Grade 4 Portions 2018-19

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Grade 4 Curriculum Handbook 2018-19

English September 2018

June 2018 q Should be able to read the passages from text

q Understand the main stages in a story from

book fluently by following rules of punctuation. q Punctuation – Should know the use of capitals, question marks, exclamation mark, apostrophes, brackets, full stops etc. q Should have sound knowledge of Nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions. q Use of A and AN.

q q q q q

July 2018 q

q Identify uses of the colon, semi-colon, q


q q q q

parenthetic commas, dashes and brackets. Learn word endings with different spellings but the same pronunciation, e.g. -tion, -cian, -sion, -ssion; -ance, -ence. Continue to learn words, apply patterns and improve accuracy in spelling.Spell and make correct use of possessive pronouns, e.g. their, theirs, my, mine. Learn spelling rules for words ending in -e and -y, e.g. take/taking, try/tries Revise grammatical homophones, e.g. they're, their, there. Investigate spelling patterns for pluralisation, e.g. -s, -es, -y/-ies, -f/-ves. Practise proofreading and editing own writing for clarity and correctness.

Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018 q Read and evaluate non-fiction texts for q q q q q

q q

purpose, style, clarity and organisation. Record ideas, reflections and predictions about books, e.g. in a reading log. Draft and write letters for real purposes. Understand the use of notes in writing in your own words. Develop skills of writing biography and autobiography in role. Summarise a passage, chapter or text in a given number of words.

December 2018

q Difference between Fiction & Non-Fiction q Identify unfamiliar words, explore definitions


introduction to resolution. Investigate clauses within sentences and how they are connected. Read and identify characteristics of myths, legends and fables. Read and perform narrative poems. Read poems by significant poets and compare style, forms and themes. Provide accurate textual reference from more than one point in a story to support answers to questions. Identify the point of view from which a story is told.

October 2018

August 2018


Grade 4

q Understand the use of connectives to structure

and use new words in context. Use pronouns, making clear to what or to whom they refer. Develop knowledge of word roots, prefixes and suffixes, including recognising variations, e.g. im, in, ir, il; ad, ap, af, al and knowing when to use double consonants. Where there are missing letters (don't, can't, wouldn't). Students should know that we don't use apostrophes for plurals.

q q q q q q


an argument, e.g. if, although, because. Understand the use of connectives like 'firstly', 'next', & 'then'. Introduction to simile. (eg. Like, as) Alphabetical order (eg. apple comes before apricot) Understand the knowledge of scanning in a text. Usage of text, charts, diagrams & maps. News reporting.

Grade 4 January 2019

February 2019

Writing q Write own versions of legends, myths and fables, using structures from reading. q Choose words and phrases carefully to convey feeling and atmosphere. q Use figurative language to evoke imaginative response. q Understand the use of notes in writing 'in your own words. Speaking and Listening q Talk confidently and listen purposefully in a range of contexts.

q Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.

Mathematics June 2018 Unit 1,2 – Whole numbers q Numbers and the number system q Count on and back in steps of constant size, extending beyond zero. q Know what each digit represents in five- and six-digit numbers. q Partition any number up to one million into thousands, hundreds, tens and units. q Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and understand what each digit represents. q Multiply and divide any number from 1 to 10 000 by 10 or 100 and understand the effect. q Round four-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. q Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number. q Order and compare numbers up to a million using the > and < signs. q Order and compare negative and positive numbers on a number line and temperature scale. q Calculate a rise or fall in temperature. q Order numbers with one or two decimal places and compare using the > and < signs.

q Recognise and extend number sequences. q Recognise odd and even numbers and

multiples of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 up to 1000. q Make general statements about sums, differences and multiples of odd and even numbers. q Recognise relationships between: ⁄ , ⁄ and ⁄ ; ⁄ and ⁄ ; ⁄ and ⁄ . q Recognise equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves, tenths and hundredths and use this to help order fractions, e.g. 0.6 is more than 50% and less than ⁄ .

