Grade 1 Portions 2018-19

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Grade 1 Curriculum Handbook 2018-19

English June 2018 q

q q q q

Should be able to differentiate between vowels and consonant and learning of sound with letters. Learn the different common spellings of long vowel phonemes (e ,ee, ae) Learning of articles (a, an, the) Learning uses of this, these, that, those, was , were, have, has..etc. Discuss the meaning of unfamiliar words encountered in reading.

July 2018

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Learn uses of simple compound sentence, with and/but etc. q Learning how to form short words using help of apostrophe I AM = I + AM = I 'm q Find alternative to and/then in developing a narrative and connecting ideas. q Suffixes and Prefixes ( un-, dis-, -ful, -ly) q

December 2018

q Read and respond to question words

e.g What, When, Who , Why. Students should be able to understand the comprehension from the text book and able to answer it on their own. q Full stop ( . ) q Question mark ( ?)

Grade 1

Learning of Adjective q A word naming an attribute of a noun, such as beautiful, bold, Strong etc.. q Learning of Present, Past and Future tenses e.g.: do, did, done q Learning of Suffixes and Prefixes ( un-, dis-, -ful, -ly)

January 2019

August 2018

Revision for Progression Test 3 Should be able to pronounce small words from February 2019 the text book using these helping words. (like, Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test was, in , the, of, on etc..) q Exclamatory ( !) q Apostrophe marks ( CAN'T), Comma ( ,) q Learning of Singular and Plural. (eg. boy-boys) q

September 2018 q Introduction to parts of speech q Learning of Noun (Name, place, animal and

thing (e.g. Saba, Bangalore, Cat and Bottle) q Learning of Pronoun (Instead of a noun- He, she, there) q Identification of Noun and Pronoun connectivity. q Learning of Verb a word used to describe an action of the noun. ( Running, jumping, playing, standing etc)


Mathematics September 2018

June 2018 Unit 1 - Whole Numbers q Numbers 0 to 100 q Count, read and write numbers to 100 q Counting on and back in steps- Count in 2s, 5s, and 10s. q Counting many objects. q More or Less concepts. q Number line- identify a number that falls between 2 other numbers. q Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 q Ordinal number q Even and odd numbers.

July 2018 Unit 2 & 3 - Whole Numbers q Count in tens and ones. q Place value q Partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones q Comparing numbers like <,>, or =. q Ordering numbers i.e. ascending order and descending number. q Estimating “how many” for up to 100 objects. q Sorting, classifying & arranging the numbers from ascending and descending order q Counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. q Counting in constant steps like 3,6,9. q Place Value - Partitioning 2 digit numbers q Comparing and ordering numbers using the sign <,> up to 100.

August 2018 Unit 4 - Fractions: q Halves ½. q Recognize a shape that are divided into halves and shapes that are not. q Recognize and write quarters ¼. q Halves and quarters of shapes. q Making a whole. q Recognize that ⁄ and ⁄ both make a whole. q Recognize that ⁄ & ⁄ are same. q Find halves & quarters of small number of objects.

Grade 1

Unit 5,6, 7 - Addition and subtraction q Number pairs for 10 & 20. q Equal Sign like 5+5 = 8+2. q Adding more than two numbers i.e. 5+2+1 = 8. q Add a single digit to a 2-digit number. q Subtracting more than two numbers i.e. 10-2-1 =7. q Finding the difference between 62 and 65 is 3. q Solve the following word problems related to addition. q Find the missing numbers in addition. q Missing number problems in subtraction.

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Unit 8 Multiplication q Use the ‘X’ sign q Recognise multiples of 2, 5, & 10. q Use repeated addition to multiply. q Doubles concept like 3=6. Unit 9 - Division q Use the ‘ ’ sign q Know division facts for 2, 5 & 10. q Remainders Unit 10 q Doubling & Halving. q Workout multiplication & division facts for 3 & 4 tables. q Solve division problems and say how many are left over. q Multiplication and division problems.


