14 minute read
Highlights & Action of the Board
Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board Meeting April 5, 2020
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met virtually April 5, 2020 The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise: • The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association. • Approved the budget for 2020-21 • Reviewed status ofMVMA Staff • Reappointed Dr. Carol Ryan for a second term as AVMA Delegate, and Dr. Chuck Barry as AVMA Alternate Delegate for their terms beginning in 2021. Reviewed status ofbills in the legislature that are of concern for MVMA members. The pandemic turned the legislative session on its head, resulting in a greatly compressed session, with few issues outside of the budget receiving much attention. Discussed at length the activities ofthe MVMA during the pandemic. • The Board also reviewed the minutes of all MVMA committees and other entities.
Minutes of this board meeting and other committee meetings can be accessed through the MVMA website, www.movma.org under the “Volunteer” tab.
Ortu Stella Emerging Leader Nominations Due By August 15, 2020
At its Spring 2019 meeting, the MVMA Executive Board approved a new emerging leader recognition: the Ortu Stella Award (Latin for rising star). Nominations for the award will be suggested by the Recent Graduate and Collegiate Task Force, and any MVMA member who wishes to nominate a young veterinarian. The form to make nominations can be found at www.movma.org. Click on the “Volunteer” tab at top of main page. Nominators are responsible for securing and submitting biographical information and a statement reflecting the reasons they are making the nomination. Any nominee must be an MVMA member veterinarian in good standing, and not more than ten years post receipt of their degree. The nominees will be selected by the Executive Board through an anonymous vote in relation to the degree to which they meet the following ideal: The Ortu Stella recipient must in some way shine brightly, aid comrades in navigating the veterinary profession, assist in illuminating the path for those around them, and/or demonstrate that they habitually strive to rise to the occasion.

Dr. Abby Whiting (left), recipient of the 2020 Ortu Stella Award. The award was presented by Dr. Sarah Meineka.

Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Net Assets
Undesignated Assets:
Cash – checking $143,963.47 place new audit review Certificates of Deposit Money Market Account
Total Undesignated Assets Designated Assets:
Cash – MSFQAP 80,596.64 44,223.97 $268,784.08 5,031.21 here Total Designated Assets
Total Current Assets
5,031.21 $273,815.29 PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT
Furniture & Equipment 28,687.33
Less: Accumulated Depreciation (26,288.48)
Total Net Property & Equipment
Total Other Assets
186,518.00 186,518.00
Due to MVMF Funds Held for Others
Total Current Liabilities
NET ASSETS Without Donor Restrictions:
Designated by the Board for MSFQAP Undesignated
Total Net Assets
2,104.00 2,615.20 $4,719.20
5,031.21 452,981.73
In Memory
R. Eugene Fox, DVM
Fairdealing, Mo. Passed Away: September 30, 2019 Survived by his daughters, Jennifer, Rebecca, Gillian, and Katherine; and sons, Conner and Jeremiah.
William R. Henry, DVM
St. Louis, Mo. Passed Away: January 21, 2020 Survived by his daughters, Janet and Julie; and sons, Dan and Greg.
Carol J. Maltby, DVM
Lee’s Summit, Mo. Passed Away: April 2, 2020 Maple Woods Veterinary Technology Coordinator 1975-2005 Dearly loved teaching and horses.
Lester J. Reschly, DVM
Columbia, Mo. Passed Away: February 17, 2020 Survived by his wife, Shirley and daughters, Debbie and Jolene; and son, Jason.

