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Happenings: MVMA People and Events
MVMA QUARTERLY - FALL 2020 Happenings...
MVMA PEOPLE & EVENTS 129th MVMA Annual Convention Plans Call for In-person Meeting So what about the convention? Yes, it is a popular question these days. Because it is a major member service for those who wish to attend, the answer is that the 129th MVMA will be held in Columbia, January 21-24, 2021, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center. It will be held in the most normal way possible, given whatever circumstances are in place at the time. Refunds will be issued if the meeting is cancelled, or if the member cannot attend because of their individual circumstances. Given those parameters, this could be a unique experience for both seasoned convention goers, and other “zoomed out” members looking for a safe live CE alternative. The convention will offer our members, their families, students and practice staff a weekend of the best in education, friendship and fun. Once again this year, you can build your own program. The convention will offer an option to register for any day or days you want to attend, or register for the entire four-day event. You attend the days you want to attend. In addition to the seminars mentioned, Thursday includes committee meetings, and meetings of the MVMA Executive Board and the Foundation Board. Full registration encompasses 24 contiguous CE hours (includes Thursday sessions) across multiple tracks covering companion animal, food animal, equine, soft skills, special interest, practice management, accreditation and labs. In addition on Thursday, there is Missouri Stocker/Feeder Quality Assurance Certification and the MVMA Academy Mini-Topics Seminar packed with short, informative presentations on a variety of subjects. See the schedule of continuing education programs included in the convention registration booklet. Again this year, the registration booklet will be mailed inside the winter issue of the Missouri Veterinary Quarterly Magazine in November. Online convention information and online registration coming soon at www.movmaconvention.com At the convention, don’t forget to drop by the Exhibit Hall where scores of vendors will show you the latest innovations and programs in veterinary medicine, and a chance of winning one or more of many door prizes. On Friday, you’ll want to attend the Speed Networking event where CVM students and practicing veterinarians pair up for round-robin style interview sessions. Students move from table to table in this timed event. A fun and informative event for everyone. Because many fourth-year students already have post-graduation employment commitments, the event is geared to first, second and third year students seeking mentorship, preceptorships, and contacts for future post-graduation employment. Win or lose, you don’t want to miss the fun and excitement at the Foundation Reception and Drawing. Admission is free to all (no purchase required) but Silent Auction and 50/50 participation is appreciated. Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Be sure to purchase your ticket for a chance to win $10,000 and many other cash prizes. Tickets are $100 and can be purchased through the registration form, on our website or by calling the office at 573-636-8737. You need not be present to win. The drawing will take place during the Reception. Support your Foundation by purchasing a ticket. Purchase a ticket by December 15 to be eligible for the Early Bird Drawing. During the same evening, the Foundation also holds a silent auction. If you have items you wish to donate for this auction, it would be
very much appreciated. Please call 573-636-8737 to make arrangements for pick-up or mailing. The MVMA holds its Annual General Membership Meeting and Breakfast on Saturday morning with additional continuing education workshops throughout the day. The MVMA welcomes (keynote) speaker Sarah Wooten, DVM. She will be speaking at the Saturday morning General Membership breakfast and lectures throughout the day. Dr. Wooten is a noted client communications expert, and has spoken nationally on client communications, leadership, personal development, and of course, pets and the people who love them. Her interactive presentation style easily engages audiences, whether they are pet lovers, industry leaders, practice owners, veterinarians, or veterinary technicians. For Veterinary Technicians and Practice Staff: Throughout the convention, veterinary technicians will have the ability to attend the same continuing education sessions as veterinarians. Also, the MVTA hosts a technician/practice staff reception planned for Saturday evening. Something special: On Saturday, MU-CVM recent graduates are invited to a reception/forum to network and share experiences with each other. Dr. Sarah Wooten will join in as the guest speaker. Later on Saturday, DVM students are invited to gather for a mixer to share ideas and thoughts. Again this year, all registrants are invited to the Saturday evening MVMA Awards presentation and banquet. A dinner will be provided following the awards presentation at 7 p.m. for all members who wish to take that opportunity to share fellowship with family, friends and colleagues over a meal. Sunday continues with Breakfast and another half-day of lectures with companion animal, hot topics, equine, food animal, special interests and accreditation.. The MVMA hopes this weekend helps you explore new possibilities in your profession and in the upcoming new year with events planned to bring the best of veterinary medicine together for our members with entertainment venues for your enjoyment. Mark January 21-24 on your calendar for this fun and educational event.
Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps Holds Live Workshop The Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps (MOVVC) held a rare in-person event on Saturday, July 11th at the University of Missouri-College of Veterinary Medicine’s Adams Conference Center, Columbia, Mo. It was sponsored by the MVMA, MOVVC, Missouri Department of Agriculture, MU Extension and the Missouri Pork Association. After a welcome by Cathy Vogelweid, DVM, attendees discussed african swine fever, animal disease emergency response and certified sampler training. Presenters included: Corine Bromfield, DVM and Jeanne Schmidt, DVM. The afternoon session included hands-on training the use of PPE with Bill Pittenger and necropsy with Dr. Bromfield.

Top photo: Attendees suited up for group photo before the lab. Middle photo: Learning the proper art of doning personal protective equipment. Bottom photo: The live event followed city requirements. Dr. Clark Fobian Receives AVMA President’s Award Dr. Clark Fobian, MVMA pastpresident was honored with the AVMA President’s Award at the AVMA’s virtual convention on August 20. The honor was announced by 2019-2020 AVMA President Dr. John Howe. Dr. Fobian received the President’s Award in recognition and gratitude for his commitment to leadership by example and his encouragement for individual involvement in organized veterinary medicine. “Because of his stability, consistency and dedication, his actions have led to a stronger AVMA and have influenced many current and up-and-coming veterinarians,” Dr. Howe said. Dr. Fobian, of Sedalia, MO, has more than 40 years of experience as a veterinarian. He graduated with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1977 from the University of Missouri. He worked as an associate veterinarian in a mixed animal practice in Nevada and Marshall, MO., before starting his own small animal practice in Sedalia, MO, in 1981. Dr. Fobian began his volunteer leadership within the profession by serving on the MVMA board for several years, and was the association’s president in 2003. He went on to serve a six-year term as District VII representative on the AVMA Executive Board before being elected president of the AVMA, holding that position in 2013-2014. In addition, he served as chair of the American Veterinary Medical Foundation Board of Directors for two years. Earlier this year, he was presented with the MVMA Distinguished Legislative Leadership Award. That honor recognizes legislative leadership consistent with the MVMA mission; protecting the health and welfare of animals and relieving their suffering; advancement of public health; and the conservation of animal resources. Dr. Fobian was MVMA Veterinarian of the Year in 2006 and received the Hertzog Leadership Award in 2015. That award recognizes “outstanding vision, leadership dedication and personal sacrifice for the betterment of the veterinary profession in Missouri, in the United States, and in the world”.