LOG 2008 Fall & Winter

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Saced Hours Sacred Spaces (page 4)

Outdoor Science Redwood Reaches Out Canopy Tour (page 14)

(page 20)

Kidder Creek Ken Harrower Where Adventure Retires Abounds (page 10) (page 16) November 2008–April 2009

Contents Mount Hermon LOG Mount Hermon Christian Camps & Conference Center Mount Hermon, California 95041 (831)335-4466 Fax (831)335-9218 mounthermon.org info@mhcamps.org Registration Office only: 1-888-MH-CAMPS “MOUNT HERMON LOG (USPS #365-240) is published biannually, in April and November by Mount Hermon Association, Inc., P.O. Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041-0413. Postage paid at Mount Hermon, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MOUNT HERMON LOG, P.O. BOX 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041-0413.” Mount Hermon is a non-profit, interdenominational and evangelical center dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through year-round camps and conferences. Families, individuals, Christian churches, and groups of all backgrounds are welcome at all Mount Hermon programs. Facilities— Conference Center, Redwood Camp, Ponderosa Lodge, Whisper Canyon and Kidder Creek—are available for guest group rental September through June. Roger E. Williams, Executive Director. Acceptance and participation in Mount Hermon programs are the same for all without regard to race, color, or national origin. An audited financial statement, Statement of Faith, Core Values, and literature about all programs are available upon request. Copyright © 2008 Mount Hermon LOG Mount Hermon Association Inc. Managing Editor Don Broesamle Creative Director Peter Thomsen Graphic Designer Josh Bootz Copy Editors Debbie Franck Cindy Ritchie Photographers Josh Bootz Dan Dawson Danny Kern John Ricketts Peter Thomsen

From the Executive Director 4 Sacred Hours in Sacred Spaces 6 Pedicures—A Life-changing Feat! 7 Ponderosa Lodge—Jr. High Students Tangle w/Life Articles 8 Echo – Resounding Results 11 Kidder Creek—Where Adventure Abounds 12 Redwood Primary Camp 14 Outdoor Science Reaches Out 16 Ken Harrower Retires 18 Family Camp—Still an Incredible Value! 20 Mount Hermon Redwood Canopy Tour 22 A Legacy of Lives Transformed 23 Songwriters—”Unforgettable!” 23 Kidder Creek is Relationships Summer 2009 Preview 26 Family Camp Preview 30 Youth Preview 42 2009 Summer Concert Series Family Events 34 Thanksgiving Family Camp 34 Easter Sunrise Service 35 Prayer & Reflection Adult Events 36 Kidder Creek Expeditions 38 13th year of “Great Hymns of the Faith” 39 All-Comers Weekend—A Perennial Full House! 40 Christmas Concerts & Boutiques 41 Expanded Christian Writers Conference 43 Join us for Oberammergau Women’s Events 44 Spiritual Retreat for Women 44 Women At Change Points Couples Events 46 Couples to be Pampered Parent/Child Events 48 Parent/Child Spring Redwood Camp Retreats Youth Events 50 Winter Weekends 51 Mount Hermon Play School 25th Anniversary 51 Retreat and Recharge for Ministry 52 Dawn Kayaking? You’re Kidding Me! 53 A Lasting Impact at Junior Get Away! 54 Staff News 60 Book of Rememberance 63 Book of Honor 64 Upcoming Events 67 Editorial ”We can’t afford NOT to…”

| Facepainting at Redwood Camp John Ricketts

4 | From the Executive Director

Sacred Hours in Sacred Spaces Mount Hermon is a place where God transforms lives! Here’s how it happens…the Living God connects with a child of God, and that life is changed. Roger Williams Executive Director

Here’s where it happens…in spaces around Mount Hermon—all kinds of spaces—along a path, in a Ponderosa cabin, around a dining hall table, at victory circle, at Redwood Camp, riding a Kidder Creek trail, in a meeting room, a lodge room, a cabin kitchen—any of a thousand spaces. These spaces become sacred spaces when the Holy Spirit fills them and invades a heart. These moments become sacred hours as lives are forever changed. That happened this summer in a meeting room, when for the first time in 10 years an estranged husband told his wife he loved her. It happened in a bedroom when a 7-year-old invited Jesus into his

heart as his Mom wept. It happened at the Fieldhouse as a teenage girl let go of her rebellion and embraced Jesus. It happened in the dining hall on a final conference morning as the speaker encouraged folks to not leave Mount Hermon without settling their relationship with Jesus Christ…and four people responded. It happened in a cabin as a counselor prayed, and a teenage boy responded, “God has found me—I’ve given my life to Jesus!” It happened in the auditorium as 50 people stood to recommit their lives to Jesus…just after 14 others had embraced Him as Savior and Lord! We had all sorts of sacred hours in sacred spaces, over and over this past summer! These days our nation faces economic challenges and uncertainties. Fear is raising its head in many contexts. At Mount Hermon—a solid Christcentered ministry for 103 years—we see these times as unprecedented opportunities to minister! We have spaces that become sacred as God meets and responds to the deepest needs of the soul. More than ever—as the pressures rise—Mount Hermon is necesary. We treasure your partnership as we move boldly forward, consistently providing hope, truth and confidence as people move into the presence of our unchanging and gracious God. It’s here that many unsettled souls find rest—in sacred hours in sacred spaces.

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Pedicures—A Life-changing Feat! Katie Flynn, Assoc. Dir.—Youth/Young Adult Ministries

Jesus didn’t just wash His disciples’ feet this summer, He gave us pedicures! The time was midJuly, and Evergreen cabin was strangely dark as the Amata staff returned from a meeting. Candles guided the way up the stairs, where all nine campers were waiting, singing beautifully and ready with huge hugs as each staff entered.

Amata Amata mount hermon

The girls led us into a room where they not only washed our dirty camp feet, but also gave us deluxe pedicures with neon-orange and gold polish! It was humbling, beautiful and intimate—campers, on their own, washing our feet. We’d modeled this loving gesture to our campers in our opening ceremony. But to be lavished with such love by the very girls we wished to serve was life-changing. For us these pedicures, not mere foot washing, defined Amata this summer. In launching a new camp just for girls we were amazed at how our campers served (through babysitting at Family Camp), and were transformed through studying 1 Peter, and learning they are God’s Beloved. Amata provided young women a place where worries and dirt from life were washed away, and where they saw themselves and others (even their toes) as beautiful— Beloved—in Christ.

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Ponderosa Lodge—Junior High Students tangle with life Katie Flynn, Assoc. Dir. – Youth/Young Adult Ministries

Ponderosa Lodge has a sweet spot in serving Junior High students. Week after week students enter a community of friends where together they meet and grow in Jesus. At camp we often see clear evidence of Jesus at work. One week last year the speaker told how he once got his fishing line completely tangled, and frustrated he simply gave up. A friend saw his struggle and stepped in, quickly cut out the tangle, re-strung the pole, added a hook and said, “there you go, its time to fish.” He easily drew the parallel with the students that this is what Jesus does in their lives—He cuts their tangled mess and restrings their line so they can stay in the game with Him. The following day, with everyone enjoying a great day at the beach, a student approached her counselor and said, “I think I need Jesus to cut my line…” The message had “hooked” her – God was redeeming. All summer, Ponderosa Lodge is a place where students comfortably share their tangles, and where God consistently cuts away the snarls and restores them to walk with Him. All summer, counselors joyfully give encouragement. All summer, God is at work!

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Echo – Resounding Results Katie Flynn, Assoc. Dir.—Youth/Young Adult Ministries

Echo can be described in three little words: “It’s a surprise.” Echo is Mount Hermon’s two-week camp journey of spiritual formation and worship through work, for high school sophomores through recent grads. Here are personal descriptions of some of God’s surprises through Echo this summer, beginning with a lesson a fellow camper taught me that I’ll never forget. “God will never put you in a situation where you cannot worship Him.” —Aly Inouye, Echo Student “Through the Echo program, God caused my students’ lives to change dramatically, to know what it is to serve, and to ‘do justly’ in an unjust world. Because of the things God is doing through Echo we are now grasping opportunities for our youth ministry to serve within our own community.” —Eddie Dobson, Youth Pastor “God transformed some stubborn students into people of leadership and joy. The Echo community fostered such honest vulnerability that they were able to learn and gain support from each other, and truly be known.” —Anna Schuler, Echo Counselor

Who knew that plunging toilets, chopping vegetables, studying Scripture, chatting with the elderly, serving widows and practicing spiritual disciplines could lead to all that?! I love God’s surprises.


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re ac h i n g e v e r y pe r s o n A M I D in f r a s t r u c t u r e re s to r at i o n

“Things” are never our focus, but well-operating facilities DO open doors for lives to be transformed … and THAT’S what we’re all about! This summer, at the closing of the first day’s activities, one Amata girl concluded that the other Amata staff and her fellow campers had something she did not have, and she wanted it. Asking her counselor, she learned about the love of Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers. That night she prayed to accept Christ as her personal Savior. Will you help us reach our 2008 goal of $1 Million for restoring facilities where more ministry like this can happen?

