2009 Including The
Investing in Eternal Values
Love Of Another Kind
2009 Annual Report
How Christian Men Really Behave 18
The Brightest & Best
The Sweet Goes On
Real Legacy
The Can-Do Couple
A “JEM” of a Partnership
Book Of Honor
Asking Is The Hardest Part
Book Of Remembrance
A Klamath Adventure
Upcoming Events
Investing in Eternal Values by Roger Williams
hy are we always so eager to encourage people of all ages to set aside both time and resources to make Mount Hermon a “must-do” priority for their children and their family? Well, catch this dad’s joy as he answers that: “What a blessing as we picked up our kids from Mount Hermon. Our daughter asked the Lord into her life this past week at camp. WOW! We’re thrilled that God answered our prayers that He’d touch her heart. Please pray for her—we know ‘the enemy’ will try to rob her joy. BUT… she also said it was not a ‘Mountain Top High,’ but a solid ‘knowing’ in her heart that God is real and present in her life.” A pastor and his wife recently wrote: “Jane and I both say a big, big THANK YOU! It was a wonderful time the Lord really used to strengthen our marriage, which helps our ministry. Lying out on the green grass together, under the sun with our Bibles, was good, good medicine. Mount Hermon really blessed us.” Mount Hermon’s impact also reached cross-culturally, into this immigrant youngster’s life:
”I came home from work today, and our kids had a PowerPoint show all on Mount Hermon. You’d have loved it. That night our 5-year-old son was crying on his bed and I went in to see him. He was listening to Jack Pearson’s ‘Mount Hermon Home’ and ‘crying ’cuz this song makes me sad— it’s too far till we go to Mount Hermon. I want to go tonight!’ So we concocted this crazy ‘trip’ where we’d ride our bikes over the Rockies, stay in a cowboy’s home on the way, and in five days be in Mount Hermon. He said, ‘Really Dad, can we go tonight?’ I said, ‘No, that’s just for fun.’ So he asked if we could write a children’s book about it and he’d be the illustrator. I said ‘sure.’ So we might start that this weekend. I thought you’d like to know!”. Mount Hermon youth and family camps open ways for moms and dads to lead their kids away from the every-day stuff that plagues our youth and our families. Camp is a remarkable tool the Lord uses to restore communication and trust—and real unity— among family members. Grandparents bringing their grand kids with them to camp have watched the Lord take root in an otherwise troubled home.
“Erik was greatly encouraged by camp— especially his counselor. He was even in tears over his experience. ‘Camp was awesome!’ he told his mom. ‘I’m going to church every week because I believe in Jesus.’ Thanks for loving Erik at camp. He is the only believer in his Russian family.”
As the pressures of life squeeze in, we often lament the many distractions and diversions that fragment and undermine families. But just over the hill at Mount Hermon, or just up the highway at Kidder Creek, the Lord has prepared a place, a sacred space where He does remarkable work—in young people, in couples and in families. His work is lives transformed.
This Colorado dad tells a really fun story of the impact of Mount Hermon Family Camp:
Give us a call and make an investment in eternal values. Bring your family to camp.
Roger Williams, Mount Hermon's Executive Director since 1993, and his wife Rachel, love hosting guests at their home on the hill. 3
2009 from Roger Williams
he stories in this LOG share some of the intimacy and drama—the “intangible” eternal values—that God paints across Mount Hermon’s ministry canvas. And our Annual Report is a simple thumb sketch of significant financial and service “tangibles” that help support this ministry. Here you’ll see the value your faithful giving and careful stewardship imparted to the stories on these pages.
118,519Camper Days 127,152 128,050 128,751 129,855 128,480 118,519 123,468 125,558 124,377 122,652 122,650 113,079
Amid a difficult economy the Lord has allowed us to more than “hold our own.” Camper days were down, but were still ahead of our expectations. God is encouraging both faithfulness and diligence, and honoring the prayers we’ve all brought before Him. This report highlights two amazing areas of blessing—first, volunteer hours, which have grown by 225% since 2003. Our volunteers are as lifeblood to us, functioning seamlessly as part of our staff. What servants these friends are! Second—we’re utterly humbled by the trust donors have shown in their contributions of over $4 million! These gifts display deep trust in Him, and challenge us to trust Him more! In the midst of our 105TH summer of gospel ministry, we’re witnessing everywhere the excitement of couples, kids and families anticipating “their week” at camp. Economic conditions press against us like the Red Sea did against God’s people. But God “puff-puffed just enough” and made a way for Moses to cross. Our faith is in this same God to always lead us in His triumph! Join us in that faith, anticipating His artistry at Mount Hermon, painting a palette of lives transformed!
