LOG 2008 Spring Summer Fall

Page 1

A Life Transformed (page 3)

Women’s Retreats Nurture the Soul (page 15)

Military Families at Mount Hermon

(page 9)

Kidder Creek Adventures (page 10)

May–October 2008

Mount Hermon LOG Mount Hermon Christian Camps & Conference Center Mount Hermon, California 95041 (831)335-4466 Fax (831)335-9218 mounthermon.org info@mhcamps.org Registration Office only: 1-888-MH-CAMPS “MOUNT HERMON LOG (USPS #365-240) is published biannually, in April and November by Mount Hermon Association, Inc., P.O. Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041-0413. Postage paid at Mount Hermon, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MOUNT HERMON LOG, P.O. BOX 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041-0413.” Mount Hermon is a non-profit, interdenominational and evangelical center dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through year-round camps and conferences. Families, individuals, Christian churches, and groups of all backgrounds are welcome at all Mount Hermon programs. Facilities— Conference Center, Redwood Camp, Ponderosa Lodge, Whisper Canyon and Kidder Creek—are available for guest group rental September through June. Roger E. Williams, Executive Director. Acceptance and participation in Mount Hermon programs are the same for all without regard to race, color, or national origin. An audited financial statement, Statement of Faith, Core Values, and literature about all programs are available upon request. Copyright © 2008 Mount Hermon LOG Mount Hermon Association Inc.

Contents From the Executive Director 3

A Life Transformed

Featured Articles 7 New Guest Group Has International Impact 8 Retreat to Advance is Booming 9 Families in the Face of War 10 Kidder Creek Where Adventure Abounds 12 God at Work Through Guest Group Services 13 The Power of a Shared Experience in Prayer 14 René Schlaepfer Named Mount Hermon Trustee 15 Spiritual Retreats for Women 16 Project REPAIR Update Family Camp Summer 2008 18 Theme & New Features 23 Mini Vactions 23 Summer Concerts & Sunday Speakers 24 Family Camp Schedule 34 Alumni Reunion Youth Camps Summer 2008 26 Redwood Camp 27 Kidder Creek 28 Ponderosa Lodge 29 Non-Traditional Camps 32 Youth Camps Schedule Family Events 35 Thanksgiving Family Camp Adult Events 36 Kidder Creek’s Expeditions for Adults 39 Fall Adult Conference 40 Hymn Sings—Summer & Fall 2008 41 Ride the Redwoods 42 Cruise the Columbia River Women’s Events 44 Women’s Fall & Pre-Holiday Spiritual Retreats

Managing Editor Don Broesamle

Men’s Events 47 Fall Men’s Conferences

Creative Director Peter Thomsen

Parent/Child Events 48 Parent/Child Fall Retreats

Graphic Designer Josh Butz

High School Events 50 Senior High Leadership 51 Winter Weekends

Copy Editors Debbie Frank Cindy Ritchie Photographers Josh Butz Dan Dawson Danny Kern John Ricketts Peter Thomsen

Junior High Events 53 Fall Frenzy 56 60 62 64 67

Staff News Book of Rememberance Book of Honor Upcoming Events Editorial

From the executive Director | 3

A Life Transformed Inside the back cover Don Broesamle shares the results of some fascinating research on the effectiveness of camp in introducing people to Jesus as Savior. God is clearly active in camping, with life-changing and lifeshaping spiritual impacts.

Roger Williams Executive Director

Here a single mom describes God’s gracious work in her daughter’s life at camp. Your heart—like mine—will fill with gratitude and encouragement at this “God at work” story: “My daughter Ashley attended Ponderosa Lodge Junior High Camp for the first time last summer. She’d had many disappointments, especially last year, as we had to give up our home due to illness and financial difficulties. “Fitting in at school was hard. Teased because she was shy and didn’t have a dad, Ashley was depressed, withdrawn, and so quiet it frightened me. I prayed she’d make friends…learn to accept herself and feel loved… “Then Ponderosa Lodge offered a campership. I’d never let Ashley go anywhere overnight before…this was big for us both. As she packed, I actually saw her first hint of excitement. “When she returned home, I could not believe this was the same girl. She was BEAMING—so happy. All the way home

4 | From the Executive Director

came story after story, song after song, with the joy of Christ in her heart erupting in her smile. I held back tears of joy and still choke up remembering. “The camp speaker taught biblical truth that helped Ashley accept herself. Her cabin mates enjoyed their “fun friend,” and her counselor, Heather, was so encouraging. The activities and Bible Study literally transformed Ashley from shyness and depression into the most amazing, prayerful, confident teen. “Camp for Ashley was life changing, and everyone sees it. She keeps the ‘Pondy’ song booklet, her Bible and the worship band’s photo in her backpack. A birthday card from Heather is now framed on her wall. She’s made new friends, and is now on the school yearbook committee, and well…I know it was because of camp and all those involved with her there. God bless you for the amazing work you do. I’m forever grateful.” Ashley is saving for camp again this summer. We can only thank the Lord, whose love for a precious 13-year-old girl choreographed people and events at camp so she’d discover life with abundance. Who could you encourage to come and experience Christ’s lifetransforming impact at camp?

Team Green | Ponderosa Lodge 5

John Ricketts

6 |

Small Group | Redwood Camp John Ricketts

featured Articles | 7

New Guest Group Has International Impact This summer Mount Hermon will host the Chinese Family for Christ (CFC) Family Vacation Camp August 16–20. Formed in 1990, CFC has established six branches in Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the USA. This Chinese organization’s dual mission is to rebuild and strengthen the Christian family, and to help churches reach unbelievers. CFC encourages the churches’ own revival through first reviving their own families. To this end, CFC and local churches partner in prevention, training and counseling on marriage and family renewal. Whole families will join together, renewing, enjoying and deepening their love for one another through their week at camp. In some families three generations (grandparent, parent, child) will attend together. This will in turn prepare them to minister into other families. Outreach is also a strong retreat emphasis, as families often invite non-believers to come along with them to camp. The “Lover’s Banquet” is a special retreat highlight, with mom and dad dining together while the kids serve them. In the Chinese culture men typically don’t cry, but this camp has given men a safe place to open up, sharing their heart even with tears. As they told us, “In this camp, the ‘Buffalo’ (men) can melt, and the ‘Butterflies’ (women) can soar. We’ve seen God do much at camp … a sullen boy become a worship leader, siblings re-knit, and many heartfelt confessions. Our summers at camp have brought many startling miracles, God powerfully working in a mere five days.” We’re excited to have them at Mount Hermon.

8 | Featured Articles

Retreat to Advance is Booming Jeremy Bentley, Associate Director of Adult Ministries

What a year 2008 is already becoming here at Mount Hermon! We’re extremely excited about the growing opportunities for excellent ministry training our new “Retreat to Advance” program is providing. The purpose of “Retreat to Advance” is to move people and teams forward in their ministry, equipping both pastors and lay people to be stronger, both individually and together, in furthering the kingdom of God. We design “RTA” events at Mount Hermon to give people in ministry a safe place to retreat, and to provide effective time with other leaders. Here they can truly allow the great equipping and teaching they receive to transform their personal and ministerial lives, as well as that of their teams. The six events currently on the 2008 calendar range from workshops focused on preaching and human welfare issues, to large conferences for Christian songwriters and choir directors. We’ll also be partnering with other fantastic ministries such as Intervarsity Press, Fuller Theological Seminary, Integrity Music, and The Renewal Project to further broaden the scope of those we can serve through these events. Great speakers and musicians will be joining us for our 2008 events, including Dr. Mark Labberton, Michael Card, Nancy Ortberg, Don Moen, Phil Wickham, Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie, Paul Baloche, Charlie Peacock, Bob Kauflin, Jim and Carol Cymbala

of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and still more. Could you and your team benefit by such focused training together? See our website listings for the retreat that will best advance your team. mounthermon.org/rta

