But small is the gate and narrow the road
8 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
Bethlehem Free Methodist Church 1500 4th Ave SE, Austin 507-433-3705 Office hours: 9:00 am-1:00 pm Monday-Friday Email: office@bethlehemfree.org
that leads to life, and only few find it.
Worship: G row Groups 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am (Nursery available for infants and toddlers) Ethiopian (Oromo) 12:30 pm Burmese Language Service 3:00 pm Wednesday Mid-Week 6:00 pm
Matthew 7:14
507-554-0080 or 481-4469
Pam Hollrah-Asleson, RN, DTM, Poet, Speaker, Workshop Provider Topics Include: Faith; Victim2Victor; Military; For Such A Time As This; Journaling the Journey through Poetry; The Tapestry of You
www.PoetsHeartGodsGift.com MY MISSION: Touching Hurting Hearts
MY VISION: Inspiring the desire to grow as individuals & be a leader for change in their own lives!
Get Involved with Youth Organizations Volunteer work can benefit volunteers emotionally and physically. Many people aspire to get involved by donating their time or resources, but they may not know which avenue to take. Leading a youth organization or mentoring children can change the lives of both children and volunteers in numerous ways. Youth groups include boys’ and girls’ clubs, religious ministry organizations, sports teams, and other special-interest clubs. When matched up with the right group, children may learn a number of skills that can assist them as they age. After-school activities can teach kids leadership skills and how to work together while making them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Volunteering with youth-based organizations is a great way for adults to make a real difference in the lives of children. Inquire among your network of friends when
looking for a youth organization to work with. Friends may be in touch with sports leagues or other community groups that are looking for volunteers. If your child has an interest in a particular sport, find out if the league is looking for coaches or parents to work in other capacities for the team. This is a great way to get involved without compromising your child’s sense of individuality and space. Schools are another resource. Many clubs and organizations are chartered or sponsored through schools. Schools also lend their all-purpose rooms or other spaces to organizations so that meetings are convenient to students. School open houses provide great opportunities for adults to learn about the various programs offered by a given school. Such programs often need volunteers. Many young children are first exposed to group activities upon enrolling in the Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts. These are national programs that operate
locally through packs and troops. Scouting organizations are entirely dependent on volunteers. Whether you sign up as a leader, a coleader or a person who works behind the scenes, you will be a part of an organization that has helped to shape kids for decades. Religious organizations also provide opportunities for adults to work with kids and young adults. Volunteer work is an integral part of many religions, and ministering to youngsters is one way to spread the message of faith. Work with a religious leader to find the best fit for your services. You may volunteer as a Sunday school teacher or serve as a chaperone at youth events. Volunteer work is beneficial no matter where one directs his or her energy. However, the experience can be even more rewarding when it involves working with children.
Your Local Guide to Places of Worship
2 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:7
2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY ~ 7
Trinity Lutheran Church 104 1st St SE, Hayfield 507-477-2248 www.trinityhayfield.com
You’re welcome to join us - all are invited to ou r growing congregation!
Rev. Paul Hauschild Ed Campbell, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministry
St Columbanus Catholic Church
114 East Main Street, Blooming Prairie, MN 55917 507-583-2784 Mass Times: www.stcolumbanuschurch.com St Columbanus Father Thomas Niehaus Sunday 10:00 am; Friday 8:30 am Sacred Heart, Hayfield Sunday 8:00 am; Thursday 8:30 am Prairie Manor, Blooming Prairie Wednesday 3:00 pm St John Baptiste de la Salle Parish Tuesday 8:30 am; Saturday 5:00 pm Youth Programs, Faith Formation, Bible Studies and Community Events
Worship Service: 8am & 10:30am Sunday School: 9:15am-10:15am Adult Forum: 9:15am-10:15am
The Mower County Shopper is proud to bring you the
2016-2017 Faith Directory
Michelle Knode, HUD Housing Manager
Included in this guide are places of worship with welcoming arms. Explore your faith and find comfort by visiting any of the churches listed throughout this guide.