Projects Include:

Ponderosa Lodge Dining Hall Carpets – $6,000 Redwood Camp Pool Resurfacing – $66,000 Conference Center Bedding Upgrades – $51,600

Your help with Project R.E.P.A.I.R. is instrumental in all that God is doing here at Mount Hermon. Thank You!


Give online at mounthermon.org

Yes, I/we have heard from Heaven and want to partner with Mount Hermon’s Project R.E.P.A.I.R. Here is my/our gift to help provide the resources: Name(s) Phone Address City



Email Faith Commitment $ Balance to be paid as follows: q Monthly q Quarterly

(to be completed by 9-9-2009)

q Annually

q Other

Cash/Check enclosed for $ Please charge my credit card for $ Name on Card Credit Card # Signature

Exp. Date Date

Note: Any faith commitment is a statement of intent and may be altered as circumstances warrant.

10 | Articles

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Kidder Creek— Where Adventure Abounds Young people’s thirst for adventure is amazing, and Kidder Creek’s many adventures will seriously quench that thirst. Our classic junior high and high school adventure weeks are packed with heart-beating fun. After Sunday’s orientation, on Monday morning we’re off to our Jackson Lake rock climbing venue. Vistas are breathtaking, the climbing is gut-wrenching, and each person attempts a 60-foot granite wall ascent. Days three and four usually highlight the week, as whitewater rafting changes the challenge from vertical to horizontal. On the class 3 and 4 Dragon’s Tooth and Rattlesnake Rapids, everyone gets bathed in whitewater fun they won’t soon forget. On day five we’ll tackle Kidder Creek’s ropes course and the iceberg at Kidder Creek pond. Day six concludes with a blow-out BBQ celebration at Main Camp. These experiences aren’t simply to pump up our adrenaline. They’re adventures that help transformational truths take hold in our lives. Jumping off a forty-foot cliff into the deep Klamath River waters (an optional rafting activity) is the scariest adventure some will ever attempt. The debrief that evening, uses that dramatic moment to illustrate the boldness it takes to stand for God—at school, on a sports team and in life. In this way students are challenged to realize that godly boldness has its rewards. We call this “adventure with a purpose,” converting into teachable moments the unforgettable events in each camper’s action-packed week. Kidder Creek has both the adventure and the life-impacting message for those who thirst for action.

12 | Articles

Redwood Primary Camp Ron Taylor, Redwood Camp Director

A Life-Shaping Experience

From the moment the 1st–4th graders arrive, the fun never stops. Whether it’s zipline adrenaline or a carefree hike across the historic Felton Covered Bridge. There’s swimming and cookouts at the creek, a night swim, and “ice cream sunday Sundays” to tantalize with anticipation. Night Game adventure, the Talent Show and Carnival keep the pace full. And it’s all topped off with crafts, fort building, “Stealth & Concealment,” and good old nature walks. All this fun easily prepares the campers for learning biblical truths in group huddles and special cabin times. Bible discussion abounds, and specially designed crafts add hands-on learning reminders. One parent relished the “new sense of independence” in his child. Campers are eagerly introduced to Christ, and develop lasting cabin friendships of trust and love. And they’re impacted deeply by the role modeling of their counselors. One camper (Zoe) was extremely nervous trying the zipline, but finally agreed to go with her counselor. Afterwards, she was so excited that she’d accomplished this challenge! She’d learned to trust her counselor and the activity leaders, and to seek help in challenging situations. Zoe had accomplished a great feat by learning how trust works in overcoming obstacles.

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Outdoor Science Reaches Out Suzie Clark, Outdoor Science Superintendant

Our OSS naturalists are Christians with college degrees and a passion for the outdoors and for kids. Public school teachers often remark about their “contagious joy.”

During each week the naturalists often become ‘stars’ to the kids, posing for photos and giving autographs. Their Christian character in action has impact, it inspires, and it lasts! Dr. Rick Oliver and our naturalists developed our curriculum to meet the California Science Standards in a unique experiential way. Following the curriculum, naturalists even weave their own personality and creativity into each lesson. Last year the naturalists developed PERC (Ponderosa Environmental Restoration Corps), involving students in preserving the pine

Articles | 15

and sand hills ecosystems around Ponderosa Lodge. We’re researching two grants, one through US Fish and Wildlife, and another from a community foundation.

of the Creator. Each week eager 5th and 6th-graders practice real science, learning to appreciate creation as stewards of the environment. Each week students return home marveling at their created world.

Annually, more than 4,000 kids attend Outdoor Science School, 87 percent from public schools. For most, Outdoor Science is their first exposure to Mount Hermon, a God-given opportunity! We’ll also be including other age groups coming for special field trips. One of Mount Hermon’s largest ministries, Outdoor Science daily introduces students to the work

Suzy Clark grew up in Salem, OR, graduating from Oregon State University. Her favorite travel spot is Tanzania, East Africa. She’s taught middle-school science and has been a math and science textbook writer and editor. She was even a Mount Hermon naturalist back in 1996. You can be confident in the qualifications of our new Outdoor Science School director!

16 | Articles

Family Camping Pioneer Ken Harrower retires Don Broesamle, Editor

Ken Harrower was honored at an August reception for his 34 years of service to Mount Hermon. Ken ended his full-time roll in 2006, and has since served half time as Chaplain, taught seminars, led Vespers services, done pastoral counseling, and directed the summer worship services. Ken graduated from San Jose State University in Communication Theory, attended Talbot Seminary, and made his commitment to ministry while on Mount Hermon summer staff. He later graduated from Fuller Seminary, and was ordained in 1972 at Garden Grove

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Community Church, where he was youth pastor. In 1974 Ken and his wife, Mari, came to Mount Hermon. Ken served full-time in expanding and leading the family ministries program, where he pioneered family camping. Ken’s first Mount Hermon experience was as a camper in 1944, later serving four summers on student staff. Ken and Mari brought students to Ponderosa Lodge in its early years, and for six years directed the CILT (Camper In Leadership Training) program at Redwood Camp. Celebrating with them were their children, Josh (wife, Melinda), and Rebekah (husband, Jeremy), and their three grandchildren Caleb, Nathan, and Lydia.

18 | Articles

Family Camp—Still an Incredible Value! Don Broesamle, Director of Church Relations

Mount Hermon provides an outstanding family vacation – an unbeatable value! Compare a week at Mount Hermon with the costs for a family of four for one full week at Disneyland or Lake Tahoe (travel not included): Economy Moderate Disneyland $3,071 $3,636 One week: accommodations, meals, Disneyland passes

Deluxe $4,318

Lake Tahoe $1,830 $2,428 One week: accommodations & meals only (no activities!)


Mount Hermon $1,489 $1,843 $2,182 One week: accommodations, meals, ALL activities & programming Lake Tahoe’s costs include fast-food “dining,” but NO activities! And Mount Hermon’s Deluxe rates are still hundreds lower than Disneyland’s lowest-cost option, even before gas prices! PLUS at Mount Hermon you enjoy: • Old-time Steam Train ride to the Beach Boardwalk • First-rate child care and babysitting • Creative activities for kids and teens • Outstanding Bible teaching • Activities for the whole family, campfires and unlimited s’mores! • Special dinner evening for the adults • Sensational Redwood Canopy Tour and New High Ropes Course When you consider the spiritual values, awesome youth leaders, and worship times together, it’s no wonder families keep saying they’d rather be at Mount Hermon! For 103 summers families have grown together, and in the Lord, in this God-blessed place. You and your family will enjoy every aspect of your Mount Hermon experience… and build memories! You can’t beat the value!

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Mount Hermon Redwood Canopy Tour Sean McFeely, Director of Camping Services

This summer, families experienced a thrilling adventure in the Redwoods, more than 100 feet above Bean Creek Canyon. The new Redwood Canopy Tour that opened in July was birthed two years ago when gifts were sought for building a Conference Center zip line to solve the challenges of using Redwood Camp’s zip line. With childlike faith, an eleven-year-old girl gave the first $20 towards what became our canopy tour, and then was able to ride the tour with her father on opening day! She could not have imagined six zip lines extending a quarter-mile, two sky bridges, and a jaw-dropping 440-foot section that soars over Bean Creek. God transformed a small offering given in faith into a huge blessing. Trained guides have taken hundreds of people, in groups of eight, on an unforgettable two-hour experience. The views of the Creator’s majesty are awesome! As an engineer and former science camp director, I love the careful design that preserves these red giants and their streamside ecosystems. Creative installation techniques virtually eliminate impact to the trees. The platforms encircling the trees expand as the trees grow. Cables are secured by a non-invasive tree-wrap method, allowing unimpeded tree growth. Riders glide on two coated quiet cables, and all structures are made of sustainable materials. Join a tour during your stay at Mount Hermon. Guests tell us there’s nothing on any other tour in the world like the beauty and majesty of these redwoods, or the professional care given by our tour guides. Reserve your tour through our web-based reservation system. redwoodcanopytours.com

22 | Articles

A LEGACY OF LIVES TRANSFORMED Don Broesamle, Director of Church Relations

For over a century God has faithfully impacted countless lives for Jesus Christ at Mount Hermon. In an e-mail to her Bible study group, Cindy Ritchie recounts His faithfulness to her: “Mother’s Day 2006 was my first without Mom, but it was a glorious one! I spent the weekend at Mount Hermon, a place dear to my heart, and was filled with God’s presence and comfort. In celebrating the 100th year of Mount Hermon’s ministry, the speakers shared much about the legacy left by the founders, whose faithful vision has led to generations of lives transformed. This helped me reflect on the legacy my mother now leaves. She was maybe an ordinary woman by the world’s gauging, yet she was a great woman by God’s measure. Mom was seen by all who knew her as a woman of great compassion. To be with her was to be loved. In life’s simple things she was as Christ to others. Mom also challenged me to be faithful in little things, joining God’s grander work in ‘ordinary lives.’

