Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mount Hermon Association, Inc.
s nature so faithfully reminds us, Spring is a time of awakening.
mount hermon print logos
Trees that have been stripped bare all winter, burst usage please follow the Mount Hermon Branding Guidelines of logo usage. forth with new buds, seemingly overnight. Bulbs push up through the earth and declare new life. 2C Many of us desire that same kind of awakeninggradient in PMS 356u or PMS 349c 50C 0M 100Y 0K to + Black 0C 30M 95Y 30K | angle 75° the life of our spirit. + Black
You are invited to come away to Mount Hermon, primary this spring, to prepare the soil of your heart for His coming. A menu of retreats with different formats and locations are offered to meet your personal needs. Each conference includes six meals and two nights lodging.
March 25–27, 2011
At Conference Center Double Occ. Deluxe $276 Standard $231 Economy $187 Meals & horizontal Program only $114
Contentment April 29–May 1, 2011
Double Occ. $235 $190 $146
At Ponderosa Lodge $189 per person $111 Meals & Program only | 888.MH.CAMPS
REFL ECT IVE R E T R E A T March 18–20, 2011
Awakening spring
Blessed Awakening
mount hermon po box 413 mount hermon, ca 95041
Blessed Awakening
icon portion of the logo should not be scaled smaller than 0.45” in height.
women’s retreats
Register Online or Call | 888.MH.CAMPS no tagline At Conference Center Single Occ. Deluxe $397 Standard $307 Economy $219 Meals & Program only $73
minimum demensions
Reflective Retreat March 18–20, 2011
Awaken God’s Story Can You Hear the Story? March 25–27, 2011
Awaken Contentment He is All I Need April 29–May 1, 2011