Preparatory school

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Mount Kelly Preparatory School

MKSHK’s goal is to nurture confident, well-rounded and forward-thinking individuals with ambitions to fulfill their potential and talents at leading senior schools in Hong Kong and abroad. A MKSHK education develops communication and leadership skills, paving the way for articulate and bright young adults to flourish at university, in the workplace and in society at large.

To inspire children to seek opportunities and adventures

Community Spirit Opportunities Beyond the Classroom

Natural Curiosity

Text sense of belonging among peers and surroundings

To ensure our pupils succeed because they are happy and valued

Exceptional Pastoral Care Academic Excellence

To enable children to realise their full potential

To foster pupils with an interest in everything around them

Founding Head Master Introduction

I am very proud to be the Founding Head Master of Mount Kelly

School Hong Kong and I am delighted to introduce our new Mount

Kelly International to you through our prospectus. Although we are a new school, we draw upon our proud and distinguished educational heritage from the United Kingdom.

Mount Kelly is a well-known and respected British independent day and boarding School in England, which is over 140 years old. We are

building on these foundations to bring to Hong Kong the first and only

overseas sister school for the school. The establishment of a new Mount Kelly School in Hong Kong brings the ethos, values, high

standards and the holistic view of education direct from a first class British independent school.

We look forward to welcoming you into our to discuss your child’s

future and our new distinctive choice in British international education. Gary Wright

Founding Head Master

Head of Preparatory Introduction It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Mount Kelly City Campus Preparatory School to

you. Our distinctively British Prep school in Hong Kong will deliver a 'world class' choice to

informed parents seeking an education focused on pastoral care, academic excellence and exciting opportunities in an extended school day.

The Prep School delivers an outstanding education for children aged 5 to 13. We aim to

develop confident and independent pupils, who are prepared for the next stage of their life, by providing every individual pupil with academic rigour in a nurturing and caring environment. A genuine love of learning and excellent learning habits, an attention to detail and the ability to work both independently and collaboratively.

Mount Kelly provides the very best in teaching and learning. Our British staff will deliver the English National Curriculum, which along with our co-curricular programme is taught by committed highly qualified teachers with UK and globally recognised qualifications and experience. Unlike many international primary and elementary schools, pupils at the Prep School benefit from a high degree of subject specialisation.

Your child’s learning and pastoral care is greatly enhanced through small class sizes (a maximum of 18 pupils in

a class) that allow each pupil to be known, tracked and developed by teachers committed to your child’s intellectual, social and physical well-being. There will be opportunities for pupils to experience life in the UK with our Year 5 Summer exchange.

Our curriculum is enhanced by an extended school day with scheduled times for games and an extensive range of co-curricular activities, which encompasses sports, the arts and STEM education. In many cases homework too, will be completed at school as part of ‘Prep’ and supervised and mentored by our teachers. Our focus on the sense of community, inspiring leadership and the outdoors through our Shackleton Programme, means pupils can apply their learning to the world around them. A truly holistic educational experience for all of our pupils.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school. Nick Rothwell Head of Prep

Our Aims


objective at Mount Kelly Prep School is to nurture

confident, well-rounded and forward-thinking individuals with

ambitions to fulfil their potential and talents in Hong Kong and

abroad, including opportunities for direct entry into Mount Kelly UK. A







communication and leadership skills, paving the way for

articulate and bright young adults to flourish at university, in the workplace and in society at large.

Academic success is important; we place a strong focus on

delivering a high-quality curriculum that prepares pupils for the

13+ Common Entrance examinations and beyond. We also

recognise that learning is not limited to the classroom. Developing happy, confident and successful children requires a

broader curriculum that provides opportunities beyond the

classroom. At the Prep School, we deliver this through an

extensive sporting, musical, artistic and dramatic co-curriculum, which ensures children try new activities, develop leadership potential, and learn how to work effectively with one another.


place a strong emphasis on pastoral care, enabling

individuals to be themselves, feel safe in our school environment

and therefore, excel. Stimulated by the Mount Kelly experience and ethos, our pupils are used to reaching the raised bar and even going over it. There is not only an emphasis on individual

achievement as Mount Kelly prides itself on teamwork and a

strong sense of service to the community. It is vital for our pupils to have a firm commitment to deep-rooted values and to be flexible, pragmatic and open to new ideas.

