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Production: @mode.production Photographer: @vladislaw_ Style: @_soffiia__ MUAH: @ira.malakhova_muah Md: @va_t_a
It’s not always easy to find the right balance between work and family, especially if you have three children, a job, and a hobby. If a superwoman exists, it must be Tatiana Bocharova, the heroine of this interview. She told MOVER about her career choice, modeling journey, and family values.
Tatiana, you are a successful model who has worked in the fashion industry for a long time. How did your modeling career begin?
I‘ve always been a realist, so my journey in the modeling industry began with a harsh reality. I’ve been told many times that my parameters are far from the model ones and I have to lose some weight. Many agents said it would be difficult for me to become a model. For example, my hips are 115 cm, which is much more than the model standard. I’ve had many unsuccessful castings but still managed to start my modeling career.
You’re a professional lawyer, therefore, you work in the jurisprudence sphere. How do you manage to combine two completely different activities?
It has been 9 years since I started developing in these two completely different areas. I combined my studies, work, and modeling. Modeling has become for me a source of joy, my inspiration. Jurisprudence made me strong and responsible, it taught me to take business seriously. For 5 years, modeling and jurisprudence have been intertwined in my life, and I enjoyed developing in both areas. Of course, deep inside I was worried that I still had to choose only one activity.
We know that you are not just a model, but also a former catwalk teacher at a modeling school. Tell us about this experience, what did you feel while teaching the young models?
The first thing you pay attention to when you first see a person is his eyes. They always show the energy of a person, his inner strength. If you have passion in your eyes and are ready to work 24/7, this is the key to success. Unfortunately, not every girl has what it takes to become a model. It is not enough just to walk down the catwalk and be able to pose beautifully. You can spend many years modeling without leaving time for your personal life or even losing it. Therefore, girls who come to model school should be aware of this. The modeling business is tough.
Despite your success in modeling, you still haven’t made it your main job. Why?
Yes, it’s true, but I didn’t dedicate my whole life to jurisprudence as well. For me, real success in the modeling business means no less than becoming the face of a world-class brand or participating in Victoria’s Secret show. Everything else is just a regular job, which is not easy at all. You must see the endpoint, the goal which you’d like to achieve. If for some reason you cannot achieve it, and all that remains is the wasted years, can you call it happiness? I don’t think so. That is why at 22 I made my choice in favor of my personal life. Creating a family after 35 wasn’t my pattern. By that time, I managed to work in both areas (modeling and jurisprudence) and understood the prospects for potential development.
Everyone knows that a model means not only a height and parameters but also a unique perception of the world and a state of mind. What can modeling give to both a girl who dreams of a modeling career and a girl who considers modeling to be a hobby?
The most important thing that modeling can give is self-confidence. You learn to understand that you’re unique and beautiful. This is important for everyone: schoolgirls, students, women. Modeling helps to awake women’s inner energy and charisma. This is exactly the basis that will help the girl to position herself in the world. Of course, if you do modeling professionally, it brings a good income, allows you to see the world and meet interesting people.
You have three wonderful children. What is the top priority for you not just as a model but as a married woman who is a mom?
Of course, the time spent with my family is my top priority now. The greatest value for me is the opportunity to fully devote myself to my children. Raising a child is not only a big responsibility for his health, development but also huge financial costs. I‘m so grateful to my husband that I can see the first steps of my children, hear their first words, watch how they grow. Most things can be taught only by parents. This is a model of behavior, a family model, the ability to correctly assess the situation. We teach our children how to behave in certain situations and with this knowledge they enter adulthood. Only mother and father can teach a child everything that he needs. Children are not only our continuation but also our reflection.
A large family is al-
Family ways difficult because each of its members requires attention. Did is your you manage to come up with a formula for how to successfully ultimate combine motherhood with work and your favorite hobby? strength My activities will never run counter to the interests of my family. Everyone should feel good and happy: you, your children, your husband. I believe that the family is a single organism. You can be a successful and independent person, but your work should be aimed at the well-being of the whole family and the realization of common goals. Of course, you should feel the support of loved ones. If this does not happen, you need to talk, look for the reason and solution to the problem together. Family is your ultimate strength.
After the birth of your third child, a baby boy, your life has changed. You used to completely devote yourself to your family, but this time you wanted to become a more social person. Why did it happen exactly after the birth of your son?
After the birth of my son, I felt fulfillment and satisfaction. I finally found harmony with myself and with the world. There was a sense of fulfillment in the family sphere. I’m very proud to have three children at the age of 27. My family has a whole life ahead to achieve any goals. It was this fulfillment that gave me the power to return to my usual way of life.
Tatiana, you’re a man of the family. Have you had any magazine publications or projects related to children and family?
Yes, I had a photoshoot for PRIME One magazine in February 2021. I was a star of Mom’s Happiness magazine section.
We know that you have several projects that are yet to come. Are they related to modeling or have you decided to try yourself in a completely new sphere?
Over the past 5 years, my family has moved quite often. I was lucky to meet one person who is the complete opposite of mine. We became friends and together we created the Land of Flowers project, which is actively developing at the moment. I‘m always glad to try something new. My second project is individual, it’s the Tom Tailor clothing store.
You’re a happy wife and mother. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Are you planning to continue modeling?
I believe speaking about goals and plans has no sense, so I prefer speaking about my achievements. Some of my projects may be associated with modeling as well. Everything depends on what I will be offered.