Grade 2 Portions 2018-19

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Grade 2 Curriculum Handbook 2018-19

English June 2018 1. Danger! q Should know Consonants and Vowels q Read a text to identify true or false q Complete a crossword q Choose synonyms q Sequence the events of a story q Read a non-fiction text to answer.

July 2018 1. Danger! q Should have sound knowledge of Nouns and adjectives q Understand how speech marks are used. q Using interesting words to make sentences q Read dialogue and answer the question. 2. In the post q Letter reading: Read a letter to answer question correctly q Identify singulars and plurals q Use of nouns and pronouns correctly q Write list in alphabetical order q Identify Homonyms : words that have same spelling but different meaning q Rewrite a letter using correct punctuation.

August 2018 3. Bugs q Read and recite a poem on bugs q Identify rhyming words q Identify and spell compound words q Identify nouns verbs adjectives and pronoun q Find synonyms of over used words q Rewrite a paragraph using correct punctuation

September 2018

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018 5. Amazing journey q Read a non-fiction text to complete the label on a diagram. q Complete a crossword q Identify verbs in a sentence and rewrite in past tense q Suffix –al and prefix-un should be able to write at least five words using the prefix and suffix q Singulars and plurals nouns(child-children, mouse – mice) 6. Myths and legends q Listen to a story and answer the question q Write verbs in past tense q Match pictures to the definition q Write a description from a labeled diagram q Verbs in past tense q Synonyms- words with same meaning q Read well known myths

December 2018 7 q q q q

On Stage Identify the correct verbs Use synonyms to improve sentences Use nouns and noun phrases to character from the play Reading a story poem aloud with expression

January 2019 8 Amazing Ships q Read a non-fiction text to complete the time line q Rewrite paragraphs using correct punctuation q Identify single words in compound words q Identify the most powerful synonym q Identify the adverbs and adverbial phrases q Write list in alphabetical order

4. At the library q Learn how books are arranged in library q Read book reviews and answer the question February 2019 q Identify verbs and use them in to complete the Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test. sentence. q Read a poem to answer questions


Mathematics August 2018

June 2018 Unit 1 : Whole Numbers 1 Recite numbers 100 to 200 and beyond. q Read and write numbers to at least 1000. q Count on and back in ones, tens and hundreds from two- and three-digit numbers. q Count on and back in steps of 2, 3, 4 and 5 to at least 50. q Understand what each digit represents in three-digit numbers and partition into hundreds, tens and units. q Find 1, 10, 100 more/less than two- and threedigit numbers. q Place a three-digit number on a number line marked off in multiples of 100. q Place a three-digit number on a number line marked off in multiples of 10. q

July 2018 Unit 2 : Whole numbers 2 q Multiply two-digit numbers by 10 and understand the effect. q Round two-digit numbers to the nearest 10 and round three-digit numbers to the nearest 100. q Place a three-digit number on a number line marked off in multiples of 100. q Place a three-digit number on a number line marked off in multiples of 10. q Compare three-digit numbers, use < and > signs, and find a number in between. q Order two- and three-digit numbers. q Give a sensible estimate of a number as a range (e.g. 30 to 50) by grouping in tens. Unit 3: Whole numbers 3 q Multiply two-digit numbers by 10 and understand the effect. q Round two-digit numbers to the nearest 10 and round three-digit numbers to the nearest 100. q Compare three-digit numbers, use < and > signs, and find a number in between. q Order two- and three-digit numbers.

Grade 2

Unit 4 : Fractions q Find half of odd and even numbers to 40, using notation. q Understand and use fraction notation, recognizing that fractions are several parts of one whole, e.g. ⁄ is three-quarters and ⁄ is two-thirds q Recognise fractions that are worth same. q Recognise simple fraction Unit : 5 Addition and Subtraction 1 q Know addition and subtraction facts for all numbers to 20. q Multiples of 100 with a total of 1000 q Multiples of 5 with a total of 100. q Add and subtract 10 and multiples of 10 to and from two- and three-digit numbers. q Add 100 and multiples of 100 to three-digit numbers. q Use the = sign to represent equality, e.g. 75 + 25 = 95 + 5. q Add several small numbers.

September 2018 Unit : 6 and 7 Addition and Subtraction 2 q Know multiples of 100 with a total of 1000 q Multiples of 5 with a total of 100. q Add and subtract pairs of two digit number q Add / subtract single digit numbers to/from three digit numbers q Find 20, 30, … 90, 100, 200, 300 more/less than three-digit numbers. Unit 11: 2D Shape q Identify, describe and draw regular and irregular 2D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, octagons and semi-circles. q Classify 2D shapes according to the number of sides, vertices and right angles. q Draw and complete 2D shapes with reflective symmetry and draw reflections of shapes (mirror line along one side). q Relate 2D shapes [and 3D solids] to drawings of them. q Identify 2D [and 3D] shapes, lines of symmetry and right angles in the environment.