Featured Articles | 9

Families in the Face of War Dave Burns, Director of Adult Ministries

What fears grip a family when dad or mom receives orders to deploy to a war zone? What thoughts surround a waiting wife and children whose husband and dad is serving his country in Afghanistan or Iraq? What challenges face the family as the soldier returns home to “reconnect” after being separated for so long? The issues are many, the challenges great. Last summer we invited military families for a week at Mount Hermon Family Camp—at no cost—through the generosity of individuals and churches sponsoring “one family for one week.” Families included those whose spouse was already deployed, preparing to deploy or returning home. They enjoyed all the fun of camp, and had individual and family counseling available as well. Their testimonies and stories brought tears as they shared: “The military’s efforts to prepare us for home-coming can only do so much. This week meant the world to our family. Thank you.”—Brian “My husband deployed in January. With all my anxiety, overwhelmed at being on my own, I realized I must lean on God’s shoulder. I’m so grateful to Mount Hermon and to those sponsoring us because my children and I needed it.”—Tatiana (through tears)

This February Roger Williams and I recorded a national radio broadcast with Jim Burns from Homeword, describing these military families’ needs. We’re hoping this broadcast will encourage camps across the country to join us in this ministry to sponsor “one family for one week” at Family Camp. mounthermon.org/military

10 | Featured Articles

Kidder Creek— Where Adventure Abounds Young people’s thirst for adventure is amazing, and Kidder Creek’s many adventures will seriously quench that thirst. Our classic junior high and high school adventure weeks are packed with heart-beating fun. After Sunday’s orientation, on Monday morning we’re off to our Jackson Lake rock climbing venue. Vistas are breathtaking and the climbing is gut-wrenching as each person attempts a 60-foot granite wall ascent. Days three and four usually highlight the week, as whitewater rafting changes the challenge from vertical to horizontal. On the class 3 and 4 Dragon’s Tooth and Rattlesnake Rapids, everyone gets bathed in whitewater fun they won’t soon forget. On day five we’ll tackle Kidder Creek’s ropes course and the iceberg at Kidder Creek pond. Day six concludes with a blow-out BBQ celebration at Main Camp. These experiences aren’t simply to pump up our adrenaline. They’re adventures that help transformational truths take hold in our lives.

Featured Articles | 11

Jumping off a forty-foot cliff into the deep Klamath River waters (an optional rafting activity) is the scariest adventure some will ever attempt. When we debrief that evening, we illustrate by that dramatic moment the boldness it takes to stand for God—at school, on a sports team and in life. We then challenge students to realize that godly boldness has its rewards. We call this “adventure with a purpose,” converting into teachable moments the unforgettable events in each camper’s action-packed week. If you’re someone who loves adventure, Kidder Creek has both the adventure and the life-impacting message you thirst for.

12 | Featured Articles

God at Work Through Guest Group Services Bill Fernald, Director of Guest Services

Fear, hatred, violence, destruction. In war-torn Afghanistan, little joy is seen on the faces of the Muslim people, and few signs of hope brighten their future. Still, God is at work. Through cultural and historic Korean/Muslim ties, a road has been paved allowing Korean Christians to enter various Muslim countries in ministry to the broken-hearted. Many Korean Christian brothers and sisters have now joined InterCP, an international missions organization training hundreds to serve in Muslim countries. It is this same agency whose missionaries were recently shown on Al Jazeera television being held captive in Afghanistan. This fall Mount Hermon hosted InterCP for their West Coast conference. During that week, Mount Hermon was their place for spiritual and physical rejuvenation and for equipping them to be sent back into Muslim countries that are opposed to the Gospel. Their Mount Hermon conference was a great success. However, the Afghanistan government has now suspended InterCP’s access to that country, and their people must leave. Please pray for God to open another means for them to minister to Afghanistan. Mount Hermon is committed to proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, teaching His Word, and serving His Church both here and throughout the world. We take great pride in providing the best retreat experience for each group we serve affording them the best opportunity to continue steadfast in ministry. To learn more about group rentals: 831-430-1206 | ccrentals@mhcamps.org | mounthermon.org

Featured Articles | 13

The Power of a Shared Experience IN PRAYER Don Broesamle, Editor

Scott Halverson

Time and again Mount Hermon rejoices with church groups and leadership teams who describe the remarkable impact the Lord makes through their time together at camp—“the power of the shared experience.”

For several weeks now Mount Hermon’s staff has shared a different experience, and shared in the power of the Lord, as we’ve joined hundreds of family, friends and board members praying about a most critical need. On January 16 our Finance Director, Scott Halverson, badly weakened and in severe pain, was diagnosed with a seriously aggressive cancer that had already spread extensively. Biopsies were still pending, but his outlook was in terms of weeks. Doctors initially gave miniscule (and unlikely) chance that Scott might have a rare treatable cancer. The Mount Hermon family faithfully hoped God would miraculously intercede, praying literally “24/7” for Scott, Lynne, Daniel and Becky. On January 24 we were astounded to hear that the biopsies identified Scott’s cancer as Burkitt’s Lymphoma—a very rare cancer usually found in children. This was the best possible cancer diagnosis, since this particular type usually responds rapidly to treatment. This has apparently been true for Scott. But his treatments are taking a major toll, and we need to remain steadfast in prayer for Scott and Lynne. Share in our prayers that Scott’s treatments will bring a full cure, that his strength will return, and that the Lord’s abundant, merciful grace will enfold his entire family. Share our experience of a faithful God.

14 | Featured ARticles

René Schlaepfer Named Mount Hermon Trustee Don Broesamle, Editor

In February, the Mount Hermon Association Board of Trustees named Twin Lakes Church senior pastor, René Schlaepfer, the newest Trustee. He replaces Howard Blower, who resigned last September after serving 27 years on Mount Hermon’s boards. René and his wife Laurie are long-time friends of Mount Hermon, often speaking in camps, conferences and seminars. An exceptional communicator, René is a perennial Family Camp favorite. He and Laurie are parents to Jonathan (17), Elisabeth (15) and David (9). René grew up near Los Gatos, has lived in Switzerland, Oregon, and Colorado, and had his first pastorate at Lake Tahoe. He previously worked several years in radio broadcasting, and received his M.A. in Theology at Western Seminary. Since René came to Twin Lakes Church, Aptos, in 1993, the Lord has greatly blessed both the church and his family. And now God is greatly blessing Mount Hermon by this increased partnership. Welcome, René.

Mount Hermon Spiritual Retreats for Women Christine Ingebretson, Women’s Ministry Coordinator

Jayne Price, Mount Hermon’s Women’s Spiritual Retreat Coordinator, has developed a series of retreats fashioned to minister to the soul and spirit of women. People have often asked how these unique retreats began. Mount Hermon offered them after women told us what affected them most in our fall and spring conferences was the hour set aside for silence and solitude, the time for listening to the Lord. So these retreats began with that as their central focus. Seven women came our first year, and their interest has since spawned three annual retreats now attracting over 200 participants! The term “Spiritual Retreat” originated in the third century, when people began to “retreat” (withdraw) to the desert to focus on their “life in the spirit.” We “retreat” in response to Jesus’ invitation, “Come with me…to a quiet place and rest.” (Mk.6:31) Each retreat provides significant time alone with the Lord, learning to rest in Him. Our scriptural themes are highlighted in short sessions, with materials and activities prepared to enhance your times listening to the One “who learns nothing from you, but reveals Himself to you.” Satisfy your need for rest and quiet, for taking time to listen to the Lord. Mount Hermon is committed to providing enrichment for spirit and soul. Come and join us!


r e ac h i n g e v e r y p e r s o n A M I D i n f r a s t r u c t u r e r e s to r at i o n

Abraham was blessed when in his old age God gave him a son, Isaac. But God quickly tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son. Through the provision of a ram, God spared Isaac’s life and praised Abraham for his faithful obedience. Abraham then worshiped God by naming the place Yahweh-Yireh—“The Lord will provide.” The God who provided for Abraham and Isaac still provides for us today. God’s provision for Mount Hermon has been abundantly evident throughout

our history, and most recently through Project REPAIR. Over 800 individuals are now partnering with engineers, construction workers, volunteers and staff to refresh, renew and sometimes replace well-used facilities. We’re asking the Lord to help grow this important group in 2008. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining our Project REPAIR family. Abraham’s story inspired the proverb, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.” We’re inspired that on this mountain of the LORD, He has provided through His people. We thank God for such faithful provision.

Your Advancement

Team JR Loofbourrow, Ron Demolar, Debbie Franck, Dave Talbott, Lael Dunn, & Roger Williams advancement@mhcamps.org 831-430-1237

If God prompts you to join Him in caring for Mount Hermon, please let us know by completing the attached form, or you may give online.


