The Mower CounTy
T uesday , F ebruary 23, 2021 • V ol . 47, N o . 8 souTherN MiNNesoTa shoppers, iNc • 3405 W oaklaNd aVeNue • ausTiN, MN • 507-437-7731
PAGE 2 • Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 3
PAGE 4 • Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
DEADLINE is Thurs day at 4:00PM for the fol l ow ing Tu es day ’s Shopp er. Place your classif i e d ad by emai ling classif i e ds@mowercountyshopp or c a l l us at 507-437-7731 to place your ad over the phone using a cre dit c ard. THE MOWER COUNT Y SHOPPER does not endorse or accept responsibility for any claims, products or ser vices expressed or implied in adver tisement within this publication. If you have questions or concerns, f irst contact the vendor or the product or ser vice. If you do not get results, you may choose to contact your local or state B etter Business Bureau.
One-call help for your home: Handyman, organizing, office, computers, organizing, garage cleaning, office organizing, picture hanging, storage, packing, filing, light carpentry, recycling. Free estimates. 2 years of experience. 507-279-0747. 06/39wc60/08
Morris Furniture’s Budget Shop is loaded with clearance and blowout priced items. All items discounted at 50% and more off. Sofa’s, recliners, sectionals & reclining sofas by popular name brand manufacturers. Mismatched mattress sets, all sizes. Morris Furniture Budget Shop, 1909 E. Main Str., Albert Lea, MN. 507-373-6434. www. 05/0al00/08
JUNK REMOVAL JUNK REMOVAL – Old Appliances, furniture, electronics, yard waste as well as Any kind of Junk from Anywhere! Basements, attics, garages. Any odd jobs. Free estimates. Senior discounts. BEST PRICES! Call anytime 507-2190466. btfn/0nc00
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES NEED CASH - I give free appraisals of your coins 1964 and older. I am also looking to buy older coins such as silver dollars, halves, quarters, dimes and Indianhead cents. Please call Ron from Hayfield at 507-477-2427 or 507-259-6460. 07/82c00/12
dawson limo ads also in M
BUYING – Sterling flatware, dental gold, gold rings, class rings, silver coins - dimes, quarters, half silver dollars & wheat cents. All collectable coins & currency. Call Ed at 651-788-6532. 03/72aupal00/07
E.L.K. CONSTRUCTION HANDYMAN SERVICES: Update or replace windows, egress windows & doors. Home repair, remodeling & construction, decks, garages, siding, roof repair, drywall & texturing, concrete. Call Ernie at 438-4307. 24 years experience, bonded. License #BC 710064. btfn/38b00
For Sale: AKC YELLOW LABS, 8 WEEKS, DEWS, 1ST SHOTS, WORMED. $900.00 MALES, $1,100.00 FEMALE. Call 507-440-5768. 07/35c00/09
HAY FOR SALE For Sale: Small Square Hay Bales, good quality, no rain. Call anytime 507-440-2255. 05/50p00/08
HOME IMPROVEMENT Gutters by GT Seamless Gutter Installation and Leaf Protection. Free Estimates. Like us on Facebook. Call Adam 507-402-5541 or Zane 507-402-5578. btfn/0al00
Available for YOUR special day!
Dawson Limousine
Limo Bus available for large parties.
Contact Brad 507-402-0606
1.8.19 It’s so much more than just a dress... It’s a moment
2810 S Federal Ave, Mason City 641-201-1032
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 5
Our Hometown Heroes are an important part of what keeps our community safe, healthy,
productive & enjoyable. This week we are having this coloring contest to bring recognition to some of our finest citizens. Color each advertisement, fill out the form on page 7 and drop your entry off at The Mower County Shopper. Winner will be picked March 1st & will receive a Sweet Reads gift certificate!
PAGE 6 • Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 7
HOMETOWN HEROES COLORING CONTEST Color each advertisement, fill out this form, and drop off your entry at The Mower County Shopper. Winner will be picked March 1st and will receive a Sweet Reads gift certificate.
Name:_________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Town:________________State_____Zip_____ Phone No.:_____________________________
THE MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER 3405 W. Oakland Ave. • Austin, MN 507-437-7731
PAGE 8 • Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 9
Opportunity is Knocking
Open the Door to a Great Career! We are looking for talented, experienced, manufacturing team members TruStile Doors is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities, women, disabled and veterans are encouraged to apply.
Skill-Based Pay. Performance Driven. • • • • •
Excellent benefit package 4-day work week, Mon - Thurs Attendance bonus Profit sharing Career growth opportunities
Career Opportunities • • • • •
HR Business Partner Production Supervisor Manufacturing Engineer CNC & Machining Operators Production
Apply Online or In Person 100 Enterprise Drive, Northwood, IA
PAGE 10 • Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
RENTAL APARTMENTS & DUPLEXES For Rent: Upstairs 1 bedroom, 1 person. No smoking, no pets. Utilities, garbage included. Northeast area. Deposit required. Call 507-4377542 or 507-481-8833. 06/36c00/08
MEADOWS WEST TOWNHOMES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhomes. Rent based on income. Credit Check & Criminal Background Check Required.
