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An artistic neighborhood at the heart of downtown’s revival, Lexington Avenue faces rising rents and fears of decreased safety, say business owners and residents. The police are pursuing a new patrolling strategy, but there are no easy answers as the “last oasis for locals” faces the future.
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DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
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Justin Ray’s “Casanova & Cleopatra” fuses jazz and strings
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letters PRAIsE bE TO PUbLIC ART I would like to express my enthusiasm for the new mural currently going up at Magnolia Park on Magnolia Avenue at Flint Street in north Asheville. The talented artists have created a beautiful and professionally executed piece of imaginative illustration that will delight children and entertain their parents. It is a great spot for a mural and I am so happy to live in a town that advocates for public art. This playground needs further beautification (some new trees would help) but the new artwork, along with the new bright-white sand recently added, help make this a cheerful family spot. Go check out the fantastic mural — kids optional. [See an image of the mural on page 6.] — Kenneth Armstrong Asheville
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Shame on the Grove Park Inn for charging $10 for self-parking. Every year it has been a tradition in our family to go and see the display of gingerbread houses and other holiday decorations. We bring our out-of-town guests who enjoy shopping in the Grove Park Inn stores, buying refreshments and, most importantly, seeing the gorgeous views of Asheville. I realize the hotel was recently sold and changes were made, but this decision to charge $10 for self-parking just seems like an attempt to discourage locals from coming to the inn. Why would locals encourage their out-of-town friends and family to stay at the Grove Park Inn,
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correction The Dec. 5 cover gave an incorrect title for the Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular, now playing at The Magnetic Field Theatre. We asked what happened to the second Bernstein brother, for whom the original show was named: Jack Bernstein, younger and less handsome brother to Jimmy (host of the show), was a victim of his own hubris and, in slightly overstated fashion (even for a Bernstein!), was found dead in 2010 in a cheap hotel room with a seven large dreidels, three cases of tinsel, a pound of cocaine and two little people in elf costumes who were passed out, each with a vise grip on one of Jack’s ankles. Luckily for audiences everywhere, the family has more than filled his void, and now you get the entire Bernstein Family for what would’ve been the cost of just the brothers! or why would any person or group choose to host an event at the Inn when guests would be charged $10 to self park? Perhaps the inn needs to remember who supports its restaurants and stores during the “off” season when the hotel is sitting half empty! I did not want to disappoint my family, most especially my 9-year-old granddaughter who traveled across the state to have a memorable Thanksgiving. So I paid the money. lETTERs ConTinuE
staff PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell FOOD WRITER: Emily Patrick MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken hanke ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Jon Elliston, Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Miles Britton, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Jo-Jo Jackson, Kate Lundquist, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther, Lee Warren, Jill Winsby-Fein CONTRIBuTING ARTS EDITOR: ursula Gullow ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara
SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan hutchinson RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: John Varner hh MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille hh, Samantha Pope, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Emily Terry CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment
1:35 PM
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DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
mural delight: Asheville artist Julie Armbruster (standing) recently completed a mural at Magnolia Park. In his letter to the editor, Xpress reader Kenneth Armstrong describes the work as “a piece of imaginative illumination that will delight children and enterain parents.” Photo by Max Cooper I just feel sorry for the locals who couldn’t afford the extra money for parking and turned around and left! I know they were very disappointed. — Debi Nevel Drecksler Candler
THE GROvE PARk INN REsPONDs Though we have had other similar responses to the parking fee, we have had many locals tell us how they wish we had done this sooner. From our restaurant servers, retail staff, concierge and more, our local guests are telling us that many of them stopped coming years ago because it had become more and more congested each year. When they saw our commitment to changing that atmosphere this year, they decided to give us another try. Many took the time to write me personally about their positive experiences. They said the same thing in different ways — that this year was “like the old days”: a relaxed, pleasurable holiday event. The only thing that shocked them was the level of mastery of gingerbread designs, compared to years past. Over the past 20 years, The Grove Park Inn National Gingerbread Competition has become one of the country’s most celebrated holiday events, with coverage every year on ABC’s Good Morning America. For a long time we have been concerned with the frenzied atmosphere. The
holiday season should be one of pure enjoyment, and that can only be accomplished by reducing the numbers viewing our Gingerbread display at one time. We want to encourage you to take public transportation; the city bus stops right in front of the inn, and we will not charge you a dime. We are sorry that not everyone is pleased, but we feel we are creating the kind of holiday traditions that are more memorable than ever. — Ronald E. Morin The Grove Park Inn Asheville
UsE TAxEs fOR CITIzENs, NOT ENTICEmENTs It appears that our governmental organizations within North Carolina have decided that they must become a provider to the wealthy at the expense of the average citizen. It appears that more and more governmental units are abandoning their central role of protector of our citizens. We have more and more governmental units at all levels becoming wealth redistributionists. … It is a shame that those involved in our governmental operations have such a low opinion of themselves and their abilities. North Carolina has wonderful people and some of the best environmental situations in the United States. Our people and our environmental situations
only need to be promoted by our governmental entities as the attractions. I pay my taxes with little complaint. When my taxes are used for wealth redistribution I get concerned. I get highly concerned when that redistribution is to some person or company who is already wealthy and not in need. It is time we the citizens of North Carolina demanded better of our elected officials. It is time that we required them to only use our tax dollars for the operation of a functioning government within our community, our county and our state. It is time that our elected officials took our tax dollars and improved our communities, our counties and our state rather than redistributing our tax dollars to those who are already wealthy.
We must ask our elected officials to use our tax dollars as operational funds, and never as enticement funds. If our elected officials correctly use our tax dollars they will improve our communities, our counties and our state. This improvement will better our communities, our counties and our state for our permanent residents. This betterment will open up avenues that will attract others, including employers to all parts of our state. It is time that our elected officials took steps to stop the misuse of our tax dollars into areas that are not a part of daily operations of the governmental unit involved. — Ray Shamlin Rocky Mount, N.C.
The Southern Highland Craft Guild is an authorized concessioner of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
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mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 9
LExiNgtON AvENuE’S uNcERtAiN futuRE
bY DAviD fORbES Walking down Lexington Avenue toward the Interstate 240 overpass, one may hear music and snatches of conversation about things like natural foods and mysticism. Coffee and cooking aromas drift over a street where tourists, artists, merchants and the homeless all rub shoulders. This is the heart of a downtown district known for its independent spirit, quirky local businesses and an annual street festival celebrating the city's diverse alternative cultures. Earlier this year, the American Planning Association’s North Carolina chapter hailed Lexington Avenue as one of the best main streets in the state, and a sign erected to help tourists find their way calls it a place where the "traditional meets the avant-garde." Nonetheless, the district is no stranger to controversy, often stemming from the friction between disparate constituencies. Key players, including some longtime business owners, say violence is on the increase. And partly in response to those concerns, the Asheville Police Department has launched a new strategy for patrolling Lexington’s brick-and concrete sidewalks and the rest of downtown, bringing in additional officers assigned to small, specific beats. “Recognizing the changing dynamic downtown, we want to have our officers become much more engaged in community policing and problem solving," Capt. Tim splain explains. “We don't always have to write a ticket or make an arrest; sometimes there's other alternatives.” The 22-year APD veteran is the department’s patrol commander. Overall crime rates in the area, he notes, have remained relatively stable. But those crimes have become more violent, perhaps due in part to an influx of younger transients using harder drugs. For the most part, says Splain, that violence takes the form of fights among themselves, not attacks on bystanders. He hopes the new patrol strategy will nip problems in the bud, countering the perception that Lexington (and, by extension, all of downtown) isn’t safe. Meanwhile, paradoxically, rising rents are putting pressure on the district’s tradi-
10 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
pERcEptiONS: Changing dynamiCs on Lexington avenue have business owners and residents Looking for soLutions. Photo by Max CooPer
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tional businesses and residents alike, and some fear that the one-two punch of gentrification and security issues could sound a death knell for this unique haven.
bLOOD ON thE SiDEWALk: tv eye owner marC mCCLoud says rising rents and inCreased vioLenCe on Lexington are driving out LoCaL businesses Like his. Photo by Max CooPer
The combination of intoxicated bar-goers, a shifting transient population and harder drugs has led to more violent fights, fueling the perception that the street isn’t safe. “We come in in the morning, we see blood on the sidewalk,” says Marc McCloud, who co-owns TV Eye Video Emporium downtown and Orbit DVD in West Asheville. TV Eye, a Lexington Avenue fixture, is selling off its merchandise and will close before year’s end. Saying he “sees what's on the horizon,” McCloud believes the changing neighborhood makes the business unsustainable. “The old homeless guys are fine; five years ago you knew everyone's names. Now people are just down there getting f--ked up. There's been fights in the street the past couple of years.” And while changing technology has unquestionably affected the movie-rental business, he says Orbit is having its best year ever. Safety issues on Lexington, McCloud maintains, are a key culprit. “Our biggest hour used to be between 10 and 11 at night,” he explains. “People would get off work at a restaurant, clean up, come by and get some movies. We've seen the numbers of customers dwindle. Five years ago, people felt safe.” Rosetta star, who founded Rosetta's Kitchen, says most homeless and transient folks on Lexington aren't dangerous. She blames the
problems on harder drugs, including the legal synthetics available in local shops. “In the last year, I saw more people that were dangerously, aggressively freaked out than I've ever seen,” notes Star, adding that things have improved somewhat recently. Splain, too, says the APD has been seeing "more violence: We've responded to more fights with guns or knives or violent incidents than we have in the past.” People who a few years ago might have gotten into a fistfight are now pulling knives and guns. This may reflect a change in the makeup of the local homeless population. Due to the economic turmoil of recent years, “You're seeing more families, and a lot more young people than ever before,” says Heather dillashaw, who coordinates the Asheville-Buncombe Homeless Initiative. Splain also cites the legal synthetic substances available in some shops in the district, which he says can result in "severe hallucinogenic episodes — people passing out or falling out in the street. That's something that has caused our officers a significant amount of work." If a business is repeatedly linked to such problems, the police will advise them on better management practices or urge them to stop selling a particular product.
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“We try to appeal to the best interests of the community,” says Splain. If the business serves alcohol and "they're not being managed appropriately," the APD will work with state Alcohol Law Enforcement to have its licenses pulled. "It's a delicate balance," he concedes.
SpLit pERSONALitY Meanwhile, longtimers say the steady rise in rents is triggering a sea change in the district. “The lack of affordability is changing the face of Lexington,” Star asserts, adding, “I'm sad to see it losing its authenticity and roots.” She opened Rosetta's in 2002; the popular restaurant now distributes its line of vegetarian cuisine through supermarkets across the Southeast. But Star believes the increased cost is driving out the very people who made the area what it is. “As rents go up, there's a natural tendency to push out those who anchored and created it,” she says. “I think we're in danger of homogenizing our culture. I don't think that's what built our town, and I don't think it's what most people who live here want.” For his part, Splain takes the long view, recalling that when he started on the force back in 1990, “If you drew the short straw at roll call, then you got one of the downtown beats. There wasn't anything here; the officers didn't want to work the downtown beats.” Now, however, "Lexington is a microcosm within downtown of small, local, dedicated business owners who have taken a street and made it a community,” he maintains. “They're a great example of how you can make a small
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14 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
area successful with a lot of hard work. That's exactly what we want to see." McCloud, on the other hand, tends to side with Star. Businesses like TV Eye, he says, catered mostly to folks who lived or worked in the area, and with the demographics shifting, there aren’t enough of them left to support the store. “It seems like downtown is being pulled in two different directions, one being a more big-money, corporate way,” notes McCloud. “Prices are rising, and a lot of local clientele are pushed out. The other direction is the increase in violence.” Until recently, he believes, Lexington had bucked the trend affecting other portions of the city’s core.
NO SigNificANt chANgE? Further muddying the waters is the fact that local crime statistics show no significant change recently, though this may be due in part to the lack of sufficiently specific categories to reflect the shift. In the last two-and-a-half years, for example, there have been four aggravated assaults, two break-ins (one at Rosetta's) and one vehicle theft, APD records indicate. The number of calls concerning civic disturbances, fights and intoxicated people has also remained fairly stable. But whether those assaults involved bare knuckles or blades isn’t indicated. “What we feel and perceive is sometimes short-sighted,” Splain observes. “When we look back three or four years, the cycle is almost exactly the same, the number of incidents is almost exactly the same, even the dynamics are the same. Most of the crime isn't stranger-on-stranger: It's people who know each other. They get intoxicated, they fight and it spills out onto the street.” He also blames the media for helping create the impression that downtown is dangerous, citing negative coverage of the area this spring.
A NEW AppROAch: Capt. tim spLain, seen here with offiCer robert frost, hopes the apd’s new Community-poLiCing strategy wiLL improve the distriCt, whiCh he CaLLs “a miCroCosm” of downtown’s suCCess. Photo by bill rhodes
“That's driving an impression about all of downtown,” Splain maintains. “I hear ‘Downtown is dangerous’ from friends, people from outside Asheville. All of downtown is safe — but all the usual crime-prevention tips apply.” Splain remembers issues with prostitution and more widespread crime on Lexington years ago, but that's mostly gone now, he says, noting, “It's not so much a law-enforcement success; it's legitimate activity replacing criminal activity.” Still, says McCloud, the kinds of problems he’s concerned about don’t necessarily result in immediate calls to the police. Splain acknowledges this. “You have a woman walking by and she's gotten harassed for a week with catcalls. The situation reaches a boiling point, and we get a call. By that point there's a lot of frustration, because it's been going on for a while and we haven't necessarily known about it,” he explains. McCloud says he's seen more aggressive panhandlers harass visitors, particularly women, and the police response has seemed inadequate. “If this is such an important tax base for the city, they're going to have to address this,” he asserts. “I've heard people say they're not coming back here.”
A NEW/OLD AppROAch Splain, who says he often spends a portion of his off-days downtown, reveals that he’s had similar concerns. "When I walk around, and I know where the officers are supposed to be and I don't see them,
then I get concerned — and the same for the chief," he reports. But that’s precisely what the new approach is intended to address. "Officers will be intimately aware of what's happening in their area,� says Splain, which will help them maintain order in a densely populated neighborhood. Previously, five officers were responsible for all of downtown. Now, two six-officer teams will supplement the regular patrols — and thanks to mobile computers and bicycles, those officers will be spending more of their time on the street, interacting with the community. "It goes back to what New York or L.A. would do in early policing days: Here's my two or three blocks, and I know everyone in that area. I know what's normal and isn't in that area, and I become very much a part of the culture," says Splain, adding, “It's hard to do the right things if you're not aware of who's there and what they need.� For her part, Star believes the APD is “moving in the right direction.�
WhERE cAN thEY gO? McCloud concedes that the district’s changing nature “is a complicated issue.� But he worries that in trying to make Lexington safer, the APD could overreact “and sweep the streets, getting rid of people who aren't bothering anybody.� Splain, however, says the police are sensitive to the plight of the homeless and try to connect them with social services. Officers also try to help business owners understand the legal limits the police face in dealing with the homeless. Still, he continues, “There's a difficult balancing act. The better we are at developing relations down there, the better we can be at not adding to the conflict, at mediating the situation. Downtown,� he adds, “is a huge, vital area. We want it to be successful.� For Star, however, the broader concern is the impact on Asheville’s thriving arts community. “This is happening in the River Arts District, too; you're starting to see it happen in West Asheville. The question is: Where can the artistic community go?� And even with the best intentions, she points out, the city may simply not be capable of controlling the kind of large-scale gentrification that's squeezed working artists and small businesses in similar neighborhoods nationwide. “There's no simple answer about how to make it better,� says Star. “But we don't want to sanitize it to the point we've lost our spirit and charm, which is what's helped us through this global economic crash. I hope we don't create a culture that pushes away the locals. We're the heart of WNC, and the tone we set matters.� McCloud, too, fears these pressures could eventually prove irresistible. “I think Lexington was the last oasis for locals,� he says. X David Forbes can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 137, or at dforbes@mountainx.com.
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mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 15
% 50
Down but not out: The Buncombe County Board of Elections denied Republican Christina Kelley G. Merrill’s request to disallow dozens of votes by Warren Wilson College students. The state board will consider her appeal Dec. 13. A Nov. 29 recount showed her trailing Democrat Ellen Frost by 17 votes in her bid for a seat on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. Photo by Caitlin Byrd
bY JAkE fRANkEL The results of an initial recount showed Democrat ellen Frost still holding a slight lead over Republican Christina Kelley G. Merrill in the District 2 race for Buncombe County commissioner, the Board of Elections announced Nov. 29. At this writing, however, it appears that the contest could drag on for at least another couple of weeks. The District 2 race will determine which party has a majority on the expanded seven-member Board of Commissioners. On Nov. 28, the Board of Elections voted 2-1 to deny Merrill's request that some ballots cast by Warren Wilson College residents not be counted. Merrill then filed an appeal with the State Board of Elections, which agreed to hold a Dec. 13 hearing on the matter.
16 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
She also requested a "hand-to-eye" recount, which the local board agreed to start Dec. 3. Following state law, the board will initially hand-count only a small percentage of the District 2 ballots, taken from two randomly selected precincts. If discrepancies are found, the board will then extrapolate (based on the proportion of recounted ballots to the total ballots cast in that race) to determine whether the outcome would be reversed. If so, the State Board will authorize a full hand-to-eye recount. The initial, machine recount extended Frost's edge from 13 to 17 votes. The slight change was due to errors in how the machines read the ballots the first time, election officials explained. "I'm still feeling like it's important to make sure every vote is counted," said Merrill, noting that the first recount had revealed a small discrepancy.
NOv. 6
NOv. 17
NOv. 29
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Frost, however, said it's now time for Merrill to consider bowing out. “We voted, we had a recount, the votes have been counted and counted and now it's important to get down to doing the work Buncombe County residents want us to do," she asserted. Merrill's initial protest had questioned the process election officials used to determine which district the Warren Wilson students live in after belatedly realizing that the stateimposed redistricting had split the campus between Districts 1 and 2. Newsweek recently ranked Warren Wilson the most liberal college in the country, and it’s a good bet that throwing out those ballots would help Merrill make up her razor-thin deficit. Board of Elections members Jones byrd and lucy smith (both Democrats) voted to deny Merrill’s request; Republican Robert van Wagner dissented. But despite three hours of tense deliberations, Merrill said her legal team hadn’t been allowed to present evidence and provide testimony she thinks could bolster her case. The state board, which is appointed by the governor, currently consists of three Democrats and two Republicans. The lawyers who’ve represented Merrill so far also have partisan backgrounds: William Peaslee is the North Carolina Republican Party’s former chief of staff, and Gene Johnson is the former campaign treasurer for state Rep. Tim Moffitt, who spearheaded the change to district elections. Frost, meanwhile, has been represented by Asheville attorney Bob deutsch, who previously served on Warren Wilson’s board of trustees. Frost alleged that Merrill's legal maneuvers are an attempt to disenfranchise Warren Wilson voters, whom she said she's "thrilled to see playing such a big role in determining the election results." Under the new county rules, the top two votegetters in each district win seats on the board. The initial re-count still showed Republican Mike Fryar in first place and Democratic incumbent Carol Peterson in fourth. Peterson said she'll await the results of the hand recount before deciding whether to concede. X
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For the latest election updates, go to mountainx. com/election. Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or jfrankel@mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 17
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Leicester, Buncombe County
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will hold a Design Public Meeting on December 6, 2012 at the Newfound Baptist Church, 2605 New Leicester Highway. This project proposes to improve New Leicester Highway (NC 63) from near Gilbert Road (State Road 1615) to about 600 feet past the New Found Road (SR 1004) / Dix Creek Chapel Road (SR 1375) intersection. The project will include a four-lane divided roadway with a narrow 23-foot grass median and a three-lane undivided roadway with curb & gutter on both sides of the roadway in the Leicester community. In addition, five roundabouts are proposed at the following intersections: Gilbert Road (SR 1615), Leicester Elementary School Entrance, Martins Branch Road (SR 1610), Old Newfoundland Road (SR 1378), and Alexander Road (SR 1620). NCDOT representatives will be available at an informal, Pre-Meeting Open House between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to answer questions and receive comments relative to the proposed project. The opportunity to submit written comments or questions will be provided. Interested citizens may attend at any time during the above mentioned hours. A formal presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. The presentation will consist of an explanation of the proposed location & design, right of way acquisition, relocation requirements / procedures, and the state-federal funding relationship. The hearing will be open to those to present statements, questions and comments. The presentation and comments will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared. A map displaying the location and design of the project is available for public review at the NCDOT Division Thirteen Office located at 55 Orange Street, Asheville and the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization, 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville. The maps are online. Search the project using “U-3301” and click on “Show More” to view the Design Public Hearing Maps at http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/publicmeetings/. Anyone desiring additional information may contact Ms. Kimberly Hinton, Human Environment Unit at 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, 27699-1598, by phone: (919) 707-6072, by fax: (919) 212-5785, or by email: khinton@ncdot. gov. Additional comments may be submitted until December 28, 2012.
The Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Planning Committee hosted an overflow crowd at a Nov. 30 special meeting called to discuss compensation for the city of Asheville in the proposed water merger. The committee’s proposal calls for paying Asheville $57 million over 50 years. Earlier this year, a legislative research committee headed by state Rep. Tim Moffitt recommended a merger with no compensation to the city. Water customers, the committee said, own the assets and shouldn’t have to pay for them twice. And the MSD Planning Committee’s report cites utility mergers elsewhere in the state where this has been the case. MSD’s compensation proposal was developed by staff in consultation with the UNC School of Government’s Environmental Finance Center. The proposal uses a standard accounting method for utilities’ capital assets based on the original cost, starting with a figure of $169 million for the system’s total value and subtracting outstanding debt and other considerations. During the Planning Committee’s discussion of the merger’s potential ramifications, esther Manheimer, a city appointee to the MSD board, spoke in her capacity as Asheville’s vice mayor. After praising the agency’s recently released impact study as “thorough and objective,” Manheimer reminded the board and the audience that City Council and “approximately 86 percent of voters don’t want anything to happen,” referring to the city’s recent referendum vote opposing any water-system transfer. Asheville’s own impact study, due out Dec. 11, may set the city’s losses significantly higher than MSD’s compensation figure, she noted. Manheimer specifically cited the loss of overhead payments by the Water Department and some $1.7 million per year in current compensation to the city from water revenues. The General Assembly authorized those payments when it took away the city’s right to charge noncity residents more for water. “That amounts to a real annual loss to the city
in the range of $3.5 million [annually],” she said, adding, “I know that many people will say it’s not MSD’s role to fill that hole.” MSD board member Bill stanley, who’s also vice chair of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, said any such negotiations should happen when the Planning Committee sent the proposal to the full MSD board. The committee then voted 6-2 to do just that, with Manheimer and City Council member Chris Pelly opposed. Weaverville Mayor Al Root, who chairs the Planning Committee, then invited the two state legislators present, Reps. susan Fisher of Buncombe County and Chuck McGrady of Henderson County, to address the committee. McGrady said he and newly elected state Rep. Nathan Ramsey, the former chair of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, have been meeting individually with City Council members recently. Merger legislation is already being drafted in Raleigh, McGrady reported, adding that he hopes the city and MSD can reach an agreement by January or early February. “In an ideal world,” said McGrady, “we write that in” to the legislation. But he made no promises that this would actually happen. “You’re right in noting that the LRC recommendations were assuming no compensation,” McGrady continued, adding, “I expect to be supportive of legislation that includes compensation.” Fisher spoke briefly, saying, “I appreciate that there are representatives on this board from all the entities that may or may not be included [in the merger]. I hope to be surprised by the result of all this work when this legislation is introduced.” X The MSD board will meet Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 2 p.m. at the Administrative Building, 2028 Riverside Drive in Asheville. The meeting is open to the public. To view the financial presentation to the Planning Committee and the agenda packet for the Nov. 30, go to avl.mx/nt. Nelda Holder can be reached at nfholder@gmail.com.
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Ms. Hinton as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.
18 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
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4 personal attention & tender loving care 4 private indoor/outdoor runs 4 large exercise areas 4 playtime & daily walks available 4 complete, professional grooming 4 stress-free cattery
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mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 19
your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries
calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists cALENDAR fOR DEcEMbER 5 13, 2012
to 1,000 pounds, any pet food
Drive to benefit three local animal
DAY-bY-DAY cALENDAR iS ONLiNE Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. mountainx.com/events.
Rescue. Please help make the holi-
WEEkDAY AbbREviAtiONS: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday
Asheville, during normal business
donated to the Holiday Pet Food welfare organizations: Asheville Humane Society, Animal Compassion Network, and Brother Wolf Animal days brighter for needy dogs and cats by dropping canned or dry food, blankets, pet toys and/or monetary donations off at Animal Hospital of North Asheville, 1 Beaverdam Rd. hours and before December 25th. We will distribute the donations evenly among the three organizations.
ANImALs ANiMAL hOSpitAL Of NORth AShEviLLE hOLDS MAtchiNg hOLiDAY pEt fOOD DRivE (pd.) Animal Hospital of North Asheville (AHNA) will match, up
cOMMuNitY pARtNERShip fOR pEtS • 2nd SATURDAYS, noon-3pm - Free and low-cost spay/neuter vouchers will be distributed at Petco,118 Highlands Square Drive,
CALENDAR DEADLINEs fREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication)
landscapes and skies."
DOg ObEDiENcE cLASSES • SA (12/8), 10am - An obedience class for dogs will focus on house manners. Presented by Angel Dog at Pet Supermarket, 244 Tunnel Road. $30. Info: www.angeldoginc.com. --11am - A class on preventing digging will be held at the same location. $30. Info: www.angeldoginc.com.
AMERicAN fOLk ARt AND fRAMiNg Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.amerifolk. com or 281-2134. • Through TU (12/25) - Comfort and Joy, a celebration of the gifts of the season. • FR (12/7), 5-8pm - Opening reception.
guiDED biRD WALk • SA (12/8), 9am - A guided bird walk, sponsored by ECO and the Henderson County Bird Club, will depart from Jackson Park, 801 Glover St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: 692-0385. hAYWOOD cOuNtY ANiMAL ShELtER • Through MO (12/31) - Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation and Aidan’s Fund will supplement adoption fees at Haywood County Animal Shelter, 245 Hemlock St., Waynesville. Info: www.sargeandfriends.org or 246-9050. WhitEtAiLED DEER pRESENtAtiON • SU (12/9), 9am - A program on whitetailed deer will be offered by Lake James State Park, 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Free. Info: 5847728.
CAN’T fIND YOUR GROUP’s LIsTING? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx. com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
fREE LIsTINGs To submit a free listing: Online submission form (best): http://www.mountainx.com/events/ submission E-mail (second best): calendar@mountainx.com fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365.
PAID LIsTINGs Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-mail: marketplace@mountainx.com. fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
ART WEAR ARt thOu? (pd.) Friday, December 7, 6-9pm. Meet and greet the designers of locally-made upcycled artwear accessories. Enjoy a hat fitting by professional hat maker Julia Gaunt, try on vintage jewelry creations by Shelley Johnston, and warm up with Bethany Adams' scarves and more. Foundry, 92 Charlotte Street, Asheville. www. digfoundry.com, 828-255-2533 16 pAttON 16 Patton Ave. Tues.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: www.16patton.com or 236-2889. • Through MO (12/31) 3D-Hieroglyphs: Hermeneutics, wall book sculptures by Daniel Lai; New Work, New Voice, resin paintings by J.F. Stewart. 310 ARt gALLERY 191 Lyman St., #310. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., noon-4pm or by appointment. Info: www.310art.com or 776-2716. • Through SU (3/31) - Works by Fleta Monaghan, Betty Carlson, Bob Martin and Mark Holland will explore "visual expressions of the Earth’s
20 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
AppALAchiAN pAStEL SOciEtY JuRiED ExhibitiON • Through FR (12/14) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will present its National Juried Exhibition at The Asheville School’s Crawford Art Gallery, 360 Asheville School Road. Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www. ashevilleschool.org or www.appalachianpastelsociety.org. ARt At AppALAchiAN StAtE uNivERSitY 423 W. King St., Boone. Info: www. tcva.org or 262-3017. • Through SA (2/9) - Visible/Invisible, Polish works from the Jan Fejkiel Gallery, will be on display in the Main Gallery. • FR (12/7) through SA (2/9) - Pieces of the Puzzle, works by the ASU's community outreach programs, will be on display in the Community Gallery. ARt At bREvARD cOLLEgE Exhibits are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.brevard.edu/art or 884-8188. • Through FR (12/7) - Cast in Iron will be on display in the Spiers Gallery. ARt At uNcA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.unca.edu. • Through FR (12/14) - Remnants of Fleeting Moments, paintings by UNCA student Hanna Trussler, will be on display in the Blowers Gallery. • FR (12/7) through TU (12/18) Mapping the Flesh, encaustic mixed media by Jennifer Hobbs, will be on display in Owen Hall. • FR (12/7), 6-8pm - Opening reception for Mapping the Flesh. ARt EvENtS At Wcu Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www.fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (12/14) - An exhibit of student art will be in display in the WCU Fine Art Museum. • TH (12/6), 4-6pm - Student art
show opening reception. • Through FR (2/1) - North Carolina Glass 2012: In Celebration of 50 Years of Studio Glass in America. AShEviLLE AREA ARtS cOuNciL: thE ARtERY Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www. ashevillearts.com. • TH (12/6) through FR (12/28) Native Intelligence, works by Geza Brunow. • FR (12/7), 6-9pm - Opening reception. AShEviLLE ARt MuSEuM Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 2533227. • Through SU (1/27) - Robert Morris: Mind/Body/Earth will be on display in the North Wing. • 1st WEDNESDAYS - The Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square, offers free museum admission after 3pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • Through SU (1/20) - Chasing the Image, works by Madeleine d’Ivry Lord and Sally Massengale, will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (1/6) - Art/Sewn, "works of art in which sewing is integral to the making and viewing experience," will be on display in the North Wing. • FR (12/7), noon - Lunchtime Art Break: Art/Sewn, with Karen Peltier, 2012 Windgate Foundation Curatorial Fellow. This tour is designed to engage guests in dialogue with artists, educators, docents and staff. AShEviLLE ARt WALk • FR (12/7), 5-8pm - The Asheville Art Walk will feature extended gallery hours and art-related festivities throughout downtown. Free. Info: www.ashevilledowntowngalleries.org. bELLA viStA ARt gALLERY 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.bellavistaart.com or 7680246. • Through MO (12/31) - August Hoerr (small portraits); Shellie Lewis Dambax (paintings); Tiffany Dill (encaustics). bLAck MOuNtAiN cENtER fOR thE ARtS Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www.
BlackMountainArts.org or 669-0930. • FR (12/7) through FR (1/18) - Black Mountain Center for the Arts Clay Studio teacher/student exhibit. Closed Dec. 22-Jan. 2. • FR (12/7), 6-8pm - Opening reception with music by the Asheville Rhythm Section. bLAck MOuNtAiN cOLLEgE MuSEuM + ARtS cENtER The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • Through SA (12/29) - Looking Forward at Buckminster Fuller's Legacy, an exhibit of Fuller’s "ideas and inventions as well as a new generation of Fuller-inspired thinkers and artists." Features winning projects from the first five years of the Buckminster Fuller Challenge. bLuE SpiRAL 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through TU (12/31) - Ceramics by Ben Owen III, Gary Schlappal and Vicki Grant, along with wood pendulums by Michael Costello and baskets by Carole Hetzel. cAStELL phOtOgRAphY 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: www.castellphotography. com or 255-1188. • FR (12/7) through MO (12/31) Salon 2012, works by 10 national photographers. • FR (12/7), 6-8pm - Opening reception. cENtER fOR cRAft, cREAtivitY AND DESigN Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road in Hendersonville. Info: www.craftscreativitydesign.org or 890-2050. • Through MO (1/7) - Harvey's Legacy: The Next Generation of Studio Glass in Western North Carolina, works by Harvey K. Littleton and emerging artists. • TH (12/6), 5-7pm - Opening reception. DOLcE fAR NiENtE • Through MO (12/31) - Dolce Far Niente, works by Heather Shirin, will be on display at Working Girls Studios and Gallery, 30 Battery Park Ave., Suite 210. Info: www.workinggirlsstudio.com or www.heathershirin. com. • FR (12/7), 5-8pm - Opening recep-
Open House
Asheville: You’re Invited!
