MVMA Quarterly-Spring 2025

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Missouri Veterinary

• A Publication of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association • Mel Falk, DVM 2025 MVMA Veterinarian of the Year MVMA Leadership Directory inside this issue.


2500 Country Club Drive

Jefferson City, MO 65109

Phone 573-636-8612 • Fax 573-659-7175

email: website:


Dr. David Wilson President

Dr. Lynn Martin


Dr. Jason Nickell

Vice President

Dr. Shelia Taylor


Dr. Kacie Ulhorn

Board Chair


Dr. Kenton Morgan

Northwest District Delegate

Dr. Jeffrey Sparks

North Central District Delegate

Dr. Laura Moon

Northeast District Delegate

Dr. Christi Belew

Kansas City District Delegate

Dr. Tom Rose

West Central District Delegate

Dr. Adam Duris

Greater St. Louis District Delegate

Dr. Justin Berger

East Central District Delegate

Dr. Julie King

Southwest District Delegate

Dr. Sean Byrd

Southeast District Delegate

Dr. Jessica Stroupe

AVMA Delegate

Dr. Chuck Barry

AVMA Alternate Delegate

Dr. Srinand “Sri” Sreevatsan, Dean

MU College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Carol Ryan

AVMA District 7 Representative

Dr. Cliff Miller (Ex-officio)

MVMA Legislative Chair

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT, MS (Ex-officio) MVTA Legislative Chair

Brody Brown, Student Board Member

Lillie Snider, Alt. Student Board Member


Dr. Melissa Boldan • Dr. Kathryn Bell

Dr. Jamie Hall


Julie Braun

Executive Director

Lizzie Benke

Program & Event Manager

Riley Spurgeon

Digital Communications & Program Coordinator

Kim Ralston

Director of Print Communications

Michelle Gentges

Executive Assistant

Dawn Felger

Member Data Specialist

Emma Hees


Mel Falk, DVM, Independence, Mo. was honored at the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s 133rd Annual Convention on February1st as the recipient of the coveted Veterinarian of the Year Award.

He was recognized for his dedication and service to his community, his patients, his clients and the veterinary profession, as well as the positive impact he has had on the lives he’s touched.

Dr. Falk graduated from Kansas State University in 1974. He practiced mixed animal medicine for a year before moving to Independence, Missouri where he worked as a small animal veterinarian and then built Hidden Valley Animal Hospital in 1993. He has since retired from active practice. He is past president of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA). He has also served on several committees of the MVMA; including as the MVMA Political Action Committee Chairman.

Congratulations Dr. Falk!

Photo by: Riley Spurgeon

From the President

Hello MVMA Members, 2025! As I write this it is 6o below zero this morning. I’m ready for this winter to be over.

On a happier note, it was great seeing many of you at the MVMA convention. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Eleanor Green, presented a couple of very thought-provoking seminars titled “Convergence of Frontiers in Veterinary and Human Healthcare: Future, Soon, and Now”, and “Adaptability: The New Core Competency”. She was also on a panel with Drs. Laura Moon, Jessica Stroupe, Julie King, and Jessica Jacquin where they and the audience discussed issues facing Women in Veterinary Medicine. All were very thought-provoking presentations/ discussions.

We also had a great awards banquet where many well-deserving veterinarians were recognized for their outstanding efforts and accomplishments, including our Veterinarian of the Year, Dr. Mel Falk. Congratulations to all.

One issue has created quite a buzz in the veterinary profession this past fall and winter. On election day, Colorado voters passed proposition 129, creating a mid-level practitioner position in Colorado. This issue was discussed at several meetings I attended at our recent convention. 95% of Colorado veterinarians as well as many other veterinary related organizations expressed their opposition to this bill. The same groups are now pushing for a similar bill in Florida. This could happen in Missouri, and we should be prepared for how we would support or oppose this effort if they should come to Missouri.

If we believe there is a shortage of veterinarians, and that we need a mid-level position to help mitigate that shortage, one way we could address the concerns of those pushing the mid-level practitioner position is to expand the training and opportunities for our Veterinary Technicians. We should continue our efforts to work with the Missouri Veterinary Medical Board to broaden the scope of what our veterinary technicians can do in our practices. Veterinary Technicians have at least two years of post-secondary education, and many have significant experience working in the

From the Vice President

Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you well and warm! At the time of this writing, extreme cold has hit the Midwest, which I’m confident has affected all of you in some capacity. I’m hopeful that you have managed through the weather challenges and are barreling toward spring. I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for electing me as your Vice President. Reflecting on the recent 2025 annual convention, I am reminded once again of the tremendous people who comprise our association. Many of you have been mentors to me, and even more of you are friends. That said, it is truly an honor to serve in this capacity, and I am excited about the journey ahead of us.

Speaking of the annual convention, your MVMA leadership team, led by Dr. Lynn Martin, has wasted no time in planning the scientific program for our 2026 convention.

I have been personally impressed not only with the scientific topics but also with the passion of the individuals serving on the planning committee who are actively bringing the program together. I’m confident the 2026 convention will bring tremendous value to all our collective ongoing scientific learnings. Ongoing learning is not only a passive activity (i.e., attending CE meetings) but can also be active. In that vein, I encourage all of us (including myself) to explore new opportunities to stay sharp while bringing additional value to your practice and your customer base. This may include learning a new procedure to offer within your small animal practice, or it may involve brushing up on ruminant nutrition to offer those services to our cow-calf and stocker/ backgrounder clients. Whatever you have found your “passion” to be, I encourage you to continue to “hone your craft” throughout the year with the intent to bring more value to the clients you serve.

That word “serve” reflects the lifeblood of our profession. All of you, in some capacity, serve the communities in which you reside, the pet owners and/or livestock customers

field of Vet Med. We have bachelor’s and master’s degree programs for Vet Techs at MU and there are at least 17 certification programs to become Veterinary Technician specialists. Currently there are more than 1,500 Veterinary Technicians Specialists approved by the various Academies. Why not continue to expand the career opportunities for Vet Techs, as opposed to developing a new career line? Please let me know your thoughts.

The potential for developing a mid-level practitioner position or expanding the scope of practice for Veterinary Technicians are just two issues that your MVMA will monitor in the future. There are many other issues that cross the MVMA desk. Please consider becoming involved with the MVMA in one of their many committees or task forces. It is truly a rewarding experience.

I hope you all have a great 2025! Please contact the MVMA office, me, or any member of the Executive Board if you have any questions or concerns about the MVMA or any of the many issues that involve veterinary medicine. We are always happy to help in any way possible.

Take care!

that comprise your practice, and ultimately the animals that are placed in your care. If you feel compelled to do so, I encourage you to extend that service to your respective District VMA or even to one of our many MVMA committees. Your involvement will prove to be extremely valuable to the respective organization, and you may also find opportunities for additional personal and professional growth.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the efforts of Mrs. Julie Braun and her staff in the MVMA office. Having now had the opportunity to peek behind the scenes, it is nothing short of amazing the level of organization and leadership that composes that team. I am grateful for their dedication and tireless efforts that keep our association operating day to day and year to year.

Thank you once again for instilling your trust in me. I look forward to working alongside all of you and making a positive impact in our profession. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time if I can be of assistance.

In your service,

David Wilson, DVM
Jason Nickell, DVM

Convention Highlights Taking a Vet Voyage

Over 600 veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, and their families attended the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s 133rd Annual Convention on January 30-February 2 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. The convention offered over 60 continuing education lectures to participants. The convention was sponsored by numerous companies with major support from the MVMA Partners For Progress members: Addison Biological Laboratory, Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim, Bank of America, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, IDEXX, J Hooker Construction Services, Amerisource Bergen/MWI Animal Health, ProPartners Team, Purina ProPlan and Zoetis Animal Health. Also thanks to our Affinity Program, Payroc.

After two days of continuing education lectures, attendees enjoyed a fun Friday evening celebrating the MVMF’s 50th Anniversary with hors d’oeuvres, Missouri wine, a silent auction, and friendly conversation while prize winners were drawn in the MVMF’s 25th Anniversary Drawing. Congratulations to Fred Fischer, who won the $10,000 prize, and to all of the other winners at this year’s drawing!

The Saturday afternoon General Membership meeting saw the installation of officers for 2025. Newly installed officers include: Dr. David Wilson, President, Columbia, Mo.; Dr. Lynn Martin, President-elect, Columbia, Mo.; Dr. Jason Nickell, Vice President, Parkville, Mo.; Dr. Shelia L. Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer, Springfield, Mo. and Dr. Kacie Ulhorn, Board Chair, Hermann, Mo.

2025 MVMA Executive Board Members are as follows: Dr. Kenton Morgan, Northwest District Delegate; Dr. Jeffrey Sparks, North Central District Delegate; Dr. Laura Moon, Northeast District Delegate; Dr. Christi Belew, Greater Kansas City District Delegate; Dr. Tom Rose, West Central District Delegate; Dr. Adam Duris, Greater St. Louis District Delegate; Justin Berger, DVM, East Central District Delegate; Dr. Julie King, Southwest District Delegate; Dr. Sean Byrd, Southeast District Delegate; Dr. Jessica Stroupe, AVMA Delegate; Dr. Chuck Barry, AVMA Alternate Delegate; Dr. Srinand “Sri” Sreevatsan, DVM DeanMU College of Vet. Med.; Dr. Carol Ryan, AVMA District 7 Representative; Dr. Cliff Miller, Ex-officio; Stephanie Gilliam, RVT, Ex-officio; Brody Brown and Lillie Snider, Student Representatives. At-large Delegates are: Dr. Melissa Boldan, Columbia, Mo.; Dr. Kathryn Bell, Poplar Bluff, Mo.; and Dr. Jamie Hall, Mokane, Mo.

The highlight at Saturday evening’s Awards Ceremony, was the presentation of the 2025 MVMA Veterinarian of the Year award to Dr. Mel Falk, Independence, Mo.. Dr. Matt Silvius presented the award to Dr. Falk.

Others who received honors during the evening included:

The MVMA’s annual President’s Award is given to individuals who were instrumental to the President’s efforts to advance the veterinary profession for the betterment of animal health in the state.

Dr. Kacie Ulhorn, MVMA immediate past president, presented this year’s award to her husband, Tim.

Dr. Laura Moon, Fayette, Mo.., received the MVMA’s Ortu Stella Award. The award for early career leadership was presented to Dr. Moon by Dr. Lynn Martin. The recipient is a graduate up to 10 years out who illuminates the path of veterinary medicine to those around them.

The MVMA 2025 Legislative Leadership Award was presented to Sen. Lincoln Hough, Springfield, Mo. The award is in recognition for legislative leadership consistent with the MVMA mission; the protection of animal health and welfare; the relief of animal suffering; the conservation of animal resources; and the advancement of public health.


The convention offered a day-by-day registration with a nine-hour CE program on Thursday and five-hour program on Friday in addition to a six hour program on Saturday and four hours on Sunday for those who were unable to attend the usual four-day program. Additional TSE and equine labs were held off-site at MU-VMDL and CVM on Sunday. All convention continuing education and activities were open to veterinary technicians and practice staff throughout the weekend.

The convention also hosted MU-CVM students who were able to take a break from their classes and attend advanced educational sessions and visit with other MVMA members. On Friday, veterinary students visited with practicing veterinarians during the Student: Vet Networking event. The casual networking event was a hit with both students and doctors. The convention also offered a study hall room for students to “hit the books”.

Prior to the awards ceremony on Saturday, the Missouri Veterinary Technician Association held a reception, sponsored by Hill’s and the MOVTA, for technicians and practice staff members attending the convention. In addition, the Early Career Task Force hosted a forum where new veterinarians were able to sit down and share their post-graduation experiences, as well as, discuss early career myths, tips and tricks with students.