St Mark’s Apartment • michelleknode@ecumen.org Now taking applications for our waiting list. Call for an application and plan your move before the snow flies. 1401 4th St SW, Austin, MN | 507-434-7255
Celebrate with Religious Sights and Sounds
Please contact the Mower County Shopper at 507-437-7731 with interest or information for next year’s publication.
In many ways, secular celebrations garner more attention than religious gatherings during the holiday season. But all it takes is a little digging to find religious services to fill our calendars come the month of December.
especially exciting experience for children and may also be a creative way to reinforce religious beliefs, especially to children who may have difficulty otherwise relating to written text.
Midnight Mass Many Christian churches commemorate Jesus Christ’s birth with a special midnight Mass on December 24th. Some Christians wait until the clock strikes midnight to place baby Jesus figurines into their Nativity scenes at home. Midnight Mass may bring entire communities together to share the holiday season message of joy and peace. Midnight Mass also may feature awe-inspiring performances by church choirs or private performers who lend their talents to the festivities.
Christmas pageants In some areas, children play integral roles in recreating the story of Christmas. Private Christian schools may offer performances of Christmas pageants that explain the Nativity and other events leading up to the birth of Christ. Parents and extended members of the family can enjoy a religious experience while also sharing praise for their youngest performers.
Living Nativity Area houses of worship and community centers may produce their own Living Nativity performances. Costumed volunteers and actors present the story of Christ’s birth and the Good News that followed. This can be an
Volunteer efforts Houses of worship may organize clothing drives, holiday meals, toy donation collections, and many other community events this time of year. Volunteer to lend a hand at such events, which can help to remind you that the holiday season is one of giving.
Community candle lighting Jewish celebrants may participate in a community-sponsored hanukkiyah (Chanukah menorah) lighting ceremony. Although candles or oil is traditionally burned for Chanukah, many public places use an electric system for safety and convenience. The lighting has a schedule based on tradition and ritual. A Chanukah candle lighting service can bring the religious experience alive for many involved. Caroling Christmas caroling, which likely evolved from the British tradition of wassailing, has largely fallen out of favor. However, many close-knit towns and communities still include caroling among their traditions. Caroling can be a great way to spread holiday share cheer. Although carols are often a blend of religious and secular tunes, many people find their faith is revitalized by joining their friends and neighbors to carol during the holiday season.
6 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
St John’s Lutheran Church
Lighthouse of Hope
Beautiful Savior
1200 13th Avenue NW, Austin • 507-433-2642 stjohns@stjohnsaustinlcms.org www.stjohnsaustinlcms.org Interim Pastor: Robert Bailey
KAUS Radio 1480 - Live Sunday worship Live streaming on the St John’s Lutheran Church website
Following Jesus together, encouraging each other, and growing in Christ-likeness. Join us for worship, Bible study & service!
SUNDAYS (all ages)
Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Worship 11:00 am
WEDNESDAYS (Kids & Students Pre-K - 12) IM & Kids Connect | 6:00-7:30 pm | Main & East Building Wednesday Night Live | 7:00-9:00 pm | East Building
Youth Programs on Monday and Tuesday nights 6:00-7:00 pm
Worship | 8:30 & 11:00 am | Main Building Equip U | 9:45-10:45 am | Main & East Building
EMAIL US FIND US ON FACEBOOK faithchurch@faithchurchaustin.org /faithchurchaustin
Praise Elevates Us Into God’s Presence and Power
Compassion • Caring • Service with Respect
Mayer Funeral Home Established 1915 ~ “Over 100 Years of Service”
Bible states quite simply that the Holy Spirit is a divine person with a mind and emotions. The Holy Spirit is a person just in the essence of God the Father and Jesus Christ. John 15:26 says the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and is fully God. He is eternal, omniscient and omnipresent, has a will, and can speak. He is alive. The Holy Spirit is equal in all ways to God the Father
Kathleen M. Dufault Funeral Director
and God the Son. When one prays, he or she also should speak to the Holy Spirit and ask for guidance. The Holy Spirit is instrumental in telling people’s hearts about the truth of Jesus and serves as a teacher and mentor. The Holy Spirit provides the spiritual hug that many people desire and can keep followers on the right path.
