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WEEK 7 THEMES: October 25-29. 2010     

COLOR: Black and Orange LETTER: U for Umbrella SHAPE: Triangle SCIENCE: Carved pumpkins with Mrs.. Cooking - Pumpkin cookies on Wednesday. TO STUDY AND PLAY: Pumpkins, Dress-up with all kinds of costumes, Halloween, LEAVES: Yes it is Fall and we love to have you collect leaves in BIG garbage bags, bring them to school so we can dump them all out for the children to play in.

GENERAL INFORMATION:  Plants: The MWF Class is planting this week. Consider it a holiday plant. The one you see now and a surprise in the spring when the tulips will come up and bloom. Therefore, you can enjoy them indoors for a short time, but the pot should be put outside for the winter. Punch holes in the bottom of the foil or remove it. Water, but do not let it stand in water or the bulbs will rot. Your children enjoyed counting scoops of dirt, number of bulbs and picking the color of the cyclamen. Enjoy  Thanks: For all the wonderful pumpkins!!! What a treat to have so many to let the kids carve with Mrs. Filey. We ate the cooked pumpkin seeds and some liked them. Landon says they are his favorite. I don’t think we do them as well as his Mom.  Welcome: We have 2 new students starting in November in the Ladybug Class. Hello to Clara and James. We will also have Mrs. Kay join us on Tuesday & Thursday.  No School: Nov. 11 is a student holiday.  Special note about Halloween: Remember how scary this time can be, especially for the pre-school age children. Fantasy and imaginative play are a very important part of a young child's life. Every day at home and at school your child pretends and experiments with being someone or something else. Through this play, a young child learns the difference between reality and fantasy and discovers who he/she really is. Halloween, however, can be an over stimulating and frightening time for young children because the difference between what is real and what is not real, but pretend, is not always totally clear to them. It is no longer fun when a child is genuinely afraid. We will be talking about these things with your children LOOKING AHEAD:  

Week 8, November 1: o BROWN & ORANGE, SQUARES, Letter C, Fall Leaves (bring them now), Thankfulness Week 9, November 8: o

BROWN & ORANGE, SQUARES, Letter O, Thanksgiving, Turkeys.

Week 10, November 16: o

BROWN, OVALS, Letter Q, Thanksgiving Feast this week

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