Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board Meeting April 5, 2020 The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met virtually April 5, 2020 The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise: • The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association. • Approved the budget for 2020-21 • Reviewed status of MVMA Staff • Reappointed Dr. Carol Ryan for a second term as AVMA Delegate, and Dr. Chuck Barry as AVMA Alternate Delegate for their terms beginning in 2021.
Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board Meeting APRIL 5, 2020 VIRTUAL MEETING
Reviewed status of bills in the legislature that are of concern for MVMA members. The pandemic turned the legislative session on its head, resulting in a greatly compressed session, with few issues outside of the budget receiving much attention.
Ortu Stella Emerging Leader Nominations Due By August 15, 2020 At its Spring 2019 meeting, the MVMA Executive Board approved a new emerging leader recognition: the Ortu Stella Award (Latin for rising star). Nominations for the award will be suggested by the Recent Graduate and Collegiate Task Force, and any MVMA member who wishes to nominate a young veterinarian. The form to make nominations can be found at Click on the “Volunteer” tab at top of main page. Nominators are responsible for securing and submitting biographical information and a statement reflecting the reasons they are making the nomination. Any nominee must be an MVMA member veterinarian in good standing, and not more than ten years post receipt of their degree. The nominees will be selected by the Executive Board through an anonymous vote in relation to the degree to which they meet the following ideal: The Ortu Stella recipient must in some way shine brightly, aid comrades in navigating the veterinary profession, assist in illuminating the path for those around them, and/or demonstrate that they habitually strive to rise to the occasion.
Discussed at length the activities of the MVMA during the pandemic. • The Board also reviewed the minutes of all MVMA committees and other entities.
Minutes of this board meeting and other committee meetings can be accessed through the MVMA website, under the “Volunteer” tab. 6
Dr. Abby Whiting (left), recipient of the 2020 Ortu Stella Award. The award was presented by Dr. Sarah Meineka.