CANDIDATES 2021 Officer
Candidate for President Elect Dr. Ed Migneco graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1986. He immediately took over Hillside Animal Hospital, in St. Louis, MO and has been practicing there since. He is married to Dr. Mary Migneco, OD, and they have three daughters: Anna, who is a veterinarian practicing at Hillside with her wife, Dr. Ed’s daughter-in-law, Dr. Erin Willis, Gina, who is in Pharmacy School at the University of Maryland-Baltimore, and Nina, who goes to Rhodes College in Memphis and is applying to veterinary school this fall. Dr. Migneco has worked tirelessly with numerous rescue groups. These groups include, but are not limited to Gateway Pet Guardians, APA, Nooterville, OPSPOT, Guardian Angel Bassett Rescue, and Tenth Life Cat Rescue. As he heads towards retirement his work with Gateway is continuing as the group has now purchased a former school in East St. Louis, IL which they are transitioning into a shelter, low-cost veterinary clinic, pet food pantry, and community center. In 2002 Dr. Migneco was awarded Veterinarian of the Year by the MVMA, and this was followed in 2007 by the Hartz National Veterinarian of the Year award. In 2014 he received Pet Welfare Partner of the Year from the New Years for the Strays Trivia Night. Personal interests include travel, photography, and trivia “I have always felt that I have had a great life, full of blessings, and it is due to my career choice that I have been so lucky. It is for this reason that I want to give back to my profession by serving as president-elect of the MVMA. It has taken me a while to get to this point, but now that I am slowing down in my clinical practice, with my daughters taking over, I have the time and energy to devote to the association. I have two daughters following in my footsteps and a third who is applying to veterinary school this fall. What better way to ensure their future is secure than to volunteer for the association, and to add another way that I can set a good example for them going forward.” Ed Migneco, DVM
Candidate for Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Shelia Taylor graduated from the University of Missouri-College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992. After practicing in private practice for several years, she took a teaching position and is currently an instructor in Bioclinical Sciences at Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, MO as well as continuing to practice medicine on a relief basis. Dr. Taylor currently serves on the MVMA Executive Board as Secretary-Treasurer and is a member of the Recent Graduate and Collegiate Task Force and Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps. “Since becoming involved in organized Veterinary Medicine, I have a much greater understanding of what our state and national organizations can do for us whether we currently work day to day in private practice, are in industry or regulatory medicine, academia, or wherever our veterinary education takes us. Serving as your SecretaryTreasurer for the past several years has made me appreciate the profession and the members of our association even more. Therefore, I am once again running for the position of Secretary-Treasurer because for your Association to work for you, we must have a financially sound association. The officer teams and state office have worked hard to maintain the standards of the association and I wish to continue that honored tradition in this position with the help of my fellow officers, district delegates, and you the members. Thank you for your time and your support.” Shelia Taylor, DVM Please return your ballots by October 1, 2020.
Candidate for Vice President Dr. Philip Brown attended Southwest Mo State College and graduated from University of Missouri with a BS in agriculture and also, graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri. He served as a First Lieutenant and Captain in the United States Army. He spent two years in a pathology residency program. He was an associate on weekends and evenings at North Metropolitan Hospital and Emergency Center in Denver, Colorado, where he had an opportunity to work with Dr. Piermattei. He relocated to Springfield, Missouri, and practiced as an associate of Dr. D.G. Carlson for several years. He did relief work for several veterinarians in Springfield, Missouri. Dr. Brown was a past board member and president of SouthWest Missouri Humane Society. He was a charter member and chairman of OVA (Ozark Veterinary Associates), an organization devoted to veterinary continuing education in Southwest Missouri. He practiced emergency veterinary medicine at Anem Pet Emergency Clinic for several years while practicing small and large animal general medicine at Republic Veterinary Clinic. He has operated the Animal Care Center in Springfield, MO with Dr. James Jones and Dr. Deborah Shaw. He has twice been president of the Southwest Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. He has co-chaired and chaired The Animal Welfare committee. He has been a member of the Missouri Academy of Veterinary Practitioners since 1991. Dr. Brown is a 2019 -2020 AVMA Ambassador and attended AVMA PAC Town Hall May 22, 2020 He was a founding member of the Friends of Veterinary Medicine, the originator of the “General Doctor Benefit” with Dr. Leroy Atkinson, Dr. Ted Higgins, Mr. Ben Riley, Mr. Jimmy Lawrence, Dr. Gary Atkinson and others. He previously served on the Dean’s Advisory Committee and is an early member of the Veterinary College Jefferson Club, University of Missouri. He has served two terms as a Southwest District Delegate to the MVMA and was on the practice management task force. He is on the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Board presently as chairman and co-chairman with Dr. Scott Fray. He is an AVMA, MVMA, and Southwest MO Vet Med Association member. He was nominated to the Veterinary Honor Roll by Dr. Mike Pfander. He is married to Gloria Brown and has 3 children and 9 grandchildren. He is also a member of the Elks Lodge 509 in Springfield, Mo, an Elder at Central Christian Church in Springfield, MO and a military veteran. Dr Brown shares this, “I have had and continue to have many mentors from the University of MO college of Veterinary Medicine, MVMA, MVMF, and private practice that have helped me to see the value of organized veterinary medicine and of giving back as well as paying it forward to the MVMA. I am always willing to help in any way that I can to support the MVMA and the MVMF. I appreciate all of the past and present officers and MVMA Staff for all the time and effort that they put in to helping our MVMA organization help all members and non-member veterinarians in our state.” Philip Brown, DVM
Candidate for Vice President Dr. Matt Silvius was raised on a swine and cattle farm in Turney, MO. He graduated magna cum laude in 2007 from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Silvius is a co-owner of Eagle Animal Hospital, a multi-site, eight doctor small animal hospital. Dr. Silvius has previously served two 3-year terms on the Board of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and is a recognized national leader in veterinary technology development. He is CEO and Co-Founder of the Independent Veterinary Network (IVN), one of the nation’s leading virtual veterinary technology companies. He is also a member of the KCVMA and AVMA. Dr. Silvius and his wife, Dr. Margaret McKeown Silvius, DVM, have two young children. Their household also includes Archie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Sunny, a cat who has the rule of the house. Matt’s time away from business includes working outdoors, watching sports, and enjoying quality family moments. “It would be an honor to continue to serve our state veterinary association as Vice President. While serving the past 6 years on the MVMA executive board I have gained the experience to help me lead our association. My goal is to continue to support and preserve the important role veterinarians have in delivering healthcare for pets and preserving viable food sources. The current COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we practice in ways we could not have imagined just a few months ago. I want to ensure Missouri veterinarians have access to the latest technologies while we continue to protect the profession and the consumer. Therefore, in conjunction with traditional forms of operation, technology provides veterinarians with opportunities to build their practice while providing clients flexibility and options for animal health consultation.” Matthew Silvius, DVM
Please return your ballots by October 1, 2020. NOTE: Vice president candidates are listed alphabetically in the “Officer Candidate” article in this issue of the “Quarterly”. Candidates names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2020.