This Year We need to

• Build a new pool fence at Ponderosa Lodge. • Continue improving Conference Center lodge units with new flooring, plumbing, heating, and electrical repairs.

Up-to-date Project REPAIR Information


To speak with someone about Project REPAIR 831-430-1237 | advancement@mhcamps.org

projectREPAIR Yes, I/we have heard from Heaven and want to partner with Mount Hermon’s Project R.E.P.A.I.R. Here is my/our gift to help provide the resources: Name(s) Phone Address City



Email Faith Commitment $ Balance to be paid as follows: q Monthly q Quarterly

(to be completed by 9-9-2009)

q Annually

q Other

Cash/Check enclosed for $ Please charge my credit card for $ Name on Card Credit Card # Expiration Date Signature


Note: Any faith commitment is a statement of intent and may be altered as circumstances warrant.

mount hermon studios


Family Camp 2008

“…trust in God’s unfailing love…”

Psalm 52:8

Late-Night Coffeehouse Entertainment

Schedule Changes

adding fun and family interaction

(get a babysitter.)


A new program for girls, grades 8–10, located at the Conference Center


available during afternoons and evenings for families with young children

Expanded Recreation Options new and improved for all

MOUNT HERMON STUDIOS Invites you to step onto the studio backlot for a cinematic adventure. Special effects, animation, costuming, sound effects and the actor’s studio all play into the story line. Coming this summer to a family camp near you.

Dear Potential Family Camper, I’m addressing you particularly because I want to invite you with great sincerity and enthusiasm to join us this summer for family camp at Mount Hermon. For decades (alright…a century), Mount Hermon has provided quality experiences where families have come together to enjoy one another in God’s beautiful redwood forests by the beach. Some come with their extended family, for a reunion of loved ones whose homes are scattered about the country. Others come with a church family and go home with deeper and more meaningful bonds as a result of their shared experience. Many come hurting, looking for a safe place to heal and be refreshed. Some find answers to questions they hadn’t even had the courage to frame. All hear the Word of God and have the opportunity to embrace it and be changed by it. You may have heard that “there’s a new team in town.” That’s true; the baton has been passed to a new generation of Mount Hermon program staff, and we have some things we want to try. But rest assured, our commitment to build upon the foundation of truth and grace that has characterized the family camp community here is as solid as the trunk of a redwood. You may think we’ve “gone a little crazy” this summer, experimenting with the schedule and generally trying to spice things up a bit. Well...indulge us. We want to make this week of your summer the most memorable and meaningful ever on many levels. And we want it to be fun. If you’re undecided about coming for any reason, give us a call. Maybe we can answer the question, find the resources or remove the barrier to make it possible for you and your family to be here. You don’t want to miss it. Peace,

Lisa Olson Director of Program Ministries

Your Family

Mount Hermon Family Camps provide a great blend of family recreation times, great biblical teaching for all ages, practical seminars, worship and community time. Parts of the day we split up and let kids and adults join together with their peers. At other times we intentionally come together for intergenerational relationship building and fun.

Wednesdays are special

Everyone boards the train for a breathtaking ride through the coastal redwood forest to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. There you can spend the day in sand and surf or enjoy the vintage amusement park with it’s legendary wooden roller coaster, the Giant Dipper.

Traditions abound

Jack Pearson, our beloved Troubadour and Minstrel will be back with banjo and nose flute. Pancakes will still be flipping at the Ridge, and the carnival on the lawn will be better than ever.

Family | 21

Counseling/ Life Coaching

Single Parent Support

Afternoons made for you


Each week our team of counselors led by Bob Nicholson is available to meet one-on-one (or two) to address life’s needs. Whether you need pastoral counseling or a life coaching session, we’ll match you with someone who can hear your story and bring help and hope.

Afternoons are filled with crafts, high adventure activities, swimming and hanging out at our spectacular McAfee Fieldhouse, complete with fitness center, 40foot indoor climbing wall and game room.

We offer four days of networking for single parents, providing a designated time and place where you can connect with others who share your experience. Informal support systems and lifelong friendships will emerge as a result. (Babysitting is now available to help you even more.)

(Girls only, entering grades 8–10) • Brand New • Two-week sessions • Conference Center • Skills training in early childhood development • First aid, CPR • Devotionals and discipleship • Identity • Service in babysitting for family campers

Youth Programs

We’ve selected the highest quality college students and young adults to serve as our summer staff team, young men and women whose love for kids and Christian character are both demonstrated and authentic. We know that “the staff are the program,” so we want to make sure the role models we provide for your kids are the best available.

Child Care

Youth Programs

Day Camp

Young Adults

Infants through Kindergartners enjoy a lovely building with zones for infants, toddlers, 3 & 4 year olds, and 5 & 6 year olds. Each zone has indoor and outdoor play areas and age-appropriate furnishings for crafts, pretend play, physical activity and creative fun. Amazing counselors teach Bible verses, songs and lessons, and lead your children in themed events and games.

Day Camp counselors enjoy “rock star” status at Mount Hermon. Using their amazing building, they help kids entering 1st & 2nd grades, 3rd & 4th grades, and 5th & 6th grades to join their peers for activities, games, crafts and the craziest skits on the planet. The gym, a slip ‘n slide on the field, fun creekside play and great lessons with small-group discussions make Day Camp the place to be.

Both Junior High and High School youth will rock in their great meeting spaces in the McAfee Fieldhouse. This year a band will help kick the energy up a notch. Teens get to hang out with the coolest of counselors and do high adventure and other activities, in addition to hearing top notch speakers and talking stuff over in small groups. Beach activities and campfires are always a highlight.

Many who are post-high school to mid-twenty-somethings come to Family Camp too. Our adult sessions will apply superbly to you, and the available seminars and group discussions with your peers will make camp even more relevant for your life. Two adult counselors facilitate community and lead late night fun, on and off camp.

Mini Vacations

There’s no “down time” at Mount Hermon. Between Family Camps we offer a Mini-vacation package complete with great food, recreation opportunities, a free concert and Sunday morning services with top-notch speakers. Whether you are picking up or delivering campers to Redwood, Ponderosa, or to the early morning bus for Kidder Creek, a mini-vacation package is an affordable option to make your trip convenient and wonderfully worthwhile.

Sample Schedule

Sunday 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast 9:15 AM Sunday school for all ages 11:00 AM Traditional worship service 12:30 PM Spectacular lunch buffet 1:30 PM Pool & gym open

Saturday 1:30–5:00 PM Pool open 5:00 PM Dinner Buffet 8:00 PM Free Concert

Summer 2008 Weekend



June 14–15 June 21–22 June 28–29 July 5–6 July 12–13 July 19–20 July 26–27 August 2–3 August 9–10

Brush Arbor Dale Cooper Buddy Greene Gary Gaddini Steve Green Keith Potter Christian Edition Luis Palau Marty Goetz Ron Cline The Matthews Roger Williams Brothers Dick & Mel Tunney Abe Kuruvilla Dan Miller John Stackhouse Monterey Ken Harrower Celebration Choir 23

2008 Family Camps at a glance





Week 1 June 15–21

Week 2a

June 22–27 June 22–28 (ends Fri.) Located


o i sc

t u n at Lake

Dale Cooper


Ray Johnston

René Schlaepfer

Buddy Greene

Dave Burns Joy Willams


Week 2b

Week 3 June29– July 5

Japanese Evangelical Mission Society


René Schlaepfer

Nancy Ortberg

Rev. Wayne Ogimachi

Craig Barnes

o i sc


Week 4 July 6–12

t D

o i sc


July 13–19


Luis Palau

Ron Cline

Bill Oudemolen

Dr. John Trent

Pastor In Residence: Ron Cline

Rev. The Grassi Dave Burns Yoshiro Brothers Bambi Kishi

June 15–28 (Girls grades 8–10, At Conference Center)

Week 5

June 29–July 12

Marty Goetz


Family | 25

Week 6 July 20–26

Week 7

Week 8

July 27–Aug 2 August 3–9

Dallas Theological Seminary Week Jim Burns Sherwood Carthen Pastor In Residence: Ron Cline Habib Bardowell

Week 9

Labor Day

August 10–16

August 29– September 1




John Stackhouse

Bill Butterworth

Dr. Mark Baily

Steve Arterburn

Chip Ingram

Matt Nightingale

Jesse Butterworth

Tim Lundy Rikk Watts

Rev. Carlos & Marta Coulter Youth Ministry: 3rd Day Masters Commission

Dr. Abraham Kuruvilla Chaplain Bill Bryan

September 5–7

Sessions in Spanish

t un

Dr. Reg Grant

SEpt. 5–7

Andy Cater

Frank Giraldo

Guest Musicians: Dick & Mel Tunney 13–26

July 27–August 9

August 10–16 Invitation Only

or Come early

stay late

ons i t a c a v – i min aditional Sunday

• Tr s/ morning service rs ke ea Dynamic sp day • Great food • Saturday–Sun Camps ily m between Fa portunities • Recreation op

nally • Concert/Natio s an ici us m known

details s page for u io v pre see




Redwood Camp Ron Taylor, Director of Children’s Ministry A few years ago at a camping professionals conference, the speaker gave example after example of God at work changing lives today, one heart at a time. He was “telling our story!” At Redwood Camp each week, children’s hearts respond one-on-one to their counselors’ care and

direction. They are meeting their Savior!

