments, the Amazing Catamount Challenge, a belly dancing workshop and an info fair. Held throughout campus. Info and schedule: www.wcu.edu.
Road. Info: 298-4022. release fear workshop • TH (11/15), 1pm - "Learn to release psychological fears that block the ability to live the life you desire, freeing one to solve problems rather than cope with fear." Held at Crystal Visions Bookstore, 5426 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Facilitator: Georganne Spruce. $15. Info: 298-1483. smoking Cessation CoUrse • WEDNESDAYS through (11/14), 10:30am - Park Ridge Health presents this eightweek course, designed by the American Lung Association, at Health Adventure in Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Participants receive an ALA
• WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St., hosts a weekly womb wellness discussion, featuring topics based off the book Sacred Woman by Queen Afua. Donations are appreciated. Info: itsnatural11@gmail.com. yoga nidra • SA (11/17), 2:30-4:30pm - Yoga Nidra, "a guided meditative practice for deep relaxation, healing and inspiration," will be offered at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $20 suggested donation. Info: www.ashevillecommunityyoga.com.
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We used to call prediabetes being “borderline diabetic”, though in the South you often hear people talk of having a “little sugar.” Someone with prediabetes has blood glucose (blood sugar) levels that are elevated above normal but not in the range of being clinical diagnosed as having Type 2 diabetes.
• A fasting plasma glucose (FPG) greater than or equal to 100mg/dl but less than 126mg/dl;
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Being diagnosed with prediabetes is a red flag; your body’s way of warning you that you are on the fast track to Type 2 diabetes unless you make some changes in your lifestyle and eating habits:
• Lose weight — 7% of your body weight. • Increase exercise and activity — aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise (with your doctor’s okay) at least 5 days/week
Eating habits: • Reduce or eliminate any simple sugars or highly sweetened items like regular sodas, sweet tea, candy, cookies, cakes etc. • Include non-starchy vegetables in your meals like salads, dark green leafy vegetables (kale, collards, turnip and beet greens), broccoli and fewer starchy vegetables. • Make your grains whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, barley, whole wheat breads and pastas. • Eat beans and/or lentils as a part of several meals each week. • Cut down on the quantity of food you eat by eating from smaller plates, not going back for seconds and limiting your snacking or grazing between meals. Source: American Diabetes Association www.diabetes.org
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 33
Plan your meal around a local bird Area farmers offer Thanksgiving turkeys you can feel good about
by Maggie Cramer Galen Menzel and Carmen Lescher’s farm has gone to the birds — 200 turkeys, to be exact, in addition to the laying hens and broiler chickens that can be found at Which Came First Farm year-round. “Turkeys are just really fun to raise,” says Menzel. “They’re really curious and will interact with you; they have a much more interesting personality than chickens generally.” This is the second year Menzel and Lescher will raise turkeys for Thanksgiving. Impressively, it’s also Which Came First Farm’s second year in operation. “I was a computer programmer and had become disenchanted with the lifestyle for a lot of different reasons,” Menzel says. So he set about to change his life. Specifically, he trained at well-known Polyface Farms in Virginia under Joel Salatin (Salatin and his farm are featured in Michael Pollan’s groundbreaking food study The Omnivore’s Dilemma and the documentary Food, Inc.). “I didn’t know necessarily that it would be something I would like to do, but it seemed like it would address some of the issues I had with my programming position,” he says — namely, sitting down all day with little connection to the outside world. It did. Menzel continued in agriculture, next interning at Earthaven Ecovillage
outside of Asheville, where Lescher was getting her first introduction to small-scale farming. “I’d been wanting to homestead since I can remember; I wanted to create a more sustainable life for myself, ” Lescher says. “Then I met Galen, and the idea of starting a small poultry farm that could lead to us having a homestead and supporting ourselves from a land-based income stream was really exciting.” The duo set off to make careers in farming, and after considering Washington state, California and Texas, they decided to stay here. “The climate is wonderful, and there is a lot of support for small farmers from ASAP and other organizations,” Lescher says. Of course, they also set out to implement the Polyface model. “The model means that everything we do is pastureraised and rotationally raised; our animals are outside on pasture and moved frequently,” Menzel says. “That has the double benefit of allowing our birds [turkeys and chickens] fresh grass and bugs to eat constantly, and of spreading the manure and the impact of the animals out on the pasture.” The approach also has the benefit of improved taste, according to Menzel. “When an animal is eating living food, there’s something in it you can’t put in a bag,” he says. “That’s going to lead not only to a healthier bird, but a better-tasting bird.”
Bird to your mother: “When an animal is eating living food, there’s something in it you can’t put in a bag,” says Galen Menzel.
34 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 35
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of a feather: “Turkeys are just really fun to raise,” says Menzel. “They’re really curious and will interact with you.”
But there’s more that goes into getting their turkeys to your Thanksgiving table than letting them forage for the good stuff. Like what, you ask? We were hoping you would. First week of August: The turkey poults (very young turkeys) arrive at Which Came First Farm. “We raise them in a brooder (think an incubator) with our broilers. The chicken chicks help the turkey poults find food and water. Turkey poults can die easily because they have difficulty finding food, but with the chickens around to help them, we’ve found the survival rate is much higher,” Menzel explains. Late-August/early-September: After about three weeks in the brooder, they move into a passive solarheated greenhouse until they’re large enough to stay put and not slip through the electric netting the couple uses in their pasture. Mid-September through earlyNovember: The six-month-old turkeys head out to pasture. But they don’t stay put. “Every three days we give them a new paddock,” says Menzel, adhering to the Polyface rotational model. In the pasture, they can eat grass and bugs, as well as normal feed and turkey grit for a balanced diet (common grit sources include pulverized granite, limestone or oyster shells). According to Menzel,
36 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
their turkeys eat upward of 30 pounds of crushed pea-gravel grit a day. Just before Thanksgiving: Once the turkeys are about 16 weeks old, they “take a trip” to the processing plant in Marion. The turkeys will be offered fresh and available for pickup on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at the French Broad Food Co-op. Menzel and Lescher plan for the turkeys to be in the 12-22 pound range, but they can’t guarantee a specific size. A $25 deposit is required to reserve a bird, and turkeys are $4.50 a pound. You can request a small, medium or large bird, and they will do the best to accommodate you. While the couple has a soft spot in their hearts for raising birds — and will do so indefinitely, they say — they do plan to count cattle and pigs among their farm residents at some point in the next few years. Once Thanksgiving has passed, they’ll focus on moving the operation closer to Asheville, from Lake Lure to Old Fort. At press time, Which Came First still had turkeys available for purchase. To reach the farm, call 625-3402 or email whichcamefirstfarm@gmail.com. Find the farm’s products on the menu of Table in downtown Asheville and at the French Broad Food Co-op. Maggie Cramer is ASAP’s communications manager; she can be reached at maggie@ asapconnections.org or 236-1282, ext. 113.
Where to get yours The following farms offer Thanksgiving turkeys in high volume this year, but remember: turkeys sell out fast. Before planning your meal around a local bird, contact each farm to find out what they have available and place your order.
Market (all continuing through this month; Asheville City Market and North Asheville Tailgate Market will both host holiday markets and Asheville City Market will move indoors in January to continue operating throughout the winter).
Balsam Gardens (sylva): Call 713-0450, email balsamgardens@gmail.com or order online at balsamgardens.com. Also find Balsam Gardens at Jackson County Farmers Market and Haywood’s Historic Farmers Market (both continuing indoors this fall/winter).
hickory nut Gap farm: Call 628-1027 or email office@ hickorynutgapfarm.com. Also find Hickory Nut Gap at Asheville City Market, North Asheville Tailgate Market and West Asheville Tailgate Market (which continues through Nov. 20).
east fork farm: Call 206farm (3276), email stephen@ eastforkfarm.net or order online at eastforkfarm.net. Also find East Fork at Asheville City Market, Montford Farmers Market and North Asheville Tailgate
Thanksgiving hanksgiving Dinner-To-Go • Herb & White Wine Roasted Turkey (sliced breast meat or whole birds are available)
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(Just need some of the parts? We can do that…just ask.)
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Which came first farm: Call 625-3402 or email whichcamefirstfarm@gmail.com. Also find Which Came First Farm at the French Broad Food Co-op Wednesday Tailgate Market (which continues through Nov. 21).
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Asheville Sandwich Company has been playing hard to get. At the end of October, the small West Asheville shop opened “very quietly with purpose,” as co-owner and chef Brian Good puts it. Near Interstate 26 at the corner of Hanover and State streets, Good has expanded West Asheville’s food offerings beyond Haywood Road. “We want to make an impact here in West Asheville,” he says. “The trend nowadays is ‘the place that no one really knows about,’ so we kind of wanted to be found and get the word of mouth of the local community first before we started trying to draw in people from other places.” When Good says local, he doesn’t mean the greater Asheville area. He means right down the block. His approach to drawing nearby residents appears to be working. Most of his customers come to the store on foot. In the short time he’s been open, he’s already attracted regulars, including the employees at the adjoining H&B Grocery, who are especially happy about their new neighbor. The handwritten menu board above the counter offers 15 breakfast and lunch sandwiches, a small kids’ menu, shoestring fries and hand-dipped milkshakes. There are regular specials, too: a soup, a sandwich and a milkshake. When Xpress visits, the special milkshake blends
38 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
serious sandWiches: Many of Brian Goods’ creations come packed with house-made fillings, including shoestring fries. Photo by Max Cooper house-roasted pumpkin, seasonal spices and vanilla ice cream. The sandwiches might be few in number, but they contain a wide variety of fillings, including prime rib, hand-breaded fish and shrimp, tofu, fried chicken and chopped pork. Good’s favorite sandwich, the pork belly bahn mi, features glazed pork belly, pickled vegetables, fries and spicy mayonnaise on a sandwich bun. “The Vegetarian” is another menu standout; it’s packed with brie, toasted pumpkin seeds, roasted pear chutney (also made in-house), honey and arugula. Good intentionally crafted the small but deliberate menu. “We don’t want to have 50 things on our menu; we want to do 10, 12 things good,” he says. “Food should be fun. It should be interesting, and it should be a surprise as well. That’s kind of what inspired the shop.” Good is clearly having fun with food, but he doesn’t take it all lightly. He teaches aspiring cooks and chefs through A-B Tech’s GO Kitchen-Ready program, and spends time at Candler Elementary School as part of ASAP’s Chefs Move to Schools
program. As he talks with Xpress, one of his A-B Tech students drops by the shop, and the two make plans to talk later. “The people that I teach live here, so I really wanted to bring good food to this community at affordable prices, and I want to be part of the Asheville revitalization,” he says. The shop is right around the corner from Pisgah View Apartments, managed by the Asheville Housing Authority, but Good isn’t fazed by the location, despite skepticism from others. “When I tell people where our location is, people say, ‘Oh, you mean kind of by the projects?’” he says. “The people that I teach live here. … Food’s the common denominator.” He’s taken steps to beautify his small space. He’s fenced in the side yard and added picnic tables for outdoor dining. Although Good and his two partners — one of whom is his father, Tom — are committed to their tucked-away location, Good says they designed the restaurant with an eye for expansion. “I have big goals and dreams for this business,” he says. “We could have five or six of these around town.” Asheville Sandwich Company, 202 State St., opens daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Breakfast and lunch are served all day. For more information, see ashevillesandwichco. com, Facebook or Twitter @asandwichco.
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Make way for mussels
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Bouchon Crêperie closes for a kitchen upgrade
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The Feast is served with Whole Smoked Turkey Choice of 3 Family Sides Luella’s Real Turkey Gravy Fresh Apple-Cranberry Relish 1 Pumpkin Pie: $140 Full Holiday Menu Shop.Luellasbbq.com
The Asheville Pizza & Brewing empire continues to grow. Just a year after opening the third arm of the company in south Asheville, owner Mike Rangel is expanding again. This time, he’s building an event space. Rangel will open the hybrid project — part dance hall, part music venue, part meeting space — in the former garage at 66 Asheland Ave. The building, tentatively named The Slice, will connect to the Coxe Avenue Asheville Brewing via a flight of stairs and a covered walkway. “Opening up, we’re definitely going to try to be an affordable rehearsal space for weddings and for rehearsal dinners and for local bands and nonprofit groups — a place to meet,” Rangel says. “I’m real big into the electronic dance music, so we’re definitely going to do some dance nights and bring some DJs in.” Rangel says he wants the space’s identity to develop organically. “We want it to evolve,” he says. “We feel like
it’s ultimately going to dictate what its best use is.” No matter what the Asheland Avenue building becomes, Rangel knows he wants its services to remain affordable. When it comes to wedding receptions, he says he thinks high facility-rental fees are beyond the budgets of most couples. The building can seat 225 to 250 people. While it won’t house a full kitchen, commercial-grade coolers and microwaves will be available for catered events. Rangel says he will welcome groups with outside caterers, although Asheville Brewing will be available to provide food. He says he’s not planning to open another theater facility like the one at Asheville Pizza & Brewing on Merrimon Avenue, but the Asheland Avenue building will house a large projector and screen. Rangel hopes to open the new venue by mid-January.