300 27th Street SW, Austin, MN 55912
Large 1 bedroom apartment, with onsite laundry & parking. Utilities not included, Available March 1st or sooner. $500/month. 507-438-1723. 06/36b40/08 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments available! In the city, close to downtown. And quiet country living. Nice apartments, affordable price. $495-$800. Laundry available, most locations. Basic utilities included at some locations. Come in & ask about our February special! Call 507-440-4062. See btfn/18b00
HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES AVAILABLE! 2 & 3 bedrooms. $750$975 per month. You pay utilities. You can find more information at or call us at 507-440-4062. Office is located at 508 Oakland Ave. W, Austin. Open Monday-Friday 10AM5PM. btfn/19b50
BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT Available Now, Former Bus Company Facility and Offices 9600 sq. ft. block building, and 3200 sq. ft. office space. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00 Available Now, 16,880 sq. ft. Former Bus Storage Metal Building. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00
AUTOMOBILES NEED TO SELL A VEHICLE that is taking up space!! Advertise it in The Mower County Shopper for $20.00 for up to a month (4 issues). Call 507-437-7731 or email tfn/0nc00
STORAGE SPACE Now Available, RV indoor storage, easy access. Contact Jim 507-438-9974. tfn/0b00
GARAGE SALES CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE for the Mower County Shopper is Thursday at 4:00 pm prior to the following Tuesday’s publication. Watch for Holiday Deadlines. Email Some restrictions apply. tfn/0nc00
CLEANING SERVICES ARIZONA CLEANING COMPANY. Serving Austin & Albert Lea area since 1999. Carpet Upholstery, Duct cleaning for all seasons. Don’t drown your carpet, dry clean it. Call 507-433-7839. tfn/0cr00
ADOPTION. Loving family promises newborn sunlit nursery in family friendly neighborhood near ocean. Educational opportunities, devoted grandparents, gentle pets. Generous living expenses paid. Andres and Elana 1(561)388-1123 or attorney 1 (310)663-3467. (MCN)
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN)
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 11
The Classifieds
$50 OFF
A SET OF 4 FALKEN TIRES Expires 3.1.20
RIGHT ON THE MONEY! Trade your unwanted items for fast cash with the Classifieds.
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Run Your Ad In Our Business Directory and Get Results! For Only $22 Per Issue, You Can Reach our Over 20,000 Readers!
Four Issue Minimum to Receive This Special Rate
Call 507-437-7731 Today
Advertising Deadline:
Thursday at 4:00PM for the following Tu e s d a y ’s S h o p p e r. Place your classified ad by emailing classifieds@mowerc o u n t y s h o p p e r. c o m or call us at 507-437-7731 to place your ad over the phone using a credit card.
3405 West Oakland Ave. Austin 507.437.7731
PAGE 12 • Tuesday, February 23, 2021 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER
SAVE 15% on Home Maintenance Kits | Tune-ups Made Easy
Green Fever Savings Save on Select™ & Signature™ Series Lawn Tractors
X300 Select™ Series Save % for $ Months
X500 Select™ Series Save % for $
X700 Signature™Series Save % for $ Months
X350 | 42” Deck | $3,099 X370 | 42” Deck | $3,999 X380 | 48” Deck | $4,399 X390 | 54” Deck | $5,699
X570 | 48” Deck | $5,799 X580 | 54” Deck | $7,099 X584 | 54” Deck | $7,799 X590 | 54” Deck | $7,799
X730 | 54” Deck | $10,899 X734 | 54” Deck | $11,799 X738 | 54” Deck | $12,399 X739 | 54” Deck | $12,999
4.9 48
4.9 48 500 Months
0 60
Save on Gator Utility Vehicles | 0% FINANCING FOR 48 MONTHS XUV590E Gator Save % for $
XUV835R Gator Save % for $
XUV835M Gator Save % for $ Months
4WD | 32 hp | $10,999
Full Cab | HVAC | $25,999
Camo | 3 Seats | $19,999
0 48 800 Months
48 500 0 Months
0 48
Green Fever Savings expire March 1, 2021. Financing options available with approved credit through John Deere Financial. Some restrictions apply; see your local SEMA Equipment for details.
Call or Text our Landlines Grand Meadow 505 4th Ave NE
MON-FRI 7:30 am - 5:00 pm SATURDAY 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
St. Charles
55083 Co Rd 4
11906 Hwy 14
11555 Hwy 60 Blvd
32980 Northfield Blvd
201 N Hwy 44/76
w w w. s e m a e q u i p . c o m