We’re never surprised when campers share how they are cared for by their counselors: “he loved me,” “she was so understanding,” “he stays calm when we’re stressed,” “he’s fun!!!,” “I love being with her!,” “he’s easy to talk to and always answers my questions.” It’s great when parents describe the changes they see when their children come home… “with a renewed faith,” “gained maturity,” “prayers more sincere,” “reading the Bible more,” and “now seeing even more of God’s love at work.” I’m expecting again to see God’s compassion and faithfulness “new every morning” (Lam. 3:23) in each heart each day this summer. We’re eager to encourage this in your child’s heart too!

Youth Summer 2008 | 27

Kidder Creek Pete Morrill, Director

It’s inspiring to watch God working in the lives of young people as they meet new challenges. Kidder Creek’s high adventure-based programs encourage many youth to discover truths about God through facing physical tests. We saw a high school girl in our Wilderness & Whitewater program learn huge trust in God, helped by her Christian friends, when she jumped off a 40-foot cliff into the Klamath River!

God is transforming lives in our classic camps and in our ranch camps as well. Our goal is that campers encounter God first-hand, whether on horseback, on a rock face or by a campfire. Kidder Creek uses its surroundings, programs and personnel, working with youth pastors and outreach ministries, to help their groups grow deeper in Christ. As another spectacular adventure-filled summer approaches, please be praying for those who will be challenged in many new ways to examine their relationship with God.

28 | Youth Summer 2008

Ponderosa Lodge

Scotty Gullick, Director of Youth Ministries God uses summer camp as a powerful tool for impacting students in their lives and in their church communities. Last summer we saw many such results at Ponderosa Lodge, and many newly opened windows of ministry opportunity.

Santa Rosa Christian Church had their own counselors in the cabins with their campers. Pastor Sandy Cavaliere told us: “We’re grateful for all you do, and really do appreciate the easy way you integrated our church group into the Ponderosa Lodge community!” Please join us – bring your own counselors too – as Ponderosa enters its 39th summer of ministry. You’ll have a year’s worth of relational time jam-packed into a great week with your students. It’s awesome!

Youth Summer 2008 | 29

A Glimpse of Summer Past & Future

Katie Flynn, Director of Non-Traditional Camps “And they were all amazed.” The gospel writers use this phrase to describe people who encountered Jesus. What better way to describe Echo’s inaugural summer! We saw our camper and staff community transformed through spiritual formation and worship while tackling work and projects together. We look back with gratitude, and forward with great humility to this coming summer, as we launch yet another new camp—AMATA. For years we’ve longed to host a camp just for young women. And now we’re thrilled to introduce Amata, a camp equipping young women to step into the love of Christ in new-found strength and freedom. In all of our non-traditional, two- and three-week camps for teens—Echo, Amata, CILT, SALT—young hearts learn to serve and grow in ways so profoundly simple that their lives are forever changed. I stand amazed! Yet I am reminded that the ceiling of last summer’s “highs” is simply the foundation for God’s work in the season to come. So join us and prepare to be amazed!


Servant & Leader Training


Grades 8–10

Grade 10– Recent HS Grad

16+ years old 15+ years old


Identity Formation in Christ/Child Care

Spiritual Formation & Worship through work

Leadership & Discipleship Training

Servant & Leadership Training


Conference Center

Redwood Camp

Redwood Camp

Kidder Creek


2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

3 weeks


“Come to Me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life.”—Isaiah 55:3 All I can say is brace yourself for a wild two weeks! God will seriously take your life and show you a different path. A path he has chosen. You’ll feel your heart beat for God’s love. These two weeks at Echo have changed my life.—PJ Boyd, Echo Camper 2007

od’s call long ago to Israel is today our call to you through Echo. Echo beckons you on a journey of spiritual formation and worship through productive work. In Echo you’ll have a behind-the-scenes job at camp (maintenance, housekeeping, food service…), delve deeply into studying spiritual classics, and practice such disciplines as journaling, worship, solitude, and sabbath. With Redwood Camp as your home, you’ll venture throughout Mount Hermon and Santa Cruz…and take full advantage of the beach! Living life fully with a small group of your peers, you’ll experience a rustic, real community of truth and transformation. Your story with Echo is waiting to unfold. Come. God will cherish you, challenge you, and change you as His words echo in your soul.


ave you ever dreamed of being a camp counselor? CILT: Campers In Leadership Training is your next step in faith and action. CILT is a twoweek program for leadership and discipleship training, in the context of Christian camping. During Week 1 you’ll receive training in counseling skills and leadership, while developing your understanding of ministry, deepening your walk with Christ, and hanging out with peers. Week 2 unleashes you to apply all that you’ve learned by partnering with a Redwood Camp Counselor to lead a cabin of junior campers. Who knows, you might even join the ranks of Ladybug, Big Dog, and Goober as one of the many CILTs who continue on to become Mount Hermon Summer Staff. Step it up and step into CILT!

Youth Summer 2008 | 31


he whole gist of Amata can be summed up in two words: Beloved and Babysitting. For two weeks, you and other teen girls will have the experience of a lifetime living in a

sweet lodge at Conference Center, being mentored by college-aged staff, and discovering together what it means to be a young woman of God. Together we will journey through Scripture discovering the fullness of life as Christ’s Beloved. To top this off you’ll receive American Red Cross first aid/CPR and babysitting certification, with hands-on practice. This summer, Family Camp will be revolutionized and families will be blessed by the Amata Girls...including you! And FYI: We promise plenty of girl talk—and chocolate!


Servant & Leader Training

Based at our Northern California campus, Kidder Creek’s SALT Team is a three-week program that engages teens as junior staff members. It will immerse you in Bible studies and give you personal mentoring, all in a place where you can pour your all into ministry to other youth.

Santa Cruz MOUnTAINS

32 | Youth Camps 2008 Schedule

Week 0

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

June 8–14

June 15–21

June 22–28

June 29– July 5

July 6–12





grades 2–4



grades 4–6

$324 (ends









$324 (ends



Junior High


grades 7–8







Grades 8-10

High School

Echo $657

grades 9–12


Ponderosa $512

June 8–13 Primary

grades 2–4

June 15–20

June 22–27

June 29– July 4

Classic $339

Ranch (Intro)

Classic $339

Ranch (Intro)

July 6–10 (short week)



Kidder Creek


grades 4–6

Classic $339

Ranch (Intro)

Classic $339

Ranch (Intro)



Junior High grades 6–8

High Adventure

Whitewater Wilderness

High Adventure




Ranch (Beg/ Int) $540

Ranch (Int/ Adv) $540

Girls Ranch (Beg/Int/ Adv) $540 Whitewater Wilderness

Ranch (Beg/ Int) $540

High School grades 9–12

Grade=entering in fall 2008

Ranch (Int/ Adv) $540


Girls Ranch (Beg/Int/ Adv) $540

Transportation from Bay Area to Kidder Creek provided

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

July 13–19

July 20–26

July 27– August 2

August 3–9

Week 9

Week 10

August 10–16 August 17–23

Redwood $485























By Invitation

CILT at Redwood $808 Echo $657


ce d du Re a t e. R

Echo $657







July 13–18

July 20–25

July 27– August 1

August 3–8

Call us about church group block rates for Ponderosa Lodge junior high & high school

August 10–15

Classic $339 To design a custom wilderness adventure, call Kidder Creek directly at: 1-888-CAMPFUN

Ranch (Intro) $540

Classic $339 Ranch (Intro) $540

High Adventure

High Adventure

High Adventure




Ranch (Beg/ Int) $540

Ranch (Beg/ Int/Adv) $540

Ranch (Beg/ Int) $540

Rodeo $540

High Adventure Ranch (Beg/ Int) $540


Ranch (Beg/ Int/Adv) $540

Ranch (Beg/ Int) $540

Rodeo $540

Horse Pack $540

for an additional charge. Call 1-888-226-7386 for details.