Enchanted Wilderness is please to announce our official
Ribbon Cutting Open House!
Come in Thursday, December 13, 10:30am-7:30pm: santa’s descent: Santa Claus needs plenty of practice before shimmying down all those chimneys. He’ll strap on climbing gear to get in shape at Chimeny Rock State Park on Saturday, Dec. 8 and 15. Hear some holiday music and drink hot cocoa after he makes it down the mountain. (pg. 27) HOLIDAY HAPPENINGs 1830S chRiStMAS cELEbRAtiON • SA (12/8), 4-7pm - A 1830s-era Christmas celebration will feature candlelight tours, holiday decorations and costumed interpretive staff. Held at the Vance Birthplace State Historic Site, 911 Reems Creek Road, Weaverville. Free. Info: 645-6706. 30th ANNuAL bERNStEiN fAMiLY chRiStMAS SpEctAcuLAR • WEDNESDAYS through SATURDAYS until (12/22) - The Magnetic Field, 372 Depot St., presents the 30th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular, a sketch comedy show about the holidays. Wed.Sat., 7:30pm; 10pm late show Fri. & Sat. $16 Fri. & Sat./$13 Wed. & Thurs. Info: www.themagneticfield. com or 257-4003. A cAROLiNA chRiStMAS • SA (12/8), 3pm - The Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra presents "A Carolina Christmas." Held at Blue Ridge Community College's Blue Ridge Conference Hall. $35/$5 students. Info: www.hendersonvillesymphony.org or 697-5884. A cELtic chRiStMAS • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/22) - Flat Rock
Playhouse's A Celtic Christmas will feature three singer-storytellers performing traditional carols. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Thurs., Sat., Sun., 2pm. Performed at the downtown location, 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. $35 with discounts for seniors, military personnel, students and groups. Info: www. flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. A chRiStMAS cAROL: MONtfORD pARk pLAYERS • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (12/6) until (12/23) Montford Park Players present a A Christmas Carol, based on Charles Dickens' classic book about selfredemption during the holidays. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sat. & Sun., 2:30pm. Held at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. $15/$8 children 17 and under. Info: www. montfordparkplayers.org. A chRiStMAS cAROL: pARkWAY pLAYhOuSE • TH (12/13) through SA (12/15) The Parkway Playhouse presents a world premier musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol at Mountain Heritage High School, 333 Mountain Heritage High School Road, Burnsville. Thurs. & Fri., 7:30pm; Sat., 2 & 7:30pm. $12-$15. Info: www.parkwayplayhouse.com. A Night bEfORE chRiStMAS • SA (12/8), 6-9pm - A Night Before Christmas will feature luminaries, carolers, Santa and wagon rides throughout Main Street in
downtown Waynesville. Free. Info: 456-3517. AShEviLLE RhYthM SEctiON • FR (12/7), 6-8pm - The Asheville Rhythm Section will perform holiday music at Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St. Held in conjunction with the BMCA Clay Studio exhibit and holiday market. Free. Info: www. blackmountainarts.org or 6690930. bLAck MOuNtAiN chAMbER OpEN hOuSE • SA (12/8), 1-3pm - The Black Mountain Chamber of Commerce, 201 East State St., will host an open house with Santa. Free to attend/$10 photo with Santa. Info: 669-2300. bLAck MOuNtAiN chRiStMAS pARADE • SA (12/8), 4pm - The Black Mountain Christmas Parade will run from State Street and Flat Creek Road to Craigmont Road. Free. Info: www.exploreblackmountain.com. bLuE RiDgE RiNgERS • MO (12/10), 2pm - The Blue Ridge Ringers will perform a holiday concert at the Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road. Free. Info: 687-1218. bREAkfASt With SANtA • SA (12/8), 9-10:30am - A breakfast with Santa will be held at Echoview Farm and Fiber Mill,
Enter to win • Door Prizes • Gift Certificate Drawing Join us for Lavender Sugar Cookies, Tea and Herb Samples. Save on our extensive Stocking Stuffers Under $5. Great Gift Ideas $10-$20. • See you Next Thursday!
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(828) 257-2560 211 Merrimon Avenue (next to Enmark) Tues-Sat 10:30-7pm • Sun 12-7pm mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 21
Linda McCane.
DR. SkEtchY'S
• TH (12/6), 7pm - Dr. Sketchy's
The Phil Mechanic Building, 109
will offer "scandalous life drawing"
Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm.
at Eleven on Grove, 11 Grove St.
Info: www.floodgallery.org or 254-
gRAtEfuL StEpS Publishing house located at 159 S. Lexington Ave. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. gratefulsteps.com or 277-0998. • Through MO (12/31) - Night of the Living Print Media, works by Delhi Fine.
$10/$7 students. Bring art supplies. Info: admin@queen-april.com.
2166. • Through TH (12/27) - Travelers,
works by Maureen Robinson.
• Through MO (12/31) - Dusty
Roads, photographs of classic and junkyard vehicles by Barbara
MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Sammons, will be on display at Green
Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info:
Sage Coffeehouse and Cafe, 1800
www.craftguild.org or 298-7928.
Hendersonville Road. Info: www.
• Through TU (12/11) - Works by
barbarasammons.com or www.
Kyle Carpenter (clay) and Brian Wurst
• SA (12/8), 10am-6pm - Live glassblowing demonstrations will be held at Asheville Glass Center, 140C Roberts St. Free. Info: www.ashevilleglass.com. gRAND bOhEMiAN gALLERY Located at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Biltmore Village, 11 Boston Way. Mon.-Thur., 10am-7pm; Fri.-Sat., 10am-8pm; Sun., 10am-5pm. Info: www.bohemianhotelasheville.com or 505-2949. • Through SU (12/23) - This Year and Several Thousand Before, works by
Holiday Bazaar SHOP LOCAL
Weaverville Community Center (overlooking Lake Louise)
Wednesday’s 2 - 6pm Now thru Dec. 19th • Fresh Veggies
Fiber Art Pottery Jewelry Soaps
• Homemade Pickles • Chickens & Eggs • Roasted Coffee • Cheese Meats • Apples • Pies • Cheesecake • Fresh Baked Goodies • Homemade Jams
www.weavervilletailgate.org 22 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
gROvEWOOD gALLERY Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec.: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.grovewood.com or 253-7651. • Through MO (12/31) - Cut, Bend, Fold, Color: Paper Sculpture and Collage in Dimension.
Haywood St. Info: www.matthewzedlerfineart.com. MicA fiNE cONtEMpORARY cRAft 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville. Sun.Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: www.micagallerync.com or 688-6422. • Through MO (12/31) - Late Bloomer, oil paintings by Dorothy Buchanan Collins.
thE bENDER gALLERY 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.thebendergallery.com or 505-8341. • Through FR (12/28) - Vitric Compositions: Assemblages in Glass, sculpture by Martin Kremer, Toland Peter Sand and William Zweifel.
piNk DOg cREAtivE A multi-use arts space located at 342 Depot St. Info: www.pinkdogcreative.com. • Through SA (12/15) - Watershed: The French Broad River, photographs by Jeff Rich. Tues.-Sun., 11am-6pm.
uS AND thEM • Through MO (1/28) - Us and Them, new paintings, drawings and sculptures by Julie Armbruster, will be on display at Early Girl Eatery, 8 Wall St. Info: www.juliearmbruster.net.
hANDMADE iN AMERicA Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: www.handmadeinamerica.org or 252-0121. • Through FR (2/22) - Flux: A Craft Exchange, an exhibit exchange with Flux Studios of Mount Rainier, Md.
puSh SkAtE ShOp & gALLERY Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: www. pushtoyproject.com or 225-5509. • Through TU (1/8) - Kin, works by Ursula Gullow.
hAYWOOD cOuNtY ARtS cOuNciL Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86 in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am5pm. Info: www.haywoodarts.org or 452-0593. • Through SA (12/29) - It’s a Small, Small Work, a group show featuring small works by regional artists. • FR (12/7), 6-9pm - Art After Dark reception.
ScuLptuRE fOR thE gARDEN • Through MO (12/31) - Sculpture for the Garden, a national outdoor sculpture invitational, will be on display at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Road. Info: www.grovewood.com.
JOSEph ANDERSON: fORgED iRON • Through FR (1/25) - Figuratively Speaking, an exhibition of iron works by Joseph Anderson, will be on display at 296 Depot, 296 Depot St. MAtthEW ZEDLER • Through TU (1/15) - Works by local modern/contemporary artist Matthew Zedler will be on display in the lobby of Hotel Indigo, 151
SEvEN SiStERS gALLERY 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.sevensistersgallery.com or 669-5107. • Through TH (1/31) - Trees, Trees, Trees, paintings by Kim Rody. SWANNANOA vALLEY fiNE ARtS LEAguE • Through SU (1/6) - The Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League will present Fabulous Fakes and 3-D Show at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Tues.-Thurs., 11am-3pm; Fri.-Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.svfalarts.org or
WORkiNg giRLS StuDiO AND gALLERY 30 Battery Park Ave., Suite 200. Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: www.workinggirlsstudio.com or 243-0200. • Through FR (12/7) - New works by painter Eli Corbin and photographer Lynne Harty. ZApOW! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs., noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm; Sun. 1-6pm. Info: www.zapow.net or 575-2024. • Through MO (1/14) - Cult Movie Classics, art inspired by classic movies.
AUDITIONs & CALL TO ARTIsTs AARp DRivER SAfEtY iNStRuctORS NEEDED • AARP seeks driver safety instructors for its refresher courses in Buncombe, Henderson and Transylvania County. Info: maybloom-
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music of yore: Celebrate Christmas the medieval way at Musicke Antiqua’s free holiday concert on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the Henderson County Public Library. (pg. 27) 76 Jupiter Road, Weaverville. An open house and sale will follow at the Mill Store. Free. Info: www.echoviewfibermill.com or 707-6463. bREvARD cOLLEgE chRiStMAS cONcERt • TU (12/11), 7:30pm - Brevard College will host a Christmas concert in the college's Porter Center for Performing Arts. Free. Info: 884-8211. buLLiNgtON gARDENS hOLiDAY OpEN hOuSE • FR (12/7), 1-4pm - Bullington Gardens, 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville, will host an open house featuring refreshments, wreaths, garlands and gifts. Free. Info: www.bullingtongardens.org. cAMERAtA ANtiquA • WE (12/5), 4pm - Camerata Antiqua will perform Renaissance music for the holidays at the Mills River Library, 124 Town Center Drive, Suite 1. Free. Info: 890-1850. • WE (12/12), 4pm - An additional performance will be held at the Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road. Free. Info: 687-1218. cAROLiNA chRiStMAS Exhibit • Through WE (1/2) - The Carolina Christmas exhibit will feature fresh trees, ornaments and toys from the Victorian era at the Smith McDowell House Museum on the A-B Tech campus. Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm; Sun., noon-4pm. $10/$5 children. Info: www.wnchis-
tory.org or 253-9231.
rial luminary. Info: 669-8610.
chANukAh LivE • TU (12/11), 5:30-7:30pm - The Chabad House will host Chanukah Live, featuring music by Billy Jonas, a Kosher dinner, activities for kids and photos with Judah the Maccabi. Held at the Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. Free. Info: www.chabadasheville.org.
DESERt MOON DESigNS StuDiOS hOLiDAY REcEptiON • SA (12/8), 11am-5pm - Desert Moon Designs Studios and Gallery, 372 Depot St., will host a holiday reception with warm drinks and sweets. Free. Info: www.desertmoondesigns-studios.com.
chRiStMAS At cONNEMARA • SA (12/8), 10:30am-4pm - The Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, U.S. 25 at Little River Road, will present traditional decorations, holiday music and refreshments. Free. Info: www.nps. gov/carl.
DiLLSbORO fEStivAL Of LightS AND LuMiNARiES • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS through (12/15), 5:30-9pm - The Dillsboro Festival of Lights and Luminaries will feature more than 2,500 candles, an opportunity to make snowmen, warm beverages and sing-a-longs. Held throughout downtown Dillsboro. Free. Info: www.visitdillsboro.org or (800) 962-1911.
chRiStMAS guitAR cONcERt • FR (12/7), 8pm - A Christmas Guitar Concert will feature Ed Gerhard and Bill Mize performing at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $20. Info: 252-5335. chRiStMAS tREE LightiNg: bLAck MOuNtAiN • FR (12/7), 5-6pm - Black Mountain will host a Christmas tree lighting party in the town square. Free. Info: www.blackmountain.org. ciRcLE Of LightS • SA (12/8), 5-7pm - Circle of Lights will feature 350 luminaries, a bonfire and hot dog roast. Held at Lake Tomahawk, 401 S. Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain. Free to attend/$2 to purchase a memo-
DO-it-YOuRSELf MESSiAh • TH (12/13), 7:30pm - A "doit-yourself" Messiah sing will feature audience participation. Held at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Free. Info: www.tryonarts.org. fAMiLY hOLiDAY cONcERt • FR (12/7), 7:30pm - The Blue Ridge Orchestra presents selections from the Nutcracker Suite, Sleigh Ride and other holiday favorites at the Colonial Theatre, 53 Park St., Canton. $15/$10 friends/$5 students. Info: www. blueridgeorchestra.org. • SU (12/9), 4pm - An additional
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 23
fun fundraisers
books for bolivia What: A holiday auction to benefit BiblioWorks’ efforts to bring libraries to Bolivia. Where: Loretta's Cafe, 114 N. Lexington Ave. When: Friday, Dec. 7, from 8-11 p.m. $15. Info: biblioworks.org Why: "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free," said abolitionist Frederick Douglass. BiblioWorks, an Asheville-based international nonprofit, has taken this statement to heart. Since 2005, the organization has promoted literacy in some of Bolivia's most impoverished regions. The organization has built libraries, supplied books and trained librarians to bring the joy of reading to Bolivians who might not otherwise have access to the written word. At BiblioWorks’ upcoming benefit and holiday auction, help bring books into the hands of Bolivians. Gypsy jazz band One Leg Up will bring the music and Highland Brewing Company will bring the beer. All you need is your wallet and a passion for literacy. Auction items include massage and yoga sessions, day passes to Shoji Spa, Asheville art and Bolivian weavings. If you can't make it to the auction, Biblioworks accepts donations year-round. Or pack your bags for South America and volunteer directly. Rural Bolivia might seem far away, but BiblioWorks has the power to connect Asheville to libraries around the world.
er@yahoo.com or 298-6600.
Info: www.ncwriters.submittable.com.
uNitED WAY cOMMuNitY gRANtS • Through FR (1/18) - The United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County will accept applications from local nonprofits for its community grants in the fields of education, income and health through Jan. 18. Info and orientation dates: www.unitedwayabc.org or 255-0696.
• Asheville Affiliates will accept applications from local nonprofits for its fundraising parties. Info: www.ashevilleaffiliates.com/application. AShEviLLE ARt iN thE pARk gRANt • Through FR (12/14) - Asheville Art in the Park grant applications will be accepted by the Asheville Area Arts Council through Dec. 14. Info: www. ashevillearts.com. EcO ARtS AWARD • Through TU (1/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed-material competitions through Jan. 15. Info: www.ecoartsawards.com. fRENch bROAD MENSA • Through (1/15) - French Broad Mensa will accept scholarship applications through Jan. 15. Info: www. mensafoundation.org/scholarships. MONtfORD pARk pLAYERS • Through WE (12/26) - Montford Park Players will accept applications from those interested in directing its upcoming productions through Dec. 26. Info: john.russell@montfordparkplayers.org. ROSE pOSt cREAtivE NONfictiON cOMpEtitiON • Through TH (1/17) - The Rose Post Creative Nonfiction Competition will accept submissions through Jan. 17.
WNc ARtiStS pOStcARD ShOW • Through TU (1/1) - The Asheville Area Arts Council will accept submissions for the WNC Artists Postcards Show through Jan. 1. Info: www.ashevillearts.com/ waanc-postcard-show.
bENEfITs AppALAchiAN OYStER bASh AND bOiL • SA (12/8), 1-7pm - The Appalachian Oyster Bash and Boil, to benefit RiverLink and the Downtown Marshall Association, will feature a seafood cookout, live music and local beer. Held at Marshall High Studios, Blannahassett Island, Marshall. $8/$6 in advance. $6 per seafood bowl. Info: www.downtownmarshallnc.com or www/brownpapertickets.com. bE A SANtA tO A SENiOR • Through SU (12/9) - Be a Santa to a Senior, to benefit Meals on Wheels and seniors in need, will collect unwrapped gifts at Walgreen’s, 841 Merrimon Ave. and 1835 Hendersonville Road. Select the name of a senior and view their gift
request on the store's Christmas tree. Info: www.beasantatoasenior. com or 274-4406. buNcOMbE cOuNtY REScuE SquAD • TH (12/6), 6pm - A benefit concert, to support the buncombe county Rescue Squad, will feature music by The Gentlemen and Joshua and Crooked Pine. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. $15. Info: www.whitehorseblackmountain.com or 669-0816. chiLDREN fiRSt/ciS hOLiDAY giviNg pROgRAM • Through MO (12/10) - A holiday giving program, to benefit children served by children first/ciS, invites the public to sponsor a child's holiday wishes for toys, clothes, books and necessities. Info, registration and drop-off location: 252-4810 or 768-3012. DiAMOND bRAND OutDOORS • Through SU (12/23) - Diamond Brand Outdoors, 2623 Hendersonville Road, Arden, will donate one percent of holiday sales to the YMcA of Western North carolina. Info: www.diamondbrand. com. fOR thE ROck • TU (12/11), 7pm - For The Rock, to benefit flat Rock playhouse, will feature performances by Vagabond company members. Held at the Mainstage, 2661 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. $25. Info: www.flatrock-
24 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
playhouse.org. fuLL MOON WOLfDOg fARM • TH (12/13), 7:30pm - A benefit event, to support full Moon Wolfdog farm Rescue and Sanctuary, will be held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Info: www.whitehorseblackmountain.com or 669-0816. gRAtEfuL StEpS fOuNDAtiON • SU (12/9), 2-5pm - An afternoon of author appearances, food, silent auctions and raffles, to benefit the grateful Steps foundation, will be held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. $12. Info: www. whitehorseblackmountain.com or 669-0816. hANDMADE ORNAMENt SALE • Through MO (12/24) - Hand in Hand Gallery, 2720 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, will host a handmade ornament sale to benefit the backpack program. Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Dec. 24 until 3pm. Prices vary. Info: www.handinhandgallery.com or 697-7719. hOLiDAY giviNg tREE • Through FR (12/14) - Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, will accept new books valued at $10 or more for its Holiday Giving Tree program. Books will be distributed to local children in need. Info: 250-6484. hOLiDAY hOMEcOMiNg bENEfit • SA (12/8), 7pm - A holiday homecoming concert, to support Swannanoa valley christian
Ministries, habitat for humanity and Women's prisons Ministries, will be held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. $15. Info: www. whitehorseblackmountain.com or 669-0816. hOLiDAY pEt fOOD DRivE • Through TU (12/25) - Animal Hospital of North Asheville will match pet food donations to be distributed to the Asheville humane Society, Animal compassion Network and brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Dog and cat food, blankets and toys will be collected at 1 Beaverdam Road. Info: www.ahna.net or 253-3393. hOLiDAY tOuR Of ARtiSt StuDiOS • SA (12/8) - The Holiday Tour of Artist Studios, to benefit tc Arts council's Arts-in-Schools program, will feature more than a dozen artists. $20. Info and map: www.artsofbrevard.org or 884-2787. • FR (12/7), 5-7pm - A kick-off party will be held at a private home. $50. Info, tickets and location: 884-2787. hOMEtOWN hOLiDAY JAM • TH (12/13), 8pm - The Hometown Holiday Jam, to benefit Mission childrens hospital and Manna food bank, will feature Mike Barnes and Friends, Sons of Ralph, Marc Keller Band and others. Held at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. $10 plus one canned good. Info: www. theorangepeel.net. JOuRNEY4YOuth • SU (12/9), 9pm-midnight - A benefit concert, to support Journey4YOuth,
will feature music by Brian Ernst and Paul Cataldo. Held at The Emerald Lounge, 112 N. Lexington Ave. $10 suggested donation. Info: www.journey4youth.org. LAZOOM tOYS fOR tOtS • TH (12/6), 6 & 7pm - LaZoom will host a toys for tots bus tour featuring live music. Departs from The Thirsty Monk, 92 Patton Ave. $15/$5 with unwrapped toy. Info and registration: www.lazoomtours.com or 225-6932. MAkE-A-WiSh fOuNDAtiON bENEfit cONcERt • TH (12/6), 7:30pm - A benefit concert to support the Make-AWish foundation will feature Velvet Truckstop, the Shane Pruitt Band, Rock Academy and others. Held at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. $12. Info: www.theorangepeel.net. NiA DANcE JAM • SU (12/9), 4:15-6pm - A Nia Dance Jam, to benefit hurricane Sandy relief efforts, invites the public to "move your body, relax your mind and revel in emotions." Held at Homewood Event Center, 19 Zillicoa St. $15-$20 suggested donation. Info: www.niacarolina.com or 697-7449. tOYS fOR tOtS • Through MO (12/17) - The Renaissance Asheville, 31 Woodfin St., will collect new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots through Dec. 17. Info: www.toysfortots.org or 252-8211. W.E.A.R. AShEviLLE • TH (12/6), 7-9pm - W.E.A.R. Asheville, to benefit Our vOicE,
holidaycalendar performance will be held at the Folk Art Center, MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. fEStivAL Of tREES • Through SU (12/9), 10am-5pm - The Festival of Trees will feature Christmas trees decorated by local businesses on display in Flat Rock Playhouse's downtown location, 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: www. flatrockplayhouse.org. fLEtchER chRiStMAS pARADE • SA (12/8), 10:30am - The Fletcher Christmas Parade will feature floats, music and Santa. Travels through Highway 25 between Old Airport Road and the Town Hall. Free. Info: 687-0751. fLOW hOLiDAY OpEN hOuSE • SA (12/8), 10am-7pm - Flow, 14 South Main St., Marshall, will host a holiday open house featuring art, crafts, fashion and fragrance. Desserts and cider served. Free to attend. Info: 649-1686. fRiENDS Of hickORY Nut gORgE hOLiDAY gAthERiNg • WE (12/5), 6-8pm - Friends of Hickory Nut Gorge will host a holiday gathering to highlight the activities and accomplishments of the organization. Food and non-alcoholic beverages provided. Cash bar available. Held at Lake Lure Inn, 2771 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure. Free. gRAciOuS Light DuO • TH (12/6), 3pm - The Gracious Light Duo will perform ancient and modern holiday music at the Etowah Library, 101 Brickyard Road. Free. Info: 891-6577. gROvE ARcADE WiNtER WONDERLAND • Through WE (1/2) - The Grove Arcade Winter Wonderland will feature decorated trees and holiday displays at 1 Page Ave. Free. Info: www.grovearcade.com or 252-7799. hAppY fOR thE hOLiDAYS • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Buddhist teacher Sharon Lovich will share practical advice on how to stay positive and peaceful during the holiday season at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. Meetings include guided meditation, a talk and discussion. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: meditationinasheville@gmail.com, 668-2241 or www.meditationinasheville.org. hARM fOR thE hOLiDAYS • TH (12/13) & FR (12/14) - Harm for the Holidays: Memoirs of a Hallmarked Man, "one man’s hilarious story of survival highlighting his family’s history of mishaps on
the holidays." Performed at The Altamont, 18 Church St. Thurs., 8pm; Fri., 8 & 10pm. $15. Info: www.myaltamont.com.
Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. $15. Info: www.whitehorseblackmountain. com or 669-0816.
hENDERSONviLLE viSitORS cENtER hOLiDAY OpEN hOuSE • FR (12/7), 5-8pm - A holiday open house will be sponsored by the Hendersonville Visitors Center, 201 South Main St. Free. Info: www.historichendersonville.org.
hOLiDAY WiNE tAStiNg • THURSDAYS through (12/20), 5-7pm - A holiday wine tasting event will be held at The Artisan Gourmet Market Coffee and Wine Bar, 2 E. Market St., Black Mountain. Free. Info: www. theartisangourmetmarket.com or 357-5500.
hOLiDAY cARRiAgE RiDES • SATURDAYS through (12/22), 6-9pm - Forest City will offer carriage rides through a holiday lights display, departing from the city's fountain. Holiday hayrides will be offered Fridays from 6-9pm. $7/$3 children under 12 for carriage ride/$2 hayride. Info: www.forestcityevents.com or 247-4430.
hOLLY JOLLY chRiStMAS • FR (12/7), 5-9pm - Holly Jolly Christmas will feature a parade through downtown Black Mountain, followed by refreshments and extended business hours. Free. Info: www.visitblackmountain.com.
hOLiDAY cOOkiE AND bOOk SALE • SA (12/8), 10am-2pm - A holiday book and cookie sale will be held at First Congregational Church, Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 692-8630.
iNtERSEctiONS hOLiDAY SiNg tOgEthER • FR (12/7), 6:30pm - The Intersections Sing Together series will focus on winter songs. Held in Diana Wortham Theatre's Forum. $8/$5 under 12. Info and registration: 210-9837.
hOLiDAY MELODiES • TH (12/6), 11:30am - The General Motors Alumni Club of WNC will host a holiday luncheon featuring a performance by a capella trio Blissing. Held at Cedars, 219 Seventh Ave. W., Hendersonville. Open to club members, spouses and guests. Info and cost: 692-5811.
it’S A WONDERfuL LifE: fOOthiLLS pERfORMiNg ARtS • TH (12/6) through SU (12/9) Foothills Performing Arts presents It’s A Wonderful Life, the holiday story of a man who discovers what life would have been like if he never existed. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 3pm. Held in Caldwell Community College's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. $15/$8 children. Info: www.broyhillcenter.com.
hOLiDAY piANO cONcERt • WE (12/5), 7:30pm - David Troy Francis (piano) will perform a holiday concert at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. $15. Info: www. whitehorseblackmountain.com or 669-0816. hOLiDAY ShApE NOtE SiNgiNg • SA (12/8), 10am-3pm - Shape note singing will be performed at St. John’s Historic Church, 702 N. Main St., Rutherfordton. Free. Info: www.christianharmony.org or 287-0508. hOLiDAY tOuR Of hiStORic iNNS • SU (12/9), 1-5pm - A holiday tour of six Hendersonville inns will include cookies at each location. Tickets available at the Visitor’s Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville. $20. Info and locations: www.hendersonvillehpc.org or 697-3088. hOLiDAY vARiEtY ShOW • SU (12/9), 7:30pm - A holiday variety show, featuring BJ Leiderman, David Lamotte, Chris Smith, The Screaming J's and others, will be held at White Horse
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it'S A WONDERfuL LifE: thE iMMEDiAtE thEAtRE pROJEct • WE (12/5) & TH (12/6), 7:30pm - The Immediate Theatre Project presents Live From WVL Radio Theatre: It's A Wonderful Life, adapted by W.V.R. Repoley. Performed at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. $15. Tickets and info: www. ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. JOY: AN iRiSh chRiStMAS • WE (12/12), 7pm - Arden Presbyterian Church, 2215 Hendersonville Road, will host an Irish Christmas concert with Keith and Kristyn Getty. $20. Info and tickets: http://avl.mx/np. LAkE JuLiAN fEStivAL Of LightS • Through SU (12/23) - Lake Julian Festival of Lights features thousands of colored lights and more than 50 displays. Held at Lake Julian Park, 406 Overlook Extension, Arden. Walking tour Dec. 5 and Dec. 6, 6-8pm. $5/ children free. Driving tour Dec. 7 - Dec. 23, 6-9pm. $5 per car. Info: david.blynt@buncombecounty.org
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TCCU’s Gift To You
invites the public to select from more than 100 pieces of local jewelry. The evening will include drinks, dessert and music by Jason Smith. Held at Pack Place. $25. Info: www.ourvoicenc.org or 252-0562. WNcAp tOY DRivE • Through SA (12/15) - The Western North carolina AiDS project will accept unwrapped toys for the children and grandchildren of its clients at 554 Fairview Road. Info: www. wncap.org or 258-3068.
bUsINEss & TECHNOLOGY A-b tEch SMALL buSiNESS cENtER • FR (12/7), 10-11am - A comprehensive overview of creating business plans for new and expanding businesses will be offered at A-B Tech's Small Business Center, located on the Enka campus. Free. Info and registration: www.ncsbc.net. AShEviLLE AREA ARtS cOuNciL: thE ARtERY Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www. ashevillearts.com. • WE (12/5), 5:30-7:30pm - Property Tax Valuation 101, a presentation and Q&A session about what makes property values change. Free.
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MOuNtAiN biZWORkS WORkShOpS 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 253-2834 or www.mountainbizworks.org. • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step toward accessing the organization's services. Free. Info and registration: victor@ mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834. • WE (12/5), 6-7:30pm - A panel discussion on forecasting sales through seasonal cycles will feature local business owners and refreshments. Free. Registration requested: jennie@ mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834.
CLAssEs, mEETINGs & EvENTs MAc bASicS cLASSES At chARLOttE StREEt cOMputERS (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 1:15pm. Mondays - Mac OS X Basics, 1st Tuesday of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - Safari & Mail, 3rd Tuesday - iCloud, 4th Tuesday iMovie, 5th Tuesday - alternate between Garageband and iWork Essentials, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at classes@ charlottestreetcomputers.com. AShEviLLE NEWcOMERS cLub (pd.) A great opportunity for women new to the area to make lasting friends, explore the surroundings and enrich their lives. Contact us! ashevil-
lenewcomersclub.com AMERicAN buSiNESS WOMEN'S ASSOciAtiON Info: www.abwaskyhy.com. • TH (12/13), 5:30-7:30pm - A dinner meeting will be held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. Meeting will include a holiday gift exchange. Bring a gift worth $10-$25. $25 to attend. Info and registration: www. ABWA.org or abwaskyhychapter@ gmail.com. AShEviLLE iNtEgRAL • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7:30pm Asheville Integral will focus on the works of Ken Wilber and Integral Philosophy. Held at Network Chiropractic, 218 E. Chestnut St. Free. Info: 505-2826. AShEviLLE RADicAL MENtAL hEALth cOLLEctivE • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - This "radical mental health community for those who experience self/world in ways that are often diagnosed as psychiatric disorders" meets Tuesdays for social time and discussion at the Vendor's Lounge in The Downtown Market, 45 S. French Broad Ave. All are welcome. Info: admadasheville@ theicarusproject.net. bLAck MOuNtAiN cOLLEgE MuSEuM + ARtS cENtER The center is located at 56 Broadway, and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Info: 350-8484 or www.blackmountaincollege.org. • TH (12/6), 7pm - The Power and Place of Design, with local designers Janell Kapoor and Martha Skinner, will focus on ecological design/building. $10/$5 members and students. buiLDiNg A StRONg NORth cAROLiNA • TU (12/11), 8:30-11am - "Building a Strong North Carolina" will be presented by the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County in the Haynes Building of A-B Tech's Enka campus. Geared toward nonprofit, community and business leaders. Free. Info: www.unitedwayabc. org. chiLDREN fiRSt/ciS MiND thE gAp tOuR • TH (12/13), 3:30pm - The Children First/CIS Mind the Gap Tour will call attention to the issues in our community that hinder the success of children and families in poverty. Donations not requested. Info and registration: AdrienneA@ Childrenfirstbc.org or 259-9717.
