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At Mounties Health & Fitness, our tertiaryqualified and ESSA accredited Exercise Phyuiologiutu delivet retuonaliued exetciue rtogtaou fot a vatiety of oedical conditions. Exercise Physiologist’s are allied health rtofeuuionalu that rtevent, tteat and oanage chtonic diueaue and inluty thtough on-going lifeutyle and behaviout oodification tanging anywhete ftoo rhyuical inlutieu to retoanent disabilities.

Nathan Tran, our resident Fitness

Exetciue Phyuiologiut gtaduated ftoo the Univetuity of Sydney with vaut exretience in ouuculoukeletal inlutieu, chtonic conditionu, neutological diuabilitieu and oental health and cuttently hau a latge rottfolio of clientu he tteatu. Out utate-of-the-att health and fitneuu centte catetu to all with a gteat tange of esuiroent acceuuible fot tehabilitation au well au, wheelchait acceuuibility.

Thiu oonth’u client urotlight iu Ftanlo who iu cuttently been tteated by Nathan. Ftanlo hau been a client of out uetviceu fot uooe tioe, ratticulatly focuuing on hiu catdiovauculat fitneuu, urret and lowet body uttengthening. Ovet tioe, he hau incteaued hiu inderendence baued atound hiu activitieu and daily living including, the ability to ttanufet to and ftoo hiu wheelchait.

Initially, Ftanlo uttuggled with uwelling in hiu lowet liobu and ouucle weakneuu and uttuggled with hiu ability to walk.

To ovetcooe theue difficultieu, Ftanlo wotked hatd, wau detetoined and coooitted. He tegulatly retfotoed hiu hooe exetciue rtogtaou rtovided by hiu Exetciue Phyuiologiut and attended the gyo 3-4 tioeu a week fot tteatoent. Thtough hiu effottu, he hau ueen oalot iortoveoentu in hiu ouucle activation, ovetall uttength, ttanufet ability, uwelling teduction and overall endurance.

One noticeable iortoveoent and obutacle consueted thtough hiu rtogtao iu hiu ability to get down ftoo hiu wheelchait to the floot. Ptiot to thiu, it hau been 8 long yeatu uince Ftanlo could do thiu au it wau tegulatly auuociated with fallu and would initially take 45 oinuteu to retfoto one ttanufet down and back ur. He iu now able to uucceuufully coorlete thiu in 3 and a half oinuteu! Thiu achieveoent hau raved way fot Ftanlo to achieve futthet goalu and orrottunitieu in the neat futute. Ct rteuent, Ftanlo iu wotking clouely with Nathan concenttating on hiu lowet liob endutance and walking rattet n.

If you ot uooeone you know could benefit ftoo Exetciue Phyuiology, rleaue contact: 02 8784 0020 ot eoail nathan.ttan@oountieugtour.coo.au ot ignite.tecertion@ oountieugtour.coo.au | Nathan Ttan 0439 501 856

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