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Mind Your Own Business! Goals: Get Focus on readers not on other writers or themselves Last year, it was all about craft. This year, we’re getting down to business. YOUR business. With the changing face of publishing—and the ever increasing speed with which things change—it’s more important than ever for you to have a focused strategy. Let a gathering of industry insiders help you knock down the walls of publishing on your way to rousing success.

FRIDAY 4:15-5:15: Casting the Vision—Wendy For lack of a vision, your business will perish--so don’t let it happen! Know who you are, and how to capitalize on your strengths and weaknesses. Contrary to popular belief, Business Plan is not a dirty word. In fact, you’ll be amazed how much fun this can be. All it takes is understanding what really matters. And this is the place to do exactly that. 4:15-5:05—teaching 5:05-5:15—Q&A Yes, writing is creative, writing is art. Writing is ministry. But, you need to set that aside for now. You are an entrepreneur. So for this week, you need to think like an entrepreneur. Build a business plan you can take to the bank. a. Powerpoint Presentation b. Talk about a Business plan i. What does a business plan include Homework: Write a Vision Statement

SATURDAY 9:00-9:05 Devotions 9:05-9:15 Catch the Vision: Read Vision Statements in Breakout Groups--Janet 9:15-10:15 9:15-10:05—teaching 10:05-10:15—Q&A

Developing the Product: Janet It starts with an idea, but where do you go from there? And how do you get there? Industry veteran Janet Kobobel Grant offers simple, strategic steps to develop a project your customers will not only love, but rave about. The secret is…well, you’ll just have to come and see. a. Idea b. Competitive Analysis c. Unique Selling Proposition d. Strengths and Weaknesses—How do You Do This Well? e. How to Sell It/Make It Sizzle f. Rabbit Trails—Going off-brand Homework: What’s Your Sizzle? Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition: Response to Competitive Analysis a. Executive Summary: What Do I Bring to the Table as a Writer b. Spell out Your Strengths as a Writer c. Spell out Your Weaknesses as a Writer 10:15-11:05 Nonfiction Panel—Karen Moderate 11:05--12 Fiction Panel—Karen Moderate 12-12:10—Nugget #1

SUNDAY 9:00-9:10 Go over USP—What’s Your Sizzle --Janet 9:10-10:20 Identifying the Customer: The Human Equation—Thomas Umstaddt & Julie Gwinn You’ve heard it over and over: know your reader. But do you really? Few aspects are as important to your business as the human equation: the reader. Is there a chance that your reader isn’t who you think it is? By the end of this hour, there will be no doubt in your mind. And then, get ready for take-off! Choose 3 people from group. Let them know ahead of time what we’re doing. 2 nonfiction and one fiction. Give everyone an outline of a person to use in their guess. Guessing Game: Draw a Picture of Your Reader—Label the Parts: hair, clothes, jewelry, etc. Julie pull data to identify actual readers for the 3 we’ve chosen ahead of time. Compare to the guess/picture.

Julie & Janet—Role Play: Quit playing with Your Reader Friends (pig truffle book) Influencers: Who are They and Why Do They Matter? a. Where You Find Them a. Alumni magazine b. Local Groups c. Groups associated with your focus b. How You Find Them c. Tracking Homework: Identify Your Readers: Your HE (Human Equation)--Julie Handout: Julie Develop a Handout where do they shop Do they have a Kindle Etc. 10:20-10:30 Nugget #2

MONDAY 9-9:05 Morning Devo 9:05-9:15 Review Homework: What’s Your HE?—Julie (with whole group) 9:15-10:15 Care and Feeding of Your Readers—Wendy and Lauraine: Give fiction and nonfiction examples, both good examples and bad Knowing your readers is a good start, but that’s all it is: a start. Once you know them, what do you do with them? How do you create a foundation of loyalty among your readers? Listen in as agent Wendy Lawton discusses this with a best-selling author Lauraine Snelling, a hands-down expert at this very thing. 10:15-10:25 Nugget #3 10:30-11:30 Agent Panel—Karen Moderate 11:30-12:10 How To Build Your List: What to do and when to do it—Wendy & Julie

It’s not the size of the list that matters, but how you use it! Get ready for a wealth of information on not only keeping your readership base, but helping it grow. On taking the information that’s available to you on the internet, and using it to your—and your readers’--best advantage. On the most strategic way to use the amazing tools you get from your publisher to build increased anticipation. This session is jammed packed with information you can’t afford to miss.       

