Phone: 831-335-9420
WEEK FOUR THEMES: October 4-8, 2010
COLOR: BLUE o Please wear blue. Mrs. Zweers loves to take photos of the kids in the color of the week. SHAPE: Rectangle LETTER: H SCIENCE: Cooking on Wednesday; Blueberry muffins. If you want to bring blue berries, please send a note by Monday so Mrs. Zweers can plan her shopping. NUMBER: Everyday we will be checking the numbers on the calendar. TO STUDY AND PLAY: We call this our ROYAL theme, princess and prince with castles. If you have anything you think may help us pretend, check it out with Mrs. Zweers, our chief princess. In our project room, Mrs. Filey will have baking soda for the children to play with along with the rough and tumble room.
1st AID CLASS: Tuesday, Oct. 5th, at 1PM, we will have an infant first aid and CPR class here at Play School. If you would like to take the class, the fee is $35 or $65 if you want to be certified. You must let me know by Monday, Oct. 4th.
Tuition Due: Tuition due by October 8th for the month of October. If later, see parent manual for late fees that may apply. If you need to be late, write me a note please.
Thanks to Parents: thanks to Kate’s parents for cutting and giving us the project boards that we asked for. Kate’s Dad also fixed our train table drawers. Thanks to Landon’s parents for fixing the stroller. Thanks to Lauren’s Mom for taking care of our fish.
MWF Stars: Everyday, MWF, we have a group that is staying until 1PM called stars. Mrs. Zweers takes them back downstairs after the light lunch served at noon for extended play and some really amazing projects. If you want your child to stay any day, the daily fee is $15. Just tell a teacher when you sign in to allow us to have lunch for them.
FREE: I have 2 file cabinets, one 2 drawer, one 4 drawer. Come and take them!!! All the books, etc. by the door are for sale by the bag or simple donation. If you want to recycle some of your books feel free to bring them in. We would love to look them over first to see if we can use them in program.
Help us by: 1. We need the wood blocks sanded and painted (see Monica). 2. We need the train table downstairs fixed.
Week 5, October 11-15: o Color: Purple, Letter: T, Theme: Royal—same as last week. Week 5, October 18-22: o Color: Purple, Letter: I, Theme: Royal—same as last week, plus pumpkins, costumes in dress-up area. Please do NOT wear costumes from home.
Blessings to all, Kahleen