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Crêperie Bouchon is muscling through some renovations again. A kitchen upgrade will bring allyou-can-eat mussel nights to the crêpe shop. The nightly specials are already popular at its next-door parent restaurant, Bouchon French Bistro. The Crêperie has closed temporarily for the changes. Manager Jenn McGibbon says it’s hard to predict when the Crêperie will reopen. “Worst-case scenario, we’re looking at March, but we would love to reopen before then,” she says. “We are going to be closed for at least a month, a month and a half.” The courtyard diner also closed last winter for a few months to add a full bar and a new air conditioner, among other improvements. Among other revisions, sandwiches will return to the lunch menu. Also, the inside seating area will receive an upgrade. “We’re known for the patio and how comfortable the patio is and the sort of environment that has, so we are trying to replicate that for inside as well,” McGibbon says. Bouchon French Bistro, at 62 N. Lexington Ave., the same address as the Crêperie, will maintain its normal hours and will not be affected by the renovations at the Crêperie. For more information, call 350-1140.
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mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 41
celebration in issues are a C N W lebraof st If the Be C Bash is a ce our e Best of WN as th w en ll th po d, s’ or er w ad This year’s re mething that tion in deed. t’s so ha (T t. ye nt most abunda it’s true this time!) t people say, bu before (and ries than ever e hulking go te ca e or m We had sues wer local o). The two is more votes, to e vibrancy and quality of e th th to d s an ie ts testimon es, artis bars, business ts recognized in the restaurants, en em el nt illia many other br . ey rv su al nu an party. vitation to the o issues an in gs a cross sectw e th r de si brin Con Nov. 17, Xpress ns and entertainers On Saturday, icia us m st be ’s o. 2 ar tion of this ye e Grey Eagle (this year’s N merd th an of g e in ag of mingl to the st r an evening eir admirers — the fo e) nu ve ic mus d th so. e admired an riment with th readers who declared them e th d an rs ne in w is e section of th the hyperbol s en de ev t lu n’ nc ve co ha Thus we box of t. But wait — announcemen ts yet! Now where is that ac e th d ne tio men points. exclamation We’ve been billing augusta wind from LaZo om (No. 1 comedy troupe) as our “hair-blowing host,” so you can come to the show straight from the shower. Ms. Wind will preside over the evening, interp olating between acts with her antics that make people on the LaZoom Comedy Tour scream with joy, or terror, or terrible joy.
LOCAL LEGENDS COME ALIVE Two of this year’s smoothest first-place musi c acts secret b-sides (No. 1 soul) and crazy hors e& colston (No. 1 hip-hop) provide the soundtrac k.
About the first, No. 1 arts writer Alli Marshall writes, “Earlier this year, The Secret B-Sides released a new full-length, Easy Magic. That album shows that the B-Sides’ decadent, soulful Flow ers & Chocolate was no mere one-off. Easy Magi c brings more deep grooves, retro cool and space age romance.” Crazy Horse & Colston, tied for No. 1 with Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, also promise to bring the cool. Writes Marshall, “While CrazyHorse & Colston’s Max Hupertz and Bryan Godleski (with DJ Kilby) grew up in Asheville and have been growing their sound for a while, the duo really burst onto the local scene this summer with a Bele Cher e set, an opening slot for Gift of Gab and the relea se of the distinctly WNC-flavored Backroads & Bonfi res.”
42 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
Minus the instruments (but with as much groove), a battery of eccentric Ashevilleans will contribute distinct stripes to this zebra of a night. No. 1 indie crafter Robin plemmons, famous for her randy greeting cards and other uncouth stationary, has a surprise presentation planned. This doesn’t mean that we don’t know what it is! We do and it’s going to be great. kipper schauer, the No. 1 DJ and trivia host, is a veritable Care Bear of positive emanations with a knack for throwback pop culture so genuine it will wipe that ironic grin right off your face (and replace it with a Burt Reynolds smirk). Local cutup tom chalmers (No. 1 comedian) has emerged from years performing “Crumpet” in David Sedaris’ Santaland Diaries to make his name as a funny man for all seasons, holidays and retail outlets.
its dirty-30 scandals nightclub (No. 1 gay bar and drag night) celebrates on the perform who’ll king a and queens drag two the and year, this y birthda Starr, Celeste shine. its has still decade third club’s behalf will show that the wear sune audienc the that require may Taylor Tanner and Dynasty Odette glasses (and little else). That’s it, I guess. Not bad for a Saturday night. It’s a big tent. hearts But one more thing: The whole evening is not only a benefit for the its. A nonprof e top-thre year’s this for also but attend, and minds of all who manna portion of ticket sales goes to brother wolf animal Rescue, foodbank and asheville-area habitat for humanity. Needless to say, see you there. available Doors open at 8 p.m. Tickets — $10 advance/$12 at the door — are or at store) record 1 (No. Records Harvest store), video 1 (No. DVD Orbit at thegreyeagle.com.
THANKSGIVING? HOW ABOUT CHRISTMAS! Perhaps Christmas is more than a month away, but the timing of the Asheville Holiday Parade contributes to its folksy charm. On Saturday, Nov. 17, starting at 11 a.m., the Asheville Downtown Association clears Biltmore and Patton avenues for a cavalcade of parade-float staples: dance and music troupes; police and fire crews; used car dealers; beauty queens young and old. Santa will be there, and the rock ‘n’ roll kids shredding Hendrix on the Muscian’s Workshop float. Xpress will be there too. And if you thought we took news seriously, wait until you see our holiday sloop.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 43
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need to be said angel olsen gets diRect and Raw on half way home by dane smith "The last thing I want to do is walk into a café and hear my song playing," says Chicago-based singer-songwriter Angel Olsen. "It's like seeing a picture of yourself naked up in a restaurant while you're trying to eat a sandwich." Olsen gets a kick out of her own analogy, but it's fitting. Her work is personal in that vulnerable, people-who-know-you-can-fill-in-all-theblanks sort of way. The way any honest art has to be on some level. She's referencing the lyrics, of course, but Olsen could just as well be referring to the voice with which she sings them. Her heartbreaking alto is raw, dramatic and transcendent — arguably more revealing than the words it carries. She leaps effortlessly from hushed wipers to booming, theatrical wails that seem to stop time, slipping in and out of pitch and gliding gracefully into an earth-shaking falsetto. Reviewers struggle to find apt comparisons to Olsen, who says she's more inspired by the feeling of other singers than their particular tones. "I get a lot of influence from these, sort of more theatrical women," she says. "Not necessarily from their singing voices, just wanting to embody that and push myself to be open to those things." Fans first heard her haunting, stratospheric force on last year's Strange Cacti, a minimalist, lo-fi offering of acoustic folk with a ghostly allure. (The album was released on cassette by Asheville's own Bathetic Records.) And while its distant, airy charm and oceans of reverb suit the sparse arrangements and otherworldly mood, it was clear that Olsen's poetic narratives and stunning voice deserve a chance to stand on their own. Enter Half Way Home, the sonic antithesis of its predecessor. First, and most obviously, there's nary a hint of reverb to be found; Olsen's vocals are clean and direct, so prominent it's as if the singer is in the room serenading the listener personally. Where Strange Cacti was a cloud looming miles above earth, Half Way Home is the earth, timeless and organic. "We were trying so hard to get a sound where I
Angel Olsen (Tashi Dorji opens)
wheRe Forsyhtia Hall (28 Forsythe St.)
when Saturday, Nov. 17 7 p.m. $10. harvest-records.com
44 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
take it or leave it: Angel Olsen’s new record trades oceans of reverb for a directness and clarity the singer hopes will “allow people to see that I don’t sing in tune and that I’m not this ghostlike figure who’s afraid of singing what I have to say. ... and for them to like it or not like it.” could allow people to see that I don't sing in tune and that I'm not this ghostlike figure who's afraid of singing what I have to say," Olsen explains. "I didn't want to drench everything in reverb, because I felt like that was something that was such a thing that everyone was doing. I got sick of seeing it even. … So, the attempt for Half Way Home was to come out of it a little bit and allow people to hear what I sound like; and for them to like it or not like it." Production aside, Half Way Home is a major stylistic evolution from Strange Cacti as well. There are still the sparse, minimal acoustic numbers, but it also debuts a handful of upbeat tracks fleshed out with drums, bass and electric guitars. There’s snappy retro-soul, early rock 'n' roll, well-worn folk ballads and country-tinged crooners that would fit well in a Von Trappfamily musical. The themes are familiar — longing, loneliness and a struggle to connect with
the rest of the world — but the production and clarity afford them a new gravity that can make listening an emotionally exhausting experience. Tracks like "Acrobat," "The Waiting" and "Free" are hopeless admissions of love and dependence; Olsen seems resigned to accept her powerlessness and embraces it, admitting "All I want is to believe / There's no harm it's what we need" on "Free." "Safe in the Womb" and "Lonely Universe" are slow and melancholy ruminations on the loss of innocence, each focused on a mother figure. The eloquently framed chorus of the latter mournfully proclaims "Goodbye, sweet Mother Earth / Without you I'm a lonely universe." "I understand why it would be very, almost grating to hear some of the things I sing about," Olsen admits. "Like, 'Oh, this is catchy. Oh shit; she just said that. She really went there. Oh no.' It's like when you watch a movie and they leave out all the dirty details, like when you're going to the bathroom. But things that matter need to be said. And if it hurts to hear, then that sucks, but my goal is to make something that is honest and raw. And if people don't like it, then they're not liking their reflection that they see." Live, Olsen will tackle the new songs alone, but she’s clear that working with a band was refreshing and rewarding, something fans can expect to see more of. Recording and touring with Will Oldham (Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy) and Emmett Kelly (Cairo Gang, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy) in recent years, she says, helped ease her into the new role of bandleader. "It’s very difficult for me to communicate improvisation to a drummer or a bassist, but after seeing the way that Emmett communicated to the group, via Will ... Emmett created this language that I could see. So working with him on my record was very easy, because after a while, we just kind of developed this thing where we knew how to read each other and sort of improvised together. It's a very opening experience, in this way where I've been able to allow my songs to change and open up in ways with somebody else that I hadn't been able to before." The 10-day excursion that brings her to Forsythia Hall (Olsen's first-ever solo tour) won't be a solitary experience though. The Chicagobased songstress is taking a piece (or two) of Asheville with her: Bathetic Records' Jon Hency and Harvest Records' Mark Capon, who will manage the tour. And they’re getting her up to speed on the local scene. "Working with Jon Hency has been really cool,” she notes. “I've learned about all these things going on in Asheville, which has been really nice." X Dane Smith can be reached at dsmith@mountainx.com.
