Phone: 831-335-9420
Dear Families, SECOND WEEK THEMES: September 20-24, 2010 • • • • • •
COLOR: Red o Please wear red. Mrs. Zweers loves to take photos of the kids in red this week. SHAPE: Rectangle LETTER: F SCIENCE: Cooking on Wednesday; Red, Ripe Strawberry Smoothies. If you can bring in strawberries, call us on Tuesday so we can plan our shopping trip. NUMBER: o Everyday we will be checking the numbers on the calendar. TO STUDY AND PLAY: Health and safety, doctors, nurses, firemen, dentists, policemen, etc. o We would love to have parents come to share about their job and for sure wear a uniform. We do our little interview about 9:15 AM. We will take lots of photos with you and the children. Check with Kahleen if you have a morning that would work for you. o Friday, Sept. 24, the Felton Fire Department will bring a fire engine and give a safety talk. This is a really neat, up close exposure to firefighters and the truck. All week we will be talking about firefighters.
GENERAL INFORMATION: • Book Orders: If you want to order online, the instructions went home in boxes Monday and Tuesday. The orders are due by Tuesday, September 28th. • Birthday Celebrations: I am sending home a small note with the date we plan to crown your child. If you have any problem with the date I picked, please let me know so we can change it. All these dates will be on the website page marked CALENDAR if you ever need to check. • Dotphoto Instructions: I will send home the instructions on how to find the photos in your boxes. You may share this information with grandparents if they like to follow what is happening here at school. This information is NOT on the website, but only available at school. LOOKING AHEAD: •
Week 3, Sept. 27: o This week we are excited about starting our wood projects. Thanks to the families that are working on this project. Yellow will be the color, E will be the letter. Week 4, October 4: o Blue will be the color, H will be the letter.
Blessings to all, Kahleen