409 1st Ave NE, Austin 507-437-4566 Lt David Amick
1800 12th St SW, Austin | 507.437.1000 www.faithchurchaustin.org
has been Certified by Assured Performance, a non-profit consumer advocacy organization, and officially recognized by Ford, GM, Chrysler and Enterprise.
Mayer Funeral Home - Serving All Faiths in the Austin Area
Misconceptions abound concerning The Holy Spirit. Unlike the Father and Son, who are visualized more easily thanks to the physical attributes ascribed to them by historians and writers, The Holy Spirit tends to be more difficult for even the most ardent faithful to understand. It’s easy to think of the Holy Spirit as a mythical force or something completely intangible. However, the
The Salvation Army of Austin, MN
The Holy Spirit
Superkidz & Youth Programs, Wednesday 6:00pm
Men’s Bible Study, call the Pastor
Jack Koppa Funeral Director
Sunday School 9:00 am
Woman’s Bible Study located at the church
433-1817 • 600 2nd St NW, Austin • www.mayerfh.com
Sunday worship 10:00 am, nursery provided
Bible Study: 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 am
Pastor Paul Welke
Hours: M-Th 7:30 am-5:30 pm; Fri by appt only; Closed Sat & Sun
1111 9th St, NE, Austin • 433-5844 www.cranechapel.org Pastor Dale Christiansen
Sunday Worship 10 am • Children’s Sunday School 10:30 am
Service: 9:00 AM 507-437-6461 2103 8th St SW, Austin, MN
1410 21st Ave, Austin • 507.437.2837
Crane Community Chapel
2909 W Oakland Ave, Austin • 507-396-8555 Pastor Richard Chinander 507-481-8519 Pastor Daryl Steinbrink 507-438-3077
Lutheran Church
Saturday Worship 6:00 pm Sunday Worship: 9:00 am Education for All Ages: 10:15 am
2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY ~ 3
Paul and Silas knew the secret of how to lift their hearts above their troubles and enter into God’s presence and power. Through praise and worship their hearts were raised into the joyous presence and peace of God, and provided God a channel for his power to operate in their circumstances.
of His praise. This means that praise is more than a reaction of coming into His presence... praise to God is a vehicle of faith which takes us into His presence and power! Praise and worship is the “gate-pass” which allows us to enter the sacredness of His glory. The psalmist writes, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psalms 100:4).
This corresponds with Jesus’ teaching, that His presence will inhabit the gathering of believers who congregate in His name: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). A “gathering in The Bible says that God inhabits in the His name” means that Jesus must be the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3). In focus, the center of the assemblage. He other words, God “dwells” in the atmosphere must be the one preached about, sung
about — the one praised and worshiped. “I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee” (Hebrews 2:12). Consequently, Christ’s presence, along with His virtue and anointing, is manifested in this type of gathering. Have you ever noticed when “gifts of the Spirit” operate in a church service? The power and anointing of the Holy Spirit usually becomes evident, subsequent to a time of worship and praise. Some think that worship is a response after the Holy Spirit moves upon them. However, it’s the other way around. God’s presence responds when we move upon Him with worship! Lifting up Jesus Christ through praise and worship invokes the Lord’s presence and power to flow in our midst.
4 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
The First United Methodist Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church
204 1st Ave NW, Austin • 507-433-8839 On the corner of 1st St and 1st Ave NW downtown Austin firstumc@qwestoffice.net • www.austinfumc.org Church office hours: Mon-Thurs 9 am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-noon Sunday Fellowship Time 9:00 & 10:30 am Worship 9:30 am • Learning Hour 10:45 am Handbell Choir Rehearsal 10:30 am Wednesday Midweek Gathering 5:15 pm • Supper • Youth & Children Activities • Chancel Choir Rehearsal First United Methodist Church welcomes you with Open Hearts! Open Minds! Open Doors!
802 4th St SW, Austin 507-433-3258 www.westminsteraustin.com. Senior Pastor: Rev. Mike Olmsted
“All are invited to share in the ministries here at Westminster as we seek to grow in faith and reach out in love.”
