Grade 7 Portions 2018-19

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Stage 7 Curriculum Handbook 2018-19

English June 2018 Unit 1 - Backwards and forwards. q Summarise a passage, chapter or text in a given number of words. q Punctuate speech and use apostrophes accurately. q Learn word endings with different spellings but the same pronunciation, e.g. -tion, -cian, -sion, -ssion; -ance, -ence. q Develop knowledge of word roots, prefixes and suffixes, including recognising variations, e.g. im, in, ir, il; ad, ap, af, al.

q Plan plot,characters and structure effectively

in writing an extended story. q Use connectives to structure an argument or discussion. q Use a wide range of connectives to clarify relationships between ideas, e.g. however, therefore,although. q Distinguish the main clause and other clauses in a complex sentence. q Use correct choices when representing consonants, e.g.‘ck’/‘k’/‘ke’/‘que’/‘ch’

July 2018 Unit 2 - Family Matters q Explore proverbs, sayings and figurative expressions. q Read and interpret poems in which meanings are implied or multilayered. q Identify uses of brackets. Unit 3 - From pencils to pixels q Help to move group discussion forward, e.g. by clarifying, summarising. q Punctuate speech and use apostrophes accurately.

August 2018 Unit 4 - It’s about time q Explore proverbs, sayings and figurative expressions. q Understand aspects of narrative structure, e.g. the handling of time. q Identify uses of the semi-colon.

September 2018 q Unit 5 - Facts, foibles and fables q Learning of Adverb connectivity word or

phrase that modifies the meaning of an adjective, verb, or other adverb, expressing manner, place, time, or degree (e.g. gently, here, now, very ).

Stage 7

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Unit 6 - Holey-moley q Articulate personal responses to reading, with

close reference to the text. q Use a wider range of connectives to clarify relationships between ideas, e.g.however, therefore, although. q Use correct choices when representing q consonants, e.g.‘ck’/‘k’/‘ke’/‘que’/‘ch’;‘ch’/‘tch’; ‘j’/‘dj’/‘dje’.

December 2018 Unit 7 - Stop! Identify uses of the colon, semi-colon,parenthetic commas,dashes and brackets. Unit 8 - I Spy Explore use of active and passive verbs within a sentence.

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test



Stage 7

June 2018 another.

Number q Integers, powers and roots q Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers. q Identify and use multiples, factors, common factors, highest common factors, lowest common multiples and primes; write a number in terms of its prime factors, e.g. 500 = 22 × 53. q Calculate squares, positive and negative square roots, cubes and cube roots; use the notation 49 and 64 3 and index notation for positive integer powers. q Place value, ordering and rounding q Read and write positive integer powers of 10; multiply and divide integers and decimals by 0.1, 0.01. q Order decimals, including measurements, making use of the =, ≠, > and < signs. q Round whole numbers to a positive integer power of 10, e.g. 10, 100, 1000 or decimals to the nearest whole number or one or two decimal places.

q Use equivalent fractions, decimals and

percentages to compare different quantities. q Simplify ratios, including those expressed in different units; divide a quantity into more than two parts in a given ratio. q Use the unitary method to solve simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion.

August 2018 Mental strategies q Use known facts to derive new facts, e.g. given 20 × 38 = 760, work out 21 × 38. q Recall squares to 20 × 20, cubes to 5 × 5 × 5, and corresponding roots. q Recall simple equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. q Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide simple fractions. q Use known facts and place value to multiply and divide simple decimals, e.g. 0.07 × 9, 2.4 ÷ 3. q Use known facts and place value to calculate simple fractions and percentages of quantities. q Recall relationships between units of measurement. q Solve simple word problems including direct proportion problems. q Use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations to simplify calculations with integers and fractions. q Use the order of operations, including brackets, with more complex calculations.