16,459Volunteer Hours 16,338 16,459
14,177 12,998
2003 2004
Figures are unaudited. A full audit is available by request. Contribution totals do not include Centennial Campaign funds. All figures include Kidder Creek. *Numbers do not include anonymous cash donations. 4
Cash Sources
$15,612,042 Cash Uses Savings Accounts
14% $2,105,101 7% $1,017,946 3% $384,647 2% $351,557 3% $490,448 1% $225,974 11% $1,784,358 7% $1,142,285 9% $1,373,615 7% $1,066,006 36% $5,670,105
Other Sources
4% $666,753
Endowment Principal
Proceeds from Sale of Assets
8% $1,215,599
Other Uses
Retail & Recreation
6% $896,340
Loan Principal Payments Facility Improvements
Camp & Conference Fees
55% $8,602,101
27% $4,231,249
General Administrative
Advancement & Marketing Maintenance
Retail & Recreation Costs
Camp and Conference Costs
2,615*Donors 7,354*Donations $4.2M Contributions Endowments
24% $1,017,946 11% $456,884
Other Restricted
Kidder Creek Capital Capaign
$1,807,720 7,792 7,354
5% $201,260 29% $1,239,470 1% $67,383 30% $1,248,306 Camperships
0 2006
by Don Broesamle
Shane Henning, Graphics Intern, describes the values he sees, especially in Josh Bootz and Peter Thomsen, as “skilled supervisors who are incredibly available to teach. They’re hands-on, paradigm shattering, well beyond expectation!” Shane appreciates Lisa Olson “looking for arenas where we can grow and stretch— incredibly beneficial—and I don’t even need to ask.” Especially important to Shane is “an intentional focus on my spiritual life, and our weekly Spiritual Formation class. My coworkers are very approachable, and upper management gives both encouragement and time. I love the freedom to be myself, watching, and learning to trust the team. It’s a safe place to grow.” Also, “Andrea Bonilla is my favorite person ever!” WOW! Rachel Breaux interns in the Mount Hermon Bookshop. Blessing her most is the community she enjoys here. She came “with no expectations other than I knew God wanted me here. The interns are tight knit, and love and care deeply for each
other. I’ve never experienced a community that can have a serious conversation about God, and then 30 minutes later be driving to the Boardwalk in costumes to play mini golf. I can share my doubts, insecurities and joys, and the support I receive I’ll take with me when I leave. I’m glad God brought me back to Mount Hermon. Where ever He leads me next, I know my intern family will be with me.” Similarly, Allison Pattison, Food Services Intern, shares her amazement: “Wow! People! Relationships! Community! God revealing His glory through—people! From “divine appointments” with other interns, to the always-pleasant custodial crew, to endless laughter watching Juve and company in the dining room—I’ve just been blown away. It’s given me a new perspective of seeing my coworkers as children of Christ. One unforgettable interaction was on the Redwood Camp suspension bridge, where a guest came and sat beside me. He was
Photo 2009-2010 Interns. Back Row:John Hamilton, Josh Burns, Rachel Breaux, Emily Barlow, Kelly Gwinn, Tyler Orender, Shane Henning, Kelsy Paterson, Ali Pattison, Kate Dudley, Nicole Alvernaz, Sara Koll Not Pictured: Keri Mellis
very year Mount Hermon’s Internship Program attracts some of the “brightest and best,” people seeking to grow in the Lord while serving His Kingdom. Including these gifted, energized people in our already-established operation is a stewardship of God’s most valuable resource. With intentional focus we entrust them with major make-or-break arenas of ministry, and benefit significantly from their fresh perspectives and wise insights. Our thirteen interns are involved in every aspect of Mount Hermon this year, and believe me, they represent some of the best creativity in camping today. We are blessed!
searching, and completely overwhelmed by God’s presence in that moment. I felt totally at ease, realizing that God was speaking through me. We had a lovely conversation about God’s peace in Philippians 4:6. The next day in the dining hall he thanked me and explained how God had spoken to Him there. That’s one of my most gratifying moments at Mount Hermon. I wouldn’t trade this internship for anything, not even a year-long getaway in Fiji—free of charge! I’m so serious! Kelly Gwinn, our Ponderosa Lodge Host, comes from “good stock”—her grandfather Bill Gwinn was Mount Hermon’s Executive Director from 1957-1978. She writes, “Camp played a key role in my personal and spiritual development since I was a young girl. Here’s where I first recognized my need for a Savior and embarked on a lifelong journey of becoming more like Jesus. I treasure memories from Day Camp of wishing Mrs. Pulnacheck a wonderful morning, of begging my parents for money
for The Fountain, and closing the day at Victory Circle to the comforting tune of “Sing Your Way Home.” As a child and student, camp was as close as I could get to heaven on earth. Fun, games, friends, good food and Jesus. At camp I smiled a little bigger, laughed a little more freely, and had fewer worries on my mind. This year, God has provided wisdom, guidance and encouragement through people living out their calling here. Though we are imperfect people in an imperfect ministry, we serve a perfect God. The irony is God’s perfection prevails in our imperfection. Everywhere I look at Mount Hermon, God is faithfully making beauty from our imperfection.”