Sunday Worship: 9:30 am Sunday School & Adult Education: 11:00 am Wednesday Night Ministries for all ages begins at 5:30 pm
1801 4th Street NW• Austin, MN • 433-5000 WWW.WORLEIN.COM
Specializing in personalized prearrangement and prefunding
l' PU rple@+ CY.OSS'M
Mary Kittelson
NFDA Certified Preplanning Consultant
Located on the grounds of Worlein Funeral Home. This Little Free Library is full of grief and loss resources and is easily accessible 24/7 to all in our community facing the challenges of grief and loss.
2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY ~ 5
St. Augustine & St. Edwards Catholic Churches St. Augustine: 405 4th St NW • 507-437-4537 St. Edwards: 2000 Oakland Ave W • 507-433-1841 www.staugustinestedward.org Mass Times: St. Edward Tuesday 7:30 am St. Augustine Saturday 4:30 pm St. Augustine Wednesday 5:15 pm St. Edward Sunday 8:30 am St. Augustine Thursday 7:30 am St. Augustine Sunday 10:30 am
700 1st Dr NW, Austin • 507-437-3246 • www.cedarsofaustin.com
A place to call home
1001 Oakland Avenue E, Austin website: queenofangels.church | office@queenofangels.church 507-433-1888 English | 507-433-8474 Spanish Queen of Angels Catholic Church Mass times: Saturday 4:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 am English; 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Spanish Monday 7:30 am; Tuesday 5:15 pm; Wednesday 11:30 am Friday 7:30 am; 5:15 pm Spanish
How to Help Kids Prepare for First Holy Communion First Holy Communion is an important rite of passage in a young Christian’s life. Historically, First Holy Communion followed baptism and confirmation. But nowadays Communion typically falls between these other sacraments of initiation. Children around the ages of seven or eight participate in the sacrament of First Holy Communion. The road to First Holy Communion typically includes religious instruction and participation in church-sponsored activities. Because this can sometimes be a child’s first introduction to the tenets of the faith, preparation for receiving the Eucharist may be a time of uncertainty. Here are some ways to help children as they get closer and closer to receiving the Eucharist for the first time.
Memory Care Companion Memory Care Assisted Living Independent Living
Queen of Angels Catholic Church
· Attend church regularly. The best way to demonstrate the importance of Holy Communion is to attend church with your children each week. The Eucharist is shared at Sunday Mass, and watching their parents receive this sacrament can help soon-to-be communicants get a feel for how they should
behave and respond when approaching the priest or Eucharistic ministers. · Explain the belief in the Body and Blood. The Eucharist is a complicated concept for children to understand. How can bread and wine truly be the Body and Blood of Christ? Explain to children that the sacrament of Communion is rooted in faith and belief. Answer any questions kids might have, even if it entails looking up answers together.
· Talk up the celebratory aspect. Some adults feel that seven- and eightyear-olds do not have the reverent attitude necessary to participate fully in Holy Communion. But the sacrament is not just about being quiet and faithful. Receiving Christ for the first time is a joyous experience. While decorum in church is necessary, children can be schooled that visiting the altar for the first time is really a celebration and a welcoming of a new stage in life. · Show and express support. Chil-
dren may be nervous about receiving the Eucharist for the first time. Parents can explain that receiving the Eucharist is a family affair. Much like baptism, friends and family will be in attendance to lend support. What’s more, parents can assure their children that shortly after the children receive the Eucharist, the rest of the participants in Mass also will get their chance to receive it. Holy Communion is never a solitary effort. · Don’t place too great an emphasis on Communion attire. It’s easy to get swept up on choosing Communion garb for boys and girls. Very often adults place too great an emphasis on how well their children will look in a church processional. That can underscore the importance of the sacrament. While it’s important to don attire appropriate to such a momentous occasion, it’s more important that parents and children don’t lose focus on the sacrament. First Holy Communion is an exciting time in the lives of young Christians and their families, and parents can help calm kids’ nerves in various ways.