arts x music
bURning bRight
gUitaR whiz kaki king shines on heR own afteR a stRing of collaboRations
by JoRdan lawRence Kaki King, a 33-year-old guitar phenom from Brooklyn, has had brilliant success as a collaborator. In 2007, she added tangled acousticblues picking to the Foo Fighters’ “Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners,” a tender standout from the band’s otherwise overwrought Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. She has lent a sense of off-kilter cool to a Timbaland-produced Miley Cyrus “jam” and offered up a poignant and funny collaborative EP with Durham’s detaildriven Mountain Goats. But following 2010’s excellent and exuberant Junior — which she recorded and toured with the same live band — King found herself in an artistic quagmire, an “existential crisis” that could only be cured by a return to the solo guitar basics. “I loved it, but the minute it was through, I was through,” she says of her time supporting Junior. Katherine Elizabeth King, who goes by her stage name (evidenced by her voicemail message, which instructs callers to leave a message for “Kak”), has played guitar since the age of 4. She needed to reconnect with the instrument that had come to define her as an artist. To this end, she headed out with her “Traveling Freak Guitar Show,” a solo tour that provided an escape from the constraints of collaboration. “It was time for me to just think, ‘Is there something else I’d rather do with my time?’” she says. “I didn’t freak out, and I didn’t stop. I kept touring and playing guitar, but I wasn’t connected to it for some reason. I didn’t love it as much, and I didn’t know why. I think the process of touring solo and connecting with just the guitar, just one person on stage, that was what led me to writing the songs and making Glow.” Glow is King’s newly released sixth LP, an absorbing 40-minute proof of her prowess as a guitar player and composer. It’s a complex and mercurial collection of instrumentals, a stark change of pace following the sleek and cathartic pop songs that dominate Junior. But the two albums share a sense of relentless energy. King’s slyly twisting guitar lines — buttressed by subtle percussion, gorgeous strings, fleeting bagpipes and frequent electronic flourishes — build and crescendo with all the potency of Junior’s powerful, precise hooks. Glow is King’s bid to reconnect with her instrument, and these songs rely on the kind of purposeful melodies that could only come from an artist in full command of her craft. “I think I had to feel less contrived when I played,” King explains. “I had to feel privately that I was playing guitar as somebody who was a lifelong student of guitar and not Kaki King playing guitar. I had to get humble, and I had to forget everything I had learned. I had
LOOK FAMILIAR LOOK FAMILIAR? guitar goddess: The sole woman named among Rolling Stone’s ‘06 “New Guitar Gods,” Kaki King reconnects with her prowess as a player on Glow. to remind myself that the guitar is completely intimate and that I’m never going to stop learning on it and that it’s constantly going to be teaching me things, not just about music, about my physicality, about my stamina, about my life, about my patience, about all that stuff. It did, and the guitar, it kind of gave me a reality check and kept me in line. I’m not the one in charge of this relationship.” She may be following her instrument’s lead, but Glow finds King mastering and synthesizing myriad techniques with nary a misstep along the way. “Great Round Burn” works from an elliptical, Fahey-esque build, but it’s strengthened by bursts of beautiful strings, which lend the song a Celtic-leaning intricacy while simultaneously imbuing it with an insistent, almost head-knocking beat. The lilting acoustic melody at the heart of “Fences” waivers between postrock intensity and jazz-inspired complexity as a thunderous bass line stomps underneath. Her instrumentals live in the space between various styles, but she’s adamantly opposed to the idea of genre fusion. True to her word, these songs build from imported elements to create a stylishly modern sound that resists reductive labels. “I’m not interested in blending old styles,” she says. “That’s a bad idea. That’s called fusion,
and I think that what you’re hearing is something new and what your ear wants to hear is a combination of old things. I’m not really thinking about that. I’m making what sounds musically good and not worrying stylistically about how it’s going to relate.” Free from genre-based restraints and relieved of her rewarding but limiting collaborations, King has created an album with a unique artistic vision. She works well with others, but as Glow effectively proves, she may shine brightest on her own. X
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Kaki King, with Lady Lamb the Beekeeper
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arts x music
he’s got a name
a.J. cRoce’s eclectic catalog inclUdes songs by his famoUs fatheR by alli maRshall
Singer-songwriter A.J. Croce's music pulls from a number of influences (blues, jazz, soul, folk) and a range of experiences. Like how he was introduced to the songs of Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder as a child after he lost his eyesight to a tumor (he's since regained vision in one eye). Like how his smoky vocal is uniquely his own and yet also recalls the distinctive postfolk of another Croce: A.J.’s father, Jim, who wrote ’70s-era classic “Time in a Bottle” for his then-unborn son. (The elder Croce later died in a plane crash in 1973 when the younger was just 2 years old). If that all-over-the-map style has been a hindrance at points in A.J.’s career, his current project — a high-concept collaboration with many producers and musicians that will result in the release of a new track per month in 2013, and an LP at year’s end — is intended to define A.J.’s aesthetic. “I'm proud to play different kinds of music. I'd be bored just playing one thing,” he says. “The idea of having all of these
What’s happening at
SAT., NOV. 24
SATURDAY 11/17 • 8PM
MONDAY 11/19 • 7PM
“anything is possible, creatively”: A.J. Croce’s new project involves traveling the country and recording with various producers. He’ll release a song per month throughout 2013, he says. really gifted people to work with is an honor and a thrill. I feel invigorated and like anything is possible, creatively.” So far, he’s laid down tracks with Jack “Cowboy” Clement in Nashville and will work with Allen Toussaint in New Orleans before his Asheville show. The accomplice list also includes multi-instrumentalist/producer Todd Rundgren, pop musician Jason Falkner and possibly singer-songwriter/ producer Joe Henry. Next year, A.J. celebrates the 10th anniversary of his indie label, Seedling Records. “If it was going to be a low-budget project; I wanted
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who A.J. Croce
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Facebook.com/thephoenixloungebrevard • Twitter: @ckphoenixlounge 46 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
to decide where that budget went,” he says of his decision to break out on his own. “Now, with the world the way it is with music, there's all kinds of creative ways to do things affordably.” Early Seedling releases were distributed by Redeye out of Haw River, N.C. And, while A.J. has visited this state a handful of times (he lived in Nashville for a number of years; he’s since moved back to California where he grew up), he says, “as much as we wanted to get to Asheville, we never made it all the way there.” But the musician has fans in this area, and he’s all about accommodating his listeners. Including performing a song or two from his father’s catalog. “There's a point in the show where I ask people what they want to hear, and if they want to hear one of his songs, I'm happy to play it,” says A.J. “If they want to hear a Kinks song, I'm happy to play it. Whatever it may be. If it's a Jimmy Rodgers song, I'll do it. I'm there to entertain the people who come to the show.” Read the full interview with A.J. at avl.mx/mu. X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@mountainx.com.
arts x visual arts
one big ambigUity skip Rohde sketches the faces of waR by max coopeR “I start with the eyes, and get the eyes down first, and then I build out from that,” says Skip Rohde, describing the technique he used to create the 47 portraits in his current exhibit, Faces of Afghanistan. The stark drawings humanize the abstract terms of war — army, insurgency, civilian, survivor, casualty. The show is on display through Nov. 27 at UNC-Asheville’s S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. (Rohde earned a bachelor’s degree in fine art from UNCA in 2003.) The drawings are selected from work Rohde completed during a yearlong assignment with the U.S. State Department in the Kandahar province of southern Afghanistan. “I was there to work on governance issues, to help them learn how to manage their district, run their own affairs, try to help them cut down on corruption,” says Rohde, who previously completed a similar assignment in Iraq. Rohde encountered most of his subjects at large meetings called shuras, which were attended by a variety of public figures, from elected officials to bazaar owners. “We see all kinds of people in these meetings,” Rohde says. “They were usually in a large conference room with a long table down the middle of it, and the Afghans would be sitting at the table. “If somebody caught my eye, and the light was such that I had a pretty good view of the guy, and he wasn’t likely to move much over the next 10 minutes or so, the pen would start moving,” he says. The result is a sprawling catalog of faces and figures that Rohde likens to photographs. “These are sketches,” he points out, “so they’re kind of like snapshots in graphite, ballpoint, pen and ink, and whatever else I had handy.” “I didn’t want to take my painting stuff over there,” he continues, noting that painting is still his primary medium. “I wanted to be able to keep it low-key. I like drawing these guys when they don’t know I’m drawing them. You can’t do that when you set up a French easel and turpentine.” An artist since childhood, Rohde earned a master’s in business administration during his 22-year service in the Navy. Now 59, he says the new body of work is an extension of a theme he has studied for years: the consequences of war. “Not the actual combat,” he says. “I have not actually been shot at. I’ve never been in a convoy that hit an IED. Because of that, you will not see in any of my works any actual shooting. But I do draw and paint the effects.” Rohde’s artistic perspective is influenced by both his military service and his fine-arts education at UNCA, and his work in war zones has informed his imagery. “You can’t draw or paint something
you don’t know anything about,” he says. At the same time, he often disagrees with some aspects of the military’s fundamental perspective. “The military is looking for people who can solve problems,” Rohde says. “What UNCA helped me do was see holistically, not just problems to be solved.” “My time in the Navy taught me to be very clear, concise and to the fact,” Rohde remembers. “Which is not what an artist does. Artists look for ambiguity.” “Afghanistan,” he adds, “is one big ambiguity.” So who are the people in Rohde’s clear, concise drawings? He likens many of his subjects to TV mob boss Tony Soprano. The difference, he says, is that the Afghans in his pictures are motivated not by power and dominance, but by survival. “These guys have lived through 30 years of this stuff,” he says. “They had been Mujahideen, they’d been Afghan Army, they’d been victims, a lot of them had killed people. And so I tried to get some of that experience in their faces.” Rohde says we won’t know for another five to 10 years if the U.S. presence in Afghanistan will help the fractured nation. “I can tell you that the surge has worked,” he adds, referring to the sharp rise in troop levels that began three years ago and is now winding down. “The surge was our final attempt to get things right. Is it too late? Maybe. Quite probably. But we now have given them a better shot of fixing their own affairs. They have to take it.” In the ambiguity of Rohde’s experience, the visceral loss of war is certain. “I’ve seen the personal side of the cost,” he says. “We had what they call ‘ramp ceremonies’ several times a week, where you take your fallen soldiers and load them on the plane to send them home. That’s a very heartrending thing to do. And it reminds you of the cost. It’s not just money.” X Max Cooper can be reached at mcooper@ mountainx.com.
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who Skip Rohde
Faces of Afghanistan exhibit snapshots: Rohde, who worked with the U.S. State Department in Afghanistan, uses portraits to illustrate the consequences of war. “Abdul H.,” pastel on toned paper Photo by Max Cooper. Drawing by Rohde.
wheRe S. Tucker Cooke Gallery
when Through Nov. 27. Gallery talk on Thursday, Nov. 15 skiprohde.com
701 Merrimon • Asheville (828)
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 47
low cut connie
hermit kings Local rock band Hermit Kings describes its sound as “fundamental rock ‘n’ roll, with soul and country undertones.” Led by singer-songwriter Zaq Suarez (Big Hungry), the band has been at work on new album The Ghost of Galapagos, a 12-track record released at the end of October. Moody washes of guitar, nimble percussion and lyrics that paint pictures of Americana — fantasy and tattered-edged reality (birds, kudzu, Paul Westerberg) without ever giving away the whole story — make up this memorable song cycle. Hermit Kings performs an album release show at The Grey Eagle on Friday, Nov. 16 with Deep Chatham and Alarm Clock Conspiracy. 9 p.m. $5. thegreyeagle.com.
Russell banks Writer Russell Banks is based in upstate New York, but he has North Carolina ties: He attended UNC-Chapel Hill. Banks has authored 21 books, including fiction, non-fiction, story collections and poetry. His latest novel, Lost Memory of Skin, has been shortlisted for this year’s Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction. The New York Times said the book (which revolves around a group of sex offenders including “The Kid” and an iguana named Iggy) is “destined to be a canonical novel of its time” and “unfolds suspensefully, deriving an eerie moral tension from the question of just which laws The Kid actually broke.” Banks will deliver the Harwood-Cole Memorial Lecture and will read from his novel at Warren Wilson College’s Canon Lounge. Saturday, Nov. 17, 4 p.m. A 3 p.m. reception with music by The Dixie Darlings precedes the lecture. Free. warren-wilson.edu. Photo by Nancie Battaglia.
48 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
One quick leg up the ladder toward rock-star notoriety is a nod from Jack White. Low Cut Connie (Adam Weiner and Dan Finnemore, from Philadelphia and Birmingham, U.K., respectively) was invited to open for The Shins at the grand reopening of White’s Third Man Records. But the Connies (as they’re called) have the the kind of grit and acumen to get the job done, leg up or not. Their new album, Call Me Sylvia, is packed with the sort of barroom bombast and jittery energy that’s earning them raves from the likes of Rolling Stone and NPR — the sort of raves that involve many mentions of balls. Low Cut Connie plays The Emerald Lounge on Friday, Nov. 16. Old Southern Moonshine Revival and Miles Nielsen & The Rusted Hearts also perform. 9 p.m. $7. emeraldlounge.com. Read a complete interview with the band at mountainx.com.