Grade 2 October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

q Relate [2D shapes and] 3D solids to drawings q

November 2018 Unit 8 : Multiplication and division 1 q Know multiplication/division facts for 2×, 3×, 5×, and 10× tables. q Begin to know 4× table. q Recognise two- and three-digit multiples of 2, 5 and 10. q Understand the relationship between halving and doubling. q Understand the effect of multiplying two-digit numbers by 10. Unit 9 : Multiplication and division 2 q Work out quickly the doubles of numbers 1 to 20 and derive the related halves. q Work out quickly the doubles of multiples of 5 (< 100) and derive the related halves. q Understand the relationship between halving and doubling. q Multiply single-digit numbers and divide twodigit numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10. q Understand that division can leave a remainder (initially as 'some left over'). q Understand the relationship between multiplication and division and write connected facts. Unit 10 : Multiplication and division 3 q Work out quickly the doubles of multiples of 50 to 500. q Multiply teens numbers by 3 and 5. q Begin to divide two-digit numbers just beyond 10× tables, e.g. 60 ÷ 5, 33 ÷ 3

December 2018 Unit 12 : 3D Shape q Identify, describe and make 3D shapes including pyramids and prisms; investigate which nets will make a cube. q Classify 3D shapes according to the number and shape of faces, number of vertices and edges.

q q

q q



of them. Identify [2D and] 3D shapes, [lines of symmetry and right angles] in the environment. Unit 14 :Money: consolidate using money notation. Use addition and subtraction facts with a total of 100 to find change. Unit 16 Mass Choose and use appropriate units and equipment to estimate, measure and record measurements. Know the relationship between [kilometers and metres, metres and centimetres], kilograms and grams, [liters and milliliters.] Read to the nearest division or half division, use scales that are numbered or partially numbered.

January 2019 Unit 18 Time q Suggest and use suitable units to measure time and know the relationships between them (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year). q Read the time on analogue and digital clocks, to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock and to the nearest minute on a digital clock. q Begin to calculate simple time intervals in hours and minutes. Unit 19 Handling Data q Answer a real-life question by collecting, organising and interpreting data, e.g. investigating the population of mini-beasts in different environments. q Use tally charts, frequency tables, pictograms (symbol representing one or two units) and bar charts (intervals labeled in ones or twos). q Use Venn or Carroll diagrams to sort data and objects using two criteria.

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test


Science June 2018 Topic 1 : Plants q Know that plants have roots, leaves, stems and flowers. q Explain observations that plants need water and light to grow. q Know that water is taken in through the roots and transported through the stem.

July 2018 q Know that plants need healthy roots, leaves

and stems to grow well. q Know that plant growth is affected by temperature.

August 2018 Topic 2 : Humans and animals q Know life processes common to humans and animals include nutrition (water and food), movement, growth and reproduction. q Describe differences between living and nonliving things using knowledge of life processes.

Grade 2

December 2018 q Topic 4 : Forces and motion q Know that pushes and pulls are examples of

forces and that they can be measured with force metres q Explore how forces can make objects start or stop moving. q Explore how forces can change the shape of objects. q Explore how forces, including friction, can make objects move faster or slower or change direction.

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

Computer June 2018 q Computer –A smart Machine

September 2018 q Explore and research exercise and the

adequate, varied diet needed to keep healthy. q Know that some foods can be damaging to health, e.g. very sweet and fatty foods. q Explore human senses and the ways we use them to learn about our world. q Sort living things into groups, using simple features and describe rationale for groupings.

July 2018 q Computer Application

August 2018 q Starting to use a computer

September 2018 q Learning Keyboard

October 2018

October 2018

Revision for Progression Test 2

Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018

November 2018

Topic 3 : Material properties q Know that every material has specific properties, e.g. hard, soft, shiny. q Sort materials according to their properties. q Explore how some materials are magnetic but many are not. q Discuss why materials are chosen for specific purposes on the basis of their properties.

q Mouse

December 2018 q Learning to paint

January 2019 q Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.




