Automatic Monthly Giving Signup

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po box 413, mount hermon, ca 95041 888 MH CAMPS |

Make a difference

Automatically | monthly partner program E l e c t r o n i c

F u n d s

T r a n s fe r

Share in our commitment to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior, teach the authoritative Word of God and serve His church and our nation throughout the world with

Mount Hermon’s Monthly Partner Program! • When you participate, your gift will be transferred conveniently each month from your checking or credit card account directly to Mount Hermon. • Your gift will go even further because our paperwork will be reduced, putting your gift to work immediately. • A record of each gift will appear on your monthly bank or credit card statement.

• You may increase, decrease or suspend your gift at any time by contacting us at 831-430-1244 or by mailing to P.O. Box 413 Mount Hermon, CA 95041.

Here’s How

1. Fill out the form below, indicating the amount you want to contribute each month. 2. Be sure to sign your name and indicate the date. 3. Tear off and return the completed reply envelope with a check for your first month’s gift or your credit card information. Your gifts will begin transferring in about four weeks. 4. Record your monthly gift amount here and keep for your records: $

Mount Hermon Thanks You for Your Generous Gift!

All gifts provided to Mount Hermon originating as Automated Clearinghouse transactions comply with U.S. law.

YES! Please sign me up for Mount Hermon’s Monthly Partner Program ! Please deduct: ❑ $10 ❑ $20 ❑ Other $ from my account every month.

❑ $30

❑ $50

Name Address

❑ Enclosed is a check for my first month’s gift. Please transfer my monthly gifts from my checking account. I understand my future gifts will be transferred directly from my account.


❑ Here is my credit card information. Please transfer my monthly gifts from my credit card. I understand my future gifts will be transferred directly from my credit card.


Signature For Office Use: Exp. Date



Bank/Credit Card Name

Bank Credit Card Account Number



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