July 2018 Unit 3 & 4 – decimals q Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and understand what each digit represents. q Multiply and divide any number from 1 to 10 000 by 10 or 100 and understand the effect. q Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and understand what each digit represents. q Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number. q Order numbers with one or two decimal places and compare using the > and < signs.


Mathematics August 2018

q Count on or back in thousands, hundreds, tens

Unit 5 - Fractions q Recognise equivalence between: ⁄ , ⁄ and ⁄ , ⁄ , q

q q q

Grade 4


⁄ and ⁄ . Recognise equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves, tenths and hundredths and use this to help order fractions, e.g. 0.6 is more than 50% and less than 7/10 Change an improper fraction to a mixed number, e.g. 7/4 to 13/4; Order mixed numbers and place between whole numbers on a number line. Relate finding fractions to division and use to find simple fractions of quantities.


q q

September 2018

and ones to add or subtract.*.Add or subtract near multiples of 10 or 100, e.g. 4387 – 299 Use appropriate strategies to add or subtract pairs of two- and three- digit numbers [and numbers with one decimal place, using jottings where necessary] Calculate differences between near multiples of 1000, e.g. 5026 – 4998, or near multiples of 1, e.g. 3.2 – 2.6. Find the total of more than three two- or three-digit numbers using a written method. Add or subtract any pair of three- and/or fourdigit numbers, with the same number of decimal places, including amounts of money.

December 2018

q Unit 6 - Percentages q Understand percentage as the number of parts Unit 11, 12, 13 - Multiplication and division in every 100 and find simple percentages of q Multiply or divide three-digit numbers by

quantities Express halves, tenths and single-digit numbers. hundredths as percentages. q Multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit Unit 7 - Ratio & Proportion numbers. q Use fractions to describe and estimate a simple q Multiply two-digit numbers with one decimal proportion, e.g. 1/5 of the beads are yellow. place by single-digit numbers, e.g. 3.6 x 7. q Use ratio to solve problems, e.g. to adapt a q Divide three-digit numbers by single-digit recipe for 6 people to one for 3 or 12 people. numbers, including those with a remainder (answers no greater than 30). October 2018 q Start expressing remainders as a fraction of the divisor when dividing two-digit numbers by Revision for Progression Test 2 single-digit numbers. q Begin to use brackets to order operations nd November 2018 understand the relationship between the four Unit 8,9,10 - Addition and subtraction q operations and how the laws of arithmetic q Count on or back in thousands, hundreds, tens apply to multiplication. and ones to add or subtract. q Use appropriate strategies to add or subtract pairs of two- and three- digit numbers [and numbers with one decimal place], using jottings where necessary. q Find the total of more than three two- or three-digit numbers using a written method. q Know by heart pairs of one-place decimals with a total of 1, e.g. 0.8 + 0.2.Derive quickly pairs of decimals with a total of 10, and with a total of 1.


Mathematics January 2019 Unit 14, 15, 16 q Shapes and geometric reasoning q Identify and describe properties of triangles and classify as isosceles, equilateral or scalene. q Recognise reflective and rotational symmetry in regular polygons. q Create patterns with two lines of symmetry, e.g. on a pegboard or squared paper. q Visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings and nets, e.g. different nets of an open or closed cube. q Recognise perpendicular and parallel lines in 2D shapes, drawings and the environment. q Understand and use angle measure in degrees; measure angles to the nearest 5°; identify, describe and estimate the size of angles and classify them as acute, right or obtuse. q Calculate angles in a straight line. Unit 17 - Position and movement q Read and plot co-ordinates in the first quadrant. q Predict where a polygon will be after reflection where the mirror line is parallel to one of the sides, including where the line is oblique. q Understand translation as movement along a straight line, identify where polygons will be after a translation and give instructions for translating shapes. Unit 18 - Length, mass and capacity q Read, choose, use and record standard units to estimate and measure length, mass and capacity to a suitable degree of accuracy. q Convert larger to smaller metric units (decimals to one place), e.g. convert 2.6 kg to 2600 g. q Order measurements in mixed units. q Round measurements to the nearest whole unit. q Interpret a reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on a scale. q Compare readings on different scales. q Draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre and millimetre.

