Mountain Xpress, December 19 2012

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e d i t e Yul



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lululemon athletica kitchin place open friday, december 21

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DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

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thisweek on the cover

p. 36 Party like the professionals During the holiday season, Asheville’s food and wine pros eat well. Xpress wanted to know just how well, so we talked to them. Check out their holiday stories and tips for making holiday cooking easier and tastier. Cover design by Nathanael Roney Photograph by Max Cooper


10 ToMoRRow nEvER knows WNC disasters, past, present and future

18 sTaTE ElECTion BoaRD DisMissEs MERRill’s PRoTEsT 19 MERChanTs PRoTEsT DEC. 5 lExingTon avEnuE sToRy


32 hEalThy CoMMuniCaTion Interpreter network expands to Henderson, Transylvania counties


46 ThE EnD of ThE woRlD BluEgRass Bash In case the Mayans weren’t joking, Town Mountain prepares to play us out in style

48 TEll ‘EM CaDillaC sEnT ya Double Crown restores the vibes on Haywood Road

50 ThE fuTuRE of MoogfEsT As Moog Music and AC Entertainment part ways, will Asheville lose a music festival or gain two?

features 5 7 8 20 21 24 28 29 30 31 40 52 54 56 58 65 68 69 70 71

xpress info

lETTERs CaRToon: MolTon CaRToon: BREnT BRown CoMMuniTy CalEnDaR holiDay CalEnDaR ConsCious PaRTy Benefits MounTain BizwoRks BusinEss BloTTER Open+close ashEvillE DisClaiMER nEws of ThE wEiRD sMall BiTEs Local food news sTaTE of ThE aRTs aRT BETs What to see sMaRT BETs What to do, who to see CluBlanD CRanky hankE Movie reviews ClassifiEDs CaRToon: DERf fREEwill asTRology ny TiMEs CRosswoRD



DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •


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Fresh, Locally Grown!

A COmpROmIsE Is pOssIbLE I always enjoy reading the Letters section in the Mountain Xpress. I noticed that the Grove Park Inn responded to a letter complaining about the new parking fees [“Shame on the Grove Park Inn,” Dec. 5 Xpress]. It would seem to me that a compromise could be reached between the locals who enjoy the gingerbread house displays and the inn's parking problems. Perhaps a parking ticket validation system could be started whereby any purchase of merchandise in the inn's shops or restaurants could alleviate some or all of the imposed fees. It seems like a win-win solution for everyone. My friends and I have stayed away from shopping and dining there, but this would go a long way to encourage us to return. — Susie Johnston Asheville

NO spOTs AT THE INN I was in awe (not in a good way) reading Grove Park Inn's response to the woman writing about the new parking fees [“Shame on the Grove Park Inn,” Dec. 5 Xpress]. First of all, I was struck by the institution of a parking fee to begin with. Isn't it enough that we locals and our non-local families patronize Grove Park Inn’s restaurants, gift stores, etc., spending our precious money? But that wasn't bad enough. GPI's response to the woman was one of the most painfully arrogant things I have ever read.

Christmas Trees starting at $19.99

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ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Jon Elliston, Nelda holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Miles Britton, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Jo-Jo Jackson, Kate Lundquist, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther, Lee Warren, Jill Winsby-Fein ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara

Page 1

Healing The Whole Self

sweet spot: A new parking fee at the Grove Park Inn has raised the ire of some readers. Visit http://avl. mv/od for GPI’s response.

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CORRECTION Gus Cutty’s Screamin’ Jay Hawkins mural, featured on the cover of the Dec. 5 Xpress, was commissioned by Static Age Records on Lexington Avenue. • Sliding Fee • Insurance Accepted

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lETTERs ConTinuE

PuBLIShER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO ThE PuBLIShER: Susan hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell FOOD WRITER: Emily Patrick


Classes will be held in Brevard, NC at Transylvania Regional Hospital SENIOR GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPhIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PhOTOGRAPhER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan hutchinson RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: John Varner hh MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille hh, Samantha Pope, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Emily Terry CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TEChNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Ronald harayda, Adrian hipps, Jennifer hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment

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DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •




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Some of these patrons that GPI is so happy can't afford to glimpse the magnificent inn aren't even fortunate enough to earn $10 an hour. Shame on GPI's Ronald Morin for his careless attitude, and shame on GPI for allowing its nastiness to color such a fun Christmastime activity. — Janice Sutton Leicester

The Flat Rock Playhouse must graft new and refreshing ideas onto native Rootstock to get rid of blight and retrieve itself from extinction. — Joe Bester Etowah


I applaud former Mayor Leni Sitnick's stand against the forces in Raleigh that would rob Asheville of its water rights without due compensation. Rep. Tim Moffitt — he who was re-elected only because of gerrymandering — has been the stalking horse for the takeover of Asheville's rights by the corporate drones whom he represents. He should not prevail. Asheville's water belongs to Asheville, not to any "water board" that will milk taxpayers for Moffitt's profit and political future. Shame on Rep. Moffitt. Shame on all those who attempt to thwart the will of the people in the name of money and power. — Leonard S.Carrier Asheville

By 1865, blight decimated nearly all the vineyards of Europe. Native American grapevine rootstock, with a thick and tough root bark, was relatively immune to damage and resistant to blight. European vines were grafted onto Native American rootstock, and the European wine industry was retrieved from extinction. The new Flat Rock Playhouse rootstock has no roots in Flat Rock. Three moves have been made in three years to rental properties in estate settlement, foreclosure or owner relocation. The last move was to Flat Rock.


Photos courtesy of Tony Dills

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Open Daily 10- 5 • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 7






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DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

cartoon by brent brown

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AN-0000322036 • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 9

Tomorrow never knows wnC DIsAsTers PAsT, PresenT AnD FUTUre By JAke FrAnkeL Even as the holidays come barreling toward us, some folks around the globe fear the mythical planet Nibiru may be doing the same and will trigger some unspecified cataclysm on Dec. 21. Notwithstanding the supposed end of the Mayan calendar, however, local agencies seem focused on preparing for more realistic potential threats. Although it may not be the end of the world, Western North Carolina does remain vulnerable to a wide range of natural and human-made catastrophes, including floods, blizzards, fires and even nuclear accidents. And though the region’s long history is speckled with events that have caused varying amounts of mass suffering, the very nature of disasters entails a high degree of uncertainty. But while local experts say New Age Mayan prophecies are low on their priority list, they admit that there’s really no telling what or when the next big calamity might be. (Photo courtesy of RiverLink)

THreAT AssessmenT: rAnkInG THe PoTenTIAL DAnGers / soUrCe: Tony reID, AsHevILLe moUnTAIn AreA CHAPTer, nUCLeAr FALLoUT





Less THreAT DIseAse oUTBreAk

10 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •




MEN IN RED: House fires are the most consistent problem the Red Cross deals with locally. Chief Public Affairs Officer Brian Scoles (left) and Director of Emergency Services Tony Reid say the organization also helps victims of floods, blizzards, earthquakes and more. Photo courtesy American Red Cross

pREpARED FOR THE WORST: In the years since 9/11, Buncombe County has received millions in federal grant money to stock up on emergency-management equipment, such as this portable morgue.. Photos by Max Cooper

WHEN IT RAINS, IT pOURS Rather than worrying about rogue planets, local experts say the far likelier hazards to fall from the sky are rain and snow. Although Asheville is hundreds of miles from the nearest coast, hurricanes can bring torrential downpours and flash flooding to the mountains. The biggest natural disaster to strike the region in the last decade was the flood of 2004, reports Brian Scoles, chief public affairs officer for the American Red Cross Western Carolinas Region. In September of that year, hurricanes Frances and Ivan struck back to back, pummeling some parts of WNC with more than 18 inches of rain, recalls meteorologist Pamela McCown, who coordinates A-B Tech’s Institute for Climate Education. The torrents triggered multiple landslides and raging

rivers reached record flood stages, wrecking 2,045 homes across the region. Over the next several weeks, notes Scoles, the Red Cross opened 53 shelters, provided 2,533 people with safe places to stay, and prepared 73,000 meals. In Buncombe County, big swaths of Biltmore Village and Asheville’s River Arts District were inundated, causing millions of dollars’ worth of damages. Both those areas have seen significant new development since then, but that could make future calamities even more costly and dangerous, McCown points out. The Kessler Enterprise Inc. invested millions in the Grand Bohemian Hotel in 2009, siting it squarely in a part of Biltmore Village that was underwater five years before. “My first response was, whoa, you’re going to put a high-end hotel right there where it flooded?” says McCown.

cITy VIEWS “At times, the city of Asheville may be exposed to hazards which have the potential for disrupting the community, causing damage and creating casualties. Natural hazards include hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and severe storms. The city may also face the threat of hazardous-material accidents involving the transportation, manufacture and storage of chemicals on the highways and in the city’s industrial areas. Potential hazards are also possible related to the quality of the city’s drinking-water supply when damage to the water distribution system is involved.” — from Asheville’s official emergencypreparedness statement

“The reality is, if you build in a floodplain, you’re going to see some flooding at some point — and we can’t tell you when,” she reveals. As development continues on steep mountain slopes, the risk of landslides also grows. Meanwhile, New Belgium Brewing Co. is spending $175 million on a new 17.5-acre production facility in the floodplain in the River Arts District. Company officials say they’ll build retaining walls and take other measures to prepare buildings to withstand the most severe kinds of floods on record for the area. But the climate, says McCown, may be changing in ways that make it hard to predict the extent of future flooding based on historical norms. “Superstorm” Sandy, for example, pummeled the Northeast with massive flooding and dropped more than 2 feet of snow on










mountaintops in the Smokies — a highly abnormal occurrence for October, she notes. “As there appears to be an increase in extreme events, and the amount of water vapor available in the atmosphere for those things, you have to wonder: What’s happened in the last 100 years may not be what’s going to happen in the next 100 years,” says McCown.

eXTreme weATHer In AsHevILLe

6.40“ 10/18/1879 5.38“ 10/25/1918

onLy THe BeGInnInG Frozen water falling from the sky poses different kinds of hazards. Jerry veHaun, director of Buncombe County’s Emergency Services Department, says the biggest natural disaster he’s seen in 40 years there was the March 1993 blizzard that dropped 14 inches of snow at the National Weather Service’s Asheville Regional Airport station (the third-highest total on record) and much more in the mountains (Mount Mitchell reported 50 inches and 14-foot drifts).

FUeL sUPPLIes TAnk In both 2005 and 2008, Asheville experienced acute gas shortages when the Gulf Coast was struck by hurricanes. WNC depends on a few pipelines coming from that area. Disrupt those, and gas gets scarce fast. In the wake of those shortages, the city adopted an aggressive plan to address such situations. Asheville now has reserves that, under 2008 conditions, would support normal operations for 15 days, reduced services for three weeks, and emergency conservation measures for six to eight weeks. City officials have also brokered deals with suppliers in other regions to keep at least some fuel coming in during a crisis.

rAInIesT DAys on reCorD

16.3“ 12/03/1971

12 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

15“ 03/02/1872 03/03/1906

on THe BeAT 14“ 03/13/1993 01/07/1988

snowIesT DAys

66 mPH 04/15/2007

Dubbed the “Storm of the Century,” the extreme weather event delivered massive amounts of snow and rain from New England down to the Gulf Coast, causing more than 270 deaths across the eastern U.S. Locally, VeHaun recalls, transportation was paralyzed for nearly a week and several transformers blew out, leaving thousands of residents without electricity or heat as temperatures plunged into the single digits. Buncombe County recorded seven fatalities, he notes. Hunkered down at work and sleepless for three days, VeHaun remembers, “We were trying to deal with people who didn’t have power. If you were on oxygen, you couldn’t generate oxygen. … Diabetics, trying to get medication to them if they were out. It surprised me that we didn’t have more people freeze to death or die from heart attacks.” Blizzards didn’t pose any problems last year: It was the only winter since 1964 with-

5.18“ 10/18/1964

64 mPH 03/13/1993

out measurable snowfall at the Asheville Airport, which opened that year. But the winters of 2009-10 and 2010-11 had total snowfall well above the 12.5 inch annual average — and loads of associated problems. Meanwhile, the WNC-based Ray’s Weather Center is predicting a slightly colder, snowier winter than normal, though its “Winter 2012-13 Fearless Forecast” also advises readers not to “put much stock in any forecast for the weather from two to five months out, including this one.” McCown agrees, saying forecasters are severely limited in what they can predict more than seven days out. “Meteorology is actually a relatively new science, and we’re still learning how to do it — it is so complex,” she notes. “Our atmosphere is really a fluid system, so we’re really just beginning to get a grip on a lot of this stuff.” A lot of research, she explains, is now focused on determining whether the rising cost of severe weather damage is due to an increase in storms, in human population and development, or both.

60 mPH 02/19/1972

HIGHesT wInD sPeeDs

soUrCe: PAmeLA mCCown, InsTITUTe For CLImATe eDUCATIon, A-B TeCH

The Asheville Police Department has 241 personnel (including 207 sworn officers), assisted by 150 volunteers. The Patrol Division (the people most likely to be on the street should disaster strike), comprises 125 officers, about a quarter of whom are on the street at any given time.

In other words, McCown continues, “Is it because the weather’s getting more extreme or because we have more exposure to these disasters, just because we have more people and built infrastructure than we used to?”

THe “wHAT IF” BUsIness For all the threats posed by natural disasters, it’s the more directly human-triggered scenarios that keep some first responders up at night. On average, the Red Cross deals with two house fires a day in WNC and upstate S.C., helping provide emergency housing, food and other necessities. The threat increases in winter, notes Scoles, due to problems with home heating systems. But in terms of plausible larger-scale catastrophes that Red Cross staffers train for, Scoles says his biggest fear is dealing with a nuclear emergency. There are eight nuclear power plants within 200 miles of Asheville — the distance within which the American Thyroid Association found “excessive” risk of thyroid cancer among Ukrainian residents after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. The closest plant to Asheville is Duke Energy’s Oconee Nuclear Station, just 62

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“the reality is, if you Build in a floodplain, you’re GoinG to see soMe floodinG at soMe point — and We can’t tell you When.” PameLa mCCOWn, a-B TeCh’s InsTITuTe fOr CLImaTe eduCaTIOn

Basic tips Asheville and Western North Carolina are susceptible to disasters of various sorts. Here are some basic tips for dealing with the unexpected, particularly what concerns us most at this time of year — winter storms. (For a more complete list that covers catastrophes such as drought, wildfires and chemical spills, go to

General preparations • Keep emergency phone numbers close at hand — easily accessible in your cell phone and at home. • Pack an emergency-preparedness kit (for a list of suggested items, visit • Check local radio and television stations for updates. Register online ( with Asheville’s citizenalert system so you’ll be notified in case of an emergency. • Plan ahead, but make decisions based on your personal circumstances.

Winter storMs • Winterize your vehicle and keep the gas tank full. • Insulate your home; have your heating equipment cleaned and inspected every year. • Leave a trickle of water running to help keep pipes from freezing. • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors — and move any household chemicals out of reach of children — to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing. • Layer warm, loose-fitting, lightweight clothing to protect against frostbite and hypothermia. • If you’re going away during cold weather, set the thermostat to no lower than 55 degrees Farenheit. • To avoid carbon-monoxide poisoning, install detectors in central locations in your home, and don’t use heaters burning gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal inside any partially enclosed area. — Jill Winsby-Fein

just in case: Buncombe County emergency services director Jerry Vehaun stands in a decontamination tent used to treat people exposed to chemical, biological or nuclear toxins. Photo by Max Cooper

miles down the road in South Carolina. The utility’s McGuire nuclear plant in Mecklenburg County, N.C, is 92 miles away, and the Cawtaba plant is about equally distant in York, S.C. If a major accident occurred at any of those plants, says Scoles, it would be unknown territory for local emergency responders. “We’ve never dealt with something like that before in a real-world situation,” he points out. “We’ve dealt with hurricanes, flooding, but not nuclear situations. We do train for that, but honestly, there are just some situations that you can never be quite prepared enough for.” VeHaun notes that an unknown amount of nuclear material regularly passes through Buncombe County on Interstates 26 and 40. Luckily, he says, we haven’t had any big nuclear spills so far; the hazardous materials released in local traffic accidents are typically limited to diesel fuel and gasoline. On another front, VeHaun says his department has assessed the vulnerability of Asheville’s water supply and determined that there are sufficient safeguards. “It would take a tremendous amount of something to contaminate our water supply by the time it goes through all the filtering processes,” he explains. “It’s not a matter of dumping a gallon of something in the North Fork Reservoir.” In terms of casualties, VeHaun says the worst incident on his watch was a 1981 food poisoning at the Ridgecrest Conference Center near Black Mountain, probably caused by con-

14 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Mission hospital: the first 100 hours “Critical electrical circuits do have generator and, in some cases, battery backup. When there’s an interruption in power supply, they automatically start up. There’s a brief delay (less than 10 seconds) while the generators start up and synchronize,” explains sonya Greck, the hospital’s senior vice president of operations. There are emergency plans for electrical and other utility failure[s]. A recent “planned power outage” tested the emergency generators and gave staff a taste of operating under generator power. “A decision to move patients from the hospital to an alternate location would be made by the administrators on call only when it was determined that we could not maintain a safe environment within the hospital facility,” says Greck. “many factors would be taken into consideration. The fuel supply for the backup generators will last about 100 hours. We would make every effort to have normal power restored to the hospital or additional fuel delivered within that time frame.”

taminated ham. On July 25 of that year, some 308 people attending a Baptist convention there were rushed to five local hospitals for treatment, according to Associated Press reports. Luckily, no one died, “But they just thought they were going to die,” he remembers. “If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know how that is.” The memory of that ordeal has kept the need to move masses of patients in and out of local hospitals in the forefront of his fears ever since. Despite backup generators and a contingency plan to haul water to Mission Hospital from different fire departments if needed, VeHaun says one of his nightmare scenarios is a terrorist attack or other catastrophe that forced an evacuation. “You look at moving patients out of the hospital: Where would you take them? Could you move all of them?” he frets. “There’s kind of a tiered system that the hospital’s got worked out, where they take them different places. But some of them may be so serious you couldn’t move them. There’s no single agency that could do all that.” Meanwhile, VeHaun says the prophesied end of the world on Dec. 21 ranks among the least of his concerns. “If something like that happens, what can we do about it anyway?” he wonders. “If it’s the end, it’s the end.” X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at

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DoomeD To rePeAT HIsTory? Bill Sterrett, co-owner of Waynesville’s Carolina Readiness Supply, says economic collapse “is looming” and preppers should consider “rice, beans, cooking oil, multivitamins and spices” in case the government is unable — or unwilling — to help.

252 Charlotte Street, Asheville — 828.225.6600 300 Airport Road, Arden — 828.651.6600 By mAX CooPer


Most folks expect government agencies to prepare for potential mass disasters, yet individuals who try to do the same may be seen as paranoid. Local “preppers,” though, believe such caution is clearly needed. “Systems do break down,” notes donna Miller, host of “Your Preparation Station,” a Saturday-night show on the Preparedness Radio Network ( “We rely on them so much, when they’re not there we don’t know what to do. And that’s when panic sets in.” Panic is exactly what the Haywood County resident aims to prevent. “Our approach is not a cataclysmic doomsday scenario,” she says, instead advising residents to calmly “prepare to live without systems.” The two most essential systems, Miller maintains, are electricity and food supply, both vulnerable to wide-scale disruptions such as hurricanes. But disasters, she notes, can also happen on a personal level. “We lived one whole year without income,” says Miller, whose goal is ensuring that “We’re not forced to rely on someone else, or the government, or a system that may or may not actually work depending on where you are on their priority list.” dawn “Pebbles” stucker, co-owner of south Asheville’s On Target shooting range/gun shop, shares Miller’s philoso-

phy, saying, “We try to prevent people from freaking out and stockpiling and carrying on. Be aware of your surroundings, be aware of what could happen, and be prepared.” She recommends owning at least three firearms: “A handgun of a high caliber ... something like an AR-15 [semi-automatic rifle] ... and a shotgun.” Those plus at least 1,000 rounds of ammunition “cover all the bases. You can feed your family, and you can protect it.” Bill sterrett, co-owner of Waynesville’s Carolina Readiness Supply, says economic collapse “is looming,” and the government is unable or unwilling to stop it. He recommends buying “rice, beans, cooking oil, multivitamins and spices,” because they provide “the most food for the least money. We won’t eat well,” he jokes, “but we’ll eat.” Next, he continues, come “canned fruits and vegetables; personal-hygiene items such as toilet paper, toothpaste and soap; and cleaning products such as Clorox, which will prevent disease and could become barter items.” In light of such historic collapses as the Great Depression and Washington’s current “fiscal cliff,” he argues, a selfsufficient lifestyle “is common sense.” For the full story, go to disaster. Max Cooper can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 145, or at mcooper@ • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 17

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Buncombe County District 2 candidates Mike Fryar and Ellen Frost aren’t likely to be sworn in any time soon as the newest commissioners. Dec. 13, the bipartisan North Carolina Board of Elections voted unanimously to dismiss Christina Kelley G. Merrill's charge that local election officials violated state laws in counting the ballots of Warren Wilson College students. With a series of recounts determining that 18 votes separate her from Frost’s apparent second-place finish and a seat on the board, Merrill says she'll appeal the decision and take her case to the N.C. superior court in Wake County. She calls the state board's meeting "a political hearing" and expresses hope that the court will be unbiased and let her present unheard evidence. "We're still asking for the same thing we've been asking for since day one: We want a hearing on these Warren Wilson voters who were moved five days before the election from District 1 to District 2," she maintains.


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The small liberal arts school is divided between commissioner districts 1 and 2. Newsweek recently ranked the school the most liberal college in the country; throwing out any ballots from its residents would likely help Merrill. And if she wins a seat on the board, it will have a Republican majority for the first time since 1988. But election officials won't certify any District 2 winners until Merrill's appeal to the courts is settled, says Johnnie McLean, deputy director of administration for the state board. "My biggest concern now is there's a third of Buncombe County not being represented on the board of commissioners," says Frost. "The election's over, and a winner has been decided. ... Enough’s enough." Winners from other districts were sworn in Dec. 3 and held a meeting the next day to set their own pay and rule on several rezoning issues. The commissioners’ next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 15. Fryar, a Republican and the first-place winner in all vote tallies for District 2, is waiting on the sidelines. Noting that he thought the issue would be decided, one way or other, on Dec. 13, Fryar says that the state board's unanimous, bipartisan decision "made a little bit of a statement." However, with the results so tight, he doesn't fault Merrill for fighting on. "That's her decision," he says, adding, "Ellen, right now, at this point, she has won it, but it can always flip, I guess." X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or

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news x business

mERCHANTs pROTEsT DEC. 5 LExINgTON AvENUE sTORY bY CAITLIN bYRD When Mountain Xpress hit the news stands on Dec. 5, few Lexington Avenue business owners found any holiday joy in the cover story, "No Easy Answers: Lexington Avenue's Uncertain Future." "To me, the article gave off three main points: Lexington has a drug problem, Lexington is a violent street, and Lexington is not a safe place to be. I don't agree with any of those in any shape or form," said Alex Carr of Tops for Shoes. Carr was among the more than 10 business owners who gathered in a back room at Nest Organics on Dec. 14 to voice concerns, ask questions and demand answers about the story written by Xpress reporter david Forbes. Citing police statistics and interviews with APD Capt. Tim splain and two Lexington Avenue business owners, the article explored the intertwining issues of crime, drugs and gentrification in the downtown district. At the informal-but-tense gathering, angry business owners said they saw no news value in the story. "It didn't seem like it was front-page newsworthy, especially at this time of year. It seemed more like an opinion piece, which was limited mostly to one person's point of view. There wasn't a lot of effort, it seemed, to get another side of the story," said Adorn Salon & Boutique owner Rebecca Hecht. "Irresponsible, sensational, outdated and negative was the tone of the article, in our opinion. There was no focus on how the neighborhood has progressed from the past, how we've evolved past what the story was focused on. It seemed like that was yesterday; there's a lot more going on today on Lexington."

mONEY TALks After business owners questioned the article's credibility, Xpress Publisher Jeff Fobes, News Editor/Co-Managing Editor Margaret Williams, Sales and Marketing Associate Aiyanna sezak-Blatt and Forbes tried to respond to the concerns. "What, specifically, was incorrect?" asked Williams. "I had [Forbes] look up police stats and talk to police officers, and a good bit of the story focuses on what Capt. Splain reported and what the stats reported: that the crime is relatively stable, but there have been some problems." But the merchants pushed back. Honeypot owner sara legatski maintained that the story did not provide a comprehensive look at the neighborhood, noting that neither she nor the others in the room had been interviewed by Forbes.