paula poundstone Comedian Paula Poundstone has been honing her standup routine since the late ‘70s. She appeared on Saturday Night Live when Robin Williams (her friend and mentor) hosted. And this is timely: In ‘92 she traded in typical standup for “something she thought would be more real with the audience and filed memorable field commentary of the presidential election for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” according to her bio. For most of the last decade, Poundstone’s sharp wit and sharper observations have led her to National Public Radio’s show, Wait Wait ... Don’t Tell Me. Poundstone appears at Diana Wortham Theatre on Friday, Nov. 16. 8 p.m. $35 in advance or $38 day of show. dwtheatre.com.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 49
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
Wed., November 14 185 King Street Reggae jam w/ Nethali Percival & Dennis Berndt, 8pm
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
5 Walnut Wine Bar Hotpoint Trio (jazz), 8-10pm allStarS SportS Bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm apotHeCarY Pile (rock) w/ Doomster & That’s a Thing, 9pm atHena'S CluB Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm Blue Mountain pizza Cafe Open mic, 7pm eMerald lounge Antigone Rising (rock) w/ Jen Foster & Hannah Thomas, 9pm greY eagle MuSiC Hall & tavern Darwin Deez (indie pop, hip-hop) w/ Hollerado & Decent Lovers, 8:30pm grove parK inn great Hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm HarraH'S CHeroKee Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm JaCK of HeartS puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm JaCK of tHe Wood puB Old-time jam, 4pm loBSter trap Ben Hovey (trumpet, electronics), 7-9pm native KitCHen & SoCial puB Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm olive or tWiSt Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one Stop deli & Bar Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6pm Soul/jazz jam, 11pm pHoenix lounge Jazz quartet, 8pm piSgaH BreWing CoMpanY Dirk Quinn Band (jazz, funk), 6pm red Stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm StraigHtaWaY Cafe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tallgarY'S Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm treSSa'S doWntoWn Jazz and BlueS Wendy Hayes & Three for Time (jazz, blues), 8:30pm vanuatu Kava Bar Open mic, 9pm WeStville puB Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm WHite HorSe Hannah Miller (folk, rock, pop), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe Ashley Heath (folk), 7pm
Thu., November 15 185 King Street Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 9pm 5 Walnut Wine Bar The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm
if it’s too loud: Then put in some earplugs, because rock ‘n’ roll tends to be that way. Apothecary hosts a grungy night of explosive guitars with “local facemelters” Doomster, “new local heart throbs” That’s a Thing (pictured) and dissonant Boston-based quartet Pile on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Photo by Shannon McFadden. adaM dalton diStillerY Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm
No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm
allStarS SportS Bar and grill Dance night, 10pm
lexington ave BreWerY (laB) Back stage: Kings of Belmont (rock, psychedelic, jam) w/ Saul Zonana, 9pm
altaMont BreWing CoMpanY Todd Hoke (roots, Americana), 9pm BoBo gallerY African music night w/ Zansa, 8pm Boiler rooM Talent search w/ Ashley Michaels, 10pm eMerald lounge Former Champions (electronic, rock) w/ pH Factor, 9pm frenCH Broad BreWerY taSting rooM Matt Walsh's Low Counts (rock, Americana), 6pm
loBSter trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm olive or tWiSt Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm one Stop deli & Bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm Grateful Dead night w/ Phuncle Sam, 10pm orange peel Mountain Rock Girl pageant, 8pm pHoenix lounge Valorie Miller (folk, Americana), 8pm
greY eagle MuSiC Hall & tavern Pokey LaFarge (ragtime, blues, jazz, Western swing) w/ The Dirt Daubers & The Twilite Broadcasters, 8:30pm
piSgaH BreWing CoMpanY Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Papa Grows Funk, 9pm
grove parK inn great Hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm
purple onion Cafe Jay Brown (roots, blues), 7:30pm
HarraH'S CHeroKee Karaoke, 8pm-midnight HigHland BreWing CoMpanY The Broadcast (rock, soul), 6pm JaCK of HeartS puB Old-time jam, 7pm JaCK of tHe Wood puB
red Stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm SoutH Side Station Karaoke, 8pm SoutHern appalaCHian BreWerY Hipbones (jazz, funk), 7pm tallgarY'S Cantina Anniversary party w/ Hazi Ritmus & more,
8pm tHe BYWater Benavides, Guerguerian & Wolf (flamenco), 8:30pm tHe loWer level Underground Jazz Lounge w/ Rich Williey & His Band, 8-10:30pm tHe MarKet plaCe Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm toWn puMp H.R. Gertner ("cow punk"), 9pm treSSa'S doWntoWn Jazz and BlueS Peggy Ratusz blues showcase, 9pm WHite HorSe Pam & Don McMahon ("acoustic music to feed your soul"), 7:30pm
fri., November 16 allStarS SportS Bar and grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm altaMont BreWing CoMpanY Grace Adele & Keenan Wade (country, Americana), 9pm aSHeville MuSiC Hall Scrapomatic (rock, soul), 10pm atHena'S CluB Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
To qualify for a free lisTiNg, a veNue musT be predomiNaTely dedicaTed To The performiNg arTs. booksTores aNd cafés WiTh regular opeN mics aNd musical eveNTs are also alloWed / To limiT coNfusioN, eveNTs musT be submiTTed by The veNue oWNer or a represeNTaTive of ThaT veNue / eveNTs musT be submiTTed iN WriTTeN form by e-mail (clublaNd@mouNTaiNx.com), fax, sNail mail or haNd-delivered To The clublaNd ediTor daNe smiTh aT 2 Wall sT., room 209, asheville, Nc 28801. eveNTs submiTTed To oTher sTaff members are NoT assured of iNclusioN iN clublaNd / clubs musT hold aT leasT TWo eveNTs per Week To qualify for lisTiNg space. aNy veNue ThaT is iNacTive iN clublaNd for oNe moNTh Will be removed / The clublaNd ediTor reserves The righT To ediT or exclude eveNTs or veNues / deadliNe is by NooN oN moNday for ThaT WedNesday’s publicaTioN. This is a firm deadliNe.
50 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
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(traditional, folk), 8pm the bywater Screaming J's (boogie woogie), 9pm town pUmp Locust Honey (string band), 9pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Jim Arrendell & the Cheap Suits (dance), 10pm vanUatU kava bar Alfonso, Caleb & Max (electro-coustic, ambient, improv), 9pm
wed darwin deez 11/14 w/ Hollerado & decent Lovers 8:30pm tHu 11/15 fri 11/16
50 Shades of Grey
white horse Vollie McKenzie & His Western Wildcats (Western swing, honky-tonk), 8pm
Pokey Lafarge
wild wing Cafe Contagious (rock), 9:30pm
w/ dirt daubers & twilite Broadcasters 8:30pm
sat., novembeR 17
HerMit kingS
with deep Chatham & alarm Clock Conspiracy 9pm
5 walnUt wine bar The Krektones (surf rock), 10pm
Mountain Xpress presents:
Sat 11/17
BeSt of wnC BaSH
Sun 11/18
Skateshop fundraiser:
“Pretty Sweet” 7pm
new years eve with the Hackensaw Boys Mountain goats | Japandroids truth & Salvage Company | John Cowan Camper Van Beethoven | iris dement
Kitchen Open for Brunch & Lunch from 10am - 3pm Mon - Fri & for Dinner at 5pm on Nights of a Show!
allstars sports bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm
party on: Jack of the Wood likes to get things rolling early. The downtown brew pub hosts a packed night of eclectic performances on Friday, Nov. 16, kicking off with poppy folk songstress Ten Cent Poetry (Chelsea LaBate) at 5pm. The music resumes at 9pm with The River Rats (funk rock) and closes out with David Earl and the Plowshares’ bluesy rock ‘n’ roll. bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am boiler room Running on E w/ Crunk Witch, Monkey in Podship & Johann Ess (punk, rock), 9pm
Accessories also available!
ClUb hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight
30% OFF
diana wortham theater Paula Poundstone (comedy), 8pm elaine's dUeling piano bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-along), 9:30pm-1am
thurs. november 15
Kings of Belmont
w/ saul Zonana 9:30Pm fri. november 16
ViVa deconcini w/ Pawtooth 10Pm
sat. november 17
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sarah clanton schaffer w/ heather mae 10Pm fri. november 23
w/ Polly Panic 9:30Pm
(S. Asheville/Arden)
www.bedtymestories.net 52 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
Ten Cent Poetry (folk, pop), 5pm David Earl & the Plowshares (rock, soul) w/ The River Rats, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Viva DeConcini (rock) w/ Pawtooth, 10pm lobster trap Leo Johnson & friends (hot jazz), 7-9pm
emerald loUnge The Left Field Experiment feat: Jonwayne, P Villa, Samuel Paradise & 10th Letter (electronic, dance), 9pm
olive or twist Bluedawg Blues, 8-11pm
paCk's tavern A Social Function (dance, classic hits), 9pm phoenix loUnge Bill Berg & Inner Session, 8pm pisgah brewing Company The Bloom Burns Duo (electronic, jazz), 8pm pUrple onion Cafe Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am soUthern appalaChian brewery Qiet (rock), 8pm
havana restaUrant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm
spUrs Diggypop Malone, Tripsta Trip, Pone, General Chryst & DJ Twan (hip-hop),
highland brewing Company One Leg Up (jazz), 6pm
straightaway Cafe The Everydays, 6pm
hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/ flamenco guitar), 7-10pm
tallgary's Cantina Anniversary party w/ Beatlenik, Rooftop Pedestrians, Wolf, Travers Brothers, Melissa & the No Requests and more, 7:30pm
JaCk of the wood pUb
ClUb metropolis Asheville Burning Man Decompression, 7pm-4am
o.henry's/tUg DJ Xel, 10pm
get down The Antagonizers (punk, psychobilly) w/ The Flat Tires, The DiMarcos & Southbound Turnaround, 9:30pm
JaCk of hearts pUb Riyen Roots (blues, roots), 9pm
ClUb hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight
diana wortham theater The Kruger Brothers (bluegrass), 8pm
orange peel Break Science & Michal Menert (electronic) w/ Muz Mool, 9pm
harrah's Cherokee Michelle Leigh (country, rock) w/ DJ Moto, 8pm-2am
ClUb eleven on grove The Freeway Revival (blues, rock) w/ Denton Perry & Waking September, 9pm
native kitChen & soCial pUb Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 8pm
frenCh broad brewery tasting room Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm
grove park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pm-midnight
bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am
ClUb remix Asheville Burning Man Decompression, 7pm-4am
one stop deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Hermit Kings (rock, soul) w/ Deep Chatham & Alarm Clock Conspiracy, 9pm
athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
monte vista hotel Daniel Keller (jazz guitar), 6pm
emerald loUnge Low Cut Connie (rock, Americana) w/ Old Southern Moonshine Revival & Waylon Speed, 9pm
good stUff Paul Edelman (folk, Americana), 8pm
altamont brewing Company Dirty Bourbon River Show (gypsy, folk, zydeco), 10pm
the altamont theater Mike Compton & Joe Newberry
frenCh broad brewery tasting room Dehlia Low & friends (country, bluegrass), 6pm get down Kelly Barrow goodbye party, 9:30pm good stUff Qiet ("degenerate cabaret") w/ Skunk Ruckus, Viva (rock) & Andrew Benjamin, 8pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Mountain Xpress Best of WNC Bash feat: Big Nasty & Crazyhorse and Colston, 9pm grove park inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm harrah's Cherokee Kayla & Twisted Trail w/ DJ Dizzy, 8pm-2am havana restaUrant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm highland brewing Company Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 6pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/ flamenco guitar), 7-10pm JaCk of hearts pUb Tater Diggers (Appalachian, traditional), 9pm JaCk of the wood pUb Eli Cook (blues guitar), 7pm Al Scorch & Adam McBride (country, Americana) w/ Bevel Summers, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Sarah Clanton Schaffer (rock, pop) w/ Heather Mae, 10pm
20% off food purchase with Ad
Music Schedules
Wednesday, November 14th
BROWN BAG SONGRWITING COMPETITION $3FREE6pmtoto- enterALLwatchAGES! Hosted by Amanda Platt & Alex Krug
11pm SOUL JAZZ JAM FREE! hosted by Preston Cate 21+ Thursday, November 15th
Brews, Bluegrass, & BBQ feat. Kendall Huntley & 5-8pm FREE! the $1 PBRs
Grateful Dead Night with 10pm
PHUNCLE SAM Friday, November 16th
$5 21+
pulp 225-5851 purple onion cafe 749-1179 Rankin vault 254-4993 Red stag grill at the grand bohemian hotel 505-2949 Rendezvous 926-0201 Root bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age Records 254-3232 stingRays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 Rocky’s hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 tolliver’s crossing irish pub 505-2129 tressa’s downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 westville pub 225-9782 white horse 669-0816 wild wing cafe 253-3066
the grove park inn (elaine’s piano bar/ great hall) 252-2711 the handlebar (864) 233-6173 harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 havana Restaurant 252-1611 highland brewing company 299-3370 holland’s grille 298-8780 the hop 254-2224 the hop west 252-5155 iron horse station 622-0022 Jack of hearts pub 645-2700 Jack of the wood 252-5445 Jus one more 253-8770 lexington avenue brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 the lower level 505-8333 luella’s bar-b-que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 monte vista hotel 669-8870 one stop bar deli & bar 255-7777 o.henry’s/tUg 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah brewing co. 669-0190
club Remix 258-2027 the chop house 253-1852 the corner 575-2449 craggie brewing company 254-0360 creature’s cafe 254-3636 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 dark city deli 257-5300 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea Room 575-2424 the dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 firestorm cafe 255-8115 fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 french broad brewery tasting Room 277-0222 french broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the gateway club 456-6789 get down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music hall & tavern 232-5800 grind cafe 430-4343 grove house eleven on grove 505-1612
185 king street 877-1850 5 walnut wine bar 253-2593 altamont brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 aqua cafe & bar 505-2081 aRcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas wolfe auditorium 259-5544 the asheville public (tap) 505-1720 asheville music hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek pizza & Ribs 687-2400 barley’s tap Room 255-0504 black mountain ale house 669-9090 blend hookah lounge 505-0067 blue mountain pizza 658-8777 blue note grille 697-6828 boiler Room 505-1612 bobo gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 the bywater 232-6967 club hairspray 258-2027 club metropolis 258-2027
Moses SCRAPOMATIC Atwood feat. members of Derek Trucks’ & Susan Tedeschi’s Bands with
Saturday, November 17th
The Ones
w/ Ho-Tron Beatz & Order of Elim
Sunday, November 18th
9pm $10 21+
10pm $5 21+
Bluegrass Brunch 11am
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Monday, November 19th
Lamb and The Beekeeper Kaki King Lady
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Tuesday, November 20th TWO FOR TUESDAY 8pm Heather Luttrell & Laura Jane Vincent $2 - ALL AGES! DJ Adam Strange spins afterwards til 11pm!
More information & Advance Tickets available always at
ashevillemusichall.com mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 53
lobster trap Big Nasty (jazz), 7-9pm monte vista hotel Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm o.henry's/tUg DJ Xel, 10pm olive or twist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm The Ones (hip-hop) w/ Ho-Tron Beatz & Order of Elim, 10pm orange peel Caspa (dubstep) w/ Styles & Complete, 9pm paCk's tavern Scott Raines & Laura Michaels Band (acoustic rock), 9pm pisgah brewing Company Abby Road Live (Beatles tribute), 9pm pUrple onion Cafe The Erin McDermott Band (bluegrass, folk), 8pm
Competitive Prices & Advice You Can Trust!