Dr. Marcy Hammerle, Troy, Mo., received the Distinguished Service Award from the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF). Dr. Cindy Vedder, Fulton, Mo. presented the award to Dr. Hammerle.

Dr. Robert Hertzog, Independence Mo., posthumously received the MVMA Academy Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented to Dr. Hertzog’s son, Dr. David Hertzog, who accepted the award on his behalf. Dr. Pete Rucker, Excelsior Springs, Mo. presented the award.

We hope all members had a great experience and the convention will help them on their “Vet Voyage” into 2025.

Plan to join us next year on January 29-February 1, 2026 for more great education, fellowship and fun in Columbia, Mo.

MVMA members and MU-CVM students gather for a photo after the student welcome orientation on

Dr. Mel Falk Awarded 2025 Veterinarian of the Year

Dr. Mel Falk, Independence, Mo. was the recipient of the 2025 Veterinarian of the Year Award at the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s (MVMA) Annual Convention held January 30-February 2 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. Dr. Matthew Silvius, Riverside, Mo. presented the award.

Dr. Falk graduated from Kansas State University in 1974. He practiced mixed animal medicine for a year before moving to Independence, Missouri where he worked as a small animal veterinarian and then built Hidden Valley Animal Hospital in 1993. He has since retired from active practice.

He is past president of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA). He has also served on several committees of the MVMA; including as the MVMA Political Action Committee Chairman where he helped greatly increase donations to the program. He was also a charter member of the first animal emergency clinic in Eastern Jackson County and on the executive board for several years.

Dr. Falk’s civic activities include volunteering as a nation officer of the YMCA’s Indian Guides, coaching many of his sons’ basketball teams, and continues to volunteer as elder and on the building committee at his church, Timothy Lutheran in Blue Springs, Mo. Dr. Falk enjoys traveling with wife, Koko, and spending more time with their four sons and their families since retirement.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s Veterinarian of the Year Award is the premiere recognition bestowed by the association. The award winner is determined annually by the MVMA Board members, who represent over 1,700 veterinary members of the MVMA in Missouri. The recipient of this highest honor is chosen based on their impeccable reputation as a skilled and knowledgeable veterinarian, their dedication and service to their patients and clients, their service as an integral participant in their community, the engagement and leadership in organized veterinary medicine, their mentorship to our future veterinarians, the admiration and respect held for them among their peers, and the positive impact they have had on the lives they have touched.



Moon Receives

2025 Ortu Stella Award

Laura Moon, DVM, Fayette, Mo., received the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s (MVMA) Ortu Stella Award. The award for early career leadership was presented to Dr. Moon by Dr. Lynn Martin.

Dr. Laura Moon

Dr. Moon graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2018. She is currently a practitioner at Green Hills Veterinary Clinic in Moberly, Mo. She enjoys working with all species and has a passion for dentistry, and reproductive medicine. When not at work Dr. Moon can be found spending time with her husband Rodney and their dog Pretzel.

The Ortu Stella recipient must in some way shine brightly, aid comrades in navigating the veterinary profession, assist in illuminating the path for those around them, and/or demonstrate that they habitually strive to rise to the occasion.

Dr. Jason Nickell Installed as 2025 MVMA Vice-President

Dr. Jason Nickell, Stanberry, Mo. was installed as vice president at the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s (MVMA) Annual Convention held January 30-February 2 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo.

He was raised in Stanberry, Missouri and attained a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1999 and 2003, respectively, from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

For the last 14 years, Dr. Nickell has worked within the animal health industry focusing on research, development, and technical service support of both biopharma and animal monitoring technologies. He serves as Director of Insights and Outcomes for Merck Animal Health.

Dr. Nickell is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. He is past chair of the MVMA Missouri Stocker-Feeder Quality Assurance Program and has recently completed his second term as an At-large Delegate to the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board.

Dr. Mel Falk (left) 2025 MVMA Veterinarian of the Year, with the award’s presenter, Dr. Matthew Silvius.
(right) receives the 2025 Ortu Stella Award from Dr. Lynn Martin.
Jason Nickell, DVM, PhD.


Newly installed MVMA officers:

Dr. David Wilson, president; Dr. Lynn Martin., presidentelect; Dr. Jason Nickell, vice president.; Dr. Shelia Taylor, secretary-treasurer; and Dr. Kacie Ulhorn, board chair.

Dr. David Wilson Installed as President; Dr. Kacie Ulhorn Moves to Board Chair

Dr. David Wilson, Columbia, Mo. was installed as president at the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s (MVMA) Annual Convention held January 30-February 2 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo.

Dr. David Wilson graduated in 1984 from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. He joined the University of Missouri, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery as a clinical instructor and eventually full professor in equine surgery. Dr. Wilson retired from the University of Missouri in 2021 as an Emeritus Professor and continues to be involved as an Adjunct Professor with the MU Veterinary Health Center.

Dr. Ulhorn grew up in Macon, Missouri. She attended college at Southwest Missouri State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. She graduated in 2010 from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Ulhorn joined the Hermann Veterinary Clinic immediately after graduation and is now a coowner of that multi-doctor practice. She enjoys the variety of a mixed animal practice and is happy to work with livestock and pets alike.

Senator Lincoln Hough Receives Legislative Leadership Award

The MVMA 2025 Legislative Leadership Award was presented to Senator Lincoln Hough, Springfield, Mo. The award is in recognition for his efforts in advocating for the profession and all the work put into funding for the MU-Veterinary Diagnsotic Laboratory and technician programs..

Senator Lincoln Hough was re-elected to the Missouri Senate in 2022. He began his public service career in 2011, being elected to the Missouri House of Representatives and later as the Greene County Commissioner.

He graduated from Missouri State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. A first generation rancher, he has solely owned and operated his cattle ranch since middle school. Senator Hough has volunteered for the Greene County and Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and currently serves on the Greene County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.

MVMA Lifetime Members

Many thanks to the following members for their continued support of the MVMA.

Burny R. Baxter

Kathleen M. Bisges

Kenneth R. Boschert

Jon B. Copeland

Larry W. Forgey

Max A. Hartman

Kyle R. Johanson

Kevin W. Kackley

Kathryn A. Kovar

James R. Kuhn

Wanda A. Pipkin

Richard L. Schrock

Caroline F. Ward

Gerard M. Willenbrink

David A. Wilson

Sen. Lincoln Hough
Dr. David Wilson (left) presents pastpresident’s plaque to Dr. Kacie Ulhorn.
David Wilson, DVM Lynn Martin, DVM Jason Nickell, DVM
Shelia Taylor, DVM
Kacie Ulhorn, DVM

MVMA Academy Installs Officers; Dr. Robert Hertzog Posthumously Receives

Academy Distinguished Service Award

The MVMA Academy installed officers for 2025 at their business meeting held January 27 during the MVMA convention. Officers are: Laura Moon, DVM, President, Fayette, Mo. and Erica Nowlin, DVM, Vice President, Blue Springs, Mo.

Robert Hertzog, DVM, Independence, Mo., posthumously received the MVMA Academy Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented to Dr. Hertzog’s son, Dr. David Hertzog, who accepted the award on his behalf. Dr. Pete Rucker, Excelsior Springs, Mo., presented the award.

Dr. Hertzog was a lifetimeretired member of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA). He graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 1969. He was a founding member of the MVMA Academy which recently celebrated it’s 50th anniversary.

MVMA Academy Distinguished Service Award recipients are individuals who have rendered meritorious service to promoting and advancing continuing education in the veterinary profession.

Tim Ulhorn Receives President’s Award

The MVMA’s annual President’s Award is given to individuals who were instrumental to the President’s efforts to advance the veterinary profession for the betterment of animal health in the state.

Kacie Ulhorn, DVM, Hermann, Mo., MVMA immediate past president, presented this year’s award to her husband, Tim Ulhorn. Kacie and Tim have four children Leland, Logyn, Jentry, and Nelson. They have three dogs, a cat, and a small beef herd.

Dr. Marcy Hammerle Receives MVMF Distinguished Service Award

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, DABVP is a 2003 graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. She is an associate veterinarian at Elm Point Animal Hospital, St. Charles, Mo.

Dr. Hammerle is pastpresident of the MVMA and is currently on the board of the MVMF (Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation).

Dr. Hammerle is also a past president of the Greater St. Louis Veterinary Medical Association. She has served on several charity boards and is a current executive board member for Treehouse, a therapeutic riding program that pairs horseback riding with children and adults with developmental needs.

In Memory

Jan Addison

Fayette, Mo.

Passed Away: December 16, 2024

Survived by her husband, Bruce; daughter, Kristin and son, Justin.

Joseph Baker Jr., DVM

Dexter, Mo.

Passed Away: January 3, 2025

Survived by his wife, Brenda; daughter, Heather; and two sons: Shawn and Kevin.

Jeffrey Byergo, DVM

Bronaugh Mo.

Passed Away: February 17, 2025

Survived by his sons, Justin and Cameron and stepson, Matt.

Venton Goodnight, DVM

Independence Mo.

Passed Away: September 3, 2024

Survived by his daughter, Janice.

Dr. David Hertzog (right) with presenter, Dr. Pete Rucker.
Congratulations to Tim Ulhorn. Shown here with children Leland, Logyn, Jentry and Nelson. Just some of the many reasons he received the award.
MVMF Service Award winner, Dr. Marcy Hammerle, (right) with presenter, Dr. Cindy Vedder.


Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board Meeting January 30, 2025 Columbia Mo.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met January 30, 20245 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo.

The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise:

Missouri Veterinary Medical association

executiVe Virtual Board Meeting

January 30, 2025

coluMBia , Mo

• The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association.

• Statements from AVMA President-Elect, Dr. Mary Ergen were heard.

• MVMA Delegates to AVMA Chuck Barry, DVM and Jessica Stroupe, DVM reported to the board. You can read the AVMA Delegate report on page 27.

• Dr. Aubrey Cordray, President from Iowa VMA gave a state report.

• Mo. Veterinary Medial (licensing) Board gave a report announcing that license renewal and public complaints can now be done online; reminding veterinarians that all veterinarians in a practice have their own current BNDD license;

• MVMA Legislative Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller reported on the legislative committees recommended positions on

current legislation. You can follow the session happenings at http://www.movma. org/page/MVMALegislationInfo

• The Board agreed that there is a desire to be proactive in attempting to avoid a midlevel practitioner in Mo. and be preemptive in marketing what the MVMA is already doing in this area.

• RVT Utilization Task Force gave an update about the MVMAs proposed changes to the Levels of Supervision Table for Registered Veterinary Technicians. (See page 25 for a current update.)

• The Scope of Practice Committee presented a Position Statement on the midlevel practitioner to be formally accepted by the Board. You can find that white paper on our members’ website.

• MVMA Practice Act Review Task Force gave an update on activities and progress.

• Heard a report of the MU College of Veterinary Medicine by Dean Sri Sreevatsan with a thank you to all MVMA members that helped in the pre-screening process; a financial overview; VMDL construction status; NAVLE scores; CVM faculty update and recognitions; strategic planning; hospital and emergency room staffing; collaboration with Central Mo. Humane Society; and in-seat learning was brought forward by the board

• Dr. Dave Wilson gave a status report on the 2025 convention events and activities.

• The 2024 MVMA election outcome and candidates were reviewed, and new board members were welcomed.

• Licensing Board appointments and reappointments are a priority of the new administration.

• Additional Financial reports were reviewed for the LLC; PAC and Foundation with special mention of the Foundations 25th and 50th anniversaries being celebrated in 2025 as well as the inaugural MVMPAC Reception during the convention.

