Phone: 831-335-9420
WEEK FIVE THEMES: October 11-15, 2010
COLOR: PURPLE o Please wear PURPLE. Mrs. Zweers loves to take photos. SHAPE: Square LETTER: T for Turtle SCIENCE: Cooking on Wednesday; Whip Cream, from the book, Marcel the Pastry Chef. If you want to bring heavy whipping cream, please bring on Monday and the children will whip it. We would love to have some strawberries to dip into the whipping cream too. NUMBER: Every day we will be checking the numbers on the calendar. TO STUDY AND PLAY: We call this our ROYAL theme, with knights, Kings, Queens, etc. In our project room, Mrs. Filey will do something with Handwriting Without Tears along with the rough and tumble room.
Leaves & Boxes: As the leaves start to fall, watch for big piles. Soon we will ask for as many leaves as you can bag and bring for some really fun play out back. When we get back to school in January we will fill the game room with boxes, so keep sending in your big boxes. Thanks
Tuition Due: Remember, if you bring cash, please hand it to a teacher and wait for a receipt. Thanks. Wow! All but 2 families are all paid. Thanks soooo much.
Book Orders: Due back here at school or Online by Friday, Oct.22. The online code is GYBPK.
Thanks to Parents: Kate’s Dad fixed our 2nd train table drawer. Thanks to Lauren’s Mom for taking care of our fish and bringing us flowers.
Help if you can: We need some plants cleared downstairs to make way for our river & mud project. Boards sanded Tiny boxes wrapped in foil (smaller than mac n’cheese) also cylindars as in TP, paper towel tubes, and oatmeal boxes. o We need the train table downstairs fixed. o Collate our book order papers each month. Face Book: A few parents have told me or given me a little note saying that I could put their child’s photo on our Mount Hermon Play School Facebook page. I am now going to put an official permission slip on the counter. Please sign if it is OK to use your child’s photo on Facebook. Thanks. o o o
Week 6, October 18-22: o Color: Purple, Letter: I, Theme: Royal—same as last week, plus pumpkins, costumes in dress-up area. Please do NOT wear costumes from home. Week 7, Oct. 25-29: o Color: Orange & Black, Letter: U, We will need pumpkins this week for carving. Blessings to all, Kahleen