Grade 4

Unit 21 - Time q Recognise and use the units for time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years). q Tell and compare the time using digital and analogue clocks using the 24-hour clock. q Read timetables using the 24-hour clock. q Calculate time intervals in seconds, minutes and hours using digital or analogue formats. q Use a calendar to calculate time intervals in days and weeks (using knowledge of days in calendar months). q Calculate time intervals in months or years.

February 2019 Unit 22 - Area and Perimeter q Measure and calculate the perimeter of

regular and irregular polygons. q Understand area measured in square centimetres (cm2). q Use the formula for the area of a rectangle to calculate the rectangle's area. Unit 23 - Handling Data q Answer a set of related questions by collecting, selecting and organising relevant data; draw conclusions from their own and others data and identify further questions to ask. q Draw and interpret frequency tables, pictograms and bar line charts, with the vertical axis labeled for example in twos, fives, tens, twenties or hundreds. Consider the effect of changing the scale on the vertical axis. q Construct simple line graphs, e.g. to show changes in temperature over time. q Understand where intermediate points have and do not have meaning, e.g. comparing a line graph of temperature against time with a graph of class attendance for each day of the week.

March 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test


Science June 2018

Grade 4

October 2018

Revision for Progression Test 2 Topic 1 - Plants q Know that plants need energy from light for November 2018 growth. q Know that plants reproduce. q Know that we see light sources because light q The parts of a flower. from the source enters our eyes. q Observe how seeds can be dispersed in a q Know that beams/rays of light can be reflected variety of ways. by surfaces including mirrors, and when q Investigate how seeds need water and warmth reflected light enters our eyes we see the for germination, but not light. object. q Explore why a beam of light changes direction July 2018 when it is reflected from a surface. q Know that insects pollinate some flowers. q Observe that plants produce flowers which December 2018 have male and female organs; seeds are Topic 4 - The Earth & beyond formed when pollen from the male organ q The rotating Earth fertilises the ovum (female). q Making observations about the Sun. q Recognise that flowering plants have a life q Comparing how fast the planets move. cycle including pollination, fertilisation, seed q Modeling the orbits of different planets. production, seed dispersal and germination. q Stages in the life of a plant.

January 2019

August 2018

Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

Topic 2 - States of matter q Know that evaporation occurs when a liquid turns into a gas. q Know that condensation occurs when a gas turns into a liquid and that it is the reverse of evaporation. q Know that air contains water vapour and when this meets a cold surface it may condense. q Know that the boiling point of water is 100°C and the melting point of ice is 0°C.

September 2018 Topic 3 - Light q Observe that shadows are formed when light travelling from a source is blocked. q Investigate how the size of a shadow is affected by the position of the object. q Observe that shadows change in length and position throughout the day. q Know that light intensity can be measured. q Explore how opaque materials do not let light through and transparent materials let a lot of light through.


Computers June 2018

Grade 4

October 2018

q Knowing Computers

Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018

July 2018 q Working with windows 7 q Computer Software

q Introduction to Multimedia q Welcome to the Web

August 2018

December 2018

q Formatting and proofing word document

q Introduction to E-mail

September 2018

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

q Introduction to Power Point 2010

Kannada September 2018

June 2018 GRAMMAR q ವಣ ಜನಗ ) q ಒತ

( ಸ ರಗ ರಗ





ೕವನ q ಖ ಗ q ಕನ ಡ ಅಂ ಗ ೧-೩೦ q

August 2018 ಲ ಒಂ GRAMMAR q ಶಬ ಗ q ಮಪದಗ ಮ ಸವ ಮಗ

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 3.


July 2018



November 2018 ಕ ಯ ಫಲ

q q ಅನ q

ತ ಂಗಗ , ವಚನಗ



December 2018 ಸರ ಪದ GRAMMAR q ಪ ಧ ರಚ q ಧ ಬರಹ q

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory test & Progression test.