MVMA General Membership Meeting Minutes 2025 MVMA Academy

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Holiday Inn Executive Center – Columbia, Mo.

State of the Profession Forum

MVMA Welcome – Dr. Kacie Ulhorn

MVMPAC Report – Dr. David Gourley

MDA Update – Dr. Steve Strubberg

MU CVM Dean Address - Dr. Sri Sreevatsan

AVMA District VII Report – Dr. Carol Ryan

AVMA Immediate Past President Report Address - Dr. Rena Carlson

MVMB Report – Dr. Michael Pfander


General Membership Meeting was called to order by President Dr. Kacie Ulhorn at 7:00 am

I. MVMA Mission

The MVMA mission-strategic plan was reviewed and updated at the 2024 MVMA Leadership Conference.

II. Minutes of Last Meeting

Dr. Shelia Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer, presented minutes from the January 27, 2024 MVMA General Membership Meeting.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as prepared and presented. Motion carried. III. Financial Reports

Dr. Shelia Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the 2024 financial statement. As of December 31, 2024, the MVMA reported $491,536.18 in bank accounts and Certificates of Deposit, plus $194,317.44 in receivables, fixed and other assets for total assets of $685,853.62.

It was moved and seconded to approve the financial statement as prepared and presented. Motion carried.

IV. Executive Board Report. Executive Board Chairman, Dr. Matt Silvius, presented the Executive Board Report from the Thursday, January 30, 2025 board meeting. (see board minutes) It was moved and seconded to approve the actions of the Executive Board since the last Membership meeting. Motion carried.

VI. Old Business

There was no old business to bring before the membership.

VI. New Business

MVMA Legislative Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller presented on the current legislative session and Veterinary Day at the Capitol.

VII. Announcement of the Election of 2025 MVMA Officers and New Board Members Dr. Matt Silvius presented the results of the 2025 Officer Election. They were as follows:

For Officers:

President, Dr. David Wilson • President-Elect, Dr. Lynn Martin • Vice President, Dr. Jason Nickell Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Shelia Taylor • Chairman of the Board, Dr. Kacie Ulhorn

We wish to graciously thank Dr. Philp Brown, and Dr. Erica Nowlin for participating in our democratic process. We are very grateful and look forward to their continued involvement in the future.

New or re-elected MVMA Executive Board Members were as follows: Dr. Adam Duris, GSLVMA • Dr. Tom Rose, WCVMA • Ms. Lillie Snider, MU CVM Alternate Student Board Member

New or re-elected At-Large Delegates were as follows: Dr. Melissa Boldan, WCVMA • Dr. Jamie Hall, ECVMA • Dr. Kathryn Bell, SEVMA

AVMA Immediate Past-President, Dr. Rena Carlson, installed the new officers and board members

Receiving Retiring Board Member and Committee Chair Plaques and/or Certificates were: Dr. Sarah Reinkemeyer, At-Large Delegate • Dr. Jessica Farris, GSLVMA District Delegate Dr. Mark Lux, Scope of Practice Committee Chair • Dr. Jessica Stroupe, WCVMA District Delegate

In accordance with the MVMA Constitution & Bylaws, Immediate Past-President Dr. Kacie Ulhorn became the MVMA Executive Board Chairman. Dr. David Wilson presented her with a Retiring President plaque for her service to the MVMA.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Dr. Shelia Taylor Secretary/Treasurer

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Academy is the continuing education arm of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. Its members are those MVMA members who have met or exceeded the Academy’s membership requirements of 40 hours of CE and have applied for Academy membership.

There is no cost to join and be recognized for your efforts. For more on the membership process, go to

Ehren Anderson • Chuck Barry

Christina Belew • Lonnie Blum

Stephanie Bonnette • Stephanie Brennan

Molly Briggs • Katie Castelli

Kris Clements • Thomas Coletti

Jessica Dean • Jennifer Esiele

Jessica Gardner • Tamara Gull

Marcy Hammerle • Ashley Kayson

Julie King • Elizabeth Kistner

Praveena Kolli • Heather Kvitko-White

Cody Lewis • Jenny Lindquist

Lynn Martin • Elizabeth Marziani

Edward Migneco • Cliff Miller

Laura Moon • Christina Nelson

Stacey Nickell • Erica Nowlin

Jody Perry • Mara Reynolds

Carol Ryan • Garett Schaefer

Matthew Silvius • Raymond Stegeman

Maureen Sutter • Brett Ward

Bruce Whittle • Allison Williams

McKenna Wingerd

Academy Lifetime Members:

Philip Brown • Ronald Brown

Sally Burd • Roger Dozier

Raymond (R.C.) Ebert • Peggy Fisher

Richard Linn • Tony Martin

Susan McCarty • Pete Rucker

Linda Scorse • Steven Lewis Smith

Eugene Ulmanis • Kenneth Vroman

Mac Wilt • Michael Pfander

Go to for more information.


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Our Committees@Work

Animal Welfare Committee

The Animal Welfare Committee has made a survey and emailed it to the members regarding potential animal abuse and how and who to report it to. We are reviewing the results to help serve the needs of the members by providing access to the necessary resources for animal abuse reporting including a flow chart.

Other current plans include…

• Publishing an article on animal abuse in an upcoming Quarterly Magazine.

• Working with MDA on education piece for local law enforcement.

• Reviewing our responsibilities regarding serving on the Animal Welfare Committee.

This Committee shall:

1. address issues dealing with the commitment to the welfare, care and humane treatment of animals;

2. utilize the positions and recommendations of the AVMA Animal Welfare Committee;

3. should interact with humane societies, livestock and farm organizations and other animal welfare groups;

4. advise the MVMA Executive Board and membership on current opportunities to promote animal welfare in Missouri;

5. work closely with the Public Relations Committee on animal welfare issues;

6. submit an annual report to the MVMA Executive Board and Membership.

Submitted by Dr. John

Convention Planning Committee

The 2026 Convention Planning Committee (CPC) met on February 2, 2025, during the MVMA Convention, including representation from our veterinary technicians. The meeting focused on reviewing key points related to the planning process and development of the 2026 Convention.

Major Points of Discussion:

1. Review of the 2025 Convention Feedback: We began by briefly reviewing the comments and feedback received from the 2025 Convention. This feedback will guide us in

enhancing attendee experience and addressing any areas for improvement for the 2026 event.

2. MVMA Academy Mini-topics Overview: The committee also reviewed the MVMA Academy Mini-topics, discussing potential topics of interest for the upcoming convention. These sessions provide valuable learning opportunities in specialized areas of veterinary medicine and will continue to be a highlight.

3. Process for Inviting Speakers and Attaining Sponsorships:

We discussed the process for inviting speakers and securing sponsorships. The committee is committed to offering a diverse range of speakers and securing high-quality sponsorships to support the event and enhance the overall experience for attendees.

4. Breakout Group Discussions: The committee participated in breakout group discussions to brainstorm and refine ideas for the various speaker tracks at the 2026 Convention. Key tracks include Equine, Food Animal, Companion Animal, Practice Management/General Interest, Technician, and Soft Skills. These discussions highlighted the importance of tailoring content to meet the needs of our diverse membership while offering cutting-edge, practical knowledge across various areas of veterinary practice.

5. Open Call for Ideas: The committee is actively seeking input from the membership regarding potential speakers and sponsorship opportunities. We encourage suggestions for speakers who can bring fresh, engaging content to these tracks and for sponsors who want to contribute to the success of the event.

Looking Ahead:

Planning for the 2026 Convention is off to a strong start. The committee is excited about the progress made so far and confident that the event will be a great success. We anticipate a vibrant program that will provide valuable learning experiences for veterinary professionals and technicians alike.

We are looking forward to further collaboration with the membership and continuing to build an exceptional convention. Thank you for your ongoing support!

Respectfully Submitted, Lynn M. Martin, DVM, MPH, DACVIM (LAIM), Chair (continued on page 14.)

Louisville, Kentucky

June 19-21

Exhibit Hall

June 19-20

Specialty Symposium

June 18

+ Virtual Access

On Demand

June-October 2025

Limited Livestream

June 19-21

Live Virtual Day

June 26

As a primary care veterinarian, you have the opportunity to learn from veterinary specialists and bring advanced knowledge back to your practice. By connecting with these experts, you can strengthen your referral network, increase your confidence in managing complex cases, and become par t of a broader community dedicated to advancing veterinary medicine.

*Code valid only for primary care veterinarian registration types.

(Committees cont. from page 12.)

Equine Committee

The MVMA Equine Committee met on Thursday, January 28, 2025 with 9 members and 4 guests present. In 2024 we had decided to have committee members submit horse health care articles for the MVMA website and social media on a rotating monthly basis. We decided to continue this and had committee members volunteer to write articles on specific topics monthly through January 2026.

The MVMA Equine Committee will again host a Fall Equine Dental Seminar and Wet Lab at the Longmeadow Rescue Ranch September 26-28, 2025. The cost to register was increased to $825 to account for increased expenses but is still less than half the cost of similar courses. Drs. Dennis Rach and Bruce Whittle will once again teach the course and several other committee members will serve as wet lab assistants as in the past. It is through the efforts of these volunteers and the great support and help from the MVMA staff that we are able to continue to offer this popular course. Over half of the 10 participant spots are already filled.

Discussion was also conducted on the USDA Horse Protection Act that is going to have a delayed implementation due to public concern over how it is going to affect smaller horse shows and events. We also talked about the mid-level practitioner ballot initiative in Colorado and the veterinary technician specialist bill passed in Arkansas that essentially creates a mid-level practitioner.

Finally, there was a discussion of the Missouri Farm Bureau policy change to support allowing non-veterinarians to perform pregnancy diagnosis, artificial insemination, embryo transfer and vaccine administration by species with cattle and horses being specifically mentioned. The MVMA was able to get the policy amended to only allow individuals receiving training through a registered veterinary technician program and working under a supervising licensed veterinarian. Committee members expressed concern with non-veterinarians performing some of these services due to the concern for rectal tears in the mare.

Respectfully submitted, Bruce P. Whittle, DVM, Equine Committee Chair

Emergency Management & Public Health Committee

The Emergency Management & Public Health Committee met on January 30, 2025. Notable activities during 2024 were the following:

Large Animal Technical Emergency Rescue Awareness and Operations Class, August 24-25, 2024

Members of the Volunteer Vet Corps (VVC), students and faculty from the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, and first-responders from the Boone County Fire Protection District (BCFPD) trained together to learn and practice technical emergency large animal rescue procedures during an Operations level course on August 24-25, 2024. The class included both classroom and hands-on instruction. Faculty instructors from the CVM included Drs. Martha Scharf, Tamara Gull, Loren Schultz and Corrine Bromfield.

Other DVM instructors included Drs. Keith Branson, Catherine Vogelweid, Bill Jones and Mieke Schotte. Assistant Chief Chuck Leake, Operations Bureau Director Doug Westhoff, Clint Walker and Lee Turner (retired) were the instructing faculty from the BCFPD. The course emphasized the importance of working as a team to combine the knowledge of veterinarians in the assessment and care of animals with the technical expertise in rescue methods and equipment that resides within the fire service. The course was approved by the MVMA Academy for 6 hours of CE.

Medical Reserve Corps Update

Dr. Catherine Vogelweid, Dr. Bill Jones and Executive Director Julie Braun attended the MRC Leadership Summit on May 30 and 31. Dr. Vogelweid attended a second Leadership Summit on November 7 and 8. Veterinary input was sought as the MRC units work to develop a Mission Set for Pet Sheltering.

Updates from the VMDL and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Shuping Zhang provided a thorough summary of annual testing activity at the VMDL, and she provided an update about on-going construction to upgrade the Diagnostic Laboratory.

