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NewsBriefs and Obituaries
WEBSITE SURVEY PAGE From time to time the MVMA receives requests to solicit our members for participation in various research projects, surveys, and studies. To this end, we have created a webpage devoted to these surveys. We pass these along to you as received, for whatever benefit they may be. MVMA has not, and cannot, verify their integrity. So, we share this information caveat emptor. These notices appear here for 30 days after receipt and should then be removed. Go to www.movma.org/page/ResearchInvitations to view current surveys and studies. DEA RAISING FEES The DEA has published a final rule that goes into effect on October 1, 2020. They are raising fees: The fees are for 3-year registrations: Practitioners, pharmacies, dispensers, hospitals.......$888 Rabbit Hemorrhagi c Disease Restri cti ons This Missouri Department of Agriculture rule restricts the movement of rabbits and hares into Missouri due to the recent diagnosis of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in the United States. This emergency rule becomes effective July 16, 2020, and expires January 11, 2021 unless made permanent. (1) No rabbits or hares may enter Missouri if the animals have originated from a state or country where Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) has been diagnosed in the prior twelve (12) months unless they meet the following requirements: (A) Must obtain an entry permit; and (B) Must have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection from an accredited veterinarian that states: 1. All rabbits and hares in the shipment have been examined within seventy-two (72) hours of shipment for and found free of communicable diseases and have originated from a single premises that has no signs of a communicable disease; 2. There has been no movement of rabbits and hares onto the originating premises within thirty (30) days prior to shipment; and 3. No rabbits or hares in the shipment have had contact with wild rabbits or hares within thirty (30) days prior to shipment. Help Encourage Student Convention Participation Sign up to provide a student with a meal ticket for the Satuday night post-awards dinner at the MVMA Convention. At just $25 per ticket, you can help us welcome our veterinary students to the MVMA. Your name or clinic name will be on the ticket if you wish, so students know who to thank. The dinner will be January 23, 2021, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia. Sign up on your convention registration form.
In Memory
John P. Arthur, DVM Virginia, USA. Passed Away:May 12, 2020 Lewis A. Corwin, Jr., DVM Columbia, Mo. Passed Away: December 13, 2019 Survived by his wife, Shirley and daughters, Peggy, Maureen, Nancy, Mary and Kathleen; and sons, Don, Jim, Tom and Paul. John A. Hennesey DVM Carthage, Mo. Passed Away: July 9, 2020 Preceded in death by his wife, Margaret. Survived by daughters, Ann and Shannon; and sons, John and Tim. Glenn D. “Doc” Windom, DVM Bethany, Mo. Passed Away: August 12, 2020 Survived by his wife, Joan and daughters, Barbara, Nancy and Shelly. William A. “Bill” Wolff, DVM Columbia, Mo. Passed Away: August 6, 2020 Survived by his wife, Eileen and daughters, Krissa and Linda; and sons, Kevin, David and Tom.