Getting to Know the Preparatory School Pupils can start at the Prep School in Year 1 (at age 5) and

continue their education at the school until after they have completed Year 8 (at age 13). We prepare pupils for the British

Common Entrance, the principle set of examinations accepted by top UK independent schools.


curriculum is taught by very committed and talented

teachers with UK recognised qualifications and experience. We utilise an extended school day with scheduled times for games

and co-curricular activities. This provides a balanced education and opportunities for all children to develop interests and skills

beyond the classroom — an approach proven to give children the best chances of success later in life.

We strive to train our pupils to become independent. Pupils are

expected to learn how to be self-reliant and to build independence of thought and character. We help our pupils to develop both the skills and confidence needed in their future

careers, as well as developing a strong sense of personal and moral values.

Pupils are expected to learn how to be self-reliant and to build independence of thought and character.

A Typical Preparatory School Timetable Chinese Language

At Mount Kelly School Hong Kong, Chinese language learning

involves giving pupils opportunities to develop their confidence

and skills in expressing themselves in Chinese, supporting both

native and non-native speakers of Mandarin with a tailored and individualised





classroom activities, such as music, movement, singing, storytelling, art and craft, poems and rhymes provide a meaningful context of language learning, which helps pupils to build up their confidence in speaking Chinese and develops their interest in the language and culture.

A Typical Preparatory School Timetable 08:30 08:35 08:45 09:15 09:45 09:50


Start of School

Form Registration Assembly

Year 5 Timetable


Start of School

Form Registration Assembly


Start of School


Start of School

Form Registration

Form Registration

Form Registration





Chinese Lang

Chinese Lang

Chinese Lang

Chinese Lang




































Chinese Lang






























10:20 10:20 10:40 10:45 11:15 11:20 11:50 11:55 12:25 12:30 13:00 13:00 13:30 13:30 14:00 14:05 14:35 14:40 15:10 15:20 15:40

16:25 16:25 16:40


School Ends

School Ends

School Ends

School Ends

School Ends

Buses Leave

Buses Leave

Buses Leave

Buses Leave

Buses Leave






Academic Excellence W

Mount Kelly delivers the UK National Curriculum, enhanced by over one hundred years of outstanding practice, expertise and tradition.

e offer a British education, based on the UK National Curriculum and the curriculum innovations of Mount Kelly, UK. The Prep School delivers the UK National Curriculum, enhanced by over one hundred years of outstanding practice, expertise and tradition. We combine an academic focus with a broad co-curriculum, offering all its pupils an extended and fulfilling school day. We enjoy many links with our sister school in the UK, including the opportunity for Mount Kelly pupils to participate in a summer exchange programme, to spend two weeks in England.


he curriculum is delivered by highly trained teachers with UK recognised qualifications and experience. Unlike many international primary schools, pupils at the Prep School benefit from a high degree of subject specialist teaching. From Year 5, all lessons are delivered by subject specialists, ensuring consistently high academic standards are maintained and pupils leave the Prep well prepared for their transition into secondary school.

Mount Kelly teachers are able to draw upon engaging teaching

resources and technology to inspire pupils though their learning journey. The curriculum prepares pupils for the Common Entrance Examinations, which they take in the final term of Year 8. The Common Entrance Syllabus and accompanying examinations ensure that pupils leave the Prep School having completed a rigorous and globally recognised programme of study, enabling them to expereince succes and reward in the years of schooling ahead.


e place a strong emphasis on the core academic elements of the curriculum, however we believe that to provide the best possible all-round education and care for our pupils our curriculum must deliver more. Our extensive co-curricular programme provides pupils with the opportunity to develop vital life skills and interests though activities such as sport, music, drama, art, outdoor pursuits and young enterprise.

Pastoral Care

We believe that all pupils can be successful in an environment which is caring, optimistic and encouraging.

As a school, we pride ourselves as having outstanding pastoral

care. We believe that all pupils can be successful in an environment which is caring, optimistic and encouraging. Our Prep School is a happy environment which provides an

atmosphere which supports pupils and enables their success, their development of character and well-being. Our pupils know that they are valued as individuals with unique needs, strengths and potential.

Each pupil’s pastoral care is the responsibility of the form tutor.

