Grade 3 Portions 2018-19

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Grade 3 Curriculum Handbook 2018-19

English June 2018

q q

Grade 3

Dictation Sentences using punctuation. Story sequencing Differentiating There, Their or They’re?

Should be able to read the passages q from text book fluently by following rules October 2018 of punctuation. q Apply phonic/spelling, graphic, grammatical Revision for Progression Test 2. and contextual knowledge in reading unfamiliar November 2018 words. q Punctuation – Should know the use of capitals, q Understand the main stages in a story from question marks, exclamation mark (From Stage 2). introduction to resolution. q Use of a and an. q Explore narrative order and the focus on significant events. July 2018 q Retell or paraphrase events from the text in q Should have sound knowledge of nouns. response to questions. q Should learn the use of powerful verbs. q Express a personal response to a text and link q Use adjectives & adverbs correctly. characters and settings to personal experience. q Should know the difference between fact & q Explore the impact of imagery and figurative opinion. language in poetry, including alliteration and q Picture sequencing in a story simile e.g. as... as a .... q Compare and contrast poems and investigate August 2018 poetic features. q Difference between Fiction & NonFiction December 2018 q Spell words with common letter strings but q Understand the use of connectives to structure different pronunciations, e.g. tough, through, an argument, e.g. if, although, because. trough, plough. q Investigate spelling patterns; generate and test q Understand the use of connectives like 'firstly', 'next', & 'then'. rules that govern them. q Introduction to simile. (Like, as) q Revise rules for spelling words with common q Alphabetical order (Example apple comes inflections, e.g. -ing, -ed, -s. before apricot) q The Prefix un- & Suffix –able. Students should be able to identify & write at least five words using q Understand the knowledge of scanning in a text. the above prefix & suffix. q Usage of text, charts, diagrams & maps. q Identification of adverbs. q News reporting. q Synonyms and antonyms. q

January 2019

September 2018

Revision for Preparatory test & Achievement test.

q Use of apostrophes to show where

there are missing letters (don't, can't, wouldn't) q Possession – when something belongs to someone (Ahmed's cat'; 'the family's car' ; the men's boats' ; ' the goats' food') q Students should know that we don't use apostrophes for plurals.


Mathematics June 2018 UNIT 1, 2 & 3 - WHOLE NUMBERS q Read and write numbers to 10,000. q Recognise multiples of 5, 10 and 100. q Round 3 and 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. q Compare 3 or 4 digit numbers using > and < signs. q Count backwards, including using negative numbers. q Recognize the place value in numbers of four digits (1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s) q Put larger numbers in order, including those greater than 1,000. q Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. q Negative numbers. q Recognise different number sequences and extend them.

July 2018 Unit 4 & 5 - Decimals q Ǿ V ŤĚTȘÙ Ü ŠŨ Ū Ŭ W Ů Ẃ Ẁ ȚŲ U Ŕ Ŗ Ẅ H Ħ ŦĚŤX ĴȘŬ Ū W ŠV Ü Ẁ ĖÍĨÎĪŲ Ŗ Ũ U Ħ q Understand decimal notation for tenths [and hundredths] in context, e.g. length.

August 2018 Unit 6 - Fractions q Compare and order fractions that have the same denominator. q Identify fractions that are equal to ⁄ , ⁄ and ⁄ . q Compare and order fractions that have different denominators. q Use hundredths, including counting in hundredths. q Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, e.g. ⁄ + ⁄ . q Find the decimal value of any number of tenths or hundredths, for example 7100 is 0.07.

Grade 3

q Recognise the decimal equivalents of 14, 12

and 34. q Divide one- or two-digit numbers by 10 or 100 to give decimal answers q Round decimals to the nearest whole number q Compare the size of numbers with up to two decimal places

September 2018 Unit 7 & 8 - Addition & Subtraction q Add pairs of three-digit numbers. q Subtract a two-digit number from a three-digit number. q Subtract pairs of three-digit numbers. Unit 9 - Mental Addition & subtraction q Choose appropriate mental strategies to add & subtract numbers.