July 2018 q Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and q q q



proportion Find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages by converting between them. Convert a fraction to a decimal using division; know that a recurring decimal is a fraction. Order fractions by writing with common denominators or dividing and converting to decimals. Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers; calculate fractions of quantities (fraction answers); multiply and divide an integer by a fraction. Calculate and solve problems involving percentages of quantities and percentage increases or decreases; express one given number as a fraction or percentage of


Stage 7 September 2018

November 2018 Geometry Shapes and geometric reasoning q Know that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and angles are equal. q Classify quadrilaterals according to their properties, including diagonal properties. q Know that the longest side of a right-angled triangle is called the hypotenuse. q Identify alternate angles and corresponding angles. Understand a proof that: q the angle sum of a triangle is 180째 and that of a quadrilateral is 360째 q the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles. q Solve geometrical problems using properties of angles, of parallel and intersecting lines, and of Triangles and special quadrilaterals, explaining reasoning with diagrams and text. q Draw simple nets of solids, e.g. cuboid, regular tetrahedron, square based pyramid, triangular prism. q Identify all the symmetries of 2D shapes. Use a straight edge and compasses to construct: q the midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a line segment q the bisector of an angle. Use a ruler and compasses to construct: q circles and arcs q a triangle, given three sides (SSS) q a triangle, given a right angle, hypotenuse and one side (RHS). Position and movement q Find the midpoint of the line segment AB, given the coordinates of points A and B. q Transform 2D shapes by rotation, reflection and translation, and simple combinations of these transformations. q Interpret and make simple scale drawings.

Algebra Expressions, equations and formulae q Know that letters play different roles in equations, formulae and functions; know the meanings of formula and function. q Know that algebraic operations, including brackets, follow the same order as arithmetic operations; use index notation for small positive integer powers. q Construct linear expressions. q Simplify or transform linear expressions with integer coefficients; collect like terms; multiply a single term over a bracket. q Derive and use simple formulae, e.g. to convert degrees Celsius (째C) to degrees Fahrenheit (째F). q Substitute positive and negative integers into formulae, linear expressions and expressions q involving small powers, e.g. 3x2 + 4 or 2x3, including examples that lead to an equation to solve. q Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on either or both sides, without or with brackets). Sequences, functions and graphs q Generate terms of a linear sequence using term-to-term and position-to-term rules; find termto-term and position-to-term rules of sequences, including spatial patterns. q Use a linear expression to describe the nth term of a simple arithmetic sequence, justifying its form by referring to the activity or practical context from which it was generated. q Express simple functions algebraically and represent them in mappings. q Construct tables of values and use all four quadrants to plot the graphs of linear functions, where y is given explicitly in terms of x; recognise that equations of the form y = mx + c correspond to straight-line graphs.

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.


Stage 7 q mean, median and mode and, for grouped

December 2018

data, the modal class. Draw, and interpret: q frequency diagrams for discrete and continuous data q Pe charts q simple line graphs for time series q stem-and-leaf diagrams. q Interpreting and discussing results q Interpret tables, graphs and diagrams for discrete and continuous data, and draw conclusions, q relating statistics and findings to the original question. q Compare two distributions, using the range and one or more of the mode, median and mean. q Compare proportions in two pie charts that represent different totals. Probability q Know that if the probability of an event occurring is p, then the probability of it not occurring is 1 – p. q Find probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in practical contexts. q Find and list systematically all possible mutually exclusive outcomes for single events and for two successive events. q increasing the number of times an experiment is repeated generally leads to better estimates of probability.

Measure Length, mass and capacity q Choose suitable units of measurement to estimate, measure, calculate and solve problems in a range of contexts, including units of mass, length, area, volume or capacity. q Know that distances in the USA, the UK and some other countries are measured in miles, and that one kilometre is about 5/8 of a mile. q Time and rates of change q Draw and interpret graphs in real life contexts involving more than one component, e.g. travel graphs with more than one person. Area, perimeter and volume q Know the definition of a circle and the names of its parts; know and use formulae for the circumference and area of a circle. q Derive and use formulae for the area of a triangle, parallelogram and trapezium; calculate areas of compound 2D shapes, and lengths, surface areas and volumes of cuboids. q Use simple nets of solids to work out their surface areas.

