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Highlights & Actions of the MVMA Board


Missouri Veterinary Medical association executiVe Virtual Board Meeting January 27, 2022 coluMBia, Mo

Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive January 27, 2022 Columbia Mo. The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met January 27, 2022 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise:

• The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association. • Reviewed the Strategic Plan • Heard statements from AVMA President candidates Grace Bransford, DVM and Rena Carlson, DVM. • AVMA President-elect, Lori Teller, DVM, AVMA District VII Delegate Chuck Lemme, DVM and MVMA Delegates to AVMA Chuck Barry, DVM and Carol Ryan, DVM reported to the board. You can read Dr. Barry’s AVMA Delegate on page 26. • Dr. Sean Nicholson President, Iowa VMA gave a state report • A motion was made to add the MVMA Legislative Chair as an Ex-Officio (nonvoting) member to the MVMA board. • MVMA Legislative Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller reported on legislation and policy currently active in the Legislative Committee. • A report on the AVMA Leadership Conference and Heartland meeting was given by Drs. Ed Migneco and Chuck Barry. MVMA will be planning the 2023 Heartland event. • The MVMB (licensing board) reported on state CE audits and was available for questions and discussion. • MVMA’s Digital Communications & Program Coordinator position has been filled. Mrs. Lizzie Benke began January 3, 2022. • Dr. Migneco gave a status report on the 2022 convention events and activities. • Hotel proposals were reviewed and discussed and a motion to hold the 131st MVMA Convention on January 26-29, 2023 in Columbia, Mo was approved. • Heard a report of the MU College of Veterinary Medicine by Dean Carolyn Henry, including an updates on CVM accreditation; VMDL’s construction status; artificial intelligence for student applicant screening; Wentzville and Kansas City practice; BSVT Program; and Dr. Leah Cohn as interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. • Review of sunsetting task forces and opportunity for reappointment of the Early Career Task Force. • Discussed Membership Committee protocol. A motion was made to change the policy manual and Bylaws to have the MVMA Board Chair and Vice President serve as Membership Committee co-chairs. • Much discussion ensued on increasing the number of large animal students admitted to CVM each year and ideas would be further discussed within the Rural Veterinary Task Force. • Dr. Hammerle reported that the benchmarking survey results were being compiled into a tool kit and would be available to the membership soon. • Dr. Miller and Dr. Hammerle reported on the Quality Life Survey prepared by the Rural Veterinary Task Force and the collaboration with the Wellbeing Task Force and how the data will be utilized. • The 2022 MVMA election outcome and candidates were reviewed, and new board members were welcomed. • MVMA Leadership Conference & Strategic Planning agenda was discussed and all current leadership and those interested in leadership were invited to attend the conference on April 2, 2022 at Margaritaville, Osage Beach, Mo. • Financial reports were reviewed for the MVMA, LLC; PAC and Foundation.

Minutes of this board meeting and other committee meetings can be accessed through the MVMA website, www.movma.org under the “Volunteer” tab.

national Pet Week

May 1-7, 2022

Over the years, everyone has celebrated National Pet Week. Veterinary clinics across America have hosted everything from fun runs, dog washes and most unusual pet contests during the first full week of May since National Pet Week launched in 1981. National Pet Week is a week of education, fun, and a focal point for celebration in the community. National Pet Week is scheduled for May 1-7, 2022, with the theme “Love is a 4-Legged Word.” Missouri veterinarians, their hospitals and clinics, and communities are encouraged to celebrate National Pet Week. simple tips for celebrating national Pet Week go to http://www.petweek.org.

Throw a party — Everyone loves a party. Host an open house in your clinic. Visit www.petweek.org for information on tools to help your clinic become part of the celebration.

Community Outreach — Initiate a pet visitation program for hospitals, extended care homes and hospices; adopt an animal at the local zoo; participate in a local shelter adoption program; bring the National Pet Week message into the classroom. Fundraise — Sponsor a fundraiser like a dog wash, a fun run, or food drive. Donate proceeds to a foundation for a disease or human-animal bond research, fund a scholarship for a local veterinary student, or help local humane programs.



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