5 minute read
Foundation Update
from MVMA Quarterly - Fall 2021
by movma
EvEnt HigHligHts from Your missouri vEtErinarY mEdical foundation Foundation Update
Foundation Drawing Tickets On Sale Now! Win $10,000!
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation is once again inviting members, friends, and family an opportunity to walk away $10,000 richer after the MVMF Drawing to be held at the MVMA convention’s Foundation Reception on Friday, January 28, 2022 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Mo. Thanks to your support, in the past 22 years, the MVMF event has netted over $330,000 for the Foundation and Museum, public relations activities and animal/public health and welfare. Your donations have helped the Foundation provide assistance to organizations such as Ag Education On-the-Move, Working Dog Enterprises and TreeHouse of Greater St. Louis. Only 300 tickets will be sold for the event, which makes your chance of winning way better than the Powerball Lottery. (Your chance with Powerball is 1 to 292,000,000.) In addition to the $10,000 grand prize, four tickets each will be drawn for $1,000, $200, $150, and $100. All non-winning tickets will be eligible for door prizes and other surprises. The price of the tickets are $100 each, and can be purchased online at www.movma.org or by calling the office at 573-6368737 or with convention registration. During the same evening, the Foundation also holds a silent auction where you can bid on many fabulous items from artwork to bicycles and everything in between.
Please note: The Foundation is always accepting donated items for the silent auction. If you have a donation, please call the office at 573-636-8737.
Veterinary Honor Roll Inducts Four New Members

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF) has announced the induction for four new members into the Veterinary Honor Roll of Missouri. On August 28, 2021 a ceremony was held at the Foundation’s Museum in Jefferson City, Mo. to honor Drs. Evelyn Bock, Roger Borgmeyer, Frank McLaughlin and John Walker. Dr. Evelyn Bock owner/ practitioner at Southwick Veterinary Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. She graduated from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1968. Upon graduation, she worked for the Humane Society of Missouri under Dr. Suzanne Saueressig.
Dr. Roger Borgmeyer
was raised on a dairy farm near Taos, Mo. He graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 1979. Upon graduation, along with his wife Peggy, he opened a mixed-animal practice in California, Mo. He is currently retired and has sold his practice to longtime associate, Dr. Mark Oerly.
Dr. Frank McLaughlin
grew up in Fort Smith, Arkansas, then served two years as an Army Medic in Hawaii. He received his veterinary degree at Kansas State University in 1962, and practiced in Tulsa, Oklahoma for two years before moving to St. Louis. He established Heritage Veterinary Hospital in Creve Coeur, Missouri in January 1974. He enjoyed practice ownership until 2003 and then continued working in the practice through 2019 for a total of 45 years. He served in all offices in the Greater St. Louis VMA and was an MVMA District Delegate.
From left: Robert Arrowood, Dr. Evelyn Bock and Dr. Edward Migneco, MVMA president. From left: Dr. Philip Brown, Mrs. Julie Braun, MVMA executive director, Dr. Roger Borgmeyer, and Dr. Greg Popp.
From left: Dr. Frank McLaughlin, his wife, Charlene Sue, and Dr. Edward Migneco.

Dr. John Walker decided to become a veterinarian in high school and was influenced by Dr. M.D. Conrad of Plattsburg, Mo. Dr. Conrad is also a member of the Veterinary Honor Roll of Missouri. Dr. Walker graduated in 1963 from the University of Missouri, College of Veterinary Medicine and established a practice in Union Star, Mo. He is From left: Mr. Richard Antweiler, Dr. John (Vic) Walker, and his daughters, Paula Johnson, Jocelyn Washburn, and Pam Hilliard. still practicing on a semi-retired basis. He is a member of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s Academy, the Northwest Missouri VMA and the AVMA.

Highlights and Actions of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Saturday, August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021 at the MVMA/MVMF Office/Museum in Jefferson City, MO. The following are highlights: All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried unless otherwise noted. • Reviewed and approved the agenda for the August 28, 2021 meeting. • Reviewed and approved the minutes of the April 17, 2021 meeting. • Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s report. • Approved Dr. Chad McNeal to become one of the Per
Annum Board Delegates. There is still another opening for this position. This is a one-year term. If you are interested in this position, contact the MVMA office. • Approved Dr. Hammerle, Dr. Brown, Dr. Fray and Dr.
Montgomery terms to go until 2025. • The Grant Committee will review grant applications and decide on grants in the near future. The next scheduled Foundation Board Meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, January 27, 2022 in Columbia during the convention. Full minutes of the MVMF Board and all other boards and committees can be accessed through the MVMA website, www. movma.org. Go to the home page, click on Volunteer tab.
The footprints you leave today can lead the way for others tomorrow.
Membership in the MVMF Heritage League helps build an endowment fund that will provide grants and funding for various programs to celebrate veterinary medicine while helping society. By making or pledging a donation to the Heritage League you will be ensuring the Foundation’s ability to preserve veterinary medicine’s place in history (and in the public’s mind), as a caring and vital profession. Heritage League funds will not be used for regular operating expenses. As a public charity, that supports the charitable and educational purposes and activities of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association, the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation focuses on professional and public education and animal welfare issues to further the health of animals in Missouri.
Become a part of our Heritage League, the cornerstone of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation.
Heritage League
For more information, call the Foundation at 573-636-8737, or email mvma@movma.org