5 miles from Asheville, I-40 (exit 59) • (828) 299-9989
54 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
Front stage: Aaron Price (piano), 1pm
town pUmp Big Bread (reggae), 9pm
lobster trap Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes The Nightcrawlers (rock, blues, soul), 10pm
monte vista hotel Jared Gallamore (standards), 11am
westville pUb Marcel Anton Band (New Orleans funk), 10pm white horse Sara Grey & Kieron Means (traditional, folk) w/ Joe Newberry, 8pm
sUn., novembeR 18 5 walnUt wine bar The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7-9pm altamont brewing Company Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 5:30pm
red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm
boiler room Dance party, 10pm Movie classics show (drag performance), 12:30am
sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
emerald loUnge Three Bad Jacks (psychobilly) w/ The Go Devils, 9pm
smokey's after dark Karaoke, 10pm
get down Neon Piss (punk) w/ Blood Summer, 9:30pm
soUthern appalaChian brewery Channing & Quinn (folk, pop), 8pm straightaway Cafe R&R Crossing, 6pm tallgary's Cantina Al Coffee & the Grinders (blues), 9:30pm the altamont theater Many Voices presents "Not Alone" (theatre), 3:30pm A.J. Croce (singer-songwriter), 8pm the bywater Asheville Afro-fusion project (feat: Adama Dembele, Jay Sanders & more),
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern PUSH Skateshop Fundraiser feat: Labiators, Nate Hall & Soft Opening (psychedelic rock), 7pm grove park inn great hall Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon hotel indigo Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm JaCk of the wood pUb Irish session, 5pm The Harmed Brothers (bluegrass), 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab)
one stop deli & bar Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am soUthern appalaChian brewery Grace Adele Duo (folk, Americana), 5pm straightaway Cafe Hummingtree Band, 6pm the altamont theater Many Voices presents "Not Alone" (theatre), 3:30 & 7pm the bywater Idiotarod after party w/ Pleasure Chest (rock, soul), 4pm the Corner Tea dance, 6pm Drag show, 9:45pm white horse Drum circle, 2pm
mon., novembeR 19 5 walnUt wine bar Jamar Woods (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm adam dalton distillery Monday night jam w/ Iggy, 9pm asheville mUsiC hall Kaki King (indie, singer-songwriter) w/ Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, 9pm blaCk moUntain ale hoUse Karaoke, 9pm get down Hellblinki (blues, calypso, pirate) w/ Fable Cry, 9:30pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Contra dance, 8pm
lobster trap Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 7-9pm
185 king street Reggae jam w/ Nethali Percival & Dennis Berndt, 8pm
phoenix loUnge Suzanne, Jerry & Kurt (of Moonshine Babies), 7pm
5 walnUt wine bar Gary Mac Fiddle (jazz), 8-10pm
the bywater Bluegrass jam, 8pm the lower level Russ Wilson & His Band (swing, big band), 8-10:30pm
tUe., novembeR 20 185 king street Open jam, 8pm 5 walnUt wine bar The John Henry's (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm
allstars sports bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm asheville mUsiC hall Enter the Haggis (roots, rock), 6pm athena's ClUb Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm blUe moUntain piZZa Cafe Open mic, 7pm good stUff Silent movie w/ piano accompaniment by Jake Hollifield, 7pm
altamont brewing Company Open mic, 8:30pm
grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:307:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm
asheville mUsiC hall Funk jam, 11pm
harrah's Cherokee Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm
broadway's David Daniell & Douglas McCombs (experimental, psychedelic, folk, jazz) w/ Cumulus & Nociception, 10pm
JaCk of hearts pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm
ClUb eleven on grove Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ Cry Baby, 8:30pm good stUff Liam & Cristof, 7pm grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:307:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm handlebar Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard bluegrass jam, 8:30pm hotel indigo Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm JaCk of the wood pUb Vollie McKenzie, Valorie Miller & Kari Sickenberger (singer-songwriters), 7pm lobster trap Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm native kitChen & soCial pUb Trivia, 7pm olive or twist Bluedawg blues jam, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Two for Tuesday feat: Heather Luttrell & Laura Jane Vincent, 8pm DJ Adam Strange, 10pm phoenix loUnge Paul Jones (classical/jazz guitar), 8pm pisgah brewing Company Vinyl night (bring your own records), 6pm sCUlly's Daughters of Atlantis (acoustic rock), 10pm the altamont theater Like Mind Trio (jazz, rock, chamber), 8pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Old-time jam, 4pm lobster trap Valorie Miller (folk, Americana), 7-9pm native kitChen & soCial pUb Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm olive or twist Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6pm Soul/jazz jam, 11pm orange peel Rusko (electronic, dub) w/ dVbbs, 9pm phoenix loUnge Jazz quartet, 8pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm straightaway Cafe Screech Owl Serenade (country, Western swing), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes The Hard Bop Explosion (jazz, funk), 8:30pm vanUatU kava bar Open mic, 9pm westville pUb Max Melner Orchestra (jazz, funk), 10pm wild wing Cafe Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 7pm
thU., novembeR 22
Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm monte vista hotel Jared Gallamore (standards), 6pm olive or twist Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm pisgah brewing Company Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm
athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am ClUb eleven on grove Thanksgiving jam feat: DJ Hippie & DJ Jam, 9pm ClUb hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight elaine's dUeling piano bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-along), 9:30pm-1am frenCh broad brewery tasting room Bearded Folk (folk rock), 6pm get down Motives (rock, electronic), 9:30pm good stUff Utah Green (Americana, roots), 8pm grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern Truth & Salvage Company (Southern rock, roots) w/ Bombadil, 9pm
good stUff Arlo Gutherie Day
hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/ flamenco guitar), 7-10pm
wed., novembeR 21
allstars sports bar and grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm
havana restaUrant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm
wild wing Cafe Karaoke, 9:30pm
5 walnUt wine bar Firecracker Jazz Band (hot jazz), 9:3011:30pm
get down Punksgiving, 9:30pm
harrah's Cherokee Karaoke, 8pm-midnight
fRi., novembeR 23
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Karaoke, 9pm
white horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Female All Star Spotlight, 9pm
harrah's Cherokee My Highway (country, Southern rock) w/ DJ Suave, 8pm-2am
grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:307:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm
the market plaCe Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm
boiler room Rock & roll show (drag performance), 10pm
westville pUb Blues jam, 10pm
the lower level Underground Jazz Lounge w/ Rich Williey & His Band, 8-10:30pm
town pUmp Black Mountain locals jam, 7:30pm
vanUatU kava bar Comedy open mic w/ Tom Scheve, 9pm
tallgary's Cantina Asheville music showcase, 8pm
allstars sports bar and grill Dance night, 10pm
tolliver's Crossing irish pUb Trivia, 8:30pm
adam dalton distillery Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm
soUth side station Karaoke, 8pm
grove park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pm-midnight
the bywater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Nikki Talley (country), 5pm Backwater Opera (bluegrass, indie rock), 7pm Darren Nicholson Band (bluegrass), 9pm
JaCk of hearts pUb Old-time jam, 7pm
lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Narren (rock) w/ Polly Panic, 9:30pm
JaCk of the wood pUb No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm
lobster trap Calico Moon (Americana, country), 7-9pm
lobster trap
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 55
monte vista hotel Justin Eisenman (Americana), 6pm o.henry's/tUg DJ Xel, 10pm
computer & electronics recycling • free recycling • secure data destruction
• used computers and parts www.ecycleus.com • 339 old lyman st #4 • asheville • 828-252-7890 tues - fri 10-6 pm • sat 10-5 pm
olive or twist Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm orange peel Acoustic Syndicate (roots, Americana), 9pm paCk's tavern Nitrograss (bluegrass), 9pm pisgah brewing Company The Reckoning (Grateful Dead tribute), 9pm pUrple onion Cafe Fred Whiskin (piano), 7pm
sat., novembeR 24 allstars sports bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm athena's ClUb Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
orange peel Secret Agent 23 Skidoo (kid-hop), noon Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit (rock, country) w/ Lera Lynn, 9pm
ClUb hairspray Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight frenCh broad brewery tasting room Bob Burnette (indie rock), 6pm
grey eagle mUsiC hall & tavern David Lamotte & friends (singer-songwriter, folk), 8pm
straightaway Cafe Kevin Scanlon (folk, old-time), 6pm
grove park inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm
vanUatU kava bar Devil's Like Me (avant-garde, acoustic), 9pm white horse Vendetta Creme (cabaret), 8pm wild wing Cafe Chatterbox (rock), 9:30pm
olive or twist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm
boiler room Gutterhound w/ Dissent, Blood Junkie & Junked Up Joe (metal, hard rock), 9pm
sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Tasha Leif & Co. (jazz), 7pm Al Coffee & the Grinders (blues, soul, R&B), 10pm
o.henry's/tUg DJ Xel, 10pm
one stop deli & bar Free Reggae Saturdays w/ DJ Kid, 5pm
get down BIIPIIGWAN (metal) w/ Autarch & Tape and Wire, 9:30pm
town pUmp Fifty Year Flood (rock), 9pm
monte vista hotel Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm
bier garden Don Juan (DJ), 9pm-1am
red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm
tallgary's Cantina Wolf (classic rock, blues), 9:30pm
lobster trap Trevor Rocks Jazz Trio, 7-9pm
paCk's tavern DJ Moto (dance, pop hits), 9pm pisgah brewing Company Bobby Miller & Virginia Daredevils (bluegrass), 9pm pUrple onion Cafe Ragged Orchids (Americana), 8pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm sCandals nightClUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am smokey's after dark Karaoke, 10pm
harrah's Cherokee Girl Interrupted w/ DJ Paul, 8pm-2am
straightaway Cafe Nikki Talley (country, Southern rock), 6pm
havana restaUrant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm
tallgary's Cantina Travers Brothers, 9:30pm
hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/ flamenco guitar), 7-10pm
the altamont theater Malcolm Holcombe (folk, Americana), 8pm
JaCk of hearts pUb The Harmed Brothers (Americana, folk rock), 9pm
town pUmp Serious Clark (folk rock), 9pm
JaCk of the wood pUb Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 9pm
tressa's downtown JaZZ and blUes Carolina Rex (blues, funk, R&B), 10pm
lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Devils Like Me (folk, blues) w/ Salt Bigsby & Anhinga, 9:30pm
white horse Akira Satake & Duncan Wickel (world, jazz, Celtic, bluegrass), 8pm
Boost your fundraising with a low-cost, sponsored ad in Mountain Xpress 5. on December 5. Sales close November 28. To reserve your space please contact: 828-251-1333 or advertising@mountainx.com 56 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
theaterlistings Friday, November 16 – Tuesday, November 20 Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
movie reviews & listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ max rating
additional reviews by justin souther contact xpressmovies@aol.com
pickoftheweek The SeSSionS JJJJ
Director: Ben Lewin (The Favour, The WaTch and The very Big Fish) PLayers: John hawkes, heLen hunt, wiLLiam h. macy, moon BLooDgooD, annika marks UplifTing facT-baSed drama
raTed r
The Story: Fact-based story about a man in an iron lung and his efforts to have sexual relations. The Lowdown: The Sessions largely fulfills its promise as a frequently amusing, sometimes touching little movie of the uplifting variety, but never quite transcends this sense of well-intentioned TV drama. The Sessions is almost certainly going to be one of the more successful — possibly the most successful — “art” titles of the year. It comes with a raft of good — even great — reviews. It fetched an unusually high price at Sundance, which translated into a strong campaign from purchaser Fox Searchlight. It has Oscar buzz (mostly for star John Hawkes). And it won the Audience Award at Sundance. (It’s that last recognition that might give you some cause for pause because Audience Award winners are often pretty dire.) The truth is, it’s almost exactly what you’ve been led to believe — an uplifting, mildly comedic, fact-based story with an attention-getting premise and central performance. It’s competently made in every possible capacity — and that may be its biggest drawback. Take away the nudity and the frank sex talk and you’d pretty much be left with a high-minded TV movie — with unusually good actors. As for the filmmaking…well, let’s just say that it’s no great surprise that writer-director Ben Lewin’s last job was an episode of Touched by an Angel. The film deals with the attempts of poet/ journalist Mark O’Brien (Hawkes) — a polio survivor confined to an iron lung for all but a few hours out of the day since the age of 6 — to experience sex. At the time the movie takes place, O’Brien is 38 and fully cognizant of the fact that he’s nearing his “use by date,” so there’s a certain urgency to the situation. His immobility from the neck down and his
lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at mountainx.com/movies.