He is able to do way more than I can imagine, by His power working within me. That’s big, and it’s a wonderful reminder of what He intends to accomplish in us. God is so faithful!”

From before time the Lord has prepared His good works, that we will walk with Him in them. On that Mother’s Day weekend in 2006, the Lord also called Cindy

cindy ritchie

to walk with Him in “good works” here at Mount Hermon. Led by the Lord, Cindy accepted the position as Executive Assistant to Roger Williams and me. Roger and I thank the Lord for bringing her here. We see in Cindy the same selfless compassion that she describes of her mother—a legacy passed to the next generation—another life transformed by our faithful God!

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Songwriters— ”Unforgettable!” Jeremy Bentley, Associate Director of Adult Ministries

Kidder Creek is Relationships— with each other and with God! Pete Morrill, Director of Kidder Creek

Our first Christian Songwriters Conference was truly unforgettable! 283 writers and 35 faculty came together as strangers and left as family. The auditorium was our “living room” as artists Paul Baloche, Don Moen, Charlie Peacock, Sara Groves, Phil Wickham, and others shared both their music and their songwriting gifts. And they shared their lives, often huddled with registrants, encouraging them in processing God’s musical calling. Sharing time together with these personally-influential music authors was extraordinary. The instruction in the craft and trade of songwriting was invaluable, and our encounter with God almost inexpressible in our worship. On our last night, Paul Baloche encouraged people to listen to the Lord and write what they heard. All around the auditorium people worshipped and wrote, worshipped and again wrote. My heart rejoiced to think that this Mount Hermon conference might birth many God-honoring songs. We trust the Lord for a reprise next year!

This summer at Kidder Creek God again worked marvelously. A youth leader brought his rowdy 7th and 8th grade boys, and by Wednesday their attitudes had shifted. After the message they stayed with their pastor (skipping s-mores!), intensely questioning and seeking answers, non-stop eager to learn about faith and spiritual truth. Because their leader came to camp with them, he could build into these relationships completely free of distractions. Many kids durring the summer said they were simply not interested in God. But camp freed them to finally ask hard questions. The counselors met the challenges, and helped these kids know that God does love and care for them. The kids saw the counselors’ love for them, and then wanted to hear about Jesus They built relationships that will carry well past the week of camp. What could be more rewarding?

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| Childcare at Family Camp John Ricketts

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Summer 2009 Family Camp |

Dear Potential Family Camper, Sunday evenings were so special at Mount Hermon this summer. We wanted a “kinder, gentler” way to begin Family Camp, one that wouldn’t separate toddlers and parents just when they arrived, and wouldn’t have moms running to Safeway, and figuring what’s for dinner in their cabins. This summer guests were welcomed to the red carpet of Mount Hermon Studios, to a Carnival for all ages on the beautiful Meadow. A sumptuous family barbecue picnic preceded a musical variety show that introduced the staff, the speakers and musicians for the week. Laughter and fun marked the festivities, which concluded with ice cream sandwiches for all. This seemingly small change in the schedule “set the stage” for a spectacular week of inter-generational relationships, shared dialogue about faith and life, and a lifetime of memories.

The Friday evening Victory Circle testimonies capped it off, where we heard from “mouths of babes” and the elders alike just what God had done in the lives of our guests. Ours was a special summer of learning too. We learned that you yearn for times together as a family, even to three generations, to celebrate your faith, and grow not only as individuals, but also in relationships with each other. This will be our goal in ’09 … to continue designing ways to impact each family member at each stage of his journey, and also the family itself. How will we do that? You’ll have to come and see! Registration is now open – we can’t wait to reserve a spot for you and your family. Peace,

Lisa Olson Director of Program Ministries


Summer 2009 Family Camp | June 14–20


CJ DenDulk




Week 2a

Week 2b

June 21–26 June 21–27 (ends Fri.) Located at Lake Tahoe



Week 1

June 28– July 4

Week 4 July 5–11

Week 5 July 12–18

Japanese Evangelical Mission Society

Steve Bruce Fong Arterburn

Abraham Kuruvilla

Dave Burns

Week 3


Darrell Johnson Phil Tuttle

Ray Johnston

Bill Oudemoulen

Mike Romberger

Dave Burns & Band


Jeffery B. Scott

June 28–July 11


June 14–27 (Girls grades 8–10, At Conference Center)

Sherwood Carthan

mini–vacations Come early or stay late • Concert/Nationally known musicians • Great food • Recreation opportunities • Traditional Sunday morning services/Dynamic speakers • Saturday–Sunday between Family Camps

Summer Concert Lineup Weekend June 13–14 June 20–21 June 27–28 July 4–5 July 11–12 July 18–19 July 25–26 August 1–2 August 8–9

Concert Brush Arbor The King’s Brass Christian Edition Burchfield Brothers Marie Barlow Martin Steve Green Amick Byram Marty Goetz Monterey Celebration Choir

Preview Week 6 July 19–25

Week 7

| 29

Week 8

July 26–Aug 1 August 2–8

Week 9

August 9–15 August 28–30

Dallas Theological Seminary Week Bill Butterworth Craig Barnes

Aug. 28–30

Labor Day September 4–7

Sessions in Spanish

Mark Baily

Jill Briscoe

Tim Lundy

Howard Hendricks

Gary Gaddini

Chip Ingram


René Schlaepfer Allistar Begg

Victor Anderson Mark Hitchcock

Jesse Butterworth


Josh & Emily TBA Bailey

July 26–August 8


August 9–15 Invitation Only



30 |

Youth Camps— Investing in Lives Lisa Olson, Director of Program Ministries

As a single mom I’m careful when spending camping dollars for my four teenagers. They need more than entertainment, and entrusting pliable teens to 24/7 “life-on-life” role models can be scary. I need confidence that my own voice and values will be supported, not eroded during a week away from home. This summer I was NOT disappointed. Mount Hermon’s youth camps match up against any my children have attended—actually some of the best camps going. Jack, my youngest, was sad not returning to Redwood Camp and the relationships with his counselors. But Ponderosa ROCKED, especially the Dr. Suess theme, “Pondy Pon Do and the Mystery of Who,” exploring Jesus’ “I AM” statements in amazing

ways. Jack’s favorite Pondy things? Surfing? The skatepark or paintball? Nope. It was learning about Jesus so creatively, and the service projects in the community. Wow! Clara LOVES Kidder Creek, her service work, the rafting and rock climbing. But she grabbed at her only chance in the new Amata program for young teen girls. The family spirit that grew in those girls as they explored God’s great love for them was life transforming—her best camp experience. (She’s back at Kidder for ’09!) Abe went to Echo under duress (too old for camp?), and had the experience of a lifetime. With seven guys his age and a couple of godly counselors, they practiced spiritual disciplines, worked to exhaustion, and studied biblical classics that challenge many adults. For a young man trying to figure out faith and life without a dad, this was priceless. He calls it his best camp ever!

Rain, my oldest, spent her summer “100 feet up” guiding on our Canopy Tour, describing unique vantage points, discovering nests undetectable from the canyon floor. Guests followed her reassuring lead, and marveled at the God-inspired course design. My camping investment is reaping great returns!

n t u o m rmon hesummer

But for the cost, I’d want my kids going to more camps—into the wilderness at Kidder, riding horses, trying surfing. I’d want them experiencing large groups praising God and small groups digging deeper into faith. I choose what’s best, because I know I can’t afford NOT to send them at all!


I hope you’ve reached the same conclusion. Look prayerfully at next summer’s offerings, and if you need some advice call me! I’ve tried them all.

Santa Cruz MOUnTAINS

32 | Youth Summer 2009 Preview


grades 2–4


grades 4–6

Week 1

Week 2

June 14–20

June 21–27

Redwood $493

Week 3 June 28– July 4 Redwood

Week 5

July 5–11

July 12–19

$321 (ends










$321 (ends



Junior High

Redwood $493

Ponderosa $535

grades 7–8


Amata $669

Grades 8-10

Amata $669

Amata CILT at

High School

Echo $741

grades 9–12


June 14–19

June 21–26


June 28– July 3

July 5–10

July 12–15 (short week)

Classic $426

Classic $426

Classic $426

Classic $426

Classic $426


grades 2–4

Classic $426

grades 4–6

RANch Intro $540 High Adventure

High Adventure


grades 6–8


Ranch INTRO $540


Junior High


Ponderosa $535

Kidder Creek

Week 4


Expedition whitewater

Whitewater Wilderness $426


Ranch $540

ALL girls Ranch $540

High Adventure $426

Echo $741

Echo $741

High School grades 9–12


Ranch $540

ALL girls Ranch $540

Wrangler in training $540

Grade=grade entering in fall 2010

Echo Expedition whitewater

Youth Summer 2009 Preview | 33

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

July 19–25

July 26– August 1

August 2–8

August 9–15

August 16–22






Redwood $493







Ponderosa $535


Ponderosa $440

Redwood $915 Echo $741

july 26-31

Reduced Rate!