258 Carolina Lane, Marshall. Free. Info: www.gro-wnc.org. hENDERSON cOuNtY hERitAgE MuSEuM Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: www. hendersoncountymuseum.org or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - School Days: 1797-1940 will feature a complete timeline for all Henderson County schools of that era, many of which no longer exist. N.c. ARbOREtuM Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: www.ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • Through SU (1/6) - After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals and Ice, featuring fossils and teeth, allows visitors to "touch the Ice Age." $3/$2 students, in addition to parking fee. SMOkY MOuNtAiN chESS cLub • THURSDAYS, 1-4pm - The Smoky Mountain Chess Club invites players of all levels to participate in friendly competition at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Free. Info: www.brbooks-news.com or 456-6000. tApEStRY: ALL WOMEN, MANY thREADS, ONE StORY • 2nd TUESDAYS, 6:30pm - Tapestry is a monthly event for women of all ages to come together to be refreshed, meet new friends and be encouraged. Hosted by Creature's Cafe, 81 Patton Ave. Info: www.creaturescafe.com. tREE Of LifE cEREMONY • TH (12/6), 6pm - The Hospice of Madison will host a Tree of Life ceremony to remember those who have died, featuring a memorial video, music, prayer and a reading of the names as individual candles are lit. Refreshments provided. Info: barbarap@hotspringshealth-nc.org or http://avl.mx/ng. WESt AfRicAN DRuMMiNg cLASSES • WEDNESDAYS through (12/19), 7-8pm - 33rd generation djembe player Adama Dembele leads West African drumming classes at Asheville Music School, 126 College St. Bring or borrow a drum. $15. Info: www. ashevillemusicschool.com.
DiSAbiLitY pARtNERS fAMiLY fuN DAY • SA (12/8), 11am-3pm - DisAbility Partners will host a family fun day featuring food, games, animals and entertainment. Held at the WNC Ag Center Expo Building, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. Free. Info: www.disabilitypartners.org or 2981977.
DiScLAiMER StAND-up LOuNgE • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Disclaimer Stand-up Lounge will be held at the Dirty South, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: www.DisclaimerComedy. com.
gROWNc cOMMuNitY MEEtiNg • TH (12/6), 1-3pm & 4-6pm GroWNC will host a community meeting about its growth and economic development initiatives at the Madison County Extension Office,
fERAL chihuAhuAS • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS until (12/8) - Feral Chihuahuas sketch comedy troupe will present songs, sketch comedy and videos at BeBe Theater, 20 Commerce St. Fri., 8pm; Sat., 7
holidaycalendar or 684-0376.
donation. Info: 285-0033.
LightiNg Of thE gREEN • Through TU (12/18), 6-9pm - A-B Tech's Lighting of the Green will feature historic homes decorated for the season. Tours of the Fernihurst mansion, featuring refreshments and entertainment, will be held Dec. 7, 11, 14 and 18, 6-8pm. Free. Info: www.abtech. edu.
SANtA hOuSE • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS through (12/22) - Santa House invites children to take a photo with Santa and see his red Mustang. Held in the Kimbrell’s Furniture parking lot, 207 E. Main St., Forest City. Fri., 6-9pm; Sat., 2-9pm. $5 per photo. Info: www.forestcityevents. com or 247-4430.
MuSickE ANtiquA chRiStMAS cONcERt • FR (12/7), 7pm - Musicke Antiqua early music ensemble will perform a Christmas concert at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2101 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville. Free. Info: www.musickeantiqua.org. • TU (12/11), noon - An additional concert will be held at the Henderson County Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: www.musickeantiqua. org.
SANtA ON thE chiMNEY • SA (12/8) & SA (12/15), 11am2pm - Santa will scale Chimney Rock, followed by music, hot cocoa, guided hikes and activities for kids. Held at Chimney Rock State Park, Highway 64/74A, Lake Lure. $10/$6 ages 6-15/children 5 and under free. Info: www. chimneyrockpark.com/events or 1-800-277-9611.
NAtiONAL giNgERbREAD hOuSE cOMpEtitiON • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS until (1/2) - The Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave., will display National Gingerbread House Competition submissions. No public viewings on major holidays. $10-$15 parking fee. Info: www.groveparkinn. com. • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS until (1/2), 10am6pm - Gingerbread House Competition submissions will also be on display at the Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave. Sunday hours: 10am-5pm. Free. Info: www.grovearcade.com. OLDE fAShiONED chRiStMAS • FR (12/7), 5-8pm - Downtown Hendersonville will host an Olde Fashioned Christmas, featuring carolers, entertainment and refreshments. Free. Info: www. downtownhendersonville.org. ORNAMENt pARtY • SA (12/9), 11am-3pm - The Village Potters, 191 Lyman St. #180, will host a holiday ornament decorating party. $15 for 10 ornaments. Info: www.thevillagepotters.com or 253-2424. REutER cENtER SiNgERS • MO (12/10), 7:30pm - The Reuter Center Singers will perform a holiday concert in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: 2516140. REYNOLDS-MiLLER chORALE • SU (12/9), 3:30pm - The Reynolds-Miller Chorale will perform Christmas music at St. Matthias Church, 1 Dundee St. By
SENiORSALt cAROL SiNg • MO (12/10) through TH (12/13), 10am - A morning SeniorSalt Carol Sing will include Christmas carols, a devotional and a buffet-style lunch. Held at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, 1 Porters Cove Road. $25. Info: www.thecove.org or 298-2092. • TU (12/11), 5:30pm - An evening Carol Sing will feature a buffet dinner. $25. SExY SANtA pARtY • TH (12/6), 6pm - Asheville Affiliates will host a Sexy Santa Party featuring cocktails, appetizers and improv comedy from Reasonably Priced Babies. Sexy holiday outfits encouraged but not required. Held at the Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. $10. Info: www.affiliatesofasheville.com. SugARfESt • FR (12/7) through SU (12/9) SugarFest will feature bluegrass, fireworks and hot chocolate. Held at Sugar Mountain Resort, 1009 Sugar Mountain Drive, Sugar Mountain. Free to attend; additional charge for skiing, snowboarding and ice skating. Info and schedule: www.skisugar.com/ sugarfest. thE hOLiDAY MARkEtpLAcE • WE (12/5), 9am-1pm - Blue Ridge Food Ventures will host a one-day holiday marketplace, featuring opportunities to meet the producers of its products, sample their wares and do holiday shopping. Located in the Small Business Incubator Building on A-B Tech's Enka Campus. Free to attend. Info: www.blueridgefoodventures.org. thE LittLESt ANgLE • TH (12/13) through SU (12/16) - The Littlest Angle, "a classic Christmas story brought to life in
Light up the sky: Load up the car with holiday cheer and take a drive through the Lake Julian Park’s Festival of Lights. More than 50 animated- and stationary light displays will take over the park Friday, Dec. 7 through Sunday, Dec. 23. (pg. 27) a humorous, inspirational musical." The play is followed by a Christmas variety play featuring skits and perennial songs performed by the Brevard Little Theatre troupe. Held at the American Legion Hall, 55 E. Jordan St., Brevard. $20/$18 in advance; students $12/$10 in advance. Thurs. & Fri., 7:30pm; Sat. & Sun., 3pm. Info: www.brevardlittletheatre.com. Reservations: 884-2587. thE NutcRAckER: bALLEt cONSERvAtORY Of AShEviLLE • TH (12/6), 7:30pm - The Ballet Conservatory of Asheville will perform The Nutcracker in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. $10. Info: www.balletconservatoryofasheville.com or 227-2479. • WE (12/12), 6:30pm, TH (12/13) & FR (12/14), 5 & 7:30pm - Additional performances will be held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $10-$25. Info: www.balletconservatoryofasheville.com or
thE NutcRAckER: fLAt ROck pLAYhOuSE • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/22) - Flat Rock Playhouse, 2661 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, presents a new interpretation of The Nutcracker, based on The Nutcracker and the Mouse King by E.T.A. Hoffmann. Performed on the Mainstage. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat., & Sun., 2pm. $40. Info: www.flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731.
tREE LightiNg cEREMONY: fLAt ROck • SU (12/9), 5:30pm - A tree lighting ceremony will feature entertainment by the Flat Rock Playhouse YouTheatre Christmas Tour. Held at Laurel Park, White Pine Street and Laurel Park Highway. Free. Info: www.historichendersonville.org.
WEAvERviLLE cANDLELight StROLL • FR (12/7), 6-9pm - The Weaverville Candlelight Stroll will be held throughout downtown, providing "a charming small-town Christmas atmosphere to residents and visitors." Info: www.weavervillenc.org.
Held at Flat Rock Playhouse's main-
WEAvERviLLE LibRARY fAMiLY fuN Night • TH (12/13), 4pm - Weaverville Library Family Fun Night will feature holiday stories and crafts at 41 N. Main St. Free. Info: weaverville. library@buncombecounty.org or
lunch. Open to women ages 15
thE SANtALAND DiARiES • TH (12/13) through SU (12/16) - The Santaland Diaries, "David Sedaris’ hilarious comedy about the best and worst of people from a retail employee’s point of view," will be performed at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2:30pm. $15. Tickets and info: www.ashevilletheatre.org or
• MO (12/10), 6:30pm YouTheatre’s Rockin’ Around the World winter showcase will feature students from the program's dance, voice and acting classes. stage, 2661 Greenville Highway. By donation. Info: www.ytrocks.com. WOMEN'S chRiStMAS LuNchEON • SU (12/9), 12:25-4pm - Enjoy a festive afternoon with music, a presentation by Carol Davis and and older. Space limited. Held at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, 1 Porters Cove Road. $25. Info: www.thecove. org or 298-2092.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 27
& 9:30pm. $15/$12 in advance. Info: www.feralchihuahuas.com.
walls, ZIP System wall sheathing and super-insulation. 14 Alabama Ave. Free. Info: www.wncgbc.org.
DANCE fILm Bharatanatyam Classes • adult • Children (pd.) Bharatanatyam is the sacred classical dance form of India. Adult and children's classes now forming. Traditional Kalakshetra Style. • DakshinaNatya Classical Arts. Riverview Station. • Call Tess: (828) 301-0331. Learn more: www.riverviewstation.com bEgiNNER SWiNg DANciNg LESSONS (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. SwingAsheville.com bALLROOM DANcE cLASS • FR (12/7), 7-9pm - A ballroom dance class will be held at Waynesville Recreation Center, 50 Vance St. Please bring a snack to share. $3/members free. Info: recprograms@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030. MOuNtAiN ShAg cLub • TUESDAYS - The Mountain Shag Club meets weekly at The Hangar at the Clarion Inn, 550 Airport Road. Free lessons from 6:30-7pm. Shag DJ from 7-10pm. $5. Info: www.mountainshagclub.com. SANtA bAbY WORkShOp • SU (12/9), noon-2pm - Christine Garvin will teach a "sassy, simple" dance routine to the holiday classic “Santa Baby” at Anytime Fitness, 805 Patton Ave. Registration required. $25. Info: www.christinegarvin.com/ dance/classes.
(pd.) TV star Timothy O'Keefe's 1-day commercial and film intensive workshop. Saturday, December 8th. 10:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. www.nys3.com (814) 648-0680 AShEviLLE ARt MuSEuM Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 2533227. • SA (12/8) & SU (12/9), 2pm - The Secret of Kells. "This award-winning animated film tells the story of a young boy who meets a master illuminator carrying an incomplete book full of secret powers and wisdom." Held in the Museum’s East Wing Theatre. thE DARk SiDE Of chOcOLAtE • TH (12/6), 8pm - Brevard College will host a screening of The Dark Side of Chocolate in Dunham Auditorium. Free. Info: www.brevard.edu.
fOOD & bEER AShEviLLE chOcOLAtE AND ARtS fEStivAL • SA (12/8), noon-7pm - The Asheville Chocolate and Arts Festival will feature chocolate samples, entertainment, a fashion show and workshops. Held at the U.S. Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St. $18/$15 in advance/$8 students/children under 10 free. Info: www.sacredcelebrationsproductions. com.
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cARROtMOb • WE (12/5), 11am-8pm - ECO will host Carrotmob, a chance for the public to encourage green efforts by supporting local businesses en mass. Held at The Dugout, 430 North Main St., Hendersonville. A percentage of profits go toward replacing the restaurant's to-go containers with paper products. Regular restaurant prices apply. Info: www.eco-wnc.org or 692-0385. fRiENDS Of thE fRENch bROAD RivER pADDLE tRAiL • TH (12/6), noon & 5:30pm - An introductory meeting of the Friends of The French Broad River Paddle Trail will be held at RiverLink, 170 Lyman St. Free. Info: nancy@riverlink. org or 252-8474. gREEN hOME OpEN hOuSE tOuR • SA (12/8), 11am-4pm - The WNC Green Building Council will host tours of an Energy Star and Green Built certified home by R. S. Motley Construction, featuring Superior
GOvERNmENT & POLITICs pEOpLE Of fAith fOR JuSt RELAtiONShipS • 2nd TUESDAYS, noon - This group of clergy and laity, from a variety of faith traditions, is committed to creating a more just society where benefits are available to people of all sexual orientations. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Info: pfjr@gmail. com of www.pfjr.org.
kIDs SANtA AND MRS. cLAuS WiLL MAkE A SpEciAL AppEARANcE At chARLOttE StREEt cOMputERS (pd.) 252 Charlotte Street location on Saturday, December 15th 2012 from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Santa’s official photographer will also be present to take complimentary photographs
with children of all ages. AShE-bOtS RObOticS tEAM • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Ashe-Bots is a FIRST Robotics Team and nonprofit STEM-based program for high school students ages 14-18. Group meets weekly at A-B Tech's Dogwood Building. Engineering and tech professionals are invited to mentor participants. Info: brookside891@att. net or http://avl.mx/ml. AShEviLLE ARt MuSEuM Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 2533227. • SU (12/9), 2-4pm - Family Art Party: Children and families are invited to create small sculptures with local artist Kenn Kotara. Held in the East Wing Studio Classroom. Free. AShEviLLE MuSic SchOOL AuDitiONS • SATURDAYS, 11:45am - Rehearsals for the AMS Student Jazz Ensemble, intermediate and above, will be held at 126 College St. Students must have some music reading skills. All instruments and voices welcome. Directed by Gary Bradley. Info: 7127478. hANDS ON! This children's museum is located at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.handsonwnc.org or 6978333. • Through FR (12/7) - Children are invited to make their own Christmas cards throughout the day. • TH (12/6), 11am - The Healthy Kids Club will focus on nutritious foods for preschoolers. • FRIDAYS through (12/14), 11am - A three-part class on learning Spanish creatively will use games, dramatic play and movement. Ages 3-6. $10/$8 members per class. Registration required. • FR (12/7) - Children are invited to celebrate Hannukkah with games throughout the day. • TU (12/11) through FR (12/14) - Children are invited to make a Christmas tree ornament throughout the day. • WE (12/12), 11am - Grandma Story Woman. All ages. SpELLbOuND chiLDREN'S bOOkShOp 21 Battery Park Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.spellboundchildrensbookshop.com or 232-2228. • SATURDAYS, 10:30-11am - Story time for ages 3-6. SWiM LESSONS • WEEKLY - The YMCA hosts group, private and semi-private swim lessons at 30 Woodfin St. Mon. & Wed., 5:307pm; Tues. & Thurs., 4:30-6pm; Sat.,
holidaycalendar HOLIDAY CRAfT fAIRs AShEviLLE ARt MuSEuM hOLiDAY MARkEt • Through SU (12/9) - The Asheville Art Museum will host a holiday market featuring locallymade crafts and gifts during regular museum hours. Held at 2 N. Pack Square. Free to attend. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 2533227. • SU (12/9), 1-5pm - Reception and silent auction. Free. bLAck MOuNtAiN cENtER fOR thE ARtS hOLiDAY MARkEt • FR (12/7) through FR (12/21) The Black Mountain Center for the Arts' holiday market will feature local pottery and more. Free to attend. Info: www.blackmountainarts.org or 669-0930. c.D. OWEN MiDDLE SchOOL • SA (12/8), 10am-4pm - C.D. Owen Middle School, 730 Old U.S. 70, Swannanoa, will host a craft show featuring pottery, metalwork, fabric and jewelry, as well as music, a raffle and crafts for children. Free to attend; lunch
and baked goods available. Info: 686-7917.
Info: 776-6286.
• Through MO (12/31) - Desert
• SA (12/8), 9am-2pm - The Christmas Greens Market, sponsored by the French Broad River Garden Club Foundation, will feature fresh wreaths and garlands, handmade gifts and flowers. Held at Clem’s Cabin, 1000 Hendersonville Road. Free to attend. Info: www.fbrgc.org or info@fbrgc.org.
Moon Designs Studios and
hOLiDAY cELEbRAtiON AND ARt SALE • SA (12/8), 11am-4pm - Riverside Studios, 174 W. Haywood St., will host a holiday celebration and art sale featuring mosaics, prints, ceramics, paintings, sculpture and gift cards. Free to attend. Info: 551-5045.
fLAt ROck hOLiDAY tAiLgAtE MARkEt • SA (12/8), 2-5pm - The Flat Rock Tailgate Holiday Market will feature gifts, baked goods and dairy. Held behind Little Rainbow Row along Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. Free to attend. Info: www.flatrockonline.com. gROW DOWN hOME MARkEt • SATURDAYS through (12/22), 10am-1pm - The Grow Down Home Market, 105 Richardson Ave., Black Mountain, will feature jams, pickles, meats and herbs. Free to attend. Info: www.from-
Gallery, 372 Depot St., presents a juried selection of "affordable, giftable items by local artisans." Mon.-Sat., 11am-5pm; Sun., noon-4pm. Info: www.desertmoondesigns-studios.com. hANDMADE hOLiDAYS • SU (12/9), 1-6pm - The Handmade Holidays craft fair will feature baby gifts, candles, chocolates, clothing and accessories, jewelry, ornaments, paintings, pottery, soap and more. Held at the Weaverville Town Hall, 30 S. Main St., Weaverville. Ten percent of proceeds benefit Arts for Life. Info: www.aflnc.org 658-1599. hOLiDAY bAZAAR • SATURDAYS through (12/22), noon-4pm - The Holiday Bazaar will feature produce, gifts and Carolina Ground flour in UNCA's Commuter Lot C. Free to attend.
JEWELRY ShOWcASE • Through MO (12/31) - Mora Designer Jewelry, 9 W. Walnut St., Suite 2A, will present a handmade jewelry sale for the holidays. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Prices vary. Info: www.moracollection.com or 575-2294. • FR (12/7), 5-8pm - Reception. JON ARSENAuLt OpEN StuDiO • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS through (12/9), 11am-5pm Ceramicist Jon Arsenault will host an open studio and pottery sale at 127 Shelburne Road. Info: www.youngscovepottery.com. MADiSON cOuNtY ARtS cOuNciL hOLiDAY SALE • SA (12/8), 10am-5pm - The Madison County Arts Council
holiday sale will feature local art, crafts and food. Held at the Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main St., Marshall. Info: www. madisoncountyarts.com or 6491301.
MADiSON cOuNtY hOLiDAY MARkEt • SATURDAYS through (12/22), 10am-3pm - The Madison County Farmers and Artisans Holiday Market will feature jewelry, knitted items and artisan soaps. Held at Fiddlestix, 37 Library St., Mars Hill. Free to attend. Info: www. marshillmarket.org. pOttERY AND cRAft fAiR • SU (12/9), 2-5pm - Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave., will host a pottery and craft fair featuring ceramics, jewelry and other crafts. Free to attend. Info: www.montfordbooks.com or 285-8805. pOttERY SALE • FR (12/7), 3-9pm - Ann and Sandy Batton will host a pottery sale in their home studio at 351 Kenilworth Road, featuring a "wide selection of gift items at discounted prices." Free to attend. Info: battonclayworks@ gmail.com or www.battonclay-
RicEviLLE hOLiDAY MARkEt • SA (12/8), 10am-4pm - The Riceville Holiday Market will feature a wide variety of handmade items from more than two dozen local crafters. Free cider and door prizes. Held at the Riceville Community Center, 2251 Riceville Road. Info: morningstarrcreations@gmail.com. tRYON pAiNtERS AND ScuLptORS hOLiDAY ARt ShOW • Through SA (12/22) - The Tryon Painters and Sculptors' holiday art show, featuring scarves, earrings, cards, sculpture and more, will be held at 26 Maple St., Tryon. Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www.tryonpaintersandsculptors.com. WEAvERviLLE tAiLgAtE hOLiDAY MARkEt • WEDNESDAYS through (12/19), 2:30-6:30pm - The Weaverville Tailgate Holiday Market will feature jewelry, scarves, purses, soaps and jam. Held behind Weaverville Community Center, 60 Lakeshore Drive. Free to attend. Info: www.weavervilletailgate.org.
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6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362.
tEAM EccO cENtER fOR OcEAN AWARENESS 511 Main St., Hendersonville. $3 admission fee, unless otherwise noted. www.teamecco.org or 6928386. • FR (12/7), 6-8:30pm - Children are invited to visit with Santa. Reduced aquarium fee: $2.
hENDERSONviLLE LittLE thEAtRE 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or www.hendersonvillelittletheatre.org. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/12) until (12/16) - GI Holiday Jukebox will feature classic songs from the 1940s. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $20/$10 under 18.
WEStERN cAROLiNA civic ORchEStRA • FR (12/7), 7:30pm - The Western Carolina Civic Orchestra will perform works by Frescobaldi, Mozart and Haydn in WCU's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242.
pRE-LitERAcY pROgRAM • TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10am - Play and Learn, an eight-week pre-literacy program for 3-5-yearolds, will be held at Asheville City Schools Preschool, 441 Haywood Road. Must reside in Buncombe County to participate. Free. Info: marna.holland@asheville.k12.nc.us or 350-2904.
tRip tO thE SMOkY MOuNtAiN cENtER fOR thE pERfORMiNg ARtS • TH (12/13), 5:30-9:30pm - A trip for seniors to participate in a Christmas sing-a-long at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts will depart from Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $17/$14 members. Registration required by Dec. 10. Info and registration: recprograms@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030.
MiNDfuLNESS MEDitAtiON cLASS (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation.
YWcA kiDS' Night Out • FR (12/7), 4-8pm - Kids' Night Out will include swimming, games and a movie. Bring a bag dinner and a pillow. All ages welcome. $10 per child/$30 maximum per family. Info and registration: 254-7206 ext. 110.
OLD-tiME AND bLuEgRASS JAM • 1st THURSDAYS, 7pm - WCU's Mountain Heritage Center, located on the ground floor of the university's H.F. Robinson Administration Building, will host a bluegrass concert and jam. Free. Info: 227-7129. OpEN Mic
SONg O' SkY ShOW chORuS (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: www.songosky.org Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. AShEviLLE AREA ARtS cOuNciL: thE ARtERY Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www. ashevillearts.com. • SA (12/8), 1:30-3:30pm - Eclectricity afternoon concert: Lisa Fancher (piano, vocals). --- 8-10pm Eclectricity evening concert: onewayness (experimental, electronic). gRiND cAfE 136 West Union St., Morganton. Info: www.facebook.com/grindcafe or 430-4343. • SA (12/8), 7:30pm - Centerpiece Jazz. $10. hARp cONcERt • WE (12/5), 1:30pm - Carroll Ownbey (harp) will perform at Green River Library, 50 Green River Road,
• WEDNESDAYS, 7pm-midnight The Sly Grog Lounge, 45 S. French Broad Ave., inside The Downtown Market, hosts a weekly open mic for poets, musicians and performers of all types. Info: http://avl.mx/n4.
LAkE JAMES StAtE pARk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (12/8), 10am - A moderate 2-mile hike along Paddy’s Creek Trail will depart from the Paddy's Creek Area office. tRi-cOuNtY hikE • SA (12/8), 10am-2pm - The Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will host a moderate, 3-mile hike through the tri-county area around Barnardsville. Bring lunch, water, rain gear and a camera. Free. Info, registration and directions: rich@appalachian.org or 253-0095.
thE EL chApALA JAMbOREE • THURSDAYS, 8-10pm - A weekly talent showcase featuring singersongwriters, poets, comics and a capella sing-offs. 868 Merrimon Ave. Info and booking: (617) 858-6740.
• FR (12/7), 7pm - The Talleys (Southern gospel) will perform at First Baptist Church of East Flat Rock, 2227 Spartanburg Highway, Flat Rock. Love offering. Info: 692-0765
• TH (12/6), 4-5pm - A breastfeeding class will be presented by the Henderson County Department of Public Health at Hands On!, 318 North Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Registration suggested. Info: www. handsonwnc.org or 697-8333.
vOx AuDiO • SA (12/8), 7:30pm - Vox Audio will perform a cappella music in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. $20/$15 WCU faculty and staff/$5 children and students. Info: bardo-
MAMA-tiME • MONDAYS, 12:30pm - This postpartum group meets weekly at the Treehouse Cafe, 1020 Merrimon Ave.
chANgE YOuR MiND, chANgE YOuR WORLD • FR (12/7), 7pm - American Buddhist nun Gen Kelsang Nyema, resident teacher at Ganden Buddhist Center, will explain how to find lasting happiness by changing our minds. Held at the North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: www.meditationinsouthcarolina.org/residentteacher. • SA (12/8), 7pm - An additional presentation will be held at the Girl Scouts Program Center, 64 WT Weaver Blvd. Free. JEff kLugER • TH (12/6), 7pm - Jeff Kluger, Time Magazine science editor and author of Apollo 13, will speak at NYS3, 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O. Free. Info: www.nys3.com or (814) 648-0680.
sENIORs tRip tO pAuLA DEAN'S kitchEN • MO (12/10), 8-11am - A trip for seniors to visit Paula Dean's kitchen will depart from the Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $25/$23 members. Info: recprograms@townofwaynesville.org or
AShEviLLE iNSight MEDitAtiON
AStRO-cOuNSELiNg (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AShEviLLE cOMpASSiONAtE cOMMuNicAtiON cENtER (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15 252-0538. iNDiAN cLASSicAL DANcE (pd.) Is both prayer and an invocation of the highest divinity. Learn the dance the Natya Shastra called "the highest form of yoga" Bharatanatyam. Call Tess: 301-0331. AquARiAN cOMpASSiONAtE fELLOWShip (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday.
Mr. K’s
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(pd.) Practice/learn mindfulness meditation and ramp up your spiritual practice in a supportive group environment. We practice Insight Meditation, also known as: Vipassana, or Mindfulness Meditation, which cultivates a happier, more peaceful, and focused mind. Our caring community environment provides added support and joy to one's spiritual awakening processes. Open to adults. By donation. Tuesdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. Meditation, Dhamma talk, and discussion. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, NC. Info/directions: (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com AShEviLLE iNSight MEDitAtiON (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. 2nd and 4th Thursday. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com OpEN hEARt MEDitAtiON (pd.) Experience easy, wonderful practices that opens your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Free 7pm, Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 or 367-6954
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2012: thE DiviNE ALigNMENt, tuRNiNg thE pAgE ON thE fAiRYtALE Of tiME (pd.) December 14th - 7:00-9:00pm "2012: The Divine Alignment, Turning the Page on the Fairytale of Time" - Akashic Records Meetup at Crystal Visions 5426 Asheville Hwy, Hendersonville, NC 28760. A light evening of channeling, conversation and Q & A with the Akashic Masters. Join & RSVP at http://www.meetup. com/Akashville-Akashic-RecordsGathering-of-Asheville/ or call Kelly at 828-281-0888. Suggested donation $11, $22, $33 or Heart's Desire.
cOMMuNitY hu SONg • SU (12/9), 11am-11:30am - "In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Chanting this once-secret name for God, HU, has helped people throughout time find inner peace and divine love." Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Free. Info: www.eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775.
awareness Group • this SAtuRDAY (pd.) Come relax and be inspired with Crystal and Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing, Breathwork and Guided Meditation. Facilitated by Isa Soler, LMHC, LPC, C.Ht. • Saturday, Dec. 15 , 3pm-4:30pm, Lighten Up Yoga. • 60 Biltmore Avenue, Asheville. Donations accepted. isa@awaretherapy.com 8th hEAvEN pLAtiNuMDiAMOND cORE gAthERiNgS • SUNDAYS, 1pm - "Explore new spiritual discoveries with the ascension of Mother Earth. There is new hope, grace, purity and equality here now. Experience waves of unity flow and expanding newness." Special celebration Dec. 21. Info and location: stardolphin8@yahoo.com or 658-9987. ciRcLE Of SOLitARiES • 2nd SUNDAYS, 1pm - A discussion group for individuals interested in chaos magic, Paganism, post-modern occultism and related topics. Meets downtown monthly. Info and location: 777-9368 or COS_828@yahoo.
ExODuS chuRch bibLE StuDY • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon - A community discussion through the New Testament. This group is open to all who are searching for new friends or a new beginning in life. Meets at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: 252-2535. fiRSt cONgREgAtiONAL chuRch iN hENDERSONviLLE Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Info: 692-8630 or www.fcchendersonville.org. • SU (12/9), 9:15am - Adult forum: “Happy Holidays? Let’s Talk About Grief.” fuNDAMENtALS Of buDDhiSM • MONDAYS, 7:30pm - The Karma Kagyu Study Group of Asheville hosts an introduction to the fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism at the Flatiron Building, 20 Battery Park Ave., Room 309. Info: www.facebook. com/ktc.asheville. gRASSROOtS gAthERiNg • 2nd SUNDAYS, 5pm - All of Grassroots Church will meet for Christ-centered worship, challenging Gospel truth and communion at Edelweiss Event Space, 697D Haywood Road. Info: lance@grassrootschurch.cc or 414-8193. SAcRED EMbODiMENt cENtER Located at 41 Carolina Lane in Asheville. www.thesacredembodi-
mentcenter.com or 216-2983. • 1st FRIDAYS, 7pm - Kirtan with Chaitanya, "a musical celebration of devotion." $5-10 suggested donation. ShAMbhALA MEDitAtiON cENtER Of AShEviLLE 19 Westwood Place. Visitors welcome; donations accepted. Info: www.asheville.shambhala.org. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville offers group sitting meditation, followed by Dharma reading and discussion at 7pm. Free. • 1st THURSDAYS - Open house. Free. SpiRit AND chANNEL MESSAgES • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - An evening of spirit and channel messages with Theo Salvucci will be held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. By donation. Info: 713-2439. tAOiSt tAi chi • Participants are sought to join a Taoist Tai Chi 108 class in the Asheville area. Info: bgramsey13@ gmail.com. tRiNitY LuthERAN chuRch ADvENt SERvicE • WEDNESDAYS through (12/19), 6:30pm - Trinity Lutheran Church, 235 Saint Johns Road, Fletcher, will host advent services. A soup supper will precede the service. By donation. Info: 684-9770. • TH (12/6), 6:30pm - Advent craft night for ages 4-8. uNitY chuRch Of AShEviLLE Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: www.unityofasheville.com or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - Edgar Cayce study group.
sPOkEN & WRITTEN WORD AccENt ON bOOkS 854 Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.accentonbooks.com or 252-6255. • FR (12/7), 6pm - B. K. Lauren will present her book Disposable Assets. bLuE RiDgE bOOkS Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. All programs free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.brbooksnews.com or 456-6000. • SA (12/8), 3pm - Helen Scott Correll will present her book Middleweed Journal: Drawing Inspiration from Nature. • SU (12/9), 3pm - Frank C. Etier will present his book The Tourist Killer. • 2nd TUESDAYS, 1pm - Mountain Writers Group, a meeting of poets, authors and literary-enthusiasts. buNcOMbE cOuNtY pubLic LibRARiES LibRARY AbbREviAtiONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n pM = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n Wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (12/5), 3pm - Book club: 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Wv --3:30pm - Card-a-Palooza invites kids ages 6-12 to make greeting cards. pM --- 5pm - Library knitters. SW • TH (12/6), 6:30pm - Book club:
Small Island by Andrea Levy. EA • FRIDAYS through (12/21), 10:30am3pm - Book sale. pM • SA (12/8), 3pm - Sharon Mammoser will present her book Inspired by Nature: Words of Wisdom for the New Year. Wv • TH (12/13), 1pm - Book club: The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J. Maarten Troost. fv DiScuSSiON bOuND bOOk cLub • TU (12/11), 3-5pm - "Discussion Bound" book club: The Art Spirit, by Robert Henri. Hosted by the Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square. Free with admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/free for kids under 4. Info: www.ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. fOuND MAgAZiNE tOuR • TH (12/13), 8pm - FOUND Magazine presents My Heart Is An Idiot, featuring the publication's "heartwarming, hilarious and outrageous submissions" of love letters, birthday cards, photos and more. Held at The Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave. $10/$8 in advance. Info: www.foundmagazine.com or www.thegreyeagle.com. fOuNtAiNhEAD bOOkStORE Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870. • SA (12/8), 5pm - Gigi Amateau will present her book Come August, Come Freedom. MALApROp'S bOOkStORE AND cAfE 55 Haywood St. Info: www.malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (12/5), 7pm - Book club: Silas Marner by George Eliot. • SA (12/8), 3-4pm - A birthday celebration for children's book authors born in December will honor William Joyce, Ernest H. Shepard, Rudyard
Kipling and others. Ages 4-10. • SU (12/9), 5pm - A poetry reading will feature contributors to the Poems of Devotion collection. • MO (12/10), 7pm - Mystery Book Club: The Affair: A Jack Reacher Novel by Lee Child. RObERt MORgAN • SA (12/8), 2pm - Robert Morgan will present his books, including Lions of the West and Terroir, at the Historic Courthouse on Main Street, Hendersonville. Free. Info: www. hendersoncountymuseum.com or 694-1619. RYAN JO SuMMERS • WE (12/12), 6pm - Ryan Jo Summers will present her book Whispers in her Heart at Battery Park Book Exchange, 1 Page St. Free. Info: www.batteryparkbookexchange. com or 252-0020.
sPORTs 20/20/20 fitNESS cLASS • MONDAYS, TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St., hosts 20/20/20 fitness classes featuring equal sessions of cardio, weights and floor exercises. Free with daily admission. Info: recprograms@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030. ADuLt DODgEbALL REgiStRAtiON • Through MO (12/17) - An adult dodgeball league will be held Tuesdays in UNCA's Justice Center. Registration required by Dec. 17. $40. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty.org or 250-4260. fitNESS cLASS • MONDAYS, 5:30-6:45pm - Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will host a fitness class includ-
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In the middle of the night, Shelly Piper woke up with a thought: We could sell stuff made out of other stuff. It was a solution to a conundrum that had been rolling around in her head for a while. Piper thought it would be fun to have a store, but she was interested in approaching the challenge from a sustainable angle that used fewer resources. The next day, she shared the idea with her friend, Natalie Hood. “I told her I thought it was a great idea,” says Hood, “and that I’d love to be part of it if she wanted some help.” This was the beginning of the partnership that became Foundry, a Charlotte Street shop that sells upcycled accessories, gifts and art made from scrap materials. Piper and Hood met back in 1999 when they both worked at a frame and art gallery in Orlando, Fla. For a decade after that, they kept in touch throughout moves and life changes — exchanging emails, discussing craft projects and becoming more attuned to each other’s aesthetic preferences. Their mutual love of craft and a similar sense of style made it easy to imagine working together on a creative endeavor — and the fact that they had already been co-workers meant they understood each other’s work sensibilities. Once Hood and Piper decided to open a store, they had to make the partnership official. “We had an attorney draw up the partnership documents for the state,” says Piper. “During that process, the lawyer asked us a lot of questions we hadn’t thought about, like what happens if we dissolve the company? It’s kind of like making a will — you have to think about certain scenarios you’d never considered before. But it’s really helpful. I would say if you can’t get through that process, you should really step back and reconsider the partnership.” The next step was to upfit their Charlotte Street space and gain some more business skills. So in 2010 they approached Mountain BizWorks for a loan and some marketing classes. "One of the most helpful aspects of the class was the interaction with other business owners,” says
GOT A bUsINEss QUEsTION? Email Anna Raddatz at anna@mountainbizworks.org.