by Dave Talbott
Photo 500 of Mount Hermon’s biggest fans Shane Henning Photographer 8
Five hundred enthusiastic friends of Mount Hermon filled the Auditorium over the Mother’s Day weekend celebrating our Associates in Ministry gathering. This is our opportunity each year to preview for these key supporters the coming summer program, and to update our financial status and prayer concerns. It was the largest crowd in the history of our Associates program! On Friday night Bill Fernald, director of Guest Services, gave a riveting 30-minute overview of Mount Hermon’s God-blessed history. Bill recounted God’s faithfulness through a shaky start (just four days before the 1906 San Francisco earthquake!), emphasizing the consistent call to prayer for God’s intervention and provision that so dramatically marked those days. Our featured speaker was Ray Johnston, who is the founding pastor of Bayside Church in Granite Bay, and is such a blessing in our Mount Hermon family camps. Citing the current economic climate, Ray encouraged the group that “Mount Hermon needs you right now!” He described the Associates as “a core group,” challenging first-time guests to join with and support the Associates Family. On Saturday morning we all took our very first group photo, and Lisa Olson and the Program team reported on the innovations coming this summer. Our new leaders for youth ministry (Charlie Broxton) and children’s ministry (Chafer Cox) were introduced, and they gave an enthusiastic overview of their vision for the opportunities ahead.
Executive Director Roger Williams picked up on the prayer theme, recounting how the concerted, dedicated and persistent prayers by these very Associates—and many others—had resulted in a series of miracles. Roger shared how State regulatory and taxation issues were resolved, and told of unexpected estate bequests making possible the remodeling of the main auditorium and other facilities projects. Faithful giving by these Associates provides many of the improvements that we celebrate at these events, including the newly remodeled room in Gwinn Lodge (formerly Azalea). Sufficient funds have been given to finish this model room, which features an enlarged bathroom, a larger window, a new door, new furniture and wall treatments, and improved lighting. Long-time users of the old Azalea Lodge will especially appreciate the improved soundproofing between the rooms, too! We are giving tours of the new model room throughout the summer, and are praying that the remaining 19 rooms will be funded as soon as possible. Roger emphasized a need for more friends of this ministry to help in our vigorous plan for long-term debt elimination, by becoming part of the Associate family. He asked those willing to help to contact Dave Talbott or any member of the Advancement team.
Become an Associate
If you would like information about becoming a part of the Mount Hermon Associates Family, please contact Dave Talbott at 831.430.1241 or dave.talbott@mounthermon.org.
A “JEM” of a Partnership
by Don Broesamle
Last year the Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society – JEMS – celebrated their 60th anniversary. Their annual summer conference at Mount Hermon honored the 13 pastors who founded JEMS in 1949, and who began the Conference at Mount Hermon in 1950. One of the founders was the late Rev. Howard Toriumi, whose son Malcolm grew up attending many JEMS Conferences. Malcolm met and fell in love with his wife Reneé at Ponderosa Lodge, at a JEMS–Mount Hermon Camp. Many of the JEMS conferees, including Malcolm, have made life-long friends over the years of their conference. Malcolm told us, “Mount Hermon has always been a special place, and we hoped our children would one day experience it as we did. In the last few years Reneé and I finally saw this prayer answered, as this summer was a life-changing experience for both of our children. It was also where a network of friends developed over 40 years became our foundation of prayer
this past year for Reneé who has been dealing with cancer. We both believe that her steady recovery, that amazes the doctors, is due to their many prayers – over 16 churches and hundreds of friends across the United States and Europe, many of whom we first met at the JEMS–Mount Hermon Conferences. Thank you to Mount Hermon, your leadership,the staff and the many co-laborers for your faithfulness all these years. You cannot imagine what a difference it has made in our life. May God continue to bless you all.” Back in 1950 the JEMS leadership was seeking a conference center where they could launch their ministry. Their vision was to evangelize Japanese-Americans through local churches in California, and then provide a mission outreach to the people of Japan. In a difficult post-war atmosphere, several locations turned them away. It was Mount Hermon who welcomed them warmly, forming a partnership that has grown from around 150 in attendance at their first gathering, to thousands now meeting in five
different Santa Cruz area camps! From the JEMS’ personal impact in families like Malcolm’s, to their now worldwide ministry, Mount Hermon shares a partnership with these dedicated servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. The measure of this partnership goes well beyond the full camps each summer. The true measure is the work that the Holy Spirit performs in transformed lives in the many churches who return to Mount Hermon each year. The JEMS themselves have stated it best: “We see commitment to Christ, deepening faith and obedience, and increased desire for fellowship with God. Young people’s lives are turned to the Lord, Christ is brought into homes, adults are reconciled
to the Lord and to each other, and people are launched into ministry. This all happens in a place tucked away amid the Santa Cruz Mountains Redwoods. This is Mount Hermon, a place of rest, fellowship and inspiration, where lives become meaningful through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.” Thank you, JEMS, for trusting us in partnership in spiritual renewal these many years, and for being such faithful servants of the King.