Molly Baker from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services gave an update of zoonotic disease activity during the past year.

Cathy Vogelweid, DVM, Chair

Veterinary Technician and Practice Staff Committee

The Veterinary Technician and Practice staff Committee, along with the RVT Utilization Task Force, worked with the MOVTA and licensing board to expand the supervision levels for registered veterinary technicians (RVT). These changes are intended to help veterinarians better utilize their RVTs, help with job satisfaction and better manage work flow. (See page 25 for updated information.)

Submitted by,

Marcy Hammerle, Chair

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2025 leadership directory

MVMA Executive Board Officers


David Wilson, DVM 6621 E. Bass Ln. Columbia, MO 65201 573-823-9407 •


Lynn Martin, DVM 1520 E. Rollins St. Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3513 •


Jason Nickell, DVM 6050 NW Union Chapel Road Parkville, MO 64152 913-268-2081 Work 913-268-2541 Fax


Shelia L. Taylor, DVM 2878 S Eldon Ave., Springfield MO 65807 417-447-8245 •

Board Chair

Kacie Ulhorn, DVM 2094 Highway 100 Hermann, MO 65041 573-486-2515 •

District Delegates

Tom Rose, DVM: West Central Delegate 210 S. Keene Street Columbia, MO 65201 573-449-3791

Jeffrey Sparks, DVM: North Central Delegate 26027 Hwy 11 St. Catharine, MO 64628 660-412-2230

Kenton Morgan, DVM: Northwest Delegate 111 SE 4th Street Faucett, MO 913-526-6298

Laura Moon, DVM: Northeast Delegate 860 Country Road 409 Fayette, MO 65248


Adam Duris, DVM: Greater St. Louis Delegate 329 Glan Tai Drive St. Louis, MO 63011 985-630-3992

Sean Byrd, DVM: Southeast Delegate 2139 Megan Dr Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 573-334-6283

Justin Berger: East Central Delegate 16320 Country Road 8410 Rolla, MO 65401 573-364-7100

Christi Belew, DVM: Kansas City Delegate 3025 Main St. Kansas City, MO 64108 816-931-4930

Julie King, DVM: Southwest Delegate 29 Wintergreen Road, Suite A Branson, MO 65616 417-337-9777 Work 417-337-9773 Fax

At-Large Delegates

Melissa Boldan, DVM 3500 Teakwood Court Columbia, MO 65203 573-514-5574 •

Jamie Hall, DVM 9265 State Road C Mokane, MO 65059 309-506-6247•

Kathryn Bell, DVM 700 S Shelby Rd Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573-785-1471

Ex-Officio Members

Srinand “Sri” Sreevatsan, DVM MU CVM Dean

900 East Campus Dr., Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3064 Work 573-884-5444 Fax

Carol Ryan, DVM AVMA Dist. VII Representative 224 Deer View Dr., Troy, MO 63379

636-327-6488 Work 636-639-5561 Fax

Jessica Stroupe, DVM

AVMA Delegate

293 Hwy 5 & 240, Fayette, MO 65248 573-881-5626 Work

Chuck Barry, DVM AVMA Alt-Delegate

227 SE 13 Hwy, Warrensburg, MO 64093

660-422-7839 Work 660-422-7375 Fax

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT MVTA Legislative Chair 3507 State Road E, Auxvasse, MO 65231 573-631-8290

Cliff Miller, DVM

Legislative Committee Chair 1709 E Urbandale Drive, Moberly, MO 65270 660-263-9797

Brody Brown Student Board Member

Lillie Snider Alternate Student Board Member

MVMA Committee Members Advisory Committee to the College of Veterinary Medicine

Rodney Chapman, DVM, Co-chair, West Central

Clark Fobian, DVM, Co-chair, West Central

Christopher Baughman, DVM, Northeast

Gregory Boyer, DVM, East Central

Terry Ann Chapman, DVM, West Central

Roger Dozier, DVM, East Central

Peggy Fisher, DVM, Southeast

Clinton Jones, DVM, Southeast

Deborah Leach, DVM, West Central

Edward Migneco, DVM, Greater St. Louis Forest Miller, DVM, Northwest

Ryan Montgomery, DVM, North Central

Ronald Palmer, DVM, Northwest

Craig Payne, DVM, West Central

Ed Powell, DVM, Northwest

Srinand Sreevatsan, DVM, West Central

Animal Welfare Committee

John Bates DVM, Chair, Greater St. Louis

Frankie Lynn Bowers, DVM, Southwest

Corinne Bromfield, DVM, West Central

Phil Brown, DVM, Southwest

Peggy Callow, DVM, Southwest

Rachel Cook, DVM, East Central

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Linda Hickam, DVM, Northeast

Cia Johnson, DVM,AVMA

Kellien Kuschel, DVM, West Central

Erika Leisner,DVM, West Central

(continued next page.)

Lawrence Kovac, DVM, Kansas City

Kellien Kuschel, DVM, West Central

Erika Leisner,DVM, West Central

Tom Lenz, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Chelsea Mathews, DVM, West Central

Cynthia McDowell, DVM, Southeast

James Mrkvicka, DVM, Northwest

James Mrkvicka, DVM, Northwest

Jean Schmidt, DVM, West Central

Jill Stohs, DVM, Kansas City

Steve Strubberg, DVM, East Central

Christina Venner, DVM, Kansas City

Jamie Woodworth, DVM, Greater St. Louis Convention Planning Committee

Lynn Martin, DVM, Chair, West Central

Christi Belew, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Cindy Cravens, DVM, West Central

Jessica Dean, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Abby Whitting, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Erica Nowlin, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Jessi Farris, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Tim Evans, DVM, West Central

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT

Jamie Hall, DVM, East Central

Hannah Leventhal, DVM, West Central

Laura Moon, DVM, West Central

Jason Nickell, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Shelia Taylor, DVM, Southwest

Kacie Ulhorn, DVM, East Central

David Wilson, DVM, West Central Emergency Management and Public Health Committee

Cathy Vogelweid, DVM, Chair, West Central

John Bates, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Molly Baker

Monica Beddo

Peggy Callow, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Lewis Cody, DVM, West Central

Peggy Fisher, DVM, Southeast

Ashley French, DVM, East Central

Stephen Goff, DVM, Northwest

John Holste, DVM, West Central

David Hopson, DVM, East Central

Steven Howerton, DVM, Southwest

Travis Inman, DVM, West Central

Bill Jones, DVM, West Central

Marie Kerl, DVM, West Central

Linda Lackman, DVM, East Central

Hannah Leventhal, DVM, West Central

Charles Massengill, DVM, East Central

Kaitlin McDaniel, DVM

Kenneth Moorman, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Christine Nagel, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Stephen Patterson, DVM, Northeast

Michael Pfander, DVM, Southwest

Gerald Rainey, DVM, Northwest

Thomas Rose, DVM, West Central, Thomas Rouse, DVM, Southwest

Loren Schultz, DVM, West Central

Karen Smith, DVM, Southwest

Tyler Sneft, DVM, West Central

Kelvin Urday, DVM Greater St. Louis

Christina Venner, DVM, North Central

Equine Committee

Bruce Whittle, DVM, Chair, North Central

Gabby Balaa, Student Member

Dane Frazier, DVM, Southwest

Catherine Hicks, DVM, Southeast

Patricia Homeyer, DVM, East Central

John Houtsma, DVM, West Central

David Leighr, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Thomas Lenz, DVM, (Out of State)

Hannah Leventhal, DVM, West Central

Lynn Martin, DVM, West Central

Kaitlin McDaniel, DVM

Kenton Morgan, DVM, West Central

Dawn Mrad, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Ed Powell, DVM, Northwest

David Wilson, DVM, West Central

Legislative Committee

Clifford Miller, DVM, Chair, Northeast

Michael Bloss, DVM, Southwest

Gregory Boyer, DVM, East Central

James Fallert, DVM, Southeast

Clark Fobian, DVM, West Central

David Gourley, DVM, Soutwest

Tom Lenz, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Lynn Martin, DVM, West Central

Stacy Martin-Beamer, DVM, Northwest

Erica Nowlin, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Michael Pfander, DVM, Southwest

Sadina Scott, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Matthew Silvius, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Daniel Tappmeyer, DVM, East Central

Kenneth Vroman, DVM, West Central

Bruce Whittle, DVM, North Central

David Wilson, DVM, West Central

Missouri Stocker/Feeder

Quality Assurance Program Committee

Daniel Tappmeyer, DVM, Chair, East Central

John Bolinger, DVM, West Central

Roger Borgmeyer, DVM, West Central

Voyd Brown, DVM, Southwest

John Groves, DVM, East Central

Richard Kent, DVM, North Central

Brent Lower, DVM, Southwest

Tony Martin, DVM, West Central

Justin Nash, DVM, East Central

Jason Nickell, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Craig Payne, DVM, West Central

Darrell Payne, DVM, West Central

Christopher Perry, DVM, Northeast

Ed Powell, DVM, Northwest

Charlie Robinson, DVM, Southwest

Steve Strubberg, DVM, East Central

Membership Committee

Kacie Ulhorn, DVM, Co-chair, East Central

Jason Nickell, DVM, Co-chair, Greater Kansas City

Christina Belew, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Mel Falk, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Jessica Farris, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Daniel Goehl, DVM, Northeast

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Brittany Kennedy, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Lynn Martin, DVM, West Central

Edward Migneco, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Erica Nowlin, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Jonathon Renfro, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Carol Ryan, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Jill Stohs, DVM, (Out of State)

Jessica Stroupe, DVM, West Central

Cynthia Vedder, DVM, East Central

David Wilson, DVM, West Central

Early Career Task Force

Brittany Kennedy, DVM, Co-Chair, Greater St. Louis

Natalie Branson, DVM Co-Chair, Greater St. Louis

Annabelle Blosser, West Central

Abigail Hilton, DVM, West Central

Angelina Johnson, West Central

Rebecca Kiesel, DVM, West Central

Victoria Landing, DVM, SouthEast

Sarah Lira, DVM, West Central

Sarah Meineka , DVM, Greater Kansas City

Justin Nash, DVM, West Central

Sarah Nguyentran, West Central

Christopher Olson, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Sonja Perry, DVM, Northeast

Natalie Powell, DVM, Northwest

Kendelle Puga, DVM, Southwest

Charlie Robinson, DVM, Southwest

Robert Schmidt, DVM

Caroline Shaw, West Central

Lauren Shipp, DVM, East Central

Lillie Snider, West Central

Shelia Taylor, DVM, Southwest

Michelle Thornberry, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Carly Vandas, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Hunter Wallace, DVM, Southwest

Elizabeth Wells, DVM, East Central

Brody Brown, Student

Makayla Clark, Student

Rural Animal Veterinary Task Force

Clifford Miller, DVM, Co-chair, Northeast

Daniel Tappmeyer, DVM, Co-chair, East Central

Michael Bloss, DVM, Southwest

Annie Callahan, DVM, West Central

Daniel Goehl, DVM, Northeast

David Gourley, DVM, Southwest

Jamie Hall, DVM, East Central

David Hertzog, DVM, Kansas City

Sonja Perry, DVM, West Central

Charlie Robinson, DVM, Southwest

Carol Ryan, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Tim Snider, DVM, West Central

Raymond Stegeman, East Central

Jessica Stroupe, DVM, West Central

RVT Utilization Task Force

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, Chair, Greater St. Louis

Christi Belew, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Cindy Cravens, DVM, East Central

Shawna Esep, RVT

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT

Bill Jones, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Kevin Kohne, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Jessica Leary, RVT

Erica Nowlin, DVM, Greater Kansas City

Julie Rutherford, RVT

Shelia Taylor, DVM, Southwest

Ashli Selke, RVT

Jeff Vemmer, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Ken Yagi, RVT

Scope of Practice Committee

Kenton Morgan, DVM, Chair, Greater Kansas City

Michael Bloss, DVM, Southwest

James Crago, DVM, East Central

Aarah Craig, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Clark Fobian, DVM, West Central

Kellien Kuschel, DVM, West Central

Mark Lux, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Marcellus Markway, DVM, East Central

Sarah Mueller, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Gary Nie, DVM, Southwest

James Schuessler, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Dewey Waide, DVM, Southwest

Veterinary Technician and Practice Staff Committee

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, Chair, Greater St. Louis

Thomas Dorsey, DVM, Northeast

Shawna Estep, RVT

Whitney Fahrendorf, RVT

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT

Kevin Kohne, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Jessica Leary, RVT

Tiffany Mense, RVT

Julie Rutherford, RVT

Angela Scherer, DVM, Southeast

Cindy Vedder, DVM, East Central Practice Act Review Task Force

Chuck Barry, DVM, Chair, West Central

Justin Berger, DVM, East Central

Frankie Lynn Bowers, DVM, Southwest

Dana Fennewald, DVM

Maynard Bill Jones, DVM, West Central

Clifford Miller, DVM, East Central

Sarah Reinkemeyer, DVM, East Central

Shelia Taylor, DVM, Southwest

Kacie Ulhorn, DVM, East Central

Bruce Whittle, DVM, North Central

Wellbeing Task Force

Abigail Whiting, DVM, Chair, Greater St. Louis

Joan Coates, DVM, West Central

Tad Coles, DVM, Kansas City

Kerry Karaffa, PhD.