THAT's WHY WE FEEL sO sERIOUsLY AbOUT THIs.” HONEYpOT OWNER sARA LEgATskI "These are our livelihoods: That's why we feel so seriously about this," she declared. Forbes then explained how he came to write the article, moving from a news tip through research and interviews to, finally, a story. "I do my best, with this article and every single one I write, to reflect whatever topic is in front of me,” Forbes told the group. “That includes when it's positive and wonderful, and when it might be uncomfortable or extremely ambiguous and muddy as well.” But one thing, countered Hecht, was clear enough: a decline in sales the weekend after the story came out. "I think you could look at the lot of advertising dollars that we represent in this room," she said.

bALANCINg ACT In response, the Xpress publisher tried to explain the relationship between advertising dollars and editorial content. "News isn't necessarily going to be positive," Fobes pointed out. "We have to go back and think about story ideas. If it's going to be a news story, [reporters and editors] have to feel the weight of that news. They're not just going to interview merchants to 'try and make it all good.'" Several merchants suggested that they be given a free ad to make things right. Others asked for a more positive cover story about Lexington Avenue and its businesses. Xpress’ Williams and Sezak-Blatt encouraged them to write letters to the editor or a commentary expressing their point of view. Most of the merchants felt that these options wouldn’t be sufficient to undo the damage done by what they called a “sensational” article. But after more than 10 minutes of debate among themselves concerning what would be satisfactory, the business owners didn’t reach consensus. Several asked Fobes what could be done. "None of us likes being pushed around," the publisher replied. "And if every time we write a story that people don't like, we have to write another one that they do, we would start to lose our keel, like when you're sailing." He added, "I want to continue to support local businesses and local community, but I'm really struggling with this."

NO EAsY ANsWERs As the dialogue cooled down, Bouchon coowner vonciel Buchanan Baudouin said: "I agree with everyone in this room that the story seems slanted to the casual reader, and I would have liked if David had interviewed one or two more business owners. But [Xpress staff have] expressed support for our street. Even Bouchon had a bad weekend, which is shocking, but I'm not sure it was the article, to tell you the truth. There's no way to know." And Josh lawton, who’d been outraged about the story earlier in the meeting, now sounded a cautionary note. “Let's pretend it’s not us and it's not the Mountain Xpress. I wouldn't want to live in a society where the Procter & Gambles and Cloroxes or the Coca-Colas or the Disneys of the world dictate what's said in a newspaper," said Lawton, who’s about to open Devotion Organics, a body-care-products shop, in the space vacated by TV Eye. “That's completely sketchy. To make demands that you guys cater to our whims, economically or not — I'm just trying to play devil's advocate here — there's a moral gray area, where we say you've harmed us with your media spin, so give us free stuff. I think it's going to be more powerful — the fact that we're all here together is going to honestly stir people's heartstrings way more than an ad." X



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your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists CALenDAr For DeCemBer 19 - 27, 2012 UnLess oTHerwIse sTATeD, evenTs TAke PLACe In AsHevILLe, AnD PHone nUmBers Are In THe 828 AreA CoDe. DAy-By-DAy CALenDAr Is

ANImALs AnImAL HosPITAL oF norTH AsHevILLe HoLDs mATCHInG HoLIDAy PeT FooD DrIve (pd.) Animal Hospital of North Asheville (AHNA) will match, up to 1,000 pounds, any pet food donated to the Holiday Pet Food Drive to benefit three


local animal welfare organiza-

Want to find out everything that's

tions: Asheville Humane Society,

happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to

Animal Compassion Network, and Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Please help make the holidays brighter for needy dogs and cats by dropping canned or dry

weekDAy ABBrevIATIons:

food, blankets, pet toys and/or

SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU

monetary donations off at Animal

= Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

Hospital of North Asheville, 1 Beaverdam Rd. Asheville, during normal business hours and before December 25th. We will distribute

the donations evenly among the three organizations. oUTwArD HoUnDs • WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am-1pm - Brother Wolf Animal Rescue invites the public to take adoptable dogs on local hikes. Meets at BWAR, 31 Glendale Ave. Free. Info: www. or 505-3440. CommUnITy PArTnersHIP For PeTs • 4th SATURDAYS, 10am-1pm Community Partnership for Pets will offer spay/neuter vouchers at Tractor Supply Company, 115 Four Seasons Mall, Suite A, Hendersonville. HAywooD CoUnTy AnImAL sHeLTer • Through MO (12/31) - Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation and Aidan’s Fund will supplement adoption fees at Haywood County Animal Shelter, 245 Hemlock St., Waynesville. Info: or 246-9050.


CALENDAR DEADLINEs FREE and pAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication)

CAN’T FIND YOUR gROUp’s LIsTINg? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx. com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail

FREE LIsTINgs To submit a free listing: Online submission form (best): submission E-mail (second best): Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365.

pAID LIsTINgs Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-mail: Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

16 PATTon 16 Patton Ave. Tues.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: or 236-2889. • Through MO (12/31) 3D-Hieroglyphs: Hermeneutics, wall book sculptures by Daniel Lai, and New Work, New Voice, resin paintings by J.F. Stewart. 310 ArT GALLery 191 Lyman St., #310. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat., noon-4pm or by appointment. Info: www.310art. com or 776-2716. • Through SU (3/31) - Works by Fleta Monaghan, Betty Carlson, Bob Martin and Mark Holland explore "visual expressions of the Earth’s landscapes and skies." AmerICAn FoLk ArT AnD FrAmInG Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www. or 281-2134. • Through WE (1/2) - Joy in the Mountains, works by self-taught Southern artists. • Through TU (12/25) - Comfort and Joy, "a celebration of the gifts of the season." ArT AT APPALACHIAn sTATe UnIversITy 423 W. King St., Boone. Info: or 262-3017. • Through SA (2/9) - Pieces of the Puzzle, works by ASU's commu-

20 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

nity outreach programs, will be on display in the Community Gallery. • Through SA (2/9) - Visible/ Invisible, Polish works from the Jan Fejkiel Gallery, will be on display in the Main Gallery. ArT evenTs AT wCU Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www. or 2273591. • Through FR (2/1) - North Carolina Glass 2012: In Celebration of 50 Years of Studio Glass in America. AsHevILLe AreA ArTs CoUnCIL: THe ArTery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: or 258-0710. • Through FR (12/28) - Native Intelligence, works by Geza Brunow. AsHevILLe ArT mUseUm Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: or 253-3227. • Through SU (3/31) - Survivors and Liberators: Portraits by Wilma Bulkin Siegel will be on display in the East Wing. • Through SU (1/27) - Robert Morris: Mind/Body/Earth will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (4/14) - In the Camps: Photographs by Erich Hartmann will be on display in the East Wing. • Through SU (1/20) - Chasing the Image, works by Madeleine d’Ivry Lord and Sally Massengale, will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (1/6) - Art/Sewn, "works of art in which sewing is integral to the making and viewing experience," will be on display in the North Wing. BeLLA vIsTA ArT GALLery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., 11am-5pm; Wed.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 768-0246. • Through MO (12/31) - August Hoerr (small portraits); Shellie

Lewis Dambax (paintings); Tiffany Dill (encaustics). BLACk moUnTAIn CenTer For THe ArTs Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.Wed. and Fri., 10am-5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 6690930. • Through FR (1/18) - Black Mountain Center for the Arts Clay Studio teacher/student exhibit. Closed Dec. 22-Jan. 2. BLACk moUnTAIn CoLLeGe mUseUm + ArTs CenTer The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: www. or 3508484. • Through SA (12/29) - Looking Forward at Buckminster Fuller's Legacy, an exhibit of Fuller’s "ideas and inventions as well as a new generation of Fuller-inspired thinkers and artists." Features winning projects from the first five years of the Buckminster Fuller Challenge.

11am-5pm and by appointment. Info: or DUsTy roADs • Through MO (12/31) - Dusty Roads, photographs of classic and junkyard vehicles by Barbara Sammons, will be on display at Green Sage Coffeehouse and Cafe, 1800 Hendersonville Road. Info: or FLooD GALLery The Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: or 254-2166. • Through TH (12/27) - Travelers, works by Maureen Robinson. FoLk ArT CenTer MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am6pm. Info: or 298-7928. • Through TU (3/19) - Works by Valerie McGaughey (fiber) and Virginia McKinney (mixed media). GrAnD BoHemIAn GALLery

BLUe sPIrAL 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 2510202. • Through TU (12/31) - Ceramics by Ben Owen III, Gary Schlappal and Vicki Grant, along with wood pendulums by Michael Costello and baskets by Carole Hetzel.

Located at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Biltmore Village, 11 Boston Way. Mon.-Thur., 10am7pm; Fri.-Sat., 10am-8pm; Sun., 10am-5pm. Info: or 505-2949. • Through SU (12/23) - This Year and Several Thousand Before, works by Linda McCane.

CAsTeLL PHoToGrAPHy 2C Wilson Alley. Wed.-Fri., noon6pm; Sat., noon-7pm, or by appointment. Info: or 255-1188. • Through MO (12/31) - Salon 2012, works by 10 national photographers.


CenTer For CrAFT, CreATIvITy AnD DesIGn Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road in Hendersonville. Info: or 890-2050. • Through MO (1/7) - Harvey's Legacy: The Next Generation of Studio Glass in Western North Carolina, works by Harvey K. Littleton and emerging artists. DoLCe FAr nIenTe • Through MO (12/31) - Dolce Far Niente, works by Heather Shirin, will be on display at Working Girls Studios and Gallery, 30 Battery Park Ave., Suite 210. Thurs.-Sat.,

Publishing house located at 159 S. Lexington Ave. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 277-0998. • Through MO (12/31) - Night of the Living Print Media, works by Delhi Fine. GrovewooD GALLery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec.: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www. or 253-7651. • Through MO (12/31) - Cut, Bend, Fold, Color: Paper Sculpture and Collage in Dimension. HAnDmADe In AmerICA Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: www.handmadeinamerica. org or 252-0121. • Through FR (2/22) - Flux: A Craft Exchange, an exhibit


Eclectic holiday gifts $10-$20 A Christmas tradition: Black Mountain Center for the Arts will once again host Rediscovering Christmas, a theatrical performance featuring everything from ice fishing expeditions to blue-collar shepherds. Friday, Dec. 21 and Saturday, Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m. (pg. 25) HOLIDAY HAppENINgs 30TH AnnUAL BernsTeIn FAmILy CHrIsTmAs sPeCTACULAr • WEDNESDAYS through SATURDAYS until (12/22) - The Magnetic Field, 372 Depot St., presents the 30th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular, a sketch comedy show about the holidays. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; 10pm late show Fri. & Sat. $13-$16. Info: www. or 257-4003. A CeLTIC CHrIsTmAs • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/22) - Flat Rock Playhouse's A Celtic Christmas will feature three singer-storytellers performing traditional carols. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Thurs., Sat., Sun., 2pm. Performed at the downtown location, 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. $35 with discounts for seniors, military personnel, students and groups. Info: or 693-0731. A CHrIsTmAs CAroL: monTForD PArk PLAyers • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (12/23) - Montford Park Players

present A Christmas Carol, based on Charles Dickens' classic book about self-redemption during the holidays. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sat. & Sun., 2:30pm. Held at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. $15/$8 children 17 and under. Info: www. A CHrIsTmAs CAroL: nC sTAGe ComPAny • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/30) - Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol. "We know what happens to Scrooge, but what about his old business partner Marley? Is he truly past redemption, or does every person deserve a chance to change?" Performed at N.C. Stage Company, 15 Stage Lane. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $20. Pay-what-you-can Dec. 19 ($6 minimum). Info and tickets: 2390263 or AAAC voLUnTeer APPreCIATIon PArTy • TH (12/20), 6-9pm - The AntiArt Gallery of Bad Taste X-Mas X-travaganza invites current or prospective Asheville Area Arts Council volunteers to enjoy food, drinks and music at The Artery, 346 Depot St.

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Ugly holiday sweaters encouraged. Free. Info: AsPerGers ADULTs UnITeD HoLIDAy PArTy • WE (12/19), 2-6pm - Aspergers Adults United will host a holiday party at AMF Star Bowling Lanes, 491 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info: 254-6161. BoUnTy oF BeTHLeHem DInner • TU (12/25), 1-5pm - Immaculata Catholic School, 711 Buncombe St., Hendersonville, will host a community Christmas dinner featuring entertainment, gifts and Santa. Free. Info: 693-5115 BrevArD HoLIDAy GALLery wALk • FR (12/21), 5-8pm - The Brevard Holiday Gallery Walk will feature extended hours at downtown galleries, stores and restaurants. Free. Info and locations: or 884-2787. CAroLInA CHrIsTmAs eXHIBIT • Through WE (1/2) - The Carolina Christmas exhibit will feature fresh trees, ornaments and toys from the Victorian era at the Smith-McDowell House Museum on the A-B Tech campus. Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm;

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exchange with Flux Studios of Mount Rainier, Md.

• Through TH (1/31) - Trees,

HAywooD CoUnTy ArTs CoUnCIL Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86, 86 N. Main St., Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: or 452-0593. • Through SA (12/29) - It’s a Small, Small Work, a group show featuring small works by regional artists.


JosePH AnDerson: ForGeD Iron • Through FR (1/25) - Figuratively Speaking, an exhibition of iron works by Joseph Anderson, will be on display at 296 Depot, 296 Depot St. Info: 467-0265.

Trees, Trees, paintings by Kim

sTUDenT wInTer ArT sHow • Through MO (1/7) - Featuring "the best works produced in our schools over the past semester." Show includes works from all Hendersonville high schools and middle schools. On display at The Starving Artist, 814 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville. swAnnAnoA vALLey FIne ArTs LeAGUe • Through SU (1/6) - The Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League will present Fabulous Fakes and 3-D Show at Red


AArP DrIver sAFeTy InsTrUCTors neeDeD • AARP seeks driver safety instructors for its refresher courses in Buncombe, Henderson and Transylvania County. Info: or 298-6600. APPALACHIAn TrAIL ConservAnCy AmBAssADors • Through TH (12/20) - The Appalachian Trail Conservancy seeks 15 ambassadors to participate in outreach, education and events. Deadline: Dec. 20. Info: or 2543708.

mATTHew ZeDLer • Through TU (1/15) - Works by local modern/contemporary artist Matthew Zedler will be on display in the lobby of Hotel Indigo, 151 Haywood St. Info:

House Studios and Gallery, 310

mICA FIne ConTemPorAry CrAFT 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville. Sun.-Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: www. or 688-6422. • Through MO (12/31) - Late Bloomer, oil paintings by Dorothy Buchanan Collins.

12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-

Toland Peter Sand and William

nUmBer104 GALLery 191 Lyman St. Suite #104. Tues.Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 251-1717. • Through TU (1/1) - Photography by GD Whalen.

eCo ArTs AwArD


PUsH skATe sHoP & GALLery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: or 2255509. • Through TU (1/8) - Kin, works by Ursula Gullow.

ings and sculptures by Julie

• Through TU (1/15) - Eco Arts Awards will accept submissions for its songwriting, art, literature, video, photography and repurposed-material competitions through Jan. 15. Info:

seven sIsTers GALLery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 669-5107.

W. State St., Black Mountain. Tues.-Thurs., 11am-3pm; Fri.-Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: www.svfalarts. org or THe BenDer GALLery Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon5pm. Info: www.thebendergallery. com or 505-8341. • Through FR (12/28) - Vitric Compositions: Assemblages in Glass, sculpture by Martin Kremer,

Us AnD THem • Through MO (1/28) - Us and Them, new paintings, drawArmbruster, will be on display at Early Girl Eatery, 8 Wall St. Info:

AsHevILLe AFFILIATes • Asheville Affiliates will accept applications from local nonprofits for its fundraising parties. Info: AsHevILLe CommUnITy THeATre • WE (12/19), 6-8pm - Auditions for Asheville Community Theatre's upcoming musical Bark! will be held at 35 E. Walnut St. Info:

FrenCH BroAD mensA

noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm;

• Through (1/15) - French Broad Mensa will accept scholarship applications through Jan. 15. Info: scholarships.

Sun. 1-6pm. Info:

monTForD PArk PLAyers

or 575-2024.

• Through WE (12/26) - Montford Park Players will accept applications from those interested in directing its upcoming produc-

ZAPow! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs.,

• Through MO (1/14) - Cult Movie Classics, art inspired by classic movies.

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22 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •


Winter wonderland: Step inside the Grove Arcade for an afternoon of twinkling lights and gingerbread houses. Entries from the National Gingerbread House Competition will be on display through Wednesday, Jan 2. (pg.23) Sun., noon-4pm. $10/$5 children. Info: or 2539231. CeLTIC CHrIsTIAn HoLIDAy servICe • SA (12/22), 3-4pm - A winter solstice service will be held at a private home in Weaverville. An optional vegetarian potluck will be held after the service. Info and location: www. or 645-2674. CenTerPIeCe JAZZ • FR (12/21), 7:30pm - Centerpiece Jazz will perform Christmas music at Grind Cafe, 136 West Union St., Morganton. $10. Info: or 430-4343. CHrIsTmAs eve servICe: AsBUry memorIAL UmC • MO (12/24), 5:30pm - Asbury Memorial UMC, 171 Beaverdam Road, will host a Christmas Eve candlelight service. By donation. Info: 253-0765. CHrIsTmAs eve servICe: BILTmore UmC • MO (12/24) - Biltmore UMC will host Christmas Eve services, including a family service at 5:30pm, soup supper at 6:15pm (bring a bowl) and a candlelight communion at 8pm. Childcare provided. 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: leslee@ or 274-2379. CHrIsTmAs eve servICe: FCC • MO (12/24), 5pm - First Congregational United Church of Christ, 5th Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville, will host

a Christmas Eve candlelight service and advent lessons and carols. Free. Info: or 692-8630.

30 Alabama Ave. $15/students free. Info: 273-6944 or 645-4770.

CHrIsTmAs eve servICe: newFoUnD BAPTIsT CHUrCH

• FR (12/21), 2:30-3:30pm - Children ages 8 and up (or accompanied by an adult) are invited to make gingerbread houses at Hands On!, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $12/$6 members. Info: www.handsonwnc. org or 697-8333.

• MO (12/24), 5:30pm - Newfound Baptist Church, 2605 New Leicester Highway, will host a Christmas Eve candlelight service. Info: or 683-3178. CHrIsTmAs eve servICe: TrInITy LUTHerAn CHUrCH • MO (12/24), 6:30pm - Trinity Lutheran Church, 235 Saint Johns Road, Fletcher, will host a Christmas Eve service featuring carols, scripture and communion. By donation. Info: 684-9770. CHrIsTmAs on THe moUnTAIn • SA (12/22), 6 & 7:30pm "Christmas on the Mountain," with balladeer and folklorist Sheila Kay Adams. Performed at the Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St. $10. Info: or 253-8304. CHrIsTmAs wITH THe APPALACHIAn ConsorT • FR (12/21), 7pm - Christmas with the Appalachian Consort, presented by the Brio concert series, will feature holiday works for guitar, dulcimer, voice and violin. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville,

GInGerBreAD HoUse ConsTrUCTIon

Grove ArCADe wInTer wonDerLAnD • Through WE (1/2) - The Grove Arcade Winter Wonderland will feature decorated trees and holiday displays at 1 Page Ave. Free. Info: or 252-7799. HoLIDAy CArrIAGe rIDes

CELEBRATE OUR CENTENNIAL! We’re turning 100! Help us celebrate the rich history of our historic Inn with our Centennial Concert Series and special event weekends! Enjoy shows with artists including The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, Pat Metheny, Gaelic Storm, Caroline Rhea and more.

• SATURDAYS through (12/22), 6-9pm - Forest City will offer carriage rides through a holiday lights display, departing from the city's fountain. Holiday hayrides will be offered Fridays from 6-9pm. $7/$3 children under 12 for carriage ride/$2 hayride. Info: or 247-4430. HoLIDAy FesT • SATURDAYS, 9am-5pm & SUNDAYS, 11am-5pm through (12/23) - Tom Sawyer’s Christmas Tree Farm and Elf Village, 240 Chimney Pond Road, Glenville, will host storytelling, crafts, a Christmas tree maze and Santa. Info: www.

Individual concert tickets are available by calling 828.252.2711 866.629.5405 | GROVEPARKINN.COM KSL RESORTS COLLECTION | KSLRESORTS.COM • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 23


fun fundraisers

salutations for sobriety What: A benefit for Asheville Yoga Donation Studio's Yoga for Recovery class. Where: Asheville Yoga Center, 211 S. Liberty St. When: Saturday, Dec. 22, 1-3 p.m. Donations accepted. Info: or The holidays can be an especially challenging time for people struggling with substance abuse. But the Asheville Yoga Donation Studio has a solution to get through the darkest days of the year. This pay-what-you-can extension of Asheville Yoga Center offers Yoga for Recovery, a sliding-scale class for anyone struggling with addiction. The class is run by Addiction, Recovery and Prevention and encourages "individuals who have coped with life by using substances learn how to embrace the present moment — the good and the bad." So how can you help this program thrive? By engaging in Winter Solstice 108 Sun Salutations, an afternoon of live music and mantra with Chaitanya, Saraswati Markus and Johnny Gi. Dobrá Tea will provide drinks and refreshments for anyone seeking a warm mug of nonalcoholic cheer. Yoga for Recovery meets Fridays from 10:30-11:45 a.m. and is geared towards anyone in recovery, regardless of yoga ability. This therapeutic experience needs community support to continue the program, so lift your arms and drink some tea in celebration of sobriety this season.

tions through Dec. 26. Info: john.


Dog and cat food, blankets and toys will be collected at 1 Beaverdam Road. Info: www.ahna.

rose PosT CreATIve nonFICTIon ComPeTITIon

CITy LIGHTs BooksTore HoLIDAy GIvInG Tree

net or 253-3393.

• Through TH (1/17) - The

• Through FR (12/21) - City Lights Bookstore will host a holiday giving tree. The public is invited to select a wish from the tree and give a book to local children in need at a 20 percent discount. Held at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Info: or 586-9499.

wnC Heroes CHrIsTmAs

DIAmonD BrAnD oUTDoors • Through SU (12/23) - Diamond Brand Outdoors, 2623 Hendersonville Road, Arden, will donate one percent of holiday sales to the ymCA of western north Carolina. Info:

edy, raffles and more. Held at

Rose Post Creative Nonfiction Competition will accept submissions through Jan. 17. Info: www. THomAs woLFe FICTIon PrIZe • Through WE (1/30) - The Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize will accept submissions through Jan. 30. Info: UnITeD wAy CommUnITy GrAnTs • Through FR (1/18) - The United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County will accept applications from local nonprofits for its community grants in the fields of education, income and health through Jan. 18. Info and orientation dates: or 255-0696. wnC ArTIsTs PosTCArD sHow • Through TU (1/1) - The Asheville Area Arts Council will accept submissions for the WNC Artists Postcards Show through Jan. 1. Info: waanc-postcard-show.

HAnDmADe ornAmenT sALe • Through MO (12/24) - Hand in Hand Gallery, 2720 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, will host a handmade ornament sale to benefit the Backpack Program. Mon.Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Dec. 24 until 3pm. Prices vary. Info: or 697-7719. HoLIDAy PeT FooD DrIve • Through TU (12/25) - Animal Hospital of North Asheville will match pet food donations to be distributed to the Asheville Humane society, Animal Compassion network and Brother wolf Animal rescue.

• WE (12/19), 6pm-2am - This fundraiser for wnC soldiers and their families will include live music by Mark Keller, Sound Extreme and members of Social Function, along with karaoke, an open mic, stand-up comMagnolia's Raw Bar and Grille, 26 East Walnut St. $10. Food and gift donations also welcome. Info:


moUnTAIn BIZworks worksHoPs 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 2532834 or www.mountainbizworks. org. • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help busi-

CLAssEs, mEETINgs & EvENTs

mAC BAsICs CLAsses AT CHArLoTTe sTreeT ComPUTers (pd.) Mac Basics Computer Classes are being held at Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street. Class time is 12:15 - 1:15pm. Mondays Mac OS X Basics, 1st Tuesday of each month - iPhoto, 2nd Tuesday - Safari & Mail, 3rd Tuesday - iCloud, 4th Tuesday iMovie, 5th Tuesday - alternate between Garageband and iWork Essentials, Wednesdays - iPad Basics. Registration is just $9.99 at APPLe vALLey moDeL rAILroAD CLUB • WE (12/26), 10am-4pm - The Apple Valley Model Railroad Club will host an open house, featuring a Thomas the Tank Engine children's area, at the Historic Hendersonville Train Depot on Maple Street, Hendersonville. Free. Info:

nesses make the first step toward


accessing the organization's ser-

• SATURDAYS, 3pm - The Asheville Anime Club features "geeky films and fun" at Firestorm Cafe, 48 Commerce St.

vices. Free. Info and registration: or 253-2834.

24 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Free. Info: or 255-8115.

Broad Ave. Info: admadasheville@

AsHevILLe ArT mUseUm


Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Info: or 253-3227. • FR (12/21), noon - Lunchtime Art Break: Flux Cuts - Experiments in Film, with Nancy Sokolove, adult programs manager. This tour is designed to engage guests in dialogue with artists, educators, docents and staff.

• SUNDAYS, 2-6pm - The Asheville Scrabble Club meets at Atlanta Bread Company North, 633 Merrimon Ave. Info: www. • WEDNESDAYS, 5-9pm Additional meetings held at Atlanta Bread Company South, 484 Hendersonville Road.

AsHevILLe CHess CLUB • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-10:30pm The Asheville Chess Club meets at the North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Drive. Children's club meets from 5:156:30pm. $5 per session. Info: or 299-3715. AsHevILLe rADICAL menTAL HeALTH CoLLeCTIve • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - This "radical mental health community for those who experience self/world in ways that are often diagnosed as psychiatric disorders" meets for social time and discussion at the Vendor's Lounge in The Downtown Market, 45 S. French

HenDerson CoUnTy HerITAGe mUseUm Located in the Historic Courthouse on Main St., Hendersonville. Wed.-Sat., 10am5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. Free unless otherwise noted. Info: www. or 694-1619. • Through SU (12/30) - School Days: 1797-1940 will feature a complete timeline for all Henderson County schools of that era, many of which no longer exist. n.C. ArBoreTUm Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through SU (1/6) - After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals and Ice, featuring fossils and teeth, allows visitors to "touch

holidaycalendar or 743-5456.