asking is the hardest part by Debbie Franck
At Mount Hermon our joy is investing both planning and prayer in creating arenas where the Spirit of God can work to touch many lives. And our “joy is made full” as we watch Him at work, and hear so many confirmations of new life in Christ. God’s grace expressed through the lives of His people fuels our desire for more and more families to discover their “Mount Hermon home.” But in these days especially, people as never before are counting the cost of bringing their family to camp. A week of camp for a family of four— housing, meals and activities included— costs far less money than just about any other family vacation (except tent camping!). Even so, it still represents a significant choice for many people, and sometimes circumstances will conspire in
ways that can catch any of us unprepared. That’s why we work so diligently to find ways to assure that finances never need to be the sole reason a child or family is unable to come to camp.
Our family is falling apart, and we really do need time at Mount Hermon this summer! Is there any way Mount Hermon can help? Mount Hermon has developed our Campership Program to help remove the “im” from “im-possible.” We know camperships are a dramatic blessing to families, and that they are effective in bringing people into those arenas where God is at work. We know this because of the many people who feel the impact of Jesus in their lives each year at camp. Last year we received this urgent plea:
We will extend more than
$250,000 in CAMPERSHIPS in 2010
“Our business is failing and we are in bankruptcy. My husband and I are both working, but only at minimum wage. My father-in-law recently had openheart surgery with severe complications, and my Dad was just diagnosed with cancer. Our family is falling apart, and we really do need time at Mount Hermon this summer! Is there any way Mount Hermon can help?” Sometimes asking is the hardest part. This young mother did the hard part and, thanks to a Mount Hermon Campership, that summer at Family Camp she and her family found the rest, strength and spiritual renewal they needed to tackle the difficult challenges their family faced. This sort of outcome honors the Lord and blesses the socks right off us! Here’s the simple truth— campership requests are coming in much more frequently, and we now need to raise over $250,000 to meet the needs for this year. Rough times are so often used by the Lord to prepare the most fertile ground for His Word and His life to take root in folks. When by another’s gracious gift these people are then able to come to Mount Hermon, their sensitivity to the Spirit is fresh, and it’s then we see their lives transformed. Would you prayerfully consider making a gift of any amount, and joining in as God’s means for meeting this life-changing ministry opportunity? Many families would love to benefit by your gift to our Campership Fund. And as you think of these families, please pray—and then pray some more. We’re “eternally” grateful!
YOU help us?
Give on line at mounthermon.org/give Debbie Franck, Advancement Departement Administrator, has been on Mount Hermon staff for four years. 13
A Klamath Adventure by Jim Culp
his summer, our Wilderness Experience group spent the most incredible day on the Klamath River with the staff of Kidder Creek Camp. Wilderness Experience is a collection of students from Chico whose lives consist of poverty, homelessness and family disaster. For many of our kids, their only experience outside the county has been on these Wilderness Experience trips.
Without exception, this year’s Klamath adventure was their favorite trip ever. We swam at Clear Creek, rafted (and conquered!) the Klamath including mighty Dragon’s Tooth, cliff-jumped from PDH (that stands for “Pretty Darn High”), hiked to Ukonom Falls (which is spectacular), and camped at Curly Jack Campground in Happy Camp (home of the Sasquatch— Bigfoot to you “lay people”). We marveled as our students absorbed the beauty–and the challenges–around them. As they conquered their fears of jumping off a 40-foot cliff, and forded the swift water around Dragon’s Tooth, they began to trust us as their counselors and friends. We saw them let go of their pride, their reputations and their “credibility,” and just become kids again. As counselors who spent the entire summer seeking to bond
with these students, we were overwhelmed. We all laughed and played together, and we connected! Our most memorable time came on our hike to Ukonom Falls. The hike took us off the Klamath and up rocky Ukonom Creek. The trail switches back and forth across the creek, finally ending in a box canyon, which we had to swim up to reach the falls. While we were working our way up the canyon, “IT” happened. A lifehardened high school student, who has spent much of his teenage existence in detention centers, lost his tough demeanor and became a kid for the first time in a long time. In the middle of that creek, he stopped and looked around at where we were: in a crystal clear creek, in the middle of a box canyon on our way to a spectacular waterfall. That’s when one of the Kidder Creek staff asked him, “can you believe God made this for you so you could see His beauty? And God says that as beautiful as this is, you are His masterpiece.” For the rest of the time, our student went from friend to friend saying, “can you believe God made this for you?” Back at camp we could see that the callouses covering our students’ hearts had been sloughed off by our fantastic day on the river. During worship, many sang the songs for the first time, hugging each other and praying together. We were connecting with these students in ways we’d never been able to before. Months later the bonds are still intact. Kidder Creek’s wonderful staff and amazing program helped us take our youth to a new level of spirituality. For some, their real “adventure” has now begun.