Group rates available for JUNIOR High & High School

Echo $741

Ponderosa $535 Ponderosa $535 July 19-24


Amata ALUMNI WEEK $318

Amata $669


Call us about church group blocks.

August 2-7

Classic $426 Ranch intro $540

Classic $426 Ranch intro $540

High Adventure High Adventure $426


White Water Wilderness $426

White Water Wilderness $426

ALL girls Ranch $540

Ranch $540

To design a custom wilderness adventure, call OUR Kidder Creek OFFICE directly at 1-888-CAMPFUN

High Adventure High Adventure $426 $426 Echo $741


WhitEWater Wilderness $426

WhitEWater Wilderness $426

ALL girls Ranch $540 Ranch $540 Wrangler in training $540

Transportation from Bay Area to Kidder Creek provided for an additional charge. Call 1-888-226-7386 for details.

34 | Family

Thanksgiving family camp

Garnish it all with the incomparable gifts of Bill Magnify God with Thanksgiving Psalm 69:30 Butterworth and René Schlaepfer, and Mount Hermon has become the annual Thanksgiving tradition for manypair it with worship leader people and families. Some folks make this their time to be here with their Just thefamily mention of “Thanksgiving” immediate or close friends. Others enjoy the tradition of aTodd Mount Dunn, and it’s a recipe for Hermon Thanksgiving for their yearly family reunion. Either way, we do all evokes thoughts of family and of a lavish weekend of laughter, the cooking! special times together, of marking and fulfillment. Join us in a One of the wonderful characteristics of Mount Hermon’s Thanksgiving Family Camp is that it not only provides a great location and program for the calendar to gather in gratitude timeless Mount Hermon family an enjoyable family holiday, but it also challenges families spiritually, and to for abundance the grow the together in their relationship withLord the Lord.has This aspect more than any Thanksgiving tradition. other has made Thanksgiving Family Camp so very special to thousands provided. of people over the years. And then there’s the food! Year after year it’s november 27–30, 2008

outstanding in every way—another great Mount Hermon tradition!

Mount Hermon

Join usin fora a holiday remember. Your family will with Stir rich tofare of feeding on“magnify GodThanksgiving Thanksgiving!” the Word, stuffing the soul with Celebration Speakers | Bill Butterworth & René Schlaepfer Worship | Todd Dunn & Christ Community Church Worship Team, Milpitas, CA friendship and mirth, and feasting November 27–30, 2008 at Room a banquet created by our Room per-person meal & program Speakers | Bill Butterworth & Type Rate 13-20 4-12 0-3 culinary cuisine21+expert, Chef Deluxe $465 René Schlaepfer Standard $384 Byron Gravelle. $166.50 $133.50 $121.50 $78 Economy $189 Worship Band | Todd Dunn No Housing


1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Please call Registration for cabin rates. Thanksgiving Buffet Dinner Adults $20.00 Youth ages 4–12 $10.00

1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org PO Box 413 Mount Hermon, CA 95041 1-888-MH-CAMPS mounthermon.org

Easter Sunrise Service

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mount Hermon Association, Inc.

Enjoy the Easter Morning Sunrise at a service to be held near the Cross at the summit of Mount Hermon. At 6:30 a.m. on April 12, 2009 after a short brisk hike up to the Cross, join the singing and celebration of the Risen Christ. For He is risen indeed! An informal coffee with hot crossed buns will be offered to participants at the nearby Ponderosa Lodge following the service. Parking is easy at the Ponderosa Lodge lot off Graham Hill Road. A map, directions and full details are on our website.

thanksgiving family camp 2008 postcard.indd 2

6/2/08 2:14:15 PM

1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

contemplative | 35

Scripture Reading Rom 1:20 ”Since the creation of the world, His invisible nature and attributes … His eternal power and divinity, have been clearly discernible in His handiwork.” [The Amplified Bible] Before God’s words were ever recorded, God wove into His creation clues revealing His divine nature and eternal power. Set aside an hour walking alone in nature with the Lord—in your neighborhood, at a park or on the beach. Pick up items that you are drawn to from nature, and sit quietly observing His creation in what you’ve picked up. Use your senses to explore these natural elements – sight, smell and touch. Record your observations in a journal. Wait for your heart and mind to become still. (Psalm 46:10)


With these questions ask the Lord to speak into the stillness and quietness:

Father, what do you want to me know about you today? Father, what do you wish to reveal about me in my walk with you? Remember, He said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8) Record each thought that comes to mind, and ask, “Is this thought simply my own? If “yes,” then wait patiently until you ‘hear’ what must clearly have come from the Lord.

36 | Adults

Kidder Creek Expeditions Program



Men’s Pheasant Hunting Weekend

Four days of pheasant hunting February 19–22, 2009 and clay pigeon shooting in the shadow of God’s creation, with great accommodations and fellowship.

Guided Fly– Fishing

Personal fly–fishing with expert Christian fishing guide

Men’s Memorial Day Rafting Trip

Two to three days of heart May 22–25, 2009 pounding whitewater action with a time of rich fellowship.

Men’s Fly–Fishing

Three days of group fun, meals, lodging and fly–fishing instruction

Mother Daughter Ranch Camp

A weekend of horseback riding June 19–21, 2009 and mother/daughter bonding

Couples Horse Pack

Four days of high–country horse packing with gourmet meals and beautiful scenery

August 20–24, 2009

Men’s High Country Deer Hunting/Fly– Fishing

Four days of horse packing while deer hunting and fly–fishing in the beautiful backcountry of Siskiyou County

September 24–27, 2009, and available other dates during hunting season upon request.

Available May 15 to October 15, 2009

June 19–21, 2009

We also organize superb group trips, with your family or friends as our guests. Give us a call and we’ll plan that special group adventure. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

| associates

For over 102 years, friends of Mount Hermon have given generously to make possible the wonderful facilities we enjoy on these 400+ Redwood-forested acres. Associates in Ministry are a special group who pledge to give at least $500 annually in undesignated giving (including to the Campership Fund and Project R.E.P.A.I.R.), supporting the many unglamorous (but necessary!) projects that keep Mount Hermon functioning well. Associates also have strategic importance in bringing new friends to Mount Hermon. It’s the number one influence where new people discover the benefits of being away here in the peaceful Redwoods. Find out more about becoming an Associate in Ministry. Request a brochure by calling Debbie Franck in our Advancement Office. We’d love to have you join us.

Dave Talbott, Associate Director of Advancement 831-430-1241 | dave.talbott@mounthermon.org

38 | Adults

13th year of “Great Hymns of the Faith” This fall begins our 13th season of Hymn Sings, scheduled in December 2008, and January, March and May, 2009. Dave Talbott, Associate Director of Advancement and our acclaimed resident musician, will host all four events from both piano and organ. These gatherings are always OUTSTANDING, as are the lunches and refreshments! Many groups come together to the Hymn Sings for a wonderful day of rich worship and fellowship. It’s always a grand time. Reservations are essential by one week preceding each event. Phone the Mount Hermon Office toll-free and let us help you or your group register.

Fall Sing

December 4, 2008

Winter Sings

January 22 & March 26, 2009

Spring Sing May 28, 2009

Host | Dave Talbott Refreshements | Served at 10:00 AM, Lower Dining Hall Hymn Sing | 10:45 AM, Main Auditorium Lunch | 12:00 Noon, Dining Hall Cost | $12.50 per person $1 discount per person for groups of 10 or more. Reservations are essential. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Adults | 39

All-Comers Weekend—A Perennial Full House! All–Comers Weekend is one of Mount Hermon’s most popular conferences for singles and couples. Each year we’re sold out, and this weekend should be no different! We always enjoy inspiring teaching from the Word, skillful worship leadership, helpful seminars, and of course great food and lodging. Our extended 3-night format makes All-Comers that much more special. This year we’ll be fed and challenged by the strong teaching of Dr. Ray Pritchard, the president of Keep Believing Ministries. Ray is a pastor who has authored 27 books including An Anchor For the Soul. Enthusiastically appreciated last year, Lauerey Berteig & the Six-4One Vocal Band will lead us in worship, and will perform an evening concert. Mount Hermon’s own Dave Talbott will also be performing. Sign up early for a fantastic weekend!