For SALT team information call Kidder Creek at 1-888-226-7386

Alumni Reunion One of the greatest blessings in my many summers here under the redwoods is the amazing staff that choose each summer to serve with us. It is my pleasure to invite any former staff and their families to our Mount Hermon Staff Alumni Reunion. Please bring the whole family and catch up with old friends (including me) while enjoying a BBQ lunch on the Meadow. After a short program, the pool, boats, ropes course, Fieldhouse gym, and game room will be open for your enjoyment. We hope this BBQ afternoon will be irresistible to you by offering special pricing. Make a day of it. Stay for the buffet and concert featuring Brush Arbor, a Mount Hermon favorite reuniting after a several year absence. Register for our mini-vacation to get a one-night stay and breakfast too. Please contact me if you have any questions at (831) 430-1235 or rdemolar@mhcamps.org. Warmly in Christ,

Alumni Reunion

11:00 AM, Saturday, June 14, 2008

Adults Children (ages 4–12) Ron Demolar Children (ages 0–3) Associate Director of 1-888-MH-CAMPS Advancement mounthermon.org

$9.50 $5.00 Free

Family | 35

Thanksgiving Family Camp Magnify God with Thanksgiving Psalm 69:30

Mount Hermon has become the annual Thanksgiving tradition for many people and families. Some plan their regular family reunion around Mount Hermon’s Thanksgiving celebrations. One couple who was married at Mount Hermon came last year to celebrate their 30th anniversary. And we do all the cooking! Mount Hermon’s Thanksgiving Family Camp not only provides a great location and program for an enjoyable family holiday, but also challenges families spiritually, to grow together in their relationship with the Lord. Bill Butterworth? René Schlaepfer? Outstanding! The spiritual value more than anything has made our Thanksgiving Family Camp so very special to thousands of people over the years. The food? A cornucopia of delights. Year after year it’s outstanding in every way—another great Mount Hermon tradition. Join us for a holiday to remember. Your family will “magnify God with Thanksgiving.”

Thanksgiving Family Camp November 27–30, 2008

Speakers | Bill Butterworth & René Schlaepfer Worship Band | Todd Dunn 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

36 | Adults

Kidder Creek’s Expeditions Kidder Creek blends the natural beauty of God’s creation with the awesome message of God’s Word. It’s a “gateway” experience ushering guests through a passage into natural adventure, purposeful fellowship and memory-making activities. You will be challenged to stretch and grow in your understanding of God as Creator, while you immerse yourself in the grandeur of His creation. We custom design creative group trips for your family or friends as our guests. Choose from a unique combination of options for your own group’s event. Programs are available for your men’s, women’s, couple’s, or family groups from age 6 to 106.

Let us help you plan your special group adventure. Our aim is to give you a place to make unforgettable memories. Adventure programs include: whitewater rafting, horse packing, horseback riding, backpacking, fly fishing, salmon fishing, pheasant hunting and deer hunting. Call us today to get started on a unique group adventure.

Adult & Custom Group adventures 1-888-CAMP-FUN mounthermon.org

Adults | 37

Mount Shasta near Kidder Creek




Guided Fly-Fishing Personal fly-fishing with expert Available May 15– Christian fishing guide October 15, 2008 Men’s Fly-Fishing

Three days of fun, meals, lodging and fly-fishing instruction

June 20–22, 2008

Mother Daughter Ranch Camp

A weekend of horseback riding and mother/daughter bonding

June 20–22, 2008

Couples Horse Camp

Four days of high-country horse packing with gourmet meals and beautiful scenery

August 21–24, 2008

Men’s High Country Deer Hunting/ FlyFishing

Four days of horse packing while deer hunting and fly-fishing in the beautiful backcountry of Siskiyou County

September 25–28, 2008 (Other dates available during hunting season upon request.)

Men’s Pheasant Hunting Weekend

Four days of pheasant hunting and clay pigeon shooting in the grandeur of God’s creation. Great accommodations & fellowship

February 5–8, 2009

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Adults | 39

Fall Adult Conference Provides Active Mid-Week Get-Away Join other adults in the majestic redwoods of Mount Hermon at our Fall Adult Conference. This midweek Conference Center retreat will encourage your Christian growth while offering opportunities for new friendships. Geared for married and single adults in their middle and senior years, this conference promotes an intimate atmosphere for teaching and worship. Come and be enriched.

O God, from my youth You have taught me, and I still proclaim Your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim Your might to another generation, Your power to all those who come.

— Psalm 71:17-18

Dave Talbott will host us, with music and worship led by Dave Burns, Mount Hermon’s Director of Adult Ministries. Our speaker will soon be confirmed, so watch the Mount Hermon website for details.

Fall Adult Conference October 20–23, 2008

Host | Dave Talbott Musician | Dave Burns 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

40 | Adults

HYMN SINGS—Spring & FALL 2008

Mount Hermon’s Twelveth year of “Great Hymns of the Faith” This spring we will again usher in our eagerly anticipated series of Hymn Sings, scheduled in May, October and December, 2008. Dave Talbott, Associate Director of Advancement and our acclaimed resident musician, will host all three events from the piano and organ. These gatherings are always OUTSTANDING, and so are the lunches and refreshments! Many groups see our Hymn Sings as a wonderful opportunity to come together for a day of rich worship and fellowship. They always have a grand time. Reservations are essential by one week preceding each event. Call tollfree and let us help you or your group register.

Spring Sing May 29, 2008

Fall Sings

October 2, 2008 & December 4, 2008 Host | Dave Talbott Refreshements | Served at 10:00 AM, Lower Dining Hall Hymn Sing | 10:45 AM, Main Auditorium Lunch | 12:00 Noon, Dining Hall Cost | $12.50 per person $1 discount per person for groups of 10 or more. Reservations are essential. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Adults | 41

Ride the Redwoods

Ride the Redwoods


Christian Bikers Conference

Are you a motorcycle rider who loves a great destination and getting together with other riders? Come join us for our Bikers Conference. We’ll have great worship, teaching and seminars, awesome rides, abundant food, full recreation and a concert. We’ll even have a bike washing station and a designated parking area for your rides. The weather is typically beautiful this time of year and the rides both up and down the coast are spectacular. Sign up early as space is limited. Conference runs Friday afternoon through Sunday brunch.

Christian Bikers Conference October 3–5, 2008

Speaker | Nick Vleisides, Senior Pastor, Creekside Community Church Special Music | Dave Burns & Band 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Columbia River Gorge C ruis e 2 0 0 8

October 25–November 1, 2008 Cruise with us up the Columbia River Gorge. Sailing out of Portland, Oregon, the “Empress of the North” paddle sternwheeler offers all outside staterooms with large view windows and Nineteenth Century Russian décor. Ports of Call (included in the cruise cost) • Pendleton, OR • Rainier, WA • Astoria, OR • Day-trip to Mount St. Helens Brochure Request | Ron at 831-430-1235 or Inspiration Cruises 800-247-1899 Sign up early for best cabin choices. Teaching | Roger Williams, Mount Hermon, Executive Director and Dr. Dick Foth, associated with the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. and former president of Bethany University, Scotts Valley Musical Worship | Dave Talbott Hosts | Ron Demolar & J.R. Loofbourrow

mounthermon.org /trips

What kind of a legacy will you leave?

Gifts with a Future

A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. There are several ways to make a bequest: • Specific dollar amount • Percentage of your estate • Specific asset designation • Residue of your estate For more information on how to create a lasting legacy through a bequest, explore the gift planning tools at mounthermon.org/giftlegacy, or contact J.R. Loofbourrow 831-430-1237 or loof@mhcamps.org

44 | Women

Spiritual Retreats for Women Conference Center

Fall marks a change of seasons, a change of pace. Leaves change colors, squirrels gather for winter, and deer stay near the water. In fall our pace eases as we reflect on life’s changes, gathering wisdom for “winter” and drawing close to the “Living Water.” Fall is a season for spiritual retreat. Mount Hermon offers two Spiritual Retreat weekends. The first has an early added-day option, extending your experience. This extra day is programmed separately from the regular threeday retreat.