Hindi September 2018

June 2018 q हमको ान दो q वह सू रज था

q q q q

July 2018 q रं गा िसयार q तीन सहे ली मछिलया q सु नो घर की बात

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

August 2018 q q q q

िवदयालय मा र जी की गुिल ा ारा रा ीय ज

डॉ राजे साद माँ धरती हमारी दु िनया िहं दी िगनती

November 2018 q अं त र q ईदगाह q िनयम


December 2018 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

Arabic June 2018

November 2018

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.1-2 q Vocabulary: Page No. 14 q Vocabulary: Food (Refer Appendix A)

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.8-9 q Vocabulary: Page No. 64, 70 q Vocabulary: In the home (Refer Appendix A)

July 2018

December 2018

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.3 q Vocabulary: Page No. 24,30 q Vocabulary: Groceries (Refer Appendix A)

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.10-11 q Vocabulary: Page No.75 q Vocabulary: People (Refer Appendix A)

August 2018

January 2019

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.4-5 q Vocabulary: Page No. 42,48 q Vocabulary: Transport (Refer Appendix A)

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.12-13 q Vocabulary: Page No. 83,87 q Vocabulary: Geography (Refer Appendix A)

September 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.6-7 q Vocabulary: Page No. 54,58 q Vocabulary: In the bathroom

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

(Refer Appendix A)

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.


Islamic Studies September 2018

June 2018 q q q q q

The two abodes Paradise and hell Who will go to hell Who are we? Who are the polytheist?

July 2018 q q q q

Hijrah Our Prophet in Madinah Battle of Badr & Uhud Battle of Trench

August 2018 q q q q

The conquest of Makkah A prophetic career Our Prophets’s conduct What did our Prophet teach us?

Grade 4

q q q q

Islamic law (shariah) & Jurisprudence (fiqh) Adhan & Aqamah An account of prayer Congregational

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q q q q

Prayer Friday prayer Morals and manners: Taking food after saying Bismillah

December 2018 q Sunnah parts of sleeping & getting up q The quran and its message q Out obligations towards Allah.


Deeniyaat June 2018 Hadees q Bad Zabani q Khush Khalqi q Rahem Na Karne Ka Natija Dua q 4th Kalima q Dua When Starting Wadhu Hifz q Surah Al Zuha

July 2018 Hadees q Ghuroor Ka Natija q Maaf Karne Ka Faida Dua q Dua on Ending Wadhu q Dua When Shacking Hand q Dua Kisi Ko Muibat Me Dek Kar q Months In Islam q Names of 6 Months 1-6 Hifz q Surah Al Alaq

August 2018 Hadeeth q Zyada Hasi Ka Nuqsan q Aajizi Ki Barkat Dua q 5th Kalima q Dua when your in seek q Farz of Wadhu

September 2018 Hadees Sachai Ki Takeed Chughal Khori Ka Natija Ghibath Ki Bura Dua q Dua when your in scare q Dua of nazr-e-bad q Dua for halal rizq Months In Islam q Names 6 Months 7-12 q q q q

Grade 4

October 2018 q Revision for Half Yearly Progression Test.

November 2018 Hadees q Sabar Ka Faida q Amanath Dari Ka Badla q Wada Dua q Imaan E Mujmal q Dua Har Qisam Ki Musibat q Farz of Bath q Hifz q Surah Al Inshirah

January 2019 Hadees q Amal ka badla q Raat me sone ka hukm Dua q Imaan e mufassal q Dua Namaz of janaza(for Adult) q Dua Namaz of janaza(for small male kid) q Dua Namaz of janaza(for small female kid) q Farz of Namaz q Sharayet-e-Namaz

December 2018 Hadees q sakhawat ka badla q Bakhalat ka nuqsan q Rat ka khana na khane ka nuqsan Dua q Dua Kisi Ko Rukhsat Karte Waqt q Words Of Azaan And Iqamah Hifz q Surah Al-Bainah q Farz of Tayamum q Farz of Bath



In the Bathroom




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