2021 At-Large Del egat e CANDIDATES
Note: Official ballots will be mailed on or before September 1, 2020. You will be asked on the ballot to vote for three (3) candidates out of the four (4) choices.
These positions were approved with the bylaw changes of 2018 and were in effect for the election of 2019. The top three vote-getters will win the positions. The At-Large Delegate one-year terms will begin with the January 2021 convention.
Ashley French, DVM East Central District Dr. French graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2012. In 2017 she bought the practice. Dr. French enjoys small animal surgery and preventative medicine. She is an active member of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and the Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps Disaster Response Team. She enjoys horseback riding and home improvement. Why I wish to be an At-Large Delegate: As an At-Large Delegate, I plan on representing private practice interests to the MVMA board. I believe that through active involvement in the organization we have greater resources to influence government policy, public health and continuing educations as it relates to veterinarians. I will use my voice to advocate for the advancement and protection of our profession as a whole, and I will continue to lend my support for the Vet School.
Ellen Ratcliff, DVM Southwest District I was a mixed animal practitioner for 17 years in Fair Grove, Missouri. A piece of my heart will always be at the clinic, but needed a change in 2018. I’ve been working as a Clinical Development Manager for KindredBio doing development of new and cutting-edge biologic pharmaceuticals. I am also a veterinarian in the US Army Reserves with 11 years experience and a couple Mid East deployments under my belt. Why I wish to be an At-Large Delegate: I am a former delegate to the executive board as the SW district representative. I loved my time with the MVMA staff and board but military deployments and practice kept me in constant chaos. I’m hoping to get involved again and share my passion for our profession in the organization working closest to home. I know the MVMA’s impact on our state’s veterinarians and I love being a part of that.
Tom Rose, DVM West Central District Tom Rose, DVM, MPH, DACVPM is a managing partner at Rolling Hills Veterinary Hospitals in Columbia, MO. A 1988 graduate of the MU CVM, he has practiced at Rolling Hills and volunteered locally ever since. In 2017 he completed a Master of Public Health degree at MU and in 2019 became a board-certified diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Dr. Rose also works as an adjunct assistant professor in the MU MPH program. Why I wish to be an At-Large Delegate: Most of my extracurricular activities over the years have been related to public education at the state and local level, serving on several boards and commissions, including the Columbia Board of Education. I am eager to begin serving my profession at the organizational level, applying what I have learned through my public health education, my policy work as an officer on several boards, and my experiences managing a small business for 30 years.
Jessica Stroupe, DVM West Central District I own a mixed animal practice in central Missouri. I have been active in MVMA leadership, including President of my regional VMA (West Central VMA), President of MVMA Academy, member of Recent Graduate and Rural Veterinary Task Forces, and the Membership Committee. I am active in my local community, teaching 4H Veterinary Sciences. I was a winner of the Women Who Own It Entrepreneur of the Year for 2019. Why I wish to be an At-Large Delegate: I love participating in board meetings and learning more about how organized veterinary medicine works for us as veterinarians. As a “recent” graduate and practice owner, I love having the opportunity to provide my unique perspective. Things that are important to me include healthy clinic culture and fair work environment, promoting women in leadership in the profession, and promoting small businesses over corporate take-overs.
NOTE: At-Large candidates are listed here alphabetically. Candidates’ names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2020.
Have you paid your dues?
If not, please pay your dues by July 1st to help save the cost of further renewal notices. Thank you for your membership in the MVMA. Go to www.movma.org to pay online or call 573-636-8612.