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Happenings: MVMA People and Events
from MVMA Quarterly - Fall 2021
by movma
Happenings... MVMA PEOPLE & EVENTS MVMA Welcomes Back Members to 130th Annual Convention
The MVMA Convention Planning Committee is welcoming back members and inviting them to move forward with the best veterinary education and latest innovations to timed event. A fun and informative event for everyone. Because many fourth-year students already have postthis year’s 130th MVMA Annual Convention. This year’s meeting will be held January 27-30 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. The convention will offer our members, their families, students and practice staff a weekend of the best in education, friendship and fun. As in past years, you can build your own program. The convention will offer an option to register for any day or days you want to attend, or register for the entire fourday event.You attend the days you want to attend. Thursday seminars include a variety of topics including Small Animal Theriogenolog, Topical Therapy in Veterinary Dermatology, Updates on Management of Canine Atopic Dermatitis, Feline Dermatology Updates, Cutaneous Scaling Disorders, Cutaneous Manifestation of Systemic Diseases, etc. In addition, there is Missouri Stocker/Feeder Quality Assurance Certification and the MVMA Academy Mini-Topics Seminar packed with short, informative presentations on a variety of subjects. In addition to the seminars mentioned, Thursday includes committee meetings, and meetings of the MVMA Executive Board and the Foundation Board. Full registration encompasses 24 contiguous CE hours (includes Thursday sessions) across multiple tracks covering companion animal, food animal, equine, soft skills, special interest, practice management and labs. See the schedule of continuing education programs included in the convention registration booklet. Again this year... The registration booklet will be mailed inside the winter issue of the Missouri Veterinary Quarterly Magazine in November. Online convention information and online registration coming soon at movmaconvention.com At the convention, don’t forget to drop by the Exhibit Hall where over 60 vendors will show you the latest innovations and programs in veterinary medicine, and a chance of winning one or more of many door prizes. Win or lose, you don’t want to miss the fun and excitement at the Foundation Reception and Drawing. Admission is free to all (no purchase required) but Silent Auction and 50/50 participation is appreciated. Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Be sure to purchase your ticket for a chance to win $10,000 and many other cash prizes. Tickets are $100 and can be purchased through the registration form, on our website or by calling the office at 573-636-8737. You need not be present to win. The drawing will take place during the Reception. Support your Foundation by purchasing a ticket. Purchase a ticket by December 15 to be eligible for the Early Bird Drawing. During the same evening, the Foundation also holds a silent auction. If you have items you wish to donate for this auction, it would be very much appreciated. Please call 573-636-8737 to make arrangements for pick-up or mailing. Something special: On Saturday, MU-CVM recent graduates are invited to a reception/ forum to network and share experiences with each other. Later on Saturday, DVM students are invited to gather for a mixer to share ideas and thoughts. The MVMA holds its Annual General Membership Meeting and Breakfast on Saturday morning with additional continuing education workshops throughout the day. For Veterinary Technicians and Practice Staff: Throughout the weekend, veterinary technicians will have the ability to attend the same continuing education sessions as veterinarians. Also, a technician/practice staff reception is planned for Saturday. 4 On Friday, you’ll want to attend the Veterinary Business Management Association/MVMA Speed Networking event where CVM students and practicing veterinarians pair up for round-robin style interview sessions. Students move from table to table in this graduation employment commitments, the event is geared to first, second and third year students seeking mentorship, preceptorships, and contacts for future post-graduation employment. The MVMA welcomes Michael Blackwell, DVM, MPH for presentations at the General Membership Session Saturday morning and lectures during the day. Dr. Blackwell currently serves as the Director of the Program for Pet Health Equity at the University of Tennessee. His mission is to improve access to veterinary care, especially for families with limited means. Previous to this position, Dr. Blackwell served as: Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee; Chief of Staff, Office of the Surgeon General of the United States; Deputy Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration and Chief Veterinary Officer, U.S. Public Health Service. During 23 years on active duty with the U.S. Public Health Service, he achieved the rank of Assistant Surgeon General/Rear Admiral. Dr. Blackwell has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Distinguished Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, two Surgeon General’s Exemplary Service Medals. He is the 2020 recipient of the Avanzino Leadership Award and the 2021 Senator John Melcher, DVM Leadership in Public Policy awardee. Again this year, Saturday evening will feature a new format to maximize exposure to the MVMA Awards presentation. There is no charge to attend the awards ceremony that will be presented after the reception. A dinner is available (ticket required) following the awards presentation at 7 p.m. for all members who wish to take that opportunity to share fellowship with family, friends and colleagues over a meal. Sunday continues with the MVMA/MU-CVM Breakfast With the College and another half-day of lectures. The MVMA hopes this weekend helps you explore new possibilities in your profession with events planned to bring the best of veterinary medicine for our members with entertainment venues for your enjoyment. Mark January 27-30 on your calendar for this fun and educational event.
Michael Blackwell, DVM
Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps and Firefighters Hold Trailer Accident Workshop
by Catherine M. Vogelweid, DVM, PhD Veterinarians teamed up with Cole County firefighters and spent the day practicing basic rescue techniques & learning how to build a successful rescue team. The MVMA and MoVVC were honored to have Dr. Rebecca (Gimenez) Husted as our featured speaker. Many thanks to Alan Braun and the Cole County firefighters who worked with us. They were amazing participants! And special thanks to our veterinarian instructors, Drs. Bill Jones, John Fortman and Mieke Schotte who taught the hands-on practical exercises in the afternoon session. This was a complex event to organize, so special thanks also goes out to MVMA staff, Julie Braun and Brette Henderson. It was an awesome day of education for everyone!

Core lesson for the training: “It is not the EXTRICATION ITSELF that is the most important part of Large Animal Rescue training or response – it is the scene management, safety attitudes and ability to BUILD A TEAM on scene to solve the problem that is MOST EFFECTIVE in setting yourself up for success” (Tomas Gimenez, DVM, 2004).

Richard Antweiler Receives 2021 VMAE National Executive of the Year Award
Richard Antweiler, Senior Executive Director of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association, was awarded the Executive of the Year award by the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE). This national award was presented Tuesday, July 20, 2021. The Executive of the Year award is the highest honor VMAE can give to the CEO of a state or allied veterinary medical association. It recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of a leader respected by their members as well as by their peers and veterinary leaders nationwide. Recipients exemplify the very best in association management. Antweiler has played an active role in veterinary association management and leadership on both the state and national levels over the last 21 years. The MVMA Board of Governors and MVMA Staff nominated Richard for this prestigious award earlier this year.
MVMA/MVMF Invited to Place Item in Missouri Bicentennial Time Capsule
The association and foundation placed a letter from Dr. Marcy Hammerle, MVMA president and Dr. Roger Dozier, MVMF Museum director along with photographs of an early 1900s scapel and a modern-day laser scapel in the Missouri Bicentennial Time capsule on August 27, 2021. A project of the Saint Louis Ambassadors and the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Missouri Bicentennial Time Capsule contains items to represent the past, present, and future of Missouri organizations, institutions, businesses, and local and state government agencies. The time capsule was sealed at an event in St. Louis hosted by Saint Louis Ambassadors. The time capsule is being housed at the State Historical Society of Missouri until August 10, 2046, when it will be re-opened and shared with the public.