Info: or 669-0930.

Info: or 669-0930.

LAke JULIAn FesTIvAL oF LIGHTs • Through SU (12/23), 6-9pm - Lake Julian Festival of Lights features thousands of colored lights and more than 50 displays. Held at Lake Julian Park, 406 Overlook Extension, Arden. $5/children free. $5 per car. Info: or 684-0376.

sAnTA HoUse • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS through (12/22) - Santa House invites children to take a photo with Santa and see his red Mustang. Held in the Kimbrell’s Furniture parking lot, 207 E. Main St., Forest City. Fri., 6-9pm; Sat., 2-9pm. $5 per photo. Info: or 247-4430.

Grow Down Home mArkeT

LIvInG nATIvITy • SA (12/22) & SU (12/23), 6-8pm - "The Living Nativity: A Drive Through Presentation of Jesus' Birth" will be held at Newfound Baptist Church, 2605 New Leicester Highway. Info: or 683-3178. LonGesT nIGHT servICe: HenDersonvILLe FIrsT UnITeD meTHoDIsT CHUrCH • FR (12/21), 5pm - Hendersonville First United Methodist Church, Church Street and Sixth Avenue, will host a service to honor the longest night of the year. Free. Info: or 693-4275. nATIonAL GInGerBreAD HoUse ComPeTITIon • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS until (1/2) - The Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave., will display National Gingerbread House Competition submissions. No public viewings on major holidays. $10-$15 parking fee. Info: • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS until (1/2), 10am-6pm - Gingerbread House Competition submissions will also be on display at the Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave. Sunday hours: 10am-5pm. Free. Info: nATIonAL PArk servICe Tree eXHIBIT • Through MO (1/7), 9am-5pm - The National Park Service will present trees decorated to reflect the region's cultural history at the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center, MP 384 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: or 3483406. new yeAr's wIne AnD BUBBLy TAsTInG • TH (12/27), 5-7pm - A New Year's wine and champagne tasting event will be held at The Artisan Gourmet Market Coffee and Wine Bar, 2 E. Market St., Black Mountain. Free. Info: or 357-5500. reDIsCoverInG CHrIsTmAs • FR (12/21) & SA (12/22), 7:30pm - Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St., presents Rediscovering Christmas, "a funny, moving, delightful Yuletide show that has captivated audiences across the country and has become a joyous BMCA tradition." $15.

THe norTH PoLe AT BILTmore PArk • Through (12/24) - The North Pole at Biltmore Park will feature Santa and raffles for a dollhouse and play station. Held at Biltmore Park, 8 Town Square. Weekdays and Saturdays, noon-7pm; Sundays, 1-5pm. 10am-3pm Christmas Eve. Free; donations for Child Abuse Prevention Services accepted. Info: www.childabusepreventionservices. org or events. THe nUTCrACker: FLAT roCk PLAyHoUse • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/22) - Flat Rock Playhouse, 2661 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, presents a new interpretation of The Nutcracker, based on The Nutcracker and the Mouse King by E.T.A. Hoffmann. Performed on the Mainstage. Wed.Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat., & Sun., 2pm. $40. Info: or 693-0731. TrInITy LUTHerAn CHUrCH ADvenT servICe • WEDNESDAYS through (12/19), 6:30pm - Trinity Lutheran Church, 235 Saint Johns Road, Fletcher, will host advent services. A soup supper will precede the service. By donation. Info: 684-9770. wInTer soLsTICe nIGHT • FR (12/21), 7-9pm - Winter Solstice Night will feature a moderate hike to celebrate the longest night of the year. Bring flashlights and a warm drink. Departs from the Hooker Falls parking area in the DuPont State Recreational Forest. Free. Info and registration: 692-0385.

HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIRs BLACk moUnTAIn CenTer For THe ArTs HoLIDAy mArkeT • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS until (12/21), 10am-5pm - The Black Mountain Center for the Arts’ holiday market will feature local pottery and more. Free to attend.

TCCU’s Gift To You

• SATURDAYS through (12/22), 10am-1pm - The Grow Down Home Market, 105 Richardson Ave., Black Mountain, will feature jams, pickles, meats and herbs. Free to attend. Info: HAnDmADe HoLIDAy sALe • Through MO (12/31) - Desert Moon Designs Studios and Gallery, 372 Depot St., presents a juried selection of “affordable, giftable items by local artisans.” Mon.-Sat., 11am-5pm; Sun., noon-4pm. Info: www.desertmoondesigns-studios. com. HoLIDAy BAZAAr • SATURDAYS through (12/22), noon-4pm - The Holiday Bazaar will feature produce, gifts and Carolina Ground flour in UNCA’s Commuter Lot C. Free to attend. Info: 7766286. JeweLry sHowCAse • Through MO (12/31) - Mora Designer Jewelry, 9 W. Walnut St., Suite 2A, will present a handmade jewelry sale for the holidays. Mon.Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Prices vary. Info: or 575-2294. mADIson CoUnTy HoLIDAy mArkeT • SATURDAYS through (12/22), 10am-3pm - The Madison County Farmers and Artisans Holiday Market will feature jewelry, knitted items and artisan soaps. Held at Fiddlestix, 37 Library St., Mars Hill. Free to attend. Info: Tryon PAInTers AnD sCULPTors HoLIDAy ArT sHow • Through SA (12/22) - The Tryon Painters and Sculptors’ holiday art show, featuring scarves, earrings, cards, sculpture and more, will be held at 26 Maple St., Tryon. Thurs.Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: weAvervILLe TAILGATe HoLIDAy mArkeT • WEDNESDAYS through (12/19), 2:30-6:30pm - The Weaverville Tailgate Holiday Market will feature jewelry, scarves, purses, soaps and jam. Held behind Weaverville Community Center, 60 Lakeshore Drive. Free to attend. Info: www.

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the Ice Age." $3/$2 students, in addition to parking fee. or http://

osoGBo/AsHevILLe sIsTer CITy GroUP • 4th TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meetings held monthly at 33 Page Ave. Info: or

AsHevILLe mUsIC sCHooL AUDITIons • SATURDAYS, 11:45am Rehearsals for the AMS Student Jazz Ensemble, intermediate and above, will be held at 126 College St. Students must have some music reading skills. All instruments and voices welcome. Directed by Gary Bradley. Info: 712-7478.

smoky moUnTAIn CHess CLUB • THURSDAYS, 1-4pm - The Smoky Mountain Chess Club invites players of all levels to participate in friendly competition at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Free. Info: www. or 456-6000. wesT AFrICAn DrUmmInG CLAsses • WEDNESDAYS through (12/19), 7-8pm - 33rd generation djembe player Adama Dembele leads West African drumming classes at Asheville Music School, 126 College St. Bring or borrow a drum. $15. Info: wesTern CAroLInIAns For PeACe AnD JUsTICe In THe mIDDLe eAsT • SA (12/22), noon-2pm - Western Carolinians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East will host a vigil to protest products produced in Israeli settlements. Held outside Best Buy, 83 South Tunnel Road. Free. Info: 669-2073.

COmEDY DIsCLAImer sTAnD-UP LoUnGe • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm Disclaimer Stand-up Lounge will be held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: www.

DANCE BeGInner swInG DAnCInG Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.swingAsheville. com

kIDs AsHe-BoTs roBoTICs TeAm • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Ashe-Bots is a FIRST Robotics Team and nonprofit STEM-based program for high school students ages 14-18. Group meets weekly at A-B Tech's Dogwood Building. Engineering and tech professionals are invited to mentor participants. Info:

HAnDs on! This children's museum is located at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • WE (12/19), 11am - Book 'n Craft will focus on the holiday classic Gingerbread Boy. • TH (12/20) - Children are invited to make a "critter craft" related to Santa's dog. • FR (12/21), 11am - Crazy Chemistry invites children ages 3 and up to make oatmeal clay ornaments. Registration suggested. • WE (12/26) - Children are invited to make snowflakes throughout the day. • WE (12/26) through SA (12/29) - Children are invited to draw a snow family throughout the day. • TH (12/27), 10:30-11:30am Children ages 6 and up (or accompanied by an adult) are invited to make a ski lodge. $12/$6 members. HIP HoP CLAss • SA (12/22), 9am-noon - A hip hop class for grades 6-12 will be hosted by YouTheatre at the Robin R. Farquhar Education Center, 1855 Little River Road, Flat Rock. $30 per class. Info and registration: or 693-3517. HoLIDAy ArT CAmP • WE (12/26) through FR (12/28) - Children grades 1-4 are invited to participate in a Holiday Arts Extravaganza art camp at the Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square. $20 per day members/$18 non-members. Registration required. Info: www. or 253-3227. HoLIDAy BreAk CAmP • WE (12/26) through TU (1/1), 7:30am-5:30pm - The Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St., will host a holiday break camp for grades K-5. $20 per day/$15 members. Info and registration: recprograms@townofwaynesville. org or 456-2030. sUPer sCIenCe sATUrDAy • SATURDAYS, noon-2pm Super Science Saturday will feature hands-on activities with museum facilitators at The Health Adventure, 800 Brevard Road #620. All ages. Free with museum

admission. Info:

able. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.

(pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: www.songosky. org Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547.

AsHevILLe ComPAssIonATe CommUnICATIon CenTer (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 2520538 or • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:15. Jerry Donoghue <>

oPen mIC • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm-midnight - The Sly Grog Lounge, 45 S. French Broad Ave., inside The Downtown Market, hosts a weekly open mic for poets, musicians and performers of all types. Info:

AQUArIAn ComPAssIonATe FeLLowsHIP (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362.

THe eL CHAPALA JAmBoree • THURSDAYS, 8-10pm - A weekly talent showcase featuring singersongwriters, poets, comics and a capella sing-offs. 868 Merrimon Ave. Info and booking: (617) 8586740.

mInDFULness meDITATIon CLAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. www. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation.

mUsIC sonG o' sky sHow CHorUs

pARENTINg moUnTAIn CHILD CAre ConneCTIons • Mountain Child Care Connections offers free childcare referral services in Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, Polk, Rutherford, Swain and Transylvania Counties. Parents receive referrals to meet their individual needs. Info: 1-877-7525955.

sENIORs ArTHrITIs FoUnDATIon ProGrAm oF TAI CHI (pd.) 12 week series: Give yourself the gift of health in 2013 Decrease Fall Risk, Improve Balance, Quality of Life. First Baptist Church, Asheville, corner of Charlotte St. & I-240. Registration on . More info. on Facebook: WNC Tai Chi for Arthritis. Nurses, Physical Therapists, PTA’s. Earn 12 hours continuing education credit. Call 828-230-9208 or 253-8649.

AsHevILLe InsIGHT meDITATIon (pd.) Practice/learn mindfulness meditation and ramp up your spiritual practice in a supportive group environment. We practice Insight Meditation, also known as: Vipassana, or Mindfulness Meditation, which cultivates a happier, more peaceful, and focused mind. Our caring community environment provides added support and joy to one's spiritual awakening processes. Open to adults. By donation. Wednesdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. Meditation, Dhamma talk, and discussion. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, NC. Info/ directions: (828) 808-4444, www. AsHevILLe InsIGHT meDITATIon (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. 2nd and 4th Thursday. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 808-4444,


oPen HeArT meDITATIon (pd.) Experience easy, wonderful practices that opens your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Free 7pm, Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 2960017 or 367-6954 http://www.

(pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also avail-

BIrTH 2012: A new BeGInnInG • SA (12/22), 7-9:30pm - "Birth 2012: A New Beginning" will celebrate the "birth of a new era for humankind" in conjunction with


26 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

the end of the Mayan calendar. Held at Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. $10/$8 in advance. Info: www.CSLAsheville. org or DAnCInG BeTween sHADow AnD LIGHT • WE (12/19), 9:30am - "In honor of this year's winter solstice, move through your journey into the full moon of your femininity to discover the glorious life you came here for." Held at the Oshun Mountain Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive. By donation. Info: eIGHTH HeAven PLATInUmDIAmonD Core GATHerInGs • SUNDAYS, 1pm - "Explore new spiritual discoveries with the ascension of Mother Earth. There is new hope, grace, purity and equality here now. Experience waves of unity flow and expanding newness." Special celebration Dec. 21. Info and location: or 658-9987. eXoDUs CHUrCH BIBLe sTUDy • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon - A community discussion through the New Testament. This group is open to all who are searching for new friends or a new beginning in life. Meets at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: 252-2535. FUnDAmenTALs oF BUDDHIsm • MONDAYS, 7:30pm - The Karma Kagyu Study Group of Asheville hosts an introduction to the fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism at the Flatiron Building, 20 Battery Park Ave., Room 309. Info: www. Gene keys reADInG GroUP • WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - This weekly gathering meets to discuss Richard Rudd's Gene Keys, a "guide to facing and eradicating every fear that stands in the way of your freedom." A free PDF intro is available at Info and location: 785-2828. HeAven on eArTH • FR (12/21) & SA (12/22), 3-7pm - "Heaven on Earth: Finding the Common Ground Not the Differences" will highlight the teachings of Jesus through music, prayer, a labyrinth walk and fire healing ceremony. Held at The Heart Center, 504 Mountain View School Road, Robbinsville. Free. Info: or 498-2999. rooTInG To rIse: THe PLAy oF THe LIGHT AnD DArk • TH (12/20), 5:30pm - This class will use yoga to "dive into the depths of yourself and reach out to the light in a playful exploration of our physical forms." All levels welcome. Held at the Oshun Mountain Sanctuary, 87

Richmond Hill Drive. By donation. Info: sATsAnG wITH PrAJnA AnA • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7:30pm - "In satsang we explore our true nature, that which is love — constant and unchanging. The meeting may take form as a silent sitting, guided meditation or a talk and self-exploration to take a closer look at meaningful topics." $15 suggested donation; no one turned away. Info and location: sHAmBHALA meDITATIon CenTer oF AsHevILLe 19 Westwood Place. Visitors welcome; donations accepted. Info: • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville offers group sitting meditation, followed by Dharma reading and discussion at 7pm. Free. soLsTICe mAnDALA CLAss • FR (12/21), 9:30am - "Create a personal mandala to illuminate your intuitive connection with your light within." Held at the Oshun Mountain Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive. By donation. Info: sPIrITUAL LAws oF LIFe worksHoP • SU (12/23), 11am-12:30pm - “The Law of Detachment: Detached means seeing the play of life, crying when we must, laughing when we can, but at all times looking at life from the viewpoint of Soul, knowing that even this shall pass away.” Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. Donations accepted. Info: www.eckankar-nc. org or 254-6775. TAoIsT TAI CHI • Participants are sought to join a Taoist Tai Chi 108 class in the Asheville area. Info: bgramsey13@ THe movemenT For sPIrITUAL Inner AwAreness semInAr • TH (12/20), 6:30-8:30pm - A spiritual seminar will feature a video of spiritual directors John Rogers and John Morton. Free. Info, location and directions: or 777-1962. UnITy CHUrCH oF AsHevILLe Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - Edgar Cayce study group. wnC PAGAn AnD mAGICkAL FeLLowsHIP • SA (12/22), 7-9pm - WNC Pagan and Magickal Fellowship will "celebrate the return of the sun" at Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism, 2 Westwood Place. Nonperishable food donations requested. ashevillepagans.

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building relationsHips witH repeat customers by Kimberly Hunter All of my clients have heard me say this over and over again: Business is all about relationships. And one great way to build relationships is to provide your customers with ongoing relevance. If you own a specialized retail store, this means providing items that may be outside of your specialty but add to the customer’s purchasing enjoyment or help them out in a pinch. Here are some tips for using add-on, impulse items to develop customer loyalty and increase sales. Focus on existing customers. According to the 80/20 rule (also known as Pareto’s Principle), 80 percent of your business will come from 20 percent of your customers. So to grow your sales, it’s essential to focus on building relationships with existing customers. For example, if you own a book store, your repeat customers buy books for themselves and others, and they trust your recommendations. Good add-on items

got a business question? Email Anna Raddatz at would be small gifts — mugs, toys, gift bags — so that when your customers think “gift,” they think of your store. Provide a “now” need at a “now” price. The magic equation is to offer a product that customers need now, combined with a price point that causes them to act now. If you own a hardware store, a repeat customer might stop in during a rain storm because he or she remembers seeing your umbrella display. The customer probably isn’t in the mood to buy a fancy $40 umbrella but will spend $8 to get through the day. To set your price points, it’s important to know who your repeat customers are and what their impulse-buying price range is. Appeal to wants, not just needs. Add-ons don’t always have to solve problems: They can also appeal to customers who are simply in the mood to spend. If you own a dress boutique, perhaps you have a loyal customer who comes in a few times a year to buy frocks for special occasions. But today she got a raise and wants to celebrate with a little splurge. So she stops in to check out the sterling silver jewelry she noticed on her last visit. Each sale like this strengthens your relationship and leads to future sales. But keep in mind that when someone is “spending to spend,” your store is competing with restaurants, movie theaters and big-box stores — so the key is to make the spending experience at

your business more pleasurable and emotionally satisfying. Let your customers know. In the course of developing relationships with repeat customers, create a sub-context conversation that lets them know what new items you have that might be useful or appealing to them in the future. You can also use merchandise displays to draw attention to your impulse items — for example, an attractive vignette display near the check-out area. Don’t advertise it. Repeat customers have already bought into your brand. So while instore promotion of add-ons makes sense, don’t bother advertising them. Save your marketing dollars for promoting your brand and your core products for attracting new customers. Start small. Want to give it a try? Don’t get overzealous. Start small and test your market. Buy one or two items, purchase the minimum quantity, and see what happens. If the items aren’t selling, experiment by adjusting the products or the price points. Once you’ve found a few items that work, add more as customers get accustomed to the new selections. With more than 15 years of experience, Kimberly Hunter is a business developer at Mountain BizWorks and a business consultant in advanced marketing and small-business growth. To learn more about business coaching or classes from Mountain BizWorks, call 253-2834 or visit X Mountain BizWorks supports small businesses in Western North Carolina through lending, consulting and training. For more information, visit

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spOkEN & WRITTEN WORD BUnComBe CoUnTy PUBLIC LIBrArIes LIBrAry ABBrevIATIons - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n Fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n Pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (12/19), 5pm - Swannanoa Library Knitters group. sw • TH (12/20), 7pm - Book club: The Sharper the Knife, the Less You Cry by Kathleen Finn. Fv • Through (12/21), 10:30am-3pm - Book sale. Pm CITy LIGHTs BooksTore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • TH (12/20), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet, featuring Carol Bjorlie.

spORTs 20/20/20 FITness CLAss • MONDAYS, TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St., hosts 20/20/20 fitness classes featuring equal sessions of cardio, weights and floor exercises. Free with daily admission. Info: recprograms@ or 456-2030. enD oF THe worLD BIke rIDe • FR (12/21), 5:45pm - An End-of-theWorld bike ride, hosted by the Asheville Mountain Biking group, will depart from Bent Creek Rice Pinnacle Parking Area, 63 Rice Pinnacle Road. Not geared towards beginners. Lights required. Free. Info: PICkLeBALL • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts will offer pickleball games at the StephensLee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. $1 per day. Info: 350-2058. PILATes CLAss • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:306:30pm - The Waynesville Recreation Center will host pilates classes at 550 Vance St. Regular admission/free for members. Info: or 456-2030.

vOLUNTEERINg A-B TeCH • A-B Tech seeks volunteers for student services, academic success programs and its writing center. Opportunities available at the Asheville and Enka cam-

puses. Info: jeralieeandrews@abtech. edu or 398-7761. AsHevILLe AreA ArTs CoUnCIL • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks. Complete a volunteer form at or stop by the ARTery, 346 Depot St. AsHevILLe CITy sCHooLs • Through (2/8) - The Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks volunteers to work with K-12 students as tutors, artists, mentors and coaches. Info: www. or BIG BroTHers BIG sIsTers oF wnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters volunteers to mentor 1 hr/week in schools and after-school programs. Volunteers 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. BUnComBe CoUnTy JAIL • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. CHILDren FIrsT/CIs • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteer for one hour a week and change the life of a local child. Info: www.childrenfirstbc. org or 768-2072. CoUnCIL on AGInG • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as part of the Call-A-Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: or 277-8288. HABITAT For HUmAnITy • Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for its Home Repair program. Use existing skills or gain new ones while helping low-income homeowners make improvements to their homes. No experience or long-term commitment necessary. Info: 210-9383. • Volunteers are needed to clean donated items and unload trucks at the organization's ReStore. Regular commitment not required. Info: ataylor@ or 210-9377. HAnDs on AsHevILLe-BUnComBe Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • WE (12/19), 6-8pm - Cookie night invites the public to make cookies for hospice patients at CarePartners' John Keever Solace Center. • SU (12/23), 2-3pm - Knit-n-Give encourages knitters of all skill levels to make hats for the WNCCHS Pediatric Program and Homeward Bound of Asheville. • TH (12/27), 11am-12:30pm - Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade

bUsINEss bLOTTER OpENINgs FiZi Futon, 255-8858. (Online sales and a booth at the Downtown Market, 45 S. French Broad.) The Imperial Life, 48 College St.,, 254-8980. Jati Tua, 33 N. Lexington Ave. 843-476-7894. Lp squared boutique, 31 N. Lexington Ave., 252-0083. lululemon athletica, 1 Kitchin Place,, Twist boutique, 35 N. Lexington Ave. 252-4855 (Pictured. Photo by Max Cooper.)

lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate. LITerACy CoUnCIL oF BUnComBe CoUnTy Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 204. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors provide one-on-one or small group instruction to adults in our community. No prior tutoring experience required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation will be held Jan 9 and 10. Info: moTHerLove menTor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per month required. Info: 254-7206. PArTners UnLImITeD • Partners Unlimited, a program for atrisk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteer tutors and website assistance. Info: or 2812800. rsvP voLUnTeer CenTer: BrevArD • 3rd THURSDAYS, noon-4pm - RSVP Volunteer Center at Silvermont Opportunity Center in Brevard invites retired community members interested in volunteering to learn more about local opportunities. Info: THe rATHBUn CenTer • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation which provides free lodging for patients and their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register

A well Theestablished, Family AHealth well award winning The established, Family Centers award winning group of dedicated Health Centers group dedicated familyofphysicians A well established, The physicians Family family offering excellent Aaward well established, winning Health Centers offering excellent care for winning the entire award group of dedicated care for the entire family The Family group of dedicated family physicians The Family family Afamily well established, Centers Health The Family physicians offering excellent Health Centers award Now accepting new offering excellent care for winning the entire Health Centers A patients well group ofestablished, dedicated Now accepting atentire allnew care for the family A well established, award winning family physicians patients at all locations family award winning group of excellent dedicated A well established, offering locations group of dedicated Now accepting new family physicians award winning care for the entire Hominy Valley family physicians Now accepting offering excellent patients at Family allnew family group of dedicated Health Center offering excellent Hominy Family care forValley the patients atentire all locations 1219 Smokey Park Highway Health Center care for the entire familylocations physicians family Candler, family 1219 Smokey ParkNC Highway Now accepting new offering excellent Hominy Valley Family Candler, Proudly welcomes patients atNC allnew Now accepting care for the entire Health Center Hominy Valley Family Now accepting new Proudly welcomes patients at all locations Todd Hodges, MD 1219 Smokey Park Highway family Health Center patients at all locations Todd Hodges, MD Candler, 1219 Smokey ParkNC Highway locations

Hominy Valley Family Candler, NC Proudly welcomes Now accepting new Hominy Valley Family Health Center Proudly welcomes

Todd Hodges, MD Center Health Hominy Valley Family patients at all 1219 Smokey Park Highway Family Center Health 1219Arden Smokey Park Highway Todd Hodges, MD Candler, NC locations 1219Health Smokey Park Highway Center Candler, NC Arden Family

welcomes Candler, NC Road Proudly welcomes Center Health 2161Proudly Hendersonville Proudly welcomes Arden, NC MD 2161 Hendersonville Road Todd Hodges,

Todd Hodges, MD Hominy Valley Family Arden Family ToddArden, Hodges, NC MD Health Center Center HealthFamily Arden Asheville Family 1219 Smokey Park Highway Health Center 2161 Hendersonville Road Health Center Asheville Family Arden, NC 2161 Candler, Hendersonville NC Road Arden Family Health Center 206 Asheland Avenue Arden Family Arden, NC Arden Family Proudly welcomes Health Center Asheville, NC 206 Asheland Avenue Health Center Health Center Asheville Family 2161 Hendersonville Road Asheville, NC Road Todd Hodges, MD 2161 Hendersonville 2161 Hendersonville Arden,Center NC Road Health Asheville Family Arden, NC Arden,Center NC Health 206 Asheland Avenue Asheville Family

206 Asheville, Asheland NC Avenue 828‐258‐8681 Asheville Family Health Center Asheville Family Asheville, NC 828‐258‐8681 Health Center 206 Asheland Avenue Center Health Arden Family 206 Asheville, Asheland Avenue NC Avenue 206 Asheland Asheville, NC Health Center Asheville, NC 828‐258‐8681 • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 29

guests. Info: or 251-0595.