All-Comers Weekend February 13–16, 2009

Speaker | Dr. Ray Pritchard Music | Lauerey Berteig & The Six-4-One Vocal Band

40 | Adults

Christmas Concerts & Boutiques Holiday Tradition and Family Memories Our Christmas Buffets/Concerts and Crafts Boutique are a tradition not to be missed! Worshipful holiday music lifts the spirits, and fabulous fare delights the senses in celebration of the season. Join Opus Dei & Friends with David Talbott on December 11—14. Three powerful male voices and two lovely female voices blend gloriously, and Mount Hermon’s Dave Talbott performs on both organ and concert grand piano. December 18—21 features Tim Zimmerman & The King’s Brass. The nine-member group, with brass, tympani and organ, has consistently enthralled sell-out crowds. The grand Christmas Boutique is open each concert day. Patrice Fernald’s enchanting creativity offers over 30 exhibits of unique handcrafts and baked goods. Concerts are 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, and 2:30 p.m. Sundays, with buffet preceding each concert. The dinner ticket ($20/ adult, $10/child) admits only buffet guests to the concerts. Offerings each night help to cover Mount Hermon’s expenses. Overnight Get-Aways Mini-vacation packages can extend the celebration. Special pricing includes buffet/concert, deluxe accommodations, and continental breakfast (overnights not offered Sunday, December 14 & 21). Call toll-free for details and reservations at 1-888-MH-CAMPS. Stay for the worship service, at 10 a.m. each Sunday.

Adults | 41

Expanded Christian Writers Conference Our 40th Anniversary For 39 years Mount Hermon has created an exhilarating training laboratory for Christian professional writers, both beginning and experienced. Our expanded 40th anniversary event brings back popular core tracks on fiction, non-fiction, children, articles, book publishing tips, teen track, career professionals, and more. This year both the mentoring conference and main writers events are back-to-back, facilitating development of your writing expertise. There are three options: • Head Start Clinic, April 1–3, for beginners with work in progress • Main Conference, April 3–7, including mentoring track for intermediate and advanced writers (beginners must take Head Start Clinic first) • Combination Conference, April 1–7 (discounted fee) The main conference offers 70 afternoon workshops and eleven Major Morning tracks, addressing every writing skill level and genre. Registrants receive a free manuscript critique service, offered all five days ($25 to $50 per manuscript at other conferences). Personal help by industry people makes a real difference for any writer.

Writers Head Start Clinic April 1–3, 2009

Head Start Clinic limit | 100 people

Writers Conference 2009 April 3–7, 2009

Conference Limit | 375, plus a faculty and staff of 70 Major Morning Tracks will be on our website by November 1, with all details, faculty, schedule, prices and on-line registration available by December 1. Scholarships for both are available when registration fee has been paid.

42 | Adults

2009 Summer Concert Series A grand Mount Hermon concert, a sumptuous buffet dinner, an overnight stay in the Redwoods…WOW! Plan now for a leisurely weekend of retreat and worship. June 13

Brush Arbor, reunited after nine years, kicks off 2009’s season with a spectacular country, bluegrass, foot-stomping guitar-pickin’ party.

June 20

The King’s Brass fabulous brass band

June 27

Christian Edition, the widely-popular 24-member male chorus from Southern California, returns for their fifth summer.

July 4

Burchfield Brothers; Classical guitar and Mallet Kat (Come and see!)

July 11

Marie Barlow Martin; Soprano soloist & husband guitarist, Gordy

July 18

Steve Green; Contemporary soloist

Juy 25

Amick Byram; Vocalist

August 1

Marty Goetz; Nashville recording artist and superb worship leader, presents his first Hebrew-accented concert with us.

August 8

Santa Cruz-Monterey Celebration Choir and guest soloists, present their annual Spirituals Night. Directed by Connie Fortunato, it’s always our largest summer crowd.

Reservations are essential. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Adults | 43

Join us for Oberammergau Reformation Church History Tour Our Oberammergau Tour Speaker is Dramatic Presenter of Historical Church Personalities, Dr. Reg Grant. Dr. Grant is Professor of Pastoral Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary, a noted author, and an actor in the Emmy Award winning In Search of the Heroes. A creative writer and communicator, Reg will portray various Reformation characters, bringing them to life in dramatic performances throughout the tour. Highlights of the Tour • Prague, Czech Republic and the ministry of John Hus • Leipzig, Germany and the Bach Museum • Erfurt, Germany • Eisleben, Germany—Martin Luther’s birthplace • Wittenberg, Germany—Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” Door • Wartburg Castle • Nuremburg, Germany • Oberammergau, Germany and the world renowned Passion Play, which only occurs once each decade • Bavarian Castle Tour, including Neuschwanstein Castle • Zurich, Switzerland and the ministry of Huldrych Zwingli

Oberammergau Tour August 10–21, 2010

Contact the Advancement Office at (831) 430-1237 for a brochure and more information (available February 2009).

44 | Women

Spiritual Retreat for Women “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” —Mark 6:31 Jesus offered this invitation to his harried disciples, and He invites us in the same way. Set aside this March weekend to come away to Mount Hermon, where a place of quiet and rest has been prepared for you. You may room with a friend or reserve your own private space. We will have six short sessions of worship and direction built around a scriptural theme. After each session you’ll spend time alone with Jesus, using materials we’ll prepare for you. Revel in the quiet—respond to Jesus’ invitation to rest—enjoy the splendor of Spring at Mount Hermon—sit and be served by our gracious dining staff. This invitation is personal—and it is for YOU!

Spirtual Retreat for Women March 20–22, 2009

Worship | Robin Spurlock Facilitator | Jayne Price

WOMEN AT CHANGE POINTS The Hidden Treasures of Trials Women at Change Points is a unique ministry to women in the second half of life. Our deep desire is to offer themes and topics that connect with women in the midst of their circumstances, and point them to Jesus. How does our relationship with God shape our experiences in this season of life? Many are dealing with life issues such as menopause or chronic pain. Others bring relational issues surrounding the empty nest or aging parents. In our grief we need to ask where God is in the midst of loss, change and trials. What is His calling to us in this season? Following our last conference, one woman wrote: “What moving and excellent speakers! I gained whole new ways of thinking and listening to God through the Holy Spirit, convincing and initiating life changes in me.” Coraly Hanson will lead us through the theme: “The Hidden Treasures of Trials.” Through Coraly’s own recent painful circumstances, God has given

her blessings that would have been impossible to receive by any other means. She’ll share her insights through her solid base in the Word gained from many years teaching Bible Study Fellowship. Gifted pianist Marti Williams will lead our worship.

Women at change Points March 27–29, 2009

Speaker | Coraly Hanson Musician | Marti Williams Place | Conference Center Facilitator | Christine Ingebretson Our website has a detailed list of housing options and rates, or call our Registrars. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

42 | couples

Couples to be Pampered “Good priorities” is a term often related to life choices, but not often to our relationships. A Mount Hermon Couples Retreat grants time to practice priorities. Experience refreshment, intimacy, encouragement, and new ways to enhance your marriage. Our speakers and musicians are able not only to teach and lead, but also to interact with couples. “My wife and I attended our first Mount Hermon couples retreat. We had undistracted personal time to reflect on our relationship and on our love for each other. This retreat is something we’d want to do every year to refocus our relationship. It provided great tools and facilitated deep discussion, especially for us as newlyweds.” Military couples also came, both prior to deployment and soon after returning home. Having a weekend away to reconnect without distractions made a major impact on their marriages and lives. One short weekend gave these couples time and space to retreat. It’s truly a “retreat,” with your own picnic lunch and romantic candlelight dinner. After the specialty chocolates, you’ll appreciate our incredible Field House workout facility. Come enjoy a weekend in the Redwoods at Mount Hermon. Individual couples as well as church groups are encouraged to participate.

couples | 47

couples Conference I Febuary 20–22, 2009

Speaker | Dr. Gil Stieglitz Gil has been a pastor for 17 years, and has authored five books, including three on marriage. He’s president of Principles to Live By, and an adjunct professor at both Western and Talbot Seminaries. We feel so strongly about his ministry that we booked him twice!

Worship Leader | Justin Fox Many of you have heard Justin lead worship at conferences or perform in concert. We’re blessed to have this gifted songwriter/ teacher and his wife with us! Mount Hermon’s Dave Burns will accompany Justin on keyboards.

Couples Conference II April 24-26, 2009

Speaker | Dr. Gil Stieglitz (see above) Worship Leader | Paul Sampson Paul is Worship Arts Pastor at Santa Cruz Bible Church. He’s a superb musician, songwriter and teacher, and a dynamic worship leader. Mount Hermon’s Dave Burns will accompany Paul on keyboards.

48 | Parent/Child

Parent/Child Spring Redwood Camp Retreats In a fast-paced society it takes determination to slow down and connect with family members. Mount Hermon provides unique opportunities for parents and children to do just that — slow down and connect — while providing valuable direction and memorable experiences. Each weekend combination provides a relaxed setting, fun-filled activities, inspirational song and praise, encouragement, and direction through gifted communicators. The parent-child retreats are open to children in 2nd through 8th grades with their parents. These are times you’ll treasure for years to come.