“Being alone with God was transforming. I was in desperate need of hearing from Him, and His presence was so near.”

Each retreat’s theme is, “Come and Follow Me.” Short sessions of input are followed by extended times alone with the Lord using specially prepared materials. The retreats allow for rest, silence and solitude with the Lord, with warm fellowship around meals and freetime activities. Jayne Price, who began Mount Hermon’s Spiritual Retreat ministry in 1995 (article—page 15), leads each weekend. Robin Spurlock from Twin Lakes Church, Aptos, guides our worship.

FALL RETREATS Ponderosa Lodge

What joy seeing God transform women’s lives amid His creation at Mount Hermon! Often nurturing others while forgetting their own souls, women have a deep need for renewal in God’s presence. Our inspirational teaching and worship, plus recreation (and massage!) all combine to support that renewal. This fall Joanna Weaver, author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, will teach us to cultivate intimacy with the Lord. Saturday morning’s hour of silence will set us alone with God in His handiwork. Come join us! Hear from God, and be renewed.

Women’s Conference September 12–14, 2008

Speaker | Joanna Weaver Worship | No Man’s Band

Fall Women’s Spiritual Retreat October 30–November 2, 2008 October 31–November 2, 2008

Fall Women’s Spiritual Retreat November 7–9, 2008

Facilitator | Jayne Price Worship | Robin Spurlock Our website has a detailed list of housing options and rates, or call our Registrars. 1-888-MH-CAMPS mounthermon.org/womens

s d e e N t n Urge e rm o n .o rg /p ro je c ts m o u n th

We’ve all heard it said, “Little things make the difference.” But “little things” are often huge when helping to impact lives for Jesus Christ. Mount Hermon needs certain items that will directly or indirectly help facilitate this ministry.

Sofa & Love Seat Electric Washer & Dryer

DeWalt 18 volt Cordless Drills & Batteries

12’ x 12’ Easy-Up Sun Shades

Childcare Dress-up Costume Clothes

2 & 4-Wheel-Drive Trucks or SUV Tow Vehicles

We seek donated items of the same quality our guests have enjoyed at Mount Hermon for over a century. If you have an item you would like us to consider for a donation, or prefer to make a financial gift toward these needs, please contact Lael Dunn advancement@mhcamps.org | 831-430-1244

Men | 47

Fall Men’s Conferences

Question: When is going to a Men’s Retreat the easiest? Answer: When your church doesn’t have to plan it. Every year churches bring groups of guys to one of our Men’s conferences, and Mount Hermon does all the work. We book the speaker, provide the worship leaders and seminars, and set up all the recreation options, just for you. Men­—don’t miss out on a Fall Men’s Conference at Mount Hermon’s Ponderosa Lodge. Invest your time, grow in your personal walk, enjoy great times of teaching, worship and fellowship, and retreat amidst the Pondersoa Pines. There’s always a fantastic “fun factor.” Hey! Bring your toolbox if you’d like to pound on something we need help repairing. That’s fun too.

Come prepared for some high adventure options: • • • • •

Mountain bike treks Kayaking on awesome Monterey Bay with our experienced guide Ropes course and climbing wall Paintball Swimming (yes, heated)

Fall Men’s Conferences

Men’s I October 10–12, 2008 Men’s II October 24–26, 2008 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

48 | Parent/Child

Parent/Child Fall Redwood Camp Retreats Life’s demanding whirl often distracts us from our most important relationships. That’s why Mount Hermon provides parents and kids (ages 7—13) time together for rest, recreation, and connection. These Redwood Camp weekends rock with laughter and adventure, Bible teaching, rich worship, great eats and more, helping you together to connect with your Almighty God. You’ll delve into imaginative projects, build rockets, fly the zipline over the creek, and—is it a bird, a plane? NO! It’s the Flying Squirrel—take flight! There’s swimming, archery, and of course everyone’s favorite, s’mores! Plan on valuable times together.

Dads & Daughters Dads and daughters…what a blessing! Dads uniquely impact their daughters, modeling God’s gracious love in their relationships. No one helps dads speak and demonstrate this better than comedian/storyteller/dad Keith Poletiek. A Mount Hermon favorite for years, Keith is eager for biblical truth and Christ’s power to bind dads with their daughters. This will be an immensely powerful, memorable dads and daughters weekend!

Dads & Daughters

September 26–28, 2008 Speaker | Keith Poletiek

Moms & Sons Kim Clevenger, mother of two grown sons, returns to creatively teach how healthy mom/son relationships work. Pastor of Student Ministries for Christ Community Church, Milpitas, she gives down-to-earth direction for families. We’ve expanded the boys’ breakout sessions with Redwood Camp staff, for Kim to invest this added time with moms.

Moms & Sons

October 3–5, 2008

Speaker | Kim Clevenger 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

High School | 49

Father & Daughter | Redwood Camp

50 | High School

Senior High Leadership Now that you have assembled your team of students, and they’re ready and willing to serve other youth, what more could you possibly need? How about a weekend that will mold your staff together into a cohesive leadership team, and lay the foundation for a year loaded with vibrant ministry? Our Ponderosa Lodge Senior High Leadership Conference is an outstanding training environment. It’s filled with teaching, worship, recreation and team building, with time set aside to pray and to plan for the coming year. Youth pastors and high school leaders alike will enjoy an incredible weekend of growing deeper together spiritually. Last year a youth pastor shared, “It was an awesome time. It helped me get much closer to my leaders team.” Another said, “It’s a relaxed yet driven place. We never lost sight of pursuing the Lord, yet we had helpful time to reflect.” There is no doubt that your select group of student leaders will be strengthened to be a more confident and well-equipped leadership team. Make it a priority to bring your team to Pondy this fall. Our speaker Brian Holland, both the High School Pastor of Pomona First Baptist Church and an Adjunct Youth Ministries Professor at Azusa Pacific University, lives passionately for Jesus and loves to help youth know Him in an intimate way. Your team will be inspired under Brian’s teaching.

Senior High Leadership at ponderosa lodge September 19–21, 2008 Speaker | Brian Holland 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Winter Weekends Winter Weekends are stronger than ever, and our growing numbers now won’t fit into two weekends. So we’ve added a third! On a mountaintop ringing with laughter, Ponderosa Lodge offers both community and intimacy. One youth pastor commented, “You’ve made this a safe place for faith to grow.” This year we’ll jump into the book of John to learn how to love one another in Christ’s love. John 13:34 Ponderosa Lodge’s stunning surroundings and insane recreation— mountain biking, paintball, kayaking—make it an unforgettable weekend. One student’s favorite part? “Everything … activities, friends … fabulous.” Make plans this winter for you or your youth group. Check out these options:

Winter Weekend I November 21–23, 2008

Speaker | Chuckk Gerwig Chuckk has 23 years in youth ministry, and teaches God’s Word in an interactive, humorous style. His joy is seeing students’ lives reflect Jesus.

Winter Weekend II December 5–7, 2008

Another great weekend to dig into God’s word with good friends. Speaker | Travis Osborne is a youth ministry veteran of 12 years, spending time at the Grove Church in Riverside, CA and now at Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, CA. Travis’ desire is to see students love and follow Jesus and be connected and grow in the church. We’re amped to have him!

Winter Weekend III December 12–14, 2008

Speaker | Jeremy Swigart Jeremy’s heart is to see students discover the life God has for them. Jer is the pastor of Open Door, a community of followers of Jesus in Walnut Creek. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

52 | High School

| associates

High School | 52

For such a time as this Does it seem the world’s problems are worsening, that we’re always on the verge of another crisis? Mount Hermon was founded as a biblical antidote to cultural strains, to offer spiritual and physical refreshment to the discouraged and tired. Now a growing family of over 600 members is serving to strengthen our ministries even more. Our Associates form the backbone support needed to maintain this urgent ministry to individuals and families. Associates pledge to give unrestricted annual gifts of $500 or more to the Mount Hermon Fund and/or to Camperships. They also pledge to pray regularly and to act as our ambassadors for new friends. These gifts are invaluable as we launch into our 103rd summer here at Mount Hermon. Please join Carla and me in standing with Mount Hermon as part of our Associates family.