October 2018 q Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Unit 10, 11 & 12 - Multiplication & Division q Multiplication tables upto 12. q Multiply a two-digit number by a single-digit

number. q Divide two-digit numbers by single digitnumbers (answers no greater than 20). q Understand that multiplication and division are the inverse function of each other. q Multiply and divide 3-digit numbers by 10. Geometry Unit 13 - 2D Shapes, including symmetry Unit 14 - 3D Shapes q Identify, describe, visualise, draw and make a wider range of 2D and 3D shapes including a range of quadrilaterals, the heptagon and tetrahedron; use pin boards to create a range of polygons. Use spotty paper to record results. q Classify polygons (including a range of quadrilaterals) using criteria such as the number of right angles. q Whether or not they are regular and their symmetrical properties.


Grade 3 January 2019

q Identify and sketch lines of symmetry in 2D q q q q

shapes and patterns. Visualise 3D objects from 2D nets and drawings and make nets of common solids. Find examples of shapes and symmetry in the environment and in art. One whole turn is 360° or four right angles; compare and order angles less than 180°. Devise the directions to give to follow a given path.

December 2018

Unit 21 - Area & Perimeter q Draw rectangles to specific measurements. q Measure and calculate their perimeters. q Understand that area is measured in square units and find the area of rectilinear shapes. Unit 22 & Unit 23 q Introduction to tables, tally charts and frequency tables. q Use of Venn and Carroll diagrams. q Construct and read pictograms. q Introduction to bar charts.

Unit 16, 17, 18 & 19 - Length February 2019 Measurements Revision for Preparatory test & Achievement test. q Convert between different measures, such as kilometer to meters or hours to minutes. q Choose and use units to measure mass. q Understand the relationship between g and kg. q Read and show mass on a scale that is partially numbered. q Record mass in grams & kilograms. q Choose and use units to measure capacity. q Understand the relationship between ml & l. q Read and show capacity on a scale that is partially numbered. q Estimate capacity and record it in liters and milliliters. Unit 20 - Time q Read, write and convert times between analogue and digital clocks, including 24-hour clocks. q Solve problems that involve converting amounts of time, including minutes, hours, days, weeks and months. q Choose units of time to measure time intervals.


Science June 2018 BIOLOGY TOPIC 1 - HUMANS AND ANIMALS q Know that humans (and some animals) have bony skeletons inside their bodies. q Know how skeletons grow as humans grow, support and protect the body. q Know that animals with skeletons have muscles attached to the bones.

July 2018

q Investigate how some materials are effective in

preventing sound from traveling through them. q Investigate the way pitch describes how high or low a sound is and that high and low sounds can be loud or soft. Secondary sources can be used. q Explore how pitch can be changed in musical instruments in a range of ways.

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

q Know how a muscle has to contract (shorten)

to make a bone move and muscles act in pairs. q Explain the role of drugs as medicines. TOPIC 2 - LIVING THINGS IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT q Investigate how different animals are found in different habitats and are suited to the environment in which they are found. q Recognise ways that human activity affects the environment e.g. river pollution, recycling waste.

August 2018

Grade 3

November 2018 TOPIC 5 - ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM q Construct complete circuits using switch, cell (battery), wire and lamps. q Explore how an electrical device will not work if there is a break in the circuit. q Know that electrical current flows and that models can describe this flow, e.g. particles traveling around a circuit. q Explore the forces between magnets and know that magnets can attract or repel each other. q Know that magnets attract some metals but not others .

CHEMISTRY TOPIC 3 - STATES OF MATTER December 2018 q Know that matter can be solid, liquid or gas. Revision for Preparatory test & Achivement test. q Investigate how materials change when they are heated and cooled. q Know that melting is when a solid turns into a liquid and is the reverse of freezing. q Observe how water turns into steam when it is heated but on cooling the steam turns back into water.

September 2018 PHYSICS TOPIC 4 - SOUND q Explore how sounds are made when objects, materials or air vibrate and learn to measure the volume of sound in decibels with a sound level meter. q Investigate how sound travels through different materials to the ear.


Computers June 2018 q

Unit 1 - How Computers work?

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 2.