Jim Culp is the pastor at Orchard Church in Chico, California 14
love of another kind
t was her first time at Ponderosa Lodge. She’d attended other camps, but had not found lasting change. As a result of her parents’ divorce and the stresses of teenage life, she came with no expectations, carrying a weight of pain, anger and confusion. But at Ponderosa she participated for the first time in truly authentic sharing and fellowship. She learned that she wasn’t alone in her brokenness, and she met the only One who could mend and transform her heart. Here, Katelynn’s own words profoundly describe her experience that summer at Ponderosa Lodge: “Nestled in the Santa Cruz Mountains is a place where the Spirit works to change lives. A place surrounded by nature’s beauty, where the pine trees seem just tall enough to block out all of life’s pain and injustice. Here at this place the grass is gentler and smoother—like the softened hearts of the people moving through it. As the fresh mountain air makes the trees sway, it also cleanses the mind and body of the impurities of the world, of the refuse that lives in the minds of adolescents. This clean new air is full of purpose, a purpose that remains months after having visited this place. The sky seems bluer here, as if an invisible barrier obstructs the path of the pollution that has permanently settled into the atmosphere. And everyday the sun rises to lend some light, to give these searching souls the solutions to life’s most rarely answered questions. At night, a peaceful darkness moves in place of light,
by Andrea Bonilla
to match the stillness of these quiet hours, where only the trees and the grass and the earthen soil choose to remain in this peaceful, quiet perfection. When the first pink and orange appears above the trees and across the sky, new life is seen in this place, new hope for the future, and a promise that stays in the hearts of all who have visited here, a promise of a love that lasts forever.” Brokenness is no stranger to any of us. Far too often it sneaks into our lives, sometimes with paralyzing weight, forcing us to decide how we’ll respond. During one evening session, Katelynn was struck by the true and life-giving words of one worship song: Two things you told me— That you are strong, and you love me; Yes, you love me” —Jon Foreman (from Psalm 62) In the safety of her community at camp, and by God’s healing grace, Katelynn was able to come to terms with her parents’ divorce. She was overwhelmed by the power of God’s love. She came to a new understanding of the strength of His love—strong enough to heal her broken heart, strong enough to love in spite of mistakes, strong enough to enable her to forgive. Katelynn left Ponderosa with a new life, a desire to forgive and move forward, a new hope, and a promise of a love that lasts forever. Just as did Katelynn, we too take courage from the truth in the Psalms, that through every circumstance our God remains strong on our behalf.
Andrea Bonilla serves in our Program Department, and is our Marketing Production Manager. 15
40 Years & the Sweet Goes ON! by Don Broesamle
San Francisco Christian Center celebrated a milestone. This June they again hosted their Marriage Conference which began here at Mount Hermon 40 years ago! These photos show just a few of the hundreds of people here from Richmond, Pasadena, San Diego, and as far away as Atlanta, Georgia. Each year, their Pastor Bishop Donald E. Green—just completing his 42ND year of ministry—leads this dynamic gathering of as many as 500 people. Pastor Green has also led the launching of 16 separate church groups, all working to strengthen marriages and families, and spread the gospel. The couples tell their story best, saying, “we’ve been coming for 40 years now and wouldn’t miss it! One couple moved from Los Angeles to Georgia, but still returns each year. “It’s beautiful here, and we especially enjoy our group singing.” Mount Hermon delights in being “home” to this magnificent Christ-honoring, Biblecentered retreat. Thank you all for being such a blessing to us each time you’re here. Congratulations on 40 faithful years!
