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Foundation Update
EvEnt HigHligHts from Your missouri vEtErinarY mEdical foundation Foundation update
2022 Drawing & Silent Auction
The MVMF is grateful to all those who support its mission. The annual Foundation Drawing is one way to show your financial support. Because of your generous contributions, hard work and participation, we are enjoying great success in fulfilling our goals for the good of the human/animal bond and veterinary medicine. Many thanks to all who came to the event and the many members who donated items and volunteered their time to make this year’s event a great comeback! Also, a big thanks to the sponsors of the Foundation Drawing event: Addison Biological Laboratory, Missouri Wine & Grape Board, ProPartners Wealth and Covetrus.

Top center: Dr. George Fischer and Dr. Shelia Taylor share the $10,000 Drawing Grand Prize. Top left: Always smiling MVMA staff (from left) Dawn Felger, Michelle Gentges and Jessie Schulte. Top right: Dr. David Gourley-Auctioneer. Bottom left: Dr. Roger Dozier using gentle persuasion to sell 50/50 tickets. Bottom right: Everything from rifles to quilts were up for auction.

Drawing Winners:
Grand Prize: Shelia Taylor & George Fischer $1,000 – Tina Howerton, William Bryant, Total Practice Solutions (donated back to MVMF) $200 – Cliff Miller, Ryan Montgomery, Joe Rodier, Linda Scorse $150 – Shelia Taylor, Charles Massengill, Ken Vroman, Repro Scan (donated back to MVMF) $100 – Jack Coleman, Roma Popp, Trenton Boyd, Pierce Design (donated back to MVMF)
50/50 Winner:
Lloyd Gloe (donated to CVM students)
Early Bird Winner:
Tim Chirpich
Highlights and Actions of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation
Thursday, January 27, 2022 Columbia, Mo.
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation met Thursday, January 27, 2022 at the MVMA Convention in Columbia, MO. The following are highlights: All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried unless otherwise noted.
Reviewed and approved the agenda for the January 27, 2022 meeting. Reviewed and approved the minutes of the August 28, 2021 meeting. Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s report. 2022 April Honor Roll nominations: Dr. Bruce Whittle – nominated by the MVMF board for 2022 Veterinarian of the Year.
Dr. Richard Meadows – nominated by Dr. Ed Migneco Dr. Dwayne Garrett – nominated by Dr. Carol Ryan Dr. George Fischer donated a horse hair coat from 1917 to the museum.
Dr. Chad McNeal will sit on the foundation board for a one year term as a per annum member. Reappointed Board Members: Dr. Phil Brown, Dr. Scott Fray, and Dr. Marcy Hammerle were all approved by the MVMA board to be reappointed to their positions on the Foundation Board. Dr. James Montgomery was approved by the MVMF to be reappointed to his position on the Foundation Board.
Dr. G.W. Buckaloo, Dr. Scott Fray, Dr. Greg Popp and Dr. Phil Brown were reappointed the the LLC Board for 2022. Dr. Phil Brown will remain Chairman, Dr. Scott Fray will remain Vice Chairman, and Dr. G.W. Buckaloo will remain the Secretary/Treasurer for 2022. The next scheduled Foundation Board Meeting is scheduled to be on Saturday, April 23, 2022 immediately following the Honor Roll induction(s).
Full minutes of the MVMF Board and all other boards and committees can be accessed through the MVMA website, www.movma.org. Go to the home page, click on Volunteer tab.
Monica Bates Honored for MVMf Distinguished Service
Monica Bates, Barnhart, Mo., received the Distinguished Service Award from the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF). Dr. Marcy Hammerle presented the award to Mrs. Bates. Award winner, Monica Bates,(center), with MVMA staff Mrs. Bates has been members, Michelle Gentges (left) and Lori Muhlenbruch. a dedicated volunteer and donor to the Foundation’s (MVMF) annual “Silent Auction” fundraising event held at the annual MVMA Convention for many years

Foundation Grants Helping Charities Throughout Missouri
Each year, the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation offers grants to various Missouri charites to support the work they do for people and animals. Below is a thank you from TREE House of Greater St. Louis who offers people with disabilties equine-assisted therapy. Other charities that the Foundation is supporting inlude: Paws for Autism, Missouri Farmers Care Foundation, and Missouri Patriot Paws. November 3, 2021 Dear Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation, On behalf of everyone at TREE House of Greater St. Louis, I would like to thank you for your continued support of our mission to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families through Therapy, Recreation, Education, and Exploration . Your donation benefits all of our equine-assisted therapy programs which reach over 300 individuals and their families and enables us to keep them accessible to all. We depend heavily on the generous support of individuals, organizations, businesses, and foundations. “We are honored and greatly appreciate your continued support of the children, adults and veterans with disabilities whom we serve and the horses who make our unique therapy services possible. Thank you!” Your gift truly makes a difference. Sincerely, Nathan Harms Executive Director, Treehouse of Greater St. Louis