Grade 1 January 2019

December 2018 Unit 11 & 12 - 2D & 3D shapes q 2D shapes: recognizing and naming the shapes like square, rectangle and triangle. q Visualizing and drawing the 2D shapes. q 3D shapes: like Cuboids, cubes, Cylinders, spheres, pyramids and cones. q Making the 3D shapes. Unit 13 - Patterns & Symmetry q Symmetry -Draw the symmetry in pattern. q Recognize symmetry in 2D shapes. q Recognizing the symmetry all around in everyday objects. Unit 14 - Positioning & Movement q Directions and movement- Forward, left and right. q Recognize a quarter turn is a right angle. Unit 15 - Money q Recognizing the different coins and notes. Adding up the money. Find totals & give change.

Unit 17 - Length q Estimate and measure length with units of measure that are the same. q Standard units – Meters and centimeters. q Comparing the lengths. Unit 18 - Mass q Measuring the weights. q Recognise & use the standard units Gm & Kg. Unit 19 - Capacity q Measuring capacities q Measuring litres on a measuring instrument. Unit 20- Time q The units of time. q Months of the year. q Reading and showing the time to the half hour3:30. Unit 21- Handling Data q Introducing concepts of Venn Diagrams & handling data

January 2019 Revision for Progression Test 3

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test



Grade 1 August 2018

June 2018 Unit 1 - Living things in their environment q Environment: Comparing natural environment at home and school. q Natural environment: Plants- where do they grow, animals in different environments. q Investigate one’s own environment. Poster on conservation of environment.

July 2018 Unit 2 - Material properties q Different types of rocks- uses and natural materials. q Natural and manufactured materials. Unit 3 - Material changes q Materials can change shape q Squashing materials q Heating materials q Dissolving q Objects that sink and float.

Topic 4 - Light and dark q Sources of light q Light and dark q Shadows

September 2018 Topic 5 - Electricity q What is a circuit? q How to build a circuit? q Working mechanism of switches

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018 Topic 6 - The Earth and beyond q The earth and the sun q Does the sun move? q Day and night concept

December 2018 Revision for Progression Test 3

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

Computer June 2018

October 2018

q Introduction to Computers

Revision for Progression Test 2

July 2018

November 2018

q Parts of Computer

q Handling the Mouse q Paint Brush Basics

August 2018

December 2018

q Advantages and uses of a Computer

Revision for Progression Test 3

September 2018

January 2019

q Know your Keyboard

Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test


Kannada September 2018

June 2018 q ವಣ

(ಅ – ಳ) - Oral

q ಅ – ಅರಸ, ಆ -ಆ

to ಳ - ನಳ (Oral)

q ಅ – ನ (Writing) q ಐ

ಬಣ ಗಳ

q ಹ


q ಅಂ ಗ


(ಚ - ಝ ) Writing

ತ ಅ ರಗ




November 2018 ಕ ರಚ

q q ಮ


ಷ ನ ಅಂಗಗ


೧ - ೨೦ (Oral)

August 2018 q

q Revision for Progression Test 2

(ಕ - ಘ ) (Writing)




October 2018

q ಪ – ಳ (Writing)




July 2018 q

(ಟ - ಣ) Writing




Grade 1

ಗಳ ಬಣ ಗಳ

ಸ ಸ

December 2018 q ಪದ –


Revision for Progression Test 3


January 2019


Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test


Hindi June 2018 JUNE 2018 q q q q q

र अकषर और वयंजन अकषर अ से अः (Oral & Writing) क से ड. (Oral) च से ञ (Oral) दस फलो का नाम (Oral)

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018 q किवता - गु िड़या

रो मत गुिड़या बंदर वाले ,आओ जी डम ज़रा बजाओ जी मेरी गुिड़या रोती है दे खो चुप ना होती है बंदर को नचाओ जी गुिड़या को हसाओ जी

July 2018 q किवता - बरसात

बा रश आई बा रश आई छम छम छम लेकर छाता िनकले हम पैर िफसला िगरगये हम ऊपर छाता नीचे हम