This gives each child a clear line of contact should they wish to

speak to an adult. The small size of each class means that the pupils very quickly develop a strong rapport with each other, as well as with the teaching staff, who are always available to talk to the pupils when needed. Touching base at regular intervals

every day means that the staff can quickly identify pupils who may be struggling with a piece of work, and they can resolve any problems at an early stage.

A School Council will be established, with a member of each

class being elected as a representative. This encourages care

amongst the children and forms a line of communication for those children who would rather speak to a fellow class member before an adult.

All pupils are guided by seven simple values, which encourage

a caring community and convey clear expectations.

The moral and value focused education of all is paramount to

the make-up of our school. Through regular school assemblies,

class or tutor group discussions or PSHE lessons, all members of our community are encouraged to make the right decisions

and care for those around them. The opportunity to learn from

the example of others is one of the most important aspects of our programme.

• • • • • • •

Treat others as we expect to be treated Forgive Share Listen Be honest with ourselves and others Be kind and helpful Do our best to be our best

A Wide Ranging Curriculum We

are committed to offering the highest standards of

academic education coupled with a supportive and nurturing environment where every individual is encouraged and valued.

Pupils enjoy stimulating lessons in a rich and interactive learning

environment and discover the areas of learning that they love and can excel in.

Main Subjects Taught: • English • Mathematics • Science • Chinese Language • Geography • History • Religious Studies • Computing/ICT • Design Technology • Art • Drama • Music • PSHE • Physical Education

Our School is an inspirational place where young lives blossom.

Sport – For Enjoyment and Competition In the Prep School, we aim to build on every child’s enjoyment

of physical activity and movement, all of which assist their well-being and social interaction. Being encouraged to take part

Our co-curricular programme ensures that every child is given opportunities to discover interests and talents beyond the classroom.

develops self-esteem and personal fitness, and helps pupils to cope with success and failure in both competitive and co-operative activities.

Sport and Extra-Curricular activities are an important part of the

school curriculum and all pupils will have Games, PE and swimming each week, as well as extra-curricular activities.

Highly qualified coaching staff enable us to field large numbers

of boys’ and girls’ teams who compete against other schools in

competitive fixtures. Pupils of all abilities have the opportunity to

These activities take place beyond the academic curriculum

and form an important part of the ethos and school life. Our extra-curricular programme is designed to stimulate young minds and provide pupils with an all-round education. Our activities run weekly throughout the school year.


encourage all pupils to get involved with a range of

join in and represent the school teams.

activities. We want all of our pupils to challenge themselves and

Co-Curricular Activities

lar area can sometimes lead to life-long pursuits. We feel

Mount Kelly Prep School offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities. Ensuring pupils make significant academic progress at

school is important and is something that we strive to achieve at the Prep School. However, we hold a firm belief that learning is

not the exclusive domain of the classroom. Our co-curricular programme ensures that every child is given opportunities to

discover interests and talents beyond the classroom, helping

them to build character, teamwork skills and self-confidence. Our teaching staff have the skills to deliver the majority of our co-curricular programme, not only emphasising the importance we place on opportunities outside the classroom, but also helping to cement a strong sense of school community.

try something new and unusual. Often involvement in a particuconfident that there is something for everyone!

Co – Curricular Activities B

elow is a sample of some of the Co-curricular activities on offer. We hope that this will give you a feel of what our school community has to offer your child, in terms of the breadth of opportunities that are available. Children are able to choose from a diverse range of activities such as:



Debating, Language Clubs, Spoken English

Individual and ensemble teaching for voice and for various different instruments. School Choir and School Orchestra.



Art, Drama and Dance clubs. Film Making. School Newspaper.

Design-Technology, Computing and Coding clubs



Eco Club, the unique Shackleton Programme

Young Enterprise. Share Trading.


Football, Netball, Basketball, Cricket, Hockey, Rugby, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnastics, Swimming, Gym Club, Yoga, Fencing, Ballet

Shackleton Programme

We feel that academic achievements are far from being the only ingredient of a successful and stimulating British style education.

A key feature of our co-curricular offering will be our Shackleton

Programme. This is a hugely successful programme developed at Mount Kelly UK, focussed on nurturing leadership, practical

skills and teamwork. These skills and character traits will be honed through carefully designed outdoor activities, inspired by Ernest Shackleton, the renowned Arctic Explorer.


programme will be delivered for pupils from Year 5 every month as part of their curriculum.

