Strategic Plan - 2013-2015

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Mount Aloysius College Strategic Plan 2013-15

Mount Aloysius College’s Mission

The mission of Mount Aloysius College is to respond to individual and community needs with quality programs of education in the tradition of the Religious Sisters of Mercy. Each student is provided the opportunity to

acquire knowledge and to develop values, attitudes, and competencies necessary for life-long learning within an environment that reflects a liberal arts orientation and a Catholic, Judeo-Christian heritage.

Mount Aloysius College Strategic Plan

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Mount Aloysius College’s Vision

Mount Aloysius College will be a supportive educational institution that lives its Mercy and Catholic values, preparing a diverse student population for professional and personal development that will

meet the needs of our local and global community.

Mount Aloysius College Strategic Plan

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Organizing Themes The five major themes for the Strategic Plan arose from extensive interviews at the beginning of the process with Officers, Deans, Alumni, Trustees, and regional business and non-profit leaders. 1. Academic Futures: Align academic offerings to emerging fields and continue to adapt in ways that ensure access to a college education, and graduation, for a broad cross-section of students. 2. The Complete Student Experience: Promote the campus environment as a vibrant community that engages both residential and commuter students; emphasize holistic personal development as a defining value of student life through commitment to health and fitness and the College values of mercy, justice, hospitality and service; and expand student horizons beyond the campus with the range of services supporting student success. 3. Community Engagement: Position the campus as a center for the community, empower all students to become involved in community service, and position the College as a leader in community engagement. 4. New Horizons: Expand employment of technology in our areas of academic strength, grow our presence outside our region, and attract an increasingly diverse student body.

5. Build Our Capacity to Thrive: Modernize our administrative procedures and culture, expand our visibility in the region and beyond, attract and retain high quality faculty and staff, and improve governance and fundraising infrastructures.

Roundtables were then held with students, faculty, and staff from across the College. Strategic goals identified at each roundtable were organized under the five themes. These goals are expanded with objectives and tactics on detailed strategic planning worksheets.

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Academic Futures Align academic offerings to emerging fields and continue to adapt in ways that ensure access to a college education, and graduation, for a broad cross-section of students. 1.

Goal: Match academic program development to market demand in growing and emerging fields

 Expand and sustain capacity within Health Sciences and Nursing  Explore opportunities for growth and sustaining vitality in programs related to business and technology  Develop a seamless integration within academics to strengthen the operations of Graduate and Continuing Education

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The Complete Student Experience Promote the campus environment as a vibrant community that engages both residential and commuter students; emphasize holistic personal development as a defining value of student life through commitment to health and fitness and the College values of mercy, justice, hospitality and service; and expand student horizons beyond the campus with the range of services supporting student success. 1.

Goal: Continue to broaden students' exposure to the liberal arts experience in ways that complement and augment professional programs strengthening the global, social and cultural competencies of students  Examine and strengthen first year curricular and co-curricular offerings


Goal: Emphasize wellness and development of the whole person  Review and strengthen programs related to physical well-being  Provide enhanced and confidential mental health services for students  Strengthen the integration of spiritual well-being into campus life


Goal: Promote the campus environment as a vibrant community that engages all students  Review and enhance activities to attract residential and non-residential students  Strengthen, expand and look to integrate existing student leadership programs (Student Affairs, Admissions, Athletics, Campus Ministry and Community Engagement & Social Entrepreneurship)  Continue to work toward a culture of inclusivity within the campus community

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The Complete Student Experience (continued) 4.

Goal: Maximize available indoor and outdoor space for student use  Integrate the Campus Master Planning (outdoor) process with the Space Study (indoor)


Goal: Define, support and integrate student success from admissions to graduation to employment  Identify strategies linked to data that support academic achievement, retention and employment


Goal: Initiate a review process for residential housing  Identify and collect all relevant data

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Community Engagement Position the campus as a center for the community, empower all students to become involved in community service, and position the College as a leader in the area of community engagement. 1.