32 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
New stuff from old stuff: Foundry co-owners Shelly Piper and Natalie Hood specialize in products made from recycled materials. Photo courtesy of Mountain BizWorks
Hood. “We got an outside perspective on our own ideas, plus learned how to successfully talk about our business to others." After that, each of their roles naturally settled into place. Piper, whose specialty is remembering details and keeping everything running smoothly, does all of the marketing and bill-paying. She also works with the artists on contracts, payments and special orders. Hood’s forte is a great eye for design, so she takes charge of the store displays, ad layout and space maintenance. The 4-foot-tall owl made of plastic bags currently residing in the front window is her handiwork. While they appreciate each other’s skills, they are also aware of their weaknesses. One thing both Piper and Hood find irksome is the amount of time it can take to get things done. “Decisionmaking can be a challenge,” says Piper. “It seems to take us a long time, even about little things. But it’s because we’re trying to make the right decisions.” Hood chimes in. “If there’s an opinion to be had, we share it. Even if it’s about the kind of paperclips we order. There’s nothing we don’t talk about.” So far, they haven’t run into any major impasses. “We’ve been exceptionally fortunate,” says Hood. “We’ve tended to see eye-to-eye on major decisions.” When they do need a tiebreaker, they write up and evaluate a list of pros and cons, or they ask a third party for an outside perspective.
Their advice for other folks considering a business partnership? “It’s all about communication and knowing when to compromise,” says Hood. “You can expect it to be a lot like a marriage.” Piper adds that before you become partners, spend as much time together as possible to help make sure it’s a good fit. “It’s like that saying: ‘You don’t really know a person until you’ve traveled with them.’ Make sure you know how they work before you go down this path together.” Foundry is located at 92 Charlotte St. in Asheville; learn more at digfoundry.com. Meet some of their local accessory designers at a wine and dessert reception on Friday, Dec. 7, from 6-9 p.m. Details at digfoundry.blogspot.com. To learn about small business loans and upcoming classes at Mountain BizWorks, visit mountainbizworks.org or call 253-2834. X Mountain BizWorks supports small businesses in Western North Carolina through lending, consulting and training. For more information, visit mountainbizworks.org. Anna Raddatz is development and communications coordinator at Mountain BizWorks.
ing P90X, Insanity, the Asylum, Turbo Fire fitness programs and more. Held at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. Free. Info: 350-2058. giRLS ON thE RuN 5k • SA (12/8), 10am - The Girls on the Run 5K will feature a Zumba warm up, photo booth, chair massages and a raffle. Held at UNCA Asheville. $20/$15 in advance. Info: www.girlsontherun.org. pickLEbALL • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will offer pickleball games at the StephensLee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. $1 per day. Info: 350-2058. piLAtES cLASS • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:306:30pm - The Waynesville Recreation Center will host pilates classes at 550 Vance St. Regular admission/free for members. Info: recprograms@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030.
THEATER SEE thE hOLiDAY hAppENiNgS cALENDAR fOR A fuLL LiSt Of hOLiDAY pRODuctiONS. Nc StAgE cOMpANY 15 Stage Lane. Info and tickets: 2390263 or www.ncstage.org. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/16) - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged), "an irreverent, yet surprisingly comprehensive romp through all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays (plus a sonnet or two)." Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $16-$28.
vOLUNTEERING A-b tEch • A-B Tech seeks volunteers for student services, academic success programs and its writing center. Opportunities available at the Asheville and Enka campuses. Info: jeralieeandrews@abtech.edu or 398-7761. AShEviLLE AREA ARtS cOuNciL • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks. Complete a volunteer form at www.ashevillearts.com or stop by the ARTery, 346 Depot St. bEfORE thE JAM, LEND A hAND • Volunteers are sought to participate in Asheville Habitat's "Before the Jam, Lend a Hand" program to support Christmas Jam's charitable efforts. Enjoy lunch, the camaraderie of fellow fans and free Merrell products. Info: http:// vhub.at/jamaahh. big bROthERS big SiStERS Of WNc Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks men and women to mentor one hour a week in
schools and after-school sites. Volunteers age 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, such as sports, local attractions, etc. Info: 253-1470, www.bbbswnc.org or attend an optional information session Dec. 11 at noon, United Way building, S. French Broad Ave., Room 213.
International American Ginseng Expo invites you to an historical event showcasing the health and economic impacts of this wild and wild-simulated Special Concern forest plant, Panax quinquefolius.
buNcOMbE cOuNtY JAiL • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. cARL SANDbuRg hOME • TH (12/13), 9am-noon - The Carl Sandburg Home will host an open house for potential volunteers interested in its Natural Resource Conservation projects. Info and registration: 233-2477. chiLDREN fiRSt/ciS • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteer for one hour a week and change the life of a local child. Info: www.childrenfirstbc.org or 768-2072. cOuNciL ON AgiNg • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call-A-Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: www.coabc.org or 277-8288. gROcE uNitED MEthODiSt chuRch • TH (12/6) through SU (12/9) - Groce United Methodist Church seeks families with infants to volunteer for its Return to Bethlehem play. Children must be 3-months-old or younger. 75 minute indoor shifts. Info: 259-5326. hAbitAt fOR huMANitY • Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for its Home Repair program. Use existing skills or gain new ones while helping low-income homeowners make improvements to their homes. No experience or long-term commitment necessary. Info: 210-9383. • Volunteers are needed to clean donated items and unload trucks at the organization's ReStore. Regular commitment not required. Info: ataylor@ashevillehabit.org or 210-9377. hANDS ON AShEviLLE-buNcOMbE Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www.handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • SA (12/8), 10am-noon - Teacher's Pet: Volunteers will create supplemental educational materials to help elementary students improve reading skills. Make flashcards, games and more. Instruction and materials provided. • SA (12/8), 10am-1pm - Fair-Trade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • MO (12/10), 5:30-7pm - Volunteers are needed to create book packages for people recently placed in new housing
Concerned Citizens and Experts meeting on Dec. 7 and 8 in Mills River, NC
Information and registration at www.ncnaturalproducts.org
bUsINEss bLOTTER OPENINGs Nest family Resource Center, 51 N. Lexington Ave. 258-1901. nestorganics.com (co-owner Truly Ball, pictured). Hunter Nissan car dealer, 1340 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. 697-2222
CLOsINGs Lowes foods, 1378 Hendersonville Road. Trash, Inc. (closing by Dec. 31, ongoing sales until then), 711-B Biltmore Ave. 505-7855. trashincasheville.com.
RENOvATIONs & OTHER CHANGEs maggie’s Galley Oyster bar, closed pending relocation to 1374 Sulphur Springs Road, Waynesville.
by Homeward Bound of Asheville. • MO (12/10) & MO (12/17) - 7-8:30pm - Cookie Night: Help bake cookies for families staying at the Lewis Rathbun Center, which provides free lodging for out-of-town families who have a loved one in an area hospital. Supplies provided. LitERAcY cOuNciL Of buNcOMbE cOuNtY Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 204. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors provide one-on-one or small group instruction to adults in our community. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation will be held Jan 9 and 10. Info: literacytutors@litcouncil.com MOthERLOvE MENtOR • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per month required. Info: 254-7206. pARtNERS uNLiMitED • Partners Unlimited, a program for atrisk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteer
tutors and website assistance. Info: partnersunlimited@juno.com or 281-2800. SLOW fOOD AShEviLLE • TU (12/11) - Slow Food Asheville seeks volunteers to cook and serve a meal at the Our Circle program of Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministries. Info, time and registration: nsrkramer@gmail.com. thE RAthbuN cENtER • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation which provides free lodging for patients and their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Info: www.rathbuncenter.org or 251-0595. vOLuNtEER iN AShEviLLE citY SchOOLS • Through (2/8) - Asheville City Schools seek volunteers to work with K-12 students as tutors, artists, mentors and coaches. Info: www.ashevillecityschools. net. cALENDAR DEADLiNE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 33
Kids Eat Free
Pint Special
Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia
Live Jazz, Alien Music Club
Live Music
• Green Toys • Organic Cotton: Pajamas, Bathrobes, Clothes, Blankets, Wool Toppers •
Green Gifts for the Holidays Use your Go Local Card in December and receive 15% OFF one item!
FREE supervised craft table every Saturday in December 12-4pm for kids 2-8 years 828.258.1901 • 5 1 N o rt h Lexin gt o n Av e., As heville
shop online: ww w.nestorga n i cs .co m
34 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679
PAINT IT GONE If an asteroid is ever on a collision course with Earth, it’s possible that the planet could be saved by firing paintballs at it, according to an MIT graduate student whose detailed plan won this year's prize in a United Nations space council competition, announced in October. White paint powder, landing strategically on the asteroid, would initially bump it a bit, but in addition would facilitate the sun's photons bouncing off the solid white surface. Over a period of years, the bounce energy would divert the body even farther off course. The asteroid Apophis, for example, which measures 1,500 feet in diameter and is projected to approach Earth in 2029, would require five tons of paintball ammo.
THE LITIGIOUs sOCIETY • In October, Samuel Cutrufelli, 31, filed a lawsuit in Sacramento County, Calif., claiming that Jay Leone, 90, "negligently" shot him. Cutrufelli had burglarized Leone's home in Greenbrae, unaware that Leone was home. When Leone reached for one of his stashed handguns, Cutrufelli shot him in the jaw and then pulled the trigger point-blank at Leone's head, but was out of bullets. Leone then shot Cutrufelli several times, which Cutrufelli apparently felt was entirely unnecessary. • In October, the former captain of the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia (on which 32 people died after it ran aground in January), filed a lawsuit against Costa Cruises for "wrongfully" firing him. Francesco Schettino, awaiting trial for manslaughter, is accused of sending the ship dangerously close to shore on a personal lark and was also charged with abandoning ship, since he was spotted in a lifeboat during the passengers' escape. (Schettino said he "slipped" and fell in.) • China's legal system is apparently becoming mor elike America's. In October, Chinese media reported that Mr. Jian Feng won the equivalent of $120,000 in a lawsuit against his well-to-do wife for deceiving him and subsequently giving birth to what Feng thought was an ugly baby. Feng discovered that his wife had had cosmetic surgery — and thus was not, genetically speaking, the beauty he’d married.
• Amateur!: In October, a federal appeals court overturned a Chicago zoning inspector’s bribery conviction — because the bribes were too small to be covered by federal law. Dominick Owens, 46, was convicted of accepting two $600 bribes to issue certificates of occupancy; the law applies only to bribes of $5,000 or more. (Also in October, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel disbanded the city's ethics board, which never found an alderman in violation during its 25-year run — even though 20 were convicted of felonies.) • The government's Health Canada agency announced in October that Avmor Ltd. had agreed to recall one lot of its Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap — because it was contaminated with microbes. (The recall didn’t indicate whether too many microbes were overwhelming the soap or the soap was simply incapable of killing microbes, period.) • Karma: (1) Tyller Myers, 19, was killed in a collision near Norwalk, Ohio, in September when he ran a stop sign and was rammed by a tractor-trailer. Police found three stolen stop signs in Myers' truck. (2) A 21-year-old man was killed crossing a highway at 5 a.m. in Athens, Ga., in September. Police said he’d just dashed out of a Waffle House restaurant without paying — into the path of a pickup truck. • The Will of God: Devoted Catholic David Jimenez, 45, had been praying regularly to a big crucifix outside the Church of St. Patrick in Newburgh, N.Y., convinced that it was responsible for eradicating his wife's ovarian cancer. He even got permission from the church to spruce it up. During a May 2010 cleaning, however, the 600-pound crucifix came loose and fell on Jimenez's leg, which had to be amputated. His $3 million lawsuit against the archdiocese goes to trial in January.
COmPELLING ExPLANATIONs Not Mine! (1) James White, 30, was arrested in Grove City, Fla., after being stopped by police patrolling a high-burglary neighborhood. In a consensual search of his pants, officers found a packet of Oxycodone pills for which White didn’t have a prescription. According to the police report, White suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, wait! These aren't my pants!" (2) Ms. Vida Golac, 18, was arrested in Naples, Fla., in October and charged with possessing marijuana, which police found in her genitals as she was being strip-searched. According to the police report, Golac denied that the drugs were hers, saying she was just hiding them there for friends.
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mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 35
FIRST ANNUAL NONPROFIT HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT A welcome from the Mountain Xpress Advertising Department
everyone deserves good design
at: visit us ncenter.org esig evilled h s a . w w
While looking for a way to honor the holiday season, we stumbled on an idea that unexpectedly caught fire: a nonprofit showcase that helps spread the word about what these organizations do and how they contribute to a healthy and strong community. While developing this package, we were surprised to learn how many forprofit businesses lend their support to nonprofits and how many nonprofits assist or partner with each other. It appears to us that the abundance of Asheville’s nonprofits stems from the intertwining of its grassroots energy
and entrepreneurial passions, as well as its people, whose relentless drive and hearts go beyond the bottom line. Many of the nonprofits we reached out to are very small organizations that don’t have a budget for regular advertising. We’ve been moved by their enthusiastic response to this opportunity to express their mission, needs and projects. We hope that readers will enjoy and learn from this section, and then find a way to pitch in and give back — in this season of giving — to those who contribute so much. X
36 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
FEEDING THE COMMUNITY Ingles has made a commitment to support organizations that help our community members get the food and resources they need
Through the assistance of local agencies, providing fresh, nutritious food to people struggling with hunger
Ingles supports organizations that provide financial and emotional support for community members living with serious illness.
Ingles Markets has contributed over 10 million dollars to schools to purchase valuable learning tools and equipment.
The BackPack Bunch provides food for students to take home on weekends when they otherwise would not eat. N O N P R O F I T H O L I D AY S U P P L E M E N T •
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 37
38 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
Home...where memories aree made.
Home Recipe for a Habitat
ty” Ingredients: Homeowner “sweat equi r bo la r ee ts - Volunt owner mortgage paymen me Ho t or pp su - Community le like YOU - Donations from peop e Area ke a gift to Ashevill ma , on as se y da li ho This eate and help families cr Habitat for Humanity more and st a lifetime. Learn la ll wi at th es ri mo me rg. at ashevillehabitat.o ne li on ft gi re cu se make a
Happy Holidays from The Nature Conservancy Little Yellow Mountain, part of the more than 130,000 acres in Western North Carolina protected by The Nature Conservancy. Looking Forward to a Prosperous Conservation Year in 2013. To find out more about how to support Nature Conservancy work in Western NC, contact Mike Horak at (828) 350-1431 x101
Photo © Jay Leutze N O N P R O F I T H O L I D AY S U P P L E M E N T •
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 39
40 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
Silence perpetuates sexual violence. Know the facts, SPEAK UP! 5 RAPE MYTHS:
• Women provoke sexual assault by their appearance – “look how she is dressed, she was asking for it.” • Sexual assault is a women’s issue, men don’t need to be concerned with the topic of rape. • If a woman did not want to be raped, she could fight off her attacker. • Rapists are strangers lurking in the shadows. • DNA evidence increases the likelihood that a rapist will be tried and convicted.
Our VOICE, formerly the Rape Crisis Center of Asheville, has been serving Buncombe County since 1974 and we’re not afraid to talk about it. • Every two minutes, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 33 men in North Carolina will experience sexual violence in their lifetime. • The definition of sexual violence covers a wide range of experiences from sexual harassment and stalking leading up to incest, chronic sexual abuse and rape.
• Rapists do not select their victims by appearance; they select victims they believe are vulnerable and accessible. Victims range in age from infants to the elderly – sexual attractiveness is not an issue. • Statistics consistently show that upwards of 10% of all sexual assault victims are men. In addition, men have wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters in their lives. Rape is a concern for everyone. • Violent assault creates the biological “fight, flight, or flee” response. No one can know in advance how they would respond to being attacked, regardless if a weapon is involved. Shock, fear, and threat of harm can paralyze a victim. • While stranger rape does happen, statistics show that nearly 75% of rape occurs by someone known to the victim. • 97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail.
• 89 = number of victims of sexual assault met in the Mission Hospital ER in 2011 by OV staff/volunteers • 4 = number of adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse clients seen in 2001 • 36 = number of adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse clients seen in 2011 • 377 = number of counseling clients in 2011 • When asking 8th grade boys in Buncombe Co. what percent of rape reports were false, they responded: 80%. (actual number of false rape reports – between 2-5%)
• Sexual assault knows no one demographic; individuals in our community who seek the services of Our VOICE are both women and men of varying ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and education levels. These individuals are our daughters, our fathers, our mothers and our sons. It is the needs of these individuals and their families that Our VOICE addresses as we aim to eliminate sexual violence in all of its forms. This is done through 24/7 crisis line, case management, court advocacy, counseling, and prevention education and community outreach.
What Can I Do About It? Donate — online at www.ourvoicenc.org or by mail to 44 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28801; Volunteer — Crisis line advocates and prevention education volunteers are always needed contact us at (828) 252-0562 to find out about upcoming trainings; Advocate — Don’t be afraid to talk about sexual violence, call people out on their support of harmful stereotypes, and provide support to those who have been victimized. YES, I BELIEVE ALL PEOPLE DESERVE TO BE FREE FROM SEXUAL VIOLENCE!
Registration for 1 at-risk girl in the Climbing Toward Confidence Program ($50) Emergency clothing for 10 victims of sexual assault met at the Mission Hospitals ER ($100) Sexual Assault Prevention Education materials for 150 high school students ($150) 10 Hours of counseling for victims of sexual assault ($500)
Name: Email: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: ☐ My check is enclosed ☐ I prefer to use my credit card: __ Visa __ MasterCard
Amount: $_________ (charge will appear on your statement as “Network for Good”) Account Number: Expiration Date: Security Code (3 digits on back of card): I wish to become a Sustaining Giver with a monthly donation billed to the card listed in the amount of: $ ☐ Please contact me about the gift of stocks, bequest, or other in-kind donations ☐ I wish to give this gift in honor of ☐ I wish for my gift to be kept anonymous Signature:
Please mail this form to Our VOICE 44 Merrimon Avenue Suite 1 Asheville, NC 28801 or donate safely and securely online at www.ourvoicenc.org
Thank You - Your Gift Helps Turn Victims Into Survivors!
44 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28801
N O N P R O F I T H O L I D AY S U P P L E M E N T •
Crisis line 828-255-7576
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 41
Fighting childhood obesity by providing access to all natural, healthy foods and getting children active.
Sponsoring these local organizations with over $40,000 in grants: Aspire Youth & Family - Kids at Work Cooking Class aspireyouthandfamily.com
SoDance - Dance Training Scholarship Fund sodance.org
Vance Elementary - Rocket Run 5k rocketrun.net/5k.htm
Join the fight!
Apply for grants at: Earthfare.com/friends 42 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
Don’t dry up this winter!
Asheville Homeless Network
Stay warm, have fun, and keep swimming at the YWCA!
Asheville Homeless Network
Helping the homeless help themselves
The YWCA of Asheville offers Swim Lessons, Open Swim and Family Swim year round in our indoor solar heated pool!
Grassroots Organization • 501C3 Tax Deductable ashevillehomeless.org • 828-230-6902 PO Box 205 • Asheville, NC • 28802
Upcoming Aquatics Events
Meeting Thursdays 2pm at Firestorm Cafe
Dec. 7th &14th Kids’ Night Out Dec. 27th-29th Lifeguard Training Dec. 31st & Water Safety Instructor Jan. 2nd-4th Courses Jan. 5th “Get Your Feet Wet” Community Swim Day Jan. 7th Swim Lessons Give the gift of swimming this holiday season! Gift certificates available.
4th Trimester Mama-Time Postpartum Support Groups Rejuvenative Postpartum Care (available in-home)
Stress Management / Massage for Parents (including prenatal)
For more information call 254-7206 x 110 or visit our website ywcaofasheville.org
Aquanatal (aquatic movement and childbirth preparation) Located inside “The Treehouse Cafe” 1020 Merrimon Avenue (828) 505-2589 sarah4thtrimester@yahoo.com N O N P R O F I T H O L I D AY S U P P L E M E N T •
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 43
Donations: coabc.org/donate Volunteer Opportunities: dawns@coabc.org
Help COA Support Independent Living for Older Adults! AGING… ITS EVERYONE’S FUTURE! coabc.org ~ 828-277-8288 ~ info@coabc.org
Ad sponsored by
You're Invited to BiblioWorks'
Annual Benefit and Holiday Auction! WHAT: An evening of live music from "One Leg Up," beer from Highland Brewing Company, and a silent auction to benefit libraries, literacy, and education in Bolivia. WHEN: Fri., 12/7, 8-11pm WHERE: Loretta’s Café, Upper Level (114 N. Lexington Ave) ADMISSION: $15, includes 2 drink tickets Auction items include artwork • jewelry • crafts from local & Bolivian artists • shoji spa passes gift certificates for merchandise, lessons & services from area businesses & much more! Sponsored by Biblio.com and Minick Law Office • Questions? Email info@biblioworks.org
Livi’s Pantry, Opening Soon!
Check out our Facebook page for updates 41 N. Merrimon Ave. Asheville, 28803 606-6115
Holiday Shakti Shindig Fundraiser for
Thursday, December 6th
live music, food, drinks, a raffle and prizes!
6:00pm – 10:00pm
The Get Right Band
plus Alvin Young & Noah Wilson
Sliding scale tickets $20 – $40 online
online at www.ashevillecommunityyoga.com S P O N S O R E D B Y: Can I keep me UGGS?
44 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
N O N P R O F I T H O L I D AY S U P P L E M E N T •
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 45
SPIRITUALITY EXPAND YOUR REACH. In it’s December 26th issue, Mountain Xpress is inviting WNC’s spiritual leaders and faith-based groups to spread your message of hope and concern in this specifically formatted advertorial section. Benefits • Reach potential new members • Open opportunities for spiritual growth • Share what you stand for and how your organization affects the world
Publishes December 26, 2012
To reserve your space please contact: 828-251-1333 • advertise@mountainx.com
FIRST helps parents gure out the quesƟons! FIRST helps parents nd the answers! FIRST needs HELP with donaƟons to support families!
for families of persons with disabilites
Community Parent Resource Center provides parent training and advocacy about the special educa�on process and parents� rights� transi�on and accessing community resources
Nuestros Servicios son Gratuitos por favor comunicarse al (828) 545-4190
P.L.A.Y. Project, a proven therapy program for children with
au�sm which helps parents and their children connect� communicate and build rela�onships with others
Incredible Years ParenƟng Class, a research based program that strengthens paren�ng s�ills by promo�ng posi�ve behaviors and improving social s�ills
FIRST is a 501(c)3 organizaƟon. All donaƟons are tax deducƟble. These projects recieved funding from US Department of EducaƟon #H328C120023, Smart Start of Buncombe County, and private fees.
(828)277-1315 www.rstwnc.org
46 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
what if you could support a nonprofit & feed your family?
“It’s hard to learn inside when all you have are pictures. When you’re in the outdoors, you get to learn and live it first-hand.” — TYLER, PISGAH FOREST ELEMENTARY STUDENT
french broad food co-op 90 Biltmore Ave. ~ 255-7650 find us on facebook, follow us on twitter!
Join the movement, become a Muddy Sneakers Community Sponsor! We need your community support to sustain our programs and grow to reach more students in WNC and beyond. Visit www.muddysneakers.org to find out how you too can help reconnect children with nature!
The mission of Muddy Sneakers is to awaken in children a deeply felt connection with the natural world, one that inspires curiosity, stimulates learning, and brings new life to classroom performance. Muddy Sneakers represents a new model in environmental education. Through partnering with regional public schools, we have already reached over 4,000 students across WNC including each Asheville City elementary school.
P.O. Box 146 Brevard, NC 28712 (828) 862-5560
N O N P R O F I T H O L I D AY S U P P L E M E N T •
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 47
Local Food Ruled in 2012!
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Green River Preserve makes its programs available without regard to race, color, creed, religion, gender, or national origin.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 49
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Model Nutrition Program
‘ TIS the SEASON for GIVING Now is the perfect time to provide someone in need with the gift of Chinese medical care through Traditions Acupuncture Foundation. Traditions Acupuncture Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is committed to promoting and funding access to Chinese medical care in the greater Asheville community. TAF offers Chinese medical care, including acupuncture and herbology, for the medically underserved at the Daoist Traditions College Acupuncture Clinic. To make a donation, please visit the TAF website: www.traditionsacupuncturefoundation.org Or, you can mail your contribution to: TAF PO Box 1821 Asheville, NC 28802 ___________________________________________
Offering low-cost acupuncture and herbology care to the Asheville community. 222 South French Broad Ave. | Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-8669 | clinic@daoisttraditions.edu 50 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com • N O N P R O F I T H O L I D A Y S U P P L E M E N T
Art Walk D O W N T O W N
DEC 7•5 -8
A self-guided tour in downtown Asheville — all located within a half mile radius.
S. Market
N. Spruce
Battery Pk
S. Lexington
22 ZaPOW! zapow.com
11 Blue Spiral 1 bluespiral1.com
Eagle Wilson
Aston Sycamore
O. Henry
N. Lexington
Discover why Asheville is ranked as one of the top art destinations in the country.
12 Castell Photography
Atelier Gallery
That Dance: Jewelry Design 16 Jewels 63 Haywood St
The Bender Gallery
Made 17 Mountain Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave, Ste 123
68 College St
16 Patton
Alexander & Lehnert
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center
Marie Designs 18 Susan 4 Biltmore Ave
American Folk Art & Framing
Blue Spiral 1
Dyke Jewelry and Fine Crafts 19 Van 29 Biltmore Ave
Appalachian Craft Center
Castell Photography
Walk 20 Woolworth 25 Haywood St
Ariel Gallery
Girls Studio & Gallery 21 Working 30 Battery Park, 2nd Level
Asheville Art Museum
Minerva 14 Gallery 8 Biltmore Ave
22 ZaPOW! 21 Battery Park Ave, Ste 101
Asheville Gallery of Art
Haen Gallery 15 The 52 Biltmore Ave
Gallery 23 Artetude 89 Patton Ave
16 Patton Ave Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave, Ste 142 64 Biltmore Ave 10 N. Spruce St
19 Biltmore Ave 2 South Pack Sq 16 College St
12 S. Lexington Ave 56 Broadway St 38 Biltmore Ave
2 Wilson Alley, Ste C & D 25 Carolina Ln
18 Susan Marie Designs
As h ev i lle Down town G a lle ri e s. org
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 51
wellness “THE GIfT Of LIfE” COmPILED bY CAITLIN bYRD Holiday shopping can be stressful, but picking out the perfect gift doesn’t have to be that hard. The American Red Cross asks donors to “Give Something That Means Something” this season and be entered for a chance to win a $1,000 American Express gift card usable for gas, rent, food or a postholiday getaway. Through Dec. 31, donate blood or platelets for your chance at the card. “Donating blood is an opportunity for people to give the most important gift of all, the ‘Gift of Life,’” said delisa english, chief executive officer, American Red Cross, Carolinas Blood Services Region. “The Red Cross depends on the generosity of our donors to be able to meet the needs of patients in our area and across the country.” The Red Cross Carolinas Blood Services Region provides lifesaving blood to patients in 103 hospitals. To meet hospital demands, approximately 1,600 people need to give blood or platelets each week day. Blood can be safely donated every 56 days. Platelets can be given every seven days, up to 24 times a year. Most healthy people who are 17 years old (or 16 with parental consent) and weigh at least 110 pounds are eligible to donate blood or platelets to the Red Cross. Donors who are 18 years and younger must meet specific height and weight requirements. The next community blood drive will be on Wednesday, Dec. 5, at Flesher’s Fairview Health and Retirement Center from 11 a.m.3 p.m. Call Susie Cole at 628-2800 for more information or to schedule an appointment. For more information or to schedule an appointment to donate, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), or visit redcrossblood.org. — From the American Red Cross
AsHEvILLE’s CHARLIE PINE APPOINTED TO WINsTONsALEm INDUsTRIEs fOR THE bLIND’s bOARD After working on the capital campaign that helped fund the Mission Low Vision Center, Asheville’s Charlie Pine has been appointed to the Board of Directors for Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind, a nonprofit organization that provides employment, training and services for people who are blind or visually impaired. In 2003, Pine retired after 33 years as senior vice president with Belk, managing several stores in Western North Carolina. Since then, he has served the Asheville community in many ways, most recently as a board member of CarePartners. Noting that he was honored to serve Industries for the Blind, Pine said, “These folks are passionate about helping visually impaired and blind people lead more independent lives through with productive employment and outstanding services and they do fine work.” “Our success in providing quality employment, training and services to people who are blind is grounded in the strength of our board, and their tireless commitment to the mission of Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind,” said david Horton, executive director. “We are thankful for Charlie’s continued service and support.” As the largest employer of people who are blind in the United States, IFB operates facilities in WinstonSalem, Asheville and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, employing more than 900 people. The Asheville facility has 110 employees, more than half of whom are blind or visually impaired; 75 percent of the direct labor in this facility is handled by people who are blind. For many of them, these are the first jobs they have held. — Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind X Send your health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at cbyrd@mountainx.com or mxhealth@mountainx.com, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.