Dave Talbott, Associate Director of Advancement 831-430-1241 | dtalbott@mhcamps.org mounthermon.org

Junior High | 53

Fall Frenzy Kick off the fall in a Frenzy at Ponderosa Lodge. Designed for grades 6–8, it’s the perfect Junior High get-away. Campers always get pumped up for school, life, and the good news of Jesus Christ. One camper enthused, “Great weekend… best Fall Frenzy ever.” Each weekend is packed with an awesome speaker, intimate worship, and wacky recreation that’ll encourage students to strengthen their walk with God. Paintball, heated pools, mountain biking, skate park—Fall Frenzy engages even the most energetic campers, like Josh: “I had a blast— loved it. Next year…I’m so coming.” Well, now we have two weekends to match your excitement. Come with a friend or with your youth group. Get ready to get crazy.

Fall Frenzy I

October 31–November 2, 2008 Speaker | R.O. Smith R.O. is Junior High pastor at Bel Air Presbyterian, and has a huge heart for kids. He can’t wait to join the Frenzy this fall.

Fall Frenzy II

November 7–9, 2008 Speaker | Cara MacDonald Cara is an Area Director for Young Life in the Bay Area. She is a hillarious communicator and passionate minister. Your students will feel loved and known by Cara. We are excited she’ll be joining us this fall. 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

Tree to Sea Hike | Family Camp John Ricketts

56 | Staff News

Employment Anniversaries Ten Years J.R. Loofbourrow

April 6, 1998, Director of Advancement. Along with his ubiquitous Wall Street Journal and FORTUNE magazine, J.R. brings clear insight, eager opinion, a servant heart and ready encouragement to our executive staff. As a nearly-obsessive fan of Ohio State football, J.R. loves walking his dog, the only one who listens intently to his Buckeye banter. J.R. and wife Laurie have three sons, Ross, Mitchell and Nate.

Dave Peterson

September 14, 1998, Information Technology. Dave is often an unsung hero on our staff. With the scores of non-Apple computers in use here, Dave has a never-ending task of keeping them running. Talk about job security…! Dave is the genius behind our growing fiber-optic systems, a man of remarkable patience, with a great attitude that consistently blesses us all. He dreams of the day he can convert all our computers to Apple!

Fifteen Years Roger Williams

September 1, 1993, Executive Director. “The Willie Mays of Camping,” Roger’s diverse experience has been an oft-applied resource as Mount Hermon has grown and matured under his leadership. His extensive knowledge of our varied ministries and his remarkable capacity to encourage have strongly contributed to a healthy and confident staff. Roger’s outstanding Bible teaching and speaking gifts, applauded both here and outside Mount Hermon, have helped establish him as a statesman in the camping community. We are blessed beyond expression by God’s gracious gift to Mount Hermon of Roger and Rachel Williams. And, did you know, Roger can also BBQ a killer caribou meatball!

New Staff

Suzy Clark

March 2008. Suzy is the new Director for Outdoor Science School. A former naturalist in our program, Suzy has a graduate education degree, has taught school, and has been a curriculum writer for the State of Oregon. Suzy even wrote part of Mount Hermon’s current Science School curriculum. Rick Oliver will transfer the

Staff News | 57

leadership baton to Suzy before his retirement this June. Thank you, Lord, for continuing our excellent Science School leadership.

Sean McFeely January 2008. Sean is the Director of Camping Services. Sean’s twelve years in full-time camping ministry bring a unique background and giftedness to this position. Sean will oversee and manage facilities and food service for our Redwood Camp and Ponderosa Lodge youth camps, as well as the recreation and health services needs for all of Mount Hermon. Sean and his wife Amy have two daughters, Abbey and Rebecca (ages 6 and 3). Sean’s in-laws, Don & Marge Stewart, come with them from Pennsylvania to be full-time volunteers at Mount Hermon. Don is a professional plumber and Marge for decades ran a Christian bookstore. They’re eager to join our Action Ministries volunteers. Jason Jenks

January 2008. New Program staff intern, Jason works alongside the other interns in a variety of projects ranging from conference hosting to summer staff recruitment. Jason’s family has enjoyed a multigenerational involvement with Mount Hermon, and his great uncle, John Jenks, is currently a Trustee.

Staff Transitions

Lori Fulmer

former Director of Outdoor Science School, is now dividing her remarkable organizational skills between two venues. She is assisting Mark Lilley in the Maintenance Department and Bill Fernald in Guest Services. Like a lucky penny Lori keeps turning up, and Mount Hermon wins big-time! Mark and Bill are glad to have this diminutive fireball on their team, and we’re glad to still have her encouraging spirit among us. Nice moves, Lori!

Rick Oliver

Superintendent of our Outdoor Science School has proffered his resignation effective in early June. Rick and his wife, Susan, are in faith pursuing a new ministry of itinerant speaking and teaching, which Rick has greatly enjoyed over the years. His retirement will allow them to launch this ministry, called “Confound the Wise,” and to travel and teach full-time. As “missionaries” raising their own support, Rick and Susan would appreciate any “encouragement!”

58 | Staff News

Jon Peterson

was appointed Director of Recreation in January. Selected from over thirty qualified candidates, Jon’s skills, education and experience have prepared him well. Jon has a business degree and is a certified personal trainer. His previous Mount Hermon summer positions include aquatics, program and recreation, plus a one-year internship in Human Resources. Jon will now oversee the Fieldhouse, all Adventure Facilities, Aquatics, Crafts and all recreation venues for the three Santa Cruz camps! He’ll be ably assisted by his faithful side-kick, Dan Brown.

Jayne Price

resident of Mount Hermon, has served for years as our Women’s Retreats Coordinator. Jayne has enthusiastically accepted the duties as our interior design consultant. A graduate of Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo, Jayne has worked in architecture and interior design throughout California, and teaches design for the County Office of Education. She’s a member of the American Institute of Architecture and the Association of Environmental Professionals. She is

also a design professional with the San Francisco Design Center and the San Francisco Mart. Whew! Are we well covered or WHAT?!?

Bob Russell

has accepted a position as Human Resources Director for the Santa Clara YMCA. A super teammate for fifteen years, Bob began as staff counselor in 1992, then worked in graphics for a few months, before becoming Personnel Director and subsequently the Director of Human Resources. Bob’s mentoring and individual enrichment focus for our many summer staff, interns and others has left his deep mark on us. Our stellar Canadian, Bob has represented his beloved homeland well! His moniker “resident curmudgeon” belies a man marked both by a most winsome character and by a life of prayer. We already miss you Bob!

High in the Marble Mountain Wilderness | Kidder Creek

| 59

60 | Book of Rememberance

PAULINE ANDERSON Michael & Kathy Taylor

GENEVIEVE ARMEN Virginia Cervin Gwyneth Jones Melvin & Barbara Najarian Albert Odabashian Antica Odabashian

WILLIAMS H. BARNES Bill & Sally Russ


CLARE BISCHEL Bob & Myrna Ward

ELLEN BOGAARD David & Arden Bogaard

KARLA BOGARD David & Arden Bogaard Bogard Construction Don & Linda Broesamle Eleanore Tefertiller


RAY BULTHUIS Kenneth & Cynthia Boss Ernest & Donna Bush Forest Park Covenant Church Ellen Rozema Jeffery & Susan Smith Dennis & Norma Suchecki

Jim & Nancy Torgerson Gerdus & Beatrice Van Dam

JOHN CHEW Charles & Anna Lee


C.B. CHRISTIANSEN Loraine Christiansen

BETTY FONDSE Ted & Rosalie De Jong Noel & Leoma Negley

FRAN FISHER Glenn & Betsy Harrison

JAN GEIST Doris Darrow


BEV GOEHNER Don & Linda Broesamle Nels & Laura Lindahl

BOB GRUNIGEN Bill & Sally Russ

NORMAN HAMSTAD Ardith Thompson

HAZEL HARDISON Gordon & Bonnevieve Addington Tim & Sandra Blank Mary Gerdes

Jim & Bev Linman Rosemarie Pecanic Betty Pounds Nelda Olson Don & Carol Rosene

DOROTHY HAWKINSON Marshall & Vi Alexander Bob & Norma Anderson Don & Linda Broesamle Byron & Katy Cederwall Florence Claes Jeffery Claes May Folden Coon Gerald & Shirley Cox James & Marion D’Avis Gene & Nancy Englund Stanley & Marian Ecklund Fred Hawkinson Robert & Betty Hedstrom Jim & Marlene Jessup David & Jean Klint Charles & Evelyn Latourette Jim & Bev Linman Kenneth & Carolyn Meleen Donald & Jacqueline Moline Margaret Nelson Rosemarie Pecanic John & Carolyn Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Schultz Dottie Smith Dick & Erlene Swanson Mike & Kathy Taylor