January 2019 Handling data Planning and collecting data q Identify and collect data to answer a question; select the method of collection, sample size and degree of accuracy needed for measurements. q Know the difference between discrete and continuous data. Construct and use: frequency tables with given equal class intervals to gather continuous data q two-way tables to record discrete data. Processing and presenting data q Calculate statistics for sets of discrete and continuous data; recognise when to use the range,

February 2019 Revision for Achievement Test.


Science June 2018

September 2018 Chemistry States of matter q Show how the particle theory of matter can be used to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases, including changes of state, gas pressure and diffusion. Material properties q Describe and explain the differences between metals and non-metals. q Give chemical symbols for the first twenty elements of the Periodic Table. q Understand that elements are made of atoms. q Explain the idea of compounds. q Name some common compounds including oxides, hydroxides, chlorides, sulfates and carbonates. q Distinguish between elements, compounds and mixtures. Material changes q Use a word equation to describe a common reaction. Secondary sources can be used. q Describe chemical reactions which are not useful, e.g. rusting.

q Biology q Plants q Explore how plants need carbon dioxide,

water and light for photosynthesis in order to make biomass and oxygen. q Describe the absorption and transport of water and mineral salts in flowering plants.

July 2018 q Humans as organisms q Identify the constituents of a balanced diet

q q



and the functions of various nutrients. Secondary sources can be used. Understand the effects of nutritional deficiencies. Recognise the organs of the alimentary canal and know their functions. Secondary sources can be used. Understand the function of enzymes as biological catalysts in breaking down food to simple chemicals. Recognise and model the basic components of the circulatory system and know their functions.

October 2018

August 2018

Revision for Progression Test 2.

q Understand the relationship between diet and q

q q q q q q

Stage 7

November 2018

fitness. Discuss how conception, growth, development, behaviour and health can be affected by diet, drugs and disease. Recognise the basic components of the respiratory system and know their functions. Define and describe aerobic respiration, and use the word equation. Explain gaseous exchange. Describe the effects of smoking. Discuss the physical and emotional changes that take place during adolescence. Describe the human reproductive system, including the menstrual cycle, fertilisation and foetal development.

Physics Forces and motion q Calculate average speeds, including through the use of timing gates. q Interpret simple distance/time graphs. Sound q Explain the properties of sound in terms of movement of air particles. q Recognise the link between loudness and amplitude, pitch and frequency, using an oscilloscope.


Science December 2018 q Light q Use light travelling in a straight line to explain


q q q q q q q

the formation of shadows and other phenomena. Describe how non-luminous objects are seen. Describe reflection at a plane surface and use the law of reflection. Investigate refraction at the boundary between air and glass or air and water. Explain the dispersion of white light. Explain colour addition and subtraction, and the absorption and reflection of coloured light. Magnetism Describe the properties of magnets. Recognise and reproduce the magnetic field pattern of a bar magnet. Construct and use an electromagnet.

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test.

June 2018 1. MS-Excel Advanced features

July 2018 2. MS Excel - Creating Charts

August 2018 3. Introduction to Flash CS3

September 2018 4. Creating animation in Flash CS3

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2

November 2018 5. Creating animation in Flash CS3

December 2018 5. Getting started with HTML 5 6. Lists and images and multimedia in HTML

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Progression Test.


Stage 7

Kannada June 2018 ೕರವ GRAMMAR q ವಣ

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 2.






q ವಚನಗ

ರಶ GRAMMAR q ಂಗಗ , ವಚನಗ


August 2018 GRAMMAR q ಶಬ ಗ ಮ ಸವ q ಜ

(ಪದ )


ರ ಶವ

November 2018

, ಒತ ರಗ

July 2018 q ಗ

Stage 7



December 2018 ೕತ GRAMMAR q ಖನ q ಪ ಧ q

ಕಗ ಮಗ


September 2018

ಗ ಖನ

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory test & Achivement test.