4 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
The First United Methodist Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church
204 1st Ave NW, Austin • 507-433-8839 On the corner of 1st St and 1st Ave NW downtown Austin firstumc@qwestoffice.net • www.austinfumc.org Church office hours: Mon-Thurs 9 am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-noon Sunday Fellowship Time 9:00 & 10:30 am Worship 9:30 am • Learning Hour 10:45 am Handbell Choir Rehearsal 10:30 am Wednesday Midweek Gathering 5:15 pm • Supper • Youth & Children Activities • Chancel Choir Rehearsal First United Methodist Church welcomes you with Open Hearts! Open Minds! Open Doors!
802 4th St SW, Austin 507-433-3258 www.westminsteraustin.com. Senior Pastor: Rev. Mike Olmsted
“All are invited to share in the ministries here at Westminster as we seek to grow in faith and reach out in love.”
Sunday Worship: 9:30 am Sunday School & Adult Education: 11:00 am Wednesday Night Ministries for all ages begins at 5:30 pm
1801 4th Street NW• Austin, MN • 433-5000 WWW.WORLEIN.COM
Specializing in personalized prearrangement and prefunding
l' PU rple@+ CY.OSS'M
Mary Kittelson
NFDA Certified Preplanning Consultant
Located on the grounds of Worlein Funeral Home. This Little Free Library is full of grief and loss resources and is easily accessible 24/7 to all in our community facing the challenges of grief and loss.
2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY ~ 5
St. Augustine & St. Edwards Catholic Churches St. Augustine: 405 4th St NW • 507-437-4537 St. Edwards: 2000 Oakland Ave W • 507-433-1841 www.staugustinestedward.org Mass Times: St. Edward Tuesday 7:30 am St. Augustine Saturday 4:30 pm St. Augustine Wednesday 5:15 pm St. Edward Sunday 8:30 am St. Augustine Thursday 7:30 am St. Augustine Sunday 10:30 am
700 1st Dr NW, Austin • 507-437-3246 • www.cedarsofaustin.com
A place to call home
1001 Oakland Avenue E, Austin website: queenofangels.church | office@queenofangels.church 507-433-1888 English | 507-433-8474 Spanish Queen of Angels Catholic Church Mass times: Saturday 4:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 am English; 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Spanish Monday 7:30 am; Tuesday 5:15 pm; Wednesday 11:30 am Friday 7:30 am; 5:15 pm Spanish
How to Help Kids Prepare for First Holy Communion First Holy Communion is an important rite of passage in a young Christian’s life. Historically, First Holy Communion followed baptism and confirmation. But nowadays Communion typically falls between these other sacraments of initiation. Children around the ages of seven or eight participate in the sacrament of First Holy Communion. The road to First Holy Communion typically includes religious instruction and participation in church-sponsored activities. Because this can sometimes be a child’s first introduction to the tenets of the faith, preparation for receiving the Eucharist may be a time of uncertainty. Here are some ways to help children as they get closer and closer to receiving the Eucharist for the first time.
Memory Care Companion Memory Care Assisted Living Independent Living
Queen of Angels Catholic Church
· Attend church regularly. The best way to demonstrate the importance of Holy Communion is to attend church with your children each week. The Eucharist is shared at Sunday Mass, and watching their parents receive this sacrament can help soon-to-be communicants get a feel for how they should
behave and respond when approaching the priest or Eucharistic ministers. · Explain the belief in the Body and Blood. The Eucharist is a complicated concept for children to understand. How can bread and wine truly be the Body and Blood of Christ? Explain to children that the sacrament of Communion is rooted in faith and belief. Answer any questions kids might have, even if it entails looking up answers together.