Dads & Sons

April 17–19, 2009

Speaker | Danny Wallen

Moms & Daughters

May 15–17, 2009

Speaker | Linda Newton 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Your Advancement


JR Loofbourrow, Ron Demolar, Debbie Franck, Dave Talbott, Lael Dunn, & Roger Williams advancement@mhcamps.org 831-430-1237

50 | High School

Winter Weekends Ponderosa Lodge’s community, intimacy and great fun make Winter Weekends for High School students stronger than ever! As one youth pastor said, “This is a safe place for faith to grow.” This year in the gospel of John we’ll learn how to love each other like Jesus loves us. – John 13:34

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Last winter an East Bay youth group’s weekend became a legendary catalyst for change. Once home, they expanded upon the relationships and the growth that began during their Winter Weekend together. Ponderosa Lodge’s stunning surroundings and insane recreation —mountain biking, paintball, kayaking, dodge ball—make the weekend unforgettable. One student’s favorite part? “Everything…activities, friends… fabulous!” Make plans for you or your youth group to be here.

Winter Weekend I November 21–23, 2008

Speaker | Chuckk Gerwig Chuckk has 23 years in youth ministry, and teaches God’s Word in an interactive, humorous style. His joy is seeing students’ lives reflect Jesus.

Winter Weekend II

December 5–7, 2008 Speaker | Travis Osborne is a youth ministry veteran of 12 years, spending time at the Grove Church in Riverside, CA. Travis’ desire is to see students love and follow Jesus and be connected and grow in the church. We’re amped to have him!

Winter Weekend III December 12–14, 2008

Speaker | Jeremy Swigart Jeremy’s heart is to see students discover the life God has for them. Jer is the pastor of Open Door, a community of followers of Jesus in Walnut Creek. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

High school | 51

Retreat and Recharge for Ministry In youth ministry, yours is a fast paced and high-energy world. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the craziness and be left wondering how there can still be time to strengthen and restore your soul. We love your commitment to pour into the lives of both Jr. and Sr. High students. Let this weekend be a time for pouring into you, a time to hit the pause button for a day-and-a-half conference designed for you. Rich teaching, thought-provoking seminars, team building, and some good R&R are all tailored to fit the specific needs of professional youth workers and your volunteer staff. There will be outstanding meals, and focused time for you to shape your thinking for a new season of ministry. It’s truly a weekend you won’t want to miss.

Youth Advisers Ponderosa Lodge February 20–21, 2009

1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Mount Hermon Play School 25th Anniversary Pancake Breakfast & Reunion

November 22, 9:00 a.m.–Noon, Mount Hermon Field House Alumni—come and visit with former classmates and teachers! Follow the signs on Conference Drive

| First Play School Class 1983

52 | Junior High

Dawn Kayaking? You’re Kidding Me! Kick off the Fall in a Frenzy at Ponderosa Lodge! It’s the perfect grades 6–8 Junior High get-away for getting pumped about school, life, and the good news of Jesus. One pastor who went kayaking at dawn with his campers said, “Fall Frenzy is great for those memorable moments and adventurous experiences with your kids; even ridiculously early in the morning!” One camper put it simply, “What a weekend … the best Fall Frenzy ever!” Awesome speakers, intimate worship, raucous skits and wacky recreation all help strengthen students’ walk with God. This year’s teaching is on our calling to love one another as Jesus loves us. (John 13:34) Paintball, heated pools, mountain biking, skate park: Fall Frenzy engages even energetic campers like Josh: “I had a blast! Next year I’m sooo coming.” We now have TWO weekends! Come with a friend or with your youth group. Get ready to get crazy!

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Fall Frenzy Halloween Extravaganza

October 31–November 2, 2008 Speaker | R.O. Smith R.O. is Junior High pastor at Bel Air Presbyterian, and has a huge heart for kids. He can’t wait to join the Frenzy this fall.

Fall Frenzy II

November 7–9, 2008 Speaker | Cara MacDonald Cara is an Area Director for Young Life in the Bay Area. She is a hillarious communicator and passionate minister. Your students will feel loved and known by Cara. We are excited she’ll be joining us this fall. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Junior | 53

A Lasting Impact at Junior Get Away! Complete with laughter, adventure, and plenty of time for growing new friendships, Junior Getaway is a unique setting where kids can build on their life in Jesus. This year our theme is ”The King has Lost His Rhyme.” Over the course of the weekend, God’s love will come alive in children as they learn to worship through heart-felt songs and prayer. After a weekend with Mr. J, your child will be humming his tunes for months, remembering and applying the Truth embedded in those words.

Junior Getaway is a muchanticipated mid-March event. It serves as a welcome break for kids to play in the redwoods and make new friends, all while being immersed in life-transforming truth. So bring your children’s group, or come with a best friend. Just get away to Junior Getaway!

Junior Get Away March 13–15,2009 March 20–22, 2009

Speaker | Mr. J Mr. J returns this year for two back-to-back weekends of faith-inspiring illustrations and dramatic performances. A superb teacher and worship leader, Mr. J seamlessly integrates music, theater, and biblical teaching to foster a growing love for God and His Word.

54 | Staff News

Employment Anniversaries Thirty years

is his skill of perseverance, and doing the job right the first time. Tom’s dependability is a quality that serves the entire team well. Tom is married to wife Heath.

Guy Grable

Gardener (12/6) Guy and his wife Mary are integral to the fabric of the Mount Hermon community. Guy’s wry and dry sense of humor highlights his love for the Lord and for missions. His handiwork and creative touch can be seen throughout the grounds he cares for as our very capable gardener.

Twenty Years Walter Pestana

Custodial (3/6) Walter is the clown prince of our custodial staff. Always ready with the “humor of the day,” Walt’s encouragement and warmth have endeared him to thousands of campers and staff over his years with us. A man of prayer, Walt’s heart to care for and serve others is a blessing.

Fifteen Years Tom Havlick

Maintenance (4/4) Tom has a broad array of skills he brings to the Maintenance Department, not the least of which

Pete Morrill

Director of Kidder Creek (9/1) Pete has been a rock at Kidder Creek, and was a catalyst in the planning by their board to join their camp’s ministry with Mount Hermon’s. An escapee from Southern California, Pete is an avid outdoorsman, enjoying fly fishing, bird and game hunting and whitewater rafting. Ya think he belongs at Kidder Creek? Oh, he also raises Labrador Retrievers. Sweet! He and wife Julie have five kids.

Five Years Byron Gravelle

Food Services Manager (3/1) The maestro of Mount Hermon’s culinary endeavors, Byron orchestrates a talented staff in preparing and serving over 300,000 meals each year. With broad experience in the restaurant field, he inherited Mount Hermon’s renown for outstanding “camp” food, and has raised the bar even higher. Folks tell us they never go home hungry from Mount Hermon!

Staff News | 55

Brenda Wallace

Registration Manager (4/26) Brenda loves people and is a one-of-a-kind gem on our team. Her staff rises up and calls her blessed. Brenda and her crew serve over 50,000 guests per year, and people continually describe how wonderfully they are being served. Her heart for Christ has been equally effective in her years of ministry with Young Life.

New Staff

Mark Bradshaw

new Guest Conference Services Coordinator. For two summers Mark was staff counselor at the Conference Center, and served as intern in Guest Services. He’s still pursuing his goal of completing his seminary training.

Maribel Boyd

is the new Administrative Coordinator to Alden Johanson, and Coordinator of our Action Ministries volunteers program. Maribel brings a wealth of experience, and holds a degree in Finance and International Relations from San Martin University in Colombia, where she was raised.

Jim Cone

has volunteered his carpentry talents at Mount Hermon for several years. We now get to enjoy him full-time on the Maintenance team. Jim’s strong work ethic and servant heart underscore his skills. Jim, Gretchen and their six boys(!) have upgraded to Mount Hermon from Huntington Beach.

Reed Fulkerson

is our new Youth Camps Custodial Supervisor. Reed and wife Jill are newlyweds! Reed was for eight years the manager of custodial and maintenance services at Santa Cruz Bible Church. He’s also an experienced sheet rock hanger and expert mover. Reed has a big heart for people and for the Lord. And, he even does windows!

Jean Morrison

is the new Registrar handling Ponderosa Lodge, Redwood Camp and all youth conferences. She is from Santa Cruz, and has a diverse background in employee management, customer service, and administration. She’s an encourager and loves to pray. Jean has two grown children, and enjoys the beach!

56 | Staff News

Wendy Estorga

Five years ago Wendy was a Program Intern at Ponderosa Lodge. She’s excited to join the team again as registrar for Men’s and Women’s Conferences, Parent/Child Conferences and Hymn Sings. She and husband Abrem were married in June. They have two fish but no cat, so it’s time for a baby?

Brian Vargo

our new AV/IT Technician, has over ten years of sound engineering experience. Brian served the Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino Worship Ministry for five years, “mixed” for numerous local bands, and served on the Kings Academy Theater Tech Team mentoring students in their arts. He’s also a Lieutenant in the Santa Clara City Volunteer Reserve Fire Department!