November 2018

July 2018 q

Unit 2 - Learn to use Windows 7

q q

Unit 5 - Microsoft Word 2010 Unit 6 - Introduction to Internet

August 2018 q

Unit 3 - Fun with Paint

December 2018 q

Unit 7 - IT Personalities

September 2018 q

Unit 4 - Menus in MS-Paint

Grade 3

January 2019 q Revision for Preparatory test & Achievement


Kannada June 2018 q q q q


October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2


November 2018

ಒತ ರಗ ಅಂ ಗ (1-30)

July 2018

ಯ ಫಲ

December 2018

q q

August 2018 ಶಬ ಗ ಮಪದಗ ಸವ ಮ q ಯಉ ಯ q ಯ ಫಲ q q


ಲ ಇ ಣ ಮಕ Grammar q ವಚನಗ q ಂಗ q ಪದಗ

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

September 2018 q q

q q


Arabic June 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.1-2 q Vocabulary: Page No. 12,16 text book q Vocabulary: Food (Refer Appendix A)

July 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.3 q Vocabulary: Page No. 27 text book q Vocabulary: Groceries (Refer Appendix A)

August 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.4 q Vocabulary: Page No. 36 text book q Vocabulary: Transport (Refer Appendix A)

September 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.5-6 q Vocabulary: Page No. 44 text book q Vocabulary: In the bathroom (Refer Appendix

October 2018 Revision for Half Yearly Progression Test.

November 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.7 q Vocabulary: In the home (Refer Appendix A)

December 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.8-9 q Vocabulary: Page No.70 text book q Vocabulary: People (Refer Appendix A)

January 2019 q Madinah Arabic Reader (1) Lesson No.10 q Vocabulary: Page No. 80 text book q Vocabulary: Geography (Refer Appendix A)

February 2019 q Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.


Islamic Studies June 2018 Beliefs q Belief In Angels q Names And Assignments Of Some Of The Angels

July 2018 Beliefs q Belief In The Messengers And The Books q Life In The Grave q The Day Of Resurrection

August 2018 Beliefs q Belief in Fate q Faith in its detailed Form

November 2018 q Our Prophet Sermon q The Hardships Suffered By Our Prophet q q q q

December 2018 q Cleanliness q Norms of Relieving Oneself

MORALS and MANNERS q How to perform Wudu q The Sunnah aspects of Wudu q The Sunnah aspects of Wudu

January 2019

September 2018 q The Prophet's Glorious Life q Makkah

October 2018

Muhammad In The Land Of Abyssinia After Abyssinia The Prophet In Madinah From Makkah to Madina

q q q q q

q Revision for Progression Test 2.


A Brief Account of Taking a bath Selecting the Sunnah parts of Wudu Respect for one's Teachers How to Maintain Good Health Islamic Teachings

Deeniyaat June 2018

October 2018

Hadees q Bad verbal conversa ons (Hadeeth # 21) q Pleasurable behaviour (Hadeeth # 22) q The result of not being merciful (Hadeeth # 23) Dua q Dua when star ng & finishing wadhu q Hifz q Surah Ad-Duhaa (THE MORNING HOURS)

Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Hadeeth q Result of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 32) q Benefits of Pa ence (Hadeeth # 33) q Being trustworthy (Hadeeth # 34) Dua q Imaan-e-mujmal q Dua in case of every difficulty Hifz q Surah Al-Bayyinah (THE CLEAR PROOF) q Farz of Bath

July 2018 q Months in Islam (First six months)

Hadeeth q The benefit of forgiving (Hadeeth # 24) q The result of pride (Hadeeth # 25)

December 2018

Dua q 4 Kalima q Dua while handshake q By looking at someone in difficulty.

Hadeeth q Promise (Hadeeth # 35) q Returns from Generosity (Hadeeth # 36) q Miserliness (Hadeeth # 37) Dua q Dua when bidding farewell q Words of azaan and iqamah q Imaan-e-mufassal q Farz of tayammum

August 2018 q Months in Islam (All 12 months)

Hadeeth q Blessings of humility (Hadeeth # 26 ) q Excessive laughing (Hadeeth # 27 ) q Benefits of being Truthful (Hadeeth # 28 ) Dua q 5 Kalima q Dua when you are sick Hifz q Surah Al-'Alaq (THE CLOT)

January 2019 Hadeeth q Neglec ng dinner (Hadeeth # 38) q Returns of inten ons (Hadeeth # 39) q Ruling regarding sleep at night (Hadeeth # 40)

September 2018

Dua q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Adult) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Boy child) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Girl child) q Farz of Namaz & Sharayet-e-Namaz

Vocabulary q In the Bathroom(Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Result of lying (Hadeeth # 29) q Anger (Hadeeth # 30) q Evils of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 31) Dua q q q

Grade 3

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.

Dua for Stepping from any stage Hamd-o-darood Hifz Surah InSharh (THE RELIEF)



In the Bathroom




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