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30 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Plastic surgeons in Turkey and France told CNN in November that mustache implants have surged in popularity among Middle Eastern men to convey power and prestige. For about $7,000, surgeons extract follicles from hairier parts of the body; full results take about six months. An anthropology professor told CNN that traditionally in Arab countries, a man of honor would swear on his mustache, use it as collateral for loans, shave off a vanquished foe's mustache, and gravely insult enemies with "Curse be upon your mustache!"

LATEsT RELIgIOUs mEssAgEs • At the religious festival of Pon, thousands of Muslims travel to Gunung Kemukus, on Indonesia's main island of Java, to have the required sexual intercourse with a stranger. The experience, which supposedly brings good fortune, has become heavily commercialized, but nevertheless, about half the participants are "pure," in that no money changes hands. According to an October dispatch from The Global Mail, pilgrims must first pray, bathe themselves and select the proper stranger. Afterward, they bathe again (carefully saving the water for reuse) and then return seven times at 35-day intervals to refresh their ritual.

pERspECTIvE "In beautiful La Jolla Cove," The New York Times wrote in November, "art galleries and coffee shops meet a stretch of unspoiled cliffs and Pacific Ocean" near San Diego. Since then, however, seagulls have apparently taken over, and thanks to California's showcase environmental regulations, use of the cove has been restricted. Cleaning up the bird droppings is subject to a permit-application process that could take two years. Some residents profess not to mind ("Smells just like the ocean," said one, "but maybe a little 'heightened'"); others are appalled. Although the smell grows "more acrid by the day," said the Times, the only short-term hope is winter rains (which don’t need permits).

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(1) In September, officials in Jeddah detained 908 female Nigerian visitors, in the country to make the required Hajj pilgrimage, who weren’t accompanied by appropriate male guardians as required for all females in the kingdom under age 45. (Women older than that are allowed merely to carry notarized permission slips from husbands, sons or brothers.) (2) In November, Saudi immigration officials began a text-messaging service to notify husbands if a woman tries to leave the country without the official "yellow sheet" authorization.

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READERs' CHOICE A 35-year-old man was shot to death in Wilkinsburg, Pa., in September when he took a break from a game of dominoes on a secondfloor balcony and urinated over the rail. An unidentified man walking below yelled, "Yo! Yo!" and fired several gunshots, killing the urinator. X

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When patients in Henderson and Transylvania Counties tell doctors where it hurts next year, their spoken language won't cause additional harm or discomfort. For patients who are already suffering, “Having a language barrier and being forced to get a community member or family member to talk for you puts your health information out there for everybody to see," says Mary Jo dukas, program coordinator of the WNC Interpreter Network. It’s common for family members to serve as translators in many situations, she explains, adding, "Whenever you make a doctors appointment, they're going to ask about your symptoms. But what if you think you're pregnant? You may not want to say that in front of your child or in front of your partner. You don't want your neighbor to know before you husband does, so it puts you in a really vulnerable position." To help these patients, the Western Carolina Medical Society launched WNC Interpreter Network in 2005, and it’s currently active in five counties: Buncombe, Yancey, Madison, Mitchell and McDowell. The network features more than 50 professionals who can interpret more than 20 languages, including American Sign Language. But those numbers could grow. Recently, the medical society received $20,000 grant to expand into Henderson and Transylvania County. "Further expansion into the rural communities of WNC will serve the estimated 10,000 yearround Latino population in Henderson County, which swells to as many as 20,000 during harvest season, and 1,000 Latinos in Transylvania County, in addition to the larger [Limited English Proficiency] community," says WCMS Executive Director Miriam schwartz. Dukas says the network will be looking for interpreters who are already working in the two counties. To make sure they’re qualified, the program tests, shadows and pays interpreters as professional contractors. WIN also trains staff and doctors about how to work with interpreters. These steps are critical, Dukas says, because North Carolina does not have a certification process for interpreters or a standard of proficiency. When doctors request an interpreter, local ones are preferred, she continues. And the network will include “interpreters who are probably not being compensated decently right now, or need to work

on their skills," Dukas says. She further notes the difference between growing up bilingual, taking college language courses and being an interpreter. "Being bilingual doesn’t automatically make a person a good interpreter or qualified for interpreting in medical situations,” says Dukas. “Interpreting is a difficult skill that requires the development of a talent that not everyone has, as well as the acquisition of extensive knowledge and vocabulary." To keep prices low for doctors in these medical environments, WIN charges doctors $45-50 for appointments that are 30 minutes or less and $75 for appointments that will last more than an hour. To Dukas, it's difficult to put a price tag on understanding. "They're saving money in the long run because they're getting the information that they need up front. They're having good communication with their patient, and the best profit is having quality communication with their patient," she explains. When patients make appointments, they can ask their doctors for an interpreter and will not have to worry about an additional charge for the service, Dukas mentions. Insurance companies require that doctors provide language services. Medicaid also requires qualified interpreters. Dukas says these are facts that few people know — and it could end up saving someone's life. "As an interpreter, you learn that doctors want to help people. Nothing hurts them more than to know that the ability to pay for a consult keeps their patients away and destroys their chances,” she says. Going forward, education is key, Dukas continues, further emphasing, "Patients should not have to pay for interpreters. It is really important that they know that they can ask the doctor for an interpreter and do not have to pay or tip the interpreter that the doctor provides.” She concludes, “We hope WIN can work with and teach patients, doctors and interpreters in Henderson and Transylvania Counties what professional interpreting is and the difference it can make." X Send your health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at or mxhealth@, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.

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A typical regular eggnog has about 180 calories per serving and note that the serving is not your usual 8 oounces but only 4 ounces! I decided to try my hand at making a lower calorie eggnog and it turned out pretty well! A few notes: dry milk powder gives your •milknon-fat the thickness and creaminess of

used Splenda (sucralose) because • II don’t notice the aftertaste that I

using heavy cream without the fat.

get when using stevia products.

• A few higher quality ingredients like the vanilla pod and freshly grated nutmeg really help. • If you use real eggs make sure your cooking temperature reaches 160degrees to kill any harmful bacteria (this is the temperature when it will coat the back of a metal spoon) — do NOT cook at this temperature for long because it will turn to custard.


1 ½ cup 1% milk ½ cup low-fat half & half 2 TBSP non-fat dry milk powder 3 oz. (6 TBSP) liquid egg substitute

(make sure it doesn’t include salt and spices!)

3 packets of Splenda (sucralose)

¼ tsp vanilla extract or 1 vanilla pod ¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg ¼ tsp imitation rum (or real rum!)

a sauce pan on low/medium heat mix together your milk, half & half and •dryInmilk powder until smooth and hot - but NOT boiling - about 10 minutes. separate mixing bowl mix together the egg substitute and splenda. • InSlowly add hot milk to this mixture and then return milk and egg

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mixture to sauce pan. Add in vanilla pod or vanilla extract.


Cook over low/simmer heat until slightly thickend (should coat the back of a spoon) • — about another 10 minutes - stir constantly. Do not overcook this or it will taste and smell like custard!

Add in freshly grated nutmeg (this will give it the best taste). Remove •from heat and rest parchment paper or plastic wrap on top of egg nog to keep skin from forming and refrigerate. Let chill for several hours preferably overnight. Remove or strain out vanilla pod. Adjust taste with additional nutmeg, vanilla and rum as needed. Calories per 4 oz serving: approximately 60 calories; 1.4 gram fat; 7mg cholesterol; 5 g carbohydrates; (5g sugar), 6 g protein. Note: protein. this 4 oz serving has 13% of your daily value of calcium)

Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets

Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

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PILATes reFormer CLAsses (pd.) 15+ reformer classes a week! Happy Body, 1378 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Registration required, $23 drop-in. or 277-5741 Be HeALTHy CLUB • SATURDAYS, noon-2pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St. (below the French Broad Coop) hosts weekly meetings to discuss eating healthy, weight loss, detoxing, fasting, exercise, natural living and more. Free. Info:

memory CAFe • 1st MONDAYS, 1st WEDNESDAYS, 3rd SATURDAYS, 3rd THURSDAYS - Memory Cafe invites those with memory challenges and their caregivers, family and friends to socialize in a safe and supportive environment. Free. Info and locations: LBrown@, or reD Cross BLooD DrIves 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (12/19), 9:30am-2pm - Buncombe County Employees Blood Drive: 199 College St. Info: 1-800-REDCROSS. • TH (12/20), 7am-3pm - Blood drive: Charles George VA Medical Center, 110 Tunnel Road. Info: 298-7911, ext. 5736. • FR (12/21), 9am-1:30pm - Blood drive: Oakley Elementary School, 753 Fairview Road. Info: 1-800-RED-CROSS. womB HeALInG CIrCLe • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St., hosts a weekly womb wellness discussion, featuring topics based on the book Sacred Woman by Queen Afua. Donations appreciated. Info: itsnatural11@

HeALTHy HeArT HeALTH eDUCATIon • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11am - The Asheville Compounding Pharmacy, 760 Merrimon Ave., offers free Healthy Heart Health Education classes monthly. Info: 255-8757.

yAnG 24 TAI CHI • WEDNESDAYS (1/2) through (2/20), 7:459pm - Yang 24 Tai Chi will be offered at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $80 for fourweek series; a portion of proceeds benefit Asheville Community Yoga. Info and registration:

mAnAGInG PAIn AnD InFLAmmATIon • WE (12/19), 7pm - "Managing Pain and Inflammation: Natural Strategies, a Comprehensive Approach" will be presented by Dr. Cory Noll as part of the Healthy Lifestyles Series. Held at Edgewood

yoGA nIDrA • WE (12/19), 6-8pm - Yoga Nidra and restorative yoga will be offered at Asheville Community Yoga, 8 Brookdale Road. $20. Info and registration: www.

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Chiropractic and Wellness Center, 68 Grove St., Suite C4. Info and registration: 254-3838.

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ke th i l y t r Pa

s l a n o ofessi


e’s vill Ashe rew Ary c o n i l ow t cu ou h y s y show A holidA t s ho t feAs

Charle Alexande s & Geoff r, behind Apthe brothers Vintner palachian Christma , celebrate s morn w ith eggs & win e. Photos By MAX coo Per

by Emily Patrick During the holiday season, Asheville's food and wine pros eat well. Xpress wanted to know just how well, so we compiled this collection of stories from some of Asheville's culinary types. They shared holiday memories and relayed tips to make holiday cooking easier and tastier. And they even donned funny holiday sweaters at our request.

Wine and eggs Geoff Alexander runs Appalachian Vintner on Biltmore Avenue with his brother, Charles Alexander. They learned the food and wine business growing up: Their father, Jim, owns Zebra Restaurant and Wine Bar, a mainstay of European dining in Charlotte. Geoff told Xpress about his family's Christmas tradition, and picked out a wine to go with it. “Charles and I come from, I guess you could say, a drinking family. Our family makes wine in California, and my dad's a classically trained French chef, so we've been around this stuff for a while. Really, a lot of the food pairings come off of what Pops is going to cook. We always do eggs Benedict on Christmas morning. We only eat that once a year, and it's at Christmas morning. It was one of my favorite foods, and I think it was one of my brother's favorite foods growing up. It was always a little splurge thing. Oddly enough, we've met some French guys who say it’s commonplace in France to drink with your breakfast and have some wine. Certain wines go great with eggs. And this particular one is from

Cederberg Winery. I remember when this wine was first brought to our attention; they said this is one of the varietals that you have to try before you die. The varietal is Bukettraube; that's the grape. It was an Austrian-Germanic grape that was developed by some scientists years ago, and you only see a very small amount of them. The only ones I've ever seen are from South Africa. It's got a little acidity, and it has a little residual sugar that helps to cut through the creamy hollandaise and the poached egg as well as the ham. It's the ripe nature of it. It's a little off-dry, so it has a little residual sugar. It's rich without being oaky or without being too buttery like a chardonnay.”

36 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Taming the bird Jason Roy, chef at Lexington Avenue Brewery, loves turkey — when it’s cooked just right. Luckily, he's an expert at keeping a holiday bird moist and tender. For him, the tradition of carving a whole bird at the table is overrated. “It's Rockwell or whatever, but it's a dry bird,” he says. “Bad is bad. There's no reason to serve bad turkey.” Roy told Xpress how to bring a superior turkey to the table. He began his story with a disclaimer: he is a lover of animals, and while this story involves killing a turkey, he meant no disrespect to the bird. “We're city guys, but we're into animal husbandry. So this farmer said, 'Hey, you

want to get this turkey?' And we're like, 'Cool, yeah. It's going to be awesome.' This is the first time we've done something like this. Typically, in the past, I would just buy heritage turkeys. But this was super big, super local. I don't know how organic it was because it was a dinosaur. When we opened the cage to this turkey, it stood almost 4 feet tall. It was a 50-some pound bird. It was an ostrich. And this was a small one. He had bigger ones. Right before we go in the cage, he shows us this scar on his arm. He's like, 'Yeah, that one got me earlier this year.' And we're thinking to ourselves, 'We're going to get mauled by this bird.' And I've never wrestled a turkey or

Conquering pie phobia

killed a turkey or anything. So I thought, 'We're going to this farmer's house. He's going to pluck it; he's going to show us how to do it.' But he was just like, 'Here you go. Here's your bird. Go for it.' He showed us all the ways to get the bird and do what we had to. So then we killed the bird; took it back to my buddy's house and then de-feathered the whole thing. It was the biggest thing ever, so I was thinking to myself, ‘It's going to be extremely tough, extremely dry.’ It was seriously one of the best turkeys ever. Now, we brined it, which is massive on any dry bird. We'll brine. Brine, brine, brine, brine: That's the key to any turkey in my opinion.

Emilou Cadmus of Emilou's Famous Homestyle Goods sells her pies and other treats at Short Street Cakes in West Asheville and at tailgate markets around town. She's a self-taught baker. “I do not come from a family of cooks,” she says. “I was raised by my mother, and she doesn't make anything unless you can microwave it.” Cadmus sympathizes with the home cook, and she has lots of tips to share. She says aspiring bakers should not feel oppressed by the difficulties of pie crusts; it takes practice to perfect the pastry. She told Xpress some tricks of the pie trade.

Charles & Geoff Alexander’s holiday short list

Pecan Tart from Chef Kevin Archer of Laughing Seed

Wines — and one beer — for merry meals

Yields one 10-inch, vegan tart

Thierry Triolet Champagne from Bethon, France

oy ason R Chef J xington of Le Brewery e Avenu ligns a ma ellian Rockw d. r i b

Cederberg Bukettraube from Cederberg Wilderness Area, South Africa Alain et Isabelle Hasard Les Champs de l’Abbaye Bourgogne from Burgundy, France Via Vega cabernet sauvignon from Paso, Robles, Calif. A.R. Valdespino El Candado Pedro Ximenez sherry from Jerez, Spain Olde Hickory Lindley Park Imperial Stout brewed with raspberries and honey from Hickory, N.C.

[The brine] depends on whatever I've got in my cupboard. I always use salt and sugar, different kinds of spices: bay leaf, peppercorn, juniper berries if I’ve got it. The only thing to remember is, whatever flavor you put in the brine is going to be in the meat because it's going to suck all that flavor up into it. I don't like cooking whole birds. No way. We break the birds down. We make stock from the bones. We roast that and make a gravy. Debone the legs and make a ballantine. Just debone the leg and thigh portion, stuff it with something, roll it back up, truss it, twine it, whatever. I like to wrap that whole thing in bacon, too, if you want to. And then roast that whole thing, and you wind up with this awesome roulade of meat. I do that every year; stuff it with sausage. And then you have dark meat, white meat completely separate. It's clean. You're not cutting it off the bird with an electrical knife and all that. Just break it all down before. That way when you're prepped up and ready to go, it's like money.”

Updating tradition Chef Kevin Archer came to Asheville this fall from New York City to take over the kitchen at Laughing Seed Café. When he became a vegan, he wondered how he would hang on to his family's traditional dishes. Since then, he’s realized that tradition is more about the intention of the cook than the ingredients in the dish. “When I think about traditional foods that go way back in my family, for as long as I can remember, the pecan pies were the staple. Everything else in the family gatherings would cycle through and rotate. But it was my great-grandmother's pecan pie that was the centerpiece. Everybody wanted a piece of that one. I grew up in Texas, and the pecan was the state tree of Texas, so it was not just family pride, but state pride was on the line. Everyone wanted a slice of her pie, and there were, like, a hundred of us. So that led to her daughters and her granddaughters and all the cousins working on

trying to duplicate that pie or make that pie so it could be as good as hers. It's one of those things where she had a knack. She knew just when to flip that thing or turn it that way. And then, of course, nostalgia kicks in and everyone says, ‘This is not as good.’ It's the holy grail of pies. It was this unspoken, unacknowledged competition that everyone wanted their pie to be as good as hers. Growing up, my mom always made them. She still makes them for the holidays. And when I took on a vegan diet, it was like, ‘Well, OK, what can I do with this pie?’ It wasn't, to me, a matter of, ‘I've got to give up the pie.’ It was, ‘How can I convert this pie? What can I do to keep the tradition going.’ I realized then as with all my dietary shifts — when I quit eating meat and when I quit eating dairy and eggs as well — I didn't feel like I gave up any family tradition because I realized that the real tradition was making and preparing the best food possible for your family.”

1 10-inch pie crust, pre-baked 2 1/2 cups pecan halves 1 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup rice syrup 1 cup soy milk 1 tbsp. vanilla 1/8 tsp. sea salt 3 tbsp. flax meal 1/4 cup arrowroot, dissolved in 1/4 cup cold water Heat oven to 350 degrees. Toast pecans in oven for 15 minutes. In heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine maple syrup, rice syrup, soy milk, vanilla, and sea salt. Bring to simmer over medium heat. Lower heat and simmer for 10 more minutes, stirring often. Vigorously whisk in the ground flax meal and dissolved arrowroot. In large bowl, combine syrup mixture with pecans, and stir thoroughly. Pour into pie crust. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, or until bubbly and browned. Let cool thoroughly before slicing.

“There are a lot of terrifying things in this world, and pie is not one of them. The revolutionary moment for me that came when I was practicing making pie crust to get good at it was that when you combine all the ingredients — you cut the butter into the flour and salt mixture and you add whatever you're using for moisture — when you combine that, it's not a dough. It's crumbly. And then you put the crumbles out, and when you roll it, it becomes a dough. Keeping the butter and whatever liquid you're using separate from each other is what's going to make it flaky. Sometimes people add a little vodka. I use vinegar to add to my water. I don't know exactly how it works. I read about it in the Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery, which is full of really good hairdos if you're ever looking for inspiration. • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 37

-pro Pastry admus C Emilou rade AA G s e s h, u for ric butter crusts. flaky

For che Pollay of f Peter P the holida osana, y about ten s are d moments er as much as te nder meats.

Something that's really simple that I think is really kind of special that pretty much anybody can do so long as you have a whisk and a bowl is flavored whipped cream. You've got traditional whipped cream with sugar and maybe a little vanilla in it, and that's really good. And you can keep it really simple and just put almond extract in it or cocoa powder, and that makes it a little bit different. Or you could get really complicated with it and put caramel in it and Maldon sea salt. You can also switch up the kind of sweetener that you’re using. Use sorghum or molasses or brown sugar, and that brings out a nice fall flavor. You can put nutmeg, cardamom — you can even use jam and jelly to make it fruity. You can make an infusion of Earl Grey tea or lavender or mint leaves, and that makes it very good. Or you could put that in the pie, too.”

The family that cooks together … Peter Pollay, chef and owner of Posana Café, does a lot of holiday cooking. In addition to what he prepares for his customers, he cooks for his family as they celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. At home, Pollay focuses on no-fuss, braised dishes that cook for many hours at low heat. He also brings his family into the kitchen with him and teaches his children to prepare the classic meals. “The traditional family favorite, it was for Hanukkah. It was braised beef brisket with a lot of onions in it, potato latkes and homemade applesauce. We make it all the time. It's a lot of fun. It's relatively easy, and it's just great. The whole family gets involved: The kids like to peel the onions and the

38 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

apples for the applesauce and also peel and shred all the potatoes for the latkes. I try to keep them away from the oil [for frying the latkes], but they're getting to the age where they can start helping. It's a real fun time with the family and hanging out in the kitchen and eating good food. [Brisket] is one of those easy dishes that you can prepare in advance so that you just reheat, so you can spend more time with your friends and family. [Cooking in advance] gives it more time for all the flavors to work and meld together, but it also gives you more time to cool the meat and be able to slice it — because it's a lot easier to slice it when it's cold than when it's hot. So that's real important: to make it the day before, cool it, pull the meat out, slice it and then reheat it in its juices or in its sauce. With braises it's almost better the second day because it has more time to sit. And

when you cool it off, you cool it off in the cooking liquid. With meat, when you cook it, the cells expand and release the juices. So it's good for it to cool off, and then it kind of sucks the juices back in, so it's more flavorful that way. From the restaurant, since we're glutenfree here, we've had to come up with gluten-free stuffing for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. Our base is a gluten-free cornbread. Most cornbread should be glutenfree as long as the corn flour and the corn meal are made in a gluten-free facility. We go to my wife's family's house every year, and their company, they make bacon, ham and sausage. So we use their raw sausage and cook it, put it in with the cornbread and a bunch of aromatics and herbs and a little bit of chicken stock, and it's just a fantastic stuffing.”

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sMAll Bites

by Emily Patrick

send your food news to

Grow your own

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If you eat white button, creminis or portobello mushrooms — all of which are the same species at different ages — you’re likely eating mushrooms that grew in a manure-filled warehouse in Pennsylvania, explains Chris Parker. Parker and his partner Joseph Allawos are the co-owners of Asheville Fungi: Mushroom Central, which opened on Saturday, Dec. 15, in West Asheville. They want to provide Asheville’s restaurants and home cooks with a source for locally grown mushrooms as well as the material they need to grow their own fungi. It’s a two-part business. The lower level houses a grow room where Allawos and Parker cultivate mushroom species such as lion’s mane, king oyster, blue oyster, king stropharia, black poplar, and maitake, also known as hen of the woods. Upstairs is retail space marketed toward home-growers. “We’re trying to grow more than just shiitake,” Allawos says. They want to introduce Asheville diners to varieties that are hard to find in gro-

40 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Mushroom Central lets you DIY, or gives you the real-deal fungi

tAste the MAgic: There are no psychedelics at Mushroom Central, but the cooking mushrooms might just blow up your mind. Photos by Max Cooper

cery stores, and they’re hoping that local chefs will see the store as an opportunity for creativity and experimentation. But they do sell shiitake-growing supplies. Mushroom Central is a manifestation of Parker and Allawos’s longtime fascination. Parker began cultivating shiitakes in high school, and Allawos has studied the fungi for many years as a botany professor at A-B Tech. “The only bad thing about what we’ve done is that it takes over your psyche, so when I dream at night, I dream about mushrooms,” Allawos says. “I’m not exaggerating.” To be clear, Allawos is not talking about chemical-induced dreams. While it’s legal to sell spores of psilocybin, or magic mushrooms, there are no psilocybin spores at Mushroom Central, although there are books about the hallucinogens. “We won’t be giving advice about any sort of illegal drug activity,” Allawos says. In the retail space upstairs, the partners sell all manner of mushroom-growing equipment. There are materials for starting the fungi from spores as well as “spawn bags.” These growing kits appear to be bags of dirt at first glance, but closer inspection reveals a colony of delicate

white roots winding through a mixture of sawdust and coffee grounds. The spawn bags are easy to use and can produce a couple of pounds of mushrooms with proper water, temperature and light. “You just snip the top off, and all of a sudden because there’s this fresh air, it stimulates them to make mushrooms,” Allawos says. The bags cost $25 and come with Allawos and Parker’s personal in-store instruction. They eagerly explain how mushrooms grow, and they’re equally adept at talking cooking methods. “They’re full of B vitamins; they’re really good for you but only if you cook them for long enough to break down the cell walls,” Allawos says. “You get no nutritional value from fresh mushrooms. Your body can’t digest them.” Parker likes to eat oyster mushrooms battered, fried and served as a mock mollusk. Joe likes them in pasta and eggs. Mushroom Central is located at 16 Allen St., just off Haywood Road. Look for the brightly colored mushroom mural by Austen Mikulka that adorns the walls. The shop is open Thursday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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Amazing Savings is family owned.