aSheville pizza & brewing co. (254-1281)
please call the info line for updated showtimes. The expendables 2 (r) 7:00 house at the end of the Street (pg-13) 10:00 The odd life of Timothy green (pg) 1:00, 4:00
Helen Hunt and John Hawkes in Ben Lewin’s fact-based drama The Sessions. general situation has effectively scotched his own efforts in the matter, so — after getting the go-ahead from his priest, Father Brendan (William H. Macy) — O’Brien enlists the aid of a sex surrogate, Cheryl (Helen Hunt). She’s a thorough professional — but has kind of a hippie vibe (the film is set in the late 1980s) with a guitar-playing philosopher (read: unemployed) husband (Adam Arkin). She quickly lays down the guidelines: There are to be six sessions — and that’s it. Of course, in order to make this any good as drama, it doesn’t turn out to be as cut and dry as that sounds. Nothing that follows is exactly surprising — at least until the altogether too pat powerfailure-ex-machina wrap-up — but it’s generally agreeable, not in the least because the film doesn’t tend to overly sentimentalize the material. The decision to portray O’Brien as slightly naïve, but ironically amused by his own situation goes a long way to make the film more likable than it might have been. Hawkes’ performance — while not the brilliant characterization it’s been painted as — is good enough to make that aspect work. All of the performances are solid, if sometimes a little simplistic. (Macy’s Father Brendan makes Bing Crosby’s Father O’Malley in 1944’s Going My Way look pretty complex, but that’s as much in the writing as the acting.) Hunt starts out rather awkwardly, but is better in the latter part of the film (though I’m not sure I buy her 1980s character’s perfectly pruned pubes). Now, whether or not her willingness to take off her clothes makes this a “brave” performance — no, I don’t think it does in any meaningful sense. Am I saying that The Sessions is a bad movie? Well, no, not exactly. I mean, if you’re looking
for something that’s exciting as cinema, this isn’t it. Similarly, if you’re looking for a story of any complexity, you could do better. However, if what you’re after is a nice little, obviously well-intentioned picture that would probably feel more at home on a TV screen, The Sessions will probably fill the bill. And a lot of people, I suspect, will absolutely love it. Rated R for strong sexuality including graphic nudity and frank dialogue. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 and Fine Arts Theatre
Skyfall JJJJ
Director: sam menDes PLayers: DanieL craig, JuDi Dench, Javier BarDem, raLPh Fiennes, naomie harris, aLBert Finney, Ben whishaw JameS bond acTion
raTed pg-13
The Story: James Bond comes to grips with whether his type of agent still has a place in the modern world while taking down a revenge-seeking cyber-terrorist. The Lowdown: Slick and good to look at, Skyfall does some things very well, but goes on too long and wants to be weightier than it is. Let’s get the easy part out of the way first: Yes, it’s better than Quantum of Solace (2008), but honestly, lots of things are. Skyfall — or The Dark Spy Rises — is a great-looking movie with all manner of interesting things in it. It also has a mostly swell villain and a couple of really good sequences. All in all, it’s an entertaining watch — though longer than it needed to be
carmike cinema 10 (298-4452)
carolina aSheville cinema 14 (274-9500)
argo (r) 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 cloud atlas (r) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 10:00 flight (r) 12:15, 3:30, 7:15, 10:15 lincoln (pg-13) 11:00, 12:00, 2:10, 3:15, 5:20, 6:00, 8:30, 9:45 The perks of being a wallflower (pg-13) 11:45, 2:15, 4:50, 10:10 (sofa cinema) The Sessions (r) 11:15, 1:30, 3:45, 6:00, 8:15, 10:30 Seven psychopaths (r) 11:20, 1:50, 4:30, 9:30 (sofa cinema) Skyfall (pg-13) 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30 The Twilight Saga: breaking dawn — part 2 (pg-13) 11:00, 11:45, 12:30, 1:45, 2:30, 3:15, 4:30, 5:15, 6:00, 7:00, 7:15, 8:00, 8:45 10:00, 10:30 wreck-it ralph 3d (pg) 4:40, 9:30 wreck-it ralph 2d (pg) 11:45, 2:15, 7:10 n
cinebarre (665-7776)
brave (pg) 10:40 (sat-sun), 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30 The campaign (r) 11:00 (sat-sun), 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:35 house at the end of the Street (pg-13) 10:55 (sat-sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:55, 9:45 The odd life of Timothy green (pg) 10:50 (sat-sun), 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:40 Trouble with the curve (pg-13) 10:45 (sat-sun), 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:50 n
co-ed cinema brevard (883-2200)
Skyfall (pg-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 n
epic of henderSonville (693-1146)
fine arTS TheaTre (232-1536)
a late Quartet (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-sat 9:30 The Sessions (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show 9:15 n
flaTrock cinema (697-2463)
life of pi (pg) Starts wed., nov. 21: 3:30, 7:00 Seven psychopaths (r) fri-Tue only 4:00, 7:00 n
regal bilTmore grande STadiUm 15 (684-1298)
UniTed arTiSTS beaUcaTcher (298-1234)
For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 57
startingfriday A LATE QUARTET
An impressive cast including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener and Christopher Walken is likely the main draw for this movie about how the failing health of the cellist (Walken) in a string quartet impacts the group — both professionally and personally. The film is interestingly structured around Beethoven’s Opus 131 String Quartet, which may increase interest among music buffs, but the overall hook lies in the stars. (R)
Here it is: Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln. And the film and its star, Daniel Day-Lewis, are already covered in praise — well, for the most part. It’s really an almost critic-proof proposition. To speak ill of the film involves speaking ill not only of one of the biggest names in filmmaking and one of the most-revered actors or our time, but by extension our most beloved president. (PG-13)
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
And so the Twilight series ends — and for a lot of us it’s not a moment too soon. According to the studio, the “astonishing conclusion to the series, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2, illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.” Really, what more needs be said? The trailer almost looked interesting — and then it got to those stupid Buick-sized werewolves. Oh, well. (PG-13)
2012 Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest! The Mountain Xpress holiday art contest is officially open. Send us your artistic interpretations of the winter season, anything from snowflakes to Christmas trees, menorahs to kinara. Both kids and adults are encouraged to submit. Keep your eye out for the winning art in Xpress' holiday issues.
DeaDline is FriDay, nov. 16. Works must fit onto a 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper. Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, age, parent or guardian’s name and school if you are under 18. Watercolor, acrylic, crayons and colored pencils are best for print (no graphite pencil, please). If you’d like your artwork returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope Mail your original art on a holiday theme along with the below form to the Mountain Xpress:
Mountain Xpress Holiday Art Contest •2 Wall St. • Asheville, NC 28801 Name: Address:
Are you 18 or older? If under 18, what age?: Parent or guardian’s name School:
58 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 • mountainx.com
(the mass exodus the second the end credits kicked in tells me that’s not just my opinion). It is also more than a little bit of a mess that tries to be more than it is — and really can’t support its efforts at quasi-heavy thematic content — even with such a "weighty" director as Sam Mendes at the helm. As a result, its attempts to make statements about aging, being judged no longer relevant, and being out of one’s time are so shoehorned in that they come across with all the delicacy of a sledge hammer. While there is almost certainly a great film to be made on these topics, this is not that film — and Bond is probably not that character. It’s undeniable that James Bond is an anachronism in today’s world. He’s a construct of the Cold War and of a world where good guys and bad guys were more readily obvious. But really, Bond — even while the Cold War was still a going concern — was always on the reactionary side. That became increasingly obvious as the 1960s really became the 1960s. By 1964, Bond was giving a disparaging assessment of The Beatles — and that signaled his tone of ignoring, for the most part, the existence of a counterculture. Bond remained an essentially 1950s figure — and the movies with their slick pop theme songs and jazzy soundtracks followed suit. (I realize this is a simplification, but it’ll have to serve in this space.) So it’s not like Bond just suddenly became anachronistic. Similarly, Skyfall’s dig at Bond’s famous gadgets comes as little surprise when Q (Ben Whishaw) dismisses them with, "You were expecting an exploding fountain pen? We don’t really go in for that these days." Sir James Bond (David Niven) addressed these things — "You’re jokeshop spies" — in the 1967 Bond spoof Casino Royale. All this, however, is everywhere in Skyfall. But apart from Bond and MI6 being deemed irrelevant by the film at times, does it really get into the topic or say anything of note? No, it just mentions it — a lot — and
that’s not the same thing. Mostly, it’s a standard Bond picture — big action opening, faux-Maurice Binder credit sequence, pop theme song (in this case, instantly forgettable), etc. The only difference here is Bond gets shot atop a train, falls into a river and disappears in what must be the Reichenbach Falls because, like Mr. Holmes, he comes back. Then it’s on to the plot involving sinister cyberterrorist Silva (a blond Javier Bardem) playing a twisted game with M (Judi Dench). Some of it works and Mendes gets credit for actually staging coherent action. A sequence at a gambling den in Macau is as striking as anything in any Bond picture. Also, it’s amusing to see MI6 fall victim to the usual evil genius flaw of keeping one’s adversary alive so he can escape and wreak havoc. And there’s a moment that’s strangely moving involving unveiling the old Aston Martin with the Monty Norman Bond theme on the soundtrack — a flash of what made those frankly silly movies somehow special in the 1960s. It works because it has 50 years of movies to give it its punch. But by the time it gets to the end — staging a mini-version of Straw Dogs (1971) at the ancestral Bond home — it’s starting to really wear thin. When Albert Finney shows up as the old family retainer (shades of Batman’s Alfred) and another age-related remark crops up ("I’m surprised to find you’re still alive"), it’s getting perilously close to self-parody. Still, I had more fun with it than I didn’t, which is more than I can say about a lot of these big budget event movies — and maybe it’s all that needs to be said about a James Bond movie. Rated PG-13 for intense violent sequences throughout, some sexuality, language and smoking. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.
specialscreenings ffolkes JJJ Action RAted PG In Brief: Roger Moore (taking a break from his 007 duties) plays a misogynistic, cat-loving Scot named Rufus Excalibur ffolkes: a man with a commando unit all his own who is called in to deal with terrorists (headed by Anthony Perkins, no less). The terrorists are threatening to blow up an oil rig in the North Sea unless ransom demands are met. It’s every bit as ridiculous as that sounds, but it’s also relatively entertaining — for the most part. The Hendersonville Film Society will show ffolkes Sunday, Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
SMALL IS THE NEXT BIG THING: In the most beautiful corner of our 200 acres, we are creating a “Tiny House” community where your cabin can even help pay for itself. Cabins start at only $50K, lots at 40K. The setting, however, is priceless.
i HeARt HuckAbees JJJJJ comedy RAted R In Brief: David O. Russell’s offbeat “existential comedy” about unusual detectives (Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin) who claim to be able to help their clients solve the big questions that plague their lives — chiefly the questions beleaguring a poet/activist (Jason Schwartzman) and a disatisfied fireman (Mark Wahlberg). An effortlessly quirky film that’s a good deal deeper than a lot of so-called dramas. The Asheville Film Society will screen I Heart Huckabees Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
KICK-ASS the Movie!
Free at 4 pm
Mon 19th-Fri 23rd
niGHt of tHe livinG deAd JJJJ HoRRoR RAted nR In Brief: This isn’t just a screening of Night of the Living Dead (1968). This is the film (in a beautiful print, by the way) reconfigured (so far as the music is concerned) by local artists Silver Machine. Does the new musical track work? A good deal of the time, yes, it does. Does it improve on the film? Well, that’s a subjective call and there’s really only one way to find out. Night of the Living Dead with the new music track by Silver Machine plays for one show on Thursday, Nov. 15 at 9:30 p.m. at the Fine Arts Theatre.
For more information,contact:
Flat Rock, NC 28731 • 828-693-5070
come see the first feature documentary to show how we've all been affected by bullying, whether we've been victims, perpetrators or stood 675 Merrimon Ave. silent witness. 254.1281 675 Merrimon Ave, 254.1281
tHe nintH GAte JJJJ HoRRoR RAted R In Brief: Roman Polanski’s 1999 supernatural thriller The Ninth Gate is perhaps the closest the filmmaker has ever come to making a straightforward horror movie — even if it takes a good deal of the film’s running time to get to the straightforward horror content. (Well, it’s Polanski, after all, and he’s not known as a traditionalist.) Though sadly underappreciated at the time, the film — about an unscrupulous book dealer (Johnny Depp) trying to verify which of three copies of a rare volume on the occult is genuine — has come to be more favorably assessed over the years. And it should be because it’s first-rate on every level. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Ninth Gate Thursday, Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
volveR JJJJJ
Slightly Dysfunctional People Pleasers
Where the locals of Asheville go for a comfortable, family atmosphere! Try our Fish & Chips made with French Broad Brewery beer!
dRAmA comedy RAted R In Brief: Perhaps Pedro Almodóvar’s most viewer-friendly film, Volver is certainly the filmmaker’s mellowest work. (All right, so it contains three murders, but, hey, they’re understandable murders.) Clearly, Almodóvar was in a nostalgic frame of mind — possibly because the film marked the return of Carmen Maura to his roster of performers after 18 years — and it paid off with one of his sweetest movies. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Volver Friday, Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 2733332, http://www.ashevillecourtyard.com
Located at 30 Lodge St. in the Historic Train Depot in Biltmore Village * Mon-Sat 11am – 1am * * Sun 12pm – 1am *
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 59
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from $ϵϵŬ
NORTH ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 1BA. Townhouse style apt. 1 mile to downtown. On busline. Sorry, no pets. $595/month. 828-2524334.