Brittany Kennedy, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Kelly Lenhart, MSW

Jill Luther, DVM, West Central

Clifford Miller, DVM, Northeast

Michael Pfander, DVM, Southwest

Carol Ryan, DVM, Greater St. Louis

Shelia Taylor, DVM, Southwest

MVMA District Officers

East Central District

President: Patricia Homeyer, DVM, New Haven, Mo.

President Elect: Dan Tapmeyer, DVM, Hermann, Mo.

Secretary/Treaurer: Vacant

West Central District

President: Lauren Delaney, DVM, Columbia, Mo.

Vice President: Vacant

Secretary-Treasurer: Kenneth Vroman, DVM, Glascow, Mo.

North Central District

President: Bruce Whittle, DVM, Trenton, Mo.

Vice President: VACANT

Secretary-Treasurer: John Sheerman, DVM, Marceline, Mo.

Northeast District

President: Catherine Webb, DVM, Macon, Mo.

Vice President: Vacant

Secretary/Treasurer: Mac Wilt, DVM, Paris, Mo

Northwest District

President: Tyler Rolofson, DVM, Savannah, Mo.

Vice President: Johanna Wombwell, DVM, St. Joseph, Mo.

Secretary-Treasurer: Mark Gutzmer, DVM, St. Joseph, Mo.

Southeast District

President: Sean Byrd, DVM, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Vice President: Kathryn Bell, DVM, Poplar, Bluff, Mo.

Southwest District

President: Charlie Robinson, DVM, Bolivar, Mo.

Vice President: Michael Bloss, DVM, Aurora, Mo.

Kansas City District

President: Valerie Partch, Smithville, Mo.

President Elect: Stephanie Bonnette, DVM, Platte City, Mo.

Vice President: Allison Nelson, DVM, Union Hill, Mo.

Secretary-Treasurer: Erica Nowlin, DVM, Excelsior Springs, Mo.

Greater Saint Louis District

President: Maggie Dillon, DVM, St. Louis, Mo.

Vice President: Alicia Marquart, DVM, St. Louis, Mo.

Treasurer: Seth Williams, DVM, St. Louis, Mo.

Secretary: Betzy Marziani, DVM, St. Louis, Mo.

Membership Chair: Kris Clements, DVM, Chesterfield, Mo.

Program Chair: Jennifer Wardlaw, St. Louis, Mo.

MVMA Academy Officers

President: Laura Moon, DVM, Fayette, Mo. Vice President: Erica Nowlin, DVM, Excelsior Springs, Mo.

MVMA, LLC Officers

Chair: Gregory Popp, DVM, East Central

Vice Chair: Roger Dozier, DVM, East Central

Secretary: George Buckaloo, DVM, Kansas City

Philip Brown, DVM, Southwest

David Wilson, DVM, West Central Scott Fray, DVM, West Central

Lynn Martin, DVM, West Central Kacie Ulhorn, DVM, East Central

AVMA Delegate

Jessica Stroupe, DVM

AVMA Delegate

293 Hwy 5 & 240, Fayette, MO 65248 573-881-5626 Work

AVMA Alternate Delegate

Chuck Barry, DVM

227 S.E. State Rt, 13 Warrensburg, MO 64093

AVMA District 7 Representative

Carol Ryan, DVM 224 Deer View Dr. Troy, MO 63379

Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Board of Directors

Philip Brown, DVM, Co-Chair

Scott Fray, DVM, Co-Chair

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, Vice-Chair

Bruce Addison, Secretary/Treasurer

Trenton Boyd, Museum Director

Caitlin Dewilde, DVM, Board Member

George Fischer, DVM, Board Member

Chad McNeal, DVM, Board Member

Edward Migneco, DVM, Board Member

James Montgomery, DVM, Board Member

Erica Nowlin, DVM, Per Annum

Cindy Vedder, DVM, Board Member

Missouri Veterinary Medical Board

Michael Pfander, DVM, Chair

Bill Jones, DVM, Vice Chair

Linda Scorse, DVM, Member

Galen Ericson, DVM, Member

Christopher Rohlfing, Public Member

Steve Strubberg, DVM State Veterinarian, Ex-officio

MU-College of Veterinary Medicine Class Liaisons

Class of 2025: Sarah Nguyentran, Rebecca Kiesel

Class of 2026: Caroline Shaw

Class of 2027: Makayla Clark, Angelina Johnson

Class of 2028: Annabelle Blosser, Sarah Lira

2025 MVMA Award Winners

Veterinarian of the Year Award:

Mel Falk, DVM, Independence, Mo.

President’s Award:

Tim Ulhorn, DVM, Hermann, Mo.

Ortu Stella Award

Laura Moon, DVM, Fayette, Mo.

MVMA 2024 Legislative Leadership Award

Sen. Lincoln Hough, Springfield, Mo.

Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Distinguished Service Award:

Marcy Hammerle, DVM, Troy, Mo

MVMA Academy Distinguished Service Award: Robert “Bud” Hertzog, DVM, Independence, Mo

2025 Lifetime Members

Burny R. Baxter, Kathleen M. Bisges

Kenneth R. Boschert, Jon B. Copeland

Larry W. Forgey, Max A. Hartman

Kyle R. Johanson, Kevin W. Kackley

Kathryn A. Kovar, James R. Kuhn

Wanda A. Pipkin, Richard L. Schrock

Caroline F. Ward, Gerard M. Willenbrink, David A. Wilson

2023-24 Animal Archives

Pet of the Year: “Teddy”

Owner: Pat Burns and Jackie Ellis, Columbia, MO

Honored by: Rolling Hills Veterinary Hospital, Columbia, Mo.


Helpful Resources

Agricultural Security & Operations

Bill Pittenger, Agri-Security Specialist 573-751-5625

American Assn. of Veterinary State Boards

James Penrod, CAE, FASLA, Executive Director 4601 Central St., Kansas City MO 64111 816-931-1504 • 816-931-1604 (Fax)

American Veterinary Medical Association

1931 N. Meacham Rd., Suite 100 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360 800-248-2862 • 847-925-1329 (Fax)

AVMA Executive Board District VII Rep. Carol Ryan, DVM 224 Deer View Dr. Troy, Missouri 63379 636-327-6488

AVMA Governmental Relations Division 1910 Sunderland Place, NW Washington DC 20056-1642 800-321-1473 • 202-842-4360 (Fax)

Drug Enforcement Administration 317 South 16th Street St. Louis, MO 63103 314-538-4600

Equine Clinic, Large Animal Clinic, & Small Animal Clinic, Veterinary Teaching Hospital 900 E. Campus Dr., Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-7821 • 573-882-4589 (After Hours/Emerg.)

Missouri Department of Agriculture Jefferson City Diagnostic Laboratory 101 N. Chestnut St., Jefferson City, MO 65101

573-751-3460 • 573-751-5279

Missouri Department of Agriculture

Springfield Diagnostic Laboratory

Rhizza Adams, Manager P.O. Box 2510, Springfield, MO 65801 417-895-7870

Missouri Board of Pharmacy

Kimberly A. Grinston, JD

Executive Director (573) 751-0093


Missouri Bureau of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs (controlled substances information) EJ Jackson, Administrator P.O. Box 570 1500 Southridge Drive Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570

573-751-6321 • 573-526-2569 (Fax)

Missouri Department of Agriculture

Steve Strubberg, DVM State Veterinarian P.O. Box 630 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573-751-3377 • 573-751-6919 (Fax)

Missouri Department of Agriculture

Operation Bark Alert - Report unlicensed breeders. barkalert/

Missouri Department of Health and Senior ServicesOffice of Veterinary Public Health

Molly Baker • Monica Beddoe • monica.beddoe@ P.O.Box 570 Jefferson City, MO 65102

573-751-6113 (Public) • 573-526-0235 (Fax)

Missouri Department of Natural Resources Sharps and Medicine Disposal 573-751-5401

Missouri Veterinary Medical Association

Julie R. Braun

Executive Director 2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City MO 65109-1190 573-636-8612 • 573-659-7175 (Fax)

Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation & Museum 2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 573-636-8737 • 573-659-7175 (Fax)

Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Animal Archives 573-636-8737

Missouri Veterinary Medical Board Dana K. Fennewald, Executive Director P.O.Box 633

Jefferson City, MO 65102 573-751-0031 • 573-526-3856 (Fax)

MU-College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Srinand Sreevatsan, Dean W-203 Vet. Med. Bldg. Columbia MO 65211 573-882-3768 • 573-884-5044 (Fax)

MU-Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab

901 E. Campus Loop Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-6811 or 1-800-862-8635


Dr. Terry Gosch

Sandra KloeppelProgram Assistant, NVAP 1715 Southridge Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 573-658-9850 Directory Information as of March 2025

solving the mystery of complex care



& Events

April 2024

5 38th Annual MUCVM Gentle Doctor Benefit. To be held at the Wyndham Executive Center, 2200 Interstate 70 Dr. SW, Columbia, Mo. 65203.

6 MVMA Spring Executive Board Meeting. Wyndham Executive Center, Columbia, Mo.

May 2024

10 MU-CVM Open House. 9 am - 3 pm. Join CVM students in opening the college’s campus to visitors. Lots of exhibits, entertainment, and educational fun.

16-18 MVTRA Spring Trail Ride.Northfork River Ranch, West Plains, Mo. Go to: www.

18 MU-CVM Graduation. 1 p.m. in Jesse Hall. Columbia, Mo.

4-10 National Pet Week. Get your clinic involved by celebrating the human/animal bond. Go to national-pet-week.

Visit for details.