Local nonprofit Green Opportunities receives a hefty grant There’s a lot of buying power in $800,000. That’s the amount Asheville nonprofit Green Opportunities recently received to improve access to quality food in low-income communities. The money will build community gardens and greenhouses near Pisgah View and Hillcrest apartments and at the W.C. Reid Center. Other possible projects include a community kitchen that would produce low-cost meals and a grocery store in the Southside neighborhood (Livingston Heights). The grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The mission of GO is to educate the community about healthy, locally-pro-

duced food and increase access to it in areas known as “food deserts,” where access to grocery stores and farmers markets is limited, according to codirector DeWayne Barton. “We’re trying to develop relationships through food,” he says. “Once people’s eyes open, it’s like they’re on fire. It takes time for some people to get it, but once they get it, they’re inspired.” Green Opportunities expects grantfunded projects to create about 34 jobs. Many of those new positions could be filled by participants in GO’s programs, including graduates from the culinary training program, KitchenReady. For more information about GO and the grant, visit

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sMall Bites

by Emily Patrick

send your food news to

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The Imperial Life aims to be Asheville’s top shelf. The craft cocktail and charcuterie bar that opened last week above Table serves a selection of specially sourced liquors from all over the world, with a particular focus on bourbon. But even amid the sashimi, lobster and shrimp fra diavolo, housecured meats and high-end liquors, The Imperial Life maintains a certain levity with casual offerings such as pigs in a blanket, popcorn and s’mores cake. “I think the menu in general is geared toward playful,” says Jacob Sessoms, who co-owns The Imperial Life, Table and Tod’s Tasties with his wife, Alicia Sessoms. “Our idea was to do a charcuterie bar, but we weren’t going to serve solely charcuterie, and people want a little snack when they drink.” The Imperial Life follows swiftly on the heels of MG Road, the cocktail bar that opened below Chai Pani in October, and precedes Nuns On Top, the forthcoming craft liquor exploration from Barry Bialik of the Thirsty Monk. Bar manager Jesse Ratliff has created draft and barrel-aged cocktails as well as hand-cut ice. He also plays with oft-overlooked liquors, such as mezcal, and house-made mixers, such as orgeat and tonic of quince. The Vida Imperial features Del Maguey Vida Mezcal, black tea, Amontillado sherry and house-made grenadine. “It’s not for everyone,” Ratliff says. “It’s very smokey and rich, but it’s definitely intriguing.” Each drink comes with a specifically sized ice cube. The bar buys the ice in 300-pound blocks from a local ice sculptor, and the staff breaks them

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42 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Table’s upstairs bar offers charcuterie, cocktails

ad astra per alas porci: Means “to the stars on the wings of a pig.” Jacob and Alicia Sessoms have fantastic aspirations, as their motto suggests.

down with saws in Table’s basement. They keep a hammer and chisel behind the bar, so they can cut ice to size for each spirit. The Imperial Life is equal parts cocktail bar and charcuterie house, Sessoms explains, so he hopes the cured meat program will stand on its own. He employs a full-time charcutier to produce country ham, salami, coppa, lomo, brizola and terrine, among other cured, smoked and emulsified meats. “The idea of the menu is raw and cured,” Jacob says. “We’ll play with everything. The menu will be done monthly, so the tartare will change to a different animal. It will be lamb or antelope or venison through the winter. In the summer, it will be veal or steak. The selection of raw fish will broaden as the weather warms.” Right now, the small plates menu includes raw oysters accented with sake and juniper; sunfish sashimi with fennel apple salad, charred lemon puree and paella ice cream; and lamb tartare with miso and mustard.

The wine list focuses on unusual, European varietals. In fact, there isn’t a single American wine on the menu. “Generally speaking, both Jacob and my palates lean toward Old World wines as opposed to New World wines,” Alicia says. “I think that, traditionally speaking, with charcuterie and some of the things we’re doing, French and Italian wines pair very well. And also, we were trying to go with some fun, interesting things that you don’t see.” The wine list is one of many reflections of the way the pair craft a restaurant. “This menu is geared toward what we want to drink and what we want to eat,” Jacob says. The Imperial Life, 48 College St., opens Sunday and Tuesday through Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 4:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Food is served throughout those hours. Cocktails range from $10-$12, and snacks and small plates run from $5-$15. For more information, visit or call 254-8980.

Get your jam ready for Biscuit Head The LAB’s Jason Roy to open a restaurant focused on the Southern staple



Competitive Prices & Advice You Can Trust! Chef Jason Roy of Lexington Avenue Brewery knows biscuits are more delicious than their side-dish status suggests. That’s why he’s starting a new restaurant, Biscuit Head Café and Provisions, where cat-heads get the glory they deserve. Roy’s concept is all about elevating the down-home staple. “Growing up in Georgia, I’d always go to a biscuit shop in the morning before school,” he says. “Just go in and get a biscuit almost everywhere in Georgia — in little gas stations, just a mom-and-pop kind of thing.” Biscuit Head will riff on the traditional biscuit counter. “We’re going to do all kinds of different crazy jams: ham marmalade, bacon marmalade, and just weird, off-the-wall stuff that seems good at the time,” Roy says. “We’ll have a jam bar and jelly bar and syrup bar, so if you want to order a single biscuit and load it up with whatever you want, it will be out there in the dining area.” The first draft of the menu includes jams such as blueberryginger, banana-guava, roasted red pepper and habanero-peach. Butter gets an update, too, with flavors such as caramel and sea salt, honeyroasted garlic and mango. Decked-out biscuit sandwich creations are the menu’s main attractions. Their toppings range from the traditionally Southern to the exotic. There’s the “Benedict,” an open-face biscuit with Coca-Colabrined ham, smoked Gouda cheese, two over-easy eggs and hollandaise in addition to the “Chaco Loco,” a biscuit with pork, green chilies, fried bananas, local chèvre, tomatoes and an egg. “The concept’s kind of, you get in and get out fast. You get a really big meal for a great price,” Roy says. “Just really plentiful.” The main hang-up in Roy’s plan is location. He selected a spot several months ago, and he’s working on pinning down the building now. He doesn’t want to talk real estate yet, but he says he’ll let Xpress know when he has an address. No matter when Biscuit Head opens for business, Roy plans to

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take your sweet time about it: Roy’s biscuits will come with jam options galore. This guy is the new spot’s mascot, for now.

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maintain his relationship with LAB. He will continue to oversee the kitchen and menu there even as he spearheads his own business. He’s a busy man, he admits, but he hopes Biscuit Head will allow him to spend more time with his wife, Carolyn, and their 7-year-old son. The couple plans to run the new breakfast and lunch place together. Roy will also help with the LAB expansion taking place next door to the brewery’s Lexington Avenue location. That project is progressing, he explains, albeit slowly. “We’re definitely going to do something fun there. It’s just a huge project, so it’s going to take some time,” he says. LAB co-owners Mike Healy and Steve Wilmans have been renovating the space next door to their current brewery and gastropub for a new venture. Stay tuned for details on that project. For updates about Biscuit Head Café and Provisions, keep an eye on and the Facebook page.

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828-251-1661 Fax: 828-251-1611 • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 43

Move along little froggie Mr. Frog’s Soul & Creole Kitchen closes in advance of renovations

MOLLY PARTI the studious soMMelier: Vijay Shashtri will hone his fine-dining skills in Highlands while considering a return to Asheville. Photo by Max Cooper HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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Mr. Frog’s Soul and Creole Kitchen is going away, but owners Vijay Shastri and Holly McFarling will likely be back with a new restaurant. The last dinner at Mr. Frog’s will take place on New Year’s Eve. The South Market Street eatery is closing up to make way for the Eagle Market Place mixed-use development that will include affordable housing and retail space. Mountain Housing Opportunities and Eagle Market Streets Development will carry out the project. Shastri says he knew when he opened Mr. Frog’s in May that he would have to close for the construction. “This project was set to happen regardless,” he says. “We were thinking we were going to have a little bit more time, but, regardless, we knew it was coming.” Before Mr. Frog’s, Shastri owned The Flying Frog Café downtown from 1996 until 2011 (his family has headed Asheville favorites, such as The Windmill, now closed, since the early ‘80s). With that long-term commitment to Asheville’s hospitality industry, it’s hard to imagine he’ll be without a restaurant long. Shastri is already brainstorming ideas for his next venture. “I am still very much

planning on being able to come back and do something a little bit more in the realm that I do,” he says. That realm definitely involves wine, he adds. He’s certified by the Court of Master Sommeliers and maintains an extensive personal wine collection. “Wine is just like anything else: You stop doing it, you start losing too much too quickly,” he says. “That’s why I’m going to Highlands, the wine stuff and to get back into dining.” Shastri has taken a job at Paoletti’s in Highlands, a mountaintop resort town about 75 miles southwest of Asheville. He hopes to organize an Asheville-to-Highlands trip in early 2013 so his customers and friends can check out his new job. He has high hopes for the neighborhood he will leave behind. He wants to see the intersection of Eagle and South Market streets become a vibrant cultural center. “My hopes for this neighborhood are that this area becomes our little ethnic center, loaded full of international businesses and things of that sort.” He imagines European grocery stores, tiendas and soul food restaurants filling the storefronts when the renovations subside. • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 45

The end of The world

bluegrass bash

by alli Marshall It’s been a preternaturally warm december, so far. and the news about the polar ice caps isn’t good. add to that the impending end of the Mayan calendar (friday, dec. 21), which may or may not spell out the final farewell for life on earth. so, why not throw a party? “we’ve probably played The grey eagle in december for the last two or three years, and it just happened that the 21st was open,” says jesse langlais, banjo player/founding member of asheville-based bluegrass outfit Town Mountain. “It made sense to bill it as ‘the end of the world bluegrass bash.’ If the end of the world is going to get some more people out to the show, that’s great.” actually, friday would be an inconvenient time for the world to end, as far as Town Mountain is concerned. This year has been an especially good one on the band’s steady upward trajectory. In May, their song “diggin’ on the Mountain side” was included on world music label Putumayo’s first-ever Bluegrass compilation. Their newest effort, Leave the Bottle, debuted in september at no. 4 on the Bluegrass Today radio chart; it was sitting at no. 8 on the roots Music report top 50 bluegrass chart at press time.

In case The Mayans weren’T jokIng,

Town MounTain prepares

To play us ouT in sTyle PhoTo By jason BeVerly

But Town Mountain didn’t have that sort of success in its sights at the start. The first iteration of the band (born out of jam sessions) was langlais and lead singer robert greer, with Barrett smith (shannon whitworth) and jed willis (wooden Toothe). “The four of us came together by chance. we all knew each other and then we booked a tour,” langlais remembers. a year later, mandolin player Phil Parker joined, and then fiddler Bobby Brett signed on full time. langlais says that Town Mountain used “upwards of 15 or 16 fiddle players” before Brett came along. with the solidified lineup, the group found a common goal and a sound to call its own. “Three years ago was when we were like, ‘ok, there’s something here,’” says langlais. “Three years ago was when I stopped working my full-time job.” Part of what defines Town Mountain’s par-

46 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

with “a little grit and a little rough around the edges,” as langlais puts it. “The thing about country music is it’s been around since the 1930s, and a lot of the content is basically the same: love, loss, heartache and hardship,” langlais says. Town Mountain is interested in that genesis of the genre: “rural americans struggling and telling their story through song.” one ally they’ve found for that mission: Mike Bub (del Mccoury Band member, producer of steep canyon rangers’ One Dime at a Time) who helmed both Bottle and its predecessor, steady operator. langlais describes Bub as “a country music and bluegrass historian,” and “a pleasure to be around.” luckily, Town Mountain will get to be around Bub some more: The producer plays in the shawn camp Band, who shares the grey eagle bill. as for dec. 21’s end-of-the-world forecast, langlais speculates, “My prediction is we’ll play a great show and then on dec. 22, we’ll all still be here.”

ticular brand of old-school-meets-contemporary bluegrass is its variety of voices. Bottle’s songs run the gamut from serious to silly. string parts are a sturdy backbone to tear-jerkers like "away from home" and fast-paced feats of picking like "you weighed heavy on my heart." "lawdog" opens a cappella, with Barker's vocal hitting notes that border on yodel territory. opener "lookin’ in the Mirror," is all sinuous fiddle and bouncy banjo, along with plenty of cheek: "Time can take its toll in so many different ways. I get more distinguished, you grow old and gray," goes the verse. “It wasn’t a pre-calculated thing,” says langlais. The tracks on Bottle comprise the final cut from songs brought to the table over the past two years. But Town Mountain’s sound is more than the sum of its parts. The band is Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@ interested in the roots of country music — songs

lasT danCe

an end oF The world

parTy priMer

storm rhum Bar & Bistro (125 s. lexington ave.) holds its End of the World Decadence Party on Thursday, dec. 20. The event includes food and drink specials and live music. Peddle to the apocalypse with the End of the World Bike Ride. Though not a beginner’s ride, the group trip promises to be “be fun and easy with no one left behind.” Make sure your bike is in good working order, with lights. Bring a helmet, glove and warm clothes. Meet at Bent creek at the rice pinnacle parking lot at 5:45 p.m. on friday, dec. 21; the ride starts at 6 p.m. straightaway cafe (1722 nc hwy 9, Black Mountain) wraps up its season with an End of the World Party on friday, dec. 21. (following that show, the cafe will close until jan. 2.) entertainment begins at 6 p.m. with music from Coping Stone and Wilhelm McKay.

Town MounTain wiTh The

shawn CaMp band

The grey eagle

Morgan geer of Drunken Prayer leads a country-noir sendoff to the world as we know it. Photo by Mirfoto own country-noir act Drunken Prayer headlines. Ouroboros Boys and DJ Lil Lorruh also perform. More info at

Birth 2012: A New Beginning has events planned in 26 countries and will unite as many as 100 million people worldwide in an “historic day of global unity that will birth a new era or $12 day oF show for humankind: a global rite of passage filled celebration, prayer, cultural expression Thegreyeagle.CoM with and acts of generosity.” The asheville event is held on saturday, dec. 22 at the center for spiritual living (2 science of Mind way, west Joshua Spiceland closes his current art exhibit asheville). live performances by LUMINA, at one stop (55 college st.) on friday, dec. 21. music by Richard Shulman, indigenous wisView more than 50 large and small works which, dom and a Pachakuti Mesa by Kim Hughes and according to spiceland, include “pieces about “embracing the elements” by Ms Toltec wisdom life, death, time, creation, sex, hallucination, teacher Michele Laub are set to take place. abbreviation, culmination, facial expression, hip 7-9:30 p.m., $8 in advance or $10 at the door. hop, jazz, chocolate, and los angeles.” Electric Blanket (a 9 year-old producer from Prague by way of Tibet) makes his Us debut at the recep- david wilcox’s Concert for the End of tion/end of the world Party. 8-10 p.m., free the World takes place at The grey eagle on saturday, dec. 22. read more about the show, along with an interview with the local singersee the world off in style at Broadways (120 n. songwriter, at 8 p.m. $20 advance or lexington ave.) on friday, dec. 21. asheville’s $25 day of show. — A.M.

Friday deC. 21

9 p.M. $10 advanCe • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 47

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bY WHITNEY sHROYER It’s a week before the grand opening of the Double Crown bar on Haywood Road, and the place is bustling. Carpenters and painters finish crucial remodeling; inspections are passed; equipment, delayed by Superstorm Sandy, arrives and is installed. The makings of the place have serious roots. “We’re going to have lots of Asheville artifacts in here,” says co-owner Chris Bower. “We have the original Vincent’s Ear sign, we got to save the booths and the bar-top from Mike’s Side Pocket, the wine-glass holder is from the old Be Here Now. There’s other random stuff from Asheville bars past.” Bower, a lifelong Asheville resident, has been saving tidbits of the town’s history for years. Co-owner and fellow Asheville native Steve Mann is a photographer with two decades in his portfolio. His images will provide the bar’s visual anchor, with three distinct subjects: Southern Gospel singers, the Mardi Gras Indians krewe of New Orleans and black-and-white images of downtown Asheville in the late ’80s and early ’90s. His portraits of Eagle Street and Lexington Avenue residents, in the days before downtown

48 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Revivalists: Chris Bower, left, and Steve Mann, have built a bar with relics of Asheville’s past, including Vincent’s Ear, Be Here Now and Mike’s Side Pocket (the location of which Double Crown now occupies). Photo by Max Cooper was “rejuvenated,” present a vision of Southern living that is hard to reconcile with present-day Asheville. Among the epoch’s characters, discretely placed away from the gospel singers, is the fedora-clad “Cadillac,” a fabled prostitute. One of the carpenters preparing for the opening, an older gentleman who’s obviously been in the area longer than either Bower or Mann, strolls through the bar and does a double-take when he sees the photograph. “That’s Cadillac!” he says, shaking his head. Then he reminisces about some of her outrageous claims concerning her occupational skills before resuming repairs on the back door.

THE HOLY gHOsT vIbE With the past duly preserved, Bower and Mann will parlay their combined experiences into a fresh venture. What that venture will be

has been the subject of much speculation, Bower says. “I’ve heard it was going to be a moonshine bar, a coffee bar, a sushi bar, a Goth bar, a hippie bar,” he says. “A couple weeks there I was hearing all kinds of craziness. But ultimately it’s just going to be a local bar.” Bower and Mann have big grand-opening plans for Friday, Dec. 21. Venerated gospel group The Legendary Singing Stars will perform two sets. The rare opportunity to see the group in the very intimate confines of the small bar should be truly sanctifying. “I’m really looking forward to them putting some of the Holy Ghost vibe on this place,” says Mann. The partners were inspired to open the Double Crown during their many visits to New Orleans to film We Won’t Bow Down, the just-completed documentary about the Mardi Gras Indians.

“Going to New Orleans a lot inspired this space,” says Mann. “There just didn’t seem to be anything around Asheville that had the same kind of atmosphere as those funky little New Orleans places. Obviously we’re not New Orleans, but we’re trying to bring in a similar local flavor, a real home bar.” Bower strives for a similar intangible element. “To me there’s always been something magical about certain barrooms,” he says. “It’s a certain kind of feeling. A place to go that’s not yours but it is yours. I want a place that invites people to engage.”

LOCATION, LOCATION The Double Crown’s first proposed home was Mann’s Black Box Studios on Riverside Drive. When this space proved unworkable, the two investigated moving into the old location of Mike’s Side Pocket, the long-running bar that was shut down in April after shockingly violent stabbings left three dead. “It’s just something you’ve got to acknowledge,” says Bower. “Those tragic events really cast a shadow over this building and this neighborhood.” Bower and Mann have put both practical and spiritual efforts into dispelling negative energy, and assuring future patrons that it’ll be a safe and welcoming place. “First and foremost we put our intention into making an effort to heal the space,” says Bower. “We did call in a Lakota shaman to come in and do a ceremony here. That was very interesting. He had some insights on the things that were energetically going on in here. He felt like it had really been cleaned up a lot just by our intention.” “Things have just really worked out without us trying to force them, down to timing and circumstances,” Mann says. “I heard people asked about doing a bar here in April, and apparently everyone told them ‘no.’ But when I called them, they said, ‘No problem.’ I think that was just timing — things had cooled off enough when I called around the first of September.” In another strange twist, Double Crown bar manager Rob Mueller witnessed the final act of violence that spilled out of Mike’s on April 4. Still, he has no reservations about working at the Double Crown. “I’ve done a lot of security work, from little dive bars to gnarly redneck joints to clubs in Atlanta to strip clubs to a bunch of clubs around town,” he says. “But the only thing that Mike’s and the Double Crown really have in common is the location. Aesthetically it’s very different. People aren’t going to be getting as rowdy — it’s going to be as clean and wholesome as a bar can be. ”

COCkTAILs AND CANs In the face of relentless microbrewing here in “Beer City,” Double Crown will have a different approach to their suds. “As far as beer, we’re going to be a can-only place,” Bower says. I just like the aesthetic. And the sound it makes when the can opens. There’s only one beer we’re going to serve in a bottle and that’s Miller High Life, because it’s terrible in a can. So many great beers come now in cans, so

Old school: The walls of Double Crown showcase some of Mann’s photos of Asheville, such as this shot from Eagle Street. Photo by Steve Mann

we can pull it off. Bring your coozy.” Double Crown will also have a nice selection of apéritifs and digestifs, he says. The drink list won’t be all aluminum. Mueller describes a drink list that’s innovative, but not ostentatious. “Cocktails are one of the things that are ‘next,’” he says. “The whole fine dining revolution has involved pushing the quality of the food and the skill of cooking up but, at the same time, making it more casual, less formal. Cocktails are moving that way too — moving up the quality of ingredients and presentation, but moving down the level of formality.” Entertainment include several DJ nights, live shows and possibly a comedy night. One feature that will make for a unique night is Mann’s collection of vintage reggae dance hall shows from the early ’80s. “A friend of mine, who recently died, Howard ‘Shots’ Robinson [aka White Squall], spent a lot of time in a little

town called Grange Hill, in the western part of Jamaica,” Mann says. “There was a dancehall there, and he would plug into the board when DJs were doing their sets, and he left hundreds of hours of tapes of that. And he left those tapes to me. Brigadier Jerry, Josey Wales — other DJs and toasters. “Buckminster Fuller said, ‘It’s not the bee’s job to pollinate the flowers. He just wants the nectar.’” says Mann. “Hopefully we can provide the nectar and other things are going to happen.” Double Crown’s planned opening will be Friday, Dec. 21. The Legendary Singing Stars will perform two sets, at 10 p.m. and midnight. Greg Cartwright will DJ between sets. $10. Call 575-9060 for more information. X Whitney Shroyer spins records at The Admiral on Saturday nights. • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 49

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The news dropped like a bombshell: Moogfest and its booker/promoter, Knoxville-based AC Entertainment parted ways. The announcement came from AC on Monday, Dec. 10, that the company will “rename its multi-day electronic music festival in Asheville as the Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit for 2013, continuing to build on the success of the past three years when the event has been produced as Moogfest. “People are kind of absorbing the information,” Capps told Xpress the next day. Absorbing, like the children of divorcing parents, in alternate waves of denial (No!) and opportunism (wait, does this mean we might end up with two electronic music festivals?). The latter is a real possibility. AC developed the downtown event honoring the legacy of Bob Moog based on Capps’ vision and a smaller Moogfest that was held in New York City from 2004-’08. But the name belongs to Moog Music, the electronic instrument company founded by its namesake and now located on Broadway Street just on the edge of downtown Asheville. Moog Music had agreed to lease the festival name to AC for five years for $1. The details of this contract were not confirmed by Moog Music: “I really can't discuss why we chose to terminate their contract,” Moog’s senior marketing and brand manager Emmy Parker told Xpress in an email. Nor would she speculate on the feasibility of a future relationship between Moog and AC. She did say that, through the festival, Moog Music had “the privilege of bringing thousands of people together to celebrate Bob Moog and we get to see some great bands in Asheville. That's a pretty big benefit.” Capps explains that AC funded nearly all of Moogfest. “[Moog Music] had no investment in the event, so they didn’t directly make money from the proceeds of the festival,” says Capps. “The value to Moog Music was certainly in branding.” And there would seem to be value to the city, as well: An economic impact study conducted by AC Entertainment after Moogfest 2010 found that the festival brought $15 million to Asheville. “I was very proud of what we were creating,” says Capps. But there was growing dissatisfaction from Moog Music’s president, Mike Adams, and others in the company, according to Capps. “Last year, a lot of our planning for Moogfest 2012 was delayed for months because of trying to work through various issues.” So the two companies parted ways. Parker made a statement to Xpress last Monday that “Moogfest is absolutely staying in Asheville.” And, while Parker says she’s not currently at liberty to discuss what the next Moogfest will look like, she does say the festival will be held again in 2013. It’s likely that Moog Music will seek out a new partner to book acts as, “We do not have any intention of booking large-scale events

50 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •


Future’s so bright: Santigold performs at Moogfest in October. Both Moog Music and AC Entertainment promise their own festivals in 2013. Photo by Rich Orris

internally,” Parker tells Xpress via email. She adds, “We want a Moogfest that truly celebrates the innovative spirit of Bob Moog. No more, no less. We're working toward achieving that sooner rather than later.” Michelle Moog-Koussa, executive director of the Bob Moog Foundation, spoke to WLOS in a recent news segment as a neutral party, echoing Parker’s statement. The Moog Foundation works to preserve the legacy of Bob Moog through archives and educational programs — it’s a separate entity from the factory. But the foundation has had a presence at the past three Moogfests, organizing panels, discussions, archival displays and interactive exhibits with some of the Moog instruments. “The way that we’re involved is a reflection of our mission: on the historic preservation and the education side,” says Moog-Koussa tells Xpress.

“We will also evolve with the festival. If there are different aspects of the festival that are added in, we’ll be contributing there, as well.” Worth noting: AC Entertainment donated $1 per Moogfest ticket to the Moog Foundation, totaling almost $30,000 over three years. “It’s been a huge help to the foundation,” says Moog-Koussa. So, is it possible that the Moog Foundation will also have a relationship with AC’s newly branded Mountain Oasis? “Any opportunity we would have to continue to promote Bob Moog’s legacy, we would certainly consider,” says Moog-Koussa. The feeling seems to be mutual. “Honoring Bob Moog’s legacy was a very important part of what we wanted to do,” says Capps. “I would love to see that continue. The inspiration that Bob gave to so many other artists was definitely the thread around which we built the festival. We don’t intend to let that go.” He adds that the decision

to not continue with the name Moogfest was not AC’s. However, the promotion company quickly changed the former Moogfest Facebook page to reflect the new festival name. That page had more than 30,000 followers and Capps reports that “the number of likes did increase substantially� on the day of the name change announcement. What will not change, he says, is the experience for the fans. “We conceived of the event that was called Moogfest for the last three years,� says Capps. “We booked it, we produced it. Virtually every aspect of it was our vision and that’s going to continue. We had an investment in an event that we had a real love for and definitely did not want to see that go away.� The new festival name comes with a history. “Asheville itself is a mountain oasis. I always had an affinity for that name. We used it many years ago for a very different festival,� says Capps. That festival was AC Entertainment’s first outdoor music and camping event, and it earned great response. It was “one of the sparks that led to Bonaroo,� says Capps. And while he’s excited to dust off the name, he says this Mountain Oasis will be very different. “My goal would be to continue to have the event be centered in Asheville. I love using the indoor spaces,� says Capps. AC would like to incorporate an outdoor component, though the very cold weather of 2011 Moogfest weekend made the Animoog Playground outdoor stage less desirable. “If we were seriously to move to an outdoor component, we would need to move to a different time of year,� says Capps. While AC is not yet ready to release details of its 2013 festival, Capps does say, “We have a lot of discussions already going on with artists and tours,� and (perhaps surprisingly) “after taking the step back [to a smaller, two-day festival] that we did last year, we’d like to return to an event that’s more on the scale of what we did in 2011 and continue to expand the offerings.� Art and installations are on that list, as well as engaging more deeply with Asheville’s creative community. “Our vision for every festival we do is to create the most amazing experience we possibly can,� says Capps. “Change is always a challenge, but it’s also very exciting. We couldn’t be more excited about the future.� X Alli Marshall can be reached at amarshall@

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state of the arts

by kyle sherard

ra, ra, rothko: the artist on show in columbia





it’s easy to hate mark rothko. or rather, mark rothko’s art works. they embody the intellectual and esoteric nature of mid-century modernist and post-modernist art — the type that regularly pushes museum-goers into improvised philosophical debate over the purpose, meaning and function of nonrepresentational art. rothko is synonymous with the large-scale, limited-palette color-field paintings that catapulted his career and became a conceptual beacon for 1950s art. the 6-foot-tall canvases filled with swaths of two to three color variations serve as anchor pieces for many a museum exhibition. and like most major artists’ work, these too have permeated the culture by way of kitsch museum-shop goods (calendars, coffee mugs and the like). that is to say, they are culturally accessible, and even more recognizable. south carolina’s columbia museum of art has but a few of these rothkos in their current exhibition Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade 1940-1950, on view through Jan. 6. The Decisive Decade is a multi-museum effort that almost completely diverts from a would-be traditional showing of rothko’s work. instead, this body of work outlines and illustrates rothko’s creative process and stylistic growth during the 1940s. cmoa’s exhibitional intentions leave the small handful of color field behemoths as mere necessities in displaying rothko’s early-1950s conceptual finish line. they become markers for the end to the 10-year struggle for artistic clarity and stylistic transformation. it’s this period the museums have deemed the “pivotal developmental decade.”