The Indomitable “Can-Do Couple”
by Don Broesamle
Action Ministries—Wow! Sounds pretty…well, ACTIVE! And CARING! Well, you’d be surprised—amazed really—at the incomparable team of volunteers who make up this front-lines bulwark of vitality that permeates all we do at Mount Hermon. Recently 16,000 copies of our 2010 Youth and Family Camp Booklets arrived—ready for mailing to all of you. Almost before the delivery van disappeared through the Redwoods these yeomen had the mailing/labeling machines cranking at full throttle. It’s a pile of work—opening, sorting, labeling, bagging—but every time I venture into their shop I am enveloped by their enthusiasm and impressed with their excellence. Who are these people? Well, they’re you and others like you, whose lives have been transformed by our Lord here at Mount Hermon. And they can’t believe they get to give back in measure what the Lord has so lavishly poured into them. They’re really part of our staff! Here I’d like to spotlight in particular the indomitable "Can-Do Couple”—Bill and Sharon Klippenstein. These dear friends of Mount Hermon epitomize the biblical “servant heart.” Their gracious ways lift the spirits of all who yoke with them on their team. You’ll never see but a smile, and only hear kind words, both from them and about them. They’re really very much in the mold of every other Action Ministry teammate, so why highlight them? Well, because it’s their 50th Wedding Anniversary! So when you see a couple overflowing with joyfulness, that very well could be Bill and Sharon. Go wrap a warm hug on them, and wish them a blessed 50th! They’ll give it right back to you in spades. Photo: Bill & Sharon Klippenstein, Spring 2010
How Christian Men Really Behave by Don Loyd & KC Dickie
Don and KC came in from Fresno to join their March 2007 men’s retreat. At this Baptist General Conference retreat at Mount Hermon, they were eager to meet other men, play golf, and lead their two prayer sessions. We’d like to share with you what they recently wrote to us: “We arrived for our tee-time at the Seascape Golf course and were joined by Mike and another Bay Area guy. For Mike this was his first retreat. The other man just came for golf, unable to attend the retreat. The smack talk was fun, the golf challenging, and the fellowship great. It set the tone for the entire weekend. After the golf, we met Mike for dinner, wanting to develop our friendship and hear more about the church he’d been attending for a year. He wasn’t active in a men’s ministry and had not yet connected with other men at the retreat. Mike’s church had 270 in attendance, so everywhere he sat Mike was with some of those men. He soon developed a group of friends, and we continued to see Mike throughout the weekend. On Saturday night the speaker gave an invitation, and several men received Christ—including our new friend Mike! When asked to tell about it, Mike agreed. He said it started with golf on Friday, where he was watching other men (us!) to see how Christian men really behave in the world. He mentioned our joy, love, and freedom to be real men—how
comfortable we were with others we didn’t even know. As he reflected on his own life, he saw he didn’t have that same joy and freedom. We hadn’t known it, but during Saturday morning’s prayer time Mike had been sitting outside, fearful of joining us—he had never experienced praying with men. But Sunday morning he did join us for prayer—with 50 other men! We had great fellowship, sharing joy and love with our new brother in Christ, and we rejoiced all the way home. We returned again to Mount Hermon this past March, and as we arrived a car pulled up and out stepped Mike! He’d recently asked a man in his church to mentor him so he could grow in Christ. Mike is now attending Bible studies, serving in his church, and is active with his wife and family in ministry. We have found that Mount Hermon provides a great atmosphere where God reveals himself to men, sometimes for the first time, and sometimes refreshing them and further preparing them for Kingdom work. We are thankful that after each of our visits to Mount Hermon we always return to our church rejoicing, telling others what our Lord has done! We pray that God continues to bless and use Mount Hermon, as men ascend the mountain and encounter Jesus face-toface in that peaceful setting.
Don Loyd & K.C.Dickie are from New Covenant Community Church in Fresno, California. 18
HONOR MARTHA ALLEN Steve & Paula Reynolds VICTOR & PEGGY BOGARD (50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY) Roger & Norma Gintert RON DEMOLAR Russell & Ginger Arnold DICK & BARBARA DOSKER (50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY) Don & Linda Broesamle Nelda Olson ROB FAISANT (IN HONOR OF 79TH BIRTHDAY) Don & Linda Broesamle Robert & Janet Buyers Betsy Wheeler BARBARA GRENSTED (IN HONOR OF 80TH BIRTHDAY) Don & Linda Broesamle Robert & Beverly Grunder CHARLOTTE HUNT (IN HONOR OF BIRTHDAY) Nelda Olson KEITH & TERRY LACOMBE Samuel & Mary Ellen Pitts ELDON & RUTH LUNDBERG Kevin & Jennifer Parrish