How does Lauraine get addresses from Facebook followers Debbie Macomber: postcards, timing of releases What to do with Google Alerts and how to do it How many lists will you have and how do you divide them? Do you give out your list? When to talk about the book: Strategic release of info Moves management—Julie do as a handout If Your Customer is ___________, Then You Need to ______________

TUESDAY 9-9:05 Devotion 9:05-10:00 Equipping Your Sales & Marketing Force—Julie & Karen You have a team of publishing professions ready and waiting to help you be a success—but they can’t do it without you. You know your book, you know your reader and market. You know your Sizzle. Now it’s time to share it with those who can go where no author has gone before: into the world of buyers and retailers. Marketing Maven Julie Gwinn and Editor Karen Ball take the mystery out of how you help your publishing team help you. a. Video tape sales team doing sales calls and discussion ; realities and encouragement b. Karen talk about how the annoying things we asked for are used by sales; how much Lifeway and CBD folks love us for all we give them. c. What do sales and marketing need from me i. USP ii. How I can take advantage of the competitors’ weaknesses 10-10:30 In-Class Homework: Revisioning--Janet Pull out what you wrote. Does it need to change? Aha moments? Rewrite vision statement with new information

Handouts 1. 2. 3. 4.

Business Plan Templates—Wendy Person outline for drawing your reader--Julie Moves management--Julie Building Your Business Team--Karen b. Virtual assistant c. Volunteers d. Agent e. Editor f. Marketing person g. Publicist h. Prayer partners i. Techie j. Critique Group/partner

Needs from Rachel 1. Pad of paper for each attendee 2.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

This year there will be no printed syllabus pages—all will be on a CD prepared by Rachel & distributed to the class members. Everyone needs to send class handouts and a few extra handouts on the business of writing only. Send to Rachel by March 14—earlier, if possible. This means we can’t wait to last minute for class preparations. If you need students to have a hard copy of any handout—as opposed to viewing it on the CD—you are responsible to bring the copies. Each class member to bring a laptop. We are all to arrive Thursday afternoon. We can meet before dinner if any problems to deal with. Rachel will try to house us together unless someone has a different preference (let her know). If anyone needs additional AV equipment—other than what is listed under ―Rachel‖ below—let me know ASAP. Although March 15 will be listed as the deadline for registrations, we will accept late registrants as long as they qualify. All sessions need to allow time for Q & A.


WENDY 1. Friday, 4:15-5:15: Casting the Vision For lack of a vision, your business will perish--so don’t let it happen! Know who you are, and how to capitalize on your strengths and weaknesses. Contrary to popular belief, Business Plan is not a dirty word. In fact, you’ll be amazed how much fun this can be. All it takes is understanding what really matters. And this is the place to do exactly that. 4:15-5:05—teaching 5:05-5:15—Q&A Yes, writing is creative, writing is art. Writing is ministry. But, you need to set that aside for now. You are an entrepreneur. So for this week, you need to think like an entrepreneur. Build a business plan you can take to the bank. a. PowerPoint Presentation b. Talk about a Business plan ii. What does a business plan include Homework: Write a Vision Statement

2. Monday, 9:15-10:15 – Care & Feeding of Your Readers – Interview Lauraine Knowing your readers is a good start, but that’s all it is: a start. Once you know them, what do you do with them? How do you create a foundation of loyalty among your readers? Listen in as

agent Wendy Lawton discusses this with a best-selling author Lauraine Snelling, a hands-down expert at this very thing.