Venturing afield Columbia, S.C., is not that far away. Two hours and some change, depending on your driving abilities. And Columbia’s museum is up to big things. For one, this is your best chance to see a comprehensive showing of Mark Rothko’s work this close to home — until further notice. Otherwise, you’ll have to drive to Washington, D.C., or New York City.

Two WNC Locations ASHEVILLE SYLVA 878 Brevard Rd 828.633.2227

552 W. Main St. 828.586.6925


And keep an eye out for two upcoming, and equally notable exhibitions: impressionism from monet to matisse opens Jan. 25 and runs through April 21. Later in the year CMoA will host an exhibition of new photographic work by Annie Leibovitz. The museum also boasts a vast permanent collection that generally encompasses a number of cultures and centuries. You can see Charles Peale’s portrait of General George Washington, circa 1779, works by Jasper Johns (a S.C. native) and everything in between. And if you go, for the sake of your arts-based soul, go see the Sally Mann photograph from her “Deep South” series, and its proximal neighbor, a Willie Cole triptych.

52 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

mark rothko, Untitled, 1941-42, oil on canvas. Courtesy Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko/Artists Rights Society

the exhibition was the brainchild of the columbia museum of art, according to the museum’s chief curator, will south. but it will also travel to the arkansas art center, columbus museum of art and the denver art museum, which were instrumental in piecing the show together. the exhibition departs in January for reinstallation in columbus, ohio. much of the work is on loan from the national Gallery of art’s permanent collection. they’ve included dozens of paintings and watercolors that seem to portray a different artist altogether. the works range from a handful of traditional rothkos to pieces from teachers and artists within his circle. with the exception of one or two pieces, the entire exhibition is drawn from the 1940s and organized in sequential categories. rothko spent these years combing through figurative, surrealistic and mythological influences, before landing on his ultimate style in 1949.

on the cusp of drastic reformation you’re first introduced to work by rothko’s contemporaries. drawings, studies and paintings from nine of the 14 original abstract expressionists, including robert motherwell, clyfford still and Jackson pollack line the walls. they serve as a liaison between rothko and the greater group, but also recreate the artistic climate of the 1930s and ‘40s new york art scene. the assembly forms a medley of similar color tones and painting styles that show a group bound by shared ideologies. some are already set in their ways. but the postcard-sized ink drawings by pollock, for example, provide clear evidence of an artist on the cusp of drastic reformation. at first glance, the second room’s stock seems similar to the introductory collection — small, less than 4-feet wide with deep, earthen colors and gestural markings. these are indeed rothkos. but they are figurative, abstracted and completely unrecognizable when compared to his infamous color paintings. the first collection derives from his mythology studies in the early ‘40s. this is not to say Zeus flings lightning bolts over an oxbow-style rendition of the river styx. rather, rothko is portraying cross-cultural thematic mythology ranging from an untitled crucifixion scene with the addition of three muses to renderings of antigone and a pastoral farm scene.

the mythological background lingers in later works, namely in the titles and in reduced, heavily abstracted subjects. in “sacrificial moment” (1945) ,there is a ceremonial element that offers visual queues to his former work. several figures surround an abstract, seemingly holy and very surrealist object hovering in the center of the canvas. but by the mid-’40s rothko is already undergoing a directional and thematic change. during this period he’s shifted attention towards exploring dreams and turning out work heavily influenced by the surrealists and the work of freud and Jung. the works have left behind much of the representational figures of the early decade, replacing them with squiggles and amorphous beings. they represent figures, supposed living entities reduced to the most basic of shapes and defining lines. colors and hues begin to lighten and brighten from their murky, early ‘40s-era depths. as the decade progresses, the same figures become even looser, more colorful and increasingly minimalistic. the canvases get bigger and the paint is applied sparingly, as opposed to the heavier application in the early part of the decade. a breakthrough, or flicker of sorts, is seen in 1947. a series of untitled oil paintings contain only a few colors, indiscriminately spread and without a drop of representational rendering. they are the predecessors to the small group of 1948 and ‘49 “classic” rothkos that form the exhibition’s ending point, the “arrival” period, according to the museum. you get the ending that you expect. and after viewing the dozens of almost forcibly rendered figures, certainly deserve. there’s almost a sense of relief in the massive blocks of color that bounce cream-colored rectangles against orangey-red hues, as in 1949’s “no. 8.” after watching this artist struggle for ten years to find his style, there is indeed a calm in the last set of paintings. they effortlessly elicit emotional responses that vary person to person. rothkos have that power. it’s that power to enrage some over their almost childlike simplicity, while causing others to publicly weep, that is truly the greatest, and always subjective, ability of art. but perhaps especially more so with mark rothko. Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade 1940-1950 is on view through Jan. 6 at the columbia museum of art at 1515 main st. in columbia. for more information visit Kyle Sherard writes about visual arts for Xpress and can be reached at

GOT STRESS? COME REFRESH! Join us for a yoga and breath work session! Sunday, January 6th • 2-3 p.m. • $40 Limited space please call to reserve your spot. Yoga gift cards are available for purchase.

10-12 Eagle Street, Asheville 828-236-5999 • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 53

August Hoerr & Tif Dill at bella vista

bryan Nash gill at gallery minerva

The highlights of December’s show at Bella Vista Art is work that embraces layers — be they layers of paint or wax. Mainly portraits of women bathed in dramatic lighting and expression, August Hoerr aims to capture “the quiet intensity of a person in a room.” Though highly textural in their layers of paint, he chooses this process more as a way to avoid erasing, thereby embracing “the layering of changes.” Tif Dill’s imagery is far more abstracted. Distilling nature-inspired imagery and memories into simple shapes and colors encased in pigmented beeswax, she works in a medium known as encaustic. It naturally lends to creating layers, such as in a piece like “Crimson Days,” where thin etched lines and daubs of red as blooming trees literally sit on top of the implied landscape backdrop of blue and green rectangles. Bella Vista Art is located at 14 Lodge St. in Biltmore Village. — Bridget Conn

Two works hanging in Gallery Minerva’s Biltmore Avenue window are set as bait for the passersby. From afar, they are stark, black and white minimalist compositions. But up close they reveal an intricate framework of curvilinear lines, decades in the making. The works, by Connecticut artist Bryan Nash Gill, are woodcuts, nearly 4-feet wide. Woodcut is literal here, but in a different sense than usual. Gill cuts out cross sections of felled trees for printing. The wood discs are lightly sanded, just enough to smooth the surface and keep the grain from shredding the paper. Each block is inked and hand-printed, resulting in abstract, organic shapes that resemble fingerprints. Smaller versions from trees of a variety of shapes and size are also available for viewing upon request. Gallery Minerva is located at 8 Biltmore Ave. — Kyle Sherard

54 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

maureen Robinson at Flood gallery In the spring of 2011, photographic artist Maureen Robinson found herself working with a unique subculture during a particularly harrowing period of her life. While undergoing chemotherapy, she befriended and photographed young vagabonds who hop trains and congregate in the Little Five Points area of Atlanta. A collection of these images, entitled “Travelers,” is on display at the Flood Gallery in the Phil Mechanic Studios through December. The 26 black-and-white images comprise both posed and candid portraits, details, expressions and interactions. Images like “Letter Home” focus on the dirty nails and rough skin of a hand holding a cigarette while frozen over a laptop, on which the hopper writes home to his family. “Black Dog” presents two young men staring directly at the camera with a dog between them. One shows an expression of intensity and pride, the other of honesty and ease — both instantly arrest the viewer. — Bridget Conn

geza brunow at the Artery Local artist Géza Brunow exhibits Native Intelligence — works of art conveying metaphysical landscapes where animals defy gravity, underdog heroes reign and throngs of flowers ooze through time and space. Brunow consistently delivers a highly personal and intuitive approach to his compositions and his work is neither derivative nor lofty. Ethereal layers of paint collide with humorous caricature; voluptuous forms contradict comical stylizations. Brunow’s large painting, “HALT,” depicts a jet pack-clad gentleman on a Segway. It is especially gratifying, as are his small paintings in ink. Through Dec. 28. 346 Depot St. — Ursula Gullow • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 55


shannon Whitworth and barrett smith

City Billiards

Earlier this year, local singer-songwriters/musicians Shannon Whitworth and Barrett Smith combined their considerable individual talents to record a collection: Bring It On Home. These are time-tested songs, songs from the American songbook covering decades. Selections range from the steamy, longing-saturated title track to the romance-noir of Van Morrison’s “I’ll Be Your Lover, Too.” The duo performs a Bring It On Home holiday party at the Altamont Theatre on Thursday, Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. $12 in advance or $15 day of show. Photo by Sandlin Gaither.

Nine Brunswick tables • Ping Pong tables • Darts Features delicious pressed sandwiches & tasty bar snacks! Drink specials every night!

Full Bar • Diverse Drink Menu Local Drafts • Tons Of Bottled Beer Early bird pool rates, half price pool every Sunday and karaoke every weekend starting at 10pm

124 College Street • Asheville • (828) 575-2266 SUN-MON 4pm-12am or later • FRI-SAT 4pm-2am w w w. c i t y b i l l i a r d s a v l . c o m 56 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

A very krektone Christmas If you’re looking for a little less “Angels We Have Heard on High” and a little more “Jingle Bell Rock” with a side of scorching guitar, Jack of the Wood’s A Very Krektone Christmas is probably singing your tune. Frontman Jason Krekel says, “A variety of surf-style holiday favorites will be sprinkled into the usual mix of instro rock as well as special guests backed up by the band as they sing their own renditions of the classics. Break out that ugly sweater and crank it up!” Saturday, Dec. 22. 9 p.m., $7. Photo by Lydia See. • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 57

clubland PUrPLe onIon CAFe Danielle Howle (folk, Americana), 7:30pm


reD sTAG GrILL Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm

ADAm DALTon DIsTILLery DJ dance party (EDM, bass), 10pm

Asheville’s Original Tiki Bar

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30% OFF


TImo's HoUse Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 8pm-2am

GooD sTUFF Silent movie w/ piano accompaniment by Jake Hollifield, 7pm

Town PUmP Matt Woods (singer-songwriter), 9pm TreAsUre CLUB DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am

Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD BLUes Female artist spotlight, 9pm

HArrAH's CHerokee Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm

wesTvILLe PUB Gypsy Swingers (swing, jazz), 9:30pm

JACk oF THe wooD PUB Old-time jam, 4pm LoBsTer TrAP The Krektones (surf, garage), 7pm nATIve kITCHen & soCIAL PUB Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm oLIve or TwIsT Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm

Rap it up: Toy Boat Community Arts Space hosts Christmas Remixed, an evening of local hip-hop to benefit Toys for Tots, on Friday, Dec. 21. Performers include Diggypop Malone, Tripsta Trip, General Chryst (pictured) and more. Admission is half-price with a toy donation.

one sToP DeLI & BAr Soul/jazz jam w/ Preston Cate, 10pm

ALTAmonT BrewInG ComPAny Homeward Bound fundraiser (wine tasting)

PHoenIX LoUnGe Bradford Carlson (rock, jam), 8pm

BArLey's TAProom Alien Music Club (jazz), 9pm

reD sTAG GrILL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm

BLACk moUnTAIn ALe HoUse David Earl Duo (folk rock, soul), 9pm

JACk oF THe wooD PUB No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm

TALLGAry's CAnTInA Open mic/jam, 7pm

BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Mark Bumgarner (Americana, bluegrass, country), 7pm

LeXInGTon Ave Brewery (LAB) Back stage: Ten Cent Orchestra (folk, pop, chamber), 8pm

BoILer room Talent Search w/ Odette Dynasty, 10pm

LoBsTer TrAP Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

CreeksIDe TAPHoUse Southbound Turnaround (bluegrass), 8:30pm

neo CAnTInA Dan Shearin (folk, pop)

eLAIne's DUeLInG PIAno BAr Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

oLIve or TwIsT Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm

wILD wInG CAFe Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 7:30pm

THe ALTAmonT THeATer Shannon Whitworth & Barrett Smith (singersongwriter, blues), 8pm

eLAIne's DUeLInG PIAno BAr Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

vAnUATU kAvA BAr Open mic, 9pm

(S. Asheville/Arden)

TALLGAry's CAnTInA Asheville music showcase, 8pm

DIrTy soUTH LoUnGe Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD BLUes The Hard Bop Explosion (jazz, funk), 8:30pm

2334 Hendersonville Rd.

sTorm rHUm BAr End of the world party w/ Jess Mills (piano), 7-10pm

CreeksIDe TAPHoUse Open mic, 9pm

TreAsUre CLUB DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am

SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250

soUTHern APPALACHIAn Brewery Karen Corn & Buzz Beilhars (folk), 7pm

BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Open mic, 7pm

THe DUGoUT Karaoke, 8pm

• • OPEN 7 DAYS • •

soUTH sIDe sTATIon Karaoke, 8pm

AsHevILLe mUsIC HALL Brown Bag Songwriting Competition finals, 6pm

THe Corner Karaoke, 10pm

Where Adult Dreams Come True

rooT BAr no. 1 Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz), 9pm

ALLsTArs sPorTs BAr AnD GrILL Karaoke, 9pm

THURsDAY, DEC. 20 ALLsTArs sPorTs BAr AnD GrILL Dance night, 10pm

FrenCH BroAD Brewery TAsTInG room Tyler Herring (folk, blues, roots), 6pm GeT Down Megahurtz (metal) w/ Ink & Sweat & Common Visions, 9:30pm Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm HArrAH's CHerokee

Karaoke, 8pm-midnight JACk oF HeArTs PUB Old-time jam, 7pm

one sToP DeLI & BAr Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm Grateful Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam, 10pm PHoenIX LoUnGe Marc Yaxley Trio (classical, jazz), 8:30pm PIsGAH BrewInG ComPAny Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm Red Honey (country, psychedelic, blues), 8pm PULP Slice of Life comedy open mic, 9pm

FRIDAY, DEC. 21 ALLsTArs sPorTs BAr AnD GrILL Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm ALTAmonT BrewInG ComPAny End of the world dance party w/ DJ Chromey, 10pm ATHenA's CLUB Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BIer GArDen DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am BLACk moUnTAIn ALe HoUse Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 9pm BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Acoustic Swing, 7pm BoILer room Keeper of the Sea w/ Awaken, Friend for a Foe, Labyrinthe & Chivalry (metal), 9pm BroADwAy's Drunken Prayer (alt-country, Americana) w/ Ouroboros Boys & DJ Lil' Lorruh, 10pm CLUB eLeven on Grove Holiday Ball (R&B), 9pm eLAIne's DUeLInG PIAno BAr Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:15-9:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am emerALD LoUnGe Gutterhound (hard rock) w/ Murder Hobby, Twist of Fate, 9pm FrenCH BroAD Brewery TAsTInG room Peggy Ratusz (blues, swing), 6pm


58 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

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20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 59

bEHIND THE mIC Over 40 Entertainers!

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thur. December 20

ten cent orchestra 8Pm fri. December 21

comet west

w/ wordline, on the take 9:30Pm

sat. December 22

old north state

w/ rookie of the year, shane kelly, black balsam 9:30Pm

sat. December 29

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total war w/

decent lovers, albert adams 9:30Pm

Asheville FM hosts dozens of weekly shows that run the gamut of musical styles and tastes (you name it, they’ve got it). But don’t take our word for it: take theirs. Xpress brings you this weekly feature — direct from the DJs — highlighting a few of the station’s stellar offerings. Now in its fourth year, The UnCola is a two-hour answer to the question, “What would pop music sound like if money, power and luck were never factors in success?” What if Jellyfish was bigger than Green Day? What if horn rock was the new emo? What if Bono was a cult figure and Andy Partridge was a world-class hero? The UnCola digs deep to answer these questions and bring you forgotten pop from the last 40 years, along with newer artists in danger of falling through the cracks. Tune in Tuesdays at 8 p.m. to have your memories reimagined. FrI 12/21 Sat 12/22

End of the world Bluegrass Bash:

town MountaIn & SHawn CaMP BanD 9pm

DaVID wIlCox:

Concert for the End of the world 8pm

FrI 12/28

DEx roMwEBEr Duo

Sat 12/29

FISt FaM & tHE CrIttErS 9pm

Mon 12/31

(ex-Flat Duo Jets) 9pm

nEw yEar’S EVE w/ Hackensaw Boys, Danny Barnes, & woody Pines 9pm

Menomena | Camper Van Beethoven | Fishbone John Spencer Blues Explosion | Iris Dement Kitchen Open for Lunch from 11am - 3pm Mon - Fri Open for Dinner at 5:30pm on Nights of a Show!

GeT Down You'll Live w/ Old Flings, Muscle & Bone, Quiet Clouds, Lions & Fresh Prints (rock, pop, punk), 9:30pm GooD sTUFF 2 Arts (singer-songwriter, traditional), 8pm Grey eAGLe mUsIC HALL & TAvern End of the World Bluegrass Bash w/ Town Mountain & The Shawn Camp Band, 9pm Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pmmidnight HArrAH's CHerokee A Social Function (rock, dance) w/ DJ Moto, 8pm-2am HAvAnA resTAUrAnT Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm HIGHLAnD BrewInG ComPAny The Freeway Revival (classic rock), 6pm HoTeL InDIGo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm

60 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

JACk oF HeArTs PUB Holiday show w/ The Gypsyswingers (swing, jazz), 9pm JACk oF THe wooD PUB Locust Honey (old-time), 5pm The Freight Hoppers (old-time, Appalachian), 9pm LeXInGTon Ave Brewery (LAB) Back stage: Comet West (rock) w/ Worldline & On the Take, 9:30pm LoBsTer TrAP Kon Tiki (tropical, swing), 7pm monTe vIsTA HoTeL Hope Griffin (folk), 6:30pm nATIve kITCHen & soCIAL PUB Dave Desmelik (Americana), 8pm o.Henry's/TUG End of the world party w/ DJ Xel, 10pm one sToP DeLI & BAr Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm Joshua Spiceland closing reception (art exhibit), 7pm End of the world party w/ Common Foundation (ska, reggae), 10pm PACk's TAvern Nitrograss (newgrass, jam), 9pm

PHoenIX LoUnGe Waist Management Trio (jazz), 8pm PIsGAH BrewInG ComPAny Chalwa (rock, reggae), 8pm reD sTAG GrILL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm rooT BAr no. 1 Matt Wooda (outlaw country), 9pm sCAnDALs nIGHTCLUB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am soUTHern APPALACHIAn Brewery Blackjack Duo (Southern rock), 8pm sTrAIGHTAwAy CAFe End of the world party w/ Wilhelm McKay (roots, folk rock) & Coping Stone, 6pm TALLGAry's CAnTInA Live music, 9:30pm THe ALTAmonT THeATer Darren Nicholson Band (bluegrass, folk, swing, rockabilly), 8pm THe BywATer Lita Jones (funk, soul), 9pm Town PUmP Violin River (rock, jam), 9pm


ALLsTArs sPorTs BAr AnD GrILL Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm ALTAmonT BrewInG ComPAny

eLAIne's DUeLInG PIAno BAr


emerALD LoUnGe

Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Comet West w/ (young) American Landscape & We Killed Vegas (indie rock), 9pm

BIer GArDen

FrenCH BroAD Brewery TAsTInG room

DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am

wHITe Horse Bob Margolin Blues Band, 8pm

Wilhelm McKay (folk rock), 9pm

BLACk moUnTAIn ALe HoUse BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7pm BoILer room

Locust Honey (old-time, honky-tonk), 6pm Grey eAGLe mUsIC HALL & TAvern David Wilcox's "Concert for the End of the World" (folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm

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Music Schedules

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Thursday, December 20th

Brews, Bluegrass, & BBQ 5-8pm FREE! feat. Kendall Huntley & the $1 PBRs



PHUNCLE SAM Friday, December 21st

10pm $5 21+



Art Exhibition Closing Reception Joshua Spiceland - Free - 7pm FREE!!! END OF THE WORLD PARTY 10pm with COMMON FOUNDATION 21+ Saturday, December 22nd

Bluegrass Brunch 11am Live Music with Jay Franck (of Sanctum Sully) & Friends

We Made it Through the NIght: music by Art Exhibition Opening for Hanna Allen Beat Rex LATE SHOW

TurnUp Truk (reggae, funk), 9pm

Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

wALL sTreeT CoFFee HoUse Open mic, 9pm

wILD wInG CAFe Project Cash (Johnny Cash tribute), 9:30pm

DJ Superman, 10pm

Why go to a geek when you can come to a Guru?


vAnUATU kAvA BAr Ka-Duat (world, ambient, electronic), 9pm


Sassy’s has the FASTEST COMPUTER REPAIR IN TOWN. Why would you wait two weeks at another computer store, when 95% of Sassy’s Computers repairs are done the SAME DAY?


TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD BLUes Westsound (R&B, dance), 10pm

The Shenanigan Society PostApocalyptic XXX-Mas Party, 10pm

Must present this coupon. Expires 12/31/12


TreAsUre CLUB DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am


purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin vault 254-4993 Red stag grill at the grand bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rendezvous 926-0201 Root bar No.1 299-7597 scandals Nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s After Dark 253-2155 southern Appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static Age Records 254-3232 stingRays 926-4100 straightaway Cafe 669-8856 Tallgary’s Cantina 232-0809 Rocky’s Hot Chicken shack 575-2260 Thirsty monk south 505-4564 Timo’s House 575-2886 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish pub 505-2129 Treasure Club 298-1400 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 Westville pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066


Toy BoAT CommUnITy ArT sPACe Christmas Remixed toy drive feat: Tripsta Trip, Diggypop Malone, Triple M, General Chryst & Big Dave (hip-hop), 10pm

(Elaine’s piano bar/ great Hall) 252-2711 The Handlebar (864) 233-6173 Harrah’s Cherokee 497-7777 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Highland brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s grille 298-8780 The Hop 254-2224 The Hop West 252-5155 Iron Horse station 622-0022 Jack of Hearts pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus One more 253-8770 Lexington Avenue brewery 252-0212 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 The Lower Level 505-8333 Luella’s bar-b-Que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 The magnetic Field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 monte vista Hotel 669-8870 One stop bar Deli & bar 255-7777 O.Henry’s/TUg 254-1891 The Orange peel 225-5851 pack’s Tavern 225-6944 pisgah brewing Co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851


The Chop House 253-1852 The Corner 575-2449 Craggie brewing Company 254-0360 Creature’s Cafe 254-3636 Creekside Taphouse 575-2880 Adam Dalton Distillery 367-6401 Dark City Deli 257-5300 Desoto Lounge 986-4828 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dirty south Lounge 251-1777 Dobra Tea Room 575-2424 The Dugout 692-9262 Eleven on grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge 232- 4372 Firestorm Cafe 255-8115 Fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 French broad brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 French broad Chocolate Lounge 252-4181 The gateway Club 456-6789 get Down 505-8388 good stuff 649-9711 grey Eagle music Hall & Tavern 232-5800 grind Cafe 430-4343 grove House Eleven on grove 505-1612 The grove park Inn



185 king street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine bar 253-2593 Altamont brewing Company 575-2400 The Altamont Theatre 348-5327 Aqua Cafe & bar 505-2081 ARCADE 258-1400 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 The Asheville public (TAp) 505-1720 Asheville music Hall 255-7777 Athena’s Club 252-2456 Avery Creek pizza & Ribs 687-2400 barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 black mountain Ale House 669-9090 blend Hookah Lounge 505-0067 blue mountain pizza 658-8777 blue Note grille 697-6828 boiler Room 505-1612 bobo gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 The bywater 232-6967 Club Hairspray 258-2027 Club metropolis 258-2027 Club Remix 258-2027


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More information & Advance Tickets available always at • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 61

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Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm HArrAH's CHerokee Buchanan Boys (country) w/ DJ Moto, 8pm-2am HAvAnA resTAUrAnT Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm

Cody Wright (jam, rock, jazz), 9pm PIsGAH BrewInG ComPAny Brushfire Stankgrass (bluegrass, roots, jam), 9pm PUrPLe onIon CAFe The Shana Blake Band, 8pm

HIGHLAnD BrewInG ComPAny Firecracker Jazz All-Stars, 6pm


HoTeL InDIGo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm


JACk oF HeArTs PUB Shampoo Duo (psychedelic, roots, jam), 9pm

smokey's AFTer DArk

JACk oF THe wooD PUB A Very Krektone Christmas (garage, surf), 9pm LeXInGTon Ave Brewery (LAB) Back stage: Old North State (bluegrass, rock, punk) w/ Rookie of the Year, Shane Kelly & Black Balsam, 9:30pm LoBsTer TrAP Sean Mason Jazz, 7pm

Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Karaoke, 10pm soUTHern APPALACHIAn Brewery Southbound Turnaround (rockabilly, honky-tonk), 8pm TALLGAry's CAnTInA Mojomatic (classic rock), 9:30pm THe BywATer Swayback Sisters (country, Americana), 9pm

sUNDAY, DEC. 23 ALTAmonT BrewInG ComPAny Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 5:30pm BArLey's TAProom Hipbones for the Holidays (jazz), 7:30pm BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Allyson MacCauley (holiday music), 7pm BoILer room Naughty Christmas (drag performance), 10pm Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon HoTeL InDIGo Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, piano, electronics), 7-10pm JACk oF THe wooD PUB Irish session, 5pm Shake It Like a Caveman (garage rock, blues, one-man band), 10pm LoBsTer TrAP

Town PUmP

Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm

monTe vIsTA HoTeL Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm

Derek Frye & friends (funk, rock, jam), 9pm

monTe vIsTA HoTeL

oLIve or TwIsT 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm


one sToP DeLI & BAr

DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am

Bluegrass Brunch & Open Jam w/ The Pond Brothers, noon-3pm

one sToP DeLI & BAr Bluegrass Brunch w/ Jay Franck (of Sanctum Sully) & friends, noon-3pm Hanna Allen art opening w/ Beat Rex, 5pm Martin Snoddy w/ Blaqdef (of Gurp City), PandemoniumC & S. Gold (hiphop), 10pm PACk's TAvern 96.5 House Band (rock, dance), 9pm

62 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

PHoenIX LoUnGe

TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD BLUes Carolina Rex (blues, funk, R&B), 10pm wHITe Horse

Jared Gallamore (standards), 11am

soUTHern APPALACHIAn Brewery Carolina Christmas w/ Old North State & more, 6:30-10pm

Donna Marie Todd & Will Straughan (holiday stories & songs), 8pm

TImo's HoUse


wHITe Horse

Crocodile Smile (rock), 9:30pm

Drum circle, 2pm

DJ Jet (hip-hop), 8pm-2am

boozy blues: Shake It Like a Caveman, Blake Burris’ rowdy one-man-band, plays the sort of loud and raucous blues that inspires lots of drinking. Luckily, there should be no shortage of libations at Jack of the Wood when Shake It Like a Caveman performs on Sunday, Dec. 23.

mONDAY, DEC. 24 JACk oF THe wooD PUB Fred Skellenger & Copper Kettle (bluegrass), 8:30pm LoBsTer TrAP Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 7pm monTe vIsTA HoTeL Blue Moon (jazz, country, folk), 6pm wHITe Horse Christmas Eve w/ Kimberly Hughes, Bob Hinkle, The Wilderness Effect & more, 7pm

TUEsDAY, DEC. 25 monTe vIsTA HoTeL Jared Gallamore (standards), 6pm sCAnDALs nIGHTCLUB Christmas at Scandals, 10pm

WEDNEsDAY, DEC. 26 ADAm DALTon DIsTILLery DJ dance party (EDM, bass), 10pm ALLsTArs sPorTs BAr AnD GrILL Karaoke, 9pm ALTAmonT BrewInG ComPAny Roots in the Round (singer-songwriters), 9pm BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Open mic, 7pm CreeksIDe TAPHoUse Open mic, 9pm DIrTy soUTH LoUnGe Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm eLAIne's DUeLInG PIAno BAr Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm

The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm HArrAH's CHerokee Throwback night ('70s-'90s DJ), 8pm JACk oF THe wooD PUB Old-time jam, 4pm LoBsTer TrAP Ben Hovey (downtempo, trumpet, electronics), 7pm nATIve kITCHen & soCIAL PUB Traditional Irish music w/ Jeanna, Beenie & Victor, 7pm oLIve or TwIsT Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one sToP DeLI & BAr Soul/jazz jam w/ Preston Cate, 10pm PHoenIX LoUnGe Soleil LeBlanc (singer-songwriter), 8pm reD sTAG GrILL Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm TALLGAry's CAnTInA Open mic/jam, 7pm THe Corner Karaoke, 10pm THe DUGoUT Karaoke, 8pm TreAsUre CLUB DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD BLUes Wendy Hayes & Three for Time (jazz, blues), 8:30pm vAnUATU kAvA BAr Open mic, 9pm wILD wInG CAFe Sarah Tucker (folk, singer-songwriter), 7:30pm

THURsDAY, DEC. 27 185 kInG sTreeT Blues jam, 9pm

ALLsTArs sPorTs BAr AnD GrILL Dance night, 10pm BLACk moUnTAIn ALe HoUse David Earl Duo (folk rock, soul), 9pm BLUe moUnTAIn PIZZA CAFe Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, rock), 7pm BoILer room Country Revue (drag performance), 10pm eLAIne's DUeLInG PIAno BAr Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am FrenCH BroAD Brewery TAsTInG room Devils Like Me (folk, world), 6pm Grove PArk Inn GreAT HALL Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm HArrAH's CHerokee Karaoke, 8pm-midnight JACk oF THe wooD PUB No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm LoBsTer TrAP Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm neo CAnTInA The Caribbean Cowboys (tropical rock) oLIve or TwIsT Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm one sToP DeLI & BAr Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm orAnGe PeeL Clutch (hard rock) w/ Mondo Generator, Saviours & WINO, 8pm PHoenIX LoUnGe One Leg Up (jazz), 8pm PIsGAH BrewInG ComPAny Throwback Thursday (reggae & food), 6:30pm The Captain Midnight Band (rock, jam), 8pm • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 63

PurPle OniOn Cafe Jimmy Landry (folk rock), 7:30pm


red Stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm


SOuth Side StatiOn Karaoke, 8pm



tallgary'S Cantina Asheville music showcase, 8pm



timO'S hOuSe Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 8pm-2am tOwn PumP Smokin' Joe Randolf, 9pm treaSure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am treSSa'S dOwntOwn Jazz and blueS Peggy Ratusz blues showcase, 9pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till


Open 7 Days/Week 5pm–12am


Full Bar

with SPORK! 8pm Free


12/24 Tues

12/25 Sun







with Viper’s Dream 8pm Free

white hOrSe Amici Music (chamber performance), 7:30pm

Friday, dec. 28 allStarS SPOrtS bar and grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm aSheville muSiC hall Mark Farina (electronic) w/ In Plain Sight, 10pm athena'S Club Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am blaCk mOuntain ale hOuSe Solar Flares (Americana, country, rock), 9pm blue mOuntain Pizza Cafe Acoustic Swing, 7pm Club eleven On grOve Ole Skool Party, 10pm


elaine'S dueling PianO bar Disclaimer Comedy (standup), 8:159:15pm Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9:30pm-1am emerald lOunge Eric Lambert & friends (folk, Americana) w/ Dana & Susan Robinson & Dark Water Rising, 9pm frenCh brOad brewery taSting rOOm Members of Dehlia Low (bluegrass, country), 6pm get dOwn Divulgence (metal) w/ Stampede, 9:30pm grey eagle muSiC hall & tavern Dexter Romweber Duo (surf, rockabilly, garage), 9pm grOve Park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pmmidnight harrah'S CherOkee The Nightcrawlers (blues, rock, soul) w/ DJ Suave, 8pm-2am havana reStaurant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm hOtel indigO Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm JaCk Of heartS Pub The French Broad Playboys (Western swing), 9pm JaCk Of the wOOd Pub

64 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

Locust Honey (old-time), 5pm The Fighting Jamesons (Irish rock) w/ The Get Downs, 9pm lObSter traP Calico Moon (Americana, country), 7pm mOnte viSta hOtel Dan Keller (jazz guitar), 6pm native kitChen & SOCial Pub Asheville Waits Band (Tom Waits covers), 8pm

Fist Fam (hip-hop) w/ The Critters (psych-pop, garage, rock), 9pm grOve Park inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm harrah'S CherOkee Event center: KC & the Sunshine Band (funk, R&B, disco), 7:30pm Casino: Crocodile Smile (rock) w/ DJ Gallo, 8pm-2am

One StOP deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm

havana reStaurant

Orange Peel Lights Out teen night (ages 15-19), 7:30pm

Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm

PaCk'S tavern A Social Function (rock/dance hits), 9pm

Lyric (pop, soul, funk), 9pm

PhOenix lOunge Dust N' the Wynn (singer-songwriter), 9pm PiSgah brewing COmPany Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band (funk, rock, jam) w/ The Mantras, 9pm

Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm hOtel indigO

JaCk Of heartS Pub JaCk Of the wOOd Pub Phuncle Sam (rock, jam, Grateful Dead covers), 9pm lexingtOn ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Total War (indie rock, pop) w/ Decent Lovers & Albert Adams, 9:30pm

red Stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm

lObSter traP

SCandalS nightClub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

mOnte viSta hOtel

Trevor Stoia Jazz, 7pm Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm

tallgary'S Cantina Fine Line (classic rock), 9:30pm

Olive Or twiSt

treaSure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am

One StOP deli & bar

treSSa'S dOwntOwn Jazz and blueS Rus Wilson & His Mighty Mighty Men (swing, jazz), 10pm vanuatu kava bar Mary Sparks & Anthony Dorion-Labelle ("electro-coustic," ambient, improv), 9pm

42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm Bluegrass Brunch w/ Jay Franck (of Sanctum Sully) & friends, noon-3pm Orange Peel Corey Smith (singer-songwriter, country) w/ Connor Christian & Southern Gothic & Indian Rodeo, 9pm PaCk'S tavern Howie's House Party (blues, fusion), 9pm

wall Street COffee hOuSe Open mic, 9pm

PhOenix lOunge

white hOrSe Anniversary party w/ Daniel Weiser, Duncan Wickel, Kim Hughes, Bob Hinkle & more, 8pm

PiSgah brewing COmPany

wild wing Cafe Lauren Light (rock), 9:30pm

Clay Ross, 8pm

Saturday, dec. 29 allStarS SPOrtS bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm aSheville muSiC hall The Goodies (rock, vaudeville), 10pm athena'S Club Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Cody Wright Trio (jazz, jam, rock), 9pm Larry Keel & Natural Bridge (roots, bluegrass) w/ Bryon McMurray, 9pm PurPle OniOn Cafe red Stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm SCandalS nightClub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am SmOkey'S after dark Karaoke, 10pm SOuthern aPPalaChian brewery Klarcnova (funk, nu-jazz, jam), 7pm tallgary'S Cantina Live music, 9:30pm

bier garden DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am

tOwn PumP

blaCk mOuntain ale hOuSe Letters to Abigail (Americana), 9pm

treaSure Club

blue mOuntain Pizza Cafe Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7pm

Dark Water Rising (folk), 9pm DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am treSSa'S dOwntOwn Jazz and blueS

elaine'S dueling PianO bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

The Nightcrawlers (rock, blues, soul), 10pm

emerald lOunge The Restoration w/ Marshall Brown & His Shades of Blue (rock) & The Dunder Chiefs, 9pm

Sylvia Riverwind (traditional Eastern), 7pm

frenCh brOad brewery taSting rOOm Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm

wall Street COffee hOuSe

weStville Pub Paul Edelman (folk, country, Americana), 10pm white hOrSe

get dOwn Elijah Hooker (rock), 9:30pm

Swannanoa Valley Museum benefit, 8pm

grey eagle muSiC hall & tavern

Burning Bright (rock), 9:30pm

wild wing Cafe


theaterlistings WEDNESDay, DECEMBER 19 TUESDay, DECEMBER 24 Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating

additional reviews by justin souther contact

n aSheville Pizza & brewing co. (254-1281)


Please call the info line for updated showtimes. closed on christmas listings for dec. 21-24 elf (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 end of watch (r) 10:00 Perks of being a wallflower (Pg-13) 7:00 listings for dec. 26-Jan. 3 Frankenweenie 3d (Pg) 10:00 hotel transylvania 3d (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 Perks of being a wallflower (Pg-13) 7:00

Silver liningS Playbook


Director: DaviD o. russell (I Heart Huckabees) Players: BraDley cooPer, Jennifer lawrence, roBert De niro, Jacki weaver, chris tucker, anuPam kher romantic comedy

rated r

The Story: Unusual screwball romantic comedy about two very dysfunctional people. The Lowdown: Richly rewarding, funny, fresh and touching romantic comedy that both adheres to the genre while taking it to new places. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence make for a very appealing couple — and get great support from the rest of the A-list cast. Well, the Weinsteins have finally decided to let us have David O. Russell’s Silver Linings Playbook — on Christmas Day. And a nicer present would be hard to wish for. It’s far and away the best offering of the ones I’ve seen that open between now and Dec. 25, and definitely gets my vote for best Christmas Day viewing. (The only unknown quantity of real note is Django Unchained, which didn’t get the awards season push for local critics to see it.) Granted, it’s R-rated — mostly for language — and a lot of the thematic material is definitely adult, but if that’s not a concern, it’s your best bet for a movie that will entertain you, make you laugh and maybe even make you tear-up. That’s a pretty good Christmas Day parlay. Writerdirector David O. Russell has said that it’s meant to be like a 1930s screwball romantic comedy. I won’t dispute that, but it’s definitely a modern take on that kind of film, and not some slavish attempt to copy something from an earlier age. Put simply, it’s very much the sort of screwball romantic comedy you might expect from the guy who made I Heart Huckabees (2004). The film recounts the story of Pat (Bradley Cooper), a fellow who has been doing a stint in a mental institution for attacking his wife (Brea Bee) and her paramour in the shower. He’s getting out when the film opens — though without the institution’s blessing and with a lot of restrictions, including a restraining order where his wife, her boyfriend and the school where he once worked are concerned. But Pat is upbeat — mostly because in his mind he can mend his ways, become what his wife wants and rebuild their life together. His mother (Jacki Weaver) believes in him. His father (Robert DeNiro) — who has anger issues of his own — is less sanguine about the whole thing. Much the feelings from his father can be said of just about everyone — at least until he meets Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), a young widow with her own set of issues. They sort of hit it off because they’re both at least a little crazy and decidedly prone to

n carmike cinema 10 (298-4452)

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence in David O. Russell's delightful, funny and touching Silver Linings Playbook, which opens in Asheville on Christmas Day. say and do exactly the wrong thing. Besides they can natter on about their various experiences with psychiatric medications. She wants him, but he’s still in pursuit of his ex-wife. However, Tiffany’s older sister (Julia Stiles) is in contact with said exwife, and Tiffany uses her position to make a deal with Pat to surreptitiously deliver a letter from him — if he’ll do something for her. Without going into further details — a lot of the fun lies in finding them out for yourself — that is essentially the plot, or at least the bare bones of it. There’s a lot more going on than that in terms of characterization and in complications — especially when two bets become involved in the plot. This may not sound all that different from other films of its type — and in some ways it isn’t, but in other ways, it very much is. Tiffany may not really be a lot more than a variation on Carole Lombard’s dizzy rich girl in My Man Godfrey (1936), but the character has more depth — and more pain — than you see in that earlier form. The line between dizzy and mentally unbalanced is perhaps a thin one — or perhaps this film recognizes that those dizzy society girls were more disturbed than the fun of the concept allowed. That’s not to say that Silver Linings Playbook isn’t fun, or that it doesn’t do what you want a movie of this nature to do. It just does it in a different way. You really do need to see for yourself. Trust me. As noted, the film is part of the world of David O. Russell — much more so than his last film, The Fighter (2010), was — but it’s more viewer friendly than I Heart Huckabees. It’s just as quirky, but it’s a quirky crowd-pleaser. The whole cast is splendid and Russell’s direction is creative and assured. Fans of that earlier Bradley Cooper film,

The Midnight Meat Train (2008), should watch the scenery in the scene when Cooper chases Lawrence from the diner. (Apparently, Russell is an admirer of that film, too — and I like him even more for that.) Rated R for language and some sexual content/ nudity, reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts on Christmas Day at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 and Fine Arts Theatre

the hobbit: an UnexPected JoUrney JJJJ

Director: Peter Jackson Players: ian mckellen, martin freeman, richarD armitage, ken stott, graham mctavish, James nesBitt FantaSy

rated Pg-13

The Story: Stick-in-the-mud hobbit Bilbo Baggins allows himself to be coerced into joining a group of dwarves, along with the wizard Gandalf, to help them regain their homeland from the dragon Smaug. The Lowdown: It’s longer than it needed to be and it’s certainly not in the same league as the Lord of the Rings films, but The Hobbit is more entertaining than not. In this year of bloated movies with inflated running times, Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey feels perfectly at home. Yes, its 169-minute running time is inexcusable and the whole thing has more padding than Eddie Murphy’s Norbit fat suit. But in 2012 that seems pretty standard in terms of the theoretical heavy hitters — and these minutes move far more briskly

Flight (r) Dec. 19-24 --12:55, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 6:10, 9:25 guilt trip (Pg-13) Dec. 19-24 -- 1:30, 4:10, 6:40, 9:10 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 1:25. 4:05, 6:35, 9:05 here comes the boom (Pg) Dec. 19-24 -- 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 6:55, 9:30 les miserables (Pg-13) starts Dec. 25 -- 1:00, 1:30, 4:30, 5:00, 8:00, 8:30 Dec. 26-Jan. 3 -- 12:00, 12:30, 3:30, 4:00, 7:00. 7:30, 10:30, late show fri-sat 11:05 life of Pi 3d (Pg) Dec. 19-24 -- 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 1:05, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 life of Pi 2d (Pg) Dec. 19-24 -- 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 10:20 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 1:40, 4:40, 7:40, 10:40 red dawn (Pg-13) 2:05, 4:50, 7:40, 10:20 rise of the guardians 3d (Pg) Dec. 19-24 -- 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 1:10, 3:40 rise of the guardians 2d (Pg) Dec. 19-24 -- 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:10 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 wreck-it ralph 3d (Pg) Dec. 19-24 -- 1:35, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 Dec. 25-Jan. 3 -- 1:35, 4:15 wreck-it ralph 2d (Pg) through Dec. 24 only 2:00, 4:45, 7:20, 10:00 n carolina aSheville

cinema 14 (274-9500)

no shows that start after 8 p.m. on mon., Dec. 24 anna karenina (r) 11:00, 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20 argo (r) 11:20, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00 (sofa cinema) cloud atlas (r) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 10:00 (sofa cinema)

the guilt trip (Pg-13) starts Dec. 19 -- 11:15, 1:30, 3:45, 6:00, 8:15, 10:30 hitchcock (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8:00, 10:15 the hobbit: an Unexpected Journey 3d (Pg-13) times for dec. 21-24 --11:00, 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 9:30, 10:30 the hobbit: an Unexpected Journey 2d (Pg-13) times for Dec. 21-24 -- 10:00, 1:30, 2:30, 5:00, 6:00, 8:30 Jack reacher (Pg13) starts Dec. 21 -- 10:30, 1:20, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50 life of Pi 2d (Pg) 10:45, 1:20, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 lincoln (Pg-13) 12:30, 3:40, 6:45, 10:00 monsters, inc. 3d (g) starts Dec. 19 -- 10:30, 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 Playing for keeps (Pg-13) through Dec. 20 only 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 Skyfall (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 this is 40 (r) starts Dec. 21 -- 10:15, 1:15, 4:20, 7:15, 10:10 the twilight Saga: breaking dawn -- Part 2 (Pg-13) through Dec. 20 only 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 (sofa cinema) n cinebarre


n co-ed cinema brevard (883-2200)

the hobbit: an Unexpected Journey (Pg-13) 12:00, 4:00, 8:00

n ePic oF henderSonville (693-1146) n Fine artS theatre (232-1536)

anna karenina (r) through Dec. 24 -- 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, late show 9:50 starting Dec. 25 -- 1:20, 4:20 hitchcock (Pg-13) through Dec. 24 --1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show fri-sat 9:15 starting Dec. 25 -- 7:20, late show fri-sat 9:30 Silver linings Playbook (r) starting Dec. 25 -- 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show fri-sat 9:30 n Flatrock cinema


Skyfall (Pg-13) 3:30, 7:00

n regal biltmore grande StadiUm 15 (684-1298)

United artiStS beaUcatcher (2981234)


for some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 65

than such overstuffed compatriots as Les Miserables, Flight, This Is 40 and, yes, Zero Dark Thirty. Frankly, I was prepared for the worst — in part, I admit, because I’m pretty much Tolkiened-out. (I have trouble even reading the character names and not rolling my eyes.) And being prepared for the worst, I was agreeably surprised. Oh, I have issues with the film (I’ll get to those), but all in all I think of it as The Hobbit: A Better Than Expected Journey. About Jackson’s controversial use of the 48 frames-per-second (twice the normal speed) approach, I can’t say for sure since I only saw it at 24 fps — though that presumably retains some of the enhanced sharpness, and it may account for some of the film’s less delightful aspects where crepe-hair and putty are a little more obvious than they should be. I can, however, say that there is way too much time expended on cramming 13 dwarves into Bilbo Baggins’ (Martin Freeman) hobbit hole (there must be another way of phrasing that). I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if one of the later arrivals had stuck his head in and asked, "Is my Aunt Minnie in here?" (Come on, at least some of you will get that!) The resultant dwarf eating, guzzling, belching, singing and general knockabout could have done with some serious pruning. (And, no, I don’t buy the idea that it has to do with character development since the characters are never developed.) Similarly, there’s a later sequence involving three trolls — that might as well be named Moe, Larry and Curly — that could have been cut out of the movie altogether. Other aspects of the film feel a bit like Peter Jackson’s Greatest Hits revisited. The trip to where the elves live seems mostly like an excuse for Hugo Weaving as Elrond, Cate Blanchett as Galadriel and Christopher Lee as the pre-evil Saruman to pop up, but I can’t say I minded it in the least. It might also be noted that it adds a little weight to the otherwise fairly slim story — and its often even slimmer characterizations. Apart from Bilbo and Ian McKellen’s Gandalf (who is, like the aforementioned trio, already established), there’s not really much characterization. The king dwarf, Thorin (Brit TV actor Richard Armitage), is just mostly sullen and ill-tempered. Radagast (Sylvester McCoy) — and his rabbit-powered sled — is an amusing (and apparently magic mushroom-addled) addition, but most of the film’s new characters are just sort of there — though effective enough. The question is whether or not this needed to be stretched out into three movies — apart from milking the Tolkien cow for all it’s worth. ( It probably didn’t.) But it’s been done, and it’s been done much better than I could have imagined — at least in its first installment. Yeah, it aims for the kind of emotional kick at the end like the one in Fellowship of the Ring and it falls short because it hasn’t really earned it. And its final image certainly holds a lot less dread than the one in that film, but this is carping. Did I have a good time watching it? Yes. Did I think it was too long? Yes. Could I understand more than half of what Gollum (Andy Serkis) said? No, but that’s nothing new. All in all, any movie that reveals that Gandalf knows how to play Whackbat is hard to dislike. Rated PG-13 for extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence, and frightening images. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Co-Ed Cinema of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7

specialscreenings aLPhaviLLe JJJJ sCi-Fi dRama RaTed NR In Brief: Jean-Luc Godard’s Alphaville (1965) is simply one of the damndest things you’re ever likely to see. Godard took a popular noir-ish detective, Lemmy Caution (Eddie Constantine), and plopped him into a nightmarish sci-fi movie that seems to be part serious, part satire — or possibly one huge practical joke. Is Godard serious or not? Good luck reaching a conclusion on that, but it’s kind of fun to try. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Alphaville Friday, Dec. 21 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

The iNvisibLe Ray JJJJJ sCieNCe FiCTioN hoRRoR RaTed NR In Brief: Karloff and Lugosi star as rival scientists who join forces on an African expedititon where Karloff discovers a powerful new element — one that poisons him, makes him glow in the dark and gives him a touch that means instant death to others. Beautifully crafted horror classic — one of the first to incorporate sci-fi elements — with the two greatest horror stars of all time at their best. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Invisible Ray Thursday, Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Les miseRabLes JJJ

Director: toM Hooper (The King’s speech) plAyers: HugH JAckMAn, russell crowe, Anne HAtHAwAy, AMAnDA seyfrieD, sAcHA BAron coHen, HelenA BonHAM cArter, eDDie reDMAyne musiCaL dRama

