T uesday , J anuary 12, 2021 • V ol . 47, N o . 2
S outhern M innesota S hoppers , I nc .
3405 W. O akland A venue • A ustin , MN • 507-437-7731
PAGE 2 • Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Morris Furniture’s Budget Shop is loaded with clearance and blowout priced items. All items discounted at 50% and more off. Sofa’s, recliners, sectionals & reclining sofas by popular name brand manufacturers. Mismatched mattress sets, all sizes. Morris Furniture Budget Shop, 1909 E. Main Str., Albert Lea, MN. 507-373-6434. www. morrisfurniture.com. 01/0al00/04
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES NEED CASH - I give free appraisals of your coins 1964 and older. I am also looking to buy older coins such as silver dollars, halves, quarters, dimes, wheat and Indianhead cents. Please call Ron from Hayfield at 507-477-2427 or 507-2596460. 01/82c00/06
Same Bank. Same Ownership. Same Friendly Faces. NEW NAME! On January 4th, 2021
has become...
Ar·ca·di·an (adj.)
Idyllically pastoral, harmony with nature, rural, rustic, simple, untroubled by worry or fear.
Join us for the journey into the financial future!
ALBERT LEA OFFICE 1452 W. Main St. 507-373-1945 HARTLAND OFFICE 601 N. Broadway 507-845-2233 FREEBORN OFFICE 214 5th Ave. 507-863-2371 www.arcadian.bank Member FDIC
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 3
For Sale: Round Bale Hay & Corn Stalks - good quality. Call for details & pricing. 507-438-9218. 53/35b00/02
E.L.K. CONSTRUCTION HANDYMAN SERVICES: Update or replace windows, egress windows & doors. Home repair, remodeling & construction, decks, garages, siding, roof repair, drywall & texturing, concrete. Call Ernie at 4384307. 24 years experience, bonded. License #BC 710064. btfn/38b00
HOME IMPROVEMENT Gutters by GT Seamless Gutter Installation and Leaf Protection. Free Estimates. Like us on Facebook. Call Adam 507-402-5541 or Zane 507-402-5578. btfn/0al00
Business Directory
For Rent: Upstairs 1 bedroom, 1 person. No smoking, no pets. Utilities, garbage included. Northeast area. Deposit required. Call 507-4377542 or 507-481-8833. 53/36c00/02 1 Bedroom - BROWNSDALE Smoke free apartments for 55+. $575 p/mo + elec. Quiet location! 507-273-1383 or 507-451-8524 www.lifestyleinc. net tdd 507-451-0704 EHO. 02/54b90/05
1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments available! In the city, close to downtown. And quiet country living. Nice apartments, affordable price. $495-$800. Laundry available, most locations. Basic utilities included at some locations. Come in & ask about our February special! Call 507-440-4062. See kpmrent.com. btfn/18b00 3 Bedroom Apartment, $725.00 everything included. Must have good rental history. Call for showing 507-202-1724. btfn/18b00
PAGE 4 • Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
1 Bedroom Apartment. $500.00 plus utilities. Must have good rental history. Call for showing. 507-202-1724. btfn/18b00
Commercial Building for Lease: Large building for inside work and outside retail (ex:car lot) 605 10th Dr. SE, Austin, $650.00 a month plus utilities. Contact: D.G. 507-202-2828. 01/38b00/03
NEED TO SELL A VEHICLE that is taking up space!! Advertise it in The Mower County Shopper for $20.00 for up to a month (4 issues). Call 507-437-7731 or email classifieds@mowercountyshopper.com. tfn/0nc00
JUNK REMOVAL – Old Appliances, furniture, electronics, yard waste as well as Any kind of Junk from Anywhere! Basements, attics, garages. Any odd jobs. Free estimates. Senior discounts. BEST PRICES! Call anytime 507-2190466. btfn/0nc00
Now Available, RV indoor storage, easy access. Contact Jim 507-438-9974. tfn/0b00
ARIZONA CLEANING COMPANY. Serving Austin & Albert Lea area since 1999. Carpet Upholstery, Duct cleaning for all seasons. Don’t drown your carpet, dry clean it. Call 507-433-7839. btfn/19b00
HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES AVAILABLE! 2 & 3 bedrooms. $750$975 per month. You pay utilities. You can find more information at kpmrent.com or call us at 507-440-4062. Office is located at 508 Oakland Ave. W, Austin. Open Monday-Friday 10AM5PM. btfn/19b50
Available Now, Former Bus Company Facility and Offices 9600 sq. ft. block building, and 3200 sq. ft. office space. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00 Available Now, 16,880 sq. ft. Former Bus Storage Metal Building. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 5
WeatherTech Diamond Dealer
0 0 P M F O R T H E F O L LO W I N G T U E S D AY ’ S S H O P P E R . P L A C E Y O U R C L A S S I F I E D A D B Y E M A I L I N G P E R . C O M O R C A L L U S AT 5 0 7 - 4 3 7 - 7 7 3 1 T O P L A C E Y O U R A D O V E R T H E P H O N E U S I N G A C R E D I T C A R D . LOTS FOR SALE Last Lot for Sale on edge of NW Brownsdale. Quiet neighborhood, as close to country as you can get. Look it up on Google 105 Shania Street. Call 507-567-2481, leave message. 53/39b00/02
GARAGE SALES CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE for the Mower County Shopper is Thursday at 4:00 pm prior to the following Tuesday’s publication. Watch for Holiday Deadlines. Email classifieds@mowercountyshopper.com. Some restrictions apply. tfn/0nc00
ADOPTION. Young, California couple promises baby warm, loving home. Secure future, devoted grandparents, educational opportunities. Generous living expenses. Shawn and Steven 1(213)787-7250 or attorney 1(310)663-3467. (MCN)
INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST! Midwest Free Community Paper Association does not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all classifieds and other ads which require an investment. (MCN)
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN)
BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 855-824-1258. (MCN)
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-977-7030 (MCN)
Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/ month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed. Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-6797096 (MCN)
CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Competitive Offer! Nationwide FREE Pick Up! Call Now For a Free Quote! 888-366-5659. (MCN)
High-Speed Internet. We instantly compare speed, pricing, availability to find the best service for your needs. Starting at $39.99/month! Quickly compare offers from top providers. Call 1-855399-9295 (MCN)
PAGE 6 • Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
FA T I NIncome C O M E Tax TA X
Seeking a Part Time Receptionist for the upcoming tax season. (January - April)
Seeking a professional, friendly person to greet clients, answer phones and attend to general office duties
Contact Ben Gildner for more information 507-437-8511
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 7
MEADOWS WEST TOWNHOMES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhomes. Rent based on income. Credit Check & Criminal Background Check Required.
300 27th Street SW, Austin, MN 55912
Worth County Online Land Auction
Bidding closes on Tuesday, January 26th @ 10:30 am All Bidding is Done Online! 33 m/l Gross Acres w/30 Acres Tillable Located in the NW ¼ of Section 19, Danville Township, Worth County, Iowa. (Or approximately ½ mile north of Hanlontown on Grouse Ave.)
Open to farm for 2021 82 CSR of
33 Gross Acres m/l Pond & Sce for Hom nic Views e/Cabi n
For questions and more information, contact: Auctioneer: Frank Fox 641-420-3243 Closing Broker: Fred Greder 641-425-0080 Call Frank for personal computer assistance/training! To register and start bidding go to FoxAuctionCompany.com Seller: Chris & Beth Hagen
PAGE 8 • Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER