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Heat exhaustion in dogs is extremely dangerous and could lead to serious problems if left untreated. Unlike humans, dogs have very few sweat glands, instead they pant, open mouthed, tongue out, to cool down. The terrifying consequences of overheating can result in your dog becoming unresponsive, they may have diarrhoea or start vomiting and shaking. Also check their gums for changing colour. All of these symptoms could lead to convulsions or worse if untreated. The first signs are excessive panting as they try to reduce their body temperature however when panting isn’t enough you will need to intervene! Immediately take them out of the sun, into shade, preferably with good airflow, for example near a fan. Give them some water, never force them to drink but if they are not responding, dribble a little on their tongue. Next thing to do is dampen some towels and loosely drape them on your pooch, of course if you have a pond, pool or you are near water, let your dog gently walk in to cool off their paws, this will help with overall body heat. If your dog is not responding, call the vet immediately to let them know you are on our way, they can be ready to help your beloved pooch. We believe prevention is the best way forward, there are many things you can do to keep your dog’s temperature stable in the heat. Never leave your dog in the car, even with the windows down, the temperature is unbearable for them, if you do need to take them out in the car on a warm day, ensure all windows are open and check the traffic news, being stuck in traffic can be just as hot. Be aware of walking times, walking very early in the morning or after the sun has set are ideal times to walk your dog however if it is very humid it wont harm your pooch to be kept in a well ventilated house for the day. Water is extremely import, there are many collapsible bowls available to purchase or just bring a lightweight, plastic bowl and a bottle of water to top up their fluid intake at regular intervals. Remember hydration is key for your dog to avoid overheating. Try not to over excite them and if they want to play take the game inside, keeping them calm and taking frequent breaks to stay as cool as possible. Stay in the shade as much as possible, find a shaded part of your garden or on walks, your pooch wears a fur coat and doesn’t need the extra heat from the sun. We all love our best friend and summer. Follow these simple measures and you will both be able to enjoy the hotter months to come.

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