· Talk up the celebratory aspect. Some adults feel that seven- and eightyear-olds do not have the reverent attitude necessary to participate fully in Holy Communion. But the sacrament is not just about being quiet and faithful. Receiving Christ for the first time is a joyous experience. While decorum in church is necessary, children can be schooled that visiting the altar for the first time is really a celebration and a welcoming of a new stage in life. · Show and express support. Chil-
dren may be nervous about receiving the Eucharist for the first time. Parents can explain that receiving the Eucharist is a family affair. Much like baptism, friends and family will be in attendance to lend support. What’s more, parents can assure their children that shortly after the children receive the Eucharist, the rest of the participants in Mass also will get their chance to receive it. Holy Communion is never a solitary effort. · Don’t place too great an emphasis on Communion attire. It’s easy to get swept up on choosing Communion garb for boys and girls. Very often adults place too great an emphasis on how well their children will look in a church processional. That can underscore the importance of the sacrament. While it’s important to don attire appropriate to such a momentous occasion, it’s more important that parents and children don’t lose focus on the sacrament. First Holy Communion is an exciting time in the lives of young Christians and their families, and parents can help calm kids’ nerves in various ways.
6 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
St John’s Lutheran Church
Lighthouse of Hope
Beautiful Savior
1200 13th Avenue NW, Austin • 507-433-2642 stjohns@stjohnsaustinlcms.org www.stjohnsaustinlcms.org Interim Pastor: Robert Bailey
KAUS Radio 1480 - Live Sunday worship Live streaming on the St John’s Lutheran Church website
Following Jesus together, encouraging each other, and growing in Christ-likeness. Join us for worship, Bible study & service!
SUNDAYS (all ages)
Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Worship 11:00 am
WEDNESDAYS (Kids & Students Pre-K - 12) IM & Kids Connect | 6:00-7:30 pm | Main & East Building Wednesday Night Live | 7:00-9:00 pm | East Building
Youth Programs on Monday and Tuesday nights 6:00-7:00 pm
Worship | 8:30 & 11:00 am | Main Building Equip U | 9:45-10:45 am | Main & East Building
EMAIL US FIND US ON FACEBOOK faithchurch@faithchurchaustin.org /faithchurchaustin
Praise Elevates Us Into God’s Presence and Power
Compassion • Caring • Service with Respect
Mayer Funeral Home Established 1915 ~ “Over 100 Years of Service”
Bible states quite simply that the Holy Spirit is a divine person with a mind and emotions. The Holy Spirit is a person just in the essence of God the Father and Jesus Christ. John 15:26 says the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and is fully God. He is eternal, omniscient and omnipresent, has a will, and can speak. He is alive. The Holy Spirit is equal in all ways to God the Father
Kathleen M. Dufault Funeral Director
and God the Son. When one prays, he or she also should speak to the Holy Spirit and ask for guidance. The Holy Spirit is instrumental in telling people’s hearts about the truth of Jesus and serves as a teacher and mentor. The Holy Spirit provides the spiritual hug that many people desire and can keep followers on the right path.
409 1st Ave NE, Austin 507-437-4566 Lt David Amick
1800 12th St SW, Austin | 507.437.1000 www.faithchurchaustin.org
has been Certified by Assured Performance, a non-profit consumer advocacy organization, and officially recognized by Ford, GM, Chrysler and Enterprise.
Mayer Funeral Home - Serving All Faiths in the Austin Area
Misconceptions abound concerning The Holy Spirit. Unlike the Father and Son, who are visualized more easily thanks to the physical attributes ascribed to them by historians and writers, The Holy Spirit tends to be more difficult for even the most ardent faithful to understand. It’s easy to think of the Holy Spirit as a mythical force or something completely intangible. However, the
The Salvation Army of Austin, MN
The Holy Spirit
Superkidz & Youth Programs, Wednesday 6:00pm
Men’s Bible Study, call the Pastor
Jack Koppa Funeral Director
Sunday School 9:00 am
Woman’s Bible Study located at the church
433-1817 • 600 2nd St NW, Austin • www.mayerfh.com
Sunday worship 10:00 am, nursery provided
Bible Study: 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 am
Pastor Paul Welke
Hours: M-Th 7:30 am-5:30 pm; Fri by appt only; Closed Sat & Sun
1111 9th St, NE, Austin • 433-5844 www.cranechapel.org Pastor Dale Christiansen
Sunday Worship 10 am • Children’s Sunday School 10:30 am
Service: 9:00 AM 507-437-6461 2103 8th St SW, Austin, MN
1410 21st Ave, Austin • 507.437.2837
Crane Community Chapel
2909 W Oakland Ave, Austin • 507-396-8555 Pastor Richard Chinander 507-481-8519 Pastor Daryl Steinbrink 507-438-3077
Lutheran Church
Saturday Worship 6:00 pm Sunday Worship: 9:00 am Education for All Ages: 10:15 am
2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY ~ 3
Paul and Silas knew the secret of how to lift their hearts above their troubles and enter into God’s presence and power. Through praise and worship their hearts were raised into the joyous presence and peace of God, and provided God a channel for his power to operate in their circumstances.