The Mount Kelly School Hong Kong Shackleton Programme is

Although he never completed his aim of being the first to cross

teamwork. The monthly sessions for pupils are tailored to

skills ensured that his 28-strong crew returned home safely after

designed to develop and celebrate leadership, practical skills and different age groups with a universal focus on four main themes: •

To inspire, encourage and support a spirit of adventure

To encourage an ability to risk assess and remain safe

• •

To develop proficiency and skills in outdoor activities

To introduce pupils to the intrinsic reward of helping others

through community projects both at school and in the wider community.


Shackleton (1874-1922) was a renowned Antarctic

explorer who demonstrated great courage and leadership, particularly during his epic Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914-17.

the continent via the South Pole his exploration and leadership

almost three years in one of the most challenging climates

known to man. His story remains one of the greatest feats of human survival and cements his place as one of the principal figures of “the heroic age of Antarctic exploration”.

This is a popular and highly enjoyable aspect of Mount Kelly

UK life, which we have adapted and brought to Hong Kong. It is a programme where children can explore a diverse range of

projects guided by dedicated School staff, broadening and developing









Some of the activities offered in the Mount Kelly School Hong Kong Shackleton programme are listed below:






Communication and Radios

First Aid

Assisting Local Charities

Camp Craft

Weather Reading

Water Safety

Charity Boxes



Risk Assessment

Conservation Projects


Route Planning

Unleashing Creativity

At the Prep School, we offer a wide range of creative activities

such as Drama, Music and Art. We feel that academic achievements are far from being the only ingredient of a successful and stimulating British style education.

Our new school houses an extensive range of equipment and

resources pupils are able to explore and develop artistic interests whether it be pottery, fine art or fashion design.

We feel that academic achievements are far from being the only ingredient of a successful and stimulating British style education.

In drama, pupils may decide to audition for a role in one of

exciting school productions or get involved in one of the dance and ballet shows.

Whether pupils prefer to be centre stage of a performance or

backstage creating the stage design and costumes. The Prep School offers something for everyone.

Mount Kelly School Hong Kong operates a traditional British house system.

School House

The Prep School operates a traditional British house system.

There are four houses, whose names and characteristics are derived from famous historical figures connected closely with

the South West of England, the region around our sister school,

Mount Kelly. Our House system is built upon healthy competition in which everyone in the Mount Kelly Hong Kong

School Community can contribute. The houses are called Scott, Hepworth, Chichester and Brunel. Every pupil is assigned to a house for the duration of their time at Mount Kelly School Hong Kong.

There are numerous academic, sporting and cultural events

organised throughout the school year which sees Mount Kelly School Hong Kong Houses competing against each other for honours. House Points are earned by pupils during the course

of the year and contribute towards the overall school house

competition. House Points are awarded to pupils for good work and good behaviour. All School House points are recorded

weekly and count towards the House Cup at the end of each term. The School also has an honours board which celebrates pupils’ who have achieved house point milestones. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum certificates are awarded termly.

Mount Kelly School Hong Kong operates a traditional British house system.

A Global Perspective At Mount Kelly School Hong Kong, we invest in the things that

make a real difference to the education of every individual pupil

– brilliant teachers, small class sizes and the best facilities to inspire all of our pupils. Mount Kelly combines a strong British educational heritage with an original and dynamic outlook.

Our pupils have to know themselves and where they come

from – and identity is always important – but we also encourage

them to look beyond Mount Kelly and the dynamic world city of

Hong Kong to recognise the fantastic opportunities that are

created by diversity and the richness of culture that exists across our planet.

Our aim is that our pupils have a broadening outlook, through

our exchange programme with the UK, school trips, academic partnerships, online learning, language teaching, societies, and speakers







imaginative, sensitive and engaged global citizens.

Mount Kelly combines a strong British educational heritage with an original and dynamic outlook.

Mount Kelly Admissions and Playgroup Centre

Unit 201-208 and 228, 2/F, Austin Tower Phase Two, 152 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Mount Kelly International Preschool

Shop 5 on G/F & 1/F, The Austine Place, 38 Kwun Chung Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Mount Kelly Preparatory School

Whole Block of East Villa, Cheung Kei Center, 18 Hung Luen Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Disclaimer: The opening of the Mount Kelly School Hong Kong is subject to approval of the provisional school registration by the Education Bureau.

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