CONDOS/ TOWNHOmES FOR RENT 2BR 1.5BA WEST ASHEVILLE • Water, garbage included on bus line. $725/ month. Call 828-252-9882. DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE CONDO • 60 N Market, 2BR/2BA + den, great views, gas fireplace, 2 balconies, 2 parking spaces, 1,640 sqft, Fitness Center & Clubroom. $2,350/month + security, Available Nov 4 or before, 828-301-8033.
3BR, 2.5BA LOG HOmE Hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings. Charter internet available. 15 minutes from Weaverville; 25 minutes from Asheville. High speed internet. $1050/month. Call 828-649-1170.
(828) 669-4625
• mountainx.com
• Black Mountain
SHORT-TERm RENTALS 15 mINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/day, $650/week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@ yahoo.com
ROOmS FOR RENT DOWNTOWN • FURNISHED SINGLE ROOm The Gray Rock Inn, 100 Biltmore Avenue, near French Broad Food Co-op. • Weekly rates, $115/week. References, security deposit required. John: 230-4021, Noon-5pm.
Roommates ROOmmATES
BE THE FIRST TO EVER USE THIS BEDROOm. Looking for a roommate. Newly built Deaverview basement apartment. Rent includes power, water, wifi, trash pickup. Heat pump. Central air. Dishwasher. New appliances. No pets, no smoking. $100/week. 828381-5919.
Employment GENERAL
• Cabinet Refacing
LIVE ON THE RIVER! • EAST 2BR, 2BA, all appliances, including WD. • Large closets, storage. Covered parking. • Covered porch. Open deck. Great views! • Quiet and convenient. • Pets considered. Available Sept. $775/month. 828-779-2736, 828-215-4596.
Furniture Magician
GROVE PARK Mother-inlaw flat in private home. Separate entry, living, dining rooms, bedroom, galley kitchen, shared laundry. Some utilities included at $675/month. 828-254-7737.
LAND WANTED • LEASES Paying Top Dollar for 5, 10, 20 Acre or Larger Flat Land Tracts in WNC for 25 Year Land Leases. Call Green Mountain Realty: 828-2159064.
More Online!
OFFICE SUITES Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sq. ft. to 3,200 sq. ft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024. jmenk@ gmproperty.com
Granite throughout, high ceilings, pet friendly, energy efficient, salt water pool. www.TheLoftsAsheville.com 828-225-6621
BILTmORE BUILDING • Class A, full service office building, located in the center of Pack Square. Various size offices available- some include onsite parking. For rates and information, please call 828-225-6140. DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE For lease. Above City Bakery, Biltmore Avenue. Approximately 775 sqft. Natural light. Spacious. sycamorepartnerslp@gmail.com
CDL DRIVERS If you are a "people person" you could be a great tour guide! Training provided. Part-time with potential to full-time. www. graylineasheville.com info@ graylineasheville.com 828251-8687 HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED • For Assisted Living Center near Asheville, NC. Part Time and Full Time available. Fun and stimulating environment. Drug test and background check required before employment. Applications accepted at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711. you may also fax your resume to 828-6695003 or email it to adminassist@mccunecenter.org
TROLLEy COmPANy Seeks full-time Operations Supervisor/Tour Guide. Must have CDL; hospitality or transportation experience desirable. Send resume or request application: howard@graylineasheville.com www.graylineasheville.com
ADmINISTRATIVE/ OFFICE ASHEVILLE LAW FIRm SEEKING PART-TImE RECEPTIONIST Duties include answering multiple phone lines, greeting clients, emailing, filing and other adminstrative duties. Candidate must be proficient with Outlook and Microsoft Word, have professional communication skills, be detail oriented and a mutlitasker. Email ashevillefirm@ gmail.com with your cover letter and resume. OFFICE HELP NEEDED Energetic multi-tasker for busy sales office. Duties include customer service, data entry, filing, phones, and general office duties. Attention to detail and computer skills a must. No experience necessary, must be at least 19 years of age and have NC Driver's License. Hours will be Wed. 9-6, Thurs.-Fri. 10-6, and Sat. 10-2. Call 828-707-0513 or apply in person at 1098 Patton Ave. Asheville, NC 28806. PART TImE OFFICE ADmIN. ASSIST. Downtown location, excellent organizational skills, working experience of Microsoft Office. Background check required. Flexible hours. Additional info call Ira 6913242
SALES/ mARKETING CONGRATULATIONS, yOU JUST FOUND yOUR NEW JOB • Permanent positions in our Asheville office. Noon-9pm shift. $12.00/ hour base + generous bonus program. Weekly paycheck. Benefits available. Dental, vision, life ins. Avancement opportunities. Sales exp. a plus. Motivation and clear speaking voice required. Call today for personal interview 828-236-2530. PROFESSIONAL SALES Fortune 200 company recruiting sales associates in this area. • $30-$50K possible first year. • Renewals • Stock Bonuses • Training. For an interview, call (828) 670-6099 or e-mail resume: CandiceAdms@aol.com
RestauRant/ Food APOLLO FLAME • WAITstaFF Full-time. • Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. BUFFALO WILD WINGS • Now hiring servers, greeters and cooks. Apply in person Mon-Thurs 2-4pm. 4 Tunnel Rd. PART TIME DIETARY CooK • Needed for a lovely assisted living center in Black Mountain NC. Excellent benefits and working conditions. Compassion and good communication are a must. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Please send resume to mmori@mccunecenter.org. You may also visit our facility to fill out an application. 101 Lions Way. Black Mountain, NC 28711 PF Chang's is looking for ROCKSTARS. Please apply in person ONLY between 2-4 Monday thru Thursday at 26 Schenck Parkway in Biltmore Park Town Square www. pfchangs.com seRVeRs and Hostess Now hiring. Apply in person: 2 Hendersonville Road, Biltmore Station, Asheville. 2527885. Ichiban Japanese Steak House
DRIvERS/ DELIvERY ADVANCE TRUCKING INSTITUTE • Quality training. Great careers. CDL training for Class A and B License. FT and PT classes. Train men and women. For an exciting new career call 828-259-5309 or 828-6065900. LOCAL COMPANY SEEKS PART TO FULL-TIME DRIvER FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DELIvERIES Clean driving record and drug test required; delivery and customer service experience strongly preferred. Requires math&computer; skills, physical strength. jobsbmwavl@ gmail.com
MEDICAL/ HealtH CaRe Med teCH/PCa • For assisted living center in Black Mountain. Great benefits, friendly residents, and great staff to work with. One year experience required. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Organizational skills and good communication skills a must. Please fax resume to 828-669-5003 or email to administrator@ mccunecenter.org You may also visit our facility and fill out an application at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711 OvERNIGHT CAREGIvER • Cna We screen, train, bond and insure. Positions available for overnight professionals only. Home Instead Senior Care. www.homeinstead. com/159
Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive InHome and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbhs.org JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron. plantenberg@meridianbhs. org Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be licensed/ license-eligible. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@meridianbhs.org Clinician Offender Services Program Seeking a Licensed/Associate Licensed Clinician. For more information, contact Diane Paige, diane.paige@meridianbhs.org Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must be an RN. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy. whitaker@meridianbhs.org Haywood County: Nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must be an RN. For more information, please contact Jen Hardin, jen.hardin@meridianbhs.org Qualla Boundary: Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. Case load is predominately Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive InHome services. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@meridianbhs.org Macon County: Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. For more information, contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron.plantenberg@ meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org/ open-positions.html CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKeR and suBstanCe ABUSE COUNSELOR, CLINICAL Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. • Case Manager – minimum of CSAC required. • Substance Abuse Counselor, Clinical – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/or detox services. Please visit http:// agency.governmentjobs.com/ northcarolina/default.cfm to apply.
AvAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAvIORAL HealtH Cherokee County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking
FAMILY PRESERvATION SERvICES OF HENDERSONvILLE Family Preservation Services of NC has a very
exciting leadership opportunity in our Hendersonville office. • Clinical Coordinator: As a fully licensed Mental Health Therapist, you will work closely with the Regional Director insuring the highest quality care is provided to our clients. Responsibilities include staff supervision, program monitoring, utilization review and quality assurance. Two years post license experience is required along with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office (including Excel). Joining our team makes you eligible for a competitive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send their resume to jrobichaud@fpscorp.com.
LEAD RESIDENTIAL COUNseloR • Eliada is in need of experienced staff to provide structure and guidance to residential staff by role-modeling the effective implementation of the Eliada treatment model while maintaining a supportive and therapeutic environment for the student population. • Duties: role model crisis prevention and assume a leadership role in crisis intervention situations; participate in the creation and implementation of individualized treatment plans and therapeutic activities for students; meet regularly with the Program Manager and implement suggested feedback; complete all required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services and 6 months of behavioral health experience preferred; high school diploma/GED and 18 months of behavioral health experience required; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www.eliada.org.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 6962667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at rachel.wingo@thementornetwork.com• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.
PEER SUPPORT SPECIALIST • MERIDIAN BEHAvIORAL HEALTH Positions open for Peer Support Specialists to work in a number of our recovery-oriented programs for individuals with substance abuse and/or mental health challenges. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for an individual to transform
personal lived experience into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and be willing to participate in an extensive training program prior to employment. For further information, please contact Danielle Wittekind, danielle.wittekind@meridianbhs. org
PRn tReatMent staFF • Eliada Homes is in need of experienced staff to provide treatment to our students. • Duties: provide individualized treatment to the student population; effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention model; regularly monitor and supervise students; participate in the implementation of therapeutic activities; complete required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services discipline and some mental health experience preferred; high school diploma/GED/AA degree required; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www.eliada.org. PROGRAM MANAGER AT RESCARE HOMECARE IN ASHEvILLE/MARION Apply at www.rescare.com-select RCHC NC Asheville Admin. Child and adult care services. Must meet Division requirements for a QMHP.
PSYCHIATRIST Meridian Behavioral Health Services is currently recruiting a psychiatrist for outpatient work with adults in Haywood and Jackson County, NC. There is potential for time at our other adjoining centers. We will consider candidates for part or full time work. We are looking for physicians who have interest and experience in community mental health care - treatment of persistent mental illness as well as addiction. Part of this time could entail initiation of an office based buprenorphine maintenance program in Sylva (Jackson County), with mentoring from two other experienced physicians for those without previous experience in this mode of treatment. Our locations have qualified for education loan repayment programs. NURSE PRACTITIONER We are recruiting a nurse practitioner with previous psychiatric experience to provide outpatient care to adults in a community mental health setting. The position would be primarily located at our office in Sylva, NC with potential for time at our centers in adjoining counties as well. We would consider applicants for either a part or full time position. • Please contact Matt Holmes MD, Medical Director at 828-400-2005, or email: matt.holmes@meridianbhs. org for more information.
RECREATION SPECIALIST • Eliada is in need of an experienced individual to provide recreation activities programming to our preadolescent student population while maintain a supportive and therapeutic environment. • Duties: plan and implement structured and therapeutic activities and promote active student participation; participate in the creation and implementation of individualized treatment and teaching plans; meet regularly with leadership staff and implement suggested feedback; collaborate with TASC and NYPUM coordinators when necessary. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Therapeutic Recreation or related field and a minimum of 2 years experience working in an educational or behavioral treatment setting; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www.eliada.org. Rn C & B Support Services is seeking a RN to provide assessments and Case Management in an 8 county area. RN must be licensed in the state of North Carolina and have 1 year of pediatric experience. RN must have ability to work both independently and with a team, travel, have good computer skills. Hours are flexible. Send resume to jcuellar491@ bellsouth.net or fax to 828654-0644. 828-654-0644. jcuellar491@bellsouth.net candbsupportservices.com
THE ASHEvILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERvATION SERvICES is seeking the following: QMHP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work with adults in the Center for Recovery, Education, and Wellness; QMHP to work with children and families on an Intensive In Home team. Please send resumes to csimpson@ fpscorp.com
a-B teCH - Executive Director, College Advancement • SUMMARY: Oversees all functions of the College Advancement Division including activities such as Grants Development, Alumni Affairs, Scholarships, College Events and directs the College Foundation. Understands the vision and goals for A-B Tech and College Advancement espoused by the President, and plans and implements programs that increase donations to the
College. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Marketing, Human Relations or related field; 2. Five years of senior-level executive experience in a public or private fundraising arena, with a documentable record of significant and successful fund development ($1 million or more annually), constituent relationship management, marketing, and institutional branding; 3. Five years of successfully managing teams, employees, volunteers, and volunteer boards in the achievement of ambitious fund development plans; 4. Three or more years of progressively responsible supervisory, financial and budgeting experience; 5. Three years of demonstrated ability to implement strategic plans with a clear vision for the evolving role of advancement. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Business, Marketing, Finance, or related fields; 2. More than five years of experience and documented history of raising significant dollars; 3. More than five years of successfully managing teams, employees, volunteers, and volunteer boards in the achievement of ambitious fund development
plans; 4. More than three years’ experience of progressively responsible supervisory, financial and budgeting experience; 5. More than three years of demonstrated ability to implement strategic plans with a clear vision for the evolving role of advancement in public institutions of higher education; 6. Experience in a postsecondary foundation; 7. Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) credentials or completion of a nationally recognized fundraising certificate. • SALARY RANGE: $70,296 - $79,080. For more information and application instructions please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com/postings/1339
performance management, and staff and faculty training. Provides operational oversight for the human resources department. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree and five (5) years of supervisory Human Resources experience, or Master’s degree and three (3) years of supervisory experience in the HR field. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Human Resources and more than three (3) years supervisory experience in the HR field; 2. PHR or SPHR certification; 3. Community Co.llege experience. • SALARY RANGE: $57,540 - $64,734. For more information and application instruction, please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com/postings/1302
DIRECTOR HUMAN ResouRCes • SUMMARY: Serves to support the human resources, and organizational and professional development functions by leading projects and activities related to: recruitment and selection, employee benefits administration, state and federal compliance, policy administration, employee relations,
ENvIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATION • Seeks organizer, policy researcher with strong communication and analytical skills, science background and demonstrated commitment to social justice for full time position. Generous leave and medical benefits. Send resume, two writing samples
mountainx.com • NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012 61
freewillastrology SAGITTARIUS (Nov.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
22-Dec. 21)
An environmental organization in New Zealand found that the local fishing industry wastes about 70 percent of its haul. In contrast, Iceland manages to use 96 percent of every fish caught. For example, New Zealand companies throw away most of the liver, roe and heads of the fish, while Iceland has come up with ways to take advantage of all that stuff. Judging from your current astrological omens, Scorpio, I conclude that it’s crucial for you to take your cue from Iceland rather than New Zealand in the coming weeks. Be inventive, efficient, and thorough in harnessing the power of all your raw materials.
