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MOViE MOViE於2012與觀眾首次見面,將百老匯電影中心的精髓帶到觀眾家中,成立了只此一家的國際電影頻道(Now TV ch116),讓大家安坐家中欣賞獨家首輪人氣猛片、國際影壇得獎傑作,以至口碑載譽不朽經典,看盡電影的美好。隨後分別於2017年及2020年再推出融入藝術、文化與生活概念的新戲院MOViE MOViE Cityplaza及MOViE MOViE Pacific Place,提供多元文化觀影體驗。2018年6月配合Now E平台推出MOViE MOViE Play一站式串流電影內容,以後不論在家中,還是戲院內,睇戲從此不一樣。 Launched as an international movie channel (Now TV ch 116) to bring the finest global hits and festival gems into the home since 2012, the innovative lifestyle-driven MOViE MOViE concept has expanded to cinemas located at Cityplaza and Pacific Place in 2017 and 2020 respectively, providing an all-around movie-viewing experience. MOViE MOViE PLAY on Now E, our online viewing platform launched in 2018, helps you experience the joy of cinema anywhere.


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