Andrea Bonilla

Staff Interns

Michael Bernardi

Guest Services Intern, was raised in the central valley town of Kingsburg. He came to Mount Hermon at the impressionable age of nineteen to work at Redwood Camp. There he became known as “Beans,” quite possibly for his single-minded menu preference. Or not …

Kristin Asimakoupoulos

Guest Services Intern, calls several places home—Holland (Michigan), Chicago, Seattle, Ecuador and Mount Hermon! She loves the Seattle Seahawks, the ocean, Americanos and Frank’s Redhot Sauce. “Asimakoupoulos” is Greek for “not spicy enough.”

Patrick Flynn

has been a Program intern for the past year, and now joins us full time! Andrea has a degree in communications from Trinity Western University in Vancouver, and has finally learned to pronounce “been” (bin) instead of “been” (bean). She’s now realizing that working in Program is no “Lark.” Mount Hermon wins huuuuuge with Andrea on the team!

Guest Services Intern, is new to Mount Hermon. No relation to Katie Flynn, his passions include reading, playing music and eating. He loves Frisbee flinging, Frisbee golf and ultimate Frisbee. He’s a Frisbeeterian who believes that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and you can’t get it down. We can help Patrick.

Staff News | 57

Emily Huebscher

is our Bookstore Intern. She just completed a yearlong Bible course in Sweden and Austria. She loves the outdoors and reading a good book on a rainy day. Emily often came to Mount Hermon for summer camps, and grew up just down the road in Felton. Local girl makes good!

Kelsey Paterson

Ponderosa Intern, has a goal to live to the fullest the abundant life God offers. She draws strength from quiet times with her Master, enjoying fellowship with others over good food, and hearing her family laugh. God has once again entrusted to us one of His choicest servants.

Megan “MJ” (don’t say Midge) Eldredge

Ponderosa Lodge Youth Intern, is back for her second year! Still loving life, youth and the Lord, she inspires anyone near her. MJ is also trying to pick up surfing – ya gotta believe! She’s a renaissance woman and a true fashion plate. We’re blessed in spades to keep her!

Dan Brown

is our Recreation Intern commonly known as “Buttercup.” He can be found in the Redwoods at all hours, not even coming in from the rain. Returning for his second year, he’ll be serving throughout Mount Hermon, wherever recreation can be recreated.

Katie Wightman

Recreation Intern, grew up in Exeter, California, near Rocky Hill and Toolville. (OK … near Visalia?) She just graduated from Point Loma University (alma mater of this Managing Editor’s daughter!), and is zealous for people and service. Katie loves Christ and says her life does not work without Him. Her middle toes are hammer toes … so now you know.

Emily Barlow

is excited to be Children’s Ministries Intern. She just graduated in May from Miami University. Fun Fact: This Miami is in Ohio. Emily loves living by the ocean (in Ohio?), and spending time outside. Let’s see … Lisa, JR, now Emily – our Ohio contingent it growing!

58 | Staff News

Nicole Alvernaz,

our new AV Intern, also served as the Auditorium Host during our 2008 Summer Family Camps. Nicole was a stalwart on that team, always ready to serve when a need arose. She is a Central Valley farm kid who’s looking forward to spending the year in the redwoods. It’s wetter here, Nicole.

Lori Kallander

Food Service Intern, comes all the way from South Dakota. Pheasant country! She grew up in Christian Camping and has witnessed its impact on people of all ages. Lori is already making a mark on our team, with outside-the-box ideas for ministry. She’s eager to serve and learn here at Mount Hermon.

Craig Thompson

hails from Chico, CA, though he spent the last 1/2 decade attending Azusa Pacific University in Southern California. He enjoys living in a place called the Scott (no “s”) Valley, where the sky is blue. Favorite pass-times: reading, running, Bigfoot hunting. Favorite breakfast food: waffles.

Staff Transitions

Ben Beames

former AV/Sound Technician, has moved on to pursue a new career. He and Kaycee were a delightful part of our family, and we’ll be missing Ben’s calm demeanor and gracious heart for serving our guests.

Randy Beck

has transitioned into full-time pastoral ministry after 33 years of dedicated service on our maintenance team. He and wife Terry remain here in their Mount Hermon home.

Paul Boyd on staff for over 15 years, had been Redwood Camp foreman and Conference Center Audio/Visual Technician. Paul, Annalisa and their four children have moved to Colorado! Renée Gabriel departs after eight years of greeting thousands of guests in Registration, and this year facilitating family camp single parent support groups. Renée will be pursuing a Master’s degree in Family Therapy. She greatly appreciates her friends here and Mount Hermon’s transformational ministry. She’s a fully certified s’mores tech, and will still help out at her favorite camp. Scotty Gullick

has gone east! Former Director of Youth Ministries, Scotty is enrolled in a Masters program at Boston University. Scotty’s legacy is a greatly strengthened youth ministry, and his heart for young people has affected many lives for the Kingdom. He’s keeping in touch, and we’re itching to hear about long distance relationships.

Staff news | 59

Marci Kern served three years as Youth Camps Registrar during a time of its exponential growth. Her keen eye for detail and expressions of selfless love for others is missed. We know God has good stuff in store for her, using the amazing gifts He has given. Ann Paulsen retired as

Administrative Coordinator to Alden Johanson (Chief Operating Officer). In her eight years of consistent and creative service to the Lord, Ann did almost everything –– established a thriving volunteer program, led nature hikes, and navigated the complexities of our County government. We wish her and Tim, our former Custodial Manager, all God’s best in their new adventures in North Carolina.

Sara Peterson

former Dining Hall Manager, resigned to become manager of The Abbey, a coffee, art and music lounge started by Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz. Sara’s husband Jon continues as Director of Recreation.

Chris & Danielle Paulsen

met and were married at Mount Hermon. Both served at Ponderosa Lodge, Chris as Youth Camp Custodial Supervisor, and Danielle as Guest Host and Dining Room Hostess. Chris, Danielle and their two children have moved to North Carolina where Chris is pursuing a career as a fire fighter.

Cesia Ramirez

recently completed her Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology/ Marriage and Family Therapy from Bethany University. Resigning as Coordinator in the Conference Services Department, she will pursue her licensing as a marriage and family therapist.

Recent Arrival

Josh & Amy Bootz

Josh (Graphics) and Amy Bootz welcomed their first baby—Eli Joshua, on June 4, weighing in at 7 lbs 9 ozs and measuring 20 ins. A handsome dude, it’s a good thing he has a pretty mom. And like his mom, Eli is not one to sit still!

Great Expectations

Ingrid (Guest Services) & Ryan Hinn, Lael (Advancement) & Curtis Dunn, Shelly (Book Shop) & Juan Hernandez, Ian (Outdoor Science School) & Emily (Aquatics) Scanlon, and Wendy (Registration) & Abraem Estorga are all in a “family camp way.” Arrival dates vary…naturally! Watch this space.

60 | Book of Rememberance

MARY ANDERSON Kenneth Anderson


Peter & Cathy Cholakian Marcus & Diane Combs Albert & Mae Kaljian John & Florence Knutson Morgan & Billie McClellan Joan Sarafian Dean & Donna Schumacher Mary Silvan Jeanne Stevens Edward & Deborah Van Der Molen

ELVIRA BADAL Cal & Norma Claes


Ed & Wendy Beidleman



DON BROD Marilyn Severns


Kenneth & Nancy Carlson Russell & Laurie Carlson Rodney & Leaann Tibbe


Earl & Ruth Sutherland


Jim & Marlene Jessup

ELSIE COOPER Richard & Marjorie Betchley June Lange



Don & Sharon Brown



Duke McCluskey


Tom & Louise Addington Lois Ball





Sandra Headley Lois Ball


Paul & Judy Schmidt


Frank & Bren Blichfoldt David & Susan Kromer Hugh & Marilyn Walker


Clayton & Georgia Ferrin Franklin & Roberta Ferrin Kathleen Scheider Duane & Mary Anne Seaberg Richard & Elsie Van Horn


Georgia Fisher

ALLAN FRIESEN Merlyn & Rosemary Fordice

RON GERDES Mary Gerdes

CURT GORDON Bruce & Janet Arnold


Elden & Renee Hansen

Galen & Gloria Adam Cal & Norma Claes Lanette Forster


Ed & Marilyn Hayes



Edward & Marlinda Barnett Steve & Elaine Barnett Ron & Jacquie Demolar Marlene Ditullio Jerry & Arlene Hitchman Georgia & Lorne Phillips


Steve & Elaine Barnett Ron & Jacquie Demolar Jerry & Arlene Hitchman Georgia & Lorne Phillips

JEAN HOZACK Dave & Evelyn Brooks

Book of Rememberance | 61



Gwyn Jones Fred & Robbin Kroger


Ed & Marilyn Hayes


Alan & Nancy Bancroft Howard Blower Merle & Norma Bowman Leroy & Patricia Burrows Bill & June Crabtree Carl & Marjorie Cripe Leo & Carol DeAmicis Jim & Josie Dugan Kevin & Marguerite Dunlop Steve & Linda Dunlop Karen Filice Ralph & Netta Furio Teryy & Sharon Kupfer Gertrude Van Konynenburg Leachman Michael & Janice Hare Oliver & Gerry Heersink Robert & Sandy Kamps Gary & Sara Ann King Pete & Kathy Menghetti The Munson Family Foundation Ken & Pearlene Munson Mr. & Mrs. K. R. Munson Henry & Mary Navarrete Don & Margaret Ostorero Rosemarie Pecanic Steve & Judy Pecsek Robert & Rachel Powell Andrew & Tricia Rowan Caroline Steinbeck Janice Truman Michael & Rosetta Voss