GRAMMAR q ನಮ q ಅ ಮಕ ದಳ

Hindi June 2018 q मेरी अिभलाषा

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 2.

q लालची बुरी बाला है

q ई रचं

November 2018

July 2018

q परी ा

िव ासागर

q पयावरण सुर ा

q अरमान

August 2018

December 2018 q संतुिलत आहार

q अनमोल र

q अनोखा उपहार

q राजा च

q चेतक

गु q अनूठे सखा

September 2018

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory test & Progression test.

q तैराकी q दि ण भारत की या ा


Arabic June 2018

October 2018

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.1-2 q Vocabulary: Page No. 14 q Vocabulary: Food (Refer Appendix A)

July 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.3 q Vocabulary: Page No. 24,30 q Vocabulary: Groceries (Refer Appendix A)

August 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.4-5 q Vocabulary: Page No. 42,48 q Vocabulary: Transport (Refer Appendix A)

September 2018 q q q q

Stage 7

Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.6-7 Vocabulary: Page No. 54,58 Vocabulary: in the bathroom (Refer Appendix A)

Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.8-9 q Vocabulary: Page No. 64, 70 q Vocabulary: In the home

December 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.10-11 q Vocabulary: Page No.75 q Vocabulary: People

January 2019 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.12-13 q Vocabulary: Page No. 83,87 q Vocabulary: Geography

Islamic Studies June 2018 q The beginning of the call to Islam q Public Preaching

September 2018 July 2018 q Makkah & the Makkans q Conditions in Arabic before the Prophet’s

Advent q Our Prophet’s family q The Prophet’s Blesses Birth q The death of Prophet’s Mother and of his Grandfather

August 2018 q The journey to Syria q Marriage q Signs of Prophethood

q q q q

Wudhu & Bath The complete way to say one’s prayers Congregational prayer Friday Prayer

October 2018 q Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q q q q


Prayer Friday prayer Morals and manners: Taking food after saying bismillah

Deeniyaat June 2018

October 2018

Hadees q Bad verbal conversa ons (Hadeeth # 21) q Pleasurable behaviour (Hadeeth # 22) q The result of not being merciful (Hadeeth # 23) Dua q Dua when star ng & finishing wadhu q Hifz q Surah Ad-Duhaa (THE MORNING HOURS)

Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Hadeeth q Result of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 32) q Benefits of Pa ence (Hadeeth # 33) q Being trustworthy (Hadeeth # 34) Dua q Imaan-e-mujmal q Dua in case of every difficulty Hifz q Surah Al-Bayyinah (THE CLEAR PROOF) q Farz of Bath

July 2018 q Months in Islam (First six months)

Hadeeth q The benefit of forgiving (Hadeeth # 24) q The result of pride (Hadeeth # 25)

December 2018

Dua q 4 Kalima q Dua while handshake q By looking at someone in difficulty.

Hadeeth q Promise (Hadeeth # 35) q Returns from Generosity (Hadeeth # 36) q Miserliness (Hadeeth # 37) Dua q Dua when bidding farewell q Words of azaan and iqamah q Imaan-e-mufassal q Farz of tayammum

August 2018 q Months in Islam (All 12 months)

Hadeeth q Blessings of humility (Hadeeth # 26 ) q Excessive laughing (Hadeeth # 27 ) q Benefits of being Truthful (Hadeeth # 28 ) Dua q 5 Kalima q Dua when you are sick Hifz q Surah Al-'Alaq (THE CLOT)

January 2019 Hadeeth q Neglec ng dinner (Hadeeth # 38) q Returns of inten ons (Hadeeth # 39) q Ruling regarding sleep at night (Hadeeth # 40)

September 2018

Dua q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Adult) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Boy child) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Girl child) q Farz of Namaz & Sharayet e Namaz

Vocabulary q In the Bathroom(Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Result of lying (Hadeeth # 29) q Anger (Hadeeth # 30) q Evils of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 31) Dua q q q

Stage 7

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.

Dua for Stepping from any stage Hamd-o-darood Hifz Surah InSharh (THE RELIEF)



In the Bathroom




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