Goal: Continue to develop a strong base of community partnerships that can be utilized for service programs  Assess and develop community partnerships  Build partnerships with organizations for future Campus Ministry service trips


Goal: Begin to develop a systematic theory and practice of community engagement appropriate to Mount Aloysius College  Sponsor one think tank event to explore innovative ways for Mount Aloysius College to address needs of a rural population


Goal: Make the campus welcoming to the regional community  Host symposia/conference to commemorate 500th Anniversary of Luther’s Posting of His Ninety-five Theses  Continue development of summer retreats and institutes for ecumenical audience  Develop a short-term Visiting Scholar program related to community engagement and/or ecumenical affairs  Open the campus for community use  Create an annual series of external cultural and athletic programs for the new Athletic and Wellness Center

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New Horizons Expand employment of technology in our areas of academic strength, grow our presence outside our region, and attract an increasingly diverse student body. 1.

Goal: Ensure that Mount Aloysius graduates are “Technology Ready”  Review and strengthen the curriculum and extra curricular experience of students with technology


Goal: Invest in technology and enhance smart teaching spaces  Review and update classrooms in regards to technology and furniture  Create a Technology Commons in the Library  Improve knowledge of, and use of, existing technological tools


Goal: Implement and maintain an aggressive enrollment management and marketing program  Expand admissions recruitment beyond the traditional market of Mount Aloysius College  Heighten social media strategies and print materials for admissions and recruitment  Maximize recruitment for fine arts and athletic programs


Goal: Continue to enhance the College’s comprehensive business continuity plan  Improve the options available for emergency response and disaster recovery of our systems  Continue to build partnerships with regional emergency and disaster planning and response entities

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Build Our Capacity to Thrive Modernize our administrative procedures and culture, expand our visibility in the region and beyond, attract and retain a high quality faculty and staff, and improve our governance and fundraising infrastructures. 1.

Goal: Attract a diverse and talented faculty  Provide robust opportunities for faculty development  Examine and strengthen the hiring and mentoring process for FT and PT faculty  Review and solidify Academic Council and other faculty governance structures


Goal: Continue to ensure that administrative and financial processes and procedures are efficient, cost effective and timely  Continue to modernize systems to reduce paperwork  Provide professional development opportunities for staff  Strengthen intra-campus communications

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Implementation Process The Strategic Plan is a tactical document in excel format that outlines specific goals, objectives, tasks, timelines, costs, and responsible parties. It also includes metrics and anticipated outcomes, critical items for self-evaluation and external accreditation.

Strategic Planning Worksheet Theme #2: The Complete Student


Timeframe Estimated Potential Lead/ Start End Cost Sources Responsible Metric Expected Outcomes GOAL #1: Continue to broaden students' exposure to the liberal arts experience in ways that complement and augment professional programs strengthening the global, social and cultural competencies of students Objective Examine and strengthen first year curricular and co-curricular offerings Tactic #1 Establish an January June '13 $2,500 Operating Senior VP Recommendations Improved critical thinking interdepartmental '13 budget Acad. Affairs presented to skills, cultural awareness, working group President in June and job placement upon '13 graduation

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Acknowledgements Co-Chairs Sr. Helen Marie Burns Dr. Timothy Fulop Strategic Plan Steering Committee (2012) Ms. Suzanne Campbell Mr. Kim Craig Mr. Philip Devorris Mr. Kevin Kime Ms. Heather Low Sr. Jean Messaros

Mr. Rick Mishler Ms. Sara Rutledge Ms. Paula Scaramozzino Ms. Rebecca Zukowski Mr. Tyler Pine

President’s Executive Council Ms. Suzanne Campbell - Sr. VP Administrative Services Dr. Tim Fulop - Sr. VP Academic Affairs Sr. Helen Marie Burns - VP Mission Integration Dr. Jane Grassodonia - VP Student Affairs Ms. Jennifer Dubuque - VP Institutional Advancement Mr. Frank Crouse - VP Enrollment Management Ms. Donna Yoder - Chief Financial Officer/Controller Mr. Jack Coyle - Director of Communications

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