of His praise. This means that praise is more than a reaction of coming into His presence... praise to God is a vehicle of faith which takes us into His presence and power! Praise and worship is the “gate-pass” which allows us to enter the sacredness of His glory. The psalmist writes, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psalms 100:4).
This corresponds with Jesus’ teaching, that His presence will inhabit the gathering of believers who congregate in His name: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). A “gathering in The Bible says that God inhabits in the His name” means that Jesus must be the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3). In focus, the center of the assemblage. He other words, God “dwells” in the atmosphere must be the one preached about, sung
about — the one praised and worshiped. “I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee” (Hebrews 2:12). Consequently, Christ’s presence, along with His virtue and anointing, is manifested in this type of gathering. Have you ever noticed when “gifts of the Spirit” operate in a church service? The power and anointing of the Holy Spirit usually becomes evident, subsequent to a time of worship and praise. Some think that worship is a response after the Holy Spirit moves upon them. However, it’s the other way around. God’s presence responds when we move upon Him with worship! Lifting up Jesus Christ through praise and worship invokes the Lord’s presence and power to flow in our midst.
2 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:7
2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY ~ 7
Trinity Lutheran Church 104 1st St SE, Hayfield 507-477-2248 www.trinityhayfield.com
You’re welcome to join us - all are invited to ou r growing congregation!
Rev. Paul Hauschild Ed Campbell, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministry
St Columbanus Catholic Church
114 East Main Street, Blooming Prairie, MN 55917 507-583-2784 Mass Times: www.stcolumbanuschurch.com St Columbanus Father Thomas Niehaus Sunday 10:00 am; Friday 8:30 am Sacred Heart, Hayfield Sunday 8:00 am; Thursday 8:30 am Prairie Manor, Blooming Prairie Wednesday 3:00 pm St John Baptiste de la Salle Parish Tuesday 8:30 am; Saturday 5:00 pm Youth Programs, Faith Formation, Bible Studies and Community Events
Worship Service: 8am & 10:30am Sunday School: 9:15am-10:15am Adult Forum: 9:15am-10:15am
The Mower County Shopper is proud to bring you the
2016-2017 Faith Directory
Michelle Knode, HUD Housing Manager
Included in this guide are places of worship with welcoming arms. Explore your faith and find comfort by visiting any of the churches listed throughout this guide.
St Mark’s Apartment • michelleknode@ecumen.org Now taking applications for our waiting list. Call for an application and plan your move before the snow flies. 1401 4th St SW, Austin, MN | 507-434-7255
Celebrate with Religious Sights and Sounds
Please contact the Mower County Shopper at 507-437-7731 with interest or information for next year’s publication.
In many ways, secular celebrations garner more attention than religious gatherings during the holiday season. But all it takes is a little digging to find religious services to fill our calendars come the month of December.
especially exciting experience for children and may also be a creative way to reinforce religious beliefs, especially to children who may have difficulty otherwise relating to written text.
Midnight Mass Many Christian churches commemorate Jesus Christ’s birth with a special midnight Mass on December 24th. Some Christians wait until the clock strikes midnight to place baby Jesus figurines into their Nativity scenes at home. Midnight Mass may bring entire communities together to share the holiday season message of joy and peace. Midnight Mass also may feature awe-inspiring performances by church choirs or private performers who lend their talents to the festivities.