For more information contact Derek Groves at dgroves@FourSeasonsCFL.org or Eric Mills at emills@FourSeasonsCFL.org or 233-0304.
52 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
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Much Obliged
beyond the mat: Lia Del Piore, a yoga instructor at Asheville Yoga Donation Studio, hopes to establish a yoga program for substance-abuse classes at recovery centers. Photo by Kate Lundquist
bY kATE LUNDQUIsT When Lia Del Priore teaches her weekly yoga class for people recovering from substance abuse, she thinks back to when she overcame her own addiction years ago. As she unrolls her yoga mat, Del Priore explains how yoga can become a place of healing. “Some of the people in my class are just starting to learn how to live sober, and I see them take a huge, deep, full breath. I can see them at peace, even if just for that moment. There is a glimmer of respite,” Del Priore says. “When you are drinking or doing drugs, it is because you are trying to escape a thought or feeling. Yoga works to control those thoughts by using the breath.” Del Priore also teaches juveniles in detention. Often suffering from past trauma, addictions and life choices that led to time behind bars, these 12- to 16-year-olds rarely have moments when someone believes in them, Del Priore says. “I have them hold plank pose for a long time to watch the stress rise in the body,” Del Priore says. “It takes impulse control not to get out of the pose, and they learn that intolerable feelings, like the muscles working intensely in plank, will pass eventually.” And what happens when life is not strenuous
or intolerable for a few minutes (like the final resting pose, Savasana)? “They love it! It is 10 minutes when no one is yelling at them or telling them what to do. Most of them fall asleep,” she says. Blending the Western therapeutic model for rehabilitation with yogic philosophy, Del Priore helps her students rediscover the peace that already exists within themselves, beginning with 10 minutes of Savasana and followed by an hour-long yoga class. However, she also tries to help her students off the mat, telling them that suffering and hardships are a part of life, she says, and mental health is not something to be shoved away. As Sufi poet Kahlil Gibran says, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; characters are seared with scars.” Del Priore is currently seeking funding and grants to establish her yoga for substance abuse classes at recovery centers. She can be reached at liadelpriore@ gmail.com. She also teaches Friday, 9 a.m.-10 a.m. at Asheville Yoga Donation Studio. Kate Lundquist is a freelance writer and yoga teacher living in Asheville. For more, visit her website, lightonbalance.blogspot.com. She teaches Saturdays, 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m., at Asheville Yoga Center.
Mahalo Ka’ma’aina for the Asheville Aloha Baptiste Power Yoga • Opening December 21st
goyogainc.com • (828) 335-YOGA • 65A Biltmore Ave • Asheville
Kitchen Ugly? Don’t replace... REFACE! 1 New look for about /3 the cost of new cabinets Paul Caron • The Furniture Magician • 828.669.4625 mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 53
wellnesscalendar cALENDAR fOR DEcEMbER 5 - 13, 2012
WELLNEss NutRitiON fORWARD (pd.) Offering intelligent and soulful counseling that inspires you to improve your nutrition choices and habits for life. Sandy Buchanan, RD, CDE828-2309865 www.nutritionforward.com AShEviLLE cENtER fOR tRANScENDENtAL MEDitAtiON ("tM") (pd.) Free Introductory Talk: Thursdays. 6:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. (828) 254-4350. www. MeditationAsheville.org ARthRitiS fOuNDAtiON pROgRAM Of tAi chi (pd.) 12 week series: Give yourself the gift of health in 2013 Decrease Fall Risk, Improve Balance, Quality of Life. First Baptist Church, Asheville, corner of Charlotte St. & I-240. Registration on www.wnctaichiarthritis.com . More info. on Facebook: WNC Tai Chi for Arthritis. Nurses, Physical Therapists, PTA’s. Earn 12 hours continuing education credit. Call 828-230-9208 or 253-8649. bE hEALthY cLub • SATURDAYS, noon-2pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St. (below the French Broad Coop) hosts weekly meetings to discuss eating healthy, weight loss, detoxing, fasting, exercise, natural living and more. Free. Info: itsnatural11@ gmail.com. cANDLELight YOgA • SA (12/8), 5-6:30pm - Asheville Community Yoga Center will offer candlelight restorative yoga at 8 Brookdale Road. $15 donation. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga.com. EAt SMARt, MOvE MORE • TUESDAYS through (12/11), noon1pm - "Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less," a 15-week weight management class, will focus on practical skills to lose pounds and maintain a healthy weight. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Center, 94 Coxe Ave. $25 includes materials. Info and registration: 255-5522. LiviNg hEALthY With DiAbEtES • SATURDAYS through (12/15), 3-5:30pm - Find balance with diabetes through this self-management program. Open to people with diabetes and their caregivers. $30 for six-week session. Held at Asheville Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church, 238 S. French Broad Ave. Registration required. Donations benefit the Asheville Buncombe Institute for Parity Achievement. Info: 251-8364. LOOk gOOD, fEEL bEttER • MO (12/10), 10am-noon - "Look Good, Feel Better," a program for women
undergoing cancer treatment, will focus on self-image, appearance and quality of life. Held at Asheville Hematology and Oncology, 20 Medical Park. Free; registration required. Info: 254-6931. MEMORY cAfE • 1st MONDAYS, 1st WEDNESDAYS, 3rd SATURDAYS, 3rd THURSDAYS Memory Cafe invites those with memory challenges and their caregivers, family and friends to socialize in a safe and supportive environment. Free. Info and locations: LBrown@fbca.net, bettyrobbins@morrisbb.net or asstminister@ uuasheville.org. MiNDfuLNESS pRActicES fOR ADhD • 2nd MONDAYS, 5:30pm - This foursession group will explore the practice of mindfulness in everyday life and share simple and practical strategies for everyday mindfulness. Group sessions tailored to the participants' individual needs. $35. Registration required: www.ADHDasheville.com. RED cROSS bLOOD DRivES 100 Edgewood Road. Info: www. redcrosswnc.org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (12/5), 11am-3:30pm - Blood drive: Flesher's Fairview Health Care, 3016 Cane Creek Road, Fairview. Info: 628-2800. • WE (12/12), 12:30-5pm - Blood drive: Black Mountain Neuro Medical Treatment Center, 932 Old U.S. Highway 70. Info: 259-6908. --1-5:30pm - Blood drive: West Asheville Church of God, 60 State St. Info: 252-8529. --- 2:30-7pm - Blood drive: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Info: 252-4781. • TH (12/13), 1-5:30pm - Blood drive: Care Partners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road. Info: 277-4800. --- 1:30-6pm - Blood drive: Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Info: 669-6729. WOMb hEALiNg ciRcLE • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St., hosts a weekly womb wellness discussion, featuring topics based on the book Sacred Woman by Queen Afua. Donations are appreciated. Info: itsnatural11@gmail.com.
sUPPORT GROUPs ADuLt chiLDREN Of ALcOhOLicS & DYSfuNctiONAL fAMiLiES ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www.adultchildren.org. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution.” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156
54 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group. Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. AL-ANON Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: www.wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. at Gracelyn Road. --- 8pm - "Listen and Learn," St. John's Episcopal Church, 339 S. Main St., Marion. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - "Discovery," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. chRONic pAiN SuppORt gROup • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: (770) 846-0651. cO-DEpENDENtS ANONYMOuS A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. • SATURDAYS, 11am - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 779-2317 or 299-1666. • THURSDAYS, 6:45pm - MCC Sacred Journey, 135 Sugarloaf Road (I-26 exit 49A), Hendersonville. Info: pebblekicker15@yahoo.com or text 489-4042. DEbtORS ANONYMOuS • MONDAYS, 7pm - Debtors Anonymous meets at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. Info: www.debtorsanonymous.org. fERtiLitY SuppORt gROup • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Therapist-led group for women who are experiencing infertility and may be using assisted reproduction. Meets at 43 Grove St. #4. Call to register: 803-0824. gRASp: AShEviLLE AutiSM SuppORt gROup • 2nd SATURDAYS, 1-3pm - "Join other adult Aspies at GRASP -
Asheville Global and Regional Aspergers Syndrome Partnership." Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St. Must be 18 years or older and on the autism spectrum. Free. Info: www.GRASP.org www.meetup.com/graspasheville. MOthER bEAR fAMiLY DENS • 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS, noon-1:30pm - Mother Bear Family Dens, a "local family-led recovery community bringing families together to share recovery support, wellness tools, hope and encouragement." Meets at Soundview Family Home, 713 Fifth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Bag lunches encouraged. Info: julie@motherbearcan.org. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, noon1:30pm - Meets at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave. Info: julie@motherbearcan.org. MOthER bEAR fAMLiY DENS A local, family-led recovery community bringing families together to share recovery support, wellness tools, hope and encouragement. Bag lunches encouraged. Info: julie@motherbearcan.org. • 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS, noon1:30pm - Meeting at Soundview Family Home office, 713 Fifth Ave. W., Hendersonville. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, noon1:30pm - Meeting at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave. NAMi SuppORt gROupS The National Alliance on Mental Illness supports recovery for people living with mental illness and their families. Most groups meet at 356 Biltmore Ave. #207/315. Free. Info: www.namiwnc.org or 505-7353. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - A Dual Diagnosis Support Group for those living with mental illness and substance abuse issues will be held at 3 Thurland Ave. • 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 6pm - An additional Dual Diagnosis support group will be held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. OvERcOMERS REcOvERY SuppORt gROup A Christian-based, 12-step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems. Meetings are held at S.O.S. Anglican Mission, 370 N. Louisiana Ave., Suite C-1. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@sos.spc-asheville. org or 768-0199. • MONDAYS, 6pm - A support group for men and women. OvEREAtERS ANONYMOuS A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info:
669-0986. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 800-580-4761. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. REcOvERY fROM fOOD ADDictiON • MONDAYS, noon - Weekly support groups are held at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: scmunchkin59@yahoo.com. S-ANON • S-Anon, a 12-step program for those struggling with the sexual behavior of a family member or friend. Three meetings are held each week. Info: www. ncsanon.org or 258-5117 (confidential). SExAhOLicS ANONYMOuS • DAILY - A 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Daily Asheville meetings. Call confidential voicemail or email: 237-1332 or saasheville@ gmail.com. Info: www.orgsites.com/nc/ saasheville. SMARt REcOvERY • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: smartrecoveryavl@gmail.com or 407-0460. WOMYN'S DiScOvERY/ EMpOWERMENt gROup • ONGOING - Those interested in forming an Asheville Womyn’s group, to foster emergence from addictive behaviors and internalized oppression and encourage spiritual awakening though the 16-step program created by Charlotte Kasl, are invited to contact nicerhugs@gmail.com for details. WORkAhOLicS ANONYMOuS • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Workaholics Anonymous. Info and directions: www. workaholics-anonymous.org or 3011727. MORE WELLNESS EvENtS ONLiNE Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after December 13. cALENDAR DEADLiNE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
Eating Right for Good Health presented by
Think Outside the (Cereal) Box The other day one of my Facebook friends had a frantic post about the fact that her kids weren’t eating breakfast. Like any good parent she was worried about them being able to focus at school and also how hungry they’d be by lunch time.
Here are a few tips to make sure your children eat breakfast, because yes, it IS the most important meal of the day.
1 Wake them so they have enough time to eat. This sounds incredibly obvious but making sure kids have just 10 extra minutes to sit and have breakfast may make them less stressed about taking time to eat.
2 Instead of thinking about what breakfast foods you can feed them, think about what foods they like in general.
Get out of the mindset that breakfast has to come out of a (cereal) box.
4 You can make a fast, nutritious breakfast in a few minutes.
5 Give kids more than just carbohydrates for breakfast. Combine carbohydrates with protein from Greek yogurt, nuts or nut butter, eggs or reduced fat cheese — this will keep them satisfied for a longer period of time.
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Do they like FRUIT? How about a fruit smoothie made with regular or Greek yogurt. Do they like BREAD? How about a whole wheat English muffin or whole wheat toast with peanut or almond butter & honey or jam? Do they like WAFFLES? Toast whole wheat or whole grain frozen waffles and make a sandwich with a nut butter and jelly. Do they like HOT CEREAL? You can make quick (not instant) oatmeal in under 5 minutes. Stir in nuts or nut butter to give the oatmeal some protein. Many kids don’t like sweet foods in the morning. Make extra brown rice at dinner and heat it up in the microwave serve it with a poached or fried egg or small amount of leftover meat/chicken or beans from dinner. Use your toaster oven and melt a slice of your child’s favorite cheese on a piece of whole wheat/whole grain bread.
Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets
Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 55
send your food news to food@mountainx.com
Eat chocolate and dance
Open your heart at Asheville’s first chocolate and arts festival
Cuisine from Latin America Full Bar Private Dining Room (seats up to 35 people) Brunch coming soon Farm-to-Table Ingredients
1360 Tunnel Rd. • 828-575-2179 LatinFlavorCafe on Facebook
Locally Roasted using Fair Trade, Organic and Shade Grown Beans 10% Sales Donated to Non-Profits
It’s a food festival, a dance, fashion and music throw-down, and a holiday arts market. It’s a little bit of everything, and a lot of chocolate. The inaugural Asheville Chocolate and Arts festival brings together more than a dozen local chocolate purveyors, a gospel choir, Bollywood-style dancers, Cherokee storytellers, West African drummers and more. Organizer Heather Cohen says the festival was inspired by her travels, coupled with the abundance of artisan chocolates in Asheville. “I’ve lived in South America, and they have a lot of cacao ceremonies there, where they use the raw cacao — it’s not like a drug; it’s just cacao — they use it for heart-opening ceremonies,” she says. “I kind of like that combination: the sweet, the heart opening and really getting people in a space to create community.”
56 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
MR. BEAN: French Broad Chocolates will demonstrate process behind its famous truffles and other goods. Photo by Max Cooper Chocolate will be abundant for heartopening purposes and otherwise. There’s even a chocolate-making demonstration from the folks at French Broad Chocolate Lounge. “Everyone has different tastes, so some of the chocolates are really raw and herbal and super-healthy, and then some of them are a little more rich,” Cohen says. “There’s something for everyone. My hope is, too, that people will cultivate their taste in chocolate.” Other chocolate vendors include UliMana Raw Chocolate, Raw Shakti Chocolate, World’s Best Carrot Cake, Sinless Raw Chocolate, Choffy cacao drinks out of Flat Rock, raw herbal chocolates by Ashley Pool, Everyday Gourmet,
True Confections, Kilwins, Silver Moon Chocolates and Nourish & Flourish. Kids at Work!, one of the beneficiaries of the festival’s proceeds, will make chocolate molé sauce. Twenty percent of the festival’s profits will go to charities, which also include the Odyssey Community School and The Urban Arts Institute. The festival takes place on Saturday, Dec. 8 at the U.S. Cellular Center, from noon to 7 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $8 for students. Children under 10 get in for free. Performances, fashion shows and workshops run throughout the day, so re-entry is permitted. For a full list of performances and events, visit sacredcelebrationsproductions.com. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the U.S. Cellular Center box office, Nourish & Flourish, West Village Market and ticketmaster.com.
Break out the elf tools and build a gingerbread house
Get your hands up
hot sake special
Dripolator will become High Five Coffee Bar
Something’s brewing at Dripolator Coffee Bar: the menu boards, artwork and seating areas are all changing. But the most notable difference will be the shop’s new name. Owner Jay Weatherly has embarked on a complete branding metamorphosis. Dripolator is now High Five Coffee Bar. The business has evolved since he bought it from the Black Mountain-based Dripolator Coffeehouse, Weatherly says. He hopes the new name will reflect the changes he’s made, and distinguish it from the unaffiliated Black Mountain shop. “We are celebrating something that’s been happening for a while,” he says. “The analogy for me is that I’m a different conductor on a train, and now I am changing tracks ... and now we need to put a new sign up on the train because we’re doing things differently.” The shop will continue to serve Counter Culture Coffee. Weatherly might add new drinks and specials to the menu, but he says he feels good about the drinks the shop already serves. Weatherly sees High Five as part of the “Third Wave” of coffee, a concept developed in the early-2000s by the folks now behind Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters in San Francisco. Third Wave coffee shops focus on coffee as an artisanal product. “Third Wave is … just injecting integrity into every piece of the process of serving coffee, sourcing coffee, working with the whole process of getting coffee from a seed on a farm to a cup on your table,” Weatherly says. He hopes High Five will feel fun, even as it keeps pace with the Third Wave movement. “There are a lot of coffee shops in this Third Wave spectrum, they have a real serious tone to them,” he says. “When you walk in, I want [High Five] to be a place that feels super-comfortable for whoever you are.” Weatherly will celebrate the name change on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. He promises coffee, goodies from the Chop Shop, Short Street Cakes, Buchi and Dobrá Tea, plus music, door prizes and high fives. High Five Coffee Bar is located at 190 Broadway St.
1/2 Price Hot Sake Every Sunday & Monday
CoNfECTIoN pRojECT: Lydia Gentry of Hendersonville took first place in the Grove Park Inn’s National Gingerbread House Competition. Photo courtesy of Grove Park Inn
’Tis the season for gingerbread houses, which means it’s socially acceptable to play with food. At Laughing Mask Candies, owners Joshua and Anna Sachar want to help you make your own gingerbread house. “We did it with my mom every year growing up,” Anna says. “We’ve kind of figured out the tricks throughout the years.” The Sachars are keeping the classes kid-friendly. They plan to pre-assemble the houses, so the participants can focus on decorating. “Our idea is to offer some fun classes for kids and families,” Anna says. “Something where kids can get creative and have a good time and do something a little different with candy.” But for the curious gingerbread carpenter, the Sachars are happy to give advice about how to make a house from scratch. They’ll also have one of their own creations on display: a gingerbread carousel to match the store’s carnival-theme. The classes cost $40 and include a house, icing, a wide selection of candy and a box. Groups of up to four are welcome, and the classes are suitable for most ages (although adult supervision is required). There’s also a take-home option: plain houses can be purchased from the shop for $20. Classes will take place on Saturdays: Dec. 8, Dec.15 and Dec. 22 (if there’s sufficient interest). Call 505-4081 for reservations, which are required to attend. Laughing Mask Candies is located at 84 N. Lexington Ave. Visit them on Facebook for more information. For some inspiration, check out the National Gingerbread House Display at the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave., and at the Grove Arcade downtown. The inn hosts public viewings of the exhibit Monday through Thursday form 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. through Wednesday, Jan. 2, excluding major holidays. Admission is free, but it costs $10 to park. The Grove Arcade gingerbread houses are on display in Suite 115 on O. Henry Ave. until Dec. 2. Viewing hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information about the displays, call the Grove Park Inn’s Gingerbread hotline at 800-438-0050 ext. 1522.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 57
send your food news to food@mountainx.com
Food takes its final bow The Magnetic Field gives up dinner and cocktails The Magnetic Field is scaling back its attractions. The bar and café will close after Dec. 22., but the performance house will remain. You can still see shows there without libations or food. For two years, the eatery has been a force for craft cocktails and creative eats. When The Magnetic Field opened in 2010, owner and producer Chall Gray says he planned for the restaurant to help support the theater financially. “We always have had it set up as a synergistic relationship between the two businesses, where the restaurant would be able to service the patrons of the theater, and the theater patrons would bring traffic to the restaurant,” he says. Now, the Magnetic Theatre is growing, Gray says. Ticket pre-sales are the best in the theater’s history for the upcoming play, The 30th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular. It’s not that the theater has outgrown the restaurant, Gray says; rather, the theater is strong enough to operate independently. “Now the theater has grown and burgeoned to the extent that it’s going to have its own space,” he says. Chef Liam Luttrell-Rowland will move on to The Admiral, while chef Jason Rowland is still “exploring his options,” according to Gray. Gray says he’s pleased with his time as a restaurant owner in the River Arts District, and he expects a new restaurant will rent the café space.“The district as a whole is a really fantastic area that promotes the type of creativity and embraces the type of creativity that we do,” he says. “It’s the perfect home for us.” Mountain Housing Opportunities, a nonprofit focused on community development, manages the restaurant property. Cindy Weeks, rental development manager, says MHO is looking for an appropriate tenant for the space. “We’re just going to take a little time and make sure we get a good fit for the theater,” she says. “It’s been upfit as a restaurant and bar space, and it will continue as that under a new business owner.”
December 10th
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58 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
dEpARTINg ATTRACTIoNS: Owner and producer Chall Gray expects that the Magnetic Theatre will pull in guests even without the support of the adjoining bar and restaurant. Photo by Max Cooper
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 59
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send your food news to food@mountainx.com
Madison County boil Eat oysters on an island without leaving the mountains The promise of island oysters is not a cruel December joke; actually, it’s the Appalachian Oyster Bash & Seafood Boil, a fundraiser for RiverLink and the Downtown Marshall Association. The island in question is Blannahassett Island, an easily accessible landmark in the middle of the French Broad River. “It’s an ideal spot for a seafood cookout — right on the river and right in downtown Marshall,” says Dave Russell of RiverLink. The afternoon of low-country boil, local beer, oysters and live music takes place in Marshall High Studios, a former school that now houses artists. Highland, Pisgah and Natty Greene’s brewing companies will bring the beer, and Mayfel’s, Zuma Coffee of Marshall and Madison Farms will help out with the food. Oysters and other seafood will come from North Carolina CATCH and
Locals Seafood of Raleigh. Local bands Common Foundation, The Good Old Boyz, Broken Lilacs and the Dye Wells will play throughout the afternoon. Local boogie boys Screaming Js close out the event with a post-meal concert from 7 to 11 p.m. Food will be served from 1 to 7 p.m. Tickets are $6 in advance or $8 at the event. Kids 10 and under get in for free. The oysters, seafood and beer cost an additional $6, or $3 with three or more canned goods for Neighbors In Need. Proceeds from the event could flow downstream, as RiverLink works throughout the French Broad River Basin. In Asheville, the organization promotes greenways, river recreation and ecosystem health. For tickets, visit sponsor organization Hills to Holy Water at h2h2o.org.
Hello Eats & Treats, goodbye Baja Eats & Treats Café opened this month at 204 Weaverville Highway. The menu focuses mostly on dinerstyle staples: biscuits, eggs, sandwiches, wraps, burgers, hot dogs and fries, plus Hershey’s ice cream, milkshakes and sundaes. Most menu items cost less than $5. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday and breakfast and
lunch on Sundays. Baja Café, 72 Weaverville Highway, closed this week after a year in business. The owners, Walter Fogg and Celest Andrus, left a sign on the door saying they have “officially retired.” The partners owned another branch of the Baja Café in Boca Raton, Fla., which they sold a couple of months ago, according to a staff member there.
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60 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
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mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 61
Baby, it’s local outside
Get more for your local dollars with hip new card
Holiday shopping doesn’t have to mean throngs of crowds clambering for bargains amd deals. Of course you know this: You live in Asheville. You’re schooled in keeping it local. You know what it means to have a calm, friendly experience while finding the perfect something for the someones in your life. You know why it’s better to go independent and find handmade things. We’ll spare you the retelling and instead offer you some exemplary gift ideas for this year’s season. Don’t forget to check our calendar, too, for a list of holiday markets and happenings, charities in need, performance events and much more.
Find them unusual ornaments Izzy’s 2011 holiday art show was cobbled together at the last minute, says owner Ross Britton. But it worked, and brought an alternative source of paraphernalia to whatever holiday conglomerate you subscribe to. So, once more unto the breach. This year’s incarnation of Izzy’s second-annual “gifted Art Show, deluxe Edition” features small, largely ornamental works by a half-dozen Asheville artists. It’s slightly debaucherous and more original than your average ornament or thematic gift purchase. To wit: The works range from spent Pabst cans — twisted, bent and otherwise morphed into ornaments — to paintings, photographs, mirrors and small, hand-knitted pieces. All of the works are homegrown, made by Asheville artists Ryan Ashley Anderson, Liz Maire, Suzy Millions, Madd Max, Marshall Pyle and Michael Traister. Izzy’s is located at 74 N. Lexington Ave. — Kyle Sherard
Find the perfect gift, and keep the love in your community
CARLYE gATES of the Asheville City Schools Foundation shows off this year’s discount Go Local card, which offers discounts and perks at 360 area businesses. A portion of the cost of each card benefits the education program.
62 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
This year, Shift Your Shopping (shiftyourshopping.org), a campaign that represents more than 38,000 businesses across the U.S. and Canada and encourages support of local merchants, selected Asheville grown Business Alliance as an indie business champion to spotlight. Which is cool and all, but what’s really exciting is how Asheville Grown (a collective of local, independent businesses) has, well, grown. “We have 360 businesses signed on and some incredible deals,” says Franzi Charen, director of Asheville Grown. “Last year there were only 120 businesses — so we’ve tripled the number!” When she says “incredible deals,” she’s talking about the discounts and benefits offered to those who join forces with the business alliance by purchasing a Go Local card. Think of it as an annual membership to a local-only shopping club. Card holders are eligible for deals from the all around Asheville (north, south, east, west and downtown) as well as from regional service providers like Anything But Alligators! dog Walking and pet Sitting; The dirty Hoe Landscaping, Inc.; and Wingbean food-delivery service. And there are onlineonly bargains as well. “Check out the super swanky, searchable directory online,” says Charen. You’ll find this sort of steal: a free small popcorn or soda with a movie ticket purchase at fine Arts Theatre; a free rabies vaccine or nail trim for your pet at Cedar Ridge Animal Hospital and Mobile Equine Services; and 10 percent off any service at The Blue Ribbon. A card with that sort of power makes for a pretty awesome holiday gift for your favorite local shopper. Kind of like the gift that keeps on giving — and not just to the card holder, but to the local economy as well. Find the directory and purchase cards ($15) at ashevillegrown.com/go-local-card. Xpress publishes a full Asheville Grown Go Local guide in the Dec. 12 issue. — Alli Marshall
More Significant than politics, weather, or the economy:
Healing Touch Certificate Program, 18 CE’s for RN’s, LMBT’s
STRANgE fRuIT: Pieces in the Izzy’s holiday art show range from spent Pabst cans to paintings, photographs, mirrors and small, hand-knitted pieces.
January 12th-13th
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Judy Lynne Ray,
Show them how beautiful they are Liz Maier’s mirrors are works of art, simply put. They easily cross the fine line that so often separates functional craft from fine art — a desired status for many artisans. That’s not to say they aren’t meticulously crafted. Each frame is handmade and tailored to the hand-silvered mirror placed within its borders. Her techniques are rooted in the early 19th century, a “lost art” according to Maier. These pieces aren’t like the factory-made, overly flawless mirrors in your and everybody else’s homes. Some are convex and many are marked by streaks and scratches emphasized by the silvering process. They range from small ornamental pieces to 5-foot-tall works that dominate a wall. Liz’s mirrors can be purchased at lizmaier.com or via Etsy. And for the month of December, they are included in Izzy’s Holiday show. But nothing beats the seemingly retro act of visiting the artist’s space, in person, at 13 1/2 Walnut St., next to Second Gear. The shop’s open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. — Kyle Sherard
Instructor, MS, CHTI A gIfT foR THE gouRMANd: Blue Ridge Food Ventures’ Red Boxes come in four flavor profiles. Photo courtesy of BRFV
Give a bounty of local food treats Food-filled baskets and boxes might be the perfect gifts: Someone else does the wrapping, and the contents are edible and delicious, so you can be sure your friends and relatives will put them to good use. Buying for a couple? These presents are big enough for two. The Blue Ridge food Ventures Red Box comes packed with products that got their start in the company’s Candler kitchen. Boxes come in four varieties: The Hot Box, The Not Hot Box, The Sweet ’n’ Spicy Box and The Fine Flavors Box. Each set has a different flavor profile, as the names suggest. Contents include Lusty Monk Mustard, Bamboo Pickles, UliMana Chocolate, GalloLea Pizza Kits, Imladris Farm Jam, Wingbean’s Hula Girl Granola and more. The goodies come in a crisp and festive red box, and offer a great way to show off Asheville’s brilliant food scene. And they’re affordable: Small boxes include six items for $39.99, and large boxes include eight items for $49.99. Shipping costs extra, depending on location. To ship, order online at avl.mx/nr. To pick up a box at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, call 348-0130 or email mvining@awnc.org. Order by Dec. 17. Boxes will also be on sale at the BRFV holiday market, 1461 Sand Hill Road, on Wednesday, Dec. 5. Sunny point Café makes a delectably decked-out basket. It’s big enough to be an armful, and it offers gadgets for cooks, treats to eat at home and a $20 gift certificate for dining out. In addition to a cool basket — use it to store something really exciting later on— there’s a glass mixing bowl, wooden spoon, hand towel, two Sunny Point coffee mugs, Haw Creek Honey, 1 pound of organic Guatemalan coffee, Sunny Point scone mix, Imladris Farms jam and Sunny Point’s cook book, Breakfast and Beyond: Comfort Food From Dawn to Dark. Baskets cost $65. Call Sunny Point Café at 252-0055 or head to 626 Haywood Road for more information. — Emily Patrick
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mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 63
Give a gift that keeps on greening The cyclists on your list probably have all the lights, warm winter wears, tools and bike accessories they need, but you can still surprise them with a cycle-centric gift. Asheville on Bikes director Michael Sule offers several creative ideas for bicycle enthusiasts. “Those who ride the city appreciate Asheville’s expansion of multi-modal infrastructure, so give the gift that keeps on greening,” says Sule. “RiverLink offers a chance to invest in expanding local infrastructure by purchasing a deed of support for Asheville area greenways in the name someone special. Deeds can be purchased for $50 at riverlink.org/store.asp.” Or, for the bargain hunters, Sule offers this option. “Support local businesses and helmet use by giving a Bicycle Benefits sticker, which promotes safe riding and local businesses throughout the country. Those who spruce up their helmets with a Bicycle Benefits sticker receive discounts at several local shops, including Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company, The Dripolator, French Broad Chocolate Lounge and Harvest Records, among others.” Stickers can be purchased at all participating businesses. For a full list, visit bicyclebenefits.org. Finally, Sule recommends an Asheville on Bikes original. “As winter rolls in, wool socks are always appreciated. Purchase a pair of Asheville on Bikes socks for $12 to support Asheville on Bikes community rides and after school bicycle programs. This gift keeps your special cyclist’s feet warm and supports Asheville on Bikes’ outreach programs. AoB socks are manufactured by Defeet, located in North Carolina, and can be purchased at ProBikes in West Asheville.” — Dane Smith
All I want for Christmas is Ludwig
Help them become trapeze artists How many towns have a circus school? Asheville’s lucky enough to boast Toy Boat Community Art Space, which offers classes in aerial arts, trapeze maneuvers, juggling and other tricks of the carnival trade. Perfect for the youngster who wants to fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Really, perfect for kids of any age, including adults who know how to have fun like kids do. Or maybe it’s especially perfect for the adult who has forgotten, so they can remember. But don’t just take it from me, but rather the wondrous Sadye Osterloh, and heed the many exclamation marks: “Wondering what to get your kids, partners, bosses or grandparents for the Holidays? Feeling a little bit stumped? Why don’t you just get them to join the circus! You can register your loved ones for a session of circus classes! Take your pick of classes from juggling, trapeze, acrobatics, aerial silks, improv/comedy, percussion ensemble, mask-making and more!” Learn more about the classes offered at toyboatcommunityartspace.com. — Rebecca Sulock
64 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
For those whose loved ones like their music in movements, the Asheville Chamber Music Series offers a leg up on a gift in three parts. ACMS — the Lincoln Center of Asheville classical music — offers a holiday-ticket package for its remaining three concerts. Instead of $105 at $35 apiece, a bundle of Beethoven (and Bach ... and Schubert ... and Ravel) can be had and passed on for $90. The ensembles that the 60-year-old series brings to town are among the most accomplished and lauded in the country (and in some cases the world). Visit ashevillechambermusic.org for full bios on this year’s performers, as well as a list of past guests (Amadeus Quartet! Rampal!). Concerts are free for students, so if you are one, you can tag along at an even bigger discount. The first concert, on Sunday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. brings the Windscape woodwind quintet, performing their own arrangements of J.S. Bach, Maurice Ravel and Antonin Dvorák, as well as six bagatelles by Gyorgy Ligeti. Next, on Friday, March 8 at 8 p.m., the Jasper String Quartet plays works by Beethoven, Schubert and living American composer Aaron Jay Kernis. Closing the season on Friday, April 5 at 8 p.m., Trio Solsti plays Beethoven’s “Archduke” trio and others by Ernest Chausson and Joaquin Turina. The best way to ensure a vivid experience is to know what you’re listening to — as is the case with any genre. If you or your guest/recipient aren’t familiar with the programs (or with chamber concerts in general), advance listening can enliven the performances and allow for a deeper, richer connection with what the musicians are doing. SoliClassica at 1550 Hendersonville Road is the area hub for all things classical. In addition to sheet music, instrument supplies and lessons, SoliClassica offers “historic recordings and new releases of solo, chamber, orchestral, choral and operatic works,” according to its website. Call or email ahead to see if they have what you’re looking for. Think of it: tickets for the March 8 show tucked into the liner notes of a Deutsche Grammophon-issue recording of Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden” (String Quartet No. 14); passes for the April 5 concert in the card taped to a CD of Joaquin Turina’s Trio No. 2 in B minor. For more information, stop by the shop or visit soliclassica.com, where SoliClassica also maintains a calendar of local classical events. — Jaye Bartell
Gather the shopping eggs in one basket
Party planning:
A home-cooked local meal is certainly a heart- and soulwarming gift, and farms are still offering fresh foods at holiday tailgate markets. But if you’re looking for something you can wrap in festive paper while still supporting farmers, here are just a few ideas available at markets this month: Local beekeepers offer much more than honey this time of year. Wild Mountain Apiaries offers a propolis tincture for the cold season that’s said to be antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral. (Propolis is a botanical resin mixture collected by bees). Wild Mountain also offers 100-percent beeswax tea lights and hand-rolled candles, along with infused honeys. In the past, the company has experimented with flavors like lavender and hot pepper, which have been a big hit. So this year, owner Jon Christie and his family have come up with new options: vanilla and anise seed. Find Wild Mountain at Asheville City Market and the Holiday Bazaar at the North Asheville Tailgate Market. Got a cheese-head on your shopping list? Three graces dairy pulls out all the stops with Wasabi Rainbow, a brightly colored chevre coated with two types of sesame seeds and two types of seaweed. There’s also a special holiday rumraisin chevre, along with the usual chevres, bries and aged hard cheeses. Find Three Graces throughout December at Asheville City Market and the Holiday Bazaar. Looking glass Creamery also offers chevres and other soft and hard cheeses for the holidays, as well as the shelfstable Carmelita. The local caramel — the first official batch of which was finished this September — is made with local goat’s milk from Round Mountain Creamery, and one 2-gallon batch takes 10 hours to produce. Looking Glass currently offers the sweet stuff in traditional, coffee (which uses Dynamite Roasting beans) and bourbon vanilla, perfect for drizzling on pie and ice cream, or accompanying local apples. The flavors are generally sweet, but not without a savory depth, cheese-maker and Looking Glass owner Jennifer Perkins says. Find Looking Glass throughout December at the new Grow Down Home Farmers Market in Black Mountain. Carmelita can also be purchased at Early Girl Eatery and Earth Fare, as well as at the creamery’s new retail space, which is slated to open early this month. Tailgate markets also offer the chance to support the Appalachian Grown-certified food producers and artisan crafters who use local farm products when available. Here’s just a taste (pun intended) of the homemade and handcrafted: breads and other baked goods, bath products, candles, cutting boards and wooden spoons, jewelry, pickles, pottery, lotions and salves, ornaments, quilts, soaps, scarves and wreathes. — Maggie Cramer, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project
While you’re at the tailgate market, pick up a few extra jars of local jam, honey or pickles to keep around for when you need to bring a host/ hostess gift.