JIM & SANDY MAPES (1ST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY) Bob & Peggy Mapes FRED & MARILYN MILLER (50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY) Don & Linda Broesamle Ron & Jacquie Demolar PHIL & HEATHER (DAVIS) OLSSON (IN HONOR OF MARRIAGE) Nelda Olson LAMAR & LOU PARRISH Kevin & Jennifer Parrish BOB PRESNELL (80TH BIRTHDAY) Don & Linda Broesamle Jake & Lindsay Poper Eric Presnell Greg & Terry Presnell Jayne Presnell Jeremy & Cori Sinclair ROGER & MELISSA REYNOLDS Steve & Paula Reynolds HAZEL SOARES (IN HONOR OF COLLEGE GRADUATION) Nelda Olson ROGER WILLIAMS Brian & Cynthia McCoy
Elizabeth Judnich
Ron & Jacquie Demolar Daryl & Karen Poppen
Don & Linda Broesamle King of Kings Foundation Richard & Lorraine Kristensen Delaine Sorenson
The Brownlow Family Cameron & Rosann Burley Mr. & Mrs. Alvis Caudle Frances & Bonnie Haarstad Evelyn & Doralyn Hooper Harriet Horning The McLenegan Family Friends & Co-Workers of Northrup Grumman Corp-Marine Systems Division Peter & Mary Pipe Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Riggs
Earl & Ruth Sutherland Chuck & Barbara Byrnes
David & Arden Bogaard
Linda Deruiter The Ed Erickson Family Mark & Nina Granlund Tracy Granlund Nancy & Mike Kalashian Jim & Ruth Kennedy Parking Services City of Santa Cruz Laurie & Kelly Welty
Loraine Christiansen
Charlie & Emilie Pyle
JOE COPELAND Ken & Mari Harrower
Ron & Judy Brown Henry & Erica Dick Arthur & Janet Enns
Bill & Sally Russ
Don & Linda Broesamle Burt & Marie Busk Don & Evelyn Campbell Doris Darrow Jim & Bev Linman J.R. & Laurie Loofbourrow Duke McCluskey Marjorie Molakidis Don & Elaine Rhodes
Book of Remem
Bruce & Mary Lee Templeton Eric & Michelle Thomson Michelle Touton
Don & Elaine Rhodes
ROBERT ELAM Carole Thornburgh
GLENN ENGBERG Charlotte Jenks John & Laurie Jenks
Charles & Anna Lee
Charles & Anna Lee Don & Linda Broesamle Ken & Mari Harrower
ALICE BATEMAN Milton & Joan Andrew Margot Patrick
Ken & Mari Harrower
Lynn Davidian Dewayne Knott Joe & Doris Knott Margaret Knott Dwain & Dorothy Swanson
Bob & Arleen Hulsey Earl & Ruth Sutherland
Greg Faust
Bill & Kathleen Blake Walt & Lynette Maynes John & Paula Stewart
Curt & Elizabeth Schulze
EDITH GRANLUND Bob & Arleen Hulsey Virginia Lasco
ERIKKA KVAMME Reed & Jill Fulkerson
GEORGE, RUTH & DAVID GILCHRIST Stephen & Terryce Gilchrist
BERNARD GORBAN Charles & Anna Lee
SCOTT HALVERSON Don & Linda Broesamle Jim & Bev Linman Bill & Sally Russ
Ella & Gary Allyne John & Helen Barnes Donna Buelow Howard & Barbara Crampton Ruth & Rose May Harding Jim & Ruth Kennedy Elaine Slighte Sonia Silvania Kenneth & Selma Stenton Earl & Ruth Sutherland Arnie & Marian Thompson
Len & Diana Sunukjian
SARA HUDGENS Fred & Carolyn Sias
George & Florence Chill Jerry & June Clodius Darryl & Carolyn Compton Gil & Marge Gunn J.R. & Laurie Loofbourrow Will & June Low McGovern, Panesi & Walters, LLP Joy Miller Anne Mouer Steve & Mary Steiner Michael & Kathleen Wong
Robert & Anna Marie Carle Rob & Gig Ingebretson Ken & Patricia Zenter Charles & Anne Lee
Don & Linda Broesamle Don & Elaine Rhodes
WILMA LAFFERTY Les & Ave Hedstrom Bob & Arlenn Hulsey
Jerry & June Clodius
Charlie & Emilie Pyle Bill & Sally Russ
James & Carrie Bailey
Nancy Butler Robert Clayton Mary Folden Coon Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Laura Landry J.R. & Laurie Loofbourrow Charlie & Emilie Pyle Mike & Rhonda Taft
JAMES PATRICK Margot Patrick
brance MILDRED LOGAN Dave & Petey Pehrson
DR. SAMUEL & LOIS McDILL Laurel Gephart
SIDNEY McFARLAND Jim & Margot Patrick
Roger & Norma Gintert
SOPHIA MOLENKAMP Juanita & Eladio Cruz Phil & Cherrie Ewalt Carrol & Mandel Mickley Charles & Margy Molenkamp Dave & Petey Pehrson Bruce & Lois Volkers
Jim & Maida Bothel Byron & Katy Cederwall Karen Doughtery Diane Ettinger Cathy Florian Mark & Karen Frisbie Karen Rosso Linda Walters
Darryl & Carolyn Compton
Daryl & Karen Poppen
Darryl & Carolyn Compton
DALE RETHERFORD Darryl & Carolyn Compton
Marjorie Downey Kathryn Gilbert Lois Hedquist Rita Hedquist Jolly Beverly Lee Physicians Insurance Company Bob & Donna Wilkens
Janice Watson
Darryl & Carolyn Compton Don & Linda Broesamle Ron & Jacquie Demolar
LES STEVEN Bonnie Bagley
LORENE STEVENSON Mark & Lois Jennings
Dan & Terry Bechtel Don & Linda Broesamle Alice Clark Rob & Nancy Faisant Jack & Deyea Harper Ken & Mari Harrower Virginia Henderson Joel & Linda Hornstein Kevin & Lynne Heuer Charlotte Jenks J.R. & Laurie Loofbourrow Kenneth & Corinne Love Edward & Marcia McIntosh Ken & Eunice Olson Marion & Irene Reames Nels & Pearl Sorenson Raymond & Patricia Strenski Peter & Nancy Warda Elaine Wellsfry
JACKIE STREETER Jim & Margot Patrick
ALBERT VAN DIEST Don & Linda Broesamle
BETTY WALLEN Don & Elaine Rhodes
Grover & Dona Cleveland Nelda Olson
Earl & Ruth Sutherland
Mark & Marilyn Markham Charles & Anna Lee
Daniel & Nancy Hynie
To make Book of Remembrance/Honor gifts, include person’s name, “in memory” or “in honor,” name and address to notify of your gift, and mail with check (payable to Mount Hermon Assoc.) to: Book of Remembrance, Box 413, Mount Hermon 95041. Due to print deadlines, your recent gift may appear in our next issue.