3. Contact Lauraine about doing the Interview ASAP so we can include this in online schedule. 4. Monday, 11:30-12:10: How to Build Your List: what to do and when to do it. (Do this with Julie) It’s not the size of the list that matters, but how you use it! Get ready for a wealth of information on not only keeping your readership base, but helping it grow. On taking the information that’s available to you on the internet, and using it to your—and your readers’--best advantage. On the most strategic way to use the amazing tools you get from your publisher to build increased anticipation. This session is jammed packed with information you can’t afford to miss.       

How does Lauraine get addresses from Facebook followers Debbie Macomber: postcards, timing of releases What to do with Google Alerts and how to do it How many lists will you have and how do you divide them? Do you give out your list? When to talk about the book: Strategic release of info Moves management—Julie do as a handout If Your Customer is ___________, Then You Need to ______________

5. Provide the business plan samples & templates. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ JANET: 1. Saturday, 9:05-9:15: Facilitate reading of vision statements in breakout groups. 2. Saturday, 9:15-10:15: Developing the Product 9:15-10:05—teaching 10:05-10:15—Q&A It starts with an idea, but where do you go from there? And how do you get there? Industry veteran Janet Kobobel Grant offers simple, strategic steps to develop a project your customers will not only love, but rave about. The secret is…well, you’ll just have to come and see. g. Idea h. Competitive Analysis i. Unique Selling Proposition j. Strengths and Weaknesses—How do You Do This Well? k. How to Sell It/Make It Sizzle l. Rabbit Trails—Going off-brand

Homework: What’s Your Sizzle? Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition: Response to Competitive Analysis a. Executive Summary: What Do I Bring to the Table as a Writer b. Spell out Your Strengths as a Writer c. Spell out Your Weaknesses as a Writer

3. Sunday, 9:00-9:10: Facilitate going over their unique selling proposition—What’s Your Sizzle? 4. Sunday, 9:10-10:20: Identifying the Customer: The Human Equation (led by Thomas & Julie) A. Role Play with Julie – Quit playing with your writing friends (pig truffle book) B. Influencers: Who are They and Why Do They Matter? a.

Where You Find Them a. Alumni magazine b. Local Groups c. Groups associated with your focus b. How You Find Them c. Tracking Homework: Identify Your Readers: Your HE (Human Equation)--Julie Handout: Julie Develops 5. Tuesday, 10:00-10:30 - In-Class Homework: Revisioning--Janet Pull out what you wrote. Does it need to change? Aha moments? Rewrite vision statement with new information

KAREN: (Note: Sally is contacting members for all panels; will contact you about who to invite if too many or there is a question.) 1. Saturday, 10:15-11:05 – Moderate nonfiction panel 2. Saturday 11:05-12:00 – Moderate fiction Panel 3. Monday, 10:30-11:30 – Moderate Agent Panel

4. Tuesday, 9:05-10:00 - Equipping Your Sales & Marketing Force (do this with Julie) You have a team of publishing professions ready and waiting to help you be a success—but they can’t do it without you. You know your book, you know your reader and market. You know your Sizzle. Now it’s time to share it with those who can go where no author has gone before: into the world of buyers and retailers. Marketing Maven Julie Gwinn and Editor Karen Ball take the mystery out of how you help your publishing team help you. a. Video tape sales team doing sales calls and discussion ; realities and encouragement b. Karen talk about how the annoying things we asked for are used by sales; how much Lifeway and CBD folks love us for all we give them. c. What do sales and marketing need from me iii. USP iv. How I can take advantage of the competitors’ weaknesses 5. Handout: Building Your Business Team--Karen k. Virtual assistant l. Volunteers m. Agent n. Editor o. Marketing person p. Publicist q. Prayer partners r. Techie s. Critique Group/partner 6. Prepare cover and pictures/bios for class CD. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