A word about writers’ gifts WARM ANd WELL-MAdE: Easy Knits offers wool socks crafted on an antique machine.
Ashevillle-area holiday market roundup Asheville City Market (161 South Charlotte St.), Saturdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. through Dec. 15 (reopens indoors in January) grow down Home farmers Market (105 Richardson Ave. in Black Mountain), Saturdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. through Dec. 22. Holiday Bazaar at North Asheville Tailgate Market (UNCAsheville campus), Saturdays noon-4 p.m. through Dec. 22 Madison County farmers & Artisans Market (Fiddlestix in Mars Hill), Saturdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m. through Dec. 22. Weaverville Tailgate Market (Community Center at Lake Louise), Wednesdays 2 to 6 p.m. through Dec. 19. Times and dates are subject to change; always check with individual markets. For holiday markets outside of Asheville, visit asapconnections.org or fromhere.org. — Maggie Cramer, ASAP
CARMELITA, HoLd ME TIgHTER: Looking Glass Creamery’s new caramel goes well with pie, ice cream, hard cheese and apples.
Local poet Luke Hankins (who is the editor of Poems of Devotion and takes part in the reading event for that collection at Malaprop’s on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 5 p.m.) offers up a number of suggestions for the writer on your holiday list. Surprise: the ideal gift is not necessarily a journal. “I know that it’s almost impossible to walk by these lovely volumes bound in leather or handmade paper in a bookstore and not imagine oneself or the gift recipient standing on a windblown heath somewhere in 19th-century England, scribbling away,” he says. The truth is that writing journals given to writers wind up in a stack in the corner, “or are dispersed in various nooks throughout the house, and remain there forlorn and unused due to sheer quantity.” Says Hankins, “A principle to live by is that one can certainly have too many writing journals, but one can never, never have too many books. Writers are readers, and they could not dream of continuing to write without the sustenance of the written word. My advice is to buy a writer a book that you love, one that has had a powerful effect on you. Chances are that such a book will be more meaningful to the person than a book you’ve never read but are guessing would be of interest to the recipient.” Another option: A writing class or workshop. Check out the Great Smokies Writing Program (agc.unca.edu/greatsmokies-writing-program), The Writers’ Workshop of Asheville (twwoa.org) and A-B Tech (www1.abtech.edu) among other local organizations. — Alli Marshall
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 65
SALT YouR TRouBLES AWAY: Owner Jody Appel shows the relaxing environs of Sola in downtown Asheville. Photo by Max Cooper
INVEST IN THEIR LuNCHES: Give the gift of awesome eats on the fly, part of Slow Food Asheville’s coupon book.
Put some salt in their stocking
Hand out lunchtime discounts
We’d all love to take our friends and family on a beach vacation this holiday season, but shelling out for airfare and hotels isn’t possible for many gift-givers on a budget. But you can relax in a sea of salt air at Sola: Asheville’s Therapeutic Salt Cave, 10 Eagle St. in Asheville. For $25 a session, you can enjoy 45 minutes in a cave literally made of salt. The floor, walls and ceilings are coated with a thick layer of 250-million-year-old salt; zero-gravity reclining chairs give the experience a true beach feel, minus the waves. Salt therapy is designed to promote respiratory health, relieve hypertension and reduce stress, so you can help your favorite people get healthy while they soak up the salty air. No beach vacation is complete without a cocktail, so book an afternoon session with up to 10 of your friends and, afterward, wander over to Limones Mexican and Californian cuisine for a margarita — with salt, of course. — Jen Nathan Orris
Pho and falafel make for unwieldy stocking stuffers. Luckily, Slow food Asheville has created a food truck coupon book that also raises money for a great cause. Each book contains $30 in discounts at Gypsy Queen Cuisine, Tin Can Pizzeria, Our Taco Truck, Pho Ya Belly, The Lowdown, The Venezuelan Food Truck, Ursa Minor Coffee and Flying Falafel Brothers. The cost is $15, so consider it a good investment. What else doubles your money these days? The proceeds benefit Slow Food’s projects, such as conference visits, cooking classes and oral history initiatives. Right now, Slow Food is working on providing healthy monthly dinners for young parents in the Our Circle Program, sponsored by Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry. They’re looking for volunteers to help prepare the meals. To buy a coupon book or volunteer, send an email to nsrkramer@ gmail.com. The books also can be purchased online at avl.mx/ns. — Emily Patrick
Host Your Own
KARAOKE PARTY 66 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
Helping mama to be strong, flexible, grounded, relaxed, and comfortable during this most sacred time of creating another being. Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training February 22-24, 2013 Already a yoga teacher and want to share yoga with pregnant women? This is where to begin... Both courses taught by Cat Matlock Founder, West Asheville Yoga
Prenatal Therapeutics Training March 22-24, 2013 If you are already a doula, prenatal yoga instructor, or midwife who wants greater understanding of how to quickly and effectively relieve the common discomforts of pregnancy, this is the most useful training you can take.
More info and registration at: West Asheville Yoga.com
EARTHY ANd RuSTIC: Asheville-based Shelter Protects You offers bags, wallets, belts and more, all crafted from waxed canvas, leather and fabric.
Give a handsome and roomy bag Local artist Beth Schaible of Quill and Arrow Press crafts stunning, handpressed books, cards, posters and more in her small West Asheville studio. The work is both classic and modern, a reflection of the decades-old equipment used to create it and the artist’s digital background in graphic design. And while the eclectic works offer something for just about anyone (check them out at bethschaible. com), Schaible has a holiday gift idea of her own. “A hand-built bag from Shelter Protects You is exquisitely crafted and combines waxed canvas, leather and fabric in a really handsome way,” says Schaible. Plus, they’re “roomy enough to carry all of the essentials and my oversized sketchbook that I can’t leave at home.” Shelter Protects You offers earthy, rustic creations (bags, wallets, belts and more) at shelterprotectsyou.com. — Dane Smith
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 67
arts x music
First time, local students. All levels welcome!
BRAND NEW STUDIO Automatic Fresh Air Exchange on C02 sensors • Custom Antibacterial Yoga Mat Flooring • Far Infrared Radiant Heat Childcare Available for Certain Classes
River Ridge Plaza, 802 Fairview Rd.
Slightly Dysfunctional People Pleasers
Where the locals of Asheville go for a comfortable, family atmosphere! Try our Fish & Chips made with French Broad Brewery beer!
Justin Ray's composition, “Casanova and Cleopatra,” evolved out of a three things: fantasy, experimentation and vacillation. “It’s a musical suite inspired by an imagined romance between two of history’s most infamous lovers,” says Ray. To Xpress, he admits, “I knew I wanted to combine jazz elements and string quartet elements, and I actually got a grant from the Arts Council to do that. I knew I had to get it done in a time frame.” But the creative impetus wasn’t flowing. Half-joking, Ray told himself he should write about indecision, out of which a theme emerged. “It was about love and inspiration. And who’s an historically indecisive lover? Casanova.” When Ray decided to pair the legendary Italian adventurer with someone who “equaled his guile,” Cleopatra came to mind. The resulting work for jazz and strings sees Ray both in his element (the local trumpet player is in stephaniesid, performs regularly at the Hard Bop Explosion jazz nights and contributes to any number of local projects) and expanding his reach. At his Dec. 12 concert (the fulfillment of his requirement to the N.C. Arts Council grant), Ray will lead both jazz and classical musicians through the mash-up composition. Ray took “the requisite piano lesson” when he was 6 or 7, and played low brass in middle school, before getting serious about the trumpet at 16 when he “found a teacher who was really inspiring and gave me a lot of music I liked listening to.” He completed a music education degree at Berklee College of Music and a master's degree at University of Southern California in Los Angeles. It was while in L.A. that some of Ray’s friends auditioned for Michael Bublé’s big band. When those friends landed the gig, they recommended Ray. “Initially I thought it was going to be a week, then I thought it was going to be a summer tour,” he says. “It turned into nine and a half years.” Touring with the Grammy-winning singer comes in bursts: five or six weeks on and two or three weeks off for a year, but then lots of downtime between albums. Ray had relocated to New York, but he was looking to leave that city. When his friend and Bublé bandmate, baritone saxophone player Jacob Rodriguez (who had
Located at 30 Lodge St. in the Historic Train Depot in Biltmore Village * Mon-Sat 11am – 1am * * Sun 12pm – 1am *
The Justin Ray Quintet with Strings
WHERE The Altamont Theatre
WHEN Wednesday, Dec. 12. (8 p.m., $10. myaltamont.com)
68 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
mood music: Trumpet player Justin Ray says love, inspiration and indecision inspired his composition “Casanova and Cleopatra.” He created the suite with a grant from the Arts Council. Photo by Frank Zipperer attended a Brevard College summer program) started talking up WNC, Ray decided to check it out. Four years ago, both he and Rodriguez made Asheville their home. While there’s not the sort of jazz scene he was part of in L.A. and N.Y., the trumpet player finds “there’s an expectation of things happening here at a high level.” Both he and Rodriguez regularly bring world-class jazz to local stages; “Casanova and Cleopatra” promises to further raise the bar. The composition works off two themes, one for each of the iconic lovers. “There’s a part in the beginning and a part in the end that are the overviews of the world in which they’re existing,” says Ray. “From that point, I tried to manipulate those themes with different textures and different tempos, different keys. Putting them together and pulling them apart.” He explains that when each character is initially introduced, it’s through a strings arrangement: “It’s a more intimate way of presenting it, so people can get acquainted with it.” With both the jazz and orchestral parts of the program, “I’m definitely trying to exploit the different registers of those instruments to be masculine or feminine,” says Ray.
He also points out there’s precedent for this marriage of jazz and string quartets (“All the melody and harmony is based in music history — I borrowed a lot from Ravel and Debussy in regard to how the strings are voiced; and then the jazz parts are very Miles Davis and Art Blakey. I’m squashing those two things together”). But ultimately, even with Ray’s educational background, the composition process was a lot of trial and error. One part of the program that’s still a work in process: When the audience should clap. At jazz shows, fans usually applaud after solos; during classical concerts the audience may not clap until the end of the program. But too much clapping is a good problem to have. If in doubt, save it up for the second set during which Ray will perform music from his self-titled solo debut and his newest effort, Love Songs, with the Justin Ray Quintet (Rodriguez, Bill Bares on piano, Zack Page on bass and Michael Davis on drums). And there might be a new jazz piece to premiere. Says Ray, “It will be a whole night of original music.” X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@mountainx.com.
Mark Rothko, American (born Russia), 1903−1970, No. 8, 1949, oil and mixed media on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington. Gift of The Mark Rothko Foundation, Inc. 1986.43.147. © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
On View through January 6
1515 Main Street, Columbia, SC | 803.799.2810
columbiamuseum.org This exhibition is organized by the Arkansas Art Center, the Columbia Museum of Art, the Columbus Museum of Art and the Denver Art Museum, in conjunction with the National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Coming to the CMA on January 25:
Join now to see it free! Plus, get exlusive access to the opening party. Now booking group tours. Reserve yours at 803.343.2163.
Claude Monet, French, 1840–1926, Port of Dieppe, Evening, 1882, oil on canvas, Collection of the Dixon Gallery and Gardens; Gift of Montgomery H.W. Ritchie.
Presented by:
Organized by the Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Memphis. Presented by
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 69
smartbets feral Chihuahuas
Pierce Edens “For two nights in a row, Thursday and Friday, y’all can come and be part of a grand Dirty Work experiment in throwing down, boot scuffing, hooting, hollering and general tomfoolery that is commonly referred to as rocking and rolling.” So says local singer-songwriter Pierce Edens, the guy whose band (The Dirty Work) will be performing for a live concert DVD. Edens recently released his self-titled Americana/rock album (recorded in his childhood home, which he remodeled into a studio). Be part of history on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 6 and 7 at the Lab. 9:30 p.m. nightly, $5. pierceedens.com.
Yonrico scott There’s a lot more to Yonrico Scott than his tenure as one of the percussionists for The Derek Trucks Band. He’s also a record producer and songwriter in his own right, and leads his ensemble the Yonrico Scott Band. If all of that wasn’t enough, Scott is also a visual artist, creating work for albums, backdrops and drumheads (view examples at yonricoscott.net/Art.htm). On Friday, Dec. 7, Scott showcases both his music and visual art during a special event at Pisgah Brewery. He’ll perform songs from his latest album, Be In My World, at 7 p.m. during a gallery opening (his work will remain on display throughout the month of December). A full-band performance follows at 9 p.m. $7. pisgahbrewing.com.
70 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
The end of the world has been in process for some time, according to local comedy troupe The Feral Chihuahuas. They started the countdown to doomsday back in February with The Chihuacolypse — Harbinger 1: Rise of the ‘Stache. And now, with Dec. 21 just around the corner the Chihuahuas are back with The Chihuacolypse — Harbinger 2: Boy Bands Strike Back!. Here, ‘90s band The Douche Boys reunite for “a unique performance full of ridiculous outfits and comedic choreography.” Say the sketch comedy artists, “The coming Chihuacolypse has strong ties to boy bands and it was even written of in the ancient prophetic text ‘The Chipocrypha.’” Shows are held at the BeBe Theatre on Friday, Dec. 7, 8 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 8 at 7 and 9:30 p.m. $12. feralchihuahuas.com.
Jessica Lea mayfield & David mayfield Both Jessica Lea Mayfield and David Mayfield are frequent visitors to Asheville. Both have played Bele Chere (she in ‘11, he this past summer). Both have connections to the Black Keys. And they’ve even toured together — David played bass in Jessica’s band (he’s a good big brother; it was in his bedroom that she recorded her debut EP). But now they’re actually sharing a bill. The two very different musical acts (she’s Americana-noir; he’s superenergetic roots-rock) are calling it The Sibling Rivalry Tour. The dueling Mayfields play The Grey Eagle on Saturday, Dec. 8. 9 p.m., $15. T. Hardy Morris opens. thegreyeagle.com.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 71
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
WEDNEsDAY, DEC. 5 ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Karaoke, 9pm bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Open mic, 7pm
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
30% OFF
cREEkSiDE tAphOuSE Open mic, 9pm DiRtY SOuth LOuNgE Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am EMERALD LOuNgE Elk Tracks (Americana) w/ Dean Johanesen & Futur Primitif, 9pm fRED'S SpEAkEASY SOuth Diggypop Malone & Big Dave album release party (hip-hop), 10pm gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm hARRAh'S chEROkEE Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm JAck Of thE WOOD pub Old-time jam, 4pm LExiNgtON AvE bREWERY (LAb) Back stage: Les Femmes Mystique (burlesque), 8pm LObStER tRAp The Krektones (surf, rockabilly), 7pm NAtivE kitchEN & SOciAL pub Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm OLivE OR tWiSt Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm ONE StOp DELi & bAR Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6pm Soul/jazz jam, 11pm phOENix LOuNgE Jazz night, 8pm RED StAg gRiLL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm StRAightAWAY cAfE Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Open mic/jam, 7pm thE bYWAtER DJ Malinali, 10pm tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES The Hard Bop Explosion (jazz, funk), 8:30pm vANuAtu kAvA bAR Open mic, 9pm WhitE hORSE David Troy Francis & Simone Vigilante (holiday songs), 7:30pm WiLD WiNg cAfE Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 7:30pm
Where Adult Dreams Come True • • OPEN 7 DAYS • •
SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250
2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)
ADAM DALtON DiStiLLERY Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Dance night, 10pm AShEviLLE MuSic hALL Lee Fields & the Expressions (soul, R&B) w/
front porch pickin’: Claire Lynch, former frontwoman of the Front Porch String Band, is a Grammy-nominated bluegrass songwriter whose vocals have appeared on albums by country and bluegrass legends like Emmylou Harris, Dolly Parton and Ralph Stanley. Lynch and her new band visit Asheville for the inaugural performance at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall on Friday, Dec. 7.
72 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
BEER & BURGER $5 burger with fries ½ Off draft Bud Light and Yuengling
LIVE BLUEGRASS JAM with Locals! 6:30pm $4 House Margaritas $1.50 Pork Tacos
$3 single liquor well drinks Open Mic
$4 Shots, Bombs, Barrels
COLLEGE FOOTBALL! $10 Buckets • $5 Sangrias $5 Pork Nachos
NFL SUNDAY TICKET! $6 Bloody Marys $4.50 Mimosas $10 Bucket Specials $1.50 Pork Tacos
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 73
Sidney Barnes & the Secret B-Sides, 9pm bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE David Earl Duo (folk rock, soul), 9pm bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Mark Bumgarner (Americana, bluegrass, country), 7pm
SOuthERN AppALAchiAN bREWERY Nitrograss (progressive bluegrass), 7pm
cLub hAiRSpRAY Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight
Joe Hallock (Americana), 6pm
tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Asheville music showcase, 8pm
ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-along), 9:30pm-1am
ONE StOp DELi & bAR Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm
thE ALtAMONt thEAtER Sexy Santa Party feat: Reasonably Priced Babies (Asheville Affiliate benefit), 6-9pm
bOiLER ROOM Dancing Divas (drag performance), 10pm ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-along), 9pm-1am EMERALD LOuNgE Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam, 9pm gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN The John Cowan Band (newgrass), 8:30pm gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:307:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm hARRAh'S chEROkEE Karaoke, 8pm-midnight JAck Of hEARtS pub Old-time jam, 7pm JAck Of thE WOOD pub No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm LObStER tRAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
thE bYWAtER Juan Benavides (flamenco), 9pm
EMERALD LOuNgE Reggae rock tour feat: Treehouse, Sundried Vibes, Of Good Nature & Jay D Clark, 9pm
thOMAS WOLfE AuDitORiuM Willie Nelson (outlaw country, singersongwriter) w/ Lukas Nelson, 7:30pm
fiREStORM cAfE AND bOOkS Draggin' through the Decades of Divas (drag, pop hits), 7pm
tiMO'S hOuSE Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 8pm-2am
fRENch bROAD chOcOLAtE LOuNgE High Gravity Jazz, 8pm
tOWN puMp Megan Jean (honky-tonk), 9pm
gEt DOWN Cusses (hard rock), 9:30pm
tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am
gOOD Stuff Old-time jam, 7pm
tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Female artist spotlight, 9pm
gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Tara Nevins of Donna the Buffalo (roots, folk, Americana), 9pm
WhitE hORSE Buncombe County Rescue Squad benefit w/ Crooked Pine and The Gentlemen & Joshua, 6pm
NEO cANtiNA Dan Shearin (folk, pop)
ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm
OLivE OR tWiSt Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm
AShEviLLE MuSic hALL Sol Driven Train (rock, soul) w/ Dangermuffin, 10pm
ONE StOp DELi & bAR Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm
AShEviLLE MuSic SchOOL pERfORMANcE LOft Tribute to Wes Montgomery w/ Michael Jefrey Stevens & Geary Moore (jazz), 7:30pm
ORANgE pEEL Make-a-Wish Foundation benefit phOENix LOuNgE CarolinaBound (Americana, folk), 8pm piSgAh bREWiNg cOMpANY Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Stereofidelics (indie, rock), 8pm puRpLE ONiON cAfE One Leg Up (jazz), 7:30pm
AthENA'S cLub Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am biER gARDEN DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE Redleg Husky (folk, Americana), 9pm
RED StAg gRiLL Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm
bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Big Ben & the Clocktowers (jazz, swing), 7pm
SOuth SiDE StAtiON Karaoke, 8pm
cLub ELEvEN ON gROvE First Fridays w/ DJ Jam, 9pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pm-midnight hARRAh'S chEROkEE Saloon Five & DJ Gallo, 8pm-2am hAvANA REStAuRANt Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm highLAND bREWiNg cOMpANY Mary Johnson Rockers & the Spark (Americana, folk rock), 6pm hOtEL iNDigO Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/ flamenco guitar), 7-10pm iSiS REStAuRANt AND MuSic hALL The Claire Lynch Band (Americana, bluegrass), 9pm
familiar themes: NPR composer B.J. Leiderman, who’s responsible for the theme music to public radio staples like Morning Edition, Marketplace and Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me, hosts a holiday variety show with an eclectic mix of local talent at White Horse Black Mountain on Sunday, Dec. 9.
Full Bar
An Acoustic Americana Experience
Limited tables available with full dinner reservations
9pm • $18 Advance / $20 at the Door
with Enormous, 8pm/Free
mon 12/10 JON STICKLEY TRIO 8pm/Free X_AVL: SkyTree - Aligning Minds 12/15 EarthCry - Cratedigital - Futexture 7pm / $10 advance / $15 door
74 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
JAck Of thE WOOD pub Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 4pm Michelle Malone (blues, rock) w/ Shake It Like a Caveman (garage rock, blues, one-man band), 9pm LObStER tRAp Calico Moon (Americana, country), 7pm MONtE viStA hOtEL
Open 7 Days/Week
JAck Of hEARtS pub Jackomo (Cajun, zydeco) w/ Hearts Gone South, 9pm
O.hENRY'S/tug DJ Abu Disarray & DJ Champale, 10pm
ORANgE pEEL Killswitch Engage (metal) w/ Shadows Fall & Acaro, 8pm pAck'S tAvERN The Sloantones (rock, bluegrass, funk), 9pm phOENix LOuNgE Letters to Abigail (bluegrass, country), 8pm piSgAh bREWiNg cOMpANY Yonrico Scott Band (blues, funk, soul), 9pm RED StAg gRiLL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm ScANDALS NightcLub Zumba holiday party, 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am SOuthERN AppALAchiAN bREWERY The Krektones (surf, rockabilly, garage), 8pm StRAightAWAY cAfE Dave Turner (jazz/pop piano), 6pm tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Jarvis Jenkins (rock, jam), 9:30pm thE bYWAtER Pleasure Chest (rock, soul), 9pm tOWN puMp Wink Keziah (honky-tonk, Southern rock), 9pm tOY bOAt cOMMuNitY ARt SpAcE Ricky Boone (magic), 8pm tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Peggy Ratusz & Daddy Longlegs (blues), 10pm vANuAtu kAvA bAR Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient, improv), 9pm WALL StREEt cOffEE hOuSE Open mic, 9pm WhitE hORSE Donna Ulisse Christmas concert, 7:30pm WiLD WiNg cAfE Radio Cult (rock), 9:30pm
AthENA'S cLub Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
EMERALD LOuNgE The Luxury Spirit (indie rock) w/ dep, 9pm fRENch bROAD chOcOLAtE LOuNgE Gypsy Swingers (jazz, swing), 8pm
hOtEL iNDigO Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm JAck Of hEARtS pub Letters to Abigail (old-time, Americana), 9pm JAck Of thE WOOD pub Southbound Turnaround ("outlaw honkytonk") w/ Parodi Kings, 9pm
biER gARDEN DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am
gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Jessica Lea Mayfield & David Mayfield (Americana, indie, folk rock) w/ T. Hardy Morris, 9pm
bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE You Knew Me When (singer-songwriter), 9pm
gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm
LObStER tRAp Big Nasty Jazz Band, 7pm
bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Rock Science, 7pm
hARRAh'S chEROkEE Contagious (rock) w/ DJ Moto, 8pm-2am
MONtE viStA hOtEL Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm
Music Schedules Wednesday, December 5th BROWN BAG SONGRWITING COMPETITION $3FREE6pmtoto- enter watch ALL AGES! Hosted by Amanda Platt & Alex Krug
11pm SOUL JAZZ JAM FREE! hosted by Preston Cate 21+
Thursday, December 6th
Brews, Bluegrass, & BBQ 5-8pm FREE! feat. Kendall Huntley & the $1 PBRs
Barnes 9pm LEE FIELDS & THE Sidney backed by The $12/$15 Bubonik Funk EXPRESSIONS Secret B-Sides 21+ GENIASS PRESENTS:
Friday, December 7th FREE DEAD FRIDAYS
SOL DRIVEN TRAIN Dangermuffin with
9pm $10/$12 21+
wed. december 5
Les Femmes mystique 8Pm thu. december 6
Pierce edens
and the dirty work night 1 oF 2 - 9:30Pm FrI. december 7
Pierce edens
and the dirty work night 2 oF 2 - 9:30Pm SAt. december 8
through the FaLLen, temPtation’s wings & greevace 9:30Pm
Saturday, December 8th
Bluegrass Brunch 11am Live Music with Jay Franck (of Sanctum Sully) & Friends
AShEviLLE MuSic SchOOL pERfORMANcE LOft Gabrielle Tee (singer-songwriter) CD release party, 4:30pm
ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am
hAvANA REStAuRANt Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm
ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm
cLub hAiRSpRAY Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight
Rankin vault 254-4993 Red stag Grill at the Grand bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rendezvous 926-0201 Root bar No.1 299-7597 scandals Nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s After Dark 253-2155 southern Appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static Age Records 254-3232 stingRays 926-4100 straightaway Cafe 669-8856 TallGary’s Cantina 232-0809 Rocky’s Hot Chicken shack 575-2260 Thirsty monk south 505-4564 Timo’s House 575-2886 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 Treasure Club 290-1400 Treasure keepers 505-7800 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 Wall street Coffee House 252-2535 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066
The Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Harrah’s Cherokee 497-7777 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Highland brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 The Hop 254-2224 The Hop West 252-5155 Iron Horse station 622-0022 Isis Restaurant & music Hall 575-2737 Jack of Hearts Pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus One more 253-8770 Lexington Avenue brewery 252-0212 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 The Lower Level 505-8333 Luella’s bar-b-Que 505-RIBS mack kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 The magnetic field 257-4003 mike’s side Pocket 281-3096 monte vista Hotel 669-8870 One stop bar Deli & bar 255-7777 O.Henry’s/TUG 254-1891 The Orange Peel 225-5851 Pack’s Tavern 225-6944 Pisgah brewing Co. 669-0190 Pulp 225-5851 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179
The Chop House 253-1852 The Corner 575-2449 Craggie brewing Company 254-0360 Creature’s Cafe 254-3636 Creekside Taphouse 575-2880 Adam Dalton Distillery 367-6401 Dark City Deli 257-5300 Desoto Lounge 986-4828 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dirty south Lounge 251-1777 Dobra Tea Room 575-2424 The Dugout 692-9262 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge 232- 4372 firestorm Cafe 255-8115 fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 french broad brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 french broad Chocolate Lounge 252-4181 The Gateway Club 456-6789 Get Down 505-8388 Good stuff 649-9711 Grey Eagle music Hall & Tavern 232-5800 Grind Cafe 430-4343 Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn (Elaine’s Piano bar/ Great Hall) 252-2711
185 king street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine bar 253-2593 Altamont brewing Company 575-2400 The Altamont Theatre 348-5327 Aqua Cafe & bar 505-2081 ARCADE 258-1400 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 The Asheville Public (TAP) 505-1720 Asheville music Hall 255-7777 Athena’s Club 252-2456 Avery Creek Pizza & Ribs 687-2400 barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 bier Garden 285-0002 black mountain Ale House 669-9090 blend Hookah Lounge 505-0067 blue mountain Pizza 658-8777 blue Note Grille 697-6828 boiler Room 505-1612 bobo Gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 The bywater 232-6967 Club Hairspray 258-2027 Club metropolis 258-2027 Club Remix 258-2027
10pm MAKAYAN $5 Arctic Fox 21+
Sunday, December 9th
Bluegrass Brunch 11am
hosted by The Pond Brothers Open Jam! Bring your instruments! Tuesday, December 11th
TWO FOR TUESDAY 8pm Waller & The Old Way $2 - ALL AGES! DJ Adam Strange spins afterwards til 11pm!
FUNK JAM! FREE! 11pm NOW UPSTAIRS IN ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL! More information & Advance Tickets available always at
an Evening with
THu 12/6
FrI 12/7
of Donna the Buffalo 9pm
SaT 12/8
SuN 12/9
The Sibling rivalry Tour 9pm
w/ Drunken Prayer 8pm
New Years Eve with The Hackensaw Boys Menomena | Camper Van Beethoven | Fishbone John Spencer Blues Explosion | Iris Dement Kitchen Open for Brunch & Lunch from 10am - 3pm Mon - Fri & for Dinner at 5pm on Nights of a Show!
LExiNgtON AvE bREWERY (LAb) Back stage: Through the Fallen (hard rock, metal) w/ Temptation's Wings & Greevance, 9:30pm
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 75
O.hENRY'S/tug DJ Xel, 10pm OLivE OR tWiSt 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm ONE StOp DELi & bAR Makayan (rock, jam, electronic) w/ Arctic Fox, 10pm ORANgE pEEL Carolina Chocolate Drops (old-time, traditional folk) w/ The Two Man Gentleman Band, 9pm
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MONtE viStA hOtEL Jared Gallamore (standards), 11am ONE StOp DELi & bAR Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am SOuthERN AppALAchiAN bREWERY Ellen Trnka (singer-songwriter), 5pm thE bYWAtER Pierce Edens (roots, alt-country), 7pm
pAck'S tAvERN Nitrograss (newgrass, jam), 9pm
tiMO'S hOuSE DJ Jet (hip-hop), 8pm-2am
phOENix LOuNgE Bradford Carson (rock, jam), 8pm
WhitE hORSE Grateful Steps Foundation benefit (music, comedy, authors), 2pm Holiday variety show w/ NPR Theme Composer BJ Leiderman, David LaMotte, The Screaming J's & more, 7:30pm
piSgAh bREWiNg cOMpANY Campfire Reverends (Americana, blues), 9pm puRpLE ONiON cAfE The Deluge (Americana, soul), 8pm RED StAg gRiLL Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm ROOt bAR NO. 1 Blue Ribbon Healers (old-time, jazz, honkytonk), 8pm ScANDALS NightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Contra dance, 8pm iSiS REStAuRANt AND MuSic hALL Jon Stickley Trio (acoustic), 8pm
SOuthERN AppALAchiAN bREWERY The Stipe Brothers' ugly sweater Christmas show (pop rock), 8pm
phOENix LOuNgE Howie Johnson Trio (rock, jam), 9pm thE bYWAtER Bluegrass jam, 8pm
tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Carolina Rex (blues, funk, R&B), 9:30pm
tiMO'S hOuSE Timo's Eclectic Stew (multi-genre open jam), 8pm-2am
thE bYWAtER What It Is (jazz, funk), 9pm
tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am
tOWN puMp Honeybone (rock), 9pm
tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Swing w/ Russ Wilson & his band, 8pm
tOY bOAt cOMMuNitY ARt SpAcE Mary Johnson Rockers & the Spark (Americana, folk rock) w/ Hearts Gone South (honky-tonk), 8pm
tiMO'S hOuSE DJ dance party (house, electro, hip-hop), 8pm-2am tOLLivER'S cROSSiNg iRiSh pub Trivia, 8:30pm tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Karaoke, 9:30pm WEStviLLE pub Blues jam, 10pm WhitE hORSE Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm WiLD WiNg cAfE Karaoke, 9:30pm
WEDNEsDAY, DEC. 12 bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE Karaoke, 9pm
LObStER tRAp Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 7pm
StRAightAWAY cAfE Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm
thE bYWAtER Open mic, 9pm
SMOkEY'S AftER DARk Karaoke, 10pm
tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am
WiLD WiNg cAfE Football trivia
ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Karaoke, 9pm bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Open mic, 7pm cREEkSiDE tAphOuSE Open mic, 9pm DiRtY SOuth LOuNgE Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am EMERALD LOuNgE Fifth on the Floor (honky-tonk, outlaw country) w/ Blue Jeans & Khaki Pants, 9pm gOOD Stuff The Old Way (Americana, bluegrass), 6:30pm gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm hARRAh'S chEROkEE Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm JAck Of thE WOOD pub Old-time jam, 4pm
tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Crybaby feat: Chuck Lichtenberger and Stephanie Morgan, 10pm
AShEviLLE MuSic hALL Funk jam, 11pm
WEStviLLE pub East Coast Dirt (rock), 10pm
bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, rock), 7pm
WhitE hORSE Holiday Homecoming benefit feat: Every Mother's Dream, The Wardens & more, 7pm
cLub ELEvEN ON gROvE Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance w/ The Low Down Sires, 8:30pm
WiLD WiNg cAfE Green Vegas (rock), 9:30pm
cREEkSiDE tAphOuSE Old-time jam, 6:30pm
OLivE OR tWiSt Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm
EMERALD LOuNgE Dylan LeBlanc (Americana, rock) w/ Matrimony, 9pm
ONE StOp DELi & bAR Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6pm Soul/jazz jam, 11pm
gOOD Stuff Old-time jam, 7pm
ORANgE pEEL Halestrom (hard rock) w/ In This Moment & Eve To Adam, 7:30pm
sUNDAY, DEC. 9 ALtAMONt bREWiNg cOMpANY Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 5:30pm bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7pm
gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm
bOiLER ROOM Goth/punk revue (drag performance), 10pm
hANDLEbAR Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard bluegrass jam, 8:30pm
EMERALD LOuNgE Journey4Youth benefit w/ Brian Ernst & Paul Cataldo (singer-songwriters), 9pm
iSiS REStAuRANt AND MuSic hALL Nicky Sanders (bluegrass), 9pm
gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Richard Buckner (singer-songwriter) w/ Drunken Prayer (folk rock, Americana), 8pm
LObStER tRAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm NAtivE kitchEN & SOciAL pub Trivia, 7pm
gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon
OLivE OR tWiSt Bluedawg blues jam, 8-11pm
hOtEL iNDigO Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm
ONE StOp DELi & bAR Two for Tuesday feat: Waller & The Old Way, 8pm DJ Adam Strange, 10pm
iSiS REStAuRANt AND MuSic hALL E. Normous Trio (experimental jazz), 8pm JAck Of thE WOOD pub Irish session, 5pm Desert Noises (indie rock) w/ Not in the Face, 10pm LObStER tRAp
76 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm
LExiNgtON AvE bREWERY (LAb) Back stage: Karma to Burn (stoner rock) w/ Delicious, 9:30pm LObStER tRAp Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, electronics), 7pm NAtivE kitchEN & SOciAL pub Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm
phOENix LOuNgE Keturah's birthday jam, 7pm RED StAg gRiLL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm StRAightAWAY cAfE Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Open mic/jam, 7pm thE ALtAMONt thEAtER Justin Ray Quintet (jazz), 8pm thE bYWAtER Fondue Fundu (Toys for Tots benefit feat: Dulci Ellenberger and Dan Shearin), 7pm tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am
phOENix LOuNgE Paul Jones (classical/jazz guitar), 8pm
tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Wendy Hayes & Three for Time (jazz, blues), 8:30pm
ScuLLY'S Daughters of Atlantis (acoustic rock), 10pm
vANuAtu kAvA bAR Open mic, 9pm
thE ALtAMONt thEAtER Ron Brendle (jazz bass), 8pm
WiLD WiNg cAfE Brie Capone, 7:30pm
same funny, new room: After a several-years-long Wednesday night residency at Athena’s, the Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge is moving on … up the street. As of Nov. 28, the popular comedy open mic will call the Dirty South Lounge home every Wednesday. Regulars need not fear: The longstanding policy of “never charging sober people a cover at the door” will continue, according to organizers. LObStER tRAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
tiMO'S hOuSE Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 8pm2am
ADAM DALtON DiStiLLERY Bass in Yo Face (electronic, dub), 10pm
NEO cANtiNA The Caribbean Cowboys (tropical rock)
tOWN puMp Paul Shimmel (singer-songwriter), 9pm
ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Dance night, 10pm
OLivE OR tWiSt Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm
tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am
bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE David Earl Duo (folk rock, soul), 9pm
ONE StOp DELi & bAR Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm Chachille (hip-hop) TC Izlam, Infinite Wisdom & Noctuo, 10pm
tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Peggy Ratusz blues showcase, 9pm
bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Paul Cataldo (Americana), 7pm bOiLER ROOM Showcast Impersonations (drag performance), 10pm ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am gOOD Stuff Fifth on the Floor (roots, rock), 7pm gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Found Magazine's 10th anniversary tour w/ Davy & Peter Rothbart, 8pm gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm hARRAh'S chEROkEE Karaoke, 8pm-midnight JAck Of hEARtS pub Old-time jam, 7pm JAck Of thE WOOD pub No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm
ORANgE pEEL Holiday Jam XII feat: Sons of Ralph, Mike Barnes & more, 8pm phOENix LOuNgE Garry Segal (Americana), 8pm piSgAh bREWiNg cOMpANY Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Shane Pruitt Band & friends (blues, Southern rock), 9pm puRpLE ONiON cAfE Scoot Pitman (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm RED StAg gRiLL Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm SOuth SiDE StAtiON Karaoke, 8pm tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Asheville music showcase, 8pm thE ALtAMONt thEAtER "Harm for the Holidays: Memoirs of a Hallmarked Man" (comedy, theater), 8pm
WhitE hORSE Full Moon Wolfdog Rescue benefit, 7:30pm
fRIDAY, DEC. 14 ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm AShEviLLE MuSic hALL Enter the Earth Christmas party feat: Papa Mali, Ike Stubblefield & more, 10pm AthENA'S cLub Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am biER gARDEN DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE Pierce Edens (roots, alt-country), 9pm bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Erin & Maris (BMP employee show), 7pm bOiLER ROOM Bobby F'n White w/ Crazyhorse and
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 77
Colston (hip-hop), 9pm
Live music, 9:30pm
cLub ELEvEN ON gROvE WestSound Red & Black Ball, 9pm
thE ALtAMONt thEAtER "Harm for the Holidays: Memoirs of a Hallmarked Man" (comedy, theater), 8 & 10pm
cLub hAiRSpRAY Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am EMERALD LOuNgE Christmas Jam pre-party w/ The Lonely H, Radiolucent, Grandpa’s Stash & The Goodness Graceful, 9pm
Asheville’s Original Tiki Bar
Eclectic Island Cuisine served late night!
Drink Specials:
tOWN puMp Matt Walsh & the Low Counts (roots, Americana), 9pm tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Jim Arrendell & the Cheap Suits (dance), 10pm
hARRAh'S chEROkEE Fortunate Sons w/ DJ Dizzy, 8pm-2am hAvANA REStAuRANt Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm hOtEL iNDigO Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm iSiS REStAuRANt AND MuSic hALL XAVL (multimedia & electronic music event), 7pm JAck Of hEARtS pub Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 9pm
gOOD Stuff The Zoodles (Americana), 8pm
vANuAtu kAvA bAR Seraphim Arkistra (electro-acoustic, ambient, improv), 9pm
JAck Of thE WOOD pub Christmas Jam by day w/ The Kevn Kinney All-Star Acoustic Jam, noon-5pm Woody Pines (ragtime, country, blues), 9pm
gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Mount Moriah (gospel, folk, rock, country) w/ His Golden Messenger, 9pm
WALL StREEt cOffEE hOuSE Open mic, 9pm
LObStER tRAp Sean Mason Jazz, 7pm
gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pmmidnight
WhitE hORSE ArtSpace Charter School benefit, 7:30pm
MONtE viStA hOtEL Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm
WiLD WiNg cAfE Contagious (rock), 9:30pm
O.hENRY'S/tug DJ Xel, 10pm
3.00 fireball shots every night Mon $5 Painkillers Tues 2.50 Drafts and Highballs Wed 4.00 J liquors Thurs 3.00 micro/import bottles Fri $5 Jager bombs Sat $5 Tiki Bombs Super Sunday ALL the week’s specials in one night
hARRAh'S chEROkEE Hoss Howard (country) w/ DJ Suave, 8pm2am
JAck Of thE WOOD pub Christmas Jam by day w/ The Kevn Kinney All-Star Acoustic Jam, noon-5pm Crushed Out (honky-tonk, surf rock) w/ Shake It Like a Caveman (garage rock, blues, one-man band), 9pm
AthENA'S cLub Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
87 Patton Ave., Asheville 4pm – 2am
LExiNgtON AvE bREWERY (LAb) Back stage: Wilhelm McKay (roots, folk rock) w/ Skunk Ruckus & Michael McFarland, 9:30pm
bLAck MOuNtAiN ALE hOuSE Dance party & ugly sweater contest w/ DJ Munn, 9pm
hAvANA REStAuRANt Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm hOtEL iNDigO Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm JAck Of hEARtS pub Locust Honey (old-time), 9pm
LObStER tRAp Stuart McNair (country, bluegrass, rock, zydeco), 7pm MONtE viStA hOtEL Alarm Clock Duo (folk), 6pm O.hENRY'S/tug DJ XO, 10pm ONE StOp DELi & bAR Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm pAck'S tAvERN A Social Function (rock/dance hits), 9pm phOENix LOuNgE The Black Live Redemption (bluegrass), 8pm RED StAg gRiLL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm ScANDALS NightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am StRAightAWAY cAfE Duke, 6pm tALLgARY'S cANtiNA
ALLStARS SpORtS bAR AND gRiLL Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm AShEviLLE MuSic hALL Christmas Jam by Day w/ Anders Osborne, The Revivalists, The Lee Boys & more, 1pm Cappadona (of Wu Tang Clan) w/ Jon Farmer, B-Free, J. Youngin & DJ Ra Mak, 10pm
biER gARDEN DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am
bLuE MOuNtAiN piZZA cAfE Mark Bumgarner (Americana, bluegrass, country), 7pm bOiLER ROOM Figurehead, Neck Breaka Society & Claybourne (metal, hip-hop), 9pm
OLivE OR tWiSt 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm pAck'S tAvERN DJ Moto (dance, pop), 9pm phOENix LOuNgE Wilhelm McKay (folk rock), 8pm puRpLE ONiON cAfE Chuck Beattie Band (blues), 8pm RED StAg gRiLL Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm ScANDALS NightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am SMOkEY'S AftER DARk Karaoke, 10pm StRAightAWAY cAfE Lyric (funk, soul, R&B), 6pm tALLgARY'S cANtiNA Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm tOWN puMp The Enlightened Rogues (rock, blues), 9pm tREASuRE cLub DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am
cLub hAiRSpRAY Dance party w/ DJ Lil Roo (dance, hiphop), 8pm Drag show, midnight
tRESSA'S DOWNtOWN JAZZ AND bLuES Al "Coffee" McDaniel (blues, soul, R&B), 10pm
ELAiNE'S DuELiNg piANO bAR Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am
u.S. cELLuLAR ARENA Warren Haynes' Christmas Jam feat: The Blind Boys of Alabama, Sheryl Crow, String Cheese Incident, Warren Haynes & more, 6:30pm
EMERALD LOuNgE Christmas Jam by Day w/ Velvet Truckstop (Southern rock), Jeff Santiago, The Folkadelics & Delicious, noon
WALL StREEt cOffEE hOuSE The Impossible (rock), 7pm
gOOD Stuff Michael Cody (singer-songwriter), 8pm
WEStviLLE pub Stu McNair Trio (Cajun, bluegrass), 10pm
gREY EAgLE MuSic hALL & tAvERN Vollie & Kari & Western Wildcats (honkytonk, Western swing), 9pm
WhitE hORSE Sprit Series: Mayan Prophecies, 2pm Lumina feat: Linda and Larry Cammarata, Mary Sparks & Ginny Waite (world), 8pm
gROvE pARk iNN gREAt hALL Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm
WiLD WiNg cAfE CrossRidge Band (rock, country), 9:30pm
mountain xpress
78 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
theaterlistings Friday, dECEMBEr 7 – Thursday, dECEMBEr 13 Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
movie reviews & listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ max rating
additional reviews by justin souther contact xpressmovies@aol.com n
pickoftheweek SmaShed JJJJ
Director: James PonsolDt Players: mary elizabeth WinsteaD, aaron Paul, octavia sPencer, nick offerman, megan mullally, mary kay Place drama
The Story: Story of a young woman’s efforts to deal with her increasing alcoholism. The Lowdown: Smashed isn’t entirely successful — sometimes sticking too closely to the movie alcoholic playbook — but sometimes it bears the unmistakable stamp of truth, especially in Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s performance.
lookhere Don’t miss out on Cranky Hanke’s online-only weekly columns “Screening Room” and “Weekly Reeler,” plus extended reviews of special showings, as well as an archive of past Xpress movie reviews — all at mountainx.com/movies.
Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)
red dawn (Pg-13) argo (r) 2:05, 4:50, 7:40, 10:25 4:10, 9:40 rise of the guardians 3d Flight (r) (Pg) 12:55, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15 here Comes the Boom (Pg) 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 rise of the guardians 2d 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 (Pg) life of Pi 3d (Pg) 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:10 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05 wreck-it ralph 3d (Pg) life of Pi 2d (Pg) 1:35, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 10:20 Perks of Being a wallflower wreck-it ralph 2d (Pg) 2:00, 4:45, 7:20, 10:00 (Pg-13) 1:30, 7:05
rated r
James Ponsoldt’s Smashed is a mixed bag of a movie. In some ways — perhaps too many ways — it’s your basic addiction-and-recovery tale, with all that implies. It definitely relies on the movie playbook idea that a few trips to Alcoholics Anonymous will turn an alcoholic’s life around with minimum relapse. Anyone who’s watched alcoholism in an up-close-andpersonal manner knows that is, to put it bluntly, pretty much bullshit. We’ve already gotten this routine once this year with Kelly Reilly’s character in the overpraised Flight. Oh, it’s handled better here — and with an hour less running time, too — but there’s still something a little too easy about it all. However, one thing that is not in the least easy or false is the stunning performance of Mary Elizabeth Winstead, an actress I know I’ve seen before, but who never really registered until now. The picture is virtually a “must-see” if only for her performance. Winstead plays Kate Hannah, an elementary school teacher — a woman just sliding from the tentative realm of “functional alcoholic” and into the abyss of out of control. Kate’s married to Charlie (Aaron Paul), a sort of music critic with a privileged background and apparently family money. He, too, is a drinker — and a hard one — but it neither impacts him, nor is he as overtly out of control. (He seems more inclined to just nod off in a chair.) As the film opens, Kate is just waking up — having wet the bed — and prepping herself for a day at school — in part
aSheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)
Please call the info line for updated showtimes. taken 2 (r) 7:00 Seven Psychopaths (r) 10:00 Beauty and the Beast 3d(Pg) 1:00, 4:00
Mary Elizabeth Wistead (giving a brilliantly disturbing performance) and Aaron Paul in the uneven, but sometimes powerful Smashed by finishing last night’s beer, and then drinking from her hip flask in the parking lot. This is shortly followed by her giving an altogether embarrassingly animated (obviously drunken to anyone who’s watched this in real life) performance to her class — followed by throwing up in front of the students — which is when we start to see that her “functional” days are rapidly disappearing. That she quickly grasps at the excuse of morning sickness when a student asks if she’s pregnant is a brilliant glimpse inside the alcoholic mind. That this can only end badly is in the future, so why bother about it? Much of the film does show this kind of insight, and Winstead’s performance always does. The scene of her getting into a fight with a convenience store clerk over buying alcohol after hours is terrifying in the precision of its reality, though it perhaps pales in comparison to her relapse scene where her behavior even horrifies her hard-drinking husband. Neither of these scenes feels like she is acting. Both are somewhere beyond uncomfortable — in part because her audiences in both cases find themselves treating her like a dangerous animal whose attention they don’t want to draw. Again, if you’ve been that audience, the stamp of truth is apt to make you squirm. And you might want to take that into consideration when deciding whether to see this. It’s not pretty. A lot of the film is built on the difficulty — maybe impossibility — of maintaining a relationship with an addict of any kind when only one partner is trying to be sober. Then the film gets clumsy toward the end. The sudden leap of a year forward doesn’t really work, though the actual ending scene is effective and effectively painful.
There are quite a few things I don’t like about the movie. I found its soundtrack annoying and the handheld camerawork (presumably to convey Winstead’s unsteadiness) feels like a sop to an unfortunate modern trend. I don’t blame the filmmaker, but the poster certainly suggests something a lot more fun than you’re going to get. At the same time, I notice that the film posits itself as both a drama and a comedy, and apart from some of Octavia Spencer’s (playing Kate’s sponsor) wry observations about humanity, I’m left wondering where the comedy is. But then there’s Winstead — and she’s brilliant. Rated R for alcohol abuse, language, some sexual content and brief drug use. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
the ColleCtion JJ
Director: marcus Dunstan (The ColleCTor) Players: Josh steWart, emma fitzPatrick, christoPher mcDonalD, lee tergesen, ranDall archer Creative death horror
rated r
The Story: A masked mass murderer wipes out an entire nightclub of people — except one girl. Her father sends some ill-prepared mercenaries to rescue her. There is much juicy carnage. The Lowdown: Well enough made, but largely uninteresting — and often unpleasant — sequel to an even less interesting movie that almost no one saw. This one seems destined to the same fate. Here’s the short version: A masked madman (played by a guy you never heard of) tortures and murders a bunch of people (also played
Carolina aSheville Cinema 14 (274-9500)
anna karenina (r) 11:00, 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20 argo (r) 11:20, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00 (sofa cinema) Cloud atlas (r) 12:30, 6:00 the Collection (r) 4:00, 9:30 killing them Softly (r) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:15, 9:45 (sofa cinema) life of Pi 3d (Pg) 2:00, 7:00 life of Pi 2d (Pg) 11:30, 4:30, 9:30 lincoln (Pg-13) 11:00, 12:30, 2:10, 3:40, 5:20, 6:45, 8:30, 10:00 Playing for keeps (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00
red dawn (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:00, 4:15, 6:30, 8:40 (sofa cinema) rise of the guardians 3d (Pg) 11:45, 4:45, 9:45 rise of the guardians 2d (Pg) 2:15, 7:15 Skyfall (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 Smashed (r) 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 the twilight Saga: Breaking dawn -- Part 2 (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 (sofa cinema) wreck-it ralph 2d (Pg) 11:10, 1:25, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45
CineBarre (665-7776)
Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200)
rise of the guardians (Pg) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 n
ePiC oF henderSonville (693-1146)
Fine artS theatre (232-1536)
anna karenina (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show fri-sat 9:40 the Sessions (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, late show 9:40 n
FlatroCk Cinema (697-2463)
life of Pi (Pg) 3:30, 7:00 n
regal Biltmore grande Stadium 15 (684-1298)
united artiStS BeauCatCher (298-1234)
for some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 79
by people you never heard of) in his hotel of horrors. That may be as much as you need to know. For some of you, it may be more than you need to know. However, I’ll assume there are a select few who are actually interested in The Collection and will go at least a little further. Speaking of a “select few,” I must confess I am one of the select few who actually saw the film that spawned this sequel. Yes, this is the second in a series that started in 2009 with the same director. The first was called The Collector, and the fact that it grossed a mere $7 million would — in a sane world — preclude much chance of a sequel. However, this is the world of the movies where, let’s face it, sanity has little place. (Sometimes that’s a good thing. This is not one of those times.) So here we are three years later picking up where we left off. Now, it would be the height of mendacity were I to claim that I actually remember how the original film ended. In fact, I had to be reminded that I’d even seen it. I am, however, prepared to believe that Arkin (Josh Stewart) ended up bloody, battered and bruised in one of the Collector’s (then played by someone named Juan Fernandez) steamer trunks. I cannot actually conceive of any reason why the Collector (now played by Randall Archer) has dragged the damned trunk along with him to the nightclub massacre that more or less opens the film. This does, in any case, allow the lone survivor, Elena (Emma Fitzpatrick), to let him out, thereby setting the plot in motion. That, of course, is the important point, since — slender though it may be — the film needed some sort of a plot. It transpires that Elena is the next occupant of the Collector’s trunk — and Elena’s filthy rich father is determined to get her back, even if that means having the recuperating Arkin snatched out of the hospital. Arkin — the only person to ever get away from the Collector (thereby ending up in two of these things) — figured out where he was taken in the last film (don’t ask how) and leads them to the fiend’s fiendish lair. The lair turns out to be the disused Argento Hotel (throw horror fans a bone) which the Collector has turned into an architecturally improbable chamber of horrors full of booby traps, operating rooms, body parts (some artistically displayed) and a cellar full of enslaved brain dead victims who function as quasi-zombie guards. (All but the last are in a bunch of Saw movies — some of which were written by director Marcus Dunstan and his writing partner.) Much splattery nonsense ensues — some of it rather unpleasantly sadistic, and none of it particularly clever. Very little of it makes narrative sense (the primary thing it shares with the name-dropped Argento’s movies) or generates much in the way of tension. I will concede, however, that it at least looks like a movie, which is to say it’s professionally lit and photographed by people who know what things like a tripod and a Steadicam are. That puts it a notch or two above things like Paranormal Activity 4 and Silent House, but I’ve seen home movies that were a notch or two above those, so that’s not saying much. Rated R for strong bloody violence, grisly images, language and brief nudity, reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher
80 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
Killing Them SofTly JJJ
Director: AnDrew Dominik (The AssAssinATion of Jesse JAmes by The CowArd roberT ford) PlAyers: BrAD Pitt, scoot mcnAiry, Ben menDelsohn, JAmes GAnDolfini, richArD Jenkins Crime Drama
raTeD r
The Story: After two low rent hoods hold up a card game, a hit man is brought in by the mob to clean up the mess. The Lowdown: Strong performances and slick direction can’t make up for a heavy-handed message. No matter what else Andrew Dominik’s Killing Them Softly is as moviemaking, it gets an A for effort. If the film were an elementary school assignment, Dominik would get a row of gold stars and a smiley face at the top of his paper. The director has taken a pretty basic crime-drama premise and decided to push, pull, tug and drag it into the realm of greatness. At least that’s the idea, since we get a film dripping in style and propped up with a lofty message about the duplicitous, poisonous nature of the American Dream. With Killing Them Softly, Dominik’s made a film with something to say. The problem is, he says it too much, too obviously and too loudly, falling just short of running up and down the aisles of the theater and telling you himself. The film’s foundation is pretty simple (though it often feels convoluted onscreen due to a lot of fussy storytelling techniques). Set in 2008 with the the presidential election and the financial crisis looming in the background, Killing Them Softly opens with a couple of dimwitted criminals — the fresh out of prison Frankie (Scoot McNairy, Argo) and junkie Russell (Ben Mendelsohn, The Dark Knight Rises) — knocking over a card game. The idea is that they’ll put the guy (Ray Liotta) running the game under suspicion while they walk away scot-free, but it turns out not to be so simple as mob enforcer Jackie (Brad Pitt, at his most Brad Pitt) is called in to clean everything up. Besides digressing to a subplot involving an alcoholic, sex-obsessed, crass hit man (James Gandolfini) — which serves little purpose besides padding the runtime — that’s pretty much the picture. Dominik gooses everything with the kind of aggressive style you would find (and have often found) in the films of Guy Ritchie and Danny Boyle, while mixing it with some of early Scorsese’s grit, vulgarity and stylized violence. However, Killing Them Softly is less playful and energetic, and a much more cynical, angry film than any of those names have come close to making. That’s because Dominik’s bete noire is America and its cutthroat, selfish constitution. (The film is really a thesis on how our political and financial systems aren’t so different from a bunch of murderous thugs, criminals and drug abusers.) While I understand the point (and probably don’t disagree with it when you get right down to it), Dominik is playing to the back row and wants to makes sure everybody understands his oh-so-weighty message. In between all the seediness, we’re inundated with TV clips and radio snippets (this appears
to be the main entertainment for hardened criminals) of President Bush and then-Senator Obama discussing the tough economic times and making speeches on the hardy nature of the American spirit. It’s a real pity that Dominik needs to be this ham-fisted (even his music choices — like the notes of The Velvet Underground accompanying Russell shooting up — are grotesquely obvious and uninspired). Beyond that, he’s crafted a stylish, often striking film (which, for what it’s worth, is a marvel of solid design) with nary a bad performance. For this, Killing Them Softly isn’t without interest, but Dominik’s ultimately gotten his head stuck up his own ambition. By putting the onus on creating a great film before making a consistently entertaining — and restrained — one, Killing Them Softly becomes an exercise in frustration at what could have been. Rated R for violence, sexual references, pervasive language, and some drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher
The laDy VaniSheS JJJJJ
Director: AlfreD hitchcock PlAyers: michAel reDGrAve, mArGAret lockwooD, PAul lukAs, DAme mAy whitty, cecil PArker mySTery Thriller
raTeD nr
The Story: A young woman makes friends with an elderly school mistress on a train, but when she wakes from a nap, the old lady is gone — and everyone insists she was never there. The Lowdown: One of Alfred Hitchcock’s best and most enjoyable movies. It’s clever, witty, funny, exciting — and it’s the film that set Hitch on his Hollywood career. The new biopic Hitchcock is slated to open in Asheville on Dec. 14, so what better way to lead into that than Alfred Hitchcock’s own The Lady Vanishes (1938)? That’s why it’s being run two days before the opening. This is not only one of the director’s best — and most completely entertaining — films, but it’s the film that launched Hitch on his Hollywood career. Hollywood had taken notice of him with The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) and The 39 Steps (1935), but it was The Lady Vanishes that sealed the deal. It’s not hard to see why. This mystery thriller — with a good bit of comedy content — is just about perfect from every angle. The mystery is clever and well developed. The characters are engaging and perfectly cast. (It’s hard not to wish that Michael Redgrave — here making his film debut — didn’t play in more movies of this type.) And, the film is a veritable treasure trove of both Hitchcock’s wit and his trademark style. It’s the kind of perfectly crafted film that reminds you why you got hooked on movies in the first place. The film opens with an “impossible” crane shot (courtesy of Hitch’s beloved miniatures) across a snowbound Alpine village and onto a
cozy and quaint hotel, which is soon plunged into chaos with news that the train is stuck there till tomorrow due to an avalanche. This first section is all clever setup and character introduction — with only one small, but important, moment introducing us to the mystery thriller aspect of the story. A good deal of the opening finds soon-to-be-married rich English girl Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood) “meeting cute” a somewhat eccentric musicologist named Gilbert (Michael Redgrave). It’s essentially a screwball comedy reworking on the meeting of Astaire and Rogers in Top Hat in a very different tone. But we also meet a pair of “veddy British” cricket enthusiasts — Caldicott (Naunton Wayne) and Charters (Basil Radford) — trying to get back to England for the test matches. (This pair proved so popular with British audinces that the duo turned up in four subsequent movies as the same characters.) And, most importantly, we meet the seemingly dotty old English school mistress Miss Froy (Dame May Whitty). The central thriller story only kicks in the following morning when the train departs and someone tries to drop a flower-box on Miss Froy’s head and beans Iris instead. The old lady takes care of Iris, trying to revive her with some tea in the dining car and chatting with her in a friendly manner. Everything seems — fine until Iris awakes from a nap and finds that Miss Froy has vanished. Worse, everyone denies ever having seen her, and it’s quickly dismissed by a friendly medico, Dr. Hartz (Paul Lukas), who happens — on the train as the result of the blow to her head. Fortunately,
Gilbert is also on the train and takes her side — or at least tries to, which isn’t easy in light of the denials of seemingly disinterested parties regarding Miss Froy’s existence. From here, the mystery only deepens — until what’s really at the bottom of it all is revealed, which only lands them in even greater peril than anyone had imagined. Of course, part of the appeal of the film lies in the fact that it’s part of — and an important part of — the great history of movies that take place on that most inherently cinematic location: trains. Trains had been a part of the movies since the Lumière Brothers scared the pants off an audience by showing a train pulling into a station in 1895. From those humble beginnings, movies that took place on trains would become a cinema mainstay — and often in the service of some kind of thriller. The Lady Vanishes was by no means the first such thriller, but it may well be the best. It’s certainly in the running. Also, note the presence of the name Alma Reville in the credits for “continuity,” which in this case doesn’t mean the person responsible for keeping track of who is holding what in which hand between shots. No, it means “screen continuity” — the person who took the screenplay, polished it and made it a workable blueprint for the film. Alma Reville was also Mrs. Hitchcock (played by Helen Mirren in the new film), the frequently overlooked contributor to the Great Man’s movies. reviewed by Ken Hanke Plays on Wed., Dec. 12 at 7:30 at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14
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See review in “Cranky Hanke”
specialscreenings AMARcORD JJJJJ DRAMA
Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Amarcord Friday, Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 2733332, http://www.ashevillecourtyard.com
45 Banks Avenue
Oh, this looks grim. Gerard Butler — who, let’s face it, hasn’t been in anything worth seeing for some considerable time — attempts the rom-com again. That is apparently based on how swell P.S. I Love You was (ye gods!). It gets better. The film was written by Robbie Fox, whose last notable credit was So I Married an Axe Murderer — 19 years ago. Want more? Well, the director is Gabrielle Muccino, who most of us hoped had gone into hiding after Seven Pounds. If that’s not enough to keep you out of the theater, there’s the studio telling us that this
is about a “charming, down-on-his luck former soccer star (Butler) who returns home to put his life back together. Looking for a way to rebuild his relationship with his son, he gets roped into coaching the boy’s soccer team. But his attempts to finally become an ‘adult’ are met with hilarious challenges from the attractive ‘soccer moms’ who pursue him at every turn.” (PG-13)
In Brief: Federico Fellini’s most warm-hearted film is also possibly his most colorful and well-judged. It’s basically a phantasmagoria of Fellini’s childhood memories and the village he grew up in — memories presented in terms that can only be described as, yes, Felliniesque. If you don’t know what that means, you definitely need to see this.