Book of Rememberance | 61

JAMES HESPEN Fred & Lillian Menezes

ROGER HUGHES Ellen Pehrson

ESTHER “LADY J” JEPSON Bernice Hitchman

HOWARD JOHNSON Ardith Thompson

DORIS LOCKWOOD Charles & Anna Lee & Family

WILLIAM MAC DONALD Ed & Wendy Beidleman

BARBARA MAY Walter & Lynette Maynes

ERMA MAYNARD Burt & Marie Busk

EDITH MICHAELIAN Patricia Lovering

ED MUNGER Barbara Dodd Anderson Ron & Jacquie Demolar James & Ruth Kennedy Anne Novotny

MAYNARD MUNGER Burt & Marie Busk




Bill & Sally Russ

Lundy & Jo Lundberg



Carl & Lucy Graef

JESSE OSBORN Walter & Marie Love

EDGAR PEEBLES Stewart Peebles


DOROTHY A. PIERCE Howard Roesberry

CHUCK PITTENGER Joanne Pittenger

GREG POPPEN Don & Linda Broesamle Rich & Jayne Price

ETHELYN ROBISON Ron & Jacquie Demolar Beulah Olson Bette Peterson

MABEL ROCKWELL Bill & Lois Jones


ALBERT R. SCHREIBER, SR. Albert R. Schreiber, Jr.

Elizabeth Larsen Doug & Joan Scott Edward & Gloria Sonstegard

GLADYS SLIGHTE William, Mary, & Gladys Bryant Elaine Slighte James & Dorothy Wood

PEARL SMITH Don & Linda Broesamle Elizabeth Mersereau Mr. & Mrs. John Woodward

ELAINE STEINMETZ Jesse & Elaine West

EDWARD STIRM Tim & Kim Richardson

MICHAEL VELLA Lucille MacDougall Dick & Shari Mills

KADE VISSER Clell & Janet Bontrager

SARA WARREN Ardith Thompson

MARGARET WINKLER Carole Thornburgh

Carole Thornburgh Due to print deadlines, your Memorial or Honorarium may not appear in this listing. It will be included in the following issue.

62 | Book of Honor

EUGENE & OLGA ALENTIEV George & Paula McMullen


BLAIN & MARTHA ALLEN Stephen & Paula Reynolds

JACK & TILLIE BAMRUD Kristina & Michael Post

THE REV. & MRS. JAKE BELLIG Bernice Hitchman









MARY KATHERINE KALASIAN & RAYMOND NIKSARIAN (MARRIAGE) Ron & Jacquie Demolar Gregory & Germaine Mill Luis & Pat Palau


Due to print deadlines, your Memorial or Honorarium may not appear in this listing. It will be included in the following issue.

Book of Honor | 63


SAM & MARY ELLEN PITTS Keith & Terry Lacombe



Kevin & Jennifer Parrish



Stephen & Paula Reynolds

Jim & Marlene Jessup



Ryan Turner

Bernice Hitchman

LAMAR & LOU PARRISH (CHRISTMAS HONORARIUM) Kevin & Jennifer Parrish To give a gift to the Book of Remembrance or Book of Honor, include the appropriate names and addresses and mail them with your check (payable to Mount Hermon Association, Inc.) to: Book of Remembrance, Mount Hermon Association, Inc., P.O. Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041

Book Of Remembrance & Book Of Honor My gift of $

is:  In memory of  In honor of:

My name Address City/State/Zip Send notification of this gift to next of kin, or honoree: Name Address City/State/Zip

64 | Upcoming Events

May 2008 2–4

Spring Women’s Retreat



Board Hosted Prayer Retreat



Associates in Ministry Celebration



Redwood Camp Open House



Mother’s Day Worship & Buffet



Moms & Daughters



Hymn Sing & Lunch


June 2008 14

Alumni Reunion

page 34


Brush Arbor Concert & Mini Vacation

page 23


Family Camp Week 1

page 24


Men’s Fly Fishing—Kidder Creek

page 37

20–22 21

Mother Daughter Ranch Camp— Kidder Creek Buddy Greene Concert & Mini Vacation

page 37 page 23


Family Camp Week 2 at Lake Tahoe

page 24


Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society Family Camp

page 24


Steve Green Concert & Mini Vacation

page 23


Family Camp Week 3

page 24

July 2008 6–12

Christian Edition Concert & Mini Vacation Family Camp Week 4


Marty Goetz Concert & Mini Vacation

page 23


Family Camp Week 5

page 24


Matthew Brothers Concert & Mini Vacation

page 23


MORE INFO | mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

page 23 page 24

UPcoming Events | 65


Family Camp Week 6

page 24


Dick & Mel Tunney Concert & Mini Vacation

page 23


Dallas Theological Seminary Family Camp Week 7

page 24

August 2008 2

Dan Miller Concert & Mini Vacation

page 23


Family Camp Week 8

page 24


Santa Cruz/Monterey Celebration Choir & Mini Vacation

page 23


Family Camp Week 9

page 24


RTA: Worship in the Redwoods

page 8


Labor Day Family Camp

page 24

September 2008 5–7

Family Camp in Spanish

page 24


Fall Women Retreat

page 44


Senior High Leadership

page 50


Dads & Daughters

page 48

October 2008 2

Hymn Sing & Lunch

page 40


Bikers Conference

page 41


Moms & Sons

page 48


RTA: Leadership in the Redwoods

page 8


Fall Men I

page 47


RTA: Leadership in the Redwoods

page 8


Fall Adult Conference

page 39

MORE INFO | mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

66 | UPcoming Events 24–26

Fall Men II

page 47


Cruise the Columbia River

page 42


Spiritual Retreat for Women

page 44


Fall Frenzy I

page 53

November 2008 3–6

RTA: Worship in the Redwoods: Choir

page 8


Spiritual Retreat for Women

page 44


Fall Frenzy II

page 53


Winter Weekend I

page 51


Thanksgiving Praise Service


Thanksgiving Family Camp

1-888-MH-CAMPS page 35

December 2008 4

Hymn Sing & Lunch

page 40


Winter Weekend II

page 51


Christmas Concerts, Buffets & Craft Boutique


Winter Weekend III


Christmas Concerts, Buffets & Craft Boutique

1-888-MH-CAMPS page 51 1-888-MH-CAMPS

MORE INFO | mounthermon.org 1-888-MH-CAMPS

Editorial | 67

And the Award for Effective Evangelism goes to . . . At Mount Hermon our ministry focus creates opportunities for people to make spiritual commitments to Jesus as Savior and Lord. Recently a national youth ministry organization wanted to know its resources “most effective in bringing high school students to Christ!” Don Broesamle Director of Church Relations/Editor

So they commissioned a four-year study, contacting 395 ministries in 14 states, to learn where God is working in drawing teenagers to Himself (NNYM– Network Magazine, Spring 2006). Their survey asked recent believers to describe everything—persons, programs, locations, activities and circumstances—that most influenced their decision to trust Christ. The most-mentioned catalyst to faith new believers cited was Christian camping! They also cited their friends’ pointed sharing of the gospel as strongly impacting their decision, especially for males! It’s no surprise that the strongest survey advice given to those ministering to youth or adults was to equip their people to share the gospel with their non-Christian friends, and to invite those friends to camps, retreats, or conferences. People NOT involved in camping have discovered this to be their most effective resource! This greatly affirms our camping ministry impact, and our commitment to proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, specifically challenging people to respond to the Lord while here at Mount Hermon. It also validates our church-group registration emphasis, particularly for junior high and senior high campers given their strong peer-to-peer influence. Christian camping is truly a consistently effective means for evangelism and a resource for the churches!

Don Broesamle, Managing Editor

PO Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041 1-888-MH-CAMPS | mounthermon.org

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