JULIE: 1. Sunday, 9:10-10:20 - Identifying the Customer: The Human Equation—Thomas Umstaddt & Julie Gwinn You’ve heard it over and over: know your reader. But do you really? Few aspects are as important to your business as the human equation: the reader. Is there a chance that your reader isn’t who you think it is? By the end of this hour, there will be no doubt in your mind. And then, get ready for take-off! Choose 3 people from group. Let them know ahead of time what we’re doing. 2 nonfiction and one fiction. Give everyone an outline of a person to use in their guess. Guessing Game: Draw a Picture of Your Reader—Label the Parts: hair, clothes, jewelry, etc. Julie pull data to identify actual readers for the 3 we’ve chosen ahead of time. Compare to the guess/picture. Julie & Janet—Role Play: Quit playing with Your Reader Friends (pig truffle book)

Influencers: Who are They and Why Do They Matter? a. Where You Find Them a. Alumni magazine b. Local Groups c. Groups associated with your focus b. How You Find Them c. Tracking Homework: Identify Your Readers: Your HE (Human Equation)--Julie Handout: Julie Develop a Handout: where do they shop Do they have a Kindle Etc.

2. Contact Thomas to work with you on this sessions. Let Sally know right away if he is not going to help so I can take his name off schedule for Website. 3. Prepare body outline handout, e-mail Rachel a copy for CD, and make copies for students to do in class. 4. Monday: 9:05-9:15 – Review Homework (What’s Your Human Equation?) – with whole group. 5. Monday: 11:30-12:10 - How To Build Your List: What to do and when to do it—(Do this with Wendy)

It’s not the size of the list that matters, but how you use it! Get ready for a wealth of information on not only keeping your readership base, but helping it grow. On taking the information that’s available to you on the internet, and using it to your—and your readers’--best advantage. On the most strategic way to use the amazing tools you get from your publisher to build increased anticipation. This session is jammed packed with information you can’t afford to miss.       

How does Lauraine get addresses from Facebook followers Debbie Macomber: postcards, timing of releases What to do with Google Alerts and how to do it How many lists will you have and how do you divide them? Do you give out your list? When to talk about the book: Strategic release of info Moves management—Julie do as a handout If Your Customer is ___________, Then You Need to ______________

6. Tuesday: 9:05-10:00 Equipping Your Sales & Marketing Force (doing this with Karen) You have a team of publishing professions ready and waiting to help you be a success—but they can’t do it without you. You know your book, you know your reader and market. You know your Sizzle. Now it’s time to share it with those who can go where no author has gone before: into the world of buyers and retailers. Marketing Maven Julie Gwinn and Editor Karen Ball take the mystery out of how you help your publishing team help you. a. Video tape sales team doing sales calls and discussion ; realities and encouragement b. Karen talk about how the annoying things we asked for are used by sales; how much Lifeway and CBD folks love us for all we give them. c. What do sales and marketing need from me v. USP vi. How I can take advantage of the competitors’ weaknesses _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

RACHEL: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Provide a pad of paper for each class member. Refreshments: Only need water, tea and coffee. Our refreshment time is same as rest of conference. AV Needs: LCD Projector Microphone Screen Internet connection

5. 6. 7. 8.

We’re all arriving Thursday afternoon. House us together if possible—unless someone requests a different arrangement. Only outside speakers needing payment are Lauraine Snelling & Thomas Umstaddt. We will need about the same number of draped tables as in the past. If the number changes significantly, I’ll let you know. 9. We only need Meadowview this year. 10. Send Sally a final list of faculty when available (to glean members for panels). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SALLY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Line up devotions for Saturday, Monday & Tuesday (Request sent on acceptance letter) Arrange for conferees to lead 3 Nuggets (on other than business topics).. Contact editors for book panels. Contact Agents for Agent panel. Evaluate all applications and contact team only if questionable. Make a master e-mail list and send to team for any last-minute contacts.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Update and send out acceptance and rejection letters. Send Rachel updated info for Website. Act as liaison with Rachel for class questions/needs. Bring 3 X 5 cards for panel questions & bell for ending sessions.

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