Marketing report

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facebook design & mar keting

This is a compilation of all the techniques I have learned and used to get my page to over 10,500 fans in around 9 months. Silent tagging got me over the threshold from 1500 fans to 8000 with a huge increase in sales, this is particularly useful if you are open to sales from all over the world. I also used a paid promotion from Fan Page Promote which generated around 35-60 new fans per day, this was back when they had 14,000 fans now they have over 20,000 so its a huge fan base to promote your page to. Silent tagging There are a number of pages set up to help promote your page and get new fans to your page, they use a method called silent tagging. This involves sharing the status that the page is having a silent tagging session, use the @ symbol to tag your page (type @ with no space then start typing your page name, when it comes up hit enter), this way the fans just hover over your page name (which will turn blue) and click the like button, you then need to go through and like the other pages. Listed below is a list of tagging pages I have compiled. These run at all times of the day, I suggest liking all the pages so you are kept up to date with when the silent tagging is going to happen. It’s a good idea once you have finished the ladder, to put a status update so right away you appear in the news feed of your new fans. Don’t bombard your fans with too many posts, if you need to upload a bunch of photos, upload to an album rather than each photo one at a time. This can clog up a persons news feed and make them want to unlike your page. New fans are not guaranteed to generate new business, but the more people that see your updates, specials, promos the more chance you have to make a sale. The more interactive you keep your page, by encouraging people to comment on your posts, the more reach your posts will have as each person who comments, that comment will be seen by their friends. I have fans on my page who comment on a special I run and 6 months later actually purchase the product, if you keep your presence out there it will eventually pay off. Your posts just need to be “in the right place at the right time”. On the last page of this report are links to over 40 pages available for networking. Paid promotions There are a few pages available to do this, when i was first starting out i would get between 35-60 new fans a day which is great when you are just starting out, pricing is under $20, I would generally get one new sale a day while the promotion was running.


facebook design & mar keting

Competitions We all should know by now running a competition on your page like “when we get to 500 fans there is a giveaway”, “like this photo to go in the draw”, etc, etc is against facebook policy. The only way to run a facebook competition that adheres to facebook policy is through a third party application. I have used easypromos using the free compeition with good results. I decided to try the more expensive ($130) where entrants had to post their profile pic, get their friends and fans to vote for them and the one with the most fans won, the reason this one was so expensive is because it required the voter to like the page before voting. I got a lot of new fans (around 300) but not sure if they converted to sales. Facebook also has set up a new “offer” function which is a great way to get your offer out there, when someone redeems the offer, it gets shared on their wall for their friends to see. Custom URL To create a custom url go to and select the name you would like, if its available. Insert your URL on to your email signatures, print them on your business cards and stationery to get word out how to find your page. How to load a contact form to your page Follow the link and click start, follow the instructions on screen. Its always good to save the email address of any new contacts you generate for future marketing purposes. Status updates If you need to post a few updates in one day then space them apart a couple of hours, this way they are more likely to appear in the news feed of your fans. Updates with a photo are more likely to be seen by your fans. Pay attention to your insights, see what time of the day is most effective and what content gets the most response. Don’t make all your posts about business, ask questions, make comments that get people liking or comment on your page, this helps the chance of your posts being seen in your fans news feed. Facebook allows you to plan when your posts are displayed, this option is in the status update box. Using facebook as page While you are using “facebook as page”, comment on other posts, like other pages, the more active you are as a page the more chance there is people will find your page. Don’t bombard other pages saying “new fan” as they will likely delete your post, but just have an active presence on facebook as your page.


facebook design & mar keting

Facebook ads Facebook ads are a very affordable way of reaching your target audience. You can target to location, age, sex, education etc. You pay on a “per click� basis and can reach a big audience for around $50 If your page does not come up in a search Log a report here displaying Timeline cover Your timeline cover is a powerful piece of real estate to show your fans what your page is all about and what you have to offer, its against facebook policy to use any contact details on here but you can promote yourself by using images and words explaining what you do. Final words The test page I used started at 129 fans and after 5 days was at 390, overnight without doing anything the page was at 407 so the power of people liking the page starts to get viral. This involved silent tagging a couple of times per day, I also paid for a promotion on fan page promote but this had not started when the fan base got to 407. Good luck with your page, just remember to keep your page active, use post planner to ensure you get at least one post up per day and keep interacting as your page. Website If you have a website you can have a direct feed of your website as a tab on your facebook page. Facebook shop You can have a shop on your facebook page where people can buy products directly from you, all you need is a paypal account and you are on your way. ENTER CODE REPORT FOR 50% OFF

Silent Tagging pages

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