Christmas pageants In some areas, children play integral roles in recreating the story of Christmas. Private Christian schools may offer performances of Christmas pageants that explain the Nativity and other events leading up to the birth of Christ. Parents and extended members of the family can enjoy a religious experience while also sharing praise for their youngest performers.
Living Nativity Area houses of worship and community centers may produce their own Living Nativity performances. Costumed volunteers and actors present the story of Christ’s birth and the Good News that followed. This can be an
Volunteer efforts Houses of worship may organize clothing drives, holiday meals, toy donation collections, and many other community events this time of year. Volunteer to lend a hand at such events, which can help to remind you that the holiday season is one of giving.
Community candle lighting Jewish celebrants may participate in a community-sponsored hanukkiyah (Chanukah menorah) lighting ceremony. Although candles or oil is traditionally burned for Chanukah, many public places use an electric system for safety and convenience. The lighting has a schedule based on tradition and ritual. A Chanukah candle lighting service can bring the religious experience alive for many involved. Caroling Christmas caroling, which likely evolved from the British tradition of wassailing, has largely fallen out of favor. However, many close-knit towns and communities still include caroling among their traditions. Caroling can be a great way to spread holiday share cheer. Although carols are often a blend of religious and secular tunes, many people find their faith is revitalized by joining their friends and neighbors to carol during the holiday season.
But small is the gate and narrow the road
8 ~ 2016-2017 FAITH DIRECTORY
Bethlehem Free Methodist Church 1500 4th Ave SE, Austin 507-433-3705 Office hours: 9:00 am-1:00 pm Monday-Friday Email: office@bethlehemfree.org
that leads to life, and only few find it.
Worship: G row Groups 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am (Nursery available for infants and toddlers) Ethiopian (Oromo) 12:30 pm Burmese Language Service 3:00 pm Wednesday Mid-Week 6:00 pm
Matthew 7:14
507-554-0080 or 481-4469
Pam Hollrah-Asleson, RN, DTM, Poet, Speaker, Workshop Provider Topics Include: Faith; Victim2Victor; Military; For Such A Time As This; Journaling the Journey through Poetry; The Tapestry of You
www.PoetsHeartGodsGift.com MY MISSION: Touching Hurting Hearts
MY VISION: Inspiring the desire to grow as individuals & be a leader for change in their own lives!
Get Involved with Youth Organizations Volunteer work can benefit volunteers emotionally and physically. Many people aspire to get involved by donating their time or resources, but they may not know which avenue to take. Leading a youth organization or mentoring children can change the lives of both children and volunteers in numerous ways. Youth groups include boys’ and girls’ clubs, religious ministry organizations, sports teams, and other special-interest clubs. When matched up with the right group, children may learn a number of skills that can assist them as they age. After-school activities can teach kids leadership skills and how to work together while making them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Volunteering with youth-based organizations is a great way for adults to make a real difference in the lives of children. Inquire among your network of friends when
looking for a youth organization to work with. Friends may be in touch with sports leagues or other community groups that are looking for volunteers. If your child has an interest in a particular sport, find out if the league is looking for coaches or parents to work in other capacities for the team. This is a great way to get involved without compromising your child’s sense of individuality and space. Schools are another resource. Many clubs and organizations are chartered or sponsored through schools. Schools also lend their all-purpose rooms or other spaces to organizations so that meetings are convenient to students. School open houses provide great opportunities for adults to learn about the various programs offered by a given school. Such programs often need volunteers. Many young children are first exposed to group activities upon enrolling in the Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts. These are national programs that operate
locally through packs and troops. Scouting organizations are entirely dependent on volunteers. Whether you sign up as a leader, a coleader or a person who works behind the scenes, you will be a part of an organization that has helped to shape kids for decades. Religious organizations also provide opportunities for adults to work with kids and young adults. Volunteer work is an integral part of many religions, and ministering to youngsters is one way to spread the message of faith. Work with a religious leader to find the best fit for your services. You may volunteer as a Sunday school teacher or serve as a chaperone at youth events. Volunteer work is beneficial no matter where one directs his or her energy. However, the experience can be even more rewarding when it involves working with children.
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