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82 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
In Brief: This often overlooked gem from writer-director Preston Sturges is actually one of his best. It’s certainly his most sweet-tempered and non-cynical work. It’s all about a poor schnook (Dick Powell) whose life changes thanks to a practical joke that makes him — and everybody else — think he’s won a $25,000 prize for a slogan for Maxford House Coffee. The problem, of course, comes when the truth comes out. Funny, sweet and completely captivating. The Asheville Film Society will screen Christmas in July Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
In Brief: A double dose of 1940s “povery row” horrors from the fine folks at
Monogram Pictures — without whom 1940s horror wouldn’t be the same. (How you feel about that may be a personal matter too delicate to discuss in public.) The first gives you the great black comedian Mantan Moreland involved with a nut-case Nazi doctor (Henry Victor) using voodoo for the Axis powers. The second has Bela Lugosi as a kindly (well…) college profesor who moonlights as a homicidal maniac gangster by night. Throw in a cellar full of zombies (sort of) and you’ve got something.
The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen King of the Zombies and Bowery at Midnight Thursday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Join us every Wednesday for Disclaimer Stand-up Lounge comedy open mic at Dirty South Lounge inside The Southern, 9pm, if you can handle that much combined lounge power.
Long-form for Your Reading Arousal
Duke Energy names outgoing congressman Heath Shuler head lobbyist in charge of footballin’, Biblery NC representative Ellmers lobbies to name federal building after Jesse Helms, install 2nd set of water fountains Buncombe County Commission candidate Christina Merrill asks for yet another recount, this time of her family, friends, coworkers ‘They all promised their votes; I just want to make sure they fulfilled their promises’
Handful of Waynesville residents protest removal of Confederate flags from courthouse lawn Insist upon calling new reglation ‘the war of Waynesville aggression’
Mushroom Central opens in W. Asheville
Anyone mentioning ‘shrooms’ or ‘magic mushrooms’ will be asked if they are for psychedelic exploration or dinner salad The Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire. Contact tomscheve@gmail.com Twitter: @AvlDisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve.
Exclusive: Transcript of WCU coach’s halftime locker-room speech during 49-0 loss to Alabama
Alright boys, pretend like touchdowns are shellfish and let’s stop eating so darned many of them today while we’re drowning in Crimson Tide. Now, who puts the “whee” in Cullowhee? That’s right: Wheeeee do. Settle down. No, I know it’s funny. It’s halftime, and we’re only down 42 points to the #2 team in the nation. If Martin Luther King were on this team, his dream would be that in two quarters’ time, that scoreboard will not, for the love of God, read 84-0. Also, he’d probably want to get on out of the state of Alabama about as fast as the rest of us do. Let me say this: we are a team, not just a bunch of individuals from Sylva, Bryson City and Dillsborough. Yes, to present, we have only won a single game all season, and that was against a team whose mailing address shares the first four digits of our own. Winning doesn’t build character and I promised your parents that this football program builds character, and you boys are going to have more character than any other program in college football today. A regular bunch of real characters is what you are. Don’t be awed because you’re playing a Division I football powerhouse. During Bama’s pre-game warm-ups, our entire team gave them a standing ovation for their stretches. Some of you audibly expressed interest in alternative lifestyles. I admit to getting a few autographs myself. In fact, they signed my playbook and I can’t identify some of the plays any longer because they’re scribbled over. On the other hand, if A.J. McCarron throws for another 500 yards like he did in the first quarter alone, his autograph on our defensive schemes will be worth a pretty penny. Lest you forget, Alabama is the FORMER #1 team in the nation, thanks to our good friends at Texas A&M who upset them last week. Of course, as you can tell by the tone of my voice and the way I emphatically grabbed my crotch, I use the term “good friends” sarcastically.
Alabama won 13 straight before last week’s defeat to Texas A&M. Texas A&M stole our chance to be the first team to humble the Crimson Tide, and they also fired up this squad of Alabama no-hopers. As we learned on their opening drive and every other drive, they’re real riled up this week. Just downright nasty and hateful. Before the game, I pulled each of you aside and gave you a copy of the New Testament. I hope you find some solace in its words today. Alabama has the nation’s top-scoring defense. Their defense scores more points than our offense and defense combined. So they’ll probably continue scoring every time the ball is in play. We can get back in this ball game if we can keep BOTH their offense AND defense off the field, and settle this between our special-teams units. I don’t know what a catamount is, but for the sake of inspiration let’s say its an eight-foot-tall saber-toothed tiger that is ridden by an invincible space cowboy who can easily bounce back from a sixtouchdown deficit. Okay? Let’s ride, Catamounts, around the sun! We have a lot going for us. For starters, WCU hasn’t canceled our football program even though canceling it was the main plank in the campaign platforms of the last three student body presidents. Ditto for the cheerleading program. Hell, after we smashed Mars Hill in our season opener, you hit on the Mars Hill cheerleaders instead of our own and that’s just shameful. We had some wild Hendersonville girls on our squad, and those Mars Hill girls are Baptists! Let’s just say that you sure called the wrong audible on that play. In six minutes, we return to the field of battle. We must not get rattled by the roar of 60,000 Alabama fans right outside our
locker room, chanting “Rip-Their-HeadsOff” — who cares if we can’t hear ourselves tremble? The tunnel from our locker room to the field is jam-packed with drunken Alabama alumni, and I don’t know where security is. Our kicker defected during the first quarter, and is watching the game from the enemy’s sky box. The good news is we’re mothballing the team bus, since we’ll likely need a team-sized Medevac to the nearest hospital after the game. Now, some of you on the second-string defense had your pads stolen by a long-haul trucker at a truck stop in Dalton, Georgia. That’s okay. Assistant coach/lifestyle sciences professor Williams has crumpled up some McDonald’s to-go bags stuffed full of dollar-cheeseburger wrappers and we’re going to tape those bags to your shoulders. What’s that, McHenry? Yes, beneath your jerseys. We still have our pride. Nobody will even notice the difference, so don’t feel self-conscious on the line right before the snap of the ball and maybe your collarbones. I’m just kidding, boys, go get ‘em. So, how did Texas A&M beat Alabama? Johnny Manziel, their star quarterback, that’s how. Well, we have our own Johnny Manziel: Doug Peters, who we recruited hard out of a Waynesville home-school league. Peters might have his first touchdown pass of the season today, and, heck, he might throw eight or nine of them in the second half. I don’t listen to the so-called “experts.” Boys, no matter what, I want each and every one of you to know that I can’t imagine the horrible things they’re about to do to us on and maybe off the field of play in the second half of this ball game. In fact, during halftime, they had a contest and they’re letting one lucky Alabama fan drive the ball 99 yards on us down the field of play on their first possession. Now, we’ll probably be physically assaulted the second we step out of this locker room and it’s just going to get worse from there. Get your tears out now. Okay, I’ll give you a second. That’s good, enough tears, boys. Enough. Now, who puts the “whee” in Cullowhee? Wheeeeee do, ha ha. That never gets old. Alright, ashes to ashes, boys — go get ‘em!
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+ generous bonus program. Weekly paycheck.Benefits available. Dental, vision, life ins. Avancement opportunities. Sales exp. a plus. Motivation and clear speaking voice required. Call today for personal interview 828-236-2530.
SKILLED LABOR/ TRADES DIGITAL PRESS AND MACHINE OPERATOR Needed at MMS in Asheville. Seeking highly motivated individuals with excellent communication and problem solving skills to handle multiple projects in a fast-paced work environment. Duties may include loading/unloading freight, long periods of standing, inventory management, machine operations, forklift operations, and driving. Professional industry experience preferred and valid NC Driver’s License and clean driving record required. Applicants may email resumes to cindy@ mmsdelivers.com
ADMINISTRATIVE/ OFFICE CONTROLLER/BOOKKEEPER NEEDED For local motorcycle dealer. Quickbooks and ADP Lightspeed experience needed. Auto industry experience helpful. Forward resumes to Eurosport Asheville, 30 Bryson, Asheville, 28803
SALES/MARKETING CONGRATULATIONS, YOU JUST FOUND YOUR NEW JOB • Permanent positions in our Asheville office. Noon9pm shift. $12.00/hour base
MEDICAL/ HEALTH CARE ELITE EYE CARE • Is seeking a friendly, positive and enthusiastic individual to work full-time (35-40 hours/week) as a Patient Concierge AND part-time (25 hours/week) as an Optometric Technician. No experience necessary. Must have excellent customer service experience, be detailed oriented, and be able to multitask. Please drop off cover letter and resume to Elite Eye Care, 140 Airport Road, Suite L, Arden, NC 28704. No phone inquiries, no fax resumes accepted. MED TECH/PCA • For assisted living center in Black Mountain. Great benefits, friendly residents, and great staff to work with. One year experience required. Must be able to pass a drug test and background check. Organizational skills and good communication skills a must. Please fax resume to 828-669-5003 or email to administrator@mccunecenter.org You may also visit our facility and fill out an application at 101 Lions Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711 OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER • CNA We screen, train, bond and insure. Positions available for overnight professionals only. Home Instead Senior Care. www.homeinstead. com/159 RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR Tapestry is an eating disorder facility looking for someone who can lead groups and provide support during overnight hours. $10/hr 828-577-1329. lhuffaker@tapestrync.com tapestrync.com
HUMAN SERVICES ADULT ADDICTIONS THERAPIST • Swain Recovery Center a 42, 60, and 90 day residential treatment program located in Black Mountain, NC is seeking an Adult Therapist to join our team. The position will be primary counselor for adult with substance dependence issues. Candidate would also co-facilitate a male gender group for adults and adolescents. An ideal candidate will have a Master degree in Counseling or Social Work, and an LCAS or one pending within 6 months is also required. Salary range $38,000 - 42,000.
AHOPE HOUSING CASE MANAGER, HOMEWARD BOUND Go to www.hbofa. org for complete job description. Email asia@hbofa.org with cover letter and resume. Help us end homelessness in Asheville. ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT TEAM LEADER Seeking energetic, motivated, team-oriented, creative individual to establish, administer and directs the ACTT program, a self-contained clinical team which assumes responsibility for directly providing treatment, rehabilitation, and support services to consumers with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Supervises and evaluates the transdisciplinary team in conjunction with appropriate psychiatric support to ensure service excellence and courteous, helpful, and respectful services to program consumers; functions as a practicing clinician/mental health professional on the team. 50% of the team leader’s time will be spent engaged in activities related to program administration and 50% spent in direct service with consumers. Specific amount of time will vary depending on the day to day needs of the team. Great opportunity to work with a caring and devoted team. Three Year CARF accreditation! Complete application found at sixth-avenue.org and email or fax to tdrevar@ sixth-avenue.org or fax: 828697-4492 INTENSIVE IN-HOME TEAM LEADER • Barium springs Home for Children has an opening for an Intensive InHome Team Leader in Franklin, NC. To perform duties associated with admission and retention of new and existing consumers to Intensive InHome program. Provide clinical expertise and oversight for the Intensive In-Home Team. Minimum of Master’s Degree and 1 year experience in a human service field and N.C. licensure in on the of following disciplines: LPC, LCSW, LMFT. A minimum of 1 year post degree experience working with same or similar client population required. Send resume to: Becky Totherow,
BSHC. PO Box 1, Barium Springs, NC 28010, Fax: 704832-2258. Email:hrd@bariumsprings.org. EOE
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE Family Preservation Services of NC has a very exciting leadership opportunity in our Hendersonville office. • Clinical Coordinator: As a fully licensed Mental Health Therapist, you will work closely with the Regional Director insuring the highest quality care is provided to our clients. Responsibilities include staff supervision, program monitoring, utilization review and quality assurance. Two years post license experience is required along with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office (including Excel). Joining our team makes you eligible for a competitive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send their resume to jrobichaud@ fpscorp.com.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at debbie. smiley@thementornetwork. com• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739.
QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL • Leading provider of I/DD services has an opening for a QP in our Hendersonville location. Position will be responsible for hiring, training and supervision of direct care staff working one on one with persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Position requires, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree in the field of human services and two years post-bachelor’s experience in I/DD. Bachelor’s degree in a field other than human services and four years post-bachelor’s experience may be considered. Qualified applicants may apply online at www.turningpointservicesinc. com or mail resume and letter of interest to QP Position 408 Lawn Ave Hendersonville, NC 28792.
THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES is seeking the following: QMHP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work with adults in the Center for Recovery, Education, and Wellness; QMHP to work with children and families on an Intensive In Home team. Please send resumes to csimpson@ fpscorp.com
A-B TECH - Executive Director, College Advancement • SUMMARY: Oversees all functions of the College Advancement Division including activities such as Grants Development, Alumni Affairs, Scholarships, College Events and directs the College Foundation. Understands the vision and goals for A-B Tech and
College Advancement espoused by the President, and plans and implements programs that increase donations to the College. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Marketing, Human Relations or related field; 2. Five years of senior-level executive experience in a public or private fundraising arena, with a documentable record of significant and successful fund development ($1 million or more annually), constituent relationship management, marketing, and institutional branding; 3. Five years of successfully managing teams, employees, volunteers, and volunteer boards in the achievement of ambitious fund development plans; 4. Three or more years of progressively responsible supervisory, financial and budgeting experience; 5. Three years of demonstrated ability to implement strategic plans with a clear vision for the evolving role of advancement. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Business, Marketing, Finance, or related fields; 2. More than five years of experience and documented history of raising significant dollars; 3. More than five years of successfully managing teams, employees, volunteers, and volunteer boards in the achievement of ambitious fund development plans; 4. More than three years’ experience of progressively responsible supervisory, financial and budgeting experience; 5. More than three years of demonstrated ability to implement strategic plans with a clear vision for the evolving role of advancement in public institutions of higher education; 6. Experience in a postsecondary foundation; 7. Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) credentials or completion of a nationally recognized fundraising certificate. • SALARY RANGE: $70,296 - $79,080. For more information and application instructions please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com/postings/1339 CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER • The Van Winkle Law Firm seeks an innovative COO with entrepreneurial skills. The ideal candidate is able
to recognize opportunities and mobilize resources necessary to produce new and improved services. • This person has extraordinary leadership skills and can motivate people to perform at their highest level. • This position requires someone who thrives in a high energy atmosphere. He or she possesses strong communication skills both verbal and written. • Although management is important and necessary for organizing, planning, leading and controlling resources, the firm is seeking someone who notices opportunities to satisfy client (internal and external) needs and allocates resources to meet these needs. Tenacity, optimism and drive are required to be successful in this role. • Marketing and business development talents will enable the ideal candidate to expose ideas for improved services to a wide range of personalities. And also important is the ability to stay focused while keeping business development options open. • All interested candidates are invited to submit a resume and cover letter to recruiting@vwlawfirm.com. The Van Winkle Law Firm is a pre-eminent multi-specialty firm with offices in Asheville and Hendersonville and employs over 45 lawyers with total employees (including lawyers) of over 110. The firm has a distinctive culture that places a premium on collaboration, client-service, collegiality, sound business-practices, respectfulness, and a commitment to excellence.
DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES • SUMMARY: Serves to support the human resources, and organizational and professional development functions by leading projects and activities related to: recruitment and selection, employee benefits administration, state and federal compliance, policy administration, employee relations, performance management, and staff and faculty training. Provides operational oversight for the human resources department.
• MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree and five (5) years of supervisory Human Resources experience, or Master’s degree and three (3) years of supervisory experience in the HR field. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Human Resources and more than three (3) years supervisory experience in the HR field; 2. PHR or SPHR certification; 3. Community Co.llege experience. • SALARY RANGE: $57,540 - $64,734. For more information and application instruction, please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com/postings/1302 HUMAN RESOURCES GENERALIST AT COMMUNITY CARE OF WNC Community Care of Western North Carolina is seeking candidates for the position of Human Resources Generalist for the main office in Asheville, NC. Major areas of responsibility include staffing and training, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. PHR certification, a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a human resource related field, and at least 5 years of progressive experience required. The right candidate must also be proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Power Point and Word. Please submit resume to hr@ ccwnc.org or fax to 828-3482757. EOE
A-B TECH INSTRUCTOR, NURSING • Full Time Regular, 9-months. • SUMMARY: Conduct college courses for undergraduate students in associate degree nursing and diploma level practical nursing programs. This individual must possess the knowledge and skills to teach and supervise students in classroom, laboratory and clinical settings as assigned. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in nursing from an accredited institution; or Bachelor’s degree in nursing with expected graduation from a
Master’s in nursing or Master’s in nursing education program by May 15, 2015. 2. Two years of full time work experience as a Registered Nurse 3. Unrestricted RN License in NC 4. Current CPR certification for professional rescue,. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Experience teaching in a college or university setting. 2. Recent experience in Medical Surgical Nursing. 3. Ability to use software applications for generating reports and documents. Please visit https:// abtcc.peopleadmin.com/postings/search for salary, detailed job description and application information. For more information and application instructions, please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com/postings/1407
teaching license preferred. Bi-lingual in Spanish-English a plus. Salary: $15.15-$19.19, DOQ. A valid North Carolina driver license required. Must pass physical and background checks. Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information to: Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street Asheville, NC 28801 or Admin@communityactionopportunities.org Or (828) 253-6319 - Fax Open until filled. EOE and DFWP.
A-B TECH, ECONOMICS INSTRUCTOR • Adjunct. SUMMARY: An instructor in Economics will demonstrate the versatility and expertise necessary to provide instruction and practice in Economics and Business Finance courses. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Master’s degree in Economics or related field with 18 graduate semester hours in Economics; 2. At least one year teaching experience; 3. At least one year experience in business practices. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. At least two years teaching experience in a formal educational setting; 2. Familiarity with Moodle; 3. Extensive knowledge of business and economics practices. • SALARY: $30.75 per contact hour. For additional information and application instructions please visit https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com/postings/1382
HEAD START/NC PRE-K TEACHER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Dedicated and experienced early childhood professional to join our high quality early childhood program. Four year degree in Early Childhood Education and at least two years of related experience with pre-school children required. North Carolina Birth to Kindergarten
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED • Make money mailing brochures from home. Free supplies. Helping home-workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. www.theworkhub.net (AAN CAN)
ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice, Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 800-481-9472 www.CenturaOnline.com (AAN CAN)
WEB ASSISTANT AND/OR DEVELOPER • Looking for a part-time or project-based web job? Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to help evolve our online presence. You must have some web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, WordPress), be a team player and want to be a par of a locally focused, social-mediaengaged media outlet. Send cover letter describing how you might fit with the Mountain Xpress mission and needs, along with resume to: webcoordinator@mountainx.com. No phone calls please.
mountainx.com • DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 85
freewillastrology SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) If you thoroughly shuffle a deck of cards, the novel arrangement you create is probably unique in all of human history; its specific order has never before occurred. I suspect the same principle applies to our lives: Each new day brings a singular set of circumstances that neither you nor anyone else in the last 10,000 years has ever had the pleasure of being challenged and intrigued by. There is always some fresh opportunity, however small, that is being offered you for the first time. I think it’s important for you to keep this perspective in mind during the coming week. Be alert for what you have never seen or experienced before.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Spencer Silver was a co-inventor of Post-it notes, those small, colorful pieces of paper you can temporarily attach to things and then remove to use again and again. Speaking about the process he went through to develop this simple marvel, he said, “If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.” I’d like to make him your patron saint for the next few weeks, Aries. Like him, you now have the chance to make practical breakthroughs that may have seemed impossible, or at least unlikely. Ignore conventional wisdom — including your own. Trust your mischievous intuition.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The axolotl is a kind of salamander that has an extraordinary capacity for regenerating itself. If it loses a leg in an accident, it will grow a new one in its place. It can even fix its damaged organs, including eyes, heart and brain. And get this: There’s never any scar tissue left behind when its work is done. Its power to heal itself is pretty much perfect. I nominate the axolotl to be your power animal in the coming weeks, Taurus. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you now have an extraordinary ability to restore any part of your soul that got hurt or stolen or lost.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) In the coming months, I hope that you will get sweet revenge. In fact, I predict that you will get sweet revenge. Keep in mind that I’m not talking about angry, roaring vindication. I don’t mean you will destroy the reputations of your adversaries or reduce them to humiliating poverty or laugh at them as they grovel for mercy while lying in a muddy gutter. No, Gemini. The kind of revenge I foresee is that you will achieve a ringing triumph by mastering a challenge they all believed would defeat you. And your ascent to victory starts now.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) I would love to speak with you about your hesitancy to fully confront your difficulties. But I will not speak forthrightly, since I’m pretty sure that would irritate you. It might even motivate you to procrastinate even further. So instead
I will make a lame joke about how if you don’t stop avoiding the obvious, you will probably get bitten in the butt by a spider. I will try to subtly guilt-trip you into taking action by implying that I’ll be annoyed at you if you don’t. I will wax sarcastic and suggest that maybe just this once, ignorance is bliss. Hopefully that will nudge you into dealing straightforwardly with the unrest that’s burbling.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) “Drama is life with all the boring parts cut out of it,” said Leo filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock. By that criterion, I’m guessing that your experience in the coming week will have a high concentration of magic and stimulation. You should be free from having to slog through stale details and prosaic storylines. Your word of power will be succulence. For best results, I suggest you take active control of the unfolding adventures. Be the director and lead actor in your drama, not a passive participant who merely reacts to what the other actors are doing.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) One of my spiritual teachers once told me that a good spiritual teacher makes an effort not to seem too perfect. She said some teachers even cultivate odd quirks and harmless failings on purpose. Why? To get the best learning experience, students must be discouraged from over-idealizing the wise advisors they look up to. It’s crucial they understand that achieving utter purity is impossible and unrealistic. Being perceived as an infallible expert is dangerous for teachers, too; it makes them prone to egotistical grandiosity. I bring this up, Virgo, because it’s an excellent time to reduce the likelihood that you’ll be seduced by the illusion of perfection.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) This would be a good week to talk to yourself far more than you usually do. If you’re the type of person who never talks to yourself, this is a perfect time to start. And I do mean that you should speak the words out loud. Actually address yourself with passionate, humorous, ironic, sincere, insightful comments, as you would any person you care about. Why am I suggesting this? Because according to my interpretation of the astrological omens, you would benefit from the shock of literally hearing how your mind works. Even more importantly: The cheerleading you do, the encouragement you deliver and the motivational speeches you
86 DECEMBER 5 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 • mountainx.com
give would have an unusually powerful impact if they were audibly articulated.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) In the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast,” a grotesque human-like creature hosts the heroine in his home, treating her like a queen. She accepts his hospitality but rejects his constant requests to marry him. Eventually, he collapses from heartache. Moved by the depth of his suffering, she breaks into tears and confesses her deep affection for him. This shatters the spell and magically transforms the Beast back into the handsome prince he originally was. Your life may have parallels to this story in the coming months, Scorpio. You might be tested. Can you discern the truth about a valuable resource that doesn’t look very sexy? Will you be able to see beauty embedded in a rough or shabby form?
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) I wish I could do more than just fantasize about helping you achieve greater freedom. In my dreams, I am obliterating delusions that keep you moored to false idols. I am setting fire to the unnecessary burdens you lug around. And I am tearing you away from the galling compromises you made once upon a time in order to please people who don’t deserve to have so much power over you. But it’s actually a good thing I can’t just wave a magic wand to make all this happen. Here’s a much better solution: You will clarify your analysis of the binds you’re in, supercharge your willpower and liberate yourself.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) In his book Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Tom Robbins talks about a gourmet who “gave up everything, traveled thousands of miles and spent his last dime to get to the highest lamasery in the Himalayas to taste the dish he’d longed for his whole life, Tibetan peach pie. When he got there . . . the lamas said they were all out of peach. ‘Okay,’ said the gourmet, ‘make it apple.’” I suspect you’ll be having a comparable experience sometime soon, Aquarius. You may not get the exact treat you wanted, but what you’ll receive in its place is something that’s pretty damn good. I urge you to accept the gift as is!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) “Having ‘a sense of self’ means possessing a set of stories about who we are,” according to William Kittredge in his book The Nature of Generosity. He says there are two basic types of stories: The first is “cautionary tales, which warn us” and therefore protect us. The second consists of “celebratory” tales, which we use to heal and calm ourselves. I believe that you Pisceans are now in a phase when you primarily need celebratory stories. It’s time to define yourself with accounts of what you love and value and regard as precious.
CASh FOR CARS: Any Car/ Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888420-3808 www.cash4car.com WEB COORDINATOR/WEBMASTER • Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to continue the evolution of our online presence. • You must have: 1) Excellent web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, Expression Engine, WordPress); 2) Ability to manage in-house and outsourced projects; 3) Willingness to be a team player; 4) Commitment to a locally focused, socialmedia-engaged outlet. • The ideal candidate will have experience developing custom, database-driven solutions, as well as modifying existing software. • You will also need experience managing a LAMP web infrastructure with highavailability principles. • Salary based on experience and skill, with benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress' mission and needs, and why you'd like to work with us). and resume to: web-coordiantor@mountainx. com. No phone calls please.
EMplOyMENT SERvICES AIRlINE CAREERS Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-492-3059 (AAN CAN) NEW inventions and Product IDEAS WANTED! Free info & confidential consultation on your idea at DAVISON. Call toll free at 1-800-428-5116 Today. Fee-based service. (AAN CAN)
SAlON/ SpA EXpERIENCED STylIST(S) NEEDED • At established organic salon. We maintain a drama-free and toxin-free environment. If this appeals to you, you might be who we're looking for. Please send résumé with any available portfolio to info@waterlilysalon.com, or drop by the water lily at 7 Beaverdam Rd.
Xchange GENERAl MERChANDISE lEWIS MEMORIAl pARK • Asheville. 2 lots and 2 Burial Vaults. Bargain Price: $3500. Contact: St. Paul's UM Church: 828-252-6512 email: ilee@wnccumc.net
Home Improvement GENERAl SERvICES
hANDy MAN hIRE A hUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254
hEATING & COOlING MAyBERRy hEATING AND COOlING Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.
Classes & Workshops ARTISTIC EXplORATIONS Offering classes in watercolors, pottery or printmaking. Nate Barton is your private instructor. His studio's ready. Call today. 919-623-6795 EXpERIENCE ThE FREEDOM OF INTUITIvE pROCESS pAINTING! Sacred Space Painting Workshop Sat. Dec. 15th 10am - 3:30pm $75 all supplies and vegan lunch included! 828-252-4828 kaylinamichaela@yahoo.com www. facebook.com/SacredSpacePainting RENEWAl 2013 Free fourpart health lecture series at GreenHands Healing Center starting Monday, January 7th at 6:00pm. Call to sign up: 828-298-4500.
Mind, Body, Spirit
yARD SAlES SpIRITEX END OF yEAR WAREhOUSE SAlE! Spiritex Warehouse is having its last end of year sale from 10am-6pm on DECEMBER 15th-TONS OF NEW APPAREL AND ITEMS SINCE LAST SALE-Fabrics by the roll, scraps, end cuts, overstock items, discontinued pieces, and irregulars! 2004 Riverside Dr. Suite #TT
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and I like nothing better than to lay quietly beside my foster mom – I’m a real cuddler! I’m cautious of strange men but I like sitting in my foster dad’s lap with and I am learning to trust him. I really need a peaceful forever home where people will be gentle and kind with me. I intend to earn my keep by being the best alarm system you’ve ever had – I will always let you know when someone is at the front door – but I don’t bark much more than that. I am leash trained. My foster mom takes me for at least 1 walk a day – and I love finding sunny spots outside to watch the world go by. If you want to meet me, just call my foster mom. And if you can share this flyer with friends and family, maybe you can help me find my forever home! Call Cynthia at 925-2186
Pet ServiceS ASHeviLLe Pet SitterS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.
Automotive Automotive ServiceS
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Hi! my name is Kylie! Do you know of anyone who might like to adopt me? I’m a sweetnatured little Chihuahua. I like to make myself little pillow nests to rest in and I get along well with cats and dogs. I’m a quiet little girl, for a Chihuahua,
Adult DreAmSeeKerS Mention Mountain Xpress and get $10 off! Your destination for relaxation. Now available 7 days a week! Call (828) 275-4443.
The New York Times ACROSS 1 Quick wit 7 Billy of “Titanic” 11 “Eternally nameless” Chinese principle 14 In harm’s way 15 Ruler of Asgard 16 Tool with a curved head 17 64-Across ingredient 19 “From my cold, dead hands!” sloganeer 20 “Elephant Boy” boy 21 64-Across ingredient 23 Bireme or trireme tool 25 “On the other hand …” 26 Andean wool source 27 Eve who wrote “The Vagina Monologues” 30 Commotion 31 Capt. Jean-___ Picard
32 Relax 36 “___ Ben Adhem” 40 64-Across ingredient 43 “Wait! There’s more …” 44 Relax 45 French seasoning 46 GPS display features: Abbr. 48 Strut one’s stuff, say 50 Illinois senator who became president 53 Jacuzzi sigh 56 Muscle car in a 1964 song 57 64-Across ingredient 60 Some calls to smokeys 63 Cousin ___ of ’60s TV 64 “Macbeth” recipe 66 Flock formation 67 Prefix with -logical
///////////////////////// crosswordpuzzle
Edited by Will Shortz
68 Banned book of 1955 69 PC key 70 “A Doll’s House” wife 71 Playwright Bertolt DOWN 1 Snacks on 2 Greek colonnade 3 Notable nose 4 Fraternity initiation, e.g. 5 Roughly: Suffix 6 Some referee calls, for short 7 “Fantabulous!” 8 Take up, as a cause 9 Zeros, in soccer 10 Wrap around 11 Tucker who sang “Delta Dawn” 12 Pertinent, in law 13 Conductor Seiji 18 It may be embarrassing if it’s open 22 Rose Parade entry 24 Bassoon part in two pieces 27 Isle of exile 28 Lacking value 29 Singer of 1976’s “You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine” 30 Church recesses 33 The Great Lakes’ ___ Locks 34 Suffix with ranch 35 Stalling-for-time syllables
30 33
21 23
No. 1031
Edited by Will Shortz No.1031
49 56
60 65
Puzzle by Stu Ockman
37 Seat of a Catholic official 38 Draft-ready 39 Hard on the eyes 41 “Goodbye, ___ Jean …” 42 Grab onto 47 Australian city named after a naturalist
49 Hospital condition 50 Antipasto bit 51 What fishermen hope for 52 Member of an empire ruled by the Mexica 53 Cousin of a daisy 54 Name in kitchen foil
55 Villain’s chuckle 58 Lover of Aeneas 59 Peter ___, general manager of the Met 61 Aleph follower 62 Police jacket letters 65 College women’s grp.
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