June 2018 q ವಣ

June 2018

(ಅ – ಳ) - Oral

q ಅ – ಅರಸ, ಆ -ಆ

to ಳ - ನಳ (Oral)

·वणमाला q 'अ' और िबना मा ा वाले श

July 2018

q ಅ – ನ (Writing) q ಐ

ಬಣ ಗಳ


q ‘आ' और उसकी मा ा (◌ा) वाले श q 'इ' और उसकी मा ा (ि◌ ) वाले श

July 2018

August 2018

q ಪ – ಳ (Writing)


q q ಅಂ ಗ

(ಕ - ಘ ) Writing

೧ - ೨೦ (Oral)

August 2018 q


(ಚ - ಣ ) Writing



( ತ - ನ) Writing




ಕ ರಚ

September 2018 ರಗ

q q ಒತ

q 'ऊ' और उसकी मा ा (◌ू ) वाले श

September 2018 q िगनती (१ – १०) q 'ऋ' और उसकी मा ा ( ) वाले श q ए' और उसकी मा ा (◌े ) वाले श q 'ऎ' और उसकी मा ा (◌ै ) वाले श

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

(ಶಬ ರಚ )

November 2018

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018 q ಪದ q

q ʼउ' और उसकी मा ा ( ◌ु ) वाले श

(ಪ - ಮ) Writing


q ಪದಗ q

q 'ई' और उसकी मा ा (◌ी ) वाले श

ಮ ರಗ

q 'ओ' और उसकी मा ा (◌ो )वाले श q 'औ' और उसकी मा ा (◌ौ) वाले श q अनु

ಂದರ ೕಸ ರ

ರಮ ಗ

q अनु नािसक 'अँ , आँ , उँ , ऊँ, और अनु नािसक

योग वाले श q िगनती (१-२०)

January 2019

January 2019 q Revision for Preparatory & Achievement


December 2018


q q

र (◌ं ) योग वाले

श q िवसग 'अ:' और उसका

( ಯ - ಳ) Writing

December 2018

र 'अं' और अनु

q Revision for Preparatory & Achievement


Arabic and Deeniyaat June 2018 Vocabulary q Food (Refer Appendix A) Hadees q Bad verbal conversa ons (Hadeeth # 21) q Pleasurable behaviour (Hadeeth # 22) q The result of not being merciful (Hadeeth # 23) Dua q Dua when star ng & finishing wadhu q Hifz q Surah Ad-Duhaa (THE MORNING HOURS)

July 2018 Vocabulary q Groceries (Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q The benefit of forgiving (Hadeeth # 24) q The result of pride (Hadeeth # 25) Dua q 4 Kalima q Dua while handshake q By looking at someone in difficulty.

August 2018 Vocabulary q Transport (Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Blessings of humility (Hadeeth # 26 ) q Excessive laughing (Hadeeth # 27 ) q Benefits of being Truthful (Hadeeth # 28 ) Dua q 5 Kalima q Dua when you are sick Hifz q Surah Al-'Alaq (THE CLOT)

September 2018 Vocabulary q In the Bathroom(Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Result of lying (Hadeeth # 29) q Anger (Hadeeth # 30) q Evils of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 31) Dua q q

Dua for Stepping from any stage Hamd-o-darood

q q

Grade 2 to 7

Hifz Surah InSharh (THE RELIEF) Farz of Wadhu

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Vocabulary q In The Home (Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Result of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 32) q Benefits of Pa ence (Hadeeth # 33) q Being trustworthy (Hadeeth # 34) Dua q Imaan-e-mujmal q Dua in case of every difficulty Hifz q Surah Al-Bayyinah (THE CLEAR PROOF) q Farz of Bath

December 2018 Vocabulary q People (Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Promise (Hadeeth # 35) q Returns from Generosity (Hadeeth # 36) q Miserliness (Hadeeth # 37) Dua q Dua when bidding farewell q Words of azaan and iqamah q Imaan-e-mufassal q Farz of tayammum

January 2019 Vocabulary q Arabic Numbers 1-40 (Refer Appendix A) Hadees q Neglec ng dinner (Hadeeth # 38) q Returns of inten ons (Hadeeth # 39) q Ruling regarding sleep at night (Hadeeth # 40) Dua q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Adult) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Boy child) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Girl child) q Farz of Namaz & Sharayet e Namaz

February 2019


Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.

Grade 2

Islamic Studies September 2018

June 2018 Islamic Studies q Allah grant us all that we need q Allah is beyond all praise q Advent of the Messengers

q q q q q

July 2018 q q q

Our Prophet as a mercy for all the worlds Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) The Best Book

August 2018 q q q q q q

The Excellent Names of Allah Allah’s Messenger The World before our Prophet Makkah Our Prophet’s family Our Prophet’s childhood

The Prophet in his youth Supplica ons Revision of earlier supplica ons Daily supplica ons Supplica ons for Special Occasions

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q Pillars of Islam q Wudu and Prayer q Memoriza on of the Quran

December 2018 q q q q

Obliga ons towards Parents Characteris cs of Good Children Norms for Ea ng and Drinking Recita on of the Quran

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.



In the Bathroom




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