"They will say you are on the wrong road," said poet Antonio Porchia, "if it is your own." I suspect you may have to deal with wrongheaded badgering like that in the coming weeks, Sagittarius. In fact, you could experience a surge of discouraging words and bad advice that tries to shoo you away from the path with heart. Some of the push may come from enemies, some from friends or loved ones, and some from deluded little voices in your own head. I hope you won't be demoralized by the onslaught, but will instead respond like a brave hero who uses adversity as a motivating force.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) In old Christian and Islamic lore, the dove was a symbol of the holy spirit. The bird was considered so pure and sacred that the devil, who was an expert shapeshifter, could not take on its form. The dove had a different meaning in other traditions, however. Among the ancient Greeks, it had a special relationship with Aphrodite, the goddess of love. In Rome, its eggs were regarded as aphrodisiacs. Drawing on all these meanings, I'm nominating the dove to be your power animal in the coming week. You will have an excellent chance to intensify your connection with divine truths through the power of love and eros — and vice versa.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Your next assignment is to deepen and refine your relationship with your temptations. That doesn't mean you should shed all caution and simply give in to them. Rather, I'm suggesting you escape the bind that makes you feel like you have to either ruthlessly repress your complicated longings or else thoroughly express them. Is there an in-between position you can find? A way you can appreciate the mysterious gift that the temptations confer and not be miserably obsessed by them? A perspective in which you're neither tormented by guilt nor driven to compromise your integrity?
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You're a bit like a professional jet pilot who is operating the pirate ship ride at an amusement park. You resemble a top chef who's shopping for gourmet ingredients in a seedy convenience store. In other words, Gemini, you may feel slightly off-kilter or dispossessed, even though you have a lot going for you. Here's the best possible thing you could do while you wait for the fates to show you how to make a correction: Make it your intention to feel centered, poised, and at peace exactly as you are right now.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is currently enough food available to feed everyone on the planet. The problem is, it's not distributed efficiently. Some people get far more food than they need, and even waste a lot of it, while less fortunate folks go hungry. I invite you to think about whether you might have a metaphorically comparable situation in
your own life, Cancerian. Is there a part of your psyche that's well-nurtured but a different part that receives meager shares of love and support? Are you overstuffed in one way but starved in another? The coming weeks would be an excellent time to correct such an imbalance. (More on food: tinyurl.com/HungryWorld.)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) This horoscope is not an advertisement for ceremonial shovels. I am receiving no payment from a ceremonial shovel company for suggesting that you procure a customized engraved gold digging tool for your own personal use. And I will feel fine if you don't actually get a real one, but instead merely imagine yourself wielding a pretend version. The fact is, Leo, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to do a groundbreaking ritual: to dig up the first scoop of metaphorical dirt in the place where you will build your future dream house, masterpiece, or labor of love.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) I don't think you're fully aware of the game you've been immersed in. You may even be in denial that you're playing it. If I'm right about this, please make it a priority to acknowledge what's going on and identify the exact nature of the game. You can't afford to be innocent about the subterranean forces that are in motion. It's especially important not to be too nice and polite to see the complicated truth. Please note: There's no need to be a cynical shark — that would be as inappropriate a response as being a sweet little lamb. But you should definitely activate your jungle senses.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) On Reddit.com, someone asked members of the community the following: What is your best unanswerable question? Among the more serious offerings were "What is love?", "What is magic?", "Why is there something as opposed to nothing?", and "What is the meaning of life?" Then there were more avant-garde possibilities: "Where do squirrels go during hurricanes?", "Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?", and "If I asked you to sleep with me, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?" After evaluating the current astrological omens, Libra, I urge you to pose your own best riddle — a query that will provide maximum stimulation as you meditate on it during the next four months.
62 NOVEMBER 14 - NOVEMBER 20, 2012
• mountainx.com
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
I'm sure you've got thousands of practical details to attend to. Your schedule may be as busy as it has been in months. But I hope you will find time to do what I consider essential to your well-being, and that is to wander and wonder. In fact, let's make that your motto: to wander and wonder. Even if it's just for a few stolen moments between your serious appointments, allow yourself to meander off into the unknown and marvel at all the curious things you find. Be on the lookout for high strangeness that thrills your imagination, for exotic pleasures that titillate your lust for novelty, and for fertile chaos that blows your mind in all the right ways.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) James Joyce was a great novelist but not much of a fighter. He picked a more imposing and athletic buddy to go drinking with, though: Ernest Hemingway. If the two men encountered any alcohol-induced trouble, Joyce would slink behind his friend and yell, "Deal with him, Hemingway, deal with him!" I don't anticipate that you'll be in the vicinity of any bar scuffles in the coming week, Aquarius. But I do think you would benefit from having a potent and persuasive ally on your side. It's time to add some heft and clout to your arsenal of resources.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Is it possible that you have been too receptive and empathetic for your own good lately? I mean, I love how attuned you are to the ebb and flow of subtle energies — it's one of your most winsome and powerful qualities — but I fear you may be going too far. As heroic as it might seem to be the most sensitive and responsive person in a 10-mile radius, I'd rather see you work on being more self-contained right now. That's why, for a limited time only, I'm recommending that you turn the full force of your touchy-feely solicitude on yourself.
(< 1,000 wd) and 3 references to info@cwfnc.org. No calls or hard copy applications, please. Deadline 11/20/12. THE AUTISm SOCIETy OF NORTH CAROLINA (ASNC) is looking for a dynamic, self-motivated Regional Development Associate to lead event management and fundraising activities in our western area. This position is critical to the overall success of our fundraising and awareness activities and is instrumental in ASNC’s ability to provide life-changing services and programs to improve the lives of individuals with autism and their families. For more information on this position visit our website at www.autismsociety-nc.org or email kwhite@autismsocietync.org
WEB ASSISTANT AND/OR DEVELOPER • Looking for a part-time or project-based web job? Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to help evolve our online presence. You must have some web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, WordPress), be a team player and want to be a par of a locally focused, social-mediaengaged media outlet. Send cover letter describing how you might fit with the Mountain Xpress mission and needs, along with resume to: webcoordinator@mountainx. com. No phone calls please.
A-B TECH • Chair, Electrical, Electronics Engineering, and Computer Engineering Technologies • SUMMARY: The department chair is responsible for providing successful direction to the academic curriculum of the Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Electrical/ Electronics Technology department. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. BS/BA degree in Electrical, Electronics, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, or closely related; 2. Two years teaching experience; 3. Five years related industry experience; 4. Supervisory experience in the public or private sector. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. MS/MA degree in Electrical, Electronics, Electronics Engineering, or Computer Engineering; 2. Three years post-secondary teaching experience; 3. Previous academic management/supervisory experience in a post secondary setting; 4. NC Electrical Contractor’s License; 5. NABCEP; 6. Competency in data base programming, high order language, and interface to RFID, barcode and other industrial peripherals; 7. Knowledge of many types of industrial sensors, methods of signal conditioning. • SALARY RANGE: $55,908 $57,696. Please visit https:// abtcc.peopleadmin.com/ postings/1330 for more information and application instructions.
WEB COORDINATOR/ WEBmASTER • Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to continue the evolution of our online presence. • You must have: 1) Excellent web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, Expression Engine, WordPress); 2) Ability to manage in-house and outsourced projects; 3) Willingness to be a team player; 4) Commitment to a locally focused, social-media-engaged outlet. • The ideal candidate will have experience developing custom, database-driven solutions, as well as modifying existing software. • You will also need experience managing a LAMP web infrastructure with high-availability principles. • Salary based on experience and skill, with benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress' mission and needs, and why you'd like to work with us). and resume to: web-coordiantor@mountainx.com. No phone calls please.
SALON/ SPA BUSy DOWNTOWN SALON Hiring all positions. Wax like the wind? A pedicure pro? Give a relaxing rub for real? You may be who we are looking for! Must have experience. Join our amazing team- Humble rock stars only need apply. No phone calls or e-mails. Please bring resume to 58 College St.
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CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/ Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com
A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here: www.lostpetswnc.org
HANDy mAN HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
HEATING & COOLING mAyBERRy HEATING AND COOLING Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.
mISSING SUmmER • Sweet, friendly female black and white cat. Her name is Summer and she answers to her name. Tuxedo kitty, with white paw. She is 7 years old and weighs about 12lbs. Lost in the Woodhaven Rd. area in Chunns Cove. Last seen in the Vance Gap Rd. area. Please call Rosanne 450-6977.
PET SERVICES ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.
Mind, Body, Spirit SPIRITUAL DIVINE AND COSmIC ANSWERS ...from your Angels and spirit guides. Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin, the Auracle of Asheville. Call (828) 253-7472. ninaanin. weebly.com or asknina@ excite.com INTUITIVE AWAKENING 2012 WITH CHARLEy CASTEX Intuitive Awakening 2012. An afternoon seminar with globally renown Psychic, Charley Castex (voted best WNC Psychic for over a decade). Charley shares hands on guidance for cultivating Intuition. The Heart House- Saturday November 17th, 3pm-5pm. $20.
For Musicians mUSICAL SERVICES ASHEVILLE'S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.whitewaterrecording.com
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The New York Times ACROSS 1 1970 #1 hit with the lyric “Easy as …” 4 Last option, often 9 Equally poor 14 Miracle-___ 15 Soap genre 16 Macbeth or Macduff 17 Surgically replaceable body parts 19 With 49-Across, jumble 20 Sop up 21 Many a corporate plane 23 On videotape, say 24 Supposed skill of some hotline operators 27 The sun, in Spain 28 Some INTs result in them 29 When mammoths roamed
31 Sedona automaker 33 On-the-spot appraisal 36 “___ directed” 39 Sun-kissed 40 Tea-growing Indian state 41 Classic mountain bikes 44 H.R.H. part 45 Alternative to texts 46 Manhattan’s crosstown arteries: Abbr. 49 See 19-Across 52 Cards, on scoreboards 53 Green “pet” 54 Bar musicians may put them out 56 Total nonsense 58 “___ the loneliest number” 59 Serving with syrup 62 Lee and Laurel 63 As such
///////////////////////// crosswordpuzzle
64 Merry Prankster Kesey 65 The hotheaded Corleone 66 Protected from rainouts, say 67 Sellout sign DOWN 1 Terror-struck 2 Greased the palm of 3 Thickets 4 Foot problem 5 Manhattan film festival locale 6 ___ Solo (Ford role) 7 Defib operator 8 Sing like Tom Waits 9 Playwright Fugard 10 Hits the “Add to Cart” button and then continues, say 11 Elicitors of groans 12 Actress Jolie 13 Bug repellent 18 Stewart in the “Wordplay” documentary 22 Action hero’s underwater breathing aid 25 Body part that may be deviated 26 Nightwear … or a hidden feature of 17-, 21-, 33-, 41-, 54- and 59-Across? 29 Clouseau, e.g.: Abbr. 30 Defensive excavation 32 PIN requester
Edited by Will Shortz 1
No. 1010
Edited by Will Shortz No.1010
27 30
31 34
45 49
33 37
40 43 46
Puzzle by Pete Muller
33 “Casablanca” pianist
34 Needle-nosed swimmers
35 Ed.’s workload
36 Work the aisles, informally
37 Put on, as pants
38 Like some Turks and Georgians
42 Give the raspberry 43 Basic orbital path 46 Tases, say 47 Bygone Wall Street device 48 Refuses 50 Spirit of Islamic myth 51 Like a blowhard
53 “The Bourne Supremacy” org. 54 Eject from the game 55 Dirty Harry’s org.
57 Handled the music at a rave
60 DiCaprio, to pals 61 Escort’s offering
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