RaTed PG-13

The Story: Film version of the immensely popular stage-show musical adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel. The Lowdown: Fans of the show will probably rejoice. The uninitiated may feel differently about this extremely long, overemphatic and self-serious film version. My suspicion is that if you are a fan of the stage show of Les Miserables, you’re probably going to be keener on Tom Hooper’s film version than I am. Quite honestly, I didn’t like it — I didn’t like it a lot. I think a good bit of the problem stems from the source material. It doesn’t work for me or on me. I cannot — try as I may — remember a note of the music. It’s all one undistinguished and indistinguishable mass. I even saw the movie twice to see if that helped matters on that or with any other score. It didn’t. I was more disappointed than annoyed because I wanted to like this. After all, by and large, I like musicals and I like Tom Hooper (particularly his The Damned United and The King’s Speech). Normally, I like Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. Unfortunately, I found it humorless (yes, I know it’s called Les Miserables, but did it have to include the audience?), unaffecting and absolutely interminable. It was like the dramatic equivalent of Mamma Mia! (with less catchy songs), but where that film kept screaming at me to have a good time, this one wanted to bludgeon me with how serious and important it was — to the point that I laughed at several inappropriate points. (When one character who died early on popped up about 20 reels later, I was much amused, which wasn’t the idea.) While I have nothing against operatic filmmaking, Hooper has pitched the whole film in what

66 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

might be called bombastic overkill. It starts on an absurdly oversized note — with Jackman’s Jean Valjean and a bunch of other convicts bellowing while pulling a ship into its berth — and stays there. It’s not enough that there’s plenty of manpower here to build the pyramids. And the (oh, no) computerized swooping cameras, spraying water and CGI trickery are all working overtime to sell this as spectacle. I suppose it works on some level, but it all seems like so much effort to get to any real point. It’s big for the sake of being big, but whether it’s impressive or simply oppressive in its sheer lumbering, elephantine plodding is another matter. However, if you are impressed by this, you’ll likely feel the same about the rest of it. Much has been made — especially by the director — of the film’s use of live recording, which is hardly the big breakthrough it’s been painted to be. Musicals are normally recorded first and then acted out to a playback. There’s a reason for this: It works. The earliest musicals were done live, but that was primarily a technical consideration, not an aesthetic one. There are exceptions. Frank Capra’s Riding High (1950) used live recording, but the songs and stagings were off-the-cuff and simple. One of the numbers in Alan Parker’s Evita (1996) was recorded live. Most famously, Peter Bogdanovich’s career-crippling At Long Last Love (1975) used the technique. The idea in Hooper’s case was to preserve the immediacy of the performances. Does it? Perhaps, but whether it’s a good thing is a separate consideration. It tends to prompt the director to crowd his camera in on the hardworking performer — and their pitched-to-theback-row efforts are often distractingly palpable. Big close-ups of Jackman with the veins bulging out of his head like he’s courting an aneurysm feel less like emoting and more like straining to hit those notes. Anne Hathaway fares better, but Russell Crowe merely seems uncomfortable. It’s all coated in high-gloss romanticized poverty, jittery hand-held camerawork and admittedly occasionally striking images (usually at the beginning or ending of a scene). How you’ll respond

to the basic story of Jean Valjean being hounded (somewhat preposterously) by Inspector Javert (Crowe) probably goes back to Victor Hugo’s book, or at least the stage show. It requires considerable suspension of disbelief — from the mystifying presence of Cockney accents for the lower classes to the convenience of Javert’s appearances — that I couldn’t muster. And it’s all so very earnest and important. (Thank goodness, Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter enliven things with good-natured villainy.) You may get more out of it than I did — you could hardly get less — but if I want dramatized French history tarted up with songs, I’ll take Peter Brook’s Marat/Sade (1967). Rated PG-13 for suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Dec. 25 at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 and other area theaters

This is 40 J

Director: JuDD ApAtow plAyers: pAul ruDD, leslie MAnn, MAuDe ApAtow, iris ApAtow, JAson segel Comedy

RaTed R

The Story: A long-married couple attempts to cope with entering their 40s. The Lowdown: All of Judd Apatow’s worst attributes — an aimless story, an overlong run time — with the added bonus of obnoxious, infuriating upper-middleclass banality. Under most circumstances, I’ll champion personal, self-indulgent filmmaking. Most of cinema’s greatest accomplishments have been described as — and admonished for — this kind of selfish, singular approach, while many of the ones that miss greatness are at the very least fascinating miscalculations or glorious messes. Judd Apatow’s This is 40 is not fascinating, and it’s definitely not great. This isn’t self-indulgent filmmaking for the sake of some personal artistic achievement. This is narcissism, an infuriating, solipsistic love letter from Apatow to Apatow on just how tough it is to be a rich dude. I don’t often use the word “hate” when it comes to movies — most bad movies are simply too trivial to invest that kind of emotional energy — but I hated this movie and its out of touch, self-centered view of the world. The film exists as what’s being called a “sort-of sequel” to Apatow’s last hit Knocked Up (2007), a safe move for a man whose clout took a hit with the disastrous Funny People (2009). But the same problems that plagued not just Funny People, but the majority of Apatow’s films, are here. Chunks of the movie are improvised, which — within an already meandering plot — causes the movie to wander about blindly, as a parade of Apatow’s best buds and usual suspects mug for the camera. With an absurd 134-minute run time, This is 40 becomes one painful chore to sit through. The cornball joke for the film is that it should’ve been called This is 40 Minutes Too Long, but you could have seriously lopped an hour off the damned thing and I’d be happy (cutting 134 minutes out would’ve been even peachier). The plot revolves around married couple Pete and Debbie — played by Paul Rudd and Apatow’s wife, Leslie Mann, respectively — and

startingwednesday THE GUILT TRIP

Getting a jump on the Christmas releases is The Guilt Trip, a mother-and-son road picture starring Barbra Streisand and Seth Rogen, which probably clues you in on just exactly what you're getting for your money. The fact that it's directed by the woman who gave us 27 Dresses and the guy who wrote Fred Claus should fill in any blanks.(PG-13)

startingfriday JACK REACHER

Tom Cruise in hard-boiled detective mode as an ex-military investigator called in on a sniper case. Also around are Rosamund Pike, Robert Duvall and Richard Jenkins. But the biggest actor of interest is perhaps eccentric filmmaker Werner Herzog as some kind of Russian mobster called “The Zec.” It’s certainly the freshest-looking thing about this film.(PG-13)


See Justin Souther’s review in “Cranky Hanke”

startingfriday DJANGO UNCHAINED

Quentin Tarantino’s latest arrives in theaters on Christmas Day, bringing us good cheer and probably an affront to good taste by a lot of folks’ standards. At the moment, it has a solid 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes — some of those reviews are even from real critics — so there may be something to them. Here’s the studio blurb: “Set in the South two years before the Civil War, Django Unchained stars Jamie Foxx as Django, a slave whose brutal history with his former owners lands him face-to-face with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz). Schultz is on the trail of the murderous Brittle brothers, and only Django can lead him to his bounty. Honing vital hunting skills, Django remains focused on one goal: finding and rescuing Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), the wife he lost to the slave trade long ago. Django and Schultz’s search ultimately leads them to Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), the proprietor of ‘Candyland,’ an infamous plantation.” Sounds kind of irresistible. (R)

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See review in “Cranky Hanke”


Apparently this is meant to be the Christmas Day bout of “family friendly” moviedom. It has Bette Midler and Billy Crystal as grandparents forced into babysitting. It was made by Andy Fickman, whose last movie was You Again. If you saw that, you know how grim these tidings are. The studio blurb assures us: “When 21st century problems collide with Artie and Diane’s old school methods of tough rules, lots of love and old-fashioned games, it’s learning to bend — and not holding your ground — that binds a family together.” Pretty profound, huh? (PG)


See review in “Cranky Hanke”

their gamut of rich-white-people problems, and the endless nattering and bickering it creates. They have loud, annoying kids — played by Apatow and Mann’s daughters — who can’t pull themselves away from their expensive gadgets. Debbie’s clothing boutique is failing, Pete’s record label is slowly floundering. Keep in mind, neither seems to have a clue how to run a business. Because of this — and Pete’s continuous lending of money to his father (Albert Brooks) — they’re some $80,000 in debt. Fancy vacations and huge birthday parties still happen and they still live in a house they admit is too big for them. Nothing ever comes of it because nothing ever comes of anything in this movie and, most

importantly, because these are people who live in a world devoid of consequence. There are zero likable qualities to any of these clueless people (Pete’s entire character exists for people who still inexplicably think Paul Rudd is “cute”) to the point that I’m not sure who this movie is made for. (Maybe Mitt Romney and his horse could have a hearty chuckle at it.) This is a movie about privileged people, like Apatow, who are totally oblivious to their own privilege. Rated R for sexual content, crude humor, pervasive language and some drug material. reviewed by Justin Souther Starts Fri., Dec. 21 at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 and other theaters







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CLINICAL COUNSELOR • Full time in house. Is responsible for communication among staff, consumers, families, and

external resources to ensure collaboration and continuity of treatment; actively participates as a part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team. • Responsible for assessment, treatment and discharge planning. As appropriate, will ensure follow up and aftercare of consumer. Clinical Counselor must present self and service line in a knowledgeable and professional manner. • Responsible for Group, Family and Individual Therapy sessions and documentation in the electronic medical records. Will also maintain contact with referral sources and update on consumers progress as well as develop appropriate discharge plans with outside sources. • Requires CSAC Certification or CSAC-I. One year clinical experience working with consumers in an SA setting. Experience also to include: family, group, and individual therapy/counseling and treatment planning; must be experienced with assessment and intake processing. Must be flexible to adjust to changing conditions and the various details of the job. Appropriate interpersonal/ personal boundaries. • Must possess a valid driver’s license, and appropriate references. Follow NADAAC and NCSAPPB policies for ethical practice. Maturity of judgment and behavior. Must be willing to work nights on a regular basis. High moral and ethical values. Willingness to be open to learning and growing. Interpersonal skills to work as an integral part of a treatment team. Please fax resume to (828) 350-1300 attention Human Resources or via email

FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE Family Preservation Services of NC has a very exciting leadership opportunity in our Hendersonville office. • Clinical Coordinator: As a fully licensed Mental Health Therapist, you will work closely with the Regional Director insuring the highest quality care is provided to our clients. Responsibilities include staff supervision, program monitoring, utilization review and quality assurance. Two years post license experience is required along with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office (including Excel). Joining our team makes you eligible for a competitive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should send their resume to jrobichaud@

creation and implementation of individualized treatment plans and therapeutic activities for students; meet regularly with the Program Manager and implement suggested feedback; complete all required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services and 6 months of behavioral health experience; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at www.

LICENSED TREATMENT CONSULTANT • One full time in house & one part time mobile position. Part time position has the potential to lead to full time. Conducts screenings and level of care assessments, using clinical knowledge and skill level. • Facilitates appropriate admissions to all levels of care based on Locus and/or ASAM criteria. • Makes appropriate referrals to community resources and outside referral opportunities in the best interest of the client. Completes assessment, admission and other paperwork for clients to start treatment in a timely manor. • Manage admission pre-certification with funding sources. Work effectively with facility staff to insure consistent implementation of programs. Consistently and effectively coordinates schedule with the SA Program Assistant. May be expected to provide coverage for other evaluation counselors in the region, when requested by Supervisor. • Duties may also include providing assessment services to referral sources such as county juvenile justice centers, county jails, and other forensic and/or mental health settings. Other duties as assigned. Helps to maintain strong clinical program. • Staff is able to work together to meet the needs of the clients. Interact with referral sources to facilitate prompt, effective services for the client. Interact cooperatively with professional liaisons, supporting the ongoing marketing and referral communications efforts. • Complete required training and mandatory training hours. Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. Skills in therapeutic support and confrontation with chemical dependency clients. Skills in treatment planning and related documentation and record keeping. • Ability to maintain therapeutic

relationship with clients in various stages of emotional stability and recovery. Strong working knowledge of federal Confidentiality laws. Strong knowledge of ASAM criteria. • Experience in drug and alcohol treatment and level of care assessments preferred. A Master's Degree from an accredited college with a major in chemical dependency, psychology, social work, counseling, or other related field. Requires LCAS and LPCA or LCSWA. Please fax resume to (828) 350-1300 attention Human Resources or via email

MAKE A DIFFERENCE NC Mentor is offering free informational meetings to those who are interested in becoming therapeutic foster parents. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm7:30pm (snacks provided) and 4th Friday 12pm-1pm (lunch provided). • If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life, please call Rachel Wingo at (828) 696-2667 ext 15 or e-mail Rachel at debbie. smiley@thementornetwork. com• Become a Therapeutic Foster Family. • Free informational meeting. NC Mentor. 120C Chadwick Square Court, Hendersonville, NC 28739. PISGAH LEGAL SERVICES Non-profit law firm, seeks a full-time domestic violence prevention attorney: Send resume and cover letter by 1/4/2013, to: employment@ Salary DOE; excellent benefits. Equal Opportunity Employer, racial minorities, women, elderly,

PRN TREATMENT STAFF • Eliada Homes is in need of experienced staff to provide treatment to our students. • Duties: provide individualized treatment to the student population; effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention model; regularly monitor and supervise students; participate in the implementation of therapeutic activities; complete required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services discipline and some mental health experience preferred; high school diploma/ GED/AA degree required; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL • Leading provider of I/ DD services has an opening for a QP in our Hendersonville location. Position will be responsible for hiring, training and supervision of direct care staff working one on one with persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Position requires, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree in the field of human services and two years post-bachelor’s experience in I/DD. Bachelor’s degree in a field other than human services and four years post-bachelor’s experience

may be considered. Qualified applicants may apply online at www.turningpointservicesinc. com or mail resume and letter of interest to QP Position 408 Lawn Ave Hendersonville, NC 28792. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR, CLINICAL AND CASE MANAGER Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. • Case Manager – minimum of CSAC required. • Substance Abuse Counselor, Clinical – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/or detox services. Please visit to apply. SUPPORT ASSOCIATE DIRECT CARE STAFF • Do you want to make a difference in a person’s life? Consider working for The Arc of North Carolina, a state-wide advocacy and service provider organization that has been promoting the rights and abilities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) since 1953. • The Arc of North Carolina seeks passionate, compassionate, hardworking individuals to support people of all ages with I/DD throughout Western North Carolina. Responsibilities may include: providing breaks for caregivers, assistance with personal care, teaching skills to increase independence, promoting inclusion in the community. • Related experience in

direct care or special education is preferred but not required. Creativity, progressive thinking, strong advocacy skills, and knowledge of community resources are highly desirable. • Qualified applicants must be 18 or older, have a high school diploma or GED, current driver’s license, and pass background checks. Applicants may: Contact Lorie Boehm at 828-254-4771. Apply in person at 22 Garfield St, Suite 120 Asheville, NC 28803. Or e-mail

THE ASHEVILLE OFFICE OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES is seeking the following: QMHP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work with adults in the Center for Recovery, Education, and Wellness; QMHP to work with children and families on an Intensive In Home team. Please send resumes to csimpson@ WNC GROUP HOMES FOR AUTISTIC PERSONS • Is hiring for Residential Counselor positions, Full Time 2nd shift. Also seeking full or part time Residential Counselors for 24 hour, sleep over shifts in DDA Home. Each qualified applicant must have High School Diploma and 2 years experience, or College degree. Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave Asheville. Please view our website for additional information.


A-B TECH - INSTRUCTOR, WELDING TECHNOLOGY • SUMMARY: To conduct college technology courses in support of the Welding Technology program and other related programs. • MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Associate’s Degree, from a regionally accredited institution, in Welding, Manufacturing or related field; 2. Two years relevant work experience in Utility, Chemical, Fuel, or Sanitary Pipe Welding; 3. Qualified (or able to qualify) on 6" Carbon Steel Pipe In 6 G position utilizing SMAW process; 4. Qualified (or able to qualify) on 6" Carbon Steel Pipe In 6 G position utilizing GMAW process; 5. Qualified (or able to qualify) on 6" Carbon Steel Pipe In 6 G position utilizing GTAW process. • PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Welding, Manufacturing or related field; 2. Two years post-secondary teaching experience; 3. AWS CWI and/or CWE certification; 4. Experience with CNC Plasma Torch; 5. Experience with Robotic Welding; 6. Qualified (or able to qualify) on 6" Stainless Pipe In 6 G position utilizing various processes. • SALARY RANGE: $37,782 - $39,078. For more information and application instructions please visit https://abtcc.

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Awake- Over-Night Staff LEAD RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR • Eliada is in need of experienced staff to provide structure and guidance to residential staff by role-modeling the effective implementation of the Eliada treatment model while maintaining a supportive and therapeutic environment for the student population. • Duties: role model crisis prevention and assume a leadership role in crisis intervention situations; participate in the

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Asheville Academy is a residential Therapeutic program must have some experience working in this field. Solstice East is a Residential Treatment Center and must have experience in this field. Helpful certification in First aid , CPR, or any other training in these fields.

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Please no Phone Calls EOE • DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 69

freewillastrology SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) In 2013, I pledge to conspire with you to achieve more mixtures, connections, accords and unifications than you ever thought possible. I will furthermore be a fount of suggestions about how you can live well in two worlds. I will coach you to create a peace treaty with your evil twin and your nemesis, and I will help you develop a knack for steering clear of other people’s bad ideas and sour moods. I can’t of course guarantee that you will never again experience a broken heart, but I swear I will do everything I can do to heal the broken part of your heart that you’ve been suffering from.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Isaac Newton is regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history. But the time he spent as a member of the English Parliament was undistinguished. The only public comment he ever made while serving there was a request to close the window because he was cold. Basketball star Michael Jordan had a similar schism. In the prime of his outstanding career, he took a year off to try playing baseball, which he did poorly. After analyzing 2013’s astrological aspects, Aries, I’m guessing that you should cultivate a firm intention to avoid doing what Newton and Jordan did. Keep playing to your strengths and emphasizing what you love. Don’t get sidetracked by peripheral concerns.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) In 2013, I’d like to help you cultivate an even more reliable relationship with your intuitions and hunches than you already have. You may not need much guidance from me, since the astrological omens indicate this will happen quite naturally. There’s another kind of inspiration I hope to offer you in the coming months: clues about how to be “bad” in ways that will give your goodness more vigor. And when I say “bad,” I’m not referring to nastiness or insensitivity, but rather to wildness and playfulness and experimentation. Here’s one further service I want to provide, Taurus: helping you build a greater capacity to receive gifts, blessings and support.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) In the year 1900, few people believed that human beings would ever fly through the sky in machines. Most scientists thought that such a feat was impossible. For years, the Wright Brothers had a hard time convincing anyone to believe their flights were actually taking place, even though they had photos and witness reports as documentation. Although the leap you’ll be capable of in 2013 isn’t quite as monumental as the Wright Brothers’, it could be pretty important in the history of your own life. You may also have to deal with skepticism akin to what they had to face. Be true to your vision, Gemini!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) In 2013, I predict you will see why it’s wise to phase out an influence you have loved to hate

for far too long. Uncoincidentally, you will also have a talent for purging emotional burdens and psychic debris that you’ve been holding on to since the bad old days. No later than your birthday, if all goes well, you will be free from a subtle curse you’ve been casting on yourself; you will finally be attending to one of your long-neglected needs; and you will have turned some rather gawky, half-assed wizardry into a smooth and silky magic.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) In 2013, I pledge to help you raise your lovability. It’s not that you are unlovable now, of course, but there’s always room for improvement, right? And if people become even more attracted to you than they already are, then you’re likely to get a lot of collaborative and cooperative work done. You will thrive as you and your allies work on projects that make your corner of the world a better and more interesting place. So what are the first three actions you could take to raise your lovability?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) First question: Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m afraid I will never achieve my noblest dreams or live according to my highest ideas”? Answer: There’s a very good chance that in the coming year you will banish that fear from the sacred temple of your imagination. Second question: Have you ever wondered if maybe you unconsciously undermine the efforts of people who are trying to assist you? Answer: In the coming months you should discover exactly what to do to prevent such a thing from happening. Third question: Do you know the single most important question you should be asking in 2013? Answer: I predict you will figure that out sometime in the next three weeks.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) In 2013, I will be encouraging you to journey into the frontiers and experiment with the unknown. I will seek to inspire you to go in search of teachings you’ve needed for a long time. Are you ready for this expansion, Libra? Are you feeling a natural urge to explore forbidden zones and discover missing secrets and mess with your outmoded taboos? As you might imagine, doing this work would motivate you to develop a healthier relationship with your fears. To bolster your courage, I suggest you find some new freedom songs to sing.

70 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2012 •

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) In 2013, I will do what I can to ensure that your fiscal biorhythms are in close alignment with the universal cash flow. You should have pretty good instincts about this worthy project yourself, Scorpio. And so there’s an excellent chance that your wealth will increase. The upgrade will be especially dramatic if you are constantly scheming about how you can share your riches and benefit other people with your generosity. I think there will also be an interesting fringe benefit if you maintain maximum integrity as you enhance your access to valuable resources: You will develop a more useful relationship with your obsessive tendencies.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) When he was 21, the Capricorn writer Jack London set off to prospect for gold in the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush. He had a rough time there. Malnourished, he suffered from scurvy and leg pain. To make matters worse, he didn’t find much gold, and returned home broke. On the other hand, he met scores of adventure seekers who told him stories of their travels. These tales served as rich raw material for his novel The Call of the Wild, published in 1903. It made him famous and is generally regarded as his masterpiece. I’m guessing you will begin a similar trajectory in 2013, Capricorn. Events that may at first seem less than successful will ultimately breed a big breakthrough.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) I can’t force you to seek more pleasure in 2013. I won’t nag you to play harder and explore the frontiers of feeling really good. However, I will say this: If you don’t plan to put yourself into at least partial alignment with the cosmic mandate to have maximum fun, you may not get the best use out of the advice I’ll be offering though my horoscopes in the coming year. Please consider the possibility of ramping up your capacity for pure enjoyment.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) The study of ancient Mayan civilization owes a lot to the fact that Americans started buying lots of chewing gum in the late 19th century. Huh? Here’s the connection: For a long time, chicle was one of the prime ingredients in Chiclets, Juicy Fruit, Bazooka bubble gum and many other brands of chewing gum. Chicle is obtained from the sap of sapodilla trees, which grow in abundance in Central America and Mexico. Over the decades, workers harvesting the chicle accidentally found many Mayan ruins covered in overgrown vegetation, then told archaeologists about their discoveries. I foresee a metaphorically comparable sequence happening in your life during 2013. In unexpected ways, you will be put back in touch with and benefit from lost, forgotten, or unexplored parts of the past.

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you’ve ever had – I will always let you know when someone is at the front door – but I don’t bark much more than that. I am leash trained. My foster mom takes me for at least 1 walk a day – and I love finding sunny spots outside to watch the world go by. If you want to meet me, just call my foster mom. And if you can share this flyer with friends and family, maybe you can help me find my forever home! Call Cynthia at 925-2186

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Automotive AUtOMOtive ServiceS


The New York Times Crossword


A LOSt Or FOUND Pet? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:


14 15 16 17 19 20

21 22 24


Hi! My name is Kylie! Do you know of anyone who might like to adopt me? I’m a sweetnatured little Chihuahua. I like to make myself little pillow nests to rest in and I get along well with cats and dogs. I’m a quiet little girl, for a Chihuahua, and I like nothing better than to lay quietly beside my foster mom – I’m a real cuddler! I’m cautious of strange men but I like sitting in my foster dad’s lap with and I am learning to trust him. I really need a peaceful forever home where people will be gentle and kind with me. I intend to earn my keep by being the best alarm system

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informally of “Married … With Children” What a clock checker might want to know, in brief Jazzman Chick Science suffix Chit Aid for skipping out of school? Physics unit What opens and closes safes? “Try ___” “If only” Susan of “The Partridge Family” Sharp-edged plant growth? Blabber’s opposite Connect with Dutifully reverent

6 Katey




1 Excited,

30 31

34 38 40 42 43 45 46 48 49

53 56 57 58 59 60


Actress Suvari, co-star of “American Pie” “Jeepers!” Herbal drink Allies of the Cheyenne Emphatic Spanish assent Rockets’ paths 1950s coup victim Opera ___ Did 80, say Shipment of noisemakers, e.g.? Running back’s stat: Abbr. “You win” Novelist Morrison One shooting the breeze? “___ your lip!” Area of town where the supernatural hang out? Final letter


65 66 67 68 69

///////////////////////// crosswordpuzzle

Edited by Will Shortz

Up to Auto-racing family name Y : Spanish :: ___ : English Daft First Top 40 hit for Weird Al Yankovic




1 Needed

a massage, say 2 State animal of Maine 3 Prisoners who write tediously? 4 Reggae’s ___-A-Mouse 5 A previous time 6 “Same goes for me” 7 Spaghetti specification 8 Mount Olympus dweller 9 Bio figure 10 Apollo, for one, musically speaking 11 Children’s song refrain 12 Arms flank it 13 Zero 18 Tapestrymaking device 23 Shout of exuberance 26 “Tony n’ ___ Wedding” 27 Wine bottle datum 29 Minstrels, often 31 U.K. V.I.P.’s 32 First Super Bowl that was actually called a Super Bowl 33 Santa ___



14 17 21

















33 39






















No. 1114

Edited by Will Shortz No.1114

34 40









57 61













35 36 37 39 41 44

Robust religious observance? Old unit of conductance In the distance Dodge bullet dodger Sewn-on decoration Traditional family vacation

47 48 49

50 51 52

Quite the looker D.C. 100: Abbr. Something delivered in a box Not native Cordoned (off) With faux shyness


Words before ask or suggest


Comic strip canine


“I’ll take that as ___”


Skater Midori


Italian article

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