Associate Member News Briefs

Lazerware, Inc., the Veterinary Technology Services & Support company that has helped Missouri Veterinarians since early 2002. Our solution allows you to focus on what is most important; your practice. It’s often difficult to rely on in-house staff or software companies that struggle to deliver the necessary efficiency, reliability, and expertise your practice desires. You’ll no longer wonder if your internet, network, and credit card systems are professionally secured against attacks. Lazerware delivers a proven solution for Veterinarians so be sure to visit us at the 132nd MVMA Annual Convention in January. Contact us today to learn more. 800-235-4448

Facebook Pages

Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Early Career Task Force MVMA Academy MVMA Certified Veterinary Assistant

Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation

X (Twitter) Page

Missouri Veterinary@MissouriVMA

Instagram Page @missourivma

Arkansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine is on track to begin classes in the Fall of 2026. Groundbreaking for the new teaching facility in Jonesboro, Arkansas is March 12. The 56,000 square foot facility includes classrooms, faculty and staff offices, anatomy, clinical skills, and surgical skills laboratory spaces. With our present timeline, students will enter clinical rotations in May 2029. A-State continues to recruit practices throughout Missouri and the region to host well-trained fourth year veterinary students for 2- and 4-week hands-on clinical experiences. To learn more about hosting students, contact Dr. John Weale –

It’s like having your own accounting department! When you outsource your accounting work to Stopp & VanHoy, it’s like having a trusted advisor on staff. Our team handles all of your day-to-day accounting tasks so you can focus on what’s important—running your business.

We work collaboratively with you via our advanced, secure website platform to support a streamlined and highly efficient workflow. And because work is performed online, you always have real-time views of your data and financial situation. Best of all, we bundle services for a fixed monthly fee—allowing you to budget effectively and never get an unpleasant billing surprise.

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ExistingHospital: Therevenueisalreadyflowingandwhenthepracticeis financiallyhealthy,theprofitsaremorethanenoughtocoverdebtpaymentsonthe hospitalpurchase.

Start-Up: Zerorevenuedollarsarecomingthroughthedoor.Itcantakeseveral monthsand,insomecases,morethanayeartobuildupenoughrevenueto supportthehospitalʼsexpenses,paytheowner,andgenerateaprofit.Notto mention,thisisgoingtocostsignificantmarketingdollarstoaccomplish.


ExistingHospital: Anestablishedpracticehasabookofclientswhoareusedto comingtotheirlocation.

Start-Up: Whenstartingahospital,ittakesalotoftime,effort,andmoney,tobuild uptheclientlistandbecomeknowninthecommunity.


ExistingHospital: Anexistinghospitalhasemployeesalreadyhiredandtrainedto runthedailyoperations.Overtime,employeesalsodeveloppositiverelationships withclientswhichcarrieswithitgoodwill.

Start-Up: Startingahospitalrequirestimetofindprospectiveemployeesplusthe timeforinterviewing,hiring,andtraining.


ExistingHospital: Anoperationalhospitalhasprotocols,systems,andprocesses alreadyinplace.Forexample,computersystemsaresetupforscheduling appointments,trackinginventory,composingmedicalrecords,andinvoicingclients. Start-Up: Thisinitialsetupiscomplexandverytimeconsumingwhenstartinga hospital,especiallywithnewcomputersystems.

Asyoucansee,therearemanybenefitsofpurchasinganexistinghospitalversus startingone.Checkoutourwebsitetobrowseourcurrentlistings.Wehave multipleserviceoptionsdesignedtohelpbuyerspurchaseahospitalsuccessfully. Contactustodaytofindyourfreedomandhelpyoumakeyourownershipdreams cometrue!

Expansion of Supervision Levels for Registered Veterinary Technicians Finalized

On March 3, 2025, efforts to enhance supervision standards for Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs) reached a significant milestone. The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) RVT Utilization Task Force comprised of veterinarians and Missouri Veterinary Technician Association (MVTA) RVTs and the Missouri Veterinary Medical Board (MVMB) successfully amended 20 CSR 2270-4.060 Minimum Standards for Supervision, along with the Required Levels of Supervision table. Following the formal rulemaking process, these amendments were approved and signed by Governor Mike Kehoe. The updated regulations will take effect on April 30, 2025.

These revisions were driven by the goal of improving the utilization of RVTs within veterinary practices while ensuring that the changes do not introduce the undesirable risks associated with mid-level practitioner roles.

With these updates, the Missouri Veterinary Practice Act now provides expanded levels of supervision for RVTs. It remains the responsibility of the supervising veterinarian to exercise professional judgment in evaluating an RVT’s competency before delegating tasks or issuing verbal or written instructions. While RVTs play an essential role in veterinary practice, the supervising veterinarian retains ultimate responsibility and legal accountability for the technician’s actions within the clinical setting.

The Required Levels of Supervision chart below includes the latest amendments, with all modifications highlighted in red for clarity.

These regulatory changes mark a progressive step in veterinary practice, ensuring that supervision standards align with industry advancements while maintaining the highest level of patient care and professional accountability.



* Monitoring of or administration of pre-calculated

** Dentist, Chiropractor, Physician, etc. Notwithstanding the above provisions, Animal Chiropractic Practitioners may perform services pursuant to Section 340.200(3) and (41, RSMo and Section 340.216 1101, RSMo.

A= Immediate Supervision: the licensed veterinarian is in the immediate area and within audible and visual range of animal patient and the person treating the patient;

B = Direct Supervision: the licensed veterinarian is on the premises where the animal is being treated and is quickly and easily available and the animal has been examined by a licensed veterinarian at such times as acceptable veterinary medical practice requires consistent with the particular delegated animal health care task;

C = Indirect Supervision: the licensed veterinarian need not be on the premises but has given either written or oral instructions for the treatment of the animal patient or treatment protocol has been established and the animal has been examined by a license veterinarian at such times as acceptable veterinary medical practice requires consistent with the particular delegated health care task; provided that the patient is not in a surgical plane of anesthesia and the licensed veterinarian is available for consultation on at least a daily basis;

D = Not Legal


House of delegates report

The AVMA House of Delegates met on January 10-11 in Chicago, Illinois. Your MVMA delegates met as representatives of 52 Jurisdictions and 18 Allied Groups gathering for an in-person meeting in Chicago over 2 days to conduct the governance business of the AVMA. The meeting was presided over by AVMA President-Elect Dr. Michael Bailey and Executive Vice President Dr. Janet Donlin.

Membership Update

AVMA has hit a milestone membership number of 108,016. This is a 3% increase over 2024 and surpassed the original goal of 106,000. AVMA boasts a 95% retention rate and 74% market share. SAVMA membership has grown to over 20,000 with a 90% participation rate. The new AVMA target membership goal for 2025 is 110,600.

Advocacy Update

AVMA worked tirelessly against Colorado Ballot Initiative, Proposition 129 which allowed the creation of a Veterinary Professional Associate (mid-level practitioner position). This position requires a masters degree (offered at Colorado State University) and is a 5-semester, mostly online curriculum, that will afford this new professional the privilege to practice veterinary medicine, including the legal ability to do surgery. While the initiative passed in Colorado, the AVMA was crucial in changing the public perspective and narrowing it to a slim margin of victory. The AVMA Government Relations Division is more prepared now than ever to combat such legislation if it develops in other states.

Xylazine availability has continued to be a national and state recognized issue. Diversion of xylazine outside of veterinary use has caused it to become an illicit drug problem. Many states have proposed or enacted laws classifying xylazine as a scheduled medication. The AVMA is advocating against these restrictions, lobbying for passage of the “Combating Illicit Xylazine Act,” which would keep Xylazine available for veterinarians.

As 2025 begins, the AVMA is focused on working with lawmakers and key stakeholders to pass a new Farm Bill that includes veterinary priorities including the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN), National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP), National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasures Bank (Vaccine Bank), Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD), and Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP).

The AVMA is currently working with lawmakers to reintroduce the Rural Veterinary Workforce Act into the new Congress. If passed, the legislation would help recruit and retain veterinarians in rural and underserved areas by ending the federal taxation of the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, which assists veterinarians with the significant obstacle of educational debt. AVMA continues to advocate for the Healthy Dog Importation Act, which was included in all the 2024 Farm Bill frameworks. On the regulatory side, under new rules established by the CDC, which started August 1, 2024, dogs entering the United States

must meet new import requirements, including being at least six months of age and microchipped.

Several state legislatures are working on legislation that would allow non-economic damages to be awarded. AVMA is working to prevent these proposals from gaining traction.


Update/Dues Increase Proposal

Due to the increased costs of advocacy and member service benefits, the AVMA Board of Directors submitted to the House of Delegates Resolution #5 outlining a nominal dues increase in dues over the next five years. There would be a dues increase of $20 for year 2026 and then an additional yearly dues increase of $15 each year from 2027 to 2030 would allow AVMA to complete approved strategic initiatives and continue their commitment to numerous programs and member services without depleting financial reserves and ultimately resulting in a net negative balance sheet. The proposed resolution passed by overwhelming majority. In that passage, wording was added to allow the future yearly dues increases described in this resolution to be enacted at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Veterinary Information Forum

Each HoD meeting has a feature called the Veterinary Information Forum. This member driven topical discussion allows for environmental scanning of the needs and opinions of the membership. The Veterinary Information Forum format was modified for the 2024 Winter HoD meeting. The new format was designed to provide detailed information and perspectives on “Supporting Rural Veterinarians” and the “Current Status of Accreditation in Veterinary Education.”

The topic of Supporting Rural Veterinarians covered many of the professional and personal challenges existing in today’s society for sustaining this demographic of the veterinary profession. Veterinarians play an indispensable role in rural communities supporting animal health, food safety, and public health. Many challenges present themselves, along with numerous opportunities, which vary depending upon practice type. At issue is how the AVMA can provide resources that can encourage the successful establishment and sustainability of rural veterinary practices.

Several options were recommended from the HOD for the AVMA to explore in support of veterinarians in rural practice:

1. Create and review data driven resources that identify factors that impact sustaining and retaining veterinarians in rural practice

2. Investigate potential model programs used by other health professions to support rural professionals (i.e. AMA, ADA, etc.)

3. Survey of existing programs that have provided substantial support for rural veterinary practices, such as state sponsored veterinary loan repayment programs to students committed to serve in designated areas of need.

4. Explore emerging technology and augmented forms of AI that AVMA could encourage to help meet the unique needs of rural veterinarians.

(continued on page 28)

5. Continue to develop and publicize member benefits that exist with AVMA affiliated support groups that seek to address unique needs of rural veterinarians (i.e. AVMA Insurance Trust, etc.).

The second topic covered in the VIF was “Current Status of Accreditation in Veterinary Education.” Programmatic accreditation is a standards-driven, evidence-based peer review process relying on key quality control measures to ensure graduates have the knowledge and essential skills needed for entry-level practice. The Council on Education (COE) follows the criteria required by the Higher Education Act and seeks recognition as an accrediting body through the US Department of Education. The COE is required to demonstrate that its accreditation decisions are independent of the AVMA and are not influenced by any partner organization or recognized affiliate organizations.

Currently there are 53 COE-accredited veterinary schools. There are 30 accredited veterinary schools in the United States, 5 Canadian and 18 international. In addition, there are 4 new, provisionally accredited U.S. schools and 10 proposed, developing schools working toward accreditation. Historically, the Council on Education has limited the number of sites conducted per year to 12. Due to the increased number of proposed programs, this number was expanded to 14 in 2023, 15 in 2024, and 14 site visits to date in 2025. The AVMA also added two new staff positions to support COE operations. On the veterinary technician horizon, there are 220 accredited veterinary technology programs with 2 new programs scheduled for a site visit. A dedicated staff position and the new Committee on the Advancement of Veterinary Technicians and Technologists (CAVTT) were added last year to support the accreditation process and further promote veterinary technology.


The winter 2024 HoD meeting also dealt with 8 resolutions brought forward to the House of Delegates for review. Resolutions are brought to the House if a new policy is created, or if the Board of Directors determines the policy to be pertinent to the scope of practice. AVMA policies are also reviewed and potentially updated and modified every 5 years. Additional information regarding a given policy can be found by using the search function and searching for “AVMA Policy on......”