Rob & Nancy Faisant
Upcoming Events Events held at Conference Center unless otherwise noted. AUGUST
27–29 Hispanic Family Camp 30–Sept. 2 Christian Songwriters Conference
SEPTEMBER 3–6 10–12 17–19
Labor Day Family Camp Fall Women’s Retreat / Ponderosa Lodge Revolution/Senior High Leadership | Ponderosa Lodge
OCTOBER 1–3 4–6 7 8–10 22–24 19–21 29–31
Dads and Daughters | Redwood Camp TEAMinar Hymn Sing Fall Men’s Retreat I | Ponderosa Lodge Fall Men’s Retreat II | Ponderosa Lodge Fall Adult Conference Fall Frenzy I | Ponderosa Lodge
NOVEMBER 5–7 5–7 12–14 12–14 15–19 25–28
Fall Frenzy II | Ponderosa Lodge Women’s Reflective Retreat I Women’s Reflective Retreat II Men’s Boot Camp OSS for Homeschool Families Thanksgiving Family Camp
DECEMBER 2 3–5 9–12 10–12 16–19
Hymn Sing Winter Weekend I | Ponderosa Lodge Christmas Concerts & Buffets Winter Weekend II | Ponderosa Lodge Christmas Concerts & Buffets
JANUARY 2011 Happy New Year
FEBRUARY 7–11 11–13 18–21
MARCH 11–13 18–20 18–20 25–27
1–3 8–10 13–15 15–19 29–May 1 29–May 1
8 20–22
Outdoor Science Home School Families Marriage Conference All Comers Conference Junior GetAway I | Redwood Camp Junior GetAway II | Redwood Camp Women’s Reflective Retreat Women’s Retreat
Men’s Boot Camp Marriage Conference II Head Start Clinic for Christian Writers Conference Christian Writers Conference Spring Women’s Retreat | Ponderosa Lodge Moms and Daughters | Redwood Camp Mother’s Day Service/Buffet Dads and Sons | Redwood Camp Summer Camps Begin
mounthermon.org for more information on upcoming events.
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po box 413 mount hermon, ca 95041
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mount Hermon Association, Inc.
Copyright Š 2010 Mount Hermon Christian Camps & Conference Center PO Box 413 Mount Hermon, California 95041 (831)335-4466 Fax (831)335-9218 mounthermon.org About Mount Hermon is a non-profit, interdenominational and evangelical center dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through year-round camps and conferences. Roger E. Williams, Executive Director.
LOG Staff Executive Editor Lisa Olson The LOG is a biannual publication, printed on 80lb Grays Harbor 100% recycled FSC certified paper with a smooth finish by Casey Printing in King City, CA. It is graciously processed for mailing by our many Action Ministries volunteers who support Mount Hermon through their efforts.
Managing Editor Don Broesamle Creative Director Peter Thomsen Graphic Designer Josh Bootz Production Coordinator Andrea Bonilla
A digital version of The LOG is available at mounthermon.org.
Cover Archery Erik Schappert Inside Cover PHoto Sun breaking through Summer fog. Josh Bootz Upcoming events ZipLine, Father
& Son, Facepainting, Victory Circle, Studying at Ponderosa Lodge. Erik Schappert Back Getting wet on a hot day at Family Camp. Erik Schappert
Copy Editors Debbie Franck Cindy Ritchie Photographers John Ricketts Josh Bootz Dan Dawson Peter Thomsen Erik Schappert Cris Mendoza