Earl & Ruth Sutherland





Brian & Debby Millhouse Katie Millhouse Nancy Torgerson







Leon Accorne

Merlyn & Rosemary Fordice Jim & Marlene Jessup Charlie & Emilie Pyle

Lee Tinnin Pete & Kay Swanson


W. E. Lyons Construction Co.


Joe & Wilma Castiglione Frank & Anna Graziano Anita Monteith Domenico Napoli Virginia Napoli Craig & Robin Schumacher Josephine Spada

WADE NULL Covenant 4 Quartet



Alice Smith Jerry & Caroline Smith

Richard & Cynthia Chole

John & Linda Quandt Patricia Webster Bessie Wong Peter & Marjorie Yuen

Bill & Jane Neilson

BRUCE RINKERT Bob & Arleen Hulsey Earl & Ruth Sutherland


Earl & Ruth Sutherland

GEORGE ROARK Willie & Sue Mayfield


Harry & Shirley Barton


Galen & Gloria Adam Everette & Faye Atkinson Tom & Annette Balch Jill Bergman & Brady Harrison Roger & Jocelyn Bergman Katherine Hendrickson Relational Resources Janet Zadeh

Due to print deadlines, your Memorial or Honorarium may not appear in this listing. It will be included in the following issue.

62 | Book of Rememberance


Charlie & Emilie Pyle

BOB SAMUELSON Priscilla Weiss


ERIK SATTERSTROM Charlie & Emilie Pyle


Edgar Chester John Creighton John & La Donna Holte Bob & Arleen Hulsey Lois Hutton Kingsburg Insurance Agency Kathy Martin Marilyn Nelson Monte Pinhero John & Lori Saubert Carl & Agnes Stilwell G.C. & Beverly Veitl Mark & Diana Willis

ALMEDA SEABERG David & Evelyn Brooks Duane & Mary Anne Seaberg Edward & Patricia Wechtel

ELIZABETH SHEARER Nelda Olson Ellen Pehrson

IRENE SMITH Mary Pierson


HARRY C. SWEET Helen Berggen Donald & Dolores Martin Nelda Olson Joyce Vollman-Hill


DAVID THOMPSON Curt & Grace Willson

RICAHRD VANDE KIEFT William & Barbara Van Riet

RONALD WARDLE Esther Hughes Caryl McDowell Richard & Edith Moore Earl & Ruth Sutherland


David Bohrman Estelle Hayes Nobuo & Aya Mori Bob & Jan Parkman Pauline Russell Conrad & Donna Sanborn Larry & Judith Shamp Max & Judy Tadlock Frances & Nancy Weaver Peggy Yarnell

BYRON WELLS Suzanne Wells


Nelda Olson

REED SURBER Leon Accorne

Due to print deadlines, your Memorial or Honorarium may not appear in this listing. It will be included in the following issue.

Book of Honor | 63


MARK & HILLARY GUELFI (Baptisms of Kelsie & Nicoletta Clausen & Mason Browing Guelfi) Jerry & Kathy Lewis

JERRY & ARLENE HITCHMAN (50th Wedding Anniversary) Ervin & Dorothy Bretz Douglas & Nancy Canepa Marlene Ditullio Scott & Debbie Downs Howard & Patricia Gardner Jim & Mary Gifford Nelda Olson Glenn & Marilyn Passwater Ray & Lillian Richards Priscilla Weiss Richard & Penelope Williams Dale & Bonnie Workman


MARL & SANDY KIENTZLER (Birth of Daughter Ciera Joy) Nelda Olson

STEVE LOGSDON (40th Birthday) Earleen Logsdon


William & Iris Maize

ELDON LUNDBERG (80th Birthday) James & Carolyn Steiger

RAYMOND & MARY KATHERINE NIKSARIAN (In Honor of Marriage) Duke McCluskey

STEVEN & SUZANNE SANCHEZ (In Honor of Marriage) Joan Schefer

FRED & CAROLYN SIAS (50TH Wedding Anniversary) Richard & Kathy Jordan

To give a gift to the Book of Remembrance or Book of Honor, include the appropriate names and addresses and mail them with your check (payable to Mount Hermon Association, Inc.) to: Book of Remembrance, Mount Hermon Association, Inc., P.O. Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041

Book Of Remembrance & Book Of Honor My gift of $

is:  In memory of  In honor of:

My name


City/State/Zip Send notification of this gift to next of kin, or honoree: Name City/State/Zip


64 | Upcoming Events

November 10/31–2

Fall Frenzy I

page 52


Women’s Spiritual Retreat



Fall Frenzy II

page 52


Women’s Spiritual Retreat



Outdoor Science School Homeschool



Winter Weekend I

page 50


Play School 25th Anniversary Reunion

page 51


Thanksgiving Family Camp

page 34

December 4

Hymn Sing/Luncheon

page 38


Winter Weekend II

page 50


Christmas Concerts/Buffets & Craft Boutique

page 40


Winter Weekend III

page 50


Christmas Concerts/Buffets & Craft Boutique

page 40

January 22

Hymn Sing/Luncheon

page 38

February 9–12

Pastor’s Conference



Outdoor Science Homeschool



All Comers

page 39


Men’s Pheasant Hunting­Kidder Creek

page 36


Youth Advisors

page 51


Couples I

page 42


Law Enforcement


March 13–15

Junior Getaway I

page 53


Junior Getaway II

page 53


Women’s Spiritual Retreat

page 44

MORE INFO | mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

UPcoming Events | 65


RTA­—Worship in the Redwoods



Hymn Sing/Luncheon

page 38


Women at Change Points

page 44


Christian Writer’s Mentoring Track

page 41


Christian Writer’s Conference

page 41


Spring Men’s



Dads & Sons

page 48


Couples II

page 42


Spring Women’s



Associates Weekend



Redwood Camp Open House



Mother’s Day Worship & Buffet



Moms & Daughters

page 48


Men’s White Water Rafting—Kidder Creek

page 36


Hymn Sing/Luncheon

page 38


Brush Arbor Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 1

page 28


Men’s Fly Fishing – Kidder Creek

page 36


Mother Daughter Ranch Camp – Kidder Creek

page 36


The King’s Brass Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 2 at Lake Tahoe

page 28


Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society Family Camp

page 28


Christian Edition Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 3

page 28




MORE INFO | mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

66 | UPcoming Events

July 4

Burchfield Brothers Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 4

page 28


Marie Barlow Martin Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 5

page 28


Steve Green Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 6

page 28


Amick Byram Concert

page 42


Dallas Theological Seminary Family Camp Week 7

page 28

August 1

Marty Goetz Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 8

page 28


Monterey Celebration Choir Concert

page 42


Family Camp Week 9

page 28


Couples Horse Pack – Kidder Creek

page 36


Ponderosa Lodge 40th Anniversary Celebration



Hispanic Family Camp

page 28


RTA – Christian Songwriter’s


September 4–7

Labor Day Family Camp

page 28


Fall Women



Senior High Leadership



Men’s High Country Deer Hunting/Fly Fishing – Kidder Creek

page 36

October 2–4

Dads & Daughters



Moms & Sons



Fall Men I



Fall Men II



Fall Frenzy I


MORE INFO | mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

Editorial | 67

”We can’t afford NOT to…” We hear wonderful stories of lives transformed at Mount Hermon … like this one: ”80 years ago my grandmother lived and worked at Mount Hermon. Many summers I helped her change beds and clean dormitories, earning extra money washing, starching and ironing Don Broesamle shirts for summer staff – for 12¢ each! My Director of Church mother and father met at Mount Hermon and Relations/Editor were married there. I attended many conferences, and accepted Jesus Christ at one of the campfires. I’ve always loved Mount Hermon. Those times are some of the happiest in my life.” My own story is of my Great Aunt paying for many weeks of Redwood Camp for my three siblings and me, from third grade through high school, hoping someone in our family would meet Jesus. In 1966 God answered her 12 years of “paying and praying,” as that year each of us—and our parents—one-by-one confessed Christ as Savior and Lord. For 40 years now my aunt’s faithful vision has borne fruit in five generations! After hearing me tell this story at Family Camp this summer, a little 89-year-old lady leaning on her cane asked, “Was your aunt Elisabeth Rudisill?” I said, “Yes, she was!” “Well, 71 years ago Elisabeth invited ME to Mount Hermon, and that summer I became a Christian. We both owe her so much!” What fun we had enjoying our shared legacy. If we value our camp experience in dollars, we miss the priceless treasure of God at work – lives transformed. As one family enthused, ”we can’t afford NOT to come to Mount Hermon!”

Don Broesamle, Managing Editor

PO Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

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