Missouri voted in support of the final version/action of 7 out of 8 resolutions. Missouri voted No on Resolution 3 which was voted down/failed by overwhelming majority by the HoD. The HOD approved minor word changes to most of the resolutions before adopting them as AVMA policy. All resolutions with the exception of Resolution 3 passed by overwhelming majority.

• Resolution 1—Rules for AVMA Officer Election Campaigns. This resolution was adopted as amended.

• Resolution 2—Evidence-Based Biosecurity. This resolution was adopted as amended

• Resolution 3—New Policy Endorsing Research, Production, and Sales of Cellular Agriculture Animal Protein Products for Food. This resolution failed.

• Resolution 4—Revised Policy on Removal of Antlers (Velveting) . This resolution was adopted as amended.

• Resolution 5—Annual Membership Dues Increase. This resolution was adopted as amended.

• Resolution 6—Revised Policy on Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Veterinary Medicine. This resolution was adopted as amended.

• Resolution 7—New Policy on License by Endorsement: This resolution was adopted as amended.

• Resolution 8—Revised Policy on Guidelines for Pet Ownership This resolution was adopted as amended.

All resolutions and bylaws amendments can be found on https://


Two council positions were filled. Dr. Yung-Yi Mosley was elected to Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents (COBTA)- Immunology, and Dr. Jennifer Glass was elected to Council on Veterinary Service (CoVS)- Mixed Private Practice.

President Elect Candidates

Two candidates for the office of AVMA President Elect addressed the House of Delegates. The balloting for the office of President Elect will occur during the summer House of Delegates session. The candidates are: Dr. Mary Ergen and Dr. Jennifer Quamen

The AVMA continues to provide member benefits and information too numerous to cover in this limited time. If you have questions or needs concerning Continuing Education, Insurance, Retirement Plans, Practice Management, Legislative Advocacy , Volunteer Opportunities, AVMF Reach Grants, Scholarships, Disaster Relief, Well Being, DEI or just about any other professional concern regarding your role in veterinary medicine or your personal well being, answers can be found by searching the website.

The next House of Delegates meeting will be held in conjunction with the AVMA Annual Convention July 17-18 in Washington, D.C. We hope to see you there!

If you have any questions regarding the AVMA, member benefits, or governance, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Chuck Barry.

Respectfully Submitted, Jessica Stroupe, AVMA Delegate 573-881-5626

Chuck Barry, AVMA Alternate Delegate 660-909-1504

To view the complete report,

Quality assurance Program

What is the Missouri stocker/Feeder Quality assurance Program?

The Missouri Stocker Feeder Quality Assurance Program is designed to meet the quality improvement and pre-conditioning needs of producers, feeders, and consumers. This program educates participants in immunology, animal well-being and the economics of disease. Participation in the program increases producer accountability for quality and safety of the product they sell.

How does the Program Work?

Veterinarians and producers must be MSFQAP-certified. Veterinarians must also be Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified. Veterinarians are certified online or during the MVMA convention. Producers are certified by their veterinarian. Veterinarians and producers learn how they can influence carcass quality and consumer confidence by monitoring where and when injections are administered. Once certified, the producer may participate in the program at one of three levels (white, red or blue tag). The three-level approach allows all producers the opportunity to match their level of management and facilities to the level of participation.

level 1: show-Me select (White tag)

• Participating veterinarians and producers must be certified.

• Calves must be properly identified with an approved ear tag. Tag numbers will be listed on an approved certificate.

• External and internal parasite control is administered.

• Calves will be dehorned and healed. Calves will also be castrated with a knife and healed or verified to be steers.

• Vaccinations: 7-way clostridial, IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Mannheimia haemolytica with leukotoxoid, (Histophilus is optional.)

• Cattle must be born on the producer’s farm. A range of birthdates or the birthdate of the oldest calf in the group must be recorded.

• Bull in and out dates will be provided.

• Individual calf treatments will be recorded to include date, product, dosage, route of administration and injection site.

• Vaccinations must be given no younger than four months of age and at least 21 days before sale.

level 2: show-Me superior (red tag)

• Weaned 45 days before offering for sale.

• Meet Level 1 requirements - NOTE: Initial vaccinations may be given at an age determined by an attending veterinarian.

• In addition, a second round of vaccinations must be given using the following guidelines:

• A 7-way clostridial as well as a modified live vaccine containing IBR, PI3, BVD and BRSV must be administered;

• Histophilus somni is optional;

• Only one dose of Manheimia heamolytica is required if that dose is administered to calves 5 months of age or older;

• The time frame between initial and second vaccinations must be a minimum of 21 days and all vaccinations must be completed at least seven days prior to sale;

• If a veterinarian determines initial vaccinations should be given to calves less than 4 months of age then second vaccinations must not occur until calves are 5 months of age or older.

level 3: show-Me supreme (Blue tag)

• Meet Level 1 and Level 2 requirements.

• All cattle must be tested and be negative for persistent BVD infection.

• Genetic information is optional.

For more information and certifications, visit the MVMA website at An MSFQAP Producer Manual, veterinarian MSFQAP and BQA certifications, tag submission Part-1 and 2 Forms, and other materials are available online.

NEW: Payment requested at the time of tag and supply orders.

EvEnt HigHligHts from Your missouri vEtErinarY mEdical foundation

Foundation update

25th Anniversary Drawing & Silent Auction

The MVMF is grateful to all those who support its mission. The annual Foundation Drawing is one way to show your financial support. Because of your generous contributions, hard work and participation, we are enjoying great success in fulfilling our goals for the good of the human/animal bond and veterinary medicine.

“People Helping Animals/Animals Helping People”

Many thanks to all who came to the event and the many members who donated items and volunteered their time to make this year’s event a success! Also, a big thanks to the sponsors of the Foundation Drawing event: Addison Biological Laboratory, Missouri Wine & Grape Board, and Nestle Purina.

Top center: Fred Fischer, grand prize winner!

Top left: Large crowd socializing during the Drawing and Silent Auction event.

Top right: Dr. Neal Roetemeyer holds a photo of MU-CVM mules Hilda and Louise for the Live auction.

Drawing Winners:

$10,000 Grand Prize: Fred Fischer (donated $5,000 back)

$1,000 winners:: Erica Nowlin, Scott Vandegriend, Fred Fischer (donated back)

$200 – Jeremy Volkmann, Carolyn Henry, Cindy Reed, Cindy Vedder

$150 – Art Bryant, David Edwards, James Fallert, MWI Animal Health (donated back)

$100 – Chad McNeal, Richard Kent, Arkansas State University (donated back), Curtis Bock, Charlotte Clifford-Rathert

50/50 Winner: Patty Homeyer

Early Bird Winner: Roger Dozier

Highlights and Actions of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation

Thursday, January 30, 2025 • Columbia, Mo.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation met Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the MVMA Convention in Columbia, MO.

The following are highlights:

All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried unless otherwise noted.

• Reviewed and approved the agenda for the January 30, 2025 meeting.

• Reviewed and approved the minutes from the August 10, 2024 meeting.

• Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s report.

• The 2025 Foundation Reception was discussed

• There were around 450 museum visitors and groups who visited in 2024

• The 2025 MVMF Grant application will go live to the public in February with a deadline of March 31

• An update on the 2025 MVMF Veterinary Honor Roll was given

• Tiffany MacPherson and Cindy Wood were inducted into the MVMF Practice Staff Honor Roll in 2024

• The Foundation quarterly E-newsletter was discussed and is still being sent to MVMA members

• The board discussed final plans on the new build of the website

• Per Annum member Dr. Erica Nowlin’s term renewal was approved by the MVMA board upon recommendation of the MVMF board

• Dr. James Montgomery’s MVMF board term renewal was approved by the MVMA Board upon recommendation of the MVMF board

• Dr. Phil Brown, Dr. Scott Fray, Dr. Marcy Hammerle, and Mr. Bruce Addison, upon the recommendation of the MVMF Board, were all approved by the MVMA Executive Board to be reappointed to their positions on the MVMF board

• Dr. Renny Buckaloo, Dr. Greg Popp, Dr. Scott Fray, Dr. Phil Brown, and Dr. Roger Dozier were

re-appointed to the LLC board for 2025 by the MVMA Executive Board upon recommendation of the MVMF board.

• The next Foundation meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2025 in Jefferson City, MO following the spring Honor Roll inductions

Full minutes of the MVMF Board and all other boards and committees can be accessed through the MVMA website,

Go to the home page, click on Volunteer tab.

MVMF Practice Staff Honor Roll Inducts Cindy Wood

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF) has announced the induction of Cindy Wood, Jefferson City, Mo. into the Veterinary Practice Staff Honor Roll of Missouri.

Cindy Wood joined the medical team at Animal Medical Center, Jefferson City, Mo. in 1989.

As a veterinary assistant, she is responsible for preparing surgical procedures as well as assisting the veterinarias during surgery. When she’s not in the operating room, Cindy helps assist with wellness examinations. Cindy is always calm, especially during emergencies.

and Dr. James Howard.

Cindy lives on a farm and has an Aussie, three Great Pyrenees, several cats, three miniature horses, and several big horses. She enjoys going to horse shows with her husband and grandchildren. In her free time, Cindy stays very busy with 4H and horsemanship groups. She also enjoys giving riding lessons. Although she loves all animals, horses have always been Cindy’s passion.

Cindy Wood is pictured with Dr. Greg Boyer (left)

Classified Ads

Classified Ad Policy

Ads can be submitted online (see “Submit an Opening” at top) or to Riley Spurgeon at and are due by the dates shown below. The MVMA is not responsible for omissions or errors. Member ads will be run for two issues, unless otherwise requested, up to a maximum of three issues. Non-member ads run one issue. Ads will run on the website and in the Missouri Veterinary Quarterly Magazine.


Members’ Ads Online and Print: Free (up to 70 words). Additional words beyond 70 words will be billed at a cost of $3.00 for each additional 7 words.

Closing Dates: February 10, May 15, August 15, October 5

Veterinarians Wanted

The Missouri Department of Agriculture has a New Job Opportunity!

Senior Veterinarian – Meat & Poultry Inspection Program. Division: Animal Health Program: Meat & Poultry Inspection Location: Statewide. Salary: $83,000.16 - $90,000.00. Interested external applicants should apply to https://mocareers. Senior Veterinarian – Meat & Poultry Inspection Program.

Open Faculty Positions: Arkansas State University’s new College of Veterinary Medicine is seeking enterprising faculty to join our growing team! About Our Program: A-State’s DVM program is designed as a three-year pre-clinical curriculum and one-year clinical curriculum. The twelvemonth clinical year is distributed across practices in Arkansas, the region, and the nation. The College of Veterinary Medicine is one of twelve colleges at Arkansas State University and is situated in the heart of Arkansas’s agricultural industry on Crowley’s Ridge in beautiful Jonesboro, Arkansas a one-hour drive from Memphis, Tennessee. Various positions are open and will be opening in the near future. Visit: Open Faculty Positions for more information.

To apply, submit a cover letter including a statement of interest, curriculum vitae, and the contact information of three references. For more information, and to apply please contact Dr. Heidi Banse via

Looking for a small animal associate who wants to dive into a busy practice in a rural community. We are proud to offer the highest quality medicine and surgery in our region with diagnostic capabilities including an onsite CT. No after hour emergencies. Sign on bonus. Pay based on level of experience. Competitive benefit package. Schedule allows for good work-life balance. Must be a DVM to apply. Please e-mail me at kbell@ with any questions and a copy of your resume. I look forward to connecting!

The Animal Medical Center of Mid-America (AMCMA) is seeking full-time veterinarian to support the growth of our clinics. Our AAHAaccredited veterinary hospital offers digital radiography, digital dental radiography, ultrasound, in-house laboratory, therapeutic laser, and a complete range of soft tissue and orthopedic surger-

ies. As part of the Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO), we serve animals from our shelters and the general public. Our veterinarians enjoy a 40hour work week, with a consistent schedule, and every other Saturday off. There are no after-hours calls or emergencies, and we are closed on all major holidays. Veterinarians earn paid vacation, paid sick time, and five floating holidays per year. To apply, see the full posting athttps://amcma.orgor call Sue Copeland at (314) 951-1587.

Kimberling Animal Hospital Hiring for FullTime. Part-Time possible. Experienced. New Graduate possible.

About the Hospital:

Kimberling Animal Hospital was founded in 1988 by Ross Henry, DVM with the intent of providing the gold standard in veterinary medicine in a state-of-the-art friendly family oriented practice. Kimberling Animal Hospital continues to grow after 37 years serving the community and is currently looking for a passionate doctor who genuinely understands the importance of providing high quality medicine and care while simultaneously treating our clients and their small animal/ exotic pets as part of our family.

Dr. Henry served two terms at the President of the South West Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and is a 1994 nominee for the Missouri Veterinarian of the Year. Dr. Henry is constantly trying to maintain the highest standards of veterinary care. In 2005, the Kimberling Animal Hospital was accepted into the American Animal Hospital Association. The association has very high standards for acceptance in the organization. It recognizes less than 15% of the veterinary facilities in the United States.

The Kimberling Animal Hospital has an amazing facility on beautiful grounds. In 2007, the new Kimberling Animal Hospital was awarded an Honorable Mention for Design by the National Commercial Builders Council; competing as the only veterinary hospital in the Medical Facility Division

Since its inception, the state-of-the-art facility has grown substantially and is now 4400 sq. foot housing cutting edge technology, including:

- Dedicated Dental Suite

- Companion Therapeutic Laser

- Ellman RadioSurgery

- Video otoscope

- In-house full Idexx lab


- We practice Fear-Free

- ADS anesthesia

- And more!

Successful applicants should demonstrate:

- First-rate pet healthcare with empathy

- Great communication to empower clients and staff to make informed decisions

- Participate in quality staff training

About the Community:

Kimberling Animal Hospital is tucked in the hills of the Ozarks of Southwest Missouri just a few miles from Branson, Mo. Branson is a popular tourist destination known for its family friendly theme parks, live entertainment, water sports, hunting and hiking. Located conveniently between Springfield, MO., and Fayetteville, Ark., multiple lakes, hiking and biking trails, caves and rivers are easily assessable for the outdoor enthusiast as well as great shopping and dining experiences. Art abounds in the area with Crystal Bridges Museum in northwest Arkansas and well as the eclectic town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Missouri State University is a short drive to the north and University of Arkansas is a short drive to the southwest.

Job Duties and Responsibilities: Associate Veterinarian

- Build rapport with clients by demonstrating exemplary communication skills; listening and empathizing skills are key

- Form and deliver pet diagnosis, treatment plans, and health care needs to clients

- Minimize patient stress and discomfort while performing physical examinations and diagnostic/ medical/dental/surgical procedures.

- Represent the hospital in a positive manner to the general public as well as the professional community

- Follow established protocols on maintenance of patient records


- A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or VMD degree from an accredited university

- Veterinary Medical License to Practice in Missouri

- Associate Veterinarian: One year of Veterinary experience and/or as support staff during education. (New graduates may apply)

- References with longevity to be verified during background check

Related skills

- Employee relation skills – coaching, training, and morale/motivational

- Team player displaying exemplary communication skills – both oral and written

- Time and task management (includes multitasking)

- Ability to make decisions in a confident and effective manner

- Dedication to patient care

Pay and Benefits:

- Generous compensation package with base salary at 100K annually with additional salary based on experience and capability in a ProSal format

- Flexible schedules available with no weekends!

- Health insurance

- Personal days off

- Future partnership potential

- License fees and dues

- CE Allowance & Days

- Negotiable Moving/Signing bonus

How to Apply / Contact

Please visit our website at and apply at htpps:// careers/.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Privately owned practice in Springfield MO looking for an associate. Can be full or parttime with no on call shifts and up to a five day work week. We are a full service veterinary clinic providing care to cats, dogs, pocket pets, reptiles and avian species. We are an established, well equipped small animal practice. Offering a wonderful cohesive team, competitive salary that’s open for discussion, and production bonuses, paid vacation, as well as time off for CE with tuition paid. Please send a resume to g2548@aol. com.

Our rapidly growing practice is looking for a companion animal veterinarian who shares our goals and values. We value high quality medical care, while making sure every client feels cared for and listened to. Being a busy, fast-paced clinic, our doctors get the opportunity to see avariety of cases, which allows you to explore your unique veterinary interests.

Reasons to join our practice:

· Family friendly atmosphere

· Highly trained and skilled veterinary technicians

· Flexible hours

· Privately owned practice—No corporate worries!

· Top of the line equipment and technology

· Accessible mentoring and a collaborative approach with other doctors

· Support your area of interest

Our offer to you:

· Sign-on Bonus

· Competitive guaranteed base salary

· Monthly production bonus

· Health insurance

· Paid time off

· 401K

· Paid professional dues

· Malpractice insurance

· Paid continuing education with days off to attend


Mixed animal practice in a rural area. Currently we have two full time veterinarians. We share on call duties. Our practice is south of KC approximately 60 miles. We are not afraid to start a veterinarian in the mixed animal career. We welcome interested veterinarians to email for more information.

Are you tired of working for corporate vet practices, living a stressful overworked life, or are you right out of vet school? We have the position for you. Animal Clinic of Ste. Genevieve, a small animal, full-service practice in Ste. Genevieve, MO is seeking a part/full time veterinarian. Contact: Michael White DVM at 573-883-0546 or email

Saline County Veterinary Service, Inc. is seeking 2 Full-time Veterinarians (1 Large and 1 Small Animal). This is a 3 doctor mixed animal practice in Marshall, Missouri and is willing to mentor new graduates. Our clinic uses Avimark software, has digital x-ray, an IDEXX in-house lab, and a haul-in facility. Marshall is a rural community located on Hwy 65, ten miles north of I-70, halfway between Kansas City and Columbia. The owner is looking towards retirement. Salary and benefits are negotiable. If interested contact Dr. Scott Pfizenmaier at (660) 886-6812 or fax resume to: (660) 8863763.

Osceola Veterinary Service is rural independent (Non Corporate) mixed practice in west central Missouri. We are currently seeking a full or part time veterinarian with the opportunity to purchase the practice in the near future. We continue to show rapid growth yearly and draw clientele from Larger, surrounding areas. The new associate has the opportunity to explore personal interests, add to existing services, and expand our large animal services. We offer digital radiography, an in house Abaxis laboratory, Certified EIA lab, Large animal haul in facility, etc.

The Truman lake area offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities, yet is an easy drive to Springfield and Kansas City. Salary and benefits are negotiable. New graduates or experienced veterinarians are welcomed to apply. This is a great opportunity for someone who enjoys rural life and doesn’t want to be controlled by a corporate office.

Contact David Edwards DVM 417-309-1638

New Haven Veterinary Hospital is a full-service small animal hospital excelling in customer service and providing the highest standard of care for pets. We provide a fun environment with a wonderful and knowledgeable support staff. We are seeking a full/part time Veterinarian who has the ability to make decisions and communicate clearly/effectively with team members and clientele.

NHVH rewards its employees with PTO, CE allowance, sign on bonus, retirement package and more. For more details please contact us. Please e-mail resume to or call 573-237-7387

Elm Point Animal Hospital in St. Charles, MO Seeks Urgent Care Veterinarian. Do you have a passion for urgent care but not late hours? Dr. Little and his team are searching for a dedicated and compassionate doctor to join us in this specialized role. Enjoy a fulfilling career with:

• No On-Call or Emergency Hours

• 24/7 technicians on site

• Full or part-time positions available

• Competitive Compensation & Benefits

Utilize our brand-new ultrasound, laser surgery, x-ray equipment and chiropractic care while serving a growing community alongside a passionate team. Apply today by contacting us at


We seek clinical affiliate practice partners that provide veterinary clinical experiences to AState fourth-year veterinary students beginning in 2029. Partners play an important role in the professional training and education for veterinary students by providing an opportunity for them to work alongside experienced veterinarians. Participating practices are compensated for their time and oversight.

To learn more visit: Clinical Affiliates or contact Dr. John Weale at

Arkansas State University’s new College of Veterinary Medicine is seeking excellent clinical experiences for our fourth-year veterinary students beginning in 2029. A-State’s DVM program is designed as a three-year pre-clinical curriculum and one-year clinical curriculum. The twelve-month clinical year is distributed across practices in Arkansas, Missouri, the region, and the nation.

Mixed animal practice in a rural area. Currently we have two full time veterinarians. We share on call duties. Our practice is south of KC approximately 60 miles. We are not afraid to start a veterinarian in the mixed animal career. We welcome interested veterinarians to email for more information.

Veterinary Technicians and Practice Staff Wanted

Seeking full time Veterinary Assistant/Technician for busy single doctor mixed animal practice in SE MO. Experience preferred. Please submit CV to

Seeking FT RVT to join our small-town practice in Ste. Genevieve, MO. We are a one-doctor general practice. We have an outstanding facility with the latest equipment. One year experience preferred but encourage recent graduates to apply. Looking for someone that is reliable, selfmotivated and works well within a team environment. Email resume to

(continued next page.)

Businesses for Sale/Lease

Solo DVM, small animal opportunity in west central Missouri. Modern building, over 2600sf, room to expand. Simmons@SimmonsMidwest. com or 877-322-6465

Solo DVM, small animal, Springfield area. $570K in revenue, leased space. Tremendous growth potential for this hospital. or 877-322-6465

New location and building in 2006 located on 0.9 acres, with 2048 sq. feet on each level, and fenced yard. Solar panels installed. Located 45 miles southwest of St. Louis, Mo. grossing 600k per year with room for improvement. Practice and RE negotiable. Call 636-249-3209 for more details.

Mixed animal practice for sale by owner in Clinton, MIssouri. This is currently a solo practice, but there is much room for growth. Outstanding location. Motivated seller, ready to retire. Call 660885-2787 (office) or 660-492-7844 ( cell)

Small Animal Practice with emphasis on integrated medicine for sale in St. Louis County. Gross revenue $850,000. Valuation $650,000. 1 to 1 ½ doctor practice. Also selling real estate1600 sq ft brick building. Motivated by time, not money. Pricenegotiable. Will help with transition. Contact

Items for Sale

2021 bovine magnum 4 veterinary unit for sale. Electrical wiring harness and heater hoses included. Unit has refrigerator. $5000.00. Please email or call 660-882-2472 with any questions.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association is proud to present the Missouri Veterinary Quarterly as a benefit of membership in the Association. Publishing costs are partially paid by advertising sales.

Purchase of any products or services from paid advertisements within this magazine are the sole responsibility of the consumer. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Missouri Veterinary Medical Association.

Any legal advice should be regarded as general information. It is strongly recommended that one contact an attorney for counsel regarding specific circumstances. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services.

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Thanks to the following companies for their premiere support of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association and it’s Foundation.

MVMA Members can access many of the MVMA Convention CE programs online now. You can also provide this access to your practice staff team at the flat rate of $250 for up to 15 non-DVM practice staff members. This offer will allow access to the 2025 Convention CE as well as all the other CE that we add through the end of the year. Over 100 hours available!

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