JUNE 2018 December 2018

August 2018 q दस सबिजयो ं के नाम (Oral) q क से ह - (Oral and writing) q किवता -िगनती गीत

एक दो ,कभी ना रो तीन चार ,रखना पयार ँ छह िमलकर रह पॉच सातआठ ,पढ़ले पाठ नौ दस। जोर से हस

September 2018

q वा

िलखो q दस प ी के नाम q किवता: आ सवे रा मुगा बोला कुकड़क ू ूँ आ सवेरा ,सोते कयो ं ? दे खो सूरजआया है अँधेरा दू रभगाया है छोड़के िब र उठजाओ धोकर मुँह बहारआओ

January 2019

q मातराएँ q बारह खड़ी

Grade 1

Revision for Preparatory & Progression Test 3

q िगनती १ -२० q दस पशु के नाम

Writing q दो तीन अकषर वाले शबद q िहं दी मे अनु वाद करो q अं गरे ज़ी मे अनु वाद करो


Arabic and Deeniyaat Grade 1 September 2018

June 2018 Vocabulary q In the school (Refer Appendix A) q Arabic Numbers: 1 to 10 Hadeeth q Ge ng knowledge (Hadeeth # 11) q Modesty (Hadeeth # 12) Dua q 3 Kalima q Dua while handshake Months in islam q 4 Months Names (Muharram to Rabi ul sani) Hifz q Surah Al-Lahab

Vocabulary q In the bedroom (Refer Appendix A) q Arabic Numbers : 21 to 25 Hadees q Paternal Uncle & Maternal Aunt’s status (HADEETH # 16) q Rights of Neighbours (HADEETH # 17) Dua q Dua for Stepping from any stage q Hamd-o-darood Hifz q Surah Al Quraysh (QURAYSH)

October 2018

July 2018 Vocabulary q Fruits and Vegetables (Refer Appendix A) q Arabic Numbers: 11 to 15 Hadees q Cleanliness Dua q Dua while entering in Bathroom q Dua while exi ng from Bathroom Months in Islam q 4 Months Names (Jumadi-ul-awal to Shabaan) Hifz q Surah Al-Kafirun (THE DISBELIEVERS)

August 2018 Vocabulary q In the street (Refer Appendix A) q Arabic Numbers:1 to 20 Hadeeth q Respect for Mother (Hadeeth # 14) q Status of Father (Hadeth # 15) Dua q 4 Kalima q Dua before star ng new work Months in Islam q 4 Months Names (Ramadhan to Zulhijjah) Hifz q Surah Al-Fil (THE ELEPHANT)

q Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Vocabulary q Colours (Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Respec ng elders (Hadeeth # 18) Dua q 5 Kalima q Dua when dining at someone's House Hifz q Surah Al-'Asr (THE DECLINING DAY) q Surah Al-Ma'un (THE SMALL KINDNESSES)

December 2018 Vocabulary q In The Body (Refer Appendix A) Hadees q Brotherhood in Islam (Hadeeth # 19) Dua q Dua when star ng wadhu q Dua a er finishing wadhu q Dua to Promote Knowledge Hifz q Surah Ad-Duhaa (THE MORNING HOURS)


Grade 1 January 2019 Vocabulary q In the Kitchen (Refer Appendix A)

Hadees q Good conversa ons Dua q Dua while wearing clothes q Dua when entering Masjid q Dua when exi ng from Masjid Hifz q Surah Al Teen

Islamic Studies June 2018 q q

Beliefs Who is Allah?

July 2018 q q

Beau ful Names of Allah Allah is the one true God

October 2018 q Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q Supplica ons q Memorization of the Quran

December 2018 August 2018 q Prophet's Life q Our Prophet's Teachings

q Ge ng familiar with the Quran q Arabic (Names of months)

January 2019 September 2018 q

The Good Children

q Arabic Conversa on q Numbers in Arabic



In the Bathroom




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